Significant Prognostic Impact of Improvement in Ve
Significant Prognostic Impact of Improvement in Ve
Significant Prognostic Impact of Improvement in Ve
5 115
9 authors, including:
Kazuhiro Tatsumi
Kobe University
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
All content following this page was uploaded by Kensuke Matsumoto on 20 April 2017.
Received 19 October 2015; accepted after revision 19 November 2015; online publish-ahead-of-print 24 December 2015
Aims The purpose of this study was to investigate the prognostic impact of the changes in ventriculo-arterial (VA) coupling
during dobutamine stress on the cardiovascular events for patients with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM).
Methods For this study, 89 DCM patients with ejection fractions of 32 + 10% and 30 normal controls were recruited. Ees was
and results estimated with the non-invasive single-beat method using three-dimensional echocardiography at rest and during do-
butamine stress (20 mg/kg/min). Effective arterial elastance (Ea) was calculated as left ventricular (LV) end-systolic pres-
sure divided by stroke volume, and VA coupling was calculated as Ea/Ees. Event-free survival was then tracked for 32
months. At baseline, VA coupling was far from optimal in patients with DCM compared with controls (Ea/Ees:
2.49 + 1.02 vs. 1.04 + 0.21, P , 0.001). During the follow-up period, 22 patients developed adverse cardiovascular
events. During dobutamine stress, VA coupling was significantly improved in patients without cardiovascular events
(from 2.47 + 1.09 to 1.59 + 0.68, P , 0.001), but remained unchanged in those with cardiovascular events. A multi-
variate Cox proportional-hazards analysis revealed that age, NYHA functional class (.II), and the change in VA coup-
ling during dobutamine stress were the independent determinants of cardiovascular events (P , 0.05, ,0.01, and
,0.001, respectively). When patients were divided into two subgroups based on the finding of receiver operating char-
acteristic curve analysis, patients with good VA coupling reserve (cut-off: change in VA coupling. 0.29) showed signifi-
cantly favourable event-free survival than those with poor VA coupling reserve (P , 0.001).
Conclusions Improvement in VA coupling during dobutamine stress is an important determinant of cardiovascular outcome for
patients with DCM.
Keywords dilated cardiomyopathy † ventricular contractility † ventriculo-arterial coupling † dobutamine stress
echocardiography † cardiac work efficiency † left ventricular energetics
* Corresponding author. Tel: +81 78 382 5846; Fax: +81 78 382 5859. E-mail: [email protected]
Published on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology. All rights reserved. & The Author 2015. For permissions please email: [email protected].
Impact of changes in VA coupling during dobutamine stress 1297
ejection fraction (EF),4,5 or even novel speckle-tracking strain6,7 is 2.5-MHz 3D matrix array transducer (Toshiba Medical Systems, Tochigi,
highly load dependent. Thus, all of these measures of LV perform- Japan). Digital 3D volume data were obtained from the apical view by
ance could lead to misleading results. On the other hand, end- means of electrocardiogram-gated acquisition at baseline and during
systolic ventricular elastance (Ees), the slope of the end-systolic peak dobutamine stress. After gain settings were optimized for endo-
cardial visualization, three to four data sets were acquired and stored
pressure– volume relationship, is thought to be a load-independent
digitally for offline analysis. Based on the time – volume curve, LV
index of myocardial contractility.8,9 And its coupling with the effect-
end-diastolic (EDV) and end-systolic volumes (ESV) and LVEF were
ive arterial elastance (Ea) is considered to be the principal determin-
obtained. Blood pressure and heart rate were obtained continuously
ant of net cardiovascular performance.10 However, the potential throughout the echocardiographic examination.
