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Chatbot Final Year Project

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• Academic • Assessment • Assessment

• Module
Year Number Type

• Research and
• Individual
• S20 Development Skills in • A1
Computing (ADipIT06)

System Information CHATBOT

Student Id : NP03A180055
Student Name : Aadarsh Rajauriya
Section : ADC5
Module Leader : Biraj Dulal
Lecturer : Biraj Dulal
Word count : 2514

I would like to express my special thanks of to my teacher (Biraj Dulal) who gave me the
golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on the topic (Student information chatbot),
which also helped me in doing a lot of Research and i came to know about so many new
things I am really thankful to them.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................................. 2
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................ 1
1.1. Problem Domain: ............................................................................................... 1
1.2. Student information chatbot as a solution: ......................................................... 2
2. Literature review .................................................................................................... 2
2.1. A brief history of the Student information chatbot ............................................... 2
2.2. Chatbot system example (Similar system) ......................................................... 2
2.2.1. Agentbot: ..................................................................................................... 2
2.2.2. Genie App:................................................................................................... 3
2.3. Working Principles ............................................................................................. 4
2.3.1. Algorithms.................................................................................................... 4
2.3.2. How does Natural Language Processing Works? ....................................... 4
2.4. Analysis to literature ........................................................................................... 5
2.4.1 Why NPL Algorithms ....................................................................................... 5
2.4.2 Review of similar system ................................................................................. 5
3. Development........................................................................................................... 6
3.1. Development Methodology................................................................................. 6
3.1.1. Waterfall method (Traditional method)......................................................... 6
3.2. Iterative model.................................................................................................... 7
3.2.1. Phases in iterative model............................................................................. 8
3.2.2. Why Iterative model ..................................................................................... 9
3.2.3. Techniques and tools for development ........................................................ 9
4. Project Planning ................................................................................................... 11
4.1. Work Breakdown Structure .............................................................................. 11
4.2. Gantt Chart....................................................................................................... 12
5. Probable Issues During the project .................................................................... 13
5.1. Technical Issues .............................................................................................. 13
5.2. Ethical Issues ................................................................................................... 13
6. Conclusion and Recommendation ..................................................................... 14
6.1. Conclusion ....................................................................................................... 14
6.2. Recommendation ............................................................................................. 14
References .................................................................................................................... 15
Wireframe...................................................................................................................... 17

Figure 1 Agent Chatbot Figure (AIVO, 2018) .................................................................. 3

Figure 2 Deakin Genie (Dusa Deakin University student Association inc, 2019) ........... 3
Figure 3 Working Principles (slideshare, 2016) ............................................................... 5
Figure 4 iterative model (JavaTpoint, 2018) .................................................................... 7
Figure 5 Gantt Chart...................................................................................................... 12
1. Introduction
A CHATBOT is a nano bot individual, creature or other animal which holds
discussions with people. This could be a book based (composed) discussion, an
expressed discussion or even a non-verbal discussion. A chatbot - in some cases
alluded to as a chatterbot - is modifying that reproduces the discussion or "babble"
of an individual through book or voice communications. Chatbot remote helpers
are progressively being utilized to deal with straight forward, look-into assignments
in both business-to-purchaser (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B) situations.
The expansion of chatbot aides not just decreases overhead expenses by utilizing
bolster staff time, it likewise permits organizations to give a degree of client care
during hours when live operators aren't accessible (TechTarget, 2019).

Student information chatbot for student information chatbot project will be

developed using artificial intelligence algorithms that will analyze users queries.
This framework will be a web application which will give answers to the dissected
questions of the client. Clients will simply need to choose the class for questions
and afterward ask the inquiry to the bot that will be utilized for noting it. Artificial
intelligence will be used to answer the user's queries Chatbots work nonstop and
give a conversational way to deal with the trading of data between the understudies
and your educators, which makes it incredibly easy to understand and the least
meddling type of give data The user will get the appropriate answers to Queries.
The appropriate responses will be given utilizing the man-made consciousness
calculations. Clients won't need to go actually to the school for request.

