Module 3 RE103

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RE103 – 1 Catechesis on Church and Sacraments

Marion John L. Uy Mr. Marco Discarga

BSBA – Financial Management II SLMCS – HED

Module 3: Vatican II and PCP II

Activity 1: “What’s in the Bible?”

Direction: Read the biblical account from “Matthew 19: 16-24 – The Rich Young Man”
and answer the following questions. “The Rich Young Man”

1. Is the rich young man a totally bad person? Why or why not?
I believe that the rich young man is not a totally a bad person because as Jesus
mention He never pointed out the bad or evil things or deeds the rich man did. All he
does is to obey some of God’s commandments in order for the rich man enters the
Kingdom of God or to have an everlasting life. In short, the rich young man is a good
2. Do the words of Jesus, “Give the money to the poor and you will have riches in
heaven,” completely true in every situation and circumstance? Why?
Honestly, I believe that in order for the world to have a better place each and every
one of us must help the poor or those less fortunate and I believe in the saying “share
your blessing” can change and help someone’s life. It’s true that when we give money to
the poor or help them by giving donations and do charity works, eases their situation of
experiencing lack of financial support, specifically, in poverty. Once we did this, there’s
something more to come or to receive from the graces of the Lord such as we will have
riches in Heaven meaning there’s so much more we can have and that is having bountiful
blessings’ coming from God, spiritually and holistically. In addition, we can do
something or give something more big to those people we love, especially our poor
neighbors. As a Vincentian leader, I truly believed that serving God and His people is the
greatest accomplishment that I can be proud of and be thankful!
3. Does this passage show any form of discrimination or prejudice on the part of Jesus’
attitude towards the rich ones? Why?
Maybe, I guess this passage shows discrimination towards the rich ones because this
doesn’t necessarily means that only the rich ones are expected to help the poor, since they
have the capacity to provide something for them. How about those on the middle or lower
class? This can be misused by allowing those poor to be more dependable or reliant to
them and tend to be unfair to them. But, some can do or make a voluntary work without
expecting too much from them. Anyone can have the ability to give service to every
person who are in serious problem or situation. Let’s just be equally fair enough to both.
4. What is/are your experience/s in life that you realize something about the poor?
I believe in the saying “Mahirap ang maging mahirap”, since I come from a poor or
middle family, there’s a point in my life that I also experience lack of support which
something or sometimes the things are impossible or its’ hard to happen. Some think
being poor is a problem or a curse in this world since they’re powerless or useless.
Wealth, power, and satisfaction are not inherently bad in us. They are required for a
person's survival. Sometimes this becomes the focus of everything, it becomes a
challenge to faith and relationship since it lowers moment to pray and believe in God's
power. It causes a person to fail to acknowledge the source of such as everyday
necessities. Jesus has asked me to develop my spirituality and to be open to those in need.
That’s why I realized that being poor is not something that I should be afraid or ashamed
of because this doesn’t define me or them. Being poor is the way to self-motivate to work
hard, and to persevere in life in order to be contented and be happy for those big and
small things that I receive in my everyday life. So, I may find happiness in meeting,
loving, and serving Jesus and the poor.

