Critical Thinking: Daniele Mezzadri Brent Madison Simon Langford
Critical Thinking: Daniele Mezzadri Brent Madison Simon Langford
Critical Thinking: Daniele Mezzadri Brent Madison Simon Langford
Chapter 3
Daniele Mezzadri
Brent Madison
Simon Langford
Chapter 3
The Analysis
of Arguments
1. Arguments
2. Argument Indicators
3. Arguments with no Indicators
4. Argument Structure
S ECTION 1 But what is an argument? What form does it take? We
saw that presenting an argument means to give reasons
Arguments for a conclusion. An argument is a set of claims, some
of which work as reasons for supporting a conclusion,
We do many things when we reason, for example, we and one of them is the conclusion of the argument. In
describe things, give summaries, give explanations, re- logical and critical thinking jargon, the reasons support-
port events, tell stories, jokes, make promises, and so ing a conclusions are called ‘premises’ (or ‘reasons’ or
forth. In previous chapters we discussed some of these ‘assumptions’); ‘premises’ and the ‘conclusion’, in turn,
things, focusing of explanations, descriptions, illustra- are called ‘propositions’: a proposition is the affirma-
tions. tive content of a declarative sentence. With this in
mind, we can say that an argument is:
We also learnt to distin-
guish those purposes of
reasoning from that of pre- A set of propositions (at least) one of which is a
senting an argument. This conclusion and the remainder are premises
is indeed very common. (reasons), intended to support the conclusion.
We very often try to per-
What is a proposition?
suade or convince people
of our point of view, by pre- A proposition is what is expressed by a sentence by
senting to them reasons means of which we say something about the world,
for accepting our conclu- something which is either true or false. A proposition is
sion, or to judge and evaluate other people’s points of expressed by a declarative sentence, or a state-
views and opinions (by evaluating the reasons that sup- ment, or an assertion.
port their conclusion). This is what is called ‘arguing a
Not all sentences of language are declarative, as state-
case’, or ‘presenting an argument’. A crucial compo-
ments are. Sometimes we do other things with lan-
nent of critical thinking is precisely to identify, con-
struct, and evaluate arguments.
guage than making statements. Can you think of any ex- It is vital for our developing critical thinking skills
ample? (skills for analyzing and evaluating arguments) to get
clear on which propositions in an argument work as
premises (reasons) and which of them is the conclu-
sion. Premises and the conclusion have different func-
Exercise 1: Which of the following sentences are proposi-
tions, and which are not propositions? tions in an argument. The conclusion is the position de-
fended, the premises are the reasons given to support
Question 1 of 10 the conclusion.
The sun is shining. An argument might have many different premises, that
is, many different reasons which are supposed to sup-
port its conclusion; schematically, an argument takes
the following form:
A. Proposition Premise 1
Premise 3
Check Answer
Premise n
Questions, commands, expressions of wishes, interjec-
tions or exclamations are typically not propositions.
An example:
Proposition 2 is Premise 2
S ECTION 2 reached on the basis of some reasons/
Argument Indicators
We have seen that in order to identify the component Shamma is crying. So, she must be very sad.
parts of an argument (that is, its conclusion and its
premises), one should look at the role played by the
propositions of the argument. However, there are also
It is clear that the word that indicates the conclusion of
certain words or expressions that usually (but not al-
the argument in the example above is ‘so’. Of course
ways!) help us in identifying the component part of an
there are many other words in English that are gener-
ally used to introduce the conclusion of an argument.
These expressions are called argument indicators, Words that indicate the conclusion in an argument are
because they signal the fact that an argument (with called conclusion indicators.
premises/reasons and a conclusion) has been ad-
These include:
vanced. These are linguistic clues that help us grasp
whether an argument is present. We divide argument So
indicators into premise indicators and conclusion
Exercise 3
Consider the example of argument in the blue
box: Which word in it indicates that an argu- Then
ment has been presented? That is, which word Consequently
in it indicates that a conclusion has been
It follows that
That/This is why indicators (or premise indicators) and they in-
clude such words as:
Which proves/establishes/shows that
From which we can infer that
Because of this
Implies that
As a result
For one thing/for another
and others.
Given that
However, be very careful. Not always does the occur-
rence of these words indicate that a conclusion has The reasons are
been reached, and, more importantly, arguments can
After all
be presented even without the use of these words. We
will consider a few examples later. However, these Follows from that fact that
words are often used to present the conclusion of an ar-
gument, and this is the reason why they are commonly
called conclusion indicators. They indicate the pres- Is implied by
ence of a conclusion, for which reasons have been pre-
Is established by
as shown by
We not only have in English words that characteristi-
cally indicate the presence of a conclusion, we also considering that
have words that we commonly use to indicate the pres- and others.
ence of reasons (or premises), These are called reason
Exercise 4 Exercise 6
The lists of argument indicators above is not ex- Consider the following examples of arguments;
haustive (namely, there can be others). Can you first identify the propositions in them, and iden-
think of any argument indicators (either prem- tify which words, if any, are argument indica-
ise or conclusion indicators) not included in tors; also say which are ‘reason/premise indica-
the lists above? tors’ and which are ‘conclusion indicators’. Fi-
nally, identify the premises and the conclusion
of the arguments.
