General Subject Specific Topic Thesis Statement

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General Subject Specific Topic Thesis Statement

Being part of a high school basketball

team is a good training ground for an
1. Sports
athlete who wants to play for a college
basketball team.
Face-to-face conversations are more
2. Facebook interactions meaningful than Facebook interactions
because they are more personal.
Original Pilipino Music
3. Music
4. Education The K to 12 program
The Metro Rail Transit 3 (MRT-3) fare
hike is a reasonable measure because
5. Transportation the additional revenue generated can
go to the much-needed improvement
of the train's coaches. 
6. Health COVID-19 vaccine
The ordinary Filipino will be
struggling to live for the next ten years
7. Economy
if the prices of the basic commodities
will remain at its all-time high.
It is funny how President Duterte, a
8. Political dynasty critic of political dynasty, has his many
relatives currently in power.
9. Cars Toyota
The YouTube influencers nowadays
are not as responsible as they are
10.  YouTube influencers
expected to be, for some of them only
chase after clout and popularity.

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