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This document provides an overview of quantitative research for a Grade 12 Practical Research 2 class. It describes the key characteristics of quantitative research, including that it uses scientifically collected and statistically analyzed numerical data. The strengths of quantitative research are that it is useful for analyzing large sets of standardized data and for testing hypotheses, while weaknesses include that it cannot measure complex phenomena in context. Quantitative research can be classified into descriptive research, correlational research, quasi-experimental research, and experimental research.

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This document provides an overview of quantitative research for a Grade 12 Practical Research 2 class. It describes the key characteristics of quantitative research, including that it uses scientifically collected and statistically analyzed numerical data. The strengths of quantitative research are that it is useful for analyzing large sets of standardized data and for testing hypotheses, while weaknesses include that it cannot measure complex phenomena in context. Quantitative research can be classified into descriptive research, correlational research, quasi-experimental research, and experimental research.

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Learning Area Practical Research 2 Grade Level 12

W1 Quarter 1 Date

I. LESSON TITLE Nature of Inquiry and Research

II. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING • Describes characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and kinds of
COMPETENCIES (MELCs) quantitative research
III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT • Characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and kinds of quantitative

Learning Activities
A. Introduction 90 minutes You are in the first week of learning Practical Research 2. It is in nature
Panimula that humans are always asking questions and testing theories about
themselves, about other people and even about what is going on around
them. Indeed, humans are good researchers. In this lesson, you will learn
about the nature of inquiry and research. Specifically, you are expected to
describe the characteristics, strengths, weaknesses and kinds of quantitative
To begin with, analyze the picture below. What do you observe in the
picture? What do you think does the picture wants to imply?

According to Creswell (2013), research is a systematic and objective

creation of knowledge. It is an investigation or experimentation aimed at the
discovery and interpretation of facts, revision of accepted theories or laws in
the light of new facts, or practical application of such new or revised theories
or laws.
When people experience difficulties or perplexed by the unknown,
they resort to various ways and means for answers and immediate or lasting
solutions. Unconsciously, even at a young age, we use our senses and
cognitive skills to gather information, assess and re-assess facts, find meaning
to the numbers and grow in understanding of the world around us. Long
before we read it in books and heard it from teachers, we are already
applying quantitative approach in our daily lives in the most primal way.
You have learned from Practical Research 1 that research method is
classified into two main types: quantitative and qualitative. While both
methods utilize a specific data gathering procedure, the former is generally
concerned with understanding phenomenon relating to or involving quality
or kind. The latter, on the other hand, is based on the measurement or
quantity. In this learning packet, we will focus on quantitative methods of
research and what are its different kinds.
Quantitative research uses scientifically collected and statistically
analyzed data to investigate observable phenomena. A phenomenon is any
existing or observable fact or situation that we want to unearth further or
understand. It is scientific for the fact that it uses a scientific method in
designing and collecting numerical data.

Learning Activities
Characteristics of Quantitative Research
Quantitative research is commonly used in natural sciences
research problems because of the following characteristics:

Remember the different characteristics of a qualitative research. Presented

on the figure above are the characteristics of a quantitative research that
makes it different from a qualitative one.
On the other hand, quantitative research has the following strengths
and weaknesses.

For more discussion about this, you may refer to Practical Research
2 by Baraceros (2016) pp. 7 – 12 at www.tinyurl.com/PR2Reference

Kinds of Quantitative Research

Quantitative research is a broad spectrum that it can be classified
into smaller and more specific kinds: descriptive, correlational, quasi-
experimental, and experimental.


Descriptive Research comparative/Quasi- Experimental Research
experimental Research

Learning Activities
Seeks to describe the Attempts to determine is used to establish the like quasi- experimental
current status of an the extent of a cause-and-effect is used to establish the
identified variable. relationship between relationship of variables. cause-and-effect
These research projects two or more variables Although it resembles the relationship of two or
are designed to provide using statistical data. In experimental design, the more variables. This
systematic information this type of design, quasi-experimental has design provides a more
about a phenomenon. relationships between lesser validity due to the conclusive result
and among a number of absence of random because it uses random
facts are sought and selection and assignment assignment of subjects
interpreted. of subjects. Here, the and experimental
independent variable is manipulations.
identified but not
manipulated. The
researcher does not
modify pre-existing
groups of subjects. The
group exposed to
treatment (experimental)
is compared to the group
unexposed to treatment
Examples of Examples of Examples of Quasi- Examples of
Descriptive Research Correlational Experimental Research Experimental Research
• A description of Research • The effect of taking • The effect of a new
how second- • The relationship multivitamins on a treatment plan on
grade students between students’ school breast cancer
spend their time intelligence and absenteeism • The effect of
during summer self-esteem • The effect of positive
vacation • The relationship gender on algebra reinforcement on
• A description of between diet and achievement attitude toward
the tobacco use anxiety • The effect of part- school
habits of • The relationship time employment • The effect of
teenagers between an on the achievement teaching with a
• A description of aptitude test and of high school cooperative group
how parents feel success in an students strategy or a
about the algebra course • The effect of age traditional lecture
twelvemonth • The relationships on lung capacity approach on
school year between the types students’
• A description of of activities used achievement
the attitudes of in math
scientists classrooms and
regarding global student’s
warming achievement
You may opt to watch the video tutorial in the google drive at
www.tinyurl.com/IntroToPR2 for more discussion about this.
B. Development 60 minutes Learning Task 1: Yes or No
Pagpapaunlad Directions: Write YES on the blank if the question requires for quantitative
approach and NO if it does not.
__________1. Are high grades in Mathematics a good indicator for
employment after graduation?
__________2. Are there changes in consumer behavior before and after online
selling was popularized?
__________3. Do online learning materials enhance the computer skills of
__________4. Are there changes in the study habits of public school students
before and after the Covid-19 pandemic?
__________5. Which of the four SHS tracks (Academic, Tech-Voc, Sports, Arts &
Design) is greatly affected by the Covid-19 pandemic?
Learning Task 2: True or False
Directions: On the space provided, write TRUE if the statement describes
quantitative research and FALSE if it is incorrect.

