Mengistu Addis Presentation
Mengistu Addis Presentation
Mengistu Addis Presentation
Mengistu Addis
PhD Candidate in Hydraulic Engineering
Addis Ababa Science and Technology University, College of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Ethiopia
July 2020
Out Lines
q Introduction
Climate Change and Uncertainty
Water Supply and Demand
Water Conservation
Rain Water Harvesting
q Objective
q Methods and Analysis
q Results
q Conclusion and Recommendation
1. Introduction
1.1 General
Adequate water supply is basic demand for all human being, basis for development
More than 31% of world population have no access to safe water supply where as
in Ethiopia more than 62% of total population (i.e above 62 million people) have no
access for safe drinking water and for other domestic demands.
Even though plenty of resources, Ethiopia has found itself in an extreme water
crisis situation, brought on mainly by severe drought and lack of water
management and sanitation resources.
Climate change, increase in population and demand with rapid urbanisation (development?)
1.2. Climate Change
What is Climate?
Ø Is the weather in some location/place averaged over some long period of time (Long
term average of weather condition)
Climate Change?
Ø The change that occurs over a longer period of time typically over decades and centuries
and may not return to it former state unless significant measures are taken place.
Climate Variability?
Ø The change that occurs within smaller or shorter time frame such as a month, a season or a year
and may return to its former state.
There is global argument on Climate Variability and Climate Change
Climate Uncertainty = Climate Change + Climate Variability
1.2. Climate Change …
Observed Climate Changes and Causes
ü Significant and clear human influence on the climate system and recent
anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases are the highest in history.
ü Widespread impacts on human and natural systems
Based on radiative positive forcing from greenhouse gases and negative forcing from
aerosols which are unbalanced.
RCP 2.6 (Optimistic) – RCP 8.5 (Pessimistic … A1F1 of SRES)
Includes approaches that combine reductions in emissions and adaptation to reduce
climate change damages.
1.2. Climate Change Cont. …
most of Ethiopian cities are getting average of 20 lpcd with average annual
population growth above 4% (Ndaruzaniye, 2011)
About 12% of households in Addis Ababa have flush toilets discharging to sewers
or septic tanks, 63% use individual or shared pit latrines, and 25% do not have
access to sanitation facilities.
Risk of diseases in densely populated areas where water supply, sanitation, and
nutrition are inadequate
1.4. Decentralized Rain Water Harvesting
Water conservation keeping, preserving and restoring of available
Water sources
Most modern technologies for obtaining drinking water
(exploitation of surface water from rivers, streams and lakes, and
groundwater) account only 40% of total precipitation
Rain Water Harvesting is Collection of water directly from rain
falling on impervious surfaces (roof tops or paved ground)
Decentralized – collection at house hold level
Why RWH is needed? Due to short rainy season with high volume of RF and
extended dry season.
1.4. Objective
To assess water supply potential from rain water harvesting
through roof tops for rural and urban domestic water demand
Indicating decentralized water management strategies
Roof Tops
Mean Annual
Climate Zones
3. Methodology and Analysis
Population data – from Ethiopian census
Precipitation – from Ethiopian Meteorological agency
Average no of individuals per house hold is 5.6 and 7 for rural areas and 6 for urban areas are taken
Ratio of households to housing units in rural areas is 1.05 where as in urban areas is 1.1 and % of
current urban population is about 19.8%.
In Rural areas the average area for housing is 40m2 and for those urban areas is 36 m2.
Mean annual rainfall of 850mm is taken for nation wide analysis even though more than 60% of the
population lives in areas getting rainfall exceeding 1200mm, 1300mm is used for Blue Nile basin,
According to WHO standard, minimum daily domestic percapita water demand for developing
countries is 20 l/day in which only 10-15% is for drinking purpose
3. Methodology and Analysis …
Year Total Pop. Urban Pop. Rural Pop. UAGR (%) RAGR (%)
1980 35,239,974.00 3,668,755.00 31,571,219.00 5.46 2.87
Annual Mean GR (%)
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025
Figure 4.1: Available RWH for Rural Water Use compared to total water demand
4. Results and Discussion …
Total Demand
Demand for
Demand (*106 m3)
200 RWH
150 Gardening
W. Demand
100 Toilet and
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
Figure 4.2: Figure 4.2: Available RWH for Urban Water Use compared to total water demand
o 40% of total domestic water demand in rural areas and 25% for urban community
can be satisfied with HRW
o In urban areas, harvested rain water can satisfy the toilet water demand and
water demands used for gardening and cleaning purposes which accounts above
35% of total water demand.
4. Results and Discussion …
4.1 Blue Nile Basin
• more than 50% of total water demand can be fulfilled through rain water
harvesting in rural areas where as above 40% of urban domestic demand can be
met through decentralized rain water harvesting only
Total Demand
400.00 RWH
1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000YEAR2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030
Figure 4.3: Potential RWH for Rural Water Use compared to total water demand
4. Results and Discussion …
Harvested water can be used for toilets, cleaning and washing and
for gardening purposes which consumes above 50% of total
domestic water demand.
Urban runoff problems due to increased impervious areas in which
more than 30% roof tops will be significantly reduced through rain
water collection 180.00
160.00 Total Demand
Figure 4.4: Potential RWH for Urban Water Use compared to total water demand
5. Conclusions and Recommendations
High potential of domestic water supply source from roof tops
Significant direct runoff reduction at urban areas due to rainwater harvesting
Adopt decentralized water management techniques from roof tops and paved
Detail study and investigation on water demand variation and rain water
harvesting other than residential areas
Thank You