Erce Flora

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Brand and Dosage Classification Mechanism of Indication Side effect Adverse Nursing

Generic Action effect responsibilities

Brand Administration Antidiarrheals  Erceflora is a Acute diarrhea with No side No 1.) Shake drug
name: at regular preparation duration of ≤14 days effects Adverse well before
Erceflora intervals (3-4 consisting of due to infection drugs have been effects administration.
hrs), diluting suspension or poisons. Chronic or reported, have been ® Allows equal
Generic the content of of Bacillus persistent diarrhea with up to the reported, distribution of
name: the vial in clausii spores, duration of >14 days. present up to the the drug in the
Bacillus sweetened normal time, with present fluid it is in. 
clausii. water, milk, inhabitants of the use of time, with 2.) Monitor
tea or orange the intestine, the drug. the use of patient for any
juice. with no the drug. unusual effects
Adults: 2-3 pathogenic from drug. 
vials of 2 powers. ® Monitoring
billion/5 mL Administered allows
suspension.  orally, Bacillu detection of
Children 2-11 s possible side
years: 1-2 vials clausii spores, effects of the
of 2 billion/5 due to their drug since
mL high- there has been
suspension.  resistance to no known side
Infants >1 both chemical effect of the
month: 1-2 and physical drug. 
vials of 2 agents, cross 3.) Administer
billion/5 mL the barrier of drug within 30
suspension. the gastric minutes after
Shake the vial juices opening
before use. reaching container. 
unharmed the ® To avoid
intestinal contamination
tract where of the drug. 
they are 4.) Dilute drug
transformed with
into sweetened
metabolically milk, orange
active juice or tea. 
vegetative ® To allow easy
cells. administration
of the drug. 
5.) Administer
drug orally. 
® Proper
allows better
effects of the
drug and

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