_______1. Quantitative data can be presented using tables and graphs.

_______2. The results of quantitative research can be used to generalize and

Learning Activities
_______3. The research study cannot be replicated or repeated because it is
unique in every case.
_______4. Data are in the form of numbers and analyzed statistically.
_______5. The behavior of the participants is observed and is critical to the
analysis of results.

Learning Task 3: Who am I?

Directions: Study the following quantitative research titles and classify them
as to which kind of quantitative research they belong.
1. The Effect of Online Schooling to the
Academic Grades of General Academic
Strand Students of Example School.
2. Learning Strategies of Grade 12 ABM Students
of Calamba Senior High School
3. “Prima Donnas” Television Drama: Its Effects
to the Attitude of Young Viewers of Barangay
San Juan
4. Status of Data Connectivity of STEM Students
of Cavite Senior High School
5. A Study on the Online Truancy of Students
under the New Mode of Learning
C. Engagement 15 minutes Learning Task 4: It’s your time!
Pakikipagpalihan DIRECTIONS: Give your own example of a research topic/title that can be
considered as quantitative research. Provide an explanation as to why and
how you can use quantitative approach. Write your explanation on your
This rubric serves as your guide in doing this activity and the basis of your score
The title is quantitative in nature; Explanations are clearly stated;
Includes the characteristics of quantitative research
The title is quantitative in nature;
4 Arguments are not clearly justified;
Includes a little of characteristics of quantitative research
The title is quantitative in nature;
3 Arguments are not clearly justified;
Did not include characteristics of quantitative research
The title is quantitative in nature;
No arguments/explanation provided
1 The title is not a quantitative in nature
D. Assimilation 45 minutes Learning Task 5: Ask and Reflect!
Paglalapat Directions: Ask at least 3 people about the importance of research in their
daily life. You can ask your classmates through social media or you can ask
your relatives older than you. Write an essay about the importance of
research. Write your answer in a clean sheet of paper.

Learning Activities
V. ASSESSMENT 20 minutes Learning Task 6: Multiple Choice
Directions: Read and choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of the following statements DOES NOT describe a Quantitative
a. Quantitative research makes you focus your mind on specific things
by means of statistics.
b. You tend to inflate something in a quantitative research because of
your perceptions.
c. Quantitative research uses numbers and figures to denote a
particular thing.
d. Doing a quantitative research tend to exclude your own thoughts
and feelings about the subject or object of the study.

2. Statistical analysis is heavily focused in making a final report of a

a. Qualitative research
b. Quantitative research
c. Ethnographic study
d. Phenomenological study

3. The MPNAG SHS introduce a new enrollment system and wishes to study
the efficiency of its implementation as compared to the previous enrollment
system which is being practiced in other schools. In this study, it is not
feasible to conduct randomization. What type of research design is used?
a. Experimental c. Quasi-experimental
b. Descriptive d. Correlational

4. Mr. Floro conducts a study that will further get to know the level of bullying
cases between the male and female SHS students in MPNAG. What’s the
type of research design to be used in his study?
a. Experimental c. Quasi-experimental
b. Descriptive d. Correlational

5. Which of the following research questions could be answered by using

quantitative research methods?
a. What is the most popular social media platform used by Senior High
School students?
b. How has the Covid-19 pandemic affects career choices among college
c. What are the factors affecting depressive behavior?
d. None of the above.
VI. REFLECTION 10 minutes In your journal, write your personal insights about the lesson using the
prompts below.
I understand that ___________________.
I realize that ________________________.
I need to learn more about __________.
Prepared by: Rico A. Herrero/Vina H. Retusto Checked by: Dr. Isabelita R. Hizon


Barrot, Jessie S. Practical Research 2 for Senior High School. Quezon City, Philippines: C & E Publishing,
Inc., 2017.
Caintic, Helen, E. and Cruz, Juanita, M. Scientific Research Manual. C&E Publishing, 2018.

CIRT: Center for Innovation in Research and Teaching. no date. " An Overview of Quantitative
Research." Grand Canyon University. Accessed June 1, 2020. https://bit.ly/2LUP3ye

"Introduction to Quantitative Research." SAGE Publication. Accessed October 28, 2020.


5. A 5. False
4. B 4. True
3. C 3. False
2. B 2. True
1. B 1. True
Learning Task 6: Multiple Choice Learning Task 2: True or False

5. Descriptive Research 5. Yes

4. Descriptive Research 4. No
3. Experimental Research 3. Yes
2. Descriptive Research 2. No
1. Quasi-Experimental Research 1. Yes
Learning Task 3: Who am I Learning Task 1: Yes or No

Answer Key

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