Pur Ricoh Pricelist

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Products Offered on Previous Pricing


New Product &/or New EDP Code

Purchase / Lease / Full Maintenance

Schedule B to

Ricoh Master Pricing Agreement

Terms & Conditions to reference Ricoh Master Agreement.
Pricing valid for 90 Days.
Lease rates are subject to quarterly review and adjustment, unless otherwise noted in the Ricoh Master Agreement.
Lease payments exclude taxes.
x x x
Copies Ricoh
Ricoh Prints Equipment
Product Code Developments and Options
EDP Per Minute Prices Per Unit
B&W - A4
x 407983 30

x 408262 34
x 408287
x 408299

x 408266 34
x 408287
x 408299

x 417434 30
x 006428MIU
x 417438
x 52551
x 417111
Fax Accessories
x 417446
Print / Scan Option Accessories
x 417440
x 417428
x 413009
Security & Misc. Accessories
x 417666
x 416372
x 416436
x x 416391

x 416185 31
x 006428MIU
x 416203
x 007168MIU
x 52341
x 52331
Fax Accessories
x 416194
Print / Scan Option Accessories
x 411699
x 402547
x 416163
x 414007
x 415620
x 416200
x 416196
x 006174MIU-PS1
x 003357MIU-PS1
x 004813MIU-PS1
x 004814MIU-PS1
x GCP0001-PS1
Security & Misc. Accessories
x 413012
x 413985
x 416372
x 100266FNG

x x 418485 35
x 418488 43
x 418490 43
x 006428MIU
x x 418080
x x 418081
x 418143
x 52005
x x 52006
x 418093
Print / Scan Option Accessories
x 418068
x x 418071
x 417428
x 417893
x 417566
x 417508
x x 407863
x 418105
Security & Misc. Accessories
x 417111
x 417727

x 417705 42
x 006428MIU
x 407230
x 407229
x 161200
x 52511
x 52501
Network Environment / Connectivity
x x 417596
x x 407863
x 417566
x 417111
Print / Scan Option Accessories
x 417709
x 417508
x 417428
x 417710
Security & Misc. Accessories
x 417727
x 417499

x 407809 52
x 407812 62
x 006428MIU
Paper Tray and Cabinet Accessories
x 407850
x 52651
x 52641
x 407851
Network Environment / Connectivity
x x 407863
x x 417596
x 417566
x 417111
Printing Features
x 408048
x 408275
x 417508
x 417428
x 407854
Security & Miscellaneous Accessories
x 407853
x 417499

x 417920 25
x 417928 25
x 417921 30
x 417929 30
x 417922 35
x 417930 35
x 006428MIU
x 100478FNG
x 408114
x 416737
x 417268
x 408116
x 416548
x 416550
x 417585
x 417593
x 417589
x 416615
x 417483
x 417484
x 416609
x 417587
Print/Scan Interface Options
x x 417596
x x 417493
x 417875
x 417508
x 417428
x 417111
x 416869
x 415814
x 415620
x 417857
Facsimile Accessories
x x 417865
x 417860
x 417868
x MX417518RA
Security & Miscellaneous Accessories
x 417864
x 416909
x 100266FNG
x 417566
x 005269MIU
x 417863

x 417756 40
x 417766 50
x 417776 60
x 006428MIU
x 100478FNG
x 408114
x 416737
x 417268
x 408116
x 416548
x 416550
x 417585
x 417589
x 416615
x 417483
x 417484
x 416609
x 417488
x 417487
x 416612
x 417587
x 417838
Print/Scan Interface Options
x x 417596
x x 417493
x 417875
x 417508
x 417428
x 417111
x 416869
x 415814
x 415620
x 417857
Facsimile Accessories
x x 417865
x 417860
x 417868
x MX417518RA
Security & Miscellaneous Accessories
x 417864
x 416909
x 100266FNG
x 005269MIU
x 417566
x 417863

x 418458 57
x 418465 62
x 006428MIU
x 418475
x 52652
x 52642
x 418476
Print/Scan Connectivity Options
x x 407863
x 418517
x 417111
x 417508
x 417428
x 418398
Facsimile Accessories
x MX417518RA
Security & Miscellaneous Accessories
x 407853
x x 418410

x 417917 65 (Seg. 4)
x 417918 75 (Seg. 5)
x 417919 90 (Seg. 5)
x 006429MIU
x 007138MIU
x 416229
x 417634
x 416232
x 417628
x 417629
x 415900
x 416612
x 415282
x 417627
x 417631
x 417630
x 416231
x 416633
x 415908
x x 416230
x 415017
x 415814
x 417111
Fax Accessories
x 417636
x 417641
x x 417644
x 417645
Print / Scan Option Accessories
x 417651
x x 417596
x x 417493
x 417663
x 417654
x 417566
x 417508
x 417428
Third Party Enablers
x 404056
x 409057
x 409058
x 409059
x 404771
x 404769
x 404768
x 404767
x 404765
x 404761
x 404760
x 404757
Security & Misc. Accessories
x 417499
x 417657
x 417927
x 417696
x 100266FNG
x 417573
x 417595
x 415620

x 407523 21 B&W / 21 Color
x 406019

x 408234 21 B&W / 21 Color

x 407890

x 408139 21 B&W / 21 Color

x 407890

x 408324 26 B&W / 26 Color

x 408328 26 B&W / 26 Color
x 407890

x 408168 30 B&W / 30 Color

x 408174 30 B&W / 30 Color
x 407399
x 407400
x 52004
x 408254

x 417839 31 B&W / 31 Color

x 418044 31 B&W / 31 Color
x 417847 42 B&W / 36 Color
x 418045 42 B&W / 36 Color
x 006428MIU
x 100468FNG
x 100469FNG
x 100470FNG
x 417426
x 417874
Fax Accessories
x 417894
Print / Scan Option Accessories
x 417508
x x 417493
x x 417596
x 417890
x 417428
Security & Misc. Accessories
x 417499
x 417412
x 417566
x 415620
x 417887

x 416969 42 B&W / 42 Color

x 416972 42 B&W / 42 Color
x 006428MIU
x 415123
x 415122
x 52460
x 52470
x 52131
x 415124
x 415125
x 417121
Fax Accessories
x 416976
x 416979
x 001342MIU
Print / Scan Option Accessories
x 414007
x 413012
x 407113
x 416605
x 416985
x 416990
x 415620
Security & Misc. Accessories
x x 416391

x 418149 50 B&W / 50 Color

x 006428MIU
x 418424
x 418376
x 416737
x 100478FNG
x 417589
x 416615
Fax Accessories
x 418483
x MX417518RA
Print / Scan Option Accessories
x x 417493
x 417428
x 417566
x 418055
x 415620
Security & Misc. Accessories
x 417573
x 417595

x 418017 20 B&W / 20 Color
x 418024 25 B&W / 25 Color
x 006428MIU
x 408114
x 417268
x 417585
x 416550
x 417589
x 417593
x 416615
x 416609
x 416737
x 100478FNG
x MX417498RA
x 417497
x 417485
x 417484
x 417587
Print / Scan Option Accessories
x 418055
x 417507
x 415814
x 417428
x x 417596
x x 417493
x 416869
x 417508
x 417501
x 417566
Fax Accessories
x 417510
x MX417518RA
x 417569
x 417515
Security & Misc. Accessories
x 417595
x 417499
x 417573
x x 417578
x 100266FNG
x 417111
x 415620

x 418276 20 B&W / 20 Color

x 418284 25 B&W / 25 Color
x 006428MIU
x 418355
x x 418352
x 416737
x 100478FNG
x 418376
x x 418343
x 418378
x 418341
x MX418397RA
x x 418327
x x 418381
x 417497
x 417485
x 418335
x 418345
Print / Scan Option Accessories
x 418406
x 417428
x x 417493
x 416869
x 417508
x x 418410
x 418398
Fax Accessories
x 418392
x MX417518RA
x 418530
Security & Misc. Accessories
x 418422
x 418421
x x 417578
x 100266FNG
x 417111

x 417980 30 B&W / 30 Color

x 417989 35 B&W / 35 Color
x 006428MIU
x 417585
x 417485
x 417484
x 417587
x 100478FNG
x 416737
x 417483
x 417497
x 417589
x 417593
x 416550
x 416548
x MX417498RA
x 408116
x 408114
x 408112
x 416615
x 416609
Fax Accessories
x 417569
x MX417518RA
x 417510
x 417515
Print / Scan Option Accessories
x 417507
x 415814
x 417566
x 417508
x x 417596
x x 417493
x 416869
x 417428
x 418055
x 417501
Fiery Options
x 404602
x 417925
x 007183MIU
x 404751
x 007091MIU
x 007095MIU
x 404750
x 404600
x 404601
Security & Misc. Accessories
x 417499
x x 417578
x 100266FNG
x 417573
x 417111
x 417595
x 415620

x 418292 30 B&W / 30 Color

x 418300 35 B&W / 35 Color
x 006428MIU
x 418376
x 417485
x 418335
x 418345
x 100478FNG
x 416737
x 418337
x 417497
x 418378
x 418341
x 418339
x x 418343
x x 418358
x MX418397RA
x 418360
x 418355
x 418349
x x 418327
x x 418381
Fax Accessories
x MX417518RA
x 418392
x 418530
Print / Scan Option Accessories
x 418398
x 417508
x x 417493
x 416869
x 417428
x 418368
x 418406
x 418367
x x 418410
Fiery Options
x 404602
x 418433
x 007183MIU
x 404751
x 007091MIU
x 007095MIU
x 404750
x 404600
x 404601
Security & Misc. Accessories
x x 417578
x 100266FNG
x 418421
x 417111
x 418422

x 417998 45 B&W / 45 Color

x 418009 60 B&W / 60 Color
x 006428MIU
x 417585
x 417485
x 417484
x 417488
x 417587
x 100478FNG
x 416737
x 417483
x 417487
x 417497
x 417589
x 416550
x 416548
x MX417498RA
x 408116
x 408114
x 408112
x 416615
x 416609
x 416612
Fax Accessories
x 417519
x MX417518RA
x 417531
x 417533
Print / Scan Option Accessories
x 417507
x 415814
x 417566
x 417508
x x 417596
x x 417493
x 417524
x 416869
x 417428
x 418055
x 417501
Fiery Options
x 404602
x 417925
x 404751
x 404750
x 007183MIU
x 007091MIU
x 007095MIU
x 404600
x 404601
Security & Misc. Accessories
x 417499
x x 417578
x 100266FNG
x 417573
x 417111
x 417595
x 415620

x 418309 45 B&W / 45 Color

x 418320 60 B&W / 60 Color
x 006428MIU
x 418376
x 417485
x 418335
x 418330
x 418345
x 100478FNG
x 416737
x 418337
x 418385
x 417497
x 418378
x 418339
x x 418343
x x 418358
x MX418397RA
x 418360
x 418355
x 418349
x x 418327
x x 418381
x x 418332
Fax Accessories
x MX417518RA
x 418392
x 418530
Print / Scan Option Accessories
x 418398
x 417508
x x 417493
x 416869
x 417428
x 418368
x 418406
x 418367
x x 418410
Fiery Options
x 404602
x 418433
x 007183MIU
x 404751
x 007091MIU
x 007095MIU
x 404750
x 404600
x 404601
Security & Misc. Accessories
x x 417578
x 100266FNG
x 418421
x 417111
x 418422

x 417667 65 B&W / 65 Color

x 417673 80 B&W / 80 Color
x 006429MIU
x 007138MIU
x 417628
x 417629
x 417630
x 416612
x 416632
x 416633
x 417904
x 417878
x 416699
x 416637
x 417631
x 416640
x 417883
x x 416642
x 417678
x 415908
x 412983
x 417677
x 417908
Fax Accessories
x 417689
x 417686
x 417692
x 417695
Print / Scan Option Accessories
x 417679
x 417717
x 417428
x x 417493
x 417111
x 417508
x x 417596
x 413009
x 417682
x 417657
x 417927
x 417566
x 415620
x GCP0001-PS1
Security & Misc Accessories
x 417595
x 417573
x 417696
x 417499
x 416373
x 100266FNG
Third Pary Enablers
x 404056
x 409044
x 409057
x 409058
x 409059
x 404771
x 404769
x 404768
x 404767
x 404765
x 404761
x 404760
x 404757
x 404980
x 404983
x 404979
x 404981
x 404982
x 404720
x 404723
x 404984
x 404722

x x 409236 96
x 007138MIU
x x 409256
x x 409117
x 409082
x 404652
x 409095
x 409090
x 409096
x 409099
x x 409338
x 407964
x x 409355
x x 409356
x 409000
x 404882
x 409047
x 417111
Controller Options
x 409264
x 404827
x 404751
x 404750
x 007095MIU
x x 45181852
x x 45181781
x 45112781
x 45112179
Production Finishing Options
x 409235
x 409234
x 417630
x x 418332
x 409253
x x 409337
x x 409258
x 409259
x 404540
x 409249
x 409250
x x 409268
x x 409254
x 404877
Print/Scan Connectivity
x x 409326
x x 409332
x 409340
x 417428
x 417508
x x 417493
x x 418065
Security & Miscellaneous

x x 409237 111
x x 409238 136
x 007138MIU
x x 409256
x x 409117
x 409082
x 404652
x 409095
x 409090
x 409096
x 409099
x x 409338
x x 409355
x x 409356
x 409000
x 404882
x 409047
x 417111
Controller Options
x 409264
x 404827
x 404751
x 404750
x 007095MIU
x x 45181852
x x 45181781
x 45112781
x 45112179
Production Finishing Options
x x 409337
x 409262
x 404542
x 404544
x 404545
x x 409258
x 409259
x 404540
x x 409260
x 404115
x 404114
x 409093
x 404218
x 409249
x 409250
x x 409268
x x 409254
x 404877
x 409339
x 404660
Print/Scan Connectivity
x x 409326
x x 409332
x 417428
x 417508
x x 417493
x x 418065
Third Party Enablers
x 404773
x 404769
x 404768
x 404767
x 404760
x 404765
x 404761
x 404757
x 409057
x 409058
x 409059
x 404771
x 404772
x 404770
x 409221
Plockmatic Options
x 409053
x x 409358
x 404716
x 404718
x 404719
x 404720
x x 12205110
x 409055
x 404722
x 409220
x 409232
x x 409233
Security & Miscellaneous

4th Station Models

x 404620 80
x 404622 80
x 404621 90
x 404623 90
x 404696
x 404697
5th Station Models
x 404624 80
x 404626 80
x 404625 90
x 404627 90
x 404696
x 404697
x 404698
x 007138MIU
x 404648
x 404650
x 404652
x 404653
x 404654
x 404656
x 404658
x 404387
x 404649
x 404708
x 404699
Production Finishing Options
x 404195
x 404218
x 404177
x 413012
x 412203
x 404539
x 404540
x 404542
x 404544
x 404545
x 404546
x 404548
x 404550
x 404400
x 404773
x 404769
x 404768
x 404767
x 404765
x 404761
x 404760
x 404757
x 404717
x 404716
x 404718
x 404719
x 404720
x 404721
x 409054
x 404722
x 404723
Controller Options
x 404671
x PP-ISFC7100E43A
x 404673
x PP-ISFC7100E83A
x 404748
x 404749
x 404750
x 404751
x 007091MIU
x 007096MIU
x 007095MIU
x 404421
x 404422
x 414939
x 404317
x 404753
x 45132479
x 45133050

4th Station Models

x 409226 85
x x 409288 85
x x 409159 95
x 409271 85
x 409207
x 409205
x 409208
5th Station Models
x x 409156 95
x x 409152 95
x 409207
x 409205
x 007138MIU
x 404195
x 412203
x 409188
x x 409117
x 409082
x 404652
x 409095
x 409090
x 409099
x 409096
x 409186
x 404539
x 404540
x 409093
x 404218
x 404542
x 404544
x 404545
x 404546
x 404114
x 404115
x 404548
x 404550
x 404177
x 404400
x 404877
x 417111
x 416605
x 404660
Production Finishing Options
x 404773
x 409057
x 409058
x 409059
x 404771
x 404769
x 404768
x 404767
x 404765
x 404761
x 404760
x 404757
x 404717
x 404716
x 404723
x 404718
x 404719
x 404720
x 409054
x 404722
x 409053
x 409220
x 409055
x 409102
x 409124-PS1
x 409126-PS1
x 409143-PS1
x 409135
x 409136
Controller Options
x 409325
x PP-ISF-72XX-E35
x 409118
x PP-ISF-72XX-E45
x 409119
x PP-ISF-72XX-E85
x 404749
x 409279
x 007095MIU
x 409283
x 409274
x 409216
x 409217
x 100000006105-PS1
x 45132479
x 45133050
x 409189
x 409193
x 417428
x 409192
x 409280
x 007091MIU
x 007096MIU
x PP-RCOP-7200
x 409284
x x 45181852

x 404863 65 B&W / 65 Color

x 404864 80 B&W / 80 Color
x 404917
x 404918
x 007138MIU
x 416699
x 417878
x 416640
x 417631
x 417883
x x 416642
x 404505
x 404880
x 416612
x 404177
x 404879
x 404878
x 404882
x 404884
x 417682
x 417566
x 417111
x 409047
x 417679
x 417508
x x 417596
x x 417493
x 417428
x 417657
x 417927
x 417499
x 409001
x 416637
Production Finishing Options
x 417629
x 417628
x 417630
x 417677
x 404875
x 404873
x 417904
x 415908
x 404872
x 404877
x 404056
x 409057
x 409058
x 409059
x 404771
x 404769
x 404768
x 404767
x 404765
x 404761
x 404760
x 404757
x 404980
x 404979
x 404981
x 404982
x 404720
x 404721
x 409054
x 404983
x 404723
x 404491
x 404722
Controller Accessories
x 409063
x PP-ISF5200E24B
x 404887
x PP-ISF5200E44B
x 404750
x 404751
x 404601
x 404600
x 404602
x 007183MIU
x 007091MIU
x 007096MIU
x 007095MIU
x 404583
x 404421
x 414939

x 404614 110
x 404615
x 404726 130
x 404727
x PP-ISF9110
x 404661
x 404724
x 404840
x 007140MIU
x 404650
x 404652
x 404653
x 404656
x 404387
x 404649
x 404708
Production Finishing Options
x 404218
x 404177
x 413012
x 412203
x 404539
x 404540
x 404542
x 404544
x 404545
x 404546
x 404548
x 404550
x 404400
x 404773
x 404769
x 404768
x 404767
x 404765
x 404761
x 404760
x 404757
x 404717
x 404716
x 404723
x 404718
x 404719
x 404720
x 404721
x 409054
x 404722
Controller Options
x 404662
x PP-ISF9110
x 404664
x PP-ISF9110
x 404749
x 404750
x 404751
x 007091MIU
x 007096MIU
x 007095MIU
x 404421
x 404422
x 414939
x 404317
x 404753
x 45132479
x 45133050

x 409070 115
x 409071
x 409072 135
x 409073
x 409138
x 409141
x 409139
x 007140MIU
x 409082
x 404652
x 409095
x 409090
x 409099
x 409096
x 404539
Production Finishing Options
x 404540
x 409093
x 404218
x 404542
x 404544
x 404545
x 404546
x 404114
x 404115
x 404548
x 404550
x 404177
x 404400
x 404877
x 404773
x 409057
x 409058
x 409059
x 404771
x 404769
x 404768
x 404767
x 404765
x 404761
x 404760
x 404757
x 404717
x 404716
x 404723
x 404718
x 404719
x 404720
x 409054
x 404722
x 409053
x 409055
x 409220
Controller Options
x 409101
x 409123-PS1
x 409125-PS1
x 409143-PS1
x 409135
x 409136
x 409092
x 404660
x 007091MIU
x 007096MIU
x 007095MIU
x 409274
x 409216
x 409217
x 100000006105-PS1

x x 409239 111
x x 409240 135
x 007138MIU
x x 409256
x x 409117
x 409082
x 404652
x 409095
x 409090
x 409096
x 409099
x x 409338
x x 409355
x x 409356
x 404882
x 409047
Controller Options
x 409264
x 404827
x 404751
x 404750
x 007095MIU
x x 45181852
x x 45181781
x 45112781
x 45112179
Production Finishing Options
x x 409337
x 409262
x 404542
x 404544
x 404545
x x 409258
x 409259
x 404540
x x 409260
x 404115
x 404114
x 409093
x 404218
x 409249
x 409250
x x 409268
x x 409254
x 404877
x 409339
x 404660
Print/Scan Connectivity
x x 409329
x x 409332
x x 417493
x x 418065
Third Party Enablers
x 404773
x 404769
x 404768
x 404767
x 404760
x 404765
x 404761
x 404757
x 409057
x 409058
x 409059
x 404771
x 404772
x 404770
x 409221
Plockmatic Options
x 409053
x x 409358
x 404716
x 404718
x 404719
x 404720
x x 12205110
x 409055
x 404722
x 409220
x 409232
x x 409233
Security & Miscellaneous

x 409376 111
x 409377 135
x 007138MIU
Rosetta Professonal Services
x 3RD-40877700-INST-DS
x 3RD-20877702-INST-DS
x 3RD-20877701-INST-DS
General Accessories:
x x 409355
x x 409356
x 404882
x 409047
x 006428MIU
Paper Handling & Cabinets:
x x 409256
x x 409117
x 409082
x 404652
x 409095
x 409090
x 409096
x 409099
x x 409338
x x 409337
x 409262
x 404542
x 404544
x 404545
x x 409258
x 409259
x 404540
x x 409260
x 404115
x 404114
x 409093
x 404218
x 409249
x 409250
x x 409268
x x 409254
x 404877
x 409339
x 404660
Print/Scan Connectivity:
x x 409329
x x 409332
x x 417493
x x 418065
GBC Options
x 404773
x 404769
x 404768
x 404767
x 404760
x 404765
x 404761
x 404757
x 409057
x 409058
x 409059
x 404771
x 404772
x 404770
x 409221
Plockmatic Options
x 409053
x x 409358
x 404716
x 404718
x 404719
x 404720
x x 12205110
x 409055
x 404722
x 409220
x 409232
x x 409233
3rd Party Controllers
x 409264
x 404827
x 404751
x 404750
x 007095MIU
x x 45181852
x x 45181781
x 45112781
x 45112179
Security & Miscellaneous:

General Accessories
Duplo Finishing Options
x 15C-90701-DS
x 15S-90790-DS
x 9SR-490CS
x 9SR-490K35
x 9SR-660/K02
x 9SR-660NCS-DS
x 9SR-800/CS-DS
x 9SR-800/K18-DS
x AA0-DC615CCD01
x AA0-DC615CST01
x AA0-DC615DFD06
x AA0-DC615JCR01
x AA0-DC615PCM01
x AA0-DC645
x AA0-DC645BCM16-DS
x AA0-DC645OMK01
x AA0-DC645PFM01
x AA0-DC645RSM01
x AAO-CP375PFR234-DS
x AAO-DC-445CRM04-DS
x AAO-DC445DFD07
x AAO-DC445LPT02
x AAO-DC445OPM02
x AAO-DC745ODF01
x AAO-DC745OSM01
x AAO-DC745RTM01
x AAO-DC-745SPM01-DS
x AAO-FD4140D
x AAO-PFR-04
x AAS-350PRO
x AAS-350R
x ASM-500
x BCC-330CNV
x CC-228
x CC-330
x CF-375
x CP-375
x CPM-02
x DB-280ST-DS
x DB-490
x DB-490P
x DB-490PRO
x DB-660P
x DB-660PRO
x DB-800PRO
x DBM-120SXS
x DBM-120T
x DBM-150
x DBM-150T
x DBM-350
x DBM-350T
x DC-445IFS-DS
x DC-616
x DC-616PRO
x DC-646
x DC-646IFS-DS
x DC-745
x DC-745IFS
x DF-1200
x DF-755
x DF-777
x DF-920
x DF-970
x DF-970CF-DS
x DF-980
x DFS-3500
x DFS3500-1
x DFS3500-2
x DF-TAB915
x DKT-200
x DPB-500
x DSF-2000-DBM
x DSF-2000-SCC
x DSF-2200-DBM150
x DSF-2200-DBM350
x DSF-2200-DBM500
x DSF-2200-DFS-2200PC
x DSF-2200-DS
x DSS-350
x DSS-350ST
x DT-900
x EX-2000
x KB-4000PUR
x EHC591R-DS
x OPK-02
x RC-7
x RTM-02
x SF-205Z
x U7-P4461-DS
x U7-S0008-DS
x U7-S0010-DS
x U7-S0011-DS
x U7-S0012-DS
x U7-S009-DS
x UD-300
x UD-300PKG
x UJ-500AS
x UP-240
Duplo Service Options
x DF-755-SVC-PS1
x DF-777-SVC-PS1
x DF-970-SVC-PS1
x DF-980-SVC-PS1
x DF-1200-SVC-PS1
x DBM-150-SVC-PS1
x DBM-150T-SVC-PS1
x DBM-350-SVC-PS1
x DBM-350T-SVC-PS1
x DSF-2200-DBM150-SVC-PS1
x DSF-2200-DBM350-SVC-PS1
x DSF-2200-DBM500-SVC-PS1
x DSF-2200-DFS-2200PC-SVC-PS1
x DSS-350-SVC-PS1
x ASM-500-SVC-PS1
x 15C-90701-SVC-PS1
x DKT-200-SVC-PS1
x DSF-2200-SVC-PS1
x DFS-3500-SVC-PS1
x DC-445-SVC-PS1
x DC-616-SVC-PS1
x DC-646-SVC-PS1
x DC-745-SVC-PS1
x AA0-DC615DFD06-SVC-PS1
x AA0-DC615CCD01-SVC-PS1
x AA0-DC615JCR01-SVC-PS1
x RTM-02-SVC-PS1
x CPM-02-SVC-PS1
x OPK-02-SVC-PS1
x AA0-DC645-SVC-PS1
x AA0-DC645PFM01-SVC-PS1
x AA0-DC645RSM01-SVC-PS1
x AA0-DC645BCM16-SVC-PS1
x AA0-DC645OMK01-SVC-PS1
x U7-S0008-SVC-PS1
x U7-S009-SVC-PS1
x U7-S0010-SVC-PS1
x U7-S0011-SVC-PS1
x U7-S0012-SVC-PS1
x U7-P4461-SVC-PS1
x CF-375-SVC-PS1
x CP-375-SVC-PS1
x DB-280-SVC-PS1
x KB-4000PUR-SVC-PS1
x DPB-500-SVC-PS1
x DB-490-SVC-PS1
x CC-330-SVC-PS1
x CC-228-SVC-PS1
x UD-300-SVC-PS1
x UP-240-SVC-PS1
x UJ-500AS-SVC-PS1
x RC-7-SVC-PS1
x 3RD-DF-755-INST-DS
x 3RD-DF-777-INST-DS
x 3RD-DF-970-INST-DS
x 3RD-DF-980-INST-DS
x 3RD-DF-1200-INST-DS
x 3RD-15S-90790-INST-DS
x 3RD-DSF-2200-DBM150-INST-DS
x 3RD-DSF-2200-DBM350-INST-DS
x 3RD-DSF-2200-DBM500-INST-DS
x 3RD-DSF2200-D2200PC-INST-DS
x 3RD-15C-90701-INST-DS
x 3RD-DSF-2200-INST-DS
x 3RD-DFS-3500-INST-DS
x 3RD-DC-445-INST-DS
x 3RD-DC-616-INST-DS
x 3RD-DC-646-INST-DS
x 3RD-DC-745-INST-DS
x 3RD-U7-S0008-INST-DS
x 3RD-U7-S009-INST-DS
x 3RD-U7-S0010-INST-DS
x 3RD-U7-S0011-INST-DS
x 3RD-U7-S0012-INST-DS
x 3RD-U7-P4461-INST-DS
x 3RD-CF-375-INST-DS
x 3RD-CP-375-INST-DS
x 3RD-DB-280-INST-DS
x 3RD-DB-490-INST-DS
x 3RD-9SR-490K35-INST-DS
x 3RD-9SR-660K02-INST-DS
x 3RD-9SR-800K18-INST-DS
x 3RD-CC-330-INST-DS
x 3RD-CC-228-INST-DS
x 3RD-UD-300-INST-DS
x 3RD-UP-240-INST-DS
x ALM3220
x 1300
Plockmatic StandAlone
x 10206010
x 10200010
x 10306000
x 10506000
x 12206100
x 12706000
PSI Envelope Finishing Options
x I3640
x I3640HS
x I3655
x DPT2432
x DPT24351
x DPT24352
x DPT24353
x DPT24354
Spiral Binding
x 04HD8000WC-DS
x 04JBPB3300-DS
x 04JBP21SQ-DS
x 04JBP31SQ-DS
x 04TAMDWC450-DS
x 04JBEB3500-DS
x 04PDIPS3250CL-DS
x 04JBCB3031CH-DS
x 04JBCB30LDK12-DS
x 04JBCB30LDK17-DS
x 05GW200521-DS
x 05GW200849-DS
x 04HD4170-DS
x 04MODEL373-DS
x 04SCRB160-DS
x 04OD4012-DS
x 04OD4012-DIE-DS
x 04WP7000EP-DS
x 04WP7000EP-DIE-DS
x 04HD7700EP-DS
x 04HD7700EP-DIE-DS
x 04DPMINI2475-DS
x 04LAM330R10-DS
x 04TAMTCC2700-DS
x 04RSL2701-DS
x 04RSL380SL-DS
x 04PL238LTA-DS
x 04DLALM3230-DS
x 04JAVCUT104-DS
x 04JAVCUT124-DS
x 04LWCR50B-DS
x 04LWCR50P-DS
x 04MBM0408-DS
x 04MY7000E-DS
x 04MBM0409-DS
x 04MBM0461-DS
x 05CHLAA10061-DS
x 04CHL265AT-DS
x 04MBM306A-DS
x 04MYI2051-DS
x 04S3100FOLD-DS
x 04MBM352F-DS
x 04BAUM714SC-DS
x 04BAUM714ST-DS
x 04RB24029736-DS
x 04RB24029754-DS
x 04RB24029772-DS
x 04RB220A118-DS
x 04RB220A110-DS
x 04RB220A111-DS
x 04MBM0859-DS
x 04DSSMA25-DS
x 04LWW106-DS
x 04LWW106K-DS
x 04LWW106F-DS
x 04LWW106ST1-DS
x 04LWW106ST2-DS
x 04STASU100-DS
x 04MYIGC210-DS
x 04MYBCS412-DS
x 04MYBCS212-DS
x 04MBMBC12-DS
x 04MYI120CC3-DS
x 04MBM2602CC-DS
x 04MYI45CC3-DS
x 04MYI60CC3-DS
x 04PTIM9100-DS
x 04PTIM8100-DS
x 04PTIM4500-DS
x 04PTMX9000-DS
x 04PTES8000-DS
x 04PTES7000-DS
x 04PTES5000-DS
x 04FXFD452-DS
x 04JBCB30QS17
x 04SBQ160PUR
x 04RSL2702S
x 04LED30HS
x 04LED30AC
x 04DLALM3222
x 04ROTAPT73
x 04RSRET1501
x 04RSRET2501
x 04EXCAL5000
x 04EXCAL1000X
x 04PAC120CPTA
x 04PAC240CPTW
x 04MBM4700
x 04SPCP430
x 04CHLS185A
x 04CHL185AEP
x 04WTRU4850
x 04MBM4315
x 04MBM4350
x 04MBM5260
x 04MBM6655
x 04MBM6660
x 04MBM5255
x 04CHLT230
x 04CHLT200BC
x 04CHLT200P
x 04CHLT200PLB
x 04CHL265TC
x 04CHLC370TC
x 04SAPC610
x 04CHLICUT1370
x 04MBM5560
x 04MBM352S
x 04BAUM714XA
x 04CMFC114
x 04CMFC114A
x 04RB240XL
x 04RB940CONV
x 04RB248RAU
x 04MBMS3000
x 04MBMS5000
x 04MYI175CC3
x 04SHRED852CC
x 04PTMX13000
Standard Horizon Finishing Options :
x BQ-480
x CN-480-DS
x BC-BQ480-1D-DS
x BC-BQ480-2D-DS
x PM-470
x SL-480
x SMSL-100
x AFV-566F
x DIFV-56
x PRF-36-DS
TecLighting Finishing Options :
x XCUV14
x RCUV-16
x RCUV-16F
x RCUV-21F
x RCUV-30
x RCF-30
x RCIL18-1-3D
x RC18-1-3D
x RC18-1-3DF
x RC18-1-3D-SAF
x VRC61090
x 99-0913
Total Flow Service Options
x 006987MIU-PS1
x 006988MIU-PS1
x 006990MIU-PS1
x 006991MIU-PS1
x 006992MIU-PS1
x 006996MIU-PS1
x 006999MIU-PS1
x 007000MIU-PS1
x 007001MIU-PS1
Watkiss Power Square
x 9582704
x 9585545-X
x 9580246-X
x WA072335-DS
x WA940180-DS
x WA940161-DS
x WA072306-DS


x 408268 34
x 408287
x 408299

x 408151 30

x 407314 31
x 407230
x 407229
x 161200

x 408272 34
x 408287
x 408299

x 407311 42
x 407230
x 407229
x 161200
x 411699
x 407113
x MX407348RA
x 007150MIU
x 407351
x 407349
x 407497
x 407218

x 418082 43
x 418494 43
x x 418080
x x 418081
x 418143
x 52005
x x 52006
x 418439
x 418442
x x 418438
x x 407863
x 418105
x x 418065
x 407819 62
x 407850
x 52651
x 52641
x 407851
x x 407863
x x 417596
x 417566
x MX407873RA
x 408048
x 407870
x 407864

x 418469 57
x 418472 62
x 006428MIU
x 418476
x 52642
x 418475
x 52652
x 418398
x MX407873RA
x x 407863
x 418536
x x 418410

x 407482 38
x 006428MIU
x 407489
x 408056
x 52401
x 007150MIU
x MX407500RA
x 411699
x 407113
x 407218
x 407501
x 407506

x 408244 50
x 006428MIU
x 408112
x 408116
x 416548
x 416612
x 416609
x 100478FNG
x 417587
x 417483
x 417487
x 417630
x 407964
x 417838
x 407965
x 408074
x MX408078RA
x 408095
x x 417596
x x 417493
x 408071
x 417566
x 408098
x 408088
x 408066


x 408137 21 B&W / 21 Color
x 407890

x 408334 26 B&W / 26 Color

x 407890

x 408209 30 B&W / 30 Color

x 407399
x 407400
x 52003
x 52004
x 408083
x x 417596
x x 407863
x 408082
x 407864
x MX408085RA

x 408164 30 B&W / 30 Color

x 407399
x 407400
x 52004

x 408301 42 B&W / 42 Color

x 408300
x 52700
x 52710
x 408304
x x 407863
x 408307
x x 418065

x 408105 45 B&W / 45 Color

x 408106 55 B&W / 55 Color
x 006428MIU
x 408112
x 408114
x 408116
x 416548
x 416612
x 416609
x 416737
x 100478FNG
x 408046
x 417485
x 417587
x 417483
x 417484
x 417487
x 417630
x 407964
x 417838
x 407965
x 408047
x 408091
x 417507
x x 417596
x x 417493
x 408040
x 417566
x 407864
x 408088
x 408066
x COM1-PS1

x 417289
x 006429MIU
x 410844
x 413717
x 406305
x 410842
x 417111
x 416605
x 417301
x 417300
x 416572
x 415873
x 404888
x 404889

x 417283
x 417286
x 417292
x 417295
x 417301
x 417298
x 406305
x 410842
x 410844
x 417300
x 413717
x 415873

x 404830
x 006428MIU
x 404836
x 404833
x 404834
x 404835
x 404858
x 417499
x 417428
x x 417493
x 415873
x 404888
x 404889

x 416738
x 416740
x 007137MIU

x 342293
x 007137MIU
Mandatory Accessories (Production Print Only)
x 342297
General Accessories:
x 342299

x 3000009271
x 3RD-100000003613-INST-DS
x 3RD-100000003615-DS
x 007137MIU
x 007095MIU
x 45172065-DS

x T00105
x T00107
x T00106
x T00120-DS
x T00126-DS
x T00130-DS
x T00131-DS
x T00135A-DS
x T00138-DS
x T00139-DS
x T00140-DS
x T00141-DS
x T00143-DS
x T00144-DS
x T00145-DS
x T00146
x T00148
x T00150
x T00152-DS

x SCT3270SR
x SCT5270DR
x SCT5270SR
x SCT7270DR
x SCT7270SR
x 006429MIU
x C12C811401
x C12C848031
x C12C891131

x JFX200-2513
x JFX500-2131
x 008062MIU-PS1
x OPT-J0202
x OPT-J0216
x OPT-J0217
x OPT-J0232
x OPT-J0342
x OPT-J0330
x CF2-0912TD-S
x CF2-1 215RC-S
x CG-160FXII
x CG-130FXII
x OPT-C0222
x SPA-0001-DS

x 243280 130
x 416554
x 416478
x 243024
x 243084
x 243217
x 52152

x 243291 150
x 006428MIU
x 243298
x 243299
x 243300
x 243302
x x 243303
x x 243305
x 243304
x 243306
x 52661

x 500-100951
x 500-100959
x 500-100971
x 300-100186
x 250-100133
x 250-100124
x 250-100125
x 650-100003-PS1
x 650-100035-PS1
x 810-100949-PS1
x 810-100950-PS1
x 810-100951-PS1
x 810-100952-PS1
x 810-100953-PS1
x 810-100954-PS1
x 810-100955-PS1
x 810-100956-PS1
x 870-100066-PS1
x 810-100940-PS1
x 810-100941-PS1
x 810-100942-PS1
x 810-100943-PS1
x 810-100944-PS1
x 810-100945-PS1
x 810-100946-PS1
x 810-100947-PS1

x 500-100976
x 500-100978
x 500-100980
x 500-100982
x 250-100144-DS
x 250-100145
x 250-100147-DS
x 300-100236
x 300-100257-DS
x 810-100995-SVC-PS1
x 810-100996-PS1
x 810-100997-SVC-PS1
x 810-100998-SVC-PS1
x 810-100999-SVC-PS1
x 810-101000-SVC-PS1
x 810-101001-SVC-PS1
x 810-101002-SVC-PS1
x 3RD-870-100074-INST-DS
x 810-101004-SVC-PS1
x 810-101005-SVC-PS1
x 810-101006-SVC-PS1
x 810-101007-SVC-PS1
x 810-101008-SVC-PS1
x 810-101009-SVC-PS1
x 810-101010-SVC-PS1
x 810-101011-SVC-PS1
x 870-100075-SVC-PS1



x 432122
x 432091
x 512959
x 512960
x 512961
x 512962
x 512963
x 512964
x 512981
x 432164
x 432167
x 432170
x 431169
x 432103
x 432104
x 007216MIU-PS1
x 100474FNG
x HAA131250
x 431197
x 432336
x 432339
x 432149
x 432152
x 432155
x 432044
x 432047
x 432009
x 432010
x 432011
x 432012
x 512711
x 431197
x 432109
x 432110
x 007065MIU
x 007165MIU
x 431060
x 308934
x 308935
x 308936
x 308937
x 308938
x 432159
x 432158
x 432058
x 431072
x 308934
x 308935
x 308936
x 308937
x 308938
x 512894
x 432078
x 432075
x 512914
x 512915
x 512916
x 512917
x 512918


x 432095
x 100266FNG

x 755109

x 432131
x 431128

x 432424
x 006428MIU
x 755213
x 755219
x 431128
x 432430
x P568-016-WH
x A3L791-12-BLK
x P350-10N-10
x U026-016
x 16328
x RDR-805R1AKU
x 920-007119
x 960-000971
x 960-001013
x 960-001101
x 989-000405
x 960-001226
x 960-001225
x 989-000430
x 939-001647
x MT340
x MT334-W
x MT503-W
x 910101081
x 432436
x 432319
x 432308

x 431193
x 431196
x 431128
x 431132

x 432206
x 006428MIU
x 432308
x 432221
x 431196
x 431128
x 920-007119

x 432064
x 432133
x 432135
x 432073
x 431128
x 432212
x 006428MIU
x 432308
x 432221
x 432135
x 431128
x 920-007119

x 432224
x 006428MIU
x 432071
x 432308
x 432219
x 432221
x 432290
x 431128
x 920-007119

x 432098
x 432073
x 431128

x 432329
x 006428MIU
x 432400
x 431128
x 432290
x 920-007119
x 910101081
x P568-016-WH
x A3L791-12-BLK
x P350-10N-10
x U026-016
x 16328
x 960-000971
x MT340
x MT334-W
x MT503-W
x RDR-805R1AKU
x 432308

x 162050
x 174543
x 174533
x 174583
x 171873
x 417832 25
x 417833 30
x 417834 35
x 006428MIU
General Accessories
x 417660
x 416550
x 417593
x 417589
x 416615
x 417483
x 417484
x 416609
x 417587
x 417585
Print/Scan Interface Options
x x 417596
x x 417493
x 417875
x 417508
x 417428
x 417111
x 416869
x 415814
x 415620
x 417854
x 417857
x 417566
Facsimile Accessories
x x 417865
x 417860
x 417868
x MX417518RA
Security & Miscellaneous Accessories
x 417864
x 416909
x 100266FNG
x 417714
x 005269MIU
x 417863

x 417835 40
x 417836 50
x 417837 60
x 006428MIU
General Accessories
x 417660
x 416550
x 417589
x 416615
x 417484
x 416609
x 417587
x 417488
x 416612
x 417838
x 417483
x 417487
x 417585
Print/Scan Interface Options
x x 417596
x x 417493
x 417875
x 417508
x 417428
x 417111
x 416869
x 415814
x 415620
x 417857
x 417566
Facsimile Accessories
x x 417865
x 417860
x 417868
x MX417518RA
Security & Miscellaneous Accessories
x 417864
x 416909
x 100266FNG
x 417714
x 005269MIU
x 417863

x 417979 30 B&W / 30 Color

x 417988 35 B&W / 35 Color
x 006428MIU
General Accessories
x 417659
x 416550
x 417585
x 417587
x 417483
x 417484
x 416615
x 417589
x 416609
x 417497
x 417593
Print/Scan Interface Options
x x 417596
x x 417493
x 417507
x 417504
x 417566
x 417501
x 417508
x 417428
x 417111
x 416869
x 415814
x MX417498RA
x 415620
Fiery Options
x 404750
x 404751
x 404600
x 404601
x 404602
x 007091MIU
x 007095MIU
x 007183MIU
Facsimile Accessories
x 417510
x 417569
x 417515
x MX417518RA
Security & Miscellaneous Accessories
x 100266FNG
x 417595
x x 417578
x 417714
x 417499
x 417573

x 417997 45 B&W / 45 Color

x 418008 60 B&W / 60 Color
x 006428MIU
General Accessories
x 417659
x 416550
x 417585
x 417587
x 417483
x 417484
x 416609
x 417488
x 417487
x 416612
x 417589
x 416615
x MX417498RA
x 417497
Print/Scan Interface Options
x x 417596
x x 417493
x 417507
x 417504
x 417566
x 417508
x 417428
x 417111
x 416869
x 415814
x 415620
x 417501
Fiery Options
x 404750
x 404751
x 404600
x 404601
x 404602
x 007091MIU
x 007095MIU
x 007183MIU
Facsimile Accessories
x 417531
x 417519
x 417533
x MX417518RA
Security & Miscellaneous Accessories
x 100266FNG
x 417595
x x 417578
x 417714
x 417499
x 417573

Office OMR (Higher ED) Only
x ROOT-1-PS1
x ROOT-3-PS1
x ROOT-5-PS1
x ROOT-10-PS1
x ROOT-25-PS1
Commercial Embedded Licenses for Ricoh
Education/Government Embedded Licenses for Ricoh
Software Licenses with No Embedded
Extra Software Licenses
SMB Bundle MFD Embedded Licenses
Embedded License Exchange for MFD & SFP
Maintenance and Support - New
Maintenance and Support Pro Rated - New
Maintenance and Support - Renewal
Commercial Embedded Licenses for 3rd Party
Education/Government Embedded Licenses for 3rd Party
Hardware Add Value Stations
Hardware Card Readers
Hardware Card Reader Brackets
Hardware External Terminals
Hardware Extended Warranty
Professional Services


Ricoh MP2852 Bundle
x 415768-RM
w/Cabinet/ARDF/Print/Scan (2 feed drawers)
Ricoh MP3352 Bundle
x 415780-RM
w/2 x 550 Tray Paper Bank PB3130/ARDF/Print/Scan (4 feed drawers)
x 415804-RM
Optional Accessories for MP2852/3352
x 006428MIU
x 415836-RM
x 415830-RM

Ricoh MP2554SP Bundle

x 417008-RM
w/Cabinet/ARDF DF3090/Print/Scan (2 feed drawers)
Ricoh MP3054SP Bundle
x 417014-RM
w/Cabinet/ARDF DF3090/BU3070/Print/Scan (2 feed drawers)
Ricoh MP3554SP Bundle
x 417025-RM
w/550x2 Paper Feed Unit PB3160/ARDF DF3090/BU3070/Print/Scan (4 feed drawe
Ricoh MP4054SP Bundle
x 417036-RM
w/Cabinet/SPDF DF3080/BU3070/Print/Scan (2 feed drawers)
Ricoh MP5054SP Bundle
x 417046-RM
w/550x2 Paper Feed Unit PB3160/SPDF DF3080/BU3070/Print/Scan (4 feed drawer
Optional Accessories for MP2554/3054/3554/4054/5054
x 006428MIU
x 416539-RM
x 416540-RM
x 416609-RM
x 417079-RM
x 417080
x 417100-RM

Ricoh MP4002 Bundle

x 415956-RM
w/Cabinet/ARDF/Print/Scan-color (2 feed drawers)
x 415804-RM
Ricoh MP5002 Bundle
x 415958-RM
w/PB3040/ARDF/Print/Scan-color (4 feed drawers)
x 415804-RM
Optional Accessories for MP4002/5002
x 006428MIU
x 416156-RM
x 416149-RM

Ricoh MP6002 Bundle

x 415877-RM
x 415901-RM
Ricoh MP7502 Bundle
x 415879-RM
x 415901-RM
Optional Accessories for MP6002/MP7502
x 006429MIU
x 415912-RM
x 415923-RM
x 415902-RM
x 412209-RM

Ricoh MP6001 Bundle

x 414788-RM
x 414957-RM
Optional Accessories for MP6001/7001/80001
x 006429MIU
x 007138MIU
x 414945-RM
x 415050-RM
x 414950-RM
x 412209-RM

Ricoh R907EX-RM Bundle

x 404186-RM
x 412981-RM
Ricoh R1107EX-RM Bundle
x 404189-RM
x 412981-RM
Optional Accessories for 907EX/1107EX
x 007138MIU
x 404200-RM
x 404220-RM
x 404223-RM
x 404174-RM
x 412983-RM
x 404177-RM

Ricoh MPC3002 Bundle

x 416035-RM
w/Cabinet/ARDF/Print/Scan (2 feed drawers)
Optional Accessories for MPC3002/3502
x 006428MIU
x 415991-RM
x 415998-RM
Ricoh MPC3003 Bundle
x 416502-RM
w/Cabinet/ARDF/Print/Scan (2 feed drawers)
Ricoh MPC3503 Bundle
x 416509-RM
w/2 x 550 Tray Paper Bank PB3160/ARDF/Print/Scan (4 feed drawers)
x 416539-RM
x 416540-RM
x 416609-RM
Optional Accessories for MPC3003/3503
x 006428MIU
x 416556-RM
x 416577-RM
x 416581
Ricoh MPC4503 Bundle
x 416518-RM
w/Cabinet/ARDF/Print/Scan(2 feed drawers)
Ricoh MPC5503 Bundle
x 416525-RM
w/PB3160/ARDF/Print/Scan-color (4 feed drawers)
x 416539-RM
x 416540-RM
x 416609-RM
Optional Accessories for MPC4503/5503
x 006428MIU
x 416564-RM
x 416591-RM
x 416595
Ricoh MPC6502 Bundle
x 416623-RM
w/ARDF/Print/Scan(4 feed drawers)
x 416644-RM
Ricoh MPC8002 Bundle
x 416627-RM
w/ARDF/Print/Scan-color (4 feed drawers)
x 416644-RM
Optional Accessories for MPC6502/8002
x 006429MIU
x 007138MIU
x 416645-RM
x 416612-RM
x 416651-RM
x 416657-RM

Ricoh Aficio C901 RSS Bundles

x 404350-RM
x 404353-RM
Optional Accessories for C901
x 007140MIU
x 412978-RM
x 412983-RM
x 404220-RM
x 404687

Ricoh Pro 5100 Reman

x 404493-RM
x 404497-RM
Accessories for Pro 5100
x 007140MIU
x 416612-RM
x 416699-RM
x 416638-RM
x 416644-RM
x 416645-RM
x 416657-RM

Ricoh Pro 8100 Reman

x 404592-RM
x 404593-RM
Accessories for Pro 8100
x 007140MIU
x 404548-RM
x 404177-RM
x 404536-RM
x 404537-RM
x 404550-RM
x 404559-RM
x 404590-RM

Kodak Digimaster Offerings

x 110EX-IKO-RM
x 8454A001-IKO-RM
x 125EX-IKO-RM
x 8454A001-IKO-RM
x 138EX-IKO-RM
x 8454A001-IKO-RM
x 150EX-IKO-RM
x 8454A001-IKO-RM
Optional Accessories for Kodak EX
x 007140MIU
x 0089B001-IKO-RM
x 0088B003-IKO-RM
x 0086B001-IKO-RM
x 8247A001VP-RF
x 5752A002T2-RF


x S-CPFG2100D1-N-DS
x DPB-500PUR
x 3000010120-PS1
x 3000010129-PS1
x 3000010145-PS1
x MX418397RA
x 100000012615-PS1
x 100000012634-PS1
x PA03670B055V-DS
x PA03768-B005-DS

x 100000007400-PS1
x 45180534-DS
x 7705643-DS
x 3RD-2524484-INST-DS
x 7705650-DS
x 323000000
x PP-007144XAN
x 04BAUM714XLT
x 810-101010-PS1
x 7705643-DS
x 3RD-2524484-INST-DS
x 7705650-DS
x 323000000
x 3RD-PRA11-DS
x 45112781-RNWL-PS1
x 100000006365-RNWL-PS1
x 421525-PS1
x RDR-805R1AKU
x 421552-PS1
x 342000

x 342004

x 342033-DS
x 342034-DS
x 342035-DS
x 342036-DS
x 342037-DS
x 342119-DS
x 342120-DS
x 342075-DS
x 45112781
x 45111134-PS1
x 3RD-100000011785-DS
x 100000011847-PS1
x 100000011847-RNWL-PS1
x 3000009833-PS1
x 3000009833-RNWL-PS1
x 3000009835-PS1
x 3000009835-RNWL-PS1
x 3000009836-PS1
x 3000009856-PS1
x 3000009856-RNWL-PS1
x 3000009860-PS1
x 3000009836-RNWL-PS1
x 3000009837-PS1
x 3000009837-RNWL-PS1
x 3000009838-PS1
x 3000009862-PS1
x 3000009862-RNWL-PS1
x 3000009867-PS1
x 3000009869-PS1
x 3000009857-PS1
x 3000009858-PS1
x 3000009838-RNWL-PS1
x 3000009839-PS1
x 3000009839-RNWL-PS1
x 3000009850-PS1
x 3000009850-RNWL-PS1
x 3000009851-PS1
x 3000009851-RNWL-PS1
x 3000009852-PS1
x 3000009852-RNWL-PS1
x 3000009853-PS1
x 3000009853-RNWL-PS1
x 3000009855-PS1
x 3000009855-RNWL-PS1
x RDR-800R1AKU
x S-EQ5ED050-5-PS1
x EQ5ED050-PS1
x CRU0MC02-1PB
x 3RD-100000008802-DS
x 3000009036
x 3000009035
x 3RD-100000003613-INST-DS
x 100000003615-PS1
x PP-ISF-EFI1625
x 3000009040-PS1
x 3000009041
x 45129016
x 45139416-PS1
x 45095822-PS1
x 45091410-PS1
x 007095MIU
x 3000009987-DS
x 100000008525-PS1
x ITC5800-DS
x PPM25-PS1
x PPM25B-PS1
x EPPT753B1
x EPPT753B2
x 000171MIU
x 006222MIU
x 006223MIU
x 3RD-29011E-DS
x 42002-PS1
x 5876-W04-S0001-ENID
x 1615962-DS
x S6800-SCMYNBD3-PS1
x 417100

@Remote Appliance
x 420920
IFS Software
x MCNW01-1-PS1
x MCNW01-1S-PS1
x MCNW01-2-PS1
x MCNW01-2S-PS1
x MCNW01-3-PS1
x MCNW01-3S-PS1
IFS Software Add-on
x 8FE024-PS1
x 8FE037-PS1
x MCNW11-PS1
x 8FE004-PS1
x 8FE005-PS1
x 8FE016-PS1
x MCNW10-PS1
x MCNW05-PS1
x 8FE047-PS1
x 8FE048-PS1
x 8FE049-PS1
x 8FE050-PS1
x 8FE084-PS1
IFS Software Stand Alone
x MCNW15-PS1
x MCNW13-PS1
x 8FE051-PS1
x 8FE052-PS1
x 8FE053-PS1
x 8FE054-PS1
IFS Software with Hardware
x PAS-SFI-005-PS1
x PAS-SFI-010-PS1
x PAS-SFI-025-PS1
x PAS-SFI-050-PS1
x PAS-SFI-100-PS1
x PAS-SFI-250-PS1
x PAS-SFI-500-PS1
x PAS-MFI-005-PS1
x PAS-MFI-010-PS1
x PAS-MFI-025-PS1
x PAS-MFI-050-PS1
x PAS-MFI-100-PS1
x PAS-MFI-250-PS1
x PAS-MFI-500-PS1
x PAS-SFI-005-T-PS1
x PAS-MFI-005-T-PS1
x 8FE078-HCPS1
x 8FE079-HC-PS1
x 8FE080-HC-PS1
x 8FE081-PS1
x 8FE082-HC-PS1
x 8FE101-HC-PS1
x 8FE108-HC-PS1
x 8FE100-HC-PS1
x 8FE102-HC-PS1
x 8FE115-HC-PS1
x 8FE117-HC-PS1
x 8FE118-HC-PS1
x 8FE119-HC-PS1
x 8FE120-HC-PS1
x 8FE121-HC-PS1
x 8FE122-HC-PS1
x 8FE201-HC-PS1
x 8FE202-HC-PS1
x 8FE203-HC-PS1
x 8FE204-HC-PS1
x 8FE205-HC-PS1
x 8FE206-HC-PS1
x 8FE207-HC-PS1
x 8FE208-HC-PS1
x 8FE217-HC-PS1
x 8FE218-HC-PS1
x 8FE219-HC-PS1
x 8FE220-HC-PS1
x 8FE221-HC-PS1
x 8FE222-HC-PS1
x 8FE223-HC-PS1
x 8FE224-HC-PS1
x 8FE229-HC-PS1
x 8FE230-HC-PS1
x 8FE231-HC-PS1
x 8FE232-HC-PS1
x 8FE233-HC-PS1
x 8FE234-HC-PS1
x 8FE235-HC-PS1
x 8FE236-HC-PS1
x 8FL043-HC-PS1
x 8FL044-HC-PS1
x 8FL045-HC-PS1
x 8FL046-HC-PS1
x 8FL047-HC-PS1
x 420920
x 420924
x 42092-KIT
x 420920MS-PS1
x 420919
x 300R03493-PS1
x 301R41350-PS1
x 301R16740-PS1
x 301R41360-PS1
x 301R16742-PS1
x 301R16744-PS1
x 301R16746-PS1
x 301R16750-PS1
x 301R16751-PS1
x 301R16753-PS1
x 100R10001-PS1
x 301R16758-PS1
x 301R16759-PS1
x 301R16761-PS1
x 301R16763-PS1
x 301R24640-PS1
x 301R24650-PS1
x 301R55110-PS1
x 301R55120-PS1
x 301R24660-PS1
x 301R24670-PS1
x 301R24680-PS1
x 100R10002-PS1
x 100R10003-PS1
x 301R16756-PS1
x 301R24700-PS1
x 301R24710-PS1
x 301R24720-PS1
x 301R48540-PS1
x 301R48550-PS1
x 301R55180-PS1
x 301R55170-PS1
x 301R41470-PS1
x 100R10004-PS1
x 301R41380-PS1
x 301R41420-PS1
x 100R10005-PS1
x 301R41440-PS1
x 301R41450-PS1
x 301R41460-PS1
x 100R10006-PS1
x 301R55160-PS1
x 301R48510-PS1
x 301R48520-PS1
x 301R48530-PS1
x 100R10007-PS1
x 301R48580-PS1
x 301R48590-PS1
x 301R55130-PS1
x 301R55140-PS1
x 301R55150-PS1
x 301R48560-PS1
x 301R48570-PS1
x 100R10008-PS1
x 400R03493-PS1
x 401R41350-PS1
x 401R16740-PS1
x 401R41360-PS1
x 401R16742-PS1
x 401R16744-PS1
x 401R16746-PS1
x 401R16750-PS1
x 401R16751-PS1
x 401R16753-PS1
x 400R10001-PS1
x 401R16758-PS1
x 401R16759-PS1
x 401R16761-PS1
x 401R16763-PS1
x 401R24640-PS1
x 401R24650-PS1
x 401R55110-PS1
x 401R55120-PS1
x 401R24660-PS1
x 401R24670-PS1
x 401R24680-PS1
x 400R10002-PS1
x 400R10003-PS1
x 401R16756-PS1
x 401R24700-PS1
x 401R24710-PS1
x 401R24720-PS1
x 401R48540-PS1
x 401R48550-PS1
x 401R55180-PS1
x 401R55170-PS1
x 401R41470-PS1
x 400R10004-PS1
x 401R41380-PS1
x 401R41420-PS1
x 400R10005-PS1
x 401R41440-PS1
x 401R41450-PS1
x 401R41460-PS1
x 400R10006-PS1
x 401R55160-PS1
x 401R48510-PS1
x 401R48520-PS1
x 401R48530-PS1
x 400R10007-PS1
x 401R48580-PS1
x 401R48590-PS1
x 401R55130-PS1
x 401R55140-PS1
x 401R55150-PS1
x 401R48560-PS1
x 401R48570-PS1
x 400R10008-PS1
x 614R06684-PS1
x 614R06685-PS1
x 614R06686-PS1
x 614R06687-PS1
x 301R17280-PS1
x 100R10010-PS1
x 400R10010-PS1
x 301R17300-PS1
x 401R17300-PS1
x 3RD-614R06688-PS1
x 3RD-100R10011-PS1
x 300R10011-PS1
x 301R10012-PS1
x 301R16858-PS1
x 301R16859-PS1
x 301R16861-PS1
x 301R16863-PS1
x 400R10011-PS1
x 401R10012-PS1
x 401R16858-PS1
x 401R16859-PS1
x 401R16861-PS1
x 401R16863-PS1
x 002253MIU-PS1
x 401249
x 401250
x 401251
x 401252
x 401253
x 255835
x 255700
x 255701
x 255702
x 255703
x 255704
x 401254
x 401259
x 401260
x 401261
x 401262
x 401263
x 255836
x 255705
x 255706
x 255707
x 255708
x 255709
x 401264
x 401265
x 401266
x 401267
x 401268
x 255837
x 255710
x 255711
x 255712
x 255713
x 255714
x 401269
x 401270
x 401271
x 401272
x 401273
x 255838
x 255715
x 255716
x 255717
x 255718
x 255719
x 401274
x 401275
x 401276
x 401277
x 401278
x 255839
x 255720
x 255721
x 255722
x 255723
x 255724
x 401279
x 401280
x 401281
x 401282
x 401283
x 255840
x 255725
x 255726
x 255727
x 255728
x 255729
x 401284
x 401285
x 401286
x 401287
x 401288
x 255841
x 255730
x 255731
x 255732
x 255733
x 255734
x 255735
x 255736
x 255737
x 255738
x 255739
x 255842
x 255740
x 255741
x 255742
x 255743
x 255744
x 255745
x 255746
x 255747
x 255748
x 255749
x 255843
x 255750
x 255751
x 255752
x 255753
x 255754
x 255755
x 255756
x 255757
x 255758
x 255759
x 255844
x 255760
x 255761
x 255762
x 255763
x 255764
x 401289
x 401290
x 401291
x 401292
x 401293
x 255845
x 255765
x 401294
x 401295
x 401296
x 401297
x 401298
x 255846
x 255770
x 401299
x 401300
x 401301
x 401302
x 401303
x 255847
x 255775
x 401304
x 401305
x 401306
x 401307
x 401308
x 255848
x 255780
x 401309
x 401310
x 401311
x 401312
x 401313
x 255849
x 255785
x 401314
x 401315
x 401316
x 401317
x 401318
x 255850
x 255790
x 401319
x 401320
x 401321
x 401322
x 401323
x 255851
x 255795
x 401324
x 401325
x 401326
x 401327
x 401328
x 255852
x 255800
x 255805
x 255806
x 255807
x 255808
x 255809
x 255853
x 255810
x 255815
x 255816
x 255817
x 255818
x 255819
x 255854
x 255820
x 255825
x 255826
x 255827
x 255828
x 255829
x 255855
x 255830
x 5765-H35-OC024
x 255856
x 255857
x 255858
x 255859
x 255860
x 255861
x 255862
x 255863
x 255864
x 255865
x 255866
x 5765-H35-OC025
x 255867
x 255868
x 255869
x 255870
x 255871
x 255872
x 255873
x 255874
x 255875
x 255876
x 255877
x 5765-H35-OC026
x 255878
x 255879
x 255880
x 255881
x 255882
x 255883
x 255884
x 255885
x 255886
x 255887
x 255888
x 5765-H35-OC030
x 255889
x 255890
x 255891
x 255892
x 255893
x 255894
x 255895
x 255896
x 255897
x 255898
x 255899
x 5765-H35-OC031
x 255900
x 255901
x 255902
x 255903
x 255904
x 255905
x 255906
x 255907
x 255908
x 255909
x 255910
x 5765-H35-OC032
x 255911
x 255912
x 255913
x 255914
x 255915
x 255916
x 255917
x 255918
x 255919
x 255920
x 255921
x 5765-H35-OC027
x 255922
x 255923
x 255924
x 255925
x 255926
x 255927
x 255928
x 5765-H35-OC028
x 255929
x 255930
x 255931
x 255932
x 255933
x 255934
x 255935
x 5765-H35-OC029
x 255936
x 255937
x 255938
x 255939
x 255940
x 255941
x 255942
x 5765-H35-OC033
x 255943
x 255944
x 255945
x 255946
x 255947
x 255948
x 255949
x 5765-H35-OC034
x 255950
x 255951
x 255952
x 255953
x 255954
x 255955
x 255956
x 5765-H35-OC035
x 255957
x 255958
x 255959
x 255960
x 255961
x 255962
x 255963
Version 1
x 003382MIU-PS1
x 003798MIU-PS1
x 003799MIU-PS1
x 003800MIU-PS1
x 003801MIU-PS1
Version 2
x 004743MIU-PS1
x 004744MIU-PS1
x 004745MIU-PS1
x 004746MIU-PS1
x 004747MIU-PS1
Version 3
x 006535MIU-PS1
x 006536MIU-PS1
x 006537MIU-PS1
x 006538MIU-PS1
x 006539MIU-PS1
Version 4
x 008169MIU-PS1
x 007187MIU-PS1
x 007188MIU-PS1
x 007189MIU-PS1
x 007190MIU-PS1
x 007191MIU-PS1
x 007209MIU-PS1
x 007210MIU-PS1
x 007211MIU-PS1
x 007212MIU-PS1
x 007213MIU-PS1
x 420531-PS1
x 420532-PS1
x 420533-PS1
x 420534-PS1
x 420535-PS1
x 420536-PS1
x 420537-PS1
x 420538-PS1
x 420539-PS1
x 420540-PS1
x 420541-PS1
x 420566-PS1
x 420567-PS1
x 420586-PS1
x 420587-PS1
x 420588-PS1
x 420589-PS1
x 420590-PS1
x 420591-PS1
x 420592-PS1
x 420593-PS1
x 420594-PS1
x 420595-PS1
x 420596-PS1
x 420620-PS1
x 007003MIU-PS1
x 007004MIU-PS1
x 007005MIU-PS1
x 007006MIU-PS1
x 007007MIU-PS1
x 007008MIU-PS1
x 007009MIU-PS1
x 007010MIU-PS1
x 007011MIU-PS1
x 007012MIU-PS1
x 007013MIU-PS1
x 007037MIU-PS1
Card Readers
x 004279MIU
x 005269MIU
Implementaion & Installation
x CH-1-PS1
x CH-CS-3-PS1
x 3000001919-PS1
x 3000001922-PS1
x 3000000327-PS1
x 3000000328-PS1
x 3000000329-PS1
x 3000000330-PS1
x 3000000320-PS1
x 3000000312-PS1
x 3000000322-PS1
x 3000000561-PS1
x 3000000321-PS1
x 3000000325-PS1
x CP3200-PS1
x CP3400-PS1
x O-LX-AF-2-PS1
x O-LX-AF-3-PS1
x O-LX-AF-4-PS1
x O-LX-AF-5-PS1
x O-LX-RPP12-PS1
x O-LX-RPP24-PS1
x O-LX-RRP48-PS1
x O-CW-PS1
x O-HT-PS1
x O-OT-PS1
x RS10-1-DS
x DS4-1-DS
x KSK-1-DS
x LIC-RP-5-PS1
x LIC-RP-10-PS1
x LIC-RP-25-PS1
x LIC-RP-50-PS1
x LIC-RP-75-PS1
x LIC-RP-100-PS1
x LIC-RP-250-PS1
x LIC-RP-500-PS1
x LIC-RP-750-PS1
x LIC-RP-1000-PS1
x LIC-RP-1500-PS1
x LIC-RP-2000-PS1
x LIC-DP-50-PS1
x LIC-DP-250-PS1
x LIC-DP-500-PS1
x LIC-DP-1000-PS1
x LIC-DP-2500-PS1
x LIC-DP-5000-PS1
x LIC-DP-7500-PS1
x LIC-DP-10000-PS1
x WAY-1-PS1
x CONN-25-PS1
x CONN-50-PS1
x CONN-100-PS1
x CONN-250-PS1
x HOST-50-PS1
x HOST-100-PS1
x HOST-500-PS1
x HOST-1000-PS1
x HOST-2000-PS1
x MOB-500-PS1
x MOB-1000-PS1
x MOB-2000-PS1
x MOB-5000-PS1
x MOB-10000-PS1
x VS-INT-1-PS1
x VC-INT-250-PS1
x EXCH-100-PS1
x EXCH-250-PS1
x EXCH-500-PS1
x CONN-10-PS1
x MOB-20000-PS1
x SAAS-R10-PS1
x SAAS-R25-PS1
x SAAS-R50-PS1
x SAAS-R100-PS1
x SAAS-R250-PS1
x SAAS-R500-PS1
x SAAS-D50-PS1
x SAAS-D250-PS1
x SAAS-D500-PS1
x SAAS-D1000-PS1
x SAAS-D2500-PS1
x SAAS-DGT2500-PS1
x SAAS-R1000-PS1
x SAAS-R2000-PS1
x SAAS-R3000-PS1
x SAAS-D100-PS1
x SAAS-D5000-PS1
x SAAS-D10000-PS1
Professional Services
CSS (Copitrak System Software)
CSS - Add-ons
Print Room
Hardware Mounts
Hardware Add-Ons
Copitrak Phone
x 420741-PS1
x 420742-PS1
x 420743-PS1
x 420744-PS1
x 420776-PS1
x 420777-PS1
x 420779-PS1
x 420781-PS1
x 420741MS-PS1
x 420742MS-PS1
x 420743MS-PS1
x 420744MS-PS1
x 421472-PS1
x 421472MS-PS1
x 420624-PS1
x 420806-PS1
x 420786-PS1
x 420800-PS1
x 420787-PS1
x 420801-PS1
x 420624MS-PS1
x 420786MS-PS1
x 420787MS-PS1
x 420788-PS1
x 420789-PS1
x 420790-PS1
x 420791-PS1
x 420792-PS1
x 420793-PS1
x 420788MS-PS1
x 420789MS-PS1
x 420790MS-PS1
x 420905-PS1
x 420906-PS1
x 420907-PS1
x 420908-PS1
x 420909-PS1
x 420910-PS1
x 420911-PS1
x 420905MS-PS1
x 420906MS-PS1
x 420907MS-PS1
x 420908MS-PS1
x 420909MS-PS1
x 420910MS-PS1
x 420911MS-PS1
x 004629MIU-PS1
x 004644MIU-PS1
x 004645MIU-PS1
x 004646MIU-PS1
x 004647MIU-PS1
x 004648MIU-PS1
x 004649MIU-PS1
x 004650MIU-PS1
x 004651MIU-PS1
x 004652MIU-PS1
x 004653MIU-PS1
x 001894MIU-PS1
x 005106MIU-PS1
x 002031MIU-PS1
x 002029MIU-PS1
x 002030MIU-PS1
x M-DW6CL1-PS1
x M-DW6CL5-PS1
x M-DW6CL10-PS1
x M-DW6CL20-PS1
x M-DW6CL30-PS1
x M-DW6CL50-PS1
x M-DW6CL70-PS1
x M-DW6CL100-PS1
x M-DW6CL150-PS1
x S-DW6CL1-PS1
x S-DW6CL5-PS1
x S-DW6CL10-PS1
x S-DW6CL20-PS1
x S-DW6CL30-PS1
x S-DW6CL50-PS1
x S-DW6CL70-PS1
x S-DW6CL100-PS1
x S-DW6CL150-PS1
x M-DWC2N2-PS1
x M-DWCR999-PS1
x S-DWC2N2-PS1
x S-DWCR999-PS1
x DW51CCL1-PS1
x DW51CCL5-PS1
x DW51CCL10-PS1
x DW51CCL20-PS1
x DW51CCL30-PS1
x DW51CCL50-PS1
x DW51CCL70-PS1
x DW51CCL100-PS1
x DW51CCL150-PS1
x DWCR999-PS1
x DWC2N2-PS1
Docuware Online
Docuware Maintenance
x M-DW51CCL1-PS1
x M-DW51CCL5-PS1
x M-DW51CCL10-PS1
x M-DW51CCL20-PS1
x M-DW51CCL30-PS1
x M-DW51CCL50-PS1
x M-DW51CCL70-PS1
x M-DW51CCL100-PS1
x M-DW51CCL150-PS1
Docuware Support
x S-DW51CCL1-PS1
x S-DW51CCL5-PS1
x S-DW51CCL10-PS1
x S-DW51CCL20-PS1
x S-DW51CCL30-PS1
x S-DW51CCL50-PS1
x S-DW51CCL70-PS1
x S-DW51CCL100-PS1
x S-DW51CCL150-PS1
StapleWare Products
StapleWare Products Maintenance and Support
Licensing: DSF 5.X (Self-Hosted)
x 45100477-PS1
x 45100514-PS1
x 100000005615-PS1
x 45095122-PS1
x 45100518-PS1
x 3000004591-PS1
x 3000004601-PS1
x 3000004605-PS1
x 100000005156-PS1
x 100000005159-PS1
x 100000005160-PS1
x 100000005163-PS1
x 100000005164-PS1
x 100000005166-PS1
x 100000004502-PS1
x 100000005167-PS1
x 100000005170-PS1
x 45106478-PS1
x 45106480-PS1
SAAS: DSF 5.X (EFI-Hosted/ASP)
x 100000005342-PS1
x 100000005172-PS1
x 100000005179-PS1
Fiery Central
x 45085130
x 45085185-PS1
x 45085186-PS1
x 45085475-PS1
x 45085144-PS1
x 45075560-PS1
x 100000002691-PS1
x 100000002688-PS1
x 100000003755-PS1
x 100000002732-PS1
x 100000002736-PS1
x 100000002737-PS1
Production Solution Bundles
x 3000004857-PS1
x 3000004858-PS1
x 3000004758-PS1
x 3000004780-PS1
x 3000004783-PS1
x 3000004759-PS1
x 3000004781-PS1
x 3000004784-PS1
x 3000005256-PS1
x 3000005252-PS1
x 3000005262-PS1
x 3000005253-PS1
x 3000005263-PS1
x 3000005254-PS1
x 3000005264-PS1
x 3000005255-PS1
x 3000005265-PS1
x 3000004782-PS1
x 3000004859-PS1
x 3000004860-PS1
x 100000005646-PS1
x 100000005649-PS1
x 3000004803-PS1
x 3000004804-PS1
x 3000005013-PS1
x 3000004810-PS1
EFI Self-Serve
x 3000006440-DS
x 3000006441-DS
x 45101625-DS
x 45101761-DS
x 45101560-DS
x 45101563-DS
x 45101513-DS
x 45122282
x 45133495
x 45101550-DS
x 45101562-DS
x 100000008493-PS1
x 100000008495-PS1
x 100000008335-PS1
x 100000006100-PS1
x 100000008331-PS1
x 100000008333-PS1
x 100000007402-PS1
x 3000005401-PS1
x 3000005402-PS1
x 3000005261-PS1
x 3RD-100000006310-DS
x 3RD-100000006311-DS
x 3000008681-PS1
x 3000008682-PS1
x 3000008683-PS1
x 3000008685-PS1
x 3000008710-PS1
x 3000008711-PS1
x 3000008712-PS1
x 100000010485-PS1
x 3000008716-PS1
x 3000008719-PS1
x 3000008720-PS1
x 3000008721-PS1
x 100000007694-PS1
x 3000008722-PS1
x 3000008723-PS1
x 3000008724-PS1
x 100000007696-PS1
x 3000008725-PS1
x 3000008726-PS1
x 3000008727-PS1
x 100000007747-PS1
x 3000008728-PS1
x 3000008729-PS1
x 3000008730-PS1
x 100000007749-PS1
x 3RD-100000010487-DS
x 3RD-100000010440-DS
x 3RD-100000010521-DS
x 3RD-100000010522-DS
x 45136254-PS1
x 100000008696-PS1
x 45136256-PS1
x 100000008697-PS1
x 45136257-PS1
x 100000008698-PS1
x 45136258-PS1
x 45136259-PS1
x 100000008790-PS1
x 45136260-PS1
x 100000008791-PS1
x 45136261-PS1
x 100000008792-PS1
x 45136262-PS1
x 100000008793-PS1
x 45136263-PS1
x 100000008794-PS1
x 45136265-PS1
x 100000008796-PS1
x 45136266-PS1
x 100000008797-PS1
x 45136267-PS1
x 100000008798-PS1
x 45136268-PS1
x 100000008799-PS1
x 45145954-PS1
x 100000009781-PS1
x 45136269-PS1
x 100000008781-PS1
x 45136270-PS1
x 100000008783-PS1
x 3RD-100000008803-DS
x 3RD-100000009165-DS
x 3RD-100000009166-DS
x 3RD-100000010601-DS
x 3RD-100000010602-DS
x 3RD-100000009914-DS
x 3RD-100000008811-DS
x 3RD-100000008805-DS
x 3RD-100000008804-DS
x 3RD-100000008809-DS
x 3RD-100000009167-DS
x 3RD-100000008807-DS
x 3RD-100000008808-DS
x 3RD-100000008497-DS
x 3RD-100000008800-DS
x 3RD-100000009168-DS
x 3RD-100000009169-DS
x 3RD-100000008812-DS
x 3RD-100000011260-DS
x 3RD-100000011261-DS
x 3RD-100000011262-DS
x 3RD-100000011264-DS
x 3RD-100000011266-DS
x 3RD-100000011263-DS
x 3000008717-PS1
x 3000008718-PS1
x 3000007308-PS1
x 45124984-PS1
x 100000007655-PS1
x 45124986-PS1
x 100000007656-PS1
EFI License Hosting
x 100000007657-PS1
x 100000007658-PS1
x 100000007659-PS1
x 100000007660-PS1
x 100000007661-PS1
EFI License Transition Cloud to Customer Hosting
x 100000007662-PS1
Optional VDP Modules
x 45124997-PS1
x 100000007663-PS1
x 45125003-PS1
x 100000007664-PS1
x 100000007666-PS1
x 45125033-PS1
x 100000007688-PS1
Optional Cross Media marketing Module
x 45125007-PS1
Optional eCommerce Modules
Optional Integration Modules
x 45125014-PS1
x 100000007672-PS1
x 45125015-PS1
x 100000007673-PS1
x 45125017-PS1
x 100000007674-PS1
x 45125018-PS1
x 100000007675-PS1
x 45125020-PS1
x 100000007677-PS1
x 45125021-PS1
x 100000007678-PS1
x 45125023-PS1
x 100000007679-PS1
Optional Scale Modules
x 100000007680-PS1
x 45125025-PS1
x 100000007681-PS1
x 45125028-PS1
x 45125029-PS1
x 100000007682-PS1
Optional VDP Modules
x 100000007685-PS1
x 100000007686-PS1
x 45125030-PS1
x 100000007687-PS1
Optional Cross Media Marketing Media
x 100000007689-PS1
x 100000007690-PS1
Optional eCommerce Module
x 100000007693-PS1
x 100000007694-PS1
Optional Integration Module
x 100000007695-PS1
x 100000007697-PS1
x 100000007698-PS1
x 100000007699-PS1
x 100000007700-PS1
x 100000007701-PS1
x 100000007702-PS1
x 100000007703-PS1
x 100000007704-PS1
x 100000007705-PS1
Cloud-Based Subscription: Digital Storefront 7.X
x 100000007707-PS1
x 100000007708-PS1
x 100000007709-PS1
x 100000007710-PS1
x 100000007711-PS1
x 100000007712-PS1
Optional Scale Modules
x 100000007713-PS1
x 100000007714-PS1
x 100000007715-PS1
x 100000007716-PS1
x 45125036-PS1
EFI Professional Services
x 100000007719-PS1
x 100000007720-PS1
Implementation and Training for Optional Modules
x 100000007723-PS1
x 100000007725-PS1
x 100000007726-PS1
x 100000007727-PS1
x 100000007728-PS1
x 100000007729-PS1
Additional Professional Service Options
x 100000007730-PS1
x 100000007731-PS1
x 100000007732-PS1
x 100000007733-PS1
Channel Partner Training
x 100000007736-PS1
x 100000007737-PS1
x 100000007741-PS1
Cloud-Based Licensing: Digital Storefront Essential 7.X
x 100000007743-PS1
x 100000007744-PS1
x 100000007745-PS1
Optional Integration Module (Cloud Based)
x 100000007746-PS1
x 100000007747-PS1
x 100000007748-PS1
x 100000007749-PS1
Upgrade: DSF Essential Platform to DSF (Cloud- Based)
x 100000007750-PS1
x 100000007684-PS1
x 45127019-PS1
x 100000007885-PS1
x 100000007886-PS1
x 100000007887-PS1
x 100000007888-PS1
x 100000007906-PS1
x 100000007907-PS1
x 100000007908-PS1
x 100000007909-PS1
x 100000007910-PS1
x 100000007911-PS1
Bundles- DSF Basic Bundle (Customer-Hosted)
x 100000007900-PS1
x 100000007901-PS1
x 100000007916-PS1
x 100000007917-PS1
x 100000007918-PS1
x 100000007919-PS1
x 100000007920-PS1
x 100000007921-PS1
x 45124985-PS1
x 100000007665-PS1
x 45125009-PS1
x 100000007670-PS1
x 45125013-PS1
x 100000007671-PS1
x 45125019-PS1
x 100000007676-PS1
x 45133873-PS1
x 100000008499-PS1
x 45125024-PS1
x 100000008510-PS1
x 45125026-PS1
x 3RD-3000007308-DS
x 45125004-PS1
x 100000007667-PS1
x 3RD-100000007705-DS
x 100000007706-PS1
x 3RD-100000008511-DS
x 100000008512-PS1
x 3RD-100000008513-DS
x 100000008514-PS1
x 100000007717-PS1
x 3RD-100000008515-DS
x 3RD-100000008516-DS
x 3RD-100000008520-DS
x 3RD-100000008521-DS
x 3RD-100000007725-DS
x 3RD-100000007730-DS
x 3RD-100000007731-DS
x 3RD-100000007732-DS
x 3RD-100000007733-DS
x 3RD-100000007736-DS
x 3RD-100000007737-DS
x 100000008523-PS1
x 100000007696-PS1
x 100000008526-PS1
x 45127018-PS1
x 100000007880-PS1
x 100000007882-PS1
x 100000007883-PS1
x 100000007884-PS1
x 45127020-PS1
x 100000007889-PS1
x 100000007891-PS1
x 100000007892-PS1
x 45127021-PS1
x 100000007893-PS1
x 100000007894-PS1
x 100000007895-PS1
x 100000007896-PS1
x 45127022-PS1
x 100000007897-PS1
x 100000007898-PS1
x 100000007899-PS1
x 100000007890-PS1
x 100000007902-PS1
x 100000007903-PS1
x 100000007904-PS1
x 100000007905-PS1
x 100000007912-PS1
x 100000007913-PS1
x 100000007914-PS1
x 100000007915-PS1
x 3RD-100000007921-DS
x 100000007922-PS1
x 100000007923-PS1
x 100000007924-PS1
x 100000007925-PS1
x 100000007654-PS1
x 100000007944-PS1
x 100000007945-PS1
x 100000007946-PS1
x 100000007683-PS1
x 100000007947-PS1
x 100000007948-PS1
x 100000007949-PS1
x 45136257-PS1
x 100000008698-PS1
x 45136254-PS1
x 100000008696-PS1
x 3000008136-PS1
x 100000008790-PS1
x 3000008137-PS1
x 45136261-PS1
x 100000008792-PS1
x 45136262-PS1
x 100000008793-PS1
x 45136263-PS1
x 100000008794-PS1
x 45145954-PS1
x 100000009781-PS1
x 45133876-PS1
x 100000009782-PS1
x 45145956-PS1
x 100000009309-PS1
x 45145958-PS1
x 100000009330-PS1
x 45145961-PS1
x 100000009331-PS1
x 3000008150-PS1
x 100000009341-PS1
x 3000008151-PS1
x 100000009342-PS1
x 100000008527-PS1
x 100000009511-PS1
x 100000009512-PS1
x 100000009513-PS1
x 100000009332-PS1
x 100000009334-PS1
x 100000009335-PS1
x 100000009336-PS1
x 100000009338-PS1
x 100000009339-PS1
x 100000009165-PS1
x 3000008153-PS1
x 100000009306-PS1
x 100000009307-PS1
x 3RD-100000008517-DS
x 3RD-100000008518-DS
x 3RD-100000008519-DS
x 3RD-100000008308-DS
x 3RD-100000008309-DS
EMC (ApplicationXtender)
ApplicationXtender 8.0
x 458-000-495-PS1
ApplicationXtender 7.0
x 457-100-245-PS1
x 457-100-248-PS1
x 456-102-307-PS1
x 456-104-244-PS1
x 456-100-246-PS1
x 456-100-422-PS1
x 456-106-022-PS1
x 456-106-023-PS1
x 456-100-427-PS1
x 456-100-439-PS1
x 456-100-388-PS1
x 456-100-389-PS1
x 456-100-390-PS1
x 456-100-391-PS1
x 456-105-032-PS1
x 456-105-030-PS1
x 456-105-031-PS1
ApplicationXtender 6.5
x 457-100-246-PS1
x 457-100-247-PS1
x 456-102-308-PS1
x 456-102-309-PS1
x 456-102-314-PS1
x 456-102-313-PS1
x 456-102-310-PS1
x 456-102-311-PS1
x 456-102-312-PS1
x 456-102-315-PS1
x 456-102-316-PS1
x 456-102-317-PS1
x 456-102-318-PS1
x AX-PS1
EMC ApplicationXtender 6.0
x 456-100-463-PS1
x 456-100-464-PS1
x 456-100-465-PS1
x 456-100-466-PS1
x 456-100-467-PS1
x 456-100-468-PS1
x 456-100-470-PS1
x 456-100-471-PS1
x 456-100-457-PS1
x 456-100-458-PS1
x 456-100-460-PS1
x 456-100-461-PS1
x 456-101-181-PS1
x 456-101-671-PS1
x 456-101-672-PS1
x 456-100-423-PS1
x 456-100-425-PS1
x 456-100-376-PS1
x 456-100-378-PS1
x 456-100-379-PS1
x 456-100-380-PS1
x 456-100-381-PS1
x 456-100-426-PS1
x 456-100-386-PS1
x 456-100-428-PS1
x 456-100-429-PS1
x 456-100-431-PS1
x 456-100-434-PS1
x 456-100-497-PS1
x 456-100-393-PS1
x 456-100-394-PS1
x 456-100-395-PS1
x 456-100-397-PS1
x 456-100-496-PS1
x 456-101-214-PS1
x 456-100-377-PS1
x 456-100-440-PS1
x 456-100-441-PS1
x 456-100-443-PS1
x 456-100-444-PS1
x 456-100-402-PS1
x 456-101-670-PS1
x 456-101-286-PS1
x 456-101-282-PS1
x 456-101-287-PS1
x 456-101-278-PS1
x 456-101-284-PS1
x 456-101-279-PS1
x 456-101-673-PS1
x 456-101-283-PS1
x 456-101-288-PS1
x 456-101-281-PS1
x 456-101-285-PS1
x 456-101-280-PS1
x 456-101-289-PS1
x 456-100-407-PS1
x 456-100-408-PS1
x 456-100-409-PS1
x 456-100-410-PS1
x 456-100-418-PS1
x 456-100-454-PS1
EMC Captiva InputAccel
x 456-100-711-PS1
x 456-100-712-PS1
x 456-100-713-PS1
x 456-100-714-PS1
x 456-100-715-PS1
x 456-100-716-PS1
x 456-100-717-PS1
x 456-100-718-PS1
x 456-100-719-PS1
x 456-100-720-PS1
x 456-100-721-PS1
x 456-100-723-PS1
x 456-100-724-PS1
x 456-100-725-PS1
x 456-100-726-PS1
x 456-100-727-PS1
x 456-100-728-PS1
x 456-100-729-PS1
x 456-100-730-PS1
x 456-100-731-PS1
x 456-100-732-PS1
x 456-100-733-PS1
x 456-100-734-PS1
x 456-100-735-PS1
x 456-100-736-PS1
x 456-100-737-PS1
x 456-100-738-PS1
x 456-100-740-PS1
x 456-100-741-PS1
x 456-100-743-PS1
x 456-100-748-PS1
x 456-100-750-PS1
x 456-100-754-PS1
x 456-100-756-PS1
x 456-100-764-PS1
x 456-100-766-PS1
x 456-100-768-PS1
x 456-100-772-PS1
x 456-100-774-PS1
EMC Captiva InputAccel Express 5.3
x 456-010-530-PS1
x 456-010-516-PS1
x 456-010-518-PS1
x 456-100-092-PS1
x 456-010-526-PS1
EMC ApplicationXtender Support Services
EMC ApplicationXtender and DiskXtender Pro Service Offerings
x 420542-PS1
x 420543-PS1
x 420544-PS1
x 420545-PS1
x 420546-PS1
x 420547-PS1
x 420548-PS1
x 420549-PS1
x 420550-PS1
x 420551-PS1
x 420621-PS1
x 420597-PS1
x 420598-PS1
x 420599-PS1
x 420600-PS1
x 420601-PS1
x 420602-PS1
x 420603-PS1
x 420604-PS1
x 420605-PS1
x 420606-PS1
x 420607-PS1
x 007014MIU-PS1
x 007015MIU-PS1
x 007016MIU-PS1
x 007017MIU-PS1
x 007018MIU-PS1
x 007019MIU-PS1
x 007020MIU-PS1
x 007021MIU-PS1
x 007022MIU-PS1
x 007023MIU-PS1
x 007024MIU-PS1
x LIC-EP-4-PS1
x LIC-EP-8-PS1
x LIC-EP-12-PS1
x LIC-EP-16-PS1
x LIC-EP-32-PS1
x SLA-GLD-12-PS1
x SLA-GLD-16-PS1
x SLA-GLD-32-PS1
x SLA-PLT-12-PS1
x SLA-PLT-16-PS1
x SLA-PLT-32-PS1
x TR-CBT-1000-PS1
x UPS-1000-OL-DS
x XG-PCS-15-R-DS
x 45066641-PS1
x 45113027-PS1
x 45112179
x 45112181
x 100000006350-PS1
x 100000006365-PS1
x 100000006366-PS1
x 100000006367-PS1
x 100000006352-PS1
x 100000006354-PS1
x 3000005763-PS1
x 3000005765-PS1
x 3000005766-PS1
x 3000008181-PS1
x 3000008182-PS1
x 3000008183-PS1
x 3000008184-PS1
x 3000008185-PS1
x 420553-PS1
x 420554-PS1
x 420555-PS1
x 420556-PS1
x 420557-PS1
x 420558-PS1
x 420559-PS1
x 420560-PS1
x 420561-PS1
x 420562-PS1
x 420563-PS1
x 420564-PS1
x 420565-PS1
x 420608-PS1
x 420609-PS1
x 420610-PS1
x 420611-PS1
x 420612-PS1
x 420613-PS1
x 420614-PS1
x 420615-PS1
x 420616-PS1
x 420617-PS1
x 420618-PS1
x 420619-PS1
x 007025MIU-PS1
x 007026MIU-PS1
x 007027MIU-PS1
x 007028MIU-PS1
x 007029MIU-PS1
x 007030MIU-PS1
x 007031MIU-PS1
x 007032MIU-PS1
x 007033MIU-PS1
x 007034MIU-PS1
x 007035MIU-PS1
x 007036MIU-PS1
Starter PAC
x FED-SP-00300-PS1
Fasoo Secure Document (FSD)
x FSD-SV-99999-PS1
x FSD-SV-99999-HA-PS1
x FSD-SV-99999-DR-PS1
x FSD-SPK-99999-PS1
Fasoo Secure Exchange (FSE)
x FSE-SV-99999-PS1
x FSE-SV-99999-HA-PS1
x FSE-SV-99999-DR-PS1
x FSE-SPK-99999-PS1
Fasoo Secure Node (FSN)
x FSN-SV-99999-PS1
x FSN-SV-99999-HA-PS1
x FSN-SV-99999-DR-PS1
x FSN-SPK-99999-PS1
FSD for SharePoint (FSDS)
x FSDS-SV-99999-PS1
x FSDS-SV-99999-HA-PS1
x FSDS-SV-99999-DR-PS1
x FSDS-SPK-99999-PS1
DRM Client
x AGTS-DEN-01000-PS1
x AGTS-DEN-05000-PS1
x AGTS-DEN-10000-PS1
x AGTS-DEN-99999-PS1
Extended DRM Client Extension / Add-on
Fasoo Secure Print (FSP)
x FSP-SV-99999-PS1
x FSP-SV-99999-HA-PS1
x FSP-SV-99999-DR-PS1
x FSP-CL-01000-PS1
x FSP-CL-05000-PS1
x FSP-CL-10000-PS1
x FSP-CL-99999-PS1
Fasoo Secure Screen (FSS)
x FSS-EN-99999-PS1
x FSS-CL-01000-PS1
x FSS-CL-05000-PS1
x FSS-CL-10000-PS1
x FSS-CL-99999-PS1
Fasoo Usage Tracer (FUT) / Add-on
x FUT-SV-99999-PS1
x FUT-SV-99999-HA-PS1
Fasoo Mobile Solution (FMS) / Add-on
x FMS-GW-99999-PS1
x FMS-GW-99999-HA-PS1
x FMS-GW-99999-DR-PS1
x FMS-VWA-01000-PS1
x FMS-VWA-05000-PS1
x FMS-VWA-10000-PS1
x FMS-VWA-99999-PS1
x FMS-VWI-01000-PS1
x FMS-VWI-05000-PS1
x FMS-VWI-10000-PS1
x FMS-VWI-99999-PS1
Context Aware Protection (CAP) / Add-on
x CAN-PM-99999-PS1
x CAN-PM-99999-HA-PS1
x CAN-PM-99999-DR-PS1
x CAN-DEP-01000-PS1
x CAN-DEP-05000-PS1
x CAN-DEP-10000-PS1
x CAN-DEP-99999-PS1
x CAD-DEP-01000-PS1
x CAD-DEP-05000-PS1
x CAD-DEP-10000-PS1
x CAD-DEP-99999-PS1
x CAE-DEP-01000-PS1
x CAE-DEP-05000-PS1
x CAE-DEP-10000-PS1
x CAE-DEP-99999-PS1
x CAP-DEP-01000-PS1
x CAP-DEP-05000-PS1
x CAP-DEP-10000-PS1
x CAP-DEP-99999-PS1
x 420751-PS1
x 420752-PS1
x 420753-PS1
x 420754-PS1
x 420755-PS1
x 420756-PS1
x 420757-PS1
x 420758-PS1
x 420759-PS1
x 420760-PS1
x 420761-PS1
x 420762-PS1
x 420763-PS1
x 420764-PS1
x 420765-PS1
x 420766-PS1
x 007170MIU-PS1
x 007171MIU-PS1
x 007172MIU-PS1
x 007173MIU-PS1
x 007174MIU-PS1
x 007175MIU-PS1
x 007176MIU-PS1
x 007177MIU-PS1
x 007178MIU-PS1
x 007179MIU-PS1
x 007180MIU-PS1
FSS Software
x DSR-SWA-001-PS1
x FSS-SWI-005-PS1
x FSS-SWI-005-T-PS1
x FSS-SWI-010-PS1
x FSS-SWI-025-PS1
x FSS-SWI-050-PS1
x FSS-SWI-100-PS1
x FSS-SWI-250-PS1
x FSS-SWI-500-PS1
x FSS-SWA-005-PS1
x FSS-SWA-010-PS1
x FSS-SWA-025-PS1
x FSS-SWA-050-PS1
x FSS-SWA-100-PS1
x FSS-SWA-250-PS1
x FSS-SWA-500-PS1
FSS Software M&S
x DSR-MTA-001-PS1
x FSS-MTI-005-PS1
x FSS-MTI-005-T-PS1
x FSS-MTI-010-PS1
x FSS-MTI-025-PS1
x FSS-MTI-050-PS1
x FSS-MTI-100-PS1
x FSS-MTI-250-PS1
x FSS-MTI-500-PS1
x FSS-MTA-005-PS1
x FSS-MTA-010-PS1
x FSS-MTA-025-PS1
x FSS-MTA-050-PS1
x FSS-MTA-100-PS1
x FSS-MTA-250-PS1
x FSS-MTA-500-PS1
Connectors M&S
Legacy Product M&S
x ATF-MTL-025-PS1
x ATF-MTL-050-PS1
x ATF-MTL-075-PS1
x ATF-MTL-150-PS1
x ATF-MTL-250-PS1
x EFM-MTL-025-PS1
x EFM-MTL-050-PS1
x EFM-MTL-075-PS1
x EFM-MTL-150-PS1
x EFM-MTL-250-PS1
x IMG-MTL-025-PS1
x IMG-MTL-050-PS1
x IMG-MTL-075-PS1
x IMG-MTL-150-PS1
x IMG-MTL-250-PS1
x WKF-MTL-025-PS1
x WKF-MTL-050-PS1
x WKF-MTL-075-PS1
x WKF-MTL-150-PS1
x WKF-MTL-250-PS1
Professional Services
GlobalScan NX V2.0 MFP License - Server & Serverless
x 420656-PS1
x 420657-PS1
x 420658-PS1
x 420659-PS1
x 420660-PS1
x 420661-PS1
x 420662-PS1
x 420663-PS1
x 420664-PS1
x 420665-PS1
x 420666-PS1
GS NX V2.0 Server Products
x 420650-PS1
x 420651-PS1
GlobalScan NX V2 Business Server 5
x 421090-PS1
x 421087-PS1
x 421088-PS1
x 421089-PS1
x 421090MS-PS1
x 421087MS-PS1
x 421088MS-PS1
x 421089MS-PS1
GS NX V2.0 Server 32 Options
x 420321-PS1
x 420322-PS1
x 420377-PS1
x 420395-PS1
x 420422-PS1
x 420455-PS1
x 420452-PS1
GS NX V2.0 Server 750 Options
x 420376-PS1
x 420396-PS1
x 420423-PS1
x 420456-PS1
x 420453-PS1
x 420454-PS1
Server Upgrade Options For GS V3.1, GS NX V1.X & Scanrouter Customers
x 420652-PS1
x 420653-PS1
x 420654-PS1
x 420655-PS1
GlobalScan NX V2.0 MFP Upg Pkgs For Server/Serverless GS V2.X V3.X & Scan
x 420325-PS1
x 420326-PS1
x 420327-PS1
x 420328-PS1
x 420329-PS1
x 420330-PS1
x 420331-PS1
x 420332-PS1
x 420333-PS1
x 420474-PS1
x 420476-PS1
x 420678-PS1
x 420679-PS1
x 420680-PS1
x 006966MIU-PS1
x 006967MIU-PS1
x 006968MIU-PS1
x 006955MIU-PS1
x 006956MIU-PS1
x 006957MIU-PS1
x 006958MIU-PS1
x 006959MIU-PS1
x 006960MIU-PS1
x 006961MIU-PS1
x 006962MIU-PS1
x 006963MIU-PS1
x 006964MIU-PS1
x 006965MIU-PS1
x 006952MIU-PS1
x 006953MIU-PS1
x 006954MIU-PS1
x 006970MIU-PS1
x 006971MIU-PS1
x 006975MIU-PS1
x 006972MIU-PS1
x 006976MIU-PS1
x 006978MIU-PS1
x 006981MIU-PS1
x 006973MIU-PS1
x 006974MIU-PS1
x 006977MIU-PS1
x 006979MIU-PS1
x 006982MIU-PS1
x 006980MIU-PS1
x 420667-PS1
x 420668-PS1
x 420669-PS1
x 420670-PS1
x 420671-PS1
x 420672-PS1
x 420673-PS1
x 420674-PS1
x 420675-PS1
x 420676-PS1
x 420677-PS1
x ENT-T1-PS1
x ENT-T2-PS1
x ENT-T3-PS1
x ENT-T4-PS1
x ENT-T5-PS1
x ENT-T6-PS1
x ENT-T7-PS1
x ENT-T8-PS1
Maintenance and Support
x R-ENT-T1-PS1
x R-ENT-T2-PS1
x R-ENT-T3-PS1
x R-ENT-T4-PS1
x R-ENT-T5-PS1
x R-ENT-T6-PS1
x R-ENT-T7-PS1
x R-ENT-T8-PS1
x IID-901-SM1-PS1
Kofax Capture - Standard
x AE-T024-001U-PS1
x AE-T024-005U-PS1
x AE-T024-010U-PS1
x AE-T024-020U-PS1
x AE-T024-050U-PS1
x AE-T024-100U-PS1
x AE-T024-500U-PS1
x AE-T024-001K-PS1
x AE-Y024-300K-PS1
x AE-Y024-600K-PS1
x AE-Y024-001M-PS1
x AE-Y024-002M-PS1
x AE-Y024-005M-PS1
x AE-Y024-010M-PS1
x AE-Y024-020M-PS1
x AE-Y024-060M-PS1
x AE-Y024-120M-PS1
x AE-VP01-002M-PS1
x AE-VP01-010M-PS1
x AE-Y099-060K-PS1
x AEY024U060K300K-PS1
x AEY024U150K300K-PS1
x AE-0000-0001-PS1
Kofax Capture - Enterprise
x EE-T024-001U-PS1
x EE-T024-005U-PS1
x EE-T024-010U-PS1
x EE-T024-020U-PS1
x EE-T024-050U-PS1
x EE-T024-100U-PS1
x EE-T024-500U-PS1
x EE-T024-001K-PS1
x EE-Y024-600K-PS1
x EE-Y024-001M-PS1
x EE-Y024-002M-PS1
x EE-Y024-005M-PS1
x EE-Y024-010M-PS1
x EE-Y024-020M-PS1
x EE-Y024-060M-PS1
x EE-Y024-120M-PS1
x EE-VP01-002M-PS1
x EE-VP01-010M-PS1
Kofax - Add-Ons
x AE-T018-0008-PS1
x EE-M024-001M-PS1
x EE-M024-005M-PS1
x EE-M024-010M-PS1
x AE-M000-0001-PS1
x ES-M000-0001-PS1
x AE-VY21-300K-PS1
x AE-VY21-600K-PS1
x AE-VY21-001M-PS1
x AE-VY21-002M-PS1
x AE-VY21-005M-PS1
x AE-VY21-010M-PS1
x AE-VY21-020M-PS1
x AE-VY21-060M-PS1
x AE-VY21-120M-PS1
x AE-T610-0000-PS1
x AE-T610-0010-PS1
x AE-T610-0020-PS1
x AE-T610-0030-PS1
x AE-T610-0040-PS1
x AE-T610-0100-PS1
x AE-T078-0000-PS1
x AE-T026-0000-PS1
x AE-T027-0000-PS1
x UE-T078-0000-PS1
x UE-T026-0000-PS1
x UE-T027-0000-PS1
x DI-0000-0001-PS1
x DI-0000-0023-PS1
x DI-0000-0045-PS1
x DI-0000-0067-PS1
x DI-0000-0089-PS1
x DI-0000-000U-PS1
x AE-VY10-060K-PS1
x AE-VY10-300K-PS1
x AE-VY10-600K-PS1
x AE-VY10-001M-PS1
x AE-VY10-002M-PS1
x AE-VY10-005M-PS1
x AE-VY10-010M-PS1
x AE-VY10-020M-PS1
x AE-VY10-060M-PS1
x AE-VY10-120M-PS1
x AE-VP10-001M-PS1
x AE-VP10-002M-PS1
x AE-VP10-010M-PS1
x AE-Y505-060K-PS1
x AE-Y505-300K-PS1
x AE-Y505-600K-PS1
x AE-Y505-001M-PS1
x AE-Y505-002M-PS1
x AE-Y505-005M-PS1
x AE-Y505-010M-PS1
x AE-Y505-020M-PS1
x AE-Y505-060M-PS1
x AE-Y505-120M-PS1
x AE-P505-001M-PS1
x AE-P505-002M-PS1
x AE-P505-010M-PS1
Kofax Capture Import Connector - Advanced Email and Fax
x AE-T003-0207-PS1
x AE-T003-0214-PS1
x AE-T600-010K-PS1
x AE-T600-100K-PS1
x AE-T600-300K-PS1
x AE-T600-600K-PS1
x AE-T600-001M-PS1
x AE-T600-002M-PS1
x AE-T600-005M-PS1
x AE-T600-010M-PS1
x AE-T600-020M-PS1
x AE-T600-060M-PS1
x AE-T600-120M-PS1
x AE-P600-001M-PS1
x AE-P600-010M-PS1
Kofax - Add-Ons (Email & Fax)
x AE-T601-0000-PS1
x AE-T602-0000-PS1
x AE-T603-0000-PS1
x AE-T604-0000-PS1
x AE-T606-0000-PS1
x AE-T608-0000-PS1
x AE-T601U0602-PS1
x AE-T601U0603-PS1
x AE-T601U0604-PS1
x AE-T601U0606-PS1
x AE-T601U0608-PS1
x AE-T602U0603-PS1
x AE-T602U0604-PS1
x AE-T602U0606-PS1
x AE-T602U0608-PS1
x AE-T603U0604-PS1
x AE-T603U0606-PS1
x AE-T603U0608-PS1
x AE-T604U0606-PS1
x AE-T604U0608-PS1
x AE-T606U0608-PS1
Kofax Front Office Server
x ES-T500-0000-PS1
x ES-T502-001U-PS1
x ES-T502-0250-PS1
x ES-T502-0500-PS1
x ES-T502-1000-PS1
x ES-T502-2000-PS1
x ES-T503-001U-PS1
x ES-T503-001Q-PS1
x EV-0101-0000-PS1
Image Processing
x VP-D005-0001-PS1
x VP-W005-0001-PS1
x VP-P005-0001-PS1
x VP-L005-0000-PS1
x UP-D005-0001-PS1
x UP-W005-0001-PS1
x UP-P005-0001-PS1
x VP-M001-0001-PS1
x VP-M000-0001-PS1
x ES-5000-1002-PS1
x ES-5000-9999-PS1
x UP-5000-1002-PS1
x TK-3000-2202-PS1
x VR-4001-4010-PS1
x VR-5001-4000-PS1
x SC-1024-0000-PS1
x SC-1026-0000-PS1
x SC-1027-0000-PS1
x SC-1028-0000-PS1
Kofax Express
x KX-DS00-0001-PS1
x KX-KS00-0001-PS1
Kofax Communication Server
x TC-M000-0002-PS1
x TC-M000-020U-PS1
Kofax Kapow
Kofax Transformation Modules
x AE-Y522-030K-PS1
x AE-Y522-060K-PS1
x AE-Y522-120K-PS1
x AE-Y522-300K-PS1
x AE-Y522-600K-PS1
x AE-Y522-001M-PS1
x AE-Y522-002M-PS1
x AE-Y522-005M-PS1
x AE-Y522-010M-PS1
x AE-Y522-020M-PS1
x AE-Y522-060M-PS1
x AE-Y522-120M-PS1
x AE-P522-001M-PS1
x AE-P522-002M-PS1
x AE-P522-010M-PS1
x AE-Y523-010K-PS1
x AE-Y523-030K-PS1
x AE-Y523-060K-PS1
x AE-Y523-120K-PS1
x AE-Y523-300K-PS1
x AE-Y523-600K-PS1
x AE-Y523-001M-PS1
x AE-Y523-002M-PS1
x AE-Y523-005M-PS1
x AE-Y523-010M-PS1
x AE-Y523-020M-PS1
x AE-Y523-060M-PS1
x AE-Y523-120M-PS1
x AE-P523-001M-PS1
x AE-P523-002M-PS1
x AE-P523-010M-PS1
x AE-Y533-010K-PS1
x AE-Y533-030K-PS1
x AE-Y533-060K-PS1
x AE-Y533-120K-PS1
x AE-Y533-300K-PS1
x AE-Y533-600K-PS1
x AE-Y533-001M-PS1
x AE-Y533-002M-PS1
x AE-Y533-005M-PS1
x AE-Y533-010M-PS1
x AE-Y533-020M-PS1
x AE-Y533-060M-PS1
x AE-Y533-120M-PS1
x AE-P533-001M-PS1
x AE-P533-002M-PS1
x AE-P533-010M-PS1
x AE-VY86-030K-PS1
x AE-VY86-060K-PS1
x AE-VY86-120K-PS1
x AE-VY86-300K-PS1
x AE-VY86-600K-PS1
x AE-VY86-001M-PS1
x AE-VY86-002M-PS1
x AE-VY86-005M-PS1
x AE-VY86-010M-PS1
x AE-VY86-020M-PS1
x AE-VY86-060M-PS1
x AE-VY86-120M-PS1
x AE-VP86-001M-PS1
x AE-VP86-002M-PS1
x AE-VP86-010M-PS1
x AE-Y512-030K-PS1
x AE-Y512-060K-PS1
x AE-Y512-120K-PS1
x AE-Y512-300K-PS1
x AE-Y512-600K-PS1
x AE-Y512-001M-PS1
x AE-Y512-002M-PS1
x AE-Y512-005M-PS1
x AE-Y512-010M-PS1
x AE-Y512-020M-PS1
x AE-Y512-060M-PS1
x AE-Y512-120M-PS1
x AE-P512-001M-PS1
x AE-P512-002M-PS1
x AE-P512-010M-PS1
x AE-Y514-030K-PS1
x AE-Y514-060K-PS1
x AE-Y514-120K-PS1
x AE-Y514-300K-PS1
x AE-Y514-600K-PS1
x AE-Y514-001M-PS1
x AE-Y514-002M-PS1
x AE-Y514-005M-PS1
x AE-Y514-010M-PS1
x AE-Y514-020M-PS1
x AE-Y514-060M-PS1
x AE-Y514-120M-PS1
x AE-P514-001M-PS1
x AE-P514-002M-PS1
x AE-P514-010M-PS1
x AE-Y524-030K-PS1
x AE-Y524-060K-PS1
x AE-Y524-120K-PS1
x AE-Y524-300K-PS1
x AE-Y524-600K-PS1
x AE-Y524-001M-PS1
x AE-Y524-002M-PS1
x AE-Y524-005M-PS1
x AE-Y524-010M-PS1
x AE-Y524-020M-PS1
x AE-Y524-060M-PS1
x AE-Y524-120M-PS1
x AE-P524-001M-PS1
x AE-P524-002M-PS1
x AE-P524-010M-PS1
x AE-Y515-030K-PS1
x AE-Y515-060K-PS1
x AE-Y515-120K-PS1
x AE-Y515-300K-PS1
x AE-Y515-600K-PS1
x AE-Y515-001M-PS1
x AE-Y515-002M-PS1
x AE-Y515-005M-PS1
x AE-Y515-010M-PS1
x AE-Y515-020M-PS1
x AE-Y515-060M-PS1
x AE-Y515-120M-PS1
x AE-P515-001M-PS1
x AE-P515-002M-PS1
x AE-P515-010M-PS1
x AE-Y535-030K-PS1
x AE-Y535-060K-PS1
x AE-Y535-120K-PS1
x AE-Y535-300K-PS1
x AE-Y535-600K-PS1
x AE-Y535-001M-PS1
x AE-Y535-002M-PS1
x AE-Y535-005M-PS1
x AE-Y535-010M-PS1
x AE-Y535-020M-PS1
x AE-Y535-060M-PS1
x AE-Y535-120M-PS1
x AE-P535-001M-PS1
x AE-P535-002M-PS1
x AE-P535-010M-PS1
Kofax Transformation Modules - Legacy System Upgrades
x AE-VY82-030K-PS1
x AE-VY82-060K-PS1
x AE-VY82-120K-PS1
x AE-VY82-300K-PS1
x AE-VY82-600K-PS1
x AE-VY82-001M-PS1
x AE-VY82-002M-PS1
x AE-VY82-005M-PS1
x AE-VY82-010M-PS1
x AE-VY82-020M-PS1
x AE-VY82-060M-PS1
x AE-VY82-120M-PS1
x AE-VP82-001M-PS1
x AE-VP82-002M-PS1
x AE-VP82-010M-PS1
x AE-Y510-030K-PS1
x AE-Y510-060K-PS1
x AE-Y510-120K-PS1
x AE-Y510-300K-PS1
x AE-Y510-600K-PS1
x AE-Y510-001M-PS1
x AE-Y510-002M-PS1
x AE-Y510-005M-PS1
x AE-Y510-010M-PS1
x AE-Y510-020M-PS1
x AE-Y510-060M-PS1
x AE-Y510-120M-PS1
x AE-P510-001M-PS1
x AE-P510-002M-PS1
x AE-P510-010M-PS1
x AE-Y530-030K-PS1
x AE-Y530-060K-PS1
x AE-Y530-120K-PS1
x AE-Y530-300K-PS1
x AE-Y530-600K-PS1
x AE-Y530-001M-PS1
x AE-Y530-002M-PS1
x AE-Y530-005M-PS1
x AE-Y530-010M-PS1
x AE-Y530-020M-PS1
x AE-Y530-060M-PS1
x AE-Y530-120M-PS1
x AE-P530-001M-PS1
x AE-P530-002M-PS1
x AE-P530-010M-PS1
x AE-VY89-030K-PS1
x AE-VY89-060K-PS1
x AE-VY89-120K-PS1
x AE-VY89-300K-PS1
x AE-VY89-600K-PS1
x AE-VY89-001M-PS1
x AE-VY89-002M-PS1
x AE-VY89-005M-PS1
x AE-VY89-010M-PS1
x AE-VY89-020M-PS1
x AE-VY89-060M-PS1
x AE-VY89-120M-PS1
x AE-VP89-001M-PS1
x AE-VP89-002M-PS1
x AE-VP89-010M-PS1
Kofax Transformation Toolkit
x KT-0000-0001-PS1
x AE-Y542-030K-PS1
x AE-Y542-060K-PS1
x AE-Y542-120K-PS1
x AE-Y542-300K-PS1
x AE-Y542-600K-PS1
x AE-Y542-001M-PS1
x AE-Y542-002M-PS1
x AE-Y542-005M-PS1
x AE-Y542-010M-PS1
x AE-Y542-020M-PS1
x AE-Y542-060M-PS1
x AE-Y542-120M-PS1
x AE-P542-001M-PS1
x AE-P542-002M-PS1
x AE-P542-010M-PS1
x AE-Y543-030K-PS1
x AE-Y543-060K-PS1
x AE-Y543-120K-PS1
x AE-Y543-300K-PS1
x AE-Y543-600K-PS1
x AE-Y543-001M-PS1
x AE-Y543-002M-PS1
x AE-Y543-005M-PS1
x AE-Y543-010M-PS1
x AE-Y543-020M-PS1
x AE-Y543-060M-PS1
x AE-Y543-120M-PS1
x AE-P543-001M-PS1
x AE-P543-002M-PS1
x AE-P543-010M-PS1
x AE-Y539-030K-PS1
x AE-Y539-060K-PS1
x AE-Y539-120K-PS1
x AE-Y539-300K-PS1
x AE-Y539-600K-PS1
x AE-Y539-001M-PS1
x AE-Y539-002M-PS1
x AE-Y539-005M-PS1
x AE-Y539-010M-PS1
x AE-Y539-020M-PS1
x AE-Y539-060M-PS1
x AE-Y539-120M-PS1
x AE-P539-001M-PS1
x AE-P539-002M-PS1
x AE-P539-010M-PS1
x AE-VY68-030K-PS1
x AE-VY68-060K-PS1
x AE-VY68-120K-PS1
x AE-VY68-300K-PS1
x AE-VY68-600K-PS1
x AE-VY68-001M-PS1
x AE-VY68-002M-PS1
x AE-VY68-005M-PS1
x AE-VY68-010M-PS1
x AE-VY68-020M-PS1
x AE-VY68-060M-PS1
x AE-VY68-120M-PS1
x AE-VP68-001M-PS1
x AE-VP68-002M-PS1
x AE-VP68-010M-PS1
x AE-Y517-030K-PS1
x AE-Y517-060K-PS1
x AE-Y517-120K-PS1
x AE-Y517-300K-PS1
x AE-Y517-600K-PS1
x AE-Y517-001M-PS1
x AE-Y517-002M-PS1
x AE-Y517-005M-PS1
x AE-Y517-010M-PS1
x AE-Y517-020M-PS1
x AE-Y517-060M-PS1
x AE-Y517-120M-PS1
x AE-P517-001M-PS1
x AE-P517-002M-PS1
x AE-P517-010M-PS1
x AE-Y519-030K-PS1
x AE-Y519-060K-PS1
x AE-Y519-120K-PS1
x AE-Y519-300K-PS1
x AE-Y519-600K-PS1
x AE-Y519-001M-PS1
x AE-Y519-002M-PS1
x AE-Y519-005M-PS1
x AE-Y519-010M-PS1
x AE-Y519-020M-PS1
x AE-Y519-060M-PS1
x AE-Y519-120M-PS1
x AE-P519-001M-PS1
x AE-P519-002M-PS1
x AE-P519-010M-PS1
x AE-Y518-030K-PS1
x AE-Y518-060K-PS1
x AE-Y518-120K-PS1
x AE-Y518-300K-PS1
x AE-Y518-600K-PS1
x AE-Y518-001M-PS1
x AE-Y518-002M-PS1
x AE-Y518-005M-PS1
x AE-Y518-010M-PS1
x AE-Y518-020M-PS1
x AE-Y518-060M-PS1
x AE-Y518-120M-PS1
x AE-P518-001M-PS1
x AE-P518-002M-PS1
x AE-P518-010M-PS1
Invoice Solution Bundle
x AE-P100-005K-PS1
x AE-P100-010K-PS1
x AE-P100-015K-PS1
x AE-P100-030K-PS1
x EE-P100-060K-PS1
x EE-P100-120K-PS1
x EE-P100-300K-PS1
x EE-P100-600K-PS1
x EE-I000-001M-PS1
x EE-I000-005M-PS1
Kofax Transformation Toolkit
x TA-BASE01-0001-PS1
x TA-EVAL01-0001-PS1
x TA-EVAL02-0001-PS1
x TA-AP-BASE01-0001-PS1
x TA-AP-BASE01-0002-PS1
x TA-AP-VOL01-010K-PS1
x TA-AP-BASE02-0001-PS1
x TA-AP-BASE02-0002-PS1
x TA-AP-VOL02-010K-PS1
x TA-AP-BASE03-0001-PS1
x TA-AP-BASE03-0002-PS1
x TA-AP-VOL03-010K-PS1
x TA-CUSR01-001F-PS1
x TA-CUSR01-001L-PS1
x TA-AP-EVAL01-0001-PS1
x TA-AP-EVAL02-0001-PS1
x MSE10-PS1
x MSE310-PS1
x MSE50-PS1
x MSE35-PS1
x MSE55-PS1
x MSM60-PS1
x MSA10-PS1
x MSA30-PS1
x MSA50-PS1
x MNF05-PS1
x MAFRM001-PS1
x MAFRM005-PS1
x MATS16-PS1
x MATM16-PS1
x MATX16-PS1
x MCNC16-PS1
x MFRM16-PS1
x MCA01-PS1
x MCQ01-PS1
x MCQ14-PS1
x MCQ18-PS1
x MCQ06-PS1
x MCQ09-PS1
x MCQ10-PS1
x MCQ11-PS1
x MCQ15-PS1
x MCQ16-PS1
x MCS01-PS1
x MCS05-PS1
x MCS10-PS1
x MPL01-PS1
x MPP1-PS1
x MMG05-PS1
x MMG01-PS1
x MMM01-PS1
x MSE10DD3-PS1
x MSE30DD3-PS1
x MSE50DD3-PS1
x MSE35DD3-PS1
x MSE55DD3-PS1
x MSM60DD3-PS1
x MSA10DD3-PS1
x MSA30DD3-PS1
x MSA50DD3-PS1
x MNF05DD3-PS1
x MCA01DD3-PS1
x MCQ01DD3-PS1
x MCQ14DD3-PS1
x MCQ18DD3-PS1
x MCQ06DD3-PS1
x MCQ09DD3-PS1
x MCQ10DD3-PS1
x MCQ11DD3-PS1
x MCQ15DD3-PS1
x MCQ16DD3-PS1
x MCS01DD3-PS1
x MCS05DD3-PS1
x MCS10DD3-PS1
x MPL01DD3-PS1
x MMG05DD3-PS1
x MMG01DD3-PS1
x MMM01DD3-PS1
x MSE10DD4-PS1
x MSE30DD4-PS1
x MSE50DD4-PS1
x MSE35DD4-PS1
x MSE55DD4-PS1
x MSM60DD4-PS1
x MSA10DD4-PS1
x MSA30DD4-PS1
x MSA50DD4-PS1
x MNF05DD4-PS1
x MCA01DD4-PS1
x MCQ01DD4-PS1
x MCQ14DD4-PS1
x MCQ18DD4-PS1
x MCQ06DD4-PS1
x MCQ09DD4-PS1
x MCQ10DD4-PS1
x MCQ11DD4-PS1
x MCQ15DD4-PS1
x MCQ16DD4-PS1
x MCS01DD4-PS1
x MCS05DD4-PS1
x MCS10DD4-PS1
x MPL01DD4-PS1
x MMG05DD4-PS1
x MMG01DD4-PS1
x MMM01DD4-PS1
x MSE10DD5-PS1
x MSE30DD5-PS1
x MSE50DD5-PS1
x MSE35DD5-PS1
x MSE55DD5-PS1
x MSM60DD5-PS1
x MSA10DD5-PS1
x MSA30DD5-PS1
x MSA50DD5-PS1
x MNF05DD5-PS1
x MCA01DD5-PS1
x MCQ01DD5-PS1
x MCQ14DD5-PS1
x MCQ18DD5-PS1
x MCQ06DD5-PS1
x MCQ09DD5-PS1
x MCQ10DD5-PS1
x MCQ11DD5-PS1
x MCQ15DD5-PS1
x MCQ16DD5-PS1
x MCS01DD5-PS1
x MCS05DD5-PS1
x MCS10DD5-PS1
x MPL01DD5-PS1
x MMG05DD5-PS1
x MMG01DD5-PS1
x MMM01DD5-PS1
x ENF01-PS1
x ENF02-PS1
x ENFL05-PS1
x ENF10-PS1
x ENF15-PS1
x ENF20-PS1
x ENF30-PS1
x ENF40-PS1
x ENF50-PS1
x ENF60-PS1
x ENF70-PS1
x ENF80-PS1
x ENF90-PS1
x ENF100-PS1
x ENF200-PS1
x ENF300-PS1
x ENF400-PS1
x ENF500-PS1
x ENR2-PS1
x ENR10-PS1
x ENR100-PS1
x ENR200-PS1
x ENR500-PS1
x EAFRM001-PS1
x EAFRM005-PS1
x PPMX25-PS1
x PPX2-PS1
x QC5-PS1
x QC4-PS1
x QC1-PS1
x QC2-PS1
x QC3-PS1
x QC6-PS1
x QC9-PS1
x IA-PS1
x SC01-PS1
x SC05-PS1
x SC10-PS1
x EAM50-PS1
x TK-PS1
x ENF100DD-PS1
x ENF200DD-PS1
x ENF300DD-PS1
x ENF400DD-PS1
x ENF500DD-PS1
x ENR100DD-PS1
x ENR200DD-PS1
x ENR500DD-PS1
x SC01DD-PS1
x SC05DD-PS1
x SC10DD-PS1
x ENF01DD3-PS1
x ENF02DD3-PS1
x ENF05DD3-PS1
x ENF10DD3-PS1
x ENF15DD3-PS1
x ENF20DD3-PS1
x ENF30DD3-PS1
x ENF40DD3-PS1
x ENF50DD3-PS1
x ENF60DD3-PS1
x ENF70DD3-PS1
x ENF80DD3-PS1
x ENF90DD3-PS1
x ENF100DD3-PS1
x ENF200DD3-PS1
x ENF300DD3-PS1
x ENF400DD3-PS1
x ENF500DD3-PS1
x ENR10DD3-PS1
x ENR100DD3-PS1
x ENR200DD3-PS1
x ENR500DD3-PS1
x PPM25DD3-PS1
x QC5DD3-PS1
x QC4DD3-PS1
x QC1DD3-PS1
x QC2DD3-PS1
x QC3DD3-PS1
x QC6DD3-PS1
x QC9DD3-PS1
x SC01DD3-PS1
x SC05DD3-PS1
x SC10DD3-PS1
x EAM50DD3-PS1
x ENF01DD4-PS1
x ENF02DD4-PS1
x ENF05DD4-PS1
x ENF10DD4-PS1
x ENF15DD4-PS1
x ENF20DD4-PS1
x ENF30DD4-PS1
x ENF40DD4-PS1
x ENF50DD4-PS1
x ENF60DD4-PS1
x ENF70DD4-PS1
x ENF80DD4-PS1
x ENF90DD4-PS1
x ENF100DD4-PS1
x ENF200DD4-PS1
x ENF300DD4-PS1
x ENF400DD4-PS1
x ENF500DD4-PS1
x ENR10DD4-PS1
x ENR100DD4-PS1
x ENR200DD4-PS1
x ENR500DD4-PS1
x PPM25DD4-PS1
x QC5DD4-PS1
x QC4DD4-PS1
x QC1DD4-PS1
x QC2DD4-PS1
x QC3DD4-PS1
x QC6DD4-PS1
x QC9DD4-PS1
x SC01DD4-PS1
x SC05DD4-PS1
x SC10DD4-PS1
x EAM50DD4-PS1
x ENF01DD5-PS1
x ENF02DD5-PS1
x ENF05DD5-PS1
x ENF10DD5-PS1
x ENF15DD5-PS1
x ENF20DD5-PS1
x ENF30DD5-PS1
x ENF40DD5-PS1
x ENF50DD5-PS1
x ENF60DD5-PS1
x ENF70DD5-PS1
x ENF80DD5-PS1
x ENF90DD5-PS1
x ENF100DD5-PS1
x ENF200DD5-PS1
x ENF300DD5-PS1
x ENF400DD5-PS1
x ENF500DD5-PS1
x ENR10DD5-PS1
x ENR100DD5-PS1
x ENR200DD5-PS1
x ENR500DD5-PS1
x PPM25DD5-PS1
x QC5DD5-PS1
x QC4DD5-PS1
x QC1DD5-PS1
x QC2DD5-PS1
x QC3DD5-PS1
x QC6DD5-PS1
x QC9DD5-PS1
x SC01DD5-PS1
x SC05DD5-PS1
x SC10DD5-PS1
x EAM50DD5-PS1
Bulk Mailer
x USAN-AD-25-PS1
x USAN-AD-26-50-PS1
x USAN-AD-51-100-PS1
x USAN-AD-101-200-PS1
x USAN-AD-201-300-PS1
x USAN-AD-26-50-RE-PS1
x USAN-AD-51-100-RE-PS1
x USAN-AD-101-200-RE-PS1
x USAN-AD-201-300-RE-PS1
x OMS200-LT-PS1
x 10200-DM-PS1
x 10200-MB-PS1
x 10200-MS-PS1
x 10200-VD-PS1
x 10200-R-0000-PS1
x 10200-R-0001-PS1
x 10200-R-0002-PS1
x 10200-R-0003-PS1
x 10200-R-0004-PS1
x 10200-R-0005-PS1
x 10200-R-0007-PS1
x 50001-COR-STA-PS1
x 50001-COR-STA-S-PS1
x 50001-COR-OFF-PS1
x 50001-COR-OFF-S-PS1
x 50001-COR-PRO-PS1
x 50001-COR-PRO-S-PS1
x 50001-COR-ENT-PS1
x 50001-COR-ENT-S-PS1
x 50001-UPGR-04-PS1
x 50001-UPGR-05-PS1
x 50001-UPGR-06-PS1
x 50001-UPGR-01-PS1
x 50001-UPGR-02-PS1
x 50001-UPGR-03-PS1
x 50001-HFM-PS1
x 50001-HFM-S-PS1
x 50001-PRM-PS1
x 50001-PRM-S-PS1
x 50001-CTB-PS1
x 50001-CTB-S-PS1
x 50001-LOT-PS1
x 50001-LOT-S-PS1
x 50001-PS-PS1
x 50001-PS-S-PS1
x 50001-PCI-PS1
x 50001-PCI-S-PS1
x 50001-TNI-PS1
x 50001-TNI-S-PS1
x 50001-LIN-PS1
x 50001-LIN-S-PS1
x 50001-PSO-PS1
x 50001-PSO-S-PS1
x 50001-ECO-PS1
x 50001-ECO-S-PS1
x 50001-TEN-PS1
x 50001-TEN-S-PS1
x 50001-AIMS-PS1
x 50001-AIMS-S-PS1
x 50001-SCO-SO-PS1
x 50001-SCO-SOS-PS1
x 50001-SCO-PS1
x 50001-SCO-S-PS1
x 50001-CSUITE-SO-PS1
x 50001-CSUITE-SOS-PS1
x 50001-CSUITE-PE-PS1
x 50001-CSUITE-PES-PS1
x 3RD-OMS-500-PS-HR-DS
x DTP2-PS1
x 60NUAX01A01A-PS1
x 60NUAX01A01M-PS1
x 60NUAX01A01R-PS1
x 60NUAX01P01A-PS1
x 60NUAX01P01M-PS1
x 60NUAX01P01R-PS1
x 60NUAX01P02A-PS1
x 60NUAX01P02M-PS1
x 60NUAX01P02R-PS1
x 60NUAX01P03A-PS1
x 60NUAX01P03M-PS1
x 60NUAX01P03R-PS1
x 60NUAX01P04A-PS1
x 60NUAX01P04M-PS1
x 60NUAX01P04R-PS1
x 60NUAX01U01A-PS1
x 60NUAX02A01A-PS1
x 60NUAX03A01A-PS1
x 60NUAX03A01M-PS1
x 60NUAX03A01R-PS1
x 60NUAX03F01A-PS1
x 60NUAX03F01M-PS1
x 60NUAX03F01R-PS1
x 60NUAX03F02A-PS1
x 60NUAX03F02M-PS1
x 60NUAX03F02R-PS1
x 60NUAX03F03A-PS1
x 60NUAX03F03M-PS1
x 60NUAX03F03R-PS1
x 60NUAX03F04A-PS1
x 60NUAX03F04M-PS1
x 60NUAX03F04R-PS1
x 60NUAX03U01A-PS1
x 60NUAX05A01A-PS1
x 60NUAX06A01A-PS1
x 60NUAX06A01M-PS1
x 60NUAX06A01R-PS1
x 60NUAX06P01A-PS1
x 60NUAX06P01M-PS1
x 60NUAX06P01R-PS1
x 60NUAX06P02A-PS1
x 60NUAX06P02M-PS1
x 60NUAX06P02R-PS1
x 60NUAX06P03A-PS1
x 60NUAX06P03M-PS1
x 60NUAX06P03R-PS1
x 60NUAX06P04A-PS1
x 60NUAX06P04M-PS1
x 60NUAX06P04R-PS1
x 60NUAX06U01A-PS1
x 60NUAX08P01A-PS1
x 60NUAX08P01M-PS1
x 60NUAX08P01R-PS1
x 60NUAX08A01A-PS1
x 60NUAX08A01M-PS1
x 60NUAX08A01R-PS1
x 60NUAX08P02A-PS1
x 60NUAX08P02M-PS1
x 60NUAX08P02R-PS1
x 60NUAX08P03A-PS1
x 60NUAX08P03M-PS1
x 60NUAX08P03R-PS1
x 60NUAX08P04A-PS1
x 60NUAX08P04M-PS1
x 60NUAX08P04R-PS1
x 60NUAX08U01A-PS1
x 60NUAX27A01R-PS1
x 60NUAW55A01R-PS1
x 60NUAX27A01A-PS1
x 60NUAX27A01M-PS1
x 60NUAX24C01Q-PS1
x 60NUAW01A01A-PS1
x 60NUAW01A01M-PS1
x 60NUAW01A01R-PS1
x 60NUAW01P01A-PS1
x 60NUAW01P01M-PS1
x 60NUAW01P01R-PS1
x 60NUAW01P02A-PS1
x 60NUAW01P02M-PS1
x 60NUAW01P02R-PS1
x 60NUAW01P03A-PS1
x 60NUAW01P03M-PS1
x 60NUAW01P03R-PS1
x 60NUAW01P04A-PS1
x 60NUAW01P04M-PS1
x 60NUAW01P04R-PS1
x 60NUAW03A01A-PS1
x 60NUAW03A01M-PS1
x 60NUAW03A01R-PS1
x 60NUAW03F01A-PS1
x 60NUAW03F01M-PS1
x 60NUAW03F01R-PS1
x 60NUAW03F02A-PS1
x 60NUAW03F02M-PS1
x 60NUAW03F02R-PS1
x 60NUAW03F03A-PS1
x 60NUAW03F03M-PS1
x 60NUAW03F03R-PS1
x 60NUAW03F04A-PS1
x 60NUAW03F04M-PS1
x 60NUAW03F04R-PS1
x 60NUAW05A01A-PS1
x 60NUAW02A01A-PS1
x 60NUAW43A01A-PS1
x 60NUAW43A01M-PS1
x 60NUAW43A01R-PS1
x 60NUAW43F01A-PS1
x 60NUAW43F01M-PS1
x 60NUAW43F01R-PS1
x 60NUAW43F02A-PS1
x 60NUAW43F02M-PS1
x 60NUAW43F02R-PS1
x 60NUAW43F03A-PS1
x 60NUAW43F03M-PS1
x 60NUAW43F03R-PS1
x 60NUAW43F04A-PS1
x 60NUAW43F04M-PS1
x 60NUAW43F04R-PS1
x 60NUAW44A01A-PS1
x 60NUAW06A01A-PS1
x 60NUAW06A01M-PS1
x 60NUAW06A01R-PS1
x 60NUAW06P01A-PS1
x 60NUAW06P01M-PS1
x 60NUAW06P01R-PS1
x 60NUAW06P02A-PS1
x 60NUAW06P02M-PS1
x 60NUAW06P02R-PS1
x 60NUAW06P03A-PS1
x 60NUAW06P03M-PS1
x 60NUAW06P03R-PS1
x 60NUAW06P04A-PS1
x 60NUAW06P04M-PS1
x 60NUAW06P04R-PS1
x 60NUAW08A01A-PS1
x 60NUAW08A01M-PS1
x 60NUAW08A01R-PS1
x 60NUAW08P01A-PS1
x 60NUAW08P01M-PS1
x 60NUAW08P01R-PS1
x 60NUAW08P02A-PS1
x 60NUAW08P02M-PS1
x 60NUAW08P02R-PS1
x 60NUAW08P03A-PS1
x 60NUAW08P03M-PS1
x 60NUAW08P03R-PS1
x 60NUAW08P04A-PS1
x 60NUAW08P04M-PS1
x 60NUAW08P04R-PS1
x 60NUAW09A01A-PS1
x 60NUAW09A01M-PS1
x 60NUAW09A01R-PS1
x 60NUAW10A01A-PS1
x 60NUAW10A01M-PS1
x 60NUAW10A01R-PS1
x 60NUAW11A01A-PS1
x 60NUAW11A01M-PS1
x 60NUAW11A01R-PS1
x 60NUAX25A01A-PS1
x 60NUAX25A01M-PS1
x 60NUAX25A01R-PS1
x 60NUAW12A01A-PS1
x 60NUAW12A01M-PS1
x 60NUAW12A01R-PS1
x 60NUAW12P01A-PS1
x 60NUAW12P01M-PS1
x 60NUAW12P01R-PS1
x 60NUAW12P02A-PS1
x 60NUAW12P02M-PS1
x 60NUAW12P02R-PS1
x 60NUAW12P03A-PS1
x 60NUAW12P03M-PS1
x 60NUAW12P03R-PS1
x 60NUAW12P04A-PS1
x 60NUAW12P04M-PS1
x 60NUAW12P04R-PS1
x 60NUAW55A01A-PS1
x 60NUAW55A01M-PS1
x 3RD-60NUAW42C01Q-DS
x 60NUAE01E01A-PS1
x 60NUAE01E01M1-PS1
x 60NUAE01E01M2-PS1
x 60NUAE01E01M3-PS1
x 60NUAE01E01M4-PS1
x 60NUAE01E01M5-PS1
x 60NUAE12E01A-PS1
x 60NUAE12E01M1-PS1
x 60NUAE12E01M2-PS1
x 60NUAE12E01M3-PS1
x 60NUAE12E01M4-PS1
x 60NUAE12E01M5-PS1
x 60NUAE05E01A-PS1
x 60NUAE05E01M1-PS1
x 60NUAE05E01M2-PS1
x 60NUAE05E01M3-PS1
x 60NUAE05E01M4-PS1
x 60NUAE05E01M5-PS1
x 60NUAE02E01A-PS1
x 60NUAE02E01M1-PS1
x 60NUAE02E01M2-PS1
x 60NUAE02E01M3-PS1
x 60NUAE02E01M4-PS1
x 60NUAE02E01M5-PS1
x 60NUAE06E01A-PS1
x 60NUAE06E01M1-PS1
x 60NUAE06E01M2-PS1
x 60NUAE06E01M3-PS1
x 60NUAE06E01M4-PS1
x 60NUAE06E01M5-PS1
x 60NUAE04E01A-PS1
x 60NUAE04E01M1-PS1
x 60NUAE04E01M2-PS1
x 60NUAE04E01M3-PS1
x 60NUAE04E01M4-PS1
x 60NUAE04E01M5-PS1
x 60NUAE10E01A-PS1
x 60NUAE10E01M1-PS1
x 60NUAE10E01M2-PS1
x 60NUAE10E01M3-PS1
x 60NUAE10E01M4-PS1
x 60NUAE10E01M5-PS1
x 60NUAE15A01A-PS1
x 60NUAE14F04A-PS1
x 60NUAE14F04M1-PS1
x 60NUAE14F04M2-PS1
x 60NUAE14F04M3-PS1
x 60NUAE14F04M4-PS1
x 60NUAE14F04M5-PS1
x 60NUAE14F04R1-PS1
x 60NUAE14F01A-PS1
x 60NUAE14F01M1-PS1
x 60NUAE14F01M2-PS1
x 60NUAE14F01M3-PS1
x 60NUAE14F01M4-PS1
x 60NUAE14F01M5-PS1
x 60NUAE14F02A-PS1
x 60NUAE14F02M1-PS1
x 60NUAE14F02M2-PS1
x 60NUAE14F02M3-PS1
x 60NUAE14F02M4-PS1
x 60NUAE14F02M5-PS1
x 60NUAE14A01A-PS1
x 60NUAE14A01M1-PS1
x 60NUAE14A01M2-PS1
x 60NUAE14A01M3-PS1
x 60NUAE14A01M4-PS1
x 60NUAE14A01M5-PS1
x 60NUAE14F03A-PS1
x 60NUAE14F03M1-PS1
x 60NUAE14F03M2-PS1
x 60NUAE14F03M3-PS1
x 60NUAE14F03M4-PS1
x 60NUAE14F03M5-PS1
x 60NUAE11E01A-PS1
x 60NUAE11E01M1-PS1
x 60NUAE11E01M2-PS1
x 60NUAE11E01M3-PS1
x 60NUAE11E01M4-PS1
x 60NUAE11E01M5-PS1
x 60NUAE03E01A-PS1
x 60NUAE03E01M1-PS1
x 60NUAE03E01M2-PS1
x 60NUAE03E01M3-PS1
x 60NUAE03E01M4-PS1
x 60NUAE03E01M5-PS1
x 60NUAE13E01A-PS1
x 60NUAE13E01M1-PS1
x 60NUAE13E01M2-PS1
x 60NUAE13E01M3-PS1
x 60NUAE13E01M4-PS1
x 60NUAE13E01M5-PS1
x 60NUAE07E01A-PS1
x 60NUAE07E01M1-PS1
x 60NUAE07E01M2-PS1
x 60NUAE07E01M3-PS1
x 60NUAE07E01M4-PS1
x 60NUAE07E01M5-PS1
x 60NUAE09E01A-PS1
x 60NUAE09E01M1-PS1
x 60NUAE09E01M2-PS1
x 60NUAE09E01M3-PS1
x 60NUAE09E01M4-PS1
x 60NUAE09E01M5-PS1
x 60NUAE08E01A-PS1
x 60NUAE08E01M1-PS1
x 60NUAE08E01M2-PS1
x 60NUAE08E01M3-PS1
x 60NUAE08E01M4-PS1
x 60NUAE08E01M5-PS1
x 60NUAW19A01A-PS1
x 60NUAW20A01A-PS1
x 60NUAW21A01A-PS1
x 60NUAW22A01A-PS1
x 60NUAW23A01A-PS1
x 60NUAW25A01A-PS1
x 60NUAW26A01A-PS1
x 60NUAW24A01A-PS1
x 60NUAW27A01A-PS1
x 60NUAW28A01A-PS1
x 60NUAW29A01A-PS1
x 60NUAW32C01Q01-PS1
x 60NUAW30A01A-PS1
x 60NUAX09A01A-PS1
x 60NUAX10A01A-PS1
x 60NUAX11A01A-PS1
x 60NUAX12A01A-PS1
x 60NUAX13A01A-PS1
x 60NUAX15A01A-PS1
x 60NUAX16A01A-PS1
x 60NUAX14A01A-PS1
x 60NUAX17A01A-PS1
x 60NUAX18A01A-PS1
x 60NUAX36A01A-PS1
x 60NUAX19A01A-PS1
x 60NUAX20A01A-PS1
x 60NUAW15C01Q01-PS1
x 60NUAW15C01Q02-PS1
x 60NUAW16C01Q01-PS1
x 60NUAW16C01Q02-PS1
x 60NUAW14C01Q01-PS1
x 60NUAW14C01Q02-PS1
x 60NUAW13C01Q01-PS1
x 60NUAW13C01Q02-PS1
x 60NUAW17C01Q01-PS1
x 60NUAW17C01Q02-PS1
x 60NUAW18C01Q01-PS1
x 60NUAW18C01Q02-PS1
Barr EOM
DB Transform/Page Modification Suite
Barr Hardware
Barr Enterprise Print Server
x BEPS-P390-PS1
ADEPT Transform Suite for the Barr Enterprise Print Server
x 60NUAW74A01A-PS1
x 60NUAX37A01A-PS1
x 60NUAX37A01M-PS1
x 60NUAX37A01R-PS1
Output Manager Core Product License
x 60NUOM01A01A-PS1
x 60NUOM01A01M-PS1
x 60NUOM01A01R-PS1
x 60NUOM05A01A-PS1
x 60NUOM05A01M-PS1
x 60NUOM05A01R-PS1
x 60NUOM03A01A-PS1
x 60NUOM03A01M-PS1
x 60NUOM03A01R-PS1
x 60NUOM108A01A-PS1
x 60NUOM108A01M-PS1
x 60NUOM108A01R-PS1
x 60NUOM110A01A-PS1
x 60NUOM110A01M-PS1
x 60NUOM110A01R-PS1
Output Manager Enterprise / AutoStore Bundles
x 60NUOM108P01A-PS1
x 60NUOM108P01M-PS1
x 60NUOM108P01R-PS1
x 60NUOM122A01M-PS1
x 60NUOM108P02A-PS1
x 60NUOM108P02M-PS1
x 60NUOM108P02R-PS1
x 60NUOM108P03A-PS1
x 60NUOM108P03M-PS1
x 60NUOM108P03R-PS1
x 60NUOM108P04A-PS1
x 60NUOM108P04M-PS1
x 60NUOM108P04R-PS1
x 60NUOM110P01A-PS1
x 60NUOM110P01M-PS1
x 60NUOM110P01R-PS1
x 60NUOM110P02A-PS1
x 60NUOM110P02M-PS1
x 60NUOM110P02R-PS1
x 60NUOM110P03A-PS1
x 60NUOM110P03M-PS1
x 60NUOM110P03R-PS1
x 60NUOM110P04A-PS1
x 60NUOM110P04M-PS1
x 60NUOM110P04R-PS1
Output Manager Office
x 60NUOM01P01A-PS1
x 60NUOM01P01M-PS1
x 60NUOM01P01R-PS1
x 60NUOM01P02A-PS1
x 60NUOM01P02M-PS1
x 60NUOM01P02R-PS1
x 60NUOM01P03A-PS1
x 60NUOM01P03M-PS1
x 60NUOM01P03R-PS1
x 60NUOM01P04A-PS1
x 60NUOM01P04M-PS1
x 60NUOM01P04R-PS1
Output Manager Office Add-On
x 60NUOM02A01A-PS1
x 60NUOM02A01M-PS1
x 60NUOM02A01R-PS1
x 60NUOM02P01A-PS1
x 60NUOM02P01M-PS1
x 60NUOM02P01R-PS1
x 60NUOM02P02A-PS1
x 60NUOM02P02M-PS1
x 60NUOM02P02R-PS1
x 60NUOM02P03A-PS1
x 60NUOM02P03M-PS1
x 60NUOM02P03R-PS1
x 60NUOM02P04A-PS1
x 60NUOM02P04M-PS1
x 60NUOM02P04R-PS1
x 60NUOM112A01A-PS1
x 60NUOM112A01M-PS1
x 60NUOM112A01R-PS1
x 60NUOM112P01A-PS1
x 60NUOM112P01M-PS1
x 60NUOM112P01R-PS1
x 60NUOM112P02A-PS1
x 60NUOM112P02M-PS1
x 60NUOM112P02R-PS1
x 60NUOM112P03A-PS1
x 60NUOM112P03M-PS1
x 60NUOM112P03R-PS1
x 60NUOM112P04A-PS1
x 60NUOM112P04M-PS1
x 60NUOM112P04R-PS1
x 60NUOM03P01A-PS1
x 60NUOM03P01M-PS1
x 60NUOM03P01R-PS1
x 60NUOM03P02A-PS1
x 60NUOM03P02M-PS1
x 60NUOM03P02R-PS1
x 60NUOM03P03A-PS1
x 60NUOM03P03M-PS1
x 60NUOM03P03R-PS1
x 60NUOM03P04A-PS1
x 60NUOM03P04M-PS1
x 60NUOM03P04R-PS1
x 60NUOM04A01A-PS1
x 60NUOM04A01M-PS1
x 60NUOM04A01R-PS1
x 60NUOM111A01A-PS1
x 60NUOM111A01M-PS1
x 60NUOM111A01R-PS1
Output Manager Enterprise MFP License
x 60NUOM05P01A-PS1
x 60NUOM05P01M-PS1
x 60NUOM05P01R-PS1
x 60NUOM05P02A-PS1
x 60NUOM05P02M-PS1
x 60NUOM05P02R-PS1
x 60NUOM05P03A-PS1
x 60NUOM05P03M-PS1
x 60NUOM05P03R-PS1
x 60NUOM05P04A-PS1
x 60NUOM05P04M-PS1
x 60NUOM05P04R-PS1
Output Manager Enterprise / Production License
x 60NUOM58A01A-PS1
x 60NUOM58A01M-PS1
x 60NUOM58A01R-PS1
x 60NUOM62A01A-PS1
x 60NUOM62A01M-PS1
x 60NUOM62A01R-PS1
x 60NUOM63A01A-PS1
x 60NUOM63A01M-PS1
x 60NUOM63A01R-PS1
x 60NUOM65A01A-PS1
x 60NUOM65A01M-PS1
x 60NUOM65A01R-PS1
x 60NUOM08A01A-PS1
x 60NUOM08A01M-PS1
x 60NUOM08A01R-PS1
x 60NUOM09A01A-PS1
x 60NUOM09A01M-PS1
x 60NUOM09A01R-PS1
x 60NUOM60A01A-PS1
x 60NUOM60A01M-PS1
x 60NUOM60A01R-PS1
x 60NUOM61A01A-PS1
x 60NUOM61A01M-PS1
x 60NUOM61A01R-PS1
x 60NUOM68A01A-PS1
x 60NUOM68A01M-PS1
x 60NUOM68A01R-PS1
x 60NUOM70A01A-PS1
x 60NUOM70A01M-PS1
x 60NUOM70A01R-PS1
x 60NUOM71A01A-PS1
x 60NUOM71A01M-PS1
x 60NUOM71A01R-PS1
x 60NUOM72A01A-PS1
x 60NUOM72A01M-PS1
x 60NUOM72A01R-PS1
x 60NUOM73A01A-PS1
x 60NUOM73A01M-PS1
x 60NUOM73A01R-PS1
x 60NUOM74A01A-PS1
x 60NUOM74A01M-PS1
x 60NUOM74A01R-PS1
x 60NUOM75A01A-PS1
x 60NUOM75A01M-PS1
x 60NUOM75A01R-PS1
x 60NUOM76A01A-PS1
x 60NUOM76A01M-PS1
x 60NUOM76A01R-PS1
x 60NUOM80A01A-PS1
x 60NUOM80A01M-PS1
x 60NUOM80A01R-PS1
x 60NUOM81A01A-PS1
x 60NUOM81A01M-PS1
x 60NUOM81A01R-PS1
x 60NUOM90A01A-PS1
x 60NUOM90A01M-PS1
x 60NUOM90A01R-PS1
x 60NUOM91A01A-PS1
x 60NUOM91A01M-PS1
x 60NUOM91A01R-PS1
x 60NUOM92A01A-PS1
x 60NUOM92A01M-PS1
x 60NUOM92A01R-PS1
x 60NUOM93A01A-PS1
x 60NUOM93A01M-PS1
x 60NUOM93A01R-PS1
x 60NUOM94A01A-PS1
x 60NUOM94A01M-PS1
x 60NUOM94A01R-PS1
x 60NUOM95A01A-PS1
x 60NUOM95A01M-PS1
x 60NUOM95A01R-PS1
x 60NUOM96A01A-PS1
x 60NUOM96A01M-PS1
x 60NUOM96A01R-PS1
x 60NUOM98A01A-PS1
x 60NUOM98A01M-PS1
x 60NUOM98A01R-PS1
x 60NUOM101A01A-PS1
x 60NUOM101A01M-PS1
x 60NUOM101A01R-PS1
x 60NUOM103A01A-PS1
x 60NUOM103A01M-PS1
x 60NUOM103A01R-PS1
AutoStore v7
x 07AS001A1M0-PS1
x 07AS001A2M0-PS1
x 07AS001A3M0-PS1
x 07AS001A4M0-PS1
x 07AS001M1M1-PS1
x 07AS001M1M2-PS1
x 07AS001M1M3-PS1
x 07AS001M1M4-PS1
x 07AS001M1M5-PS1
x 07AS001M2M1-PS1
x 07AS001M2M2-PS1
x 07AS001M2M3-PS1
x 07AS001M2M4-PS1
x 07AS001M2M5-PS1
x 07AS001M3M1-PS1
x 07AS001M3M2-PS1
x 07AS001M3M3-PS1
x 07AS001M3M4-PS1
x 07AS001M3M5-PS1
x 07AS001M4M1-PS1
x 07AS001M4M2-PS1
x 07AS001M4M3-PS1
x 07AS001M4M4-PS1
x 07AS001M4M5-PS1
x 07AS002A1M0-PS1
x 07AS002A2M0-PS1
x 07AS002A3M0-PS1
x 07AS002A4M0-PS1
x 07AS002M1M1-PS1
x 07AS002M1M2-PS1
x 07AS002M1M3-PS1
x 07AS002M1M4-PS1
x 07AS002M1M5-PS1
x 07AS002M2M1-PS1
x 07AS002M2M2-PS1
x 07AS002M2M3-PS1
x 07AS002M2M4-PS1
x 07AS002M2M5-PS1
x 07AS002M3M1-PS1
x 07AS002M3M2-PS1
x 07AS002M3M3-PS1
x 07AS002M3M4-PS1
x 07AS002M3M5-PS1
x 07AS002M4M1-PS1
x 07AS002M4M2-PS1
x 07AS002M4M3-PS1
x 07AS002M4M4-PS1
x 07AS002M4M5-PS1
x 07AS003A1M1-PS1
x 07AS004A5M0-PS1
x 07AS004A6M0-PS1
x 07AS004M5M1-PS1
x 07AS004M5M2-PS1
x 07AS004M5M3-PS1
x 07AS004M5M4-PS1
x 07AS004M5M5-PS1
x 07AS004M6M1-PS1
x 07AS004M6M2-PS1
x 07AS004M6M3-PS1
x 07AS004M6M4-PS1
x 07AS004M6M5-PS1
x 07AS005A5M0-PS1
x 07AS005A6M0-PS1
x 07AS005M5M1-PS1
x 07AS005M5M2-PS1
x 07AS005M5M3-PS1
x 07AS005M5M4-PS1
x 07AS005M5M5-PS1
x 07AS005M6M1-PS1
x 07AS005M6M2-PS1
x 07AS005M6M3-PS1
x 07AS005M6M4-PS1
x 07AS005M6M5-PS1
x 07AS006A5M0-PS1
x 07AS006A6M0-PS1
x 07AS006M5M1-PS1
x 07AS006M5M2-PS1
x 07AS006M5M3-PS1
x 07AS006M5M4-PS1
x 07AS006M5M5-PS1
x 07AS006M6M1-PS1
x 07AS006M6M2-PS1
x 07AS006M6M3-PS1
x 07AS006M6M4-PS1
x 07AS006M6M5-PS1
x 07AS007A5M0-PS1
x 07AS007A6M0-PS1
x 07AS007M5M1-PS1
x 07AS007M5M2-PS1
x 07AS007M5M3-PS1
x 07AS007M5M4-PS1
x 07AS007M5M5-PS1
x 07AS007M6M1-PS1
x 07AS007M6M2-PS1
x 07AS007M6M3-PS1
x 07AS007M6M4-PS1
x 07AS007M6M5-PS1
x 07AS008A5M0-PS1
x 07AS008A6M0-PS1
x 07AS008M5M1-PS1
x 07AS008M5M2-PS1
x 07AS008M5M3-PS1
x 07AS008M5M4-PS1
x 07AS008M5M5-PS1
x 07AS008M6M1-PS1
x 07AS008M6M2-PS1
x 07AS008M6M3-PS1
x 07AS008M6M4-PS1
x 07AS008M6M5-PS1
x 07AS009A5M0-PS1
x 07AS009A6M0-PS1
x 07AS009M5M1-PS1
x 07AS009M5M2-PS1
x 07AS009M5M3-PS1
x 07AS009M5M4-PS1
x 07AS009M5M5-PS1
x 07AS009M6M1-PS1
x 07AS009M6M2-PS1
x 07AS009M6M3-PS1
x 07AS009M6M4-PS1
x 07AS009M6M5-PS1
x 07AS010A5M0-PS1
x 07AS010A6M0-PS1
x 07AS010M5M1-PS1
x 07AS010M5M2-PS1
x 07AS010M5M3-PS1
x 07AS010M5M4-PS1
x 07AS010M5M5-PS1
x 07AS010M6M1-PS1
x 07AS010M6M2-PS1
x 07AS010M6M3-PS1
x 07AS010M6M4-PS1
x 07AS010M6M5-PS1
x 07AS028A1M1-PS1
x 07AS011A5M0-PS1
x 07AS011A6M0-PS1
x 07AS011M5M1-PS1
x 07AS011M5M2-PS1
x 07AS011M5M3-PS1
x 07AS011M5M4-PS1
x 07AS011M5M5-PS1
x 07AS011M6M1-PS1
x 07AS011M6M2-PS1
x 07AS011M6M3-PS1
x 07AS011M6M4-PS1
x 07AS011M6M5-PS1
x 07AS029A1M1-PS1
x 07AS012A5M0-PS1
x 07AS012A6M0-PS1
x 07AS012M5M1-PS1
x 07AS012M5M2-PS1
x 07AS012M5M3-PS1
x 07AS012M5M4-PS1
x 07AS012M5M5-PS1
x 07AS012M6M1-PS1
x 07AS012M6M2-PS1
x 07AS012M6M3-PS1
x 07AS012M6M4-PS1
x 07AS012M6M5-PS1
x 07AS030A1M1-PS1
x 07AS013A5M0-PS1
x 07AS013A6M0-PS1
x 07AS013M5M1-PS1
x 07AS013M5M2-PS1
x 07AS013M5M3-PS1
x 07AS013M5M4-PS1
x 07AS013M5M5-PS1
x 07AS013M6M1-PS1
x 07AS013M6M2-PS1
x 07AS013M6M3-PS1
x 07AS013M6M4-PS1
x 07AS013M6M5-PS1
x 07AS031A1M1-PS1
x 07AS014A5M0-PS1
x 07AS014A6M0-PS1
x 07AS014M5M1-PS1
x 07AS014M5M2-PS1
x 07AS014M5M3-PS1
x 07AS014M5M4-PS1
x 07AS014M5M5-PS1
x 07AS014M6M1-PS1
x 07AS014M6M2-PS1
x 07AS014M6M3-PS1
x 07AS014M6M4-PS1
x 07AS014M6M5-PS1
x 07AS032A1M1-PS1
x 07AS015A5M0-PS1
x 07AS015A6M0-PS1
x 07AS015M5M1-PS1
x 07AS015M5M2-PS1
x 07AS015M5M3-PS1
x 07AS015M5M4-PS1
x 07AS015M5M5-PS1
x 07AS015M6M1-PS1
x 07AS015M6M2-PS1
x 07AS015M6M3-PS1
x 07AS015M6M4-PS1
x 07AS015M6M5-PS1
x 07AS033A1M1-PS1
x 07AS016A2M0-PS1
x 07AS016A3M0-PS1
x 07AS016A4M0-PS1
x 07AS016A5M0-PS1
x 07AS016A6M0-PS1
x 07AS016M2M1-PS1
x 07AS016M2M2-PS1
x 07AS016M2M3-PS1
x 07AS016M2M4-PS1
x 07AS016M2M5-PS1
x 07AS016M3M1-PS1
x 07AS016M3M2-PS1
x 07AS016M3M3-PS1
x 07AS016M3M4-PS1
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x 07OM037A1M1-PS1
x 07OM037A1M2-PS1
x 07OM037A1M3-PS1
x 07OM037A1M4-PS1
x 07OM037A1M5-PS1
Equitrac Office/ Express v4
x EQ4CR001-PS1
x EQ4CR010-PS1
x EQ4CR100-PS1
x EQ4CR500-PS1
x EQ4PA010-PS1
x EQ4PA100-PS1
x EQ4PA01K-PS1
x CRU00M00-PS1
x CABX719-PS1
x CABX0860-PS1
x CABX0092-PS1
x CABX0866-PS1
x CABX0818-PS1
x CABX0816-PS1
x CA0007-K-PS1
Equitrac Office/ Express with Support Options
x S-EQ4CS001-3-PS1
x S-EQ4CS010-3-PS1
x S-EQ4CS100-3-PS1
x S-EQ4CS500-3-PS1
x S-EQ4CR001-3-PS1
x S-EQ4CR010-3-PS1
x S-EQ4CR100-3-PS1
x S-EQ4CR500-3-PS1
x S-PC1CFE00-3-PS1
x S-PC1CFME0-3-PS1
x S-PC1CFX00-3-PS1
x S-PC1CFY00-3-PS1
x S-PC1CFZ00-3-PS1
x S-PC3CFE00-3-PS1
x S-PC3CFME0-3-PS1
x S-PC3CFX00-3-PS1
x S-PC3CFY00-3-PS1
x S-PC3CFZ00-3-PS1
x S-CRU00Y00-3-PS1
x S-CRU00Z00-3-PS1
x S-CRU00M00-3-PS1
x S-PC1CFE00-4-PS1
x S-PC1CFME0-4-PS1
x S-PC1CFX00-4-PS1
x S-PC1CFY00-4-PS1
x S-PC1CFZ00-4-PS1
x S-PC3CFE00-4-PS1
x S-PC3CFME0-4-PS1
x S-PC3CFX00-4-PS1
x S-PC3CFY00-4-PS1
x S-PC3CFZ00-4-PS1
x S-CRU00Y00-4-PS1
x S-CRU00Z00-4-PS1
x S-CRU00M00-4-PS1
x S-PC1CFE00-5-PS1
x S-PC1CFME0-5-PS1
x S-PC1CFX00-5-PS1
x S-PC1CFY00-5-PS1
x S-PC1CFZ00-5-PS1
x S-PC3CFE00-5-PS1
x S-PC3CFME0-5-PS1
x S-PC3CFX00-5-PS1
x S-PC3CFY00-5-PS1
x S-PC3CFZ00-5-PS1
x S-CRU00Y00-5-PS1
x S-CRU00M00-5-PS1
x S-EQ4SU025-RN-PS1
x S-EQ4SU100-RN-PS1
x S-EQ4SU250-RN-PS1
x S-EQ4PS001-RN-PS1
x S-EQ4PS010-RN-PS1
x S-EQ4ED001-RN-PS1
x S-EQ4ED010-RN-PS1
x S-EQ4ED100-RN-PS1
x S-EQ4ED500-RN-PS1
x S-EQ4MA001-RN-PS1
x S-EQ4MA010-RN-PS1
x S-EQ4MA100-RN-PS1
x S-EQ4MA500-RN-PS1
x S-EQ4ER001-RN-PS1
x S-EQ4ER010-RN-PS1
x S-EQ4ER100-RN-PS1
x S-EQ4ER500-RN-PS1
x S-EQ4CS001-RN-PS1
x S-EQ4CS010-RN-PS1
x S-EQ4CS100-RN-PS1
x S-EQ4CS500-RN-PS1
x S-EQ4CR001-RN-PS1
x S-EQ4CR010-RN-PS1
x S-EQ4CR100-RN-PS1
x S-EQ4CR500-RN-PS1
x S-EQ4DC001-RN-PS1
x S-EQ4CC001-RN-PS1
x S-EQ4DS001-RN-PS1
x S-EQ4SM001-RN-PS1
x S-EQ4WS010-RN-PS1
x S-EQ4WU010-RN-PS1
x S-EQ4WS100-RN-PS1
x S-EQ4WU100-RN-PS1
x S-EQ4PA010-RN-PS1
x S-EQ4PU010-RN-PS1
x S-EQ4PA100-RN-PS1
x S-EQ4PU100-RN-PS1
x S-EQ4RS001-RN-PS1
x S-EQ4RS010-RN-PS1
x S-EQ4WR001-RN-PS1
x S-EQ4WR010-RN-PS1
x S-EQ4WR100-RN-PS1
x S-EQ4WR500-RN-PS1
x S-CRU00X00-RN-PS1
x S-CRU00Y00-RN-PS1
x S-CRU00Z00-RN-PS1
x S-CRU00M00-RN-PS1
x S-CRU00N00-RN-PS1
Print & Copy Control - Embedded Device
x EQ5ED001-PS1
x S-EQ5ED001-1-PS1
x S-EQ5ED001-3-PS1
x S-EQ5ED001-4-PS1
x S-EQ5ED001-5-PS1
x EQ5ED010-PS1
x S-EQ5ED010-1-PS1
x S-EQ5ED010-3-PS1
x S-EQ5ED010-4-PS1
x S-EQ5ED010-5-PS1
x EQ5ED100-PS1
x S-EQ5ED100-1-PS1
x S-EQ5ED100-3-PS1
x S-EQ5ED100-4-PS1
x S-EQ5ED100-5-PS1
x EQ5ED500-PS1
x S-EQ5ED500-1-PS1
x S-EQ5ED500-3-PS1
x S-EQ5ED500-4-PS1
x S-EQ5ED500-5-PS1
x S-EQ5ED0IU-1-PS1
x S-EQ5ED0IU-3-PS1
x S-EQ5ED0IU-4-PS1
x S-EQ5ED0IU-5-PS1
x S-EQ5ED0XU-1-PS1
x S-EQ5ED0XU-3-PS1
x S-EQ5ED0XU-4-PS1
x S-EQ5ED0XU-5-PS1
x S-EQ5ED0CU-1-PS1
x S-EQ5ED0CU-3-PS1
x S-EQ5ED0CU-4-PS1
x S-EQ5ED0CU-5-PS1
x S-EQ5ED0DU-1-PS1
x S-EQ5ED0DU-3-PS1
x S-EQ5ED0DU-4-PS1
x S-EQ5ED0DU-5-PS1
x EQ5EL001-PS1
x S-EQ5EL001-1-PS1
x S-EQ5EL001-3-PS1
x S-EQ5EL001-4-PS1
x S-EQ5EL001-5-PS1
x EQ5EL010-PS1
x S-EQ5EL010-1-PS1
x S-EQ5EL010-3-PS1
x S-EQ5EL010-4-PS1
x S-EQ5EL010-5-PS1
x EQ5EL100-PS1
x S-EQ5EL100-1-PS1
x S-EQ5EL100-3-PS1
x S-EQ5EL100-4-PS1
x S-EQ5EL100-5-PS1
PCC Capture & Send Option (PCC above is required)
x EQ5CS001-PS1
x S-EQ5CS001-1-PS1
x S-EQ5CS001-3-PS1
x S-EQ5CS001-4-PS1
x S-EQ5CS001-5-PS1
x EQ5CS010-PS1
x S-EQ5CS010-1-PS1
x S-EQ5CS010-3-PS1
x S-EQ5CS010-4-PS1
x S-EQ5CS010-5-PS1
x EQ5CS100-PS1
x S-EQ5CS100-1-PS1
x S-EQ5CS100-3-PS1
x S-EQ5CS100-4-PS1
x S-EQ5CS100-5-PS1
x EQ5CS500-PS1
x S-EQ5CS500-1-PS1
x S-EQ5CS500-3-PS1
x S-EQ5CS500-4-PS1
x S-EQ5CS500-5-PS1
x S-EQ5CS0IU-1-PS1
x S-EQ5CS0IU-3-PS1
x S-EQ5CS0IU-4-PS1
x S-EQ5CS0IU-5-PS1
x S-EQ5CS0XU-1-PS1
x S-EQ5CS0XU-3-PS1
x S-EQ5CS0XU-4-PS1
x S-EQ5CS0XU-5-PS1
x S-EQ5CS0CU-1-PS1
x S-EQ5CS0CU-3-PS1
x S-EQ5CS0CU-4-PS1
x S-EQ5CS0CU-5-PS1
x S-EQ5CS0DU-1-PS1
x S-EQ5CS0DU-3-PS1
x S-EQ5CS0DU-4-PS1
x S-EQ5CS0DU-5-PS1
x EQ5CR001-PS1
x S-EQ5CR001-1-PS1
x EQ5CR010-PS1
x S-EQ5CR010-1-PS1
x EQ5CR100-PS1
x S-EQ5CR100-1-PS1
x S-EQ5CR001-3-PS1
x S-EQ5CR010-3-PS1
x S-EQ5CR100-3-PS1
x S-EQ5CR001-4-PS1
x S-EQ5CR010-4-PS1
x S-EQ5CR100-4-PS1
x S-EQ5CR001-5-PS1
x S-EQ5CR010-5-PS1
x S-EQ5CR100-5-PS1
Third Party Card Reader License (for use with RFIDeas PCProx Plus reader)
x EQ5CR500-PS1
x S-EQ5CR500-1-PS1
x S-EQ5CR500-3-PS1
x S-EQ5CR500-4-PS1
x S-EQ5CR500-5-PS1
x S-EQ5CR0IU-1-PS1
x S-EQ5CR0IU-3-PS1
x S-EQ5CR0IU-4-PS1
x S-EQ5CR0IU-5-PS1
x S-EQ5CR0XU-1-PS1
x S-EQ5CR0XU-3-PS1
x S-EQ5CR0XU-4-PS1
x S-EQ5CR0XU-5-PS1
x S-EQ5CR0CU-1-PS1
x S-EQ5CR0CU-3-PS1
x S-EQ5CR0CU-4-PS1
x S-EQ5CR0CU-5-PS1
x S-EQ5CR0DU-1-PS1
x S-EQ5CR0DU-3-PS1
x S-EQ5CR0DU-4-PS1
x S-EQ5CR0DU-5-PS1
Equitrac Office 5 Software Suite
x S-EQ5EFSU1-1-PS1
x S-EQ5EFSU1-3-PS1
x S-EQ5EFSU1-4-PS1
x S-EQ5EFSU1-5-PS1
x S-EQ5EFSB1-1-PS1
x S-EQ5EFSB1-3-PS1
x S-EQ5EFSB1-4-PS1
x S-EQ5EFSB1-5-PS1
x S-EQ5EESU1-1-PS1
x S-EQ5EESU1-3-PS1
x S-EQ5EESU1-4-PS1
x S-EQ5EESU1-5-PS1
x S-EQ5EESC1-1-PS1
x S-EQ5EESC1-3-PS1
x S-EQ5EESC1-4-PS1
x S-EQ5EESC1-5-PS1
Equitrac Office 5 SMB Licensing
x EQ5SU025-PS1
x S-EQ5SU025-1-PS1
x S-EQ5SU025-3-PS1
x S-EQ5SU025-4-PS1
x S-EQ5SU025-5-PS1
x EQ5SU100-PS1
x S-EQ5SU100-1-PS1
x S-EQ5SU100-3-PS1
x S-EQ5SU100-4-PS1
x S-EQ5SU100-5-PS1
x EQ5SU250-PS1
x S-EQ5SU250-1-PS1
x S-EQ5SU250-3-PS1
x S-EQ5SU250-4-PS1
x S-EQ5SU250-5-PS1
x EQ5SG025-PS1
x S-EQ5SG025-1-PS1
x S-EQ5SG025-3-PS1
x S-EQ5SG025-4-PS1
x S-EQ5SG025-5-PS1
x EQ5SG100-PS1
x S-EQ5SG100-1-PS1
x S-EQ5SG100-3-PS1
x S-EQ5SG100-4-PS1
x S-EQ5SG100-5-PS1
x EQ5SG250-PS1
x S-EQ5SG250-1-PS1
x S-EQ5SG250-3-PS1
x S-EQ5SG250-4-PS1
x S-EQ5SG250-5-PS1
Additional Print Server Licenses
x EQ5PS001-PS1
x S-EQ5PS001-1-PS1
x S-EQ5PS001-3-PS1
x S-EQ5PS001-4-PS1
x S-EQ5PS001-5-PS1
x EQ5PS010-PS1
x S-EQ5PS010-1-PS1
x S-EQ5PS010-3-PS1
x S-EQ5PS010-4-PS1
x S-EQ5PS010-5-PS1
x EQ5CLS01-PS1
x S-EQ5CLS01-1-PS1
x S-EQ5CLS01-3-PS1
x S-EQ5CLS01-4-PS1
x S-EQ5CLS01-5-PS1
x S-EQ5PS0IU-1-PS1
x S-EQ5PS0IU-3-PS1
x S-EQ5PS0IU-4-PS1
x S-EQ5PS0IU-5-PS1
x EQ5PSU10-PS1
x S-EQ5PSU10-1-PS1
x S-EQ5PSU10-3-PS1
x S-EQ5PSU10-4-PS1
x S-EQ5PSU10-5-PS1
x S-EQ5CLS0U-1-PS1
x S-EQ5CLS0U-3-PS1
x S-EQ5CLS0U-4-PS1
x S-EQ5CLS0U-5-PS1
Connector Licenses
x EQ5DC001-PS1
x S-EQ5DC001-1-PS1
x S-EQ5DC001-3-PS1
x S-EQ5DC001-4-PS1
x S-EQ5DC001-5-PS1
x EQ5CC001-PS1
x S-EQ5CC001-1-PS1
x S-EQ5CC001-3-PS1
x S-EQ5CC001-4-PS1
x S-EQ5CC001-5-PS1
x EQ5DS001-PS1
x S-EQ5DS001-1-PS1
x S-EQ5DS001-3-PS1
x S-EQ5DS001-4-PS1
x S-EQ5DS001-5-PS1
x EQ5SM001-PS1
x S-EQ5SM001-1-PS1
x S-EQ5SM001-3-PS1
x S-EQ5SM001-4-PS1
x S-EQ5SM001-5-PS1
x S-EQ5DC0IU-1-PS1
x S-EQ5DC0IU-3-PS1
x S-EQ5DC0IU-4-PS1
x S-EQ5DC0IU-5-PS1
x S-EQ5CC0IU-1-PS1
x S-EQ5CC0IU-3-PS1
x S-EQ5CC0IU-4-PS1
x S-EQ5CC0IU-5-PS1
x S-EQ5DS0IU-1-PS1
x S-EQ5DS0IU-3-PS1
x S-EQ5DS0IU-4-PS1
x S-EQ5DS0IU-5-PS1
x S-EQ5SM0IU-1-PS1
x S-EQ5SM0IU-3-PS1
x S-EQ5SM0IU-4-PS1
x S-EQ5SM0IU-5-PS1
Workstation Licenses
x EQ5WS010-PS1
x S-EQ5WS010-1-PS1
x S-EQ5WS010-3-PS1
x S-EQ5WS010-4-PS1
x S-EQ5WS010-5-PS1
x EQ5WS100-PS1
x S-EQ5WS100-1-PS1
x S-EQ5WS100-3-PS1
x S-EQ5WS100-4-PS1
x S-EQ5WS100-5-PS1
x EQ5WS01K-PS1
x S-EQ5WS01K-1-PS1
x S-EQ5WS01K-3-PS1
x S-EQ5WS01K-4-PS1
x S-EQ5WS01K-5-PS1
x EQ5WU010-PS1
x S-EQ5WU010-1-PS1
x S-EQ5WU010-3-PS1
x S-EQ5WU010-4-PS1
x S-EQ5WU010-5-PS1
x EQ5WU100-PS1
x S-EQ5WU100-1-PS1
x S-EQ5WU100-3-PS1
x S-EQ5WU100-4-PS1
x S-EQ5WU100-5-PS1
x EQ5WU01K-PS1
x S-EQ5WU01K-1-PS1
x S-EQ5WU01K-3-PS1
x S-EQ5WU01K-4-PS1
x S-EQ5WU01K-5-PS1
Release Station Licenses
x EQ5RS001-PS1
x S-EQ5RS001-1-PS1
x S-EQ5RS001-3-PS1
x S-EQ5RS001-4-PS1
x S-EQ5RS001-5-PS1
x EQ5RS010-PS1
x S-EQ5RS010-1-PS1
x S-EQ5RS010-3-PS1
x S-EQ5RS010-4-PS1
x S-EQ5RS010-5-PS1
x S-EQ5RS0IU-1-PS1
x S-EQ5RS0IU-3-PS1
x S-EQ5RS0IU-4-PS1
x S-EQ5RS0IU-5-PS1
x EQ5RSU10-PS1
x S-EQ5RSU10-1-PS1
x S-EQ5RSU10-3-PS1
x S-EQ5RSU10-4-PS1
x S-EQ5RSU10-5-PS1
Web-Based Release Station Licenses
x EQ5WR001-PS1
x S-EQ5WR001-1-PS1
x S-EQ5WR001-3-PS1
x S-EQ5WR001-4-PS1
x S-EQ5WR001-5-PS1
x EQ5WR010-PS1
x S-EQ5WR010-1-PS1
x S-EQ5WR010-3-PS1
x S-EQ5WR010-4-PS1
x S-EQ5WR010-5-PS1
x EQ5WR100-PS1
x S-EQ5WR100-1-PS1
x S-EQ5WR100-3-PS1
x S-EQ5WR100-4-PS1
x S-EQ5WR100-5-PS1
x EQ5WR500-PS1
x S-EQ5WR500-1-PS1
x S-EQ5WR500-3-PS1
x S-EQ5WR500-4-PS1
x S-EQ5WR500-5-PS1
x S-EQ5WR0IU-1-PS1
x S-EQ5WR0IU-3-PS1
x S-EQ5WR0IU-4-PS1
x S-EQ5WR0IU-5-PS1
x S-EQ5WR0XU-1-PS1
x S-EQ5WR0XU-3-PS1
x S-EQ5WR0XU-4-PS1
x S-EQ5WR0XU-5-PS1
x S-EQ5WR0CU-1-PS1
x S-EQ5WR0CU-3-PS1
x S-EQ5WR0CU-4-PS1
x S-EQ5WR0CU-5-PS1
x S-EQ5WR0DU-1-PS1
x S-EQ5WR0DU-3-PS1
x S-EQ5WR0DU-4-PS1
x S-EQ5WR0DU-5-PS1
Equitrac Office 5 Enterprise - Core functionality (price per user)
x S-EQ5EFNC1-1-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNC1-3-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNC1-4-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNC1-5-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNC2-1-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNC2-3-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNC2-4-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNC2-5-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNC3-1-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNC3-3-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNC3-4-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNC3-5-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNC4-1-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNC4-3-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNC4-4-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNC4-5-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNC5-1-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNC5-3-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNC5-4-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNC5-5-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNU1-1-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNU1-3-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNU1-4-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNU1-5-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNU2-1-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNU2-3-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNU2-4-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNU2-5-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNU3-1-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNU3-3-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNU3-4-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNU3-5-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNU4-1-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNU4-3-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNU4-4-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNU4-5-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNU5-1-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNU5-3-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNU5-4-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNU5-5-PS1
Equitrac Office 5 Enterprise -Enhanced functionality (price per user)
x S-EQ5EFNE1-1-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNE1-3-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNE1-4-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNE1-5-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNE2-1-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNE2-3-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNE2-4-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNE2-5-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNE3-1-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNE3-3-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNE3-4-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNE3-5-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNE4-1-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNE4-3-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNE4-4-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNE4-5-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNE5-1-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNE5-3-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNE5-4-PS1
x S-EQ5EFNE5-5-PS1
x S-EQ5EFEU1-1-PS1
x S-EQ5EFEU1-3-PS1
x S-EQ5EFEU1-4-PS1
x S-EQ5EFEU1-5-PS1
x S-EQ5EFEU2-1-PS1
x S-EQ5EFEU2-3-PS1
x S-EQ5EFEU2-4-PS1
x S-EQ5EFEU2-5-PS1
x S-EQ5EFEU3-1-PS1
x S-EQ5EFEU3-3-PS1
x S-EQ5EFEU3-4-PS1
x S-EQ5EFEU3-5-PS1
x S-EQ5EFEU4-1-PS1
x S-EQ5EFEU4-3-PS1
x S-EQ5EFEU4-4-PS1
x S-EQ5EFEU4-5-PS1
x S-EQ5EFEU5-1-PS1
x S-EQ5EFEU5-3-PS1
x S-EQ5EFEU5-4-PS1
x S-EQ5EFEU5-5-PS1
Equitrac Express 5 Enterprise - Core functionality (price per user, minimum 10
x S-EQ5EENC1-1-PS1
x S-EQ5EENC1-3-PS1
x S-EQ5EENC1-4-PS1
x S-EQ5EENC1-5-PS1
x S-EQ5EENC2-1-PS1
x S-EQ5EENC2-3-PS1
x S-EQ5EENC2-4-PS1
x S-EQ5EENC2-5-PS1
x S-EQ5EENC3-1-PS1
x S-EQ5EENC3-3-PS1
x S-EQ5EENC3-4-PS1
x S-EQ5EENC3-5-PS1
x S-EQ5EENC4-1-PS1
x S-EQ5EENC4-3-PS1
x S-EQ5EENC4-4-PS1
x S-EQ5EENC4-5-PS1
x S-EQ5EENC5-1-PS1
x S-EQ5EENC5-3-PS1
x S-EQ5EENC5-4-PS1
x S-EQ5EENC5-5-PS1
x S-EQ5EENU1-1-PS1
x S-EQ5EENU1-3-PS1
x S-EQ5EENU1-4-PS1
x S-EQ5EENU1-5-PS1
x S-EQ5EENU2-1-PS1
x S-EQ5EENU2-3-PS1
x S-EQ5EENU2-4-PS1
x S-EQ5EENU2-5-PS1
x S-EQ5EENU3-1-PS1
x S-EQ5EENU3-3-PS1
x S-EQ5EENU3-4-PS1
x S-EQ5EENU3-5-PS1
x S-EQ5EENU4-1-PS1
x S-EQ5EENU4-3-PS1
x S-EQ5EENU4-4-PS1
x S-EQ5EENU4-5-PS1
x S-EQ5EENU5-5-PS1
x S-EQ5EENU5-1-PS1
x S-EQ5EENU5-3-PS1
x S-EQ5EENU5-4-PS1
Equitrac Express 5 Enterprise - Enhanced functionality (price per user, minimu
x S-EQ5EECE1-1-PS1
x S-EQ5EECE1-3-PS1
x S-EQ5EECE1-4-PS1
x S-EQ5EECE1-5-PS1
x S-EQ5EECE2-1-PS1
x S-EQ5EECE2-3-PS1
x S-EQ5EECE2-4-PS1
x S-EQ5EECE2-5-PS1
x S-EQ5EECE3-1-PS1
x S-EQ5EECE3-3-PS1
x S-EQ5EECE3-4-PS1
x S-EQ5EECE3-5-PS1
x S-EQ5EECE4-1-PS1
x S-EQ5EECE4-3-PS1
x S-EQ5EECE4-4-PS1
x S-EQ5EECE4-5-PS1
x S-EQ5EECE5-1-PS1
x S-EQ5EECE5-3-PS1
x S-EQ5EECE5-4-PS1
x S-EQ5EECE5-5-PS1
x S-EQ5EECU1-1-PS1
x S-EQ5EECU1-3-PS1
x S-EQ5EECU1-4-PS1
x S-EQ5EECU1-5-PS1
x S-EQ5EECU2-1-PS1
x S-EQ5EECU2-3-PS1
x S-EQ5EECU2-4-PS1
x S-EQ5EECU2-5-PS1
x S-EQ5EECU3-1-PS1
x S-EQ5EECU3-3-PS1
x S-EQ5EECU3-4-PS1
x S-EQ5EECU3-5-PS1
x S-EQ5EECU4-1-PS1
x S-EQ5EECU4-3-PS1
x S-EQ5EECU4-4-PS1
x S-EQ5EECU4-5-PS1
x S-EQ5EECU5-1-PS1
x S-EQ5EECU5-3-PS1
x S-EQ5EECU5-4-PS1
x S-EQ5EECU5-5-PS1
x S-EQ5ED001-R-PS1
x S-EQ5EL001-R-PS1
x S-EQ5EL010-R-PS1
x S-EQ5EL100-R-PS1
x S-EQ5ED010-R-PS1
x S-EQ5ED100-R-PS1
x S-EQ5ED500-R-PS1
x S-EQ5MA001-R-PS1
x S-EQ5MA010-R-PS1
x S-EQ5MA100-R-PS1
x S-EQ5MA500-R-PS1
x S-EQ5CS001-R-PS1
x S-EQ5CS010-R-PS1
x S-EQ5CS100-R-PS1
x S-EQ5CS500-R-PS1
x S-EQ5CR001-R-PS1
x S-EQ5CR010-R-PS1
x S-EQ5CR100-R-PS1
x S-EQ5CR500-R-PS1
x S-EQ5SU025-R-PS1
x S-EQ5SU100-R-PS1
x S-EQ5SU250-R-PS1
x S-EQ5SG025-R-PS1
x S-EQ5SG100-R-PS1
x S-EQ5SG250-R-PS1
x S-EQ5PS001-R-PS1
x S-EQ5PS010-R-PS1
x S-EQ5CLS01-R-PS1
x S-EQ5PSU10-R-PS1
x S-EQ5WS010-R-PS1
x S-EQ5WS100-R-PS1
x S-EQ5WS01K-R-PS1
x S-EQ5WU010-R-PS1
x S-EQ5WU100-R-PS1
x S-EQ5WU01K-R-PS1
x S-EQ5RS001-R-PS1
x S-EQ5RS010-R-PS1
x S-EQ5RSU10-R-PS1
x S-EQ5WR001-R-PS1
x S-EQ5WR010-R-PS1
x S-EQ5WR100-R-PS1
x S-EQ5WR500-R-PS1
x S-EQ5DC001-R-PS1
x S-EQ5CC001-R-PS1
x S-EQ5DS001-R-PS1
x S-EQ5SM001-R-PS1
Equitrac Office/Express 5 - PCC USB Card Readers
x S-CRU00X02-1-PS1
x S-CRU00X02-3-PS1
x S-CRU00X02-4-PS1
x S-CRU00X02-5-PS1
x S-CRU00X02-R-PS1
x S-CRU00Z02-1-PS1
x S-CRU00Z02-3-PS1
x S-CRU00Z02-4-PS1
x S-CRU00Z02-5-PS1
x S-CRU00Z02-R-PS1
x S-CRU0MF02-1-PS1
x S-CRU0MF02-3-PS1
x S-CRU0MF02-4-PS1
x S-CRU0MF02-5-PS1
x S-CRU0MF02-R-PS1
Equitrac - ID Controllers
x S-CRIDC000-1-PS1
x CRIDC000-3-PS1
x S-CRIDC000-4-PS1
x S-CRIDC000-5-PS1
ShareScan Embedded products with license key per unit
x RC-SSEMB51-01-PS1
x RC-SOEMB51-01-PS1
x RC-SEEMB51-01-PS1
ShareScan Enterprise 50+ Units
x MNT-BE76-XL1-PS1
ShareScan Embedded products with volume license key - pricing is per unit
x YY-SSEMBV49-01-PS1
x YY-SOEMBV49-01-PS1
x YY-SSEMBV50-01-PS1
x YY-SOEMBV50-01-PS1
ShareScan Loyalty Products - license key per unit
x RC-SSEML51-01-PS1
x RC-SOEML51-01-PS1
ShareScan Loyalty Products with volume license key - pricing is per unit
x RC-SVEML51-01-PS1
ScanStation products
x L276A-HDW
Connector Access License Tier A
x YY-CNALA9-01-PS1
x YY-CNALA49-01-PS1
x YY-CNALA50-01-PS1
Connector Access License Tier B
x YY-CNALB1-01-PS1
x YY-CNALB9-01-PS1
x YY-CNALB49-01-PS1
x YY-CNALB50-01-PS1
M&S Renewal
Discretionary M&S
eCopy PDF Pro Office Software
x ESDD909AX001Y-PS1
eCopy PDF Pro Office Volume Licensing
x ESDD909AX991Y-PS1
Ecopy PDF Pro Office Add on Volume Licensing
x ESD-D909A-GD9-PS1
x ESD-D909A-GE0-PS1
x ESD-D909A-GF1-PS1
x ESD-D909A-GF2-PS1
x ESD-D909A-G99-PS1
M&S Renewals for eCopy PDF Pro Office
x MNTD909AX00-PS1
x ESD-M-D909A-XP3-PS1
x ESD-M-D909A-XP4-PS1
x ESD-M-D909A-X05-PS1
x MNT-D909A-XV1-PS1
x MNT-D909A-XV2-PS1
x MNT-D909A-XV3-PS1
x MNT-D909A-XV4-PS1
x MNT-D909A-XV5-PS1
x MNT-D909A-XR6-PS1
Email and Folder Watching Service
Nuance Professional Services and Training (Requires an SOW with Nuance pr
x 71-C51A-10201-PS1
Nuance ScanStation Spare Parts
x 09-00015
x 08-00150
x 08-00210
x 60NUOM122P04A-PS1
eCopy v6
x ESD-BE76A-XT0-6-PS1
x MNT-BE76-XT1-6-PS1
x ESD-BE76A-LL1-6-PS1
x ESD-BE76A-LL3-6-PS1
x ESD-BE76A-LL4-6-PS1
x ESD-BE76A-LL5-6-PS1
x ESD-D476A-XL0-6-PS1
x MNT-D476-XL1-6-PS1
x ESD-D476A-LL1-6-PS1
x ESD-D476A-LL3-6-PS1
x ESD-D476A-LL4-6-PS1
x ESD-D476A-LL5-6-PS1
x ESD-D476A-XT0-6B-PS1
x ESD-D476A-XT0-6C-PS1
x MNT-D476-XL1-6-PS1
x ESD-D476A-LT1-6-PS1
x ESD-D476A-LT3-6-PS1
x ESD-D476A-LT4-6-PS1
x ESD-D476A-LT5-6-PS1
x ESD-C576A-XL0-6-PS1
x MNT-C576-XL1-6-PS1
x ESD-C576A-LL1-6-PS1
x ESD-C576A-LL3-6-PS1
x ESD-C576A-LL4-6-PS1
x ESD-C576A-LL5-6-PS1
x ESD-C576A-XT0-6B-PS1
x ESD-C576A-XT0-6C-PS1
x MNT-C576-XL1-6-PS1
x ESD-C576A-LT1-6-PS1
x ESD-C576A-LT3-6-PS1
x ESD-C576A-LT4-6-PS1
x ESD-C576A-LT5-6-PS1
x ESD-L376A-KL0-6-PS1
x MNT-L376-XL1-6-PS1
x ESD-L376A-LL1-6-PS1
x ESD-L376A-LL3-6-PS1
x ESD-L376A-LL4-6-PS1
x ESD-L376A-LL5-6-PS1
x ESD-L376A-XT0-6B-PS1
x ESD-L376A-XT0-6C-PS1
x MNT-L376-XL1-6-PS1
x ESD-L376A-LT1-6-PS1
x ESD-L376A-LT3-6-PS1
x ESD-L376A-LT4-6-PS1
x ESD-L376A-LT5-6-PS1
x ESD-L276X-W00-6-PS1
x ESD-AK76A-XL0-6-PS1
x MNT-EC&S-XL1-6-PS1
x ESD-AK76A-XT0-6B-PS1
x ESD-AK76A-XT0-6C-PS1
x ESD-AL76A-XL0-6-PS1
x MNT-C662-XL1-6-PS1
x ESD-AL76A-XT0-6B-PS1
x ESD-AL76A-XT0-6C-PS1
x ESD-AN09A-XL0-6-PS1
x MNT-AN09-XL1-6-PS1
x ESD-AN09A-KT0-6-PS1
x MNT-AN09-KT1-6-PS1
x ESD-CH76A-XT0-6B-PS1
x MNT-CH62-XT1-B-PS1
x ESD-CH76A-XT0-6C-PS1
x MNT-CH62-XT1-C-PS1
x ESD-CH76A-XT0-6D-PS1
x MNT-CH62-XT1-D-PS1
x ESD-CH76A-XT0-6E-PS1
x MNT-CH62-XT1-E-PS1
x ESD-CH76A-XT0-6F-PS1
x MNT-CH62-XT1-F-PS1
x ESD-CH76A-XT0-6G-PS1
x MNT-CH62-XT1-G-PS1
x ESD-CD76A-XT0-6B-PS1
x MNT-CD62-XT1-B-PS1
x ESD-CD76A-XT0-6C-PS1
x MNT-CD62-XT1-C-PS1
x ESD-CD76A-XT0-6D-PS1
x MNT-CD62-XT1-D-PS1
x ESD-CD76A-XT0-6E-PS1
x MNT-CD62-XT1-E-PS1
x ESD-CD76A-XT0-6F-PS1
x MNT-CD62-XT1-F-PS1
x ESD-CD76A-XT0-6G-PS1
x MNT-CD62-XT1-G-PS1
x 73-BE1A-10033-PS1
x 73-C51A-10001-PS1
x 73-C51A-10000-PS1
x 73-C51A-10002-PS1
x 73-AK1A-10030-PS1
x 73-AL1A-10031-PS1
x 3RD-71-C51A-10205-DS
x 3RD-71-C51A-10206-DS
x 3RD-71-C51A-10208-DS
x 3RD-71-C51A-10211-DS
x 3RD-71-C51A-10213-DS
x 3RD-71-C51A-10212-DS
x L276X-W00-6-DS
x L276X-X00-6-DS
x B676D-WL0-6-DS
x B676Z-X00-6-DS
x PPC100-102-00-01-PS1
x CPC100-102-00-01-PS1
x BPC100-102-00-01-PS1
x APC100-102-00-01-PS1
x HPC100-102-00-01-PS1
x HPC100-102-00-02-PS1
x HPC100-102-00-03-PS1
x HPC100-102-00-04-PS1
x PW000E102-70-01-PS1
x PW000E102-70-02-PS1
x PW500E102-70-01-PS1
x PW500E102-70-02-PS1
x PW600E102-70-01-PS1
x PW600E102-70-02-PS1
x PI300E102-70-01-PS1
x PI300E102-70-02-PS1
x PW50UE102-70-01-PS1
x PW50UE102-70-02-PS1
x PW60UE102-70-01-PS1
x PW60UE102-70-02-PS1
x PW65UE102-70-01-PS1
x PW65UE102-70-02-PS1
x MEDIAX102-70-01-PS1
x CW000E102-00-01-PS1
x CW000E102-00-02-PS1
x CW500E102-00-01-PS1
x CW500E102-00-02-PS1
x CW600X102-00-01-PS1
x CW600X102-00-02-PS1
x CI300E102-00-01-PS1
x CI300E102-00-02-PS1
x CW50UE102-00-01-PS1
x CW50UE102-00-02-PS1
x CW60UE102-00-01-PS1
x CW60UE102-00-02-PS1
x CW65UE102-00-01-PS1
x CW65UE102-00-02-PS1
x BW000E102-00-01-PS1
x BW000E102-00-02-PS1
x BW500E102-00-01-PS1
x BW500E102-00-02-PS1
x BW600E102-00-01-PS1
x BW600E102-00-02-PS1
x BI300E102-00-01-PS1
x BI300E102-00-02-PS1
x AW000E102-00-01-PS1
x AW000E102-00-02-PS1
x AW500E102-00-01-PS1
x AW500E102-00-02-PS1
x AW600E102-00-01-PS1
x AW600E102-00-02-PS1
x AI300E102-00-01-PS1
x AI300E102-00-02-PS1
PlanetPress Printer License
x PL001E102-00-01-PS1
x PL001E102-00-02-PS1
x PL001E102-00-03-PS1
x PL001E102-00-04-PS1
x PL002E102-00-01-PS1
x PL002E102-00-02-PS1
x PL002E102-00-03-PS1
x PL003E102-00-01-PS1
x PL003E102-00-02-PS1
x PL003E102-00-03-PS1
x PL004E102-00-01-PS1
x PL004E102-00-02-PS1
x PL005E10200-01-PS1
x PL005E102-00-02-PS1
x CL001E102-00-01-PS1
x CL001E102-00-02-PS1
x CL001E102-00-03-PS1
x CL001E102-00-04-PS1
x CL002E102-00-01-PS1
x CL002E102-00-02-PS1
x CL002E102-00-03-PS1
x CL003E102-00-01-PS1
x CL003E102-00-02-PS1
x CL003E102-00-03-PS1
x CL004E102-00-01-PS1
x CL004E102-00-02-PS1
x CL005E102-00-02-PS1
x BL001E102-00-01-PS1
x BL001E102-00-02-PS1
x BL002E102-00-01-PS1
x BL003E102-00-01-PS1
x BL004E102-00-02-PS1
x AL001E102-00-01-PS1
x AL001E102-00-02-PS1
x AL001E102-00-03-PS1
x AL001E102-00-04-PS1
x AL002E102-00-01-PS1
x AL002E102-00-02-PS1
x AL003E102-00-01-PS1
x AL003E102-00-02-PS1
x AL004E102-00-01-PS1
x AL004E102-00-02-PS1
x T5010E102-00-01-PS1
x T3010E102-00-01-PS1
x T2010E102-00-01-PS1
x T8110E102-00-01-PS1
x T6210E102-00-01-PS1
x T5011E102-00-01-PS1
x T3011E102-00-01-PS1
x T2011E102-00-01-PS1
x T8111E102-00-01-PS1
x T6211E102-00-01-PS1
Professional Services
x SE011E102-00-01-PS1
x SE010E102-00-01-PS1
PrintShop Mail Suite
x PM0100102-70-01-DS
x PM0999102-70-01-DS
x PMW000102-70-01-PS1
x PM019U102-70-01-PS1
x PMW10U102-70-01-PS1
x PMW90U102-70-01-PS1
x PMW020102-70-01-PS1
x PM0350102-00-01-PS1
x AM0100102-70-01-PS1
x AM0999102-70-01-PS1
x AMW000102-70-01-PS1
x BM0100102-70-01-PS1
x BM0999102-70-01-PS1
x BMW000102-70-01-PS1
x CM0100102-70-01-PS1
x CM0999102-70-01-PS1
x CMW000102-70-01-PS1
x CM019U102-70-01-PS1
x CMW10U102-70-01-PS1
x CMW90U102-70-01-PS1
PlanetPress Capture
x P0300110200-01-PS1
x C0300110200-01-PS1
x B0300110200-01-PS1
x B0300110200-02-PS1
x B0300110200-03-PS1
x PN100110200-01-PS1
x SE411E102-00-01-PS1
x PN1001102-00-01-PS1
x CN100W102-00-01-PS1
x 711005102-00-01-PS1
x 711002102-00-01-PS1
x 711010102-00-01-PS1
x 711024102-00-01-PS1
Objectif Lune Backup Licenses
x PW0B0E102-70-01-PS1
x CW0B0E102-00-01-PS1
x BW0B0E102-00-01-PS1
x AW0B0E102-00-01-PS1
x PW0B0E102-70-02-PS1
x CW0B0E102-00-02-PS1
x BW0B0E102-00-02-PS1
x AW0B0E102-00-02-PS1
x PW5B0E102-70-01-PS1
x CW5B0E102-00-01-PS1
x BW5B0E102-00-01-PS1
x AW5B0E102-00-01-PS1
x PW5B0E102-70-02-PS1
x CW5B0E102-00-02-PS1
x BW5B0E102-00-02-PS1
x AW5B0E102-00-02-PS1
x PW6B0E102-70-01-PS1
x CW6B0E102-00-01-PS1
x BW6B0E102-00-01-PS1
x AW6B0E102-00-01-PS1
x PW6B0E102-70-02-PS1
x CW6B0E102-00-02-PS1
x BW6B0E102-00-02-PS1
x AW6B0E102-00-02-PS1
x PI3B0E102-70-01-PS1
x CI3B0E102-00-01-PS1
x BI3B0E102-00-01-PS1
x AI3B0E102-00-01-PS1
x PI3B0E102-70-02-PS1
x CI3B0E102-00-02-PS1
x BI3B0E102-00-02-PS1
x AI3B0E102-00-02-PS1
x AR-SV40109BASE-PS1
x AR-SV80109BASE-PS1
x AR-SV160109DCTR-PS1
x AR-FAX-0409FO-PS1
x COM-BC-0508ADL-PS1
x CON-DB-0807ADL-PS1
x CON-DMS-0807TR1-PS1
x CON-DMS-0807TR2-PS1
x CON-DMS-0807TR3-PS1
x CON-DMS-0808TR4-PS1
x CON-HL70510TR4-PS1
x HMTR1034E4HT11N-PS1
x HMTR1034E8HT11N-PS1
x HMTR1034E16HT11-PS1
x HMTR1034E24HT11-PS1
x SR-140-2FOIP-PS1
x SR-140-4FOIP-PS1
x SR-140-8FOIP-PS1
x SR-140-12FOIP-PS1
x SR-140-24FOIP-PS1
x SR-140-30FOIP-PS1
x SR-140-48FOIP-PS1
x SR-140-60FOIP-PS1
x S-TR1034EE12-PS1
x S-TR1034EE15-PS1
x S-TR1034EE11-PS1
x S-TR1034EE14-PS1
x S-TR1034EE04-PS1
x S-TR1034EE07-PS1
x S-TR1034EE01-PS1
x S-TR1034EE13-PS1
x S-TR1034EE02-PS1
x S-TR1034EE03-PS1
x S-TR1034EE05-PS1
x S-TR1034EE08-PS1
x S-TR1034EE06-PS1
x S-TR1034EE10-PS1
x S-TR1034EE09-PS1
x S-TR1034EE16-PS1
Scan and Capture
x SF-SR140-2PORT-PS1
x SF-SR140-4PORT-PS1
x SF-SR140-8PORT-PS1
x SF-SR140-12PORT-PS1
x SF-SR140-24PORT-PS1
x HMTR1034ELP30T-PS1
1 to 1 Create
RightFax - Servers
x S-CPRFPG2450030-PS1
x S-CPRF2450003-PS1
x S-CPRF2450060-PS1
x SCPRF28000019-PS1
x S-CPRFPG0020173-PS1
x S-CPRFPG2450011-PS1
x S-CPRFPG2450012-PS1
x S-CPRFPG2450013-PS1
x S-CPRFPG2450015-PS1
x S-CPRFPG2450016-PS1
x S-CPRFPG2450017-PS1
x S-CPRFPG2450018-PS1
x S-CPRFPG2450024-PS1
x S-CPRF2450006-PS1
x S-CPRF2450085-PS1
x SCPRF0020173R-PS1
x S-CPRFPG2450032-PS1
x S-CPRFPG2450033-PS1
x S-CPRFPG2450034-PS1
x S-CPRFPG2450036-PS1
x S-CPRFPG2450037-PS1
x S-CPRFPG2450038-PS1
x S-CPRFPG2450040-PS1
x S-CPRFPG2450045-PS1
MFP Modules
x S-CPRF2450021-PS1
x S-CPRF2450063-PS1
x S-CPRF2450064-PS1
x S-CPRF2450065-PS1
x S-CPRF2450023-PS1
x S-CPRF2450066-PS1
x S-CPRF2450067-PS1
x S-CPRF2450068-PS1
x S-CPRF2450025-PS1
x S-CPRF2450072-PS1
x S-CPRF2450073-PS1
x S-CPRF2450074-PS1
x S-CPRF2450077-PS1
x S-CPRF2450078-PS1
x S-CPRF2450079-PS1
x S-CPRF2450080-PS1
x S-CPRF2450092-PS1
x S-CPRF2450093-PS1
x S-CPRF2450094-PS1
x S-CPRF2450095-PS1
x S-CPRF2450098-PS1
x S-CPRF2450099-PS1
x S-CPRF2450100-PS1
x S-CPRF2450101-PS1
Fax Archiving Bundles
x S-CPRFPG2420001-PS1
x S-CPRFPG2420002-PS1
x S-CPRFPG2420003-PS1
x S-CPRFPG2420004-PS1
x S-CPRFPG2420005-PS1
x S-CPRFPG2420006-PS1
x S-CPRFPG2420008-PS1
x S-CPRFPG2420009-PS1
x S-CPRFPG2420011-PS1
x S-CPRFPG2420012-PS1
x S-CPRFPG2420013-PS1
OpenText Fax Appliances
Fax Gateways
x S-CPFG2100D1H-PS1
x S-CPFG2100D2H-PS1
x S-CPFG304A4H-PS1
x S-CPFG304A4N-PS1
x S-CPFG308A8-H-PS1
Fax Boards
x S-CPRF2660001-PS1
x S-CPRF2660004-PS1
x S-CPRF2660006-PS1
x S-CPRF2660008-PS1
x S-CPRF2660022-PS1
x S-CPRF2660023-PS1
x S-CPRF2660024-PS1
x S-CPRF2660028-PS1
x S-CPRF2660030-PS1
x S-CPRF2660032-PS1
RightFax 16.2
x 1000021088-PS1
x 1000021095-PS1
x 1000021090-PS1
x 1000021089-PS1
x 1000021093-PS1
x 1000021127-PS1
x 1000021134-PS1
x 1000021129-PS1
x 1000021128-PS1
x 1000021132-PS1
x 1000021516-DS
x 1000021517-DS
x 1000021096-PS1
x 1000021421-PS1
x 1000021423-PS1
x 1000021472-PS1
x 1000021474-PS1
x 1000021557-PS1
x 1000021335-PS1
x 1000021337-PS1
x 1000021368-PS1
x 1000021370-PS1
x 1000021348-PS1
x 1000021350-PS1
x 1000021355-PS1
x 1000021357-PS1
x 1000021377-PS1
x 1000021379-PS1
x 1000021381-PS1
x 1000021386-PS1
x 1000021437-PS1
x 1000021439-PS1
x 1000021480-PS1
x 1000021482-PS1
x 1000021444-PS1
Hosted RightFax
x S-CPRF0075-PS1
x S-CPFA210-H-PS1
x S-CPFA213-H-PS1
x S-CPFA214-H-PS1
x 3000003411-PS1
x 3000002615-PS1
x 3000002608-PS1
x 3000002576-PS1
x 3000006818-PS1
x 3000004583-PS1
x 3000002612-PS1
x 3000005981-PS1
x 3000005982-PS1
x 3000005983-PS1
x 3000002604-PS1
x 3000002603-PS1
x 3000002572-PS1
x 3000002571-PS1
x 3000006643-PS1
x 3000006819-PS1
x 3000006820-PS1
x 3000006821-PS1
x 3000002622-PS1
x 3000002579-PS1
x 3000002574-PS1
x 3000002620-PS1
x 3000002616-PS1
x 3000004559-PS1
x 3000005891-PS1
x 3000002602-PS1
x 3000002575-PS1
x 3000002600-PS1
x 3000004580-PS1
x 3000004582-PS1
x 3000004584-PS1
x 3000004395-PS1
x 3000004830-PS1
x 3000005501-PS1
x 3000005509-PS1
x 3000002619-PS1
x 3000002578-PS1
x 3000002577-PS1
x 3000005984-PS1
x 3000005582-PS1
x 3000005503-PS1
x 3000002627-PS1
x 3000002625-PS1
x 3000002626-PS1
x 3000002624-PS1
x 3000002628-PS1
x 3000004557-PS1
x 3000002614-PS1
x 3000004796-PS1
x 3000004924-PS1
x 3000004797-PS1
x 3000004581-PS1
x 3000002610-PS1
x 3000003592-PS1
x 3000005580-PS1
x 3000002633-PS1
x 3000002632-PS1
x 3000002635-PS1
x 3000002629-PS1
x 3000002630-PS1
x 3000002631-PS1
x 3000005502-PS1
x 3000005815-PS1
x 3000004315-PS1
x 3000004479-PS1
x 3000005581-PS1
x 3000004554-PS1
x 3000002611-PS1
x 3000005504-PS1
x 3000005507-PS1
x 3000005508-PS1
x 3000000118-PS1
x 3000000119-PS1
x 3000000680-PS1
x 3000002621-PS1
x 3000006730-PS1
x 3000004491-PS1
x 3000006732-PS1
x 3000003007-PS1
x 3000006656-PS1
x 3000006720-PS1
x 3000006721-PS1
x 3000006722-PS1
x 3000006723-PS1
x 3000006724-PS1
x 3000006725-PS1
x 3000006650-PS1
x 3000006659-PS1
x 3000006667-PS1
x 3000006675-PS1
x 3000006684-PS1
x 3000006694-PS1
x 3000006704-PS1
x 3000006713-PS1
x 3000000124-PS1
x 3000004711-PS1
x 3000000123-PS1
x 3000000451-PS1
x 3000000366-PS1
x 3000006494-PS1
x 3000006495-PS1
x 3000000369-PS1
x 3000006605-PS1
x 3000006492-PS1
x 3000006493-PS1
x 3000006641-PS1
x 3000000135-PS1
x 3000000072-PS1
x 3000000139-PS1
x 3000000136-PS1
x 3000000125-PS1
x 3000000133-PS1
x 3000004567-PS1
x 3000004528-PS1
x 3000004680-PS1
x 3000005515-PS1
x 3000004862-PS1
x 3000004530-PS1
x 3000004569-PS1
x 3000004513-PS1
x 3000004511-PS1
x 3000004696-PS1
x 3000004516-PS1
x 3000004517-PS1
x 45078390
x 45078391
x 45099781
x 45079423
x 45079424
x 45099782
x 100000005033-PS1
x 100000003351-PS1
x 100000003365-PS1
x 100000003296-PS1
x 100000003302-PS1
x 100000005059-PS1
x 100000003348-PS1
x 100000006800-PS1
x 100000006801-PS1
x 100000006802-PS1
x 100000003301-PS1
x 100000003293-PS1
x 100000003292-PS1
x 100000007780-PS1
x 100000008007-PS1
x 100000008008-PS1
x 100000008009-PS1
x 100000003362-PS1
x 100000003359-PS1
x 100000003294-PS1
x 100000003357-PS1
x 100000003353-PS1
x 100000005055-PS1
x 100000006740-PS1
x 100000003335-PS1
x 100000003277-PS1
x 100000003282-PS1
x 100000005056-PS1
x 100000005058-PS1
x 100000005060-PS1
x 100000004811-PS1
x 100000005352-PS1
x 100000006182-PS1
x 100000003356-PS1
x 100000003298-PS1
x 100000003297-PS1
x 100000006803-PS1
x 100000006232-PS1
x 100000006184-PS1
x 100000003369-PS1
x 100000003367-PS1
x 100000003368-PS1
x 100000003366-PS1
x 100000003370-PS1
x 100000005053-PS1
x 100000003350-PS1
x 100000007123-PS1
x 100000005057-PS1
x 100000003305-PS1
x 100000005042-PS1
x 100000006230-PS1
x 100000003375-PS1
x 100000003374-PS1
x 100000003377-PS1
x 100000003341-PS1
x 100000003372-PS1
x 100000003373-PS1
x 100000006183-PS1
x 100000006478-PS1
x 100000004660-PS1
x 100000004951-PS1
x 100000006231-PS1
x 100000005032-PS1
x 100000003361-PS1
x 100000006185-PS1
x 100000006187-PS1
x 100000006188-PS1
x 100000000889-PS1
x 100000000888-PS1
x 100000001913-PS1
x 100000003358-PS1
x 100000007870-PS1
x 100000007871-PS1
x 100000007872-PS1
x 100000003561-PS1
x 100000004979-PS1
x 100000001458-PS1
x 100000005232-PS1
x 100000001460-PS1
x 100000001462-PS1
x 100000007464-PS1
x 100000007465-PS1
x 100000001465-PS1
x 100000001463-PS1
x 100000001464-PS1
x 100000007462-PS1
x 100000007463-PS1
x 100000007779-PS1
x 100000005340-PS1
x 100000005341-PS1
x 100000005328-PS1
x 100000005329-PS1
x 100000006071-PS1
x 100000005327-PS1
x 100000005226-PS1
x 100000005220-PS1
x 100000005228-PS1
x 100000006173-PS1
x 100000005538-PS1
x 100000005581-PS1
x 100000005222-PS1
x 100000005229-PS1
x 100000005221-PS1
x 100000005225-PS1
x 100000005223-PS1
x 100000005224-PS1
x 100000007796-PS1
x 100000007855-PS1
x 100000007856-PS1
x 100000007857-PS1
x 100000007858-PS1
x 100000007859-PS1
x 100000007860-PS1
x 100000007517-PS1
x 100000007799-PS1
x 100000007521-PS1
x 100000007525-PS1
x 100000007819-PS1
x 100000007829-PS1
x 100000007839-PS1
x 100000007848-PS1
x 100000003315-PS1
x 100000003316-PS1
x 100000005048-PS1
x 100000003701-PS1
x 100000003318-PS1
x 100000005049-PS1
x 100000003564-PS1
x 100000005050-PS1
x 100000004044-PS1
x 100000004045-PS1
x 100000003257-PS1
x 100000003258-PS1
x 100000006012-PS1
x 100000006013-PS1
Production Systems
x LPP-PAC-0125Y-PS1
x LPP-PAC-0250Y-PS1
x LPP-PAC-0500Y-PS1
x LPP-PAC-0750Y-PS1
x LPP-PAC-1000Y-PS1
x LPP-PAC-1250Y-PS1
x LPP-PAC-2500Y-PS1
x LPP-PAC-3750Y-PS1
x LPP-PAC-5000Y-PS1
x LPP-PAC-6250Y-PS1
x LPP-PAC-7500Y-PS1
x LPP-PAC-8750Y-PS1
x LPP-PAC-10000Y-PS1
x MPP-PAC-0125Y-PS1
x MPP-PAC-0250Y-PS1
x MPP-PAC-0500Y-PS1
x MPP-PAC-0750Y-PS1
x MPP-PAC-1000Y-PS1
x MPP-PAC-1250Y-PS1
x MPP-PAC-2500Y-PS1
x MPP-PAC-3750Y-PS1
x MPP-PAC-5000Y-PS1
x MPP-PAC-6250Y-PS1
x MPP-PAC-7500Y-PS1
x MPP-PAC-8750Y-PS1
x MPP-PAC-10000Y-PS1
x LPP-PAE-0125Y-PS1
x LPP-PAE-0250Y-PS1
x LPP-PAE-0500Y-PS1
x LPP-PAE-0750Y-PS1
x LPP-PAE-1000Y-PS1
x LPP-PAE-1250Y-PS1
x LPP-PAE-2500Y-PS1
x LPP-PAE-3750Y-PS1
x LPP-PAE-5000Y-PS1
x LPP-PAE-6250Y-PS1
x LPP-PAE-7500Y-PS1
x LPP-PAE-8750Y-PS1
x LPP-PAE-10000Y-PS1
x MPP-PAE-0125Y-PS1
x MPP-PAE-0250Y-PS1
x MPP-PAE-0500Y-PS1
x MPP-PAE-0750Y-PS1
x MPP-PAE-1000Y-PS1
x MPP-PAE-1250Y-PS1
x MPP-PAE-2500Y-PS1
x MPP-PAE-3750Y-PS1
x MPP-PAE-5000Y-PS1
x MPP-PAE-6250Y-PS1
x MPP-PAE-7500Y-PS1
x MPP-PAE-8750Y-PS1
x MPP-PAE-10000Y-PS1
x LPP-PAT-0125Y-PS1
x LPP-PAT-0250Y-PS1
x LPP-PAT-0500Y-PS1
x LPP-PAT-0750Y-PS1
x LPP-PAT-1000Y-PS1
x LPP-PAT-1250Y-PS1
x LPP-PAT-2500Y-PS1
x LPP-PAT-3750Y-PS1
x LPP-PAT-5000Y-PS1
x LPP-PAT-6250Y-PS1
x LPP-PAT-7500Y-PS1
x LPP-PAT-8750Y-PS1
x LPP-PAT-10000Y-PS1
x MPP-PAT-0125Y-PS1
x MPP-PAT-0250Y-PS1
x MPP-PAT-0500Y-PS1
x MPP-PAT-0750Y-PS1
x MPP-PAT-1000Y-PS1
x MPP-PAT-1250Y-PS1
x MPP-PAT-2500Y-PS1
x MPP-PAT-3750Y-PS1
x MPP-PAT-5000Y-PS1
x MPP-PAT-6250Y-PS1
x MPP-PAT-7500Y-PS1
x MPP-PAT-8750Y-PS1
x MPP-PAT-10000Y-PS1
x LPP-PRK-14-PS1
x LPP-PRK-510-PS1
x LPP-PRK-1120-PS1
x LPP-PRK-210-PS1
x MPP-PRK-14-PS1
x MPP-PRK-510-PS1
x MPP-PRK-1120-PS1
x MPP-PRK-210-PS1
x SPS-MND-05-PS1
x SPS-MND-10-PS1
x SPS-MNH-05-PS1
x SPS-MNH-10-PS1
x TSW-PRA-01-PS1
x TSW-PRA-04-PS1
Test System or Auxilliary System
x LTP-PAC-0010Y-PS1
x LTP-PAC-0020Y-PS1
x LTP-PAC-0040Y-PS1
x LTP-PAC-0060Y-PS1
x LTP-PAC-0080Y-PS1
x LTP-PAC-0100Y-PS1
x MTP-PAC-0010Y-PS1
x MTP-PAC-0020Y-PS1
x MTP-PAC-0040Y-PS1
x MTP-PAC-0060Y-PS1
x MTP-PAC-0080Y-PS1
x MTP-PAC-0100Y-PS1
x LTP-PAE-0010Y-PS1
x LTP-PAE-0020Y-PS1
x LTP-PAE-0040Y-PS1
x LTP-PAE-0060Y-PS1
x LTP-PAE-0080Y-PS1
x LTP-PAE-0100Y-PS1
x MTP-PAE-0010Y-PS1
x MTP-PAE-0020Y-PS1
x MTP-PAE-0040Y-PS1
x MTP-PAE-0060Y-PS1
x MTP-PAE-0080Y-PS1
x MTP-PAE-0100Y-PS1
x LTP-PAT-0010Y-PS1
x LTP-PAT-0020Y-PS1
x LTP-PAT-0040Y-PS1
x LTP-PAT-0060Y-PS1
x LTP-PAT-0080Y-PS1
x LTP-PAT-0100Y-PS1
x MTP-PAT-0010Y-PS1
x MTP-PAT-0020Y-PS1
x MTP-PAT-0040Y-PS1
x MTP-PAT-0060Y-PS1
x MTP-PAT-0080Y-PS1
x MTP-PAT-0100Y-PS1
x LTP-PRK-10-PS1
x MTP-PRK-10-PS1
PCS Director 6
x 100286FNG-PS1
x 100287FNG-PS1
x 100288FNG-PS1
x 100289FNG-PS1
x 100290FNG-PS1
x 100291FNG-PS1
x 100292FNG-PS1
x 100293FNG-PS1
x 100294FNG-PS1
x 100295FNG-PS1
x 100296FNG-PS1
x 100297FNG-PS1
x 100298FNG-PS1
x 100299FNG-PS1
x 100300FNG-PS1
x 100301FNG-PS1
x 100302FNG-PS1
x 100303FNG-PS1
x 100304FNG-PS1
x 100305FNG-PS1
x 100306FNG-PS1
x 100307FNG-PS1
x 100308FNG-PS1
x 100309FNG-PS1
x 100310FNG-PS1
x 100311FNG-PS1
x 100312FNG-PS1
x 100313FNG-PS1
x 100314FNG-PS1
x 100315FNG-PS1
x 100316FNG-PS1
x 100317FNG-PS1
x 100318FNG-PS1
x 100319FNG-PS1
x 100320FNG-PS1
x 100321FNG-PS1
x 100322FNG-PS1
x 100323FNG-PS1
x 100324FNG-PS1
x 100325FNG-PS1
x 100326FNG-PS1
x 100327FNG-PS1
x 100328FNG-PS1
x 100329FNG-PS1
x 100330FNG-PS1
x 100331FNG-PS1
x 100332FNG-PS1
x 100333FNG-PS1
x 100334FNG-PS1
x 100335FNG-PS1
x 100336FNG-PS1
x 100337FNG-PS1
x 100338FNG-PS1
x 100339FNG-PS1
x 100340FNG-PS1
x 100341FNG-PS1
x 100342FNG-PS1
x 100343FNG-PS1
x 100344FNG-PS1
x 100345FNG-PS1
x 100346FNG-PS1
x 100347FNG-PS1
x 100348FNG-PS1
x 100349FNG-PS1
x 100350FNG-PS1
x 100351FNG-PS1
x 100352FNG-PS1
x 100353FNG-PS1
x 100354FNG-PS1
x 100355FNG-PS1
x 100356FNG-PS1
x 100357FNG-PS1
x 100358FNG-PS1
x 100359FNG-PS1
x 100360FNG-PS1
x 100361FNG-PS1
x 100362FNG-PS1
x 100363FNG-PS1
x 100364FNG-PS1
x 100365FNG-PS1
x 100366FNG-PS1
x 100367FNG-PS1
x 100368FNG-PS1
x 100369FNG-PS1
x 100370FNG-PS1
x 100371FNG-PS1
x 100372FNG-PS1
x 100373FNG-PS1
x 100374FNG-PS1
x 100375FNG-PS1
x 100376FNG-PS1
x 100377FNG-PS1
x 100378FNG-PS1
x 100379FNG-PS1
x 100380FNG-PS1
x 100381FNG-PS1
x 100382FNG-PS1
x 100383FNG-PS1
x 100384FNG-PS1
x 100385FNG-PS1
x 100386FNG-PS1
x 100387FNG-PS1
x 100388FNG-PS1
x 100389FNG-PS1
x 100390FNG-PS1
PCS Director - Secure
x 100428FNG-PS1
x 100429FNG-PS1
x 100430FNG-PS1
x 100431FNG-PS1
x 100432FNG-PS1
x 100433FNG-PS1
x 100434FNG-PS1
x 100435FNG-PS1
Uniprint Xtra Licenses
Mobile Print for Higher Education
Uniprint Public Library Licenses
Uniprint Off The Glass
Mobile Print for Public Libraries
iMFP Licenses
Uniprint Option Licenses
x SU-CAL-10-PS1
x SU-CAL-25-PS1
x SU-CAL-50-PS1
x SU-CAL-100-PS1
x SU-CAL-250-PS1
x SU-CAL-500-PS1
Uniprint Hardware
Omega Licenses
Omega Hardware
Pharos Fees
Pharos Professional Services
Pharos Miscellaneous
x UPO-DVC-01-PS1
x UPO-DVC-02-PS1
x UPO-DVC-03-PS1
x OMG-PS60-US-01-PS1
x OMG-PS60-US-02-PS1
x OMG-PS60-US-03-PS1
x 45079307
RIP Options
x 45038874
Hardware Options
x 45070081
Software Options
x 45039966
x 45039967
x 45039971
x 45055215
Scanning Solutions
x 45079372
Support Options
x 100000003510-PS1
x 100000003511-PS1
x 100000003512-PS1
x 100000003513-PS1
x 100000003514-PS1
x 100000003515-PS1
x 100000003516-PS1
x 100000003517-PS1
x 100000003518-PS1
x 100000003519-PS1
x 100000003520-PS1
x 100000003521-PS1
x 100000003522-PS1
x 100000003523-PS1
x 100000003489-PS1
Extended Hardware Warranty, Services, System Upgrades & Training
x 45047145
x 45079374
x 3000003676-PS1
x 3000003677-PS1
x 3000003678-PS1
x 3000003679-PS1
Ricoh MicroPRESS Base Systems
x 003997MIU
x 005254MIU
x 003998MIU
x 003999MIU
x 006541MIU
V3 Additional M&S
x V109AM01-30-1Y-PS1
x V109AMG8-30-1Y-PS1
x V109AMH0-30-1Y-PS1
x V109AMH1-30-1Y-PS1
x V109AMH2-30-1Y-PS1
x V109AMH3-30-1Y-PS1
x V109AMH4-30-1Y-PS1
x V109AMH5-30-1Y-PS1
NX Additional M&S
x V109A-M01-40-1Y-PS1
x V109A-MG8-40-1Y-PS1
x V109A-MG9-40-1Y-PS1
x V109A-MH0-40-1Y-PS1
x V109A-MH1-40-1Y-PS1
x V109A-MH2-40-1Y-PS1
PPDM 2016
x SN-V109A-H01-50-PS1
x SN-V109A-HG8-50-PS1
x SN-V109A-HG9-50-PS1
x SN-V109A-HH0-50-PS1
x SN-V109A-HH1-50-PS1
x SN-V109A-HH2-50-PS1
x MNT-V109A-H01-50-PS1
x MNT-V109A-HG8-50-PS1
x MNT-V109A-HG9-50-PS1
x MNT-V109A-HH0-50-PS1
x MNT-V109A-HH1-50-PS1
x MNT-V109A-HH2-50-PS1
x UG-V189A-001-50-PS1
x UG-V189A-005-50-PS1
x UG-V189A-010-50-PS1
x UG-V189A-025-50-PS1
x UG-V189A-050-50-PS1
x UG-V189A-100-50-PS1
x SN-V189A-H01-50-PS1
x SN-V189A-HG8-50-PS1
x SN-V189A-HG9-50-PS1
x SN-V189A-HH0-50-PS1
x SN-V189A-HH1-50-PS1
x SN-V189A-HH2-50-PS1
x 10026-PS1
x 23030-PS1
x 23032-PS1
x 29006-PS1
x 29007O-PS1
x 29010-PS1
x 29017-2-PS1
x 29026-PS1
x 29028-PS1
x 29029A-PS1
x 29029B-PS1
x 29029-PS1
x 42002WIN-PS1
x 42003-PS1
x 42005WIN-PS1
x 42006-PS1
x 44003-PS1
x 44004-PS1
x 45001-PS1
x 47001-PS1
x 47002-PS1
x 53010-PS1
x 53011-PS1
x 80002-PS1
x 85004-PS1
x 85005-PS1
x 85006-PS1
x 85007-PS1
x 90002-PS1
x 53015-PS1
x 10015-PS1
x 29011-PS1
x 53019-PS1
x 10019-PS1
x 53017-PS1
x 10017-PS1
x 29011E-PS1
x 53018-PS1
x 10018-PS1
x 29011IP-PS1
x 53015U-PS1
x 10015U-PS1
x 23033-PS1
x 10033-PS1
x 29008-PS1
x 10028-PS1
x 10027-PS1
x 10029A-PS1
x 29012-I-PS1
x 29010-120-PS1
x 29010-240-PS1
x 29010-360-PS1
x 29010-480-PS1
x 29010-600-PS1
x 80003-PS1
x 90001-PS1
x 10020-PS1
x 23024-PS1
x 10032-PS1
x 10031-PS1
x 53013-PS1
x 10013-PS1
x 3RD-29011JD-DS
x 53014-PS1
x 10014-PS1
x 3RD-29011S-DS
x 23043-PS1
x 23044-PS1
x 10029B-PS1
x 29038-PS1
x 10038-PS1
x 29039-PS1
x 10039-PS1
x 23034-PS1
x 29040-PS1
x 10040-PS1
x 10036-PS1
x 10037-PS1
x 29041-PS1
x 10041-PS1
x 29042-PS1
x 10042-PS1
x 47003-PS1
x 47005-PS1
x 42004-PS1
x 80004-PS1
x 47004-PS1
x 47006-PS1
x 42007-PS1
x 80005-PS1
x 3RD-44003-DS
x 3RD-44004-DS
x 10024-PS1
x 42008-PS1
x 47008-PS1
x 3RD-29009-ADMIN-DS
x 12137001-PS1
x 24137001-PS1
x 36137001-PS1
x 48137001-PS1
x 60137001-PS1
x 12137002-PS1
x 24137002-PS1
x 36137002-PS1
x 48137002-PS1
x 60137002-PS1
x 12137003-PS1
x 24137003-PS1
x 36137003-PS1
x 48137003-PS1
x 60137003-PS1
x 12137004-PS1
x 24137004-PS1
x 36137004-PS1
x 48137004-PS1
x 60137004-PS1
x 21137005-PS1
PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (Additional 3rd Party)
x 3RD-TRA002-DS
x 3RD-TR-1000-0025-DS
x 3RD-TR-1000-0028-DS
x 3RD-TR-1200-0015-DS
x 3RD-TR-1000-0026-DS
x 3RD-PS-5001-0011-DS
x 3RD-PS-5001-0005-DS
x 3RD-TR-1000-0001-DS
x 3RD-TR-1000-0021-DS
x 3RD-PS-5001-0012-DS
x 3RD-PS-5001-0009-DS
x 3RD-PS-5001-0001-DS
x 3RD-PS-5001-0004-DS
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x 3RD-PS-5001-0019-DS
x 3RD-PS-5001-0014-DS
x 3RD-PS-5001-0015-DS
x 3RD-PS-5001-0016-DS
x 3RD-PS-5001-0020-DS
x 3RD-TR-1200-0061-DS
x 3RD-TR-1200-0062-DS
x 3RD-TR-1200-0073-DS
x 3RD-TR-1200-0072-DS
x 3RD-TR-1200-0071-DS
x 3RD-TR-1200-1001-DS
x 3RD-TR-1200-0004-DS
x 3RD-TR-1200-0005-DS
x 3RD-TR-5000-0006-DS
x 3RD-PS-5001-0006-DS
x 3RD-TR-5000-0001-DS
x 3RD-TR-1000-0005-DS
x 3RD-TR-1000-0008-DS
x 3RD-TR-1200-0011-DS
x 3RD-TR-1000-0006-DS
x 3RD-60NUAX24C01Q-DS
x 3RD-60NUAW32C01Q-01-DS
x 3RD-60NUOM123C01Q-DS
x 3RD-60NUAW15C01Q-01-DS
x 3RD-60NUAW15C01Q-02-DS
x 3RD-60NUAW16C01Q-01-DS
x 3RD-60NUAW16C01Q-02-DS
x 3RD-60NUAW14C01Q-01-DS
x 3RD-60NUAW14C01Q-02-DS
x 3RD-60NUAW13C01Q-01-DS
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x 3RD-60NUAW17C01Q-01-DS
x 3RD-60NUAW17C01Q-02-DS
x 3RD-60NUAW18C01Q-01-DS
x 3RD-60NUAW18C01Q-02-DS
x 3RD-71-C51A-10000-PS1-DS
x 3RD-71-C51A-10207-PS1-DS
x 3RD-71-C51A-10206-PS1-DS
x 3RD-71-C51A-10201-PS1-DS
x 3RD-71-C51A-10101-PS1-DS
x 3RD-72-C51A-10102-PS1-DS
x 3RD-71-C51A-10104-PS1-DS
x 3RD-71-C51A-10105-PS1-DS
x 3RD-71-C51A-10106-PS1-DS
x 3RD-71-C51A-10202-PS1-DS
x 3RD-71-C51A-10204-PS1-DS
x 3RD-72-C51A-10203-PS1-DS
x 3RD-71-C51A-10205-PS1-DS
x 3RD-71-C51A-10103-PS1-DS
x 3RD-71-C51A-10001-PS1-DS
x 3RD-72-C51A-10107-PS1-DS
x 3RD-72-C51A-10109-PS1-DS
x 3RD-72-C51A-10108-PS1-DS
x 3RD-100000001320-DS
x 3RD-7700101-DS
x 3RD-7700107-DS
x 3RD-7700104-DS
x 3RD-7700122-DS
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x 3RD-7700102-DS
x 3RD-7700100-DS
x 3RD-7700103-DS
x 3RD-7700106-DS
x P2-3005
x 003838MIU
x 006738MIU-PS1
x 006712MIU-PS1
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x 006857MIU-PS1
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x 006760MIU-PS1
x 006755MIU-PS1
x 006756MIU-PS1
x 006757MIU-PS1
x 006758MIU-PS1
x 006759MIU-PS1
x 006761MIU-PS1
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x 006763MIU-PS1
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x 006768MIU-PS1
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x 006771MIU-PS1
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x 006713MIU-PS1
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x 006736MIU-PS1
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x 006715MIU-PS1
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x 006752MIU-PS1
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x 006754MIU-PS1
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x 006751MIU-PS1
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x 006790MIU-PS1
x 006789MIU-PS1
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x 006739MIU-PS1
x 006778MIU-PS1
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x 006785MIU-PS1
x 006787MIU-PS1
x 006783MIU-PS1
x 006784MIU-PS1
x 006786MIU-PS1
x 006818MIU-PS1
x 006792MIU-PS1
x 006791MIU-PS1
x 006796MIU-PS1
x 006817MIU-PS1
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x 006822MIU-PS1
x 006823MIU-PS1
x 006805MIU-PS1
x 006806MIU-PS1
x 006858MIU-PS1
x 006794MIU-PS1
x 006839MIU-PS1
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x 006835MIU-PS1
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x 006851MIU-PS1
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x 006793MIU-PS1
x 006807MIU-PS1
x 006810MIU-PS1
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x 006808MIU-PS1
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x 006802MIU-PS1
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x 006800MIU-PS1
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x 006947MIU-PS1
x 006948MIU-PS1
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Testing and Grading Edition (K-12) only
x RTS-500-PS1
x RTS-1000-PS1
x RTS-2500-PS1
x RTS-7500-PS1
x RTS-10000-PS1
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x RTO-1-PS1
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x ROO-25-PS1
x ROOM-1-PS1
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x ROOM-10-PS1
x ROOM-25-PS1
x RTC-0001-PS1
x RTC-0010-PS1
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x RTC-0100-PS1
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x RTC-0500-PS1
x RTC-1000-PS1
x RTC-0001-2Y-PS1
x RTC-0010-2Y-PS1
x RTC-0025-2Y-PS1
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x RTC-0100-2Y-PS1
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x RTC-0500-2Y-PS1
x RTC-1000-2Y-PS1
x RTC-0001-3Y-PS1
x RTC-0010-3Y-PS1
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x RTC-0100-3Y-PS1
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x RTC-0050-R-PS1
x RTC-0100-R-PS1
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x RTC-0500-R-PS1
x RTC-1000-R-PS1
Ricoh Advanced Legal Workflow
x 008067MIU-PS1
x 008068MIU-PS1
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x 008071MIU-PS1
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x 401523-PS1
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x 421088MS-PS1
x 006978MIU-PS1
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x 421088-PS1
x 420452-PS1
x 420453-PS1
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x RCM100GB5Y-PS1
x RCM250GB5Y-PS1
x 5U-5F-1Y-PS1
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x 5U-ULF-1Y-PS1
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x 25U-5F-1Y-PS1
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x 50U-5F-1Y-PS1
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x 100U-100F-1Y-PS1
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x ULU-100F-2Y-PS1
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x 25U-5F-4Y-PS1
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x 25U-ULF-4Y-PS1
x 50U-5F-4Y-PS1
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x ULU-100F-4Y-PS1
x 5U-5F-5Y-PS1
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x DBC-1Y-PS1
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x PP-001
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x PP-VIPP-150
x PP-VIPP-160
Ricoh Paper 2 Send
x PS-P2S-10
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x PS-P2S-2K
x 420747-PS1
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x 420749MS-PS1
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x 3RD-6600100-DS
x x 6600100-PS1
x 7700100-PS1
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x PD11-20USAGE-PS1
x PD11-20RULES-PS1
x PD21-50PRINT-PS1
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x PD21-50USAGE-PS1
x PD51-100PRINT-PS1
x PD51-100MFP-PS1
x PD51-100USAGE-PS1
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x PD100-MFP-PS1
x M1PD01-10PRINT-PS1
x M1PD01-10MFP-PS1
x M1PD01-10USAGE-PS1
x M1PD01-10RULES-PS1
x M1PD11-20PRINT-PS1
x M1PD11-20MFP-PS1
x M1PD11-20USAGE-PS1
x M1PD11-20RULES-PS1
x M1PD21-50PRINT-PS1
x M1PD21-50MFP-PS1
x M1PD21-50USAGE-PS1
x M1PD21-50RUES-PS1
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x M1PD51-100MFP-PS1
x M1PD51-100USAGE-PS1
x M1PD51-100RULES-PS1
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x M1PD100-MFP-PS1
x M3PD01-10PRINT-PS1
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x M3PD11-20PRINT-PS1
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x M3PD21-50PRINT-PS1
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x M3PD51-100PRINT-PS1
x M3PD51-100MFP-PS1
x M3PD51-100USAGE-PS1
x M3PD51-100RULES-PS1
x M3PD51-100MOBILE-PS1
x M3PD100-MFP-PS1
x M5PD01-10PRINT-PS1
x M5PD01-10MFP-PS1
x M5PD01-10USAGE-PS1
x M5PD01-10RULES-PS1
x M5PD11-20PRINT-PS1
x M5PD11-20MFP-PS1
x M5PD11-20USAGE-PS1
x M5PD11-20RULES-PS1
x M5PD21-50PRINT-PS1
x M5PD21-50MFP-PS1
x M5PD21-50USAGE-PS1
x M5PD51-100PRINT-PS1
x M5PD51-100MFP-PS1
x M5PD51-100USAGE-PS1
x M5PD51-100RULES-PS1
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x M5PD100-MFP-PS1
x RF01001USB-DS
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x ASP-100-PS1
x ASP-101-PS1
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x ASP-200-PS1
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x ASP-900-PS1
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x ASP-903-PS1
x ASP-904-PS1
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x ASP-910-PS1
x ASP-911-PS1
x ASP-913-PS1
x ASP-999-PS1
x CD-050-PS1
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x CD-100-1-PS1
x CD-100-4-PS1
x CD-100-9-PS1
x CD-110-PS1
x CD-110-1-PS1
x CD-110-4-PS1
x CD-120-PS1
x CD-120-1-PS1
x CD-120-4-PS1
x CD-200-PS1
x CD-200-1-PS1
x CD-200-4-PS1
x CD-200-9-PS1
x FRT-100-PS1
x FRT-200-PS1
x HW-100-PS1
x HW-100-1-PS1
x HW-100-4-PS1
x HW-102-PS1
x HW-102-1-PS1
x HW-102-4-PS1
x HW-220-PS1
x HW-220-1-PS1
x HW-220-4-PS1
x HW-221-PS1
x HW-221-1-PS1
x HW-221-4-PS1
x HW-225-PS1
x HW-225-1-PS1
x HW-225-4-PS1
x HW-227-PS1
x HW-227-1-PS1
x HW-227-4-PS1
VM Image
x HW-228-PS1
x HW-228-1-PS1
x HW-228-4-PS1
Custom Hardware
x HW-230-PS1
x HW-230-1-PS1
x HW-230-4-PS1
x IPDS-003-PS1
x IPDS-050-PS1
x IPDS-099-PS1
x IPDS-150-PS1
x IPDS-150-1-PS1
x IPDS-150-4-PS1
x IPDS-155-PS1
x IPDS-155-1-PS1
x IPDS-155-4-PS1
x IPDS-160-PS1
x IPDS-160-1-PS1
x IPDS-160-4-PS1
x IPDS-200-PS1
x IPDS-200-1-PS1
x IPDS-200-4-PS1
x IPDS-210-PS1
x IPDS-210-1-PS1
x IPDS-210-4-PS1
x IPDS-220-PS1
x IPDS-220-1-PS1
x IPDS-220-4-PS1
x IPDS-900-PS1
x IPDS-900-1-PS1
x IPDS-900-4-PS1
x IPDS-998-PS1
x IPDS-998-1-PS1
x IPDS-998-4-PS1
x LCDS-003-PS1
x LCDS-010-PS1
x LCDS-050-PS1
x LCDS-099-PS1
x LCDS-150-PS1
x LCDS-150-1-PS1
x LCDS-150-4-PS1
x LCDS-155-PS1
x LCDS-155-1-PS1
x LCDS-155-4-PS1
x LCDS-160-PS1
x LCDS-160-1-PS1
x LCDS-160-4-PS1
x LCDS-900-PS1
x LCDS-900-1-PS1
x LCDS-900-4-PS1
x LCDS-998-PS1
x LCDS-998-1-PS1
x LCDS-998-4-PS1
x MFDL-050-PS1
x MFDL-100-PS1
x MFDL-100-1-PS1
x MFDL-100-4-PS1
x MFDL-100-9-PS1
x MFDL-101-PS1
x MFDL-101-1-PS1
x MFDL-101-4-PS1
x MFDL-900-PS1
x MFDL-900-1-PS1
x MFDL-900-4-PS1
x PDF-100-PS1
x PDF-100-1-PS1
x PDF-100-4-PS1
x PDF-100-9-PS1
x PDF-105-PS1
x PDF-105-1-PS1
x PDF-105-4-PS1
x PDF-110-PS1
x PDF-110-1-PS1
x PDF-110-4-PS1
x PDF-200-PS1
x PDF-200-1-PS1
x PDF-200-4-PS1
x PDF-200-9-PS1
x PDF-205-PS1
x PDF-205-1-PS1
x PDF-205-4-PS1
x PDF-210-PS1
x PDF-210-1-PS1
x PDF-210-4-PS1
x PS-001-PS1
x PS-002-PS1
x PS-003-PS1
x PS-004-PS1
x PS-050-PS1
x PS-101-PS1
x PS-102-PS1
x PS-103-PS1
x PS-110-PS1
x QD-050-PS1
x QD-099-PS1
x QD-100-PS1
x QD-100-1-PS1
x QD-100-4-PS1
x QD-100-9-PS1
x QD-109-PS1
x QD-109-1-PS1
x QD-109-4-PS1
x QD-109-9-PS1
x QD-110-PS1
x QD-110-1-PS1
x QD-110-4-PS1
x QD-110-9-PS1
x QD-111-PS1
x QD-111-1-PS1
x QD-111-4-PS1
x QD-115-PS1
x QD-115-1-PS1
x QD-115-4-PS1
x QD-115-9-PS1
x QD-116-PS1
x QD-116-1-PS1
x QD-116-4-PS1
x QD-120-PS1
x QD-120-1-PS1
x QD-120-4-PS1
x QD-120-9-PS1
x QD-130-PS1
x QD-130-1-PS1
x QD-130-4-PS1
x QD-130-9-PS1
x QD-140-PS1
x QD-140-1-PS1
x QD-140-4-PS1
x QD-140-9-PS1
x QD-145-PS1
x QD-145-1-PS1
x QD-145-4-PS1
x QD-150-PS1
x QD-150-1-PS1
x QD-150-4-PS1
x QD-150-9-PS1
x QD-151-PS1
x QD-151-1-PS1
x QD-151-4-PS1
x QD-151-9-PS1
x QD-198-PS1
x QD-198-1-PS1
x QD-198-4-PS1
x QD-298-PS1
x QD-298-1-PS1
x QD-298-4-PS1
x QD-999-PS1
x QD-999-1-PS1
x QD-999-4-PS1
x QDMR-100-PS1
x QDMR-100-1-PS1
x QDMR-100-4-PS1
x QDMR-100-9-PS1
x QDMR-101-PS1
x QDMR-101-1-PS1
x QDMR-101-4-PS1
QD Print Server
x QDP-100-PS1
x QDP-100-1-PS1
x QDP-100-4-PS1
x QDP-100-9-PS1
x QDS-050-PS1
x QDS-100-PS1
x QDS-100-1-PS1
x QDS-100-4-PS1
x QDS-100-9-PS1
x QDS-101-PS1
x QDS-101-1-PS1
x QDS-101-4-PS1
x QDS-105-PS1
x QDS-105-1-PS1
x QDS-105-4-PS1
x QDS-110-PS1
x QDS-110-1-PS1
x QDS-110-4-PS1
x QDS-115-PS1
x QDS-115-1-PS1
x QDS-115-4-PS1
x QDS-120-PS1
x QDS-120-1-PS1
x QDS-120-4-PS1
x QDS-125-PS1
x QDS-125-1-PS1
x QDS-125-4-PS1
x QDS-125-9-PS1
RDO Print
x RDO-090-PS1
x RDO-091-PS1
x RDO-100-PS1
x RDO-100-1-PS1
x RDO-100-4-PS1
x RDO-100-9-PS1
Custom Software
x SCD-100-PS1
x SCD-100-1-PS1
x SCD-100-4-PS1
x TKT-100-PS1
x TKT-100-1-PS1
x TKT-100-4-PS1
x TKT-100-9-PS1
VI Print
x VIPP-003-PS1
x VIPP-050-PS1
x VIPP-099-PS1
x VIPP-150-PS1
x VIPP-150-1-PS1
x VIPP-150-4-PS1
x VIPP-155-PS1
x VIPP-155-1-PS1
x VIPP-155-4-PS1
x VIPP-160-PS1
x VIPP-160-1-PS1
x VIPP-160-4-PS1
x VIPP-900-PS1
x VIPP-900-1-PS1
x VIPP-900-4-PS1
x VIPP-998-PS1
x VIPP-998-1-PS1
x VIPP-998-4-PS1
x WCRD-050-PS1
x WCRD-100-PS1
x WCRD-100-1-PS1
x WCRD-100-4-PS1
x WCRD-100-9-PS1
x WCRD-105-PS1
x WCRD-105-1-PS1
x WCRD-105-4-PS1
x WCRD-105-9-PS1
x WCRD-110-PS1
x WCRD-110-1-PS1
x WCRD-110-4-PS1
x WCRD-110-9-PS1
x WCRD-115-PS1
x WCRD-115-1-PS1
x WCRD-115-4-PS1
x WCRD-115-9-PS1
x WCRD-120-PS1
x WCRD-120-1-PS1
x WCRD-120-4-PS1
x WCRD-200-PS1
x WCRD-200-1-PS1
x WCRD-200-4-PS1
x WCRD-200-9-PS1
x WCRD-201-PS1
x WCRD-201-1-PS1
x WCRD-201-4-PS1
x WCRD-201-9-PS1
x WCRD-205-PS1
x WCRD-205-1-PS1
x WCRD-205-4-PS1
x WCRD-205-9-PS1
x WCRD-213-PS1
x WCRD-213-1-PS1
x WCRD-213-4-PS1
x WCRD-213-9-PS1
x WCRD-214-PS1
x WCRD-214-1-PS1
x WCRD-214-4-PS1
x WCRD-215-PS1
x WCRD-215-1-PS1
x WCRD-215-4-PS1
x WCRD-215-9-PS1
x WCRD-216-PS1
x WCRD-216-1-PS1
x WCRD-216-4-PS1
x WCRD-300-PS1
x WCRD-300-1-PS1
x WCRD-300-4-PS1
x WCRD-300-9-PS1
x WCRD-301-PS1
x WCRD-301-1-PS1
x WCRD-301-4-PS1
x WCRD-301-9-PS1
x WCRD-305-PS1
x WCRD-305-1-PS1
x WCRD-305-4-PS1
x WCRD-305-9-PS1
x WCRD-310-PS1
x WCRD-310-1-PS1
x WCRD-310-4-PS1
x WCRD-310-9-PS1
x WCRD-311-PS1
x WCRD-311-1-PS1
x WCRD-311-4-PS1
x WCRD-311-9-PS1
x WCRD-315-PS1
x WCRD-315-1-PS1
x WCRD-315-4-PS1
x WCRD-315-9-PS1
x WCRD-325-PS1
x WCRD-325-1-PS1
x WCRD-325-4-PS1
x WCRD-325-9-PS1
x WCRD-330-PS1
x WCRD-330-1-PS1
x WCRD-330-4-PS1
x WCRD-330-9-PS1
x WCRD-400-PS1
x WCRD-400-1-PS1
x WCRD-400-4-PS1
x WCRD-900-PS1
x WCRD-900-1-PS1
x WCRD-900-4-PS1
x WCRD-900-9-PS1
x WCRD-998-PS1
x WCRD-998-1-PS1
x WCRD-998-4-PS1
x WCRD-999-PS1
x WCRD-999-1-PS1
x WCRD-999-4-PS1
x WCRD-999-9-PS1
x 420382-PS1
x 420383-PS1
x 420384-PS1
x 420385-PS1
x 420582MS-PS1
x 420582-PS1
x 420583MS-PS1
x 420583-PS1
GS NX & GS v3.1 Customer Upgrade MFP
GS NX & GS v3.1 Customer Upgrade MFP 1 Yr M&S
x RS1002
x 977075
x RS1002-RPLC-PS1
x 430628-PS1
x 430629-PS1
x 430630-PS1
x 430631-PS1
x 430632-PS1
x 430633-PS1
x 430634-PS1
x 430635-PS1
x 430628MS-PS1
x 430629MS-PS1
x 430630MS-PS1
x 430631MS-PS1
x 430632MS-PS1
x 430633MS-PS1
x 430634MS-PS1
x 430635MS-PS1
x 420815-PS1
x 420816-PS1
x 420817-PS1
x 420818-PS1
x 420819-PS1
x 420820-PS1
x 420821-PS1
x 420822-PS1
x 420815MS-PS1
x 420816MS-PS1
x 420817MS-PS1
x 420818MS-PS1
x 420819MS-PS1
x 420820MS-PS1
x 420821MS-PS1
x 420822MS-PS1
x 420823-PS1
x 420824-PS1
x 420825-PS1
x 420826-PS1
x 420827-PS1
x 420828-PS1
x 420829-PS1
x 420830-PS1
x 420823MS-PS1
x 420824MS-PS1
x 420825MS-PS1
x 420826MS-PS1
x 420827MS-PS1
x 420828MS-PS1
x 420829MS-PS1
x 420830MS-PS1
x 430636-PS1
x 430637-PS1
x 430638-PS1
x 430639-PS1
x 430640-PS1
x 430641-PS1
x 430642-PS1
x 430643-PS1
x 430636MS-PS1
x 430637MS-PS1
x 430638MS-PS1
x 430639MS-PS1
x 430640MS-PS1
x 430641MS-PS1
x 430642MS-PS1
x 430643MS-PS1
x 420831-PS1
x 420832-PS1
x 420833-PS1
x 420834-PS1
x 420835-PS1
x 420836-PS1
x 420838-PS1
x 420839-PS1
x 420831MS-PS1
x 420832MS-PS1
x 420833MS-PS1
x 420834MS-PS1
x 420835MS-PS1
x 420836MS-PS1
x 420838MS-PS1
x 420839MS-PS1
x 420840-PS1
x 420841-PS1
x 420842-PS1
x 420843-PS1
x 420844-PS1
x 420845-PS1
x 420847-PS1
x 420848-PS1
x 420840MS-PS1
x 420841MS-PS1
x 420842MS-PS1
x 420843MS-PS1
x 420844MS-PS1
x 420845MS-PS1
x 420847MS-PS1
x 420848MS-PS1
x 430644-PS1
x 430645-PS1
x 430646-PS1
x 430647-PS1
x 430648-PS1
x 430649-PS1
x 430650-PS1
x 430651-PS1
x 430644MS-PS1
x 430645MS-PS1
x 430646MS-PS1
x 430647MS-PS1
x 430648MS-PS1
x 430649MS-PS1
x 430650MS-PS1
x 430651MS-PS1
x 420849-PS1
x 420850-PS1
x 420852-PS1
x 420853-PS1
x 420854-PS1
x 420855-PS1
x 420856-PS1
x 420857-PS1
x 420849MS-PS1
x 420850MS-PS1
x 420852MS-PS1
x 420853MS-PS1
x 420854MS-PS1
x 420855MS-PS1
x 420856MS-PS1
x 420857MS-PS1
x 420858-PS1
x 420861-PS1
x 420862-PS1
x 420863-PS1
x 420864-PS1
x 420865-PS1
x 420866-PS1
x 420867-PS1
x 420858MS-PS1
x 420861MS-PS1
x 420862MS-PS1
x 420863MS-PS1
x 420864MS-PS1
x 420865MS-PS1
x 420866MS-PS1
x 420867MS-PS1
x 420868-PS1
x 420859-PS1
x 420860-PS1
x 420869-PS1
x 420871-PS1
x 420872-PS1
x 420873-PS1
x 420874-PS1
x 420868MS-PS1
x 420859MS-PS1
x 420860MS-PS1
x 420869MS-PS1
x 420871MS-PS1
x 420872MS-PS1
x 420873MS-PS1
x 420874MS-PS1
x 420875-PS1
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x 420877-PS1
x 420878-PS1
x 420879-PS1
x 420880-PS1
x 420881-PS1
x 420882-PS1
x 420875MS-PS1
x 420876MS-PS1
x 420877MS-PS1
x 420878MS-PS1
x 420879MS-PS1
x 420880MS-PS1
x 420881MS-PS1
x 420882MS-PS1
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x 420890-PS1
x 420883MS-PS1
x 420884MS-PS1
x 420885MS-PS1
x 420886MS-PS1
x 420887MS-PS1
x 420888MS-PS1
x 420889MS-PS1
x 420890MS-PS1
x 430676-PS1
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x 430678-PS1
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x 430680-PS1
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x 430683-PS1
x 430676MS-PS1
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x 430678MS-PS1
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x 430680MS-PS1
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x 430682MS-PS1
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x 430684MS-PS1
x 430685-PS1
x 430685MS-PS1
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x 430686MS-PS1
x 430687MS-PS1
x 430617MS-PS1
x 430618MS-PS1
x 430652-PS1
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x 430659-PS1
x 430652MS-PS1
x 430653MS-PS1
x 430654MS-PS1
x 430655MS-PS1
x 430656MS-PS1
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x 430658MS-PS1
x 430659MS-PS1
x 430660-PS1
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x 430667-PS1
x 430660MS-PS1
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x 430663MS-PS1
x 430664MS-PS1
x 430665MS-PS1
x 430666MS-PS1
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x 430671-PS1
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x 430675-PS1
x 430668MS-PS1
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x 430675MS-PS1
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x 430614MS-PS1
StreamLine RIS
x 420912MS-PS1
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x 420914MS-PS1
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x 421068-PS1
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x 421075-PS1
x 421076-PS1
x 008117MIU-PS1
x 421068MS-PS1
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x 421070MS-PS1
x 421071MS-PS1
x 421072MS-PS1
x 421073MS-PS1
x 421074MS-PS1
x 421075MS-PS1
x 421076MS-PS1
x 008117MIUMS-PS1
x 421091-PS1
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x 421100-PS1
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x 421106-PS1
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x 421109-PS1
x 421110-PS1
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x 421121-PS1
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x 421363-PS1
x 421364-PS1
x 421365-PS1
x 421366-PS1
x 421367-PS1
x 421368-PS1
x 421369-PS1
x 421370-PS1
x 421371-PS1
x 421372-PS1
x 421373-PS1
x 421374-PS1
x 421375-PS1
x 421376-PS1
x 421377-PS1
x 421378-PS1
x 421380-PS1
x 421381-PS1
x 421382-PS1
x 421383-PS1
x 421384-PS1
x 421385-PS1
x 421386-PS1
x 421323-PS1
x 421324-PS1
x 421326-PS1
x 421327-PS1
x 421328-PS1
x 421329-PS1
x 421330-PS1
x 421331-PS1
x 421465-PS1
x 421466-PS1
x 421467-PS1
x 421468-PS1
x 421144-PS1
x 421161-PS1
x 421162-PS1
x 421245-PS1
x 421165-PS1
x 421166-PS1
x 401200-PS1
x 401202-PS1
x 401203-PS1
x 401220-PS1
x 401200PS-PS1
x 401202PS-PS1
x 401203PS-PS1
x 401220PS-PS1
x 401240-PS1
Prep, Production & Print Manager v3
x 401224-PS1
x 401225-PS1
x 401226-PS1
x 401227-PS1
x 401228-PS1
x 401229-PS1
x 401230-PS1
x 401231-PS1
x 401224PS-PS1
x 401226PS-PS1
x 401228PS-PS1
x 401224MS-PS1
x 401226MS-PS1
x 401228MS-PS1
x 401206-PS1
x 401208-PS1
x 401209-PS1
x 401211-PS1
x 401212-PS1
x 401222-PS1
x 401242-PS1
x 401241-PS1
x 401240PS-PS1
x 401240MS-PS1
x 401218-PS1
TotalFlow v4
x 401415-PS1
x 401417-PS1
x 401401-PS1
x 401405-PS1
x 401403-PS1
x 401407-PS1
x 401409-PS1
x 401411-PS1
x 401540-PS1
x 401541-PS1
x 401514-PS1
x 401424-PS1
x 401413-PS1
x 401422-PS1
x 401434-PS1
x 401436-PS1
x 401439-PS1
x 401544-PS1
x 401440-PS1
x 401545-PS1
x 401442-PS1
x 401443-PS1
x 401445-PS1
x 401448-PS1
x 401546-PS1
x 401449-PS1
x 401547-PS1
x 401451-PS1
x 401452-PS1
x 401454-PS1
x 401457-PS1
x 401548-PS1
x 401458-PS1
x 401549-PS1
x 401460-PS1
x 401563-PS1
x 401565-PS1
x 401569-PS1
x 401566-PS1
x 401568-PS1
x 401570-PS1
x 401573-PS1
x 401575-PS1
x 401579-PS1
x 401476-PS1
x 401580-PS1
x 401578-PS1
TotalFlow v4.2
x 401558-PS1
x 401560-PS1
x 401557-PS1
x 401562-PS1
x 401571-PS1
x 401572-PS1
x 401581-PS1
x 401582-PS1
x 401576-PS1
x 401552-PS1
x NWEUB100DU645-US-PS1
x NWEUB100DU646-US-PS1
x NWEUB100DU5000-US-PS1
x NWEUB100BQ270-US-PS1
x NWEUB100BQ470-US-PS1
x NWEUB100HT1000V-US-PS1
x NWEUB100HSL5500-US-PS1
x NWEUB100HSL6000-US-PS1
x NWEUB100H5000-US-PS1
x SXAN1000P-US-PS1
x 006016MIU-PS1
x 006017MIU-PS1
x 006018MIU-PS1
x 006019MIU-PS1
x 006020MIU-PS1
x 006021MIU-PS1
x 006022MIU-PS1
x 5876-W04-OC002
x 5876-W04-U0001
x 5876-W04-U0002
x 5876-W05-OC002
x 5876-W05-U0001
x 5876-W05-U0002
x 5876-W11-OC018
x 5876-W11-U0010
x 5876-W11-U0011
x 5876-W12-OC018
x 5876-W12-U0010
x 5876-W12-U0011
x 5876-W04
x 5876-W04-OC001
x 5876-W04-0001
x 5876-W04-OC003
x 5876-W04-E0001-AIX
x 5876-W04-E0001-WIN
x 5876-W04-E0001-LNX
x 5876-W04-OC004
x 5876-W04-0001-1REG
x 5876-W04-OC005
x 5876-W04-0001-1REN
x 5876-W04-OC006
x 5876-W04-0001-1AFT
x 5876-W04-OC007
x 5876-W04-0001-3REG
x 5876-W04-OC008
x 5876-W04-0001-3REN
x 5876-W04-OC009
x 5876-W04-0001-3AFT
x 5876-W04-OC010
x 5876-W04-R0001
x 5876-W04-OC011
x 5876-W04-R0001-1REG
x 5876-W04-OC012
x 5876-W04-R0001-1REN
x 5876-W04-OC013
x 5876-W04-R0001-1AFT
x 5876-W04-OC014
x 5876-W04-R0001-3REG
x 5876-W04-OC015
x 5876-W04-R0001-3REN
x 5876-W04-OC016
x 5876-W04-R0001-3AFT
x 5876-W04-OC017
x 5876-W04-0020
x 5876-W05
x 5876-W05-OC001
x 5876-W05-0001
x 5876-W05-OC003
x 5876-W05-E0001-AIX
x 5876-W05-E0001-WIN
x 5876-W05-E0001-LNX
x 5876-W05-OC004
x 5876-W05-0001-1REG
x 5876-W05-OC005
x 5876-W05-0001-1REN
x 5876-W05-OC006
x 5876-W05-0001-1AFT
x 5876-W05-OC007
x 5876-W05-0001-3REG
x 5876-W05-OC008
x 5876-W05-0001-3REN
x 5876-W05-OC009
x 5876-W05-0001-3AFT
x 5876-W05-OC010
x 5876-W05-R0001
x 5876-W05-OC011
x 5876-W05-R0001-1REG
x 5876-W05-OC012
x 5876-W05-R0001-1REN
x 5876-W05-OC013
x 5876-W05-R0001-1AFT
x 5876-W05-OC014
x 5876-W05-R0001-3REG
x 5876-W05-OC015
x 5876-W05-R0001-3REN
x 5876-W05-OC016
x 5876-W05-R0001-3AFT
x 5876-W05-OC017
x 5876-W05-0020
x 5876-W08
x 5876-W08-OC001
x 5876-W08-0001
x 5876-W08-OC002
x 5876-W08-U0001
x 5876-W08-U0002
x 5876-W08-OC003
x 5876-W08-E0001-JAVA
x 5876-W08-OC004
x 5876-W08-0001-1REG
x 5876-W08-OC005
x 5876-W08-0001-1REN
x 5876-W08-OC006
x 5876-W08-0001-1AFT
x 5876-W08-OC007
x 5876-W08-0001-3REG
x 5876-W08-OC008
x 5876-W08-0001-3REN
x 5876-W08-OC009
x 5876-W08-0001-3AFT
x 5876-W08-OC010
x 5876-W08-R0001
x 5876-W08-OC011
x 5876-W08-R0001-1REG
x 5876-W08-OC012
x 5876-W08-R0001-1REN
x 5876-W08-OC013
x 5876-W08-R0001-1AFT
x 5876-W08-OC014
x 5876-W08-R0001-3REG
x 5876-W08-OC015
x 5876-W08-R0001-3REN
x 5876-W08-OC016
x 5876-W08-R0001-3AFT
x 5876-W08-OC017
x 5876-W08-0020
x 5876-W11
x 5876-W11-OC001
x 5876-W11-0001
x 5876-W11-OC002
x 5876-W11-U0001
x 5876-W11-U0002
x 5876-W11-OC003
x 5876-W11-E0001-JAVA
x 5876-W11-OC004
x 5876-W11-0001-1REG
x 5876-W11-OC005
x 5876-W11-0001-1REN
x 5876-W11-OC006
x 5876-W11-0001-1AFT
x 5876-W11-OC007
x 5876-W11-0001-3REG
x 5876-W11-OC008
x 5876-W11-0001-3REN
x 5876-W11-OC009
x 5876-W11-0001-3AFT
x 5876-W11-OC010
x 5876-W11-R0001
x 5876-W11-OC011
x 5876-W11-R0001-1REG
x 5876-W11-OC012
x 5876-W11-R0001-1REN
x 5876-W11-OC013
x 5876-W11-R0001-1AFT
x 5876-W11-OC014
x 5876-W11-R0001-3REG
x 5876-W11-OC015
x 5876-W11-R0001-3REN
x 5876-W11-OC016
x 5876-W11-R0001-3AFT
x 5876-W11-OC017
x 5876-W11-0020
x 5876-W12
x 5876-W12-OC001
x 5876-W12-0001
x 5876-W12-OC002
x 5876-W12-U0001
x 5876-W12-U0002
x 5876-W12-OC003
x 5876-W12-E0001-JAVA
x 5876-W12-OC004
x 5876-W12-0001-1REG
x 5876-W12-OC005
x 5876-W12-0001-1REN
x 5876-W12-OC006
x 5876-W12-0001-1AFT
x 5876-W12-OC007
x 5876-W12-0001-3REG
x 5876-W12-OC008
x 5876-W12-0001-3REN
x 5876-W12-OC009
x 5876-W12-0001-3AFT
x 5876-W12-OC010
x 5876-W12-R0001
x 5876-W12-OC011
x 5876-W12-R0001-1REG
x 5876-W12-OC012
x 5876-W12-R0001-1REN
x 5876-W12-OC013
x 5876-W12-R0001-1AFT
x 5876-W12-OC014
x 5876-W12-R0001-3REG
x 5876-W12-OC015
x 5876-W12-R0001-3REN
x 5876-W12-OC016
x 5876-W12-R0001-3AFT
x 5876-W12-OC017
x 5876-W12-0020
x 5876-W13
x 5876-W13-OC001
x 5876-W13-0001
x 5876-W13-OC002
x 5876-W13-U0001
x 5876-W13-U0002
x 5876-W13-OC003
x 5876-W13-E0001-JAVA
x 5876-W13-OC004
x 5876-W13-0001-1REG
x 5876-W13-OC005
x 5876-W13-0001-1REN
x 5876-W13-OC006
x 5876-W13-0001-1AFT
x 5876-W13-OC007
x 5876-W13-0001-3REG
x 5876-W13-OC008
x 5876-W13-0001-3REN
x 5876-W13-OC009
x 5876-W13-0001-3AFT
x 5876-W13-OC010
x 5876-W13-R0001
x 5876-W13-OC011
x 5876-W13-R0001-1REG
x 5876-W13-OC012
x 5876-W13-R0001-1REN
x 5876-W13-OC013
x 5876-W13-R0001-1AFT
x 5876-W13-OC014
x 5876-W13-R0001-3REG
x 5876-W13-OC015
x 5876-W13-R0001-3REN
x 5876-W13-OC016
x 5876-W13-R0001-3AFT
x 5876-W13-OC017
x 5876-W13-0020
x 5876-W14
x 5876-W14-OC001
x 5876-W14-0001
x 5876-W14-OC002
x 5876-W14-U0001
x 5876-W14-U0002
x 5876-W14-OC003
x 5876-W14-E0001-JAVA
x 5876-W14-S0001-JAVA
x 5876-W14-OC004
x 5876-W14-0001-1REG
x 5876-W14-OC005
x 5876-W14-0001-1REN
x 5876-W14-OC006
x 5876-W14-0001-1AFT
x 5876-W14-OC007
x 5876-W14-0001-3REG
x 5876-W14-OC008
x 5876-W14-0001-3REN
x 5876-W14-OC009
x 5876-W14-0001-3AFT
x 5876-W14-OC010
x 5876-W14-R0001
x 5876-W14-OC011
x 5876-W14-R0001-1REG
x 5876-W14-OC012
x 5876-W14-R0001-1REN
x 5876-W14-OC013
x 5876-W14-R0001-1AFT
x 5876-W14-OC014
x 5876-W14-R0001-3REG
x 5876-W14-OC015
x 5876-W14-R0001-3REN
x 5876-W14-OC016
x 5876-W14-R0001-3AFT
x 5876-W14-OC017
x 5876-W14-0020
x 5876-W04-OC002
x 5876-W04-U0001
x 5876-W04-U0002
x 5876-W05-OC002
x 5876-W05-U0001
x 5876-W05-U0002
x 5876-W11-OC018
x 5876-W11-U0010
x 5876-W11-U0011
x 5876-W12-OC018
x 5876-W12-U0010
x 5876-W12-U0011
x FORMIT-1-5-PS1
x FORMIT-6-10-PS1
x FORMIT11-25-PS1
x FMIT26-50-PS1
x FORMIT-51-100-PS1
x FORMIT-101-PS1
x FMITA11-25-PS1
x FMITA26-50-PS1
Fortis - Support
x S-FORMIT-1-5-PS1
x S-FORMIT-6-10-PS1
x S-FORMIT11-25-PS1
x S-FMIT26-50-PS1
x S-FORMIT51-100-PS1
x S-FORMIT-101-PS1
x S-FMITA11-25-PS1
x S-FMITA26-50-PS1
Fortis - SE
x SEFMIT11-25-PS1
x SEFMIT26-50-PS1
x SEFMIT51100-PS1
x SEFMITA11-25-PS1
x SEFMITA26-50-PS1
x SEFMITA51100-PS1
Fortis - SE Support
x S-SEFMIT11-25-PS1
x S-SEFMIT26-50-PS1
x S-SEFMIT51100-PS1
x S-SEFMITA11-25-PS1
x S-SEFMITA26-50-PS1
x S-SEFMITA51100-PS1
x FB-A101-250-PS1
x FB-A251-PS1
x FBFMIT6-10-PS1
x FBFMIT26-50-PS1
x FBFMIT51100-PS1
x FBFMITA11-25-PS1
x FBFMITA26-50-PS1
x FBFMITA51100-PS1
FortisBlue - Support
x S-FB-A101-250-PS1
x S-FB-A251-PS1
x S-FBFMIT6-10-PS1
x S-FBFMIT26-50-PS1
x S-FBFMIT51100-PS1
x S-FBFMITA11-25-PS1
x S-FBFMITA26-50-PS1
x S-FBFMITA51100-PS1
3rd Party Passthrough
3rd Party Passthrough - Support
Professional Services
x S-SOL01-PS1
x S-SOL05-PS1
x S-SOL10-PS1
x S-SOL25-PS1
x S-SOL40-PS1
x S-SOL55-PS1
x S-SOL70-PS1
x S-SOL100-PS1
x S-SOL200-PS1
x S-SOL300-PS1
End User Training
x IQFA-9-PS1
x 423304-G2
x GP6102
x PSC-CM100
x M8000
x RM200-PT01
x SD67-26
x SE15-44
x SE30-177
x NGH9105
x EWNGH-01
x SCNGH-01
x SCIO-01
x RIO2
x 3RD-870515-DS
x 3RD-879432-DS
x 3RD-870513-DS
x 3RD-PI-G71D-DS
x 3RD-PI-G72D-DS
x 3RD-PI-G73D-DS
x GP5101
x GPG301N
x GP1605N
x GPC305N
x GG1511
x GP1601N
x SCIO2-01
x 1894351-DS
x 1374735-PS1
x 1999135-PS1
x 1445592-PS1
x 1290576-PS1
x 1439272-PS1
x 1109602-PS1
x 1866961-PS1
x 8767535-PS1
x 1629153-PS1
x 1287820-PS1
x 1572650-PS1
x 1185040-PS1
x 1200278-DS
x 1241066-DS
x 8215808-DS
x 1131176-DS
x 1832161-DS
x 1302793-PS1
x 1447168-PS1
x 1073543-PS1
x 1147966-PS1
x 1584895-PS1
x 1485770-PS1
x 1756360-DS
x 1452838-PS1
x 8728651-PS1
x 8851065-PS1
x 8776254-DS
x 1976703-DS
x 1343680-DS
x 8949000-DS
x 8965279-DS
x 1084755-DS
x 8426157-DS
x 8554149-PS1
x 8166480-PS1
x 1271436-DS
x 8405425-DS
x 1509629-DS
x 1722719-DS
x 1433283-DS
x 1958750-DS
x 1679380-DS
x 1999747-DS
x 1506369-DS
x 1169275-DS
x 1364074-PS1
x 1157304-PS1
x 1066257-PS1
x 1056696-PS1
x 1640549-DS
x 1788348-DS
x 1788900-DS
x 1086883-DS
x 1034784-DS
x 1094903-DS
x 1292937-DS
x 1968023-DS
x 1218551-PS1
x 1606045-PS1
x 1848183-PS1
x 1620301-PS1
x 1774108-PS1
x 1525286-PS1
x 1978253-DS
x 1703594-DS
x 1681006-DS
x 1600899-DS
x 1176031-DS
x 1738764-DS
x 1570704-PS1
x 1686153-PS1
x 1509892-PS1
x 1947092-PS1
x 1334226-PS1
x 1495258-PS1
x 1638311-PS1
x 1883859-PS1
x 1820893-PS1
x 1519164-PS1
x 1248210-PS1
x 1696624-PS1
x 1643543-PS1
x 1724343-PS1
x 1270156-PS1
x 1218940-DS
x 8088239-DS
x 8096943-DS
x 8714438-DS
x 8000853-DS
x 1759042-DS
x 1524677-DS
x 1207844-DS
x 1759380-DS
x 1473230-DS
x 1230473-PS1
x 1600725-PS1
x 1671528-PS1
x 1235050-PS1
x 1672930-PS1
x 1082387-PS1
x 1044148-PS1
x 1774082-PS1
x 1373489-PS1
x 1790187-PS1
x 1853738-PS1
x 1489962-PS1
x 1532381-PS1
x 1319375-PS1
x 1568351-PS1
x 1040468-PS1
x 1427046-PS1
x 1992130-PS1
x 1657063-PS1
x 1955749-PS1
x 1031590-PS1
x 1408756-DS
x 1612605-DS
x 1213743-DS
x 8327538-DS
x 8387938-DS
x 1462415-DS
x 8445280-DS
x 1650621-DS
x 1673953-DS
x 1185859-DS
x 1544303-DS
x 8525941-PS1
x 1586247-PS1
x 8724213-PS1
x 1396811-PS1
x 8739369-PS1
x 8450108-PS1
x 8230666-PS1
x 8529117-PS1
x 8028862-PS1
x 8311375-PS1
x 8205676-PS1
x 8963696-PS1
x 8946097-DS
x 1226034-DS
x 1960988-DS
x 1664390-DS
x 1179506-DS
x 1127398-DS
x 1333848-DS
x 1048255-PS1
x 1507045-PS1
x 1297373-PS1
x 1199470-DS
x 1634286-PS1
x 1679828-PS1
x 1035831-PS1
x 8820854-PS1
x 1676964-PS1
x 1831247-PS1
x 1109396-PS1
x 1157833-PS1
x 1618883-PS1
x 1790161-PS1
x 1066281-PS1
x 1239136-PS1
x 1757574-PS1
x 1695063-PS1
x 8952525-PS1
x 1877398-DS
x 1948975-PS1
x 1013572-PS1
x 1025022-PS1
x 1484864-DS
x 8965519-DS
x 1690783-DS
x 8269607-DS
x 1736115-DS
x 1296623-DS
x 1359124-PS1
x 1442862-PS1
x 8460321-DS
x 1535376-DS
x 1004332-PS1
x 1004365-PS1
x 1004407-PS1
x 1004423-PS1
x 1004498-PS1
x 1004514-PS1
x 1004522-PS1
x 1004530-PS1
x 1013077-PS1
x 1047281-PS1
x 1055714-PS1
x 1063056-PS1
x 1073071-PS1
x 1074178-PS1
x 1078161-DS
x 1087816-PS1
x 1089457-PS1
x 1097559-PS1
x 1119023-PS1
x 1129121-PS1
x 1133842-DS
x 1143999-PS1
x 1151844-PS1
x 1165950-PS1
x 1186519-PS1
x 1193861-PS1
x 1206986-PS1
x 1257773-DS
x 1260231-PS1
x 1323658-PS1
x 1331370-PS1
x 1337161-PS1
x 1353226-DS
x 1357193-DS
x 1364421-DS
x 1384528-PS1
x 1396910-DS
x 1424183-DS
x 1424241-PS1
x 1428101-DS
x 1459650-PS1
x 1509116-PS1
x 1514124-PS1
x 1515782-PS1
x 1527456-PS1
x 1534973-PS1
x 1644905-PS1
x 1654748-PS1
x 1670702-PS1
x 1674365-PS1
x 1680453-PS1
x 169-0783-DS
x 1694868-PS1
x 1704162-PS1
x 1722149-PS1
x 1730795-DS
x 1741057-DS
x 1752880-PS1
x 1763218-DS
x 1763325-DS
x 1764778-PS1
x 1775246-DS
x 1779321-PS1
x 1805878-PS1
x 1805969-DS
x 1820893 -PS1
x 1849090-PS1
x 1884584-PS1
x 1891183-DS
x 1911627-PS1
x 1945872-DS
x 1954759-108NE5-PS1
x 1955632-PS1
x 1971860-PS1
x 1993484-PS1
ScanSnap Scanners
x PA03610-B005DS
x PA03610B015-DS
x PA03586B205-DS
x PA03586B105-DS
x PA03643B005-DS
x PA03643B015-DS
x PA03609B005-DS
x PA03544B205-DS
x PA03607B005-DS
x PA03630-B555DS
x PA03630-B005-DS
x PA03630-B505DS
x PA03334B605-DS
x PA03576-B105DS
Low-Volume Production
x PA03576B665-DS
x PA03576B535-DS
x CG010002783-DS
Mid-Volume Production Scanners
x PA03450B505-DS
Mid-Volume Production Accessories
x CG01000-519501
x CG01000-519601
ScanSnap Scanners
x S1500-AEPWNBD2-PS1
x S1500-AEPWNBD3-PS1
x S1500-DEPW5DY1-PS1
x S1500M-DEPW5DY1-PS1
x PA03688-B005-DS
x PA03688-0001-DS
x PA03688-0011-DS
x PA03656B355-DS
x PA03420B005-DS
x S5015C-DEPW5DY1-PS1
x S6130-AEPWNBD3-PS1
x S6130-DEPW5DY1-PS1
x S6140-AEPWNBD1-PS1
x S6140-AEPWNBD2-PS1
x S6140-AEPWNBD3-PS1
x S6140-BAPWNBD1-PS1
x S6140-BAPWNBD2-PS1
x S6140-BAPWNBD3-PS1
x S6140-DEPW5DY1-PS1
x S6140ZDEPW5DY1-PS1
x S6230-AEPWNBD2-PS1
x S6230-AEPWNBD3-PS1
x S6240-BAPWNBD1-PS1
x S6240-BAPWNBD2-PS1
x S6240-BAPWNBD3-PS1
x S6240-AEPWNBD1-PS1
x S6240-AEPWNBD2-PS1
x S6240-AEPWNBD3-PS1
x S6240-DEPW5DY1-PS1
x PA03575-B405-DS
x S6400-BAPWNBD-1-PS1
x S6400-BAMYNBD2-PS1
x S6400-BAPW4HR1-PS1
x S6400-BAMY4HR3-PS1
x S6400-SCPWNBD1-PS1
x S6400-SCMYNBD2-PS1
x S6400-SCMYNBD3-PS1
x PA03595-B005-DS
x PA03334B665-DS
x S5650C-BAPW4HR1-PS1
x S5650C-BAPW2471-PS1
x S5650C-SCPW4HR1-PS1
x S5650C-SCPW2471-PS1
x S5650C-DEPW5DY1-PS1
x S5750C-BAPW4HR1-PS1
x S5750C-BAPW2471-PS1
x S5750C-SCPW4HR1-PS1
x S5750C-SCPW2471-PS1
x S4340C-BAIW4HR1-PS1
x S4340C-BAPW4HR1-PS1
x S4340C-BAMY4HR2-PS1
x S4340C-BAMY4HR3-PS1
x S4340C-SCIW4HR1-PS1
x S4340C-SCPW4HR1-PS1
x S4340C-SCMY4HR2-PS1
x S4340C-SCMY4HR3-PS1
x S4340C-DEIW5DY1-PS1
x S4340C-DEPW5DY1-PS1
x S6010N-BAPW4HR1-PS1
x S6010N-BAMY4HR2-PS1
x S6010N-BAMY4HR3-PS1
x S6010N-SCPW4HR1-PS1
x S6010N-SCMY4HR2-PS1
x S6010N-SCMY4HR3-PS1
x S6010N-DEPW5DY1-PS1
x PA03706-B205-DS
x SN7100-BAPWNBD-1-PS1
x SN7100-BAMYNBD-3-PS1
x SN7100-AEPWNBD-1-PS1
x SN7100-AEMYNBD-3-PS1
x PSCP-WG-0001-PS1
x PSCP-DP-0001-PS1
x PSCP-LV-0001-PS1
x PSCP-MV-0001-PS1
x PSCP-ST-0001-PS1
x PSCP-IM-0001-PS1
x S6670-BAPWNBD1-PS1
x S6670-BAMYNBD2-PS1
x S6670-BAMYNBD3-PS1
x S6670-BAPW4HR1-PS1
x S6670-BAMY4HR2-PS1
x S6670-BAMY4HR3-PS1
x S6670-BACT4HRX-PS1
x S6670-BAPW2471-PS1
x S6670-BAMY2472-PS1
x S6670-BAMY2473-PS1
x S6670-BACT247X-PS1
x S6670-SCPWNBD1-PS1
x S6670-SCMYNBD2-PS1
x S6670-SCMYNBD3-PS1
x S6670-SCPW4HR1-PS1
x S6670-SCMY4HR2-PS1
x S6670-SCMY4HR3-PS1
x S6670-SCPW2471-PS1
x S6670-SCMY2472-PS1
x S6670-SCMY2473-PS1
x S6670-AEPWNBD1-PS1
x S6670-DEPW5DY1-PS1
x S6670A-BAPW4HR1-PS1
x S6670A-BAMY4HR2-PS1
x S6670A-BAMY4HR3-PS1
x S6670A-BAPW2471-PS1
x S6670A-BAMY2472-PS1
x S6670A-BAMY2473-PS1
x S6670A-BACT247X-PS1
x S6670A-SCPW4HR1-PS1
x S6670A-SCMY4HR2-PS1
x S6670A-SCMY4HR3-PS1
x S6670A-SCPW2471-PS1
x S6670A-SCMY2472-PS1
x S6670A-SCMY2473-PS1
x S6670A-DEPW5DY1-PS1
x S6770-BAPWNBD1-PS1
x S6770-BAMYNBD2-PS1
x S6770-BAMYNBD3-PS1
x S6770-BAPW4HR1-PS1
x S6770-BAMY4HR2-PS1
x S6770-BAMY4HR3-PS1
x S6770-BACT4HRX-PS1
x S6770-BAPW2471-PS1
x S6770-BAMY2472-PS1
x S6770-BAMY2473-PS1
x S6770-BACT247X-PS1
x S6770-SCPWNBD1-PS1
x S6770-SCMYNBD2-PS1
x S6770-SCMYNBD3-PS1
x S6770-SCPW4HR1-PS1
x S6770-SCMY4HR2-PS1
x S6770-SCMY4HR3-PS1
x S6770-SCPW2471-PS1
x S6770-SCMY2472-PS1
x S6770-SCMY2473-PS1
x S6770A-BAPW4HR1-PS1
x S6770A-BAMY4HR2-PS1
x S6770A-BAMY4HR3-PS1
x S6770A-BAPW2471-PS1
x S6770A-BAMY2472-PS1
x S6770A-BAMY2473-PS1
x S6770A-BACT247X-PS1
x S6770A-SCPW4HR1-PS1
x S6770A-SCMY4HR2-PS1
x S6770A-SCMY4HR3-PS1
x S6770A-SCPW2471-PS1
x S6770A-SCMY2472-PS1
x S6770A-SCMY2473-PS1
x S5900C-BAIW4HR1-PS1
x S5900C-BAPW4HR1-PS1
x S5900C-BAMY4HR2-PS1
x S5900C-BAMY4HR3-PS1
x S5900C-BAIW2471-PS1
x S5900C-BAPW2471-PS1
x S5900C-BAMY2472-PS1
x S5900C-BAMY2473-PS1
x S5900C-BACT247X-PS1
x S5900C-SCIW4HR1-PS1
x S5900C-SCPW4HR1-PS1
x S5900C-SCMY4HR2-PS1
x S5900C-SCMY4HR3-PS1
x S5900C-SCIW2471-PS1
x S5900C-SCPW2471-PS1
x S5900C-SCMY2472-PS1
x S5900C-SCMY2473-PS1
x PA03670-B005DS
x S7180-BAPWNBD-1-PS1
x S7180-BAMYNBD2-PS1
x S7180-BAMYNBD3-PS1
x S7180-AEPWNBD1-PS1
x S7180-AEMYNBD2-PS1
x S7180-AEMYNBD3-PS1
x PA03670B555DS
x S7280-BAPWNBD1-PS1
x S7280-BAMYNBD2-PS1
x CG01000-286401-DS
x PA03670-B055R-DS
x S5950-BAPWNBD1-PS1
x S5950-BAMYNBD2-PS1
x S5950-BAMYNBD3-PS1
x S5950-BAPW4HR1-PS1
x S5950-BAMY4HR2-PS1
x S5950-BAMY4HR3-PS1
x S5950-BACT4HRX-PS1
x S5950-BAPW2471-PS1
x S5950-BAMY2472-PS1
x S5950-BAMY2473-PS1
x S5950-BACT247X-PS1
x S5950-SCPWNBD1-PS1
x S5950-SCMYNBD2-PS1
x S5950-SCMYNBD3-PS1
x S5950-SCPW4HR1-PS1
x S5950-SCMY4HR2-PS1
x S5950-SCMY4HR3-PS1
x S5950-SCPW2471-PS1
x S5950-SCMY2472-PS1
x S5950-SCMY2473-PS1
x PA03575-B065-DS
x S6800-BAPWNBD1-PS1
x S6800-BAMYNBD2-PS1
x S6800-BAMYNBD3-PS1
x S6800-BAPW4HR1-PS1
x S6800-BAMY4HR2-PS1
x S6800-BAMY4HR3-PS1
x S6800-BACT4HRX-PS1
x S6800-BAPW2471-PS1
x S6800-BAMY2472-PS1
x S6800-BAMY2473-PS1
x S6800-BACT247X-PS1
x S6800-SCPWNBD1-PS1
x S6800-SCMYNBD2-PS1
x S6800-SCPW4HR1-PS1
x S6800-SCMY4HR2-PS1
x S6800-SCMY4HR3-PS1
x S6800-SCPW2471-PS1
x S6800-SCMY2472-PS1
x S6800-SCMY2473-PS1
x PA03750-B005-DS
x S7030-AEMYNBD3-PS1
x PA03610B205-DS
x PA03643B205-DS
x S7280-BAMYNBD3-PS1
x S7280-AEPWNBD1-PS1
x S7280-AEMYNBD2-PS1
x S7280-AEMYNBD3-PS1
x PA03710-B055-DS
x S7460-SCPWNBD1-PS1
x S7460-SCMYNBD2-PS1
x S7460-SCMYNBD3-PS1
x S7460-SCPW4HR1-PS1
x S7460-SCMY4HR2-PS1
x S7460-SCMY4HR3-PS1
x S7460-BAPWNBD1-PS1
x S7460-BAMYNBD2-PS1
x S7460-BAMYNBD3-PS1
x S7460-BAPW4HR1-PS1
x S7460-BAMY4HR2-PS1
x S7460-BAMY4HR3-PS1
x S7460-BACT4HRX-PS1
x S7460-AEPWNBD1-PS1
x S7460-DEPW5DY1-PS1
x PA03710-B005-DS
x S7480-SCPWNBD1-PS1
x S7480-SCMYNBD2-PS1
x S7480-SCMYNBD3-PS1
x S7480-SCPW4HR1-PS1
x S7480-SCMY4HR2-PS1
x S7480-SCMY4HR3-PS1
x S7480-BAPWNBD1-PS1
x S7480-BAMYNBD2-PS1
x S7480-BAMYNBD3-PS1
x S7480-BAPW4HR1-PS1
x S7480-BAMY4HR2-PS1
x S7480-BAMY4HR3-PS1
x S7480-BACT4HRX-PS1
x S7480-AEPWNBD1-PS1
x S7480-DEPW5DY1-PS1
x S6110-AEMYNBD3-PS1
x S7260-AEMYNBD3-PS1
x SN1800DEPW5DY1-PS1
x S1300-AEPWNBD-3-PS1
x PA03641B305-DS

