HND Building Tech

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Plot B, Bida Road, P.M.B. 2239, Kaduna Nigeria





APRIL 2019
Table of contents

GeneralInformation ............................................................................................................................................ 3
CurriculumTable ................................................................................................................................................. 6
ArchitecturalCourses .......................................................................................................................................... 8
Principle of Architectural DesignandDrawing ................................................................................................. 8
BuildingCourses ............................................................................................................................................... 13
ConstructionTechnology I ............................................................................................................................. 13
ConstructionTechnology II ............................................................................................................................ 17
ConstructionTechnology III ........................................................................................................................... 22
ConstructionTechnology IV .......................................................................................................................... 25
Building Services andMaintenanceCourses .................................................................................................... 28
Building Services &Equipment I ................................................................................................................... 28
Building Services &Equipment II .................................................................................................................. 31
MaintenanceTechnology .............................................................................................................................. 33
MaintenanceManagement ............................................................................................................................ 37
CivilEngineeringCourses .................................................................................................................................. 40
Structural Design andDetailingI .................................................................................................................... 40
Structural Design andDetailingII ................................................................................................................... 44
Structural Design andDetailingIII .................................................................................................................. 46
Structural Design andDetailingIV ................................................................................................................. 49
Theory ofStructuresI ..................................................................................................................................... 52
Theory ofStructuresII .................................................................................................................................... 54
Theory ofStructuresIII ................................................................................................................................... 56
Computer Applications inProjectManagement ............................................................................................. 58
Management &MathematicalCourses .............................................................................................................. 60
Construction Management I ......................................................................................................................... 60
Construction Management II ........................................................................................................................ 62
Management PrinciplesandPractice ............................................................................................................. 64
Budgeting & FinancialControlI ...................................................................................................................... 67
Budgeting & FinancialControlII ..................................................................................................................... 68
IndustrialManagement .................................................................................................................................. 70
AdvancedCalculus ........................................................................................................................................ 76
Geo-Informatic and QuantitySurveyingCourses .............................................................................................. 81
EngineeringSurveyingI ................................................................................................................................. 81
Measurement of Civil EngineeringWorks I ................................................................................................... 84
Advanced Measurement of ConstructionWorks I ......................................................................................... 86
Advanced Measurement of ConstructionWorks II ........................................................................................ 88
Contract Lawsand Arbitration ....................................................................................................................... 89
Conditions ofContract ................................................................................................................................... 92
Estimating and PriceAnalysisI ...................................................................................................................... 94
Estimating and Price AnalysisII .................................................................................................................... 96
Technical ReportWriting ............................................................................................................................... 97
Project........................................................................................................................................................... 99
Guidelines for AssessmentofProject .......................................................................................................... 101
Supervisor AssessmentPartA ................................................................................................................. 101
Panel Assessment (Oral Defence)Part B ............................................................................................... 103
Reader AssessmentPart C ..................................................................................................................... 105
Guidelines for TextBookWriters ..................................................................................................................... 107
List of Equipment for the National Diploma in QuantitySurveyingProgramme .............................................. 108
List ofParticipants ........................................................................................................................................... 110
General Information

1.0 The certificate to be awarded and the programme title shall read: -


2.1 Goal
The Higher National Diploma in Building Technology is designed to produced diplomates with the knowledge and skills who will actively participate in the building
2.2 Objectives

On completion of the programme, the diplomate should be able to:

i. Supervise the construction of buildings of all sizes from setting out to final completion.

ii. Manage efficiently the construction of building of all sizes from setting out to final completion.
iii. Understand all kinds of building production documents;
iv.Interpret building production documents.
v. Carry out structural design and detailing of small and medium size buildings
vi. Prepare realistic estimates in terms of cost, materials and labour for all building works including maintenance works.

vii. Determine quality of material to be used for construction through appropriate tests in line with relevant codes of practice

viii Carry outbuilding surveys practice;

xi Prepare a cost effective post-tender report for all sizes of buildings contracts after competitivebidding.
The entry requirement for HND Building Technology programme are as follows:
 All the requirements for admission into National Diploma (ND) in Building technology
 National diploma in building technology with a minimum of lower credit pass;
 A minimum of one-year post National Diploma (ND) industrial training/work experience in Building or construction related industry
 Candidate with ND at pass level and a minimum of two years post ND industrial training/work experience may also be considered.
The programme is designed to run for a minimum of four semesters, which is two academic sessions.

5.1The curriculum of the HND Programme consists of the following four main components:
 General Studies/Education;
 Foundation courses;
 Professional/Core Courses;
 Project

5.2 The General Education component shall include courses in: English Language, Communication, Entrepreneurship Development. The General
Education component shall account for not more than 10 - 15% of the total contact hours for the programme

5.3 Foundation courses include courses in Mathematics, Information and Communication Technology, Engineering. The number of hours for the
foundation courses for the programme may account for about 10-15% of the total contact hours
5.4 Professional courses are core courses of the programme which give the student the theory, practical and professional skills he needs to practice his
field of calling at the technologist level. These may account for between 60-70% of the contact hours

The structure of the HND Programme consists of four semesters of classroom, laboratory and workshop activities in the Institution. Each semester shall
be of 17 weeks‟ duration made up as follows:
i. 15 contact weeks of teaching, i.e. lecture recitation and practical exercises, etc.; and
ii. 2 weeks for tests, quizzes, examinations and registration

The Higher National Diploma programme shall be accredited by the National Board for Technical Education before the diplomates can be awarded the certificates.
Details about the process of accrediting a programme for the award of the Higher National Diploma are available from the Executive Secretary, National Board for
Technical Education, Plot “B”, Bida Road, P.M.B. 2239, Kaduna, Nigeria.


The award of Higher National Diploma includes the following:
a. Satisfactory performance in all prescribed course work which may include class work, tests, quizzes.
b. Workshop practice, laboratory work.
c. Satisfactory performance at all semester examinations.
d. Satisfactory completion of final year project work. Normally, continuous assessment contributes 30%, project work 10% while semester examinations
are weighted 60% to make a total of 100%.

i. Grading of Courses: Courses shall be graded as follows:

Mark Range (%) Letter Grade Weighting
75 and Above A 4.00
70 – 74 AB 3.50
65 – 69 B 3.25
60 – 64 BC 3.00
55 – 59 C 2.75
50 – 54 CD 2.50
45 – 49 D 2.25
40 – 44 E 2.00
Below 40 F 0.00

ii. Classification of Diplomas: Diploma Certificates shall be awarded based on the following classifications:
 Distinction - CGPA of 3.5 and Above
 Upper Credit - CGPA of 3.00 - 3.49
 Lower Credit - CGPA of 2.50 - 2.99
 Pass - CGPA of 2.00 - 2.49


9.1 The new curriculum is drawn in unit courses. This is in keeping with the provisions of the National Policy on Education which stress the need to
introduce the semester credit units which will enable a student who so wish to transfer the units already completed in an institution similar standard from
which he/she is transferring

9.2 In designing the units, the principle of the modular system by product has been adopted, thus making each of the professional modules, when
completed provides the student with technician operative skills, which can be used for employment purposes self - and otherwise.

9.3 As the success of the credit unit system depends on the articulation of programmes between the institutions and industry, the curriculum content has been written
in behavioural objectives, so that it is clear to all the expected performance of the student who successfully completed some of the courses or the diplomates of the
programme. This is slight departure in the presentation of the performance based curriculum which requires the conditions under which the performance are expected to
be carried out and the criteria for the acceptable levels of performance. It is a deliberate attempt to further involve the staff of the department teaching he programme to
write their own curriculum stating the conditions existing in their institution under which performance can take place and to follow that with the criteria for determining an
acceptance level of performance. The Academic Board of the institution may vet departmental submission on the final curriculum. Our aim is to continue to see to it that
a solid internal evaluation system exists in each institution for ensuring minimum standard and quality of education in the programmes offered throughout the
Polytechnic system

9.4 The teaching of the theory and practical work should, as much as possible, be integrated. Practical exercises, especially those in professional courses
and laboratory work should not be taught in isolation from the theory. For each course, there should be a balance of theory to practical in the ratio of 50:50
or 60:40 or the reverse.


Final year students in this programme are expected to carry out a project work. This could be on individual basis or group work. The project should, as
much as possible incorporates basic element of design, drawing and complete fabrication of a marketable item or something that can be put to use. Project
reports should be well presented and should be properly supervised. The departments should make their own arrangement of schedules for project work.
Curriculum Table



BLD 311 Theory of structures I 2 - 1 2

BLD 312 Construction Technology I 1 3 3 4

BLD 313 Structural Design & Detailing I 1 3 2 4

BLD 314 Advanced Measurement of Construction Work I 2 2 3 4

BLD 315 Building Services & Equipment I 1 1 2 2

BLD 316 Application of ICT in Building I 1 1 2 2

QUS 313 Contract Law & Arbitration 2 - 2 2

ARC 323 Principles of Architectural Design & Drawing 0 3 2 3

MTH 312 Advanced Calculus 1 - 2 1

SUG 208 Engineering Surveying I 1 2 2 3

TOTAL 12 15 21 27


BLD 321 Theory of structures II 2 - 2 2 BLD 311

BLD 322 Construction Technology II 2 3 3 5 BLD 312

BLD 323 Structural Design & Detailing II 2 3 3 5 BLD 313

BLD 324 Advanced Measurement of Construction 1 2 3 3 -

Works II
BLD 325 Building Services& Equipment II 2 - 2 2 BLD 315

QUS 314 Conditions of Contract 2 - 1 2 -

BLD 326 Application of ICT in Building II 3 - 1 3 BLD 316

GNS 311 International Relations 1 1 2 -

BLD 327 Management Principles and Practice 2 - 2 2

BLD 328 Research Methods 1 - 1 1

TOTAL 19 8 19 27


BLD 411 Theory of structures III 1 - 2 1 BLD 321

BLD 412 Construction Technology III 1 3 3 4 BLD 322

BLD 413 Structural Design & Detailing III 1 3 2 4 BLD 323

BLD 414 Estimating and Price Analysis I 2 - 2 2 -

BLD 415 Maintenance Technology 1 2 3 3 -

BLD 416 Construction Management I 2 - 2 2 -

BLD 417 Budgeting & Financial Control I 2 - 2 2 -

QUS 316 Measurement of Civil Engineering Work I 1 3 2 4 -

BLD 418 Building Information Modeling - 3 1 3

BLD 419 Integrated Studio Design - 1 1

TOTAL 11 15 20 26


BLD 421 Professional practice & Ethics 2 - 2 2 -

BLD 422 Construction Technology IV 2 3 3 5 BLD 412

BLD 423 Structural Design & Detailing IV 1 3 2 4 BLD 413

BLD 424 Estimating and Price Analysis II 1 - 2 2 -

BLD 425 Maintenance& Facility Management 2 - 2 2 -

BLD 426 Construction Management II 2 - 2 2 BLD 416

BLD 427 Budgeting and Financial Control II 2 - 2 2 -

BLD 428 Innovative Building Studies 1 - 1 1 -

BLD 429 Project 2 4 6 6 -

TOTAL 15 10 22 25 -
PROGRAMME: Higher National Diploma in Building Technology
COURSE: Theory of Structures I COURSE CODE: 311
GOAL: Designed to enable students understand the principles of structural elements, joints, frame structures

On completion of this course, the students should be able to:

1.0 Understand types of structural elements and joints in a framed structure.

2.0 Understand Analytical Graphical methods for determining Reactions and Force in the Members of Statically Determinate Structures.
3.0 Understand the use of Influence lines to determine Bending Moment Shear &Reactions, in a simple supported Beam by a moving Load.

COURSE: Theory of Structures I COURSE CODE: BLD 311 CONTACT


Course Specification: Theoretical Content 2 HRS

General Objective 1.0: Understand types of structural elements and joints in a framed structure.

Week Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation

1.1 Define the term structure. • Describe the term  White 1.1 Identify Primary • Guide the • Identify
1.2 Describe primary types of structure. board structural elements in student to primary type
structure and primary • Explain to the student marker a building on site identify of structure
1 primary types of structure and structural
structural elements. 1.2 Identify fixed joints • Identify
and also primary structural projector Roller joints in a elements in an different
2 1.3. Draw types of Joint. elements. existing Building
building on site types of joint.
1.4 Explain each type of Joint • Give examples of each type. • Guide the
and its free body • Show the students types of student to
components joints, e.g, Fixed or Roller identify type of
Joints and Pin Joints. joints in a
building on site

General Objective 2.0: Understand Analytical and Graphical methods for determining Reactions and Force in the Members of Statically Determinate
WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource

2.1 Define statically • Explain statically  White board   

determinate structures. determinate structures. marker and
3 2.2 State Equations of • Explain to the students projector
Equilibrium. equations of

Equilibrium for plane and
space structures.
2.3 Explain supports, • Describe supports,  White board
reactions and free body reactions and free body marker and
diagrams. diagrams using Questions projector
2.4 Apply sign Conventions. and answer.
4 • Sketch types of supports
2.5 Calculate bending
and free body diagrams
moment and shear Force.
• State the sign conventions to
be used.
• Show the students
how to calculate
bending moment and
Shear Force.
2.6 Explain Bending Moment Explain Bending Moment and  White board 2.6 2.6 Draw Bending moment  Guide in  Draw Bending
6 and Shear marker and producing moment and
Shear moment and shear diagram shear force diagram
force diagrams. force diagrams and practical projector Bending moment shear force
2.7 and shear diagrams
2.7 State relationship • Derive equations relating
7 between Load, shear Load, Shear force and  White board
force and Bending Bending marker and
Moment. • Moments projector

COURSE: Theory of Structures I COURSE CODE: BLD 311 CONTACT


Course Specification: Theoretical Content

Week Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Teacher’s activities Evaluation
2.8 Analyse beams on two • Show the student how to 2.8 Identify cantilever beam  Organize visits to  Identify
supports and Beams with analyse beams on two on site identify cantilever cantilever
hinges. supports and with hinges.  White board beam on site beam in
2.9 Analyse a Cantilever Beam. • Demonstrate to the students marker and existing
how to analyse a cantilever projector building
2.10 Analyse plane frames,
• Demonstrate to the student
space frames three hinged
how to analyse a cantilever
8- 12 articles, fixed arch, and two
hinged arch.
• Show the students how to
2.11 Use graphical methods of
analyse plane frames,
determination of reactions,
space frames, three hinged
Shear force
arches, fixed arch, and two
and Moment
hinged arch.
• Demonstrate how to use
graphical method in
determining reactions, shear
force and
General Objective 3.0: : Understand the use of Influence lines to determine Bending Moment Shear &Reactions, in a simple supported Beam by a moving Load.

3.1 Derive influence lines for • Show the students how to • White board • • •
13 reactions, Shear force and derive influence lines for marker and
bending Moment for a reactions, shear force and projector.
simply Supported beam. bending
moment for simply supported
3.2 Explain various loading • List various types of 3.2 identify various loading  Visit sites to  Identify
system. loading systems. White board marker systems on different identify types of different
Uniformly and projector. buildings loading in loading
14 3.3 Calculate bending moment building systems in
• Distributed Load (UDL),
and shear force due to simple building
point load etc.
and uniformly distributed moving
• Determine bending
moment and shear force
due to single and UDL
moving load.
3.4 Calculate Maximum bending • Determine bending moment White board marker
15 moment and Shear Force due to and shear force due to and projector.
a asingle/point/concentrated
single/point/concentrated Moving Moving Load.

Assessment: Coursework: 20% Course test: 20% Practical 20% Examination 40%

Competency: The Student should understand nature of joints and be able to

analyse simple determinate structure
References: 1. Moffatt, W. G. "Structure".
2. Optimum, "Structural design” theory and application".
PROGRAMME: Higher National Diploma in Building Technology
COURSE: Construction Technology I COURSE CODE: 312
GOAL: This course is designed to provide students with knowledge of site organization, techniques in construction of Building

On completion of this course, the students should be able to:

1.0 Understand how to Organize a Site
2.0 Understand the techniques, procedures and plans involved in large scale earth movement
3.0 Understand the principles and construction of formwork, trusses and floors.

COURSE :Construction Technology I COURSE CODE: BLD CONTACT

312 HRS:4

Course Specification : Theoretical Content

General Objective 1.0: Understand how to Organize a Site

WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation

1.1 List the main factor to be • Explain factor to be • Building • Factors to be consider in the • Explain principal • Identification of
considered in the layout of a new considered in the Construction layout of new construction site factors which factors consider
1 construction site. layout of a new site visit affects layout of site in layout of new
• Materials storages facilities
1.2 Outline the principal factors, construction site, workshop on site construction site
which affect layout of principal factors, which
affect layout of
materials, storage facilities and
materials, storage
workshops on site.
facilities and workshops
on site
1.3 Explain the basis of the 1.3 Explain the basis of • White board
2 client-engineer-contractor the client-engineer- marker
relationship in Civil Engineering contractor and
contracts. relationship in Civil
1.4 Itemize the principal duties of a Engineering
resident engineer. contracts.

List the principal duties of

a resident engineer.
1.5 Outline a recommended Explain recommended • White board • Procedures for lifting heavy • Explains procedure • Identify
3 procedure for lifting heavy or procedure for lifting heavy marker objects on site to minimize for lifting heavy methods of
or bulky objects on site. injuries objects lifting objects in
bulky objects on site to minimize the
rise of injury.
General Objective 2.0: Understand the techniques, procedures and plans involved
in large scale
earth movement
WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource
2.1 List factors, which influence the Explain factors, which • Equipment & • Factors which influence the • Explain in detailed • Identification of
choice of earth moving equipment. influence the choice of plant yard choice of earth moving factors influencing the operation
2.2 Explain the operation of the earth moving equipment. visit machines choice of earth modes of earth
following types of earth moving And the operation of - Back-actors moving equipment moving
4 plants: the following types of equipment
a. Back-acting excavator earth moving plants: - Draglines
e. Back-acting - Scrappers
b. Dragline
excavator - Graders
c. Scraper
f. Dragline
d. Grader
g. Scraper
• Grader
2.3 Describe by means of annotated • White board • Construction of a diaphramms • Explain top soil on • Illustrate correct
5 sketches the stages of - do - marker site, Back fill compaction
materials, correct procedure
construction of a diaphragm wall.
2.4 Explain the use of topsoil onsite. Explain the use of topsoil
6 2.5 Explain the use of imported onsite.
backfill materials on site outlining Explain the use of imported
the correct compaction procedure. backfill materials on site
outlining the correct
compaction procedure
WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Teacher’s activities Evaluation
3.1 Describe by means of • Use questions and • Site visit of on- • Frameworks for columns, • sketches how form works • Identify
sketches how formwork is answers to discribe going building wall, beams, floor etc are supported for col walls construction of
supported for: formwork. project beans etc formwork
a. a reinforced concrete • Illustrate with sketches
b. a large reinforced
concrete wall
c. a suspended beam
3.2 Summarize the requirements of • White board • illustrate requirement of • identify requirement of • Identify the
8 formwork marker formworks formworks and types requirements of
3.3 Describe briefly the following and ypes of formworks formworks
types of formwork; timber, steel,
plastic, pneumatic tubing ,etc.
3.4 Write brief notes on the Explain the following; -do- Explain the
following; following;
9 d. Release agents.
a. Release agents. • Release
e. Expose
b. Expose daggregates. daggregates.
Knock-off finish • Expose
c. Knock-off finish. daggregates
3.5 Explain roof truss with welded • Illustrate with sketches -do- Sketch a typical steel roof • identify welded connections • Questions and
10 connectors truss with welded & fixing root trusses illustrations
illustrating methods of fixing the connectors
roof truss to a universal column • illustrating methods of
stanchion. fixing the roof truss to a
universal column
3.6 Explain the principle of • Illustrate with good • White board • illustrate triangulation in • identify Basic steps in • Identify
11 triangulation in relation to roof sketch marker relation to roof trusses triangulation of roof trusses triangulation
methods roof
3.7 Explain with the aid of sketches • Illustrate with good - Do- • illustrate typical timber • sketchs roof trusses & • Identify methods
12 a typical timber roof sketches showing the roof truss (Drawing) method of securing of securing
truss of short to medium distinctions methods of securing the members members together
span indicating methods of members (Drawings)
securing the members

3.8 Describe details of forming • illustrate forming small • demonstrate the process & • Illustrate process
small opening in the following openings for suspended procedure of forming & procedures of
13 types of suspended floors: - do - - do - timba & solid reinforced opening floors forming opening in
a. Timber concrete timber & R.C.
b. Solid reinforced
3.9 Describe • Illustrate with good -do- Sketch Guide
details of forming sketches showing the details of students in
14 small opening In distinctions. forming sketching
the following types small small
of suspended opening In opening In Explain the
floors: the the following
c. Precast concrete following following • Precast concrete
types of types of
d. Hollow pot in site • Hollow pot R.C.
suspended suspended
e. rein forced concrete floors: floors: floors
f. Precast • Precast concrete
• Hollow pot in site
g. Hollow pot in rein forced concrete
rein forced concrete

• Precast concrete
• Precast concrete
• Hollow pot R.C. floors
• Hollow pot R.C. floors
3.10 Explain process of the • Site visit -do- • Construct of solid RC & • Guides students on site • Identify the basic
15 construction of solid reinforced Hollow pot in site RC difference
concrete Floor between Hollow
pot Floor & Solid
and hollow pot in -situ reinforced
R. C.
concrete floors.

COURSE :Construction Technology I COURSE CODE: BLD CONTACT

312 HRS:4

Course Specification : Theoretical Content

Assessment: Coursework: 20% course test: 20% Practical 20% Examination 40%.

