Thirty Years of Submental Intubation: A Review: Review Paper Oral Surgery
Thirty Years of Submental Intubation: A Review: Review Paper Oral Surgery
Thirty Years of Submental Intubation: A Review: Review Paper Oral Surgery
Review Paper
Oral Surgery
In maxillofacial surgery, nasotracheal in- the submental region and mucosa on the Materials and methods
tubation has always been the preferred lingual aspect of the mandible. The flex-
route of intubation. This remained the case ometallic endotracheal tube was exterior- A search of the PubMed and Google
following the introduction of submental ized with a haemostat starting with the Scholar databases was undertaken to iden-
intubation by Francisco Hernández Alte- deflated pilot balloon followed by the tube tify all case reports, case-series, and pro-
mir in 1986, which was developed with the itself. At the end of the surgery, the tube spective and retrospective studies on
intention of avoiding tracheostomies in was then reversed to its initial oral posi- submental intubation. Only articles pub-
selected oral and maxillofacial cases1. tion. The skin incision was closed with lished in the English language with the full
The procedure originally described in- sutures, but not the intraoral wound. text available were included. The indica-
volved initial oral intubation with a flex- The aim of this literature review is to tions, variations in incision length, inci-
ometallic endotracheal tube, followed by provide an insight into the indications, sion sites, types of endotracheal tube used,
exteriorization of the endotracheal tube variations in incision length, incision sites, exteriorization methods, and complica-
through a soft tissue tunnel created via a types of tube used, methods of exterior- tions were recorded and analyzed. This
sub-periosteal dissection through a 2-cm ization, and complications of submental review included articles published over a
paramedian incision made on the skin in intubation. 30-year period (1986–2016).
0901-5027/000001+05 ã 2018 International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article in press as: Lim D, et al. Thirty years of submental intubation: a review, Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg (2018),
YIJOM-3931; No of Pages 5
2 Lim et al.
Results One article reported the use of submental complications. This was followed by scar-
intubation on four patients using a percu- ring (n = 12, 13.0%) and the formation of
A total of 70 articles were identified and
taneous dilatational tracheostomy kit. The an orocutaneous or salivary fistula (n = 11,
included in this review: 21 case reports, 16
majority of the articles reported a prefer- 12.0%). Other rare intraoperative compli-
case-series, 11 prospective studies, 21 ret-
ence for the paramedian incision (61.2% cations included tube dislodgement, tube
rospective studies, and one technical note;
of the patients) over the median skin inci- being pushed into the bronchus, damaged
a complete list of the 70 articles is provid-
sion (38.4% of patients). pilot balloon, and tube kinked or
ed in the Supplementary Material. A
obstructed. Other rare postoperative com-
total of 1021 patients were reported in
plications included pain, sublingual hae-
these 70 articles. Type of endotracheal tube used
matoma, bleeding, sialocele, and
Flexometallic tubes were the tube of choice mucocele (Table 2).
Indications for submental intubation. Such tubes were
used in 873 patients (85.5%). A two-tube
In the majority of cases, the submental Discussion
technique was used in 11.9% of the patients.
intubation was used in maxillofacial trau- Preformed cuff tubes were used in nine Maxillofacial fractures were the most com-
ma (86.9%, n = 887). This was followed patients. The type of tube used was not mon indication for submental intubation.
by orthognathic surgery (5.8%, n = 59), mentioned in 16 cases. Laryngeal mask Besides concurrent base of skull fractures
skull base surgery (2.8%, n = 29), and airways (LMA) were used in 2 cases. in some cases, which render nasal intuba-
rhinoplasty and rhytidectomy (1.5%, tion unsafe, the involvement of nasal com-
n = 15). Other rare indications for sub- plex fractures also represents a possible
mental intubation included oronasal fistu- Methods of exteriorization
contraindication to performing nasal intu-
la, nasopalatine cyst, salivary gland The use of a single haemostat was most bation for the anaesthetist2. In most cases of
tumour, alveolar bone grafting, premaxilla popular among the authors; this was used in maxillofacial fracture, achieving a good
osteotomy, upper lip haemangioma, odon- 84.0% of the patients. Double haemostats occlusion is important prior to fixation of
togenic fibromyxoma, ranula, ossifying were used in only 10 patients. The use of a the fractured bones2. In cases that do not
fibroma, intranasal pathology, nasopha- nasal speculum as suggested by Altemir require prolonged postoperative ventila-
ryngeal angiofibroma, antral cyst, massive was performed in only 2.4% of the patients. tion, submental intubation is a good alter-
obstructive maxillofacial tumour, and a Exteriorization was accomplished using native to tracheostomy. The tracheostomy
patient history of nasal bleeding or cere- dilators in five cases, and in one case a itself is more surgically demanding and it
brospinal fluid leakage (Table 1). pharyngeal loop was used. In the 121 cases can be complicated by a cosmetically un-
undergoing the two-tube technique, exteri- acceptable scar, pneumothorax, pneumo-
orization was not required. The exterior- nia, surgical emphysema, tracheal stenosis,
Incision length and site and tracheomalacia3. Although submental
ization technique was not mentioned in one
The preferred length of the skin incision of the reported cases. intubation is not contraindicated in cases
for submental intubation was 2 cm, which with a cervical injury as a result of
was the length suggested by Altemir when trauma, this increases the difficulty of the
Complications technique.