1.1. Problem Domain:

In this modern era of technology, people don’t want to waste time to go college
and ask for information tasks like result, time table, and student information. In
traditional ways which are generally time consuming. For that they have in college
different departments, but they still need chatbot for student information. They
need to follow some sets of guidelines and go through each process to get correct
answer. It would be much more time saving if user don’t have to manually enter
the data for information. If the student gets the data with just one click, it will
definitely be more efficient and time saving.

• Students in college has to face some kind of problems regarding information

of the college.
• This can be trouble finding a class and schedule changes.

• Burden for students to get Information of whole staffs and teachers
• Lack of Information about recently held programs and seminars
• Consumes time of students to know Whole information of students and their
• Need to visit person to person for required information.
1.2. Student information chatbot as a solution:
In a college with hues numbers of student and a lot of teachers their can be
possibilities of lack of communication. Student has to face certain problems to
get the information of the activities as that can be time consuming to go and
visit a administration by themselves.
As this student information chatbot has all the necessary information for all the
students. Students can a have this chatbot so that they can gain the time
privilege. They do not need to visit administration. All enquires can be done in
this chatbot system about time schedules, information of teachers, attendance,
examination, Assignment deadline.

2. Literature review
2.1. A brief history of the Student information chatbot
The main users of student information chatbot are college administrators,
teachers and students. This system has built artificial intelligence to answer the
query of the student which can used as a front desk in colleges. A student will
use the technology to check their class schedule, grades, and attendances

2.2. Chatbot system example (Similar system)

2.2.1. Agentbot:
The University (Universidad Siglo 21 and Agentbot) has actualized a virtual
psychological partner which underpins understudies with everyday enquiries
about the college and life on the grounds. The administration additionally
underpins understudies with their enquiries about course content. The
arrangement utilizes AIVO's specialist bot. It's an incredible case of how
subjective administrations can be utilized to help understudies, educators and
bolster groups on the grounds (aftabhussain, 2018).

Figure 1 Agent Chatbot Figure (AIVO, 2018)

2.2.2. Genie App:

Deakin University's (Genie App) has developed smart personal assistant that
supports students during the course of their studies. The capacity to interface
with different grounds datasets enhances Genie's capacity to give on-request
backing to all understudies on the grounds. The application likewise underpins
discourse to-content and content to-discourse cooperation. It's a great case of
a grounds chatbot (aftabhussain, 2018).

Figure 2 Deakin Genie (Dusa Deakin University student Association inc, 2019)

2.3. Working Principles
2.3.1. Algorithms
Natural Language Processing, typically abbreviated as NLP, is a part of man-
made consciousness that manages the communication among PCs and people
utilizing the characteristic language a definitive target of NLP is to peruse,
disentangle, comprehend, and understand the human dialects in a way that is
An NLP based chatbot is a computer program or artificial intelligence that
communicates with a customer via textual or sound methods. Such projects
are regularly intended to help customers on sites or through telephone. The
chatbots are commonly utilized in informing applications like Slack, Facebook
Messenger, or Telegram (Rodriguez, 2019).

2.3.2. How does Natural Language Processing Works?

NLP involves applying calculations to recognize and separate the characteristic
language decides to such an extent that the unstructured language information
is changed over into a structure that PCs can comprehend.
At the point when the content has been given, the PC will use calculations to
separate importance related with each sentence and gather the basic
information from them.
Now and then, the PC may neglect to comprehend the importance of a
sentence well, prompting dark outcomes.
For instance, an entertaining occurrence happened during the 1950s during the
interpretation of certain words between the English and the Russian dialects.
Here is the scriptural sentence that necessary interpretation:
" The spirit is willing, yet the substance is weak."
Here is the outcome when the sentence was meant Russian and back to
"The vodka is good, however the meat is spoiled" (Garbade, 2018).

Figure 3 Working Principles (slideshare, 2016)

2.4. Analysis to literature

2.4.1 Why NPL Algorithms
Natural language processing algorithms is used to analyze text, allowing
machines to understand how human speak. This computer interaction give
some idea about real-world applications like automatic text summarization,
sentiment analysis, topic extraction, named entity recognition, parts-of-
speech tagging, relationship extraction, stemming, and more. Its help in
chatbot system to give better answer. Its best for my project.