Competency: The Student should understand how to organize a site and be familiar with earthwork and formwork in the construction
References: (i) Ching, F. D. K, "Building Construction illustrated".
(ii) Clyde, P. E., "Construction inspection".

COURSE :Construction Technology I COURSE CODE: CONTACT HRS: 4

Course Specification: Practical Content

General Objective: Understand how to organize a site and be familiar with

earthworks and formwork
in the construction industry.
WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation

1.1 Explain of how Explain of • Chalkboard, • Draw sketches of how Draw Explain
formwork is supported how drawing, formwork is sketches of how
for: formwork supported for: how formwork
• Instruments and
a. A is • A reinforced formwork is is
2-4 materials.
reinforce supported concrete supported supporte
d for: column. for: d in a
concrete A • A large reinforced A suspend
column. reinf concrete wall reinfor ed beam
b. A large orce • A suspended beam ced
reinforced d concre
concrete wall conc te
c. A suspended beam. rete colmn
colu n.
mn. A large
A large reinforced
reinforced concrete
concrete wall
wall • A suspended beam
1.2 Describe steel roof truss with Explain a typical Roofing sheets Sketch a typical steel roof truss Guide students in Describe a typical
welded Connectors illustrating steel roof truss with with welded Connectors illustrating sketching a typical steel roof truss
5-7 methods of fixing the roof welded Connectors methods of fixing the roof steel roof truss with with welded
Truss to a universal column illustrating methods Truss to a universal column welded Connectors Connectors
stanching. of fixing the roof stanching. illustrating methods of illustrating
Truss to a universal fixing the roof methods of fixing
column stanching. Truss to a universal the roof
column stanching. Truss to a
universal column

1.3 Describe details of forming 1.4 Explain details Timber 1.3 Sketch details of forming small 1.3 Lead students to 1.3 Explain openings
small openings in the of forming small openings in the sketch details of in the
Following types of suspended openings in the Solid reinforced Following types of suspended forming small Following types of
floors: Following types of concrete floors: openings in the suspended floors:
8-9 suspended floors: Following types of
a. Timber Precast concrete a. Timber Timber, Solid
Hollow post in sites suspended floors:
a. Timber reinforced concrete
b. Solid reinforced reinforced concrete b. Solid reinforced concrete
a. Timber
concrete b. Solid Precast concrete
c. Precast concrete
reinforced b. Solid Hollow post in sites
c. Precast concrete Hollow post in sites reinforced
concrete reinforced reinforced concrete
d. Holl concrete
ow c. Precast
post in concrete c. Precast
sites Hollow post in sites concrete
reinfor reinforced concrete Hollow post in sites
ced reinforced concrete

COURSE :Construction Technology I COURSE CODE: BLD CONTACT HRS: 4


Course Specification: Practical Content

1.4 Explain process involve in • Explain process • Cement • Carry out the construction of • show students how • Explain in details the
the construction of solid involve in the solid reinforced Concrete to construct a solid construction of solid
• Gravels Sand, steel
reinforced Concrete and hollow construction of solid and hollow pot in-situ reinforced Concrete reinforced Concrete
10-15 reinforced Concrete
pot in-situ reinforced concrete • Reinforcement, vibrators, reinforced concrete floors. and hollow pot in- and hollow pot in-situ
floors. and hollow pot in-situ • Cube moulds crushing situ reinforced reinforced concrete
reinforced concrete machine. concrete floors. floors.
PROGRAMME: Higher National Diploma in Building Technology
COURSE: Structural Design and Detailing I COURSE CODE: 313
GOAL: Equip Students with Basic Knowledge of Structural Design and Detailing

On completion of this course, the students should be able to:

1.0 Know Codes of Practice used in Structural Design

2.0 Understand the process of design
3.0 Understand and apply limit state characteristic material strengths and safety and design loads.
4.0 Understand stress-strain relationships for concrete and steel.
5.0 Know the design methods of reinforced concrete rectangular beams.
6.0 Know how to design solid slabs and stairs.

COURSE: Structural Design and Detailing I COURSE CODE: BLD CONTACT HRS:

Course Specification: Theoretical Content

General Objective 1.0: Know Codes of Practice used in Structural Design

WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Evaluation
1.1 Explain the development of the code of • Show the relevant • Marker, • • • Briefly
practice from CP114, CP110, BS 8110 for codes B.S. and white board, explain the
reinforced concrete; CP115 for prestressed EUROCODES 1-7 Relevant development
concrete and CP116 for pre-cast concrete Codes of CP114,
1.1 Explain the objective of Limit State Design. andB.S. CP110 and
1.2 Explain BS 4449 for Steel Design.
• State what
1.3 1.4 Explain BS 5950 for Steel Design. these codes
are for:
1.4 1.5 Explain EUROCODES 1-7
General Objective 2.0: Understand the process of design

WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Evaluation
2.1 Explain the steps in good design practice • Use questions and • Marker and • Visit to a Design office for the • Guide the • What are the
as follows: answers to discuss white board. students to see how this is students characteristics
a. Full Clients brief carried out follow the of a good
steps design
b. Liaising with all other
members of the design
c. Preliminary Investigation.
2 d. Adequacy of Preliminary
Design for the purpose of
initial reliable estimate.
e. General arrangement
of drawings.
f. Final Design -
Working Drawings.
2.2 Interpret each item in the design

COURSE: Structural Design and Detailing I COURSE CODE: CONTACT HRS:

BLD 313

Course Specification: Theoretical Content

General Objective 3.0: Understand and apply limit state characteristic

material strengths and safety
and design loads.
WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Evaluation
3.1 Explain ultimate limit State as • Use question • White board, • Use the Gaussian curve • Guide the • Explain
a probabilistic approach to and answer to marker and • Use the classroom to illustrate/show Dead students to use ultimate
design. describe the projector. load, Live/imposed loads, wind load and the results from limit State
3.2 Explain characteristic of loads. ultimate limit, water the curve. as a
3 dead loads as a probabilistic
3.3 Explain dead loads, • Guide the
probability students in approach to
imposed loads and wind
approach calculating design.
3.4 Explain partial factors of safety these loads •
and global
factors of safety.
3.5 Calculate design load • White board and • Calculate design load for ultimate Design • Calcul
for ultimate and marker and serviceability limitstate. load for ate
serviceability limitstate. • Explain serviceability limit state in termsof ultimate desig
4 -do- • EUROCODE 1-7
3.6 Explain serviceability limit • deflection, cracking, durability, fire and n load
state in termsof resistance, vibration and fatigue. serviceabili for
deflection, cracking, durability, ty ultima
fire resistance, vibration and limitstate. te and
fatigue. Explain servic
serviceability limit eabilit
state in termsof y
• deflection, limitst
cracking, ate.
durability, fire • Explain
resistance, serviceability
vibration and limit state in
fatigue. termsof
• deflection,
durability, fire
vibration and

General Objective 4.0: Understand stress-strain relationships for concrete

and steel.
WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Evaluation
4.1 Explain short-term • Use question • White board, • • •
design stress-strain Curve and answer to DesignStudio and
for concrete incompression. discuss Projector 8.
4.2 Explain short-term • Use sample of
5 design stress-strain curve Bar bending • Sample of Bar
4.3 Explain creep of
schedule to bending schedule • Identify mild steel as that with smooth • Guide the
illustrate surface (R) students to
concrete, shrinkage of identify the
concrete. • Identify high yield steel as ribbed or
deformed (y) provided
4.4 Illustrate bar shape and sizes, samples
gradesand • Identify the grades of concrete (fcu) in
use • Guide the
strength of concrete and studentsto
reinforcement. identify the bar
sizes provided
General Objective 5.0: Know the design methods of reinforced concrete
rectangular beams.
WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Evaluation
5.1 Explain the behaviours • Use questions • Whiteboard • The development of strain and stresses • Guide the •
of a reinforced concrete and answers to (from elastic to plastic stages) and derive students to
• BS8110
beam section. discuss. the formulae of the reinforced concrete identify the
5.2 Carry out preliminary • Use the • EUROCODE beam section neutral axis X,
6 analysis and member sizing. appropriate code effective, d
5.3 Calculate the moment of to design for lever arm, z,
resistance for a singly bending. compression
reinforced section. force, c and
5.4 Design for bending. Tensile force T

COURSE: Structural Design and COURSE CODE: BLD 313 CONTACT

Detailing I HRS:
Course Specification: Theoretical Content

5.5 Design for shear, • Use appropriate code to design • Whit board
• Visit the site to see where these apply • Guide the •
bond anchorage and for shear and amount of in the structure and what is done to take students to
• BS8110
check for deflection. reinforcements. care of them. understand the
5.6 Calculate minimum • Use question and answer to • EUROCODE • Sketch shear failure connection
7 amount of longitudinal bars discuss. between the
and stirrups. • Use the appropriate codeto • Sketch to show the bond between beam and
5.7 Explain Bar Spacing rules. concrete and steel and the need for a column and
design for bending. deeper reinforcement in the physically the possible
5.8 Illustrate standard
• Draw a beam section and detail it problems.
detailing practice.
5.9 Draw beam section and
5.10 Calculate moment • Explain the fact that when K ≥ • Design and detail a beam section with • Guide the
of resistance for a 0.156, then there is the need for compression reinforcement, ;doubly students to be
8 double reinforced compression reinforcement in - do - reinforced section able to design
section. addition to the tension a beam
5.11 Calculate the reinforcement. Use the section
compression steel appropriate formula
• Asc=Mapp-0.156bd fcu
reinforcement. 0.95fy (d-d )

5.12 Design a continuous • Design and detail continuous beams • Guide the
9 beam. • Illustrate by showing an example - do - using the design graphs students to
- do - design
5.13 Use Design graphs. continuous
beams using
5.14 Calculate effective • Use questions and answers to • White board • Design a flanged beam(T-Section and • •
width of flanged beam for T discuss. L section).
• BS8110
and L sections. • Use the appropriate code to • Carry out reinforcement detailing.
5.15 Calculate design for • EUROCODE
10 • Explain curtailment of bars
moment of resistance • bending.
• Projector
of a flanged beam
5.16 .

General Objective 6.0: Know how to design solid slabs and stairs.

WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Evaluation
6.1 Carry out preliminary sizing • Design slabs spanning in two
of slabs using span-effective directions.
11 -12 depth ratio. - - do -
6.2 Calculate shear, punching do
shear, local bond -

and distribution steel.

6.5 Describe stairs spanning - - do - • Design a stair slab spanning
13-15 horizontally. do horizontally and detail.
• Design a stair slab spanning

COURSE: Structural Design and Detailing I COURSE CODE: BLD 313 CONTACT
Course Specification: Theoretical Content

Assessment: Coursework: 20% Course test: 20% Practical 20% Examination 40%

Competency: The Students should be familiar with relevant codes of practice and be
able to carry out design and detailing the beams and slaps
References: 1. Newman, N, "Standard Structural details for building construction".
2. Oladipo, I. O. "Fundamentals of the design of concrete structure".
PROGRAMME: Higher National Diploma in Building Technology
COURSE: Advanced Measurement of Construction
Work I
GOAL: This course is designed to provide students with knowledge and understanding in Construction Works Measurement.
On completion of this course, the students should be able to:

1.0 Know how to measure from drawings and by reference to specifications of more
2.0 Know how to Read from building drawings and preparing specifications and schedules of more complex building construction.


Course: Advanced Measurement of Construction Course Code: Contact Hours: 4

Work I
BLD 314

Course Specification: Theoretical Content

General Objective 1.0: Know how to measure from drawings and by reference to specifications of
complex building construction
WEEK Special Learning Teachers Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s Evaluation
Objective: Outcomes activities

- Measure • Explain Foundation. • Detailed Architectural drawings for • Make available • Guide students • How do you
substructure • Explain how to measure building, white board, scale rule, detailed how to read and measure a
substructure work and special
work for foundation pencil, eraser etc Architectural measure detailed substructure work
complex • Describe how to measure floor- drawing for a Architectural for a complex
and special solid, suspended, ground floor slab typical building. drawings foundation?
and associated reinforcement and
foundations. • Explain how to measure walls of
1.2 Measure brickwork, block work of solid cavity
and hollow nature together with
floor-solid, associated features
ground floor slab
and associated
and formwork
1.3 Measure walls of
brickwork, block
work of solid cavity
and hollow
nature, together
with associated
1.4 Measure doors, - Explain how to Measure • Make • Guide • Measure
• Detailed Architectural students doors,
windows and doors, windows and drawings for building, how to windows
white board, scale rule, read and and
8 associated frames associated frames and iron Architectur
pencil, eraser etc measure associated
al drawing
and iron mongery mongery including for a typical detailed frames and
including adjustment for openings building. Architectu iron monger.
adjustment for • Describe how to drawings
openings Measure roof
construction and roof
1.5 Measure roof covering-reinforced
construction and concrete roofs, steel
roof covering- trusses tiles, felt
reinforced asbestos, corrugated
concrete roofs, sheet, ead, zinc, copper
steel trusses tiles, and aluminum
felt asbestos,
corrugated sheet,
zinc, copper and
1.6 Measure • Explain how to • Detailed • Make • Guide • Measure
measure timber Architectural available students staircase
staircase timber, drawings for detailed how to timber using
reinforced reinforced building, white Architectur read and a typical
15 concrete including board, scale rule, al drawing measure Architectural
concrete including pencil, eraser etc for a typical detailed drawing
finishing. building. Architectu
• Describe the
1.7 Measure fittings measurement of
fittings and fixture
and fixture- cupboards,
cupboards, shelving, skirting,
shelving, skirting, pictures rails,
architrave's picture pelmets, dadoes
rails, pelmets,
• Describe frame
dadoes etc. structural steel,
1.8 Measure frames-
concrete beam
structural steel,
General Objective. Know how to Read from building drawings and preparing
specifications and schedules of more complex building construction.

WEEK Specific Learning Outcomes: Teachers Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s activities Evaluation
1 draw substructure work for • Detailed Architectural • Demonstrate to • Guide • Read
complex and specification of Drawings, chalkboard students how to students Architect
more complex building and related items. read Architectural how to ural
construction of traditional drawings for read drawings
class and simple industrial substructure Architectu and
buildings of two stories. works ral specificat

• Show students drawings ions for

how to read • Guide a

specifications of students complex

more complex how to buildings

buildings. read
ons of a

2 Provide and read drawing • • Detailed • Provide Detailed • Guide • How do you
Architectural Architectural drawings students to prepare
substructure for complex and Drawings, • Demonstrate to identified schedules for
special foundations. chalkboard and students how to read detailed doors and
7 - 13 related items and interpret drawings Architectural windows for
3 Prepare specification and • Show students how to drawings a complex
prepare specifications • Guide buildings?
schedules of suspended,
and schedules of students to • Prepare
ground floor slab of building suspended, ground read and specification
drawings. floor slab of a building interpret and
drawings detailed schedules of
4 Prepare doors, and windows • Demonstrate how to drawings suspended
schedules for a complex prepare doors and • Guide ground floor
windows schedules for students how slab of
a complex building to prepare building
schedules for drawings.
doors and
windows for a

Assessment: Course work 20% Course Test 20% Practical - 20% Examination - 40%.

Competency: The student should be able to prepare measurements from drawings in a standard

Reference: Emmanuel C. Oborch, Agele Olufolai "Advance measurement of Building works"

PROGRAMME: Higher National Diploma in Building Technology
COURSE: Building Services & Equipment I COURSE CODE: 315
GOAL: Equip students with the knowledge of Building Services

On completion of this course, the students should be able to:

1.0 Understand the principles and techniques of water supply to buildings
2.0 Know the design requirements for, pipes and pipe fittings and methods of testing drainage systems.
3.0 Know the various methods of disposing wastes from building
4.0 Understand the supply methods and distribution of gas into buildings
5.0 Know the various equipment used for moving people in high rise building
6.0 Understand refuse disposal system and their incorporation in building

COURSE: Building Services & Equipment I COURSE CODE: BLD CONTACT HRS:
315 2HRS

Course Specification: Theoretical Content

General Objective 1.0: Understand the principles and techniques of water supply to buildings

WEEK Specific Learning Outcomes: Teachers Activities Resource

1.1 Describe the main sources of water supply Explain the main sources • White board. • • • List the main
of water supply • Charts. sources of
1 1.2 Explain methods of treatment and storage
And methods of water.
of water supply. • Projector
treatment and its

1.3 Explain distribution methods Explain distribution • Drawings • Sketch Guide students • Mention the
methods multi-storage • Charts distribution in the sketch of methods of
1.4 Explain supply to multi-storage buildings and
buildings and problems methods distribution distribution of
2 problems associated with this. • Projector
associated with this and methods water.
1.5 Describe types of sanitary fittings in • Sketch supply to
explain types of sanitary
multi-storage multi-storage
buildings. fittings in buildings
buildings and buildings and
problems problems
associated with associated
this. with it.
• Sketch types of Sketch types
sanitary fittings of sanitary
in buildings. fittings in
General Objective 2.0: Know the design requirements for, pipes and pipe fittings and methods of testing
drainage systems.
WEEK Specific Learning Outcomes: Teachers Activities Resource

2.1 Outline the design requirements for efficient • Lecture and • Whiteboard, • • • What are
drainage system. • Diagrams the
• Use drawings to explain
2.2 Describe the cause of losses of trap seals requirements
drainage system, losses of • Samples of
together with precaution to avoid this for an
3- 5 trap of seal, pipes and pipes.
2.3 Identify pipes and pipe fittings in use. efficient
• Projector. drainage
2.4 Identify the relative merit and demerits of
different soil and waste systems.
2.5 Describe the methods of testing drainage.

General Objective 3.0: Know the various methods of disposing wastes from building.

WEEK Specific Learning Outcomes: Teachers Activities Resource

3.1 State the methods of waste disposal, e.g. Explain the methods of  White board.  Outline the
6 biological processes, land processes, waste disposal, e.g.  Diagram. methods of
incineration etc. biological processes,  Projectors. waste disposal
3.1 Describe the methods for 3.1 land processes,
incineration etc.
Explain the
methods for 3.1
3.2 Outline the basic methods of sewage and Explain the basic methods  Carry out the  Guide the  State the
waste disposal. of sewage and waste design of a student to methods of
7 3.3 Describe the design considerations of sewage disposal. -do- typical sewage execute this. sewage and
treatment plant. treatment plant waste disposal
3.4 Describe a treatment plant and the  White board.  State the
treatment process  Diagrams. regulation
3.5 State the regulation code of practice that  Projector. code for the
8 govern its functionality -do-  Relevant codes sewage
3.6 State methods of providing fresh air to sewage treatment plant
lines  List the
methods of
sewage lines.
General Objective 4.0: Understand the supply methods and distribution of gas into buildings.

WEEK Specific Learning Outcomes: Teachers Activities Resource

4.1 State the sources of gas. Explain the sources of gas.  White board.  Carry out a  Organise and  Mention the
Discuss the statutory law and  Diagrams. survey of guide the sources of
9 4.2 Describe the statutory law and building building regulations governing  Projector. dwellings using student for the gas.
regulations that govern the supply and use of the supply and use of gas.  Relevant codes gas and by exercise.
gas. which method
4.3 Describe the methods of supply and use of of supply.
gas to the building.  Carry out a  Organise and  State the
4.4 Compare its merits and demerits comparative guide the merits and
overelectricity. study of student for the demerits of
dwellings using exercise. gas over
electricity and electricity.
or gas.
General Objective 5.0: Know the various equipment used for moving people in high rise building.

WEEK Specific Learning Outcomes: Teachers Activities Resource

5.1 List the different types of mechanical movement Explain the mechanical  White board.  Visit high-rise  Organize and  List the
requirements in high rise buildings, lifts, movement requirements in  Diagrams. building with a lift guide the mechanical
10-11 escalators, etc. high-rise buildings.  Projector. and or escalator student on movement
5.2 State the factors governing selection for different such a visit. requirements in
 Identify various
situations high-rise
equipment used in  Illustrate
moving in high-rise various building.
building. equipment  Mention the
used in factors affecting
moving in the choice high-
high-rise rise building
building. movement

General Objective 6.0: Understand refuse disposal system and their incorporation in building.

WEEK Specific Learning Outcomes: Teachers Activities Resource

6.1 Describe domestic, commercial and industrial Explain the various sources  White board.
12 refuse and possible hazard arising from them. of refuse with their possible  Diagrams.
health hazards  Projector.

6.2 Describe common domestic refuse installations in Explain the various refuse  White board.  Visit residential  Organise and  List the
13-14 building, e.g., Refuse chute, grinder, Garchey collection point installation  Diagrams. dwellings to guide the domestic refuse
System.  Projector. identify these. student on installations.
such a visit.
6.3 Describe site suitable for tipping of refuse Explain landfills / dumpsites  White board.  Visit a nearby  Organise and
15 controlled and uncontrolled tipping sites. as relating to refuse  Diagrams. landfill/dumpsite guide the
disposal  Projector. student on
such a visit.

Assessment: Coursework: 20% Course test: 20% Practical: 0% Examination 60%

Competency: The student should be familiar with the techniques of water supply, waste water and
refuse disposal and gas supply to buildings.
References: 1. Mcguiness, W. J. "Building technology: Mechanical and electrical system".
2. Hall, F, " plumbing: Cold water supplies, drainage".
PROGRAMME: Higher National Diploma in Building Technology
COURSE: Application of ICT in Building I COURSE CODE: BLD 316
GOAL: Understand the use of MS Project 2016 software for project management

On completion of this course, the students should be able to.

