Nursing Care Plan: Nursing Diagnosis Nursing Goals Nursing Outcome

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Theory-based (Betty Neuman)


Assessment 3 points Goals 2 points Interventions 4 points Bibliography
Diagnosis 3 points Theoretical Basis 2 points Evaluation 1 point 15 points


Assessment Diagnosis Mutual Planning Interventions Actual Evaluation
(Goal attainable within the shift) (with Rationale & Source)
Subjective: Risk for infection related to After 4 hours of nursing PRIMARY INTERVENTIONS
The primigravid mother shared parent’s lack of knowledge intervention: Promotive:
that she is conscious about her concerning umbilical cord care -the mother will be able to
baby’s umbilical cord as she verbalize understanding on the I: Monitor the newborn for signs of cord
does not know how to properly importance of doing proper infections, such as redness at the base of the cord
care for it. cord care. and presence of discharge from the cord site.
-the mother will be able to R: Early detection of infections promotes
identify ways to keep the cord preventions and early intervention (Doenges,
Objective: clean and dry. Moorhouse, & Murr, 2019).
Vital signs:
T=36.9 °C After 24 hours of nursing I: Encourage the mother to continue
HR= 148 bpm Theoretical basis: intervention: breastfeeding.
RR= 48 cpm The umbilical stump is a -the mother will be able to R: Breast milk contains antibodies that can
common means of entry for demonstrate proper cord care. protect babies against infections (McCarthy,
-Upon assessment, the systemic infections as the -the newborn will still have no 2020).
umbilical cord is free from umbilical vessels are still signs of cord infections.
infection and still intact. patent for a few days Preventive:
-The mother was observed to following birth, thus providing
check the baby’s umbilical direct access to the I: Instruct the mother/ guardian to gently pat the
cord stump dry with a clean, soft towel if ever it
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cord stump frequently. bloodstream. gets wet.
Its devitalized tissue can also R: To avoid irritation and possible cord
be a medium for bacterial infection (Christiano, 2019)
growth, especially when it is
kept moist and unclean. This is I: Educate the mother/ guardian to avoid
why to reduce the newborn’s touching the cord and covering it with a binder
susceptibility to infections, it or bandages.
must be kept clean and dry R: To allow it to dry faster and reduce the risk
(World Health Organization, of infection (Pilliteri, 2010).
I: Advice the mother/ guardian to secure the
diaper and fold it below the level of the
umbilical cord
R: To avoid irritation and prevent the stool or
urine to come in contact with the cord or the
cord base (Ward & Hisley, 2015).



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Christiano, D. (2019). Identifying and Treating an Infected Umbilical Cord. Retrieved from
Doenges, M,, Moorhouse, M., Murr, A. (2013). Nursing Diagnosis Manual: planning, individualizing and documenting client care. (4th
edition). Philadelphia, PA: F.A Davis Company
Hockenberry, M., Wilson, D. & Rodgers, C. (2017). Wong’s Essentials of Pediatric Nursing. (10th edition). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier
McCarthy, C. (2020). Breastfeeding Benefits Your Baby’s Immune System. Retrieved from
Neifert, M. (n.d). Cord Care. Retrieved from
Pilliteri, A. (2010). Maternal & child health nursing: Care of the childbearing & childrearing family. Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott
William & Wilkins
World Health Organization. (1998). Care of the Umbilical Cord: A Review of the Evidence. Retrieved from

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