impact of LV contractile reserve assessed by entirely non-invasively
obtained Ees and ventriculo-arterial (VA) coupling on the patients’ Estimation of LV end-systolic elastance,
prognosis has not been fully investigated. effective arterial elastance, and VA coupling
The purpose of this study was therefore to investigate the prog- Ees was estimated by using the non-invasive single-beat technique as
nostic impact of the changes in VA coupling using non-invasive previously described by Chen et al. 13 (determined from blood pressure,
single-beat method during dobutamine stress on the cardiovascular stroke volume, pre-ejection and total systolic periods, LVEF, and an es-
outcome in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). timated normalized ventricular elastance at arterial end-diastole). The
effective arterial elastance (Ea) was calculated as the ratio of the end-
systolic pressure to the stroke volume10 (Ea ¼ ESP/SV). VA coupling
Methods was then obtained as the ratio of arterial to ventricular elastance
(Ea/Ees), which is considered to be the principal determinant of net
Study population cardiovascular performance. LV end-systolic pressure was estimated
This study is a substudy of our previous research investigating the rela- from arterial systolic pressure × 0.9.14,15 Systemic vascular resistance
tionship between bi-ventricular contractile reserve and cardiovascular (SVR), the non-pulsatile component of afterload, was determined by
prognosis in patients with DCM using dobutamine stress echocardiog- dividing (mean arterial pressure-5)/cardiac output × 80.
raphy.7 Among 120 patients recruited in the previous study, we retro-
spectively included 101 patients who underwent simultaneous Estimate of LV energetics
three-dimensional (3D) echocardiography during dobutamine stress For simplicity, we assumed that the PV loop could be regarded as a rect-
test, and 30 age- and gender-matched normal controls in this study. angle whose height was end-systolic pressure and whose width was
Six of these subjects (6%) were excluded from all subsequent analyses stroke volume16 (Figure 1). Under the simplifying assumption, stroke
because of suboptimal quality of images as were six (6%) with atrial fib- work (SW) was approximated as the product of SV and end-systolic
rillation. Exclusion criteria also included the presence of other major pressure. In addition, the pressure – volume area (PVA) can be defined
cardiac arrhythmias and more than moderate organic valvular disease. as the sum of potential energy (PE) and SW, which has been defined
The final study population thus comprised 119 subjects (89 patients by Suga et al. 17 as the total mechanical energy required for ejection of
with DCM and 30 normal controls). The diagnosis of DCM was estab-
lished on the basis of the following criteria: (i) the presence of LV dila-
tion (LV end-diastolic diameter ≥55 mm); (ii) reduced LV EF (all ≤45%);
(iii) coronary angiographic evidence of the absence of coronary artery
disease defined as .50% stenosis of a major epicardial vessel or a his-
tory of myocardial infarction; (iv) the absence of cardiac muscle disease
secondary to any known systemic diseases; and (v) no evidence of ex-
cessive alcohol intake, toxin exposure, or history of myocarditis. At the
time of enrolment, all patients were in clinically stable condition and
undergoing optimal and maximally tolerated pharmacological therapy.
This study was approved by the local ethics committee of our institu-
tion, and written informed consent was obtained from all subjects.
Echocardiographic examination
Transthoracic echocardiography was performed with a commercially
available ultrasound system (Aplio Artida; Toshiba Medical Systems,
Tochigi, Japan). Standard LV measurements were obtained in accord-
ance with the current guidelines of the American Society of Echocardi-
ography/European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging.11 LV ejection Figure 1 Schematic presentation of VA coupling on the pres-
flow waveform was acquired from apical long-axis view by positioning sure – volume plane. The solid line represents the end-systolic
the pulsed-wave Doppler sample volume just below the aortic annulus. pressure – volume relationship and the slope of this line shows
Isovolumic contraction time (ICT) was then measured as the time be- the end-systolic LV elastance (Ees), while the dashed line shows
tween the onset of QRS wave and the aortic valve opening, and ejection the effective arterial elastance (Ea). The brown rectangular area re-
time (ET) was defined as the time between the aortic valve opening and presents the SW and the green triangular area shows the PE. EDV,
the valve closure. end-diastolic volume; ESV, end-systolic volume; ESP, end-systolic
All 3D echocardiographic studies were performed in accordance pressure; V0, volume axis intercept of ventricular end-systolic
with the current guidelines of the American Society of Echocar- pressure– volume relation.
diography/European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging12 using a
1298 K. Matsumoto et al.
the blood. As an index of the energy efficiency of ventricular contrac- Baseline characteristics
tion, cardiac work efficiency was calculated as the ratio of SW to the
The baseline clinical and echocardiographic characteristics of the 89
DCM patients and 30 age- and gender-matched normal controls are
summarized in Table 1. As expected, patients with DCM exhibited
Dobutamine stress test significant global LV remodelling along with the reduced LV contrac-
All patients underwent dobutamine stress echocardiography in incre- tion in comparison with normal controls. With respect to the base-
mental stages lasting 5 min each. The initial dose was 5 mg/kg/min and line haemodynamic characteristics, baseline Ees was significantly
was increased first to 10 mg/kg/min and finally to the maximal dose of smaller for patients with DCM. Of note was that, Ees was nearly
20 mg/kg/min.18 LV contractile reserve was defined as the absolute dif-
equal to Ea in the normal control, while Ees was less than one-half
ferences between baseline stroke volume index (SVI), cardiac index
of Ea in patients with DCM (1.04 + 0.21 vs. 2.49 + 1.02, P , 0.001).