Lease Payment Footnotes

Lease payments exclude taxes.
The tax amount is capitalized into the financed amount. The tax on FMV leases in these states/location

Equipment Configuration Footnotes

B/W - A4
(1) 30 ppm MFP Mainframe includes 10.1" Color Touch Smart Operation Panel, Standard 50-Sheet ARDF
(2) Optional paper feed unit PB1090 adds additional 500 sheets of 8.5" x 11" paper. The PB1090 does not
(3) Optional cabinet for the MP 305SPF. Can be used with or without PB1090
(4) 20-Pin Interface used to attach External Key Counter or Key Card Device.
(5) This option enables direct printing of XPS format documents.
(6) This function embeds invisible text on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files b
(7) Unicode Font Package for SAP - 1 seat license
(8) Enables users to send and receive faxes on a sub MFP via a main center MFP with fax option.
(9) Used to log into MFP and authenticate users only. Does not support Java SDK applications
(10) This is an ISO 15408 Certified version of DOSS that overwrites Copy, Print, Scanner, and Fax latent d
(11) The XG series of power filters are designed to provide a higher level of noise filtering and surge protec
(12) The AC1 power filter provides unique multistage power protection for devices that are less susceptible
(13) Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minim
(14) SD Card to provide additional expanded font support
(15) Prevents unauthorized copying of confidential documents.

1) 30-PPM A4 Desktop Single Function Printer; 250-sheet Paper Tray, 50-sheet Bypass Tray, 128 MB RA
2) 30-PPM A4 Desktop MFP with Print, Copy, Color Scan and Fax capability. Main unit includes a 4-line L
3) Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimiz

SP330DN / SP330SFN
(1) 34-ppm letter speed desktop A4 B&W MFP with color scanning and faxing. Standard configuration inclu
(2) One Optional Paper Feed Unit may be added for a maximum paper capacity of 550 sheets including th
(3) Optional USB wireless key dongle for IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac network connectivity.
(4) The ESP S1 power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced Tec

1) 30-PPM A4 Desktop Single Function Printer; 250-sheet Paper Tray, 50-sheet Bypass Tray, 128 MB RA
2) 30-PPM A4 Desktop MFP with Print, Copy, Color Scan and Fax capability. Main unit includes a 4-line L
3) Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimiz

SP371DN / SP3710SF
(1) 34-ppm letter speed desktop A4 B&W MFP with color scanning and faxing. Standard configuration inclu
(2) One Optional Paper Feed Unit may be added for a maximum paper capacity of 550 sheets including th
(3) Optional USB wireless key dongle for IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac network connectivity.
(4) The ESP S1 power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced Tec

SP 3500SF/SP3510SF
1) SP 3500SF and SP3510SF are User/Service Installable. 30 ppm B&W printer, Includes 250 x 1 Paper T
Interface, Network Interface Board (10/100Base-TX Ethernet). Includes starter AIO print cartridge (yield: 1
cartridge yield available.
2) SP3510SF has duplex printing/copying capability. Copying is from 1 sided documents to 2 sided.
User/Service Installable. 250 Sheet optional paper tray. Only one additional tray can be installed. Letter or
3) Paper Feed Unit TK1080 is User/Service Installable. 250 Sheet optional paper tray. Only one additional
4)External IEEE 802.11 a/g wireless adapter replaces Network board that comes with the printer; cannot us

SP 3600SF/SP3610SF
1) 31-PPM A4 Desktop MFP with Print, Copy, Color Scan and Fax capability. Main unit includes a 4-line L
2) 31-PPM A4 Desktop MFP with Print, Copy, Color Scan and Fax capability. Main unit includes a 4-line L
3) A maximum of One (1) Optional Paper Feed Units may be added for a maximum paper capacity of 850 s
4) Supports paper sizes up to 8.5" x 14" and paper weights up to 43 lb Bond/90 lb Index.
5) 250-sheet Paper Feed Unit.
6) 500-sheet Paper Feed Unit
7) Raises the system to an optimal height for floor placement. This versatile cabinet is adjustable and supp
8) This option allows you to connect the device to an IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n wireless LAN.
Aficio MP 301SPF
(1) Mainframe includes Legal Size Platen, 250 Sheet Paper Tray, 100 Sheet Bypass Tray, 1 GB RAM Mem
(2) Up to two Optional PB1040 (416203) Paper Banks can be installed, bringing the maximum paper capac
(3) This option is available for installation on the MP 301SPF models and includes DOSS and HDD Encryp
Stored, Store and Print, Mail-to Print, S/MIME for Scan-to-Email, Advanced Security Features and Docume
(4) Recommended with MP 301SPF ONLY. No Optional Paper Banks should be installed. (Tall Cabinet)
(5) Recommended when one or two Optional PB1040's (52331) are installed. (Short Cabinet)
(6) IEEE1284 is a Micro Centronics 36 pin cable. Converter adapter is required to connect to a Centronics c
(7) Only one of the following four options can be installed. IEEE 1284 Interface Board Type A (411699) or I
(8) Required for JAVA customization and installation of software solutions.
(9) Required to convert format and drag to desktop documents stored via Copy or Print mode
(10) Enables users to connect to software solutions
(11) Available for Customers who require NetWare printing
(12) Unicode Font Package for SAP - 1/10/100 seat license
(13) Telephone Handset.
(14) Required for 3rd party solutions requiring 20-pin connections.
(15) Prevents unauthorized reproduction of confidential documents
(16) The ESP XG-PCS-15D power filter provides multi-stage power protection as well as line conditioning.
(17) Optional external USB keyboard - (no bracket is available for this option)
(18) The ESP AC1 power filter provides muti-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced T
(19) Only one Power Filter can be installed or is required.

IM 350F, IM 430Fb, IM 430F

(1) 35-PPM A4 B/W LED Desktop MFP Main unit includes 10.1" Smart Operation Panel, 500-sheet Paper
(2) 43-PPM A4 B/W LED Desktop MFP. Main unit includes 10.1" Smart Operation Panel, 500-sheet Paper
(3) 250 Sheets Paper Feed Unit. Supports media sizes up to 8.5" x 14" and paper weights up to 14 lb. Bon
(4) 500 Sheets Paper Feed Unit. Supports media sizes up to 8.5" x 14" and paper weights up to 14 lb. Bon
(5) A maximum of three (3) Optional Paper Feed Units may be added for a maximum system paper capacit
(6) Caster Table is recommended when adding up to (3) additional Paper Feed Units (Type PB1110/PB112
(7) Recommended when adding (2) or (3) additional Paper Feed Units (Type PB1110/PB1120) for a floor-s
(8) Recommended for the base unit only or base unit with one (1) additonal Paper Feed Unit (Type PB1110
(9) Optional Offline Stapler
(10) Adobe® PostScript®3™. Required for printing from Mac OS. Recommended for printing more comple
(11) For use in AS/400 environments.
(12) Allows the creation of searchable PDFs when scanning. User can search the finished documents for s
(13) PageKeeper accessory is a multi-feed detection sensor that automatically stops a scanning job if more
(14) Required for printing from USB Type B port. Can not be installed with (417508) File Format Converter
(15) Required to covert file format and drag documents stored via Document Server to desktop. Can not be
(16) Allows MFP to connect to a network over WiFi. Can not be installed with (417566) Extended USB Boa
(17) The USB Device Server Option Type M19A is an interface board use to add an extra Ethernet port to a
(18) 20-Pin Interface used to attach external key counter or key card device.
(19) Used to log in and authenticate users via NFC card. The card reader and its cable will be covered insi
(20) The Ricoh Technical Solutions Center (TSC) recommends the use of Power Protection products to pot
(21) The ESP S1 power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced Te

Aficio MP 402SPF
1) 42-PPM A4 B/W LED Multifunction Printer. Main unit has a 10.1" Smart Operation Panel, 500-sheet Pap
2) A maximum of Two (2) Optional Paper Feed Units may be added for a maximum paper capacity of 1,600
3) Supports paper sizes up to 8.5" x 14" and paper weights up to 43 lb Bond/90 lb Index.
4) 250-sheet Paper Feed Unit.
5) 500-sheet Paper Feed Unit.
6) Raises the system to an optimal height for floor placement. This versatile cabinet is adjustable and supp
7) One open interface board slot is available. Wireless LAN, Parallel Interface, USB Device Server, Extend
8) For environments that require Parallel connectivity.
9) This option provides MFP connection to an IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n wireless LAN.
10) This option provides an additional Network Port, which allows the MFP to reside on two networks simul
11) Required for printing from USB Type B port.
12) 20-Pin Interface used to attach external key counter or key card device.
13) This options enables direct printing of XPS format documents.
14) Required to covert file format and drag documents stored via Document Server to desktop.
15) This function embeds invisible text on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files b
16) Enables users to send and receive faxes from other devices on the same network (up to 6) via the Prim
17) Enables users to log into and authenticate to the MFP with a programmed access card.
18) For customers who require the CC certified Data Overwrite Security function.
19) The ESP XG-PCS-15D power filter provides multi-stage power protection as well as line conditioning.
20) The ESP AC1 power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced T
21) Recommended for the base unit, or when one (1) additional 250-sheet Paper Feed Unit (Type PB1060)
22) Recommended when:
a) one (1) additional 250-sheet Paper Feed Unit (Type PB1060) and one (1) additional 500-sheet Paper Fe
Ricoh MPadditional
b) two (2) 501SPF / 250-sheet
MP 601SPF Paper Feed Units (Type PB1060) or two (2) additional 500-sheet Paper Fee
1) 52-PPM A4 B/W Laser Multifunction Printer. Main unit has a 10.1" Smart Operation Panel, 500-sheet Pa
2) 500-sheet capacity. Supports paper sizes up to 8.5" x 14" and paper weights up to 59 lb. Bond/120 lb. In
3) Caster Table is required when the three (3) or four (4) optional Paper Feed Units (Type PB1100/PB1100
4) Recommended for the base unit for a floor-standing configuration.
5) Recommended when one (1) or two (2) additional Paper Feed Units (Type PB1100/PB1100TE/PB1100L
6) One open interface board slot is available. Wireless LAN, Parallel Interface, USB Device Server, Extend
7)This option allows you to connect the device to an IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n wireless LAN.
8) For environments that require Parallel connectivity.
9) This option provides an additional Network Port, which allows the MFP to reside on two networks simulta
10) Provides an additional USB Type B port / connection for printing.
11) 20-Pin Interface used to attach External Key Counter or Key Card Device.
12) This option enables direct printing of XPS format documents.
13) For use in AS/400 environments. Hard Disk Drive required.
14) Required to convert file format and drag documents stored via Document Server to desktop.
15) This function embeds invisible text on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files b
16) Enables users to send and receive faxes from other devices on the same network (up to 6) via the Prim
17) Enables users to log into and authenticate to the MFP with a programmed access card.
18) For customers who require the CC certified Data Overwrite Security function.
19) The ESP XG-PCS-15D power filter provides multi-stage power protection as well as line conditioning.
20) The ESP S1 power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced Tec
21) 500-sheet Locking Paper Feed Unit. Supports media sizes up to 8.5" x 11"and paper weights up to 59 l
22) 500-sheet Teflon enhanced Paper Feed Unit. Supports media sizes up to 8.5" x 14" and paper weights
23) One year HotSpot subscription service included.
24) Extends the HotSpot Mobile Printing Service subscription by 2 additional years.
25) Extends the HotSpot Mobile Printing Service subscription by 3 additional years.
26) Extends the HotSpot Mobile Printing Service subscription by 4 additional years.
27) Intelligent Printer Data Stream software supports the migration from legacy output devices to modern n

Ricoh MP 2501SP
(1) Includes standard 100-sheet ARDF, B&W printing, B&W and Color Scanning, 1024MB RAM, 2x250-sh
to USB, USB 2.0 Type A and B, Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet (1000Base-T/100BaseTX/10 Base-T) . Note
M1 . Optional cabinet FAC59 is required to bring the unit up to optimal height.
(2) Paper Feed Unit PB2000 is an Optional 500-sheet paper bank brings total paper capacity to 1,100 shee
optimal height. Cannot be installed in conjunction with Paper Feed Unit PB2010.
(3) Paper Feed Unit PB2010 is an Optional 2x500-sheet paper bank brings total paper capacity up to the m
to bring the unit up to optimal height. Cannot be installed in conjunction with Paper Feed Unit PB2000.
(4) 1 Bin Tray BN2010 provides additional output tray to separate copier, print, and fax output. Holds up to
(5) Standard DOSS and HDD Encryption are resident in the system's firmware. The optional HDD and a Se
The HDD is required to enable the following features: Sample Print, Locked Print, Hold Print, Stored Print,
Preview before Transmission, Paperless Fax, MFP Browser, Document Server, Customizable Home Scree
Quota Setting/Account Limit, Remote Fax, Eco-Friendly Indicator Screen, S/MIME, Digitally Signed PDF.
(6) FAC59 Tall Cabinet required for installation with MP 2501SP only. Cannot be installed in conjunction wi
(7) Short Cabinet Type E required only for installation with either Paper Feed Unit PB2000 or PB2010.
(8) IEEE1284 is a Micro Centronics 36 pin cable. Converter adapter is required to connect to a Centronics c
Parts (p/n B6795100). This item cannot be installed with the IEEE 802.11a/g Wireless Interface Type J or F
(9) IEEE802.11a/b/g Wireless Interface Type J enables wireless connectivity. This item cannot be installed
Format Converter Type E.
(10) PostScript3 Unit Type M1 required for MacIntosh and Postscript printing environments.
(11) VM Card Type U (416163), Hard Disk Drive Option Type M1 (007166MIU) and Memory Unit Type M1
(12) File Format Converter Type E required to convert format and drag to desktop document stored via cop
IEEE 1284 Interface Board Type A or IEEE 802.11a/g Wireless Interface Type J.
(13) Browser Unit Type M1 enables customer to connect to the internet for browsing. The Hard Disk Drive O
(14) SD card for NetWare printing Type M1 is used by customers who print using Netware. This option is re
SNMP via IPX and Scan to NCP (IPX, TCP/IP).
(15) Fax Option Type M1: Installation required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, 2 Second Transmission S
Includes standard Internet Fax (T.37), LAN Fax, IP-Fax (T.38) and Fax Forwarding to Email. Paperless Fax
(16) Fax Connection Unit Type M1 enables users to send and receive faxes from the sub machines via the
sub machines via the Primary MFP. Communicates over the network with the unit that has the fax option. T
MFP and sub machines in the network.
(17) Optional Counter Interface Unit Type A: 20-Pin Interface used to attach External Key Counter or Key C
(18) Copy Data Security Unit Type G prevents unauthorized copying of confidential documents.
(19) ESP XG-PCS-15D: Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protecti
electrical interference with products.
(20) External USB Keyboard (No Bracket): USB Keyboard for optional data entry. FM8006 Bracket MP2501
(21) FM8006 Keyboard Bracket Only: Keyboard bracket (mounts to front of device). Keyboard not included

Ricoh MP 2554 / MP 3054 / MP 3554 Series BW MFP

(1) Mainframe includes 9" Color Operation Panel, Standard 100-Sheet ARDF, B/W PCL Printing, B/W & Co
(2) One of following must be installed on the mainframe: PB3150 (416545), PB3220 (417268), PB3230 (4
(3) Paper Feed Unit PB3150 (416545) requires Caster Table Type M3 (416737). This paper feed unit lowe
(4) Caster Table Type M3 (416737) cannot be installed with any of these Finisher or Paper Bank options: S
(5) LCIT RT3030 (416548) cannot be installed with with PB3150 (416545), Caster Table Type M3 (416737)
(6) Only one of these options can be installed on the device.
(7) Must Order Bridge Unit BU3070 (416551) with any external Finisher.
(8) One of the following Paper Feed Units, or Cabinet, must be installed with any external Finisher: PB3220
(9) Provides additional output tray above the standard Internal Tray or Optional Bridge Unit/Internal Shift T
(10) Hole Punch Option for for Internal Finisher SR3130 (416543).
(11) Hole Punch Option for SR3140 Finisher (416539) and SR3150 Finisher (416540).
(12) 10.1” WSGVA resolution control panel provides intuitive touchscreen control similar to smart phones
(13) Only one of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
(14) Required for Macintosh and PostScript environments. Recommended for printing complex PDF files.
(15) Used by customers who print using Netware. This option is required for the following functions: Use of
(16) Web based applications, such as ICE and HotSpot require Browser capability which is standard on dev
(17) Required to convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
(18) Allows the creation of searchable PDFs when scanning. User can search the finished documents for
(19) 20-Pin Interface used to attach External Key Counter or Key Card Device.
(20) Used to mount external key counter to MFP.
(21) Table shaped option to position counter device on. USB Connector.
(22) Requires Browser Unit Type M12 (417080) to enable HotSpot printing. One year HotSpot subscription
(23) Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS).
(24) This option enables printing of XPS format documents.
(25) This option can hold an additional IP address, which then enables our MFPs to connect to two differen
(26) Installation required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, S
(27) Requires Fax Option Type M12 (417100).
(28) Enables users to send and receive faxes on a sub MFP via a main MFP. This option is required on bot
(29) Up to two additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines.
(30) Increases fax memory to 2,240 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
(31) Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minim
(32) Prevents unauthorized copying of confidential documents that were created on other printers that have
(33) For use with 3rd Party card readers like the RFIdeas PCProx readers on our price list. The card reade
(34) The Smart Card Reader Built-in Unit Type M12 (417129) and External Keyboard Bracket Type M3 (41
(35) This is an ISO 15408 Certified version of DOSS that overwrites Copy, Print, Scanner, and Fax latent d
(36) This bracket is required for the installation of External USB Keyboard (416909).
(37) External Keyboard for inputting data with either SDK applications OR embedded applications.
(38) Card Reader only - no cards are provided. Used with Common Access Card (CAC)/Personal Identity
1. RHD kit uses MFP's Internal Hard Drive and makes it External
(39) RHD kit uses MFP'
(40) Fax Option is 2.Fax Option is NOT COMPATIBLE with RHD or ARHD
3. ARHD includes an extra hard drive
(41) ARHD includes an

Ricoh MP 2555 / MP 3055 / MP 3555 Series BW MFP

(1) Mainframe Standard Configuration includes 10.1" Keyless Smart Operation Panel, 100-Sheet ARDF, 2
(2) Mainframe Standard Configuration includes 10.1" Keyless Smart Operation Panel, 220-Sheet SPDF, 2 x
(3) One of following must be installed on the mainframe: PB3250 (408114), PB3220 (417268), PB3260 (4
(4) Paper Feed Unit PB3250 (408114) requires Caster Table Type M3 (416737). This paper feed unit lowe
(5) Caster Table Type M3 (416737) cannot be installed with any of these Finisher or Paper Bank options: S
(6) LCIT RT3030 (416548) cannot be installed with PB3250 (408114), Caster Table Type M3 (416737) or C
(7) Only one of these options can be installed on the device.
(8) Must Order Bridge Unit BU3070 (417587) with any external Finisher.
(9) One of the following Paper Feed Units, or Cabinet, must be installed with any external Finisher: PB3220
(10) Hole Punch Option for Internal Finisher SR3130 (417589).
(11) Hole Punch Option for SR3210 Finisher (417483) and SR3220 Finisher (417484).
(12) Only one of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
(13) Postscript option for customers that require true Adobe Postscript for Macintosh and PostScript environ
(14) Required to convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
(15) Allows the creation of searchable PDFs when scanning. User can search the finished documents for
(16) 20-Pin Interface used to attach External Key Counter or Key Card Device.
(17) Used to mount external key counter to MFP.
(18) Table shaped option to position counter device on. USB Connector.
(19) Option used to enable HotSpot printing. One year HotSpot subscription service included.
(20) This option enables direct printing of XPS format documents.
(21) Installation required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, S
(22) Requires Fax Option Type M29 (417865).
(23) Enables users to send and receive faxes on a sub MFP via a main MFP. This option is required on bot
(24) Up to two additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines.
(25) Increases fax memory to 2,240 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
(26) Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minim
(27) Provides additional output tray above the standard Internal Tray or Optional Bridge Unit/Internal Shift T
(28) For use with 3rd Party card readers like the RFIdeas PCProx readers on our price list. The card reade
(29) The Smart Card Reader Built-in Unit Type M29 (417864) and External Keyboard Bracket Type M19 (4
(30) This bracket is required for the installation of External USB Keyboard (100266FNG).
(31) External Keyboard for inputting data with either SDK applications OR embedded applications.
(32) Required for printing from USB Type B port.
(33) Card Reader only - no cards are provided. Used with Common Access Card (CAC)/Personal Identity
(34) Used to log in and authenticate users via NFC card. The card reader and its cable will be covered insi
(35) RHD kit uses MFP's Internal Hard Drive and makes it External. Please note the current MFP and print
(36) Fax Option is NOT COMPATIBLE with RHD or ARHD
(37) ARHD includes an extra hard drive. Please note the current MFP and printer external configurator we
(38) The USB Device Server Option is an interface board used to add an extra Ethernet port. Once installed

Ricoh MP 4054 / MP 5054 / MP 6054 Series BW MFP

(1) Mainframe includes 9" Color Operation Panel, Standard 220-Sheet SPDF, B/W PCL Printing, B/W & Co
(2) One of following must be installed on the mainframe: PB3150 (416545), PB3220 (417268), PB3230 (4
(3) Paper Feed Unit PB3150 (416545) requires Caster Table Type M3 (416737). This paper feed unit lowe
(4) Caster Table Type M3 (416737) cannot be installed with any of these Finisher or Paper Bank options: S
(5) LCIT RT3030 (416548) cannot be installed with with PB3150 (416545), Caster Table Type M3 (416737)
(6) Only one of these options can be installed on the device.
(7) Must Order Bridge Unit BU3070 (416551) with any external Finisher.
(8) One of the following Paper Feed Units, or Cabinet, must be installed with any external Finisher: PB3220
(9) Provides additional output tray above the standard Internal Tray or Optional Bridge Unit/Internal Shift T
(10) Hole Punch Option for for Internal Finisher SR3130 (416543).
(11) Hole Punch Option for SR3140 Finisher (416539) and SR3150 Finisher (416540).
(12) Hole Punch Option for SR3160 Finisher (416541) and SR3170 Finisher (416542).
(13) Internal Finisher SR3130 (416543) is not compatible with MP6054.
(14) 10.1” WSGVA resolution control panel provides intuitive touchscreen control similar to smart phones
(15) Only one of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
(16) Required for Macintosh and PostScript environments.
(17) Used by customers who print using Netware. This option is required for the following functions: Use of
(18) Web based applications, such as ICE and HotSpot require Browser capability which is standard on dev
(19) Required to convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
(20) Allows the creation of searchable PDFs when scanning. User can search the finished documents for
(21) 20-Pin Interface used to attach External Key Counter or Key Card Device.
(22) Used to mount external key counter to MFP.
(23) Table shaped option to position counter device on. USB Connector.
(24) Requires Browser Unit Type M12 (417080) to enable HotSpot printing. One year HotSpot subscription
(25) Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS). NOTE:
(26) This option enables printing of XPS format documents.
(27) This option can hold an additional IP address, which then enables our MFPs to connect to two differen
(28) Installation required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, S
(29) Requires Fax Option Type M12 (417100).
(30) Enables users to send and receive faxes on a sub MFP via a main MFP. This option is required on bot
(31) Up to two additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines.
(32) Increases fax memory to 2,240 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
(33) Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minim
(34) Prevents unauthorized copying of confidential documents that were created on other printers that have
(35) For use with 3rd Party card readers like the RFIdeas PCProx readers on our price list. The card reade
(36) The Smart Card Reader Built-in Unit Type M12 (417129) and External Keyboard Bracket Type M3 (41
(37) This is an ISO 15408 Certified version of DOSS that overwrites Copy, Print, Scanner, and Fax latent d
(38) This bracket is required for the installation of External USB Keyboard (416909).
(39) External Keyboard for inputting data with either SDK applications OR embedded applications.
(40) Card Reader only - no cards are provided. Used with Common Access Card (CAC)/Personal Identity
1. RHD kit uses MFP's Internal Hard Drive and makes it External
(41) RHD kit uses MFP'
(42) Fax Option is 2.Fax Option is NOT COMPATIBLE with RHD or ARHD
3. ARHD includes an extra hard drive
(43) ARHD includes an

Ricoh MP 4055 / MP 5055 / MP 6055 Series BW MFP

(1) Standard Configuration includes 10.1" Keyless Smart Operation Panel, 220-sheet SPDF, 2 x 550-Sheet
(2) One of following must be installed on the mainframe: PB3250 (408114), PB3220 (417268), PB3260 (4
(3) Paper Feed Unit PB3250 (408114) requires Caster Table Type M3 (416737). This paper feed unit lowe
(4) Caster Table Type M3 (416737) cannot be installed with any of these Finisher or Paper Bank options: S
(5) LCIT RT3030 (416548) cannot be installed with PB3250 (408114), Caster Table Type M3 (416737) or C
(6) Only one of these options can be installed on the device.
(7) Must Order Bridge Unit BU3070 (417587) or Internal Multi-Fold Unit FD3000 (417838) with any externa
(8) One of the following Paper Feed Units, or Cabinet, must be installed with any external Finisher: PB3220
(9) Provides additional output tray above the standard Internal Tray or Optional Bridge Unit/Internal Shift T
(10) Hole Punch Option for Internal Finisher SR3130 (417589).
(11) Hole Punch Option for SR3210 Finisher (417483) and SR3220 Finisher (417484).
(12) Hole Punch Option for SR3230 Finisher (417487) and SR3240 Finisher (417488).
(13) Internal Finisher SR3130 (417589) is not compatible with MP 6055.
(14) Internal Multifold Unit provides the capability to support "Z" fold, Half fold, Outer three fold and Inner th
(15) Only one of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
(16) PostScript option for customers that require true Adobe PostScript for Macintosh and PostScript enviro
(17) Required to convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
(18) Allows the creation of searchable PDFs when scanning. User can search the finished documents for
(19) 20-Pin Interface used to attach External Key Counter or Key Card Device.
(20) Used to mount external key counter to MFP.
(21) Table shaped option to position counter device on. USB Connector.
(22) One year HotSpot subscription service included.
(23) This option enables direct printing of XPS format documents.
(24) Installation required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, S
(25) Requires Fax Option Type M29 (417865).
(26) Enables users to send and receive faxes on a sub MFP via a main MFP. This option is required on bot
(27) Up to two additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines.
(28) Increases fax memory to 2,240 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
(29) Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minim
(30) For use with 3rd Party card readers like the RFIdeas PCProx readers on our price list. The card reade
(31) The Smart Card Reader Built-in Unit Type M29 (417864) and External Keyboard Bracket Type M19 (4
(32) This bracket is required for the installation of External USB Keyboard (100266FNG).
(33) External Keyboard for inputting data with either SDK applications OR embedded applications.
(34) Card Reader only - no cards are provided. Used with Common Access Card (CAC)/Personal Identity
(35) Required for printing from USB Type B port
(36) Used to log in and authenticate users via NFC card. The card reader and its cable will be covered insi
(37) RHD kit uses MFP's Internal Hard Drive and makes it External. Please note the current MFP and prin
(38) Fax Option is NOT COMPATIBLE with RHD or ARHD
(39) ARHD includes an extra hard drive. Please note the current MFP and printer external configurator we
(40) The USB Device Server Option is an interface board used to add an extra Ethernet port. Once installed
(41) Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS). This option is Order on Demand. Please note the current MF

IM 550F / IM 600SRF
(1) 57-PPM A4 B/W Laser Multifunction Printer. Main unit has a 10.1" Keyless Smart Operation Panel, 500
(2) 62-PPM A4 B/W Laser Multifunction Printer with standard 250-sheet internal finisher. Main unit has a 1
(3) 500-sheet capacity. Supports paper sizes up to 8.5" x 14" and paper weights up to 58 lb. Bond/120 lb. I
(4) Caster Table is required when the three (3) or four (4) optional Paper Feed Units (Type PB1160) are ins
(5) Recommended for the base unit for a floor-standing configuration.
(6) Recommended when one (1) or two (2) additional Paper Feed Units (Type PB1160) are added for a floo
(7) One open interface board slot is available. Wireless LAN, USB Device Server or the File Format Conve
(8) This option allows you to connect the device to an IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n wireless LAN network.
(9) The Device Server Option is an interface board used to add an extra Ethernet port. Once installed, the o
(10) This option is available for customers who require True Adobe workflows like Photoshop, Illustrator an
(11) 20-Pin Interface used to attach External Key Counter or Key Card Device.
(12) Required to convert file format and drag documents stored via Document Server to desktop.
(13) This function embeds invisible text on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files
(14) Increases fax memory to 4,800 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
(15) Enables users to log into and authenticate to the MFP with a programmed access card.
(16) The ESP XG-PCS-15D power filter provides multi-stage power protection as well as line conditioning.
(17) The ESP S1 power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced Te
(18) Purchase of the VM Card Type M37 is ONLY required to support any embedded software app that is d

MP 6002/7502/9002 Notes:
(1) System requires a finisher or the copy tray.
(2) Includes standard 150-sheet color single pass duplex document feeder, 1GB RAM, and 250 GB HDD, D
(3) Includes standard 150-sheet color single pass duplex document feeder, 1.5GB RAM, 250GB HDD, DO
(4) Requires Print/Scan Type 90002 (415919) for Copier Basic Configuration. Cannot be installed with the I
(5) 4,000 Sheet capacity LCIT (8 1/2" x 11").
(6) 3,000-sheet finisher with 50-sheet staple capacity.
(7) 2,000-sheet finisher with 50-sheet staple capacity and 15-sheet saddle-stitch capacity.
(8) 3,000-sheet finisher with 100-sheet staple capacity.
(9) Compatible with SR4060 (415901) and SR4070 (415902) Finishers. 2 & 3 hole punch (user-selectable).
(10) Cannot hole punch and Z-fold at the same time.
(11) Compatible with SR4080 (415900) Finisher only. 2 & 3 hole punch (user-selectable).
(12) Compatible with all finishers.
(13) Main unit cannot be configured with both the Interposer and the Mailbox.
(14) Converts LCIT RT 4010 (415904) to 8 1/2" x 14" or 8 1/2" x 11" SEF (2,500 Sheets).
(15) Required for tab copy/print. Tab Sheet Holder can be used in second or third tray (but not in both).
(16) Converts the standard tandem tray (Tray 1) to hold 11" x 17", 8 1/2" x 14" or 8 1/2" x 11" paper with 1,0
(17) Compatible with the SR4060 (415901) and SR4070 (415902) Finishers. Neatly arranges output.
(18) Compatible with the SR4080 (415900) only. Neatly arranges output.
(19) Required for retrieving files from Document Server that were stored via Copy or Print Function.
(20) Each Z-folded sheet counts as 10 sheets.
(21) Compatible with SR4070 (415902) and SR4080 (415900)Finishers. Not compatible with SR4060 (4159
(23) Requires SR4080 (415900) Finisher. Output Jogger Unit Type 9002B (416231) is recommended.
(24) Requires the BK5010e Booklet Maker.
(25) Requires the TR5010e Trimmer.
(26) GBC StreamPunch Pro requires the purchase of at least one die set.
(27) Includes 512 MB RAM upgrade. Option for Copier Basic Configuration
(28) Required for Post Script and Macintosh printing.
(29) Documents are printed with the "Data Security for Copying" Unauthorized Copy Control
(30) Compatible with SR4070 (415902) and SR4060 (415901) Finishers only.
(31) Requires Print/Scan Type 90002 (415919) for Copier Basic Configuration. Cannot be installed with the
(32) Requires Print/Scan Type 90002 (415919) for Copier Basic Configuration. Cannot be installed with the
(33) Adds one additional fax line. Up to two lines may be added for a maximum of three lines.
(34) Increases SAF memory to 28MB (approximately 2,240 pages) and enables 400dpi resolution.
(35) Used to mount external key counter to MFP
(36) Table shaped option used for placing a card reader or counter device on
(37) Copy Connector Kit Type 3260 - connects two copiers (MP6002/MP 7502 or MP 9002) so a single do
(38) Mandatory for installation of SDK applications. Standard on SP configurations, optional for Copier Bas
(39) Key counter interface used to attach external key counter or key card device.
(40) Enables users to send and receive faxes from the sub machines (upto 6) via the Primary MFP. Comm
(41) Ricoh Technology Solutions Support Center (TSSC) recommends the use of Power Protection produc
(42) Ricoh Technology Solutions Support Center (TSSC) recommends the use of Power Protection produc
(43) Ricoh Technology Solutions Support Center (TSSC) recommends the use of Power Protection produc
(44) Requires Keyboard 100266FNG ordered separately
(45) Mounting Bracket Only
(46) Includes 12 month replacement if defective
(47) Fits Ricoh Models MP6002/7502/9002, MP6002SP/7502SP/9002SP
(48) GBC Pro Die Sets (404415), (404416), and (404417) can only be used on the GBC StreamPunch Pro
(49) Requires inclusion of BF5010e, TR5010e and Trim Waste Kit Type BF5010e.
(51) Used for customers who require NetWare printing. Requires Printer/Scanner Unit Type 9002 (415919)
(52) Enable users to connect to cloud solutions such as, Document Mall, HotSpot Printing. Requires Printe
(53) Requires Print/Scan Type 90002 (415919) for Copier Basic Configuration. Cannot be installed with the
(54) Allows seated user to easily close ARDF.
(55) RHD kit uses MFP's Internal Hard Drive and make it External
(56) Fax Option is NOT COMPATIBLE with RHD or ARHD
(57) ARHD includes an extra hard drive
(58) Includes 1 Year HotSpot Subscription Service. SD Card with Browser Software, POP Signage, Instruc

MP 6503 / MP 7503 / MP 9003

(1) System configuration requires a finisher option or the copy tray.
(2) 65/75/90 ppm A3 BW MFP -Includes Standard 10.1" Smart Operation Panel, 220 Sheet SPDF, Print/Sc
(3) 500 Sheet Copy Exit Tray.
(4) 4,000 Sheet capacity LCIT (8 1/2" x 11").
(5) Converts RT4040 (417634) to 8 1/2" x 14" or 8 1/2" x 11" SEF (2,500 Sheets).
(6) 3,000-sheet finisher with 65-sheet staple capacity.
(7) 2,000-sheet booket finisher with 65-sheet staple capacity and 20-sheet saddle-stitch capacity.
(8) 3,000-sheet finisher with 100-sheet staple capacity.
(9) Compatible only with SR4120 (417628) or SR4130 (417629) Finishers.
(10) Compatible only with SR4080 (415900) Finisher.
(11) System cannot be configured with both the Cover Interposer option and the Mailbox CS4010 (416633)
(12) Compatible only with SR4120 (417628) or SR4130 (417629) Finishers.
(13) Compatible only with SR4080 (415900) Finisher.
(14) Neatly arranges output on Finisher Stack Tray.
(15) 9 Bin 100 Sheet Mailbox
(16) Mult-folding Unit is compatible with either the SR4120 (417628), SR4130 (417629) or SR4080 (415900
(17) Required for tab copy/printing.
(18) Replaces the standard tandem tray (Tray 1) to hold 11" x 17", 8 1/2" x 14" or 8 1/2" x 11" paper with 1,
(19) Table shaped option used to place either card reader or counter device.
(20) Key counter interface used to attach external key counter or key card device.
(21) Required for Macintosh and PostScript printing environments. Recommended for printing PDf and com
(22) Allows device connection with legacy computer equipment. Can not be installed with IEEE802.11 a/g/n
(23) Allows MFP device to connect to the network over WiFi. Can not be installed with IEEE1284 Interface
(24) This options enables direct printing of XPS format documents.
(25) Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS).
(26) This option can supports an additional IP address, which then enables the device to connect to two diff
(27) Required for printing from USB Type B port. Can not be installed with IEEE802.11 a/g/n Wireless Inte
(28) Required for downloading documents stored to Document Server via copier or printer mode to your PC
(29) Allows the creation of searchable PDFs when scanning. User can search the finished documents for s
(30) Installation required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, S
(31) Adds one additional fax line. Up to two lines may be added for a maximum of three lines. Requires Fa
(32) Expansion memory. Provides additional 64MB memory for facsimile functions. Requires Fax Option T
(33) Enables users to send and receive faxes from the sub machines (upto 6) via the Primary MFP. Comm
(34) This is an ISO 15408 Certified version of DOSS that overwrites Copy, Print, Scanner, and Fax latent d
(35) Connects two systems (MP6503/MP 7503 or MP 9003) together, so a job can be divided and copied o
(36) This bracket is required for the installation of an External USB Keyboard. Can not be installed with Sm
(37) Used to authenticate users for logging into the device only. Does not suppport Java SDK applications.
(38) Can not be installed with External Keyboard Bracket Type M25 (417696)
(39) Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minim
(40) Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minim
(41) One year HotSpot subscription service included.
(42) External Keyboard for inputting data with SDK or embedded applications.
(43) Can not be installed with 2/3 Hole Punch Unit Type PU3060NA (416612), 2/3 Hole Punch Kit Type 107
(44) Requires Finisher SR4080 (415900) - also requires at least (1) GBC StreamPunch Ultra die set
(45) Dieset set options for the GBC StreamPunch Ultra MP - only (1) can be utilized in GBC StreamPunch

SP C250SF / 252SF
(1) Print, copy, scan and fax. 21 CPM/PPM for color and monochrome prints and copies. Mainframe includ
(2) Print, copy, scan and fax. 21 CPM/PPM for color and monochrome prints and copies. Mainframe includ
(3) 500-sheet capacity. One optional Paper Feed Unit may be added to the mainframe.

SP C261DNw
(1) 21 PPM for color and monochrome prints. Mainframe includes 250-sheet Paper Tray, 1-sheet Bypass
(2) 500-sheet capacity. One optional Paper Feed Unit may be added to the mainframe.
(3) The ESP S1 power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced Tec

MPC401 / MPC401 SR
(1) Mainframe includes standard 50-sheet ARDF, 100-sheet Bypass Tray, 320GB HDD, 2.0GB RAM, 1 x 5
(2) Mainframe includes standard 250-Sheet Internal Finisher, 50 Sheet ARDF, 100-Sheet Bypass Tray, 320
(3) FAC49 strongly recommended when no optional paper feed units will be used.
(4) FAC50 recommended - required with PB1000.
(5) FAC51 recommended - required with PB1010.
(6) No cabinet is required when one optional PB1000 and one optional PB1010 are installed.
(7) 100 Sheet Capacity. Provides additional output tray to separate fax/print output from copy. Cannot be i
(8) Installed on the right side of the device. Provides an additional 50-sheet output area.
(9) 10.1” Wide Super VGA resolution control panel provides intuitive touchscreen control similar to smart p
(10) Required for downloading documents stored on the Document Server.
(11) 20-Pin Interface used to attach external key counter or key card device.
(12) Enables wireless connectivity.
(13) This function embeds invisible texts on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF file
(14) Used for Browser Features like ICE. Also required with HotSpot MFP Option Type S (415620) to enab
(15) This option enables direct printing of XPS format documents.
(16) Installation required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, S
(17) Enables users to send and receive faxes on a Sub MFP via a Main MFP. This option is required on bo
(18) Increases SAF fax memory to approximately 2,240 pages. Requires Fax Option Type M10.
(19) Prevents unauthorized copying of confidential documents that were created on other printers that have
(20) The ESP XG-PCS-15D power filter provides multi-stage power protection as well as line conditioning.
(21) Requires Browser Unit Type M10 (416985) to enable HotSpot secure release capability. One year Hot

1 Standard Configuration includes 10.1" keyless Smart Operation Panel, 220-sheet SPDF, 2 x 550-Sheet P
2 One of following must be installed on the mainframe: PB1140 (2-Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets x 2 (4184
3 Provides additional output tray above the standard Internal Tray or Optional Bridge Unit/Internal Shift Tra
4 Caster Table Type M3 (416737) provides a platform with wheels to easily move the device. Cannot be in
5 Provides businesses with a convenient option for the storage of supplies and paper.
Can only be
6 Internal configured
Finisher with (417589)
SR3130 the standard configuration.
(500-sheet InternalCannot beprovides
Finisher installedmulti-position
with the PB1140 (418424)
stapling or C
and optio
7 Hole Punch Option installs inside SR3130 Internal Finisher 417589. Requires the Internal Finisher SR3
8 Only one of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
9 Allows MFP device to connect to the network over WiFi. Useful for temporary sites and locations where c
10 This function embeds invisible texts on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files
11 Required for printing from USB Type B port. Cannot be installed with the IEEE 802.11a/g/n Interface Un
12 Genuine Adobe® PostScript®3™. Available for customers who require True Adobe workflows like Pho
13 Ricoh HotSpot allows users to easily print from any mobile platform connected to Wi-Fi or the Internet, d
14 Installation required to enable fax services: 33.6 kbps, approximately 2 second transmission speed, sta
15 Increases fax memory to 4,800 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
16 Requires Fax Option Type M39 (418483).
17 Designed to provide a higher level of noise filtering and surge protection for devices that employ more s
18 Requires Option Only
19 Used to log in and authenticate users via NFC card. The card reader and its cable will be covered insid
20 For use with Ricoh & 3rd party software solutions. The smart card reader and its cable will be covered

(1) 31 ppm BW/FC MFP Mainframe includes 10.1" Color Touch Smart Operation Panel, Standard 50-Shee
(2) Optional cabinet utilized when configuring the MP C306/C406 with (2) Paper Feed Units PB1080 option
(3) Optional cabinet utilized when configuring the MPC306/C406 with (1) Paper Feed Unit PB1080 option
(4) Optional cabinet for the MP C306/C406 only with no paper feed options
(5) Optional 1 x 500-sheet paper feed tray - up to (2) PB1080 options can be configured with an MP C306/C
(6) 100 Sheet Capacity. Provides additional output tray to separate fax/print output from copy.
(7) 20-Pin Interface used to attach External Key Counter or Key Card Device.
(8) Required to convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
(9) Only one of these (4) options may be installed: IEEE1284 (411699), IEEE802.11 (416572), File Forma
(10) This option enables direct printing of XPS format documents.
(11) This function embeds invisible text on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files
(12) This option can hold an additional IP address, which then enables device to connect to two different ne
(13) Unicode Font Package for SAP - 1 seat license
(14) Enables users to send and receive faxes on a sub MFP via a main center MFP with fax option.
(15) Used to log into MFP and authentcate users only. Does not suppport Java SDK applications
(16) Prevents unauthorized copying of confidential documents.
(17) Allows users to connect a PictBridge compatible digital still camera directly to the printer without a PC,
(18) This is an ISO 15408 Certified version of DOSS that overwrites Copy, Print, Scanner, and Fax latent d
(19) The ESP XG-PCS-15D power filter provides multi-stage power protection as well as line conditioning.
(20) The affordable ESP AC1 power filter provides muti-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh A
(21) Optional external USB keyboard - (no bracket is available for this option)
(22) One year HotSpot subscription service included.

(1) 42 BW ppm / 36 FC ppm MFP Mainframe includes 10.1" Color Touch Smart Operation Panel, Standard
(2) Optional cabinet utilized when configuring the MP C306/C406 with (2) Paper Feed Units PB1080 option
(3) Optional cabinet utilized when configuring the MPC306/C406 with (1) Paper Feed Unit PB1080 option
(4) Optional cabinet for the MP C306/C406 only with no paper feed options
(5) Optional 1 x 500-sheet paper feed tray - up to (2) PB1080 options can be configured with an MP C306/C
(6) 100 Sheet Capacity. Provides additional output tray to separate fax/print output from copy.
(7) 20-Pin Interface used to attach External Key Counter or Key Card Device.
(8) Required to convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
(9) Only one of these (4) options may be installed: IEEE1284 (411699), IEEE802.11 (416572), File Forma
(10) This option enables direct printing of XPS format documents.
(11) This function embeds invisible text on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files
(12) This option can hold an additional IP address, which then enables device to connect to two different ne
(13) Unicode Font Package for SAP - 1 seat license
(14) Enables users to send and receive faxes on a sub MFP via a main center MFP with fax option.
(15) Used to log into MFP and authentcate users only. Does not suppport Java SDK applications
(16) Prevents unauthorized copying of confidential documents.
(17) Allows users to connect a PictBridge compatible digital still camera directly to the printer without a PC,
(18) This is an ISO 15408 Certified version of DOSS that overwrites Copy, Print, Scanner, and Fax latent d
(19) The ESP XG-PCS-15D power filter provides multi-stage power protection as well as line conditioning.
(20) The affordable ESP AC1 power filter provides muti-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh A
(21) Optional external USB keyboard - (no bracket is available for this option)
(22) One year HotSpot subscription service included.

MP C307 / MP C407 / PageKeeper

(1) 31 ppm BW/FC MFP Mainframe includes 10.1" Color Touch Smart Operation Panel, Standard 50-Shee
(2) Optional cabinet required when configuring the MP C407 with (2) Paper Feed Unit PB1080 options
(3) Optional cabinet required when configuring the MP C407 with (1) Paper Feed Unit PB1080 option
(4) Optional cabinet for the MP C407 utilized when configuring with base model only
(5) Optional 1 x 500-sheet paper feed unit - up to (2) PB1080 options can be configured with an MP C407
(6) 100 Sheet Capacity. Provides additional output tray to separate fax/print output.
(7) Required to convert format, and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
(8) Only one of these (4) options may be installed: IEEE1284 (417596), IEEE802.11 (417493), File Forma
(9) This option enables direct printing of XPS format documents.
(10) This function embeds invisible text on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files
(11) Enables users to send and receive faxes on a sub MFP via a main center MFP with fax option.
(12) Used to log into MFP and authentcate users only. Does not suppport Java SDK applications
(13) The ESP XG-PCS-15D power filter provides multi-stage power protection as well as line conditioning.
(14) The affordable ESP AC1 power filter provides muti-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh A
(15) Required for printing from USB Type B port.
(17) One year HotSpot subscription service included.
(18) Genuine Adobe PostScript Option
(19) 36 ppm Color, 42 ppm BW MFP Mainframe includes 10.1" Color Touch Smart Operation Panel, Stand
(20) 31 ppm BW/FC MFP Mainframe includes 10.1" Color Touch Smart Operation Panel, Standard 50-She
(21) 36 ppm Color, 42 ppm BW MFP Mainframe includes 10.1" Color Touch Smart Operation Panel, Stand

MPC 2003 / MPC 2503 (footnote updates in red)
(1) Mainframe includes standard 100 Sheet ARDF, 100-Sheet Bypass Tray, 275GB HDD, 1.5 GB RAM, Ja
(2) Mainframe requires installation of either the Cabinet Type F (100478FNG), the Paper Feed Unit PB3220
(3) Additional 1 x 550 sheet paper tray
(4) The Caster Table Type M3 is a mandatory requirement for the Paper Feed unit Type PB3150 (416545)
(5) Additional 2 x 550 sheet paper tray
(6) 100 Sheet capacity. Provides additional output tray to separate fax/print output from copy.
(7) 250 Sheet Capacity. Shift sorts documents up to 11" x 17". Cannot be installed with Internal Finisher S
(8) 500 Sheet Finisher with 50-Sheet Stapling (LTR). Cannot be installed with the Internal Shift Tray SH307
(9) 250 Sheet Stapleless Finisher with staple-less finishing up to 5-Sheets (20lb Bond)- cannot be installed
(10) 2 or 3 Hole Punch Option. Must install the Internal Finisher SR3130 (416543) with this option
(11) Cabinet option for the MP C2003/MP C2503. Cannot be installed with the Paper Feed Unit PB3220 (4
(12) Additional Memory for the MP C2003/MP C2503 - recommended in order to support 3rd party SDK ap
(13) 10.1” WSGVA resolution control panel provides intuitive touchscreen control similar to smart phones
(14) Allows customers to print crop marks for proofing SRA3/12.6" documents.
(15) Table shaped option used to place either card reader or counter device. USB Connector.
(16) 4 pin interface used to mount external key counter to MFP.
(17) Required for printing from Mac OS. Recommended for printing more complex color and PDF files.
(18) Allows users to connect a PictBridge-compatible digital camera directly to the MFP, enabling the printin
(19) This function embeds invisible text on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files
(20) Used for Browser Features like ICE. Also required with HotSpot MFP Option Type S to enable HotSpo
(21) Only one of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
(22) 20-Pin Interface used to attach external key counter or key card device.
(23) Required to convert file format and drag to desktop document stored via Document Server.
(24) Used by customers who print using Netware. This option is required for the following functions: Use of
(25) This bracket is required for the installation of External USB Keyboard (100266FNG)
(26) Installation required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, S
(27) Increases fax memory to 2,240 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi. Requires Fax Option Type M
(28) Enables users to send and receive faxes on a sub MFP via a main MFP. This option is required on bot
(29) Up to two additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines. Requires Fax Option Type
(30) Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS).
(31) Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minim
(32) Prevents unauthorized copying of confidential documents that were created on other printers that have
(33) For use with Ricoh & 3rd party software solutions. The smart card reader and its cable will be covere
(34) This is an ISO 15408 Certified version of DOSS that overwrites Copy, Print, Scanner, and Fax latent d
(35) Requires Browser Unit Type M9 (416963) and Memory Unit Type M3 2GB (007208MIU) to enable Hot
(36) External Keyboard for inputting data with either SDK applications OR embedded applications.

MPC 2004 / MPC 2504

(1) Designed for a maximum monthly volume of 10K pages. (Letter paper, 20lb. Bond).
(2) Mainframe includes 10.1" Keyless Smart Operation Panel, 100-Sheet ARDF, Duplex, 2 x 550-Sheet Pa
(3) One of following must be installed on the mainframe: PB3150 (1-Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets, support
(4) Requires Caster Table Type M3 (416737). This paper feed unit lowers the total machine height, makin
(5) Only one of these options can be installed on the device: Booklet Finisher SR3220 (1,000 Sheet Bookle
(6) Must Order BU3070 Bridge Unit 417587 with Booklet Finisher SR3220 (417484).
(7) Hole Punch Option installs inside SR3130 Internal Finisher 417589. Supports Paper Sizes 7.25" x 10.5"
(8) Provides additional output tray above the standard Internal Tray or Optional Bridge Unit/Internal Shift T
(9) Hole Punch Option for SR3220 (417484) Finishers. Supports Paper Sizes Up To 5.5" x 8.5" to 11" x 17"
(10) 4 Pin interface used to mount external key counter to MFP.
(11) 20-Pin Interface used to attach external key counter or key card device.
(12) Table shaped option used to place either card reader or counter device. USB Connector.
(13) Allows customers to print crop marks for proofing SRA3/12.6" documents.
(14) Installation required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, S
(15) Up to two additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines.
(16) Requires Fax Option Type M19 (417510)
(17) Increases fax memory to 4,800 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
(18) Only one of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
(19) Allows users to connect a PictBridge-compatible digital camera directly to the MFP, enabling the printin
(20) Required for printing from Mac OS. Recommended for printing more complex color and PDF files.
(21) This function embeds invisible texts on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files
(22) Required to convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
(23) Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minim
(24) Required for printing from USB Type B port.
(25) Enables users to send and receive faxes on a sub MFP via a main MFP. This option is required on bot
(26) For use with Ricoh & 3rd party software solutions. The smart card reader and its cable will be covere
(27) External Keyboard for inputting data with SDK or embedded applications.
(28) The Smart Card Reader Built-in Unit Type M19 (417595) and External Keyboard Bracket Type M19 (4
(29) This bracket is required for the installation of External USB Keyboard (100266FNG)
(30) Allows for direct printing of XPS-type file formats.
(31) Cannot install floor standing Finisher SR3220 (417484) with the PB3150 (416545) and Caster Table T
(32) An interface board for adding an extra Ethernet port. If you install the USB Device Server Option, you c
(33) This is an ISO 15408 Certified version of DOSS that overwrites Copy, Print, Scanner, and Fax latent d
(34) Used to log in and authenticate users via NFC card. The card reader and its cable will be covered insi
(35) Ricoh HotSpot allows users to easily print from any mobile platform connected to Wi-Fi or the Internet,
(36) Using Banner Paper Guide Tray Type M19 is recommended when printing on banner paper to avoid p
(38) 250 Sheet Stapleless Internal Finisher with staple-less finishing up to 5-Sheets (20lb Bond)- cannot be
(39) Expands RAM to 4GB.

MPC 2004EX / MPC 2504EX

(1) Designed for a maximum monthly volume of 10K pages. (Letter paper, 20lb. Bond).
(2) Mainframe includes 10.1" Keyless Smart Operation Panel, 100-Sheet ARDF, Duplex, 2 x 550-Sheet Pa
(3) One of following must be installed on the mainframe: PB3150 (1-Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets, support
(4) Requires Caster Table Type M3 (416737). This paper feed unit lowers the total machine height, makin
(5) Only one of these options can be installed on the device: Booklet Finisher SR3220 (1,000 Sheet Bookle
(6) Must Order BU3070 Bridge Unit 417587 with Booklet Finisher SR3220 (417484).
(7) Hole Punch Option installs inside SR3130 Internal Finisher 417589. Supports Paper Sizes 7.25" x 10.5"
(8) Provides additional output tray above the standard Internal Tray or Optional Bridge Unit/Internal Shift T
(9) Hole Punch Option for SR3220 (417484) Finishers. Supports Paper Sizes Up To 5.5" x 8.5" to 11" x 17"
(10) 4 Pin interface used to mount external key counter to MFP.
(11) 20-Pin Interface used to attach external key counter or key card device.
(12) Table shaped option used to place either card reader or counter device. USB Connector.
(13) Allows customers to print crop marks for proofing SRA3/12.6" documents.
(14) Installation required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, S
(15) Up to two additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines.
(16) Requires Fax Option Type M19 (417510)
(17) Increases fax memory to 4,800 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
(18) Only one of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
(19) Allows users to connect a PictBridge-compatible digital camera directly to the MFP, enabling the printin
(20) Required for printing from Mac OS. Recommended for printing more complex color and PDF files.
(21) This function embeds invisible texts on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files
(22) Required to convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
(23) Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minim
(24) Required for printing from USB Type B port.
(25) Enables users to send and receive faxes on a sub MFP via a main MFP. This option is required on bot
(26) For use with Ricoh & 3rd party software solutions. The smart card reader and its cable will be covere
(27) External Keyboard for inputting data with SDK or embedded applications.
(28) The Smart Card Reader Built-in Unit Type M19 (417595) and External Keyboard Bracket Type M19 (4
(29) This bracket is required for the installation of External USB Keyboard (100266FNG)
(30) Allows for direct printing of XPS-type file formats.
(31) Cannot install floor standing Finisher SR3220 (417484) with the PB3150 (408114) and Caster Table T
(32) This is an ISO 15408 Certified version of DOSS that overwrites Copy, Print, Scanner, and Fax latent d
(33) Used to log in and authenticate users via NFC card. The card reader and its cable will be covered insi
(34) Ricoh HotSpot allows users to easily print from any mobile platform connected to Wi-Fi or the Internet,
(35) Using Banner Paper Guide Tray Type M19 is recommended when printing on banner paper to avoid p
(36) 250 Sheet Stapleless Internal Finisher with staple-less finishing up to 5-Sheets (20lb Bond)- cannot be
(37) Expands RAM to 4GB.

IM C2000 / C2500
1. Designed for a maximum monthly volume of 10K pages. (Letter paper, 20lb. Bond).
2. Mainframe includes standard 10.1" Keyless Smart Operation Panel, 100-Sheet ARDF, Duplex, 2 x 550-S
3. One of following must be installed on the mainframe: PB3270 (1-Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets, supports
4. Requires Caster Table Type M3 (416737). This paper feed unit lowers the total machine height, making
5. Only one of these options can be installed on the device: Booklet Finisher SR3270 (418335), Internal Fin
6. Must Order BU3090 Bridge Unit 418345 with Booklet Finisher SR3270 (418335).
7. Hole Punch Option installs inside SR3250 Internal Finisher (418378).
8. Provides additional output tray above the standard Internal Tray or Optional Bridge Unit/Internal Shift Tra
9. Hole Punch Option for SR3270 (418335) Booklet Finisher.
10. 4 Pin interface used to mount external key counter to MFP.
11. 20-Pin Interface used to attach external key counter or key card device.
12. RESERVED FOR VM CARD (TBD). Purchase of Memory Unit Type M37 4GB (418397) is required wit
13. Allows customers to print crop marks for proofing SRA3/12.6" documents.
14. Installation required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, St
15. Up to two additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines.
16. Requires Fax Option Type M37 (418392)
17. Increases fax memory to 4,800 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
18. Only one of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
19. This option is available for customers who require True Adobe workflows like Photoshop, Illustrator and
20. This function embeds invisible texts on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files
21. Required to convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
22. Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimi
23. For use with Ricoh & 3rd party software solutions. The smart card reader and its cable will be covered
24. External Keyboard for inputting data with SDK or embedded applications.
25. The Smart Card Reader Built-in Unit Type M37 (418422) and External Keyboard Bracket Type M19 (41
26. This bracket is required for the installation of External USB Keyboard (100266FNG)
27. Cannot install floor standing Booklet Finisher SR3270 (418335) with the PB3270 (418355) and Caster
28. The USB Device Server Option is an interface board used to add an extra Ethernet port. Once installed
29. Used to log in and authenticate users via NFC card. The card reader and its cable will be covered insid
30. Using Banner Paper Guide Tray Type M19 (417485) is recommended when printing on banner paper to
31. 250 Sheet Stapleless Internal Finisher with staple-less finishing up to 5-Sheets (20lb Bond)- cannot be
32. Expands RAM to 4GB.

IM C2000G / C2500G
1. Designed for a maximum monthly volume of 10K pages. (Letter paper, 20lb. Bond).
2. Mainframe includes standard 10.1" Keyless Smart Operation Panel, 100-Sheet ARDF, Duplex, 2 x 550-S
3. One of following must be installed on the mainframe: PB3270 (1-Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets, supports
4. Requires Caster Table Type M3 (416737). This paper feed unit lowers the total machine height, making
5. Only one of these options can be installed on the device: Booklet Finisher SR3270 (418335), Internal Fin
6. Must Order BU3090 Bridge Unit 418345 with Booklet Finisher SR3270 (418335).
7. Hole Punch Option installs inside SR3250 Internal Finisher (418378).
8. Provides additional output tray above the standard Internal Tray or Optional Bridge Unit/Internal Shift Tra
9. Hole Punch Option for SR3270 (418335) Booklet Finisher.
10. 4 Pin interface used to mount external key counter to MFP.
11. 20-Pin Interface used to attach external key counter or key card device.
12. Purchase of the VM Card Type M37 is ONLY required to support any embedded software app that is de
13. Allows customers to print crop marks for proofing SRA3/12.6" documents.
14. Installation required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, St
15. Up to two additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines.
16. Requires Fax Option Type M37 (418392)
17. Increases fax memory to 4,800 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
18. Only one of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
19. This option is available for customers who require True Adobe workflows like Photoshop, Illustrator and
20. This function embeds invisible texts on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files
21. Required to convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
22. Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimi
23. For use with Ricoh & 3rd party software solutions. The smart card reader and its cable will be covered
24. External Keyboard for inputting data with SDK or embedded applications.
25. The Smart Card Reader Built-in Unit Type M37 (418422) and External Keyboard Bracket Type M19 (41
26. This bracket is required for the installation of External USB Keyboard (100266FNG)
27. Cannot install floor standing Booklet Finisher SR3270 (418335) with the PB3270 (418355) and Caster
28. The USB Device Server Option is an interface board used to add an extra Ethernet port. Once installed
29. Used to log in and authenticate users via NFC card. The card reader and its cable will be covered insid
30. Using Banner Paper Guide Tray Type M19 (417485) is recommended when printing on banner paper to
31. 250 Sheet Stapleless Internal Finisher with staple-less finishing up to 5-Sheets (20lb Bond)- cannot be
32. Expands RAM to 4GB.
33. Card Reader only - no cards are provided. Used with Common Access Card (CAC)/Personal Identity V

MP C3004 / MP C3504 (footnote updates in red)

(1) Designed for a max monthly volume of 20K pages. (Letter paper, 20lb. Bond).
(2) Mainframe includes 10.1" Keyless Smart Operation Panel, 220-Sheet SPDF, Duplex, 2 x 550-Sheet Pa
(3) One of following must be installed on the mainframe: PB3150 (One-Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets, supp
(4) Requires Caster Table Type M3 (416737). This paper feed unit lowers the total machine height, makin
(6) Side
Only Large
one ofCapacity Tray with
these options 1,500
can be sheeton
installed capacity. Supports
the device: 8.5
Hybrid x 11" paper
Finisher size(1,000
SR3210 only. Cannot be insta
Sheet Externa

(7) Must Order BU3070 Bridge Unit 417587 with any external Finisher.
(8) Hole Punch Option installs inside SR3130 Internal Finisher 417589. Supports Paper Sizes 7.25" x 10.5"
(9) Provides additional output tray above the standard Internal Tray or Optional Bridge Unit/Internal Shift T
(10) The DataOverWrite Security System does not overwrite the HDD for the Color Controller E-23C (4174
(11) Hole Punch Option for SR3220 (417484) & SR3210 (417483) Finishers. Supports Paper Sizes Up To 5
(12) 4 Pin interface used to mount external key counter to MFP.
(13) 20-Pin Interface used to attach external key counter or key card device.
(14) Expands RAM from 2 to 4GB. Included with Color Controller E-23C (417486).
(15) Table shaped option used to place either card reader or counter device. USB Connector.
(16) Allows customers to print crop marks for proofing SRA3/12.6" documents.
(17) Installation required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, S
(18) Up to two additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines.
(19) Requires Fax Option Type M19 (417510)
(20) Increases fax memory to 4,800 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
(21) Only one of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
(22) Allows users to connect a PictBridge-compatible digital camera directly to the MFP, enabling the printin
(23) Required for printing from Mac OS. Recommended for printing more complex color and PDF files.
(24) This function embeds invisible texts on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files
(25) Required to convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
(26) Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minim
(27) Required for printing from USB Type B port.
(28) Enables users to send and receive faxes on a sub MFP via a main MFP. This option is required on bot
(29) For use with Ricoh & 3rd party software solutions. The smart card reader and its cable will be covere
(30) External Keyboard for inputting data with SDK or embedded applications.
(31) The Smart Card Reader Built-in Unit Type M19 (417595) and External Keyboard Bracket Type M19 (4
(32) This bracket is required for the installation of External USB Keyboard (100266FNG)
(33) Allows for direct printing of XPS-type file formats.
(34) Cannot install floor standing Finisher SR3220 (417484) or SR3210 (417483) with the PB3150 (416545
(35) An interface board for adding an extra Ethernet port. If you install the USB Device Server Option, you c
(36) This is an ISO 15408 Certified version of DOSS that overwrites Copy, Print, Scanner, and Fax latent d
(37) Used to log in and authenticate users via NFC card. The card reader and its cable will be covered insi
(38) Ricoh HotSpot allows users to easily print from any mobile platform connected to Wi-Fi or the Internet,
(39) Printing with unauthorized copy control pattern or text with the Copy Data Security Unit Type G (41639
(39) Using Banner Paper Guide Tray Type M19 is recommended when printing on banner paper to avoid p
(40) Optional Fiery Color Controller that can be configured with the std Print/Scan controller for embedded
(41) Fiery option that helps to automate and streamline labor-intensive prepress tasks. Requires Color Con
(42) Fiery option that provides intuitive tools that make advanced document preparation simple and quick.
(43) Fiery option that enables the creation of special folders that can assign a group of print options. Requ
(44) Fiery option that enables you to reproduce custom or spot colors. Requires Color Controller E23-C (41
(45) Fiery option that provides a fast and simple way to ensure that your image output is optimized. Require
(46) Contains Color Profiler v4 software and ES-2000 spectrophotometer: Includes 1 year of phone suppor
(47) For customers that have an ES-2000 Spectrophotometer and want Color Profiler v4 software: Includes
(47) 250 Sheet Stapleless Internal Finisher with staple-less finishing up to 5-Sheets (20lb Bond)- cannot be
(48) Color measurement device for calibration and profiling. Enables fast, precise and flexible color manag
(49) Fiery option aids in workflow productivity - helps meet tight turnaround times/produce top notch color d
(50) Connection Kit is required to use the Color Controller E-23C (417486) with the MP C3004/3504 Mainf
(50) The IEEE1284 Interface Board Type M19 (417596), IEEE802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M19(417493

IM C3000 / C3500
(1) Designed for a max monthly volume of 20K pages. (Letter paper, 20lb. Bond).
(2) Mainframe includes 10.1" Keyless Smart Operation Panel, 220-Sheet SPDF, Duplex, 2 x 550-Sheet Pa
(3) One of following must be installed on the mainframe: PB3270 (One-Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets, supp
(4) Requires Caster Table Type M3 (416737). This paper feed unit lowers the total machine height, makin
(6) Side
Only Large
one ofCapacity Tray with
these options 1,500
can be sheeton
installed capacity. Supports
the device: 8.5
Hybrid x 11" paper
Finisher size(1,000
SR3260 only. Cannot be insta
Sheet Externa

(7) Must Order BU3090 Bridge Unit 418345 with any external Finisher.
(8) Hole Punch Option installs inside SR3250 Internal Finisher 418378. Supports Paper Sizes 7.25" x 10.5"
(9) Provides additional output tray above the standard Internal Tray or Optional Bridge Unit/Internal Shift T
(10) The DataOverWrite Security System does not overwrite the HDD for the Color Controller E-25C (4184
(11) Hole Punch Option for SR3260 (418337) & SR3270 (418335) Finishers. Supports Paper Sizes Up To 5
(12) 4 Pin interface used to mount external key counter to MFP.
(13) 20-Pin Interface used to attach external key counter or key card device.
(14) Expands RAM from 2 to 4GB. Included with Color Controller E-25C (418433).
(15) Multi-Folding Unit that offers several patterns including V fold, Z fold and Tri-fold. This option can be ad
(16) Allows customers to print crop marks for proofing SRA3/12.6" documents.
(17) Installation required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, S
(18) Up to two additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines.
(19) Requires Fax Option Type M37 (418392)
(20) Increases fax memory to 4,800 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
(21) Only one of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
(22) Optional insert for the SPDF facilitates scanning small documents in sizes from 3.0" x 4.1" to 5.8" x 8
(23) Available for customers who require True Adobe workflows like Photoshop, Illustrator and PDF/X as w
(24) This function embeds invisible texts on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files
(25) Required to convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
(26) Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minim
(27) Optional sensors for SPDF to detect double feeds during scanning.
(28) For use with Ricoh & 3rd party software solutions. The smart card reader and its cable will be covere
(29) External Keyboard for inputting data with SDK or embedded applications.
(30) For use with Ricoh & 3rd party software solutions. The smart card reader and its cable will be covere
(31) This bracket is required for the installation of External USB Keyboard (100266FNG)
(32) Cannot install floor standing Finisher SR3260 (418337) or SR3270 (418335) with the PB3270 (418355
(33) An interface board for adding an extra Ethernet port. If you install the USB Device Server Option, you c
(34) Used to log in and authenticate users via NFC card. The card reader and its cable will be covered insi
(35) Using Banner Paper Guide Tray Type M19 is recommended when printing on banner paper to avoid p
(36) Optional Fiery Color Controller that can be configured with the std Print/Scan controller for embedded
(37) Fiery option that helps to automate and streamline labor-intensive prepress tasks. Requires Color Con
(38) Fiery option that provides intuitive tools that make advanced document preparation simple and quick.
(39) Fiery option that enables the creation of special folders that can assign a group of print options. Requ
(40) Fiery option that enables you to reproduce custom or spot colors. Requires Color Controller E25-C (41
(41) Fiery option that provides a fast and simple way to ensure that your image output is optimized. Require
(42) Contains Color Profiler v4 software and ES-2000 spectrophotometer: Includes 1 year of phone suppor
(43) 250 Sheet Stapleless Internal Finisher with staple-less finishing up to 5-Sheets (20lb Bond)- cannot be
(44) Color measurement device for calibration and profiling. Enables fast, precise and flexible color manag
(45) Fiery option aids in workflow productivity - helps meet tight turnaround times/produce top notch color d
(46) The IEEE802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M19(417493) and PostScript 3 Unit Type M37 (418406) can
(47) Required to support legacy versions of some Ricoh solutions software. Consult the Launched Hardwa

IM C3000G / C3500G
(1) Designed for a max monthly volume of 20K pages. (Letter paper, 20lb. Bond).
(2) Mainframe includes 10.1" Keyless Smart Operation Panel, 220-Sheet SPDF, Duplex, 2 x 550-Sheet Pa
(3) One of following must be installed on the mainframe: PB3270 (One-Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets, supp
(4) Requires Caster Table Type M3 (416737). This paper feed unit lowers the total machine height, makin
(6) Side
Only Large
one ofCapacity Tray with
these options 1,500
can be sheeton
installed capacity. Supports
the device: 8.5
Hybrid x 11" paper
Finisher size(1,000
SR3260 only. Cannot be insta
Sheet Externa

(7) Must Order BU3090 Bridge Unit 418345 with any external Finisher.
(8) Hole Punch Option installs inside SR3250 Internal Finisher 418378. Supports Paper Sizes 7.25" x 10.5"
(9) Provides additional output tray above the standard Internal Tray or Optional Bridge Unit/Internal Shift T
(10) The DataOverWrite Security System does not overwrite the HDD for the Color Controller E-25C (4184
(11) Hole Punch Option for SR3260 (418337) & SR3270 (418335) Finishers. Supports Paper Sizes Up To 5
(12) 4 Pin interface used to mount external key counter to MFP.
(13) 20-Pin Interface used to attach external key counter or key card device.
(14) Expands RAM from 2 to 4GB. Included with Color Controller E-25C (418433).
(15) Multi-Folding Unit that offers several patterns including V fold, Z fold and Tri-fold. This option can be ad
(16) Allows customers to print crop marks for proofing SRA3/12.6" documents.
(17) Installation required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, S
(18) Up to two additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines.
(19) Requires Fax Option Type M37 (418392)
(20) Increases fax memory to 4,800 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
(21) Only one of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
(22) Optional insert for the SPDF facilitates scanning small documents in sizes from 3.0" x 4.1" to 5.8" x 8
(23) Available for customers who require True Adobe workflows like Photoshop, Illustrator and PDF/X as w
(24) This function embeds invisible texts on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files
(25) Required to convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
(26) Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minim
(27) Optional sensors for SPDF to detect double feeds during scanning.
(28) For use with Ricoh & 3rd party software solutions. The smart card reader and its cable will be covere
(29) External Keyboard for inputting data with SDK or embedded applications.
(30) For use with Ricoh & 3rd party software solutions. The smart card reader and its cable will be covere
(31) This bracket is required for the installation of External USB Keyboard (100266FNG)
(32) Cannot install floor standing Finisher SR3260 (418337) or SR3270 (418335) with the PB3270 (418355
(33) An interface board for adding an extra Ethernet port. If you install the USB Device Server Option, you c
(34) Used to log in and authenticate users via NFC card. The card reader and its cable will be covered insi
(35) Using Banner Paper Guide Tray Type M19 is recommended when printing on banner paper to avoid p
(36) Optional Fiery Color Controller that can be configured with the std Print/Scan controller for embedded
(37) Fiery option that helps to automate and streamline labor-intensive prepress tasks. Requires Color Con
(38) Fiery option that provides intuitive tools that make advanced document preparation simple and quick.
(39) Fiery option that enables the creation of special folders that can assign a group of print options. Requ
(40) Fiery option that enables you to reproduce custom or spot colors. Requires Color Controller E25-C (41
(41) Fiery option that provides a fast and simple way to ensure that your image output is optimized. Require
(42) Contains Color Profiler v4 software and ES-2000 spectrophotometer: Includes 1 year of phone suppor
(43) 250 Sheet Stapleless Internal Finisher with staple-less finishing up to 5-Sheets (20lb Bond)- cannot be
(44) Color measurement device for calibration and profiling. Enables fast, precise and flexible color manag
(45) Fiery option aids in workflow productivity - helps meet tight turnaround times/produce top notch color d
(46) The IEEE802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M19(417493) and PostScript 3 Unit Type M37 (418406) can
(47) Purchase of VM Card Type M37 is ONLY required to support any embedded software app that is deve
(48) Card Reader only - no cards are provided. Used with Common Access Card (CAC)/Personal Identity

MP C3004EX / MP C3504EX
(1) Designed for a max monthly volume of 20K pages. (Letter paper, 20lb. Bond).
(2) Mainframe includes 10.1" Keyless Smart Operation Panel, 220-Sheet SPDF, Duplex, 2 x 550-Sheet Pa
(3) One of following must be installed on the mainframe: PB3250 (One-Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets, supp
(4) Requires Caster Table Type M3 (416737). This paper feed unit lowers the total machine height, makin
(6) Side
Only Large
one ofCapacity Tray with
these options 1,500
can be sheeton
installed capacity. Supports
the device: 8.5
Hybrid x 11" paper
Finisher size(1,000
SR3210 only. Cannot be insta
Sheet Externa

(7) Must Order BU3070 Bridge Unit 417587 with any external Finisher.
(8) Hole Punch Option installs inside SR3130 Internal Finisher 417589. Supports Paper Sizes 7.25" x 10.5"
(9) Provides additional output tray above the standard Internal Tray or Optional Bridge Unit/Internal Shift T
(10) The DataOverWrite Security System does not overwrite the HDD for the Color Controller E-23C (4179
(11) Hole Punch Option for SR3220 (417484) & SR3210 (417483) Finishers. Supports Paper Sizes Up To 5
(12) 4 Pin interface used to mount external key counter to MFP.
(13) 20-Pin Interface used to attach external key counter or key card device.
(14) Expands RAM from 2 to 4GB. Included with Color Controller E-23C (417925).
(15) Table shaped option used to place either card reader or counter device. USB Connector.
(16) Allows customers to print crop marks for proofing SRA3/12.6" documents.
(17) Installation required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, S
(18) Up to two additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines.
(19) Requires Fax Option Type M19 (417510)
(20) Increases fax memory to 4,800 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
(21) Only one of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
(22) Allows users to connect a PictBridge-compatible digital camera directly to the MFP, enabling the printin
(23) Available for customers who require True Adobe workflows like Photoshop, Illustrator and PDF/X as w
(24) This function embeds invisible texts on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files
(25) Required to convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
(26) Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minim
(27) Required for printing from USB Type B port.
(28) Enables users to send and receive faxes on a sub MFP via a main MFP. This option is required on bot
(29) For use with Ricoh & 3rd party software solutions. The smart card reader and its cable will be covere
(30) External Keyboard for inputting data with SDK or embedded applications.
(31) For use with Ricoh & 3rd party software solutions. The smart card reader and its cable will be covere
(32) This bracket is required for the installation of External USB Keyboard (100266FNG)
(33) Allows for direct printing of XPS-type file formats.
(34) Cannot install floor standing Finisher SR3220 (417484) or SR3210 (417483) with the PB3250 (408114
(36) This is an ISO 15408 Certified version of DOSS that overwrites Copy, Print, Scanner, and Fax latent d
(37) Used to log in and authenticate users via NFC card. The card reader and its cable will be covered insi
(38) Ricoh HotSpot allows users to easily print from any mobile platform connected to Wi-Fi or the Internet,
(39) Using Banner Paper Guide Tray Type M19 is recommended when printing on banner paper to avoid p
(40) Optional Fiery Color Controller that can be configured with the std Print/Scan controller for embedded
(41) Fiery option that helps to automate and streamline labor-intensive prepress tasks. Requires Color Con
(42) Fiery option that provides intuitive tools that make advanced document preparation simple and quick.
(43) Fiery option that enables the creation of special folders that can assign a group of print options. Requ
(44) Fiery option that enables you to reproduce custom or spot colors. Requires Color Controller E23-C (41
(45) Fiery option that provides a fast and simple way to ensure that your image output is optimized. Require
(46) Contains Color Profiler v4 software and ES-2000 spectrophotometer: Includes 1 year of phone suppor
(47) 250 Sheet Stapleless Internal Finisher with staple-less finishing up to 5-Sheets (20lb Bond)- cannot be
(48) Color measurement device for calibration and profiling. Enables fast, precise and flexible color manag
(49) Fiery option aids in workflow productivity - helps meet tight turnaround times/produce top notch color d
(50) The IEEE1284 Interface Board Type M19 (417596), IEEE802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M19(417493

MP C4504 / MP C6004
(1) Designed for a max monthly volume of 50K pages (Letter paper, 20lb. Bond).
(2) Mainframe includes 10.1" Keyless Smart Operation Panel, 220-Sheet SPDF, Duplex, 2 x 550-Sheet Pa
(3) One of following must be installed on the mainframe: PB3150 (One-Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets, supp
(4) Requires Caster Table Type M3 (416737). This paper feed unit lowers the total machine height, makin
(5) Side Large Capacity Tray with 1,500 sheet capacity. Supports 8.5 x 11" paper size only. Cannot be insta
(6) Only one of these options can be installed on the device. Booklet Finisher SR3220 (1,000 Sheet Externa
(7) Must Order BU3070 Bridge Unit 417587 with any external Finisher.
(8) Hole Punch Option installs inside SR3130 Internal Finisher 417589. Supports Paper Sizes 7.25" x 10.5"
(9) Provides additional output tray above the standard Internal Tray or Optional Bridge Unit/Internal Shift T
(10) The DataOverWrite Security System does not overwrite the HDD for the Color Controller E-23C (4174
(11) Hole Punch Option for SR3220 (417484) & SR3210 (417483) Finishers. Supports Paper Sizes Up To 5
(12) 4 Pin interface used to mount external key counter to MFP.
(13) 20-Pin Interface used to attach external key counter or key card device.
(14) Hole Punch Option for SR3230 (417487) & SR3240 (417488) Finishers. 2-/3-Hole Punch Unit. Suppor
(15) Table shaped option used to place either card reader or counter device. USB Connector.
(16) Allows customers to print crop marks for proofing SRA3/12.6" documents.
(17) Installation required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, S
(18) Up to two additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines.
(19) Requires Fax Option Type M20 (417531).
(20) Increases fax memory to 4,800 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
(21) Only two of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
(22) Allows users to connect a PictBridge-compatible digital camera directly to the MFP, enabling the printin
(23) Required for printing from Mac OS. Recommended for printing more complex color and PDF files.
(24) This function embeds invisible texts on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files
(25) Required to convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
(26) Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minim
(27) Required for printing from USB Type B port.
(28) Enables users to send and receive faxes on a sub MFP via a main MFP. This option is required on bot
(29) Used to log in and authenticate users via NFC card. The card reader and its cable will be covered insi
(30) External Keyboard for inputting data with SDK or embedded applications.
(31) The Smart Card Reader Built-in Unit Type M19 (417595) and External Keyboard Bracket Type M19 (4
(32) This bracket is required for the installation of External USB Keyboard (100266FNG)
(33) Allows for direct printing of XPS-type file formats.
(34) Cannot install floor standing Finishers SR3220 (417484), SR3210 (417483), SR3230 (417487), SR324
(35) Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS). Target availability is November 2013.
(35) An interface board for adding an extra Ethernet port. If you install the USB Device Server Option, you c
(36) This is an ISO 15408 Certified version of DOSS that overwrites Copy, Print, Scanner, and Fax latent d
(37) Not compatible with MP C6004.
(38) Ricoh HotSpot allows users to easily print from any mobile platform connected to Wi-Fi or the Internet,
(39) Using Banner Paper Guide Tray Type M19 is recommended when printing on banner paper to avoid p
(40) Optional Fiery Color Controller that can be configured with the std Print/Scan controller for embedded
(41) Fiery option that helps to automate and streamline labor-intensive prepress tasks. Requires Color Con
(42) Fiery option that provides intuitive tools that make advanced document preparation simple and quick.
(43) Fiery option that enables the creation of special folders that can assign a group of print options. Requ
(44) Fiery option that enables you to reproduce custom or spot colors. Requires Color Controller E23-C (41
(45) Fiery option that provides a fast and simple way to ensure that your image output is optimized. Require
(46) Contains Color Profiler v4 software and ES-2000 spectrophotometer: Includes 1 year of phone suppor
(47) For customers that have an ES-2000 Spectrophotometer and want Color Profiler v4 software: Includes
(47) Expands RAM from 2 to 4GB. Included with Fiery Controller E-23C.
(48) Color measurement device for calibration and profiling. Enables fast, precise and flexible color manag
(49) Fiery option aids in workflow productivity - helps meet tight turnaround times/produce top notch color d
(50) The IEEE1284 (417596), IEEE802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M2 (417493), Camera Direct Print Card

IM C4500 / C6000
(1) Designed for a max monthly volume of 50K pages (Letter paper, 20lb. Bond).
(2) Mainframe includes 10.1" Keyless Smart Operation Panel, 220-Sheet SPDF, Duplex, 2 x 550-Sheet Pa
(3) One of following must be installed on the mainframe: PB3270 (One-Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets, supp
(4) Requires Caster Table Type M3 (416737). This paper feed unit lowers the total machine height, makin
(5) Side Large Capacity Tray with 1,500 sheet capacity. Supports 8.5 x 11" paper size only. Cannot be insta
(6) Only one of these options can be installed on the device: Hybrid Finisher SR3260 (1,000 Sheet Externa
(7) Must Order BU3090 Bridge Unit 418345 with any external Finisher.
(8) Hole Punch Option installs inside SR3250 Internal Finisher 418378. Supports Paper Sizes 7.25" x 10.5"
(9) Provides additional output tray above the standard Internal Tray or Optional Bridge Unit/Internal Shift T
(10) The DataOverWrite Security System does not overwrite the HDD for the Color Controller E-25C (4184
(11) Hole Punch Option for SR3260 (418337) & SR3270 (418335) Finishers. Supports Paper Sizes Up To 5
(12) 4 Pin interface used to mount external key counter to MFP.
(13) 20-Pin Interface used to attach external key counter or key card device.
(14) Expands RAM from 2 to 4GB. Included with Color Controller E-25C (418433).
(15) Multi-Folding Unit that offers several patterns including V fold, Z fold and Tri-fold. This option can be ad
(16) Allows customers to print crop marks for proofing SRA3/12.6" documents.
(17) Installation required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, S
(18) Up to two additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines.
(19) Requires Fax Option Type M37 (418392)
(20) Increases fax memory to 4,800 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
(21) Only one of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
(22) Optional insert for the SPDF facilitates scanning small documents in sizes from 3.0" x 4.1" to 5.8" x 8
(23) Available for customers who require True Adobe workflows like Photoshop, Illustrator and PDF/X as w
(24) This function embeds invisible texts on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files
(25) Required to convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
(26) Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minim
(27) Optional sensors for SPDF to detect double feeds during scanning.
(28) For use with Ricoh & 3rd party software solutions. The smart card reader and its cable will be covere
(29) External Keyboard for inputting data with SDK or embedded applications.
(30) For use with Ricoh & 3rd party software solutions. The smart card reader and its cable will be covere
(31) This bracket is required for the installation of External USB Keyboard (100266FNG)
(32) Cannot install floor standing Finisher SR3260 (418337) ,SR3270 (418335), SR 3280 (418385), SR329
(33) An interface board for adding an extra Ethernet port. If you install the USB Device Server Option, you c
(34) Used to log in and authenticate users via NFC card. The card reader and its cable will be covered insi
(35) Using Banner Paper Guide Tray Type M19 is recommended when printing on banner paper to avoid p
(36) Optional Fiery Color Controller that can be configured with the std Print/Scan controller for embedded
(37) Fiery option that helps to automate and streamline labor-intensive prepress tasks. Requires Color Con
(38) Fiery option that provides intuitive tools that make advanced document preparation simple and quick.
(39) Fiery option that enables the creation of special folders that can assign a group of print options. Requ
(40) Fiery option that enables you to reproduce custom or spot colors. Requires Color Controller E25-C (41
(41) Fiery option that provides a fast and simple way to ensure that your image output is optimized. Require
(42) Contains Color Profiler v4 software and ES-2000 spectrophotometer: Includes 1 year of phone suppor
(44) Color measurement device for calibration and profiling. Enables fast, precise and flexible color manag
(45) Fiery option aids in workflow productivity - helps meet tight turnaround times/produce top notch color d
(46) The IEEE802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M19(417493) and PostScript 3 Unit Type M37 (418406) can
(47) Required to support legacy versions of some Ricoh solutions software. Consult the Launched Hardwa
(48) Cannot be installed with the IM C6000.
(49) Hole Punch Option installs inside SR3280 Finisher and SR3290 Booklet Finisher. Supports Paper Size

IM C4500G / C6000G
(1) Designed for a max monthly volume of 50K pages (Letter paper, 20lb. Bond).
(2) Mainframe includes 10.1" Keyless Smart Operation Panel, 220-Sheet SPDF, Duplex, 2 x 550-Sheet Pa
(3) One of following must be installed on the mainframe: PB3270 (One-Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets, supp
(4) Requires Caster Table Type M3 (416737). This paper feed unit lowers the total machine height, makin
(5) Side Large Capacity Tray with 1,500 sheet capacity. Supports 8.5 x 11" paper size only. Cannot be insta
(6) Only one of these options can be installed on the device: Hybrid Finisher SR3260 (1,000 Sheet Externa
(7) Must Order BU3090 Bridge Unit 418345 with any external Finisher.
(8) Hole Punch Option installs inside SR3250 Internal Finisher 418378. Supports Paper Sizes 7.25" x 10.5"
(9) Provides additional output tray above the standard Internal Tray or Optional Bridge Unit/Internal Shift T
(10) The DataOverWrite Security System does not overwrite the HDD for the Color Controller E-25C (4184
(11) Hole Punch Option for SR3260 (418337) & SR3270 (418335) Finishers. Supports Paper Sizes Up To 5
(12) 4 Pin interface used to mount external key counter to MFP.
(13) 20-Pin Interface used to attach external key counter or key card device.
(14) Expands RAM from 2 to 4GB. Included with Color Controller E-25C (418433).
(15) Multi-Folding Unit that offers several patterns including V fold, Z fold and Tri-fold. This option can be ad
(16) Allows customers to print crop marks for proofing SRA3/12.6" documents.
(17) Installation required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, S
(18) Up to two additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines.
(19) Requires Fax Option Type M37 (418392)
(20) Increases fax memory to 4,800 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
(21) Only one of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
(22) Optional insert for the SPDF facilitates scanning small documents in sizes from 3.0" x 4.1" to 5.8" x 8
(23) Available for customers who require True Adobe workflows like Photoshop, Illustrator and PDF/X as w
(24) This function embeds invisible texts on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files
(25) Required to convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
(26) Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minim
(27) Optional sensors for SPDF to detect double feeds during scanning.
(28) For use with Ricoh & 3rd party software solutions. The smart card reader and its cable will be covere
(29) External Keyboard for inputting data with SDK or embedded applications.
(30) For use with Ricoh & 3rd party software solutions. The smart card reader and its cable will be covere
(31) This bracket is required for the installation of External USB Keyboard (100266FNG)
(32) Cannot install floor standing Finisher SR3260 (418337) ,SR3270 (418335), SR 3280 (418385), SR329
(33) An interface board for adding an extra Ethernet port. If you install the USB Device Server Option, you c
(34) Used to log in and authenticate users via NFC card. The card reader and its cable will be covered insi
(35) Using Banner Paper Guide Tray Type M19 is recommended when printing on banner paper to avoid p
(36) Optional Fiery Color Controller that can be configured with the std Print/Scan controller for embedded
(37) Fiery option that helps to automate and streamline labor-intensive prepress tasks. Requires Color Con
(38) Fiery option that provides intuitive tools that make advanced document preparation simple and quick.
(39) Fiery option that enables the creation of special folders that can assign a group of print options. Requ
(40) Fiery option that enables you to reproduce custom or spot colors. Requires Color Controller E25-C (41
(41) Fiery option that provides a fast and simple way to ensure that your image output is optimized. Require
(42) Contains Color Profiler v4 software and ES-2000 spectrophotometer: Includes 1 year of phone suppor
(44) Color measurement device for calibration and profiling. Enables fast, precise and flexible color manag
(45) Fiery option aids in workflow productivity - helps meet tight turnaround times/produce top notch color d
(46) The IEEE802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M19(417493) and PostScript 3 Unit Type M37 (418406) can
(47) Purchase of VM Card Type M37 is ONLY required to support any embedded software app that is deve
(48) Cannot be installed with the IM C6000.
(49) Hole Punch Option installs inside SR3280 Finisher and SR3290 Booklet Finisher. Supports Paper Size
(50) Card Reader only - no cards are provided. Used with Common Access Card (CAC)/Personal Identity

MP C4504EX / MP C6004EX
(1) Designed for a max monthly volume of 50K pages (Letter paper, 20lb. Bond).
(2) Mainframe includes 10.1" Keyless Smart Operation Panel, 220-Sheet SPDF, Duplex, 2 x 550-Sheet Pa
(3) One of following must be installed on the mainframe: PB3250 (One-Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets, supp
(4) Requires Caster Table Type M3 (416737). This paper feed unit lowers the total machine height, makin
(5) Side Large Capacity Tray with 1,500 sheet capacity. Supports 8.5 x 11" paper size only. Cannot be insta
(6) Only one of these options can be installed on the device. Booklet Finisher SR3220 (1,000 Sheet Externa
(7) Must Order BU3070 Bridge Unit 417587 with any external Finisher.
(8) Hole Punch Option installs inside SR3130 Internal Finisher 417589. Supports Paper Sizes 7.25" x 10.5"
(9) Provides additional output tray above the standard Internal Tray or Optional Bridge Unit/Internal Shift T
(10) The DataOverWrite Security System does not overwrite the HDD for the Color Controller E-23C (4179
(11) Hole Punch Option for SR3220 (417484) & SR3210 (417483) Finishers. Supports Paper Sizes Up To 5
(12) 4 Pin interface used to mount external key counter to MFP.
(13) 20-Pin Interface used to attach external key counter or key card device.
(14) Hole Punch Option for SR3230 (417487) & SR3240 (417488) Finishers. 2-/3-Hole Punch Unit. Suppor
(15) Table shaped option used to place either card reader or counter device. USB Connector.
(16) Allows customers to print crop marks for proofing SRA3/12.6" documents.
(17) Installation required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, S
(18) Up to two additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines.
(19) Requires Fax Option Type M20 (417531).
(20) Increases fax memory to 4,800 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
(21) Only one of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
(22) Allows users to connect a PictBridge-compatible digital camera directly to the MFP, enabling the printin
(23) Available for customers who require True Adobe workflows like Photoshop, Illustrator and PDF/X as w
(24) This function embeds invisible texts on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files
(25) Required to convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
(26) Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minim
(27) Required for printing from USB Type B port.
(28) Enables users to send and receive faxes on a sub MFP via a main MFP. This option is required on bot
(29) Used to log in and authenticate users via NFC card. The card reader and its cable will be covered insi
(30) External Keyboard for inputting data with SDK or embedded applications.
(31) For use with Ricoh & 3rd party software solutions. The smart card reader and its cable will be covere
(32) This bracket is required for the installation of External USB Keyboard (100266FNG)
(33) Allows for direct printing of XPS-type file formats.
(34) Cannot install floor standing Finishers SR3220 (417484), SR3210 (417483), SR3230 (417487), SR324
(36) This is an ISO 15408 Certified version of DOSS that overwrites Copy, Print, Scanner, and Fax latent d
(37) Not compatible with MP C6004ex.
(38) Ricoh HotSpot allows users to easily print from any mobile platform connected to Wi-Fi or the Internet,
(39) Using Banner Paper Guide Tray Type M19 is recommended when printing on banner paper to avoid p
(40) Optional Fiery Color Controller that can be configured with the std Print/Scan controller for embedded
(41) Fiery option that helps to automate and streamline labor-intensive prepress tasks. Requires Color Con
(42) Fiery option that provides intuitive tools that make advanced document preparation simple and quick.
(43) Fiery option that enables the creation of special folders that can assign a group of print options. Requ
(44) Fiery option that enables you to reproduce custom or spot colors. Requires Color Controller E23-C (41
(45) Fiery option that provides a fast and simple way to ensure that your image output is optimized. Require
(46) Contains Color Profiler v4 software and ES-2000 spectrophotometer: Includes 1 year of phone suppor
(47) Expands RAM from 2 to 4GB. Included with Color Controller E-23C (417925).
(48) Color measurement device for calibration and profiling. Enables fast, precise and flexible color manag
(49) Fiery option aids in workflow productivity - helps meet tight turnaround times/produce top notch color d
(50) The IEEE1284 Interface Board Type M19 (417596), IEEE802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M19(417493
(51) Requires installation of Memory Unit Type M19 4GB (MX417498RA). Cannot be installed with Color C

MP C6502SP / MP C8002SP Series

(1) Mainframes include 9" Color Touch Control Panel, 220-Sheet ARDF, Duplex, Tandem Tray 1 is 2 x 1,2
Tray, Drums, Developer, Scan/Print Kit, USB Host Interface, DOSS, PDF Direct Print, HDD Encryption, Jav
(2) One of following finishing accessories need to be added to the mainframes: the Finisher SR4090; the Fi
(3) Finisher SR4090: 3000-sheet output / 65-sheet stapler finisher option-cannot be installed with the Book
(4) Booklet Finisher SR4100: Saddle stitch booklet finisher option - cannot be installed with the Finisher SR
(5) Output Jogger Unit Type M2: Option that straightens output delivered to the either the Finisher SR4090
(6) Punch Unit PU3060 NA: Optional 2/3 hole punch unit - can be configured with either the Finisher SR40
(8) Mail Box CS4010: Optional 9-Bin Mailbox Unit - must be installed with either Booklet Finisher SR4100 (
(9) Copy Tray Type M2: Output tray only - only used when configuring the mainframe without a finisher - ca
the Finisher SR4110.
(10) LCIT RT4030: Large Capacity Tray opt. (2,200-sheets) that supports running paper in sizes from 5.5"
(11) LCIT RT4020: Large Capacity A4 Tray opt. (4,400-sheets) that supports running 8.5" to 11"paper (LT
(12) 8 1/2" x 14" Paper Size Tray Type M2: Adds ability to run 8.5" x 14" from the RT4020 LCT - can only b
(13) Cover Interposer Tray CI4010: Single interposer tray - must be installed with either the Finisher SR41
(14) Cover Interposer Tray CI4020: Dual interposer tray - must be installed with the Finisher SR4110.
(15) A3/11"x17" Tray Unit Type M2: Converts Tray 1 (Tandem Tray) to a single 11" x 17" tray.
(16) Required for Tab Copy/Print - can be used in either Tray 2 or Tray 3 (but not both).
(17) PU5000 Punch Unit NA 2/3 Hole: Optional 2/3 hole punch unit - can only be configured with the Finish
(18) Multi-fold option-must be configured with one of the (3) new finishing options; the Finisher SR4090; the
(19) Smart Card Reader Built-in Unit Type M2: For use with Ricoh & 3rd party software solutions. The sm
is attached. Not all card readers may be supported.
(20) PostScript3 Unit Type M2: True Adobe PostScript - required for printing from Mac OS - recommended
(21) IPDS Unit Type M2: Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS) option.
(22) OCR Unit Type M2: This function embeds invisible texts on scanned images of PDF and enables use
email, folders and external media (SD/USB).
(23) Only one of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device: IEEE1284 Interface Bo
(24) SD Card for NetWare Printing Type M2: Used by customers who print using Netware. This option is re
(25) Browser Unit Type M2: Used for Browser features like Integrated Cloud Environment (ICE). Also requ
Not compatible with all websites.
(26) Optional Counter Interface Unit Type A: Optional 20-Pin Interface used to attach external key counter
(27) Embedded HotSpot Type S: Requires Browser Unit Type M2 to enable HotSpot printing. One year Ho
(28) File Format Converter Type E: Required to convert format and drag to desktop document stored via C
(29) Unicode Font Package for SAP - 1/10/100 seat license: Unicode Font Package for SAP 1 Device Lice
Font Package for SAP 100 Device License.
(31) EFI SeeQuence Impose: Fiery option that helps to automate and streamline labor-intensive prepress t
(32) Fiery Compose: Fiery option that provides intuitive tools that make advanced document preparation si
(33) EFI Hot Folders: Fiery option that enables the creation of special folders that can assign a group of pri
(34) Spot-On: Fiery option that enables you to reproduce custom or spot colors - requires Fiery E-22B Colo
(35) Auto Trapping: Fiery option that provides a fast and simple way to ensure that your image output is alw
(36) Fiery CPS v4: Contains Color Profiler v4 software and ES-2000 spectrophotometer: Includes 1 year o
(37) Fiery CPSv4 Software only: For customers that have an ES2000 Spectrophotometer and want Color P
(38) Fiery ES-2000 Spectrophotometer: For customers that only want calibration capability, just the Spectr
(39) EFI Productivity Pack for Fiery E22b E22c: Fiery option aids in workflow productivity - helps meet tigh
automation- requires the Fiery E-22B Color Controller .
(40) Fax Option Type M2: Installation required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second T
standard Internet Fax (T.37), LAN Fax, IP-Fax (T.38), Fax Forwarding to Email & Paperless Fax function.
(41) Fax Connection Unit Type M2: Requires Fax Option Type M2, enables users to send and receive faxe
(42) G3 Interface Unit Type M2: Up to two additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines
(43) 32MB Memory Unit Type B: Increases fax memory to 2,240 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi
(44) Copy Data Security Unit Type G: Prevents unauthorized copying of confidential documents that were
(45) Certified DataOverwrite Security System Type H: This is an ISO 15408 Certified version of DOSS tha
(46) ESP XG-PCS-20D: Optional Power Filter for the MP C6502SP - Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (
electrical interference with products.
(47) 20 amp power filter: Optional Power Filter for the MP C8002SP - Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (A
electrical interference with products.
(48) GBC StreamPunch Pro: Customer replaceable punch option (note: option color may not match m/f MF
(49) Standard use die set options for the GBC StreamPunch Pro - only (1) can be installed inside the GBC
32 Hole (Twin Loop Wire 3:1); or GBC Die Set 44 Hole (Color Coil).
(50) Production use die set option for the GBC StreamPunch Pro - only (1) can be installed inside the GBC
Click Die Set.
(51) Booklet Maker BK5010e: Online/offline production bookletmaker option - requires Finisher SR4110.
(52) Additional accessory options for the BK5010e Production Bookletmaker - all options require the BK501
CF5010 Cover Feeder.
(53) BK5010 Rail Unit: Rail unit that helps dock/undock the BK5010e Production Bookletmaker from the SR
(54) Cooling Fan Type M2 (available late 2013): Option for the Finisher SR4090 and the Finisher SR4100
with high color coverages

MP C6503SP / MP C8003SP Series

(1) Mainframe includes 10.1" Color Touch Control Panel, 220-Sheet SPDF, Duplex, Tandem Tray 1 is 2 x
(2) One of following finishing accessories need to be added to the mainframe: the Finisher SR4120 (417628
(3) 3000-sheet output / 65-sheet stapler finisher option-cannot be installed with the Booklet Finisher SR413
(4) Saddle stitch booklet finisher option (2,000 sheet)- cannot be installed with the Finisher SR4120 (41762
(5) Option that straightens output delivered to the either the Finisher SR4120 (417628) or the Booklet Finis
(6) Optional 2/3 hole punch unit - can be configured with either the Finisher SR4120 (417628) or the Bookle
(7) 3,000-sheet output, 100-sheet staple - cannot be installed with the Finisher SR4120 (417628), the Finish
(8) Optional 9-Bin Mailbox Unit - must be installed with either Finisher Booklet Finisher SR4130 (417629) o
(9) Output tray only - only used when configuring the mainframe without a finisher - cannot be installed with
(10) Large Capacity Tray opt. (2,200-sheets) that supports running paper in sizes from 5.5" x 8.5" to 13" x 1
(11) Large Capacity A4 Tray opt. (4,400-sheets) that supports running 8.5" to 11"paper (LTR LCT) - canno
(12) Adds ability to run 8.5" x 14" from the RT4020 LCT (416699) - can only be configured with LCIT RT402
(13) Single interposer tray - must be installed with either the Finisher SR4130 (417629) or the Finisher SR4
(14) Dual interposer tray - must be installed with the Finisher SR4110 (416632)
(15) Converts Tray 1 (Tandem Tray) to a single 11" x 17" tray
(16) Required for Tab Copy/Print - can be used in either Tray 2 or Tray 3
(17) Assists/supports printing onto banner sheets up to 49.6" (1,260 mm) long via the Bypass Tray.
(18) Multi-fold option-must be configured with one of the (3) new finishing options; the Finisher SR4120 (41
(19) For use with Ricoh & 3rd party software solutions. The smart card reader and its cable will be covere
(20) True Adobe PostScript - required for printing from Mac OS - recommended for printing more complex c
(22) This function embeds invisible texts on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF file
(23) Allows MFP to connect to a network over WiFi. Can not be installed with IEEE1284 Interface Board Ty
(24) Optional 2/3 hole punch unit - can only be configured with the Finisher SR4110 (416632)
(25) System cannot be configured with both cover interposer and the mailbox option
(26) Optional 20-Pin Interface used to attach external key counter or key card device.
(27) Enables wireless printing from smart devices (smart phones, tablets, lapops, etc) directly to the MFP. O
(28) Required for downloading documents stored to Document Server via copier or printer mode to your PC
(29) Unicode Font Package for SAP - 1 seat license
(30) Cooling fan for the finishers SR4130 (417629) & SR4120 (417628). Prevents paper bricking.
(31) Cooling fan for finisher SR4110 (416632). Prevents paper bricking.
(32) Near Field Communication card reader. Used to authenticate users for logging into the device only. Do
(33) This option enables direct printing of XPS format documents
(34) Connects two mainframes (MP C6503/C8003) together, so a job can be divided and copied on both sy
(35) Required for printing from USB Type B port. Can not be installed with USB Device Server Option Type
(36) The USB Device Server Option is an interface board used to add an extra Ethernet port. Once installed
(37) Allows device connection with legacy computer equipment Can not be installed with IEEE 802.11a/g/n
(38) External Keyboard for inputting data with either SDK applications or embedded applications.
(40) Installation required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, S
(41) Requires Fax Option Type M26 (417689), enables users to send and receive faxes on a sub MFP via a
(42) Up to two additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines. Requires Fax Option Type
(43) Expansion memory provides additional 64 MB memory for fascimile functions. Requires Fax Option Ty
(44) This bracket is required for the installation of External USB Keyboard (100266FNG). Cannot be installe
(45) Option overwrites Copy, Print, Scanner, and Fax HDD latent data. Mainframe is targeted to be ISO 15
(46) Optional Power Filter for the MP C6503 (417667) - Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recomm
(47) Optional Power Filter for the MP C8003 (417673)- Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recomme
(48) Requires Finisher SR4110 (416632) - also requires at least (1) GBC StreamPunch Ultra die set
(49) Dieset set options for the GBC StreamPunch Ultra MT - only (1) can be utilized in GBC StreamPunch
(50) 35 Page production booklet maker. Simple book fold only, must be configured with SR4110 (416632) &
(51) Upgrades Plockmatic 350-m (404980) to 50 page folding capacity. Requires Plockmatic 350-m (40498
(52) Plockmatic PBM trim module for face trim of booklets only. Requires installation of Plockmatic 350-m (
(53) Plockmatic PBM bookfold module for square edge book folding. Requires installation of Plockmatic 35
(54) Cover inserter used to feed covers. Requires installation of Plockmatic 350-m (404980)
(55) Must be included with Plockmatic configuration. Requires installation of Plockmatic 350-m (404980)
(56) Finisher cover kit that is required when mainframe is configured with the SR4110 (416632)
(57) Optional belt stacker module that increases output capacity for uninterrupted runs. Requires installatio
(58) Can not be installed with 2/3 Hole Punch Unit Type PU3060NA (416612), 2/3 Hole Punch PU5000 (41
(59) Requires PBM-m Book Folder (404982)
(60) Requires PBM-m Trimmer (404981)
(61) Requires Output Jogger Unit Type M25 (417630)

Pro 8300S
(1) Requires either Finisher SR5110 (409249), Booklet Finisher SR5120 (409250), Finisher SR5090 (40923
(2) Requires XG-PCS20820D RIC AMP SURGE PROTECTOR (007138MIU).
(3) Following options can't be configured with the Finisher SR5090 (409235), Booklet Finisher SR5100 (409
(4) Large Capacity Input Tray holds 5000 20lb. Bond paper Maximum (Letter size Only). Only 1 LCIT can b
(5) Large Capacity Input Tray holds 4400 20lb. Bond paper Maximum. Only 1 LCIT can be added to system
(6) Vacuum Feed LCIT holds 4400 20lb. Bond paper Maximum. Can configure up to 2 units, but must inclu
(7) LCIT RT5110 (409117) can be added but must include a Bridge Unit BU5010 (404652). When adding a
(8) Extended Tray for printing oversize sheet up to 27.5." Requires Vacuum Feed LCIT RT5120 (404652).
(9) Bypass tray for up to 13x19.2" media. 216gsm max. Requires either LCIT RT5130 (409256), LCIT RT5
(10) Extended Tray for printing oversize sheet up to 27.5" 216gsm max. Requires BY5020 (409090) and e
(11) SR5000 series Output tray for Banner Sheet Type S6 (404877) is required when system includes eithe
(12) Requires either Finisher SR5090 (409235) or SR5100 (409234). Mutually exclusive to Shift Sort Tray S
(13) Requires CI5040 (409258). Recommended with inserting coated paper.
(14) Requires the Finisher SR5110 (409249) or Booklet Finisher SR5120 (409250).
(15) Requires the Finisher SR5110 (409249).

Pro 8310S, Pro 8320S

(1) Requires either Finisher SR5110 (409249), Booklet Finisher SR5120 (409250), Stacker SK5040 (40909
(2) Finisher SR5110 (409249), Booklet Finisher SR5120 (409250), and Bridge Unit BU5020 (409339) are m
(3) Requires XG-PCS20820D RIC AMP SURGE PROTECTOR (007138MIU).
(4) Large Capacity Input Tray holds 5000 20lb. Bond paper Maximum (Letter size Only). Only 1 LCIT can b
(5) Large Capacity Input Tray holds 4400 20lb. Bond paper Maximum. Only 1 LCIT can be added to system
(6) Vacuum Feed LCIT holds 4400 20lb. Bond paper Maximum. Can configure up to 2 units, but must inclu
(7) LCIT RT5110 (409117) can be added but must include a Bridge Unit BU5010 (404652). When adding a
(8) Extended Tray for printing oversize sheet up to 27.5." Requires Vacuum Feed LCIT RT5120 (404652).
(9) Bypass tray for up to 13x19.2" media. 216gsm max. Requires either LCIT RT5130 (409256), LCIT RT5
(10) Extended Tray for printing oversize sheet up to 27.5" 216gsm max. Requires BY5020 (409090) and e
(11) SR5000 series Output tray for Banner Sheet Type S6 (404877) is required when system includes eithe
(12) Requires Transit Pass Unit for Perfect Binder Type S1 (404544) and Cover Interposer Tray for Perfect
(13) When this option is selected, only 1 Stacker Unit SK5040 (409093) can be included in the system.
(14) When this option is selected, Ring Binder RB5030 (409260) can't be included in the system.
(15) When this option is selected, GBC Streamwire (409221) can't be included in the system.
(16) Either Cover Interposer Tray CI5040 (409258) or High Capacity Interposer HCI3500 (409053) can be i
(17) Requires Cover Interposer Tray CI5040 (409258).
(18) When this option is selected, Perfect Binder GB5010 (404542) can't be included in the system.
(19) Requires Ring Binder RB5030 (409260)
(20) Can configure up to 2 units in a system.
(21) Requires High Capacity Stacker SK5040 (409093).
(22) Requires either Finisher SR5110 (409249) or Booklet Finisher SR5120 (409250)
(23) Requires Booklet Finisher SR5120 (409250)
(24) When this option is selected, Cover Interposer CI5040 (409258) can't be included in the same system
(25) High Capacity Stacker SK5040 is required in order to include Bridge Unit BU5020 (409339) in the sam
(26) Requires at least one GBC Die
(27) Requires GBC StreamPunch Ultra (404773)
(28) Requires either Die Stream Wire Square (404770) or Die Stream Wire Round (404772)
(29) Requires either Finisher SR5110 (404249) or Bridge Unit BU5020 (409339)
(30) Requires Plockmatic Rail Unit (409223)
(31) Requires Plockmatic PBM 350e (409358)
(32) Requires Plockmatic PBM Trim Module (404718)
(33) Requires either Finisher SR5110 (404249), RPIP Interface Box Type S3 (404660), or Plockmatic PBM
(34) Requires Stream Wire Spool, Element Size 'A', Black, Ricoh (409308) for initial installation.; (34) For D
(35) Requires 15 Amp Power Filter (006428MIU)
(36) Requires Plockmatic PBM350e (409358)
(37) Requires Decurl Unit DU5070 (409337)
(38) If the Vacuum Feed Banner Sheet Tray Type S9 (409095) is included in the system, BY5020 can be in

Pro 8310, Pro 8320

(1) Requires either Finisher SR5110 (409249), Booklet Finisher SR5120 (409250), Stacker SK5040 (40909
(2) Finisher SR5110 (409249), Booklet Finisher SR5120 (409250), and Bridge Unit BU5020 (409339) are m
(3) Requires XG-PCS20820D RIC AMP SURGE PROTECTOR (007138MIU).
(4) Large Capacity Input Tray holds 5000 20lb. Bond paper Maximum (Letter size Only). Only 1 LCIT can b
(5) Large Capacity Input Tray holds 4400 20lb. Bond paper Maximum. Only 1 LCIT can be added to system
(6) Vacuum Feed LCIT holds 4400 20lb. Bond paper Maximum. Can configure up to 2 units, but must inclu
(7) LCIT RT5110 (409117) can be added but must include a Bridge Unit BU5010 (404652). When adding a
(8) Extended Tray for printing oversize sheet up to 27.5." Requires Vacuum Feed LCIT RT5120 (404652).
(9) Bypass tray for up to 13x19.2" media. 216gsm max. Requires either LCIT RT5130 (409256), LCIT RT5
(10) Extended Tray for printing oversize sheet up to 27.5" 216gsm max. Requires BY5020 (409090) and e
(11) SR5000 series Output tray for Banner Sheet Type S6 (404877) is required when system includes eithe
(12) Requires Transit Pass Unit for Perfect Binder Type S1 (404544) and Cover Interposer Tray for Perfect
(13) When this option is selected, only 1 Stacker Unit SK5040 (409093) can be included in the system.
(14) When this option is selected, Ring Binder RB5030 (409260) can't be included in the system.
(15) When this option is selected, GBC Streamwire (409221) can't be included in the system.
(16) Either Cover Interposer Tray CI5040 (409258) or High Capacity Interposer HCI3500 (409053) can be i
(17) Requires Cover Interposer Tray CI5040 (409258).
(18) When this option is selected, Perfect Binder GB5010 (404542) can't be included in the system.
(19) Requires Ring Binder RB5030 (409260)
(20) Can configure up to 2 units in a system.
(21) Requires High Capacity Stacker SK5040 (409093).
(22) Requires either Finisher SR5110 (409249) or Booklet Finisher SR5120 (409250)
(23) Requires Booklet Finisher SR5120 (409250)
(24) When this option is selected, Cover Interposer CI5040 (409258) can't be included in the same system
(25) High Capacity Stacker SK5040 is required in order to include Bridge Unit BU5020 (409339) in the sam
(26) Requires at least one GBC Die
(27) Requires GBC StreamPunch Ultra (404773)
(28) Requires either Die Stream Wire Square (404770) or Die Stream Wire Round (404772)
(29) Requires either Finisher SR5110 (404249) or Bridge Unit BU5020 (409339)
(30) Requires Plockmatic Rail Unit (409223)
(31) Requires Plockmatic PBM 350e (409358)
(32) Requires Plockmatic PBM Trim Module (404718)
(33) Requires either Finisher SR5110 (404249), RPIP Interface Box Type S3 (404660), or Plockmatic PBM
(34) Requires Stream Wire Spool, Element Size 'A', Black, Ricoh (409308) for initial installation.; (34) For D
(35) Requires 15 Amp Power Filter (006428MIU)
(36) Requires Plockmatic PBM350e (409358)
(37) Requires Decurl Unit DU5070 (409337)
(38) If the Vacuum Feed Banner Sheet Tray Type S9 (409095) is included in the system, BY5020 can be in

Pro 8310M, Pro 8320M

(1) Requires either Finisher SR5110 (409249), Booklet Finisher SR5120 (409250), Stacker SK5040 (40909
(2) Finisher SR5110 (409249), Booklet Finisher SR5120 (409250), and Bridge Unit BU5020 (409339) are m
(3) Requires XG-PCS20820D RIC AMP SURGE PROTECTOR (007138MIU).
(4) Large Capacity Input Tray holds 5000 20lb. Bond paper Maximum (Letter size Only). Only 1 LCIT can b
(5) Large Capacity Input Tray holds 4400 20lb. Bond paper Maximum. Only 1 LCIT can be added to system
(6) Vacuum Feed LCIT holds 4400 20lb. Bond paper Maximum. Can configure up to 2 units, but must inclu
(7) LCIT RT5110 (409117), LCIT RT5120 (409082), and LCIT RT5130 (409256) are mutually exclusive.
(8) Extended Tray for printing oversize sheet up to 27.5." Requires Vacuum Feed LCIT RT5120 (404652).
(9) Bypass tray for up to 13x19.2" media. 216gsm max. Requires either LCIT RT5130 (409256), LCIT RT5
(10) Extended Tray for printing oversize sheet up to 27.5" 216gsm max. Requires BY5020 (409090) and e
(11) SR5000 series Output tray for Banner Sheet Type S6 (404877) is required when system includes Book
(12) Requires Transit Pass Unit for Perfect Binder Type S1 (404544) and Cover Interposer Tray for Perfect
(13) When this option is selected, only 1 Stacker Unit SK5040 (409093) can be included in the system.
(14) When this option is selected, Ring Binder RB5030 (409260) can't be included in the system.
(15) When this option is selected, GBC Streamwire (409221) can't be included in the system.
(16) Either Cover Interposer Tray CI5040 (409258) or High Capacity Interposer HCI3500 (409053) can be i
(17) Requires Cover Interposer Tray CI5040 (409258).
(18) When this option is selected, Perfect Binder GB5010 (404542) can't be included in the system.
(19) Ring Cartridge LT Type RB5000 (404115) or Ring Opener Type A (404114) requires Ring Binder RB5
(20) Can configure up to 2 units in a system.
(21) Requires High Capacity Stacker SK5040 (409093).
(22) Requires either Finisher SR5110 (409249) or Booklet Finisher SR5120 (409250)
(23) Requires Booklet Finisher SR5120 (409250)
(24) When this option is selected, Cover Interposer CI5040 (409258), Plockmatic MPS (409220), and RPIP
(25) High Capacity Stacker SK5040 is required in order to include Bridge Unit BU5020 (409339) in the sam
(26) Requires at least one GBC Die
(27) Requires GBC StreamPunch Ultra (404773)
(28) Requires either Die Stream Wire Square (404770) or Die Stream Wire Round (404772)
(29) Requires either Finisher SR5110 (404249) or Bridge Unit BU5020 (409339)
(30) Requires Plockmatic Rail Unit (409233)
(31) Requires Plockmatic PBM350e (409358)
(32) Requires Plockmatic PBM Trim Module (404718)
(33) Requires either Finisher SR5110 (404249), RPIP Interface Box Type S3 (404660). If Plockmatic PBM
(34) Requires Stream Wire Spool, Element Size 'A', Black, Ricoh (409308) for initial installation. | (34) For D
(35) Requires 15 Amp Power Filter (006428MIU)
(36) Requires Plockmatic PBM350e (409358)
(37) Requires Decurl Unit DU5070 (409337)
(38) If the Vacuum Feed Banner Sheet Tray Type S9 (409095) is included in the system, BY5020 can be in
(39) Requires SR5110 Finisher (409249) or SR5120 Booklet Finisher (409250). Up to two SR5000 series O
(40) Requires Vacuum Feed LCIT RT5120 (409082) and Multi Bypass Tray BY5020 (409090).
(41) Requires two Vacuum Feed LCIT RT5120 (409082).
(42) Requires SR5110 Finisher (409249), Plockmatic PBM350e (409358), and Plockmatic MPS (409220).
(43) Transit Pass Unit for Perfect Binder Type S1 (404544) and Cover Interposer Tray for Perfect Binder Ty
(44) Required to convert the Pro 8310M (409376) to a MICR device. This is mandatory with the Pro 8310M
(45) Required to convert the Pro 8320M (409377) to a MICR device. This is mandatory with the Pro 8320M
(46) MICR Support must be added for each year of service on the Pro 8310M. This is mandatory with the P
(47) MICR Support must be added for each year of service on the Pro 8320M. This is mandatory with the P
(48) Only Toner Kit, MICR, ProMark 8300 can be used on MICR converted Pro 8310M and Pro 8320M.

Pro C5100S / C5110S

(1) requires either an SR4110, SR4100, SR4090 or copy tray M2
(2) requires either a Fiery E22b or E42b
(3) Base configuration contains 3,800 sheets of paper capacity
(4) 4,400 sheet A4 LCT, only 1 LCT can be configured
(5) 2,200 sheet A3+ LCT, only 1 LCT can be configured
(6) 1-source interposer available for SR4090 or SR4100 only
(7) 2-source interposer available for SR4110 only
(8) Converts Tray 1 from tandem letter tray to support 11 x 17. Reduces tray capacity in half.
(9) Recommended to configure Tab option in Tray 2 or 3
(10) Recommended with medias prone to curl or in high humidity environments
(11) Recommended for printing on coated stocks, or with high toner coverage
(12) Available for SR4090 and SR4100 only
(13) Available for SR4110 only
(14) Nedded to retrieve files scanned to the document server
(15) Available for SR4090 and SR4100
(16) TCRU B contains entire fusing section
(17) Cannot be configured with any other finisher
(18) Must be configured with either SR4100, SR4110 or SR4090
(19) Punches only LEF letter-sized paper
(20) Requires the purchase of at least one GBC die set
(21) Can only be installed with the SR4110 finisher
(22) Standard Die Sets will work with both the StreamPunch III and the StreamPunch Pro
(23) Blank
(24) Blank
(25) Blank
(26) Requires BK501e and TR5010 Trimmer
(27) Does not support GA Package, only Productivity Pack, all other features are optional, no FACI
(28) Fiery E-42b includes Graphic Arts Package Basic, spot-on, hot folders, auto trap and is FACI enabled
(29) Contains Color Profiler v4 software and ES-2000 spectrophotometer: Includes 1 year of phone suppor
(30) For customers that have an ES2000 Spectrophotometer and want Color Profiler v4 software: Includes
(31) CPS v.4 includes 1 year phone support, this item is for additional 1 year phone support increments
(32) For customers that only want calibration capability, just the Spectrophotometer
(33) Available on both the E-22b and E-42b
(34) Only available on the E-42b
(35) Include TotalFlow MakeReady and PrintManager, and one year unlimited phone support at no charge
(36) TotalFlow MakeReady Bundle (404475), and PrintManager Bundle (404476) is applicable to new syste
(37) Must include 12 month phone support (006987MIU) at no charge when ordering (404475), (404476), o
(38) Extended support options for TotalFlow MakeReady and PrintManager (package or bundle)
(39) For current Ricoh Print Production customers that want to add TotalFlow MakeReady and TotalFlow P
(40) Requires Windows XP, Vista, 7, (for MakeReady) or Server 2003/2008 (for PrintManager) based com
(41) Only available on the E22b
(42) EFI option for the Fiery E22B only
(43) EFI option for the E42B only. Includes ES-2000 Specrtphotometer and Fiery Impose
(44) EFI option for the Fiery E42B only. Includes CPS 4.0 w/ 1 year support, Graphic Arts Premium Edition
(45) cooling opion to prevent paper bricking for the SR4100 and SR4090 only
(46) not compatible with SR4110
(47) Fiery option for FS100 operating system only
(48) TCRU A (404588) and TCRU B (404589) required with all mainframes

Pro C5200S / C5210S

(1) Requires either a SR4120 (417628), SR4130 (417629), SR5070 (404875), SR5080 (404873) or Copy T
(2) Can not be configured with Multi Bypass Banner Sheet Tray Type S6 (404879)
(3) Can not be configured with Banner Sheet Guide Tray for A3/11"x17" LCIT Type S6 (404878).
(4) Requires Either SR5070 (404875) or SR5080 (404873)
(5) Requires either SR4120 (417628) or SR4130 (417629)
(6) Requires SR4000 series Output Tray for Banner Sheet Type S6 (404872) or SR5000 series Output Tra
(7) Requires LCIT RT4050
(8) Not Compatible with EFI Controllers
(9) Requires Smart Operation Panel Type S6 (404884)
(10) Not compatible with Smart Card Reader Built-in Unit Type S6 (409001)
(11) Not compatible with IEEE 1284 Interface Board Type M19 (417596) and IEEE 802.11a/g/n Interface U
(12) Not compatible with File Format Convert Tpe M19 (417508) and IEEE 802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type
(13) Not compatible with IEEE 1284 Interface Board Type M19 (417596) and File Format Convert Tpe M19
(14) Not compatible with NFC Card Reader.
(15) Requires LCIT RT4020 (416699).
(16) Recommend Output Jogger Unit Type M25 (417630) and Cooling Fan Unit Type M26 (417677).
(17) Requires Output Jogger Unit Type M25 (417630)
(18) Not compatible with any options post delivery of the main unit.
(19) Requires the purchase of at least one GBC die set
(20) Requires Recommend the purchase of the GBC Streampunch Ultra MP.
(21) Requires SR5070 (404875).
(22) requires Plockmatic Rail unit (404723).
(23) Required Plockmatic 350-m (404980)
(24) Requires PBM Rotate Crease Trimmer (404721).
(25) requires E-24B
(26) Requires E-44B
(27) Requires Output Jogger Unit Type M25 (417630)

Pro C7100 / C7110 / C7100S / C7110S / C7100X / C7110X / C7100SX / C7110SX

- C7100 - Order On Demand (60-90 Day Lead Time)
- C7100X - Order On Demand (60-90 Day Lead Time)
- C7100SX - Order On Demand (60-90 Day Lead Time)
- C7110SX - Order On Demand (60-90 Day Lead Time)
- CPC Service Plans Do NOT Include Clear or White toner (Must be Ordered Separately)
(1) requires either an SR5050, SR5060, or a Stacker unit SK5030
(2) requires either a Fiery E-43A, E-83A or TotalFlow Print Server R-61A
(3) requires EFI 5th Station Hardware Upgrade Kit 404748
(4) requires white and/or clear developer type S3 for service installation. for both colors, 5th Station Replac
(5) requires TCRU Type A, B and C
(6) 4,400 sheet A4 LCT, only 1 LCT can be configured per mainframe
(7) not compatible with Vacuum Feed LCIT RT5100, Bridge Unit (BU5010), Multi Bypass Attachment Kit for
(8) 4,400 sheet vacuum feed LCIT, can configure up to 3 units, but must include a Bridge Unit (BU5010) be
(9) not compatible with LCIT RT5090
(10) bridge unit used to connect up to 3 Vacuum feed LCIT RT5100. One unit goes between each RT5100
(11) Vacuum feed oversize sheet tray for use with the RT5100. Can run up to 27" 300gsm coated stock
(12) only 1 unit per configuration
(13) not compatible with multi bypass BY5010 or multi bypass oversize sheet tray type S3
(14) Recommended for printing on coated stocks, or with high toner coverage to avoid bricking of paper
(15) for stacking up to 5k sheets of paper. Up to 2 can be configured per engine. Config can end in a stacke
(16) Recommended with medias prone to curl or in high humidity environments
(17) TCRU A contains customer replaceable parts for IQ and reliability. Mandatory for all mainframes
(18) TCRU B contains an entire fusing unit Mandatory for all mainframes
(19) TCRU C contains components to maintain the 5th color. Mandatory on a 5 color units
(20) bypass tray for up to 13x49" media. 220gsm max, non coated for RT5090 LCIT. To extend plastic tray
(21) to configure BY5010 with RT5100 vacuum lct, Multi Bypass Attachment Kit for Vacuum Feed LCIT Typ
(22) not compatible with Vacuum Feed Oversize Sheet Tray Type S3 in a single configuration. Only one ov
(23) needed to configure the BY5010 with the RT5100 vacuum feed LCIT
(24) plastic extender for BY5010 to accommodate oversize prints
(25) must be ordered to enable the switch between clear, white or Neon toner for customers who order spe
(26) must be ordered for initial installation of 5th color. Either white and/or clear is needed. If both colors are
(27) To convert drawer 1 to an 11x17 drawer. Reduces capacity by half
(28) Extra 5k sheet cart for SK5030 stacker
(29) 3 hole punch nit for SR5050 and SR5060 finishers
(30) to assist in the running of tabs from the paper drawers
(31) Single source cover interposer
(32) six position multi fold unit
(33) cannot be configured with Stacker SK5030 or RingBinder RB5020
(34) must be configured with Transit Pass Unit for Perfect Binder Type S1 and Cover Interposer Tray for Pe
(35) must have Glue Supply Type A for setup and operation
(36) must be configured with perfect binder GB5010
(37) Cannot be configured with Perfect binder GB5010
(38) 100 sheet staple finisher
(39) Ricoh 20 sheet saddle stich booklet maker
(40) Cannot be configured with Plockmatic PBM350 or PBM500 configuration
(41) booklet Face trim unit for SR5060 only
(42) requires at least 1 GBC streampunch ultra die set
(43) only compatible with GBC streampunch ultra die sets
(44) only compatible with GBC StreamPunch Ultra
(45) 35 page production booklet maker. Simple book fold only. Must be configured with the SR5050 finisher
(46) 50 page production booklet maker. Simple book fold only. Must be configured with the SR5050 finisher
(47) for a field upgrade from a PBM350 to a PBM500
(48) not compatible with SR5060 booklet maker or TR5040 trimmer
(49) must include rail unit for configuration
(50) must be included in Plockmatic PBM350 and PBM500 configurations
(51) cover inserter is used to feed up to 300gsm covers
(52) Plockmatic PBM Trim Module for face trim of booklets only
(53) Plockmatic PBM Book Fold Module for square edge book folding
(54)Plockmatic PBM Rotate Crease Trim Module for full bleed booklets. Need Plockmatic PBM Trim Modul
(55) Plockmatic BTS4000-1 Belt Stacker Module is an optional accessory to increase output capacity for un
(56) ThePlockmatic PBM Rotate Crease Trim Module does not support Off-line work
(57) Fiery E-43A FS150 Pro 80 controller for Pro C7100 series
(58) Fiery E83-A FS150 QX controller for Pro C7100 Series
(59) Must install to enable 5th station printing on the E43-A or E-83A
(60) software upgrade for E43A only
(61) Software for Fiery E43A and E-83A
(62) Contains Color Profiler v4 software and ES-2000 spectrophotometer: Includes 1 year of phone suppor
(63) Contains Color Profiler v4 software only: Includes 1 year of phone support
(64) For customers that only want calibration capability, just the Spectrophotometer
(65) Stand, keyboard, monitor and mouse for Fiery E-43A
(66) Stand, keyboard, monitor and mouse for Fiery E-83A
(67) removable HD for Fiery E-43A
(68) removable HD for Fiery E-43A
(69) ram upgrade for Fiery E43-A
(70) additional 1 year support for Color Profiler V4 software
(71) Include TotalFlow MakeReady and PrintManager, and one year unlimited phone support at no charge
(72) TotalFlow MakeReady Bundle (404475), and PrintManager Bundle (404476) is applicable to new syste
(73) Must include 12 month phone support (006987MIU) at no charge when ordering (404475), (404476), o
(74) Extended support options for TotalFlow MakeReady and PrintManager (package or bundle)
(75) For current Ricoh Print Production customers that want to add TotalFlow MakeReady and TotalFlow P
(76) Requires Windows XP, Vista, 7, (for MakeReady) or Server 2003/2008 (for PrintManager) based com
(77) option for FS150 EFI controllers, contains EFI Impose type FS150 and the ES-2000 Spectrophotomete
(78) option for FS150 EFI controllers Contains Impose and Compose Type FS150, CPS 4.X, and the GAPP
(79) NOT compatible with: 5th Station Replacement Kit Type S3 (404699) Developer clear (828362) Develo
(80) If additional specialty colors are ordered after initial sale, each additional color must have a 5th Station
(81) 20 amp power filter for the C71XX Series - 2 must be added to each mainframe.
(82) Required for Prinect Compatability
(83) Required for Kodak Prinergy Compatability
(84) Required for IPDS workflow
(85) If TotalFlow Print Server R-61A (404987) then must choose either PDF RIP Enhanced by Heidelberg®

Pro C7200SL / C7200S / C7210S / C7200e / C7210X / C7210SX

(1) Requires either SR5050 (404548), SR5060 (404550), or Stacker unit SK5040 (409093)
(2) Requires either EFI Color Controller E-45A (409118), E-85A (409119), or TotalFlow Print Server R-62A
(3) Requires 20 Amp Power Filter (007138MIU) x Qty 2
(4) Requires TCRU Type S9 Set A (409207) and Set B (409205)
(5) Either LCIT RT5110 (409117) or LCIT RT5120 (409082) can be included in a configuration
(6) Decurl Unit DU5060 (409188) and Buffer Pass Unit (409186) is required when Stacker Unit SK5040 (40
(7) Can configure up to 3 units, but must include a Bridge Unit (404652) between each LCIT RT5120 (4090
(8) Requires LCIT RT5120 (409082)
(9) Only 1 per configuration
(10) Requires RT5110 (409117) or LCIT RT5120 (409082). When attaching to LCIT RT5120 (409082) Mul
(11) Requires Multi Bypass Tray BY5020 (409090)
(12) Either Cover Interposer Tray CI5030 (404539) or High Capacity Interposer HCI3500 (409053) can be i
(13) When this option is selected, only 1 Stacker Unit SK5040 (409093) can be included in the configuration
(14) When this option is selected, Ring Binder RB5020 (404546) can't be included in the configuration
(15) OCR Unit (417428) is only available for Pro C7200S (409288) and Pro C7210S (409159) MFP Models
(16) Requires Transit Pass Unit for Perfect Binder Type S1 (404544), Cover Interposer Tray for Perfect Bin
(17) When this option is selected, Perfect Binder GB5010 (404542) can't be included in the configuration
(18) Can configure up to 2 units
(19) Cant configure with SR5060 (404550)
(20) Cant configure with SR5050 (404548)
(21) Requires either SR5050 (404548) or SR5060 (404550)
(22) Requires SR5060 (404550)
(23) Requires at least one GBC Ultra Die
(25) Requires SR5050 (404548)
(26) Requires Plockmatic Rail Unit (404723)
(27) Requires Plockmatic PBM350 (404717)
(28) Requires Plockmatic PBM Trim Module (404718)
(29) Requires Plockmatic PBM Rotate Crease Trim Module (409054)
(30) Requires either SR5050 (404548) or SR5060 (404550), or RPIP Interface Box Type S3 (404660)
(31) Requires E-45A Color Controller (409118)
(32) Requires either E-45A Color Controller (409118) or E-85A Color Controller (409119)
(33) Not required to purchase with EFI Graphic Arts Package Premium Edition (404749)
(34) Not required to purchase with EFI Color Profiler Suite V4.X includes ES-2000 (409293 007091MIU)
(35) Requires 15 Amp Power Filter (006428MIU)
(36) Requires TotalFlow Print Server R-62 (409102)
(38) If the Vacuum Feed Banner Sheet Tray Type S9 (409095) is included in the system, BY5020 can be in
(39) Requires E-85A Color Controller (409119)
(40) EFI Color Profiler Suite V4.X includes ES-2000 (409293 007091MIU) and EFI Color Profiler Suite V4.X
(41) TF Color Advanced Type FS150 (45133050) includes the following: EFI Impose (404750), EFI Compo
(42) TF Color Standard Type FS150 (45132479) includes ES-2000 (007095MIU) and EFI Impose (409280
(43) Requires either SR5000 series Output Tray for Banner Sheet Type S6 (404877) or Plockmatic Banner
(44) Requires High Capacity Stacker SK5040 (409093)
Pro C9100 / C9110
(1) requires either an SR5050, SR5060, or a Stacker unit SK5030
(2) requires either a Fiery E-43 or E-83
(3) If ordering C9110 Entrance Unit 404726 you must order C9110 Exit Unit 404727
(4) If ordering C9100 Entrance Unit 404614 you must order C9100 Exit Unit 404615
(5) 30 Amp power filter for C9100 Series. 2 Must be ordered, 1 for entrance unit, 1 for exit unit
(6) requires TCRU Type A, B, C
(7) 4,400 sheet vacuum feed LCIT, can configure up to 3 units, but must include a Bridge Unit (BU5010) be
(8) bridge unit used to connect up to 3 Vacuum feed LCIT RT5100. One unit goes between each RT5100
(9) Vacuum feed oversize sheet tray for use with the RT5100. Can run up to 27" 300gsm coated stock
(10) only 1 unit per configuration
(11) not compatible with multi bypass BY5010 or multi bypass oversize sheet tray type S3
(12) Recommended for printing on coated stocks, or with high toner coverage to avoid bricking of paper
(13) for stacking up to 5k sheets of paper. Up to 2 can be configured per engine. Config can end in a stacke
(14) TCRU A contains customer replaceable parts for IQ and reliability. Mandatory for all mainframes
(15) TCRU B contains an entire fusing unit Mandatory for all mainframes
(16) bypass tray for up to 13x49" media. 220gsm max,To extend plastic tray for oversize media, you must a
(17) to configure BY5010 with RT5100 vacuum lct, Multi Bypass Attachment Kit for Vacuum Feed LCIT Typ
(18) not compatible with Vacuum Feed Oversize Sheet Tray Type S3 in a single configuration. Only one ov
(19) needed to configure the BY5010 with the RT5100 vacuum feed LCIT
(20) plastic extender for BY5010 to accommodate oversize prints
(21) Extra 5k sheet cart for SK5030 stacker
(22) 3 hole punch nit for SR5050 and SR5060 finishers
(23) to assist in the running of tabs from the paper drawers
(24) Single source cover interposer
(25) six position multi fold unit
(26) cannot be configured with Stacker SK5030 or RingBinder RB5020
(27) must be configured with Transit Pass Unit for Perfect Binder Type S1 and Cover Interposer Tray for Pe
(28) must have Glue Supply Type A for setup and operation
(29) must be configured with perfect binder GB5010
(30) Cannot be configured with Perfect binder GB5010
(31) 100 sheet staple finisher
(32) Ricoh 20 sheet saddle stich booklet maker
(33) Cannot be configured with Plockmatic PBM350 or PBM500 configuration
(34) booklet Face trim unit for SR5060 only
(35) requires at least 1 GBC streampunch ultra die set
(36) only compatible with GBC streampunch ultra die sets
(37) only compatible with GBC StreamPunch Ultra
(38) 35 page production booklet maker. Simple book fold only. Must be configured with the SR5050 finisher
(39) 50 page production booklet maker. Simple book fold only. Must be configured with the SR5050 finisher
(40) for a field upgrade from a PBM350 to a PBM500
(41) not compatible with SR5060 booklet maker or TR5040 trimmer
(42) must include rail unit for configuration
(43) must be included in Plockmatic PBM350 and PBM500 configurations
(44) cover inserter is used to feed up to 300gsm covers
(45) Plockmatic PBM Trim Module for face trim of booklets only
(46) Plockmatic PBM Book Fold Module for square edge book folding
(47)Plockmatic PBM Rotate Crease Trim Module for full bleed booklets. Need Plockmatic PBM Trim Modul
(48) Plockmatic BTS4000-1 Belt Stacker Module is an optional accessory to increase output capacity for un
(49) ThePlockmatic PBM Rotate Crease Trim Module does not support Off-line work
(50) Fiery E-43A FS150 Pro 80 controller for Pro C7100 series
(51) Fiery E83-A FS150 QX controller for Pro C7100 Series
(52) software upgrade for E43A only
(53) Software for Fiery E43A and E-83A
(54) Contains Color Profiler v4 software and ES-2000 spectrophotometer: Includes 1 year of phone suppor
(55) Contains Color Profiler v4 software only: Includes 1 year of phone support
(56) For customers that only want calibration capability, just the Spectrophotometer
(57) Stand, keyboard, monitor and mouse for Fiery E-43A
(58) Stand, keyboard, monitor and mouse for Fiery E-83A
(59) removable HD for Fiery E-43
(60) removable HD for Fiery E-83
(61) ram upgrade for Fiery E43
(62) SW upgrade bundle for E43 includes ES-2000 Spectrphotometer and Impose FS150
(63) SW upgrade bundle for E43 includes GAPPE, CPS4.X, ES-2000 Spectrphotometer, Impose FS150, C

Pro C9200 / C9210

(1) Requires either SR5050 (404548), SR5060 (404550), or Stacker unit SK5040 (409093)
(2) Requires either EFI Color Controller E-45 (409091), E-85 (409092), or TotalFlow Print Server R-62 (409
(3) Requires C9200 Exit Unit (409071)
(4) Requires C9210 Exit Unit (409073)
(5) Requires 30 Amp Power Filter (007140MIU) x Qty 2
(6) Requires TCRU Type S10 Set A (409138), Set B (409141), Set C (409139)
(7) Can configure up to 3 units, but must include a Bridge Unit (404652) between each LCIT RT5120 (4090
(8) Requires LCIT RT5120 (409082)
(9) Only 1 per configuration
(10) Requires LCIT RT5120 (409082) and Multi Bypass Attachment Kit for Vacuum Feed LCIT Type S9 (40
(11) Requires Multi Bypass Tray BY5020 (409090)
(12) Either Cover Interposer Tray CI5030 (404539) or High Capacity Interposer HCI3500 (409053) can be i
(13) When this option is selected, only 1 Stacker Unit SK5040 (409093) can be included in the configuration
(14) When this option is selected, Ring Binder RB5020 (404546) can't be included in the configuration
(15) When this option is selected, GBC e-wire (409221) can't be included in the configuration
(16) Requires Transit Pass Unit for Perfect Binder Type S1 (404544), Cover Interposer Tray for Perfect Bin
(17) When this option is selected, Perfect Binder GB5010 (404542) can't be included in the configuration
(18) Can configure up to 2 units
(19) Cant configure with SR5060 (404550)
(20) Cant configure with SR5050 (404548)
(21) Requires either SR5050 (404548) or SR5060 (404550)
(22) Requires SR5060 (404550)
(23) Requires at least one GBC Ultra Die
(24) Requires GBC StreamPunch Ultra (404773)
(25) Requires SR5050 (404548)
(26) Requires Plockmatic Rail Unit (404723)
(27) Requires Plockmatic PBM350 (404717)
(28) Requires Plockmatic PBM Trim Module (404718)
(29) Requires Plockmatic PBM Rotate Crease Trim Module (409054)
(30) Requires either SR5050 (404548) or SR5060 (404550), or RPIP Interface Box Type S3 (404660).
(31) Requires E-45 Color Controller (409091)
(32) Requires either E-45 Color Controller (409091) or E-85 Color Controller (409092)
(33) Not required to purchase with EFI Graphic Arts Package Premium Edition (404749)
(34) Not required to purchase with EFI Color Profiler Suite V4.X includes ES-2000 (409293 007091MIU)
(35) Requires either PDF RIP Enhanced by Kodak Type S10 (409123), or Heidelberg® Type S10 (409125)
(36) Requires TotalFlow Print Server R-62 (409101)
(37) Requires either Square Die (404770) or Round Die (404772)
(38) If the Vacuum Feed Banner Sheet Tray Type S9 (409095) is included in the system, BY5020 can be in
(39) Requires E-85 Color Controller (409092)
(40) EFI Color Profiler Suite V4.X includes ES-2000 (409293 007091MIU) and EFI Color Profiler Suite V4.X
(41) TF Color Advanced Type FS150 (45133050) includes the following: EFI Compose (409279), EFI Color
(42) Requires 15Amp Power Filter (006428MIU)
(43) Requires either SR5000 series Output Tray for Banner Sheet Type S6 (404877) or Plockmatic Banner
(44) Requires High Capacity Stacker SK5040 (409093)

Plockmatic StandAlone
1. This is a standalone configuration for off line use. Cannot be installed in line
2. Booklet Maker Required EDP code 10206010
3. Sheet Feeder is Required


SP 311DNw
1) SP 311DNw: 30-ppm Laser Printer; 360MHz print controller; Ethernet 10/100-Base-TX Interface; 128M
250-sheet tray + 50-sheet Bypass. Standard Automatic Duplexing. Ships with a starter toner cartridge, yie

SP 3600DN
1) 31-PPM Desktop Printer. Main unit includes a 4-line LCD Panel, 250-sheet Paper Tray, 100 sheet Bypa
2) A maximum of One (1) Optional Paper Feed Units may be added for a maximum paper capacity of 850 s
3) Supports paper sizes up to 8.5" x 14" and paper weights up to 43 lb Bond/90 lb Index.
4) 250-sheet Paper Feed Unit.
5) 500-sheet Paper Feed Unit
6) Raises the system to an optimal height for floor placement. This versatile cabinet is adjustable and supp

SP 3500N/SP3510DN
1) SP 3500N and SP3510DN are User/Service Installable. 30 ppm B&W printer, Includes 250 x 1 Paper T
Interface, Network Interface Board (10/100Base-TX Ethernet). Includes starter AIO print cartridge (yield: 1
cartridge yield available. 2) SP3510DN has duplex printing/copying capability. Copying is from 1 sided doc
User/Service Installable. 250 Sheet optional paper tray. Only one additional tray can be installed. Letter or
2) SP3510DN has duplex printing/copying capability. Copying is from 1 sided documents to 2 sided.
3) Paper Feed Unit TK1080 is User/Service Installable. 250 Sheet optional paper tray. Only one additional

SP4510DN / SP4520DN
1a) 42-PPM A4 Desktop Printer. Main unit includes a 4-line LCD Panel, 500-sheet Paper Tray, 100 sheet B
1b) 42-PPM A4 Desktop Printer. Main unit includes a 4.3" Color Touch Panel, USB and SD Card Ports, 50
2) A maximum of Two (2) Optional Paper Feed Units may be added for a maximum paper capacity of 1,600
3) Supports paper sizes up to 8.5" x 14" and paper weights up to 43 lb Bond/90 lb Index.
4) 250-sheet Paper Feed Unit.
5) 500-sheet Paper Feed Unit
6) Raises the system to an optimal height for floor placement. This versatile cabinet is adjustable and supp
7) One open interface board slot is available. Wireless LAN or Parallel Interface may be installed.
8) For environments that require Parallel connectivity.
9)This option allows you to connect the device to an IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n wireless LAN.
10) The Hard Disk Drive (HDD) transforms the Printer into an information portal. The HDD is required for L
11) Increases the memory to 1.5 GB and allows you to use the Browser option and Extended Features.
12) This options enables direct printing of XPS format documents.
13) For use in AS/400 environments. Additional Memory and Hard Disk Drive required.
14) Provides the ability to browse the Internet and print the Web pages displayed on the control panel. Req
15) The VM Card enables the installation of embedded software applications. HDD and additional Memroy

P 501 / P 502
(1) 47-ppm A4 B/W LED Desktop Printer. Includes 4-line LCD Panel, 500-sheet paper tray, 100-sheet byp
(2) 250 Sheets Paper Feed Unit. Supports media sizes up to 8.5" x 14" and paper weights up to 14 lb. Bon
(3) 500 Sheets Paper Feed Unit. Supports media sizes up to 8.5" x 14" and paper weights up to 14 lb. Bon
(4) A maximum of three (3) Optional Paper Feed Units may be added for a maximum system paper capacit
(5) Caster Table is recommended when adding up to (3) additional Paper Feed Units (Type PB1110/PB11
(6) Recommended when adding (2) or (3) additional Paper Feed Units (Type PB1110/PB1120) for a floor-s
(7) Recommended for the base unit or base unit with one (1) additonal Paper Feed Unit (Type PB1110/PB1
(8) Adobe® PostScript®3™. Required for printing from Mac OS. Recommended for printing more complex
(9) For use in AS/400 environments. Additional Hard Disk Drive required. (Available Nov. 2019)
(10) The Hard Disk Drive (HDD) is required for Locked/Hold/Stored Print. Data Overwrite & Encryption are
(11) Allows printer to connect to a network over WiFi
(12) The USB Device Server Option Type M19A is an interface board use to add an extra Ethernet port to a
(13) The VM Card enables the installation of embedded software applications. (418438) Hard Disk Drive O
(14) The Ricoh Technical Solutions Center (TSC) recommends the use of Power Protection products to pot
(15) The ESP S1 power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced Te
Ricoh SP 5200DN/SP 5210DN
1) 47-PPM Black & White printer. Mainframe includes 550-sheet Paper Tray, 100 sheet Bypass Tray, 256M
2) 52-PPM Black & White printer. Mainframe includes 550-sheet Paper Tray, 100 sheet Bypass Tray, 768M
3) 550-sheet Capacity. Up to 4 Optional Paper Feed Units may be installed for a maximum paper capacity
4) No more than 3 optional Paper Feed Unit TK1120/TK1120L/TK1120T may be installed at one time.
5) The assistance of a technician is required when installing all 4 optional Paper Feed Units.
6) TK1120L includes a Lock for securing sensitive or expensive paper.
7) TK1120T includes Teflon tape for improved feeding of label media.
8) TK1130 with Casters must be installed anytime the device will be placed directly on the floor.
9) This option is for the SP 5200DN only.
10) Hard Disk Drive includes DOSS and Data Encryption.
11) One available slot. Max capacity is 768MB.
12) One optional Interface port is available.
13) Required to run Java based applications
14) For use in AS/400 environments.
15) Tall Cabinet is recommended for use with standard mainframe when no optional Paper Feed Units are
16) Medium Cabinet is recommended for use when Mainframe is configured with 1 or 2 optional Paper Fee

Ricoh SP 5310DN
1) 52-PPM A4 B/W Laser Printer. Main unit has a 4-line LCD Panel, 500-sheet Paper Tray, 100 sheet Byp
2) 500-sheet capacity. Supports paper sizes up to 8.5" x 14" and paper weights up to 59 lb. Bond/120 lb. In
3) Caster Table is required when the maximum of four (4) optional Paper Feed Units (Type PB1100/PB110
4) Recommended when one (1) or two (2) additional Paper Feed Units (Type PB1100/PB1100TE/PB1100L
5) Recommended when three (3) additional Paper Feed Units (Type PB 1100/PB1100TE/PB1100LE) are a
6) One open interface board slot is available. Wireless LAN, Parallel Interface, USB Device Server, or Exte
7)This option allows you to connect the device to an IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n wireless LAN.
8) For environments that require Parallel connectivity.
9) This option provides an additional Network Port, which allows the printer to reside on two networks simu
10) Provides an additional USB Type B port / connection for printing.
11) The Hard Disk Drive (HDD) transforms the Printer into an information portal. The HDD is required for L
12) This option enables direct printing of XPS format documents.
13) For use in AS/400 environments. Hard Disk Drive required.
14) The VM Card enables the installation of embedded software applications. Hard Disk Drive required.
15) The ESP XG-PCS-15D power filter provides multi-stage power protection as well as line conditioning.
16) The ESP S1 power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced Tec
17) 500-sheet Locking Paper Feed Unit. Supports media sizes up to 8.5" x 11"and paper weights up to 59 l
for 500-sheet
18) the SP 5300DN.
Teflon enhanced Paper Feed Unit. Supports media sizes up to 8.5" x 14" and paper weights
19) Intelligent Printer Data Stream software supports the migration from legacy output devices to modern n

P 800, P 801
(1) 57-PPM A4 B/W Laser Printer. Main unit has a 4-line LCD Panel, 500-sheet Paper Tray, 100 sheet Byp
(2) 62-PPM A4 B/W Laser Printer. Main unit has a 4-line LCD Panel, 500-sheet Paper Tray, 100 sheet Byp
(3) 500-sheet capacity. Supports paper sizes up to 8.5" x 14" and paper weights up to 58 lb. Bond/120 lb. I
(4) Caster Table is required when the three (3) or four (4) optional Paper Feed Units (Type PB1160) are ins
(5) Recommended for the base unit for a floor-standing configuration.
(6) Recommended when one (1) or two (2) additional Paper Feed Units (Type PB1160) are added for a floo
(7) One open interface board slot is available. Wireless LAN or USB Device Server may be installed.
(8) This option allows you to connect the device to an IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n wireless LAN network.
(9) The Device Server Option is an interface board used to add an extra Ethernet port. Once installed, the o
(10) This option is available for customers who require True Adobe workflows like Photoshop, Illustrator an
(11) This 320GB Hard Disk Drive (HDD) transforms the Printer into an information portal. The HDD is requ
(12) The ESP XG-PCS-15D power filter provides multi-stage power protection as well as line conditioning.
(13) The ESP S1 power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced Te
(14) Purchase of the VM Card Type M37 is required to support any embedded software app that is develop

Ricoh SP 6430DN
1) 38 PPM black & white printer with automatic duplex capability. Mainframe includes 500-sheet Paper Tra
2) 500 sheet capacity. Up to 3 TK2010 Paper Feed Units can be installed for a maximum paper capacity of
3) Raises the system to an optimal height for floor placement. This versatile cabinet is adjustable and supp
4) One Memory slot is available. Replace the standard 512MB DIMM with the 1GB Memory DIMM to enab
5) The Hard Disk Drive (HDD) transforms the printer into an information hub. The HDD is required for Lock
6) One open interface board slot is available. Parallel Interface, Wireless LAN, or USB Device Server may
7) For environments that require parallel connectivity.
8) This option allows you to connect the device to an IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n wireless LAN.
9) The VM Card enables the installation of embedded Java based software applications. The HDD and 1GB
10) This option enables direct printing of XPS format documents.
11) This option can hold an additional IP address which allows the printer to reside on two networks simulta
12) Note change in EDP code to reflect Production site change from China (RCP) to Thailand (RMT). Curre
13) Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimi

Aficio SP 8300DN
1) 50-PPM Black & White Laser Printer. User/Service Installable. Requires two people to lift printer. Includ
2) User/Service Installable. Requires two people to lift printer and sit on the printer PFU. Two trays @550
3) User/Service Installable.  Requires two people to lift printer and sit on the 2,000-sheet Large Capacity Tr
4) Installed on right-side of the Printer; requires configuration with 2,000-sheet LCT or 550x2 Paper Feed U
5) Requires configuration with Bridge Unit (BU3060) and Two Tray Paper Feed Unit (PB3130), Large Capa
6) User/Service installable. May requires two people to lift finisher. Require configuration with Bridge Unit (
7) The Bridge Unit (BU3060) is a required accessory when the main unit is to be configured with either Fini
8) The Hole Punch Unit Type PU3030NA is optional for the 3,000-Sheet Finisher Type SR3120 only and in
9) The Output Jogger Unit Type 9002A is optional for the 3,000-sheet Finisher only. It taps sheets in the Sh
10) Installs beneath main unit. FAC 56 Cabinet Stand FAC 56 must be selected when the printer main unit
11) Service Installable. Expand RAM to 1.0GB Memory.
12) Service Installable. 120GB Provides for retention of documents in the Printer. Documents can be prin
13) Service Installable. For Wireless LAN Connection. Cannot be installed with Gigabit Ethernet Board or t
14) Service Installable. Cannot be installed with the IEEE 1284 interface Board at the same time.
15) Service Installable. For use when a Parallel connection is required. Cannot be installed with the Gigab
16) Allows for running of JAVA based applications. Cannot be installed with the Data Overwrite Security U
18) For use in AS/400 environments
19) The XG series of power filters are designed to provide a higher level of noise filtering and surge protect

Aficio SP 8400DN
(1) Designed for a maximum daily volume of 10k prints. (Letter paper, 20lb. Bond).
(2) The RICOH SP 8400DN 60-ppm Black & White Laser Printer ships standard with: 1,200 sheets paper c
(3) One of following can be installed on the mainframe: (A) LCIT 3260 (1-tray Paper Bank, 1000 Sheets x 2
(4) The PB3240 provides an additional 1,100 sheets. Cannot be installed with any of these Paper Bank opt
(5) Must order BU3070 Bridge Unit (417587) or Internal Multi-fold Unit FD3000 (417838) with Finisher SR3
(6) Multi-Folding Unit that offers several patterns including V fold, Z fold and Tri-fold. This option can be add
(7) PU3060, Hole Punch Option for SR3230 (417487) Finisher. Supports Paper Sizes Up To 5.5" x 8.5" to 1
(8) PU3050, Hole Punch Option for SR3210 (417483) Finisher. Supports Paper Sizes Up To 5.5" x 8.5" to 1
(9) Only one of these options can be installed on the device: SR3210 (417483) or the SR3230 (417487).
(10) Output Jogger Unit for SR3230.
(11) Table shaped option used to place card reader USB Connector.
(12) 4-bin mailbox provides individual bins for separate users or jobs. Can be configured with any base uni
(13) The attention light visually alerts operators to changes in status system for prompt attention. Can be c
(14) The LCIT RT3030 provides an additional 1,500 sheets. LCIT RT3030 must be configured with either th
(15) Only one of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
(16) Adobe® PostScript®3™. Required for printing from Mac OS. Recommended for printing more comple
(17) Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minim
(18) Required for printing from USB Type B port.
(19) Allows for direct printing of XPS-type file formats.
(20) Used to log in and authenticate users via NFC card. The card reader and its cable will be covered insi
(21) HDD is required for Sample Print, Locked/Secure Print, HDD Hold & Storage Print, Stored Print, Store
(22) Increases height of mainframe unit. Provides storage for supplies.
(23) 1,000 sheets Finisher (w/Stapleless). This option requires the addition of the BU3070 Bridge Unit or In
(24) 3,000 sheets Finisher. This option requires the addition of the BU3070 Bridge Unit or Internal Multi-fold
(25) VM CARD TYPE P13 Required to run Java based applications.
(26) Installs beneath main unit. Cabinet type F is one of the options that can be selected when the printer m
(27) Only one of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.

Aficio SP 9100DN
(1) Copy tray Type 2075 is required if no other output option (finisher) is selected.
(2) Output Jogger Unit Type 1075 is compatible with the SR842 only.
(3) Cover Interposer Tray Type 3260 supports either the SR842 OR SR400 finishers.
(4) Output Jogger Unit Type 3260 is compatible with the SR4000 only.
(5) LCT RT43 requires LCT Connection Unit Type A for installation.
(6) 2/3-Hole Punch Kit Type 1075 is compatible with the SR842 only.
(7) Punch Unit Type 3260 is compatible with the SR4000 only.
(8) Only one of the folloiwng Interface options can be installed: IEEE 802.11b Interface Unit Type l; USB H
(9) USB Host Interface is only usable by a Ricoh Developer Program member for external device developm
(10) VM Card Type D is used for adding Java applications integrated into the device by Ricoh Developer Pr


` SP C261DNw
(1) 21 PPM for color and monochrome prints. Mainframe includes 250-sheet Paper Tray, 1-sheet Bypass
(2) 500-sheet capacity. One optional Paper Feed Unit may be added to the mainframe.
(3) The ESP S1 power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced Tec

` SP C262SFNw
1) Print, copy, scan and fax. 21 PPM/CPM for color and monochrome prints and copies. Mainframe includ
2) Print, copy, scan and fax. 21 CPM/PPM for color and monochrome prints and copies. Mainframe includ
3) 500-sheet capacity. One optional Paper Feed Unit may be added to the mainframe.
4) The affordable ESP S1 power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Adva

(1) Print, copy, scan and fax. 26 PPM/CPM for color and monochrome prints and copies. Mainframe includ
(2) 500-sheet capacity. One optional Paper Feed Unit may be added to the mainframe.
(3) The ESP S1 power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced Tec

P C301W
(1) 26 PPM color and monochrome printer. Mainframe includes 250-sheet Paper Tray, 1-sheet Bypass Tra
(2) 500-sheet capacity. One optional Paper Feed Unit may be added to the mainframe.
(3) The ESP S1 power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced Tec

1) Standard Configuration includes a 4.3" touch screen control panel, 500-sheet paper tray and 100-sheet
2) 250-sheet capacity. Paper Tray supports up to 8.5" x 14" and paper weights up to 59 lb. Bond
3) 500-sheet capacity. Paper Tray supports up to 8.5" x 14" and paper weights up to 59 lb. Bond
4) Up to 3 paper trays may be configured in any combination.
5) Low cabinet required when the mainframe is configured with any 3 optional paper trays: TK1230 (407399
6) Tall cabinet recommended when the mainframe is configured with any 2 optional paper trays: TK1230 (4
7) Genuine Adobe PostScript Option.
8) Only one of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
9) Allows users to print XPS files directly from portable media or from a connected Windows PC without lau
10) The VM Card enables the installation of embedded software applications. Hard Disk Drive required.
11)The USB Device Server Option is an interface board used to add an extra Ethernet port. Once installed,
12) The 320 GB Hard Disk Drive (HDD) transforms the Printer into an information portal. The HDD is requi
13) The affordable ESP S1 power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Ad

SP C360SFNw / SP C361SFNw
1) SP C360SFNw Standard Configuration includes Print/Scan/Copy/Fax capabilities, 7" SOP (Smart Opera
2) SP C360SFNw Standard Configuration includes Print/Scan/Copy/Fax capabilities, 7" SOP (Smart Opera
3) 250-sheet capacity. Paper Tray supports up to 8.5" x 14" and paper weights up to 28 lb.
4) 500-sheet capacity. Paper Tray supports up to 8.5" x 14" and paper weights up to 28 lb.
5) One optional Paper Tray can be added to the mainframe; either TK1230 or TK1240
6) Tall cabinet can be configured with the mainframe or when the mainframe is configured with one addition
7) Used to log into the MFP and authenticate users via NFC card. Compatible only with the SP C361SFNw
8) The affordable ESP S1 power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Adva

SP C340DN / SP C342DN
1) Ricoh SP C340DN 26-PPM A4 Color Laser Printer. Main unit has a 4-line LCD Panel, 500-sheet Paper
2) 500-sheet capacity. Paper Tray fixed to 8.5" x 11" and supports paper weights up to 28 lb. One Paper F
3) One open interface board slot is available. Wireless LAN, Parallel Interface or USB Device Server may
4) For environments that require Parallel connectivity.
5)This option allows you to connect the device to an IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n wireless LAN.
6) USB Device Server allows a user to connect the device to two (2) LANs simultaneously.
7) The Hard Disk Drive (HDD) transforms the Printer into an information portal. The HDD is required for Lo
8) This options enables direct printing of XPS format documents.
9) The VM Card enables the installation of embedded software applications. Hard Disk Drive required.
10) The affordable ESP AC1 power filter provides muti-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Ad
11) Ricoh SP C342DN 26-PPM A4 Color Laser Printer. Main unit has a 4.3" touch screen panel, 500-shee

1) 37-PPM for color and monochrome prints. Mainframe includes 550-sheet Paper Tray, 100 sheet Bypass
2) 42-PPM for color and monochrome prints. Mainframe includes 550-sheet Paper Tray, 100 sheet Bypass
HC) Mobile printing solution. Includes One-Year subscription to the PrinterOn Mobile Printing Service. 42-
3) 550-sheet capacity. Up to 3 Paper Feed Units may be added to mainframe. The Caster Table Type C is
4) Specialty Paper Feed Unit with Teflon tape. 550-sheet capacity. Up to 3 Paper Feed Units may be adde
5) SP C430DN has one slot. A maximum of 768MB may be installed. Additional memory is recommended
5) SP C430DN has one slot. A maximum of 768MB may be installed. Additional memory is recommended
6) 80GB Hard Disk Drive. HDD is required for Job Spooling, Sample Print, Locked/Secure Print, HDD Hold
7) Encrypts data stored on Hard Disk Drive and NVRAM.
8) Overwrites latent data stored on HDD so the data can not be re-created.
9) Wireless LAN option. Supports IEEE 802.11a/g standard. Wireless LAN is WPA compliant. Only one o
10) Optional Gigabit Ethernet Interface. The printer's standard Ethernet and USB 2.0 ports are not available
11) Option for Parallel connections. Only one optional interface may be installed.
12) Required to run Java based applications.
13) Required when the SP C430DN/SP C431DN is configured with additional Paper Feed Units to create a
14) Raises the SP C430DN/SP C431DN to a comfortable height for floor-standing configuration. For use w
15) Raises the SP C430DN/SP C431DN to a comfortable height for floor-standing configuration. Recomme

Ricoh SPC435DN
1) 37-PPM A4 Color Laser Printer. Main unit has a 4-line LCD Panel with 12-key alphanumeric keypad, 55
2) 550-sheet capacity. Supports paper sizes up to 8.5" x 14" and paper weights up to 59 lb. Bond/120 lb. In
3) Caster Table Type C (406755) is required when the maximum of three (3) optional Paper Feed Units (Ty
4) Raises the SP C435DN to a comfortable height for floor-standing configuration. For use with printer bas
5) Raises the SP C435DN to a comfortable height for floor-standing configuration. Recommended when co
6) One open interface board slot is available. Wireless LAN, Parallel Interface or USB Device Server may
7) For environments that require Parallel connectivity.
8)This option allows you to connect the device to an IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n wireless LAN.
9) This option can hold an additional Network Port, which allows the printer to reside on two networks simu
10) The Hard Disk Drive (HDD) transforms the Printer into an information portal. The HDD is required for L
11) For use in AS/400 environments. Hard Disk Drive required.
12) The VM Card enables the installation of embedded software applications. Hard Disk Drive required.
13) Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimi

Ricoh P C600
1 42-PPM letter A4 Color Laser Printer. Main unit has a 4-line LCD Panel, 500-sheet Paper Tray, 100 she
2 500-sheet capacity. Supports paper sizes up to 8.5" x 14" and paper weights from 16 lb. to 58 lb. bond. A
3 Raises the P C600 to a comfortable height for floor-standing configuration. Recommended when configu
4 Raises the P C600 to a comfortable height for floor-standing configuration. For use with printer base unit
5 The Hard Disk Drive (HDD) transforms the Printer into an information portal. The HDD is required for Loc
6 This option allows you to connect the device to an IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n wireless LAN.
7 Genuine Adobe® PostScript®3™. Available for customers who require True Adobe workflows like Photo
8 The VM Card enables the installation of embedded software applications. Hard Disk Drive required.
9 Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize

Ricoh Aficio SP C830DN / 831DN

1) 45-ppm for color and monochrome prints. Mainframe includes 2 x 550-sheet Paper Tray, 100-sheet Byp
2) 55-ppm for color and monochrome prints. Mainframe includes 2 x 550-sheet Paper Tray, 100-sheet Byp
3) 1 x 550-sheet capacity Paper Feed Unit. May be added to the SP C830DN and SP C831DN.
4) 2 x 550-sheet capacity Paper Bank.
5) 2,000-sheet Large Capacity Tray. Supports Letter/A4 paper size.
6) 1,200-sheet Large Capacity Tray. Supports Letter paper size. May be added to the SP C830DN and SP
7) 2,000-Sheet Booklet Finisher. This option requires the addition of the BU3060 Bridge Unit and PB3130 T
8) 3,000-Sheet Finisher. This options requires the addition of the BU3060 Bridge Unit and PB3130 Two Tra
9) Required to install Finisher options.
10) 2/3-hole Punch compatible with both Finishers.
11) Attaches to Finisher SR3120. Taps sets into alignment
off-line finishing
bins for separate users or jobs. Can be configured with base unit or w
14) One (1) slot is accessible. Additional memory is recommended for duplex printing Legal and A3 docum
15) 250GB Hard Disk Drive. HDD is required for Sample Print, Locked/Secure Print, HDD Hold & Storage
16) Wireless LAN option. Supports IEEE 802.11a/g standard. Wireless LAN is WPA compliant. Only one
17) A maximum of one (1) optional interface board can be installed.
18) The printer's Ethernet and USB 2.0 ports are not available when the Gigabit Ethernet is installed. Inste
19) Permits for the design and implementation of customized and specialized workflow applications.
20) Connect your PictBridge enabled digital still camera directly to the SP C830DN / SP C831DN without th
21) Recommended when the printer main unit is configured with PB3120 (one tray paper feed unit)
22) Raises the height of the SP C830DN and SP C831DN for configuration with a Finisher.
22) Raises the height of the SP C830DN and SP C831DN for configuration with a Finisher.
23) For use in AS/400 environments. Additional Memory required for both SP C830DN/SP C831DN. Optio
24) The XG series of power filters are designed to provide a higher level of noise filtering and surge protect

Ricoh Aficio SP C840DN / C842DN

(1) Designed for a maximum daily volume of 10k prints. (Letter paper, 20lb. Bond).
(2) The RICOH SP C840DN 45-ppm Color and Black & White Laser Printer ships standard with: 1,200 she
(3) The RICOH SP C842DN 60-ppm Color and Black & White Laser Printer ships standard with: 1,200 she
(4) One of following must be installed on the mainframe: (A) LCIT 3260 (1-tray Paper Bank, 1000 Sheets x
(5) The PB3240 provides an additional 1,100 sheets. Cannot be installed with any of these Paper Bank opt
(6) When configured with the Caster Table Type M3, this paper feed unit lowers the total machine height, m
(7) Must order BU3070 Bridge Unit (417587) or Internal Multi-fold Unit FD3000 (417838) with Finisher SR3
(8) Multi-Folding Unit that offers several patterns including V fold, Z fold and Tri-fold. This option can be add
(9) PU3060, Hole Punch Option for SR3230 (417487) Finisher. Supports Paper Sizes Up To 5.5" x 8.5" to 1
(10) PU3050, Hole Punch Option for SR3220 (417484) and SR3210 (417483) Finishers. Supports Paper S
(11) Only one of these options can be installed on the device: SR3220 (417484), SR3210 (417483) or the
(12) Output Jogger Unit for SR3230.
(13) Table shaped option used to place either card reader or counter device. USB Connector.
(14) Allows customers to print crop marks for proofing SRA3/12.6" documents.
(15) 4-bin mailbox provides individual bins for separate users or jobs. Can be configured with any base uni
(16) The attention light visually alerts operators to changes in status system for prompt attention. Can be c
(17) The LCIT RT3030 provides an additional 1,500 sheets. LCIT RT3030 must be configured with either th
(18) Only one of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
(19) Allows users to connect a PictBridge-compatible digital camera directly to the Printer, enabling the prin
(20) Adobe® PostScript®3™. Required for printing from Mac OS. Recommended for printing more comple
(21) Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minim
(22) Required for printing from USB Type B port.
(23) Allows for direct printing of XPS-type file formats.
(24) Cannot install floor standing Finisher SR3220 (417484), SR3210 (417483) or SR3230 (417487) with th
(25) Used to log in and authenticate users via NFC card. The card reader and its cable will be covered insi
(26) Using Banner Paper Guide Tray Type M19 is recommended when printing on banner paper to avoid p
(27) HDD is required for Sample Print, Locked/Secure Print, HDD Hold & Storage Print, Stored Print, Store
(28) ** This option will not be available until Q4. This will be be noted on launch letters as a future option.**
(29) Increases height of mainframe unit. Provides storage for supplies.
(30) 1,000 sheets Finisher (w/Stapleless). This option requires the addition of the BU3070 Bridge Unit or In
(31) 1,000 sheets Booklet Finisher. This option requires the addition of the BU3070 Bridge Unit or Internal M
(32) 3,000 sheets Finisher. This option requires the addition of the BU3070 Bridge Unit or Internal Multi-fold
(33) VM CARD TYPE P8 Required to run Java based applications.
(34) Installs beneath main unit. Cabinet type F is one of the options that can be selected when the printer m
(35) The Caster Table Type M3 provides a platform with wheels for the PB3150 (408114) when ordered as
(36) Only one of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
(37) An interface board for adding an extra Ethernet port. If you install the USB Device Server Option, you c
(38) Ricoh HotSpot allows users to easily print from any mobile platform connected to Wi-Fi or the Internet,

Aficio SG 3100SNw/3110SFNw
1) SG 3110SNw is a 29-PPM Color and Black & White 3-in-1 MFP. Print, Copy and Scan. Mainframe inclu
2) SG 3110SFNw 29-PPM Color and Black & White 4-in-1 MFP. Print, Copy, Scan and Fax. Mainframe inc
3) Multi-Bypass Tray VY1040 has 100-sheet Capacity. Required for feeding thick media up to 68lb Bond/1
4) Paper Feed Unit TK1160 has 250-sheet Capacity. Up to 2 Optional Paper Feed Units may be installed.
5) SG 3110SNw/FNw come equipped with starter toner; yield is 600 for each color.

Aficio SG 3110DN/DNw
1) SG 3110DN is a 29-PPM Color and Black & White printer. Mainframe includes 250-sheet Paper Tray, 1
2) SG 3110DNw is a 29-PPM Color and Black & White printer. Mainframe includes 250-sheet Paper Tray,
3) Multi-Bypass Tray VY1040 has 100-sheet Capacity. Required for feeding thick media up to 68lb Bond/1
4) Paper Feed Unit TK1160 has 250-sheet Capacity. Up to 2 Optional Paper Feed Units may be installed.
5) SG 3110DN/DNw come equipped with starter toner; yield is 600 for each color.

MP W3601
(1) Mainframe ships as a copier. PlotWorks software is also included and should be installed for advanced
print and copy. Requires either Roll Feeder Type 3601A or Type 3601B.
(1) Mainframe ships as a copier. Requires either Roll Feeder Type 3601A or Type 3601B.
(2) The Roll Feeder Type 3601A (EDP#415435) cannot be upgraded to the Roll Feeder Type 3601B (EDP#
(3 Roll Feeder Type 3601B - The two roll table cannot be changed to a one roll table.
(4) Table Type 240 - The table provides manual copy sheet feeding and includes copy stacking but no rolls
(5) Paper Cassette Type 240 - Paper Cassette Tray only available with a one or two roll feeder. It can hold
(6) Rear Stacker - Rear Stacker requires either Roll Feeder Type 3601A or Roll Feeder Type 3601B.
(7) Roll Holder Type A - Roll holders provide additional flange inserts to be used for extra paper rolls
(8) Printer Option Type W3601 - Printer Option W3601 requires either Roll Feeder Type 3601A or Roll Fe
(9) Scanner Option Type W3601 - Scanner Option Type 3601 requires File Format Converter (EDP#41550
(10) File Format Converter Type F - File Format Converter (FFC) requires Scanner Option Type 3601 (ED
(11) VM Card Type E (EDP#420302) must be used with the Printer Option Type 3601 (EDP#415441)
(12) Gigabit Ethernet Type B - Gigabit Ethernet Board Type B enables connection to 1000 Base-TX netwo
(13) IEEE802.11b/g Interface Unit Type J (EDP#414008) allows users to set up a wireless LAN. Cannot us
(14) USB2.0/SD Slot Type E - USB2.0/SD Slot Type E requires the Scanner Option Type W3601 (EDP#41
(15) Print Copy Tool and Print Copy Tool Option D require a client PC and admin PC to install the dongle a

MP W6700
(1) Attach this to the front or back of the machine. You can stack a large number of prints on it.
(2) Attach to the back to catch large stacks of origionals
(3) Extra option for ease of roll paper change with the need to change holders for each paper.
(4) Extra option for ease of hanging large origionals when copying.
(5) Required for wireless LAN.
(6) Recomended
(7) Required for external counting hardware.
(8) Required for OCR scanned documents.
(9) “Print Tool” is a utility which enables centralized management of vast amounts of references and drawin
(10) can print Calcomp,
PrintCopyTool Option andType
2015files in an
allows forenvironment
use of DWG,where
application is not installed.
(11) Requires a client PC and Admin PC to install the dongle and Software.

MP W7100 / MP W8140
(1) 002660MIU required for both W7100 and W8140. Allow for clean power filtration.
(2) Increases the roll capacity from standard 2 rolls to 4 rolls total. Cannot be combined with 417295
(3) Cannot be combined with 417295
(4) Cannot be combined with 417292
(5) Adds two cassette trays to hold up to 18" x 24" (C Size) cut sheet paper.
(6) Provides Novell Netware 6.5 SP6 with Novell Client 4.9 SP3
(7) Only available with use with MP W8140 and provides a stand for scanner and cover for the copier to cre
(8) Stacks up to 100 E-size sheets. Can be attached to either the front or the back of the machine.
(9) The Original/Copy Catch Tray is an adjustable tray. It can be used for either catching originals or copies
(10) Roll holders provide additional flange inserts to be used for extra paper rolls.
(11) Obtains HTML data from a server and displays on the unit operation panel, which is used with solution
(12) Holds 100 originals on the front of the machines when users make copies
(13) Requires a client PC and Admin PC to install the dongle and Software.

(1) MP CW2200SP includes Mainframe, 1 Roll Paper Unit, Printer and Scanner Kits, DOSS, HDD Encryptio
Front Fabric Catch tray (The standard DOSS included with the mainframe is not ISO 15408 certified).
Model ships with enough ink to prime the machine for start up only. Additional ink is required for use upon
(2) MP CW2200SP Stand Required with Mainframe.
(3) 2 Roll Holder adds additional roll capacity for a total of 2 rolls
(4) File Format Converter is only needed if users will be printing documents longer than 109" (2,774mm)
(5) Additional roll holders allow for easy paper handling when multiple paper sizes are being used. The mai
(6) Browser Unit allows for connection to the Web or Web servers at the device control panel
(7)Gigabit Ethernet Type B provides 1000/10 base T connection for faster network access
(8) Copy Data Security Unit Type F prevents unauthorized copies
(9) IEEE802.11a/g Wireless Type J allows for Wireless Network access

(1) Stand . Required with Mainframe.
(2) Required if adding 2nd Roll Option RU6550
(3) Required for OCR scanned documents.
(4) Recommended
(5) “PrintCopy Tool” is a utility which enables centralized management of vast amounts of references and d
You can print Calcomp,
(6) PrintCopyTool Optionand
Type other CAD allows
D 2016 files infor
an use
of DWG, where a CAD
DXF, DWF application is not installed.
(7) File Format Converter Type M23 is required when paper length is more than 2,774mm (109.2 inches).
(8) Requires a client PC and Admin PC to install the dongle and Software.
(9) Model MPC W2201 comes equipped with enough ink to prime the machine for start up only. Additional

Pro L4160 / 4130

(1) 64" Version Includes Mainframe, take up device, USB 2.0, 100Base-TX interface and Rasterlink Softwa
(2) 54" Version Includes Mainframe, take up device, USB 2.0, 100Base-TX interface and Rasterlink Softwa

Pro L5160
1 Pro L5160 Printer Stand (342297) required when ordering the Pro L5160 mainframe (342293)
2 Starter Kit Includes 2- 600ml cartridges each of Cyan, Magenta, Yellow & Black. 8 total cartridges
3 Starter Kit Includes 4- 600ml cartridges of White. 1- 600ml cartridge each of Cyan, Magenta, Yellow & Bla
4 Required TS installation of Pro L5160
5 Required PS training for Pro L5160
6 Requires either CMYK ro CMYK+ W Starter Kit
7 Required with printer (Pro L5160)

EFI Pro 24F

1 Requires installation, training. And 1 of the 3 ink starter kits (3000010190-DS, 3000010185-DS or 30000
3 Required Professional Service Product Training
4 Required Technical Service Installation
6 Required with EFI 24f
7 Remove from configuration this item can still be added to an order as a separate line item
8 Required ink starter kit (only 1 starter kit needs to be selected)
10 This Ink is exclusive to the EFI Pro 24f
11 Only 1 starter kit per order

Epson SureColor P5000 / SureColor P7000 / SureColor P9000

1 - SPECTRO44UVS-DS; EO2PUB; PP-RPCMXRTPUB; are required when ordering SPCP5000CE, SCP
2- Order as part of the color proofing bundle in consultation with your Color Management services specialis
3- EPPSCTIN1 is Mandatory for Technical setup of equipment

DX 3343
(1) Either DF Type 20 or Platen Cover Type 1018 required (cannot be used together).
(2) VC-20 and Printer Unit Type 4545A can not be used together

DX 3334
(1) Mainframe includes 1,000 Sheet Paper Feed Tray, 1,000 Sheet Delivery Tray, Black Drum
(2) Either the Platen Cover PN2000 (416478) or ADF DF Type 2020 (416554) must be configured with the
(3) Inserts a colored paper strip marker between copied sets.
(4) The cabinet is recommended to be ordered with the mainframe.
(5) Required for network printing

DD 4450
(1) Mainframe includes: Black Drum, 1,000 Sheet Paper Feed Tray, 1,000 Sheet Delivery Tray.
(2) Either Platen Cover Type 3352 (415809) or ADF DF7000 (243259) must be ordered with the mainframe
(3) The cabinet is recommended to be ordered with the mainframe.
(4) Inserts paper marker between copied sets.
(5) Required for network printing.

DD 5450
(1) Mainframe includes 1,500 Sheet Paper Feed Tray, 1,500 Sheet Delivery Tray, A3 (11 x 17) Black Drum
(2) Either the Platen Cover PN7000 (243298) or ADF DF7010 (243299) must be configured with the mainfr
(3) A Color drum required for each color ink in use.
(4) A4 size drum used exclusively for printing on A4 (8.5 x 11) paper size or smaller.
(5) Inserts a paper strip marker between copied sets for sorting purposes.
(6) Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimi
(7) Required for network printing.
(8) Required for USB Printing from PC
(9) Required for printing from USB Media.
10) The cabinet is recommended to be ordered with the mainframe.

DD 6650:
(1) Mainframe includes: Black Drum, 1,000 Sheet Paper Feed Tray, 1,000 Sheet Delivery Tray, RPCS Net
(2) Either the Platen Cover Type 3352 (415809) or ADF DF7000 (243249) must be configured with the ma
(3) The cabinet is recommended to be ordered with the mainframe.
(4) The PostScript option is required for MAC Environments.
En-Press - Xante
1. Cannot be configured with Enterprise Feeder , SL Feeder or exit conveyor. Can use Stand EDP code 2
2. Can be configured with Enterprise Feeder EDP code 300-100236, SL Feeder EDP code 300-100-257, ex
3. Complete production System, no Accessories required.

PJ WXC1110
1) 600lm WXGA Handy Projector. LED, Up to 200" projection screen size, Lamp life 20000 hours std mode

PJ KU12000
1) 12,000lm WUXGA Standard Projector. Dual Lamp High Brightness Projector, Motorized Zoom, Keystone
2) Short Zoom Throw lens with Throw ratio 0.84.-1.02
3) Wide Zoom Throw lens with Throw ratio 1.02-1.36
4) Wide Zoom Throw lens with Throw ratio 1.2-1.5
5) Standard Throw lens with Throw ratio 1.5-2.0
6) Standard Zoom Throw lens with Throw ratio 2.0-4.0
7) Long Zoom Throw lens with Throw ratio 4.0-7.2
8) PJ Replacement Color Wheel Type1

PJ S2340 / X2340
1) 3,000lm SVGA Entry Level Projector. Up to 300" projection screen size, Lamp life 4500 hours std mode,
2) 3,000lm XGA Entry Level Projector. Up to 300" projection screen size, Lamp life 4500 hours std mode, 6

PJ S2440 / X2440 / WX2440

1) 3,000lm SVGA Standard Throw Projector Entry Level
2) 3,000lm XGA Standard Throw Projector Entry Level
3) 3,100lm WXGA Standard Throw Projector Entry Level
4) ESP S1 Power Filter

PJ HDC5420
1) 2,500lm XGA Home Theater Projector with auto keystone and enhanced color.