1.0 Understand the role of project Management software for Corporate effectiveness and procedures for data analysis
2.0 Understand the use of MS Project 2016 software and its components
3.0 Understand how to create Baseline Schedule and network programme.
4.0 Understand how to use analytical tools to analyse data.
PROGRAMME: Higher National Diploma in Building Technology

COURSE: Application of ICT in Building Course Code: BLD Contact Hours: 2

I 316

Course Specification

General Objective 1.0: Understand the role of project Management software for Corporate effectiveness and procedures for the data analysis

WEEK Specific Learning Objective: Teachers Activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation

1.1. Describe the relevance • Use various real • LCD Projector 1.1 Illustrate available types of  Guide students to • What is project
of ICT in project life Management project management soft wares differentiate management
• Interactive board
Management environments to 1.2 State the merits and demerits between soft wares • Enumerate
1.2. list the available types of explain so as to • Personal of project management soft and their project
1-3 enable students to Computer systems significance
software in Project wares management
Management appreciate installed with current software.
1.3 Explain the merits construction Projector.
and demerits of software • Management Package
using computer- Management.
based Project

COURSE: Application of ICT in Building I Course Code: BTC 316 Contact Hours:

Course Specification

General Objective 2 0: Understand the use of MS Project 2016 software and it components

WEEK Specific Learning Teachers Activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation
2.1 Appreciate how  Take a typical project and 2.1 Break WBS into milestone  Guide students to  Differentiates
work programmes create a WBS to detail the break WBS into WBS,
are broken into Project into: milestones milestones,
milestones.  Milestone
4.1 2.2 Break milestones into  Guide students to tasks and
4.2 break milestones subtasks
2.2 Explain How  Tasks Tasks into tasks
4-6 Milestone are ditto
 Assist students to
broken into Tasks.  Subtasks 3.3 2.3 Allocate time and allocate time and
2.3 Explain how Tasks  Ask students to allocate Time 3.4 resources to tasks and resources to task.
are broken into Sub- and Resources to Tasks and 3.5 sub tasks
tasks. subtasks.
2.4 write out the  Ask student to establish
allocation of Time relationship between tasks in
and Resources to the given project.
tasks and sub-tasks.
2.5 Describe Tasks
S Relationships.
- Start to finish.
- Start to Start.
- Finish to Start.
- Finish to Finish.
General Objective 3.0: Understand how to create Baseline Schedule and network programme.

WEEK Specific Learning Objective: Teachers Activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation
5.1 3.1 Describe how to set  Show students how Enter Milestone,  Guide student to  Ask student
to enter the create to produce a
5.2 Project calendar. Task and subtasks milestones task Gantt chart,
milestone, task and
5.3 sub tasks. 6 Set project start and and subtask Network
5.4 3.1 Describe to Enter  Show students how 7 finish time  Assist students diagram and
to enter start and to produce Gantt resources
7-8 5.5 Milestone, Task and Ditto 8 Produce Gantt chart graph.
finish dates. chart, Network
5.6 Subtask for a given Project.  Show students Produce Network diagram diagram and
how to enter Create resources graph Resources
Resources graph.
5.7 3.2 Explain how to Enter
5.8 Project start and finish  Show students
5.9 Dates how to generate
Base Line Schedule
3.6 3.3 Describe how to Enter Task
 GNATTChart
3.7 and Subtask starts and finish
3.8 Dates.  PERTChart
6.3 3.4 Describe how to
6.4 Enter Task and subtask
6.5 Resource Usage.
3.4 Explain how to Produce a
Gantt schedule.
3.5 3.6 Explain how to generate Net
3.6 work programmes
3.7 3.7 Describe how to create
3.8 resources
3.9 Graph
General Objective 4.0 Understand how to use analytical tool to analyses data.

8.1 4.1 List software used in data  Use various real  - LED projector
5.3 Generate data  Guide the student  List features of
life construction  - Interactive to explore variable view
8.2 analysis e.g SPSS, board Prepare data components of  Produce
issues to:
8.3 statistics, Excel etc.  - Computer set data software analytical
 explain so as to system  Assist the student results showing
8.4 4.2 Describe the software enable students 5.4 View/explore
 - Laptop to enter new data mean, SD etc
8.5 interface appreciate  - Statistical 5.5 components.  Guide the student  Produce
8.6 4.3 list the procedures procedures for data  Packages 4.3 Set variables view to generate analytical result
analysis  - LED projector
8.7 used to generate data 5 features such as desirable statistics showing
 Navigate the  Guide the student inferential
8.8 4.4 explain the procedures used software file, view,  - Interactive 6 name, tape, width, to generate in statistics.
to prepare data , tools window and board 7 decimal ,label, value, general statistics  Create TOC for
9 4.5 Define data editor helps  - Personal PC  Navigate the your report and
 Take practical  - MS ward 8 missing align and Microsoft interfare update it.
10 4.6 List the components of package 9 Measure  Guide student to
questionnaire and
11 data editor e.g data view and use it to define the  4.6 Enter raw data in the create TOC
12 variable view features durable  Guide student to
data view dialogue box update TOC

6.7 4.7 Describe data view  Show how to

generate descriptive 4.7 Generate descriptive
6.8 4.8 Define the data statistics such as
features  Show how to mean, SD, variance,
or variable view; name, type generate inferential charts etc.
width, decimal, label, value,
 Assist the student 4.1 4.8 Generate inferential
missing, align, measure.
to general inferential
Statistics e.g chi-
4.9 Define variables square, ANOVA
 Use MS word to
create table regression, e-test etc.
4.10 explain how to enter  Assist students to 4.9 Set heading levels
raw data using data view, learn how to update
dialogue box data
4.10 Create table of
4.10 Explain how to save, copy, content, list of figures etc
edit and paste on your
document. 4.11 Update table of
4.11 Describe how to generate 4.12 use Microsoft
inferential statistics such as reference to format report.
correlation. Chi –square, ANOVA 4.13 Review Microsoft
regression etc. reference interface
4.12 Describe how to use 4.14 Create table of
Microsoft reference to create content update TOC
Table of content, etc.
4.13 Explain how to update
table of content.
Assessment: Course Work - 10%, Course Test - 10%, Practical - 40%,
Examination - 40% Competency: The student should be able use computer for
project management.
Reference: Bougham J., "Mastering Data Processing". McMillan Edc.
PROGRAMME: Higher National Diploma in Building Technology
COURSE: Advance Calculus COURSE CODE: MTH 312

On completion of this course, the students should be able to:

1.0 Understand Lap lace transform
2.0 Understand Fourier series and apply it to solve engineering problems
3.0 Understand the methods of solving second - order differential equations
4.0 Understand methods of solving simultaneous linear differential equations
5.0 Understand the methods of solving partial differential equations and their uses
6.0 Understand the methods of solving partial differential equations and their uses

Course: ADVANCED CALCULUS Course Code: MTH 312 Contact Hours


Course Specification: Theoretical Content

General Objective 1.0: Understand Lap lace transform

WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Evaluation
1.1 Define Laplace transform • The to illustrate with • Recommended • • •
good examples and textbook, chalkboard,
1.2 Obtain Laplace
make notes where chalk, lecture notes,
transform of simple
necessary etc
• Ask the students to:
1.3 Define the inverse Laplace
transform • Define Laplace transform
and apply in simple
1.4 Obtain the inverse
Laplace transform of simple
• Evaluate some partial
fractions as indicated in
1.5 Evaluate some partial
1.5 and express the
fractions with:
derivative in Laplace
a. Linear denominator transform.
• Assess the students
b. quadratic
1 -2
1.6 Express the derivative
in Laplace transform
3 -4 1.7 Express unit step, impulse
Driac delta and ramp functions
in Laplace transform
1.8 Apply Laplace transform to
differential equation
e.g solve by Laplace transform
boundary -
value problem
u(O,t) = 0,
u(3,t) = O
u(x,O) = 10 sin 2x - 6 sin 4x
1.9 Apply Laplace transform to
suitable engineering problems
e.g use Laplace transform to
find the charge and current at
anytime in a series circuit
having an inductance L,
capacitance C, Resistance R,
emf E, assume charge and
current are

Course: ADVANCED CALCULUS Course Code: MTH 312 Contact Hours


Course Specification: Theoretical Content

General Objective 2.0: Understand Fourier series and apply it to solve engineering problems

WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s activities Evaluation
2.1 Define Fourier series • The teachers to illustrate • Recommended • • •
with good examples -and textbooks, Chalkboard,
2.2 Explain the periodic function
make notes where Chalk, Lecture note,etc.
2.3 Explain the non-periodic necessary.
function • Ask the students to:
2.4 Identify even and odd • Explain Fourier series,
functions explain the periodic and non
periodic functions, identify
2.5 Explain even and odd
even and odd functions and
functions using graphical
explain them using graphical
2.6 Explain the characteristics
• Assess the students.
of even and odd functions
2.7 Derive the Fourier • Ask the students to derive the
coefficients in both polar and Fourier coefficients in both the
5-6 rectangular forms polar and rectangular forms
2.8 Expand simple • Assess the students.
functions in Fourier series
• Ask the students to:
a. simple linear algebraic • expand simple functions in
functions Fourier series as indicated
b. trigonometric and logarithmic
• derive Fourier series for
trigonometric functions using the
2.9 Derive the Fourier series half range approach, and expand
for a trigonometric function functions with arbitrary period
using the half range approach • state Euler's formula and
2.10 Expand functions with establish a complex Fourier
arbitrary period series
• evaluate the integration of
2.11 State the Euler's formula
Fourier series and apply Fourier
series to solve engineering
2.12 Establish a complex
Fourier series
• Assess the students.
2.13 Evaluate the
integration of Fourier series
2.14 Apply Fourier series
to suitable engineering

Course: ADVANCED CALCULUS Course Code: MTH 312 Contact Hours


Course Specification: Theoretical Content

General Objective 3.0: Understand the methods of solving second - order differential equations

WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resources

3.1 Identify a homogeneous linear • The teacher to illustrate with good
equation of the second order examples and make notes where
3.2 Establish the second order differential necessary
equation with constant coefficients viz: • Ask the students to:

establish 2ndOrder D.E with constant

3.3 Find the real and distinct, equal and coefficients viz:
complex roots for 3.2above
3.4 Solve the fundamental system of
general solution, given initial values and find the real and distinct, equal and
3.5 State Caudiy's equation complex roots for the equation above.
solve the fundamental system of
3.6 Explain the existence and uniqueness general solution, given initial values and
of solutions to 2ndOrder differential also to state Caudiy's equation.
7-8 equations problems • Assess the students
3.7 Explain the homogeneous linear
• Ask the students to:
equations of higher order constant
coefficients • explain the existence and uniqueness
3.8 Solve non-homogeneous differential of solutions to 2ndOrder differential
equations equations problems and homogeneous
3.9 Solve simple simultaneous differential linear equations of higher order
equations constant coefficients
• solve many problems on non-
homogeneous differential equations,
and simple simultaneous differential
• Assess the students

Course: ADVANCED CALCULUS Course Code: MTH 312 Contact Hours


Course Specification: Theoretical Content

General Objective 4.0: Understand methods of solving simultaneous linear differential equations

WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resources

4.1 Explain linear differential equation • The teacher to illustrate with good
examples and make notes where
4.2 Identify special cases of solving first -
order differential equations
• Ask the students to:
4.3 Apply the method of exact equations,
separable variable to solve differential • explain linear differential equation and
equation problems identify special cases of solving first-
9 - 10 4.4 Apply knowledge of linear differential order differential equations
equation to suitable engineering problems • apply the equation, separable
variable to solve differential
equation problems and apply it in
suitable engineering problems
• Assess the students

General Objective 5.0: Understand the methods of solving partial differential equations and their uses

WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resources

5.1 State partial differential equation of • The teacher to illustrate with good
order 2 examples and make notes where
5.2 Solve partial differential equation using necessary
"variable separable" • Ask the students to:
5.3 Apply D' Alembert's solution of the
wave equation to partial differential • state 2nd- order partial differential
11 - equation problems equation and solve many problems on
5.4 Apply the Laplacian concept in polar it using "variable separable" method
coordinates to partial differential equation • apply D'Alembert's solution of the
problems wave equation and Laplacian concept
in polar coordinates to partial
differential equation problems
• Assess the students

Course: ADVANCED CALCULUS Course Code: MTH 312 Contact Hours


Course Specification: Theoretical Content

General Objective 6.0: Understand the principles of functions of several variables and
their uses
WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Evaluation
6.1 Explain limits and • The teacher to • Recommended • • •
continuity of given functions illustrate with good textbooks, chalkboard,
6.2 Explain mean-value examples and make chalk, lecture notes etc.
theorem using total notes where
differentials necessary
6.3 State Taylor's formula for • Ask the students to:
functions of several variables
• explain limits,
6.4 Derive maxima and
continuity of given
minima of functions of
functions, and mean
several variables including
value theorem using
possible saddle points
total differentials.
6.5 Establish the
• State Taylor's formula,
constrained maxima
derive maxima and
functions of several
minima of functions of
several variables including
6.6 Define a line integral in a
13 - possible sad due points
• Establish the
15 6.7 Explain the path of integral constrained maxima
functions of several
6.8 Evaluate line integral
variables, define a line
integral in a plane and
6.9 Define the green's theorem in explain the path of
a plane integral
• Assess the students
6.10 Apply green's theorem to
solve line integral problems • Ask the students to:
6.11 Apply double integral to
• evaluate line integral
6.12 Apply change of
• define green's theorem
variables in triple integrals
in a plane and apply it to
6.13 Evaluate the differentiation solve line integral
under the integral sign problems
6.14 State stoke formula • apply double integral
to line integral and
6.15 Apply stoke formula to
change of variable in
line integrals in space
triple integrals
6.16 Apply stoke's formula
• evaluate differentiation
to suitable engineering
under the integral sign,
state stokes formula and
apply it to line integrals
in space
• how stoke's
formula is applied to
solve engineering
• Assess the students

PROGRAMME: Higher National Diploma in Building Technology

COURSE: Theory of Structures II COURSE CODE: BLD 321
GOAL: Equip the Student with of Statically Indeterminate Structures and Methods of Solving Simple Indeterminate Structure.

On completion of this course, the students should be able to:

1.0 Understand Statically Indeterminate Structures

2.0 Understand The Application of Flexible Methods to Solve Simples Indeterminate Problems
3.0 Understand The Analysis of Simpler Statically Indeterminate Structures By The Moment Distribution Method
4.0 Understand The Use of Three Moment Clapeyron‟s methods And Slope Deflection Methods In Indeterminate Structures.



Course Specification: Theoretical Content 2HR

General Objective 1.0: Understand Statically Indeterminate Structures

Week Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation

1.1 Distinguish between • Explain the term • White board and • • • Differentiate a
marker statically
statically determinate and statically
• determinate
indeterminate structures. determinate structure from an
1 indeterminate
• Give examples of such
• Explain the term
• Give examples of such
1.2 Calculate the degree • State the equation • White board and • • •
of Indeterminacy of for the calculation of

2 some structures. degree of
Indeterminacy or
• Apply the equation
to determine degree
of Indeterminacy of
General Objective 2.0: Understand The Application Of Flexible Methods To Solve Simples Indeterminate Problems

WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation

2.1 Analyse simpler redundant • Reduce the structure to • White board and  Determine and draw framed • Visit sites to • Determine
simpler forms. marker building from information identify redundant redundant
structures of beams and
• obtained from sites structures in a structures in a
• Determine degree
3 frames. trained building framed building
of Indeterminacy of
• Carry out analysis of the
Beam using the
force method.
2.2 Analyse simpler • Reduce the structural • White board and • • •
redundant structural frame to simpler forms.

frames. • Determine the degree
of indeterminacy of the
• Carry out analysis of the
frame using the
force method.
Course Specification: Theoretical Content

General Objective 3.0: Understand The Analysis Of Simpler Statically Indeterminate Structures By
The Moment Distribution Method

WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation

3.1 Analyse simple • Explain the method of • White board and marker  Apply moment distribution • Visit sites to • Analyse
projector method to analyse a determine state of statically
statically Indeterminate analysis i.e Moment
statically indeterminate indeterminacy in indeterminate
Structures by the moment distribution method. structure or of an approved buildings structures by
framed structure moment
distribution method./Hardy • Explain terms like
6 Cross‟ method. distribution factor,
stiffness, carryover
factor ,etc.
• State the Rules to be
observed in the
application of the
• Apply the method of
moment distribution to solve
statically Indeterminate
• Solve other simpler
structural examples
General Objective 4.0: Understand The Use of Three-Moment Equation (Clapeyron‟s) method And Slope Deflection Method in Indeterminate Structures.

WEEK Specific Learning Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation
4.1 Apply three-moment • Explain moment equation. • White board and marker • Apply three-moment equation • Visit sites to • Analyses
7-8 equation to solve projector to analyse an existing framed determine degree of statically
indeterminate structure. structure or an approved indeterminacy indeterminate
drawing structures by
three moment

4.2 Draw the shear force • Lecture and solve problems. • White board and marker • Draw shear force and • Guides students to • Draw B.M &
9 - 10 and bending projector benching moment determine BM and SF of a beam
S.F of a beam
4.3 Analyse indeterminate • Explain  White board and marker • • •
11 - projector
beams and frames using simple Beam or frame
slope deflection methods. structure using slope
deflection Method.
13 - 4.4 Compare the methods • Highlight the merits and de- • • •
in 4.1 and merits of both
4.4. methods.

Assessment: Coursework: 20% Course test: 20% Practical 10% Examination 50%

Competency: The Student should be able to analyse indeterminate structures using

moment distribution, three moment equation and slope deflection

References: 1. Timoshenko, S. P., "Theory of structural engineering".

2. Zaitseiv Yu V., "Design and erection of reinforced concrete
PROGRAMME: Higher National Diploma in Building Technology
COURSE: Construction Technology II COURSE CODE: BLD 322
GOAL: Designed to enable Students Understand Techniques in Building Construction
Week Prerequisite BLD 312

On completion of this course, the students should be able to:

1.0 Understand the Techniques, Materials and Procedures involved in sheet Piling, Underpinning and Under- watering and the Construction of Retaining Walls
2.0 Steel, timber, Reinforced concrete frames and glazing
3.0 Dewatering


322 5

Course Specification: Theoretical Content

General Objective 1.0: Understand the Techniques, Materials and Procedures involved in sheet Piling, Underpinning and Under- watering and the
Construction of Retaining Walls.

WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation

1.1 Define Sheet piling • Use question and • White board, • Identify a section of an interlocking • Site visit with • Identify
answer to discuss. marker and sheet piles on site students to identify circumstances
1.2 Describe the circumstances
• Explain the projector • sketch a section of an interlocking construction & in which sheet
in which sheets piles are used.
implications of the sheet piles on site different types of piles are used
1 1.3 Sketch a section of an
methods. sheet pile in site
interlocking steel sheet pile
1.4 Describe how steel sheet piles
may be used to forma
rectangular cofferdam around an
excavation including the method
of driving.
1.5 Describe a method of • Identify steel sheet piles • Demonstrate on site • Identify
2 extracting steel sheet piles. • Use question and White procedure to be method of
board, • sketch steel sheet piles
1.6 Explain the procedure answer to discuss. adopted to remove extracting steel
to be adopted to remove marker and particularly stubborn sheet piles on
• Explain the projector
particularly stubborn piles. implications of the pile site
1.7 State the primary functions of • Demonstrate with • Identify function of retaining walls • Undertake site visit • Explain the
retaining walls. approved working White board, to appreciate various forces
marker and • Sketch typical reinforce concrete
drawings of retaining walls different types of acting on
1.8 Explain by means of a projector
retaining walls. retaining walls and retaining walls.
sketch the various forces acting • Sketch typical cantilever retaining
• Use question and construction • Identify the
3 on a retaining walls. walls that may be constructed
answer to discuss procedure reason for
1.9 Expalin typical reinforced where there is both sufficient and
concrete retaining walls restricted and working space construction of
explaining how the building of behind the walls cantilever
water pressure behind may be retaining wall
1.10 Explain typical cantilever
retaining walls that may be
constructed where there is both
sufficient and restricted
working space behind the walls.
1.11 Define under-pinning • Use question and • White board, • Identify procedure for under- • Carryout site visit to • Identify
answer to discuss marker and pinning operation appreciate under- procedure for
1.12 Describe with sketches
underpinning. projector • show the system of racking shores pinning operation under-pinning
the continuous method of
• Show examples of and typical flying shore operations
under-pinning to lower the
underpinning process. • Identify
level of an existing strip
4 • Explain the support for
foundation supporting a wall.
implication of • show precautions that are under-pinning
1.13 Sketch a system of raking
inadequate necessary to prevent damage to operation
shores and a typical flying shore.
precaution. existing structure
1.14 State the precautions that • Ranking
are necessary to prevent shores
damage to an existing structure
• Flying shores
when carrying out an
underpinning operation.
1.15 Carry out under-pinning


322 5

Course Specification: Theoretical Content

Week Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Evaluation
1.16 Appreciate the • Explain the relative • White board, marker and • Identify various types of • Illustrate with • Identify construction
principal construction advantages of the types projector scaffolding sketches various technique and
techniques, and procedures of scaffolding . • Sketch various types of scaffoldings. procedure in
involved in Scaffolding and • Engage the students to scaffoldings available • Putlog scaffolding & glazing
Glazing. produce well- annotated on site
1.17 State the circumstances in sketches. • Demonstrate safety • Independent
requirement related to the • Identify the
which the following types of • Explain safety • Mobile circumstance in
scaffolding are used; Putlog, precautions. use of scaffolding
which the following
Independent; Mobile Tower. types of scaffolding
5 1.18 Draw a line diagram to are used, putlog,
represent a mobile tower independent mobile
summarizing the precautions,
which should be taken when • Identify safety
using such a scaffold. requirement related
1.19 Draw line-diagrams of to scaffolding
putlogs and independent
1.20 Describe the erection
procedures of
1.21 List safety
requirements related to
the use of scaffolding.
1.22 Explain the requirements of
ladders used in
1.23 Sketch the following • Demonstrate with • White board, marker and • Identification of various steel • Site visit to • Identify the various
standard steel section indicating simple sketches. projector section i.e universal col, demonstrate standard steel
the range of serial or normal • Explain the universal beams, standard method of steel sections universal
sizes in which they are differences between angles and channels members beams, standard
manufactured; universal butt and filet welds. • Identify six different types of connection angles, channels.
columns, universal beams, • Engage students to butt welds and section of • Illustrate six different
6 standard angles, channels. make detail sketches. filled weld types of bolt welds
1.24 Sketch six different types and a section of a
of butt welds and a section of a fillet weld.
fillet weld.
1.25 Describe method of
connecting steel member
together with black, turned and
high strength friction grip bolts.
1.26 Outline the situations in
which members in
1.25 are used.
1.27 Explain a detail of • Identification of universal • Site visit to • Sketch details of
universal column to concrete • Demonstrate with White board, marker and columns to concrete base by demonstrate and universal column to
base by means of holding down simple sketches. projector means of holding down bolts appreciate concrete base by
bolts ensuring that a column is • Explain the • Sketch details of connection universal means of holding
7 accurately positioned to the differences between columns to down bolts.
correct line and level. butt and filet welds. concrete base
1.28 Explain two details of • Engage students to - Beam to web and flanges
• • Sketch details of
forming each of the following make detail sketches - Column spices (fillent,
structural steel connection; welded) • Demonstrate in connection of
a. Beams to webs and the workshop - Beam to Web and
- Beam to beam the various
flanges to columns. flanges to
connection columns
b. Column splices. techniques
- Column splices
c. Beams to beams. (rivet welded etc)
- Beam to Beam
Course Specification: Theoretical Content

General Objective 2.0: Steel, timber, Reinforced concrete frames and glazing

WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Teacher’s Evaluation
Outcomes activities
2.1 Describe the erection • Explain step by • White board, • Illustrate the erection • Site visit to • Illustrate the
procedure for steel frame for a step the erection marker and procedure for steel frames appreciate steel procedure for steel
8 building up to four storey shigh. procedure of steel projector for construction of 4 frames for frames for a building
2.2 Describe with sketches the frams. storage buildings construction of 4 up to four storages
conventional method of storages buildings high
providing fire resistance to • Explain with sketches
structural steel the conventional
methods of providing
fire resistance to
structural steels
2.3 Draw a detail of • Demonstrate • White • Sketch detailed reinforced • Demonstrate on • Sketch detail of
reinforced concrete columns with good board, concrete columns & Base site correct reinforced concrete
and base. sketches. marker and • Explain the method of positioning of columns & base
2.4 Outline the method of • Engage projector correctly positioning of the reinforcement in • Identify methods of
9 positioning the reinforcement students to carry construction
reinforcement during positioning of
during its construction. out detailed construction reinforcement during
2.5 Describe with sketches sketches. its construction
details of reinforced concrete • Sketch details of • Construction of
beam to column and reinforced reinforced concrete reinforce • Sketch details of
concrete ground beam, ground beanms and columns etc concrete, beams, reinforced concrete
floor slab construction with columns etc Beam, columns,
particular reference to ground beam, ground
the fixing of the reinforcement. floor, slab, fixing of
the reinforcement
2.6 Describe with sketches the • Demonstrate White board, marker • Illustrate methods of • Show two • Identify the difference
construction of a non-load with good and projector attaching a brick panel to methods of between load bearing
10 bearing brick panel. sketches. a reinforced complete attaching a brick and non load bearing
2.7 Illustrate two methods of • Engage frame panel to R.C. walls
attaching a brick panel to a students to frame • Illustrate two methods
reinforced concrete frame. carry out White board, marker of attaching brick
detailed and projector panels to a reinforced
sketches. concrete frames

2.8 Sketch the construction of a • Sketch the construction of • Sketch the • Sketch construction of
timber framed infill panel • Demonstrate timber framed infill panel construction of timber infilled panells
11 illustrating how the external with good for weather and fire infilled panell for
cladding may be made weather sketches. resistant weather proof
proof, the internal cladding fire Engage students to
resistant showing carry out detailed
the position of a vapor barrier and sketches.
thermal insulation.

2.9 Describe by means of • Sketches of methods of • Demonstrate • Sketch methods of

12 sketches how a coated steel fixing located steel fixing of window fixing steel windows
window may be fixed to a windows to concrete lintel to concrete lintels, to concrete lintels, sill
concrete lintel, a concrete sill sill and at the jambs of a sill and jambs to and Jamb to brick
and at the jambs to a brick panel brick panel wall brick panel panel wall

2.10 Sketch sections through • Explain the term

13 an aluminum window to • Demonstrate White board, marker patent glazing
illustrate the methods of fixing with good and projector
within a concrete frame. sketches.
2.11 Explain what is meant by • Engage
patent glazing students to
carry out
2.12 Sketch a detail of aluminum • Use working • White board, • Sketch detailed a • Show samples of • Sketch details of
patent glazing showing the drawings to show marker aluminum patent glazing aluminum Aluminum patent
method of fixing vertical glazing how it is in practice showing method of fixing products methods glazing
14 • Design Studio
bars to concrete, glass to the • Use available vertical glazing bars to of patent glazing
glazing bars and the method of • Working drawing concrete
weather proofing the head and • Glass to glazing bars and
sill. method of weather
2.13 Fix vertical bars to concrete, proffing head and sill
glass to glazing bars etc.
Course Specification: Theoretical Content 2 Practical 3

General Objective 3.0: Dewatering

WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation

3.1 List the reasons for dewatering Use question • White board, • Demonstrate reason for de- Site visit to nithness • Identify the reasons
the sub-soil of an excavation. and answer to marker and watering dewatering operation for dewatering
15 3.2 Describe the "pumping from sumps" discuss projector using sumps pump
• De-watering using different • Describe method of
method of dewatering methods dewatering using a
dewatering. sump pump

Assessment: Coursework: 20% Course test: 20% Practical: 20% Examination


Competency: Student should be familiar with the techniques involved in

solving sub-structural problems and erection of frames.
References: (i) Fullertion, R.L., "Building Construction in Warm Climates".
(ii) King, H., "Building Techniques".
Course: Structural Design and Detailing II Pre-requisite BLD 313
Semester: 1 theoretical 2 Practical 3

Goal: This course is designed to provide students with knowledge and skills of designing walls in concrete design
This course is designed to provide students with knowledge and skills of design of concrete designing of wall.

General Objectives
On completion of this Course, the students should be able to:

1.0: Understand The Design of Short and Slender Columns

2.0: Know method of design of isolated footings
3.0: Know method of design of Retaining Walls
4.0: Understand the principles and method of prestressed concrete design.

COURSE: Structural Design and COURSE CODE: CONTACT HRS 5

Detailing II 323
Course Specification: Theoretical Content 2 Practical 3

General Objective 1.0: Understand The Design Of Short And Slender Columns

WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resources Teacher’s activities Evaluation
Specific Learning Outcomes
1.1 Differentiate • Lecture and • Relevant design 1.1 Design and detail short column • Guide the students • Differentiate a short
between short and demonstrate codes such as on design and column from a long
1 Slender columns. with example. BS8110 etc. detailing one
1.2 Design short columns. Eurocodes
• Design studio

1.3 Design slender columns. Lecture and • Relevant design 1.2 Design and detail slender  Guide the •
demonstrate with codes such as column. students on
2 example BS 8110 design and
Eurocodes detailing
• Design studio

1.4 Describe reinforcement • Describe using • Relevant design 1.4 Visit site to see practical  Teacher to  What is the
details. practical codes such as examples. organize visit minimum
3 examples. BS 8110 Carry out a detailing  Teacher longitudinal
Eurocodes exercise. supervises the number of bars
detailing for a rectangular
• Design studio exercise section and
circular section of
a column.
General Objective 2.0: Know method of design of isolated footings

WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation
2.1 Calculate the • Demonstrate • Relevant design 2.1 Carryout the sizing of the • Guide the •
preliminary (plan) size using practical codes such as base area by dividing load student on the
4 of an isolated footing examples. BS from the column by the use of the
using the permissible 8110Eurocodes permissible ground bearing appropriate
bearing pressure and • Design studio. pressure units
the column load.
2.2 Determine the minimum • Give more practical • Relevant design 2.2 sketch to show the base  Guide the
5 thickness of the Base. codes such as thickness students
design examples. through
8110Eurocodes example
• Design studio

2.3 Determine the bending • Demonstrate • Relevant design 2.3 Design and detail the base of  Guide the
6 moment and the using practical codes such as column footing students to
reinforcement required to design BS carry out the
resist bending. Examples to 8110Eurocodes design and
Determine the detailing
• Design studio
bending moment and
the reinforcement
required to resist
2.4 Check for punching • • Relevant design 2.4 Carry out a check for punching  Guide the
7 shear, local bond stress codes such as shear, local bond stress and students to be
BS shear stress able to check
and shear stress. these
• Design studio

2.5 Describe the • Demonstrate • Relevant design 2.5 Carry out a detailing exercise of  Guide the
reinforcement of pad using practical codes such as a column footing students to
footings. design BS carry out the
8 exercise.
examples. 8110Eurocodes
• Carry out a detailing • Design studio

COURSE: Structural Design COURSE CODE: 323 CONTACT HRS 5

and Detailing II
Course Specification: Theoretical Content 2hrs Practical 3

General Objective 3.0: Know method of design of Retaining Walls

WEEK Specific Learning Teachers Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s activities Evaluation
Outcome Outcomes

9 3.1 Describe retaining  Explain what • White Board 3.1 Show examples of • Teacher to organize a •
walls retaining walls retaining wall from visit out the class
are and their drawing walls room to see such
3.2 State the types of functions
retaining wall.  Explain various
types of
retaining walls.
3.3 Design a retaining • Demonstrate • Relevant design codes such as 3.3 Carry out the • Guide the • Describe a
wall checking the with practical BS 8110, Eurocode, etc. design of a retaining student to apply retaining
10 stability of the wall. example • Design Studio wall the correct wall
approach to • What are
designing the functions
retaining walls of retaining
3.4 Determine • Demonstrate • Relevant design codes such as 3.4 Carryout the structural  Guide the student
the bearing with example BS 8110, Eurocode, etc. detailing of retaining walls to carry out the
11 pressure and • Carry out (the various types). detailing of the
• Design Studio various retaining
bonding structural
reinforcement. walls
detailing exercise.

General Objective 4.0: Understand the principles and method of prestressed concrete design.

WEEK Specific Learning Teachers Activities Resources Specific Learning Teacher’s activities Evaluation
Outcome Outcomes

4.1 Describe the • Use question and • White Board • • •

12 principles of pre-
answer to discuss.
13 4.2 Describe methods of Give sketches Drawings, White board
4.3 State advantages and Lectures • Relevant design codes such as
14 disadvantages of BS 8110, Eurocode, etc.
prestressed concrete over • Design Studio
reinforced concrete.

Assessment: Coursework: 20% Course test:

20% Practical 20% Examination 40%.

Competency: The student should be able to

carry out design of Reinforced
concrete columns, Reinforced
concrete pad or isolated footing
and reinforced concrete
retaining walls.
References: 1. Optiomum, "Structural design;
theory and application".
2. Wilby, C.B,. "Restreessed
concrete beams design and
logical analysis.

PROGRAMME: Higher National Diploma in Building Technology

COURSE: Advanced Measurement of Construction Work II COURSE CODE: 324 CONTACT HOURS: 3 HOURS/WK
GOAL: Designed to provide students with advanced knowledge in measurement in Construction Work
On completion of this course, the students should be able to:

1.0 To provide student with an Advanced knowledge of the Measurement of Construction works.
2.0 Know how to prepare examples of different methods of the processing dimensions billing and preparing schedules

Course: Advanced Measurement of Course Code: Contact Hours: 3

Construction Works II
BLD 324

Course Specification: Theoretical Content

General Objective 1.0: To provide student with an Advanced knowledge of the

Measurement of Construction works

WEEK Special Learning Objective: Teachers Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Evaluation

1.1 Measure drainage - explanation • Explain pipe work, • Calculator, white • Organize site visit for • Guide • What is
pipe work, manholes, inspection manholes, board, Duster, students where they can students to different
chambers, soak away pits, septic inspection Detailed drawings identify manholes, inspection measure between
1-8 tanks. chambers, soak chambers, soak away, septic septic tank, manholes
1.2 Measure water supply and away pits and septic tank etc manholes, and
sanitary appliances
tanks inspection inspection
1.3 Measure external works paths
• Explain the chamber etc chambers.?
roads, flower and tree planting,
measurement of
fencing and gates.
water supply and
sanitary appliances

• Describe how to
measure external
works paths, roads,
flower and tree
planting, fencing and
General Objective 2.0: Know how to prepare examples of different methods of the
processing dimensions billing and preparing schedules

WEEK Special Learning Objective: Teachers Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Evaluation

2.1 Process dimension - • Explain abstracting • Drawing of building • prepare different bill formats • Guide students • Prepare at least
and civil engineering • Demonstrate to students how to to prepare two bills
abstracting art and shuffle, art and shuffle billing works, white prepare schedules for finishing, different bills formats
billing direct. direct board,etc formats • Prepare
2.2 Prepare different bill formats • Assist students schedules for
explaining their uses:- • Explain the to prepare doors
Preparation of schedules for finishings.
a. Work section bill finishing
b. Elemental bill different bill formats

c. Sectionalized Trade bill explaining their uses:-

d. Operational bill a. Work section

e. Activity bill bill

2.3 Prepare schedules for finishing, b. Elemental

reinforcement, openings (doors bill
and windows), iron mongery, c. Sectionalize
sanitary appliances and d Trade bill
d. Operational
e. Activity bill
• Prepare schedules
for finishing,
openings (doors and
windows), iron
mongery, sanitary
appliances and
Assessment: Coursework 20% Course test 20% Practical 20% Examination 40%

Competency: The students would be able to compare accurate talk from drawing
and to arrange detailed schedules

References: 1. I. H. Seeley, "Advanced Building Measurements". 3rd Ed.

2. 1. H. Seeley", Quantity Surveying Practice" 2 nd Ed.
Programmes: BUILDING TECHNOLOGY HND Code: 325 Credit Hours: 2hrs.
Credit Unit: 2
Semester: 2

Course main Goal: The course is designed to provide students with Skills of electrical installation and knowledge of mechanical plants and equipment.

General Objectives
On completion of this Course, the students should be able to:

1.0: Know the basic electrical installation in building and on the site
2.0: Know the provisions required for fire prevention
3.0: Understand natural and mechanical methods of ventilation
4.0: Know the various mechanical plants in the construction

Course Specification: Theoretical Content 2 Practical 0

General Objective 1.0: Know the basic electrical installation in building and on the
WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation


1.1 State the I.E.E regulation 1.4 Explain • Fuse, circuit – 1.1 Draw consumer • Guides • Explain
with respect to domestic I.E.E breakers distribution system students to draw the
installation regulation consumer consumer
1.2 State consumer distribution with distribution distribution
system respect to system system
1.3 State the uses and sizes of domestic
fuses, circuit, breakers and installation
lightening conductors 1.5 Explain
• Explain the uses
and sizes of
fuses, circuit,
breakers and
1.4 Describe the phase system used • Explain the 1.4Sketch conduit & surface wiring  Show the conduit  State the
in domestic and industrial installation phase system systems. and surface differences
2 1.5 Explain the installation used in domestic Conduit wiring between
consideration of conduit and and industrial pipes, wires conduit &
surface systems of wiring. installation surface
• Explain the wiring
installation systems
consideration of
conduit and
surface systems
of wiring.

1.6 Describe the types of main Explain the types of Conduit pipes, 1.6 Draw distribution system in Guide students to  Explain
distribution system suitable for small main distribution wires small site. draw main safety
3 sites. system suitable for distribution system requiremen
1.7 List the safety precautions small sites. suitable for small t when
necessary when using electrical Explain the safety sites. using
precautions  safety
necessary when during
using electrical electrical
fittings. fitting
General Objective 2.0: Know the provisions required for fire prevention

WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation


2.1 List the different first aid fire Explain different first Fire fighting Sketch different fire fighting  Show students  State merits
4 equipment used in buildings aid fire equipment equipment: equipment in building. fire fighting and
2.2 Describe fixed and movable fire used in buildings. Sand bucket, equipment in a demerits of
fighting equipment, stating their Fire building firefighting
Explain fixed and extinguishers equipment
merits and demerits movable fire fighting etc.
equipment, stating
their merits and
2.3 Explain design consideration Explain design White board, marker State the
5 required for fire protection in consideration and projector considerations
buildings. required for fire required for fire
protection in protection in
buildings. buildings.
2.4 State the methods of flame Explain the -Building materials Test building materials level of Demonstrate testing of
2.4 State the
and fire test to building methods of resistance to fire. building materials methods
materials. flame and fire resistance to fire. of flame
2.5 State the building regulation and test to and fire
statutory laws that govern building test to
the safety of lives and property in materials. building
relation to fire protection in materials
buildings. State the building .
regulation and
statutory laws that
govern the safety of
lives and properties
in relation to fire
protection in
General Objective 3.0: Understand natural and mechanical methods of ventilation
Week Specific Teacher’s activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Evaluation
Learning activities
7 3.1 Describe Explain natural and mechanical Building Observe ventilations of  Take Describe
natural and methods of ventilation regulation buildings on site student natural and
mechanical to site mechanica
methods of l methods
ventilation. of
3.2 State the Describe the application of different Observe different methods of  Organize and Differentiate
8 application of methods of ventilation situation. Building ventilation in building visit sites and between
different regulation buildings. mechanical and
methods of State building regulations on ventilation natural ventilation
ventilation requirements for buildings.
3.3 State
regulations on
requirements for
3.4 Describe the Explain the principle of air-conditioning. air-conditioning units Demonstrate principle of air  Use formulae to  Calculate the
9 principle of And their types and uses of air- and accessories Conditioning unit calculate the capacity of air
air- conditioning systems capacity of air conditioning
conditioning condition unit unit.

3.5 State the

types and
uses of air-
y stems
3.6 Describe Describe the installation process of air air-conditioning units Install air-conditioning units and Guide students in3.6 Describe the
the conditioning unit, and accessories accessories. the Installation of installation on
10 installation on and Calculate the capacity of air- air-conditioning provision for
provision for conditional unit ina units and air
air pre-determined space. accessories conditioning
conditioning unit.
3.7 Calculate the
capacity of
unit ina
General Objective 4.0: Know the various mechanical plants in the construction
WEEK Specific Teachers Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Evaluation
Learning activities
4.1 Describe 4.1 Explain the needs for mechanical Pictures, film clips, Draw mechanical plants and Organize visit to  Explain uses
the needs for plants in the construction process, projectors equipment used for construction construction sites some
mechanical Ex types and uses of mechanical plant work. equipment
12 - used in
plants in the such as lifts, hoists, excavators, earth
14 construction moving plants, dumpers etc. construction
process work
4.2 Identify 4.2 Explain the considerations for
types and uses selection of plants and equipment.
of mechanical 4.3 And the methods of assessing
plant such as performance of plants.
lifts, hoists,
Explain cost implications of each types.
earth moving
dumpers etc.
4.3 State the
for selection of
plants and
4.4 4.4. Explain
the methods of
performance of
4.5 Give their
Assessment: Coursework: 20% Course test: 20% Practical: 0% Examination 60%
Programmes: BUILDING TECHNOLOGY HND Code: 325 Credit Hours: 3hrs.
Credit Unit: 1
Course: Application of ICT in Building II Pre-requisite BLD 316
Semester: 2

Course main Goal: This course is designed basically to enable students Appreciate the use of Software in the Design of a Building

General Objectives
On completion of this Course, the students should be able to:

1.0: It will help students to Appreciate the Software that are used to design Building and their capacity
2.0 Identify how to Design a Two-Story Building using Software


COURSE : Application of ICT in Building II COURSE CODE: BLD CONTACT


GENERAL OBJECTIVES 1.0: It will help students to Appreciate the Software that are
used to design Building and their capacity
WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation

1.3 List the different software used in • Explain the • White board & • Identify different software • Assist the students • Assist the
Architectural and structural functions of the marker to identify different students to list
1 building design software software the different
1.4 Explain the use of each these • Projector
software • Personal
1.5 Explain the significance of these computer
software system
• Architectural &
WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation

GENERAL OBJECTIVES 2.0: Identify how to Design a Two-Story Building using Software
2.1 Explain how to launch the • Assist students to • White board & • Navigate around the software Guide the student to • Ask the
software navigate around the marker environment create second floor, students to
2.2 Discuss and explain software software environment • Projector • Create second flour slab and create a second
2 entrepreneur wall floor, slab and
interface • Show how to create slab • Personal • Create slab exterior wall
2.3 Explain how to create a second computer
flour system
2.4 Explain how to draw the building • Architectural &
slab structural
3 3.1 Describe how to create the first • Show students how to • White board & • Create the exterior wall to first Assist the student to • Ask student to
floor exterior walls create exterior walls for marker and second floor carryout adjustment show how they
3.2 Discuss how to create the second first floor, second floor • Projector • Make adjustment to external adjusted the
floor exterior wall and make necessary wall exterior wall
adjustment • Personal
3.3 Explain how to carryout computer
adjustment on exterior wall system
3.4 Explain how to carryout the • Architectural &
necessary adjustment on exterior wall structural
4.1 Explain how to draw the interior • Show how to draw • White board & • Draw interior wall Guide the student to • Ask the student
wall interior wall, foundation marker • Place doors and windows on draw interior wall to draw the
4.2 Explain how to create the wall and place doors and • Projector
first and 2 story walls interior wall,
foundation wall windows place door and
4 • Personal Assist the students to windows
4.3 Explain how to place doors • Assist the students to computer place doors and
perform the task system windows
4.4 Explain how to provide stair to the
first floor • Show how to create stair • Architectural &
on the first floor structural
5.1 To create a hole on the first floor • Show how to create hole • White board & • Create hole in the first floor • Create hole in
for the stair on first floor marker slab for stairs first floor slab
5.2 Explain how to place furniture • Show how to place • Projector • Place furniture and appliance for stairs
5.3 Explain how to place roof on the furniture • Personal on position • Place furniture
model computer and appliance
system on position
• Architectural &
6.1 explain how to create elevations • Assist students to create • White board & • Create elevation and building Assist the students to • Create
6.2 Explain how to create building elevation and building marker sections create elevation and elevation and
section sections • Projector sections building section
• Personal
• Architectural &
• • • •


Programmes: BUILDING TECHNOLOGY HND Code: 327 Credit Hours: 2hrs.