Exercise 5
1. During the football game he committed a serious
Rewrite the argument in the blue box on page 6 foul, so he deserved to be sent off.
by replacing the argument indicator in it (‘so’)
2. If Al Nasr win against Ajman Club, Al Ain will go to
with each of the following (not all at once)
the top of the league. Since Al Nasr have beaten
(You’ll need to modify the argument a bit when
Ajman Club, Al Ain will be top of the league.
using the new indicators)
3. I am in a traffic jam, so I’m probably going to be late.
• Because 4. Students should not pay any tuition fees for higher
education, because a well educated population bene-
• The reason is fits the country and the country should be prepared
to pay for those benefits.
• Since
5. Studying critical thinking can help you clarify your
thinking and make better choices in belief and ac-
tion. This shows that everyone should study critical
6. Many substantial environmental problems cannot be 11.The patient’s fever and cough are getting worse. The
solved by individual or local action. Given that, for ex- therapy the doctor prescribed, therefore, is not very
ample, the pollution caused by automobile exhaust effective.
gases is a world-wide problem, it follows that such
12.Given the intensity of the sun, the UV levels are ex-
problems can only be addressed by international ac-
tremely high in the UAE. High levels of UV can be
harmful, causing skin cancer as well as genetic muta-
7. Bill will pay the ransom. After all, he loves his wife tions. Therefore, it’s important for UAE residents
and children and would do everything to save them. who spend a lot of time outdoors to wear hats and
sunscreen when exposed to the sun for more than a
8. Takeaway food is cheap, but it is not always nutri-
few minutes.
tious. On the other hand, cooking for oneself is more
time consuming, but one can ensure that all the ma- 13. After all that physical activity you must be very de-
jor food groups are covered. Thus, if one cares more hydrated and tired. So, I suggest you drink a lot of
about one’s health than convenience, then one water and go to bed.
should try to cook for oneself as much as possible.
14. If it’s Friday morning then many shops will be
9. We should increase the minimum wage of workers. closed. So, you should avoid going shopping then.
After all, they’re human beings and deserve to be
Exercise 7
paid fairly. Also, by spending more, they would con-
tribute to the growth of the national economy. Produce one argument of your own, by support-
ing your conclusion with reasons and using ar-
10.In the next few years, more and more people will
gument indicators.
turn to solar energy, especially in the Middle East, be-
cause oil will finish soon, and is likely to become very
expensive for most consumers as well. Solar energy,
on the other hand, will never finish and is cheap to
S ECTION 3 Here the conclusion of the argument is that “it is a
Arguments with No good picture”, while its premises are that “the colours
create a powerful effect of a sunset, which is pleasant to
Indicators look at”, and that “The figures are interesting and very
well drawn”. The conclusion of the argument, however,
is not introduced by any conclusion indicator. How-
In the previous section we saw that some words or ex- ever, the author of the argument could have just as well
pressions are typically used to indicate that a conclu- presented it by saying:
sion of an argument, or that reasons supporting a con-
clusion, are put forward. We called these words argu-
The colours create a powerful effect of a sunset,
ment indicators, and we distinguished between conclu-
which is pleasant to look at. The figures are inter-
sion indicators and reason/premise indicators. esting and very well drawn. Therefore, it is a good
Again, it would be mistaken to think that in arguments
these words are always present. Sometimes arguments
are presented without the use of any argument indica-
tors. Here is another example:
Again, in this argument there are no conclusion indica- The ‘Therefore’ Test
tors or premise indicators, but it is clear that the conclu-
When you are unclear about whether a proposition in
sion of the argument is that the test was unfair, and
an argument works as a premise or as the conclusion of
that this is supported by the reason that “I studied for
the argument, try inserting “therefore” (a “conclusion
days, reading the material many times, underlining im-
indicator”) before it, and consider whether the results
portant details and then studying them” and that “After
makes sense at all. For example, consider one of our ar-
doing all this, I should have got a good grade, but I
guments above:
didn’t”. There are many different ways in which this ar-
gument can be rephrased so that it contains argument
indicators. The most straightforward is probably the fol- The test was unfair. I studied for days, reading
lowing: the material many times, underlining important
details and then studying them. After doing all
this, I should have got a good grade, but I didn’t.
I studied for days, reading the material many
times, underlining important details and then
Does it make sense, for instance, to stick “therefore” af-
studying them. After doing all this, I should have
got a good grade, but I didn’t. So/therefore/thus, ter the first proposition, so that you have this:
the test was unfair.
