Turbine Guide Bearing: Robert Moses Power Plant

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Technical Specification


Robert Moses Power Plant

Niagara Power Project

Specification for Supply of Hydroelectric

Turbine Guide Bearing

Rev. 2

This Specification is approved by a New York Professional Engineer for the specific
project and time period defined. It shall not be altered in any manner unless authorized
by the approving Professional Engineer of Record as signed and sealed.

William Stanton, PE
Director of Mechanical Engineering

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issue Date: Revision Number: Pages Affected:
A. Paladiy
E. Haase, E.I.T. 04/26/2019 2 All
K. Smith

5777 Lewiston Road, Lewiston, NY 14092 │ 716.286.6437 │ www.nypa.gov

Specification for Supply of Technical Specification
RMNPP Turbine Guide Bearing

Revision Prepared By Reviewed By Approved for Remarks / Comments

0 C. Park, E. Mendez 12/01/2016
P. Ludewig
1 C. Park, E. Mendez, 12/20/2016
P. Ludewig E. Haase
2 E. Haase A. Paladiy 04/26/2019 Minor updates made to entire document for
K. Smith consistency and accuracy.

REV: 2 5777 Lewiston Road, Lewiston, NY 14092 │ 716.286.6437 │ www.nypa.gov P a g e |2

Specification for Supply of Technical Specification
RMNPP Turbine Guide Bearing

Table of Contents
1. Purpose ............................................................................................................................................................................... 5
2. Summary of Work under this Specification ........................................................................................................................ 5
3. Project Background and Location ....................................................................................................................................... 6
4. Codes and Standards........................................................................................................................................................... 6
5. Procedure and Schedule Submittals ................................................................................................................................... 8
6. Drawings.............................................................................................................................................................................. 9
7. Requirements for Bearing Shell Materials and Manufacturing ........................................................................................ 9
7.1 General Requirements ............................................................................................................................................ 9
7.2 Materials ............................................................................................................................................................... 10
7.3 Tests of Materials .................................................................................................................................................. 11
7.4 Product and Material Handling ............................................................................................................................. 12
7.5 Testing and QA/QC Requirements for Steel Bearing Shells .................................................................................. 12
8. Requirements for Babbitting............................................................................................................................................ 13
8.1 General .................................................................................................................................................................. 13
8.2 Shell Preparation ................................................................................................................................................... 13
8.3 Flux ........................................................................................................................................................................ 14
8.4 Tinning................................................................................................................................................................... 15
8.5 Materials for Babbitt ............................................................................................................................................. 16
8.6 Babbitting Process................................................................................................................................................. 16
8.7 Repairs to Babbitted Bearings............................................................................................................................... 17
8.8 Cleaning after Babbitting ...................................................................................................................................... 17
8.9 Dimensional and Machining Requirements .......................................................................................................... 17
8.10 Specific QA/QC Requirements and Acceptance Criteria for Babbitting ................................................................... 18
9. Quality Assurance Requirements ...................................................................................................................................... 20
9.1 General Requirements .......................................................................................................................................... 20
10. Welding .......................................................................................................................................................................... 23
10.1 Work Included ....................................................................................................................................................... 23
10.2 Welding Requirements ......................................................................................................................................... 23
10.3 Weld Workmanship .............................................................................................................................................. 25
11. Coatings Requirements .................................................................................................................................................. 26
11.1 Work Included ....................................................................................................................................................... 26
11.2 Coatings Schedule ................................................................................................................................................. 26

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Specification for Supply of Technical Specification
RMNPP Turbine Guide Bearing

11.3 Inspection.............................................................................................................................................................. 27
11.4 Preparation ........................................................................................................................................................... 27
11.5 Application ............................................................................................................................................................ 27
11.6 Submittals ............................................................................................................................................................. 28
11.7 Quality Control ...................................................................................................................................................... 28
11.8 Materials ............................................................................................................................................................... 28
11.9 Manufacturer’s Instructions ................................................................................................................................. 28
11.10 Standards .......................................................................................................................................................... 28
12. Meetings ........................................................................................................................................................................ 28
13. Handling, Storage and Transportation ............................................................................................................................ 29
14. Warranty ......................................................................................................................................................................... 30

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Specification for Supply of Technical Specification
RMNPP Turbine Guide Bearing

1. Purpose

This specification covers the supply of a new hydroelectric turbine guide bearing for the New York Power Authority’s
(NYPA, the Authority) Robert Moses Niagara Power Plant.

2. Summary of Work under this Specification

The Contractor shall supply a complete new turbine guide bearing. The Contractor’s Work shall include but not be
limited to:

a) Review of supplied drawings and preparation of new fabrication drawings as required to meet the
requirements of this specification. A detailed explication of all changes including design shall be
submitted to the Authority for review and written approval before materials are ordered and fabrication

b) All weld design notes, weld procedure specification, post weld heat treatment and welder performance
qualifications shall meet the requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section
(BPVC), and/or AWS D1.1. These designs and procedures shall be submitted to the Authority for
review before materials are ordered and fabrication commences.

c) Supply drawings showing all as built dimensions, surface finishes, concentricity, parallelism,
perpendicularity, runout, and all other applicable machining symbols with delivery of bearing.

d) Preparation of tinning and babbitting procedures applicable to this bearing design as required by
section 8 of this specification. All designs and procedures shall be submitted to the Authority for review
and written approval before materials are ordered and fabrication commences.

e) Preparation of quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) procedures, inspection and test plans
applicable to this bearing design. All procedures and plans shall be submitted to the Authority for
review before materials are ordered and fabrication commences.

f) Supply of mill certifications for all materials needed to manufacture the bearing. Supply and material
testing of all bolts and dowels necessary to assemble the bearing halves and install the bearing.

g) Manufacture of the bearing, including all fabrication, heat treatment, rough machining, babbitting, post
babbitt machining, and coatings.

h) Conduct QA/QC measurements and tests, inspection report preparation, and submittal to the Authority
for approval. The Authority may identify hold points during the fabrication process to perform factory
witness inspections.

i) After a NYPA shipping release is issued, transportation of the new bearing to the Robert Moses
Niagara Power Plant, including all packaging crates and protection during shipment. The bearing shall
be packed in a wooden crate that can support the bearing when loaded and unloaded by overhead
crane. The Contractor shall apply all other protective coatings as specified in the coating section, and
coverings necessary for shipment and long term storage.

j) Compliance with the requirements of the commercial portions of the contract, which provide the all
inspection and delivery schedule milestones.

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Specification for Supply of Technical Specification
RMNPP Turbine Guide Bearing

k) The Contractor may propose alternative materials, procedures, and codes or standards to those
required in this specification at any time, subject to review and written approval by the Authority before
they may be used.

3. Project Background and Location

The New York Power Authority is a public benefit corporation engaged in the generation and transmission of
electricity for the benefit of the people of New York State. The Authority’s installed generating capability exceeds
6,000 MW of which approximately 4,400 MW is hydroelectric, including pumped storage.

The Robert Moses Niagara Power Plant (RMNPP) contains thirteen hydroelectric turbine units, and is located in
Lewiston, New York. All Robert Moses Niagara generating units are rated 215 MVA and are vertical semi-
umbrella Francis turbine units. Each unit has one generator guide bearing consisting of individual shoes and one
shell-type turbine guide bearing. New turbine bearings will be installed as a part of overhaul activities or as
replacements for damaged bearings on existing units as the need arises.