(CI), LVEF, WMSI, Ees and VA coupling, and corresponding values ob-
tained at peak stress (DSVI, DCI, DLVEF, DWMSI, DEes, and DVA coup- This coupling ratio resulted in increased PE (3181 + 1484 vs.
ling, respectively). Ongoing medical therapy including b-blockers 1742 + 514 mmHg mL/m2, P , 0.001) and decreased cardiac
remained unchanged at the time of stress testing. work efficiency (46 + 9 vs. 66 + 9%, P , 0.001) for patients with
Long-term follow-up analysis
Unfavourable events were pre-specified as primary endpoints of death
Dobutamine stress echocardiography
from or hospitalization for deteriorating HF, and sudden cardiac death. Table 2 shows the comparisons of haemodynamic and echocardio-
Follow-up was conducted for a median of 31.8 (16.8 – 52.6) months. graphic parameters between subgroups with and without cardiovas-
cular events, and changes in these parameters during dobutamine
Statistical analyses stress. And group-averaged pressure – volume loops before and
after dobutamine stress are schematically presented in Figure 2. As
Continuous variables were expressed as mean values + SD or percen-
tages for normal distribution. For non-normally distributed data, the
for the echocardiographic indices of LV contraction, in patients
median and inter-quartile ranges are shown. Group comparisons without cardiovascular events both LVEF and WMSI improved sig-
were performed by using the unpaired t-test, and the paired t-test nificantly along with a significant decrease in LV volumes in response
was used for comparison of continuous variables. Proportional differ- to dobutamine, while these responses were blunted in patients with
ences were evaluated by means of Fisher’s exact test or the x 2 test as cardiovascular events. In terms of haemodynamic parameters, do-
appropriate. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were com- butamine infusion significantly increased the total mechanical energy
puted to determine the optimal cut-off points for predicting cardiovas- consumption as evidenced by an increase in PVA (from 5937 +
cular events. The Kaplan – Meier curve was constructed to assess 2107 to 7542 + 3384 mmHg mL/m2; P , 0.001). On the other
cardiovascular event-free survival during the follow-up period, and hand, VA coupling improved significantly in patients without cardio-
event rates were compared by means of the log-rank test. The associa-
vascular events (from 2.47 + 1.09 to 1.59 + 0.68, P , 0.001), so
tions of clinical and echocardiographic parameters with cardiovascular
that cardiac work efficiency improved significantly in response to
events were identified by Cox proportional-hazards model for both uni-
variate and multivariate analyses. In the selection of the univariate vari-
dobutamine (from 47 + 9 to 57 + 9%, P , 0.001) in these patients.
ables, all the established clinical and echocardiographic prognostic On the other hand, VA coupling did not change at all during dobu-
markers were selected as dependent variables regardless of the results tamine stress in patients with cardiovascular events (from 2.55 +
of the group comparisons. Variables with a univariate value of P , 0.10 0.82 to 2.39 + 0.99), so that total mechanical energy consumption
were incorporated into the stepwise selection, while age and gender increased significantly but without improvement in cardiac work ef-
were forced into the multivariate analysis regardless of their association ficiency (from 45 + 8 to 47 + 10%) for this group.