2.4.2 Review of similar system

All of the above mentioned systems have their separate chatbot content
team. Because of this there is solution to every student from chatbot . These
systems can give answers of student problems by just using a web
application. The most astonishing feature of these systems is that chatbot
provide step-by-step information about college status.

The only bad aspect or the limitation of these systems is that they did not
use AI . They can only provide query of student. This is the aspect where
my project is going to work on. My student information will be able do
friendly conversation.

3. Development
3.1. Development Methodology
A development methodology refers to the steps that are used to form, plan and
control the process of developing an information system. In a simple way it is
the way of process planning, creating, testing and then deploying a project
(Rachiele, 2018).

Methodology does not define specific methods, even though much attention is
provided to the kinds of processes to be followed in a particular procedure or
to attain an objective. The method described in the methodology defines the
means or modes of data collection or, sometimes how a specific result to be

Some of the Software Development Methodologies are:

• Agile
• Waterfall (a.m. Traditional)
• Incremental
• Spiral
• Evolutionary prototyping

3.1.1. Waterfall method (Traditional method)

The Waterfall Model was the traditional Process Model to be introduced. It is
also referred to as a linear-sequential life cycle model. It is very simple to
understand and use. In a waterfall model, each phase must be completed
before the next phase can begin and there is no overlapping in the phases.
The Waterfall model is the earliest SDLC approach that was used for software
development (sharma, 2016).

The significant weaknesses of the Waterfall Model are as per the following –
• No working programming is delivered until late during the existence

• High measures of hazard and vulnerability.
• Not a decent model for complex and article arranged tasks.
• Poor model for long and progressing ventures (sharma, 2016).

Among all these methodologies, Iterative model is the one that I would be
suitable for my project.

3.2. Iterative model

In an iterative development process, we can start with a minimal set of
requirements, carry out a feasibility study, implement a first prototype, and then
evaluate it. and then proceed iteratively and incrementally, adding new
requirements, extending the system, and delivering a new iteration. in the
software development process. It conducts the development process via a
cyclic manner so that every step is repeated after another (Gharajeh, 2019).

Figure 4 iterative model (JavaTpoint, 2018)

3.2.1. Phases in iterative model

Requirement gathering & analysis: In this stage, necessities are assembled

from clients and check by an expert whether prerequisites will satisfy or not.
analyst watches that need will achieve inside financial plan or not. After the
entirety of this, the product group jumps to the following stage.
Design: In the plan stage, which a software solution to meet the requirements
is designed. This may be a new design, or an extension of an earlier design.
Group structure the product by the various graphs like Data Flow diagram,
activity chart, class diagram, state transition, and so on. System Designing,
also known as system modeling is the process of developing abstract models
of a system. In general it is a process of converting textual requirements
gathered from previous phase into graphical representation. It helps the
developer to understand the functionality of the system. This phase also
decides how the system will operate in terms of the hardware, software and
network infrastructure. (Dennis, Wixom, & Roth, 2019)
Activities carried out in this phase:
• UI/UX Modeling (User Interface Design)
• Context Modeling
• Data Modeling (Database Design)
• Process Modeling (Flow Design)
• Architecture Modeling (Structure Design)
Implementation: In the usage, requirements are written in the coding language
and changed into PC programs which are called Software. when the software
is coded, integrated and tested.
Testing: After finishing the coding stage, programming testing begins utilizing
diverse test strategies. There are many test techniques, however the most
widely recognized are white box, black box, and dim box test strategies.
Deployment: After finishing all the stages, programming is conveyed to its
Review: In this stage, after the item arrangement, survey stage is performed
to check the conduct and legitimacy of the created item. Also, on the off chance
that there are any mistake discovered, at that point the procedure begins again
from the necessity gathering.

Maintenance: In the support stage, after arrangement of the software in the
workplace there might be a few bugs, a few blunders or new updates are
required. Upkeep includes investigating and add new addition options
(JavaTpoint, 2018).

3.2.2. Why Iterative model

• Testing and debugging during smaller iteration is easy.
• A Parallel development can plan.
• It is easily acceptable to ever-changing needs of the project.
• Risks are identified and resolved during iteration.
• Limited time spent on documentation and extra time on designing.

