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Research proposal

1.Title of the project

Self-assembled organic nanofibers for photovoltaic applications

Yaroslav V. Aulin

3.FOM research group


Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials
University of Groningen
Nijenborgh 4
NL-9747 AG Groningen
The Netherlands

The project aims fundamental research on the photovoltaic applications of self assembled
organic nanofibers. The ability of small organic molecules to form nanostructures will be
investigated in order to enhance the efficiency of photovoltaic cells. The morphology of
the polymer-nanostructures blends will be analyzed by means of X-Ray diffraction,
atomic force microscopy and near field optical microscopy. Photophysical properties will
be studied using various spectroscopic methods including time resolved
photoluminecence spectroscopy and pump-probe techniques. Finally, efficient devices
based on the optimized composite materials will be fabricated.

6.Duration of the project

4 years, starting from September 2010

Prof M.A. Loi (Associate professor/Leader of the research group)
Y.V. Aulin (Applicant/PhD student)
J. Harkema (Technician)
F. van der Horst (Technician)

8.Cost estimates
8.1 Personnel positions
One ‘Onderzoeker in opleiding’ position for four years
8.2 Running budget

8.3 Equipment
No equipment is requested

8.4 Other support

8.5 Budget summary of the funding requested

The expenses are summarized in the table:
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total
PhD students 1 1 1 1 1
Postdocs - - - - -
Technicians - - - - -
Guests - - - - -
Personnel cost 13,000€ 38,000€ 43,000€ 46,000€ 32,000€ 172,000€
Running Budget 7,500€ 15,000€ 15,000€ 15,000€ 7,500€ 75,000€
Equipment - - - - - -
Total 20,500€ 53,000€ 58,000€ 61,000€ 39,500€ 232,000€

9 Research program
9.1 Introduction
Nowadays organic solar cells based on a bilayer structure or a bulk heterojunction
of donor and acceptor materials have several times lower efficiency compared to their
inorganic counterparts (maximal efficiencies of 7% and 30% respectively [1]). Their
poor performance originates mainly from short exciton diffusion length and low charge
carrier mobilities. However, organic photovoltaic cells can be processed from solution,
which enables possibility of cheap mass production such as roll to roll and ink jet
Low dimensional nanostructures of organic materials can enhance the
photovoltaic performances. They can be designed to have high crystallinity, which will
facilitate directional exciton diffusion and charge transport. On the other hand they still
can be processed from solution for low cost fabrication.
One dimensional nanomaterials, for instance nanotubes and nanofibers are
currently attracting special attention due to 2D confinement, 1D transport of excitons and
charges, and the potential to be used as functional components in miniaturized
optoelectronic devices in the future. Some prospective applications of organic 1D
materials, like OLEDs, field-effect transistors, chemical sensors, optical waveguides, and
optically- pumped lasers have been already shown [2,3]. We propose to utilize the
properties of 1D organic materials in order to improve the efficiency of organic solar
Self assembled nanofibers of small organic molecules exhibit high charge carrier
mobility and exciton delocalization along the nanofiber, moreover there is an opportunity
of tuning their optoelectronic properties, such as absorption spectrum and the efficiency
of the exciton dissociation process at the interface by modifying the lateral size of the
nanofiber [4].

9.2.Research questions
In our research project we will investigate the performance of organic solar cells
based on the hole conducting polymer (poly 3-hexyl thiophene) P3HT and the electron
conducting self-assembled molecular nanofibers of perylene diimide derivatives.
P3HT was well studied as a material for polymer-fullerenes bulk heterojunction
solar cells [5]. Thus the performances of the P3HT-nanofiber solar cells would be easily
The choice of the material for organic nanofibers is dictated by the high values of
electron conductivity of perylene, and the ability to tune the properties of the perylene
nanostructures by modifying the side-chains of the molecules [2].
In contrast to disordered organic materials such as polymers, excitons and charges
are delocalized along the nanofibers. Ordered supramolecular structure arises from the
stacking of π-conjugated molecules due to π-π interactions [6]. This relatively strong
interaction results in mixing of the molecular orbitals of the neighboring molecules,
leading to the delocalization, which is favorable in solar cells.

