K To 12 Basic Education Curriculum: Technology and Livelihood Education
K To 12 Basic Education Curriculum: Technology and Livelihood Education
K To 12 Basic Education Curriculum: Technology and Livelihood Education
At the end of this Lesson, you are expected to
do the following:
Let us determine how much you already know about identifying health hazards
and occupational risks. Take this test.
Pretest LO 1
1. What is the equipment that is used to discharge electrical charges produced by the
human body?
A.) Audio Generator C) ESD
B) Signal Generator D) VOM
3. What are the set of rules or practices intended for a safe execution of work?
A) Safety practices C) Policy order
B) Rules and regulations D) Action plan
5. What is the best place for electronic hand tools and equipment?
A) Tool box C) Tool room
B) Tool cabinet D) Tool bag
What Do You Need To Know?
Read Information Sheet 1.1 very well then find out how much you can remember
and how much you learned by doing Self-check 1.1.
In areas where students are acquiring basic technical skills safety begins the
moment they enter the work area or at times before reaching that work area.
Identifying health hazards and occupational risks is indispensable. In laboratory
areas where students stay to acquire skills there are certain points to consider.
1. Electrical hazards. Electrical hazards are the type of risks that are more likely
fatal than any other hazards that can happen in a laboratory room. Electrical
hazards such as electrical shocks from open wires, grounded electrical
appliances can be found anywhere in a disorganized laboratory area.
tools, driving tools, boring tools, joining tools, and measuring tools.
Cutting tools may inflict injuries when improperly handled due to its sharp edges that
can cut through the skin of the human body.
Driving tools
Driving tools like screw drivers and hammers, when used improperly can break
human flesh or fracture bones which are very painful to an individual.
Claw hammer
Boring tools
Drill bits, Center punch, and reamer are boring tools. These tools also do
damage when not properly used.
Soldering tools
Soldering tools such as soldering iron, soldering gun and hot air soldering
causes extreme heat and burn in the skin when improperly used.
Soldering gun
Soldering iron
Other hazards and risks are caused by objects not properly placed in laboratory area
where crumbling or falling is highly possible.
Objects placed on top of a cabinet can be very
Other untoward incidents also happen as a result of haste and sometimes neglect of
tools, materials, and equipment in the shop. Disorderliness can also make things worse,
hence presence of mind, particularly while working is important. It is very useful to follow
guidelines that will serve as a safety net.
Tools will last longer when properly kept and maintained. A good worker keeps and
cares for his tools. The following are some pointers to follow in keeping hand tools in good
1. Be sure to inspect tools before using them. This is to check if they are in good
working condition. The evidence is when you are able to use them smoothly and
conveniently with ease and comfort.
2. After using a tool, clean it thoroughly with a damp cloth before keeping it in a tool
box or cabinet.
3. Oil the metal parts of a tool to prevent any form of damage caused by air, water,
or rust.
The following safety rules should be understood and strictly followed to
avoid accidents while working.
1. Avoid wearing loose clothing when working. Sleeves should be fit and shirts
tucked in as much as possible. Remove ties, watches, rings, and other jewelry
from your body.
3. Never put fasteners or any small metal articles in or near the mouth when
4. Never throw tools of any type around. Make sure the sharp edge of cutting tools
are away from the edge of the table or work bench.
6. Secure the help of your classmates when carrying heavy tools to avoid accidents.
8. Do not use tools with loose handles and ragged. Report cases like these to the
teacher and do necessary repair and adjustments, if possible.
9. Know and observe safety measures specific for each tool or operation.
Safety Requirements
Ensure that the voltage and frequency rating of the power outlet matches
the electrical rating labels on the system.
K to 12 –K Technology
to 12 – Technology
and Livelihood
and Livelihood
Hand Tool Design, Selection, and Setup
1. Weight - Use the lightest weight tool possible to avoid injury. Excessively heavy tools
must be equipped with mechanical support and attached hoses should be supported.
Support - Equip tools with some means of mechanical support so you don't need
to hold a heavy tool continuously while working. If mechanical support cannot be
provided, the workstation should be designed so you can put the tool down or rest it in a
holster when it is not in use.
2. Balance - Additional force is required to use an unbalanced tool. The tool's center of
gravity should be close to the body, close to the handles, and in line with the center of
the hand holding the tool.
4. Grip - Tool handles should allow stable and efficient grip. The handle should be
cylindrical or oval in shape, with a diameter of between 1.25 and 1.75
inches. Tool handles should contact as much of the hand and fingers as
possible. Grips should be made of non-slip compressible and non-
conductive material. Avoid form-fitting handles (handles with finger
grooves), since they may not fit the hand size of every user. Handles
should be kept clean and free from slippery grease, oil, or sweat.
7. Choose the right tool shape - Pistol-shaped tools should be used on a vertical surface
or on a horizontal surface below waist height. Bend the tool, not the wrist.
13. Sit up straight so the chair offers good back support. Adjust the chair back so it
comfortably supports the natural curve of the lower back. Adjust the seat height to allow
thighs to be parallel to the floor.
Self-Check 1.1
1. 2.
3. 4. 5.
K to 12 – Technology and Livelihood Education