Gifted Assessment
Gifted Assessment
Gifted Assessment
Resource Packet
Child Find and Grade Level
Individual Screening
Comprehensive Assessment
Documentation and Data
Intellectually Gifted
Tennessee State Department of Education
Revised August 2010
ED5387 (Rev. 0810)
Essential Guidelines
TN K12 Intellectually Gifted Assessment
The following guidelines are essential in making sure the Tennessee Intellectually Gifted criteria are
¾ Total Score Requirements
A total of 50 or more points are required to satisfy Tennessee’s Intellectually Gifted criteria, which
must include the following:
a) a Second or Third Range score (20 or 30 points) on at least one Target Instrument from any
of the 3 Assessment Categories (Educational Performance, Creativity/ Characteristics of
Gifted, Cognition), AND
b) a First Range score (10 points) on a Target Instrument in both Educational Performance
(Assessment Option 1, 2 or 3) and Cognition (Assessment Option 14) Categories.
¾ Target Instrument Score Requirements – 1 st Range Scores
A score must be obtained in at least the First Range on a Target Instrument in both Educational
Performance (Assessment Option 1, 2, or 3) and Cognition (Assessment Option 14) Categories.
If a First Range score in Educational Performance (Assessment Option 1, 2, or 3) is used to
satisfy this criterion, a Second or Third Range score in Educational Performance may be used to
acquire a better score for Category Points.
¾ Assessment Category Points
Only one instrument may be used for the calculation of Category Points in each category.
¾ Product/Portfolio Points
Points earned for a Product/Portfolio may be scored in either the Educational Performance or the
Creativity/Characteristics of Gifted Assessment Categories, but not both.
¾ Scoring Requirements – TN Teacher Observation Checklist (TnTOC, TnTOC+) and TN
Supplementary Performance Checklist (TnSup)
If the TnTOC or the TnTOC+ is used to meet eligibility criteria in the Creativity/ Characteristics of
Gifted Category, the TnSup cannot be used to meet eligibility criteria in the Educational
Performance Category.
ED5387 (Rev. 0810)
Do you know a student who For more information contact
· Is unusually eager to learn
· Is a creative thinker
· Can easily transfer knowledge to new
Shows unusual empathy for people
and concern for social issues
HH igh
Research shows that 35% of our II ntellectual
population possesses many of these
exceptional traits. These children
should be nurtured and their
PP otential
education enhanced, for their own
benefit, and for the advancement of Belief Statement
mankind. Intellectual giftedness is found throughout
diverse populations and crosses all economic
and cultural boundaries. Early identification
and intervention are often required to meet the
unique needs of these children.
*The State of Tennessee and Local Education
Agencies do not discriminate in evaluation or
programming on the basis of race, disability, color,
The State of Tennessee and Local Education
Agencies are committed to providing equitable
Our world needs these special gifts! religion, gender, age or national origin.
and appropriate assessment for all students.
ED5387 (Rev. 0810)
Ten core attributes of giftedness may be seen
in students regardless of socioeconomic Eligibility Criteria
status, culture, or race. These Traits,
Aptitudes, and Behaviors (TABs) were In addition to meeting assessment criteria, a
Definition and Criteria identified by Dr. Mary Frasier and are student must demonstrate a need for
for Eligibility for Gifted associated with giftedness or children with services beyond what is provided in the
outstanding talent. Characteristics of creativity general education curriculum.
As defined by the Tennessee State identified by Dr. E. Paul Torrance may be
Department of Education indicative of giftedness or outstanding talent. The Referral Process
Definition _______________________________________________
Anyone, including the parent(s), guardian, or
“Intellectually Gifted” means a child Frasier – TABs and Definitions community professional may refer a student
whose intellectual abilities and 1. Motivation: Evidence of desire to learn. for screening and possible evaluation.
potential for achievement are so 2. Interests: A feeling of intentness, passion, A screening team of educational
concern, or curiosity about something. professionals considers screening
outstanding the child’s educational 3. Communication skills: Highly expressive and information, previous evaluations, and
performance is adversely affected. effective use of words, numbers, symbols, and so teacher/parent input to determine if a
“Adverse affect” means the general forth. comprehensive evaluation is needed. The
4. Problemsolving ability: Effective, often inventive,
curriculum alone is inadequate to team’s decision is based on multiple data
strategies for recognizing and solving problems.
appropriately meet the student’s 5. Memory: Large storehouse of information on
educational needs. school or nonschool topics.
6. Inquiry: Questions, experiments, explores. An assessment team will determine the
7. Insight: Quickly grasps new concepts and makes
connections, senses deeper meanings. types of assessment needed. All
8. Reasoning: Logical approaches to figuring out procedural safeguards are followed to
9. Imagination and creativity: Produces many
ensure evaluation procedures are non
Assessment Criteria ideas, highly original. discriminatory.
Eligibility for services as a gifted _______________________________________________
Torrance – Characteristics of Creativity
student is based on evaluation in each
of the following component areas: —Fluency: Ability to think of, or produce many
ideas or products.
Educational Performance —Flexibility: Ability to think of many different kinds
or categories of responses to a stimulus.
Creativity/Characteristics —Originality: Unusual or infrequent responses
Cognition/Intelligence compared to age peers.
Services for Gifted Students
—Abstractness of thought: The ability to capture
the essence of something by going beyond what is
seen or heard by telling a story, giving dialogue, Special services are often required to meet
revealing thoughts, or suggesting meaning in an the unique needs of gifted children. A team of
abstract way. professionals and the child’s parent(s) plan
—Elaboration: Imagination and exposition of detail the student’s educational program based on
—Resistance to Closure: Ability to delay closure the assessment information obtained through
long enough to make the mental leap that makes the evaluation process.
possible more original ideas.
ED5387 (Rev. 0810)
¿Conoce usted a algún estudiante que: Si desea más información,
· tenga ganas excepcionales de aprender?
comuníquese con:
· posea un pensamiento creativo?
· pueda transferir con facilidad los
conocimientos a nuevas situaciones?
· muestre empatía excepcional hacia las
personas e interés en los problemas
sociales? GG ran
Las investigaciones muestran que del 3 al
5% de nuestra población posee muchas de
pp otencial
estas características especiales. Estos
niños deben ser alentados y es necesario
intensificar su educación, para su propio
ii ntelectual
beneficio y el progreso de la humanidad.
ED5387 (Rev.0810)
En los estudiantes, se pueden apreciar diez atributos
fundamentales de dotes intelectuales, independientemente de Proceso de remisión
las condiciones socioeconómicas, la cultura o la raza. Estas
características, aptitudes y comportamientos (TAB, traits, Todas las personas, incluidos padres, madres,
Definición y criterios para ser aptitudes and behaviors) fueron identificados por la Dra. tutores o profesionales de la comunidad, pueden
considerado superdotado Mary Frasier, y se asocian con los niños superdotados o con remitir a un estudiante para un examen y una
talentos superiores. Las características de creatividad posible evaluación.
identificadas por el Dr. E. Paul Torrance pueden ser Un equipo examinador integrado por
Según la definición del Departamento de Educación
indicaciones de dotes intelectuales o talentos sobresalientes. profesionales educativos estudia la información
del Estado de Tennessee
del examen, las evaluaciones anteriores y las
Definición aportaciones de los maestros y los padres del
Frasier: TAB y definiciones estudiante para determinar si es necesario realizar
Los niños "superdotados intelectualmente" son una evaluación integral. La decisión del equipo se
1. Motivación: evidencia del deseo de aprender.
aquellos con capacidades intelectuales y potencial de 2. Intereses: sentimiento de propósito, pasión, interés o basa en varias fuentes de datos.
logro tan superiores que su rendimiento educativo se curiosidad acerca de algo.
ve afectado de manera adversa. Ser "afectado 3. Habilidades de comunicación: uso muy expresivo y Un equipo de valoración determinará los
adversamente" significa que el plan de estudios eficaz de las palabras, los números, los símbolos, etc. tipos de evaluaciones necesarias. Se
general por sí mismo no es suficiente para cubrir 4. Capacidad para solucionar problemas: estrategias
apropiadamente las necesidades educativas del efectivas, con frecuencia ingeniosas, para reconocer y siguen todas las garantías procesales
estudiante. solucionar problemas. para comprobar que no haya prejuicios
5. Memoria: gran capacidad de almacenamiento de
información sobre temas escolares o de otro tipo. en los procedimientos de evaluación.
6. Cuestionamiento: pregunta, experimenta y explora.
7. Perspicacia: capta conceptos nuevos y hace
conexiones con rapidez, y percibe significados
Criterios de quienes reúnen los requisitos 8. Razonamiento: métodos lógicos para encontrar
El cumplimiento de los requisitos para recibir 9. Imaginación y creatividad: genera muchas ideas,
servicios como estudiante superdotado se basa en una muy originales.
evaluación de cada uno de los componentes a
continuación: _______________________________________________ Servicios para
Rendimiento educativo Torrance: características de la creatividad estudiantes
–Fluencia: capacidad para pensar o generar muchas ideas o superdotados
Creatividad y características de dotes intelectuales trabajos. Con frecuencia, se requieren servicios especiales
–Flexibilidad: capacidad para pensar muchos tipos diversos o para cubrir las necesidades únicas de los niños
Conocimientos e inteligencia categorías de respuesta a un estímulo. superdotados. Un equipo de profesionales y los
–Originalidad: respuestas excepcionales o poco frecuentes en
padres del niño planifican el programa educativo
comparación con sus compañeros de la misma edad.