Credit Unit: 2
Course: Management Principles and Practice Pre-requisite Theoretical:
Semester: 2 Practical 0

Course main Goal: This course is Designed to Equip Students with Management and Practice in the Building Industry

General Objectives
On completion of this Course, the students should be able to:

1.0: Know the historical background of management in the construction industry in relation to industrial development:
2.0 Know the contribution of some early pioneers in the field of management
3.0 Understand the basic principles in construction management
4.0 Understand Span of control and types of Relationships that exists in a large firm.
5.0 Understand the essence of Communication and how to communicate in an organization
6.0 Understand management functions that must be performed in the building industry
7.0 Understand the basic concepts and applications of operations research in the management of building Industry


327 HRS:2

Course Specification: Theoretical Content

General Objective 1.0: Know the historical background of management in the

construction industry in relation to industrial development:

Week Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Evaluation
1.1 Define the industrial • Explain industrial • White • • •
revolution in relation to the revolution in board/marker
building industry in Nigeria and relation to the and projector
U.K Nigerian Building
1.2 Describe the industrial Industry and
process in relation to the U.K
development of the building • Discuss
industry with particular reference industrial
to Nigeria. process with
reference to
General Objective 2.0: Know the contribution of some early pioneers in the
field of management
WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Evaluation
2.1 Summarize the historical • Explain the historical • White • • •
2 background of the following background of the Board,
people: Taylor, Gaunt, following people: projector,
Gilbert, Macgregor, Taylor, Gaunt, Gilbert, Textbooks
Hertzberg, Fayol, Mayo, Macgregor, Hertzberg,
Reynold and Rowntree and Fayol, Mayo, Reynold
their contributions to the field and Rowntree and their
of management contributions to the
field of management

General Objective 3. 0: Understand the basic principles in construction management

3.1 Define management • Explain - - -

management White
3.2 Explain the following principles board,
of construction management: as • Explain projector
regard. management
6 functions as it relate
1. Planning, to construction
2. Organizing,
3. Staff,
4. Leading,
5. Controlling,
7. Communicating



Course Specification: Theoretical Content

General Objective 4.0: Understand Span of control and types of Relationships that
exists in a large
WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation

4.1 Define Span of Control • Explain span of growth with • White • • •

8 with relevance large particular reference to board
construction company construction company marker and
4.2 Summarise the • Discuss different options of projector.
different opinions of experts on span of control
experts on span
4.3 List and explain the - - -
9 • Explain various White board
various factors that factors that marker and
affect span of control
affect span of projector
10 4.3 Explain Delegation, growth
Authority and
accountability. • Differentiate
4.5 Identify and describe between
the different types of delegation,
relationships in an authority and
organization accountability

• Describe
different types
of relationship
in an

General Objective 5.0: Understand the essence of Communication and how to

communicate in an
WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation

5.1 Define effective • Explain effective • White • • •

communication communication board
• Describe various forms of marker and
5.2 Identify the channels
communication channels in a projector.
11 of communication in a
construction firm. construction firm
5.3 Identify the things to be • List things to be
communicated in a firm. communicated in construction
5.4 Explain the barriers to firm
effective communication. • Explain the barriers to
5.5 Explain how to effective communication
communicate and the • Explain how to
various mediums communicate effectively
• Discuss various forms of
medium available for
General Objective 6.0: Understand management functions that must be performed
in the building
WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation

6.1 Describe the Authority • Explain the responsibilities • White board • • •

of the Building Owner, of Building owner and the marker and
Architect, Builder, and Building team in construction projector.
other Design Team works
and their • Explain the contractual
representatives and obligations of specialists,
others concerned with subcontractors and main
the conduct and contractors in contractual
execution of the
6.2 List specialists,
subcontractors and main
activities, contractual
obligations and


Course Specification: Theoretical Content

General Objective 7.0: Understand the basic concepts and applications of

operations research in the
management of building Industry
WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation

7.1 Describe productivity • Explain various • White Board, • • •

techniques i.e Operations types of projector,
Research Technique, productivity worked
applied to manufacturing techniques examples with
14 construction, and linear appropriate
• Explain the
programming. relationship graphs.
15 7.2 Define sequencing and between
scheduling estimating or sequence and
elapsed time. scheduling
7.3 Define resource estimating or
allocation and leveling, elapse time
cost optimization works
flow quenching theory, • Describe
flow graphs optimum resource
size. allocation and
leveling, cost
works flow
theory, flow
graphs optimum

Assessment: Coursework: 20% Course test: 20% Practical 0%

Examination 60%

PROGRAMME: Higher National Diploma in Building Technology

COURSE: Theory of Structures III
GOAL: Goal: this course is designed to provide students with knowledge and skills for determining deflection in beams.



On completion of this course, the students should be able to:

1.0 Deflection of Beams in Structure.
2.0 Understand the Plastic Theory of Bending




Course Specification: Theoretical Content:

General Objective 1.0: Deflection of Beams in Structure.

Week Specific Learning Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation
1.1 Calculate • Explain to  White board and 1.1 Apply site information to • Show/demonstrate • Analyze
deflection by students how marker. determine deflection in existing to students how deflection of
direct Integration; deflection of a buildings by direct integration deflection of a a beam by
1-2  Projector
Maculay's method beam can be method beam can be direct
calculated using calculated using integration
the Integration the Integration method.
method. method.
• Calculate deflection of • Calculate deflection of
cantilever propped cantilever propped
cantilever simply cantilever simply
supported Beams using supported Beams
the Integration method. using
• the Integration

1.2 Calculate deflection by • Show the students • White board and 1.2 Apply site information to • Visit sites to identify • Analyze
Moment-area method. how to determine marker. determine deflection in existing causes of excessive deflection of a
deflection using the • Projector building by moment area method deflection beam by
moment-area method. moment area
• Calculate deflection method
of cantilever simply
supported Beams
using the moment
1.3 Compute deflection of Explain how deflection  White board and 1.3 Apply information obtained from • Visit sites to identify • Compute
simple framed structures of a framed structure marker. existing building to sketch Mohr various spans deflection of
by Willot Mohr diagram can be determined Projector diagram, • Draw Mohr diagram simple framed
5-6 using the Willot-Mohr structures by
for a framed structure of
diagram. an existing building Willot Mohr
• Calculate diagram
deflection of
various simple
framed structure
using the Willot-
General Objective 2.0: Understand the Plastic Theory of Bending

WEEK Specific Learning Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation
2.1 Explain the stages in Explain the  White board and Determine the elastic and plastic Explain the stages in Explain the
7 -9 the elastic and plastic behavior of a marker. bending of a rectangular Mild-steel the elastic and plastic stages in the
bending of rectangular mild Projector, universal beam under gradual loadings. bending of elastic and
a rectangular Mild-steel steel under testing machine. a rectangular Mild- plastic bending
beam. gradual steel beam. of
a rectangular

2.2 Calculate Moments • Explain how to • Chalk - Board and • Determine moment of • Guide students in • Determine
of resistance of determine Graph resistance of rectangular determining moment of
rectangular section, the moment of section. moment of resistance
collapse load, the shape resistance of • Calculate Moment of resistance of of
10 - factor in a fully plastic rectangular resistance of rectangular rectangular rectangula
12 state section. section Beam. section. r section.
• Calculate • Calculate collapse load, shape factor• Calculate collapse load,
Moment of for a shape factor for a
resistance of • mild-steel of a rectangular section in • mild-steel of a
rectangular a fully plastic state. rectangular section in a
section Beam. fully plastic state.
• Calculate collapse
load, shape factor for a
mild-steel of
rectangular section in
a fully plastic state.
2.3 Determine Plastic Moment of Portal • Explain how to determine the • White Board Determine Guide students •
13 Plastic Moment in the
Frames Plastic Moment of Portal frames.
of Portal determination of
Frames Plastic Moment
of Portal
Calculate Plastic Moment for various • Calculate Plastic Moment for various • White Board • Calculate • Calculate •
14-15 Portal frames. Plastic Plastic
Portal frames.
Moment for Moment for
various various
Portal frames. Portal frames.
Assessment: Coursework: 20% Course test: 20% Practical 20% Examination 40%
Programmes :BUILDING TECHNOLOGY HND Code: BLD 412 Credit Hours: 4hrs.
Course: Construction Technology III Pre-requisite BLD 322 PRACTICAL 3
Semester: THEORY 1

Goal: The course is designed to provide students with skills and knowledge of production of concrete and placement of concrete work in sites.

General Objectives
On completion of this Course, the students should be able to:

1.0: Know Preliminary Works and Preparation of Large and Restricted Sites.
2.0: Understand Statutory Regulations Statutory Regulations
3.0: Understand the Production of Concrete and Its Placement Concrete Work
4.0: Understand prefabricated Components and Plant Requirements. Prefabrication and Plant Requirements


COURSE: Construction Technology III COURSE CODE: CONTACT HRS: 4

BLD 412

Course Specification: Theoretical Content

General Objective 1.0: Know Preliminary Works and Preparation of Large and
Restricted Sites.
WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Teacher’s Evaluation
Outcomes activities
1.5 Outline general principles of 1.1 Outline general principles • White board, • • • Outline general
construction and scope of building of construction and scope principles of
• Building
bye-laws and regulations governing of building bye-laws. construction and
1 Regulation and
the construction of large buildings.1.2 Explain regulations scope of building
1.6 Describe ways and uses of governing the construction bye-laws and
preliminary site investigation. of large buildings. regulations
And ways and uses of governing the
preliminary site construction of large
investigation buildings

1.3 Identify problems of ground Explain problems of • White board • • •

water and adjacent property ground water and
1.4 Describe the methods of adjacent property
solving the above problems. • Describe the
2 1.5 Explain setting out, shoring methods of
underpinning, access roads storage, solving the above
and temporary buildings as problems.
preliminary activities on site. • Explain setting out,
shoring underpinning,
access roads storage,
and temporary buildings
• preliminary activities on
General Objective 2.0: Understand Statutory Regulations Statutory Regulations

WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource

2.1 Interpret statutory regulations Explain statutory • Chalk board • • Explain statutory
regulations for: regulations for the
2.2 Vet building/architectural • Building
drawing using the knowledge Vet, public health Regulation, Bye-
3 of statutory regulations. building/architectural laws, and • Vet, public health
2.3 Explain public health acts town drawing using the approved working building/architectural
and country planning acts, building knowledge of drawings. drawing using the
regulations and factory acts. statutory knowledge of
2.4 Ensure that buildings are regulations. statutory regulations
erected incompliance with Explain public health
statutory regulations. acts town and country
planning acts, building
regulations and factory
Ensure that buildings are
erected incompliance
with statutory

Course Specification: Theoretical Content

General Objective 3.0: Understand the Production of Concrete and Its

Placement Concrete Work
WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation
3.1 Describe the Explain with • White board • Identify materials used in • Provide sample of • Explain the
materials used in examples. • Batching box concrete production concrete materials materials used for
concrete production. Objective • nominal mix ratio concrete
4 • Scale
3.2 Explain the factors 3.1 to 3.3 production
affecting the mix ratio of • Carry out mix design using
different methods • Explain the
concrete. norminal mix
3.3 Explain the different mix design
proportioning methods.
3.4 Explain the influence of Explain the • Carryout experiment to • Student should • Calculate water
voids on concrete through influence of • Compaction factor determine void content in a carry out content for a
experiment voids on test concrete experiment in the concrete mix
3.5 Outline principles of mixing concrete Laboratory
5 concrete identifying water through • Explain means of
content, mixing cycle, and experiment • Vibrator • List different admixture used transportation of
introduction of admixtures etc. And outline in concrete production building
3.6 Describe various principles of materials.
transportation and placing of mixing concrete
identifying water
concrete techniques.
content, mixing
cycle, and
introduction of
admixtures etc.
3.7 Describe
and placing of

3.7 Explain compaction of • Demonstrate • Slump test apparatus • Carry out the following tests • Guide students to • State methods of
concrete using different with example • Compaction factor on concrete samples: carry out Slump concrete
methods test apparatus Slump test test compaction
3.8 Describe: • Vibration test Compaction factor test • Compaction factor
equipment Vibration test test
a. Plain concrete, - Vibration test
b. Reinforced
c. Precast concrete
d. In-situ concrete
e. Pre-stressed concrete.

3.9 Describe types and quality of Explain types and • Chalk board • Explain different type of • Show sample of • Identify different
reinforcement used in reinforced quality of reinforcement (size & type) reinforcement to type & size of
concrete and the method of reinforcement students reinforcement
placement. used in reinforced
concrete and the
method of

General Objective 4.0: Understand prefabricated Components and Plant
Prefabrication and Plant Requirements
WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation
4.2 Explain the • Give • White board • identify prefabricated • Organize site visit to • Explain materials
development and Examples in components and units prefabrication plant to used for
use of prefabricated the • Molds of different size
• identify the material used in identify materials fabrication of
component and explanation of production of prefabricated used in prefabricated prefabricated unit
units the objective • Vibrator components and
- Table v unit
4.3 Determine the plant 4.1 to 4.5 units
7 - 13 requirements for handling and - Poker v • Explain method
production of fabricated • Cite existing case • Lifting equipment of producing
components prefabricated
4.4 Describe tolerance and units
jointing methods
4.5 Explain portal frame,
space frame, tension
structures, and air
4.6 Describe various
materials in use in the
production of
prefabricated units.
4.7 Explain the problems,
advantages and
disadvantages of prefabricated

Assessment: Coursework: 20% Course test: 20% Practical: 20% Examination


Programmes: BUILDING TECHNOLOGY HND Code: BLD 413 Credit Hours: 4hrs.

Course: Structural Design and Detailing III Pre-requisite BLD 323 PRACTICAL :3HRS

Course main Aim/Goal: Designed to enable students understand Design and Detailing of a Storey Building

General Objectives
On completion of this Course, the students should be able to:

1.0: Carry out the design and detailing of a storey building

2.0 Understand the yield line theory
3.0 Know the importance of torsion, shear and flexure in structures
4.0 Know masonry structures


Course: Structural Design & Detailing III Course Code: BLD Contact Hours: 3

Course Specification: Theoretical Content

General Objective: 1.0 To carry out the design and detailing of a storey building
WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation

1.1 Produce a structural Explain process of Studio Drawing 1.1 Carry out the design and  Guide the students to Draw a structural
layout of a typical floor preparing a board, Pens, detailing of a 3-storey follow the procedure layout of a the floor
1-7 and use it to carry out structural layout of Paper, Design building in carrying out the
the design of the a typical floor. Packages, such as a. Architectural Drawing structural design and
following elements: Detail (a) - (d) of prota-structure, detailing.
(a) a one way onon 18,master b. Structural layout
continuous slab series Building c. Analysis
suite d. Design
(b) a continuous
beam Quick civil series e. Detailing
10, Tekia designer
(c) an axially loaded suite, Tekia portal,2.3
short column etc.
(d) Detail (a) - (d)


Course: Structural Design & Detailing III Course Code: BLD Contact Hours: 4
Course Specification: Theoretical Content

General Objective: 2.0 Understand the yield line theory.

WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation

2.1 Explain the collapse mechanism Explain process of Multi-media 2.1 Design and detail a Guide students Explain the
and yield line. analyzing and Projector, 2-way rein forced to design and collapse
2.2 Analyse 2-way reinforced concrete designing a 2-way white concrete slab. detail mechanism
slabs using the yield line theory. reinforced concrete boards reinforced and yield
2.3 Design 2-way reinforced concrete slab using yield line Eurocodes concrete slab line
slab. theory

General Objective 3.0: Know the importance of torsion, shear and flexure in structures.

WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation

3.1 Analyse for torsion, shear and flexural Explain how to analyse Design for torsion, shear and Guide students in Analyse for
10-12 centres in structures. and design for torsion, White flexural condition designing torsion, torsion, shear and
shear and flexural board shear and flexuralre flexural centers in
reinforcements in inforcements. structures
General Objective 4.0: Know masonry structures.

WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation

4.1 Design load bearing structures in Explain the process of Drawing board, 4.1 Carryout design and  Guide the Carryout design
13 - brickwork, designing load bearing Plus, paper detailing of load bearing student in and detailing of
14 masonry, mass concrete e,g retaining structures in and structures in brick work, carryout the load bearing
wall, dam, arches, tall chimneys, brickwork, accessories. masonry, mass concrete etc. design and structures in brick
abutments and piers. masonry, mass detailing work, masonry,
concrete e,g retaining mass concrete
wall, dam, arches, tall
chimneys, abutments
and piers.


Course: Structural Design & Detailing III Course Code: BLD 405 Contact Hours: 1 -

Course Specification: Theoretical Content

Assessment: Coursework 20%; Course test 20%; Practical 20%; Examination 40%

Programmes: BUILDING TECHNOLOGY HND Code: BLD 415 Credit Hours: 3hrs.

Course: Maintenance Technology Pre-requisite Theoretical:1

Practical :2

Course main Aim/Goal: This course is designed to acquaint students with the knowledge of Building Maintenance

General Objectives
On completion of this Course, the students should be able to:
1.0 Know the various Materials, and Processes for Carrying out Maintenance Work in Buildings and Infrastructural Facilities
2.0 Understand the Nature of Deterioration In Common Building Materials and Components that are caused by External and Internal Agents.
3.0 Know the Types and Causes of Failures in Building and in Infrastructural Facilities.
4.0 Understand the peculiar Maintenance Problems Associated with High rise Buildings, Industrial Buildings and Their specialist work.
5.0 Understand the peculiar Maintenance Problems Associated with Estate Roads and Infrastructural Works




Course Specification: Theoretical Content

General Objective: 1.0: Know the various Materials, and Processes for Carrying
out Maintenance Work in Buildings and Infrastructural Facilities

WEEK Specific Learning Outcomes: Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Evaluation
• Identify the various materials • Explain various • Maintenance 1.1 Identify different type of • Guide • What are the
used for maintenance works. materials used tools and materials for maintenance students to various types of
• State the utility life-span for maintenance equipment work identify types materials for
1 of the various structural work • Charts, drawings, 1.2 Identify the life span of of maintenance?
finishing materials used in • Discuss the pictures, video. differed materials used for maintenance • What are the
construction works. utility life span of • White board maintenance work. work disadvantages
• Explain the advantages and various • Show and advantages
disadvantages of 1.3 Identity the structural member
structural to serve as finishing sample of of using
allowing structural
finishing some structural
materials to serves as
materials used in materials materials to
finishing materials to
construction • Use sample serve as finish
maintenance works.
works to shows the materials to

• Explain the life span maintenance

advantages and work?

• Organize
disadvantages visit to

of identify them

materials to
serves as
materials to

1.4 Determine the uses of • - Explain the White board, • - Identity steps for executing  Guide  What are the
projector, Sample of
• maintenance work students to stages involved
the materials identified uses of materials
2 maintenance identify in maintenance
above identified above manual, charts , -Prepare maintenances manuals steps works?
video clips etc • and schedule of Dilapidation. involved in  What are the
1.5 Enumerate the various • - State various
• - Prepare final account for a given executing importance of
3 stages in maintenance
stages in maintenance maintenance
works maintenance work
maintenance manual,
1.6 Interpret, state the  Guide schedule of
work students to dilapidation and
importance of and prepare
Prepare alteration of
maintenance manual, schedule -Explain the maintenance work
importance of prepare manual and
of Dilapidation and work
schedule of
alterations, works programme maintenance manual, dilapidation
and Final Account schedule of
of maintenance work. Dilapidation and work
alterations, works
programme and Final

• of maintenance


General Objective 2.0: Understand the Nature of Deterioration In Common Building Materials and Components that are caused by External and
Internal Agents.