Figure 1. Molecular structures of (poly 3-hexyl thiophene) P3HT, and of perylene

diimide (PDI) modified by side chains R and R'.

Working principle of the proposed solar cell is depicted in Fig. 2. and is similar to
that one of the bulk heterojunction solar cell. Upon a photon absorption by the active
layer an exciton is formed either on the strand of P3HT polymer or in the organic
Upon the exciton dissociation, the charges are transported to the electrodes.
Compared to disordered systems, perylene nanofibers can substantially improve the
charge extraction due to the high charge mobility and directional transport [7].

a b c

Figure 2. Working principle of the P3HT polymer – self-assembled perylene nanofiber

solar cell: a) absorption of the sunlight and the exciton creation either on nanofiber or
P3HT polymer strand, b) charge transfer exciton and charge separation at the nanofiber –
polymer interface, c) charge carrier transport to the electrodes: the electrons are
transported by the nanofibers and the holes by the polymer.

The morphology of the P3HT-perylene blends will play crucial role in the solar
cell performance. The requirements to the morphology are dictated by the goal to
improve the exciton dissociation efficiency and the charge percolation path. Structures
perpendicular to the plane of the device are favorable.
Recently, profound research on self -assembled organic nanostructures has been
done for the derivatives of oligophenylenes, phthalocyanines, porphyrins and perylenes.
It has been shown that organic nanofibers with uniform widths could be formed under
certain conditions. Fig.3 represents nanoparticles and nanofibers of perylene diimide

a b
Figure 3. Effect of side-chain substitutions on the morphology of self-assembly of
perylene diimide molecules on example of two derivatives modified with different side-
chains: a) N,N‘-di(dodecyl)-perylene-3,4,9,10-tetracarboxylic diimide (DD-PTCDI) and
b) N,N‘-di(nonyldecyl)-perylene-3,4,9,10-tetracarboxylic diimide (ND-PTCDI) [8]
Figure 4. AFM images of the layers formed from the blend of perylene diimide
derivative EP-PTC (3,4:9,10-perylene bis(tetracarboxyl diimide)) with P3HT for different
processing conditions [9].

Experiments on the P3HT -EP-PTC (3,4:9,10-perylene bis(tetracarboxyl diimide))

blends showed that the morphology of spin-cast layers could be controlled significantly
by varying the processing conditions. In Fig. 4 the examples of different morphologies of
the blends are provided.
Still, the control of the organic nanofibers orientation remains a challenge.
Several experimental techniques have been elaborated to achieve directional growth of
nanofibers including vertical spincoating, external electric field application and vapor
deposition technique [10,11].

a b c

Figure 5. Self assembled molecular nanofibers and control of their orientation: a) SEM
image of randomly oriented fibers of 1,3-diphenyl-2-pyrazoline [2] [2], b) AFM image
of the organic nanofibers of para-sexiphenyl molecules grown by hot wall epitaxy
technique and oriented in the plane of the substrates [10], c) vertical organic nanowire
array of 1,5-diaminoanthraquinone molecules formed by the physical vapor transport
method [11]

. The self assembley of small molecules into nanofibers in blends with polymers and the
ability to control nanofiber size and the orientation in the blend has yet to be investigated
9.3 Research methods
The ability of PDI derivatives to form nanofibers in the blends with P3HT
polymer will be studied. Samples will be fabricated using various methods with the
ultimate goal to obtain nanofibers embedded into the polymer matrix and oriented mostly
perpendicular to the surface of the substrate – geometry ideal for the solar cell.
We propose to study application of the following methods to achieve the desired
i) processing from the solution (spincoating or doctor blading) with
external electrical field applied perpendicular to the substrate in order
to orient the nanofibers [12]
ii) processing from the solution onto a precursor layer of perylene diimide
derivatives to which nanofibers formed in the solution should attach
due to π- π interactions,
iii) vapor deposition teqhniques.