The answer is clearly ‘no’. This shows that “I studied When you analyse arguments, think of which proposi-
for days, reading the material many times, underlining tions function as premises and which as the conclu-
important details and then studying them” cannot be sion; don’t be misled by the superficial structure of the
the conclusion of the argument. How about this? argument (the conclusion might or might not be the
first proposition in it) nor by the absence of ‘argument
The test was unfair. I studied for indicators’. If uncertain about which of the proposi-
days, reading the material many tions of the argument are the premises and which is the
times, underlining important details conclusion, apply the therefore test.
and then studying them. Therefore,
after doing all this, I should have Exercise 8
got a good grade, but I didn’t.
Consider the following examples of arguments
without any argument indicators; first, identify
the propositions in them, and then identify the
premises and the conclusion of the arguments
This perhaps sounds a little better, but still does not (you can do the ‘therefore test’).
make much sense. It is clear that the best place where
‘therefore’ should go is before “the test was unfair”, be- 1. Certain areas of big European cities are unsafe. Trav-
cause this is the conclusion of the argument. elers should pay extra attention and be careful.
no athlete should have an unfair advantage over oth-
Consider this example: The arguments above have one premise that supports
the conclusion. We can highlight the common structure
of these arguments by means of the following diagram:
During the football game he committed a se-
rious foul, so he deserved to be sent off. Premise P
Side-by-Side Reasons (or Independent Rea- goes some way in supporting the conclusion, whereas
sons) the premises do not support one another, and are not
necessarily related to one another.
The arguments above are very simple, because they are
single-premise arguments. But generally arguments The side-by-side structure of the argument above can
are more complex than that, because we often give be represented by the following diagram:
more than one premise to support our conclusion. An
example of this is the following:
P1 P2
Here the three premises are clearly related to one an- Exercise 9
other, and it is only the combination of the three that
For each of the following arguments, 1) identify
provides support to the conclusion. The fact that the
the propositions in them, 2) identify their prem-
bridge is a cheaper option than the tunnel (P1) does not
ises and conclusion, 3) identify the indicator
constitute a reason for the conclusion that we should
words (if any), and 4) provide a diagram of the
build a bridge and not a tunnel, unless we combine it
argument, showing if the argument has a sim-
with the reason that the problem is serious enough to
plest case, side-by-side, or joint-reasons struc-
be solved (P2) and with the further reason (P3) that we
should adopt whatever option is cheaper. So, clearly, in
the above argument, the premises offered are meant to 1. If they can, students should travel often and widely.
work together to support the conclusion. Premises like For one thing, travel can allow one to practice a for-
these, which have to be taken together to give support eign language outside the classroom. For another,
to their conclusion, are commonly called joint reasons. travel exposes one to diverse cultures. Lastly, travel
can expose one to fun and adventure that one might
We can represent the argument above diagrammati-
be lacking in one’s daily life.
cally in the following way:
2. Field trips for university students should be strongly
P1 P2 P3
encouraged, since university education is not just the-
ory, but also involves the practical application of the-
ory to the real world. Field trips are the ideal opportu-
nity to see theory in practice.
3. Eating meat is wrong, since cows, sheep and chick-
ens are conscious creatures that can feel pain, just
like us, and the meat industry makes cows, sheep
Of course, we can have joint-reasons arguments that and chickens suffer a lot. It’s wrong to make con-
present less (or more) than three joint premises. scious beings suffer a lot.
4. Let's not go to the cinema to watch ‘X-Men’ tonight. 8. Istanbul has a rich and fascinating history and com-
I'm very tired, and the reviews in the newspaper say pared with UAE prices in shops and restaurants are
the film is really bad; Furthermore, we still have all low. Moreover, the flight from Dubai to Istanbul is
those dishes to do, and we need to save some money only four hours. Consequently, for people living in
this month. the UAE Istanbul is an excellent holiday destination.
5. Across the world, in homes, schools and communi- 9. The aim of universities is to provide a well-rounded
ties, millions of children are subject to physical and education. Students, therefore, should major in what
sexual abuse on a daily basis. It is the duty of every intellectually interests them, not what might get
country, therefore, to ensure that it punishes the indi- them the highest paid job after graduation.
viduals who perpetrate these acts of brutality against
10.Caffeine is a stimulant. Stimulants keep people
awake at night. Coffee contains a lot of caffeine. It is
6. Governments around the world must introduce for these reasons that coffee should be avoided, espe-
screenings at airports to prevent Ebola-infected trav- cially at night, by those who have difficulty falling
ellers from spreading the virus. Ebola is a terrible asleep.
disease, with a mortality rate of up to 70%. It can eas-
ily be transmitted through physical contact; and in a
plane, where passengers sit very close to one an-
other, physical contact is very likely to happen.
