Art Appreciation H1
Art Appreciation H1
Art Appreciation H1
It’s complex, but the satisfaction of looking at art comes In many western cultures, the more realistic the rendering of
from exploring the work to find meaning, not shying away a scene the closer to our idea of the ‘truth’ it becomes. In the
from it simply because we may not understand it. 15th century German artist Albrecht Durer creates vivid works
that show a keen sense of observation. His Young Hare from
ARTISTIC ROLES 1495 is uncanny in its realism and sense of animation.
Visual artists and the works they produce perform specific
roles. These roles vary between cultures. We can examine
some general areas to see the diversity they offer – and
perhaps come up with some new ones of our own.
Stucco Ganhara figure, India, 4th–5th century CE. Victoria & Albert Museum,
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Popular Culture
Visual arts are generally divided into categories that make Street handbills. Image by Christopher Gildow
distinctions based on the context of the work. For example, Licensed through Creative Commons
Leonardo da Vinci’s ‘Mona Lisa’ would not fall into the same
category as, say, a graphic poster for a rock concert. Some
artworks can be placed in more than one category. Here are
the main categories:
Fine Art
Mona Lisa, Leonardo Da Vincic. 1503-19. Oil on poplar. 30” x 21”. The Louvre,
Image licensed through Creative Commons
background. In all three of these, the artists manipulate and
distort the ‘real’ landscape as a vehicle for emotion.
elements of cultural styles are recurring motifs, created in example, let’s look at two images that share one particular
the same way by many artists. Cultural styles are formed element; that of raised arms, and see how we perceive each
over hundreds or even thousands of years and help define one according to what we know about them.
cultural identity. We can find evidence of this by comparing
two masks; one from Alaska and the other from Canada.
The Yup'ik dance mask from Alaska is quite stylized with
oval and rounded forms divided by wide bands in strong
relief. The painted areas outline or follow shapes. Carved
objects are attached to the mask and give an upward
movement to the whole artwork while the face itself carries
an animated expression.