Descriptive Bulletin 821-30

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Loadbuster Disconnect® Switches

Outdoor Distribution (14.4 kV through 34.5 kV)

Loadbuster Disconnect Switches, when used with
Loadbuster®—The S&C Loadbreak Tool, provide the ultimate in
distribution live-switching versatility, economy, and universality.

With these outstanding features: requirements of today’s outdoor distribution

• Up to 900-ampere continuous ratings, systems. With their rugged station-type reliability,
65,000-ampere peak withstand ratings they accommodate the prevailing heavier loads and
higher fault currents. Yet prices are compatible with
• Designed for use with Loadbuster — distribution-system economics.
The S&C Loadbreak Tool; together, they
The Overhead Pole-Top Style Loadbuster
bring single-phase live switching to each
Disconnect Switch is designed for outdoor
sectionalizing point
distribution systems, especially for pole-dip
Application applications. This disconnect switch is available in
Loadbuster Disconnect Switches give you the voltage ratings of 14.4 kV, 25 kV, and 34.5 kV and
operating flexibility of a system with multipoint provides a continuous current rating of 900 amperes.
interrupter switches, but without the cost associated The peak withstand rating is 36,000 amperes RMS
with having an interrupting unit built into every asymmetrical. This style of disconnect switch is
switch. The dollar savings are big. The Loadbuster a hybrid—combining the insulator of the Type XS
tool brings the interrupter to the disconnect switches Fuse Cutout and the live parts of the Loadbuster
whenever live switching is needed—but only when Disconnect Switch.
needed. You limit your cost to that of one Loadbuster The Loadbuster Disconnect Switch meets the
tool for each line truck, spreading an acceptable rigorous requirements conventionally filled by group-
minimal cost across your entire system. operated disconnect switches, hookstick-operated
Together, Loadbuster Disconnect Switches and station-type disconnect switches, and conventional
the Loadbuster tool give you much higher ratings interrupter switches. In excellence of concept and
and greater flexibility than other switching methods construction, the Loadbuster Disconnect Switch has
previously used. Unlike loadbreak cutouts or stepped up the standards for hookstick-operated
hookstick-operated interrupter switches, Loadbuster distribution-type disconnect switches.
Disconnect Switches, in combination with the
Loadbuster tool, can switch up through 900 amperes As a Low-Cost Load-Switching Device
on overhead distribution systems through 34.5 kV. Loadbuster Disconnect Switches, when used with
You can even switch ungrounded transformers at the Loadbuster tool, can:
27 kV or 38 kV.
• Switch load currents up through 900 amperes at
The Loadbuster Disconnect Switch is a double- distribution voltages up to 34.5 kV
duty device: 1) unexcelled as a straight disconnect, • Break the associated transformer-magnetizing
and 2) the ultimate device for low-cost, universal live currents, line-charging currents, and cable-
switching. charging currents
As a Straight Disconnect Switch • Switch single capacitor banks typically found
on distribution systems within their voltage
Loadbuster Disconnect Switches, in branch feeder,
ratings, as spelled out under “Switching Ratings”
main feeder, crossarm, and station styles, are
on page 3
specifically designed to meet the high-performance

Loadbuster tool switching helps keep service interruptions to a minimum. There’s no need for complex switching procedures involving opening and reclosing of line and
feeder breakers to permit dead switching. There’s no need for one or more line crews to travel and retravel miles of system. The Loadbuster tool makes every disconnect
switch a sectionalizing point. Live switching can be done at the point that minimizes the length of planned outages and where the fewest power consumers will be
affected. As a bonus, the Loadbuster tool will switch hook-equipped cutouts and power fuses, too, adding even greater live-switching versatility.
Loadbuster tool operation is simple and positive. The Loadbuster tool’s anchor is simply hung on the attachment hook of the Loadbuster Disconnect Switch. Then,
the pull-ring is engaged with the Loadbuster tool’s pull-ring hook and held fast by the pull-ring latch (see page 5). A firm, steady downward pull opens the disconnect
switch and trips the Loadbuster tool, breaking the circuit—there’s no external arc and no contact burning.
By solving the disconnect switch problem for your distribution system with Loadbuster Disconnect Switches of station-type quality, you can at negligible extra
cost solve the live-switching problem simultaneously . . . with Loadbuster—The S&C Loadbreak tool. In no other way can badly needed live-switching versatility and
universality be achieved so simply, practically, and economically.

