Empowerment Technologies: Quarter 1 - Week 2
Empowerment Technologies: Quarter 1 - Week 2
Empowerment Technologies: Quarter 1 - Week 2
Quarter 1 – Week 2
• Online Safety, Security, Ethics and Etiquette
• Contextualized Online Search and Research
Remember to:
• Apply online safety, security, ethics, and etiquette standards and practice
in the use of ICTs as it would relate to their specific professional tracks
After going through the activities in this module you will be able to:
Online Safety, Security,
2 Ethics, and Etiquette
In the previous discussion, it opens your door way in understanding ICT. The impact
of ICT to humanity, its current trends and how the different online platforms, sites,
and content were used to best achieve specific objectives.
In today’s modern world, ICT plays its significant role in acquiring, storing, and
sharing of various contents online. Using your gadgets, you can easily view,
download and save files from different websites. But there might be times that you
have encountered trouble with the websites and the file that you have run on your
computing devices. Have you asked yourself, what had caused this trouble? Sharing
of personal information and activities had become also a trend online. But, is it safe
to share this information? How should we behave online to maintain our reputation
even in the virtual world?
DIRECTIONS: Using the jumbled letters, identify the word that you can derive from
the pictures. Write your answer on a separate sheet.
If you have internet connection, you may also watch the full episode of MMK Identity
Theft online
Communication can now be virtually done. Thanks to the ingenious mind behind the
invention of Internet and the world wide web. Internet connects people virtually and
making a digital community across the world where you can share idea.
In communicating online, you should also uphold the same standards in real life
situation. You must observe proper decorum in dealing with other users and be
mindful with the information you feed. With the large amount of available
information online, you cannot say that all of the contents available are accurate and
came from reliable sources? Which information we share are risky?
Note: Keep your personal information private to avoid being a victim of cyber-
We are Digital Citizens
As a digital citizen, you are required to be a steward having a holistic and positive
approach to help children learn how to be safe and secure, as well as smart and
effective participants in a digital world. Remember that every trail of data you create
while using the Internet known as digital footprint will be there forever.
In using the internet, there’s a set of rules in behaving properly online known as
Netiquette. Netiquette is a combination of “net” (from internet) and “etiquette” a set
of rules adhere to respect other users’ views and displaying common courtesy when
posting your views to online groups discussion. The internet is a powerful tool for
learning and communicating, yet there is danger on it.
Online Threats
1. MALWARE stands for malicious software. This is the umbrella term used to refer
to a variety of forms of harmful or intrusive software.
VIRUS is a malicious program designed to replicate itself and
transfer from one computer to another either through the
Internet and local networks or data storage like flash drives
and CDs. Viruses are typically attached to an executable file
or a word document.
WORM is a malicious program that replicates itself through a
network. Some worms delete files, others interrupt the
network function and others send junk mail from infected
For example, the ILOVEYOU worm
TROJAN is a malicious program that is disguised as a useful program but once
downloaded or installed, leaves your PC unprotected and allows hackers to get
your information.
• Rogue Security Software — tricks the
user into posing that it is a security
software. It asks the user to pay to
improve his/her security but in reality,
they are not protected at all.
Sample of Trojan attack
• Keyloggers used to record the keystroke done by the users. This is done to
steal their password or any other sensitive information. It can record email,
messages, or any information you type using your keyboard.
This is a person who is able to enter and control other people’s computer
without authorization. By activating your computers firewall it can prevent
the entry of hackers.
Contextualized Online
3 Search and Research Skills
• use the Internet as a tool for credible research and information gathering
to best achieve specific class objectives or address situational.
After going through the activities in this module you will be able to:
After dealing on how to be safe and secure online, how about dealing with various
information we research online? While using the internet, have you ever searched
over the Internet for certain information where the search engine returned a different
result? What have you done to finally look for that certain information you need? Or
are you a victim of fake information online?
When in need of answers to queries and academic requirements, using your devices,
you browse thru the internet by typing some key words you wanted to search on a
search engine and thereafter the search engine will return back pages with
hyperlinks of possible answers. This is how information seekers able get answers
online easily but there are times that certain information that search engine returned
have different result.
Online research is a research method that involves the collection of information from
the internet. With the advent of the internet, the traditional pen-and-paper research
techniques have taken a backseat and made room for online research.
The information that we need is more likely already in the Internet. It is just a matter
of how to look for it and how to use information from the most credible source.
The user enters keywords or key phrases into a search engine and receives a list of
web content results from the websites. The list of content returned via search engine
to a user is known as a SERP (Search Engine Results Page)
Search Engine is a service that allows Internet users to search for content via the
World Wide Web (www).
5. Give credit. If you are going to use information from a source for educational
purposes, give credit to the original author of the page or information.
APA format
There are also provisions for “Fair Use” which mean that
an intellectual property may be used without a consent
as long as it is used in commentaries, criticisms, search
engines, parodies, news reports, research, library
archiving, teaching, and education.
Narrow down search results for complex searches by using the Advanced Search
page. For example, you can find sites updated in the last 24 hours or images that
are in black and white.
1. Go to Google. Navigate to www.google.com in your web browser.
2. Click on the "Settings" text at the bottom of the page. Now a list will appear
there. Click on the "Advanced search" from the list
3. Type your search terms in the Find pages with section and choose the filters
you want to use from the Then narrow your results by section. Hit the
Advanced Search button to search
In other search engines, such as Bing, you can use certain keywords and
symbols for your advanced search:
Rex Book Store, Inc. (2016) Empowerment Technologies - Innovative Training Works,
CHED (2016) Media and Information Literacy Teaching Guide for Senior High School
Arnel Ping (2018) PPT “Legal, Ethical and Societal Issues in Media and Information”
Retrieved January 22, 2018
ABS-CBN MMK Episodes (2018) “MMK Identity Theft” retrieved from
Albion.com and Seth T. Ross (2011) “THE CORE RULES OF NETIQUETTE” retrieved
from http://www.albion.com/netiquette/corerules.html
WebWise Yeam (2012) “ What is netiquette?” retrieved from
retrieved from https://www.questionpro.com/blog/execute-online-research/
• https://www.techopedia.com/definition/2419/internet
• https://usa.kaspersky.com/resource-center/threats/computer-viruses-vs-
• https://www.getcybersafe.gc.ca/cnt/rsks/cmmn-thrts-en.aspx
• https://www.google.com/search?q=pharming&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=
• http://weyburnpolice.ca/internet-safety/
• http://www.easybib.com/reference/guide/apa/website
• https://www.techopedia.com/definition/1327/domain-name
• https://www.scholar.google.com
• https://www.google.com/advanced_search