Current State of Noninvasive, Continuous.12 PDF
Current State of Noninvasive, Continuous.12 PDF
Current State of Noninvasive, Continuous.12 PDF
OPINION Current state of noninvasive, continuous monitoring
modalities in pediatric anesthesiology
Jan J. van Wijk a, Frank Weber a, Robert J. Stolker b, and Lonneke M. Staals a
Purpose of review
The last decades, anesthesia has become safer, partly due to developments in monitoring. Advanced
monitoring of children under anesthesia is challenging, due to lack of evidence, validity and size
constraints. Most measured parameters are proxies for end organ function, in which an anesthesiologist is
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actually interested. Ideally, monitoring should be continuous, noninvasive and accurate. This present review
summarizes the current literature on noninvasive monitoring in noncardiac pediatric anesthesia.
Recent findings
For cardiac output (CO) monitoring, bolus thermodilution is still considered the gold standard. New noninvasive
techniques based on bioimpedance and pulse contour analysis are promising, but require more refining in
accuracy of CO values in children. Near-infrared spectroscopy is most commonly used in cardiac surgery
despite there being no consensus on safety margins. Its place in noncardiac anesthesia has yet to be
determined. Transcutaneous measurements of blood gases are used mainly in the neonatal intensive care unit,
and is finding its way to the pediatric operation theatre. Especially CO2 measurements are accurate and useful.
New techniques are available to assess a child’s hemodynamic and respiratory status while under
anesthesia. These new monitors can be used as complementary tools together with standard monitoring in
children, to further improve perioperative safety.
bioimpedance, near-infrared spectroscopy, noninvasive monitoring, transcutaneous measurements
0952-7907 Copyright ß 2020 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Technology, education and safety
Cardiac output Mobil-O-Graph (I.E.M. PCA Zocalo et al. [22 ] Oscillometric cuff placed around
BP, blood pressure; CO, cardiac output; ETT, endotracheal tube; FINAP, finger arterial pressure; MAP, mean arterial pressure; PCA, pulse contour analysis.
0952-7907 Copyright ß 2020 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. 783
Technology, education and safety
(low-impedance state), causes changes in electrical Despite significant scientific efforts during the
conductivity and electrical impedance [24]. In pedi- last two decades aiming at the definition of normal
atric patients studies showed agreement, but not ranges [36,37] and lower safety margins [38–41] of
consistently [25–27]. Observational studies with cerebral r-SO2 in children, consensus regarding
the ICON monitor in 402 children, ranging from these important targets has not yet been reached.
preterm neonates to teenagers, showed that contin- Many pediatric anesthesiologists have adopted com-
uous cardiovascular parameter assessment was fea- mon adult patient intervention limits like baseline r-
sible during anesthesia for patients of all sizes and SO2 20% or an absolute value less than 55% [35].
that it provided useful, real-time information Gómez-Pesquera et al. [42 ] recently demonstrated
regarding adverse hemodynamic changes and the the association of a decrease in cerebral r-SO2 of less
response to interventions [24,28]. than 20% and negative behavioral changes on post-
Bioreactance is the analysis of the variation in the operative day 7 in noncardiac pediatric patients.
frequency spectra of a delivered oscillating current Kamata et al. [43 ] reported a decrease in cerebral
that occurs when the current traverses the thoracic r-SO2 values during laparoscopic surgery in children,
cavity. It is less susceptible to interference than bio- not reaching awake baseline levels, while hemody-
impedance [17,29]. NICOM CO values showed a namic and respiratory parameters remained
good correlation and agreement with echocardiogra- unchanged. Costerus et al. [44 ] reported decreases
phy during anesthesia in pediatric patients with nor- in cerebral r-SO2 (10% from baseline) during neo-
mal heart anatomy, but no agreement in pediatric natal thoracoscopic surgery and favorable neuro-
patients with a cardiac defect [30]. In children under- developmental outcome within 24 months despite
going major abdominal surgery, the NICOM showed severe intraoperative acidosis.
poor correlation between confidence interval values Two recent studies conducted in infants found
obtained by bioreactance and TED [31]. no evidence of an effect of awake caudal [45 ] and
A meta-analysis of CO monitoring devices in spinal [46] anesthesia on cerebral r-SO2.
adults found that no noninvasive device or technol-
ogy was interchangeable with bolus thermodilu-
tion; the percentage of error was 42% for RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN NEAR-
bioimpedance and 45% for noninvasive PCA, where INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY MONITORING
a maximum of 30% percentage of error is considered The list of new applications of NIRS monitoring in
acceptable [32]. Still, the noninvasive CO monitors pediatric anesthesiology is continuously growing.
could be interesting bedside monitors, as the per- Combined cerebral and peripheral (muscle)
centage of error was similar to that of minimally NIRS monitoring is a new trend, with some initial
invasive CO monitors, such as FloTrac (Edward Life- evidence of its capability to detect early stage cen-
sciences Corp., Irvine, California, USA). tralization [47].
The calculation of fractional regional tissue oxy-
gen extraction [FTOE ¼ (SaO2 rSO2)/SaO2] [48], a
NEAR-INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY composite parameter reflecting the regional oxygen
Almost 30 years after the introduction of the first delivery/consumption balance is also becoming
commercially available NIRS monitor the value of increasingly used.
NIRS and its applicability in pediatric anesthesia are Jildenstål et al. [49 ] found an acceptable level of
still a matter of debate. agreement between frontal and occipital recordings
NIRS is still misunderstood while a short intro- of cerebral rSO2, introducing the possibility to apply
duction to its technical background would help to NIRS during surgical procedures where the forehead
use it in the best interest of patients at risk of is not available for sensor placement.
inadequate tissue oxygenation [33,34 ,35]. NIRS Neunhoeffer et al. [50] found a positive effect of
provides blood flow independent real time informa- red blood cell transfusion on FTOE and cerebral r-
tion regarding regional tissue oxygenation (r-SO2), SO2 in postsurgical infants, suggesting the feasibility
and the oxygen uptake/consumption balance. It of both parameters as transfusion triggers.
should not be confused with pulse oximetry. Smarius et al. [51 ] observed a significant reduc-
Cerebral NIRS monitoring has become a stan- tion in cerebral r-SO2 induced by hyperextension of
dard monitoring tool in many pediatric cardiac the neck during positioning for cleft palate repair
centers and neonatal ICUs. In noncardiac pediatric surgery in children.
anesthesiology, however, NIRS has not yet become Lang et al. [52 ] found initial evidence of addi-
part of the standard monitoring equipment, and the tional value of perioperative cerebral NIRS monitor-
price of the disposables certainly requires careful ing as a measure of intracranial pressure in
patient selection. symptomatic pediatric hydrocephalus patients.
0952-7907 Copyright ß 2020 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. 785
Technology, education and safety
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0952-7907 Copyright ß 2020 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. 787