PERFORMANCE A Note on Single-Pole Switching
In single-pole switching of ungrounded-primary
Switching Ratings three-phase transformers or banks (or single-
Loadbuster Disconnect Switches are designed for use phase transformers connected line to line), circuit
with the Loadbuster portable loadbreak tool, which connections or parameters may, in some cases,
has an interrupting rating of 630 amperes nominal, produce excessive overvoltages. In particular, for
900 amperes maximum. See Table 1. When used with the following applications above 22 kV, single-pole
the Loadbuster tool, the disconnect switches are switching by any means—including the Loadbuster
suitable for these single-phase live-switching duties tool—should be performed only under the conditions
on single-phase or three-phase circuits of overhead stated in italics:
distribution systems through 34.5 kV: • Switching unloaded or lightly loaded delta-
• Transformer switching—Transformer load connected or ungrounded-primary wye-wye
currents up through the continuous current rating connected three-phase transformers or banks (or
of the disconnect switch, as well as transformer- line-to-line connected single-phase transformers),
magnetizing currents associated with the rated 150 kVA or less three-phase, or 50 kVA or
applicable loads less single-phase—or of any kVA rating when
• Line switching—Load splitting (parallel or combined with unloaded cables or lines—where
loop switching) and load dropping of currents maximum system operating voltage exceeds 22 kV
up through the continuous current rating of the (Single-pole switching should be performed only if
disconnect switch; also line dropping (charging each phase is carrying 5% load or more, or if the
currents typical for distribution systems of these transformer or bank is temporarily grounded at
voltage ratings) the primary neutral during switching.)
• Cable switching—Load splitting (parallel or • Switching loaded or unloaded ungrounded-primary
loop switching) and load dropping of currents wye-delta connected three-phase transformers or
up through the continuous current rating of the banks—alone or combined with unloaded cables or
disconnect switch; also cable dropping (charging lines—where maximum system operating voltage
currents typical for distribution systems of these exceeds 22 kV (Single-pole switching should be
voltage ratings) performed only if each phase is carrying 5% load
or more and if the lighting-load phase is always
• Capacitor-bank switching—Switching of single switched open first (or switched closed last), or if
capacitor banks, shown as below: the transformer or bank is temporarily grounded
at the primary neutral during switching.)
Table 1. Capacitor Bank Switching Ratings
Maximum Capacitor-Bank Rating,
kVac, Three-Phase
Solidly or Effectively Ungrounded
Loadbuster Nominal Grounded System System
Tool System
Catalog Voltage, kV, Single① Single①
Number Three-Phase Banks, Banks,
Grounded- or
Grounded- Ungrounded-
Wye Wye
Connected Connected
12–14.4 1800 1800 1800
16 2400 2400 2400
20.8–23.9 3000 ● ●
24.9 and 26 3630 ● ●
20.8–23.9 3000 3000 3000
24.9 and 26 3630 3630 3630
27.6 3630 3630 3630
34.5 4800 ● ●

① Loadbuster tools must not be used for switching parallel (“back-to-back”)

capacitor banks.
● Loadbuster tools must not be used for switching ungrounded-wye
connected banks—or grounded-wye connected banks on ungrounded
systems—where maximum system operating voltage exceeds 18 kV for the
Loadbuster tool, catalog number 5300R3; or 29 kV for the Loadbuster tool,
catalog number 5400R3.