3.2.3. Techniques and tools for development

Software development techniques includes preparing a plan of upcoming work,
estimation of idea, development. Some of the software development
techniques and tools are below:
A) Hardware Components:
• Processor – i5
• Hard Disk – 500 GB
• Memory – 4GB RAM

B) Software Components:
1. Software analysis, architecture and design
• Brainstorming
• Mind-Map
2. Design patterns:
➢ UML tools
• Star UML

3. Database modeling tools:

• MySQL, Oracle

4. Project planning and management:

• Jira

5. Software development methodologies:
• Iterative model

6. Testing
➢ Testing tools and frameworks
• XRAY and others o Issue management tools

7. UX/UI Design
➢ UX Tools
• Adobe XD

8. Implementation
• Word Processor
• Microsoft Office

9. Programming Language
• php

10. IDE
• Visual Studio

11. Versioning Control

• Git

12. Build tools

• Microsoft Azure

13. Database/Data storages

• MySQL, Oracle

14. Application and web servers

• XAMMP Control panel

4. Project Planning
4.1. Work Breakdown Structure


gathering & System Design Testing Deployment Review Maintenance

Identify Web app Test the web

Class Diagram Release Survey stage Feedback
Resources development app

Identify similar Performance

Database Design
systems optimkization

Identify System
Development Wireframe

Identify Tools
and Techniques

4.2. Gantt Chart

Figure 5 Gantt Chart

5. Probable Issues During the project
5.1. Technical Issues

Hardware failure
One of the major issue that may occur during the project is hardware failure.
No matter how careful we are, hardware like hard drive may crash at any time.
Likewise problem in different peripherals like mouse and keyboard may occur.
To mitigate this problem project will be stored in cloud storage as well as
internal hardware. Extra pair of peripherals will also be available to use during
the project.
Version Controlling
As I am a beginner programmer, I have no experience to manage the flow of
programming. While adding new features I might mess up the previous code
and project may fail.
To overcome this issue I will use version controlling tools like “Github”. This
way I can fall back to the previous running code.
Legal issues
Private Dataset accessed and the dataset acquired may not be open use

Incompatible SDLC methodology

Due to the insufficient experience in using different software development
methodologies, the methodology chosen might not be compatible.
To mitigate this problem supervisor plays vital role. His guidance will help to
choose the best methodology before starting the project. Moreover internship
in similar project related companies will also help to build some experiences.

5.2. Ethical Issues

• Copyright problem
• Freedom of information
• Privacy
• Equity and access

6. Conclusion and Recommendation
6.1. Conclusion

In conclusion, Student information chatbot is a web application that uses

emerging Artificial Intelligence technology known as “NPL”. which will provide
answers to the analyzed queries of the user. Users will just have to select the
category for queries and then ask the query to the bot that will be used for
answering it. It can also be used as normal and traditional and massage system
as well. The main purpose of building this application is to make chatbot a little
faster and easier to teachers and students. There are already many similar web
applications but they are using simple chatbot system. So this web application
tries to break this barrier a little bit and allows users to perform interaction
between college system.

6.2. Recommendation

No any system in the world is perfect. Neither is this one. This is a simple
system that can do give the information to student about college. Chatbots work
round the clock and provide a conversational approach to the exchange of
information between the students and your teachers, which makes it extremely
user-friendly and the least intrusive form of provide information. We can also
develop smart personal assistant that supports students during the course of
their studies.

We can also work on smart personal assistance As mentioned in section

Error! Reference source not found. most of the chatbot systems are based
on android application and in future I also implement in web application in to
android application.

aftabhussain. (2018, August 19). 5 use cases for a campus chatbot. 5 use cases for a
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Dennis, A., Wixom, B. H., & Roth, M. R. (2019). Design. In Systems Analysis and
Design (7 ed., p. 385). John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Retrieved from
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Garbade, D. j. (2018, octuber 15). M. Retrieved 5 10, 2020, from Becominghuman.ai:
Gharajeh, M. S. (2019, August). ResearchGate. Retrieved 5 13, 2020, from
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Rachiele, G. (2018, april 9). medium. Retrieved 5 12, 2020, from medium.com:

Rodriguez, R. (2019, August 17). Quora. Retrieved 5 11, 2020, from
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sharma, l. (2016, april 17). toolsqa. Retrieved 5 13, 2020, from toolsqa.com:
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