Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 2009 38
Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 2009 38
Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 2009 38
Clinical Paper
Orthognathic Surgery
S. Haarmann, A. S. Budihardja, K.-D. Wolff, K. Wangerin: Changes in acoustic
airway profiles and nasal airway resistance after Le Fort I osteotomy and functional
rhinosurgery: A prospective study. Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 2009; 38: 321–325.
# 2009 International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by
Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Abstract. The aim of this study was to investigate the changes in nasal airways after
Le Fort I osteotomy and functional rhinosurgery. 49 patients were included in this
study to assess intranasal anatomical and functional changes resulting from a Le
Fort I osteotomy. The data were classified according to the three-dimensional
positioning of the maxilla: in group I the maxilla was impacted; in group II the
maxilla was inferior; and in group III only sagittal maxillary movement was
performed. Presurgical and 5 months postsurgical rhinological inspection, anterior
rhinomanometry and acoustic rhinometry were carried out. Additional
rhinosurgery, such as resection of the inferior concha or septoplastic intervention,
was performed to avoid functional problems in nasal breathing, particularly when
the maxilla was impacted. Rhinomanometric assessment showed a significant
improvement in nasal breathing in the whole group and each single group. Acoustic
rhinometry revealed an increase in typical cross-sectional intranasal areas. The
Keywords: Le Fort I osteotomy; rhinosurgery;
authors conclude that concerns about the respiratory consequences of this surgical nasal airway; rhinomanometry.
procedure appear unwarranted when functional rhinosurgery is undertaken
concomitantly, particularly in patients with increased preoperative nasal airway Accepted for publication 16 January 2009
resistance. Available online 23 February 2009
0901-5027/040321 + 05 $36.00/0 # 2009 International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
322 Haarmann et al.
In the past decades, Le Fort I osteotomy Table 1. Group I: Le Fort I osteotomy with 150 Pa. Indications for nasal surgery were
has been increasingly used for the correc- impaction. increased nasal resistance, an obvious
tion of dentofacial deformities. In orthog- Group I deviation of the septum, concomitance of
nathic surgery this versatile technique is Impaction of maxilla [3.7 mm (0.53)] n = 21 a bony groin or a hypoplastic inferior tur-
widely used to correct maxillary hypopla- Resection of the inferior concha 16 bine after decongestion with 0.01% napha-
sia and hyperplasia, and in the manage- Shortening of the nasal septum 18 zoline tamponade for 15 min. Lateral
ment of skeletal anterior open-bite, as seen Contouring of pyriform aperture 10 cephalometric radiographs, models and
in the long-face syndrome13,28. Correction Correction of the septum 2 orthopantomograms were taken and ana-
of these deformities often involves ante- lysed preoperatively. To ensure complete
rior, inferior or superior repositioning of wound healing and a stable bony consoli-
the maxilla and a combination of these Table 2. Group II: Le Fort I osteotomy with dation all patients underwent the same
movements25. Maxillary movement inferior repositioning of the maxilla. procedure 5 months after surgery.
always affects nasal breathing by chan- Group II In only 2 patients, interpositional bone
ging the intranasal dimensions. Numerous Inferior repositioning of maxilla [2.7 mm grafts were harvested from the hip (crista
measurements of nasal airway resistance (0.38)] n = 21 illiaca anterior) to stabilize the maxilla in
before and after Le Fort I osteotomy have Resection of the inferior concha 6 the canine region without affecting the
been made since the introduction of the Shortening of the nasal septum 10 nasal floor.
