College Enquiry Chat Bot
College Enquiry Chat Bot
College Enquiry Chat Bot
Abstract Chat bots typically provide a text-based user interface, allowing the user to type commands and receive text as well as text to speech
response. Chat bots are usually stateful services, remembering previous commands in order to provide functionality. When chat bot technology
is integrated with popular web services it can be utilized securely by an even larger audience. The college enquiry chat bot will be built using
artificial algorithms that analyzes users queries and understand users message. This System will be a web application [3] which provides answer
to the query of the student very effectively. Students just have to put their query to the bot which is used for chatting. The system will use the
artificial intelligence algorithms to give appropriate answers to the user. If the answer is found invalid, then some system to declare the answer
as invalid can be incorporated. These invalid answers can be deleted or modified by the admin of the system. The student will not have to go to
the college for enquiring something. Student can use the chat bot to get the answers to their queries. Students can use this web based system for
making enquiries at any point of time. This system may help students to stay updated with the college activities.
Keywords- chatbot, chatterbot, pattern matching, keyword matching.
Level 0:
Level 2.2:
Level 1:
IJRITCC | March 2017, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 3 463 466
Level 2.3: year So, we are going to remove these stop words like is,
the using pre-processing technique.
Step 7: Exit.
Future Scope
IV. METHODOLOGY In the future scope of this project, we can include voice based
queries. The users will have to give voice input and the system
The incremental build model is a method of software will give the text output and while giving it, it will give a
development where the product is designed, implemented and voice output as well.
tested incrementally (a little more is added each time) until the
product is finished.
The main objective of the project is to develop an algorithm
This model combines the elements of the waterfall model with that will be used to identify answers related to user submitted
questions. The need is to develop a database where all the
the iterative philosophy of prototyping.
related data will be stored and to develop a web interface. The
web interface developed will have two parts, one for simple
users and one for the administrator.
A background research took place, which included an
overview of the conversation procedure and any relevant chat
bots available. A database will be developed, which will store
information about questions, answers, keywords, logs and
feedback messages. A usable system will be designed,
developed and deployed to the web server.
[1] J. Bang, H. Noh, Y. Kim and G. G. Lee, "Example-based chat-
oriented dialogue system with personalized long-term
memory," 2015 International Conference on Big Data and
Smart Computing (BIGCOMP), Jeju, 2015.
The basic algorithm that will be implemented for working of [2] E. Haller and T. Rebedea, "Designing a Chat-bot that Simulates
this proposed system is as follows: an Historical Figure," 2013 19th International Conference on
Control Systems and Computer Science, Bucharest, 2013.
Step 1: Start. [3] S. J. du Preez, M. Lall and S. Sinha, "An intelligent web-based
voice chat bot," EUROCON 2009, EUROCON '09. IEEE, St.-
Step 2: Get the user query. (INPUT) Petersburg, 2009.
[4] Y. Chen, W. Wang and Z. Liu, "Keyword-based search and
Step 3: Pre-processing of the query E.g. suppose there is this exploration on databases," 2011 IEEE 27th International
query what are the subjects for CSE first Conference on Data Engineering, Hannover, 2011.
IJRITCC | March 2017, Available @