Design, Manufacture, and Material Grouping Classification of Hole-Type Image Quality Indicators (IQI) Used For Radiology
Design, Manufacture, and Material Grouping Classification of Hole-Type Image Quality Indicators (IQI) Used For Radiology
Design, Manufacture, and Material Grouping Classification of Hole-Type Image Quality Indicators (IQI) Used For Radiology
E1025 − 11
E1025 − 11 The IQI’s shall be identified as specified in 4.1.5 to, as applicable, except that the identification numbers
may be placed adjacent to the IQI if placement on the IQI is
impractical. When modified IQI’s are used, details of the modi-
fication shall be documented in the records accompanying the
examination results.
4.1.4 True T-hole Diameter IQI: It may be desirable for non-film applications to use
true T-hole diameter IQI’s for numbers 1 through 9. Hole sizes for true T-hole diameter IQI’s may be
made by using laser or an electric discharge machining (EDM)
process and shall be within 610 % of 1T, 2T and 4T (See Fig.
1, Note 3 for T) When true T-hole-diameter IQI’s are used, details of
the modifications shall be documented in the records accom-
panying the examination results.
4.1.5 Both the rectangular and the circular IQIs shall be
identified with number(s) made of lead or a material of similar
radiation opacity. The number shall be bonded to the rectan-
gular IQI’s and shall be placed adjacent to circular IQI’s to
provide identification of the IQI on the image. The identifica-
tion numbers shall indicate the thickness of the IQI in
thousandths of an inch, that is, a number 10 IQI is 0.010 in.
thick, a number 100 IQI is 0.100 in. thick, etc. Additional
identification requirements are provided in 7.2. Alternative Identification Method—It may be desir-
able for non-film applications to eliminate the lead number
identifiers and replace them with either material addition or
material removal methods as stated below:
(1) Material Addition Method—Numbers may be made of
the same material as that of the IQI and of sufficient thickness
to be clearly discernable within the radiologic image.
(2) Material Removal Method—Numbers may be cut into
the IQI in such a manner as to be clearly discernable in the
radiologic image. Processes such as laser etching, chemical
etching, precision stamping, etc., may be used to create the
numbers within the IQI. Alloy-group identification shall be in accordance
with 7.2. Rectangular IQI’s shall be notched as shown in Fig.
2, except the corner notch for Group 001 is at a 45 degree
angle. Round IQI’s shall be vibrotooled or etched as shown in
Fig. 3. Width +15° True T-hole diameter IQI identification numbers −0°
shall be rotated 90° as compared to Standard Hole Type IQIs. (A) Depth +1⁄16 in. (1.588mm)
−1⁄32 in. (0.794 mm)
See Fig. 4. FIG. 2 Rectangular IQI Notch Identification and Material Group-
5. IQI Procurement
5.1 When selecting IQI’s for procurement, the following NOTE 1—This practice does not recommend or suggest specific IQI sets
factors should be considered: to be procured. Section 5 is an aid in selecting IQI’s based on specific
5.1.1 Determine the alloy group(s) of the material to be needs.
5.1.2 Determine the thickness or thickness range of the 6. Image Quality Levels
material(s) to be examined. 6.1 Image quality levels are designated by a two part
5.1.3 Determine the Image Quality Level requirements as expression; X-YT. The first part of the expression, X, refers to
described in Section 6 and Table 1. the IQI thickness expressed as a percentage of the specimen
5.1.4 Select the applicable IQI’s that represent the required thickness. The second part of the expression, YT, refers to the
IQI thickness and alloy(s). diameter of the required hole and is expressed as a multiple of
E1025 − 11
TABLE 1 Typical Image Quality Levels
Standard Image Quality Levels
Image Quality Perceptible Equivalent IQI
IQI Thickness
Levels Hole Sensitivity, %A
2-1T 1⁄50 (2 %) of Specimen Thickness 1T 1.4
2-2TB 2T 2.0
2-4T 4T 2.8
Special Image Quality Levels
1-1T 1⁄100 (1 %) of Specimen Thickness 1T 0.7
1-2T 2T 1
FIG. 3 Circular IQI Identification 4-2T 1⁄25 (4 %) of Specimen Thickness 2T 4
Equivalent IQI sensitivity is that thickness of the IQI, expressed as a percentage
of the part thickness, in which the 2T hole would be visible under the same
For Level 2-2T Radiologic—The 2T hole in an IQI, 1⁄50 (2 %) of the specimen
thickness, is visible.
