Summary of Language Policy Research in Laos

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Nakadai, Mica A.

EDE 31
Research Writing Diagnostic
Summary of Language Policy Research in Laos

As social beings, communication is a vital aspect of living. Language is a system

of communication that is used to express one’s thoughts and emotions to other people.
With that, it is important for people to practice their language effectively. In addition,
societies have to manage their language and develop Language Planning, Language
Management, and Language Policies.
The Southeast Asian country, Laos, is one of the multilingual societies in the
world that possesses a high degree of linguistic diversity. Laos has 49 ethnic groups
and this was caused by migration, global conflict, and its position between neighboring
countries. The estimated number of languages in Laos is around 70 to 120 languages
wherein the major dialects are Southern Lao, Northern Lao, Northeastern Lao, Central
Lao, Western Lao, and Vientiane Lao.
Before the current language policy of Laos was formulated, it went through
several changes and development. The Lao script was originally complex so the French
who colonized the country had made modifications to the language. A simplified
orthographic system was created by the French administration. When Laos attained
independence from the French, Lao became the sole official language of the country.
With the Lao language and Lao script as the official language and script of the
country, the administration of Lao PDR expected the unity of its citizens. However, due
to the diversity of languages in the country, the official language is not used by the
majority of the Lao people. This resulted in challenges in the development, education,
health, economy, and governance of the country. The research paper provided
interventions for the aforementioned problems which were discussed by Dr. Paulin G.
Djite in his book, “The Language Difference: Language and Development in the Greater
Mekong Sub-Region”.
This research paper provided and has thoroughly discussed the language
background, history of language policy formulation, language policy, language
commission and implementation, issues and challenges, and the interventions for the
language policy of Laos.

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