Autobiography Assignment Rubrics and Peer Assessment Form

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Island of the Blue Dolphins Name ______________________________

By Scott ODell Date _______________________________

Rubric for Final Written Autobiography
Rubric adapted from Glencoe Literature Reading with at Purpose: Rubrics for Assessing Student
Writing, Listening, and Speaking: Middle School. (McGraw Hill, Glenco, n.d.)

(3 points each)
The narrative tells an interesting story.
The story is appropriate for its intended
The story has a strong beginning.
Student uses time order to organize the
storys events.
First-person point of view is used. /15
(3 points each)
Every sentence is important to the story.
Student provides enough details to
describe the setting and characters.
Transition words help move the story
along. /9

Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics

(3 points each)
The writing is free of misspellings and
word capitalization used correctly.
Students punctuate sentences punctuated
correctly and the piece is free of fragments
and run-ons.
Student uses Standard English. /12
The paper fulfills paper parameters given
above. Total /36
Engagement in the Writing Process Comments
(4 points each)
The student:
made and submitted a prewriting plan (graphic organizer)
discussed the draft with a partner or small group
contributed questions and suggestions to other writers
wrote and submitted the first draft
proofread the final draft
Submitted Peer-feedback forms Total /24
Total points /60

Island of the Blue Dolphins Name ______________________________
By Scott ODell Date _______________________________
Rubric for Active/Passive Practice

Student correctly rewrites passive voice

sentences as active voice sentences.
Student correctly rewrites active voice
sentences as passive voice sentences.
Student works cooperatively with assigned
Student has five Active to Passive
sentences documented and rewritten.
Student has no more than five Passive to
Active sentences documented and
rewritten. If no passive voice sentences
were found, student has indicated no
passive voice in at least one box. Total /5

Island of the Blue Dolphins Name ______________________________
By Scott ODell Date _______________________________
Rubric for Oral Reading Fluency
Rubric adapted from IRubric: Oral Reading Fluency Rubric.

Excellent Doing well Needs more oral reading

(3 points) (2 points) practice
(1 point)

Rate Student reads text with Student reads text either too Student reads slower than
smooth, conversational, quickly or with uncomfortable normal speech. Student
comfortable rate. It is pauses. Student sounds out pauses many times.
enjoyable to listen to the many words.

Accuracy Student makes zero errors. All Student makes some errors Student makes numerous
miscues are self-corrected. that do not affect meaning. errors or asks for help. Errors
Other errors are few. Some are not self-corrected.
miscues are self-corrected.

Phrasing Student reads longer phrases Student reads in 2-3 word Student shows no evidence of
smoothly. The student varies phrases. phrasing. Student reads word-
the length of phrases by-word or sounds out the
appropriately for impact. majority of words.

Expression Student reads longer phrases Student pays attention to Student reads with a
smoothly. The student varies punctuation. Tone of voice is monotone voice. Student
the length of phrases consistent throughout text. shows little evidence of
appropriately for impact. attention to punctuation.
Student does not read with
much expression.

Volume Student adjusts volume Volume is appropriate Student reads at an extremely

throughout text for effect. throughout text and the loud or very soft level. The
Student includes both soft and partner can hear the text audience is unable to hear
loud depending on the text. being read. most of the text.

Total Points /15

Island of the Blue Dolphins Name ______________________________
By Scott ODell Date _______________________________
Rubric for Peer Assessment of Autobiography Oral Presentations
Complete a rubric for each group member as they present their autobiography. Give your peer
assessments to the teacher when completed.
Name of presenter ______________________________________________________________

My name _____________________________________________________________________

Excellent Satisfactory Poor

3 2 1

Gave an interesting introduction

Presented clear explanation of topic

Presented information in acceptable


Used complete sentences

Offered a concluding summary

Spoke clearly, correctly, distinctly and


Maintained acceptable posture

Maintained the interest of the class

Handled questions and comments from

the class very well

Total /30
One thing I really liked -

One thing you could work on

Copyright 1990, The Crown in Right of Alberta, as represented by the Minister of Education, Alberta Education, Curriculum
Support Branch, 11160 Jasper Avenue, Edmonton, AB, T5K 0L2. Permission is hereby given by the copyright owner for any
person to reproduce this monograph or any part thereof for educational purposes and on a non-profit basis.

Island of the Blue Dolphins Name ______________________________
By Scott ODell Date _______________________________

Works Cited

IRubric: Oral Reading Fluency Rubric. RCampus - Learning, EPortfolios, Assessments,


McGraw Hill, Glenco. (n.d.). Glencoe Literature Reading with at Purpose: Rubrics for Assessing

Student Writing, Listening, and Speaking: Middle School. Columbus: McGraw-Hill

Companies. Retrieved October 9, 2017, from

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