Detailed Out Line
Detailed Out Line
Detailed Out Line
Course Description:
This course addresses the knowledge and understanding of formative and summative learning assessment
and how teachers use assessment to inform decisions about teaching and learning. Assessment and
evaluation are key directors of education and are pivotal to learning and teaching. Assessment is the
process of making a judgement or measurement of the worth of an entity, for example, a person or
process. Evaluation in education involves gathering and evaluating data evolving from
planned learning activities, delivery of instructions, and/or programs. Students will get an understanding
of learning domains and their role in assessment. This course examines the purposes, paradigms, and
types of assessment and evaluation used in education, and in particular the innovations associated with
them. The course has the following main objectives for the students to understand the concepts and
application of classroom assessment, integrate objectives with evaluation and measurement, acquire skills
of assessing the learning outcomes, and interpret test scores and results of different assessment
Learning Outcomes:
After studying this course the prospective tteachers will be able to:
Understand the concepts and application of classroom assessment.
Integrate objectives with evaluation and measurement.
Acquire skills of assessing the learning outcomes.
Interpret test scores and results of different assessment techniques
Know about the trends and techniques of classroom assessment
Understand different alternative classroom assessment techniques
1. Measurement, Assessment and Evaluation
1.1. Concept of measurement, assessment and evaluation
1.2. Classroom assessment: Why,What, How and When
1.3. Types of assessment
1.4. Characteristics of assessment
1.5. Role of assessment
1.6. Principles of Classroom assessment
3.2. Techniques
3.2.1. Questionnaire
3.2.2. Observation
3.2.3. Interview
3.2.4. Rating scales
3.3. Standardized Testing
4. Types of Test
4.1. Selection type (Objective type)
4.1.1. Multiple choice questions
4.1.2. True false questions
4.1.3. Matching items
4.1.4. Completion items
4.2. Supply Type (Subjective type)
4.3. Short Answers
4.4. Essay
Recommended Texts:
Suggested Readings:
1. Gipps, C. (2011). Beyond Testing (Classic Edition): Towards a theory of educational assessment. UK:
2. Miller, M.D., Linn, R. L. & Gronlund. N. E. (2013). Measurement and assessment in teaching (11th
Edition). USA: Pearson
3. Wells, C. S., & Faulkner-Bond, M. (2016). Educational measurement: From foundations to future.
USA: Guilford Publications
Web-based Resources