PJ WU5570 / PJ X5580
1) 6,000lm XGA Standard Projector with 3,000 hours standard and 4,000 hours eco lamp life
2) 5,500lm WUXGA Standard Projector with 3,000 hours standard and 4,000 hours eco lamp life
3) 3D Glasses compatable with all Ricoh DLP projectors.
PJ X3340 XGA Projector
3000lm XGA Desk Edge Projector
PJ X3340N XGA Projector with Networking
3000lm XGA Desk Edge Projector with auto focus and wired and wireless networking
PJ WX3340 WXGA Projector
3000lm WXGA Desk Edge Projector
PJ WX3340N WXGA Projector with networking
3000lm WXGA Desk Edge Projector with auto focus and wired and wireless networking
PJ X4240N XGA Short Throw Projector
3000lm XGA Short throw Projector with wired networking
PJ WX4240N WXGA Short Throw Projector
3000lm WXGA Short throw Projector with wired and wireless networking
Ricoh PJ 3D Glasses Type 2
3D Glasses compatable with all Ricoh DLP projectors.
eBeam Edge Bluetooth
eBeam edge with both wired and Bluetooth connectivity between eBeam sensor and PC.
PJ WX4141N / Ni
(1) PJ WX4141N is a 3300lm WXGA Ultra Short Throw projector with standard wired and wireless network
(2) PJ WX4141Ni is a 3300lm WXGA Ultra Short Throw projector with standard wired and wireless network
(3) eBeam Software: License for optional ebeam interactive software. Includes licensing for 5 users

PJ WX4152N / Ni
1) 3500lm WXGA Ultra Short Throw projector with standard wired and wireless networking. Lamp life 3500
2) 3500lm WXGA Ultra Short Throw projector with standard wired and wireless networking and integrated i
3) Licemse for optional ebeam interactive software. Includes licensing for 5 users. For PJ WX4141NI and P
4) Floor stand for PJ WX4152N and PJ WX4152NI
5) Tripod mount to attach PJ WX4152N and PJ WX4152NI to commercially available tripod
6) This is a replacement interactive pen for the PJ WX4152NI only

PJ XL4540 / WLX4540
1) 3,000lm XGA Standard Projector. Laser, Up to 100" projection screen size, Lamp life 10000 hours std m
2) 3,200lm WXGA Standard Projector. Laser, Up to 100" projection screen size, Lamp life 10000 hours std
3) EBEAM EDGE WIRED Wired Interactive option for projectors
4) EBEAM EDGE BLUETOOTH Bluetooth Interactive option for projectors

PJ WUC4650 / WXC4660
(1) 4,000lm WXGA Ultra-Short Throw Projector. LED, Fixed Lens, Up to 130" projection screen size, Engin
(2) 3,600lm WUXGA Ultra-Short Throw Projector. LED, Fixed Lens, Up to 130" projection screen size, Eng
(3) The ESP S1 power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced Tec

PJ X5460, PJ WX5460, PJ HD5450

1) 3500lm XGA Desk Edge Projector with auto focus and wired and wireless networking
2) 3500lm WXGA Desk Edge Projector with auto focus and wired and wireless networking
3) 3300lm XGA Short throw Projector with wired networking
5) 3D Glasses compatable with all Ricoh DLP projectors.

PJ X3351N, PJ WX3351N, PJ X4241N, PJ WX4241N

1) 3500lm XGA Desk Edge Projector with auto focus and wired and wireless networking
2) 3500lm WXGA Desk Edge Projector with auto focus and wired and wireless networking
3) 3300lm XGA Short throw Projector with wired networking
4) 3300lm WXGA Short throw Projector with wired and wireless networking
5) 3D Glasses compatable with all Ricoh DLP projectors.
6) eBeam edge with both wired and Bluetooth connectivity between eBeam sensor and PC or Mac.
7) Optional embedded inetractive kit. Includes Pen, projector module, dongle for PC and PJ Interactive Soft
8) Aditional / replacement pen for interactive kit type 2. Only includes Pen.

PJ X6181N, PJ WU6181N
1) Projector does not come with a lens. Proper lens must be ordered with projector
2) Projector does not come with a lens. Proper lens must be ordered with projector
3) Optional wireless networking accessory
4) Standard lens 1.5 - 3.0:1 throw ratio
5) Short throw lens - 0.8:1 throw ratio
6) 1.3 Zoom Lens - 1.19 - 1.56:1 throw ratio
7) 1.6 Zoom Lens - 2.97 - 4.79:1 throw ratio
8) 1.52 Zoom Lens -4.7 - 7.2:1 throw ratio
9) 1.3 Short Throw Zoom Lens - throw ration 0.8 - 1.0:1

PJ WXL5670, PJ WUL5670
(1) 5,200lm WXGA Standard Projector. Laser, Fixed Lens, Up to 300" projection screen size, Engine Life 2
(2) 5,200lm WUXGA Standard Projector. Laser, Fixed Lens, Up to 300" projection screen size, Engine Life
(3) The ESP S1 power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced Tec
(4) The 006428MIU power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced

PJ WXL6280, PJ WUL6280
1) 6,000lm WXGA Standard Laser Projector with 20,000 Hrs. Laser life, Motorized Zoom, Keystone and Le
2) 6,000lm WUXGA Standard Laser Projector with 20,000 Hrs. Laser life, Motorized Zoom, Keystone and L
3) Ultra Short Throw lens with Throw ratio 0.79-1.0 for WXGA and 0.75-0.95 for WUXGA
4) Short Throw lens with Throw ratio1.0 - 1.28 for WXGA and 0.95-1.22 for WUXGA
5) Standard lens with Throw ratio 1.28 - 1.61 for WXGA and 1.22 - 1.53 for WUXGA
6) Long Throw lens with Throw ratio 1.6 - 3.07 for WXGA and 1.52 - 2.92 for WUXGA
7) Ultra Long Throw lens with Throw ratio 3.04 - 5.78 for WXGA and 2.90 - 5.50 for WUXGA


1) All in one endpoint for Web RTC video conferencing services
3) Optional keyboard for P3500M navigation

1) Self contained HD video, voice and data in one package. All that is required is internet connectivity and d
2) Monthly unlimited video conferenve servive is required for all P3500 units.
3) Optional PC, Macintosh, iPad and iPhone applications available. Require monthly subscription service.

D2200 Interactive Whiteboard

1. 21.5" interactive whiteboard with Business interactive software and Ricoh UCS software
2. One time Collobrative license that enables connection between up to 20 Ricoh IWBs.

D3210BK Interactive Whiteboard

1. 32" HD Interactive flat panel display. No controller installed. Only one optional controller can be installed.
2. Ricoh Business Controller providing whiteboarding and collaborative features. The D3210 is not compata
3. Windows 10 Open controller. Comes standard with Windows 10 pro, Ricoh IWB lt software, Ricoh UCS a
4. IWB lt software has limited features.
6. Collaborative license for use with Business controller and IWB lt software. Allows up to 20 IWBs in a mee
7. Optional keyboard and trackpad for use with Windows controller only.
8. The 006428MIU power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced T
9. Configuration item for Huddle room kit
10. Configuration item for Conference room kit
11. Can have a maximum of 6 speakers
12. The power hub is required to connect 2 or more MT503-W
13. when ceiling mounted. One mount per speaker Recommended
15. Capture Box Works with the RICOH Interactive Whiteboard Controller (All)
16. Windows 10 i7 Open controller. Comes standard with Windows 10 pro, Ricoh IWB lt software, Ricoh UC
17. Configuration expansion options for Logitech Rally Video Conferencing System
18. Stand to sit on table
19. Replacement stylus pen
20. 989-000405, LOGITECH MEETUP EXP Mic, is required with 960-001101, LOGITECH MEETUP 4K Ca
21. The ESPS1 power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices.
Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize p
D5510 Interactive Whiteboard
1) 55" interactive whiteboard ships with display, integrated computer and pen.
2) Optional portable stand for D5510. Standard flat screen wall mount can also be used.
3) Optional portable stand for D5510. Standard flat screen wall mount can also be used.
4) One time Collobrative license that enables connection between up to 20 Ricoh IWBs.
5) Additional pen for D5510

D5520 Interactive Whiteboard

1) 55" Interactive flat panel display. No controller installed. Only one optional controller can be installed.
3) Windows 10 Open controller. Comes standard with Windows 10 pro, Ricoh IWB lt software, Ricoh UCS
4) IWB lt software has limited features.
6) Optional video camera for use with video conferencing software. Mounts on top of the D5520. Can be us
7) Optional cart for mobility
8) Collaborative license for use with Business controller and IWB lt software. Allows up to 20 IWBs in a me
9) Optional keyboard and trackpad for use with Windows controller only.
10) The 006428MIU power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced

D6500 Interactive Whiteboard

1) 65" Touch Screen Display only.
2) 65" IWB with embedded business controller
3) Stand for all D6500 configurations
4) Kit replaces finger operation with electronic pen. After activating option, finger operation is no longer ava
5) Can only be used with Ricoh Interactive Whiteboard D6500 Business (432133)
5) Due to pairing between dongle and pen, no replacement or additional pens can be connected.
6) One time Collobrative license that enables connection between up to 20 Ricoh IWBs
7) Can only be used with Ricoh Interactive Whiteboard D6500 Business (432133)

D6510 Interactive Whiteboard

1) 65" Interactive flat panel display. No controller installed. Only one optional controller can be installed.
2) Ricoh Business Controller providing whiteboarding and collaborative features
3) Windows 10 Open controller. Comes standard with Windows 10 pro, Ricoh IWB lt software, Ricoh UCS
4) IWB lt software has limited features.
5) Optional pen kit for use with Ricoh Business Controller only
6) Optional cart for mobility
7) Collaborative license for use with Business controller and IWB lt software. Allows up to 20 IWBs in a me
8) Optional keyboard and trackpad for use with Windows controller only.
10) The 006428MIU power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced

D7500 Interactive Whiteboard

1) 75" Interactive flat panel display 4K resolution. No controller installed. Only one optional controller can be
2) Ricoh Business Controller providing whiteboarding and collaborative features
3) Windows 10 Open controller. Comes standard with Windows 10 pro, Ricoh IWB lt software, Ricoh UCS
4) IWB lt software has limited features.
5) Optional pen kit for use with Ricoh Business Controller only
6) Optional video camera for use with video conferencing software. Mounts on top of the D7500. Can be us
7) Optional cart for mobility
8) Collaborative license for use with Business controller and IWB lt software. Allows up to 20 IWBs in a me
9) Optional keyboard and trackpad for use with Windows controller only.
10) The 006428MIU power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced

D8400 Interactive Whiteboard

1) 84" Touch Screen Display only.
2) 84" IWB with embedded business controller
3) Kit replaces finger operation with electronic pen. After activating option, finger operation is no longer ava
4) Can only be used with Ricoh Interactive Whiteboard D8400 Business
5) Due to pairing between dongle and pen, no replacement or additional pens can be connected.
6) One time Collobrative license that enables connection between up to 20 Ricoh IWBs
7) Can only be used with Ricoh Interactive Whiteboard D8400 Business

D8600 Interactive Whiteboard

1. 86" 4K Interactive flat panel display. No controller installed. Only one optional controller can be installed.
2. Ricoh Business Controller providing whiteboarding and collaborative features. The D8600 is not compata
3. Windows 10 Open controller. Comes standard with Windows 10 pro, Ricoh IWB lt software, Ricoh UCS a
4. IWB lt software has limited features.
5. Optional cart for mobility
6. Collaborative license for use with Business controller and IWB lt software. Allows up to 20 IWBs in a mee
7. Optional keyboard and trackpad for use with Windows controller only.
8. The 006428MIU power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced T
9. Configuration item for Huddle room kit
10. Configuration item for Conference room kit
11. Can havew a maximum of 6 speakers
12. The power hub is required to connect 2 or more MT503-W
13. when ceiling mounted. One mount per speaker Recommended
14. Connection box proves two USB connections and storage for RFID Badge Scaner

P 501TL
(1) 45-ppm A4 B/W LED Desktop Printer. Includes 4-line LCD Panel, 500-sheet Locking & Label enhance
(2) 250 Sheets Paper Feed Unit. Supports media sizes up to 8.5" x 14" and paper weights up to 14 lb. Bon
(3) 500 Sheets Paper Feed Unit. Supports media sizes up to 8.5" x 14" and paper weights up to 14 lb. Bon
(4) 250-sheet Locking Paper and Label enhanced Paper Feed Unit
(5) 500-sheet Locking Paper and Label enhanced Paper Feed Unit
(6) A maximum of three (3) Optional Paper Feed Units may be added for a maximum system paper capacit
(7) Caster Table is recommended when adding up to (3) additional Paper Feed Units (Type PB1110/PB11
(8) Recommended when adding (2) or (3) additional Paper Feed Units (Type PB1110/PB11120/PB1110 TL
(9) Recommended for the base unit or base unit with one (1) additonal Paper Feed Unit (Type PB1110/PB
(10) Adobe® PostScript®3™. Required for printing from Mac OS. Recommended for printing more comple
(11) For use in AS/400 environments. Additional Hard Disk Drive required. (Available Nov. 2019)
(12) 320 GB Hard Disk Drive. The Hard Disk Drive (HDD) is required for Locked/Hold/Stored Print. Data O
(13) Allows printer to connect to a network over WiFi
(14) The USB Device Server Option Type M19A is an interface board use to add an extra Ethernet port to a
(15) The VM Card enables the installation of embedded software applications. (418438) Hard Disk Drive O
(16) The Ricoh Technical Solutions Center (TSC) recommends the use of Power Protection products to pot
(17) The ESP S1 power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced Te

IM 430FbTL
(1) 45-PPM A4 B/W LED Desktop MFP. Main unit includes 10.1" Smart Operation Panel, integrated 500-sh
(2) 250 Sheets Paper Feed Unit. Supports media sizes up to 8.5" x 14" and paper weights up to 14 lb. Bon
(3) 500 Sheets Paper Feed Unit. Supports media sizes up to 8.5" x 14" and paper weights up to 14 lb. Bon
(4) 250-sheet Locking Paper and Label enhanced Paper Feed Unit
(5) 500-sheet Locking Paper and Label enhanced Paper Feed Unit
(6) A maximum of three (3) Optional Paper Feed Units may be added for a maximum system paper capacit
(7) Caster Table is recommended when adding up to (3) additional Paper Feed Units (Type PB1110/PB112
(8) Recommended when adding (2) or (3) additional Paper Feed Units (Type PB1110/PB1120/PB1110 TL
(9) Recommended for the base unit only or base unit with one (1) additonal Paper Feed Unit (Type PB1110
(10) Optional Offline Stapler
(11) Adobe® PostScript®3™. Required for printing from Mac OS. Recommended for printing more comple
(12) For use in AS/400 environments.
(13) Allows the creation of searchable PDFs when scanning. User can search the finished documents for s
(14) PageKeeper accessory is a multi-feed detection sensor that automatically stops a scanning job if more
(15) Required for printing from USB Type B port. Can not be installed with (417508) File Format Converter
(16) Required to covert file format and drag documents stored via Document Server to desktop. Can not be
(17) Allows MFP to connect to a network over WiFi. Can not be installed with (417566) Extended USB Boa
(18) The USB Device Server Option Type M19A is an interface board use to add an extra Ethernet port to a
(19) 20-Pin Interface used to attach external key counter or key card device.
(20) Used to log in and authenticate users via NFC card. The card reader and its cable will be covered insi
(21) The Ricoh Technical Solutions Center (TSC) recommends the use of Power Protection products to pot
(22) The ESP S1 power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced Te

(1) MP C300HW Mainframe iincludes standard 50 Sheet ARDF, 100-Sheet Bypass Tray, 160GB HDD, 1.5
PictBridge Printing, Print From and Scan To USB/SD, Scan to Email/Folder. Offers both wristband insert an
(2) MP C300HT Mainframe includes standard 50 Sheet ARDF, 100-Sheet Bypass Tray, 160GB HDD, 1.5G
Printing, PDF Direct and PictBridge Printing, Print From and Scan To USB/SD, Scan to Email/Folder. Offer
(3) Paper Feed Unit PB1000 Teflon Edition(1 x 550): This option has teflon inserts for feeding labels and ot
(4) FAC49 recommended when no optional paper feed units will be used.
(5) FAC50 recommended with PB1000.
(6) FAC51 recommended with PB1010.
(7) No cabinet is required when one optional PB1000 and one optional PB1010 are being used.
(8) 1 Bin Tray BN1000 has 100 Sheet Capacity. Provides additional output tray to separate fax/print output
(9) Side Tray Type C400 is installed on the right side of the device. Provides an additional 50-sheet output
(10) Only 1 of the following two options can be installed on the MP C300HW / MP C300HT: IEEE802.11 a/
(11) File Format Converter Type E required for downloading Print/Copy documents stored on the Documen
(12) Fax Option Type C400 has 33.6Kbps, 2 Second Transmission Speed, Standard JBIG Compression, S
(13) 32MB Memory Unit Type B increases SAF fax memory to approximately 2,240 pages.
(14) Copy Data Security Unit Type F: This option enables the MFP to read documents printed by an RPCS
Security function.
(15) Optional Counter Interface Unit Type A required for 3rd party solutions requiring 20-pin connection.

SP 5210DNHW / 52100DNHT
1) Aficio SP 5210DNHW is a 52-PPM Black & White printer. Mainframe includes 550-sheet Paper Tray wit
768MB RAM, 80GB Hard Disk Drive with Data Overwrite and Encryption and integrated Dupl
2) Aficio SP 5210DNHT is a 52-PPM Black & White printer. Mainframe includes 550-sheet Paper Tray with
Overwrite and Encryption and integrated Duplex. Ships with a Starter AIO
3) Each Paper Feed Unit has 550-sheet Capacity. Up to 4 Optional Paper Feed Units may be installed for
4) No more than 3 optional Paper Feed Unit TK1120 may be installed at one time.
5) The assistance of a technician is required when installing all 4 optional Paper Feed Units.
6) TK1130 with Casters must be installed anytime the device will be placed directly on the floor.
7) Paper Feed Unit TK1120L; Paper Feed Unit TK1130L with Casters: These PFUs include a locking Pape
8) Paper Feed Unit TK1120T and Paper Feed Unit TK1130T with Casters: These PFUs include Teflon tape
9) One optional Interface port is available for: Gigabit Ethernet Board Type C; IEEE 802.11a/g Interface U
10) IPDS Unit Type 5200 is for use in AS/400 environments.
11) SD Card for Netware Printing Type E is for use in environments running Novell Netware.
12) Tall Cabinet is recommended for use with standard mainframe when no optional Paper Feed Units are
13) Medium Cabinet is recommended for use when Mainframe is configured with 1 or 2 optional Paper Fee

Aficio SP 5200SHW / SP 5200SHT / SP 5210SFHW / SP 5210SFHT

1) Aficio SP 5200SHW: Print, copy, and scan. 47 PPM monochrome MFP with color scanning standard. M
Teflon tape, 100-sheet Bypass Tray, standard duplex printing, Adobe PostScript, 1 GB RAM, HDD with DO
Cartridge that yields 6,000 prints.
2) Aficio SP 5200SHT: Print, copy, and scan. 47 PPM monochrome MFP with color scanning standard. M
standard duplex printing, Adobe PostScript, 1 GB RAM, HDD with DOSS and Encryption, Java and 50-she
3) Aficio SP 5210SFHW: Print, copy, scan and fax. 52 PPM monochrome MFP with color scanning standa
and Teflon tape, 100-sheet Bypass Tray, standard duplex printing, Adobe PostScript, 1 GB RAM, HDD with
increases output capacity to 600 sheets. Ships with Starter All-in-One Cartridge that yields 6,000 prints.
4) Aficio SP 5210SFHT: Print, copy, scan and fax. 52 PPM monochrome MFP with color scanning standar
duplex printing, Adobe PostScript, 1 GB RAM, HDD with DOSS and Encryption, Java and 50-sheet ARDF.
Starter All-in-One Cartridge that yields 6,000 prints.
5) Paper Feed Units have 550-Sheet Capacity (each).
6) Paper Feed Unit TK1090: Up to 2 PFU TK1090 may be stacked.
7) Paper Feed Unit TK1100 with Casters: Only 1 PFU TK1100 with Casters may be installed on a mainfram
properly configured, PFU TK1100 must be the lowest PFU installed.
8) Paper Feed Unit TK1090; Paper Feed Unit TK1100 with Casters: Installation of 3 PFUs requires the ass
9) Paper Feed Unit TK1100L with Casters includes a locking Paper Tray.
10) Paper Feed Unit TK1100T with Casters includes Teflon tape.
11) Tall Cabinet is recommended for use with mainframe when no optional Paper Feed Units are installed.
12) Medium Cabinet is recommended for use when Mainframe is configured with 1 optional Paper Feed Un
13) Fax Option Type SP5200 may be installed on the SP 5200SHW and SP 5200SHT only.
14) IEEE802.11 a/g Interface Unit Type J; Gigabit Ethernet Board Type C; File Format Converter Type E: O
LAN or File Format Converter may be installed.
15) IEEE802.11 a/g Interface Unit Type J: Wireless LAN option supports IEEE 802.11a/g standard and is W
16) Gigabit Ethernet Board Type C: The printer's standard Ethernet and USB 2.0 ports are not available wh
and USB 2.0 ports mounted on the Gigabit Ethernet Board.
17) Bluetooth Interface Unit Type D: Wireless option for printing at close range. The is Bluetooth option is i
18) Memory Unit Type B 32MB: Expansion memory. Provides additional memory for facsimile functions.
19) Data Overwrite Security Unit Type I: Overwrites latent data stored on HDD so the data can not be re-cr
option is offered for installations requiring Common Criteria certifcation. Certification is pending.
20) Remote Communication Gate A: External @Remote appliance.
21) Browser Unit Type E: Used to display data from the server in HTML format on the machine's control pa
22) File Format Converter Type E: Required for downloading documents stored to Document Server in cop
23) IPDS Unit Type 5210: For use in AS/400 environments.
24) Optional Counter Interface Unit Type A: Required for 3rd party solutions requiring 20-pin connection.
25) HotSpot MFP Option Type E: Comes with 1yr HotSpot Subscription Service.
28) 1 Year HotSpot Service Subscription Extension: Extends the HotSpot Mobile Printing Service subscrip
29) 2 Year HotSpot Service Subscription Extension: Extends the HotSpot Mobile Printing Service subscrip
30) 3 Year HotSpot Service Subscription Extension: Extends the HotSpot Mobile Printing Service subscrip
31) 4 Year HotSpot Service Subscription Extension: Extends the HotSpot Mobile Printing Service subscrip

Aficio SP C431DNHW / SP C431DNHT

1) Aficio SP C431DNHW: 42-PPM for color and monochrome prints. Offers Wristband Insert and Teflon ta
Duplex, 768MB RAM, 80GB Hard Disk Drive and Enhanced Locked Print NX (ELP-NX) standa
2) Aficio SP C431DNHT: 42-PPM for color and monochrome prints. Offers Teflon tape. Includes 550-shee
80GB Hard Disk Drive and Enhanced Locked Print NX (ELP-NX) standard. Ships with Starter Toner that y
3) Paper Feed Unit PB1020T: Specialty Paper Feed Unit with Teflon tape. 550-sheet capacity. Up to 3 Pa
recommended with adding 2 or more Paper Feed units.
4) Paper Feed Unit PB1020: 550-sheet capacity. Up to 3 Paper Feed Units may be added to mainframe.
5) HDD Encryption Unit Type D: Encrypts data stored on Hard Disk Drive and NVRAM.
6) Data Overwrite Security Unit Type K: Overwrites latent data stored on HDD so the data can not be re-cr
7) IEEE 802.11a/g Interface Unit Type L: Wireless LAN option. Supports IEEE 802.11a/g standard. Wirele
8) Gigabit Ethernet Board Type A: Optional Gigabit Ethernet Interface. The printer's standard Ethernet and
installed. Instead, you can use the Ethernet and USB 2.0 ports mounted on the Gi
9) IEEE 1284 Interface Board Type A: Option for Parallel connections. Only one optional interface may be
10) Intentionally left blank.
11) SD Card for Netware Printing Type D: For use in environments running Novell Netware.
12) Caster Table Type C: Required when the SP C431DN is configured with additional Paper Feed Units t

1) 52-PPM A4 B/W Laser Multifunction Printer with integrated 500-sheet Locking & Teflon enhanced Paper
2) 500-sheet capacity. Supports paper sizes up to 8.5" x 14" and paper weights up to 59 lb. Bond/120 lb. In
3) 500-sheet Locking Paper Feed Unit.
4) 500-sheet Teflon enhanced Paper Feed Unit.
5) Caster Table is required when the three (3) or four (4) optional Paper Feed Units (Type PB1100/PB1100
6) Recommended for the base unit for a floor-standing configuration.
7) Recommended when one (1) or two (2) additional Paper Feed Units (Type PB 1100/PB1100TE/PB1100
8) One open interface board slot is available. Wireless LAN, Parallel Interface, USB Device Server, Extend
9)This option allows you to connect the device to an IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n wireless LAN.
10) For environments that require Parallel connectivity.
11) This option provides an additional Network Port, which allows the MFP to reside on two networks simul
12) Required for printing from USB Type B port.
13) 20-Pin Interface used to attach External Key Counter or Key Card Device.
14) This option enables direct printing of XPS format documents.
15) Required to convert file format and drag documents stored via Document Server to desktop.
16) This function embeds invisible text on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files b
17) Enables users to send and receive faxes from other devices on the same network (up to 6) via the Prim
18) Enables users to log into and authenticate to the MFP with a programmed access card.
19) For customers who require the CC certified Data Overwrite Security function.
20) The ESP XG-PCS-15D power filter provides multi-stage power protection as well as line conditioning. R
21) The ESP S1 power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced Tec


Pro 907/1107
1) Bundle includes mainframe, Printer / Scanner Type 1357 and SR5000 Finisher
2) Option for SR5000 Finisher
3) Only 1 RT5030 can be attached to the system

1) Bundle includes mainframe, cabinet, ARDF, Print/Scan
2) Select Series Mainframe must include a SR 790 or SR 3000 finisher with the mainframe order.

(3) Bundle includes mainframe, cabinet, ARDF, Print/Scan
(4) Select Series Mainframe must include a SR 3030 or SR 3020 finisher with the mainframe order.

1) Bundle includes mainframe, cabinet, ARDF, Print/Scan
2) Select Series Mainframe must include a finisher with the mainframe order.

1) Bundle includes mainframe, cabinet, w/PB3040/ARDF/Print/Scan
2) Select Series Mainframe must include a finisher with the mainframe order.

1. MP 6002SP mainframe includes standard 150-sheet color single pass duplex document feeder, 1GB RA
2. MP7502SP includes standard 150-sheet color single pass duplex document feeder, 1.5GB RAM, 250G
3. Required for printing from Mac OS. Recommended for printing more complex color and PDF files.
4. SR4070 2,000-sheet finisher with 50-sheet staple capacity and 15-sheet saddle-stitch capacity.
5. The SR4060 Booklet Finisher (415901-RM) and SR4070 Saddle Stitch Finisher (415902-RM), cannot be
6. SR4060 3,000-sheet finisher with 50-sheet staple capacity.
7. Punch PU3260 Requires SR4060 (415901-RM) or SR4070 (415902-RM) Finishers. 2 & 3 hole punch (us
8. Ricoh Technology Solutions Support Center (TSSC) recommends the use of Power Protection products
9. Fax Option Type 9002 includes two (2) RJ-11 telephone jacks for Super G3 Fax. Connect a PSTN teleph

MP2852 / MP3352 / MP4002 / MP5002 / MPC3002 / MPC3502 / MPC4502 / MPC5502

1. MP 2852SP mainframe includes ARDF (Standard), Print/Scan (416426-RM), Cabinet (416337-RM) and
2. MP 2852SP mainframe does not require to be configured with a finisher
3. MP 3352SP mainframe includes 2 x 550-sheet Tray Paper Bank PB3130 (415793-RM), ARDF (Standard
4. MP 3352SP mainframe needs to be configured with a 1,000 sheet SR3090 Finisher (415804-RM) for sta
5. MP 2852/3352SP optional accessory includes Fax Type 3352 (415836-RM) which features 33.6Kbps, 2
6. MP 2852/3352SP optional accessory includes PostScript 3 Type 3352 (415830-RM) which is required fo
7. MP 4002SP mainframe includes Cabinet (416407-RM), ARDF (Standard), Print/Scan (416140-RM), and
8. MP 4002SP mainframe needs to be configured with a 1,000 sheet SR3090 Finisher (415804-RM) for sta
9. MP 5002SP mainframe needs to be configured with 2 x 550-sheet Tray Paper Bank PB3130 (415793-RM
10. MP 5002SP mainframe needs to be configured with a 1,000 sheet SR3090 Finisher (415804-RM) for st
11. MP 4002/5002SP optional acessory includes Fax Type 5002 (416156-RM) which features 33.6Kbps, 2
12. MP 4002/5002SP optional accessory includes PostScript 3 Type 5002 (416149-RM) for customers proc
13. MP C3002 mainframe includes Cabinet (416337-RM), ARDF (Standard), Print/Scan (Standard) and 2 S
14. MP C3002 mainframe does not require to be configured with a finisher
15. MP C3502 mainframe includes 2 x 550-sheet Tray Paper Bank PB3130 (415793-RM), ARDF (Standard
16. MP C3502 mainframe needs to be configured with a 1,000 sheet SR3090 Finisher (415804-RM) for sta
17. MP C4502 mainframe includes Cabinet (416337), ARDF (Standard), Print/Scan (Standard) and 2 Stand
18. MP C4502 mainframe needs to be configured with a 1,000 sheet SR3090 Finisher (415804-RM) for sta
19. MP C5502 mainframe includes 2 x 550-sheet Tray Paper Bank PB3130 (415793-RM), ARDF (Standard
20. MP C5502 mainframe needs to be configured with a 1,000 sheet SR3090 Finisher (415804-RM) for sta
21. MP C3002/3502/4502/5502 optional acessory includes Fax Type C5502 (415991-RM), which allows fax
22. MP C3002/3502/4502/5502 optional acessory includes PostScript 3 Type C5502 (415998-RM) which is
23. MP 4002 / MP 5002 / MP C3502 / C3502 / MP C4502 / MPC 5502: The Bridge Unit BU3060 (415998) i

MP2554 / MP3054 / MP3554 / MP4054 / MP5054

1 - MP 2554SP Remanufactured Engine w/Cabinet/ARDF DF3090/Print/Scan (2 feed drawers)
2 - MP 3054SP Remanufactured Engine w/Cabinet/ARDF DF3090/BU3070/Print/Scan (2 feed drawers)
3 - MP 3554SP Remanufactured Engine w/550x2 Paper Feed Unit PB3160/ARDF DF3090/BU3070/Print/S
4 - MP 4054SP Remanufactured Engine w/Cabinet/SPDF DF3080/BU3070/Print/Scan (2 feed drawers)
5 - MP 5054SP Remanufactured Engine w/550x2 Paper Feed Unit PB3160/SPDF DF3080/BU3070/Print/S
6 - The SR3150 Booklet Finisher (416540-RM) and SR3140 (416539-RM) cannot be installed on the same
7 - 2/3 Hole Punch Option for SR3140 (416539-RM) & SR3150 (416540-RM) Finishers.
8 - Required for printing from Mac OS. Recommended for printing more complex color and PDF files.
9 - Web based applications, such as ICE and HotSpot require Browser capability which is standard on dev
10 - Installation required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, S
11 - Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minim
12 - The SR3150 Booklet Finisher (416540-RM) and Finisher SR3140 (416539-RM) is not available for the

MPC3003 / MPC3503
1 - The MP C3003 bundle includes ARDF (Standard), Print/Scan (Standard), 2 Standard Paper Feed Draw
2 - The MP C3003 bundle is not required to be configured with a finisher.
3 - The MP C3503 bundle includes ARDF (Standard), Print/Scan (Standard), 2 Standard Paper Feed Draw
4 - The SR3150 Booklet Finisher option (416540-RM) is available for the MP C3503 ONLY.
5 - The SR3150 Booklet Finisher (416540-RM) and SR3140 (416539-RM) cannot be installed on the same
6 - 2/3 Hole Punch Option for SR3140 (416539-RM) & SR3150 (416540-RM) Finishers.
7 - Required for printing from Mac OS. Recommended for printing more complex color and PDF files.
8 - Used for Browser Features like ICE and Hotspot. Not compatible with all web sites.
9 - Installation required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, St
10 - Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minim

MPC4503 / MPC5503
1 - The MP C4503 bundle includes ARDF (Standard), Print/Scan (Standard), 2 Standard Feed Drawers (st
2 - The MP C55503 bundle includes ARDF (Standard), Print/Scan (Standard), 2 Standard Paper Feed Draw
3 - The SR3150 Booklet Finisher (416540-RM) and SR3140 (416539-RM) cannot be installed on the same
4 - 2/3 Hole Punch Option for SR3140 (416539-RM) & SR3150 (416540-RM) Finishers.
5- Required for printing from Mac OS. Recommended for printing more complex color and PDF files.
6 - Used for Browser Features like ICE and Hotspot. Not compatible with all web sites.
7 - Installation required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, St
8- Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimiz

MP C6502 / C8002
(1) Mainframe includes 9" Color Touch Control Panel, 220-Sheet ARDF, Duplex, Tandem Tray 1 is 2 x 1,2
(2) One of following finishing accessories need to be added to the mainframe: the Finisher SR4090 (416644
(3) 3000-sheet output / 65-sheet stapler finisher option-cannot be installed with the Booklet Finisher SR410
(4) Saddle stitch booklet finisher option - cannot be installed with the Finisher SR4090 (416644-RM).
(5) Optional 2/3 hole punch unit - can be configured with either the Finisher SR4090 (416644-RM) or the Bo
(6) Installation required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, St
(7) True Adobe PostScript - required for printing from Mac OS - recommended for printing more complex co
(8) Optional Power Filter for the MP C6502SP (416623-RM) Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) reco
(9) Optional Power Filter for the MP C8002SP (416627-RM)- Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) rec

Pro 5100 / 5110

1. Requires 416644-RM Finisher SR4090 or 416645-RM Booklet Finisher SR4100
2. Requires either Finisher SR4090 and SR4100.
3. Only one LCIT can be installed. Either 416699-RM or 416638-RM
4.Only one Finisher can be installed. Either 416644-RM or 416645-RM,
5. Optional. For GW printing. Renders Fiery EB-22 usuable.

Pro 8100SE / 8110SE

1. Requires 404548-RM SR5050 Finisher or 404559-RM
2. Requires either 404548-RM SR5050 or 404550-RM SR5060
3. Only one LCIT can be configured 404536-RM or 404537-RM
4. Only one finisher can be configured 404548-RM or 404550-RM
5. Either 404559-RM or 404590-RM can be configured.

Pro C901 / C901S

(1) Pro C901 RSS bundle includes E-41 Fiery Controller Finisher SR5000
(2) Pro C901S RSS bundle includes E-41 Fiery Controller Finisher SR5000 and a bridge unit
(3) booklet finisher BK5000 (must have SR5000 finisher)
(4) punch unit for SR5000 finisher
(5) booklet finisher SR5020 20 sheet booklet maker for C901 Series
(6) hole punch for SR5020 finisher
(7) Ltr size LCIT for C901 only
(8) Upgrade for the Fiery Win XP OS for System 9r2 to Win 7


Ricoh MP 2554 / MP 3054 / MP 3554 Series Education Model BW MFP

(1) The Smart Operation Panel (EDP Code - 416910) is required for the Education MFP's. Mainframe inclu
(2) Only one of these options can be installed on the device.
(3) Must Order Bridge Unit BU3070 (416551) with any external Finisher.
(4) Provides additional output tray above the standard Internal Tray or Optional Bridge Unit/Internal Shift T
(5) Hole Punch Option for Internal Finisher SR3130 (416543).
(6) Hole Punch Option for SR3140 Finisher (416539) and SR3150 Finisher (416540).
(7) 10.1” WSGVA resolution control panel provides intuitive touch screen control similar to smart phones a
(8) Only one of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
(9) Required for Macintosh and PostScript environments. Recommended for printing complex PDF files.
(10) Used by customers who print using Netware. This option is required for the following functions: Use of
(11) Web based applications, such as ICE and HotSpot require Browser capability which is standard on dev
(12) Required to convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
(13) Allows the creation of searchable PDFs when scanning. User can search the finished documents for
(14) 20-Pin Interface used to attach External Key Counter or Key Card Device.
(15) Used to mount external key counter to MFP.
(16) Table shaped option to position counter device on. USB Connector.
(17) Requires Browser Unit Type M12 (417080) to enable HotSpot printing. One year HotSpot subscription
(18) Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS).
(19) This option enables printing of XPS format documents.
(20) This option can hold an additional IP address, which then enables our MFPs to connect to two differen
(21) Installation required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, S
(22) Requires Fax Option Type M12 (417100).
(23) Enables users to send and receive faxes on a sub MFP via a main MFP. This option is required on bot
(24) Up to two additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines.
(25) Increases fax memory to 2,240 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
(26) Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minim
(27) Prevents unauthorized copying of confidential documents that were created on other printers that have
(28) For use with 3rd Party card readers like the RFIdeas PCProx readers on our price list. The card reade
(29) The Smart Card Reader Built-in Unit Type M12 (417129) and External Keyboard Bracket Type M3 (41
(30) This is an ISO 15408 Certified version of DOSS that overwrites Copy, Print, Scanner, and Fax latent d
(31) This bracket is required for the installation of External USB Keyboard (416909).
(32) External Keyboard for inputting data with either SDK applications OR embedded applications.
(33) Combination Card Reader and Key Board bracket Type M3 (Bracket compatible with Mag Stripe and P
(34) Card Reader only - no cards are provided. Used with Common Access Card (CAC)/Personal Identity
(35) RHD kit uses MFP's Internal Hard Drive and makes it External
(36) Fax Option is NOT COMPATIBLE with RHD or ARHD
(37) ARHD includes an extra hard drive

Ricoh MP 2555 / MP 3055 / MP 3555 Series Education Model BW MFP

(1) Standard Configuration includes 10.1" Keyless Smart Operation Panel, 2 x 550-Sheet Locking Paper Tr
(2) Only one of these finishing options can be installed on the device. Internal Shift Tray SH3070 (416550)
(3) Must Order Bridge Unit BU3070 (417587) with Finisher SR3210 (417483) or Booklet Finisher SR3220 (
(4) 220 sheet Single Pass Document Feeder (SPDF)
(5) Hole Punch Option for Internal Finisher SR3130 (417589).
(6) Hole Punch Option for SR3210 Finisher (417483) and SR3220 Finisher (417484).
(7) Only one of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device. IEEE1284 Interface Bo
(8) Required for Macintosh and PostScript environments. Recommended for printing complex PDF files.
(9) Required to convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
(10) Allows the creation of searchable PDFs when scanning. User can search the PDF documents for spe
(11) 20-Pin Interface used to attach an External Key Counter or Key Card Device.
(12) Used to mount external key counter to MFP.
(13) Table shaped option to position counter device on.
(14) One year HotSpot subscription service included.
(15) This option enables printing of XPS format documents.
(16) This option can hold an additional IP address, which then enables the MFP to connect to two different
(17) Required for printing from USB Type B port.
(18) Installation required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, S
(19) Requires Fax Option Type M29 (417865).
(20) Enables users to send and receive faxes on a sub MFP via a main MFP. This option is required on bot
(21) Up to two additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines.
(22) Increases fax memory to 2,240 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
(23) Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minim
(24) For use with 3rd Party card readers like the RFIdeas PCProx readers on our price list. The card reade
(25) The Smart Card Reader Built-in Unit Type M29 (417864) and External Keyboard Bracket Type M3 (41
(26) This bracket is required for the installation of External USB Keyboard (100266FNG).
(27) External Keyboard for inputting data with either SDK applications OR embedded applications.
(28) Combination Card Reader and Key Board bracket Type M3 (Bracket compatible with Mag Stripe and P
(29) Card Reader only - no cards are provided. Used with Common Access Card (CAC)/Personal Identity
(30) RFIDEAS PC Prox Plus USB Reader
(31) RFIDEAS PCSwipe Mag Stripe Reader
(32) Near Field Communication card reader. Used to authenticate users for logging into the device only. Do
(33) Provides additional output tray above the standard Internal Tray or Optional Bridge Unit/Internal Shift T

Ricoh MP 4054 / MP 5054 / MP 6054 Series Education Model BW MFP

(1) Mainframe requires 10.1" Smart Operation Panel, Standard 220-Sheet SPDF, B/W PCL Printing, B/W &
(2) Only one of these options can be installed on the device.
(3) Must Order Bridge Unit BU3070 (416551) with any external Finisher.
(4) Provides additional output tray above the standard Internal Tray or Optional Bridge Unit/Internal Shift T
(5) Hole Punch Option for Internal Finisher SR3130 (416543).
(6) Hole Punch Option for SR3140 Finisher (416539) and SR3150 Finisher (416540).
(7) 10.1” WSGVA resolution control panel provides intuitive touch screen control similar to smart phones a
(8) Only one of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
(9) Required for Macintosh and PostScript environments. Recommended for printing complex PDF files.
(10) Used by customers who print using Netware. This option is required for the following functions: Use of
(11) Web based applications, such as ICE and HotSpot require Browser capability which is standard on dev
(12) Required to convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
(13) Allows the creation of searchable PDFs when scanning. User can search the finished documents for
(14) 20-Pin Interface used to attach External Key Counter or Key Card Device.
(15) Used to mount external key counter to MFP.
(16) Table shaped option to position counter device on. USB Connector.
(17) Requires Browser Unit Type M12 (417080) to enable HotSpot printing. One year HotSpot subscription
(18) Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS).
(19) This option enables printing of XPS format documents.
(20) This option can hold an additional IP address, which then enables our MFPs to connect to two differen
(21) Installation required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, S
(22) Requires Fax Option Type M12 (417100).
(23) Enables users to send and receive faxes on a sub MFP via a main MFP. This option is required on bot
(24) Up to two additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines.
(25) Increases fax memory to 2,240 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
(26) Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minim
(27) Prevents unauthorized copying of confidential documents that were created on other printers that have
(28) For use with 3rd Party card readers like the RFIdeas PCProx readers on our price list. The card reade
(29) The Smart Card Reader Built-in Unit Type M12 (417129) and External Keyboard Bracket Type M3 (41
(30) This is an ISO 15408 Certified version of DOSS that overwrites Copy, Print, Scanner, and Fax latent d
(31) This bracket is required for the installation of External USB Keyboard (416909).
(32) External Keyboard for inputting data with either SDK applications OR embedded applications.
(33) Combination Card Reader and Key Board bracket Type M3 (Bracket compatible with Mag Stripe and P
(34) Card Reader only - no cards are provided. Used with Common Access Card (CAC)/Personal Identity
(35) RHD kit uses MFP's Internal Hard Drive and makes it External
(36) Fax Option is NOT COMPATIBLE with RHD or ARHD
(37) ARHD includes an extra hard drive
(40) Hole Punch Unit for the SR3160 Finisher (416541) and SR3170 Finisher (416542)

Ricoh MP 4055 / MP 5055 / MP 6055 Series Education Model BW MFP

(1) Standard Configuration includes 10.1" Keyless Smart Operation Panel, 220-sheet SPDF, 2 x 550-Sheet
(2) Only one of these finishing options can be installed on the device. Internal Shift Tray SH3070 (416550)
(3) Must Order Bridge Unit BU3070 (417587) with any external Finisher.
(4) Hole Punch Option for Internal Finisher SR3130 (417589).
(5) Hole Punch Option for SR3220 Finisher (417484) and SR3210 Finisher (417483)
(6) Hole Punch Option for SR3230 Finisher (417487) and SR3240 Finisher (417488).
(7) Internal Multifold Unit provides the capability to support "Z" fold, Half fold, Outer Tri fold and Inner Tri fol
(8) Only one of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device. IEEE1284 Interface Bo
(9) Required for Macintosh and PostScript environments. Recommended for printing complex PDF files.
(10) Required to convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
(11) Allows the creation of searchable PDFs when scanning. User can search the PDF documents for spe
(12) 20-Pin Interface used to attach External Key Counter or Key Card Device.
(13) Used to mount external key counter to MFP.
(14) Table shaped option to position counter device on.
(15) One year HotSpot subscription service included.
(16) This option enables printing of XPS format documents.
(17) This option can hold an additional IP address, which then enables the MFP to connect to two different
(18) Installation required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, S
(19) Requires Fax Option Type M29 (417865).
(20) Enables users to send and receive faxes on a sub MFP via a main MFP. This option is required on bot
(21) Up to two additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines.
(22) Increases fax memory to 2,240 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
(23) Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minim
(24) For use with 3rd Party card readers like the RFIdeas PCProx readers on our price list. The card reade
(25) The Smart Card Reader Built-in Unit Type M29 (417864) and External Keyboard Bracket Type M3 (41
(26) This bracket is required for the installation of External USB Keyboard (100266FNG).
(27) External Keyboard for inputting data with either SDK applications OR embedded applications.
(28) Combination Card Reader and Key Board bracket Type M3 (Bracket compatible with Mag Stripe and P
(29) Card Reader only - no cards are provided. Used with Common Access Card (CAC)/Personal Identity
(32) Near Field Communication card reader. Used to authenticate users for logging into the device only. Do
(33) Required for printing from USB Type B port.
(34) Internal Finisher SR3130 (417589 is not compatible with the MP 6065
(35) Provides additional output tray above the standard Internal Tray or Optional Bridge Unit/Internal Shift T

Ricoh MP C3003 / MP C3503 Series Education Model Color MFP

(1) Designed for a max monthly volume of 20K pages. (Letter paper, 20lb. Bond).
(2) The Smart Operation Panel (EDP Code - 416910) is required for the Education MFP's. Mainframe inclu
(3) Only one of these options can be installed on the device.
(4) Must Order BU3070 Bridge Unit (416551) with any external Finisher.
(5) Hole Punch Option for SR3130 Finisher (416543).
(6) Provides additional output tray above the standard Internal Tray or Optional Bridge Unit/Internal Shift T
(7) The DataOverWrite Security System that ships standard with the mainframe does not overwrite the HD
(8) Hole Punch Option for SR3150 (416540) & SR3140 (416539) Finishers.
(9) 4 Pin interface used to mount external key counter to MFP.
(10) 20-Pin Interface used to attach external key counter or key card device.
(11) Used by customers who print using Netware. This option is required for the following functions: Use of
(12) Table shaped option used to place either card reader or counter device. USB Connector.
(13) Allows customers to print crop marks for proofing SRA3/12.6" documents.
(14) Installation required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, S
(15) Up to two additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines.
(16) Requires Fax Option Type M3 (416556).
(17) Increases fax memory to 2,240 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
(18) Only one of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
(19) Allows users to connect a PictBridge-compatible digital camera directly to the MFP, enabling the printin
(20) Required for printing from Mac OS. Recommended for printing more complex color and PDF files.
(21) This function embeds invisible texts on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files
(22) Required to convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
(23) Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minim
(24) Prevents unauthorized copying of confidential documents that were created on other printers that have
(25) Enables users to send and receive faxes on a sub MFP via a main MFP. This option is required on bot
(26) For use with Ricoh & 3rd party software solutions. The smart card reader and its cable will be covere
(27) External Keyboard for inputting data with either SDK applications OR embedded applications.
(28) The Smart Card Reader Built-in Unit Type M2 (416729) and External Keyboard Bracket Type M3 (416
(29) This bracket is required for the installation of External USB Keyboard (100266FNG).
(30) Required with HotSpot MFP Option Type S to enable HotSpot printing. Not compatible with all Web S
(31) Cannot install floor standing Finisher SR3150 (416540) or SR3140 (416539) with the PB3150 (416545
(32) Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS).
(33) 10.1” Wide Super VGA resolution control panel provides intuitive touchscreen control similar to smar
(34) Required when configuring the device with the Browser Unit Type M3 (416581) or SDK application.
(35) Requires Browser Unit Type M3 (416581) to enable HotSpot printing. One year HotSpot subscription
(36) Printing with unauthorized copy control pattern or text with the Copy Data Security Unit Type G (41639
(37) Optional Fiery Color Controller that can be configured with the std Print/Scan controller for embedded
(38) Fiery option that helps to automate and streamline labor-intensive prepress tasks. Requires Color Con
(39) Fiery option that provides intuitive tools that make advanced document preparation simple and quick.
(40) Fiery option that enables the creation of special folders that can assign a group of print options. Requi
(41) Fiery option that enables you to reproduce custom or spot colors. Requires Color Controller E22-C (41
(42) Fiery option that provides a fast and simple way to ensure that your image output is optimized. Require
(43) Contains Color Profiler v4 software and ES-2000 spectrophotometer: Includes 1 year of phone suppor
(44) For customers that have an ES-2000 Spectrophotometer and want Color Profiler v4 software: Includes
(45) Color measurement device for calibration and profiling. Enables fast, precise and flexible color manag
(46) Fiery option aids in workflow productivity - helps meet tight turnaround times/produce top notch color d
(47) Connection Kit is required to use the Color Controller E22-C (416731) with the MP C3003/MP C3503 M
(48) The IEEE1284 (411699), IEEE802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M2 (416572), Camera Direct Print Card
(49) The HTML Direct Print feature is not available with Browser Unit Type M3 (416581) when Color Contr
(50) The RHD Kit uses the MFP's Internal Hard Drive and makes it External.
(51) The Fax Option Type M3 is not compatible with the RHD or ARHD.
(52) The ARHD includes an extra hard drive.
(53) The product is (OOD) Order On Demand, please allow 8 weeks for delivery from the date the order is
(56) Combination Card Reader and Key Board bracket Type M3 (Bracket compatible with Mag Stripe and P
(57) ISO 15408 Certified Version of DOSS.

Ricoh MP C3004 / MP C3504 Series Education Model Color MFP

(1) Designed for a max monthly volume of 20K pages. (Letter paper, 20lb. Bond).
(2) Mainframe includes 10.1" Keyless Smart Operation Panel, 220-Sheet SPDF, Duplex, 4 x 550-Sheet Loc
(3) Only one of these options can be installed on the device.
(4) Must Order BU3070 Bridge Unit (417587) with any external Finisher.
(5) Hole Punch Option for SR3130 Finisher (417589).
(6) Provides additional output tray above the standard Internal Tray or Optional Bridge Unit/Internal Shift T
(7) The DataOverWrite Security System that ships standard with the mainframe does not overwrite the HD
(8) Hole Punch Option for SR3220 (417484) & SR3210 (417483) Finishers.
(9) 4 Pin interface used to mount external key counter to MFP.
(10) 20-Pin Interface used to attach external key counter or key card device.
(11) Table shaped option used to place either card reader or counter device. USB Connector.
(12) Allows customers to print crop marks for proofing SRA3/12.6" documents.
(13) Installation required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, S
(14) Up to two additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines.
(15) Requires Fax Option Type M19 (417510).
(16) Increases fax memory to 2,240 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
(17) Only one of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
(18) Allows users to connect a PictBridge-compatible digital camera directly to the MFP, enabling the printin
(19) Required for printing from Mac OS. Recommended for printing more complex color and PDF files.
(20) This function embeds invisible texts on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files
(21) Required to convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
(22) Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minim
(23) Enables users to send and receive faxes on a sub MFP via a main MFP. This option is required on bot
(24) For use with Ricoh & 3rd party software solutions. The smart card reader and its cable will be covere
(25) External Keyboard for inputting data with either SDK applications OR embedded applications.
(26) The Smart Card Reader Built-in Unit Type M19 (417595), External Keyboard Bracket Type M19 (4175
(27) This bracket is required for the installation of External USB Keyboard (100266FNG).
(28) Expands RAM from 2 to 4GB. Included with Color Controller E-23C (417486)
(29) Ricoh HotSpot allows users to easily print from any mobile platform connected to Wi-Fi or the Internet,
(30) Optional Fiery Color Controller that can be configured with the std Print/Scan controller for embedded
(31) Fiery option that helps to automate and streamline labor-intensive prepress tasks. Requires Color Con
(32)Fiery option that provides intuitive tools that make advanced document preparation simple and quick. R
(33) Fiery option that enables the creation of special folders that can assign a group of print options. Requi
(34) Fiery option that enables you to reproduce custom or spot colors. Requires Color Controller E23-C (41
(35) Fiery option that provides a fast and simple way to ensure that your image output is optimized. Require
(36) Contains Color Profiler v4 software and ES-2000 spectrophotometer: Includes 1 year of phone suppor
(37) Color measurement device for calibration and profiling. Enables fast, precise and flexible color manag
(38) Fiery option aids in workflow productivity - helps meet tight turnaround times/produce top notch color d
(39) The IEEE1284 (417596), IEEE802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M19 (417493), Camera Direct Print Ca
(42) Combination Card Reader and Key Board bracket Type M3 (Bracket compatible with Mag Stripe and P
(43) ISO 15408 Certified Version of DOSS.
(44) 250 Sheet Stapleless Internal Finisher with staple-less finishing up to 5-Sheets (20lb Bond)- cannot be
(45) Required for printing from USB Type B port.
(46) An interface board for adding an extra Ethernet port. If you install the USB Device Server Option, you c
(47) Allows for direct printing of XPS-type file formats.
(48) Used to log in and authenticate users via NFC card. The card reader and its cable will be covered insi

Ricoh MP C4503/MP C5503/MP C6003 Series Education Models Color MFP

(1) Designed for a max monthly volume of 50K pages (Letter paper, 20lb. Bond).
(2) The Smart Operation Panel (EDP Code - 416910) is required for the Education MFP's. Mainframe inclu
(3) Only one of these options can be installed on the device.
(4) Must Order BU3070 Bridge Unit (416551) with any external Finisher.
(5) Hole Punch Option for SR3130 Finisher (416543).
(6) Provides additional output tray above the standard Internal Tray or Optional Bridge Unit/Internal Shift T
(7) Must use "Scan to NCP" feature with standard Services-Led Scanner when the Fiery Controller (41673
(8) Hole Punch Option for SR3150 (416540) & SR3140 (416539) Finishers.
(9) 4 Pin interface used to mount external key counter to MFP.
(10) 20-Pin Interface used to attach external key counter or key card device.
(11) Hole Punch Option for SR3160 (416541) & SR3170 (416542) Finishers.
(12) Table shaped option used to place either card reader or counter device. USB Connector.
(13) Allows customers to print crop marks for proofing SRA3/12.6" documents.
(14) Installation required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, S
(15) Up to two additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines.
(16) Requires Fax Option Type M4 (416564).
(17) Increases fax memory to 2,240 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
(18) Only one of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
(19) Allows users to connect a PictBridge-compatible digital camera directly to the MFP, enabling the printin
(20) Required for printing from Mac OS. Recommended for printing more complex color and PDF files.
(21) This function embeds invisible texts on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files
(22) Required to convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
(23) Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minim
(24) Prevents unauthorized copying of confidential documents that were created on other printers that have
(25) Enables users to send and receive faxes on a sub MFP via a main MFP. This option is required on bot
(26) For use with Ricoh & 3rd party software solutions. The smart card reader and its cable will be covere
(27) External Keyboard for inputting data with either SDK applications OR embedded applications.
(28) The Smart Card Reader Built-in Unit Type M2 (416729) and External Keyboard Bracket Type M3 (416
(29) This bracket is required for the installation of External USB Keyboard (100266FNG)
(30) Required with HotSpot MFP Option Type S to enable HotSpot printing. Not compatible with all Web S
(31) Cannot install floor standing Finisher SR3150 (416540), SR3170 (416542), SR3160 (416541) or SR31
(32) Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS).
(33) 10.1” WSGVA Wide Super VGA resolution control panel provides intuitive touchscreen control similar
(34) Not compatible with MP C6003.
(35) Requires Browser Unit Type M4 (416595) to enable HotSpot printing. One year HotSpot subscription
(36) Used by customers who print using Netware. This option is required for the following functions: Use of
(37) Optional Fiery Color Controller that can be configured with the std Print/Scan controller for embedded
(38) Fiery option that helps to automate and streamline labor-intensive prepress tasks. Requires Color Con
(39) Fiery option that provides intuitive tools that make advanced document preparation simple and quick.
(40) Fiery option that enables the creation of special folders that can assign a group of print options. Requi
(41) Fiery option that enables you to reproduce custom or spot colors. Requires Color Controller E22-C (41
(42) Fiery option that provides a fast and simple way to ensure that your image output is optimized. Requir
(43) Contains Color Profiler v4 software and ES-2000 spectrophotometer: Includes 1 year of phone suppor
(44) For customers that have an ES-2000 Spectrophotometer and want Color Profiler v4 software: Includes
(45) Color measurement device for calibration and profiling. Enables fast, precise and flexible color manag
(46) Fiery option aids in workflow productivity - helps meet tight turnaround times/produce top notch color d
(47) Connection Kit is required to use the Color Controller E22-C (416731) with the MP C4503/MP C5503/M
(48) The IEEE1284 (411699), IEEE802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M2 (416572), Camera Direct Print Card
(49) The HTML Direct Print feature is not available with Browser Unit Type M4 (416595) when Color Contr
(50) Printing with unauthorized copy control pattern or text with the Copy Data Security Unit Type G (41639
(51) The DataOverWrite Security System that ships standard with the mainframe does not overwrite the H
(52) RHD kit uses MFP's Internal Hard Drive and makes it External
(53) Fax Option is NOT COMPATIBLE with RHD or ARHD
(54) ARHD includes an extra hard drive
(55) The product is (OOD) Order On Demand, please allow 8 weeks for delivery from the date the order is
(58) Combination Card Reader and Key Board bracket Type M3 (Bracket compatible with Mag Stripe and P
(59) ISO 15408 Certified Version of DOSS

Ricoh MP C4504/MP C6004 Series Education Models Color MFP

(1) Designed for a max monthly volume of 50K pages (Letter paper, 20lb. Bond).
(2) Mainframe includes 10.1 Keyless Smart Operation Panel, 220-Sheet SPDF, Duplex, 4 x 550-Sheet Loc
(3) Only one of these options can be installed on the device.
(4) Provides additional output tray above the standard Internal Tray or Optional Bridge Unit/Internal Shift T
(5) Must Order BU3070 Bridge Unit (417587) with any external Finisher.
(6) Hole Punch Option for SR3130 Finisher (417589). Supports paper sizes 7.25" x 10.5" to 11" x 17"
(7) Expands RAM from 2 to 4GB. Included with Color Controller E-23C (417486).
(8) Hole Punch Option for SR3220 (417484) & SR3210 (417483) Finishers. Supports paper sizes up to 5.5"
(9) 4 Pin interface used to mount external key counter to MFP.
(10) 20-Pin Interface used to attach external key counter or key card device.
(11) Hole Punch Option for SR3230 (417487) & SR3240 (417488) Finishers. 2-/3-Hole Punch Unit. Suppo
(12) Table shaped option used to place either card reader or counter device. USB Connector.
(13) Allows customers to print crop marks for proofing SRA3/12.6" documents.
(14) Installation required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, S
(15) Up to two additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines.
(16) The main unit on the network only requires the Fax Option Type M20
(17) Increases fax memory to 4,800 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
(18) Only one of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
(19) Allows users to connect a PictBridge-compatible digital camera directly to the MFP, enabling the printin
(20) Required for printing from Mac OS. Recommended for printing more complex color and PDF files.
(21) This function embeds invisible texts on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files
(22) Required to convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
(23) Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minim
(24) Required for printing from USB Type B port.
(25) An interface board for adding an extra Ethernet port. If you install the USB Device Server Option, you
(26)Allows for direct printing of XPS-type file formats.
(27) Enables users to send and receive faxes on a sub MFP via a main MFP. This option is required on bot
(28) For use with Ricoh & 3rd party software solutions. The smart card reader and its cable will be covere
(29) External Keyboard for inputting data with either SDK applications OR embedded applications.
(30) The Smart Card Reader Built-in Unit Type M19 (417595), External Keyboard Bracket Type M19 (4175
(31) This bracket can be used for the installation of External USB Keyboard (100266FNG)
(32) Not compatible with MP C6004SP TE.
(33) Ricoh HotSpot allows users to easily print from any mobile platform connected to Wi-Fi or the Interne
(34) Optional Fiery Color Controller that can be configured with the std Print/Scan controller for embedded
(35) Fiery option that helps to automate and streamline labor-intensive prepress tasks. Requires Color Con
(36) Fiery option that provides intuitive tools that make advanced document preparation simple and quick.
(37) Fiery option that enables the creation of special folders that can assign a group of print options. Requi
(38) Fiery option that enables you to reproduce custom or spot colors. Requires Color Controller E23-C (41
(39) Fiery option that provides a fast and simple way to ensure that your image output is optimized. Requir
(40) Contains Color Profiler v4 software and ES-2000 spectrophotometer: Includes 1 year of phone suppor
(41) Color measurement device for calibration and profiling. Enables fast, precise and flexible color manag
(42) Fiery option aids in workflow productivity - helps meet tight turnaround times/produce top notch color d
(43) The IEEE1284 (417596), IEEE802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M19 (417493), Camera Direct Print Ca
(44) The DataOverWrite Security System that ships standard with the mainframe does not overwrite the H
(47) Combination Card Reader and Key Board bracket Type M3 (Bracket compatible with Mag Stripe and P
(48) ISO 15408 Certified Version of DOSS
(49) Used to log in and authenticate users via NFC card. The card reader and its cable will be covered insi
1 All Software Licenses require a minimum of 1 year of Maintenance & Support (M&S) which must be adde
2 Maintenance & Support (M&S) must be current in order to add or upgrade licenses.
3 Used to exchange existing embedded client on competitive devices when customer is replacing with diffe
4 Check with Payment Gateway Provider for Merchant ID, Certificates and fees associated with PaperCut I
5 Please contact ecoprintQ for Professional Services quote for assistance on installing Payment Gateways
6 Payment Gateway Connector Group 2 includes; PayPal WPS/PayFlow, Authorize.Net, My Student Acct,
7 Payment Gateway Connector Group 2 includes; Barclaycard, CashNet, CommWeb, CyberSource, OPC,
8 Payment Gateway Connector Group 3 includes; CardSmith, CBORD, Blackboard & Heartland
9 Maintenance & Support (M&S) is calculated based on total license amount at the time of sale. It will be pr
10 Maintenance & Support (M&S) Monthly Rates are used to match M&S renewal date for Mid-Term licens
11 Renewal Maintenance & Support (M&S) is calculated based on total license amount at time of support r
12 Variably Priced item, refer to Vendor Quote for price
13 Includes 1 Year Hardware Warranty
14 Optional Hardware Extended Warranty available. Hardware Extended Warranty can only be purchased
15 Hardware Warranty not available for this item
16 Hardware Extended Warranty not available for this item
17 Hardware Extended Warranty can only be purchased at the time of the initial hardware sale. Hardware E
18 Includes Rfideas Ethernet 241 USB Converter, Symcode CCD Barcode Reader & Cable ties
19 Xerox® AltaLink® B8XXX; C8XXX
20 Xerox® VersaLink® B7XXX, C7XXX, C405, B405, C505, C605, B605, B615
21 Elatec 78XX, 79XX, 53XX, 58XX, 72XX, 59XX, 3655, 6655, C60, C70, XC550, 560, 570, 75XX, 57XX, W
22 Services include configuration of PRJT to existing PaperCut Environments running Version 18.0 or grea
23 Includes configuration for importing/exporting data into billing systems using the standard method of inte
24 Includes configuration for importing/exporting data into client/matter systems
25 Includes configuration for importing/exporting data into billing systems using an advanced method of inte
26 Hourly rate
27 Project Management Fee may apply to project, please request quote
28 One time services fee to create Custom Logo


Access Formatta
1 The price above is a one-time fee for a perpetual license that allows a designated level of submissions p
2 Formatta Connector
3 Non-Production Environment (such as a proof-of-concept, testing, development or training)
4 May require 3rd party tools and services
5 Customers are advised to pursue an upgrade path to the latest version of Formatta
6 Formatta Designer cannot be purchased separately from a Formatta Solution Suite however additional F
7 The price above is a one-time fee, per server for a perpetual license and not a recurring annual fee.
8 Software maintenance term is for a period of one (1) year, per server. Subject to pre-payment of the ann
9 Software Maintenance will be automatically renewed upon the anniversary of each maintenance period
10 Reinstate of Software S & M by accepting the then-current version of Software and pre-paying: (1) 100%
11 (CL) - Capacity Level
12 Customers requiring additional licenses must purchase from the current price schedule
13 Included in each purchase is up to ten (10) Access professional service hours to help configure the first
14 3RD-FCS-CPS-CON-DS or 3RD-FCS-CPS-CON-T-DS is required, number of units dependent on confi
15 Configuration for ApplicationXtender is not needed.
16 Included in each purchase is up to ten (5) Access professional service hours to help configure the first F
17 Onsite training is priced per person with a minimum of three attendees. A session is approximately three
18 Onsite training is priced per person with a minimum of three attendees. A session is approximately three
19 Web-based training is priced per person. A session is approximately three (3) hours of instruction. Includ
20 Web-based training is priced per person. A session is approximately three (3) hours of instruction. Includ
21 Includes: Formatta Designer I, E-Forms Manager, EFM Administrator, Workflow - DVD-based training m
22 Includes: Formatta Designer II, Autofill, Autowrite - DVD-based training may be freely distributed and de
23 The Access professional services team delivers these services on either an hourly rate or fixed fee with
24 Rates do not include travel and living expenses. In the event onsite travel is required, reasonable travel
25 Each package includes the Basic and Advanced Training DVDs as well as the set number of hours prov

Access IFS
1 One Production Instance of Form Merge and Distribution Engine for Business and/or Clinical Workflow
2 Primary software license bundle pricing, reflects per facility licensing, and assumes one instance or instal
3 Facilities with over 1000 beds requiring an additional software product bundle, or additional hospital facilit
4 Optional IFS Product
5 e-Signature Server Software (Purchased with IFS Bundle)
6 Stand-Alone products do not require Access IFS
7 NOTE: Custom pricing for IDN/Multi-hospital organizations will be generated upon request
8 Per workstation
9 Additional Monitor if required is furnished by customer
10 Tablet PC furnished by Customer
11 Annual M&S and M&S renewals will be calculated at eighteen percent (18%) of the discounted license p
12 Allows for up to 3 connections. These are tied to any particular make or model of device/system
13 UDP Enterprise connection tool not included

Access Passport
1 The price above is a one-time fee for a perpetual license that allows a designated level of submissions p
2 Formatta Connector
3 Non-Production Environment (such as a proof-of-concept, testing, development or training)
4 May require 3rd party tools and services
5 Customers are advised to pursue an upgrade path to the latest version of Formatta
6 Formatta Designer cannot be purchased separately from a Formatta Solution Suite however additional F
7 The price above is a one-time fee, per server for a perpetual license and not a recurring annual fee.
8 Software maintenance term is for a period of one (1) year, per server. Subject to pre-payment of the ann
9 Software Maintenance will be automatically renewed upon the anniversary of each maintenance period
10 Reinstate of Software S & M by accepting the then-current version of Software and pre-paying: (1) 100%
11 (CL) - Capacity Level
12 Customers requiring additional licenses must purchase from the current price schedule
13 Included in each purchase is up to ten (10) Access professional service hours to help configure the first
14 3RD-FCS-CPS-CON-DS or 3RD-FCS-CPS-CON-T-DS is required, number of units dependent on confi
15 Configuration for ApplicationXtender is not needed.
16 Included in each purchase is up to ten (5) Access professional service hours to help configure the first F
17 Onsite training is priced per person with a minimum of three attendees. A session is approximately three
18 Onsite training is priced per person with a minimum of three attendees. A session is approximately three
19 Web-based training is priced per person. A session is approximately three (3) hours of instruction. Includ
20 Web-based training is priced per person. A session is approximately three (3) hours of instruction. Includ
21 Includes: Formatta Designer I, E-Forms Manager, EFM Administrator, Workflow - DVD-based training m
22 Includes: Formatta Designer II, Autofill, Autowrite - DVD-based training may be freely distributed and de
23 The Access professional services team delivers these services on either an hourly rate or fixed fee with
24 Rates do not include travel and living expenses. In the event onsite travel is required, reasonable travel
25 Each package includes the Basic and Advanced Training DVDs as well as the set number of hours prov

1) Manage 100 devices -Need to purchase “RC Gate A2”.
2) Manage 100 devices & Generate Accounting report for 100 devices-Need to purchase “RC Gate A2” & “
3) Manage more than 100 devices -Need to purchase “RC Gate A2” & “1000 Devices Option”.
4) Manage 300 devices & Generate Accounting report for 300 devices-Need to purchase “RC Gate A2”, “10
5) Maintanece and Support
6) Installation
7) Server Rack Mount option for the A2 Appliance

1) In this environment, the Program is installed on a backup server but is not running, and customers are N
2) In this environment, the Program is installed and running and is used by customers and/or Ricoh represe
3) First Year of MA is included
4) 1 year renewal is purchased before the MA has expired
5) Original MA or purchased MA has expired
6) This is purchased at the initial sale for 3 years of MA
7) 3 year renewal is purchased before the MA has expired
8) Original MA or purchased MA has expired

CAC/PIV v4.0
(1) Appropriate MFP with Print/Scan is required
(2) Host USB interface is required
(3) Installation by trained Service Technician required
(4) Customer provided items: OCSP Server URL(s), OCSP Server Certificate(s), Root CA Certificate(s), Su

1 ORIS Lynx Annual Software access fee, including Software Maint, Phone, and Webex Hotline support. O
2 Certification of digital production pressses. Annual Price per Production Press being certified.
3 Creation of 6 ORIS Device Link Profiles or ICC profiles to load into an existing DFE. Confirm your DFE co
4 Creation of 12 ORIS Device Link Profiles to load into an existing DFE. Confirm your DFE compatibility wit
7 Creation of 24
Press ORIS Device
Matcher Link Profiles
Web Software to load
License into an
for High existing
Level DigitalDFE. ConfirmPress
Production your DFE compatibility
Package wit
greater than
6 Creation of ORIS Device Link Profiles to load into an existing DFE. Confirm your DFE compatibility with C

8 Creates 10 ORIS iterative color matched Device Link Profiles to load into an existing DFE, thereby allowin
9 Creates 50 ORIS iterative color matched Device Link Profiles to load into an existing DFE, thereby allowin
10 Converts any input file format to any output file format for a wide range of applications where the custom
11 Applies 4-D color-managed gray component replacement (GCR) and undercolor removal (UCR) algorith
12 One Year CGS Full Service Software Maint Plan per license ORIS Press Matcher Web High Level
13 Two Year CGS Full Service Software Maint Plan per license ORIS Press Matcher Web High Level
14 Three Year CGS Full Service Software Maint Plan per license ORIS Press Matcher Web High Level
15 Four Year CGS Full Service Software Maint Plan per license ORIS Press Matcher Web High Level
16 Five Year CGS Full Service Software Maint Plan per license ORIS Press Matcher Web High Level
17 ORIS Certified Web Software user License (Windows or Macintosh OS X) REQUIRES PURCHASE OF
18 One Year CGS Web Monitoring & Software Maint Plan per Output Device - ORIS Certified Web
19 Two Year CGS Web Monitoring & Software Maint Plan per Output Device - ORIS Certified Web
20 Three Year CGS Web Monitoring & Software Maint Plan per Output Device - ORIS Certified Web
21 Four Year CGS Web Monitoring & Software Maint Plan per Output Device - ORIS Certified Web
22 Five Year CGS Web Monitoring & Software Maint Plan per Output Device - ORIS Certified Web
23 Remote Operator training and technical support on ORIS products (block of 4 hou
24 Operator training on ORIS products charged per day in Minneapolis or at customer site (excluding trave


1) Software products do not have a warranty.
2) Installation includes application download, travel, server configuration verification, software installation a
3) Customer training is not included.
4) M&S includes phone and support. "As built" support is covered under M&S.
5) Device license installation fee is a one time fee for one of more device licenses.
6) On-Site (in person) support is based on time and materials. "As built" support is covered under M&S.

DocuWare V6
1 Software can only be purchased in conjunction with mandatory Maintenance and mandatory Support.
2 Entry-level Server for small businesses with one Server, one site and with no need for Add-On Modules o
3 Flexible Server for Mid-sized organizations. One End-user org. per system. Unlimited file cabinet size. S
4 Scalable Server for large orgs. Supports unlimited # of orgs per system, each sharing the server license.
5 For usage on PC-Workstation of DocuWare Windows and Web Client software, of Server software in sing
6 Each license may be used as one Concurrent License or converted to two Named Licenses. The user ha
7 Unlimited number of Concurrent Client Licenses for use with PC-Workstations physically located within o
8 License may not be used outside a site or converted to Named Licenses at any time
9 If individual Client Licenses are purchased in addition to a Site license, the price of such Client Licenses i
10 Unlimited number of Client Licenses for Read-Only access to DocuWare file cabinets via one Web Clien
11 Add-On Modules only available for Professional and Enterprise Servers except where noted
12 Fully automated retrieval and indexing of documents from third-party applications. One Add-On module
13 Structured storage of email integrated in Microsoft Outlook. Access to stored mail inside Outlook's user
14 Document retrieval and display, task list and approval stamps for iPhone, iPad, Android phones & tablet
15 Controlling of document workflow processes through Task Lists in Web Client. Email Notification for ne
16 Automatic assignment of external database information to pre-indexed documents in DocuWare file cab
17 Structured workflows with out-of-office and escalation management. Definition in graphical workflow de
18 Detection of barcodes and text on documents for automating further processes such as page separation
19 Automated Import of files to DocuWare baskets and file cabinets. Simple index enhancements. One Ad
20 Automated storing of emails with index enhancement from email headers. Supported Email Systems: M
21 Enables SAP R/3 to file documents & data via SAP interface Archive Link. Requires besides a DocuWar
22 Installation through DocuWare Professional Services only.
23 Integrates Microsoft Office SharePoint Server. Archiving of SharePoint files in DocuWare. Offers DocuW
24 Connects Ricoh’s Product Family MFPs with DocuWare through panel level integration. One CONNEC
25 Connects Toshiba MFPs with DocuWare through either panel integration or by utilizing Toshiba’s Enhan
26 Connects Sharp MFPs with DocuWare through panel level integration. One CONNECT to Sharp modul
27 Connects Xerox MFPs with DocuWare through panel level integration. One CONNECT to Xerox modul
28 Connects OKI MFPs with DocuWare through either panel integration or by utilizing OKI’s Enhanced Sca
29 Connection to DocuWare using a plug-in for Upload Service
30 Under the mandatory Maintenance, the customer will automatically receive all fixes, service packs, upda
31 Under the mandatory Support, the customer receives technical support provided by DocuWare via telep
32 Maintenance and Support must be ordered together
33 Cannot be ordered for new or existing accounts, but are actively supported by DocuWare.
34 Only customers with current Maintenance or Maintenance and Support Subscriptions may purchase Sid
35 For Side-grades, the difference in the subscription price of the two products, prorated for the amount of t
36 Only possible if the customer has already licensed AUTOINDEX and Connect to Outlook or AUTOINDE
37 Only possible for customers using RECOGNITION without ACTIVE IMPORT
38 Reinstatement of cancelled Maintenance and Support Subscriptions is subject to a Reinstatement Fee,
39 A new Maintenance and Support Subscription or only a Maintenance Subscription, if qualified, must be p
40 If an Update or Upgrade has been issued since the expiration date of M&S subscription, reinstatement f
41 Customers without valid Maintenance and Support Subscriptions may get current by purchasing Update
42 Updates and/or Upgrades for expired Subscriptions must be purchased to the latest available DocuWare

DocuWare Online
1 Subscription service - 1 year annual subscription that includes M&S -
2 DocuWare Cloud Flex is document management through the Internet. Contains all major features includin
3 One additional named license for DocuWare Cloud Flex. The license must be assigned to a single user. T
4 Additional 10GB storage for DocuWare Cloud Flex. There is no limitation for adding storage to the base p
5 DocuWare Cloud Professional - Web-based Document Management via Internet for an unlimited numbe
6 Addition 1GB storage for DocuWare Cloud Professional. No document limitation.
7 DocuWare Cloud Enterprise - Same features of DocuWare Cloud Professional, storage of 250GB include
8 Additional 1 GB of storage for DocuWare Cloud Enterprise
9 Intelligent indexing for up to 2500 documents a month based on crowd-learning mechanisms. DocuWare
10 DocuWare Intelligent Indexing for additional 500 documents for on premise installations
11 2-year subscription service packages - M&S included
12 3-year subscription service packages - M&S included
13 4 year subscription service packages - M&S included
14 5 year subscription service packages - M&S included
15 Variable priced packages for add options to subscription mid-term - M&S included

1 Available in the United States Only.
2 Sandbox Platform delivers a duplicate DSF Production Platform testing environment for all modules purch
3 Requires a EFI Professional Services quote for Sandbox set up.
4 Activation for Dedicated Server Fee is required. * Hosting up to 20GB storage. Additional storage may be
5 Requires purchase of EFI Professional Services VPrint Training Package when VPrint is purchased.
6 Maintenance/Subscription fee includes all updates and releases for software but it does not include EFI P
7 Available with LDAP Version 7.2 Self Hosted, 7.4 Cloud Hosted / VPrint 7.4 release. Release Subject to
8 DSF VDP Module: FusionPro includes: 1 FusionPro Producer (Server) - shows the preview of a FusionP
9 DSF VDP Modules: FusionPro and XMPie require purchase of EFI Professional Services VDP Training P
10 Maintenance on VDP Licenses is for support-related issues and includes $0 upgrades for major version
11 Additional VDP Licenses are eligible for $0 upgrades for major versions.
12 DSF VDP Module: XMPie includes: 1 XMPie mini server (2 XMPie licenses and 1 Adobe InDesign licen
13 Requires purchase of EFI Professional Services VWeb+ Training Package
14 Available with Version 7.9 release. Release Subject to Change.
15 Support is limited to Non-hosted – PayPal Website Payments Pro, PayFlow Pro, CyberSource; Hosted –
16 Integration modules require separate quote from EFI Professional Services.
17 cXML Punch Out Catalog Integration requires minimum of 12 hours of EFI Professional Services.
18 A Print Shop is defined as a different physical production location within a single organization (e.g. an in
19 A Business Location is defined as another business (not another place for production to occur) which ha
20 For Customers current on EFI Maintenance/Subscription Program.
21 To activate optional eCommerce Module: Credit Cards, SUBSCRIPTION: Credit Cards must be ordered
22 Requires purchase of EFI Professional Services DesignCanvas Training Package
23 Requires both Part Numbers in the first year includes 4 hrs of remote professional service to setup and c
24 To activate optional eCommerce Module: Credit Cards, SUBSCRIPTION: Credit Cards must be ordered
26 NFR maintenance renewal is conditional upon annual certification training.
27 EFI Monarch, Pace, PrintSmith support only
28 DSF Essential StoreFront Platform is limited to a maximum of five (5) storefronts
29 DSF Essential StoreFront Price List is limited to a maximum of five (5) Price Lists
30 DSF Subscription is required.
31 EFI Hosted License for DSF VDP Module: FusionPro and XMPie requires the purchase of the Cloud-ba
32 MAINTENANCE: DSF Software Platform is required. * Hosting up to 20GB storage. Additional storage m
33 Transition for VDP FusionPro or XMPie modules will require the purchase of KIT LICENSE and MAINTE
34 EFI HOSTING: DSF Software Platform must also be purchased with DSF Software Platform VWeb+. * M

2 Sandbox Platform delivers a duplicate DSF Production Platform testing environment for all modules purch
3 Requires a EFI Professional Services quote for Sandbox set up
4 Activation for Dedicated Server Fee is required * Hosting up to 20GB storage Additional storage may be
5 Requires the purchase of corresponding EFI Professional Services Training Package
6 Maintenance/Subscription fee includes all updates and releases for software but it does not include EFI P
7A EFI VDP powered by DirectSmile includes 2 Storefront Studio licenses for template creation 2 rendering
7B EFI VDP Professional powered by DirectSmile includes 4 Storefront Studio licenses for template creatio
8 VDP Module FusionPro includes 1 FusionPro Producer Server shows the preview of a FusionPro produc
9 VDP Modules: EFI VDP, EFI VDP Professional, EFI VDP: single record for Essential, FusionPro® and XM
10 Maintenance on VDP Licenses is for support-related issues and includes $0 upgrades for major version
11 Additional VDP Licenses are eligible for $0 upgrades for major versions.
12 VDP Module: XMPie includes: 1 XMPie® mini server (2 XMPie® licenses and 1 Adobe® InDesign licens
15 Requires the customer to use the services of a Payment Gateway Provider.
DSF supports modules
16 Integration the following Payment
require separate Gateway
quote Providers (and their services)
from EFI Professional Services.in the US – PayPal (Website P
DSF Supports the following Payment Gateway Providers in Europe: Ogone.
DSFcXML Punchthe
Supports Out CatalogPayment
following Integration requires
Gateway minimum
Providers in of 12 hours
South of EFI
America: Professional
Braspag Services.
18 A Supports
Print Shopthe
is following
defined asPayment Gateway
a different Providers
physical in Malaysia:
production iPay88.
location within a single organization (e.g. an in
20 FortoCustomers
data sheetcurrent
for mostoncurrent list.
EFI Maintenance/Subscription Program.
21 Hosting up to 20GB storage. Additional storage may be purchased in 20GB increments.
23 Requires both Part Numbers in the first year.
25 The FusionPro® NFR comes with 3 licenses (Server, Desktop and Designer) and is only available for se
26 NFR maintenance renewal is conditional upon annual certification training.
27 EFI Monarch, Pace, PrintSmith, Lector integration only
28 DSF Essential StoreFront Platform is limited to a maximum of five (5) storefronts
29 DSF Essential StoreFront Price List is limited to a maximum of five (5) Price Lists
30 New DSF Subscription is required.
31 EFI Hosted License for FusionPro and XMPie Modules: FusionPro® and XMPie® requires the purchase
32 Included are 2 rendering engines:
The firstshipping
33 The rendering engineintegration
provider is used forpricing
is perthe realtimeshipping
individual onscreen proof ofThe
provider. VDPintegration
elements is
to available
the buyerf
34 Certification
Price (Europe)
is per rendering or training
engine (outside
license. Maximum of Europe) is required
of 2 additional with the
rendering purchase
engine of any
licenses areNFR.
available for p
35 When customers wish to use a DSF instance across multiple businesses, licensing for each Business E
36Business Entity
DirectSmile is defined
DSMi as another
users will have VDPbusiness (not with
integration another
DSFprint shop),
via the EFIwhich may or may
VDP connector. notishave
This a se
not avail
For each additional print shop, an additional print shop license must be purchased.
Any DSF configuration that requests >3 Additional Business Entities (4 total) will require a separate quote f

EFI DirectSmile

1 Package includes:100000010481 DSF Essential, QPS Activation, 100000010483 Subs: DSF Essential, Q
2 Package Includes: 100000010481 DSF Essential, QPS Activation, 100000010483 Subs: DSF Essential, Q
3 Package Includes: 100000010481 DSF Essential, QPS In-Plant Activation, 100000010483 Subs: DSF Es
4 Package Includes: 100000010483 Subs: DSF Essential, QPS In-Plant, 100000010358 Subs: PrintSmith V
5 Requires 10000001087 and 100000010440 Training Packages to be added
6 Additional user requires one time activation purchase only - no subscription required
7 Not available until May 1, 2017
8 Not valid with initial system purchase - only available for contract renewal. Use in applicable increments -
9 Requires additional training & implementation: Contact EFI for Quote
10 Refer to Statement of Work for full details
11 Refer to Statement of Work for full details
EFI Self-Serve
(1) Includes M500, stand and 1 year subscription
(2) Includes M505, stand and 1 year subscription
(3) Recommend one M500/M505 Station Copier Test Box per installation address.
(4) M505 NFR can be resold after 12 months (must also sell support). Includes stand, copier test box, test c
(5) Required per customer order, 1 per customer, regardless of M500/505 clients Includes merchant accou

EMC (ApplicationXtender 8.0)

1 Core package includes 5 concurrent users, Desktop/Web Access .Net, AX Software Retention Manager,
2 Upgrage code for licensing

EMC (ApplicationXtender)
1 Core package includes 5 concurrent users, Desktop/Web Access .Net, AX for Office 2010, AX Software R
2 Technical support for the SDK, CDK and Web Services Documentation Kit is NOT included
3 Customers requesting IIG AX Renewals will be granted entitlement to obtain AX 7.0 License Key
4 License Key must be placed into the AX License Server Directory to enable usage
5 AX Capture Package includes: QuickScan Pro for AX, AX for MFP and Enhanced Ascent Capture Relea
6 Capture package is licensed per MFP device, Quickscan Pro is licensed per desktop and Enhanced Asce
7 ApplicationXtender PAL licensing is based on the total number of concurrent connections that require rea
8 ApplicationXtender Connector Packages enables the seamless integration of business applications to Ap
9 Customers currently using the legacy product ApplicationXtender Integration Manager (AXIM) are entitled
10 ApplicationXtender SPI (SharePoint Integration) is licensed per AX installation.
11 An AX SPI license will enable the AX SPI functionality for all MS SharePoint installations within an AX Li
12 AX Image Enhancer only supported with AX Desktop and should be configured for the number of Applic
13 If customer is using an advanced capture package, Image Enhancer will most like not require this modu
14 xPlore Full Text is an enterprise level full-text application and should always be used in high volume doc
15 Verity customers are entitled to upgrade to AX Xplore as long as they are on active maintenance.
16 AX OCR Server is a required add-on with ApplicationXtender xPlore Full Text and Verity K2 Full Text. L
17 The ApplicationXtender Reports Management Server processes ASCII and EDCDIC reports that are lice
18 ApplicationXtender Reports Management Business Intelligence Gateway is used to extract a set of inde
19 ApplicationXtender Reports Management Server optionally processes AFP, Metacode and PCL print str
20 Customers requiring print stream processing must purchase the appropriate option(s) and the Applicatio
21 It is highly recommended that services be purchased for print stream analysis, custom font mapping, ex
22 ApplicationXtender Workflow Manager License is available in a pack of FIVE concurrent user licenses.
23 The number of AX Workflow Manager Concurrent Connections shall not exceed the total number of AX
24 Customers who purchased the AX Workflow Manager named licenses are eligible to swap their AX Wor
25 AX WorkflowXtender and AX Document Routing customers, they are entitled to upgrade to AX Workflow
26 Workflow MGR Server and Forms Server are licensed per sever.
27 Maintenance and support is quoted by vendor based on customer configuration

Equitrac Office/Express 5 - PCC USB Card Readers

1) Card reader used with Equitrac/PCC only.
2) M&S for PCC USB Card Reader.
3) Promo pricing - for use with FY13 Q4 Equitrac V4 to V5 upgrade promotion - must be ordered only when

1 - Software license, governed by the EULA, one instance
2 - OL Care - annual support at purchase of software, one is required per software license, may purchase u
3 - OL Care - annual renewal of existing licensed software, may purchase up to 5 years
4 - OL Care - Re-Entry, for customers with lapsed OL Care, to rejoin for one year then they revert back to th
5 - Annual subscription for GoFormz hosted service to support tablets - required for each tablet in use at ac

Gravic Remark
1 Price per Teacher per subscription term
2 Web Browser Based, No Software to install
3 Requires Organization name, administrator name and email address and the number of teacher licenses
4 Must have an existing subscription.

Impressia - Xante
(4) Recomended Accessory for Impressia model 500-100951
(5) Price if purchased after 60 days of machine install
(6) Includes 1 st Year Impressia service agreement including phone and onsite support if necessary.
(7) Recomended Accessory for Impressia model 500-100958
(8) Sold separate for additional workstation license .
(9) Additional feature for Iqueue SW . Recommended addition to Iqueue SW for postscript printing functiona

Intersystems Healthshare
1 Annual subscription term.
2 Per Connnection (Device, User, Application, or System). Pricing for the needed number of connection lice
3 Multi Server license provides: database mirroring; dynamic sharing of Concurrent User license capacity a
4 Every Server running HealthShare requires a separate HealthShare license. (Offline backup server excep
5 Used when no standard library profile is available and custom profile development is required. Quote bas
6 Test Server Environment Only.
7 Available to Direct Channel only - Not available as a Standalone sale.

Interactive Whiteboard (D5510)

1) 55" interactive whiteboard Ships with Display, integrated computer and pen.
2) Optional portable stand for D5510. Standard flat screen wall mount can also be used
3) Intentionally Left Blank
4) Licensing for colaboration between up to 4 D5500's
5) Additional pen for D5500

Kofax - Kapow
1 Support is Required for all Kofax Products
2 Kapow Subscription parts include Support in the annual price
3 Partners can only sell perpetual licenses of Kapow if it is tied to a Kofax or Altosoft license sale.
4 KCU = Kapow Compute Unit -- defined as a unit of measure for how many operations a Kapow Katalyst R
5 Pricing of Kapow for Subscription is constructed of a line item for Kapow Custom Bundle with a Starter, B
6 Kapow Entry Bundle - Perpetual (KP-ENT-PER-KEB) Requires KP-PS-STD 3 days training (24 hours)
7 Subcription Pricing is Annual Unless Noted Otherwise
8 Sales of Kapow perpetual license standalone will require the approval of Kofax management.
9 Standard Kofax Support Policies apply to Kapow Perpetual Licenses
10 10 PKCU,5 NPKCU,5 DSS,10 EKZ
11 2 Production KCUs, 1 Non-production KCU, 10 KappZone seats, 4 Design Studio seats
12 4 Production KCUs, 2 Non-production KCU, 30 KappZone seats, 4 Design Studio seats
13 4 Production KCUs, 2 Non-production KCU, 50 KappZone seats, 4 Design Studio seats, High availability
14 3 months, <3000 pages, <200,000 documents, 10 Production KCUs, 5 Design Studio seats, 10 KappZo
15 6 months, 3000-6000 pages, 200,000 to< 500,000 documents, 10 Production KCUs, 5 Design Studio se
16 12 months, 6000-15000 pages, 500,000 to< 1,250,000 documents, 10 Production KCUs, 5 Design Stud
17 >12 months, >15000 pages, >1,250,000 documents, Production KCUs and KappZone seats TBD
18 Requires minimum purchase of $5,000. Can only be ordered in multiples of 10.
19 $10,000 + 20% of KappZone cost
20 15% of total subscription price for 24x7
21 List Part numbers of Products purchased below this part number; sum price of parts below
22 Requires KP-PS-STD 3 days training (24 hours). Fulfills 1 Production KCU, 1 Non-production KCU, 5 K
23 Minimum purchase of $12,500. Can only be sold in multiples of 10.
24 $25,000 + 20% of KappZone cost
25 20% of list. Calculation based on the total list price
26 36% of list. Calculation based on the total list price
27 48% of list. Calculation based on the total list price
28 28% of list. Minimum 100,000USD Price
29 52% of list. Minimum 100,000USD Price
30 72% of list. Minimum 100,000USD Price

Kofax - Total Agility

1) TotalAgility Support must be ordered separately. The TotalAgility pricing calculator can be found at http:/
2) Price is for 4 Full Users and 10K pages per year. Enables all capture and transformation functionality in T
3) Price is per additional concurrent user. Full users are typically internal users that have a unique TotalAgi
4) Price is for unlimited number of limited users. Limited users are typically external users that have no Tota
5) Price is per additional block of 10K pages per year. Enables all capture and transformation functionality i
6) Price is 20% of total list price of production system.
7) Kofax Analytics for TotalAgility and Kofax Insight Analytics for TotalAgility are add-ons for Kofax TotalAg
8) Price must be calculated based on the total list price of the entire installation of TotalAgility onto which th
9) Price must be calculated based on the total list price of the entire installation of TotalAgility onto which th
10) Customers purchasing a public tenant share their TotalAgility 7 software (but not their configurations or
11) Base configuration is 4 users and 10K PPY, and includes maintenance.
12) Base configuration is 30 users and 500K PPY, and includes maintenance.
13) One test/dev system included with new system purchase. 10%-of-production-list-price charge for each
14) One DR system included with new system purchase. 10%-of-production-list-price charge for each addit
15) 90-day evaluation period can be extended per existing approval processes.
16) Eval system licensed with a base configuration, 20 additional concurrent users, limited users enabled, I
17) Eval system contains Cloud and On-Prem components and licenses: Cloud: base configuration, 20 add
18) One-year license for internal training and demo purposes.
19) NFR system licensed with a base configuration, 20 additional concurrent users, limited users enabled, I
20) NFR system contains Cloud and On-Prem components and licenses: Cloud: base configuration, 20 add
21) TotalAgility Support must be ordered separately. The TotalAgility AP Automation pricing calculator can
22) Includes 4 full concurrent users and 40k annual page volume (allows 10k invoices at 4 pages per invoic
23) Must have TA-AP-BASE01-0001; Includes 4 full concurrent users and 40k annual page volume (allows
24) Allows for I full concurrent user and 40k annual page volume (10k invoices at 4 pages per invoice). On
25) Includes 4 concurrent users and 40k annual page volume (allows 10k invoices at 4 pages per invoice);
26) Must have TA Base Config TA-AP-BASE01-0001. Includes 4 concurrent users and 40k annual page vo
27) Must have TA-AP-BASE02-0001 or TA-AP-BASE02-0002; Allows 10k invoices/yr. at 4 pages per invoic
28) Includes 4 concurrent users and 40k annual page volume (allows 10k invoices at 4 pages per invoice);
29) Must have TA Base Config TA-AP-BASE01-0001. Includes 4 concurrent users and 40k annual page vo
30) Must have TA-AP-BASE03-0001 or TA-AP-BASE03-0002; Allows 10k invoices/yr. at 4 pages per invoic
31) Allows for one (1) additional full concurrent user
32) Allows for unlimited number of limited users
33) Customers purchasing a public tenant share their TotalAgility software (but not their AP Automation con
34) Use price calculator to derive Cloud Service annual price. Note that price includes annual maintenance
35) Minimum annual invoice volume of 120k required. Use price calculator to derive Cloud Service annual p
36) One test/dev system included with new system purchase. 10%-of-production-list-price charge for two a
37) Provides two (2) additional on-premise non-production systems, each with 10% of users and invoice vo
38) Provides two (2) additional cloud non-production systems, each with 10% of users and invoice volume.
39) Only available to those who have the AP Base Configuration TA-AP-BASE**-0001 or TA-AP-BASE**-0

Laserfiche Avante
1 There is no maximum user or page limitation for the Laserfich Avante Servers. Laserfiche Avante Servers
2 Records Management Edition requires purchasing Advanced Audit Trail for all named users. Laserfiche
3 Named users include Snapshot and Email.
4 Laserfiche Forms Authenticated Participants requires the purchase of Laserfiche Forms.
5 The quantity purchased must equal the quantity of Named Users in the system.
6 Laserfiche Digital Signatures requires Laserfiche 8.3 or later.
7 Laserfiche Connector is supported for Laserfiche Server 9.0 or later. It is licensed as a percentage add-on
8 Starter Public Portal includes Laserfiche WebLink and 10 WebLink-only retrieval connections.
9 Standard Public Portal includes Laserfiche WebLink and 25 WebLink-only retrieval connections
10 Midsized Public Portal includes Laserfiche WebLink and 50 WebLink-only retrieval connections.
11 Unlimited Public Portal includes Laserfiche WebLink and unlimited retrieval connections per processor.
12 Web Distribution Portal includes Laserfiche WebLink and 5 WebLink-only retrieval connections. It is rest
13 Laserfiche Forms Portal Add-on requires the purchase of Laserfiche Forms. Laserfiche Forms Portal is
14 Laserfiche SDK orders must have company authorization before shipment of product.
15 Laserfiche integration for eCopy does not require a dedicated named user license; however, it is preferr
16 Laserfiche integration for eCopy does not require a dedicated named user license; however, it is preferr
17 M&S is through Laserfiche Software Assurance Plan (LSAP) A minimum of 1 YR must be purchased for
18 M&S or Laserfiche Software Assurance Plan (LSAP) codes for multi-year contracts

Laserfiche Rio
1 M& S in not included. A minimum of one year laserfiche Software Assurance Plan (LSAP) aka M&S mus
2 Volume discounts for additional users are based on the total size of the system. For example, a customer
3 Minimum initial purchase is 200 Laserfiche Named Retrieval Users. System also requires a minimum of 2
4 Named User pricing includes the following features: Unlimited Laserfiche Servers, Workflow, Web Access
5 Laserfiche Forms Authenticated Participants requires the purchase of Laserfiche Forms.
6 Laserfiche Records Management Edition is DoD 5015.2 certified. For our certified system configuration,
7 10% add-on to all named full users and Named Retrieval Users
8 10% add-on to all Named Full Users
9 5% add-on to all Named Full Users
10 Laserfiche Unlimited Public Portal includes Laserfiche WebLink and WebLink-only unlimited retrieval co
11 Laserfiche Forms Portal Add-on requires the purchase of Laserfiche Forms and is licensed per Laserfich
12 Laserfiche Forms Enterprise Portal Add-on requires the purchase of Laserfiche Forms and is licensed p
13 Laserfiche Plus for Publishing allows royalty-free distribution of published CDs, provided they are distrib
14 Laserfiche Softare Assurance Plan (LSAP) aka M&S is available in multi-year configurations

Marcom JobCentral
1) MarcomCentral Print Service Provider Basic ( 3 storefront )- Includes: 2 FusionPro Desktop (FusionPro V
2) Marcom Central Print Service Provider Advanced (Unlimited Storefront)- Includes: 2 FusionPro Desktop
3) MarcomCentral Print Service Provider Basic ( 3 storefront ) Annual Subscription - Covers Technical Sup
4) Marcom Central Print Service Provider Advanced (Unlimited Storefront) -Covers Technical Support, Hos
5) Print Service Provider Basic and Print Service Provider Advanced - Covers 20 Hours of professional ser
6) Marcom Enterprise Elite- Includes: Up to 3,000 Users, Activation of 1 MarcomCentral Portal, Single Sign
7) Includes: Technical Support, Hosting, Maintenance and System Updates by PTI for Marcom Enterprise E
8) Professional Services for Marcom Enterprise Elite -Includes up to 150 hours of support services by PTI.
9) MarcomCentral Enterprise Corporate In-Plant -Includes: 1 MarcomCentral License with 2 Storefronts, Si
10) Marcom Enterprise Corporate In-Plant Subscription -Includes: Technical Support, Hosting, Maintenance
11) Professional Services for Marcom Enterprise Corporate In-Plant -Includes up to 30 hours of support ser
12) Can only be Used to upgrade from Basic to Advanced
13) Technical Support, Hosting, Maintenance and System Updates
14) Can be used with all Full Admin Bundles (Basic, Advanced, Inplant, Enterprise)
15) Can be used with PSP and In-Plant Bundles
16) Professional Services - Additional Annual "Block" of Hours
17) PTI will manage your MarcomCentral portal. Services include, but are not limited to, implementation, p
19) Can be used with The Enterprise Bundle
20) Can be used with all Bundles. Does not cover SAML." Full assessment of" customer needs required"
21) Includes: 1 FusionPro Desktop License, 1 seat of Webinar Training Advanced and Fundamentals, 10 a
22) Only available when purchasing 53009-PS1
23) Includes: 1 FusionPro Desktop license, 1 FusionPro Expression license, 1 seat of Webinar Training for
24) Only available when purchasing 53008-PS1
25) Windows: XP, 2003, Vista, 7 or Server 2008 R2; MAC OS X 10.4, 10.5,10.6; CPU 1.3 GHZ (2.0 GHz or
26) Available for Windows OS or Mac. For Adobe Acrobat, Adobe InDesign and QuarkXPress, with PDF, P
27) MAC or PC Desktop (FusionPro VDP Creator) version-includes 15 Image personalization templates-in
28) FusionPro Expression: Windows: XP, 2003, Vista, 7 or Server 2008 R2; MAC OS X 10.4, 10.5,10.6; Int
29) Internal VDP Workflow Solution for High-Volume VDP Compositions. Windows only. One Instance Us
30) FusionPro Producer: Windows: XP, 2003, Vista, 7 or Server 2008 R2; CPU 2.0GHz (mulit-core recomm
31) Add on available when item 47001-PS1 is purchased
32) Open API - FusionPro Server maximum three (3) instance uses Batch License, including PDF, PPML\V
33) Personalized URLs - Activation Fee Includes Webinar Training & Launch Unlimited PURL campaigns n
34) Instructor lead webinar that is held once a month. Please go to this link for the training calendar: http://
35) FusionPro Desktop (FusionPro VDP Creator) Fundamentals Web based training. Two hours dedicated
36) FusionPro Desktop (FusionPro VDP Creator) Advanced Web based training. Two hours dedicated to
37) Only available when purchasing 45001-PS1 or 42002WIN-PS1
38) Only available when purchasing 85004-PS1
39) Only available when purchasing 47001-PS1
40) Only available when purchasing 85006-PS1
41) Only available when purchasing 42003-PS1
42) Only available when purchasing 29026-PS1
43) MarcomCentral Job Submission Only Bundle Includes 1 Portal, Limited Admin Access, Online Training
44) MarcomCentral Job Submission Only Bundle Annual Subscription - Covers Technical Support, Hosting
45) MarcomCentral Job Submission Only Bundle Covers 10 Hours of professional services by PTI
46) MarcomCentral STARTER Bundle Includes 2 Portals with Job submission, Static Items and Basic Vers
47) MarcomCentral STARTER Bundle Annual Subscription - Covers Technical Support, Hosting, Maintena
48) MarcomCentral STARTER Bundle Covers 15 Hours of professional services by PTI
49) Can only be used with MarcomCentral Job Submission Only Bundle 53013-PS1
50) Required with 23043-PS1 or 23044-PS1
51) Can only be used with MarcomCentral Job Submission Only Bundle 53013-PS1
52) Required with 23043-PS1 or 23044-PS1
53) Required with 29029B-PS1
54) SalesForce.com and Marketo Connectors to MCC - Licensed per Storefront only. Only available with 5
55) Required with 29038-PS1
56) Advanced reporting Business Intelligence Module. Only available with 53015-PS1, 53019-PS1, 53017-
57) Required with 29039-PS1
58) One per Portal - Charges one time
59) Provides the ability to insert static versioned content at the beginning and end of a video clip
60) Required with 29040-PS1
61) Enables customer to use customized shipping rates
62) Required with 29041-PS1
63) Required with 29042-PS1
64) Internal VDP Workflow Solution for High-Volume VDP Compositions. Windows only. Three Concurren
65) AFP Output module for FusionPro PRODUCER 3 Instance Only 47003-PS1
66) Open API - Internal VDP Workflow Solution for High-Volume VDP Compositions. Windows only. Three
67) Open API - Internal VDP Workflow Solution for High-Volume VDP Compositions. Windows only. Three
68) Open API - Internal VDP Workflow Solution for High-Volume VDP Compositions. Windows only. Three
66) Open API - Internal VDP Workflow Solution for High-Volume VDP Compositions. Windows only. Three
67) Intelligent Hot Folder workflow
68) Additional concurrent composition engines for FP Server Watch
69) Required with 47003-PS1
70) Required with 47005-PS1
71) Required with 42004-PS1
72) Required with 80004-PS1
73) Annual Fee only - No setup
74) Different User Interfaces for up to 5 Unique Groups

Max Convenience Stapler

(1) Compact power stapler that can be placed on or near an MFP. Designed to bind up to 50 sheets at a tim

Neopost Bulk Mailer

1) Digital download via e-mail is the default method to receive updates via DVD customer must choose to o
2) This is a software license It includes one year software warranty and subscription renewals
3) This is ONE additional year of software warranty and renewal Select only if the customer owns or the qu
4) Required for Satori Architect integration with GMC Inspire software
5) For use with PrintMachine, docuTransfer and GMC OMS software that has Satori Architect software inte
6) For MailRoom ToolKit Office SMB 40 ppm and 60 ppm customers
7) For MailRoom ToolKit 120ppm and 180ppm customers
8) For MailRoom ToolKit Unlimited and Gold Plus customers
9) Digital download via email is the default method to receive updates To receive updates via DVD custome
10) Satori Infuse Desktop Edition includes CASS NCOA DeDupe Merge Purge Apartment Append Suppres
11) Monthly renewal parts are ONLY to be used for leases that have duration other than 12 24 36 48 or 60
12) Infuse Database Connector-Set Up & Training is required with 1st year Database Connector subscriptio
13) Unlimited CASS address correction is included with the Infuse Database Connector subscription NCOA
14) Includes CASS PAVE & Mixed Weight Manifest
15) Annual License Fee Support is required and must be purchased separately
16) Set Up & Training included with OMS-200 Base License
17) OMS-200 Base License Set-Up and Training must be purchased separately
18) Include quantity of 1 in PriceForce
19) e-Certify Subscriptions must be treated as a pass-through in the Software Subscription section on a lea
20) ConnectSuite Automate is required for batch download of signatures associated with e-Certify solution
21) Annual Software Support required with purchase lease of ConnectSuite Automate
22) eDelivery Set Up Fee includes eDelivery connector Training and eAdoption services Professional Serv
23) Annual Subscription Fee required Includes rights to use eDelivery service technical support and upgra
24) Annual Subscription Fee must be treated as a pass through on lease
25) Credit packs cannot be included on lease Purchase only
26) ePayment Module required for electronic payment capabilities
27) Annual Support required for ePayment Module
28) Annual Software Support required with purchase/lease of DocuTransfer license
29) Includes License, Set up of 2 applications document or mailing type 1st year Annual Support and 1st ye
30) Includes all components in DocuTransfer Lite Basic Bundle plus eDoc add-on for Full Service IMb and
31) Annual Software Support required with purchase/lease of DocuTransfer License Options & Add-Ons
32) Project development has a fixed price that is customized per customer.Statement of Work (SOW) is req
33) Annual Software Support for year 2 and subsequent years for DocuTransfer Lite License 1st year annu

Nuance AutoStore & Ouptut Manager

1 This product has high-volume pricing options. For more information on how to offer these discounts to cu
2 High-availability licenses are a bundle of two licenses to be applied to a single MFP where the second lice
3 When upgrading from standard to high-availability, all licenses per instance must be upgraded.
4 Customers must specify device type upon fulfillment of device licenses. A full list of supported devices, ca
5 Unsupported devices require a File Import License to connect to the AutoStore solution.
6 SnapIt add on-on provides ability to auto populate fields using selected content.
7 2D barcode add-on provides ability to recognize 2D barcodes through QuickCapture interface.
8 File Import licenses include capture from Email (SMTP, POP3, and IMAP), Folder, FTP/SFTP sites, Multi
9 Battery Licenses are a one-time use consumption license that has no time limit on use.
10 A single pack of 20 of AutoCapture is available as part of the client bundle (under the bundle section).
11 To purchase WebCapture or Mobile please see the WebCapture Mobile section.
12 Production printers require Output Manager Production Printer Licenses.
13 Production printers are:
o Black and
14 Components of White >160ppm.
Network Printer Pack: Cost management, rules based print, print failover, reporting.
o Color >100 ppm.
15 Output Manager Desktop Licenses include local print monitoring and web interface access.
16 Output Manager Desktop Licenses are also included in the Client Bundle - see details in the Bundle sec
17 Customers must purchase the Basic Transform Module as a prerequisite for the Page Modification Add-
18 The non-production add-ons cannot be purchased in combination with production printer licenses.
19 Production Print versions of the add-ons are required in combination with production printer licenses.
20 Customers must purchase the Production Print version of the Basic Transform Module as a prerequisite
21 A single pack of 20 of WebCapture/Mobile is available as part of the client bundle (under the bundle sec
22 Some functions of Mobile will require the purchase of Output Manager or AutoStore licenses.
23 To purchase AutoCapture please see the AutoCapture Additional Products section.
24 Client Bundles include AutoCapture, WebCapture/Mobile, and OM Desktop offerings.
25 To purchase WebCapture / Mobile or AutoCapture please see the WebCapture Mobile and AutoStore se
Nuance SecurePrint
20 Customers must purchase the Production Print version of the Basic Transform Module as a prerequisite
35 Input and Output filters are third party products subject to third party product terms.
56 Ethernet Card Reader Release Licenses enable secure release via card swipe on supported Ethernet ca
57 Ethernet card readers must be purchased separately

Ojectif Lune
1) Software license, governed by the EULA, one instance
2) OL Care - yearly, one is required per software license, may purchase up to 5 years
3) OL Care - annual renewal of existing licensed software, may purchase up to 5 years
4) OL Care - Re-Entry, for customers with lapsed OL Care, to rejoin for one year then they revert back to th
5) This item is fulfilled electronically, there is no physical shipment
6) This item requires a physical shipment.

1. MFP Base Option Must always be purchased, includes Admin, Authentication, Copy tracking & Reporting
2. Each Product includes 1 Year of M&S; Additional Years of M&S must be purchased to match the term of
3. MFP Secure Print Option to Base; Includes MFP Print Tracking/Reporting and follow-me type printing. A
4. Scanning Option for Base can be combined with Secure Print/Base, includes Secure Scan-to-email, fold

1 to 1 Create
1) Ricoh 1 to1 Create Basic subscription includes access to all campaign templates (Postcard, email, micro
2) Ricoh 1 to1 Create Advance subscription includes all basic subscription services plus skeleton template

1 Appliance (Server) Includes:Estimating, Job Control, Data Collection, Job Costing, Inventory, Purchasing
2 per workstation location
3 An additional manufacturing location that receives a license to the same modules as licensed for the core
4 (1-3 people at remote site utilizing the same server) (requires EFI approval)
5 (4-7 people at remote site utilizing the same server) (requires EFI approval)
6 8-10 people at remote site utilizing the same server) (requires EFI approval)
7 (includes Outlook Plug In)
8 (requires Price List Quoting)
9 [Est Req/Job Status/Proof/CO/Web Activity]
10 Item carries a $0 licence cost, but does have a maintenance cost, order both items
11 pricing is per site
12 Includes Job Planning and Prioritization, Base Scheduling, Optimized Loading, What If Scenarios, Switc
13 (includes eight modules: Alerts, Translations, Defaults, Fields/Lists, Forms/Object Contexts, Objects, D
14 all scales sold separately
15 (mandatory for each AC3000 and Paper Monitor)
16 (recommended for use with AC1000)
17 recommended for use with AC3000)
18 (mandatory for nonMatrix upgrades)
19 Includes: configuration of database, operating system, web reporting engine, web server, remote connec
20 (requires customer sourced hardware & VM software)
21 Includes: configuration of database, operating system, web reporting engine, web server, remote connec
22 Includes: configuration of database, operating system, web reporting engine, web server, remote connec
23 Includes: configuration of database, operating system, web reporting engine, web server, remote connec
24 Pace Maintennace includes access to technical support via phone and email, access to all system upgra
25 The Two-day Onsite and Additional Onsite Day professional services line items are used to provide the
26 Includes: Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, General Ledger, PaceStation and one Additional Co
27 Enables the set up of an additional company's records to accommodate multiple site locations (including
28 Onsite in Jacksonville, FL at EFI location, customer responsible for T&E
29 Includes EFI resource T&E
30 Contains: Estimating, Job Control, Account Receivables, Job Billing, Job History, Job Shipments, PaceS
1 Annual Maintenance and Support (AM&S) must be ordered with this product and is available as a separa
2 Every iMFP also requires a dedicated Uniprint Xtra device License. Contact your Pharos Sales Rep to ve
3 JAVA must be preloaded on the MFP prior to loading iMFP. JAVA card available as a separate line item d
4 SOW required in instances when major uppgrades or new environment installs take place. Minor add-ons
5 Product has 1 year manufacturer warranty
6 Travel expenses not included
7 Hardware Extended Warranty (EW) only available at time of initial purchase. EW is not renewable.
8 Annual Maintenance & Support is calculated based on the MSRP of the Software.

PrintNet Solutions
1 CopyNet Light is the core Web Based Print Mangement Solution module that includes features such as; W
2 CopyNet Base includes all features of Light plus many more. Please refer to feature chart matrix located
3 CopyNet Forms includes all features of Light plus many more. Please refer to feature chart matrix on Info
4 CopyNet Education includes all features of Light plus many more. Please refer to feature chart matrix on
5 The Cedit Card Option is available for CopyNet Light, Base, Forms and Education. This Optional module
6 All CopyNet Solution pricing includes Cloud based deployment for Initial Product SetUp, Webinar Training
7 Any Custom Programming, Database Connections (i.e. LDAP) and environment specific programming or

1 Licensed by Desktop User, Server Software included
2 Requires Ordering V109A-M01-4.0-1Y-PS1 for new M&S
3 Requires Ordering V109A-MG8-4.0-1Y-PS1 for new M&S
4 Requires Ordering V109A-MH0-4.0-1Y-PS1 for new M&S
5 Requires Ordering V109A-MH1-4.0-1Y-PS1 for new M&S
6 Requires Ordering V109A-MH2-4.0-1Y-PS1 for new M&S

PPDM 2016
1. Licensed by PC, includes 1 year M&S
2. Addditional Year of M&S per PC license
3. Free upgrade from PPDM NX to PPDM 2016 Requires additional year of M&S
4. Requires proof of current PPDM NX product with active M&S
5. Paid upgrade from V1,V2,V3 to PPDM 2016 Requires additional year of M&S
6. Requires license key from PPDM V1, V2, V3 to order. No orders will be accepted without it.
7. Site License for PPDM 2016 requires a special quote through Product Marketing and is for orders over 2

1: Installation Requires Custom Quote from Vendor (SOW)
2: An OMR Station is a shared computer that any number of teachers can share for processing forms with R
3: One copy of the software is installed and there is no limit to the number of Instructor Profiles that can be
4: Teachers must physically be on the computer where the OMR Station is loaded in order to use the softw
5: The OMR Station is a one-time purchase and annual support and maintenance is included for one year.

Ricoh Accounts Payable

1 Monthly subscription fee
2 Limited to 6K invoices per year
3 Limited to 12K invoices per year
4 Limited to 24K invoices per year
5 Limited to 60K invoices per year
6 Limited to 120K invoices per year
7 Installation includes 2 hours of training
8 An overage rate of $0.40/invoice in excess of the allowed invoices/yr shall be billed anually

Ricoh Advanced Legal Workflow

1 Includes 1 year of Maintenance & Support (M&S)
2 Add additional years of Maintenance & Support (M&S) to cover term of lease.
Ricoh Application Infrastructure Monitoring and Management Service
1. Base License Required for Backup or Workstation Management Licenses.
2. Server Management License Required.

Ricoh Electronic Data Exchange

1 Requires Intersystems HEALTHSHARE HS4 license
2 Requires upgrade to HS4 license to include DOCXT
3 Requires REDE Server License
4 Requires Workflow Viewer
5 This development environment includes a set of licenses that mimicks production for testing purposes on
6 This is a Fixed Fee Implementation for the Patient Directory Configuration.
7 This labor code is hourly based and used on all installs in various amounts based on scope.
8 MDM - HL7 message type called Medical Document Management
9 ADT - HL7 message type called Admit, Discharge, and Transfer
10 Block of time hours can be utilized post implemention to provide engineering / custom configuration cha
11 Can be integrated on a Ricoh whiteboard such as the D5510 via customized whiteboard firmware availa
12 Includes software updates and helpdesk support. (Software updates may require Ricoh Professional Se

Ricoh eForms Manager

1. Base Licenses for Ricoh eforms Manager Subscription. May be combined to allow for desired numbers
2. Requires Base Subscription License.
3. Database Connector required for lookup from an outside datasource.
4. Required for populating user lists from an LDAP connection.
5. Required for utilizing SAML Security and SSO configuration utilizing this technology.
6. Required for integration with backend systems for file export.

Ricoh Integrated Cloud Environment (ICE)

(1) All MFPs require the optional Browser Unit or Smart Op Panel
(2) TS (IT) will need to install and configure
(3) Std Pkg w/OCR is Required
(4) Sold per MFP
(5) Use for one year subscription or for 1st year of multiple year subscription for each MFP
(6) Use for subsequent years of multiple year subscription for each MFP.
(7) For one year subscription for 1 MFP, order qty 1 of ICEOCR-PS1. For three year subscripton for 1 MFP
(8) This package adds Mobile print functionality by email only (add PrintCloud option for full Mobile Print fun
(9) Sold per customer account
(10) Must be included with Education MFP
(11) Annual Subscription order qty by number of years, ex: 5 years order qty of 5
(12) Required for Blackboard Learn connector
(13) Up to 5000 users for each pack.If more users are required then order multiples; ex. If 10,000 users the

ROI Print Manager

1 All Software Licenses require a minimum of 1 year of Maintenance & Support (M&S) which must be adde
2 Includes 1 Year Warranty.
3 Optional Extended Warranty Available.

1 Includes 1 year Maintenance & Support (M&S)
2 Each additional year of M&S. Increase quantity to add multiple years to match the term of the customer's
3 One month term/subscription, no renewal, repurchase required
4 Includes Maintenance & Support (M&S)
5 Fixed Fee


StreamLine NX
21) Requires the stand, streamline nx license & card reader to complete PRS
26) Support desk unable to resolve issue over the phone. Support desk sends exchange request to Depot S

StreamLine NX v3.0
1 Maintenance & Support (M&S) must be purchased at the time of new installs. With Streamline NX v3, no
2 The Base Module must always be purchased. The Base Module includes device management, server ad
3 The optional Print Module includes MFP/LP print tracking & reporting, follow-me type printing, card authe
4 The optional Scan & Capture Module includes secure scan-to-email/folders, Single Sign On (SSO), scan/
5 The optional Scan & Capture Input Connector Module includes Hotfolder & Client Mobile support for takin
6 The optional Scan & Capture Process Connector Module includes connectors for Barcode, Additional OC
7 The optional @Remote Connector Module connects the Streamline NX v3 Base Module to the @Remote
8 The optional Driver Distribution Module allows for batch configurations, works with multiple Ricoh drivers
9 The optional Extended Item Settings Module allows remote configuration of all your Ricoh devices. Exten
10 The optional Client PC Module allows for secure printing from your desktop granting delegate users, dyn
11 The Base Module Upgrade is only for customers upgrading from CAP/ELP-NX or Streamline NX v2.x. B
12 The Print Module Upgrade is for customers upgrading from Enhanced Lock Print NX or Streamline NX v
13 The Scan & Capture Module Upgrade is for customers upgrading from GlobalScan NX or Streamline NX
14 The Scan & Capture Input Connector Module Upgrade is for customers who are migrating from Streaml
15 The Scan & Capture Process Connector Module Upgrade is for customers who are migrating from Strea
16 The @Remote Connector Module Upgrade is for customers who are migrating from Device Manager NX
17 The Driver Distribution Module Upgrade is for customers who are migrating from Device Manager NX an
18 The Extended Item Settings Module Upgrade is for customers who are migrating from Device Manager
19 The Client PC Module Upgrade is for customers using the Streamline 2.x Client today, and who are mig
20 The Streamline NX v3 60 Day Trial includes all capabilities except the @Remote Connector, Extended I
21 Requires the Base Module & optional Scan & Capture Module to utilize the connector
22 Requires the Base Module to utilize these connectors
23 Requires the Base Module and optional Print Module to utilize the Desktop PC Client SW. Includes print
24 The MA/GMA Pricing is based on the number of devices (MFPs/SFPs) under contract with the customer

Total Flow Path

1) Path is a workflow integrator that allows different systems to speak to each other, reducing gaps and stre
2) Allows retrieving orders from a PTI Marcom Central web store. Allows the user to associate job tickets to
3) Allows retrieving orders from a RSA WebCRD web store. Retrieves the job tickets from the RSA WebCR
4) Submits jobs to a PlanetPress server for VDP composition. Retrieves the composed job for further proce
5) Submits jobs to a FusionPro Producer server for VDP composition. Retrieves the composed job for furth
6) Allows submitting jobs to a printer driven by an EFI Fiery controller. Automatically captures media catalo
7) Allowssubmitting
7 Allows submittingjobs
8) Allows submitting jobs to Ultimate Impostrip OnDemand Automation for imposition. Imposition profiles ca
9) Accepts jobs from Avanti Slingshot through a JMF/JDF interface and provides status updates and job inf


1 Price is determined by the total number of definitions of output devices and/or specified users supported
2 Do not combine bands. Supported capacity will be sold in blocks e.g., if you have 60 printers, you must l
3 License fees for additional output devices in excess of 1000 will be sold in blocks of 100.
4 User capacity will be sold in blocks of Maximum Users
5 Price is determined according to the maximum number of users submitting jobs from a mobile device
6 Innovate/Mill requires that at least one Transform product also be licensed
7 Pricing is per printer/MFP device that the software supports.
8 Software will be sold in minimum increments of 50 printers/MFP devices
9 MFPsecure for HP, Lexmark, Xerox and Ricoh includes VPSX/Secure Delivery At no additional cost, the
10 MFPsecure for XT requires MFPsecure XT hardware components (see footnote 22), includes VPSX/Sec
11 VPSX Secure Delivery server service which provides integration to Equitrac & Pharos.
12 Price is determined according to the number of users supported by all PageCenterX® systems at a sing
13 User capacity will be sold in blocks of Total Users . e.g, If you need 60 Total Users you must license cap
14 License fees for additional users in excess of 1000 Total Users will be sold in 100 user blocks
15 Dedicated or Concurrent license model per single location allowed.
16 Requires PageCenterX
17 Pricing is per workstation that is registered to PageCenterX
18 Licensed in minimum increments of 5 workstations.
19 The number of licensed workstations must be less than or equal to the total number of users licensed fo
20 Transform product may be installed on any server on which VPSX® or PageCenterX® is licensed
21 Supports RF IDeas pcProx Plus USB Card Reader with 6 Foot Cable. EDP Code: RDR-80581AKU (Bla
22 Requires RF IDeas pcProx Plus USB Card Reader with 6 Foot Cable Black - with Ethernet 241 Switch.
23 Generic Transform EDP code Identify Transform by name on order form.
24 VPSX requires 3 year commitment. Repurchase required at end of term.
25 Non-Chargeable Interface
26 Includes a license for FormPort Designer for use on two (2) workstations. Additional workstations of For
27 Requires Innovate/Mill and one or more Transforms
28 Labor performed by Ricoh
29 Labor performed by LRS
USF - ITN 17-16-MH

stment, unless otherwise noted in the Ricoh Master Agreement.

Ricoh Jul-19 Contract FMV
Equipment Suggested Discount Equipment Lease
and Options Retail off SRP Purchase 24 Monthly
Prices Per Unit Price Price Payments
B&W - A4
(Limited Inventory) SP 325SFNw $305.00 19.34% $246.00 $13.37
ESP S1 Power Filter 30.00 23.33% 23.00 1.01
Network & Scan - Printer 150.00 46.67% 80.00 3.51
Lease Return 125.00 100.00% 0.00 -

SP 330SFN $305.00 19.34% $246.00 $13.37

ESP S1 Power Filter 30.00 23.33% 23.00 1.01
Network & Scan - Printer 150.00 46.67% 80.00 3.51
Paper Feed Unit PB1130 235.00 35.32% 152.00 6.66
IEEE 802.11 Interface Unit Type P16 55.00 36.36% 35.00 1.53
Lease Return 125.00 100.00% 0.00 -

SP 3710SF $515.00 12.04% $453.00 $22.57

ESP S1 Power Filter 30.00 23.33% 23.00 1.01
Network & Scan - Printer 150.00 46.67% 80.00 3.51
Paper Feed Unit PB1130 235.00 35.32% 152.00 6.66
IEEE 802.11 Interface Unit Type P16 55.00 36.36% 35.00 1.53
Lease Return 125.00 100.00% 0.00 -

MP 305SPF $3,245.00 58.06% $1,361.00 $70.59

ESP XG-PCS-15D (120 Volt, 15 Amp) 346.00 57.23% 148.00 6.49
Network & Scan - Printer 150.00 46.67% 80.00 3.51
Paper Feed Unit PB1090 469.00 58.42% 195.00 8.54
Cabinet Type H 215.00 64.65% 76.00 3.33
Optional Counter Interface 81.00 62.96% 30.00 1.31
Fax Accessories
Fax Connection Unit Type M15 305.00 59.02% 125.00 5.48
Print / Scan Option Accessories
XPS Direct Print Opiton Type M15 119.00 58.82% 49.00 2.15
OCR Unit 335.00 59.70% 135.00 5.92
(Limited Availability) Unicode Font Package for SAP - 1 350.00 19.71% 281.00 13.30
Security & Misc. Accessories
NFC Card Reader Type M15 339.00 58.11% 142.00 6.22
Data Overwrite Security Unit Type I 530.00 61.32% 205.00 8.98
BOP Barcode - SD Card Type D 250.00 26.40% 184.00 8.71
Copy Data Security Unit Type G 960.00 58.33% 400.00 17.53
Lease Return 250.00 100.00% 0.00 -

(Limited Inventory) Aficio MP 301SPF $2,960.00 66.15% $1,002.00 $54.86

ESP S1 Power Filter 30.00 23.33% 23.00 1.01
ESP XG-PCS-15D (120 Volt, 15 Amp) 346.00 57.23% 148.00 6.49
Network & Scan - Printer 150.00 46.67% 80.00 3.51
Paper Feed Unit Type PB 1040 460.00 62.39% 173.00 7.58
Hard Drive Option Type 301 A 470.00 66.17% 159.00 6.97
FAC57 CABINET 290.00 63.45% 106.00 4.64
FAC58 CABINET 240.00 64.58% 85.00 3.72
Fax Accessories
Fax Connection Unit Type C 290.00 61.72% 111.00 4.86
Print / Scan Option Accessories
IEEE 1284 Interface Type A 134.00 58.21% 56.00 2.45
Gigabit Ethernet Board Type A 559.00 55.10% 251.00 11.00
VM Card Type U 190.00 62.11% 72.00 3.16
File Format Converter Type E 817.00 58.02% 343.00 15.03
Embedded HotSpot Type S 961.00 58.79% 396.00 18.74
Browser Unit Type G 170.00 63.53% 62.00 2.72
SD Card for NetWare Printing Type I 200.00 62.50% 75.00 3.29
1 Year HotSpot Service Subscription Extension 595.00 25.04% 446.00 21.11
2 Year HotSpot Service Subscription Extension 950.00 25.05% 712.00 33.70
3 Year HotSpot Service Subscription Extension 1,350.00 25.04% 1,012.00 47.90
4 Year HotSpot Service Subscription Extension 1,700.00 25.00% 1,275.00 60.35
Ricoh App For Google Cloud Print 69.00 33.33% 46.00 2.18
Security & Misc. Accessories
Optional Counter Interface Unit Type A 81.00 58.02% 34.00 1.49
Copy Data Security Unit Type F 978.00 50.00% 489.00 21.43
Data Overwrite Security Unit Type I 530.00 61.32% 205.00 8.98
External USB Keyboard(No bracket) 70.00 44.29% 39.00 1.71
Lease Return 250.00 100.00% 0.00 -

IM 350F $3,109.00 66.15% $1,052.44 $57.07

IM 430Fb $1,099.00 30.76% $761.00 $44.30
IM 430F $3,325.00 63.40% $1,217.00 $64.28
ESP S1 Power Filter 30.00 23.33% 23.00 1.01
ESP XG-PCS-15D (120 Volt, 15 Amp) 346.00 57.23% 148.00 6.49
Network & Scan - Printer 150.00 46.67% 80.00 3.51
Network Print/Scan Connection (Seg. 4) 425.00 46.12% 229.00 10.03
Paper Feed Unit PB1110 (250 Sheet) 235.00 31.95% 159.91 7.01
Paper Feed Unit PB1120 (500 Sheet) 375.00 43.93% 210.25 9.21
Caster Table Type M34 329.00 32.93% 220.65 9.67
Medium Cabinet Type P 195.00 56.92% 84.00 3.68
Tall Cabinet Type Q 219.00 58.85% 90.11 3.95
Offline Stapler Type M34 199.00 32.27% 134.78 5.91
Print / Scan Option Accessories
PostScript3 Unit Type M34 425.00 32.74% 285.87 12.53
IPDS Unit Type M34 745.00 31.23% 512.35 22.45
OCR Unit 335.00 59.70% 135.00 5.92
PAGE KEEPER TYPE M28 236.00 54.86% 106.52 4.67
Extended USB Board Type M19 375.00 58.67% 155.00 6.79
File Format Converter Type M19 739.00 60.22% 294.00 12.88
IEEE 802.11 Interface Unit Type M24 489.00 41.72% 285.00 12.49
USB DEVICE SERVER OPTION TYPE M19A 265.00 51.60% 128.26 5.62
Security & Misc. Accessories
Optional Counter Interface 81.00 62.96% 30.00 1.31
NFC Card Reader Type M27 339.00 55.16% 152.00 6.66
Lease Return 250.00 100.00% 0.00 -

(Limited Inventory) MP 402SPF $3,325.00 63.40% $1,217.00 $64.28

ESP S1 Power Filter 30.00 23.33% 23.00 1.01
ESP XG-PCS-15D (120 Volt, 15 Amp) 346.00 57.23% 148.00 6.49
Network & Scan - Printer 150.00 46.67% 80.00 3.51
Paper Feed Unit PB1060 169.00 31.95% 115.00 5.04
Paper Feed Unit PB1070 305.00 43.93% 171.00 7.49
Adjustable Height Cabinet Type G 235.00 57.87% 99.00 4.34
Tall Cabinet Type L 209.00 58.85% 86.00 3.77
Medium Cabinet Type M 195.00 56.92% 84.00 3.68
Network Environment / Connectivity
IEEE 1284 Interface Board Type M19 125.00 62.40% 47.00 2.06
IEEE 802.11 Interface Unit Type M24 489.00 41.72% 285.00 12.49
Extended USB Board Type M19 375.00 58.67% 155.00 6.79
Optional Counter Interface 81.00 62.96% 30.00 1.31
Print / Scan Option Accessories
XPS Direct Print Option Type M27 95.00 55.79% 42.00 1.84
File Format Converter Type M19 739.00 60.22% 294.00 12.88
OCR Unit 335.00 59.70% 135.00 5.92
Fax Connection Unit Type M27 299.00 63.88% 108.00 4.73
Security & Misc. Accessories
NFC Card Reader Type M27 339.00 55.16% 152.00 6.66
DataOverwriteSecurity Unit Type M19 479.00 63.05% 177.00 7.76
Lease Return 250.00 100.00% 0.00 -

MP 501SPF $3,499.00 47.13% $1,850.00 $92.02

MP 601SPF $4,499.00 56.66% $1,950.00 $96.40
ESP S1 Power Filter 30.00 23.33% 23.00 1.01
ESP XG-PCS-15D (120 Volt, 15 Amp) 346.00 57.23% 148.00 6.49
Network & Scan - Printer 150.00 46.67% 80.00 3.51
Paper Tray and Cabinet Accessories
Paper Feed Unit PB1100 309.00 20.39% 246.00 10.78
Tall Cabinet Type I 229.00 52.40% 109.00 4.78
Medium Cabinet Type J 195.00 46.67% 104.00 4.56
Caster Table Type M24 279.00 39.78% 168.00 7.36
Network Environment / Connectivity
IEEE 802.11 Interface Unit Type M24 489.00 41.72% 285.00 12.49
IEEE 1284 Interface Board Type M19 125.00 62.40% 47.00 2.06
Extended USB Board Type M19 375.00 58.67% 155.00 6.79
Optional Counter Interface 81.00 62.96% 30.00 1.31
Printing Features
XPS Direct Print Option Type M24 95.00 54.74% 43.00 1.88
IPDS Unit Type M36 725.00 47.45% 381.00 16.70
File Format Converter Type M19 739.00 60.22% 294.00 12.88
OCR Unit 335.00 59.70% 135.00 5.92
Fax Connection Unit Type M24 299.00 55.18% 134.00 5.87
Security & Miscellaneous Accessories
NFC Card Reader Type M24 339.00 55.16% 152.00 6.66
DataOverwriteSecurity Unit Type M19 479.00 63.05% 177.00 7.76
Lease Return 250.00 100.00% 0.00 -

MP 2555SP AD (ARDF) $6,725.00 69.92% $2,023.00 $99.60
MP 2555ASP (SPDF) $7,489.00 69.64% $2,274.00 $110.60
MP 3055SP AD (ARDF) $8,769.00 71.50% $2,499.00 $120.46
MP 3055ASP (SPDF) $9,585.00 69.63% $2,911.00 $138.52
MP 3555SP AD (ARDF) $10,375.00 72.29% $2,875.00 $136.94
MP 3555ASP (SPDF) $11,199.00 72.34% $3,098.00 $146.71
ESP XG-PCS-15D (120 Volt, 15 Amp) 346.00 57.23% 148.00 6.49
Network Print/Scan Connection (Seg. 2) 300.00 46.33% 161.00 7.06
Network Print/Scan Connection (Seg. 3) 350.00 46.29% 188.00 8.24
Cabinet Type F 250.00 64.00% 90.00 3.94
Paper Feed Unit PB3250 759.00 66.80% 252.00 11.04
Caster Table Type M3 270.00 62.96% 100.00 4.38
Paper Feed Unit PB3220 1,584.47 68.13% 505.00 22.13
LCIT PB3260 1,909.00 68.62% 599.00 26.25
LCIT RT3030 (1500 Sheets) 1,910.00 68.64% 599.00 26.25
Internal Shift Tray SH3070 450.00 63.56% 164.00 7.19
1 Bin Tray BN3110 535.00 62.80% 199.00 8.72
Internal Finisher SR3180 899.00 58.06% 377.00 16.52
Internal Finisher SR3130 1,455.00 66.46% 488.00 21.38
Punch Unit PU3040 NA 983.00 68.67% 308.00 13.50
Finisher SR3210 1,765.00 61.70% 676.00 29.62
Booklet Finisher SR3220 3,695.00 66.14% 1,251.00 54.82
Punch Unit PU3050 NA 980.00 69.08% 303.00 13.28
Bridge Unit BU3070 205.00 65.85% 70.00 3.07
Print/Scan Interface Options
IEEE 1284 Interface Board Type M19 125.00 62.40% 47.00 2.06
IEEE 802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M19 739.00 61.43% 285.00 12.49
PostScript Unit type M29 739.00 70.64% 217.00 9.51
File Format Converter Type M19 739.00 60.22% 294.00 12.88
OCR Unit 335.00 59.70% 135.00 5.92
Optional Counter Interface 81.00 62.96% 30.00 1.31
Key Counter Bracket Type M3 131.00 62.60% 49.00 2.15
Card Reader Bracket Type 3352 160.00 62.50% 60.00 2.63
Embedded HotSpot Type S 961.00 58.79% 396.00 18.74
XPS Direct Print Option Type M29 115.00 62.61% 43.00 1.88
Facsimile Accessories
Fax Option Type M29 1,529.00 69.33% 469.00 20.55
Fax Connection Unit Type M29 295.00 62.03% 112.00 4.91
G3 Interface Unit Type M29 849.00 61.25% 329.00 14.42
Fax Memory Unit Type M19 64MB 95.00 62.11% 36.00 1.58
Security & Miscellaneous Accessories
Smart Card Reader Built-in Type M29 109.00 60.55% 43.00 1.88
External Keyboard Bracket Type M3 110.00 10.91% 98.00 4.29
External USB Keyboard(No bracket) 70.00 44.29% 39.00 1.71
Extended USB Board Type M19 375.00 58.67% 155.00 6.79
SCR3310 SCM USB Smart Card Reader Op Temp 0° C to 50 35.00 31.43% 24.00 1.14
NFC Card Reader Type M29 355.00 58.59% 147.00 6.44
Lease Return 250.00 100.00% 0.00 -

MP 4055SP $12,619.00 75.16% $3,135.00 $148.33

MP 5055SP $15,169.00 78.37% $3,281.00 $154.73
MP 6055SP $19,495.00 71.65% $5,527.00 $253.15
ESP XG-PCS-15D (120 Volt, 15 Amp) 346.00 57.23% 148.00 6.49
Network Print/Scan Connection (Seg. 3) 350.00 46.29% 188.00 8.24
Network Print/Scan Connection (Seg. 4) 425.00 46.12% 229.00 10.03
Cabinet Type F 250.00 64.00% 90.00 3.94
Paper Feed Unit PB3250 759.00 66.80% 252.00 11.04
Caster Table Type M3 270.00 62.96% 100.00 4.38
Paper Feed Unit PB3220 1,584.47 68.13% 505.00 22.13
LCIT PB3260 1,909.00 68.62% 599.00 26.25
LCIT RT3030 (1500 Sheets) 1,910.00 68.64% 599.00 26.25
Internal Shift Tray SH3070 450.00 63.56% 164.00 7.19
1 Bin Tray BN3110 535.00 62.80% 199.00 8.72
Internal Finisher SR3130 1,455.00 66.46% 488.00 21.38
Punch Unit PU3040 NA 983.00 68.67% 308.00 13.50
Finisher SR3210 1,765.00 61.70% 676.00 29.62
Booklet Finisher SR3220 3,695.00 66.14% 1,251.00 54.82
Punch Unit PU3050 NA 980.00 69.08% 303.00 13.28
Booklet Finisher SR3240 4,755.00 66.06% 1,614.00 70.73
Finisher SR3230 3,315.00 64.74% 1,169.00 51.23
Punch Unit PU3060 NA 983.00 59.10% 402.00 17.62
Bridge Unit BU3070 205.00 65.85% 70.00 3.07
Internal Multi-fold Unit FD3000 3,475.00 63.86% 1,256.00 55.04
Print/Scan Interface Options
IEEE 1284 Interface Board Type M19 125.00 62.40% 47.00 2.06
IEEE 802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M19 739.00 61.43% 285.00 12.49
PostScript Unit type M29 739.00 70.64% 217.00 9.51
File Format Converter Type M19 739.00 60.22% 294.00 12.88
OCR Unit 335.00 59.70% 135.00 5.92
Optional Counter Interface 81.00 62.96% 30.00 1.31
Key Counter Bracket Type M3 131.00 62.60% 49.00 2.15
Card Reader Bracket Type 3352 160.00 62.50% 60.00 2.63
Embedded HotSpot Type S 961.00 58.79% 396.00 18.74
XPS Direct Print Option Type M29 115.00 62.61% 43.00 1.88
Facsimile Accessories
Fax Option Type M29 1,529.00 69.33% 469.00 20.55
Fax Connection Unit Type M29 295.00 62.03% 112.00 4.91
G3 Interface Unit Type M29 849.00 61.25% 329.00 14.42
Fax Memory Unit Type M19 64MB 95.00 62.11% 36.00 1.58
Security & Miscellaneous Accessories
Smart Card Reader Built-in Type M29 109.00 60.55% 43.00 1.88
External Keyboard Bracket Type M3 110.00 10.91% 98.00 4.29
External USB Keyboard(No bracket) 70.00 44.29% 39.00 1.71
SCR3310 SCM USB Smart Card Reader Op Temp 0° C to 50 35.00 31.43% 24.00 1.14
Extended USB Board Type M19 375.00 58.67% 155.00 6.79
NFC Card Reader Type M29 355.00 58.59% 147.00 6.44
Lease Return 250.00 100.00% 0.00 -

IM 550F $3,499.00 47.13% $1,850.00 $92.02

IM 600SRF $4,885.00 28.77% $3,479.35 $163.42
ESP XG-PCS-15D (120 Volt, 15 Amp) 346.00 57.23% 148.00 6.49
ESP S1 Power Filter 30.00 23.33% 23.00 1.01
Network Print/Scan Connection (Seg. 3) 350.00 46.29% 188.00 8.24
Network Print/Scan Connection (Seg. 4) 425.00 46.12% 229.00 10.03
Paper Feed Unit PB1160 309.00 20.39% 246.00 10.78
Tall Cabinet Type U 229.00 52.40% 109.00 4.78
Medium Cabinet Type T 195.00 46.67% 104.00 4.56
Caster Table Type M40 279.00 39.78% 168.00 7.36
Print/Scan Connectivity Options
IEEE 802.11 Interface Unit Type M24 489.00 41.72% 285.00 12.49
PostScript3 Unit Type M40 425.00 24.81% 319.57 14.00
Optional Counter Interface 81.00 62.96% 30.00 1.31
File Format Converter Type M19 739.00 60.22% 294.00 12.88
OCR Unit 335.00 59.70% 135.00 5.92
Device Server Option Type M37 265.00 45.28% 145.00 6.35
Facsimile Accessories
Fax Memory Unit Type M19 64MB 95.00 62.11% 36.00 1.58
Security & Miscellaneous Accessories
NFC Card Reader Type M24 339.00 55.16% 152.00 6.66
VM CARD Type M37 45.00 46.67% 24.00 1.05
Lease Return 250.00 100.00% 0.00 -

MP 6503SP $24,499.00 72.62% $6,707.00 $304.86

MP 7503SP $30,999.00 72.26% $8,598.00 $387.72
MP 9003SP $38,999.00 77.12% $8,922.00 $401.92
ESP XG-PCS-20D (120 Volt, 20 Amp) 350.00 57.14% 150.00 6.57
ESP XG-PCS-20820D (208 Volt, 20 Amp) 365.62 50.77% 180.00 7.89
Network Print/Scan Connection (Seg. 4) 425.00 46.12% 229.00 10.03
Network Print/Scan Connection (Seg. 5) 500.00 46.40% 268.00 11.74
Copy Tray Type 9002 200.00 65.50% 69.00 3.02
LCIT RT4040 2,349.00 66.16% 795.00 34.84
8 1/2"x14" PAPER SIZE TRAY Type 9002 1,090.00 62.94% 404.00 17.70
Finisher SR4120 3,955.00 66.78% 1,314.00 57.58
Booklet Finisher SR4130 6,585.00 66.82% 2,185.00 95.75
Finisher SR4080 6,550.00 68.18% 2,084.00 91.32
Punch Unit PU3060 NA 983.00 59.10% 402.00 17.62
Type 1075 Hole Punch 1,223.00 69.75% 370.00 16.21
Cover Interposer Tray CI4030 1,315.00 58.17% 550.00 24.10
Cover Interposer Tray CI4040 1,395.00 58.06% 585.00 25.63
Output Jogger Unit Type M25 465.00 62.15% 176.00 7.71
Output Jogger Unit Type 9002B 470.00 58.30% 196.00 8.59
Mail Box CS4010 2,850.00 61.86% 1,087.00 47.63
Multi-Folding Unit FD4000 11,510.00 58.01% 4,833.00 211.78
Tab Sheet Holder Type 9002 58.00 60.34% 23.00 1.01
11” x 17” Tray Unit Type 9001 1,942.00 62.98% 719.00 31.51
Card Reader Bracket Type 3352 160.00 62.50% 60.00 2.63
Optional Counter Interface 81.00 62.96% 30.00 1.31
Fax Accessories
Fax Option Type M25 1,289.00 75.64% 314.00 13.76
G3 Interface Unit Type M25 765.00 58.04% 321.00 14.07
64 MB Fax Memory Unit Type M25 95.00 74.74% 24.00 1.05
Fax Connection Unit Type M25 295.00 62.71% 110.00 4.82
Print / Scan Option Accessories
PostScript3 Unit Type M25 2,585.00 58.88% 1,063.00 46.58
IEEE 1284 Interface Board Type M19 125.00 62.40% 47.00 2.06
IEEE 802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M19 739.00 61.43% 285.00 12.49
XPS Direct Print Option Type M25 115.00 59.13% 47.00 2.06
IPDS Unit Type M25 2,235.00 58.12% 936.00 44.30
Extended USB Board Type M19 375.00 58.67% 155.00 6.79
File Format Converter Type M19 739.00 60.22% 294.00 12.88
OCR Unit 335.00 59.70% 135.00 5.92
Third Party Enablers
Streampunch Ultra MP 115V 60HZ 19,339.00 25.00% 14,504.00 635.57
DIE , Ricoh, Coil, Rnd, 47H HD 3,650.00 58.44% 1,517.00 66.47
DIE, Ricoh, 3 Hole, 8mm, HD 2,125.00 58.73% 877.00 38.43
DIE, Ricoh, CombBind, 21H HD 4,100.00 58.90% 1,685.00 73.84
GBC StreamPunch Ultra Die C4 Coil Oval 43-47H 2,969.00 55.00% 1,336.00 58.54
GBC - DIE W3 square 32-34H Wirebind Die 1,225.00 55.02% 551.00 24.14
GBC - DIE W2SQ 21H-23H Wirebind Die 1,225.00 55.02% 551.00 24.14
GBC - DIE CombBind 19-20-21 Hole Die 1,175.00 55.06% 528.00 23.14
GBC - DIE VB LTR 1,349.00 55.00% 607.00 26.60
GBC - DIE 3-5-7 HOLE 1,225.00 55.02% 551.00 24.14
GBC - DIE 3 HOLE 1,175.00 55.06% 528.00 23.14
GBC - DIE C4 Round 43-47H .2475 Color Coil Die 1,349.00 55.00% 607.00 26.60
Security & Misc. Accessories
DataOverwriteSecurity Unit Type M19 479.00 63.05% 177.00 7.76
(repl w/ 417927) Copy Connector Type M25 1,775.00 58.08% 744.00 32.60
Copy Connector Type M25 1,775.00 58.08% 744.00 32.60
External Keyboard Bracket Type M25 95.00 57.89% 40.00 1.75
External USB Keyboard(No bracket) 70.00 44.29% 39.00 1.71
NFC Card Reader Type M19 339.00 58.11% 142.00 6.22
Smart Card Reader Built-in Unit Type M19 105.00 59.05% 43.00 1.88
Embedded HotSpot Type S 961.00 58.79% 396.00 18.74
Lease Return 250.00 100.00% 0.00 -

(Limited Inventory) SP C250SF $499.00 16.63% $416.00 $21.87
ESP S1 Power Filter 30.00 23.33% 23.00 1.01
Network & Scan - Printer 150.00 46.67% 80.00 3.51
Paper Feed Unit TK1010 179.00 35.20% 116.00 5.08
Lease Return 125.00 100.00% 0.00 -

SP C261DNw $299.00 12.04% $263.00 $13.10

ESP S1 Power Filter 30.00 23.33% 23.00 1.01
Network & Scan - Printer 150.00 46.67% 80.00 3.51
Paper Feed Unit TK1220 179.00 41.90% 104.00 4.56
Lease Return 125.00 100.00% 0.00 -

SP C262SFNw $755.00 40.40% $450.00 $25.20

ESP S1 Power Filter 30.00 23.33% 23.00 1.01
Network & Scan - Printer 150.00 46.67% 80.00 3.51
Paper Feed Unit TK1220 179.00 41.90% 104.00 4.56
Lease Return 125.00 100.00% 0.00 -

M C250FWB $419.00 12.17% $368.00 $18.36

M C250FW $755.00 40.40% $450.00 $25.20
ESP S1 Power Filter 30.00 23.33% 23.00 1.01
Network & Scan - Printer 150.00 46.67% 80.00 3.51
Paper Feed Unit TK1220 179.00 41.90% 104.00 4.56
Lease Return 125.00 100.00% 0.00 -

SP C360SFNw $715.00 12.03% $629.00 $31.33

SP C361SFNw $1,515.00 15.05% $1,287.00 $61.87
ESP S1 Power Filter 30.00 23.33% 23.00 1.01
Network & Scan - Printer 150.00 46.67% 80.00 3.51
Paper Feed Unit TK1230 225.00 47.56% 118.00 5.17
Paper Feed Unit TK1240 359.00 47.35% 189.00 8.28
Tall Cabinet Type N 195.00 48.21% 101.00 4.43
NFC Card Reader Type P14 339.00 55.16% 152.00 6.66
Lease Return 125.00 100.00% 0.00 -

MP C307 $4,589.00 62.19% $1,735.00 $86.98

MP C307 With Pagekeeper $4,825.00 61.80% $1,843.00 $91.72
MP C407 $5,499.00 54.90% $2,480.00 $119.63
MP C407 With Pagekeeper $5,759.00 54.92% $2,596.00 $124.71
ESP S1 Power Filter 30.00 23.33% 23.00 1.01
ESP XG-PCS-15D (120 Volt, 15 Amp) 346.00 57.23% 148.00 6.49
Network & Scan Connect - Seg BC3 350.00 46.29% 188.00 8.24
MPC305 Low Cabinet 278.00 55.04% 125.00 5.48
MPC305 Medium Cabinet 288.00 55.21% 129.00 5.65
MPC305 High Cabinet 311.00 55.31% 139.00 6.09
Paper Feed Unit PB1080 629.00 55.01% 283.00 12.40
1 Bin Tray BN1030 289.00 55.02% 130.00 5.70
Fax Accessories
Fax Connection Unit Type M28 309.00 55.02% 139.00 6.09
Print / Scan Option Accessories
File Format Converter Type M19 739.00 60.22% 294.00 12.88
IEEE 802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M19 739.00 61.43% 285.00 12.49
IEEE 1284 Interface Board Type M19 125.00 62.40% 47.00 2.06
XPS Direct Print Option Type M28 125.00 61.60% 48.00 2.10
OCR Unit 335.00 59.70% 135.00 5.92
Security & Misc. Accessories
DataOverwriteSecurity Unit Type M19 479.00 63.05% 177.00 7.76
NFC Card Reader 339.00 58.11% 142.00 6.22
Extended USB Board Type M19 375.00 58.67% 155.00 6.79
Embedded HotSpot Type S 961.00 58.79% 396.00 18.74
PostScript3 Unit Type M28 625.00 58.40% 260.00 11.39
Lease Return 250.00 100.00% 0.00 -

MP C401 $5,880.00 55.09% $2,641.00 $126.68

MP C401SR $6,405.00 55.71% $2,837.00 $135.27
ESP XG-PCS-15D (120 Volt, 15 Amp) 346.00 57.23% 148.00 6.49
Network & Scan Connect - Seg BC3 350.00 46.29% 188.00 8.24
Paper Feed Unit 1 x 550 693.00 35.06% 450.00 19.72
Paper Feed Unit 2 x 550 1,302.00 35.02% 846.00 37.07
FAC49 CABINET 221.00 48.42% 114.00 5.00
FAC50 CABINET 189.00 48.15% 98.00 4.29
FAC51 CABINET 200.00 49.00% 102.00 4.47
1 Bin Tray 336.00 44.05% 188.00 8.24
Side Tray Type C400 231.00 45.89% 125.00 5.48
Smart Operation Panel Type M10 380.00 62.89% 141.00 6.18
Fax Accessories
Fax Option Type M10 977.00 35.01% 635.00 27.83
FAX Connection Unit Type M10 300.00 63.00% 111.00 4.86
32MB Memory 400dpi/SAF 205.00 35.12% 133.00 5.83
Print / Scan Option Accessories
File Format Converter Type E 817.00 58.02% 343.00 15.03
Optional Counter Interface Unit Type A 81.00 58.02% 34.00 1.49
IEEE802.11 Interface Unit Type O 400.00 28.75% 285.00 12.49
OCR Unit Type M2 340.00 59.12% 139.00 6.09
Browser Unit Type M10 170.00 64.12% 61.00 2.67
XPS Direct Print Option Type M10 112.97 62.82% 42.00 1.84
Embedded HotSpot Type S 961.00 58.79% 396.00 18.74
Security & Misc. Accessories
Copy Data Security Unit Type G 960.00 58.33% 400.00 17.53
Lease Return 250.00 100.00% 0.00 -

MP C501SP $10,959.00 53.20% $5,129.00 $235.71

ESP XG-PCS-15D (120 Volt, 15 Amp) 346.00 57.23% 148.00 6.49
Network & Scan Connect - Seg BC3 350.00 46.29% 188.00 8.24
Paper Feed Unit PB1140 1,249.00 55.00% 562.00 24.63
1 Bin Tray BN3130 535.00 55.14% 240.00 10.52
Caster Table Type M3 270.00 62.96% 100.00 4.38
Cabinet Type F 250.00 64.00% 90.00 3.94
Internal Finisher SR3130 1,455.00 66.46% 488.00 21.38
Punch Unit PU3040 NA 983.00 68.67% 308.00 13.50
Fax Accessories
Fax Option Type M39 1,295.00 55.06% 582.00 25.50
Fax Memory Unit Type M19 64MB 95.00 62.11% 36.00 1.58
Print / Scan Option Accessories
IEEE 802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M19 739.00 61.43% 285.00 12.49
OCR Unit 335.00 59.70% 135.00 5.92
Extended USB Board Type M19 375.00 58.67% 155.00 6.79
Postscript3 Unit Type M33 589.00 55.86% 260.00 11.39
Embedded HotSpot Type S 961.00 58.79% 396.00 18.74
Security & Misc. Accessories
NFC Card Reader Type M19 339.00 58.11% 142.00 6.22
Smart Card Reader Built-in Unit Type M19 105.00 59.05% 43.00 1.88
Lease Return 250.00 100.00% 0.00 -

MP C2004EX $6,890.00 62.53% $2,582.00 $124.10
MP C2504EX $9,330.00 62.73% $3,477.00 $163.32
ESP XG-PCS-15D (120 Volt, 15 Amp) 346.00 57.23% 148.00 6.49
Network & Scan Connect - Seg BC1 250.00 46.40% 134.00 5.87
Network & Scan Connect - Seg BC2 300.00 46.33% 161.00 7.06
Paper Feed Unit PB3250 759.00 66.80% 252.00 11.04
Paper Feed Unit PB3220 1,584.47 68.13% 505.00 22.13
1 Bin Tray BN3110 535.00 62.80% 199.00 8.72
Internal Shift Tray SH3070 450.00 63.56% 164.00 7.19
Internal Finisher SR3130 1,455.00 66.46% 488.00 21.38
Internal Finisher SR3180 899.00 58.06% 377.00 16.52
Punch Unit PU3040 NA 983.00 68.67% 308.00 13.50
Punch Unit PU3050 NA 980.00 69.08% 303.00 13.28
Caster Table Type M3 270.00 62.96% 100.00 4.38
Cabinet Type F 250.00 64.00% 90.00 3.94
Memory Unit Type M19 4GB 425.00 55.76% 188.00 8.24
Imageable Area Extension Unit Type M19 95.00 57.89% 40.00 1.75
Banner Paper Guide Tray Type M19 915.00 58.25% 382.00 16.74
Booklet Finisher SR3220 3,695.00 66.14% 1,251.00 54.82
Bridge Unit BU3070 205.00 65.85% 70.00 3.07
Print / Scan Option Accessories
Postscript3 Unit Type M33 589.00 55.86% 260.00 11.39
Camera Direct Print Card Type M19 255.00 63.14% 94.00 4.12
Card Reader Bracket Type 3352 160.00 62.50% 60.00 2.63
OCR Unit 335.00 59.70% 135.00 5.92
IEEE 1284 Interface Board Type M19 125.00 62.40% 47.00 2.06
IEEE 802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M19 739.00 61.43% 285.00 12.49
Key Counter Bracket Type M3 131.00 62.60% 49.00 2.15
File Format Converter Type M19 739.00 60.22% 294.00 12.88
XPS Direct Print Option Type M19 115.00 59.13% 47.00 2.06
Extended USB Board Type M19 375.00 58.67% 155.00 6.79
Fax Accessories
Fax Option Type M19 1,295.00 66.41% 435.00 19.06
Fax Memory Unit Type M19 64MB 95.00 62.11% 36.00 1.58
Fax Connection Unit Type M19 295.00 62.03% 112.00 4.91
G3 Interface Unit Type M19 845.00 63.91% 305.00 13.37
Security & Misc. Accessories
Smart Card Reader Built-in Unit Type M19 105.00 59.05% 43.00 1.88
DataOverwriteSecurity Unit Type M19 479.00 63.05% 177.00 7.76
NFC Card Reader Type M19 339.00 58.11% 142.00 6.22
External Keyboard Bracket Type M19 95.00 57.89% 40.00 1.75
External USB Keyboard(No bracket) 70.00 44.29% 39.00 1.71
Optional Counter Interface 81.00 62.96% 30.00 1.31
Embedded HotSpot Type S 961.00 58.79% 396.00 18.74
Lease Return 250.00 100.00% 0.00 -

IM C2000 $6,890.00 62.53% $2,582.00 $124.10

IM C2500 $9,330.00 63.00% $3,452.00 $162.22
ESP XG-PCS-15D (120 Volt, 15 Amp) 346.00 57.23% 148.00 6.49
Network & Scan Connect - Seg BC1 250.00 46.40% 134.00 5.87
Network & Scan Connect - Seg BC2 300.00 46.33% 161.00 7.06
Paper Feed Unit PB3270 759.00 66.80% 252.00 11.04
PAPER FEED UNIT PB3300 1,584.00 68.12% 505.00 22.13
Caster Table Type M3 270.00 62.96% 100.00 4.38
Cabinet Type F 250.00 64.00% 90.00 3.94
1 Bin Tray BN3130 535.00 55.14% 240.00 10.52
Internal Shift Tray SH3080 449.00 63.47% 164.00 7.19
Internal Finisher SR3250 1,455.00 66.46% 488.00 21.38
Internal Finisher SR3300 899.00 58.06% 377.00 16.52
MEMORY UNIT TYPE M37 4GB 425.00 55.76% 188.00 8.24
Punch Unit PU3070 NA 999.00 69.17% 308.00 13.50
Punch Unit PU3080 NA 999.00 69.67% 303.00 13.28
Imageable Area Extension Unit Type M19 95.00 57.89% 40.00 1.75
Banner Paper Guide Tray Type M19 915.00 58.25% 382.00 16.74
Booklet Finisher SR3270 3,695.00 66.14% 1,251.00 54.82
Bridge Unit BU3090 205.00 65.85% 70.00 3.07
Print / Scan Option Accessories
PostScript3 Unit Type M37 589.00 55.86% 260.00 11.39
OCR Unit 335.00 59.70% 135.00 5.92
IEEE 802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M19 739.00 61.43% 285.00 12.49
Key Counter Bracket Type M3 131.00 62.60% 49.00 2.15
File Format Converter Type M19 739.00 60.22% 294.00 12.88
VM CARD Type M37 45.00 46.67% 24.00 1.05
Device Server Option Type M37 265.00 45.28% 145.00 6.35
Fax Accessories
Fax Option Type M37 1,295.00 66.41% 435.00 19.06
Fax Memory Unit Type M19 64MB 95.00 62.11% 36.00 1.58
G3 Interface Unit Type M37 845.00 63.55% 308.00 13.50
Security & Misc. Accessories
Smart Card Reader Built-in Unit Type M37 105.00 59.05% 43.00 1.88
NFC Card Reader Type M37 339.00 58.11% 142.00 6.22
External Keyboard Bracket Type M19 95.00 57.89% 40.00 1.75
External USB Keyboard(No bracket) 70.00 44.29% 39.00 1.71
Optional Counter Interface 81.00 62.96% 30.00 1.31
Lease Return 250.00 100.00% 0.00 -

MP C3004EX $12,689.00 72.18% $3,530.00 $165.64

MP C3504EX $15,155.00 60.00% $6,062.00 $276.59
ESP XG-PCS-15D (120 Volt, 15 Amp) 346.00 57.23% 148.00 6.49
Network & Scan Connect - Seg BC2 300.00 46.33% 161.00 7.06
Network & Scan Connect - Seg BC3 350.00 46.29% 188.00 8.24
1 Bin Tray BN3110 535.00 62.80% 199.00 8.72
Banner Paper Guide Tray Type M19 915.00 58.25% 382.00 16.74
Booklet Finisher SR3220 3,695.00 66.14% 1,251.00 54.82
Bridge Unit BU3070 205.00 65.85% 70.00 3.07
Cabinet Type F 250.00 64.00% 90.00 3.94
Caster Table Type M3 270.00 62.96% 100.00 4.38
Finisher SR3210 1,765.00 61.70% 676.00 29.62
Imageable Area Extension Unit Type M19 95.00 57.89% 40.00 1.75
Internal Finisher SR3130 1,455.00 66.46% 488.00 21.38
Internal Finisher SR3180 899.00 58.06% 377.00 16.52
Internal Shift Tray SH3070 450.00 63.56% 164.00 7.19
LCIT RT3030 (1500 Sheets) 1,910.00 68.64% 599.00 26.25
Memory Unit Type M19 4GB 425.00 55.76% 188.00 8.24
LCIT PB3260 1,909.00 68.62% 599.00 26.25
Paper Feed Unit PB3250 759.00 66.80% 252.00 11.04
Paper Feed Unit PB3240 1,649.00 68.10% 526.00 23.05
Punch Unit PU3040 NA 983.00 68.67% 308.00 13.50
Punch Unit PU3050 NA 980.00 69.08% 303.00 13.28
Fax Accessories
Fax Connection Unit Type M19 295.00 62.03% 112.00 4.91
Fax Memory Unit Type M19 64MB 95.00 62.11% 36.00 1.58
Fax Option Type M19 1,295.00 66.41% 435.00 19.06
G3 Interface Unit Type M19 845.00 63.91% 305.00 13.37
Print / Scan Option Accessories
Camera Direct Print Card Type M19 255.00 63.14% 94.00 4.12
Card Reader Bracket Type 3352 160.00 62.50% 60.00 2.63
Extended USB Board Type M19 375.00 58.67% 155.00 6.79
File Format Converter Type M19 739.00 60.22% 294.00 12.88
IEEE 1284 Interface Board Type M19 125.00 62.40% 47.00 2.06
IEEE 802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M19 739.00 61.43% 285.00 12.49
Key Counter Bracket Type M3 131.00 62.60% 49.00 2.15
OCR Unit 335.00 59.70% 135.00 5.92
Postscript3 Unit Type M33 589.00 55.86% 260.00 11.39
XPS Direct Print Option Type M19 115.00 59.13% 47.00 2.06
Fiery Options
Auto Trap TYPE FS-100 725.00 25.93% 537.00 23.53
Fiery Controller E-23C 6,279.00 55.82% 2,774.00 121.56
EFI Productivity Pack for Fiery E22b E22c 5,000.00 37.32% 3,134.00 137.33
EFI Compose Type FS150 2,005.00 63.04% 741.00 32.47
Fiery CPS v4 3,260.03 34.88% 2,123.00 93.03
Fiery ES-2000 Spectrophotometer 1,294.75 26.16% 956.00 41.89
EFI Impose Type FS150 4,011.90 58.00% 1,685.00 73.84
Hot Folders TYPE FS-100 725.00 25.93% 537.00 23.53
Spot On Type FS100 725.00 25.93% 537.00 23.53
Security & Misc. Accessories
DataOverwriteSecurity Unit Type M19 479.00 63.05% 177.00 7.76
External Keyboard Bracket Type M19 95.00 57.89% 40.00 1.75
External USB Keyboard(No bracket) 70.00 44.29% 39.00 1.71
NFC Card Reader Type M19 339.00 58.11% 142.00 6.22
Optional Counter Interface 81.00 62.96% 30.00 1.31
Smart Card Reader Built-in Unit Type M19 105.00 59.05% 43.00 1.88
Embedded HotSpot Type S 961.00 58.79% 396.00 18.74
Lease Return 250.00 100.00% 0.00 -

IM C3000 $12,689.00 72.18% $3,530.00 $165.64

IM C3500 $15,155.00 60.00% $6,062.00 $276.59
ESP XG-PCS-15D (120 Volt, 15 Amp) 346.00 57.23% 148.00 6.49
Network & Scan Connect - Seg BC2 300.00 46.33% 161.00 7.06
Network & Scan Connect - Seg BC3 350.00 46.29% 188.00 8.24
1 Bin Tray BN3130 535.00 55.14% 240.00 10.52
Banner Paper Guide Tray Type M19 915.00 58.25% 382.00 16.74
Booklet Finisher SR3270 3,695.00 66.14% 1,251.00 54.82
Bridge Unit BU3090 205.00 65.85% 70.00 3.07
Cabinet Type F 250.00 64.00% 90.00 3.94
Caster Table Type M3 270.00 62.96% 100.00 4.38
Finisher SR3260 1,765.00 61.70% 676.00 29.62
Imageable Area Extension Unit Type M19 95.00 57.89% 40.00 1.75
Internal Finisher SR3250 1,455.00 66.46% 488.00 21.38
Internal Finisher SR3300 899.00 58.06% 377.00 16.52
Internal Multi-Fold Unit FD3010 3,549.00 55.00% 1,597.00 69.98
Internal Shift Tray SH3080 449.00 63.47% 164.00 7.19
LCIT RT3040 1,909.00 68.62% 599.00 26.25
MEMORY UNIT TYPE M37 4GB 425.00 55.76% 188.00 8.24
LCIT PB3290 1,909.00 68.62% 599.00 26.25
Paper Feed Unit PB3270 759.00 66.80% 252.00 11.04
Paper Feed Unit PB3280 1,649.00 68.10% 526.00 23.05
Punch Unit PU3070 NA 999.00 69.17% 308.00 13.50
Punch Unit PU3080 NA 999.00 69.67% 303.00 13.28
Fax Accessories
Fax Memory Unit Type M19 64MB 95.00 62.11% 36.00 1.58
Fax Option Type M37 1,295.00 66.41% 435.00 19.06
G3 Interface Unit Type M37 845.00 63.55% 308.00 13.50
Print / Scan Option Accessories
Device Server Option Type M37 265.00 45.28% 145.00 6.35
File Format Converter Type M19 739.00 60.22% 294.00 12.88
IEEE 802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M19 739.00 61.43% 285.00 12.49
Key Counter Bracket Type M3 131.00 62.60% 49.00 2.15
OCR Unit 335.00 59.70% 135.00 5.92
Page Keeper Type M37 499.00 45.09% 274.00 12.01
PostScript3 Unit Type M37 589.00 55.86% 260.00 11.39
Small Paper Feeding Unit Type M37 325.00 45.23% 178.00 7.80
VM CARD Type M37 45.00 46.67% 24.00 1.05
Fiery Options
Auto Trap TYPE FS-100 725.00 25.93% 537.00 23.53
Color Controller E-25C 6,279.00 45.01% 3,453.00 151.31
EFI Productivity Pack for Fiery E22b E22c 5,000.00 37.32% 3,134.00 137.33
EFI Compose Type FS150 2,005.00 63.04% 741.00 32.47
Fiery CPS v4 3,260.03 34.88% 2,123.00 93.03
Fiery ES-2000 Spectrophotometer 1,294.75 26.16% 956.00 41.89
EFI Impose Type FS150 4,011.90 58.00% 1,685.00 73.84
Hot Folders TYPE FS-100 725.00 25.93% 537.00 23.53
Spot On Type FS100 725.00 25.93% 537.00 23.53
Security & Misc. Accessories
External Keyboard Bracket Type M19 95.00 57.89% 40.00 1.75
External USB Keyboard(No bracket) 70.00 44.29% 39.00 1.71
NFC Card Reader Type M37 339.00 58.11% 142.00 6.22
Optional Counter Interface 81.00 62.96% 30.00 1.31
Smart Card Reader Built-in Unit Type M37 105.00 59.05% 43.00 1.88
Lease Return 250.00 100.00% 0.00 -

MP C4504EX $18,059.00 79.45% $3,711.00 $173.57

MP C6004EX $22,015.00 72.80% $5,987.00 $273.31
ESP XG-PCS-15D (120 Volt, 15 Amp) 346.00 57.23% 148.00 6.49
Network & Scan Connect - Seg BC4 425.00 46.12% 229.00 10.03
1 Bin Tray BN3110 535.00 62.80% 199.00 8.72
Banner Paper Guide Tray Type M19 915.00 58.25% 382.00 16.74
Booklet Finisher SR3220 3,695.00 66.14% 1,251.00 54.82
Booklet Finisher SR3240 4,755.00 66.06% 1,614.00 70.73
Bridge Unit BU3070 205.00 65.85% 70.00 3.07
Cabinet Type F 250.00 64.00% 90.00 3.94
Caster Table Type M3 270.00 62.96% 100.00 4.38
Finisher SR3210 1,765.00 61.70% 676.00 29.62
Finisher SR3230 3,315.00 64.74% 1,169.00 51.23
Imageable Area Extension Unit Type M19 95.00 57.89% 40.00 1.75
Internal Finisher SR3130 1,455.00 66.46% 488.00 21.38
Internal Shift Tray SH3070 450.00 63.56% 164.00 7.19
LCIT RT3030 (1500 Sheets) 1,910.00 68.64% 599.00 26.25
Memory Unit Type M19 4GB 425.00 55.76% 188.00 8.24
LCIT PB3260 1,909.00 68.62% 599.00 26.25
Paper Feed Unit PB3250 759.00 66.80% 252.00 11.04
Paper Feed Unit PB3240 1,649.00 68.10% 526.00 23.05
Punch Unit PU3040 NA 983.00 68.67% 308.00 13.50
Punch Unit PU3050 NA 980.00 69.08% 303.00 13.28
Punch Unit PU3060 NA 983.00 59.10% 402.00 17.62
Fax Accessories
Fax Connection Unit Type M20 295.00 62.03% 112.00 4.91
Fax Memory Unit Type M19 64MB 95.00 62.11% 36.00 1.58
Fax Option Type M20 1,295.00 66.41% 435.00 19.06
G3 Interface Unit Type M20 845.00 63.55% 308.00 13.50
Print / Scan Option Accessories
Camera Direct Print Card Type M19 255.00 63.14% 94.00 4.12
Card Reader Bracket Type 3352 160.00 62.50% 60.00 2.63
Extended USB Board Type M19 375.00 58.67% 155.00 6.79
File Format Converter Type M19 739.00 60.22% 294.00 12.88
IEEE 1284 Interface Board Type M19 125.00 62.40% 47.00 2.06
IEEE 802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M19 739.00 61.43% 285.00 12.49
IPDS Unit Type M20 1,645.00 12.83% 1,434.00 67.87
Key Counter Bracket Type M3 131.00 62.60% 49.00 2.15
OCR Unit 335.00 59.70% 135.00 5.92
Postscript3 Unit Type M33 589.00 55.86% 260.00 11.39
XPS Direct Print Option Type M19 115.00 59.13% 47.00 2.06
Fiery Options
Auto Trap TYPE FS-100 725.00 25.93% 537.00 23.53
Fiery Controller E-23C 6,279.00 55.82% 2,774.00 121.56
EFI Compose Type FS150 2,005.00 63.04% 741.00 32.47
EFI Impose Type FS150 4,011.90 58.00% 1,685.00 73.84
EFI Productivity Pack for Fiery E22b E22c 5,000.00 37.32% 3,134.00 137.33
Fiery CPS v4 3,260.03 34.88% 2,123.00 93.03
Fiery ES-2000 Spectrophotometer 1,294.75 26.16% 956.00 41.89
Hot Folders TYPE FS-100 725.00 25.93% 537.00 23.53
Spot On Type FS100 725.00 25.93% 537.00 23.53
Security & Misc. Accessories
DataOverwriteSecurity Unit Type M19 479.00 63.05% 177.00 7.76
External Keyboard Bracket Type M19 95.00 57.89% 40.00 1.75
External USB Keyboard(No bracket) 70.00 44.29% 39.00 1.71
NFC Card Reader Type M19 339.00 58.11% 142.00 6.22
Optional Counter Interface 81.00 62.96% 30.00 1.31
Smart Card Reader Built-in Unit Type M19 105.00 59.05% 43.00 1.88
Embedded HotSpot Type S 961.00 58.79% 396.00 18.74
Lease Return 250.00 100.00% 0.00 -

IM C4500 $18,059.00 79.45% $3,711.00 $173.57

IM C6000 $22,015.00 72.80% $5,987.00 $273.31
ESP XG-PCS-15D (120 Volt, 15 Amp) 346.00 57.23% 148.00 6.49
Network & Scan Connect - Seg BC4 425.00 46.12% 229.00 10.03
1 Bin Tray BN3130 535.00 55.14% 240.00 10.52
Banner Paper Guide Tray Type M19 915.00 58.25% 382.00 16.74
Booklet Finisher SR3270 3,695.00 66.14% 1,251.00 54.82
Booklet Finisher SR3290 4,755.00 66.06% 1,614.00 70.73
Bridge Unit BU3090 205.00 65.85% 70.00 3.07
Cabinet Type F 250.00 64.00% 90.00 3.94
Caster Table Type M3 270.00 62.96% 100.00 4.38
Finisher SR3260 1,765.00 61.70% 676.00 29.62
Finisher SR3280 3,315.00 64.74% 1,169.00 51.23
Imageable Area Extension Unit Type M19 95.00 57.89% 40.00 1.75
Internal Finisher SR3250 1,455.00 66.46% 488.00 21.38
Internal Multi-Fold Unit FD3010 3,549.00 55.00% 1,597.00 69.98
Internal Shift Tray SH3080 449.00 63.47% 164.00 7.19
LCIT RT3040 1,909.00 68.62% 599.00 26.25
MEMORY UNIT TYPE M37 4GB 425.00 55.76% 188.00 8.24
LCIT PB3290 1,909.00 68.62% 599.00 26.25
Paper Feed Unit PB3270 759.00 66.80% 252.00 11.04
Paper Feed Unit PB3280 1,649.00 68.10% 526.00 23.05
Punch Unit PU3070 NA 999.00 69.17% 308.00 13.50
Punch Unit PU3080 NA 999.00 69.67% 303.00 13.28
Punch Unit PU3090 NA 999.00 59.76% 402.00 17.62
Fax Accessories
Fax Memory Unit Type M19 64MB 95.00 62.11% 36.00 1.58
Fax Option Type M37 1,295.00 66.41% 435.00 19.06
G3 Interface Unit Type M37 845.00 63.55% 308.00 13.50
Print / Scan Option Accessories
Device Server Option Type M37 265.00 45.28% 145.00 6.35
File Format Converter Type M19 739.00 60.22% 294.00 12.88
IEEE 802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M19 739.00 61.43% 285.00 12.49
Key Counter Bracket Type M3 131.00 62.60% 49.00 2.15
OCR Unit 335.00 59.70% 135.00 5.92
Page Keeper Type M37 499.00 45.09% 274.00 12.01
PostScript3 Unit Type M37 589.00 55.86% 260.00 11.39
Small Paper Feeding Unit Type M37 325.00 45.23% 178.00 7.80
VM CARD Type M37 45.00 46.67% 24.00 1.05
Fiery Options
Auto Trap TYPE FS-100 725.00 25.93% 537.00 23.53
Color Controller E-25C 6,279.00 45.01% 3,453.00 151.31
EFI Productivity Pack for Fiery E22b E22c 5,000.00 37.32% 3,134.00 137.33
EFI Compose Type FS150 2,005.00 63.04% 741.00 32.47
Fiery CPS v4 3,260.03 34.88% 2,123.00 93.03
Fiery ES-2000 Spectrophotometer 1,294.75 26.16% 956.00 41.89
EFI Impose Type FS150 4,011.90 58.00% 1,685.00 73.84
Hot Folders TYPE FS-100 725.00 25.93% 537.00 23.53
Spot On Type FS100 725.00 25.93% 537.00 23.53
Security & Misc. Accessories
External Keyboard Bracket Type M19 95.00 57.89% 40.00 1.75
External USB Keyboard(No bracket) 70.00 44.29% 39.00 1.71
NFC Card Reader Type M37 339.00 58.11% 142.00 6.22
Optional Counter Interface 81.00 62.96% 30.00 1.31
Smart Card Reader Built-in Unit Type M37 105.00 59.05% 43.00 1.88
Lease Return 250.00 100.00% 0.00 -

MP C6503 $37,775.00 72.52% $10,381.00 $465.85

MP C8003 $48,215.00 60.00% $19,286.00 $856.07
ESP XG-PCS-20D (120 Volt, 20 Amp) 350.00 57.14% 150.00 6.57
ESP XG-PCS-20820D (208 Volt, 20 Amp) 365.62 50.77% 180.00 7.89
Network & Scan Connect - Seg BC4 425.00 46.12% 229.00 10.03
Network & Scan Connect - Seg BC5 500.00 46.40% 268.00 11.74
Finisher SR4120 3,955.00 66.78% 1,314.00 57.58
Booklet Finisher SR4130 6,585.00 66.82% 2,185.00 95.75
Output Jogger Unit Type M25 465.00 62.15% 176.00 7.71
Punch Unit PU3060 NA 983.00 59.10% 402.00 17.62
Finisher SR4110 7,220.00 58.32% 3,009.00 131.85
Mail Box CS4010 2,850.00 61.86% 1,087.00 47.63
Copy Tray Type M26 219.00 68.49% 69.00 3.02
LCIT RT4050 6,449.00 61.82% 2,462.00 107.88
LCIT RT4020 3,100.00 59.26% 1,263.00 55.34
8 1/2" x 14" Paper Size Tray Type M2 1,160.00 63.62% 422.00 18.49
Cover Interposer Tray CI4040 1,395.00 58.06% 585.00 25.63
Cover Interposer Tray CI4020 4,560.00 58.40% 1,897.00 83.13
A3/11x17 Tray Unit Type M2 1,959.00 62.89% 727.00 31.86
Tab Sheet Holder Type M2 70.00 62.86% 26.00 1.14
Banner Paper Guide Tray M26 1,059.00 58.26% 442.00 19.37
Multi-Folding Unit FD4000 11,510.00 58.01% 4,833.00 211.78
PU5000 Punch Unit 986.00 52.54% 468.00 20.51
Cooling Fan for SR4120/SR4130 659.00 58.12% 276.00 12.09
Cooling Fan for SR4110 659.00 58.12% 276.00 12.09
Fax Accessories
Fax Option Type M26 1,489.00 63.67% 541.00 23.71
Fax Connection Unit Type M26 289.00 45.33% 158.00 6.92
G3 Interface Unit Type M26 939.00 45.05% 516.00 22.61
Fax Memory Unit Type M26 64MB 205.00 65.37% 71.00 3.11
Print / Scan Option Accessories
Post Script Option 629.00 62.64% 235.00 10.30
(Availability Late 2017) IPDS Unit Type M26 1,749.00 61.98% 665.00 29.14
OCR Unit 335.00 59.70% 135.00 5.92
IEEE 802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M19 739.00 61.43% 285.00 12.49
Optional Counter Interface 81.00 62.96% 30.00 1.31
File Format Converter Type M19 739.00 60.22% 294.00 12.88
IEEE 1284 Interface Board Type M19 125.00 62.40% 47.00 2.06
(Limited Availability) Unicode Font Package for SAP - 1 350.00 19.71% 281.00 13.30
XPS Option 115.00 58.26% 48.00 2.10
(repl w/ 417927) Copy Connector Type M25 1,775.00 58.08% 744.00 32.60
Copy Connector Type M25 1,775.00 58.08% 744.00 32.60
Extended USB Board Type M19 375.00 58.67% 155.00 6.79
Embedded HotSpot Type S 961.00 58.79% 396.00 18.74
Ricoh App For Google Cloud Print 69.00 33.33% 46.00 2.18
Security & Misc Accessories
Smart Card Reader Built-in Unit Type M19 105.00 59.05% 43.00 1.88
NFC Card Reader Type M19 339.00 58.11% 142.00 6.22
External Keyboard Bracket Type M25 95.00 57.89% 40.00 1.75
DataOverwriteSecurity Unit Type M19 479.00 63.05% 177.00 7.76
Data Overwrite Security Unit Type H 530.00 58.68% 219.00 9.60
External USB Keyboard(No bracket) 70.00 44.29% 39.00 1.71
Third Pary Enablers
Streampunch Ultra MP 115V 60HZ 19,339.00 25.00% 14,504.00 635.57
220v 50Hz StreamPunch Ultra MP 18,000.00 60.32% 7,143.00 313.01
DIE , Ricoh, Coil, Rnd, 47H HD 3,650.00 58.44% 1,517.00 66.47
DIE, Ricoh, 3 Hole, 8mm, HD 2,125.00 58.73% 877.00 38.43
DIE, Ricoh, CombBind, 21H HD 4,100.00 58.90% 1,685.00 73.84
GBC StreamPunch Ultra Die C4 Coil Oval 43-47H 2,969.00 55.00% 1,336.00 58.54
GBC - DIE W3 square 32-34H Wirebind Die 1,225.00 55.02% 551.00 24.14
GBC - DIE W2SQ 21H-23H Wirebind Die 1,225.00 55.02% 551.00 24.14
GBC - DIE CombBind 19-20-21 Hole Die 1,175.00 55.06% 528.00 23.14
GBC - DIE VB LTR 1,349.00 55.00% 607.00 26.60
GBC - DIE 3-5-7 HOLE 1,225.00 55.02% 551.00 24.14
GBC - DIE 3 HOLE 1,175.00 55.06% 528.00 23.14
GBC - DIE C4 Round 43-47H .2475 Color Coil Die 1,349.00 55.00% 607.00 26.60
Inline /Offline Booklet Maker 20,605.00 58.00% 8,654.00 379.22
Cover Kit 399.00 58.15% 167.00 7.32
50 Sheet upgrade Kit 15,989.00 58.01% 6,714.00 294.21
Face Trim Module 13,365.00 58.01% 5,612.00 245.92
Book Fold Module 12,255.00 58.02% 5,145.00 225.45
PBM Cover Feeder 5,550.00 47.08% 2,937.00 128.70
Rail Unit 500.00 45.00% 275.00 12.05
SR4110 Cover Kit 799.00 58.07% 335.00 14.68
BTS4000-1 Belt Stacker Module 6,100.00 41.95% 3,541.00 155.17
Lease Return 250.00 100.00% 0.00 -

Pro 8300s $46,999.00 68.84% $14,645.01 $652.70
RICOH PROFESSIONAL SVCS-PRO83XX WITH GW C 2,000.00 0.00% 2,000.00 94.66
ESP XG-PCS-20820D (208 Volt, 20 Amp) 365.62 50.77% 180.00 7.89
Network Print/Scan Connection (Seg. 6) 750.00 46.27% 403.00 17.66
LCIT RT5130 6,065.00 52.41% 2,886.62 126.49
LCIT RT5110 10,886.00 57.07% 4,673.00 204.77
Vacuum Feed LCIT RT5120 14,052.00 57.07% 6,033.00 264.37
Bridge Unit BU5010 3,268.00 57.07% 1,403.00 61.48
Vacuum Feed Banner Sheet Tray Type S9 1,952.00 57.07% 838.00 36.72
Multi Bypass Tray BY5020 1,470.00 52.18% 703.00 30.81
Multi Bypass Attachment Kit for Vacuum Feed LCIT Type 561.00 57.22% 240.00 10.52
Multi Bypass Banner Sheet Tray Type S9 1,098.00 57.10% 471.00 20.64
A3/11"x17" Tray Kit TK5020 1,839.00 52.51% 873.38 38.27
Attention Light AL3000 1,379.00 46.27% 741.00 32.47
TCRU/ORU Type S11 (Set A) 3,149.00 44.92% 1,734.45 76.00
TCRU Type S11 (Set B) 3,079.00 61.23% 1,193.78 52.31
ADF DOUBLE- FEED DETECTION KIT 449.00 57.46% 191.00 8.37
Media Identification Unit Type S3 399.00 58.15% 167.00 7.32
NFC Card Reader Type S6 339.00 58.11% 142.00 6.22
Optional Counter Interface 81.00 62.96% 30.00 1.31
Controller Options
Printer Controller EB-35 13,555.00 58.02% 5,691.00 249.38
RICOH PROF SVCS-M8300 FAMILY WITH FIERY CON 2,400.00 0.00% 2,400.00 113.59
Fiery Image Viewer B/W 4,340.00 57.07% 1,863.00 81.64
EFI Compose Type FS150 2,005.00 63.04% 741.00 32.47
EFI Impose Type FS150 4,011.90 58.00% 1,685.00 73.84
Fiery ES-2000 Spectrophotometer 1,294.75 26.16% 956.00 41.89
NX Station One 3,450.00 35.01% 2,242.00 98.24
NX ONE HDD KIT 2,889.00 45.22% 1,582.65 69.35
EFI FIERY JOBFLOW INCLUDES 1 YR OF SUPPORT 4,495.00 12.73% 3,923.00 185.68
Fiery JobMaster 3,500.00 12.70% 3,055.43 144.61
Production Finishing Options
REQUIRED: PPSE Training - Plockmatic PBM 350 1,575.00 4.76% 1,500.00 65.73
Finisher SR5090 5,599.00 55.35% 2,500.00 109.55
Finisher SR5100 9,499.00 55.36% 4,240.22 185.81
Output Jogger Unit Type M25 465.00 62.15% 176.00 7.71
Punch Unit PU3090 NA 999.00 59.76% 402.00 17.62
Shift Sort Tray SH5000 1,509.00 49.87% 756.52 33.15
Decurl Unit DU5070 2,189.00 48.74% 1,122.04 49.17
Cover Interposer Tray CI5040 5,655.00 52.52% 2,685.16 117.66
Double Feed Detection CI5040 255.00 49.70% 128.26 5.62
Multi-Folding Unit FD5020 10,416.00 52.51% 4,947.00 216.78
Finisher SR5110 9,559.00 52.51% 4,539.90 198.94
Finisher SR5120 17,015.00 52.50% 8,081.78 354.14
Punch Unit PU5030 NA 1,265.00 52.38% 602.38 26.40
Trimmer TR5050 15,299.00 52.50% 7,266.44 318.42
SR5000 SERIES OUTPUT TRAY FOR BANNER SHEET 275.00 58.55% 114.00 5.00
Print/Scan Connectivity
PostScript Unit Type S11 2,615.00 55.63% 1,160.41 50.85
IPDS Unit Type S11 7,999.00 60.48% 3,161.60 138.54
RICOH PROFESSIONAL SVCS-PRO83XX WITH GW IP 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
XPS Direct Print Option Type S11 115.00 50.85% 56.52 2.48
OCR Unit 335.00 59.70% 135.00 5.92
File Format Converter Type M19 739.00 60.22% 294.00 12.88
IEEE 802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M19 739.00 61.43% 285.00 12.49
VM Card Type P18 135.00 44.95% 74.31 3.26
Security & Miscellaneous
Removable Hard Drive Kit for Pro 8200 2,795.00 58.07% 1,172.00 51.36
Set of two Swap-able Drives with docking trays 1,285.00 58.05% 539.00 23.62
Lease Return 250.00 100.00% 0.00 -

Pro 8310s $58,499.00 68.04% $18,694.72 $830.16

Pro 8320s $69,999.00 63.06% $25,855.81 $1,143.96
RICOH PROFESSIONAL SVCS-PRO83XX WITH GW C 2,000.00 0.00% 2,000.00 94.66
ESP XG-PCS-20820D (208 Volt, 20 Amp) 365.62 50.77% 180.00 7.89
Network Print/Scan Connection (Seg. 6) 750.00 46.27% 403.00 17.66
LCIT RT5130 6,065.00 52.41% 2,886.62 126.49
LCIT RT5110 10,886.00 57.07% 4,673.00 204.77
Vacuum Feed LCIT RT5120 14,052.00 57.07% 6,033.00 264.37
Bridge Unit BU5010 3,268.00 57.07% 1,403.00 61.48
Vacuum Feed Banner Sheet Tray Type S9 1,952.00 57.07% 838.00 36.72
Multi Bypass Tray BY5020 1,470.00 52.18% 703.00 30.81
Multi Bypass Attachment Kit for Vacuum Feed LCIT Type 561.00 57.22% 240.00 10.52
Multi Bypass Banner Sheet Tray Type S9 1,098.00 57.10% 471.00 20.64
A3/11"x17" Tray Kit TK5020 1,839.00 52.51% 873.38 38.27
TCRU/ORU Type S11 (Set A) 3,149.00 44.92% 1,734.45 76.00
TCRU Type S11 (Set B) 3,079.00 61.23% 1,193.78 52.31
ADF DOUBLE- FEED DETECTION KIT 449.00 57.46% 191.00 8.37
Media Identification Unit Type S3 399.00 58.15% 167.00 7.32
NFC Card Reader Type S6 339.00 58.11% 142.00 6.22
Optional Counter Interface 81.00 62.96% 30.00 1.31
Controller Options
Printer Controller EB-35 13,555.00 58.02% 5,691.00 249.38
RICOH PROF SVCS-M8300 FAMILY WITH FIERY CON 2,400.00 0.00% 2,400.00 113.59
Fiery Image Viewer B/W 4,340.00 57.07% 1,863.00 81.64
EFI Compose Type FS150 2,005.00 63.04% 741.00 32.47
EFI Impose Type FS150 4,011.90 58.00% 1,685.00 73.84
Fiery ES-2000 Spectrophotometer 1,294.75 26.16% 956.00 41.89
NX Station One 3,450.00 35.01% 2,242.00 98.24
NX ONE HDD KIT 2,889.00 45.22% 1,582.65 69.35
EFI FIERY JOBFLOW INCLUDES 1 YR OF SUPPORT 4,495.00 12.73% 3,923.00 185.68
Fiery JobMaster 3,500.00 12.70% 3,055.43 144.61
Production Finishing Options
Decurl Unit DU5070 2,189.00 48.74% 1,122.04 49.17
Buffer Pass Unit Type S11 8,169.00 49.89% 4,093.48 179.38
Perfect Binder GB5010 47,072.00 44.10% 26,313.00 1,153.04
Transit Pass Unit for Perfect Binder Type S1 2,504.00 41.41% 1,467.00 64.28
Cover Interposer Tray for Perfect Binder Type S1 2,231.00 41.46% 1,306.00 57.23
Cover Interposer Tray CI5040 5,655.00 52.52% 2,685.16 117.66
Double Feed Detection CI5040 255.00 49.70% 128.26 5.62
Multi-Folding Unit FD5020 10,416.00 52.51% 4,947.00 216.78
Ring Binder RB5030 31,715.00 52.39% 15,099.48 661.66
Ring Cartridge LT Type RB5000 341.00 29.91% 239.00 10.47
Ring Opener Type A 63.00 33.33% 42.00 1.84
High Capacity Stacker SK5040 18,654.00 57.07% 8,008.00 350.91
Roll-Away Cart Type 5010 709.00 52.61% 336.00 14.72
Finisher SR5110 9,559.00 52.51% 4,539.90 198.94
Finisher SR5120 17,015.00 52.50% 8,081.78 354.14
Punch Unit PU5030 NA 1,265.00 52.38% 602.38 26.40
Trimmer TR5050 15,299.00 52.50% 7,266.44 318.42
SR5000 SERIES OUTPUT TRAY FOR BANNER SHEET 275.00 58.55% 114.00 5.00
Bridge Unit BU5020 6,235.00 49.93% 3,121.74 136.79
RPIP Interface Box Type S3 3,314.00 58.03% 1,391.00 60.95
Print/Scan Connectivity
PostScript Unit Type S11 2,615.00 55.63% 1,160.41 50.85
IPDS Unit Type S11 7,999.00 60.48% 3,161.60 138.54
RICOH PROFESSIONAL SVCS-PRO83XX WITH GW IP 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
OCR Unit 335.00 59.70% 135.00 5.92
File Format Converter Type M19 739.00 60.22% 294.00 12.88
IEEE 802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M19 739.00 61.43% 285.00 12.49
VM Card Type P18 135.00 44.95% 74.31 3.26
Third Party Enablers
Streampunch Ultra 115V 18,895.00 55.00% 8,502.00 372.56
GBC - DIE W3 square 32-34H Wirebind Die 1,225.00 55.02% 551.00 24.14
GBC - DIE W2SQ 21H-23H Wirebind Die 1,225.00 55.02% 551.00 24.14
GBC - DIE CombBind 19-20-21 Hole Die 1,175.00 55.06% 528.00 23.14
GBC - DIE 3 HOLE 1,175.00 55.06% 528.00 23.14
GBC - DIE VB LTR 1,349.00 55.00% 607.00 26.60
GBC - DIE 3-5-7 HOLE 1,225.00 55.02% 551.00 24.14
GBC - DIE C4 Round 43-47H .2475 Color Coil Die 1,349.00 55.00% 607.00 26.60
DIE , Ricoh, Coil, Rnd, 47H HD 3,650.00 58.44% 1,517.00 66.47
DIE, Ricoh, 3 Hole, 8mm, HD 2,125.00 58.73% 877.00 38.43
DIE, Ricoh, CombBind, 21H HD 4,100.00 58.90% 1,685.00 73.84
GBC StreamPunch Ultra Die C4 Coil Oval 43-47H 2,969.00 55.00% 1,336.00 58.54
GBC DIE EWIRE ROUND 819.00 11.61% 723.91 31.72
GBC DIE EWIRE SQUARE 819.00 11.61% 723.91 31.72
GBC STREAMWIRE BINDING UNIT 37,321.80 23.33% 28,615.22 1,253.92
Plockmatic Options
REQUIRED: PPSE Training - Plockmatic PBM 350 1,575.00 4.76% 1,500.00 65.73
HIGH CAPACITY INTERPOSER HCI3500 43,749.00 58.00% 18,375.00 805.19
Plockmatic PBM350e 21,499.00 50.72% 10,594.51 464.25
PBM500 upgrade kit 16,800.00 44.99% 9,241.00 404.94
PBM Trim Module 13,600.00 48.93% 6,945.00 304.33
PBM Book Fold Module 13,000.00 49.17% 6,608.00 289.56
PBM Cover Feeder 5,550.00 47.08% 2,937.00 128.70
Plockmatic RCTe 44,499.00 52.53% 21,125.53 925.72
TRIM WASTE CONVEYOR 6,025.00 58.02% 2,529.00 110.82
BTS4000-1 Belt Stacker Module 6,100.00 41.95% 3,541.00 155.17
PLOCKMATIC MULTI PURPOSE STACKER 14,765.00 55.00% 6,644.00 291.14
MPS-PBM COMMUNICATION SPLITTER 755.00 45.58% 410.87 18.00
MPS RAIL UNIT 529.00 45.00% 290.95 12.75
Security & Miscellaneous
Removable Hard Drive Kit for Pro 8200 2,795.00 58.07% 1,172.00 51.36
Set of two Swap-able Drives with docking trays 1,285.00 58.05% 539.00 23.62
Lease Return 250.00 100.00% 0.00 -

4th Station Models

(Limited Inventory) Pro C7100 $62,349.00 53.45% $29,021.00 $1,282.66
(Limited Inventory) Pro C7100S $74,999.00 53.63% $34,775.00 $1,534.80
(Limited Inventory) Pro C7110 $94,090.73 62.56% $35,224.00 $1,554.47
(Limited Inventory) Pro C7110S $111,249.00 62.42% $41,812.00 $1,843.16
REQUIRED: TCRU Kit A Type C7100 5,423.00 57.07% 2,328.00 102.01
REQUIRED: TCRU Kit B Type C7100 3,937.00 57.07% 1,690.00 74.06
5th Station Models
Pro C7100X $95,000.00 68.11% $30,292.00 $1,338.35
Pro C7100SX $111,000.00 68.12% $35,387.00 $1,561.61
Pro C7110X $117,000.00 68.15% $37,261.00 $1,643.73
Pro C7110SX $135,000.00 68.14% $43,008.00 $1,895.57
REQUIRED: TCRU Kit A Type C7100 5,423.00 57.07% 2,328.00 102.01
REQUIRED: TCRU Kit B Type C7100 3,937.00 57.07% 1,690.00 74.06
REQUIRED: TCRU Kit C Type C7100 1,531.00 57.09% 657.00 28.79
REQUIRED: PPSE Training - 5th Station Workflow 2,750.00 0.00% 2,750.00 120.51
ESP XG-PCS-20820D (208 Volt, 20 Amp) 365.62 50.77% 180.00 7.89
Network & Scan Connect - Seg PC 750.00 46.27% 403.00 17.66
LCIT RT5090 10,886.00 57.07% 4,673.00 204.77
Vacuum Feed LCT RT5100 14,052.00 57.07% 6,033.00 264.37
Bridge Unit BU5010 3,268.00 57.07% 1,403.00 61.48
Vacuum Feed Oversize Sheet Tray Type S3 1,952.00 57.07% 838.00 36.72
Buffer Pass Unit Type S3 8,015.00 57.07% 3,441.00 150.78
Stacker SK5030 18,654.00 57.07% 8,008.00 350.91
Decurl Unit DU5040 2,118.00 57.08% 909.00 39.83
Multi Bypass Tray BY5010 1,470.00 52.18% 703.00 30.81
Multi Bypass Banner Sheet Tray Type S3 1,098.00 57.10% 471.00 20.64
Multi Bypass Attachment Kit for Vacuum Feed LCT type 561.00 57.22% 240.00 10.52
5th Station Replacement Kit Type S3 2,196.00 57.10% 942.00 41.28
Production Finishing Options
TK5010 11"x17" Tray Unit 1,575.00 52.51% 748.00 32.78
Roll-Away Cart Type 5010 709.00 52.61% 336.00 14.72
PU5020 Punch Unit 1,050.00 52.38% 500.00 21.91
Optional Counter Interface Unit Type A 81.00 58.02% 34.00 1.49
Tab sheet Holder Type 3260 60.00 58.33% 25.00 1.10
Cover Interposer Tray 3,675.00 52.52% 1,745.00 76.47
Multi-Folding Unit FD5020 10,416.00 52.51% 4,947.00 216.78
Perfect Binder GB5010 47,072.00 44.10% 26,313.00 1,153.04
Transit Pass Unit for Perfect Binder Type S1 2,504.00 41.41% 1,467.00 64.28
Cover Interposer Tray for Perfect Binder Type S1 2,231.00 41.46% 1,306.00 57.23
Ring Binder RB5020 26,066.00 52.39% 12,410.00 543.81
Finisher SR5050 6,862.00 52.51% 3,259.00 142.81
Booklet Finisher SR5060 12,390.00 52.50% 5,885.00 257.88
Trimmer Unit TR5040 13,020.00 52.50% 6,184.00 270.98
Streampunch Ultra 115V 18,895.00 55.00% 8,502.00 372.56
GBC - DIE W3 square 32-34H Wirebind Die 1,225.00 55.02% 551.00 24.14
GBC - DIE W2SQ 21H-23H Wirebind Die 1,225.00 55.02% 551.00 24.14
GBC - DIE CombBind 19-20-21 Hole Die 1,175.00 55.06% 528.00 23.14
GBC - DIE VB LTR 1,349.00 55.00% 607.00 26.60
GBC - DIE 3-5-7 HOLE 1,225.00 55.02% 551.00 24.14
GBC - DIE 3 HOLE 1,175.00 55.06% 528.00 23.14
GBC - DIE C4 Round 43-47H .2475 Color Coil Die 1,349.00 55.00% 607.00 26.60
PBM350 21,500.00 50.72% 10,595.00 464.27
REQUIRED: PPSE Training - Plockmatic PBM 350 1,575.00 4.76% 1,500.00 65.73
REQUIRED: PPSE Training - Plockmatic PBM 500 1,575.00 0.00% 1,575.00 69.02
PBM500 upgrade kit 16,800.00 44.99% 9,241.00 404.94
PBM Trim Module 13,600.00 48.93% 6,945.00 304.33
PBM Book Fold Module 13,000.00 49.17% 6,608.00 289.56
PBM Cover Feeder 5,550.00 47.08% 2,937.00 128.70
(repl w/ 409054) PBM Rotate Crease Trim Module 44,500.00 52.53% 21,126.00 925.74
Plockmatic PBM Rotate Crease Trim Module 2.0 44,500.00 52.53% 21,126.00 925.74
BTS4000-1 Belt Stacker Module 6,100.00 41.95% 3,541.00 155.17
Rail Unit 500.00 45.00% 275.00 12.05
Controller Options
Color Controller E43-A 26,325.00 57.07% 11,302.00 495.25
REQUIRED: PPSE Training - C7100 W/ E43A Fiery 6,300.00 6.67% 5,880.00 257.66
Color Controller E83-A 66,812.00 57.07% 28,684.00 1,256.93
REQUIRED: PPSE Training - C7100 W/ E83A Fiery 6,930.00 6.67% 6,468.00 283.43
EFI 5th Station Upgrade Kit 3,341.00 57.08% 1,434.00 62.84
EFI Graphic Arts Package Premium Edition For E-43A 12,000.00 65.31% 4,163.00 182.42
EFI Impose Type FS150 4,011.90 58.00% 1,685.00 73.84
EFI Compose Type FS150 2,005.00 63.04% 741.00 32.47
Fiery CPS v4 3,260.03 34.88% 2,123.00 93.03
Fiery CPSv4 Software only 2,241.00 28.02% 1,613.00 70.68
Professional Services for Fiery Color Management Bundl 2,310.00 0.00% 2,310.00 109.33
Fiery ES-2000 Spectrophotometer 1,294.75 26.16% 956.00 41.89
FACI for E41 3,000.00 40.83% 1,775.00 77.78
FACI for E81 3,800.00 30.03% 2,659.00 116.52
HDD Security 1,350.00 37.11% 849.00 37.20
Server HDD Security Type QX 2,199.00 20.92% 1,739.00 76.20
EFI 4GB Memory Upgradetype E-43A 1,150.00 64.96% 403.00 17.66
TF Color Standard Type FS150 4,450.00 55.73% 1,970.00 86.33
REQUIRED: PPSE Training - TotalFlow Color Standard f 1,890.00 0.00% 1,890.00 82.82
TF Color Advanced Type FS150 17,500.00 65.26% 6,080.00 266.43
REQUIRED: PPSE Training - TotalFlow Color Advanced 4,158.00 0.00% 4,158.00 182.20
Removable Hard Drive Kit for Pro C7100 2,795.00 58.07% 1,172.00 51.36
Lease Return 250.00 100.00% 0.00 -

4th Station Models

Pro C7200SL $75,690.00 60.00% $30,276.00 $1,337.65
Pro C7200S $91,784.00 60.00% $36,713.00 $1,619.72
Pro C7210S $107,612.00 60.00% $43,044.00 $1,897.14
Pro C7200E $107,612.00 60.00% $43,044.00 $1,897.14
REQUIRED: TCRU/ORU Type S9 (Set A) 5,423.00 57.07% 2,328.00 102.01
REQUIRED: TCRU Type S9 (Set B) 3,937.00 57.07% 1,690.00 74.06
REQUIRED: TCRU/ORU Type S9 (Set C) 1,531.00 55.32% 684.00 29.97
5th Station Models
Pro C7210X $132,929.00 65.00% $46,525.00 $2,049.68
Pro C7210SX $142,418.00 65.00% $49,846.00 $2,195.21
REQUIRED: TCRU/ORU Type S9 (Set A) 5,423.00 57.07% 2,328.00 102.01
REQUIRED: TCRU Type S9 (Set B) 3,937.00 57.07% 1,690.00 74.06
ESP XG-PCS-20820D (208 Volt, 20 Amp) 365.62 50.77% 180.00 7.89
Network & Scan Connect - Seg PC 750.00 46.27% 403.00 17.66
TK5010 11"x17" Tray Unit 1,575.00 52.51% 748.00 32.78
Tab sheet Holder Type 3260 60.00 58.33% 25.00 1.10
Decurl Unit DU5060 2,118.00 57.08% 909.00 39.83
LCIT RT5110 10,886.00 57.07% 4,673.00 204.77
Vacuum Feed LCIT RT5120 14,052.00 57.07% 6,033.00 264.37
Bridge Unit BU5010 3,268.00 57.07% 1,403.00 61.48
Vacuum Feed Banner Sheet Tray Type S9 1,952.00 57.07% 838.00 36.72
Multi Bypass Tray BY5020 1,470.00 52.18% 703.00 30.81
Multi Bypass Banner Sheet Tray Type S9 1,098.00 57.10% 471.00 20.64
Multi Bypass Attachment Kit for Vacuum Feed LCIT Type 561.00 57.22% 240.00 10.52
Buffer Pass Unit Type S9 8,015.00 57.07% 3,441.00 150.78
Cover Interposer Tray 3,675.00 52.52% 1,745.00 76.47
Multi-Folding Unit FD5020 10,416.00 52.51% 4,947.00 216.78
High Capacity Stacker SK5040 18,654.00 57.07% 8,008.00 350.91
Roll-Away Cart Type 5010 709.00 52.61% 336.00 14.72
Perfect Binder GB5010 47,072.00 44.10% 26,313.00 1,153.04
Transit Pass Unit for Perfect Binder Type S1 2,504.00 41.41% 1,467.00 64.28
Cover Interposer Tray for Perfect Binder Type S1 2,231.00 41.46% 1,306.00 57.23
Ring Binder RB5020 26,066.00 52.39% 12,410.00 543.81
Ring Opener Type A 63.00 33.33% 42.00 1.84
Ring Cartridge LT Type RB5000 341.00 29.91% 239.00 10.47
Finisher SR5050 6,862.00 52.51% 3,259.00 142.81
Booklet Finisher SR5060 12,390.00 52.50% 5,885.00 257.88
PU5020 Punch Unit 1,050.00 52.38% 500.00 21.91
Trimmer Unit TR5040 13,020.00 52.50% 6,184.00 270.98
SR5000 SERIES OUTPUT TRAY FOR BANNER SHEET 275.00 58.55% 114.00 5.00
Optional Counter Interface 81.00 62.96% 30.00 1.31
OCR Unit Type M2 340.00 59.12% 139.00 6.09
RPIP Interface Box Type S3 3,314.00 58.03% 1,391.00 60.95
Production Finishing Options
Streampunch Ultra 115V 18,895.00 55.00% 8,502.00 372.56
DIE , Ricoh, Coil, Rnd, 47H HD 3,650.00 58.44% 1,517.00 66.47
DIE, Ricoh, 3 Hole, 8mm, HD 2,125.00 58.73% 877.00 38.43
DIE, Ricoh, CombBind, 21H HD 4,100.00 58.90% 1,685.00 73.84
GBC StreamPunch Ultra Die C4 Coil Oval 43-47H 2,969.00 55.00% 1,336.00 58.54
GBC - DIE W3 square 32-34H Wirebind Die 1,225.00 55.02% 551.00 24.14
GBC - DIE W2SQ 21H-23H Wirebind Die 1,225.00 55.02% 551.00 24.14
GBC - DIE CombBind 19-20-21 Hole Die 1,175.00 55.06% 528.00 23.14
GBC - DIE VB LTR 1,349.00 55.00% 607.00 26.60
GBC - DIE 3-5-7 HOLE 1,225.00 55.02% 551.00 24.14
GBC - DIE 3 HOLE 1,175.00 55.06% 528.00 23.14
GBC - DIE C4 Round 43-47H .2475 Color Coil Die 1,349.00 55.00% 607.00 26.60
PBM350 21,500.00 50.72% 10,595.00 464.27
PBM500 upgrade kit 16,800.00 44.99% 9,241.00 404.94
Rail Unit 500.00 45.00% 275.00 12.05
PBM Trim Module 13,600.00 48.93% 6,945.00 304.33
PBM Book Fold Module 13,000.00 49.17% 6,608.00 289.56
PBM Cover Feeder 5,550.00 47.08% 2,937.00 128.70
Plockmatic PBM Rotate Crease Trim Module 2.0 44,500.00 52.53% 21,126.00 925.74
BTS4000-1 Belt Stacker Module 6,100.00 41.95% 3,541.00 155.17
HIGH CAPACITY INTERPOSER HCI3500 43,749.00 58.00% 18,375.00 805.19
PLOCKMATIC MULTI PURPOSE STACKER 14,765.00 55.00% 6,644.00 291.14
TRIM WASTE CONVEYOR 6,025.00 58.02% 2,529.00 110.82
RICOH TOTALFLOW PRINT SERVER R-62A 7200 13,985.00 25.01% 10,488.00 459.58
RICOH R62-A HDM RIP OPTION 5,825.00 15.00% 4,951.00 234.33
RICOH R62-A KODAK RIP OPTION 5,715.00 15.01% 4,857.00 229.88
RICOH IPDS ACTIVATION LICENSE TYPE S3 7,535.00 15.01% 6,404.00 303.10
RICOH VIRTUAL MACHINE UNIT FOR TOTALFLOW PR 1,199.00 15.01% 1,019.00 44.65
Controller Options
Color Controller E-35A 14,999.00 55.00% 6,749.00 295.74
PPSE TRAINING - C72xx W/ E35 FIERY 6,000.00 0.00% 6,000.00 283.98
Color Controller E-45A 26,325.00 57.07% 11,302.00 495.25
REQUIRED: PPSE TRAINING - C72xx W/ E45 FIERY 6,300.00 0.00% 6,300.00 298.18
Color Controller E-85A 66,812.00 57.07% 28,684.00 1,256.93
REQUIRED: PPSE TRAINING - C72xx W/ E85 FIERY 6,930.00 0.00% 6,930.00 328.00
EFI Graphic Arts Package Premium Edition For E-43A 12,000.00 65.31% 4,163.00 182.42
EFI Compose 1,765.00 55.01% 794.00 34.79
Fiery ES-2000 Spectrophotometer 1,294.75 26.16% 956.00 41.89
EFI Server HDD Security Type E-45 1,350.00 35.04% 877.00 38.43
EFI Server HDD Security Type E-85 3,900.00 35.00% 2,535.00 111.08
NX Station LS 6,600.00 35.00% 4,290.00 187.99
NX Station GL 4,250.00 35.01% 2,762.00 121.03
EFI - CPS Support & Maint Contract Additional Year 400.00 0.00% 400.00 18.93
TF Color Standard Type FS150 4,450.00 55.73% 1,970.00 86.33
TF Color Advanced Type FS150 17,500.00 65.26% 6,080.00 266.43
5th Station Replacement Kit Type S9 2,196.00 55.33% 981.00 42.99
Toner Interchange Unit Type S9 3,419.00 55.34% 1,527.00 66.91
OCR Unit 335.00 59.70% 135.00 5.92
EFI 5th Station Hardware Upgrade Kit Type S9 3,341.00 55.01% 1,503.00 65.86
EFI Impose 4,015.00 55.02% 1,806.00 79.14
Fiery CPS v4 3,260.03 34.88% 2,123.00 93.03
Fiery CPSv4 Software only 2,241.00 28.02% 1,613.00 70.68
ADVANCED COLOR MANAGEMENT FOR C7200 SERI 2,100.00 0.00% 2,100.00 99.39
CERTIFIED OPERATOR TRAINING - 7200 FAMILY 3,500.00 0.00% 3,500.00 165.66
5th Station Upgrade Kit Type S9 30,999.00 0.00% 30,999.00 1,358.38
NX Station One 3,450.00 35.01% 2,242.00 98.24
Lease Return 250.00 100.00% 0.00 -

Pro C5200s $55,000.00 62.77% $20,479.00 $908.34

Pro C5210s $65,250.00 65.62% $22,434.00 $994.01
REQUIRED: PPSE Training - PRO5200 Family w/ GW 1,925.00 0.00% 1,925.00 84.35
TCRU/ORU Type S6 (Set A) 2,000.00 46.45% 1,071.00 46.93
TCRU/ORU Type S6 (Set B) 2,900.00 42.10% 1,679.00 73.57
ESP XG-PCS-20820D (208 Volt, 20 Amp) 365.62 50.77% 180.00 7.89
Network & Scan Connect - Seg BC4 425.00 46.12% 229.00 10.03
Network & Scan Connect - Seg BC5 500.00 46.40% 268.00 11.74
LCIT RT4020 3,100.00 59.26% 1,263.00 55.34
LCIT RT4050 6,449.00 61.82% 2,462.00 107.88
Cover Interposer Tray CI4020 4,560.00 58.40% 1,897.00 83.13
Cover Interposer Tray CI4040 1,395.00 58.06% 585.00 25.63
A3/11x17 Tray Unit Type M2 1,959.00 62.89% 727.00 31.86
Tab Sheet Holder Type M2 70.00 62.86% 26.00 1.14
Decurl Unit DU5020 3,182.00 52.51% 1,511.00 66.21
Buffer Pass Unit Type S6 8,413.00 47.44% 4,422.00 193.77
Punch Unit PU3060 NA 983.00 59.10% 402.00 17.62
PU5020 Punch Unit 1,050.00 52.38% 500.00 21.91
Multi Bypass Banner Sheet Tray Type S6 1,165.00 58.20% 487.00 21.34
Banner Sheet Guide Tray for A3/11"x17" LCIT Type S6 855.00 58.25% 357.00 15.64
Media Identification Unit Type S3 399.00 58.15% 167.00 7.32
Smart Operation Panel Type S6 755.00 58.28% 315.00 13.80
XPS Option 115.00 58.26% 48.00 2.10
Extended USB Board Type M19 375.00 58.67% 155.00 6.79
Optional Counter Interface 81.00 62.96% 30.00 1.31
NFC Card Reader Type S6 339.00 58.11% 142.00 6.22
Post Script Option 629.00 62.64% 235.00 10.30
File Format Converter Type M19 739.00 60.22% 294.00 12.88
IEEE 1284 Interface Board Type M19 125.00 62.40% 47.00 2.06
IEEE 802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M19 739.00 61.43% 285.00 12.49
OCR Unit 335.00 59.70% 135.00 5.92
(repl w/ 417927) Copy Connector Type M25 1,775.00 58.08% 744.00 32.60
Copy Connector Type M25 1,775.00 58.08% 744.00 32.60
DataOverwriteSecurity Unit Type M19 479.00 63.05% 177.00 7.76
Smart Card Reader Built-in Unit Type S6 109.00 36.70% 69.00 3.02
8 1/2" x 14" Paper Size Tray Type M2 1,160.00 63.62% 422.00 18.49
Production Finishing Options
Booklet Finisher SR4130 6,585.00 66.82% 2,185.00 95.75
Finisher SR4120 3,955.00 66.78% 1,314.00 57.58
Output Jogger Unit Type M25 465.00 62.15% 176.00 7.71
Cooling Fan for SR4120/SR4130 659.00 58.12% 276.00 12.09
SR5070 Finisher 6,862.00 54.62% 3,114.00 136.46
Booklet Finisher SR5080 12,390.00 47.31% 6,528.00 286.06
Copy Tray Type M26 219.00 68.49% 69.00 3.02
Multi-Folding Unit FD4000 11,510.00 58.01% 4,833.00 211.78
SR4000 series Output Tray for Banner Sheet Type S6 275.00 58.55% 114.00 5.00
SR5000 SERIES OUTPUT TRAY FOR BANNER SHEET 275.00 58.55% 114.00 5.00
Streampunch Ultra MP 115V 60HZ 19,339.00 25.00% 14,504.00 635.57
DIE , Ricoh, Coil, Rnd, 47H HD 3,650.00 58.44% 1,517.00 66.47
DIE, Ricoh, 3 Hole, 8mm, HD 2,125.00 58.73% 877.00 38.43
DIE, Ricoh, CombBind, 21H HD 4,100.00 58.90% 1,685.00 73.84
GBC StreamPunch Ultra Die C4 Coil Oval 43-47H 2,969.00 55.00% 1,336.00 58.54
GBC - DIE W3 square 32-34H Wirebind Die 1,225.00 55.02% 551.00 24.14
GBC - DIE W2SQ 21H-23H Wirebind Die 1,225.00 55.02% 551.00 24.14
GBC - DIE CombBind 19-20-21 Hole Die 1,175.00 55.06% 528.00 23.14
GBC - DIE VB LTR 1,349.00 55.00% 607.00 26.60
GBC - DIE 3-5-7 HOLE 1,225.00 55.02% 551.00 24.14
GBC - DIE 3 HOLE 1,175.00 55.06% 528.00 23.14
GBC - DIE C4 Round 43-47H .2475 Color Coil Die 1,349.00 55.00% 607.00 26.60
Inline /Offline Booklet Maker 20,605.00 58.00% 8,654.00 379.22
50 Sheet upgrade Kit 15,989.00 58.01% 6,714.00 294.21
Face Trim Module 13,365.00 58.01% 5,612.00 245.92
Book Fold Module 12,255.00 58.02% 5,145.00 225.45
PBM Cover Feeder 5,550.00 47.08% 2,937.00 128.70
(repl w/ 409054) PBM Rotate Crease Trim Module 44,500.00 52.53% 21,126.00 925.74
Plockmatic PBM Rotate Crease Trim Module 2.0 44,500.00 52.53% 21,126.00 925.74
Cover Kit 399.00 58.15% 167.00 7.32
Rail Unit 500.00 45.00% 275.00 12.05
Anti Static Kit 3,435.75 41.06% 2,025.00 88.74
BTS4000-1 Belt Stacker Module 6,100.00 41.95% 3,541.00 155.17
Controller Accessories
Color Controller E-24B 7,500.00 35.00% 4,875.00 213.62
REQUIRED: PPSE Training - PRO5200 Family - E24B Fi 1,540.00 0.00% 1,540.00 67.48
(repl w/ 409185) Color Controller E-44B 24,500.00 45.00% 13,475.00 590.47
REQUIRED: PPSE Training - PRO5200 Family - E44B Fi 3,272.00 0.00% 3,272.00 143.38
EFI Impose Type FS150 4,011.90 58.00% 1,685.00 73.84
EFI Compose Type FS150 2,005.00 63.04% 741.00 32.47
Spot On Type FS100 725.00 25.93% 537.00 23.53
Hot Folders TYPE FS-100 725.00 25.93% 537.00 23.53
Auto Trap TYPE FS-100 725.00 25.93% 537.00 23.53
EFI Productivity Pack for Fiery E22b E22c 5,000.00 37.32% 3,134.00 137.33
Fiery CPS v4 3,260.03 34.88% 2,123.00 93.03
Fiery CPSv4 Software only 2,241.00 28.02% 1,613.00 70.68
Fiery ES-2000 Spectrophotometer 1,294.75 26.16% 956.00 41.89
Fiery Graphic Arts Package Premium Edition Upgrade 5,280.00 38.92% 3,225.00 141.32
FACI for E41 3,000.00 40.83% 1,775.00 77.78
HDD Security 1,350.00 37.11% 849.00 37.20
Removable Hard Drive Kit for Pro C5200 2,795.00 58.07% 1,172.00 51.36
Set of two Swap-able Drives with docking trays 1,285.00 58.05% 539.00 23.62
Lease Return 250.00 100.00% 0.00 -

(disc 02-07-19) Pro C9100 Entrance Unit $127,500.00 34.40% $83,643.00 $3,676.19
REQUIRED: Pro C9100 Exit Unit 85,000.00 36.78% 53,739.00 2,354.84
(disc 02-07-19) Pro C9110 Entrance Unit $157,500.00 34.84% $102,632.00 $4,508.29
REQUIRED: Pro C9110 Exit Unit 105,000.00 36.76% 66,398.00 2,909.56
REQUIRED: PPSE Training - Pro C9100/C9110 18,595.50 0.00% 18,595.00 814.83
REQUIRED: TCRU Type S4 (Set A) 10,111.00 57.08% 4,340.00 190.18
REQUIRED: TCRU Type S4 (Set B) 447.00 57.05% 192.00 8.41
REQUIRED: TCRU Type S4 (Set C) 2,375.00 2.02% 2,327.00 101.97
30 amp power filter 2,316.66 53.47% 1,078.00 47.24
Network & Scan Connect - Seg PC 750.00 46.27% 403.00 17.66
Vacuum Feed LCT RT5100 14,052.00 57.07% 6,033.00 264.37
Bridge Unit BU5010 3,268.00 57.07% 1,403.00 61.48
Vacuum Feed Oversize Sheet Tray Type S3 1,952.00 57.07% 838.00 36.72
Stacker SK5030 18,654.00 57.07% 8,008.00 350.91
Multi Bypass Tray BY5010 1,470.00 52.18% 703.00 30.81
Multi Bypass Banner Sheet Tray Type S3 1,098.00 57.10% 471.00 20.64
Multi Bypass Attachment Kit for Vacuum Feed LCT type 561.00 57.22% 240.00 10.52
Production Finishing Options
Roll-Away Cart Type 5010 709.00 52.61% 336.00 14.72
PU5020 Punch Unit 1,050.00 52.38% 500.00 21.91
Optional Counter Interface Unit Type A 81.00 58.02% 34.00 1.49
Tab sheet Holder Type 3260 60.00 58.33% 25.00 1.10
Cover Interposer Tray 3,675.00 52.52% 1,745.00 76.47
Multi-Folding Unit FD5020 10,416.00 52.51% 4,947.00 216.78
Perfect Binder GB5010 47,072.00 44.10% 26,313.00 1,153.04
Transit Pass Unit for Perfect Binder Type S1 2,504.00 41.41% 1,467.00 64.28
Cover Interposer Tray for Perfect Binder Type S1 2,231.00 41.46% 1,306.00 57.23
Ring Binder RB5020 26,066.00 52.39% 12,410.00 543.81
Finisher SR5050 6,862.00 52.51% 3,259.00 142.81
Booklet Finisher SR5060 12,390.00 52.50% 5,885.00 257.88
Trimmer Unit TR5040 13,020.00 52.50% 6,184.00 270.98
Streampunch Ultra 115V 18,895.00 55.00% 8,502.00 372.56
GBC - DIE W3 square 32-34H Wirebind Die 1,225.00 55.02% 551.00 24.14
GBC - DIE W2SQ 21H-23H Wirebind Die 1,225.00 55.02% 551.00 24.14
GBC - DIE CombBind 19-20-21 Hole Die 1,175.00 55.06% 528.00 23.14
GBC - DIE VB LTR 1,349.00 55.00% 607.00 26.60
GBC - DIE 3-5-7 HOLE 1,225.00 55.02% 551.00 24.14
GBC - DIE 3 HOLE 1,175.00 55.06% 528.00 23.14
GBC - DIE C4 Round 43-47H .2475 Color Coil Die 1,349.00 55.00% 607.00 26.60
PBM350 21,500.00 50.72% 10,595.00 464.27
REQUIRED: PPSE Training - Plockmatic PBM 350 1,575.00 4.76% 1,500.00 65.73
REQUIRED: PPSE Training - Plockmatic PBM 500 1,575.00 0.00% 1,575.00 69.02
PBM500 upgrade kit 16,800.00 44.99% 9,241.00 404.94
Rail Unit 500.00 45.00% 275.00 12.05
PBM Trim Module 13,600.00 48.93% 6,945.00 304.33
PBM Book Fold Module 13,000.00 49.17% 6,608.00 289.56
PBM Cover Feeder 5,550.00 47.08% 2,937.00 128.70
(repl w/ 409054) PBM Rotate Crease Trim Module 44,500.00 52.53% 21,126.00 925.74
Plockmatic PBM Rotate Crease Trim Module 2.0 44,500.00 52.53% 21,126.00 925.74
BTS4000-1 Belt Stacker Module 6,100.00 41.95% 3,541.00 155.17
Controller Options
Color Controller E-43 34,504.00 57.07% 14,813.00 649.11
REQUIRED: PPSE Training - Pro C9100/C9110 18,595.50 0.00% 18,595.00 814.83
Color Controller E-83 69,734.00 57.07% 29,938.00 1,311.88
REQUIRED: PPSE Training - Pro C9100/C9110 18,595.50 0.00% 18,595.00 814.83
EFI Graphic Arts Package Premium Edition For E-43A 12,000.00 65.31% 4,163.00 182.42
EFI Impose Type FS150 4,011.90 58.00% 1,685.00 73.84
EFI Compose Type FS150 2,005.00 63.04% 741.00 32.47
Fiery CPS v4 3,260.03 34.88% 2,123.00 93.03
Fiery CPSv4 Software only 2,241.00 28.02% 1,613.00 70.68
Fiery ES-2000 Spectrophotometer 1,294.75 26.16% 956.00 41.89
FACI for E41 3,000.00 40.83% 1,775.00 77.78
FACI for E81 3,800.00 30.03% 2,659.00 116.52
HDD Security 1,350.00 37.11% 849.00 37.20
Server HDD Security Type QX 2,199.00 20.92% 1,739.00 76.20
EFI 4GB Memory Upgradetype E-43A 1,150.00 64.96% 403.00 17.66
TF Color Standard Type FS150 4,450.00 55.73% 1,970.00 86.33
REQUIRED: PPSE Training - TotalFlow Color Standard f 1,890.00 0.00% 1,890.00 82.82
TF Color Advanced Type FS150 17,500.00 65.26% 6,080.00 266.43
REQUIRED: PPSE Training - TotalFlow Color Advanced 4,158.00 0.00% 4,158.00 182.20
Lease Return 250.00 100.00% 0.00 -

Pro C9200 Entrance unit $155,040.00 35.00% $100,776.00 $4,426.96

REQUIRED: Pro C9200 Exit Unit 87,210.00 35.00% 56,686.00 2,483.98
Pro C9210 Entrance unit $191,520.00 35.00% $124,488.00 $5,466.02
REQUIRED: Pro C9210 Exit Unit 107,730.00 35.00% 70,024.00 3,068.45
REQUIRED: PPSE TRAINING & RCOP C9200 FAMILY 18,595.00 0.00% 18,595.00 880.10
REQUIRED: TCRU/ORU Type S10 (Set A) 10,111.00 55.01% 4,549.00 199.34
REQUIRED: TCRU/ORU Type S10 (Set B) 447.00 55.03% 201.00 8.81
REQUIRED: TCRU Type S10 (Set C) 6,385.00 55.00% 2,873.00 125.89
30 amp power filter 2,316.66 53.47% 1,078.00 47.24
Network & Scan Connect - Seg PC 750.00 46.27% 403.00 17.66
Vacuum Feed LCIT RT5120 14,052.00 57.07% 6,033.00 264.37
Bridge Unit BU5010 3,268.00 57.07% 1,403.00 61.48
Vacuum Feed Banner Sheet Tray Type S9 1,952.00 57.07% 838.00 36.72
Multi Bypass Tray BY5020 1,470.00 52.18% 703.00 30.81
Multi Bypass Banner Sheet Tray Type S9 1,098.00 57.10% 471.00 20.64
Multi Bypass Attachment Kit for Vacuum Feed LCIT Type 561.00 57.22% 240.00 10.52
Cover Interposer Tray 3,675.00 52.52% 1,745.00 76.47
Production Finishing Options
Multi-Folding Unit FD5020 10,416.00 52.51% 4,947.00 216.78
High Capacity Stacker SK5040 18,654.00 57.07% 8,008.00 350.91
Roll-Away Cart Type 5010 709.00 52.61% 336.00 14.72
Perfect Binder GB5010 47,072.00 44.10% 26,313.00 1,153.04
Transit Pass Unit for Perfect Binder Type S1 2,504.00 41.41% 1,467.00 64.28
Cover Interposer Tray for Perfect Binder Type S1 2,231.00 41.46% 1,306.00 57.23
Ring Binder RB5020 26,066.00 52.39% 12,410.00 543.81
Ring Opener Type A 63.00 33.33% 42.00 1.84
Ring Cartridge LT Type RB5000 341.00 29.91% 239.00 10.47
Finisher SR5050 6,862.00 52.51% 3,259.00 142.81
Booklet Finisher SR5060 12,390.00 52.50% 5,885.00 257.88
PU5020 Punch Unit 1,050.00 52.38% 500.00 21.91
Trimmer Unit TR5040 13,020.00 52.50% 6,184.00 270.98
SR5000 SERIES OUTPUT TRAY FOR BANNER SHEET 275.00 58.55% 114.00 5.00
Streampunch Ultra 115V 18,895.00 55.00% 8,502.00 372.56
DIE , Ricoh, Coil, Rnd, 47H HD 3,650.00 58.44% 1,517.00 66.47
DIE, Ricoh, 3 Hole, 8mm, HD 2,125.00 58.73% 877.00 38.43
DIE, Ricoh, CombBind, 21H HD 4,100.00 58.90% 1,685.00 73.84
GBC StreamPunch Ultra Die C4 Coil Oval 43-47H 2,969.00 55.00% 1,336.00 58.54
GBC - DIE W3 square 32-34H Wirebind Die 1,225.00 55.02% 551.00 24.14
GBC - DIE W2SQ 21H-23H Wirebind Die 1,225.00 55.02% 551.00 24.14
GBC - DIE CombBind 19-20-21 Hole Die 1,175.00 55.06% 528.00 23.14
GBC - DIE VB LTR 1,349.00 55.00% 607.00 26.60
GBC - DIE 3-5-7 HOLE 1,225.00 55.02% 551.00 24.14
GBC - DIE 3 HOLE 1,175.00 55.06% 528.00 23.14
GBC - DIE C4 Round 43-47H .2475 Color Coil Die 1,349.00 55.00% 607.00 26.60
PBM350 21,500.00 50.72% 10,595.00 464.27
REQUIRED: PPSE Training - Plockmatic PBM 350 1,575.00 4.76% 1,500.00 65.73
PBM500 upgrade kit 16,800.00 44.99% 9,241.00 404.94
Rail Unit 500.00 45.00% 275.00 12.05
PBM Trim Module 13,600.00 48.93% 6,945.00 304.33
PBM Book Fold Module 13,000.00 49.17% 6,608.00 289.56
PBM Cover Feeder 5,550.00 47.08% 2,937.00 128.70
Plockmatic PBM Rotate Crease Trim Module 2.0 44,500.00 52.53% 21,126.00 925.74
BTS4000-1 Belt Stacker Module 6,100.00 41.95% 3,541.00 155.17
HIGH CAPACITY INTERPOSER HCI3500 43,749.00 58.00% 18,375.00 805.19
TRIM WASTE CONVEYOR 6,025.00 58.02% 2,529.00 110.82
PLOCKMATIC MULTI PURPOSE STACKER 14,765.00 55.00% 6,644.00 291.14
Controller Options
ADVANCED COLOR MANAGEMENT FOR C9200 SERI 4,200.00 0.00% 4,200.00 198.79
RICOH TOTALFLOW PRINT SERVER R-62 9200 17,695.00 25.00% 13,271.00 581.54
REQUIRED: PPSE TRAINING & RCOP C9200 FAMILY 18,595.00 0.00% 18,595.00 880.10
RICOH R-62 HDM RIP OPTION 6,989.00 15.01% 5,940.00 281.14
RICOH R-62 KODAK RIP OPTION 8,115.00 15.01% 6,897.00 326.44
RICOH IPDS ACTIVATION LICENSE TYPE S3 7,535.00 15.01% 6,404.00 303.10
RICOH VIRTUAL MACHINE UNIT FOR TOTALFLOW PR 1,199.00 15.01% 1,019.00 44.65
Color Controller E-85 59,999.00 55.00% 26,999.00 1,183.10
REQUIRED: PPSE TRAINING & RCOP C9200 FAMILY 18,595.00 0.00% 18,595.00 880.10
RPIP Interface Box Type S3 3,314.00 58.03% 1,391.00 60.95
Fiery CPS v4 3,260.03 34.88% 2,123.00 93.03
Fiery CPSv4 Software only 2,241.00 28.02% 1,613.00 70.68
Fiery ES-2000 Spectrophotometer 1,294.75 26.16% 956.00 41.89
EFI Server HDD Security Type E-85 3,900.00 35.00% 2,535.00 111.08
NX Station LS 6,600.00 35.00% 4,290.00 187.99
NX Station GL 4,250.00 35.01% 2,762.00 121.03
EFI - CPS Support & Maint Contract Additional Year 400.00 0.00% 400.00 18.93
Lease Return 250.00 100.00% 0.00 -

