Daily Lesson Plan: Teacher'S Name: MR Vikneswaran A/L Adaikan
Daily Lesson Plan: Teacher'S Name: MR Vikneswaran A/L Adaikan
Daily Lesson Plan: Teacher'S Name: MR Vikneswaran A/L Adaikan
9.30 am
Pre-Lesson Pupils do a little recap on the topics that they have learnt in Year 1.
1. Pupils sit in pairs and are asked to introduce themselves to their partners.
2. Teacher introduces the question patterns to the pupils: What is your name?
How old are you? When is your birthday? How many siblings do you have?
What is your favourite food? What is your favourite game?
3. Pupils refer to ‘My Friend’ circle template given by the teacher.
4. Pupils asks their friends the questions in the template and write down the
details in the circle.
Assessment Q and A
Main Skill
The number that achieved the stipulated skill is :
Reflection: Choose an item.
Complementary Skill
The number that achieved the stipulated skill is :
Choose an item.