This engineering specification provides requirements for the fabrication of one cylindrical split journal babbitt
bearing, nominally 51 inches in diameter, and hereafter referred to as “turbine bearing”, “turbine guide bearing”,
“bearing” or “lower guide bearing”. The original bearings that are still in operation were manufactured in two
halves from steel with a conical seat for fitting to its housing, and were lined with babbitt material grooved for oil

4. Codes and Standards

All work shall comply with the following organizational standards, any the General and Supplemental Conditions,
or NYPA’s Environmental Standards:

a) American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)

a. ASTM A194 - Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy-Steel Nuts for High Pressure or High
Temperature Service, or Both

b. ASTM A27 - Grade 60-30 Standard Specification for Steel Castings, Carbon, for General

c. ASTM A370 - Tests Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products

d. ASTM A435 - Standard Specification for Straight Beam Ultrasonic Examination of Steel Plates

e. ASTM A516 - Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, for Moderate and Lower
Temperature Service

f. ASTM A609 - Standard Practice for Castings, Carbon, Low-Alloy, and Martensitic Stainless Steel,
Ultrasonic Examination Thereof

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Specification for Supply of Technical Specification
RMNPP Turbine Guide Bearing

g. ASTM A903 - Standard Specification for Steel Castings, Surface Acceptance Standards, Magnetic
Particle and Liquid Penetrant Inspection

h. ASTM B23 - Standard Specification for White Metal Bearing Alloy

i. ASTM B339 - Standard Specification for Pig Tin

j. ASTM E165 - Standard Practice for Liquid Penetrant Examination for General Industry

k. ASTM E23 - Methods for Notched Bar Impact Testing of Metallic Materials

l. ASTM E428 - Standard Practice for Fabrication and Control of Metal, Other than Aluminum,
Reference Blocks Used in Ultrasonic Testing

b) American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT)

a. ASNT TC1A - Personnel Qualification and Certification in Nondestructive Testing

c) American Society of Mechanical Engineer (ASME)

a. Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC) Section II-Materials-Part A-Ferrous Materials

b. Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC) Section V-Nondestructive Examination

c. Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC) Section VIII-Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels

d. Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC) Section IX-Welding, Brazing, and Fusing Qualifications

d) American Welding Society (AWS)

a. AWS A2.4 - Standard Symbols for Welding, Brazing, and Nondestructive Examination

b. AWS A3.0 - Standard Welding Terms and Definitions

c. AWS D1.1 - Structural Welding Code – Steel

d. AWS QC1 - Standards for AWS Certification of Welding Inspectors

e) Occupational Safety and Health Administration Standards (OSHA)

f) Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)

g) International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

a. ISO 4386-1, Plain Bearings – Metallic Multilayer Plain Bearings - Part 1: Non-destructive Ultrasonic
Testing of Bond Thickness Greater than or equal to 0.5 mm

b. ISO 4386-3, Plain Bearings, Metallic Multilayer Plain Bearings; Non-destructive Penetrant Testing

REV: 2 5777 Lewiston Road, Lewiston, NY 14092 │ 716.286.6437 │ www.nypa.gov P a g e |7

Specification for Supply of Technical Specification
RMNPP Turbine Guide Bearing

c. ISO 9001 – Quality Management System

h) SSPC – Steel Structures Painting Council

a. SSPC-PA-1 - Shop, Field and Maintenance Coating of Metals

i) Other specific codes as referenced in these specifications

In the event of a conflict between this specification and the reference standards, the more stringent requirement
shall be applied.

5. Procedure and Schedule Submittals

The Contractor shall submit a detailed schedule to the Authority for review that includes key work stop hold
points for shell fabrication, rough machining, shell preparation, tinning, babbitting, final machining, and inspection
processes within 15 calendar days of contract award.

The Contractor shall also prepare and submit to the Authority for approval detailed procedures including
fabrication, machining, inspection, cleaning, tinning and babbitting, QA/QC (Quality Assurance / Quality Control)
inspection and shipment of the new turbine bearing prior to starting work. These procedures shall be submitted
to the Power Authority for review and approval at least two weeks before work begins.

Additional required submittals by the Contractor and any and all subcontractors include but are not limited to the
following. All submittals shall be available to the NYPA inspector or other representative at all times of inspection.

a) Names and addresses of all subcontractors proposed to be used on the Work. NYPA reserves the
right to approve or disapprove subcontractors. All sub-contractors are subject to all provision of
this specification. All proposed subcontractors must be identified with the bid.

b) Certification records for each inspector participating in any and all stages of manufacturing,
including those of any sub-contractor.

i. NDE inspectors must provide non expired ASNT - TC1A, or AWS QC1 certifications.

c) Certification records for any sub-contractor shop used in the Work.

d) Certified test reports for all steel used.

e) Certified test reports with composition records for new Babbitt material used.

f) Certification records for all tools and instrumentation used.

g) All fabrication 3D models and 2D drawings in native CAD format.

h) The Contractor’s Inspection and Test Plan for the work under this contract.

i) All documentation for the bearing design and QA documents as listed in section 9 of this
specification. This may include but is no limited to: including calculations, sketches, charts,
processes, temperatures and diagrams.

REV: 2 5777 Lewiston Road, Lewiston, NY 14092 │ 716.286.6437 │ www.nypa.gov P a g e |8

Specification for Supply of Technical Specification
RMNPP Turbine Guide Bearing

j) Heat charts for heat treatment processes used.

k) Ultrasonic test reports according to specified pass/fail criteria.

l) All welding procedures including required NDE, welding procedure qualifications and procedure
qualification records relevant to the manufacturing of the new bearings. These shall be submitted
to the Authority prior start of manufacturing for evaluation and approval.

m) Welder performance qualifications.

n) As built drawings with finished dimensions.

o) A detailed report describing all work performed and including the above submittals must be
submitted to NYPA within two weeks after completion of work.

p) Any other submittals or information needed to allow the Authority to evaluate the Work.

Additional submittal requirements are included in the following sections of this specification.

6. Drawings
The following reference drawings are provided with these specifications:

NYPA Number OEM Number Title

-------------------- 227544 Main Guide Bearing, Hydraulic Turbine

-------------------- 227544 Main Guide Bearing, Hydraulic Turbine Rev 2

This bearing shall be manufactured to Drawing 227544 Rev2. Drawing 227544 Rev1 is supplied for reference.

The Contractor shall prepare fabrication drawings illustrating all welds and machining. Drawings shall include all
dimensions and tolerances provided on the reference drawings, and shall include concentricity, parallelism,
perpendicularity and all other applicable machining symbols. All drawings and procedures shall be submitted to
the Authority for review and written approval before materials are ordered and fabrication commences.

7. Requirements for Bearing Shell Materials and Manufacturing

7.1 General Requirements

This Section specifies general requirements for the bearing shell materials and manufacturing to be performed
by the Contractor.

a) The bearing shell shall be provided in two halves. Match marked bolts and dowels shall be provided by
the Contractor.

REV: 2 5777 Lewiston Road, Lewiston, NY 14092 │ 716.286.6437 │ www.nypa.gov P a g e |9

Specification for Supply of Technical Specification
RMNPP Turbine Guide Bearing

b) The bearing shall be stamped with the manufacturer, and given a serial number consisting of the year
and month, of manufacture with the bearing number from that month in the following numeric format
(YYYYMM-##). The supplied as built fabrication drawing should reference this serial number.

c) All high stress areas of the bearing shell, such as dovetail groves, shall be machined with radial corners
as listed in the bearing drawings to eliminate stress risers. If no size is specified in the drawings,
machine radial corners to 1/8”.