–Abstracción de pensamiento: capacidad para captar la
del estudiante basándose en la información de la
esencia de algo profundizando en lo que ve u oye, narrando valoración obtenida mediante el proceso de
una historia, sosteniendo un diálogo, manifestando evaluación.
pensamientos o sugiriendo significados de manera abstracta.
–Elaboración: imaginación y exposición de detalles.
–Resistencia a la conclusión: capacidad para demorar la
conclusión lo suficiente para hacer saltos mentales que logren
ideas más originales.
Folleto de Gifted Child Find
ED5387 (Rev.0810)
TN K12 Intellectually Gifted Assessment Scoring Grid
Student Name_____________________________ DOB____/____/_____ School System__________________________ School__________________________ Grade____ Date____/____/_____
The Comprehensive Evaluation must include assessments in each of the three Assessment Categories. Record the highest score obtained in each Assessment Category. Record the single highest score for each Assessment Category in Category Points and
calculate a Total Score. The assessment criteria for Intellectually Gifted are met if the student has an overall Total Score of 50 or more points which must include: a) Scoring in the Second or Third Range on at least one Target Instrument from any
Assessment Category, and b) Scoring in at least the First Range on a Target Instrument in both Educational Performance (Assessment Option 1, 2 or 3) and Cognition (Assessment Option 14) Categories.
Assessment First Range Second Range Third Range Target
Assessment Option Scoring Category Points
Category 10 Points 20 Points 30 Points Instrument
1) Standardized Group CriterionReferenced (e.g.,
q 1 Area ≥95%ile q 2 Areas ≥95%ile q 3 Areas ≥95%ile
TCAP) and/or NormReferenced Group or Individual
Area or Cluster Scores or or or
Achievement Test (e.g., Stanford10, ITBS, PLAN,
2 Areas ≥90%ile 3 Areas ≥90%ile 4 Areas ≥90%ile
2) College Entrance Exams Area Scores or Full Scale q 2nd/3rd
q ≥90%ile – ≤93%ile q ≥94%ile – ≤97%ile q ≥98%ile
(e.g., ACT, SAT) or Total Battery Range
3) TN Supplementary Gifted Performance Checklist
(TnSup) Total Score TN
Full Scale Refer to Section 2.4 of the
manual for SEM guidelines _______
14) Individually Administered Test of Intelligence or q 2nd/3rd
Cognition q Primary Cluster Range
Split Score N/A Score ≥130 with N/A
1.5 SD Discrepancy
► Check the box which indicates the Target Instrument Assessment Category.
► The student scored in at least the First Range on a Target Instrument in both Educational q Educational Performance q 2nd Range q 3rd Range
Performance (Assessment Option 1, 2, or 3) and Cognition (Assessment Option 14) ___________
Categories: q Yes q No
q Creativity/Characteristics of Gifted q 2nd Range q 3rd Range TOTAL SCORE
q Cognition q 2nd Range q 3rd Range
ED5387 (Rev.0810)
TN K12 Intellectually Gifted Assessment Documentation
(See the K12 Intellectually Gifted Manual for approved tests and detailed instructions)
Student Name________________________________ DOB____/____/_____ School System________________________ School_______________________ Grade____ Date____/____/_____
Previously Grade Skipped? q Y q N Race/Ethnicity (Check One): q White (Not Hispanic) q Black (Not Hispanic) q Hispanic q Asian/Pacific Islander q American Indian/ Alaska Native
CategoryOption Results/Notes
Record Highest Composite Academic Area Scores: 1) Reading or Reading/Language Arts 2) Language 3) Written Language (standardized, individual test only) 4) Academic
Knowledge (WJIII NU) 5) Mathematics 6) Social Studies 7) Science 8) Total Achievement Battery Score
1) Area: ___________ │ Test_____________ │DOT___/___/_____ │Scores: q CRT q NRT │Percentile: _____ │Norms: q Age q Grade
· Standardized Group CriterionReferenced (e.g.,
2) Area: ___________ │ Test_____________ │DOT___/___/_____ │Scores: q CRT q NRT │Percentile: _____ │Norms: q Age q Grade
TCAP) and/or NormReferenced Group or
3) Area: ___________ │ Test_____________ │DOT___/___/_____ │Scores: q CRT q NRT │Percentile: _____ │Norms: q Age q Grade
Individual Achievement Test (e.g., Stanford10,
4) Area: ___________ │ Test_____________ │DOT___/___/_____ │Scores: q CRT q NRT │Percentile: _____ │Norms: q Age q Grade
NU) Area, Cluster, Composite, or Brief (WJIII NU) scores from more than one instrument or type of instrument (Group or Individual) may be used, but only one score from any
Educational Performance
· TN Academic Product or Portfolio Product Title_________________________________________________ │Score_____ │Date___/___/_____
May use an Academic or Creative Product or Portfolio, but not both.
Test:___________________________________ │DOT_____/_____/________ │Norms: q Age q Grade
· Nationally Normed Standardized Test of Creativity
Percentile Score (Torrance Verbal)______ │Percentile Score(Torrance Visual)______ │
(TTCT Verbal or Figural, Williams Creative
Standard Deviation (Williams CAP) ______
Assessment Packet, PCA)
Standard Deviation (Profile of Creative Abilities) Creativity Index SS_____, Home Rating Scale SS _____ School Rating Scale SS _____
· TN Creative Product or Portfolio Product Title_________________________________________________ │Score_____ │Date___/___/_____
May use a Creative or Academic Product or Portfolio, but not both.
· TN Creative Thinking Rating Scale (TnCreat) Score_______ Date___/___/_____
Use the following scale (Refer to instrument manual for specific guidelines)
GES3 Quotient Score GRSS (Schoolage) or GRSP (Preschool/Kindergarten) Domain Scores
· Nationally Normed Gifted Characteristics Checklist Intellectual Ability (IA), Academic Ability (AA), Creativity (C), Artistic Talent (AT), Leadership (L), Motivation (M)
First Range: 115122 Three domain TScores ≧60 – two of the three from Intellectual Ability, Academic Ability (AA), and Creativity (C)
Second Range: 123129 Three domain TScores ≧65 – two of the three from Intellectual Ability, Academic Ability (AA), and Creativity (C)
Third Range: ≧130 Three domain TScores ≧70 – two of the three from Intellectual Ability, Academic Ability (AA), and Creativity (C)
· TN Teacher Observation Checklist (TnTOC)
TnTOC Score _______ TnTOC + Score _______ Date___/___/_____ (Scoring Guide may be requested from the SDE)
· TN Teacher Observation Checklist Plus (TnTOC+): The TnTOC and TnTOC+ scores are also used for scoring of Supplementary Gifted Performance Checklist (TnSup).
· Local Norms from Nationally Normed Characteristics Instrument Used_________________ DOT___/___/_____ Score Percentile_________________
Checklist Local norms must be approved by the SDE.
Test: ___________________ DOT___/___/_____ Composite, Global, or Full Scale Score ______ (Refer to Section 2.4 of the manual for SEM guidelines)
· Individually Administered Test of Intelligence or
Cognition Spilt Discrepancy Highest Cluster Score (3 or more subtests) is ≥130 and Lowest Cluster Score is at least 1.5 SDs lower than the Highest Score.
Highest Cluster Component Score ____ Component Area ________ Lowest Cluster Component Score ____ Component Area ________
ED5387 (Rev.0810)
Classroom Screening Summary: Observation Procedures
Page 1 of 2
NOTE: The Classroom Screening Summary (CSS) is a screening tool, designed for recording observations of students' behaviors
in the classroom by the classroom teacher. The teacher should not consider the CSS as a recommendation for further gifted
screening or evaluation.
Give each child equal consideration on each behavior characteristic. When you observe students for a
specific behavior characteristic be careful not to overlook any one student in the group. For example,
when you consider a characteristic such as "learns rapidly and easily", certain students may come to
mind immediately. However, when observed more closely there may be other students who exhibit this
same characteristic. Most mistakes in screening are made through oversight.
Sometimes a teacher will feel that he or she does not have any students of this type. The teacher reads
a title such as "Intellectually Gifted" and decides that it does not apply to any of the students in the
class. This conclusion may cause the classroom teacher to overlook exceptionally bright students who
do not meet preexisting perceptions of the profile for a gifted child. It is important to consider specific
behavioral characteristicsnot labelsin order to decide which students fit the description. Be aware of
bias or perceptions of what Intellectually Gifted "is" or "is not". Everyone is biased for or against certain
students. This is as natural as liking or disliking certain foods, clothes, or sports. The important thing is
to recognize your biases and make allowances for them. If you like a student, you may see more good
qualities in him/her than he/she actually has. On the other hand, if you find it difficult to like a student,
you may find it equally difficult to see gifted characteristics in him/her.
Directions for Completing the Classroom Screening Summary:
List the names of all students in your class on the roster (CSS) in alphabetical order.
1. Become familiar with the characteristics (A through R) and general student demographics (S)
defined for the CSS.
2. The Classroom Screening Summary includes sixteen (16) student characteristics. You will rate each
student in your class, based on the descriptions provided for each CSS characteristic. Please rate
each student on each of the characteristics on a continuum from 1 to 5, from Poor to Superior.
1 2 3 4 5
Poor Below Average Average Above Average Superior
It is suggested that you rate all your students on the first column (A), and then complete the second
column (B), and so on for all sixteen of the characteristics. The score totals are to be completed by the
School Screening Team (SST).
REFERENCES: Betts, G. T. and Nelhart, M. (1988). “Profiles of the gifted and talented.” Gifted Child Quarterly, 32(2), 248253. Clark,
Barbara (1994). Growing Up Gifted (Fourth Edition). New York: Merrill Publishing Company. Cramer, Roxanne (1988). “Gifted traits can
cause classroom problems.” Gifted Children Monthly, 9, 18. Delisle, James R. (1992). Guiding the Social and Emotional Development of
Gifted Youth. White Plains, N.Y.: Longman Publishing Group. Swassing, Raymond H. (1985). Teaching Gifted Children and Adolescents.
Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. Merrill Publishing Company. Whitmore, Joanne R. (1980). Giftedness, Conflict, and Underachievement. Boston:
Allyn and Bacon, Inc.
ED5387 (Rev. 0810)
Page 2 of 2
School __________________________________ Grade _______ Teacher ___________________________
CSS Student Characteristics
Student Names
(List alphabetically) A B C D E F G H J K L M N P R S
Student Characteristics Definitions Legend:
A. Is a leader in positive or negative kinds of activities. Is looked to by others for leadership.
B. Takes initiative. Shows independence of action. May be bossy.
C. Motivates/influences others. May challenge authority.
D. Becomes very enthusiastic about learning. Does not want to quit tasks of high interest to the student. Can tune others
out. May appear to have boundless energy (sometimes labeled "hyperactive").
E. Curious. Asks many questions. Generates many (sometimescreative ideas) questions for problem solving. Has original
F. Risk taker. Will risk failure. Tries new things willingly. Does not fear being different.
G. Possesses an aptitude in art, music, acting, or writing.
H. Displays a keen, subtle sense of humor. Understands and uses jokes and puns earlier than other children. May appear
to be a "Smart Alec".
J. Advanced reading level. Advanced vocabulary and knowledge base when compared with others of his/her age,
experience, or environment.
K. Learns rapidly, easily, and with few repetitions. Retains what is learned. May become bored with routine assignments or
impatient waiting for the group.
L. Ability to think on higher levels or more indepth than others. Classroom performance/grades may not reflect this (i.e.,
M. Transfers concepts and learning to new situations.
N. Has a long attention span for activities of interest.
P. Understands topic in depth. Asks unusual questions for age. Asks questions that reflect thinking (Why? What if?).
R. Is perfectionist.
S. "At Risk" due to environmental, cultural, and/or economic factors.
ED5387 (Rev. 0810)
TCAP Class Summary
(for Grade Level Screening of Intellectually Gifted)
School: ___________________ Grade____ Teacher _________________ School System____________________
Assessment Used_______________________________
TCAP Achievement Assessment (grades 38): For Grade Level Screening—List at least five students who obtained the
highest percentile conversion scores in your classroom on the TCAP assessment in each of the following academic
areas: Reading/ Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies.
District Administered Achievement Test (grades K2): For Grade Level Screening—List at least five students who
obtained the highest percentile conversion scores in your classroom on the assessment in each of the following
academic areas: Total Reading, Total Language, Total Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and Test Composite.
(Example: TCAP Mathematics – 1 student = 88, 1 student = 85, 2 students=82, and 1 student=79 – representing the five students with
the highest group achievement scores in the area of Mathematics for your class)
Record the 5 highest percentile or percentile conversion scores
Reading/ Language
Total Mathematics
Test Composite
Total Language
TCAP Achievement
TCAP Achievement
TCAP Achievement
TCAP Achievement
Social Studies
Social Studies
Student Names Total Reading
(List alphabetically)
Please add additional comments regarding any students in your class in the lines provided below:
ED5387 (Rev. 0810)
Notice of Referral and Permission for Individual Screening
Dear ___________________________________________
On ________________________ (date), _____________________________ (child) was referred for an
Individual Screening for potential Intellectual Giftedness by ________________________ (referral
source). In accordance with Tennessee’s child find, screening, and assessment procedures in the area of
Intellectually Gifted, all students are initially assessed for potential intellectual giftedness through a
required screening process. The School Screening Team will review the results of your child’s Individual
Screening in order to determine whether additional information is needed. In order to do so, we are
requesting permission for an Individual Screening at this time.
The areas and procedures to be considered for your child’s Individual Screening are checked below.
Areas to be Individually Screened Procedures
q Parent Information
q Individual Academic Achievement Assessment
Educational Performance q Assessment of Student’s Academic Products/Ideas
q Other _________________________________
q Gifted Rating Scales
q Evaluation of Student’s Creative Products/Ideas
Creativity/Characteristics of Gifted q Gifted Characteristics Checklists
q Other _________________________________
Please sign the Referral for Individual Screening, complete the attached TN Parent Information Form and
return to _________________________________ in your child’s school. When the Individual Screening
is completed, the school will notify you to make recommendations for classroom program modifications or
a comprehensive assessment, as indicated by the results from the Individual Screening. If you have any
information you would like to share pertaining to this notice and request for permission, please forward it
to the person named above.
Please Check One of the Following
_____ I give permission for an Individual Screening
_____ I do not give permission for an Individual Screening
Date_______________________ Signature of Parent or Guardian______________________________
Phone______________________ Address_________________________________________________
ED5387 (Rev. 0810)
Remisión para examen individual
(Formulario de remisión para examen del grado escolar)
Estimado/a _____________________________________:
Las áreas y los procedimientos que se considerarán en el examen individual de su hijo se
marcan a continuación.
Áreas que se examinarán Procedimientos
q Información proporcionada por el padre o la madre
q Valoración individual de logros académicos
q Valoración del trabajo y las ideas académicas del
Rendimiento educativo estudiante
q Otros _________________________________
q Escalas de calificación de dotes intelectuales
q Evaluación del trabajo y las ideas creativas del
Creatividad y características q Listas de verificación de características de dotes
de dotes intelectual
intelectuales q Otros _________________________________
Firme la Remisión para examen individual, complete el Formulario de TN de información
proporcionada por los padres que se adjunta y devuélvalo a
_________________________________ en la escuela de su hijo. Cuando haya concluido el
examen individual, la escuela le avisará para hacer recomendaciones para las modificaciones del
programa en el aula o para una valoración integral, según lo indiquen los resultados del examen
individual. Si tiene alguna información que desee comunicar acerca de este aviso y solicitud de
permiso, envíela a la persona que se menciona arriba.
Marque una de las siguientes opciones:
_____ Doy mi consentimiento para realizar un examen individual.
_____ No doy mi consentimiento para realizar un examen individual.
Fecha Firma del padre, la madre o el tutor
Teléfono Domicilio
ED5387 (Rev. 0810)
Response to Individual Screening
Date _____/_____/_______
Dear _________________________________
_______________________________________ was referred for an Individual Screening on
_____/_____/_______ (date) by ___________________________ (teacher, parent, other).
q A comprehensive evaluation is not indicated at this time. Your child’s screening results are
listed below. If you have any questions regarding your rights or the decision for not conducting a
comprehensive evaluation at this time, please contact:
_________________________ ____________________________ ______________
(Name of Person) (Position) (Telephone)
Individual Screening Results
Area Individual Screening Measures Student Support Team
Screened Quantitative and Qualitative Results Review of Individual
Do the results from Individual
Screening indicate the student may
meet Intellectual Gifted Eligibility
Standards in areas screened?
q Yes q No
Characteristics of q Yes q No
Review of Educational Performance Date / /
Recommendations Date / /
(Classroom Modifications/Accommodations – if needed)
Referral for Comprehensive Evaluation
q A comprehensive evaluation is appropriate at this time.
Please complete the Informed Parental Consent for Initial Evaluation. Copies of the Rights of
Children with Disabilities and Parent Responsibilities and Prior Written Notice from the State
Department of Education explaining procedural safeguards are also included. The
Comprehensive Assessment for Intellectual Giftedness will begin upon the school’s receipt of
your Informed Parental Consent for Initial Evaluation.
ED5387 (Rev. 0810)
Respuesta al examen individual
(Formulario de respuesta a una remisión para examen del grado escolar)
Fecha _____/_____/_______
Estimado/a _____________________________________:
___________________________________________ fue remitido para un examen individual el
_____/____/____ (fecha), por ______________________ (maestro, padre, madre, otra persona).
q En este momento, no se indica una evaluación integral. A continuación, se enumeran los
resultados del examen de su hijo. Si tiene alguna pregunta acerca de sus derechos como padre,
madre o tutor, o de la decisión de no realizar una evaluación integral ahora, comuníquese con:
______________________________________ ____________________________
(Nombre de la persona) (Cargo)
Resultados del examen individual
Área Medidas del examen individual Análisis del examen individual
examinada Resultados cuantitativos y cualitativos realizado por el equipo de apoyo al
¿Indican los resultados del examen
individual que el estudiante puede reunir
los requisitos de dotes intelectuales en las
áreas examinadas?
q Sí q No
Creatividad y
características de q Sí q No
dotes intelectuales
Análisis del rendimiento educativo Fecha / /
Recomendaciones Fecha / /
(Modificaciones o adaptaciones en el aula, si se necesitan)
Remisión para una evaluación integral
q En este momento, es apropiado realizar una evaluación integral.
Complete el Consentimiento informado de los padres para una evaluación inicial. También se incluyen
copias de los Derechos de los menores con discapacidades y responsabilidades de los padres y un Aviso
previo por escrito del Departamento de Educación del Estado que explican las garantías procesales. La
Valoración integral para dotes intelectuales comenzará cuando la escuela reciba el Consentimiento
informado de los padres para una evaluación inicial.
ED5387 (Rev. 0810)
TN Assessment Team Instrument Selection Form (TnATISF)
This form must be completed for all students screened or referred for Intellectually Gifted Services.
Student’s Name______________________ School______________________ Date_____/_____/______
Assessment of the potentially gifted student is a complex process. The Assessment Team must consider the
strengths and weaknesses of each student, the student’s educational history, and the school and home environment.
