Dept Tran Id
App No :742626 Statement No :36366253
Search has been made in Book 1 and in the indexes relating there to
S.R.O.ANANTHAPUR (R.O) for years 35 from 01-01-1983 to 29-01-2018 for acts
and encumbrances affecting the said property, and that on such search the
following acts and encumbrances appear.
Name of Parties Vol/Pg No
Description Reg.Date Nature &
Executant(EX) CD No
Sl no. of Exe.Date Mkt.Value
& Doct No/Year
property Pres.Date Con. Value
Claimants(CL) [ScheduleNo]
1. Boundaries,Extent and Built Up are not used in electronic search, they are
meant for registering officer for selecting or deselecting for the search results.