on univariate analysis. To avoid collinearity in situations where .2 vari-
ables measured a pathophysiological parameter (e.g. LV end-systolic vol-
Prognostic factor of cardiovascular events
ume index and LV EF as markers of LV contraction), clinically more
relevant parameter was entered into stepwise selection. The intra-class Based on the findings of ROC curve analyses, we divided the pa-
correlation coefficient was used to determine inter- and intra-observer tients into two subgroups according to LVEF (DLVEF: cut-off value
reproducibilities from 10 randomly selected subjects. For all steps, a of 6.4%), Ees (DEes: cut-off value of 0.29 mmHg/mL), and VA coup-
P-value of ,0.05 was considered statistically significant. MedCalc ling response (DVA coupling: cut-off value of 0.86), respectively. Pa-
12.3.0 (MedCalc Software, Mariakerke, Belgium) was used for all statis- tients with good LVEF response showed significantly favourable
tical analyses. event-free survival than those with poor response (Figure 3A). Simi-
larly, patients with good Ees response and good VA coupling re-
sponse exhibited significantly favourable survival than the others,
Results respectively (Figure 3B and C). When adverse cardiovascular events
were restricted to only hard event (i.e. death from HF or sudden
Long-term follow-up cardiac death), patients with good VA coupling response experi-
Of the 89 DCM patients who met all inclusion criteria, none were enced significant favourable survival than the others (Figure 4A).
lost to follow-up. During the median follow-up period of 31.8 Similarly, when adverse cardiovascular events were restricted to
months, 22 patients (25%) developed adverse cardiovascular events, only soft event (i.e. hospitalization from HF), patients with good
with 2 patients dying of HF, 4 of sudden cardiac death, and the re- VA coupling response showed significant favourable survival than
maining 16 being hospitalized due to worsening HF. the others (Figure 4B).
Impact of changes in VA coupling during dobutamine stress 1299
The hazard ratio (HR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) for each CI: 0.973 – 0.998) for Ea, and 0.991 (95% CI: 0.965 – 0.998) for VA
of the variables of the univariate and multivariate Cox proportional- coupling. The inter-observer variability for these measurements
hazards analyses are shown in Table 3. An important finding of the was 0.979 (95% CI: 0.915 – 0.995), 0.973 (95% CI: 0.891 – 0.993),
multivariate analysis was that not only age and NYHA functional and 0.991 (95% CI: 0.962 –0.998), respectively.
class but also DVA coupling (HR: 0.162, P , 0.001) were independ- The additional time required for obtaining 3D images was mark-
ently associated with cardiovascular events. edly short at 2.6 + 0.8 min for patient, and only 3.2 + 0.8 min was
needed to analyse 3D echocardiographic data during both resting
Feasibility and reproducibility of condition and during dobutamine infusion.
The feasibility of the 3D echocardiography in our study was as high
as 94%. The intra-observer variability assessed in terms of intra-
class correlation coefficient was 0.993 (95% CI: 0.972 – 0.998) The study reported here is the first to demonstrate the prognostic
for LVEF, 0.990 (95% CI: 0.959 – 0.998) for Ees, 0.993 (95% capability of the assessment of changes in VA coupling using 3D
1300 K. Matsumoto et al.
Table 2 The comparisons of haemodynamic and echocardiographic parameters between subgroups with and without
cardiovascular events, and changes in these parameters during dobutamine stress
non-invasive single-beat method during dobutamine stress for pa- cardiac death. On the other hand, Ramahi et al. 4 have shown that
tients with DCM. Left ventricle and vasculature were found to be ef- an increase in LVEF during high-dose dobutamine echocardiography
fectively coupled to maximize SW (i.e. Ea ¼ Ees) in the normal heart, is a strong predictor of survival for patients with DCM, independent
while in patients with DCM, coupling ratio was far from ideal condi- of the baseline value of LVEF. However, analysis of wall motion, such
tion, which could no longer maintain SW properly and resulted in the as WMSI3 and LVEF4,5 during dobutamine infusion, is subjective as
mechanical uncoupling. In response to low-dose dobutamine, Ees, VA well as highly load dependent, and its accuracy depends largely on
coupling and cardiac work efficiency improved significantly in patients the experience of the operators. On the other hand, we recently re-
without cardiovascular events, but total mechanical energy increased ported the prognostic utility of contractile reserve assessed by
without improvement in cardiac work efficiency in those with cardio- means of quantitative speckle-tracking strain in patients with
vascular events. Moreover, the quantitative assessment of changes in DCM, and that contractile reserve assessed on 3D global circumfer-
VA coupling proved to be highly effective for prognostic risk stratifi- ential strain was found to be a more robust prognostic parameter
cation for patients with DCM. than that assessed by WMSI or LVEF to predict adverse cardiovas-
cular events.6 Thus, the application of quantitative speckle-tracking
echocardiography to the arena of dobutamine stress test was ex-
Assessment of ventricular contractility pected to remove the subjective nature associated with visual assess-
and its inotropic reserve ment during stress testing. In patients with HF, however, it is known
Dobutamine stress echocardiography is used to assess the progno- that dobutamine stress has varied effects on afterload depending on
sis for HF patients and its usefulness is well recognized.2 – 7 Pratali the severity of HF.19 Actually, dobutamine infusion showed the het-
et al. 3 studied 184 patients with DCM with high-dose dobutamine erogeneous effects on the vasculature with this relatively low-dose
stress echocardiography and found the contractile reserve assessed protocol in this study. Although SVR decreased during dobutamine
in terms of change in the WMSI was the independent predictor of stress from 1323 + 441 to 1096 + 434 dynes s/cm5 in the entire
Impact of changes in VA coupling during dobutamine stress 1301
Figure 2 Schematic presentation of group-averaged pressure – volume loops before and after dobutamine stress for patients without (A) and
with (B) cardiovascular events. The black line shows baseline pressure – volume loop trajectories, and the coloured line shows those obtained
during dobutamine stress.
