Performance Task: Situational Application of Sociological Perspectives
Performance Task: Situational Application of Sociological Perspectives
Performance Task: Situational Application of Sociological Perspectives
2. From your chosen topic in number 1, you will illustrate your understanding of the concept through a personal
situation or a situational citation, which you can extract from the Internet (include the link as reference for the
situational citation).
3. Upon illustration (using pictures, caricatures, or any descriptive form (movies, current events/documentary,
existing social, cultural, and political practices, etc. that will best demonstrate your concept), you will substantiate how
your personal situation or the situational citation is related to the topic of your choice applying the principles that we
have discussed.
Persuasively supports Supports main point with Supports main point with Provides little or no
main point with well- developed reasons and/or some underdeveloped support for the main
Support developed reasons and/or examples reasons and/or examples point
Organization & Effectively organizes Organizes ideas to build Some organization of Little or no organization
Format ideas to build a logical, an argument ideas to build an of ideas to build an
(Paragraphs, coherent argument argument argument
Language Use, Effective and creative Appropriate use of Some use of elements of Little or no use of
Style & use of elements of style elements of sty le style elements of style
Conventions to enhance meaning.
(Sentence Uses correct grammar, Many errors in grammar,
structure, word spelling, punctuation Contains frequent errors spelling, and
choice, throughout with very Uses correct grammar, in grammar, spelling, punctuation, make
grammar, few errors spelling, and punctuation and punctuation reader’s comprehension
spelling, with few errors difficult.
Originality Distinctive research with Sufficient research with Very little research to No research nor
language and usage to language and usage to enhance concepts enhancement of concepts
(Expression of enhance concepts enhance concepts
the theme in a
creative way) Applies higher order Applies basic creative
thinking and creative skills to relay ideas Does not exhibit No adherence to the
skills to relay complex creativity theme/concept