7.2 Materials

All materials shall be new and of the highest quality, free from defects and imperfections, suitable for the
purpose, and of the grades, classes and types listed herein.

a) Shell

The shell may be fabricated from a casting, or formed from rolled plate. Note the preferred fabrication
method is the casting process. Fabricating from rolled plate will be considered an exception and must
be listed at such during bid proposal.

a. Casting

i. All steel casting shall conform to the following unless otherwise specified:

ii. The bearing shell shall be cast from ASTM A27, Grade 60-30, Class 2 - Standard
Specification for Steel Castings, Carbon, for General Application. All castings shall be
heat treated by normalizing to produce grain refinement. Heat treatment shall be
performed after castings have been allowed to cool from the pouring temperature to
below the transformation range. Contractor shall provide temperature ranges and
normalization procedure.

iii. The following material properties are required:

Yield Strength 30 ksi minimum

Tensile Strength 60 ksi minimum
Elongation in 2” Test Sample 24% minimum
V Notch Toughness 15 ft-lbs minimum at 0C

b. Rolled Plate Fabrication

i. All steel plate shall conform to the following unless otherwise specified:

ii. The bearing shell shall be fabricated from ASTM A516, Specification for Pressure Vessel
Plates, Carbon Steel, for Moderate and Lower Temperature Service, Grade 60.

iii. The following material properties are required:

Yield Strength 32 ksi minimum

Tensile Strength 60 to 80 ksi
Elongation in 2” Test Sample 25% minimum
V Notch Toughness 15 ft-lbs minimum at 0 degrees C

a. All plates thicker than 1 inch shall be normalized to produce grain refinement. After fabrication
inspection, the shell shall be post weld heat treated (PWHT). PWHT temperatures, durations,

REV: 2 5777 Lewiston Road, Lewiston, NY 14092 │ 716.286.6437 │ www.nypa.gov P a g e | 10

Specification for Supply of Technical Specification
RMNPP Turbine Guide Bearing

ramp rates and other parameters shall be in accordance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code, Section VIII.

b) Hardware Specification
a. All bolts and dowels shall conform to the following specification unless otherwise specified:
Grade B7 of ASTM A193 Standard Specification for Alloy-Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting
Materials for High Temperature or High Pressure Service and Other Special Purpose

b. All nuts shall conform to the following specification unless otherwise specified: Grade 2H of
ASTM A194 Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy-Steel Nuts for High Pressure or High
Temperature Service, or Both

c) For all parts supplied, the contractor shall list U.S. standard designations and grades.

d) The Contractor shall assure that all material properties are established by the Contractor’s design to be
appropriate for the intended service.

e) The contractor may substitute ASTM equivalent materials from what is specified, but it will require
written explanation of the substitutions for Authority review and written approval.

7.3 Tests of Materials

a) All materials or parts used in the equipment shall be tested, and by an independent laboratory, unless
otherwise directed, in conformity with applicable methods prescribed by the ASTM, or such other
organization as may be specifically required, and in general accordance with the best commercial
methods and as required by the Contractor's purchase order. When requested, tests shall be made in
the presence of the Authority.

b) Tensile Tests: All steel shall be tested for tensile properties in accordance with ASTM A370.

c) Impact and Bend Tests: All steel for all parts shall be tested for impact resistance using the charpy "V"-
notch specimen. Testing shall conform to the requirements of ASTM-A370, "Tests Methods and Defini-
tions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products," and ASTM-E23, "Methods for Notched Bar Impact
Testing of Metallic Materials". Both longitudinal and transverse impact tests shall be performed for
each heat on plate steel. Bend tests shall be performed on specimens of all major steel castings and
forgings. The scope of the bend tests shall be proposed by the Contractor and approved by the
Authority and/or Engineer.

d) Hardness tests shall be performed on all materials. Hardness tests shall be repeated after post weld
heat treatment of fabrications as defined and at locations identified by the Authority.

e) Test Certificates: Certified material test reports (CMTR, also referred to as mill test certifications) shall
be furnished for all materials. The test certificates shall identify the component for which the material is
to be used and shall contain all information necessary to verify compliance with the specifications. The
CMTR shall include foundry or mill heat numbers that will permit traceability of the material to the end
product. The heat or mill number shall be maintained on the material through all fabrication processes
to permit traceability from the finished part to the mill or foundry records. Stocked material may be
used provided evidence is furnished to the Authority showing that such material meets the
requirements of these specifications.

f) If other metals are selected and approved for use by the Authority, tensile, impact, bend and hardness
tests shall be performed in accordance with applicable ASTM standards.

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Specification for Supply of Technical Specification
RMNPP Turbine Guide Bearing

7.4 Product and Material Handling

a) During the handling and maneuvering cast or welded plate bearing half or assembled sections, the
Contractor must ensure no shock, impacts, drops or any other handling that may cause stress in the
bearing shell are sustained. If any occur, the Authority must be notified, and the Contractor must
perform addition NDT inspection to ensure that no damage has occurred.

b) All materials, products and components shall be stored above ground on platforms, skids or other
supports, and protected from corrosion and weathering factors such as moisture, humidity, salt, and
oxidation exposure at all times.

c) Other materials shall be stored in a weather tight container and dry place until ready for use in the work.

d) In addition to corrosion and weathering, all finish machined surfaces shall be protected from, impact,
gouging and other damage.

7.5 Testing and QA/QC Requirements for Steel Bearing Shells

a) All steel shall be 100% ultrasonically tested, all ultrasonic testing shall be witnessed by the Authority.

a. The Contractor shall include company validated and certified test procedures with acceptance
criteria identified in procedures, subject to the review and written approval of the Authority.

b. The results of ultrasonic inspection shall be submitted to Authority for approval.

b) Ultrasonically examination should be in accordance to one of the following:

a. ASTM A435- Standard Specification for Straight Beam Ultrasonic Examination of Steel Plates

b. ASTM A609 - Standard Practice for Castings, Carbon, Low-Alloy, and Martensitic Stainless
Steel, Ultrasonic Examination Thereof

c. ASTM E428 - Standard Practice for Fabrication and Control of Metal, Other than Aluminum,
Reference Blocks Used in Ultrasonic Testing

d. Ultrasonic acceptance criteria:

i. No single indication exceeding reference distance amplitude curve. No multiple

indications exceeding 50 % of reference distance amplitude curve. Multiple indications
are defined as two or more indications (each exceeding 50 % of the reference distance
amplitude curve) within ½ in (13 mm) of each other in any direction.

ii. Alternative acceptance criteria may be proposed for Authority written acceptance.

c) All welds are to be inspected by Liquid Penetrant Test (LP) or by the Magnetic Particle Method for their
entire length. Any linear indications shall be rejected. Acceptance shall otherwise be in accordance
with the requirements of the ASME Boiler, Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, latest edition, and the
requirements of this specification. The Contractor shall include his proposed acceptance criteria in his
procedures, subject to Authority review and written approval.

d) Magnetic particle examination should be in accordance to one of the following:

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Specification for Supply of Technical Specification
RMNPP Turbine Guide Bearing

a. ASTM A903 - Standard Specification for Steel Castings, Surface Acceptance Standards,
Magnetic Particle and Liquid Penetrant Inspection

b. Magnetic particle acceptance criteria:

i. No relevant indication with a major dimension equal to or greater than 3/16 inch. No
more than ten relevant indications in any continuous 6 square inch. Four or more
relevant indications in a line separated by less than 1/16 inch (edge to edge) are

ii. Alternative acceptance criteria may be proposed for Authority written acceptance.

e) Liquid Penetrant examination should be in accordance to one of the following:

a. ASTM E165 - Standard Practice for Liquid Penetrant Examination for General Industry

b. ASTM A903 - Standard Specification for Steel Castings, Surface Acceptance Standards,
Magnetic Particle and Liquid Penetrant Inspection

f) The following Quality Assurance witness hold points shall apply as a minimum; additional witness
points may be determined after the Contractor submits inspection and test plans:

a. First piece Weld Fit Ups, Tacking or other welding activities including repairs.
b. Welding Inspections
c. NDE testing
d. Heat Treating
e. Machining Set ups
f. Rough machined dimensions
g. Final dimensional verification of the pre-babbitted shell

g) All final dimensions shall be measured, recorded and provided to the Authority.

h) PWHT records for any stages of bearing fabrication shall be submitted for review and Authority

8. Requirements for Babbitting

8.1 General

a) Manufacturing and quality control procedures shall produce babbitted bearings with a ductile
continuous bond between the Babbitt and the base metal.

b) Certified material test reports (CMTR), and material data sheets shall be provided to the Authority for all
materials used in in section 8 of this specification.