Table 2. Insulation Characteristics
Loadbuster Rating Leakage Dry Arcing Disconnect Rated Cantilever
Disconnect Amperes, Distance, Distance, Gap, Inches Strength of Insulator
Number① kV, Nom. kV, BIL②
Switch Style RMS, Cont. Inches (mm) Inches (mm) (mm) Lbs. (kg)

4942R10 14.4 110 630 13¾ (349) 6 (152) 8 (203) 1200 (544)
4942R10-E 14.4 110 630 15¾ (400) 6¾ (171) 8 (203) 1200 (544)
4922R10 14.4 110 630 13¾ (349) 6 (152) 107⁄8 (276) 1200 (544)
4922R10-E 14.4 110 630 15¾ (400) 6¾ (171) 107⁄8 (276) 1200 (544)
Branch feeder 4752R10 14.4 110 900 13¾ (349) 6 (152) 7½ (191) 1200 (544)
(with bases having 4752R10-E 14.4 110 900 15¾ (400) 6¾ (171) 8½ (216) 1200 (544)
carriage-bolt slots)
4943R10 25 125 630 17 (432) 7¼ (184) 107⁄8 (276) 1000 (454)
4943R10-E 25 125● 630 26 (660) 10 (254) 107⁄8 (276) 1000 (454)
4733R10 25 125 900 17 (432) 7¼ (184) 10½ (267) 1000 (454)
4733R10-E 25 125● 900 26 (660) 10 (254) 11½ (292) 1000 (454)
14702R1 14.4 110 630 13¾ (349) 6 (152) 8 (203) 1200 (544)
14702R1-E 14.4 110 630 15¾ (400) 6¾ (171) 8 (203) 1200 (544)
Branch feeder 14712R1 14.4 110 630 13¾ (349) 6 (152) 107⁄8 (276) 1200 (544)
(with smooth- 14712R1-E 14.4 110 630 15¾ (400) 6¾ (171) 107⁄8 (276) 1200 (544)
slotted bases)
14703R1 25 125 630 17 (432) 7¼ (184) 107⁄8 (276) 1000 (454)
14703R1-E 25 125● 630 26 (660) 10 (254) 107⁄8 (276) 1000 (454)
4622R1 25 125 630 17 (432) 7¼ (184) 107⁄8 (276) 1000 (454)
4622R1-E 25 125● 630 26 (660) 10 (254) 107⁄8 (276) 1000 (454)
Main feeder
4792R4 25 125 900 17 (432) 7¼ (184) 10½ (267) 1000 (454)
4792R4-E 25 125● 900 26 (660) 10 (254) 11½ (292) 1000 (454)
Crossarm vertical 4873R2 34.5 150 900 24 (610) 10½ (267) 14 (356) 2000 (907)
Crossarm inverted 4893R2 34.5 150 900 24 (610) 10½ (267) 14 (356) 2000 (907)
14722R1 14.4 110 630 15¾ (400) 7¼ (184) 10 (254) 2000 (907)
14722R1-E 14.4 110 630 167⁄8 (429) 10 (254) 10 (254) 2000 (907)
14822R1 14.4 110 900 15¾ (400) 7¼ (184) 10 (254) 2000 (907)
14822R1-E 14.4 110 900 167⁄8 (429) 10 (254) 10 (254) 2000 (907)
14723R1 25/34.5 150 630 24 (610) 10½ (267) 10 (254) 2000 (907)
Station vertical
14723R1-E■ 25/34.5 150 630 26¼ (667) 14 (356) 10 (254) 2000 (907)
14823R1 25/34.5 150 900 24 (610) 10½ (267) 14 (356) 2000 (907)
14823R1-E■ 25/34.5 150 900 26¼ (667) 14 (356) 14 (356) 2000 (907)
14824R1 34.5 200 900 37 (940) 14½ (368) 14 (356) 2000 (907)
14824R1-E 34.5 200 900 373⁄8 (949) 18 (457) 14 (356) 2000 (907)
4632R1 14.4 110 630 15¾ (400) 7¼ (184) 10 (254) 2000 (907)
4632R1-E 14.4 110 630 167⁄8 (429) 10 (254) 10 (254) 2000 (907)
4782R4 14.4 110 900 15¾ (400) 7¼ (184) 10 (254) 2000 (907)
4782R4-E 14.4 110 900 167⁄8 (429) 10 (254) 10 (254) 2000 (907)
4903R1 25/34.5 150 630 24 (610) 10½ (267) 10 (254) 2000 (907)
Station inverted
4903R1-E■ 25/34.5 150 630 26¼ (667) 14 (356) 10 (254) 2000 (907)
4783R1 25/34.5 150 900 24 (610) 10½ (267) 14 (356) 2000 (907)
4783R1-E■ 25/34.5 150 900 26¼ (667) 14 (356) 14 (356) 2000 (907)
4784R1 34.5 200 900 37 (940) 14½ (368) 14 (356) 2000 (907)
4784R1-E 34.5 200 900 373⁄8 (949) 18 (457) 14 (356) 2000 (907)
18932R1 14.4 110 630/900▲ 11 (279) 8½ (216) 8 (203) —
18933R1 25 150 630/900▲ 17 (432) 10½ (267) 11 (279) —
18934R1 34.5 170◆ 630/900▲ 26 (660) 10½ (267) 11 (279) —
18934R1-P 14.4 110 630/900▲ 26½ (673) 8½ (216) 8 (203) —
18933R1-P 25 150 630/900▲ 37½ (953) 10½ (267) 11 (279) —
18934R1-P 34.5 170 630/900▲ 37½ (953) 10½ (267) 11 (279) —