The State Department of Education does not recommend a single “standard” assessment instrument in each of the
three Assessment Categories (Educational Performance, Creativity/Characteristics of Gifted, and Cognition). Instead,
members of the Assessment Team must use all available information about the student, including the factors listed
below, in conjunction with professional judgment to determine the most appropriate set of SDE approved assessment
instruments to measure accurately and fairly the student’s true ability. The K12 Intellectually Gifted Manual lists the
SDE approved instruments and includes notes on the populations for which each instrument is designed and
q Dominant, firstacquired language spoken in the home is other than English
LANGUAGE Limited opportunity to acquire depth in English (English not spoken in home, transience due to
migrant employment of family, dialectical differences acting as a barrier to learning)
q Residence in a depressed economic area and/or homeless
ECONOMIC q Low family income (qualifies or could qualify for free/reduced lunch)
q Necessary employment or home responsibilities interfere with learning
q Student peer group devalues academic achievement
q Consistently poor grades with little motivation to succeed
q Irregular attendance (excessive absences during current or most recent grading period)
q Attends low performing school
SCHOOL q Transience in elementary school (at least 3 moves)
Limited opportunities for exposure to developmental experiences for which the student may be
q Limited enrichment experiences outside the home
q Family unable to provide enrichment materials and/or experiences
q Geographic isolation
q No schoolrelated extracurricular learning activities in student’s area of strength/interest
PROGRAM q Member of a group that is underrepresented in the gifted program
__ May have motor skill deficits
__ May have problems writing answers due to age, training, language or fine motor skills
__ May have vision, auditory or other sensory deficits
__ May have attention deficits or focusing/concentration problems
__ Projects or classroom work, not tests, best reveal student’s strengths
__ Indications that student will approach assessment ceiling on gradelevel or ageappropriate achievement tests or
cognition tests
__ High ability displayed in focused area: ____________________________________________
__ Performs poorly on timed tests
__ Is extremely shy or introverted when around strangers or classmates
__ Is a highly reflective thinker and does not provide quick answers to questions
__ Entered kindergarten early or was grade skipped _______ year(s) in _______ grade(s)
__ May have another deficit or disability that interferes with educational performance or assessment
As is the case with all referrals for intellectual giftedness, assessment instruments should be selected that most accurately
measure a student’s true ability. However, this is especially true for students who may be significantly impacted by the
factors listed above. Determine if the checked items are compelling enough to indicate that this student’s abilities may not
be accurately measured by traditionallyused instruments. Then record assessment tools and instruments that are
appropriate and will be utilized in the assessment of this student.
Individual Screening Comprehensive Assessment
q Educational Performance: q Educational Performance:
_______________________________________________ ________________________________________
q Creativity/Characteristics: q Creativity/Characteristics:
_______________________________________________ ________________________________________
q Cognition (TBD by School Psychologist)
ED5387 (Rev. 0810)
TN Parent Information Form (TnPIF)
TnPIF (Page 1 of 2)
Student ___________________ Date of Birth / ___/ _______ Sex____ Ethnicity (Optional) _____
Parent’s Name __________________________ Address: ___________________________________
Home Phone: ( ) ________________ Work or Cell Phone: ( ) ____________
Student’s School ____________________________ Grade ______ Date / ___/ _______
These responses are necessary to help document your child’s abilities.
¾ Rate your child’s behavior on the following items using the following scale:
1 = not observed 2 = occasionally 3 = sometimes 4 = frequently 5 = always
¾ Provide comments and examples on the lines provided with each statement.
¾ Circle one rating for each indicator listed.
1) 1 2 3 4 5 Devises own methods instead of relying on instructions
2) 1 2 3 4 5 Devises extraordinary uses for ordinary objects
3) 1 2 3 4 5 Collects things (may be randomly or with a definite purpose), or pursues hobbies
4) 1 2 3 4 5 Has long or extended attention span for one topic and/or project
5) 1 2 3 4 5 Puts great effort into gaining knowledge about some interest or subject
6) 1 2 3 4 5 Is onesided about some subjects (deep interest to exclusion of all else) or may seem
inattentive, bored with typical school requirements, but “comes alive” when special topics are raised; e.g., old
movies or life on other planets
7) 1 2 3 4 5 Shows a passion for statistics, almanacs, globes, maps, etc.
Communication Skills
8) 1 2 3 4 5 Demonstrates advanced communication skills at home and in the community in a language
other than English (e.g., multilingual)
9) 1 2 3 4 5 Utilizes advanced language skills to communicate ideas and concepts, demonstrating
extensive comprehension on a variety of subjects which exceed age or grade level expectations
10) 1 2 3 4 5 Selftaught in some topics not often taught in school
ED5387 (Rev. 0810)
TnPIF (Page 2 of 2)
Problem Solving Ability
11) 1 2 3 4 5 Does complicated puzzles, plays chess, bridge, etc.
12) 1 2 3 4 5 Assembles or disassembles mechanical objects with little or no training
13) 1 2 3 4 5 Memorizes easily, needs little or no drill
14) 1 2 3 4 5 Exhibits long term retention of information
15) 1 2 3 4 5 Asks unusual questions which may be embarrassing, advanced, or controversial
16) 1 2 3 4 5 Is curious – wants to know why, how, etc.; asks thoughtful, searching questions
17) 1 2 3 4 5 Seems to “just know things”; offers new insights based on known information
18) 1 2 3 4 5 Understands relationships among seemingly unrelated objects, ideas, or facts
19) 1 2 3 4 5 Sees broad perspective of a problem; sees the whole while others focus on the parts
20) 1 2 3 4 5 Demonstrates reflective and reasonable thinking when making decisions
21) 1 2 3 4 5 Enjoys making puns or is witty, displays a mature sense of humor, or sees humor in
subtle situations
Additional Information
22) Please list awards or any special recognition your child has received on the national, state or local levels
(indicate which level) for achievement related to an academic area (math, science, writing, etc.).
23) Please describe any behaviors your child exhibits that you feel indicate very superior intellectual ability.
ED5387 (Rev. 0810)
Formulario de TN de información proporcionada por los padres (TnPIF)
(Página 1 de 2)
Estudiante _________________________ Fecha de nacimiento ____/____/____ Sexo ____ Grupo étnico (opcional) ____
Nombre del padre o la madre ________________________________Domicilio:
Teléfono en casa: ( _ ) ______________________Teléfono celular o en el trabajo: ( _ ) _________
Escuela del estudiante __________________________________ Grado _________ Fecha ____/____/____
Las respuestas son necesarias para documentar las aptitudes de su hijo.
¾ Califique el comportamiento de su hijo en las siguientes áreas mediante la escala a continuación:
1 = no se observa 2 = en contadas ocasiones 3 = a veces 4 = con frecuencia 5 = siempre
¾ Proporcione comentarios y ejemplos en los renglones debajo de cada afirmación.
¾ Encierre en un círculo una calificación para cada indicador mencionado.
1) 1 2 3 4 5 Crea sus propios métodos en vez de seguir instrucciones.
2) 1 2 3 4 5 Hace uso extraordinario de objetos ordinarios.
3) 1 2 3 4 5 Colecciona objetos (puede ser al azar o con un fin definido), o tiene pasatiempos.
4) 1 2 3 4 5 Tiene atención de duración amplia o prolongada para un tema o proyecto.
5) 1 2 3 4 5 Pone un gran empeño en obtener conocimientos sobre un tema o interés.
6) 1 2 3 4 5 Es parcial para ciertos temas (interés profundo que excluye todo lo demás) o puede
parecer distraído o aburrido con los requisitos escolares típicos, pero se "aviva" cuando surgen temas
especiales; por ejemplo, películas antiguas o vida en otros planetas.
7) 1 2 3 4 5 Muestra pasión por los datos estadísticos, almanaques, globos terráqueos, mapas etc.
Habilidades de comunicación
8) 1 2 3 4 5 Demuestra habilidades avanzadas de comunicación en casa y en la comunidad, en otro
idioma que no sea el inglés (por ejemplo, varios idiomas).
9) 1 2 3 4 5 Hace uso de habilidades avanzadas del idioma para comunicar ideas y conceptos, y
demuestra amplia comprensión de diversos temas que excede las expectativas para su edad o grado escolar.
10) 1 2 3 4 5 Es autodidacta en algunos temas que no suelen enseñarse en la escuela.
ED5387 (Rev. 0810)
(Página 2 de 2)
Capacidad para solucionar problemas
11) 1 2 3 4 5 Resuelve rompecabezas complicados, juega ajedrez, bridge con los naipes, etc.
12) 1 2 3 4 5 Arma y desarma objetos mecánicos con poca o ninguna instrucción previa.
13) 1 2 3 4 5 Memoriza con facilidad y necesita poco o ningún ejercicio de práctica.
14) 1 2 3 4 5 Muestra retención de información a largo plazo.
15) 1 2 3 4 5 Hace preguntas poco comunes que pueden poner en apuros, ser avanzadas o causar
16) 1 2 3 4 5 Muestra curiosidad: desea saber por qué, cómo, etc.; hace preguntas inteligentes e
17) 1 2 3 4 5 Parece que "simplemente sabe las cosas"; aporta nuevos puntos de vista basados en
información conocida.
18) 1 2 3 4 5 Entiende las relaciones entre objetos, ideas o datos aparentemente no relacionados.
19) 1 2 3 4 5 Ve la perspectiva amplia de un problema; percibe el total mientras los demás se concentran
en las partes.
20) 1 2 3 4 5 Al tomar decisiones, demuestra pensamiento basado en la reflexión y el razonamiento.