he introduced the technique. This incision
length was used in 612 of the patients Of the 1021 cases of submental intubation, The use of submental intubation in
(59.9%). A skin incision of 1.5 cm in 92 presented complications either intrao- orthognathic surgery was restricted to
length was used in 325 of the patients peratively or postoperatively. The main patients with certain medical conditions
(31.8%). A few groups of authors tried a complication was infection, which oc- and cases in which a concurrent rhinoplas-
1-cm skin incision (7.8% of the patients). curred in 36 (39.1%) of the cases with ty was performed during the same surgery.
In the latter cases, submental intubation
Table 1. Indications for submental intubation. was performed to avoid the need to change
Indications Number of cases from nasal intubation to oral intubation3.
Maxillofacial fractures 887
Orthognathic surgery 59
Base of skull surgery 29 Table 2. Complications of submental intuba-
Rhinoplasty/rhytidectomy 15 tion.
Intranasal pathology 6
Massive obstructive maxillofacial tumour 6 Complications Number of cases
History of cerebrospinal fluid leak 4 No complications 929
History of nasal bleeding 3 Infection 36
Oronasal fistula 1 Scarring 12
Cancrum oris 1 Salivary fistula 11
Nasopalatine cyst 1 Pain 8
Salivary gland tumour 1 Dislodged tube 6
Alveolar bone grafting 1 Pilot balloon damage 5
Premaxilla osteotomy 1 Tube pushed into bronchus 4
Upper lip haemangioma 1 Tube kinked 4
Odontogenic fibromyxoma 1 Sublingual haematoma 2
Ranula 1 Mucocele 1
Ossifying fibroma 1 Tube obstruction 1
Nasopharyngeal angiofibroma 1 Sialocele 1
Antral cyst 1 Bleeding 1
Please cite this article in press as: Lim D, et al. Thirty years of submental intubation: a review, Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg (2018),
YIJOM-3931; No of Pages 5
Submental intubation was also per- damage to the sublingual salivary gland or (which pose a higher risk with conven-
formed in cases of skull base surgery. In submandibular salivary duct, and muco- tional endotracheal intubation), in singers
base of skull surgery, a transmaxillary cele formation8. The rationale behind the or other voice professionals with maxillo-
approach via Le Fort I osteotomy was use of the median approach was the ability facial fractures (as conventional endotra-
used to gain access to the tumour. As to avoid major anatomical structures, such cheal intubation might injure the vocal
surgical manipulation was in the region as the sublingual salivary glands, subman- cords and larynx), and in patients with
of the upper airway, nasotracheal intuba- dibular salivary duct, and also the lingual unstable cervical fractures who have to
tion was not considered favourable. Fur- neurovascular bundles. Furthermore, in undergo maxillofacial surgery11. Despite
thermore, orotracheal intubation was not the midline approach, the possibility of being costly, Kim et al. reported the use of
considered feasible as the maxilla required bleeding is reduced as the median raphe an LMA-Fastrach endotracheal tube in
fixation to its actual position at the end of where both mylohyoid muscles meet is an two patients and found this to be fast as
the surgery based on dental occlusion4–7. avascular plane. The benefits of the medi- well as safe, and it was reusable12.
