Di Bella Et Al 2004
Di Bella Et Al 2004
Di Bella Et Al 2004
Abstract. Spectral indices from remotely sensed data, such as the Normalized
Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), are often used to estimate biophysical
characteristics of vegetation. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect
of senescent leaves on the estimation of the fraction of photosynthetically active
radiation absorbed by the green elements of the canopy (fAPARg) from NDVI
measurements. An experiment was conducted under controlled conditions over
grass canopies. Both NDVI and fAPARg were measured when the cover fraction
by senescent leaves was changed. The results demonstrated that the effect of
senescent leaves was significant on NDVI values. A similar effect was observed
on the fAPARg values. In these conditions, simple models were developed to
relate the fAPARg to NDVI values when the cover fractions of the senescent
leaves vary. When combining these models, a linear relationship was found
between NDVI and fAPARg, which was in good agreement with our
experimental observations. Complementary radiative transfer model simulations
were then run and confirmed these results. In addition, the vertical and
horizontal distribution of the senescent leaves was investigated. They show that
the relationship between NDVI and fAPARg was only marginally affected by the
distribution of the senescent leaves.
1. Introduction
In the last 20 years, remotely sensed data have become an important tool to
study the temporal and spatial variations of structural and functional attributes of
ecosystems (Davis and Roberts 2000, Running et al. 2000). The use of remotely
sensed data in such studies is often based on the contrast observed over
photosynthetic tissues in the red and infrared reflectance values. Because of
In this article we investigated the effect of standing dead biomass on NDVI and
fAPAR using two approaches, manipulative experiment and simulation analyses using
a Radiative Transfer Model (RTM). We analysed to what extent the effect of senescent
leaves on NDVI is due to changes in the spectral characteristics of the whole canopy or
to changes in the amount of canopy absorbed radiation by the canopy (fAPAR).
Figure 1. Controlled experiment design. (a) vertical view of the 464 pots canopy and a
strip of dead biomass covering 10% of total surface; (b) vertical view of the nine
radiometric measurements made with the radiometer (the circles represent the actual
field-of-view), and the five replicates of PAR measurements (the grey rectangles); and
(c) side view of the experimental design. The dashed line represents the level where
the wire mesh tray was placed. I, D, G are measurement positions. H and h are the
heights of sensor placement.
definitions of transmittances:
tt ~ PARgi >
td ~ PARi ð4Þ
tg ~ PARdg
where tt is the transmittance of the whole canopy, td that of the senescent layer, and
tg that of the green layer. PARi is the incoming radiation measured above the
canopy (figure 1(c), position I), PARd is the PAR registered by the sensor between
the strips of dead biomass and the green leaves (figure 1(c), position D), and PARg
is the PAR measured by the sensor below the canopy (figure 1(a), position G).
The fraction of PAR absorbed by the green and dead components of the canopy
(fAPAR) was approximated by:
f APAR~1{tt ~1{tg td ð5Þ
Senescent leaf effect on fAPAR 5419
The fraction of incoming PAR absorbed only by the green biomass (fAPARg)
could similarly be expressed as:
f APARg ~ 1{tg td ð6Þ
All the plants were harvested at the end of the experiment. The samples were
dried on a stove for 48 hours (65‡C) and weighed to determine dry weight.
Using this experimental design two experiments were carried out to evaluate the
effect of senescent biomass:
First experiment: we generate 11 levels of senescent leaf cover, ranging from 0 up to
100%, by adding strips of senescent tissue on top of the wire mesh. Each strip
placed on the structure (figure 1(c), position A) covered 10% (figure 1(b)). The
position of the strips was randomly assigned.
Second experiment: we considered two factors: the cover of senescent biomass and
the amount of green biomass present in the canopy. Four levels of senescent
biomass were generated by placing strips on top of the wire mesh, as in the first
experiment. In addition, we included 2, 4, 8 or 10 pots where the biomass was
uniformly reduced by cutting the leaves to one cm height two days before the
measurements. This reduction allowed us also to generate a green biomass
Figure 2. Scheme of the three types of canopies simulated by the radiative transfer model
(RTM). (a) Canopy 1, (b) canopy 2, (c) canopy 3.