Sentido del humor
21) 1 2 3 4 5 Disfruta hacer bromas o es ingenioso, muestra un sentido del humor maduro o tiene
un humor fino en ciertas situaciones.
Otra información
22) Enumere los premios o reconocimientos especiales que su hijo haya recibido a nivel nacional, estatal o local (indicar
el nivel) por logros relacionados con áreas académicas (matemáticas, ciencias, escritura, etc.).
23) Describa los comportamientos que muestra su hijo que usted considere que indican una capacidad intelectual
ED5387 (Rev. 0810)
TN Creative Thinking Rating Scale (TnCreat)
Name: _______________________ Grade: ______ Date: __________ Teacher: _______________________
School System: _______________________________ School: _____________________________________
· Rate each of the following characteristics as follows:
0: Not Observed 1: Rarely 2: 0ccasionally 3: Frequently
· All items with a rating of 3 require at least one example of the gifted characteristic or item will be rated as 2.
· Give consideration to the student’s age, experiences, and environment when evaluating the creative thinking
Rating Description of Creative Thinking Characteristic
1. _______ | Generates a large number of ideas, solutions and possibilities.
Example: _________________________________________________________________________________
2. _______ | Likes to adapt or improve things.
Example: _________________________________________________________________________________
3. _______ | Displays a high level of curiosity about a wide array of ideas, situations, objects, people or events.
Example: _________________________________________________________________________________
4. _______ | Generates many different alternatives and approaches to a question or problem; views situations from
different perspectives.
Example: _________________________________________________________________________________
5. _______ | Shows a willingness to entertain complexity and seems to thrive on problem solving. Able to deal with
lack of closure for problems presented inside or outside the classroom setting.
Example: _________________________________________________________________________________
6. _______ | Sees/develops innovative relationships among seemingly unrelated objects, ideas, or facts.
Example: _________________________________________________________________________________
7. _______ | Exhibits ability to sustain interest in issues or problems that do not offer immediate resolution.
Example: _________________________________________________________________________________
8. _______ | Creates original products/projects for class assignments without being asked to do so, or in his/her
spare time (including but not limited to stories, artwork, 3dimensional products, songs, dance
movements, dramatic performances, etc.).
Example: _________________________________________________________________________________
9. _______ | Uses the ideas or projects of others to create additional ideas and/or possibilities.
Example: _________________________________________________________________________________
10. _______ | May take on many projects; may have many things going on at the same time.
Example: _________________________________________________________________________________
ED5387 (Rev. 0810)
(TnCreat) Page 2 of 2
Rating Description of Creative Thinking Characteristic
11. _______ | Classroom work/projects, and/or projects attempted as extracurricular activities or at home, show
great attention to detail.
Example: _________________________________________________________________________________
12. _______ | Suggests to the teacher, parent, or other adults alternative ways of doing an activity or task.
Example: _________________________________________________________________________________
13. _______ | Comes up with fresh, original comments or unusual correct answers or formulates his/her own ideas
when the class does a project or activity.
Example: _________________________________________________________________________________
14. _______ | Articulates ideas clearly either verbally or in project components; writing or products shows synthesis
of ideas and or rich use of imagery; thinks “outside the box”; “colors without lines.”
Example: _________________________________________________________________________________
15. _______ | Doesn’t mind being different; strives to be original and creative in everyday life.
Example: _________________________________________________________________________________
16. _______ | Able to interact with metaphorical, figural, symbolic, or allegorical representations.
Example: _________________________________________________________________________________
17. _______ | Displays intellectual playfulness; fantasizes and imagines readily; has a keen sense of humor.
Example: _________________________________________________________________________________
18. _______ | Demonstrates elaborate thinking, creating new steps, ideas, responses, or other embellishments to a
basic idea, situation, or problem.
Example: _________________________________________________________________________________
19. _______ | Creates good “guesses”; constructs hypotheses; asks thoughtful or clever “what if” questions.
Example: _________________________________________________________________________________
20. _______ | Adapts easily to new situations.
Example: _________________________________________________________________________________
TOTAL TnCreat SCORE: _____________
NOTES: __________________________________________________________________________
ED5387 (Rev. 0810)
TN Teacher Observation Checklist (TnTOC)
TnTOC (page 1 of 2)
Student___________________________ School________________________ Grade______Date____________
The TN Teacher Observation Checklist (TnTOC) is an important component of this student's individual screening and/or
assessment. Please make careful consideration of each behavior characteristic while completing this checklist. Record
on the lines provided below examples of behavioral traits of intellectual giftedness (whether considered socially
"positive" or "negative") that you have observed in this student when compared to others of their age, experience and
Please check those items which are frequently characteristic of this child. It is unlikely that any child will have all of
these attributes.
q Generates abstract ideas, or asks complex
1. questions
22. q Is impatient – hurries to complete a task
q Challenges rules, assignments, requests, and q Exhibits long term retention of school or non
2. may ask provocative questions
23. school related information
q Is curious wants to know “why, how, etc.”; asks q Is motivated to high achievement in a low
3. thoughtful, searching questions
24. performing school environment
q Understands puns, political cartoons, etc., q Understands relationships among seemingly
4. beyond their peers
25. unrelated objects, ideas, or facts
q Attributes success and failure to fate, luck, or
5. q Shows desire for knowledge 26. chance
6. q Often fails to complete schoolwork 27. q Likes structure, order, and consistency
q Facility with words/oral language exceeds
7. q Enjoys school 28. quality of written work
q Demonstrates a depth of perception and
8. q Works and plays well with others 29. understanding beyond peers in a low performing
school environment
q Utilizes advanced language skills and a large
9. vocabulary in oral and/or written formats
30. q May lose track of time
q Is most successful in the classroom setting q Shows little patience with rote learning
10. rather than in afterschool activities
31. (handwriting, spelling, and math skill repetition)
q Has an advanced ability to reason and draw
11. q Exhibits a wide range of interests 32. conclusions from given information
q Demonstrates superior insight; infers and
12. q Is eager to please the teacher 33. connects concepts
13. q Demonstrates intense or focused concentration 34. q Forgets/loses work
q Demonstrates an advanced sense of justice and
14. q Is generally mature 35. fairness
ED5387 (Rev. 0810)
TnTOC (page 2 of 2)
q Is not motivated by usual techniques (teacher's
q Has much energy, which can get him/her
43. enthusiasm, group interest, praise and/or 62. into trouble at times
44. q Has original, unique ideas 63. q Is disruptive
q Finds and evaluates relevant information
q Is resourceful and uses limited resources to
45. make meaningful products
64. and applies that information in a setting where
most students do not
46. q Interacts well with adults and peers 65. q Makes good grades in reading
q Enjoys math and science more than social
47. 66. q Demonstrates a healthy selfconcept
studies and reading
48. q Is quick to see discrepancies/inconsistencies 67. q Likes to work independently
q Often solves problems by ingenious
49. q Creates complex, abstract humor 68. methods; likes new approaches to problem
q Uses a large vocabulary in a nonstandard
50. English environment
69. q Usually makes A’s on school work
q Approaches problems and ideas from multiple
51. 70. q Is generally immature
q Has an advanced ability to reason, form
52. q Getting good grades is important to student 71. concepts and solve problems using unfamiliar
information or novel procedures
53. q Excels in cooperative learning groups 72. q Has excellent handwriting skills
q Asks many questions, often challenging the q Seeks approval for success in and out of
54. teacher and the textbook
73. school
55. q Always turns in work on time 74. q Outstanding in mathematics
q Exhibits complexity, inventiveness, and
56. 75. q Outstanding in science
elaboration in ideas and/or products
q Exhibits richness in language in a nonstandard
57. English environment
76. q Outstanding in language arts
q Is an independent learner; may require little
58. 77. q Outstanding in social studies/history
59. q Has many friends 78. q Outstanding in music/creative arts
q An able student, but also the biggest
60. q Selfstarter; exceeds classroom requirements 79. challenge
q Has difficulty with reading, but otherwise
61. q Does not like to stick to a task 80. demonstrates good learning ability
FOR SST USE ONLY – TnTOC SCORE: _____________
ED5387 (Rev. 0810)
TN Teacher Observation Checklist (TnTOC) Scoring Criteria
Page 1 of 2
Student_________________________ School_________________________
Grade______ Date of TnTOC____/____/________ TnTOC Rater____________________
First Range TnTOC – 16/27
Second Range TnTOC – 19/27
Third Range TnTOC – 22/27
Item checked
TnTOC Gifted Characteristics Item
1 q
3 q
4 q
5 q
9 q
11 q
16 q
17 q
19 q
21 q
23 q
25 q
32 q
33 q
35 q
38 q
39 q
42 q
44 q
48 q
49 q
51 q
56 q
58 q
60 q
68 q
71 q
TnTOC TOTAL – ________
ED5387 (Rev. 0810)
TN Teacher Observation Checklist Plus (TnTOC+) Scoring Criteria
Page 2 of 2
The TN Teacher’s Observation Checklist Plus (TnTOC+) Score is obtained by adding the
TN Teacher’s Observation Checklist (TnTOC) Score from Page 1 to the total score from
the TN Parent Information Form (TnPIF). Total scores obtained for scoring in First,
Second, and Third Range from the TnTOC+ are:
First Range 21/36
Second Range 25/36
Third Range 29/36
2 Score ___ 1 of 2 items q
4 Score ___
Score of 4 or 5 on
6 Score ___
2 of 3 items
7 Score ___
9 Score ___ Score of 4 or 5 q
11 Score ___ Score of 4 or 5 on
TnPIF = _______
TnTOC = _______
TnPIF (page 2) + TnTOC (page 1) = TnTOC+ _______
ED5387 (Rev. 0810)
TN Supplementary Gifted Performance Checklist (TnSup)
TnSup (page 1 of 2)
Use This Checklist Only if the Following Criteria Have Been Met
Items in the categories of Language, Economic, Achievement, School, Enrichment, and Program have been checked on the TN
Assessment Team Instrument Selection Form(TnATISF) and are compelling enough to indicate that the student’s educational
performance may not be accurately measured by traditionallyused instruments.