Despite all of the indications, submental an approach were later supported by Jin Almost all surgeons used a single hae-
intubation can only be used intraopera- and Patil in 20159. However, authors who mostat, as described by Altemir in 1986, to
tively. It is not intended to provide a used the paramedian approach were of the exteriorize the tube through the soft tissue
prolonged airway and needs to be con- opinion that injury to these structures tunnel created. The use of this technique,
verted back to an orotracheal intubation at could be avoided if the dissection path although fast and convenient, carries the
the end of surgery3. A tracheostomy may adhered as closely as possible to the lin- risk of a different path of exit for the tube
be the preferred airway if prolonged air- gual aspect of the mandibular bone10. and pilot balloon. This is because follow-
way maintenance or ventilation is re- The most commonly used tubes were ing exteriorization of the pilot balloon, re-
quired3. A comparison between flexometallic tubes. This type of tube has entry of the haemostat to grab the tube
submental intubation and tracheostomy superior flexibility, allowing it to be ma- may not necessarily follow the same path.
is detailed in Table 3. nipulated through the tunnel. Authors who A loop of the inflation tube may become
The original incision length introduced used the two-tube technique also placed a caught within the soft tissue as a result of
by Altemir in 1986 was a 2-cm skin inci- flexometallic tube as the final (second) the flexometallic tube and the cuff infla-
sion. While some surgeons were able to tube regardless of the type of first tube tion tube taking a different path. This
pass the tube through a 1-cm skin incision, that they used. The reason behind the use complication was reported by Langford
most of them made a 1.5–2-cm skin inci- of two tubes was less risk of compromis- in 200913, and has led some surgeons to
sion. This length of incision was adequate ing the patient’s airway if difficulties were suggest the use of a double haemostat.
to pass through the flexometallic tube with encountered during reattachment of the With this technique, the second haemostat
minimal trauma and stress to the skin connectors or while passing the tube is inserted while the first one is held in
during exteriorization. through the orocutaneous tunnel2. Altemir place maintaining the patency of the soft
The skin incision was originally placed and Montero in 2000 introduced the use of tissue tunnel. These haemostats will then
in the paramedian plane. However, a laryngeal mask airway for submental grab the pilot balloon and tube, respec-
MacInnis and Baig modified this to a intubation11. In their technical note, it tively, exteriorizing them one after the
median approach after facing certain pro- was suggested that this modification be other. A small amount of blood entering
blems with the paramedian approach, such used in cases of maxillofacial fractures the distal end of the tube is inevitable with
as difficulty in tube passage, haemorrhage, associated with laryngotracheal trauma this technique. However, this can easily be
Please cite this article in press as: Lim D, et al. Thirty years of submental intubation: a review, Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg (2018),
YIJOM-3931; No of Pages 5
4 Lim et al.
cleaned. Tissue trauma during this process der of the mandible. The resulting scar was During exteriorization, the pilot balloon
may not be significant. therefore less noticeable. Despite good may either be ruptured or become de-
Another suggested tool is the use of a acceptance of the hypertrophic scar, tached by the curved artery forceps. This
nasal speculum1. After blunt dissection of MacInnis and Baig considered the tenden- complication can be avoided by careful
the submental soft tissue and puncturing cy to form a hypertrophic scar as a con- and gentle exteriorization of the pilot bal-
the floor of the mouth, a nasal speculum is traindication to the use of submental loon. A few methods to overcome this
inserted. The nasal speculum maintains intubation in a patient8. complication have been reported. A
the patency of the tunnel, easing the pas- Salivary or orocutaneous fistula oc- straightforward method of management
sage of the tube and pilot balloon. This curred as a result of communication be- would be the replacement of the tube with
technique prevents trauma to the soft tis- tween the oral cavity and skin, with saliva a new endotracheal tube31,32. Drolet et al.
sue, as well as preventing blood and de- leakage via the fistula. This may occur as a achieved this by using an endotracheal
tached tissues from entering the tube result of prolonged intubation or improper tube exchanger31. Instead of placing a
during exteriorization14. wound closure following the proce- new endotracheal tube, Patkar et al. were
During passing through of the endotra- dure10,24. It may present as a complication successful in inflating the cuff and occlud-
cheal tube, some blood or soft tissue may after extubation, although there may also ing the pilot balloon tip with an artery
inadvertently enter the tube. Various be delayed presentation in some cases, forceps18. Yoon et al., on the other hand,
methods have been used to avoid this with fistula occurring about 1 to 2 weeks cut a new pilot balloon from an unused
occurring. Lim et al. in 2003 used the blue after the procedure10,24,25. In the cases endotracheal tube and connected it to the
cap of a 32-French-size thoracic catheter included in this review, watertight sutures intubated endotracheal tube using a needle
to cap both the endotracheal tube and were placed in the floor of the mouth and connector33.
deflated pilot tube to prevent soft tissue skin to close the fistula. However, in some Salivary gland complications were ex-
or blood from entering the endotracheal cases the fistula closed spontaneously tremely rare with submental intubation.