8.2 Shell Preparation

a) The new bearing shell to be babbitted shall be inspected for defects such as distortions, nicks, dents
and holes prior to the start of any work. A report shall be submitted to NYPA with the results of these
inspections. Necessary repairs including welding, machining and stress relieving shall be made before
babbitting to bring the shell into dimensional conformance with the contract drawings. Prior to the start

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Specification for Supply of Technical Specification
RMNPP Turbine Guide Bearing

of work, the Contractor shall provide the Authority procedures for any recommended repairs, subject to
review and approval.

b) Bearing shells shall be cleaned prior to babbitting. The Contractor shall submit their cleaning procedure
to the Authority for approval prior to the start of any work.

a. Recommended cleaning methods include:

i. Steel or bronze bearing shells

1. Immerse the shell in molten salt bath such as Kolene 4 at 480°C (900° F) with a
minimum current density of 252 amperes per square meter (23.4 amperes per
square foot) of shell surface area at 6 volts DC. Apply the following cycles in the
order and for the time durations shown.

a. First reduction cycle for 5 to 10 minutes.

b. Oxidation cycles for 5 minutes.

c. Second reduction cycle for 10 to 15 minutes.

2. Remove shell from bath and rinse in agitated, clean cold water for 1 minute.

3. Rinse in agitated, clean boiling water for 5 minutes.

4. Etch by immersion in 10 percent hydrochloric acid solution for 1 minute.

5. Final rinse in agitated, clean boiling water.

c) Once the shells have been cleaned, care shall be taken to prevent any new contamination by oil or
grease before tinning and subsequent babbitting.

d) If using tin bath methods:

a. Shell portions not being tinned or babbitted shall be protected by a stop-off after cleaning and
etching. The Contractor shall submit proposed stop-off procedure and materials for review and
approval prior to commencing work.

b. No stop-off material shall cover any surface requiring tinning. Any material to be immersed into
the tin pot shall be heated by the Contractor above 120°C to prevent steam explosions upon

8.3 Flux

a) After cleaning and application of stop-off coating if applicable, each shoe shall have the surfaces to be
babbitted fluxed by one of the methods outlined below. The Contractor may propose alternatives,
subject to the Authority review and acceptance. The Contractor shall propose the temperatures and
compositions of the proposed fluxing materials for Authority review and approval, and shall submit
evidence of the suitability of the method and compositions.

a. Bath fluxing: The bearing to be bath fluxed shall be immersed in a molten zinc chloride solution.

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Specification for Supply of Technical Specification
RMNPP Turbine Guide Bearing

b. Brush or spray fluxing: The surfaces to be tinned shall be covered with a zinc chloride or zinc
ammonium chloride flux. The flux shall be applied by brushing or with a pneumatically operated
flux sprayer. Bearings, after brush or spray fluxing, shall be heated to or near the melting point
of the flux to ensure that all water has been removed before the shoe is immersed in the tin

c. Flux containing Tinning Compounds as specified in 8.4 may be used.

8.4 Tinning

The bearing shall be tinned before babbitting. The Contractor shall submit a detailed proposed tinning
procedure, including evidence and experience to demonstrate suitability, for review and approval. The
Contractor may propose alternative methods to those listed below if it can be demonstrated that
alternatives are equivalent. Alternatives must be approved by the Authority in writing.

a) All tinning shall use commercially available 99.75% pure tin, grade A:

a. ASTM B339 Grade A tin shall be used in the tinning process.

b. Tinning Compounds such as: Johnston’s Tin-Ezy Powder with Pure Tin, 20-60

c. Alternatives may be proposed for Authority acceptance in writing.

b) Tinning Procedures Required Details:

a. Tin Bath:

i. Temperature of the tin bath and temperature tolerance:

ii. Length of time bearing shell is to be immersed in the tin:

iii. Temperature bearing shell must reach before being withdrawn:

iv. Inspection criteria of bearing shell tinned surface as it is removed from the bath:

v. Removal of flux deposits:

vi. Method of correcting any contaminated surface areas:

vii. Bearing shell tinned surface accepting and rejection criteria:

b. Tinning Compounds

i. May be use according to manufacture recommendations.

ii. Inspection criteria of bearing shell tinned surface according to manufacture


iii. Method of correcting any contaminated surface areas according to manufacture


iv. Bearing shell tinned surface accepting and rejection criteria according to manufacture

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Specification for Supply of Technical Specification
RMNPP Turbine Guide Bearing

c) A maximum of two tinning attempts may be made before NYPA personnel shall be contacted for written
approval of additional tinning attempts.

d) Dovetail grooves shall be fully tinned without contamination.

8.5 Materials for Babbitt

a) Babbitt meeting the requirements of ASTM B23, Standard Specification for White Metal Bearing Alloys
(Known Commercially as “Babbitt Metal”), Alloy number 2, UNS L13890 (also referred to as grade 2)
shall be used.

b) Under no conditions shall asbestos or products containing asbestos be used to fulfill any of the
requirements identified in these specifications.

8.6 Babbitting Process

The Contractor shall submit a detailed babbitting procedure, including Babbitt melt temperatures and
procedures for verification, and jig design for review and approval. If in the Contractor’s experience, the
requirements in this specification should be modified to provide for appropriate bonding and
dimensional stability, the proposed modification shall be identified in the proposed procedures with
supporting documentation. The Contractor shall include his procedure and design with bid.

The Contractor’s babbitting procedure shall include the following requirements:

a) The method of pouring the Babbitt onto the shell shall be identified in the bid proposal.

a. This proposal specifies a centrifugally cast babbitting process. Contractor may proposal the use
of static pouring, but must explicitly state this as an exception to section 8.6 of this specification
in bid proposal submission.

b. For centrifugally cast babbitting process’s, the bearing must be spun at a sufficient speed to
insure a high Babbitt to shell bond strength that is free from impurities, oxides, and gasses. The
pour shall be made without the babbitt temperature dropping below a temperature required to
ensure that the tin is fully melted. The contractor shall provide pouring procedures detailing the
speeds, temperatures, and acceptance verification methods.

c. For static pour methods, contractor must identify method and procedures, (e.g. bottom pour
funnel, pressurized injection, and bottom or side pour ladle method.) Contractor must identify
method of preventing oxides or other dross from entering or accumulating in the Babbitt.

b) The Contractor shall provide babbitt application temperature in babbitting procedures.

a. The temperature the bearing shell shall be preheated and maintained at to ensure that the tin is
melted when the babbitt is poured.

b. The temperature that if the shell falls below, the process will need to be stopped, then re-started
again with a clean shell. This temperature is recommended to be above 245°C.

c. The temperature range that the babbitt shall be melted and held to in a babbitt pot. This is
recommended be between at 370 to 400°C

d. The temperature that the babbitt shall be applied to the shell. This is recommended to be at a
temperature of 360 to 400°C, rapidly applied.