Pro 8310 $52,999.00 50.80% $26,073.91 $1,153.51

Pro 8320 $64,499.00 52.30% $30,764.41 $1,359.05
RICOH PROFESSIONAL SVCS-PRO83XX WITH GW C 2,000.00 0.00% 2,000.00 94.66
ESP XG-PCS-20820D (208 Volt, 20 Amp) 365.62 50.77% 180.00 7.89
Network Print/Scan Connection (Seg. 6) 750.00 46.27% 403.00 17.66
LCIT RT5130 6,065.00 52.41% 2,886.62 126.49
LCIT RT5110 10,886.00 57.07% 4,673.00 204.77
Vacuum Feed LCIT RT5120 14,052.00 57.07% 6,033.00 264.37
Bridge Unit BU5010 3,268.00 57.07% 1,403.00 61.48
Vacuum Feed Banner Sheet Tray Type S9 1,952.00 57.07% 838.00 36.72
Multi Bypass Tray BY5020 1,470.00 52.18% 703.00 30.81
Multi Bypass Attachment Kit for Vacuum Feed LCIT Type 561.00 57.22% 240.00 10.52
Multi Bypass Banner Sheet Tray Type S9 1,098.00 57.10% 471.00 20.64
A3/11"x17" Tray Kit TK5020 1,839.00 52.51% 873.38 38.27
TCRU/ORU Type S11 (Set A) 3,149.00 44.92% 1,734.45 76.00
TCRU Type S11 (Set B) 3,079.00 61.23% 1,193.78 52.31
Media Identification Unit Type S3 399.00 58.15% 167.00 7.32
NFC Card Reader Type S6 339.00 58.11% 142.00 6.22
Controller Options
Printer Controller EB-35 13,555.00 58.02% 5,691.00 249.38
RICOH PROF SVCS-M8300 FAMILY WITH FIERY CON 2,400.00 0.00% 2,400.00 113.59
Fiery Image Viewer B/W 4,340.00 57.07% 1,863.00 81.64
EFI Compose Type FS150 2,005.00 63.04% 741.00 32.47
EFI Impose Type FS150 4,011.90 58.00% 1,685.00 73.84
Fiery ES-2000 Spectrophotometer 1,294.75 26.16% 956.00 41.89
NX Station One 3,450.00 35.01% 2,242.00 98.24
NX ONE HDD KIT 2,889.00 45.22% 1,582.65 69.35
EFI FIERY JOBFLOW INCLUDES 1 YR OF SUPPORT 4,495.00 12.73% 3,923.00 185.68
Fiery JobMaster 3,500.00 12.70% 3,055.43 144.61
Production Finishing Options
Decurl Unit DU5070 2,189.00 48.74% 1,122.04 49.17
Buffer Pass Unit Type S11 8,169.00 49.89% 4,093.48 179.38
Perfect Binder GB5010 47,072.00 44.10% 26,313.00 1,153.04
Transit Pass Unit for Perfect Binder Type S1 2,504.00 41.41% 1,467.00 64.28
Cover Interposer Tray for Perfect Binder Type S1 2,231.00 41.46% 1,306.00 57.23
Cover Interposer Tray CI5040 5,655.00 52.52% 2,685.16 117.66
Double Feed Detection CI5040 255.00 49.70% 128.26 5.62
Multi-Folding Unit FD5020 10,416.00 52.51% 4,947.00 216.78
Ring Binder RB5030 31,715.00 52.39% 15,099.48 661.66
Ring Cartridge LT Type RB5000 341.00 29.91% 239.00 10.47
Ring Opener Type A 63.00 33.33% 42.00 1.84
High Capacity Stacker SK5040 18,654.00 57.07% 8,008.00 350.91
Roll-Away Cart Type 5010 709.00 52.61% 336.00 14.72
Finisher SR5110 9,559.00 52.51% 4,539.90 198.94
Finisher SR5120 17,015.00 52.50% 8,081.78 354.14
Punch Unit PU5030 NA 1,265.00 52.38% 602.38 26.40
Trimmer TR5050 15,299.00 52.50% 7,266.44 318.42
SR5000 SERIES OUTPUT TRAY FOR BANNER SHEET 275.00 58.55% 114.00 5.00
Bridge Unit BU5020 6,235.00 49.93% 3,121.74 136.79
RPIP Interface Box Type S3 3,314.00 58.03% 1,391.00 60.95
Print/Scan Connectivity
PostScript Unit Type S12 2,615.00 55.63% 1,160.41 50.85
IPDS Unit Type S11 7,999.00 60.48% 3,161.60 138.54
RICOH PROFESSIONAL SVCS-PRO83XX WITH GW IP 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
IEEE 802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M19 739.00 61.43% 285.00 12.49
VM Card Type P18 135.00 44.95% 74.31 3.26
Third Party Enablers
Streampunch Ultra 115V 18,895.00 55.00% 8,502.00 372.56
GBC - DIE W3 square 32-34H Wirebind Die 1,225.00 55.02% 551.00 24.14
GBC - DIE W2SQ 21H-23H Wirebind Die 1,225.00 55.02% 551.00 24.14
GBC - DIE CombBind 19-20-21 Hole Die 1,175.00 55.06% 528.00 23.14
GBC - DIE 3 HOLE 1,175.00 55.06% 528.00 23.14
GBC - DIE VB LTR 1,349.00 55.00% 607.00 26.60
GBC - DIE 3-5-7 HOLE 1,225.00 55.02% 551.00 24.14
GBC - DIE C4 Round 43-47H .2475 Color Coil Die 1,349.00 55.00% 607.00 26.60
DIE , Ricoh, Coil, Rnd, 47H HD 3,650.00 58.44% 1,517.00 66.47
DIE, Ricoh, 3 Hole, 8mm, HD 2,125.00 58.73% 877.00 38.43
DIE, Ricoh, CombBind, 21H HD 4,100.00 58.90% 1,685.00 73.84
GBC StreamPunch Ultra Die C4 Coil Oval 43-47H 2,969.00 55.00% 1,336.00 58.54
GBC DIE EWIRE ROUND 819.00 11.61% 723.91 31.72
GBC DIE EWIRE SQUARE 819.00 11.61% 723.91 31.72
GBC STREAMWIRE BINDING UNIT 37,321.80 23.33% 28,615.22 1,253.92
Plockmatic Options
REQUIRED: PPSE Training - Plockmatic PBM 350 1,575.00 4.76% 1,500.00 65.73
HIGH CAPACITY INTERPOSER HCI3500 43,749.00 58.00% 18,375.00 805.19
Plockmatic PBM350e 21,499.00 50.72% 10,594.51 464.25
PBM500 upgrade kit 16,800.00 44.99% 9,241.00 404.94
PBM Trim Module 13,600.00 48.93% 6,945.00 304.33
PBM Book Fold Module 13,000.00 49.17% 6,608.00 289.56
PBM Cover Feeder 5,550.00 47.08% 2,937.00 128.70
Plockmatic RCTe 44,499.00 52.53% 21,125.53 925.72
TRIM WASTE CONVEYOR 6,025.00 58.02% 2,529.00 110.82
BTS4000-1 Belt Stacker Module 6,100.00 41.95% 3,541.00 155.17
PLOCKMATIC MULTI PURPOSE STACKER 14,765.00 55.00% 6,644.00 291.14
MPS-PBM COMMUNICATION SPLITTER 755.00 45.58% 410.87 18.00
MPS RAIL UNIT 529.00 45.00% 290.95 12.75
Security & Miscellaneous
Removable Hard Drive Kit for Pro 8200 2,795.00 58.07% 1,172.00 51.36
Set of two Swap-able Drives with docking trays 1,285.00 58.05% 539.00 23.62
Lease Return 250.00 100.00% 0.00 -

Pro 8310M $52,999.00 57.25% $22,658.00 $1,003.83

Pro 8320M $64,499.00 55.52% $28,687.00 $1,268.02
ESP XG-PCS-20820D (208 Volt, 20 Amp) 365.62 50.77% 180.00 7.89
RICOH PROFESSIONAL SVCS-PRO83XX WITH GW C 2,000.00 0.00% 2,000.00 94.66
RICOH PROF SVCS-M8300 FAMILY WITH FIERY CON 2,400.00 0.00% 2,400.00 113.59
RICOH PROFESSIONAL SVCS-PRO83XX WITH GW IP 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
Rosetta Professonal Services
Rosetta Professional Services 250.00 0.00% 250.00 11.83
Travel Upcharge 1,800.00 0.00% 1,800.00 85.19
(Q) Zone Uplift - #DIV/0! - -
General Accessories:
TCRU/ORU Type S11 (Set A) 3,149.00 44.92% 1,734.45 76.00
TCRU Type S11 (Set B) 3,079.00 61.23% 1,193.78 52.31
Media Identification Unit Type S3 399.00 58.15% 167.00 7.32
NFC Card Reader Type S6 339.00 58.11% 142.00 6.22
ESP XG-PCS-15D (120 Volt, 15 Amp) 346.00 57.23% 148.00 6.49
Paper Handling & Cabinets:
LCIT RT5130 6,065.00 52.41% 2,886.62 126.49
LCIT RT5110 10,886.00 57.07% 4,673.00 204.77
Vacuum Feed LCIT RT5120 14,052.00 57.07% 6,033.00 264.37
Bridge Unit BU5010 3,268.00 57.07% 1,403.00 61.48
Vacuum Feed Banner Sheet Tray Type S9 1,952.00 57.07% 838.00 36.72
Multi Bypass Tray BY5020 1,470.00 52.18% 703.00 30.81
Multi Bypass Attachment Kit for Vacuum Feed LCIT Type 561.00 57.22% 240.00 10.52
Multi Bypass Banner Sheet Tray Type S9 1,098.00 57.10% 471.00 20.64
A3/11"x17" Tray Kit TK5020 1,839.00 52.51% 873.38 38.27
Decurl Unit DU5070 2,189.00 48.74% 1,122.04 49.17
Buffer Pass Unit Type S11 8,169.00 49.89% 4,093.48 179.38
Perfect Binder GB5010 47,072.00 44.10% 26,313.00 1,153.04
Transit Pass Unit for Perfect Binder Type S1 2,504.00 41.41% 1,467.00 64.28
Cover Interposer Tray for Perfect Binder Type S1 2,231.00 41.46% 1,306.00 57.23
Cover Interposer Tray CI5040 5,655.00 52.52% 2,685.16 117.66
Double Feed Detection CI5040 255.00 49.70% 128.26 5.62
Multi-Folding Unit FD5020 10,416.00 52.51% 4,947.00 216.78
Ring Binder RB5030 31,715.00 52.39% 15,099.48 661.66
Ring Cartridge LT Type RB5000 341.00 29.91% 239.00 10.47
Ring Opener Type A 63.00 33.33% 42.00 1.84
High Capacity Stacker SK5040 18,654.00 57.07% 8,008.00 350.91
Roll-Away Cart Type 5010 709.00 52.61% 336.00 14.72
Finisher SR5110 9,559.00 52.51% 4,539.90 198.94
Finisher SR5120 17,015.00 52.50% 8,081.78 354.14
Punch Unit PU5030 NA 1,265.00 52.38% 602.38 26.40
Trimmer TR5050 15,299.00 52.50% 7,266.44 318.42
SR5000 SERIES OUTPUT TRAY FOR BANNER SHEET 275.00 58.55% 114.00 5.00
Bridge Unit BU5020 6,235.00 49.93% 3,121.74 136.79
RPIP Interface Box Type S3 3,314.00 58.03% 1,391.00 60.95
Print/Scan Connectivity:
PostScript Unit Type S12 2,615.00 55.63% 1,160.41 50.85
IPDS Unit Type S11 7,999.00 60.48% 3,161.60 138.54
IEEE 802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M19 739.00 61.43% 285.00 12.49
VM Card Type P18 135.00 44.95% 74.31 3.26
GBC Options
Streampunch Ultra 115V 18,895.00 55.00% 8,502.00 372.56
GBC - DIE W3 square 32-34H Wirebind Die 1,225.00 55.02% 551.00 24.14
GBC - DIE W2SQ 21H-23H Wirebind Die 1,225.00 55.02% 551.00 24.14
GBC - DIE CombBind 19-20-21 Hole Die 1,175.00 55.06% 528.00 23.14
GBC - DIE 3 HOLE 1,175.00 55.06% 528.00 23.14
GBC - DIE VB LTR 1,349.00 55.00% 607.00 26.60
GBC - DIE 3-5-7 HOLE 1,225.00 55.02% 551.00 24.14
GBC - DIE C4 Round 43-47H .2475 Color Coil Die 1,349.00 55.00% 607.00 26.60
DIE , Ricoh, Coil, Rnd, 47H HD 3,650.00 58.44% 1,517.00 66.47
DIE, Ricoh, 3 Hole, 8mm, HD 2,125.00 58.73% 877.00 38.43
DIE, Ricoh, CombBind, 21H HD 4,100.00 58.90% 1,685.00 73.84
GBC StreamPunch Ultra Die C4 Coil Oval 43-47H 2,969.00 55.00% 1,336.00 58.54
GBC DIE EWIRE ROUND 819.00 11.61% 723.91 31.72
GBC DIE EWIRE SQUARE 819.00 11.61% 723.91 31.72
GBC STREAMWIRE BINDING UNIT 37,321.80 23.33% 28,615.22 1,253.92
Plockmatic Options
HIGH CAPACITY INTERPOSER HCI3500 43,749.00 58.00% 18,375.00 805.19
Plockmatic PBM350e 21,499.00 50.72% 10,594.51 464.25
PBM500 upgrade kit 16,800.00 44.99% 9,241.00 404.94
PBM Trim Module 13,600.00 48.93% 6,945.00 304.33
PBM Book Fold Module 13,000.00 49.17% 6,608.00 289.56
PBM Cover Feeder 5,550.00 47.08% 2,937.00 128.70
Plockmatic RCTe 44,499.00 52.53% 21,125.53 925.72
TRIM WASTE CONVEYOR 6,025.00 58.02% 2,529.00 110.82
BTS4000-1 Belt Stacker Module 6,100.00 41.95% 3,541.00 155.17
PLOCKMATIC MULTI PURPOSE STACKER 14,765.00 55.00% 6,644.00 291.14
MPS-PBM COMMUNICATION SPLITTER 755.00 45.58% 410.87 18.00
MPS RAIL UNIT 529.00 45.00% 290.95 12.75
3rd Party Controllers
Printer Controller EB-35 13,555.00 58.02% 5,691.00 249.38
Fiery Image Viewer B/W 4,340.00 57.07% 1,863.00 81.64
EFI Compose Type FS150 2,005.00 63.04% 741.00 32.47
EFI Impose Type FS150 4,011.90 58.00% 1,685.00 73.84
Fiery ES-2000 Spectrophotometer 1,294.75 26.16% 956.00 41.89
NX Station One 3,450.00 35.01% 2,242.00 98.24
NX ONE HDD KIT 2,889.00 45.22% 1,582.65 69.35
EFI FIERY JOBFLOW INCLUDES 1 YR OF SUPPORT 4,495.00 12.73% 3,923.00 185.68
Fiery JobMaster 3,500.00 12.70% 3,055.43 144.61
Security & Miscellaneous:
Removable Hard Drive Kit for Pro 8200 2,795.00 58.07% 1,172.00 51.36
Set of two Swap-able Drives with docking trays 1,285.00 58.05% 539.00 23.62
Lease Return 250.00 100.00% 0.00 -

1 Station Expert: 1 Auto Fdr + CIS Scanner + Multi Licen $11,140.00 5.00% $10,583.00 $474.70
2 Station Expert: 2 Auto Fdr + CIS Scanner + Multi Licen $12,065.00 5.00% $11,461.75 $513.21
3 Station Expert: 3 Auto Fdr + CIS Scanner + Multi Licen $14,805.00 5.00% $14,064.75 $627.27
3 Station Special: 2 Auto + Special Fdr + CIS Scanner + $15,490.00 5.00% $14,715.50 $655.79
2 Station Expert: 1 Auto + 1 BRE Fdr + CIS Scanner + Mu $11,430.00 5.00% $10,858.50 $486.77
General Accessories
DS64i MaxiFeeder Field Installed 1,299.00 5.00% 1,234.05 54.08
DS64i (1) Spec Short Feed Tray 426.00 5.00% 404.70 17.73
DS64i (1) Exprt Short Feed Tray 305.00 5.00% 289.75 12.70
DS64i Adj Left Side Exit 610.00 5.00% 579.50 25.39
DS64i Adj Right Side Exit - for use with postage meter int 610.00 5.00% 579.50 25.39
Duplo Finishing Options
Additional B Tray for DSF-2200 463.00 0.00% 463.00 20.29
Feed Guide Unit for DF-970 22.00 0.00% 22.00 0.96
Cutting Sticks for 490/490P Cutter (10 sticks/box) 92.00 0.00% 92.00 4.03
Blade for 490/490P Cutter 388.00 5.15% 368.00 16.13
Blade for 660P Cutter 446.00 5.16% 423.00 18.54
Cutting Sticks for 660P Cutter (10 sticks/box) 129.00 0.00% 129.00 5.65
Cutting Sticks for 800PA Cutter (10 sticks/box) 132.00 0.00% 132.00 5.78
Blade for 800PA Cutter 698.00 0.00% 698.00 30.59
Stand For DC-445 Creaser 545.00 1.28% 538.00 23.58
(Barcode CCD Scanner) for DC-615/DC-616 1,270.00 1.34% 1,253.00 54.91
(Business Card Stacker) for DC-615 Only 856.00 1.40% 844.00 36.98
(Double Feed Detector) for DC-615/DC-616 667.00 5.70% 629.00 27.56
(Job Creator Software with Dongle) for DC-615 Only 1,270.00 1.34% 1,253.00 54.91
(PC Arm, must purchase AA0-DC615PC) 764.00 1.31% 754.00 33.04
(Pole mount for DC615PC) 723.00 1.38% 713.00 31.24
BCMODULE ( 20-up Business Card Module) 4,414.00 1.38% 4,353.00 190.75
(Trading card module, 2.5" X 3.5" cards size) 5,992.00 0.00% 5,992.00 262.57
(Motor kit for Perf & Rotary Modules) 107.00 0.93% 106.00 4.64
(Perforation Module) 5,992.00 1.29% 5,915.00 259.20
(Rotary Score Module) 5,992.00 1.29% 5,915.00 259.20
Long Stacker for DPB-500 7,590.00 0.00% 7,590.00 332.59
Brown Craft Tape for UP‐240 (40 rolls) 418.00 0.00% 418.00 18.32
White Craft Tape for UP‐240 (40 rolls) 462.00 0.00% 462.00 20.24
Adhesive Glue for DB-280 144.00 0.00% 144.00 6.31
PURMELT Cleaner II (44 lb./40 kg) 535.00 0.00% 535.00 23.44
EVA Side Glue for KB-4000 (30lb. Carton) 140.00 0.00% 140.00 6.13
Glue for KB-4000 (2.2lb 1 kg slot package) 59.00 0.00% 59.00 2.59
Duplo Air Knife Kit 868.00 5.88% 817.00 35.80
Perforation Cassette for CC-228 (one perf a center with lef 840.00 0.00% 840.00 36.81
7" Slitter Cassette for CC-228 600.00 1.17% 593.00 25.99
8" Slitter Cassette for CC-228 600.00 1.17% 593.00 25.99
Custom Cassette for CC228 (4-8 week lead time, special 800.00 0.00% 800.00 35.06
Standard 2" x 3.5" slitter cassette for CC228 (One comes 600.00 0.00% 600.00 26.29
Conveyor Stacker with Extended Stand fitting for CC-330 990.00 0.00% 990.00 43.38
Slitter Cassette A for CC-330 850.00 0.00% 850.00 37.25
Slitter Cassette B for CC-330 990.00 0.00% 990.00 43.38
Slitter Cassette for CC-330 (one comes standard with unit 1,250.00 0.00% 1,250.00 54.78
Universal Conveyor Stacker 1,905.00 0.00% 1,905.00 83.48
Perforating/Slitting Module for DF-375 1,972.00 0.00% 1,972.00 86.41
Ultrasonic Double Sheet Detector for CP375 2,518.00 0.00% 2,518.00 110.34
Perforation Head No. 1 w/Control Board for CP375 1,859.00 0.00% 1,859.00 81.46
Extra Perf Module for CP-375, max 4 x in one unit 1,600.00 0.00% 1,600.00 70.11
Perforator Tool Assy for CP375 (excluding blade) 2,095.00 0.00% 2,095.00 91.80
Sheet by Sheet Kit for DBM-150 950.00 0.00% 950.00 41.63
Corner Stitch Kit for DBM-350 495.00 0.00% 495.00 21.69
Small Book Kit for DBM-350 385.00 0.00% 385.00 16.87
PC Controller for DBM-350/DBM-350T 1,980.00 0.00% 1,980.00 86.76
Optional Bar Code Kit for DC-445` 1,838.00 0.00% 1,838.00 80.54
Crease Module for DC-445 2,337.00 0.00% 2,337.00 102.41
Crease Module for DC-445 (for light paper) 2,337.00 0.00% 2,337.00 102.41
Duplo Double Feed Detector Sensor 507.00 5.72% 478.00 20.95
Long Paper Tray 477.00 1.26% 471.00 20.64
Housing Module for DC-445 958.00 1.36% 945.00 41.41
Long Paper Tray for DC-616 and DC-615 424.00 0.00% 424.00 18.58
PC Controller Software for DC-616 1,100.00 0.00% 1,100.00 48.20
PC Pole Mount for DC-616 500.00 0.00% 500.00 21.91
Manual Perf Module for DC-616 1,100.00 0.00% 1,100.00 48.20
(30-up Business Card Module) 5,992.00 0.00% 5,992.00 262.57
Cross Perf Module 8,828.00 0.00% 8,828.00 386.84
Deflectors for Addt'l Slitter Module 803.00 1.37% 792.00 34.71
Additional Slitter Module 3,478.00 1.29% 3,433.00 150.43
Rotary Tool Module 8,828.00 1.29% 8,714.00 381.85
Strike Perf Module 11,180.00 0.00% 11,180.00 489.91
Wing Scoring Kit for DPB-500 2,310.00 0.00% 2,310.00 101.22
Hand Feed Kit for 500 Digital System 656.00 0.00% 656.00 28.75
Touchscreen Controller 2,024.00 0.00% 2,024.00 88.69
Optional 48" Long Conveyor Stacker for DC-745/646/645 3,500.00 0.00% 3,500.00 153.37
Kit Optional Photo Eye Paper Sensor for DF4140D 650.00 0.00% 650.00 28.48
Optional Motor Kit 1,471.00 0.00% 1,471.00 64.46
PC Arm Mount 824.00 0.00% 824.00 36.11
Perforator Unit 982.00 1.32% 969.00 42.46
Slitter Unit 950.00 1.26% 938.00 41.10
Duplo DBM-350Pro In-Line Booklet System for Color Prin 65,000.00 1.00% 64,350.00 2,819.82
Duplo DBM-350R In-Line Booklet System for Black and Wh 47,000.00 1.00% 46,530.00 2,038.94
Square Back Unit for DBM-500T 16,000.00 0.00% 16,000.00 701.12
Duplo Conveyor Stacker 990.00 1.31% 977.00 42.81
Duplo Slitter Cassette A 850.00 1.29% 839.00 36.76
Duplo Slitter Cassette B 850.00 1.29% 839.00 36.76
Duplo Slitter Cassette 1,250.00 1.36% 1,233.00 54.03
Card Cutter 5,200.00 1.29% 5,133.00 224.93
Card Cutter 9,800.00 1.29% 9,674.00 423.91
High Speed Creaser/Folder 34,500.00 1.29% 34,055.00 1,492.29
High Speed Creaser/Perforator with Built-in DSD, plus 2 29,000.00 0.00% 29,000.00 1,270.78
PERF MOD FOR DUPLO DC-646 8,800.00 0.00% 8,800.00 385.62
DB-280STr DB-280 572.00 0.00% 572.00 25.07
19" Guillotine Cutter - Hydraulic Cutter with NO PROG 11,800.00 8.81% 10,760.00 471.50
19" Guillotine Cutter with BUILT IN PROGRAMMING 13,500.00 1.28% 13,327.00 583.99
19" Guillotine Cutter - Hydraulic Cutter w/built-in Progra 14,600.00 0.00% 14,600.00 639.77
26" Guillotine Cutter 17,700.00 1.29% 17,472.00 765.62
uillotine Cutter - Hydraulic Cutter w/built-in Programming 19,200.00 5.00% 18,240.00 799.28
31.4" Guillotine Cutter - Hydraulic Cutter with built-in P 28,000.00 0.00% 28,000.00 1,226.96
Bookletmaker 9,900.00 1.29% 9,772.00 428.21
Face Trimmer (Optional) 7,800.00 1.28% 7,700.00 337.41
Bookletmaker 9,500.00 0.00% 9,500.00 416.29
Duplo Face Trimmer For DBM-150 7,800.00 0.00% 7,800.00 341.80
Mid-range Bookletmaker 28,900.00 0.00% 28,900.00 1,266.40
Mid-range Face Trimmer 9,800.00 0.00% 9,800.00 429.44
Short Stacker: 847.00 0.00% 847.00 37.12
DC-445IFSS Package 36,440.00 0.00% 36,440.00 1,596.80
Base Model Slitter/Cutter/Creaser 21,500.00 3.58% 20,730.00 908.39
Slitter/Cutter/Creaser 26,000.00 0.00% 26,000.00 1,139.32
Slitter/Cutter/Creaser 48,000.00 0.00% 48,000.00 2,103.36
DC-646IFSS Package 76,550.00 0.00% 76,550.00 3,354.42
Slitter/Cutter/Creaser 93,000.00 1.29% 91,802.00 4,022.76
DC-745IFSS Package 131,066.00 0.00% 131,066.00 5,743.31
Air Suction Folder (handles up to 230gsm stock) 8,300.00 5.00% 7,885.00 345.52
AIRKIT ( Side Air Kit for DF-1200) 250.00 0.00% 250.00 10.96
Manual Setting Folder 2,500.00 1.28% 2,468.00 108.15
Automatic Setting Folder 3,300.00 1.30% 3,257.00 142.72
Automatic Setting Folder 5,300.00 1.26% 5,233.00 229.31
Automatic Setting Folder 4,100.00 5.88% 3,859.00 169.10
Cross Fold Unit for DF-970 79.00 0.00% 79.00 3.46
Automatic Setting Folder 4,900.00 0.00% 4,900.00 214.72
System 1 59,899.00 0.00% 59,899.00 2,624.77
SYSTEM 1 FULL BLEED BOOKLETMAKER 69,889.00 1.29% 68,989.00 3,023.10
SYSTEM 2 FULL BLEED BOOKLETMAKER 60,217.00 1.29% 59,442.00 2,604.75
Folder & Tabber in-line 10,900.00 1.28% 10,760.00 471.50
Two Knife Trimmer with DKT-LS Stacker 53,995.00 0.00% 53,995.00 2,366.06
Gutter Cutter Option for DKT-200 4,730.00 0.00% 4,730.00 207.27
Batch Kicker for DKT-LS 1,095.00 0.00% 1,095.00 47.98
Stacker for DKT-200 2,750.00 0.00% 2,750.00 120.51
(Includes Dust Extractor System) - PRODUCTION 52,000.00 1.29% 51,330.00 2,249.28
Converter Connector for connecting D-link Machines (DS 440.00 0.00% 440.00 19.28
DBM-120/DBM-120T/DCM-KIT (light production) 45,238.00 1.29% 44,655.00 1,956.78
DBM-500/DBM-5000T/DCM-KIT (Production) 121,988.00 1.29% 120,416.00 5,276.63
Bar Code Kit for DSF-2200 8,400.00 0.00% 8,400.00 368.09
150 Digital Booklet System (DSF-2200 / DBM-150 / DBM- 43,250.00 0.00% 43,250.00 1,895.22
350 Digital Booklet System 68,854.00 0.00% 68,854.00 3,017.18
500 Digital Booklet System 88,354.00 0.00% 88,354.00 3,871.67
2200 Digital Saddle System 124,200.00 0.00% 124,200.00 5,442.44
PC Controller Software 1,400.00 0.00% 1,400.00 61.35
Tray Kit for DSF-2200 984.00 0.00% 984.00 43.12
PC Arm Mount - PC Arm Mount 850.00 0.00% 850.00 37.25
Pre-Load Kit 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 65.73
TEAKIT Trail Edge Air Separator 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 219.10
Square Spint Unit: 15,000.00 0.00% 15,000.00 657.30
DSS-350 to DBM-120 130.00 0.00% 130.00 5.70
Stand 452.00 0.00% 452.00 19.81
DT-900 Tabber (Optional) 6,800.00 1.28% 6,713.00 294.16
Duplo EX-2000 Pressure Sealer 8,900.00 1.29% 8,785.00 384.96
Perfect Binder with EVA Side Glue, paper dust extractor 63,000.00 0.00% 63,000.00 2,760.66
Max Convenience Power Stapler 350.00 0.00% 350.00 15.34
DUPLO PCB KIT FOR DUPLO DC-646 328.00 0.00% 328.00 14.37
DocuCutter Round Corner Cutter; with standard 1/4" roun 4,950.00 0.00% 4,950.00 216.91
TOOL MOD FOR DUPLO DC-646 11,500.00 0.00% 11,500.00 503.93
(Air/Vacuum feeder for ULTRA145A/205A) 7,500.00 1.28% 7,404.00 324.44
DC-745 Cross Perforation Blade 148.00 0.00% 148.00 6.49
DC-745 Cutter Unit 1,400.00 0.00% 1,400.00 61.35
DC-745 Scoring Tool Assembly 195.00 0.00% 195.00 8.54
DC-745 Micro Perf Tool Assembly 294.00 0.00% 294.00 12.88
DC-745 Slit-Scoring Tool Assembly 864.00 0.00% 864.00 37.86
DC-745 Perforation Tool Assembly 309.00 0.00% 309.00 13.54
Die Cutter *Please engage a DUPLO rep to pre-qualify c 75,000.00 0.00% 75,000.00 3,286.50
ckage Deal *Please engage a DUPLO rep to pre-qualify 85,000.00 0.00% 85,000.00 3,724.70
Anti-Static Air jogging system 3,900.00 0.00% 3,900.00 170.90
Ultra 100A 13" UV Coater with IR and SF-200 Air Suction F 22,500.00 0.00% 22,500.00 985.95
Ultra 100A 13" UV Coater with IR and Hand Feed unit inclu 15,800.00 0.00% 15,800.00 692.36
UV COATER 26,900.00 1.29% 26,554.00 1,163.60
(20" UV Coater) with IR Heater and SF-200 Air Suction Fee 37,400.00 0.00% 37,400.00 1,638.87
UV COATER 37,400.00 1.29% 36,919.00 1,617.79
Tabletop Banding Machine 5,500.00 0.00% 5,500.00 241.01
Duplo Service Options
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for DF-755 438.00 0.00% 438.00 20.73
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for DF-777 578.00 0.00% 578.00 27.36
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for DF-970 717.00 0.00% 717.00 33.94
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for DF-980 858.00 0.00% 858.00 40.61
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for DF-1200 1,453.00 0.00% 1,453.00 68.77
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for DF-1200AIRKIT 44.00 0.00% 44.00 2.08
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for DBM-150 1,663.00 0.00% 1,663.00 78.71
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for DBM-150T 1,365.00 0.00% 1,365.00 64.61
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for DBM-350 5,058.00 0.00% 5,058.00 239.40
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for DBM-350T 1,715.00 0.00% 1,715.00 81.17
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for DSF-2200-DBM150 7,569.00 0.00% 7,569.00 358.24
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for DSF-2200-DBM350 12,049.00 0.00% 12,049.00 570.28
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for DSF-2200-DBM500 9,940.00 0.00% 9,940.00 470.46
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for DSF-2200-DFS-2200PC 13,972.00 0.00% 13,972.00 661.29
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for DSS-350 1,687.00 0.00% 1,687.00 79.85
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for DBMSS2 148.00 0.00% 148.00 7.00
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for ASM-500 1,800.00 0.00% 1,800.00 85.19
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for DSF-2200TEAKIT 563.00 0.00% 563.00 26.65
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for AAO-DSF2200HFKIT 75.00 0.00% 75.00 3.55
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for DSF-2200PLKIT 169.00 0.00% 169.00 8.00
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for 15C-90701 53.00 0.00% 53.00 2.51
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for AAO-DBM150SXSKIT 107.00 0.00% 107.00 5.06
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for AAO-DBM350SBKIT 67.00 0.00% 67.00 3.17
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for AAO-DBM-350CSKIT 87.00 0.00% 87.00 4.12
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for AAO-DBM350SW 347.00 0.00% 347.00 16.42
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for DKT-200 6,074.00 0.00% 6,074.00 287.48
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for DKT-LS 309.00 0.00% 309.00 14.62
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for DKT-K 123.00 0.00% 123.00 5.82
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for DKT-G 532.00 0.00% 532.00 25.18
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for D-PORT 77.00 0.00% 77.00 3.64
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for AAO-CD100D 333.00 0.00% 333.00 15.76
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for DSF-2200BCKIT 945.00 0.00% 945.00 44.73
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for DSF-2200 158.00 0.00% 158.00 7.48
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for AAO-PCARM 144.00 0.00% 144.00 6.82
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for DFS-3500 6,739.00 0.00% 6,739.00 318.96
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for DC-445 2,013.00 0.00% 2,013.00 95.28
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for DC-616 3,763.00 0.00% 3,763.00 178.10
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for DC-616PRO 4,550.00 0.00% 4,550.00 215.35
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for DC-646 5,400.00 0.00% 5,400.00 255.58
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for DC-745 10,463.00 0.00% 10,463.00 495.21
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for AAO-PFR-04 172.00 0.00% 172.00 8.14
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for AAO-SLT18 166.00 0.00% 166.00 7.86
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for AAO-AIR03 200.00 0.00% 200.00 9.47
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for AAO-DC445OPM02 168.00 0.00% 168.00 7.95
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for AAO-DC445CRM03 409.00 0.00% 409.00 19.36
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for AAO-DC-445CRM04 409.00 0.00% 409.00 19.36
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for AAO-DC445CCD02 322.00 0.00% 322.00 15.24
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for AAO-DC445LPT02 83.00 0.00% 83.00 3.93
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for AAO-DC445DFD07 117.00 0.00% 117.00 5.54
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for AA0-DC615DFD06 117.00 0.00% 117.00 5.54
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for AA0-DC615CCD01 222.00 0.00% 222.00 10.51
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for AA0-DC615JCR01 222.00 0.00% 222.00 10.51
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for AAO-DC616PCC01 125.00 0.00% 125.00 5.92
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for AAO-DC616PFM02 193.00 0.00% 193.00 9.13
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for RTM-02 1,294.00 0.00% 1,294.00 61.25
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for CPM-02 990.00 0.00% 990.00 46.86
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for OPK-02 37.00 0.00% 37.00 1.75
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for AAO-FD4140D 393.00 0.00% 393.00 18.60
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for AAO-FD4140DPE 73.00 0.00% 73.00 3.46
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for AA0-DC645 497.00 0.00% 497.00 23.52
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for AAO-DC645BCM26 674.00 0.00% 674.00 31.90
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for AA0-DC645PFM01 674.00 0.00% 674.00 31.90
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for AA0-DC645RSM01 674.00 0.00% 674.00 31.90
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for AA0-DC645BCM16 674.00 0.00% 674.00 31.90
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for AA0-DC645OMK01 12.00 0.00% 12.00 0.57
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for AAO-DC745RTM01 993.00 0.00% 993.00 47.00
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for AAO-DC745OSM01 391.00 0.00% 391.00 18.51
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for AAO-DC745ODF01 90.00 0.00% 90.00 4.26
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for AAO-DC745CPM01 993.00 0.00% 993.00 47.00
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for AAO-DC-745SPM01 1,258.00 0.00% 1,258.00 59.54
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for AAO-OMK-03 165.00 0.00% 165.00 7.81
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for U7-S0008 158.00 0.00% 158.00 7.48
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for U7-S009 35.00 0.00% 35.00 1.66
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for U7-S0010 22.00 0.00% 22.00 1.04
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for U7-S0011 33.00 0.00% 33.00 1.56
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for U7-S0012 97.00 0.00% 97.00 4.59
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for U7-P4461 17.00 0.00% 17.00 0.80
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for CF-375 3,881.00 0.00% 3,881.00 183.69
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for CP-375 3,263.00 0.00% 3,263.00 154.44
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for AAO-CF375PFR 222.00 0.00% 222.00 10.51
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for AAO-CP375DSD 283.00 0.00% 283.00 13.39
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for AAO-CP375PFR1 209.00 0.00% 209.00 9.89
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for AAO-CP375PFR234 180.00 0.00% 180.00 8.52
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for AAO-CP375PFRTOOL 236.00 0.00% 236.00 11.17
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for DC-445IFS 6,377.00 0.00% 6,377.00 301.82
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for DC-646IFS 9,663.00 0.00% 9,663.00 457.35
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for DC-745IFS 14,745.00 0.00% 14,745.00 697.88
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for DB-280 1,733.00 0.00% 1,733.00 82.02
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for KB-4000 PUR 7,088.00 0.00% 7,088.00 335.48
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for DPB-500 5,850.00 0.00% 5,850.00 276.88
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for AAA-DPB500LS 1,300.00 0.00% 1,300.00 61.53
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for AAO-DPB500SW 400.00 0.00% 400.00 18.93
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for DB-490 1,328.00 0.00% 1,328.00 62.85
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for DB-490PRO 1,643.00 0.00% 1,643.00 77.76
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for DB-660PRO 2,160.00 0.00% 2,160.00 102.23
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for DB-800PRO 3,150.00 0.00% 3,150.00 149.09
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for CC-330 1,715.00 0.00% 1,715.00 81.17
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for CC-228 910.00 0.00% 910.00 43.07
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for AAO-BCC330SLTS 219.00 0.00% 219.00 10.37
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for AAO-BCC330SLTA 149.00 0.00% 149.00 7.05
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for AAO-BCC330SLTB 173.00 0.00% 173.00 8.19
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for AAO-BCC330CNV 173.00 0.00% 173.00 8.19
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for AAO-BCC228SLT7 105.00 0.00% 105.00 4.97
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for AAO-BCC228SLT8 105.00 0.00% 105.00 4.97
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for AAO-BCC228SLTS 105.00 0.00% 105.00 4.97
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for AAO-BCC228PFM 147.00 0.00% 147.00 6.96
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for AAO-BCC228SLTC 140.00 0.00% 140.00 6.63
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for ULTRA100A 2,531.00 0.00% 2,531.00 119.79
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for ULTRA100HFM 1,778.00 0.00% 1,778.00 84.15
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for ULTRA200A 4,208.00 0.00% 4,208.00 199.16
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for UD-300 8,438.00 0.00% 8,438.00 399.37
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for UP-240 963.00 0.00% 963.00 45.58
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for UJ-500AS 683.00 0.00% 683.00 32.33
[OOD]Duplo Srvc Contract for RC-7 866.00 0.00% 866.00 40.99
[OOD] Duplo Srvc Contract for BCRG 780.00 0.00% 780.00 36.92
Duplo Install for DF-755 300.00 0.00% 300.00 14.20
Duplo Install for DF-777 300.00 0.00% 300.00 14.20
Duplo Install for DF-970 350.00 0.00% 350.00 16.57
Duplo Install for DF-980 350.00 0.00% 350.00 16.57
Duplo Install for DF-1200 400.00 0.00% 400.00 18.93
Duplo Install for DF-1200AIRKIT 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
Duplo Install for DF-970CF 1.00 0.00% 1.00 0.05
Duplo Install for 15S-90790 1.00 0.00% 1.00 0.05
Duplo Install for DBM-150 700.00 0.00% 700.00 33.13
Duplo Install for DBM-150T 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67
Duplo Install for DBM-350 900.00 0.00% 900.00 42.60
Duplo Install for DBM-350T 900.00 0.00% 900.00 42.60
Duplo Install for DSF-2200-DBM150 1,800.00 0.00% 1,800.00 85.19
Duplo Install for DSF-2200-DBM350 2,600.00 0.00% 2,600.00 123.06
Duplo Install for DSF-2200-DBM500 4,000.00 0.00% 4,000.00 189.32
Duplo Install for DSF-2200-DFS-2200PC 4,500.00 0.00% 4,500.00 212.99
Duplo Install for DSS-350 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67
Duplo Install for DBMSS2 50.00 0.00% 50.00 2.37
Duplo Install for DSS-350CXKIT1 1.00 0.00% 1.00 0.05
Duplo Install for ASM-500 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67
Duplo Install for DSF-2200TEAKIT 150.00 0.00% 150.00 7.10
Duplo Install for AAO-DSF2200HFKIT 1.00 0.00% 1.00 0.05
Duplo Install for DSF-2200EXTKIT 1.00 0.00% 1.00 0.05
Duplo Install for DSF-2200PLKIT 50.00 0.00% 50.00 2.37
Duplo Install for 15C-90701 50.00 0.00% 50.00 2.37
Duplo Install for AAO-DBM150SXSKIT 50.00 0.00% 50.00 2.37
Duplo Install for AAO-DBM350SBKIT 35.00 0.00% 35.00 1.66
Duplo Install for AAO-DBM-350CSKIT 35.00 0.00% 35.00 1.66
Duplo Install for AAO-DBM350SW 50.00 0.00% 50.00 2.37
Duplo Install for DKT-200 1,200.00 0.00% 1,200.00 56.80
Duplo Install for DKT-LS 70.00 0.00% 70.00 3.31
Duplo Install for DKT-K 50.00 0.00% 50.00 2.37
Duplo Install for DKT-G 350.00 0.00% 350.00 16.57
Duplo Install for D-PORT 1.00 0.00% 1.00 0.05
Duplo Install for AAO-CD100D 60.00 0.00% 60.00 2.84
Duplo Install for DSF-2200BCKIT 300.00 0.00% 300.00 14.20
Duplo Install for DSF-2200 50.00 0.00% 50.00 2.37
Duplo Install for AAO-DUPLOTSC 200.00 0.00% 200.00 9.47
Duplo Install for AAO-PCARM 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
Duplo Install for DSF-2200 PCArmMount 1.00 0.00% 1.00 0.05
Duplo Install for DFS-3500 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 118.33
Duplo Install for DC-445 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67
Duplo Install for DC-616 1,400.00 0.00% 1,400.00 66.26
Duplo Install for DC-616PRO 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
Duplo Install for DC-646 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
Duplo Install for DC-745 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 118.33
Duplo Install for AA0-DC445STAND 1.00 0.00% 1.00 0.05
Duplo Install for AAO-PFR-04 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
Duplo Install for AAO-SLT18 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
Duplo Install for AAO-AIR03 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
Duplo Install for AAO-DC445OPM02 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
Duplo Install for AAO-DC445CRM03 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
Duplo Install for AAO-DC-445CRM04 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
Duplo Install for AAO-DC445CCD02 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
Duplo Install for AAO-DC445LPT02 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
Duplo Install for AAO-DC445DFD07 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
Duplo Install for AA0-DC615DFD06 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
Duplo Install for AA0-DC615CCD01 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
Duplo Install for AA0-DC615JCR01 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
Duplo Install for AAO-DC616PCC01 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
Duplo Install for AAO-DC616PCM03 50.00 0.00% 50.00 2.37
Duplo Install for AAO-DC615LPT01 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
Duplo Install for AA0-DC615CST01 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
Duplo Install for AAO-DC616PFM02 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
Duplo Install for RTM-02 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67
Duplo Install for CPM-02 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67
Duplo Install for OPK-02 120.00 0.00% 120.00 5.68
Duplo Install for AAO-FD4140D 150.00 0.00% 150.00 7.10
Duplo Install for AAO-FD4140DPE 25.00 0.00% 25.00 1.18
Duplo Install for AA0-DC645 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67
Duplo Install for AAO-DC645BCM26 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67
Duplo Install for AA0-DC645PFM01 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67
Duplo Install for AA0-DC645RSM01 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67
Duplo Install for AA0-DC645BCM16 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67
Duplo Install for AA0-DC645OMK01 1.00 0.00% 1.00 0.05
Duplo Install for AAO-DC745RTM01 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67
Duplo Install for AAO-DC745OSM01 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67
Duplo Install for AAO-DC745ODF01 1.00 0.00% 1.00 0.05
Duplo Install for AAO-DC745CPM01 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67
Duplo Install for AAO-DC-745SPM01 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67
Duplo Install for AAO-OMK-03 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
Duplo Install for U7-S0008 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67
Duplo Install for U7-S009 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67
Duplo Install for U7-S0010 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67
Duplo Install for U7-S0011 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67
Duplo Install for U7-S0012 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67
Duplo Install for U7-P4461 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67
Duplo Install for CF-375 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
Duplo Install for CP-375 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
Duplo Install for AAO-CF375PFR 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
Duplo Install for AAO-CP375DSD 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
Duplo Install for AAO-CP375PFR1 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
Duplo Install for AAO-CP375PFR234 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
Duplo Install for AAO-CP375PFRTOOL 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
DUPLO INSTALL FOR DC-445IFS 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
Duplo Install for DC-646IFS 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 118.33
Duplo Install for DC-745IFS 3,300.00 0.00% 3,300.00 156.19
Duplo Install for DB-280 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67
Duplo Install for DB-280ST 1.00 0.00% 1.00 0.05
Duplo Install for AAG-DB280GLUE 144.00 0.00% 144.00 6.82
Duplo Install for KB-4000 PUR 1,600.00 0.00% 1,600.00 75.73
Duplo Install for AAG-KB4000PURGLUE 1.00 0.00% 1.00 0.05
Duplo Install for AAG-KB4000EVAGLUE 1.00 0.00% 1.00 0.05
Duplo Install for AAG-KB4000CLNR 1.00 0.00% 1.00 0.05
Duplo Install for DPB-500 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 118.33
Duplo Install for AAA-DPB500LS 200.00 0.00% 200.00 9.47
Duplo Install for AAO-DPB500SW 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
Duplo Install for DB-490 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
Duplo Install for DB-490PRO 1,600.00 0.00% 1,600.00 75.73
Duplo Install for DB-660PRO 1,800.00 0.00% 1,800.00 85.19
Duplo Install for DB-800PRO 1,900.00 0.00% 1,900.00 89.93
Duplo Install for 9SR-490K35 1.00 0.00% 1.00 0.05
Duplo Install for 9SR-490CS 1.00 0.00% 1.00 0.05
Duplo Install for 9SR-660/K02 1.00 0.00% 1.00 0.05
Duplo Install for 9SR-660NCS 1.00 0.00% 1.00 0.05
Duplo Install for 9SR-800/K18 1.00 0.00% 1.00 0.05
Duplo Install for 9SR-800/CS 1.00 0.00% 1.00 0.05
Duplo Install for CC-330 550.00 0.00% 550.00 26.03
Duplo Install for CC-228 300.00 0.00% 300.00 14.20
Duplo Install for AAO-BCC330SLTS 1.00 0.00% 1.00 0.05
Duplo Install for AAO-BCC330SLTA 1.00 0.00% 1.00 0.05
Duplo Install for AAO-BCC330SLTB 1.00 0.00% 1.00 0.05
Duplo Install for AAO-BCC330CNV 1.00 0.00% 1.00 0.05
Duplo Install for AAO-BCC228SLT7 1.00 0.00% 1.00 0.05
Duplo Install for AAO-BCC228SLT8 1.00 0.00% 1.00 0.05
Duplo Install for AAO-BCC228SLTS 1.00 0.00% 1.00 0.05
Duplo Install for AAO-BCC228PFM 1.00 0.00% 1.00 0.05
Duplo Install for AAO-BCC228SLTC 1.00 0.00% 1.00 0.05
Duplo Install for ULTRA100A 2,000.00 0.00% 2,000.00 94.66
Duplo Install for ULTRA100HFM 1,700.00 0.00% 1,700.00 80.46
Duplo Install for ULTRA200A 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 118.33
Duplo Install for UD-300 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 118.33
Duplo Install for UD-300PKG 1.00 0.00% 1.00 0.05
Duplo Install for UP-240 200.00 0.00% 200.00 9.47
Duplo Install for AAB‐UP240BRNTAPE 1.00 0.00% 1.00 0.05
Duplo Install for AAB‐UP240WHTTAPE 1.00 0.00% 1.00 0.05
Duplo Install for UJ-500AS 300.00 0.00% 300.00 14.20
Duplo Install for RC-7 350.00 0.00% 350.00 16.57
DUPLO INSTALL FOR BCRG 400.00 0.00% 400.00 18.93
Automatic Laminator / Trimmer                17,995.00 0.00% 17,995.00 788.54
Cleaning Kit                                  30.00 0.00% 30.00 1.31
Plockmatic StandAlone
Stand Alone Booklet Maker 13,246.00 0.00% 13,246.00 626.93
BM350 to BM500 Kit 8,223.00 0.00% 8,223.00 389.19
FTR500 Trimmer 8,562.00 0.00% 8,562.00 405.24
SQF500 Square Folder 7,862.00 0.00% 7,862.00 372.11
CST 350-500 Crease Side Trimmer 30,029.00 0.00% 30,029.00 1,421.27
CR 350-500 CREASE UNIT FOR STAND ALONE PLOC 12,115.00 0.00% 12,115.00 530.88
PSI Envelope Finishing Options
40 Envelope/min 16,495.00 0.00% 16,495.00 722.81
55 Envelope/min 19,372.00 0.00% 19,372.00 848.88
55 Envelope/min + EFI Graphic Arts controller 26,627.00 0.00% 26,627.00 1,166.80
24 Envelope/min Desk Top 8,433.75 0.01% 8,433.00 369.53
DPT2435 1 yr warranty 1,299.00 0.00% 1,299.00 56.92
DPT2435 2 yr warranty 2,467.00 0.00% 2,467.00 108.10
DPT2435 3 yr warranty 3,700.00 0.00% 3,700.00 162.13
DPT2435 4 yr warranty 4,933.00 0.00% 4,933.00 216.16
Spiral Binding
COMBMAC 24E 14in ELECTRIC PUNCH AND MANUAL 1,999.00 0.00% 1,999.00 94.61
14 MANUAL COMB SPREADER 329.00 0.00% 329.00 15.57
RHINO-TUFF ONYX HD8000 MANUAL WIRE CLOSER 525.00 0.00% 525.00 24.85
PB3300 ELECTRIC PUNCH BIND WITHOUT DIES 4,383.00 0.00% 4,383.00 207.45
2 1 SQUARE DIES FOR PB3300/ P3300 PUNCH 1,282.00 0.00% 1,282.00 60.68
3 1 SQUARE DIES FOR PB3300/ P3300 PUNCH 1,282.00 0.00% 1,282.00 60.68
WIREMAC WITH ELECTRIC PUNCH (AVAIL. IN 2 1 OR 3 2,350.00 0.00% 2,350.00 111.23
DURA-WIRE 450 3 1 and 2 1 PITCH VERTICAL WIRE 449.00 0.00% 449.00 21.25
EB3500 14ELECTRIC WIRE CLOSER 3,900.00 0.00% 3,900.00 184.59
COILMAC EPI41+ 4 1 ELEC PUNCH INSERT WITH CRI 2,595.00 0.00% 2,595.00 122.82
PRO SERIES 3250CL ELEC. COIL PUNCH BIND SYS 2,295.00 0.00% 2,295.00 108.62
OPTIONAL 6MM 7MM CRIMPING HEAD KIT FOR CB3 1,325.00 0.00% 1,325.00 62.71
3 1 PITCH CRIMPING HEADS FOR CB30QS 1,595.00 0.00% 1,595.00 75.49
3 1 PITCH LARGE DIAMETER KIT FOR 12 CB30QS IN 3,695.00 0.00% 3,695.00 174.88
3 1 PITCH LARGE DIAMETER KIT FOR 17 CB30QS IN 4,250.00 0.00% 4,250.00 201.15
PBS3000QS 6MM PITCH KIT 12 1,498.00 0.00% 1,498.00 70.90
12 COIL ADAPTER KIT FOR 8.5 BINDING EDGE 99.00 0.00% 99.00 4.69
HD4170 HEAVY DUTY TWO ROLLER COIL INSERTER 1,495.00 0.00% 1,495.00 70.76
IN-LINE COMPONENTS FOR SINGLE CB30QS & COIL 8,990.00 0.00% 8,990.00 425.50
IN-LINE COMPONENTS FOR DUAL CB30QS & COIL 16,425.00 0.00% 16,425.00 777.40
6MM (.2475) FORMING MANDRELS 1,099.00 0.00% 1,099.00 52.02
7MM (.2475) FORMING MANDRELS 1,099.00 0.00% 1,099.00 52.02
8MM (.2475) FORMING MANDRELS 1,099.00 0.00% 1,099.00 52.02
9MM (.2475) FORMING MANDRELS 1,099.00 0.00% 1,099.00 52.02
10MM (.2475) FORMING MANDRELS 1,099.00 0.00% 1,099.00 52.02
11MM (.2475) FORMING MANDRELS 1,099.00 0.00% 1,099.00 52.02
12MM (.2475) FORMING MANDRELS 1,099.00 0.00% 1,099.00 52.02
13MM (.2475) FORMING MANDRELS 1,099.00 0.00% 1,099.00 52.02
15MM (.2475) FORMING MANDRELS 1,099.00 0.00% 1,099.00 52.02
16MM (.2475) FORMING MANDRELS 1,099.00 0.00% 1,099.00 52.02
17MM (.2475) FORMING MANDRELS 1,099.00 0.00% 1,099.00 52.02
18MM (.2475) FORMING MANDRELS 1,099.00 0.00% 1,099.00 52.02
19MM (.2475) FORMING MANDRELS 1,099.00 0.00% 1,099.00 52.02
20MM (.2475) FORMING MANDRELS 1,099.00 0.00% 1,099.00 52.02
23MM (3 1) FORMING MANDRELS 1,425.00 0.00% 1,425.00 67.45
25MM (3 1) FORMING MANDRELS 1,425.00 0.00% 1,425.00 67.45
28MM (3 1) FORMING MANDRELS 1,425.00 0.00% 1,425.00 67.45
30MM (3 1) FORMING MANDRELS 1,425.00 0.00% 1,425.00 67.45
FASTBACK MODEL 20 BINDING SYSTEM 4,295.00 0.00% 4,295.00 203.28
PROBIND HARD COVER CRIMPER 295.00 0.00% 295.00 13.96
SYSTEM 3 PRO VELOBIND MACHINE (MODEL 373) 4,995.00 0.00% 4,995.00 236.41
PAD MASTER 2000 AUTOMATIC TABLE TOP PADDER 13,650.00 0.00% 13,650.00 646.05
FOOT SWITCH FOR PADMASTER 2000 250.00 0.00% 250.00 11.83
PAD MASTER 2000 CATCHING UNIT 800.00 0.00% 800.00 37.86
CHILL SET FOR PAD MASTER 2000 (FOUR 4OZ BOTT 59.00 0.00% 59.00 2.79
CHALLENGE PADDY WAGON 800.00 0.00% 800.00 37.86
CHALLENGE HANDY PADDER 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67
CRB160 SEMI-AUTOMATIC CREASER FOR BQ-160 P 5,995.00 0.00% 5,995.00 283.74
OD4012 PUNCH WITH ONE DIE 2,690.00 0.00% 2,690.00 127.32
ADDITIONAL STANDARD DIES FOR OD4000 OR OD4012 590.00 0.00% 590.00 27.92
HD7000 PUNCH WITH ONE DIE 4,190.00 0.00% 4,190.00 198.31
ADDITIONAL STANDARD DIES FOR HD7000 980.00 0.00% 980.00 46.38
PALM SWITCH FOR HD7000 7700 135.00 0.00% 135.00 6.39
ONYX HD7700 ULTIMA ELECTRIC PUNCH WITH ONE 4,850.00 0.00% 4,850.00 229.55
ADDITIONAL STANDARD DIES FOR HD7700 980.00 0.00% 980.00 46.38
PAPER STOP SWITCH FOR HD7700 APES 195.00 0.00% 195.00 9.23
ONYX PAL14 PIKS-A-LIFT AUTOMATED MODULE 2,295.00 0.00% 2,295.00 108.62
4 1 ROUND .248 PITCH DIE W/.187 (4.75MM) DIA H 2,600.00 0.00% 2,600.00 123.06
3 1 OVAL HOLE DIE (6.5X5.5MM) FOR DOCUPUNCH 3,550.00 0.00% 3,550.00 168.02
2 1 ROUND DIES (6MM HOLE) FOR DOCUPUNCH 1,900.00 0.00% 1,900.00 89.93
2 1 SQUARE DIES (6MM HOLE) FOR DOCUPUNCH 3,100.00 0.00% 3,100.00 146.72
3 1 ROUND DIES (4MM HOLE) FOR DOCUPUNCH 2,000.00 0.00% 2,000.00 94.66
3 1 SQUARE DIE ( 4MM HOLE) FOR DOCUPUNCH 2,900.00 0.00% 2,900.00 137.26
HOLE) 0.00% 1,995.00 94.42
VELO BIND DIE FOR DOCUPUNCH (.125 ROUND HOL 2,195.00 0.00% 2,195.00 103.89
2 1 ROUND HOLE DIE FOR (6MM) ALPHADOC MK4 SER 2,150.00 0.00% 2,150.00 101.76
2 1 SQUARE HOLE DIE FOR (6MM) ALPHADOC MK4 SE 3,050.00 0.00% 3,050.00 144.36
3 1 ROUND HOLE DIE (4MM) FOR ALPHADOC MK4 SER 2,300.00 0.00% 2,300.00 108.86
3 1 SQUARE HOLE DIE (4MM) FOR ALPHADOC MK4 SE 3,400.00 0.00% 3,400.00 160.92
3HOLE 8MM 4.25 PITCH HOLE FOR ALPHA-DOC MK4 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 118.33
4 1 .248 PITCH (4.75 MM) ROUND HOLE DIE FOR AL 2,700.00 0.00% 2,700.00 127.79
PLASTIC COMB DIE (8MM X 3MM) ALPHADOC MK4 SE 3,700.00 0.00% 3,700.00 175.12
STAND FOR DOCUPUNCH MINI                              999.00 0.00% 999.00 47.28
2 1 (6MM) ROUND HOLE DIE FOR DOCUPUNCH MINI 1,410.00 0.00% 1,410.00 66.74
2 1 (6MM) SQUARE HOLE DIE FOR DOCUPUNCH MINI 2,225.00 0.00% 2,225.00 105.31
4 1 (.248) 4.75 MM ROUND HOLE DIE FOR DOCUPUNC 1,625.00 0.00% 1,625.00 76.91
3 1 (4MM) ROUND HOLE DIE FOR DOCUPUNCH MINI 1,460.00 0.00% 1,460.00 69.10
3 1 (4MM) SQUARE HOLE DIE FOR DOCUPUNCH MINI 2,325.00 0.00% 2,325.00 110.04
4 1 (.2475) 4 X 5MM OVAL HOLE DIE FOR DOCUPUNC 2,735.00 0.00% 2,735.00 129.45
4 1 (.250) 4MM ROUND HOLE DIE FOR DOCUPUNCH M 1,625.00 0.00% 1,625.00 76.91
LOOSELEAF COMBI DIE 2-3-4 8MM ROUND HOLE F 1,565.00 0.00% 1,565.00 74.07
VELO 1 PITCH 11 (1.59MM) HOLE DIE FOR DOCUPUN 1,450.00 0.00% 1,450.00 68.63
DOCUPUNCH MINI .2475 OVAL HOLE 4 X 5 MM PUNC 2,359.00 0.00% 2,359.00 111.65
PLASTIC COMB DIE .5265 8 X 3MM FOR DOCUPUNCH 2,275.00 0.00% 2,275.00 107.68
JBUSA SPEEDYLAM 330R-10 10 ROLLER POUCH L 1,895.00 0.00% 1,895.00 89.69
XL 44 MOUNTER-LAMINATOR 5,741.00 0.00% 5,741.00 271.72
STAND FOR PHOENIX 44 LAMINATOR 375.00 0.00% 375.00 17.75
TCC 2700 27 ROLL LAMINATOR 1,799.00 0.00% 1,799.00 85.15
RSL2701S 27 HEATED ROLLER LAMINATOR 2,149.00 0.00% 2,149.00 101.71
RSH380SL 15 ROLL LAMINATOR 2,099.00 0.00% 2,099.00 99.35
LAMINATING WORKSTATION 299.00 0.00% 299.00 14.15
RELEASE LINER TAKE UP ASSEMBLY FOR PL238 300.00 0.00% 300.00 14.20
SLIT SCRAP REWINDER 1,945.00 0.00% 1,945.00 92.06
FUJIPLA ALM 3230 AUTOMATIC LAMINATOR 9,995.00 0.00% 9,995.00 473.06
ROLL--BLADE 64 ROTARY TRIMMER WITH STAND A 1,995.00 0.00% 1,995.00 94.42
ROTATRIM 50 TECHNICAL SERIES ROTARY TRIMME 1,325.00 0.00% 1,325.00 62.71
365.00TRIM 0.00% 365.00 17.28
ROTATRIM 61 TECHNICAL SERIES ROTARY TRIMME 1,575.00 0.00% 1,575.00 74.54
380.00TRIM 0.00% 380.00 17.99
ROTATRIM 73 TECHNICAL SERIES ROTARY TRIMME 1,995.00 0.00% 1,995.00 94.42
STAND WASTE CATCHER KIT FOR 73 DIGITECH AN 485.00 0.00% 485.00 22.96
ROTATRIM 85 TECHNICAL SERIES ROTARY TRIMME 2,295.00 0.00% 2,295.00 108.62
STAND WASTE CATCHER KIT FOR 85 TECHNICAL T 495.00 0.00% 495.00 23.43
STAND WASTE CATCHER KIT FOR ROTATRIM 73 425.00 0.00% 425.00 20.12
ROLL HOLDER ASSEMBLY FOR RET1501 TRIMMER 180.00 0.00% 180.00 8.52
100 SABRE SERIES 2 GENERAL PURPOSE CUTTER 1,310.00 0.00% 1,310.00 62.00
120 SABRE SERIES 2 GENERAL PURPOSE CUTTER 1,450.00 0.00% 1,450.00 68.63
40 SABRE SERIES 2 GENERAL PURPOSE CUTTER 835.00 0.00% 835.00 39.52
60 SABRE SERIES 2 GENERAL PURPOSE CUTTER 970.00 0.00% 970.00 45.91
80 SABRE SERIES 2 GENERAL PURPOSE CUTTER 1,110.00 0.00% 1,110.00 52.54
STAND WASTE CATCH ROLL FEED KIT FOR 100 SA 1,030.00 0.00% 1,030.00 48.75
STAND WASTE CATCH ROLL FEED KIT FOR 120 SA 1,095.00 0.00% 1,095.00 51.83
STAND WASTE CATCH ROLL FEED KIT FOR 40 SAB 715.00 0.00% 715.00 33.84
STAND WASTE CATCH ROLL FEED KIT FOR 60 SAB 760.00 0.00% 760.00 35.97
STAND WASTE CATCH ROLL FEED KIT FOR 80 SAB 885.00 0.00% 885.00 41.89
44 JAVELIN SERIES 2 PRECISION CUTTER 745.00 0.00% 745.00 35.26
64 JAVELIN SERIES 2 PRECISION CUTTER 795.00 0.00% 795.00 37.63
84 JAVELIN SERIES 2 PRECISION CUTTER 865.00 0.00% 865.00 40.94
104 JAVELIN SERIES 2 PRECISION CUTTER 1,260.00 0.00% 1,260.00 59.64
124 JAVELIN SERIES 2 PRECISION CUTTER 1,525.00 0.39% 1,519.00 71.89
CR50P ELECTRIC FLOOR STAND ROUND CORNER UNI 1,750.00 0.00% 1,750.00 82.83
SCRAP TAKEUP WHEEL FOR L-BAR SEALERS 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
SERVICE PARTS KIT FOR 120-240 COMBO SYSTEMS 192.00 0.00% 192.00 9.09
EBM2.1 E-Z GLIDE SINGLE SPINDLE TABLETOP DRIL 1,450.00 0.00% 1,450.00 68.63
STAND FOR MODEL 4705 CUTTER 239.00 0.00% 239.00 11.31
MARTIN YALE 7000E MANUAL PAPER CUTTER 1,135.00 0.00% 1,135.00 53.72
OPTIONAL STAND FOR 4205 4315 4215 4225 4250 209.00 0.00% 209.00 9.89
CABINET FOR 4315 4215 4225-EP AND 4250 CUTTE 575.00 0.00% 575.00 27.21
FALSE CLAMP FOR TITAN 200 PAPER CUTTER 255.00 0.00% 255.00 12.07
OPTIONAL AIR TABLE FOR TITAN 265 CUTTERSFAC 1,350.00 0.00% 1,350.00 63.90
FALSE CLAMP FOR TITAN 265 PAPER CUTTER 299.00 0.00% 299.00 14.15
SINGLE PHASE ELECTRIC KIT FOR TITAN 265 PAPE 1,900.00 0.00% 1,900.00 89.93
SIDE TABLES WITH AIR FOR 305 SERIES PAPER C 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
SIDE TABLES WITH AIR FOR 370 CUTTER [24 X 36] 1,600.00 0.00% 1,600.00 75.73
CHALLENGE IJOG HEAVY DUTY JOGGER WITH AIR A 1,795.00 0.00% 1,795.00 84.96
CHALLENGE IJOG HEAVY DUTY JOGGER WITHOUT A 1,360.00 0.00% 1,360.00 64.37
CHALLENGE HANDY JOGGER WITH LARGE TRAY 11 540.00 0.00% 540.00 25.56
MBM 307A AUTO PROGRAMMABLE TABLETOP FOLD 3,849.00 0.00% 3,849.00 182.17
PERFORATOR FOR 307A 407A FOLDERS 1,049.00 0.00% 1,049.00 49.65
SCORER FOR 306A 407A FOLDERS 1,049.00 0.00% 1,049.00 49.65
MARTIN YALE 2051 SMARTFOLD PAPER FOLDER 4,757.00 0.00% 4,757.00 225.15
PFP3100 DESTOP FOLDER 3,589.00 0.00% 3,589.00 169.87
MBM 352F FRICTION FEED FOLDER 4,699.00 0.00% 4,699.00 222.40
CART FOR MARK VII PAPER FOLDERS 550.00 0.00% 550.00 26.03
STAND FOR BAUM 714XA FOLDER 436.36 0.08% 436.00 20.64
SOUND COVERS FOR BAUM 714XLT FOLDER 595.00 0.00% 595.00 28.16
STAND FOR BAUM 714XLT FOLDER 450.00 0.00% 450.00 21.30
COUNT ICREASE PRO 5,945.00 0.00% 5,945.00 281.38
JB USA PROCREASEM2 299.00 0.00% 299.00 14.15
ROSBACK COBRA HEAD (1 UNIT) 6,650.00 0.00% 6,650.00 314.74
ROSBACK COBRA HEAD (2 UNITS) 9,612.00 0.00% 9,612.00 454.94
ROSBACK COBRA HEAD (3 UNITS) 12,475.00 0.00% 12,475.00 590.44
ROSBACK COBRA HEAD (4 UNITS) 15,445.00 0.00% 15,445.00 731.01
ROSBACK PERF BLADES (PAIR) 36 T.P.I. 96.00 0.00% 96.00 4.54
ROSBACK PERF BLADES (PAIR) 54 T.P.I. 96.00 0.00% 96.00 4.54
ROSBACK PERF BLADES (PAIR) 72 T.P.I. 96.00 0.00% 96.00 4.54
605.00 240 XL 0.00% 605.00 28.63
605.00 240 XL 0.00% 605.00 28.63
605.00 240 XL 0.00% 605.00 28.63
PM  (185 TEETH)
0.00% 305.00 14.44
COUNT OPTIONAL MOTORIZED DELIVERY 2,950.00 0.00% 2,950.00 139.62
COUNT PERFMASTER PERF AND SCORE MACHINE 4,950.00 0.00% 4,950.00 234.28
SPRINT INTERFACE KIT FOR FC10 COLLATOR 1,999.00 0.00% 1,999.00 94.61
STAND FOR FC 10 COLLATORS 449.00 0.00% 449.00 21.25
MBM STAPLER FOR FC 10 COLLATOR 2,939.00 0.00% 2,939.00 139.10
STAPLER BASE FOR FC10 COLLATOR 189.00 0.00% 189.00 8.95
DELUXE SM-A25 STITCH MASTER (25 GAUGE ROUND 2,570.00 0.00% 2,570.00 121.64
DELUXE DOUBLE HEAD STITCH MASTER 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 236.65
DELUXE FSK1 FLOOR STAND FOR SINGLE OR DOUB 375.00 0.00% 375.00 17.75
W106 RAPID ELECTRIC STAPLER FOR SADDLE STAP 695.00 0.00% 695.00 32.89
W106K GROUP STAPLING KIT FOR RAPID W106 STA 259.00 0.00% 259.00 12.26
OPTIONAL FOOT PEDAL FOR RAPID 106 103.00 0.00% 103.00 4.87
STAND FOR SINGLE RAPID 106E STAPLER 260.00 0.00% 260.00 12.31
STAND FOR TWO RAPID 106E STAPLERS 299.00 0.00% 299.00 14.15
STAPLEX SU100N ULTRA HEAVY CAPACITY ELECTR 920.00 0.00% 920.00 43.54
MARTIN YALE GC210 10 UP GUTTER CUT SLITTER W 3,010.00 0.00% 3,010.00 142.46
MARTIN YALE BCS412 12 UP BUS. CARD SLITTER W 2,769.00 0.00% 2,769.00 131.06
MARTIN YALE MODEL BCS212 12 UP BUSINESS CAR 1,962.00 0.00% 1,962.00 92.86
MBM BC12 BUSINESS CARD CUTTER 6,000.00 0.00% 6,000.00 283.98
INTIMUS 120CC3 SHREDDER 5-32 X 11-16 CROSS CU 1,300.00 0.00% 1,300.00 61.53
MBM DESTROYIT 2604CC SHREDDER 3-32 X 5-8 CR 2,549.00 0.00% 2,549.00 120.64
INTIMUS 45CC3 SHREDDER 5-32 X 113-32 CROSS CU 950.00 0.00% 950.00 44.96
INTIMUS 60CC3 SHREDDER 5-32 X 113-32 CROSS CU 955.00 0.00% 955.00 45.20
PAITEC IM9100 PRESSURE SEALER 13,995.00 0.00% 13,995.00 662.38
PAITEC IM8100 PRESSURE SEALER 8,295.00 0.00% 8,295.00 392.60
PAITEC IM4500 PRESSURE SEALER 7,895.00 0.00% 7,895.00 373.67
SLIDE MOUNT BASE FOR HP LJ4000 SERIES WITH A 1,295.00 0.00% 1,295.00 61.29
SLIDE MOUNT BASE FOR HP LJ4000 SERIES WITH A 1,995.00 0.00% 1,995.00 94.42
SPEED CONTROL AUTO EXTENDING POWER CONV 1,295.00 0.00% 1,295.00 61.29
PAITEC MX9000 PRESSURE SEALER 9,395.00 0.00% 9,395.00 444.67
PAITEC ES8000 PRESSURE SEALER 7,295.00 0.00% 7,295.00 345.27
INLINE 4.5 RISER KIT FOR IM7100 300.00 0.00% 300.00 14.20
IN-LINE KIT PRINTER INTERFACE & SLIDE OUT MO 1,295.00 0.00% 1,295.00 61.29
PAITEC ES7000 PRESSURE SEALER 6,995.00 0.00% 6,995.00 331.07
PAITEC ES5000 PRESSURE SEALER 3,695.00 0.00% 3,695.00 174.88
OPTIONAL L DRUM FOR ES5000 IM4000 IM4500 970.00 0.00% 970.00 45.91
OPTIONAL STANDARD DRUM FOR ES5000L IM4000 I 830.00 0.00% 830.00 39.28
FORMAX FD452 LETTER OPENER 2,495.00 0.00% 2,495.00 118.09
ACCUFAST ET TABBER (FANFOLD) 9,650.00 0.00% 9,650.00 456.73
ACCUFAST ETR TABBER WITH ROLL HEADS 11,660.00 0.00% 11,660.00 551.87
CS3 CONVEYOR TABLE TOP FOR ET-ETR TABBER 1,440.00 0.00% 1,440.00 68.16
CS3 CONVEYOR WITH STAND FOR ET-ETR TABBER 1,625.00 0.00% 1,625.00 76.91
ACCUFAST KT TABBER 3,700.00 0.00% 3,700.00 175.12
ACCUFAST KTTT TABBER 3,625.00 0.00% 3,625.00 171.57
ACCUFAST FX FEEDER FOR KT TABBER 1,760.00 0.00% 1,760.00 83.30
ACCUFAST 3FV EXIT CONVEYOR FOR KT TABBING 1,380.00 0.00% 1,380.00 65.32
TBS1 TABSTER ELECTRIC TABBER FOR 1 DIAMETE 999.00 0.00% 999.00 47.28
TBS1.5 TABSTER ELECT. TABBER FOR 1.5 DIA. WA 1,199.00 0.00% 1,199.00 56.75
[OOD]CB30QS 17 COIL INSERT CUTTER WITH 8 TO 25,999.00 0.00% 25,999.00 1,230.53
[OOD]CF-30 PLASTIC COIL FORMING MACHINE 49,870.00 0.00% 49,870.00 2,360.35
[OOD]STANDARD BQ160-PUR PERFECT BINDER 25,595.00 0.00% 25,595.00 1,211.41
[OOD]DOCUPUNCH MINI AUTOMATIC PUNCH (DIES 17,999.00 0.00% 17,999.00 851.89
[OOD]PHOENIX 44 LAMINATOR 3,250.00 0.00% 3,250.00 153.82
[OOD]RSL2702S 27 HEATED ROLLER LAMINATOR 3,549.00 0.03% 3,548.00 167.93
[OOD]THOROUGHBRED 30 HIGH SPEED LAMINATOR 20,282.00 0.00% 20,282.00 959.95
[OOD]FINISH LINE AUTOMATIC LAMINATE TRIMMER 33,676.00 0.00% 33,676.00 1,593.89
[OOD]FUJIPLA ALM 3222 AUTOMATIC LAMINATOR 14,995.00 0.00% 14,995.00 709.71
[OOD]ROTATRIM POWERTECH 73 ELECTRIC ROTAR 5,095.00 0.00% 5,095.00 241.15
[OOD]RET1501 59 ROTARY ELECTRIC TRIMMER 2,999.00 0.00% 2,999.00 141.94
[OOD]RET2501 98 ROTARY ELECTRIC TRIMMER 3,899.00 0.00% 3,899.00 184.54
[OOD]EXCALIBUR 5000 (63) WALL MOUNT BOARD C 3,235.00 0.00% 3,235.00 153.11
[OOD]EXCALIBUR 1000X (63) BOARD CUTTER 2,525.00 0.00% 2,525.00 119.51
[OOD]CHALLENGE HYDRAULIC ROUND CORNERING 5,995.00 0.00% 5,995.00 283.74
[OOD]CLAMCO COMBO JR.A SHRINK WRAP SYSTEM 3,950.00 0.00% 3,950.00 186.95
[OOD]CLAMCO COMBO JR.B SHRINK WRAP SYSTEM 4,300.00 0.00% 4,300.00 203.52
[OOD]MODEL 120 COMBO SHRINK SYSTEM WITHOU 6,075.00 0.00% 6,075.00 287.53
[OOD]MODEL 120 COMBO SHRINK SYSTEM W/ POW 7,115.00 0.00% 7,115.00 336.75
[OOD]MODEL 240C COMBO SHRINK SYSTEM WITH 7,620.00 0.00% 7,620.00 360.65
[OOD]FMMH3 THREE SPINDLE HYDRAULIC FLOOR S 6,400.00 0.00% 6,400.00 302.91
[OOD]CHALLANGE EH3C PAPER DRILL 6,995.00 0.00% 6,995.00 331.07
[OOD]TRIUMPH MODEL 4705 183-4 STACK PAPER C 3,299.00 0.00% 3,299.00 156.14
[OOD]STANDARD PCP430 DESK TOP PAPER CUTTE 5,350.00 0.00% 5,350.00 253.22
[OOD]CHALLENGE SPARTAN 185 A CUTTER AUTO 9,695.00 0.00% 9,695.00 458.86
[OOD]CHALLENGE SPARTAN 185 AEP FULLY AUTO 10,895.00 0.00% 10,895.00 515.66
[OOD]TRUIMPH 4850 181-2 FULLY AUTOMATIC PA 8,999.00 0.00% 8,999.00 425.92
[OOD]TRIUMPH 4315 163-4 ELECTRIC PAPER CUTTE 4,199.00 0.00% 4,199.00 198.74
[OOD]MBM TRIUMPH 4350 163-4 ELECTRIC PAPER 4,999.00 0.00% 4,999.00 236.60
[OOD]MBM TRIUMPH 5260 2038 PAPER CUTTER 12,999.00 0.00% 12,999.00 615.24
[OOD]MBM TRIUMPH 6655 25.5 PAPER CUTTER 13,199.00 0.00% 13,199.00 624.71
[OOD]MBM TRIUMPH 6660 25.5 PAPER CUTTER 14,999.00 0.00% 14,999.00 709.90
[OOD]TRIUMPH 5255 20.5 PROGRAMMABLE CUTTER 10,999.00 0.00% 10,999.00 520.58
[OOD]CHALLENGE TITAN 230 CUTTER PROGRAMMAB 17,495.00 0.00% 17,495.00 828.04
[OOD]CHALLENGE TITAN 200 BC PAPER CUTTER 11,095.00 0.00% 11,095.00 525.13
[OOD]CHALLENGE TITAN 200 CUTTER PROGRAMMAB 14,500.00 0.00% 14,500.00 686.29
[OOD]CHALLENGE TITAN 200 CUTTER PROGRAMMAB 15,595.00 0.00% 15,595.00 738.11
[OOD]CHALLENGE TITAN 200 CUTTER WITH TC CON 17,595.00 0.00% 17,595.00 832.77
[OOD]CHALLENGE TITAN 265TC 26.5 HYDRAULIC C 25,450.00 0.00% 25,450.00 1,204.55
[OOD]CHALLANGE 370TC PAPER CUTTER WITH LIG 43,450.00 0.00% 43,450.00 2,056.49
[OOD]APC610 24 HYDRAULIC PAPER CUTTER 27,300.00 0.00% 27,300.00 1,292.11
[OOD]CHALLENGE ICUT 1370 PAPER CUTTER 66,995.00 0.00% 66,995.00 3,170.87
[OOD]MBM TRIUMPH 5560 21.5 PROGRAMMABLE PA 16,999.00 0.00% 16,999.00 804.56
[OOD]MARTIN YALE MARK VII PRO SERIES PAPER 5,579.00 0.00% 5,579.00 264.05
[OOD]MARTIN YALE MARK VII AIR FEED PAPER FOL 8,900.00 0.00% 8,900.00 421.24
[OOD]MBM 352S AIR-SUCTION FEED FOLDER 8,399.00 0.00% 8,399.00 397.52
[OOD]BAUM 714XLT AIRFEED PAPER FOLDER (COM 8,500.00 0.00% 8,500.00 402.31
[OOD]BAUM 714XA AIRFED PAPER FOLDER WITH AU 14,595.00 0.00% 14,595.00 690.78
[OOD]BAUM 714XLT RIGHT ANGLE FOLDING SYSTE 18,380.00 0.00% 18,380.00 869.93
[OOD]COUNT FC114 CREASER NUMBERING PERFOR 10,950.00 0.00% 10,950.00 518.26
[OOD]COUNT FC114 AIR CREASING NUMBERING PE 14,950.00 0.00% 14,950.00 707.58
[OOD]ROSBACK 240 XL PERFORATOR 34,000.00 0.00% 34,000.00 1,609.22
[OOD]ROSBACK 920 20 CONVEYOR 2,650.00 0.00% 2,650.00 125.42
[OOD]ROSBACK MODEL 248 30 RIGHT ANGLE UNIT 20,000.00 0.00% 20,000.00 946.60
[OOD]COUNT SPEED FEEDER PM WITH SIDE REGIS 10,950.00 0.00% 10,950.00 518.26
[OOD]COUNT PERFMASTER AIR 8,450.00 0.00% 8,450.00 399.94
[OOD]MBM STITCHFOLD BOOKLET MAKER (FOR HAN 12,199.00 0.00% 12,199.00 577.38
[OOD]MBM SPRINT 3000 BOOKLETMAKER 6,999.00 0.00% 6,999.00 331.26
[OOD]MBM SPRINT 5000 BOOKLETMAKER 7,999.00 0.00% 7,999.00 378.59
[OOD]MBM FACE TRIMMER FOR SPRINT BOOKLET 8,950.00 0.00% 8,950.00 423.60
[OOD]HIGH CAPACITY STACKER FOR FC10 COLLAT 4,499.00 0.00% 4,499.00 212.94
[OOD]COUNT ACCUNUMBER AIR (WITHOUT SCORE O 12,950.00 0.00% 12,950.00 612.92
[OOD]INTIMUS 175CC3 SHREDDER 5-32 X 113-16 CR 3,059.00 0.00% 3,059.00 144.78
[OOD]INTIMUS 852 CROSS CUT SHREDDER 1-8 X 11- 7,945.00 0.00% 7,945.00 376.04
[OOD]PAITEC MX13000 PRESSURE SEALER 13,295.00 0.00% 13,295.00 629.25
[OOD]STICKER SINGLE BLADE CASING IN MACHINE 33,800.00 0.00% 33,800.00 1,599.75
[OOD]SMASHER HYDRAULIC BUILDINGIN MACHINE W 23,000.00 0.00% 23,000.00 1,088.59
[OOD]SUPER SEWER AUTOFEED SIDE SEWING MAC 60,000.00 0.00% 60,000.00 2,839.80
Standard Horizon Finishing Options :
Perfect Binder 184,500.00 0.00% 184,500.00 8,084.79
CONNECTOR KIT FOR PM-470 PRE-MELTER AND BQ- 1,315.00 0.00% 1,315.00 57.62
1D Bar Code Kit 9,875.00 0.00% 9,875.00 432.72
2D Bar Code Kit 11,500.00 0.00% 11,500.00 503.93
18 LITER PRE-MELT TANK FOR BQ470 21,500.00 0.00% 21,500.00 942.13
SLIT AND REJECT UNIT BQ-480 36,145.00 0.00% 36,145.00 1,583.87
SMARTSLITTER 94,995.00 0.00% 94,995.00 4,162.68
AFV-566F FULLY AUTOMATED FOLDER 99,500.00 0.00% 99,500.00 4,360.09
INTERFACE UNIT BETWEEN AFV SERIES AND CUTTE 45,000.00 0.00% 45,000.00 1,971.90
SMSL D2F IMPLEMENTATION - PX-IF-L 2,850.00 0.00% 2,850.00 134.89
MANUAL PERF UNIT 6,333.00 0.00% 6,333.00 277.51
CREASING UNIT FOR SMSL 3,930.00 0.00% 3,930.00 172.21
SHEET STACKER FOR SMSL 2,350.00 0.00% 2,350.00 102.98
SMART CONVEYOR FOR SMSL 3,145.00 0.00% 3,145.00 137.81
PERFORATION UNIT 1,545.00 0.00% 1,545.00 67.70
PXNET BARCODE READER 940.00 0.00% 940.00 41.19
PERFORATION UNIT FOR SMSL 6,550.00 0.00% 6,550.00 287.02
SMART CAMERA 3,930.00 0.00% 3,930.00 172.21
TecLighting Finishing Options :
Tec Lighting Uv Coater 14" Hand Fed 11,900.00 0.00% 11,900.00 521.46
Tec Lighting Uv Coater 16" Hand Fed 14,900.00 0.00% 14,900.00 652.92
Tec Lighting Uv Coater 16" W/Deep Pile Feeder 25,200.00 0.00% 25,200.00 1,104.26
Tec Lighting Uv Coater 21" W/Deep Pile Feeder 26,550.00 0.00% 26,550.00 1,163.42
Tec Lighting 30" Uv Coater Handfed 20,850.00 0.00% 20,850.00 913.65
Tec Lighting Stand Alone Feeder For Truv30 11,184.00 0.00% 11,184.00 490.08
Tec Lighting Dp Pile Reseed Stacker Truv-30F 9,600.00 0.00% 9,600.00 420.67
Tec Lighting Deep Pile Reseedstacker For Truv21F 8,200.00 0.00% 8,200.00 359.32
Tec Lighting 30" Uv Coatr With Deep Pile Feeder 31,250.00 0.00% 31,250.00 1,369.38
Tec Lighting 18" Double Sided Uv Coater Inline 36,900.00 0.00% 36,900.00 1,616.96
Tec Lighting 18" Double Sided Uv Coater Handfed 33,400.00 0.00% 33,400.00 1,463.59
Tec Lighting 18" Dble Sdd Uv Coater W/Deep Pile Feede 43,900.00 0.00% 43,900.00 1,923.70
Tec Lighting Stand Alone Feeder For Rc18 Double Si 11,400.00 0.00% 11,400.00 499.55
SHIFT TRAY PLATES 380.00 0.00% 380.00 16.65
Installation & Training Of Equipment 2,750.00 0.00% 2,750.00 120.51
START UP KIT - 1 per coater (2 kits required for duplex c 995.00 0.00% 995.00 43.60
Total Flow Service Options
Ricoh 12Mon Phone Support - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Addtl 12 Mon Phone Support 150.00 0.00% 150.00 6.57
Ricoh Addtl 2Yrs Phone Support 300.00 0.00% 300.00 13.15
Ricoh Addtl 3Yrs Phone Support 450.00 0.00% 450.00 19.72
Ricoh Addtl 4Yrs Phone Support 600.00 0.00% 600.00 26.29
Ricoh 12Mon Phone And Onsite Support 1,125.00 0.00% 1,125.00 49.30
Ricoh 2Yr Phone And Onsite Support 2,550.00 0.00% 2,550.00 111.74
Ricoh 3Yr Phone And Onsite Support 3,825.00 0.00% 3,825.00 167.61
Ricoh 4Yr Phone And Onsite Support 5,100.00 0.00% 5,100.00 223.48
Watkiss Power Square
Power Square 224 Booklet Maker For Ricoh In Line Appli 87,376.00 0.00% 87,376.00 3,828.82
CPbourg PS224 P2T 2 Knife Trimmer For PSQ 58,226.00 0.00% 58,226.00 2,551.46
CPbourg PS224 PBS R2 High Cap Book Stacker 13,288.00 0.00% 13,288.00 582.28
P2T/PBS Interface Kit For Power Square 224 783.00 0.00% 783.00 37.06
Interface Kit To Connect The PSQ224 To The P2 Trimme 520.00 0.00% 520.00 24.61
Interface Kit To Connect PSQ224 To P2T Prior To Seria 625.00 0.00% 625.00 29.58
P2T AUX Transformer Assy Kit 942.00 0.00% 942.00 44.58


SP 330DN $195.00 12.31% $171.00 $8.54
ESP S1 Power Filter 30.00 23.33% 23.00 1.01
TS Basic Connect - Printer 100.00 15.00% 85.00 3.72
Network & Scan - Printer 150.00 46.67% 80.00 3.51
Paper Feed Unit PB1130 235.00 35.32% 152.00 6.66
IEEE 802.11 Interface Unit Type P16 55.00 36.36% 35.00 1.53
Lease Return 125.00 100.00% 0.00 -

SP 377DNwX $245.00 26.94% $179.00 $10.74

ESP S1 Power Filter 30.00 23.33% 23.00 1.01
TS Basic Connect - Printer 100.00 15.00% 85.00 3.72
Network & Scan - Printer 150.00 46.67% 80.00 3.51
Lease Return 125.00 100.00% 0.00 -

(disc 01-10-19) SP 3600DN $295.00 23.05% $227.00 $12.93

ESP S1 Power Filter 30.00 23.33% 23.00 1.01
TS Basic Connect - Printer 100.00 15.00% 85.00 3.72
Network & Scan - Printer 150.00 46.67% 80.00 3.51
Paper Feed Unit PB1060 169.00 31.95% 115.00 5.04
Paper Feed Unit PB1070 305.00 43.93% 171.00 7.49
Adjustable Height Cabinet Type G 235.00 57.87% 99.00 4.34
Lease Return 125.00 100.00% 0.00 -

SP 3710DN $319.00 12.23% $280.00 $13.98

ESP S1 Power Filter 30.00 23.33% 23.00 1.01
TS Basic Connect - Printer 100.00 15.00% 85.00 3.72
Network & Scan - Printer 150.00 46.67% 80.00 3.51
Paper Feed Unit PB1130 235.00 35.32% 152.00 6.66
IEEE 802.11 Interface Unit Type P16 55.00 36.36% 35.00 1.53
Lease Return 125.00 100.00% 0.00 -

SP 4510DN $725.00 38.21% $448.00 $25.11

ESP S1 Power Filter 30.00 23.33% 23.00 1.01
TS Basic Connect - Printer 100.00 15.00% 85.00 3.72
Network & Scan - Printer 150.00 46.67% 80.00 3.51
Paper Feed Unit PB1060 169.00 31.95% 115.00 5.04
Paper Feed Unit PB1070 305.00 43.93% 171.00 7.49
Adjustable Height Cabinet Type G 235.00 57.87% 99.00 4.34
IEEE 1284 Interface Type A 134.00 58.21% 56.00 2.45
IEEE802.11 Interface Unit Type O 400.00 28.75% 285.00 12.49
Hard Disk Drive Type P1 300.00 67.33% 98.00 4.29
Memory Unit Type N 1GB 300.00 58.33% 125.00 5.48
XPS Direct Print Option Type P1 95.00 58.95% 39.00 1.71
IPDS Unit Type P1 570.00 31.23% 392.00 18.55
Browser Unit Type P1 125.00 56.00% 55.00 2.41
VM CARD Type W 109.00 44.95% 60.00 2.63
Lease Return 125.00 100.00% 0.00 -

P 501 $725.00 38.21% $448.00 $25.11

P 502 $1,025.00 32.20% $695.00 $35.93
ESP S1 Power Filter 30.00 23.33% 23.00 1.01
TS Basic Connect - Printer 100.00 15.00% 85.00 3.72
Network & Scan - Printer 150.00 46.67% 80.00 3.51
Paper Feed Unit PB1110 (250 Sheet) 235.00 31.95% 159.91 7.01
Paper Feed Unit PB1120 (500 Sheet) 375.00 43.93% 210.25 9.21
Caster Table Type M34 329.00 32.93% 220.65 9.67
Medium Cabinet Type P 195.00 56.92% 84.00 3.68
Tall Cabinet Type Q 219.00 58.85% 90.11 3.95
PostScript3 Unit Type P18 425.00 32.74% 285.87 12.53
IPDS Unit Type P18 745.00 24.57% 561.96 26.60
Hard Disk Option Type P18 205.00 67.33% 66.97 2.93
IEEE 802.11 Interface Unit Type M24 489.00 41.72% 285.00 12.49
USB DEVICE SERVER OPTION TYPE M19A 265.00 51.60% 128.26 5.62
VM Card Type P18 135.00 44.95% 74.31 3.26
Lease Return 125.00 100.00% 0.00 -
SP 5310DN $1,839.00 38.23% $1,136.00 $55.26
ESP S1 Power Filter 30.00 23.33% 23.00 1.01
TS Basic Connect - Printer 100.00 15.00% 85.00 3.72
Network & Scan - Printer 150.00 46.67% 80.00 3.51
Paper Feed Unit PB1100 309.00 20.39% 246.00 10.78
Tall Cabinet Type I 229.00 52.40% 109.00 4.78
Medium Cabinet Type J 195.00 46.67% 104.00 4.56
Caster Table Type M24 279.00 39.78% 168.00 7.36
IEEE 802.11 Interface Unit Type M24 489.00 41.72% 285.00 12.49
IEEE 1284 Interface Board Type M19 125.00 62.40% 47.00 2.06
Extended USB Board Type M19 375.00 58.67% 155.00 6.79
Hard Disk Drive Option Type P8 399.00 64.91% 140.00 6.13
XPS Direct Print Option Type M24 95.00 54.74% 43.00 1.88
IPDS Unit Type P15 725.00 46.21% 390.00 17.09
VM Card Type P8 119.00 44.54% 66.00 2.89
Lease Return 125.00 100.00% 0.00 -

P 800 $1,229.00 10.25% $1,103.00 $53.81

P 801 $1,839.00 38.23% $1,136.00 $55.26
ESP S1 Power Filter 30.00 23.33% 23.00 1.01
ESP XG-PCS-15D (120 Volt, 15 Amp) 346.00 57.23% 148.00 6.49
TS Basic Connect - Printer 100.00 15.00% 85.00 3.72
Network & Scan - Printer 150.00 46.67% 80.00 3.51
Caster Table Type M40 279.00 39.78% 168.00 7.36
Medium Cabinet Type T 195.00 46.67% 104.00 4.56
Paper Feed Unit PB1160 309.00 20.39% 246.00 10.78
Tall Cabinet Type U 229.00 52.40% 109.00 4.78
Device Server Option Type M37 265.00 45.28% 145.00 6.35
Hard Disk Drive Option Type P8 399.00 64.91% 140.00 6.13
IEEE 802.11 Interface Unit Type M24 489.00 41.72% 285.00 12.49
PostScript3 Unit Type P19 425.00 24.81% 319.57 14.00
VM CARD Type M37 45.00 46.67% 24.00 1.05
Lease Return 125.00 100.00% 0.00 -

SP 6430DN $1,729.00 38.23% $1,068.00 $52.28

ESP S1 Power Filter 30.00 23.33% 23.00 1.01
ESP XG-PCS-15D (120 Volt, 15 Amp) 346.00 57.23% 148.00 6.49
TS Basic Connect - Printer 100.00 15.00% 85.00 3.72
Network & Scan - Printer 150.00 46.67% 80.00 3.51
(repl w/ 408056) Paper Feed Unit TK2010 449.00 51.45% 218.00 9.55
Paper FeedHeight
Adjustable Unit TK2010 449.00 51.00% 220.00 9.64
Cabinet Type D 225.00 58.22% 94.00 4.12
Memory Unit Type N 1GB 300.00 58.33% 125.00 5.48
250GB HDD Type P4 419.00 64.20% 150.00 6.57
IEEE 1284 Interface Type A 134.00 58.21% 56.00 2.45
IEEE802.11 Interface Unit Type O 400.00 28.75% 285.00 12.49
VM CARD Type W 109.00 44.95% 60.00 2.63
IPDS Unit Type P4 599.00 26.38% 441.00 20.87
XPS Direct Print Option Type P4 95.00 55.79% 42.00 1.84
Lease Return 125.00 100.00% 0.00 -

SP 8400DN $3,059.00 29.94% $2,143.00 $99.38

ESP S1 Power Filter 30.00 23.33% 23.00 1.01
ESP XG-PCS-15D (120 Volt, 15 Amp) 346.00 57.23% 148.00 6.49
TS Basic Connect - Printer 100.00 15.00% 85.00 3.72
Network & Scan - Printer 150.00 46.67% 80.00 3.51
Paper Feed Unit PB3240 1,649.00 68.10% 526.00 23.05
LCIT PB3260 1,909.00 68.62% 599.00 26.25
LCIT RT3030 (1500 Sheets) 1,910.00 68.64% 599.00 26.25
Punch Unit PU3060 NA 983.00 59.10% 402.00 17.62
Punch Unit PU3050 NA 980.00 69.08% 303.00 13.28
Cabinet Type F 250.00 64.00% 90.00 3.94
Bridge Unit BU3070 205.00 65.85% 70.00 3.07
Finisher SR3210 1,765.00 61.70% 676.00 29.62
Finisher SR3230 3,315.00 64.74% 1,169.00 51.23
Output Jogger Unit Type M25 465.00 62.15% 176.00 7.71
Attention Light AL3000 1,379.00 46.27% 741.00 32.47
Internal Multi-fold Unit FD3000 3,475.00 63.86% 1,256.00 55.04
Mail Box CS3010 1,029.00 46.36% 552.00 24.19
IPDS UNIT TYPE P13 767.00 49.28% 389.00 17.05
HDD OPTION TYPE P13 505.00 55.84% 223.00 9.77
PostScript3 Unit Type P13 409.00 30.07% 286.00 12.53
IEEE 1284 Interface Board Type M19 125.00 62.40% 47.00 2.06
IEEE 802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M19 739.00 61.43% 285.00 12.49
XPS Direct Print Option Type P13 75.00 30.67% 52.00 2.28
Extended USB Board Type M19 375.00 58.67% 155.00 6.79
VM CARD Type P13 199.00 30.15% 139.00 6.09
NFC Card Reader Type P11 239.00 47.28% 126.00 5.52
External NFC Card Reader Bracket Type P11 75.00 48.00% 39.00 1.71
Lease Return 125.00 100.00% 0.00 -


SP C262DNw $445.00 42.02% $258.00 $16.78
ESP S1 Power Filter 30.00 23.33% 23.00 1.01
TS Basic Connect - Printer 100.00 15.00% 85.00 3.72
Network & Scan - Printer 150.00 46.67% 80.00 3.51
Paper Feed Unit TK1220 179.00 41.90% 104.00 4.56
Lease Return 125.00 100.00% 0.00 -

P C301W $445.00 42.02% $258.00 $16.78

ESP S1 Power Filter 30.00 23.33% 23.00 1.01
TS Basic Connect - Printer 100.00 15.00% 85.00 3.72
Network & Scan - Printer 150.00 46.67% 80.00 3.51
Paper Feed Unit TK1220 179.00 41.90% 104.00 4.56
Lease Return 125.00 100.00% 0.00 -

SP C352DN $1,245.00 29.16% $882.00 $44.13

ESP S1 Power Filter 30.00 23.33% 23.00 1.01
TS Basic Connect - Printer 100.00 15.00% 85.00 3.72
Network & Scan - Printer 150.00 46.67% 80.00 3.51
Paper Feed Unit TK1230 225.00 47.56% 118.00 5.17
Paper Feed Unit TK1240 359.00 47.35% 189.00 8.28
Low Cabinet Type O 165.00 47.88% 86.00 3.77
Tall Cabinet Type N 195.00 48.21% 101.00 4.43
PostScript3 Unit Type P12 415.00 47.47% 218.00 9.55
IEEE 1284 Interface Board Type M19 125.00 62.40% 47.00 2.06
IEEE 802.11 Interface Unit Type M24 489.00 41.72% 285.00 12.49
XPS Direct Print Option Type P12 75.00 46.67% 40.00 1.75
VM Card Type P8 119.00 44.54% 66.00 2.89
Hard Disk Drive Option Type P12 199.00 48.24% 103.00 4.51
Lease Return 125.00 100.00% 0.00 -

SP C360DNw $465.00 12.04% $409.00 $20.38

ESP S1 Power Filter 30.00 23.33% 23.00 1.01
TS Basic Connect - Printer 100.00 15.00% 85.00 3.72
Network & Scan - Printer 150.00 46.67% 80.00 3.51
Paper Feed Unit TK1230 225.00 47.56% 118.00 5.17
Paper Feed Unit TK1240 359.00 47.35% 189.00 8.28
Tall Cabinet Type N 195.00 48.21% 101.00 4.43
Lease Return 125.00 100.00% 0.00 -

P C600 $1,499.00 38.89% $916.00 $45.62

ESP S1 Power Filter 30.00 23.33% 23.00 1.01
TS Basic Connect - Printer 100.00 15.00% 85.00 3.72
Network & Scan - Printer 150.00 46.67% 80.00 3.51
550 Sheet Paper Feed unit 495.00 49.29% 251.00 11.00
Low Cabinet Type R 135.00 29.63% 95.00 4.16
Tall Cabinet Type S 175.00 38.86% 107.00 4.69
Hard Disk 219.00 19.63% 176.00 7.71
IEEE 802.11 Interface Unit Type M24 489.00 41.72% 285.00 12.49
PostScript3 Print Option 435.00 26.54% 319.57 14.00
VM Card Type P18 135.00 44.95% 74.31 3.26
Lease Return 125.00 100.00% 0.00 -

SP C840DN $3,885.00 34.29% $2,553.00 $117.35

SP C842DN $5,139.00 36.14% $3,282.00 $149.29
ESP XG-PCS-15D (120 Volt, 15 Amp) 346.00 57.23% 148.00 6.49
TS Basic Connect - Printer 100.00 15.00% 85.00 3.72
Network & Scan - Printer 150.00 46.67% 80.00 3.51
Paper Feed Unit PB3240 1,649.00 68.10% 526.00 23.05
Paper Feed Unit PB3250 759.00 66.80% 252.00 11.04
LCIT PB3260 1,909.00 68.62% 599.00 26.25
LCIT RT3030 (1500 Sheets) 1,910.00 68.64% 599.00 26.25
Punch Unit PU3060 NA 983.00 59.10% 402.00 17.62
Punch Unit PU3050 NA 980.00 69.08% 303.00 13.28
Caster Table Type M3 270.00 62.96% 100.00 4.38
Cabinet Type F 250.00 64.00% 90.00 3.94
Imageable Area Extension Unit Type P11 65.00 46.15% 35.00 1.53
Banner Paper Guide Tray Type M19 915.00 58.25% 382.00 16.74
Bridge Unit BU3070 205.00 65.85% 70.00 3.07
Finisher SR3210 1,765.00 61.70% 676.00 29.62
Booklet Finisher SR3220 3,695.00 66.14% 1,251.00 54.82
Finisher SR3230 3,315.00 64.74% 1,169.00 51.23
Output Jogger Unit Type M25 465.00 62.15% 176.00 7.71
Attention Light AL3000 1,379.00 46.27% 741.00 32.47
Internal Multi-fold Unit FD3000 3,475.00 63.86% 1,256.00 55.04
Mail Box CS3010 1,029.00 46.36% 552.00 24.19
HDD Option Type P11 209.00 47.37% 110.00 4.82
PostScript3 Unit Type P11 589.00 62.82% 219.00 9.60
Camera Direct Print Card Type M19 255.00 63.14% 94.00 4.12
IEEE 1284 Interface Board Type M19 125.00 62.40% 47.00 2.06
IEEE 802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M19 739.00 61.43% 285.00 12.49
XPS Direct Print Option Type P11 75.00 46.67% 40.00 1.75
Extended USB Board Type M19 375.00 58.67% 155.00 6.79
VM Card Type P8 119.00 44.54% 66.00 2.89
NFC Card Reader Type P11 239.00 47.28% 126.00 5.52
External NFC Card Reader Bracket Type P11 75.00 48.00% 39.00 1.71
Printeron Hotspot Portal INC1YR 595.00 26.89% 435.00 20.59
Lease Return 125.00 100.00% 0.00 -

MP W6700SP $22,000.00 51.75% $10,616.00 $476.15
REQUIRED: END USER TRAINING AEC WIDE FORMA 1,320.00 0.00% 1,320.00 62.48
ESP XG-PCS-20D (120 Volt, 20 Amp) 350.00 57.14% 150.00 6.57
Network & Scan 450.00 46.44% 241.00 10.56
Roll Holder Type A 163.00 52.76% 77.00 3.37
Original Hanger 405.00 53.33% 189.00 8.28
MultiStacker Type 7140 2,017.00 60.39% 799.00 35.01
Original/Copy Catch Tray 719.00 51.04% 352.00 15.42
Optional Counter Interface 81.00 62.96% 30.00 1.31
OCR Unit Type M2 340.00 59.12% 139.00 6.09
SD Card 75.00 58.67% 31.00 1.36
Browser Unit Type M14 75.00 58.67% 31.00 1.36
IEEE 802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M2 800.00 58.63% 331.00 14.50
PrintCopy Tool 2,538.00 47.99% 1,320.00 57.84
PrintCopy Tool Type D2016 1,199.00 32.61% 808.00 35.41
PrintCopy Upgrade Kit 2016 500.00 20.60% 397.00 17.40
Lease Return 250.00 100.00% 0.00 -

MP W7100 $42,548.85 61.68% $16,305.00 $725.44

MP W8140 $55,223.00 61.82% $21,083.00 $934.81
REQUIRED: END USER TRAINING AEC WIDE FORMA 1,320.00 0.00% 1,320.00 62.48
Network & Scan 450.00 46.44% 241.00 10.56
Roll Unit RU6540 4,435.00 57.11% 1,902.00 83.35
Paper Cassette CT6510 4,435.00 57.11% 1,902.00 83.35
SD Card 75.00 58.67% 31.00 1.36
Scanner Separation Kit Type 14 9,849.00 57.12% 4,223.00 185.05
MultiStacker Type 7140 2,017.00 60.39% 799.00 35.01
Original/Copy Catch Tray 719.00 51.04% 352.00 15.42
Roll Holder Type A 163.00 52.76% 77.00 3.37
Browser Unit Type M14 75.00 58.67% 31.00 1.36
Original Hanger 405.00 53.33% 189.00 8.28
PrintCopy Tool 2,538.00 47.99% 1,320.00 57.84
Lease Return 250.00 100.00% 0.00 -

MP CW2201SP $14,500.00 51.19% $7,077.00 $321.07

REQUIRED: END USER TRAINING AEC WIDE FORMA 1,320.00 0.00% 1,320.00 62.48
ESP XG-PCS-15D (120 Volt, 15 Amp) 346.00 57.23% 148.00 6.49
Network & Scan 450.00 46.44% 241.00 10.56
MP CW2201 B Unit 1,419.00 56.66% 615.00 26.95
2nd Roll Option RU6550 2,229.00 53.97% 1,026.00 44.96
Roll Holder Unit Type M23 135.00 57.78% 57.00 2.50
File Format Converter 669.00 59.19% 273.00 11.96
NFC Card Reader 335.00 57.01% 144.00 6.31
DataOverwriteSecurity Unit Type M19 479.00 63.05% 177.00 7.76
OCR Unit 335.00 59.70% 135.00 5.92
IEEE 802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M19 739.00 61.43% 285.00 12.49
PrintCopy Tool 2,538.00 47.99% 1,320.00 57.84
PrintCopy Tool Type D2016 1,199.00 32.61% 808.00 35.41
PrintCopy Upgrade Kit 2016 500.00 20.60% 397.00 17.40
Lease Return 250.00 100.00% 0.00 -

Pro L4130 $36,235.29 45.60% $19,713.00 $874.78

Pro L4160 $37,884.00 46.24% $20,367.00 $903.44
REQUIRED: Professional Services - L4130 Family Wide 2,420.00 0.00% 2,420.00 106.04
ESP XG-PCS-20815D (208 Volt, 15 Amp) 365.62 50.77% 180.00 7.89
Network & Scan 450.00 46.44% 241.00 10.56
Professional Services - L4130 Family Wide Format - Ony 2,200.00 0.00% 2,200.00 96.40
Lease Return 250.00 100.00% 0.00 -

RICOH Pro L5160 $23,775.00 14.33% $20,367.00 $903.44

ESP XG-PCS-20815D (208 Volt, 15 Amp) 365.62 50.77% 180.00 7.89
Mandatory Accessories (Production Print Only)
RICOH Pro L5160 Printer Stand 725.00 23.09% 557.61 24.43
[OA]PS Install Training 2,500.00 18.48% 2,038.04 96.46
General Accessories:
RICOH Attention Light Type C2 1,509.00 26.17% 1,114.13 48.82
Lease Return 250.00 100.00% 0.00 -

EFI PRO 24F 3M FLATBED 6C $159,000.00 5.00% $151,050.00 $6,629.97

REQUIRED: PPSE TRAINING-EFI 24F 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 236.65
REQUIRED: First Year On-Site Warranty Incl Parts / Lab 0.01 0.00% 0.01 -
Network & Scan 450.00 46.44% 241.00 10.56
EFI Wide Format Installation 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 118.33
EFI Training 1,000.00 0.00% 1,000.00 47.33
ESP XG-PCS-20815D (208 Volt, 15 Amp) 365.62 50.77% 180.00 7.89
Fiery ES-2000 Spectrophotometer 1,294.75 26.16% 956.00 41.89
Additional Ink Starter Kit ProGraphics Inks 1,300.00 0.00% 1,300.00 56.97
Lease Return 250.00 100.00% 0.00 -
Flatbed Cutter 5'x10' 78,900.00 0.00% 78,900.00 3,457.40
Flatbed Cutter 5'x10' with Conveyor 98,900.00 0.00% 98,900.00 4,333.80
Flatbed Cutter 5'x5' 69,900.00 0.00% 69,900.00 3,063.02
Fixed Double Edge Knife 1,350.00 5.19% 1,280.00 56.09
Oscillating Knife 3,250.00 5.20% 3,081.00 135.01
Crease Wheel Standard 1,350.00 5.19% 1,280.00 56.09
Heavy Duty Crease Wheel 5,400.00 5.20% 5,119.00 224.31
Kiss Cut Knife 1,350.00 5.19% 1,280.00 56.09
Coroblast Corrugated Knife 1,350.00 5.19% 1,280.00 56.09
Universal Single Edge Knife 1,350.00 5.19% 1,280.00 56.09
V Cut Knife 45 Degrees 1,350.00 5.19% 1,280.00 56.09
Universal Drawing Tool 1,350.00 5.19% 1,280.00 56.09
Motorized Rotary Knife for Textiles 3,250.00 5.20% 3,081.00 135.01
Perforating Tool 3,250.00 25.02% 2,437.00 106.79
Roll Feeder Manual 2,450.00 5.22% 2,322.00 101.75
Power Textile Fabric Feeder 126 inch 33,900.00 5.21% 32,134.00 1,408.11
Automatic Board Feeder with Pallet Table for T00107 25,800.00 5.00% 24,510.00 1,074.03
Router Spindle Heavy Duty 3HP 5,400.00 5.20% 5,119.00 224.31
Router Spindle Standard 1.3 HP 3,800.00 5.21% 3,602.00 157.84
ROLLEM IS5 DIE CUTTER WITH STRIPPING UNIT 150,000.00 0.00% 150,000.00 6,573.00
ROLLEM IS5 DIE CUTTER WITH RECEDING STACKER 150,000.00 0.00% 150,000.00 6,573.00
ROLLEM IS5 DIE CUTTER WITH STRIPPING UNIT A 165,000.00 0.00% 165,000.00 7,230.30
ROLLEM IS6 DIE CUTTER WITH STRIPPING UNIT 178,575.00 0.00% 178,575.00 7,825.16
ROLLEM IS6 DIE CUTTER WITH RECEDING STACKER 178,575.00 0.00% 178,575.00 7,825.16
ROLLEM IS6 DIE CUTTER WITH STRIPPING UNIT A 193,575.00 0.00% 193,575.00 8,482.46
ROLLEM IS7 DIE CUTTER WITH STRIPPING UNIT 250,000.00 0.00% 250,000.00 10,955.00
ROLLEM IS7 DIE CUTTER WITH RECEDING STACKER 250,000.00 0.00% 250,000.00 10,955.00
ROLLEM IS7 DIE CUTTER WITH RECEDING STACKER 275,000.00 0.00% 275,000.00 12,050.50

EPSON Surecolor T3270 Single Roll 24" $2,995.00 6.68% $2,795.00 $131.24
EPSON Surecolor T 5270 dual roll 36" $5,995.00 6.67% $5,595.00 $256.13
EPSON Surecolor T 5270 single roll 36" $3,995.00 7.51% $3,695.00 $172.87
EPSON Surecolor T 7270 dual roll 44" $6,995.00 7.15% $6,495.00 $295.57
EPSON Surecolor T 7270 single roll 44" $4,995.00 0.00% $4,995.00 $218.88
ESP XG-PCS-20D (120 Volt, 20 Amp) 350.00 57.14% 150.00 6.57
Network & Scan 450.00 46.44% 241.00 10.56
Additional roll media adapter set 149.95 10.64% 134.00 5.87
Internal print server 320GB 400.00 0.00% 400.00 17.53
Adobe Postscript 3 Expansion unit 1,200.00 0.00% 1,200.00 52.58
Multifunction scanner kit for 36" 4,500.00 0.00% 4,500.00 197.19
Multifunction scanner kit for 44" 4,500.00 0.00% 4,500.00 197.19

JFX200-2513 InkJet Printer $77,995.00 2.00% $76,435.00 $3,360.34

JFX500-2131 InkJet Printer $149,995.00 7.00% $139,495.00 $6,123.63
REQUIRED: Mimaki Rental Fee To Mimaki For Rack & Ro - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh 1 Yr On-Site Extended Warranty for Mimaki JFX500 17,995.00 2.00% 17,635.00 834.66
ACM Training w/ MPMII SW 9,000.00 0.00% 9,000.00 425.97
Standard Install 12,000.00 0.00% 12,000.00 567.96
External Blower I/F Unit 2,906.00 9.33% 2,635.00 115.47
Blower Unit 8,505.00 9.37% 7,708.00 337.76
Vacuum Unit Single (200v) 7,740.00 9.38% 7,014.00 307.35
Vacuum Unit Unit 3 Phase (400V) 9,276.00 9.36% 8,408.00 368.44
Optional Ionizer 4,727.00 9.14% 4,295.00 188.21
Option Blower Connection Kit 372.00 9.41% 337.00 14.77
CF2-0912TD-S 33,300.00 6.13% 31,258.00 1,369.73
CF2-1215TD-S 36,500.00 6.13% 34,262.00 1,501.36
PPSE Training - Flatbed Cutter 4,200.00 0.00% 4,200.00 198.79
CG-160FXII 8,595.00 12.83% 7,492.00 328.30
CG-130FXII 6,995.00 19.54% 5,628.00 246.62
CG-60SRIII 1,695.00 13.92% 1,459.00 63.93
CG-100SRIII 3,195.00 9.58% 2,889.00 126.60
PPSE Training - Roll Cutter 525.00 0.00% 525.00 24.85
Sheet Basket 130SRII 470.00 9.36% 426.00 18.67
Swivel Cutter Holder 216.00 6.94% 201.00 8.81

DD 3334 $4,935.00 62.84% $1,834.00 $91.32
Network & Scan Connect - Seg BC3 350.00 46.29% 188.00 8.24
Document Feeder 1,045.00 55.22% 468.00 20.51
Platen Cover 137.00 63.50% 50.00 2.19
Color Drum Type 20 1,045.00 55.22% 468.00 20.51
Tape Dispenser Type 20 (limited availability) 373.00 61.93% 142.00 6.22
Printer Unit type 4545A 1,421.00 61.58% 546.00 23.93
CABINET TYPE 45 371.00 61.46% 143.00 6.27
Lease Return 250.00 100.00% 0.00 -

DD 5450 $7,999.00 30.00% $5,599.00 $256.30

Network & Scan Connect - Seg BC3 350.00 46.29% 188.00 8.24
ESP XG-PCS-15D (120 Volt, 15 Amp) 346.00 57.23% 148.00 6.49
Platen Cover PN7000 129.00 65.89% 44.00 1.93
ADF DF7010 1,205.00 62.32% 454.00 19.89
A3 Color Drum 1,389.00 65.23% 483.00 21.17
A4 Color Drum 1,389.00 58.03% 583.00 25.55
Tape Dispenser Type D1 379.00 62.53% 142.00 6.22
Printer (NIC) Type D1 1,445.00 62.21% 546.00 23.93
Printer (USB) Type D1 829.00 58.14% 347.00 15.21
USB Slot Type D1 415.00 58.07% 174.00 7.62
Cabinet Type K 265.00 64.91% 93.00 4.08
Lease Return 250.00 100.00% 0.00 -

(disc 12-13-18) Impressia Digital Multimedia Press 110V $8,995.00 9.51% $8,140.00 $356.69
(disc 12-13-18) Impressia Digital Multimedia Press w/ En $15,995.00 9.50% $14,475.00 $634.29
(disc 12-13-18) Impressia Digital MultiMedia Press-110V $12,995.00 2.00% $12,735.00 $558.05
REQUIRED: PPSE Training - Xante Multi 1,575.00 0.00% 1,575.00 74.54
SL Feeder Only 4,000.00 2.00% 3,920.00 171.77
Impressia Stand 995.00 2.01% 975.00 42.72
1-Tray Feed Unit – 550 Sheet Capacity 595.00 3.53% 574.00 25.15
Large Capacity Tray- 110V – 2000 Sheet Capacity 1,495.00 3.55% 1,442.00 63.19
Iqueue Ultimate Software 995.00 3.52% 960.00 45.44
Iqueue Ultimate PDF Out Feature 1,495.00 3.55% 1,442.00 68.25
Impressia Multi-Media Production Press RightCare Servic 1,695.00 0.00% 1,695.00 80.22
Impressia Multi-Media Production Press RightCare Servic 2,095.00 0.00% 2,095.00 99.16
Impressia Multi-Media Production Press RightCare Servic 2,995.00 0.00% 2,995.00 141.75
Impressia Multi-Media Production Press RightCare Servic 3,395.00 0.00% 3,395.00 160.69
Impressia Multi-Media Production Press RightCare Servic 4,495.00 0.00% 4,495.00 212.75
Impressia Multi-Media Production Press RightCare Servic 4,895.00 0.00% 4,895.00 231.68
Impressia Multi-Media Production Press RightCare Servic 5,895.00 0.00% 5,895.00 279.01
Impressia Multi-Media Production Press RightCare Servic 6,295.00 0.00% 6,295.00 297.94
Impressia Multi-Media Production Press Phone Install 395.00 0.00% 395.00 18.70
Impressia Multi-Media Press RightCare Service Extension 1,495.00 0.00% 1,495.00 70.76
Impressia Multi-Media Press RightCare Service Extension 1,895.00 0.00% 1,895.00 89.69
Impressia Multi-Media Press RightCare Service Extension 2,595.00 0.00% 2,595.00 122.82
Impressia Multi-Media Press RightCare Service Extension 2,995.00 0.00% 2,995.00 141.75
Impressia Multi-Media Press RightCare Service Extension 3,895.00 0.00% 3,895.00 184.35
Impressia Multi-Media Press RightCare Service Extension 4,295.00 0.00% 4,295.00 203.28
Impressia Multi-Media Press RightCare Service Extension 5,095.00 0.00% 5,095.00 241.15
Impressia Multi-Media Press RightCare Service Extension 5,495.00 0.00% 5,495.00 260.08

Xante En-Press Printer 110V (no feeder compatibility) $10,995.00 3.00% $10,665.00 $467.34
Xante En-Press Printer 110V for Enterprise Feeder $10,995.00 3.00% $10,665.00 $467.34
Xante En-Press 110V w/ Enterprise Feeder, Stand, Conve $18,995.00 3.00% $18,425.00 $807.38
Xante En-Press Printer 110V w/ SL Feeder $15,995.00 3.00% $15,515.00 $679.87
REQUIRED: PPSE Training - Xante Multi 1,575.00 0.00% 1,575.00 74.54
En-Press Exit Conveyor 1,000.00 5.00% 950.00 41.63
En-Press Stand 1,000.00 5.00% 950.00 41.63
En-Press PC Table 225.00 5.33% 213.00 9.33
En-Press Enterprise Feeder Assy. 6,000.00 5.00% 5,700.00 249.77
En-Press SL Feeder Assy. 5,000.00 5.00% 4,750.00 208.15
(Transition Out 4/1/18) BASIC - TS HD Service - Refere 175.00 0.00% 175.00 8.28
STANDARD - TS HD Service - Data Erase and HD Surre 350.00 0.00% 350.00 16.57
(Transition Out 4/1/18) HD Surrender 350.00 0.00% 350.00 16.57
HD Secure Install 120.00 0.00% 120.00 5.68


Customer Connect - TS Network & Scan - #DIV/0! - -
TS-TRAINING POOL OF HOURS 12 MONTHS 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
TS-TRAINING POOL OF HOURS 24 MONTHS 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
TS-TRAINING POOL OF HOURS 36 MONTHS 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
TS-TRAINING POOL OF HOURS 48 MONTHS 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
TS-TRAINING POOL OF HOURS 60 MONTHS 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
TS-TRAINING SOLUTIONS 150.00 0.00% 150.00 7.10
TS-TRAINING AFTER HOURS 200.00 0.00% 200.00 9.47
TS-TRAINING STANDARD PP 150.00 0.00% 150.00 7.10
TS-TRAINING ADVANCED PP 300.00 0.00% 300.00 14.20
TS-TRAINING STANDARD FIERY WITH HW 750.00 0.00% 750.00 35.50
TS-TRAINING ADVANCED FIERY WITH HW 800.00 0.00% 800.00 37.86
TS-TRAINING STANDARD FIERY 450.00 0.00% 450.00 21.30
TS-TRAINING ADVANCED FIERY 600.00 0.00% 600.00 28.40
TAS Installation 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
TS Installation of ICE (Per MFP) 210.00 0.00% 210.00 9.94
TS Advanced Installation of ICE (Per MFP) 310.00 13.23% 269.00 12.73
TS Installation of ICE Printer Package (Per Printer) 150.00 13.33% 130.00 6.15

PJ WXC1110 $859.00 22.82% $663.00 $29.05
PJ KU12000 Projector $18,869.00 27.25% $13,727.00 $601.52
ESP S1 Power Filter 30.00 23.33% 23.00 1.01
Replacement Lens 0.84-1.02 Throw Ratio 4,375.00 28.87% 3,112.00 136.37
Replacement Lens 1.02-1.36 Throw Ratio 2,499.00 28.85% 1,778.00 77.91
Replacement Lens 1.2-1.5 Throw Ratio 4,435.00 29.83% 3,112.00 136.37
Replacement Lens 1.5-2.0 Throw Ratio 3,375.00 28.86% 2,401.00 105.21
Replacement Lens 2.0-4.0 Throw Ratio 4,375.00 28.87% 3,112.00 136.37
Replacement Lens 4.0-7.2 Throw Ratio 4,375.00 28.87% 3,112.00 136.37
Replacement Color Wheel 565.00 45.31% 309.00 13.54
PJ S2440 $469.00 12.15% $412.00 $18.05
PJ X2440 $555.00 12.07% $488.00 $21.38
PJ WX2440 $645.00 12.09% $567.00 $24.85
ESP S1 Power Filter 30.00 23.33% 23.00 1.01
(Limited Inventory) PJ WX2240 $700.00 29.57% $493.00 $21.60
PJ WX4152N $1,875.00 21.92% $1,464.00 $64.15
PJ WX4152NI $2,249.00 27.39% $1,633.00 $71.56
eBeam Software for Ricoh interactive kit 320.00 37.50% 200.00 8.76
Smart Stand PJ WX 4310 / 4141 250.00 34.00% 165.00 7.23
Mounting plate to attach PJ WX4141 series to tripod 37.00 32.43% 25.00 1.10
PJ Interactive Kit Type 2 Pen 109.00 19.27% 88.00 3.86
PJ WXC4660 $2,489.00 12.01% $2,190.00 $95.97
PJ WUC4650 $3,589.00 12.01% $3,158.00 $138.38
ESP S1 Power Filter 30.00 23.33% 23.00 1.01
PJ X5461 $989.00 12.03% $870.00 $38.12
PJ WX5461 $999.00 12.01% $879.00 $38.52
PJ HD5451 $1,189.00 12.03% $1,046.00 $45.84
ESP S1 Power Filter 30.00 23.33% 23.00 1.01
PJ X5580 $1,749.00 26.24% $1,290.00 $56.53
PJ WU5570 $2,625.00 26.29% $1,935.00 $84.79
PJ X3351N $1,165.00 22.40% $904.00 $39.61
PJ WX3351N $1,245.00 20.72% $987.00 $43.25
PJ X4241N $1,175.00 22.30% $913.00 $40.01
PJ WX4241N $1,365.00 22.34% $1,060.00 $46.45
Ricoh Interactive Tool Kit Type 2 230.00 29.13% 163.00 7.14
PJ Interactive Kit Type 2 Pen 109.00 19.27% 88.00 3.86
PJ XL4540 $2,029.00 27.35% $1,474.00 $64.59
PJ WXL4540 $2,279.00 27.29% $1,657.00 $72.61
eBeam Edge 900.00 41.67% 525.00 23.01
eBeam Edge Bluetooth 1,049.95 44.76% 580.00 25.42
PJ X6180N $5,375.00 36.97% $3,388.00 $148.46
Standard Zoom Lens 2.0 1,250.00 49.76% 628.00 27.52
Fixed Short Throw Lens 2,069.00 35.19% 1,341.00 58.76
Zoom Lens 1.3 2,069.00 35.19% 1,341.00 58.76
Zoom Lens 1.6 2,069.00 35.19% 1,341.00 58.76
Zoom Lens 1.52 2,069.00 35.19% 1,341.00 58.76
PJ WXL5670 $3,979.00 15.33% $3,369.00 $147.63
PJ WUL5670 $5,455.00 15.29% $4,621.00 $202.49
ESP S1 Power Filter 30.00 23.33% 23.00 1.01
PJ WU6181N $6,375.00 29.15% $4,517.00 $197.93
Wireless LAN NP02LM2 98.00 19.39% 79.00 3.46
Standard Zoom Lens 2.0 1,250.00 49.76% 628.00 27.52
Fixed Short Throw Lens 2,069.00 35.19% 1,341.00 58.76
Zoom Lens 1.3 2,069.00 35.19% 1,341.00 58.76
Zoom Lens 1.6 2,069.00 35.19% 1,341.00 58.76
Zoom Lens 1.52 2,069.00 35.19% 1,341.00 58.76
Replacement Lens Type 8 1,565.00 29.01% 1,111.00 48.68
PJ WXL6280 $9,375.00 26.28% $6,911.00 $302.84
PJ WUL6280 $11,875.00 26.31% $8,751.00 $383.47
Replacement Lens A1 3,749.00 28.83% 2,668.00 116.91
Replacement Lens A2 3,499.00 28.84% 2,490.00 109.11
Replacement Lens A3 689.00 28.88% 490.00 21.47
Replacement Lens A4 3,165.00 29.73% 2,224.00 97.46
Replacement Lens A5 3,165.00 29.73% 2,224.00 97.46


UCS P3500M Video Conferencing System $2,639.00 29.48% $1,861.00 $88.08
ESP S1 Power Filter 30.00 23.33% 23.00 1.01
External USB Keyboard(No bracket) 70.00 44.29% 39.00 1.71

UCS P3500 Video Conferencing System $2,200.00 15.41% $1,861.00 $88.08

D2200 Interactive Whiteboard $3,119.00 24.85% $2,344.00 $102.71

ESP S1 Power Filter 30.00 23.33% 23.00 1.01
Interactive Whiteboard License Type 1 699.00 10.01% 629.00 29.77
TS Network Connect - Interactive Whiteboard 225.00 0.00% 225.00 10.65

RICOH Interactive Whiteboard D3210BK $2,345.00 15.00% $1,993.25 $87.34

ESP S1 Power Filter 30.00 23.33% 23.00 1.01
ESP XG-PCS-15D (120 Volt, 15 Amp) 346.00 57.23% 148.00 6.49
RICOH Interactive Whiteboard Desktop Stand Type 1 185.00 15.00% 157.25 6.89
RICOH Interactive Whiteboard Touch Pen Type 2 Black 49.00 15.00% 41.65 1.83
Interactive Whiteboard License Type 1 699.00 10.01% 629.00 29.77
Bapture box for Windows Controller 399.00 15.00% 339.15 14.86
TRIPP LITE HIGH-SPEED HDMI 4K CABLE 15.00 15.00% 12.75 0.56
IM Belkin 12FT CAT5E Black RJ45M Cable 14.39 15.00% 12.23 0.58
TRIPP LITE 16FT USB 2.0 EXTENSION CABLE 19.00 15.00% 16.15 0.71
C2G 15FT WIREMOLD CORDUCT 35.00 17.14% 29.00 1.27
Logitech Keyboard & Touchpad K400+ 65.00 12.31% 57.00 2.70
LOGITECH WEBCAM C930E 165.00 15.15% 140.00 6.13
LOGITECH CONNECT HD CAM 625.00 15.00% 531.25 23.28
LOGITECH MEETUP 4K CAM 1,125.00 15.00% 956.25 41.90
LOGITECH MEETUP EXP MIC 275.00 15.00% 233.75 10.24
LOGITECH RALLY 4K CAM 1,625.00 15.00% 1,381.25 60.53
LOGITECH RALLY VIDEO CONFERENCING SYSTEM 3,199.00 15.00% 2,719.15 119.15
LOGITECH RALLY MIC HUB 259.00 15.00% 220.15 9.65
PHOENIX AUDIO QUATTRO 3 POWER HUB 245.00 15.10% 208.00 9.11
PHOENIX AUDIO SPIDER 725.00 15.03% 616.00 26.99
KONFTEL EGO SPEAKERPHONE 135.00 15.56% 114.00 5.00
OP10 Windows 10 Controller 3,469.00 15.00% 2,948.65 129.21
RICOH IWB CONTROLLER TYPE 2 2,235.00 15.00% 1,899.75 83.25
Interactive Whiteboard Windows 10 Controller 2,235.00 11.36% 1,981.00 86.81
TS Install - Interactive Whiteboard 31" to 60" 225.00 0.00% 225.00 10.65
TS Network Connect - Interactive Whiteboard 225.00 0.00% 225.00 10.65

D5510 Interactive Whiteboard $7,140.00 23.64% $5,452.00 $258.04

Interactive Whiteboard Stand Type 2 1,100.00 24.82% 827.00 39.14
Interactive Whiteboard License Type 1 699.00 10.01% 629.00 29.77
Interactive Whiteboard Pen Type 1 219.00 10.05% 197.00 9.32
TS Install - Interactive Whiteboard 31" to 60" 225.00 0.00% 225.00 10.65
TS Network Connect - Interactive Whiteboard 225.00 0.00% 225.00 10.65

D5520 Interactive Whiteboard $3,299.00 6.24% $3,093.00 $135.54

ESP XG-PCS-15D (120 Volt, 15 Amp) 346.00 57.23% 148.00 6.49
Interactive Whiteboard Windows 10 Controller 2,235.00 11.36% 1,981.00 86.81
Camera Unit Type 1 165.00 12.12% 145.00 6.86
Interactive Whiteboard Stand Type 2 1,100.00 24.82% 827.00 39.14
Interactive Whiteboard License Type 1 699.00 10.01% 629.00 29.77
Logitech Keyboard & Touchpad K400+ 65.00 12.31% 57.00 2.70
TS Install - Interactive Whiteboard 31" to 60" 225.00 0.00% 225.00 10.65
TS Network Connect - Interactive Whiteboard 225.00 0.00% 225.00 10.65

D6500 Interactive Whiteboard $5,065.00 24.82% $3,808.00 $166.87

D6500 w/ Business Controller $7,585.00 24.84% $5,701.00 $249.82
Interactive Whiteboard Stand Type 3 Bundle 1,275.00 0.00% 1,275.00 55.87
Interactive Whiteboard Pen Sensor Kit Type 2 315.00 0.00% 315.00 14.91
Interactive Whiteboard License Type 1 699.00 10.01% 629.00 29.77
TS Install - Interactive Whiteboard 61" to 70" 270.00 0.00% 270.00 12.78
TS Network Connect - Interactive Whiteboard 225.00 0.00% 225.00 10.65
D6510 Interactive Whiteboard $5,059.00 8.01% $4,654.00 $203.94
ESP XG-PCS-15D (120 Volt, 15 Amp) 346.00 57.23% 148.00 6.49
Interactive Whiteboard Windows 10 Controller 2,235.00 11.36% 1,981.00 86.81
Camera Unit Type 1 165.00 12.12% 145.00 6.86
Interactive Whiteboard Stand Type 3 Bundle 1,275.00 0.00% 1,275.00 55.87
Interactive Whiteboard License Type 1 699.00 10.01% 629.00 29.77
Logitech Keyboard & Touchpad K400+ 65.00 12.31% 57.00 2.70
TS Install - Interactive Whiteboard 61" to 70" 270.00 0.00% 270.00 12.78
TS Network Connect - Interactive Whiteboard 225.00 0.00% 225.00 10.65

D7500 Interactive Whiteboard $7,379.00 9.07% $6,710.00 $294.03

ESP XG-PCS-15D (120 Volt, 15 Amp) 346.00 57.23% 148.00 6.49
Interactive Whiteboard Controller 2,235.00 11.36% 1,981.00 93.76
Interactive Whiteboard Windows 10 Controller 2,235.00 11.36% 1,981.00 86.81
Pen Sensor Kit Type 3 315.00 11.43% 279.00 13.21
Camera Unit Type 1 165.00 12.12% 145.00 6.86
IWB Stand Type 4 Bundle 1,879.00 32.94% 1,260.00 55.21
Interactive Whiteboard License Type 1 699.00 10.01% 629.00 29.77
Logitech Keyboard & Touchpad K400+ 65.00 12.31% 57.00 2.70
TS Install - Interactive Whiteboard >70" 370.00 0.00% 370.00 17.51
TS Network Connect - Interactive Whiteboard 225.00 0.00% 225.00 10.65

D8400 Interactive Whiteboard $13,715.00 24.84% $10,308.00 $451.70

Interactive Whiteboard Pen Sensor Kit Type 2 315.00 0.00% 315.00 14.91
Interactive Whiteboard License Type 1 699.00 10.01% 629.00 29.77
TS Install - Interactive Whiteboard >70" 370.00 0.00% 370.00 17.51
TS Network Connect - Interactive Whiteboard 225.00 0.00% 225.00 10.65

D8600 Interactive Whiteboard $12,659.00 25.00% $9,494.00 $416.03

ESP XG-PCS-15D (120 Volt, 15 Amp) 346.00 57.23% 148.00 6.49
TS Install - Interactive Whiteboard >70" 370.00 0.00% 370.00 17.51
TS Network Connect - Interactive Whiteboard 225.00 0.00% 225.00 10.65
Connection Box 1 159.00 15.09% 135.00 5.92
Interactive Whiteboard License Type 1 699.00 10.01% 629.00 29.77
IWB Stand Type 4 Bundle 1,879.00 32.94% 1,260.00 55.21
Logitech Keyboard & Touchpad K400+ 65.00 12.31% 57.00 2.70
KONFTEL EGO SPEAKERPHONE 135.00 15.56% 114.00 5.00
TRIPP LITE HIGH-SPEED HDMI 4K CABLE 15.00 15.00% 12.75 0.56
IM Belkin 12FT CAT5E Black RJ45M Cable 14.39 15.00% 12.23 0.58
TRIPP LITE 16FT USB 2.0 EXTENSION CABLE 19.00 15.00% 16.15 0.71
C2G 15FT WIREMOLD CORDUCT 35.00 17.14% 29.00 1.27
LOGITECH WEBCAM C930E 165.00 15.15% 140.00 6.13
PHOENIX AUDIO QUATTRO 3 POWER HUB 245.00 15.10% 208.00 9.11
PHOENIX AUDIO SPIDER 725.00 15.03% 616.00 26.99
Interactive Whiteboard Windows 10 Controller 2,235.00 11.36% 1,981.00 86.81

G800SE - Camera $960.00 0.00% $960.00 $45.44

Ricoh BR-1 Bar Code RDR 599.00 0.00% 599.00 28.35
Ricoh G-1 GPS Unit 499.00 0.00% 499.00 23.62
Ricoh DB-65 Lithium Battery 39.00 0.00% 39.00 1.85
Ricoh BJ-6 Battery Charger 39.00 0.00% 39.00 1.85
MP 2555SP TE (ARDF) $7,065.00 55.00% $3,179.00 $150.26
MP 3055SP TE (ARDF) $9,115.00 67.26% $2,984.00 $141.71
MP 3555SP TE (ARDF) $10,719.00 68.32% $3,396.00 $159.77
ESP XG-PCS-15D (120 Volt, 15 Amp) 346.00 57.23% 148.00 6.49
Network Print/Scan Connection (Seg. 2) 300.00 46.33% 161.00 7.06
Network Print/Scan Connection (Seg. 3) 350.00 46.29% 188.00 8.24
General Accessories
Paper Feed Unit PB3220TE 1,819.00 67.78% 586.00 25.68
Internal Shift Tray SH3070 450.00 63.56% 164.00 7.19
Internal Finisher SR3180 899.00 58.06% 377.00 16.52
Internal Finisher SR3130 1,455.00 66.46% 488.00 21.38
Punch Unit PU3040 NA 983.00 68.67% 308.00 13.50
Finisher SR3210 1,765.00 61.70% 676.00 29.62
Booklet Finisher SR3220 3,695.00 66.14% 1,251.00 54.82
Punch Unit PU3050 NA 980.00 69.08% 303.00 13.28
Bridge Unit BU3070 205.00 65.85% 70.00 3.07
1 Bin Tray BN3110 535.00 62.80% 199.00 8.72
Print/Scan Interface Options
IEEE 1284 Interface Board Type M19 125.00 62.40% 47.00 2.06
IEEE 802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M19 739.00 61.43% 285.00 12.49
PostScript Unit type M29 739.00 70.64% 217.00 9.51
File Format Converter Type M19 739.00 60.22% 294.00 12.88
OCR Unit 335.00 59.70% 135.00 5.92
Optional Counter Interface 81.00 62.96% 30.00 1.31
Key Counter Bracket Type M3 131.00 62.60% 49.00 2.15
Card Reader Bracket Type 3352 160.00 62.50% 60.00 2.63
Embedded HotSpot Type S 961.00 58.79% 396.00 18.74
IPDS Unit Type M29 1,625.00 58.03% 682.00 29.89
XPS Direct Print Option Type M29 115.00 62.61% 43.00 1.88
Extended USB Board Type M19 375.00 58.67% 155.00 6.79
Facsimile Accessories
Fax Option Type M29 1,529.00 69.33% 469.00 20.55
Fax Connection Unit Type M29 295.00 62.03% 112.00 4.91
G3 Interface Unit Type M29 849.00 61.25% 329.00 14.42
Fax Memory Unit Type M19 64MB 95.00 62.11% 36.00 1.58
Security & Miscellaneous Accessories
Smart Card Reader Built-in Type M29 109.00 60.55% 43.00 1.88
External Keyboard Bracket Type M3 110.00 10.91% 98.00 4.29
External USB Keyboard(No bracket) 70.00 44.29% 39.00 1.71
Keyboard Card Reader Bracket Type M3 139.00 58.27% 58.00 2.54
SCR3310 SCM USB Smart Card Reader Op Temp 0° C to 50 35.00 31.43% 24.00 1.14
NFC Card Reader Type M29 355.00 58.59% 147.00 6.44
Lease Return 250.00 100.00% 0.00 -

MP 4055SP TE $12,959.00 70.05% $3,881.00 $181.02

MP 5055SP TE $15,509.00 71.58% $4,407.00 $204.07
MP 6055SP TE $19,835.00 71.08% $5,737.00 $262.35
ESP XG-PCS-15D (120 Volt, 15 Amp) 346.00 57.23% 148.00 6.49
Network Print/Scan Connection (Seg. 3) 350.00 46.29% 188.00 8.24
Network Print/Scan Connection (Seg. 4) 425.00 46.12% 229.00 10.03
General Accessories
Paper Feed Unit PB3220TE 1,819.00 67.78% 586.00 25.68
Internal Shift Tray SH3070 450.00 63.56% 164.00 7.19
Internal Finisher SR3130 1,455.00 66.46% 488.00 21.38
Punch Unit PU3040 NA 983.00 68.67% 308.00 13.50
Booklet Finisher SR3220 3,695.00 66.14% 1,251.00 54.82
Punch Unit PU3050 NA 980.00 69.08% 303.00 13.28
Bridge Unit BU3070 205.00 65.85% 70.00 3.07
Booklet Finisher SR3240 4,755.00 66.06% 1,614.00 70.73
Punch Unit PU3060 NA 983.00 59.10% 402.00 17.62
Internal Multi-fold Unit FD3000 3,475.00 63.86% 1,256.00 55.04
Finisher SR3210 1,765.00 61.70% 676.00 29.62
Finisher SR3230 3,315.00 64.74% 1,169.00 51.23
1 Bin Tray BN3110 535.00 62.80% 199.00 8.72
Print/Scan Interface Options
IEEE 1284 Interface Board Type M19 125.00 62.40% 47.00 2.06
IEEE 802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M19 739.00 61.43% 285.00 12.49
PostScript Unit type M29 739.00 70.64% 217.00 9.51
File Format Converter Type M19 739.00 60.22% 294.00 12.88
OCR Unit 335.00 59.70% 135.00 5.92
Optional Counter Interface 81.00 62.96% 30.00 1.31
Key Counter Bracket Type M3 131.00 62.60% 49.00 2.15
Card Reader Bracket Type 3352 160.00 62.50% 60.00 2.63
Embedded HotSpot Type S 961.00 58.79% 396.00 18.74
XPS Direct Print Option Type M29 115.00 62.61% 43.00 1.88
Extended USB Board Type M19 375.00 58.67% 155.00 6.79
Facsimile Accessories
Fax Option Type M29 1,529.00 69.33% 469.00 20.55
Fax Connection Unit Type M29 295.00 62.03% 112.00 4.91
G3 Interface Unit Type M29 849.00 61.25% 329.00 14.42
Fax Memory Unit Type M19 64MB 95.00 62.11% 36.00 1.58
Security & Miscellaneous Accessories
Smart Card Reader Built-in Type M29 109.00 60.55% 43.00 1.88
External Keyboard Bracket Type M3 110.00 10.91% 98.00 4.29
External USB Keyboard(No bracket) 70.00 44.29% 39.00 1.71
Keyboard Card Reader Bracket Type M3 139.00 58.27% 58.00 2.54
SCR3310 SCM USB Smart Card Reader Op Temp 0° C to 50 35.00 31.43% 24.00 1.14
NFC Card Reader Type M29 355.00 58.59% 147.00 6.44
Lease Return 250.00 100.00% 0.00 -

MP C3004EXSP TE $13,019.00 70.72% $3,812.00 $178.00

MP C3504EXSP TE $15,485.00 70.56% $4,559.00 $210.73
ESP XG-PCS-15D (120 Volt, 15 Amp) 346.00 57.23% 148.00 6.49
Network & Scan Connect - Seg BC2 300.00 46.33% 161.00 7.06
Network & Scan Connect - Seg BC3 350.00 46.29% 188.00 8.24
General Accessories
Paper Feed Unit PB3160TE 1,885.00 68.06% 602.00 26.38
Internal Shift Tray SH3070 450.00 63.56% 164.00 7.19
1 Bin Tray BN3110 535.00 62.80% 199.00 8.72
Bridge Unit BU3070 205.00 65.85% 70.00 3.07
Finisher SR3210 1,765.00 61.70% 676.00 29.62
Booklet Finisher SR3220 3,695.00 66.14% 1,251.00 54.82
Punch Unit PU3040 NA 983.00 68.67% 308.00 13.50
Internal Finisher SR3130 1,455.00 66.46% 488.00 21.38
Punch Unit PU3050 NA 980.00 69.08% 303.00 13.28
Imageable Area Extension Unit Type M19 95.00 57.89% 40.00 1.75
Internal Finisher SR3180 899.00 58.06% 377.00 16.52
Print/Scan Interface Options
IEEE 1284 Interface Board Type M19 125.00 62.40% 47.00 2.06
IEEE 802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M19 739.00 61.43% 285.00 12.49
Camera Direct Print Card Type M19 255.00 63.14% 94.00 4.12
Postscript3 Unit Type M19 589.00 51.27% 287.00 12.58
Extended USB Board Type M19 375.00 58.67% 155.00 6.79
XPS Direct Print Option Type M19 115.00 59.13% 47.00 2.06
File Format Converter Type M19 739.00 60.22% 294.00 12.88
OCR Unit 335.00 59.70% 135.00 5.92
Optional Counter Interface 81.00 62.96% 30.00 1.31
Key Counter Bracket Type M3 131.00 62.60% 49.00 2.15
Card Reader Bracket Type 3352 160.00 62.50% 60.00 2.63
Memory Unit Type M19 4GB 425.00 55.76% 188.00 8.24
Embedded HotSpot Type S 961.00 58.79% 396.00 18.74
Fiery Options
EFI Impose Type FS150 4,011.90 58.00% 1,685.00 73.84
EFI Compose Type FS150 2,005.00 63.04% 741.00 32.47
Hot Folders TYPE FS-100 725.00 25.93% 537.00 23.53
Spot On Type FS100 725.00 25.93% 537.00 23.53
Auto Trap TYPE FS-100 725.00 25.93% 537.00 23.53
Fiery CPS v4 3,260.03 34.88% 2,123.00 93.03
Fiery ES-2000 Spectrophotometer 1,294.75 26.16% 956.00 41.89
EFI Productivity Pack for Fiery E22b E22c 5,000.00 37.32% 3,134.00 137.33
Facsimile Accessories
Fax Option Type M19 1,295.00 66.41% 435.00 19.06
Fax Connection Unit Type M19 295.00 62.03% 112.00 4.91
G3 Interface Unit Type M19 845.00 63.91% 305.00 13.37
Fax Memory Unit Type M19 64MB 95.00 62.11% 36.00 1.58
Security & Miscellaneous Accessories
External USB Keyboard(No bracket) 70.00 44.29% 39.00 1.71
Smart Card Reader Built-in Unit Type M19 105.00 59.05% 43.00 1.88
External Keyboard Bracket Type M19 95.00 57.89% 40.00 1.75
Keyboard Card Reader Bracket Type M3 139.00 58.27% 58.00 2.54
DataOverwriteSecurity Unit Type M19 479.00 63.05% 177.00 7.76
NFC Card Reader Type M19 339.00 58.11% 142.00 6.22
Lease Return 250.00 100.00% 0.00 -

MP C4504EXSP TE $18,389.00 73.79% $4,820.00 $222.17

MP C6004EXSP TE $22,345.00 69.42% $6,834.00 $310.42
ESP XG-PCS-15D (120 Volt, 15 Amp) 346.00 57.23% 148.00 6.49
Network & Scan Connect - Seg BC4 425.00 46.12% 229.00 10.03
General Accessories
Paper Feed Unit PB3160TE 1,885.00 68.06% 602.00 26.38
Internal Shift Tray SH3070 450.00 63.56% 164.00 7.19
1 Bin Tray BN3110 535.00 62.80% 199.00 8.72
Bridge Unit BU3070 205.00 65.85% 70.00 3.07
Finisher SR3210 1,765.00 61.70% 676.00 29.62
Booklet Finisher SR3220 3,695.00 66.14% 1,251.00 54.82
Punch Unit PU3050 NA 980.00 69.08% 303.00 13.28
Booklet Finisher SR3240 4,755.00 66.06% 1,614.00 70.73
Finisher SR3230 3,315.00 64.74% 1,169.00 51.23
Punch Unit PU3060 NA 983.00 59.10% 402.00 17.62
Internal Finisher SR3130 1,455.00 66.46% 488.00 21.38
Punch Unit PU3040 NA 983.00 68.67% 308.00 13.50
Memory Unit Type M19 4GB 425.00 55.76% 188.00 8.24
Imageable Area Extension Unit Type M19 95.00 57.89% 40.00 1.75
Print/Scan Interface Options
IEEE 1284 Interface Board Type M19 125.00 62.40% 47.00 2.06
IEEE 802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M19 739.00 61.43% 285.00 12.49
Camera Direct Print Card Type M19 255.00 63.14% 94.00 4.12
Postscript3 Unit Type M19 589.00 51.27% 287.00 12.58
Extended USB Board Type M19 375.00 58.67% 155.00 6.79
File Format Converter Type M19 739.00 60.22% 294.00 12.88
OCR Unit 335.00 59.70% 135.00 5.92
Optional Counter Interface 81.00 62.96% 30.00 1.31
Key Counter Bracket Type M3 131.00 62.60% 49.00 2.15
Card Reader Bracket Type 3352 160.00 62.50% 60.00 2.63
Embedded HotSpot Type S 961.00 58.79% 396.00 18.74
XPS Direct Print Option Type M19 115.00 59.13% 47.00 2.06
Fiery Options
EFI Impose Type FS150 4,011.90 58.00% 1,685.00 73.84
EFI Compose Type FS150 2,005.00 63.04% 741.00 32.47
Hot Folders TYPE FS-100 725.00 25.93% 537.00 23.53
Spot On Type FS100 725.00 25.93% 537.00 23.53
Auto Trap TYPE FS-100 725.00 25.93% 537.00 23.53
Fiery CPS v4 3,260.03 34.88% 2,123.00 93.03
Fiery ES-2000 Spectrophotometer 1,294.75 26.16% 956.00 41.89
EFI Productivity Pack for Fiery E22b E22c 5,000.00 37.32% 3,134.00 137.33
Facsimile Accessories
Fax Option Type M20 1,295.00 66.41% 435.00 19.06
Fax Connection Unit Type M20 295.00 62.03% 112.00 4.91
G3 Interface Unit Type M20 845.00 63.55% 308.00 13.50
Fax Memory Unit Type M19 64MB 95.00 62.11% 36.00 1.58
Security & Miscellaneous Accessories
External USB Keyboard(No bracket) 70.00 44.29% 39.00 1.71
Smart Card Reader Built-in Unit Type M19 105.00 59.05% 43.00 1.88
External Keyboard Bracket Type M19 95.00 57.89% 40.00 1.75
Keyboard Card Reader Bracket Type M3 139.00 58.27% 58.00 2.54
DataOverwriteSecurity Unit Type M19 479.00 63.05% 177.00 7.76
NFC Card Reader Type M19 339.00 58.11% 142.00 6.22
Lease Return 250.00 100.00% 0.00 -

Office OMR (Higher ED) Only
One Year of Support 1 License 200.00 0.00% 200.00 9.47
One Year of Support 3 License 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67
One Year of Support 5 License 800.00 0.00% 800.00 37.86
One Year of Support 10 License 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
One Year of Support 25 License 3,125.00 0.00% 3,125.00 147.91
Installation - Remark 185.00 0.00% 185.00 8.11
Commercial Embedded Licenses for Ricoh
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Ricoh MFD Embedded Commercial 625.00 5.00% 593.75 28.10
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Ricoh MFD Embedded Commercial 413.00 5.00% 392.35 18.57
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Ricoh MFD Embedded Commercial 357.00 5.00% 339.15 16.05
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Ricoh MFD Embedded Commercial 304.00 5.00% 288.80 13.67
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Ricoh MFD Embedded Commercial 255.00 5.00% 242.25 11.47
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Ricoh MFD Embedded Commercial 250.00 5.00% 237.50 11.24
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Ricoh MFD Embedded Commercial 245.00 5.00% 232.75 11.02
Education/Government Embedded Licenses for Ricoh
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Ricoh MFD Embedded Education-G 551.00 5.00% 523.45 24.77
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Ricoh MFD Embedded Education- 380.00 5.00% 361.00 17.09
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Ricoh MFD Embedded Education- 328.00 5.00% 311.60 14.75
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Ricoh MFD Embedded Education- 286.00 5.00% 271.70 12.86
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Ricoh MFD Embedded Education- 238.00 5.00% 226.10 10.70
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Ricoh MFD Embedded Education- 233.00 5.00% 221.35 10.48
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Ricoh MFD Embedded Education- 228.00 5.00% 216.60 10.25
Software Licenses with No Embedded
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Commercial License for Small Or 750.00 5.00% 712.50 33.72
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Commercial License for Small Or 1,300.00 5.00% 1,235.00 58.45
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Commercial License for Small Or 2,100.00 5.00% 1,995.00 94.42
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Commercial License for Small Org 2.00 5.00% 1.90 0.09
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Education-Government License fo 600.00 5.00% 570.00 26.98
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Education-Government License fo 1,000.00 5.00% 950.00 44.96
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Education-Government License fo 1,800.00 5.00% 1,710.00 80.93
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Education-Government License for 0.30 5.00% 0.29 0.01
Extra Software Licenses
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Job Ticketing for Print Room lic 4,500.00 5.00% 4,275.00 202.34
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Job Ticketing for FabLab license 4,500.00 5.00% 4,275.00 202.34
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Job Ticketing for Mini Print Room 2,250.00 5.00% 2,137.50 101.17
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Print Release Station License - P 130.00 5.00% 123.50 5.85
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Pay Station Connector License ( 280.00 5.00% 266.00 12.59
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Advance Connector License (Ca 75.00 5.00% 71.25 3.37
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Standard Connector License (Fas 37.00 10.14% 33.25 1.57
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF HP Pro Fast Release Level 1 (1- 156.00 5.00% 148.20 7.01
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF HP Pro Fast Release Level 2 (5 109.00 5.00% 103.55 4.90
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF ecoprintQ User Creator Module f 695.00 5.00% 660.25 31.25
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Anonymous Printing Interface to 1,000.00 5.00% 950.00 44.96
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Anonymous Printing Interface to Pa 500.00 5.00% 475.00 22.48
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Library Fine Payment (Sirsi Dynix 1,500.00 5.00% 1,425.00 67.45
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Library Fine Payment per Elite 150.00 5.00% 142.50 6.74
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Library Branch License (Unlimited 500.00 5.00% 475.00 22.48
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF License Conversion Alignment (Ap 200.00 5.00% 190.00 8.99
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Payment Gateway Connector Gr 495.00 5.00% 470.25 22.26
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Payment Gateway Connector Gr 750.00 5.00% 712.50 33.72
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Payment Gateway Connector Gr 3,000.00 5.00% 2,850.00 134.89
SMB Bundle MFD Embedded Licenses
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Canon MFD SMB Bundle per devi 413.00 5.00% 392.35 18.57
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Fuji Xerox MFD SMB Bundle per 413.00 5.00% 392.35 18.57
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF HP MFD SMB Bundle per device 413.00 5.00% 392.35 18.57
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF KM MFD SMB Bundle per device 413.00 5.00% 392.35 18.57
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Kyocera MFD SMB Bundle per de 413.00 5.00% 392.35 18.57
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Lexmark MFD SMB Bundle per de 413.00 5.00% 392.35 18.57
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Ricoh MFD SMB Bundle per devic 413.00 5.00% 392.35 18.57
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Sharp MFD SMB Bundle per devi 413.00 5.00% 392.35 18.57
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Toshiba MFD SMB Bundle per dev 413.00 5.00% 392.35 18.57
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Xerox MFD SMB Bundle per devic 413.00 5.00% 392.35 18.57
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Epson MFD SMB Bundle per devi 413.00 5.00% 392.35 18.57
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Dell MFD SMB Bundle per device 413.00 5.00% 392.35 18.57
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Muratec MFD SMB Bundle per dev 413.00 5.00% 392.35 18.57
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF OKI MFD SMB Bundle per device 413.00 5.00% 392.35 18.57
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Riso MFD SMB Bundle per device 413.00 5.00% 392.35 18.57
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Sindoh MFD SMB Bundle per devi 413.00 5.00% 392.35 18.57
Embedded License Exchange for MFD & SFP
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Canon MFD License Exchange 130.00 5.00% 123.50 5.85
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Fuji Xerox MFD License Exchan 130.00 5.00% 123.50 5.85
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF HP MFD License Exchange INC 130.00 5.00% 123.50 5.85
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF HP SFP License Exchange INC0 50.00 5.00% 47.50 2.25
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF KM MFD License Exchange INC 130.00 5.00% 123.50 5.85
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Kyocera MFD License Exchange 130.00 5.00% 123.50 5.85
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Lexmark MFD License Exchange 130.00 5.00% 123.50 5.85
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Lexmark SFP License Exchange 50.00 5.00% 47.50 2.25
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Ricoh MFD License Exchange I 130.00 5.00% 123.50 5.85
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Sharp MFD License Exchange I 130.00 5.00% 123.50 5.85
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Toshiba MFD License Exchange 130.00 5.00% 123.50 5.85
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Toshiba SFP License Exchange 50.00 5.00% 47.50 2.25
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Xerox MFD License Exchange I 130.00 5.00% 123.50 5.85
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Epson MFD License Exchange I 130.00 5.00% 123.50 5.85
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Dell MFD License Exchange INC 130.00 5.00% 123.50 5.85
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Muratec MFD License Exchange 130.00 5.00% 123.50 5.85
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF OKI MFD License Exchange INC 130.00 5.00% 123.50 5.85
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Riso MFD License Exchange IN 130.00 5.00% 123.50 5.85
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Brother SFP License Exchange 50.00 5.00% 47.50 2.25
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Sindoh MFD License Exchange 130.00 5.00% 123.50 5.85
Maintenance and Support - New
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF 1 Year M&S New INC1YR - #DIV/0! - -
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF 2 Years M&S New INC2YR - #DIV/0! - -
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF 3 Years M&S New INC3YR - #DIV/0! - -
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF 4 Years M&S New INC4YR - #DIV/0! - -
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF 5 Years M&S New INC5YR - #DIV/0! - -
Maintenance and Support Pro Rated - New
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF One Month M&S INC1MO - #DIV/0! - -
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Two Months M&S INC2MO - #DIV/0! - -
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Three Months M&S INC3MO - #DIV/0! - -
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Four Months M&S INC4MO - #DIV/0! - -
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Five Months M&S INC5MO - #DIV/0! - -
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Six Months M&S INC6MO - #DIV/0! - -
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Seven Months M&S INC7MO - #DIV/0! - -
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Eight Months M&S INC8MO - #DIV/0! - -
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Nine Months M&S INC9MO - #DIV/0! - -
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Ten Months M&S INC10MO - #DIV/0! - -
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Eleven Months M&S INC11MO - #DIV/0! - -
Maintenance and Support - Renewal
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF 1 Year M&S Renewal INC1YR - #DIV/0! - -
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF 2 Years M&S Renewal INC2YR - #DIV/0! - -
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF 3 Years M&S Renewal INC3YR - #DIV/0! - -
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF 4 Years M&S Renewal INC4YR - #DIV/0! - -
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF 5 Years M&S Renewal INC5YR - #DIV/0! - -
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF 1 Month M&S Renewal INC1MO - #DIV/0! - -
Commercial Embedded Licenses for 3rd Party
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Canon MFD Embedded Commercial 625.00 5.00% 593.75 28.10
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Canon MFD Embedded Commercial 413.00 5.00% 392.35 18.57
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Canon MFD Embedded Commercial 357.00 5.00% 339.15 16.05
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Canon MFD Embedded Commercial 304.00 5.00% 288.80 13.67
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Canon MFD Embedded Commercial 255.00 5.00% 242.25 11.47
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Canon MFD Embedded Commercial 250.00 5.00% 237.50 11.24
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Canon MFD Embedded Commercial 245.00 5.00% 232.75 11.02
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Fuji Xerox MFD Embedded Commer 625.00 5.00% 593.75 28.10
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Fuji Xerox MFD Embedded Commer 413.00 5.00% 392.35 18.57
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Fuji Xerox MFD Embedded Commer 357.00 5.00% 339.15 16.05
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Fuji Xerox MFD Embedded Commer 304.00 5.00% 288.80 13.67
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Fuji Xerox MFD Embedded Commer 255.00 5.00% 242.25 11.47
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Fuji Xerox MFD Embedded Commer 250.00 5.00% 237.50 11.24
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Fuji Xerox MFD Embedded Commer 245.00 5.00% 232.75 11.02
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF HP MFD Embedded Commercial Li 625.00 5.00% 593.75 28.10
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF HP MFD Embedded Commercial Li 413.00 5.00% 392.35 18.57
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF HP MFD Embedded Commercial Li 357.00 5.00% 339.15 16.05
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF HP MFD Embedded Commercial Li 304.00 5.00% 288.80 13.67
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF HP MFD Embedded Commercial Li 255.00 5.00% 242.25 11.47
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF HP MFD Embedded Commercial Li 250.00 5.00% 237.50 11.24
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF HP MFD Embedded Commercial Li 245.00 5.00% 232.75 11.02
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF HP SFP Embedded Commercial Li 320.00 5.00% 304.00 14.39
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF HP SFP Embedded Commercial Li 211.00 5.00% 200.45 9.49
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF HP SFP Embedded Commercial Li 183.00 5.00% 173.85 8.23
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF HP SFP Embedded Commercial Li 156.00 5.00% 148.20 7.01
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF HP SFP Embedded Commercial Li 131.00 5.00% 124.45 5.89
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF HP SFP Embedded Commercial Li 128.00 5.00% 121.60 5.76
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF HP SFP Embedded Commercial Li 128.00 5.00% 121.60 5.76
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Konica Minolta MFD Embedded Co 625.00 5.00% 593.75 28.10
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Konica Minolta MFD Embedded Co 413.00 5.00% 392.35 18.57
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Konica Minolta MFD Embedded Co 357.00 5.00% 339.15 16.05
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Konica Minolta MFD Embedded Co 304.00 5.00% 288.80 13.67
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Konica Minolta MFD Embedded Co 255.00 5.00% 242.25 11.47
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Konica Minolta MFD Embedded Co 250.00 5.00% 237.50 11.24
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Konica Minolta MFD Embedded Co 245.00 5.00% 232.75 11.02
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Kyocera MFD Embedded Commerci 625.00 5.00% 593.75 28.10
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Kyocera MFD Embedded Commerci 413.00 5.00% 392.35 18.57
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Kyocera MFD Embedded Commerci 357.00 5.00% 339.15 16.05
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Kyocera MFD Embedded Commerci 304.00 5.00% 288.80 13.67
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Kyocera MFD Embedded Commerci 255.00 5.00% 242.25 11.47
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Kyocera MFD Embedded Commerci 250.00 5.00% 237.50 11.24
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Kyocera MFD Embedded Commerci 245.00 5.00% 232.75 11.02
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Lexmark MFD Embedded Commerci 625.00 5.00% 593.75 28.10
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Lexmark MFD Embedded Commerci 413.00 5.00% 392.35 18.57
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Lexmark MFD Embedded Commerci 357.00 5.00% 339.15 16.05
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Lexmark MFD Embedded Commerci 304.00 5.00% 288.80 13.67
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Lexmark MFD Embedded Commerci 255.00 5.00% 242.25 11.47
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Lexmark MFD Embedded Commerci 250.00 5.00% 237.50 11.24
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Lexmark MFD Embedded Commerci 245.00 5.00% 232.75 11.02
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Lexmark SFP Embedded Commerci 320.00 5.00% 304.00 14.39
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Lexmark SFP Embedded Commerci 211.00 5.00% 200.45 9.49
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Lexmark SFP Embedded Commerci 183.00 5.00% 173.85 8.23
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Lexmark SFP Embedded Commerci 156.00 5.00% 148.20 7.01
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Lexmark SFP Embedded Commerci 131.00 5.00% 124.45 5.89
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Lexmark SFP Embedded Commerci 128.00 5.00% 121.60 5.76
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Lexmark SFP Embedded Commerci 125.00 5.00% 118.75 5.62
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Sharp MFD Embedded Commercial 625.00 5.00% 593.75 28.10
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Sharp MFD Embedded Commercial 413.00 5.00% 392.35 18.57
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Sharp MFD Embedded Commercial 357.00 5.00% 339.15 16.05
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Sharp MFD Embedded Commercial 304.00 5.00% 288.80 13.67
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Sharp MFD Embedded Commercial 255.00 5.00% 242.25 11.47
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Sharp MFD Embedded Commercial 250.00 5.00% 237.50 11.24
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Sharp MFD Embedded Commercial 245.00 5.00% 232.75 11.02
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Muratec MFD Embedded Commerci 625.00 5.00% 593.75 28.10
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Muratec MFD Embedded Commerci 413.00 5.00% 392.35 18.57
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Muratec MFD Embedded Commerci 357.00 5.00% 339.15 16.05
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Muratec MFD Embedded Commerci 304.00 5.00% 288.80 13.67
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Muratec MFD Embedded Commerci 255.00 5.00% 242.25 11.47
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Muratec MFD Embedded Commerci 250.00 5.00% 237.50 11.24
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Muratec MFD Embedded Commerci 245.00 5.00% 232.75 11.02
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Toshiba MFD Embedded Commerci 625.00 5.00% 593.75 28.10
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Toshiba MFD Embedded Commerci 413.00 5.00% 392.35 18.57
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Toshiba MFD Embedded Commerci 357.00 5.00% 339.15 16.05
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Toshiba MFD Embedded Commerci 304.00 5.00% 288.80 13.67
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Toshiba MFD Embedded Commerci 255.00 5.00% 242.25 11.47
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Toshiba MFD Embedded Commerci 250.00 5.00% 237.50 11.24
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Toshiba MFD Embedded Commerci 245.00 5.00% 232.75 11.02
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Toshiba SFP Embedded Commercia 320.00 5.00% 304.00 14.39
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Toshiba SFP Embedded Commercia 211.00 5.00% 200.45 9.49
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Toshiba SFP Embedded Commercia 183.00 5.00% 173.85 8.23
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Toshiba SFP Embedded Commercia 156.00 5.00% 148.20 7.01
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Toshiba SFP Embedded Commerci 131.00 5.00% 124.45 5.89
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Toshiba SFP Embedded Commerci 128.00 5.00% 121.60 5.76
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Toshiba SFP Embedded Commerci 128.00 5.00% 121.60 5.76
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Xerox MFD Embedded Commercial 625.00 5.00% 593.75 28.10
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Xerox MFD Embedded Commercial 413.00 5.00% 392.35 18.57
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Xerox MFD Embedded Commercial 357.00 5.00% 339.15 16.05
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Xerox MFD Embedded Commercial 304.00 5.00% 288.80 13.67
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Xerox MFD Embedded Commercial 255.00 5.00% 242.25 11.47
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Xerox MFD Embedded Commercial 250.00 5.00% 237.50 11.24
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Xerox MFD Embedded Commercial 245.00 5.00% 232.75 11.02
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Brother MFD Embedded Commercia 320.00 5.00% 304.00 14.39
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Brother MFD Embedded Commercia 211.00 5.00% 200.45 9.49
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Brother MFD Embedded Commercia 183.00 5.00% 173.85 8.23
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Brother MFD Embedded Commercia 156.00 5.00% 148.20 7.01
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Brother MFD Embedded Commercia 131.00 5.00% 124.45 5.89
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Brother MFD Embedded Commercia 128.00 5.00% 121.60 5.76
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Brother MFD Embedded Commerci 125.00 5.00% 118.75 5.62
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF OKI MFD Embedded Commercial L 625.00 5.00% 593.75 28.10
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF OKI MFD Embedded Commercial L 413.00 5.00% 392.35 18.57
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF OKI MFD Embedded Commercial L 357.00 5.00% 339.15 16.05
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF OKI MFD Embedded Commercial L 304.00 5.00% 288.80 13.67
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF OKI MFD Embedded Commercial L 255.00 5.00% 242.25 11.47
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF OKI MFD Embedded Commercial L 250.00 5.00% 237.50 11.24
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF OKI MFD Embedded Commercial L 245.00 5.00% 232.75 11.02
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF EPSON MFD Embedded Commercia 625.00 5.00% 593.75 28.10
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF EPSON MFD Embedded Commercia 413.00 5.00% 392.35 18.57
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF EPSON MFD Embedded Commercia 357.00 5.00% 339.15 16.05
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF EPSON MFD Embedded Commercia 304.00 5.00% 288.80 13.67
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF EPSON MFD Embedded Commercia 255.00 5.00% 242.25 11.47
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF EPSON MFD Embedded Commercia 250.00 5.00% 237.50 11.24
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF EPSON MFD Embedded Commercia 245.00 5.00% 232.75 11.02
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF RISO MFD Embedded Commercial 625.00 5.00% 593.75 28.10
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF RISO MFD Embedded Commercial 413.00 5.00% 392.35 18.57
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF RISO MFD Embedded Commercial 357.00 5.00% 339.15 16.05
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF RISO MFD Embedded Commercial 304.00 5.00% 288.80 13.67
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF RISO MFD Embedded Commercial 255.00 5.00% 242.25 11.47
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF RISO MFD Embedded Commercial 250.00 5.00% 237.50 11.24
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF RISO MFD Embedded Commercial 245.00 5.00% 232.75 11.02
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Dell MFD Embedded Commercial L 625.00 5.00% 593.75 28.10
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Dell MFD Embedded Commercial L 413.00 5.00% 392.35 18.57
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Dell MFD Embedded Commercial L 357.00 5.00% 339.15 16.05
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Dell MFD Embedded Commercial L 304.00 5.00% 288.80 13.67
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Dell MFD Embedded Commercial L 255.00 5.00% 242.25 11.47
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Dell MFD Embedded Commercial L 250.00 5.00% 237.50 11.24
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Dell MFD Embedded Commercial 245.00 5.00% 232.75 11.02
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Sindoh MFD Embedded Commercia 625.00 5.00% 593.75 28.10
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Sindoh MFD Embedded Commercia 413.00 5.00% 392.35 18.57
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Sindoh MFD Embedded Commercia 357.00 5.00% 339.15 16.05
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Sindoh MFD Embedded Commercia 304.00 5.00% 288.80 13.67
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Sindoh MFD Embedded Commercia 255.00 5.00% 242.25 11.47
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Sindoh MFD Embedded Commercia 250.00 5.00% 237.50 11.24
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Sindoh MFD Embedded Commercia 245.00 5.00% 232.75 11.02
Education/Government Embedded Licenses for 3rd Party
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Canon MFD Embedded Education- 551.00 5.00% 523.45 24.77
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Canon MFD Embedded Education- 380.00 5.00% 361.00 17.09
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Canon MFD Embedded Education- 328.00 5.00% 311.60 14.75
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Canon MFD Embedded Education- 286.00 5.00% 271.70 12.86
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Canon MFD Embedded Education- 238.00 5.00% 226.10 10.70
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Canon MFD Embedded Education- 233.00 5.00% 221.35 10.48
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Canon MFD Embedded Education- 228.00 5.00% 216.60 10.25
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Fuji Xerox MFD Embedded Educat 551.00 5.00% 523.45 24.77
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Fuji Xerox MFD Embedded Educat 380.00 5.00% 361.00 17.09
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Fuji Xerox MFD Embedded Educat 328.00 5.00% 311.60 14.75
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Fuji Xerox MFD Embedded Educat 286.00 5.00% 271.70 12.86
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Fuji Xerox MFD Embedded Educat 238.00 5.00% 226.10 10.70
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Fuji Xerox MFD Embedded Educat 233.00 5.00% 221.35 10.48
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Fuji Xerox MFD Embedded Educat 228.00 5.00% 216.60 10.25
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF HP MFD Embedded Education-Gov 551.00 5.00% 523.45 24.77
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF HP MFD Embedded Education-Gov 380.00 5.00% 361.00 17.09
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF HP MFD Embedded Education-Gov 328.00 5.00% 311.60 14.75
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF HP MFD Embedded Education-Gov 286.00 5.00% 271.70 12.86
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF HP MFD Embedded Education-Gov 238.00 5.00% 226.10 10.70
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF HP MFD Embedded Education-Gov 233.00 5.00% 221.35 10.48
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF HP MFD Embedded Education-Gov 228.00 5.00% 216.60 10.25
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF HP SFP Embedded Education-Gov 282.00 5.00% 267.90 12.68
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF HP SFP Embedded Education-Gov 195.00 5.00% 185.25 8.77
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF HP SFP Embedded Education-Gov 168.00 5.00% 159.60 7.55
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF HP SFP Embedded Education-Gov 146.00 5.00% 138.70 6.56
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF HP SFP Embedded Education-Gov 122.00 5.00% 115.90 5.49
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF HP SFP Embedded Education-Gov 119.00 5.00% 113.05 5.35
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF HP SFP Embedded Education-Gov 117.00 5.00% 111.15 5.26
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Konica Minolta MFD Embedded Ed 551.00 5.00% 523.45 24.77
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Konica Minolta MFD Embedded Ed 380.00 5.00% 361.00 17.09
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Konica Minolta MFD Embedded Ed 328.00 5.00% 311.60 14.75
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Konica Minolta MFD Embedded Ed 286.00 5.00% 271.70 12.86
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Konica Minolta MFD Embedded Ed 238.00 5.00% 226.10 10.70
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Konica Minolta MFD Embedded Ed 233.00 5.00% 221.35 10.48
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Konica Minolta MFD Embedded Ed 228.00 5.00% 216.60 10.25
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Kyocera MFD Embedded Educatio 551.00 5.00% 523.45 24.77
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Kyocera MFD Embedded Educatio 380.00 5.00% 361.00 17.09
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Kyocera MFD Embedded Educatio 328.00 5.00% 311.60 14.75
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Kyocera MFD Embedded Educatio 286.00 5.00% 271.70 12.86
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Kyocera MFD Embedded Educatio 238.00 5.00% 226.10 10.70
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Kyocera MFD Embedded Educatio 233.00 5.00% 221.35 10.48
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Kyocera MFD Embedded Educatio 228.00 5.00% 216.60 10.25
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Lexmark MFD Embedded Educatio 551.00 5.00% 523.45 24.77
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Lexmark MFD Embedded Educatio 380.00 5.00% 361.00 17.09
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Lexmark MFD Embedded Educatio 328.00 5.00% 311.60 14.75
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Lexmark MFD Embedded Educatio 286.00 5.00% 271.70 12.86
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Lexmark MFD Embedded Educatio 238.00 5.00% 226.10 10.70
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Lexmark MFD Embedded Educatio 233.00 5.00% 221.35 10.48
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Lexmark MFD Embedded Educatio 228.00 5.00% 216.60 10.25
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Lexmark SFP Embedded Education 282.00 5.00% 267.90 12.68
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Lexmark SFP Embedded Educatio 195.00 5.00% 185.25 8.77
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Lexmark SFP Embedded Educatio 168.00 5.00% 159.60 7.55
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Lexmark SFP Embedded Educatio 146.00 5.00% 138.70 6.56
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Lexmark SFP Embedded Educatio 122.00 5.00% 115.90 5.49
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Lexmark SFP Embedded Educatio 119.00 5.00% 113.05 5.35
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Lexmark SFP Embedded Educatio 117.00 5.00% 111.15 5.26
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Sharp MFD Embedded Education- 551.00 5.00% 523.45 24.77
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Sharp MFD Embedded Education- 380.00 5.00% 361.00 17.09
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Sharp MFD Embedded Education- 328.00 5.00% 311.60 14.75
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Sharp MFD Embedded Education- 286.00 5.00% 271.70 12.86
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Sharp MFD Embedded Education- 238.00 5.00% 226.10 10.70
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Sharp MFD Embedded Education- 233.00 5.00% 221.35 10.48
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Sharp MFD Embedded Education- 228.00 5.00% 216.60 10.25
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Muratec MFD Embedded Educatio 551.00 5.00% 523.45 24.77
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Muratec MFD Embedded Educatio 380.00 5.00% 361.00 17.09
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Muratec MFD Embedded Educatio 328.00 5.00% 311.60 14.75
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Muratec MFD Embedded Educatio 286.00 5.00% 271.70 12.86
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Muratec MFD Embedded Educatio 238.00 5.00% 226.10 10.70
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Muratec MFD Embedded Educatio 233.00 5.00% 221.35 10.48
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Muratec MFD Embedded Educatio 228.00 5.00% 216.60 10.25
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Toshiba MFD Embedded Education 551.00 5.00% 523.45 24.77
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Toshiba MFD Embedded Educatio 380.00 5.00% 361.00 17.09
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Toshiba MFD Embedded Educatio 328.00 5.00% 311.60 14.75
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Toshiba MFD Embedded Educatio 286.00 5.00% 271.70 12.86
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Toshiba MFD Embedded Educatio 238.00 5.00% 226.10 10.70
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Toshiba MFD Embedded Educatio 233.00 5.00% 221.35 10.48
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Toshiba MFD Embedded Educatio 228.00 5.00% 216.60 10.25
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Toshiba SFP Embedded Education 282.00 5.00% 267.90 12.68
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Toshiba SFP Embedded Education 195.00 5.00% 185.25 8.77
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Toshiba SFP Embedded Education 168.00 5.00% 159.60 7.55
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Toshiba SFP Embedded Education 146.00 5.00% 138.70 6.56
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Toshiba SFP Embedded Education 122.00 5.00% 115.90 5.49
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Toshiba SFP Embedded Education 119.00 5.00% 113.05 5.35
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Toshiba SFP Embedded Educatio 117.00 5.00% 111.15 5.26
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Xerox MFD Embedded Education- 551.00 5.00% 523.45 24.77
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Xerox MFD Embedded Education- 380.00 5.00% 361.00 17.09
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Xerox MFD Embedded Education- 328.00 5.00% 311.60 14.75
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Xerox MFD Embedded Education- 286.00 5.00% 271.70 12.86
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Xerox MFD Embedded Education- 238.00 5.00% 226.10 10.70
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Xerox MFD Embedded Education- 233.00 5.00% 221.35 10.48
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Xerox MFD Embedded Education- 228.00 5.00% 216.60 10.25
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Brother MFD Embedded Education 282.00 5.00% 267.90 12.68
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Brother MFD Embedded Education 195.00 5.00% 185.25 8.77
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Brother MFD Embedded Education 168.00 5.00% 159.60 7.55
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Brother MFD Embedded Education 146.00 5.00% 138.70 6.56
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Brother MFD Embedded Education 122.00 5.00% 115.90 5.49
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Brother MFD Embedded Education 119.00 5.00% 113.05 5.35
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Brother MFD Embedded Education 117.00 5.00% 111.15 5.26
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF OKI MFD Embedded Education-Go 551.00 5.00% 523.45 24.77
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF OKI MFD Embedded Education-Go 380.00 5.00% 361.00 17.09
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF OKI MFD Embedded Education-Go 328.00 5.00% 311.60 14.75
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF OKI MFD Embedded Education-Go 286.00 5.00% 271.70 12.86
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF OKI MFD Embedded Education-Go 238.00 5.00% 226.10 10.70
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF OKI MFD Embedded Education-Go 233.00 5.00% 221.35 10.48
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF OKI MFD Embedded Education-Go 228.00 5.00% 216.60 10.25
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF EPSON MFD Embedded Education- 551.00 5.00% 523.45 24.77
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF EPSON MFD Embedded Education- 380.00 5.00% 361.00 17.09
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF EPSON MFD Embedded Education- 328.00 5.00% 311.60 14.75
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF EPSON MFD Embedded Education- 286.00 5.00% 271.70 12.86
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF EPSON MFD Embedded Education 238.00 5.00% 226.10 10.70
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF EPSON MFD Embedded Education 233.00 5.00% 221.35 10.48
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF EPSON MFD Embedded Education 228.00 5.00% 216.60 10.25
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF RISO MFD Embedded Education-G 551.00 5.00% 523.45 24.77
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF RISO MFD Embedded Education-G 380.00 5.00% 361.00 17.09
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF RISO MFD Embedded Education-G 328.00 5.00% 311.60 14.75
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF RISO MFD Embedded Education-G 286.00 5.00% 271.70 12.86
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF RISO MFD Embedded Education-G 238.00 5.00% 226.10 10.70
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF RISO MFD Embedded Education-G 233.00 5.00% 221.35 10.48
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF RISO MFD Embedded Education-G 228.00 5.00% 216.60 10.25
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Dell MFD Embedded Education-Go 551.00 5.00% 523.45 24.77
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Dell MFD Embedded Education-Go 380.00 5.00% 361.00 17.09
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Dell MFD Embedded Education-Go 328.00 5.00% 311.60 14.75
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Dell MFD Embedded Education-Go 286.00 5.00% 271.70 12.86
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Dell MFD Embedded Education-Go 238.00 5.00% 226.10 10.70
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Dell MFD Embedded Education-Go 233.00 5.00% 221.35 10.48
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Dell MFD Embedded Education-Go 228.00 5.00% 216.60 10.25
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Sindoh MFD Embedded Education- 551.00 5.00% 523.45 24.77
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Sindoh MFD Embedded Education 380.00 5.00% 361.00 17.09
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Sindoh MFD Embedded Education 328.00 5.00% 311.60 14.75
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Sindoh MFD Embedded Education 286.00 5.00% 271.70 12.86
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Sindoh MFD Embedded Education 238.00 5.00% 226.10 10.70
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Sindoh MFD Embedded Education 233.00 5.00% 221.35 10.48
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Sindoh MFD Embedded Education 228.00 5.00% 216.60 10.25
Hardware Add Value Stations
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Mini Kiosk B-500 (Bills Only) IN 3,745.00 5.00% 3,557.75 168.39
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Mini Kiosk B-600 (Coins and Bill 3,995.00 5.00% 3,795.25 179.63
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Bill Box M-500 (Bills Only) INC1 1,695.00 5.00% 1,610.25 76.21
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Bill Box M-600 (Coins and Bills) 1,895.00 5.00% 1,800.25 85.21
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF MDV Bill Acceptor INC1YR 350.00 5.00% 332.50 15.74
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF SEM Coin Box 9900x (Coins and 1,995.00 5.00% 1,895.25 89.70
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF ITC Grand Coin Box 5420 (Coins 1,995.00 5.00% 1,895.25 89.70
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF ITC netZtouch Loader with Bill A 4,995.00 5.00% 4,745.25 224.59
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF ITC Add Coin Drop INC1YR 695.00 5.00% 660.25 31.25
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Pedestal for ITC 7880U INC1YR 700.00 5.00% 665.00 31.47
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF ITC PayStation Elite (Touch Scr 3,595.00 5.00% 3,415.25 161.64
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF ITC PayStation Elite (Touch Scre 2,076.00 5.00% 1,972.20 93.34
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF ITC Add NAYAX Credit Card Sy 695.00 5.00% 660.25 31.25
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF ITC Add USA Credit Card Syste 695.00 5.00% 660.25 31.25
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF ITC Add Receipt Printer (5820 7 695.00 5.00% 660.25 31.25
Hardware Card Readers
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF ITC Add HID iClass Reader INC 675.00 5.00% 641.25 30.35
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF ITC Add Barcode Reader (1D-2D) 490.00 5.00% 465.50 22.03
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF ITC Add Mifare Contactiess Rea 490.00 5.00% 465.50 22.03
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF ITC Add HID Prox (125 KHz) Re 495.00 5.00% 470.25 22.26
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF ITC Add Magnetic Swipe Reader 262.00 5.00% 248.90 11.78
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF ITC Note Acceptor Recycler ($1 733.00 5.00% 696.35 32.96
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF ITC ClearRF cellular signal boos 570.00 5.00% 541.50 25.63
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF ITC Credit Card Payment Termina 1,598.00 5.00% 1,518.10 71.85
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Pedestal for ITC Terminal ePort 300.00 5.00% 285.00 13.49
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF ITC EPORT USA Bypass Card 1 59.00 5.00% 56.05 2.65
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Terminal Interface Copier Cable 275.00 5.00% 261.25 12.36
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF InterCard Value Loader (SimplyS 4,995.00 5.00% 4,745.25 224.59
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF InterCard ADD Credit Card Syst 695.00 5.00% 660.25 31.25
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF InterCard Add NAYAX Credit Ca 695.00 5.00% 660.25 31.25
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF InterCard Add Receipt Printer I 695.00 5.00% 660.25 31.25
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF InterCard Add HID iClass Reade 675.00 5.00% 641.25 30.35
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF InterCard Add Barcode Reader (1D 490.00 5.00% 465.50 22.03
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF InterCard Add Mifare Contactles 490.00 5.00% 465.50 22.03
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF InterCard Add HID Prox (125 KH 495.00 5.00% 470.25 22.26
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF InterCard Add Magnetic Swipe 262.00 5.00% 248.90 11.78
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF InterCard Pedestal for Loader w 500.00 5.00% 475.00 22.48
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Rfideas Swipe Reader USB INC 99.00 5.00% 94.05 4.45
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Rfideas ETHERNET 241 USB Co 165.00 5.00% 156.75 7.42
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Rfideas HID Prox Plus Card Re 185.00 5.00% 175.75 8.32
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Rfideas HID Prox Plus Card Re 175.00 5.00% 166.25 7.87
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Rfideas HID Prox Plus Card Rea 185.00 5.00% 175.75 8.32
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Rfideas HID Prox Plus Reader 185.00 5.00% 175.75 8.32
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Rfideas HP HID Prox Internal R 229.00 5.00% 217.55 10.30
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Rfideas HP HID iClass Internal 239.00 5.00% 227.05 10.75
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Rfideas HID Prox Plus Card Rea 185.00 5.00% 175.75 8.32
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Rfideas pcProx Enroll Indala cu 175.00 5.00% 166.25 7.87
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Rfideas pcProx Enroll Indala 26 175.00 5.00% 166.25 7.87
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Rfideas pcProx Plus Enroll w-i 205.00 5.00% 194.75 9.22
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Rfideas pcProx Plus Enroll w-i 205.00 5.00% 194.75 9.22
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Rfideas pcProx Plus Enroll w-i 205.00 5.00% 194.75 9.22
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Xerox Barcode Kit INC1YR 295.00 5.00% 280.25 13.26
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Reader R5427 (125Khz + 13-56M 159.00 5.00% 151.05 7.15
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF ELATEC TNW4 HID Prox Reader 175.00 5.00% 166.25 7.87
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF ELATEC TNW4 Reader w-Blueto 175.00 5.00% 166.25 7.87
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF ELATEC TNW4 HID Prox Reader 175.00 5.00% 166.25 7.87
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF ELATEC TNW4 Prox Reader USB- 175.00 5.00% 166.25 7.87
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF ELATEC TNW4 iCLASS Reader U 215.00 5.00% 204.25 9.67
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF ELATEC TNW4 HID Prox Reader 175.00 5.00% 166.25 7.87
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF ELATEC TNW4 iCLASS Reader U 215.00 5.00% 204.25 9.67
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Elatec Tracer Kit for ID Card Te 250.00 5.00% 237.50 11.24
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF ELATEC TNW4 Prox Reader US 175.00 5.00% 166.25 7.87
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF ELATEC TNW4 iCLASS Reader 215.00 5.00% 204.25 9.67
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF ELATEC TNW4 Prox Reader Stan 175.00 5.00% 166.25 7.87
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF ELATEC TNW4 iCLASS Reader S 215.00 5.00% 204.25 9.67
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF ELATEC P-Kit Reader RFID Xero 295.00 5.00% 280.25 13.26
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF ELATEC P-Kit Reader RFID Xero 235.00 5.00% 223.25 10.57
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF ELATEC PI-Kit-Reader RFID Xero 345.00 5.00% 327.75 15.51
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF ELATEC PI-Kit-Reader RFID Xer 295.00 5.00% 280.25 13.26
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF ELATEC P-Kit Reader RFID INC 345.00 5.00% 327.75 15.51
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF ELATEC PI-Kit Reader RFID IN 395.00 5.00% 375.25 17.76
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF TCP Converter 1 INC1YR 175.00 5.00% 166.25 7.87
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF TCP Converter 2 INC1YR 195.00 5.00% 185.25 8.77
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF TCP Converter 3 INC1YR 195.00 5.00% 185.25 8.77
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF HID Seal for proximity technolog 2.50 5.00% 2.38 0.11
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Mifare Seal for proximity technol 2.50 5.00% 2.38 0.11
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Rfideas Seal for Proximity techn 3.70 5.00% 3.52 0.17
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF HID KeyFob for proximity techno 6.00 5.00% 5.70 0.27
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Rfideas HID KeyFob for Prox II t 6.00 5.00% 5.70 0.27
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF HID Technology Card CR80 PVC 3.50 5.00% 3.33 0.16
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Rfideas HID Technology Card 3.50 5.00% 3.33 0.16
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF ID Card Swipe Technology CR80 1.20 5.00% 1.14 0.05
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF KeyBoard Emulation USB Keypa 35.00 5.00% 33.25 1.57
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Perixx USB Keypad PERIPAD 20 35.00 5.00% 33.25 1.57
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Magtek Swipe Reader USB INC 99.00 5.00% 94.05 4.45
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Bar Code Slot (Swipe) Reader I 109.00 5.00% 103.55 4.90
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Bar Code Honeywell 1250g Singl 185.00 5.00% 175.75 8.32
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Bar Code Scanner CCD Ultra C 265.00 5.00% 251.75 11.92
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Symcode CCD Barcode Reader 155.00 5.00% 147.25 6.97
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF ID Tech Omni Barcode Reader Barcode Badge
Card Reader WCR3237-600US
5.00% 175.75
INC1YR 8.32
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Bio Reader NET DMZ073 INC1Y 475.00 5.00% 451.25 21.36
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Bio Reader SR DMZ078 INC1YR 435.00 5.00% 413.25 19.56
Hardware Card Reader Brackets
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Universal Reader Metal Bracket 22.00 5.00% 20.90 0.99
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Rfideas Mounting Bracket pcProx 6.00 5.00% 5.70 0.27
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Plastic Elatec Reader Holder (Sn 18.00 5.00% 17.10 0.81
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Universal Plastic Reader Bracket 20.00 5.00% 19.00 0.90
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Universal Plastic Reader Bracket 20.00 5.00% 19.00 0.90
Hardware External Terminals
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF CPAD Terminal INC1YR 1,195.00 5.00% 1,135.25 53.73
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Metal Table Base CPAD NetZTo 50.00 5.00% 47.50 2.25
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Terminal Interface Copier Cable 75.00 5.00% 71.25 3.37
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Pedestal for Terminal Support 225.00 5.00% 213.75 10.12
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF NetZtouch QBX 7.5" TS Termina 1,095.00 5.00% 1,040.25 49.24
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF NetZtouch QBX 7.5" TS Termina 1,145.00 5.00% 1,087.75 51.48
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Smart ecoTouch Table base - tou 595.00 5.00% 565.25 26.75
Hardware Extended Warranty
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Bill Box M500-M600 1 Year Exte 140.00 5.00% 133.00 6.29
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Bill Box M500-M600 2 Year Exte 270.00 5.00% 256.50 12.14
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Bill Box M500-M600 3 Year Exte 410.00 5.00% 389.50 18.44
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Bill Box M500-M600 4 Year Exte 515.00 5.00% 489.25 23.16
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Mini Kiosk B500-B600 1 Year Ex 250.00 5.00% 237.50 11.24
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Mini Kiosk B500-B600 2 Year Ex 475.00 5.00% 451.25 21.36
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Mini Kiosk B500-B600 3 Year Ex 715.00 5.00% 679.25 32.15
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Mini Kiosk B500-B600 4 Year Ex 950.00 5.00% 902.50 42.72
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Coin Box SEM 9900x ITC Grand 345.00 5.00% 327.75 15.51
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Coin Box SEM 9900x ITC Grand 545.00 5.00% 517.75 24.51
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Coin Box SEM 9900x ITC Grand 745.00 5.00% 707.75 33.50
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Coin Box SEM 9900x ITC Grand 895.00 5.00% 850.25 40.24
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Reader & Converter 1 Year Exte 12.00 5.00% 11.40 0.54
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Reader & Converter 2 Year Exte 18.00 5.00% 17.10 0.81
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Reader & Converter 3 Year Exte 26.00 5.00% 24.70 1.17
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Reader & Converter 4 Year Exte 34.00 5.00% 32.30 1.53
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF CPAD NetZtouch Terminal 1 Yea 150.00 5.00% 142.50 6.74
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF CPAD NetZtouch Terminal 2 Yea 275.00 5.00% 261.25 12.36
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF CPAD NetZtouch Terminal 3 Yea 425.00 5.00% 403.75 19.11
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF CPAD NetZtouch Terminal 4 Yea 525.00 5.00% 498.75 23.61
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF ITC Value Loader (ITC7880) 1 Y 995.00 5.00% 945.25 44.74
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF ITC Value Loader (ITC7880) 2 Y 1,695.00 5.00% 1,610.25 76.21
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF ITC Value Loader (ITC7880) 3 Y 1,995.00 5.00% 1,895.25 89.70
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF ITC Value Loader (ITC7880) 4 Y 2,395.00 5.00% 2,275.25 107.69
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF ITC Pay Station Elite (ITC5820) 695.00 5.00% 660.25 31.25
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF ITC Pay Station Elite (ITC5820) 1,095.00 5.00% 1,040.25 49.24
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF ITC Pay Station Elite (ITC5820) 1,395.00 5.00% 1,325.25 62.72
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF ITC Pay Station Elite (ITC5820) 1,595.00 5.00% 1,515.25 71.72
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF ITC Credit Card Payment Termin 295.00 5.00% 280.25 13.26
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF ITC Credit Card Payment Termin 495.00 5.00% 470.25 22.26
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF ITC Credit Card Payment Termin 695.00 5.00% 660.25 31.25
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF ITC Credit Card Payment Termin 895.00 5.00% 850.25 40.24
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Smart ecoTouch 1 Year Extende 185.00 5.00% 175.75 8.32
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Smart ecoTouch 2 Year Extende 285.00 5.00% 270.75 12.81
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Smart ecoTouch 3 Year Extende 385.00 5.00% 365.75 17.31
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Smart ecoTouch 4 Year Extende 445.00 5.00% 422.75 20.01
Professional Services
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF On-Site Assistance (Per day - 8 h 1,600.00 5.00% 1,520.00 71.94
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Remote Assistance (Per day - 6 h 1,200.00 5.00% 1,140.00 53.96
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Remote Assistance (Per hour) 215.00 5.00% 204.25 9.67
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF PaperCut Extended Year Remote 1,600.00 5.00% 1,520.00 71.94
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF PaperCut Extended Year Remote 3,000.00 5.00% 2,850.00 134.89
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF PaperCut Remote After Hour Assis 315.00 5.00% 299.25 14.16
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Implementation Pack for Standard 1,200.00 5.00% 1,140.00 53.96
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Implementation Pack for Mini Prin 600.00 5.00% 570.00 26.98
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Standard Script Module Pack 1,200.00 5.00% 1,140.00 53.96
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Basic Script Module Pack 600.00 5.00% 570.00 26.98
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Advanced Script Module Pack 1,600.00 5.00% 1,520.00 71.94
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Mobile Print Solutions Implementat 500.00 5.00% 475.00 22.48
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF PaperCut Developer Consulting Fe 250.00 5.00% 237.50 11.24
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF PaperCut Tailor Web Tools to Cu 200.00 5.00% 190.00 8.99
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Travel Expenses (Airfare, Lodging - #DIV/0! - -
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Project Assistance and Consulting 500.00 5.00% 475.00 22.48
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF Proof of Concept Services (1 Se 800.00 5.00% 760.00 35.97
ecoprintQ PaperCutMF PaperCut Admin Fee for License C 100.00 5.00% 95.00 4.50
PS Installation PaperCut MF 185.00 10.27% 166.00 7.86


Ricoh MP2852 Bundle
MP 2852SP Remanufactured $4,305.00 32.92% $2,888.00 $148.52
w/Cabinet/ARDF/Print/Scan (2 feed drawers)
Ricoh MP3352 Bundle
MP 3352SP Remanufactured $5,345.00 33.21% $3,570.00 $180.80
w/2 x 550 Tray Paper Bank PB3130/ARDF/Print/Scan (4 feed drawers)
SR3090 Finisher (1000 Sheet External) 705.00 34.33% 463.00 21.91
Optional Accessories for MP2852/3352
ESP XG-PCS-15D (120 Volt, 15 Amp) 346.00 57.23% 148.00 6.49
Network Print/Scan Connection (Seg. 2) 300.00 46.33% 161.00 7.06
Network Print/Scan Connection (Seg. 3) 350.00 46.29% 188.00 8.24
Fax Type 3352 405.00 34.32% 266.00 12.59
PostScript 3 Type 3352-REMAN 405.00 34.32% 266.00 12.59

Ricoh MP2554SP Bundle

MP 2554SP-RM $3,489.00 35.02% $2,267.00 $119.13
w/Cabinet/ARDF DF3090/Print/Scan (2 feed drawers)
Ricoh MP3054SP Bundle
MP 3054SP-RM $4,959.00 35.01% $3,223.00 $164.38
w/Cabinet/ARDF DF3090/BU3070/Print/Scan (2 feed drawers)
Ricoh MP3554SP Bundle
MP 3554SP-RM $5,849.00 35.01% $3,801.00 $191.73
w/550x2 Paper Feed Unit PB3160/ARDF DF3090/BU3070/Print/Scan (4 feed drawers)
Ricoh MP4054SP Bundle
MP 4054SP-RM $6,715.00 35.01% $4,364.00 $218.38
w/Cabinet/SPDF DF3080/BU3070/Print/Scan (2 feed drawers)
Ricoh MP5054SP Bundle
MP 5054SP-RM $8,245.00 35.00% $5,359.00 $265.47
w/550x2 Paper Feed Unit PB3160/SPDF DF3080/BU3070/Print/Scan (4 feed drawers)
Optional Accessories for MP2554/3054/3554/4054/5054
ESP XG-PCS-15D (120 Volt, 15 Amp) 346.00 57.23% 148.00 6.49
Network Print/Scan Connection (Seg. 3) 350.00 46.29% 188.00 8.24
Network Print/Scan Connection (Seg. 4) 425.00 46.12% 229.00 10.03
Finisher SR3140 (1000 Sheet External) 705.00 33.62% 468.00 22.15
Booklet Finisher SR3150 (1000 Sheet External) 999.00 33.43% 665.00 31.47
Punch Unit PU3050 405.00 33.58% 269.00 12.73
PostScript3 Unit Type M12 - RM 375.00 35.20% 243.00 11.50
Browser Unit Type M12 116.00 35.34% 75.00 3.29
Fax Option Type M12 - RM 765.00 35.03% 497.00 23.52

Ricoh MP4002 Bundle

MP 4002SP Remanufactured $6,625.00 33.52% $4,404.00 $220.27
w/Cabinet/ARDF/Print/Scan-color (2 feed drawers)
SR3090 Finisher (1000 Sheet External) 705.00 34.33% 463.00 21.91
Ricoh MP5002 Bundle
MP 5002SP Remanufactured $8,529.00 33.77% $5,649.00 $279.20
w/PB3040/ARDF/Print/Scan-color (4 feed drawers)
SR3090 Finisher (1000 Sheet External) 705.00 34.33% 463.00 21.91
Optional Accessories for MP4002/5002
ESP XG-PCS-15D (120 Volt, 15 Amp) 346.00 57.23% 148.00 6.49
Network Print/Scan Connection (Seg. 3) 350.00 46.29% 188.00 8.24
Network Print/Scan Connection (Seg. 4) 425.00 46.12% 229.00 10.03
Fax Type 5002 405.00 34.32% 266.00 12.59
PostScript 3 Type 5002 405.00 34.32% 266.00 12.59

Ricoh MP6002 Bundle

MP 6002SP Remanufactured $13,435.00 34.59% $8,788.00 $427.77
Finisher SR4060 700.00 34.29% 460.00 21.77
Ricoh MP7502 Bundle
MP7502SP Remanufactured $18,589.00 34.65% $12,148.00 $586.80
Finisher SR4060 700.00 34.29% 460.00 21.77
Optional Accessories for MP6002/MP7502
ESP XG-PCS-20D (120 Volt, 20 Amp) 350.00 57.14% 150.00 6.57
Fax Option Type 9002 400.00 0.00% 400.00 18.93
PostScript 3 Unit Type 9002 200.00 0.00% 200.00 9.47
SR4070 Saddle Stitch Finisher 1,000.00 34.20% 658.00 31.14
Punch PU3260 for SR3020/3030/4000/970 400.00 33.00% 268.00 12.68

Ricoh MP6001 Bundle

MP 6001 Remanufactured $13,435.00 34.11% $8,852.00 $430.80
Finisher SR4030 700.00 34.29% 460.00 21.77
Optional Accessories for MP6001/7001/80001
ESP XG-PCS-20D (120 Volt, 20 Amp) 350.00 57.14% 150.00 6.57
ESP XG-PCS-20820D (208 Volt, 20 Amp) 365.62 50.77% 180.00 7.89
Network Print/Scan Connection (Seg. 4) 425.00 46.12% 229.00 10.03
Network Print/Scan Connection (Seg. 5) 500.00 46.40% 268.00 11.74
Fax Option Type 9001 400.00 34.25% 263.00 12.45
PostScript 3 Type 9001 200.00 34.50% 131.00 6.20
SR4040 Saddle Stitch Finisher 1,000.00 34.20% 658.00 31.14
Punch PU3260 for SR3020/3030/4000/970 400.00 33.00% 268.00 12.68

Ricoh R907EX-RM Bundle

Pro 907EX Remanufactured Engine w/print/scan $20,300.00 34.22% $13,354.00 $643.88
REQUIRED: Installation - Ricoh 907EX Family without Fi 1,793.14 25.05% 1,344.00 58.89
Finisher SR5000 2,500.00 33.88% 1,653.00 78.24
Ricoh R1107EX-RM Bundle
Pro 1107EX Remanufactured Engine w/print/scan $26,100.00 34.35% $17,135.00 $822.83
REQUIRED: Installation - Pro M1107Ex/1357Ex No Fiery 1,793.14 15.01% 1,524.00 66.78
Finisher SR5000 2,500.00 33.88% 1,653.00 78.24
Optional Accessories for 907EX/1107EX
ESP XG-PCS-20820D (208 Volt, 20 Amp) 365.62 50.77% 180.00 7.89
Network Print/Scan Connection (Seg. 6) 750.00 46.27% 403.00 17.66
PostScript3 Unit Type 1357 300.00 0.00% 300.00 14.20
LCIT RT5030 (ltr) 800.00 33.88% 529.00 25.04
LCIT RT5040 (lgr) 1,600.00 35.50% 1,032.00 48.84
Booklet Finisher SR5020 800.00 35.50% 516.00 24.42
Punch Unit PU5000 400.00 34.00% 264.00 12.50
Punch Unit PU5020 (SR5020) 500.00 35.60% 322.00 15.24

Ricoh MPC3002 Bundle

MP C3002 Remanufactured $6,375.00 33.44% $4,243.00 $212.65
w/Cabinet/ARDF/Print/Scan (2 feed drawers)
Optional Accessories for MPC3002/3502
ESP XG-PCS-15D (120 Volt, 15 Amp) 346.00 57.23% 148.00 6.49
Network & Scan Connect - Seg BC2 300.00 46.33% 161.00 7.06
Network & Scan Connect - Seg BC3 350.00 46.29% 188.00 8.24
Fax Type C5502 405.00 34.32% 266.00 12.59
PostScript 3 Type C5502 405.00 34.32% 266.00 12.59
Ricoh MPC3003 Bundle
MP C3003 Remanufactured $6,375.00 32.72% $4,289.00 $214.83
w/Cabinet/ARDF/Print/Scan (2 feed drawers)
Ricoh MPC3503 Bundle
MP C3503 Remanufactured $8,655.00 33.17% $5,784.00 $285.59
w/2 x 550 Tray Paper Bank PB3160/ARDF/Print/Scan (4 feed drawers)
Finisher SR3140 (1000 Sheet External) 705.00 33.62% 468.00 22.15
Booklet Finisher SR3150 (1000 Sheet External) 999.00 33.43% 665.00 31.47
Punch Unit PU3050 405.00 33.58% 269.00 12.73
Optional Accessories for MPC3003/3503
ESP XG-PCS-15D (120 Volt, 15 Amp) 346.00 57.23% 148.00 6.49
Network & Scan Connect - Seg BC2 300.00 46.33% 161.00 7.06
Network & Scan Connect - Seg BC3 350.00 46.29% 188.00 8.24
Fax Option Type M3 405.00 33.58% 269.00 12.73
PostScript 3 Unt Type M3 405.00 33.58% 269.00 12.73
Browser Unit Type M3 170.00 33.53% 113.00 4.95
Ricoh MPC4503 Bundle
MP C4503 Remanufactured $9,795.00 33.17% $6,546.00 $321.65
w/Cabinet/ARDF/Print/Scan(2 feed drawers)
Ricoh MPC5503 Bundle
MP C5503 Remanufactured $12,209.00 33.29% $8,145.00 $397.34
w/PB3160/ARDF/Print/Scan-color (4 feed drawers)
Finisher SR3140 (1000 Sheet External) 705.00 33.62% 468.00 22.15
Booklet Finisher SR3150 (1000 Sheet External) 999.00 33.43% 665.00 31.47
Punch Unit PU3050 405.00 33.58% 269.00 12.73
Optional Accessories for MPC4503/5503
ESP XG-PCS-15D (120 Volt, 15 Amp) 346.00 57.23% 148.00 6.49
Network & Scan Connect - Seg BC4 425.00 46.12% 229.00 10.03
Fax Option Type M4 405.00 33.58% 269.00 12.73
PostScript 3 Unt Type M4 405.00 33.58% 269.00 12.73
Browser Unit Type M4 170.00 33.53% 113.00 4.95
Ricoh MPC6502 Bundle
MP C6502SP Remanufactured $20,160.00 33.15% $13,476.00 $649.65
w/ARDF/Print/Scan(4 feed drawers)
Finisher SR4090 705.00 33.62% 468.00 22.15
Ricoh MPC8002 Bundle
MP C8002SP Remanufactured $25,380.00 33.22% $16,948.00 $813.98
w/ARDF/Print/Scan-color (4 feed drawers)
Finisher SR4090 705.00 33.62% 468.00 22.15
Optional Accessories for MPC6502/8002
ESP XG-PCS-20D (120 Volt, 20 Amp) 350.00 57.14% 150.00 6.57
ESP XG-PCS-20820D (208 Volt, 20 Amp) 365.62 50.77% 180.00 7.89
Booklet Finisher SR4100 1,000.00 33.50% 665.00 31.47
Punch Unit PU3060 NA 400.00 33.50% 266.00 12.59
Fax Type M2 400.00 33.50% 266.00 12.59
PostScript3 Unit Type M2 400.00 33.50% 266.00 12.59

Ricoh Aficio C901 RSS Bundles

Ricoh Pro C901 Reman $41,500.00 33.81% $27,470.00 $1,311.99
REQUIRED: PPSE Training - ProC901+ w/ e42 Fiery 8,250.00 4.55% 7,875.00 345.08
Ricoh Pro C901S Reman $45,000.00 33.85% $29,767.00 $1,420.70
REQUIRED: PPSE Training - ProC901+ w/ e42 Fiery 8,250.00 4.55% 7,875.00 345.08
Optional Accessories for C901
30 amp power filter 2,316.66 53.47% 1,078.00 47.24
Network & Scan Connect - Seg PC 750.00 46.27% 403.00 17.66
Booklet Finisher BK5000 (Must Have SR5000) 800.00 33.88% 529.00 25.04
Punch Unit PU5000 400.00 34.00% 264.00 12.50
LCIT RT5030 (ltr) 800.00 33.88% 529.00 25.04
E-41 OS Upgrade Kit 685.00 0.00% 685.00 32.42

Ricoh Pro 5100 Reman

Pro C5100S Reman $27,505.00 35.00% $17,878.00 $858.00
Pro C5110S Reman $32,625.00 35.00% $21,206.00 $1,015.51
Accessories for Pro 5100
30 amp power filter 2,316.66 53.47% 1,078.00 47.24
Network & Scan Connect - Seg PC 750.00 46.27% 403.00 17.66
Punch Unit PU3060 NA 400.00 33.50% 266.00 12.59
RT4020 A4/LT LCIT 1,555.00 35.05% 1,010.00 47.80
RT4030 A3/DLT LCIT 3,225.00 35.01% 2,096.00 99.20
Finisher SR4090 705.00 33.62% 468.00 22.15
Booklet Finisher SR4100 1,000.00 33.50% 665.00 31.47
PostScript3 Unit Type M2 400.00 33.50% 266.00 12.59

Ricoh Pro 8100 Reman

Pro 8100SE Reman $22,245.00 35.00% $14,459.00 $644.55
Pro 8110SE Reman $27,745.00 35.00% $18,034.00 $801.20
Accessories for Pro 8100
30 amp power filter 2,316.66 53.47% 1,078.00 47.24
Network & Scan Connect - Seg PC 750.00 46.27% 403.00 17.66
Finisher SR5050 3,435.00 35.02% 2,232.00 97.81
Punch Unit PU5020 (SR5020) 500.00 35.60% 322.00 15.24
LCIT RT5070 2,549.00 35.03% 1,656.00 72.57
LCIT RT5080 4,779.00 35.01% 3,106.00 136.10
Booklet Finisher SR5060 6,195.00 35.01% 4,026.00 176.42
Reman PostScript 3 Type S1 999.00 35.04% 649.00 28.44
Fiery EB-32 5,375.00 35.01% 3,493.00 153.06

Kodak Digimaster Offerings

Marking Engine EX110 Remanufactured $94,498.00 38.56% $58,063.00 $2,759.95
REQUIRED: Installation - Kodak EX (Fixed Fee / Fixed H 10,395.00 25.00% 7,796.00 341.62
VP Finisher 17,245.00 35.49% 11,125.00 526.55
VP Cabinetry/Accessory Kit 1.00 0.00% 1.00 0.05
Marking Engine EX125 Remanufactured $114,998.00 35.48% $74,192.00 $3,523.34
REQUIRED: Installation - Kodak EX (Fixed Fee / Fixed H 10,395.00 25.00% 7,796.00 341.62
VP Finisher 17,245.00 35.49% 11,125.00 526.55
VP Cabinetry/Accessory Kit 1.00 0.00% 1.00 0.05
Marking Engine EX138 Remanufactured $133,873.00 38.56% $82,256.00 $3,905.01
REQUIRED: Installation - Kodak EX (Fixed Fee / Fixed H 10,395.00 25.00% 7,796.00 341.62
VP Finisher 17,245.00 35.49% 11,125.00 526.55
VP Cabinetry/Accessory Kit 1.00 0.00% 1.00 0.05
Marking Engine EX150 Remanufactured $160,123.00 35.48% $103,305.00 $4,901.26
REQUIRED: Installation - Kodak EX (Fixed Fee / Fixed H 10,395.00 25.00% 7,796.00 341.62
VP Finisher 17,245.00 35.49% 11,125.00 526.55
VP Cabinetry/Accessory Kit 1.00 0.00% 1.00 0.05
Optional Accessories for Kodak EX
30 amp power filter 2,316.66 53.47% 1,078.00 47.24
Paper Supply Module (E/EX) 22,000.00 35.49% 14,193.00 671.75
Stacker (E/EX) with finisher bypass & cart 22,000.00 35.49% 14,193.00 671.75
Inserter (E/EX) 22,000.00 35.49% 14,193.00 671.75
Punch Unit (E/EX) 6,707.00 0.00% 6,707.00 317.44
Booklet Maker (E/EX) 23,100.00 35.48% 14,903.00 705.36


OPENTEXT RIGHTFAX FAX GTWY 2100 MOD 1T1/E1 SI 3,833.33 0.00% 3,833.33 181.43
RightFax Document Delivery Channel FOIP 1,445.00 0.00% 1,445.00 68.39
FOIP Enable Existing RightFax Document Delivery Chann 550.00 0.00% 550.00 26.03
[OOD]DUPLO INSTALL FEE FOR DPB-500PUR 4,000.00 0.00% 4,000.00 175.28
[OOD][OOD} DUPLO PERFECT BINDING DPB-500 S 120,000.00 0.00% 120,000.00 5,258.40
[OOD]EFI DSF ESSENTIAL PLATFORM TERM LICENSE 5,280.00 0.00% 5,280.00 249.90
[OOD]EFI VDP TERM LICENSE - 1 YR 6,360.00 0.00% 6,360.00 301.02
[OOD]EFI SSO AUTHENTICATION MODULE TERM LIC 4,320.00 0.00% 4,320.00 204.47
[SOW NO SDA]PS TRAINING PERFORMED BY TAS (P 150.00 0.00% 150.00 7.10
PS INSTALLATION PERFORMED BY TS (PER HR) 150.00 0.00% 150.00 7.10
MEMORY UNIT TYPE M37 4GB 425.00 55.76% 188.00 8.24
[OOD]EFI DSF TERM LICENSE ACTIVATION 1,000.00 0.00% 1,000.00 47.33
[OOD]EFI DSF PLATFORM HOSTING FEE 1,200.00 0.00% 1,200.00 56.80
Fujitsu FI-7160 Color Duplex Scanner VRS Elite DT 5.1 1,395.00 5.00% 1,325.25 58.07
FUJITSU FI-7300NX SCANNER 60 PPM AUR INC1YR 1,395.00 5.00% 1,325.25 62.72

EFI Self-Serve AdminCentral Account Setup Fee 499.00 10.00% 449.10 21.26
EFI SELF-SERVE M600 COPIER TEST BOX 60.00 12.00% 52.80 2.31
[OOD]RSI BOX CONNECTOR 3 YEAR TERM INC3YR 180.00 0.00% 180.00 8.52
[OOD]RSI BOX CONNECTOR 4 YEAR TERM INC4YR 240.00 0.00% 240.00 11.36
[OOD]RSI BOX CONNECTOR 5 YEAR TERM INC5YR 300.00 0.00% 300.00 14.20
GBC Magnapunch Pro 4,220.00 12.00% 3,713.60 175.76
INSTALLATION FOR GBC MAGNAPRO 395.00 0.00% 395.00 18.70
GBC DIE MAGNA PRO C4 .250 RND 1,195.00 12.00% 1,051.60 46.08
GBC Coil Inserter CLR w/ Cut & Crimp Knives 3,222.34 12.00% 2,835.66 134.21
[OA] PPSE TRAINING - XANTE MULTI 500.00 0.00% 500.00 21.91
[OOD]NEOPOST WTS SITE DEPLOYMENT 2,495.00 12.00% 2,195.60 103.92
SPIRAL BND BAUM 714XLT AIR-FEED FOLDER 8,250.00 12.00% 7,260.00 318.13
[OOD] NEOPOST WIRELESS BARCODE SCANNER 949.00 12.00% 835.12 36.59
NEOPOST ZEBRA TC51 SCANNER BUNDLE REQS SW 1,990.00 12.00% 1,751.20 76.74
[OOD] NEOPOST WTS THERMAL LAB PRINTER 899.00 12.00% 791.12 34.67
[OOD] NEOPOST NPST MILFCOMPCENTR UNIT 249.00 12.00% 219.12 10.37
GBC Magnapunch Pro 4,220.00 12.00% 3,713.60 175.76
INSTALLATION FOR GBC MAGNAPRO 395.00 0.00% 395.00 18.70
GBC DIE MAGNA PRO C4 .250 RND 1,195.00 12.00% 1,051.60 46.08
GBC Coil Inserter CLR w/ Cut & Crimp Knives 3,222.34 12.00% 2,835.66 134.21
[OOD]EFI RENEWAL FIERY JOBFLOW INCLUDES 1 Y 4,495.00 0.00% 4,495.00 212.75
[OA] PPSE TRAINING - EFI JOBFLOW 2,000.00 0.00% 2,000.00 94.66
[OA] PXE HOURLY RATE - LEVEL 2 225.00 0.00% 225.00 10.65
[OA] PPSE TRAINING - FP BRONZE PACKAGE 1,000.00 0.00% 1,000.00 47.33
RICOH SLNX V3 MA OVER 5K PRINT 25 DEV LIC SW 4,048.00 0.00% 4,048.00 191.59
RICOH SLNX V3 MA OVER 5K SCAN & CAPTURE 25 D 4,048.00 0.00% 4,048.00 191.59
ANAJET Ri 3000 Pritner 24,950.00 15.00% 21,207.00 929.29

ANAJET Ri 6000 Printer 34,950.00 15.00% 29,707.00 1,301.76

Pocket Print Adapter 45.00 20.00% 36.00 1.58

Hoop Replacement 95.00 20.00% 76.00 3.33
Sleeve Print Table 275.00 50.18% 137.00 6.00
Youth Sized Print Table 475.00 50.11% 237.00 10.39
Hat-Platen 675.00 12.00% 594.00 26.03
DK20 HEAT PRESS 1,525.00 0.00% 1,525.00 66.83
DK20A AUTOMATIC HEAT PRESS 1,695.00 0.00% 1,695.00 74.27
Wagner Pretreatment Sprayer 125.00 20.00% 100.00 4.38
TAS Installation 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
EFI FIERY JOBFLOW INCLUDES 1 YR OF SUPPORT 4,495.00 12.73% 3,923.00 185.68
Fiery Impose 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
EFI MARKETDIRECT CROSS MEDIA HOSTING - 1 YEA 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
EFI MARKETDIRECT CROSS MEDIA ESSENTIAL -1 YR 13,800.00 12.49% 12,077.00 571.60
EFI RENEWAL MARKETDIRECT CROSS MEDIA ESSENT 13,800.00 12.49% 12,077.00 571.60
EFI MARKETDIRECT CROSS MEDIA ESSENTIAL - 2 Y 27,600.00 12.49% 24,153.00 1,143.16
EFI RENEWAL MARKETDIRECT CROSS MEDIA ESSENT 27,600.00 12.49% 24,153.00 1,143.16
EFI MARKETDIRECT CROSS MEDIA ESSENTIAL - 3 Y 41,400.00 12.49% 36,229.00 1,714.72
EFI RENEWAL MARKETDIRECT CROSS MEDIA ESSENT 41,400.00 12.49% 36,229.00 1,714.72
EFI MARKETDIRECT CROSS MEDIA ESSENTIAL - 4 Y 52,440.00 12.49% 45,890.00 2,171.97
EFI RENEWAL MARKETDIRECT CROSS MEDIA ESSENT 52,440.00 12.49% 45,890.00 2,171.97
EFI MARKETDIRECT CROSS MEDIA ESSENTIAL - 5 Y 62,100.00 12.49% 54,344.00 2,572.10
EFI MARKETDIRECT CM ADDITIONAL STORAGE 250GB 3,500.00 12.49% 3,063.00 144.97
EFI MARKETDIRECT VDP DESKTOP IMAGE,TEXT DESI 4,800.00 12.48% 4,201.00 198.83
EFI MARKETDIRECT CM MS DYNAMICS CRM INTEGRAT 3,500.00 12.49% 3,063.00 144.97
EFI RENEWAL MARKETDIRECT CROSS MEDIA ESSENT 62,100.00 12.49% 54,344.00 2,572.10
EFI MARKETDIRECT CROSS MEDIA PROFESSIONAL - 22,800.00 12.49% 19,952.00 944.33
EFI RENEWAL MARKETDIRECT CROSS MEDIA PROFE 22,800.00 12.49% 19,952.00 944.33
EFI MARKETDIRECT CROSS MEDIA PROFESSIONAL - 45,600.00 12.49% 39,905.00 1,888.70
EFI RENEWAL MARKETDIRECT CROSS MEDIA PROFE 45,600.00 12.49% 39,905.00 1,888.70
EFI MARKETDIRECT CROSS MEDIA PROFESSIONAL - 68,400.00 12.49% 59,857.00 2,833.03
EFI RENEWAL MARKETDIRECT CROSS MEDIA PROFE 68,400.00 12.49% 59,857.00 2,833.03
EFI MARKETDIRECT CROSS MEDIA PROFESSIONAL - 86,640.00 12.49% 75,819.00 3,588.51
EFI RENEWAL MARKETDIRECT CROSS MEDIA PROFE 86,640.00 12.49% 75,819.00 3,588.51
EFI MARKETDIRECT CROSS MEDIA PROFESSIONAL - 102,600.00 12.49% 89,785.00 4,249.52
EFI RENEWAL MARKETDIRECT CROSS MEDIA PROFE 102,600.00 12.49% 89,785.00 4,249.52
EFI MARKETDIRECT CROSS MEDIA CAMPAIGNS 3 PAC 5,000.00 12.48% 4,376.00 207.12
NUANCE - EO5/EE5: EMBD DEVICE (50) 5YR SUP 8,875.00 13.05% 7,717.00 365.25
Nuance - EO5/EE5: Embed Device (50) 17,750.00 13.05% 15,434.00 730.49
Nuance PCC Card Reader Multi Card with Full IClass D 303.00 25.08% 227.00 10.74
CG-130SRIII 3,895.00 14.12% 3,345.00 146.58
Ricoh 1 Year On-Site Extended Warranty for Mimaki CG- 600.00 0.00% 600.00 28.40
EFI H1625 LED 3M 110,000.00 12.00% 96,800.00 4,581.54
EFI H1625 LED POP 110,000.00 12.00% 96,800.00 4,581.54
EFI Wide Format Installation 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 118.33
EFI WIDE FORMAT NEW PRINTER TRAINING 1,000.00 0.00% 1,000.00 47.33
ISF EFI 1625 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 219.10
(disc 07-30-18) H1625 LED WHITE UPGRADE KIT 3M 10,000.00 15.00% 8,500.00 402.31
H1625 LED WHITE UPGRADE KIT POP 10,000.00 15.00% 8,500.00 402.31
ADDITIONAL EXTENDED MEDIA TABLES 3,000.00 15.00% 2,550.00 120.69
EFI Hybrid WF Training 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 109.55
Professional Production PAC 3,995.00 0.00% 3,995.00 189.08
EFI CUT MARKS OPTION LICENSE 1,500.00 10.00% 1,350.00 63.90
EFI CUT SERVER OPTION LICENSE 1,200.00 10.00% 1,080.00 51.12
Fiery ES-2000 Spectrophotometer 1,294.75 26.16% 956.00 41.89
Epson SureColor T Series Installation Plan 657.00 0.00% 657.00 31.10
EFI SELF-SERVE M600 WITH IPP350 BRKT ADMINCE 2,949.00 15.02% 2,506.00 109.81
EFI VDP ACTIVATION SINGLE RECORD FOR ESSENT 2,000.00 10.00% 1,800.00 85.19
COPRINTQ PAPERCUTMF ITC PAYSTATION ELITE (T 2,076.00 12.04% 1,826.00 80.02
LASERFICHE RIO PILOT PUBLIC PORTAL LICENSE I 25,000.00 10.00% 22,500.00 1,064.93
LASERFICHE RIO PILOT PUBLIC PORTAL LICENSE B 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
Block of Time 12 months 205.00 0.00% 205.00 9.70
EPSON SURECOLOR T-SERIES 1 YR SVC AGREEME 625.00 0.00% 625.00 29.58
Epson SureColor T-Series 2 SVC Agreement 1,025.00 0.00% 1,025.00 48.51
Epson SureColor T Series Installation Plan 657.00 0.00% 657.00 31.10
TS Activation of ICE (Per MFP/Printer) for Additional Dev 50.00 14.00% 43.00 2.04
(Q) 1YR EXTENDED WARRANTY 0.00 #DIV/0! 0.00 0.00
(Q) Installation - Printable Technologies 0.00 #DIV/0! 0.00 0.00
Standalone Gold Package Includes the following Items: 3 25,191.00 0.00% 25,191.00 1,192.29
Standalone Platinum Package Includes the following Items 55,269.00 0.00% 55,269.00 2,615.88
PTI Professional Services for Marcom Enterprise Elite 0.00 #DIV/0! 0.00 0.00
TS Activation of ICE (Per MFP/Printer) for Additional Dev 50.00 14.00% 43.00 2.04
Ricoh Product Key 0.00 #DIV/0! 0.00 0.00
KODAK ALARIS I5850 - DOCUMENT SCANNER 210 P 80,000.00 10.00% 72,000.00 3,407.76
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6800 SCANCARE NBD 8X5X24 IN 11,330.00 0.00% 11,330.00 536.25
Fax Option Type M12 1,530.00 69.35% 469.00 20.55