tube and to reduce injury to the surround- within 10 days10,24. Only one case of mucocele was reported,
ing tissues during exteriorization of the Endotracheal tube dislodgement, either which occurred in 201625. It has been
tube15. For the same purpose, Lima Júnior partial or complete, occurred as a result of suggested that mucoceles may form due
et al. used a sterile glove to cover the distal manipulation of the mandible during sur- to the incorporation of mucosal remnants
end of the endotracheal tube during exte- gery. An increase in airway pressure and in the orocutaneous tunnel when the en-
riorization16. decrease in end-tidal carbon dioxide value dotracheal tube is passed from intraoral to
Lim et al. tried using a small copper (ETCO2) together with a transient drop in the submental region34. Another reported
malleable retractor inserted into the oro- oxygen saturation (SpO2) to 96% will alert salivary gland complication was sialocele.
cutaneous tunnel to retract the soft tissues the anaesthetist of the possibility of tube The authors who reported this attributed it
at the medial aspect of the tunnel. By dislodgement24. This is usually managed to injury of the submandibular salivary
retracting these tissues, it kept the tunnel by the anaesthetist repositioning the gland as a result of a more posterior
almost patent, as the soft tissue on the tube21,24,26. Instead of dislodging the tube, placement of the incision24. However, it
lateral aspect was held by the mandible. it may also be pushed inadvertently into is clear that these salivary gland compli-
This helped to reduce trauma to the soft the bronchus18,23,26. In all such cases in the cations are largely preventable with a
tissues. However, they reported that tissue present review, the tubes were displaced careful and meticulous surgical technique.
retraction was not as effective as the nasal into the right bronchus. This is because of Compared to tracheostomy, complica-
speculum17. the anatomy of the right bronchus, which tions arising from submental intubation
Generally the rate of complications was is wider and relatively straighter in rela- were mainly due to intraoperative proce-
low, at about 9.0% for the total number of tion to the trachea compared to the left dures. Although the intraoperative com-
submental intubation cases performed bronchus. Dislodgement of the endotra- plication rate of tracheostomy has been
over the 30-year period. Although infec- cheal tubes can easily be prevented by reported to be between 4% and 10%, the
tion was the most common complication securing the tube to the skin in the sub- postoperative complication rate is as high
in submental intubation, the incidence was mental area with a suture. as 63%35. These postoperative complica-
very low (3.5%). All infections were su- Kinking of the endotracheal tube rarely tions, such as tracheal stenosis, tracheo-
perficial and resolved either with wound occurred. When this happened, it was char- malacia, delayed stoma closure,
dressing using antiseptic solution or with a acterized by a sudden increase in unaesthetic scar, and airway symptoms
course of antibiotics18–20. Trickling of airway pressure27–29. The degree of curva- (including stridor, hoarseness, and dys-
saliva from an intraoral wound, poor oral ture of the tube during intubation is so great pnoea) result in significant patient mor-
hygiene, and an improper aseptic tech- that the tube is at risk of kinking. This can be bidity35.
nique while performing the submental prevented by using a flexometallic endotra- From the limited number of available
intubation may have contributed to these cheal tube. A shorter distance between articles included in this review, it can be
infections21. the submental area and throat may cause concluded that submental intubation is an
The postoperative hypertrophic scars a higher degree of curve, which may in- easier and less risky alternative airway
were generally well tolerated by the crease the risk of tube kinking. This can be compared to tracheostomy, and can be
patients22,23. No treatment was provided seen in paediatric patients28 and in patients performed in cases where there is a con-
for any of the reported cases of hypertro- with a retruded mandible. Two cases of traindication to nasotracheal intubation
phic scar. The reasons for acceptance of tube obstruction were reported by Navanee- and when the maintenance of dental oc-
the scar may be due to its size, which was tham et al. in 201030. A detailed clusion or manipulation of the nose are
not more than 2 cm, correlating with the description of the obstruction was not giv- necessary during surgery. Although vari-
length of the incision made. Furthermore, en, although the authors mentioned that ous modifications have been made to the
all incisions were made following the skin they managed it by just pulling the tube original methods, none of these modifica-
crease and were hidden by the lower bor- out through the skin. tions has been shown to be superior. This
Please cite this article in press as: Lim D, et al. Thirty years of submental intubation: a review, Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg (2018),
YIJOM-3931; No of Pages 5
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Please cite this article in press as: Lim D, et al. Thirty years of submental intubation: a review, Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg (2018),