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What I Have Learned Types of Intermolecular Force Example Structural Formula Uses

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WHAT I HAVE LEARNED It is used primarily

as fuel to make heat

Types of Example Structural Uses Methane and light. It is also
Intermolecular Formula (CH4) used to
Force manufacture
Used in cleaning, organic chemicals.
pickling, Fluorine and
electroplating hydrogen fluoride
metals, tanning LONDON are used to make
Hydrogen leather, and refining DISPERSION certain chemical
Chloride (HCl) and producing a FORCES Fluorine (F2) compounds. Other
wide variety of fluoride compounds
products. are used in making
Used in the steel, chemicals,
production of ceramics, , plastics,
polymers, and pesticides
DIPOLE- Carboxylic biopolymers, The most common
DIPOLE Acids coatings, adhesives, use of water is
INTERACTION and pharmaceutical through drinking.
drugs. sWater (H2O) Agricultural use of
HYDROGEN water is one of the
BOND most common uses
of water
The human body Used as a solvent, a
uses amino acids to substance that
make proteins to helps other
Amino acids help the body: Chloroform substances
Break down food. (CHCl3) dissolve. Also, it is
Grow. Repair body used in the building,
tissue. paper and board
Use as a refrigerant, industries, and in
in fire extinguishers, pesticide and film
for inflating life rafts production.
and life jackets, Used in agriculture
Carbon blasting coal, as fertilizer. Also
Dioxide (CO2) foaming rubber and Ammonia used as a
plastics, carbonated (NH3) refrigerant gas, for
beverages. purification of water
supplies, plastics,
explosives, and
other chemicals.
1. Particle Arrangement: the molecules in liquids are close together, with 1. Do you consider Juan Luna's Spoliarium as a Philippine contemporary art?
essentially no empty space between them. Why?
2. Movement: the molecules in liquids are in constant motion, and their
kinetic energy (and hence their speed) depends on their temperature.  No, I do not consider Juan Luna’s Spoliarium as a Philippine
3.Density: The density of a liquid is typically about the same as the density contemporary art because first of all, the Spoliarium’s type of art is
of the solid state of the substance. The molecules of a liquid are packed romanticism. The Spoliarium was submitted in 1884 in Madrid and the
relatively close together. Philippine contemporary arts began during 1950s after world war.
4. Diffusion: Molecules in liquids diffuse because they are in constant Second, Spoiliarium conveys various emotions being portrayed
motion. especially during that period wherein peoples are too brutal and vicious
5. Compressibility: Liquids have so little empty space between their to value the importance of life. Therefore, Contemporary art in most
component molecules that they cannot be readily compressed. cases defined it as art that has been and continuously created within our
6. Volume and Shape: Liquids can flow, adjusting to the shape of their lifetime.
containers, because their molecules are free to move.
7. Thermal Expansion: The intermolecular forces in liquids are strong 2. Describe the artwork based on the following
enough to keep them from expanding significantly when heated (typically
only a few percent over a 100°C temperature range). 2.1 Subject of art
The subject of the Spoliarium Painting is the Gladiator. It
recreates devastating scene in a Roman Cirscus where the gladiators
died and were stripped of weapons and garments. In the center of the
Spoliarium painting we can see the fallen gladiators that was dragged
by Roman Soldiers.
2.2 Classification
The Spoliarium that was painted by by Juan Luna, a Filipino
educated at the Academia de Dibujo y Pintura (Philippines) and at the
Academia de San Fernando in Madrid, Spain is the most valuable oil-
on-canvas painting. It is considered the largest painting in the
Philippines with a size of 4.22 meters x 7.675 meters.
2.3 Function
Spoliarium is emphasized the violation of human rights towards
the colonizers of Spain and Juan Luna expressed his patriotism
through it.
2.4 Appreciation Reflection
Spoliarium was the kind of painting that lent itself to the patriotic a. How can you use arts in your daily life?
needs of the Filipinos and on which Rizal and others projected a
Through art, we can express how we feel free and without restriction
nationalistic symbolism that helped rouse the Filipinos to rise up because it is our work. Art positively affects my mood because it makes me
against the political oppression of their Spanish colonizers. feel happier, calmer and sometimes it inspires me to do more than something
3. Do you like/dislike the artwork? Why? that I’ve never done. I can do art whenever I feel bored so that I can spend
my time for a valuable reason. Whenever I finished an artwork it helps me to
I like this artwork because it arouses the nationalism of our country and feel relieved, grateful, and contented.
it made us realize and open our eyes how to love our country and make
b. Do you consider yourself as a masterpiece of the Lord’s creation? Why?
everything right so that we will not experience the same thing.
Yes, I do consider myself as a masterpiece of the Lord’s creation
4. What is the value of this artwork to you, to youth, and to the society? because everything He does is a masterpiece and no one or nothing is
The value of that artwork for me is that it enables me to learn how to excepted to that. God made us different from each other and has a unique
love our country more and be more nationalistic. As for the youth it serves as characteristic that enables us to know each other. Aside from the uniqueness
that the Lord has given us, each one of us has a purpose in this world and
the inspiration for them to have clearer and clean intentions in our country. In
God will not let me live in this world if I am not His masterpiece.
society, it provides a historical perspective enabling us to interrogate the
present whose deliberate forgetfulness is the source and cause of our
country's wounds. To sum it all, the artwork is done to serve as an awareness
for the people who can see it.

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