Module 1 STS
Module 1 STS
Module 1 STS
Module 1
Historical Antecedents of Science and Technology
By: Dafe Eramis-Eslabon, LPT, MAEd Soc Sci
Science and technology indeed play major roles in the everyday life. They make
difficult and complicated tasks easier and allow people to do more with so little effort
and time. The developments in this field are not just products of people's imagination or
a one-time thought process; they are also brought about by gradual improvements to
earlier works from different time periods. The driving force behind this continuous
progress is the desire to raise the quality of life of the people.
Learning Objectives
At the end of the module, you should be able to:
1. explain how science and technology affected the society and environment and
vice versa; and
2. identify inventions and discoveries that changed the world over the course of
Learning Resources
McNamara SJ, Valverde, and Beleno III, 2018. C&E Publishing Inc., Science Technology and
Society. Historical Antecedents in the Course of Science, Technology, and Society, pp.
Colegio de Sta Ana de Victorias
Osmeña Ave., Victorias City, Negros Occidental, 6119
Learning Input 1
Lesson 1
Ancient, Sumerian, and Babylonian Civilization
were common especially if different groups struggled to control vital resources. Stronger
nations tended to invade weaker ones so they could take much needed resources. As
such, the development of weapons and armors for security and protection was
considered a major achievement.
A primary challenge they faced was the conservation of life. The early people
might have been successful in harnessing the rich resources that the world could
provide, but their survival posed a great problem. Different illnesses and diseases, both
natural and man-made, hampered the full potential ofa human being. Given this
predicament, science and technology played a major role in the discovery of cures to, if
not the prevention of, illnesses.
Moreover, in order to integrate their needs-for better transportation,
establishment of structures tor protection from human attacks and natural disasters, and
construction of bigger and stronger infrastructures-people ventured into what is now
known as the field of engineering. The development in this field allowed humans to
build structures that would address their specific needs and wants. Some of the
structures built during the ancient times still exist today and continually awe people.
The development in engineering also ushered in the introduction of architecture.
Others might see architecture as a mere style, but during the ancient times, elaborate
architectural designs were signs of technological advancement of a particular
civilization. In the generations to come, architecture would be considered a status
symbol among nations of how advanced their technology is. It may also establish the
identity of a nation.
The people were not contented on beautifying only their infrastructures and
surroundings. Being able to prolong life with the mass production of food and
advancement of medical technology, as well as raise the quality of life by making
complicated and difficult tasks easier, humans later on developed the technology to
improve how they look. They discovered that people looked more visually presentable
and appealing by adding some features and decorations in their body.
With all these in mind, one can conclude that the developments in science and
technology, aside from affecting the lives of the people, were the results of many prior
antecedents. Out of necessity, people in ancient times were able to discover and invent
things that would impact the lives of the modern people.
One of the major contributions of the Sumerians is the development of the first
writing system known as cuneiform. It is a system that utilizes word pictures and
triangular symbols which are carved on clay using wedge instruments and then left to
dry. Cuneiform allowed the Sumerians to keep records of things with great historical
value or their everyday life.
Uruk City
producing sun-baked bricks-a true engineering feat. They used the bricks to make
houses that protected them from the harsh weather and to build a wall around the city
that prevented wild animals and neighboring raiders from entering.
The Great Ziggurat of Ur
Another engineering and architectural feat of the Sumerians is the Great Ziggurat
of Ur. The ziggurat, also called the mountain of god, was built in the same manner that
they constructed the City of Uruk. Without much building materials, the structure was
constructed using sun-baked bricks. The ziggurat served as the sacred place) of their
chief god, where only their priests were allowed to enter.The temple showcases not
only the elaborate and intricate Sumerian architecture but also the remarkable
technology used to build it. As such, even until today, people still enjoy and marvel at
the preserved Great Ziggurat of Ur.
As population increased, so did the demand for food. The Sumerians were
challenged to mass produce food items but the elements in the environment seemed
uncooperative. It was difficult to get water from the rivers, thus they could not maintain
farmlands. Some groups had scarce water supply, while others had problems with
flooding caused by the river. As a solution to this dilemma, the Sumerians created dikes
and irrigation canals to bring water to farmlands and at the same time control the
flooding of the rivers. This method was considered as one of the world's most beneficial
engineering works. Through the dikes and canals, the Sumerians were able to enjoy
year-long farming and harvesting, which increased their food production. Sailboats
Another challenge to the Sumerians was transportation. At that time, the wheel
was not yet invented; the main mode of transportation was through waterways such as
rivers and seas. Boats were used to carry large quantities of products and were able to
cover large distances. However, they wanted to discover faraway lands to settle since
the population was getting larger, and boats were not enough to accommodate more
people and products. They needed a mode of transportation that did not require much
human resource.
