ES 520: Environmental Policy and Planning: Masters in Environmental Science Program
ES 520: Environmental Policy and Planning: Masters in Environmental Science Program
ES 520: Environmental Policy and Planning: Masters in Environmental Science Program
Other laws:
The smoke nuisance Act 1905,
The juvenile smoking Act 1919,
the Fatal Accidents Act 1855,
The Public Parks Act 1904,
Coalmine Labour Welfare Act 1947
Environmental Laws: Pakistan
Major Environmental Laws:
The Protection and Preservation of Fish Act 1950
The Embankment and Drainage Act 1959
The Pure Food Ordinance 1959
The Government Fisheries Ordinance 1959
The Private Forest Ordinance 1959
The Agricultural Pesticides Ordinance 1971
Basic features:
First to address the environment in a comprehensive
Establishment of the Department of Environment (DoE)
Environmental Clearance Certificate
Power to make Rules
Legal Action
Good faith clause
Providing substantive and procedural provisions
Declaration of ecologically critical area.
DoE: History
Additional DG
Director: Director:
Administration, Planning and Technical
4 Units: 5 Unit:
Headed by Deputy Director Headed by Deputy
Divisional Offices
Power and Functions: DG
Applying for
Environmental Clearance
May require layout plan,
effluent disposal system etc.
Obtaining Environmental
1. General
information on the
Industrial Unit or Issuance of
Application to
Project; ECC within 15
2. Description of Raw days
materials and
finished products;
3. No objection
Certificate from
local authority
“Orange A” Category
1. All information
required for Green
2. Process flow
diagram. Issuance of
Application to
3. Layout plan Site Clearance
showing location of within 30 days
4. Effluent discharge
5. Relocation and
Rehabilitation plan
(if any)
Issuance of
ECC within 30 Apply for ECC
“Orange B” Category