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e. If using a ladle, it shall be preheated and have sufficient capacity to complete the pour without
the babbitt temperature dropping below 360°C.

c) To avoid oxidation associated with prolonged heating, the pre-heat shall be done just before the babbitt
is poured.

d) The contractor shall details for any shell quenching needed for the babbitt pour in the babbitting
procedure. This should include methods, temperatures, steps, time intervals, and methods to ensure
there is no distortion.

e) Post-babbitting free spread shall not be corrected by peening or otherwise plastically working the babbitt

f) The blending of the oil distributing grooves into the bearing surface shall be smooth and free of any sharp

8.7 Repairs to Babbitted Bearings

Small areas of porosity may be repaired without re-casting the entire shell. The extent of area that may
be repaired shall be proposed by the Contractor in his procedures, and is subject to the Authority’s
review. In the event of a dis-agreement, the Authority reserves the right to have any shell re-babbitted
if porosity of surface indications exceed those allowed in this specification.

8.8 Cleaning after Babbitting

After babbitting, the Contractor shall perform the following cleaning operations:

a) Thoroughly clean all drilled and tapped holes and oil passage ways.

b) All chips, excess Babbitt, or paint shall be removed from all drilled and tapped holes and oil passages.

c) The Contractor shall run the appropriate sized taps, drills and reamers as necessary to ensure and
verify they are cleaned.

d) Oil passages shall be cleared by wire bristle bore brushes or approved equivalent method.

e) The shell shall be final cleaned and a protective coating applied.

8.9 Dimensional and Machining Requirements

The Contractor shall adhere to the tolerances as provided in the Contract drawings, standards or as
outlined in the following section. In the event of a conflict the Contractor shall follow the most stringent

The Contractor shall:

a) Rough machine the shell, with both halves bolted and doweled, leaving an overstock of approximately
0.030” of babbitt.

b) The Contractor shall determine the appropriate bolt torques to be used, and assure that the torques will
not cause excessive deformation of the structure. Bolt sizes and torques shall be submitted for review
and acceptance.

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c) Measure the shell in the rough machined stage and confirm final machining requirements.

d) Final machine the shell to the dimensions as shown on drawing #227544 Rev.2. The final babbitted
surfaces shall be concentric to the axis of the shell within 0.001 inches.

e) All final machining shall be performed on the same set-up.

f) Provide surface finishes as shown on the contract drawing #227544 Rev.2.

8.10 Specific QA/QC Requirements and Acceptance Criteria for Babbitting

a) Material Certifications

The Contractor shall submit certified material test reports (CMTRs, also referred to as mill test
certifications) for all materials used for review and approval.

The test certificates shall identify the component for which the material is to be used and shall contain
all information necessary to verify compliance with the specifications. The CMTR shall include foundry
or mill heat numbers that will permit traceability of the material to the end product. The heat or mill
number shall be maintained on the material through all fabrication processes to permit traceability from
the finished part to the mill or foundry records. Stocked material may be used provided evidence is
furnished to the Authority showing that such material meets the requirements of these specifications.

b) Ultrasonic Inspection of Babbitt

Ultrasonic tests for bond extent measurement shall be made over the entire babbitt surface. The
Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Authority inspectors detailed written ultrasonic inspection
procedure before beginning the work. The following requirements shall apply. The Contractor may
propose alternatives to the following requirements, subject to approval by the Authority:

a. All NDE technicians shall be certified to ASNT - TC1A Level II or higher.

b. Ultrasonic transducer shall have a diameter to suit the bearing without loss of contact. The
transducer may be equipped with delays having a curvature which matches that of the bearing
being inspected to maintain adequate contact.

c. A couplant shall be used and may be either oil, glycerin, water, or a synthetic couplant with
suitable coupling properties.

d. Calibration shall be in accordance with ISO 4386-1, Plain Bearings - Metallic Multilayer Plain
Bearings - Part 1: Non-destructive Ultrasonic Testing of Bond Thickness Greater than or equal
to 0.5 mm, or other standard as agreed by the Authority. Prior to each inspection, the calibration
and accuracy of the equipment shall be demonstrated with a reference block.

i. The Contractor shall fabricate a reference block standard that contains 100% bonded,
and 0% bonded areas of babbitt, clearly indicated. The babbitt should be of the same
chemistry and thickness as that used for the fabrication of the bearing. This standard
shall be shipped to the Authority with the bearing during bearing delivery.

e. Testing shall be performed to identify echo at bond, not at back wall. After establishing the
unbound signal on the reference standard, the surface of the babbitt to be tested shall be
scanned using a continuous scanning pattern with successive transducer passes. Each

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successive pass shall overlap the previous pass by at least 20 percent of the transducer

f. Bond acceptance criteria: bearings shall he divided into three zones - designated Zone A, Zone
B and Zone C. A detail of this these zones mapped over the bearing will be supplied by the

g. Zone A Requirements for journal bearings, is defined as the periphery whose width is 10
percent of bearing length (A total of 20 percent when both ends are taken into account).

i. Total unbounded area shall not exceed 15 percent of the area of Zone A.

ii. No individual area of unbound shall have major dimension greater than 0.5 inch.

iii. Adjacent individual areas of unbound of any size must be further than 2 inches apart.

h. Zone B Requirements for journal bearings is defined as all babbitt areas located over anchoring
dovetail grooves or in areas recessed below the nominal bearing bore such as oil pockets,
channels, feed or drain grooves,

i. Zone B is excluded from unbonded criteria due mechanical fastening. Finding shall be
documented on bearing zone map and bearing surface.

i. Zone C Requirements is all area not in Zones A or B

i. Total unbounded area shall not exceed 10 percent of the total Babbitt area.

ii. No individual area of unbound shall be greater than 3% of the total Babbitt area or 1
inch, whichever is smaller.

j. Unbonded areas on the face of the bearing shall be mapped, directly on the bearing babbitt.
The Contractor shall prepare and submit the inspection report to the Authority upon conclusion
of the ultrasonic inspection to include a mapping of the soundings using a 1” x 1” grid.

k. Inspection findings shall be recorded on a bearing detail provide by the Authority.

c) Dye Penetrant Examination of Babbitt

a. The shell edge bond line shall be 100% examined by the dye penetrant method. The shell will
be rejected if indications greater than point indications larger than 0.05 inches are found, or if a
series of adjacent or near adjacent indications are found within a 1-inch length. If there are dis-
agreements of interpretation and the acceptability of the shell, the shell will be re-babbitted.

b. The surface of the rebabbitted shell shall be 100% examined by the dye penetrant method. Any
indication larger than 0.1 inches may require re-babbitting of the shell, at the Authority’s option.
The Contractor may propose repair methodologies for smaller defects. Porosity defects of up to
0.05 inches are acceptable, provided that these are separated by at least 1 inch of zero-defect

c. The Contractor shall otherwise conduct the dye penetrant tests in accordance with ISO 4386-3,
Plain Bearings, Metallic Multilayer Plain Bearings; Non-destructive Penetrant Testing, or as
otherwise agreed by the Authority.

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d. All NDE technicians shall be certified to ASNT - TC1A Level II or higher.

d) Dimensional Inspection

The Contractor shall conduct a final dimensional inspection including the following:

a. Run out of the shell’s babbitted surface must be +0.002/-0.000 inches as specified in DWG
227544 Rev.2.

b. Run out of the shell’s outer diameter of all mating lands top the bearing housing must be
+0.003/-0.000 inches as specified in DWG 227544 Rev.2.

c. The Taper of the shell’s outer diameter of all mating lands to the bearing housing be a true 12:1
taper as specified in DWG 227544 Rev.2.

d. The babbitted surface shall be concentric to the axis of the shell within +/- 0.001 inches.

e. With the bearing halves bolted together and torques to 100 ft-lbs, the maximum allowable gap
between sides in the babbitted surface must not exceed 0.003 inches.

f. With the bearing halves bolted together and torques to 100 ft-lbs., the maximum allowable gap
between sides in the outer diameter surface must not exceed 0.003 inches.

