Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
-rA 0.0053 0.0052 0.0050 0.0045 0.0040 0.0033 0.0025 0.0018 0.00125 0.001
i/-rA 189 192 200 222 250 303 400 556 800 1000
X -rA (mol/dm3
. s)
0.0 0.0053
0.1 0.0052
0.2 0.0050
0.3 0.0045
0.4 0.0040
0.5 0.0033
0.6 0.0025
0.7 0.0018
0.8 0.00125
0.85 0.00100
Redo Example 2-7 for the cases when the intermediate conversions are (a) 30%,
and (b) 70%. The molar flow rate is 52 mol/min.
The space time necessary to achieve 80% conversion in a CSTR is 5hr. determine
(if possible) the reactor volume required to process 2 ft3/min, what is the space
velocity for this system?
There are two reactors of equal volume available for your use: one CSTR and the other a PFR.
The reaction is second order (-rA = 𝑘𝐶𝐴2 = 𝑘𝐶𝐴0
(1- X)2, irreversible, and is carried out
a) Estimate the volume of a plug-flow reactor required to achieve 30% conversion of A for
an entering volumetric flow rate of 2 m3/min.
b) Estimate the volume of a CSTR required to take the effluent from the plug-flow reactor
(PFR) above and achieve 50% total conversion (based on species A fed to the PFR).
c) What is the total volume of the two reactors?
d) What is the volume of a single plug-flow reactor necessary to achieve 60% conversion?
80% conversion?
e) What is the volume of a single CSTR necessary to achieve 50% conversion?
f) What is the volume of a second CSTR to raise the conversion from 50% to 60% ?
g) Plot the rate of reaction and conversion as a function of PFR volume.
Figure P2-8a shows C/^l—r^ versus XA for a non-isothermal, non-elementary, multiple-
reaction liquid-phase decomposition of reactant A.
a) Consider the two systems shown in Figure P2-8b in which a CSTR and plug-flow reactor
are connected in sense. The intermediate conversion is 0.3 and the final conversion is 0.7.
How should the reactors be arranged to obtain the minimum total reactor volume?
b) If the volumetric flow rate is 50 L/min, what is the minimum total reactor volume? (Ans.
V = 750 dm3)
c) Is there a better means (i.e., smallest total volume achieving 70% conversion other than
either of the systems proposed above? {Ans.: 512 L)
d) At what conversion(s) would the required reactor volume be identical for either a CSTR
or a tubular PFR?
{Ans.: X = 0.45, and X = ?
e) Using the information in Figure P2-8a together with the CSTR design equation, make a
plot of T versus X. If the reactor volume is 700 L and the volumetric flow rate 50 L/min,
what are the possible outlet conversions (i.e., multiple steady states) for this reactor?