Reflection in Faith: Questions to Reflect

1. What is the context of the Vatican II?

The Vatican II context represents spiritual rebirth for the church as well as an
opportunity for Christians divided from Rome to unite in a search for Christian unity.
There were several signals of change inside the Church, such as the ecumenical
movement's continuous growth with a strong emphasis on developing true venues for
contact and conversation. The laity presented the appearance of genuine ecclesiastical
maturation. An examination that returned to the actual sources of Scripture and the
Fathers appeared to maintain the theological context. Despite its complexities, the
historical background of Vatican II is critical to comprehending this most crucial event in
the Catholic Church's history during the previous four centuries. The bulk of those
participating in the Council's preparations began with the expectation that it would be
completed in a few months; regrettably, these predictions were unfounded.
2. How is the Philippines affected by Second Vatican Council?
The Second Vatican Council had an impact in the Philippines in terms of how
Catholicism influenced daily life and yearly customs. The Angelus and other prayers
were recited while church bells rung, reminding communities and families to do so.
Every Sunday, mass attendance was also reported. In many cases, the Catholic pantheon
of saints supplanted native deities thought to be behind the agricultural cycle, yet the
celebrations and festivals continued under the patron saints' banner. As a result, by the
17th century, Catholicism had become the most widely practiced religion among lowland
Filipinos, particularly in Luzon and the Visayas. Throughout the years, Spanish armies
attempted to reach several portions of Mindanao, but opposition from Muslim
populations confined them to the coast. Muslim revolt included what the Spaniards
referred to as juramentados, swordsmen willing to die for their cause.
3. How are Vatican II, PCP II and BEC related to each other?
The Vatican II, PCP II and BEC are related to each other because they have a
mission and vision is to renew at the same time change whole Christian people, in the
churches in the Philippines and around the world by improving and developing the
relationship between the Diocese, the Christian communities and religious movement
through the Gospel of the Almighty God and Eucharistic Celebration. Another is to
promote solidarity or unity with a sense of responsibility and belongingness for one
another and in relation among all religions in urban and rural neighborhoods. They give
importance or emphasized that the Church, as the People of God and of the poor in a way
of providing material and spiritual needs and an act of love and support for them in times
of crisis and during this covid-19 pandemic.
4. How does Christianity start in the Philippines?
Christianity begins in the Philippines as a result of the Spaniards' colonization of
the nation. With the arrival of Miguel Lopez de Legazpi in 1565, they brought
Christianity to the Philippines. Previously, beginning around 1350, Islam expanded
northward from Indonesia into the Philippine archipelago. By the time the Spaniards
came in the 16th century, Islam had taken root in Mindanao and Sulu, with outposts on
Cebu and Luzon. The country's Christianization was more than just a change of heart; the
conversion entailed a systematic lifestyle transformation. Priests made learning the
doctrines of Doctrina Cristiana, a document explaining Catholic prayers, morality, and
rituals, a stringent requirement for any native seeking to be baptized. All young people
were also taught catechisms translated into vernacular languages by church officials.
Priests also guaranteed that indigenous notions about restitution, sexual morality, and
nature worship were absorbed into Christian doctrine.
5. Compare the Vision-Mission of the School and the Vision of the PCP II.
The SLMCS Vision-Mission is a Christ-centered institution committed to
empowering community of learners into inner-directed Vincentian leaders who are
advocates of persons in poverty situation and of God’s creation meaning the school
teaches their students or learners to know more about God and His creation and most
importantly as a Vincentian leaders we are responsible to help and serve the poor. On the
other hand, the PCP II Vision of the Church as communion, participation and mission,
about the Church as priestly, prophetic and kingly people, and a Church of the poor, that
is a renewed Church, is today finding expression in one ecclesial movement, that is the
movement to foster Basic Ecclesial Communities meaning to become a Christian
community of disciples and the need for the Church of the poor for good changes of the
society itself through active religious participation and leadership in the Church’s life
6. The Church needs to be involved in the different dimensions of life and the United
Nations Sustainable Development Goals caters the need for the development of these
dimensions. What particular SDG can you relate to the vision of PCP II or Vatican
The particular Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations in relation to
the vision of the PCP II or Vatican II is SD Goal 16; to promote peaceful and inclusive
societies for sustainable development also to provide access to justice for all and to build
effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels, because just like the council
of the Church they introduced the PCP II or Vatican II to strengthen the Christian
communities and in defense of human rights where the Church participates in the
solutions to their problems. Likewise, it’s Church renewal with their institutions and
ministries for Catholics and Non-Catholics in the Philippines and throughout the world.
Another is the SD Goal 1; that no poverty or end poverty in all its forms everywhere the
same with the council of the Church where the poor is not being discriminated against
because of their poverty situation whereas the Church material and spiritual goods are for

Life Integration: Activity 2. “The Renewed Church”

Cite three documents/decrees/constitutions from the Second Vatican Council (Vatican II)
or Second Plenary Council of the Philippines (PCP II) that brings changes in the Church
today and give concrete examples of its implication to either of the six dimensions of life
namely; spiritual, political, economic, social, cultural, and ecological. Just choose one
dimension in each document/decree.

Concrete Examples
Vatican II/PCPII Document/Decree (spiritual/political/economic/social/cultural/ecological)

1. Vatican II: Declaration on In terms of spiritual dimension, religious freedom, which

Religious Freedom human desire as a requirement for fulfilling their
responsibility to worship God, has to do with freedom
from persecution in civilized society. As a result, it
ignores the Catholic doctrine on people's and societies'
moral obligations to the true religion and only one
Church of Christ.
2. PCP II: Church of the Poor In terms of economic dimension, a Church that works
with the poor and others to transform the condition of
poverty by not being quiet on the issue of poverty but
rather helping to promote life's growth of an individual or
the Christian communities.
3. Vatican II: The Constitution on In terms of political dimension, many people are
the Church in the Modern forcefully seeking the advantages from which they
World perceive themselves to be deprived, whether through
injustice or inequity. Nations on the rise such as those
that have just gained independence want to share in the
benefits of contemporary modernity.
Activity 3: “Basic Ecclesial Community in the Family”

Direction: Conduct a simple BEC Session in your own family at home by following the
simple flow of activities below and afterwards take at least 2 pictures as a proof that you
really did this activity and submit it here.