@Remote Appliance
RICOH REMOTE COMMUNICATION GATE A2 - @Remote 949.00 29.75% 666.67 29.21
IFS Software
Access IFS Software (1-12) 86,350.00 13.13% 75,016.09 3,550.51
Access IFS Secondary Lic. (1-12) >1000 Beds 43,175.00 20.44% 34,349.47 1,625.76
Access IFS Software (13-20) 86,350.00 26.56% 63,415.79 3,001.47
Access IFS Secondary Lic. (13-20) >1000 Beds 43,175.00 26.56% 31,708.42 1,500.76
Access IFS Software (21+) 86,350.00 31.58% 59,082.11 2,796.36
Access IFS Secondary Lic. (21+) >1000 Beds 43,175.00 31.58% 29,541.05 1,398.18
IFS Software Add-on
Access IFS Universal Document Portal Ent. 29,950.00 20.44% 23,829.47 1,127.85
Access IFS Managed Universal Document 19,950.00 20.43% 15,873.68 751.30
Access IFS E-Convert 10,950.00 20.44% 8,711.58 412.32
Access IFS Fax Portal 7,950.00 20.44% 6,325.26 299.37
Access IFS Email Portal 3,950.00 20.45% 3,142.11 148.72
Access IFS EFR MD Module 7,500.00 20.44% 5,967.37 282.44
Access IFS Thermal Print Module 2,950.00 20.43% 2,347.37 111.10
Access IFS Check Print Module 1,950.00 20.43% 1,551.58 73.44
Access IFS e-Signature 1-100 Beds 12,950.00 20.44% 10,303.16 487.65
Access IFS e-Signature 101-250 Beds 15,950.00 20.44% 12,689.47 600.59
Access IFS e-Signature 251-400 Beds 18,950.00 20.44% 15,076.84 713.59
Access IFS e-Signature 400+ Beds 21,950.00 20.44% 17,463.16 826.53
Access E-Signature Tablet PC/Bedside ER 375.00 20.28% 298.95 14.15
IFS Software Stand Alone
Access IFS Thermal Print System (Stand-Alone) 7,950.00 20.44% 6,325.26 299.37
Access IFS Check Printing System (Stand-Alone) 12,500.00 20.44% 9,945.26 470.71
Access e-Signature 1-100 Beds (Stand-Alone) 29,950.00 20.44% 23,828.42 1,127.80
Access e-Signature 101-250 Beds (Stand-Alone) 34,950.00 20.44% 27,806.32 1,316.07
Access e-Signature 251-400 Beds (Stand-Alone) 39,950.00 20.44% 31,784.21 1,504.35
Access e-Signature 400+ Beds (Stand-Alone) 44,950.00 20.44% 35,762.11 1,692.62
IFS Software with Hardware
Access E-Clipboard Signature Pad 875.00 20.36% 696.84 32.98
Access E-Signature LCD Pad 840.00 20.43% 668.42 31.64
Access Formatta Passport Enterprise Solution - 5,000 A 21,200.00 13.12% 18,418.39 871.74
Access Formatta Passport Enterprise Solution - 10,000 23,700.00 13.12% 20,589.66 974.51
Access Formatta Passport Enterprise Solution - 25,000 31,950.00 13.12% 27,757.47 1,313.76
Access Formatta Passport Enterprise Solution - 50,000 50,450.00 13.12% 43,828.74 2,074.41
Access Formatta Passport Enterprise Solution - 100,000 80,950.00 13.12% 70,326.44 3,328.55
Access Formatta Passport Enterprise Solution - 250,000 145,450.00 13.12% 126,360.92 5,980.66
Access Formatta Passport Enterprise Solution - 500,000 197,450.00 13.12% 171,535.63 8,118.78
Access Formatta Passport Enterprise Solution - 1,000,0 274,950.00 13.12% 238,864.37 11,305.45
Access Formatta Passport Enterprise Solution - Custom - #DIV/0! - -
Access Formatta Annual Maintenance – Passport Enterpri 3,816.00 0.00% 3,816.00 180.61
Access Formatta Annual Maintenance – Passport Enterpri 4,266.00 0.00% 4,266.00 201.91
Access Formatta Annual Maintenance – Passport Enterpri 5,751.00 0.00% 5,751.00 272.19
Access Formatta Annual Maintenance – Passport Enterpri 9,081.00 0.00% 9,081.00 429.80
Access Formatta Annual Maintenance – Passport Enterpri 14,571.00 0.00% 14,571.00 689.65
Access Formatta Annual Maintenance – Passport Enterpri 26,181.00 0.00% 26,181.00 1,239.15
Access Formatta Annual Maintenance – Passport Enterpri 35,541.00 0.00% 35,541.00 1,682.16
Access Formatta Annual Maintenance – Passport Enterpri 49,491.00 0.00% 49,491.00 2,342.41
Access Formatta Annual Maintenance – Passport Enterpri - #DIV/0! - -
Access Formatta Passport Enterprise Solution Upgrade 9,950.00 13.12% 8,644.83 409.16
Access Formatta Annual Maintenance – Passport Enterpr 1,791.00 0.00% 1,791.00 84.77
Access Formatta Passport Enterprise Solution - 5,000 F 10,600.00 13.12% 9,209.20 435.87
Access Formatta Annual Maintenance – Passport Enterpr 3,816.00 0.00% 3,816.00 180.61
Access Formatta Passport Enterprise Solution Upgrade 4,975.00 13.11% 4,322.99 204.61
Access Formatta Annual Maintenance – Passport Enterpri 1,791.00 0.00% 1,791.00 84.77
Access IFS ECM Connector - ImageNow 9,950.00 13.12% 8,644.83 409.16
Access IFS ECM Connector - OnBase 9,950.00 13.12% 8,644.83 409.16
Access IFS ECM Connector - Digitech 9,950.00 13.12% 8,644.83 409.16
Access IFS ECM Connector - Image Portal 9,950.00 13.12% 8,644.83 409.16
Access IFS ECM Connector - Documentum 9,950.00 13.12% 8,644.83 409.16
Access IFS ECM Connector - Docuware 9,950.00 13.12% 8,644.83 409.16
Access IFS 9,950.00 13.12% 8,644.83 409.16
Access IFS FormPay Solution 9,950.00 13.12% 8,644.83 409.16
Access IFS HCM Solution 9,950.00 13.12% 8,644.83 409.16
Access IFS DCE Connector 9,950.00 13.12% 8,644.83 409.16
Access IFS Active Forms License 1-10 Forms 2,500.00 13.10% 2,172.41 102.82
Access IFS Active Forms License 11-25 Forms 1,500.00 13.10% 1,303.45 61.69
Access IFS Active Forms License 26-50 Forms 800.00 13.07% 695.40 32.91
Access IFS Active Forms License 51-200 Forms 600.00 13.03% 521.84 24.70
Access IFS Active Forms License 201-500 Forms 400.00 12.93% 348.28 16.48
Access IFS Active Forms License 501+ Forms 200.00 12.64% 174.71 8.27
Access IFS Access IFS Passport 1-100 Beds 69,950.00 13.12% 60,770.11 2,876.25
Access IFS Access IFS Passport 101-250 Beds 83,940.00 13.12% 72,924.14 3,451.50
Access IFS Access IFS Passport 251-500 Beds 97,930.00 13.12% 85,077.01 4,026.69
Access IFS Access IFS Passport 501+ Beds 111,920.00 13.12% 97,231.03 4,601.94
Access IFS Passport EFR 1-100 Beds 24,950.00 13.12% 21,675.86 1,025.92
Access IFS Passport EFR 101-250 Beds 29,940.00 13.12% 26,011.49 1,231.12
Access IFS Passport EFR 251-500 Beds 34,930.00 13.12% 30,345.98 1,436.28
Access IFS Passport EFR 501+ Beds 39,920.00 13.12% 34,681.61 1,641.48
Access IFS Passport Downtime 1-100 Beds 9,950.00 13.12% 8,644.83 409.16
Access IFS Passport Downtime 101-250 Beds 11,940.00 13.12% 10,373.56 490.98
Access IFS Passport Downtime 251-500 Beds 13,930.00 13.12% 12,102.30 572.80
Access IFS Passport Downtime 501+ Beds 15,920.00 13.12% 13,831.03 654.62
Access IFS Passport e-Signature 1-100 Beds 9,950.00 13.12% 8,644.83 409.16
Access IFS Passport e-Signature 101-250 Beds 11,940.00 13.12% 10,373.56 490.98
Access IFS Passport e-Signature 251-500 Beds 13,930.00 13.12% 12,102.30 572.80
Access IFS Passport e-Signature 501+ Beds 15,920.00 13.12% 13,831.03 654.62
Access IFS Passport Licensed Facility Surcharge 1-100 - #DIV/0! - -
Access IFS Passport Licensed Facility Surcharge 101-25 - #DIV/0! - -
Access IFS Passport Licensed Facility Surcharge 251-50 - #DIV/0! - -
Access IFS Passport Licensed Facility Surcharge 501+ B - #DIV/0! - -
Access IFS Passport Additional Facility License 1-100 Be 25,950.00 13.12% 22,544.83 1,067.05
Access IFS Passport Additional Facility License 101-250 31,140.00 13.12% 27,054.02 1,280.47
Access IFS Passport Additional Facility License 251-500 36,330.00 13.12% 31,562.07 1,493.83
Access IFS Passport Additional Facility License 501+ Be 41,520.00 13.12% 36,071.26 1,707.25
Access IFS Passport Software Standard Implementation 12,736.00 13.12% 11,065.52 523.73
Access IFS Passport EFR Implementation 14,925.00 13.12% 12,966.67 613.71
Access IFS Passport Downtime Implementation 2,985.00 13.09% 2,594.25 122.79
Access IFS Form Design Basic Electronic Duplicate (eac 100.00 12.64% 87.36 4.13
Access IFS Form Design Advanced Electronic Duplicate 200.00 12.64% 174.71 8.27
RICOH REMOTE COMMUNICATION GATE A2 - @Remote 949.00 29.75% 666.67 29.21
RICOH REMOTE COMMUNICATION GATE A2 STORAG 1,299.00 24.79% 977.01 46.24
[ODD]@Remote Office NX & STORAGE 1000 BUNDLE 2,099.00 23.99% 1,595.40 75.51
[OOD]@Remote Office NX M&S 145.00 0.00% 145.00 6.86
@Remote Office NX Installation 270.00 0.00% 270.00 12.78
RICOH REMOTE COMMUNICATION GATE A2 - @Remote 949.00 29.75% 666.67 29.21
Rack Mount - RICOH REMOTE COMMUNICATION GATE 55.00 35.21% 35.63 1.56
Avanti 10 User Basic Estimating Package 18,500.00 13.46% 16,009.47 757.73
Avanti 6 User Basic Estimating Package 14,500.00 13.46% 12,548.42 593.92
Milestone Scheduling - #DIV/0! - -
Advanced Scheduling - #DIV/0! - -
Invoicing - #DIV/0! - -
Invoice & Link to Accounting I/F 6,500.00 13.46% 5,625.26 266.24
Change Orders 1,500.00 13.40% 1,298.95 61.48
Purchasing - #DIV/0! - -
Inventory Management 3,500.00 13.44% 3,029.47 143.38
Fulfillment - #DIV/0! - -
Advanced Fulfillment - #DIV/0! - -
Additional Users: 1 1,250.00 13.43% 1,082.11 51.22
Additional Users: 10 pack 10,000.00 13.46% 8,653.68 409.58
Additional Users: 20 pack 18,000.00 13.46% 15,576.84 737.25
Additional Users: 50 pack 40,000.00 13.46% 34,614.74 1,638.32
Executive Dashboard - #DIV/0! - -
Customer Relationship Management - #DIV/0! - -
CRM Outlook/Exchange Server Integration - 5 Users 1,000.00 13.37% 866.32 41.00
CRM Outlook/Exchange Server Integration - Over 5 User 100.00 12.63% 87.37 4.14
Email Triggers & Business Alerts - #DIV/0! - -
Shipping Integration [UPS/FedEx/Others] - #DIV/0! - -
XML Loader 3rd party Integration API - #DIV/0! - -
TotalFlow PATH Integration - #DIV/0! - -
eAccess Internet Catalog (includes framework and all quer 17,500.00 13.46% 15,144.21 716.78
eAccess Var. Forms Processing 10,000.00 13.46% 8,653.68 409.58
eAccess Soft Proofing / PDF Converter 4,500.00 13.45% 3,894.74 184.34
eAccess Approval Routing 3,500.00 13.44% 3,029.47 143.38
eAccess Credit Card Processing/Approvals 2,500.00 13.43% 2,164.21 102.43
eAccess RFQ - #DIV/0! - -
eAccess Invoice Query 2,500.00 13.43% 2,164.21 102.43
eAccess Inventory Query 2,500.00 13.43% 2,164.21 102.43
eAccess Order Query 2,500.00 13.43% 2,164.21 102.43
eAccess LDAP/SOAP Security - #DIV/0! - -
Printable Fusion Pro License - #DIV/0! - -
Direct Mail Management - #DIV/0! - -
EFI Fiery Integration 3,900.00 13.44% 3,375.79 159.78
DFE Integration: per engine - #DIV/0! - -
JDF Integration - [Per Machine/Integration] - #DIV/0! - -
Wireless Inventory: Receiving 6,500.00 13.46% 5,625.26 266.24
Wireless Inventory: Physical Count 6,500.00 13.46% 5,625.26 266.24
Wireless Inventory: Pick 6,500.00 13.46% 5,625.26 266.24
Wireless Inventory Package [Rec, Pick & Phy Count] 15,600.00 13.46% 13,500.00 638.96
Shop Floor Data Collection - #DIV/0! - -
Payment Tracker - #DIV/0! - -
Point Of Sale [POS] - #DIV/0! - -
Document Management System 7,500.00 13.46% 6,490.53 307.20
Additional Trigger & Alert - Simple 750.00 13.40% 649.47 30.74
Additional Trigger & Alert - Complex 1,500.00 13.40% 1,298.95 61.48
Printable Integration - #DIV/0! - -
Printable Fulfillment Integration - #DIV/0! - -
XPEDX PO Integration 5,000.00 13.45% 4,327.37 204.81
Custom Chargeback - #DIV/0! - -
Custom Job Ticket 3,500.00 13.44% 3,029.47 143.38
Servoy User License 200.00 13.16% 173.68 8.22
Ann. Svc. Spt: Avanti 10 User Basic Estimating Package 3,330.00 1.09% 3,293.68 155.89
Ann. Svc. Spt: Avanti 6 User Basic Estimating Package 2,610.00 1.07% 2,582.11 122.21
Ann. Svc. Spt: Milestone Scheduling - #DIV/0! - -
Ann. Svc. Spt: Advanced Scheduling - #DIV/0! - -
Ann. Svc. Spt: Invoicing - #DIV/0! - -
Ann. Svc. Spt: Invoice & Link to Accounting Interface 1,170.00 1.03% 1,157.89 54.80
Ann. Svc. Spt: Change Orders 270.00 0.97% 267.37 12.65
Ann. Svc. Spt: Purchasing - #DIV/0! - -
Ann. Svc. Spt: Inventory Management 630.00 1.09% 623.16 29.49
Ann. Svc. Spt: Fulfillment - #DIV/0! - -
Ann. Svc. Spt: Advanced Fulfillment - #DIV/0! - -
Ann. Svc. Spt: Additional Users: 1 225.00 0.82% 223.16 10.56
Ann. Svc. Spt: Additional Users: 10 1,800.00 1.05% 1,781.05 84.30
Ann. Svc. Spt: Additional Users: 20 3,240.00 1.07% 3,205.26 151.71
Ann. Svc. Spt: Additional Users: 50 7,200.00 1.10% 7,121.05 337.04
Ann. Svc. Spt: Executive Dashboard - #DIV/0! - -
Ann. Svc. Spt: Customer Relationship Management - #DIV/0! - -
Ann. Svc. Spt: CRM Outlook/Exchange Server Integration 180.00 0.58% 178.95 8.47
Ann. Svc. Spt: CRM Outlook/Exchange Server Integration 18.00 1.13% 17.80 0.84
Ann. Svc. Spt: Email Triggers & Business Alerts - #DIV/0! - -
Ann. Svc. Spt: Shipping Integration [UPS/FedEx/Others] - #DIV/0! - -
Ann. Svc. Spt: XML Loader API - #DIV/0! - -
Ann. Svc. Spt: Sakana Integration - #DIV/0! - -
Ann. Svc. Spt: eAccess Internet Catalog 3,150.00 1.09% 3,115.79 147.47
Ann. Svc. Spt: Internet Var. Forms Processing [Bus Card 1,800.00 1.05% 1,781.05 84.30
Ann. Svc. Spt: Internet Soft Proofing / PDF Converter 810.00 0.97% 802.11 37.96
Ann. Svc. Spt: Internet Approval Routing 630.00 1.09% 623.16 29.49
Ann. Svc. Spt: Internet Credit Card Processing/Approvals 450.00 1.05% 445.26 21.07
Ann. Svc. Spt: Internet RFQ - #DIV/0! - -
Ann. Svc. Spt: Internet Invoice Query 450.00 1.05% 445.26 21.07
Ann. Svc. Spt: Internet Inventory Query 450.00 1.05% 445.26 21.07
Ann. Svc. Spt: Internet Order Query 450.00 1.05% 445.26 21.07
Ann. Svc. Spt: LDAP/SOAP Security - #DIV/0! - -
Ann. Svc. Spt: Printable Fusion Pro License - #DIV/0! - -
Ann. Svc. Spt: Direct Mail Management - #DIV/0! - -
Ann. Svc. Spt: EFI Fiery Integration 702.00 1.03% 694.74 32.88
Ann. Svc. Spt: DFE Integration - #DIV/0! - -
Ann. Svc. Spt: JDF Integration - [Per Machine/Integration] - #DIV/0! - -
Ann. Svc. Spt: Wireless Inventory: Receiving 1,170.00 1.03% 1,157.89 54.80
Ann. Svc. Spt: Wireless Inventory: Physical Count 1,170.00 1.03% 1,157.89 54.80
Ann. Svc. Spt: Wireless Inventory: Pick 1,170.00 1.03% 1,157.89 54.80
Ann. Svc. Spt: Wireless Inventory Package [Rec, Pick & 2,808.00 1.07% 2,777.89 131.48
Ann. Svc. Spt: Shop Floor Data Collection - #DIV/0! - -
Ann. Svc. Spt: Payment Tracker - #DIV/0! - -
Ann. Svc. Spt: Point Of Sale [POS] - #DIV/0! - -
Ann. Svc. Spt: Document Management System - #DIV/0! - -
Ann. Svc. Spt: Additional Trigger & Alert - Simple 135.00 0.97% 133.68 6.33
Ann. Svc. Spt: Additional Trigger & Alert - Complex 270.00 0.97% 267.37 12.65
Ann. Svc. Spt: Printable Integration - #DIV/0! - -
Ann. Svc. Spt: Printable Fulfillment Integration - #DIV/0! - -
Ann. Svc. Spt: XPEDX PO Integration 900.00 1.05% 890.53 42.15
Ann. Svc. Spt: Custom Chargeback - #DIV/0! - -
Ann. Svc. Spt: Custom Job Ticket 630.00 1.09% 623.16 29.49
Ann. Svc. Spt: Servoy User License 36.00 0.58% 35.79 1.69
Training / Day - Excludes Travel Related Expenses 1,625.00 0.00% 1,625.00 76.91
Installation & Configuration / Day - Does not require any 1,750.00 0.00% 1,750.00 82.83
Project Management / Day - Does not require any Travel 1,750.00 0.00% 1,750.00 82.83
Training / Day - Includes Travel Related Expenses [Mini 2,225.00 0.00% 2,225.00 105.31
Professional Services: Custom Development 1,750.00 0.00% 1,750.00 82.83
Avanti Process Director Integration - #DIV/0! - -
Avanti Process Director Integration Annual Support - #DIV/0! - -
Avanti Process Director Integration Custom Modification 1,750.00 0.00% 1,750.00 82.83
Avanti Process Director Integration Custom Mod Annual - #DIV/0! - -
Avanti Professional Services Advanced Integration Daily 1,625.00 0.00% 1,625.00 76.91
Avanti Classic to Slingshot Conversion Daily Rate 1,750.00 0.00% 1,750.00 82.83
AVANTI SLINGSHOT 6 USER ESTIMATING PACKAGE 20,700.00 6.44% 19,366.67 916.62
Intelligent Barcode Solution 398.00 0.00% 398.00 18.84
TF BATCHBUILDER BASE 10,000.00 10.00% 9,000.00 425.97
TF BATCHBUILDER AUTOMATION OPTION 8,000.00 10.00% 7,200.00 340.78
TF BATCHBUILDER XML/JDF OUTPUT OPTION 8,000.00 10.00% 7,200.00 340.78
TF BATCHBUILDER UNLIMITED OUTPUTS OPTION 8,000.00 10.00% 7,200.00 340.78
TF BATCHBUILDER LIST FILE OPTION 6,000.00 10.00% 5,400.00 255.58
TF BATCHBUILDER PREFLIGHT 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
TF BATCHBUILDER NOTIFY ADD ON OPTION 6,000.00 10.00% 5,400.00 255.58
TF BATCHBUILDER MED-SPEED PRT ENGINE ATTAC 1,250.00 10.00% 1,125.00 53.25
TF BATCHBUILDER HIGH-SPEED PRT SYSTEM ATTA 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
TF BATCHBUILDER ULTRA HIGH-SPEED PRT SYSTE 3,000.00 10.00% 2,700.00 127.79
TF BATCHBUILDER BASE 1 YR REN 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
TF BATCHBUILDER AUTOMATION 1 YR REN 2,000.00 10.00% 1,800.00 85.19
TF BATCHBUILDER XML/JDF OUTPUT 1 YR REN 2,000.00 10.00% 1,800.00 85.19
TF BATCHBUILDER UNLIMITED OUTPUTS 1 YR REN 2,000.00 10.00% 1,800.00 85.19
TF BATCHBUILDER LIST FILE 1 YR REN 1,500.00 10.00% 1,350.00 63.90
TF BATCHBUILDER PREFLIGHT 1 YR REN 625.00 0.00% 625.00 29.58
TF BATCHBUILDER NOTIFY ADD ON 1 YR REN 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
TF BATCHBUILDER BASE 1 YR AFTER LIC 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
TF BATCHBUILDER AUTOMATION 1 YR AFTER LIC 4,000.00 10.00% 3,600.00 170.39
TF BATCHBUILDER XML/JDF OUTPUT 1 YR AFTER LI 4,000.00 10.00% 3,600.00 170.39
TF BATCHBUILDER UNLIMITED OUTPUTS 1 YR AFTER 4,000.00 10.00% 3,600.00 170.39
TF BATCHBUILDER LIST FILE 1 YR AFTER LIC 3,000.00 10.00% 2,700.00 127.79
TF BATCHBUILDER PREFLIGHT 1 YR AFTER LIC 1,250.00 0.00% 1,250.00 59.16
TF BATCHBUILDER NOTIFY ADD ON 1 YR AFTER LIC 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
TF BATCHBUILDER BASE 3 YR REG 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
TF BATCHBUILDER AUTOMATION 3 YR REG 4,000.00 10.00% 3,600.00 170.39
TF BATCHBUILDER XML/JDF OUTPUT 3 YR REG 4,000.00 10.00% 3,600.00 170.39
TF BATCHBUILDER UNLIMITED OUTPUTS 3 YR REG 4,000.00 10.00% 3,600.00 170.39
TF BATCHBUILDER LIST FILE 3 YR REG 3,000.00 10.00% 2,700.00 127.79
TF BATCHBUILDER PREFLIGHT 3 YR REG 1,250.00 0.00% 1,250.00 59.16
TF BATCHBUILDER NOTIFY ADD ON 3 YR REG 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
TF BATCHBUILDER HIGH-SPEED PRT SYSTEM ATTA 1,250.00 0.00% 1,250.00 59.16
TF BATCHBUILDER ULTRA HIGH-SPEED PRT SYSTE 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
TF BATCHBUILDER BASE 3 YR REN 7,500.00 10.00% 6,750.00 319.48
TF BATCHBUILDER AUTOMATION 3 YR REN 6,000.00 10.00% 5,400.00 255.58
TF BATCHBUILDER XML/JDF OUTPUT 3 YR REN 6,000.00 10.00% 5,400.00 255.58
TF BATCHBUILDER UNLIMITED OUTPUTS 3 YR REN 6,000.00 10.00% 5,400.00 255.58
TF BATCHBUILDER LIST FILE 3 YR REN 4,500.00 10.00% 4,050.00 191.69
TF BATCHBUILDER PREFLIGHT 3 YR REN 1,875.00 0.00% 1,875.00 88.74
TF BATCHBUILDER NOTIFY ADD ON 3 YR REN 4,500.00 0.00% 4,500.00 212.99
TF BATCHBUILDER ULTRA HIGH-SPEED PRT SYSTEM 2,250.00 0.00% 2,250.00 106.49
TF BATCHBUILDER BASE 3 YR AFTER LIC 10,000.00 10.00% 9,000.00 425.97
TF BATCHBUILDER AUTOMATION 3 YR AFTER LIC 8,000.00 10.00% 7,200.00 340.78
TF BATCHBUILDER XML/JDF OUTPUT 3 YR AFTER LI 8,000.00 10.00% 7,200.00 340.78
TF BATCHBUILDER UNLIMITED OUTPUTS 3 YR AFTER 8,000.00 10.00% 7,200.00 340.78
TF BATCHBUILDER LIST FILE 3 YR AFTER LIC 6,000.00 10.00% 5,400.00 255.58
TF BATCHBUILDER PREFLIGHT 3 YR AFTER LIC 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 118.33
TF BATCHBUILDER NOTIFY ADD ON 3 YR AFTER LIC 6,000.00 0.00% 6,000.00 283.98
TF BATCHBUILDER HIGH-SPEED PRT SYSTEM ATTAC 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 118.33
TF BATCHBUILDER ULTRA HIGH-SPEED PRT SYSTEM 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
TF BATCHBUILDER BASE 5 YR REG 10,000.00 0.00% 10,000.00 473.30
TF BATCHBUILDER AUTOMATION 5 YR REG 8,000.00 0.00% 8,000.00 378.64
TF BATCHBUILDER XML/JDF OUTPUT 5 YR REG 8,000.00 0.00% 8,000.00 378.64
TF BATCHBUILDER UNLIMITED OUTPUTS 5 YR REG 8,000.00 0.00% 8,000.00 378.64
TF BATCHBUILDER LIST FILE 5 YR REG 6,000.00 0.00% 6,000.00 283.98
TF BATCHBUILDER PREFLIGHT 5 YR REG 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 118.33
TF BATCHBUILDER NOTIFY ADD ON 5 YR REG 6,000.00 0.00% 6,000.00 283.98
TF BATCHBUILDER LOW-SPEED PRT ENGINE ATTAC 1,000.00 0.00% 1,000.00 47.33
TF BATCHBUILDER MED-SPEED PRT ENGINE ATTAC 1,250.00 0.00% 1,250.00 59.16
TF BATCHBUILDER HIGH-SPEED PRT SYSTEM ATTA 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 118.33
TF BATCHBUILDER ULTRA HIGH-SPEED PRT SYSTE 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
TF BATCHBUILDER BASE 5 YR REN 12,500.00 0.00% 12,500.00 591.63
TF BATCHBUILDER AUTOMATION 5 YR REN 10,000.00 0.00% 10,000.00 473.30
TF BATCHBUILDER XML/JDF OUTPUT 5 YR REN 10,000.00 0.00% 10,000.00 473.30
TF BATCHBUILDER UNLIMITED OUTPUTS 5 YR REN 10,000.00 0.00% 10,000.00 473.30
TF BATCHBUILDER LIST FILE 5 YR REN 7,500.00 0.00% 7,500.00 354.98
TF BATCHBUILDER PREFLIGHT 5 YR REN 3,125.00 0.00% 3,125.00 147.91
TF BATCHBUILDER NOTIFY ADD ON 5 YR REN 7,500.00 0.00% 7,500.00 354.98
TF BATCHBUILDER LOW-SPEED PRT ENGINE ATTAC 1,250.00 0.00% 1,250.00 59.16
TF BATCHBUILDER MED-SPEED PRT ENGINE ATTAC 1,562.50 0.00% 1,562.50 73.95
TF BATCHBUILDER HIGH-SPEED PRT SYSTEM ATTAC 3,125.00 0.00% 3,125.00 147.91
TF BATCHBUILDER ULTRA HIGH-SPEED PRT SYSTEM 3,750.00 0.00% 3,750.00 177.49
TF BATCHBUILDER BASE 5 YR AFTER LIC 15,000.00 0.00% 15,000.00 709.95
TF BATCHBUILDER AUTOMATION 5 YR AFTER LIC 12,000.00 0.00% 12,000.00 567.96
TF BATCHBUILDER XML/JDF OUTPUT 5 YR AFTER LI 12,000.00 0.00% 12,000.00 567.96
TF BATCHBUILDER UNLIMITED OUTPUTS 5 YR AFTER 12,000.00 0.00% 12,000.00 567.96
TF BATCHBUILDER LIST FILE 5 YR AFTER LIC 9,000.00 0.00% 9,000.00 425.97
TF BATCHBUILDER PREFLIGHT 5 YR AFTER LIC 3,750.00 0.00% 3,750.00 177.49
TF BATCHBUILDER NOTIFY ADD ON 5 YR AFTER LIC 9,000.00 0.00% 9,000.00 425.97
TF BATCHBUILDER HIGH-SPEED PRT SYSTEM ATTAC 3,750.00 0.00% 3,750.00 177.49
TF BATCHBUILDER ULTRA HIGH-SPEED PRT SYSTEM 4,500.00 0.00% 4,500.00 212.99
TF BATCHBUILDER PREFLIGHT COLD BACKUP 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
TF BATCHBUILDER RU BASE OPTION 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
TF BATCHBUILDER RU AUTOMATION OPTION 2,000.00 10.00% 1,800.00 85.19
TF BATCHBUILDER RU XML/JDF OUTPUT OPTION 2,000.00 10.00% 1,800.00 85.19
TF BATCHBUILDER RU LIST FILE OPTION 1,500.00 10.00% 1,350.00 63.90
TF BATCHBUILDER RU PREFLIGHT OPTION 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
TF BATCHBUILDER RU NOTIFY ADD ON OPTION 1,500.00 10.00% 1,350.00 63.90
TF BATCHBUILDER RU BASE 1 YR REN 1,250.00 10.00% 1,125.00 53.25
TF BATCHBUILDER RU AUTOMATION 1 YR REN 1,000.00 10.00% 900.00 42.60
TF BATCHBUILDER RU XML/JDF OUTPUT 1 YR REN 1,000.00 10.00% 900.00 42.60
TF BATCHBUILDER RU UNLIMITED OUTPUTS 1 YR R 1,000.00 10.00% 900.00 42.60
TF BATCHBUILDER RU LIST FILE 1 YR REN 750.00 10.00% 675.00 31.95
TF BATCHBUILDER RU PREFLIGHT 1 YR REN 625.00 0.00% 625.00 29.58
TF BATCHBUILDER RU NOTIFY ADD ON 1 YR REN 750.00 0.00% 750.00 35.50
TF BATCHBUILDER RU BASE 1 YR AFTER LIC 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
TF BATCHBUILDER RU AUTOMATION 1 YR AFTER LI 2,000.00 10.00% 1,800.00 85.19
TF BATCHBUILDER RU XML/JDF OUTPUT 1 YR AFTER 2,000.00 10.00% 1,800.00 85.19
TF BATCHBUILDER RU UNLIMITED OUTPUTS 1 YR AF 2,000.00 10.00% 1,800.00 85.19
TF BATCHBUILDER RU LIST FILE 1 YR AFTER LIC 1,500.00 10.00% 1,350.00 63.90
TF BATCHBUILDER RU PREFLIGHT 1 YR AFTER LIC 1,250.00 0.00% 1,250.00 59.16
TF BATCHBUILDER RU NOTIFY ADD ON 1 YR AFTER 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
TF BATCHBUILDER RU BASE 3 YR REG 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
TF BATCHBUILDER RU AUTOMATION 3 YR REG 2,000.00 10.00% 1,800.00 85.19
TF BATCHBUILDER RU XML/JDF OUTPUT 3 YR REG 2,000.00 10.00% 1,800.00 85.19
TF BATCHBUILDER RU UNLIMITED OUTPUTS 3 YR R 2,000.00 10.00% 1,800.00 85.19
TF BATCHBUILDER RU LIST FILE 3 YR REG 1,500.00 10.00% 1,350.00 63.90
TF BATCHBUILDER RU PREFLIGHT 3 YR REG 1,250.00 0.00% 1,250.00 59.16
TF BATCHBUILDER RU NOTIFY ADD ON 3 YR REG 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
TF BATCHBUILDER RU BASE 3 YR REN 3,750.00 10.00% 3,375.00 159.74
TF BATCHBUILDER RU AUTOMATION 3 YR REN 3,000.00 10.00% 2,700.00 127.79
TF BATCHBUILDER RU XML/JDF OUTPUT 3 YR REN 3,000.00 10.00% 2,700.00 127.79
TF BATCHBUILDER RU UNLIMITED OUTPUTS 3 YR R 3,000.00 10.00% 2,700.00 127.79
TF BATCHBUILDER RU LIST FILE 3 YR REN 2,250.00 10.00% 2,025.00 95.84
TF BATCHBUILDER RU PREFLIGHT 3 YR REN 1,875.00 0.00% 1,875.00 88.74
TF BATCHBUILDER RU NOTIFY ADD ON 3 YR REN 2,250.00 0.00% 2,250.00 106.49
TF BATCHBUILDER RU BASE 3 YR AFTER LIC 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
TF BATCHBUILDER RU AUTOMATION 3 YR AFTER LI 4,000.00 10.00% 3,600.00 170.39
TF BATCHBUILDER RU XML/JDF OUTPUT 3 YR AFTER 4,000.00 10.00% 3,600.00 170.39
TF BATCHBUILDER RU UNLIMITED OUTPUTS 3 YR AF 4,000.00 10.00% 3,600.00 170.39
TF BATCHBUILDER RU LIST FILE 3 YR AFTER LIC 3,000.00 10.00% 2,700.00 127.79
TF BATCHBUILDER RU PREFLIGHT 3 YR AFTER LIC 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 118.33
TF BATCHBUILDER RU NOTIFY ADD ON 3 YR AFTER 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
TF BATCHBUILDER RU BASE 5 YR REG 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 236.65
TF BATCHBUILDER RU AUTOMATION 5 YR REG 4,000.00 0.00% 4,000.00 189.32
TF BATCHBUILDER RU XML/JDF OUTPUT 5 YR REG 4,000.00 0.00% 4,000.00 189.32
TF BATCHBUILDER RU UNLIMITED OUTPUTS 5 YR R 4,000.00 0.00% 4,000.00 189.32
TF BATCHBUILDER RU LIST FILE 5 YR REG 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
TF BATCHBUILDER RU PREFLIGHT 5 YR REG 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 118.33
TF BATCHBUILDER RU NOTIFY ADD ON 5 YR REG 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
TF BATCHBUILDER RU BASE 5 YR REN 6,250.00 0.00% 6,250.00 295.81
TF BATCHBUILDER RU AUTOMATION 5 YR REN 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 236.65
TF BATCHBUILDER RU XML/JDF OUTPUT 5 YR REN 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 236.65
TF BATCHBUILDER RU UNLIMITED OUTPUTS 5 YR R 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 236.65
TF BATCHBUILDER RU LIST FILE 5 YR REN 3,750.00 0.00% 3,750.00 177.49
TF BATCHBUILDER RU PREFLIGHT 5 YR REN 3,125.00 0.00% 3,125.00 147.91
TF BATCHBUILDER RU NOTIFY ADD ON 5 YR REN 3,750.00 0.00% 3,750.00 177.49
TF BATCHBUILDER RU BASE 5 YR AFTER LIC 7,500.00 0.00% 7,500.00 354.98
TF BATCHBUILDER RU AUTOMATION 5 YR AFTER LI 6,000.00 0.00% 6,000.00 283.98
TF BATCHBUILDER RU XML/JDF OUTPUT 5 YR AFTER 6,000.00 0.00% 6,000.00 283.98
TF BATCHBUILDER RU UNLIMITED OUTPUTS 5 YR AF 6,000.00 0.00% 6,000.00 283.98
TF BATCHBUILDER RU LIST FILE 5 YR AFTER LIC 4,500.00 0.00% 4,500.00 212.99
TF BATCHBUILDER RU PREFLIGHT 5 YR AFTER LIC 3,750.00 0.00% 3,750.00 177.49
TF BATCHBUILDER RU NOTIFY ADD ON 5 YR AFTER 4,500.00 0.00% 4,500.00 212.99
TF BATCHBUILDER BASE 2 YR REG 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 118.33
TF BATCHBUILDER AUTOMATION 2 YR REG 2,000.00 0.00% 2,000.00 94.66
TF BATCHBUILDER XML/JDF OUTPUT 2 YR REG 2,000.00 0.00% 2,000.00 94.66
TF BATCHBUILDER UNLIMITED OUTPUTS 2 YR REG 2,000.00 0.00% 2,000.00 94.66
TF BATCHBUILDER LIST FILE 2 YR REG 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
TF BATCHBUILDER PREFLIGHT 2 YR REG 625.00 0.00% 625.00 29.58
TF BATCHBUILDER NOTIFY ADD ON 2 YR REG 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
TF BATCHBUILDER BASE 2 YR REN 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 236.65
TF BATCHBUILDER AUTOMATION 2 YR REN 4,000.00 0.00% 4,000.00 189.32
TF BATCHBUILDER XML/JDF OUTPUT 2 YR REN 4,000.00 0.00% 4,000.00 189.32
TF BATCHBUILDER UNLIMITED OUTPUTS 2 YR REN 4,000.00 0.00% 4,000.00 189.32
TF BATCHBUILDER LIST FILE 2 YR REN 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
TF BATCHBUILDER PREFLIGHT 2 YR REN 1,250.00 0.00% 1,250.00 59.16
TF BATCHBUILDER NOTIFY ADD ON 2 YR REN 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
TF BATCHBUILDER BASE 2 YR AFTER LIC 7,500.00 0.00% 7,500.00 354.98
TF BATCHBUILDER AUTOMATION 2 YR AFTER LIC 6,000.00 0.00% 6,000.00 283.98
TF BATCHBUILDER XML/JDF OUTPUT 2 YR AFTER LI 6,000.00 0.00% 6,000.00 283.98
TF BATCHBUILDER UNLIMITED OUTPUTS 2 YR AFTER 6,000.00 0.00% 6,000.00 283.98
TF BATCHBUILDER LIST FILE 2 YR AFTER LIC 4,500.00 0.00% 4,500.00 212.99
TF BATCHBUILDER PREFLIGHT 2 YR AFTER LIC 1,875.00 0.00% 1,875.00 88.74
TF BATCHBUILDER NOTIFY ADD ON 2 YR AFTER LIC 4,500.00 0.00% 4,500.00 212.99
TF BATCHBUILDER ULTRA HIGH-SPEED PRT SYSTEM 2,250.00 0.00% 2,250.00 106.49
TF BATCHBUILDER BASE 4 YR REG 7,500.00 0.00% 7,500.00 354.98
TF BATCHBUILDER AUTOMATION 4 YR REG 6,000.00 0.00% 6,000.00 283.98
TF BATCHBUILDER XML/JDF OUTPUT 4 YR REG 6,000.00 0.00% 6,000.00 283.98
TF BATCHBUILDER UNLIMITED OUTPUTS 4 YR REG 6,000.00 0.00% 6,000.00 283.98
TF BATCHBUILDER LIST FILE 4 YR REG 4,500.00 0.00% 4,500.00 212.99
TF BATCHBUILDER PREFLIGHT 4 YR REG 1,875.00 0.00% 1,875.00 88.74
TF BATCHBUILDER NOTIFY ADD ON 4 YR REG 4,500.00 0.00% 4,500.00 212.99
TF BATCHBUILDER HIGH-SPEED PRT SYSTEM ATTA 1,875.00 0.00% 1,875.00 88.74
TF BATCHBUILDER ULTRA HIGH-SPEED PRT SYSTE 2,250.00 0.00% 2,250.00 106.49
TF BATCHBUILDER BASE 4 YR REN 10,000.00 0.00% 10,000.00 473.30
TF BATCHBUILDER AUTOMATION 4 YR REN 8,000.00 0.00% 8,000.00 378.64
TF BATCHBUILDER XML/JDF OUTPUT 4 YR REN 8,000.00 0.00% 8,000.00 378.64
TF BATCHBUILDER UNLIMITED OUTPUTS 4 YR REN 8,000.00 0.00% 8,000.00 378.64
TF BATCHBUILDER LIST FILE 4 YR REN 6,000.00 0.00% 6,000.00 283.98
TF BATCHBUILDER PREFLIGHT 4 YR REN 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 118.33
TF BATCHBUILDER NOTIFY ADD ON 4 YR REN 6,000.00 0.00% 6,000.00 283.98
TF BATCHBUILDER LOW-SPEED PRT ENGINE ATTAC 1,000.00 0.00% 1,000.00 47.33
TF BATCHBUILDER MED-SPEED PRT ENGINE ATTAC 1,250.00 0.00% 1,250.00 59.16
TF BATCHBUILDER HIGH-SPEED PRT SYSTEM ATTAC 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 118.33
TF BATCHBUILDER ULTRA HIGH-SPEED PRT SYSTEM 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
TF BATCHBUILDER BASE 4 YR AFTER LIC 12,500.00 0.00% 12,500.00 591.63
TF BATCHBUILDER AUTOMATION 4 YR AFTER LIC 10,000.00 0.00% 10,000.00 473.30
TF BATCHBUILDER XML/JDF OUTPUT 4 YR AFTER LI 10,000.00 0.00% 10,000.00 473.30
TF BATCHBUILDER UNLIMITED OUTPUTS 4 YR AFTER 10,000.00 0.00% 10,000.00 473.30
TF BATCHBUILDER LIST FILE 4 YR AFTER LIC 7,500.00 0.00% 7,500.00 354.98
TF BATCHBUILDER PREFLIGHT 4 YR AFTER LIC 3,125.00 0.00% 3,125.00 147.91
TF BATCHBUILDER NOTIFY ADD ON 4 YR AFTER LIC 7,500.00 0.00% 7,500.00 354.98
TF BATCHBUILDER HIGH-SPEED PRT SYSTEM ATTAC 3,125.00 0.00% 3,125.00 147.91
TF BATCHBUILDER ULTRA HIGH-SPEED PRT SYSTEM 3,750.00 0.00% 3,750.00 177.49
TF BATCHBUILDER RU BASE 2 YR REG 1,250.00 0.00% 1,250.00 59.16
TF BATCHBUILDER RU AUTOMATION 2 YR REG 1,000.00 0.00% 1,000.00 47.33
TF BATCHBUILDER RU XML/JDF OUTPUT 2 YR REG 1,000.00 0.00% 1,000.00 47.33
TF BATCHBUILDER RU UNLIMITED OUTPUTS 2 YR R 1,000.00 0.00% 1,000.00 47.33
TF BATCHBUILDER RU LIST FILE 2 YR REG 750.00 0.00% 750.00 35.50
TF BATCHBUILDER RU PREFLIGHT 2 YR REG 625.00 0.00% 625.00 29.58
TF BATCHBUILDER RU NOTIFY ADD ON 2 YR REG 750.00 0.00% 750.00 35.50
TF BATCHBUILDER RU BASE 2 YR REN 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 118.33
TF BATCHBUILDER RU AUTOMATION 2 YR REN 2,000.00 0.00% 2,000.00 94.66
TF BATCHBUILDER RU XML/JDF OUTPUT 2 YR REN 2,000.00 0.00% 2,000.00 94.66
TF BATCHBUILDER RU UNLIMITED OUTPUTS 2 YR R 2,000.00 0.00% 2,000.00 94.66
TF BATCHBUILDER RU LIST FILE 2 YR REN 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
TF BATCHBUILDER RU PREFLIGHT 2 YR REN 1,250.00 0.00% 1,250.00 59.16
TF BATCHBUILDER RU NOTIFY ADD ON 2 YR REN 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
TF BATCHBUILDER RU BASE 2 YR AFTER LIC 3,750.00 0.00% 3,750.00 177.49
TF BATCHBUILDER RU AUTOMATION 2 YR AFTER LI 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
TF BATCHBUILDER RU XML/JDF OUTPUT 2 YR AFTER 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
TF BATCHBUILDER RU UNLIMITED OUTPUTS 2 YR AF 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
TF BATCHBUILDER RU LIST FILE 2 YR AFTER LIC 2,250.00 0.00% 2,250.00 106.49
TF BATCHBUILDER RU PREFLIGHT 2 YR AFTER LIC 1,875.00 0.00% 1,875.00 88.74
TF BATCHBUILDER RU NOTIFY ADD ON 2 YR AFTER 2,250.00 0.00% 2,250.00 106.49
TF BATCHBUILDER RU BASE 4 YR REG 3,750.00 0.00% 3,750.00 177.49
TF BATCHBUILDER RU AUTOMATION 4 YR REG 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
TF BATCHBUILDER RU XML/JDF OUTPUT 4 YR REG 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
TF BATCHBUILDER RU UNLIMITED OUTPUTS 4 YR R 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
TF BATCHBUILDER RU LIST FILE 4 YR REG 2,250.00 0.00% 2,250.00 106.49
TF BATCHBUILDER RU PREFLIGHT 4 YR REG 1,875.00 0.00% 1,875.00 88.74
TF BATCHBUILDER RU NOTIFY ADD ON 4 YR REG 2,250.00 0.00% 2,250.00 106.49
TF BATCHBUILDER RU BASE 4 YR REN 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 236.65
TF BATCHBUILDER RU AUTOMATION 4 YR REN 4,000.00 0.00% 4,000.00 189.32
TF BATCHBUILDER RU XML/JDF OUTPUT 4 YR REN 4,000.00 0.00% 4,000.00 189.32
TF BATCHBUILDER RU UNLIMITED OUTPUTS 4 YR R 4,000.00 0.00% 4,000.00 189.32
TF BATCHBUILDER RU LIST FILE 4 YR REN 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
TF BATCHBUILDER RU PREFLIGHT 4 YR REN 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 118.33
TF BATCHBUILDER RU NOTIFY ADD ON 4 YR REN 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
TF BATCHBUILDER RU BASE 4 YR AFTER LIC 6,250.00 0.00% 6,250.00 295.81
TF BATCHBUILDER RU AUTOMATION 4 YR AFTER LI 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 236.65
TF BATCHBUILDER RU XML/JDF OUTPUT 4 YR AFTER 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 236.65
TF BATCHBUILDER RU UNLIMITED OUTPUTS 4 YR AF 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 236.65
TF BATCHBUILDER RU LIST FILE 4 YR AFTER LIC 3,750.00 0.00% 3,750.00 177.49
TF BATCHBUILDER RU PREFLIGHT 4 YR AFTER LIC 3,125.00 0.00% 3,125.00 147.91
TF BATCHBUILDER RU NOTIFY ADD ON 4 YR AFTER 3,750.00 0.00% 3,750.00 177.49

Version 1
CAC 1 Pack 293.00 19.80% 235.00 11.12
CAC 10 Pack 2,864.00 19.97% 2,292.00 108.48
CAC 50 Pack 13,591.00 20.00% 10,873.00 514.62
CAC 100 Pack 25,841.00 0.00% 25,841.00 1,223.05
CAC 500 Pack 122,974.00 19.71% 98,739.00 4,673.32
Version 2
CAC V2 1-pack 595.00 20.00% 476.00 22.53
CAC V2 10-pack 5,850.00 20.00% 4,680.00 221.50
CAC V2 50-pack 29,250.00 20.00% 23,400.00 1,107.52
CAC V2 100-pack 58,500.00 20.00% 46,800.00 2,215.04
CAC V2 500-pack 292,500.00 20.00% 234,000.00 11,075.22
Version 3
CAC/PIV V3 1-pack 595.00 9.92% 536.00 25.37
CAC/PIV V3 10-pack 5,850.00 10.00% 5,265.00 249.19
CAC V3 50-pack 29,250.00 10.00% 26,325.00 1,245.96
CAC V3 100-pack 58,500.00 10.00% 52,650.00 2,491.92
CAC V3 500-pack 292,500.00 10.00% 263,250.00 12,459.62
Version 4
CAC/PIV V4 1-Pack 595.00 12.68% 519.57 24.59
CAC/PIV ELP NX Option 1 Device Licence 120.00 10.00% 108.00 5.11
CAC/PIV ELP NX Option 5 Device Licence 570.00 10.00% 513.00 24.28
CAC/PIV ELP NX Option 50 Device Licence 3,900.00 10.00% 3,510.00 166.13
CAC/PIV ELP NX Option 100 Device Licence 7,200.00 10.00% 6,480.00 306.70
CAC/PIV ELP NX Option 500 Device Licence 27,000.00 10.00% 24,300.00 1,150.12
CAC/PIV ELP NXOption 1 Device License 1Yr M&S 12.00 0.00% 12.00 0.57
CAC/PIV ELP NX Option 5 Device License 1Yr M&S 57.00 0.00% 57.00 2.70
CAC/PIV ELP NX Option 50 Device License 1Yr M&S 390.00 0.00% 390.00 18.46
CAC/PIV ELP NX Option 100 Device License 1Yr M&S 720.00 0.00% 720.00 34.08
CAC/PIV ELP NX Option 500 Device License 1Yr M&S 2,700.00 0.00% 2,700.00 127.79
Card Authentication Package V2 1 Device License 240.00 15.42% 203.00 9.61
Card Authentication Package V2 5 Device License 1,140.00 15.53% 963.00 45.58
Card Authentication Package V2 15 Device License 2,880.00 15.63% 2,430.00 115.01
Card Authentication Package V2 25 Device License 4,200.00 15.60% 3,545.00 167.78
Card Authentication Package V2 50 Device License 7,800.00 15.62% 6,582.00 311.53
Card Authentication Package V2 100 Device License 14,400.00 15.61% 12,152.00 575.15
Card Authentication Package V2 150 Device License 19,800.00 15.61% 16,709.00 790.84
Card Authentication Package V2 200 Device License 24,000.00 15.61% 20,254.00 958.62
Card Authentication Package V2 250 Device License 30,000.00 15.61% 25,317.00 1,198.25
Card Authentication Package V2 500 Device License 54,000.00 15.61% 45,571.00 2,156.88
Card Authentication Package V2 1000 Device License 96,000.00 15.61% 81,014.00 3,834.39
CAP Enterprise Server V2 Additional Server License - #DIV/0! - -
CAP Enterprise Server V2 1,440.00 15.56% 1,216.00 57.55
CAP V2 1 Device License for Upgrade 144.00 15.28% 122.00 5.77
CAP V2 5 Device License for Upgrade 684.00 15.64% 577.00 27.31
CAP V2 15 Device License for Upgrade 1,728.00 15.63% 1,458.00 69.01
CAP V2 25 Device License for Upgrade 2,520.00 15.60% 2,127.00 100.67
CAP V2 50 Device License for Upgrade 4,680.00 15.62% 3,949.00 186.91
CAP V2 100 Device License for Upgrade 8,640.00 15.60% 7,292.00 345.13
CAP V2 150 Device License for Upgrade 11,880.00 15.61% 10,025.00 474.48
CAP V2 200 Device License for Upgrade 14,400.00 15.61% 12,152.00 575.15
CAP V2 250 Device License for Upgrade 18,000.00 15.61% 15,190.00 718.94
CAP V2 500 Device License for Upgrade 32,400.00 15.61% 27,342.00 1,294.10
CAP V2 1000 Device License for Upgrade 57,600.00 15.61% 48,609.00 2,300.66
CAP Enterprise Server V2 for Upgrade 864.00 15.63% 729.00 34.50
1Yr M&S - Card Authentication Package V2 1 Device Lic 24.00 16.67% 20.00 0.95
1Yr M&S - Card Authentication Package V2 5 Device Lic 114.00 15.79% 96.00 4.54
1Yr M&S - Card Authentication Package V2 15 Device Li 288.00 15.63% 243.00 11.50
1Yr M&S - Card Authentication Package V2 25 Device Li 420.00 15.48% 355.00 16.80
1Yr M&S - Card Authentication Package V2 50 Device Li 780.00 15.64% 658.00 31.14
1Yr M&S - Card Authentication Package V2 100 Device L 1,440.00 15.56% 1,216.00 57.55
1Yr M&S - Card Authentication Package V2 150 Device L 1,980.00 15.61% 1,671.00 79.09
1Yr M&S - Card Authentication Package V2 200 Device L 2,400.00 15.63% 2,025.00 95.84
1Yr M&S - Card Authentication Package V2 250 Device L 3,000.00 15.60% 2,532.00 119.84
1Yr M&S - Card Authentication Package V2 500 Device L 5,400.00 15.61% 4,557.00 215.68
1Yr M&S - Card Authentication Package V2 1000 Device 9,600.00 15.60% 8,102.00 383.47
Ricoh Ps 1Yr M&S - Cap Enterprise Srvr V2 144.00 15.28% 122.00 5.77
Card Readers
iClass Card Reader Kit 199.00 34.17% 131.00 6.20
SCR3310 SCM USB Smart Card Reader Op Temp 0° C to 50 35.00 31.43% 24.00 1.14
Implementaion & Installation
Implementation, Installation, & Training * 1st Day On-Site 3,500.00 0.00% 3,500.00 165.66
Implementation, Installation, & Training * Additional Days 3,300.00 0.00% 3,300.00 156.19
Chromaticity Colorsource - Interactive technical support r 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
Chromaticity Colorsource - Interactive technical support r 4,500.00 10.00% 4,050.00 191.69
Fiery XF v4.0- XF Windows Server v4.0, unlimited Clients 1,995.00 9.97% 1,796.00 85.00
Proof Option v 4.0- (for Fiery XF only) (XF Mac OSX Ser 2,000.00 10.00% 1,800.00 85.19
Medium Printer Driver version 4.0 - For Driving 2-UP Prin 500.00 10.00% 450.00 21.30
XL Printer Driver version 4.0 - For Driving 4-UP Printers 1,000.00 10.00% 900.00 42.60
XXL Printer Driver version 4.0 - For Driving 8-UP Printers 1,500.00 10.00% 1,350.00 63.90
Production Option version 4.0 - Provides the ability for a 400.00 10.00% 360.00 17.04
Color Verifier Option version 4.0 - Quality assurance solut 950.00 10.00% 855.00 40.47
Color Manager Option version 4.0 - Provides and integrated 1,500.00 10.00% 1,350.00 63.90
File Export Option version 4.0 - Provides the ability to e 1,200.00 10.00% 1,080.00 51.12
Fiery Option version 4.0 - allows Fiery controllers to creat 1,200.00 10.00% 1,080.00 51.12
Dot Creator Option version 4.0 - Uses contone data to creat 1,625.00 9.97% 1,463.00 69.24
OneBit Option version 4.0 - Creates ICC-based color-accura 4,600.00 10.00% 4,140.00 195.95
Chromaticity CP3200 1-U Appliance, 2 Core Processor, 2,295.00 9.98% 2,066.00 97.78
Chromaticity CP3400 1-U Appliance, 4 Core Processor, 3,595.00 9.99% 3,236.00 153.16

1 Year ORIS Lynx Annual Software license 1,595.00 19.75% 1,280.00 60.58
2 Year ORIS Lynx Annual Software license 3,190.00 19.78% 2,558.95 121.11
3 Year ORIS Lynx Annual Software license 4,785.00 19.79% 3,837.89 181.65
4 Year ORIS Lynx Annual Software license 6,380.00 19.80% 5,116.84 242.18
5 YearORIS Lynx Annual Software license 7,975.00 19.80% 6,395.79 302.71
Professional Services for Color Management Gold Bundl 4,620.00 0.00% 4,620.00 218.66
ORIS Certified Lynx Device Certification 800.00 19.74% 642.11 30.39
ORIS Lynx Device Link Creation Package of 6 1,350.00 19.77% 1,083.16 51.27
ORIS Lynx Device Link Creation Package of 12 2,400.00 19.82% 1,924.21 91.07
ORIS Lynx Device Link Creation Package of 24 4,200.00 19.80% 3,368.42 159.43
ORIS Lynx Device Link Creation Package of 48 7,200.00 19.81% 5,773.68 273.27
CGSORIS PRESSMATCHER WEB LICENSE 23,230.00 11.42% 20,576.84 973.90
CGSORIS PRESSMATCHER WEB FILE OUT OPTION 5,000.00 19.79% 4,010.53 189.82
CGSORIS PRESSMATCHER WEB INK SAVER OPTION 5,000.00 19.79% 4,010.53 189.82
CGSORIS Certified Web USER LICENSE WINDOWS OR 2,390.00 19.80% 1,916.84 90.72
1 Year CGS Web Monitoring & Software Maint. Plan per 800.00 0.00% 800.00 37.86
2 Year CGS Web Monitoring & Software Maint. Plan per 1,600.00 0.00% 1,600.00 75.73
3 Year CGS Web Monitoring & Software Maint. Plan per 2,400.00 0.00% 2,400.00 113.59
4 Year CGS Web Monitoring & Software Maint. Plan per 3,200.00 0.00% 3,200.00 151.46
5 Year CGS Web Monitoring & Software Maint. Plan per 4,000.00 0.00% 4,000.00 189.32
Remote Operator training and technical support on ORIS p 750.00 0.00% 750.00 35.50
Operator training on ORIS products charged per day in Mi 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
Condeco 10.1” Room Screen (each) 1,295.00 10.00% 1,165.50 51.07
Condeco 4.3” Desk Screen (each) 472.00 10.00% 424.80 18.61
CONDECO CONNECT TOUCH 2 10.1 INCH ROOMSC 999.00 3.16% 967.39 42.39
Condeco Interactive Desk Kiosk w/Software License 6,392.00 10.00% 5,752.80 252.09
Condeco Room Screen Glass Mounting Kit (each) 16.00 10.00% 14.40 0.63
Condeco Gateway Outright Purchase (Not a Rental) 500.00 10.00% 450.00 19.72
Condeco Sensor Outright Purchase (Not a Rental) 50.00 10.00% 45.00 1.97
Condeco 5 License Room Pack 3,040.00 10.00% 2,736.00 129.49
Condeco 10 License Room Pack 3,680.00 10.00% 3,312.00 156.76
Condeco 25 License Room Pack 9,000.00 10.00% 8,100.00 383.37
Condeco 50 License Room Pack 17,600.00 10.00% 15,840.00 749.71
Condeco 75 License Room Pack 25,200.00 10.00% 22,680.00 1,073.44
Condeco 100 License Room Pack 32,000.00 10.00% 28,800.00 1,363.10
Condeco 250 License Room Pack 72,000.00 10.00% 64,800.00 3,066.98
Condeco 500 License Room Pack 128,000.00 10.00% 115,200.00 5,452.42
Condeco 750 License Room Pack 168,000.00 10.00% 151,200.00 7,156.30
Condeco 1,000 License Room Pack 200,000.00 10.00% 180,000.00 8,519.40
Condeco 1,500 License Room Pack 264,000.00 10.00% 237,600.00 11,245.61
Condeco 2,000 License Room Pack 288,000.00 10.00% 259,200.00 12,267.94
Condeco 50 License Desk Pack 2,800.00 10.00% 2,520.00 119.27
Condeco 250 License Desk Pack 12,800.00 10.00% 11,520.00 545.24
Condeco 500 License Desk Pack 24,000.00 10.00% 21,600.00 1,022.33
Condeco 1,000 License Desk Pack 44,800.00 10.00% 40,320.00 1,908.35
Condeco 2,500 License Desk Pack 100,000.00 10.00% 90,000.00 4,259.70
Condeco 5,000 License Desk Pack 160,000.00 10.00% 144,000.00 6,815.52
Condeco 7,500 License Desk Pack 180,000.00 10.00% 162,000.00 7,667.46
Condeco 10,000 License Desk Pack 192,000.00 10.00% 172,800.00 8,178.62
Condeco Enterprise (includes Condeco Advanced Report 15,760.00 10.00% 14,184.00 671.33
Condeco Advanced Reporting 4,800.00 10.00% 4,320.00 204.47
Condeco Additional language within software - Enterpris 2,400.00 10.00% 2,160.00 102.23
Condeco Wayfinding software license - up to 2 units 2,400.00 10.00% 2,160.00 102.23
Condeco Wayfinding software license - per add unit 480.00 10.00% 432.00 20.45
Condeco 25 Licence Connect Pack Annual Fee 3,300.00 10.00% 2,970.00 140.57
Condeco 50 Licence Connect Pack Annual Fee 4,950.00 10.00% 4,455.00 210.86
Condeco 100 Licence Connect Pack Annual Fee 6,600.00 10.00% 5,940.00 281.14
Condeco 250 Licence Connect Pack Annual Fee 8,250.00 10.00% 7,425.00 351.43
Condeco Hosting (Up to 50 resources) 4,800.00 10.00% 4,320.00 204.47
Condeco Hosting (51 to 100 resources) 9,600.00 10.00% 8,640.00 408.93
Condeco Hosting (101 to 500 resources) 19,200.00 10.00% 17,280.00 817.86
Condeco Hosting (501 to 1,000 resources) 28,800.00 10.00% 25,920.00 1,226.79
Condeco Hosting (1,001 to 2,000 resources) 38,400.00 10.00% 34,560.00 1,635.72
Condeco PING Federated Service 9,600.00 10.00% 8,640.00 408.93
Condeco Mobile Apps Base License (inc 500 users) 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
Condeco 500 Mobile User Pack Annual Fee 825.00 10.00% 742.50 35.14
Condeco 1,000 Mobile User Pack Annual Fee 1,500.00 10.00% 1,350.00 63.90
Condeco 2,000 Mobile User pack 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
Condeco 5,000 Mobile User Pack Annual Fee 6,250.00 10.00% 5,625.00 266.23
Condeco 10,000 Mobile User Pack Annual Fee 10,000.00 10.00% 9,000.00 425.97
Condeco SaaS Unlimited Desks Enterprise Annual Fee 247,500.00 10.00% 222,750.00 10,542.76
Condeco Video Conference Integration 1-250 rooms Ann 16,500.00 10.00% 14,850.00 702.85
Condeco Video Conference Integration > 250 rooms Ann 41,250.00 10.00% 37,125.00 1,757.13
Condeco Additional language within software Annual Fee 1,815.00 10.00% 1,633.50 77.31
Condeco Microsoft Exchange Integration up to 100 Reso 16,500.00 10.00% 14,850.00 702.85
Condeco Microsoft Exchange Integration 101 to 250 Res 24,750.00 10.00% 22,275.00 1,054.28
Condeco Microsoft Exchange Integration 251 to 500 Res 33,000.00 10.00% 29,700.00 1,405.70
Condeco Microsoft Exchange Integration 500 + Resource 41,250.00 10.00% 37,125.00 1,757.13
Condeco Consultancy Per Day 1,432.00 10.00% 1,288.80 61.00
Condeco Software Installation Per Day 1,336.00 10.00% 1,202.40 56.91
Condeco Project Management Per Day (Out of Hours) 2,148.00 10.00% 1,933.20 91.50
Condeco Consultancy Per Day (Out of Hours) 2,148.00 10.00% 1,933.20 91.50
Condeco Software Installation Per Day (Out of Hours) 2,004.00 10.00% 1,803.60 85.36
Condeco Configuration and Commissioning Per Day (Out 2,004.00 10.00% 1,803.60 85.36
Condeco Training Per Day (Out of Hours) 2,004.00 10.00% 1,803.60 85.36
Condeco Interactive Desk Kiosk w/Software License 6,392.00 10.00% 5,752.80 252.09
Condeco POE injector for Condeco screens 66.00 10.00% 59.40 2.60
Condeco 10 Licence Connect Pack Annual Fee 1,650.00 10.00% 1,485.00 70.29
Condeco 20,000 Mobile User Pack Annual Fee 15,000.00 10.00% 13,500.00 638.96
Condeco Unlimited Mobile User Pack Annual Fee 24,750.00 10.00% 22,275.00 1,054.28
Condeco Sense Rental per sensor per week (1 to 3 mont 6.40 10.00% 5.76 0.25
Condeco Sense Rental per sensor per week (4 to 12 mon 4.80 10.00% 4.32 0.19
Condeco Sense Rental per sensor per week (more than 3.20 10.00% 2.88 0.13
Condeco SaaS 10 Room Enterprise Annual Fee 8,250.00 10.00% 7,425.00 351.43
Condeco SaaS 25 Room Enterprise Annual Fee 16,500.00 10.00% 14,850.00 702.85
Condeco SaaS 50 Room Enterprise Annual Fee 24,750.00 10.00% 22,275.00 1,054.28
Condeco SaaS 100 Room Enterprise Annual Fee 37,125.00 10.00% 33,412.50 1,581.41
Condeco SaaS 250 Room Enterprise Annual Fee 57,750.00 10.00% 51,975.00 2,459.98
Condeco SaaS 500 Room Enterprise Annual Fee 82,500.00 10.00% 74,250.00 3,514.25
Condeco SaaS per Room (500 rooms +) 121.60 10.00% 109.44 5.18
Condeco SaaS per Desk (up to 50 desks) 384.00 10.00% 345.60 16.36
Condeco SaaS 250 Desk Enterprise Annual Fee 16,500.00 10.00% 14,850.00 702.85
Condeco SaaS 500 Desk Enterprise Annual Fee 20,625.00 10.00% 18,562.50 878.56
Condeco SaaS 1,000 Desk Enterprise Annual Fee 33,000.00 10.00% 29,700.00 1,405.70
Condeco SaaS 2,500 Desk Enterprise Annual Fee 61,875.00 10.00% 55,687.50 2,635.69
Condeco SaaS per Desk (2500 desks +) 19.20 10.00% 17.28 0.82
Condeco Dedicated Virtual Server Instance Annual Fee 49,500.00 10.00% 44,550.00 2,108.55
Condeco Wayfinding Software - per screen/group Annual 825.00 10.00% 742.50 35.14
Condeco SaaS 1,000 Room Enterprise Annual Fee 132,000.00 10.00% 118,800.00 5,622.80
Condeco SaaS 2,000 Room Enterprise Annual Fee 181,500.00 10.00% 163,350.00 7,731.36
Condeco SaaS 3,000 Room Enterprise Annual Fee 214,500.00 10.00% 193,050.00 9,137.06
Condeco SaaS Unlimited Rooms Enterprise Annual Fee 247,500.00 10.00% 222,750.00 10,542.76
Condeco SaaS 100 Desk Enterprise Annual Fee 8,250.00 10.00% 7,425.00 351.43
Condeco SaaS 5,000 Desk Enterprise Annual Fee 82,500.00 10.00% 74,250.00 3,514.25
Condeco SaaS 10,000 Desk Enterprise Annual Fee 132,000.00 10.00% 118,800.00 5,622.80
Condeco Sense support (for client owned sensors - per y 52.00 10.00% 46.80 2.22
Professional Services
Condeco Video Conference Integration - Cisco TMS 15,992.00 10.00% 14,392.80 681.21
Condeco Video Conference Integration - BT Onward 15,992.00 10.00% 14,392.80 681.21
Condeco Project Management Per Day 1,432.00 10.00% 1,288.80 61.00
Condeco Consultancy 1,432.00 10.00% 1,288.80 61.00
Condeco Software Installation 1,336.00 10.00% 1,202.40 56.91
Condeco Configuration and Commissioning Per Day 1,336.00 10.00% 1,202.40 56.91
Condeco Training Per Day 1,336.00 10.00% 1,202.40 56.91
Condeco Sense - One off cost to install and remove each 8.00 10.00% 7.20 0.34
Condeco Sense - One off cost for set-up and configuratio 1,600.00 10.00% 1,440.00 68.16
CSS (Copitrak System Software)
CSS Premium Host 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
CSS Premium Feed 2,000.00 10.00% 1,800.00 85.19
CSS Express Host 3,000.00 10.00% 2,700.00 127.79
CSS Express Feed 1,000.00 10.00% 900.00 42.60
CSS Commercial Host 1,000.00 10.00% 900.00 42.60
CSS Commercial Feed 600.00 10.00% 540.00 25.56
CSS Print Only 1,000.00 10.00% 900.00 42.60
CSS Premium Host Install 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67
CSS Premium Feed Install 150.00 0.00% 150.00 6.57
CSS Express Host Install 250.00 0.00% 250.00 10.96
CSS Express Feed Install 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.38
CSS Commercial Host Install 150.00 0.00% 150.00 6.57
CSS Commercial Feed Install 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.38
CSS Print Only Install 150.00 0.00% 150.00 6.57
CSS Premium Host Maintenance 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
CSS Premium Feed Maintenance 375.00 0.00% 375.00 17.75
CSS Express Host Maintenance 750.00 0.00% 750.00 35.50
CSS Express Feed Maintenance 250.00 0.00% 250.00 11.83
CSS Commercial Host Maintenance 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67
CSS Commercial Feed Maintenance 225.00 0.00% 225.00 10.65
CSS Print Only Maintenance 200.00 0.00% 200.00 9.47
CSS - Add-ons
CSS Import 1,000.00 10.00% 900.00 42.60
Neopost Integration 1,500.00 10.00% 1,350.00 63.90
Meal Trak 6,000.00 10.00% 5,400.00 255.58
CSS Import Install 150.00 0.00% 150.00 6.57
Meal Trak Install 150.00 0.00% 150.00 6.57
CSS Import Maintenance 150.00 0.00% 150.00 7.10
Neopost Integration - maintenance 200.00 0.00% 200.00 9.47
Meal Trak Maintenance 650.00 0.00% 650.00 30.76
Desktop Control of In-View Device 40.00 10.00% 36.00 1.70
Print 150.00 10.00% 135.00 6.39
Print Per Device 3,000.00 10.00% 2,700.00 127.79
Print Upgrade 100.00 10.00% 90.00 4.26
Web Disbursement 500.00 10.00% 450.00 21.30
Commercial Print Per Device 1,250.00 10.00% 1,125.00 53.25
DSTP-DEV Site install 250.00 0.00% 250.00 10.96
DSTP-PRT Site install 250.00 0.00% 250.00 10.96
Print Per Device Install 150.00 0.00% 150.00 6.57
DSTP-PRTU Site install 250.00 0.00% 250.00 10.96
DSTP-ECA Site install 250.00 0.00% 250.00 10.96
DSTP-WDSB Site install 150.00 0.00% 150.00 6.57
Desktop Control of In-View Device Maintenance 9.00 0.00% 9.00 0.43
Print Maintenance 18.50 2.70% 18.00 0.85
Print Per Device Maintenance 300.00 0.00% 300.00 14.20
Print Upgrade Maintenance 18.50 2.70% 18.00 0.85
Editing and Cost Allocation Maintenance 11.00 0.00% 11.00 0.52
Web Disbursement Maintenance 75.00 0.00% 75.00 3.55
Commercial Print Per DeviceMaintenance 300.00 0.00% 300.00 14.20
Scan Routing & Tracking PRO 250.00 10.00% 225.00 10.65
Scan Routing & Tracking eClipse 650.00 10.00% 585.00 27.69
Accuroute Integration 250.00 10.00% 225.00 10.65
Scan DMS MFP 1,000.00 10.00% 900.00 42.60
Scan OCR Server 1 MFP 2,000.00 10.00% 1,800.00 85.19
Scan OCR Server 3 MFP 6,000.00 10.00% 5,400.00 255.58
Scan OCR Server Unlimited MFP 10,000.00 10.00% 9,000.00 425.97
Scan Routing & Tracking PRO Install 50.00 0.00% 50.00 2.19
Scan Routing & Tracking eClipse Install 50.00 0.00% 50.00 2.19
Accuroute Integration Install 50.00 0.00% 50.00 2.19
Scan Embedded Server Install 150.00 0.00% 150.00 6.57
Scan DMS MFP Install 75.00 0.00% 75.00 3.29
Scan Routing & Tracking PRO Maintenance 75.00 0.00% 75.00 3.55
Scan Routing & Tracking eClipse Maintenance 175.00 0.00% 175.00 8.28
Accuroute Integration Maintenance 175.00 0.00% 175.00 8.28
Scan Embedded Server Maintenance 250.00 0.00% 250.00 11.83
Scan DMS MFP Maintenance 175.00 0.00% 175.00 8.28
Scan OCR Server 1 MFP - Maintenance 400.00 10.00% 360.00 17.04
Scan OCR Server 3 MFP - Maintenance 1,200.00 0.00% 1,200.00 56.80
Scan OCR Server Unlimited MFP - Maintenance 2,000.00 0.00% 2,000.00 94.66
Print Room
Print Room In-Take Software 10,000.00 10.00% 9,000.00 425.97
Print Room Ticket / Web View 30.00 10.00% 27.00 1.28
Print Room Electronic Production 3,000.00 10.00% 2,700.00 127.79
Print Room Remote View 1,000.00 10.00% 900.00 42.60
Document Production In-Take 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 236.65
Document Operators Station 2,000.00 10.00% 1,800.00 85.19
Document Operators Ticket / Web View 30.00 10.00% 27.00 1.28
Print Room In-Take Software Install 500.00 0.00% 500.00 21.91
PRNT-TKWV Site install 250.00 0.00% 250.00 10.96
Print Room Electronic Production Install 150.00 0.00% 150.00 6.57
Print Room Remote View Install 150.00 0.00% 150.00 6.57
PRNT-DINT Site install 500.00 0.00% 500.00 21.91
PRNT-DOS Site install 250.00 0.00% 250.00 10.96
PRNT-DTKVW Site install 250.00 0.00% 250.00 10.96
Print Room In-Take Software Maintenance 1,350.00 0.00% 1,350.00 63.90
Print Room Ticket / Web View Maintenance 4.00 0.00% 4.00 0.19
Print Room Electronic Production Maintenance 300.00 0.00% 300.00 14.20
Print Room Remote View Maintenance 200.00 0.00% 200.00 9.47
Document Production In-Take Maintenance 1,000.00 0.00% 1,000.00 47.33
Document Operators Station Maintenance 75.00 0.00% 75.00 3.55
Document Operators Ticket / Web View Maintenance 4.00 0.00% 4.00 0.19
Copitrak eClipse Fax 4,200.00 10.00% 3,780.00 178.91
Copitrak eClipse Fax Dual 5,850.00 10.00% 5,265.00 249.19
Copitrak Pro 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
Copitrak Pro Fax 2,750.00 10.00% 2,475.00 117.14
Copitrak Pro CFX 3,200.00 10.00% 2,880.00 136.31
Copitrak Pro Fax Dual 3,200.00 10.00% 2,880.00 136.31
Copitrak LG 1,200.00 10.00% 1,080.00 51.12
Copitrak LG Fax 1,400.00 10.00% 1,260.00 59.64
Copitrak LG CFX 1,750.00 10.00% 1,575.00 74.54
Copitrak LG Fax Dual 1,750.00 10.00% 1,575.00 74.54
Copitrak eClipse Fax Install 150.00 0.00% 150.00 7.10
Copitrak eClipse CFX Install 175.00 0.00% 175.00 8.28
Copitrak eClipse Fax Dual Install 175.00 0.00% 175.00 8.28
Copitrak Pro Install 150.00 0.00% 150.00 7.10
Copitrak Pro Fax Install 150.00 0.00% 150.00 7.10
Copitrak Pro CFX Install 175.00 0.00% 175.00 8.28
Copitrak Pro Fax Dual Install 175.00 0.00% 175.00 8.28
Copitrak LG Install 125.00 0.00% 125.00 5.92
Copitrak LG Fax Install 125.00 0.00% 125.00 5.92
Copitrak LG CFX Install 175.00 0.00% 175.00 8.28
Copitrak LG Fax Dual Install 175.00 0.00% 175.00 8.28
Copitrak eClipse Maintenance 575.00 0.00% 575.00 27.21
Copitrak eClipse Fax Maintenance 595.00 0.00% 595.00 28.16
Copitrak eClipse Fax Dual Maintenance 595.00 0.00% 595.00 28.16
Copitrak Pro Maintenance 450.00 10.00% 405.00 19.17
Copitrak Pro Fax Maintenance 400.00 0.00% 400.00 18.93
Copitrak Pro CFX Maintenance 595.00 9.92% 536.00 25.37
Copitrak Pro Fax Dual Maintenance 595.00 9.92% 536.00 25.37
Copitrak LG Maintenance 275.00 0.00% 275.00 13.02
Copitrak LG Fax Maintenance 300.00 0.00% 300.00 14.20
Copitrak LG CFX Maintenance 400.00 0.00% 400.00 18.93
Copitrak LG Fax Dual Maintenance 450.00 10.00% 405.00 19.17
Hardware Mounts
Eclipse Floor Stand 250.00 10.00% 225.00 10.65
Eclipse Desk Mount 150.00 10.00% 135.00 6.39
Eclipse Wall Mount 150.00 10.00% 135.00 6.39
Pro Floor Stand 250.00 10.00% 225.00 10.65
Pro Wall Mount 125.00 9.60% 113.00 5.35
Hardware Add-Ons
Proximity Card Reader 800.00 10.00% 720.00 34.08
Eclipse USB Keyboard 180.00 10.00% 162.00 7.67
Copier Interface Cable w/o Unit 200.00 10.00% 180.00 8.52
Copier Interface Cable w/ Unit 150.00 10.00% 135.00 6.39
Special Interfaces (MCIF) 500.00 10.00% 450.00 21.30
Linedriver / IO Boxes 500.00 10.00% 450.00 21.30
Proximity Card Reader Install 300.00 10.00% 270.00 12.78
Proximity Card Reader Maintenance 150.00 10.00% 135.00 6.39
Special Interfaces (MCIF) Maintenance 100.00 10.00% 90.00 4.26
Linedriver / IO Boxes Maintenance 100.00 10.00% 90.00 4.26
Copitrak LG CFX ECES 1,400.00 10.00% 1,260.00 59.64
Eclipse ES Scan PC 1,200.00 10.00% 1,080.00 51.12
Eclipse ES Single Page PC 1,500.00 10.00% 1,350.00 63.90
Eclipse ES Multi Page PC 2,000.00 10.00% 1,800.00 85.19
Eclipse ES Single Page PC w/Fax 2,200.00 10.00% 1,980.00 93.71
Eclipse ES Multi Page PC w/Fax 2,200.00 10.00% 1,980.00 93.71
Eclipse ES Scan eCopy 1,500.00 10.00% 1,350.00 63.90
Eclipse ES Single Page eCopy 1,750.00 10.00% 1,575.00 74.54
Eclipse ES Multi Page eCopy 2,000.00 10.00% 1,800.00 85.19
Eclipse ES Single Page eCopy w/Fax 2,200.00 10.00% 1,980.00 93.71
Eclipse ES Multi Page eCopy w/Fax 2,200.00 10.00% 1,980.00 93.71
Eclipse ES Scan EFI 1,500.00 10.00% 1,350.00 63.90
Eclipse ES Single Page EFI 1,750.00 10.00% 1,575.00 74.54
Eclipse ES Multi Page EFI 2,000.00 10.00% 1,800.00 85.19
Eclipse ES Single Page EFI w/Fax 2,200.00 10.00% 1,980.00 93.71
Eclipse ES Multi Page EFI w/Fax 2,200.00 10.00% 1,980.00 93.71
Eclipse ES Single Page Canon 1,500.00 10.00% 1,350.00 63.90
Eclipse ES Multi Page Canon 1,750.00 10.00% 1,575.00 74.54
Eclipse ES Canon Royalty 200.00 0.00% 200.00 9.47
Eclipse ES Scan HP 1,500.00 10.00% 1,350.00 63.90
Eclipse ES Single Page HP 1,750.00 10.00% 1,575.00 74.54
Eclipse ES Multi Page HP 2,000.00 10.00% 1,800.00 85.19
Eclipse ES Single Page HP w/Fax 2,200.00 10.00% 1,980.00 93.71
Eclipse ES Multi Page HP w/Fax 2,200.00 10.00% 1,980.00 93.71
Eclipse ES Single Page Ricoh 1,750.00 10.00% 1,575.00 74.54
Eclipse ES Multi Page Ricoh 2,000.00 10.00% 1,800.00 85.19
Eclipse ES Commercial Ricoh 1,250.00 10.00% 1,125.00 53.25
Eclipse ES Single Page Lexmark 1,500.00 10.00% 1,350.00 63.90
Eclipse ES Lexmark Royalty 200.00 0.00% 200.00 9.47
Eclipse ES Scan PC Install 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.38
Eclipse ES Single Page PC Install 125.00 0.00% 125.00 5.48
Eclipse ES Multi Page PC Install 150.00 0.00% 150.00 6.57
Eclipse ES Single Page PC w/Fax Install 150.00 0.00% 150.00 6.57
Eclipse ES Multi Page PC w/Fax Install 150.00 0.00% 150.00 6.57
Eclipse ES Scan eCopy Install 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.38
Eclipse ES Single Page eCopy Install 125.00 0.00% 125.00 5.48
Eclipse ES Multi Page eCopy Install 150.00 0.00% 150.00 6.57
Eclipse ES Single Page eCopy w/Fax Install 150.00 0.00% 150.00 6.57
Eclipse ES Multi Page eCopy w/Fax Install 150.00 0.00% 150.00 6.57
Eclipse ES Scan EFI Install 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.38
Eclipse ES Single Page EFI Install 125.00 0.00% 125.00 5.48
Eclipse ES Multi Page EFI Install 150.00 0.00% 150.00 6.57
Eclipse ES Single Page EFI w/Fax Install 150.00 0.00% 150.00 6.57
Eclipse ES Multi Page EFI w/Fax Install 150.00 0.00% 150.00 6.57
Eclipse ES Single Page Canon Install 125.00 0.00% 125.00 5.48
Eclipse ES Multi Page Canon Install 150.00 0.00% 150.00 6.57
Eclipse ES Scan HP Install 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.38
Eclipse ES Single Page HP Install 125.00 0.00% 125.00 5.48
Eclipse ES Multi Page HP Install 150.00 0.00% 150.00 6.57
Eclipse ES Single Page HP w/Fax Install 125.00 0.00% 125.00 5.48
Eclipse ES Multi Page HP w/Fax Install 150.00 0.00% 150.00 6.57
Eclipse ES Single Page Ricoh Install 125.00 0.00% 125.00 5.48
Eclipse ES Multi Page Ricoh Install 150.00 0.00% 150.00 6.57
Eclipse ES Single Page Lexmark Install 125.00 0.00% 125.00 5.48
Eclipse ES Scan PC Maintenance 300.00 0.00% 300.00 14.20
Eclipse ES Single Page PC Maintenance 300.00 0.00% 300.00 14.20
Eclipse ES Multi Page PC Maintenance 325.00 0.00% 325.00 15.38
Eclipse ES Single Page PC w/Fax Maintenance 325.00 0.00% 325.00 15.38
Eclipse ES Multi Page PC w/Fax Maintenance 350.00 0.00% 350.00 16.57
Eclipse ES Scan eCopy Maintenance 300.00 0.00% 300.00 14.20
Eclipse ES Single Page eCopy Maintenance 300.00 0.00% 300.00 14.20
Eclipse ES Multi Page eCopy Maintenance 325.00 0.00% 325.00 15.38
Eclipse ES Single Page eCopy w/Fax Maintenance 325.00 0.00% 325.00 15.38
Eclipse ES Multi Page eCopy w/Fax Maintenance 350.00 0.00% 350.00 16.57
Eclipse ES Scan EFI Maintenance 300.00 0.00% 300.00 14.20
Eclipse ES Single Page EFI Maintenance 300.00 0.00% 300.00 14.20
Eclipse ES Multi Page EFI Maintenance 325.00 0.00% 325.00 15.38
Eclipse ES Single Page EFI w/Fax Maintenance 325.00 0.00% 325.00 15.38
Eclipse ES Multi Page EFI w/Fax Maintenance 350.00 0.00% 350.00 16.57
Eclipse ES Single Page Canon Maintenance 300.00 0.00% 300.00 14.20
Eclipse ES Multi Page Canon Maintenance 300.00 0.00% 300.00 14.20
Eclipse ES Scan HP Maintenance 300.00 0.00% 300.00 14.20
Eclipse ES Single Page HP Maintenance 300.00 0.00% 300.00 14.20
Eclipse ES Multi Page HP Maintenance 325.00 0.00% 325.00 15.38
Eclipse ES Single Page HP w/Fax Maintenance 325.00 0.00% 325.00 15.38
Eclipse ES Multi Page HP w/Fax Maintenance 350.00 0.00% 350.00 16.57
Eclipse ES Single Page Ricoh Maintenance 300.00 0.00% 300.00 14.20
Eclipse ES Multi Page Ricoh Maintenance 300.00 0.00% 300.00 14.20
Eclipse ES Commercial Ricoh Maintenance 300.00 0.00% 300.00 14.20
Eclipse ES Single Page Lexmark Maintenance 325.00 0.00% 325.00 15.38
Copitrak Phone
Copitrak Phone Basic Host 3,000.00 10.00% 2,700.00 127.79
Copitrak Phone Basic Feed 1,500.00 10.00% 1,350.00 63.90
Copitrak Phone Basic Host - Maintenance 750.00 0.00% 750.00 35.50
Copitrak Phone Basic Feed - Maintenance 150.00 0.00% 150.00 7.10
Copitrak Phone Professional Host 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
Mobility Tracking 300.00 10.00% 270.00 12.78
Mobility Phone Tracking 300.00 10.00% 270.00 12.78
Mobility Call Pricing 1,000.00 10.00% 900.00 42.60
MOB Site install 250.00 0.00% 250.00 10.96
MOB-PT Site install 250.00 0.00% 250.00 10.96
MOB-CP Site install 150.00 0.00% 150.00 6.57
Mobility Tracking Maintenance 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
Mobility Phone Tracking Maintenance 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
Mobility Call Pricing Maintenance 750.00 0.00% 750.00 35.50
Device Manager NX Accounting 5 Device License 720.00 31.53% 493.00 23.33
Device Manager NX Accounting 15 Device License 1,490.40 9.96% 1,342.00 63.52
Device Manager NX Accounting 25 Device License 1,836.00 10.02% 1,652.00 78.19
Device Manager NX Accounting 50 Device License 2,520.00 10.00% 2,268.00 107.34
SDM Acct 5 Device Ugrade to DM-NX Acct 5 Device 432.00 9.95% 389.00 18.41
SDM Acct 10 Device Ugrade to DM-NX Acct 15 Device 648.00 10.03% 583.00 27.59
SDM Acct 20 Device Ugrade to DM-NX Acct 25 Device 993.00 9.97% 894.00 42.31
SDM Acct 50 Device Ugrade to DM-NX Acct 50 Device 1,512.00 9.99% 1,361.00 64.42
Device Manager NX Accounting 5 Device Annual M&S 108.00 25.00% 81.00 3.83
Device Manager NX Accounting 15 Device Annual M&S 223.56 0.25% 223.00 10.55
Device Manager NX Accounting 25 Device Annual M&S 275.40 0.15% 275.00 13.02
Device Manager NX Accounting 50 Device Annual M&S 378.00 0.00% 378.00 17.89
Ricoh Device Manager NX Accounting 1 Device License - 210.00 12.53% 183.70 8.69
Ricoh Device Manager NX Accounting 1 Device License 31.50 0.00% 31.50 1.49
Device Manager NX Pro Server License 1,998.00 10.11% 1,796.00 85.00
Device Manager NX Pro Server Upgrade License 1,199.00 10.09% 1,078.00 51.02
Device Manager NX Enterprise Core Server License 4,998.00 10.00% 4,498.00 212.89
Device Manager NX Enterprise Core Server Upgrade Lic 2,999.00 10.00% 2,699.00 127.74
Device Manager NX Enterprise Device Management Serv 1,498.00 10.01% 1,348.00 63.80
Device Manager NX Enterprise Device Management Serv 899.00 10.01% 809.00 38.29
Device Manager NX Pro M&S (Maintenance & Support) 300.00 10.00% 270.00 12.78
Device Manager NX Enterprise Core M&S (Maintenance 750.00 10.00% 675.00 31.95
Device Manager NX Enterprise DM M&S (Maintenance & 225.00 9.78% 203.00 9.61
RICOH @Remote Connector NX 500 DL 889.00 31.09% 612.63 29.00
RICOH @Remote Connector NX 1,000 DL 1,689.00 31.13% 1,163.16 55.05
RICOH @Remote Connector NX 5,000 DL 7,112.00 31.16% 4,895.79 231.72
RICOH @Remote Connector NX 500 DL for Upgrade 533.00 31.08% 367.37 17.39
RICOH @Remote Connector NX 1,000 DL for Upgrade 1,013.00 31.11% 697.89 33.03
RICOH @Remote Connector NX 5,000 DL for Upgrade 4,267.00 31.15% 2,937.89 139.05
RICOH @Remote Connector NX 500 DL M&S (Maintenan 135.00 0.00% 135.00 6.39
RICOH @Remote Connector NX 1,000 DL M&S (Maintena 255.00 0.00% 255.00 12.07
RICOH @Remote Connector NX 5,000 DL M&S (Maintena 1,075.00 0.00% 1,075.00 50.88
Device Manager NX Advanced Driver Distribution License 1,999.00 31.12% 1,376.84 65.17
Device Manager NX Advanced Driver Distribution License 5,999.00 31.16% 4,129.47 195.45
Device Manager NX Advanced Driver Distribution License 13,999.00 31.16% 9,636.84 456.11
Device Manager NX Advanced Driver Distribution License 20,999.00 31.16% 14,454.74 684.14
Device Manager NX Advanced Driver Distribution License 30,999.00 31.17% 21,337.89 1,009.92
Device Manager NX Advanced Driver Distribution License 36,999.00 31.17% 25,467.37 1,205.37
Device Manager NX Advanced Driver Distribution License 47,999.00 31.17% 33,038.95 1,563.73
Device Manager NX Advanced Driver Distribution License 299.00 31.00% 206.32 9.76
Device Manager NX Advanced Driver Distribution License 899.00 31.03% 620.00 29.34
Device Manager NX Advanced Driver Distribution License 2,099.00 31.15% 1,445.26 68.40
Device Manager NX Advanced Driver Distribution License 3,149.00 31.17% 2,167.37 102.58
Device Manager NX Advanced Driver Distribution License 4,649.00 31.17% 3,200.00 151.46
Device Manager NX Advanced Driver Distribution License 5,549.00 31.16% 3,820.00 180.80
Device Manager NX Advanced Driver Distribution License 7,199.00 31.16% 4,955.79 234.56
DocumentMall Basic (5 User / 15 GB 1YR) 1,050.00 21.52% 824.00 39.00
DocumentMall Additional 5 Users 335.00 9.85% 302.00 14.29
DocumentMall Additional 10 Users 637.00 10.05% 573.00 27.12
DocumentMall Additional 25 Users 1,575.00 9.97% 1,418.00 67.11
DocumentMall Additional 50 Users 2,872.00 9.99% 2,585.00 122.35
DocumentMall Additional 100 Users 5,457.00 10.01% 4,911.00 232.44
Ricoh Additional 200 Users 10,369.00 26.44% 7,627.00 360.99
DocumentMall Additional 10 GB 600.00 10.00% 540.00 25.56
DocumentMall Additional 25 GB 1,425.00 9.96% 1,283.00 60.72
DocumentMall Additional 50 GB 2,802.00 9.99% 2,522.00 119.37
DocumentMall Additional 100 GB 5,520.00 10.00% 4,968.00 235.14
DocumentMall Upload Agent 595.00 9.92% 536.00 25.37
DocumentMall MFP Browser Add-on 99.00 10.10% 89.00 4.21
DocumentMall Doc Export Service 3GB 295.00 9.83% 266.00 12.59
DocumentMall Data Export Service 10GB 995.00 9.95% 896.00 42.41
DocumentMall Data Export Service 11-25GB 2,495.00 9.98% 2,246.00 106.30
DocuWare BUSINESS Server V6 454.00 30.91% 313.68 14.85
DocuWare PROFESSIONAL Server V6 6,058.00 31.16% 4,170.53 197.39
DocuWare ENTERPRISE Server V6 17,337.00 31.16% 11,934.74 564.87
DocuWare Smart Connect 2,274.00 34.56% 1,488.00 70.43
DocuWare CONNECT to Outlook 2,274.00 31.12% 1,566.32 74.13
DocuWare Mobile 1,397.00 34.57% 914.00 43.26
DocuWare Task Manager 4,535.00 34.60% 2,966.00 140.38
DocuWare AUTOINDEX 2,957.00 34.60% 1,934.00 91.54
DocuWare Workflow Manager 11,284.00 31.16% 7,767.37 367.63
DocuWare Barcode & Forms 4,535.00 31.16% 3,122.11 147.77
DocuWare IMPORT 2,274.00 31.12% 1,566.32 74.13
DocuWare CONNECT to Mail 2,274.00 31.12% 1,566.32 74.13
DocuWare CONNECT to SAP 11,284.00 34.61% 7,379.00 349.25
DocuWare CONNECT to SharePoint 4,535.00 34.60% 2,966.00 140.38
DocuWare CONNECT to Ricoh 1,397.00 34.57% 914.00 43.26
DocuWare CONNECT to Toshiba (Version2) 1,397.00 34.57% 914.00 43.26
DocuWare CONNECT to Sharp 1,397.00 34.57% 914.00 43.26
DocuWare CONNECT to Xerox 1,397.00 34.57% 914.00 43.26
DocuWare CONNECT to OKI 1,397.00 31.13% 962.11 45.54
DocuWare Connect Global Scan NX - #DIV/0! - -
DocuWare Connect To Kyocera - #DIV/0! - -
DocuWare Connect to HP - #DIV/0! - -
DocuWare BUSINESS Server V6 Maintenance 72.00 0.00% 72.00 3.41
DocuWare PROFESSIONAL Server V6 Maintenance 972.00 0.00% 972.00 46.00
DocuWare ENTERPRISE Server V6 Maintenance 2,772.00 0.00% 2,772.00 131.20
DocuWare V6 1-4 Client Licenses Maintenance 168.00 0.00% 168.00 7.95
DocuWare V6 5-9 Client Licenses Maintenance 162.00 0.00% 162.00 7.67
DocuWare V6 10-19 Client Licenses Maintenance 156.00 0.00% 156.00 7.38
DocuWare V6 20-29 Client Licenses Maintenance 150.00 0.00% 150.00 7.10
DocuWare V6 30-49 Client License V6 Maintenance 144.00 0.00% 144.00 6.82
DocuWare V6 50-69 Client Licenses Maintenance 132.00 0.00% 132.00 6.25
DocuWare V6 70-99 Client Licenses Maintenance 120.00 0.00% 120.00 5.68
DocuWare V6 100-149 Client Licenses Maintenance 108.00 0.00% 108.00 5.11
DocuWare V6 150+ Client Licenses Maintenance 96.00 0.00% 96.00 4.54
DocuWare V6 Client Site License Maintenance 8,484.00 0.00% 8,484.00 401.55
DocuWare V6 Web Client Server License Read-Only Mai 1,800.00 0.00% 1,800.00 85.19
DocuWare Smart Connect Maintenance 360.00 3.89% 346.00 16.38
DocuWare CONNECT to Outlook Maintenance 360.00 0.00% 360.00 17.04
DocuWare Mobile Maintenance 228.00 6.58% 213.00 10.08
DocuWare Task Manager Maintenance 720.00 4.03% 691.00 32.71
DocuWare AUTOINDEX Maintenance 468.00 3.85% 450.00 21.30
DocuWare Workflow Manager Maintenance 1,800.00 0.00% 1,800.00 85.19
DocuWare Barcode & Forms Maintenance 720.00 0.00% 720.00 34.08
DocuWare IMPORT Maintenance 360.00 0.00% 360.00 17.04
DocuWare CONNECT to Mail Maintenance 360.00 0.00% 360.00 17.04
DocuWare CONNECT to SAP Maintenance 1,800.00 4.50% 1,719.00 81.36
DocuWare CONNECT to SharePoint Maintenance 720.00 4.03% 691.00 32.71
DocuWare CONNECT to Ricoh Maintenance 228.00 6.58% 213.00 10.08
DocuWare CONNECT to Toshiba (Version2) Maintenance 228.00 6.58% 213.00 10.08
DocuWare CONNECT to Sharp Maintenance 228.00 6.58% 213.00 10.08
DocuWare CONNECT to Xerox Maintenance 228.00 6.58% 213.00 10.08
DocuWare CONNECT to OKI Maintenance 228.00 0.00% 228.00 10.79
DocuWare BUSINESS Server V6 Support 24.00 0.00% 24.00 1.14
DocuWare PROFESSIONAL Server V6 Support 240.00 0.00% 240.00 11.36
DocuWare ENTERPRISE Server V6 Support 696.00 0.00% 696.00 32.94
DocuWare V6 1-4 Client Licenses Support 48.00 0.00% 48.00 2.27
DocuWare V6 5-9 Client Licenses Support 45.00 0.00% 45.00 2.13
DocuWare V6 10-19 Client Licenses Support 42.00 0.00% 42.00 1.99
DocuWare V6 20-29 Client Licenses Support 39.00 0.00% 39.00 1.85
DocuWare V6 30-49 Client Licenses Support 36.00 0.00% 36.00 1.70
DocuWare V6 50-69 Client Licenses Support 33.00 0.00% 33.00 1.56
DocuWare V6 70-99 Client Licenses Support 30.00 0.00% 30.00 1.42
DocuWare V6 100-149 Client Licenses Support 27.00 0.00% 27.00 1.28
DocuWare V6 150+ Client Licenses Support 24.00 0.00% 24.00 1.14
DocuWare V6 Client Site License Support 2,124.00 0.00% 2,124.00 100.53
DocuWare V6 Web Client Server License Read-Only Sup 456.00 0.00% 456.00 21.58
DocuWare Smart Connect Support 96.00 9.38% 87.00 4.12
DocuWare CONNECT to Outlook Support 96.00 0.00% 96.00 4.54
DocuWare Mobile Support 60.00 11.67% 53.00 2.51
DocuWare Task Manager Support 180.00 3.89% 173.00 8.19
DocuWare AUTOINDEX Support 120.00 5.83% 113.00 5.35
DocuWare Workflow Manager Support 456.00 0.00% 456.00 21.58
DocuWare Barcode & Forms Support 180.00 0.00% 180.00 8.52
DocuWare IMPORT Support 96.00 0.00% 96.00 4.54
DocuWare CONNECT to Mail Support 96.00 0.00% 96.00 4.54
DocuWare CONNECT to SAP Support 456.00 5.70% 430.00 20.35
DocuWare CONNECT to SharePoint Support 180.00 3.89% 173.00 8.19
DocuWare CONNECT to Ricoh Support 60.00 11.67% 53.00 2.51
DocuWare CONNECT to Toshiba (Version2) Support 60.00 11.67% 53.00 2.51
DocuWare CONNECT to Sharp Support 60.00 11.67% 53.00 2.51
DocuWare CONNECT to Xerox Support 60.00 11.67% 53.00 2.51
DocuWare CONNECT to OKI Support 60.00 0.00% 60.00 2.84
DocuWare ACTIVE IMPORT 3 Maintenance 720.00 4.03% 691.00 32.71
DocuWare CONNECT to NOTES Maintenance 1,719.00 0.00% 1,719.00 81.36
DocuWare CONTENT-FOLDER Maintenance 720.00 4.03% 691.00 32.71
DocuWare CF/TMGR Bundle Maintenance 1,452.00 4.82% 1,382.00 65.41
DocuWare COLD/READ Maintenance 972.00 5.14% 922.00 43.64
DocuWare INTERNET-SERVER 3 Maintenance 1,719.00 0.00% 1,719.00 81.36
DocuWare LINK2 Maintenance 348.00 0.00% 348.00 16.47
DocuWare RECOGNITION 2 Maintenance 720.00 4.03% 691.00 32.71
DocuWare ACTIVE IMPORT 3 Support 180.00 0.00% 180.00 8.52
DocuWare CONNECT to NOTES Support 432.00 0.46% 430.00 20.35
DocuWare CONTENT-FOLDER Support 180.00 0.00% 180.00 8.52
DocuWare CF/TMGR Bundle Support 360.00 3.89% 346.00 16.38
DocuWare COLD/READ Support 240.00 4.17% 230.00 10.89
DocuWare INTERNET-SERVER 3 Support 432.00 0.00% 432.00 20.45
DocuWare LINK2 Support 87.00 0.00% 87.00 4.12
DocuWare RECOGNITION 2 Support 180.00 0.00% 180.00 8.52
DocuWare Side-grade Professional to Enterprise Server 12,420.00 14.31% 10,643.00 503.73
Docuware Intelligent Indexing 11,284.00 13.04% 9,813.04 464.45
DocuWare Forms Module for Professional and Enterprise 11,284.00 12.61% 9,860.87 466.71
Docuware Intelligent Indexing Maintenance 1,800.00 0.00% 1,800.00 85.19
DocuWare Forms Module for Professional and Enterprise 1,800.00 0.00% 1,800.00 85.19
DocuWare Forms Module for Professional and Enterprise 456.00 0.00% 456.00 21.58
Docuware Intelligent Indexing Support 456.00 0.00% 456.00 21.58
Docuware Customer Admin Training 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
DocuWare BUSINESS Server 522.00 9.96% 470.00 22.25
DocuWare PROFESSIONAL Server 6,924.00 9.99% 6,232.00 294.96
DocuWare ENTERPRISE Server 19,812.00 10.00% 17,831.00 843.94
1-4 DocuWare Client Licenses 1,212.00 9.98% 1,091.00 51.64
5-9 DocuWare Client Licenses 1,160.00 10.00% 1,044.00 49.41
10-19 DocuWare Client Licenses 1,124.00 9.96% 1,012.00 47.90
20-29 DocuWare Client Licenses 1,073.00 9.97% 966.00 45.72
30-49 DocuWare Client Licenses 1,038.00 10.02% 934.00 44.21
50-69 DocuWare Client Licenses 935.00 9.95% 842.00 39.85
70-99 DocuWare Client Licenses 831.00 9.99% 748.00 35.40
100-149 DocuWare Client Licenses 744.00 9.95% 670.00 31.71
150+ DocuWare Client Licenses 692.00 9.97% 623.00 29.49
DocuWare Client Site License 60,564.00 10.00% 54,508.00 2,579.86
DocuWare ACTIVE IMPORT 3 5,184.00 9.99% 4,666.00 220.84
DocuWare COLD/READ 6,912.00 10.00% 6,221.00 294.44
DocuWare CONNECT to NOTES 12,894.00 10.00% 11,605.00 549.26
DocuWare CONTENT-FOLDER 5,184.00 9.99% 4,666.00 220.84
DocuWare RECOGNITION 2 5,184.00 9.99% 4,666.00 220.84
DocuWare Task Manager Special 3,024.00 9.99% 2,722.00 128.83
DocuWare CF/TMGR Bundle 7,776.00 10.01% 6,998.00 331.22
Docuware Online
DOCUWARE CLOUD INTELLIGENT INDEX 2500 PER 840.00 6.40% 786.21 37.21
DOCUWARE CLOUD INTELL INDEX 500 ADDL PER MO 168.00 6.27% 157.47 7.45
DOCUWARE CLOUD INTELLIGENT INDEX 2500 PER 1,680.00 6.40% 1,572.41 74.42
DOCUWARE CLOUD INTELL INDEX 500 ADDL PER MO 336.00 6.27% 314.94 14.91
DOCUWARE CLOUD INTELLIGENT INDEX 2500 PER 2,520.00 6.40% 2,358.62 111.63
DOCUWARE CLOUD INTELL INDEX 500 ADDL PER MO 504.00 6.27% 472.41 22.36
DOCUWARE CLOUD INTELLIGENT INDEX 2500 PER 3,360.00 6.44% 3,143.68 148.79
DOCUWARE CLOUD INTELL INDEX 500 ADDL PER MO 672.00 6.44% 628.74 29.76
DOCUWARE CLOUD INTELLIGENT INDEX 2500 PER 4,200.00 6.43% 3,929.89 186.00
DOCUWARE CLOUD INTELL INDEX 500 ADDL PER MO 840.00 6.40% 786.21 37.21
Docuware Maintenance
DocuWare BUSINESS Server 70.00 0.00% 70.00 3.07
DocuWare PROFESSIONAL Server 923.00 0.00% 923.00 40.45
DocuWare ENTERPRISE Server 2,642.00 0.00% 2,642.00 115.77
1-4 DocuWare Client Licenses 162.00 0.00% 162.00 7.10
5-9 DocuWare Client Licenses 155.00 0.00% 155.00 6.79
10-19 DocuWare Client Licenses 150.00 0.00% 150.00 6.57
20-29 DocuWare Client Licenses 143.00 0.00% 143.00 6.27
30-49 DocuWare Client Licenses 138.00 0.00% 138.00 6.05
50-69 DocuWare Client Licenses 125.00 0.00% 125.00 5.48
70-99 DocuWare Client Licenses 111.00 0.00% 111.00 4.86
100-149 DocuWare Client Licenses 99.00 0.00% 99.00 4.34
150+ DocuWare Client Licenses 92.00 0.00% 92.00 4.03
DocuWare Client Site License 8,075.00 0.00% 8,075.00 353.85
DocuWare Web Client Server License Read-Only 1,719.00 0.00% 1,719.00 75.33
DocuWare Task Manager Special 691.00 0.00% 691.00 30.28
Docuware Support
DocuWare BUSINESS Server 17.00 0.00% 17.00 0.74
DocuWare PROFESSIONAL Server 231.00 0.00% 231.00 10.12
DocuWare ENTERPRISE Server 660.00 0.00% 660.00 28.92
1-4 DocuWare Client Licenses 40.00 0.00% 40.00 1.75
5-9 DocuWare Client Licenses 39.00 0.00% 39.00 1.71
10-19 DocuWare Client Licenses 37.00 0.00% 37.00 1.62
20-29 DocuWare Client Licenses 36.00 0.00% 36.00 1.70
30-49 DocuWare Client Licenses 35.00 0.00% 35.00 1.66
50-69 DocuWare Client Licenses 31.00 0.00% 31.00 1.47
70-99 DocuWare Client Licenses 28.00 0.00% 28.00 1.33
100-149 DocuWare Client Licenses 25.00 0.00% 25.00 1.18
150+ DocuWare Client Licenses 23.00 0.00% 23.00 1.09
DocuWare Client Site License 2,019.00 0.00% 2,019.00 95.56
DocuWare Web Client Server License Read-Only 430.00 0.00% 430.00 20.35
DocuWare Task Manager Special 173.00 0.00% 173.00 8.19
StapleWare Products
DocuScripts Single Pharmacy Server 18,000.00 10.00% 16,200.00 766.75
DocuScripts Enterprise Pharmacy Server 57,600.00 10.00% 51,840.00 2,453.59
DocuScripts Client License 3,120.00 10.00% 2,808.00 132.90
Incoming Fax License 768.00 10.03% 691.00 32.71
Votosign Server 12,000.00 10.00% 10,800.00 511.16
Votosign Server RTP 28,800.00 10.00% 25,920.00 1,226.79
Votosign Client License 3,120.00 10.00% 2,808.00 132.90
Barcode Sheet Separator 4,320.00 10.00% 3,888.00 184.02
Basket Appliance Server(Barcode Analyzer) 16,800.00 10.00% 15,120.00 715.63
Deficiency Manager 9,600.00 10.00% 8,640.00 408.93
Process Server 2,640.00 0.00% 2,640.00 124.95
ROI Director 12,000.00 10.00% 10,800.00 511.16
DOCUSCRIPTS STAPLER INC0YR 4,752.00 0.00% 4,752.00 224.91
Remote Capture 5,280.00 10.00% 4,752.00 224.91
DocuWare Integration for Meditech PCI 36,000.00 10.00% 32,400.00 1,533.49
DocuWare Integration of GE Centricity 9,600.00 10.00% 8,640.00 408.93
DocuWare Integration for Dynamics/GP 9,600.00 10.00% 8,640.00 408.93
Medical Records Process Suite 73,920.00 10.00% 66,528.00 3,148.77
StapleWare Products Maintenance and Support
DocuScripts Single Pharmacy Server 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
DocuScripts Enterprise Pharmacy Server 9,600.00 0.00% 9,600.00 454.37
DocuScripts Client License 520.00 0.00% 520.00 24.61
Incoming Fax License 128.00 0.00% 128.00 6.06
Votosign Server 2,000.00 0.00% 2,000.00 94.66
Votosign Server RTP 4,800.00 0.00% 4,800.00 227.18
Votosign Client License 520.00 0.00% 520.00 24.61
Barcode Sheet Separator 720.00 0.00% 720.00 34.08
Basket Appliance Server(Barcode Analyzer) 2,800.00 0.00% 2,800.00 132.52
Deficiency Manager 1,600.00 0.00% 1,600.00 75.73
Process Server 528.00 0.00% 528.00 24.99
ROI Director 2,000.00 0.00% 2,000.00 94.66
Stapler 880.00 0.00% 880.00 41.65
Remote Capture 880.00 0.00% 880.00 41.65
DocuWare Integration for Meditech PCI 6,000.00 0.00% 6,000.00 283.98
DocuWare Integration of GE Centricity 1,600.00 0.00% 1,600.00 75.73
DocuWare Integration for Dynamics/GP 1,600.00 0.00% 1,600.00 75.73
Medical Records Process Suite 12,320.00 0.00% 12,320.00 583.11

Licensing: DSF 5.X (Self-Hosted)

Efi Dsf Software Platform 25,000.00 10.00% 22,500.00 1,064.93
Efi Authentication Package Ldap 4,000.00 10.00% 3,600.00 170.39
ANNUAL MAINTENANCE: JDF to Non-Fiery Devices (per F 1,000.00 15.50% 845.00 39.99
Efi True Ldap Synchronization Tool 9,397.59 3.61% 9,058.00 428.72
Efi Dsf 5.X Addl Print Shop 7,500.00 10.00% 6,750.00 319.48
Efi Dsf Basic Bundle Self Hosted 39,000.00 10.00% 35,100.00 1,661.28
Efi Dsf Deluxe Bundle Fpro 3Yrs Maint 65,000.00 10.00% 58,500.00 2,768.81
Efi Dsf Deluxe Bundle Fp 5Yr 82,000.00 10.00% 73,800.00 3,492.95
Efi Software Platfrm Support Renewal 1 Yr 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
Efi Fusion Pro Supp Renewal 1 Yr 2,000.00 10.00% 1,800.00 85.19
Efi Authentication Package Supp Renewal 1 Yr 600.00 7.67% 554.00 26.22
Efi Credit Cards Support Renewal 1 Year 800.00 10.00% 720.00 34.08
Efi Authentication Package Ann Maintenance 800.00 10.00% 720.00 34.08
Efi External System Connector Supp Ren 1 Yr 1,400.00 10.00% 1,260.00 59.64
Efi True Ldap Sync Tool Yearly Maint 2,951.81 3.62% 2,845.00 134.65
Efi Add'L Print Shops Support Renewal 1Yr 1,500.00 10.00% 1,350.00 63.90
Efi Dsf Deluxe Bndl Fp Self Hosted 1Yr Supp 8,333.33 0.00% 8,333.00 394.40
XMPie Self-Hosted Upgrade 0.01 35.00% 0.01 -
FusionPro Self-Hosted Upgrade 0.01 35.00% 0.01 -
SAAS: DSF 5.X (EFI-Hosted/ASP)
Efi Addl Print Shop Loc 3,000.00 10.00% 2,700.00 127.79
Efi Dsf Asp Support Renewal 1 Yr 12,000.00 10.00% 10,800.00 511.16
Efi Print Shop Support Renewal 1 Yr 4,000.00 10.00% 3,600.00 170.39
Fiery Central
Server,Fiery Central,Balance,English 22,000.00 20.12% 17,572.63 831.71
Efi Kit.Sw Fiery Central Balance 15,000.00 10.00% 13,500.00 638.96
Efi Kit,Sw Fiery Central Flow 15,000.00 10.00% 13,500.00 638.96
Efi Kit,Sw Fiery Central Suite 24,000.00 10.00% 21,600.00 1,022.33
Efi Kit,Sw Upg Bal 3.2 Ro Fiery Cent V1.5 Bal 2,495.00 9.98% 2,246.00 106.30
Efi Upg Fiery Cntrl 1.0X To Fiery Cntrl 1.5 2,495.00 9.98% 2,246.00 106.30
[Int]Efi Supp&Mnt Tier2 1 Yr Fc Balance 1,800.00 10.00% 1,620.00 76.67
Efi Fiery Central Flow Ann M&S Tier2 1Yr 1,800.00 10.00% 1,620.00 76.67
[Int]Efi Fiery Central Suite Supp&Maint, Tier2,1Yr 2,880.00 10.00% 2,592.00 122.68
Efi 3Day Fiery Cntrl Cert Training At Efi 2,750.00 10.00% 2,475.00 108.45
Efi Fiery Central Install/Train (0-1 Mod) 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 219.10
Efi 3 Day On-Site Firey Cent Focus Services 7,500.00 10.00% 6,750.00 319.48
Production Solution Bundles
Ricoh Pace Essential Bundle 60,000.00 7.55% 55,469.00 2,625.35
Ricoh Pace Premium Bundle 150,000.00 10.00% 135,000.00 6,389.55
Pace Essential ACTIVATION 17,850.00 15.52% 15,079.00 713.69
Pace Essential ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION 13,556.00 14.62% 11,574.00 547.80
Pace Essential IMPLEMENTATION PACKAGE 28,594.00 2.40% 27,908.00 1,222.93
Pace Premium ACTIVATION 65,697.00 15.52% 55,498.00 2,626.72
Pace Premium ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION 29,203.00 9.69% 26,372.00 1,248.19
Pace Premium IMPLEMENTATION PACKAGE 55,100.00 0.38% 54,891.00 2,405.32
EFI Essential Suite Integration Service Package 11,250.00 0.00% 11,250.00 492.98
Ricoh Pace Acc Pck Bndl-Adv Acctng Essnl 9,525.00 8.88% 8,679.00 410.78
Pace Advanced Accounting ACTIVATION 3,000.00 15.53% 2,534.00 119.93
Pace Advanced Accounting ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION 2,700.00 2.30% 2,638.00 124.86
Pace Advanced Accounting IMPLEMENTATION 3,825.00 0.00% 3,825.00 181.04
Ricoh Pace Acc Pck Ecomm Api/Pti Contor 24,100.00 10.00% 21,690.00 1,026.59
Pace eCommerce API - PTI Connector ACTIVATION 10,000.00 15.51% 8,449.00 399.89
Pace eCommerce API - PTI Connector ANNUAL SUBSC 8,700.00 2.32% 8,498.00 402.21
Pace eCommerce API - PTI Connector IMPLEMENTATI 5,400.00 0.00% 5,400.00 255.58
ADDITIONAL USER - Pace Essential/Premium (No Activa 1,200.00 8.42% 1,099.00 52.02
ACTIVATION & ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION (EFI Essential Sui 17,520.00 5.38% 16,577.00 784.59
ACTIVATION & ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION (DSF Software Pla 36,225.00 2.73% 35,236.00 1,667.72
JDF to Non-Fiery Devices (per Facility) - Activation 2,500.00 15.52% 2,112.00 99.96
ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION: JDF to Non-Fiery Devices (per 1,800.00 15.50% 1,521.00 71.99
ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION: EFI Essential Suite: EFI DSF Es 6,000.00 1.78% 5,893.00 278.92
EFI Essential Suite: DSF Essential to DSF Premium Fusi 2,000.00 15.55% 1,689.00 79.94
ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION: EFI Essential Suite: DSF Prem 15,000.00 1.79% 14,732.00 697.27
DSF Essential Platform Implementation Package (24 Hou 5,520.00 0.00% 5,520.00 241.89
EFI Self-Serve
EFI Self-Serve M500 with AdminCentral Bundle (1-10 hard 2,949.00 17.17% 2,442.53 107.03
EFI Self-Serve M505 with AdminCentral Bundle (1-10 hard 3,249.00 17.32% 2,686.21 117.71
EFI M500/M505 Station Copier Test Box 50.00 17.24% 41.38 1.81
EFI Adapter FIH Ricoh 20 Pin 49.00 17.90% 40.23 1.76
EFI Card Reader Cleaner (package of 10) 19.00 23.51% 14.53 0.64
EFI LCD Cleaner (package of 25) 29.00 16.77% 24.14 1.06
EFI G5 Card Reader 359.00 18.68% 291.95 12.79
EFI G5 Card Vending kiosk 9,499.00 18.79% 7,713.79 338.02
EFI G5 Card Vending kiosk w/coin acceptor 9,899.00 19.33% 7,985.06 349.91
EFI ExpressPay Cash Card (Package of 450) 659.00 18.72% 535.63 23.47
EFI Bill Acceptor Cleaner (package of 10) 19.00 23.51% 14.53 0.64
EFI G5 Card Vending Kiosk Annual Warranty Extension 950.00 0.00% 950.00 44.96
EFI G5 Card Vending Kiosk w/coin acceptor Annual Warr 990.00 0.00% 990.00 46.86
EFI G5 Card Reader Annual Warranty Extension 39.00 0.00% 39.00 1.85
EFI Annual Software Maintenance & Support per hardware 99.00 0.00% 99.00 4.69
EFI M500 Station Annual Warranty Extension 110.00 0.00% 110.00 5.21
EFI M505 Station Annual Warranty Extension 120.00 0.00% 120.00 5.68
EFI Annual Self-Serve AdminCentral subscription renewa 499.00 12.70% 435.63 20.62
EFI EP Server software license per hardware client (1-4 h 699.00 19.26% 564.37 26.71
EFI EP Server software license per hardware client (5+ ha 399.00 19.34% 321.84 15.23
EFI EP Register License 459.00 19.36% 370.11 17.52
EFI 4-hour Remote Installation Support Service (for up to 800.00 10.00% 720.00 31.55
EFI Hourly Rate for Additional Remote Installation Suppor 200.00 0.00% 200.00 8.76
BCC ZIPFORCE API LINUX SITE LICENSE 15,000.00 12.54% 13,119.57 620.95
BCC ZIPFOURCE USPS AMS LINUX POSTAL DATA 5,000.00 12.54% 4,372.83 206.97
BCC ZIPFORCE API AIX SITE LICENSE 15,000.00 12.54% 13,119.57 620.95
BCC ZIPFOURCE USPS AMX AIX POSTAL DATA 5,000.00 12.54% 4,372.83 206.97
BCC ZIPFOURCE ADDITIONAL AIX SITE LICENSE 3,000.00 12.54% 2,623.91 124.19
BCC ZIPFOURCE SERVER BASED UNLIMITED USERS 15,000.00 12.54% 13,119.57 620.95
BCC ZIPFOURCE USPS AMS WINDOWS POSTAL DAT 5,000.00 12.54% 4,372.83 206.97
BCC ZIPFOURCE ADDITIONAL WINDOWS SITE LICE 3,000.00 12.54% 2,623.91 124.19
BCC CQUENCER WINDOWS SOFTWARE SINGLE PROD 18,000.00 12.54% 15,743.48 745.14
BCC CQUENCER WINDOWS FIRST CLASS MAIL 36,000.00 12.53% 31,488.04 1,490.33
BCC CQUENCER WINDOWS STANDARD MAIL 36,000.00 12.53% 31,488.04 1,490.33
BCC CQUENCER WINDOWS MAIL.DAT OPTION 14,400.00 12.53% 12,595.65 596.15
BCC CQUENCER WINDOWS FS UNIQUE SEQUENCIN 24,000.00 12.54% 20,991.30 993.52
BCC CQUENCER AIX SOFTWARE SINGLE PROD LIC - 18,000.00 12.54% 15,743.48 745.14
BCC CQUENCER AIX FIRST CLASS MAIL 36,000.00 12.53% 31,488.04 1,490.33
BCC CQUENCER AIX STANDARD MAIL 36,000.00 12.53% 31,488.04 1,490.33
BCC CQUENCER AIX MAIL.DAT OPTION 14,400.00 12.53% 12,595.65 596.15
BCC CQUENCER AIX FS UNIQUE SEQUENCING OPTI 24,000.00 12.54% 20,991.30 993.52
BCC CQUENCER LINUX SOFTWARE SINGLE PROD LIC 18,000.00 12.54% 15,743.48 745.14
BCC CQUENCER LINUX FIRST CLASS MAIL 36,000.00 12.53% 31,488.04 1,490.33
BCC CQUENCER LINUX STANDARD MAIL 36,000.00 12.53% 31,488.04 1,490.33
BCC CQUENCER LINUX MAIL.DAT OPTION 14,400.00 12.53% 12,595.65 596.15
BCC CQUENCER LINUX FS UNIQUE SEQUENCING O 24,000.00 12.54% 20,991.30 993.52
BCC MAIL MANAGER OPTION FOR PRIORITY MAIL 2,000.00 12.66% 1,746.74 82.67
EFI SB QUICK PRINT SUITE SOFTWARE BUNDLE- 1 17,399.00 13.04% 15,130.43 716.12
EFI SB QUICK PRINT SUITE SOFTWARE BUNDLE- 3 39,699.00 13.04% 34,521.74 1,633.91
EFI SB QUICK PRINT SUITE SOFTWARE BUNDLE- 5 59,999.00 13.04% 52,173.91 2,469.39
EFI SB QUICK PRINT SUITE SOFTWARE BUNDLE- 1 10,699.00 5.00% 10,164.05 481.06
EFI QUICK PRINT SUITE OPTION- SCHEDULING MOD 1,750.00 12.42% 1,532.61 72.54
EFI QUICK PRINT SUITE OPTION- SCHEDULING MOD 2,750.00 12.45% 2,407.61 113.95
EFI QPS OPTION - CREDIT CARD MODULE - 1 YR 4,000.00 13.04% 3,478.26 164.63
EFI QPS OPTION - CREDIT CARD MODULE - 3 YR 8,000.00 13.04% 6,956.52 329.25
EFI QPS OPTION - CREDIT CARD MODULE - 5 YR 12,000.00 13.04% 10,434.78 493.88
EFI QPS OPTION - CREDIT CARD MODULE - 1 YR R 2,000.00 19.89% 1,602.11 75.83
EFI QPS OPTION - SSO AUTHENTICATION -1 YEAR 7,000.00 13.04% 6,086.96 288.10
EFI QPS OPTION - SSO AUTHENTICATION -3 YEAR 13,000.00 13.04% 11,304.35 535.03
EFI QPS OPTION - SSO AUTHENTICATION -5 YEAR 19,000.00 13.04% 16,521.74 781.97
EFI QPS OPTION - SSO AUTHENTICATION -1 YEAR 3,000.00 19.89% 2,403.16 113.74
EFI QPS OPTION - 1 ADDITIONAL STOREFRONT - 1 1,500.00 13.04% 1,304.35 61.73
EFI QPS OPTION - 1 ADDITIONAL STOREFRONT - 3 3,000.00 13.04% 2,608.70 123.47
EFI QPS OPTION - 1 ADDITIONAL STOREFRONT - 5 4,500.00 13.04% 3,913.04 185.20
EFI QPS OPTION - 1 ADDITIONAL STOREFRONT - 1 750.00 0.00% 750.00 35.50
EFI QPS OPTION - 1 ADDL ESSENTIAL PRICELIST - 1 1,500.00 13.04% 1,304.35 61.73
EFI QPS OPTION - 1 ADDL ESSENTIAL PRICELIST - 3 3,000.00 13.04% 2,608.70 123.47
EFI QPS OPTION - 1 ADDL ESSENTIAL PRICELIST - 5 4,500.00 13.04% 3,913.04 185.20
EFI QPS OPTION - 1 ADDL ESSENTIAL PRICELIST - 750.00 0.00% 750.00 35.50
EFI QPS IMPLEMENTATION AND TRAINING ONSITE - 5,600.00 0.00% 5,600.00 265.05
EFI QPS IMPLEMENTATION AND TRAINING OFFSITE 10,800.00 0.00% 10,800.00 511.16
EFI QPS ADDITIONAL 8 HOURS ONSITE 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 118.33
EFI QPS ADDITIONAL 8 HOURS OFFSITE 1,800.00 0.00% 1,800.00 85.19
EFI KIT LICENSE: DIRECTSMILE VDP STUDIO 8,995.00 10.00% 8,095.50 383.16
EFI KIT LICENSE: DIRECTSMILE CREATOR 2,990.00 12.57% 2,614.13 123.73
EFI KIT LICENSE: DIRECTSMILE VDP 3,995.00 10.00% 3,595.50 170.18
EFI UPGRADE: DIRECTSMILE VDP TO DIRECTSMILE 5,000.00 12.59% 4,370.65 206.86
EFI KIT LICENSE: DIRECTSMILE CROSS MEDIA SER 59,995.00 12.58% 52,447.83 2,482.36
EFI KIT ANNUAL MAINTENANCE: DIRECTSMILE CRO 11,995.00 0.00% 11,995.00 567.72
EFI KIT LICENSE: ADDITIONAL ACCOUNT FOR CROS 11,995.00 12.58% 10,485.87 496.30
EFI KIT ANNUAL MAINTENANCE: ADDITIONAL ACCO 2,395.00 0.00% 2,395.00 113.36
EFI KIT LICENSE: COOKIE TRACKING AND LEAD SC 11,995.00 10.00% 10,795.50 510.95
EFI KIT ANNUAL MAINTENANCE: COOKIE TRACKING 2,395.00 0.00% 2,395.00 113.36
EFI KIT LICENSE: SALESFORCE CRM MODULE 11,995.00 10.00% 10,795.50 510.95
EFI KIT ANNUAL MAINTENANCE: SALESFORCE CRM 2,395.00 0.00% 2,395.00 113.36
EFI KIT LICENSE: MS DYNAMICS CRM MODULE 11,995.00 10.00% 10,795.50 510.95
EFI KIT ANNUAL MAINTENANCE: MS DYNAMICS CR 2,395.00 0.00% 2,395.00 113.36
EFI KIT LICENSE: THIRD PARTY INTEGRATION (API) 34,995.00 12.58% 30,592.39 1,447.94
EFI KIT ANNUAL MAINTENANCE: THIRD PARTY INTEG 6,995.00 0.00% 6,995.00 331.07
EFI KIT LICENSE: DIRECTSMILE IMAGE SERVER 34,995.00 12.58% 30,592.39 1,447.94
EFI KIT ANNUAL MAINTENANCE: DIRECTSMILE IMA 6,995.00 0.00% 6,995.00 331.07
EFI KIT LICENSE: DIRECTSMILE INTEGRATION SERV 69,995.00 12.58% 61,189.13 2,896.08
EFI KIT ANNUAL MAINTENANCE: DIRECTSMILE INT 13,995.00 0.00% 13,995.00 662.38
EFI KIT LICENSE: STAGING LIC FOR DIRECTSMILE 23,995.00 12.58% 20,976.09 992.80
EFI KIT ANNUAL MTCE: STAGING LIC FOR DS CROS 4,795.00 0.00% 4,795.00 226.95
EFI KIT LICENSE: STAGING LIC - DIRECTSMILE INT 27,995.00 12.58% 24,472.83 1,158.30
EFI KIT ANNUAL MAINTENANCE: STAGING LIC - DS 5,595.00 0.00% 5,595.00 264.81
EFI WEBEX CORE INSTALLATION MD CROSS MEDIA 3,150.00 0.00% 3,150.00 149.09
EFI ONSITE - CROSS MEDIA TRAINING INCLUDES TR 8,300.00 0.00% 8,300.00 392.84
EFI FACILITY CORE CROSS MEDIA TRAINING- 28 H 6,300.00 0.00% 6,300.00 298.18
EFI WEBEX SENDGRID INTEGRATION - 3 HOURS 675.00 0.00% 675.00 31.95
EFI WEBEX CLICKATELL INTEGRATION - 3 HOURS 675.00 0.00% 675.00 31.95
EFI WEBEX MD CROSS MEDIA MODULE CRM TRAINI 1,125.00 0.00% 1,125.00 53.25
EFI WEBEX: CROSS MEDIA MODULE - COOKIE TRACK 1,125.00 0.00% 1,125.00 53.25
EFI ONSITE MD VDP ENTERPRISE TRNG AND CNSLT 9,200.00 0.00% 9,200.00 435.44
EFI WEBEX: CORE INTEGRATION OR IMAGE SERVER 4,950.00 0.00% 4,950.00 234.28
EFI ONSITE - VDP & IMAGE PERSONALIZATION INCL 6,500.00 0.00% 6,500.00 307.65
EFI FACILITY/WEBEX - CORE VDP TRAINING - 12 HO 2,700.00 0.00% 2,700.00 127.79
EFI WEBEX: CROSS MEDIA TRAINING - 14 HOURS 3,150.00 0.00% 3,150.00 149.09
EFI QPS ECOMMERCE IMPLMT AND TRNG 32 HRS O 14,200.00 0.00% 14,200.00 672.09
EFI QPS ECOMMERCE TRAINING ONLY 32 HRS ONSI 11,050.00 0.00% 11,050.00 523.00
EFI QPS ECOMMERCE TRAINING ONLY OFFSITE 34 7,650.00 0.00% 7,650.00 362.07
EFI QPS MIS ADDITIONAL 8 HRS TRAINING OFFSITE 1,800.00 0.00% 1,800.00 85.19
EFI QPS ECOMMERCE ADDITIONAL 8 HRS TRAINING 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 118.33
EFI ACTIVATION- DSF VDP MODULE-FUSIONPRO 8,000.00 5.00% 7,600.00 359.71
KIT LICENSE: DSF Software Platform (Dongle) 25,000.00 31.13% 17,217.89 814.92
MAINTENANCE: 24/7 Support (US Only) 6,900.00 0.00% 6,900.00 326.58
KIT LICENSE: DSF Software Sandbox Platf (Dongle) for 10,000.00 31.13% 6,887.37 325.98
MAINTENANCE: DSF Software Sandbox Platf for Dup Tst 2,000.00 0.00% 2,000.00 94.66
EFI License Hosting
EFI HOSTING: DSF Software Platform 5,250.00 0.00% 5,250.00 248.48
EFI HOSTING DSF Software Platform VWeb+ 1,250.00 0.00% 1,250.00 59.16
EFI HOSTING: Enterprise Storage: Each Additional 20G 1,000.00 0.00% 1,000.00 47.33
EFI HOSTING: Dedicated Server Fee 4,000.00 0.00% 4,000.00 189.32
EFI HOSTING: Activation for Dedicated Server Fee 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 118.33
EFI License Transition Cloud to Customer Hosting
DSF Software Platf Site Transition from Cloud to Custom 0.10 0.00% 0.10 -
Optional VDP Modules
KIT LICENSE: Vprint 12,000.00 0.00% 12,000.00 567.96
MAINTENANCE: VPrint 2,400.00 25.00% 1,800.00 85.19
KIT LICENSE: DSF VDP MODULE: FUSIONPRO 17,700.00 10.00% 15,930.00 753.97
MAINTENANCE: DSF VDP MODULE: FUSIONPRO 3,540.00 5.00% 3,363.00 159.17
MAINTENANCE: DSF VDP Module: XMPie 3,600.00 0.00% 3,600.00 170.39
ACTIVATION: DSF VDP Module: XMPie 5,000.00 19.92% 4,004.21 189.52
SUBSCRIPTION: VDP Products: XMPie 6,000.00 19.93% 4,804.21 227.38
Optional Cross Media marketing Module
KIT LICENSE: VWeb+ Cross Media 20,000.00 31.13% 13,773.68 651.91
Optional eCommerce Modules
Optional Integration Modules
KIT LICENSE: EFI MIS Connector 0.10 0.00% 0.10 -
MAINTENANCE: EFI MIS Connector 0.10 0.00% 0.10 -
KIT LICENSE: EFI Extended Application (iFrame) 0.10 0.00% 0.10 -
MAINTENANCE: EFI Extended Application (iFrame) 0.10 0.00% 0.10 -
KIT LICENSE: External System Connector 7,000.00 31.13% 4,821.05 228.18
MAINTENANCE: External System Connector 1,400.00 0.00% 1,400.00 66.26
KIT LICENSE: Non-EFI Extended Application (iFrame) 4,000.00 31.13% 2,754.74 130.38
MAINTENANCE: Non-EFI Extended Application (iFrame) 800.00 0.00% 800.00 37.86
KIT LICENSE: cXML Punch Out Catalog Integ (Single Clie 9,500.00 31.12% 6,543.16 309.69
MAINTENANCE: cXML Punch Out Catalog Integ (Single Cl 1,900.00 0.00% 1,900.00 89.93
KIT LICENSE: cXML Punch Out Catalog Integ (Each Add'l 4,500.00 31.13% 3,098.95 146.67
MAINTENANCE: cXML Punch Out Catalog Integ (Each Add' 900.00 0.00% 900.00 42.60
KIT LICENSE: Legacy PDF 4,000.00 31.13% 2,754.74 130.38
MAINTENANCE: Legacy PDF 800.00 0.00% 800.00 37.86
Optional Scale Modules
MAINTENANCE: Add'l Print Shops (>3 Requires Quote) 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
KIT LICENSE: Add'l Biz Locations (Separate Biz Entities) 0.10 0.00% 0.10 -
MAINTENANCE: Add'l Biz Locations (Separate Biz Entitie 0.10 0.00% 0.10 -
KIT UPGRADE: VDP Module: XMPie (Customer-Hosted L 0.10 31.58% 0.07 -
KIT UPGRADE: VDP Module: FusionPro (Customer-Hoste 0.10 31.58% 0.07 -
ACTIVATION: DSF Software Platform 7,500.00 31.13% 5,165.26 244.47
Optional VDP Modules
ACTIVATION: Vprint 4,000.00 31.13% 2,754.74 130.38
SUBSCRIPTION: VPrint 3,500.00 19.91% 2,803.16 132.67
ACTIVATION: DSF VDP Module: FusionPro 4,000.00 19.89% 3,204.21 151.66
EFI VDP PRODUCTS FUSION PRO SUBSCRIPTION 6,400.00 5.00% 6,080.00 287.77
Optional Cross Media Marketing Media
ACTIVATION: VWeb+ Cross Media 10,000.00 31.13% 6,887.37 325.98
SUBSCRIPTION: VWeb+ 7,300.00 19.93% 5,845.26 276.66
Optional eCommerce Module
ACTIVATION: Credit Cards 2,000.00 19.89% 1,602.11 75.83
EFI QPS OPTION - CREDIT CARD MODULE - 1 YR R 2,000.00 19.89% 1,602.11 75.83
Optional Integration Module
ACTIVATION: Authentication Package: LDAP 4,000.00 31.05% 2,757.89 130.53
ACTIVATION: EFI MIS Connector 0.10 0.00% 0.10 -
SUBSCRIPTION: EFI MIS Connector 0.10 0.00% 0.10 -
ACTIVATION: EFI Extended Application (iFrame) 0.10 0.00% 0.10 -
SUBSCRIPTION: EFI Extended Application (iFrame) 0.10 0.00% 0.10 -
ACTIVATION: External Systems Connector 3,500.00 31.13% 2,410.53 114.09
SUBSCRIPTION: External System Connector 2,700.00 19.92% 2,162.11 102.33
ACTIVATION: Non-EFI Extended Application (iFrame) 2,000.00 31.16% 1,376.84 65.17
SUBSCRIPTION: Non-EFI Extended Application (iFrame) 1,500.00 19.93% 1,201.05 56.85
ACTIVATION: JDF Integration to Non-Fiery Devices (Per F 2,500.00 31.12% 1,722.11 81.51
Cloud-Based Subscription: Digital Storefront 7.X
Activation: cXML Punch Out Catalog Integ (Single Client I 5,000.00 31.14% 3,443.16 162.96
SUBSCRIPTION: cXML Punch Out Catalog Integ (Single Cl 3,750.00 19.92% 3,003.16 142.14
Activation: cXML Punch Out Catalog Integ (Each Add'l Cli 2,250.00 31.09% 1,550.53 73.39
SUBSCRIPTION: cXML Punch Out Catalog Integ (Each Add 1,650.00 19.87% 1,322.11 62.58
ACTIVATION: Legacy PDF 2,000.00 31.16% 1,376.84 65.17
SUBSCRIPTION: Legacy PDF 1,500.00 19.93% 1,201.05 56.85
Optional Scale Modules
ACTIVATION: Add'l Print Shop Location (>3 Requires Qu 3,000.00 31.12% 2,066.32 97.80
SUBSCRIPTION: Print Shops (>3 Requires Quote) 4,000.00 19.89% 3,204.21 151.66
Activation: Add'l Biz Locations (Separate Biz Entities) 0.10 0.00% 0.10 -
SUBSCRIPTION: Business Locations (Separate Business 0.10 0.00% 0.10 -
KIT UPGRADE: VDP Products: FusionPro (Cloud-Based) 0.10 31.58% 0.07 -
EFI Professional Services
DSF Software Platf Standard Remote Training Package (3 7,200.00 0.00% 7,200.00 340.78
DSF Software Platform Advanced Implementation Packag 11,500.00 0.00% 11,500.00 544.30
Implementation and Training for Optional Modules
DSF Training for VWeb+ (12 hours) 2,400.00 0.00% 2,400.00 113.59
DSF to Fiery Integration Professional Service 800.00 0.00% 800.00 37.86
DSF to Fiery Integration Tier 1 suprt & renewal 1,200.00 0.00% 1,200.00 56.80
cXML Punch Out Catalog Integration (12 Hours Min.) 2,400.00 0.00% 2,400.00 113.59
cXML Punch Out Catalog Integration (Each Add'l Hour) 200.00 0.00% 200.00 9.47
EFI Integration Training (Per Hour) 200.00 0.00% 200.00 9.47
Additional Professional Service Options
EFI Professional Services: Daily Rate (Off-Site) 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
EFI Professional Services: 2-Day On-Site (Includes Trave 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 236.65
EFI Professional Services: Daily Rate (Additional Day On- 2,250.00 0.00% 2,250.00 106.49
EFI Professional Services: Hourly Rate (Off-Site, Min. 2 200.00 0.00% 200.00 9.47
Channel Partner Training
DSF 7.x Reseller Certification Training @ EFI Atlanta. 2,000.00 0.00% 2,000.00 94.66
DSF 7.x Reseller Certification Training @ Reseller's Site. 7,000.00 0.00% 7,000.00 331.31
ACTIVATION: DSF Not For Resale Platform 4,000.00 31.05% 2,757.89 130.53
Cloud-Based Licensing: Digital Storefront Essential 7.X
ACTIVATION: DSF Essential Platforms: 4,000.00 19.89% 3,204.21 151.66
SUBSCRIPTION: DSF Essential Platforms: 4,000.00 1.50% 3,940.00 186.48
IMPLEMENTATION:DSF Essential Platf Implementation P 5,400.00 0.00% 5,400.00 255.58
Optional Integration Module (Cloud Based)
Activation: One Add'l Essential StoreFront (maximum 3 Ad 750.00 19.86% 601.05 28.45
EFI QPS OPTION - 1 ADDITIONAL STOREFRONT - 1 750.00 0.00% 750.00 35.50
Activation: One Add'l Essential Price List (maximum 4 Add 750.00 19.86% 601.05 28.45
EFI QPS OPTION - 1 ADDL ESSENTIAL PRICELIST - 750.00 0.00% 750.00 35.50
Upgrade: DSF Essential Platform to DSF (Cloud- Based)
ACTIVATION: DSF Essential to DSF (Current Version) 4,000.00 31.13% 2,754.74 130.38
SUBSCRIPTION: 24/7 Support (US Only) 6,900.00 31.12% 4,752.63 224.94
KIT LICENSE: DSF VWeb+ Basic Package 40,000.00 31.13% 27,547.37 1,303.82
MAINTENANCE: DSF VWeb+ Basic Package: 1-Year 9,000.00 0.00% 9,000.00 425.97
MAINTENANCE: DSF VWeb+ Basic Package: 3-Year (S 24,300.00 0.00% 24,300.00 1,150.12
MAINTENANCE: DSF VWeb+ Basic Package: 4-Year (S 30,600.00 0.00% 30,600.00 1,448.30
MAINTENANCE: DSF VWeb+ Basic Package: 5-Year (S 36,000.00 0.00% 36,000.00 1,703.88
Activation: DSF VWeb+ Basic Package 17,500.00 31.13% 12,052.63 570.45
SUBSCRIPTION: DSF VWeb+ Basic Package: 1-Year 19,300.00 0.00% 19,300.00 913.47
SUBSCRIPTION: DSF VWeb+ Basic Package: 3-Year (S 52,110.00 0.00% 52,110.00 2,466.37
SUBSCRIPTION: DSF VWeb+ Basic Package: 4-Year (S 65,620.00 0.00% 65,620.00 3,105.79
SUBSCRIPTION: DSF VWeb+ Basic Package: 5-Year (S 77,200.00 0.00% 77,200.00 3,653.88
Activation: DSF VPrint Basic Package 14,000.00 3.57% 13,500.00 638.96
Bundles- DSF Basic Bundle (Customer-Hosted)
MAINTENANCE: DSF XMPie Bundle: 5-Year (Save 20% 37,600.00 0.00% 37,600.00 1,779.61
ACTIVATION: DSF Basic Bundle (DSF Platform + Credit 9,500.00 31.11% 6,544.21 309.74
Activation: DSF FusionPro Bundle (DSF Platf + Credit Ca 13,500.00 30.15% 9,429.47 446.30
SUBSCRIPTION: DSF FusionPro Bundle: 1-Year 19,000.00 19.93% 15,213.68 720.06
SUBSCRIPTION: DSF FusionPro Bundle: 3-Year (Save 51,300.00 19.93% 41,076.84 1,944.17
SUBSCRIPTION: DSF FusionPro Bundle: 4-Year (Save 64,600.00 19.93% 51,726.32 2,448.21
SUBSCRIPTION: DSF FusionPro Bundle: 5-Year (Save 76,000.00 19.93% 60,853.68 2,880.20
Activation: DSF XMPie Bundle (DSF Platf + Credit Cards 14,500.00 29.45% 10,229.47 484.16
KIT LICENSE: DSF Software Platform (Dongle) 290.00 0.00% 290.00 13.73
MAINTENANCE: ADD'L FUSIONPRO VDP CREATOR L 1,600.00 5.00% 1,520.00 71.94
KIT LICENSE: Credit Cards 4,000.00 31.13% 2,754.74 130.38
MAINTENANCE: Credit Cards 800.00 0.00% 800.00 37.86
KIT LICENSE: LDAP Module 8,000.00 31.13% 5,509.47 260.76
MAINTENANCE: LDAP Module 1,600.00 0.00% 1,600.00 75.73
KIT LICENSE: JDF Integration to Non-Fiery Devices (per F 5,000.00 31.14% 3,443.16 162.96
MAINTENANCE: JDF Integration to Non-Fiery Devices (per 1,000.00 0.00% 1,000.00 47.33
KIT LICENSE Shipping Provider Integration per individual 4,000.00 24.80% 3,008.05 142.37
ANNUAL MAINTENANCE Shipping Provider Integration per 800.00 12.50% 700.00 33.13
KIT LICENSE: Add'l Print Shops (>3 Requires Quote) 7,500.00 31.13% 5,165.26 244.47
ANNUAL MAINTENANCE Additional Business Entity Separ 800.00 12.50% 700.00 33.13
KIT UPGRADE: DSF 5.X Platform or Higher to Current Ve 0.10 31.58% 0.07 0.00
ACTIVATION DSF VDP Module FusionPro 4,000.00 12.53% 3,498.85 165.60
OPTIONAL KIT LICENSE ADD'L FUSIONPRO VDP CR 1,600.00 5.00% 1,520.00 71.94
MAINTENANCE: Add'l XMPie uDirect Standard License 600.00 0.00% 600.00 28.40
ACTIVATION JDF Connector for PrePress Workflows 2,500.00 24.78% 1,880.46 89.00
SUBSCRIPTION: JDF Integ to Non-Fiery Devices (Per Fac 1,800.00 19.88% 1,442.11 68.25
ACTIVATION Shipping Provider Integration per individual 2,000.00 24.83% 1,503.45 71.16
ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION Shipping Provider Integration per 1,500.00 12.57% 1,311.49 62.07
ACTIVATION Additional Business Entity Separate Busine 2,000.00 24.83% 1,503.45 71.16
ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION Addl Business Entity Separate B 1,500.00 12.57% 1,311.49 62.07
SUBSCRIPTION: Enterprise Storage: Each Additional 2 1,000.00 0.00% 1,000.00 47.33
DSF CORE Training Services 24 Hours 5,400.00 0.00% 5,400.00 236.63
DSF Training Service Initial Site Products Build Asst 16 3,600.00 0.00% 3,600.00 157.75
Project Management Sold in Blocks of 16 Hours 3,600.00 0.00% 3,600.00 157.75
Managed Services 116 Hours Customizable by Project 26,100.00 0.00% 26,100.00 1,143.70
EFI DSF To Fiery Integration Professional Service 900.00 0.00% 900.00 42.60
EFI Professional Services Daily Rate Off-Site 1,800.00 0.00% 1,800.00 85.19
EFI Pro Services DSF 2 Day Onsite Incl Travel 5,600.00 0.00% 5,600.00 265.05
EFI PRO SVCS DSF Daily Rate Additional Day On-Site 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 118.33
EFI Professional Services Hourly Rate (Off-Site Min 2 Hrs 250.00 10.00% 225.00 10.65
DSF 8.X Reseller Cert Trng EFI 4Day Course T&E Not In 2,000.00 0.00% 2,000.00 94.66
DSF 8.X Reseller Cert Trng Onsite 4Day Course Instruct 7,000.00 0.00% 7,000.00 331.31
ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION EFI VDP NFR LICENSE Cloud 500.00 24.83% 375.86 17.79
EFI QPS OPTION - SSO AUTHENTICATION -1 YEAR 3,000.00 19.89% 2,403.16 113.74
Annual Subscription Single Record EFI VDP for Essential 2,000.00 13.15% 1,737.00 82.21
KIT LICENSE: DSF Basic Bundle (DSF Platform + Credit 29,000.00 31.13% 19,972.63 945.30
MAINTENANCE: DSF Basic Bundle: 1-Year 5,800.00 0.00% 5,800.00 274.51
MAINTENANCE: DSF Basic Bundle: 3-Year (Save 10%) 15,660.00 0.00% 15,660.00 741.19
MAINTENANCE: DSF Basic Bundle: 4-Year (Save 15%) 19,720.00 0.00% 19,720.00 933.35
MAINTENANCE: DSF Basic Bundle: 5-Year (Save 20%) 23,200.00 0.00% 23,200.00 1,098.06
KIT LICENSE: DSF VPrint Basic Package 41,000.00 36.17% 26,170.53 1,238.65
MAINTENANCE: DSF VPrint Basic Package: 1-Year 8,200.00 7.32% 7,600.00 359.71
MAINTENANCE: DSF VPrint Basic Package: 4-Year (Sa 27,880.00 7.32% 25,840.00 1,223.01
MAINTENANCE: DSF VPrint Basic Package: 5-Year (Sa 32,800.00 7.32% 30,400.00 1,438.83
KIT LICENSE: DSF FusionPro Bundle (DSF Platf + Credit 39,000.00 31.11% 26,866.32 1,271.58
MAINTENANCE: DSF FusionPro Bundle: 1-Year 7,800.00 0.00% 7,800.00 369.17
MAINTENANCE: DSF FusionPro Bundle: 3-Year (Save 21,060.00 0.00% 21,060.00 996.77
MAINTENANCE: DSF FusionPro Bundle: 4-Year (Save 26,520.00 0.00% 26,520.00 1,255.19
MAINTENANCE: DSF FusionPro Bundle: 5-Year (Save 31,200.00 0.00% 31,200.00 1,476.70
KIT LICENSE: DSF XMPie Bundle (DSF Platf + Credit Ca 47,000.00 31.10% 32,381.05 1,532.60
MAINTENANCE: DSF XMPie Bundle: 1-Year 9,400.00 0.00% 9,400.00 444.90
MAINTENANCE: DSF XMPie Bundle: 3-Year (Save 10% 25,380.00 0.00% 25,380.00 1,201.24
MAINTENANCE: DSF XMPie Bundle: 4-Year (Save 15% 31,960.00 0.00% 31,960.00 1,512.67
MAINTENANCE: DSF VPrint Basic Package: 3-Year (Sa 22,140.00 7.32% 20,520.00 971.21
SUBSCRIPTION: DSF Basic Bundle: 1-Year 14,000.00 19.92% 11,210.53 530.59
SUBSCRIPTION: DSF Basic Bundle: 3-Year (Save 10%) 37,800.00 19.93% 30,267.37 1,432.55
SUBSCRIPTION: DSF Basic Bundle: 4-Year (Save 15%) 47,600.00 19.93% 38,113.68 1,803.92
SUBSCRIPTION: DSF Basic Bundle: 5-Year (Save 20%) 56,000.00 19.93% 44,840.00 2,122.28
SUBSCRIPTION: DSF VPrint Basic Package: 1-Year 19,000.00 7.89% 17,500.00 828.28
SUBSCRIPTION: DSF VPrint Basic Package: 3-Year (Sa 51,300.00 7.89% 47,250.00 2,236.34
SUBSCRIPTION: DSF VPrint Basic Package: 4-Year (Sa 64,600.00 7.89% 59,500.00 2,816.14
SUBSCRIPTION: DSF VPrint Basic Package: 5-Year (Sa 76,000.00 7.89% 70,000.00 3,313.10
ACTIVATION DSF XMPie Basic CC Package DSF Platfor 14,500.00 22.97% 11,168.97 528.63
SUBSCRIPTION: DSF XMPie Bundle: 1-Year 20,000.00 19.93% 16,014.74 757.98
SUBSCRIPTION: DSF XMPie Bundle: 3-Year (Save 10% 54,000.00 19.93% 43,238.95 2,046.50
SUBSCRIPTION: DSF XMPie Bundle: 4-Year (Save 15% 68,000.00 19.93% 54,449.47 2,577.09
SUBSCRIPTION: DSF XMPie Bundle: 5-Year (Save 20% 80,000.00 19.93% 64,057.89 3,031.86
MAINTENANCE: DSF Software Platform 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 236.65
MAINTENANCE DSF Platform 3 YEAR OPTION DSF Plat 13,500.00 12.56% 11,804.60 558.71
MAINTENANCE DSF Platform 4 Year OPTION DSF Platf 17,000.00 12.56% 14,864.37 703.53
MAINTENANCE DSF Platform 5 YEAR OPTION DSF Plat 20,000.00 12.56% 17,487.36 827.68
SUBSCRIPTION: DSF Software Platform 12,000.00 19.93% 9,608.42 454.77
SUBSCRIPTION DSF PLATFORM 3 YEAR OPTION DSF P 32,400.00 12.56% 28,329.89 1,340.85
SUBSCRIPTION DSF PLATFORM 4 YEAR OPTION DSF Pl 40,800.00 12.56% 35,673.56 1,688.43
SUBSCRIPTION DSF PLATFORM 5 YEAR OPTION DSF P 48,000.00 12.56% 41,968.97 1,986.39
EFI KIT LICENSE: DIRECTSMILE VDP 3,995.00 10.00% 3,595.50 170.18
EFI KIT LICENSE: DIRECTSMILE VDP STUDIO 8,995.00 10.00% 8,095.50 383.16
EFI KIT LICENSE DIRECTSMILE CROSS MEDIA SE 59,995.00 10.00% 53,995.50 2,555.61
EFI KIT ANNUAL MAINTENANCE: DIRECTSMILE CRO 11,995.00 0.00% 11,995.00 567.72
EFI KIT LICENSE EFI VDP UPGRADE TO DIRECTSM 49,995.00 10.00% 44,995.50 2,129.64
EFI KIT LICENSE: COOKIE TRACKING AND LEAD SC 11,995.00 10.00% 10,795.50 510.95
EFI KIT ANNUAL MAINTENANCE: COOKIE TRACKING 2,395.00 0.00% 2,395.00 113.36
EFI KIT LICENSE: SALESFORCE CRM MODULE 11,995.00 10.00% 10,795.50 510.95
EFI KIT ANNUAL MAINTENANCE: SALESFORCE CRM 2,395.00 0.00% 2,395.00 113.36
EFI KIT LICENSE: MS DYNAMICS CRM MODULE 11,995.00 10.00% 10,795.50 510.95
EFI KIT ANNUAL MAINTENANCE: MS DYNAMICS CR 2,395.00 0.00% 2,395.00 113.36
EFI KIT LICENSE ADDITIONAL BUSINESS ENTITY I 11,000.00 10.00% 9,900.00 468.57
EFI KIT LICENSE ENTITIES FOR COMPANY ADMINIS 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
EFI SUBSCR ADDTL ENTITY INCLUDES PRINT SHOP 5,625.00 10.00% 5,062.50 239.61
EFI ONSITE CROSS MEDIA TRAINING INCL. TRAVEL 8,300.00 0.00% 8,300.00 392.84
EFI ACTIVATION DSF ESSENTIAL PLATFORMS: 5,200.00 0.00% 5,200.00 246.12
EFI SUBSCRIPTION DSF ESSENTIAL PLATFORMS: 4,000.00 10.00% 3,600.00 170.39
EFI DSF RECMD OPTIONAL SERVICES PROD LAUNC 3,600.00 0.00% 3,600.00 170.39
EFI DISCOVERY OPTIONAL SITE PRODUCT INFO PL 3,600.00 0.00% 3,600.00 170.39
EFI VDP TRAINING PACKAGE 12 HOURS 2,700.00 0.00% 2,700.00 127.79
EMC (ApplicationXtender)
ApplicationXtender 8.0
EMC ApplicationXtender v8.0 Upgrade - #DIV/0! - -
ApplicationXtender 7.0
AX PACKAGE - 5 CC USER PACK 7,500.00 10.00% 6,750.00 319.48
AX CAPTURE PACKAGE 700.00 10.00% 630.00 29.82
AX WEB ACCESS - PAL - 5 CC USER PACK 1,750.00 4.97% 1,663.00 78.71
ApplicationXtender Connector 5 Concurrent Users 2,500.00 31.37% 1,715.79 81.21
ApplicationXtender Sharepoint Integration (SPI) 8,000.00 31.51% 5,478.95 259.32
ApplicationXtender xPlore Full Text - 5 Concurrent User 1,500.00 31.23% 1,031.58 48.82
ApplicationXtender xPlore Full Text Server 4,000.00 31.45% 2,742.11 129.78
APPLICATIONXTENDER OCR SERVER 2,000.00 10.00% 1,800.00 85.19
AX REPORTS MANAGEMENT SERVER (INCLUDES PD 10,000.00 10.00% 9,000.00 425.97
ApplicationXtender Reports Management Bi-Gateway 5,000.00 31.47% 3,426.32 162.17
ApplicationXtender Reports Management AFP 30,000.00 31.56% 20,531.58 971.76
ApplicationXtender Reports Management METACODE 30,000.00 31.56% 20,531.58 971.76
ApplicationXtender Reports Management PCL 30,000.00 31.56% 20,531.58 971.76
ApplicationXtender Workflow Manager 5 Concurrent User 5,500.00 31.48% 3,768.42 178.36
ApplicationXtender Workflow Manager Server 2,500.00 31.37% 1,715.79 81.21
ApplicationXtender Workflow Manager Forms Server 2,500.00 31.37% 1,715.79 81.21
ApplicationXtender 6.5
AX PACKAGE - 25 CC USER PACK 37,500.00 10.00% 33,750.00 1,597.39
AX PACKAGE - 75 CC USER PACK 112,500.00 10.00% 101,250.00 4,792.16
AX WEB ACCESS - PAL - 25 CC USER PACK 8,750.00 10.00% 7,875.00 372.72
AX WEB ACCESS - PAL - 75 CC USER PACK 26,250.00 10.00% 23,625.00 1,118.17
AX WORKFLOW MANAGER - SERVER 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
AX WORKFLOW MANAGER - FORMS SERVER 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
AX WORKFLOW MANAGER - 5 CC USER PACK 5,500.00 10.00% 4,950.00 234.28
AX WORKFLOW MANAGER - 25 CC USER PACK 27,500.00 10.00% 24,750.00 1,171.42
AX WORKFLOW MANAGER - 75 CC USER PACK 82,500.00 10.00% 74,250.00 3,514.25
IRM SERVICES FOR AX SERVER 10,000.00 10.00% 9,000.00 425.97
IRM SERVICES FOR AX - 5 CC USER PACK 750.00 10.00% 675.00 31.95
IRM SERVICES FOR AX - 25 CC USER PACK 3,750.00 10.00% 3,375.00 159.74
IRM SERVICES FOR AX - 75 CC USER PACK 11,250.00 10.00% 10,125.00 479.22
AX Family Media Kit 15.00 0.00% 15.00 0.71
EMC ApplicationXtender 6.0
APPLICATIONXTENDER SERVER - 1 CC USER 2,999.00 10.00% 2,699.00 127.74
APPLICATIONXTENDER SERVER - 3 CC USER 8,300.00 10.00% 7,470.00 353.56
APPLICATIONXTENDER SERVER - 5 CC USER 13,500.00 10.00% 12,150.00 575.06
APPLICATIONXTENDER SERVER - 10 CC USER 22,500.00 10.00% 20,250.00 958.43
APPLICATIONXTENDER SERVER - 25 CC USER 39,500.00 10.00% 35,550.00 1,682.58
APPLICATIONXTENDER SERVER - 50 CC USER 63,000.00 10.00% 56,700.00 2,683.61
APPLICATIONXTENDER SERVER - 100 CC USER 102,000.00 10.00% 91,800.00 4,344.89
APPLICATIONXTENDER SERVER - 250 CC USER 217,000.00 10.00% 195,300.00 9,243.55
APPLICATIONXTENDER SERVER 25-49 ADD-ON - QTY 8,000.00 10.00% 7,200.00 340.78
APPLICATIONXTENDER SERVER 50-74 ADD-ON - QTY 6,300.00 10.00% 5,670.00 268.36
APPLICATIONXTENDER SERVER 100-249 ADD-ON - Q 5,100.00 10.00% 4,590.00 217.24
APPLICATIONXTENDER SERVER 250-499 ADD-ON - Q 4,300.00 0.00% 4,300.00 203.52
APPLICATIONXTENDER FOR MS OFFICE 2007 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
APPLICATIONXTENDER WEB PARTS 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
APPLICATIONXTENDER INTG MOD - 10 USERS 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
APPLICATIONXTENDER INTG MOD - 25 USERS 10,000.00 10.00% 9,000.00 425.97
APPLICATIONXTENDER INTG MOD - 50 USERS 15,000.00 10.00% 13,500.00 638.96
APPLICATIONXTENDER INTG MOD -100 USERS 25,000.00 10.00% 22,500.00 1,064.93
VERITY K2 CLIENT - 1 CC USER 300.00 10.00% 270.00 12.78
VERITY K2 CLIENT - 5 CC USERS 1,500.00 10.00% 1,350.00 63.90
VERITY K2 CLIENT - 25 CC USERS 7,125.00 9.99% 6,413.00 303.53
VERITY K2 CLIENT - 250 CC USERS 63,750.00 10.00% 57,375.00 2,715.56
VERITY K2 SERVER 4,000.00 10.00% 3,600.00 170.39
APPLICATIONXTENDER 6.0 SOFTWARE RETENTION 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
APPLICATIONXTENER RETENTION MGMT W/CENTE 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
APPLICATIONXTENER WEB ACCESS .NET PAL - 25 13,000.00 10.00% 11,700.00 553.76
APPLICATIONXTENER WEB ACCESS .NET PAL - 50 23,000.00 10.00% 20,700.00 979.73
APPLICATIONXTENER WEB ACCESS .NET PAL - 100 38,000.00 10.00% 34,200.00 1,618.69
APPLICATIONXTENER WEB ACCESS .NET PAL - 250 85,000.00 10.00% 76,500.00 3,620.75
APPLICATIONXTENDER WEB SERVICES 10,000.00 10.00% 9,000.00 425.97
APPLICATIONXTENDER 6.0 SDK, CDK AND WEB SER 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
APPLICATIONXTENDER WORKFLOW MANAGER - 5 7,500.00 10.00% 6,750.00 319.48
APPLICATIONXTENDER WORKFLOW MANAGER - 20 25,500.00 10.00% 22,950.00 1,086.22
APPLICATIONXTENDER WORKFLOW MANAGER - 50 52,500.00 10.00% 47,250.00 2,236.34
APPLICATIONXTENDER WORKFLOW MANAGER - 10 90,000.00 10.00% 81,000.00 3,833.73
APPLICATIONXTENDER WORKFLOW MANAGER - 30 225,000.00 10.00% 202,500.00 9,584.33
APPLICATIONXTENDER WORKFLOW MANAGER - 100 600,000.00 10.00% 540,000.00 25,558.20
APPLICATIONXTENDER WORKFLOW MANAGER - 15-1 7,500.00 10.00% 6,750.00 319.48
APPLICATIONXTENDER WORKFLOW MANAGER - 20-4 6,375.00 9.99% 5,738.00 271.58
APPLICATIONXTENDER WORKFLOW MANAGER - 50-9 5,250.00 10.00% 4,725.00 223.63
APPLICATIONXTENDER WORKFLOW MANAGER - 100- 4,500.00 0.00% 4,500.00 212.99
APPLICATIONXTENDER WORKFLOW MANAGER - 300- 3,750.00 10.00% 3,375.00 159.74
APPLICATIONXTENDER WORKFLOW MANAGER - 100 3,000.00 10.00% 2,700.00 127.79
APPLICATIONXTENDER WORKFLOW SERVER - 5 CC 4,000.00 10.00% 3,600.00 170.39
APPLICATIONXTENDER WORKFLOW SERVER - 10 C 8,000.00 10.00% 7,200.00 340.78
APPLICATIONXTENDER WORKFLOW SERVER - 25 C 18,000.00 10.00% 16,200.00 766.75
APPLICATIONXTENDER WORKFLOW SERVER - 100 68,000.00 10.00% 61,200.00 2,896.60
APPLICATIONXTENDER DOCUMENT ROUTING - 100 7,500.00 10.00% 6,750.00 319.48
ASCENT CAPTURE ENHANCED RELEASE SCRIPT 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
EMC Captiva InputAccel
INPUTACCEL STANDARD SERVER - 1M PPY 12,000.00 10.00% 10,800.00 511.16
INPUTACCEL ENTERPRISE SERVER - 1M PPY 42,000.00 10.00% 37,800.00 1,789.07
INPUTACCEL STANDARD VOLUME PACK - +100,000 1,375.00 9.96% 1,238.00 58.59
INPUTACCEL STANDARD VOLUME PACK - +1M PPY 11,550.00 10.00% 10,395.00 492.00
INPUTACCEL STANDARD VOLUME PACK - +10M PPY 80,000.00 10.00% 72,000.00 3,407.76
INPUTACCEL ENTERPRISE VOLUME PACK - +100,000 1,600.00 10.00% 1,440.00 68.16
INPUTACCEL ENTERPRISE VOLUME PACK - +1M PP 12,500.00 10.00% 11,250.00 532.46
INPUTACCEL ENTERPRISE VOLUME PACK - +10M PP 88,000.00 10.00% 79,200.00 3,748.54
INPUTACCEL SCALESERVER, PER SERVER 10,000.00 10.00% 9,000.00 425.97
INPUTACCEL - CLUSTERING, PER SERVER, +1M PPY 2,300.00 10.00% 2,070.00 97.97
INPUTACCEL - CLUSTERING, PER SERVER, +10M PP 16,000.00 10.00% 14,400.00 681.55
INPUTACCEL SCANPLUS MODULE (STANDARD) 1,000.00 10.00% 900.00 42.60
INPUTACCEL SCANPLUS MODULE (PREMIUM) 6,000.00 10.00% 5,400.00 255.58
INPUTACCEL ATTENDED CLIENT 3,500.00 10.00% 3,150.00 149.09
INPUTACCEL HANDPRINT / OMR RECOGNITION, PER 2,400.00 10.00% 2,160.00 102.23
PRIME RECOGNITION (1 CPU 2 OCR ENGINES) 10,400.00 10.00% 9,360.00 443.01
PRIME RECOGNITION (1 CPU, 3 OCR ENGINES) 13,000.00 10.00% 11,700.00 553.76
PRIME RECOGNITION (2 CPUS, 6 OCR ENGINES) 28,600.00 10.00% 25,740.00 1,218.27
PRIME RECOGNITION (4 CPUS, 6 OCR ENGINES) 58,300.00 10.00% 52,470.00 2,483.41
PRIME - ASIAN OCR (1 CPU, 3 OCR ENGINES) 16,400.00 10.00% 14,760.00 698.59
PRIME - OUTPUT IMAGE AS FILE (P FEATURE) 1,200.00 10.00% 1,080.00 51.12
PRIME VERIFY MODULE 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
INPUTACCEL REPORTS 7,500.00 10.00% 6,750.00 319.48
3 IMC MONITORS - BASE SERVER 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 236.65
IMC MONITOR VOLUME PACK - + 100K PPY 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67
IMC MONITOR VOLUME PACK - + 1M PPY 4,000.00 10.00% 3,600.00 170.39
IMC MONITOR VOLUME PACK - + 10M PPY 28,000.00 10.00% 25,200.00 1,192.72
INPUTACCEL SOFTWARE DEVELOPERS KIT (MDK) 15,000.00 10.00% 13,500.00 638.96
INPUTACCEL WEB SERVICES SDK 15,000.00 10.00% 13,500.00 638.96
EINPUT CLIENT CONNECTION (CONCURRENT) 1,250.00 10.00% 1,125.00 53.25
MICROSOFT SHAREPOINT 2007 EXPORT 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 236.65
EMC APPLICATIONXTENDER EXPORT 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
FILENET P8 CONTENT MANAGER EXPORT 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
IBM CM ADVANCED FOR MULTIPLATFORM 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 236.65
GLOBAL360 (EISTREAM SW NT) 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 236.65
EMC DOCUMENTUM EXPORT 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 236.65
OPENTEXT LIVELINK EXPORT (V9 OR EARLIER) 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 236.65
SAP ARCHIVE EXPORT AND CONNECT 10,000.00 0.00% 10,000.00 473.30
RICOH GLOBALSCAN PLUG-IN 3,000.00 10.00% 2,700.00 127.79
EMC Captiva InputAccel Express 5.3
EXPRESS UNIVERSAL CLIENT MODULE 2,195.00 0.00% 2,195.00 103.89
INPUTACCEL EXPRESS - 91250 PPY 530.00 10.00% 477.00 22.58
INPUTACCEL EXPRESS - 365000 PPY 1,795.00 9.97% 1,616.00 76.49
QUICKSCAN PRO PRODUCTION LEVEL 3,095.00 9.98% 2,786.00 131.86
SCAN MODULE (LEVELS 1-3 ONLY) 999.00 10.01% 899.00 42.55
EROOM BIZDOCS VIEWER ST 75.00 0.00% 75.00 3.55
EROOM CAD VIEWER AV ST 200.00 0.00% 200.00 9.47
EROOM (CORE) ST 200.00 0.00% 200.00 9.47
EROOM VIEWER FOR MS PROJECT SERVER 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
EROOM REAL TIME SVCS ADD-ON ST 75.00 0.00% 75.00 3.55
EROOM CAD VIEWER AVP ST 400.00 10.00% 360.00 17.04
EROOM CAD VIEWER AVSM ST 900.00 10.00% 810.00 38.34
EROOM CAD VIEWER AVSMP ST 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
EROOM SERVER (MS SQL SERVER) ST 75.00 0.00% 75.00 3.55
EROOM SERVER (SYBASE) ST 75.00 0.00% 75.00 3.55
EROOM IM INTEGRATION SERVICES CPU-ST 10,000.00 10.00% 9,000.00 425.97
DOCUMENTUM IRM SERVICES FOR EROOM CPU 25,000.00 10.00% 22,500.00 1,064.93
EMC ApplicationXtender Support Services
ESG DSE - Xtender Family - AX 90,000.00 10.00% 81,000.00 3,833.73
ESG OSE - Xtender Family - AX 275,000.00 10.00% 247,500.00 11,714.18
EMC ApplicationXtender and DiskXtender Pro Service Offerings
Enhanced Locked Print NX V2 1 Device License 120.00 15.00% 102.00 4.83
Enhanced Locked Print NX V2 5 Device License 570.00 15.61% 481.00 22.77
Enhanced Locked Print NX V2 15 Device License 1,440.00 15.56% 1,216.00 57.55
Enhanced Locked Print NX V2 25 Device License 2,100.00 15.62% 1,772.00 83.87
Enhanced Locked Print NX V2 50 Device License 3,900.00 15.62% 3,291.00 155.76
Enhanced Locked Print NX V2 100 Device License 7,200.00 15.61% 6,076.00 287.58
Enhanced Locked Print NX V2 150 Device License 9,900.00 15.61% 8,355.00 395.44
Enhanced Locked Print NX V2 200 Device License 12,000.00 15.61% 10,127.00 479.31
Enhanced Locked Print NX V2 250 Device License 15,000.00 15.61% 12,659.00 599.15
Enhanced Locked Print NX V2 500 Device License 27,000.00 15.61% 22,785.00 1,078.41
Enhanced Locked Print NX V2 1000 Device License 48,000.00 15.61% 40,507.00 1,917.20
Enhanced Locked Print NX V2 1 Device Upgrade 72.00 15.28% 61.00 2.89
Enhanced Locked Print NX V2 5 Device Upgrade 342.00 15.50% 289.00 13.68
Enhanced Locked Print NX V2 15 Device Upgrade 864.00 15.63% 729.00 34.50
Enhanced Locked Print NX V2 25 Device Upgrade 1,260.00 15.63% 1,063.00 50.31
Enhanced Locked Print NX V2 50 Device Upgrade 2,340.00 15.60% 1,975.00 93.48
Enhanced Locked Print NX V2 100 Device Upgrade 4,320.00 15.60% 3,646.00 172.57
Enhanced Locked Print NX V2 150 Device Upgrade 5,940.00 15.61% 5,013.00 237.27
Enhanced Locked Print NX V2 200 Device Upgrade 7,200.00 15.61% 6,076.00 287.58
Enhanced Locked Print NX V2 250 Device Upgrade 9,000.00 15.61% 7,595.00 359.47
Enhanced Locked Print NX V2 500 Device Upgrade 16,200.00 15.61% 13,671.00 647.05
Enhanced Locked Print NX V2 1000 Device Upgrade 28,800.00 15.61% 24,304.00 1,150.31
1Yr M&S - Enhanced Locked Print NX V2 1 Device Licen 12.00 8.33% 11.00 0.52
1Yr M&S - Enhanced Locked Print NX V2 5 Device Licen 57.00 15.79% 48.00 2.27
1Yr M&S - Enhanced Locked Print NX V2 15 Device Lice 144.00 15.28% 122.00 5.77
1Yr M&S - Enhanced Locked Print NX V2 25 Device Lice 210.00 15.71% 177.00 8.38
1Yr M&S - Enhanced Locked Print NX V2 50 Device Lice 390.00 15.38% 330.00 15.62
1Yr M&S - Enhanced Locked Print NX V2 100 Device Lic 720.00 15.56% 608.00 28.78
1Yr M&S - Enhanced Locked Print NX V2 150 Device Lic 990.00 15.56% 836.00 39.57
1Yr M&S - Enhanced Locked Print NX V2 200 Device Lic 1,200.00 15.58% 1,013.00 47.95
1Yr M&S - Enhanced Locked Print NX V2 250 Device Lic 1,500.00 15.60% 1,266.00 59.92
1Yr M&S - Enhanced Locked Print NX V2 500 Device Lic 2,700.00 15.59% 2,279.00 107.87
1Yr M&S - Enhanced Locked Print NX V2 1000 Device Li 4,800.00 15.60% 4,051.00 191.73
EPHESOFT TRNSCT LICENSE 4 CR INC0YR 49,600.00 19.30% 40,028.74 1,894.56
EPHESOFT TRNSCT LICENSE 8 CORE INC0YR 148,800.00 19.30% 120,086.21 5,683.68
EPHESOFT TRNSCT LICENSE 12 CORE INC0YR 210,800.00 19.30% 170,121.84 8,051.87
EPHESOFT TRNSCT LICENSE 16 CORE INC0YR 235,600.00 19.30% 190,136.78 8,999.17
EPHESOFT TRNSCT LICENSE 32 CORE INC0YR 297,600.00 19.30% 240,171.26 11,367.31
Ephesoft Enterprise Linux 3 YR Prepurchase PLT Entrer 16,200.00 0.00% 16,200.00 766.75
ESP S1 Power Filter 30.00 23.33% 23.00 1.01
ESP - Surgex 1000VA Online Uninterruptible Power Sup 974.00 0.00% 974.00 46.10
ESP - Surgex Diagnositic Rack Mount Surge Protector 1 649.00 31.55% 444.21 21.02
Printer license for one additional Fiery driven engine 1,000.00 0.00% 1,000.00 47.33
Printer license for one KM bizhub B/W PRO or PRESS 7,500.00 10.00% 6,750.00 319.48
Fiery JobMaster 3,500.00 12.70% 3,055.43 144.61
EFI Fiery Job Master Impose Bundle 6,000.00 24.79% 4,512.64 213.58
Fiery Central Base Configuration products annual s/w su 999.00 10.01% 899.00 42.55
Fiery JobFlow annual support & maintenance 899.00 10.01% 809.00 38.29
Fiery JobMaster annual support & maintenance 700.00 10.00% 630.00 29.82
Fiery JobMaster-Impose annual support & maintenance 1,000.00 10.00% 900.00 42.60
Printer license for one additional Fiery driven engine an 200.00 0.00% 200.00 9.47
Printer license for one Oce VarioPrint or Xerox Nuvera p 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
Fiery Central 1.8.x Software to Fiery Central 2.0 Software 0.01 100.00% - -
Demo Version: Fiery Central integrated server + Fiery Jo 2,875.00 0.00% 2,875.00 136.07
Demo Version: Fiery Central Software only + Fiery JobMa 2,125.00 0.00% 2,125.00 100.58
EFI SB FIERY NAVIGATOR 1 MONTH 1 FIERY 25.00 19.81% 20.05 0.95
EFI SB FIERY NAVIGATOR 1 YEAR LEASE 1 FIERY 300.00 19.54% 241.38 11.42
EFI SB FIERY NAVIGATOR 3 YEAR LEASE 1 FIERY 900.00 19.80% 721.84 34.16
EFI SB FIERY NAVIGATOR 4 YEAR LEASE 1 FIERY 1,200.00 19.73% 963.22 45.59
EFI SB FIERY NAVIGATOR 5 YEAR LEASE 1 FIERY 1,500.00 19.77% 1,203.45 56.96
File Analysis Data Assess Reporting Module 5 endpoint 240.00 19.06% 194.25 9.19
File Analysis FAaaST module 0 endpoints billed monthl 10,000.00 19.29% 8,071.26 382.01
File Analysis hourly installation 250.00 0.00% 250.00 11.83
Ricoh provided File Analysis hourly installation 250.00 0.00% 250.00 11.83
FlexRelease Server V2 1 Device License 395.00 15.44% 334.00 15.81
FlexRelease Server V2 5 Device License 1,795.00 15.60% 1,515.00 71.70
FlexRelease Server V2 15 Device License 4,995.00 15.60% 4,216.00 199.54
FlexRelease Server V2 25 Device License 7,995.00 15.61% 6,747.00 319.34
FlexRelease Server V2 50 Device License 11,995.00 15.61% 10,123.00 479.12
FlexRelease Server V2 100 Device License 14,995.00 15.61% 12,655.00 598.96
FlexRelease Server V2 150 Device License 20,995.00 15.61% 17,718.00 838.59
FlexRelease Server V2 200 Device License 23,995.00 15.61% 20,250.00 958.43
FlexRelease Server V2 250 Device License 27,995.00 15.61% 23,625.00 1,118.17
FlexRelease Server V2 500 Device License 39,995.00 15.61% 33,752.00 1,597.48
FlexRelease Server V2 1000 Device License 74,995.00 15.61% 63,289.00 2,995.47
FlexRelease Server V2 Unlimited Device License 129,995.00 15.61% 109,703.00 5,192.24
FlexRelease Server V2 Additional Server License - #DIV/0! - -
FlexRelease Server V2 1 Device Upgrade 237.00 15.19% 201.00 9.51
FlexRelease Server V2 5 Device Upgrade 1,077.00 15.60% 909.00 43.02
FlexRelease Server V2 15 Device Upgrade 2,997.00 15.58% 2,530.00 119.74
FlexRelease Server V2 25 Device Upgrade 4,797.00 15.59% 4,049.00 191.64
FlexRelease Server V2 50 Device Upgrade 7,197.00 15.60% 6,074.00 287.48
FlexRelease Server V2 100 Device Upgrade 8,997.00 15.61% 7,593.00 359.38
FlexRelease Server V2 150 Device Upgrade 12,597.00 15.61% 10,631.00 503.17
FlexRelease Server V2 200 Device Upgrade 14,397.00 15.61% 12,150.00 575.06
FlexRelease Server V2 250 Device Upgrade 16,797.00 15.61% 14,175.00 670.90
FlexRelease Server V2 500 Device Upgrade 23,997.00 15.61% 20,252.00 958.53
FlexRelease Server V2 1000 Device Upgrade 44,997.00 15.61% 37,974.00 1,797.31
FlexRelease Server V2 Unlimited Device Upgrade 77,997.00 15.61% 65,822.00 3,115.36
Ricoh Ps 1Yr M&S - Flexrel Srv V2 1 Dev Lic 39.50 25.00% 29.63 1.40
Ricoh Ps 1Yr M&S - Flexrel Srv V2 5 Dev Lic 179.50 25.00% 134.63 6.37
Ricoh Ps 1Yr M&S - Flexrel Srv V2 15 Dev Lic 499.50 15.52% 422.00 19.97
Ricoh Ps 1Yr M&S - Flexrel Srv V2 25 Dev Lic 799.50 15.57% 675.00 31.95
Ricoh Ps 1Yr M&S - Flexrel Srv V2 50 Dev Lic 1,199.50 15.55% 1,013.00 47.95
Ricoh Ps 1Yr M&S - Flexre Srv V2 100 Dev Lic 1,499.50 15.57% 1,266.00 59.92
Ricoh Ps 1Yr M&S - Flexre Srv V2 150 Dev Lic 2,099.50 15.60% 1,772.00 83.87
Ricoh Ps 1Yr M&S - Flexre Srv V2 200 Dev Lic 2,399.50 15.61% 2,025.00 95.84
Ricoh Ps 1Yr M&S - Flexre Srv V2 250 Dev Lic 2,799.50 15.59% 2,363.00 111.84
Ricoh Ps 1Yr M&S - Flexre Srv V2 500 Dev Lic 3,999.50 15.59% 3,376.00 159.79
Ricoh Ps 1Yr M&S - Flexre Srv V2 1K Dev Lic 7,499.50 15.61% 6,329.00 299.55
Ricoh Ps 1Yr Ms Flex Rel Srv V2 Unltd Dev Lic 12,999.50 15.60% 10,971.00 519.26
Starter PAC
Fasoo Starterpack 100.00 10.00% 90.00 4.26
Fasoo Secure Document (FSD)
Fasoo Secure Document (Fsd) Server 20,000.00 10.00% 18,000.00 851.94
Fasoo Secure Document (Fsd) Server High Availability 10,000.00 10.00% 9,000.00 425.97
Fasoo Secure Document (Fsd) Server Disaster Recovery 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
Fasoo Secure Document (Fsd) Server-Packager Sdk 2,000.00 10.00% 1,800.00 85.19
Fasoo Secure Exchange (FSE)
Fasoo Secure Exchange (Fse) Server 20,000.00 10.00% 18,000.00 851.94
Fasoo Secure Exchange (Fse) Server High Availability 10,000.00 10.00% 9,000.00 425.97
Fasoo Secure Exchange (Fse) Server Disaster Recovery 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
Fasoo Secure Exchange (Fse) Server-Packager Sdk 2,000.00 10.00% 1,800.00 85.19
Fasoo Secure Node (FSN)
Fasoo Secure Node (Fsn) Server 20,000.00 10.00% 18,000.00 851.94
Fasoo Secure Node (Fsn) Server High Availability 10,000.00 10.00% 9,000.00 425.97
Fasoo Secure Node (Fsn) Server Disaster Recovery 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
Fasoo Secure Node (Fsn) Server-Packager Sdk 2,000.00 10.00% 1,800.00 85.19
FSD for SharePoint (FSDS)
Fasoo Secure Document For Sharepoint (Fsds) Server 10,000.00 10.00% 9,000.00 425.97
Fasoo Secure Document For Sharepoint (Fsds) Server Hig 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
Fasoo Secure Document For Sharepoint (Fsds) Server Di 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
Fasoo Secure Document For Sharepoint (Fsds) Server-P 2,000.00 10.00% 1,800.00 85.19
DRM Client
Fasoo Standard Drm Client (D/E/N) 1-1,000 Seats 50.00 10.00% 45.00 2.13
Fasoo Standard Drm Client (D/E/N) 1,001-5,000 Seats 35.00 8.57% 32.00 1.51
Fasoo Standard Drm Client (D/E/N) 5,001-10,000 Seats 25.00 8.00% 23.00 1.09
Fasoo Standard Drm Client (D/E/N) 10,000+ Seats 10.00 10.00% 9.00 0.43
Extended DRM Client Extension / Add-on
Fasoo Extension/Add-On Microsoft Project 10.00 10.00% 9.00 0.43
Fasoo Extension/Add-On Microsoft Visio 10.00 10.00% 9.00 0.43
Fasoo Extension/Add-On Adobe Acrobat Professional 10.00 10.00% 9.00 0.43
Fasoo Extension/Add-On Adobe Acrobat Standard 10.00 10.00% 9.00 0.43
Fasoo Extension/Add-On Adobe Illustrator 10.00 10.00% 9.00 0.43
Fasoo Extension/Add-On Adobe Photoshop 10.00 10.00% 9.00 0.43
Fasoo Extension/Add-On Autodesk Autocad 20.00 10.00% 18.00 0.85
Fasoo Extension/Add-On Autodesk Autocad X64 20.00 10.00% 18.00 0.85
Fasoo Extension/Add-On Autodesk Autocad Electrical 20.00 10.00% 18.00 0.85
Fasoo Extension/Add-On Autodesk Autocad Lt 20.00 10.00% 18.00 0.85
Fasoo Extension/Add-On Autodesk Autocad Mechanical 20.00 10.00% 18.00 0.85
Fasoo Extension/Add-On Autodesk Autocad Mechanical 20.00 10.00% 18.00 0.85
Fasoo Extension/Add-On Catia 20.00 10.00% 18.00 0.85
Fasoo Extension/Add-On I-Deas 20.00 10.00% 18.00 0.85
Fasoo Extension/Add-On Pro/E Wildfire 20.00 10.00% 18.00 0.85
Fasoo Extension/Add-On Pro/E Wildfire X64 20.00 10.00% 18.00 0.85
Fasoo Extension/Add-On Pro/E Intralink 20.00 10.00% 18.00 0.85
Fasoo Extension/Add-On Productview 20.00 10.00% 18.00 0.85
Fasoo Extension/Add-On Solidworks 20.00 10.00% 18.00 0.85
Fasoo Extension/Add-On Solidworks X64 20.00 10.00% 18.00 0.85
Fasoo Extension/Add-On Solidworks Edrawings 20.00 10.00% 18.00 0.85
Fasoo Extension/Add-On Solidworks Explorer 20.00 10.00% 18.00 0.85
Fasoo Extension/Add-On Ugs 20.00 10.00% 18.00 0.85
Fasoo Extension/Add-On Ugs X64 20.00 10.00% 18.00 0.85
Fasoo Extension/Add-On Visview 20.00 10.00% 18.00 0.85
Fasoo Extension/Add-On Vismockup 20.00 10.00% 18.00 0.85
Fasoo Extension/Add-On Jt2Go 20.00 10.00% 18.00 0.85
Fasoo Secure Print (FSP)
Fasoo Secure Print (Fsp) Server 10,000.00 10.00% 9,000.00 425.97
Fasoo Secure Print (Fsp) Server High Availability 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
Fasoo Secure Print (Fsp) Server Disaster Recovery 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
Fasoo Secure Print (Fsp) Client 1-1,000 Seats 10.00 10.00% 9.00 0.43
Fasoo Secure Print (Fsp) Client 1,001-5,000 Seats 7.00 14.29% 6.00 0.28
Fasoo Secure Print (Fsp) Client 5,001-10,000 Seats 5.00 0.00% 5.00 0.24
Fasoo Secure Print (Fsp) Client 10,001+ Seats 2.00 0.00% 2.00 0.09
Fasoo Secure Screen (FSS)
Fasoo Secure Screen (Fss) Enabler 10,000.00 10.00% 9,000.00 425.97
Fasoo Secure Screen (Fss) Client 1-1,000 Seats 10.00 10.00% 9.00 0.43
Fasoo Secure Screen (Fss) Client 1,001-5,000 Seats 7.00 14.29% 6.00 0.28
Fasoo Secure Screen (Fss) Client 5,001-10,000 Seats 5.00 0.00% 5.00 0.24
Fasoo Secure Screen (Fss) Client 10,000+ Seats 2.00 0.00% 2.00 0.09
Fasoo Usage Tracer (FUT) / Add-on
FASOO USAGE TRACER (FUT) SERVER 10,000.00 10.00% 9,000.00 425.97
FASOO USAGE TRACER (FUT) SERVER HIGH AVAILA 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
Fasoo Mobile Solution (FMS) / Add-on
Fasoo Mobile Gateway (Fmg) Server 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
Fasoo Mobile Gateway (Fmg) Server High Availability 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
Fasoo Mobile Gateway (Fmg) Server Disaster Recovery 1,250.00 10.00% 1,125.00 53.25
Fasoo View For Android 1-1,000 Seats 15.00 6.67% 14.00 0.66
Fasoo View For Android 1,001-5,000 Seats 14.00 7.14% 13.00 0.62
Fasoo View For Android 5,001-10,000 Seats 13.00 7.69% 12.00 0.57
Fasoo View For Android 10,001+ Seats 12.00 8.33% 11.00 0.52
Fasoo View For IOS 1-1,000 Seats 15.00 6.67% 14.00 0.66
Fasoo View For IOS 1,001-5,000 Seats 14.00 7.14% 13.00 0.62
Fasoo View For IOS 5,001-10,000 Seats 13.00 7.69% 12.00 0.57
Fasoo View For IOS 10,001+ Seats 12.00 8.33% 11.00 0.52
Context Aware Protection (CAP) / Add-on
Fasoo Context Aware Protection (Cap) Policy Manager 10,000.00 10.00% 9,000.00 425.97
Fasoo Context Aware Protection (Cap) Policy Manager Hig 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
Fasoo Context Aware Protection (Cap) Policy Manager D 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
Fasoo Context Aware Protection (Cap)-Fasoo Secure Nod 10.00 10.00% 9.00 0.43
Fasoo Context Aware Protection (Cap)-Fasoo Secure Nod 7.00 14.29% 6.00 0.28
Fasoo Context Aware Protection (Cap)-Fasoo Secure Nod 5.00 0.00% 5.00 0.24
Fasoo Context Aware Protection (Cap)-Fasoo Secure Nod 2.00 0.00% 2.00 0.09
Fasoo Context Aware Protection (Cap)-Fasoo Secure Doc 10.00 10.00% 9.00 0.43
Fasoo Context Aware Protection (Cap)-Fasoo Secure Doc 7.00 14.29% 6.00 0.28
Fasoo Context Aware Protection (Cap)-Fasoo Secure Doc 5.00 0.00% 5.00 0.24
Fasoo Context Aware Protection (Cap)-Fasoo Secure Doc 2.00 0.00% 2.00 0.09
Fasoo Context Aware Protection (Cap)-Fasoo Secure Exc 10.00 10.00% 9.00 0.43
Fasoo Context Aware Protection (Cap)-Fasoo Secure Exc 7.00 14.29% 6.00 0.28
Fasoo Context Aware Protection (Cap)-Fasoo Secure Exc 5.00 0.00% 5.00 0.24
Fasoo Context Aware Protection (Cap)-Fasoo Secure Exc 2.00 0.00% 2.00 0.09
Fasoo Context Aware Protection (Cap)-Fasoo Secure Prin 10.00 10.00% 9.00 0.43
Fasoo Context Aware Protection (Cap)-Fasoo Secure Prin 7.00 14.29% 6.00 0.28
Fasoo Context Aware Protection (Cap)-Fasoo Secure Prin 5.00 0.00% 5.00 0.24
Fasoo Context Aware Protection (Cap)-Fasoo Secure Prin 2.00 0.00% 2.00 0.09
FlexRelease CX 1 Device License 120.00 31.58% 82.11 3.89
FlexRelease CX 5 Device License 570.00 31.12% 392.63 18.58
FlexRelease CX 15 Device License 1,440.00 31.29% 989.47 46.83
FlexRelease CX 25 Device License 2,100.00 31.28% 1,443.16 68.30
FlexRelease CX 50 Device License 3,900.00 31.26% 2,681.05 126.89
FlexRelease CX 100 Device License 7,200.00 31.26% 4,949.47 234.26
FlexRelease CX 150 Device License 9,900.00 31.26% 6,805.26 322.09
FlexRelease CX 200 Device License 12,000.00 31.26% 8,248.42 390.40
FlexRelease CX 250 Device License 15,000.00 31.26% 10,310.53 488.00
FlexRelease CX 500 Device License 27,000.00 31.26% 18,558.95 878.39
FlexRelease CX 1000 Device License 48,000.00 31.26% 32,993.68 1,561.59
FlexRelease CX 10 User License (annual) 70.00 30.83% 48.42 2.29
FlexRelease CX 25 User License (annual) 175.00 30.83% 121.05 5.73
FlexRelease CX 50 User License (annual) 345.00 31.05% 237.89 11.26
FlexRelease CX 100 User License (annual) 720.00 31.29% 494.74 23.42
FlexRelease CX 250 User License (annual) 1,700.00 31.27% 1,168.42 55.30
FlexRelease CX 1 Device 1 Yr M&S 18.00 0.00% 18.00 0.85
FlexRelease CX 5 Device 1 Yr M&S 85.50 0.00% 85.50 4.05
FlexRelease CX 15 Device 1 Yr M&S 216.00 0.00% 216.00 10.22
FlexRelease CX 25 Device 1 Yr M&S 315.00 0.00% 315.00 14.91
FlexRelease CX 50 Device 1 Yr M&S 585.00 0.00% 585.00 27.69
FlexRelease CX 100 Device 1 Yr M&S 1,080.00 0.00% 1,080.00 51.12
FlexRelease CX 150 Device 1 Yr M&S 1,485.00 0.00% 1,485.00 70.29
FlexRelease CX 200 Device 1 Yr M&S 1,800.00 0.00% 1,800.00 85.19
FlexRelease CX 250 Device 1 Yr M&S 2,250.00 0.00% 2,250.00 106.49
FlexRelease CX 500 Device 1 Yr M&S 4,050.00 0.00% 4,050.00 191.69
FlexRelease CX 1000 Device 1 Yr M&S 7,200.00 0.00% 7,200.00 340.78
FSS Software
Formatta Designer Single User License 445.00 19.10% 360.00 17.04
Formatta Solution Suite Add-on Human Capital Managemen 8,950.00 12.57% 7,825.29 370.37
Formatta Solution Suite Add-on Human Capital Manageme 4,475.00 12.57% 3,912.64 185.19
Formatta Solution Suite 5000 Form Submissions per Serv 11,250.00 20.00% 9,000.00 425.97
Formatta Solution Suite 5000 Form Submissions per Serv 5,625.00 12.56% 4,918.39 232.79
Formatta Solution Suite 10000 Form Submissions per Ser 13,750.00 18.18% 11,250.00 532.46
Formatta Solution Suite 25000 Form Submissions per Ser 22,000.00 13.64% 19,000.00 899.27
Formatta Solution Suite 50000 Form Submissions per Ser 40,500.00 12.57% 35,408.05 1,675.86
Formatta Solution Suite 100000 Form Submissions per Se 71,000.00 13.03% 61,750.00 2,922.63
Formatta Solution Suite 250000 Form Submissions per Se 135,500.00 12.36% 118,750.00 5,620.44
Formatta Solution Suite 500000 Form Submissions per Se 187,500.00 11.33% 166,250.00 7,868.61
Formatta Solution Suite 1000000 Form Submissions per S 265,000.00 12.57% 231,681.61 10,965.49
Formatta Solution Suite Incremental 5000 Form Submissi 10,750.00 12.57% 9,398.85 444.85
Formatta Solution Suite Incremental 10000 Form Submiss 12,950.00 12.57% 11,321.84 535.86
Formatta Solution Suite Incremental 25000 Form Submiss 20,550.00 12.57% 17,966.67 850.36
Formatta Solution Suite Incremental 50000 Form Submiss 37,450.00 7.41% 34,675.00 1,641.17
Formatta Solution Suite Incremental 100000 Form Submis 64,950.00 10.05% 58,425.00 2,765.26
Formatta Solution Suite Incremental 250000 Form Submis 122,450.00 12.57% 107,055.17 5,066.92
Formatta Solution Suite Incremental 500000 Form Submis 169,050.00 12.57% 147,795.40 6,995.16
Formatta Solution Suite Incremental 1000000 Form Submi 229,950.00 12.57% 201,039.08 9,515.18
FSS Software M&S
Formatta Designer Single User License M&S 80.10 12.47% 70.11 3.32
Formatta Solution Suite 5000 Form Submissions per Ser 2,025.00 12.53% 1,771.26 83.83
Formatta Solution Suite 5000 Form Submissions per Ser 2,025.00 12.53% 1,771.26 83.83
Formatta Solution Suite 10000 Form Submissions per Se 2,475.00 12.55% 2,164.37 102.44
Formatta Solution Suite 25000 Form Submissions per Se 3,960.00 12.54% 3,463.22 163.91
Formatta Solution Suite 50000 Form Submissions per Se 7,290.00 12.57% 6,373.56 301.66
Formatta Solution Suite 100000 Form Submissions per S 12,780.00 12.57% 11,173.56 528.84
Formatta Solution Suite 250000 Form Submissions per S 24,390.00 12.57% 21,324.14 1,009.27
Formatta Solution Suite 500000 Form Submissions per S 33,750.00 12.57% 29,506.90 1,396.56
Formatta Solution Suite 1000000 Form Submissions per 47,700.00 12.57% 41,703.45 1,973.82
Formatta Solution Suite Incremental 5000 form Submissi 1,935.00 12.56% 1,691.95 80.08
Formatta Solution Suite Incremental 10000 form Submiss 2,331.00 12.57% 2,037.93 96.46
Formatta Solution Suite Incremental 25000 form Submiss 3,699.00 12.56% 3,234.48 153.09
Formatta Solution Suite Incremental 50000 form Submiss 6,741.00 12.58% 5,893.10 278.92
Formatta Solution Suite Incremental 100000 form Submis 11,691.00 12.57% 10,221.84 483.80
Formatta Solution Suite Incremental 250000 form Submis 22,041.00 12.57% 19,270.11 912.05
Formatta Solution Suite Incremental 500000 form Submis 30,429.00 12.57% 26,603.45 1,259.14
Formatta Solution Suite Incremental 1000000 form Subm 41,391.00 12.57% 36,187.36 1,712.75
Formatta Connector – ApplicationXtender Integrator 9,950.00 12.56% 8,700.00 411.77
Formatta Connector – ApplicationXtender Integrator Non- 4,975.00 12.55% 4,350.57 205.91
Formatta Connector – Documentum (may require 3rd party 9,950.00 12.56% 8,700.00 411.77
Formatta Connector – Documentum (may require 3rd party 4,975.00 12.55% 4,350.57 205.91
Formatta Connector – DocuWare Non-Production 4,975.00 12.55% 4,350.57 205.91
Formatta Connector – PaperVision/ImageSilo 9,950.00 12.56% 8,700.00 411.77
Formatta Connector – PaperVision/ImageSilo Non-Produc 4,975.00 12.55% 4,350.57 205.91
Formatta Connector – DocuWare 9,950.00 12.56% 8,700.00 411.77
Formatta Connector – FormPay 9,950.00 12.56% 8,700.00 411.77
Formatta Connector – FormPay Non-Production 4,975.00 12.55% 4,350.57 205.91
Formatta Connector – ImageNow/WebNow 9,950.00 12.56% 8,700.00 411.77
Formatta Connector – ImageNow/WebNow Non-Producti 4,975.00 12.55% 4,350.57 205.91
Formatta Connector – LaserFiche 9,950.00 12.56% 8,700.00 411.77
Formatta Connector – LaserFiche Non-Production 4,975.00 12.55% 4,350.57 205.91
Formatta Connector – Lawson (may require 3rd party serv 9,950.00 12.56% 8,700.00 411.77
Formatta Connector – Lawson (may require 3rd party ser 4,975.00 0.00% 4,975.00 235.47
Formatta Connector – OnBase 9,950.00 12.56% 8,700.00 411.77
Formatta Connector – OnBase Non-Production 4,975.00 12.55% 4,350.57 205.91
Formatta Connector - Sharepoint 9,950.00 12.56% 8,700.00 411.77
Formatta Connector – SharePoint Non-Production 4,975.00 12.55% 4,350.57 205.91
Formatta Connector - Web Services Data Integration Autof 4,950.00 12.55% 4,328.74 204.88
Formatta Connector - Web Services Data Integration Autof 2,475.00 12.55% 2,164.37 102.44
Connectors M&S
Formatta Connector – ApplicationXtender Integrator M&S 1,791.00 12.53% 1,566.67 74.15
Formatta Connector – ApplicationXtender Integrator Non 1,791.00 12.53% 1,566.67 74.15
Formatta Connector – Documentum (may require 3rd part 1,791.00 12.53% 1,566.67 74.15
Formatta Connector – Documentum (may require 3rd part 1,791.00 12.53% 1,566.67 74.15
Formatta Connector – DocuWare Non-Production M&S 1,791.00 12.53% 1,566.67 74.15
Formatta Connector – PaperVision/ImageSilo Connector 1,791.00 12.53% 1,566.67 74.15
Formatta Connector – PaperVision/ImageSilo Connector 1,791.00 12.53% 1,566.67 74.15
Formatta Connector – DocuWare M&S 1,791.00 12.53% 1,566.67 74.15
Formatta Connector – FormPay M&S 1,791.00 12.53% 1,566.67 74.15
Formatta Connector – FormPay Non-Production M&S 1,791.00 12.53% 1,566.67 74.15
Formatta Connector – ImageNow/WebNow M&S 1,791.00 12.53% 1,566.67 74.15
Formatta Connector – ImageNow/WebNow Non-Product 1,791.00 12.53% 1,566.67 74.15
Formatta Connector – LaserFiche M&S 1,791.00 12.53% 1,566.67 74.15
Formatta Connector – LaserFiche Non-Production M&S 1,791.00 12.53% 1,566.67 74.15
Formatta Connector – Lawson M&S 1,791.00 12.53% 1,566.67 74.15
Formatta Connector – Lawson Non- Production M&S 1,791.00 12.53% 1,566.67 74.15
Formatta Connector – OnBase M&S 1,791.00 12.53% 1,566.67 74.15
Formatta Connector – OnBase Non-Production M&S 1,791.00 12.53% 1,566.67 74.15
Formatta Connector – SharePoint M&S 1,791.00 12.53% 1,566.67 74.15
Formatta Connector – SharePoint Non-Production M&S 1,791.00 12.53% 1,566.67 74.15
Formatta Connector - Web Services Data Integration Auto 891.00 12.54% 779.31 36.88
Formatta Connector - Web Services Data Integration Auto 891.00 12.54% 779.31 36.88
Legacy Product M&S
Formatta Legacy M&S - Autofill - Capacity Level 25000 618.75 12.50% 541.38 25.62
Formatta Legacy M&S - Autofill - Capacity Level 50000 990.00 12.46% 866.67 41.02
Formatta Legacy M&S - Autofill - Capacity Level 75000 1,188.00 12.54% 1,039.08 49.18
Formatta Legacy M&S - Autofill - Capacity Level 150000 1,663.25 12.51% 1,455.17 68.87
Formatta Legacy M&S - Autofill - Capacity Level 250000 2,217.75 12.51% 1,940.23 91.83
Formatta Legacy M&S - Autofill - Capacity Level Unlimite 2,661.25 12.54% 2,327.59 110.16
Formatta Legacy M&S - eForms Manager (EFM) - Capaci 2,475.00 12.55% 2,164.37 102.44
Formatta Legacy M&S - eForms Manager (EFM) - Capaci 3,960.00 12.54% 3,463.22 163.91
Formatta Legacy M&S - eForms Manager (EFM) - Capaci 4,752.00 12.56% 4,155.17 196.66
Formatta Legacy M&S - eForms Manager (EFM) - Capaci 6,653.00 12.56% 5,817.24 275.33
Formatta Legacy M&S - eForms Manager (EFM) - Capaci 8,870.50 12.56% 7,756.32 367.11
Formatta Legacy M&S - eForms Manager (EFM) - Capacit 10,644.50 12.57% 9,306.90 440.50
Formatta Legacy M&S - Imaging - Capacity Level 25000 445.50 12.54% 389.66 18.44
Formatta Legacy M&S - Imaging - Capacity Level 50000 713.00 12.62% 622.99 29.49
Formatta Legacy M&S - Imaging - Capacity Level 75000 855.50 12.53% 748.28 35.42
Formatta Legacy M&S - Imaging - Capacity Level 150000 1,197.50 12.46% 1,048.28 49.61
Formatta Legacy M&S - Imaging - Capacity Level 250000 1,596.75 12.54% 1,396.55 66.10
Formatta Legacy M&S - Imaging - Capacity Level Unlimit 1,916.00 12.53% 1,675.86 79.32
Formatta Legacy M&S - Workflow - Capacity Level 25000 866.25 12.56% 757.47 35.85
Formatta Legacy M&S - Workflow - Capacity Level 50000 1,386.00 12.51% 1,212.64 57.39
Formatta Legacy M&S - Workflow - Capacity Level 75000 1,663.25 12.51% 1,455.17 68.87
Formatta Legacy M&S - Workflow - Capacity Level 15000 2,326.50 12.55% 2,034.48 96.29
Formatta Legacy M&S - Workflow - Capacity Level 25000 3,104.75 12.56% 2,714.94 128.50
Formatta Legacy M&S - Workflow - Capacity Level Unlimi 3,725.50 12.56% 3,257.47 154.18
Professional Services
Formatta Connector Configuration Services (up to 10 hou 2,324.22 13.80% 2,003.45 94.82
Formatta Connector Configuration Services (up to 5 1,162.11 13.85% 1,001.15 47.38
Formatta Gold Professional Services Package – up to 12 28,688.00 32.94% 19,237.50 910.51
Formatta Platinum Professional Services Package – up t 38,250.00 32.94% 25,650.00 1,214.01
Formatta Silver Professional Services Package – up to 8 19,125.00 32.94% 12,825.00 607.01
Formatta Professional Services Hourly Rate 282.00 32.96% 189.05 8.95
Formatta Advanced Training - Onsite 2,550.00 32.94% 1,710.00 80.93
Formatta Basic Training – Onsite 3,188.00 32.95% 2,137.50 101.17
Formatta Advanced Training - Web Based 1,417.00 32.96% 950.00 44.96
Formatta Basic Training - Web Based 1,772.00 32.99% 1,187.50 56.20
[SOW]Formatta Install 220.00 0.00% 220.00 10.41
Formatta Advanced Training - DVD 1,600.00 0.00% 1,600.00 75.73
Formatta Basic Training - DVD 2,000.00 0.00% 2,000.00 94.66
GlobalScan NX V2.0 MFP License - Server & Serverless
GlobalScan NX V2 1 MFP License 600.00 15.67% 506.00 23.95
GlobalScan NX V2 5 MFP License 2,850.00 15.58% 2,406.00 113.88
GlobalScan NX V2 15 MFP License 7,200.00 15.58% 6,078.00 287.67
GlobalScan NX V2 25 MFP License 10,500.00 15.58% 8,864.00 419.53
GlobalScan NX V2 50 MFP License 19,500.00 15.58% 16,462.00 779.15
GlobalScan NX V2 100 MFP License 36,000.00 15.58% 30,391.00 1,438.41
GlobalScan NX V2 150 MFP License 49,500.00 15.58% 41,788.00 1,977.83
GlobalScan NX V2 200 MFP License 60,000.00 15.58% 50,652.00 2,397.36
GlobalScan NX V2 250 MFP License 75,000.00 15.58% 63,315.00 2,996.70
GlobalScan NX V2 500 MFP License 135,000.00 15.58% 113,967.00 5,394.06
GlobalScan NX V2 750 MFP License 195,000.00 15.58% 164,619.00 7,791.42
GS NX V2.0 Server Products
GlobalScan NX V2 Server 32 1,700.00 15.59% 1,435.00 67.92
GlobalScan NX V2 Server750 7,500.00 15.57% 6,332.00 299.69
GlobalScan NX V2 Business Server 5
RICOH GLOBALSCAN NX V2 SERVER 5 W/ 1 MFP DEV 750.00 24.75% 564.37 26.71
Ricoh GlobalScan NX V2 Server 5 Barcode Plug-in INC1 600.00 24.90% 450.57 21.33
Ricoh GlobalScan NX V2 Server 5 Documentmall Plug-i 600.00 24.90% 450.57 21.33
Ricoh GlobalScan NX V2 Server 5 MS SharePoint Plug- 600.00 24.90% 450.57 21.33
Ricoh GlobalScan NX V2 Server 5 Bundle additional 1 Y 120.00 0.00% 120.00 5.68
Ricoh GlobalScan NX V2 Server 5 Barcode Plug-in addit 96.00 0.00% 96.00 4.54
Ricoh GlobalScan NX V2 Server 5 Documentmall Plug-in 96.00 0.00% 96.00 4.54
Ricoh GlobalScan NX V2 Server 5 MS Sharepoint Plug-in 96.00 0.00% 96.00 4.54
GS NX V2.0 Server 32 Options
GlobalScan NX Kerberos Option 1,000.00 27.20% 728.00 34.46
GlobalScan RX Failover Option 1,000.00 27.20% 728.00 34.46
GlobalScan NX RightFax Plug-In for Business Server 1,200.00 27.17% 874.00 41.37
GlobalScan NX Barcode Plug-in Server 32 1,200.00 22.58% 929.00 43.97
GlobalScan NX MS SharePoint Server 32 Plug-in 1,200.00 22.58% 929.00 43.97
GlobalScan NX Hotfolder Plug-in Server 32 1,200.00 22.58% 929.00 43.97
Globalscan Nx Dm Plug-In Server 32 1,200.00 10.00% 1,080.00 51.12
GS NX V2.0 Server 750 Options
GlobalScan NX RightFax Plug-In for Enterprise Server 2,000.00 20.00% 1,600.00 75.73
GlobalScan NX Barcode Plug-in Server 750 3,800.00 16.34% 3,179.00 150.46
GlobalScan NX MS SharePoint Server 750 Plug-in 2,000.00 22.55% 1,549.00 73.31
GlobalScan NX Hotfolder Plug-in Server 750 2,000.00 22.55% 1,549.00 73.31
GlobalScan NX DM Plug-Sever 750 2,000.00 22.55% 1,549.00 73.31
GlobalScan NX DM Plug-in for Serverless 75.00 22.67% 58.00 2.75
Server Upgrade Options For GS V3.1, GS NX V1.X & Scanrouter Customers
GlobalScan NX V2 Server 32 Upgrade 510.00 15.69% 430.00 20.35
GlobalScan NX V2 Server 750 Upgrade 2,250.00 15.56% 1,900.00 89.93
GlobalScan NX V2 Addtional Server 750 4,500.00 15.58% 3,799.00 179.81
GlobalScan NX V2 Addtional Server 750 Upgrade 1,350.00 15.56% 1,140.00 53.96
GlobalScan NX V2.0 MFP Upg Pkgs For Server/Serverless GS V2.X V3.X & Scanrouter Customers
GlobalScan NX 1 MFP Upgrade 360.00 14.72% 307.00 14.53
GlobalScan NX 5 MFP Upgrade 1,710.00 14.80% 1,457.00 68.96
Globalscan NX 15 MFP Upgrade 4,320.00 14.81% 3,680.00 174.17
GlobalScan NX 25 MFP Upgrade 6,300.00 27.14% 4,590.00 217.24
GlobalScan NX 50 MFP Upgrade 11,700.00 27.15% 8,524.00 403.44
GlobalScan NX 100 MFP Upgrade 21,600.00 27.14% 15,737.00 744.83
GlobalScan NX 150 MFP Upgrade 29,700.00 27.14% 21,639.00 1,024.17
GlobalScan NX 200 MFP Upgrade 36,000.00 27.14% 26,230.00 1,241.47
GlobalScan NX 250 MFP Upgrade 45,000.00 26.89% 32,899.00 1,557.11
Globalscan Nx 500 Mfp 90,000.00 20.00% 72,000.00 3,407.76
Globalscan Nx 750 Mfp 135,000.00 20.00% 108,000.00 5,111.64
GlobalScan NX V2 Server 5/32 Zonal OCR Plug-in 600.00 10.00% 540.00 25.56
GlobalScan NX V2 Server 750 Zonal OCR Plug-in 1,000.00 10.00% 900.00 42.60
GlobalScan NX V2 Server 5/32/750 Zonal OCR Hotfolder 600.00 10.00% 540.00 25.56
GlobalScan NX V2 Server 5/32 Zonal OCR Plug-in 1 Yr 84.00 0.00% 84.00 3.98
GlobalScan NX V2 Server 750 Zonal OCR Plug-in 1 Yr 140.00 0.00% 140.00 6.63
GlobalScan NX V2 Server 5/32/750 Zonal OCR Hotfolder 84.00 0.00% 84.00 3.98
Ricoh Gs Nx 1 Mfp Pack 1 Yr M&S Addon 96.00 15.63% 81.00 3.83
Ricoh Gs Nx 5 Mfp Pack 1 Yr M&S Addon 456.00 15.57% 385.00 18.22
Ricoh Gs Nx 15 Mfp Pack 1 Yr M&S Addon 1,152.00 15.63% 972.00 46.00
Ricoh Gs Nx 25 Mfp Pack 1 Yr M&S Addon 1,680.00 15.71% 1,416.00 67.02
Ricoh Gs Nx 50 Mfp Pack 1 Yr M&S Addon 3,120.00 15.71% 2,630.00 124.48
Ricoh Gs Nx 100 Mfp Pack 1 Yr M&S Addon 5,760.00 15.71% 4,855.00 229.79
Ricoh Gs Nx 150 Mfp Pack 1 Yr M&S Addon 7,920.00 15.69% 6,677.00 316.02
Ricoh Gs Nx 200 Mfp Pack 1 Yr M&S Addon 9,600.00 15.70% 8,093.00 383.04
Ricoh Gs Nx 250 Mfp Pack 1 Yr M&S Addon 12,000.00 15.70% 10,116.00 478.79
Ricoh Gs Nx 500 Mfp Pack 1 Yr M&S Addon 21,600.00 15.70% 18,209.00 861.83
Ricoh Gs Nx 750 Mfp Pack 1 Yr M&S Addon 31,200.00 15.70% 26,302.00 1,244.87
Ricoh Gs Nx Srvr 5 1 Yr M&S Addon 120.00 15.83% 101.00 4.78
Ricoh Gs Nx Srvr Srvr 32 1 Yr M&S Addon 272.00 15.44% 230.00 10.89
Ricoh Gs Nx Srvr Srvr 750 1 Yr M&S Addon 1,200.00 15.67% 1,012.00 47.90
Ricoh Gs Nx Svrless Srv 32 Kerberos 1Y Ms Add 160.00 15.63% 135.00 6.39
Ricoh Gs Nx Srvr 32 Failover Plugin 1Y Ms Add 160.00 15.63% 135.00 6.39
Ricoh Gs Nx Srvr 32 Rightfax Plugin 1Y Ms Add 192.00 15.10% 163.00 7.71
Ricoh Gs Nx Srvr 32 Barcode Plugin 1Y Ms Add 192.00 15.10% 163.00 7.71
Ricoh Gs Nx Srvr 32 Sharepnt Plugin 1Y Ms Add 192.00 15.10% 163.00 7.71
Ricoh Gs Nx Srvr 32 Doc Mall Plugin 1Y Ms Add 192.00 15.10% 163.00 7.71
Ricoh Gs Nx Srvr 32 Hotfoldr Plugin 1Y Ms Add 192.00 15.10% 163.00 7.71
Ricoh Gs Nx Srvr 750 Barcode Plugin 1Y Ms Add 320.00 15.63% 270.00 12.78
Ricoh Gs Nx Srvr 750 Rightfax Plugin 1Y Ms Add 608.00 15.79% 512.00 24.23
Ricoh Gs Nx Srvr 750 Sharepnt Plugin 1Y Ms Add 320.00 15.63% 270.00 12.78
Ricoh Gs Nx Srvr 750 Doc Mall Plugin 1Y Ms Add 320.00 15.63% 270.00 12.78
Ricoh Gs Nx Srvr 750 Hotfoldr Plugin 1Y Ms Add 320.00 15.63% 270.00 12.78
Ricoh Gs Nx Srvrless Doc Mall Plugin 1Y Ms Add 12.00 8.33% 11.00 0.52
RICOH GlobalScan NX V2 1 MFP LICENSE FOR UPG I 360.00 24.65% 271.26 12.84
RICOH GlobalScan NX V2 5 MFP LICENSE FOR UPG I 1,710.00 24.78% 1,286.21 60.88
RICOH GlobalScan NX V2 15 MFP LICENSE FOR UPG 4,320.00 24.84% 3,247.13 153.69
RICOH GlobalScan NX V2 25 MFP LICENSE FOR UPG 6,300.00 24.83% 4,735.63 224.14
RICOH GlobalScan NX V2 50 MFP LICENSE FOR UPG 11,700.00 24.84% 8,794.25 416.23
RICOH GlobalScan NX V2 100 MFP LICENSE FOR UPG 21,600.00 24.84% 16,234.48 768.38
RICOH GlobalScan NX V2 150 MFP LICENSE FOR UPG 29,700.00 24.84% 22,322.99 1,056.55
RICOH GlobalScan NX V2 200 MFP LICENSE FOR UPG 36,000.00 24.84% 27,057.47 1,280.63
RICOH GlobalScan NX V2 250 MFP LICENSE FOR UPG 45,000.00 24.84% 33,822.99 1,600.84
RICOH GlobalScan NX V2 500 MFP LICENSE FOR UPG 90,000.00 24.84% 67,644.83 3,201.63
RICOH GlobalScan NX V2 750 MFP LICENSE FOR UPG 135,000.00 24.84% 101,467.82 4,802.47
HotSpot Enterprise - 10 Device 4,000.00 14.33% 3,427.00 162.20
HotSpot Enterprise - 25 Device 7,500.00 14.32% 6,426.00 304.14
HotSpot Enterprise - 100 Device 20,000.00 14.32% 17,136.00 811.05
HotSpot Enterprise - 500 Device 75,000.00 14.32% 64,260.00 3,041.43
HotSpot Enterprise - 1,000 Device 100,000.00 14.32% 85,680.00 4,055.23
HotSpot Enterprise - 2,500 Device 225,000.00 14.32% 192,780.00 9,124.28
HotSpot Enterprise - 5,000 Device 425,000.00 14.32% 364,140.00 17,234.75
HotSpot Enterprise - 10,000 Device 800,000.00 14.32% 685,440.00 32,441.88
Maintenance and Support
1 Yr M&S HotSpot Enterprise - 10 Device 800.00 14.25% 686.00 32.47
1 Yr M&S HotSpot Enterprise - 25 Device 1,500.00 14.33% 1,285.00 60.82
1 Yr M&S HotSpot Enterprise - 100 Device 4,000.00 14.33% 3,427.00 162.20
1 Yr M&S HotSpot Enterprise - 500 Device 15,000.00 14.32% 12,852.00 608.29
1 Yr M&S HotSpot Enterprise - 1,000 Device 20,000.00 14.32% 17,136.00 811.05
1 Yr M&S HotSpot Enterprise - 2,500 Device 45,000.00 14.32% 38,556.00 1,824.86
1 Yr M&S HotSpot Enterprise - 5,000 Device 85,000.00 14.32% 72,828.00 3,446.95
1 Yr M&S HotSpot Enterprise - 10,000 Device 160,000.00 14.32% 137,088.00 6,488.38
HotSpot Express 1 Top Up Device 350.00 24.47% 264.37 12.51
HotSpot Express 5 Device Pack 1,500.00 24.83% 1,127.59 53.37
HotSpot Express 10 Device Pack 2,500.00 24.83% 1,879.31 88.95
HotSpot Express 25 Device Pack 5,500.00 24.83% 4,134.48 195.69
HotSpot Express 50 Device Pack 8,750.00 24.83% 6,577.01 311.29
HotSpot Express 75 Device Pack 10,000.00 24.84% 7,516.09 355.74
HotSpot Express 100 Device Pack 12,000.00 24.84% 9,019.54 426.89
HotSpot Express 250 Device Pack 18,750.00 24.84% 14,093.10 667.03
HotSpot Express 500 Device Pack 25,000.00 24.84% 18,790.80 889.37
HotSpot Express over 500 Devices - Quote Req'd - #DIV/0! - -
1yr M&S HotSpot Express 1 Device Pack 70.00 24.47% 52.87 2.50
1yr M&S HotSpot Express 5 Device Pack 300.00 24.90% 225.29 10.66
1yr M&S HotSpot Express 10 Device Pack 500.00 24.83% 375.86 17.79
1yr M&S HotSpot Express 25 Device Pack 1,100.00 24.87% 826.44 39.12
1yr M&S HotSpot Express 50 Device Pack 1,750.00 24.79% 1,316.09 62.29
1yr M&S HotSpot Express 75 Device Pack 2,000.00 24.83% 1,503.45 71.16
1yr M&S HotSpot Express 100 Device Pack 2,400.00 24.86% 1,803.45 85.36
1yr M&S HotSpot Express 250 Device Pack 3,750.00 24.81% 2,819.54 133.45
1yr M&S HotSpot Express 500 Device Pack 5,000.00 24.83% 3,758.62 177.90
1yr M&S HotSpot Express over 500 Device - Quote Req - #DIV/0! - -
IDEALLIANCE ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEE FOR ANNUA 17,000.00 5.00% 16,150.00 764.38
IDEALLIANCE ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEE FOR ANNU 35,000.00 5.00% 33,250.00 1,573.72
IDEALLIANCE CURVE4 VERIFY 399.00 5.00% 379.05 17.94
IDEALLIANCE CURVE4 CALIBRATE 1,599.00 5.00% 1,519.05 71.90
IDEALLIANCE CURVE4 COMPLETE 2,999.00 5.00% 2,849.05 134.85
[NO SOW/SD&A]ID G7 MSTR NEW APPL GRAYSCALE 900.00 5.00% 855.00 40.47
[NO SOW/SD&A]ID G7 MASTER NEW APPL COLORSP 950.00 5.00% 902.50 42.72
[NO SOW NO SD&A]ID G7 MSTR RNWL APPL GRAYSC 650.00 5.00% 617.50 29.23
[NO SOW/SD&A]ID G7 MASTER RNWL APPL COLORS 700.00 5.00% 665.00 31.47
[NO SOW/SD&A]ID G7 MASTER NEW APPL GRAYSCA 1,550.00 5.00% 1,472.50 69.69
[NO SOW/SD&A]ID G7 MASTER NEW APPLICATION 1,650.00 5.00% 1,567.50 74.19
[NO SOW/SD&A]ID G7 MASTER NEW APPL GRAYSCA 2,200.00 5.00% 2,090.00 98.92
[NO SOW/SD&A]ID G7 MASTER NEW APPLICATION 2,350.00 5.00% 2,232.50 105.66
[NO SOW/SD&A]ID G7 MASTER NEW APPL GRAYSCAL 2,850.00 5.00% 2,707.50 128.15
[NO SOW/SD&A]ID G7 MASTER NEW APPLICATION 3,050.00 5.00% 2,897.50 137.14
[NO SOW/SD&A]ID G7 MASTER NEW APPL GRAYSCA 3,500.00 5.00% 3,325.00 157.37
[NO SOW/SD&A]ID G7 MASTER NEW APPLICATION 3,750.00 5.00% 3,562.50 168.61
G7 MASTER ADDL SHEET SUBMISSION 100.00 5.00% 95.00 4.50
G7 MASTER ADDL SHEET SUBMISSION 150.00 5.00% 142.50 6.74
ONLINE CERTIFICATION TRAINING 295.00 13.04% 256.52 12.14
ONLINE CERTIFICATION TRAINING 295.00 13.04% 256.52 12.14
ONLINE CERTIFICATION TRAINING 295.00 13.04% 256.52 12.14
ONLINE CERTIFICATION TRAINING 295.00 13.04% 256.52 12.14
ONLINE CERTIFICATION TRAINING 295.00 13.04% 256.52 12.14
ONLINE CERTIFICATION TRAINING 295.00 13.04% 256.52 12.14
ONLINE CERTIFICATION TRAINING 995.00 13.04% 865.22 40.95
ONLINE CERTIFICATION TRAINING 495.00 13.04% 430.43 20.37
ONLINE CERTIFICATION TRAINING 295.00 13.04% 256.52 12.14
ONLINE CERTIFICATION TRAINING 165.00 13.04% 143.48 6.79
ONLINE CERTIFICATION TRAINING 165.00 13.04% 143.48 6.79
ONLINE CERTIFICATION TRAINING 165.00 13.04% 143.48 6.79
ONLINE CERTIFICATION TRAINING 165.00 12.38% 144.57 6.84
ONLINE CERTIFICATION TRAINING 225.00 5.00% 213.75 10.12
ONLINE CERTIFICATION TRAINING 395.00 13.04% 343.48 16.26
ONLINE CERTIFICATION TRAINING 520.00 13.04% 452.17 21.40
ONLINE CERTIFICATION TRAINING 2,600.00 13.04% 2,260.87 107.01
ONLINE CERTIFICATION TRAINING 4,800.00 13.04% 4,173.91 197.55
ONLINE CERTIFICATION TRAINING 8,600.00 13.04% 7,478.26 353.95
ONLINE CERTIFICATION TRAINING 20,000.00 13.04% 17,391.30 823.13
Inofile Chartmd Dev Fujitsu 6010 1Yr Sm 895.00 9.94% 806.00 38.15
Karora AppConnector Design Studio Software INC0YR 3,570.00 12.53% 3,122.83 147.80
Karora AppConnector Design Studio 1 Year Maintenanc 715.00 0.00% 715.00 33.84
Karora AppConnector Design Studio 2 Years Maintenan 1,430.00 0.00% 1,430.00 67.68
Karora AppConnector Design Studio 3 Years Maintenan 2,145.00 0.00% 2,145.00 101.52
Karora AppConnector Design Studio 4 Years Maintenan 2,860.00 0.00% 2,860.00 135.36
Karora AppConnector Design Studio 5 Years Maintenan 3,575.00 0.00% 3,575.00 169.20
Karora AppConnector 5 User License Software INC0YR 3,570.00 5.00% 3,391.50 160.52
Karora AppConnector 5 User License 1 Year Maintenan 715.00 0.00% 715.00 33.84
Karora AppConnector 5 User 2 Years Maintenance & Su 1,430.00 0.00% 1,430.00 67.68
Karora AppConnector 5 User 3 Years Maintenance & Su 2,145.00 0.00% 2,145.00 101.52
Karora AppConnector 5 User 4 Years Maintenance & Su 2,860.00 0.00% 2,860.00 135.36
Karora AppConnector 5 User 5 Years Maintenance & Su 3,575.00 0.00% 3,575.00 169.20
Karora AppConnector 20 User License Software INC0YR 11,425.00 5.00% 10,853.75 513.71
Karora AppConnector 20 User License 1 Year Maintena 2,285.00 0.00% 2,285.00 108.15
Karora AppConnector 20 User 2 Years Maintenance & S 4,570.00 0.00% 4,570.00 216.30
Karora AppConnector 20 User 3 Years Maintenance & S 6,855.00 0.00% 6,855.00 324.45
Karora AppConnector 20 User 4 Years Maintenance & S 9,140.00 0.00% 9,140.00 432.60
Karora AppConnector 20 User 5 Years Maintenance & S 11,425.00 0.00% 11,425.00 540.75
Karora AppConnector 50 User License Software INC0YR 21,425.00 5.00% 20,353.75 963.34
Karora AppConnector 50 User License 1 Year Maintena 4,285.00 0.00% 4,285.00 202.81
Karora AppConnector 50 User 2 Years Maintenance & S 8,570.00 0.00% 8,570.00 405.62
Karora AppConnector 50 User 3 Years Maintenance & S 12,855.00 0.00% 12,855.00 608.43
Karora AppConnector 50 User 4 Years Maintenance & S 17,140.00 0.00% 17,140.00 811.24
Karora AppConnector 50 User 5 Years Maintenance & S 21,425.00 0.00% 21,425.00 1,014.05
Karora AppConnector 100 User License Software INC0Y 28,570.00 5.00% 27,141.50 1,284.61
Karora AppConnector 100 User License 1 Year Mainten 5,714.00 0.00% 5,714.00 270.44
Karora AppConnector 100 User 2 Years Maintenance & 11,428.00 0.00% 11,428.00 540.89
Karora AppConnector 100 User 3 Years Maintenance & 17,142.00 0.00% 17,142.00 811.33
Karora AppConnector 100 User 4 Years Maintenance & 22,856.00 0.00% 22,856.00 1,081.77
Karora AppConnector 100 User 5 Years Maintenance & 28,570.00 0.00% 28,570.00 1,352.22
Karora Remote Professional Services (Per Day) 2,850.00 0.00% 2,850.00 134.89
Kofax Capture - Standard
1 concurrent station 2,210.00 10.00% 1,989.00 94.14
5 concurrent stations 10,700.00 10.00% 9,630.00 455.79
10 concurrent stations 21,400.00 10.00% 19,260.00 911.58
20 concurrent stations 42,200.00 10.00% 37,980.00 1,797.59
50 concurrent stations 105,000.00 10.00% 94,500.00 4,472.69
100 concurrent stations 200,000.00 10.00% 180,000.00 8,519.40
500 concurrent stations 925,000.00 10.00% 832,500.00 39,402.23
1000 concurrent stations 1,775,000.00 10.00% 1,597,500.00 75,609.68
Image vol 300K/yr 1,600.00 10.00% 1,440.00 68.16
Image vol 600K/yr 2,940.00 10.00% 2,646.00 125.24
Image vol 1M/yr 4,390.00 10.00% 3,951.00 187.00
Image vol 2M/yr 8,240.00 10.00% 7,416.00 351.00
Image vol 5M/yr 20,600.00 10.00% 18,540.00 877.50
Image vol 10M/yr 37,000.00 10.00% 33,300.00 1,576.09
Image vol 20M/yr 74,000.00 10.00% 66,600.00 3,152.18
Image vol 60M/yr 222,000.00 10.00% 199,800.00 9,456.53
Image vol 120M/yr 444,000.00 10.00% 399,600.00 18,913.07
Image vol 2M Page Count 7,000.00 10.00% 6,300.00 298.18
Image vol 10M Page Count 31,500.00 10.00% 28,350.00 1,341.81
Stand-alone 60K/yr 995.00 9.95% 896.00 42.41
Upg 60K-300K 3,240.00 10.00% 2,916.00 138.01
Upg 150K-300K 1,750.00 10.00% 1,575.00 74.54
Kofax Capture Media Pack 1,000.00 10.00% 900.00 42.60
Kofax Capture Hardware Security (Dongle) 500.00 10.00% 450.00 21.30
Kofax Capture - Enterprise
1 concurrent station 2,880.00 10.00% 2,592.00 113.58
Kofax 5 Concurrent STA-ENT 14,000.00 10.00% 12,600.00 596.36
10 concurrent stations 27,900.00 10.00% 25,110.00 1,100.32
20 concurrent stations 54,900.00 10.00% 49,410.00 2,338.58
50 concurrent stations 136,500.00 10.00% 122,850.00 5,814.49
100 concurrent stations 260,000.00 10.00% 234,000.00 11,075.22
500 concurrent stations 1,202,500.00 10.00% 1,082,250.00 47,424.20
1000 concurrent stations 2,307,500.00 10.00% 2,076,750.00 98,292.58
Image vol 600K/yr-Ent 3,830.00 10.00% 3,447.00 163.15
Image vol 1M/yr-Ent 5,710.00 10.00% 5,139.00 243.23
Image vol 2M/yr-Ent 10,800.00 10.00% 9,720.00 460.05
Image vol 5M/yr-Ent 26,800.00 10.00% 24,120.00 1,141.60
Image vol 10M/yr-Ent 48,100.00 10.00% 43,290.00 2,048.92
Image vol 20M/yr-Ent 96,200.00 10.00% 86,580.00 4,097.83
Image vol 60M/yr-Ent 288,600.00 10.00% 259,740.00 12,293.49
Image vol 120M/yr-Ent 577,200.00 10.00% 519,480.00 24,586.99
Image vol 2M PageCt-Ent  9,100.00 10.00% 8,190.00 387.63
Image vol 10M Page Ct-Ent 41,000.00 10.00% 36,900.00 1,746.48
Kofax - Add-Ons
Enhanced Bar Code 2,800.00 0.00% 2,800.00 132.52
Kofax Capture Enterprise Image vol 1M/yr-Ent 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
Kofax Capture Enterprise Image vol 5M/yr-Ent 15,000.00 10.00% 13,500.00 638.96
Kofax Capture Enterprise Image vol 10M/yr-Ent 28,000.00 10.00% 25,200.00 1,192.72
Kofax Monitor for KTM Console 10,000.00 10.00% 9,000.00 425.97
Kofax Monitor for KFS Console 10,000.00 10.00% 9,000.00 425.97
Kofax Capture Advanced Reports 300K/yr 3,250.00 10.00% 2,925.00 138.44
Kofax Capture Advanced Reports 600K/yr 5,970.00 10.00% 5,373.00 254.30
Kofax Capture Advanced Reports 1M/yr 9,520.00 10.00% 8,568.00 405.52
Kofax Capture Advanced Reports 2M/yr 14,200.00 10.00% 12,780.00 604.88
Kofax Capture Advanced Reports 5M/yr 23,500.00 10.00% 21,150.00 1,001.03
Kofax Capture Advanced Reports 10M/yr 28,400.00 10.00% 25,560.00 1,209.75
Kofax Capture Advanced Reports 20M/yr 42,600.00 10.00% 38,340.00 1,814.63
Kofax Capture Advanced Reports 60M/yr 85,200.00 10.00% 76,680.00 3,629.26
Kofax Capture Advanced Reports 120M/yr 153,400.00 10.00% 138,060.00 6,534.38
KIC - Electronic Documents - Email Integration 8,571.43 9.99% 7,715.00 365.15
KIC - Electronic Documents - Fax Server Integration 12,000.00 10.00% 10,800.00 511.16
KIC - Electronic Documents - FoIP Integration 12,000.00 10.00% 10,800.00 511.16
KIC - Electronic Documents - File Interface (folder) 15,000.00 10.00% 13,500.00 638.96
KIC - Electronic Documents - Web Service Interface 15,000.00 10.00% 13,500.00 638.96
KIC - Electronic Documents - VRS Option 29,900.00 10.00% 26,910.00 1,273.65
VRS Elite Desktop 650.00 10.00% 585.00 27.69
VRS Elite Workgroup 1,450.00 10.00% 1,305.00 61.77
VRS Elite Production 2,450.00 10.00% 2,205.00 104.36
VRS Elite Desktop Upgrade for Kofax Capture 325.00 4.92% 309.00 14.62
VRS Elite Workgroup Upgrade for Kofax Capture 725.00 9.93% 653.00 30.91
VRS Elite Production Upgrade for Kofax Capture 1,225.00 9.96% 1,103.00 52.20
Kofax DotImage Enterprise Test/Dev 25,000.00 10.00% 22,500.00 1,064.93
Kofax DotImage Enterprise 2-3 Servers 50,000.00 10.00% 45,000.00 2,129.85
Kofax DotImage Enterprise 4-5 Servers 100,000.00 10.00% 90,000.00 4,259.70
Kofax DotImage Enterprise 6-7 Servers 150,000.00 10.00% 135,000.00 6,389.55
Kofax DotImage Enterprise 8-9 Servers 200,000.00 10.00% 180,000.00 8,519.40
Kofax DotImage Enterprise Unlimited Servers 250,000.00 10.00% 225,000.00 10,649.25
PDF I +T 060K/yr 580.00 10.00% 522.00 24.71
PDF I +T 300K/yr 1,900.00 10.00% 1,710.00 80.93
PDF I+T 600K/yr 2,430.00 10.00% 2,187.00 103.51
PDF I+T 1M/Yr 3,100.00 10.00% 2,790.00 132.05
PDF I+T 2M/Yr 5,200.00 10.00% 4,680.00 221.50
PDF I+T 5M/Yr 11,000.00 10.00% 9,900.00 468.57
PDF I+T 10M/Yr 18,000.00 10.00% 16,200.00 766.75
PDF I+T 20M/Yr 26,500.00 10.00% 23,850.00 1,128.82
PDF I+T 60M/Yr 48,000.00 10.00% 43,200.00 2,044.66
PDF I+T 120M/Yr 61,700.00 10.00% 55,530.00 2,628.23
PDF I+T 1M/Pg Count 2,750.00 10.00% 2,475.00 117.14
PDF I+T 2M/Pg Count 5,500.00 10.00% 4,950.00 234.28
PDF I+T 10M/Pg Count 27,500.00 10.00% 24,750.00 1,171.42
PDF Compression Vol 60K/Yr 1,100.00 10.00% 990.00 46.86
PDF Compression Vol 300K/Yr 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
PDF Compression Vol 600K/Yr 3,700.00 10.00% 3,330.00 157.61
PDF Compression Vol 1M/Yr 4,700.00 10.00% 4,230.00 200.21
PDF Compression Vol 2M/Yr 7,900.00 10.00% 7,110.00 336.52
PDF Compression Vol 5M/Yr 10,000.00 10.00% 9,000.00 425.97
PDF Compression Vol 10M/Yr 11,600.00 10.00% 10,440.00 494.13
PDF Compression Vol 20M/Yr 14,700.00 10.00% 13,230.00 626.18
PDF Compression Vol 60M/Yr 18,700.00 10.00% 16,830.00 796.56
PDF Compression Vol 120M/Yr 20,700.00 10.00% 18,630.00 881.76
PDF Compression Vol 1M Pg Cnt 4,200.00 10.00% 3,780.00 178.91
PDF Compression Vol 2M Pg Cnt 8,400.00 10.00% 7,560.00 357.81
PDF Compression Vol 10M Pg Cnt 42,000.00 10.00% 37,800.00 1,789.07
Kofax Capture Import Connector - Advanced Email and Fax
Kofax Capture Import Connector-Folder 10,700.00 10.00% 9,630.00 455.79
Kofax Capture VRS Server Add-on 28,400.00 10.00% 25,560.00 1,209.75
Kofax Capture Import Connector - Advanced Email and Fa 1,930.00 10.00% 1,737.00 82.21
Kofax Capture Import Connector - Advanced Email and Fa 8,000.00 10.00% 7,200.00 340.78
Kofax Capture Import Connector - Advanced Email and Fa 12,000.00 10.00% 10,800.00 511.16
Kofax Capture Import Connector - Advanced Email and Fa 20,000.00 10.00% 18,000.00 851.94
Kofax Capture Import Connector - Advanced Email and Fa 27,000.00 10.00% 24,300.00 1,150.12
Kofax Capture Import Connector - Advanced Email and Fa 40,000.00 10.00% 36,000.00 1,703.88
Kofax Capture Import Connector - Advanced Email and Fa 80,000.00 10.00% 72,000.00 3,407.76
Kofax Capture Import Connector - Advanced Email and F 103,000.00 10.00% 92,700.00 4,387.49
Kofax Capture Import Connector - Advanced Email and F 159,000.00 10.00% 143,100.00 6,772.92
Kofax Capture Import Connector - Advanced Email and F 367,000.00 10.00% 330,300.00 15,633.10
Kofax Capture Import Connector - Advanced Email and F 565,000.00 10.00% 508,500.00 24,067.31
Kofax Capture Import Connector - Advanced Email and F 23,000.00 10.00% 20,700.00 979.73
Kofax Capture Import Connector - Advanced Email and F 88,000.00 10.00% 79,200.00 3,748.54
Kofax - Add-Ons (Email & Fax)
Kofax Capture Import Connector for 1 Fax Server Connec 7,500.00 10.00% 6,750.00 319.48
Kofax Capture Import Connector for 2 Fax Server Connec 13,500.00 10.00% 12,150.00 575.06
Kofax Capture Import Connector for 3 Fax Server Connec 18,500.00 10.00% 16,650.00 788.04
Kofax Capture Import Connector for 4 Fax Server Connec 23,000.00 10.00% 20,700.00 979.73
Kofax Capture Import Connector for 6 Fax Server Connec 31,000.00 10.00% 27,900.00 1,320.51
Kofax Capture Import Connector for 8 Fax Server Connec 38,000.00 10.00% 34,200.00 1,618.69
Upgrade KCIC 2.0 from 1 to 2 Fax Servers 6,000.00 10.00% 5,400.00 255.58
Upgrade KCIC 2.0 from 1 to 3 Fax Servers 11,000.00 10.00% 9,900.00 468.57
Upgrade KCIC 2.0 from 1 to 4 Fax Servers 15,500.00 10.00% 13,950.00 660.25
Upgrade KCIC 2.0 from 1 to 6 Fax Servers 23,500.00 10.00% 21,150.00 1,001.03
Upgrade KCIC 2.0 from 1 to 8 Fax Servers 30,500.00 10.00% 27,450.00 1,299.21
Upgrade KCIC 2.0 from 2 to 3 Fax Servers 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
Upgrade KCIC 2.0 from 2 to 4 Fax Servers 9,500.00 10.00% 8,550.00 404.67
Upgrade KCIC 2.0 from 2 to 6 Fax Servers 17,500.00 10.00% 15,750.00 745.45
Upgrade KCIC 2.0 from 2 to 8 Fax Servers 24,500.00 10.00% 22,050.00 1,043.63
Upgrade KCIC 2.0 from 3 to 4 Fax Servers 4,500.00 10.00% 4,050.00 191.69
Upgrade KCIC 2.0 from 3 to 6 Fax Servers 12,500.00 10.00% 11,250.00 532.46
Upgrade KCIC 2.0 from 3 to 8 Fax Servers 19,500.00 10.00% 17,550.00 830.64
Upgrade KCIC 2.0 from 4 to 6 Fax Servers 8,000.00 10.00% 7,200.00 340.78
Upgrade KCIC 2.0 from 4 to 8 Fax Servers 15,000.00 10.00% 13,500.00 638.96
Upgrade KCIC 2.0 from 6 to 8 Fax Servers 7,000.00 10.00% 6,300.00 298.18
Kofax Front Office Server
KFS Server 10,000.00 10.00% 9,000.00 425.97
KFS Device Connection (1-249) 425.00 9.88% 383.00 18.13
KFS Device Connection (250-499) 350.00 10.00% 315.00 14.91
KFS Device Connection (500-999) 300.00 10.00% 270.00 12.78
KFS Device Connection (1,000-1,999) 275.00 9.82% 248.00 11.74
KFS Device Connection (2,000+) 225.00 9.78% 203.00 9.61
KFS Web Client Concurrent User 425.00 9.88% 383.00 18.13
KFS Web Client Concurrent User - Qty 500 300.00 10.00% 270.00 12.78
Kofax Evaluation 1,000.00 10.00% 900.00 42.60
Image Processing
VRS Elite Desktop Version 650.00 10.00% 585.00 27.69
VRS Elite Workgroup Version 1,450.00 10.00% 1,305.00 61.77
VRS Elite Production Version 2,450.00 10.00% 2,205.00 104.36
VRS Elite License Server 6,000.00 10.00% 5,400.00 255.58
VRS Elite Desktop Upgrade 325.00 9.85% 293.00 13.87
VRS Elite Workgroup Upgrade 725.00 9.93% 653.00 30.91
VRS Elite Production Upgrade 1,225.00 9.96% 1,103.00 52.20
Kofax Monitor Console Server for VRS Elite - More than 3 10,000.00 10.00% 9,000.00 425.97
Kofax Monitor VRS Elite Console-up to 30 VRS Elite stati 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
AIPE Software Engine 1,200.00 10.00% 1,080.00 51.12
AIPE+EBC Server Software Engine 2,800.00 10.00% 2,520.00 119.27
Upgrade AIPE v3.x to AIPE v4 300.00 10.00% 270.00 12.78
Toolkit 4,000.00 10.00% 3,600.00 170.39
CGA board only 2,000.00 10.00% 1,800.00 85.19
CGA board & VRS 4.x Professional 2,550.00 10.00% 2,295.00 108.62
SCSI-2 to SCSI-2 90.00 10.00% 81.00 3.83
SCSI-3 to SCSI-2 100.00 10.00% 90.00 4.26
SCSI-3 to SCSI-3 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
SCSI-3 to SCSI-1 100.00 10.00% 90.00 4.26
Kofax Express
Kofax Express Desktop 500.00 10.00% 450.00 21.30
Kofax Express Workstation 1,500.00 10.00% 1,350.00 63.90
Kofax Communication Server
Kofax Communication Server Core Server 10,000.00 10.00% 9,000.00 425.97
Kofax Communication Server channel and link option 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
Kofax Kapow
Kofax Kapow Subscription Pricing - Starter Bundle INC1 35,000.00 19.25% 28,260.92 1,337.59
Kofax Kapow Subscription Pricing - Business Bundle IN 70,000.00 19.25% 56,521.84 2,675.18
Kofax Kapow Subscription Pricing - Advanced Bundle I 90,000.00 19.26% 72,670.11 3,439.48
Kofax Kapow Subscription Pricing - Content Migration - 32,000.00 19.25% 25,839.08 1,222.96
Kofax Kapow Subscription Pricing - Content Migration 60,000.00 19.25% 48,447.13 2,293.00
Kofax Kapow Subscription Pricing - Content Migration 90,000.00 19.26% 72,670.11 3,439.48
Kofax Kapow Subscription Pricing - Production KCU INC 20,000.00 19.25% 16,149.43 764.35
Kofax Kapow Subscription Pricing - Additional KappZon 500.00 19.31% 403.45 19.10
Kofax Kapow Subscription Pricing - Additional Non Pro 4,000.00 19.25% 3,229.89 152.87
Kofax Kapow Subscription Pricing - Additional Design S - #DIV/0! - -
Kofax Kapow Subscription Pricing - Additional Producti 19,000.00 19.26% 15,341.38 726.11
Kofax Kapow Subscription Pricing - Additional Producti 36,800.00 19.25% 29,714.94 1,406.41
Kofax Kapow Subscription Pricing - Additional Producti 53,400.00 19.26% 43,117.24 2,040.74
Kofax Kapow Subscription Pricing - Additional Producti 68,000.00 19.26% 54,905.75 2,598.69
Kofax Kapow Subscription Pricing - Additional Producti 82,000.00 19.25% 66,211.49 3,133.79
Kofax Kapow Subscription Pricing - Additional Producti 94,800.00 19.26% 76,545.98 3,622.92
Kofax Kapow Subscription Pricing - Additional Producti 106,400.00 19.26% 85,912.64 4,066.25
Kofax Kapow Subscription Pricing - Additional Producti 116,800.00 19.25% 94,310.34 4,463.71
Kofax Kapow Subscription Pricing - Additional Producti 126,000.00 19.26% 101,737.93 4,815.26
Kofax Kapow Subscription Pricing - Additional Producti 130,000.00 19.26% 104,967.82 4,968.13
Kofax Kapow Subscription Pricing - Additional KappZone 4,750.00 19.25% 3,835.63 181.54
Kofax Kapow Subscription Pricing - Additional KappZone 9,200.00 19.25% 7,428.74 351.60
Kofax Kapow Subscription Pricing - Additional KappZone 13,350.00 19.26% 10,779.31 510.18
Kofax Kapow Subscription Pricing - Additional KappZone 17,000.00 19.25% 13,727.59 649.73
Kofax Kapow Subscription Pricing - Additional KappZone 20,500.00 19.25% 16,552.87 783.45
Kofax Kapow Subscription Pricing - Additional KappZone 23,700.00 19.25% 19,136.78 905.74
Kofax Kapow Subscription Pricing - Additional KappZone 26,600.00 19.25% 21,479.31 1,016.62
Kofax Kapow Subscription Pricing - Additional KappZone 29,200.00 19.25% 23,578.16 1,115.95
Kofax Kapow Subscription Pricing - Additional KappZone 31,500.00 19.26% 25,434.48 1,203.81
Kofax Kapow Subscription Pricing - Additional KappZone 32,500.00 24.74% 24,460.92 1,157.74
Kofax Kapow Subscription Pricing - Additional Non Pro 3,800.00 19.24% 3,068.97 145.25
Kofax Kapow Subscription Pricing - Additional Non Pro 7,360.00 19.26% 5,942.53 281.26
Kofax Kapow Subscription Pricing - Additional Non Pro 10,680.00 19.25% 8,624.14 408.18
Kofax Kapow Subscription Pricing - Additional Non Pro 13,600.00 19.25% 10,981.61 519.76
Kofax Kapow Subscription Pricing - Additional Non Pro 16,400.00 19.25% 13,242.53 626.77
Kofax Kapow Subscription Pricing - Additional Non Pro 18,960.00 19.26% 15,309.20 724.58
Kofax Kapow Subscription Pricing - Additional Non Pro 21,280.00 19.25% 17,182.76 813.26
Kofax Kapow Subscription Pricing - Additional Non Pro 23,360.00 19.25% 18,862.07 892.74
Kofax Kapow Subscription Pricing - Additional Non Pro 25,200.00 19.25% 20,348.28 963.08
Kofax Kapow Subscription Pricing - Additional Non Pro 26,000.00 19.25% 20,994.25 993.66
Kofax Kapow Perpetual Pricing - Custom Bundle INC0YR - #DIV/0! - -
Kofax Kapow Perpetual Pricing - Entry Bundle INC0YR 29,600.00 19.25% 23,901.15 1,131.24
Kofax Kapow Perpetual Pricing - Starter Bundle INC0YR 87,500.00 19.26% 70,651.72 3,343.95
Kofax Kapow Perpetual Pricing - Business Bundle INC0Y 175,000.00 19.26% 141,303.45 6,687.89
Kofax Kapow Perpetual Pricing - Advanced Bundle INC0 225,000.00 19.26% 181,674.71 8,598.66
Kofax Kapow Perpetual Pricing - Production KCU INC0Y 50,000.00 19.26% 40,372.41 1,910.83
Kofax Kapow Perpetual Pricing - Additonal KappZone S 1,250.00 19.17% 1,010.34 47.82
Kofax Kapow Perpetual Pricing - Additional Non Produc 10,000.00 19.25% 8,074.71 382.18
Kofax Kapow Perpetual Pricing - Additional Design Stud - #DIV/0! - -
Kofax Kapow Perpetual Pricing - Additional Production 47,500.00 19.25% 38,354.02 1,815.30
Kofax Kapow Perpetual Pricing - Additional Production 92,000.00 19.25% 74,286.21 3,515.97
Kofax Kapow Perpetual Pricing - Additional Production 133,500.00 19.26% 107,794.25 5,101.90
Kofax Kapow Perpetual Pricing - Additional Production 170,000.00 19.26% 137,265.52 6,496.78
Kofax Kapow Perpetual Pricing - Additional Production 205,000.00 19.26% 165,526.44 7,834.37
Kofax Kapow Perpetual Pricing - Additional Production 237,000.00 19.26% 191,364.37 9,057.28
Kofax Kapow Perpetual Pricing - Additional Production 266,000.00 19.26% 214,780.46 10,165.56
Kofax Kapow Perpetual Pricing - Additional Production 292,000.00 19.26% 235,773.56 11,159.16
Kofax Kapow Perpetual Pricing - Additional Production 315,000.00 19.26% 254,344.83 12,038.14
Kofax Kapow Perpetual Pricing - Additional Production 325,000.00 19.26% 262,419.54 12,420.32
Kofax Kapow Perpetual Pricing - Additional KappZone Se 11,875.00 19.25% 9,588.51 453.82
Kofax Kapow Perpetual Pricing - Additional KappZone Se 23,000.00 19.26% 18,571.26 878.98
Kofax Kapow Perpetual Pricing - Additional KappZone Se 33,375.00 19.26% 26,948.28 1,275.46
Kofax Kapow Perpetual Pricing - Additional KappZone Se 42,500.00 19.25% 34,317.24 1,624.24
Kofax Kapow Perpetual Pricing - Additional KappZone Se 51,250.00 19.26% 41,381.61 1,958.59
Kofax Kapow Perpetual Pricing - Additional KappZone Se 59,250.00 19.26% 47,841.38 2,264.33
Kofax Kapow Perpetual Pricing - Additional KappZone Se 66,500.00 19.26% 53,695.40 2,541.40
Kofax Kapow Perpetual Pricing - Additional KappZone Se 73,000.00 19.26% 58,943.68 2,789.80
Kofax Kapow Perpetual Pricing - Additional KappZone Se 78,750.00 19.26% 63,586.21 3,009.54
Kofax Kapow Perpetual Pricing - Additional KappZone Se 81,250.00 19.25% 65,605.75 3,105.12
Kofax Kapow Perpetual Pricing - Non Production 1 KCU 9,500.00 19.25% 7,671.26 363.08
Kofax Kapow Perpetual Pricing - Non Production 2 KCU 18,400.00 19.25% 14,857.47 703.20
Kofax Kapow Perpetual Pricing - Non Production 3 KCU 26,700.00 19.26% 21,558.62 1,020.37
Kofax Kapow Perpetual Pricing - Non Production 4 KCU 34,000.00 19.26% 27,452.87 1,299.34
Kofax Kapow Perpetual Pricing - Non Production 5 KCU 41,000.00 19.25% 33,105.75 1,566.90
Kofax Kapow Perpetual Pricing - Non Production 6 KCU 47,400.00 19.26% 38,272.41 1,811.43
Kofax Kapow Perpetual Pricing - Non Production 7 KCU 53,200.00 19.26% 42,956.32 2,033.12
Kofax Kapow Perpetual Pricing - Non Production 8 KCU 58,400.00 19.25% 47,155.17 2,231.85
Kofax Kapow Perpetual Pricing - Non Production 9 KCU 63,000.00 19.26% 50,868.97 2,407.63
Kofax Kapow Perpetual Pricing - Non Production 10 KC 65,000.00 19.26% 52,483.91 2,484.06
Kofax Transformation Modules
KTM 5 Field Extraction Base License 30K Per Year 3,490.00 10.00% 3,141.00 148.66
KTM 5 Field Extraction Base License 60K Per Year 5,480.00 10.00% 4,932.00 233.43
KTM 5 Field Extraction Base License 120K Per Year 8,590.00 10.00% 7,731.00 365.91
KTM 5 Field Extraction Base License 300K Per Year 15,600.00 10.00% 14,040.00 664.51
KTM 5 Field Extraction Base License 600K Per Year 27,900.00 10.00% 25,110.00 1,188.46
KTM 5 Field Extraction Base License 1M Per Year 41,800.00 10.00% 37,620.00 1,780.55
KTM 5 Field Extraction Base License 2M Per Year 78,700.00 10.00% 70,830.00 3,352.38
KTM 5 Field Extraction Base License 5M Per Year 161,900.00 10.00% 145,710.00 6,896.45
KTM 5 Field Extraction Base License 10M Per Year 277,000.00 10.00% 249,300.00 11,799.37
KTM 5 Field Extraction Base License 20M Per Year 434,700.00 10.00% 391,230.00 18,516.92
KTM 5 Field Extraction Base License 60M Per Year 887,700.00 10.00% 798,930.00 37,813.36
KTM 5 Field Extraction Base License 120M Per Year 1,392,900.00 10.00% 1,253,610.00 59,333.36
KTM 5 Field Extraction Base License1M Page Count 30,500.00 10.00% 27,450.00 1,299.21
KTM 5 Field Extraction Base License 2M Page Count 51,100.00 10.00% 45,990.00 2,176.71
KTM 5 Field Extraction Base License10M Page Count 158,900.00 10.00% 143,010.00 6,768.66
KTM Unlimited Field Extraction Base License 10K Per Ye 3,920.00 10.00% 3,528.00 166.98
KTM Unlimited Field Extraction Base License 30K Per Ye 8,000.00 10.00% 7,200.00 340.78
KTM Unlimited Field Extraction Base License 60K Per Ye 10,800.00 10.00% 9,720.00 460.05
KTM Unlimited Field Extraction Base License 120K Per Y 19,700.00 10.00% 17,730.00 839.16
KTM Unlimited Field Extraction Base License 300K Per Y 35,800.00 0.00% 35,800.00 1,694.41
KTM Unlimited Field Extraction Base License 600K Per Y 64,000.00 10.00% 57,600.00 2,726.21
KTM Unlimited Field Extraction Base License 1M Per Yea 95,800.00 10.00% 86,220.00 4,080.79
KTM Unlimited Field Extraction Base License 2M Per Yea 180,400.00 10.00% 162,360.00 7,684.50
KTM Unlimited Field Extraction Base License 5M Per Yea 371,300.00 10.00% 334,170.00 15,816.27
KTM Unlimited Field Extraction Base License 10M Per Ye 635,300.00 10.00% 571,770.00 27,061.87
KTM Unlimited Field Extraction Base License 20M Per Ye 996,800.00 10.00% 897,120.00 42,460.69
KTM Unlimited Field Extraction Base License 60M Per Ye 2,035,800.00 10.00% 1,832,220.00 86,718.97
KTM Unlimited Field Extraction Base License 120M Per 3,194,400.00 10.00% 2,874,960.00 136,071.86
KTM Unlimited Field Extraction Base License 1M Page C 70,000.00 10.00% 63,000.00 2,981.79
KTM Unlimited Field Extraction Base License 2M Page C 117,100.00 10.00% 105,390.00 4,988.11
KTM Unlimited Field Extraction Base License 10M Page 364,400.00 10.00% 327,960.00 15,522.35
KTM Invoice Add-on Pack 10K Per Year 1,370.00 10.00% 1,233.00 58.36
KTM Invoice Add-on Pack 30K Per Year 2,800.00 10.00% 2,520.00 119.27
KTM Invoice Add-on Pack 60K Per Year 4,410.00 10.00% 3,969.00 187.85
KTM Invoice Add-on Pack 120K Per Year 6,900.00 10.00% 6,210.00 293.92
KTM Invoice Add-on Pack 300K Per Year 12,600.00 10.00% 11,340.00 536.72
KTM Invoice Add-on Pack 600K Per Year 22,400.00 10.00% 20,160.00 954.17
KTM Invoice Add-on Pack 1M Per Year 33,600.00 10.00% 30,240.00 1,431.26
KTM Invoice Add-on Pack 2M Per Year 63,200.00 10.00% 56,880.00 2,692.13
KTM Invoice Add-on Pack 5M Per Year 130,000.00 10.00% 117,000.00 5,537.61
KTM Invoice Add-on Pack 10M Per Year 222,400.00 10.00% 200,160.00 9,473.57
KTM Invoice Add-on Pack 20M Per Year 348,900.00 10.00% 314,010.00 14,862.09
KTM Invoice Add-on Pack 60M Per Year 712,600.00 10.00% 641,340.00 30,354.62
KTM Invoice Add-on Pack 120M Per Year 1,118,100.00 10.00% 1,006,290.00 47,627.71
KTM Invoice Add-on Pack 1M Page Count 24,500.00 10.00% 22,050.00 1,043.63
KTM Invoice Add-on Pack 2M Page Count 41,000.00 10.00% 36,900.00 1,746.48
KTM Invoice Add-on Pack 10M Page Count 127,600.00 10.00% 114,840.00 5,435.38
KTM Table Extraction 30K Per Year 1,860.00 10.00% 1,674.00 79.23
KTM Table Extraction 60K Per Year 2,920.00 10.00% 2,628.00 124.38
KTM Table Extraction 120K Per Year 4,580.00 10.00% 4,122.00 195.09
KTM Table Extraction 300K Per Year 8,310.00 10.00% 7,479.00 353.98
KTM Table Extraction 600K Per Year 14,900.00 10.00% 13,410.00 634.70
KTM Table Extraction 1M Per Year 22,300.00 10.00% 20,070.00 949.91
KTM Table Extraction 2M Per Year 42,000.00 10.00% 37,800.00 1,789.07
KTM Table Extraction 5M Per Year 86,400.00 10.00% 77,760.00 3,680.38
KTM Table Extraction 10M Per Year 147,800.00 10.00% 133,020.00 6,295.84
KTM Table Extraction 20M Per Year 231,900.00 10.00% 208,710.00 9,878.24
KTM Table Extraction 60M Per Year 473,500.00 10.00% 426,150.00 20,169.68
KTM Table Extraction 120M Per Year 742,900.00 10.00% 668,610.00 31,645.31
KTM Table Extraction 1M Page Count 16,300.00 10.00% 14,670.00 694.33
KTM Table Extraction 2M Page Count 27,300.00 10.00% 24,570.00 1,162.90
KTM Table Extraction 10M Page Count 84,800.00 10.00% 76,320.00 3,612.23
KTM Professional Add-on 30K Per Year 70.00 10.00% 63.00 2.98
KTM Professional Add-on 60K Per Year 130.00 10.00% 117.00 5.54
KTM Professional Add-on 120K Per Year 260.00 10.00% 234.00 11.08
KTM Professional Add-on 300K Per Year 650.00 0.00% 650.00 30.76
KTM Professional Add-on 600K Per Year 1,290.00 10.00% 1,161.00 54.95
KTM Professional Add-on 1M Per Year 2,150.00 10.00% 1,935.00 91.58
KTM Professional Add-on 2M Per Year 4,300.00 10.00% 3,870.00 183.17
KTM Professional Add-on 5M Per Year 10,800.00 10.00% 9,720.00 460.05
KTM Professional Add-on 10M Per Year 21,500.00 10.00% 19,350.00 915.84
KTM Professional Add-on 20M Per Year 43,000.00 10.00% 38,700.00 1,831.67
KTM Professional Add-on 60M Per Year 128,900.00 10.00% 116,010.00 5,490.75
KTM Professional Add-on 120M Per Year 257,700.00 10.00% 231,930.00 10,977.25
KTM Professional Add-on 1M Page Count 2,150.00 4.98% 2,043.00 96.70
KTM Professional Add-on 2M Page Count 4,300.00 10.00% 3,870.00 183.17
KTM Professional Add-on 10M Page Count 21,500.00 10.00% 19,350.00 915.84
KTM Cursive Field Recognition 30K Per Year 1,440.00 10.00% 1,296.00 61.34
KTM Cursive Field Recognition 60K Per Year 2,270.00 10.00% 2,043.00 96.70
KTM Cursive Field Recognition 120K Per Year 3,550.00 10.00% 3,195.00 151.22
KTM Cursive Field Recognition 300K Per Year 6,450.00 10.00% 5,805.00 274.75
KTM Cursive Field Recognition 600K Per Year 11,600.00 10.00% 10,440.00 494.13
KTM Cursive Field Recognition 1M Per Year 17,300.00 10.00% 15,570.00 736.93
KTM Cursive Field Recognition 2M Per Year 32,500.00 10.00% 29,250.00 1,384.40
KTM Cursive Field Recognition 5M Per Year 66,900.00 10.00% 60,210.00 2,849.74
KTM Cursive Field Recognition 10M Per Year 114,400.00 10.00% 102,960.00 4,873.10
KTM Cursive Field Recognition 20M Per Year 179,500.00 10.00% 161,550.00 7,646.16
KTM Cursive Field Recognition 60M Per Year 366,500.00 10.00% 329,850.00 15,611.80
KTM Cursive Field Recognition 120M Per Year 575,000.00 10.00% 517,500.00 24,493.28
KTM Cursive Field Recognition 1M Page Count 12,600.00 10.00% 11,340.00 536.72
KTM Cursive Field Recognition 2M Page Count 21,100.00 10.00% 18,990.00 898.80
KTM Cursive Field Recognition 10M page Count 65,600.00 10.00% 59,040.00 2,794.36
KTM Cursive Page Recog 30K/YR 2,400.00 10.00% 2,160.00 102.23
KTM Cursive Page Recog 60K/YR 3,780.00 10.00% 3,402.00 161.02
KTM Cursive Page Recog 120K/YR 5,910.00 10.00% 5,319.00 251.75
KTM Cursive Page Recog 300K/YR 10,800.00 10.00% 9,720.00 460.05
KTM Cursive Page Recog 600K/YR 19,200.00 10.00% 17,280.00 817.86
KTM Cursive Page Recog 1M/YR 28,800.00 10.00% 25,920.00 1,226.79
KTM Cursive Page Recog 2M/YR 54,200.00 10.00% 48,780.00 2,308.76
KTM Cursive Page Recog 5M/YR 111,400.00 10.00% 100,260.00 4,745.31
KTM Cursive Page Recog 10M/YR 190,600.00 10.00% 171,540.00 8,118.99
KTM Cursive Page Recog 20M/YR 299,100.00 10.00% 269,190.00 12,740.76
KTM Cursive Page Recog 60M/YR 610,800.00 10.00% 549,720.00 26,018.25
KTM Cursive Page Recog 120M/YR 958,400.00 10.00% 862,560.00 40,824.96
KTM Cursive Page Recog 1M/PgCt 21,000.00 10.00% 18,900.00 894.54
KTM Cursive Page Recog 2M/PgCt 35,200.00 10.00% 31,680.00 1,499.41
KTM Cursive Page Recog 10M/PgCt 109,400.00 10.00% 98,460.00 4,660.11
KTM Check Recognition 30K Per Year 1,600.00 10.00% 1,440.00 68.16
KTM Check Recognition 60K Per Year 2,520.00 10.00% 2,268.00 107.34
KTM Check Recognition 120K Per Year 3,940.00 10.00% 3,546.00 167.83
KTM Check Recognition 300K Per Year 7,160.00 10.00% 6,444.00 304.99
KTM Check Recognition 600K Per Year 12,800.00 10.00% 11,520.00 545.24
KTM Check Recognition 1M Per Year 19,200.00 10.00% 17,280.00 817.86
KTM Check Recognition 2M Per Year 36,100.00 10.00% 32,490.00 1,537.75
KTM Check Recognition 5M Per Year 74,300.00 10.00% 66,870.00 3,164.96
KTM Check Recognition 10M Per Year 127,100.00 10.00% 114,390.00 5,414.08
KTM Check Recognition 20M Per Year 199,400.00 10.00% 179,460.00 8,493.84
KTM Check Recognition 60M Per Year 407,200.00 10.00% 366,480.00 17,345.50
KTM Check Recognition 120M Per Year 638,900.00 10.00% 575,010.00 27,215.22
KTM Check Recognition 1M Page Count 14,000.00 10.00% 12,600.00 596.36
KTM Check Recognition 2M Page Count 23,500.00 10.00% 21,150.00 1,001.03
KTM Check Recognition 10M page Count 72,900.00 10.00% 65,610.00 3,105.32
KTM Medical Claims Add-on Pack 30k Per Year 2,610.00 10.00% 2,349.00 111.18
KTM Medical Claims Add-on Pack 60k Per Year 4,090.00 10.00% 3,681.00 174.22
KTM Medical Claims Add-on Pack 120k Per Year 6,410.00 10.00% 5,769.00 273.05
KTM Medical Claims Add-on Pack 300k Per Year 12,400.00 10.00% 11,160.00 528.20
KTM Medical Claims Add-on Pack 600k Per Year 20,900.00 10.00% 18,810.00 890.28
KTM Medical Claims Add-on Pack 1M Per Year 31,200.00 10.00% 28,080.00 1,329.03
KTM Medical Claims Add-on Pack 2M Per Year 58,800.00 10.00% 52,920.00 2,504.70
KTM Medical Claims Add-on Pack 5M Per Year 120,900.00 10.00% 108,810.00 5,149.98
KTM Medical Claims Add-on Pack 10M Per Year 206,900.00 10.00% 186,210.00 8,813.32
KTM Medical Claims Add-on Pack 20M Per Year 324,600.00 10.00% 292,140.00 13,826.99
KTM Medical Claims Add-on Pack 60M Per Year 662,800.00 10.00% 596,520.00 28,233.29
KTM Medical Claims Add-on Pack 120M Per Year 1,040,100.00 10.00% 936,090.00 44,305.14
KTM Medical Claims Add-on Pack 1M Page Count 22,800.00 10.00% 20,520.00 971.21
KTM Medical Claims Add-on 2M Page Count 38,100.00 10.00% 34,290.00 1,622.95
KTM Medical Claims Add-on 10M Page Count 118,700.00 10.00% 106,830.00 5,056.26
KTM Medical Claims Add-on 837 EDI Export Module 40,000.00 10.00% 36,000.00 1,703.88
Kofax Transformation Modules - Legacy System Upgrades
KTM Auto-Index Base License 30K Per Year 3,490.00 10.00% 3,141.00 148.66
KTM Auto-Index Base License 60K Per Year 5,480.00 10.00% 4,932.00 233.43
KTM Auto-Index Base License 120K Per Year 8,590.00 10.00% 7,731.00 365.91
KTM Auto-Index Base License 300K Per Year 15,600.00 10.00% 14,040.00 664.51
KTM Auto-Index Base License 600K Per Year 27,900.00 10.00% 25,110.00 1,188.46
KTM Auto-Index Base License 1M Per Year 41,800.00 10.00% 37,620.00 1,780.55
KTM Auto-Index Base License 2M Per Year 78,700.00 10.00% 70,830.00 3,352.38
KTM Auto-Index Base License 5M Per Year 161,900.00 10.00% 145,710.00 6,896.45
KTM Auto-Index Base License 10M Per Year 277,000.00 10.00% 249,300.00 11,799.37
KTM Auto-Index Base License 20M Per Year 434,700.00 10.00% 391,230.00 18,516.92
KTM Auto-Index Base License 60M Per Year 887,700.00 10.00% 798,930.00 37,813.36
KTM Auto-Index Base License 120M Per Year 1,392,900.00 10.00% 1,253,610.00 59,333.36
KTM Auto-Index Base License 1M Page Count 30,500.00 10.00% 27,450.00 1,299.21
KTM Auto-Index Base License 2M Page Count 51,100.00 10.00% 45,990.00 2,176.71
KTM Auto-Index Base License 10M Page Count 158,900.00 10.00% 143,010.00 6,768.66
KTM Forms Base License 30K Per Year 4,190.00 10.00% 3,771.00 178.48
KTM Forms Base License 60K Per Year 6,570.00 10.00% 5,913.00 279.86
KTM Forms Base License 120K Per Year 10,400.00 10.00% 9,360.00 443.01
KTM Forms Base License 300K Per Year 18,700.00 10.00% 16,830.00 796.56
KTM Forms Base License 600K Per Year 33,500.00 10.00% 30,150.00 1,427.00
KTM Forms Base License 1M Per Year 50,200.00 10.00% 45,180.00 2,138.37
KTM Forms Base License 2M Per Year 94,400.00 10.00% 84,960.00 4,021.16
KTM Forms Base License 5M Per Year 194,300.00 10.00% 174,870.00 8,276.60
KTM Forms Base License 10M Per Year 332,400.00 10.00% 299,160.00 14,159.24
KTM Forms Base License 20M Per Year 521,600.00 10.00% 469,440.00 22,218.60
KTM Forms Base License 60M Per Year 1,065,200.00 10.00% 958,680.00 45,374.32
KTM Forms Base License 120M Per Year 1,671,500.00 10.00% 1,504,350.00 71,200.89
KTM Forms Base License 1M Page Count 36,600.00 10.00% 32,940.00 1,559.05
KTM Forms Base License 2M Page Count 61,300.00 10.00% 55,170.00 2,611.20
KTM Forms Base License 10M Page Count 190,700.00 10.00% 171,630.00 8,123.25
KTM Forms & Free-form Base License 30K Per Year 8,000.00 10.00% 7,200.00 340.78
KTM Forms & Free-form Base License 60K Per Year 12,600.00 10.00% 11,340.00 536.72
KTM Forms & Free-form Base License 120K Per Year 19,700.00 10.00% 17,730.00 839.16
KTM Forms & Free-form Base License 300K Per Year 35,800.00 10.00% 32,220.00 1,524.97
KTM Forms & Free-form Base License 600K Per Year 64,000.00 10.00% 57,600.00 2,726.21
KTM Forms & Free-form Base License 1M Per Year 95,800.00 10.00% 86,220.00 4,080.79
KTM Forms & Free-form Base License 2M Per Year 180,400.00 10.00% 162,360.00 7,684.50
KTM Forms & Free-form Base License 5M Per Year 371,300.00 10.00% 334,170.00 15,816.27
KTM Forms & Free-form Base License 10M Per Year 635,300.00 10.00% 571,770.00 27,061.87
KTM Forms & Free-form Base License 20M Per Year 996,800.00 10.00% 897,120.00 42,460.69
KTM Forms & Free-form Base License 60M Per Year 2,035,800.00 10.00% 1,832,220.00 86,718.97
KTM Forms & Free-form Base License 120M Per Year 3,194,400.00 10.00% 2,874,960.00 136,071.86
KTM Forms & Free-form Base License 1M Page Count 70,000.00 10.00% 63,000.00 2,981.79
KTM Forms & Free-form Base License 2M Page Count 117,100.00 10.00% 105,390.00 4,988.11
KTM Forms & Free-form Base License 10M Page Count 364,400.00 10.00% 327,960.00 15,522.35
KTM Full Base License 30K Per Year 8,000.00 10.00% 7,200.00 340.78
KTM Full Base License 60K Per Year 12,600.00 10.00% 11,340.00 536.72
KTM Full Base License 120K Per Year 19,700.00 10.00% 17,730.00 839.16
KTM Full Base License 300K Per Year 35,800.00 10.00% 32,220.00 1,524.97
KTM Full Base License 600K Per Year 64,000.00 10.00% 57,600.00 2,726.21
KTM Full Base License 1M Per Year 95,800.00 10.00% 86,220.00 4,080.79
KTM Full Base License 2M Per Year 180,400.00 10.00% 162,360.00 7,684.50
KTM Full Base License 5M Per Year 371,300.00 10.00% 334,170.00 15,816.27
KTM Full Base License 10M Per Year 635,300.00 10.00% 571,770.00 27,061.87
KTM Full Base License 20M Per Year 996,800.00 10.00% 897,120.00 42,460.69
KTM Full Base License 60M Per Year 2,035,800.00 10.00% 1,832,220.00 86,718.97
KTM Full Base License 120M Per Year 3,194,400.00 10.00% 2,874,960.00 136,071.86
KTM Full Base License 1M Page Count 70,000.00 10.00% 63,000.00 2,981.79
KTM Full Base License 2M Page Count 117,100.00 10.00% 105,390.00 4,988.11
KTM Full Base License 10M Page Count 364,400.00 10.00% 327,960.00 15,522.35
Kofax Transformation Toolkit
KTT Hardware Security 500.00 10.00% 450.00 21.30
KTT 5 Field Extraction Base License 30K Per Year 4,020.00 10.00% 3,618.00 171.24
KTT 5 Field Extraction Base License 60K Per Year 6,310.00 10.00% 5,679.00 268.79
KTT 5 Field Extraction Base License 120K Per Year 9,880.00 10.00% 8,892.00 420.86
KTT 5 Field Extraction Base License 300K Per Year 18,000.00 10.00% 16,200.00 766.75
KTT 5 Field Extraction Base License 600K Per Year 32,100.00 10.00% 28,890.00 1,367.36
KTT 5 Field Extraction Base License 1M Per Year 48,100.00 10.00% 43,290.00 2,048.92
KTT 5 Field Extraction Base License 2M Per Year 90,600.00 10.00% 81,540.00 3,859.29
KTT 5 Field Extraction Base License 5M Per Year 186,200.00 10.00% 167,580.00 7,931.56
KTT 5 Field Extraction Base License 10M Per Year 321,400.00 10.00% 289,260.00 13,690.68
KTT 5 Field Extraction Base License 20M Per Year 526,000.00 10.00% 473,400.00 22,406.02
KTT 5 Field Extraction Base License 60M Per Year 1,154,100.00 10.00% 1,038,690.00 49,161.20
KTT 5 Field Extraction Base License 120M Per Year 1,922,300.00 10.00% 1,730,070.00 81,884.21
KTT 5 Field Extraction Base License1M Page Count 41,800.00 10.00% 37,620.00 1,780.55
KTT 5 Field Extraction Base License 2M Page Count 62,400.00 10.00% 56,160.00 2,658.05
KTT 5 Field Extraction Base License10M Page Count 200,300.00 10.00% 180,270.00 8,532.18
KTT Unlimited Field Extraction Base License 30K Per Ye 9,200.00 10.00% 8,280.00 391.89
KTT Unlimited Field Extraction Base License 60K Per Ye 14,500.00 10.00% 13,050.00 617.66
KTT Unlimited Field Extraction Base License 120K Per Y 22,700.00 10.00% 20,430.00 966.95
KTT Unlimited Field Extraction Base License 300K Per Y 41,200.00 10.00% 37,080.00 1,755.00
KTT Unlimited Field Extraction Base License 600K Per Y 73,600.00 10.00% 66,240.00 3,135.14
KTT Unlimited Field Extraction Base License 1M Per Yea 110,200.00 10.00% 99,180.00 4,694.19
KTT Unlimited Field Extraction Base License 2M Per Yea 208,100.00 10.00% 187,290.00 8,864.44
KTT Unlimited Field Extraction Base License 5M Per Yea 426,000.00 10.00% 383,400.00 18,146.32
KTT Unlimited Field Extraction Base License 10M Per Ye 738,300.00 10.00% 664,470.00 31,449.37
KTT Unlimited Field Extraction Base License 20M Per Ye 1,172,800.00 10.00% 1,055,520.00 49,957.76
KTT Unlimited Field Extraction Base License 60M Per Ye 2,639,300.00 10.00% 2,375,370.00 112,426.26
KTT Unlimited Field Extraction Base License 120M Per Y 4,401,400.00 10.00% 3,961,260.00 187,486.44
KTT Unlimited Field Extraction Base License 1M Page C 96,000.00 10.00% 86,400.00 4,089.31
KTT Unlimited Field Extraction Base License 2M Page C 143,100.00 10.00% 128,790.00 6,095.63
KTT Unlimited Field Extraction Base License 10M Page 460,200.00 10.00% 414,180.00 19,603.14
KTT Invoice Add-on Pack 30K Per Year 2,800.00 10.00% 2,520.00 119.27
KTT Invoice Add-on Pack 60K Per Year 4,410.00 10.00% 3,969.00 187.85
KTT Invoice Add-on Pack 120K Per Year 6,900.00 10.00% 6,210.00 293.92
KTT Invoice Add-on Pack 300K Per Year 12,600.00 10.00% 11,340.00 536.72
KTT Invoice Add-on Pack 600K Per Year 22,400.00 10.00% 20,160.00 954.17
KTT Invoice Add-on Pack 1M Per Year 33,600.00 10.00% 30,240.00 1,431.26
KTT Invoice Add-on Pack 2M Per Year 63,200.00 10.00% 56,880.00 2,692.13
KTT Invoice Add-on Pack 5M Per Year 130,000.00 10.00% 117,000.00 5,537.61
KTT Invoice Add-on Pack 10M Per Year 222,400.00 10.00% 200,160.00 9,473.57
KTT Invoice Add-on Pack 20M Per Year 348,900.00 10.00% 314,010.00 14,862.09
KTT Invoice Add-on Pack 60M Per Year 712,600.00 10.00% 641,340.00 30,354.62
KTT Invoice Add-on Pack 120M Per Year 1,118,100.00 10.00% 1,006,290.00 47,627.71
KTT Invoice Add-on Pack 1M Page Count 24,500.00 10.00% 22,050.00 1,043.63
KTT Invoice Add-on Pack 2M Page Count 41,000.00 10.00% 36,900.00 1,746.48
KTT Invoice Add-on Pack 10M Page Count 127,600.00 10.00% 114,840.00 5,435.38
KTT Table Extraction 30K Per Year 1,860.00 10.00% 1,674.00 79.23
KTT Table Extraction 60K Per Year 2,920.00 10.00% 2,628.00 124.38
KTT Table Extraction 120K Per Year 4,580.00 10.00% 4,122.00 195.09
KTT Table Extraction 300K Per Year 8,310.00 10.00% 7,479.00 353.98
KTT Table Extraction 600K Per Year 14,900.00 10.00% 13,410.00 634.70
KTT Table Extraction 1M Per Year 22,300.00 10.00% 20,070.00 949.91
KTT Table Extraction 2M Per Year 42,000.00 10.00% 37,800.00 1,789.07
KTT Table Extraction 5M Per Year 86,400.00 10.00% 77,760.00 3,680.38
KTT Table Extraction 10M Per Year 147,800.00 10.00% 133,020.00 6,295.84
KTT Table Extraction 20M Per Year 231,900.00 10.00% 208,710.00 9,878.24
KTT Table Extraction 60M Per Year 473,500.00 10.00% 426,150.00 20,169.68
KTT Table Extraction 120M Per Year 742,900.00 10.00% 668,610.00 31,645.31
KTT Table Extraction 1M Page Count 16,300.00 10.00% 14,670.00 694.33
KTT Table Extraction 2M Page Count 27,300.00 10.00% 24,570.00 1,162.90
KTT Table Extraction 10M Page Count 84,800.00 10.00% 76,320.00 3,612.23
KTT Cursive Field Recognition 30K Per Year 1,500.00 10.00% 1,350.00 63.90
KTT Cursive Field Recognition 60K Per Year 2,300.00 10.00% 2,070.00 97.97
KTT Cursive Field Recognition 120K Per Year 3,600.00 10.00% 3,240.00 153.35
KTT Cursive Field Recognition 300K Per Year 6,500.00 10.00% 5,850.00 276.88
KTT Cursive Field Recognition 600K Per Year 11,600.00 10.00% 10,440.00 494.13
KTT Cursive Field Recognition 1M Per Year 17,300.00 10.00% 15,570.00 736.93
KTT Cursive Field Recognition 2M Per Year 32,500.00 10.00% 29,250.00 1,384.40
KTT Cursive Field Recognition 5M Per Year 66,900.00 10.00% 60,210.00 2,849.74
KTT Cursive Field Recognition 10M Per Year 114,400.00 10.00% 102,960.00 4,873.10
KTT Cursive Field Recognition 20M Per Year 174,100.00 10.00% 156,690.00 7,416.14
KTT Cursive Field Recognition 60M Per Year 366,500.00 10.00% 329,850.00 15,611.80
KTT Cursive Field Recognition 120M Per Year 575,000.00 10.00% 517,500.00 24,493.28
KTT Cursive Field Recognition 1M Page Count 12,600.00 10.00% 11,340.00 536.72
KTT Cursive Field Recognition 2M Page Count 21,100.00 10.00% 18,990.00 898.80
KTT Cursive Field Recognition 10M page Count 65,600.00 10.00% 59,040.00 2,794.36
KTT Cursive Page Recog 30K/YR 2,400.00 10.00% 2,160.00 102.23
KTT Cursive Page Recog 60K/YR 3,800.00 10.00% 3,420.00 161.87
KTT Cursive Page Recog 120K/YR 6,000.00 10.00% 5,400.00 255.58
KTT Cursive Page Recog 300K/YR 10,800.00 10.00% 9,720.00 460.05
KTT Cursive Page Recog 600K/YR 19,200.00 10.00% 17,280.00 817.86
KTT Cursive Page Recog 1M/YR 28,800.00 10.00% 25,920.00 1,226.79
KTT Cursive Page Recog 2M/YR 54,200.00 10.00% 48,780.00 2,308.76
KTT Cursive Page Recog 5M/YR 111,400.00 10.00% 100,260.00 4,745.31
KTT Cursive Page Recog 10M/YR 190,600.00 10.00% 171,540.00 8,118.99
KTT Cursive Page Recog 20M/YR 290,100.00 10.00% 261,090.00 12,357.39
KTT Cursive Page Recog 60M/YR 610,800.00 10.00% 549,720.00 26,018.25
KTT Cursive Page Recog 120M/YR 958,400.00 10.00% 862,560.00 40,824.96
KTT Cursive Page Recog 1M/PgCt 21,000.00 10.00% 18,900.00 894.54
KTT Cursive Page Recog 2M/PgCt 35,200.00 10.00% 31,680.00 1,499.41
KTT Cursive Page Recog 10M/PgCt 109,300.00 10.00% 98,370.00 4,655.85
KTT Check Recognition 30K Per Year 1,600.00 10.00% 1,440.00 68.16
KTT Check Recognition 60K Per Year 2,600.00 10.00% 2,340.00 110.75
KTT Check Recognition 120K Per Year 4,000.00 10.00% 3,600.00 170.39
KTT Check Recognition 300K Per Year 7,200.00 10.00% 6,480.00 306.70
KTT Check Recognition 600K Per Year 12,800.00 10.00% 11,520.00 545.24
KTT Check Recognition 1M Per Year 19,200.00 10.00% 17,280.00 817.86
KTT Check Recognition 2M Per Year 36,100.00 10.00% 32,490.00 1,537.75
KTT Check Recognition 5M Per Year 74,300.00 10.00% 66,870.00 3,164.96
KTT Check Recognition 10M Per Year 127,100.00 10.00% 114,390.00 5,414.08
KTT Check Recognition 20M Per Year 193,400.00 10.00% 174,060.00 8,238.26
KTT Check Recognition 60M Per Year 407,200.00 10.00% 366,480.00 17,345.50
KTT Check Recognition 120M Per Year 638,900.00 10.00% 575,010.00 27,215.22
KTT Check Recognition 1M Page Count 14,000.00 10.00% 12,600.00 596.36
KTT Check Recognition 2M Page Count 23,500.00 10.00% 21,150.00 1,001.03
KTT Check Recognition 10M page Count 72,900.00 10.00% 65,610.00 3,105.32
Invoice Solution Bundle
Kofax Invoice Processing Solution - 5K Invoices 9,500.00 0.00% 9,500.00 449.64
Kofax Invoice Processing Solution - 10K Invoices 9,191.00 10.00% 8,272.00 391.51
Kofax Invoice Processing Solution - 15K Invoices 16,320.00 10.00% 14,688.00 695.18
Kofax Invoice Processing Solution - 30K Invoices 20,760.00 10.00% 18,684.00 884.31
Kofax Invoice Processing Solution - 60K Invoices 32,760.00 10.00% 29,484.00 1,395.48
Kofax Invoice Processing Solution - 120K Invoices 54,120.00 10.00% 48,708.00 2,305.35
Kofax Invoice Processing Solution - 300K Invoices 108,360.00 10.00% 97,524.00 4,615.81
Kofax Invoice Processing Solution - 600K Invoices 186,600.00 10.00% 167,940.00 7,948.60
Kofax Invoice Processing Solution - 1M Invoices 282,600.00 10.00% 254,340.00 12,037.91
Kofax Invoice Processing Solution - 5M Invoices 1,084,200.00 10.00% 975,780.00 46,183.67
Kofax Transformation Toolkit
KTA 7 On-Premise System Base Configuration 10,000.00 10.00% 9,000.00 425.97
KTA 7 On-Premise Evaluatiom System 1,000.00 26.53% 734.74 34.78
KTA 7 Cloud Evaluation System (Public Tenant) 1,000.00 26.53% 734.74 34.78
KTA AP Automation On-Premise Base Configuration 45,000.00 26.56% 33,048.42 1,564.18
KTA AP Automation On-Premise Base Configuration Add 45,000.00 26.56% 33,048.42 1,564.18
KTA AP Automation On-Premise Invoice Volume 10K invo 11,000.00 26.56% 8,078.95 382.38
KTA AP Automation with AP Analytics On-Premise Base C 50,000.00 26.56% 36,720.00 1,737.96
KTA AP Automation with AP Analytics On-Premise Base C 50,000.00 26.56% 36,720.00 1,737.96
KTA AP Automation with AP Analytics On-Premise Invoic 11,750.00 26.56% 8,629.47 408.43
KTA AP Automation with AP Insight Analytics On-Premise 55,000.00 26.56% 40,392.63 1,911.78
KTA AP Automation with AP Insight Analytics On-Premis 55,000.00 26.56% 40,392.63 1,911.78
KTA AP Automation with AP Insight Analytics On-Premise 12,500.00 26.56% 9,180.00 434.49
KTA 7 On-Premise System Concurrent Full User 2,000.00 0.00% 2,000.00 94.66
KTA 7 On-Premise System Limited Users 25,000.00 26.56% 18,360.00 868.98
KTA AP Automation On-Premise Evaluation System 1,000.00 26.53% 734.74 34.78
KTA AP Automation Cloud Evaluation System (Public Ten 1,000.00 26.53% 734.74 34.78
LASERFICHE AVANTE SERVER FOR SQL EXPRESS 1,500.00 19.77% 1,203.45 56.96
LASERFICHE AVANTE SERVER FOR MS SQL WITH 5,000.00 19.79% 4,010.34 189.81
LASERFICHE AVANTE SERVER FOR ORACLE WITH 10,000.00 19.80% 8,019.54 379.56
LASERFICHE AVANTE RECORDS MNGT ED SRVR FOR 11,000.00 19.80% 8,821.84 417.54
LASERFICHE AVANTE RECORDS MNGT ED SRVR FO 16,000.00 19.81% 12,831.03 607.29
LASERFICHE AVANTE RECORDS MANAGEMENT MOD 6,000.00 19.79% 4,812.64 227.78
LASERFICHE AVANTE FORMS INC0YR 50.00 19.54% 40.23 1.90
LASERFICHE AVANTE IMPORT AGENT INC0YR 1,495.00 19.96% 1,196.55 56.63
LASERFICHE AVANTE QUICK FIELDS INC0YR 595.00 20.22% 474.71 22.47
LASERFICHE AVANTE QUICK FIELDS AGENT INC0YR 9,995.00 19.83% 8,012.64 379.24
LASERFICHE AVANTE FORMS ALIGNMENT INC0YR 2,495.00 19.89% 1,998.85 94.61
LASERFICHE AVANTE FORMS EXTRACTOR INC0YR 2,495.00 19.89% 1,998.85 94.61
LASERFICHE AVANTE FORMS COMBO INC0YR 9,995.00 19.83% 8,012.64 379.24
LASERFICHE AVANTE ZONE OCR AND VALIDATION 2,795.00 19.89% 2,239.08 105.98
LASERFICHE AVANTE SCANCONNECT 5 PACK INC0 660.00 18.84% 535.63 25.35
LASERFICHE AVANTE SCANCONNECT 10 PACK INC 915.00 19.60% 735.63 34.82
LASERFICHE AVANTE PLUS PLUG-IN INC0YR 3,795.00 19.16% 3,067.82 145.20
LASERFICHE AVANTE STARTER PUBLIC PORTAL IN 15,000.00 19.80% 12,029.89 569.37
LASERFICHE AVANTE STANDARD PUBLIC PORTAL I 25,000.00 19.81% 20,048.28 948.88
LASERFICHE AVANTE MIDSIZED PUBLIC PORTAL IN 35,000.00 19.81% 28,067.82 1,328.45
LASERFICHE AVANTE UNLIMITED PUBLIC PORTAL I 45,000.00 19.81% 36,087.36 1,708.01
LASERFICHE AVANTE UNLIMITED PUBLIC PORTAL 50,000.00 19.81% 40,096.55 1,897.77
LASERFICHE AVANTE FORMS PORTAL ADD-ON INC 7,995.00 19.75% 6,416.09 303.67
LASERFICHE AVANTE AGENDA MANAGER (5 MEETING 15,000.00 19.80% 12,029.89 569.37
LASERFICHE AVANTE AGENDA PROCESSOR (1 MEETI 5,000.00 19.79% 4,010.34 189.81
LASERFICHE AVANTE SDK INC0YR 2,500.00 20.05% 1,998.85 94.61
LASERFICHE AVANTE SERVER FOR MS SQL WITH W 1,750.00 0.00% 1,750.00 82.83
LASERFICHE AVANTE SERVER FOR ORACLE WITH 3,500.00 0.00% 3,500.00 165.66
LASERFICHE AVANTE RECORDS MGMT ED SRVR MS 3,850.00 0.00% 3,850.00 182.22
LASERFICHE AVANTE RECORDS MGMT ED SRVR F 5,600.00 0.00% 5,600.00 265.05
LASERFICHE AVANTE NAMED FULL USERS 1 YR M&S 175.00 0.00% 175.00 8.28
LASERFICHE AVANTE FRM AUTH PARTICIPANT 2,000- 13.00 0.00% 13.00 0.62
LASERFICHE AVANTE FRM AUTH PARTICIPANT 3,000- 11.00 0.00% 11.00 0.52
LASERFICHE AVANTE FORMS 1 YR M&S INC1YR 18.00 0.00% 18.00 0.85
LASERFICHE AVANTE IMPORT AGENT 1 YR M&S INC 523.00 0.00% 523.00 24.75
LASERFICHE AVANTE QUICK FIELDS 1 YR M&S INC1 208.00 0.00% 208.00 9.84
LASERFICHE AVANTE QUICK FIELDS AGENT 1 YR M 3,498.00 0.00% 3,498.00 165.56
LASERFICHE AVANTE FORMS ALIGNMENT 1 YR M&S 873.00 0.00% 873.00 41.32
LASERFICHE AVANTE FORMS EXTRACTOR 1 YR M&S 873.00 0.00% 873.00 41.32
LASERFICHE AVANTE FORMS COMBO 1 YR M&S INC 3,498.00 0.00% 3,498.00 165.56
LASERFICHE AVANTE SCANCONNECT 5 PACK 1 YR 231.00 0.00% 231.00 10.93
LASERFICHE AVANTE SCANCONNECT 10 PACK 1 YR 320.00 0.00% 320.00 15.15
LASERFICHE AVANTE PLUS PLUG-IN 1 YR M&S INC1 2,277.00 0.00% 2,277.00 107.77
LASERFICHE AVANTE STARTER PUBLIC PORTAL 1 Y 5,250.00 0.00% 5,250.00 248.48
LASERFICHE AVANTE STANDARD PUBLIC PORTAL 1 8,750.00 0.00% 8,750.00 414.14
LASERFICHE AVANTE MIDSIZED PUBLIC PORTAL 1 12,250.00 0.00% 12,250.00 579.79
LASERFICHE AVANTE UNLIMITED PUBLIC PORTAL 1 15,750.00 0.00% 15,750.00 745.45
LASERFICHE AVANTE UNLTD PUBLIC PORTAL FOR D 17,500.00 0.00% 17,500.00 828.28
LASERFICHE AVANTE FORMS PORTAL ADD-ON 1 YR 2,798.00 0.00% 2,798.00 132.43
LASERFICHE AVANTE AGENDA MANAGER (5 MEETING 5,250.00 0.00% 5,250.00 248.48
LASERFICHE AVANTE AGENDA PROCESSOR (1 MEETI 1,750.00 0.00% 1,750.00 82.83
LASERFICHE AVANTE SDK 1 YR M&S INC1YR 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
LASERFICHE AVANTE SERVER FOR SQL EXPRESS 1,575.00 0.00% 1,575.00 74.54
LASERFICHE AVANTE SERVER FOR MS SQL WITH W 5,250.00 0.00% 5,250.00 248.48
LASERFICHE AVANTE SERVER FOR ORACLE WITH 10,500.00 0.00% 10,500.00 496.97
LASERFICHE AVANTE RECORDS MGMT ED SRVR MS 11,550.00 0.00% 11,550.00 546.66
LASERFICHE AVANTE RECORDS MGMT ED SRVR F 16,800.00 0.00% 16,800.00 795.14
LASERFICHE AVANTE NAMED FULL USERS 3 YR M&S 525.00 0.00% 525.00 24.85
LASERFICHE AVANTE FRMS AUTH PARTICIPNT 1 - 4 210.00 0.00% 210.00 9.94
LASERFICHE AVANTE FRM AUTH PARTICIPNT 1000-1 60.00 0.00% 60.00 2.84
LASERFICHE AVANTE FRM AUTH PARTICIPNT 2000-2 39.00 0.00% 39.00 1.85
LASERFICHE AVANTE FRM AUTH PARTICIPNT 3000-4 33.00 0.00% 33.00 1.56
LASERFICHE AVANTE FORMS 3 YR M&S INC3YR 54.00 0.00% 54.00 2.56
LASERFICHE AVANTE IMPORT AGENT 3 YR M&S INC 1,569.00 0.00% 1,569.00 74.26
LASERFICHE AVANTE QUICK FIELDS 3 YR M&S INC3 624.00 0.00% 624.00 29.53
LASERFICHE AVANTE QUICK FIELDS AGENT 3 YR M 10,494.00 0.00% 10,494.00 496.68
LASERFICHE AVANTE FORMS ALIGNMENT 3 YR M&S 2,619.00 0.00% 2,619.00 123.96
LASERFICHE AVANTE FORMS IDENTIFICATION 3 YR 2,619.00 0.00% 2,619.00 123.96
LASERFICHE AVANTE FORMS EXTRACTOR 3 YR M&S 2,619.00 0.00% 2,619.00 123.96
LASERFICHE AVANTE FORMS COMBO 3 YR M&S INC 10,494.00 0.00% 10,494.00 496.68
LASERFICHE AVANTE ZONE OCR AND VALIDATION P 2,934.00 0.00% 2,934.00 138.87
LASERFICHE AVANTE SCANCONNECT 5 PACK 3 YR 693.00 0.00% 693.00 32.80
LASERFICHE AVANTE SCANCONNECT 10 PACK 3 YR 960.00 0.00% 960.00 45.44
LASERFICHE AVANTE PLUS PLUG-IN 3 YR M&S INC3 6,831.00 0.00% 6,831.00 323.31
LASERFICHE AVANTE STARTER PUBLIC PORTAL 3 Y 15,750.00 0.00% 15,750.00 745.45
LASERFICHE AVANTE STANDARD PUBLIC PORTAL 3 26,250.00 0.00% 26,250.00 1,242.41
LASERFICHE AVANTE MIDSIZED PUBLIC PORTAL 3 36,750.00 0.00% 36,750.00 1,739.38
LASERFICHE AVANTE UNLIMITED PUBLIC PORTAL 3 47,250.00 0.00% 47,250.00 2,236.34
LASERFICHE AVANTE UNLTD PUBLIC PORTAL FOR D 8,394.00 0.00% 8,394.00 397.29
LASERFICHE AVANTE FORMS PORTAL ADD-ON 3 YR 8,394.00 0.00% 8,394.00 397.29
LASERFICHE AVANTE AGENDA MANAGER (5 MEETING 15,750.00 0.00% 15,750.00 745.45
LASERFICHE AVANTE AGENDA PROCESSOR (1 MEETI 5,250.00 0.00% 5,250.00 248.48
LASERFICHE AVANTE SDK 3 YR M&S INC3YR 4,500.00 0.00% 4,500.00 212.99
LASERFICHE AVANTE JUNXURE INTEGRATION 3 YR 1,575.00 0.00% 1,575.00 74.54
LASERFICHE AVANTE INTEGRATION WITH ECOPY 3 1,569.00 0.00% 1,569.00 74.26
LASERFICHE AVANTE SERVER FOR SQL EXPRESS 2,100.00 0.00% 2,100.00 99.39
LASERFICHE AVANTE SERVER FOR MS SQL WITH W 7,000.00 0.00% 7,000.00 331.31
LASERFICHE AVANTE SERVER FOR ORACLE WITH 14,000.00 0.00% 14,000.00 662.62
LASERFICHE AVANTE RECORDS MGMT ED SRVR MS 15,400.00 0.00% 15,400.00 728.88
LASERFICHE AVANTE RECORDS MGMT ED SRVR F 22,400.00 0.00% 22,400.00 1,060.19
LASERFICHE AVANTE NAMED FULL USERS 4 YR M&S 700.00 0.00% 700.00 33.13
LASERFICHE AVANTE FRMS AUTH PARTICIPANT 1- 4 280.00 0.00% 280.00 13.25
LASERFICHE AVANTE FRM AUTH PARTICIPNT 1,000-1 80.00 0.00% 80.00 3.79
LASERFICHE AVANTE FRM AUTH PARTICIPNT 2,000-2 52.00 0.00% 52.00 2.46
LASERFICHE AVANTE FRM AUTH PARTICIPNT 3,000-4 44.00 0.00% 44.00 2.08
LASERFICHE AVANTE FORMS 4 YR M&S INC4YR 45.00 0.00% 45.00 2.13
LASERFICHE AVANTE IMPORT AGENT 4 YR M&S INC 2,092.00 0.00% 2,092.00 99.01
LASERFICHE AVANTE QUICK FIELDS 4 YR M&S INC4 832.00 0.00% 832.00 39.38
LASERFICHE AVANTE QUICK FIELDS AGENT 4 YR M 13,992.00 0.00% 13,992.00 662.24
LASERFICHE AVANTE FORMS ALIGNMENT 4 YR M&S 3,492.00 0.00% 3,492.00 165.28
LASERFICHE AVANTE FORMS IDENTIFICATION 4 YR 3,492.00 0.00% 3,492.00 165.28
LASERFICHE AVANTE FORMS EXTRACTOR 4 YR M&S 3,492.00 0.00% 3,492.00 165.28
LASERFICHE AVANTE FORMS COMBO 4 YR M&S INC 13,992.00 0.00% 13,992.00 662.24
LASERFICHE AVANTE ZONE OCR AND VALIDATION P 3,912.00 0.00% 3,912.00 185.15
LASERFICHE AVANTE SCANCONNECT 4 YR M&S INC 232.00 0.00% 232.00 10.98
LASERFICHE AVANTE SCANCONNECT 5 PACK 4 YR 924.00 0.00% 924.00 43.73
LASERFICHE AVANTE SCANCONNECT 10 PACK 4 YR 1,280.00 0.00% 1,280.00 60.58
LASERFICHE AVANTE PLUS PLUG-IN 4 YR M&S INC4 9,108.00 0.00% 9,108.00 431.08
LASERFICHE AVANTE STARTER PUBLIC PORTAL 4 Y 21,000.00 0.00% 21,000.00 993.93
LASERFICHE AVANTE STANDARD PUBLIC PORTAL 4 35,000.00 0.00% 35,000.00 1,656.55
LASERFICHE AVANTE MIDSIZED PUBLIC PORTAL 4 49,000.00 0.00% 49,000.00 2,319.17
LASERFICHE AVANTE UNLIMITED PUBLIC PORTAL 4 63,000.00 0.00% 63,000.00 2,981.79
LASERFICHE AVANTE UNLTD PUBLIC PORTAL FOR D 11,192.00 0.00% 11,192.00 529.72
LASERFICHE AVANTE WEB DISTRIBUTION PORTAL 11,192.00 0.00% 11,192.00 529.72
LASERFICHE AVANTE FORMS PORTAL ADD-ON 4 YR 11,192.00 0.00% 11,192.00 529.72
LASERFICHE AVANTE AGENDA MANAGER (5 MEETING 21,000.00 0.00% 21,000.00 993.93
LASERFICHE AVANTE AGENDA PROCESSOR (1 MEETI 7,000.00 0.00% 7,000.00 331.31
LASERFICHE AVANTE SDK 4 YR M&S INC4YR 6,000.00 0.00% 6,000.00 283.98
LASERFICHE AVANTE JUNXURE INTEGRATION 4 YR 2,100.00 0.00% 2,100.00 99.39
LASERFICHE AVANTE INTEGRATION WITH ECOPY 4 2,092.00 0.00% 2,092.00 99.01
LASERFICHE AVANTE SERVER FOR SQL EXPRESS 2,625.00 0.00% 2,625.00 124.24
LASERFICHE AVANTE SERVER FOR MS SQL WITH W 8,750.00 0.00% 8,750.00 414.14
LASERFICHE AVANTE SERVER FOR ORACLE WITH 17,500.00 0.00% 17,500.00 828.28
LASERFICHE AVANTE RECORDS MGMT ED SRVR MS 19,250.00 0.00% 19,250.00 911.10
LASERFICHE AVANTE RECORDS MGMT ED SRVR F 28,000.00 0.00% 28,000.00 1,325.24
LASERFICHE AVANTE RECORDS MANAGEMENT MODU 10,500.00 0.00% 10,500.00 496.97
LASERFICHE AVANTE NAMED FULL USERS 5 YR M&S 875.00 0.00% 875.00 41.41
LASERFICHE AVANTE FRMS AUTH PARTICIPANT 50-1 245.00 0.00% 245.00 11.60
LASERFICHE AVANTE FRM AUTH PARTICIPNT 1,000-1 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
LASERFICHE AVANTE FRM AUTH PARTICIPNT 2,000-2 65.00 0.00% 65.00 3.08
LASERFICHE AVANTE FRM AUTH PARTICIPNT 3,000-4 55.00 0.00% 55.00 2.60
LASERFICHE AVANTE FORMS 5 YR M&S INC5YR 90.00 0.00% 90.00 4.26
LASERFICHE AVANTE IMPORT AGENT 5 YR M&S INC 2,615.00 0.00% 2,615.00 123.77
LASERFICHE AVANTE QUICK FIELDS 5 YR M&S INC5 1,040.00 0.00% 1,040.00 49.22
LASERFICHE AVANTE QUICK FIELDS AGENT 5 YR M 17,490.00 0.00% 17,490.00 827.80
LASERFICHE AVANTE FORMS ALIGNMENT 5 YR M&S 4,365.00 0.00% 4,365.00 206.60
LASERFICHE AVANTE FORMS IDENTIFICATION 5 YR 4,365.00 0.00% 4,365.00 206.60
LASERFICHE AVANTE FORMS EXTRACTOR 5 YR M&S 4,365.00 0.00% 4,365.00 206.60
LASERFICHE AVANTE FORMS COMBO 5 YR M&S INC 17,490.00 0.00% 17,490.00 827.80
LASERFICHE AVANTE ZONE OCR AND VALIDATION P 4,890.00 0.00% 4,890.00 231.44
LASERFICHE AVANTE SCANCONNECT 5 YR M&S INC 290.00 0.00% 290.00 13.73
LASERFICHE AVANTE SCANCONNECT 5 PACK 5 YR 1,155.00 0.00% 1,155.00 54.67
LASERFICHE AVANTE SCANCONNECT 10 PACK 5 YR 1,600.00 0.00% 1,600.00 75.73
LASERFICHE AVANTE PLUS PLUG-IN 5 YR M&S INC5 11,385.00 0.00% 11,385.00 538.85
LASERFICHE AVANTE STARTER PUBLIC PORTAL 5 Y 26,250.00 0.00% 26,250.00 1,242.41
LASERFICHE AVANTE STANDARD PUBLIC PORTAL 5 43,750.00 0.00% 43,750.00 2,070.69
LASERFICHE AVANTE MIDSIZED PUBLIC PORTAL 5 61,250.00 0.00% 61,250.00 2,898.96
LASERFICHE AVANTE UNLIMITED PUBLIC PORTAL 5 78,750.00 0.00% 78,750.00 3,727.24
LASERFICHE AVANTE UNLTD PUBLIC PORTAL FOR D 13,990.00 0.00% 13,990.00 662.15
LASERFICHE AVANTE WEB DISTRIBUTION PORTAL 13,990.00 0.00% 13,990.00 662.15
LASERFICHE AVANTE FORMS PORTAL ADD-ON 5 YR 13,990.00 0.00% 13,990.00 662.15
LASERFICHE AVANTE AGENDA MANAGER (5 MEETING 26,250.00 0.00% 26,250.00 1,242.41
LASERFICHE AVANTE AGENDA PROCESSOR (1 MEETI 8,750.00 0.00% 8,750.00 414.14
LASERFICHE AVANTE SDK 5 YR M&S INC5YR 7,500.00 0.00% 7,500.00 354.98
LASERFICHE AVANTE JUNXURE INTEGRATION 5 YR 2,625.00 0.00% 2,625.00 124.24
LASERFICHE AVANTE INTEGRATION WITH ECOPY 5 2,615.00 0.00% 2,615.00 123.77