① Catalog Number Suffix “-E” signifies model is furnished with Cypoxy™ ■ For application on 25-kV systems only.
Insulators. Catalog number without suffix “-E” signifies model is furnished with
porcelain insulators. ▲ S&C rating for ambient temperatures through 40°C (104°F) with a
minimum wind velocity of 1.4 miles per hour. The IEEE rating for this discon-
② Verified by impulse tests with disconnect switch blade closed or open nect switch is 630 amperes continuous.
and base grounded, and with disconnect switch blade open and base
ungrounded. Meets IEEE Standard C37.34-4.2-1994 and IEC 62271-102. ◆ S&C’s tested value for a disconnect with a porcelain insulator. Rating per
IEEE: 150 kV.
● These disconnect switches equipped with Cypoxy Insulators meet
requirements for 150-kV BIL rating.

1. Attach:
With Loadbuster–The S&C Loadbreak Tool Reach across the front of the
The Loadbuster tool is first attached to a universal disconnect switch and attach
pole at least six feet long. It is then positioned across the Loadbuster tool’s anchor
the front of the Loadbuster Disconnect Switch with to the attachment hook on
the tool’s anchor hung on the attachment hook on the far side of the disconnect
the far side of the disconnect switch. The pull-ring switch. Then, engage its pull-
of the disconnect switch blade is engaged with the ring with the Loadbuster
Loadbuster tool’s pull-ring hook and held fast with the tool’s pull-ring hook. The
tool’s pull-ring latch. As the universal pole is pulled tool’s pull-ring latch prevents
downward with a firm, steady stroke, and as the inadvertent disengagement
Loadbuster tool is extended to its maximum length, of the disconnect switch
the disconnect switch is opened and the current is pull-ring and the tool’s
diverted through the tool—at the same time the tool’s pull-ring hook.
internal operating spring is charged.
At a predetermined point in the Loadbuster tool’s
opening stroke, its internal trigger trips, the charged 2. Pull:
operating spring is released, the internal contacts are A firm, steady downward
separated, and the circuit is positively interrupted. pull on the Loadbuster
The only sound is that of the Loadbuster tool tripping. tool—to its maximum
Circuit interruption is independent of the speed extended length—opens
at which the Loadbuster tool is operated. All that the disconnect switch in
is required is a smooth operating stroke … without the normal manner as the
hesitation, without jerking … until the tool is current is diverted through
extended to its maximum length. The resetting latch the tool. At a predetermined
retains the tool in the Open position for removal from point in the opening
the disconnect switch—and until released to reset the stroke, the Loadbuster tool
Loadbuster tool for its next operation. trips, breaking the circuit
And resetting the Loadbuster tool is easy, too.
Merely release the resetting latch and depress the
Loadbuster tool’s telescoping tube until the orange
3. Remove:
band on the tube disappears. Extend the tube about
three inches to check for spring tension and let it The Loadbuster tool
snap back. It’s that simple. is disengaged by first
removing its anchor from
For detailed information about Loadbuster–
the disconnect switch
The S&C Loadbreak Tool, see S&C Descriptive
attachment hook. Then,
Bulletin 811-30.
with the blade in the fully
open position, the tool
is removed from the
pull-ring with a simple
“roll-off” motion.