WEEK Specific Learning Outcomes: Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Evaluation
2.1 State the various types of • Explain various White board, - Show students samples of  Organize  What are the
projector, Sample of deterioration building materials visit to types of
deterioration that occur in types of deterioration - Identify causes of building identify deterioration
building materials. that occur in building manual, charts , deterioration various that occur in
video clips etc 2.3 - Identify means of protecting deterioration building
4 2.2 Determine the materials 2.4 building against above defect of building materials?
causes of these 2.5 materials  What bare the
• List the causes of causes?
types of deterioration of  What are the
deterioration in measure to be
building materials taken to
building materials.
• Explain how the
2.3 Protect these
building materials can
building materials
be protected before
against deterioration
and after use
before and after use.
2.4 Identify the factors affecting • Explain factors White board, projector - - -

5 the selection of these materials affecting the

for use, i.e. thermal insulation, selection thermal
impermeability, durability, insulation,
compatibility etc
durability and

General Objective 3.0: Know the Types and Causes of Failures in Building and in
Infrastructural Facilities.

WEEK Specific Learning Outcomes: Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Evaluation
3.1 Enumerate the various types of • - Explain various types White board, -Identify cause of failure by  Guide  What are the
projector, charts , foundation, materials design, students to various types
failures in construction works, e.g. of failure in workmanship, structural and identifying of failure in
video clips etc
6 Foundation failure, material failure, construction works weathering various construction
-Show students how to detects causes of works/
design failure, poor workmanship, • -Explain the causes of failure in construction works failure in  What are the
structural failures, weathering, building causes of
the failure  Organize construction
failure done to wrong usage, etc. site visit failure?
• -Describe the impact
7 3.2 Explain the causes of these
various types of failure of good design and
construction work 3.3
3.10 State the impact of good
design and construction works in • -Explain the factors
minimizing maintenance problems. contributing to ageing
3.11 Analyse the contributory as it affect construction
factors affecting ageing and works
obsolesce in construction works
• -Explain how to detect
3.12 Detect the various types
failure in construction
of failures enumerated above.
3.13 Correct these failures
whenever detected

General Objective 4.0: Understand the peculiar Maintenance Problems Associated

with High rise Buildings, Industrial Buildings and Their specialist work.

WEEK Specific Learning Outcomes: Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Evaluation

4.1 Analyse the peculiar • Explain peculiar  While board - Identify high and communal  Organize  What are the
problems of high rise marker and building site visit problems
problems of high rise and
and complex slides - Show students possible problems  Guide associated
complex communal communal buildings associated with industrial students to with
8 building recognized maintenance
buildings due to size, • Explain the particular high and of high rise
problems with communal building
height, construction industrial buildings building
due to industrial 
technique, structural While board  Guide
activities marker and
9 modes, etc. students to
• Describe particular slides identify
4.2 Analyse the particular problems problems with special problems
10 associated with industrial works associated
• Enumerate possible with
buildings due to industrial solutions to the industrial
processes, heavy problems above. buildings
 While board
traffic, vibration, etc. • Discuss maintenance marker and
works in respect to slides
4.3 Analyse the particular any given problems
problems associated with special
works such as hospitals,
laboratories, military installations
functional requirements, location,
equipment etc.
4.4 Propose solutions to the
problems analysed in 4.1-
4.3 above
4.5 Carry out maintenance works
in respect of any of the given
problems above.

General Objective 5.0: Understand the peculiar Maintenance Problems
Associated with Estate Roads and Infrastructural Works.

WEEK Specific Learning Outcomes: Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation

12.1 Explain the importance of  -Demonstrate and 5.1 Identity the important o Explain important of  Identify means
of estate road estate road of maintaining
maintaining estate roads and explain using case maintenance management estate road.
11 other infrastructures. studies and examples
12.2 Analyse the relationships
. 5.2 Defects are cause b Explain the different  Identify the
between design, weathering, overloading, axle Defects associated cause of high
construction, performance, and load bad design etc Resurfacing, with road of an estate cost in road
patching, verg in etc. maintenance
12 maintenance cost of estate
roads. Explain the various  Identify the
5.6 5.3 Identify the cause of high ways of maintaining defects
5.3 Enumerate the various types maintenance cost of estate road road associated with
of defects or failures that are e.g Uses of equipment highly
6 Explain the cause  Water supply
associated with estate roads. 12.3 5.4 State clearly the /couses
5.4 Described the methods of various failure associated with  Electrical
Electrical Supply and water Visit site to identify supply
detecting defects or failures supply such failure
of estate roads.  Provide
5.5 Provide solution to the Organized site visit solution to
5.5 Propose solutions to the identified defects in 5.8 problems
defects or failures 13 associated with
detected in estate roads. water supply
and electricity

5.6 State the cause of high White board, 5.10 -Carry out maintenance Guide students to -What are the
-Explain the projectors operations for the carry out maintenance causes of high
maintenance costs of estate cause of high infrastructures associated with a operations for the
13 costs of estate
maintenance given building or minor civil infrastructures
and township roads. and township
cost of estate engineering works roads?
5.7 Propose methods of reducing and township
the maintenance road
14 costs of estate and township road. -State the
5.8 Enumerate the various methods of
reducing the
failure that are associated with maintenance
15 infrastructures such as electricity5.8 – Describe the
supply, water supply in buildings, various failure that
sewage disposal, drainages, etc. are associated with
5.9 Describe methods of detecting infrastructures such
the failure in
as electricity supply,
services supply above.
water supply in
5.10 Propose remedial actions to
buildings, sewage
the failures detected in services
disposal, drainages,
supply to buildings.
- Describe methods of
detecting the failure in
5.9 services supply above

- Explain remedial
actions to the failures
detected in services
supply to buildings.



Assessment: Coursework: 20% Course test: 20% Practical 0% Examination

5%.Competency: The student should be familiar with causes of building
materials failure and the technology of maintenance of buildings and
References: 1. Nobbs, A. W. "Building Craft Science".
2. Perkins, P., "Repair, protection and water proofing of concrete

Programmes: BUILDING TECHNOLOGY HND Code: BLD 416 Credit Hours: 2hrs.

Course: Construction Management I Pre-requisite Theoretical: 2

Practical : 0

Course main Aim/Goal: Equip students with knowledge of contract documentation and tendering processes

General Objectives
On completion of this Course, the students should be able to:
1.0 Understand the processes of contract documentation and forms of contract and tendering processes
2.0 Understand the application of scientific management processes to high rise Buildings.
3.0 Understand the process of management as they apply to building operation and coordination on site, i.e. sub-contractors nominated suppliers
and the like.




Course Specification: Theoretical Content

General Objective 1.0: Understand the processes of contract documentation and forms of contract
and tendering processes

WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation

1.1 Appreciate a valid contract. • Demonstrate • White board • • List and

1.2 List and explain the and show and marker explain the
conditions for a valid documents and conditions
1-3 contract. different forms of for a valid
1.3 List standard form of contracts using contract.

1.4 Appreciate the different
types of Building contract.
1.5 Explain the various
types of Building
1.1 Appreciate tender • Show • White Board and • • •
documents. marker
1.2 Know what is tendering.
4-5 tendering
1.3 Explain the various forms of
tendering process
and use case
1.4 State the conditions
under which you will tender
for a contract.

General Objective 2.0: Understand the application of scientific management
processes to high rise
WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource

2.1 Recognize plant, material • Explain plant White board and marker Carry out case studies in resource Guide the students 2.1 Prepare plant,
management of a given building
and labour schedules from material and operation. material and
overall programme. labour labour schedules
2.2 Use Management process schedules from overall
to monitor such
from overall programme.
Schedules to economic ends.

2.3 Recognize critical path • Use case White board and marker Calculate path analysis, bar-chart and2.3 Explain critical path Determine the
Charts. line of balance as methods of EFT, LFT, Critical
analysis, bar-chart and line of studies to Projector. programming building activities on site. analysis, bar-chart path and total
balance as methods of demonstrate and line of balance duration of the
8-9 project
programming building activities the techniques as methods of
on site. mentioned. programming
2.4 Identify causes of delay • Give assignment building activities on
from such programmes, on all cases.
updating and controlling
them to meet estimated
project cost and time.

General Objective 3.0: Understand the process of management as they apply to building operation
and coordination on site, i.e. sub-contractors nominated suppliers and the like.

WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource

3.1 Explain site policy and procedure. 3.7 Explain site policy and • White board and • • •
procedure. marker.
3.2 Explain site organizations, coordination,

and relationships

3.3 Organize group workforce using

10-11 Macgregor's theory of X and Y.
12 3.4 State the purpose of site meetings.
3.5 Describe the procedure, records and
communication involved in site meeting
3.6 Explain how to coordinate the activities of
specialists and nominated suppliers to
achieve overall progamme efficiency.

3.7 identify the procedure for programming • Demonstrate with • White board & • calculate of • Explain • Determine
for construction works. examples using case marker. a given gang size the gang size
3.8 Prepare pre-tender programming studies building calculation of of a proposed
and method statement. proposed a given building
3.9 Demonstrate gang size balancing and project. building project.
use sequence studies on high rise buildings project
to achieve economic utilization of available

Assessment: Coursework: 20% Course test: 20% Practical 0% Examination 60%

Competency: The Should be should be familiar with contract documentation, management processes
and allocation of resources to building operations.

References: 1. Frank Haris Rumcaffer, "Modern construction Management"

2. Authory Walker, "Project Management in construction".

Programmes: BUILDING TECHNOLOGY HND Code: BLD 417 Credit Hours: 2hrs.

Course: Budgeting and Financial Control Pre-requisite Theoretical: 2

Practical 0

Course main Aim/Goal

General Objectives
On completion of this Course, the students should be able to:
1.0 Understand the basic principles of finance
2.0 Understand the basic Principles of Budgeting
3.0 Understand some aspects of cost –in-use
4.0 Understand the element of Profitability
5.0 Understand basic aspects of cash flow information and conditions of contract

COURSE: Budgeting & Financial Control I COURSE CODE: BLD CONTACT
417 HRS:2

Course Specification: Theoretical Content

General Objective 1.0: Understand the basic principles of finance.
Week Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation

1.1 Outline steps taken in the • Use questions • Charts 1.1 Identify the various forms • Give assignments to •
formation of a company. and answers of business formation and students
• Video
techniques. the means of finance
1.2 Differentiate various kinds of
• Give assignments. • OHP 1.2 Calculate depreciation
1-3 associations such as limited
liability companies, partnerships, • Demonstrate • White using various methods.
sole traders, etc. with examples.
1.3 Distinguish shares, dividends
profits, debentures
taxation and reserves.
1.4 Explain depreciation of
assets; methods of calculation
and the aspects
General Objective 2.0: Understand the basic Principles of Budgeting
WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation

2.1 Describe cash flow • Lecture 2.1 Student to understand  Give assignments to
principles and factors the concept of fixed, student
affecting financial yield. variable and marginal
4-7 -do- cost
2.2 Explain the calculation of
cash flow by Lazy „s‟ curve 2.5 2.2 student to calculate cash
and programme of work 2.6 flow using programme of
methods 2.7 work method.
2.3 2.3 Compile full and marginal
costing different types offixed and
variable costs. Break-even point
and break-even unit.
2.4 Analyse 2.2above.
General Objective 3.0: Understand some aspects of cost –in-use.

WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation

3.1 Explain the concept of total or 3.1 student to understand the  Give assignment
8 ultimate cost - -do- concept of total cost
3.2 Explain factors militating 3.2 student to carry out CIU
against cost in use calculations calculations
3.3. cost in use calculations
General Objective 4.0: Understand the element of Profitability
WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation

4.1 Justify cost on capital return on 4.1 identify the investment

investments by use of traditional appraisal and calculations of
9-12 methods: payback period, peak - -do- investment using traditional and
profit and average profit. do- discounted methods.

4.2 Explain various taxes on

4.3 Explain principles of discounted
cashflow.Net present value and
internal rate of return.
4.4 Prepare discounted cash flows.
General Objective 5.0: Understand basic aspects of cash flow information and
conditions of contract
WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation

5.1 Illustrate information flow and 5.1 identify the various resources
13-15 labour, material and plant - -do- such as labour, materials, plant
availability to profitability. do-
5.2 Describe clearly some aspects of
conditions of contract and
contract control.

PROGRAMME: Higher National Diploma in Building Technology
COURSE: Building Information Modeling COURSE CODE: 418 CONTACT HOURS: 3HOURS/WK
GOAL: To appreciate the use of BIM tools to enhance Building Development

On completion of this course, the students should be able to:

1.0 Understand the significance of building information management in construction efficiency and effectiveness
2.0 Understand the working environment of a building information management software
3.0 Understand BIM software AND HOW TO apply it to model small building
4.0 Apply BIM Software to the design of structural elements
5.0 Understand how to import model to BIM environment to generate cost



HRS: 3

Course Specification: Theoretical Content

General Objective 1.0 Understand the significance of building information management in construction efficiency and effectiveness

Week Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation

 Projector • Identify the areas of • Explain BIM • Identify the

1.1 Define Building information modelling  Use building
(BIM)  Interactive application of BIM in timeline in the
board • Explain the
features to the Construction Industry evolvement of development of
1-2 1.2 Narate the History of BIM  Personal BIM
concept • identify the significance BIM
1.3 Explain the Applications of BIM in of BIM • Explain the • List and discuss
construction  Explain so as to  Auto desk
and the different features relevance of the areas where
enable students to Revit Software
1.4 Explain the significance of BIM of BIM BIM BIM is useful in the
appreciate its
application in the • Identify BIM process
1.5 Explain BIM processes
construction • What are the
1.6 Identify and explain the features of industry features of BIM
BIM software • What are the
1.7 Identify types of constraints of BIM process of BIM
General Objective 2.0 Understand the working environment/ and use of a building information management software

WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource

2.1 Explain Revit  Identify Revit   Identify Revit components  Assist students in  List Revit
2.2 List its components components and and parameter the the features of components
discuss its  Demonstrate the constraint Revit and parameter
3 2.3 List its parameters parameter and in use of Revit software  Explain the
2.4 Explain the features of constraints constraint of
Revit Environment  Launch Revit Revit
software and  Evaluate
explain the students on
different features. ability to
General Objective 3.0: Application of Revit to model small building
4 3.1 Create a new project  Show students   Create a new project  Create new project  Create new
3.2 Sketch the plan of external wall how to launch  Sketch the external wall project
software and
3.3 Specify project geographic  Specific geographic
location navigate to menu location
to create new  Create topo surface
3.4 Create the topo surface project, external
3.5 Create the building pad 3.5 wall, geographic  Create building pad
3.6 Edit the topo surface location

3.7 Create the openings on wall  Navigate the

Software file view,
3.8 Insert doors and windows create insert
3.9 Create curtain wall  Assist the student
3.10 Create floor to take part in the
3.11 Add floor opening exploration
3.12 Duplicate floor at additional  Give students
practical questions
Level to apply all the
3.13 Create ceiling automatically features on the
and by sketch Revit software
3.14 Add features of ceilings
3.15 Create flat and pitched roof
3.16 Choose window types
3.17 Choose door types
3.18 Insert stair case
3.19 Create openings in floors
3.20 Create railing to stains
3.21 Create both ornamental and
Structural columns and
3.23 Modify element
3.24 Explain Annotation and detailing of
3.25 Print output
General Objective 4.0 Apply BIM software design of structural elements

12-14 4.1 Link architectural model to BIM  Demonstrate with  Import architectural model  Import model  Draw structural
4.2 Draw structural system software to BIM environment  Draw structural element
4.3 Reinforce structural column  Assist students to  Draw structural system system  Reinforce
take part in the colums
4.4 Reinforce structural beam. design  Reinforce colums  Reinforce Colums  Reinforce beam
 Give students  Reinforce Beams  Reinforce Beam
practical questions
to apply the
General Objective 5.0: Understand how to import data to BIM environment

15 5.1 Link the architectural model to  How to link  Import model to BIM  Import model  Import model
BIM environment architectural model environment  Generate cost  Generate cost
to BIM  Generate cost
5.2 Generate cost of element.
 Generate cost of

PROGRAMME: Higher National Diploma in Building Technology
CU 1
GOAL: To make the student understand Building Production process right from Design through Construction on site to Hand over

On completion of this course, the students should be able to:

1.0 Understand Basic architectural design and using ARCHICAD
2.0 Understand Basic services in Building
3.0 Understand Basic structural design and detailing using Relevant Codes and ORION Application
4.0 Understand preparation of bill of quantities and its pricing
5.0 Understand basic construction planning and programming using MS Project
6.0 Understand basic health and safety management plan
7.0 Understand basic quality management plan
8.0 Understand basic construction methodology



HRS: 45

Course Specification: Theoretical Content

General Objective 1.0 Understand basic Architectural Design and using ARCHICAD

Week Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation

 White • Identify the important of • Guide student • Prepare

board/maker visiting site onn what to on architectural
 Projector the site working drawings
• Prepare client‟s brief
1-3  Computer with by the use of
• Prepare architectural • Guide student
on client‟s brief
 Studio with working drawings
and preparation
facilities • Plans of drawings
• Elevations • This should be
• Sections done jointly by
• Door & window the students
• Finishing schedule
General Objective 2.0 Understand Basic Services in Building

Week Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation

 Projector • Prepare plumbing and • Guide • Prepare services
 Studio with mechanical drawings students in the drawings
facilities preparation of
1-3 • Prepare electrical
drawings services
• This can be
done by a
group in the

General Objective 3.0 Understand Basic structural design and detailing using Relevant Codes and ORION Application

Week Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation

 Computers • identify soil bearing • Guide student to • Design and detail

with Orion capacities appreciate soil foundation as per
 Studio with bearing capacities as the soil bearing
6-8 Projector and • Design reinforcement
details for: leant in other courses capacity
other facilities
- Foundation (as • Guide student in the • Prepare structural
applicable) preparation of drawings
structural design, • Prepare bending
- Column, beam, slab detailing and bending schedules
- Staircase, wall, roof schedules
Prepare bending • This can be done by
schedules a group in the class

General Objective 4.0 Understand preparation of bill of quantities and its pricing

Week Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation

 Drawings • Prepare specifications • Guide the student • Prepare and price

 Taking-off
sheets • Take off using all the drawings • This can be done by the bill of quantities
• Prepare bill of quantities a group in the class
9-11  Billing sheets
 Computers with • Price the bill of quantities

General Objective 5.0: Understand basic construction planning and programming using MS Project

Week Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation

 Drawings • Prepare programme by Gantt • Guide the student • Prepare

 Bill of quantities Chart/Network method • This can be done by programme of
 Computers with work
12 • Prepare schedules a group in the class
MS project and
- Materials • Prepare
materials, labour
- Labour and plant
- Plant schedules

General Objective 6.0: Understand basic health and safety management plan

Week Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation

6.1 Explain the causes, effects and  Explain the  White/maker  identify issues relating to • Guide the student in • Prepare health
prevention of accidents causes, effects on board health and safety preparation of HSM and safety
6.2 identify the construction work site management plan
13 environment  Explain work • This can be done by management plan
6.3 Explain the concept of environment a group in the class
occupational health hygiene  Explain
health hygiene
General Objective 7.0: Understand basic quality management plan

Week Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation

7.1 Draft quality manuals  Explain quality  White/maker  Identify issues relating to • Guide the student in • Prepare quality
7.2 Explain the concept of total manuals board quality management preparation of QM management plan
quality management (TQM)  Explain the basic  CORBON quality plan
7.3 Draft quality control in an concepts of manuals
organization quality • This can be done by
7.4 Identify the causes, effect and management a group in the class
remedies of defects  Explain quality
control and relate
it to site situations
 Explain the
causes, effects
and remedial
measures for
defects in building

General Objective 8.0: Understand basic construction methodology

Week Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation

 Contract  Understand method • Guide student in the • Prepare the

documents study preparation of construction
- Drawings construction methodology
- Specification methodology
- Boq
- Programme of • This can be done by
work a group in the class


PROGRAMME: Higher National Diploma in Building Technology

COURSE: Professional Practice and Ethics COURSE CODE: 421 CONTACT HOURS: 2HOURS /WK
GOAL: This course is designed to enable students have the knowledge in professional practices and Ethics

On completion of this course, the students should be able to:

1.0 Understand the history and development of building profession in Nigeria.
2.0 Understand the objective of NIOB and CORBON in the regulation of Building profession in Nigeria.
3.0 Understand the responsibilities of Builders in Construction Companies.
4.0 Understand bases Builders Documents
5.0 Understand the consultancy services rendered by Professional Builder
6.0 Understand the federal Government approved scale of fees for Builders in various consultancy services


COURSE: Professional Practice and COURSE CODE: BLD CONTACT

Ethics 421

Course Specification: Theoretical Content

General Objective 1.0 Understand the history and development of building profession in Nigeria.

Week Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation

 White • •
1.1 Give History and  Explain the history 1.1
development of and development
Building profession in of the Building
1 National Building
Nigeria profession and
ACT establishing
2 1.2 List the Professionals
in the Construction
Industry and their  Explain
roles Professionals in the
1.3 Identify other construction and
professional bodies in their roles
the built environment  Explain other
in Nigeria professionals and
1.4 Identity Trade Unions Associated Bodies
in the Construction  Explain Trade
Industry Unions in the
1.5 Explain Introduction to Construction
National Building Industry
Codes 2006  Introduce and
discuss National
Building codes.
General Objective 2.0: Understand the objective of NIOB and CORBON in the regulation of Building profession in Nigeria.

WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource

1.1 Define  Explain who is a  White

“Professional professional board/marker
Builder Builder projector,
1.2 List the  Explain the National Building
objectives of objectives of NIOB Codes.
 Explain the
1.3 List the objectives of
objectives of CORBON
 Discuss the
1.4 Explain the role complementary
played by NIOB role of NIOB and
and CORBON in CORBON in the
the regulation of regulation of
Building Building
professional Professional
practice in practice in Nigeria
 Explain NIOB‟s
1.5 List NIOB‟s general rules of
general rules of conduct for
conduct for Builders for
Builders Consultancy
1.6 List NIOB‟s rules services
of conduct for  Explain NIOB
Builder engaged general rules of
in consultancy conduct for
services Builders in
1.7 Explain the contracting
NIOB‟s rules of
conduct for
Builders in
General Objective 3.0: Understand the responsibilities of Builders in Construction Companies.

6 3.1 Explain the positions  Explain the  White Board

and responsibilities of positions and Marker,
Builders in Construction responsibilities of Projector,
companies Builders in National Building
companies Code
General Objective 4.0:Understand bases Builders Documents

12-14 4.1 Explain the use of

construction programme for
monitoring building project
4.2 Health and safety
management plan
4.3 Quality manage plan
„builderbility and
maintainability analysis
General Objective 5.0: Understand the consultancy services rendered by Professional Builder

7-8 5.1 Identify consultancy  Explain the  White Board

services of Builders consultancy Marker projector
5.2 Explain Project services of Builders
Management in:
5.3 Explain Building  Project
Production management management
5.4 Explain Building  Building production
Maintenance management management
5.5 Explain Faculties  Building
Management maintenance
5.6 Explain Building
Surveying  Facilities
5.7 Explain Feasibility and management
Viability studies of Building  Building Surveying
project  Feasibility and
5.8 Explain Arbitration and viability studies of
expert witness Building project
5.9 Explain process of  Arbitration And
Monitoring and evaluation of expert witness
Building projects
 Monitoring and
evaluation of
Building projects.
GENERAL OBJECTIVE:6.0 Understand the federal Government approved scale of fees for Builders in various consultancy services

13.1 6.1 Identify the  Explain the process  White
scale of fees for Professional of calculating scale Board/marker
Builders in Consultancy of fees for Projector.
services Professional
13.2 6.2 Determine fees Builders
of Professional builders Consultancy
engaged in consultancy in Services.
13.3 – Building production
13.4 – Building
maintenance Management
13.5 – Building Survey
13.6 –Reactivation of
abandoned project
13.7 - Evaluating and
pricing for tenders
13.8 – Feasibility and
viability studies
13.9 – Project
- – faculties Management

Programmes: BUILDING TECHNOLOGY HND Code: BLD 422 Credit Hours: 5hrs.

Course: Construction Technology IV Pre-requisite BLD 412 Theoretical: 2


Course main Aim/Goal

General Objectives
On completion of this Course, the students should be able to:

1.0: Understand the Construction of Drainage, Flexible and Rigid Pavement, and Construction of Surface Water Drainage.
2.0: Understand railway construction
3.0: Understand Airport Construction
4.0: Know simple Tunneling
5.0: Know the Construction of Reinforced Concrete, Prestressed Concrete and Precast Concrete Work.


COURSE: Construction Technology IV COURSE CODE: CONTACT

BLD 422 HRS: 2 - 0-3

Course Specification: Theoretical Content

General Objective 1.0: Understand the Construction of Drainage, Flexible and Rigid Pavement, and Construction of Surface Water Drainage.
WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Evaluation
Activities activities

1.1 Explain the procedure for laying -Explain the White board, • Organize site visit • Guide • What are the
pipes under the following heading; procedure for Design • Show students how to lay students to lay procedures for
Trench Excavation, bedding Piles, laying pipes Studio, Pipes pipe below trench pipes below laying pipes under
Testing and Backfilling under the of various trench trench excavation?
1 following sizes, • Demonstrate construction
of drainage trap manhole • Guide • How do you test for
1.2 Describe with sketches trapped heading; Trench projector students how the tightness of
and untrapped gully pots used for Excavation, identify various manhole?
the collection of surface water bedding Piles, pipes used for
drainage from roads, stating their Testing and draining
different applications. Backfilling purposes
-Describe with
1.3 Explain how the construction of a trapped and
manhole may be tested for water untrapped gully
tightness. pots used for
the collection of
surface water
drainage from
roads, stating
their different
• Explain how the
construction of a

manhole may be
tested for water

1.4 Explain with the aid of a sketch - Explain with the White • Illustrate how manhole of • Guide students • What makes
the construction of a deep concrete aid of a sketch board, different kind are to carry out backdrop manhole
manhole. the construction projector, constructed construction of different from
of a deep Sketches, • illustrate safety charts in manhole standard manhole
2 concrete safety maintenance of fowl water construction?
1.5 State when a backdrop manhole is charts drainage • What are the safety
used sketch the details that makes it manhole.
precaution during
different to a standard manhole - Explain when a maintenance of
construction. backdrop drainage
manhole is used
that makes it
1.6 Describe safety precautions to be different to a
exercised in surface water and foul standard
drainage systems under the following manhole
headings; collapse of excavations; - Describe safety
guardrails; breathing equipment and precautions to be
Flooding exercised in
surface water and
foul drainage
systems under the
collapse of
equipment and

1.7 Distinguish between the • White board • illustrate various types of • Guide students • What is the different
-Explain the marker, pavement to identify types between flexible &
construction of flexible and rigid
different video clips, • Organize site visit where of pavement rigid road pavement
3 between projector externals works and building • Guide students • List functions of
1.8 Summarize the flexible and
functions of the various services are taken place to identify some pavement
rigid external works
layers of construction of the pavement
types of pavement and how they
construction are been carried
1.9 Carry out external works and
services in building. put
- State the
functions of
layers of
of types of


COURSE: Construction Technology IV COURSE CODE: CONTACT

BLD 422 HRS: 5

Course Specification: Theoretical Content

General Objective 2.0: Understand railway construction

WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation

2.1 Recognize all types of rail • Explain all types of • White board and • visit a site • Guide students how - What is the
tracks. rail tracks marker • Identify various types of rail to identify rail tracks required
4 foundation for
2.2 Explain the foundation • Explain the tracks
foundation railway?
requirements of railway.
2.3 Describe ballast, requirements of
ties, tie plaes, tail railway
joints, anchors, • Describe ballast,
welded rails, ties, tie plaes, tail
switches and joints, anchors,
crossings welded rails,
switches and
2.4 Describe the materials - Explain the • White board and • • - What are the
used for the support of rail materials used for marker materials used for
5 tracks. the support of rail support railway
tracks. tracks?
2.5 Outline various defects
and failures on railway - Outline various - How can a railway
tracks and how to correct defects and tracks me
them. failures on maintained?
2.6 Explain how to maintain railway tracks
railway tracks. and how to
correct them.
- Explain
how to
General Objective 3.0: Understand Airport Construction

WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation

3.1 List the functional • White board and • Organize a visit to functional • Guide student to • What are the
requirements of airport. - Explain marker airport identify airport functional
the drainage and grading requirement of
6 3.1 Describe classes and functional airport?
standards for airports. requireme
3.2 Explain airport drainage nts of
and grading airport
- Describe
3.3 Define airport lighting, classes
beacons, wind indicators, and
railway lights, light standards
controls, heliport, air traffic for airports
control, threshold
lighting, sequenced. - Explain airport
drainage and
- Explain
beacons, wind
railway lights,
light controls,
heliport, air
traffic control,
3.4 Describe the • Explain the • White board and • • - What are the
differences between different between marker precaution to be
7 airport and road airport and road taken in the
pavements. pavement construction of
3.5 Explain the precautions to • Explain the airport pavement
be taken in the construction precautions to be
of airport pavements. taken in the
construction of
airport pavements
General Objective 4.0: Know simple Tunneling

WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation

4.1 Describe simple tunnels. • Describe simple • White board and • .- • What are the
8 tunnels marker, video methods use to
4.2 Describe methods of
clips, charts support tunneling?
support in tunneling 4.4 Describe methods
of support in • What is tunnels?
4.3 Solve excavation and
underground water
problems. • Explain how to
excavation and
underground water

4.5 Describe - Describe methods -White board - - What are the

methods of of excavating and marker, methods used in
9 excavating tunneling video clips, excavating tunnels?
tunneling. - Describe ways of charts - What are the
removing mud ways of removing
4,5 Describe from tunnels mud from
ways of - Explain the tunnels?
removing mud various principles
from tunnels. of shaft and
4.6 Explain the various chimney
principles of shaft and chimney construction


COURSE: Construction Technology IV COURSE CODE: CONTACT

BLD 422 HRS: 5

Course Specification: Theoretical Content

General Objective 5.0: Know the Construction of Reinforced Concrete, Prestressed Concrete and Precast Concrete Work.
WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation

5.1 Describe types of • Explain types of • White board and - Identify types of • Guide students to • What are the
reinforcements and their reinforcements and their marker reinforcement bars and identify types of equipment for
qualities qualities their sizes reinforcement bars prestressed
• Differentiate ordinary - Identify various materials • Guide students to concrete.
10 - 5.2 Differentiate ordinary,
reinforced concrete, reinforced concrete, used in concrete on how concrete • What is different
15 prestressed concrete and prestresed concrete and are be made? between
- Demonstrate how to cast
precast concrete. precast concrete concrete biscuit • Guide students to ordinary and
5.3 Describe methods of fixing; • Describe methods of - Organize site visit where recognize types of reinforce.
cover, spacing, lapping bending, fixing cover, spacing, equipment used in
students can see it
etc lapping bending, etc prestressed
5.4 Describe systems of pre- concrete.
tensioning and post-tensioning.
• Describe systems of
5.5 Identify types of equipment pre-tensioning and post-
used in prestressed concrete. tensioning
5.6 Participate in Railway and
Airport construction in your area • List types of equipment
of operation. used in prestressed

Assessment: Coursework: 20% Course test: 20% Practical: 0% Examination: 60%

Competency: The Student should understand the construction of transformation and

drainage facilities.
References: 1. Mesaw, T.M., "Tunnels: Planning, design, and construction".
2. Newman, N., standard structural details for building construction".

Programmes: BUILDING TECHNOLOGY HND Code:423 Credit Hours: 2hrs.

Course: Structural Design and Detailing IV Pre-requisite Theoretical: 2


Goal : the course is designed to Equip Students with Knowledge of Detailing

General Objectives
On completion of this Course, the students should be able to:

1.0 . Understand General Arrangement of Drawings, Working Drawings and Standard Methods of Detailing.
2.0 Undertake design and detailing of a building structure not more than 3 floors
3.0 Understand the use of structural steel in building and working stresses, design of tension and compression members, riveted, welded and bolted
joints connections.
4.0 Understand the principles and design of timber structural members.


COURSE: Structural Design and COURSE CODE: BLD 423 CONTACT HRS: 2
Detailing IV

Course Specification: Theoretical Content

General Objective 1.0: Understand General Arrangement of Drawings, Working

Drawings and Standard Methods of Detailing.

WEEK Specific Learning Teachers Activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation
1.1 Demonstrate the use of • Demonstrate typical • White board • Carry out an exercise on the use of • Show students • What are the
conventions, size of drawing cases conventions, size of lines, lettering, how to carry out general
• Design studio
lines, lettering, • Explain how to produce good dimensioning and scales exercise on the arrangement
dimensioning and working drawings using • Approved use of of drawings to
scales. drawings. working conventions, size show format
1.2 Explain the general drawings of lines, lettering,
arrangement of drawings to dimensioning and
show formats. scales
General Objective 2.0: Undertake design and detailing of a building structure not
more than 3 floors
WEEK Specific Learning Teachers Activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation
2 2.1 Analyse the frame - Explain frame structure White board, video - - -
structure - Analyse the frame structure clips, projector

2.2 Design the • Explain the design procedure • White board -Illustrate design of the • Guide students to •
3 reinforcement of one panel reinforcement of one panel of the design
• Demonstrate the detailing. • Design studio
of the floor. floor. reinforcement of
2.3 Detail 2.2above one panel of the
2.4 Design a main floor - Show Design a main floor beam - Guide student to -
4 beam and one of the - and one of the columns. design a main
columns. do floor beam and
2.5 Detail 2.4above - one of the

General Objective 3.0: Understand the use of structural steel in building and
working stresses, design of tension and compression members, riveted, welded
and bolted joints connections.
WEEK Specific Learning Teachers Activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation
3.1 Describe the structural • Explain the structural steel in White board, BS Illustrate the various structural steel Guide students What is the
steel in building. building 5950 sections. identify various purpose of BS
5 • State the purpose of BS structural steel 5950 for
3.2 Explain the purpose of
5950 for the design of sections structural steel
BS 5950 for the design of
structural steel design
structural steel.
• Explain how to apply working
3.3 Apply working stresses
stresses and sections
and sections.
3.4 Design beams for Illustrate beam White Illustrate design for beams - Guide students - Design
6 bending, shear, design for board, BS to design beams beams
bending, shear , 5950
buckling, bearing and buckling, bearing
deflection and deflection
3.5 Identify cased and • Explain cased and • White board, • Carry out the design and detailing • Guide the student • What are the
7 uncased sections. uncased sections Design studio, of cased and uncased column on the use of the different
3.6 Design cased and • Illustrate the design of BS5950, existing appropriate codes between cased
uncased columns to carry a cased and uncased approved working and tables and uncased
known axial load. section drawings column

3.7 Design tension member. • Explain with practical • White board, • Carry out the design and detailing • Guide the student • Differentiate
8 3.8 Design riveted, examples Design studio, of riveted, welded and bolted joints on the use of the between
welded and bolted BS5950 appropriate codes riveted and
joints. and tables bolted joints

Course Specification: Theoretical Content

General Objective 4.0: Understand the principles and design of timber

structural members.
WEEK Specific Learning Outcomes Teachers Activities Resources Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Evaluation
4.1 Identify classes of timber. -Explain White board, timber of -Inspect various classes of timber - Guide students -What are the
classes various sizes, chats, - Organize visit to timber shed or sawn to identify by classes of t
9 4.2 Identify stress grading, of timber video clips, projector mill inspection the
irregularities, sizes, direction
- Discuss stress various classes of
of grain, allowance for
grading, timber
sizes, direction of
grain, allowance
4.3 Design timber section in • Use question and • Relevant design • Carry out the design of timber in • Guide students •
10 bonding, shear and deflection. answer to discuss bonding, shear, deflection and bending appropriately
Codes, Eurocode
and design.
11 4.4 Calculate bearing stresses. - Demonstrate by White board, Eurocode - - -
worked examples
12 4.5 Apply working stresses. - Demonstrate by White board, Eurocode - - --
worked examples
13 4.6 Identify standard truss forms. • Lecture. • White board • Organize visit to site at roof level • Guide students •
to identify roof
4.7 Design joints in trusses and • Lecture & White board, - - -
14 timber framing. demonstrate with Eurocode

4.8 Design horizontal and • Lecture & White board, Eurocode - - -
15 vertical demonstrate with
shuttering. example

Assessment: Coursework: 20% Course test: 20% Practical 2% Examination

Competency: The student should be able to carry out design and structural
detailing of 2 storey buildings, simple steel and timber structures
References: 1. Bresler, B., "Design of steel structures".
2. Parkers, H., "Simplified design of structural steels".

Programmes: BUILDING TECHNOLOGY HND Code:425 Credit Hours: 2hrs.

Course: Maintenance and Facility Management Pre-requisite Theoretical:2


Course main Aim/Goal

General Objectives
On completion of this Course, the students should be able to:
1.0: Understand the Importance of Planned, Preventive and Organized Maintenance and Improvement Projects
2.0: Know how to Plan, Prepare contract Documents and Programme for Maintenance and Improvements Works.
3.0: Know the Essential of Estate Management.


COURSE: Maintenance and Facility COURSE CODE: BLD CONTACT

Management 425

Course Specification: Theoretical Content

General Objective 1.0: Understand the Importance of Planned, Preventive and OrganizedMaintenance
and Improvement Projects.

WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation

1.1 Define Maintenance • Explain Maintenance • White board - • • What is

Management. Management maintenance
1 • Video clips,
• Explain the purpose of management
1.2 Explain the purpose of projector
Maintenance Management. Maintenance • State purpose of
1.3 Analyse the processes Management maintenance work
involved in Maintenance and • Describe the
improvement Management. processes involved in
Maintenance and
1.4 Prepare maintenance plan for -Explain -   What are the
2 a given project. how to • White board steps involved in
prepare a producing
1.5 Develop maintenance • Video clips,
maintenanc maintenance
programme for a given projector,
e plan for a programme
project. sample of
given maintenance
project programme for
- Illustrate an organization
for a given
1.6 Interpret the following: - Explain maintenance - -  Ddifferentiate
manual, scdeliu of • White board between
a. Maintenance Manual dilapidation, work maintenance
Video clips,
b. Schedule of alteration, work projector, manual schedule
3 dilapidation and programme for of dilapidation and
work alteration maintenance work work programme
c. Work - Discuss strategies
programme for foe effective
maintenance maintenance of an
works. estate.
1.7 Propose strategies for effective .
maintenance of an estate.

1.8 Interpret the following for a Illustrate with an existing - -  .

design. White
given project:-
4 a. Scheme design existing
b. Detailed design
c. Specifications
d. Maintenance plan
1.9 Check the effectiveness of Illustrate with White board, - - -
the following in relation to appropriate examples existing design
a. Control line

5 b. Cost and quality.

c. Comp
d. Management and
1.10 State the effects of factors
in 1.8 and 1.9 on the
maintenance and use -
conversion of the project.

1.11 Use the items in 1.6 in Illustrate with White board, - - -

6 carrying out maintenance appropriate examples existing design



COURSE: Maintenance and Facility COURSE CODE: BLD CONTACT

Management 425

Course Specification: Theoretical Content

General Objective 2.0: Know how to Plan, Prepare contract Documents and Programme for Maintenance and Improvements Works.

WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Evaluation
2.1 Interpret the standard forms of • Explain various White - identify different types of standard .Guide student to  Explain
contract forms of contracts board, forms of contracts identify forms of types of
7 projector, contracts contract
2.2 Determine the suitability of the • Describe the forms of
various Forms of contract for suitability of the contracts
improvement, Maintenance and various Forms of
refurbishment projects. contract for
Maintenance and
2.3 Prepare contract documents White board, - identify types of contract documents  Guide  Enumerate
to include the following:- -Explain projector, student to types of
a. The differed samples of identify contract
preliminaries and types of contracts contract documents
8 general contract documents documents
conditions. document
b. The specification of s
materials and
c. The schedule of works
d. Day works and rate

2.4 Prepare work White board, -Illustrate how to prepare work - Guide .
-Illustrate projector, video programme for a given maintenance students to
programme for a given
wit clips work prepare work
maintenance or
9 examples - Illustrate with examples the programme
refurbishment projects.
5.10 Prepare estimate and cost preparation of cost for executing the and final
budget for executing the project in project account
5.11 Prepare final account.
General Objective 3.0: Know the Essential of Estate Management.

WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Evaluation
3.1 Define estate management. • Explain estate White - -  .
10 management Board
3.2 Explain the functions of estate
managers. • List the functions
of estate
3.3 State their relationship with allied managers
• Explain the
relationship with
the allied

3.4 Analyse the responsibilities of an -Explain White - - -

11 estate surveyor in respect of buildings. the board,
responsibil projector
ities of an
in respect
3.5 Relate 3.4 above to user White - - -
12 requirements in managing -Illustrate board,
residential, commercial and with projector
industrial examples
3.6 Describe the characteristics of Differentiat White - - -
13 leases and landlord service in the e between board,
building industry leases and projector

service in
3.7 Undertake a case study on an Illustrate White board, - - -
14 aspect of Maintenance management. with projector
Course Specification: Theoretical Content

Assessment: Coursework: 20% Course test: 20% Practical 0% Examination 60%

Competency: The students should for familiar with management of maintenance works and
essentials of estate management.
References: 1. LEE, R, "Building Maintenance Management".
2. Reginalds, LEE, "Building Maintenance",

Programmes: BUILDING TECHNOLOGY HND Code: BLD 426 Credit Hours: 2hrs.

Course: Construction Management II Pre-requisite Theoretical:


Course main Aim/Goal: This course is Designed to enable Student Understand the Basic Knowledge in Managing Building Construction

General Objectives
On completion of this Course, the students should be able to:
1.0: Understand work study as Management Technique and its Application in the Management of the Construction Industry.
2.0: Understand Work study as a Management Technique and its application in the Management of the Construction Industry.
3.0: Know the different focus of motivation in The Construction Industry, their Techniques And Applications in the Management of Building Project
4.0 Know the Nature and Processes of Production Planning and Control and Its Application In the Manufacturing And the Construction Industry.
5.0 Know the Meaning and Methods of Preparing Interim Valuation and Final Account.


COURSE: Construction Management II COURSE CODE: BLD CONTACT HRS: 2-0-

426 0
Course Specification: Theoretical Content

General Objective 1.0: Understand work study as Management Technique and its Application in the Management of the Construction Industry.
WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Evaluation
1.1 Define work-study • Explain work • White board marker - Conduct work study during site • Guide students • What is the
i.e. objectives of and study and projector. work to conduct work relationship between
1-2 procedures for method • State the study on site work study and
study. objectives and method study
1.2 Explain recording procedure for • What are the
techniques of
work study techniques of
Method study, process of
• Explain method study
charting diagram,
multiple activity charting. recording
techniques of

method study,
process of
charting diagram,
multiple activity

1.3 Describe work - Conduct work measurement on  Guide student  State time study
an existing site during to conduct procedure
measurement technique. • Explain work programs of work work study on  What is work
- White board marker
1.4 Describe time study measurement and projector an existing measurement
3-4 site technique
procedure, timing and
• Describe time
rating, standard time, use of
study procedure,
synthetic data, activity
timing and rating,
sampling and application of
standard time,
use of synthetic
data, activity
sampling and
application of


1.5 Explain Undertake work • Assign case studies • Sites, Drawing • Organize a visit to a • Guide • Enumerate work
study techniques in a given to students to execute sheets and construction site students to use study technique in
project. and report back. instruments, • Illustrate the techniques of work work study a given project
stopwatches and study in a given project technique in a
clicks given project
White board.
General Objective 2.0: Understand Work study as a Management Technique and its application in the Management of the Construction Industry.

WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Evaluation
2.1 Describe  Explain • White board/markers • • •
productivity techniques productivity • Chart and models.
i.e. operations research techniques i.e.
techniques applied to operations
manufacturing and research

construction and linear techniques
programming. applied to
and construction
and linear

2.2 Define sequencing and Explain the relationship • White board/markers - - -

7 rescheduling between sequencing and Chart and models
estimating or elapsed time.
estimating or elapsed

2.3 Define resources

allocation and leveling
-Explain resources
allocation and leveling
• White board/markers - - -
8 Chart and models
cost optimization, work
flow, queuing theory, flow. work flow,
theory, flow
-Illustrate with
2.4 Provide work and • White board/markers - - -
9 examples and examples.
Chart and models
appropriate graphs in each


II 426
Course Specification: Theoretical Content

General Objective 3.0: Know the different focus of motivation in The Construction Industry, their Techniques And Applications in the Management of Building Project.

WEEK Specific Learning Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation
3.1 Define motivation and • Explain motivation • White board/marker - • •
and projector
describe the effect of • Describe the effect of
10 incentive (financial and various incentives for
non-financial) to determining targets for
production and the agreement concerning
procedure for determining distribution of savings
targets for agreement
concerning distribution
of savings.
3.2 List relationships - Outline relationships White - - -
11 between incentive board/marker
between incentive
payments and standard payments
wage rates and standard
wage rates
General Objective 4.0: Know the Nature and Processes of Production Planning and Control and Its Application In the Manufacturing And the Construction Industry.
WEEK Specific Learning Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation
4.1 Describe factory - Describe factory • White board/marker • • •
production planning production planning and projector
techniques (on and off techniques (on and
site), relationship of the off site), relationship
product and manufacturing of the product and

process to the manufacturing
factory layout. process to the
factory layout.

4.2 Define and explain

quality control - Explain quality control - - -
13 techniques, White
techniques, organization organization board/marker
control of and projector
control of stock of raw
stock of raw
components. components.
General Objective 5.0: Know the Meaning and Methods of Preparing Interim Valuation and Final Account.
WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource

5.1 Prepare a • Demonstrate using • White board/marker • • •

14 and projector
typical monthly examples and case
interim valuation.. studies
5.2 Prepare a typical final
account of a project

Assessment: Coursework: 20% Course test: 20% Practical 0% Examination


Competency: The student should be conversant with workstudy as a

management tool and be able to prepare interim valuations
and final account

References 1. O. Rowings, "Construction Project Schedule" 2.

Wainninght, W. H., "Variationand
final account procedure".

PROGRAMME: Higher National Diploma in Building Technology
COURSE: Budgeting & Financial Control II


GOAL: The course is designed to provide learner with knowledge and skills in budgetry and budgetry control.

On completion of this course, the students should be able to;

1.0 Understand Legal requirement regarding books of accounts.
2.0 Understand the principles of budgeting and budgetary control.
3.0 Understand cost control and planning.
4.0 Understand Personnel Management and available personnel.
5.0 Understand Profitability and Profitability index.
6.0 Know cash flow, costing, buying documents and incentives


COURSE: Budgeting & Financial Control COURSE CODE: CONTACT HRS:2

BLD 427

Course Specification: Theoretical Content

General Objective 1.0: Understand Legal requirement regarding books of

Week Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Evaluation
1.1 Prepare books of • Lecture • Chalkboard 1.1 student t sight samples of • Explain the •
accounts such as the prepared company‟s account prepared
• Use questions and • Charts
balance sheet, profit and accounts of
loss account and • OHP students.
1-2 • Techniques.
1.2 Analyse 1.1above. • Giveassignments.
1.3 State the details of the law • Provideexamples.
regarding books
1.8 Formulate financial policy
and capitalrelease.
1.9 Recognise different
types of assets, shares,
bonds, and liabilities.
General Objective 2.0: Understand the principles of budgeting and
budgetary control.
WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Evaluation

2.1 Prepare a fewbudgets. 2.1 students to know preparation of
schedules for meterials, labour and
2.2 Lead up from 2.1 to plant
3-6 masterbudget. -do- -do-
2.3 Define practical
problems in budgeting and
budgetary control.
2.4 Solve the problems in
General Objective 3.0: Understand cost control and planning.

WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Evaluation
3.1 Describe buying policies. 3.1 Student to know about
procurement of materials and
3.2 Design buying documents. roles of the purchasing
7-8 -do- -do- department
3.3 Explain the concept of
cost control
3.1 Student to know the concept of
3.4 Pre-contract cost control. cost control at pre-and post –
3.5 Post –contract cost – contract stages.
General Objective 4.0: Understand Personnel Management and available
WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s Evaluation
4.1 Define functions of 4.1 students to appreciate the
various personnel in a importance of personnel
9-10 construction organization -do- -do- management
4.2 Explain cost
implications of personnel
4.3 Compare personnel
functions of various
categories of staff in some
4.4 Evaluate personnel cost
to constructionfirms.
4.5 Draw up some

organizational structures.

General Objective 5.0: Understand Profitability and Profitability index.

WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation

5.1 Compute cost on capital 5.1 student to understand

returns on investments. projects and profitability in
11-14 5.2 Describe discounted cash -do- -do-
flow and profitability index.
5.3 Analyse profitability and
profitability index.
5.4 Compare tax methods or
systems in Nigeria.
5.5 Predict economic life of
capital items.
General Objective 6.0: Know cash flow, costing, buying documents and
WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource

6.1 Analyse cash flow in 6.1 S`tudent to know principles of

15 various aspects of costing. -do- -do- retention fees and incentives

6.2 Outline the principles of

retention fees and

Assessment: Course Work- 20%, Course Test - 20%, Practical - 0%,

Examination - 60%. Competency: The student should be able to prepare
single budget and financial control of a project.
References: 1. Baathurs, P. E., "Building Cost Control techniques and
2. Roy D., "Project Cost Control in construction".

COURSE: Innovation Building Studies COURSE CODE: 428 CONTACT HOURS: 2 HOURS
GOAL: To appreciate the innovations in Building Industry.

On completion of this course, the students should be able to:

1.0 Understand the significance of lean construction in the building industry
2.0 Appreciate 3D printing in construction
3.0 Application of Drones in construction
4.0 Understand big data management in construction
5.0 Appreciate the significance of smart/intelligent building
6.0 Understand the relevant of energy efficient building (Green building)
7.0 Understand the application of Internet of Things (IoT) in the Construction Industry


COURSE: : Innovation Building Studies COURSE CODE: CONTACT

BLD 428

Course Specification: Theoretical Content

General Objective 1.0 Understand the significance of lean construction in the building industry

Week Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Resource Specific Learning Outcomes Teacher’s activities Evaluation
 White board • •
1.1 Define lean construction  Explain Lean
 LED projector
in building
1.2 Explain the importance of lean  State the
design and construction importance of
2 Lean Construction
1.3 Identify and discuss lean
construction principles  Describe the Lean
1.4 Identify practical applications of Principles
lean construction
General Objective 2.0: Appreciate 3D printing in construction

WEEK Specific Learning Outcome Teachers Activities Resource

2.1 Define 3D printing in construction   White board

 LED projector
2.2 Discuss the general
principles of 3D printing
2.3 Identify the Areas of
application of 3D printing
2.4 State the significance of 3D  Discuss the
printing in construction significance of
2.5 Discuss the challenges to 3D printing
3D printing in the  Explain the
challenges to 3D
construction Industry.
General Objective 3.0: Application of Drones in construction
5-6 3.1 Define drones  List types of 
3.2 Explain the use of drones
drones in the construction  List various uses
of drones
3.3 Different types of
 Identify areas of
drone use in the
3.4 Explain the limitations in the use CI
of drones in construction
 Discuss limitation
to usage
General Objective 4.0 Understand big data management in construction

4.1 Define big data  Explain big data 

4.2 Identify the and its
characteristics of big data
 Discuss the
4.3 Explain big data needs for big
Management data
4.4 Explain the needs for big management
data management  List the areas of
application in the
4.5 Identify the areas of application of Construction
big data in the Construction Industry
General Objective 5.0 Appreciate the significance of smart/intelligent building
5.1 Define smart/intelligent  Explain the 
building relevant of
5.2 Explain the relevant Intelligent building.
Building to the building industry.
 Discuss how
5.3 Explain the relevance of smart sustainable
building for sustainable environment environment is
obtained through
the evolvement
of smart building
General Objective 6.0 Understand the relevant of energy efficient building (Green building )

6.1 Define energy efficiency building  Explain energy 

6.2 Explain the goals of energy efficiency
efficiency building building in
6.3 Identify the requirements of relation to goals
energy efficiency building and
6.4 Explain the regulations guiding
the development of energy  Identify the
efficiency building necessary
guidelines for the
6.5 Identify the challenges to the development of
development of energy efficiency energy efficiency
building building
 Explain
challenges to
General Objective 7.0 Understand the application of internet of thing (I.T) in the construction industry.

7.1 Define Internet of Thing and  Explain 

area of application Internet of
things and
7.2 Explain the application of Internet relate it to the
of things in the construction application
industry and
7.3 Identify the benefits derived relevance in
from adopting Internet of the
Things in the construction industry
industry  Identify the
7.4 State the limiting factors to the limiting
adoption of internets factors to the
of Internet of



No No
s/n Equipment/tools Require Availabl Shortfall Remarks
d e
1. Two-hinged arch apparatus 1
2. Continuous beam apparatus 1
3. Deflection of beams apparatus 1
4. Bending moment and shear force 1
5. Elastic beam apparatus 1
6. Elastic deflection of frames 1
7. Struts buckling apparatus 1
8. Plastic bending of portal frames 1
9. Perfect or redundant trusses 1



No No
s/ Shortfal
Equipment/tools Require Availabl Remarks
n l
d e
1. Consistency limit test apparatus 10
2. Compacting core machine 1
3. Compacting factor testing machine 1
4. Portable size distribution test 5
5. Compacting test apparatus 1
6. Cone penetrometer 1
7. Moisture content test apparatus 6
8. Specific gravity test apparatus 10
9. Density test apparatus 10
10. Le chateller test apparatus 5
11. V-B Consistometer test apparatus 1
12. Drying Ovens 3
13. Sample collecting trays and sample 10
14. 150mm cube moulds 30
15. 150mm cylindrical moulds 30
16. Balances
B 2 of each
17. Vicat apparatus 2
18. Thermometer 5 of each
19. Cement
C lineness test apparatus 2
20. Measuring cylinders 5
21. SoilShydrometer 5
22. Crucibles,
C spatulas, filter, paper funnel Assorted
and vernier caliper
23. Dessicatus 6
24. Curing tank 1
25. Stop watches 10
26. Beam moulds 4
27. Crushing
C Machine 1
28. Whiteboard 1
29. Set of sieve 7 set



No No
s/ Shortfal
Equipment/tool Require Availabl Remarks
n l
d e
Planes and Saws
1. Jack planes 6
2. Smoothing planes 6
3. Block planes 6
4. Shoulder planes 6
5. Rebate planes 6
6. Grooving/Plough planes 6
7. Bull nose planes 6
8. Jointing planes 6
9. Rip saws 6
10. Cross cut/hand saws 6
11. Tenon saws 6
12. Ordinary firmer (set-3mm, 6mm, 6 sets
12mm, 18mm and 25mm)
13. Bevel-edge firmer (set-3mm, 6mm, 6 sets
12mm, 18mm and 25mm)
14. Mortice (set-6mm, 9mm and 12mm) 6 sets
15. Centre 5 sets
16. Auger 5 sets
17. Twist 5 sets
18. Counter-sink 5 sets
19. Rose 5 sets
20. Gimlet 5 sets
Driving/striking tools
21. Screw drivers (set of 6) 10 sets
22. Mallet 6
23. Claw hammer 6
24. Plane hammer 6
25. Sash 6 sets
26. Gee ("G") cramp 6
27. Corner 6
28. Bench-hold fast 6
Gauges, Knives, etc
29. Marking gauges 5
30. Mortice gauge 5
31. Combined gauge 5
32. Cutting gauge 5
33. Marking knives 5
34. Vernier Knives 5
35. Try square 5
36. Mitre square 5
37. Four-fold wooden ruler metric 5
38. Metric measuring tapes (6m) 5
Powered Hand Tools
39. Circular saw 4
40. Drills 4
41. Disc sander 4
42. Jig saw 4
43. Blower 4
44. Sprayer 4
45. Grinding machines 2
46. Sharpening machines 2
47. Grinding stones 5
48. Grinder for long blades, eg. surface 1
49. Glue spreader 30
50. Glue heater (electric) 2
51. Circular sawing machine 1
52. Surfacer 1
53. Spindle moulder 1
54. Mortiser (chisel and chain) 1
55. Drilling machine 1
56. Lathe machine 1
57. Combination machine (D9) (performs 1
combination of functions, thus can
serve as substitute)
58. Triangular files 6 sets
59. Flat files 6 sets
60. Scrapers (flat) 6 sets
61. Scrapers (cabinet) 6 sets
62. Dividers 6 sets
63. Round files 6 sets
64. Spoke shaves 6 sets
65. Wood-workers pencils 40
66. Saw vices 5
67. Oil cans 5
68. Bench stop (metal type) 5
69. Paint brushes 10 sets
70. Paint containers 10
71. Putty knives 10
72. Glue brushes 10
73. Glue pots 30
74. Work benches 16
75. Hangers for dresses 32
76. Display board 2
77. Whiteboard 1
78. Safety chart 5
79. Fire extinguisher 3
80. First aid box 3
81. Fire buckets 5



No No
s/ Shortfal
Equipment/tool Require Availabl Remarks
n l
d e
1. Bar bending machine 1
2. Steel cutter 1
3. Builders square 6
4. Mesh/BRC cutter 1
5. Tyrolean machine 1
6. Concrete vibrators: poker and table 1 set
7. Hand hammers 4 sets
8. Portable concrete mixer (at least 2cu. 1
ft. capacity)
9. Brick/Block-making machine 1
10. Wheel barrow 5
11. Watering can 5
12. Shovels 30
13. Spade 30
14. Head pans 10
15. Terrazzo polishing machine 1
16. Brick saw 1
17. Concrete nail gun 1
18. Cement box 5
19. Aggregates and sand box 5
20. Slump cones 2
21. Cube testing machine 1
22. Hand tools, eg. spirit level, towels,
hammers, rules, squares, mallets,
tapes, floats, etc.
23. Bucket 10



No No
s/ Shortfal
Equipment/tool Require Availabl Remarks
n l
d e
1. Guillotine 1
2. Fittings Assorted
3. Pumps (various types, e.g. centrifugal, 1 each
submersible, etc.)
4. Valves, surge tanks, water hose Assorted
5. Pipe bending machine 1
6. Light duty drilling machine 1
7. Heavy duty drilling machine 1
8. Table drilling machine 1
9. Sheet metal folding machine 1
10. Tapping machine 1
11. Forge 1
12. Arc-welding machine 1
13. Oxy-acetylene welding equipment 1
14. Acetylene generator 1
15. Electric soldering tool 1
16. Refixhydraulic pipe bender 1
17. Grinding machine 1
18. Jack pump 6
19. Pipe standing vices 6
20. Table vices 15
21. Copper bits 1
22. Copper tube bender 1
23. Hack saw 1
24. Shave hooks 10
25. Box wood bending dresser 1
26. Tin snips 6
27. Hacking knife 6
28. Wrencher Assorted
29. Dices Assorted



No No
s/ Shortfal
Equipment/tool Require Availabl Remarks
n l
d e
1 Leveling Instruments 6
2 Theodolites 6
3 Compasses with Tripods 6
4 Plane Table 5
5 Tripods (Level and Theodolite) 12
6 Staves 10
7 Ranging Poles 20
8 Surveying Umbrella 2
9 Chains 10
10 Steel arrows 30
11 Measuring tapes (30m, 50m and 6 each
12 Optical Square 6
13 Pocket Altimeter 7
14 Set of Targets 3
15 Steel Band 5
16 Plain meter 6



No No
s/ Shortfal
Equipment/tool Require Availabl Remarks
n l
d e
1. Bending vices/machine 10
2. Electrician tool kits 4
3. Soldering iron and equipment 10
4. Avometers 2
5. Ammeters 2
6. Voltmeters 2
7. Ohmmeters 2
8. Wiring boards 6
9. Consumer units
a) Circuit breakers Assorted
b) Distribution box 5
c) Outlets, plugs and switches Assorted
d) Meters 5
e) Mains switch Assorted



No No
s/ Shortfal
Equipment/tool Require Availabl Remarks
n l
d e
1. Spraying machine 2
2. Paint rollers 6
3. Diamond/Glass cutter 2
4. Paint kettle and hook 2
5. Bucket 10
6. Tray 10
7. Sanders 6
8. Wire brush 6
9. Descaling chisels 5
10. Needle gun 2
11. Gas torch 1
12. Brushes 10
13. Paint pad 2
14. Paint mitten 10
15. Assorted hand tools, eg, knives,
hooks, stirrer, hammers, pincers,
punch, straight edge, screw driver,
wire brushes, trowels, chisels,
strainers, filing board and hawk,
rubbing block, etc.
16. Tile cutter 4
17. Tile spacer (assorted sizes) 40 each



No No
s/ Shortfal
Equipment/tools Require Availabl Remarks
n l
d e
1 B & K Sound Level Unit Octave Filter 3
2 Micro Computers 1
3 Planimeter 3 Sets
4 Stop Watches 10
5 Daylight Factor Units 3 sets
6 Sound Pressure Meter 2
7 Accelerometer for Vibration Analysis 6


s/ Equipment/tools No No Shortfal Remarks

n Require Availabl l
d e
1 Desktop computer 30 pieces
2 Printers 5
Softwares required
1 ArchiCad/Revit 1
2 Primavera/MS project 1
3 Orion 1
4 Technology Innovator 1
5 SPSS/Statistica/Matlab 1
6 Microstation 1
7 Bespoke 1



1. Dr. M.A. Kazaure, mni, N.B.T.E, Kaduna [email protected]
(Executive Secretary)
2. Bldr. A.Y. Sheyin CORBON Representative 08023524688 [email protected]
3. Dr. Usman S. Tunga Waziri Umaru Federal Polytechnic, 08036059966 [email protected]
(Deputy Rector) B/Kebbi
4. Usman Umar Kardi Waziri Umaru Federal Polytechnic, 08066131905 [email protected]
(Registrar) B/Kebbi
5. Engr. Mamaki Usman Peni Waziri Umaru Federal Polytechnic, 08033053194 [email protected]
6. Bldr. Muhammad A. Lawal Waziri Umaru Federal Polytechnic, 08060212891 [email protected]
7. Dr. A.S. Alhaji Waziri Umaru Federal Polytechnic, 08036235488 [email protected]
8. Engr. Muhammad B. Garba Waziri Umaru Federal Polytechnic, 08062988275 [email protected]
9. Nasir Abdullahi Waziri Umaru Federal Polytechnic, 08061262434 [email protected]
10 Isiyaku Abdullahi Waziri Umaru Federal Polytechnic, 07038414141 [email protected]
11. Mohammed Shekare Umar Waziri Umaru Federal Polytechnic, 07035996747 [email protected]
12. Bldr. Onwuka E.O Federal Polytechnic, Nekede, 08037156486 [email protected]
13. Bldr. (Prof). E. Achuenu University of Jos 08036750485 [email protected]
14. Bldr. Sulaiman M. Muhammad Federal Polytechnic, Bida 08035905778 [email protected]
15. Bldr.(Dr.) O.C. Bella-Omunagbe Auchi Polytechnic, Auchi 08035746166 [email protected]
16. Bldr. S.C. Aende Fidei Polytechnic, Gboko 08023950527 [email protected]
17. Bldr. Oyekanmi O. Olugbenga Lagos State Polytechnic, Ikorodu 08023133236 [email protected]
18. Bldr. Tijjani Y. Abubakar Kano State Polytechnic, Kano 07063175056 [email protected]
19. Mal. Musa M. Isgogo NBTE, Kaduna 08067185383 [email protected]
(Director, Polytechnic Programmes)
20. Engr. Dr. E.I.E. Onyeocha NBTE, Kaduna 08036009840 [email protected]
(Deputy Director)
21. Dr. Fatima Kabir Umar NBTE, Kaduna 08034521639 [email protected]
(Deputy Director)
22. Mr. Adesina Oluodo NBTE, Kaduna 08063015392 [email protected]
23. Mrs. Hassana Abdullahi NBTE, Kaduna 08037671945 [email protected]
24. Mrs. Rabi Sani NBTE, Kaduna 08036913246 [email protected]
25. Henry Uko Henry Waziri Umaru Federal Polytechnic, 08032310814 [email protected]
26. Usman Mohammed Waziri Umaru Federal Polytechnic, 08032949575 [email protected]


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