Monthly Accomplishme NT Report

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February 2021

nt Report
Continuous construction of HIM Hermilando I. Mandanas two-storey building.

Maintenance of the cleanliness of the school premises

Concrete Handwashing Facility funded by School Education Fund-LSB



To maintain the cleanliness of Itlugan Elementary
School held OPLAN KALINISAN 2021 to make the school ready
and condusive to learn despite of this time of Covid 19
Following the safety protocol and with the leadership of
our hardworking Principal III Dr. Belen E. Reyes, 21 teachers Itlugan Elementary School
and all the Homeroom PTA officers, worked hand on hand to served as a venue of Inter Barangay
make this Oplan kalinisan possible.
vaccination for Chikiting Ligtas sa
dagdag bakuna kontra rubella, polio
at tigdas last February 5, 2021.

Prepared by:
Teacher III
Principal III
February 2021
Dr. Belen E. Reyes attended Virtual Meeting about 5 th
nt Report
Mancon, Mrs. Rosalinda C. Contreras and Lennie B. De Mesa
together with our Principal III Dr. Belen E. Reyes attended District
Virtual Meeting via google meet, Mrs. Alona C. Amante was
present in the Virtual Meeting of partnership Focal Person, Mrs
Miguela C. Manalo and Mrs Lennie De Mesa as coordinator of ESP
and LRMDS also attended virtual meeting, Mrs. Estela B. Mendoza
as SPG adviser joined Sipag Conference 2021: BLSS Youth
Formation Division and Mrs. Nora C. Santoyo was also present in
the Sipag Conference 2021: Asset Management Division.
Giving Technical Assistant was really remarkable gesture
of our hardworking principal Dr. Belen E. Reyes as district L and D
Coordinator to all the persons who really need her help in
preparing IS plan, training proposal and matrix.


School Learning Action Cell

No matter the situation and place we are, learning is lifelong and never stops. Despite this
covid-19 crisis that everyone is experiencing, the Department of Education implements distance learning to
still provide education among learners. In line with the implementation of DepEd Order No 35, s. 2016 our
school conducted the School Learning Action Cell (SLAC) for the month of February 2021 at Itlugan
Elementary School, Itlugan, Rosario, Batangas.
The resource speakers lead by our Principal III Dr. Belen E. Reyes, Mrs. Rosalinda R. Contreras
Master Teacher II and Mrs. Lennie B. De Mesa Master Teacher I discussed the different components in the
2C-2I-1R pedagogical approaches. The Demonstration teachers delivered lesson following the IDEA Lesson
Exemplar with the suggested activities from the 2C-2I-1R pedagogical approaches in the teaching-learning
The certificates of recognition and participation were awarded to the participants. The Seminars were
a very fruitful yet challenging for us. It brought us refreshment on the use of 2C-2I-1R pedagogical
approaches in teaching. A job well done on the people behind this SLAC sessions.
February 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic is overwhelming the
functioning and outcomes of education systems—soment Report
of which
were already stressed in many respects, but despite of it, Itlugan
Elementary School continues to provide quality education
through modular distance learning. Its programs and projects
were systematically utilized to ensure the learners growth and
development. The school premises provided safety and healthy
environment for the continuous learning process even in this
time of pandemic. The school followed the safety protocols in
order to have a secured environment.

This accomplishment report indicates all the activities of

the school head, teachers, pupils, parents and other stakeholders
that had been accomplished for the month of February 2021.

PUPILS DEVELEOPMENT Dr. Belen E. Reyes, Principal III of Itlugan

Elementary School managed in counting and
Continous distribution and retrival of
picking up the LIPAT AKLAT from Mavalor ES
modules and Learning Activity Sheets as
through the coordinatorship of Ma’am Lerma
scheduled every friday
Magnayel head teacher of Tubahan ES.

Each pupils of IES were given one

sachet of Milo coming from Nestle

Nora Santoyo, our school property

costudian and Dr. Belen E. Reyes, Principal III of
IES get and record the supplies of pupils
learning Modules in the District office.

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