Branch-Feeder Style — 630 Amperes Continuous

Optional backup member, Dead-ending option. Base has holes in each

suitable for single- or double- end for attachment of dead-ending bracket
crossarm mounting. Furnished with Superior insulation characteristics.
either two or four mounting bolts, Offered with a choice of Cypoxy™
flat washers, lockwashers, and nuts Insulators● or porcelain distribution-
type insulators (2¼-inch bolt circle).
See page 4 for values. See Table 2 on
page 4.

Husky, galvanized
formed base, available
with carriage-bolt slots
(shown) or smooth slots
accommodating machine
bolts. Rigid construction
won’t distort when bolted
down. Five-inch (127-mm)
width contributes to overall
stability of disconnect.
Large flanged area won’t
gouge crossarms Tinned terminal pads
accommodate a wide selection
of connector arrangements
Two-bolt insulator mounting workable with hotline tools
ensures against slipping or turning
of live parts, particularly when
closing blade from the side Silver-to-silver contacts
backed up by stainless steel
Blade stop pin, factory-set for 160° opening, loading springs■
can be readily field-repositioned to provide for
90° opening (use only for vertical mounting
position) Galvanized steel attachment hooks for the
Double-member, hard-drawn, round-edged Loadbuster tool, also serve as blade guide
copper blades, formed for extra rigidity. Broad-
based hinge attachment contributes to overall
Positive latch and pryout
stability of disconnect switch and ensures positive
operate freely from all angles
contact engagement, even when disconnect
switch is closed from the side

Catalog number 4943R10-ED1W (shown mounted in the inverted position on

double crossarms) rated 25 kV nominal, 27 kV maximum, 125 kV BIL, 630 amperes
continuous, 65,000 amperes peak withstand. Catalog number suffix “-E” signifies
the inclusion of Cypoxy Insulators instead of distribution-type porcelain insulators.
Suffix “-D1” signifies the inclusion of a backup member with two 3⁄8 – 16 × 7½-inch
galvanized steel carriage bolts, flat washers, lockwashers, and nuts. Suffix “-W”
signifies the inclusion of dead-ending brackets with mounting hardware.

● Cypoxy Insulators are S&C’s nontracking, self-scouring, nonweathering ■ The high, 65,000-ampere, peak withstand ratings of Loadbuster
cycloaliphatic epoxy resin system. There’s never a compromise of insulation Disconnect Switches are made possible by the silver-to-silver contacts
integrity with these field-proven insulators. at the attachment hook end. Contacts won’t weld, burn, or pit on over-
currents. Loadbuster Disconnect Switches will carry rated load, opening and
closing without difficulty, even after long exposure of contacts to atmospheric

Branch-Feeder Style — 900 Amperes Continuous

Superior insulation characteristics. Husky, galvanized formed base

Offered with a choice of Cypoxy includes carriage-bolt slots. Rigid
Insulators● or porcelain distribution-type construction won’t distort when
insulators (2¼-inch bolt circle). See bolted down. Five-inch (127-mm)
page 4 for values width contributes to overall stability of
disconnect switch. Large flanged area
won’t gouge crossarms
Tinned terminal pads accommodate a
wide selection of connector arrangements
workable with hot-line tools

Two-bolt insulator mounting ensures

Silver-to-silver contacts, backed up
against slipping or turning of live parts,
by stainless-steel loading springs■
particularly when closing blade from the
Galvanized steel attachment hooks
for the Loadbuster tool, also serve as
blade guide
Positive latch and pryout operate
freely from all angles

Double-member, hard-drawn, round-

Optional backup member, suitable for
edged copper blades, formed for extra
single- or double-crossarm mounting.
rigidity, ensure positive engagement with
Furnished with either two or four mount-
stationary tongue contact during closing,
ing bolts, flat washers, lockwashers,
even when disconnect switch is closed
and nuts
from the side
Dead-ending option. Base has holes in
Silver-to-silver contacts, backed up each end for attachment of dead-ending
by phosphor-bronze Belleville springs bracket