The Gifted School Screening Team (GSST) and/or the IEP Team have determined use of an alternative assessment in the area of
Educational Performance to be the most appropriate evaluation of this student.
Note: Scoring of the TN Supplementary Gifted Performance Checklist (TnSup) is based on information gathered from:
►Tests of Cognition and/or Creativity, Grades
►TN Teacher Observation Checklist (TnTOC)
►TN Parent Information Form (TnPIF)
Name: _______________________________________________ School System: ________________________________________
School: ________________________________________________ Grade: _________
1. Motivation (q Criteria met)
**There is a pattern (two or more years) of consistently outstanding grades in one or more academic areas.
Scoring – an “A average” as defined by the school or a numerical grade average of ≥90
q Yes q No
**Student has demonstrated motivation beyond that of his/her peers in the academic setting.
Scoring – 2 of 4 items from the TnTOC – #5, #24, #58, #60
q Yes q No
Scoring – a score of 4 or 5 on item #10 from the TnPIF
q Yes q No
2. Interest (q Criteria met)
**Student has demonstrated interests beyond that of his/her peers in the academic setting.
Scoring – item #11 or #19 from the TnTOC
q Yes q No
Scoring – a score of 4 or 5 on 3 of 5 items: #3, #4, #5, #6, #7 from the TnPIF
q Yes q No
3. Communication Skills (q Criteria met)
**Student demonstrates advanced communication skills.
Scoring – 2 of 4 items from the TnTOC – #9, #21, #50, #57
q Yes q No
Scoring – a score of 4 or 5 on either item #8 or #9 from the TnPIF
q Yes q No
4. Problem Solving Ability (q Criteria met)
**The student has shown advanced problemsolving ability skills in the classroom.
Scoring – 2 of 3 items from the TnTOC – #42, #64, #68
q Yes q No
Scoring – the Thinking Ability score obtained from WJIII NU Cognitive or from comparable component scores
of other standardized tests of cognition is ≥120
q Yes q No
Scoring – a score of 4 or 5 on either item #11 or #12 from the TnPIF
q Yes q No
5. Memory (q Criteria met)
**The student demonstrates short and long term memory skills that are significantly advanced for his/her
chronological age (i.e., the student is able to memorize material at a rapid rate or is able to recall detailed
information previously taught).
Scoring – items #23 or #39 from the TnTOC
q Yes q No
Scoring – the Component Memory Score on a test of cognition is a standard score of ≥120
q Yes q No
Scoring – a score of 4 or 5 on item #13 or #14 from the TnPIF
q Yes q No
ED5387 (Rev. 0810)
TnSup (page 2 of 2)
6. Inquiry (q Criteria met)
**Student is more inquisitive than the average child in the classroom and questions or challenges teacher.
Scoring – item #1 or #3 from the TnTOC
q Yes q No
Scoring – a score of 4 or 5 on either item #15 or #16 from the TnPIF
q Yes q No
7. Insight (q Criteria met)
**Student demonstrates ideas and insight related to a specific topic.
Scoring – 2 of 3 from items #25, #33, #48 from the TnTOC
q Yes q No
Scoring – a score of 4 or 5 on either item #17 or #18 from the TnPIF
q Yes q No
8. Imagination/Creativity (q Criteria met)
**Student has demonstrated creative thinking ability in a variety of ways:
Scoring – 3 of 5 items from the TnTOC – #16, #44, #45, #51, #56
q Yes q No
Scoring – A score at the 90 th percentile in one of the following areas on the Torrance Tests of Creative
Thinking, Figural Form: Fluency, Originality, Elaboration, Resistance to Premature Closure, or Abstractness of
q Yes q No
Scoring – a score of 4 or 5 on either item #1 or #2 from the TnPIF
q Yes q No
9. Humor (q Criteria met)
**Student demonstrates a keen or high level sense of humor.
Scoring – item #4 or #49 from the TnTOC
q Yes q No
Scoring – a score of 4 or 5 on item #21 from the TnPIF
q Yes q No
10. Reasoning (q Criteria met)
**Student has an advanced ability to think logically and rationally and to analyze and make inferences with
information presented to him/her.
Scoring – 2 of 4 items #29, #32, #64, and #71 from the TnTOC
q Yes q No
Scoring – the component Reasoning Score on a test of cognition is a standard score of ≥120
q Yes q No
Scoring – a score of 4 or 5 on either item #19 or #20 from the TnPIF
q Yes q No
11. Rate of Acquisition for Application (q Criteria met)
**Student learns quickly and is able to apply new information in a variety of ways at a faster and more
advanced pace than peers.
Scoring – item #17 from the TnTOC
q Yes q No
12. Other (q Criteria met)
**Five or more items checked from the categories of Language, Economic, Achievement, School, Enrichment,
and Program on the TN Assessment Team Instrument Selection Form (TnATISF).
q Yes q No
Criteria met in ________ of 12 areas.
(TnATISF must be attached to the TnSup)
ED5387 (Rev. 0810)
Development of the Academic or Creative Product or Portfolio
Evaluation of Student Products with Mentor
Assigning a Mentor may be used as for the Academic or Creative Product Portfolios when a more
equitable method of assessing intellectual giftedness is needed for students from traditionally
"underrepresented" populations. The Tennessee Assessment Team Instrument Selection Form
(TnATISF) is utilized by the School Screening Team for determining whether there is compelling evidence
that the student’s true abilities have been masked, thereby affecting the student's ability to access the
necessary resources for development of a product or portfolio. A Mentor may be assigned to work with
the student and provide guidance and resources within the school setting while the student develops
his/her product. Assignment of the most effective Mentor for the student should be made in each case.
Consideration must be made regarding the student's relationship with the mentoring teacher or
professional and common interests held by both student and Mentor.
Assigning a Mentor to work with the student in the development of student products or portfolios provides
an opportunity for students to develop and create highinterest products or projects when resources at
home are limited. This includes the availability of resources including:
1. books, newspapers, and magazines in the home,
2. computers or community library resources,
3. time limitations with adults due to the home's parent to child ratio,
4. language barriers due to the predominance of a second language in the home, and
5. limited educational background of the student's parents.
The Product Review Team and Scoring Process
In order to determine whether ideas and products demonstrate superior intellectual functioning, criteria for
the evaluation process should be established by the Product Review TeamPRT, which may be the
School Screening Team. A simple examination of final ideas and products does not necessarily establish
the level of involvement or demonstrate superior abilities of the student. The Product Review Team
should consist of at least one classroom teacher who is familiar with academic standards and gifted
characteristics at the student’s grade level and be composed of no less than three persons. The PRT will
analyze the processes the student used in the development of the product or portfolio. Whenever
students develop products, the PRT will interview the student and note the student's critical
understanding of the finished product. All products should be scored comparably. The scoring of the
Academic or Creative Product or Portfolio must reflect the student's level of creative thinking skills in the
development of the product and not reflect the packaging of the product (e.g., computergenerated
graphics, expensive materials, etc.).
ED5387 (Rev. 0810)
TN Academic Product or Portfolio Scoring Rubric
Student Name: ____________________________ Product Title: __________________________________
Grade Level: ________ Age: _____ Race: _____ Date of Student Interview: ______/______/___________
Subject Area(s): (Check all that apply) q Math q Science q Social Studies q Reading/Language Arts
Product Completed: (Check all that apply): q In school? q At home? q Other? _________________________
Product Completed: q Independently? q With Parent? q With Mentor?
Student’s Description of Product and Its Purpose: __________________________________________________________
(Attach additional information from student interview.)
1. Unique or unusual presentation of an idea Indicators to Consider:
· Product shows elaborate written or visual detail.
0 1 2 3 4 5
· Product goes beyond basic requirements.
· Product uses language in a unique way.
· Product employs unusual or unique elements.
· Product displays originality.
2. Work advanced beyond age or grade level
Indicators to Consider:
0 1 2 3 4 5 · Product reflects knowledge and/or interests beyond that of peers.
· Product displays unique sense of humor.
· Product reflects level of maturity beyond that of peers.
Comments: · Product reflects technical expertise beyond that of peers.
· Product reflects vocabulary and/or use of syntax beyond peers.
3. Great depth or breadth of understanding of a problem Indicators to Consider:
or idea · Product shows an analysis or evaluation of information.
· Product shows intense interest in the subject.
0 1 2 3 4 5
· Product reflects a high degree of familiarity with the subject matter.
· Product uses deductive and inductive reasoning.
· Product reflects use of sophisticated problem solving skills.
· Product reflects considerable planning and organization.
4. Resourceful use of materials Indicators to Consider:
· Product uses material in an unusual fashion.
0 1 2 3 4 5
· Product reflects transfer of ideas to materials.
· Product reflects distinctive design or presentation.
· Product uses materials clearly advanced beyond that of peers.
· Product developed with specific audience in mind.
5. Evidence of research support Indicators to Consider:
· Product reflects expansion on main ideas.
0 1 2 3 4 5
· Product reflects questioning of standard resources.
· Product reflects the gathering of use of data beyond reporting.
· Product cites research sources.
· Product provides for future replications of research study.
6. Organized for effective communication Indicators to Consider:
· Product is produced in a coherent manner.
0 1 2 3 4 5 · Product resembles those of professionals in the field of study.