Some sources attribute to the Sumerians the invention of sailboats to address
their increasing demands. Sailboats were essential in transportation and trading as well
as in fostering culture, information, and technology.
Colegio de Sta Ana de Victorias
Osmeña Ave., Victorias City, Negros Occidental, 6119
In the latter part of their history, the Sumerians were able to invent the wheel
since the specialized tools needed to create it were already available. The first wheels
were not made for transportation but for farm work and food processes. With the use of
the wheel and axle, mass production was made easier. Farmers were able to mil grains
with less effort in less time.
The Plow
Colegio de Sta Ana de Victorias
Osmeña Ave., Victorias City, Negros Occidental, 6119
In order to facilitate taster and easier travel, the Sumerians developed the first
roads. With this work, the flow of traffic became faster and more organized. They made
the roads with the same technology they used in making the sun-baked bricks that they
laid down on the ground. They later poured bitumen, a black sticky substance similar to
asphalt, to smoothen the roads. The invention of roads was very useful especially
during the rainy season when traveling in soft and muddy roads proved to be too
Self-Check Questions
Now, it is time for you to answer the self-check questions in your worksheet and
answer the best that you can.
Learning Activity
Now, it is time for you to answer learning activity in your worksheet and answer the
best that you can.
Lesson Summary
Learning Input 2
Lesson 2
Colegio de Sta Ana de Victorias
Osmeña Ave., Victorias City, Negros Occidental, 6119
Babylonian Civilization emerged near the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. The
Babylonians were great builders, engineers, and architects. One of their major
contributions is the hanging gardens of Babylon, one of the seven wonders of the
ancient world.
Today, people can only marvel at the beauty of the famous Hanging Gardens of
Babylon from stories of historians and paintings that portray the place. It was said to be
a structure made up of layers upon layers of gardens that contained several species of
plants, trees, and vines. According to legends, the great Babylonian King
Nebuchadnezzar II built the gardens for his wife, Queen Amytis. However, no physical
evidence has been found to prove the existence of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Its
exact location is also unknown. Since time immemorial, people have been debating
about the existence of the said mythical place. Many said it was just a product of the
creative imagination of the great King because it lacked documentation or
archaeological evidence. On the other hand, if it really existed, it must have been
Colegio de Sta Ana de Victorias
Osmeña Ave., Victorias City, Negros Occidental, 6119
destroyed by war, erosion, or an earthquake. True or not, hearing the stories and
description of the place would be enough to inspire awe to anyone. One can imagine
the thick greenery decorated by beautiful flowers coming from different places in the
garden and complicated design of the infrastructure. If the stories were true, the
Hanging Gardens of Babylon may be considered as one of the greatest engineering
and architectural achievements of the world that is almost impossible to replicate.
Another early civilization famous for its legacy is the Egyptian civilization located
in North Africa. Many stories tell about the engineering feats of the Egyptians especially
regarding the infrastructures established by the pharaohs. Aside from engineering
technology, the Egyptians have contributed other practical things that the world now
considers as essential. It is thus safe to say that the pyramids are not the only
contribution of the Egyptian civilization to the modern world.
Paper or Papyrus
Colegio de Sta Ana de Victorias
Osmeña Ave., Victorias City, Negros Occidental, 6119
One of the earlier contributions of Egyptian civilization was the paper or papyrus.
Although Egypt was not the first to develop a system of writing, they were able to make
writing easier for the world. Before the Egyptian innovation, clay tablets were used.
However, safe-keeping and transporting them were a major problem. Clay tablets were
very fragile, heavy, and delicate to handle. So, bringing them to places was a major
challenge. Hence, the Egyptian invention of the paper or papyrus was a welcome
development. Papyrus was a plant that grew abundantly along the Nile River in Egypt.
They were able to process the plant in order to produce thin sheets on which one could
write down things. Since papyrus was lighter and thinner than clay tablets, it was easy
to carry and store. The sheets were also less breakable as compared to clay tablets.
This invention was a major accomplishment in Egyptian record-keeping and
communications. People then were able to send letters or correspondences anywhere
in the world since the pieces of paper were very light that they could be carried and
delivered by birds. Moreover, record-keeping was no longer a problem since documents
would not take huge storage spaces. Therefore, it was easier to keep them away from
raiders who often destroyed records of the nations they invaded.