E1025 − 11
multivolt range. The non-metal group was established experimentally at a Image quality indicators (IQI’s) shall be made of
range of 15 to 60 kV on 0.100-in to 0.250-in (2.54-mm to 6.35-mm) thick aluminum bronze (Specification B150/B150M).
specimens using MIL-I-24768 thermosetting plastic laminated insulation
materials type FBE and FBG. Use on all aluminum bronzes and all nickel-
aluminum bronzes.
7.1.5 Common trade names or alloy designations have been 7.3.7 Materials Group 3:
used for clarification of the pertinent materials. Image quality indicators (IQI’s) shall be made of
7.1.6 The materials from which the IQI for the group are to nickel-chromium-iron alloy (UNS No. NO6600) (Inconel).6
be made are designated in each case, and these IQI’s are (Specification B166.)
applicable for all materials listed in that group. In addition, any Use on nickel-chromium-iron alloy and 18 %
group IQI may be used for any material with a higher group nickel-maraging steel.
number, provided the applicable quality level is maintained. 7.3.8 Materials Group 4:
7.2 Identification System: Image quality indicators (IQI’s) shall be made of 70
7.2.1 A notching system has been designated for the nine to 30 nickel-copper alloy (Monel)7 (Specification B164) or
materials groups of IQI’s and is shown in Fig. 2 for rectangular equivalent.
IQI’s. Use on nickel, copper, all nickel-copper series, or
7.2.2 For circular IQI’s, a group designation shall be vibro- copper-nickel series of alloys, and all brasses (copper-zinc
tooled or etched on the IQI to identify it by using the letter “G” alloys). Group 4 IQI’s may be used on the leaded brasses, since
followed by the group number, for example, G4 for a Group 4 leaded brass increases in attenuation with increase in lead
IQI. For identification of the group on the image, correspond- content. This would be equivalent to using a lower group IQI.
ing lead characters shall be placed adjacent to the circular IQI, 7.3.9 Materials Group 5:
just as is done with the lead numbers identifying the thickness. Image quality indicators (IQI’s) shall be made of
An identification example is shown in Fig. 3. phosphor bronze (Specification B139/B139M).
7.3 Materials Groups: Use on bronzes including gun-metal and valve
7.3.1 Materials Group 001: bronze, leaded-tin bronze of higher lead content than valve Image quality indicators (IQI’s) may be made from bronze. Group 5 IQI’s may be used on bronze of higher lead
phenolic resin laminate materials specified in MIL-I-24768, or content since leaded bronze increases in attenuation with
any of the materials listed in Practice E2662. increase in lead content. This would be equivalent to using a Use on polymer matrix composite materials or other lower group IQI.
low density non-metal materials at low energies, typically NOTE 4—In developing the nine listed materials groups, a number of
below 50 kV. other trade names or other nominal alloy designations were evaluated. For
7.3.2 Materials Group 03: the purpose of making this practice as useful as possible, these materials
are listed and categorized, by group, as follows: Image quality indicators (IQI’s) shall be made of (1) Group 2—Haynes Alloy IN-100.8
magnesium or magnesium shall be the predominant alloying (2) Group 3—Haynes Alloy No. 713C, Hastelloy D,9 G.E. Alloy SEL,
constituent. Haynes Stellite Alloy No. 21,9 GMR-235 Alloy, Haynes Alloy No. 93, Use on all alloys of which magnesium is the Inconel X,6 Inconel 718, and Haynes Stellite Alloy NO. S-816.
predominant alloying constituent. (3) Group 4—Hastelloy Alloy F, Hastelloy Alloy X, and Multimeter Alloy
Rene 41.
7.3.3 Materials Group 02: (4) Group 5—Alloys in order of increasing attenuation: Hastelloy Alloy B, Image quality indicators (IQI’s) shall be made of Hastelloy Alloy C, Haynes Stellite Alloy No. 31, Thetaloy, Haynes Stellite
aluminum or aluminum shall be the predominant alloying No. 3, Haynes Alloy No. 25. IQIs of any of these materials are considered
constituent. applicable for the materials that follow it.