1. Opening Prayer (it can be in a form of a song)

2. Bible Verse Reading/Gospel Reading (you can choose the readings for the day or
any bible account)
3. Silent Reflection
4. Sharing of Reflections
5. Simple/Short Closure Reflection
6. Closing Prayer (it can be in a form of a song)

“My Simple BEC Session with my Family”

Assigned members of the family:

Opening Prayer:

What a Beautiful Name (Worship Song) – All members of the family will sing the song

Bible Verse Reading/Gospel Reading: Ate Monica “Nica” Uy

Mark 1:40-45

Jesus Heals a Man with Leprosy

Silent Reflection: All family members

There is a one way to spread the “good news” of being a Vincentian is through
religious vocation and religious education for all. Allowing this for public and private
institutions will make holistic development, having a Christ-centered relationship, and
empowering Christian formation. Spreading the “good news” is spreading the Words of
God and living in the Gospels to every Catholic people around the world to make it a better

Sharing of Reflections: Kuya “Ian” Uy and MJ “Myself” Uy

Jesus was moved with pity and so he chose to heal the leper. And in spite of Jesus’
command to tell no one anything. Jesus knew that the leper would not be able to keep the good
news of his healing quiet. And, yes, the leper does publicize the whole matter. Indeed, the leper
proclaims the gospel. Perhaps Jesus healed the leper because he recognized one who would be a
disciple and spread the good news. Jesus wished that the leper be made clean; he had the power
to heal. But more important, his heart was filled with mercy. And Jesus was announced to all by
this leper who became a disciple.

Simple or Short Closure Reflection: Mama “Ana” Uy and Papa “Manny” Uy

As a true Christian, and Louisean-Vincentian student, truly believed in miracles

coming from God. He is always right beside us in our ups and down, especially this past
few months and during this pandemic was really hard for us to fully recover emotional,
physically, and spiritually. That’s why the only thing that sinks into our mind/ my mind
was to pray that something would miraculously save us and heal us in this deadly virus.
To be honest, He is our only hope in this crisis. In this year 2021, God has given us hope
to fight this virus providing and creating a vaccine/s made by our professional medical
workers and leading them by God all along. It’s sad to say that some forget Him even
before this pandemic happened and living in a normal life.

However, in these unexpected bad things that happened in the world right now, it seems
that people are now seeking again and thanking Him for all He has done from the very
beginning until this present time. He never leaves us and will always be there watching us
from above and listening to our prayers to THANK HIM ONCE AGAIN! (It’s not the
end of the world yet).

Closing Prayer:

O God, we stand in gratitude for our vocation to be a Vincentian,

- give us the grace to offer our heart and friendship to the poor.

May we have the desire to serve the needy by person-to-person contact,

- give us the grace to invite others to join the Society.

May we have the grace to put our faith into action, to meditate upon it,

- and to adapt it to our changing world. Amen

Let us Reflect: A new lesson has been discussed… a fresh knowledge has been learned…
and a vibrant call for passionate service is once again achieved. Now, it’s time for you to
share what you have learned… write what you have realized and inscribe what you have
resolved in and about yourself.


As a true Christian, I realized that the renewed Church and its council (Vatican II and PCP
II) are important and great opportunity to me, especially to the Catholic community because this
institution is like a foundation that strengthens me or us or everyone’s faith and relationship with
God. Just like the relation of the church to the state is one of a power. Along with the help of the
ministry, the laity, the bishops, the priest, and the entire religious sector are highly involved or
present in this kind of manner. This shows a theological liberalism and social and spiritual
development inside and outside the Church and the council, as well as for all nations. The
Church contributes to the realization of moral and social justice to the humanity. The role of the
Church in the political life of the people is to defend the defenseless in the Christian society. The
Church must confront the abuse or misuse of power by the state. This recognizes that the vigilant
civil society, citizens or the people becomes vulnerable to political manipulations as well as the
radical challenges that the Church must confront in these changing times.

However, the reality of the most recent times requires that the Church itself must secure or
protect and respond to the intolerable against those in positions of power. The purpose of this is
to ensure the Christian community or of the society to emancipate from every circumstances and
difficulties. To alter the humanity’s lack of compassion, the universal Church continue the
resolve to empower the faithful ones. The mission of the Church that comes from Christ Himself
who taught that obeying the Words of God at the same time performing religious practices,
beliefs and traditions as well as serving, loving and caring for others are the ultimate meaning of
an eternal life.


Loving Father, we pray for the healing touch of Your Holy Spirit on all mankind who is now
suffering from day to day situation and those who suffered from the Covid illness/diseases. In
love and in prayer, we reach out to those people so that we may bring Your loving care,
goodness and kindness by being present in their time of need. May they be strengthened and
consoled by the compassion of Your Son Jesus Christ, our Savior, who has shown us the
redemptive value of suffering, so that we may be able to offer and unite their suffering to that
of Jesus, our Lord. Amen

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