Senescent leaf effect on fAPAR 5421
green leaves under a complete and homogeneous layer of senescent leaves. This
situation corresponds better to actual natural conditions, although it is more
difficult to simulate experimentally. The LAI of the senescent layer varied from 0 to
3 with 11 equidistributed levels.
Canopy 3: The canopy consisted of 20 layers alternatively made up of green and
senescent leaves. This corresponds to the situation where the green and senescent
leaves are homogeneously distributed within the canopy depth. It should be
considered as a possible actual situation, and also as an intermediate between the
two first situations. The total LAI for the senescent layer was similarly varied from
0 to 3 with 11 equidistributed levels. The absorption by the green elements was
computed as the sum of the absorption of each 10 elementary green layers.
Except for the senescent leaf cover fraction (C) in canopy 1 and the LAI of the
senescent layers for canopies 2 and 3, the other input variables remain the same
(table 1).
3. Results
The NDVI measured under the senescent leaf layer (NDVIg) in the first
experiment remained constant (around 0.9) for all the senescent cover fractions
(figure 3). In contrast, the NDVI values measured over the senescent layer decreased
when the cover fraction of the senescent leaves increased (figure 3). The high
variability observed for the average NDVI values was due to the location of the
senescent leaf strips that were integrated in each one of the measures. It is obviously
Figure 3. Relationship between the senescent cover fraction (C) and the NDVI measured at
different positions: integrating the effect of senescent and green biomass over the
senescent layer (NDVI — ¤) and below the senescent biomass layer (NDVIg —% ). Error
bars represent¡1 SD of nine averaged measurements.
5422 C. M. Di Bella et al.
maximal for the cover fractions of the senescent leaves close to 0.5, and minimal for
extreme senescent leaf cover fractions. This linear decrease of NDVI with the
senescent leaf cover fraction is similar to the increase of NDVI with the vegetation
fraction. This similarity is explained by the optical properties of the dead
vegetation: very little transmission and a low NDVI value associated with the dead
materials (in this case about NDVId~0.2). Conversely, the full green vegetation has
a NDVI value close to NDVIg~0.85. It is therefore possible to relate the NDVI
value to the senescent leaf cover fraction C:
where NDVI(0) and NDVI(1) correspond respectively to the NDVI values for a full
green cover layer (C~0), and to that of a complete senescent leaf layer (C~1).
Incoming PAR (PARi) in the first experiment was approximately constant
during the experiment, around 850 mmol s21 m22 (figure 4) confirming the stable
illumination conditions. The amount of PAR measured below the senescent leaf
layer (PARd) decreased linearly as the senescent cover fraction increased (r2~0.99;
n~11; pv0.001). Note that when the senescent leaf cover fraction is complete
(C~1), there is still a significant level of radiation (PARd(1)~200 mmol s21 m22 )
because of possible small gaps in the senescent leaf cover, and also because the layer
is still transmitting some radiation, particularly in the longer wavelengths, where
absorption by the brown pigments is weaker (figure 4). This behaviour could be
simply formalized by the following equation, expressed in transmittance td by
Figure 4. Relationship between senescent cover fraction (C) and PAR measured at different
positions. PARi~above the canopy or intercepted PAR (+); PARd~between the
senescent and green biomass (&) and PARg~measurement made down the canopy
Senescent leaf effect on fAPAR 5423
Similarly, the amount of radiation measured below the green layer linearly
decreases when the senescent leaf cover fraction increases, because of the reduction
in the amount of incoming PAR (PARd) above the green layer (r2~0.94; n~11;
Using equations (7), (8) and (10) leads to the following expressions for the
fractions of PAR flux absorbed by the whole canopy (fAPAR) and only the green
layer (fAPARg):
f APARðC Þ~1{tg ½1{C ð1{td ð1ÞÞ
~f APARð0Þ{C ðf APARð0Þ{f APARð1ÞÞ ð11Þ
f APARg ðC Þ~ 1{tg ½1{C ð1{td ð1ÞÞ
~f APARg ð0Þ{C f APARg ð0Þ{f APARg ð1Þ ð12Þ
We observed that the relationship between fAPAR and fAPARg and the
senescent leaf cover fraction is linear. By replacing the senescent leaf cover fraction
C in equations (11) and (12) with its expression as a function of NDVI (equation
(9)), we obtain the following expressions:
f APARðC Þ~f APARð0Þ{ ðf APARð0Þ{f APARð1ÞÞ ð13Þ
f APARg ðC Þ~f APARg ð0Þ{ f APARg ð0Þ{f APARg ð1Þ ð14Þ
It shows that both fractions of absorbed PAR are linearly related to NDVI
values. The total fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (fAPAR)
is negatively correlated to NDVI since fAPAR(0)vfAPAR(1). Conversely, the
fraction absorbed by the green layer is positively correlated with NDVI values since
fAPARg(0)wfAPARg(1). These theoretical results are confirmed by our experi-
mental observations (figure 5).