9. Quality Assurance Requirements

9.1 General Requirements

As used herein, the term “Authority Quality Assurance Representative (AQAR)” shall mean: the
Authority’s employee(s), assigned Quality representative, Authority’s Engineering’s representative,
and/or contracted representative assigned to witness the inspections, perform quality audits and /or
witness test(s) for verification of work at the manufacturer’s facilities or those of its subcontractors.
Such personnel have the right to any required information of any quality/fabrication related information
necessary to assess Contractors production facilities, determine progress of engineering, procurement,
production and verification of completed work along with any related test /inspection verification

a) QA Approved Production Facilities:

The Contractor’s production facility, and all Subcontractors’ facilities performing working on bearing will
need to be audited by Authority Quality Assurance Representative (AQAR), and approved prior to the
commencement of any work. Contractor is responsible for providing all documentation, procedures,
opportunities to observe work and in-house inspections processes at contractor’s expense. If the AQAR
deems Contractor’s, or Subcontractors’ facilities does not meet requirements necessary to gain AQAR
approval, the authority reserves the right to cease any awarded work as no cost to the authority. Once
Contractor’s production facility is considered AQAR approved shop, it will remain so for future jobs.

b) QA/QC Procedure Preparation:

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The Contractor shall prepare and submit QA/QC procedures and a specific inspection plan for this
project, compliant with ISO 9001 requirements, including a timeline with inspection points and an
organization chart, for review and approval by the Authority. The organization chart shall indicate
applicable management structure, engineering, procurement, project management, fabrication and
inspection departments, and indicate responsibilities.

The program must address the following:

a. Identification, control and traceability of material in the shop, from receipt through final

b. Travel or other means to assure work steps and inspection/tests are completed

c. Instruction, procedures and drawings to control work (tinning, babbitting, PWHT, etc.)

d. Measuring and test equipment and their calibration

e. Control of test and inspections performed

f. Non Destructive Examinations (PT, UT, etc.) as applicable. Standards used for procedure and
personnel qualification

g. Control of welding; welding procedure and welder qualification. Standards used for
welder/procedures qualification

h. Post Weld Heat treating, as applicable

i. Control of nonconformance’s and corrective action

c) Witness and Hold Points

The Contractor shall include the following hold points as a minimum in his inspection plan, and shall
notify the Authority at least 5-days in advance for all inspections so that a representative from the
Authority may travel and witness the inspections:

a. UT, PT, and MT examination of shell castings, or welded plates.

b. UT and PT inspection of babbitted surfaces

c. PT examination of bond joints

d. Final dimensional inspection of finished shell and babbitt.

Witness Points are defined as those inspections for which at least a five working day notice shall be
given by the Contractor to the Authority, but the Contractor is not required to stop inspection work if
Authority representatives are not available to witness the tests or work.

Hold Points are defined as those inspections beyond which work shall not proceed without specific
consent of the Authority’s Quality Assurance Representative. At least a five working day notice shall be
given by the Contractor to the Authority for all hold point inspections. The Authority may elect to waive
hold point inspections, in which case the Contractor shall record this and will continue with the
inspections and provide records of the results of inspection. However, if the Contractor continues work
beyond any designated hold point for which a waiver has not been granted, the Contractor faces

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possible rejection of the work and may need to repeat inspections in the presence of the Authority’s
Quality Assurance Representative.

d) Facility Access and Shop Inspection

The Authority and/or its designated representatives shall have full access to the Contractor’s facilities
as well as those of subcontractors and suppliers, if required, for the purpose of assessing Contractory
facilities, the contracted work, conformance to specification requirements, to witness or verify tests, and
to perform a quality audit if determined to be necessary by the Authority.

These staff shall have access to any information and be provided with copies by the Contractor of any
inspection or manufacturing related information to determine progress and compliance with the work.

e) Authority Participation in Inspection/Test Verification/ Audit

The Authority reserves the right to participate in inspection, test or audits at the Contractor’s, or
subcontractors facility relating to the contracted work/services provide under this contract.

f) Quality Control Inspection Test and Manufacturing Plan

Within 45 days after award of contract and prior to any release of procurement of materials, engineering
or fabrication of contracted work, the Contractor shall submit a controlled copy of its Quality Assurance/
Quality Control/Inspection Program System along with any addendums/supplements necessary to their
QA/QC Inspection programs in order to comply with all of our specification requirements. In addition a
detailed sequential manufacturing plan specific for this contracted work (may also be defined as
process sheets, work plans, fabrication plans, travelers, production schedule, construction procedures,
etc.) shall be submitted at the same time for the purpose of planning Authority witness and hold points.

g) Records

Inspection records of examinations required in these and the reference specifications shall be kept
complete and available to the Authority for the duration of the contract. Upon completion of the
contract, the Contractor shall turn over to the Authority complete documentation of all work performed
and a copy shall be attached to the bearing.

h) Non-Conformance Reports

The Contractor shall document methods for disposition of items and performance that do not meet
contract requirements, Authority approved drawings, procedures, or other drawings or documents the
Vendor uses in the work. These methods shall contain provision for:

a. Evaluation of conforming and non-conforming items

b. Submittal of all non-conformance notices to the Authority. These submittals shall include
supplier – recommended disposition (e.g. use- as – is or repair) and technical justification, and
shall be approved by the Authority

i) Suitable Facilities

The Contractor shall have equipment and facilities suitable for the measurement of all manufacturing
dimensions specified in contract drawings with an accuracy of 0.00015 inch or better. The equipment
shall be calibrated and traceable to NIST.

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j) Performance of Inspections

The Contractor is responsible for the performance of all inspections as required herein.

10. Welding

10.1 Work Included

a) The Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, equipment documentation and services required to
perform the Work.

b) The Contractor shall be responsible for determining and developing the proper techniques necessary to
meet the required mechanical properties of the steel in the welded condition.

10.2 Welding Requirements

a) All welding including repair welding shall be in accordance with American Welding Society AWS D1.1
or ASME's Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section IX

b) The qualification of welding/brazing procedures, welders/brazers, and welding/brazer operators for all
welding/brazing shall conform to ASME's Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section IX or American
Welding Society AWS D1.1 requirements. All welding procedures (WPS), procedure qualifications
records, and welder qualifications and continuity records shall be submitted for NYPA review and

a. The Contractor shall provide Weld Procedure Specification (WPS) and supporting Procedure
Qualification Record (PQR) for all welds performed.

b. The Contractor shall provide Welder Qualification Test Records (WQTR) and continuity records
for all welders working on the bearing.

c) The Authority (at the Contractors expense) has the right to verify any contractors’ welders’ qualifications
by having their welder(s) weld up test coupons. The Authority will only select the Contractors’ welders
that are assigned to weld on this project. Test coupon samples shall be welded in the presence of the
Authority and prepared by the Contractor for testing. The Authority shall use these coupons to verify
welder qualifications. No welder shall be allowed to work unless he has passed an Authority bend test
and visual examination.

d) The Authority (at the Contractors expense) has the right to require any welders/ weld operators re-
qualify if their work appears questionable, as determined by visual or other non distructive examination,
or improper procedure application.

e) This specification requires the welding of:

a. Carbon steel to carbon steel (C/S to C/S)

f) Welding Processes – Welding may be performed by one or more of the following processes:

a. Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW)

b. Gas Metal Arc welding (GMAW)

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c. Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) with filler metal added

d. Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW) with externally supplied shielding gas only

g) Weld end preps shall be clean bare metal. Any rust inhibitor or preventative coating on these areas to
be welded is to be fully removed prior to welding.

