No Nly .: Statement of Encumbrance On Property
No Nly .: Statement of Encumbrance On Property
No Nly .: Statement of Encumbrance On Property
Search has been made in Book 1 and in the indexes relating thereto S.R.O. KALLUR for years 13 from 01-10-2007 to 03-09-2020 for acts and encumbrances affecting the said property,
and that on such search the following acts and encumbrances appear.
Name of Parties Vol/Pg No
Description Reg.Date Nature &
Executant(EX) CD No
Sl no. of Exe.Date Mkt.Value
& Doct No/Year
property Pres.Date Con. Value
Claimants(CL) [ScheduleNo]
1/2 VILL/COL: KALLUR/FAR AWAY FROM THE WARD- (R) 09-12-2013 0101 1.(EX)V.BALAMMA 0/0
1@Rs1200 W-B: 76-0 SURVEY: 269/A2 PLOT: 48 49 (E) 09-12-2013 Sale Deed 2.(CL)SHAIK SHABBIR
EXTENT: 154.08SQ.Yds Boundires: [N]: OTHERS LAND (P) 09-12-2013 Mkt.Value:Rs. 5609/2013 [1] of SRO
[S] PLOT NO.50 [E]: OTHERS LAND [W]: 25 FEET 184896 KALLUR(1322)
ROAD Cons.Value:Rs.
Link Doct:2230/2013 of SRO 1322 185000
2/2 VILL/COL: KALLUR/KALLUR W-B: 0-0 SURVEY: 269/A2 (R) 30-03-2013 0101 1.(EX)B.KRISHNA MURTHY 0/0
PLOT: 48 49 EXTENT: 154.08SQ.Yds Boundires: [N]: (E) 30-03-2013 Sale Deed 2.(EX)B.JANAKI CD_Volume: 248
OTHERS LAND [S] PLOT NO.50 [E]: OTHERS LAND (P) 30-03-2013 Mkt.Value:Rs. 3.(EX)B.MURALI 2230/2013 [1] of SRO
[W]: 25 FEET ROAD 123264 4.(CL)V.BALAMMA KALLUR(1322)
Cons.Value:Rs. 5.(EX)S.LAKSHMI REDDY (G.P.A)
1.This Report is for Information only.
2.Boundaries,Extent and Built Up are not used in electronic search, they are meant for registering officer for selecting or deselecting for the search results.
3.The encumbrances shown in the eEC are those discovered with reference to the description of
properties furnished by the applicants at the time of Registration.
4.All efforts are made for accuracy of data. However in case of any conflict, original data shall prevail.
5.In case system responds by "Data Not Found", for confirmation approach SRO concern.
6.Result : '2 out of 3 are included in the statement.'
at 1/1