Grade 10 National Listening Comprehension Practice Second Semester

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Grade 10 National Listening Comprehension Practice

Second Semester

Question 1

You will hear six people talking about homework. For each of speakers 1 to 6, choose from the list, A
to G, which opinion each speaker expresses. Write the letter in the appropriate box. Use each letter
only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use.

You will hear the recordings twice.

Speaker 1 A In my opinion, homework wouldn’t be necessary if school was

E more effective.

Speaker 2 B
B I prefer doing research on my own for homework.

Speaker 3
A C The school day is long enough already without having to do
extra work at home.
Speaker 4

D I don’t mind doing homework at weekends, but not during the

Speaker 5 week.

Speaker 6 E Doing homework enables me to check my understanding.


F I can’t concentrate on work at home – I’d rather do more work

at school.

G Some of my friends get their parents to help with homework –

that’s not fair.

[Total: 6]
Question 2

You will hear an interview with a man called Ben Drummond, who set up a coffee-roasting business.
Listen to the interview and look at the questions. For each question, choose the correct answer,
A, B or C, and put a tick (3) in the appropriate box.

You will hear the interview twice.

(a) Why did Ben change his university course?

A He wanted to have more flexibility.

B He felt he needed more of a challenge.

C He thought he could get a better-paid job. [1]

(b) What did Ben originally plan to do after finishing university?

A start his own business

B join his father’s business

C work for an international business [1]

(c) Who made Ben decide to go to Colombia for his year abroad?

A a friend

B a relative

C a teacher [1]

(d) Ben helped the coffee farmer in Colombia to

A get better equipment.

B become more efficient.

C pay more attention to finance. [1]

(e) To produce excellent coffee, Ben believes the most important factor is

A when the beans are picked.

B where the beans are grown.

C how the beans are processed. [1]

(f) In comparison with ‘robusta’ coffee beans, Ben says that ‘arabica’ beans are

A always better quality.

B more oval in shape.

C easier to grow. [1]

(g) Ben believes that the main skill in roasting coffee beans is

A being able to control the rise in temperature.

B knowing how long to let the beans roast.

C getting the colour of the beans right. [1]

(h) What does Ben hope to do next with the business?

A move to a larger site

B employ more staff

C open a café [1]

[Total: 8]

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