‘down-fracture’ technique by Obwegeser Contouring of pyriform aperture 3
as a standard method in orthognathic sur- Correction of the septum 4
Nasal airflow measurements
gery2,10,14,15,17,19,25,26,27,29,30,31. Operative
displacement of the maxilla was originally To assess the nasal airflow of each patient
described by WASSMUND32 and AXHAUSEN1. Table 3. Group III: Le Fort I osteotomy with and to provide an objective quantification
None of these studies described the no vertical maxillary displacement. of nasal airway resistance, a technique
metric changes of the nasal cavity in rela- Group III known as anterior active mask rhinoma-
tion to the surgical maxillary movement No vertical maxillary displacement nometry was used. Rhinomanometry is a
because flow measurement only reflects Only anterior sagittal movement [(2.1 mm well established and reliable technique
nasal resistance caused by the narrowest 0.4)] n = 7 that measures nasal patency in terms of
site of the nose. Acoustic rhinometry was Resection of the inferior concha 1 nasal airflow and resistance to airflow. The
introduced by Hilberg et al. in 1989 as an Shortening of the nasal septum 4 pressure–flow relationship detected during
objective method for examining the nasal Contouring of pyriform aperture 4 respiration reflects the functional status of
cavity18. It determines the cross-sectional Correction of the septum 4 the nasal airway. For this study the Rhin-
areas of the nose depending on the dis- nomanometer ATMOS 2000 (Medizin-
tance to the nostril. Software calculates the technik GmbH, Lenzkirch, Germany)
cross-sectional areas on the basis of reflec- external nose. Metric maxillary movement was used. Using a mask technique and a
tion time, change in frequency and ampli- was determined by lateral cephalometric pressure nozzle, placed to occlude one
tude of sound waves applied to the nose. radiographs and orthodontic treatment nostril, it was possible to measure the
Using this method intranasal airway plans. The data were classified according pressure difference between the non-
changes can be localized. to the positioning of the anterior maxilla: occluded nasal airway and the atmo-
Studies that combine both methods are in group I (n = 21) the maxilla was sphere. The pressure difference (P) and
rare. In 1997, Kunkel and Hochban were impacted; in group II (n = 21) the maxilla transnasal airflow (V) were measured at
the first to describe the effect of maxillary was inferior; and in group III (n = 7) only the same time. The recorded values were
movement on nasal volume using acoustic sagittal maxillary movement was per- visualized by a dual channel recorder.
rhinometry but without performing nasal formed. In group I the average amount Transnasal airflow (ml/s) and pressure
resistance measurements19. Erbe et al. of impaction was 3.7 mm (0.53) with a values (Pa) are normally used to calculate
combined acoustic and aerodynamic maximum of 12 mm; in group II there was the uninasal resistance using Ohm‘s law.
assessment in 2001, but only 21 patients, inferior repositioning of 2.7 mm (0.38) Nasal resistance (R) is equal to the ratio of
in whom the maxilla was impacted and with a maximum of 7 mm; in group III pressure drop across the nose (DP) over
advanced, were included in the study14. only sagittal anterior movement the volume rate of nasal airflow (V). Each
The aim of this study was to investigate (2.1 0.4 mm) with a maximum of nasal cavity was investigated individually.
changes in nasal airways after Le Fort I 4 mm was performed. Functional rhino- By transferring the pressure nozzle to the
osteotomy and concomitant functional surgery was performed in all groups, other nostril the resistance value for the
nasal surgery using anterior rhinomano- including resection of the inferior concha, contralateral side was obtained. The
metry and acoustic rhinometry. shortening the nasal septum, contouring values were used to calculate the total
the pyriform aperture and correction of the nasal airway resistance. According to
nasal septum (Tables 1–3). the recommendations of the International
Material and Methods
One week before surgery, all patients Committee on Standardization of Rhino-
49 patients, aged 17–74 years (mean age underwent a standardized examination manometry the authors used the flow mea-
24.8 years), were included in this prospec- including anterior rhinological examina- surements at DP = 150 because at this
tive study. They underwent orthognathic tion, anterior rhinomanometry and acoustic pressure difference there is a laminar air-
surgery at the Department of Oral and rhinometry. Conspicuous findings, such as flow during inspiration.
Maxillofacial Surgery, Marienhospital a deformity of the septum and hyperplasia To evaluate the intranasal dimensions
Stuttgart, Germany, between May 2002 of the concha, were documented. Normal and to detect changes in geometry the
and February 2003. None of the patients nasal breathing was assumed at a total nasal authors used acoustic rhinometry, intro-
had had previous surgery on the internal or airflow of 800 ml/s and pressure values of duced by Hilberg et al (1989) as an
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