Colegio de Sta Ana de Victorias
Osmeña Ave., Victorias City, Negros Occidental, 6119
When the Egyptians invented the papyrus or the paper engraving ceased to be
used in writing. As a result, the Egyptians invented ink by combining soot with different
chemicals to produce inks of different colors. The ink must withstand the elements of
nature since it was used to record history, culture, and codified laws. It must also be
tamper-proof so that people could not simply tinker with those written down by
Like the Sumerians, the Egyptians also developed a system of writing using
symbols, known as hieroglyphics. Although some say that hieroglyphics was adapted
from the early writing system established in Mesopotamia as a result of trade between
Civilizations, the Egyptians believed that this writing system was provided to them by
their gods. This form of writing can still be seen today and remains to be as famous as
the pyramids where they were found. Hieroglyphics was the language that tells the
modern world of the history and culture of the ancient Egyptians. Their records were
well-preserved since they were carved at the walls of pyramids and other important
Egyptian structures.
Colegio de Sta Ana de Victorias
Osmeña Ave., Victorias City, Negros Occidental, 6119
The Egyptians also invented the use of cosmetics. Although cosmetics in the
modern times are used to improve and highlight the facial features of a person, their
function in ancient Egypt was for both health and aesthetic reasons. Egyptians wore
Kohl around the eyes to prevent and even cure eye diseases. Kohl was created by
mixing soot or malachite with mineral galena. Egyptians also believed that a person
wearing make-up was protected from evil and that beauty was a sign of holiness. At
present, the cosmetic industry is a booming multibillion industry.
Another cosmetic invention of ancient Egyptians is the wig. At present, wigs are
used to enhance the appearance of people who are balding or those who want to try
new hair trends. Meanwhile, during the ancient Egyptian times, wigs were worn for
health and wellness rather than for aesthetic purposes. The wigs were used to protect
the shaved heads of the wealthy Egyptians from the harmful rays of the sun. Wearing a
wig was better than putting on a scarf or any other head cover since a wig allowed heat
Colegio de Sta Ana de Victorias
Osmeña Ave., Victorias City, Negros Occidental, 6119
to escape. Moreover, it was considered cleaner than natural hair because it prevented
the accumulation of head lice.
Water Clock/Clepsydra
Another important ancient contribution is Egyptian the water clock. This device
utilizes gravity that affects the flow of water from one vessel to the other. The amount of
water (or its height, depending on the method used) remaining in the device determines
how much time has elapsed since it is full. In the process, time is measured. The water
clock was widely used as a timekeeping device during the ancient times.
Self-Check Questions
Now, it is time for you to answer the self-check questions in your worksheet and
answer the best that you can.
Learning Activity
Now, it is time for you to answer learning activity in your worksheet and answer the
best that you can.
Lesson Summary
The quiz for this module will be posted and is accessible through Google forms.
Quiz items may vary within 20-30 items.
Colegio de Sta Ana de Victorias
Osmeña Ave., Victorias City, Negros Occidental, 6119
Learning Input 3
Lesson 3
Greek, Roman and Chinese Civilization
Greece is
an archipelago
in the
part of Europe.
Known as the
birthplace of
some major
achievements of
the Greeks
include in-depth
works on the
philosophy and
More than coliseums and the Olympics, the Greek civilization has contributed much to
world especially in the fields of science and technology.
Colegio de Sta Ana de Victorias
Osmeña Ave., Victorias City, Negros Occidental, 6119
One of the most utilized gadgets today that was invented by the ancient Greek is
the alarm clock. Although the alarm clock during that time did not resemble the
presentday alarm clock, the purpose was just the same to tell an individual when to stop
or when to start. The ancient Greek's alarm clocks used large complicated mechanisms
t time the alarm. They made use of water (or sometimes small stones or sand) that
dropped into drums which sounded the alarm. Plato was believed to have utilized an
alarm clock to signal the start of his lecture. His version used four water vessels lined
up vertically. The upper vessel supplied the water which dropped to the vessel below it,
which was set to be filled in a given time. After it was full, water was siphoned off at a
faster rate into the third vessel which would cause the expulsion of contained air,
creating a whistling noise. Afterwards, this vessel would empty toward the bottom
vessel for storage and reuse.
Water Mill
Roman Empire was perceived to be the strongest political and social entity in the west.
It was considered to be the cradle of politics and governance during that period.