· Product reflects a logical approach in planning and presentation.
Comments: · Product includes visual elements to enhance the main idea of
· Product reflects higher levels of thinking.
7. Evidence of high interest and task commitment Indicators to Consider:
· Product reflects longterm interest and commitment.
0 1 2 3 4 5 · Product shows evidence of revision and redevelopment.
· Product reflects an understanding of indepth research.
Comments: · Product reflects student’s talent and insight.
· Product offers new solutions or procedures to be implemented in
the future.
DIRECTIONS: Rate the product’s quality based on the student’s performance in comparison to his/her peers of the same age, experience,
and/or environment. (To a great extent = 4 – 5 Somewhat = 2 – 3 To a limited extent = 1 – 2 Not Observed = 0)
Product Review Team Member Signatures/Position (Minimum of 3 Required):
___________________________/_____________________ Date of Team Review: ______/______/___________
___________________________/_____________________ Score: _______________
___________________________/_____________________ Meets Criterion for Educational Performance Component q Y q N
ED5387 (Rev. 0810)
TN Creative Product or Portfolio Scoring Rubric
Student Name: ____________________________ Product Title: __________________________________
Grade Level: ________ Age: _____ Race: _____ Date of Student Interview: ______/______/___________
Subject Area(s): (Check all that apply) q Math q Science q Social Studies q Reading/Language Arts
Product Completed: (Check all that apply): q In school? q At home? q Other? _________________________
Product Completed: q Independently? q With Parent? q With Mentor?
Student’s Description of Product and Its Purpose: ___________________________________________________________
(Attach additional information from student interview.)
1. Product demonstrates originality. Indicators to Consider:
· Product uses new and different ideas.
0 1 2 3 4 5 · Product demonstrates untested assumptions.
· Product reflects imaginative thinking.
2. Product demonstrates fluency. Indicators to Consider:
· Product contains a number of ideas.
0 1 2 3 4 5 · Product demonstrates connections between ideas.
3. Product demonstrates flexibility. Indicators to Consider:
· Product includes diverse and divergent ideas and approaches.
0 1 2 3 4 5 · Product demonstrates ease in shifting perspectives.
4. Product demonstrates elaboration. Indicators to Consider:
· Product demonstrates depth and/or breadth of detail.
0 1 2 3 4 5 · Product demonstrates transfer of concepts/techniques from past
5. Product demonstrates facility with abstract ideas. Indicators to Consider:
· Product uses figurative language and imagery.
0 1 2 3 4 5 · Product reflects vocabulary and/or use of syntax beyond that of
Comments: · Product reflects facility with abstraction and metaphor.
6. Product demonstrates a clear purpose. Indicators to Consider:
· Product reflects purpose clearly advanced beyond that of peers of
0 1 2 3 4 5 the same age, experience, and/or environment.
· Product development demonstrates a strategic sequence.
Comments: · Product reflects a purpose other than the reporting or collection of
7. Product demonstrates creative strengths. Indicators to Consider:
· Product reflects inventive and innovative thinking skills.
0 1 2 3 4 5 · Product reflects the use of unusual materials or ordinary materials
in different ways.
Comments: · Product demonstrates fresh or original ideas/concepts.
· Product demonstrates an unusual or creative approach.
· Product reflects an inventive or imaginative explanation.
DIRECTIONS: Rate the product’s quality based on the student’s performance in comparison to his/her peers of the same age, experience,
and/or environment. (To a great extent = 4 – 5 Somewhat = 2 – 3 To a limited extent = 1 – 2 Not Observed = 0)
Product Review Team Member Signatures/Position (Minimum of 3 Required):
___________________________/_____________________ Date of Team Review: ______/______/___________
___________________________/_____________________ Score: _______________
___________________________/_____________________ Meets Criterion for Creativity/Characteristics Component q Y q N
ED5387 (Rev. 0810)
General Education Documentation of Classroom Interventions – Form A
(Documentation of Response to Intervention)
Student _____________________ Date of Birth / ___/ _______ Sex___ Ethnicity (Optional) ____
Many needs of students identified as Intellectually Gifted can be provided through general education interventions. Any
one of the areas listed below may demonstrate student need for special education services.
INSTRUCTIONS: Answer the following questions and document any accommodations that have been used with the
student. Describe all specific accommodations or instructional programs for this student and the time interval in which
each accommodation was used.
q YES q NO The student has mastered grade level content.
List areas of mastery: __________________________________________________________________________
How has mastery been demonstrated? ____________________________________________________________
Classroom Teacher’s Signature__________________________________Date______/______/____________
Attach any additional information that may be helpful in documenting this student’s needs for special education services.
ED5387 (Rev. 0810)
Page 1 of 2
General Education Documentation of Classroom Interventions – Form B
(Documentation of Response to Intervention)
Student ___________________ Date of Birth / ___/ ______ Sex___ Ethnicity (Optional) ___
Many needs of students identified as Intellectually Gifted can be provided through general education interventions
Listed below are accommodations that are most frequently utilized by classroom teachers with accelerated learners.
INSTRUCTIONS: Check box next to each intervention used and document all accommodations that have been used
with this student. Describe the specific accommodation and the time interval in which the accommodation was used.
q ENRICHMENT – Classroom work is broader in scope, explores topics in greater depth and at higher cognitive
levels, and involves many activities that modify, supplement, and extend achievement beyond the expectations set
forth in the general education curriculum.
Description of Intervention: _______________________________________________________________________
Time Span of Intervention: ___________________ Was the Intervention Effective? q YES q NO
Explanation: ___________________________________________________________________________________
q COMPACTING – Allows the student accelerated mastery of curriculum materials typically presented to gradelevel
Description of Intervention: _______________________________________________________________________
Time Span of Intervention: ___________________ Was the Intervention Effective? q YES q NO
Explanation: ___________________________________________________________________________________
q ACCELERATION – Takes advantage of the student’s ability to learn at a rapid rate and advances the student in
some way in order to present materials and activities beyond the grade level.
Description of Intervention: _______________________________________________________________________
Time Span of Intervention: ___________________ Was the Intervention Effective? q YES q NO
Explanation: ___________________________________________________________________________________
q GROUPING – An arrangement whereby students are placed in groups which bring them in contact with others of
similar abilities and interests.
Description of Intervention: _______________________________________________________________________
Time Span of Intervention: ___________________ Was the Intervention Effective? q YES q NO
Explanation: ___________________________________________________________________________________
q GUIDANCE – Provides experiences which promote realistic selfappraisal, better understanding of self and peers,
greater sensitivity and awareness, and personal and career goals.
Description of Intervention: _______________________________________________________________________
Time Span of Intervention: ___________________ Was the Intervention Effective? q YES q NO
Explanation: ___________________________________________________________________________________
q INDEPENDENT STUDY or FLEXIBLE SCHEDULING – Opportunities for the student to engage in exploratory
study or pursue closely defined indepth projects.
Description of Intervention: _______________________________________________________________________
Time Span of Intervention: ___________________ Was the Intervention Effective? q YES q NO
Explanation: ___________________________________________________________________________________
ED5387 (Rev. 0810)
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q TEAM TEACHING – General education personnel with specific expertise in a particular area can be utilized.
Description of Intervention: _______________________________________________________________________
Time Span of Intervention: ___________________ Was the Intervention Effective? q YES q NO
Explanation: ___________________________________________________________________________________
q ADVANCED CLASSES/HONORS – Classes designed for those students of advanced ability to engage in in
depth study, accelerated study, enrichment, guidance, or any combination thereof.
Description of Intervention: _______________________________________________________________________
Time Span of Intervention: ___________________ Was the Intervention Effective? q YES q NO
Explanation: ___________________________________________________________________________________
q SUPPLEMENTAL LEARNING MATERIALS – Individual materials made available to encourage the student to
pursue areas of individual interest.
Description of Intervention: _______________________________________________________________________
Time Span of Intervention: ___________________ Was the Intervention Effective? q YES q NO
Explanation: ___________________________________________________________________________________
q CLASSROOM CONTRACT – Provides a student/teacher approach as opposed to teachercentered mode of
Description of Intervention: _______________________________________________________________________
Time Span of Intervention: ___________________ Was the Intervention Effective? q YES q NO
Explanation: ___________________________________________________________________________________
q CLUSTER GROUPING: — Small clusters of students who have similar interests and abilities work together on
specific tasks.
Description of Intervention: _______________________________________________________________________
Time Span of Intervention: ___________________ Was the Intervention Effective? q YES q NO
Explanation: ___________________________________________________________________________________
q MULTIAGE GROUPING – Allowing students of advanced ability opportunities to work in groups of varying time
duration with students from other grade levels who have similar interests and abilities.
Description of Intervention: _______________________________________________________________________
Time Span of Intervention: ___________________ Was the Intervention Effective? q YES q NO
Explanation: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Description of Intervention: _______________________________________________________________________
Time Span of Intervention: ___________________ Was the Intervention Effective? q YES q NO
Explanation: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Are you aware of any factors that may impact or prevent this student’s academic progress in the general education
program? q YES q NO
If yes, please specify: ____________________________________________________________________________
Classroom Teacher’s Signature__________________________________Date______/______/____________
Attach any additional information that may be helpful in documenting this student’s needs for special education services.
ED5387 (Rev. 0810)
Accommodations for Intellectually Gifted Students
In the General Education Classroom
Student__________________________Grade_______School Year________
During the days/hours that the student is out of the regular classroom to accomplish the goal(s)
on the IEP, the following accommodations will be made:
[ ] The student will not be required to make up missed class work.
[ ] If new material is introduced, the student will be instructed by a peer or teacher in a small
group or oneonone setting.