LASERFICHE RIO PILOT NAMED FULL USERS 25 - 49 900.00 19.80% 721.84 34.16
LASERFICHE RIO PILOT NAMED FULL USERS 50 - 99 833.00 19.69% 668.97 31.66
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 100 - 199 INC 700.00 19.70% 562.07 26.60
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 200 - 499 INC 600.00 19.73% 481.61 22.79
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 500 - 999 INC 500.00 19.77% 401.15 18.99
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 1,000-1,499 I 400.00 19.54% 321.84 15.23
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 1,500-1,999 I 350.00 19.54% 281.61 13.33
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 2,000-2,999 I 300.00 19.54% 241.38 11.42
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 3,000-3,999 I 260.00 19.54% 209.20 9.90
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 4,000-4,999 I 230.00 19.54% 185.06 8.76
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 5,000-5,999 I 200.00 19.54% 160.92 7.62
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 6,000-6,999 I 190.00 19.54% 152.87 7.24
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 7,000-7,900 I 180.00 19.54% 144.83 6.85
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 8,000-8,999 I 170.00 19.54% 136.78 6.47
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 9,000-9,999 I 160.00 19.54% 128.74 6.09
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 10,000-19,999 150.00 19.54% 120.69 5.71
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 20,000-29,999 135.00 19.11% 109.20 5.17
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 30,000-39,999 120.00 19.54% 96.55 4.57
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 40,000-49,999 110.00 19.54% 88.51 4.19
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 50,000 + INC 100.00 19.54% 80.46 3.81
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED RETREIVAL USERS 200 - 9 200.00 19.54% 160.92 7.62
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED RETIEVAL USERS 1,000-9,9 100.00 19.54% 80.46 3.81
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED RETRIEVAL USERS 10,000-1 38.00 18.33% 31.03 1.47
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED RETRIEVAL USERS 20,000-4 34.00 18.86% 27.59 1.31
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED RETRIEVAL USERS 50,000 25.00 19.81% 20.05 0.95
LASERFICHE RIO PILOT PUBLIC PORTAL LICENSE I 25,000.00 19.81% 20,048.28 948.88
LASERFICHE RIO PUBLIC PORTAL LICENSE INC0YR 45,000.00 19.81% 36,087.36 1,708.01
LASERFICHE RIO PUBLIC PORTAL LICENSE FOR D 50,000.00 19.81% 40,096.55 1,897.77
LASERFICHE RIO PUBLIC PORTAL LICENSE FOR M 75,000.00 19.81% 60,144.83 2,846.65
LASERFICHE RIO FORMS PORTAL ADD-ON INC0YR 7,995.00 19.81% 6,411.49 303.46
LASERFICHE RIO FORMS ENTERPRISE PORTAL ADD 24,000.00 19.80% 19,247.13 910.97
LASERFICHE RIO QUICK FIELDS INC0YR INC0YR 595.00 20.22% 474.71 22.47
LASERFICHE RIO QUICK FIELDS BASIC INC0YR 2,500.00 19.77% 2,005.75 94.93
LASERFICHE RIO QUICK FIELDS CORE INC0YR 5,000.00 19.79% 4,010.34 189.81
LASERFICHE RIO QUICK FIELDS CLASSIFY INC0YR 7,500.00 19.80% 6,014.94 284.69
LASERFICHE RIO QUICK FIELDS CONTEXT INC0YR 10,000.00 19.80% 8,019.54 379.56
LASERFICHE RIO QUICK FIELDS COMPLETE INC0YR 15,000.00 19.80% 12,029.89 569.37
LASERFICHE RIO QUICK FIELDS AGENT INC0YR 10,000.00 19.80% 8,019.54 379.56
LASERFICHE RIO DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION - UP 5,000.00 19.79% 4,010.34 189.81
LASERFICHE RIO IMPORT AGENT INC0YR 1,500.00 19.77% 1,203.45 56.96
LASERFICHE RIO SCANCONNECT INC0YR 165.00 19.19% 133.33 6.31
LASERFICHE RIO SCANCONNECT - 5 PACK INC0YR 660.00 19.71% 529.89 25.08
LASERFICHE RIO SCANCONNECT - 10 PACK INC0YR 915.00 19.73% 734.48 34.76
LASERFICHE RIO PLUS FOR DIG ARCH -UP TO 5 SE 10,000.00 19.80% 8,019.54 379.56
LASERFICHE RIO PLUS FOR DIG ARCH ROYALTY FRE 3,800.00 19.78% 3,048.28 144.27
LASERFICHE RIO AGENDA MANAGER (10 MEETING T 25,000.00 19.81% 20,048.28 948.88
LASERFICHE RIO AGENDA MANAGER (50 MEETING T 35,000.00 19.81% 28,067.82 1,328.45
LASERFICHE RIO SDK INC0YR 2,500.00 19.77% 2,005.75 94.93
LASERFICHE RIO INTEGRATION WITH ECOPY INC0Y 1,495.00 19.73% 1,200.00 56.80
LASERFICHE RIO INTEGRATION WITH ECOPY 5-PACK 5,975.00 19.80% 4,791.95 226.80
LASERFICHE RIO PILOT NAMED FULL USERS 25 - 49 315.00 0.00% 315.00 14.91
LASERFICHE RIO PILOT NAMED FULL USERS 50 - 99 292.00 0.00% 292.00 13.82
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 100 - 199 1YR 245.00 0.00% 245.00 11.60
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 200 - 499 1YR 210.00 0.00% 210.00 9.94
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 500 - 999 1YR 175.00 0.00% 175.00 8.28
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 1,000-1,499 1 140.00 0.00% 140.00 6.63
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 1,500-1,999 1 123.00 0.00% 123.00 5.82
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 2,000-2,999 1 105.00 0.00% 105.00 4.97
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 3,000-3,999 1 91.00 0.00% 91.00 4.31
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 4,000-4,999 1 81.00 0.00% 81.00 3.83
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 5,000-5,999 1 70.00 0.00% 70.00 3.31
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 6,000-6,999 1 67.00 0.00% 67.00 3.17
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 7,000-7,900 1 63.00 0.00% 63.00 2.98
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 8,000-8,999 1 60.00 0.00% 60.00 2.84
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 9,000-9,999 1 56.00 0.00% 56.00 2.65
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 10,000-19,999 53.00 0.00% 53.00 2.51
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 20,000-29,999 47.00 0.00% 47.00 2.22
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 30,000-39,999 42.00 0.00% 42.00 1.99
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 40,000-49,999 39.00 0.00% 39.00 1.85
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 50,000 + 1YR 35.00 0.00% 35.00 1.66
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED RETREIVAL USERS 200 - 9 70.00 0.00% 70.00 3.31
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED RETIEVAL USERS 1,000-9,9 35.00 0.00% 35.00 1.66
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED RETRIEVAL USERS 10,000- 13.00 0.00% 13.00 0.62
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED RETRIEVAL USERS 20,000- 12.00 0.00% 12.00 0.57
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED RETRIEVAL USERS 50,000 9.00 0.00% 9.00 0.43
LASERFICHE RIO FRMS AUTH PARTICIPANT 1 - 49 1 70.00 0.00% 70.00 3.31
LASERFICHE RIO FRMS AUTH PARTICIPANT 50 - 199 49.00 0.00% 49.00 2.32
LASERFICHE RIO FRMS AUTH PARTICIPANT 200 - 4 35.00 0.00% 35.00 1.66
LASERFICHE RIO FRMS AUTH PARTICIPANT 500 - 9 25.00 0.00% 25.00 1.18
LASERFICHE RIO FRMS AUTH PARTICIPANT 1,000-1, 20.00 0.00% 20.00 0.95
LASERFICHE RIO FRMS AUTH PARTICIPANT 2,000-2, 13.00 0.00% 13.00 0.62
LASERFICHE RIO FRMS AUTH PARTICIPANTT 3,000-4 11.00 0.00% 11.00 0.52
LASERFICHE RIO FRMS AUTH PARTICIPANT 5,000+ 9.00 0.00% 9.00 0.43
LASERFICHE RIO PILOT PUBLIC PORTAL LICENSE 1 8,750.00 0.00% 8,750.00 414.14
LASERFICHE RIO PUBLIC PORTAL LICENSE 1YR M&S 15,750.00 0.00% 15,750.00 745.45
LASERFICHE RIO PUB PORTAL LIC - DUAL PROCR M 15,750.00 0.00% 15,750.00 745.45
LASERFICHE RIO PUB PORTAL LIC - MULTIPROCR M 17,500.00 0.00% 17,500.00 828.28
LASERFICHE RIO FORMS PORTAL ADD-ON 1YR M&S 2,798.00 0.00% 2,798.00 132.43
LASERFICHE RIO FORMS ENTERPRISE PORTAL ADD- 8,400.00 0.00% 8,400.00 397.57
LASERFICHE RIO QUICK FIELDS 1YR M&S INC1YR 208.00 0.00% 208.00 9.84
LASERFICHE RIO QUICK FIELDS BASIC 1YR M&S IN 875.00 0.00% 875.00 41.41
LASERFICHE RIO QUICK FIELDS CORE 1YR M&S INC 1,750.00 0.00% 1,750.00 82.83
LASERFICHE RIO QUICK FIELDS CLASSIFY 1YR M&S 2,625.00 0.00% 2,625.00 124.24
LASERFICHE RIO QUICK FIELDS CONTEXT 1YR M&S 3,500.00 0.00% 3,500.00 165.66
LASERFICHE RIO QUICK FIELDS COMPLETE 1YR M& 5,250.00 0.00% 5,250.00 248.48
LASERFICHE RIO QUICK FIELDS AGENT 1YR M&S I 3,500.00 0.00% 3,500.00 165.66
LASERFICHE RIO IMPORT AGENT 1YR M&S INC1YR 525.00 0.00% 525.00 24.85
LASERFICHE RIO SCANCONNECT - 5 PACK 1YR M&S 231.00 0.00% 231.00 10.93
LASERFICHE RIO SCANCONNECT - 10 PACK 1YR M& 320.00 0.00% 320.00 15.15
LASERFICHE RIO PLUS DIG ARCH 5 SEATS INTERN 3,500.00 0.00% 3,500.00 165.66
LASERFICHE RIO PLUS DIG ARCH ROYLTY FREE DI 1,330.00 0.00% 1,330.00 62.95
LASERFICHE RIO AGENDA MANAGER (10 MEETING T 8,750.00 0.00% 8,750.00 414.14
LASERFICHE RIO AGENDA MANAGER (50 MEETING T 12,250.00 0.00% 12,250.00 579.79
LASERFICHE RIO SDK 1YR M&S INC1YR 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
LASERFICHE RIO INTEGRATION WITH ECOPY 5-PAC 2,091.00 0.00% 2,091.00 98.97
LASERFICHE RIO PILOT NAMED FULL USERS 25 - 49 945.00 0.00% 945.00 44.73
LASERFICHE RIO PILOT NAMED FULL USERS 50 - 99 876.00 0.00% 876.00 41.46
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 100 - 199 3YR 735.00 0.00% 735.00 34.79
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 200 - 499 3YR 630.00 0.00% 630.00 29.82
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 500 - 999 3YR 525.00 0.00% 525.00 24.85
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 1,000-1,499 3 420.00 0.00% 420.00 19.88
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 1,500-1,999 3 369.00 0.00% 369.00 17.46
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 2,000-2,999 3 315.00 0.00% 315.00 14.91
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 3,000-3,999 3 273.00 0.00% 273.00 12.92
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 4,000-4,999 3 243.00 0.00% 243.00 11.50
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 5,000-5,999 3 210.00 0.00% 210.00 9.94
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 6,000-6,999 3 201.00 0.00% 201.00 9.51
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 7,000-7,900 3 189.00 0.00% 189.00 8.95
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 8,000-8,999 1 180.00 0.00% 180.00 8.52
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 9,000-9,999 3 168.00 0.00% 168.00 7.95
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 10,000-19,999 159.00 0.00% 159.00 7.53
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 20,000-29,999 141.00 0.00% 141.00 6.67
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 30,000-39,999 126.00 0.00% 126.00 5.96
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 40,000-49,999 117.00 0.00% 117.00 5.54
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 50,000 + 3YR 105.00 0.00% 105.00 4.97
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED RETREIVAL USERS 200 - 9 210.00 0.00% 210.00 9.94
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED RETIEVAL USERS 1,000-9,9 105.00 0.00% 105.00 4.97
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED RETRIEVAL USERS 10,000- 39.00 0.00% 39.00 1.85
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED RETRIEVAL USERS 20,000- 36.00 0.00% 36.00 1.70
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED RETRIEVAL USERS 50,000 27.00 0.00% 27.00 1.28
LASERFICHE RIO FRMS AUTH PARTICIPANT 1 - 49 3 210.00 0.00% 210.00 9.94
LASERFICHE RIO FRMS AUTH PARTICIPANT 50 - 199 147.00 0.00% 147.00 6.96
LASERFICHE RIO FRMS AUTH PARTICIPANT 200 - 49 105.00 0.00% 105.00 4.97
LASERFICHE RIO FRMS AUTH PARTICIPANT 500 - 99 75.00 0.00% 75.00 3.55
LASERFICHE RIO FRMS AUTH PARTICIPANT 1,000-1, 60.00 0.00% 60.00 2.84
LASERFICHE RIO FRMS AUTH PARTICIPANT 2,000-2, 39.00 0.00% 39.00 1.85
LASERFICHE RIO FRMS AUTH PARTICIPANT 3,000-4, 33.00 0.00% 33.00 1.56
LASERFICHE RIO FRMS AUTH PARTICIPANT 5,000+ 27.00 0.00% 27.00 1.28
LASERFICHE RIO PILOT PUBLIC PORTAL LICENSE 3 26,250.00 0.00% 26,250.00 1,242.41
LASERFICHE RIO PUBLIC PORTAL LICENSE 3YR M&S 47,250.00 0.00% 47,250.00 2,236.34
LASERFICHE RIO PUB PORTAL LIC - DUAL PROCR M 47,250.00 0.00% 47,250.00 2,236.34
LASERFICHE RIO PUB PORTAL LIC - MULTIPROCR M 52,500.00 0.00% 52,500.00 2,484.83
LASERFICHE RIO FORMS PORTAL ADD-ON 3YR M&S 8,394.00 0.00% 8,394.00 397.29
LASERFICHE RIO FORMS ENTERPRISE PORTAL ADD- 25,200.00 0.00% 25,200.00 1,192.72
LASERFICHE RIO QUICK FIELDS 3YR M&S INC3YR 624.00 0.00% 624.00 29.53
LASERFICHE RIO QUICK FIELDS BASIC 3YR M&S IN 2,625.00 0.00% 2,625.00 124.24
LASERFICHE RIO QUICK FIELDS CORE 3YR M&S INC 5,250.00 0.00% 5,250.00 248.48
LASERFICHE RIO QUICK FIELDS CLASSIFY 3YR M&S 7,875.00 0.00% 7,875.00 372.72
LASERFICHE RIO QUICK FIELDS CONTEXT 3YR M&S 10,500.00 0.00% 10,500.00 496.97
LASERFICHE RIO QUICK FIELDS COMPLETE 3YR M& 15,750.00 0.00% 15,750.00 745.45
LASERFICHE RIO QUICK FIELDS AGENT 3YR M&S I 10,500.00 0.00% 10,500.00 496.97
LASERFICHE RIO IMPORT AGENT 3YR M&S INC3YR 1,575.00 0.00% 1,575.00 74.54
LASERFICHE RIO SCANCONNECT 3YR M&S INC3YR 174.00 0.00% 174.00 8.24
LASERFICHE RIO SCANCONNECT - 5 PACK 3YR M&S 693.00 0.00% 693.00 32.80
LASERFICHE RIO SCANCONNECT - 10 PACK 3YR M& 960.00 0.00% 960.00 45.44
LASERFICHE RIO PLUS DIG ARCH 5 SEATS INTER U 10,500.00 0.00% 10,500.00 496.97
LASERFICHE RIO PLUS DIG ARCH ROYLTY FREE DI 3,990.00 0.00% 3,990.00 188.85
LASERFICHE RIO AGENDA MANAGER (10 MEETING T 26,250.00 0.00% 26,250.00 1,242.41
LASERFICHE RIO AGENDA MANAGER (50 MEETING T 36,750.00 0.00% 36,750.00 1,739.38
LASERFICHE RIO SDK 3YR M&S INC3YR 4,500.00 0.00% 4,500.00 212.99
LASERFICHE RIO INTEGRATION WITH ECOPY 3YR M 1,569.00 0.00% 1,569.00 74.26
LASERFICHE RIO INTEGRATION WITH ECOPY 5-PAC 6,273.00 0.00% 6,273.00 296.90
LASERFICHE RIO PILOT NAMED FULL USERS 25 - 49 1,260.00 0.00% 1,260.00 59.64
LASERFICHE RIO PILOT NAMED FULL USERS 50 - 99 1,168.00 0.00% 1,168.00 55.28
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 100 - 199 4 Y 980.00 0.00% 980.00 46.38
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 200 - 499 4 Y 840.00 0.00% 840.00 39.76
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 500 - 999 4 Y 700.00 0.00% 700.00 33.13
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 1,000-1,499 4 560.00 0.00% 560.00 26.50
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 1,500-1,999 4 492.00 0.00% 492.00 23.29
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 2,000-2,999 4 420.00 0.00% 420.00 19.88
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 3,000-3,999 4 364.00 0.00% 364.00 17.23
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 4,000-4,999 4 324.00 0.00% 324.00 15.33
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 5,000-5,999 4 280.00 0.00% 280.00 13.25
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 6,000-6,999 4 268.00 0.00% 268.00 12.68
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 7,000-7,900 4 252.00 0.00% 252.00 11.93
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 8,000-8,999 4 240.00 0.00% 240.00 11.36
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 9,000-9,999 4 224.00 0.00% 224.00 10.60
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 10,000-19,999 212.00 0.00% 212.00 10.03
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 20,000-29,999 188.00 0.00% 188.00 8.90
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 30,000-39,999 168.00 0.00% 168.00 7.95
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 40,000-49,999 156.00 0.00% 156.00 7.38
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 50,000 + 4 YR 140.00 0.00% 140.00 6.63
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED RETREIVAL USERS 200 - 99 280.00 0.00% 280.00 13.25
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED RETIEVAL USERS 1,000-9,9 140.00 0.00% 140.00 6.63
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED RETRIEVAL USERS 10,000-1 52.00 0.00% 52.00 2.46
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED RETRIEVAL USERS 20,000-4 48.00 0.00% 48.00 2.27
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED RETRIEVAL USERS 50,000 36.00 0.00% 36.00 1.70
LASERFICHE RIO FRM AUTH PARTICIPANT 1 - 49 4 280.00 0.00% 280.00 13.25
LASERFICHE RIO FRM AUTH PARTICIPANT 50 - 199 196.00 0.00% 196.00 9.28
LASERFICHE RIO FRM AUTH PARTICIPANT 200 - 499 140.00 0.00% 140.00 6.63
LASERFICHE RIO FRM AUTH PARTICIPANT 500 - 999 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
LASERFICHE RIO FRM AUTH PARTICIPANT 1,000-1,9 80.00 0.00% 80.00 3.79
LASERFICHE RIO FRM AUTH PARTICIPANT 2,000-2,9 52.00 0.00% 52.00 2.46
LASERFICHE RIO FRM AUTH PARTICIPANT 3,000-4,9 44.00 0.00% 44.00 2.08
LASERFICHE RIO PILOT PUBLIC PORTAL LICENSE 4 35,000.00 0.00% 35,000.00 1,656.55
LASERFICHE RIO PUBLIC PORTAL LICENSE 4 YRS M 63,000.00 0.00% 63,000.00 2,981.79
LASERFICHE RIO PUB PORTAL LIC - DUAL PROCR M 63,000.00 0.00% 63,000.00 2,981.79
LASERFICHE RIO PUB PORTAL LIC - MULTIPROCR M 70,000.00 0.00% 70,000.00 3,313.10
LASERFICHE RIO FORMS PORTAL ADD-ON 4 YRS M 11,192.00 0.00% 11,192.00 529.72
LASERFICHE RIO FORMS ENTERPRISE PORTAL ADD- 33,600.00 0.00% 33,600.00 1,590.29
LASERFICHE RIO QUICK FIELDS 4 YRS M&S INC4YR 832.00 0.00% 832.00 39.38
LASERFICHE RIO QUICK FIELDS BASIC 4 YRS M&S 3,500.00 0.00% 3,500.00 165.66
LASERFICHE RIO QUICK FIELDS CORE 4 YRS M&S I 7,000.00 0.00% 7,000.00 331.31
LASERFICHE RIO QUICK FIELDS CLASSIFY 4 YRS M 10,500.00 0.00% 10,500.00 496.97
LASERFICHE RIO QUICK FIELDS CONTEXT 4 YRS M 14,000.00 0.00% 14,000.00 662.62
LASERFICHE RIO QUICK FIELDS COMPLETE 4 YRS 21,000.00 0.00% 21,000.00 993.93
LASERFICHE RIO QUICK FIELDS AGENT 4 YRS M&S 14,000.00 0.00% 14,000.00 662.62
LASERFICHE RIO IMPORT AGENT4 YRS M&S INC4YR 2,100.00 0.00% 2,100.00 99.39
LASERFICHE RIO SCANCONNECT 4 YRS M&S INC4Y 232.00 0.00% 232.00 10.98
LASERFICHE RIO SCANCONNECT - 5 PACK 4 YRS M 924.00 0.00% 924.00 43.73
LASERFICHE RIO SCANCONNECT - 10 PACK 4 YRS 1,280.00 0.00% 1,280.00 60.58
LASERFICHE RIO PLUS DIG ARCH 5 SEATS INTER U 14,000.00 0.00% 14,000.00 662.62
LASERFICHE RIO DIG ARCH ROYLTY FREE DIST PU 5,320.00 0.00% 5,320.00 251.80
LASERFICHE RIO AGENDA MANAGER (10 MEETING T 35,000.00 0.00% 35,000.00 1,656.55
LASERFICHE RIO AGENDA MANAGER (50 MEETING T 49,000.00 0.00% 49,000.00 2,319.17
LASERFICHE RIO SDK 4 YRS M&S INC4YR 6,000.00 0.00% 6,000.00 283.98
LASERFICHE RIO INTEGRATION WITH ECOPY 4 YRS 2,092.00 0.00% 2,092.00 99.01
LASERFICHE RIO INTEGRATION WITH ECOPY 5-PACK 8,364.00 0.00% 8,364.00 395.87
LASERFICHE RIO PILOT NAMED FULL USERS 25 - 49 1,575.00 0.00% 1,575.00 74.54
LASERFICHE RIO PILOT NAMED FULL USERS 50 - 99 1,460.00 0.00% 1,460.00 69.10
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 100 - 199 5 Y 1,225.00 0.00% 1,225.00 57.98
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 200 - 499 5 Y 1,050.00 0.00% 1,050.00 49.70
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 500 - 999 5 Y 875.00 0.00% 875.00 41.41
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 1,000-1,499 5 700.00 0.00% 700.00 33.13
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 1,500-1,999 5 615.00 0.00% 615.00 29.11
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 2,000-2,999 5 525.00 0.00% 525.00 24.85
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 3,000-3,999 5 455.00 0.00% 455.00 21.54
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 4,000-4,999 5 405.00 0.00% 405.00 19.17
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 5,000-5,999 5 350.00 0.00% 350.00 16.57
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 6,000-6,999 5 335.00 0.00% 335.00 15.86
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 7,000-7,900 5 315.00 0.00% 315.00 14.91
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 8,000-8,999 5 300.00 0.00% 300.00 14.20
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 9,000-9,999 5 280.00 0.00% 280.00 13.25
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 10,000-19,999 265.00 0.00% 265.00 12.54
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 20,000-29,999 235.00 0.00% 235.00 11.12
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 30,000-39,999 210.00 0.00% 210.00 9.94
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 40,000-49,999 195.00 0.00% 195.00 9.23
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED FULL USERS 50,000 + 5 YR 175.00 0.00% 175.00 8.28
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED RETREIVAL USERS 200 - 99 350.00 0.00% 350.00 16.57
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED RETIEVAL USERS 1,000-9,9 175.00 0.00% 175.00 8.28
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED RETRIEVAL USERS 10,000-1 65.00 0.00% 65.00 3.08
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED RETRIEVAL USERS 20,000-4 60.00 0.00% 60.00 2.84
LASERFICHE RIO NAMED RETRIEVAL USERS 50,000 45.00 0.00% 45.00 2.13
LASERFICHE RIO FRMS AUTH PARTICIPANT 1 - 49 5 350.00 0.00% 350.00 16.57
LASERFICHE RIO FRMS AUTH PARTICIPANT 50 - 199 245.00 0.00% 245.00 11.60
LASERFICHE RIO FRMS AUTH PARTICIPANT 200 - 49 175.00 0.00% 175.00 8.28
LASERFICHE RIO FRMS AUTH PARTICIPANT 500 - 99 125.00 0.00% 125.00 5.92
LASERFICHE RIO FRMS AUTH PARTICIPANT 1,000-1, 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
LASERFICHE RIO FRMS AUTH PARTICIPANT 2,000-2, 65.00 0.00% 65.00 3.08
LASERFICHE RIO FRMS AUTH PARTICIPANT 3,000-4, 55.00 0.00% 55.00 2.60
LASERFICHE RIO FRMS AUTH PARTICIPANT 5,000+ 45.00 0.00% 45.00 2.13
LASERFICHE RIO PILOT PUBLIC PORTAL LICENSE 5 43,750.00 0.00% 43,750.00 2,070.69
LASERFICHE RIO PUBLIC PORTAL LICENSE 5 YRS M 78,750.00 0.00% 78,750.00 3,727.24
LASERFICHE RIO PUB PORTAL LIC - DUAL PROCR M 78,750.00 0.00% 78,750.00 3,727.24
LASERFICHE RIO PUB PORTAL LIC - MULTIPROCR M 87,500.00 0.00% 87,500.00 4,141.38
LASERFICHE RIO FORMS PORTAL ADD-ON 5 YRS M 13,990.00 0.00% 13,990.00 662.15
LASERFICHE RIO FORMS ENTERPRISE PORTAL ADD- 42,000.00 0.00% 42,000.00 1,987.86
LASERFICHE RIO QUICK FIELDS 5 YRS M&S INC5YR 1,040.00 0.00% 1,040.00 49.22
LASERFICHE RIO QUICK FIELDS BASIC 5 YRS M&S 4,375.00 0.00% 4,375.00 207.07
LASERFICHE RIO QUICK FIELDS CORE 5 YRS M&S I 8,750.00 0.00% 8,750.00 414.14
LASERFICHE RIO QUICK FIELDS CLASSIFY 5 YRS M 13,125.00 0.00% 13,125.00 621.21
LASERFICHE RIO QUICK FIELDS CONTEXT 5 YRS M 17,500.00 0.00% 17,500.00 828.28
LASERFICHE RIO QUICK FIELDS COMPLETE 5 YRS 26,250.00 0.00% 26,250.00 1,242.41
LASERFICHE RIO QUICK FIELDS AGENT 5 YRS M&S 17,500.00 0.00% 17,500.00 828.28
LASERFICHE RIO IMPORT AGENT5 YRS M&S INC5YR 2,625.00 0.00% 2,625.00 124.24
LASERFICHE RIO SCANCONNECT 5 YRS M&S INC5Y 290.00 0.00% 290.00 13.73
LASERFICHE RIO SCANCONNECT - 5 PACK 5 YRS M 1,155.00 0.00% 1,155.00 54.67
LASERFICHE RIO SCANCONNECT - 10 PACK 5 YRS 1,600.00 0.00% 1,600.00 75.73
LASERFICHE RIO PLS DIG ARCH 5 SEATS INTERN U 17,500.00 0.00% 17,500.00 828.28
LASERFICHE RIO PLS DIG ARCH ROYLTY FRE DIST 6,650.00 0.00% 6,650.00 314.74
LASERFICHE RIO AGENDA MANAGER (10 MEETING T 43,750.00 0.00% 43,750.00 2,070.69
LASERFICHE RIO AGENDA MANAGER (50 MEETING T 61,250.00 0.00% 61,250.00 2,898.96
LASERFICHE RIO SDK 5 YRS M&S INC5YR 7,500.00 0.00% 7,500.00 354.98
LASERFICHE RIO INTEGRATION WITH ECOPY 5 YRS 2,615.00 0.00% 2,615.00 123.77
LASERFICHE RIO INTEGRATION WITH ECOPY 5-PACK 10,455.00 0.00% 10,455.00 494.84
Bulk Mailer
NPST BULK MAILER STANDARD SOFTWARE AND AN 2,261.00 0.00% 2,261.00 107.01
NPST SATORI ESSENTIALS BUNDLE ANNUAL 1 YEAR 1,643.00 0.00% 1,643.00 77.76
NPST BULK MAILER PROFESSIONAL SOFTWARE AN 5,145.00 0.00% 5,145.00 243.51
NPST SATORI ENHANCED BUNDLE ANNUAL 1 YEAR 4,321.00 0.00% 4,321.00 204.51
NPST BULK MAILER BUSINESS SOFTWARE AND AN 7,514.00 0.00% 7,514.00 355.64
NPST SATORI EXPERT BUNDLE ANNUAL 1 YEAR 6,587.00 0.00% 6,587.00 311.76
NPST ADV PRESORT BUNDLE INCLUDES MIXED WEI 3,909.00 0.00% 3,909.00 185.01
NPST SATORI ADVANCED PRESORT BUNDLE ANNUA 2,879.00 0.00% 2,879.00 136.26
NPST DATA ENHANCEMENT BNDL INCLUDES MERGE 2,776.00 0.00% 2,776.00 131.39
NPST SATORI DATA ENHANCEMENT BUNDLE ANNUA 2,467.00 0.00% 2,467.00 116.76
NPST BULK MAILER STANDARD SOFTWARE AND AN 1,849.00 0.00% 1,849.00 87.51
NPST SATORI DATA SERVICE CREDITS 25K BLOCK 258.00 0.00% 258.00 12.21
NPST BULK MAILER STANDARD SOFTWARE 1 YEAR 1,128.00 0.00% 1,128.00 53.39
NPST BULK MAILER PROFESSIONAL SOFTWARE AN 2,982.00 0.00% 2,982.00 141.14
NPST BULK MAILER PROFESSIONAL EASYTRACK C 2,570.00 6.44% 2,404.60 113.81
NPST BULK MAILER PROFESSIONAL EASYTRACK C 2,570.00 0.00% 2,570.00 121.64
NPST BULK MAILER PROFESSIONAL SOFTWARE 1 Y 1,952.00 0.00% 1,952.00 92.39
NPST BULK MAILER BUSINESS SOFTWARE AND ANN 4,012.00 0.00% 4,012.00 189.89
NPST BULK MAILER BUSINESS UPGRADE FROM BUL 1,030.00 0.00% 1,030.00 48.75
NPST BULK MAILER BUSINESS UNLIMITED WALK S 1,540.00 0.00% 1,540.00 72.89
NPST BULK MAILER BUSINESS ADDITIONAL 5 USER 1,025.00 0.00% 1,025.00 48.51
NPST BULK MAILER BUSINESS GEOCODE ADD ON 1,030.00 0.00% 1,030.00 48.75
NPST BULK MAILER BUSINESS MERGE/PURGE ADD 2,060.00 0.00% 2,060.00 97.50
NPST BULK MAILER BUSINESS UNLIMITED WALK S 1,540.00 0.00% 1,540.00 72.89
NPST BULK MAILER BUSINESS EASYTRACK COMPL 2,570.00 0.00% 2,570.00 121.64
NPST BULK MAILER BUSINESS SOFTWARE 1 YEAR 2,467.00 0.00% 2,467.00 116.76
NPST BULK MAILER BUSINESS ADDITIONAL 5 USER 1,025.00 0.00% 1,025.00 48.51
NPST BULK MAILER BUSINESS GEOCODE ADD ON 1,030.00 0.00% 1,030.00 48.75
NPST BULK MAILER BUSINESS MERGE PURGE ADD 1,236.00 0.00% 1,236.00 58.50
NPST BULK MAILER BUSINESS MIXED WEIGHTS AD 1,236.00 0.00% 1,236.00 58.50
NPST SATORI OFFICE UNITED STATES 2,776.00 0.00% 2,776.00 131.39
NPST SATORI OFFICE FIRM BUNDLES 773.00 6.32% 724.14 34.27
NPST SATORI OFFICE PALLETIZATION 3,090.00 6.41% 2,891.95 136.88
NPST SATORI OFFICE PACKAGE SERVICES 2,060.00 6.43% 1,927.59 91.23
NPST SATORI OFFICE UNITED STATES ANNUAL 1,746.00 0.00% 1,746.00 82.64
NPST SATORI OFFICE SUPPORT 250 MIN 258.00 6.44% 241.38 11.42
NPST SATORI OFFICE SUPPORT 250 MIN ANNUAL 256.00 5.71% 241.38 11.42
NPST SATORI ARCHITECT FIRM BUNDLES 773.00 0.00% 773.00 36.59
NPST SATORI ARCHITECT GEOCODE 1,030.00 0.00% 1,030.00 48.75
NPST SATORI ARCHITECT PALLETIZATION 4,017.00 0.00% 4,017.00 190.12
NPST SATORI ARCHITECT PACKAGE SERVICES 2,060.00 0.00% 2,060.00 97.50
NPST SATORI ARCHITECT WEB ENABLED ADDRESS 3,039.00 0.00% 3,039.00 143.84
NPST SATORI ARCHITECT WEB ENABLED ADDRESS 5,099.00 0.00% 5,099.00 241.34
NPST SATORI ARCHITECT WEB ENABLED ADDRESS 6,129.00 0.00% 6,129.00 290.09
NPST SATORI ARCHITECT WEB ENABLED ADDRESS 8,189.00 0.00% 8,189.00 387.59
NPST SATORI ARCHITECT GEOCODE ANNUAL 1,030.00 0.00% 1,030.00 48.75
NPST SATORI ARCHITECT WEB ENABLED ADDR COR 3,039.00 0.00% 3,039.00 143.84
NPST SATORI ARCHITECT WEB ENABLED ADDR COR 5,099.00 0.00% 5,099.00 241.34
NPST SATORI ARCHITECT WEB ENABLED ADDR COR 6,129.00 0.00% 6,129.00 290.09
NPST SATORI ARCHITECT WEB ENABLED ADDRESS 8,189.00 0.00% 8,189.00 387.59
NPST SATORI ARCHITECT WEB ENABLED ADDR CO 1,025.00 0.00% 1,025.00 48.51
NPST SATORI ARCHITECT SUPPORT 250 MIN 510.00 6.24% 478.16 22.63
NPST SATORI ARCHITECT SUPPORT 250 MIN ANNUA 510.00 6.24% 478.16 22.63
NPST ARCHITECT OMS PLUG IN LOW VOLUME UP T 1,746.00 0.00% 1,746.00 82.64
NPST ARCHITECT OMS PLUG IN LOW VOLUME ANNU 1,231.00 0.00% 1,231.00 58.26
NPST ARCHITECT OMS PLUG IN SMB 40 PPM 11 TO 2,055.00 0.00% 2,055.00 97.26
NPST ARCHITECT OMS PLUG IN SMB 40 PPM ANNUA 1,334.00 0.00% 1,334.00 63.14
NPST ARCHITECT OMS PLUG IN 60 PPM 20 TO 30K 2,570.00 0.00% 2,570.00 121.64
NPST ARCHITECT OMS PLUG IN 60 PPM ANNUAL 20 1,746.00 0.00% 1,746.00 82.64
NPST ARCHITECT OMS PLUG IN 120 PPM 31 TO 60K 3,857.00 0.00% 3,857.00 182.55
NPST ARCHITECT OMS PLUG IN 120 PPM ANNUAL 31 2,570.00 0.00% 2,570.00 121.64
NPST ARCHITECT OMS PLUG IN 180 PPM 61 TO 100 4,372.00 0.00% 4,372.00 206.93
NPST ARCHITECT OMS PLUG IN 180 PPM ANNUAL 61 3,136.00 0.00% 3,136.00 148.43
NPST ARCHITECT OMS PLUG IN UNLIMITED PPM 101 8,235.00 0.00% 8,235.00 389.76
NPST ARCHITECT OMS PLUG IN UNLIMITED PPM AN 5,763.00 0.00% 5,763.00 272.76
NPST ARCHITECT OMS PLUG IN PACKAGE SERVICE 1,236.00 0.00% 1,236.00 58.50
NPST ARCHITECT OMS PLUG IN LOW VOLUME UNLIM 1,025.00 0.00% 1,025.00 48.51
NPST ARCHITECT OMS PLUG IN LOW VOL UNLIMITE 1,025.00 0.00% 1,025.00 48.51
NPST ARCHITECT OMS PLUG IN SMB 40 PPM UNLIMI 1,741.00 0.00% 1,741.00 82.40
NPST ARCHITECT OMS PLUG IN SMB 40 PPM UNLTD 1,741.00 0.00% 1,741.00 82.40
NPST ARCHITECT OMS PLUG IN 60 PPM UNLIMITED 2,050.00 0.00% 2,050.00 97.03
NPST ARCHITECT OMS PLUG IN 60 PPM UNLTD NCO 2,050.00 0.00% 2,050.00 97.03
NPST ARCHITECT OMS PLUG IN 120 PPM UNLIMITED 3,080.00 0.00% 3,080.00 145.78
NPST ARCHITECT OMS PLUG IN 120 PPM UNLTD NC 3,080.00 0.00% 3,080.00 145.78
NPST ARCHITECT OMS PLUG IN 180 PPM UNLIMITED 3,595.00 0.00% 3,595.00 170.15
NPST ARCHITECT OMS PLUG IN 180 PPM UNLTD NCO 3,595.00 0.00% 3,595.00 170.15
NPST ARCHITECT OMS PLUG IN UNLTD PPM UNLIMI 7,200.00 0.00% 7,200.00 340.78
NPST ARCHITECT OMS PLUG IN UNLTD PPM UNLTD 7,200.00 0.00% 7,200.00 340.78
NPST EASYTRACK FOR ARCHITECT 2,570.00 0.00% 2,570.00 121.64
NPST EASYTRACK FOR ARCHITECT ANNUAL 2,570.00 0.00% 2,570.00 121.64
NPST EASYTRACK CREDITS 25K 258.00 0.00% 258.00 12.21
NPST FULL SERVICE IMB PACKAGE FOR MAILROOM 1,029.00 0.00% 1,029.00 48.70
NPST FULL SERVICE IMB PACKAGE FOR MAILROOM 2,574.00 0.00% 2,574.00 121.83
NPST FULL SERVICE IMB PACKAGE FOR MAILROOM 5,150.00 0.00% 5,150.00 243.75
NPST INFUSE DESKTOP EDITION UP TO 25K RECOR 773.00 0.00% 773.00 36.59
NPST INFUSE DESKTOP EDITION UP TO 50K RECOR 1,148.00 0.00% 1,148.00 54.33
NPST INFUSE DESKTOP EDITION ANNUAL 1 YEAR U 1,148.00 0.00% 1,148.00 54.33
NPST INFUSE DESKTOP EDITION UP TO 100K RECO 1,803.00 0.00% 1,803.00 85.34
NPST INFUSE DESKTOP EDITION ANNUAL 1 YEAR U 1,803.00 0.00% 1,803.00 85.34
NPST INFUSE DESKTOP EDITION UP TO 250K RECO 2,833.00 0.00% 2,833.00 134.09
NPST INFUSE DESKTOP EDITION ANNUAL 1 YEAR U 2,833.00 0.00% 2,833.00 134.09
NPST INFUSE DESKTOP EDITION UP TO 750K RECO 5,150.00 0.00% 5,150.00 243.75
NPST INFUSE DESKTOP EDITION ANNUAL 1 YEAR U 5,150.00 0.00% 5,150.00 243.75
NPST INFUSE DATABASE CONNECTOR 6,129.00 0.00% 6,129.00 290.09
NPST INFUSE DATABASE CONNECTOR ANNUAL 6,129.00 0.00% 6,129.00 290.09
NPST INFUSE DATABASE CONNECTOR SET UP AND 6,592.00 0.00% 6,592.00 312.00
NPST OMS 500 PLUG IN 1 TO 5K MAILPIECES MONT 1,442.00 0.00% 1,442.00 68.25
NPST OMS 500 PLUG IN ANNUAL 1 TO 5K MAILPIEC 927.00 0.00% 927.00 43.87
NPST OMS 500 PLUG IN 5 TO 10K MAILPIECES MON 1,854.00 0.00% 1,854.00 87.75
NPST OMS 500 PLUG IN ANNUAL 5 TO 10K MAILPIE 1,442.00 0.00% 1,442.00 68.25
NPST OMS 500 PLUG IN 10 TO 20K MAILPIECES MON 2,369.00 0.00% 2,369.00 112.12
NPST OMS 500 PLUG IN ANNUAL 10 TO 20K MAILPI 1,648.00 0.00% 1,648.00 78.00
NPST OMS 500 PLUG IN 20 TO 40K MAILPIECES MON 3,914.00 0.00% 3,914.00 185.25
NPST OMS 500 PLUG IN ANNUAL 20 TO 40K MAILPI 2,781.00 0.00% 2,781.00 131.62
NPST OMS 500 PLUG IN 40 TO 60K MAILPIECES MON 4,841.00 0.00% 4,841.00 229.12
NPST OMS 500 PLUG IN ANNUAL 40 TO 60K MAILPI 3,399.00 0.00% 3,399.00 160.87
NPST OMS 500 PLUG IN 60 TO 100K MAILPIECES MO 6,077.00 0.00% 6,077.00 287.62
NPST OMS 500 PLUG IN ANNUAL 60 TO 100K MAILP 4,223.00 0.00% 4,223.00 199.87
NPST OMS 500 PLUG IN 100 TO 200K MAILPIECES M 7,725.00 0.00% 7,725.00 365.62
NPST OMS 500 PLUG IN ANNUAL 100 TO 200K MAIL 5,356.00 0.00% 5,356.00 253.50
NPST OMS 500 PLUG IN 200 TO 350K MAILPIECES M 10,300.00 0.00% 10,300.00 487.50
NPST OMS 500 PLUG IN ANNUAL 200 TO 350K MAIL 7,210.00 0.00% 7,210.00 341.25
NPST OMS 500 PLUG IN NCOA 60K CREDITS YEAR 618.00 0.00% 618.00 29.25
NPST OMS 500 PLUG IN NCOA ANNUAL 60K CREDIT 618.00 0.00% 618.00 29.25
NPST OMS 500 PLUG IN NCOA 120K CREDITS YEAR 1,030.00 0.00% 1,030.00 48.75
NPST OMS 500 PLUG IN NCOA ANNUAL 120K CREDI 1,030.00 0.00% 1,030.00 48.75
NPST OMS 500 PLUG IN NCOA 240K CREDITS YEAR 1,442.00 0.00% 1,442.00 68.25
NPST OMS 500 PLUG IN NCOA ANNUAL 240K CREDI 1,442.00 0.00% 1,442.00 68.25
NPST OMS 500 PLUG IN NCOA 480K CREDITS YEAR 2,472.00 0.00% 2,472.00 117.00
NPST OMS 500 PLUG IN NCOA ANNUAL 480K CREDI 2,472.00 0.00% 2,472.00 117.00
NPST OMS 500 PLUG IN NCOA 720K CREDITS YEAR 2,987.00 0.00% 2,987.00 141.37
NPST OMS 500 PLUG IN NCOA ANNUAL 720K CREDI 2,987.00 0.00% 2,987.00 141.37
NPST OMS 500 PLUG IN NCOA 1M 2K CREDITS YEAR 3,605.00 0.00% 3,605.00 170.62
NPST OMS 500 PLUG IN NCOA ANNUAL 1M 2K CRED 3,605.00 0.00% 3,605.00 170.62
NPST OMS 500 PLUG IN NCOA 2M 4K CREDITS YEAR 4,944.00 0.00% 4,944.00 234.00
NPST OMS 500 PLUG IN NCOA ANNUAL 2M 4K CRED 4,944.00 0.00% 4,944.00 234.00
NPST OMS 500 PLUG IN NCOA 4M 2K CREDITS YEAR 7,004.00 0.00% 7,004.00 331.50
NPST OMS 500 PLUG IN NCOA ANNUAL 4M 2K CRED 7,004.00 0.00% 7,004.00 331.50
NPST OMS 500 PLUG IN UPGRADE FROM PRINTMA 2,060.00 0.00% 2,060.00 97.50
NPST OMS200 BASE LICENSE SET-UP AND TRAININ 2,059.00 5.77% 1,940.23 91.83
NPST 2D DATAMATRIX OPTION 247.00 5.07% 234.48 11.10
NPST MULTI ENVELOPE BATCH OPTION 464.00 5.87% 436.78 20.67
NPST MERGE AND SORT OPTION 464.00 5.87% 436.78 20.67
NPST VIRTUAL PRINT DRIVER 464.00 5.87% 436.78 20.67
NPST ANNUAL LICENSE FEE FOR DS35 309.00 0.00% 309.00 14.62
NPST ANNUAL LICENSE FEE FOR DS63 AND DS65 618.00 0.00% 618.00 29.25
NPST ANNUAL LICENSE FEE FOR DS75 989.00 0.00% 989.00 46.81
NPST ANNUAL LICENSE FEE FOR DS85 1,112.00 0.00% 1,112.00 52.63
NPST ANNUAL LICENSE FEE FOR DS90I 1,236.00 0.00% 1,236.00 58.50
NPST ANNUAL LICENSE FEE FOR DS160 AND DS160 2,472.00 0.00% 2,472.00 117.00
NPST ANNUAL LICENSE FEE FOR DS200 AND DS12G 3,708.00 0.00% 3,708.00 175.50
NPST OMS500 STANDARD LICENSE 600K CLICKS PA 4,635.00 0.00% 4,635.00 219.37
NPST OMS500 STANDARD SUPPORT 927.00 5.64% 874.71 41.40
NPST OMS500 OFFICE LICENSE 1M 2K CLICKS PAGE 10,300.00 0.00% 10,300.00 487.50
NPST OMS500 OFFICE SUPPORT 2,060.00 5.76% 1,941.38 91.89
NPST OMS500 PRO LICENSE 5M CLICKS PAGES PER 15,450.00 0.00% 15,450.00 731.25
NPST OMS500 PRO SUPPORT 3,090.00 0.00% 3,090.00 146.25
NPST OMS500 ENTERPRISE LICENSE 10M CLICKS P 26,780.00 0.00% 26,780.00 1,267.50
NPST OMS500 ENTERPRISE SUPPORT 5,356.00 5.75% 5,048.28 238.93
NPST OMS500 STANDARD TO OFFICE 5,665.00 5.73% 5,340.23 252.75
NPST OMS500 STANDARD TO PRO 10,815.00 5.74% 10,194.25 482.49
NPST OMS500 STANDARD TO ENTERPRISE 22,415.00 6.88% 20,873.56 987.95
NPST OMS500 OFFICE TO PRO 5,150.00 5.75% 4,854.02 229.74
NPST OMS500 OFFICE TO ENTERPRISE 16,480.00 5.75% 15,532.18 735.14
NPST OMS500 PRO TO ENTERPRISE 11,330.00 5.74% 10,679.31 505.45
NPST REMOTE SITE INCLUDES HOT FOLDER MANAG 1,349.00 5.68% 1,272.41 60.22
NPST REMOTE SITE SUPPORT 270.00 0.00% 270.00 12.78
NPST PRINTER MANAGEMENT SUPPORT 135.00 0.00% 135.00 6.39
NPST CONTRIBUTOR SUPPORT 135.00 0.00% 135.00 6.39
NPST LOOKUP TABLE SERVER SIDE 675.00 5.83% 635.63 30.08
NPST LOOKUP TABLE SUPPORT 135.00 0.00% 135.00 6.39
NPST ADDITIONAL INPUT FORMAT PCL 2,024.00 5.73% 1,908.05 90.31
NPST ADDITIONAL INPUT FORMAT TNO 2,024.00 5.73% 1,908.05 90.31
NPST EMAIL SMTP CONNECTOR FOR STANDARD EM 2,699.00 5.75% 2,543.68 120.39
NPST ADDITIONAL TENANT SERVER SIDE 2,699.00 5.75% 2,543.68 120.39
NPST AIMS CONNECTOR 2,024.00 5.73% 1,908.05 90.31
NPST AIMS CONNECTOR SUPPORT 405.00 0.00% 405.00 19.17
NPST SATORI CONNECTOR OMS500 STANDARD AND 124.00 0.00% 124.00 5.87
NPST SATORI CONNECTOR ADDR CLEANSING AND 2,024.00 5.73% 1,908.05 90.31
NPST SATORI CONNECTOR OMS500 PRO AND ENTE 405.00 5.78% 381.61 18.06
NPST CONNECTOR FOR CONNECTSUITE FOR OMS50 2,024.00 5.73% 1,908.05 90.31
NPST OMS500 PRO SVCS FIXED PROJECT DEVELOP 103.00 0.00% 103.00 4.87
NPST OMS500 PRO SVCS HOURLY DEVELOPMENT 258.00 0.00% 258.00 12.21
NPST E CERTIFY CONFIGURATION FEE 1,545.00 0.00% 1,545.00 73.12
NPST E CERTIFY ANNUAL LEVEL 1 UP TO 500 E CE 129.00 0.00% 129.00 6.11
NPST E CERTIFY ANNUAL LEVEL 2 UP TO 1000 E C 247.00 0.00% 247.00 11.69
NPST E CERTIFY ANNUAL LEVEL 3 UP TO 2000 E C 474.00 0.00% 474.00 22.43
NPST E CERTIFY ANNUAL LEVEL 4 UP TO 4000 E C 906.00 0.00% 906.00 42.88
NPST E CERTIFY ANNUAL LEVEL 5 UP TO 8K E CER 1,730.00 0.00% 1,730.00 81.88
NPST E CERTIFY ANNUAL LEVEL 6 UP TO 12K E CE 2,513.00 0.00% 2,513.00 118.94
NPST E CERTIFY ANNUAL LEVEL 7 UP TO 16K E CE 3,296.00 0.00% 3,296.00 156.00
NPST E CERTIFY ANNUAL LEVEL 8 UP TO 32K E CER 6,262.00 0.00% 6,262.00 296.38
NPST E CERTIFY ANNUAL LEVEL 9 UP TO 64K E CE 11,866.00 0.00% 11,866.00 561.62
NPST E CERTIFY ANNUAL LEVEL 10 UP TO 128K E 22,413.00 0.00% 22,413.00 1,060.81
NPST E CERTIFY ANNUAL LEVEL 11 UP TO 256K E 42,189.00 0.00% 42,189.00 1,996.81
NPST CONNECTSUITE AUTOMATE 2,059.00 5.77% 1,940.23 91.83
NPST EDELIVERY SET UP FEE 8,239.00 0.00% 8,239.00 389.95
NPST EDELIVERY ANNUAL 1 YEAR UP TO 5K COMM 1,842.00 0.00% 1,842.00 87.18
NPST EDELIVERY ANNUAL 1 YEAR UP TO 10K COM 2,460.00 0.00% 2,460.00 116.43
NPST EDELIVERY ANNUAL 1 YEAR UP TO 25K COM 4,932.00 0.00% 4,932.00 233.43
NPST EDELIVERY ANNUAL 1 YEAR UP TO 50K COM 7,404.00 0.00% 7,404.00 350.43
NPST EDELIVERY ANNUAL 1 YEAR UP TO 100K CO 9,876.00 0.00% 9,876.00 467.43
NPST EDELIVERY ANNUAL 1 YEAR UP TO 250K CO 16,056.00 0.00% 16,056.00 759.93
NPST EDELIVERY ANNUAL 1 YEAR UP TO 500K CO 22,236.00 0.00% 22,236.00 1,052.43
NPST ECREDIT PACK UP TO 7K EMAILS 865.00 0.00% 865.00 40.94
NPST ECREDIT PACK UP TO 15K EMAILS 1,780.00 0.00% 1,780.00 84.25
NPST ECREDIT PACK UP TO 25K EMAILS 2,848.00 0.00% 2,848.00 134.80
NPST ECREDIT PACK UP TO 50K EMAILS 5,468.00 0.00% 5,468.00 258.80
NPST ECREDIT PACK UP TO 75K EMAILS 7,873.00 0.00% 7,873.00 372.63
NPST ECREDIT PACK UP TO 100K EMAILS 10,078.00 0.00% 10,078.00 476.99
NPST ECREDIT PACK UP TO 150K EMAILS 14,512.00 0.00% 14,512.00 686.85
NPST ECREDIT PACK UP TO 250K EMAILS 23,220.00 0.00% 23,220.00 1,099.00
NPST ECREDIT PACK UP TO 500K EMAILS 44,582.00 0.00% 44,582.00 2,110.07
NPST ECREDIT PACK UP TO 1M EMAILS 85,597.00 0.00% 85,597.00 4,051.31
NPST EPAYMENT MODULE 4,120.00 5.73% 3,883.91 183.83
NPST CONNECTSUITE CORE 7,209.00 5.75% 6,794.25 321.57
NPST CONNECTSUITE CORE SUPPORT 1,441.00 0.00% 1,441.00 68.20
NPST DOCUTRANSFER LITE BASIC BUNDLE 6,901.00 5.74% 6,504.60 307.86
NPST DOCUTRANSFER LITE ADVANCED BUNDLE 9,167.00 5.75% 8,640.23 408.94
NPST DOCUTRANSFER PRO 7,416.00 5.75% 6,989.66 330.82
NPST DOCUTRANSFER PRO 2 LICENSES 5,562.00 5.76% 5,241.38 248.07
NPST DOCUTRANSFER ARCHIVE ADD ON 1,030.00 5.70% 971.26 45.97
NPST DOCUTRANSFER PCL TO PDF ADD ON 1,030.00 5.70% 971.26 45.97
NPST DOCUTRANSFER EDOCS ADD ON 1,030.00 5.70% 971.26 45.97
NPST DOCUTRANSFER DOCUWARE CONNECTOR 2,060.00 5.76% 1,941.38 91.89
NPST DOCUTRANSFER PRO CLIENT 1,030.00 5.70% 971.26 45.97
NPST AIMS PLUG IN FOR DOCUTRANSFER   5,149.00 5.75% 4,852.87 229.69
NPST DOCUTRANSFER PRO ANNUAL SUPPORT 1,483.00 0.00% 1,483.00 70.19
NPST DOCUTRANSFER PRO ANNUAL SUPPORT FOR 1,112.00 0.00% 1,112.00 52.63
NPST DOCUTRANSFER CLOUD SERVICES 618.00 0.00% 618.00 29.25
NPST DOCUTRANSFER CLOUD SERVICES 50GB 412.00 0.00% 412.00 19.50
1,029.00 0.00% 1,029.00 48.70
AS Express Device Lic (1 Device Lic) 919.00 15.56% 776.00 36.73
AS Express Device Lic (1 Device Lic) Maint 184.00 0.54% 183.00 8.66
AS Express Device Lic (1 Device Lic) Rnwl 184.00 0.54% 183.00 8.66
AS EXPRESS DEV LIC (10 DEV LIC PACK) 7,536.00 15.58% 6,362.00 301.11
NSI AS EXPRESS DEV LIC (10 PACK) MAINT 1,507.00 14.13% 1,294.00 61.25
NSI AS EXPRESS DEV LIC (10 PACK) RNWL 1,507.00 14.13% 1,294.00 61.25
NSI AS EXPRESS DEV LIC (25 PACK) 18,380.00 37.41% 11,504.00 544.48
NSI AS EXPRESS DEV LIC (25 PACK) MAINT 3,676.00 14.12% 3,157.00 149.42
NSI AS EXPRESS DEV LIC (25 PACK) RNWL 3,676.00 14.12% 3,157.00 149.42
NSI AS EXPRESS DEV LIC (50 PACK) 35,841.00 15.58% 30,258.00 1,432.11
NSI AS EXPRESS DEV LIC (50 PACK) MAINT 7,168.00 14.10% 6,157.00 291.41
NSI AS EXPRESS DEV LIC (50 PACK) RNWL 7,168.00 14.10% 6,157.00 291.41
NSI AS EXPRESS DEV LIC (100 PACK) 64,330.00 15.58% 54,307.00 2,570.35
NSI AS EXPRESS DEV LIC (100 PACK) MAINT 12,866.00 14.11% 11,050.00 523.00
NSI AS EXPRESS DEV LIC (100 PACK) RNWL 12,866.00 14.11% 11,050.00 523.00
AS-E v6 Device Lic Upgrd to WF 462.00 12.55% 404.00 19.12
AS Express Lic Conversion 249.00 12.85% 217.00 10.27
ASE6 File Import 60k Pgs/Yr 919.00 12.51% 804.00 38.05
ASE6 File Import 60k Pgs/YrM&S 184.00 11.96% 162.00 7.67
Nsi As Exp File Impt Lic (60K Files/Yr)Rnwl 500.00 10.00% 450.00 21.30
NSI AS EXP FILE IMP (180K PGS/YR) 2,540.00 15.55% 2,145.00 101.52
NSI AS EXP FILE IMP LIC (180K PGS/YR) MNT 508.00 13.98% 437.00 20.68
NSI AS EXP FILE IMP LIC (180K PGS/YR) RNWL 508.00 13.98% 437.00 20.68
NSI AS EXP FILE IMP LIC (360K PGS/YR) 4,860.00 15.60% 4,102.00 194.15
NSI AS EXP FILE IMP LIC (360K PGS/YR) MNT 972.00 13.99% 836.00 39.57
NSI AS EXP FILE IMP LIC (360K PGS/YR) RNWL 972.00 13.99% 836.00 39.57
NSI AS EXP FILE IMP LIC (720K PGS/YR) 9,145.00 15.58% 7,720.00 365.39
NSI AS EXP FILE IMP LIC (720K PGS/YR) MNT 1,829.00 14.11% 1,571.00 74.36
NSI AS EXP FILE IMP LIC (720K PGS/YR) RNWL 1,829.00 14.11% 1,571.00 74.36
NSI AS EXP FILE IMP LIC (1,020K PGS/YR) 12,750.00 15.58% 10,764.00 509.46
NSI AS EXP FILE IMP LIC (1,020K PGS/YR) MNT 2,550.00 14.08% 2,191.00 103.70
NSI AS EXP FILE IMP LIC (1,020K PGS/YR) RNWL 2,550.00 14.08% 2,191.00 103.70
AS Exp File Import Lic Upgrade to AS Wrkflw 840.00 10.00% 756.00 35.78
ASE6 FileImpBtryLic 30k Pgs/Yr 1,500.00 12.53% 1,312.00 62.10
ASE6 QCPro Scanner 1 Wrkstn 1,500.00 12.53% 1,312.00 62.10
ASE6 QCPro Scanner 1 WrkStnM&S 300.00 12.00% 264.00 12.50
Nsi As Exp Qikcap Pro Scner (1 Wrkstn)Rnwl 300.00 10.00% 270.00 12.78
NSI AS EXP QC PRO SCANNER (10 WRKSTNS) 12,300.00 15.58% 10,384.00 491.47
NSI AS EXP QC PRO SCANNER (10 WRKSTNS) MNT 2,460.00 14.02% 2,115.00 100.10
NSI AS EXP QC PRO SCANNER (10 WRKSTNS) RNWL 2,460.00 14.02% 2,115.00 100.10
NSI AS EXP QC PRO SCANNER (25 WRKSTNS) 30,000.00 15.58% 25,326.00 1,198.68
NSI AS EXP QC PRO SCANNER (25 WRKSTNS) MNT 6,000.00 14.02% 5,159.00 244.18
NSI AS EXP QC PROSCANNER (25 WRKSTNS) RNWL 6,000.00 14.02% 5,159.00 244.18
NSI AS EXP QC PRO SCANNER (50 WRKSTNS) 58,500.00 15.58% 49,386.00 2,337.44
NSI AS EXP QC PRO SCANNER (50 WRKSTNS) MNT 11,700.00 14.03% 10,059.00 476.09
NSI AS EXP QC PRO SCANNER (50 WRKSTNS) RNWL 11,700.00 14.03% 10,059.00 476.09
NSI AS EXP QC PRO SCANNER (100 WRKSTNS) 105,000.00 15.58% 88,641.00 4,195.38
NSI AS EXP QC PRO SCANNER (100 WRKSTNS) MNT 21,000.00 14.02% 18,055.00 854.54
NSI AS EXP QC PRO SCANNER (100 WRKSTNS) REN 21,000.00 14.02% 18,055.00 854.54
ASE6 QCPro Scanner Upgrd to WF 325.00 12.31% 285.00 13.49
NSI AS EXP DSKTP BND LIC (10 PK,200 USRS) 7,536.00 15.58% 6,362.00 301.11
NSI AS EXP DSKTP BND LIC (10 PK,200 USRS) MNT 1,507.00 14.00% 1,296.00 61.34
NSI AS EXP DSKTP BND LIC (10 PK,200 USRS) REN 1,507.00 14.00% 1,296.00 61.34
ASE6 Dsktp Bnd 1 Lic Pack 919.00 12.51% 804.00 38.05
ASE6 Dsktp Bndl Lic 1 Pk M&S 184.00 11.96% 162.00 7.67
Nsi As Exp Dsktp Bndl 20 Usr Lics Rnwl 184.00 9.78% 166.00 7.86
NSI AS EXP DSKTP BND LIC (25 PK,500 USRS) 18,380.00 15.58% 15,516.00 734.37
NSI AS EXP DSKTP BND LIC (25 PK,500 USRS) MNT 3,676.00 14.01% 3,161.00 149.61
NSI AS EXP DSKTP BND LIC (25 PK,500 USRS) REN 3,676.00 14.01% 3,161.00 149.61
NSI AS EXP DSKTP BND LIC (50PK,1000 USRS) 35,841.00 15.58% 30,258.00 1,432.11
NSI AS EXP DSKTP BND LIC (50PK,1000 USRS) MNT 7,168.00 14.01% 6,164.00 291.74
NSI AS EXP DSKTP BND LIC (50PK,1000 USRS) REN 7,168.00 14.01% 6,164.00 291.74
NSI AS EXP DSKTP BND LIC (100PK,1K USRS) 64,330.00 15.58% 54,307.00 2,570.35
NSI AS EXP DSKTP BND LIC (100PK,1K USRS) MNT 12,866.00 14.02% 11,062.00 523.56
NSI AS EXP DSKTP BND LIC (100PK,1K USRS) REN 12,866.00 14.02% 11,062.00 523.56
ASE6 DsktpBndLicUpgrd to AS-WF 462.00 12.55% 404.00 19.12
NSI 2D BARCODE ADD ON FOR AS EXP RENEWAL 50.00 14.00% 43.00 2.04
NSI 2D BARCODE ADD ON FOR AS WRKFLW RENEW 50.00 14.00% 43.00 2.04
NSI 2D BARCODE ADD ON FOR AS EXP 249.00 15.66% 210.00 9.94
NSI 2D BARCODE ADD ON FOR AS EXP MAINTENAN 50.00 14.00% 43.00 2.04
AS Workflow Device Lic (1 Device Lic) 1,275.00 32.94% 855.00 40.47
AS Workflow Device Lic (1 Device Lic) Maint 255.00 0.78% 253.00 11.97
AS Workflow Device Lic (1 Device Lic) Rnwl 255.00 0.00% 255.00 12.07
NSI AS WORKFLOW DEV LIC (10 DEV LIC PACK) 10,455.00 15.58% 8,826.00 417.73
NSI AS WORKFLOW DEV LIC (10 DEV LIC PACK) MNT 2,091.00 14.01% 1,798.00 85.10
NSI AS WORKFLOW DEV LIC (10 DEV LIC PACK) REN 2,091.00 14.01% 1,798.00 85.10
NSI AS WORKFLOW DEV LIC (25 DEV LIC PACK) 25,500.00 15.58% 21,527.00 1,018.87
NSI AS WORKFLOW DEV LIC (25 DEV LIC PACK) MNT 5,100.00 14.02% 4,385.00 207.54
NSI AS WORKFLOW DEV LIC (25 DEV LIC PACK) REN 5,100.00 14.02% 4,385.00 207.54
NSI AS WORKFLOW DEV LIC (50 DEV LIC PACK) 49,725.00 15.58% 41,978.00 1,986.82
NSI AS WORKFLOW DEV LIC (50 DEV LIC PACK) MNT 9,945.00 14.02% 8,551.00 404.72
NSI AS WORKFLOW DEV LIC (50 DEV LIC PACK) REN 9,945.00 14.02% 8,551.00 404.72
NSI AS WORKFLOW DEV LIC (100 DEV LIC PK) 89,250.00 15.58% 75,345.00 3,566.08
NSI AS WORKFLOW DEV LIC (100 DEV LIC PK) MNT 17,850.00 14.03% 15,346.00 726.33
NSI AS WORKFLOW DEV LIC (100 DEV LIC PK) REN 17,850.00 14.03% 15,346.00 726.33
ASWF6 File Import 60k Pgs/Yr 1,275.00 12.55% 1,115.00 52.77
ASWF6 FileImport60k Pgs/Yr M&S 255.00 12.16% 224.00 10.60
AS Wrkflw File Import Lic (60K Pgs / Yr) Rnwl 255.00 9.80% 230.00 10.89
NSI AS WRKFLW FILE IMP LIC (180K PGS/YR) 3,600.00 15.58% 3,039.00 143.84
NSI AS WRKFLW FILE IMP LIC (180K PGS/YR) MNT 720.00 14.03% 619.00 29.30
NSI AS WRKFLW FILE IMP LIC (180K PGS/YR) REN 720.00 14.03% 619.00 29.30
NSI AS WRKFLW FILE IMP LIC (360K PGS/YR) 6,480.00 15.59% 5,470.00 258.90
NSI AS WRKFLW FILE IMP LIC (360K PGS/YR) MNT 1,296.00 13.97% 1,115.00 52.77
NSI AS WRKFLW FILE IMP LIC (360K PGS/YR) REN 1,296.00 13.97% 1,115.00 52.77
NSI AS WRKFLW FILE IMP LIC (720K PGS/YR) 10,800.00 15.58% 9,117.00 431.51
NSI AS WRKFLW FILE IMP LIC (720K PGS/YR) MNT 2,160.00 14.03% 1,857.00 87.89
NSI AS WRKFLW FILE IMP LIC (720K PGS/YR) REN 2,160.00 14.03% 1,857.00 87.89
NSI AS WRKFLW FILE IMP LIC (1,020K PG/Y) 12,750.00 15.58% 10,764.00 509.46
NSI AS WRKFLW FILE IMP LIC (1,020K PG/Y) MNT 2,550.00 14.00% 2,193.00 103.79
NSI AS WRKFLW FILE IMP LIC (1,020K PG/Y) REN 2,550.00 13.96% 2,194.00 103.84
ASWF6 FileImpBtryLic30k Pgs/Yr 1,500.00 12.07% 1,319.00 62.43
AS Workflow Lic Conversion 249.00 10.04% 224.00 10.60
NSI AS WRKFLW XML IMP (60K PGS/YR) 1,275.00 15.61% 1,076.00 50.93
NSI AS WRKFLW XML IMP (60K PGS/YR) MNT 255.00 13.73% 220.00 10.41
NSI AS WRKFLW XML IMP (60K PGS/YR) REN 255.00 13.73% 220.00 9.64
NSI AS WRKFLW XML IMP (180K PGS/YR) 3,600.00 15.58% 3,039.00 143.84
NSI AS WRKFLW XML IMP (180K PGS/YR) MNT 720.00 14.03% 619.00 27.12
NSI AS WRKFLW XML IMP (180K PGS/YR) REN 720.00 14.03% 619.00 27.12
NSI AS WRKFLW XML IMP (360K PGS/YR) 6,480.00 15.59% 5,470.00 239.70
NSI AS WRKFLW XML IMP (360K PGS/YR) MNT 1,296.00 13.97% 1,115.00 48.86
NSI AS WRKFLW XML IMP (360K PGS/YR) REN 1,296.00 13.97% 1,115.00 52.77
NSI AS WRKFLW XML IMP (720K PGS/YR) 10,800.00 15.58% 9,117.00 431.51
NSI AS WRKFLW XML IMP (720K PGS/YR) MNT 2,160.00 13.98% 1,858.00 87.94
NSI AS WRKFLW XML IMP (720K PGS/YR) REN 2,160.00 14.03% 1,857.00 81.37
NSI AS WRKFLW XML IMP (1,020K PGS/YR) 12,750.00 15.70% 10,748.00 508.70
NSI AS WRKFLW XML IMP (1,020K PGS/YR) MNT 2,550.00 14.04% 2,192.00 103.75
NSI AS WRKFLW XML IMP (1,020K PGS/YR) REN 2,550.00 14.04% 2,192.00 103.75
NSI AS WRKFLW XML IMP BATTERY LIC (30K PGS) 1,500.00 15.60% 1,266.00 59.92
ASWF6 QCPro Scanner 1 Wrkstns 1,750.00 12.06% 1,539.00 72.84
ASE6 QCPro Scanner 1 WrkStnM&S 350.00 12.00% 308.00 14.58
Nsi As Wrkflw Qik Cap Pro Scner 1 Wrkst Ren 350.00 10.00% 315.00 14.91
NSI AS WRKFLW QC PRO SCANNER (10 WRKSTNS) 14,350.00 15.70% 12,097.00 572.55
NSI AS WRKFLW QC PRO SCANNER (10 WRKSTNS) 2,870.00 14.01% 2,468.00 116.81
NSI AS WRKFLW QC PRO SCANNER (10 WRKSTNS) 2,870.00 14.01% 2,468.00 116.81
NSI AS WRKFLW QC PRO SCANNER (25 WRKSTNS) 35,000.00 15.58% 29,547.00 1,398.46
NSI AS WRKFLW QC PRO SCANNER (25 WRKSTNS) 7,000.00 14.01% 6,019.00 284.88
NSI AS WRKFLW QC PRO SCANNER (25 WRKSTNS) 7,000.00 14.01% 6,019.00 284.88
NSI AS WRKFLW QC PRO SCANNER (50 WRKSTNS) 68,250.00 15.58% 57,617.00 2,727.01
NSI AS WRKFLW QC PRO SCANNER (50 WRKSTNS) 13,650.00 14.02% 11,736.00 555.46
NSI AS WRKFLW QC PRO SCANNER (50 WRKSTNS) 13,650.00 14.02% 11,736.00 555.46
NSI AS WRKFLW QC PRO SCANNER (100 WRKSTNS) 122,500.00 15.58% 103,415.00 4,531.65
NSI AS WRKFLW QC PRO SCANNER (100 WRKSTN) 24,500.00 14.02% 21,064.00 996.96
NSI AS WRKFLW QC PRO SCANNER (100 WRKSTN) 24,500.00 14.02% 21,064.00 996.96
ASWF6 Desktop Bundle Lic 1 Pk 1,275.00 9.96% 1,148.00 54.33
ASWF6 Dsktp Bndl Lic 1 Pk M&S 255.00 12.16% 224.00 10.60
Nsi As Wrkflw Dsktp Bndl Lic 20 Usr Lics Ren 255.00 9.80% 230.00 10.89
NSI AS WRKFLW QC PRO BNDL (10 PK,200 USRS) 10,455.00 15.58% 8,826.00 417.73
NSI AS WRKFLW DSKTP BNDL (10 PK,200 USRS) MN 2,091.00 14.01% 1,798.00 85.10
NSI AS WRKFLW DSKTP BNDL (10 PK,200 USRS) REN 2,091.00 14.01% 1,798.00 78.79
NSI AS WRKFLW DSKTP BNDL (25 PK,500 USRS) 25,500.00 15.58% 21,527.00 1,018.87
NSI AS WRKFLW DSKTP BNDL (25 PK,500 USRS) MN 5,100.00 14.02% 4,385.00 192.15
NSI AS WRKFLW DSKTP BNDL (25 PK,500 USRS) REN 5,100.00 14.02% 4,385.00 207.54
NSI AS WRKFLW DSKTP BNDL (50 PK (1K USRS) 49,725.00 15.58% 41,978.00 1,986.82
NSI AS WRKFLW DSKTP BNDL (50 PK (1K USRS) MNT 9,945.00 14.02% 8,551.00 374.70
NSI AS WRKFLW DSKTP BNDL (50 PK (1K USRS) REN 9,945.00 14.02% 8,551.00 404.72
NSI AS WRKFLW DSKTP BNDL (100 PK,2K USRS) 89,250.00 15.58% 75,345.00 3,566.08
NSI AS WRKFLW DSKTP BNDL (100 PK,2K USRS) MN 17,850.00 14.03% 15,346.00 672.46
NSI AS WRKFLW DSKTP BNDL (100 PK,2K USRS) RE 17,850.00 14.03% 15,346.00 726.33
ASWF6 Advanced Pro Barcode 2,550.00 14.27% 2,186.00 103.46
ASWF6 Advanced Pro Barcode M&S 500.00 12.20% 439.00 20.78
Nsi As Wrkflw Adv Bcode Pro Bcode/Pdf417 Rn 500.00 10.00% 450.00 21.30
ASWF6 Additional OCR Engine 2,550.00 14.27% 2,186.00 103.46
ASWF6 Additional OCR EngineM&S 500.00 12.20% 439.00 20.78
Nsi As Wrkflw Add'L Ocr Engine Renewal 500.00 10.00% 450.00 21.30
Bates Stamp Server 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
ASWF6 Bates Stamp Server M&S 500.00 12.20% 439.00 20.78
Nsi As Wrkflw Bates Stamp Server Renewal 500.00 10.00% 450.00 21.30
NSI SECURE PRINT (REQ'S AUTOSTORE WORKFLW) 350.00 0.00% 350.00 15.34
NSI SECURE PRINT MAINT 70.00 14.29% 60.00 2.84
NSI SECURE PRINT RNWL 70.00 14.29% 60.00 2.84
ASWF6 SMARTicket 1 Pack 2,500.00 12.56% 2,186.00 103.46
ASWF6 SMARTicket 1 Pack M&S 500.00 12.20% 439.00 20.78
Nsi As Wrkflw 20 Dsktp Lics Ren Smarticket 500.00 10.00% 450.00 21.30
NSI SMARTICKET (10 PACK) (200 USERS) 20,500.00 15.70% 17,282.00 817.96
NSI SMARTICKET (10 PACK) (200 USERS) MAINT 4,100.00 14.24% 3,516.00 166.41
NSI SMARTICKET (10 PACK) (200 USERS) RNWL 4,100.00 14.24% 3,516.00 166.41
NSI SMARTICKET (25 PACK) (500 USERS) 50,000.00 15.70% 42,150.00 1,994.96
NSI SMARTICKET (25 PACK) (500 USERS) MAINT 10,000.00 14.23% 8,577.00 405.95
NSI SMARTICKET (25 PACK) (500 USERS) RNWL 10,000.00 14.23% 8,577.00 405.95
NSI SMARTICKET (50 PACK) (1,000 USERS) 97,500.00 15.70% 82,193.00 3,890.19
NSI SMARTICKET (50 PACK) (1,000 USERS) MAINT 19,500.00 14.23% 16,725.00 791.59
NSI SMARTICKET (50 PACK) (1,000 USERS) RNWL 19,500.00 14.23% 16,725.00 791.59
NSI SMARTICKET (100 PACK) (2,000 USERS) 175,000.00 15.70% 147,525.00 6,982.36
NSI SMARTICKET (100 PACK) (2,000 USERS) MAINT 35,000.00 14.24% 30,017.00 1,420.70
NSI SMARTICKET (100 PACK) (2,000 USERS) RNWL 35,000.00 14.24% 30,017.00 1,420.70
NSI 2D BARCODE ADD ON FOR AS WRKFLW 249.00 25.00% 186.75 8.84
NSI 2D BARCODE ADD ON FOR AS WRKFLW MAINT 50.00 14.00% 43.00 2.04
NSI Autostore Express ADV Remote Install and Config Se 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
NSI AE AS ENT BASE (MIN 150 LICS) 200.00 10.00% 180.00 8.52
NSI AE AS ENT BASE (MIN 150 LICS) 1 Y MNT 40.00 10.00% 36.00 1.70
NSI AE AS ENT BASE (MIN 150 LICS) 2 YRS MNT 80.00 10.00% 72.00 3.41
NSI AE AS ENT BASE (MIN 150 LICS) 3 YRS MNT 108.00 10.19% 97.00 4.59
NSI AE AS ENT BASE (MIN 150 LICS) 4 YRS MNT 144.00 9.72% 130.00 6.15
NSI AE AS ENT BASE (MIN 150 LICS) 5 YRS MNT 180.00 10.00% 162.00 7.67
NSI AE AS ENT BATES STAMP SERVER 3,000.00 25.00% 2,250.00 106.49
NSI AE AS ENT BATES STAMP SERVER 1 Y MNT 600.00 25.00% 450.00 21.30
NSI AE AS ENT BATES STAMP SERVER 2 YRS MNT 1,200.00 25.00% 900.00 42.60
NSI AE AS ENT BATES STAMP SERVER 3 YRS MNT 1,620.00 25.00% 1,215.00 57.51
NSI AE AS ENT BATES STAMP SERVER 4 YRS MNT 2,160.00 55.00% 972.00 46.00
NSI AE AS ENT BATES STAMP SERVER 5 YRS MNT 2,700.00 55.00% 1,215.00 57.51
NSI AE AS ENT BUS FLOW (MIN 150 LICS) 400.00 10.00% 360.00 17.04
NSI AE AS ENT BUS FLOW (MIN 150 LICS) 1Y MN 80.00 10.00% 72.00 3.41
NSI AE AS ENT BUS FLOW (MIN 150 LICS) 2Y MN 160.00 10.00% 144.00 6.82
NSI AE AS ENT BUS FLOW (MIN 150 LICS) 3Y MN 216.00 10.19% 194.00 9.18
NSI AE AS ENT BUS FLOW (MIN 150 LICS) 4Y MN 288.00 10.07% 259.00 12.26
NSI AE AS ENT BUS FLOW (MIN 150 LICS) 5Y MN 360.00 10.00% 324.00 15.33
NSI AE AS ENT BASE INTELLI (MIN 150 LICS) 250.00 10.00% 225.00 10.65
NSI AE AS ENT BASE INTEL (MIN 150 LIC) 1Y MN 50.00 10.00% 45.00 2.13
NSI AE AS ENT BASE INTEL (MIN 150 LIC) 2Y MN 100.00 10.00% 90.00 4.26
NSI AE AS ENT BASE INTEL (MIN 150 LIC) 3Y MN 135.00 9.63% 122.00 5.77
NSI AE AS ENT BASE INTEL (MIN 150 LIC) 4Y MN 180.00 10.00% 162.00 7.67
NSI AE AS ENT BASE INTEL (MIN 150 LIC) 5Y MN 225.00 9.78% 203.00 9.61
NSI AE AS ENT CARD AUTH (MIN 150 LICS) 250.00 10.00% 225.00 10.65
NSI AE AS ENT CARD AUTH (MIN 150 LICS) 1Y MN 50.00 10.00% 45.00 2.13
NSI AE AS ENT CARD AUTH (MIN 150 LICS) 2Y MN 100.00 10.00% 90.00 4.26
NSI AE AS ENT CARD AUTH (MIN 150 LICS) 3Y MN 135.00 9.63% 122.00 5.77
NSI AE AS ENT CARD AUTH (MIN 150 LICS) 4Y MN 180.00 10.00% 162.00 7.67
NSI AE AS ENT CARD AUTH (MIN 150 LICS) 5Y MN 225.00 9.78% 203.00 9.61
NSI AE AS ENT COMM FLOW (MIN 150 LICS) 250.00 10.00% 225.00 10.65
NSI AE AS ENT COMM FLOW (MIN 150 LICS) 1Y MNT 50.00 10.00% 45.00 2.13
NSI AE AS ENT COMM FLOW (MIN 150 LICS) 2Y MN 100.00 10.00% 90.00 4.26
NSI AE AS ENT COMM FLOW (MIN 150 LICS) 3Y MN 135.00 9.63% 122.00 5.77
NSI AE AS ENT COMM FLOW (MIN 150 LICS) 4Y MN 180.00 10.00% 162.00 7.67
NSI AE AS ENT COMM FLOW (MIN 150 LICS) 5Y MN 225.00 9.78% 203.00 9.61
NSI AE AS ENT DESKTOP LIC 36.00 25.00% 27.00 1.28
NSI AE AS ENT DESKTOP LIC 1 Y MNT 7.00 25.00% 5.25 0.25
NSI AE AS ENT DESKTOP LIC 2 YRS MNT 14.00 25.00% 10.50 0.50
NSI AE AS ENT DESKTOP LIC 3 YRS MNT 18.00 25.00% 13.50 0.64
NSI AE AS ENT DESKTOP LIC 4 YRS MNT 24.00 25.00% 18.00 0.85
NSI AE AS ENT DESKTOP LIC 5 YRS MNT 30.00 25.00% 22.50 1.06
NSI AE AS ENT FILE IMP BATTERY LIC (30K PGS) 1,800.00 25.00% 1,350.00 63.90
NSI AE AS ENT FILE IMP LIC 1,020K P/CL YR 15,300.00 25.00% 11,475.00 502.83
NSI ENT FILE IMP LIC 1,020K P/CL YR 1Y M 3,060.00 25.00% 2,295.00 108.62
NSI ENT FILE IMP LIC 1,020K P/CL YR 2Y M 6,120.00 57.11% 2,625.00 124.24
NSI ENT FILE IMP LIC 1,020K P/CL YR 3Y M 8,262.00 25.00% 6,196.50 293.28
NSI ENT FILE IMP LIC 1,020K P/CL YR 4Y M 11,016.00 25.00% 8,262.00 391.04
NSI ENT FILE IMP LIC 1,020K P/CL YR 5Y M 13,770.00 25.00% 10,327.50 452.55
NSI ENT FILE IMP LIC 1,020K P/CL YR REN 1Y 3,060.00 25.00% 2,295.00 108.62
NSI AE AS ENT FILE IMP LIC 180K P/CL YR 4,320.00 25.00% 3,240.00 153.35
NSI AE AS ENT FILE IMP LIC 180K P/CL YR 1Y M 864.00 54.98% 389.00 18.41
NSI AE AS ENT FILE IMP LIC 180K P/CL YR 2Y M 1,728.00 25.00% 1,296.00 61.34
NSI AE AS ENT FILE IMP LIC 180K P/CL YR 3Y M 2,334.00 25.00% 1,750.50 82.85
NSI AE AS ENT FILE IMP LIC 180K P/CL YR 4Y M 3,112.00 25.00% 2,334.00 110.47
NSI AE AS ENT FILE IMP LIC 180K P/CL YR 5Y M 3,890.00 25.00% 2,917.50 138.09
NSI AE AS ENT FILE IMP LIC 360K P/CL YR 7,776.00 25.00% 5,832.00 276.03
NSI AE AS ENT FILE IMP LIC 360K P/CL YR 1Y M 1,555.00 25.00% 1,166.25 55.20
NSI AE AS ENT FILE IMP LIC 360K P/CL YR 2Y M 3,110.00 25.00% 2,332.50 110.40
NSI AE AS ENT FILE IMP LIC 360K P/CL YR 3Y M 4,200.00 25.00% 3,150.00 149.09
NSI AE AS ENT FILE IMP LIC 360K P/CL YR 4Y M 5,600.00 55.00% 2,520.00 119.27
NSI AE AS ENT FILE IMP LIC 360K P/CL YR 5Y M 7,000.00 55.00% 3,150.00 149.09
NSI AE AS ENT FILE IMP LIC 60K P/CL YR 1,530.00 25.00% 1,147.50 54.31
NSI AE AS ENT FILE IMP LIC 60K P/CL YR 1Y M 306.00 54.90% 138.00 6.53
NSI AE AS ENT FILE IMP LIC 60K P/CL YR 2Y M 612.00 25.00% 459.00 21.72
NSI AE AS ENT FILE IMP LIC 60K P/CL YR 3Y M 825.00 25.00% 618.75 29.29
NSI AE AS ENT FILE IMP LIC 60K P/CL YR 4Y M 1,100.00 25.00% 825.00 39.05
NSI AE AS ENT FILE IMP LIC 60K P/CL YR 5Y M 1,375.00 25.00% 1,031.25 45.19
NSI AE AS ENT FILE IMP LIC 720K P/CL YR 12,960.00 55.00% 5,832.00 276.03
NSI AE AS ENT FILE IMP LIC 720K P/CL YR 1Y M 2,592.00 55.02% 1,166.00 55.19
NSI AE AS ENT FILE IMP LIC 720K P/CL YR 2Y M 5,184.00 25.00% 3,888.00 170.37
NSI AE AS ENT FILEIMP LIC 720K P/CL YR 3Y M 6,999.00 25.00% 5,249.25 248.45
NSI AE AS ENT FILE IMP LIC 720K P/CL YR 4Y M 9,332.00 25.00% 6,999.00 331.26
NSI AE AS ENT FILE IMP LIC 720K P/CL YR 5Y M 11,665.00 25.00% 8,748.75 414.08
NSI AE AS ENT OCR ENGINES 3,000.00 25.00% 2,250.00 106.49
NSI AE AS ENT OCR ENGINES 1 Y MNT 600.00 25.00% 450.00 21.30
NSI AE AS ENT OCR ENGINES 2 YRS MNT 1,200.00 55.00% 540.00 25.56
NSI AE AS ENT OCR ENGINES 3 YRS MNT 1,620.00 25.00% 1,215.00 57.51
NSI AE AS ENT OCR ENGINES 4 YRS MNT 2,160.00 55.00% 972.00 46.00
NSI AE AS ENT OCR ENGINES 5 YRS MNT 2,700.00 25.00% 2,025.00 88.74
NSI AE AS ENT PROC (MIN 150 LICS) 250.00 10.00% 225.00 10.65
NSI AE AS ENT PROC (MIN 150 LICS) 1 Y MNT 50.00 10.00% 45.00 2.13
NSI AE AS ENT PROC (MIN 150 LICS) 2 YRS MNT 100.00 10.00% 90.00 4.26
NSI AE AS ENT PROC (MIN 150 LICS) 3 YRS MNT 135.00 9.63% 122.00 5.77
NSI AE AS ENT PROC (MIN 150 LICS) 4 YRS MNT 180.00 10.00% 162.00 7.67
NSI AE AS ENT PROC (MIN 150 LICS) 5 YRS MNT 225.00 9.78% 203.00 9.61
NSI AE AS ENT QUICKCAPTURE PRO 2,100.00 25.00% 1,575.00 74.54
NSI AE AS ENT QUICKCAPTURE PRO 1 Y MNT 420.00 25.00% 315.00 13.80
NSI AE AS ENT QUICKCAPTURE PRO 2 YRS MNT 840.00 25.00% 630.00 29.82
NSI AE AS ENT QUICKCAPTURE PRO 3 YRS MNT 1,134.00 25.00% 850.50 40.25
NSI AE AS ENT QUICKCAPTURE PRO 4 YRS MNT 1,512.00 55.03% 680.00 32.18
NSI AE AS ENT QUICKCAPTURE PRO 5 YRS MNT 1,890.00 54.97% 851.00 40.28
NSI AE AS ENT SECURE PRINT 350.00 4.86% 333.00 15.76
NSI AE AS ENT SECURE PRINT 1 Y MNT 70.00 18.57% 57.00 2.50
NSI AE AS ENT SECURE PRINT 2 YRS MNT 140.00 19.29% 113.00 5.35
NSI AE AS ENT SECURE PRINT 3 YRS MNT 189.00 18.52% 154.00 7.29
NSI AE AS ENT SECURE PRINT 4 YRS MNT 252.00 18.65% 205.00 9.70
NSI AE AS ENT SECURE PRINT 5 YRS MNT 315.00 0.00% 315.00 13.80
NSI AE AS ENT SMARTICKET (MIN 150 LICS) 70.00 10.00% 63.00 2.98
NSI AE AS ENT SMARTICKET (MIN 150 LICS) 1Y MN 14.00 7.14% 13.00 0.62
NSI AE AS ENT SMARTICKET (MIN 150 LICS) 2Y MN 28.00 10.71% 25.00 1.18
NSI AE AS ENT SMARTICKET (MIN 150 LICS) 3Y MN 39.00 10.26% 35.00 1.66
NSI AE AS ENT SMARTICKET (MIN 150 LICS) 4Y MN 52.00 9.62% 47.00 2.22
NSI AE AS ENT SMARTICKET (MIN 150 LICS) 5Y MN 65.00 9.23% 59.00 2.59
NSI AE AS ENT CARD ADDON (MIN 150 LIC) 300.00 10.00% 270.00 12.78
NSI AE AS ENT 2D BC ADDON (MIN 150 LIC) 1Y MN 60.00 10.00% 54.00 2.37
NSI AE AS ENT 2D BC ADDON (MIN 150 LIC) 2Y MN 120.00 10.00% 108.00 5.11
NSI AE AS ENT 2D BC ADDON (MIN 150 LIC) 3Y MN 162.00 9.88% 146.00 6.91
NSI AE AS ENT 2D BC ADDON (MIN 150 LIC) 4Y MN 216.00 10.19% 194.00 9.18
NSI AE AS ENT 2D BC ADDON (MIN 150 LIC) 5Y MN 270.00 10.00% 243.00 10.65
NSI NU AW ADVANCED BATES STAMP 3,500.00 0.00% 3,500.00 165.66
NSI NU AW ADVANCED SPLITTER 3,500.00 0.00% 3,500.00 153.37
NSI NU AW ANSI 810 CONVERTER 3,500.00 0.00% 3,500.00 153.37
NSI NU AW ASCII CLIENT FOR SMARTICKET 3,500.00 0.00% 3,500.00 165.66
NSI NU AW COMMAND LINE EXECUTION 1,800.00 0.00% 1,800.00 85.19
NSI NU AW CONDITIONL WORKFLOW 3,500.00 0.00% 3,500.00 165.66
NSI NU AW DESKTOP PRINT CONNECT 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
NSI NU AW DOCUMENT ORIENTATION CORRECTOR 1,800.00 0.00% 1,800.00 85.19
NSI NU AW EQUITRAC INTEGRATION 3,500.00 0.00% 3,500.00 153.37
NSI NU AW FORMS OVERLAY 1,800.00 0.00% 1,800.00 85.19
NSI NU AW LOTUS NOTES SOLUTION 3,500.00 0.00% 3,500.00 165.66
NSI NU AW PROFESSN'L SERVICES 1 DAY OF PS 2,200.00 7.55% 2,034.00 96.27
NSI NU AW PROLAW INTEGRATION 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 118.33
NSI NU AX ADVANCED BATES STAMP 3,500.00 0.00% 3,500.00 165.66
NSI NU AX ADVANCED SPLITTER 3,500.00 0.00% 3,500.00 165.66
NSI NU AX ANSI 810 CONVERTER 3,500.00 0.00% 3,500.00 165.66
NSI NU AX ASCII CLIENT FOR SMARTICKET 3,500.00 0.00% 3,500.00 165.66
NSI NU AX COMMAND LINE EXECUTION 1,800.00 0.00% 1,800.00 85.19
NSI NU AX CONDITN'L WORKFLOW 3,500.00 0.00% 3,500.00 165.66
NSI NU AX DESKTOP PRINT CONNECT 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
NSI NU AX DOCUMNT'N ORIENTATION CORRECTOR 1,800.00 0.00% 1,800.00 85.19
NSI NU AX EQUITRAC INTEGRATION 3,500.00 0.00% 3,500.00 165.66
NSI NU AX FORMS OVERLAY 1,800.00 0.00% 1,800.00 85.19
NU AX Legal Stamping Express 1,800.00 5.00% 1,710.00 80.93
NSI NU AX LOTUS NOTES SOLUTION 3,500.00 0.00% 3,500.00 165.66
NSI NU AX PROLAW INTEGRATION 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 118.33
NSI TRAINING AS CERT ADMIN (1 STUDENT) 1,200.00 0.00% 1,200.00 56.80
NSI TRAINING AS CERT ADMIN (10 STUDENTS) 10,800.00 0.00% 10,800.00 511.16
NSI TRAINING AS CERT ADV ADMIN (1 STUDENT) 1,200.00 0.00% 1,200.00 52.58
NSI TRAINING AS CERT ADV ADMIN (10 STUDENTS) 10,800.00 0.00% 10,800.00 511.16
NSI TRAINING AS CERT INSTALLER (1 STUDENT) 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67
NSI TRAINING AS CERT INSTALLER (10 STUDENTS) 4,500.00 0.00% 4,500.00 197.19
NSI TRAINING INTRO TO AS (1 STUDENT) 250.00 0.00% 250.00 11.83
NSI TRAINING INTRO TO AS (10 STUDENTS) 2,250.00 0.00% 2,250.00 98.60
NSI TRAINING NSI OPENFORMS 360 (1 STUDENT) 1,200.00 0.00% 1,200.00 56.80
NSI TRAINING NSI OPENFORMS 360 (10 STDNTS) 10,800.00 0.00% 10,800.00 511.16
NSI TRAINING NSI SMARTICKET (1 STUDENT) 1,200.00 0.00% 1,200.00 52.58
NSI TRAINING NSI SMARTICKET (10 STUDENTS) 10,800.00 0.00% 10,800.00 511.16
Barr EOM
Barr EOM Server (Virtual or Physical) 4,995.00 9.99% 4,496.00 212.80
Additional Servers running EOM Services 1,995.00 9.97% 1,796.00 85.00
Document Library 4,995.00 9.99% 4,496.00 212.80
Email Engine 4,995.00 9.99% 4,496.00 212.80
Document Processes 4,995.00 9.99% 4,496.00 212.80
Universal Print Preferences 4,995.00 9.99% 4,496.00 212.80
Quota Manager 1,995.00 9.97% 1,796.00 85.00
Transform Engine 4,995.00 9.99% 4,496.00 212.80
Page Modification Filters 4,995.00 9.99% 4,496.00 212.80
Operator Console (per concurrent operator console) 995.00 9.95% 896.00 42.41
Concurrent Web User (per concurrent user) 250.00 10.00% 225.00 10.65
Web Client Access License (per licensed user) 25.00 8.00% 23.00 1.09
Web Upload (per server) 4,995.00 9.99% 4,496.00 212.80
RJE (per host connection) 995.00 9.95% 896.00 42.41
NJE (per host connection) 995.00 9.95% 896.00 42.41
MQ Series (per host connection) 995.00 9.95% 896.00 42.41
Standard Destinations (network folders, FTP, and printer 195.00 9.74% 176.00 8.33
Mid-range Printers (printers between 70 PPM and 109 PP 995.00 9.95% 896.00 42.41
Production Printers (above 110 PPM), per Destination 2,995.00 9.98% 2,696.00 127.60
DB Transform/Page Modification Suite
Base Module - Entry 4,995.00 9.99% 4,496.00 212.80
Advanced Page Modification - Entry 3,995.00 9.99% 3,596.00 170.20
Input Filter: Raster Formats - Entry 1,995.00 9.97% 1,796.00 85.00
Input Filter: AFP Mixed Mode- Entry 3,995.00 9.99% 3,596.00 170.20
Input Filter: AFP MO:DCA- Entry 3,995.00 9.99% 3,596.00 170.20
Input Filter: PDF - Entry 3,995.00 9.99% 3,596.00 170.20
Input Filter: SAP GOF - Entry 3,995.00 9.99% 3,596.00 170.20
Input Filter: ASCII/EBCDIC - Entry 3,995.00 9.99% 3,596.00 170.20
Input Filter: RTF - Entry 3,995.00 9.99% 3,596.00 170.20
Input Filter: WMF - Entry 3,995.00 9.99% 3,596.00 170.20
Input Filter: Application Renderer - Entry 3,995.00 9.99% 3,596.00 170.20
Input Filter: Xerox LCDS/Metacode - Entry 3,995.00 9.99% 3,596.00 170.20
Output Filter: Raster Formats - Entry 1,995.00 9.97% 1,796.00 85.00
Output Filter: AFP/MO:DCA - Entry 3,995.00 9.99% 3,596.00 170.20
Output Filter: PDF - Entry 3,995.00 9.99% 3,596.00 170.20
Output Filter: PCL - Entry 3,995.00 9.99% 3,596.00 170.20
Output Filter: ASCII/EBCDIC - Entry 3,995.00 9.99% 3,596.00 170.20
Output Filter: Xerox Metacode - Entry 3,995.00 9.99% 3,596.00 170.20
Base Module - Standard 7,995.00 9.99% 7,196.00 340.59
Advanced Page Modification - Standard 6,995.00 9.99% 6,296.00 297.99
Input Filter: Raster Formats - Standard 3,995.00 9.99% 3,596.00 170.20
Input Filter: AFP - Standard 5,995.00 9.99% 5,396.00 255.39
Input Filter: PDF - Standard 5,995.00 9.99% 5,396.00 255.39
Input Filter: SAP GOF - Standard 5,995.00 9.99% 5,396.00 255.39
Input Filter: ASCII/EBCDIC - Standard 5,995.00 9.99% 5,396.00 255.39
Input Filter: RTF - Standard 5,995.00 9.99% 5,396.00 255.39
Input Filter: WMF - Standard 5,995.00 9.99% 5,396.00 255.39
Input Filter: Application Renderer - Standard 5,995.00 9.99% 5,396.00 255.39
Input Filter: Xerox LCDS/Metacode - Standard 5,995.00 9.99% 5,396.00 255.39
Output Filter: Raster Formats - Standard 3,995.00 9.99% 3,596.00 170.20
Output Filter: AFP/MO:DCA - Standard 5,995.00 9.99% 5,396.00 255.39
Output Filter: PDF - Standard 5,995.00 9.99% 5,396.00 255.39
Output Filter: PCL - Standard 5,995.00 9.99% 5,396.00 255.39
Output Filter: ASCII/EBCDIC - Standard 5,995.00 9.99% 5,396.00 255.39
Output Filter: PostScript - Standard 5,995.00 9.99% 5,396.00 255.39
Output Filter: Xerox Metacode - Standard 5,995.00 9.99% 5,396.00 255.39
Base Module - High Volume 11,995.00 10.00% 10,796.00 510.97
Advanced Page Modification - High Volume 9,995.00 9.99% 8,996.00 425.78
Input Filter: Raster Formats - High Volume 5,995.00 9.99% 5,396.00 255.39
Input Filter: AFP - High Volume 7,995.00 9.99% 7,196.00 340.59
Input Filter: PDF - High Volume 7,995.00 9.99% 7,196.00 340.59
Input Filter: SAP GOF - High Volume 7,995.00 9.99% 7,196.00 340.59
Input Filter: ASCII/EBCDIC - High Volume 7,995.00 9.99% 7,196.00 340.59
Input Filter: RTF - High Volume 7,995.00 9.99% 7,196.00 340.59
Input Filter: WMF - High Volume 7,995.00 9.99% 7,196.00 340.59
Input Filter: Application Renderer - High Volume 7,995.00 9.99% 7,196.00 340.59
Input Filter: Xerox LCDS/Metacode - High Volume 7,995.00 9.99% 7,196.00 340.59
Output Filter: Raster Formats - High Volume 5,995.00 9.99% 5,396.00 255.39
Output Filter: AFP/MO:DCA - High Volume 7,995.00 9.99% 7,196.00 340.59
Output Filter: PDF - High Volume 7,995.00 9.99% 7,196.00 340.59
Output Filter: PCL - High Volume 7,995.00 9.99% 7,196.00 340.59
Output Filter: ASCII/EBCDIC - High Volume 7,995.00 9.99% 7,196.00 340.59
Output Filter: PostScript - High Volume 7,995.00 9.99% 7,196.00 340.59
Output Filter: Xerox Metacode - High Volume 7,995.00 9.99% 7,196.00 340.59
IPDS Workgroup (Up to 25 printers under 30 PPM, price 4,995.00 9.99% 4,496.00 212.80
IPDS Production Printer (per printer) 14,495.00 10.00% 13,046.00 617.47
IJPDS B/W or 2C Color (per printer) 15,995.00 10.00% 14,396.00 681.36
IJPDS 4C Color (per printer) 24,495.00 10.00% 22,046.00 1,043.44
Barr Hardware
BARR/CHANNEL-IN (ESCON) 4,900.00 10.00% 4,410.00 208.73
BARR/CHANNEL-IN (BUS & TAG) 4,900.00 10.00% 4,410.00 208.73
BARR/CHANNEL-OUT (BUS & TAG) 3,900.00 10.00% 3,510.00 166.13
Barr Enterprise Print Server
Barr Enterprise Print Server 1,995.00 9.97% 1,796.00 85.00
BARR/PRINT TCP/IP 2,495.00 9.98% 2,246.00 106.30
BARR/NJE (per host connection) 1,495.00 9.97% 1,346.00 63.71
BARR/RJE (per host connection) 1,495.00 9.97% 1,346.00 63.71
EE Link 995.00 9.95% 896.00 42.41
BARR/PRINT CHANNEL 4,095.00 9.99% 3,686.00 174.46
BARR/PRINT CHANNEL for IPDS 1,995.00 9.97% 1,796.00 85.00
BARR/PRINT to EPS 2,495.00 9.98% 2,246.00 106.30
BARR/PRINT390 5,095.00 9.99% 4,586.00 217.06
BARR/PRINT390 for IPDS 2,400.00 10.00% 2,160.00 102.23
Additional Production Printers 1,995.00 9.97% 1,796.00 85.00
ADEPT Transform Suite for the Barr Enterprise Print Server
AFP Input 2,995.00 9.98% 2,696.00 127.60
PCL Input 2,995.00 9.98% 2,696.00 127.60
PostScript Input 2,995.00 9.98% 2,696.00 127.60
Xerox Metacode/LCDS Input 2,995.00 9.98% 2,696.00 127.60
PDF Input 2,995.00 9.98% 2,696.00 127.60
PCL Output 5,995.00 9.99% 5,396.00 255.39
PostScript Output 5,995.00 9.99% 5,396.00 255.39
PDF Output 5,995.00 9.99% 5,396.00 255.39
TIFF Output 5,995.00 9.99% 5,396.00 255.39
XML Output 5,995.00 9.99% 5,396.00 255.39
HTML Output 5,995.00 9.99% 5,396.00 255.39
Text Output 5,995.00 9.99% 5,396.00 255.39
NU AW Legal Stamping Workflow 1,800.00 0.00% 1,800.00 85.19
AutoStore Mobile Bundle (Requires AutoStore Express) 459.50 31.05% 316.84 15.00
AutoStore Mobile Bundle (Requires AutoStore Express) 92.00 0.00% 92.00 4.35
AutoStore Mobile Bundle (Requires AutoStore Express) 92.00 0.00% 92.00 4.35
Output Manager Core Product License
OM Office MFD Client License 599.00 10.02% 539.00 25.51
OM Office MFD Client License Maintenance (1 Yr) 119.80 0.67% 119.00 5.63
OM Office MFD Client License Renewal 119.80 15.69% 101.00 4.78
OM Enterprise MFD Client License 899.00 10.01% 809.00 38.29
OM Enterprise MFD Client License Maintenance (1 Yr) 179.80 0.44% 179.00 8.47
OM Enterprise MFD Client License Renewal 179.80 15.46% 152.00 7.19
OM Network Printer Pack Client License (x20) 599.00 10.02% 539.00 25.51
OM Network Printer Pack Client License (x20) Maintenanc 119.80 0.67% 119.00 5.63
OM Network Printer Pack Client License (x20) Renewal 119.80 15.69% 101.00 4.78
OM Print & Scan Express Bundle 1,545.00 18.51% 1,259.00 59.59
OM Print & Scan Express Bundle Maintenance (1 Yr) 309.00 9.71% 279.00 13.21
OM Print & Scan Express Bundle Renewal 309.00 10.00% 278.10 13.16
OM Print & Scan Workflow Bundle 1,848.00 10.00% 1,663.20 78.72
OM Print & Scan Workflow Bundle Maintenance (1 Yr) 369.60 10.00% 332.64 15.74
OM Print & Scan Workflow Bundle Renewal 369.60 10.00% 332.64 15.74
Output Manager Enterprise / AutoStore Bundles
OM Print & Scan Express Bundle(10 Device Licenses) 12,671.00 0.63% 12,591.00 595.93
OM Print & Scan Express Bundle(10 Device Licenses) Ma 2,534.20 0.00% 2,534.20 119.94
OM Print & Scan Express Bundle(10 Device Licenses) R 2,534.20 10.00% 2,280.78 107.95
Nunace Output Manager Office Network 20 Printer Pack C 120.00 0.00% 120.00 5.68
OM Print & Scan Express Bundle(25 Device Licenses) 30,906.00 8.33% 28,330.00 1,340.86
OM Print & Scan Express Bundle(25 Device Licenses) Ma 6,181.20 0.00% 6,181.20 292.56
OM Print & Scan Express Bundle(25 Device Licenses) R 6,181.20 10.00% 5,563.08 263.30
OM Print & Scan Express Bundle(50 Device Licenses) 60,266.00 10.00% 54,239.40 2,567.15
OM Print & Scan Express Bundle(50 Device Licenses) Ma 12,053.20 10.00% 10,847.88 513.43
OM Print & Scan Express Bundle(50 Device Licenses) R 12,053.20 10.00% 10,847.88 513.43
OM Print & Scan Express Bundle(100 Device Licenses) 92,888.00 10.00% 83,599.20 3,956.75
OM Print & Scan Express Bundle(100 Device Licenses) M 18,577.60 10.00% 16,719.84 791.35
OM Print & Scan Express Bundle(100 Device Licenses) 18,577.60 10.00% 16,719.84 791.35
OM Print & Scan Workflow Bundle (10 Device Licenses) 15,152.00 10.00% 13,636.80 645.43
OM Print & Scan Workflow Bundle (10 Device Licenses) 3,030.40 10.00% 2,727.36 129.09
OM Print & Scan Workflow Bundle (10 Device Licenses) 3,030.40 10.00% 2,727.36 129.09
OM Print & Scan Workflow Bundle (25 Device Licenses) 36,958.00 10.00% 33,262.20 1,574.30
OM Print & Scan Workflow Bundle (25 Device Licenses) 7,391.60 10.00% 6,652.44 314.86
OM Print & Scan Workflow Bundle (25 Device Licenses) 7,391.60 10.00% 6,652.44 314.86
OM Print & Scan Workflow Bundle (50 Device Licenses) 72,068.00 10.00% 64,861.20 3,069.88
OM Print & Scan Workflow Bundle (50 Device Licenses) 14,413.60 10.00% 12,972.24 613.98
OM Print & Scan Workflow Bundle (50 Device Licenses) 14,413.60 10.00% 12,972.24 613.98
OM Print & Scan Workflow Bundle (100 Device Licenses) 114,070.00 10.00% 102,663.00 4,859.04
OM Print & Scan Workflow Bundle (100 Device Licenses) 22,814.00 10.00% 20,532.60 971.81
OM Print & Scan Workflow Bundle (100 Device Licenses 22,814.00 10.00% 20,532.60 971.81
Output Manager Office
OM Office MFD Client License Bundle (10 Device Licens 4,912.00 10.00% 4,421.00 209.25
OM Office MFD Client License Bundle (10 Device License 982.40 0.04% 982.00 46.48
OM Office MFD Client License Bundle (10 Device Licens 982.40 15.82% 827.00 39.14
OM Office MFD Client License Bundle (25 Device Licens 11,980.00 10.00% 10,782.00 510.31
OM Office MFD Client License Bundle (25 Device License 2,396.00 0.00% 2,396.00 113.40
OM Office MFD Client License Bundle (25 Device Licens 2,396.00 10.02% 2,156.00 102.04
OM Office MFD Client License Bundle (50 Device Licens 23,361.00 10.00% 21,025.00 995.11
OM Office MFD Client License Bundle (50 Device License 4,672.20 0.00% 4,672.00 221.13
OM Office MFD Client License Bundle (50 Device Licens 4,672.20 15.84% 3,932.00 186.10
OM Office MFD Client License Bundle (100 Device Licen 29,950.00 10.00% 26,955.00 1,275.78
OM Office MFD Client License Bundle (100 Device Licens 5,990.00 0.00% 5,990.00 283.51
OM Office MFD Client License Bundle (100 Device Licen 5,990.00 10.00% 5,391.00 255.16
Output Manager Office Add-On
OM Office MFD Advanced Add-On Client License 299.00 10.03% 269.00 12.73
OM Office MFD Advanced Add-On Client License Mainten 59.80 1.34% 59.00 2.79
OM Office MFD Advanced Add-On Client License Renew 59.80 14.72% 51.00 2.41
OM Office MFD Advanced Add-On Client License Bundle 2,452.00 9.99% 2,207.00 104.46
OM Office MFD Advanced Add-On Client License Bundle ( 490.40 0.08% 490.00 23.19
OM Office MFD Advanced Add-On Client License Bundle 490.40 15.78% 413.00 19.55
OM Office MFD Advanced Add-On Client License Bundle 5,980.00 10.00% 5,382.00 254.73
OM Office MFD Advanced Add-On Client License Bundle ( 1,196.00 0.00% 1,196.00 56.61
OM Office MFD Advanced Add-On Client License Bundle 1,196.00 10.03% 1,076.00 50.93
OM Office MFD Advanced Add-On Client License Bundle 11,661.00 10.00% 10,494.90 496.72
OM Office MFD Advanced Add-On Client License Bundle ( 2,332.20 10.00% 2,098.98 99.34
OM Office MFD Advanced Add-On Client License Bundle 2,332.20 10.00% 2,098.98 99.34
OM Office MFD Advanced Add-On Client License Bundle 14,950.00 10.00% 13,455.00 636.83
OM Office MFD Advanced Add-On Client License Bundle ( 2,990.00 10.00% 2,691.00 127.37
OM Office MFD Advanced Add-On Client License Bundle 2,990.00 10.00% 2,691.00 127.37
OM Device Mobility Add-On Client License for Office - #DIV/0! - -
OM Device Mobility Add-On Client License for Office Mai 5.00 0.00% 5.00 0.24
OM Device Mobility Add-On Client License for Office Ren 5.00 0.00% 5.00 0.24
OM Device Mobility Add-On (10 Device Licenses) for Offi - #DIV/0! - -
OM Device Mobility Add-On (10 Device Licenses) for Offi - #DIV/0! - -
OM Device Mobility Add-On (10 Device Licenses) for Off 41.00 9.76% 37.00 1.75
OM Device Mobility Add-On (25 Device Licenses) for Offi - #DIV/0! - -
OM Device Mobility Add-On (25 Device Licenses) for Offi - #DIV/0! - -
OM Device Mobility Add-On (25 Device Licenses) for Off 100.00 10.00% 90.00 4.26
OM Device Mobility Add-On (50 Device Licenses) for Offi - #DIV/0! - -
OM Device Mobility Add-On (50 Device Licenses) for Offi - #DIV/0! - -
OM Device Mobility Add-On (50 Device Licenses) for Off 195.00 9.74% 176.00 8.33
OM Device Mobility Add-On (100 Device Licenses) for Off - #DIV/0! - -
OM Device Mobility Add-On (100 Device Licenses) for Off - #DIV/0! - -
OM Device Mobility Add-On (100 Device Licenses) for Of 250.00 10.00% 225.00 10.65
OM Network Printer Pack Client License (Pack of 10) (200 4,912.00 10.00% 4,421.00 209.25
OM Network Printer Pack Client License (Pack of 10) (200 982.40 0.04% 982.00 46.48
OM Network Printer Pack Client License (Pack of 10) (20 982.40 15.82% 827.00 39.14
OM Network Printer Pack Client License (Pack of 25) (500 11,980.00 10.00% 10,782.00 510.31
OM Network Printer Pack Client License (Pack of 25) (500 2,396.00 0.00% 2,396.00 113.40
OM Network Printer Pack Client License (Pack of 25) (50 2,396.00 10.02% 2,156.00 102.04
OM Network Printer Pack Client License (Pack of 50) (1,0 16,473.00 10.00% 14,826.00 701.71
OM Network Printer Pack Client License (Pack of 50) (1,0 3,294.60 0.02% 3,294.00 155.91
OM Network Printer Pack Client License (Pack of 50) (1, 3,294.60 15.86% 2,772.00 131.20
OM Network Printer Pack Client License (Pack of 100) (2, 32,346.00 10.00% 29,111.00 1,377.82
OM Network Printer Pack Client License (Pack of 100) (2, 6,469.20 0.00% 6,469.00 306.18
OM Network Printer Pack Client License (Pack of 100) (2 6,469.20 15.85% 5,444.00 257.66
OM Additional Server License 2,495.00 9.98% 2,246.00 106.30
OM Additional Server License Maintenance (1 Yr) 499.00 0.00% 499.00 23.62
OM Additional Server License Renewal 499.00 10.02% 449.00 21.25
OM Non-Printstream Input & Output 2,999.00 10.00% 2,699.00 127.74
OM Non-Printstream Input & Output Maintenance (1 Yr) 599.80 0.13% 599.00 28.35
OM Non-Printstream Input & Output Renewal 599.80 15.64% 506.00 23.95
Output Manager Enterprise MFP License
OM Enterprise MFD Client License Bundle (10 Device Li 7,372.00 10.00% 6,635.00 314.03
OM Enterprise MFD Client License Bundle (10 Device Lic 1,474.40 0.03% 1,474.00 69.76
OM Enterprise MFD Client License Bundle (10 Device Li 1,474.40 15.83% 1,241.00 58.74
OM Enterprise MFD Client License Bundle (25 Device Li 17,980.00 10.00% 16,182.00 765.89
OM Enterprise MFD Client License Bundle (25 Device Lic 3,596.00 0.00% 3,596.00 170.20
OM Enterprise MFD Client License Bundle (25 Device Li 3,596.00 10.01% 3,236.00 153.16
OM Enterprise MFD Client License Bundle (50 Device Li 35,061.00 10.00% 31,555.00 1,493.50
OM Enterprise MFD Client License Bundle (50 Device Lic 7,012.20 0.00% 7,012.00 331.88
OM Enterprise MFD Client License Bundle (50 Device Li 7,012.20 15.85% 5,901.00 279.29
OM Enterprise MFD Client License Bundle (100 Device L 44,950.00 10.00% 40,455.00 1,914.74
OM Enterprise MFD Client License Bundle (100 Device Li 8,990.00 0.00% 8,990.00 425.50
OM Enterprise MFD Client License Bundle (100 Device L 8,990.00 10.00% 8,091.00 382.95
Output Manager Enterprise / Production License
OM Production Printer Client License 2,999.00 10.00% 2,699.00 127.74
OM Production Printer Client License Maintenance (1 Yr) 599.80 0.13% 599.00 28.35
OM Production Printer Client License Renewal 599.80 15.64% 506.00 23.95
OM Production Host Based Input Universal Print Prefere 4,995.00 9.99% 4,496.00 212.80
OM Production Host Based Input Universal Print Prefere 999.00 0.00% 999.00 47.28
OM Production Host Based Input Universal Print Prefere 999.00 10.01% 899.00 42.55
OM Production Custom Source Input 4,995.00 9.99% 4,496.00 212.80
OM Production Custom Source Input Maintenance (1 Yr) 999.00 0.00% 999.00 47.28
OM Production Custom Source Input Renewal 999.00 10.01% 899.00 42.55
OM Production Enterprise Gateway Connector Input 9,995.00 9.99% 8,996.00 425.78
OM Production Enterprise Gateway Connector Input Main 1,999.00 0.00% 1,999.00 94.61
OM Production Enterprise Gateway Connector Input Ren 1,999.00 10.01% 1,799.00 85.15
OM Enterprise Basic Transform Module 4,995.00 0.00% 4,995.00 236.41
OM Enterprise Basic Transform Module Maintenance (1 Y 999.00 0.00% 999.00 47.28
OM Enterprise Basic Transform Module Renewal 999.00 10.01% 899.00 42.55
OM Enterprise Page Modification Module 4,995.00 0.00% 4,995.00 236.41
OM Enterprise Page Modification Module Maintenance (1 999.00 0.00% 999.00 47.28
OM Enterprise Page Modification Module Renewal 999.00 10.01% 899.00 42.55
OM Production Base Server Transform Module 15,364.00 10.00% 13,827.60 654.46
OM Production Base Server Transform Module Maintenan 3,072.80 10.00% 2,765.52 130.89
OM Production Base Server Transform Module Renewal 3,072.80 10.00% 2,765.52 130.89
OM Production Page Modification Module 12,141.00 10.00% 10,926.90 517.17
OM Production Page Modification Module Maintenance (1 2,428.20 10.00% 2,185.38 103.43
OM Production Page Modification Module Renewal 2,428.20 10.00% 2,185.38 103.43
OM Production Raster Format - Input Filter 6,077.00 10.00% 5,469.30 258.86
OM Production Raster Format - Input Filter Maintenance ( 1,215.40 10.00% 1,093.86 51.77
OM Production Raster Format - Input Filter Renewal 1,215.40 10.00% 1,093.86 51.77
OM Production AFP MO:DCA - Input Filter 10,369.00 10.00% 9,332.10 441.69
OM Production AFP MO:DCA - Input Filter Maintenance ( 2,073.80 10.00% 1,866.42 88.34
OM Production AFP MO:DCA - Input Filter Renewal 2,073.80 10.00% 1,866.42 88.34
OM Production PDF - Input Filter 10,369.00 10.00% 9,332.10 441.69
OM Production PDF - Input Filter Maintenance (1 Yr) 2,073.80 10.00% 1,866.42 88.34
OM Production PDF - Input Filter Renewal 2,073.80 10.00% 1,866.42 88.34
OM Production PCL 6 - Input Filter 10,369.00 10.00% 9,332.10 441.69
OM Production PCL 6 - Input Filter Maintenance (1 Yr) 2,073.80 10.00% 1,866.42 88.34
OM Production PCL 6 - Input Filter Renewal 2,073.80 10.00% 1,866.42 88.34
OM Production PCL 5e - Input Filter 10,369.00 10.00% 9,332.10 441.69
OM Production PCL 5e - Input Filter Maintenance (1 Yr) 2,073.80 10.00% 1,866.42 88.34
OM Production PCL 5e - Input Filter Renewal 2,073.80 10.00% 1,866.42 88.34
OM Production PostScript - Input Filter 10,369.00 10.00% 9,332.10 441.69
OM Production PostScript - Input Filter Maintenance (1 Yr 2,073.80 10.00% 1,866.42 88.34
OM Production PostScript - Input Filter Renewal 2,073.80 10.00% 1,866.42 88.34
OM Production SAP GOF - Input Filter 10,369.00 10.00% 9,332.10 441.69
OM Production SAP GOF - Input Filter Maintenance (1 Yr 2,073.80 10.00% 1,866.42 88.34
OM Production SAP GOF - Input Filter Renewal 2,073.80 10.00% 1,866.42 88.34
OM Production ASCII/EBCDIC - Input Filter 10,369.00 10.00% 9,332.10 441.69
OM Production ASCII/EBCDIC - Input Filter Maintenance 2,073.80 10.00% 1,866.42 88.34
OM Production ASCII/EBCDIC - Input Filter Renewal 2,073.80 10.00% 1,866.42 88.34
OM Production Xerox Metacode - Input Filter 20,738.00 10.00% 18,664.20 883.38
OM Production Xerox Metacode - Input Filter Maintenance 4,147.60 10.00% 3,732.84 176.68
OM Production Xerox Metacode - Input Filter Renewal 4,147.60 10.00% 3,732.84 176.68
OM Production Xerox LCDS - Input Filter 20,738.00 10.00% 18,664.20 883.38
OM Production Xerox LCDS - Input Filter Maintenance (1 4,147.60 10.00% 3,732.84 176.68
OM Production Xerox LCDS - Input Filter Renewal 4,147.60 10.00% 3,732.84 176.68
OM Production XFF - Input Filter 10,369.00 10.00% 9,332.10 441.69
OM Production XFF - Input Filter Maintenance (1 Yr) 2,073.80 10.00% 1,866.42 88.34
OM Production XFF - Input Filter Renewal 2,073.80 10.00% 1,866.42 88.34
OM Production Raster Formats - Output Filter 6,077.00 10.00% 5,469.30 258.86
OM Production Raster Formats - Output Filter Maintenanc 1,215.40 10.00% 1,093.86 51.77
OM Production Raster Formats - Output Filter Renewal 1,215.40 10.00% 1,093.86 51.77
OM Production AFP/MO: DCA - Output Filter 10,369.00 10.00% 9,332.10 441.69
OM Production AFP/MO: DCA - Output Filter Maintenance 2,073.80 10.00% 1,866.42 88.34
OM Production AFP/MO: DCA - Output Filter Renewal 2,073.80 10.00% 1,866.42 88.34
OM Production PDF - Output Filter 10,369.00 10.00% 9,332.10 441.69
OM Production PDF - Output Filter Maintenance (1 Yr) 2,073.80 10.00% 1,866.42 88.34
OM Production PDF - Output Filter Renewal 2,073.80 10.00% 1,866.42 88.34
OM Production PCL 5e - Output Filter 10,369.00 10.00% 9,332.10 441.69
OM Production PCL 5e - Output Filter Maintenance (1 Yr) 2,073.80 10.00% 1,866.42 88.34
OM Production PCL 5e - Output Filter Renewal 2,073.80 10.00% 1,866.42 88.34
OM Production PCL 6 - Output Filter 10,369.00 10.00% 9,332.10 441.69
OM Production PCL 6 - Output Filter Maintenance (1 Yr) 2,073.80 10.00% 1,866.42 88.34
OM Production PCL 6 - Output Filter Renewal 2,073.80 10.00% 1,866.42 88.34
OM Production ASCII/EBCDIC - Output Filter 10,369.00 10.00% 9,332.10 441.69
OM Production ASCII/EBCDIC - Output Filter Maintenance 2,073.80 10.00% 1,866.42 88.34
OM Production ASCII/EBCDIC - Output Filter Renewal 2,073.80 10.00% 1,866.42 88.34
OM Production PostScript - Output Filter 10,369.00 10.00% 9,332.10 441.69
OM Production PostScript - Output Filter Maintenance (1 2,073.80 10.00% 1,866.42 88.34
OM Production PostScript - Output Filter Renewal 2,073.80 10.00% 1,866.42 88.34
OM Production VPS incl. PostScript - Output Filter 15,555.00 10.00% 13,999.50 662.60
OM Production VPS incl. PostScript - Output Filter Maint 3,111.00 10.00% 2,799.90 132.52
OM Production VPS incl. PostScript - Output Filter Renew 3,111.00 10.00% 2,799.90 132.52
OM Production XFF - Output Filter 10,369.00 10.00% 9,332.10 441.69
OM Production XFF - Output Filter Maintenance (1 Yr) 2,073.80 10.00% 1,866.42 88.34
OM Production XFF - Output Filter Renewal 2,073.80 10.00% 1,866.42 88.34
AutoStore v7
Nuance AutoStore Device License (1 to 9 Tier) Software 1,275.00 10.00% 1,147.50 54.31
Nuance AutoStore Device License (10 to 24 Tier) Softwa 1,122.00 10.00% 1,009.80 47.79
Nuance AutoStore Device License (25 to 49 Tier) Softwa 1,020.00 10.00% 918.00 43.45
Nuance AutoStore Device License (50 to 99 Tier) Softwa 994.50 10.00% 895.05 42.36
Nuance AutoStore Device License (1 to 9 Tier) Maintenan 255.00 10.00% 229.50 10.86
Nuance AutoStore Device License (1 to 9 Tier) Maintenan 510.00 10.00% 459.00 21.72
Nuance AutoStore Device License (1 to 9 Tier) Maintenan 765.00 10.00% 688.50 32.59
Nuance AutoStore Device License (1 to 9 Tier) Maintenan 1,020.00 10.00% 918.00 43.45
Nuance AutoStore Device License (1 to 9 Tier) Maintenan 1,275.00 10.00% 1,147.50 54.31
Nuance AutoStore Device License (10 to 24 Tier) Mainten 224.40 10.00% 201.96 9.56
Nuance AutoStore Device License (10 to 24 Tier) Mainten 448.80 10.00% 403.92 19.12
Nuance AutoStore Device License (10 to 24 Tier) Mainten 673.20 10.00% 605.88 28.68
Nuance AutoStore Device License (10 to 24 Tier) Mainten 897.60 10.00% 807.84 38.24
Nuance AutoStore Device License (10 to 24 Tier) Mainten 1,122.00 10.00% 1,009.80 47.79
Nuance AutoStore Device License (25 to 49 Tier) Mainten 204.00 10.00% 183.60 8.69
Nuance AutoStore Device License (25 to 49 Tier) Mainten 408.00 10.00% 367.20 17.38
Nuance AutoStore Device License (25 to 49 Tier) Mainten 612.00 10.00% 550.80 26.07
Nuance AutoStore Device License (25 to 49 Tier) Mainten 816.00 10.00% 734.40 34.76
Nuance AutoStore Device License (25 to 49 Tier) Mainten 1,020.00 10.00% 918.00 43.45
Nuance AutoStore Device License (50 to 99 Tier) Mainten 198.90 10.00% 179.01 8.47
Nuance AutoStore Device License (50 to 99 Tier) Mainten 397.80 10.00% 358.02 16.95
Nuance AutoStore Device License (50 to 99 Tier) Mainten 596.70 10.00% 537.03 25.42
Nuance AutoStore Device License (50 to 99 Tier) Mainten 795.60 10.00% 716.04 33.89
Nuance AutoStore Device License (50 to 99 Tier) Mainten 994.50 10.00% 895.05 42.36
Nuance AutoStore High Availability Device License (1 to 1,912.50 10.00% 1,721.25 81.47
Nuance AutoStore High Availability Device License (10 t 1,683.00 10.00% 1,514.70 71.69
Nuance AutoStore High Availability Device License (25 t 1,530.00 10.00% 1,377.00 65.17
Nuance AutoStore High Availability Device License (50 t 1,491.75 10.00% 1,342.58 63.54
Nuance AutoStore High Availability Device License (1 to 382.50 10.00% 344.25 16.29
Nuance AutoStore High Availability Device License (1 to 765.00 10.00% 688.50 32.59
Nuance AutoStore High Availability Device License (1 to 1,147.50 10.00% 1,032.75 48.88
Nuance AutoStore High Availability Device License (1 to 1,530.00 10.00% 1,377.00 65.17
Nuance AutoStore High Availability Device License (1 to 1,912.50 10.00% 1,721.25 81.47
Nuance AutoStore High Availability Device License (10 to 336.60 10.00% 302.94 14.34
Nuance AutoStore High Availability Device License (10 to 673.20 10.00% 605.88 28.68
Nuance AutoStore High Availability Device License (10 to 1,009.80 10.00% 908.82 43.01
Nuance AutoStore High Availability Device License (10 to 1,346.40 10.00% 1,211.76 57.35
Nuance AutoStore High Availability Device License (10 to 1,683.00 10.00% 1,514.70 71.69
Nuance AutoStore High Availability Device License (25 to 306.00 10.00% 275.40 13.03
Nuance AutoStore High Availability Device License (25 to 612.00 10.00% 550.80 26.07
Nuance AutoStore High Availability Device License (25 to 918.00 10.00% 826.20 39.10
Nuance AutoStore High Availability Device License (25 to 1,224.00 10.00% 1,101.60 52.14
Nuance AutoStore High Availability Device License (25 to 1,530.00 10.00% 1,377.00 65.17
Nuance AutoStore High Availability Device License (50 to 298.35 10.00% 268.52 12.71
Nuance AutoStore High Availability Device License (50 to 596.70 10.00% 537.03 25.42
Nuance AutoStore High Availability Device License (50 to 895.05 10.00% 805.55 38.13
Nuance AutoStore High Availability Device License (50 to 1,193.40 10.00% 1,074.06 50.84
Nuance AutoStore High Availability Device License (50 to 1,491.75 10.00% 1,342.58 63.54
Nuance AutoStore High Availability Device License Upgr 765.00 10.00% 688.50 32.59
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Base License (100 to 499 150.00 10.00% 135.00 6.39
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Base License (500+ Tier) 130.01 10.00% 117.00 5.54
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Base License (100 to 499 30.00 10.00% 27.00 1.28
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Base License (100 to 499 60.00 10.00% 54.00 2.56
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Base License (100 to 499 90.00 10.00% 81.00 3.83
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Base License (100 to 499 120.00 10.00% 108.00 5.11
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Base License (100 to 499 150.00 10.00% 135.00 6.39
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Base License (500+ Tier) 26.00 10.00% 23.40 1.11
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Base License (500+ Tier) 52.00 10.00% 46.80 2.22
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Base License (500+ Tier) 78.00 10.00% 70.20 3.32
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Base License (500+ Tier) 104.00 10.00% 93.60 4.43
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Base License (500+ Tier) 130.01 10.00% 117.00 5.54
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Business Intelligence Lic 190.00 10.00% 171.00 8.09
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Business Intelligence Lic 164.67 10.00% 148.21 7.01
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Business Intelligence Lice 38.00 10.00% 34.20 1.62
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Business Intelligence Lice 76.00 10.00% 68.40 3.24
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Business Intelligence Lice 114.00 10.00% 102.60 4.86
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Business Intelligence Lice 152.00 10.00% 136.80 6.47
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Business Intelligence Lice 190.00 10.00% 171.00 8.09
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Business Intelligence Lic 32.93 9.99% 29.64 1.40
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Business Intelligence Lic 65.87 10.00% 59.28 2.81
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Business Intelligence Lic 98.80 10.00% 88.92 4.21
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Business Intelligence Lic 131.74 10.00% 118.56 5.61
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Business Intelligence Lic 164.67 10.00% 148.21 7.01
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Processing License (100 t 190.00 10.00% 171.00 8.09
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Processing License (500+ 164.67 10.00% 148.21 7.01
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Processing License (100 t 38.00 10.00% 34.20 1.62
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Processing License (100 t 76.00 10.00% 68.40 3.24
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Processing License (100 t 114.00 10.00% 102.60 4.86
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Processing License (100 t 152.00 10.00% 136.80 6.47
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Processing License (100 t 190.00 10.00% 171.00 8.09
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Processing License (500+ 32.93 9.99% 29.64 1.40
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Processing License (500+ 65.87 10.00% 59.28 2.81
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Processing License (500+ 98.80 10.00% 88.92 4.21
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Processing License (500+ 131.74 10.00% 118.56 5.61
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Processing License (500+ 164.67 10.00% 148.21 7.01
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Communication License (1 190.00 10.00% 171.00 8.09
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Communication License (5 164.67 10.00% 148.21 7.01
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Communication License (1 38.00 10.00% 34.20 1.62
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Communication License (1 76.00 10.00% 68.40 3.24
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Communication License (1 114.00 10.00% 102.60 4.86
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Communication License (1 152.00 10.00% 136.80 6.47
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Communication License (1 190.00 10.00% 171.00 8.09
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Communication License (5 32.93 9.99% 29.64 1.40
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Communication License (5 65.87 10.00% 59.28 2.81
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Communication License (5 98.80 10.00% 88.92 4.21
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Communication License (5 131.74 10.00% 118.56 5.61
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Communication License (5 164.67 10.00% 148.21 7.01
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Business Flow License (10 300.00 10.00% 270.00 12.78
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Business Flow License (5 260.01 10.00% 234.01 11.08
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Business Flow License (10 60.00 10.00% 54.00 2.56
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Business Flow License (10 120.00 10.00% 108.00 5.11
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Business Flow License (10 180.00 10.00% 162.00 7.67
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Business Flow License (10 240.00 10.00% 216.00 10.22
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Business Flow License (10 300.00 10.00% 270.00 12.78
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Business Flow License (5 52.00 10.00% 46.80 2.22
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Business Flow License (5 104.00 10.00% 93.60 4.43
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Business Flow License (5 156.01 10.00% 140.41 6.65
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Business Flow License (5 208.01 10.00% 187.21 8.86
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Business Flow License (5 260.01 10.00% 234.01 11.08
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Card Authentication Licen 190.00 10.00% 171.00 8.09
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Card Authentication Licen 164.67 10.00% 148.21 7.01
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Card Authentication Licen 38.00 10.00% 34.20 1.62
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Card Authentication Licen 76.00 10.00% 68.40 3.24
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Card Authentication Licen 114.00 10.00% 102.60 4.86
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Card Authentication Licen 152.00 10.00% 136.80 6.47
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Card Authentication Licen 190.00 10.00% 171.00 8.09
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Card Authentication Licen 32.93 9.99% 29.64 1.40
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Card Authentication Licen 65.87 10.00% 59.28 2.81
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Card Authentication Licen 98.80 10.00% 88.92 4.21
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Card Authentication Licen 131.74 10.00% 118.56 5.61
Nuance AutoStore High Volume Card Authentication Licen 164.67 10.00% 148.21 7.01
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Base Lic 225.00 10.00% 202.50 9.58
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Base Li 195.01 10.00% 175.51 8.31
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Base Lic 45.00 10.00% 40.50 1.92
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Base Lic 90.00 10.00% 81.00 3.83
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Base Lic 135.00 10.00% 121.50 5.75
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Base Lic 180.00 10.00% 162.00 7.67
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Base Lic 225.00 10.00% 202.50 9.58
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Base Li 39.00 10.00% 35.10 1.66
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Base Li 78.00 10.00% 70.20 3.32
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Base Li 117.00 10.00% 105.30 4.98
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Base Li 156.01 10.00% 140.41 6.65
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Base Li 195.01 10.00% 175.51 8.31
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Base Lic 135.00 10.00% 121.50 5.75
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Business 285.00 10.00% 256.50 12.14
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Business 247.01 10.00% 222.31 10.52
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Business 57.00 10.00% 51.30 2.43
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Business 114.00 10.00% 102.60 4.86
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Business 171.00 10.00% 153.90 7.28
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Business 228.00 10.00% 205.20 9.71
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Business 285.00 10.00% 256.50 12.14
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Business 49.40 10.00% 44.46 2.10
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Business 98.80 10.00% 88.92 4.21
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Business 148.21 10.00% 133.39 6.31
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Business 197.61 10.00% 177.85 8.42
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Business 247.01 10.00% 222.31 10.52
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Business 171.00 10.00% 153.90 7.28
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Processi 285.00 10.00% 256.50 12.14
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Process 247.01 10.00% 222.31 10.52
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Processi 57.00 10.00% 51.30 2.43
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Processi 114.00 10.00% 102.60 4.86
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Processi 171.00 10.00% 153.90 7.28
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Processi 228.00 10.00% 205.20 9.71
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Processi 285.00 10.00% 256.50 12.14
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Processi 49.40 10.00% 44.46 2.10
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Processi 98.80 10.00% 88.92 4.21
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Processi 148.21 10.00% 133.39 6.31
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Processi 197.61 10.00% 177.85 8.42
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Processi 247.01 10.00% 222.31 10.52
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Processi 171.00 10.00% 153.90 7.28
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Communi 285.00 10.00% 256.50 12.14
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Communi 247.01 10.00% 222.31 10.52
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Communi 57.00 10.00% 51.30 2.43
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Communi 114.00 10.00% 102.60 4.86
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Communi 171.00 10.00% 153.90 7.28
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Communi 228.00 10.00% 205.20 9.71
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Communi 285.00 10.00% 256.50 12.14
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Communi 49.40 10.00% 44.46 2.10
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Communi 98.80 10.00% 88.92 4.21
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Communi 148.21 10.00% 133.39 6.31
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Communi 197.61 10.00% 177.85 8.42
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Communi 247.01 10.00% 222.31 10.52
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Communi 171.00 10.00% 153.90 7.28
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Business 450.00 10.00% 405.00 19.17
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Busines 390.02 10.00% 351.01 16.61
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Business 90.00 10.00% 81.00 3.83
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Business 180.00 10.00% 162.00 7.67
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Business 270.00 10.00% 243.00 11.50
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Business 360.00 10.00% 324.00 15.33
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Business 450.00 10.00% 405.00 19.17
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Busines 78.00 10.00% 70.20 3.32
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Busines 156.01 10.00% 140.41 6.65
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Busines 234.01 10.00% 210.61 9.97
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Busines 312.01 10.00% 280.81 13.29
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Busines 390.02 10.00% 351.01 16.61
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Business 270.00 10.00% 243.00 11.50
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Card Aut 285.00 10.00% 256.50 12.14
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Card Aut 247.01 10.00% 222.31 10.52
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Card Aut 57.00 10.00% 51.30 2.43
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Card Aut 114.00 10.00% 102.60 4.86
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Card Aut 171.00 10.00% 153.90 7.28
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Card Aut 228.00 10.00% 205.20 9.71
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Card Aut 285.00 10.00% 256.50 12.14
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Card Aut 49.40 10.00% 44.46 2.10
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Card Aut 98.80 10.00% 88.92 4.21
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Card Aut 148.21 10.00% 133.39 6.31
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Card Aut 197.61 10.00% 177.85 8.42
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Card Aut 247.01 10.00% 222.31 10.52
Nuance AutoStore High Volume High Availability Card Aut 171.00 10.00% 153.90 7.28
Nuance AutoStore AutoCapture user License (20 users) ( 400.00 10.00% 360.00 17.04
Nuance AutoStore AutoCapture user License (20 users) ( 320.00 10.00% 288.00 13.63
Nuance AutoStore AutoCapture user License (20 users) ( 240.00 10.00% 216.00 10.22
Nuance AutoStore AutoCapture user License (20 users) ( 208.00 10.00% 187.20 8.86
Nuance AutoStore AutoCapture user License (20 users) ( 160.00 10.00% 144.00 6.82
Nuance AutoStore AutoCapture user License (20 users) (1 80.00 10.00% 72.00 3.41
Nuance AutoStore AutoCapture user License (20 users) (1 160.00 10.00% 144.00 6.82
Nuance AutoStore AutoCapture user License (20 users) (1 240.00 10.00% 216.00 10.22
Nuance AutoStore AutoCapture user License (20 users) (1 320.00 10.00% 288.00 13.63
Nuance AutoStore AutoCapture user License (20 users) (1 400.00 10.00% 360.00 17.04
Nuance AutoStore AutoCapture user License (20 users) (2 64.00 10.00% 57.60 2.73
Nuance AutoStore AutoCapture user License (20 users) (2 128.00 10.00% 115.20 5.45
Nuance AutoStore AutoCapture user License (20 users) (2 192.00 10.00% 172.80 8.18
Nuance AutoStore AutoCapture user License (20 users) (2 256.00 10.00% 230.40 10.90
Nuance AutoStore AutoCapture user License (20 users) (2 320.00 10.00% 288.00 13.63
Nuance AutoStore AutoCapture user License (20 users) (5 48.00 10.00% 43.20 2.04
Nuance AutoStore AutoCapture user License (20 users) (5 96.00 10.00% 86.40 4.09
Nuance AutoStore AutoCapture user License (20 users) (5 144.00 10.00% 129.60 6.13
Nuance AutoStore AutoCapture user License (20 users) (5 192.00 10.00% 172.80 8.18
Nuance AutoStore AutoCapture user License (20 users) (5 240.00 10.00% 216.00 10.22
Nuance AutoStore AutoCapture user License (20 users) (1 41.60 10.00% 37.44 1.77
Nuance AutoStore AutoCapture user License (20 users) (1 83.20 10.00% 74.88 3.54
Nuance AutoStore AutoCapture user License (20 users) (1 124.80 10.00% 112.32 5.32
Nuance AutoStore AutoCapture user License (20 users) (1 166.40 10.00% 149.76 7.09
Nuance AutoStore AutoCapture user License (20 users) (1 208.00 10.00% 187.20 8.86
Nuance AutoStore AutoCapture user License (20 users) ( 32.00 10.00% 28.80 1.36
Nuance AutoStore AutoCapture user License (20 users) ( 64.00 10.00% 57.60 2.73
Nuance AutoStore AutoCapture user License (20 users) ( 96.00 10.00% 86.40 4.09
Nuance AutoStore AutoCapture user License (20 users) ( 128.00 10.00% 115.20 5.45
Nuance AutoStore AutoCapture user License (20 users) ( 160.00 10.00% 144.00 6.82
Nuance AutoStore QuickCapture Device License (1 to 9 T 1,275.00 10.00% 1,147.50 54.31
Nuance AutoStore QuickCapture Device License (10 to 24 1,122.00 10.00% 1,009.80 47.79
Nuance AutoStore QuickCapture Device License (25 to 49 1,020.00 10.00% 918.00 43.45
Nuance AutoStore QuickCapture Device License (50 to 99 994.50 10.00% 895.05 42.36
Nuance AutoStore QuickCapture Device License (100 to 4 956.25 10.00% 860.63 40.73
Nuance AutoStore QuickCapture Device License (500+ Ti 905.25 10.00% 814.73 38.56
Nuance AutoStore QuickCapture Device License (1 to 9 T 255.00 10.00% 229.50 10.86
Nuance AutoStore QuickCapture Device License (1 to 9 T 510.00 10.00% 459.00 21.72
Nuance AutoStore QuickCapture Device License (1 to 9 T 765.00 10.00% 688.50 32.59
Nuance AutoStore QuickCapture Device License (1 to 9 T 1,020.00 10.00% 918.00 43.45
Nuance AutoStore QuickCapture Device License (1 to 9 T 1,275.00 10.00% 1,147.50 54.31
Nuance AutoStore QuickCapture Device License (10 to 24 224.40 10.00% 201.96 9.56
Nuance AutoStore QuickCapture Device License (10 to 24 448.80 10.00% 403.92 19.12
Nuance AutoStore QuickCapture Device License (10 to 24 673.20 10.00% 605.88 28.68
Nuance AutoStore QuickCapture Device License (10 to 24 897.60 10.00% 807.84 38.24
Nuance AutoStore QuickCapture Device License (10 to 24 1,122.00 10.00% 1,009.80 47.79
Nuance AutoStore QuickCapture Device License (25 to 49 204.00 10.00% 183.60 8.69
Nuance AutoStore QuickCapture Device License (25 to 49 408.00 10.00% 367.20 17.38
Nuance AutoStore QuickCapture Device License (25 to 49 612.00 10.00% 550.80 26.07
Nuance AutoStore QuickCapture Device License (25 to 49 816.00 10.00% 734.40 34.76
Nuance AutoStore QuickCapture Device License (25 to 49 1,020.00 10.00% 918.00 43.45
Nuance AutoStore QuickCapture Device License (50 to 99 198.90 10.00% 179.01 8.47
Nuance AutoStore QuickCapture Device License (50 to 99 397.80 10.00% 358.02 16.95
Nuance AutoStore QuickCapture Device License (50 to 99 596.70 10.00% 537.03 25.42
Nuance AutoStore QuickCapture Device License (50 to 99 795.60 10.00% 716.04 33.89
Nuance AutoStore QuickCapture Device License (50 to 99 994.50 10.00% 895.05 42.36
Nuance AutoStore QuickCapture Device License (100 to 4 191.25 10.00% 172.13 8.15
Nuance AutoStore QuickCapture Device License (100 to 4 382.50 10.00% 344.25 16.29
Nuance AutoStore QuickCapture Device License (100 to 4 573.75 10.00% 516.38 24.44
Nuance AutoStore QuickCapture Device License (100 to 4 765.00 10.00% 688.50 32.59
Nuance AutoStore QuickCapture Device License (100 to 4 956.25 10.00% 860.63 40.73
Nuance AutoStore QuickCapture Device License (500+ Tie 181.05 10.00% 162.95 7.71
Nuance AutoStore QuickCapture Device License (500+ Ti 362.10 10.00% 325.89 15.42
Nuance AutoStore QuickCapture Device License (500+ Ti 543.15 10.00% 488.84 23.14
Nuance AutoStore QuickCapture Device License (500+ Ti 724.20 10.00% 651.78 30.85
Nuance AutoStore QuickCapture Device License (500+ Ti 905.25 10.00% 814.73 38.56
Nuance AutoStore QuickCapture SnapIt Add-On Software 500.00 10.00% 450.00 21.30
Nuance AutoStore QuickCapture SnapIt Add-On Maintena 100.00 10.00% 90.00 4.26
Nuance AutoStore QuickCapture SnapIt Add-On Maintena 200.00 10.00% 180.00 8.52
Nuance AutoStore QuickCapture SnapIt Add-On Maintena 300.00 10.00% 270.00 12.78
Nuance AutoStore QuickCapture SnapIt Add-On Maintena 400.00 10.00% 360.00 17.04
Nuance AutoStore QuickCapture SnapIt Add-On Maintena 500.00 10.00% 450.00 21.30
Nuance AutoStore QuickCapture 2D Add-On Software Onl 250.00 10.00% 225.00 10.65
Nuance AutoStore QuickCapture 2D Add-On Maintenance 50.00 10.00% 45.00 2.13
Nuance AutoStore QuickCapture 2D Add-On Maintenance 100.00 10.00% 90.00 4.26
Nuance AutoStore QuickCapture 2D Add-On Maintenance 150.00 10.00% 135.00 6.39
Nuance AutoStore QuickCapture 2D Add-On Maintenance 200.00 10.00% 180.00 8.52
Nuance AutoStore QuickCapture 2D Add-On Maintenance 250.00 10.00% 225.00 10.65
Nuance AutoStore File Import License (60K pages/Yr) (1 1,275.00 10.00% 1,147.50 54.31
Nuance AutoStore File Import License (60K pages/Yr) (3 1,198.50 10.00% 1,078.65 51.05
Nuance AutoStore File Import License (60K pages/Yr) (6 1,083.75 10.00% 975.38 46.16
Nuance AutoStore File Import License (60K pages/Yr) (1 905.25 10.00% 814.73 38.56
Nuance AutoStore File Import License (60K pages/Yr) (1 255.00 10.00% 229.50 10.86
Nuance AutoStore File Import License (60K pages/Yr) (1 510.00 10.00% 459.00 21.72
Nuance AutoStore File Import License (60K pages/Yr) (1 765.00 10.00% 688.50 32.59
Nuance AutoStore File Import License (60K pages/Yr) (1 1,020.00 10.00% 918.00 43.45
Nuance AutoStore File Import License (60K pages/Yr) (1 1,275.00 10.00% 1,147.50 54.31
Nuance AutoStore File Import License (60K pages/Yr) (3 239.70 10.00% 215.73 10.21
Nuance AutoStore File Import License (60K pages/Yr) (3 479.40 10.00% 431.46 20.42
Nuance AutoStore File Import License (60K pages/Yr) (3 719.10 10.00% 647.19 30.63
Nuance AutoStore File Import License (60K pages/Yr) (3 958.80 10.00% 862.92 40.84
Nuance AutoStore File Import License (60K pages/Yr) (3 1,198.50 10.00% 1,078.65 51.05
Nuance AutoStore File Import License (60K pages/Yr) (6 216.75 10.00% 195.08 9.23
Nuance AutoStore File Import License (60K pages/Yr) (6 433.50 10.00% 390.15 18.47
Nuance AutoStore File Import License (60K pages/Yr) (6 650.25 10.00% 585.23 27.70
Nuance AutoStore File Import License (60K pages/Yr) (6 867.00 10.00% 780.30 36.93
Nuance AutoStore File Import License (60K pages/Yr) (6 1,083.75 10.00% 975.38 46.16
Nuance AutoStore File Import License (60K pages/Yr) (12 181.05 10.00% 162.95 7.71
Nuance AutoStore File Import License (60K pages/Yr) (12 362.10 10.00% 325.89 15.42
Nuance AutoStore File Import License (60K pages/Yr) (12 543.15 10.00% 488.84 23.14
Nuance AutoStore File Import License (60K pages/Yr) (12 724.20 10.00% 651.78 30.85
Nuance AutoStore File Import License (60K pages/Yr) (12 905.25 10.00% 814.73 38.56
Nuance AutoStore File Import Battery License (30K page 1,500.00 10.00% 1,350.00 63.90
Nuance AutoStore 2D Barcode License Software Only (No 250.00 10.00% 225.00 10.65
Nuance AutoStore 2D Barcode Maintenance & Support On 50.00 10.00% 45.00 2.13
Nuance AutoStore 2D Barcode Maintenance & Support On 100.00 10.00% 90.00 4.26
Nuance AutoStore 2D Barcode Maintenance & Support On 150.00 10.00% 135.00 6.39
Nuance AutoStore 2D Barcode Maintenance & Support On 200.00 10.00% 180.00 8.52
Nuance AutoStore 2D Barcode Maintenance & Support On 250.00 10.00% 225.00 10.65
Nuance AutoStore Additional OCR Engine License Softwa 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
Nuance AutoStore Additional OCR Engine Maintenance & 500.00 10.00% 450.00 21.30
Nuance AutoStore Additional OCR Engine Maintenance & 1,000.00 10.00% 900.00 42.60
Nuance AutoStore Additional OCR Engine Maintenance & 1,500.00 10.00% 1,350.00 63.90
Nuance AutoStore Additional OCR Engine Maintenance & 2,000.00 10.00% 1,800.00 85.19
Nuance AutoStore Additional OCR Engine Maintenance & 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
Nuance AutoStore Express Device License (1 to 9 Tier) 915.00 10.00% 823.50 38.98
Nuance AutoStore Express Device License (10 to 24 Tier 805.20 10.00% 724.68 34.30
Nuance AutoStore Express Device License (25 to 49 Tier 732.00 10.00% 658.80 31.18
Nuance AutoStore Express Device License (50 to 99 Tier 713.70 10.00% 642.33 30.40
Nuance AutoStore Express Device License (1 to 9 Tier) M 183.00 10.00% 164.70 7.80
Nuance AutoStore Express Device License (1 to 9 Tier) M 366.00 10.00% 329.40 15.59
Nuance AutoStore Express Device License (1 to 9 Tier) M 549.00 10.00% 494.10 23.39
Nuance AutoStore Express Device License (1 to 9 Tier) M 732.00 10.00% 658.80 31.18
Nuance AutoStore Express Device License (1 to 9 Tier) M 915.00 10.00% 823.50 38.98
Nuance AutoStore Express Device License (10 to 24 Tier 161.04 10.00% 144.94 6.86
Nuance AutoStore Express Device License (10 to 24 Tier 322.08 10.00% 289.87 13.72
Nuance AutoStore Express Device License (10 to 24 Tier 483.12 10.00% 434.81 20.58
Nuance AutoStore Express Device License (10 to 24 Tier 644.16 10.00% 579.74 27.44
Nuance AutoStore Express Device License (10 to 24 Tier 805.20 10.00% 724.68 34.30
Nuance AutoStore Express Device License (25 to 49 Tier 146.40 10.00% 131.76 6.24
Nuance AutoStore Express Device License (25 to 49 Tier 292.80 10.00% 263.52 12.47
Nuance AutoStore Express Device License (25 to 49 Tier 439.20 10.00% 395.28 18.71
Nuance AutoStore Express Device License (25 to 49 Tier 585.60 10.00% 527.04 24.94
Nuance AutoStore Express Device License (25 to 49 Tier 732.00 10.00% 658.80 31.18
Nuance AutoStore Express Device License (50 to 99 Tier 142.74 10.00% 128.47 6.08
Nuance AutoStore Express Device License (50 to 99 Tier 285.48 10.00% 256.93 12.16
Nuance AutoStore Express Device License (50 to 99 Tier 428.22 10.00% 385.40 18.24
Nuance AutoStore Express Device License (50 to 99 Tier 570.96 10.00% 513.86 24.32
Nuance AutoStore Express Device License (50 to 99 Tier 713.70 10.00% 642.33 30.40
Nuance AutoStore Express upgrade to AutoStore Softwar 432.00 10.00% 388.80 18.40
Nuance AutoStore Express upgrade to AutoStore High Ava 1,197.00 10.00% 1,077.30 50.99
Nuance AutoStore Remote Installation Services Basic 1,250.00 10.00% 1,125.00 53.25
Nuance AutoStore Remote Installation Services - Advanc 1,875.00 10.00% 1,687.50 79.87
Nuance AutoStore AutoCapture user license (20 users) (1 80.00 0.00% 80.00 3.79
Nuance AutoStore AutoCapture user license (20 users) (1 160.00 0.00% 160.00 7.57
Nuance AutoStore AutoCapture user license (20 users) (1 240.00 0.00% 240.00 11.36
Nuance AutoStore AutoCapture user license (20 users) (1 320.00 0.00% 320.00 15.15
Output Manager v4
Nuance Output Manager Device License (1 to 9 Tier) Sof 898.00 10.00% 808.20 38.25
Nuance Output Manager Device License (10 to 24 Tier) S 745.34 10.00% 670.81 31.75
Nuance Output Manager Device License (25 to 49 Tier) S 646.56 10.00% 581.90 27.54
Nuance Output Manager Device License (50 to 99 Tier) S 565.74 10.00% 509.17 24.10
Nuance Output Manager Device License (100 to 499 Tier) 449.00 10.00% 404.10 19.13
Nuance Output Manager Device License (500+ Tier) Soft 404.10 10.00% 363.69 17.21
Nuance Output Manager Device License (1 to 9 Tier) Mai 179.60 10.00% 161.64 7.65
Nuance Output Manager Device License (1 to 9 Tier) Mai 359.20 10.00% 323.28 15.30
Nuance Output Manager Device License (1 to 9 Tier) Mai 538.80 10.00% 484.92 22.95
Nuance Output Manager Device License (1 to 9 Tier) Mai 718.40 10.00% 646.56 30.60
Nuance Output Manager Device License (1 to 9 Tier) Mai 898.00 10.00% 808.20 38.25
Nuance Output Manager Device License (10 to 24 Tier) M 149.07 10.00% 134.16 6.35
Nuance Output Manager Device License (10 to 24 Tier) M 298.14 10.00% 268.32 12.70
Nuance Output Manager Device License (10 to 24 Tier) M 447.20 10.00% 402.48 19.05
Nuance Output Manager Device License (10 to 24 Tier) M 596.27 10.00% 536.64 25.40
Nuance Output Manager Device License (10 to 24 Tier) M 745.34 10.00% 670.81 31.75
Nuance Output Manager Device License (25 to 49 Tier) M 129.31 10.00% 116.38 5.51
Nuance Output Manager Device License (25 to 49 Tier) M 258.62 10.00% 232.76 11.02
Nuance Output Manager Device License (25 to 49 Tier) M 387.94 10.00% 349.14 16.52
Nuance Output Manager Device License (25 to 49 Tier) M 517.25 10.00% 465.52 22.03
Nuance Output Manager Device License (25 to 49 Tier) M 646.56 10.00% 581.90 27.54
Nuance Output Manager Device License (50 to 99 Tier) M 113.15 10.00% 101.83 4.82
Nuance Output Manager Device License (50 to 99 Tier) M 226.30 10.00% 203.67 9.64
Nuance Output Manager Device License (50 to 99 Tier) M 339.44 10.00% 305.50 14.46
Nuance Output Manager Device License (50 to 99 Tier) M 452.59 10.00% 407.33 19.28
Nuance Output Manager Device License (50 to 99 Tier) M 565.74 10.00% 509.17 24.10
Nuance Output Manager Device License (100 to 499 Tier) 89.80 10.00% 80.82 3.83
Nuance Output Manager Device License (100 to 499 Tier) 179.60 10.00% 161.64 7.65
Nuance Output Manager Device License (100 to 499 Tier) 269.40 10.00% 242.46 11.48
Nuance Output Manager Device License (100 to 499 Tier) 359.20 10.00% 323.28 15.30
Nuance Output Manager Device License (100 to 499 Tier) 449.00 10.00% 404.10 19.13
Nuance Output Manager Device License (500+ Tier) Main 80.82 10.00% 72.74 3.44
Nuance Output Manager Device License (500+ Tier) Main 161.64 10.00% 145.48 6.89
Nuance Output Manager Device License (500+ Tier) Main 242.46 10.00% 218.21 10.33
Nuance Output Manager Device License (500+ Tier) Main 323.28 10.00% 290.95 13.77
Nuance Output Manager Device License (500+ Tier) Main 404.10 10.00% 363.69 17.21
Nuance Output Manager High Availability Device License 1,347.00 10.00% 1,212.30 57.38
Nuance Output Manager High Availability Device License 1,118.01 10.00% 1,006.21 47.62
Nuance Output Manager High Availability Device License 969.84 10.00% 872.86 41.31
Nuance Output Manager High Availability Device License 848.61 10.00% 763.75 36.15
Nuance Output Manager High Availability Device License 673.50 10.00% 606.15 28.69
Nuance Output Manager High Availability Device License 606.15 10.00% 545.54 25.82
Nuance Output Manager High Availability Device License 269.40 10.00% 242.46 11.48
Nuance Output Manager High Availability Device License 538.80 10.00% 484.92 22.95
Nuance Output Manager High Availability Device License 808.20 10.00% 727.38 34.43
Nuance Output Manager High Availability Device License 1,077.60 10.00% 969.84 45.90
Nuance Output Manager High Availability Device License 1,347.00 10.00% 1,212.30 57.38
Nuance Output Manager High Availability Device License 223.60 10.00% 201.24 9.52
Nuance Output Manager High Availability Device License 447.20 10.00% 402.48 19.05
Nuance Output Manager High Availability Device License 670.81 10.00% 603.73 28.57
Nuance Output Manager High Availability Device License 894.41 10.00% 804.97 38.10
Nuance Output Manager High Availability Device License 1,118.01 10.00% 1,006.21 47.62
Nuance Output Manager High Availability Device License 193.97 10.00% 174.57 8.26
Nuance Output Manager High Availability Device License 387.94 10.00% 349.14 16.52
Nuance Output Manager High Availability Device License 581.90 10.00% 523.71 24.79
Nuance Output Manager High Availability Device License 775.87 10.00% 698.28 33.05
Nuance Output Manager High Availability Device License 969.84 10.00% 872.86 41.31
Nuance Output Manager High Availability Device License 169.72 10.00% 152.75 7.23
Nuance Output Manager High Availability Device License 339.44 10.00% 305.50 14.46
Nuance Output Manager High Availability Device License 509.17 10.00% 458.25 21.69
Nuance Output Manager High Availability Device License 678.89 10.00% 611.00 28.92
Nuance Output Manager High Availability Device License 848.61 10.00% 763.75 36.15
Nuance Output Manager High Availability Device License 134.70 10.00% 121.23 5.74
Nuance Output Manager High Availability Device License 269.40 10.00% 242.46 11.48
Nuance Output Manager High Availability Device License 404.10 10.00% 363.69 17.21
Nuance Output Manager High Availability Device License 538.80 10.00% 484.92 22.95
Nuance Output Manager High Availability Device License 673.50 10.00% 606.15 28.69
Nuance Output Manager High Availability Device License 121.23 10.00% 109.11 5.16
Nuance Output Manager High Availability Device License 242.46 10.00% 218.21 10.33
Nuance Output Manager High Availability Device License 363.69 10.00% 327.32 15.49
Nuance Output Manager High Availability Device License 484.92 10.00% 436.43 20.66
Nuance Output Manager High Availability Device License 606.15 10.00% 545.54 25.82
Nuance Output Manager High Availability License Upgrad 538.80 10.00% 484.92 22.95
Nuance Output Manager Network Printer License (20 pack) 599.00 10.00% 539.10 25.52
Nuance Output Manager Network Printer License (20 pack 497.17 10.00% 447.45 21.18
Nuance Output Manager Network Printer License (20 pack 431.28 10.00% 388.15 18.37
Nuance Output Manager Network Printer License (20 pack 377.37 10.00% 339.63 16.07
Nuance Output Manager Network Printer License (20 pack 299.50 10.00% 269.55 12.76
Nuance Output Manager Network Printer License (20 pack 269.55 10.00% 242.60 11.48
Nuance Output Manager Network Printer License (20 pack) 119.80 10.00% 107.82 5.10
Nuance Output Manager Network Printer License (20 pack) 239.60 10.00% 215.64 10.21
Nuance Output Manager Network Printer License (20 pack) 359.40 10.00% 323.46 15.31
Nuance Output Manager Network Printer License (20 pack) 479.20 10.00% 431.28 20.41
Nuance Output Manager Network Printer License (20 pack) 599.00 10.00% 539.10 25.52
Nuance Output Manager Network Printer License (20 pack) 99.43 10.00% 89.49 4.24
Nuance Output Manager Network Printer License (20 pack) 198.87 10.00% 178.98 8.47
Nuance Output Manager Network Printer License (20 pack) 298.30 10.00% 268.47 12.71
Nuance Output Manager Network Printer License (20 pack) 397.74 10.00% 357.96 16.94
Nuance Output Manager Network Printer License (20 pack) 497.17 10.00% 447.45 21.18
Nuance Output Manager Network Printer License (20 pack) 86.26 10.00% 77.63 3.67
Nuance Output Manager Network Printer License (20 pack) 172.51 10.00% 155.26 7.35
Nuance Output Manager Network Printer License (20 pack) 258.77 10.00% 232.89 11.02
Nuance Output Manager Network Printer License (20 pack) 345.02 10.00% 310.52 14.70
Nuance Output Manager Network Printer License (20 pack) 431.28 10.00% 388.15 18.37
Nuance Output Manager Network Printer License (20 pack) 75.47 10.00% 67.93 3.21
Nuance Output Manager Network Printer License (20 pack) 150.95 10.00% 135.85 6.43
Nuance Output Manager Network Printer License (20 pack) 226.42 10.00% 203.78 9.64
Nuance Output Manager Network Printer License (20 pack) 301.90 10.00% 271.71 12.86
Nuance Output Manager Network Printer License (20 pack) 377.37 10.00% 339.63 16.07
Nuance Output Manager Network Printer License (20 pack 59.90 10.00% 53.91 2.55
Nuance Output Manager Network Printer License (20 pack 119.80 10.00% 107.82 5.10
Nuance Output Manager Network Printer License (20 pack 179.70 10.00% 161.73 7.65
Nuance Output Manager Network Printer License (20 pack 239.60 10.00% 215.64 10.21
Nuance Output Manager Network Printer License (20 pack 299.50 10.00% 269.55 12.76
Nuance Output Manager Network Printer License (20 pack 53.91 10.00% 48.52 2.30
Nuance Output Manager Network Printer License (20 pack 107.82 10.00% 97.04 4.59
Nuance Output Manager Network Printer License (20 pack 161.73 10.00% 145.56 6.89
Nuance Output Manager Network Printer License (20 pack 215.64 10.00% 194.08 9.19
Nuance Output Manager Network Printer License (20 pack 269.55 10.00% 242.60 11.48
Nuance Output Manager Desktop (20 users) (1 to 9 Tier) 599.00 10.00% 539.10 25.52
Nuance Output Manager Desktop (20 users) (10 to 24 Tie 401.33 10.00% 361.20 17.10
Nuance Output Manager Desktop (20 users) (25 to 49 Tie 299.50 10.00% 269.55 12.76
Nuance Output Manager Desktop (20 users) (50 to 99 Tie 197.67 10.00% 177.90 8.42
Nuance Output Manager Desktop (20 users) (100 to 499 T 59.90 10.00% 53.91 2.55
Nuance Output Manager Desktop (20 users) (500+ Tier) 35.94 10.00% 32.35 1.53
Nuance Output Manager Desktop (20 users) (1 to 9 Tier) 119.80 10.00% 107.82 5.10
Nuance Output Manager Desktop (20 users) (1 to 9 Tier) 239.60 10.00% 215.64 10.21
Nuance Output Manager Desktop (20 users) (1 to 9 Tier) 359.40 10.00% 323.46 15.31
Nuance Output Manager Desktop (20 users) (1 to 9 Tier) 479.20 10.00% 431.28 20.41
Nuance Output Manager Desktop (20 users) (1 to 9 Tier) 599.00 10.00% 539.10 25.52
Nuance Output Manager Desktop (20 users) (10 to 24 Tie 80.27 10.00% 72.24 3.42
Nuance Output Manager Desktop (20 users) (10 to 24 Tie 160.53 10.00% 144.48 6.84
Nuance Output Manager Desktop (20 users) (10 to 24 Tie 240.80 10.00% 216.72 10.26
Nuance Output Manager Desktop (20 users) (10 to 24 Tie 321.06 10.00% 288.96 13.68
Nuance Output Manager Desktop (20 users) (10 to 24 Tie 401.33 10.00% 361.20 17.10
Nuance Output Manager Desktop (20 users) (25 to 49 Tie 59.90 10.00% 53.91 2.55
Nuance Output Manager Desktop (20 users) (25 to 49 Tie 119.80 10.00% 107.82 5.10
Nuance Output Manager Desktop (20 users) (25 to 49 Tie 179.70 10.00% 161.73 7.65
Nuance Output Manager Desktop (20 users) (25 to 49 Tie 239.60 10.00% 215.64 10.21
Nuance Output Manager Desktop (20 users) (25 to 49 Tie 299.50 10.00% 269.55 12.76
Nuance Output Manager Desktop (20 users) (50 to 99 Tie 39.53 9.99% 35.58 1.68
Nuance Output Manager Desktop (20 users) (50 to 99 Tie 79.07 10.00% 71.16 3.37
Nuance Output Manager Desktop (20 users) (50 to 99 Tie 118.60 10.00% 106.74 5.05
Nuance Output Manager Desktop (20 users) (50 to 99 Tie 158.14 10.00% 142.32 6.74
Nuance Output Manager Desktop (20 users) (50 to 99 Tie 197.67 10.00% 177.90 8.42
Nuance Output Manager Desktop (20 users) (100 to 499 T 11.98 10.00% 10.78 0.51
Nuance Output Manager Desktop (20 users) (100 to 499 T 23.96 10.00% 21.56 1.02
Nuance Output Manager Desktop (20 users) (100 to 499 T 35.94 10.00% 32.35 1.53
Nuance Output Manager Desktop (20 users) (100 to 499 T 47.92 10.00% 43.13 2.04
Nuance Output Manager Desktop (20 users) (100 to 499 T 59.90 10.00% 53.91 2.55
Nuance Output Manager Desktop (20 users) (500+ Tier) M 7.19 10.03% 6.47 0.31
Nuance Output Manager Desktop (20 users) (500+ Tier) M 14.38 10.03% 12.94 0.61
Nuance Output Manager Desktop (20 users) (500+ Tier) M 21.56 9.98% 19.41 0.92
Nuance Output Manager Desktop (20 users) (500+ Tier) M 28.75 9.99% 25.88 1.22
Nuance Output Manager Desktop (20 users) (500+ Tier) M 35.94 10.00% 32.35 1.53
Nuance Output Manager Custom Source Input License So 4,995.00 10.00% 4,495.50 212.77
Nuance Output Manager Custom Source Input License Ma 999.00 10.00% 899.10 42.55
Nuance Output Manager Custom Source Input License Ma 1,998.00 10.00% 1,798.20 85.11
Nuance Output Manager Custom Source Input License Ma 2,997.00 10.00% 2,697.30 127.66
Nuance Output Manager Custom Source Input License Ma 3,996.00 10.00% 3,596.40 170.22
Nuance Output Manager Custom Source Input License Ma 4,995.00 10.00% 4,495.50 212.77
Nuance Output Manager Enterprise Gateway Connector In 9,995.00 10.00% 8,995.50 425.76
Nuance Output Manager Enterprise Gateway Connector In 1,999.00 10.00% 1,799.10 85.15
Nuance Output Manager Enterprise Gateway Connector In 3,998.00 10.00% 3,598.20 170.30
Nuance Output Manager Enterprise Gateway Connector In 5,997.00 10.00% 5,397.30 255.45
Nuance Output Manager Enterprise Gateway Connector In 7,996.00 10.00% 7,196.40 340.61
Nuance Output Manager Enterprise Gateway Connector In 9,995.00 10.00% 8,995.50 425.76
Nuance Output Manager Basic Transform Module License 4,995.00 10.00% 4,495.50 212.77
Nuance Output Manager Basic Transform Module License 999.00 10.00% 899.10 42.55
Nuance Output Manager Basic Transform Module License 1,998.00 10.00% 1,798.20 85.11
Nuance Output Manager Basic Transform Module License 2,997.00 10.00% 2,697.30 127.66
Nuance Output Manager Basic Transform Module License 3,996.00 10.00% 3,596.40 170.22
Nuance Output Manager Basic Transform Module License 4,995.00 10.00% 4,495.50 212.77
Nuance Output Manager Page Modification Module Licens 4,995.00 10.00% 4,495.50 212.77
Nuance Output Manager Page Modification Module Licens 999.00 10.00% 899.10 42.55
Nuance Output Manager Page Modification Module Licens 1,998.00 10.00% 1,798.20 85.11
Nuance Output Manager Page Modification Module Licens 2,997.00 10.00% 2,697.30 127.66
Nuance Output Manager Page Modification Module Licens 3,996.00 10.00% 3,596.40 170.22
Nuance Output Manager Page Modification Module Licens 4,995.00 10.00% 4,495.50 212.77
Nuance Output Manager Production Printer License Soft 2,999.00 10.00% 2,699.10 127.75
Nuance Output Manager Production Printer License Maint 599.80 10.00% 539.82 25.55
Nuance Output Manager Production Printer License Maint 1,199.60 10.00% 1,079.64 51.10
Nuance Output Manager Production Printer License Maint 1,799.40 10.00% 1,619.46 76.65
Nuance Output Manager Production Printer License Maint 2,399.20 10.00% 2,159.28 102.20
Nuance Output Manager Production Printer License Maint 2,999.00 10.00% 2,699.10 127.75
Nuance Output Manager Production Basic Transform Modu 15,364.00 10.00% 13,827.60 654.46
Nuance Output Manager Production Basic Transform Modu 3,072.80 10.00% 2,765.52 130.89
Nuance Output Manager Production Basic Transform Modu 6,145.60 10.00% 5,531.04 261.78
Nuance Output Manager Production Basic Transform Modu 9,218.40 10.00% 8,296.56 392.68
Nuance Output Manager Production Basic Transform Modu 12,291.20 10.00% 11,062.08 523.57
Nuance Output Manager Production Basic Transform Modu 15,364.00 10.00% 13,827.60 654.46
Nuance Output Manager Production Page Modification Ad 12,141.00 10.00% 10,926.90 517.17
Nuance Output Manager Production Page Modification Add 2,428.20 10.00% 2,185.38 103.43
Nuance Output Manager Production Page Modification Add 4,856.40 10.00% 4,370.76 206.87
Nuance Output Manager Production Page Modification Add 7,284.60 10.00% 6,556.14 310.30
Nuance Output Manager Production Page Modification Add 9,712.80 10.00% 8,741.52 413.74
Nuance Output Manager Production Page Modification Add 12,141.00 10.00% 10,926.90 517.17
Nuance Output Manager Production RASTER Format - Inpu 6,077.00 5.00% 5,773.15 273.24
Nuance Output Manager Production AFP MO:DCA - Input F 10,369.00 5.00% 9,850.55 466.23
Nuance Output Manager Production PDF - Input Filter So 10,369.00 5.00% 9,850.55 466.23
Nuance Output Manager Production PCL 6 - Input Filter 10,369.00 5.00% 9,850.55 466.23
Nuance Output Manager Production PCL 5e - Input Filter 10,369.00 5.00% 9,850.55 466.23
Nuance Output Manager Production PostScript - Input Fil 10,369.00 5.00% 9,850.55 466.23
Nuance Output Manager Production SAP GOF - Input Filt 10,369.00 5.00% 9,850.55 466.23
Nuance Output Manager Production ASCII/EBCDIC - Input 10,369.00 5.00% 9,850.55 466.23
Nuance Output Manager Production Xerox Metacode / LCDS 20,738.00 5.00% 19,701.10 932.45
Nuance Output Manager Production XFF - Input Filter So 10,369.00 5.00% 9,850.55 466.23
Nuance Output Manager Production XPS - Input Filter So 12,199.00 5.00% 11,589.05 548.51
Nuance Output Manager Production RASTER Format - Inpu 1,215.40 5.00% 1,154.63 54.65
Nuance Output Manager Production RASTER Format - Inpu 2,430.80 5.00% 2,309.26 109.30
Nuance Output Manager Production RASTER Format - Inpu 3,646.20 5.00% 3,463.89 163.95
Nuance Output Manager Production RASTER Format - Inpu 4,861.60 5.00% 4,618.52 218.59
Nuance Output Manager Production RASTER Format - Inpu 6,077.00 5.00% 5,773.15 273.24
Nuance Output Manager Production AFP MO:DCA - Input F 2,073.80 5.00% 1,970.11 93.25
Nuance Output Manager Production AFP MO:DCA - Input F 4,147.60 5.00% 3,940.22 186.49
Nuance Output Manager Production AFP MO:DCA - Input F 6,221.40 5.00% 5,910.33 279.74
Nuance Output Manager Production AFP MO:DCA - Input F 8,295.20 5.00% 7,880.44 372.98
Nuance Output Manager Production AFP MO:DCA - Input F 10,369.00 5.00% 9,850.55 466.23
Nuance Output Manager Production PDF - Input Filter Ma 2,073.80 5.00% 1,970.11 93.25
Nuance Output Manager Production PDF - Input Filter Ma 4,147.60 5.00% 3,940.22 186.49
Nuance Output Manager Production PDF - Input Filter Ma 6,221.40 5.00% 5,910.33 279.74
Nuance Output Manager Production PDF - Input Filter Ma 8,295.20 5.00% 7,880.44 372.98
Nuance Output Manager Production PDF - Input Filter Ma 10,369.00 5.00% 9,850.55 466.23
Nuance Output Manager Production PCL 6 - Input Filter 2,073.80 5.00% 1,970.11 93.25
Nuance Output Manager Production PCL 6 - Input Filter 4,147.60 5.00% 3,940.22 186.49
Nuance Output Manager Production PCL 6 - Input Filter 6,221.40 5.00% 5,910.33 279.74
Nuance Output Manager Production PCL 6 - Input Filter 8,295.20 5.00% 7,880.44 372.98
Nuance Output Manager Production PCL 6 - Input Filter 10,369.00 5.00% 9,850.55 466.23
Nuance Output Manager Production PCL 5e - Input Filter 2,073.80 5.00% 1,970.11 93.25
Nuance Output Manager Production PCL 5e - Input Filter 4,147.60 5.00% 3,940.22 186.49
Nuance Output Manager Production PCL 5e - Input Filter 6,221.40 5.00% 5,910.33 279.74
Nuance Output Manager Production PCL 5e - Input Filter 8,295.20 5.00% 7,880.44 372.98
Nuance Output Manager Production PCL 5e - Input Filter 10,369.00 5.00% 9,850.55 466.23
Nuance Output Manager Production PostScript - Input Fil 2,073.80 5.00% 1,970.11 93.25
Nuance Output Manager Production PostScript - Input Fil 4,147.60 5.00% 3,940.22 186.49
Nuance Output Manager Production PostScript - Input Fil 6,221.40 5.00% 5,910.33 279.74
Nuance Output Manager Production PostScript - Input Fil 8,295.20 5.00% 7,880.44 372.98
Nuance Output Manager Production PostScript - Input Fil 10,369.00 5.00% 9,850.55 466.23
Nuance Output Manager Production SAP GOF - Input Filte 2,073.80 5.00% 1,970.11 93.25
Nuance Output Manager Production SAP GOF - Input Filte 4,147.60 5.00% 3,940.22 186.49
Nuance Output Manager Production SAP GOF - Input Filte 6,221.40 5.00% 5,910.33 279.74
Nuance Output Manager Production SAP GOF - Input Filte 8,295.20 5.00% 7,880.44 372.98
Nuance Output Manager Production SAP GOF - Input Filte 10,369.00 5.00% 9,850.55 466.23
Nuance Output Manager Production ASCII/EBCDIC - Input 2,073.80 5.00% 1,970.11 93.25
Nuance Output Manager Production ASCII/EBCDIC - Input 4,147.60 5.00% 3,940.22 186.49
Nuance Output Manager Production ASCII/EBCDIC - Input 6,221.40 5.00% 5,910.33 279.74
Nuance Output Manager Production ASCII/EBCDIC - Input 8,295.20 5.00% 7,880.44 372.98
Nuance Output Manager Production ASCII/EBCDIC - Input 10,369.00 5.00% 9,850.55 466.23
Nuance Output Manager Production Xerox Metacode / LCDS 4,147.60 5.00% 3,940.22 186.49
Nuance Output Manager Production Xerox Metacode / LCDS 8,295.20 5.00% 7,880.44 372.98
Nuance Output Manager Production Xerox Metacode / LCDS 12,442.80 5.00% 11,820.66 559.47
Nuance Output Manager Production Xerox Metacode / LCDS 16,590.40 5.00% 15,760.88 745.96
Nuance Output Manager Production Xerox Metacode / LCDS 20,738.00 5.00% 19,701.10 932.45
Nuance Output Manager Production XFF - Input Filter Ma 2,073.80 5.00% 1,970.11 93.25
Nuance Output Manager Production XFF - Input Filter Ma 4,147.60 5.00% 3,940.22 186.49
Nuance Output Manager Production XFF - Input Filter Ma 6,221.40 5.00% 5,910.33 279.74
Nuance Output Manager Production XFF - Input Filter Ma 8,295.20 5.00% 7,880.44 372.98
Nuance Output Manager Production XFF - Input Filter Ma 10,369.00 5.00% 9,850.55 466.23
Nuance Output Manager Production XPS - Input Filter Ma 2,439.80 5.00% 2,317.81 109.70
Nuance Output Manager Production XPS - Input Filter Ma 4,879.60 5.00% 4,635.62 219.40
Nuance Output Manager Production XPS - Input Filter Ma 7,319.40 5.00% 6,953.43 329.11
Nuance Output Manager Production XPS - Input Filter Ma 9,759.20 5.00% 9,271.24 438.81
Nuance Output Manager Production XPS - Input Filter Ma 12,199.00 5.00% 11,589.05 548.51
Nuance Output Manager Production RASTER Format - Outp 6,077.00 5.00% 5,773.15 273.24
Nuance Output Manager Production AFP MO:DCA - Output 10,369.00 5.00% 9,850.55 466.23
Nuance Output Manager Production PDF - Output Filter S 10,369.00 5.00% 9,850.55 466.23
Nuance Output Manager Production PCL 6 - Output Filter 10,369.00 5.00% 9,850.55 466.23
Nuance Output Manager Production PCL 5e - Output Filte 10,369.00 5.00% 9,850.55 466.23
Nuance Output Manager Production PostScript - Output F 10,369.00 5.00% 9,850.55 466.23
Nuance Output Manager Production ASCII/EBCDIC - Outpu 10,369.00 5.00% 9,850.55 466.23
Nuance Output Manager Production Xerox Metacode - Outp 18,230.00 5.00% 17,318.50 819.68
Nuance Output Manager Production XFF - Output Filter S 10,369.00 5.00% 9,850.55 466.23
Nuance Output Manager Production XPS - Output Filter S 12,199.00 5.00% 11,589.05 548.51
Nuance Output Manager Production RASTER Format - Outp 1,215.40 5.00% 1,154.63 54.65
Nuance Output Manager Production RASTER Format - Outp 2,430.80 5.00% 2,309.26 109.30
Nuance Output Manager Production RASTER Format - Outp 3,646.20 5.00% 3,463.89 163.95
Nuance Output Manager Production RASTER Format - Outp 4,861.60 5.00% 4,618.52 218.59
Nuance Output Manager Production RASTER Format - Outp 6,077.00 5.00% 5,773.15 273.24
Nuance Output Manager Production AFP MO:DCA - Output 2,073.80 5.00% 1,970.11 93.25
Nuance Output Manager Production AFP MO:DCA - Output 4,147.60 5.00% 3,940.22 186.49
Nuance Output Manager Production AFP MO:DCA - Output 6,221.40 5.00% 5,910.33 279.74
Nuance Output Manager Production AFP MO:DCA - Output 8,295.20 5.00% 7,880.44 372.98
Nuance Output Manager Production AFP MO:DCA - Output 10,369.00 5.00% 9,850.55 466.23
Nuance Output Manager Production PDF - Output Filter M 2,073.80 5.00% 1,970.11 93.25
Nuance Output Manager Production PDF - Output Filter M 4,147.60 5.00% 3,940.22 186.49
Nuance Output Manager Production PDF - Output Filter M 6,221.40 5.00% 5,910.33 279.74
Nuance Output Manager Production PDF - Output Filter M 8,295.20 5.00% 7,880.44 372.98
Nuance Output Manager Production PDF - Output Filter M 10,369.00 5.00% 9,850.55 466.23
Nuance Output Manager Production PCL 6 - Output Filter 2,073.80 5.00% 1,970.11 93.25
Nuance Output Manager Production PCL 6 - Output Filter 4,147.60 5.00% 3,940.22 186.49
Nuance Output Manager Production PCL 6 - Output Filter 6,221.40 5.00% 5,910.33 279.74
Nuance Output Manager Production PCL 6 - Output Filter 8,295.20 5.00% 7,880.44 372.98
Nuance Output Manager Production PCL 6 - Output Filter 10,369.00 5.00% 9,850.55 466.23
Nuance Output Manager Production PCL 5e - Output Filte 2,073.80 5.00% 1,970.11 93.25
Nuance Output Manager Production PCL 5e - Output Filte 4,147.60 5.00% 3,940.22 186.49
Nuance Output Manager Production PCL 5e - Output Filte 6,221.40 5.00% 5,910.33 279.74
Nuance Output Manager Production PCL 5e - Output Filte 8,295.20 5.00% 7,880.44 372.98
Nuance Output Manager Production PCL 5e - Output Filte 10,369.00 5.00% 9,850.55 466.23
Nuance Output Manager Production PostScript - Output Fi 2,073.80 5.00% 1,970.11 93.25
Nuance Output Manager Production PostScript - Output Fi 4,147.60 5.00% 3,940.22 186.49
Nuance Output Manager Production PostScript - Output Fi 6,221.40 5.00% 5,910.33 279.74
Nuance Output Manager Production PostScript - Output Fi 8,295.20 5.00% 7,880.44 372.98
Nuance Output Manager Production PostScript - Output Fi 10,369.00 5.00% 9,850.55 466.23
Nuance Output Manager Production ASCII/EBCDIC - Outpu 2,073.80 5.00% 1,970.11 93.25
Nuance Output Manager Production ASCII/EBCDIC - Outpu 4,147.60 5.00% 3,940.22 186.49
Nuance Output Manager Production ASCII/EBCDIC - Outpu 6,221.40 5.00% 5,910.33 279.74
Nuance Output Manager Production ASCII/EBCDIC - Outpu 8,295.20 5.00% 7,880.44 372.98
Nuance Output Manager Production ASCII/EBCDIC - Outpu 10,369.00 5.00% 9,850.55 466.23
Nuance Output Manager Production Xerox Metacode - Outp 3,646.00 5.00% 3,463.70 163.94
Nuance Output Manager Production Xerox Metacode - Outp 7,292.00 5.00% 6,927.40 327.87
Nuance Output Manager Production Xerox Metacode - Outp 10,938.00 5.00% 10,391.10 491.81
Nuance Output Manager Production Xerox Metacode - Outp 14,584.00 5.00% 13,854.80 655.75
Nuance Output Manager Production Xerox Metacode - Outp 18,230.00 5.00% 17,318.50 819.68
Nuance Output Manager Production XFF - Output Filter M 2,073.80 5.00% 1,970.11 93.25
Nuance Output Manager Production XFF - Output Filter M 4,147.60 5.00% 3,940.22 186.49
Nuance Output Manager Production XFF - Output Filter M 6,221.40 5.00% 5,910.33 279.74
Nuance Output Manager Production XFF - Output Filter M 8,295.20 5.00% 7,880.44 372.98
Nuance Output Manager Production XFF - Output Filter M 10,369.00 5.00% 9,850.55 466.23
Nuance Output Manager Production XPS - Output Filter M 2,439.80 5.00% 2,317.81 109.70
Nuance Output Manager Production XPS - Output Filter M 4,879.60 5.00% 4,635.62 219.40
Nuance Output Manager Production XPS - Output Filter M 7,319.40 5.00% 6,953.43 329.11
Nuance Output Manager Production XPS - Output Filter M 9,759.20 5.00% 9,271.24 438.81
Nuance Output Manager Production XPS - Output Filter M 12,199.00 5.00% 11,589.05 548.51
Nuance Output Manager Remote Installation Services 3,400.00 10.00% 3,060.00 144.83
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle (1 to 9 Tier) 1,955.70 10.00% 1,760.13 83.31
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle (10 to 24 Tie 1,680.61 10.00% 1,512.55 71.59
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle (25 to 49 Tie 1,499.90 10.00% 1,349.91 63.89
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle (50 to 99 Tie 1,404.22 10.00% 1,263.80 59.82
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle (100 to 499 T 1,264.73 10.00% 1,138.26 53.87
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle (500+ Tier) 1,178.42 10.00% 1,060.58 50.20
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle (1 to 9 Tier) 391.14 10.00% 352.03 16.66
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle (1 to 9 Tier) 782.28 10.00% 704.05 33.32
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle (1 to 9 Tier) 1,173.42 10.00% 1,056.08 49.98
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle (1 to 9 Tier) 1,564.56 10.00% 1,408.10 66.65
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle (1 to 9 Tier) 1,955.70 10.00% 1,760.13 83.31
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle (10 to 24 Tie 336.12 10.00% 302.51 14.32
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle (10 to 24 Tie 672.24 10.00% 605.02 28.64
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle (10 to 24 Tie 1,008.36 10.00% 907.53 42.95
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle (10 to 24 Tie 1,344.48 10.00% 1,210.04 57.27
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle (10 to 24 Tie 1,680.61 10.00% 1,512.55 71.59
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle (25 to 49 Tie 299.98 10.00% 269.98 12.78
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle (25 to 49 Tie 599.96 10.00% 539.97 25.56
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle (25 to 49 Tie 899.94 10.00% 809.95 38.33
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle (25 to 49 Tie 1,199.92 10.00% 1,079.93 51.11
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle (25 to 49 Tie 1,499.90 10.00% 1,349.91 63.89
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle (50 to 99 Tie 280.84 10.00% 252.76 11.96
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle (50 to 99 Tie 561.69 10.00% 505.52 23.93
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle (50 to 99 Tie 842.53 10.00% 758.28 35.89
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle (50 to 99 Tie 1,123.37 10.00% 1,011.04 47.85
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle (50 to 99 Tie 1,404.22 10.00% 1,263.79 59.82
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle (100 to 499 T 252.95 10.00% 227.65 10.77
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle (100 to 499 T 505.89 10.00% 455.30 21.55
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle (100 to 499 T 758.84 10.00% 682.95 32.32
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle (100 to 499 T 1,011.78 10.00% 910.60 43.10
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle (100 to 499 T 1,264.73 10.00% 1,138.25 53.87
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle (500+ Tier) 235.68 10.00% 212.11 10.04
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle (500+ Tier) 471.37 10.00% 424.23 20.08
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle (500+ Tier) 707.05 10.00% 636.34 30.12
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle (500+ Tier) 942.73 10.00% 848.46 40.16
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle (500+ Tier) 1,178.42 10.00% 1,060.57 50.20
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle High Availabil 2,933.55 10.00% 2,640.20 124.96
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle High Availabil 2,520.91 10.00% 2,268.82 107.38
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle High Availabil 2,249.86 10.00% 2,024.87 95.84
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle High Availabil 2,106.32 10.00% 1,895.69 89.72
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle High Availabil 1,897.09 10.00% 1,707.38 80.81
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle High Availabi 1,767.62 10.00% 1,590.86 75.30
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle High Availabil 586.71 10.00% 528.04 24.99
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle High Availabil 1,173.42 10.00% 1,056.08 49.98
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle High Availabil 1,760.13 10.00% 1,584.12 74.98
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle High Availabil 2,346.84 10.00% 2,112.16 99.97
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle High Availabil 2,933.55 10.00% 2,640.20 124.96
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle High Availabil 504.18 10.00% 453.76 21.48
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle High Availabil 1,008.36 10.00% 907.53 42.95
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle High Availabil 1,512.55 10.00% 1,361.29 64.43
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle High Availabil 2,016.73 10.00% 1,815.05 85.91
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle High Availabil 2,520.91 10.00% 2,268.82 107.38
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle High Availabil 449.97 10.00% 404.97 19.17
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle High Availabil 899.94 10.00% 809.95 38.33
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle High Availabil 1,349.91 10.00% 1,214.92 57.50
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle High Availabil 1,799.88 10.00% 1,619.90 76.67
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle High Availabil 2,249.86 10.00% 2,024.87 95.84
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle High Availabil 421.26 10.00% 379.14 17.94
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle High Availabil 842.53 10.00% 758.28 35.89
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle High Availabil 1,263.79 10.00% 1,137.41 53.83
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle High Availabil 1,685.06 10.00% 1,516.55 71.78
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle High Availabil 2,106.32 10.00% 1,895.69 89.72
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle High Availabil 379.42 10.00% 341.48 16.16
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle High Availabil 758.84 10.00% 682.95 32.32
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle High Availabil 1,138.25 10.00% 1,024.43 48.49
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle High Availabil 1,517.67 10.00% 1,365.90 64.65
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle High Availabil 1,897.09 10.00% 1,707.38 80.81
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle High Availabil 353.52 10.00% 318.17 15.06
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle High Availabil 707.05 10.00% 636.34 30.12
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle High Availabil 1,060.57 10.00% 954.52 45.18
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle High Availabil 1,414.10 10.00% 1,272.69 60.24
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle High Availabil 1,767.62 10.00% 1,590.86 75.30
Nuance AutoStore + Output Manager Bundle High Availabil 1,173.42 10.00% 1,056.08 49.98
Nuance User Client Bundle (AutoCapture- WebCapture/Mob 1,275.15 10.00% 1,147.64 54.32
Nuance User Client Bundle (AutoCapture- WebCapture/Mob 255.03 10.00% 229.53 10.86
Nuance User Client Bundle (AutoCapture- WebCapture/Mob 510.06 10.00% 459.05 21.73
Nuance User Client Bundle (AutoCapture- WebCapture/Mob 765.09 10.00% 688.58 32.59
Nuance User Client Bundle (AutoCapture- WebCapture/Mob 1,020.12 10.00% 918.11 43.45
Nuance User Client Bundle (AutoCapture- WebCapture/Mob 1,275.15 10.00% 1,147.64 54.32
Nuance Professional Services Per Hour (AutoStore- Out 310.00 10.00% 279.00 13.21
Nuance Mobile/WebCapture User License (20 users) (10 t 500.00 10.00% 450.00 21.30
Nuance Mobile/WebCapture User License (20 users) (25 t 360.00 10.00% 324.00 15.33
Nuance Mobile/WebCapture User License (20 users) (50 t 200.00 10.00% 180.00 8.52
Nuance Mobile/WebCapture User License (20 users) (100 160.00 10.00% 144.00 6.82
Nuance Mobile/WebCapture User License (20 users) (500 150.00 10.00% 135.00 6.39
Nuance Mobile/WebCapture User License (20 users) (10 t 100.00 10.00% 90.00 4.26
Nuance Mobile/WebCapture User License (20 users) (10 t 200.00 10.00% 180.00 8.52
Nuance Mobile/WebCapture User License (20 users) (10 t 300.00 10.00% 270.00 12.78
Nuance Mobile/WebCapture User License (20 users) (10 t 400.00 10.00% 360.00 17.04
Nuance Mobile/WebCapture User License (20 users) (10 t 500.00 10.00% 450.00 21.30
Nuance Mobile/WebCapture User License (20 users) (25 t 72.00 10.00% 64.80 3.07
Nuance Mobile/WebCapture User License (20 users) (25 t 144.00 10.00% 129.60 6.13
Nuance Mobile/WebCapture User License (20 users) (25 t 216.00 10.00% 194.40 9.20
Nuance Mobile/WebCapture User License (20 users) (25 t 288.00 10.00% 259.20 12.27
Nuance Mobile/WebCapture User License (20 users) (25 t 360.00 10.00% 324.00 15.33
Nuance Mobile/WebCapture User License (20 users) (50 t 40.00 10.00% 36.00 1.70
Nuance Mobile/WebCapture User License (20 users) (50 t 80.00 10.00% 72.00 3.41
Nuance Mobile/WebCapture User License (20 users) (50 t 120.00 10.00% 108.00 5.11
Nuance Mobile/WebCapture User License (20 users) (50 t 160.00 10.00% 144.00 6.82
Nuance Mobile/WebCapture User License (20 users) (50 t 200.00 10.00% 180.00 8.52
Nuance Mobile/WebCapture User License (20 users) (100 32.00 10.00% 28.80 1.36
Nuance Mobile/WebCapture User License (20 users) (100 64.00 10.00% 57.60 2.73
Nuance Mobile/WebCapture User License (20 users) (100 96.00 10.00% 86.40 4.09
Nuance Mobile/WebCapture User License (20 users) (100 128.00 10.00% 115.20 5.45
Nuance Mobile/WebCapture User License (20 users) (100 160.00 10.00% 144.00 6.82
Nuance Mobile/WebCapture User License (20 users) (500+ 30.00 10.00% 27.00 1.28
Nuance Mobile/WebCapture User License (20 users) (500+ 60.00 10.00% 54.00 2.56
Nuance Mobile/WebCapture User License (20 users) (500+ 90.00 10.00% 81.00 3.83
Nuance Mobile/WebCapture User License (20 users) (500+ 120.00 10.00% 108.00 5.11
Nuance Mobile/WebCapture User License (20 users) (500+ 150.00 10.00% 135.00 6.39
Nuance Mobile/WebCapture Remote Installation Services 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
Nuance Mobile/WebCapture Remote Installation Services 1,875.00 10.00% 1,687.50 79.87
Output Manager Secure Print
NUANCE OM Ethernet CRD RDR REL LIC (1 to 9 tier) 225.00 19.28% 181.61 8.60
NUANCE OM Ethernet CRD RDR REL LIC (1 to 9 tier) 270.00 0.00% 270.00 12.78
NUANCE OM Ethernet CRD RDR REL LIC (1 to 9 tier) 315.00 0.00% 315.00 14.91
NUANCE OM Ethernet CRD RDR REL LIC (1 to 9 tier) 360.00 0.00% 360.00 17.04
NUANCE OM Ethernet CRD RDR REL LIC (1 to 9 tier) 405.00 0.00% 405.00 19.17
NUANCE OM Ethernet CRD RDR REL LIC (1 to 9 tier) 450.00 0.00% 450.00 21.30
NUANCE OM Ethernet CRD RDR REL LIC (10 to 24 tier 186.75 18.76% 151.72 7.18
NUANCE OM Ethernet CRD RDR REL LIC (10 to 24 tier 224.10 0.00% 224.10 10.61
NUANCE OM Ethernet CRD RDR REL LIC (10 to 24 tier 261.45 0.00% 261.45 12.37
NUANCE OM Ethernet CRD RDR REL LIC (10 to 24 tier 298.80 0.00% 298.80 14.14
NUANCE OM Ethernet CRD RDR REL LIC (10 to 24 tier 336.15 0.00% 336.15 15.91
NUANCE OM Ethernet CRD RDR REL LIC (10 to 24 tier 373.50 0.00% 373.50 17.68
NUANCE OM Ethernet CRD RDR REL LIC (25 to 49 tier 162.00 18.40% 132.18 6.26
NUANCE OM Ethernet CRD RDR REL LIC (25 to 49 tier 194.40 0.00% 194.40 9.20
NUANCE OM Ethernet CRD RDR REL LIC (25 to 49 tier 226.80 0.00% 226.80 10.73
NUANCE OM Ethernet CRD RDR REL LIC (25 to 49 tier 259.20 0.00% 259.20 12.27
NUANCE OM Ethernet CRD RDR REL LIC (25 to 49 tier 291.60 0.00% 291.60 13.80
NUANCE OM Ethernet CRD RDR REL LIC (25 to 49 tier 324.00 0.00% 324.00 15.33
NUANCE OM Ethernet CRD RDR REL LIC (50 to 99 tier 142.00 18.25% 116.09 5.49
NUANCE OM Ethernet CRD RDR REL LIC (50 to 99 tier 170.40 0.00% 170.40 8.07
NUANCE OM Ethernet CRD RDR REL LIC (50 to 99 tier 198.80 0.00% 198.80 9.41
NUANCE OM Ethernet CRD RDR REL LIC (50 to 99 tier 227.20 0.00% 227.20 10.75
NUANCE OM Ethernet CRD RDR REL LIC (50 to 99 tier 255.60 0.00% 255.60 12.10
NUANCE OM Ethernet CRD RDR REL LIC (50 to 99 tier 284.00 0.00% 284.00 13.44
NUANCE OM Ethernet CRD RDR REL LIC (100 to 499 ti 113.00 18.62% 91.95 4.35
NUANCE OM Ethernet CRD RDR REL LIC(100 to499 tie 135.60 0.00% 135.60 6.42
NUANCE OM Ethernet CRD RDR REL LIC(100 to499 tie 158.20 0.00% 158.20 7.49
NUANCE OM Ethernet CRD RDR REL LIC(100 to499 tie 180.80 0.00% 180.80 8.56
NUANCE OM Ethernet CRD RDR REL LIC(100 to499 tie 203.40 0.00% 203.40 9.63
NUANCE OM Ethernet CRD RDR REL LIC(100 to499 tie 226.00 0.00% 226.00 10.70
NUANCE OM Ethernet CRD RDR REL LIC (500 + tier) 101.00 18.06% 82.76 3.92
NUANCE OM Ethernet CRD RDR REL LIC (500 + tier) 121.20 0.00% 121.20 5.74
NUANCE OM Ethernet CRD RDR REL LIC (500 + tier) 141.40 0.00% 141.40 6.69
NUANCE OM Ethernet CRD RDR REL LIC (500 + tier) 161.60 0.00% 161.60 7.65
NUANCE OM Ethernet CRD RDR REL LIC (500 + tier) 181.80 0.00% 181.80 8.60
NUANCE OM Ethernet CRD RDR REL LIC (500 + tier) 202.00 10.00% 181.80 8.60
Nuance OM Third Party Ethernet Card Reader Release Li 45.00 10.00% 40.50 1.92
Nuance OM Third Party Ethernet Card Reader Release Li 90.00 10.00% 81.00 3.83
Nuance OM Third Party Ethernet Card Reader Release Li 135.00 10.00% 121.50 5.75
Nuance OM Third Party Ethernet Card Reader Release Li 180.00 10.00% 162.00 7.67
Nuance OM Third Party Ethernet Card Reader Release Li 225.00 10.00% 202.50 9.58
Nuance OM Third Party Ethernet Card Reader Release Li 37.35 10.00% 33.62 1.59
Nuance OM Third Party Ethernet Card Reader Release Li 74.70 10.00% 67.23 3.18
Nuance OM Third Party Ethernet Card Reader Release Li 112.05 10.00% 100.85 4.77
Nuance OM Third Party Ethernet Card Reader Release Li 149.40 10.00% 134.46 6.36
Nuance OM Third Party Ethernet Card Reader Release Li 186.75 10.00% 168.08 7.95
Nuance OM Third Party Ethernet Card Reader Release Li 32.40 10.00% 29.16 1.38
Nuance OM Third Party Ethernet Card Reader Release Li 64.80 10.00% 58.32 2.76
Nuance OM Third Party Ethernet Card Reader Release Li 97.20 10.00% 87.48 4.14
Nuance OM Third Party Ethernet Card Reader Release Li 129.60 10.00% 116.64 5.52
Nuance OM Third Party Ethernet Card Reader Release Li 162.00 10.00% 145.80 6.90
Nuance OM Third Party Ethernet Card Reader Release Li 28.40 10.00% 25.56 1.21
Nuance OM Third Party Ethernet Card Reader Release Li 56.80 10.00% 51.12 2.42
Nuance OM Third Party Ethernet Card Reader Release Li 85.20 10.00% 76.68 3.63
Nuance OM Third Party Ethernet Card Reader Release Li 113.60 10.00% 102.24 4.84
Nuance OM Third Party Ethernet Card Reader Release Li 142.00 10.00% 127.80 6.05
Nuance OM Third Party Ethernet Card Reader Release Li 22.60 10.00% 20.34 0.96
Nuance OM Third Party Ethernet Card Reader Release Li 45.20 10.00% 40.68 1.93
Nuance OM Third Party Ethernet Card Reader Release Li 67.80 10.00% 61.02 2.89
Nuance OM Third Party Ethernet Card Reader Release Li 90.40 10.00% 81.36 3.85
Nuance OM Third Party Ethernet Card Reader Release Li 113.00 10.00% 101.70 4.81
Nuance OM Third Party Ethernet Card Reader Release Li 20.20 10.00% 18.18 0.86
Nuance OM Third Party Ethernet Card Reader Release Li 40.40 10.00% 36.36 1.72
Nuance OM Third Party Ethernet Card Reader Release Li 60.60 10.00% 54.54 2.58
Nuance OM Third Party Ethernet Card Reader Release Li 80.80 10.00% 72.72 3.44
Nuance OM Third Party Ethernet Card Reader Release Li 101.00 10.00% 90.90 4.30
NUANCE OM Production Prescribe - Input Filter INC0YR 12,199.00 5.00% 11,589.05 548.51
NUANCE OM Production Prescribe - Input Filter MNT I 14,638.80 5.00% 13,906.86 658.21
NUANCE OM Production Prescribe - Input Filter MNT I 17,078.60 5.00% 16,224.67 767.91
NUANCE OM Production Prescribe - Input Filter MNT I 19,518.40 5.00% 18,542.48 877.62
NUANCE OM Production Prescribe - Input Filter MNT I 21,958.20 5.00% 20,860.29 987.32
NUANCE OM Production Prescribe - Input Filter MNT I 24,398.00 5.00% 23,178.10 1,097.02
Equitrac Office/ Express v4
Third party USB card reader license (1) 50.00 10.00% 45.00 2.13
Third party USB card reader licenses (10) 500.00 10.00% 450.00 21.30
Third party USB card reader licenses (100) 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
Third party USB card reader licenses (500) 25,000.00 10.00% 22,500.00 1,064.93
EE4 Print Assistant (10) 250.00 15.60% 211.00 9.99
EE4 Print Assistant (100) 1,095.00 15.53% 925.00 43.78
EE4 Print Assistant (1000) 4,235.00 15.58% 3,575.00 169.20
USB Card Reader - Magstripe 205.00 15.61% 173.00 8.19
RICOH CL7000 COPIER CBL BW & CLR DETECT 95.00 15.79% 80.00 3.79
RICOH UNIVERSALCOPIER CABLE (DB26) 95.00 15.79% 80.00 3.79
CBL # 92 COPIER COMM CBL (DB26 VERSION) 95.00 15.79% 80.00 3.79
PCS CANON UNIVERSAL COPIER CABLE (DB26) 95.00 9.47% 86.00 4.07
Canon CC-VI Extended Attribute Cable 95.00 9.47% 86.00 4.07
Cable 816 95.00 15.79% 80.00 3.79
CBL 7 COPIER CBL 12 ' KITTED WITH CBL 124 95.00 9.47% 86.00 4.07
Equitrac Office/ Express with Support Options
EO4/EE4: Capture and Send (1 Dev) - sup 3yr 240.00 0.00% 240.00 11.36
EO4/EE4: Capture and Send (10) Pack - sup 3yr 2,052.00 0.00% 2,052.00 97.12
EO4/EE4: Capture and Send (100) Pack - sup 3yr 16,170.00 0.00% 16,170.00 765.33
EO4/EE4: Capture and Send (500) Pack - sup 3yr 72,762.00 0.00% 72,762.00 3,443.83
Third party USB card reader license (1) - sup 3yr 15.00 0.00% 15.00 0.71
Third party USB card reader licenses (10) - sup 3yr 150.00 0.00% 150.00 7.10
Third party USB card reader licenses (100) - sup 3yr 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
Third party USB card reader licenses (500) - sup 3yr 7,500.00 0.00% 7,500.00 354.98
PageCounter (base) sup 3y 210.00 15.71% 177.00 8.38
PageCounter with Magstripe sup 3y 240.00 15.42% 203.00 9.61
Pagecntr with Mifare HID i-Class sup 3y 285.00 15.79% 240.00 11.36
PageCounter with Legic sup 3y 315.00 15.56% 266.00 12.59
PageCounter with HID sup 3y 300.00 15.67% 253.00 11.97
PageCounter with Keyboard sup 3y 285.00 15.79% 240.00 11.36
pagecounter with kbd & Magstripe sup 3y 300.00 15.67% 253.00 11.97
Pagecntr Kbd & Mifare/HID i-Class sup 3y 360.00 15.56% 304.00 14.39
PageCounter with Keyboard & Legic sup 3y 405.00 15.56% 342.00 16.19
PageCounter with Keyboard & HID sup 3y 360.00 15.56% 304.00 14.39
USB Card Reader - Legic sup 3y 138.00 15.22% 117.00 5.54
USB Card Reader - HID sup 3y 69.00 0.00% 69.00 3.27
USB Card Reader - Magstripe sup 3y 65.00 18.46% 53.00 2.51
PageCounter (base) sup 4y 280.00 15.71% 236.00 11.17
PageCounter with Magstripe sup 4y 320.00 15.63% 270.00 12.78
Pagecntr with Mifare HID i-Class sup 4y 380.00 15.53% 321.00 15.19
PageCounter with Legic sup 4y 420.00 15.48% 355.00 16.80
PageCounter with HID sup 4y 400.00 15.50% 338.00 16.00
PageCounter with Keyboard sup 4y 380.00 15.53% 321.00 15.19
pagecounter with kbd & Magstripe sup 4y 400.00 15.50% 338.00 16.00
Pagecntr Kbd & Mifare/HID i-Class sup 4y 480.00 15.63% 405.00 19.17
PageCounter with Keyboard & Legic sup 4y 540.00 15.56% 456.00 21.58
PageCounter with Keyboard & HID sup 4y 480.00 15.63% 405.00 19.17
USB Card Reader - Legic sup 4y 184.00 15.76% 155.00 7.34
USB Card Reader - HID sup 4y 92.00 0.00% 92.00 4.35
USB Card Reader - Magstripe sup 4y 84.00 16.67% 70.00 3.31
PageCounter (base) sup 5y 350.00 15.43% 296.00 14.01
PageCounter with Magstripe sup 5y 400.00 15.50% 338.00 16.00
Pagecntr with Mifare HID i-Class sup 5y 475.00 15.58% 401.00 18.98
PageCounter with Legic sup 5y 525.00 15.62% 443.00 20.97
PageCounter with HID sup 5y 500.00 15.60% 422.00 19.97
PageCounter with Keyboard sup 5y 475.00 15.58% 401.00 18.98
pagecounter with kbd & Magstripe sup 5y 500.00 15.60% 422.00 19.97
Pagecntr Kbd & Mifare/HID i-Class sup 5y 600.00 15.67% 506.00 23.95
PageCounter with Keyboard & Legic sup 5y 675.00 15.56% 570.00 26.98
PageCounter with Keyboard & HID sup 5y 600.00 15.67% 506.00 23.95
USB Card Reader - Legic sup 5y 230.00 15.65% 194.00 9.18
USB Card Reader - Magstripe sup 5y 105.00 16.19% 88.00 4.17
Eqtrc Office 4 Suite Sup Rn 1,185.00 9.96% 1,067.00 50.50
Eqtrc Office 4 Small Bus Ed Sup Rn 425.00 9.88% 383.00 18.13
Eqtrc Office 4 Suite Upgr Sup Rn 585.00 9.91% 527.00 24.94
Eqtrc Office 4 Sbe Upgr Sup Rn 225.00 9.78% 203.00 9.61
Eqtrc Express 4 Suite Sup Rn 1,395.00 9.96% 1,256.00 59.45
Eqtrc Express 4 Small Campus Ed Sup Rn 550.00 10.00% 495.00 23.43
Eqtrc Express 4 Suite Upgr Sup Rn 695.00 9.93% 626.00 29.63
Eqtrc Express 4 Sce Upgr Sup Rn 275.00 9.82% 248.00 11.74
Eqtrc Eo Smb Lic 25 Usrs 1 Emb Sup Rn 475.00 9.89% 428.00 20.26
Eqtrc Off Smb User Lic 25 Sup Rn 325.00 9.85% 293.00 13.87
Eqtrc Off Smb User Lic 100 Sup Rn 1,150.00 10.00% 1,035.00 48.99
Eqtrc Off Smb User Lic 250 Sup Rn 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
Eqtrc Eo4/Ee4 Print Server Sup Rn 675.00 9.93% 608.00 28.78
Eqtrc Eo4/Ee4 Print Server Upg Sup Rn 325.00 9.85% 293.00 13.87
Eqtrc Eo4/Ee4 Print Server 10 Sup Rn 5,510.00 10.00% 4,959.00 234.71
Eqtrc Eo4/Ee4 Cluster Enabler Sup Rn 1,905.00 9.97% 1,715.00 81.17
Eqtrc Eo4/Ee4 Cluster Enablr Upg Sup Rn 1,005.00 9.95% 905.00 42.83
Eqtrc Eo4/Ee4 Dev Sup Rn 250.00 10.00% 225.00 10.65
Eqtrc Eo4/Ee4 Dev Upgrade Sup Rn 50.00 10.00% 45.00 2.13
Eqtrc Eo4/Ee4 Dev 10 Sup Rn 2,150.00 10.00% 1,935.00 91.58
Eqtrc Eo4/Ee4 Dev 100 Sup Rn 16,950.00 10.00% 15,255.00 722.02
Eqtrc Eo4/Ee4 Dev 500 Sup Rn 76,270.00 10.00% 68,643.00 3,248.87
Eqtrc Eo4/Ee4 Dev Can Meap Amer Sup Rn 350.00 10.00% 315.00 14.91
Eqtrc Eo4/Ee4 Dev Canon Meap 10 Sup Rn 3,060.00 10.00% 2,754.00 130.35
Eqtrc Eo4/Ee4 Dev Canon Meap 100 Sup Rn 25,425.00 10.00% 22,883.00 1,083.05
Eqtrc Eo4/Ee4 Dev Canon Meap 500 Sup Rn 118,645.00 10.00% 106,781.00 5,053.94
Eqtrc Eo4/Ee4 Dev Ricoh Basic Sup Rn 140.00 10.00% 126.00 5.96
Eqtrc Eo4/Ee4 Dev Ricoh Basic 10 Sup Rn 1,115.00 9.96% 1,004.00 47.52
Eqtrc Eo4/Ee4 Dev Ricoh Bas 100 Sup Rn 8,475.00 9.99% 7,628.00 361.03
Eqtrc Eo4/Ee4 Dev Ricoh Bas 500 Sup Rn 38,135.00 10.00% 34,322.00 1,624.46
EO4/EE4: Capture and Send (1 Dev) - sup 1yr renewal 80.00 0.00% 80.00 3.79
EO4/EE4: Capture and Send (10) Pack - sup 1yr renewal 684.00 0.00% 684.00 32.37
EO4/EE4: Capture and Send (100) Pack - sup 1yr renewa 5,390.00 0.00% 5,390.00 255.11
EO4/EE4: Capture and Send (500) Pack - sup 1yr renewa 24,254.00 0.00% 24,254.00 1,147.94
Third party USB card reader license (1) - sup 1yr renewal 5.00 0.00% 5.00 0.24
Third party USB card reader licenses (10) - sup 1yr renew 50.00 0.00% 50.00 2.37
Third party USB card reader licenses (100) - sup 1yr ren 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67
Third party USB card reader licenses (500) - sup 1yr ren 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 118.33
Eqtrc Eo4/Ee4 Data Conn Sup Rn 295.00 9.83% 266.00 12.59
Eqtrc Eo4/Ee4 Data Conn Upg Sup Rn 145.00 9.66% 131.00 6.20
Eqtrc Ee4 Camp Card Conn Sup Rn 2,120.00 10.00% 1,908.00 90.31
Eqtrc Ee4 Camp Card Conn Upgrade Sup Rn 1,070.00 10.00% 963.00 45.58
Eqtrc Eo4/Ee4 Emb Conn Docsend Sup Rn 550.00 10.00% 495.00 23.43
Eqtrc Eo4/Ee4 Emb Conn Sendme Sup Rn 550.00 10.00% 495.00 23.43
Eqtrc Eo4/Ee4 Wrkstn Client 10 Sup Rn 255.00 9.80% 230.00 10.89
Eqtrc Eo4/Ee4 Wkstn Clnt Upg 10 Sup Rn 130.00 10.00% 117.00 5.54
Eqtrc Eo4/Ee4 Wrkstn Client 100 Sup Rn 1,185.00 9.96% 1,067.00 50.50
Eqtrc Eo4/Ee4 Wkstn Clnt Upg 100 Sup Rn 585.00 9.91% 527.00 24.94
Eqtrc Eo4/Ee4 Wrkstn Client 1K Sup Rn 5,085.00 9.99% 4,577.00 216.63
Eqtrc Eo4/Ee4 Wrkstn Clnt Upg 1K Sup Rn 2,535.00 9.98% 2,282.00 108.01
Eqtrc Ee4 Prnt Assistant 10 Sup Rn 125.00 9.60% 113.00 5.35
Eqtrc Ee4 Prnt Assistant Upgr 10 Sup Rn 65.00 9.23% 59.00 2.79
Eqtrc Ee4 Prnt Assistant 100 Sup Rn 550.00 10.00% 495.00 23.43
Eqtrc Ee4 Prnt Assistant Upgr 100 Sup Rn 275.00 9.82% 248.00 11.74
Eqtrc Ee4 Prnt Assistant 1K Sup Rn 2,120.00 10.00% 1,908.00 90.31
Eqtrc Ee4 Prnt Assistant Upgr 1K Sup Rn 1,070.00 10.00% 963.00 45.58
Eqtrc Eo4/Ee4 Release Station Sup Rn 295.00 9.83% 266.00 12.59
Eqtrc Eo4/Ee4 Release Stn Upg Sup Rn 145.00 9.66% 131.00 6.20
Eqtrc Eo4/Ee4 Release Station 10 Sup Rn 2,540.00 10.00% 2,286.00 108.20
Eqtrc Eo4/Ee4 Based Release Sup Rn 140.00 10.00% 126.00 5.96
Eqtrc Eo4/Ee4 Based Release 10 Sup Rn 1,115.00 9.96% 1,004.00 47.52
Eqtrc Eo4/Ee4 Based Release 100 Sup Rn 8,475.00 9.99% 7,628.00 361.03
Eqtrc Eo4/Ee4 Based Release 500 Sup Rn 38,135.00 10.00% 34,322.00 1,624.46
Eqtrc Off 4 Cr Ent Lic 1K-4999 Sup Rn 4.65 13.98% 4.00 0.19
Eqtrc Off 4 Cr Ent Lic 5K-9999 Sup Rn 3.15 4.76% 3.00 0.14
Eqtrc Off 4 Cr Ent Lic 10K-24999 Sup Rn 2.75 25.00% 2.06 0.10
Eqtrc Off 4 Cr Ent Lic 25K-49999 Sup Rn 2.53 20.95% 2.00 0.09
Eqtrc Off 4 Cr Ent Lic 50K-99999 Sup Rn 2.33 14.16% 2.00 0.09
Eqtrc Off 4 Cr Ent Lic 100K Sup Rn 2.13 6.10% 2.00 0.09
Eqtrc Off 4 Eh Ent Lic 1K-4999 Sup Rn 7.63 8.26% 7.00 0.33
Eqtrc Off 4 Eh Ent Lic 5K-9999 Sup Rn 5.08 1.57% 5.00 0.24
Eqtrc Off 4 Eh Ent Lic 10K-24999 Sup Rn 4.45 10.11% 4.00 0.19
Eqtrc Off 4 Eh Ent Lic 25K-49999 Sup Rn 3.80 21.05% 3.00 0.14
Eqtrc Off 4 Eh Ent Lic 50K-99999 Sup Rn 3.50 14.29% 3.00 0.14
Eqtrc Off 4 Eh Ent Lic 100K Sup Rn 3.18 5.66% 3.00 0.14
Eqtrc Exp 4 Cr Ent Lic 1K-4999 Sup Rn 5.30 5.66% 5.00 0.24
Eqtrc Exp 4 Cr Ent Lic 5K-9999 Sup Rn 3.60 16.67% 3.00 0.14
Eqtrc Exp 4 Cr Ent Lic 10K-24999 Sup Rn 3.18 5.66% 3.00 0.14
Eqtrc Exp 4 Cr Ent Lic 25K-49999 Sup Rn 2.98 25.00% 2.24 0.11
Eqtrc Exp 4 Cr Ent Lic 50K-99999 Sup Rn 2.75 25.00% 2.06 0.10
Eqtrc Exp 4 Cr Ent Lic 100K Sup Rn 2.55 21.57% 2.00 0.09
Eqtrc Exp 4 Eh Ent Lic 1K-4999 Sup Rn 8.70 8.05% 8.00 0.38
Eqtrc Exp 4 Eh Ent Lic 5K-9999 Sup Rn 5.93 15.68% 5.00 0.24
Eqtrc Exp 4 Eh Ent Lic 10K-24999 Sup Rn 5.10 1.96% 5.00 0.24
Eqtrc Exp 4 Eh Ent Lic 25K-49999 Sup Rn 4.45 10.11% 4.00 0.19
Eqtrc Exp 4 Eh Ent Lic 50K-99999 Sup Rn 4.03 0.74% 4.00 0.19
Eqtrc Exp 4 Eh Ent Lic 100K Sup Rn 3.60 16.67% 3.00 0.14
Eqtrc Pagecntr Base Sup Rn 350.00 10.00% 315.00 14.91
Eqtrc Pagecntr With Magstripe Sup Rn 400.00 10.00% 360.00 17.04
Eqtrc Pagecntr Mifare Hid I-Class Sup Rn 475.00 9.89% 428.00 20.26
Eqtrc Pagecntr With Legic Sup Rn 525.00 9.90% 473.00 22.39
Eqtrc Pagecntr With Hid Sup Rn 120.00 0.00% 120.00 5.68
Eqtrc Pagecntr With Keyboard Sup Rn 475.00 9.89% 428.00 20.26
Eqtrc Pagecntr W Kbd & Magstripe Sup Rn 500.00 10.00% 450.00 21.30
Eqtrc Pctr Kbd Mifare/Hid I-Class Sup Rn 600.00 10.00% 540.00 25.56
Eqtrc Pcounter W Keyboard & Legic Sup Rn 675.00 9.93% 608.00 28.78
Eqtrc Pcounter W Keyboard & Hid Sup Rn 600.00 10.00% 540.00 25.56
Eqtrc Usb Rdr Mifare/Hid I-Class Sup Rn 150.00 10.00% 135.00 6.39
Eqtrc Usb Rdr Legic Sup Rn 230.00 10.00% 207.00 9.80
Eqtrc Usb Rdr Hid Sup Rn 160.00 10.00% 144.00 6.82
Eqtrc Usb Rdr Magstripe Sup Rn 105.00 9.52% 95.00 4.50
Eqtrc Usb Rdr Inda/Em Marin/Hitag Su Rn 150.00 10.00% 135.00 6.39
Print & Copy Control - Embedded Device
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device 450.00 10.00% 405.00 19.17
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device sup 1yr 50.00 0.00% 50.00 2.37
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device sup 3yr 150.00 0.00% 150.00 7.10
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device sup 4yr 200.00 0.00% 200.00 9.47
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device sup 5yr 250.00 0.00% 250.00 11.83
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device (10) 3,870.00 10.00% 3,483.00 164.85
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device (10) sup 1yr 430.00 0.00% 430.00 20.35
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device (10) sup 3yr 1,290.00 0.00% 1,290.00 61.06
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device (10) sup 4yr 1,720.00 0.00% 1,720.00 81.41
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device (10) sup 5yr 2,150.00 0.00% 2,150.00 101.76
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device (100) 33,900.00 10.00% 30,510.00 1,444.04
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device (100) sup 1yr 3,390.00 0.00% 3,390.00 160.45
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device (100) sup 3yr 10,170.00 0.00% 10,170.00 481.35
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device (100) sup 4yr 13,560.00 0.00% 13,560.00 641.79
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device (100) sup 5yr 16,950.00 0.00% 16,950.00 802.24
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device (500) 152,540.00 10.00% 137,286.00 6,497.75
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device (500) sup 1yr 15,254.00 0.00% 15,254.00 721.97
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device (500) sup 3yr 45,762.00 0.00% 45,762.00 2,165.92
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device (500) sup 4yr 61,016.00 0.00% 61,016.00 2,887.89
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device (500) sup 5yr 76,270.00 0.00% 76,270.00 3,609.86
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device - Version Upgrade 150.00 10.00% 135.00 6.39
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device - Version Upgrade sup 1yr 50.00 0.00% 50.00 2.37
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device - Version Upgrade sup 3yr 150.00 0.00% 150.00 7.10
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device - Version Upgrade sup 4yr 200.00 0.00% 200.00 9.47
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device - Version Upgrade sup 5yr 250.00 0.00% 250.00 11.83
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device (10) - Version Upgrade 1,290.00 10.00% 1,161.00 54.95
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device (10) - Version Upgrade sup 430.00 0.00% 430.00 20.35
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device (10) - Version Upgrade sup 1,290.00 0.00% 1,290.00 61.06
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device (10) - Version Upgrade sup 1,720.00 0.00% 1,720.00 81.41
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device (10) - Version Upgrade sup 2,150.00 0.00% 2,150.00 101.76
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device (100) - Version Upgrade 10,170.00 10.00% 9,153.00 433.21
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device (100) - Version Upgrade sup 3,390.00 0.00% 3,390.00 160.45
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device (100) - Version Upgrade sup 10,170.00 0.00% 10,170.00 481.35
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device (100) - Version Upgrade sup 13,560.00 0.00% 13,560.00 641.79
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device (100) - Version Upgrade sup 16,950.00 0.00% 16,950.00 802.24
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device (500) - Version Upgrade 45,762.00 10.00% 41,186.00 1,949.33
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device (500) - Version Upgrade sup 15,254.00 0.00% 15,254.00 721.97
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device (500) - Version Upgrade sup 45,762.00 10.00% 41,186.00 1,949.33
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device (500) - Version Upgrade sup 61,016.00 0.00% 61,016.00 2,887.89
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device (500) - Version Upgrade sup 76,270.00 0.00% 76,270.00 3,609.86
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device Loyalty 95.00 9.47% 86.00 4.07
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device Loyalty sup 1yr 50.00 0.00% 50.00 2.37
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device Loyalty sup 3yr 150.00 0.00% 150.00 7.10
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device Loyalty sup 4yr 200.00 0.00% 200.00 9.47
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device Loyalty sup 5yr 250.00 0.00% 250.00 11.83
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device Loyalty (10) 950.00 10.00% 855.00 40.47
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device Loyalty (10) sup 1yr 430.00 0.00% 430.00 20.35
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device Loyalty (10) sup 3yr 1,290.00 0.00% 1,290.00 61.06
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device Loyalty (10) sup 4yr 1,720.00 0.00% 1,720.00 81.41
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device Loyalty (10) sup 5yr 2,150.00 0.00% 2,150.00 101.76
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device Loyalty (100) 9,500.00 10.00% 8,550.00 404.67
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device Loyalty (100) sup 1yr 3,390.00 0.00% 3,390.00 160.45
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device Loyalty (100) sup 3yr 10,170.00 0.00% 10,170.00 481.35
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device Loyalty (100) sup 4yr 13,560.00 0.00% 13,560.00 641.79
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device Loyalty (100) sup 5yr 16,950.00 0.00% 16,950.00 802.24
PCC Capture & Send Option (PCC above is required)
EO5/EE5: Capture and Send 30.00 0.00% 30.00 1.42
EO5/EE5: Capture and Send sup 1yr 3.00 0.00% 3.00 0.14
EO5/EE5: Capture and Send sup 3yr 9.00 0.00% 9.00 0.43
EO5/EE5: Capture and Send sup 4yr 12.00 0.00% 12.00 0.57
EO5/EE5: Capture and Send sup 5yr 15.00 0.00% 15.00 0.71
EO5/EE5: Capture and Send (10) Pack 300.00 0.00% 300.00 14.20
EO5/EE5: Capture and Send (10) Pack sup 1yr 30.00 0.00% 30.00 1.42
EO5/EE5: Capture and Send (10) Pack sup 3yr 90.00 0.00% 90.00 4.26
EO5/EE5: Capture and Send (10) Pack sup 4yr 120.00 0.00% 120.00 5.68
EO5/EE5: Capture and Send (10) Pack sup 5yr 150.00 0.00% 150.00 7.10
EO5/EE5: Capture and Send (100) Pack 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
EO5/EE5: Capture and Send (100) Pack sup 1yr 300.00 0.00% 300.00 14.20
EO5/EE5: Capture and Send (100) Pack sup 3yr 900.00 0.00% 900.00 42.60
EO5/EE5: Capture and Send (100) Pack sup 4yr 1,200.00 0.00% 1,200.00 56.80
EO5/EE5: Capture and Send (100) Pack sup 5yr 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
EO5/EE5: Capture and Send (500) Pack 15,000.00 0.00% 15,000.00 709.95
EO5/EE5: Capture and Send (500) Pack sup 1yr 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
EO5/EE5: Capture and Send (500) Pack sup 3yr 4,500.00 0.00% 4,500.00 212.99
EO5/EE5: Capture and Send (500) Pack sup 4yr 6,000.00 0.00% 6,000.00 283.98
EO5/EE5: Capture and Send (500) Pack sup 5yr 7,500.00 0.00% 7,500.00 354.98
EO5/EE5: Capture and Send - Version Upgrade 9.00 0.00% 9.00 0.43
EO5/EE5: Capture and Send - Version Upgrade sup 1yr 3.00 0.00% 3.00 0.14
EO5/EE5: Capture and Send - Version Upgrade sup 3yr 9.00 0.00% 9.00 0.43
EO5/EE5: Capture and Send - Version Upgrade sup 4yr 12.00 0.00% 12.00 0.57
EO5/EE5: Capture and Send - Version Upgrade sup 5yr 15.00 0.00% 15.00 0.71
EO5/EE5: Capture and Send (10) Pack - Version Upgrad 90.00 0.00% 90.00 4.26
EO5/EE5: Capture and Send (10) Pack - Version Upgrade 30.00 0.00% 30.00 1.42
EO5/EE5: Capture and Send (10) Pack - Version Upgrade 90.00 0.00% 90.00 4.26
EO5/EE5: Capture and Send (10) Pack - Version Upgrade 120.00 0.00% 120.00 5.68
EO5/EE5: Capture and Send (10) Pack - Version Upgrade 150.00 0.00% 150.00 7.10
EO5/EE5: Capture and Send (100) Pack - Version Upgra 900.00 0.00% 900.00 42.60
EO5/EE5: Capture and Send (100) Pack - Version Upgrad 300.00 0.00% 300.00 14.20
EO5/EE5: Capture and Send (100) Pack - Version Upgrad 900.00 0.00% 900.00 42.60
EO5/EE5: Capture and Send (100) Pack - Version Upgrad 1,200.00 0.00% 1,200.00 56.80
EO5/EE5: Capture and Send (100) Pack - Version Upgrad 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
EO5/EE5: Capture and Send (500) Pack - Version Upgra 4,500.00 0.00% 4,500.00 212.99
EO5/EE5: Capture and Send (500) Pack - Version Upgrad 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
EO5/EE5: Capture and Send (500) Pack - Version Upgrad 4,500.00 0.00% 4,500.00 212.99
EO5/EE5: Capture and Send (500) Pack - Version Upgrad 6,000.00 0.00% 6,000.00 283.98
EO5/EE5: Capture and Send (500) Pack - Version Upgrad 7,500.00 0.00% 7,500.00 354.98
Third party USB Card Reader License (1) 50.00 30.53% 34.74 1.64
Third party USB Card Reader License (1) 1yr M&S 5.00 0.00% 5.00 0.24
Third Party USB Card Reader Licenses (10) 500.00 31.58% 342.11 16.19
Third Party USB Card Reader Licenses (10) 1yr M&S 50.00 0.00% 50.00 2.37
Third Party USB Card Reader Licenses (100) 5,000.00 31.58% 3,421.05 161.92
Third Party USB Card Reader Licenses (100) 1yr M&S 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67
Third party USB Card Reader License (1) 3yr M&S 15.00 0.00% 15.00 0.71
Third Party USB Card Reader Licenses (10) 3yr M&S 150.00 0.00% 150.00 7.10
Third Party USB Card Reader Licenses (100) 3yr M&S 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
Third party USB Card Reader License (1) 4yr M&S 20.00 0.00% 20.00 0.95
Third Party USB Card Reader Licenses (10) 4yr M&S 200.00 0.00% 200.00 9.47
Third Party USB Card Reader Licenses (100) 4yr M&S 2,000.00 0.00% 2,000.00 94.66
Third party USB Card Reader License (1) 5yr M&S 25.00 0.00% 25.00 1.18
Third Party USB Card Reader Licenses (10) 5yr M&S 250.00 0.00% 250.00 11.83
Third Party USB Card Reader Licenses (100) sup 5yr 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 118.33
Third Party Card Reader License (for use with RFIDeas PCProx Plus reader)
Third Party USB Card Reader Licenses (500) 25,000.00 10.00% 22,500.00 1,064.93
Third Party USB Card Reader Licenses (500) sup 1yr 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 118.33
Third Party USB Card Reader Licenses (500) sup 3yr 7,500.00 0.00% 7,500.00 354.98
Third Party USB Card Reader Licenses (500) sup 4yr 10,000.00 0.00% 10,000.00 473.30
Third Party USB Card Reader Licenses (500) sup 5yr 12,500.00 0.00% 12,500.00 591.63
Third party USB Card Reader License (1) - Version Upgr 15.00 6.67% 14.00 0.66
Third party USB Card Reader License (1) - Version Upgr 5.00 0.00% 5.00 0.24
Third party USB Card Reader License (1) - Version Upgr 15.00 0.00% 15.00 0.71
Third party USB Card Reader License (1) - Version Upgr 20.00 0.00% 20.00 0.95
Third party USB Card Reader License (1) - Version Upgr 25.00 0.00% 25.00 1.18
Third Party USB Card Reader Licenses (10) - Version Up 150.00 10.00% 135.00 6.39
Third Party USB Card Reader Licenses (10) - Version Up 50.00 0.00% 50.00 2.37
Third Party USB Card Reader Licenses (10) - Version Up 150.00 0.00% 150.00 7.10
Third Party USB Card Reader Licenses (10) - Version Up 200.00 0.00% 200.00 9.47
Third Party USB Card Reader Licenses (10) - Version Up 250.00 0.00% 250.00 11.83
Third Party USB Card Reader Licenses (100) - Version 1,500.00 10.00% 1,350.00 63.90
Third Party USB Card Reader Licenses (100) - Version U 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67
Third Party USB Card Reader Licenses (100) - Version U 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
Third Party USB Card Reader Licenses (100) - Version U 2,000.00 0.00% 2,000.00 94.66
Third Party USB Card Reader Licenses (100) - Version U 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 118.33
Third Party USB Card Reader Licenses (500) - Version 7,500.00 10.00% 6,750.00 319.48
Third Party USB Card Reader Licenses (500) - Version U 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 118.33
Third Party USB Card Reader Licenses (500) - Version U 7,500.00 0.00% 7,500.00 354.98
Third Party USB Card Reader Licenses (500) - Version U 10,000.00 0.00% 10,000.00 473.30
Third Party USB Card Reader Licenses (500) - Version U 12,500.00 0.00% 12,500.00 591.63
Equitrac Office 5 Software Suite
Equitrac Office 5: Suite 2,370.00 10.00% 2,133.00 100.95
Equitrac Office 5: Suite sup 1yr 237.00 0.00% 237.00 11.22
Equitrac Office 5: Suite sup 3yr 711.00 0.00% 711.00 33.65
Equitrac Office 5: Suite sup 4yr 948.00 0.00% 948.00 44.87
Equitrac Office 5: Suite sup 5yr 1,185.00 0.00% 1,185.00 56.09
Equitrac Office 5: Small Business Edition (SBE) 845.00 9.94% 761.00 36.02
Equitrac Office 5: Small Business Edition (SBE) sup 1yr 85.00 0.00% 85.00 4.02
Equitrac Office 5: Small Business Edition (SBE) sup 3yr 255.00 0.00% 255.00 12.07
Equitrac Office 5: Small Business Edition (SBE) sup 4yr 340.00 0.00% 340.00 16.09
Equitrac Office 5: Small Business Edition (SBE) sup 5yr 425.00 0.00% 425.00 20.12
Equitrac Office 5: Suite - Version Upgrade (From EO4) 711.00 9.99% 640.00 30.29
Equitrac Office 5: Suite - Version Upgrade (From EO4) su 237.00 0.00% 237.00 11.22
Equitrac Office 5: Suite - Version Upgrade (From EO4) su 711.00 0.00% 711.00 33.65
Equitrac Office 5: Suite - Version Upgrade (From EO4) su 948.00 0.00% 948.00 44.87
Equitrac Office 5: Suite - Version Upgrade (From EO4) su 1,185.00 0.00% 1,185.00 56.09
Equitrac Office 5: SBE - Version Upgrade (From EO4) 253.50 9.66% 229.00 10.84
Equitrac Office 5: SBE - Version Upgrade (From EO4) su 85.00 0.00% 85.00 4.02
Equitrac Office 5: SBE - Version Upgrade (From EO4) su 255.00 0.00% 255.00 12.07
Equitrac Office 5: SBE - Version Upgrade (From EO4) su 340.00 0.00% 340.00 16.09
Equitrac Office 5: SBE - Version Upgrade (From EO4) su 425.00 0.00% 425.00 20.12
Equitrac Express 5: Suite 2,790.00 10.00% 2,511.00 118.85
Equitrac Express 5: Suite sup 1yr 279.00 0.00% 279.00 13.21
Equitrac Express 5: Suite sup 3yr 837.00 0.00% 837.00 39.62
Equitrac Express 5: Suite sup 4yr 1,116.00 0.00% 1,116.00 52.82
Equitrac Express 5: Suite sup 5yr 1,395.00 0.00% 1,395.00 66.03
Equitrac Express 5: Small Campus Edition (SCE) 1,095.00 9.95% 986.00 46.67
Equitrac Express 5: Small Campus Edition (SCE) sup 1yr 110.00 0.00% 110.00 5.21
Equitrac Express 5: Small Campus Edition (SCE) sup 3yr 330.00 0.00% 330.00 15.62
Equitrac Express 5: Small Campus Edition (SCE) sup 4yr 440.00 0.00% 440.00 20.83
Equitrac Express 5: Small Campus Edition (SCE) sup 5yr 550.00 0.00% 550.00 26.03
Equitrac Express 5: Suite - Version Upgrade (From EE4) 837.00 10.04% 753.00 35.64
Equitrac Express 5: Suite - Version Upgrade (From EE4) 279.00 0.00% 279.00 13.21
Equitrac Express 5: Suite - Version Upgrade (From EE4) 837.00 0.00% 837.00 39.62
Equitrac Express 5: Suite - Version Upgrade (From EE4) 1,116.00 0.00% 1,116.00 52.82
Equitrac Express 5: Suite - Version Upgrade (From EE4) 1,395.00 0.00% 1,395.00 66.03
Equitrac Express 5: SCE - Version Upgrade (From EE4) 328.50 9.89% 296.00 14.01
Equitrac Express 5: SCE - Version Upgrade (From EE4) s 110.00 0.00% 110.00 5.21
Equitrac Express 5: SCE - Version Upgrade (From EE4) s 330.00 0.00% 330.00 15.62
Equitrac Express 5: SCE - Version Upgrade (From EE4) s 440.00 0.00% 440.00 20.83
Equitrac Express 5: SCE - Version Upgrade (From EE4) s 550.00 0.00% 550.00 26.03
Equitrac Office 5 SMB Licensing
Equitrac Office 5: SMB Base License (incl. 25 users, 1 945.00 9.95% 851.00 40.28
Equitrac Office 5: SMB Base License (incl. 25 users, 1 95.00 0.00% 95.00 4.50
Equitrac Office 5: SMB Base License (incl. 25 users, 1 285.00 0.00% 285.00 13.49
Equitrac Office 5: SMB Base License (incl. 25 users, 1 380.00 0.00% 380.00 17.99
Equitrac Office 5: SMB Base License (incl. 25 users, 1 475.00 0.00% 475.00 22.48
Equitrac Office 5: SMB User License (25) 650.00 10.00% 585.00 27.69
Equitrac Office 5: SMB User License (25) sup 1yr 65.00 0.00% 65.00 3.08
Equitrac Office 5: SMB User License (25) sup 3yr 195.00 0.00% 195.00 9.23
Equitrac Office 5: SMB User License (25) sup 4yr 260.00 0.00% 260.00 12.31
Equitrac Office 5: SMB User License (25) sup 5yr 325.00 0.00% 325.00 15.38
Equitrac Office 5: SMB User License (100) 2,300.00 10.00% 2,070.00 97.97
Equitrac Office 5: SMB User License (100) sup 1yr 230.00 0.00% 230.00 10.89
Equitrac Office 5: SMB User License (100) sup 3yr 690.00 0.00% 690.00 32.66
Equitrac Office 5: SMB User License (100) sup 4yr 920.00 0.00% 920.00 43.54
Equitrac Office 5: SMB User License (100) sup 5yr 1,150.00 0.00% 1,150.00 54.43
Equitrac Office 5: SMB User License (250) 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
Equitrac Office 5: SMB User License (250) sup 1yr 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67
Equitrac Office 5: SMB User License (250) sup 3yr 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
Equitrac Office 5: SMB User License (250) sup 4yr 2,000.00 0.00% 2,000.00 94.66
Equitrac Office 5: SMB User License (250) sup 5yr 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 118.33
Equitrac Office 5: SMB Base License (incl. 25 users, 1 283.50 9.70% 256.00 12.12
Equitrac Office 5: SMB Base License (incl. 25 users, 1 95.00 0.00% 95.00 4.50
Equitrac Office 5: SMB Base License (incl. 25 users, 1 285.00 0.00% 285.00 13.49
Equitrac Office 5: SMB Base License (incl. 25 users, 1 380.00 0.00% 380.00 17.99
Equitrac Office 5: SMB Base License (incl. 25 users, 1 475.00 0.00% 475.00 22.48
Equitrac Office 5: SMB User License (25) - Version Upgr 195.00 9.74% 176.00 8.33
Equitrac Office 5: SMB User License (25) - Version Upgr 65.00 0.00% 65.00 3.08
Equitrac Office 5: SMB User License (25) - Version Upgr 195.00 0.00% 195.00 9.23
Equitrac Office 5: SMB User License (25) - Version Upgr 260.00 0.00% 260.00 12.31
Equitrac Office 5: SMB User License (25) - Version Upgr 325.00 0.00% 325.00 15.38
Equitrac Office 5: SMB User License (100) - Version Upg 690.00 10.00% 621.00 29.39
Equitrac Office 5: SMB User License (100) - Version Upg 230.00 0.00% 230.00 10.89
Equitrac Office 5: SMB User License (100) - Version Upg 690.00 0.00% 690.00 32.66
Equitrac Office 5: SMB User License (100) - Version Upg 920.00 0.00% 920.00 43.54
Equitrac Office 5: SMB User License (100) - Version Upg 1,150.00 0.00% 1,150.00 54.43
Equitrac Office 5: SMB User License (250) - Version Upg 1,500.00 10.00% 1,350.00 63.90
Equitrac Office 5: SMB User License (250) - Version Upg 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67
Equitrac Office 5: SMB User License (250) - Version Upg 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
Equitrac Office 5: SMB User License (250) - Version Upg 2,000.00 0.00% 2,000.00 94.66
Equitrac Office 5: SMB User License (250) - Version Upg 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 118.33
Additional Print Server Licenses
EO5/EE5: Print Server 1,350.00 10.00% 1,215.00 57.51
EO5/EE5: Print Server sup 1yr 135.00 0.00% 135.00 6.39
EO5/EE5: Print Server sup 3yr 405.00 0.00% 405.00 19.17
EO5/EE5: Print Server sup 4yr 540.00 0.00% 540.00 25.56
EO5/EE5: Print Server sup 5yr 675.00 0.00% 675.00 31.95
EO5/EE5: Print Server (10) 11,015.00 10.00% 9,914.00 469.23
EO5/EE5: Print Server (10) sup 1yr 1,102.00 0.00% 1,102.00 52.16
EO5/EE5: Print Server (10) sup 3yr 3,306.00 0.00% 3,306.00 156.47
EO5/EE5: Print Server (10) sup 4yr 4,408.00 0.00% 4,408.00 208.63
EO5/EE5: Print Server (10) sup 5yr 5,510.00 0.00% 5,510.00 260.79
EO5/EE5: Cluster Enabler 3,810.00 10.00% 3,429.00 162.29
EO5/EE5: Cluster Enabler sup 1yr 381.00 0.00% 381.00 18.03
EO5/EE5: Cluster Enabler sup 3yr 1,143.00 0.00% 1,143.00 54.10
EO5/EE5: Cluster Enabler sup 4yr 1,524.00 0.00% 1,524.00 72.13
EO5/EE5: Cluster Enabler sup 5yr 1,905.00 0.00% 1,905.00 90.16
EO5/EE5: Print Server - Version Upgrade 405.00 9.88% 365.00 17.28
EO5/EE5: Print Server - Version Upgrade sup 1yr 135.00 0.00% 135.00 6.39
EO5/EE5: Print Server - Version Upgrade sup 3yr 405.00 0.00% 405.00 19.17
EO5/EE5: Print Server - Version Upgrade sup 4yr 540.00 0.00% 540.00 25.56
EO5/EE5: Print Server - Version Upgrade sup 5yr 675.00 0.00% 675.00 31.95
EO5/EE5: Print Server (10) - Version Upgrade 3,304.50 9.97% 2,975.00 140.81
EO5/EE5: Print Server (10) - Version Upgrade sup 1yr 1,102.00 0.00% 1,102.00 52.16
EO5/EE5: Print Server (10) - Version Upgrade sup 3yr 3,306.00 0.00% 3,306.00 156.47
EO5/EE5: Print Server (10) - Version Upgrade sup 4yr 4,408.00 0.00% 4,408.00 208.63
EO5/EE5: Print Server (10) - Version Upgrade sup 5yr 5,510.00 0.00% 5,510.00 260.79
EO5/EE5: Cluster Enabler - Version Upgrade 1,143.00 9.97% 1,029.00 48.70
EO5/EE5: Cluster Enabler - Version Upgrade sup 1yr 381.00 0.00% 381.00 18.03
EO5/EE5: Cluster Enabler - Version Upgrade sup 3yr 1,143.00 0.00% 1,143.00 54.10
EO5/EE5: Cluster Enabler - Version Upgrade sup 4yr 1,524.00 0.00% 1,524.00 72.13
EO5/EE5: Cluster Enabler - Version Upgrade sup 5yr 1,905.00 0.00% 1,905.00 90.16
Connector Licenses
EO5/EE5: External Data Connector 590.00 10.00% 531.00 25.13
EO5/EE5: External Data Connector sup 1yr 59.00 0.00% 59.00 2.79
EO5/EE5: External Data Connector sup 3yr 177.00 0.00% 177.00 8.38
EO5/EE5: External Data Connector sup 4yr 236.00 0.00% 236.00 11.17
EO5/EE5: External Data Connector sup 5yr 295.00 0.00% 295.00 13.96
EE5: Campus Card Connector 4,235.00 9.99% 3,812.00 180.42
EE5: Campus Card Connector sup 1yr 424.00 0.00% 424.00 20.07
EE5: Campus Card Connector sup 3yr 1,272.00 0.00% 1,272.00 60.20
EE5: Campus Card Connector sup 4yr 1,696.00 0.00% 1,696.00 80.27
EE5: Campus
EO5/EE5: Card Connector
Embedded Connector sup 5yr DocSend
- IKON 2,120.00 0.00% 2,120.00 100.34
Part # requires extension for power supply -N (North
EO5/EE5: Embedded Connector - IKON DocSend sup 1yr America), -K1,100.00
(UK), -E (Europe) 10.00% 990.00 46.86
Part # requires
EO5/EE5: extension
Embedded for power
Connector supply
- IKON -N (North
DocSend supAmerica),
3yr -K (UK),
-E (Europe) 0.00% 110.00 5.21
Part # requires
EO5/EE5: extension
Embedded for power
Connector supply
- IKON -N (North
DocSend supAmerica),
4yr -K (UK),
-E (Europe) 0.00% 330.00 15.62
Part # requires extension for power supply -N (North
EO5/EE5: Embedded Connector - IKON DocSend sup 5yr America), -K (UK),
-E (Europe) 0.00% 440.00 20.83
Part # requires extension for power supply
EO5/EE5: Embedded Connector - EFI SendMe -N (North America), -K (UK),
-E (Europe) 0.00% 550.00 26.03
Part # requires extension for power supply -N (North
EO5/EE5: Embedded Connector - EFI SendMe sup 1yr America), -K1,100.00
(UK), -E (Europe) 10.00% 990.00 46.86
Part # requires
EO5/EE5: extension
Embedded for power
Connector supply
- EFI -N (North
SendMe America), -K (UK),
sup 3yr 110.00
-E (Europe) 0.00% 110.00 5.21
Part # requires extension for power supply -N (North
EO5/EE5: Embedded Connector - EFI SendMe sup 4yr America), -K (UK),
-E (Europe) 0.00% 330.00 15.62
Part # requires extension for power supply -N (North
EO5/EE5: Embedded Connector - EFI SendMe sup 5yr America), -K (UK),
-E (Europe) 0.00% 440.00 20.83
Part # requires extension for power supply -N (North America), -K (UK),
-E (Europe) 0.00% 550.00 26.03
EO5/EE5: External Data Connector - Version Upgrade 177.00 10.17% 159.00 7.53
EO5/EE5: External Data Connector - Version Upgrade su 59.00 0.00% 59.00 2.79
EO5/EE5: External Data Connector - Version Upgrade su 177.00 0.00% 177.00 8.38
EO5/EE5: External Data Connector - Version Upgrade su 236.00 0.00% 236.00 11.17
EO5/EE5: External Data Connector - Version Upgrade su 295.00 0.00% 295.00 13.96
EE5: Campus Card Connector - Version Upgrade 1,270.50 9.96% 1,144.00 54.15
EE5: Campus Card Connector - Version Upgrade sup 1yr 424.00 0.00% 424.00 20.07
EE5: Campus Card Connector - Version Upgrade sup 3yr 1,271.00 0.00% 1,271.00 60.16
EE5: Campus Card Connector - Version Upgrade sup 4yr 1,696.00 0.00% 1,696.00 80.27
EE5: Campus Card Connector - Version Upgrade sup 5yr 2,120.00
EO5/EE5: Embedded Connector - IKON DocSend - Version Upgrade 0.00% 2,120.00 100.34
Part # requires
EO5/EE5: extension
Embedded for power
Connector supply
- IKON -N (North
DocSend America),
- Version -K (UK),
(Europe) 10.00% 297.00 14.06
Part # requires extension for power supply -N (North America), -K (UK),
EO5/EE5: Embedded Connector - IKON DocSend - Version Upgrade sup 3yr -E (Europe) 0.00% 110.00 5.21
Part # requires extension for power supply -N (North America), -K (UK),
EO5/EE5: Embedded Connector - IKON DocSend - Version Upgrade sup 4yr -E (Europe) 0.00% 330.00 15.62
Part # requires
EO5/EE5: extension
Embedded for power
Connector supply
- IKON -N (North
DocSend America),
- Version -K (UK),
(Europe) 0.00% 440.00 20.83
Part # requires extension for power supply -N (North America),
EO5/EE5: Embedded Connector - EFI SendMe - Version Upgrade -K (UK),
-E (Europe) 0.00% 550.00 26.03
Part # requires
EO5/EE5: extension
Embedded for power
Connector supply
- EFI -N (North
SendMe America),
- Version -K (UK),
Upgrade 330.00
sup -E (Europe) 10.00%
1yr 297.00 14.06
Part # requires extension for power supply -N (North America), -K
EO5/EE5: Embedded Connector - EFI SendMe - Version Upgrade sup 3yr(UK),
-E (Europe) 0.00% 110.00 5.21
Part # requires extension for power supply -N (North America), -K
EO5/EE5: Embedded Connector - EFI SendMe - Version Upgrade sup 4yr(UK),
-E (Europe) 0.00% 330.00 15.62
Part # requires
EO5/EE5: extension
Embedded for power
Connector supply
- EFI -N (North
SendMe America),
- Version -K (UK),
Upgrade 440.00
sup -E (Europe) 0.00%
5yr 440.00 20.83
Part # requires extension for power supply -N (North America), -K (UK),
-E (Europe) 0.00% 550.00 26.03
Workstation Licenses
EO5/EE5: Workstation Client (10) 505.00 9.90% 455.00 21.54
EO5/EE5: Workstation Client (10) sup 1yr 51.00 0.00% 51.00 2.41
EO5/EE5: Workstation Client (10) sup 3yr 153.00 0.00% 153.00 7.24
EO5/EE5: Workstation Client (10) sup 4yr 204.00 0.00% 204.00 9.66
EO5/EE5: Workstation Client (10) sup 5yr 255.00 0.00% 255.00 12.07
EO5/EE5: Workstation Client (100) 2,370.00 10.00% 2,133.00 100.95
EO5/EE5: Workstation Client (100) sup 1yr 237.00 0.00% 237.00 11.22
EO5/EE5: Workstation Client (100) sup 3yr 711.00 0.00% 711.00 33.65
EO5/EE5: Workstation Client (100) sup 4yr 948.00 0.00% 948.00 44.87
EO5/EE5: Workstation Client (100) sup 5yr 1,185.00 0.00% 1,185.00 56.09
EO5/EE5: Workstation Client (1000) 10,165.00 10.00% 9,149.00 433.02
EO5/EE5: Workstation Client (1000) sup 1yr 1,107.00 0.00% 1,107.00 52.39
EO5/EE5: Workstation Client (1000) sup 3yr 3,051.00 0.00% 3,051.00 144.40
EO5/EE5: Workstation Client (1000) sup 4yr 4,068.00 0.00% 4,068.00 192.54
EO5/EE5: Workstation Client (1000) sup 5yr 5,058.00 0.00% 5,058.00 239.40
EO5/EE5: Workstation Client (10) - Version Upgrade 151.50 9.57% 137.00 6.48
EO5/EE5: Workstation Client (10) - Version Upgrade sup 51.00 0.00% 51.00 2.41
EO5/EE5: Workstation Client (10) - Version Upgrade sup 153.00 0.00% 153.00 7.24
EO5/EE5: Workstation Client (10) - Version Upgrade sup 204.00 0.00% 204.00 9.66
EO5/EE5: Workstation Client (10) - Version Upgrade sup 255.00 0.00% 255.00 12.07
EO5/EE5: Workstation Client (100) - Version Upgrade 711.00 9.99% 640.00 30.29
EO5/EE5: Workstation Client (100) - Version Upgrade sup 237.00 0.00% 237.00 11.22
EO5/EE5: Workstation Client (100) - Version Upgrade sup 711.00 0.00% 711.00 33.65
EO5/EE5: Workstation Client (100) - Version Upgrade sup 948.00 0.00% 948.00 44.87
EO5/EE5: Workstation Client (100) - Version Upgrade sup 1,185.00 0.00% 1,185.00 56.09
EO5/EE5: Workstation Client (1000) - Version Upgrade 3,049.50 9.99% 2,745.00 129.92
EO5/EE5: Workstation Client (1000) - Version Upgrade s 1,017.00 0.00% 1,017.00 48.13
EO5/EE5: Workstation Client (1000) - Version Upgrade s 3,051.00 0.00% 3,051.00 144.40
EO5/EE5: Workstation Client (1000) - Version Upgrade s 4,068.00 0.00% 4,068.00 192.54
EO5/EE5: Workstation Client (1000) - Version Upgrade s 5,085.00 0.00% 5,085.00 240.67
Release Station Licenses
EO5/EE5: Release Station 590.00 10.00% 531.00 25.13
EO5/EE5: Release Station sup 1yr 59.00 0.00% 59.00 2.79
EO5/EE5: Release Station sup 3yr 177.00 0.00% 177.00 8.38
EO5/EE5: Release Station sup 4yr 236.00 0.00% 236.00 11.17
EO5/EE5: Release Station sup 5yr 295.00 0.00% 295.00 13.96
EO5/EE5: Release Station (10) 5,080.00 10.00% 4,572.00 216.39
EO5/EE5: Release Station (10) sup 1yr 508.00 0.00% 508.00 24.04
EO5/EE5: Release Station (10) sup 3yr 1,524.00 0.00% 1,524.00 72.13
EO5/EE5: Release Station (10) sup 4yr 2,032.00 0.00% 2,032.00 96.17
EO5/EE5: Release Station (10) sup 5yr 2,540.00 0.00% 2,540.00 120.22
EO5/EE5: Release Station - Version Upgrade 177.00 10.17% 159.00 7.53
EO5/EE5: Release Station - Version Upgrade sup 1yr 59.00 0.00% 59.00 2.79
EO5/EE5: Release Station - Version Upgrade sup 3yr 177.00 0.00% 177.00 8.38
EO5/EE5: Release Station - Version Upgrade sup 4yr 236.00 0.00% 236.00 11.17
EO5/EE5: Release Station - Version Upgrade sup 5yr 295.00 0.00% 295.00 13.96
EO5/EE5: Release Station (10) - Version Upgrade 1,524.00 9.97% 1,372.00 64.94
EO5/EE5: Release Station (10) - Version Upgrade sup 1y 508.00 0.00% 508.00 24.04
EO5/EE5: Release Station (10) - Version Upgrade sup 3y 1,524.00 0.00% 1,524.00 72.13
EO5/EE5: Release Station (10) - Version Upgrade sup 4y 2,032.00 0.00% 2,032.00 96.17
EO5/EE5: Release Station (10) - Version Upgrade sup 5y 2,540.00 0.00% 2,540.00 120.22
Web-Based Release Station Licenses
EO5/EE5: Web-based Release 275.00 9.82% 248.00 11.74
EO5/EE5: Web-based Release sup 1yr 28.00 0.00% 28.00 1.33
EO5/EE5: Web-based Release sup 3yr 84.00 0.00% 84.00 3.98
EO5/EE5: Web-based Release sup 4yr 112.00 0.00% 112.00 5.30
EO5/EE5: Web-based Release sup 5yr 140.00 0.00% 140.00 6.63
EO5/EE5: Web-based Release (10) 2,225.00 9.98% 2,003.00 94.80
EO5/EE5: Web-based Release (10) sup 1yr 223.00 0.00% 223.00 10.55
EO5/EE5: Web-based Release (10) sup 3yr 669.00 0.00% 669.00 31.66
EO5/EE5: Web-based Release (10) sup 4yr 892.00 0.00% 892.00 42.22
EO5/EE5: Web-based Release (10) sup 5yr 1,115.00 0.00% 1,115.00 52.77
EO5/EE5: Web-based Release (100) 16,950.00 10.00% 15,255.00 722.02
EO5/EE5: Web-based Release (100) sup 1yr 1,695.00 0.00% 1,695.00 80.22
EO5/EE5: Web-based Release (100) sup 3yr 5,085.00 0.00% 5,085.00 240.67
EO5/EE5: Web-based Release (100) sup 4yr 6,780.00 0.00% 6,780.00 320.90
EO5/EE5: Web-based Release (100) sup 5yr 8,475.00 0.00% 8,475.00 401.12
EO5/EE5: Web-based Release (500) 76,270.00 10.00% 68,643.00 3,248.87
EO5/EE5: Web-based Release (500) sup 1yr 7,627.00 0.00% 7,627.00 360.99
EO5/EE5: Web-based Release (500) sup 3yr 22,881.00 0.00% 22,881.00 1,082.96
EO5/EE5: Web-based Release (500) sup 4yr 30,508.00 0.00% 30,508.00 1,443.94
EO5/EE5: Web-based Release (500) sup 5yr 38,135.00 0.00% 38,135.00 1,804.93
EO5/EE5: Web-based Release - Version Upgrade 82.50 9.09% 75.00 3.55
EO5/EE5: Web-based Release - Version Upgrade sup 1y 28.00 0.00% 28.00 1.33
EO5/EE5: Web-based Release - Version Upgrade sup 3y 84.00 0.00% 84.00 3.98
EO5/EE5: Web-based Release - Version Upgrade sup 4y 112.00 0.00% 112.00 5.30
EO5/EE5: Web-based Release - Version Upgrade sup 5y 140.00 0.00% 140.00 6.63
EO5/EE5: Web-based Release (10) - Version Upgrade 667.50 9.96% 601.00 28.45
EO5/EE5: Web-based Release (10) - Version Upgrade su 223.00 0.00% 223.00 10.55
EO5/EE5: Web-based Release (10) - Version Upgrade su 669.00 0.00% 669.00 31.66
EO5/EE5: Web-based Release (10) - Version Upgrade su 892.00 0.00% 892.00 42.22
EO5/EE5: Web-based Release (10) - Version Upgrade su 1,115.00 0.00% 1,115.00 52.77
EO5/EE5: Web-based Release (100) - Version Upgrade 5,085.00 9.99% 4,577.00 216.63
EO5/EE5: Web-based Release (100) - Version Upgrade s 1,695.00 0.00% 1,695.00 80.22
EO5/EE5: Web-based Release (100) - Version Upgrade s 5,085.00 0.00% 5,085.00 240.67
EO5/EE5: Web-based Release (100) - Version Upgrade s 6,780.00 0.00% 6,780.00 320.90
EO5/EE5: Web-based Release (100) - Version Upgrade s 8,475.00 0.00% 8,475.00 401.12
EO5/EE5: Web-based Release (500) - Version Upgrade 22,881.00 10.00% 20,593.00 974.67
EO5/EE5: Web-based Release (500) - Version Upgrade s 7,627.00 0.00% 7,627.00 360.99
EO5/EE5: Web-based Release (500) - Version Upgrade s 22,881.00 0.00% 22,881.00 1,082.96
EO5/EE5: Web-based Release (500) - Version Upgrade s 30,508.00 0.00% 30,508.00 1,443.94
EO5/EE5: Web-based Release (500) - Version Upgrade s 38,135.00 0.00% 38,135.00 1,804.93
Equitrac Office 5 Enterprise - Core functionality (price per user)
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (1,000-4,999 u 9.30 13.98% 8.00 0.38
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (1,000-4,999 u 0.93 0.00% 0.93 0.04
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (1,000-4,999 u 2.79 25.00% 2.09 0.10
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (1,000-4,999 u 3.72 19.35% 3.00 0.14
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (1,000-4,999 u 4.65 13.98% 4.00 0.19
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (5,000-9,999 u 6.30 20.63% 5.00 0.24
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (5,000-9,999 u 0.63 0.00% 0.63 0.03
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (5,000-9,999 u 1.89 25.00% 1.42 0.07
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (5,000-9,999 u 2.52 20.63% 2.00 0.09
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (5,000-9,999 u 3.15 4.76% 3.00 0.14
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (10,000-24,99 5.50 9.09% 5.00 0.24
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (10,000-24,99 0.55 0.00% 0.55 0.03
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (10,000-24,99 1.65 25.00% 1.24 0.06
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (10,000-24,99 2.20 9.09% 2.00 0.09
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (10,000-24,99 2.75 25.00% 2.06 0.10
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (25,000-49,99 5.05 0.99% 5.00 0.24
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (25,000-49,99 0.51 0.00% 0.51 0.02
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (25,000-49,99 1.52 25.00% 1.14 0.05
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (25,000-49,99 2.02 0.99% 2.00 0.09
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (25,000-49,99 2.53 20.95% 2.00 0.09
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (50,000-99,99 4.65 35.48% 3.00 0.14
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (50,000-99,99 0.47 0.00% 0.47 0.02
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (50,000-99,99 1.40 25.00% 1.05 0.05
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (50,000-99,99 1.86 25.00% 1.40 0.07
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (50,000-99,99 2.33 14.16% 2.00 0.09
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (100,000 and 4.25 29.41% 3.00 0.14
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (100,000 and 0.43 0.00% 0.43 0.02
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (100,000 and 1.28 21.88% 1.00 0.05
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (100,000 and 1.70 25.00% 1.28 0.06
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (100,000 and 2.13 6.10% 2.00 0.09
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (1,000-4,999 2.79 28.32% 2.00 0.09
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (1,000-4,999 0.93 0.00% 0.93 0.04
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (1,000-4,999 2.79 25.00% 2.09 0.10
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (1,000-4,999 3.72 19.35% 3.00 0.14
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (1,000-4,999 4.65 13.98% 4.00 0.19
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (5,000-9,999 1.89 47.09% 1.00 0.05
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (5,000-9,999 0.63 0.00% 0.63 0.03
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (5,000-9,999 1.89 25.00% 1.42 0.07
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (5,000-9,999 2.52 20.63% 2.00 0.09
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (5,000-9,999 3.15 4.76% 3.00 0.14
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (10,000-24,99 1.65 39.39% 1.00 0.05
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (10,000-24,99 0.55 0.00% 0.55 0.03
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (10,000-24,99 1.65 25.00% 1.24 0.06
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (10,000-24,99 2.20 9.09% 2.00 0.09
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (10,000-24,99 2.75 25.00% 2.06 0.10
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (25,000-49,99 1.52 34.21% 1.00 0.05
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (25,000-49,99 0.51 0.00% 0.51 0.02
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (25,000-49,99 1.52 25.00% 1.14 0.05
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (25,000-49,99 2.02 0.99% 2.00 0.09
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (25,000-49,99 2.53 20.95% 2.00 0.09
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (50,000-99,99 1.40 28.57% 1.00 0.05
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (50,000-99,99 0.47 0.00% 0.47 0.02
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (50,000-99,99 1.40 25.00% 1.05 0.05
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (50,000-99,99 1.86 25.00% 1.40 0.07
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (50,000-99,99 2.33 14.16% 2.00 0.09
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (100,000 and 1.28 21.88% 1.00 0.05
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (100,000 and 0.43 0.00% 0.43 0.02
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (100,000 and 1.28 21.88% 1.00 0.05
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (100,000 and 1.70 25.00% 1.28 0.06
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (100,000 and 2.13 6.10% 2.00 0.09
Equitrac Office 5 Enterprise -Enhanced functionality (price per user)
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (1,000-4, 15.25 8.20% 14.00 0.66
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (1,000-4, 1.53 25.00% 1.15 0.05
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (1,000-4, 4.58 12.66% 4.00 0.19
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (1,000-4, 6.10 1.64% 6.00 0.28
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (1,000-4, 7.63 8.26% 7.00 0.33
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (5,000-9, 10.15 11.33% 9.00 0.43
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (5,000-9, 1.02 1.96% 1.00 0.05
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (5,000-9, 3.05 1.64% 3.00 0.14
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (5,000-9, 4.06 1.48% 4.00 0.19
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (5,000-9, 5.08 1.57% 5.00 0.24
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (10,000- 8.90 21.35% 7.00 0.33
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (10,000-2 0.89 0.00% 0.89 0.04
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (10,000-2 2.67 25.09% 2.00 0.09
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (10,000-2 3.56 15.73% 3.00 0.14
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (10,000-2 4.45 10.11% 4.00 0.19
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (25,000- 7.60 21.05% 6.00 0.28
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (25,000-4 0.76 0.00% 0.76 0.04
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (25,000-4 2.28 12.28% 2.00 0.09
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (25,000-4 3.04 1.32% 3.00 0.14
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (25,000-4 3.80 21.05% 3.00 0.14
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (50,000- 7.00 14.29% 6.00 0.28
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (50,000-9 0.70 0.00% 0.70 0.03
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (50,000-9 2.10 4.76% 2.00 0.09
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (50,000-9 2.80 25.00% 2.10 0.10
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (50,000-9 3.50 14.29% 3.00 0.14
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (100,000 6.35 21.26% 5.00 0.24
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (100,000 0.64 0.00% 0.64 0.03
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (100,000 1.91 25.00% 1.43 0.07
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (100,000 2.54 21.26% 2.00 0.09
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (100,000 3.18 5.66% 3.00 0.14
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (1,000-4 4.58 34.50% 3.00 0.14
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (1,000-4, 1.53 25.00% 1.15 0.05
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (1,000-4, 4.58 12.66% 4.00 0.19
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (1,000-4, 6.10 1.64% 6.00 0.28
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (1,000-4, 7.63 8.26% 7.00 0.33
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (5,000-9 3.05 34.43% 2.00 0.09
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (5,000-9, 1.02 1.96% 1.00 0.05
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (5,000-9, 3.05 1.64% 3.00 0.14
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (5,000-9, 4.06 1.48% 4.00 0.19
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (5,000-9, 5.08 1.57% 5.00 0.24
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (10,000- 2.67 25.09% 2.00 0.09
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (10,000- 0.89 0.00% 0.89 0.04
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (10,000- 2.67 25.09% 2.00 0.09
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (10,000- 3.56 15.73% 3.00 0.14
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (10,000- 4.45 10.11% 4.00 0.19
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (25,000- 2.28 12.28% 2.00 0.09
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (25,000- 0.76 0.00% 0.76 0.04
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (25,000- 2.28 12.28% 2.00 0.09
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (25,000- 3.04 1.32% 3.00 0.14
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (25,000- 3.80 21.05% 3.00 0.14
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (50,000- 2.10 4.76% 2.00 0.09
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (50,000- 0.70 0.00% 0.70 0.03
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (50,000- 2.10 4.76% 2.00 0.09
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (50,000- 2.80 25.00% 2.10 0.10
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (50,000- 3.50 14.29% 3.00 0.14
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (100,000 1.91 47.64% 1.00 0.05
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (100,000 0.64 0.00% 0.64 0.03
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (100,000 1.91 25.00% 1.43 0.07
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (100,000 2.54 21.26% 2.00 0.09
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (100,000 3.18 5.66% 3.00 0.14
Equitrac Express 5 Enterprise - Core functionality (price per user, minimum 1000 users)
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (1,000-4,999 10.60 5.66% 10.00 0.47
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (1,000-4,999 1.06 5.66% 1.00 0.05
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (1,000-4,999 3.18 5.66% 3.00 0.14
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (1,000-4,999 4.24 5.66% 4.00 0.19
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (1,000-4,999 5.30 5.66% 5.00 0.24
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (5,000-9,999 7.20 16.67% 6.00 0.28
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (5,000-9,999 0.72 0.00% 0.72 0.03
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (5,000-9,999 2.16 7.41% 2.00 0.09
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (5,000-9,999 2.88 25.00% 2.16 0.10
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (5,000-9,999 3.60 16.67% 3.00 0.14
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (10,000-24, 6.35 21.26% 5.00 0.24
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (10,000-24, 0.64 0.00% 0.64 0.03
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (10,000-24, 1.91 25.00% 1.43 0.07
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (10,000-24, 2.54 21.26% 2.00 0.09
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (10,000-24, 3.18 5.66% 3.00 0.14
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (25,000-49, 5.95 32.77% 4.00 0.19
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (25,000-49, 0.60 0.00% 0.60 0.03
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (25,000-49, 1.79 25.00% 1.34 0.06
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (25,000-49, 2.38 15.97% 2.00 0.09
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (25,000-49, 2.98 25.00% 2.24 0.11
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (50,000-99, 5.50 27.27% 4.00 0.19
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (50,000-99, 0.55 0.00% 0.55 0.03
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (50,000-99, 1.65 25.00% 1.24 0.06
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (50,000-99, 2.20 9.09% 2.00 0.09
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (50,000-99, 2.75 25.00% 2.06 0.10
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (100,000 an 5.10 21.57% 4.00 0.19
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (100,000 an 0.51 0.00% 0.51 0.02
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (100,000 an 1.53 25.00% 1.15 0.05
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (100,000 an 2.04 1.96% 2.00 0.09
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (100,000 an 2.55 21.57% 2.00 0.09
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (1,000-4,99 3.18 37.11% 2.00 0.09
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (1,000-4,999 1.06 5.66% 1.00 0.05
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (1,000-4,999 3.18 5.66% 3.00 0.14
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (1,000-4,999 4.24 5.66% 4.00 0.19
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (1,000-4,999 5.30 5.66% 5.00 0.24
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (5,000-9,99 2.16 7.41% 2.00 0.09
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (5,000-9,999 0.72 0.00% 0.72 0.03
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (5,000-9,999 2.16 7.41% 2.00 0.09
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (5,000-9,999 2.88 25.00% 2.16 0.10
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (5,000-9,999 3.60 16.67% 3.00 0.14
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (10,000-24, 1.91 47.64% 1.00 0.05
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (10,000-24, 0.64 0.00% 0.64 0.03
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (10,000-24, 1.91 25.00% 1.43 0.07
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (10,000-24, 2.54 21.26% 2.00 0.09
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (10,000-24, 3.18 5.66% 3.00 0.14
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (25,000-49, 1.79 44.13% 1.00 0.05
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (25,000-49, 0.60 0.00% 0.60 0.03
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (25,000-49, 1.79 25.00% 1.34 0.06
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (25,000-49, 2.38 15.97% 2.00 0.09
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (25,000-49, 2.98 25.00% 2.24 0.11
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (50,000-99, 1.65 39.39% 1.00 0.05
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (50,000-99, 0.55 0.00% 0.55 0.03
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (50,000-99, 1.65 25.00% 1.24 0.06
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (50,000-99, 2.20 9.09% 2.00 0.09
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (50,000-99, 2.75 25.00% 2.06 0.10
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (100,000 an 2.55 21.57% 2.00 0.09
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (100,000 an 1.53 34.64% 1.00 0.05
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (100,000 an 0.51 0.00% 0.51 0.02
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (100,000 an 1.53 25.00% 1.15 0.05
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (100,000 an 2.04 1.96% 2.00 0.09
Equitrac Express 5 Enterprise - Enhanced functionality (price per user, minimum 1000 users)
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (1,000- 17.40 42.53% 10.00 0.47
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (1,000- 1.74 25.00% 1.31 0.06
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (1,000- 5.22 4.21% 5.00 0.24
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (1,000- 6.96 13.79% 6.00 0.28
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (1,000- 8.70 8.05% 8.00 0.38
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (5,000- 11.85 15.61% 10.00 0.47
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (5,000- 1.19 15.97% 1.00 0.05
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (5,000- 3.56 15.73% 3.00 0.14
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (5,000- 4.74 15.61% 4.00 0.19
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (5,000- 5.93 15.68% 5.00 0.24
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (10,00 10.20 11.76% 9.00 0.43
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (10,000 1.02 1.96% 1.00 0.05
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (10,000 3.06 1.96% 3.00 0.14
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (10,000 4.08 1.96% 4.00 0.19
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (10,000 5.10 1.96% 5.00 0.24
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (25,00 8.90 21.35% 7.00 0.33
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (25,000 0.89 0.00% 0.89 0.04
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (25,000 2.67 25.09% 2.00 0.09
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (25,000 3.56 15.73% 3.00 0.14
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (25,000 4.45 10.11% 4.00 0.19
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (50,00 8.05 13.04% 7.00 0.33
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (50,000 0.81 0.00% 0.81 0.04
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (50,000 2.42 17.36% 2.00 0.09
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (50,000 3.22 6.83% 3.00 0.14
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (50,000 4.03 0.74% 4.00 0.19
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (100,0 7.20 16.67% 6.00 0.28
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (100,0 0.72 0.00% 0.72 0.03
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (100,0 2.16 7.41% 2.00 0.09
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (100,0 2.88 25.00% 2.16 0.10
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (100,0 3.60 16.67% 3.00 0.14
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (1,000- 5.22 4.21% 5.00 0.24
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (1,000- 1.74 25.00% 1.31 0.06
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (1,000- 5.22 4.21% 5.00 0.24
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (1,000- 6.96 13.79% 6.00 0.28
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (1,000- 8.70 8.05% 8.00 0.38
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (5,000- 3.56 43.82% 2.00 0.09
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (5,000- 1.19 15.97% 1.00 0.05
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (5,000- 3.56 15.73% 3.00 0.14
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (5,000- 4.74 15.61% 4.00 0.19
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (5,000- 5.93 15.68% 5.00 0.24
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (10,00 3.06 34.64% 2.00 0.09
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (10,000 1.02 1.96% 1.00 0.05
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (10,000 3.06 1.96% 3.00 0.14
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (10,000 4.08 1.96% 4.00 0.19
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (10,000 5.10 1.96% 5.00 0.24
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (25,00 2.67 25.09% 2.00 0.09
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (25,000 0.89 0.00% 0.89 0.04
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (25,000 2.67 25.09% 2.00 0.09
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (25,000 3.56 15.73% 3.00 0.14
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (25,000 4.45 10.11% 4.00 0.19
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (50,00 2.42 17.36% 2.00 0.09
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (50,000 0.81 0.00% 0.81 0.04
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (50,000 2.42 17.36% 2.00 0.09
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (50,000 3.22 6.83% 3.00 0.14
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (50,000 4.03 0.74% 4.00 0.19
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (100,0 2.16 7.41% 2.00 0.09
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (100,0 0.72 0.00% 0.72 0.03
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (100,0 2.16 7.41% 2.00 0.09
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (100,0 2.88 25.00% 2.16 0.10
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (100,0 3.60 16.67% 3.00 0.14
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device 50.00 0.00% 50.00 2.37
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device Loyalty 50.00 0.00% 50.00 2.37
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device Loyalty (10) 430.00 0.00% 430.00 20.35
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device Loyalty (100) 3,390.00 0.00% 3,390.00 160.45
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device (10) 430.00 0.00% 430.00 20.35
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device (100) 3,390.00 0.00% 3,390.00 160.45
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device (500) 15,254.00 0.00% 15,254.00 721.97
EO5/EE5: Capture and Send 48.00 0.00% 48.00 2.27
EO5/EE5: Capture and Send (10) Pack 435.00 0.00% 435.00 20.59
EO5/EE5: Capture and Send (100) Pack 3,950.00 0.00% 3,950.00 186.95
EO5/EE5: Capture and Send (500) Pack 18,000.00 0.00% 18,000.00 851.94
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device - Version Upgrade 3.00 0.00% 3.00 0.14
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device (10) - Version Upgrade 30.00 0.00% 30.00 1.42
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device (100) - Version Upgrade 300.00 0.00% 300.00 14.20
EO5/EE5: Embedded Device (500) - Version Upgrade 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
EO5/EE5: Capture and Send - Version Upgrade 48.00 0.00% 48.00 2.27
EO5/EE5: Capture and Send (10) Pack - Version Upgrad 435.00 0.00% 435.00 20.59
EO5/EE5: Capture and Send (100) Pack - Version Upgra 3,950.00 0.00% 3,950.00 186.95
EO5/EE5: Capture and Send (500) Pack - Version Upgra 18,000.00 0.00% 18,000.00 851.94
Third party USB Card Reader License (1) 5.00 0.00% 5.00 0.24
Third Party USB Card Reader Licenses (10) 50.00 0.00% 50.00 2.37
Third Party USB Card Reader Licenses (100) 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67
Third Party USB Card Reader Licenses (500) 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 118.33
Third party USB Card Reader License (1) - Version Upgr 5.00 0.00% 5.00 0.24
Third Party USB Card Reader Licenses (10) - Version Up 50.00 0.00% 50.00 2.37
Third Party USB Card Reader Licenses (100) - Version 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67
Third Party USB Card Reader Licenses (500) - Version 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 118.33
Equitrac Office 5: Suite 237.00 0.00% 237.00 11.22
Equitrac Office 5: Small Business Edition (SBE) 85.00 0.00% 85.00 4.02
Equitrac Office 5: Suite - Version Upgrade (From EO4) 237.00 0.00% 237.00 11.22
Equitrac Office 5: SBE - Version Upgrade (From EO4) 85.00 0.00% 85.00 4.02
Equitrac Express 5: Suite 279.00 0.00% 279.00 13.21
Equitrac Express 5: Small Campus Edition (SCE) 110.00 0.00% 110.00 5.21
Equitrac Express 5: Suite - Version Upgrade (From EE4) 279.00 0.00% 279.00 13.21
Equitrac Express 5: SCE - Version Upgrade (From EE4) 110.00 0.00% 110.00 5.21
Equitrac Office 5: SMB Base License (incl. 25 users, 1 95.00 0.00% 95.00 4.50
Equitrac Office 5: SMB User License (25) 65.00 0.00% 65.00 3.08
Equitrac Office 5: SMB User License (100) 230.00 0.00% 230.00 10.89
Equitrac Office 5: SMB User License (250) 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67
Equitrac Office 5: SMB Base License (incl. 25 users, 1 95.00 0.00% 95.00 4.50
Equitrac Office 5: SMB User License (25) - Version Upgr 65.00 0.00% 65.00 3.08
Equitrac Office 5: SMB User License (100) - Version Upg 230.00 0.00% 230.00 10.89
Equitrac Office 5: SMB User License (250) - Version Upg 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67
EO5/EE5: Print Server 135.00 0.00% 135.00 6.39
EO5/EE5: Print Server (10) 1,102.00 0.00% 1,102.00 52.16
EO5/EE5: Cluster Enabler 381.00 0.00% 381.00 18.03
EO5/EE5: Print Server - Version Upgrade 135.00 0.00% 135.00 6.39
EO5/EE5: Print Server (10) - Version Upgrade 1,102.00 0.00% 1,102.00 52.16
EO5/EE5: Cluster Enabler - Version Upgrade 381.00 0.00% 381.00 18.03
EO5/EE5: Workstation Client (10) 51.00 0.00% 51.00 2.41
EO5/EE5: Workstation Client (100) 237.00 0.00% 237.00 11.22
EO5/EE5: Workstation Client (1000) 1,017.00 0.00% 1,017.00 48.13
EO5/EE5: Workstation Client (10) - Version Upgrade 51.00 0.00% 51.00 2.41
EO5/EE5: Workstation Client (100) - Version Upgrade 237.00 0.00% 237.00 11.22
EO5/EE5: Workstation Client (1000) - Version Upgrade 1,017.00 0.00% 1,017.00 48.13
EO5/EE5: Release Station 59.00 0.00% 59.00 2.79
EO5/EE5: Release Station (10) 508.00 0.00% 508.00 24.04
EO5/EE5: Release Station - Version Upgrade 59.00 0.00% 59.00 2.79
EO5/EE5: Release Station (10) - Version Upgrade 508.00 0.00% 508.00 24.04
EO5/EE5: Web-based Release 28.00 0.00% 28.00 1.33
EO5/EE5: Web-based Release (10) 223.00 0.00% 223.00 10.55
EO5/EE5: Web-based Release (100) 1,695.00 0.00% 1,695.00 80.22
EO5/EE5: Web-based Release (500) 7,627.00 0.00% 7,627.00 360.99
EO5/EE5: Web-based Release - Version Upgrade 28.00 0.00% 28.00 1.33
EO5/EE5: Web-based Release (10) - Version Upgrade 223.00 0.00% 223.00 10.55
EO5/EE5: Web-based Release (100) - Version Upgrade 1,695.00 0.00% 1,695.00 80.22
EO5/EE5: Web-based Release (500) - Version Upgrade 7,627.00 0.00% 7,627.00 360.99
EO5/EE5: External Data Connector 59.00 0.00% 59.00 2.79
EE5: Campus
EO5/EE5: Card Connector
Embedded Connector - IKON DocSend 424.00 0.00% 424.00 20.07
Part # requires
EO5/EE5: extension
Embedded for power
Connector supply
- EFI -N (North America), -K (UK),
SendMe 110.00
-E (Europe) 0.00% 110.00 5.21
Part # requires extension for power supply -N (North America), -K (UK),
-E (Europe) 0.00% 110.00 5.21
EO5/EE5: External Data Connector - Version Upgrade 59.00 0.00% 59.00 2.79
EE5: Campus
EO5/EE5: Card Connector
Embedded Connector - Version Upgrade - Version Upgrade
- IKON DocSend 424.00 0.00% 424.00 20.07
Part # requires extension for power supply -N (North America),
EO5/EE5: Embedded Connector - EFI SendMe - Version Upgrade -K (UK),
-E (Europe) 0.00% 110.00 5.21
Part # requires extension for power supply -N (North America), -K (UK),
-E (Europe) 0.00% 110.00 5.21
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (1,000-4,999 u 0.93 0.00% 0.93 0.04
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (5,000-9,999 u 0.63 0.00% 0.63 0.03
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (10,000-24,99 0.55 0.00% 0.55 0.03
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (25,000-49,99 0.51 0.00% 0.51 0.02
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (50,000-99,99 0.47 0.00% 0.47 0.02
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (100,000 and 0.43 0.00% 0.43 0.02
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (1,000-4,999 0.93 0.00% 0.93 0.04
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (5,000-9,999 0.63 0.00% 0.63 0.03
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (10,000-24,99 0.55 0.00% 0.55 0.03
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (25,000-49,99 0.51 0.00% 0.51 0.02
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (50,000-99,99 0.47 0.00% 0.47 0.02
Equitrac Office 5: Core Enterprise License (100,000 and 0.43 0.00% 0.43 0.02
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (1,000-4, 1.53 25.00% 1.15 0.05
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (5,000-9, 1.02 1.96% 1.00 0.05
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (10,000- 0.89 0.00% 0.89 0.04
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (25,000- 0.76 0.00% 0.76 0.04
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (50,000- 0.70 0.00% 0.70 0.03
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (100,000 0.64 0.00% 0.64 0.03
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (1,000-4 1.53 25.00% 1.15 0.05
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (5,000-9 1.02 1.96% 1.00 0.05
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (10,000- 0.89 0.00% 0.89 0.04
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (25,000- 0.76 0.00% 0.76 0.04
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (50,000- 0.70 0.00% 0.70 0.03
Equitrac Office 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (100,000 0.64 0.00% 0.64 0.03
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (1,000-4,999 1.06 5.66% 1.00 0.05
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (5,000-9,999 0.72 0.00% 0.72 0.03
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (10,000-24, 0.64 0.00% 0.64 0.03
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (25,000-49, 0.60 0.00% 0.60 0.03
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (50,000-99, 0.55 0.00% 0.55 0.03
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (100,000 an 0.51 0.00% 0.51 0.02
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (1,000-4,99 1.06 5.66% 1.00 0.05
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (5,000-9,99 0.72 0.00% 0.72 0.03
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (10,000-24, 0.64 0.00% 0.64 0.03
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (25,000-49, 0.60 0.00% 0.60 0.03
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (50,000-99, 0.55 0.00% 0.55 0.03
Equitrac Express 5: Core Enterprise License (100,000 an 0.51 0.00% 0.51 0.02
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (1,000- 1.74 25.00% 1.31 0.06
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (5,000- 1.19 15.97% 1.00 0.05
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (10,00 1.02 1.96% 1.00 0.05
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (25,00 0.89 0.00% 0.89 0.04
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (50,00 0.81 0.00% 0.81 0.04
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (100,0 0.72 0.00% 0.72 0.03
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (1,000- 1.74 25.00% 1.31 0.06
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (5,000- 1.19 15.97% 1.00 0.05
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (10,00 1.02 1.96% 1.00 0.05
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (25,00 0.89 0.00% 0.89 0.04
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (50,00 0.81 0.00% 0.81 0.04
Equitrac Express 5: Enhanced Enterprise License (100,0 0.72 0.00% 0.72 0.03
Equitrac Office/Express 5 - PCC USB Card Readers
PCC USB Cd Rdr - Mifare (gen2) - sup 1yr 19.00 0.00% 19.00 0.90
PCC USB Cd Rdr - Mifare (gen2) - sup 3yr 57.00 0.00% 57.00 2.70
PCC USB Cd Rdr - Mifare (gen2) - sup 4yr 76.00 0.00% 76.00 3.60
PCC USB Cd Rdr - Mifare (gen2) - sup 5yr 95.00 0.00% 95.00 4.50
PCC USB Cd Rdr - Mifare (gen2) - sup renew 19.00 0.00% 19.00 0.90
PCC USB Cd Rdr HID/Ind/Hitag (gen 2) sup 1yr 19.00 0.00% 19.00 0.90
PCC USB Cd Rdr HID/Ind/Hitag (gen 2) sup 3yr 57.00 0.00% 57.00 2.70
PCC USB Cd Rdr HID/Ind/Hitag (gen 2) sup 4yr 76.00 0.00% 76.00 3.60
PCC USB Cd Rdr HID/Ind/Hitag (gen 2) sup 5yr 95.00 0.00% 95.00 4.50
PCC USB Cd Rdr HID/Ind/Hitag (gen 2) sup renw 19.00 0.00% 19.00 0.90
PCC USB Cd Rdr - Multi-card - sup 1yr 21.00 0.00% 21.00 0.99
PCC USB Cd Rdr - Multi-card - sup 3yr 63.00 0.00% 63.00 2.98
PCC USB Cd Rdr - Multi-card - sup 4yr 84.00 0.00% 84.00 3.98
PCC USB Cd Rdr - Multi-card - sup 5yr 105.00 0.00% 105.00 4.97
PCC USB Cd Rdr - Multi-card - sup renew 21.00 0.00% 21.00 0.99
Equitrac - ID Controllers
Equitrac ID Controller 1yr sup 31.00 28.69% 22.11 1.05
Equitrac ID Controller 3yr sup 93.00 30.96% 64.21 3.04
Equitrac ID Controller 4yr sup 124.00 31.24% 85.26 4.04
Equitrac ID Controller 5yr sup 155.00 31.41% 106.32 5.03
ShareScan Embedded products with license key per unit
eCopy ShareScan v5 Suite – 1YR M&S 3,354.00 25.00% 2,515.50 119.06
eCopy ShareScan v5 Office – 1YR M&S 1,674.00 25.00% 1,255.50 59.42
eCopy ShareScan v5 Elements –Ricoh – 1YR M&S 575.00 5.57% 543.00 25.70
ShareScan Enterprise 50+ Units
ShareScan v5 Enterprise 50+ Units 1 YR M&S 588.00 31.44% 403.16 19.08
ShareScan v5 Enterprise 50+ 1 YR M&S Renewal 63.00 0.00% 63.00 2.98
ShareScan Embedded products with volume license key - pricing is per unit
eCopy ShareScan v5 Suite - Volume disc 3-9 units - 1Y 2,156.00 10.02% 1,940.00 91.82
eCopy ShareScan v5 Office - Volume disc 3-9 units - 1 1,151.00 9.99% 1,036.00 49.03
ShareScan v5 Elements Vol 3-24 units 1YR M&S 457.00 30.90% 315.79 14.95
eCopy ShareScan v5 Suite - Volume disc 10-49 units - 2,006.00 10.02% 1,805.00 85.43
eCopy ShareScan v5 Office - Volume disc 10-49 units - 1,076.00 10.04% 968.00 45.82
ShareScan v5 Elements Vol 25-49 units 1YR M&S 417.00 31.09% 287.37 13.60
eCopy ShareScan v5 Suite - Volume disc 50+ units - 1Y 1,707.00 10.02% 1,536.00 72.70
eCopy ShareScan v5 Office - Volume disc 50+ units - 1 927.00 10.03% 834.00 39.47
ShareScan v5 Elements Vol 50+ units 1YR M&S 382.00 31.11% 263.16 12.46
ShareScan Loyalty Products - license key per unit
eCopy ShareScan v5 Suite Loyalty – 1YR M&S 659.00 25.00% 494.25 23.39
eCopy ShareScan v5 Office Loyalty – 1YR M&S 479.00 25.00% 359.25 17.00
ShareScan Loyalty Products with volume license key - pricing is per unit
eCopy ShareScan v5 Suite Loyalty – Volume – 1YR M&S 659.00 0.00% 659.00 31.19
eCopy ShareScan v5 Office Loyalty – Volume – 1YR M& 479.00 0.00% 479.00 22.67
eCopy ShareScan v5 Elements Loyalty – 1YR M&S 362.00 0.00% 362.00 17.13
ScanStation products
Generic ScanStation for MFP no software 0.01 0.00% 0.01 -
eCopy ScanStation v5 Suite MFD - 1YR M&S 4,698.00 25.00% 3,523.50 166.77
eCopy ScanStation V5 Suite MFD - 3YR M&S 5,705.00 0.00% 5,705.00 270.02
eCopy ScanStation v5 Suite MFD – 4YR M&S 6,187.00 10.00% 5,568.00 263.53
eCopy ScanStation v5 Suite MFD – 5YR M&S 6,649.00 10.00% 5,984.00 283.22
eCopy ScanStation v5 Suite SCAN - 1YR M&S 4,698.00 10.00% 4,228.00 200.11
eCopy ScanStation v5 Suite SCAN – 3YR M&S 5,705.00 31.57% 3,904.21 184.79
eCopy ScanStation v5 Suite SCAN – 4YR M&S 6,187.00 31.57% 4,233.68 200.38
eCopy ScanStation v5 Suite SCAN – 5YR M&S 6,649.00 31.58% 4,549.47 215.33
Connector Access License Tier A
ECOPY CONNECTOR ACCESS LICENSE TIER A 1 YR 890.00 10.00% 801.00 37.91
eCopy Connector Access License Tier A Volume disc 3- 475.00 9.89% 428.00 20.26
eCopy Connector Access License Tier A Volume disc 10 435.00 9.89% 392.00 18.55
eCopy Connector Access License Tier A Volume disc 50 395.00 9.87% 356.00 16.85
eCopy Connector Access License Tier A 1YR M&S Rene 95.00 0.00% 95.00 4.50
Connector Access License Tier B
ECOPY CONNECTOR ACCESS LICENSE TIER B 1 YR 1,063.00 0.00% 1,063.00 50.31
eCopy Connector Access License Tier B Volume disc 3- 684.00 9.94% 616.00 29.16
eCopy Connector Access License Tier B Volume disc 10 636.00 10.06% 572.00 27.07
eCopy Connector Access License Tier B Volume disc 50 474.00 9.92% 427.00 20.21
eCopy Connector Access License Tier B 1YR M&S Rene 114.00 0.00% 114.00 5.40
M&S Renewal
eCopy ShareScanv5 Elements, 1 year M&S Renewal 62.00 25.00% 46.50 2.20
eCopy ShareScanv5 Office, 1 year M&S Renewal 179.00 16.20% 150.00 7.10
eCopy ShareScanv5 Suite, 1 year M&S Renewal 359.00 25.00% 269.25 12.74
Discretionary M&S
eCopy ShareScan v5 Elements Discretionary M&S 1 day 0.17 0.00% 0.17 0.01
eCopy ShareScan v5 Office Discretionary M&S 1 day 0.49 0.00% 0.49 0.02
eCopy ShareScan v5 Suite Discretionary M&S 1 day 0.98 0.00% 0.98 0.05
eCopy PDF Pro Office Software
eCopy PDF Pro Office - Single Licenses 1Yr 197.00 30.54% 136.84 6.48
eCopy PDF Pro Office Volume Licensing
eCopy PDF Pro Office  - Vol Pricing (Commercial) 5 - 39 seats 1YR142.00 10.00% 127.80 6.05
eCopy PDF Pro Office  - Vol Pricing (Commercial) 40 -199 seats 1YR
132.00 10.00% 118.80 5.62
eCopy PDF Pro Office  - Vol Pricing (Commercial) 200 - 399 seats 1YR
125.00 10.00% 112.50 5.32
eCopy PDF Pro Office  - Vol Pricing (Commercial) 400 - 999 seats 1YR
107.00 10.00% 96.30 4.56
eCopy PDF Pro Office  - Vol Pricing (Commercial) 1000 - 10000 seats
1YR 10.00% 81.00 3.83
Ecopy PDF Pro Office Add on Volume Licensing
PDF Pro Volume 5 - 39 seats -Add on Seat 120.00 31.58% 82.11 3.89
PDF Pro Volume 40 -199 seats -Add on Seat 112.00 31.39% 76.84 3.64
PDF Pro Volume 200 - 399 Add on Seat 106.00 31.48% 72.63 3.44
PDF Pro Volume 400 - 999 seats -Add on Seat 91.00 30.60% 63.16 2.99
PDF Pro Volume 1000 - 10000 seats-Add on Seat 76.00 30.75% 52.63 2.49
M&S Renewals for eCopy PDF Pro Office
PDF Pro Office - 1 license - 1 Yr Add-on M&S 30.00 29.82% 21.05 1.00
PDF Pro Office - 5 pack - 1 Yr Add-on M&S 150.00 20.00% 120.00 5.68
PDF Pro Office - 10 pack - 1 Yr Add-on M&S 300.00 20.00% 240.00 11.36
PDF Pro Office - 20 pack - 1 Yr Add-on M&S 599.00 19.87% 480.00 22.72
PDF Pro Vol 5 - 39 seats - 1YR Add-on M&S 22.00 28.23% 15.79 0.75
PDF Pro Vol 40 -199 seats - 1YR Add-on M&S 20.00 31.58% 13.68 0.65
PDF Pro Vol 200 - 399 seats - 1YR Add-on M&S 19.00 27.98% 13.68 0.65
PDF Pro Vol 400 - 999 seats - 1YR Add-on M&S 16.00 27.63% 11.58 0.55
PDF Pro Vol 1000-10000 seats -1YR Add-on M&S 14.00 24.81% 10.53 0.50
PDF Pro Vol 2000 to 3999 seats 1 YR M&S Renew 10.42 29.29% 7.37 0.35
Email and Folder Watching Service
Email & Folder Watching Service –w/1 YR M&S 1,063.00 0.00% 1,063.00 50.31
Email & Folder Watching Service M&S Renewal 114.00 0.00% 114.00 5.40
Nuance Professional Services and Training (Requires an SOW with Nuance prior to ordering)
PS Installation 4 hours (remote or onsite) 800.00 0.00% 800.00 35.06
Nuance ScanStation Spare Parts
ScanStand (Gen II) - no keyboard or touch panel 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67
Elo 1515L touch display Spare Part US 386.00 0.00% 386.00 18.27
HP PC 6305 Win 7 CTO5 US - Spare part 590.00 0.00% 590.00 27.92
Nuance OMO Network Printer Pack License - 100 Pack ( 32,346.00 24.80% 24,322.99 1,151.21
eCopy v6
NUANCE ECOPY V6 ENTERPRISE 50+ UNITS(PER UN 525.00 12.63% 458.70 21.71
NUANCE ECOPY V6 ENTERPRISE 50+ UNITS M&S(PE 63.00 0.00% 63.00 2.98
NUANCE ECOPY V6 ENTERPRISE 50+ LOYALTY INC1 363.00 12.26% 318.48 15.07
NUANCE ECOPY V6 ENTERPRISE 50+ LOYALTY INC3 489.00 12.42% 428.26 20.27
NUANCE ECOPY V6 ENTERPRISE 50+ LOYALTY INC4 552.00 12.57% 482.61 22.84
NUANCE ECOPY V6 ENTERPRISE 50+ LOYALTY INC5 615.00 12.69% 536.96 25.41
NUANCE ECOPY V6 SUITE INC0YR 2,995.00 12.61% 2,617.39 123.88
NUANCE ECOPY V6 SUITE M&S INC1YR 359.00 13.00% 312.33 14.78
NUANCE ECOPY V6 SUITE LOYALTY INC1YR 659.00 12.42% 577.17 27.32
NUANCE ECOPY V6 SUITE LOYALTY INC3YR 1,377.00 12.62% 1,203.26 56.95
NUANCE ECOPY V6 SUITE LOYALTY INC4YR 1,736.00 12.59% 1,517.39 71.82
NUANCE ECOPY V6 SUITE LOYALTY INC5YR 2,095.00 12.63% 1,830.43 86.63
NUANCE ECOPY V6 SUITE VOL DISC 3-24 UNITS INC 1,797.00 12.60% 1,570.65 74.34
NUANCE ECOPY V6 SUITE VOL DISC 25-49 UNITS IN 1,647.00 12.62% 1,439.13 68.11
NUANCE ECOPY V6 SUITE M&S INC1YR 359.00 13.00% 312.33 14.78
NUANCE ECOPY V6 SUITE LOYALTY VOL INC1YR 659.00 12.42% 577.17 27.32
NUANCE ECOPY V6 SUITE LOYALTY VOL INC3YR 1,377.00 12.62% 1,203.26 56.95
NUANCE ECOPY V6 SUITE LOYALTY VOL INC4YR 1,736.00 12.59% 1,517.39 71.82
NUANCE ECOPY V6 SUITE LOYALTY VOL INC5YR 2,095.00 12.63% 1,830.43 86.63
NUANCE ECOPY V6 OFFICE INC0YR 1,495.00 12.61% 1,306.52 61.84
NUANCE ECOPY V6 OFFICE M&S INC1YR 179.00 13.00% 155.73 7.37
NUANCE ECOPY V6 OFFICE LOYALTY INC1YR 479.00 12.41% 419.57 19.86
NUANCE ECOPY V6 OFFICE LOYALTY INC3YR 837.00 12.60% 731.52 34.62
NUANCE ECOPY V6 OFFICE LOYALTY INC4YR 1,016.00 12.59% 888.04 42.03
NUANCE ECOPY V6 OFFICE LOYALTY INC5YR 1,195.00 12.59% 1,044.57 49.44
NUANCE ECOPY V6 OFFICE VOL DISC 3-24 UNITS IN 972.00 12.55% 850.00 40.23
NUANCE ECOPY V6 OFFICE VOL DISC 25-49 UNITS I 897.00 12.51% 784.78 37.14
NUANCE ECOPY V6 OFFICE M&S INC1YR 179.00 13.00% 155.73 7.37
NUANCE ECOPY V6 OFFICE LOYALTY VOL INC1YR 479.00 12.41% 419.57 19.86
NUANCE ECOPY V6 OFFICE LOYALTY VOL INC3YR 837.00 12.60% 731.52 34.62
NUANCE ECOPY V6 OFFICE LOYALTY VOL INC4YR 1,016.00 12.59% 888.04 42.03
NUANCE ECOPY V6 OFFICE LOYALTY VOL INC5YR 1,195.00 12.59% 1,044.57 49.44
NUANCE ECOPY V6 ELEMENTS INC0YR 513.00 12.49% 448.91 21.25
NUANCE ECOPY V6 ELEMENTS M&S INC1YR 62.00 13.00% 53.94 2.55
NUANCE ECOPY V6 ELEMENTS LOYALTY INC1YR 362.00 12.32% 317.39 15.02
NUANCE ECOPY V6 ELEMENTS LOYALTY INC3YR 486.00 12.55% 425.00 20.12
NUANCE ECOPY V6 ELEMENTS LOYALTY INC4YR 548.00 12.53% 479.35 22.69
NUANCE ECOPY V6 ELEMENTS LOYALTY INC5YR 610.00 12.69% 532.61 25.21
NUANCE ECOPY V6 ELEMENTS VOL DISC 3-24 UNITS 395.00 12.49% 345.65 16.36
NUANCE ECOPY V6 ELEMENTS VOL DISC 25-49 UNIT 355.00 12.43% 310.87 14.71
NUANCE ECOPY V6 ELEMENTS M&S INC1YR 62.00 13.00% 53.94 2.55
NUANCE ECOPY V6 ELEMENTS LOYALTY VOL INC1Y 362.00 12.32% 317.39 15.02
NUANCE ECOPY V6 ELEMENTS LOYALTY VOL INC3Y 486.00 12.55% 425.00 20.12
NUANCE ECOPY V6 ELEMENTS LOYALTY VOL INC4Y 548.00 12.53% 479.35 22.69
NUANCE ECOPY V6 ELEMENTS LOYALTY VOL INC5Y 610.00 12.69% 532.61 25.21
NUANCE ECOPY SCANSTATION V6 SUITE MFD INC0 4,195.00 12.60% 3,666.30 173.53
NUANCE ECOPY V6 EMAIL & FOLDER WATCHING SER 949.00 12.49% 830.43 39.30
NUANCE ECOPY V6 EMAIL & FOLDER WATCHING SER 114.00 13.00% 99.18 4.69
12.62% 16,165.22 765.10
NUANCE ECOPY V6 EMAIL & FOLDER WATCHING SER 2,220.00 13.00% 1,931.40 91.41
NUANCE ECOPY V6 BUSINESS CONNECT SUITE(20-1 48.00 11.68% 42.39 2.01
NUANCE ECOPY V6 BUSINESS CONNECT SUITE(20-1 9.60 13.00% 8.35 0.40
NUANCE ECOPY V6 BUSINESS CONNECT SUITE(200- 43.00 13.00% 37.41 1.77
NUANCE ECOPY V6 BUSINESS CONNECT SUITE(200- 8.60 13.00% 7.48 0.35
NUANCE ECOPY V6 BUSINESS CONNECT SUITE(500- 40.00 13.04% 34.78 1.65
NUANCE ECOPY V6 BUSINESS CONNECT SUITE(500- 8.00 13.00% 6.96 0.33
NUANCE ECOPY V6 BUSINESS CONNECT SUITE(1000 36.00 12.44% 31.52 1.49
NUANCE ECOPY V6 BUSINESS CONNECT SUITE(1000 7.20 13.00% 6.26 0.30
NUANCE ECOPY V6 BUSINESS CONNECT SUITE(2000 32.00 11.68% 28.26 1.34
NUANCE ECOPY V6 BUSINESS CONNECT SUITE(2000 6.40 13.00% 5.57 0.26
NUANCE ECOPY V6 BUSINESS CONNECT SUITE(1000 29.00 10.04% 26.09 1.23
NUANCE ECOPY V6 BUSINESS CONNECT SUITE(1000 5.80 13.00% 5.05 0.24
NUANCE ECOPY V6 BUSINESS CONNECT OFFICE(20- 30.00 13.04% 26.09 1.23
NUANCE ECOPY V6 BUSINESS CONNECT OFFICE(200 27.00 11.43% 23.91 1.13
NUANCE ECOPY V6 BUSINESS CONNECT OFFICE(500 25.00 13.04% 21.74 1.03
NUANCE ECOPY V6 BUSINESS CONNECT OFFICE(100 23.00 13.04% 20.00 0.95
NUANCE ECOPY V6 BUSINESS CONNECT OFFICE(200 20.00 13.04% 17.39 0.82
NUANCE ECOPY V6 BUSINESS CONNECT OFFICE(100 18.00 13.00% 15.66 0.74
eCopy Sscan Suite Discretionary M&S 1 Day 0.98 13.00% 0.85 0.04
NUANCE ECOPY V6 PS UNIT-ONE HOUR 300.00 13.00% 261.00 12.35
NUANCE ECOPY V6 PREMIER RATE (AFTER HOURS 600.00 13.00% 522.00 24.71
NUANCE ECOPY V6 SERVICES-TRAVEL 1.50 13.00% 1.31 0.06
NUANCE ECOPY V6 BASIC (8 HOURS) 2,400.00 13.00% 2,088.00 98.83
NUANCE ECOPY V6 STANDARD (16 HOURS) 4,800.00 13.00% 4,176.00 197.65
NUANCE ECOPY V6 ADVANCED (24 HOURS) 7,200.00 13.00% 6,264.00 296.48
NUANCE ECOPY V6 SCANSTATION SUITE MFD INC0 4,195.00 13.00% 3,649.65 159.93
NUANCE ECOPY V6 SCANSTATION SUITE SCAN INC 4,195.00 13.00% 3,649.65 159.93
NUANCE ECOPY V6 PC-LESS SCANSTATION V6 SUIT 3,795.00 13.00% 3,301.65 144.68
NUANCE ECOPY V6 PC-LESS SCANSTATION V6 OFFI 2,995.00 13.00% 2,605.65 114.18
PlanetPress Capture - GoFormz Enterprise Plugin License 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
OL Care - Mandatory at POP - PlanetPress Capture - GoF 850.00 10.00% 765.00 36.21
OL Care - Renewal - PlanetPress Capture - GoFormz Ente 850.00 10.00% 765.00 36.21
OL Care - Re-entry - PlanetPress Capture - GoFormz Ente 1,750.00 10.00% 1,575.00 74.54
GOFormz Enterprise Hosted Annual Subscription (Per Tab 420.00 10.00% 378.00 17.89
GoFormz Enterprise Hosted Annual Subscription (per tab 336.00 10.00% 302.40 14.31
GoFormz Enterprise Hosted Annual Subscription (per tab 264.00 10.00% 237.60 11.25
GoFormz Enterprise Hosted Annual Subscription (per tab 216.00 10.00% 194.40 9.20
PlanetPress Watch - 1 3,850.00 18.18% 3,150.00 149.09
PlanetPress Watch - 2+ 2,890.00 18.24% 2,363.00 111.84
PlanetPress Office - 1 8,250.00 18.18% 6,750.00 319.48
PlanetPress Office - 2+ 6,190.00 18.21% 5,063.00 239.63
PlanetPress Production - 1 13,750.00 18.18% 11,250.00 532.46
PlanetPress Production - 2+ 10,315.00 18.20% 8,438.00 399.37
PlanetPress Imaging - 1 4,000.00 10.00% 3,600.00 170.39
PlanetPress Imaging - 2+ 3,300.00 18.18% 2,700.00 127.79
Upgrade from PlanetPress Watch to PlanetPress Office - 5,720.00 18.18% 4,680.00 221.50
Upgrade from PlanetPress Watch to PlanetPress Office - 4,290.00 18.18% 3,510.00 166.13
Upgrade from PlanetPress Watch to PlanetPress Producti 12,870.00 18.18% 10,530.00 498.38
Upgrade from PlanetPress Watch to PlanetPress Producti 9,655.00 18.20% 7,898.00 373.81
Upgrade from PlanetPress Office to PlanetPress Producti 7,150.00 18.18% 5,850.00 276.88
Upgrade from PlanetPress Office to PlanetPress Producti 5,365.00 18.21% 4,388.00 207.68
PlanetPress Suite 7 Software Media 50.00 10.00% 45.00 2.13
C Level Care PlanetPress Watch - 1 770.00 22.73% 595.00 28.16
C Level Care PlanetPress Watch - 2+ 578.00 22.66% 447.00 21.16
C Level Care PlanetPress Office - 1 1,650.00 22.73% 1,275.00 60.35
C Level Care PlanetPress Office - 2+ 1,238.00 22.70% 957.00 45.29
C Level Care PlanetPress Production - 1 2,125.00 0.00% 2,125.00 100.58
C Level Care PlanetPress Production - 2+ 1,593.75 0.05% 1,593.00 75.40
C Level Care PlanetPress Imaging - 1 880.00 22.73% 680.00 32.18
C Level Care PlanetPress Imaging - 2+ 660.00 22.73% 510.00 24.14
C Level Care Upgrade from PlanetPress Watch to PlanetP 1,144.00 22.73% 884.00 41.84
C Level Care Upgrade from PlanetPress Watch to PlanetP 858.00 22.73% 663.00 31.38
C Level Care Upgrade from PlanetPress Watch to PlanetP 2,574.00 22.73% 1,989.00 94.14
C Level Care Upgrade from PlanetPress Watch to PlanetP 1,931.00 22.73% 1,492.00 70.62
C Level Care Upgrade from PlanetPress Office to PlanetP 1,430.00 22.73% 1,105.00 52.30
C Level Care Upgrade from PlanetPress Office to PlanetP 1,073.00 22.74% 829.00 39.24
B Level Care PlanetPress Watch - 1 654.50 9.09% 595.00 28.16
B Level Care PlanetPress Watch - 2+ 491.30 9.02% 447.00 21.16
B Level Care PlanetPress Office - 1 1,402.50 9.09% 1,275.00 60.35
B Level Care PlanetPress Office - 2+ 1,052.30 9.06% 957.00 45.29
B Level Care PlanetPress Production - 1 2,337.50 9.09% 2,125.00 100.58
B Level Care PlanetPress Production - 2+ 1,753.55 9.10% 1,594.00 75.44
B Level Care PlanetPress Imaging - 1 748.00 9.09% 680.00 32.18
B Level Care PlanetPress Imaging - 2+ 561.00 9.09% 510.00 24.14
A Level Care PlanetPress Watch - 1 1,540.00 20.45% 1,225.00 57.98
A Level Care PlanetPress Watch - 2+ 1,156.00 20.50% 919.00 43.50
A Level Care PlanetPress Office - 1 3,300.00 20.45% 2,625.00 124.24
A Level Care PlanetPress Office - 2+ 2,476.00 20.48% 1,969.00 93.19
A Level Care PlanetPress Production - 1 5,500.00 20.45% 4,375.00 207.07
A Level Care PlanetPress Production - 2+ 4,126.00 20.46% 3,282.00 155.34
A Level Care PlanetPress Imaging - 1 1,760.00 20.45% 1,400.00 66.26
A Level Care PlanetPress Imaging - 2+ 1,320.00 20.45% 1,050.00 49.70
PlanetPress Printer License
PlanetPress Printer License Category I - 1 to 50 ppm - 1 1,695.00 18.23% 1,386.00 65.60
PlanetPress Printer License Category I - 1 to 50 ppm - 2- 1,018.00 18.17% 833.00 39.43
PlanetPress Printer License Category I - 1 to 50 ppm - 6- 715.00 18.18% 585.00 27.69
PlanetPress Printer License Category I - 1 to 50 ppm - 11 550.00 18.18% 450.00 21.30
PlanetPress Printer License Category II - 51 to 69 ppm - 3,810.00 18.14% 3,119.00 147.62
PlanetPress Printer License Category II - 51 to 69 ppm - 2,660.00 18.12% 2,178.00 103.08
PlanetPress Printer License Category II - 51 to 69 ppm - 2,120.00 18.25% 1,733.00 82.02
PlanetPress Printer License Category III - 70 to 105 ppm 5,140.00 18.13% 4,208.00 199.16
PlanetPress Printer License Category III - 70 to 105 ppm 4,125.00 18.18% 3,375.00 159.74
PlanetPress Printer License Category III - 70 to 105 ppm 3,300.00 18.18% 2,700.00 127.79
PlanetPress Printer License Category IV - 106 to 179 ppm 8,170.00 18.20% 6,683.00 316.31
PlanetPress Printer License Category IV - 106 to 179 ppm 6,545.00 18.18% 5,355.00 253.45
PlanetPress Printer License Category V - 180 + ppm - 1 16,500.00 18.18% 13,500.00 638.96
PlanetPress Printer License Category V - 180 + ppm - 2+ 13,200.00 18.18% 10,800.00 511.16
C Level Care PlanetPress Printer License Category I - 1 339.00 22.71% 262.00 12.40
C Level Care PlanetPress Printer License Category I - 1 203.60 22.40% 158.00 7.48
C Level Care PlanetPress Printer License Category I - 1 143.00 22.38% 111.00 5.25
C Level Care PlanetPress Printer License Category I - 1 110.00 22.73% 85.00 4.02
C Level Care PlanetPress Printer License Category II - 51 762.00 22.57% 590.00 27.92
C Level Care PlanetPress Printer License Category II - 51 532.00 22.56% 412.00 19.50
C Level Care PlanetPress Printer License Category II - 5 424.00 22.64% 328.00 15.52
C Level Care PlanetPress Printer License Category III - 7 1,028.00 22.67% 795.00 37.63
C Level Care PlanetPress Printer License Category III - 7 825.00 22.67% 638.00 30.20
C Level Care PlanetPress Printer License Category III - 660.00 22.73% 510.00 24.14
C Level Care PlanetPress Printer License Category IV - 1 1,634.00 22.71% 1,263.00 59.78
C Level Care PlanetPress Printer License Category IV - 1,309.00 22.69% 1,012.00 47.90
C Level Care PlanetPress Printer License Category V - 1 2,640.00 22.73% 2,040.00 96.55
B Level Care PlanetPress Printer License Category I - 1 t 288.15 9.08% 262.00 12.40
B Level Care PlanetPress Printer License Category I - 1 t 452.20 25.00% 339.15 16.05
B Level Care PlanetPress Printer License Category II - 51 647.70 8.91% 590.00 27.92
B Level Care PlanetPress Printer License Category III - 7 873.80 9.02% 795.00 37.63
B Level Care PlanetPress Printer License Category IV - 1,112.65 9.05% 1,012.00 47.90
A Level Care PlanetPress Printer License Category I - 1 t 678.00 20.50% 539.00 25.51
A Level Care PlanetPress Printer License Category I - 1 t 407.20 20.43% 324.00 15.33
A Level Care PlanetPress Printer License Category I - 1 286.00 20.28% 228.00 10.79
A Level Care PlanetPress Printer License Category I - 1 220.00 20.45% 175.00 8.28
A Level Care PlanetPress Printer License Category II - 51 1,524.00 20.41% 1,213.00 57.41
A Level Care PlanetPress Printer License Category II - 51 1,064.00 20.39% 847.00 40.09
A Level Care PlanetPress Printer License Category III - 7 2,056.00 20.38% 1,637.00 77.48
A Level Care PlanetPress Printer License Category III - 7 1,650.00 20.42% 1,313.00 62.14
A Level Care PlanetPress Printer License Category IV - 1 3,268.00 20.47% 2,599.00 123.01
A Level Care PlanetPress Printer License Category IV - 2,618.00 20.44% 2,083.00 98.59
Document Design (2 days) - English 1,750.00 0.00% 1,750.00 82.83
Document Flow (2 days) - English 1,750.00 0.00% 1,750.00 82.83
Solution Development (4 days) - English 2,750.00 0.00% 2,750.00 130.16
Custom Training (per day) - English 1,450.00 0.00% 1,450.00 68.63
PlanetPress Talk (per day) - English 1,250.00 0.00% 1,250.00 59.16
Document Design (2 days) - English 4,000.00 0.00% 4,000.00 189.32
Document Flow (2 days) - English 4,000.00 0.00% 4,000.00 189.32
Solution Development (4 days) - English 8,000.00 0.00% 8,000.00 378.64
Custom Training onsite (per day) - English 2,200.00 0.00% 2,200.00 104.13
PlanetPress Talk (per day) - English 2,000.00 0.00% 2,000.00 94.66
Professional Services
Professional Services - on-site per day 2,000.00 10.00% 1,800.00 85.19
Professional Services - at OL (Hourly) 250.00 10.00% 225.00 10.65
PrintShop Mail Suite
PrintShop Mail Starter - 100,000 Records (Includes Dongl 1,100.00 0.00% 1,100.00 52.06
PrintShop Mail Production - Unlimited Printing (Including 6,000.00 0.00% 6,000.00 283.98
PrintShop Mail Web (includes Production) 8,795.00 18.18% 7,196.00 340.59
From PrintShop Mail 100 to PrintShop Mail Production 4,945.00 18.18% 4,046.00 191.50
From PrintShop Mail 100 to PrintShop Mail Web 8,245.00 18.18% 6,746.00 319.29
From PrintShop Mail Production to PrintShop Mail Web 4,815.00 18.21% 3,938.00 186.39
B2C and Payment Module Upgrade 875.00 18.17% 716.00 33.89
Additional 350,000 records 2,750.00 18.18% 2,250.00 106.49
Re-entry - PrintShop Mail 100 (100,000 records of output) 398.00 12.31% 349.00 16.52
Re-entry - PrintShop Mail Production (unlimited output) 2,198.00 20.43% 1,749.00 82.78
Re-entry - PrintShop Mail Web (includes Production) 3,518.00 0.00% 3,518.00 166.51
Renewal - PrintShop Mail 100 (100,000 records of output) 169.15 0.09% 169.00 8.00
Renewal - PrintShop Mail Production (unlimited output) 934.15 9.01% 850.00 40.23
Renewal - PrintShop Mail Web (includes Production) 1,495.15 9.04% 1,360.00 64.37
Mandatory at POP - PrintShop Mail 100 (100,000 records 199.00 14.57% 170.00 8.05
Mandatory at POP - PrintShop Mail Production (unlimited 1,099.00 22.66% 850.00 40.23
Mandatory at POP - PrintShop Mail Web (includes Produc 1,759.00 22.68% 1,360.00 64.37
Mandatory at POP - From PrintShop Mail 100 to PrintSho 989.00 22.65% 765.00 36.21
Mandatory at POP - From PrintShop Mail 100 to PrintSh 1,649.00 22.68% 1,275.00 60.35
Mandatory at POP - From PrintShop Mail Production to P 963.00 22.74% 744.00 35.21
PlanetPress Capture
PlanetPress Capture - Pen License (Qty 1-25) 469.00 10.02% 422.00 19.97
OL Care - Mandatory at POP - PlanetPress Capture - Pen 93.80 14.71% 80.00 3.79
OL Care - Renewal - PlanetPress Capture - Pen License 79.73 0.92% 79.00 3.74
OL Care - Renewal - PlanetPress Capture - Pen License 74.63 0.84% 74.00 3.50
OL Care - Renewal - PlanetPress Capture - Pen License 67.83 1.22% 67.00 3.17
Anoto DP-201 Digital Pen #710104/152371 249.00 0.00% 249.00 11.79
On-Site service -per/hr - 4 hr min 250.00 13.68% 215.79 10.21
Anoto DP-201 Digital Pen 249.00 4.82% 237.00 11.22
2 Yr Ext Warranty for Anoto Pen 75.00 12.98% 65.26 3.09
Anoto Spare Cap (Set of 10) 155.00 0.00% 155.00 7.34
Anoto Mobile Cradle (Set of 10) 155.00 0.00% 155.00 7.34
Ink Refill 0.8mm Black, 150 total 120.00 5.00% 114.00 5.40
Ink Refill 0.8mm Blue, 150 total 120.00 5.00% 114.00 5.40
Objectif Lune Backup Licenses
Ol Pp Watch V7 Dr/Dev 962.50 24.65% 725.29 34.33
Ol Care At Pop Pp Watch Dr/Dev 192.50 24.17% 145.98 6.91
Ol Care Renewal Pp Watch Dr/Dev 192.50 24.17% 145.98 6.91
Ol Care Reentry Pp Watch Dr/Dev 385.00 24.47% 290.80 13.76
Ol Pp Watch V7 Dr/Dev 2 Or + Lic 722.50 24.59% 544.83 25.79
Ol Care At Pop Pp Watch Dr/Dev 2 Or + Lic 144.50 23.64% 110.34 5.22
Ol Care Renewal Pp Watch Dr/Dev 2 Or + Lic 144.50 23.64% 110.34 5.22
Ol Care Reentry Pp Watch Dr/Dev 2 Or + Lic 289.00 24.43% 218.39 10.34
Ol Pp Office V7 Dr/Dev 2,062.50 24.60% 1,555.17 73.61
Ol Care At Pop Pp Office Dr/Dev 412.50 24.49% 311.49 14.74
Ol Care Renewal Pp Office Dr/Dev 412.50 24.49% 311.49 14.74
Ol Care Reentry Pp Office Dr/Dev 825.00 24.49% 622.99 29.49
Ol Pp Office V7 Dr/Dev 2 Or + Lic 1,547.50 24.61% 1,166.67 55.22
Ol Care At Pop Pp Office Dr/Dev 2 Or + Lic 309.50 24.24% 234.48 11.10
Ol Care Renewal Pp Office Dr/Dev 2 Or + Lic 309.50 24.24% 234.48 11.10
Ol Care Reentry Pp Office Dr/Dev 2 Or + Lic 619.00 24.42% 467.82 22.14
Ol Pp Production V7 Dr/Dev 3,437.50 24.60% 2,591.95 122.68
Ol Care At Pop Pp Production Dr/Dev 687.50 24.60% 518.39 24.54
Ol Care Renewal Pp Production Dr/Dev 687.50 24.60% 518.39 24.54
Ol Care Reentry Pp Production Dr/Dev 1,375.00 24.60% 1,036.78 49.07
Ol Pp Production V7 Dr/Dev 2 Or + Lic 2,578.75 24.58% 1,944.83 92.05
Ol Care At Pop Pp Production Dr/Dev 2 Or + Lic 515.75 24.67% 388.51 18.39
Ol Care Renewal Pp Production Dr/Dev 2 Or + Lic 515.75 24.67% 388.51 18.39
Ol Care Reentry Pp Production Dr/Dev 2 Or + Lic 1,031.50 24.56% 778.16 36.83
Ol Pp Imaging V7 Dr/Dev 1,100.00 24.56% 829.89 39.28
Ol Care At Pop Pp Imaging Dr/Dev 220.00 24.24% 166.67 7.89
Ol Care Renewal Pp Imaging Dr/Dev 220.00 24.24% 166.67 7.89
Ol Care Reentry Pp Imaging Dr/Dev 440.00 24.50% 332.18 15.72
Ol Pp Imaging V7 Dr/Dev 2 Or + Lic 825.00 24.49% 622.99 29.49
Ol Care At Pop Pp Imaging Dr/Dev 2 Or + Lic 165.00 24.07% 125.29 5.93
Ol Care Renewal Pp Imaging Dr/Dev 2 Or + Lic 165.00 24.07% 125.29 5.93
Ol Care Reentry Pp Imaging Dr/Dev 2 Or + Lic 330.00 24.42% 249.43 11.81
AccuRoute Server Software for 4 CPU Systems 12,500.00 10.00% 11,250.00 532.46
AccuRoute Server Software for 8 CPU Systems 25,000.00 10.00% 22,500.00 1,064.93
AccuRoute DataCenter Server Software 50,000.00 10.00% 45,000.00 2,129.85
AccuRoute Small Office Server 7,500.00 10.00% 6,750.00 319.48
AccuRoute LegalDA Software - 200 Users 10,000.00 10.00% 9,000.00 425.97
AccuRoute 4 Core Server Failover Software 10,000.00 10.00% 9,000.00 425.97
AccuRoute 8 Core Server Failover Software 20,000.00 10.00% 18,000.00 851.94
AccuRoute DataCenter Server Failover Software 50,000.00 10.00% 45,000.00 2,129.85
AccuRoute Test Server 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
AccuRoute Fax-Based Server 6,000.00 10.00% 5,400.00 255.58
Upgrade from AccuRoute Small Office to AccuRoute Bas 10,000.00 10.00% 9,000.00 425.97
Upgrade to AccuRoute from Genifax 7,500.00 10.00% 6,750.00 319.48
Upgrade from 4 Core CPU AccuRoute License to AccuRo 15,000.00 10.00% 13,500.00 638.96
Upgrade from 4 Core CPU AccuRoute Failover License to 15,000.00 10.00% 13,500.00 638.96
AccuRoute Fax Server Failover Software 6,000.00 5.00% 5,700.00 269.78
AccuRoute - Single User 75.00 9.33% 68.00 3.22
AccuRoute Legal Option Pack for Autonomy iManage 35.00 8.57% 32.00 1.51
AccuRoute Legal Option Pack for Opentext eDocs DM5 35.00 8.57% 32.00 1.51
Core Ricoh JAVA Embedded Device License 1,500.00 10.00% 1,350.00 63.90
Embedded Cost Recovery Device License 300.00 10.00% 270.00 12.78
Object Archive Multi-Volume System 25,000.00 10.00% 22,500.00 1,064.93
ObjectArchive Single Volume System 15,000.00 10.00% 13,500.00 638.96
Cost Recovery 3,000.00 10.00% 2,700.00 127.79
Cost Recovery - Additional 1,000.00 10.00% 900.00 42.60
Fax Ports 800.00 10.00% 720.00 34.08
Fax Center 3,000.00 10.00% 2,700.00 127.79
Fax Center - Additional Station 1,000.00 10.00% 900.00 42.60
Server to Server Routing 1,500.00 10.00% 1,350.00 63.90
Com Api 1,500.00 10.00% 1,350.00 63.90
Additional Compose Component 7,500.00 10.00% 6,750.00 319.48
AccuRoute Barcode Extractor 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
Elite Integration Kit 7,500.00 10.00% 6,750.00 319.48
Aderant Integration Kit 7,500.00 10.00% 6,750.00 319.48
Microsoft Exchange Connector 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
SMTP Connector 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
Telco Connector 1,500.00 10.00% 1,350.00 63.90
Database Connector 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
Printer Connector 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
Filescan Connector 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
T.37 Fax Connector 7,500.00 10.00% 6,750.00 319.48
DMS Connector - Tier 1 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
DMS Connector - Tier 2 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
DMS Connector - Tier 3 7,500.00 10.00% 6,750.00 319.48
DMS Connector - Tier 4 15,000.00 10.00% 13,500.00 638.96
XML Input Connector for AccuRoute 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
XML Store Connector 15,000.00 10.00% 13,500.00 638.96
SAP Connector 10,000.00 10.00% 9,000.00 425.97
AccuRoute Connector for CT Summation 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
AccuRoute Connector for Dataflight SW Concordance 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
AccuRoute Connector for Ringtail Software 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
HL7 Connector 15,000.00 10.00% 13,500.00 638.96
NetDocuments Connector 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
AccuRoute Extensions for ProLaw - per seat 35.00 8.57% 32.00 1.51
Conversion Tool for Legacy Documents in DMS 12,000.00 10.00% 10,800.00 511.16
Image-In Queue Additional Users 1,000.00 10.00% 900.00 42.60
Image-In Acquisition Tool 1,500.00 10.00% 1,350.00 63.90
Image-In Direct Capture (ID-CAPTURE) 45,000.00 10.00% 40,500.00 1,916.87
Image-In Direct Capture (ID-CAPTURE) Client License 1,000.00 10.00% 900.00 42.60
ADT e-Forms 30,000.00 10.00% 27,000.00 1,277.91
e-Forms Station 14,000.00 10.00% 12,600.00 596.36
e-Forms Station Admin 7,500.00 10.00% 6,750.00 319.48
Omtool Enterprise Support 25,000.00 5.00% 23,750.00 1,124.09
AccuRoute without Faxing Installation 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
Installation of AccuRoute with Failover 4,500.00 0.00% 4,500.00 212.99
AccuRoute Remote Installation (no Teleco) 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
Remote Installation Services 2,000.00 0.00% 2,000.00 94.66
AccuRoute with Faxing Installation 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 236.65
AccuRoute ISDN/PRI Installation 7,000.00 0.00% 7,000.00 331.31
Onsite AccuRoute Training 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 236.65
Onsite AccuRoute Training for 1 Day 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
Additional Day of Training 2,000.00 0.00% 2,000.00 94.66
2 Port Analog Loop Start Fax Board, uPCI 799.00 5.01% 759.00 35.92
1 Channel Loop Start/1 Channel DID; PCIe half size card 2,475.00 5.01% 2,351.00 111.27
2 Channel DID; PCIe half size card 2,475.00 5.01% 2,351.00 111.27
2 Channel Loop Start/2 Channel DID; PCIe half size card 4,020.00 5.00% 3,819.00 180.75
4 Channel DID; PCI Express half size card 4,020.00 5.00% 3,819.00 180.75
4 Channel Digital, PCIe 4,995.00 5.01% 4,745.00 224.58
8 Channel Digital, PCIe 7,495.00 5.00% 7,120.00 336.99
16 Channel Digital, PCIe 12,290.00 5.00% 11,676.00 552.63
24 Channel Digital, PCIe 17,490.00 5.00% 16,616.00 786.44
SR-140 2 Channel Host-based fax license 1,099.00 0.00% 1,099.00 52.02
SR-140 4 Channel Host-based fax license 2,197.00 0.00% 2,197.00 103.98
SR-140 8 Channel Host-based fax license 4,395.00 0.00% 4,395.00 208.02
SR-140 12 Channel Host-based fax license 6,592.00 0.00% 6,592.00 312.00
SR-140 24 Channel Host-based fax license 13,184.00 5.00% 12,525.00 592.81
SR-140 30 Channel Host-based fax license 16,480.00 5.00% 15,656.00 741.00
SR-140 48 Channel Host-based fax license 26,368.00 5.00% 25,050.00 1,185.62
SR-140 60 Channel Host-based fax license 32,960.00 5.00% 31,312.00 1,482.00
Freight Charges 35.00 0.00% 35.00 1.66
1 Year Express Exchange for TR1034+P4-4L 494.00 0.00% 494.00 23.38
1 Year Express Exchange for TR1034+P8-8L 929.00 0.00% 929.00 43.97
1 Year Express Exchange for TR1034+P4H-T1-1N 749.00 0.00% 749.00 35.45
1 Year Express Exchange for TR1034+P8H-T1-1N 1,124.00 0.00% 1,124.00 53.20
1 Year Express Exchange for TR1034+P16H-T1-1N 1,844.00 0.00% 1,844.00 87.28
1 Year Express Exchange for TR1034+P24H-T1-1N 2,624.00 0.00% 2,624.00 124.19
1 Year Express Exchange for H-M-TR1034-P4H-E1 749.00 0.00% 749.00 35.45
1 Year Express Exchange for H-M-TR1034-P8H-E1-1N 1,124.00 0.00% 1,124.00 53.20
1 Year Express Exchange for H-M-TR1034-P10H-E1-1N 1,388.00 0.00% 1,388.00 65.69
1 Year Express Exchange for H-M-TR1034-P16H-E1-1N 1,844.00 0.00% 1,844.00 87.28
1 Year Express Exchange for H-M-TR1034-P20H-E1-1N 2,288.00 0.00% 2,288.00 108.29
1 Year Express Exchange for H-M-TR1034-P30H-E1-1N 3,299.00 0.00% 3,299.00 156.14
1 Year Express Exchange for TR1034+P2-1B 299.00 0.00% 299.00 14.15
1 Year Express Exchange for TR1034+P4-2B 494.00 0.00% 494.00 23.38
1 Year Expresss Exchange for H-M-TR1034-P30H-E1-1N 3,299.00 0.00% 3,299.00 156.14
1 Year Express Exchange for TR1034+uP4D 603.00 0.00% 603.00 28.54
Scan and Capture
Omtool AccuRoute Core Capture Foundation 4,000.00 12.61% 3,495.40 165.44
Omtool AccuRoute Failover Server 2,500.00 12.60% 2,185.06 103.42
Omtool AccuRoute FAX Foundation 2,500.00 12.60% 2,185.06 103.42
Omtool AccuRoute Mobile Application Server Extension 2,000.00 12.64% 1,747.13 82.69
Omtool AccuRoute MAINSTREET Kit (For Legal) 7,500.00 12.63% 6,552.87 310.15
Omtool AccuRoute 4.0 Upgrade License - #DIV/0! - -
Omtool Upgrade to AccuRoute from AccuRoute Fax 2,500.00 12.60% 2,185.06 103.42
Omtool AccuRoute Compose Thread 2,500.00 12.60% 2,185.06 103.42
Omtool AccuRoute Data Extractor 2,500.00 12.60% 2,185.06 103.42
Omtool AccuRoute DMS Connector 2,500.00 12.60% 2,185.06 103.42
Omtool AccuRoute Database Connector 2,500.00 12.60% 2,185.06 103.42
Omtool AccuRoute Universal Output Connector 2,500.00 12.60% 2,185.06 103.42
AccuRoute Universal Input Connector 2,500.00 12.60% 2,185.06 103.42
Omtool AccuRoute Server to Server Routing 1,500.00 12.64% 1,310.34 62.02
Omtool AccuRoute Embedded Device Licenses for 1-9 de 750.00 12.64% 655.17 31.01
Omtool AccuRoute Embedded Device Licenses for 10-99 700.00 12.48% 612.64 29.00
Omtool AccuRoute Embedded Device Licenses for 100-4 600.00 12.64% 524.14 24.81
Omtool AccuRoute Embedded Device Licenses for 500-9 500.00 12.64% 436.78 20.67
Omtool AccuRoute Embedded Device Licenses for 1000+ 400.00 12.36% 350.57 16.59
Omtool AccuRoute Fax-Only Embedded Device License 100.00 12.64% 87.36 4.13
Omtool AccuRoute Desktop Client Access License 75.00 12.64% 65.52 3.10
Omtool AccuRoute Mobile Client Pack - 10 Users 350.00 12.32% 306.90 14.53
Omtool AccuRoute Cost Recovery Client 2,500.00 12.60% 2,185.06 103.42
AccuRoute Client Option Pack 35.00 11.33% 31.03 1.47
Omtool AccuRoute Telco Software Ports 800.00 12.64% 698.85 33.08
Omtool AccuRoute Telco Connector 2,500.00 12.60% 2,185.06 103.42
Omtool AccuRoute T.37 Fax Connector 2,500.00 12.60% 2,185.06 103.42
Omtool AccuRoute FaxCenter Base Client License 3,000.00 12.61% 2,621.84 124.09
Omtool AccuRoute FaxCenter Additional Client License 1,000.00 12.64% 873.56 41.35
Omtool AccuRoute Image-In Connect Per Screen Intercon 1,500.00 12.64% 1,310.34 62.02
Omtool AccuRoute Image-In Connect User Access Licen 35.00 11.33% 31.03 1.47
Omtool AccuRoute Image-In Queue User Access License 1,000.00 12.64% 873.56 41.35
Omtool AccuRoute Image-In Queue User Access License 500.00 12.64% 436.78 20.67
Omtool AccuRoute Image-In Queue User Access License 250.00 12.64% 218.39 10.34
Omtool AccuRoute DMS Conversion Tool 5,000.00 12.62% 4,368.97 206.78
Omtool AccuRoute Core Capture Foundation - TEST Ser 4,000.00 12.61% 3,495.40 165.44
Omtool AccuRoute Implementation Services 1,110.00 19.75% 890.80 42.16
Omtool HealthCheck Services 2,960.00 0.00% 2,960.00 140.10
Omtool ScanFacts™ MFP Embedded Device License 200.00 12.07% 175.86 8.32
Omtool SR140 Channel Host-based fax software with 2 Sc 1,499.00 0.00% 1,499.00 70.95
Omtool SR140 Channel Host-based fax software with 24S 2,997.00 0.00% 2,997.00 141.85
Omtool SR140 Channel Host-based fax software with 8 Sc 5,995.00 0.00% 5,995.00 283.74
Omtool SR140 Channel Host-based fax software with 12 S 8,992.00 0.00% 8,992.00 425.59
Omtool SR140 Channel Host-based fax software with 24 S 17,984.00 0.00% 17,984.00 851.18
Server to Server Routing Connector LIC 1,500.00 10.00% 1,350.00 63.90
DKTP CLNT ACC LIC BASED ON VOL 100-499 200.00 10.00% 180.00 8.52
DKTP CLNT ACC LIC BASED ON VOL 500-999 150.00 10.00% 135.00 6.39
Workflow Extension License 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
Ar Fax Service Provider 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
Custom Api Component License 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
HP LanFax Connector 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
30 CHAN PCIE BOARD - FRACT T1 OR E1 23,090.00 0.00% 23,090.00 1,011.80
1 CHAN LOOP START/1 CHANNEL DID PCIE 2,599.00 0.00% 2,599.00 113.89
Projectmgnt Billed At An Hourly Rate 250.00 0.00% 250.00 10.96
CONSULTING SERVICES IN-HOUSE 250.00 0.00% 250.00 11.83
Consulting Services On-Site 250.00 0.00% 250.00 11.83
2 Day Install For Ar Customers With Fax 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 219.10
Per Day Price For All Omtool Products 2,000.00 0.00% 2,000.00 87.64
OMTOOL NETDOCUMENTS PER USER BASELINE PA 3,000.00 12.54% 2,623.91 124.19
ONYX THRIVE 862 8,995.00 19.21% 7,266.67 343.93
ONYX THRIVE 642 6,995.00 19.20% 5,651.72 267.50
ONYX THRIVE 421 4,995.00 19.21% 4,035.63 191.01
ONYX THRIVE 211 3,295.00 19.21% 2,662.07 126.00
ONYX THRIVE STATION ADD ON 1 RIP 1 GRAND PRI 2,495.00 19.19% 2,016.09 95.42
ONYX ADOBE PDF PRINT ENGINE W/ ADOBE NORMA 995.00 19.14% 804.60 38.08
ONYX ADD INSTANCE OF IMAGE/JOB EDITOR 995.00 19.14% 804.60 38.08
ONYX ADD INSTANCE OF LAYOUT TOOL 1,295.00 19.14% 1,047.13 49.56
ONYX ADD PROFILE GENERATION CAPABILITY 1,995.00 19.22% 1,611.49 76.27
ONYX ADD FLATBED CUTTING OPTION 995.00 19.14% 804.60 38.08
ONYX TEXTILE ADD ON MODULKE FOR THRIVE PROD 1,595.00 19.22% 1,288.51 60.98
ONYX STEP AND REPEAT TEXTILE FEATURE 595.00 19.06% 481.61 22.79
ONYX COLORWAYS TEXTILE FEATURE 595.00 19.06% 481.61 22.79
ONYX HOT BACKUP OPTION 595.00 19.06% 481.61 22.79
ONYX POSTERSHOP CURRENT CONVERSION TO THR 6,995.00 19.20% 5,651.72 267.50
ONYX POSTERSHOP PREVIOUS CONVERSION TO TH 7,795.00 19.21% 6,297.70 298.07
ONYX POSTERSHOP LEGACY CONVERSION TO THRI 7,795.00 19.21% 6,297.70 298.07
ONYX POSTERSHOP CURRENT CONVERSION TO THR 5,195.00 17.94% 4,263.22 201.78
ONYX POSTERSHOP PREVIOUS CONVERSION TO TH 5,795.00 19.19% 4,682.76 221.63
ONYX POSTERSHOP LEGACY CONVERSION TO THRI 5,795.00 19.19% 4,682.76 221.63
ONYX POSTERSHOP CURRENT CONVERSION TO THR 3,395.00 19.22% 2,742.53 129.80
ONYX POSTERSHOP PREVIOUS CONVERSION TO TH 3,795.00 19.19% 3,066.67 145.15
ONYX POSTERSHOP LEGACY CONVERSION TO THRI 3,795.00 19.19% 3,066.67 145.15
ONYX THRIVE ADVANTAGE SUPPORT CURRENT 1-3 895.00 0.00% 895.00 42.36
ONYX THRIVE ADV AND PHONE SUPPORT CURRENT 1,195.00 0.00% 1,195.00 56.56
ONYX THRIVE ADVANTAGE SUPPORT CURRENT 4-5 1,095.00 0.00% 1,095.00 51.83
ONYX THRIVE ADV AND PHONE SUPPORT CURRENT 1,395.00 0.00% 1,395.00 66.03
ONYX THRIVE ADVANTAGE SUPPORT CURRENT 6 P 1,295.00 0.00% 1,295.00 61.29
ONYX THRIVE ADV AND PHONE SUPPORT CURRENT 1,595.00 0.00% 1,595.00 75.49
ONYX THRIVE ADVANTAGE SUPPORT PREVIOUS 1-3 1,195.00 0.00% 1,195.00 56.56
ONYX THRIVE ADV AND PHONE SUPPORT PREVIOUS 1,495.00 0.00% 1,495.00 70.76
ONYX THRIVE ADVANTAGE SUPPORT PREVIOUS 4-5 1,395.00 0.00% 1,395.00 66.03
ONYX THRIVE ADV AND PHONE SUPPORT PREVIOUS 1,695.00 0.00% 1,695.00 80.22
ONYX THRIVE ADVANTAGE SUPPORT PREVIOUS 6 P 1,595.00 0.00% 1,595.00 75.49
ONYX THRIVE ADV AND PHONE SUPPORT PREVIOUS 1,895.00 0.00% 1,895.00 89.69
ONYX THRIVE ADVANTAGE SUPPORT LEGACY 1-3 P 2,095.00 0.00% 2,095.00 99.16
ONYX THRIVE ADV AND PHONE SUPPORT LEGACY 1- 2,395.00 0.00% 2,395.00 113.36
ONYX THRIVE ADVANTAGE SUPPORTLEGACY 4-5 PR 2,295.00 0.00% 2,295.00 108.62
ONYX THRIVE ADV AND PHONE SUPPORT LEGACY 4 2,595.00 0.00% 2,595.00 122.82
ONYX THRIVE ADVANTAGE SUPPORT LEGACY 6 PRI 2,495.00 0.00% 2,495.00 118.09
ONYX THRIVE ADV AND PHONE SUPPORT LEGACY 6 2,795.00 0.00% 2,795.00 132.29
ONYX THRIVE ADVANTAGE SUPPORT CURRENT 1-3 2,295.00 0.00% 2,295.00 108.62
ONYX THRIVE ADV AND PHONE SUPPORT CURRENT 3,095.00 0.00% 3,095.00 146.49
ONYX THRIVE ADVANTAGE SUPPORT CURRENT 4-5 2,795.00 0.00% 2,795.00 132.29
ONYX THRIVE ADV AND PHONE SUPPORT CURRENT 3,595.00 0.00% 3,595.00 170.15
ONYX THRIVE ADVANTAGE SUPPORT CURRENT 6 P 3,295.00 0.00% 3,295.00 155.95
ONYX THRIVE ADV AND PHONE SUPPORT CURRENT 4,095.00 0.00% 4,095.00 193.82
ONYX THRIVE ADVANTAGE SUPPORT PREVIOUS 1-3 2,595.00 0.00% 2,595.00 122.82
ONYX THRIVE ADV AND PHONE SUPPORT PREVIOUS 3,295.00 0.00% 3,295.00 155.95
ONYX THRIVE ADVANTAGE SUPPORT PREVIOUS 4-5 3,095.00 0.00% 3,095.00 146.49
ONYX THRIVE ADV AND PHONE SUPPORT PREVIOUS 3,795.00 0.00% 3,795.00 179.62
ONYX THRIVE ADVANTAGE SUPPORT PREVIOUS 6 P 3,595.00 0.00% 3,595.00 170.15
ONYX THRIVE ADV AND PHONE SUPPORT PREVIOUS 4,295.00 0.00% 4,295.00 203.28
ONYX THRIVE ADVANTAGE SUPPORT LEGACY 1-3 P 3,295.00 0.00% 3,295.00 155.95
ONYX THRIVE ADV AND PHONE SUPPORT LEGACY 1- 4,095.00 0.00% 4,095.00 193.82
ONYX THRIVE ADVANTAGE SUPPORTLEGACY 4-5 PR 3,795.00 0.00% 3,795.00 179.62
ONYX THRIVE ADV AND PHONE SUPPORT LEGACY 4 4,595.00 0.00% 4,595.00 217.48
ONYX THRIVE ADVANTAGE SUPPORT LEGACY 6 PRI 4,295.00 0.00% 4,295.00 203.28
ONYX THRIVE ADV AND PHONE SUPPORT LEGACY 6 5,095.00 0.00% 5,095.00 241.15
ONYX THRIVE ADVANTAGE SUPPORT CURRENT 1-3 3,795.00 0.00% 3,795.00 179.62
ONYX THRIVE ADV AND PHONE SUPPORT CURRENT 5,095.00 0.00% 5,095.00 241.15
ONYX THRIVE ADVANTAGE SUPPORT CURRENT 4-5 4,695.00 0.00% 4,695.00 222.21
ONYX THRIVE ADV AND PHONE SUPPORT CURRENT 5,895.00 0.00% 5,895.00 279.01
ONYX THRIVE ADVANTAGE SUPPORT CURRENT 6 P 5,495.00 0.00% 5,495.00 260.08
ONYX THRIVE ADV AND PHONE SUPPORT CURRENT 6,795.00 0.00% 6,795.00 321.61
ONYX THRIVE ADVANTAGE SUPPORT PREVIOUS 1-3 4,095.00 0.00% 4,095.00 193.82
ONYX THRIVE ADV AND PHONE SUPPORT PREVIOUS 5,295.00 0.00% 5,295.00 250.61
ONYX THRIVE ADVANTAGE SUPPORT PREVIOUS 4-5 4,895.00 0.00% 4,895.00 231.68
ONYX THRIVE ADV AND PHONE SUPPORT PREVIOUS 6,195.00 0.00% 6,195.00 293.21
ONYX THRIVE ADVANTAGE SUPPORT PREVIOUS 6 P 5,695.00 0.00% 5,695.00 269.54
ONYX THRIVE ADV AND PHONE SUPPORT PREVIOUS 7,095.00 0.00% 7,095.00 335.81
ONYX THRIVE ADVANTAGE SUPPORT LEGACY 1-3 P 4,795.00 0.00% 4,795.00 226.95
ONYX THRIVE ADV AND PHONE SUPPORT LEGACY 1- 6,095.00 0.00% 6,095.00 288.48
ONYX THRIVE ADVANTAGE SUPPORTLEGACY 4-5 PR 5,695.00 0.00% 5,695.00 269.54
ONYX THRIVE ADV AND PHONE SUPPORT LEGACY 4 6,995.00 0.00% 6,995.00 331.07
ONYX THRIVE ADVANTAGE SUPPORT LEGACY 6 PRI 6,495.00 0.00% 6,495.00 307.41
ONYX THRIVE ADV AND PHONE SUPPORT LEGACY 6 7,795.00 0.00% 7,795.00 368.94
ONYX THRIVE STOCK PACKAGE 115.00 0.00% 115.00 5.44
ONYX THRIVE STOCK SOFTWARE SET 45.00 0.00% 45.00 2.13
ONYX 2 DAY ADV ON SITE TRAINING INC TRAVEL 4,500.00 0.00% 4,500.00 212.99
ONYX 1 DAY ADV ON SITE ADD ON 1,400.00 0.00% 1,400.00 66.26
ONYX AUTOMATION WITH QUICK SETS 2.0 WEB BAS 50.00 0.00% 50.00 2.37
ONYX ADD ON FOR PRINTERS OVER SIX 1 YEAR 125.00 0.00% 125.00 5.92
ONYX ADD ON FOR PRINTERS OVER SIX 3 YEAR 300.00 0.00% 300.00 14.20
ONYX ADD ON FOR PRINTERS OVER SIX 5 YEAR 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67
1 to 1 Create
Ricoh 1 to1 Create Basic 12 month subscription ( Introduc 3,800.00 22.26% 2,954.02 139.81
Ricoh 1 to1 Create Basic 24 month subscription ( Introduc 7,600.00 22.26% 5,908.05 279.63
RightFax - Servers
RightFax 10.5 Business Server 1,995.00 28.72% 1,422.00 67.30
RightFax 10.5 Enterprise Server 5,295.00 0.00% 5,295.00 250.61
RightFax 10.5 Enterprise Integration Server 19,995.00 10.00% 17,996.00 851.75
RightFax 10 Enterprise Suite - Redundant 4,748.00 10.00% 4,273.00 202.24
RightFax 10/10.5 Branch Office Server - 2 Additional Cha 2,295.00 9.98% 2,066.00 97.78
RightFax Branch Office Server - PDF Module 1,295.00 9.96% 1,166.00 55.19
OpenText RightFax Server PDF & Searchable PDF Redu 1,248.00 24.66% 940.23 44.50
RightFax Additional Document Delivery Channel - FoIP E 1,445.00 9.97% 1,301.00 61.58
FoIP Enable an Existing RightFax Document Delivery Ch 550.00 10.00% 495.00 23.43
Additional Document Delivery Channel - Redundant 447.50 9.94% 403.00 19.07
RightFax Additional Document Delivery Channel - FoIP 542.25 0.00% 542.25 25.66
RightFax FileNet Connector 8,995.00 9.99% 8,096.00 383.18
RightFax 9.4 Connector 2.0 for SharePoint Server 2007 1,895.00 9.97% 1,706.00 80.74
RightFax Searchable PDF Module 600.00 10.00% 540.00 25.56
RightFax SecureDocs Module 1,895.00 9.97% 1,706.00 80.74
RightFax Connector for Lotus Notes 1,895.00 9.97% 1,706.00 80.74
RightFax Connector for Microsoft Exchange 1,895.00 9.97% 1,706.00 80.74
RightFax PDF Module 1,895.00 9.97% 1,706.00 80.74
RightFax Integration Module 9,495.00 9.99% 8,546.00 404.48
RightFax Connector for SAP 8,495.00 9.99% 7,646.00 361.89
RightFax Business Integration Module 2,995.00 9.98% 2,696.00 127.60
RightFax Shared Services Module 1,895.00 9.97% 1,706.00 80.74
RightFax XML Generator Module 1,895.00 9.97% 1,706.00 80.74
RightFax PDF Module and Searchable PDF Module 2,495.00 9.98% 2,246.00 106.30
RightFax FileNet Connector - Redundant 4,498.00 10.00% 4,048.00 191.59
RightFax Connector 2.0 for SharePoint Server 2007 - Re 948.00 10.02% 853.00 40.37
RightFax SecureDocs Module - Redundant 711.00 0.00% 711.00 33.65
RightFax Connector for Lotus Notes - Redundant 947.50 9.97% 853.00 40.37
RightFax Connector for Microsoft Exchange - Redundant 947.50 9.97% 853.00 40.37
RightFax PDF Module - Redundant 947.50 9.97% 853.00 40.37
RightFax Integration Module - Redundant 4,747.50 9.99% 4,273.00 202.24
RightFax Connector for SAP - Redundant 4,247.50 9.99% 3,823.00 180.94
RightFax Business Integration Module - Redundant 1,497.50 9.98% 1,348.00 63.80
RightFax Shared Services Module - Redundant 948.00 10.02% 853.00 40.37
RightFax XML Generator - Redundant 948.00 10.02% 853.00 40.37
RightFax PDF Module and Searchable PDF Module - Re 936.00 0.00% 936.00 44.30
MFP Modules
RightFax Connector 3.0 for Hewlett Packard MFP - 1-9 D 395.00 9.87% 356.00 16.85
RightFax Connector 3.0 for Hewlett Packard MFP - 10-49 295.00 9.83% 266.00 12.59
RightFax Connector 3.0 for Hewlett Packard MFP - 50-49 125.00 9.60% 113.00 5.35
RightFax Connector 3.0 for Hewlett Packard MFP - 500-5 75.00 9.33% 68.00 3.22
RightFax Connector 3.0 for Xerox MFP - 1-9 Devices 395.00 9.87% 356.00 16.85
RightFax Connector 3.0 for Xerox MFP - 10-49 Devices 295.00 9.83% 266.00 12.59
RightFax Connector 3.0 for Xerox MFP - 50-499 Devices 125.00 9.60% 113.00 5.35
RightFax Connector 3.0 for Xerox MFP - 500-5,000 Devic 75.00 9.33% 68.00 3.22
RightFax Connector 3.0 for Konica Minolta MFP - 1-9 Dev 395.00 9.87% 356.00 16.85
RightFax Connector 3.0 for Konica Minolta MFP - 10-49 295.00 9.83% 266.00 12.59
RightFax Connector 3.0 for Konica Minolta MFP - 50-499 125.00 9.60% 113.00 5.35
RightFax Connector 3.0 for Konica Minolta MFP - 500-5, 75.00 9.33% 68.00 3.22
RightFax XML Connector for MFPs, 1-9 MFPs 395.00 9.87% 356.00 16.85
RightFax XML Connector for MFPs, 10-49 MFPs 295.00 9.83% 266.00 12.59
RightFax XML Connector for MFPs, 50-499 MFPs 125.00 9.60% 113.00 5.35
RightFax XML Connector for MFPs, 500+ MFPs 75.00 9.33% 68.00 3.22
RightFax Connector 3.0 for Ricoh ESA MFP - 1-9 Device 395.00 9.87% 356.00 16.85
RightFax Connector 3.0 for Ricoh ESA MFP - 10-49 Devi 295.00 9.83% 266.00 12.59
RightFax Connector 3.0 for Ricoh ESA MFP - 50-499 Dev 125.00 9.60% 113.00 5.35
RightFax Connector 3.0 for Ricoh ESA MFP - 500-5,000 75.00 9.33% 68.00 3.22
RightFax Connector 3.0 for Xerox EIP - 1-9 Devices 395.00 9.87% 356.00 16.85
RightFax Connector 3.0 for Xerox EIP - 10-49 Devices 295.00 9.83% 266.00 12.59
RightFax Connector 3.0 for Xerox EIP - 50-499 Devices 125.00 9.60% 113.00 5.35
RightFax Connector 3.0 for Xerox EIP - 500-5,000 Device 75.00 9.33% 68.00 3.22
RightFax SMTP Connector for MFPs, 10-49 MFPs 295.00 9.83% 266.00 12.59
RightFax SMTP Connector for MFPs, 1-9 MFPs 395.00 9.87% 356.00 16.85
RightFax SMTP Connector for MFPs, 500+ MFPs 75.00 9.33% 68.00 3.22
RightFax SMTP Connector for MFPs, 50-499 MFPs 125.00 9.60% 113.00 5.35
Fax Archiving Bundles
OpenText Fax Archiving Bundle - Basic 2,000.00 10.00% 1,800.00 85.19
OpenText Fax Archiving Bundle - Advanced 14,500.00 10.00% 13,050.00 617.66
OpenText Fax Archiving Bundle - Professional - Redunda 4,500.00 0.00% 4,500.00 212.99
OpenText Fax Archiving Bundle - Advanced - Redundant 7,250.00 10.00% 6,525.00 308.83
OpenText Fax Archiving Bundle - Basic - Redundant 1,000.00 10.00% 900.00 42.60
RightFax Archiving Connector - Redundant/Test 995.00 9.95% 896.00 42.41
RightFax Business Server to RightFax Enterprise Server 3,495.00 9.99% 3,146.00 148.90
RightFax Business Server to RightFax Enterprise Suite 7,495.00 9.99% 6,746.00 319.29
RightFax Business Server to RightFax Enterprise Integrat 17,495.00 10.00% 15,746.00 745.26
RightFax Enterprise Server to RightFax Enterprise Suite 4,995.00 9.99% 4,496.00 212.80
RightFax Enterprise Server to RightFax Enterprise Integra 14,995.00 10.00% 13,496.00 638.77
RightFax Enterprise Suite to RightFax Enterprise Integrat 11,995.00 10.00% 10,796.00 510.97
RightFax Business Server to RightFax Enterprise Server 1,748.00 10.01% 1,573.00 74.45
RightFax Business Server to RightFax Enterprise Suite - 3,748.00 10.01% 3,373.00 159.64
RightFax Enterprise Server to RightFax Enterprise Suite 2,498.00 10.01% 2,248.00 106.40
RightFax Enterprise Server to RightFax Enterprise Integr 7,498.00 10.00% 6,748.00 319.38
RightFax Enterprise Suite to RightFax Enterprise Integra 5,998.00 10.00% 5,398.00 255.49
OpenText Fax Appliances
Fax Appliance, Analog Edition A102 (2 Line) 2,995.00 9.98% 2,696.00 127.60
Fax Appliance, Analog Edition A104 (4 Line) 3,995.00 9.99% 3,596.00 170.20
Fax Gateways
Fax Gateway 2100, Modular Fax Gateway, 1 T1/E1/J1 SI 575.00 0.00% 575.00 27.21
Fax Gateway 2100, Modular Fax Gateway, 2 T1/E1/J1 SI 788.00 0.00% 788.00 37.30
Fax Gateway 304, Analog Fax Gateway, 4 FXO SIP/T.38 94.90 9.38% 86.00 4.07
Fax Gateway 304, Analog Fax Gateway, 4 FXO SIP/T.38 - 754.00 9.95% 679.00 32.14
Fax Gateway 308, Analog Fax Gateway, 8 FXO SIP/T.38 131.25 0.19% 131.00 6.20
Fax Boards
TR1034 4-Channel to 8-Channel License Key (T1) Upgra 4,495.00 9.99% 4,046.00 191.50
TR1034 8-Channel to 16-Channel License Key (T1) Upgr 6,995.00 9.99% 6,296.00 297.99
TR1034 8-Channel to 24-Channel License Key (T1) Upgr 11,795.00 10.00% 10,616.00 502.46
TR1034 16-Channel to 24-Channel License Key (T1) Upg 6,995.00 9.99% 6,296.00 297.99
TR1034 4-Channel to 8-Channel License Key (T1) 4,495.00 9.99% 4,046.00 191.50
TR1034 4-Channel to 16-Channel License Key (T1) 9,995.00 9.99% 8,996.00 425.78
TR1034 4-Channel to 24-Channel License Key (T1) 14,750.00 10.00% 13,275.00 628.31
TR1034 8-Channel to 16-Channel License Key (T1) 6,995.00 9.99% 6,296.00 297.99
TR1034 8-Channel to 24-Channel License Key (T1) 11,795.00 10.00% 10,616.00 502.46
TR1034 16-Channel to 24-Channel License Key (T1) 6,995.00 9.99% 6,296.00 297.99
RightFax 16.2
OpenText RightFax Analytics INC0YR 8,495.00 12.52% 7,431.52 351.73
OpenText RightFax Analytics Redundant INC0YR 4,247.00 12.52% 3,715.22 175.84
OpenText RightFax Analytics Additional Shared Service - #DIV/0! - -
OpenText RightFax Analytics Demo INC0YR - #DIV/0! - -
OpenText RightFax Analytics EvaluationINC0YR - #DIV/0! - -
OpenText RightFax Image High Availability INC0YR 9,495.00 12.52% 8,306.52 393.15
OpenText RightFax Image High Availability Redundant 4,747.50 12.52% 4,153.26 196.57
OpenText RightFax Image High Availability Additional S - #DIV/0! - -
OpenText RightFax Image High Availability Demo INC0Y - #DIV/0! - -
OpenText RightFax Image High Availability Evaluation - #DIV/0! - -
OpenText RightFax Remote DocTransport Server INC0Y 9,780.00 12.52% 8,555.43 404.93
OpenText RightFax Remote DocTransport Server Refurb 1,467.00 12.50% 1,283.70 60.76
OpenText RightFax Remote DocTransport Server Advan 1,467.00 13.01% 1,276.09 60.40
OpenText RightFax Developer Edition INC0YR 495.00 12.60% 432.61 20.48
OpenText RightFax Developer Edition Swap INC0YR - #DIV/0! - -
OpenText RightFax Partner Edition INC0YR 449.00 12.37% 393.48 18.62
OpenText RightFax Partner Edition Swap INC0YR - #DIV/0! - -
OpenText RightFax Tech Support Edition INC0YR - #DIV/0! - -
OpenText RightFax Branch Office Edition INC0YR 3,595.00 12.53% 3,144.57 148.83
OpenText RightFax Branch Office Edition Swap INC0YR - #DIV/0! - -
OpenText RightFax Branch Office Edition Redundant IN 648.00 12.44% 567.39 26.85
OpenText RightFax Branch Office Edition Redundant S - #DIV/0! - -
OpenText RightFax Branch Office Edition with Mail Gat 4,395.00 12.52% 3,844.57 181.96
OpenText RightFax Branch Office Edition with Mail Ga - #DIV/0! - -
OpenText RightFax Branch Office Edition with Mail Ga 2,198.00 12.47% 1,923.91 91.06
OpenText RightFax Branch Office Edition with Mail Ga - #DIV/0! - -
OpenText RightFax Business Edition INC0YR 1,995.00 12.50% 1,745.65 82.62
OpenText RightFax Business Edition Swap INC0YR - #DIV/0! - -
OpenText RightFax Business Edition Redundant INC0YR 997.50 12.50% 872.83 41.31
OpenText RightFax Business Edition Redundant Swap - #DIV/0! - -
OpenText RightFax Enterprise Edition INC0YR 5,295.00 12.51% 4,632.61 219.26
OpenText RightFax Enterprise Edition Swap INC0YR - #DIV/0! - -
OpenText RightFax Enterprise Edition Redundant INC0Y 2,467.50 12.51% 2,158.70 102.17
OpenText RightFax Enterprise Edition Redundant Swap - #DIV/0! - -
OpenText RightFax Enterprise Edition Evaluation INC0Y - #DIV/0! - -
Hosted RightFax
OpenText RightFax E-Commerce License 12,500.00 24.77% 9,403.45 445.07
RightFax Express CG 2 Channels 1,663.00 9.49% 1,505.26 71.24
RightFax Express CG 2 Channels Trade-In 1,247.00 9.51% 1,128.42 53.41
RightFax Express CG 4 Channels 2,496.00 9.54% 2,257.89 106.87
RightFax Express CG 4 Channels Trade In 1,872.00 9.58% 1,692.63 80.11
RightFax Express CG 8 Channels 7,496.00 9.55% 6,780.00 320.90
RightFax Express CG 8 Channels Trade-In 5,622.00 9.57% 5,084.21 240.64
RightFax Express CG Partner Edition 50.00 9.47% 45.26 2.14
RightFax Express CG Evaluation Edition - #DIV/0! - -
RightFax Express Connect - #DIV/0! - -
RightFax Express Connect Evaluation Edition - #DIV/0! - -
RightFax Express Connect Partner Edition - #DIV/0! - -
RightFax Express Analog Advanced Replacement (2 Cha 666.00 9.44% 603.16 28.55
RightFax Express Analog Advanced Replacement (8 Cha 1,374.00 9.52% 1,243.16 58.84
RightFax Express Analog Advanced Replacement 4 Chan 749.00 9.49% 677.89 32.08
RightFax Express Digital Advanced Replacement (8 Cha 1,374.00 9.52% 1,243.16 58.84
RightFax Express FoIP Advanced Replacement (8 Chann 1,375.00 9.51% 1,244.21 58.89
RightFax Express Analog Advanced Replacement Support 499.00 14.14% 428.42 20.28
RightFax Express Digital Advanced Replacement Support  (8 Channels)
1,349.00 14.24% 1,156.84 54.75
RightFax Express FoIP Advanced Replacement  Support (8 Channels)
1,374.00 14.27% 1,177.89 55.75
KIT LICENSE Pace System Software Foundation Bundle 43,000.00 8.20% 39,473.68 1,868.29
KIT LICENSE: Pace Core System - Enterprise 37,100.00 8.20% 34,057.89 1,611.96
Pace Additional Users for Full System 1,000.00 8.11% 918.95 43.49
Pace Additional Data Collection Licences per workstation 500.00 8.00% 460.00 21.77
Pace Financial Consolidation Company 12,450.00 8.20% 11,429.47 540.96
Pace Additional Company Single Appliance or Single Ho 8,700.00 8.19% 7,987.37 378.04
Pace Additional Site License 28,100.00 8.20% 25,795.79 1,220.91
Pace Satellite Office 1 8,500.00 8.20% 7,803.16 369.32
Pace Satellite Office 2 11,500.00 8.19% 10,557.89 499.71
Pace Satellite Office 3 11,500.00 8.19% 10,557.89 499.71
Pace Inventory Module includes FG 6,450.00 8.20% 5,921.05 280.24
Pace Purchase Orders Module 4,850.00 8.19% 4,452.63 210.74
Pace Change Orders Module 1,600.00 8.16% 1,469.47 69.55
Pace Advanced Accounting Module AP GL BR 6,350.00 8.20% 5,829.47 275.91
Pace Accounts Payable Module 2,000.00 8.16% 1,836.84 86.94
Pace Bank Reconciliation Module 2,000.00 8.16% 1,836.84 86.94
Pace General Ledger Module 4,500.00 8.19% 4,131.58 195.55
Pace Fixed Assets Module 4,400.00 8.18% 4,040.00 191.21
Pace Payroll Module USA only 4,800.00 8.18% 4,407.37 208.60
Pace Item Template 4,850.00 8.19% 4,452.63 210.74
Pace Custom Reporting Module 4,850.00 8.19% 4,452.63 210.74
Pace Owners Dashboard Module 5,000.00 8.19% 4,590.53 217.27
Pace Customer Relationship Management Module 7,700.00 8.19% 7,069.47 334.60
PaceStation Add on Charts and Graphs 1,900.00 8.20% 1,744.21 82.55
Pace Credit Card Module 7,700.00 8.19% 7,069.47 334.60
Pace Price List Quoting Module 7,700.00 8.19% 7,069.47 334.60
Pace Data Collection Module 8,050.00 8.19% 7,390.53 349.79
Pace Job Costing and Productivity WIP Module 4,850.00 8.19% 4,452.63 210.74
Pace Mailing Module 19,800.00 8.20% 18,176.84 860.31
Pace Mobile Web App 8,700.00 8.19% 7,987.37 378.04
Pace MultiCurrency Module 8,250.00 8.20% 7,573.68 358.46
Pace Tax Distribution Module 3,450.00 8.19% 3,167.37 149.91
Pace Time Zones Module 2,750.00 8.17% 2,525.26 119.52
Pace LDAP Module 4,950.00 8.20% 4,544.21 215.08
Pace Visual Product Builder 11,000.00 8.19% 10,098.95 477.98
Pace eService 16,050.00 8.19% 14,734.74 697.40
Pace eService Users per 100 165.00 8.13% 151.58 7.17
Pace eGoods FG Inventory 8,050.00 8.19% 7,390.53 349.79
Pace Forest Stewardship Council Module 4,400.00 8.18% 4,040.00 191.21
Pace Customization Toolkit Bundle 44,000.00 8.20% 40,392.63 1,911.78
Pace User Defined Alerts Module 8,250.00 8.20% 7,573.68 358.46
Pace User Defined Translations Module 3,200.00 8.19% 2,937.89 139.05
Pace User Defined Defaults Module 3,200.00 8.19% 2,937.89 139.05
Pace User Defined Fields Lists Module 6,950.00 8.19% 6,381.05 302.02
Pace User Defined Forms Object Contexts Module 3,200.00 8.19% 2,937.89 139.05
Pace User Defined Objects Module 3,200.00 8.19% 2,937.89 139.05
Pace User Defined Database Views 2,750.00 8.17% 2,525.26 119.52
Pace API Module programming interface 24,150.00 8.20% 22,170.53 1,049.33
PaceConnect Fiery - #DIV/0! - -
PaceConnect Fiery Central - #DIV/0! - -
PaceConnect EFI Inkjet - #DIV/0! - -
PaceConnect Virtual Systems API 13,200.00 8.20% 12,117.89 573.54
PaceConnect JDF JMF Module Standard JDF integration 24,150.00 8.20% 22,170.53 1,049.33
PaceConnect DSF Item Templates and PLQ 5,500.00 8.19% 5,049.47 238.99
PaceConnect PrintStream Item Templates and PLQ 5,500.00 8.19% 5,049.47 238.99
PaceConnect Printable 24,000.00 8.20% 22,032.63 1,042.80
PaceConnect Pageflex 24,000.00 8.20% 22,032.63 1,042.80
PaceConnect Xpedx 12,000.00 8.19% 11,016.84 521.43
PaceConnect Metrix 2,500.00 8.17% 2,295.79 108.66
PaceConnect RSI API 24,000.00 8.20% 22,032.63 1,042.80
PaceConnect iWay 24,000.00 8.20% 22,032.63 1,042.80
PaceConnect Sales Tax Service 7,500.00 8.20% 6,885.26 325.88
PaceConnect XML Job Importer 7,500.00 8.20% 6,885.26 325.88
PaceConnect Four51 24,000.00 8.20% 22,032.63 1,042.80
PaceConnect OPS Item Templates and PLQ 5,500.00 8.19% 5,049.47 238.99
Pace Scheduling Bundle 22,500.00 8.20% 20,655.79 977.64
Pace Scheduling Module Base 8,250.00 8.20% 7,573.68 358.46
Pace Job Planning and Prioritization Module 14,995.00 8.19% 13,766.32 651.56
Pace Scheduling Optimized Loading 2,750.00 8.17% 2,525.26 119.52
Pace Scheduling What If Scenarios 2,750.00 8.17% 2,525.26 119.52
Pace Scheduling Switchover 2,750.00 8.17% 2,525.26 119.52
EFI Scheduling PrintFlow Module Level 1 17,500.00 8.20% 16,065.26 760.37
EFI Scheduling PrintFlow Addl users 5,000.00 8.19% 4,590.53 217.27
EFI Scheduling PrintFlow Browser viewer Level 1 5,000.00 8.19% 4,590.53 217.27
Pace Freightlink Module USA only 2,500.00 8.17% 2,295.79 108.66
SmartWare Ship100 7,500.00 8.20% 6,885.26 325.88
ProcessShipper Ship200 32,000.00 8.20% 29,375.79 1,390.36
ProcessShipper Ship300 38,500.00 8.20% 35,343.16 1,672.79
Additional ProcessShipper Location License 12,000.00 8.19% 11,016.84 521.43
Metrix Automation Server Site License 69,995.00 8.20% 64,255.79 3,041.23
Metrix Bundle Local Standalone Base Capacity Plus Aut 12,552.00 8.20% 11,523.16 545.39
Metrix Bundle 1 Concurrent User Site License Base Capa 17,419.00 8.20% 15,990.53 756.83
Metrix Bundle 2 Concurrent User Site License Base Capa 22,443.00 8.20% 20,603.16 975.15
Metrix Bundle 3 Concurrent User Site License Base Capa 27,467.00 8.20% 25,214.74 1,193.41
Metrix Bundle 5 Concurrent User Site License Base Capa 32,962.00 8.20% 30,258.95 1,432.16
Metrix Bundle 10 Concurrent User Site License Base Cap 46,621.00 8.20% 42,797.89 2,025.62
Metrix Base 3 Concurrent User Site License 17,495.00 8.20% 16,061.05 760.17
Capacity Plus 3 Concurrent User Site License 3,324.00 8.20% 3,051.58 144.43
Auto Plan 3 Concurrent User Site License 3,324.00 8.20% 3,051.58 144.43
N Up Binding 3 Concurrent User Site License 4,198.00 8.18% 3,854.74 182.44
Barcodes 3 Concurrent User Site License 4,198.00 8.18% 3,854.74 182.44
Content Previews 3 Concurrent User Site License 3,324.00 8.20% 3,051.58 144.43
Automation Lite 3 Concurrent User Site License 4,198.00 8.18% 3,854.74 182.44
Automation Pro 3 Concurrent User Site License 16,795.00 8.20% 15,417.89 729.73
Auto Count 1000 Software Module 5,000.00 8.19% 4,590.53 217.27
Auto Count for Finishing bindery 2,500.00 8.17% 2,295.79 108.66
Auto Count 3000 Software Module 18,000.00 8.20% 16,524.21 782.09
Auto Count 3000 Software Module Upgrade from AC2 9,000.00 8.20% 8,262.11 391.05
Auto Count 3000 Add on Module for Additional Delivery o 1,500.00 8.14% 1,377.89 65.22
AutoCount nonDMI Single User for non-automated equipm 1,500.00 8.14% 1,377.89 65.22
AutoCount nonDMI Five Users for non automated equipme 5,000.00 8.19% 4,590.53 217.27
Auto Count Paper Monitor Module 9,000.00 8.20% 8,262.11 391.05
Auto Count Plant Manager standalone includes 5 users 7,500.00 8.20% 6,885.26 325.88
Auto Count Performance Dashboard Site License 3,000.00 8.18% 2,754.74 130.38
Auto Count Performance Dashboard Delivery Display 500.00 8.00% 460.00 21.77
Auto Count Plant View 2,000.00 8.16% 1,836.84 86.94
Auto Count DMI Hardware Kit 5,000.00 8.19% 4,590.53 217.27
Scale Interface Board 1,000.00 8.11% 918.95 43.49
Two Position Stack Light 210.00 7.77% 193.68 9.17
Four Position Stack Light 330.00 8.13% 303.16 14.35
Scale Retro fit Kit 1,000.00 8.11% 918.95 43.49
DMI Cutler Hammer Inductive Sensor 150.00 8.07% 137.89 6.53
PrintStream Fulfillment with POD 65,000.00 8.20% 59,670.53 2,824.21
PrintStream Fulfillment 47,500.00 8.20% 43,605.26 2,063.84
PrintStream Fulfillment Additional Facility 20,000.00 8.20% 18,360.00 868.98
PrintStream Fulfillment SBE 25,000.00 8.20% 22,950.53 1,086.25
PrintStream POD customer must own Fulfillment 17,500.00 8.20% 16,065.26 760.37
PrintStream StoreFront (customer must own Fulfillment 20,000.00 8.20% 18,360.00 868.98
PrintStream Fulfillment Distribution MRP 20,000.00 8.20% 18,360.00 868.98
PrintStream Fulfillment Pageflex Connect 6,000.00 8.19% 5,508.42 260.71
PrintStream Fulfillment Web Service API 12,000.00 8.19% 11,016.84 521.43
PrintStream Fulfillment XMPie Connector 6,000.00 8.19% 5,508.42 260.71
PrintStream Wireless Warehouse Module 8,000.00 8.20% 7,344.21 347.60
PrintStream Wireless Device License per user 1,500.00 8.14% 1,377.89 65.22
Pace Standard Appliance 4,995.00 8.18% 4,586.32 217.07
Pace Power Appliance 7,395.00 8.19% 6,789.47 321.35
Pace Enterprise Appliance 24,995.00 8.20% 22,945.26 1,086.00
Pace Staging Appliance Standard 5,995.00 8.19% 5,504.21 260.51
Pace Staging Appliance Power 7,995.00 8.19% 7,340.00 347.40
Pace Staging Appliance Enterprise 24,995.00 8.20% 22,945.26 1,086.00
Annual MAINTENANCE Pace System Software Foundatio 7,095.00 0.00% 7,095.00 335.81
Annual MAINTENANCE: Pace Core System - Enterprise 6,121.56 0.00% 6,121.56 289.73
Annual MAINTENANCE Pace Additional Users for Full S 165.00 0.00% 165.00 7.81
Annual MAINTENANCE Pace Additional Data Collection Li 82.56 0.00% 82.56 3.91
Annual Maintenance Pace Financial Consolidation Comp 2,054.28 0.00% 2,054.28 97.23
Annual MAINTENANCE Pace Additional Company Single A 1,435.56 0.00% 1,435.56 67.95
Annual MAINTENANCE Pace Additional Site License 4,636.56 0.00% 4,636.56 219.45
Annual Maintenance Pace Satellite Office 1 1,402.56 0.00% 1,402.56 66.38
Annual Maintenance Pace Satellite Office 2 1,897.56 0.00% 1,897.56 89.81
Annual Maintenance Pace Satellite Office 3 2,310.00 0.00% 2,310.00 109.33
Annual MAINTENANCE Pace Purchase Orders Module 800.25 0.00% 800.25 37.88
Annual MAINTENANCE Pace Change Orders Module 264.00 0.00% 264.00 12.50
Annual MAINTENANCE Pace Advanced Accounting Mod 1,047.75 0.00% 1,047.75 49.59
Annual Maintenance Pace Accounts Payable Module 330.00 0.00% 330.00 15.62
Annual Maintenance Pace Bank Reconciliation Module 330.00 0.00% 330.00 15.62
Annual Maintenance Pace General Ledger Module 742.50 0.00% 742.50 35.14
Annual Maintenance Pace Fixed Assets Module 726.00 0.00% 726.00 34.36
Annual MAINTENANCE Pace Payroll Module 800.25 0.00% 800.25 37.88
Annual MAINTENANCE Pace Item Template 800.25 0.00% 800.25 37.88
Annual MAINTENANCE Pace Custom Reporting Module 800.25 0.00% 800.25 37.88
Annual MAINTENANCE Pace Owners Dashboard Modul 825.00 0.00% 825.00 39.05
Annual MAINTENANCE Pace Customer Relationship Mana 1,270.50 0.00% 1,270.50 60.13
Annual MAINTENANCE PaceStation Add on Charts and 313.50 0.00% 313.50 14.84
Annual MAINTENANCE Pace Credit Card Module 1,270.50 0.00% 1,270.50 60.13
Annual Maintenance Pace Price List Quoting Module 1,270.50 0.00% 1,270.50 60.13
Annual Maintenance Pace Data Collection Module 1,328.25 0.00% 1,328.25 62.87
Annual Maintenance Pace Job Costing and Productivity 800.25 0.00% 800.25 37.88
Annual MAINTENANCE Pace Mailing Module 3,267.00 0.00% 3,267.00 154.63
Annual MAINTENANCE Pace Mobile Web App 1,435.50 0.00% 1,435.50 67.94
Annual MAINTENANCE Pace MultiCurrency Module 1,361.25 0.00% 1,361.25 64.43
Annual MAINTENANCE Pace Tax Distribution Module 569.25 0.00% 569.25 26.94
Annual MAINTENANCE Pace Time Zones Module 453.75 0.00% 453.75 21.48
Annual MAINTENANCE Pace LDAP Module 816.75 0.00% 816.75 38.66
Annual MAINTENANCE Pace eService Est Req Job Status 2,648.25 0.00% 2,648.25 125.34
Annual MAINTENANCE Pace eService Users per 100 27.23 0.00% 27.23 1.29
Annual MAINTENANCE Pace eGoods FG Inventory 1,328.25 0.00% 1,328.25 62.87
Annual MAINTENANCE Pace Forest Stewardship Counci 762.00 0.00% 762.00 36.07
Annual MAINTENANCE Pace Customization Toolkit Bund 7,260.00 0.00% 7,260.00 343.62
Annual MAINTENANCE Pace User Defined Alerts Modul 1,361.25 0.00% 1,361.25 64.43
Annual MAINTENANCE Pace User Defined Translations 528.00 0.00% 528.00 24.99
Annual MAINTENANCE Pace User Defined Defaults Mod 528.00 0.00% 528.00 24.99
Annual MAINTENANCE Pace User Defined Fields and Li 1,146.75 0.00% 1,146.75 54.28
Annual MAINTENANCE Pace User Defined Forms Object 528.00 0.00% 528.00 24.99
Annual MAINTENANCE Pace User Defined Objects Modu 528.00 0.00% 528.00 24.99
Annual MAINTENANCE Pace User Defined Database Vi 453.75 0.00% 453.75 21.48
Annual MAINTENANCE Pace API Module programming in 3,984.75 0.00% 3,984.75 188.60
Annual Maintenance PaceConnect Fiery 1,200.00 0.00% 1,200.00 56.80
Annual MAINTENANCE PaceConnect Virtual Systems AP 1,980.00 0.00% 1,980.00 93.71
Annual MAINTENANCE PaceConnect JDF JMF Module Sta 4,108.50 0.00% 4,108.50 194.46
Annual MAINTENANCE PaceConnect DSF Item Templat 915.75 0.00% 915.75 43.34
Annual MAINTENANCE PaceConnect PrintStream Item T 915.75 0.00% 915.75 43.34
Annual MAINTENANCE PaceConnect Printable pricing is 3,960.00 0.00% 3,960.00 187.43
Annual MAINTENANCE PaceConnect Pageflex pricing is p 3,960.00 0.00% 3,960.00 187.43
Annual MAINTENANCE PaceConnect Xpedx pricing is per 1,980.00 0.00% 1,980.00 93.71
Annual MAINTENANCE PaceConnect Metrix 412.50 0.00% 412.50 19.52
Annual MAINTENANCE PaceConnect RSI API 3,960.00 0.00% 3,960.00 187.43
Annual MAINTENANCE PaceConnect iWay 3,960.00 0.00% 3,960.00 187.43
Annual MAINTENANCE PaceConnect Sales Tax Service 1,237.50 0.00% 1,237.50 58.57
Annual MAINTENANCE PaceConnect XML Job Importer 1,237.50 0.00% 1,237.50 58.57
Annual MAINTENANCE PaceConnect Four51 3,960.00 0.00% 3,960.00 187.43
Annual MAINTENANCE PaceConnect OPS Item Templat 915.75 0.00% 915.75 43.34
Annual MAINTENANCE Pace Scheduling Bundle 3,712.50 0.00% 3,712.50 175.71
Annual MAINTENANCE Pace Scheduling Module Base 1,361.25 0.00% 1,361.25 64.43
Annual MAINTENANCE Pace Job Planning and Prioritiza 2,474.18 0.00% 2,474.18 117.10
Annual MAINTENANCE Pace Scheduling Optimized Load 453.75 0.00% 453.75 21.48
Annual MAINTENANCE Pace Scheduling What If Scenari 53.75 0.00% 53.75 2.54
Annual MAINTENANCE Pace Visual Product Builder requir 1,815.00 0.00% 1,815.00 85.90
Annual MAINTENANCE EFI Scheduling PrintFlow Module 2,887.50 0.00% 2,887.50 136.67
Annual MAINTENANCE EFI Scheduling PrintFlow Addl u 825.00 0.00% 825.00 39.05
Annual MAINTENANCE: EFI Scheduling - PrintFlow Brow 412.50 0.00% 412.50 19.52
Annual MAINTENANCE Pace Freightlink Module 412.50 0.00% 412.50 19.52
Annual Maintenance SmartWare Ship100 1,387.50 8.13% 1,274.74 60.33
Annual Maintenance ProcessShipper Ship200 5,920.00 8.20% 5,434.74 257.23
Annual Maintenance ProcessShipper Ship300 7,122.50 8.19% 6,538.95 309.49
Annual Maintenance Additional ProcessShipper Location 2,220.00 8.16% 2,038.95 96.50
Annual Maintenance Additional Cleansing & Residential C 1,500.00 8.14% 1,377.89 65.22
Annual Maintenance Auto-Count 1000 Software Module 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67
Annual Maintenance Auto Count for Finishing bindery 250.00 0.00% 250.00 11.83
Annual Maintenance Auto Count 3000 Software Module 1,800.00 0.00% 1,800.00 85.19
Annual Maintenance Auto-Count 3000 Add-on Module for A 150.00 0.00% 150.00 7.10
Annual Maintenance Auto Count nonDMI Single User for 150.00 0.00% 150.00 7.10
Annual Maintenance Auto Count nonDMI Five Users for 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67
Annual Maintenance Auto Count Paper Monitor Module 900.00 0.00% 900.00 42.60
Annual Maintenance Auto-Count Plant Manager standalon 750.00 0.00% 750.00 35.50
Annual Maintenance Auto Count Plant Manager Concurre 99.00 0.00% 99.00 4.69
Annual Maintenance Auto Count Performance Dashboard 300.00 0.00% 300.00 14.20
Annual Maintenance Auto Count Performance Dashboard 50.00 0.00% 50.00 2.37
Annual Maintenance Auto Count Plant View 200.00 0.00% 200.00 9.47
Annual Maintenance Auto Count DMI Hardware Kit 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67
Annual Maintenance Scale Interface Board 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
Annual Maintenance Two Position Stack Light 21.00 0.00% 21.00 0.99
Annual Maintenance Four Position Stack Light 33.00 0.00% 33.00 1.56
Annual Maintenance Scale Retro fit Kit 105.00 0.00% 105.00 4.97
Annual Maintenance DMI Cutler Hammer Inductive Senso 15.00 0.00% 15.00 0.71
Annual Maintenance PrintStream Fulfillment and POD 10,725.00 0.00% 10,725.00 507.61
Annual Maintenance PrintStream Fulfillment 7,837.56 0.00% 7,837.56 370.95
Annual Maintenance PrintStream Fulfillment Additional Fac 3,300.00 0.00% 3,300.00 156.19
Annual Maintenance PrintStream Fulfillment SBE 4,125.00 0.00% 4,125.00 195.24
Annual Maintenance PrintStream POD customer must own 2,887.56 0.00% 2,887.56 136.67
Annual Maintenance PrintStream StoreFront customer mus 3,300.00 0.00% 3,300.00 156.19
Annual Maintenance PrintStream Fulfillment Distribution 3,300.00 0.00% 3,300.00 156.19
Annual Maintenance PrintStream Fulfillment Pageflex Co 990.00 0.00% 990.00 46.86
Annual Maintenance PrintStream Fulfillment Web Service 1,980.00 0.00% 1,980.00 93.71
Annual Maintenance PrintStream Fulfillment XMPie Conne 990.00 0.00% 990.00 46.86
Annual Maintenance PrintStream Wireless Warehouse Mo 1,320.00 0.00% 1,320.00 62.48
Annual Maintenance PrintStream Wireless Device License 247.56 0.00% 247.56 11.72
Annual Maintenance Metrix Automation Server Site Licen 12,599.10 0.00% 12,599.10 596.32
Annual Maintenance Metrix Bundle Local Standalone Bas 2,259.36 0.00% 2,259.36 106.94
Annual Maintenance Metrix Bundle 1 Concurrent User Sit 3,135.42 0.00% 3,135.42 148.40
Annual Maintenance Metrix Bundle 2 Concurrent User Sit 4,039.74 0.00% 4,039.74 191.20
Annual Maintenance Metrix Bundle 3 Concurrent User Sit 4,944.06 0.00% 4,944.06 234.00
Annual Maintenance Metrix Bundle 5 Concurrent User Sit 5,933.16 0.00% 5,933.16 280.82
Metrix Bundle 10 Concurrent User Site License Base Cap 8,391.78 0.00% 8,391.78 397.18
Annual Maintenance Metrix Base 3 Concurrent User Site 3,149.10 0.00% 3,149.10 149.05
Annual Maintenance Capacity Plus 3 Concurrent User Sit 598.32 0.00% 598.32 28.32
Annual Maintenance Auto Plan 3 Concurrent User Site Li 598.32 0.00% 598.32 28.32
Annual Maintenance N Up Binding 3 Concurrent User Sit 755.64 0.00% 755.64 35.76
Annual Maintenance Barcodes 3 Concurrent User Site Li 755.64 0.00% 755.64 35.76
Annual Maintenance Content Previews 3 Concurrent User 598.32 0.00% 598.32 28.32
Annual Maintenance Automation Lite 3 Concurrent User S 755.64 0.00% 755.64 35.76
Annual Maintenance Automation Pro 3 Concurrent User S 3,023.10 0.00% 3,023.10 143.08
Annual MAINTENANCE Pace Standard Appliance 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
Annual MAINTENANCE Pace Power Appliance 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
Annual MAINTENANCE Pace Enterprise Appliance 4,998.96 0.00% 4,998.96 236.60
Annual MAINTENANCE Pace Staging Appliance Standar 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
Annual MAINTENANCE Pace Staging Appliance Power 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
Annual MAINTENANCE Pace Staging Appliance Enterpri 4,998.96 0.00% 4,998.96 236.60
MAINTENANCE: EFI Pace Premium Local Appliance Opt 4,000.00 6.95% 3,722.11 176.17
Annual MAINTENANCE Pace Enterprise Appliance Bundl 9,997.92 0.00% 9,997.92 473.20
Annual MAINTENANCE Pace Base Server Virtual Edition 1,800.00 0.00% 1,800.00 85.19
Annual MAINTENANCE Pace Staging Server Virtual Editi 1,800.00 0.00% 1,800.00 85.19
EFI Pace Estimating Seminar 3,500.00 0.00% 3,500.00 165.66
EFI Professional Services (Pace): Hourly Rate (Pace, 2 200.00 0.00% 200.00 9.47
EFI Professional Services (Pace): 2 Day On-site (Pace, in 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 236.65
EFI Professional Services (Pace): Daily Rate (Pace, off-si 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
Production Systems
Production License 125,000 Images Per Year 5,110.00 10.00% 4,599.00 217.67
Production License 250,000 Images Per Year 9,950.00 10.00% 8,955.00 423.84
Production License 500,000 Images Per Year 18,870.00 10.00% 16,983.00 803.81
Production License 750,000 Images Per Year 26,860.00 10.00% 24,174.00 1,144.16
Production License 1,000,000 Images Per Year 34,030.00 10.00% 30,627.00 1,449.58
Production License 1,250,000 Images Per Year 40,450.00 10.00% 36,405.00 1,723.05
Production License 2,500,000 Images Per Year 63,870.00 10.00% 57,483.00 2,720.67
Production License 3,750,000 Images Per Year 76,640.00 10.00% 68,976.00 3,264.63
Production License 5,000,000 Images Per Year 89,410.00 10.00% 80,469.00 3,808.60
Production License 6,250,000 Images Per Year 102,180.00 10.00% 91,962.00 4,352.56
Production License 7,500,000 Images Per Year 114,950.00 10.00% 103,455.00 4,896.53
Production License 8,750,000 Images Per Year 127,720.00 10.00% 114,948.00 5,440.49
Production License 10,000,000 Images Per Year 140,490.00 10.00% 126,441.00 5,984.45
Production License 125,000 Images Per Year Maintenan 919.80 0.09% 919.00 43.50
Production License 250,000 Images Per Year Maintenan 1,791.00 0.00% 1,791.00 84.77
Production License 500,000 Images Per Year Maintenan 3,396.60 0.02% 3,396.00 160.73
Production License 750,000 Images Per Year Maintenan 4,834.80 0.02% 4,834.00 228.79
Production License 1,000,000 Images Per Year Maintena 6,125.40 0.01% 6,125.00 289.90
Production License 1,250,000 Images Per Year Maintena 7,281.00 0.00% 7,281.00 344.61
Production License 2,500,000 Images Per Year Maintena 11,496.60 0.01% 11,496.00 544.11
Production License 3,750,000 Images Per Year Maintena 13,795.20 0.00% 13,795.00 652.92
Production License 5,000,000 Images Per Year Maintena 16,093.80 0.00% 16,093.00 761.68
Production License 6,250,000 Images Per Year Maintena 18,392.40 0.00% 18,392.00 870.49
Production License 7,500,000 Images Per Year Maintena 20,691.00 0.00% 20,691.00 979.31
Production License 8,750,000 Images Per Year Maintena 22,989.60 0.00% 22,989.00 1,088.07
Production License 10,000,000 Images Per Year Mainten 25,288.20 0.00% 25,288.00 1,196.88
Production License 125,000 Images Per Year 11,750.00 10.00% 10,575.00 500.51
Production License 250,000 Images Per Year 22,880.00 10.00% 20,592.00 974.62
Production License 500,000 Images Per Year 43,380.00 10.00% 39,042.00 1,847.86
Production License 750,000 Images Per Year 61,770.00 10.00% 55,593.00 2,631.22
Production License 1,000,000 Images Per Year 78,250.00 10.00% 70,425.00 3,333.22
Production License 1,250,000 Images Per Year 93,020.00 10.00% 83,718.00 3,962.37
Production License 2,500,000 Images Per Year 146,890.00 10.00% 132,201.00 6,257.07
Production License 3,750,000 Images Per Year 176,280.00 10.00% 158,652.00 7,509.00
Production License 5,000,000 Images Per Year 205,670.00 10.00% 185,103.00 8,760.92
Production License 6,250,000 Images Per Year 235,060.00 10.00% 211,554.00 10,012.85
Production License 7,500,000 Images Per Year 264,450.00 10.00% 238,005.00 11,264.78
Production License 8,750,000 Images Per Year 293,840.00 10.00% 264,456.00 12,516.70
Production License 10,000,000 Images Per Year 323,230.00 10.00% 290,907.00 13,768.63
Production License 125,000 Images Per Year Maintenan 2,115.00 0.00% 2,115.00 100.10
Production License 250,000 Images Per Year Maintenan 4,118.40 0.01% 4,118.00 194.90
Production License 500,000 Images Per Year Maintenan 7,808.40 0.01% 7,808.00 369.55
Production License 750,000 Images Per Year Maintenan 11,118.60 0.01% 11,118.00 526.21
Production License 1,000,000 Images Per Year Maintena 14,085.00 0.00% 14,085.00 666.64
Production License 1,250,000 Images Per Year Maintena 16,743.60 0.00% 16,743.00 792.45
Production License 2,500,000 Images Per Year Maintena 26,440.20 0.00% 26,440.00 1,251.41
Production License 3,750,000 Images Per Year Maintena 31,730.40 0.00% 31,730.00 1,501.78
Production License 5,000,000 Images Per Year Maintena 37,020.60 0.00% 37,020.00 1,752.16
Production License 6,250,000 Images Per Year Maintena 42,310.80 0.00% 42,310.00 2,002.53
Production License 7,500,000 Images Per Year Maintena 47,601.00 0.00% 47,601.00 2,252.96
Production License 8,750,000 Images Per Year Maintena 52,891.20 0.00% 52,891.00 2,503.33
Production License 10,000,000 Images Per Year Mainten 58,181.40 0.00% 58,181.00 2,753.71
Production License 125,000 Images Per Year 14,690.00 0.00% 14,690.00 695.28
Production License 250,000 Images Per Year 28,590.00 0.00% 28,590.00 1,353.16
Production License 500,000 Images Per Year 54,230.00 0.00% 54,230.00 2,566.71
Production License 750,000 Images Per Year 77,210.00 0.00% 77,210.00 3,654.35
Production License 1,000,000 Images Per Year 97,810.00 0.00% 97,810.00 4,629.35
Production License 1,250,000 Images Per Year 116,280.00 0.00% 116,280.00 5,503.53
Production License 2,500,000 Images Per Year 183,610.00 5.00% 174,430.00 8,255.77
Production License 3,750,000 Images Per Year 220,350.00 5.00% 209,333.00 9,907.73
Production License 5,000,000 Images Per Year 257,090.00 10.00% 231,381.00 10,951.26
Production License 6,250,000 Images Per Year 293,830.00 10.00% 264,447.00 12,516.28
Production License 7,500,000 Images Per Year 330,570.00 10.00% 297,513.00 14,081.29
Production License 8,750,000 Images Per Year 367,310.00 10.00% 330,579.00 15,646.30
Production License 10,000,000 Images Per Year 404,050.00 10.00% 363,645.00 17,211.32
Production License 125,000 Images Per Year Maintenan 2,644.20 0.00% 2,644.20 125.15
Production License 250,000 Images Per Year Maintenan 5,146.20 0.00% 5,146.20 243.57
Production License 500,000 Images Per Year Maintenan 9,761.40 0.00% 9,761.40 462.01
Production License 750,000 Images Per Year Maintenan 13,897.80 0.00% 13,897.80 657.78
Production License 1,000,000 Images Per Year Maintena 17,605.80 0.00% 17,605.80 833.28
Production License 1,250,000 Images Per Year Maintena 20,930.40 0.00% 20,930.00 990.62
Production License 2,500,000 Images Per Year Maintena 33,049.80 0.00% 33,049.00 1,564.21
Production License 3,750,000 Images Per Year Maintena 39,663.00 0.00% 39,663.00 1,877.25
Production License 5,000,000 Images Per Year Maintena 46,276.20 0.00% 46,276.00 2,190.24
Production License 6,250,000 Images Per Year Maintena 52,889.40 0.00% 52,889.00 2,503.24
Production License 7,500,000 Images Per Year Maintena 59,502.60 0.00% 59,502.00 2,816.23
Production License 8,750,000 Images Per Year Maintena 66,115.80 0.00% 66,115.00 3,129.22
Production License 10,000,000 Images Per Year Mainten 72,729.00 0.00% 72,729.00 3,442.26
Production License 1. to 4. Licenses 3,510.00 10.00% 3,159.00 149.52
Production License 5. to 10. Licenses 2,930.00 10.00% 2,637.00 124.81
Production License 11. to 20. Licenses 2,340.00 10.00% 2,106.00 99.68
Production License from 21. Licenses 2,060.00 10.00% 1,854.00 87.75
Production License 1. to 4. Licenses Maintenance 631.80 0.13% 631.00 29.87
Production License 5. to 10. Licenses Maintenance 527.40 0.08% 527.00 24.94
Production License 11. to 20. Licenses Maintenance 421.20 0.05% 421.00 19.93
Production License from 21. Licenses Maintenance 370.80 0.22% 370.00 17.51
Pd Import 3,900.00 10.00% 3,510.00 166.13
PdExport / ACExport 780.00 10.00% 702.00 33.23
AP Invoice Rule Tree 20,000.00 10.00% 18,000.00 851.94
Pd Import Maintenance 702.00 0.00% 702.00 33.23
PdExport / ACExport Maintenance 140.40 0.28% 140.00 6.63
Failover License 7,000.00 10.00% 6,300.00 298.18
Failover Maintenance 1,260.00 0.00% 1,260.00 59.64
5 Days 7,500.00 0.00% 7,500.00 354.98
10 Days 15,000.00 0.00% 15,000.00 709.95
5 Hours 937.50 0.00% 937.50 44.37
10 Hours 1,875.00 0.00% 1,875.00 88.74
1 Day Class 600.00 0.00% 600.00 28.40
4 Day Class 2,400.00 0.00% 2,400.00 113.59
Test System or Auxilliary System
Test System or Auxilliary System 10,000 Images Per Year 1,022.00 0.00% 1,022.00 48.37
Test System or Auxilliary System 20,000 Images Per Year 1,990.00 0.00% 1,990.00 94.19
Test System or Auxilliary System 40,000 Images Per Year 3,774.00 0.00% 3,774.00 178.62
Test System or Auxilliary System 60,000 Images Per Year 5,372.00 5.01% 5,103.00 241.52
Test System or Auxilliary System 80,000 Images Per Year 6,806.00 5.00% 6,466.00 306.04
Test System or Auxilliary System 100,000 Images Per Yea 8,090.00 4.99% 7,686.00 363.78
Test System or Auxilliary System 10,000 Images Per Year 183.96 0.00% 183.96 8.71
Test System or Auxilliary System 20,000 Images Per Year 358.20 0.00% 358.20 16.95
Test System or Auxilliary System 40,000 Images Per Year 679.32 0.00% 679.32 32.15
Test System or Auxilliary System 60,000 Images Per Year 966.96 0.10% 966.00 45.72
Test System or Auxilliary System 80,000 Images Per Year 1,225.08 0.01% 1,225.00 57.98
Test System or Auxilliary System 100,000 Images Per Ye 1,456.20 0.01% 1,456.00 68.91
Test System or Auxilliary System 10,000 Images Per Year 2,350.00 0.00% 2,350.00 111.23
Test System or Auxilliary System 20,000 Images Per Year 4,576.00 0.00% 4,576.00 216.58
Test System or Auxilliary System 40,000 Images Per Year 8,676.00 0.00% 8,676.00 410.64
Test System or Auxilliary System 60,000 Images Per Year 12,354.00 5.00% 11,736.00 555.46
Test System or Auxilliary System 80,000 Images Per Year 15,650.00 5.00% 14,868.00 703.70
Test System or Auxilliary System 100,000 Images Per Yea 18,604.00 5.00% 17,674.00 836.51
Test System or Auxilliary System 10,000 Images Per Year 423.00 0.00% 423.00 20.02
Test System or Auxilliary System 20,000 Images Per Year 823.68 0.00% 823.68 38.98
Test System or Auxilliary System 40,000 Images Per Year 1,561.68 0.00% 1,561.68 73.91
Test System or Auxilliary System 60,000 Images Per Year 2,223.72 0.03% 2,223.00 105.21
Test System or Auxilliary System 80,000 Images Per Year 2,817.00 0.00% 2,817.00 133.33
Test System or Auxilliary System 100,000 Images Per Ye 3,348.72 0.02% 3,348.00 158.46
Test System or Auxilliary System 10,000 Images Per Year 2,938.00 0.00% 2,938.00 139.06
Test System or Auxilliary System 20,000 Images Per Year 5,718.00 0.00% 5,718.00 270.63
Test System or Auxilliary System 40,000 Images Per Year 10,846.00 0.00% 10,846.00 513.34
Test System or Auxilliary System 60,000 Images Per Year 15,442.00 5.00% 14,670.00 694.33
Test System or Auxilliary System 80,000 Images Per Year 19,562.00 5.00% 18,584.00 879.58
Test System or Auxilliary System 100,000 Images Per Yea 23,256.00 0.00% 23,256.00 1,100.71
Test System or Auxilliary System 10,000 Images Per Year 528.84 0.00% 528.84 25.03
Test System or Auxilliary System 20,000 Images Per Year 1,029.24 0.00% 1,029.24 48.71
Test System or Auxilliary System 40,000 Images Per Year 1,952.28 0.00% 1,952.28 92.40
Test System or Auxilliary System 60,000 Images Per Year 2,779.56 0.02% 2,779.00 131.53
Test System or Auxilliary System 80,000 Images Per Year 3,521.16 0.00% 3,521.00 166.65
Test System or Auxilliary System 100,000 Images Per Ye 4,186.08 0.00% 4,186.00 198.12
PdExport / ACExport 3,900.00 5.00% 3,705.00 175.36
Pd Import 780.00 5.00% 741.00 35.07
PdExport / ACExport Maintenance 702.00 0.00% 702.00 33.23
Pd Import Maintenance 140.40 0.28% 140.00 6.63
Test System License 1,760.00 5.00% 1,672.00 79.14
Test System License Maintenance 316.80 0.25% 316.00 14.96
PCS Director 6
PCS Director 6 Analysis, 5 Seat Pack 175.00 15.43% 148.00 7.00
PCS Director 6 Analysis, 10 Seat Pack 330.00 15.76% 278.00 13.16
PCS Director 6 Analysis, 25 Seat Pack 800.00 15.63% 675.00 31.95
PCS Director 6 Analysis, 50 Seat Pack 1,330.00 15.64% 1,122.00 53.10
PCS Director 6 Analysis, 100 Seat Pack 2,100.00 15.62% 1,772.00 83.87
PCS Director 6 Analysis, 250 Seat Pack 4,040.00 15.59% 3,410.00 161.40
PCS Director 6 Analysis, 500 Seat Pack 5,645.00 15.61% 4,764.00 225.48
PCS Director 6 Analysis, 1,000 Seat Pack 7,640.00 15.60% 6,448.00 305.18
PCS Director 6 Analysis, 2,500 Seat Pack 12,845.00 15.61% 10,840.00 513.06
PCS Director 6 Analysis 5,000 Seat Pack 19,940.00 15.61% 16,828.00 796.47
PCS Director 6 Analysis 10,000 Seat Pack 25,690.00 15.61% 21,680.00 1,026.11
PCS Director 6 Analysis 20,000 Seat Pack 36,505.00 15.61% 30,807.00 1,458.10
PCS Director 6 Analysis & Rules, 5 Seat Pack 345.00 15.65% 291.00 13.77
PCS Director 6 Analysis & Rules, 10 Seat Pack 655.00 15.57% 553.00 26.17
PCS Director 6 Analysis & Rules, 25 Seat Pack 1,575.00 15.62% 1,329.00 62.90
PCS Director 6 Analysis & Rules, 50 Seat Pack 2,355.00 15.63% 1,987.00 94.04
PCS Director 6 Analysis & Rules, 100 Seat Pack 3,705.00 15.63% 3,126.00 147.95
PCS Director 6 Analysis & Rules, 250 Seat Pack 7,250.00 15.61% 6,118.00 289.56
PCS Director 6 Analysis & Rules, 500 Seat Pack 10,410.00 15.61% 8,785.00 415.79
PCS Director 6 Analysis & Rules, 1,000 Seat Pack 14,265.00 15.60% 12,039.00 569.81
PCS Director 6 Analysis & Rules, 2,500 Seat Pack 23,320.00 15.61% 19,680.00 931.45
PCS Director 6 Analysis & Rules 5,000 Seat Pack 37,520.00 15.61% 31,663.00 1,498.61
PCS Director 6 Analysis & Rules 10,000 Seat Pack 49,350.00 15.61% 41,647.00 1,971.15
PCS Director 6 Analysis & Rules 20,000 Seat Pack 77,065.00 15.61% 65,036.00 3,078.15
PCS Director 6 Analysis & Recovery, 5 Seat Pack 365.00 15.34% 309.00 14.62
PCS Director 6 Analysis & Recovery, 10 Seat Pack 695.00 15.54% 587.00 27.78
PCS Director 6 Analysis & Recovery, 25 Seat Pack 1,705.00 15.60% 1,439.00 68.11
PCS Director 6 Analysis & Recovery, 50 Seat Pack 3,150.00 15.62% 2,658.00 125.80
PCS Director 6 Analysis & Recovery, 100 Seat Pack 5,025.00 15.60% 4,241.00 200.73
PCS Director 6 Analysis & Recovery, 250 Seat Pack 9,672.00 15.60% 8,163.00 386.35
PCS Director 6 Analysis & Recovery, 500 Seat Pack 13,960.00 15.62% 11,780.00 557.55
PCS Director 6 Analysis & Recovery, 1,000 Seat Pack 19,200.00 15.61% 16,203.00 766.89
PCS Director 6 Analysis & Recovery, 2,500 Seat Pack 31,095.00 15.61% 26,241.00 1,241.99
PCS Director 6 Analysis & Recovery 5,000 Seat Pack 49,350.00 15.61% 41,647.00 1,971.15
PCS Director 6 Analysis & Recovery 10,000 Seat Pack 64,220.00 15.61% 54,196.00 2,565.10
PCS Director 6 Analysis & Recovery 20,000 Seat Pack 79,770.00 15.61% 67,318.00 3,186.16
PCS Director 6 Suite, 5 Seat Pack 695.00 15.54% 587.00 27.78
PCS Director 6 Suite, 10 Seat Pack 1,315.00 15.59% 1,110.00 52.54
PCS Director 6 Suite, 25 Seat Pack 3,195.00 15.59% 2,697.00 127.65
PCS Director 6 Suite, 50 Seat Pack 5,340.00 15.60% 4,507.00 213.32
PCS Director 6 Suite, 100 Seat Pack 8,395.00 15.60% 7,085.00 335.33
PCS Director 6 Suite, 250 Seat Pack 16,151.00 15.61% 13,630.00 645.11
PCS Director 6 Suite, 500 Seat Pack 23,085.00 15.61% 19,481.00 922.04
PCS Director 6 Suite, 1,000 Seat Pack 31,230.00 15.61% 26,355.00 1,247.38
PCS Director 6 Suite, 2,500 Seat Pack 50,700.00 15.61% 42,786.00 2,025.06
PCS Director 6 Suite, 5,000 Seat Pack 81,120.00 15.61% 68,458.00 3,240.12
PCS Director 6 Suite, 10,000 Seat Pack 104,105.00 15.61% 87,854.00 4,158.13
PCS Director 6 Suite, 20,000 Seat Pack 146,015.00 15.61% 123,222.00 5,832.10
PCS Director 6 Embedded, 1 MFP Pack 605.00 15.70% 510.00 24.14
PCS Director 6 Embedded, 5 MFP Pack 1,520.00 15.59% 1,283.00 60.72
PCS Director 6 Embedded, 25 MFP Pack 3,345.00 15.61% 2,823.00 133.61
PCS Director 6 Embedded, 100 MFP Pack 8,970.00 15.61% 7,570.00 358.29
PCS Director 6 Embedded, 150 MFP Pack 10,890.00 15.60% 9,191.00 435.01
PCS Director 6 Embedded, 200 MFP Pack 12,870.00 15.61% 10,861.00 514.05
PCS Director 6 Embedded, 250 MFP Pack 14,840.00 15.61% 12,524.00 592.76
PCS Director 6 Embedded, 500 MFP Pack 23,660.00 15.61% 19,966.00 944.99
PCS Director 6 Embedded, 1000 MFP Pack 33,800.00 15.61% 28,524.00 1,350.04
PCSD Analysis, 5 Seat Annual Maint 35.00 17.14% 29.00 1.37
PCSD Analysis, 10 Seat Annual Maint 66.00 15.15% 56.00 2.65
PCSD Analysis, 25 Seat Annual Maint 160.00 15.63% 135.00 6.39
PCSD Analysis, 50 Seat Annual Maint 266.00 15.41% 225.00 10.65
PCSD Analysis, 100 Seat Annual Maint 420.00 15.48% 355.00 16.80
PCSD Analysis, 250 Seat Annual Maint 808.00 15.72% 681.00 32.23
PCSD Analysis, 500 Seat Annual Maint 1,129.00 15.59% 953.00 45.11
PCSD Analysis, 1000 Seat Annual Maint 1,528.00 15.64% 1,289.00 61.01
PCSD Analysis, 2500 Seat Annual Maint 2,569.00 15.61% 2,168.00 102.61
PCSD Analysis, 5000 Seat Annual Maint 3,988.00 15.60% 3,366.00 159.31
PCSD Analysis, 10000 Seat Annual Maint 5,138.00 15.61% 4,336.00 205.22
PCSD Analysis, 20000 Seat Annual Maint 7,301.00 15.60% 6,162.00 291.65
PCSD 6 Analysis & Rules, 5 Seat Annual Maint 69.00 15.94% 58.00 2.75
PCSD 6 Analysis & Rules, 10 Seat Annual Maint 131.00 15.27% 111.00 5.25
PCSD 6 Analysis & Rules, 25 Seat Annual Maint 315.00 15.56% 266.00 12.59
PCSD 6 Analysis & Rules, 50 Seat Annual Maint 471.00 15.50% 398.00 18.84
PCSD 6 Analysis & Rules, 100 Seat Annual Maint 741.00 15.52% 626.00 29.63
PCSD 6 Analysis & Rules, 250 Seat Annual Maint 1,450.00 15.59% 1,224.00 57.93
PCSD 6 Analysis & Rules, 500 Seat Annual Maint 2,082.00 15.61% 1,757.00 83.16
PCSD 6 Analysis & Rules, 1000 Seat Annual Maint 2,853.00 15.63% 2,407.00 113.92
PCSD 6 Analysis & Rules, 2500 Seat Annual Maint 4,664.00 15.61% 3,936.00 186.29
PCSD 6 Analysis & Rules, 5000 Seat Annual Maint 7,504.00 15.62% 6,332.00 299.69
PCSD 6 Analysis & Rules, 10000 Seat Annual Maint 9,870.00 15.61% 8,329.00 394.21
PCSD 6 Analysis & Rules, 20000 Seat Annual Maint 15,413.00 15.61% 13,007.00 615.62
PCSD 6 Analysis & Recovery, 5 Seat Annual Maint 73.00 16.44% 61.00 2.89
PCSD 6 Analysis & Recovery, 10 Seat Annual Maint 139.00 15.11% 118.00 5.58
PCSD 6 Analysis & Recovery, 25 Seat Annual Maint 341.00 15.54% 288.00 13.63
PCSD 6 Analysis & Recovery, 50 Seat Annual Maint 630.00 15.71% 531.00 25.13
PCSD 6 Analysis & Recovery, 100 Seat Annual Maint 1,005.00 15.62% 848.00 40.14
PCSD 6 Analysis & Recovery, 250 Seat Annual Maint 1,934.40 15.58% 1,633.00 77.29
PCSD 6 Analysis & Recovery, 500 Seat Annual Maint 2,792.00 15.58% 2,357.00 111.56
PCSD 6 Analysis & Recovery, 1000 Seat Annual Maint 3,840.00 15.60% 3,241.00 153.40
PCSD 6 Analysis & Recovery, 2500 Seat Annual Maint 6,219.00 15.61% 5,248.00 248.39
PCSD 6 Analysis & Recovery, 5000 Seat Annual Maint 9,870.00 15.61% 8,329.00 394.21
PCSD 6 Analysis & Recovery, 10000 Seat Annual Maint 12,844.00 15.61% 10,839.00 513.01
PCSD 6 Analysis & Recovery, 20000 Seat Annual Maint 15,954.00 15.61% 13,463.00 637.20
PCSD 6 Suite, 5 Seat Annual Maint 139.00 15.11% 118.00 5.58
PCSD 6 Suite, 10 Seat Annual Maint 263.00 15.59% 222.00 10.51
PCSD 6 Suite, 25 Seat Annual Maint 639.00 15.65% 539.00 25.51
PCSD 6 Suite, 50 Seat Annual Maint 1,068.00 15.64% 901.00 42.64
PCSD 6 Suite, 100 Seat Annual Maint 1,679.00 15.60% 1,417.00 67.07
PCSD 6 Suite, 250 Seat Annual Maint 3,230.20 15.61% 2,726.00 129.02
PCSD 6 Suite, 500 Seat Annual Maint 4,617.00 15.59% 3,897.00 184.45
PCSD 6 Suite, 1000 Seat Annual Maint 6,246.00 15.61% 5,271.00 249.48
PCSD 6 Suite, 2500 Seat Annual Maint 10,140.00 15.60% 8,558.00 405.05
PCSD 6 Suite, 5000 Seat Annual Maint 16,224.00 15.61% 13,691.00 648.00
PCSD 6 Suite, 10000 Seat Annual Maint 20,821.00 15.61% 17,571.00 831.64
PCSD 6 Suite, 20000 Seat Annual Maint 29,203.00 15.61% 24,644.00 1,166.40
PCS Director - Secure
PCSD Secure Annual Server 5 Device 96.00 15.63% 81.00 3.83
PCSD Secure Annual Server 10 Device 180.00 15.56% 152.00 7.19
PCSD Secure Annual Server 25 Device 425.00 15.53% 359.00 16.99
PCSD Secure Annual Server 50 Device 800.00 15.63% 675.00 31.95
PCSD Secure Annual Server 100 Device 1,500.00 15.60% 1,266.00 59.92
PCSD Secure Annual Server 250 Device 3,500.00 15.57% 2,955.00 139.86
PCSD Secure Annual Server 500 Device 6,000.00 15.58% 5,065.00 239.73
PCSD Secure Annual Server 1000 Device 10,000.00 15.58% 8,442.00 399.56
Uniprint Xtra Licenses
Uniprint Xtra Print & Copy Base License for Higher Ed 5,000.00 13.12% 4,344.00 205.60
Uniprint Xtra Print & Copy Device License for Higher Ed 595.00 13.11% 517.00 24.47
Uniprint Xtra Site Lic Higher Ed FTE 3,000 & below 20,150.00 10.00% 18,135.00 858.33
Uniprint Xtra Site Lic Higher Ed FTE 3,001 - 4,000 28,275.00 10.00% 25,447.50 1,204.43
Uniprint Xtra Site Lic Higher Ed FTE 4,001 - 5,000 32,175.00 10.00% 28,957.50 1,370.56
Uniprint Xtra Site Lic Higher Ed FTE 5,001 - 7,500 38,025.00 10.00% 34,222.50 1,619.75
Uniprint Xtra Site Lic Higher Ed FTE 7,501 - 10,000 45,500.00 13.13% 39,528.00 1,870.86
Uniprint Xtra Site Lic Higher Ed FTE 10,001 - 15,000 55,900.00 10.00% 50,310.00 2,381.17
Uniprint Xtra Site Lic Higher Ed FTE 15,001 - 20,000 67,600.00 10.00% 60,840.00 2,879.56
Uniprint Xtra Site Lic Higher Ed FTE 20,001 - 30,000 81,250.00 10.00% 73,125.00 3,461.01
Uniprint Xtra Site Lic Higher Ed FTE 30,001 - 40,000 98,150.00 10.00% 88,335.00 4,180.90
Uniprint Xtra Site Lic Higher Ed FTE 40,001 - 50,000 114,075.00 10.00% 102,667.50 4,859.25
Uniprint Xtra Site Lic Higher Ed FTE 50,001 & above 128,700.00 10.00% 115,830.00 5,482.23
Mobile Print for Higher Education
MobilePrint for Uniprint Base License 2,000.00 10.00% 1,800.00 85.19
MobilePrint for Uniprint Device License 200.00 10.00% 180.00 8.52
MobilePrint for Uniprint Site License for Higher Educatio 5,250.00 10.00% 4,725.00 223.63
MobilePrint for Uniprint Site License for Higher Educatio 6,475.00 10.00% 5,827.50 275.82
MobilePrint for Uniprint Site License for Higher Educatio 7,000.00 10.00% 6,300.00 298.18
MobilePrint for Uniprint Site License for Higher Educatio 8,050.00 10.00% 7,245.00 342.91
MobilePrint for Uniprint Site License for Higher Educatio 9,450.00 10.00% 8,505.00 402.54
MobilePrint for Uniprint Site License for Higher Educatio 11,375.00 10.00% 10,237.50 484.54
MobilePrint for Uniprint Site License for Higher Educatio 13,825.00 10.00% 12,442.50 588.90
MobilePrint for Uniprint Site License for Higher Educatio 17,150.00 10.00% 15,435.00 730.54
MobilePrint for Uniprint Site License for Higher Educatio 21,000.00 10.00% 18,900.00 894.54
MobilePrint for Uniprint Site License for Higher Educatio 24,500.00 10.00% 22,050.00 1,043.63
MobilePrint for Uniprint Site License for Higher Educati 28,000.00 10.00% 25,200.00 1,192.72
Uniprint Public Library Licenses
Uniprint Standard Printer License for Public Library 650.00 10.00% 585.00 27.69
Uniprint Standard Base License for Public Library 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
Uniprint Site License Fee for Public Library Pop 100,000 19,500.00 10.00% 17,550.00 830.64
Uniprint Site License Fee for Public Library Pop. 100,001 28,000.00 10.00% 25,200.00 1,192.72
Uniprint Site License Fee for Public Library Pop. 250,001 32,500.00 10.00% 29,250.00 1,384.40
Uniprint Site License Fee for Public Library Pop 500,001 39,000.00 10.00% 35,100.00 1,661.28
Uniprint Site License Fee for Public Library Pop 750,001 51,000.00 10.00% 45,900.00 2,172.45
Uniprint Site License Fee for Public Library Pop. 1,000,0 64,000.00 10.00% 57,600.00 2,726.21
Uniprint Site License Fee for Public Library Pop. 1,500,0 77,000.00 10.00% 69,300.00 3,279.97
Uniprint Site License Fee for Public Library Pop 2,000,00 91,000.00 10.00% 81,900.00 3,876.33
Uniprint Site License Fee for Public Library Pop 3,000,00 110,500.00 10.00% 99,450.00 4,706.97
Uniprint Site License Fee for Public Library Pop 4,000,0 130,000.00 10.00% 117,000.00 5,537.61
Uniprint Off The Glass
Off-The-Glass Site License Fee for Public Library Pop. 1 6,500.00 10.00% 5,850.00 276.88
Off-The-Glass Site License Fee for Public Library Pop. 1 10,500.00 10.00% 9,450.00 447.27
Off-The-Glass Site License Fee for Public Library Pop. 2 13,000.00 10.00% 11,700.00 553.76
Off-The-Glass Site License Fee for Public Library Pop. 5 15,750.00 10.00% 14,175.00 670.90
Off-The-Glass Site License Fee for Public Library Pop. 7 19,500.00 10.00% 17,550.00 830.64
Off-The-Glass Site License Fee for Public Library Pop. 1 23,000.00 10.00% 20,700.00 979.73
Off-The-Glass Site License Fee for Public Library Pop. 1 27,500.00 10.00% 24,750.00 1,171.42
Off-The-Glass Site License Fee for Public Library Pop. 2 32,500.00 10.00% 29,250.00 1,384.40
Off-The-Glass Site License Fee for Public Library Pop 3, 39,000.00 10.00% 35,100.00 1,661.28
Off-The-Glass Site License Fee for Public Library Pop 4 45,500.00 10.00% 40,950.00 1,938.16
Mobile Print for Public Libraries
Mobile Site Lic Pub Lib Pop. 100,000 and below 6,500.00 10.00% 5,850.00 276.88
Mobile Site Lic Pub Lib Pop. 100,001 - 250,000 10,500.00 10.00% 9,450.00 447.27
Mobile Site Lic Pub Lib Pop. 250,001 -500,000 13,000.00 10.00% 11,700.00 553.76
Mobile Site Lic Pub Lib Pop. 500,001 -750,000 15,750.00 10.00% 14,175.00 670.90
Mobile Site Lic Pub Lib Pop. 750,001 - 1,000,000 19,500.00 10.00% 17,550.00 830.64
Mobile Site Lic Pub Lib Pop. 1,000,001 - 1,500,000 23,000.00 10.00% 20,700.00 979.73
Mobile Site Lic Pub Lib Pop. 1,500,001 - 2,000,000 27,500.00 10.00% 24,750.00 1,171.42
Mobile Site Lic Pub Lib Pop. 2,000,001 - 3,000,000 32,500.00 10.00% 29,250.00 1,384.40
Mobile Site Lic Pub Lib Pop. 3,000,001 - 4,000,000 39,000.00 10.00% 35,100.00 1,661.28
Mobile Site Lic Pub Lib Pop. 4,000,001 & above 45,500.00 10.00% 40,950.00 1,938.16
iMFP Licenses
Uniprint Option Licenses
Uniprint Blackboard Billing Gateway 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
Uniprint CBORD CS Gold Billing Gateway 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
Uniprint CBORD Odyssey Billing Gateway 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
Uniprint General Meters/Heartland Billing Gateway 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
Uniprint Credit Card Billing Gateway (works with UP 9 an 2,500.00 15.92% 2,102.00 99.49
Uniprint CardSmith Billing Gateway 2,500.00 6.44% 2,339.00 110.70
SignUp Base License (includes 10 CALs) 1,995.00 9.97% 1,796.00 85.00
SignUp Client Access License (10 pack) 800.00 10.00% 720.00 34.08
SignUp Client Access License (25 pack) 1,400.00 10.00% 1,260.00 59.64
SignUp Client Access License (50 pack) 2,000.00 10.00% 1,800.00 85.19
SignUp Client Access License (100 pack) 3,000.00 10.00% 2,700.00 127.79
SignUp Client Access License (250 pack) 6,250.00 10.00% 5,625.00 266.23
SignUp Client Access License (500 pack) 10,000.00 10.00% 9,000.00 425.97
SignUp SIP1/SIP2 Compliant Authentication Gateway 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
SignUp Innovative Interface (III) Authentication Gateway 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
Uniprint Hardware
Pharos Card Reader - Proximity Reader Plus v2 - Must in 210.00 2.00% 205.80 9.02
Kiosk - Floor Mount - Bill acceptor only 10,620.00 2.00% 10,407.60 456.06
Omega Licenses
Omega Hardware
Pharos Omega Card Reader - Magnetic 155.00 2.00% 151.90 6.66
Pharos Omega Copier Cable for Ricoh, Savin, Lanier & Ge 125.00 2.00% 122.50 5.37
Pharos Omega Copier Cable for Ricoh, Savin, Lanier & Ge 125.00 2.00% 122.50 5.37
Pharos Fees
Processing Fee 250.00 10.00% 225.00 10.65
License Transfer Fee 1,500.00 10.00% 1,350.00 63.90
Pharos Professional Services
Pharos Miscellaneous
Off-The-Glass Base License Fee 2,000.00 10.00% 1,800.00 85.19
Off-The-Glass Copier License Fee 300.00 10.00% 270.00 12.78
Uniprint Third Party Charging Option not available with Uni 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
Uniprint Authenticiation Gateway LDAP (replaces Novell) O 500.00 10.00% 450.00 21.30
Uniprint Authenticiation Gateway Active Directory Option n 500.00 10.00% 450.00 21.30
Uniprint Base Lite License 1,250.00 10.00% 1,125.00 53.25
Uniprint Printer License - Lite 650.00 10.00% 585.00 27.69
Uniprint Base for Print & Copy License - Office 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
Uniprint Printer, Copier, MFP Device License (per device) 150.00 10.00% 135.00 6.39
251-500 printer, copier, MFP devices (per device) 135.00 9.63% 122.00 5.77
over 500 printer, copier, MFP devices (per device) 120.00 10.00% 108.00 5.11
Omega copier cable for Canon devices - Most advanced c 125.00 9.60% 113.00 5.35
Omega copier cable for HP devices - Most advanced cabl 125.00 9.60% 113.00 5.35
Omega copier cable for (non Bizhub) Konica devices - M 125.00 9.60% 113.00 5.35
Omega copier cable for Kyocera devices - Most advanced 125.00 9.60% 113.00 5.35
Omega copier cable for non-Bizhub Minolta devices - Mo 125.00 9.60% 113.00 5.35
Omega copier cable for Panasonic devices - Most advanc 125.00 9.60% 113.00 5.35
Omega copier cable for Sharp devices - Most advanced c 125.00 9.60% 113.00 5.35
Omega copier cable for Xerox devices - Most advanced c 125.00 9.60% 113.00 5.35
IMFP - Canon Software License (per device) 445.00 9.89% 401.00 18.98
251-500 IMFP - Canon Software License (per device) 430.00 10.00% 387.00 18.32
over 500 - Canon Software License (per device) 415.00 9.88% 374.00 17.70
IMFP - KM Software License (per device) 300.00 10.00% 270.00 12.78
IMFP - Boscop/VCC Software License (per device) 150.00 10.00% 135.00 6.39
251-500 Boscop/VCC Software (per device) 135.00 9.63% 122.00 5.77
over 500 Boscop/VCC Software (per device) 120.00 10.00% 108.00 5.11
PS60 - 1 - 250 PS60 Licenses REQUIRES OMG-AMS-1-N 395.00 9.87% 356.00 16.85
PS60 - 251 - 500 PS60 Licenses REQUIRES OMG-AMS-1- 380.00 10.00% 342.00 16.19
PS60 - 501 and above PS60 Licenses REQUIRES OMG-A 360.00 10.00% 324.00 15.33
PowerPress 0135r Solo for 9000, 1100, 1350, 960EX, 1 12,990.00 31.12% 8,947.37 423.48
RIP Options
PowerRIP 3,100.00 31.14% 2,134.74 101.04
Hardware Options
19" DELL Widescreen LCD monitor 770.00 31.24% 529.47 25.06
Software Options
Remote TrueEdit- 10 License for Solo 7,000.00 31.26% 4,811.58 227.73
Remote TrueEdit- 25 License for Solo 13,500.00 31.26% 9,280.00 439.22
Remote TrueEdit- 25 License for Plus/Max 11,500.00 31.26% 7,905.26 374.16
OCR for Solo/Plus 2,500.00 31.24% 1,718.95 81.36
Scanning Solutions
ScanStation for PowerPress 8 8,000.00 31.26% 5,498.95 260.27
Support Options
Tier 2 Solo Phone Support - 1 year 2,000.00 0.00% 2,000.00 94.66
Tier 2 Solo Phone Support - 2 years 3,600.00 0.00% 3,600.00 170.39
Tier 2 Solo Phone Support - 3 years 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 236.65
Tier 2 Solo Phone Support - 4 years 6,800.00 0.00% 6,800.00 321.84
Tier 2 Solo Phone Support - 5 years 8,400.00 0.00% 8,400.00 397.57
Tier 2 Plus Phone Support - 1 year 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
Tier 2 Plus Phone Support - 2 years 2,700.00 0.00% 2,700.00 127.79
Tier 2 Plus Phone Support - 3 years 7,500.00 0.00% 7,500.00 354.98
Tier 2 Plus Phone Support - 4 years 10,200.00 0.00% 10,200.00 482.77
Tier 2 Plus Phone Support - 5 years 12,600.00 0.00% 12,600.00 596.36
Tier 2 Max Phone Support - 1 year 4,000.00 0.00% 4,000.00 189.32
Tier 2 Max Phone Support - 2 years 7,200.00 0.00% 7,200.00 340.78
Tier 2 Max Phone Support - 3 years 10,000.00 0.00% 10,000.00 473.30
Tier 2 Max Phone Support - 4 years 13,600.00 0.00% 13,600.00 643.69
Tier 2 Max Phone Support - 5 years 16,800.00 0.00% 16,800.00 795.14
Extended Hardware Warranty, Services, System Upgrades & Training
PowerPress Administrative Fee 1,000.00 31.26% 687.37 32.53
PowerPress Solo to Plus Server Upgrade 20,990.00 31.26% 14,428.42 682.90
Solo 2 Year Hardware Warranty Extension - Years 4 & 5 1,000.00 0.00% 1,000.00 47.33
Plus 2 Year Hardware Warranty Extension - Years 4 & 5 1,300.00 0.00% 1,300.00 61.53
Max 2 Year Hardware Warranty Extension - Years 4 & 5 6,000.00 0.00% 6,000.00 283.98
Max Enterprise 2 Year Hardware Warranty Extension - Ye 6,000.00 0.00% 6,000.00 283.98
Ricoh MicroPRESS Base Systems
MicroPress 0135R Solo Server 12,990.00 10.00% 11,691.00 553.34
MicroPress 0136R Solo Server 15,990.00 10.00% 14,391.00 681.13
MicroPress 7075R Solo Server 12,290.00 10.00% 11,061.00 523.52
MicroPress 9090R Solo Server 15,990.00 10.00% 14,391.00 681.13
Micropress 9191r Solor Server 15,990.00 10.00% 14,391.00 681.13
V3 Additional M&S
PPDMv3 1 SEAT ADD'L YEAR M & S 30.00 3.33% 29.00 1.37
PPDMv3 5 SEAT ADD'L YEAR M & S 129.00 1.55% 127.00 6.01
PPDM v3 25 SEAT ADD'L YEAR M & S 611.00 1.80% 600.00 28.40
PPDMv3 50 SEAT ADD'L YEAR M & S 1,157.00 1.73% 1,137.00 53.81
PPDMv3 100 SEAT ADD'L YEAR M & S 2,186.00 1.83% 2,146.00 101.57
PPDMv3 250 SEAT ADD'L YEAR M & S 5,143.00 1.83% 5,049.00 238.97
PPDMv3 500 SEAT ADD'L YEAR M & S 9,644.00 1.81% 9,469.00 448.17
PPDMv3 1,000 SEAT ADD'L YEAR M & S 18,002.00 1.83% 17,673.00 836.46
NX Additional M&S
PPDM NX 1 Seat Additional year M&S 30.00 1.75% 29.47 1.39
PPDM NX 5 Seat Additional year M&S 129.00 2.90% 125.26 5.93
PPDM NX 10 Seat Additional year M&S 252.00 3.09% 244.21 11.56
PPDM NX 25 Seat Additional year M&S 611.00 3.01% 592.63 28.05
PPDM NX 50 Seat Additional year M&S 1,157.00 3.02% 1,122.11 53.11
PPDM NX 100 Seat Additional year M&S 2,186.00 3.07% 2,118.95 100.29
PPDM 2016
PPDM 2016 1 PC INC1YR 379.52 24.59% 286.21 13.55
PPDM 2016 5 PC INC1YR 1,518.00 24.81% 1,141.38 54.02
PPDM 2016 10 PC INC1YR 2,975.00 24.78% 2,237.93 105.92
PPDM 2016 25 PC INC1YR 7,211.00 24.80% 5,422.99 256.67
PPDM 2016 50 PC INC1YR 13,663.00 24.81% 10,273.56 486.25
PPDM 2016 100 PC INC1YR 25,807.00 24.80% 19,405.75 918.47
PPDM 2016 M&S 1 PC INC1YR 30.00 0.00% 30.00 1.42
PPDM 2016 M&S 5 PC INC1YR 120.00 0.00% 120.00 5.68
PPDM 2016 M&S 10 PC INC1YR 235.00 0.00% 235.00 11.12
PPDM 2016 M&S 25 PC INC1YR 570.00 0.00% 570.00 26.98
PPDM 2016 M&S 50 PC INC1YR 1,080.00 0.00% 1,080.00 51.12
PPDM 2016 M&S 100 PC INC1YR 2,040.00 0.00% 2,040.00 96.55
PPDM V1 V2 V3 1 PC UPGRADE TO PPDM 2016 INC0 175.00 24.47% 132.18 6.26
PPDM V1 V2 V3 5 PC UPGRADE TO PPDM 2016 INC0 874.98 24.73% 658.62 31.17
PPDM V1V2 V3 10 PC UPGRADE TO PPDM 2016 INC0 1,749.95 24.79% 1,316.09 62.29
PPDM V1 V2 V3 25 PC UPGRADE TO PPDM 2016 INC 4,374.88 24.81% 3,289.66 155.70
PPDM V1 V2 V3 50 PC UPGRADE TO PPDM 2016 INC 8,749.75 24.79% 6,580.46 311.45
PPDM V1 V2 V3 100 PC UPGRADE TO PPDM 2016 IN 17,499.50 24.80% 13,159.77 622.85
Support - FusionPro Links - Personalized URLs 600.00 16.00% 504.00 23.85
Data List Purchase to MarcomCentral -US Data or GeoSe - #DIV/0! - -
Integrated CASS/NCOA via TEC Mailing - #DIV/0! - -
Additional Student training 5,000.00 16.00% 4,200.00 198.79
Onsite Training - Includes up to 8 Students (One-Time F 12,000.00 0.00% 12,000.00 567.96
Professional Services hourly rate 225.00 4.89% 214.00 10.13
OnPoint Shipping Integration - #DIV/0! - -
FusionPro Links - Personalized URLs - 995.00 15.98% 836.00 39.57
Web services and Data feeds - #DIV/0! - -
Catalog level punch-out - Integrations - #DIV/0! - -
Automated File Delivery workflow EFI, CREO and Generi - #DIV/0! - -
Single sign-on - #DIV/0! - -
MARCOM FUSIONPRO DESKTOP 799.00 16.02% 671.00 31.76
MARCOM FUSIONPRO SERVER WITH API MULTI RE 50,000.00 16.00% 42,000.00 1,987.86
Desktop (FusionPro VDP Creator) Annual Maintenance -1 699.00 21.03% 552.00 26.13
MARCOM ANNUAL SPPT FUSIONPRO SVR WITH API 9,000.00 1.78% 8,840.00 418.40
FusionPro Desktop (FusionPro VDP Creator) Fundamental 200.00 8.50% 183.00 8.66
FusionPro Desktop (FusionPro VDP Creator) Advanced W 200.00 8.50% 183.00 8.66
MARCOM FUSIONPRO DIRECT 2,995.00 14.39% 2,564.00 121.35
Support - FusionPro® Direct 600.00 14.67% 512.00 24.23
Support - Silver Bundle 1,198.00 13.44% 1,037.00 49.08
Support - Bronze Bundle 699.00 16.02% 587.00 27.78
FusionPro Expression Add-on to Marcom Central-Integrat - #DIV/0! - -
FusionPro® Expression 799.00 16.02% 671.00 31.76
Support - FusionPro® Expression 699.00 16.02% 587.00 27.78
FusionPro® Expression Server 2,500.00 16.00% 2,100.00 99.39
Support - FusionPro® Expression Server – image font per 450.00 11.78% 397.00 18.79
Email Marketing Campaign Exact Target - #DIV/0! - -
MarcomCentral Print Service Provider Basic ( 3 storefront - #DIV/0! - -
REQUIRED: Installation - PTI MarcomCentral Print Service 1,800.00 0.00% 1,800.00 78.88
PTI Professional Services for Basic ( 3 storefront ) and 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
Marcom Central Print Service Provider Advanced ( unlimit 28,750.00 0.00% 28,750.00 1,360.74
REQUIRED: Installation - MarcomCentral Print Service Pr 9,600.00 0.00% 9,600.00 420.67
Marcom Central Print Service Provider Advanced Annual 16,250.00 0.00% 16,250.00 769.11
Marcom Enterprise Elite - #DIV/0! - -
REQUIRED: Installation - MarcomCentral Enterprise Elite 9,600.00 0.00% 9,600.00 420.67
Marcom Enterprise Elite - Annual Subscription - #DIV/0! - -
PTI Professional Services for Marcom Enterprise Elite 15,000.00 0.00% 15,000.00 709.95
Marcom Central Corporate In-Plant - #DIV/0! - -
REQUIRED: Installation - MarcomCentral Corporate In-Pl 7,200.00 0.00% 7,200.00 315.50
Marcom Enterprise Corporate In-Plant Annual Subscripti - #DIV/0! - -
PTI Professional Services for Marcom Enterprise Corporat 4,000.00 0.00% 4,000.00 189.32
MARCOM BASIC TO ADVANCED UPGRADE 15,250.00 17.67% 12,556.00 594.28
Basic to Advanced Upgrade Annual Subscription 16,250.00 0.00% 16,250.00 769.11
1 Additional Storefront - Can not be sold as stand alone - #DIV/0! - -
1 Additional Storefront - Annual Subscription - #DIV/0! - -
Additional Student training- 5 days Solana Beach 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 236.65
Support - Single sign-on - #DIV/0! - -
Support - Web services and Data feeds - #DIV/0! - -
Support - Catalog level punch-out - Integrations - #DIV/0! - -
PTI Custom Engineering Rate - Applies to Integration effo 300.00 0.00% 300.00 14.20
120 hours annually 17,400.00 0.00% 17,400.00 823.54
240 hours annually 34,800.00 0.00% 34,800.00 1,647.08
360 hours annually 52,200.00 0.00% 52,200.00 2,470.63
480 hours annually 69,600.00 0.00% 69,600.00 3,294.17
600 hours annually 87,000.00 0.00% 87,000.00 4,117.71
Support - FusionPro Expression Add-on to Marcom Centra - #DIV/0! - -
Support - Data List Purchase to MarcomCentral - #DIV/0! - -
Support - Integrated CASS/NCOA via TEC Mailing - #DIV/0! - -
Support - OnPoint Shipping Integration - #DIV/0! - -
MARCOM JOB SUBMISSION ONLY BUNDLE 2,275.00 0.00% 2,275.00 107.68
MARCOM JOB SUBMISSION ONLY BUNDLE ANNUAL 4,680.00 0.00% 4,680.00 221.50
MARCOM PROF SVCS FOR JOB SUBMISSION ONLY 1,625.00 0.00% 1,625.00 76.91
MARCOM STARTER BUNDLE 6,663.00 0.00% 6,663.00 315.36
Marcom PS Starter Bundle 2,438.00 0.00% 2,438.00 115.39
MARCOM JOB SUBMISSION ONLY BUNDLE TO PSP BAS 11,225.00 7.13% 10,424.14 493.37
MARCOM STARTER TO PSP BASIC 53014-PS1 to 5301 6,838.00 13.92% 5,886.21 278.59
MARCOM FUSIONPRO VDP PRODUCER 3 INSTANCE 8,985.00 5.70% 8,472.41 401.00
MARCOM AFP FOR PRODUCER 3 INSTANCE LIC ONL 5,000.00 13.91% 4,304.60 203.74
MARCOM FUSIONPRO SVR WATCH FOLDER 20,000.00 5.86% 18,828.74 891.16
MARCOM FP WATCH ADDL COMPOSITION ENGINE - E 5,000.00 5.86% 4,706.90 222.78
MARCOM FP VDP PRODUCER 3 INSTANCE LIC ANNU 1,800.00 0.00% 1,800.00 85.19
MARCOM AFP FOR PRODUCER 3 INSTANCE LIC ONL 918.00 0.00% 918.00 43.45
MARCOM FUSIONPRO SVR WATCH FOLDER ANNUAL 3,600.00 6.42% 3,368.97 159.45
MARCOM FUSIONPRO SERVER SINGLE RECORD 3 I 25,000.00 0.00% 25,000.00 1,183.25
MARCOMCENTRAL 3 DAY ADMIN ONLY TRAINING S 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
MARCOMCENTRAL 2 DAY TEMPLATE BLDG ONLY T 2,000.00 0.00% 2,000.00 94.66
PRINTNET LIGHT - 1 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION 5,872.50 0.00% 5,872.50 277.95
PRINTNET LIGHT - 2 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION 11,275.20 0.00% 11,275.20 533.66
PRINTNET LIGHT - 3 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION 16,208.10 0.00% 16,208.10 767.13
PRINTNET LIGHT - 4 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION 20,671.20 0.00% 20,671.20 978.37
CopyNet Light (60 month subscription) 23,490.00 0.00% 23,490.00 1,111.78
PRINTNET BASE - 1 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION 8,302.50 0.00% 8,302.50 392.96
PRINTNET BASE - 2 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION 15,940.80 0.00% 15,940.80 754.48
PRINTNET BASE - 3 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION 22,914.90 0.00% 22,914.90 1,084.56
PRINTNET BASE - 4 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION 29,224.80 0.00% 29,224.80 1,383.21
CopyNet Base (60 month subscription) 33,210.00 0.00% 33,210.00 1,571.83
PRINTNET FORMS - 1 YR SUBSCRIPTION 10,732.50 0.00% 10,732.50 507.97
PRINTNET FORMS - 2 YR SUBSCRIPTION 20,606.40 0.00% 20,606.40 975.30
PRINTNET FORMS - 3 YR SUBSCRIPTION 29,621.70 0.00% 29,621.70 1,402.00
PRINTNET FORMS - 4 YR SUBSCRIPTION 37,778.40 0.00% 37,778.40 1,788.05
CopyNet Forms (60 month subscription) 42,930.00 0.00% 42,930.00 2,031.88
PRINTNET EDU - 1 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION 14,782.50 0.00% 14,782.50 699.66
PRINTNET EDU - 2 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION 28,382.40 0.00% 28,382.40 1,343.34
PRINTNET EDU - 3 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION 40,799.70 0.00% 40,799.70 1,931.05
PRINTNET EDU - 4 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION 52,034.40 0.00% 52,034.40 2,462.79
CopyNet Education (60 month subscription) 59,130.00 0.00% 59,130.00 2,798.62
Credit Card Option 2,835.00 0.00% 2,835.00 134.18
Ricoh Project Management 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67
Equitrac Ps Installation One Hour 200.00 0.00% 200.00 8.76
REQUIRED: PPSE Training - Ricoh TotalFlow Path 3,600.00 0.00% 3,600.00 157.75
Installation - Ricoh ProC550/700 2,331.00 25.00% 1,748.25 76.61
Installation - Pro M1107Ex/1357Ex W/Fiery 3,591.00 4.76% 3,420.00 149.86
REQUIRED: Installation - Ricoh 907EX Family with Fiery 3,950.10 25.00% 2,962.58 129.82
PPSE Training - Wideformat 1,811.25 17.18% 1,500.00 65.73
Installation - Presales 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.38
Services - Application Development (Fixed Fee / Quoted 250.00 10.00% 225.00 9.86
Design - (Fixed Fee / Quoted Hours) 250.00 10.00% 225.00 9.86
Services - Project Discovery Serices (Fixed Fee / Quoted 250.00 10.00% 225.00 9.86
Assessment - Lifecycles Strategy (Fixed Fee / Quoted Ho 250.00 10.00% 225.00 9.86
Services - PrintOn Setup Only 199.00 33.88% 131.58 5.77
Services - Engineering Services (Fixed Fee / Quoted Hou 250.00 10.00% 225.00 9.86
CORE RICOH ENGINEERING SERVICES 250.00 13.00% 217.50 10.29
Services - Connector HotSpot MFP 925.00 0.00% 925.00 40.53
Installation - A2iA (Fixed Fee / Quoted Hours) 250.00 10.00% 225.00 9.86
Installation - Autostore Express (Fixed Fee / Fixed Hours) 925.00 0.00% 925.00 40.53
Installation - EMC Application Extender (Fixed Fee / Quo 220.00 0.00% 220.00 9.64
Installation - EMC Application Extender (Fixed Fee / Quo 220.00 0.00% 220.00 9.64
[OA]Tier 1 PS Installation RICOH Card Authentication P 370.00 0.00% 370.00 17.51
Installation - Captaris (Fixed Fee / Quoted Hours) 205.00 0.00% 205.00 8.98
Installation - Captiva (Fixed Fee / Quoted Hours) 250.00 10.00% 225.00 9.86
Installation - Dell SVR/DSK 205.00 0.00% 205.00 8.98
Installation - Device Manager NX Account 555.00 0.00% 555.00 24.32
Installation - Device Manager Enterprise Core (Fixed Fee 205.00 0.00% 205.00 8.98
Installation - Device Manager NX Pro (Fixed Fee / Quote 205.00 0.00% 205.00 8.98
Installation - Docuware 220.00 0.00% 220.00 9.64
Installation - Ecopy Install (Fixed Fee / Quoted Hours) 185.00 0.00% 185.00 8.76
Installation - eCopy Elements (Fixed Fee / Fixed Hours) 925.00 0.00% 925.00 40.53
Installation - Ecopy Pdf Pro Add'L Users (Fixed Fee / Qu 74.00 0.00% 74.00 3.24
Installation - Ecopy Pdf Pro - (Fixed Fee / Fixed Hours) 740.00 0.00% 740.00 32.43
Installation - Ecopy Scanstation (Fixed Fee / Fixed Hours 1,480.00 0.00% 1,480.00 64.85
[OA]Tier 1 PS Installation RICOH Enhanced Locked Prin 370.00 0.00% 370.00 17.51
[OA]Tier 1 PS Installation RICOH ELP-NX And CAP (Per 555.00 0.00% 555.00 26.27
Installation - EMC (Fixed Fee / Quoted Hours) 220.00 0.00% 220.00 9.64
Installation - Equitrac (Fixed Fee / Quoted Hours) 205.00 0.00% 205.00 8.98
Installation - Expedata (Fixed Fee / Quoted Hours) 220.00 0.00% 220.00 9.64
Installation - Premier External Stand-Alone Scanner (Fix 925.00 25.00% 693.75 30.40
Installation - Ricoh GlobalScan 1 MFD 1,025.00 0.00% 1,025.00 44.92
Installation - Ricoh GlobalScan Up to 5 Devices 2,265.00 0.00% 2,265.00 99.25
Installation - PCSD Analysis Mod Up To 25 3,280.00 0.00% 3,280.00 143.73
REQUIRED: Installation - Kodak EX (Fixed Fee / Fixed H 10,395.00 25.00% 7,796.00 341.62
Installation - Kodak EX MICR (Fixed Fee / Fixed Hours) 9,450.00 0.00% 9,450.00 414.10
Installation - Kofax (Fixed Fee / Quoted Hours) 205.00 0.00% 205.00 8.98
Installation - Laserfiche (Fixed Fee / Quoted Hours) 220.00 0.00% 220.00 9.64
Installation - Non-Embedded Scan (Fixed Fee / Quoted H 185.00 0.00% 185.00 8.11
Installation - NSI Autostore 205.00 0.00% 205.00 8.98
Installation - NSI Output Manager 185.00 0.00% 185.00 8.11
Installation - OM Tool (Fixed Fee / Quoted Hours) 220.00 10.00% 198.00 9.37
Installation - Open Text (Fixed Fee / Quoted Hours) 205.00 0.00% 205.00 8.98
Installation - Paradatec (Fixed Fee / Quoted Hours) 250.00 10.00% 225.00 9.86
Installation - PCS (Fixed Fee / Quoted Hours) 205.00 0.00% 205.00 8.98
Installation - Pharos (Fixed Fee / Quoted Hours) 205.00 0.00% 205.00 8.98
ECM PS INSTALLATION RAIMMS 205.00 13.00% 178.35 8.44
MPS PS INSTALLATION RAIMMS 205.00 13.00% 178.35 8.44
PPSE Training - Ricoh Basic Install and Training C720 no 5,040.00 20.63% 4,000.00 175.28
Installation - Ricoh Common Access Card 185.00 0.00% 185.00 8.11
Installation - Ricoh Card Authentication Program (Fixed F 1,110.00 2.70% 1,080.00 47.33
Installation - Ricoh Document Mall - Trial 185.00 0.00% 185.00 8.11
Installation - Ricoh Document Mall 185.00 0.00% 185.00 8.11
Installation - Ricoh Enhanced Lock Print SE/EX/NX (Fixe 1,110.00 20.27% 885.00 38.78
Installation - Ricoh Enhanced Lock Print NX with CAP (Fi 1,850.00 21.62% 1,450.00 63.54
Installation - Ricoh GS NX (Fixed Fee / Quoted Hours) 185.00 0.00% 185.00 8.11
Installation - HotSpot Enterprise 205.00 0.00% 205.00 8.98
Installation - Ricoh (Fixed Fee / Quoted Hours) 185.00 0.00% 185.00 8.11
Installation - Ricoh Paper to Send (Fixed Fee / Quoted Ho 205.00 0.00% 205.00 8.98
Installation - Ricoh Print Control and Copy (Fixed Fee / 185.00 0.00% 185.00 8.11
Installation - Ricoh Personal  Paperless Document Management (Fixed
Fee / Quoted Hours)
0.00% 185.00 8.11
Installation - Ricoh Personal  Paperless Document Management (1 185.00
User) (Fixed Fee /0.00%
Fixed Hours) 185.00 8.11
Installation - Ricoh Personal  Paperless Document Management (up495.00
to 5 Users) (Fixed0.00%
Fee / Fixed Hours)
495.00 21.69
REQUIRED: Installation - Ricoh PTI Gold Bundle (Fixed F 6,000.00 0.00% 6,000.00 262.92
REQUIRED: Installation - Ricoh PTI Platinum Bundle (Fix 12,000.00 0.00% 12,000.00 525.84
Installation - @Remote (Fixed Fee / Quoted Hours) 185.00 0.00% 185.00 8.11
Installation - @Remote Pro 185.00 0.00% 185.00 8.11
Installation - Ricoh Smart Accounting (Fixed Fee / Fixed 1,480.00 14.53% 1,265.00 55.43
Installation - Ricoh Streamline NX 185.00 0.00% 185.00 8.11
Installation - Ricoh Web Based Driver Installer (Fixed Fe 205.00 0.00% 205.00 8.98
Installation - Ricoh Web Smart Device Monitor (Fixed Fee 1,480.00 14.53% 1,265.00 55.43
Installation - Sagem (Fixed Fee / Quoted Hours) 205.00 0.00% 205.00 8.98
Installation - MS Sharepoint (Fixed Fee / Quoted Hours) 205.00 0.00% 205.00 8.98
Installation - @Remote Office (Fixed Fee / Quoted Hours) 185.00 0.00% 185.00 8.11
Installation - Card Authentication Pkg (Fixed Fee / Quote 185.00 0.00% 185.00 8.11
Installation - Copitrak (Fixed Fee / Quoted Hours) 205.00 0.00% 205.00 8.98
Installation - DMNX Accounting (Fixed Fee / Quoted Hour 185.00 0.00% 185.00 8.11
Installation - ELP NX (Fixed Fee / Quoted Hours) 185.00 0.00% 185.00 8.11
Installation - Hotspot MFP (Fixed Fee / Quoted Hours) 185.00 0.00% 185.00 8.11
Installation - PCS Director (Fixed Fee / Quoted Hours) 185.00 0.00% 185.00 8.11
Installation - PPDM (Fixed Fee / Quoted Hours) 185.00 0.00% 185.00 8.11
Installation - Stethos Barcode Solutions (Fixed Fee / Quo 185.00 0.00% 185.00 8.11
Installation - Services (Fixed Fee / Quoted Hours) 185.00 0.00% 185.00 8.11
Installation - Westbrook (Fixed Fee / Quoted Hours) 220.00 0.00% 220.00 9.64
Services - Misc Work (Fixed Fee / Quoted Hours) 185.00 0.00% 185.00 8.11
ECM NATIONAL PMO SERVICES 185.00 13.00% 160.95 7.62
MPS NAT PMO SERVICE 185.00 13.00% 160.95 7.62
Installation - Global Scan (5 users / 1 Printer) (Fixed Fee 185.00 0.00% 185.00 8.11
Installation - Ricoh Global Scan Serverless (Fixed Fee / 925.00 0.00% 925.00 43.78
Services - SED Installation Services (Fixed Fee / Quoted 250.00 10.00% 225.00 9.86
Support - Captiva 205.00 0.00% 205.00 8.98
Support - eCopy 205.00 0.00% 205.00 8.98
Support - EMC 220.00 0.00% 220.00 9.64
Support - Equitrac 205.00 0.00% 205.00 8.98
Support - Kofax/Products 205.00 0.00% 205.00 8.98
Support - Nsi Support 205.00 0.00% 205.00 8.98
Support - Paradatec 250.00 10.00% 225.00 9.86
Support - PCS Support 185.00 0.00% 185.00 8.11
Support - Ricoh 205.00 0.00% 205.00 8.98
Support - Ikon Trac 185.00 0.00% 185.00 8.11
Support - Westbrook 220.00 0.00% 220.00 9.64
CORE PS CONSULTING BLOCK OF TIME 12 MONTHS 205.00 13.00% 178.35 8.44
ECM PS BLOCK OF TIME 12 MONTHS 205.00 13.00% 178.35 8.44
MPS PS BLOCK OF TIME 12 MONTHS 205.00 13.00% 178.35 8.44
ECM PS BLOCK OF TIME 24 MONTHS 205.00 13.00% 178.35 8.44
MPS PS BLOCK OF TIME 24 MONTHS 205.00 13.00% 178.35 8.44
ECM PS BLOCK OF TIME 36 MONTHS 205.00 13.00% 178.35 8.44
MPS PS BLOCK OF TIME 36 MONTHS 205.00 13.00% 178.35 8.44
ECM PS BLOCK OF TIME 48 MONTHS 205.00 13.00% 178.35 8.44
MPS PS BLOCK OF TIME 48 MONTHS 205.00 13.00% 178.35 8.44
ECM PS BLOCK OF TIME 60 MONTHS 205.00 13.00% 178.35 8.44
MPS PS BLOCK OF TIME 60 MONTHS 205.00 13.00% 178.35 8.44
Services - Training Services (Fixed Fee / Quoted Hours) 220.00 0.00% 220.00 9.64
ECM PS TRAINING 220.00 13.00% 191.40 9.06
MPS PS TRAINING 220.00 13.00% 191.40 9.06
ECM TS INSTALLATION OF RAIMMS 205.00 13.00% 178.35 8.44
MPS TS INSTALLATION OF RAIMMS 205.00 13.00% 178.35 8.44
PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (Additional 3rd Party)
DOCUWARE ON-SITE PROF SVCS PER DAY PER D 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 118.33
DOCUWARE REMOTE PROF SVCS PER HR PER DO 250.00 0.00% 250.00 11.83
Fasoo Enterprise DRM Professional Services (Per Hour) 240.00 0.00% 240.00 11.36
Gravic On-Line Training For Remark Office OMR 666.67 25.00% 500.00 23.67
KOFAX ADDL PER STUDENT - CAPTURE TECHNICAL 2,125.00 25.00% 1,593.75 75.43
KOFAX ADDL PER STUDENT - CUSTOMIZING CAPTU 2,125.00 25.00% 1,593.75 75.43
KOFAX ADDL PER STUDENT - KTA ON-SITE TECHNI 2,125.00 25.00% 1,593.75 75.43
KOFAX ADDL PER STUDENT - KTM TECHNICAL TRN 2,833.33 25.00% 2,125.00 100.58
KOFAX CAPTURE ADV REPORTS INSTALL PACK 8,500.00 25.00% 6,375.00 301.73
KOFAX CAPTURE INSTALL PACK 10,766.67 25.00% 8,075.00 382.19
KOFAX CAPTURE TECHNICAL CERT CLASS 4,250.00 25.00% 3,187.50 150.86
KOFAX CUSTOMIZING KOFAX CAPTURE CLASS 4,250.00 25.00% 3,187.50 150.86
KOFAX KET INSTALL PACK 9,350.00 25.00% 7,012.50 331.90
KOFAX KFS INSTALL PACK 9,633.33 25.00% 7,225.00 341.96
KOFAX KIC-EMAIL INSTALL PACK 7,366.67 25.00% 5,525.00 261.50
KOFAX KIC-FAX INSTALL PACK 6,516.67 25.00% 4,887.50 231.33
KOFAX KIC-FOLDER INSTALL PACK 6,516.67 25.00% 4,887.50 231.33
KOFAX KIC-WEB SERVICES INSTALL PACK 8,500.00 25.00% 6,375.00 301.73
KOFAX KM INSTALL PACK 9,633.33 25.00% 7,225.00 341.96
KOFAX KPS BLOCK HOURS - 100 40,000.00 0.00% 40,000.00 1,893.20
KOFAX KPS BLOCK HOURS - 1000 333,333.33 0.00% 333,333.33 15,776.67
KOFAX KPS BLOCK HOURS - 1200 390,000.00 0.00% 390,000.00 18,458.70
KOFAX KPS BLOCK HOURS - 1500 475,000.00 0.00% 475,000.00 22,481.75
KOFAX KPS BLOCK HOURS - 200 78,333.33 0.00% 78,333.33 3,707.52
KOFAX KPS BLOCK HOURS - 300 115,000.00 0.00% 115,000.00 5,442.95
KOFAX KPS BLOCK HOURS - 500 187,500.00 0.00% 187,500.00 8,874.38
KOFAX KPS SITE ANALYSIS AND PLANNING PACK 41,666.67 0.00% 41,666.67 1,972.08
KOFAX KTA 6.0 LEVEL 1 CLASS 4,250.00 25.00% 3,187.50 150.86
KOFAX KTA 6.0 LEVEL 2 CLASS 4,250.00 25.00% 3,187.50 150.86
KOFAX KTA 7 ADVANCED DESIGN & CONFIG CLASS 4,250.00 25.00% 3,187.50 150.86
KOFAX KTA 7 DESIGN AND CONFIG CLASS 4,250.00 25.00% 3,187.50 150.86
KOFAX KTA 7 ESSENTIALS CLASS 4,250.00 25.00% 3,187.50 150.86
KOFAX KTA BOOT CAMP TRNG CLASS 22,666.67 25.00% 17,000.00 804.61
KOFAX KTA DYNAMICS INTEGRATION TRNG CLASS 1,700.00 25.00% 1,275.00 60.35
KOFAX KTM 5 / 6 SCRIPTING TECHNICAL TRNG 4,250.00 25.00% 3,187.50 150.86
KOFAX KTM INSTALL PACK 11,333.33 25.00% 8,500.00 402.30
KOFAX KTM TECHNICAL CERT CLASS 5,666.67 25.00% 4,250.00 201.15
KOFAX ON-SITE CAPTURE TRNG - 6 STUDENTS 25,500.00 25.00% 19,125.00 905.19
KOFAX ON-SITE CUSTOMIZING CAPTURE - 6 STUDE 25,500.00 25.00% 19,125.00 905.19
KOFAX ON-SITE KTA - 6 STUDENTS 25,500.00 25.00% 19,125.00 905.19
KOFAX ON-SITE KTM TRNG - 6 STUDENTS 34,000.00 25.00% 25,500.00 1,206.92
KOFAX PS EXPENSE PACK 5,000.00 25.00% 3,750.00 177.49
NSI NU AW PROF SVCS 1 DAY OF PS 2,933.33 25.00% 2,200.00 104.13
NSI REMOTE INSTALL SERVICE FOR OUTPUT MANA 2,000.00 25.00% 1,500.00 71.00
NSI TRNG AUTOSTORE CERTFD ADMIN 1 STUDENT 1,600.00 25.00% 1,200.00 56.80
NSI TRNG AUTOSTORE CERTFD ADMIN 10 STUDENT 14,400.00 25.00% 10,800.00 511.16
NSI TRNG AUTOSTORE CERTFD ADV ADMIN 1 STUD 1,600.00 25.00% 1,200.00 56.80
NSI TRNG AUTOSTORE CERTFD ADV ADMIN 10 STU 14,400.00 25.00% 10,800.00 511.16
NSI TRNG AUTOSTORE CERTFD INSTALLER 10 STU 6,000.00 25.00% 4,500.00 212.99
NSI TRNG INTRO TO AUTOSTORE 1 STUDENT 333.33 25.00% 250.00 11.83
NSI TRNG INTRO TO AUTOSTORE 10 STUDENTS 3,000.00 25.00% 2,250.00 106.49
NSI TRNG NSI OPENFORMS 360 1 STUDENT 1,600.00 25.00% 1,200.00 56.80
NSI TRNG NSI OPENFORMS 360 10 STUDENTS 14,400.00 25.00% 10,800.00 511.16
NSI TRNG SMARTICKET 1 STUDENT 1,600.00 25.00% 1,200.00 56.80
NSI TRNG SMARTICKET 10 STUDENTS 14,400.00 25.00% 10,800.00 511.16
NUANCE ECOPY LRG UNIT CHRG FOR CUSTOMIZAT 1,666.67 0.00% 1,666.67 78.88
NUANCE ECOPY NEXTGEN PROF SVCS STD OFFERI 1,666.67 0.00% 1,666.67 78.88
NUANCE ECOPY PS INSTALL 4 HRS REMOTE OR ON 1,333.33 0.00% 1,333.33 63.11
NUANCE ECOPY PS ONSITE INSTALL-ONE DAY 2,666.67 0.00% 2,666.67 126.21
NUANCE ECOPY PS ONSITE TRNG-ONE DAY 2,666.67 0.00% 2,666.67 126.21
NUANCE ECOPY PS PER DAY LOCAL-PER DAY 333.33 0.00% 333.33 15.78
NUANCE ECOPY PS PER DAY W REGNL AIR TRVL A 666.67 0.00% 666.67 31.55
NUANCE ECOPY PS PER DAY WITH AIR TRVL 1,666.67 0.00% 1,666.67 78.88
NUANCE ECOPY PS SMART CARD COMPONENT 1,333.33 0.00% 1,333.33 63.11
NUANCE ECOPY PS STD OFFERING 166.67 0.00% 166.67 7.89
NUANCE ECOPY PS TRNG 4 HRS (REMOTE OR ONSI 166.67 0.00% 166.67 7.89
NUANCE ECOPY PS UNIT-ONE HR 333.33 0.00% 333.33 15.78
NUANCE ECOPY PS WEBINAR-ONE HR 333.33 0.00% 333.33 15.78
NUANCE ECOPY TRNG MATERIALS-1 USR 55.00 0.00% 55.00 2.60
NUANCE ECOPY TRNG MATERIALS-10 USRS 550.00 0.00% 550.00 26.03
NUANCE ECOPY TRNG MATERIALS-5 USRS 275.00 0.00% 275.00 13.02
NUANCE EQUITRAC PROF SVCS INSTALL-FOUR HRS 1,333.33 0.00% 1,333.33 63.11
NUANCE EQUITRAC PROF SVCS INSTALL-ONE DAY 2,666.67 0.00% 2,666.67 126.21
NUANCE EQUITRAC PROF SVCS LRG UNIT-DESCR 1,666.67 0.00% 1,666.67 78.88
NUANCE EQUITRAC PROF SVCS TRNG-FOUR HRS 1,333.33 0.00% 1,333.33 63.11
NUANCE EQUITRAC PROF SVCS TRNG-ONE DAY 2,666.67 0.00% 2,666.67 126.21
NUANCE EQUITRAC PS PER DAY LOCAL-PER DAY 333.33 0.00% 333.33 15.78
NUANCE EQUITRAC PS PER DAY W REGNL AIR TRV 666.67 0.00% 666.67 31.55
NUANCE EQUITRAC PS PER DAY WITH TRVL BY  PLANE 1,666.67 0.00% 1,666.67 78.88
NUANCE EQUITRAC PS STD OFFERING 166.67 0.00% 166.67 7.89
NUANCE EQUITRAC TRNG MATERIALS-10 USRS 550.00 0.00% 550.00 26.03
NUANCE EQUITRAC TRNG MATERIALS-5 USRS 275.00 0.00% 275.00 13.02
OMTOOL ACCUROUTE FAX (ONLY) INSTALLATION 4,500.00 0.00% 4,500.00 212.99
OMTOOL ACCUROUTE TRNG WITH FAX 4,500.00 0.00% 4,500.00 212.99
OMTOOL ACCUROUTE TRNG WITHOUT FAX 3,750.00 0.00% 3,750.00 177.49
OMTOOL ADDITIONAL DAYS OF INSTALLATION 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
OMTOOL ADDITIONAL DAYS OF INSTALLATION - WE 4,500.00 0.00% 4,500.00 212.99
OMTOOL ADDL DAY OF TRNG 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
OMTOOL CONSULTING SVCS IN-HOUSE 375.00 0.00% 375.00 17.75
OMTOOL CONSULTING SVCS ON-SITE 375.00 0.00% 375.00 17.75
OMTOOL IMPLEMENTATION SVCS 277.50 0.00% 277.50 13.13
OMTOOL ONSITE ACCUROUTE TRNG FOR 1 DAY 4,500.00 0.00% 4,500.00 212.99
OMTOOL PROFESSIONAL SVCS AFTER HRS 562.50 0.00% 562.50 26.62
OMTOOL PROFESSIONAL SVCS HRLY RATE 4 HR MI 375.00 0.00% 375.00 17.75
OMTOOL REMOTE INSTALLATION SERVICES 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
OMTOOL TRNG SVCS (HRLY) 277.50 0.00% 277.50 13.13
OPENTEXT RIGHTFAX EXP ESSENTIALS SW 1 IMPL 2,125.00 25.00% 1,593.75 75.43
PARADATEC PROF SVCS 1 MAN DAY 2,833.33 0.00% 2,833.33 134.10
PARADATEC PROF SVCS 1 MAN HOUR 354.17 0.00% 354.17 16.76
PARADATEC TRAINING 5 DAY COURSE 4,833.33 0.00% 4,833.33 228.76
PCS ROI PRINT MGR TRNG & ONSITE SUPPORT 2,400.00 10.00% 2,160.00 102.23
PCS ROI PRINT MGR WEB-BASED INSTALL UP TO 1 1,400.00 10.00% 1,260.00 59.64
PCS ROI PRINT MGR WEB-BASED INSTALL UP TO 1 16,000.00 10.00% 14,400.00 681.55
PCS ROI PRINT MGR WEB-BASED INSTALL UP TO 1 6,000.00 10.00% 5,400.00 255.58
PCS ROI PRINT MGR WEB-BASED INSTALL UP TO 2 1,800.00 10.00% 1,620.00 76.67
PCS ROI PRINT MGR WEB-BASED INSTALL UP TO 2 26,000.00 10.00% 23,400.00 1,107.52
PCS ROI PRINT MGR WEB-BASED INSTALL UP TO 2 8,000.00 10.00% 7,200.00 340.78
PCS ROI PRINT MGR WEB-BASED INSTALL UP TO 3 3,000.00 10.00% 2,700.00 127.79
PCS ROI PRINT MGR WEB-BASED INSTALL UP TO 5 900.00 10.00% 810.00 38.34
PCS ROI PRINT MGR WEB-BASED INSTALL UP TO 5 4,000.00 10.00% 3,600.00 170.39
PCS ROI PRINT MGR WEB-BASED INSTALL UP TO 5 10,000.00 10.00% 9,000.00 425.97
PHAROS PROF SVCS-CUSTOM INTEGRATION 3,333.33 0.00% 3,333.33 157.77
PHAROS PROF SVCS-CUSTOM REPORT DEVELOPM 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 118.33
PHAROS PROF SVCS-CUSTOM SW DEVELOPMENT 3,333.33 0.00% 3,333.33 157.77
PHAROS PROF SVCS-INSTALL-EXPENSES 3,333.33 0.01% 3,333.00 157.75
PHAROS PROF SVCS-ONSITE INSTALL-LABOR PER 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 118.33
PHAROS PROF SVCS-REMOTE INSTALL-LABOR PER 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
PHAROS PROF SVCS-SCRIPT DEVELOPMENT (PER D 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 118.33
PHAROS PROF SVCS-TRNG-EXPENSES 3,333.33 0.00% 3,333.33 157.77
PHAROS PROF SVCS-TRNG-LABOR PER DAY 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 118.33
WESTBROOK CERT FB EXPRT (CFBE) 5DAY ONSITE 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 236.65
WESTBROOK CERT FB EXPRT (CFBE) UPCERT 4 HL 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
WESTBROOK CUSTOMIZED EDUCATION 2,666.67 0.00% 2,666.67 126.21
WESTBROOK PS CONTRACTED DAYS 2,666.67 0.00% 2,666.67 126.21
WESTBROOK PS ESTIMATED T&E DAYS 1,666.67 0.00% 1,666.67 78.88
WESTBROOK QUAL FORTIS PROF 5DAY ONSITE 4 H 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 236.65
WESTBROOK QUALIFIED FORTIS PRO REFRESHER ( 1,166.67 0.00% 1,166.67 55.22
PRSONAS Hologram Base Unit (Includes basic component 10,272.86 10.00% 9,245.57 437.59
PRSONAS Annual Service Fee INC1YR 6,230.77 0.00% 6,230.77 294.90
PRSONAS Character Design Changes 538.46 0.00% 538.46 25.49
PRSONAS Voiceover & Animation (per word) 12.31 0.00% 12.31 0.58
PRSONAS Touchscreen Pages (per page) 115.38 0.00% 115.38 5.46
PRSONAS Graphics / Video 115.38 0.00% 115.38 5.46
PRSONAS Languages (per language) 1,153.84 0.00% 1,153.84 54.61
PRSONAS Onsite Installation & Support per day 1,230.77 0.00% 1,230.77 58.25
[OOD]PRSONAS ANNUAL SERVICE FEE INC2YR 12,461.54 0.00% 12,461.54 589.80
[OOD]PRSONAS ANNUAL SERVICE FEE INC3YR 18,692.31 0.00% 18,692.31 884.71
PRSONAS ADD UX DESIGN INCLDS 10 HRS UX DEV 7,692.30 0.00% 7,692.30 364.08
PRSONAS ADD UX DEV SRVCS / CUST INTGRTN PER 269.23 0.00% 269.23 12.74
PRSONAS INTELLIGENT REALITY DESIGN SVC INC1 8,628.00 0.00% 8,628.00 408.36
PRSONAS INTELLIGENT REALITY DESIGN SVC INC2 17,256.00 0.00% 17,256.00 816.73
PRSONAS INTELLIGENT REALITY DESIGN SVC INC3 25,884.00 0.00% 25,884.00 1,225.09
RICOH Accounts Payable for Small Business Subscripti 208.33 12.35% 182.61 8.64
RICOH Accounts Payable for Small Business Subscripti 204.17 12.16% 179.35 8.49
RICOH Accounts Payable for Small Business Subscripti 202.08 12.32% 177.17 8.39
RICOH Accounts Payable for Small Business Subscripti 200.00 12.50% 175.00 8.28
RICOH Accounts Payable for Small Business Subscripti 197.92 12.13% 173.91 8.23
RICOH Accounts Payable for Small Business Subscripti 312.50 12.70% 272.83 12.91
RICOH Accounts Payable for Small Business Subscripti 306.25 12.69% 267.39 12.66
RICOH Accounts Payable for Small Business Subscripti 303.11 12.50% 265.22 12.55
RICOH Accounts Payable for Small Business Subscripti 300.00 12.68% 261.96 12.40
RICOH Accounts Payable for Small Business Subscripti 296.87 12.49% 259.78 12.30
RICOH Accounts Payable for Small Business Subscripti 416.67 12.35% 365.22 17.29
RICOH Accounts Payable for Small Business Subscripti 408.33 12.42% 357.61 16.93
RICOH Accounts Payable for Small Business Subscripti 404.17 12.33% 354.35 16.77
RICOH Accounts Payable for Small Business Subscripti 400.00 12.50% 350.00 16.57
RICOH Accounts Payable for Small Business Subscripti 395.83 12.40% 346.74 16.41
RICOH Accounts Payable for Small Business Subscripti 729.17 12.50% 638.04 30.20
RICOH Accounts Payable for Small Business Subscripti 714.58 12.54% 625.00 29.58
RICOH Accounts Payable for Small Business Subscripti 707.29 12.56% 618.48 29.27
RICOH Accounts Payable for Small Business Subscripti 700.00 12.58% 611.96 28.96
RICOH Accounts Payable for Small Business Subscripti 692.71 12.44% 606.52 28.71
RICOH Accounts Payable for Small Business Subscripti 1,354.17 12.59% 1,183.70 56.02
RICOH Accounts Payable for Small Business Subscripti 1,327.08 12.61% 1,159.78 54.89
RICOH Accounts Payable for Small Business Subscripti 1,313.54 12.62% 1,147.83 54.33
RICOH Accounts Payable for Small Business Subscripti 1,300.00 12.63% 1,135.87 53.76
RICOH Accounts Payable for Small Business Subscripti 1,286.46 12.55% 1,125.00 53.25
TS Installation and Training for Ricoh Accounts Payable 350.00 0.00% 350.00 16.57
Ricoh, Savin, Lanier Toner Container Return Box 20.00 10.00% 18.00 0.85
Ricoh Reform Pdc Apd (Per Seat) 137.50 9.82% 124.00 5.87
Ricoh Reform Pdc Archive 1,601.00 9.99% 1,441.00 68.20
Ricoh Reform Pdc Base Server (No Vdp) 985.00 9.95% 887.00 41.98
Ricoh Reform Pdc Cst Accnting Active Reporting 2,750.00 10.00% 2,475.00 117.14
Ricoh Reform Pdc Dac (Doc Authority Ctrl) 434.50 10.01% 391.00 18.51
Ricoh Reform Pdc Dsktp Form Filler 1 Wkstn 143.00 9.79% 129.00 6.11
Ricoh Reform Pdc Dsktp Form Filler 10 Wkst 1,314.50 10.00% 1,183.00 55.99
Ricoh Reform Pdc Dsktp Form Filler 50 Wkst 5,494.50 10.00% 4,945.00 234.05
Ricoh Reform Pdc Desktop Most 1 Pack 275.00 9.82% 248.00 11.74
Ricoh Reform Pdc Desktop Most 10 Pack 2,200.00 10.00% 1,980.00 93.71
Ricoh Reform Pdc Desktop Most 50 Pk 8,800.00 10.00% 7,920.00 374.85
Ricoh Reform Pdc Email 1,370.00 10.00% 1,233.00 58.36
Ricoh Reform Pdc Ent Bundle Tier 6 146.67 10.00% 132.00 6.25
Ricoh Reform Pdc Ent Bundle Tier 1 268.89 10.00% 242.00 11.45
Ricoh Reform Pdc Ent Bundle Tier 2 242.00 9.92% 218.00 10.32
Ricoh Reform Pdc Ent Bundle Tier 3 215.11 9.81% 194.00 9.18
Ricoh Reform Pdc Ent Bundle Tier 4 188.22 10.21% 169.00 8.00
Ricoh Reform Pdc Ent Bundle Tier 5 161.33 10.12% 145.00 6.86
Ricoh Reform Pdc Ent Mfp Track Bundle Tier 1 24.44 9.98% 22.00 1.04
Ricoh Reform Pdc Ent Mfp Track Bundle Tier 2 22.00 9.09% 20.00 0.95
Ricoh Reform Pdc Ent Mfp Track Bundle Tier 3 19.56 7.98% 18.00 0.85
Ricoh Reform Pdc Ent Mfp Track Bundle Tier 4 17.11 12.33% 15.00 0.71
Ricoh Reform Pdc Ent Mfp Track Bundle Tier 5 14.67 11.38% 13.00 0.62
Ricoh Reform Pdc Ent Mfp Track Bundle Tier 6 12.22 9.98% 11.00 0.52
Ricoh Reform Pdc Ent Print Track 10000 Users 146,666.67 10.00% 132,000.00 6,247.56
Ricoh Reform Pdc Ent Print Track 15000 Users 201,666.67 10.00% 181,500.00 8,590.40
Ricoh Reform Pdc Ent Print Track 20000 Users 244,444.44 10.00% 220,000.00 10,412.60
Ricoh Reform Pdc Ent Print Track 30000 Users 359,333.33 10.00% 323,400.00 15,306.52
Ricoh Reform Pdc Ent Print Track 40000 Users 469,333.33 10.00% 422,400.00 19,992.19
Ricoh Reform Pdc Ent Print Track 5000 Users 79,444.44 10.00% 71,500.00 3,384.10
Ricoh Reform Pdc Ent Print Track 50000 Users 574,444.44 10.00% 517,000.00 24,469.61
Ricoh Reform Pdc Ent Print Track 60000 Users 674,666.67 10.00% 607,200.00 28,738.78
Ricoh Reform Pdc Ent Print Track 70000 Users 770,000.00 10.00% 693,000.00 32,799.69
Ricoh Reform Pdc Ent Print Track 80000 Users 831,111.11 10.00% 748,000.00 35,402.84
Ricoh Reform Pdc Ent Print Track 90000 Users 880,000.00 10.00% 792,000.00 37,485.36
Ricoh Reform Pdc Fax 2,063.00 9.99% 1,857.00 87.89
Ricoh Reform Pdc Most Card Auth Lic 1,100.00 10.00% 990.00 46.86
Ricoh Reform Pdc Most Mfp Tracker 1 Pack 110.00 10.00% 99.00 4.69
Ricoh Reform Pdc Most Mfp Tracker 10 Pack 825.00 9.94% 743.00 35.17
Ricoh Reform Pdc Most Mfp Tracker 100 Pack 4,950.00 10.00% 4,455.00 210.86
Ricoh Reform Pdc Most Mfp Tracker 1K Pack 24,475.00 10.00% 22,028.00 1,042.59
Ricoh Reform Pdc Most Mfp Tracker 25 Pack 1,650.00 10.00% 1,485.00 70.29
Ricoh Reform Pdc Most Mfp Tracker 50 Pack 3,025.00 9.98% 2,723.00 128.88
Ricoh Reform Pdc Most Mfp Tracker 500 Pack 18,150.00 10.00% 16,335.00 773.14
Ricoh Reform Pdc Most Print To Me Lic 1,375.00 9.96% 1,238.00 58.59
Ricoh Reform Pdc Most Prn To Me Mobile Lic 935.00 9.95% 842.00 39.85
Ricoh Reform Pdc Most 1 Pack 1,098.90 10.00% 989.00 46.81
Ricoh Reform Pdc Most 10 Pack 8,554.70 10.00% 7,699.00 364.39
Ricoh Reform Pdc Most 100 Pack 48,884.00 10.00% 43,996.00 2,082.33
Ricoh Reform Pdc Most 1000 Pack 244,420.00 7.55% 225,962.00 10,694.78
Ricoh Reform Pdc Most 25 Pack 18,331.50 10.00% 16,498.00 780.85
Ricoh Reform Pdc Most 50 Pack 30,552.50 10.00% 27,497.00 1,301.43
Ricoh Reform Pdc Most 500 Pack 183,315.00 10.00% 164,984.00 7,808.69
Ricoh Reform Pdc Print To Me Remote 935.00 9.95% 842.00 39.85
Ricoh Reform Pdc Tracker 1 Wkstn Pk 49.50 9.09% 45.00 2.13
Ricoh Reform Pdc Tracker 10 Wrkstn Pk 440.00 10.00% 396.00 18.74
Ricoh Reform Pdc Tracker 100 Wrkstn Pk 3,850.00 10.00% 3,465.00 164.00
Ricoh Reform Pdc Tracker 10K Wrkstn Pk 143,000.00 10.00% 128,700.00 6,091.37
Ricoh Reform Pdc Tracker 1K Wrkstn Pk 22,000.00 10.00% 19,800.00 937.13
Ricoh Reform Pdc Tracker 15K Wrkstn Pk 181,500.00 10.00% 163,350.00 7,731.36
FabSoft Professional Services per hour 250.00 0.00% 250.00 10.96
Ricoh Reform Pdc Tracker 250 Wrkstn Pk 8,250.00 10.00% 7,425.00 351.43
Ricoh Reform Pdc Tracker 500 Wrkstn Pk 13,750.00 10.00% 12,375.00 585.71
Ricoh Reform Pdc Tracker 5K Wrkstn Pk 82,500.00 10.00% 74,250.00 3,514.25
Ricoh Reform Pdc Tracker Print Server 1,375.00 9.96% 1,238.00 58.59
Ricoh Reform Pdc Scanner Comp Ent -Min 300 400.00 10.00% 360.00 17.04
Ricoh Reform Pdc Scanner Companion 500.00 10.00% 450.00 21.30
Ricoh Reform Pdc Snap Doc 1,098.90 10.00% 989.00 46.81
Ricoh Reform Pdc Tag Doc 2,062.50 10.01% 1,856.00 87.84
Ricoh Reform Pdc Vdp 3,295.00 9.98% 2,966.00 140.38
Ricoh Reform Print To Me Only Emb'Ed 1 Pack 548.90 10.00% 494.00 23.38
Ricoh Reform Print To Me Only Emb'Ed 10 Pack 4,277.35 10.01% 3,849.00 182.17
Ricoh Reform Print To Me Only Emb'Ed 100 Pk 24,442.00 10.00% 21,998.00 1,041.17
Ricoh Reform Print To Me Only Emb'Ed 1K Pk 122,210.00 10.00% 109,989.00 5,205.78
Ricoh Reform Print To Me Only Emb'Ed 25 Pack 9,165.75 10.00% 8,249.00 390.43
Ricoh Reform Print To Me Only Emb'Ed 50 Pack 15,276.25 10.00% 13,748.00 650.69
Ricoh Reform Print To Me Only Emb'Ed 500 Pk 91,657.50 10.00% 82,492.00 3,904.35
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Apd (Per Seat) 68.75 9.82% 62.00 2.93
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Archive 800.25 10.03% 720.00 34.08
Ricoh Upgrade Reform Pdc Base Server (No Vdp) 492.00 9.96% 443.00 20.97
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Cost Acc'Ing Act Reprting 1,375.00 9.96% 1,238.00 58.59
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Dac (Doc Authority Ctrl) 217.25 10.24% 195.00 9.23
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Dsktp Frm Filler 1 Wrkstn 71.50 10.49% 64.00 3.03
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Dsktp Frm Filler 10 Wkstn 657.25 10.08% 591.00 27.97
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Dsktp Frm Filler 50 Wkstn 2,747.25 10.02% 2,472.00 117.00
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Desktop Most 1 Pk 137.50 9.82% 124.00 5.87
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Desktop Most 10 Pk 1,100.00 10.00% 990.00 46.86
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Desktop Most 50 Pk 4,400.00 10.00% 3,960.00 187.43
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Email 685.00 9.93% 617.00 29.20
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Ent Bundle Tier 6 73.33 10.00% 66.00 3.12
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Ent Bundle Tier 1 134.44 10.00% 121.00 5.73
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Ent Bundle Tier 2 121.00 9.92% 109.00 5.16
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Ent Bundle Tier 3 107.56 9.82% 97.00 4.59
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Ent Bundle Tier 4 94.11 9.68% 85.00 4.02
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Ent Bundle Tier 5 80.67 9.51% 73.00 3.46
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Ent Mfp Track Bndle Tier1 12.22 9.98% 11.00 0.52
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Ent Mfp Track Bndle Tier2 11.00 9.09% 10.00 0.47
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Ent Mfp Track Bndle Tier3 9.78 18.20% 8.00 0.38
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Ent Mfp Track Bndle Tier4 8.56 18.22% 7.00 0.33
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Ent Mfp Track Bndle Tier5 7.33 18.14% 6.00 0.28
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Ent Mfp Track Bndle Tier6 6.11 18.17% 5.00 0.24
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Ent Print Track 10K Users 73,333.33 10.00% 66,000.00 3,123.78
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Ent Print Track 15K Users 100,833.33 10.00% 90,750.00 4,295.20
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Ent Print Track 20K Users 122,222.22 10.00% 110,000.00 5,206.30
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Ent Print Track 30K Users 179,666.67 10.00% 161,700.00 7,653.26
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Ent Print Track 40K Users 234,666.67 10.00% 211,200.00 9,996.10
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Ent Print Track 5K Users 39,722.22 10.00% 35,750.00 1,692.05
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Ent Print Track 50K Users 287,222.22 10.00% 258,500.00 12,234.81
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Ent Print Track 60K Users 337,333.33 10.00% 303,600.00 14,369.39
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Ent Print Track 70K Users 385,000.00 10.00% 346,500.00 16,399.85
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Ent Print Track 80K Users 415,555.56 10.00% 374,000.00 17,701.42
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Ent Print Track 90K Users 440,000.00 10.00% 396,000.00 18,742.68
Ricoh Upgrade Reform Pdc Fax 1,031.00 9.99% 928.00 43.92
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Most Card Authent Lic 550.00 10.00% 495.00 23.43
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Most Mfp Tracker 1 Pk 55.00 9.09% 50.00 2.37
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Most Mfp Tracker 10 Pk 412.50 10.06% 371.00 17.56
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Most Mfp Tracker 100 Pk 2,475.00 9.98% 2,228.00 105.45
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Most Mfp Tracker 1000 Pk 12,237.50 10.00% 11,014.00 521.29
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Most Mfp Tracker 25 Pk 825.00 9.94% 743.00 35.17
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Most Mfp Tracker 50 Pk 1,512.50 10.02% 1,361.00 64.42
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Most Mfp Tracker 500 Pk 9,075.00 9.99% 8,168.00 386.59
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Most Print To Me Lic 687.50 9.96% 619.00 29.30
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Most Prn To Me Mobile Lic 467.50 9.95% 421.00 19.93
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Most 1 Pk 549.45 10.09% 494.00 23.38
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Most 10 Pk 4,277.35 10.01% 3,849.00 182.17
Ricoh Upgrade Reform Pdc Most 100Pk 5Y 24,442.00 10.00% 21,998.00 1,041.17
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Most 1000 Pk 122,210.00 10.00% 109,989.00 5,205.78
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Most 25 Pk 9,165.75 10.00% 8,249.00 390.43
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Most 50 Pk 15,276.25 10.00% 13,748.00 650.69
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Most 500 Pk 91,657.50 10.00% 82,492.00 3,904.35
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Print To Me Remote 467.50 9.95% 421.00 19.93
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Reform Trkr 1 Wrkstn Pk 24.75 11.11% 22.00 1.04
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Reform Trkr 10 Wrkstn Pk 220.00 10.00% 198.00 9.37
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Reform Trkr 100 Wrkstn Pk 1,925.00 9.97% 1,733.00 82.02
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Reform Trkr 10K Wrkstn Pk 71,500.00 10.00% 64,350.00 3,045.69
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Reform Trkr 1K Wrkstn Pk 11,000.00 10.00% 9,900.00 468.57
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Reform Trkr 15K Wrkstn Pk 90,750.00 10.00% 81,675.00 3,865.68
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Reform Trkr 250 Wrkstn Pk 4,125.00 9.99% 3,713.00 175.74
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Reform Trkr 500 Wrkstn Pk 6,875.00 9.99% 6,188.00 292.88
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Reform Trkr 5K Wrkstn Pk 41,250.00 10.00% 37,125.00 1,757.13
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Reform Trkr Print Server 687.50 9.96% 619.00 29.30
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Scanner Comp Ent Min 300 200.00 10.00% 180.00 8.52
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Scanner Companion 250.00 10.00% 225.00 10.65
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Snap Doc 549.45 10.09% 494.00 23.38
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Tag Doc 1,031.25 10.01% 928.00 43.92
Ricoh Upg Reform Pdc Vdp 1,647.00 10.02% 1,482.00 70.14
Ricoh Upg Reform Prn To Me Only Embedded 1 Pk 274.45 10.00% 247.00 11.69
Ricoh Upg Reform Prn To Me Only Embedded 10 Pk 2,138.68 9.99% 1,925.00 91.11
Ricoh Upg Reform Prn To Me Only Emb 100 Pk 12,221.00 10.00% 10,999.00 520.58
Ricoh Upg Reform Prn To Me Only Embedded 1K Pk 61,105.00 10.00% 54,995.00 2,602.91
Ricoh Upg Reform Prn To Me Only Embedded 25 Pk 4,582.88 9.99% 4,125.00 195.24
Ricoh Upg Reform Prn To Me Only Embedded 50 Pk 7,638.13 10.00% 6,874.00 325.35
Ricoh Upg Reform Prn To Me Only Emb 500 Pk 45,828.75 10.00% 41,246.00 1,952.17
Testing and Grading Edition (K-12) only
Remark < 500 Students (K-12 only) 1,500.00 22.88% 1,156.84 54.75
Remark 500-1000 Students (K-12 only) 2,250.00 22.85% 1,735.79 82.15
Remark 1000-2500 Students (K-12 only) 3,750.00 22.86% 2,892.63 136.91
Remark (5001-7500 students) 8,000.00 22.38% 6,209.47 293.89
Remark (7501-10000 students) 10,000.00 22.39% 7,761.05 367.33
Remark (>10,000 students) Price per Student 1.00 26.32% 0.74 0.03
Remark 2500-5000 Students (K-12 only) 6,000.00 22.88% 4,627.37 219.01
On-line training-Remark Test Grading Edition 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67