h) All weld spatter is required to be removed from base metal and completed weld.

i) Welding Materials Control – The Contractor shall install controls for all weld filler materials. The
Contractor shall prepare and submit, prior to start of Work, a procedure for the control of weld
electrodes and filler material such that the Authority is assured that the correct filler material is ordered,
protected in storage, and used for the specified application. The controls shall be documented in a
welding material control procedure that is submitted to the Authority for review and approval.

a. The procedure shall provide for the following:

i. Positive identification of all filler materials, weld ovens and portable weld ovens

ii. Segregation of filler materials by classification, alloy, size and type

iii. Weld Wire/Rods Storage, Documented Distribution Controls and Handling in the field
and shop areas

iv. Controls for Welding Ovens and for Portable Welding Ovens e.g. Distribution controls,
Calibration controls for temperature monitoring instrumentation

v. Any weld rod not stored in a hermetically sealed can shall be stored in welding oven

j) Filler material for the selected processes shall meet the following requirements:

a. Filler Metal

Covered electrodes for manual shielded metal arc welding shall conform to ASME SFA 5.1 or
5.5 low-hydrogen type. The use of E70XX-AL electrodes is required for materials whose carbon
is specified as greater than 0.30 percent, and where the minimum tensile strength is specified
as 70,000 psi. The use of E80XX-B2 electrodes is required for P-4 materials. The use of
E90XX-B3 electrodes is required for P-5 materials with chromium content not exceeding 3%.

i. Inert gas welding shall employ filler metal or consumable inserts that will deposit weld
metal similar to the base material and shall be defined in the valve manufacturer’s
welding procedure specification and qualification test records.

b. Gas tungsten arc welding electrodes shall be thoriated tungsten conforming to AWS A5.12,
Classification EWTH-2.

k) Storage and Handling of Welding Materials

All electrodes having low hydrogen coverings conforming to ASME SFA 5.1 or 5.5 shall be purchased
in hermetically sealed containers. When using electrodes directly from hermetically sealed containers,
the metal crimp closure shall be inspected to ensure that there is no damage. Electrodes shall be dried
prior to use if the hermetically sealed container shows evidence of damage. Electrodes conforming to
ASME SFA 5.1 shall be dried for at least two hours between 550 F and 650 F before they are used.

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Electrodes conforming to ASME SFA 5.5 shall be dried for at least two hours between 700 F and 800
F before they are used. Immediately after the opening of the hermetically sealed container or removal
of the electrodes from drying ovens, electrodes shall be stored in ovens held at temperature of 250 F
to 300 F prior to use. After removal from the storage ovens for use, E70XX electrodes that are not
used within four hours, and E80XX within two hours, E90XX within one hour, E100XX and E110XX
within one-half hour drying or storage oven shall be redried before use.

Electrode shall subsequently be redried no more than one time. Electrodes with wet, chipped or
cracked coating shall not be used. Bare and flux-core wire and submerged arc materials shall be
stored in dry, clean areas and shall never be used in an oxidized or dirty condition. Electrode control
shall be described in written procedures submitted to NYPA in accordance with Attachment C.

10.3 Weld Workmanship

Steel sections shall be welded in accordance with weld procedures that are required to be submitted for
approval of the Authority; weld ends shall be prepared in accordance with these procedures. The
Contractor shall remove all scale, rust and other foreign matter immediately prior to welding by grinding,
wire brushing, and use of degreasing solvents on the welding surfaces and for a distance of at least 1/2
inch back from the edge of the welds. Weld acceptance criteria shall be according to ASME BPVC,
Section VIII.

Edges of members to be joined by butt-welding shall be aligned with particular care to insure complete
penetration and fusion at the bottom of the joint. Where fillet welds are used, the members shall fit
closely and shall be held together during welding. The edges of members to be welded shall be sheared,
flame-cut, ground or machined to suit the required type of welding and to allow thorough penetration. The
edges of surfaces to be welded shall be sound metal, free from visible defects such as laminations and
defects caused by cutting operations, and free from rust, grease, and other foreign matter for a distance
of at least 1/2 in. back from the edge of the weld.

Each weld shall be reasonably uniform in width and size throughout its length and each layer of welding
shall be smooth, free of slag, cracks, pinholes and undercut and shall be completely fused to the
adjacent weld beads and base metal. In addition, the cover pass shall be free of course ripples,
irregular surface, non-uniform bead pattern, excessive crown, deep edges or valleys between beads
and shall blend smoothly and gradually into the surface of the base metal. Butt welds shall be of
uniform height, and shall achieve penetration. Fillet welds shall be of specified size, with full throat and
with each leg of uniform length.

The number of weld beads, electrode size, mean voltages and amperages shall be as shown in the
manufacturer’s welding procedure.

Width of weld passes deposited with shielded metal arc electrodes shall be limited to a maximum of 4
times the core wire diameter. The thickness of any deposited weld layer shall be ¼ inch maximum.

Arc strikes shall be removed by grinding. The ground out arc strike area shall be blended uniformly into
the surrounding surface and inspected using the dye liquid penetrant examination method. Grinding
shall not result in a reduction in thickness below the minimum required by the applicable material
specification, A reduction in thickness beyond the minimum required caused by grinding shall be
treated as a defect. In case of repair, the ground out area shall have the groove faces angled or flared
to 15 and the bottom of the groove shall have a minimum of 1/8 inch radius to provide welding
accessibility and to prevent a stress riser.

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When post weld heat treatment is required, the Contractor’s post weld heat treatment procedure and
record of heat treatment shall be submitted to NYPA for approval.

Joints shall be evenly heated to preheat temperature, preferably by resistance or induction coil heating.
Propane, natural gas or burner rings may also be employed. The metal temperatures shall be
determined by contact pyrometer, temperature sensitive crayons or other suitable methods. Preheating
shall be in accordance with the requirements of AWS D1.1.

Elimination and repair of major material defects shall be in accordance with AWS requirements and the
product form in which the material is used. A defect shall be considered major when the depth of repair
exceeds the lesser of 3/8” or 10% of the section thickness in the area of repair.

The Contractor shall, before performing any major repair, submit a written repair procedure to the
Authority for approval. The procedure shall include, as a minimum, the method of defect removal,
method of verifying defect removal, weld procedure(s), a weld map showing defect type, cavity size,
welder performing repair, welding procedure and qualification test record, filler metal classification, heat
or lot number, amperage and voltage ranges maintained, deposition sequence, nondestructive test
methods and acceptance standards applied to the completed repair weld. Records of all major repairs
shall become part of the material test report.

11. Coatings Requirements

11.1 Work Included

a) The Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, equipment and services to perform the work of this
Section. The Work includes the following:

a. All surfaces to receive a coating must be inspected, prepared, and applied according to the
specifications detailed below.

b. All surfaces which are not to be painted shall be coated with an environmental protective
coating to provide protection for shipment and long term storage.

c. All surface which are to be painted must be prepared by cleaning, grit blasting or other
measures, as required by coatings manufacturer.

d. Priming and finish painting shall not commence until all finish machining has been completed an
inspected by the Authority.

e. Apply preservation coatings in the factory for protection during shipment and storage at the Site.

11.2 Coatings Schedule

a) Paint: White Amerlock 400 high-solids epoxy paint as manufactured by PPG, or an approved equal,
shall be applied to all surfaces.

a. Primer: as per mfr.’s recommendation.

b. Intermediate and Top Coats: Two 5 to 8-mil coats of Amerlock 400 paint, or approved equal

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b) Environmental protective coating: Tectyl 502. Alternatives may be proposed, but may be removed by
steam washing, or by other methods that do not require the use of VOC’s (Volatile organic

11.3 Inspection

a) Verify that substrate conditions are ready to receive work in accordance with the coating manufacturer’s

b) Examine surfaces scheduled to be coated prior to commencement of Work. Report to the Authority
conditions that may potentially affect proper application.