[ ] The student will complete shortened assignments.
[ ] If tests are administered, the student will take the test when s/he returns to the classroom.
[ ] Other: __________________________________________________________________
During the days/hours that the student is in the regular classroom, the following accommodations
will be made:
[ ] The student will compact in the following subject(s):
_______________________ ____________________ _______________________
[ ] Student may complete independent projects in lieu of chapter work when appropriate.
{ } The project must be related to class work.
{ } The student will present the project to his/her class.
[ ] The student will complete alternate assignments when appropriate (e.g., more difficult
spelling words, the “challenge” assignments).
[ ] Subject acceleration will be allowed as appropriate.
[ ] Other: ____________________________________________________________________
The following general education teachers have read and received a copy of this page:
Signature Date Signature Date
__________________________ _________ __________________________ _________
__________________________ _________ __________________________ _________
__________________________ _________ __________________________ _________
__________________________ _________ __________________________ _________
__________________________ _________ __________________________ _________
__________________________ _________ __________________________ _________
ED5387 (Rev. 0810)
Intellectually Gifted Tracking Log – School Level
Grade Level Screening, /Individual Screening, Comprehensive Evaluation, Gifted Services
School _______________________________________________ Grade Screened (circle one) Person Responsible for Keeping This Tracking Log
School Year _____________________________ 1 2 3 4 ___________________________________________
Referred for Educational Performance Creativity/ Cognition
Comprehensive AO 1—6 AO 7—13 AO 14
List all students who are referred for Date of Race/
Sex Grade Evaluation? Record Record Record
Individual Screening Birth Ethnicity 1) Highest AO 1) Highest AO 1) Test Acronym, Date
(Yes/No) 2) Points scored (102030) 2) Points scored (102030) 2) Split Discrepancy or Eligible Eligible
SEM scores
(Yes/No) (mm/dd)
3) Points scored (102030)
School Summary Data – for Intellectually Gifted EndofYear Report
A., B., C. – current year / D. – all eligible students Record # students by race/ethnicity—American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN), Asian/Pacific Islander (A/PI), Hispanic (H), Black (B), White (W)
Total # Students in Grade Screened
B. INDIVIDUAL SCREENING (all referral sources) AI/AN A/PI H B W
# Students Individually Screened
# Students Evaluated (all referral sources)
# Students Eligible (IEP only) (all referral sources)
D. PROGRAM DELIVERY(all IG students with IEPs) AI/AN A/PI H B W
K__,1__,2__,3__,4__, K__,1__,2__,3__,4__, K__,1__,2__,3__,4__, K__,1__,2__,3__,4__, K__,1__,2__,3__,4__,
Total # of IG Students with IEPs by Grade 5__,6__,7__,8__,9__, 5__,6__,7__,8__,9__, 5__,6__,7__,8__,9__, 5__,6__,7__,8__,9__, 5__,6__,7__,8__,9__,
10__,11__,12__ 10__,11__,12__ 10__,11__,12__ 10__,11__,12__ 10__,11__,12__
ED5387 (Rev. 0810)
Table 7 (page 1 of 4)
School System _________________________________________
(current School Year)
Director of Gifted Services
Department of Education, Division of Special Education, 7 th Floor
710 James Robertson Parkway, Nashville, TN 372430380
Each year an electronic copy of TABLE 7 will be forwarded to each district
Do not mail or fax a hard copy of TABLE 7 to this office, Electronic Form Only
Include in this report all referrals for gifted assessment that have been completed no later than June 30.
Referrals that have not been completed by June 30 (including the IEP Team eligibility determination) must be
reported for the next School Year.
System and Reporting Information
Person Reporting _______________________________________________________
Phone _____/ / Email ________________________________
Is the TN DOE Approved LEA Plan for Gifted on file? q Yes q No
Record the most recent revision / DOE Approval Date ____/___/____
Section A – Systematic Grade Level Screening
Reference the Intellectually Gifted Eligibility Standards – Evaluation Procedures:
Section c. (1) (a): “systematic childfind for students who are potentially gifted to include at least
one grade level screening; and…” Grade Level Screening provides the means for conducting this
systematic child find process. Systems must provide a sound justification in writing if no data is
submitted or data is reported as 0 (zero) in Section A.
─Section A reports system wide grade level screening for Gifted Identification.
─Section A does not report students referred for Individual Screening.
─Section A does not report eligibility and placement for services.
Grade Level Screening
(Student Total)
White (Not Hispanic)
Ethnic Populations
Black (Not Hispanic)
American Indian or Alaska Native
Asian or Pacific Islander
ED5387 (Rev. 0810)
Table 7 (page 2 of 4)
School System _________________________________________
All students who were referred for Individual Screening and/or Comprehensive Evaluations in the current
school year are reported in Sections B and C. Referrals that have not been completed by June 30 (up to
and including the IEP Team meeting) will be reported in the next School Year.
Section B – Individual Screening
Reference the Intellectually Gifted Eligibility Standards – Evaluation Procedures:
Section C. (1) (b) (i) and c. (1) (b) (ii): “individual screening of these students in grades K12 in the
areas of educational performance; and creativity/characteristics of giftedness; and a team review of
individual screening results to determine need for referral for comprehensive assessment.”
INSTRUCTIONS: Report the total number of students (all referral sources) by ethnicity who were
referred and Individually Screened as a result of Systematic Grade Level Screening or other referral
sources (i.e., parent, teacher, outside agencies.
All Students
Individual Screening
(all referral sources)
White (Not Hispanic)
Ethnic Populations
Black (Not Hispanic)
American Indian or Alaska Native
Asian or Pacific Islander
ED5387 (Rev. 0810)
Table 7 (page 3 of 4)
School System _________________________________________
Section C – Comprehensive Evaluation and Eligibility
Reference the Intellectually Gifted Eligibility Standards – Evaluation Procedures:
Section c. (2): “Comprehensive Assessment: (a) individual evaluation of cognition or intellectual
ability; (b) individual evaluation of educational performance and creativity/ characteristics of
giftedness, the need for expanded assessment and evaluation in each of these areas to be based
on results of Individual Screening; and regardless of specific criteria used to determine or identify
the student with Intellectual Giftedness; (c) completion of assessment procedures in the three
component areas (cognition, educational performance and creativity/ characteristics of giftedness)
for program and services planning; and…”
INSTRUCTIONS: Report the number of students by ethnicity and gender who were Evaluated and
Services for Gifted were initiated in the current School Year.
Column 1 Report by ethnicity the total number of students (all referral sources) who received a
Comprehensive Evaluation following procedures for Intellectually Gifted Standards described in the State
Board of Education Rule 05200109.01.
Column 2 Report the total number of students (all referral sources) by race and ethnicity who were
determined to be eligible (i.e., Eligibility Report and IEP written) for Special Education services in the
current School Year.
Column 1 Column 2
Total Students Total Students
(all referral sources) (all referral sources)
Receiving a Eligible as Intellectually
Comprehensive Gifted
Evaluation (IEPs Only)
White (Not Hispanic)
Race / Ethnicity
Black (Not Hispanic)
American Indian or Alaska Native
Asian or Pacific Islander
ED5387 (Rev. 0810)
Table 7 (page 4 of 4)
School System _________________________________________
Section D
Program Delivery – Special Education Gifted Services
INSTRUCTIONS: Report by race/ethnicity and grade the number of students with an IEP Receiving
Gifted Services (all referral sources). Include students receiving consultation services in the general
education classroom when written into the IEP. Do not include students in Advanced Placement or
Honors Classes, unless the student has an IEP.
Grade Level
th th
Kg. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Race / Ethnicity
Alaska Native
Asian /
Pacific Islander
ED5387 (Rev. 0810)
Checklist for Assessment of Gifted Services 1
Note: This is not a required component for assessment of students as gifted. It is a tool to assist districts in the development of policies, practices, and
procedures that are culturallyfair and ensure appropriate identification and programming for all students who are gifted.
· Racial/ethnic composition of the district’s student enrollment
· Racial/ethnic composition of student population receiving gifted services
Determine if minority students are statistically underrepresented in gifted
programs. A statistically significant underrepresentation of minority students
warrants a further, schoolbyschool inquiry, including statistical data/analyses
· Number (%) of students by race/ethnicity referred for evaluation for gifted
· Number (%) of students by race/ethnicity determined eligible for gifted
· Number (%) of students by race/ethnicity withdrawing from, or otherwise
discontinuing participation in gifted programs/services
Is the notice of the gifted program, with respect to both content and method of
dissemination, effective?
Notice simply and clearly explains the purpose of the program,
referral/screening procedures, eligibility criteria, and identifies the district’s
contact person.
Notice is provided annually to students, parents, and guardians in a manner
designed to reach all segments of the school community.
Is there a disparity in referral rates of minority students? Determine if
REFERRAL/SCREENING referral/screening practices and procedures are applied in a nondiscriminatory
manner and if the district’s practices and procedures provide equal access for
all qualified students.
Multiple alternative referral sources, e.g.; teachers, parents, etc., are, in
practice, accessible to and utilized by all segments of the school community.
Teachers and other district staff involved in the referral process have been
trained and/or provided guidance regarding the characteristics of giftedness in
general and special populations.
Referral/screening criteria are applied in a nondiscriminatory manner.
All referral/screening criteria are applied in a nondiscriminatory manner.
Standardized tests and cutoff scores are appropriate (valid and reliable) for the
purpose of screening students for gifted services.
This document is designed to provide an overview of access concerns related to school districts’ gifted programs. It is not intended as a standard of compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act
of 1964.
ED5387 (Rev. 0810)