Remark Test Grading Edition 1 OMR Station License 2,250.00 22.34% 1,747.37 82.70
Remark Test Grading Edition 2 OMR Station Licenses 3,750.00 22.36% 2,911.58 137.81
Remark Test Grading Edition 3 OMR Station Licenses 5,000.00 22.40% 3,880.00 183.64
Remark Test Grading Edition 1 OMR Station, 1 year M&S 625.00 0.00% 625.00 29.58
Remark Test Grading Edition 2 OMR Stations, 1 year M& 1,125.00 0.00% 1,125.00 53.25
Remark Test Grading Edition 3 OMR Station, 1 year M&S 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
Remark Office OMR 2014 - 1 PC User License 995.00 26.79% 728.42 34.48
Remark Office OMR 2014 - 3 PC License Pack 2,535.00 26.59% 1,861.05 88.08
Remark Office OMR 2014- 5 PC License Pack 3,975.00 26.54% 2,920.00 138.20
Remark Office OMR 2014- 10 PC License Pack 7,450.00 26.56% 5,471.58 258.97
Remark Office OMR 2014 - 25 PC License Pack 17,375.00 26.56% 12,761.05 603.98
1 Year M&S, 1 License Remark Office OMR 2014 250.00 0.00% 250.00 11.83
1 Year M&S, 3 License Remark Office OMR 2014 550.00 0.00% 550.00 26.03
1 Year M&S, 5 License Remark Office OMR 2014 900.00 0.00% 900.00 42.60
1 Year M&S, 10 License Remark Office OMR 2014 1,600.00 0.00% 1,600.00 75.73
1 Year M&S, 25 License Remark Office OMR 2014 3,750.00 0.00% 3,750.00 177.49
Remark Test Grading Cloud Subscription by Teacher 1- 120.00 25.29% 89.66 4.24
Remark Test Grading Cloud Subscription by Teacher 10 80.00 25.29% 59.77 2.83
Remark Test Grading Cloud Subscription by Teacher 25 60.00 25.29% 44.83 2.12
Remark Test Grading Cloud Subscription by Teacher 50 50.00 24.14% 37.93 1.80
Remark Test Grading Cloud Subscription by Teacher 10 40.00 25.29% 29.89 1.41
Remark Test Grading Cloud Subscription by Teacher 20 32.00 24.57% 24.14 1.14
Remark Test Grading Cloud Subscription by Teacher 50 28.00 25.29% 20.92 0.99
Remark Test Grading Cloud Subscription by Teacher 1 24.00 25.29% 17.93 0.85
Remark Test Grading Cloud Subscription by Teacher 1- 240.00 24.81% 180.46 8.54
Remark Test Grading Cloud Subscription by Teacher 10 160.00 24.57% 120.69 5.71
Remark Test Grading Cloud Subscription by Teacher 25 120.00 24.33% 90.80 4.30
Remark Test Grading Cloud Subscription by Teacher 50 100.00 25.29% 74.71 3.54
Remark Test Grading Cloud Subscription by Teacher 10 80.00 25.29% 59.77 2.83
Remark Test Grading Cloud Subscription by Teacher 20 64.00 24.57% 48.28 2.28
Remark Test Grading Cloud Subscription by Teacher 50 56.00 24.06% 42.53 2.01
Remark Test Grading Cloud Subscription by Teacher 1 48.00 23.37% 36.78 1.74
Remark Test Grading Cloud Subscription by Teacher 1- 360.00 24.65% 271.26 12.84
Remark Test Grading Cloud Subscription by Teacher 10 240.00 24.81% 180.46 8.54
Remark Test Grading Cloud Subscription by Teacher 25 180.00 24.65% 135.63 6.42
Remark Test Grading Cloud Subscription by Teacher 50 150.00 24.14% 113.79 5.39
Remark Test Grading Cloud Subscription by Teacher 10 120.00 24.33% 90.80 4.30
Remark Test Grading Cloud Subscription by Teacher 20 96.00 24.57% 72.41 3.43
Remark Test Grading Cloud Subscription by Teacher 50 84.00 24.74% 63.22 2.99
Remark Test Grading Cloud Subscription by Teacher 1 72.00 24.97% 54.02 2.56
Remark Test Grading Cloud 1 YR Renewal by Teacher 1 120.00 24.33% 90.80 4.30
Remark Test Grading Cloud 1 YR Renewal by Teacher 1 80.00 25.29% 59.77 2.83
Remark Test Grading Cloud 1 YR Renewal by Teacher 2 60.00 25.29% 44.83 2.12
Remark Test Grading Cloud 1 YR Renewal by Teacher 5 50.00 24.14% 37.93 1.80
Remark Test Grading Cloud 1 YR Renewal by Teacher 1 40.00 25.29% 29.89 1.41
Remark Test Grading Cloud 1 YR Renewal by Teacher 2 32.00 24.57% 24.14 1.14
Remark Test Grading Cloud 1 YR Renewal by Teacher 5 28.00 25.29% 20.92 0.99
Remark Test Grading Cloud 1 YR Renewal by Teacher 1 24.00 25.29% 17.93 0.85
Ricoh Advanced Legal Workflow
RLAW Bates & Court Filing Plug-in for GSNX Server 5 600.00 24.90% 450.57 21.33
RLAW eDocs Plug-in for GSNX Server 5 600.00 24.90% 450.57 21.33
RLAW WorlDox Plug-in for GSNX Server 5 600.00 24.90% 450.57 21.33
RLAW iManage Plug-in for GSNX Server 5 600.00 24.90% 450.57 21.33
RLAW Bates & Court Filing Plug-in for GSNX Server 32 1,200.00 24.81% 902.30 42.71
RLAW eDocs Plug-in for GSNX Server 32 1,200.00 24.81% 902.30 42.71
RLAW WorlDox Plug-in for GSNX Server 32 1,200.00 24.81% 902.30 42.71
RLAW iManage Plug-in for GSNX Server 32 1,200.00 24.81% 902.30 42.71
RLAW Bates & Court Filing Plug-in for GSNX Server 750 2,000.00 24.83% 1,503.45 71.16
RLAW eDocs Plug-in for GSNX Server 750 2,000.00 24.83% 1,503.45 71.16
RLAW WorlDox Plug-in for GSNX Server 750 2,000.00 24.83% 1,503.45 71.16
RLAW iManage Plug-in for GSNX Server 750 2,000.00 24.83% 1,503.45 71.16
RLAW Bates & Court Filing Plug-in for GSNX Server 5 M 90.00 0.00% 90.00 4.26
RLAW eDocs Plug-in for GSNX Server 5 MS 90.00 0.00% 90.00 4.26
RLAW WorlDox Plug-in for GSNX Server 5 MS 90.00 0.00% 90.00 4.26
RLAW iManage Plug-in for GSNX Server 5 MS 90.00 0.00% 90.00 4.26
RLAW Bates & Court Filing Plug-in for GSNX Server 32 180.00 0.00% 180.00 8.52
RLAW eDocs Plug-in for GSNX Server 32 MS 180.00 0.00% 180.00 8.52
RLAW WorlDox Plug-in for GSNX Server 32 MS 180.00 0.00% 180.00 8.52
RLAW iManage Plug-in for GSNX Server 32 MS 180.00 0.00% 180.00 8.52
RLAW Bates & Court Filing Plug-in for GSNX Server 750 300.00 0.00% 300.00 14.20
RLAW eDocs Plug-in for GSNX Server 750 MS 300.00 0.00% 300.00 14.20
RLAW WorlDox Plug-in for GSNX Server 750 MS 300.00 0.00% 300.00 14.20
RLAW iManage Plug-in for GSNX Server 750 MS 300.00 0.00% 300.00 14.20
[OOD] Mindshift Infrastructure Monitoring and Managem 99.00 10.00% 89.10 4.22
[OOD] Mindshift Infrastructure Monitoring and Manageme 99.00 10.00% 89.10 4.22
[OOD] Mindshift Infrastructure Monitoring and Managem 99.00 10.00% 89.10 4.22
[SOW] PS Installation Ricoh Application Infrastructure 205.00 0.00% 205.00 9.70
RICOH CLICKABLE PAPER 50 PAGES PER YEAR 2,500.00 24.60% 1,885.06 89.22
RICOH CLICKABLE PAPER 100 PAGES PER YEAR 4,750.00 24.57% 3,582.76 169.57
RICOH CLICKABLE PAPER 250 PAGES PER YEAR 11,282.50 24.59% 8,508.05 402.69
RICOH CLICKABLE PAPER 500 PAGES PER YEAR 20,305.00 24.59% 15,311.49 724.69
RICOH CLICKABLE PAPER 1500 PAGES PER YEAR 54,825.00 24.60% 41,340.23 1,956.63
RICOH CLICKABLE PAPER SDK MODULE 3,500.00 24.60% 2,639.08 124.91
RICOH CLICKABLE PAPER STAMP GAME ANNUAL LI 2,100.00 25.00% 1,575.00 74.54
RICOH CLICKABLE PAPER SLOT GAME ANNUAL LICE 2,100.00 25.00% 1,575.00 74.54
RICOH CLICKABLE PAPER LOG WITH ID/GPS ANNUAL 1,400.00 25.00% 1,050.00 49.70
Ricoh GlobalScan NX V2 Server 5 Documentmall Plug-in 96.00 0.00% 96.00 4.54
Ricoh Gs Nx Srvr 32 Doc Mall Plugin 1Y Ms Add 192.00 15.10% 163.00 7.71
Ricoh Gs Nx Srvr 750 Doc Mall Plugin 1Y Ms Add 320.00 15.63% 270.00 12.78
Ricoh GlobalScan NX V2 Server 5 Documentmall Plug-i 600.00 24.90% 450.57 21.33
Globalscan Nx Dm Plug-In Server 32 1,200.00 10.00% 1,080.00 51.12
GlobalScan NX DM Plug-Sever 750 2,000.00 22.55% 1,549.00 73.31
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 5 Use 6,650.00 10.00% 5,985.00 283.27
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 5 Use 7,850.00 10.00% 7,065.00 334.39
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 5 Use 8,950.00 10.00% 8,055.00 381.24
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 5 Use 10,250.00 10.00% 9,225.00 436.62
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 5 Use 12,550.00 10.00% 11,295.00 534.59
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 10 Us 8,150.00 10.00% 7,335.00 347.17
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 10 Us 9,850.00 10.00% 8,865.00 419.58
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 10 Us 11,350.00 10.00% 10,215.00 483.48
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 10 Us 13,150.00 10.00% 11,835.00 560.15
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 10 Us 16,350.00 10.00% 14,715.00 696.46
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 25 Us 10,750.00 10.00% 9,675.00 457.92
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 25 Us 13,250.00 10.00% 11,925.00 564.41
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 25 Us 15,350.00 10.00% 13,815.00 653.86
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 25 Us 17,950.00 10.00% 16,155.00 764.62
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 25 Us 22,550.00 10.00% 20,295.00 960.56
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 50 Us 12,850.00 10.00% 11,565.00 547.37
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 50 Us 15,850.00 10.00% 14,265.00 675.16
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 50 Us 18,550.00 10.00% 16,695.00 790.17
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 50 Us 21,750.00 10.00% 19,575.00 926.48
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 50 Us 27,450.00 10.00% 24,705.00 1,169.29
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 100 U 19,750.00 10.00% 17,775.00 841.29
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 100 U 24,950.00 10.00% 22,455.00 1,062.80
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 100 U 29,350.00 10.00% 26,415.00 1,250.22
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 100 U 34,750.00 10.00% 31,275.00 1,480.25
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 100 U 44,450.00 10.00% 40,005.00 1,893.44
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - UL Us 23,050.00 10.00% 20,745.00 981.86
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - UL Us 29,250.00 10.00% 26,325.00 1,245.96
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - UL Us 34,550.00 10.00% 31,095.00 1,471.73
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - UL Us 40,950.00 10.00% 36,855.00 1,744.35
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - UL Us 52,550.00 10.00% 47,295.00 2,238.47
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 5 Use 13,300.00 10.00% 11,970.00 566.54
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 5 Use 15,700.00 10.00% 14,130.00 668.77
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 5 Use 17,900.00 10.00% 16,110.00 762.49
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 5 Use 20,500.00 10.00% 18,450.00 873.24
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 5 Use 25,100.00 10.00% 22,590.00 1,069.18
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 10 Us 16,300.00 10.00% 14,670.00 694.33
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 10 Us 19,700.00 10.00% 17,730.00 839.16
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 10 Us 22,700.00 10.00% 20,430.00 966.95
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 10 Us 26,300.00 10.00% 23,670.00 1,120.30
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 10 Us 32,700.00 10.00% 29,430.00 1,392.92
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 25 Us 21,500.00 10.00% 19,350.00 915.84
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 25 Us 26,500.00 10.00% 23,850.00 1,128.82
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 25 Us 30,700.00 10.00% 27,630.00 1,307.73
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 25 Us 35,900.00 10.00% 32,310.00 1,529.23
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 25 Us 45,100.00 10.00% 40,590.00 1,921.12
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 50 Us 25,700.00 10.00% 23,130.00 1,094.74
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 50 Us 31,700.00 10.00% 28,530.00 1,350.32
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 50 Us 37,100.00 10.00% 33,390.00 1,580.35
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 50 Us 43,500.00 10.00% 39,150.00 1,852.97
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 50 Us 54,900.00 10.00% 49,410.00 2,338.58
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 100 U 39,500.00 10.00% 35,550.00 1,682.58
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 100 U 49,900.00 10.00% 44,910.00 2,125.59
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 100 U 58,700.00 10.00% 52,830.00 2,500.44
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 100 U 69,500.00 10.00% 62,550.00 2,960.49
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 100 U 88,900.00 10.00% 80,010.00 3,786.87
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - UL Us 46,100.00 10.00% 41,490.00 1,963.72
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - UL Us 58,500.00 10.00% 52,650.00 2,491.92
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - UL Us 69,100.00 10.00% 62,190.00 2,943.45
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - UL Us 81,900.00 10.00% 73,710.00 3,488.69
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - UL Us 105,100.00 10.00% 94,590.00 4,476.94
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 5 Use 19,950.00 10.00% 17,955.00 849.81
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 5 Use 23,550.00 10.00% 21,195.00 1,003.16
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 5 Use 26,850.00 10.00% 24,165.00 1,143.73
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 5 Use 30,750.00 10.00% 27,675.00 1,309.86
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 5 Use 37,650.00 10.00% 33,885.00 1,603.78
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 10 Us 24,450.00 10.00% 22,005.00 1,041.50
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 10 Us 29,550.00 10.00% 26,595.00 1,258.74
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 10 Us 34,050.00 10.00% 30,645.00 1,450.43
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 10 Us 39,450.00 10.00% 35,505.00 1,680.45
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 10 Us 49,050.00 10.00% 44,145.00 2,089.38
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 25 Us 32,250.00 10.00% 29,025.00 1,373.75
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 25 Us 39,750.00 10.00% 35,775.00 1,693.23
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 25 Us 46,050.00 10.00% 41,445.00 1,961.59
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 25 Us 53,850.00 10.00% 48,465.00 2,293.85
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 25 Us 67,650.00 10.00% 60,885.00 2,881.69
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 50 Us 38,550.00 10.00% 34,695.00 1,642.11
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 50 Us 47,550.00 10.00% 42,795.00 2,025.49
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 50 Us 55,650.00 10.00% 50,085.00 2,370.52
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 50 Us 65,250.00 10.00% 58,725.00 2,779.45
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 50 Us 82,350.00 10.00% 74,115.00 3,507.86
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 100 U 59,250.00 10.00% 53,325.00 2,523.87
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 100 U 74,850.00 10.00% 67,365.00 3,188.39
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 100 U 88,050.00 10.00% 79,245.00 3,750.67
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 100 U 104,250.00 10.00% 93,825.00 4,440.74
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 100 U 133,350.00 10.00% 120,015.00 5,680.31
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - UL Us 69,150.00 10.00% 62,235.00 2,945.58
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - UL Us 87,750.00 10.00% 78,975.00 3,737.89
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - UL Us 103,650.00 10.00% 93,285.00 4,415.18
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - UL Us 122,850.00 10.00% 110,565.00 5,233.04
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - UL Us 157,650.00 10.00% 141,885.00 6,715.42
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 5 Use 26,600.00 10.00% 23,940.00 1,133.08
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 5 Use 31,400.00 10.00% 28,260.00 1,337.55
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 5 Use 35,800.00 10.00% 32,220.00 1,524.97
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 5 Use 41,000.00 10.00% 36,900.00 1,746.48
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 5 Use 50,200.00 10.00% 45,180.00 2,138.37
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 10 Us 32,600.00 10.00% 29,340.00 1,388.66
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 10 Us 39,400.00 10.00% 35,460.00 1,678.32
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 10 Us 45,400.00 10.00% 40,860.00 1,933.90
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 10 Us 52,600.00 10.00% 47,340.00 2,240.60
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 10 Us 65,400.00 10.00% 58,860.00 2,785.84
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 25 Us 43,000.00 10.00% 38,700.00 1,831.67
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 25 Us 53,000.00 10.00% 47,700.00 2,257.64
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 25 Us 61,400.00 10.00% 55,260.00 2,615.46
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 25 Us 71,800.00 10.00% 64,620.00 3,058.46
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 25 Us 90,200.00 10.00% 81,180.00 3,842.25
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 50 Us 51,400.00 10.00% 46,260.00 2,189.49
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 50 Us 63,400.00 10.00% 57,060.00 2,700.65
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 50 Us 74,200.00 10.00% 66,780.00 3,160.70
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 50 Us 87,000.00 10.00% 78,300.00 3,705.94
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 50 Us 109,800.00 10.00% 98,820.00 4,677.15
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 100 U 79,000.00 10.00% 71,100.00 3,365.16
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 100 U 99,800.00 10.00% 89,820.00 4,251.18
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 100 U 117,400.00 10.00% 105,660.00 5,000.89
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 100 U 139,000.00 10.00% 125,100.00 5,920.98
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 100 U 177,800.00 10.00% 160,020.00 7,573.75
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - UL Us 92,200.00 10.00% 82,980.00 3,927.44
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - UL Us 117,000.00 10.00% 105,300.00 4,983.85
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - UL Us 138,200.00 10.00% 124,380.00 5,886.91
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - UL Us 163,800.00 10.00% 147,420.00 6,977.39
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - UL Us 210,200.00 10.00% 189,180.00 8,953.89
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 5 Use 33,250.00 10.00% 29,925.00 1,416.35
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 5 Use 39,250.00 10.00% 35,325.00 1,671.93
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 5 Use 44,750.00 10.00% 40,275.00 1,906.22
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 5 Use 51,250.00 10.00% 46,125.00 2,183.10
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 5 Use 62,750.00 10.00% 56,475.00 2,672.96
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 10 Us 40,750.00 10.00% 36,675.00 1,735.83
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 10 Us 49,250.00 10.00% 44,325.00 2,097.90
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 10 Us 56,750.00 10.00% 51,075.00 2,417.38
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 10 Us 65,750.00 10.00% 59,175.00 2,800.75
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 10 Us 81,750.00 10.00% 73,575.00 3,482.30
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 25 Us 53,750.00 10.00% 48,375.00 2,289.59
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 25 Us 66,250.00 10.00% 59,625.00 2,822.05
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 25 Us 76,750.00 10.00% 69,075.00 3,269.32
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 25 Us 89,750.00 10.00% 80,775.00 3,823.08
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 25 Us 112,750.00 10.00% 101,475.00 4,802.81
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 50 Us 64,250.00 10.00% 57,825.00 2,736.86
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 50 Us 79,250.00 10.00% 71,325.00 3,375.81
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 50 Us 92,750.00 10.00% 83,475.00 3,950.87
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 50 Us 108,750.00 10.00% 97,875.00 4,632.42
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 50 Us 137,250.00 10.00% 123,525.00 5,846.44
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 100 U 98,750.00 10.00% 88,875.00 4,206.45
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 100 U 124,750.00 10.00% 112,275.00 5,313.98
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 100 U 146,750.00 10.00% 132,075.00 6,251.11
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 100 U 173,750.00 10.00% 156,375.00 7,401.23
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - 100 U 222,250.00 10.00% 200,025.00 9,467.18
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - UL Us 115,250.00 10.00% 103,725.00 4,909.30
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - UL Us 146,250.00 10.00% 131,625.00 6,229.81
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - UL Us 172,750.00 10.00% 155,475.00 7,358.63
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - UL Us 204,750.00 10.00% 184,275.00 8,721.74
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager On-Premise System - UL Us 262,750.00 10.00% 236,475.00 11,192.36
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager Database Connector - 1 Ye 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager Database Connector - 2 Ye 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager Database Connector - 3 Ye 7,500.00 10.00% 6,750.00 319.48
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager Database Connector - 4 Ye 10,000.00 10.00% 9,000.00 425.97
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager Database Connector - 5 Ye 12,500.00 10.00% 11,250.00 532.46
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager LDAP Connector - 1 Year 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager LDAP Connector - 2 Year 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager LDAP Connector - 3 Year 7,500.00 10.00% 6,750.00 319.48
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager LDAP Connector - 4 Year 10,000.00 10.00% 9,000.00 425.97
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager LDAP Connector - 5 Year 12,500.00 10.00% 11,250.00 532.46
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager SAML Security - 1 Year Su 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager SAML Security - 2 Year Su 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager SAML Security - 3 Year Su 7,500.00 10.00% 6,750.00 319.48
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager SAML Security - 4 Year Su 10,000.00 10.00% 9,000.00 425.97
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager SAML Security - 5 Year Su 12,500.00 10.00% 11,250.00 532.46
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager File Connector - 1 Year Su 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager File Connector - 2 Year Su 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager File Connector - 3 Year Su 7,500.00 10.00% 6,750.00 319.48
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager File Connector - 4 Year Su 10,000.00 10.00% 9,000.00 425.97
[OOD] Ricoh eforms Manager File Connector - 5 Year Su 12,500.00 10.00% 11,250.00 532.46
[SOW] Ricoh eforms Manager Professional Services Imple 185.00 0.00% 185.00 8.76
PowerPORT Remote Configuration, Installation & Trainin 7,500.00 0.00% 7,500.00 354.98
PowerPORT Remote Configuration, Installation & Trainin 4,500.00 0.00% 4,500.00 212.99
PowerPORT Reintegration Fee 4,500.00 10.00% 4,050.00 191.69
PowerPORT License Transfer 4,500.00 10.00% 4,050.00 191.69
PowerPORT TCP/IP Connectivity 4,500.00 10.00% 4,050.00 191.69
PowerPORT IPDS: Continuous Feed (Per Printer) 25,000.00 10.00% 22,500.00 1,064.93
PowerPORT IPDS 201+ ppm (1st Printer) 20,000.00 10.00% 18,000.00 851.94
PowerPORT IPDS 201+ ppm (Per Additonal Printer) 14,000.00 10.00% 12,600.00 596.36
PowerPORT IPDS: 136+ ppm (1st Printer) 16,000.00 10.00% 14,400.00 681.55
PowerPORT IPDS: 106-135 ppm (1st Printer) 14,000.00 10.00% 12,600.00 596.36
PowerPORT IPDS: 61-105 ppm (1st Printer) 10,000.00 10.00% 9,000.00 425.97
PowerPORT IPDS: 61+ ppm (Per Additional Printer) 10,000.00 10.00% 9,000.00 425.97
PowerPORT IPDS: 46-60 ppm (Per Printer) 6,000.00 10.00% 5,400.00 255.58
PowerPORT IPDS: 31-45 ppm (Per Printer) 4,000.00 10.00% 3,600.00 170.39
PowerPORT IPDS: 0-30 ppm (Per Printer) 2,000.00 10.00% 1,800.00 85.19
PowerPORT IPDS Color Module Option (Per Printer) 1,000.00 10.00% 900.00 42.60
PowerPORT IPDS 2-D Bar Code Option (Per Printer) 1,000.00 10.00% 900.00 42.60
PowerPORT IPDS Double Byte Character Set Option (Per 1,000.00 10.00% 900.00 42.60
PowerPORT IPDS: Customization (Variable) 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67
PowerPORT IPDS: DR License 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
PowerPORT LCDS Continuous Feed (Per Printer) 25,000.00 10.00% 22,500.00 1,064.93
PowerPORT LCDS 201+ ppm (1st Printer) 20,000.00 10.00% 18,000.00 851.94
PowerPORT LCDS 201+ ppm (Per Additonal Printer) 14,000.00 10.00% 12,600.00 596.36
PowerPORT LCDS 136+ ppm (1st Printer) 16,000.00 10.00% 14,400.00 681.55
PowerPORT LCDS 106-135 ppm (1st Printer) 14,000.00 10.00% 12,600.00 596.36
PowerPORT LCDS 61-105 ppm (1st Printer) 10,000.00 10.00% 9,000.00 425.97
PowerPORT LCDS 61+ ppm (Per Additional Printer) 10,000.00 10.00% 9,000.00 425.97
PowerPORT LCDS 46-60 ppm (Per Printer) 6,000.00 10.00% 5,400.00 255.58
PowerPORT LCDS 31-45 ppm (Per Printer) 4,000.00 10.00% 3,600.00 170.39
PowerPORT LCDS 0-30 ppm (Per Printer) 2,000.00 10.00% 1,800.00 85.19
PowerPORT LCDS Customization (Variable) 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67
PowerPORT LCDS DR License 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
PowerPORT VIPP Continuous Feed (Per Printer) 25,000.00 10.00% 22,500.00 1,064.93
PowerPORT VIPP 201+ ppm (1st Printer) 20,000.00 10.00% 18,000.00 851.94
PowerPORT VIPP 201+ ppm (Per Additonal Printer) 14,000.00 10.00% 12,600.00 596.36
PowerPORT VIPP 136+ ppm (1st Printer) 16,000.00 10.00% 14,400.00 681.55
PowerPORT VIPP 106-135 ppm (1st Printer) 14,000.00 10.00% 12,600.00 596.36
PowerPORT VIPP 61-105 ppm (1st Printer) 10,000.00 10.00% 9,000.00 425.97
PowerPORT VIPP 61+ ppm (Per Additional Printer) 10,000.00 10.00% 9,000.00 425.97
PowerPORT VIPP 46-60 ppm (Per Printer) 6,000.00 10.00% 5,400.00 255.58
PowerPORT VIPP 31-45 ppm (Per Printer) 4,000.00 10.00% 3,600.00 170.39
Ricoh Paper 2 Send
Paper 2 Send 10-24 units 225.00 9.78% 203.00 9.61
Paper 2 Send 25-49 units 225.00 9.78% 203.00 9.61
Paper 2 Send 50-99 units 225.00 9.78% 203.00 9.61
Paper 2 Send for 100-499 units 225.00 9.78% 203.00 9.61
Paper 2 Send for 500-999 units 225.00 9.78% 203.00 9.61
Paper 2 Send for 1000-1999 units 225.00 9.78% 203.00 9.61
Paper 2 Send for 2000+ units 225.00 9.78% 203.00 9.61
Paper 2 Send Maintenance and Support per yearr after fir 225.00 9.78% 203.00 9.61
Ricoh ICE Office Package 1 Year Subscription INC1YR 269.00 12.72% 234.78 11.11
Ricoh ICE Office Package 2 Year Subscription INC2YR 470.00 13.04% 408.70 19.34
Ricoh ICE Office Package 3 Year Subscription INC3YR 672.00 12.98% 584.78 27.68
Ricoh ICE Office Package 4 Year Subscription INC4YR 874.00 12.94% 760.87 36.01
Ricoh ICE Office Package 5 Year Subscription INC5YR 1,076.00 13.02% 935.87 44.29
Ricoh ICE Advanced Office Package 1 Year Subscriptio 289.00 12.74% 252.17 11.94
Ricoh ICE Advanced Office Package 2 Year Subscriptio 506.00 13.00% 440.22 20.84
Ricoh ICE Advanced Office Package 3 Year Subscriptio 723.00 12.95% 629.35 29.79
Ricoh ICE Advanced Office Package 4 Year Subscriptio 940.00 13.04% 817.39 38.69
Ricoh ICE Advanced Office Package 5 Year Subscriptio 1,156.00 13.02% 1,005.43 47.59
Ricoh ICE Legal Package 1 Year Subscription INC1YR 599.00 12.90% 521.74 24.69
Ricoh ICE Legal Package 2 Year Subscription INC2YR 1,048.00 12.98% 911.96 43.16
Ricoh ICE Legal Package 3 Year Subscription INC3YR 1,499.00 12.99% 1,304.35 61.73
Ricoh ICE Legal Package 4 Year Subscription INC4YR 1,949.00 13.00% 1,695.65 80.26
Ricoh ICE Legal Package 5 Year Subscription INC5YR 2,396.00 13.03% 2,083.70 98.62
Ricoh ICE Printer Package 1 Year Subscription INC1YR 99.00 12.17% 86.96 4.12
Ricoh ICE Printer Package 2 Year Subscription INC2YR 173.00 12.67% 151.09 7.15
Ricoh ICE Printer Package 3 Year Subscription INC3YR 247.00 12.87% 215.22 10.19
Ricoh ICE Printer Package 4 Year Subscription INC4YR 322.00 12.91% 280.43 13.27
Ricoh ICE Printer Package 5 Year Subscription INC5YR 396.00 12.99% 344.57 16.31
TS Advanced Installation of ICE (Per MFP) 310.00 13.23% 269.00 12.73
TS Installation of ICE Printer Package (Per Printer) 150.00 13.33% 130.00 6.15
Ricoh ICE Education Package 1 Year Subscription INC1 299.00 39.65% 180.46 8.54
Ricoh ICE Education Package 2 Year Subscription INC2 523.00 24.62% 394.25 18.66
Ricoh ICE Education Package 3 Year Subscription INC3 748.00 24.86% 562.07 26.60
Ricoh ICE Education Package 4 Year Subscription INC4 972.00 24.79% 731.03 34.60
Ricoh ICE Education Package 5 Year Subscription INC5 1,196.00 24.75% 900.00 42.60
Ricoh ICE OCR Annual Package Renewal 240.00 0.00% 240.00 11.36
Ricoh Ice With Mobile Print Annual Subscription Renewal 279.00 24.61% 210.34 9.96
Ricoh Ice For Education Annual Subscription Renewal 299.00 39.65% 180.46 8.54
TS Installation of ICE (Per MFP) 210.00 0.00% 210.00 9.94
Ricoh Conference Center (1) Server + (10) Device Licens 4,000.00 10.00% 3,600.00 170.39
Ricoh Conference Center (1) Device License 300.00 10.00% 270.00 12.78
Ricoh Conference Center (10) Device License 2,700.00 10.00% 2,430.00 115.01
Ricoh Conference Center (100) Device License 24,000.00 10.00% 21,600.00 1,022.33
Ricoh Conference Center Server Subscription Unl Dev Li 800.00 23.42% 612.64 29.00
Ricoh Conference Center (1) Server + (10) Device Annu 400.00 0.00% 400.00 18.93
Ricoh Conference Center (1) Device Annual M&S 30.00 0.00% 30.00 1.42
Ricoh Conference Center (10) Device Annual M&S 270.00 0.00% 270.00 12.78
Ricoh Conference Center (100) Device Annual M&S 2,400.00 0.00% 2,400.00 113.59
PS/DOC SVC/INSTALLATION Ricoh Smart Present Serv 925.00 0.00% 925.00 43.78
WebPrint (Corporate) Setup Fee 15,000.00 0.00% 15,000.00 657.30
WebPrint (Corporate) Setup Fee - Document Management 10,000.00 0.00% 10,000.00 438.20
WebPrint (Corporate) Setup Fee - Each Additional Print 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 109.55
WebPrint (Corporate) Setup Fee - Each Additional Brand 1,000.00 0.00% 1,000.00 43.82
WebPrint (Corporate) Setup Fee - Variable Data Print Mo 8,100.00 0.00% 8,100.00 354.94
WebPrint (Corporate) Subscription Fee 15,000.00 0.00% 15,000.00 657.30
WebPrint (Corporate) Subscription Fee - Each Additional 1,000.00 0.00% 1,000.00 43.82
WebPrint (Corporate) Subscription Fee - Each Additional 750.00 0.00% 750.00 32.87
WebPrint (Corporate) Subscription Fee - Document Mana 10,000.00 0.00% 10,000.00 438.20
WebPrint (Corporate) Subscription Fee - Vaiable Print D 1,600.00 0.00% 1,600.00 70.11
WebPrint (Corporate) Additional Storage Beyond 1TB (pe 540.00 0.00% 540.00 23.66
WebPrint (Corporate) Additional Bandwidth Beyond 10Mbp 180.00 0.00% 180.00 7.89
WebPrint (Corporate) Professional Services First Day On-S 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 109.55
WebPrint (Corporate) Professional Services Additional Da 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 65.73
WebPrint (Corporate) Professional Services per day perfor 1,200.00 0.00% 1,200.00 52.58
WebPrint (Corporate) Report Design/Creation - Per Repor 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 109.55
WebPrint (Retail) Setup Fee 15,000.00 0.00% 15,000.00 657.30
WebPrint (Retail) Setup Fee - Document Management Mod 10,000.00 0.00% 10,000.00 438.20
WebPrint (Retail) Setup Fee - Additional Branded Organiz 1,000.00 0.00% 1,000.00 43.82
WebPrint (Retail) Subscription Fee - Includes up to 1,000 150,000.00 0.00% 150,000.00 6,573.00
WebPrint (Retail) Subscription Fee - Each Additional Reta 145.00 0.00% 145.00 6.35
WebPrint (Retail) Subscription Fee - Each Additional Bra 750.00 0.00% 750.00 32.87
WebPrint (Retail) Subscription Fee - Document Managem 10,000.00 0.00% 10,000.00 438.20
WebPrint (Retail) Additional Storage Beyond 1TB (per TB 540.00 0.00% 540.00 23.66
WebPrint (Retail) Additional Bandwidth Beyond 10Mbps 95 180.00 0.00% 180.00 7.89
WebPrint (Retail) Professional Services First Day On-Site, 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 109.55
WebPrint (Retail) Professional Services Additional Days O 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 65.73
WebPrint (Retail) Professional Services per day performed 1,200.00 0.00% 1,200.00 52.58
WebPrint (Retail) Report Design/Creation - Per Report 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 109.55
On-going data collection and reports - local & network pri 4.50 4.89% 4.28 0.20
Roi Print Manager Per Workstation - Per Yr 9.00 5.00% 8.55 0.40
(repl w/ 6600100-PS1) PCS ROI Print Manager Report C 2.40 0.00% 2.40 0.11
Per Workstation - Per Year 2.25 25.29% 1.68 0.08
Up to 50 Workstations 625.00 0.00% 625.00 29.58
Up to 100 Workstations 1,250.00 0.00% 1,250.00 59.16
Up to 300 Workstations 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
Up to 500 Workstations 4,250.00 0.00% 4,250.00 201.15
Up to 1,000 Workstations 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 236.65
Up to 2,000 Workstations 5,625.00 0.00% 5,625.00 266.23
Up to 5,000 Workstations 7,500.00 0.00% 7,500.00 354.98
Up to 10,000 Workstations 12,500.00 0.00% 12,500.00 591.63
Up to 20,000 Workstations 20,000.00 0.00% 20,000.00 946.60
Training and on-site support - per day plus travel 3,600.00 10.00% 3,240.00 153.35
Server - Software 5,850.00 10.00% 5,265.00 249.19
Device - Imbedded Software Application 590.00 10.00% 531.00 25.13
Device - External Control Panel 700.00 10.00% 630.00 29.82
Swipe Card Readers USB 300.00 10.00% 270.00 12.78
PullPrint - queue documents - print to any printer 75.00 9.33% 68.00 3.22
ROI Printer Full License EDU 1-10 Devices INC0YR 64.00 0.00% 64.00 3.03
ROI MFP Full License EDU 1-10 Devices INC0YR 450.00 0.00% 450.00 21.30
ROI Usage Tracking EDU 1-10 Devices INC0YR 40.00 0.00% 40.00 1.89
ROI Rules-based Printing EDU 1-10 Devices INC0YR 40.00 0.00% 40.00 1.89
ROI Mobile Print EDU 1-10 Devices INC0YR 40.00 0.00% 40.00 1.89
ROI Printer Full License EDU 11-20 Devices INC0YR 48.00 0.00% 48.00 2.27
ROI MFP Full License EDU 11-20 Devices INC0YR 405.00 0.00% 405.00 19.17
ROI Usage Tracking EDU 11-20 Devices INC0YR 36.00 0.00% 36.00 1.70
ROI Rules-based Printing EDU 11-20 Devices INC0YR 36.00 0.00% 36.00 1.70
ROI Mobile Print EDU 11-20 Devices INC0YR 36.00 0.00% 36.00 1.70
ROI Printer Full License EDU 21-50 Devices INC0YR 40.00 0.00% 40.00 1.89
ROI MFP Full License EDU 21-50 Devices INC0YR 360.00 0.00% 360.00 17.04
ROI Usage Tracking EDU 21-50 Devices INC0YR 34.00 0.00% 34.00 1.61
ROI Mobile Print EDU 21-50 Devices INC0YR 34.00 0.00% 34.00 1.61
ROI Printer Full License EDU 51-100 Devices INC0YR 32.00 0.00% 32.00 1.51
ROI MFP Full License EDU 51-100 Devices INC0YR 270.00 0.00% 270.00 12.78
ROI Usage Tracking EDU 51-100 Devices INC0YR 28.00 0.00% 28.00 1.33
ROI Rules-based Printing EDU 51-100 Devices INC0YR 28.00 0.00% 28.00 1.33
ROI Mobile Print EDU 51-100 Devices INC0YR 28.00 0.00% 28.00 1.33
ROI Printer Full License EDU 100+ Devices INC0YR 24.00 0.00% 24.00 1.14
ROI MFP Full License EDU 100+ Devices INC0YR 225.00 0.00% 225.00 10.65
ROI Usage Tracking EDU 100+ Devices INC0YR 20.00 0.00% 20.00 0.95
ROI Rules-based Printing EDU 100+ Devices INC0YR 20.00 0.00% 20.00 0.95
ROI Mobile Print EDU 100+ Devices INC0YR 20.00 0.00% 20.00 0.95
ROI 1 Yr M&S Printer Full License EDU 1-10 Devices I 12.80 0.00% 12.80 0.61
ROI 1 Yr M&S MFP Full License EDU 1-10 Devices INC 90.00 0.00% 90.00 4.26
ROI 1 Yr M&S Usage Tracking EDU 1-10 Devices INC1Y 8.00 0.00% 8.00 0.38
ROI 1 Yr M&S Rules-based Printing EDU 1-10 Devices 8.00 0.00% 8.00 0.38
ROI 1 Yr M&S Mobile Print EDU 1-10 Devices INC1YR 8.00 0.00% 8.00 0.38
ROI 1 Yr M&S Printer Full License EDU 11-20 Devices 9.60 0.00% 9.60 0.45
ROI 1 Yr M&S MFP Full License EDU 11-20 Devices IN 81.00 0.00% 81.00 3.83
ROI 1 Yr M&S Usage Tracking EDU 11-20 Devices INC 7.20 0.00% 7.20 0.34
ROI 1 Yr M&S Rules-based Printing EDU 11-20 Devices 7.20 0.00% 7.20 0.34
ROI 1 Yr M&S Mobile Print EDU 11-20 Devices INC1YR 7.20 0.00% 7.20 0.34
ROI 1 Yr M&S Printer Full License EDU 21-50 Devices 8.00 0.00% 8.00 0.38
ROI 1 Yr M&S MFP Full License EDU 21-50 Devices IN 72.00 0.00% 72.00 3.41
ROI 1 Yr M&S Usage Tracking EDU 21-50 Devices INC 6.80 0.00% 6.80 0.32
ROI 1 Yr M&S Mobile Print EDU 21-50 Devices INC1YR 6.80 0.00% 6.80 0.32
ROI 1Yr M&S Printer Full License EDU 51-100 Devices 6.40 0.00% 6.40 0.30
ROI 1Yr M&S MFP Full License EDU 51-100 Devices IN 54.00 0.00% 54.00 2.56
ROI 1Yr M&S Usage Tracking EDU 51-100 Devices INC 5.60 0.00% 5.60 0.27
ROI 1Yr M&S Rules-based Printing EDU 51-100 Device 5.60 0.00% 5.60 0.27
ROI 1Yr M&S Mobile Print EDU 51-100 Devices INC1YR 5.60 0.00% 5.60 0.27
ROI 1Yr M&S Printer Full License EDU 100+ Devices I 4.80 0.00% 4.80 0.23
ROI 1Yr M&S MFP Full License EDU 100+ Devices INC 45.00 0.00% 45.00 2.13
ROI 1Yr M&S Usage Tracking EDU 100+ Devices INC1Y 4.00 0.00% 4.00 0.19
ROI 1Yr M&S Rules-based Printing EDU 100+ Devices 4.00 0.00% 4.00 0.19
ROI 1Yr M&S Mobile Print EDU 100+ Devices INC1YR 4.00 0.00% 4.00 0.19
ROI 3Yr M&S Printer Full License EDU 1-10 Devices IN 35.84 0.00% 35.84 1.70
ROI 3Yr M&S MFP Full License EDU 1-10 Devices INC3 252.00 0.00% 252.00 11.93
ROI 3Yr M&S Usage Tracking EDU 1-10 Devices INC3Y 22.40 0.00% 22.40 1.06
ROI 3Yr M&S Rules-based Printing EDU 1-10 Devices I 22.40 0.00% 22.40 1.06
ROI 3Yr M&S Mobile Print EDU 1-10 Devices INC3YR 22.40 0.00% 22.40 1.06
ROI 3Yr M&S Printer Full License EDU 11-20 Devices I 26.88 0.00% 26.88 1.27
ROI 3Yr M&S MFP Full License EDU 11-20 Devices INC 226.80 0.00% 226.80 10.73
ROI 3Yr M&S Usage Tracking EDU 11-20 Devices INC3 20.16 0.00% 20.16 0.95
ROI 3Yr M&S Rules-based Printing EDU 11-20 Devices 20.16 0.00% 20.16 0.95
ROI 3Yr M&S Mobile Print EDU 11-20 Devices INC3YR 20.16 0.00% 20.16 0.95
ROI 3Yr M&S Printer Full License EDU 21-50 Devices I 22.40 0.00% 22.40 1.06
ROI 3Yr M&S MFP Full License EDU 21-50 Devices INC 201.60 0.00% 201.60 9.54
ROI 3Yr M&S Usage Tracking EDU 21-50 Devices INC3 19.04 0.00% 19.04 0.90
ROI 3Yr M&S Mobile Print EDU 21-50 Devices INC3YR 19.04 0.00% 19.04 0.90
ROI 3Yr M&S Printer Full License EDU 51-100 Devices 17.92 0.00% 17.92 0.85
ROI 3Yr M&S MFP Full License EDU 51-100 Devices IN 151.20 0.00% 151.20 7.16
ROI 3Yr M&S Usage Tracking EDU 51-100 Devices INC 15.68 0.00% 15.68 0.74
ROI 3Yr M&S Rules-based Printing EDU 51-100 Device 15.68 0.00% 15.68 0.74
ROI 3Yr M&S Mobile Print EDU 51-100 Devices INC3YR 15.68 0.00% 15.68 0.74
ROI 3Yr M&S Printer Full License EDU 100+ Devices I 13.44 0.00% 13.44 0.64
ROI 3Yr M&S MFP Full License EDU 100+ Devices INC 126.00 0.00% 126.00 5.96
ROI 3Yr M&S Usage Tracking EDU 100+ Devices INC3Y 11.20 0.00% 11.20 0.53
ROI 3Yr M&S Rules-based Printing EDU 100+ Devices 11.20 0.00% 11.20 0.53
ROI 3Yr M&S Mobile Print EDU 100+ Devices INC3YR 11.20 0.00% 11.20 0.53
ROI 5Yr M&S Printer Full License EDU 1-10 Devices IN 57.60 0.00% 57.60 2.73
ROI 5Yr M&S MFP Full License EDU 1-10 Devices INC5 405.00 0.00% 405.00 19.17
ROI 5Yr M&S Usage Tracking EDU 1-10 Devices INC5Y 36.00 0.00% 36.00 1.70
ROI 5Yr M&S Rules-based Printing EDU 1-10 Devices I 36.00 0.00% 36.00 1.70
ROI 5Yr M&S Mobile Print EDU 1-10 Devices INC5YR 36.00 0.00% 36.00 1.70
ROI 5Yr M&S Printer Full License EDU 11-20 Devices I 43.20 0.00% 43.20 2.04
ROI 5Yr M&S MFP Full License EDU 11-20 Devices INC 364.50 0.00% 364.50 17.25
ROI 5Yr M&S Usage Tracking EDU 11-20 Devices INC5 32.40 0.00% 32.40 1.53
ROI 5Yr M&S Rules-based Printing EDU 11-20 Devices 32.40 0.00% 32.40 1.53
ROI 5Yr M&S Mobile Print EDU 11-20 Devices INC5YR 32.40 0.00% 32.40 1.53
ROI 5Yr M&S Printer Full License EDU 21-50 Devices I 36.00 0.00% 36.00 1.70
ROI 5Yr M&S MFP Full License EDU 21-50 Devices INC 324.00 0.00% 324.00 15.33
ROI 5Yr M&S Usage Tracking EDU 21-50 Devices INC5 30.60 0.00% 30.60 1.45
ROI 5Yr M&S Mobile Print EDU 21-50 Devices INC5YR 30.60 0.00% 30.60 1.45
ROI 5Yr M&S Printer Full License EDU 51-100 Devices 28.80 0.00% 28.80 1.36
ROI 5Yr M&S MFP Full License EDU 51-100 Devices IN 243.00 0.00% 243.00 11.50
ROI 5Yr M&S Usage Tracking EDU 51-100 Devices INC 25.20 0.00% 25.20 1.19
ROI 5Yr M&S Rules-based Printing EDU 51-100 Device 25.20 0.00% 25.20 1.19
ROI 5Yr M&S Mobile Print EDU 51-100 Devices INC5YR 25.20 0.00% 25.20 1.19
ROI 5Yr M&S Printer Full License EDU 100+ Devices I 21.60 0.00% 21.60 1.02
ROI 5Yr M&S MFP Full License EDU 100+ Devices INC 202.50 0.00% 202.50 9.58
ROI 5Yr M&S Usage Tracking EDU 100+ Devices INC5Y 18.00 0.00% 18.00 0.85
ROI 5Yr M&S Rules-based Printing EDU 100+ Devices 18.00 0.00% 18.00 0.85
ROI 5Yr M&S Mobile Print EDU 100+ Devices INC5YR 18.00 0.00% 18.00 0.85
ROI Printer Full License COM 1-10 Devices INC0YR 80.00 0.00% 80.00 3.79
ROI MFP Full License COM 1-10 Devices INC0YR 450.00 10.00% 405.00 19.17
ROI Usage Tracking COM 1-10 Devices INC0YR 50.00 0.00% 50.00 2.37
ROI Rules-based Printing COM 1-10 Devices INC0YR 50.00 0.00% 50.00 2.37
ROI Mobile Print COM 1-10 Devices INC0YR 50.00 0.00% 50.00 2.37
ROI Printer Full License COM 11-20 Devices INC0YR 60.00 0.00% 60.00 2.84
ROI MFP Full License COM 11-20 Devices INC0YR 405.00 0.00% 405.00 19.17
ROI Usage Tracking COM 11-20 Devices INC0YR 45.00 0.00% 45.00 2.13
ROI Rules-based Printing COM 11-20 Devices INC0YR 45.00 0.00% 45.00 2.13
ROI Mobile Print COM 11-20 Devices INC0YR 45.00 0.00% 45.00 2.13
ROI Printer Full License COM 21-50 Devices INC0YR 50.00 0.00% 50.00 2.37
ROI MFP Full License COM 21-50 Devices INC0YR 360.00 0.00% 360.00 17.04
ROI Usage Tracking COM 21-50 Devices INC0YR 42.50 0.00% 42.50 2.01
ROI Mobile Print COM 21-50 Devices INC0YR 42.50 0.00% 42.50 2.01
ROI Printer Full License COM 51-100 Devices INC0YR 40.00 0.00% 40.00 1.89
ROI MFP Full License COM 51-100 Devices INC0YR 270.00 0.00% 270.00 12.78
ROI Usage Tracking COM 51-100 Devices INC0YR 35.00 0.00% 35.00 1.66
ROI Rules-based Printing COM 51-100 Devices INC0YR 35.00 0.00% 35.00 1.66
ROI Mobile Print COM 51-100 Devices INC0YR 35.00 0.00% 35.00 1.66
ROI Printer Full License COM 100+ Devices INC0YR 30.00 0.00% 30.00 1.42
ROI MFP Full License COM 100+ Devices INC0YR 225.00 0.00% 225.00 10.65
ROI Usage Tracking COM 100+ Devices INC0YR 25.00 0.00% 25.00 1.18
ROI Rules-based Printing COM 100+ Devices INC0YR 25.00 0.00% 25.00 1.18
ROI Mobile Print COM 100+ Devices INC0YR 25.00 0.00% 25.00 1.18
ROI 1 Yr M&S Printer Full License COM 1-10 Devices I 16.00 0.00% 16.00 0.76
ROI 1 Yr M&S MFP Full License COM 1-10 Devices INC 90.00 0.00% 90.00 4.26
ROI 1 Yr M&S Usage Tracking COM 1-10 Devices INC1 10.00 0.00% 10.00 0.47
ROI 1 Yr M&S Rules-based Printing COM 1-10 Devices 10.00 0.00% 10.00 0.47
ROI 1 Yr M&S Mobile Print COM 1-10 Devices INC1YR 10.00 0.00% 10.00 0.47
ROI 1 Yr M&S Printer Full License COM 11-20 Devices 12.00 0.00% 12.00 0.57
ROI 1 Yr M&S MFP Full License COM 11-20 Devices IN 81.00 0.00% 81.00 3.83
ROI 1 Yr M&S Usage Tracking COM 11-20 Devices INC 9.00 0.00% 9.00 0.43
ROI 1 Yr M&S Rules-based Printing COM 11-20 Device 9.00 0.00% 9.00 0.43
ROI 1 Yr M&S Mobile Print COM 11-20 Devices INC1YR 9.00 0.00% 9.00 0.43
ROI 1 Yr M&S Printer Full License COM 21-50 Devices 10.00 0.00% 10.00 0.47
ROI 1 Yr M&S MFP Full License COM 21-50 Devices IN 72.00 0.00% 72.00 3.41
ROI 1 Yr M&S Usage Tracking COM 21-50 Devices INC 8.50 0.00% 8.50 0.40
(disc 05-23-18) ROI 1 Yr M&S Rules-based Printing CO 13.50 0.00% 13.50 0.64
ROI 1 Yr M&S Mobile Print COM 21-50 Devices INC1YR 8.50 0.00% 8.50 0.40
ROI 1Yr M&S Printer Full License COM 51-100 Devices 8.00 0.00% 8.00 0.38
ROI 1Yr M&S MFP Full License COM 51-100 Devices I 54.00 0.00% 54.00 2.56
ROI 1Yr M&S Usage Tracking COM 51-100 Devices INC 7.00 0.00% 7.00 0.33
ROI 1Yr M&S Rules-based Printing COM 51-100 Device 7.00 0.00% 7.00 0.33
ROI 1Yr M&S Mobile Print COM 51-100 Devices INC1YR 7.00 0.00% 7.00 0.33
ROI 1Yr M&S Printer Full License COM 100+ Devices I 6.00 0.00% 6.00 0.28
ROI 1Yr M&S MFP Full License COM 100+ Devices INC 45.00 0.00% 45.00 2.13
ROI 1Yr M&S Usage Tracking COM 100+ Devices INC1 5.00 0.00% 5.00 0.24
ROI 1Yr M&S Rules-based Printing COM 100+ Devices 5.00 0.00% 5.00 0.24
ROI 1Yr M&S Mobile Print COM 100+ Devices INC1YR 5.00 0.00% 5.00 0.24
ROI 3Yr M&S Printer Full License COM 1-10 Devices I 44.80 0.00% 44.80 2.12
ROI 3Yr M&S MFP Full License COM 1-10 Devices INC 252.00 0.00% 252.00 11.93
ROI 3Yr M&S Usage Tracking COM 1-10 Devices INC3Y 28.00 0.00% 28.00 1.33
ROI 3Yr M&S Rules-based Printing COM 1-10 Devices 28.00 0.00% 28.00 1.33
ROI 3Yr M&S Mobile Print COM 1-10 Devices INC3YR 28.00 0.00% 28.00 1.33
ROI 3Yr M&S Printer Full License COM 11-20 Devices 33.60 0.00% 33.60 1.59
ROI 3Yr M&S MFP Full License COM 11-20 Devices IN 226.80 0.00% 226.80 10.73
ROI 3Yr M&S Usage Tracking COM 11-20 Devices INC3 25.20 0.00% 25.20 1.19
ROI 3Yr M&S Rules-based Printing COM 11-20 Devices 25.20 0.00% 25.20 1.19
ROI 3Yr M&S Mobile Print COM 11-20 Devices INC3YR 25.20 0.00% 25.20 1.19
ROI 3Yr M&S Printer Full License COM 21-50 Devices 28.00 0.00% 28.00 1.33
ROI 3Yr M&S MFP Full License COM 21-50 Devices IN 201.60 0.00% 201.60 9.54
ROI 3Yr M&S Usage Tracking COM 21-50 Devices INC3 23.80 0.00% 23.80 1.13
ROI 3Yr M&S Mobile Print COM 21-50 Devices INC3YR 23.80 0.00% 23.80 1.13
ROI 3Yr M&S Printer Full License COM 51-100 Devices 22.40 0.00% 22.40 1.06
ROI 3Yr M&S MFP Full License COM 51-100 Devices I 151.20 0.00% 151.20 7.16
ROI 3Yr M&S Usage Tracking COM 51-100 Devices INC 19.60 0.00% 19.60 0.93
ROI 3Yr M&S Rules-based Printing COM 51-100 Device 19.60 0.00% 19.60 0.93
ROI 3Yr M&S Mobile Print COM 51-100 Devices INC3YR 19.60 0.00% 19.60 0.93
ROI 3Yr M&S Printer Full License COM 100+ Devices I 16.80 0.00% 16.80 0.80
ROI 3Yr M&S MFP Full License COM 100+ Devices INC 126.00 0.00% 126.00 5.96
ROI 3Yr M&S Usage Tracking COM 100+ Devices INC3 14.00 0.00% 14.00 0.66
ROI 3Yr M&S Rules-based Printing COM 100+ Devices 14.00 0.00% 14.00 0.66
ROI 3Yr M&S Mobile Print COM 100+ Devices INC3YR 14.00 0.00% 14.00 0.66
ROI 5Yr M&S Printer Full License COM 1-10 Devices I 72.00 0.00% 72.00 3.41
ROI 5Yr M&S MFP Full License COM 1-10 Devices INC 405.00 0.00% 405.00 19.17
ROI 5Yr M&S Usage Tracking COM 1-10 Devices INC5Y 45.00 0.00% 45.00 2.13
ROI 5Yr M&S Rules-based Printing COM 1-10 Devices 45.00 0.00% 45.00 2.13
ROI 5Yr M&S Mobile Print COM 1-10 Devices INC5YR 45.00 0.00% 45.00 2.13
ROI 5Yr M&S Printer Full License COM 11-20 Devices 54.00 0.00% 54.00 2.56
ROI 5Yr M&S MFP Full License COM 11-20 Devices IN 364.50 0.00% 364.50 17.25
ROI 5Yr M&S Usage Tracking COM 11-20 Devices INC5 40.50 0.00% 40.50 1.92
ROI 5Yr M&S Rules-based Printing COM 11-20 Devices 40.50 0.00% 40.50 1.92
ROI 5Yr M&S Mobile Print COM 11-20 Devices INC5YR 40.50 0.00% 40.50 1.92
ROI 5Yr M&S Printer Full License COM 21-50 Devices 45.00 0.00% 45.00 2.13
ROI 5Yr M&S MFP Full License COM 21-50 Devices IN 324.00 0.00% 324.00 15.33
ROI 5Yr M&S Usage Tracking COM 21-50 Devices INC5 38.25 0.00% 38.25 1.81
ROI 5Yr M&S Mobile Print COM 21-50 Devices INC5YR 38.25 0.00% 38.25 1.81
ROI 5Yr M&S Printer Full License COM 51-100 Devices 36.00 0.00% 36.00 1.70
ROI 5Yr M&S MFP Full License COM 51-100 Devices I 243.00 0.00% 243.00 11.50
ROI 5Yr M&S Usage Tracking COM 51-100 Devices INC 31.50 0.00% 31.50 1.49
ROI 5Yr M&S Rules-based Printing COM 51-100 Device 31.50 0.00% 31.50 1.49
ROI 5Yr M&S Mobile Print COM 51-100 Devices INC5YR 31.50 0.00% 31.50 1.49
ROI 5Yr M&S Printer Full License COM 100+ Devices I 27.00 0.00% 27.00 1.28
ROI 5Yr M&S MFP Full License COM 100+ Devices INC 202.50 0.00% 202.50 9.58
ROI 5Yr M&S Usage Tracking COM 100+ Devices INC5 22.50 0.00% 22.50 1.06
ROI 5Yr M&S Rules-based Printing COM 100+ Devices 22.50 0.00% 22.50 1.06
ROI 5Yr M&S Mobile Print COM 100+ Devices INC5YR 22.50 0.00% 22.50 1.06
ROI USB Card Reader - per device INC1YR 189.00 2.69% 183.91 8.70
ROI Yearly Extended Warranty USB Card Reader - per 18.90 0.00% 18.90 0.89
ROI Fast Track Deployment 600.00 0.00% 600.00 28.40
ROI Installation & configuration services 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
ROI Support Services 200.00 0.00% 200.00 9.47
ROI Remote Training 200.00 0.00% 200.00 9.47
ROI Training Services 1,750.00 0.00% 1,750.00 82.83
ROI Development Services 1,750.00 0.00% 1,750.00 82.83