group of the patients, dobutamine infusion reduced SVR . 10% in 57 than with two-dimensional method and has an accuracy that is
(64%), remained unchanged in 16 (18%), and increased .10% in 16 similar to magnetic resonance imaging.23
patients (18%), respectively. Thus, conventional measures of LV con-
tractile reserve including LVEF, WMSI, and even novel speckle-
tracking strain, which are highly dependent on loading conditions, Importance of VA coupling and
may not accurately reflect the changes in ventricular contractility dur- LV energetics
ing dobutamine stress. The conditions for coupling of ventricular contractility with arterial
On the other hand, the concept of contractility is an intrinsic load have been predicted theoretically and validated experimental-
property of ventricular contraction relatively independent of ly.15,24 Previous investigators clearly showed that SW is maximized
preload and afterload. 8,9 Thus, one can speculate that the when effective arterial elastance equals end-systolic elastance15 (i.e.
changes in ventricular contractility may be a more robust and re- Ees ¼ Ea), whereas cardiac work efficiency is maximized when ef-
liable marker to assess true inotropic reserve. In the 1970s, Suga fective arterial elastance is approximately one-half of end-systolic
et al. 8 and Sagawa9 established the concept of end-systolic ela- elastance (i.e. Ees ¼ 2Ea).24 In this study, the left ventricle and
stance as a reliable marker of ventricular contractility. Although vasculature were observed to be effectively coupled to maximize
Ees is considered to be the theoretical gold standard of LV con- the SW (i.e. Ees ¼ Ea) in the normal heart, while coupling ratio
tractility, its clinical applicability has been limited due to its inva- was far from ideal condition, which could no longer maintain SW
siveness and complex measurement procedure. To resolve these properly and resulted in the mechanical uncoupling in the failing
problems, several investigators have proposed single-beat esti- heart.
mation of end-systolic elastance without changing the loading During dobutamine stress, improvement in VA coupling was
conditions.20,21 More recently, by using two-dimensional echo- found to be important determinants of cardiovascular outcome
cardiography, completely non-invasive single-beat estimation of for HF patients, while change in Ees and LVEF was not an independ-
Ees has been advocated and validated against invasive measure- ent determinant of adverse cardiovascular events. Thus, when one
ments both at rest and during dobutamine stress.13,22 When considers the compensatory mechanisms of the cardiovascular sys-
an entirely non-invasive single-beat Ees is obtained, we can quan- tem, the ability to adjust VA coupling may be more important for
tify LV end-systolic elastance and LV energetics by measuring maintaining a stable compensated condition in patients with chronic
only several easily obtainable echocardiographic parameters. In HF than the ability to augment the LV contractility in response to
this regard, accurate and reproducible quantitative assessment sympathetic stimulation. On the other hand, in patients with cardio-
of LV volumes and function are pivotal for the assessment of vascular events, VA coupling did not change during dobutamine
non-invasive single-beat method. Three-dimensional echocardi- stress. As a result, dobutamine stress significantly increased total
ography allows more accurate quantification of LV volumes mechanical energy consumption without improvement in cardiac
1302 K. Matsumoto et al.
Figure 3 Shown are Kaplan– Meier curves of event-free survival from the primary endpoint according to ejection fraction (LVEF) (A), Ees (B),
and VA coupling response (C) during dobutamine stress.