Samples with the nanofibers oriented in the plane of substrate will be also
fabricated using vertical spincoating technique [13], or orientation in applied electric
field [12].
Research on the samples anisotropy will provide additional information on the
mechanisms of charge transport and exciton dissociation in this class of materials. The
composites with the nanofibers oriented in the plane of the substrate are attractive
materials for polarization sensitive light detection in field effect transistor geometry.

a b
Figure 6. Structure of the solar cell with the nanofibers oriented perpendicular to the
substrate surface (a) and of the field effect transistors with the nanofibers oriented in
plane of the active layer (b).

Structural analysis of the fabricated films of P3HT –PDI nanofibers will be

performed using X-ray techniques, AFM (atomic force microscopy), SNOM (scanning
near field optical microscopy [14]). The spatial orientation of the fibers embedded into
the polymer will be determined by probing the samples with polarized light [15].
In order to improve solar cell performance following material properties should
be optimized: exciton lifetime, diffusion and delocalization lengths, efficiency of the
exciton dissociation at the nanofiber-polymer interface, charge-carrier mobilities. In order
to shed light on the behavior of the excitons and charges in this class of materials the
problem will be tackled using wide range of experimental techniques. Measurement of
the exciton lifetime will help to understand and improve the exciton dissociation process.
The efficiency of charge generation by light in the material will be investigated using
pump-probe and photoinduced absorption techniques. Charge carrier mobilities will be
extracted from the measurement of microwave conductivity [16], the method that allows
to eliminate the influence of the electrodes.
Solar cells and field effect transistors with the active layer from the composite
materials with optimized structure and optoelectronic properties will be created during
the final phase of the project. Device layouts of the proposed solar cell and a transistor
are shown in Fig. 6.

9.4 Research plan

September 2010–August 2011 Investigation of an ability to controll the

nanostructure of P3HT – perylene diimide
derivatives blend and the orientation of
organnic nanofibers in the blend by
different methods.
Study of the films by AFM, far and near
field optical microscopy, electron
microscopy and X-Ray diffraction
September 2011–August 2012 Specroscopic study of the samples using
time resolved spectroscopy, optical pump-
probe and transient absorption techniques
Study of the charge transport properties of
the blends by microwave conductivity
September 2012– August 2013 Fabrication of efficient solar cells and
Optimization of the device performance
September 2013–August 2014 Investigation of possible applications of the
other materials in polymer -organic
nanofiber solar cells
Writing the thesis

9.5 Application perspective in industry, other disciplines or society

In addition to fundamental investigation of the self-assembled organic nanofibers current

research project has direct industrial applications in the field of solar energy harvesting.
We attempt to improve the efficiency of organic solar cells by introducing self-assembled
organic nanostructures into the active layer. The efficiency improvement will lead to
commercialization of the technology, and its application in various novel optoelectronic

[1] G. Dennler, M. C. Scharber, and C. J. Brabec, Advanced Materials 21, 1323-1338

[2] Y. S. Zhao, H. Fu, A. Peng, Y. Ma, Q. Liao, and J. Yao, Accounts of Chemical
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[4] R. Kopelman, S. J. Parus, and J. Prasad, Chemical Physics 128, 209–217 (1988).
[5] M. Reyes-Reyes, K. Kim, and D. L. Carroll, Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 083506 (2005).
[6] C. A. Hunter, K. R. Lawson, J. Perkins, and C. J. Urch, J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans.
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[7] M. Hasegawa and M. Iyoda, Chem. Soc. Rev. 39, 2420-2427 (2010).
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[9] J. J. Dittmer, E. A. Marseglia, and R. H. Friend, Advanced Materials 12, 1270-1274
[10] Y. S. Zhao, H. Fu, A. Peng, Y. Ma, D. Xiao, and J. Yao, Advanced Materials 20,
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[11] Y. S. Zhao, J. Wu, and J. Huang, Journal of the American Chemical Society 131,
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[12] V. Duzhko and K. D. Singer, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 111, 27-31
[13] K. Misawa, H. Ono, K. Minoshima, and T. Kobayashi, Applied Physics Letters
[14] D. A. Higgins, J. Kerimo, D. A. Vanden Bout, and P. F. Barbara, Journal of the
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