(5) Group 001—Garolite Use on all alloys of which aluminum is the predomi- NOTE 5—The committee formulating these recommendations, recom-
nant alloying constituent. mended other materials may be added to the materials groups listed as the
7.3.4 Materials Group 01: need arises or as more information is gained, or that additional materials Image quality indicators (IQI’s) shall be made of groups may be added.
titanium or titanium shall be the predominant alloying constitu- 7.4 Radiologically Similar IQI Materials:
ent. 7.4.1 For materials not herein covered, IQI’s of radiographi- Use on all alloys of which titanium is the predomi- cally similar materials may be used when the following
nant alloying constituent. requirements are met. Two blocks of equal thickness, one of
7.3.5 Materials Group 1: the material to be examined (production material) and one of Image quality indicators (IQI’s) shall be made of the IQI material, shall be radiographed on one film by one
carbon steel or Type 300 series stainless steel. Use on all carbon steel, all low-alloy steels, all
stainless steels, manganese-nickel-aluminum bronze (Super- 6
Inconel is a registered trademark of The International Nickel Co., Inc.,
ston).5 Huntington, WV 25720.
Monel is a registered trademark of The International Nickel Co., Inc.,
7.3.6 Materials Group 2: Huntington, WV 25720.
All Haynes alloys are registered trademarks of Union Carbide Corp., New
York, NY.
All Hastelloys and Haynes Stellite alloys are registered trademarks of Cabot
Superston is a registered trademark of Superston Corp., Jersey City, NJ. Corp., Boston, MA.
E1025 − 11
exposure at the lowest energy level to be used for production 8. IQI Certification
radiography. Film density readings shall be between 2.0 and 8.1 Records shall be available that attest to the conformance
4.0 for both materials. If the film density of the material to be of the material type, grouping (notches), and dimensional
radiographed is within the range of 0 to +15 % of the IQI tolerances of the IQI’s specified by this practice.
material, the IQI material shall be considered radiographically
similar and may be used to fabricate IQI’s for examination of 9. Precision and Bias
the production material. 9.1 Precision and Bias—No statement is made about the Radiological similarity tests may be performed with precision or bias for indicating the quality of radiological
non-film radiological systems, however, the minimum and images since the results merely state whether there is confor-
maximum pixel values for both materials shall be within the mance to the criteria for success specified in this practice.
range established for production examinations.
7.4.2 It shall always be permissible to use IQI’s of radio- 10. Keywords
logically less dense material than the subject material being 10.1 density; image quality level; IQI; radiologic; radiol-
examined. ogy; X-ray and gamma radiation
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 To find the equivalent IQI sensitivity (percent), the α = equivalent IQI sensitivity, %,
hole size (diameter in inches), of the IQI thickness (inches), for X = section thickness to be examined, in.,
a section thickness (inches), the following equation may be T = IQI Thickness, in., and
used: H = hole diameter, in.
α = 100
O’Connor, D. T., and Criscuolo, E. L., “The Quality of Radiographic
Inspection,” ASTM Bulletin, ASTM, Vol 213, 1956, p. 52.
Committee E07 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue (E1025 - 05)
that may impact the use of this standard. (December 15, 2011)
(1) Section 2: Updated Reference Documents. (5) Section 7: Added non-metals materials Group 001 for low
(2) Section 4: Defined the current IQI (with minimum hole energy applications and compliance for Practice E2662; Edi-
sizes per Fig 1) as a “Standard Hole Type IQI”; Added torial clarifications; Reworded Section 7.4 for Radiographic
“Modified Hole Type IQI” to allow for modifications in length Similar Materials to clarify calculation.
and width which are may be used for geometric magnification (6) Section 9: Editorially changed “radiographs” to “radiologi-
applications where the entire IQI is required to be in the image; cal images.”
Added “True T-hole Diameter IQI” for which may be used for (7) Figure 1: Added metric units and notes to drawing; Updated
geometric magnification applications where true 2 % EPS is Notes Section; Updated Table to include metric units.
desired; Added alternative identification method other than (8) Figure 2: Added drawing for notch detail for non-metals
lead numbers and to require True T-hole Diameter IQI identi- group 001.
fication numbers rotated 90 degrees. (9) Table 1: Spelling correction.
(3) Section 5: Added 5.1.3 to consider Image Quality require-
(10) Figure 4: New drawing to show IQI identification orien-
ment for IQI procurement.
tation for True T-hole Diameter IQIs.
(4) Section 6: Editorial clarifications.
E1025 − 11
(11) Appendix X1: Editorial clarifications; Deleted Nomo-
graph since the provided equation is more accurate.
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