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Name of Drug: Hydralazine

Drug Dosage/Route Classification Mechanisms of Action Indication Contraindication Adverse Effects Nursing Considerations

Generic Name: - 5-10 mg IV/IM Vasodilator Hydralazine may interfere with Hydralazine is indicated alone or
Hydralazine initially, THEN calcium transport in vascular smooth adjunct to standard therapy to treat
5-10 mg q20- muscle by an unknown mechanism essential hypertension. A
Brand Name: 30min PRN to relax arteriolar smooth muscle combination product with isosorbide
and lower blood pressure. The dinitrate is indicated as an adjunct
- 0.5-10 mg/hr IV interference with calcium transport therapy in the treatment of heart
infusion may be by preventing influx of failure.
calcium into cells, preventing
calcium release from intracellular
compartments, directly acting on
actin and myosin, or a combination
of these actions. This decrease in
vascular resistance leads to
increased heart rate, stroke volume,
and cardiac output.

Hydralazine also competes with

protocollagen prolyl hydroxylase
(CPH) for free iron. This competition
inhibits CPH mediated hydroxylation
of HIF-1α, preventing the
degradation of HIF-1α. Induction of
HIF-1α and VEGF promote
proliferation of endothelial cells and

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