11.4 Preparation

a) Correct defects and clean surfaces which affect painting work. Surfaces to be painted shall be cleaned
of all mill scale, dirt and other foreign substances by scraping, chipping, blasting, wire brushing, or other
effective means in accordance with the applicable sections of SSPC Specifications. All oil and grease
shall be removed from the surfaces by the use of clean mineral spirits or xylol, and clean wiping

b) All surfaces as indicated on the drawings not to receive paint shall be protected by effective masking
during the cleaning and painting of adjacent metal work.

c) Seal marks which may bleed through surface finishes.

d) Impervious Surfaces. – Remove mildew by scrubbing with solution of tri-sodium phosphate and bleach.
Rinse with clean water and allow surface to dry.

e) Shop Preparation of Uncoated Steel and Iron Surfaces. – Remove grease, scale, dirt, and rust. Where
heavy coatings of scale are evident, remove by wire brushing or sandblasting; clean by washing with
solvent. Apply a treatment of phosphoric acid solution, ensuring weld joints, bolts, and nuts are
similarly cleaned. Spot prime paint after repairs. Clean surfaces to comply with paint manufacturer’s

f) Within a maximum of two (2) hours of cleaning or before rusting occurs, one (1) coat of coating as
specified shall be applied to the surface. Prior to coating application, the surface shall be visually
inspected by the Contractor and the Authority to verify acceptability of the surface preparation. In the
event that rust forms or the surfaces otherwise become contaminated in the interval between cleaning
and painting, recleaning will be required.

11.5 Application

Refer to coating schedules section of this specification for selected surface coatings, application
thickness, and colors. Apply products in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions and with

Workmanship shall be of the best quality, performed only by skilled workmen. Materials shall be evenly
spread and smoothly flowed on, without runs, sags, or skip. Materials shall not be applied over a
previously applied coat until the surface is dry and hard and the surface has been properly prepared to
receive the next coat. Application of material shall be at the rate required to produce the specified dry
film thickness (DFT), and shall be checked by wet film thickness gauge as the work progresses. Metal
painting shall be subject to verification by magnetic dry film thickness gauge.

REV: 2 5777 Lewiston Road, Lewiston, NY 14092 │ 716.286.6437 │ www.nypa.gov P a g e | 27

Specification for Supply of Technical Specification
RMNPP Turbine Guide Bearing

11.6 Submittals

Fabrication drawings, shall specifically indicate the surfaces, of the components which will and will not
coatings. Coatings shall be listed on drawing BOM (bill of materials)

Submittals shall be in accordance with the contract requirements and shall include the following:

a) Coating manufacturer’s product data sheets.

b) Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all products

11.7 Quality Control

a) Provide labor, equipment, materials, and services as necessary to comply with the Authority’s Quality
Control Program.

b) Deficiencies in the work due to the Contractor’s non-conformance to the Drawings and Specifications
shall be corrected by the Contractor at no cost to the Authority.

11.8 Materials

c) Coatings shall be ready mixed, except field catalyzed paint capable of being readily and uniformly
dispersed to a homogeneous coating free of streaks and sags when dry.

d) Cleaning Solvent: As recommended by coating manufacturer.

e) Unspecified Materials: Unspecified materials such as turpentine, linseed oils and the like, shall be the
best grade or first-line products of reputable manufacturers, shall bear the name and complete label of
the manufacturer and shall be approved for use with materials herein specified by the respective
coating manufacturer.

11.9 Manufacturer’s Instructions

Observe the label instructions for the products used. Conflict between the manufacturer’s instructions
and these Specifications shall be reported immediately in writing to the Authority for resolution.

11.10 Standards

The Work of this Section shall be in accordance with the latest revision of the SSPC – Steel Structures
Painting Council unless more stringent requirements are specified herein.

12. Meetings
Meetings with Authority representatives shall be held at the Contractor’s facilities as necessary to review plans
and work progress.

a) A post bid award conference will be scheduled within two weeks after the award of the bid. The meeting
will cover all items listed in section 5.

REV: 2 5777 Lewiston Road, Lewiston, NY 14092 │ 716.286.6437 │ www.nypa.gov P a g e | 28

Specification for Supply of Technical Specification
RMNPP Turbine Guide Bearing

b) NYPA reserves the right to set up progress or evaluation meetings as deemed necessary. Attendance
by Contractor shall be mandatory.

13. Handling, Storage and Transportation

a) When transporting materials to the site, the Contractor shall transport all materials in such a way that
they are at all times protected from the weather and road hazards such as impact, vibration or damage
from jostling.

b) The Contractor shall be responsible for safe keeping of the bearing and all hardware including handling,
protection, storage and transportation. The Contractor shall submit proposed handling, storage and
transportation procedures.

c) The bearing and all hardware shall be kept in an environmentally controlled area at all times. The
Contractor shall take immediate steps to prevent rust.

d) The Contractor shall supply a wooden shipping crate to pack the bearing and all hardware. The
Contractor shall secure the shipping crate with the bearing to the transport vehicle to prevent sliding,
tipping and any other movement during transport.

e) The bearing shall be coated with an anti-corrosion preservative as listed in section 11, and sealed in
plastic or an approved material.

f) The Contractor shall provide the Authority with the weight in pounds of each component and assembly
as a whole. Weights shall be stamped on bearing halves, shipping crate, and listed on the fabrication

g) The Contractor shall ship copies of SDS sheets with the bearing inside the crate for all coatings used.

h) The following information shall be required on each crate:

a. The Authority’s address

b. Description of Product

c. NYPA Purchase Order Number

d. Weight, center of gravity, and safe lifting markings

i) The package shall also contain paperwork attached to shipping crate identifying the Purchase Order

j) Delivery can only be accepted at 4750 Witmer Rd, Niagara Falls, NY 14305 between the hours of 7:00
– 11:00 am, and 11:30 – 3:00pm. Four days’ advance notice of shipping is required.

k) The crate must be able to be off loaded by overhead crane. This may require a flat bed or open top

REV: 2 5777 Lewiston Road, Lewiston, NY 14092 │ 716.286.6437 │ www.nypa.gov P a g e | 29

Specification for Supply of Technical Specification
RMNPP Turbine Guide Bearing

14. Warranty
The Contractor shall warranty his workmanship for a period of five years from delivery of the bearing.
Workmanship is considered issues not related to performance induced wear or damage.

REV: 2 5777 Lewiston Road, Lewiston, NY 14092 │ 716.286.6437 │ www.nypa.gov P a g e | 30

Robert Moses Turbine Guide Bearing
Babbitt Bond Inspection Map

Height: 42.5 - ID: 51 - OD: 67 - Weight 3.5 tons

ASTM B23 – Grade 2
1 2 3 4 19.25

Area: 325.89 in2

Not to Exceed: 15% (48.9 in2)
Zone “A”
38.50 0.5 in major Dimension

< 2 in adjacent Unbonded Section

UT results may be unreliable due to proximity to edge
Zone “A” (dependent on ½ sensor diameter) results should be

5 6 7 8 13.00

Zone “B”
verified with DP
Area: 1422 in2
Not to Exceed: Excluded
Area: 1255.11 in2
7.37 5

Not to Exceed: 15% (188.25 in2) Total

Zone “C” 1 in major Dimension
< 1 in adjacent Unbonded Section

1.60 Inspect Dovetails for Evidence of surface stress cracks

39.00 Any Cracks discovered should be stress relived




Ø58" E
Ø57" H

227544 2

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