Because the Roman Empire was so large, other civilizations looked up to it as their
model in terms of legislation and codified laws. Aside from their contributions in politics,
a lot of discoveries and inventions still relevant today can be attributed to the Roman
One of the major contributions of the Romans is the newspaper. The first
newspapers, known as gazettes, contained announcements of the Roman Empire to
the people. Made before the invention of paper, these gazettes were engraved in metal
or stone tablets and then publicly displayed. When paper was invented, it became
easier for the Romans to "publish" matters that needed the attention of the Roman
citizens. In fact, with the advent of paper, minutes of the proceedings of the Roman
senate were done in shorthand. These documents were edited and published on the
same day that they were recorded. This way, the Romans enjoyed easy access to
government information the same way we benefit from present-day newspapers.
With the invention of paper, it became easier for civilizations to write down
everything that happened in their time. Record-keeping was much easier since paper
did not easily break, was lightweight, and did not occupy much space. As a result,
civilizations became fond of record-keeping, especially documenting historical events
and newly legislated laws. Aside from Romans writing down information about history
and politics, literature also changed form from clay tablets to parchments of paper.
According to sources, Julius Caesar started the tradition of stacking up papyrus to form
pages of a book. Later on, they were able to provide covers to protect the papyrus. The
earlier covers were made of wax but were later on replaced by animal skin which
proved to be stronger and longer-lasting. With the papyrus pages bound together and
covered by animal skin, the ancient Roman Empire was able to produce the first books
or codex.
Roman Architecture
Colegio de Sta Ana de Victorias
Osmeña Ave., Victorias City, Negros Occidental, 6119
Roman architecture is one of the most visual contributions of the ancient Roman
Empire to the world. Roman architecture Was considered a continuation of Greek
architecture, hence, the resemblance. However, Roman architecture was still regarded
as pioneering since the Romans were able to adapt new building and engineering
technology on architectural designs established in the past. In this manner, they were
able to preserve great and elaborate architectural designs because they could produce
sturdier and stronger infrastructures. The Romans were also able to creatively redesign
old architectural patterns to adapt to the new trends at that time. This development in
the field of due to its inherent limitations, quite a number of enthusiasts would still use it
over other more popular number systems, like the Hindu-Arabic system, due to its
aesthetic and historical value.
The Chinese
civilization is considered to be the oldest civilization in
Asia, if not the world.
Also known as the middle kingdom, China is located on the far east of Asia. It was
famous among other ancient civilizations because of its silk trade. Not a great
amount was written about ancient China partly due to its distance from the other
civilizations. Despite its less popular status among the early civilizations, one cannot
discredit the significant contributions of Chinese civilization to the world. Silk
Colegio de Sta Ana de Victorias
Osmeña Ave., Victorias City, Negros Occidental, 6119
One of the things that connected Far East China to the world is silk. Although silk
is naturally produced by silk worms, the Chinese were the ones who developed the
technology to harvest the silk and process it to produce paper and clothing. Silk
production resulted in the creation of a product for trade. The silk trade opened China to
the outside world, making way for cultural, economic, and scientific exchanges. It
bridged the gap between the western world and the middle kingdom.
Tea Production
Once considered the only man-made structure that could be seen from outer
space, the Great Wall of China is said to be the largest and most extensive
infrastructure that the nation built. It was constructed to keep out foreign invaders and
control the borders of China. Made with stone, brick, wood, earth, another materials, it
showcased the extent of Chinese engineering technology at that time. The structure
was so massive and strong that it was said to have literally divided China from the rest
of the world. The wall's construction put the nation among the powerful civilizations
during the ancient times. It was the pride of their land and their crowning glory. Today,
with some sections already in ruins, the Great Wall still continues to be a world
attraction due to its historical significance and architectural grandeur.
propel bullets from guns and cannons which cause countless deaths. In fact,
gunpowder-propelled weapons are preferred by raiders who plan to attack at a
distance. The same weapons are also used to dissipate any attempts of invasion. On
the other hand, gunpowder is also used in fireworks during important celebrations in
Self-Check Questions
Now, it is time for you to answer the self-check questions in your worksheet and
answer the best that you can.
Learning Activity
Now, it is time for you to answer learning activity in your worksheet and answer the
best that you can.
Lesson Summary
The quiz for this module will be posted and is accessible through Google forms.
Quiz items may vary within 20-30 items.
The feedback of this module may include the following such the clarification for
the content of lessons, answers in worksheets, or any like.
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