work efficiency (i.e. ‘energy wasting effect’) in this group. This indicates end-systolic elastance assessed by pressure – volume ratio and VA
that cardiac oxygen consumption would increase without improve- coupling reserve could predict cardiac events even in patients
ment in cardiac work efficiency in the setting of haemodynamic stress with negative stress echocardiography. At a glance, these results ap-
or exertion without effective increase in cardiac output. This may be a pear to be similar to ours, but both the absolute values of LV end-
reason why patients without VA coupling reserve experienced more systolic elastance and arterial elastance are more than two times
cardiovascular events in this patient population. higher than previously reported values27,28 for patients with systolic
Previous investigators used end-systolic pressure – volume ratio HF. Using invasive haemodynamic study, Ishihara et al. 27 reported
(i.e. ESP/ESV), as a simplified surrogate of LV end-systolic elastance, the changes in Ees, Ea, and VA coupling ratio during low-dose dobu-
and have reported that inotropic reserve assessed by pressure – vol- tamine stress for 23 patients with idiopathic DCM (mean EF 33 +
ume ratio and VA coupling can be used as a robust surrogate of LV 2%). During dobutamine infusion, Ees increased from 0.80 + 0.12 to
contractile reserve and used for the risk stratification of the patients 1.31 + 0.13 mmHg/mL, Ea remained relatively unchanged from
with various heart diseases.25,26 Bombardini et al. 25 studied 51 pa- 2.14 + 0.19 to 2.33 + 0.22 mmHg/mL, and Ea/Ees ratio significantly
tients with systolic HF who underwent exercise stress radionuclide decreased from 3.12 + 0.43 to 1.86 + 0.15. Although these results
angiography and observed LV functional reserve during stress test- are quite similar to ours, it appears that pressure–volume ratio (i.e.
ing. The patients who were able to increase SV during stress testing ESP/ESV ratio) apparently overestimates the LV contractility. The
showed a decrease in arterial elastance during exercise, which lead reason of this overestimation of ventricular contractility may be
to better VA coupling and improved cardiac efficiency. Further- based on the concept of pressure – volume ratio, which assumes
more, they also reported that event-free survival was significantly V0, the volume axis intercept at zero pressure, is negligibly small.
better in these patients than the others. More recently, same However, as shown in the invasive haemodynamic study, V0 was
authors26 expanded these results to study 891 patients with nega- not negligibly small especially in HF patients with dilated failing
tive stress echocardiography results. They demonstrated that LV heart.29 These results indicate that pressure – volume ratio can
Impact of changes in VA coupling during dobutamine stress 1303
Clinical implications
In the assessment of the HF patients, the quantitative evaluation of
haemodynamic condition, including the ventricular contractility, vas-
cular tone, and also its interaction will be needed for the treatment
of individual HF patients. By using non-invasive single-beat method,
we can repeatedly assess the changes in LV contractility in a short
time at bedside due to its fully non-invasive nature. And based on
the quantitative assessment of coupling condition and LV energetics,
comprehensive tailored treatment approach could serve to opti-
mize the VA coupling to stabilize acute exacerbation, reduce re-
admission, enhance quality of life, and optimize HF therapy.
Study limitations
There are certain limitations to this study. First, this pilot study cov-
ered a relatively small number of patients in a single centre, so that
further studies with larger patient populations in multicentre basis
will be needed to validate our findings. Second, simultaneous inva-
sive haemodynamic study was not performed, but the assessment of
non-invasive single-beat method was previously validated in com-
parison with invasive measurement both at rest and during dobuta-
mine stress.13 Third, we enrolled chronic HF patients with reduced
EF using the arbitrary cut-off point of LVEF ≤45% in this study.
Although the cut-off of LVEF 40% or less is generally applied in
the majority of similar studies dealing with HF with reduced EF,
there is no consensus about the optimal cut-off value of LVEF for
Figure 4 Shown are Kaplan– Meier curves of event-free survival
the diagnosis of this group of patients. We believe that cut-off value
from hard events (death from heart failure or sudden cardiac
of LVEF for patient enrolment would not have a significant effect on
death) (A) and soft events (HF hospitalization) (B) in patients
with good or poor VA coupling response during dobutamine the overall results of this study. Finally, b-blockers were left un-
stress, respectively. changed in all patients during dobutamine stress. Although this
may have affected the response to dobutamine infusion, ethical
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