In the second experiment we controlled both senescent and green material
amounts by introducing strips of senescent biomass and pots with reduced green
biomass into the structure. Such experimental design allowed us to evaluate the
relationship between NDVI and green biomass together with changes in senescent
and green biomass. We found no relationship between green biomass and NDVI
(pv0.3). As in the first experiment, the NDVI was highly correlated to fAPARg
(r2~0.78; n~16 and pv0.001).
The robustness of the relationship between fAPARg and NDVI was checked by
comparison with our simulations for the three canopies considered. Results show a
very good agreement between these simulations and the experimental values
(figure 6). However, we noticed slight departures for the lower NDVI and fAPAR
values, presumably because of divergence in the optical properties of the senescent
leaves when simulating both fAPAR and NDVI.
5424 C. M. Di Bella et al.
Figure 5. Fraction of PAR absorbed by the whole canopy (fAPAR,z) and by the green
elements (fAPARg, o) as a function of NDVI. The lines correspond to the theoretical
relationship derived from equations (13) and (14).
Figure 6. Relationship between the fraction of the absorbed PAR by green biomass
(fAPARg) and NDVI for different conditions. (6) Measurements of first experiment
(MD) (fAPARg~0.03z0.96(NDVI)); (#) simulations of the first experiment
(senescent leaves incomplete layer – green leaves layer (SLGL)—canopy 1)
(fAPARg~0.2z0.7(NDVI)); (&) multilayer simulation (ML—canopy 3)
(fAPARg~0.07z0.9(NDVI)); and (+) senescent leaves – green leaves complete
layer (SLVGL) simulation (canopy 2) (fAPARg~0.18z0.67(NDVI)). n~11, pv0.001.
Senescent leaf effect on fAPAR 5425
4. Conclusions
Our experimental results demonstrated that the effect of senescent leaves on
NDVI values is significant. These results agree with Sellers (1985), van Leeuwen
and Huete (1996) and Asner (1998) indicating that the presence of any significant
fraction of dead material reduces vegetation indices such as NDVI. A significant
effect is also observed on the fraction of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR)
absorbed by the canopy. In this study, the focus was put on the absorption by the
green elements which are those involved in the photosynthesis process and
associated to the fraction of PAR absorbed by the green elements only (fAPARg).
In these conditions, simple models were developed to relate fAPARg to NDVI
values. The experiment used mainly consisted of changing the cover fraction by
senescent leaves over a complete green canopy. It shows a strong linear correlation
between fAPARg and NDVI as expected from the simple models extracted from the
relationship between the cover fraction of senescent leaves and both fAPARg and
NDVI. Radiative transfer model simulations were then run to confirm these results.
In addition, the vertical and horizontal distributions of the senescent leaves were
manipulated and affect only marginally the relationship between NDVI and
In this study, the green and senescent leaf area index was varied trying to
simulate realistic conditions. However, further work is needed to investigate a
concurrent change in vertical and horizontal distributions that could be
encountered over the Earth’s surface.
NDVI does not provide a reliable estimate of biomass or LAI. On the contrary
its linear relationship with fAPARg strongly supports the use of this index to
estimate primary production. Monteith’s (1981) model provides the conceptual
framework to integrate the spectral index device from the remote sensor into
carbon gains estimations.
Paola Moglia, Gervasio Piñeiro, Rodolfo Golluscio, Gonzalo Irisarri and
Gabriel Kadarián helped during data collection.This work was supported by
CONICET, UBA and INTA, FONCYT (PICT99-06761) and project IICA-BID
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