Blade stop pin permits adjustment of

blade travel to 90° or 160°

Catalog number 4752R10-ED1 (shown mounted in the vertical position on a single

crossarm) rated 14.4 kV nominal, 15.5 kV maximum, 110 kV BIL, 900 amperes
continuous, 65,000 amperes peak withstand. Catalog number suffix “-E” signifies
the inclusion of Cypoxy Insulators instead of distribution-type porcelain insulators.
Suffix “-D1” signifies the inclusion of a backup member with two 3⁄8 – 16 × 7½-inch
galvanized steel carriage bolts, flat washers, lockwashers, and nuts.

● Cypoxy Insulators are S&C’s nontracking, self-scouring, nonweathering ■ The high, 65,000-ampere, peak withstand ratings of Loadbuster
cycloaliphatic epoxy resin system. There’s never a compromise of insulation Disconnect Switches are made possible by the silver-to-silver contacts
integrity with these field-proven insulators. at the attachment-hook end. Contacts won’t weld, burn, or pit on over-
currents. Loadbuster Disconnect Switches will carry rated load, opening and
closing without difficulty, even after long exposure of contacts to atmospheric

Main-Feeder and Station Styles — 630 and 900 Amperes Continuous
Main-Feeder and Station-Style Disconnect Switches Disconnect Switch is available with a choice of
are available in 630-ampere and 900-ampere ratings. Cypoxy Insulators or distribution-type porcelain
Live-part features are the same as described on insulators. Station-Style Disconnect Switches are
pages 6 and 7 as applicable for the equivalent available with a choice of Cypoxy or porcelain
continuous-current-rated Branch-Feeder Style standard-strength station post insulators.
Disconnect Switch. The Main-Feeder Style

Main-Feeder Style. Catalog number 4622R1-E rated 25 kV nominal, Station-Vertical Style. Catalog number 14722R1-E rated 14.4 kV
27 kV maximum, 125 kV BIL, 630 amperes continuous, 65,000 nominal, 15.5 kV maximum, 110 kV BIL, 630 amperes continuous,
amperes peak withstand. Catalog number suffix “-E” signifies the 65,000 amperes peak withstand. Catalog number suffix “-E” signifies
inclusion of Cypoxy Insulators instead of distribution-type porcelain the inclusion of Cypoxy Station Post Insulators instead of porcelain
insulators. station post insulators.

Crossarm and Overhead Pole-Top Styles — 900 Amperes Continuous
Live-part features of the Crossarm-Style Disconnect Crossarm-Style Disconnect Switches are supplied with
Switches are the same as described on page 7 for the porcelain station post insulators. The Overhead Pole-
900-ampere rated Branch-Feeder Style Disconnect Top Style Disconnect Switch is especially designed for
Switches. Crossarm-Style Disconnect Switches are pole-dip applications. This style of disconnect switch
suitable for mounting on single or double crossarms, combines the insulator of the Type XS Fuse Cutout
directly to wood poles, or to structures. and the live parts of a Loadbuster Disconnect Switch.

Crossarm-Vertical Style. Catalog number 4873R2 rated

34.5 kV nominal, 38 kV maximum, 150 kV BIL,900 amperes
continuous, 65,000 amperes peak withstand.

Overhead Pole-Top Style. Catalog number 18933R1-P rated

25 kV nominal, 27 kV maximum,150 kV BIL, 630/900 amperes
continuous● 65,000 amperes peak withstand.

Crossarm-Inverted Style. Catalog number ● S&C rating for ambient temperatures through 40°C (104°F) with a
4893R2 rated 34.5 kV nominal, 38 kV maximum, minimum wind velocity of 1.4 miles per hour. The IEEE rating for this
150 kV BIL, 900 amperes continuous, 65,000 amperes disconnect switch is 630 amperes continuous.
peak withstand.

Descriptive Bulletin 821-30

April 6, 2020
© S&C Electric Company 1997-2020, all rights reserved.

Offices Worldwide ■

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