Situation Filipino Culture Practices Practices of Other Culture/country Values/concept of Morality
Situation Filipino Culture Practices Practices of Other Culture/country Values/concept of Morality
Situation Filipino Culture Practices Practices of Other Culture/country Values/concept of Morality
2. giving aims to the Filipinos are helpful Other countries do it One should show
poor like they are more in donations empathy and be
organizations and compassionate to
donations that can other people
help poor people
4. offering help to Filipinos easily get Other country also It is good to help
attractive person attracted, and they do the same in people when they
easily give help to offering help to need help, may they
handsome people attractive people be attractive or not
10. reaction to the Filipinos always Other country, they One should make
street involved their report it immediately an immediate need
crimes/accidents gadgets and took a first instead of of action, instead of
video or photo of it taking a picture or doing it for views or
video likes.