More than One Conclusion (a Chain of Reason-
C. Joint
Where the premise is that “I have to take over a class Exercise 10
for a colleague of mine who is sick today”, conclusion 1
For each of the following arguments, 1) identify
is that “I can’t go pick up my daughter at school”, and
the propositions in them, 2) identify their prem-
conclusion 2 is that “I should ask my wife to do it in-
ises and conclusion, 3) identify the indicator
stead”. Conclusion 1 is itself a premise for conclusion 2.
words (if any), and 4) provide a diagram of the
This is what we call a chain of reasoning, because
premises are not simply listed together to support a
conclusion, but one premise leads to a conclusion (an 1. Classes should not conclude with students evalua-
intermediate conclusion) which itself leads (as a tions, because students judge their instructors only
premise) to another conclusion, the final conclusion. on the basis of the grades that they think they are go-
ing to get, and so cannot be fair judges.
Diagrammatically, we can represent the structure of
the argument in the green box like this: 2. All world leaders must get together to provide solu-
tions to global warming, because global warming is a
global threat and thus could not be solved by a single
P1 country.
Answers to exercise 10:
Why is it important to distinguish between dif- Mixed Structures
ferent argument structures?
It is very often the case that arguments present a multi-
In critical thinking we are concerned with the analysis plicity of structures all at once; often, that is, argu-
and evaluation of arguments. Our goal is thus to evalu- ments can incorporate more than one structure. An ar-
ate arguments (to distinguish between good and bad ar- gument can thus be side-by-side and joint, or side-by-
guments) and to produce good arguments of our own. side and chain etc.
If we are to evaluate arguments, we have to have a clear
Consider the following argument:
idea of what the conclusion of an argument is, and how
that conclusion is seen as supported by its premises;
this requires that we get clear on what the structure of All university students should study critical
the argument in question is. For example, if the argu- thinking. After all, critical thinking is neces-
ment in question presents side-by-side premises, in or- sary for surviving in the new economy, because
we need to adapt to rapid changes, and make
der to refute the argument (to qualify it as bad) it is not
critical use of information in making decisions.
sufficient to show that one of its premises is bad, be- Also, critical thinking can help us reflect on
cause the other premises, independently of the wrong our values and purposes in life. Finally, critical
one, can provide enough evidence for the conclusion. thinking helps us improve our study skills.
On the other hand, if the argument depends on a joint-
reason structure, showing that a premise is false might
be a reason for rejecting the whole argument. For exam-
ple, consider the argument in the box on page 16: the Let’s analyse the first half of the argument.
fact that the building a bridge is cheaper than building The first proposition “All university students should
a tunnel is not a reason for building a bridge if it is not study critical thinking” is a conclusion derived from the
true that we should adopt the cheapest solution. The premise “critical thinking is necessary for surviving in
same can be said for the chain of reasoning case. the new economy” (notice the “after all” premise indica-
tor there). The latter proposition, in turn, is supported
by the proposition (premise) that “we need to adapt to But look at the rest of the argument, namely at the two
rapid changes and make critical use of information in propositions “critical thinking can help us reflect on
making decisions”. our values and purposes in life” and “critical thinking
helps us improve our study skills”. These are two addi-
Prop. 1: “All university students should study critical
tional reasons (and independent of one another) for
thinking”. (Conclusion 2)
why university students should study critical thinking.
Prop. 2: “Critical thinking is necessary for surviving in So we can complete the analysis of the argument as fol-
the new economy”. (Conclusion 1) lows:
Prop. 3: “We need to adapt to rapid changes, and Prop. 4: “Critical thinking can help us reflect on our
make critical use of information in making decisions”. values and purposes in life”. (Premise 2)
(Premise 1)
Prop. 5: “Critical thinking helps us improve our study
So the diagram so far looks like a chain of reasoning. skills”. (Premise 3)
C1 P2 P3
Let’s consider a different example: The final conclusion in this argument is proposition 1,
“Arabic should be the language of instruction at
Arabic should be the language of instruction at UAEU”. This conclusion is supported by the two joint
UAEU, because Arabic is the official language of premises “Arabic is the official language of the UAE”
the UAE; and UAEU is the national university in (proposition 2/premise1) and “UAEU is the national
the UAE. Furthermore, if teaching were in Arabic, university in the UAE” (proposition 3/premise2).
students would learn more deeply and more
quickly, so they would perform better overall. So far, then, the diagram looks like this:
P1 P2
Let’s first identify all the propositions in the argument.
beings as mere products. Also, the meat industry is
environmentally damaging because it requires large
P1 P2 P3
areas of forest to be cut down to provide space for
the animals to graze.
Mid-Term Practice
Mid-Term Practice
Mid-Term Practice Answer Key