WEBCRD ONDEMAND ANNUAL FEE 12,000.00 0.00% 12,000.00 567.96
WEBCRD ONDEMAND PRODUCTION MODULE ANNUA 3,500.00 10.00% 3,150.00 149.09
WEBCRD ONDEMAND ADDITIONAL SITE PER PRINT 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 236.65
WEBCRD ONDEMAND ADVANCED JOB COST ESTIMA 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
WEBCRD ONDEMAND AUTOSTOCK MODULE ANNUAL 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
WEBCRD ONDEMAND CREDIT CARD VALIDATION MO 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
WEBCRD ONDEMAND DYNAMICS MODULE ANNUAL 8,000.00 10.00% 7,200.00 340.78
WEBCRD ONDEMAND DYNAMICS DESKTOP MODULE 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 236.65
WEBCRD ONDEMAND PRINT MIS PACKAGE ANNUAL 4,500.00 0.00% 4,500.00 212.99
WEBCRD ONDEMAND BOOK ASSEMBLY MODULE AN 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
WEBCRD ONDEMAND ADDITIONAL 100 GB STORAGE 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
WEBCRD ONDEMAND ADDITIONAL 1 CPU EACH 1 CP 1,200.00 0.00% 1,200.00 56.80
WEBCRD ONDEMAND ADDITIONAL 1 GB RAM EACH 1 1,200.00 0.00% 1,200.00 56.80
WEBCRD ONDEMAND SETUP AND CONFIGURATION 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 236.65
WEBCRD ONDEMAND ADDITIONAL SITE SETUP AN 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
WEBCRD ONDEMAND SUREPDF CLIENT LICENSE S 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
WEBCRD ONDEMAND AJCE MODULE SETUP AND C 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
WEBCRD ONDEMAND AUTOSTOCK MODULE SETUP 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
WEBCRD ONDEMAND DYNAMICS MODULE SETUP A 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 236.65
WEBCRD ONDEMAND DYNAMICS DESKTOP MODULE 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 236.65
WEBCRD ONDEMAND PRINT MIS PACKAGE SETUP 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
WEBCRD ONDEMAND BOOK ASSEMBLY MODULE SE 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
CDPrint - Reintegration Fee 3,500.00 0.00% 3,500.00 153.37
LEGALPRINT 5,995.00 0.00% 5,995.00 283.74
LEGALPRINT ANNUAL 1X5 PREMIUM SUPPORT 1,200.00 0.00% 1,200.00 56.80
LEGALPRINT ANNUAL 3X7 PLATINUM SUPPORT 1,800.00 0.00% 1,800.00 85.19
CDPrint Pro - Remote Configuration, Installation & Traini 7,000.00 0.00% 7,000.00 306.74
Additional CDPrint Pro License 15,000.00 10.00% 13,500.00 638.96
Additional CDPrint Pro License - Annual 1x5 Premium Su 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
Additional CDPrint Pro License - Annual 3x7 Platinum Su 4,500.00 0.00% 4,500.00 212.99
LEGALPRINT PRINTER DEFINITION 3,000.00 10.00% 2,700.00 127.79
CDPrint Lite Software License 15,000.00 10.00% 13,500.00 638.96
CDPrint Lite Software License - Annual 1x5 Premium Sup 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
CDPrint Lite Software License - Annual 3x7 Platinum Sup 4,500.00 0.00% 4,500.00 212.99
CDPrint Lite - Remote Configuration, Installation & Traini 3,500.00 0.00% 3,500.00 153.37
FREIGHT AND HANDLING U.S. PER SERVER 300.00 0.00% 300.00 14.20
Bus & Tag Channel Card 9,500.00 0.00% 9,500.00 449.64
Bus & Tag Channel Card - Annual 1x5 Premium Support 1,900.00 0.00% 1,900.00 89.93
Bus & Tag Channel Card - Annual 3x7 Platinum Support 2,850.00 0.00% 2,850.00 134.89
ESCON Channel Card 12,800.00 0.00% 12,800.00 605.82
ESCON Channel Card - Annual 1x5 Premium Support 2,560.00 0.00% 2,560.00 121.16
ESCON Channel Card - Annual 3x7 Platinum Support 3,840.00 0.00% 3,840.00 181.75
Production Tower Server 2,995.00 0.00% 2,995.00 141.75
PRODUCTION TOWER SERVER ANNUAL 1X5 PREMI 599.00 0.00% 599.00 28.35
PRODUCTION TOWER SERVER ANNUAL 3X7 PLATI 899.00 0.00% 899.00 42.55
Production Rack Server 2,995.00 0.00% 2,995.00 141.75
PRODUCTION RACK SERVER ANNUAL 1X5 PREMIU 599.00 0.00% 599.00 28.35
PRODUCTION RACK SERVER ANNUAL 3X7 PLATIN 899.00 0.00% 899.00 42.55
Premium Production Rack Server 4,995.00 0.00% 4,995.00 236.41
PREMIUM PRODUCTION RACK SERVER ANNUAL 3X 1,499.00 0.00% 1,499.00 70.95
Enterprise Rack Server 8,795.00 0.00% 8,795.00 416.27
ENTERPRISE RACK SERVER ANNUAL 1X5 PREMIU 1,759.00 0.00% 1,759.00 83.25
ENTERPRISE RACK SERVER ANNUAL 3X7 PLATINU 2,639.00 0.00% 2,639.00 124.90
VM Image
VIRTUAL SERVER IMAGE 2,000.00 0.00% 2,000.00 94.66
VIRTUAL SERVER IMAGE ANNUAL 1X5 PREMIUM S 400.00 0.00% 400.00 18.93
VIRTUAL SERVER IMAGE ANNUAL 3X7 PLATINUM S 600.00 0.00% 600.00 28.40
Custom Hardware
Custom Hardware (Variable) 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67


IPDSPRINT REINTEGRATION FEE 3,500.00 0.00% 3,500.00 165.66
IPDSPrint Digimaster License (Per Printer) 12,500.00 10.00% 11,250.00 532.46
IPDSPrint Digimaster License (Per Printer) - Annual 1x5 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 118.33
IPDSPrint Digimaster License (Per Printer) - Annual 3x7 3,750.00 0.00% 3,750.00 177.49
IPDSPrint License (Per 61+ ppm Printer) 9,000.00 10.00% 8,100.00 383.37
IPDSPrint License (Per 61+ ppm Printer) - Annual 1x5 P 1,800.00 0.00% 1,800.00 85.19
IPDSPrint License (Per 61+ ppm Printer) - Annual 3x7 Pl 2,700.00 0.00% 2,700.00 127.79
IPDSPrint License (Per 0-60 ppm Printer) 6,000.00 10.00% 5,400.00 255.58
IPDSPrint License (Per 0-60 ppm Printer) - Annual 1x5 1,200.00 0.00% 1,200.00 56.80
IPDSPrint License (Per 0-60 ppm Printer) - Annual 3x7 P 1,800.00 0.00% 1,800.00 85.19
IPDSPRINT COLOR MODULE OPTION ANNUAL 3X7 300.00 0.00% 300.00 14.20
IPDSPrint 2-D Bar Code Option (Per Printer) 1,000.00 10.00% 900.00 42.60
IPDSPrint 2-D Bar Code Option - Annual 1x5 Premium Su 200.00 0.00% 200.00 9.47
IPDSPrint 2-D Bar Code Option - Annual 3x7 Platinum Su 300.00 0.00% 300.00 14.20
IPDSPrint Double Byte Character Set Option (Per Printer) 1,000.00 10.00% 900.00 42.60
IPDSPrint Double Byte Character Option - Annual 1x5 P 200.00 0.00% 200.00 9.47
IPDSPrint Double Byte Character Option - Annual 3x7 Pl 300.00 0.00% 300.00 14.20
IPDSPRINT QUOTE VARIABLE 300 plus PPM CS OR 40 1,000.00 50.00% 500.00 23.67
IPDSPRINT VARIABLE 300 plus PPM CS OR 400 plu 200.00 50.00% 100.00 4.73
IPDSPRINT VARIABLE 300 PLUS PPM CS OR 400 pl 300.00 50.00% 150.00 7.10
IPDSPRINT DR LICENSE PER PRINTER 4,500.00 0.00% 4,500.00 212.99
IPDSPRINT DR LICENSE PER PRINTER ANNUAL 3X 1,350.00 0.00% 1,350.00 63.90
MISPrint M.I.S. Print Remote Configuration, Installation & Training Fee (Per PDEF)
3,500.00 0.00% 3,500.00 165.66
MISPRINT TCP IP CONNECTIVITY 3,500.00 0.00% 3,500.00 165.66
MISPRINT REINTEGRATION FEE 3,500.00 0.00% 3,500.00 165.66
MISPRINT LICENSE TRANSFER FEE PER PRINTER 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
M.I.S. Print Digimaster License (Per Printer) 12,500.00 10.00% 11,250.00 532.46
M.I.S. Print Digimaster License (Per Printer) - Annual 1 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 118.33
M.I.S. Print Digimaster License (Per Printer) - Annual 3x 3,750.00 0.00% 3,750.00 177.49
M.I.S. Print License (Per 61+ ppm Printer) 9,000.00 10.00% 8,100.00 383.37
M.I.S. Print License (Per 61+ ppm Printer) - Annual 1x5 1,800.00 0.00% 1,800.00 85.19
M.I.S. Print License (Per 61+ ppm Printer) - Annual 3x7 2,700.00 0.00% 2,700.00 127.79
M.I.S. Print License (Per 0-60 ppm Printer) 6,000.00 10.00% 5,400.00 255.58
M.I.S. Print License (Per 0-60 ppm Printer) - Annual 1x5 1,200.00 0.00% 1,200.00 56.80
M.I.S. Print License (Per 0-60 ppm Printer) - Annual 3x7 1,800.00 0.00% 1,800.00 85.19
M.I.S. Print Customization (Variable) 500.00 0.00% 500.00 21.91
M.I.S. Print Customization (Variable) - Annual 1x5 Prem 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
M.I.S. Print Customization (Variable) - Annual 3x7 Platin 150.00 0.00% 150.00 7.10
MISPRINT DR LICENSE PER PRINTER 4,500.00 0.00% 4,500.00 212.99
MISPRINT DR LICENSE PER PRINTER ANNUAL 1X5 900.00 0.00% 900.00 42.60
MISPRINT DR LICENSE PER PRINTER ANNUAL 3X7 1,350.00 0.00% 1,350.00 63.90
Mainframe Downloader (1st Mainframe) 22,000.00 10.00% 19,800.00 937.13
Mainframe Downloader (1st Mainframe) - Annual 1x5 Pr 4,400.00 0.00% 4,400.00 208.25
Mainframe Downloader (1st Mainframe) - Annual 3x7 Pla 6,600.00 0.00% 6,600.00 312.38
Mainframe Downloader - Remote Configuration, Installati 7,000.00 0.00% 7,000.00 306.74
MAINFRAME DOWNLOADER PER MAINFRAME 10,000.00 10.00% 9,000.00 425.97
Mainframe Downloader Customization (Variable) 500.00 0.00% 500.00 21.91
Mainframe Downloader Customization (Variable) - Annua 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
Mainframe Downloader Customization (Variable) - Annual 150.00 0.00% 150.00 7.10
PDF PRO INCLUDES 1 APPLICATION 12,500.00 10.00% 11,250.00 532.46
PDF PRO ANNUAL 1X5 MAINTENANCE 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 118.33
PDF PRO ANNUAL PLATINUM MAINTENANCE 3,750.00 0.00% 3,750.00 177.49
PDF Pro Implementation Fee 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 65.73
PDF Pro - Customization (Variable) 500.00 0.00% 500.00 21.91
PDF Pro - Customization (Variable) - Annual 1x5 Premiu 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
PDF Pro - Customization (Variable) - Annual 3x7 Platinu 150.00 0.00% 150.00 7.10
PDF LITE INCLUDES 1 APPLICATION 7,500.00 10.00% 6,750.00 319.48
PDF LITE ANNUAL 1X5 MAINTENANCE 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
PDF LITE ANNUAL 3X7 PLATINUM SUPPORT 2,250.00 0.00% 2,250.00 106.49
PDF Lite Implementation Fee 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 65.73
PDF Lite - Customization (Variable) 500.00 0.00% 500.00 21.91
PDF Lite - Customization (Variable) - Annual 1x5 Premiu 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
PDF Lite - Customization (Variable) - Annual 3x7 Platinu 150.00 0.00% 150.00 7.10

RSA - Remote Configuration, Installation & Training Fee 7,000.00 0.00% 7,000.00 306.74
RSA - Remote Installation Fee 3,500.00 0.00% 3,500.00 153.37
RSA - Remote Implementation Fee 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 65.73
RSA - System Reintegration Fee 3,500.00 0.00% 3,500.00 153.37
RSA - Professional Services - 1 Day On-Site (Includes tr 4,500.00 0.00% 4,500.00 197.19
RSA - Professional Services - Additional Day, Already On 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 65.73
RSA - Professional Services - Daily Rate (Off-Site) 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 65.73
RSA - Remote Access Surcharge (Variable) 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.38
QDirect - Reintegration Fee 3,500.00 0.00% 3,500.00 153.37
QDIRECT LICENSE TRANSFER FEE PER PRINTER 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
QDIRECT PRO INCLUDES ONE PRINTER DEFINITION 15,000.00 10.00% 13,500.00 638.96
QDIRECT PRO ANNUAL 1X5 MAINTENANCE 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
QDIRECT PRO ANNUAL 3X7 PLATINUM SUPPORT 4,500.00 0.00% 4,500.00 212.99
QDirect nsi output manager - Remote Installation & Train 3,500.00 0.00% 3,500.00 165.66
QDirect Hot Folder Reader 3,500.00 10.00% 3,150.00 149.09
QDirect Hot Folder Reader - Annual 1x5 Premium Suppor 700.00 0.00% 700.00 33.13
QDirect Hot Folder Reader - Annual 3x7 Platinum Suppor 1,050.00 0.00% 1,050.00 49.70
QDirect Hot Folder Reader - Remote Installation Fee 3,500.00 0.00% 3,500.00 153.37
QDirect FreeFlow Makeready Reader (Includes 1 PDEF) 6,500.00 10.00% 5,850.00 276.88
QDirect FreeFlow Makeready Reader - Annual 1x5 Prem 1,300.00 0.00% 1,300.00 61.53
QDirect FreeFlow Makeready Reader - Annual 3x7 Plati 1,950.00 0.00% 1,950.00 92.29
QDirect FreeFlow Makeready Reader - Remote Installatio 3,500.00 0.00% 3,500.00 153.37
QDIRECT PRO PRINTER DEFINITION 3,000.00 10.00% 2,700.00 127.79
QDirect SmartBoard Reader (Includes 1 PDEF) 6,500.00 10.00% 5,850.00 276.88
QDirect SmartBoard Reader - Annual 1x5 Premium Suppo 1,300.00 0.00% 1,300.00 61.53
QDirect SmartBoard Reader - Annual 3x7 Platinum Suppo 1,950.00 0.00% 1,950.00 92.29
QDirect SmartBoard Reader - Remote Installation & Trai 3,500.00 0.00% 3,500.00 153.37
QDirect SmartBoard PDEF (Per Additional PDEF) 3,000.00 10.00% 2,700.00 127.79
QDirect SmartBoard PDEF - Annual 1x5 Premium Suppor 600.00 0.00% 600.00 28.40
QDirect SmartBoard PDEF - Annual 3x7 Platinum Suppor 900.00 0.00% 900.00 42.60
QDirect M.I.S. Print Reader (Requires Transform Writer) 3,500.00 10.00% 3,150.00 149.09
QDirect M.I.S. Print Reader - Annual 1x5 Premium Suppo 700.00 0.00% 700.00 33.13
QDirect M.I.S. Print Reader - Annual 3x7 Platinum Suppor 1,050.00 0.00% 1,050.00 49.70
QDirect M.I.S. Print Reader - Remote Installation & Train 3,500.00 0.00% 3,500.00 153.37
QDirect IPDSPrint Reader (Requires Transform Writer) 3,500.00 10.00% 3,150.00 149.09
QDirect IPDSPrint Reader - Annual 1x5 Premium Support 700.00 0.00% 700.00 33.13
QDirect IPDSPrint Reader - Annual 3x7 Platinum Support 1,050.00 0.00% 1,050.00 49.70
QDirect IPDSPrint Reader - Remote Installation & Traini 3,500.00 0.00% 3,500.00 153.37
QDirect VIPrint Reader (Requires Transform Writer) 3,500.00 10.00% 3,150.00 149.09
QDirect VIPrint Reader - Annual 1x5 Premium Support 700.00 0.00% 700.00 33.13
QDirect VIPrint Reader - Annual 3x7 Platinum Support 1,050.00 0.00% 1,050.00 49.70
QDirect VIPrint Reader - Remote Installation & Training 3,500.00 0.00% 3,500.00 153.37
QDirect Transform Writer (Per Printer) 3,500.00 10.00% 3,150.00 149.09
QDirect Transform Writer (Per Printer) - Annual 1x5 Pre 700.00 0.00% 700.00 33.13
QDirect Transform Writer (Per Printer) - Annual 3x7 Plat 1,050.00 0.00% 1,050.00 49.70
QDIRECT READER REQUIRES SOW 6,500.00 10.00% 5,850.00 276.88
QDIRECT READER ANNUAL 1X5 PREMIUM SUPPOR 1,300.00 0.00% 1,300.00 61.53
QDIRECT READER ANNUAL 3X7 PLATINUM SUPPOR 1,950.00 0.00% 1,950.00 92.29
QDirect Dynamics Reader - Implementation Fee 3,500.00 0.00% 3,500.00 153.37
QDIRECT DYNAMICS LICENSE REQUIRES PC 15,000.00 0.00% 15,000.00 709.95
QDIRECT DYNAMICS LICENSE ANNUAL 1X5 PREMI 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
QDIRECT DYNAMICS LICENSE ANNUAL 3X7 PLATI 4,500.00 0.00% 4,500.00 212.99
QDirect Dynamics License - Implementation Fee 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 131.46
QDirect Reader Customization (Variable) 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67
QDirect Reader Customization (Variable) - Annual 1x5 P 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
QDirect Reader Customization (Variable) - Annual 3x7 Pl 150.00 0.00% 150.00 7.10
QDirect Writer Customization (Variable) 500.00 0.00% 500.00 21.91
QDirect Writer Customization (Variable) - Annual 1x5 Pr 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
QDirect Writer Customization (Variable) - Annual 3x7 Pla 150.00 0.00% 150.00 7.10
QDIRECT BACKUP OR DR LICENSE 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 236.65
QDIRECT BACKUP OR DR LICENSE ANNUAL 1X5 M 1,000.00 0.00% 1,000.00 47.33
QDIRECT BACKUP OR DR LICENSE ANNUAL 3X7 M 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
QDirect Makeready Server (Includes PC, Reader & 1 PD 15,995.00 10.00% 14,396.00 681.36
QDirect Makeready Server - Annual 1x5 Premium Suppor 3,299.00 0.00% 3,299.00 156.14
QDirect Makeready Server - Annual 3x7 Platinum Suppor 4,949.00 0.00% 4,949.00 234.24
QDirect Makeready Server - Remote Installation Fee 3,500.00 0.00% 3,500.00 165.66
QDirect Makeready PDEF (Per Additional PDEF) 3,000.00 10.00% 2,700.00 127.79
QDirect Makeready PDEF - Annual 1x5 Premium Support 600.00 0.00% 600.00 28.40
QDirect Makeready PDEF - Annual 3x7 Platinum Support 900.00 0.00% 900.00 42.60
QD Print Server
QDirect Print Server (Includes PC) 9,995.00 9.99% 8,996.00 425.78
QDirect Print Server - Annual 1x5 Premium Support 1,999.00 0.00% 1,999.00 94.61
QDirect Print Server - Annual 3x7 Platinum Support 2,999.00 0.00% 2,999.00 141.94
QDirect Print Server - Remote Installation Fee 3,500.00 0.00% 3,500.00 153.37
QDirect.SCAN - Reintegration Fee 3,500.00 0.00% 3,500.00 153.37
QDirect.SCAN nsi output manager (Includes 2 PDEFs) 15,000.00 10.00% 13,500.00 638.96
QDirect.SCAN nsi output manager - Annual 1x5 Premium 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
QDirect.SCAN nsi output manager - Annual 3x7 Platinum 4,500.00 0.00% 4,500.00 212.99
QDirect.SCAN nsi output manager - Remote Installation & 7,000.00 0.00% 7,000.00 306.74
QDIRECT SCAN PDEF PER ADDITIONAL PDEF 3,000.00 10.00% 2,700.00 127.79
QDIRECT SCAN PDEF ANNUAL 1X5 PREMIUM SUPP 600.00 0.00% 600.00 28.40
QDIRECT SCAN PDEF ANNUAL 3X7 PLATINUM SUP 900.00 0.00% 900.00 42.60
QDIRECT SCAN READER PER 5 MFPS 1,000.00 10.00% 900.00 42.60
QDIRECT SCAN READER PER 5 MFPS ANNUAL 1X5 200.00 0.00% 200.00 9.47
QDIRECT SCAN READER PER 5 MFPS ANNUAL 3X7 300.00 0.00% 300.00 14.20
QDIRECT SCAN ACCOUNTING MODULE 7,500.00 10.00% 6,750.00 319.48
QDIRECT SCAN ACCOUNTING MODULE ANNUAL 1X 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
QDIRECT SCAN ACCOUNTING MODULE ANNUAL 3X 2,250.00 0.00% 2,250.00 106.49
QDIRECT SCAN ACCOUNT LOOKUP MODULE 3,000.00 10.00% 2,700.00 127.79
QDirect.SCAN Job Cost Estimating Module 3,000.00 10.00% 2,700.00 127.79
QDirect.SCAN Job Cost Estimating Module - Annual 1x5 600.00 0.00% 600.00 28.40
QDirect.SCAN Job Cost Estimating Module - Annual 3x7 900.00 0.00% 900.00 42.60
QDIRECT SCAN EQUITRAC INTEGRATION MODULE 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
QDirect.SCAN - Equitrac Implementation Fee 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 219.10
RDO Print
RDOPRINT RENTAL INITIAL 3 MONTHS SINGLE SE 12,500.00 0.00% 12,500.00 591.63
RDOPRINT RENTAL ADDITIONAL 3 MONTHS SINGL 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 118.33
RDOPRINT LICENSE SINGLE SERVER, SINGLE CUS 15,000.00 10.00% 13,500.00 638.96
RDOPRINT LICENSE ANNUAL 1X5 PREMIUM SUPPO 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
RDOPRINT LICENSE ANNUAL 3X7 PLATINUM SUPP 4,500.00 0.00% 4,500.00 212.99
RDOPrint Implementation Fee 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 65.73
Custom Software
TICKETME LICENSE SINGLE SERVER, SINGLE CUS 15,000.00 10.00% 13,500.00 638.96
TICKETME LICENSE ANNUAL 1X5 MAINTENANCE 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
TICKETME LICENSE ANNUAL 3X7 PLATINUM SUPPO 4,500.00 0.00% 4,500.00 212.99
TicketMe License - Remote Installation & Training Fee 3,500.00 0.00% 3,500.00 153.37
VI Print
VIPrint Remote Configuration, Installation & Training Fe 3,500.00 0.00% 3,500.00 153.37
VIPrint - Reintegration Fee 3,500.00 0.00% 3,500.00 153.37
VIPrint - License Transfer Fee (Per Printer) 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 131.46
VIPrint Digimaster License (Per Printer) 12,500.00 10.00% 11,250.00 532.46
VIPrint Digimaster License (Per Printer) - Annual 1x5 Pr 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 118.33
VIPrint Digimaster License (Per Printer) - Annual 3x7 Pla 3,750.00 0.00% 3,750.00 177.49
VIPrint License (Per 61+ ppm Printer) 9,000.00 10.00% 8,100.00 383.37
VIPrint License (Per 61+ ppm Printer) - Annual 1x5 Prem 1,800.00 0.00% 1,800.00 85.19
VIPrint License (Per 61+ ppm Printer) - Annual 3x7 Plati 2,700.00 0.00% 2,700.00 127.79
VIPrint License (Per 0-60 ppm Printer) 6,000.00 10.00% 5,400.00 255.58
VIPrint License (Per 0-60 ppm Printer) - Annual 1x5 Pre 1,200.00 0.00% 1,200.00 56.80
VIPrint License (Per 0-60 ppm Printer) - Annual 3x7 Plat 1,800.00 0.00% 1,800.00 85.19
VIPrint Customization (Variable) 500.00 0.00% 500.00 21.91
VIPrint Customization (Variable) - Annual 1x5 Premium S 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
VIPrint Customization (Variable) - Annual 3x7 Platinum S 150.00 0.00% 150.00 7.10
VIPrint DR License (Per Printer) 4,500.00 0.00% 4,500.00 212.99
VIPrint DR License (Per Printer) - Annual 1x5 Premium S 900.00 0.00% 900.00 42.60
VIPrint DR License (Per Printer) - Annual 3x7 Platinum S 1,350.00 0.00% 1,350.00 63.90
WEBCRD REINTEGRATION FEE 3,500.00 0.00% 3,500.00 165.66
WEBCRD BASE LICENSE 15,000.00 10.00% 13,500.00 638.96
WEBCRD BASE LICENSE ANNUAL 1X5 PREMIUM S 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
WEBCRD BASE LICENSE ANNUAL 3X7 PLATINUM S 4,500.00 0.00% 4,500.00 212.99
WebCRD Base - Remote Installation & Training Fee 3,500.00 0.00% 3,500.00 153.37
WEBCRD PRO LICENSE INCLUDES 2 PDEFS 25,000.00 10.00% 22,500.00 1,064.93
WEBCRD PRO LICENSE ANNUAL 1X5 PREMIUM SU 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 236.65
WEBCRD PRO LICENSE ANNUAL 3X7 PLATINUM SU 7,500.00 0.00% 7,500.00 354.98
PS - Installation and training 10,000.00 0.00% 10,000.00 438.20
WEBCRD PRO ENTERPRISE SYSTEM INCLUDES 2 P 35,000.00 10.00% 31,500.00 1,490.90
WEBCRD PRO ENTERPRISE SYSTEM ANNUAL 1X5 7,000.00 0.00% 7,000.00 331.31
WEBCRD PRO ENTERPRISE SYSTEM ANNUAL 3X7 10,500.00 0.00% 10,500.00 496.97
WebCRD Pro Enterprise - Remote Installation & Training 7,000.00 0.00% 7,000.00 306.74
WEBCRD ADDITIONAL SITE LICENSE ANNUAL 1X5 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
WEBCRD ADDITIONAL SITE LICENSE ANNUAL 3X7 2,250.00 0.00% 2,250.00 106.49
WebCRD Additional Site License - Remote Installation & 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 131.46
WEBCRD PRO ADDITIONAL PDEF PER PRINTER DEFI 3,000.00 10.00% 2,700.00 127.79
WEBCRD PRO ADDITIONAL PDEF ANNUAL 1X5 PRE 600.00 0.00% 600.00 28.40
WEBCRD PRO ADDITIONAL PDEF ANNUAL 3X7 PLA 900.00 0.00% 900.00 42.60
WebCRD CentralPDF Server License (Requires PC) 9,500.00 0.00% 9,500.00 449.64
WEBCRD CENTRALPDF SERVER LICENSE ANNUAL 2,850.00 0.00% 2,850.00 134.89
WebCRD CentralPDF Server License - Implementation F 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
WebCRD CentralPDF Office License - Implementation F 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 65.73
WebCRD SurePDF Client License (Per Print Center) 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 118.33
WebCRD SurePDF Client License - Annual 3x7 Platinum 750.00 0.00% 750.00 35.50
WebCRD SurePDF Client License - Implementation Fee 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 65.73
WEBCRD DYNAMICS DESKTOP REQUIRES PC AND 7,500.00 0.00% 7,500.00 354.98
WEBCRD DYNAMICS DESKTOP MODULE ANNUAL 1 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
WEBCRD DYNAMICS DESKTOP MODULE ANNUAL 3X 2,250.00 0.00% 2,250.00 106.49
WebCRD Dynamics Desktop Module - Implementation F 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
FUSIONPRO VDP CREATOR PER LICENSE 995.00 0.00% 995.00 47.09
FUSIONPRO VDP CREATOR ANNUAL 3X7 PLATINU 300.00 20.33% 239.00 11.31
WEBCRD DYNAMICS MODULE REQUIRES PC AND F 15,000.00 5.00% 14,250.00 674.45
WEBCRD DYNAMICS MODULE ANNUAL 1X5 PREMI 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
WEBCRD DYNAMICS MODULE ANNUAL 3X7 PLATIN 4,500.00 0.00% 4,500.00 212.99
WebCRD Dynamics Module - Implementation Fee 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 131.46
FUSION PRO DESIGNER LICENSES 5 PACK 500.00 5.00% 475.00 22.48
FUSION PRO DESIGNER LICENSES ANNUAL 1X5 P 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
FUSION PRO DESIGNER LICENSES ANNUAL 3X7 P 150.00 0.00% 150.00 7.10
WEBCRD BASIC AUTHENTICATION MODULE LDAP 5,000.00 5.00% 4,750.00 224.82
WebCRD Enterprise Authentication Module - Implementat 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 65.73
WEBCRD BOOK ASSEMBLY MODULE 5,000.00 5.00% 4,750.00 224.82
WEBCRD BOOK ASSEMBLY MODULE ANNUAL 1X5 1,000.00 0.00% 1,000.00 47.33
WEBCRD BOOK ASSEMBLY MODULE ANNUAL 3X7 P 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
WebCRD Book Assembly Module - Implementation Fee 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
WEBCRD CREDIT CARD MODULE 5,000.00 5.00% 4,750.00 224.82
WEBCRD CREDIT CARD MODULE ANNUAL 1X5 PRE 1,000.00 0.00% 1,000.00 47.33
WEBCRD CREDIT CARD MODULE ANNUAL 3X7 PLA 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
WebCRD Credit Card Module - Implementation Fee 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 65.73
WEBCRD AJCE ADVANCED JOB COST ESTIMATING 5,000.00 5.00% 4,750.00 224.82
WEBCRD AJCE MODULE ANNUAL 1X5 PREMIUM SU 1,000.00 0.00% 1,000.00 47.33
WEBCRD AJCE MODULE ANNUAL 3X7 PLATINUM S 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
WebCRD AJCE Module - Implementation Fee 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 65.73
WEBCRD PRINT MIS PACKAGE 7,500.00 5.00% 7,125.00 337.23
WEBCRD PRINT MIS PACKAGE ANNUAL 1X5 PREMI 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
WEBCRD PRINT MIS PACKAGE ANNUAL 3X7 PLATI 2,250.00 0.00% 2,250.00 106.49
WebCRD Print MIS Package - Implementation Fee 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
WEBCRD AUTOSTOCK MODULE 5,000.00 5.00% 4,750.00 224.82
WEBCRD AUTOSTOCK MODULE ANNUAL 1X5 PREM 1,000.00 0.00% 1,000.00 47.33
WEBCRD AUTOSTOCK MODULE ANNUAL 3X7 PLAT 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
WebCRD AutoStock Module - Implementation Fee 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 65.73
WEBCRD DOCUSHARE INTEGRATION MODULE 5,000.00 5.00% 4,750.00 224.82
WebCRD DocuShare Integration Module - Implementatio 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
WEBCRD XMPIE INTEGRATION MODULE 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
WEBCRD XMPIE INTEGRATION MODULE ANNUAL 1 1,000.00 0.00% 1,000.00 47.33
WEBCRD XMPIE INTEGRATION MODULE ANNUAL 3X 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
WebCRD XMPie Integration Module - Implementation Fe 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
WEBCRD MULTILINGUAL USER INTERFACE UI 10,000.00 0.00% 10,000.00 473.30
WEBCRD MULTILINGUAL UI ANNUAL 1X5 PREMIUM 2,000.00 0.00% 2,000.00 94.66
WEBCRD MULTILINGUAL UI ANNUAL 3X7 PLATINUM 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
UPGRADE WEBCRD BASE LICENSE TO WEBCRD PRO 12,500.00 10.00% 11,250.00 532.46
UPGRADE WEBCRD BASE LICENSE TO WEBCRD PRO 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 118.33
UPGRADE WEBCRD BASE LICENSE TO WEBCRD PRO 3,750.00 0.00% 3,750.00 177.49
Upgrade WebCRD Base to Pro - Remote Installation & Tr 3,500.00 0.00% 3,500.00 165.66
WEBCRD BACKUP, DR OR UAT LICENSE SELECT ON 7,500.00 0.00% 7,500.00 354.98
WEBCRD BACKUP, DR OR UAT LICENSE ANNUAL 1 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
WEBCRD BACKUP, DR OR UAT LICENSE ANNUAL 3 2,250.00 0.00% 2,250.00 106.49
WebCRD Backup or DR License - Remote Installation & T 3,500.00 0.00% 3,500.00 165.66
SmartDeviceMontitor Accounting Tier 1 (up to 5 devices) 900.00 43.00% 513.00 24.28
SmartDeviceMontitor Accounting Tier 2 (up to 10 devices 1,350.00 43.04% 769.00 36.40
SmartDeviceMontitor Accounting Tier 3 (up to 25 devices 2,070.00 43.00% 1,180.00 55.85
SmartDeviceMontitor Accounting Tier 4 (up to 50 devices 3,150.00 43.02% 1,795.00 84.96
SPENCERMETRICS PRESS CHANGE FEE 250.00 0.00% 250.00 11.83
Streamline NX RightFax Plug-in 1 Yr M&S Add-on 240.00 15.83% 202.00 9.56
Streamline NX RightFax Plug-in 2,000.00 16.00% 1,680.00 79.51
Streamline NX MS SharePoint Server Plug-in 1 Yr M&S 240.00 15.83% 202.00 9.56
Streamline NX MS SharePoint Server Plug-in 2,000.00 16.00% 1,680.00 79.51
GS NX & GS v3.1 Customer Upgrade MFP
GS NX & GS v3.1 Customer Upgrade MFP 1 Yr M&S
Ricoh Streamline NX 10" Android PrintStation Tablet 225.00 53.00% 105.75 4.63
Streamline NX 10" Android PrintStation Additional 1 Yr 65.00 0.00% 65.00 3.08
Streamline NX 10" Android PrintStation Additional 3 Yr 130.00 0.00% 130.00 6.15
Print Release Station Stand 200.00 4.21% 191.58 9.07
Ricoh Streamline NX PrintStation Field Swap Program 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
RICOH Streamline NX 1 Device Base License 372.50 9.80% 336.00 15.90
RICOH Streamline NX 5 Device Base License 1,775.00 9.97% 1,598.00 75.63
RICOH Streamline NX 15 Device Base License 4,082.50 9.98% 3,675.00 173.94
RICOH Streamline NX 25 Device Base License 5,522.50 9.99% 4,971.00 235.28
RICOH Streamline NX 50 Device Base License 9,137.50 10.00% 8,224.00 389.24
RICOH Streamline NX 100 Device Base License 17,355.00 10.00% 15,620.00 739.29
RICOH Streamline NX 250 Device Base License 38,780.00 10.00% 34,902.00 1,651.91
RICOH Streamline NX 500 Device Base License 72,957.50 10.00% 65,662.00 3,107.78
RICOH Streamline NX 1 Device Base License 1 Yr M&S 44.70 1.57% 44.00 2.08
RICOH Streamline NX 5 Device Base License 1 Yr M&S 213.00 0.00% 213.00 10.08
RICOH Streamline NX 15 Device Base License 1 Yr M&S 489.90 0.18% 489.00 23.14
RICOH Streamline NX 25 Device Base License 1 Yr M&S 662.70 0.11% 662.00 31.33
RICOH Streamline NX 50 Device Base License 1 Yr M&S 1,096.50 0.05% 1,096.00 51.87
RICOH Streamline NX 100 Device Base License 1 Yr M& 2,082.60 0.03% 2,082.00 98.54
RICOH Streamline NX 250 Device Base License 1 Yr M& 4,653.60 0.01% 4,653.00 220.23
RICOH Streamline NX 500 Device Base License1 Yr M& 8,754.90 0.01% 8,754.00 414.33
RICOH Streamline NX 1 Device Base License for MA ove 260.75 9.88% 235.00 11.12
RICOH Streamline NX 5 Device Base License for MA ove 1,242.50 9.94% 1,119.00 52.96
RICOH Streamline NX 15 Device Base License for MA ov 2,857.75 10.00% 2,572.00 121.73
RICOH Streamline NX 25 Device Base License for MA ov 3,865.75 10.00% 3,479.00 164.66
RICOH Streamline NX 50 Device Base License for MA ov 6,396.25 9.99% 5,757.00 272.48
RICOH Streamline NX 100 Device Base License for MA o 12,148.50 10.00% 10,934.00 517.51
RICOH Streamline NX 250 Device Base License for MA o 27,146.00 10.00% 24,431.00 1,156.32
RICOH Streamline NX 500 Device Base License for MA o 51,070.25 10.00% 45,964.00 2,175.48
RICOH Streamline NX 1 Device Base License for MA ove 31.29 0.93% 31.00 1.47
RICOH Streamline NX 5 Device Base License for MA ove 149.10 0.07% 149.00 7.05
RICOH Streamline NX 15 Device Base License for MA ov 342.93 0.27% 342.00 16.19
RICOH Streamline NX 25 Device Base License for MA ov 463.89 0.19% 463.00 21.91
RICOH Streamline NX 50 Device Base License for MA ov 767.55 0.07% 767.00 36.30
RICOH Streamline NX 100 Device Base License for MA o 1,457.82 0.06% 1,457.00 68.96
RICOH Streamline NX 250 Device Base License for MA o 3,257.52 0.02% 3,257.00 154.15
RICOH Streamline NX 500 Device Base License for MA o 6,128.43 0.01% 6,128.00 290.04
RICOH Streamline NX 1 Device Base License for MA ove 186.25 9.80% 168.00 7.95
RICOH Streamline NX 5 Device Base License for MA ove 887.50 9.97% 799.00 37.82
RICOH Streamline NX 15 Device Base License for MA ov 2,041.25 9.96% 1,838.00 86.99
RICOH Streamline NX 25 Device Base License for MA ov 2,761.25 9.97% 2,486.00 117.66
RICOH Streamline NX 50 Device Base License for MA ov 4,568.75 10.00% 4,112.00 194.62
RICOH Streamline NX 100 Device Base License for MA o 8,677.50 10.00% 7,810.00 369.65
RICOH Streamline NX 250 Device Base License for MA o 19,390.00 10.00% 17,451.00 825.96
RICOH Streamline NX 500 Device Base License for MA o 36,478.75 10.00% 32,831.00 1,553.89
RICOH Streamline NX 1 Device Base License for MA ove 22.35 1.57% 22.00 1.04
RICOH Streamline NX 5 Device Base License for MA ove 106.50 0.47% 106.00 5.02
RICOH Streamline NX 15 Device Base License for MA ov 244.95 0.39% 244.00 11.55
RICOH Streamline NX 25 Device Base License for MA ov 331.35 0.11% 331.00 15.67
RICOH Streamline NX 50 Device Base License for MA ov 548.25 0.05% 548.00 25.94
RICOH Streamline NX 100 Device Base License for MA 1,041.30 0.03% 1,041.00 49.27
RICOH Streamline NX 250 Device Base License for MA 2,326.80 0.03% 2,326.00 110.09
RICOH Streamline NX 500 Device Base License for MA 4,377.45 0.01% 4,377.00 207.16
RICOH Streamline NX 1 Device SPM Option License 485.00 9.90% 437.00 20.68
RICOH Streamline NX 5 Device SPM Option License 2,297.50 9.99% 2,068.00 97.88
RICOH Streamline NX 15 Device SPM Option License 6,165.00 9.99% 5,549.00 262.63
RICOH Streamline NX 25 Device SPM Option License 9,605.00 9.99% 8,645.00 409.17
RICOH Streamline NX 50 Device SPM Option License 14,987.50 10.00% 13,489.00 638.43
RICOH Streamline NX 100 Device SPM Option License 20,587.50 10.00% 18,529.00 876.98
RICOH Streamline NX 250 Device SPM Option License 39,507.50 10.00% 35,557.00 1,682.91
RICOH Streamline NX 500 Device SPM Option License 60,720.00 10.00% 54,648.00 2,586.49
RICOH Streamline NX 1 Device SPM Option License 1 58.20 0.34% 58.00 2.75
RICOH Streamline NX 5 Device SPM Option License 1 275.70 0.25% 275.00 13.02
RICOH Streamline NX 15 Device SPM Option License 1 739.80 0.11% 739.00 34.98
RICOH Streamline NX 25 Device SPM Option License 1 1,152.60 0.05% 1,152.00 54.52
RICOH Streamline NX 50 Device SPM Option License 1 1,798.50 0.03% 1,798.00 85.10
RICOH Streamline NX 100 Device SPM Option License 2,470.50 0.02% 2,470.00 116.91
RICOH Streamline NX 250 Device SPM Option License 4,740.90 0.02% 4,740.00 224.34
RICOH Streamline NX 500 Device SPM Option License 7,286.40 0.01% 7,286.00 344.85
RICOH Streamline NX 1 Device SPM Option License for 339.50 9.87% 306.00 14.48
RICOH Streamline NX 5 Device SPM Option License for 1,608.25 9.96% 1,448.00 68.53
RICOH Streamline NX 15 Device SPM Option License for 4,315.50 10.00% 3,884.00 183.83
RICOH Streamline NX 25 Device SPM Option License for 6,723.50 9.99% 6,052.00 286.44
RICOH Streamline NX 50 Device SPM Option License for 10,491.25 9.99% 9,443.00 446.94
RICOH Streamline NX 100 Device SPM Option License f 14,411.25 9.99% 12,971.00 613.92
RICOH Streamline NX 250 Device SPM Option License f 27,655.25 10.00% 24,890.00 1,178.04
RICOH Streamline NX 500 Device SPM Option License f 42,504.00 10.00% 38,254.00 1,810.56
RICOH Streamline NX 1 Device SPM Option License for 40.74 1.82% 40.00 1.89
RICOH Streamline NX 5 Device SPM Option License for 192.99 0.51% 192.00 9.09
RICOH Streamline NX 15 Device SPM Option License fo 517.86 0.17% 517.00 24.47
RICOH Streamline NX 25 Device SPM Option License fo 806.82 0.10% 806.00 38.15
RICOH Streamline NX 50 Device SPM Option License fo 1,258.95 0.08% 1,258.00 59.54
RICOH Streamline NX 100 Device SPM Option License f 1,729.35 0.02% 1,729.00 81.83
RICOH Streamline NX 250 Device SPM Option License f 3,318.63 0.02% 3,318.00 157.04
RICOH Streamline NX 500 Device SPM Option License f 5,100.48 0.01% 5,100.00 241.38
RICOH Streamline NX 1 Device SPM Option License for 242.50 9.69% 219.00 10.37
RICOH Streamline NX 5 Device SPM Option License for 1,148.75 9.99% 1,034.00 48.94
RICOH Streamline NX 15 Device SPM Option License fo 3,082.50 9.98% 2,775.00 131.34
RICOH Streamline NX 25 Device SPM Option License fo 4,802.50 9.98% 4,323.00 204.61
RICOH Streamline NX 50 Device SPM Option License fo 7,493.75 9.99% 6,745.00 319.24
RICOH Streamline NX 100 Device SPM Option License f 10,293.75 9.99% 9,265.00 438.51
RICOH Streamline NX 250 Device SPM Option License f 19,753.75 10.00% 17,779.00 841.48
RICOH Streamline NX 500 Device SPM Option License f 30,360.00 10.00% 27,324.00 1,293.24
RICOH Streamline NX 1 Device SPM Option License for 29.10 0.34% 29.00 1.37
RICOH Streamline NX 5 Device SPM Option License for 137.85 0.62% 137.00 6.48
RICOH Streamline NX 15 Device SPM Option License fo 369.90 0.24% 369.00 17.46
RICOH Streamline NX 25 Device SPM Option License fo 576.30 0.05% 576.00 27.26
RICOH Streamline NX 50 Device SPM Option License fo 899.25 0.03% 899.00 42.55
RICOH Streamline NX 100 Device SPM Option License f 1,235.25 0.02% 1,235.00 58.45
RICOH Streamline NX 250 Device SPM Option License f 2,370.45 0.02% 2,370.00 112.17
RICOH Streamline NX 500 Device SPM Option License f 3,643.20 0.01% 3,643.00 172.42
RICOH Streamline NX 1 Device SFM Option License 522.50 9.86% 471.00 22.29
RICOH Streamline NX 5 Device SFM Option License 2,517.50 9.99% 2,266.00 107.25
RICOH Streamline NX 15 Device SFM Option License 6,385.00 9.99% 5,747.00 272.01
RICOH Streamline NX 25 Device SFM Option License 9,317.50 10.00% 8,386.00 396.91
RICOH Streamline NX 50 Device SFM Option LIcense 17,302.50 10.00% 15,573.00 737.07
RICOH Streamline NX 100 Device SFM Option License 31,962.50 10.00% 28,767.00 1,361.54
RICOH Streamline NX 250 Device SFM Option License 66,585.00 10.00% 59,927.00 2,836.34
RICOH Streamline NX 500 Device SFM Option License 119,855.00 10.00% 107,870.00 5,105.49
RICOH Streamline NX 1 Device SFM Option License 1 Y 62.70 1.12% 62.00 2.93
RICOH Streamline NX 5 Device SFM Option License 1 Y 302.10 0.03% 302.00 14.29
RICOH Streamline NX 15 Device SFM Option License 1 766.20 0.03% 766.00 36.25
RICOH Streamline NX 25 Device SFM Option License 1 1,118.10 0.01% 1,118.00 52.91
RICOH Streamline NX 50 Device SFM Option License 1 2,076.30 0.01% 2,076.00 98.26
RICOH Streamline NX 100 Device SFM Option License 3,835.50 0.01% 3,835.00 181.51
RICOH Streamline NX 250 Device SFM Option License 7,990.20 0.00% 7,990.00 378.17
RICOH Streamline NX 500 Device SFM Option License 14,382.60 0.00% 14,382.00 680.70
RICOH Streamline NX 1 Device SFM Option License for 365.75 10.05% 329.00 15.57
RICOH Streamline NX 5 Device SFM Option License for 1,762.25 9.94% 1,587.00 75.11
RICOH Streamline NX 15 Device SFM Option License for 4,469.50 9.99% 4,023.00 190.41
RICOH Streamline NX 25 Device SFM Option License for 6,522.25 9.99% 5,871.00 277.87
RICOH Streamline NX 50 Device SFM Option License for 12,111.75 10.00% 10,901.00 515.94
RICOH Streamline NX 100 Device SFM Option License fo 22,373.75 10.00% 20,137.00 953.08
RICOH Streamline NX 250 Device SFM Option License fo 46,609.50 10.00% 41,949.00 1,985.45
RICOH Streamline NX 500 Device SFM Option License fo 83,898.50 10.00% 75,509.00 3,573.84
RICOH Streamline NX 1 Device SFM Option License for 43.89 2.03% 43.00 2.04
RICOH Streamline NX 5 Device SFM Option License for 211.47 0.22% 211.00 9.99
RICOH Streamline NX 15 Device SFM Option License fo 536.34 0.06% 536.00 25.37
RICOH Streamline NX 25 Device SFM Option License fo 782.67 0.09% 782.00 37.01
RICOH Streamline NX 50 Device SFM Option License fo 1,453.41 0.03% 1,453.00 68.77
RICOH Streamline NX 100 Device SFM Option License f 2,684.85 0.03% 2,684.00 127.03
RICOH Streamline NX 250 Device SFM Option License f 5,593.14 0.00% 5,593.00 264.72
RICOH Streamline NX 500 Device SFM Option License f 10,067.82 0.01% 10,067.00 476.47
RICOH Streamline NX 1 Device SFM Option License for 261.25 9.67% 236.00 11.17
RICOH Streamline NX 5 Device SFM Option License for 1,258.75 9.99% 1,133.00 53.62
RICOH Streamline NX 15 Device SFM Option License for 3,192.50 9.98% 2,874.00 136.03
RICOH Streamline NX 25 Device SFM Option License for 4,658.75 10.00% 4,193.00 198.45
RICOH Streamline NX 50 Device SFM Option License for 8,651.25 9.99% 7,787.00 368.56
RICOH Streamline NX 100 Device SFM Option License f 15,981.25 9.99% 14,384.00 680.79
RICOH Streamline NX 250 Device SFM Option License f 33,292.50 10.00% 29,964.00 1,418.20
RICOH Streamline NX 500 Device SFM Option License f 59,927.50 10.00% 53,935.00 2,552.74
RICOH Streamline NX 1 Device SFM Option License for 31.35 1.12% 31.00 1.47
RICOH Streamline NX 5 Device SFM Option License for 151.05 0.03% 151.00 7.15
RICOH Streamline NX 15 Device SFM Option License fo 383.10 0.03% 383.00 18.13
RICOH Streamline NX 25 Device SFM Option License fo 559.05 0.01% 559.00 26.46
RICOH Streamline NX 50 Device SFM Option License fo 1,038.15 0.01% 1,038.00 49.13
RICOH Streamline NX 100 Device SFM Option License f 1,917.75 0.04% 1,917.00 90.73
RICOH Streamline NX 250 Device SFM Option License f 3,995.10 0.00% 3,995.00 189.08
RICOH Streamline NX 500 Device SFM Option License f 7,191.30 0.00% 7,191.00 340.35
RICOH Streamline NX 1 LP SPM Option License 175.00 9.71% 158.00 7.48
RICOH Streamline NX 5 LP SPM Option License 750.00 10.00% 675.00 31.95
RICOH Streamline NX 15 LP SPM Option License 2,062.50 9.96% 1,857.00 87.89
RICOH Streamline NX 25 LP SPM Option License 3,125.00 9.98% 2,813.00 133.14
RICOH Streamline NX 50 LP SPM Option License 5,500.00 10.00% 4,950.00 234.28
RICOH Streamline NX 100 LP SPM Option License 10,000.00 10.00% 9,000.00 425.97
RICOH Streamline NX 250 LP SPM Option License 21,875.00 10.00% 19,688.00 931.83
RICOH Streamline NX 500 LP SPM Option License 35,000.00 10.00% 31,500.00 1,490.90
RICOH Streamline NX 1 LP SPM Option License 1 Yr M 21.00 0.00% 21.00 0.99
RICOH Streamline NX 5 LP SPM Option License 1 Yr M 90.00 0.00% 90.00 4.26
RICOH Streamline NX 15 LP SPM Option License 1 Yr 247.50 0.20% 247.00 11.69
RICOH Streamline NX 25 LP SPM Option License 1 Yr 375.00 0.00% 375.00 17.75
RICOH Streamline NX 50 LP SPM Option License 1 Yr 660.00 0.00% 660.00 31.24
RICOH Streamline NX 100 LP SPM Option License 1 Yr 1,200.00 0.00% 1,200.00 56.80
RICOH Streamline NX 250 LP SPM Option License 1 Yr 2,625.00 0.00% 2,625.00 124.24
RICOH Streamline NX 500 LP SPM Option License 1 Yr 4,200.00 0.00% 4,200.00 198.79
RICOH Streamline NX 1 LP SPM Option License for MA 122.50 9.39% 111.00 5.25
RICOH Streamline NX 5 LP SPM Option License for MA 525.00 9.90% 473.00 22.39
RICOH Streamline NX 15 LP SPM Option License for MA 1,443.75 9.96% 1,300.00 61.53
RICOH Streamline NX 25 LP SPM Option License for MA 2,187.50 9.99% 1,969.00 93.19
RICOH Streamline NX 50 LP SPM Option License for MA 3,850.00 10.00% 3,465.00 164.00
RICOH Streamline NX 100 LP SPM Option License for M 7,000.00 10.00% 6,300.00 298.18
RICOH Streamline NX 250 LP SPM Option License for M 15,312.50 10.00% 13,782.00 652.30
RICOH Streamline NX 500 LP SPM Option License for M 24,500.00 10.00% 22,050.00 1,043.63
RICOH Streamline NX 1 LP SPM Option License for MA 14.70 4.76% 14.00 0.66
RICOH Streamline NX 5 LP SPM Option License for MA 63.00 0.00% 63.00 2.98
RICOH Streamline NX 15 LP SPM Option License for MA 173.25 0.14% 173.00 8.19
RICOH Streamline NX 25 LP SPM Option License for MA 262.50 0.19% 262.00 12.40
RICOH Streamline NX 50 LP SPM Option License for MA 462.00 0.00% 462.00 21.87
RICOH Streamline NX 100 LP SPM Option License for M 840.00 0.00% 840.00 39.76
RICOH Streamline NX 250 LP SPM Option License for M 1,837.50 0.03% 1,837.00 86.95
RICOH Streamline NX 500 LP SPM Option License for M 2,940.00 0.00% 2,940.00 139.15
RICOH Streamline NX 1 LP SPM Option License for MA 87.50 9.71% 79.00 3.74
RICOH Streamline NX 5 LP SPM Option License for MA 375.00 9.87% 338.00 16.00
RICOH Streamline NX 15 LP SPM Option License for MA 1,031.25 9.92% 929.00 43.97
RICOH Streamline NX 25 LP SPM Option License for MA 1,562.50 9.95% 1,407.00 66.59
RICOH Streamline NX 50 LP SPM Option License for MA 2,750.00 10.00% 2,475.00 117.14
RICOH Streamline NX 100 LP SPM Option License for M 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
RICOH Streamline NX 250 LP SPM Option License for M 10,937.50 10.00% 9,844.00 465.92
RICOH Streamline NX 500 LP SPM Option License for M 17,500.00 10.00% 15,750.00 745.45
RICOH Streamline NX 1 LP SPM Option License for MA 10.50 4.76% 10.00 0.47
RICOH Streamline NX 5 LP SPM Option License for MA 45.00 0.00% 45.00 2.13
RICOH Streamline NX 15 LP SPM Option License for MA 123.75 0.61% 123.00 5.82
RICOH Streamline NX 25 LP SPM Option License for MA 187.50 0.27% 187.00 8.85
RICOH Streamline NX 50 LP SPM Option License for MA 330.00 0.00% 330.00 15.62
RICOH Streamline NX 100 LP SPM Option License for M 600.00 0.00% 600.00 28.40
RICOH Streamline NX 250 LP SPM Option License for M 1,312.50 0.04% 1,312.00 62.10
RICOH Streamline NX 500 LP SPM Option License for M 2,100.00 0.00% 2,100.00 99.39
RICOH Streamline NX Client Secure Print 1 Device Licen 192.50 9.61% 174.00 8.24
RICOH Streamline NX Client Secure Print 5 Device Licen 862.50 9.91% 777.00 36.78
RICOH Streamline NX Client Secure Print 15 Device Lic 2,292.50 9.97% 2,064.00 97.69
RICOH Streamline NX Client Secure Print 25 Device Lic 3,490.00 10.00% 3,141.00 148.66
RICOH Streamline NX Client Secure Print 50 Device Lic 6,650.00 10.00% 5,985.00 283.27
RICOH Streamline NX Client Secure Print 100 Device Li 12,635.00 10.00% 11,372.00 538.24
RICOH Streamline NX Client Secure Print 250 Device Li 28,262.50 10.00% 25,437.00 1,203.93
RICOH Streamline NX Client Secure Print 500 Device Li 53,200.00 10.00% 47,880.00 2,266.16
RICOH Streamline NX Client Secure Print 1 Device Lice 23.10 0.43% 23.00 1.09
RICOH Streamline NX Client Secure Print 5 Device Lice 103.50 0.48% 103.00 4.87
RICOH Streamline NX Client Secure Print 15 Device Lic 275.10 0.04% 275.00 13.02
RICOH Streamline NX Client Secure Print 25 Device Lic 418.80 0.19% 418.00 19.78
RICOH Streamline NX Client Secure Print 50 Device Lic 798.00 0.00% 798.00 37.77
RICOH Streamline NX Client Secure Print 100 Device Li 1,516.20 0.01% 1,516.00 71.75
RICOH Streamline NX Client Secure Print 250 Device Li 3,391.50 0.01% 3,391.00 160.50
RICOH Streamline NX Client Secure Print 500 Device Li 6,384.00 0.00% 6,384.00 302.15
RICOH Streamline NX Client Accounting 3,990.00 10.00% 3,591.00 169.96
RICOH Streamline NX Client Accounting 1 Yr M&S 478.80 0.17% 478.00 22.62
RICOH Streamline NX Client Delegation Print 7,980.00 10.00% 7,182.00 339.92
RICOH Streamline NX Client Delegation Print 1 Year M& 957.60 0.06% 957.00 45.29
RICOH Streamline NX Plug-in for Microsoft® Exchange 2,000.00 10.00% 1,800.00 85.19
RICOH Streamline NX FileNet Plug-in 2,000.00 10.00% 1,800.00 85.19
RICOH Streamline NX Zone OCR Plug-in 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
RICOH Streamline NX Zone OCR Plug-in for HotFolder 1,500.00 10.00% 1,350.00 63.90
RICOH Streamline NX Plug-in for Microsoft® Exchange 240.00 0.00% 240.00 11.36
RICOH Streamline NX FileNet Plug-in 1 Yr M&S 240.00 0.00% 240.00 11.36
RICOH Streamline NX Zone OCR Plug-in 1 Yr M&S 300.00 0.00% 300.00 14.20
RICOH Streamline NX Zone OCR Plug-in for HotFolder 180.00 0.00% 180.00 8.52
RICOH Streamline NX 1 Device Base License for Migrati - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX 5 Device Base License for Migrati - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX 15 Device Base License for Migrat - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX 25 Device Base License for Migrat - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX 50 Device Base License for Migrat - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX 100 Device Base License for Migra - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX 250 Device Base License for Migra - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX 500 Device Base License for Migra - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX 1 Device Base License for Migrati 44.70 1.57% 44.00 2.08
RICOH Streamline NX 5 Device Base License for Migrati 213.00 0.00% 213.00 10.08
RICOH Streamline NX 15 Device Base License for Migrat 489.90 0.18% 489.00 23.14
RICOH Streamline NX 25 Device Base License for Migrat 662.70 0.11% 662.00 31.33
RICOH Streamline NX 50 Device Base License for Migrat 1,096.50 0.05% 1,096.00 51.87
RICOH Streamline NX 100 Device Base License for Migr 2,082.60 0.03% 2,082.00 98.54
RICOH Streamline NX 250 Device Base License for Migr 4,653.60 0.01% 4,653.00 220.23
RICOH Streamline NX 500 Device Base License for Migr 8,754.90 0.01% 8,754.00 414.33
RICOH Streamline NX 1 Device SPM Option License for M - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX 5 Device SPM Option License for M - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX 15 Device SPM Option License for - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX 25 Device SPM Option License for - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX 50 Device SPM Option License for - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX 100 Device SPM Option License fo - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX 250 Device SPM Option License fo - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX 500 Device SPM Option License fo - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX 1 Device SPM Option License for 58.20 0.34% 58.00 2.75
RICOH Streamline NX 5 Device SPM Option License for 275.70 0.25% 275.00 13.02
RICOH Streamline NX 15 Device SPM Option License for 739.80 0.11% 739.00 34.98
RICOH Streamline NX 25 Device SPM Option License for 1,152.60 0.05% 1,152.00 54.52
RICOH Streamline NX 50 Device SPM Option License for 1,798.50 0.03% 1,798.00 85.10
RICOH Streamline NX 100 Device SPM Option License fo 2,470.50 0.02% 2,470.00 116.91
RICOH Streamline NX 250 Device SPM Option License fo 4,740.90 0.02% 4,740.00 224.34
RICOH Streamline NX 500 Device SPM Option License fo 7,286.40 0.01% 7,286.00 344.85
RICOH Streamline NX 1 Device SFM Option License for M - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX 5 Device SFM Option License for M - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX 15 Device SFM Option License for - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX 25 Device SFM Option License for - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX 50 Device SFM Option License for - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX 100 Device SFM Option License fo - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX 250 Device SFM Option License fo - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX 500 Device SFM Option License fo - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX 1 Device SFM Option License for 62.70 1.12% 62.00 2.93
RICOH Streamline NX 5 Device SFM Option License for 302.10 0.03% 302.00 14.29
RICOH Streamline NX 15 Device SFM Option License for 766.20 0.03% 766.00 36.25
RICOH Streamline NX 25 Device SFM Option License for 1,118.10 0.01% 1,118.00 52.91
RICOH Streamline NX 50 Device SFM Option License for 2,076.30 0.01% 2,076.00 98.26
RICOH Streamline NX 100 Device SFM Option License fo 3,835.50 0.01% 3,835.00 181.51
RICOH Streamline NX 250 Device SFM Option License fo 7,990.20 0.00% 7,990.00 378.17
RICOH Streamline NX 500 Device SFM Option License fo 14,382.60 0.00% 14,382.00 680.70
RICOH Streamline NX Print Release Station 1 Device Li 175.00 34.86% 114.00 5.40
RICOH Streamline NX Print Release Station 1 Device Li 21.00 0.00% 21.00 0.99
StreamLine RIS
Streamline NX 1 DL Base License for MA 1 Yr M&S 7.00 31.58% 4.79 0.23
Streamline NX 1 DL SPM License for MA 1 Yr M&S 7.00 31.58% 4.79 0.23
Streamline NX 1 DL SFM License for MA 1 Yr M&S 9.00 31.58% 6.16 0.29
Streamline NX 1 DL Base License for MA 127.80 30.81% 88.42 4.18
Streamline NX 1 DL SPM License for MA 176.40 31.38% 121.05 5.73
Streamline NX 1 DL SFM License for MA 163.80 31.24% 112.63 5.33
RICOH Streamline NX Plug-in for Microsoft® Exchange ( 2,000.00 10.00% 1,800.00 85.19
RICOH Streamline NX Plug-in for CMIS (from v2.6.0) IN 2,000.00 10.00% 1,800.00 85.19
RICOH Streamline NX RightFax Plug-in (from v2.6.0) I 2,000.00 10.00% 1,800.00 85.19
RICOH Streamline NX MS SharePoint Server Plug-in (fr 2,000.00 10.00% 1,800.00 85.19
RICOH Streamline NX Barcode Plug-in (from v2.6.0) IN 3,800.00 10.00% 3,420.00 161.87
RICOH Streamline NX Hotfolder Plug-in (from v2.6.0) I 2,000.00 10.00% 1,800.00 85.19
RICOH Streamline NX Zone OCR Plug-in (from v2.6.0) 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
RICOH Streamline NX Zone OCR Plug-in for HotFolder ( 1,500.00 10.00% 1,350.00 63.90
RICOH Streamline NX DocumentMall Plug-in for RAC (fr 2,000.00 10.00% 1,800.00 85.19
RICOH Streamline NX Faxcom Plug-in INC1YR 2,000.00 10.00% 1,800.00 85.19
RICOH Streamline NX MS Exchange Plug-in 1Y MS A 240.00 0.00% 240.00 11.36
RICOH Streamline NX CMIS Plug-in 1Y MS ADDON IN 240.00 0.00% 240.00 11.36
RICOH Streamline NX RightFax Plug-in 1Y MS ADDON 240.00 0.00% 240.00 11.36
RICOH Streamline NX MS SharePoint Server Plug-in 240.00 0.00% 240.00 11.36
RICOH Streamline NX Barcode Plug-in1Y MS ADDON I 456.00 0.00% 456.00 21.58
RICOH Streamline NX Hotfolder Plug-in 1Y MS ADDON 240.00 0.00% 240.00 11.36
RICOH Streamline NX Zone OCR Plug-in 1Y MS ADDO 300.00 0.00% 300.00 14.20
RICOH Streamline NX Zone OCR Plug-in for HotFolde 180.00 0.00% 180.00 8.52
RICOH Streamline NX DocumentMall Plug-in 1Y MS A 240.00 0.00% 240.00 11.36
RICOH STREAMLINE NX FAXCOM PLUG-IN 1Y MS AD 300.00 0.00% 300.00 14.20
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Base 1 Device License SW On 10.00 13.04% 8.70 0.41
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Base 5 Device License SW On 50.00 13.04% 43.48 2.06
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Base 15 Device License SW O 150.00 12.32% 131.52 6.22
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Base 25 Device License SW O 250.00 12.61% 218.48 10.34
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Base 50 Device License SW O 500.00 12.61% 436.96 20.68
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Base 100 Device License SW 1,000.00 12.61% 873.91 41.36
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Base 250 Device License SW 2,500.00 12.61% 2,184.78 103.41
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Base 500 Device License SW 5,000.00 12.61% 4,369.57 206.81
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Base 1000 Device License SW 10,000.00 12.62% 8,738.04 413.57
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Base 2500 Device License SW 20,000.00 12.62% 17,476.09 827.14
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Base 5000 Device License SW 30,000.00 12.62% 26,214.13 1,240.71
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Print 1 Device License SW On 550.00 12.65% 480.43 22.74
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Print 5 Device License SW On 2,600.00 12.63% 2,271.74 107.52
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Print 15 Device License SW O 6,600.00 12.62% 5,767.39 272.97
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Print 25 Device License SW O 9,700.00 12.62% 8,476.09 401.17
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Print 50 Device License SW O 16,000.00 12.62% 13,980.43 661.69
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Print 100 Device License SW 27,000.00 12.62% 23,592.39 1,116.63
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Print 250 Device License SW 57,000.00 12.62% 49,806.52 2,357.34
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Print 500 Device License SW 110,000.00 12.62% 96,118.48 4,549.29
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Print 1000 Device License SW 217,000.00 12.62% 189,615.22 8,974.49
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Print 2500 Device License SW 499,000.00 12.62% 436,028.26 20,637.22
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Print 5000 Device License SW 920,000.00 12.62% 803,900.00 38,048.59
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Scan & Capture 1 Device Lic 550.00 12.65% 480.43 22.74
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Scan & Capture 5 Device Lic 2,600.00 12.63% 2,271.74 107.52
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Scan & Capture 15 Device Li 6,600.00 12.62% 5,767.39 272.97
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Scan & Capture 25 Device Li 9,700.00 12.62% 8,476.09 401.17
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Scan & Capture 50 Device Li 16,000.00 12.62% 13,980.43 661.69
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Scan & Capture 100 Device L 27,000.00 12.62% 23,592.39 1,116.63
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Scan & Capture 250 Device L 57,000.00 12.62% 49,806.52 2,357.34
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Scan & Capture 500 Device L 110,000.00 12.62% 96,118.48 4,549.29
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Scan & Capture 1000 Device 217,000.00 12.62% 189,615.22 8,974.49
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Scan & Capture 2500 Device 499,000.00 12.62% 436,028.26 20,637.22
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Scan & Capture 5000 Device 920,000.00 12.62% 803,900.00 38,048.59
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Scan & Capture Input Connect 2,000.00 12.61% 1,747.83 82.72
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Scan & Capture Process Conn 6,300.00 12.61% 5,505.43 260.57
RICOH Streamline NX v3 @Remote Connector 250 Devi 450.00 12.56% 393.48 18.62
RICOH Streamline NX v3 @Remote Connector 500 Devi 900.00 12.56% 786.96 37.25
RICOH Streamline NX v3 @Remote Connector 1000 Dev 1,800.00 12.62% 1,572.83 74.44
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Driver Distribution 250 Devic 14,000.00 12.62% 12,233.70 579.02
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Driver Distribution 500 Devic 21,000.00 12.62% 18,350.00 868.51
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Driver Distribution 1000 Devi 31,000.00 12.62% 27,088.04 1,282.08
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Extended Item Setting 250 De 750.00 12.61% 655.43 31.02
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Extended Item Setting 500 De 1,500.00 12.61% 1,310.87 62.04
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Extended Item Setting 1000 D 3,000.00 12.61% 2,621.74 124.09
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Client 20 PC License SW Only 200.00 12.50% 175.00 8.28
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Client 100 PC License SW On 950.00 12.59% 830.43 39.30
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Client 300 PC License SW On 2,700.00 12.60% 2,359.78 111.69
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Client 500 PC License SW On 4,200.00 12.60% 3,670.65 173.73
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Client 1000 PC License SW O 7,600.00 12.61% 6,641.30 314.33
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Client 2000 PC License SW O 13,500.00 12.62% 11,796.74 558.34
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Client 5000 PC License SW O 29,000.00 12.62% 25,340.22 1,199.35
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Client 10000 PC License SW 48,000.00 12.62% 41,942.39 1,985.13
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Client 20000 PC License SW 76,000.00 12.62% 66,408.70 3,143.12
RICOH Streamline NX v3 60 Day Trial SW Only INC0YR - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Maintenance & Support (M&S) 0.20 0.00% 0.20 0.01
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Maintenance & Support (M&S) 0.40 0.00% 0.40 0.02
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Maintenance & Support (M&S) 0.60 0.00% 0.60 0.03
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Maintenance & Support (M&S) 0.80 0.00% 0.80 0.04
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Maintenance & Support (M&S) 1.00 0.00% 1.00 0.05
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Maintenance & Support (M&S) 2.00 0.00% 2.00 0.09
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Maintenance & Support (M&S) 4.00 0.00% 4.00 0.19
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Maintenance & Support (M&S) 6.00 0.00% 6.00 0.28
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Maintenance & Support (M&S) 8.00 0.00% 8.00 0.38
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Maintenance & Support (M&S) 10.00 0.00% 10.00 0.47
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Maintenance & Support (M&S) 20.00 0.00% 20.00 0.95
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Maintenance & Support (M&S) 40.00 0.00% 40.00 1.89
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Maintenance & Support (M&S) 60.00 0.00% 60.00 2.84
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Maintenance & Support (M&S) 80.00 0.00% 80.00 3.79
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Maintenance & Support (M&S) 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Maintenance & Support (M&S) 200.00 0.00% 200.00 9.47
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Maintenance & Support (M&S) 400.00 0.00% 400.00 18.93
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Maintenance & Support (M&S) 600.00 0.00% 600.00 28.40
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Maintenance & Support (M&S) 800.00 0.00% 800.00 37.86
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Maintenance & Support (M&S) 1,000.00 0.00% 1,000.00 47.33
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Maintenance & Support (M&S) 2,000.00 0.00% 2,000.00 94.66
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Maintenance & Support (M&S) 4,000.00 0.00% 4,000.00 189.32
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Maintenance & Support (M&S) 6,000.00 0.00% 6,000.00 283.98
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Maintenance & Support (M&S) 8,000.00 0.00% 8,000.00 378.64
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Maintenance & Support (M&S) 10,000.00 0.00% 10,000.00 473.30
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Maintenance & Support (M&S) 20,000.00 0.00% 20,000.00 946.60
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Maintenance & Support (M&S) 40,000.00 0.00% 40,000.00 1,893.20
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Maintenance & Support (M&S) 60,000.00 0.00% 60,000.00 2,839.80
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Maintenance & Support (M&S) 80,000.00 0.00% 80,000.00 3,786.40
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Maintenance & Support (M&S) 100,000.00 0.00% 100,000.00 4,733.00
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Base 1 Device Licen - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Base 5 Device Licen - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Base 15 Device Lice - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Base 25 Device Lice - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Base 50 Device Lice - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Base 100 Device Lic - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Base 250 Device Lic - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Base 500 Device Lic - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Base 1000 Device Li - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Base 2500 Device Li - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Base 5000 Device Li - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Print 1 Device Licen - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Print 5 Device Licen - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Print 15 Device Lice - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Print 25 Device Lice - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Print 50 Device Lice - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Print 100 Device Lic - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Print 250 Device Lic - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Print 500 Device Lic - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Print 1000 Device Li - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Print 2500 Device Li - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Print 5000 Device Li - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Scan & Capture 1 De - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Scan & Capture 5 De - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Scan & Capture 15 D - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Scan & Capture 25 D - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Scan & Capture 50 D - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Scan & Capture 100 - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Scan & Capture 250 - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Scan & Capture 500 - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Scan & Capture 1000 - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Scan & Capture 2500 - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Scan & Capture 5000 - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Scan & Capture Input - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Scan & Capture Proc - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade @Remote Connector - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade @Remote Connector - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade @Remote Connector - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Driver Distribution 2 - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Driver Distribution 5 - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Driver Distribution 1 - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Extended Item Settin - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Extended Item Settin - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Extended Item Settin - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Client 20 PC Licens - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Client 100 PC Licen - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Client 300 PC Licen - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Client 500 PC Licen - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Client 1000 PC Lice - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Client 2000 PC Lice - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Client 5000 PC Lice - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Client 10000 PC Lic - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Client 20000 PC Lic - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 5K Base 1 Device Li 5.28 13.04% 4.59 0.22
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 5K Base 5000 Device 26,400.00 12.57% 23,080.43 1,092.40
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 10K Base 1 Device L 4.80 13.04% 4.17 0.20
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 10K Base 5000 Devic 24,000.00 12.62% 20,971.74 992.59
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 30K Base 1 Device L 3.90 13.04% 3.39 0.16
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 30K Base 5000 Devic 19,500.00 12.62% 17,039.13 806.46
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 50K Base 1 Device L 3.00 13.04% 2.61 0.12
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 50K Base 5 Device L 15.00 13.04% 13.04 0.62
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 50K Base 15 Device 45.00 13.04% 39.13 1.85
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 50K Base 25 Device 75.00 13.04% 65.22 3.09
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 50K Base 50 Device 150.00 12.32% 131.52 6.22
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 50K Base 100 Device 300.00 12.68% 261.96 12.40
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 50K Base 250 Device 750.00 12.61% 655.43 31.02
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 50K Base 500 Device 1,500.00 12.61% 1,310.87 62.04
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 50K Base 1000 Devic 3,000.00 12.61% 2,621.74 124.09
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 50K Base 2500 Devic 7,500.00 12.62% 6,553.26 310.17
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 50K Base 5000 Devic 15,000.00 12.62% 13,107.61 620.38
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 5K Print 5000 Device 809,600.00 12.62% 707,432.61 33,482.79
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 10K Print 1 Device L 147.20 12.13% 129.35 6.12
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 10K Print 5000 Devi 736,000.00 12.62% 643,119.57 30,438.85
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 30K Print 5000 Devi 598,000.00 12.62% 522,534.78 24,731.57
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 50K Print 1 Device L 92.00 12.57% 80.43 3.81
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 50K Print 5 Device L 460.00 12.57% 402.17 19.03
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 50K Print 15 Device 1,380.00 12.65% 1,205.43 57.05
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 50K Print 25 Device 2,300.00 12.62% 2,009.78 95.12
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 50K Print 50 Device 4,600.00 12.62% 4,019.57 190.25
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 50K Print 100 Device 9,200.00 12.62% 8,039.13 380.49
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 50K Print 250 Device 23,000.00 12.62% 20,097.83 951.23
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 50K Print 500 Device 46,000.00 12.62% 40,194.57 1,902.41
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 50K Print 1000 Devi 92,000.00 12.62% 80,390.22 3,804.87
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 50K Print 2500 Devi 230,000.00 12.62% 200,975.00 9,512.15
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 50K Print 5000 Devi 460,000.00 12.62% 401,950.00 19,024.29
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 5K Scan & Capture 1 161.92 12.06% 142.39 6.74
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 5K Scan & Capture 5 809,600.00 12.62% 707,432.61 33,482.79
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 10K Scan & Capture 147.20 12.13% 129.35 6.12
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 10K Scan & Capture 736,000.00 12.62% 643,119.57 30,438.85
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 30K Scan & Capture 119.60 11.84% 105.43 4.99
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 30K Scan & Capture 598,000.00 12.62% 522,534.78 24,731.57
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 50K Scan & Capture 92.00 12.57% 80.43 3.81
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 50K Scan & Capture 460.00 12.57% 402.17 19.03
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 50K Scan & Capture 1,380.00 12.65% 1,205.43 57.05
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 50K Scan & Capture 4,600.00 12.62% 4,019.57 190.25
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 50K Scan & Capture 9,200.00 12.62% 8,039.13 380.49
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 50K Scan & Capture 23,000.00 12.62% 20,097.83 951.23
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 50K Scan & Capture 46,000.00 12.62% 40,194.57 1,902.41
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 50K Scan & Capture 92,000.00 12.62% 80,390.22 3,804.87
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 50K Scan & Capture 230,000.00 12.62% 200,975.00 9,512.15
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 50K Scan & Capture 460,000.00 12.62% 401,950.00 19,024.29
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 20K Client 20 PC Li 70.42 12.02% 61.96 2.93
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 20K Client 100 PC L 352.08 12.32% 308.70 14.61
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 20K Client 500 PC L 1,760.42 12.57% 1,539.13 72.85
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 20K Client 1000 PC 3,520.83 12.60% 3,077.17 145.64
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 20K Client 2000 PC 7,041.67 12.60% 6,154.35 291.29
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 20K Client 5000 PC 17,604.17 12.61% 15,383.70 728.11
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 20K Client 10000 PC 35,208.33 12.62% 30,765.22 1,456.12
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 20K Client 20000 PC 70,416.67 12.62% 61,531.52 2,912.29
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 5K Print 1 Device Li 161.92 12.06% 142.39 6.74
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 30K Print 1 Device L 119.60 11.84% 105.43 4.99
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 50K Scan & Capture 2,300.00 12.62% 2,009.78 95.12
RICOH Streamline NX v3 MA Over 20K Client 300 PC L 1,056.25 12.63% 922.83 43.68
RICOH Streamline NX v3 @REMOTE CONNECTOR 5000 7,600.00 12.61% 6,641.30 314.33
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Driver Distribution 1500 Devi 37,000.00 12.62% 32,330.43 1,530.20
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Driver Distribution Unlimited 48,000.00 12.62% 41,942.39 1,985.13
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade @Remote Connector - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Driver Distribution 1 - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH Streamline NX v3 Upgrade Driver Distribution Un - #DIV/0! - -
Emc Syncplicity Enterprise Edition 25-200 Seats Unlimite 150.00 14.18% 128.74 6.09
Emc Syncplicity Enterprise Edition 25-200 Seats Unlimite 286.00 14.40% 244.83 11.59
Emc Syncplicity Enterprise Edition 25-200 Seats Unlimite 405.00 14.29% 347.13 16.43
Emc Syncplicity Enterprise Edition 201-1,000 Seats Unlim 120.00 13.79% 103.45 4.90
Emc Syncplicity Enterprise Edition 201-1,000 Seats Unlim 228.00 14.30% 195.40 9.25
Emc Syncplicity Enterprise Edition 201-1,000 Seats Unlim 324.00 14.15% 278.16 13.17
Emc Syncplicity Enterprise Edition 1,001+ Seats Unlimite 96.00 13.79% 82.76 3.92
Emc Syncplicity Enterprise Edition 1,001+ Seats Unlimite 182.00 14.11% 156.32 7.40
Emc Syncplicity Enterprise Edition 1,001+ Seats Unlimite 258.00 14.46% 220.69 10.45
Emc Syncplicity Enterprise Edition Education Version 25 45,313.00 14.46% 38,760.92 1,834.55
Emc Syncplicity Enterprise Edition Education Version 25 90,626.00 14.46% 77,520.69 3,669.05
Emc Syncplicity Enterprise Edition Education Version 25 135,939.00 14.46% 116,280.46 5,503.55
Emc Syncplicity Enterprise Edition Education Version 10 101,563.00 14.46% 86,875.86 4,111.83
Emc Syncplicity Enterprise Edition Education Version 10 203,126.00 14.46% 173,751.72 8,223.67
Emc Syncplicity Enterprise Edition Education Version 10 304,689.00 14.46% 260,627.59 12,335.50
Emc Syncplicity Enterprise Edition Education Version 25 181,250.00 14.46% 155,039.08 7,338.00
Emc Syncplicity Enterprise Edition Education Version 25 362,500.00 14.46% 310,078.16 14,676.00
Emc Syncplicity Enterprise Edition Education Version 25 543,750.00 14.46% 465,117.24 22,014.00
Emc Syncplicity Enterprise Edition Education Version 50 307,813.00 14.46% 263,300.00 12,461.99
Emc Syncplicity Enterprise Edition Education Version 50 615,626.00 14.46% 526,598.85 24,923.92
Emc Syncplicity Enterprise Edition Education Version 50 923,439.00 14.46% 789,897.70 37,385.86
Emc Syncplicity Enterprise Edition Education Version 10 449,219.00 14.46% 384,256.32 18,186.85
Emc Syncplicity Enterprise Edition Education Version 10 898,438.00 14.46% 768,512.64 36,373.70
Emc Syncplicity Enterprise Edition Education Version 10 1,347,657.00 14.46% 1,152,767.82 54,560.50
Emc Syncplicity Enterprise Edition Education Version 15 579,688.00 14.46% 495,857.47 23,468.93
Emc Syncplicity Enterprise Edition Education Version 15 1,159,376.00 14.46% 991,714.94 46,937.87
Emc Syncplicity Enterprise Edition Education Version 15 1,739,064.00 14.46% 1,487,572.41 70,406.80
Syncplicity EE 11 to 25 TB 1YR SUBSCRIPT PER TB I 21,175.00 14.46% 18,113.79 857.33
Syncplicity EE 11 to 25 TB 2YR SUBSCRIPT PER TB I 40,425.00 14.46% 34,579.31 1,636.64
Syncplicity EE 11 to 25 TB 3YR SUBSCRIPT PER TB I 57,750.00 14.46% 49,398.85 2,338.05
Syncplicity EE 26 TO 50 TB 1YR SUBSCRIPT PER TB 19,800.00 14.46% 16,936.78 801.62
Syncplicity EE 26 TO 50 TB 2YR SUBSCRIPT PER TB 37,950.00 14.46% 32,462.07 1,536.43
Syncplicity EE 26 TO 50 TB 3YR SUBSCRIPT PER TB 54,175.00 14.46% 46,341.38 2,193.34
Syncplicity EE 51 TO 51 TB 1YR SUBSCRIPT PER TB 18,150.00 14.46% 15,525.29 734.81
Syncplicity EE 51 TO 51 TB 2YR SUBSCRIPT PER TB 34,925.00 14.46% 29,874.71 1,413.97
Syncplicity EE 51 TO 51 TB 3YR SUBSCRIPT PER TB 49,775.00 14.46% 42,577.01 2,015.17
Emc Syncplicity Enterprise Edition Cloud Storage 100Gb 206.00 14.07% 177.01 8.38
Emc Syncplicity Enterprise Edition Cloud Storage 100Gb 392.00 14.38% 335.63 15.89
Emc Syncplicity Enterprise Edition Cloud Storage 100Gb 555.00 14.26% 475.86 22.52
SYNC EE 25-1000 STS 1YR SUBSCRIPT PER STS 10T 150.00 12.32% 131.52 6.22
SYNC EE 25-1000 STS 2YR SUBSCRIPT PER STS 10T 286.00 12.21% 251.09 11.88
SYNC EE 25-1000 STS 3YR SUBSCRIPT PER STS 10T 405.00 12.51% 354.35 16.77
SYNC EE 1001-5000 STS 1YR SUBSCRIPT PER STS 5 120.00 12.14% 105.43 4.99
SYNC EE 1001-5000 STS 2YR SUBSCRIPT PER STS 5 228.00 12.28% 200.00 9.47
SYNC EE 1001-5000 STS 3YR SUBSCRIPT PER STS 5 324.00 12.10% 284.78 13.48
SYNC EE 5001-10000 STS 1YR SUBSCRIPT PER STS 96.00 11.68% 84.78 4.01
SYNC EE 5001-10000 STS 2YR SUBSCRIPT PER STS 182.00 12.21% 159.78 7.56
SYNC EE 5001-10000 STS 3YR SUBSCRIPT PER STS 258.00 12.37% 226.09 10.70
SYNC EE 10001-1001 STS 1YR SUBSCRIPT PER STS 85.00 13.04% 73.91 3.50
SYNC EE 10001-1001 STS 2YR SUBSCRIPT PER STS 160.00 12.36% 140.22 6.64
SYNC EE 10001-1001 STS 3YR SUBSCRIPT PER STS 225.00 12.56% 196.74 9.31
SYNC EE CLD STORAGE 1-10 TB ADD ON PER 1TB-1 2,160.00 12.49% 1,890.22 89.46
SYNC EE CLD STORAGE 1-10 TB ADD ON PER 1TB-2 4,104.00 12.49% 3,591.30 169.98
SYNC EE CLD STORAGE 1-10 TB ADD ON PER 1TB-3 5,832.00 12.51% 5,102.17 241.49
SYNC EE CLD STORAGE 11-100 TB ADD ON PER 1TB 1,800.00 12.50% 1,575.00 74.54
SYNC EE CLD STORAGE 11-100 TB ADD ON PER 1TB 3,420.00 12.50% 2,992.39 141.63
SYNC EE CLD STORAGE 11-100 TB ADD ON PER 1TB 4,860.00 12.53% 4,251.09 201.20
SYNC EE CLD STORAGE 101-1000 TB ADD ON PER 1 1,620.00 12.51% 1,417.39 67.09
SYNC EE CLD STORAGE 101-1000 TB ADD ON PER 1 3,078.00 12.49% 2,693.48 127.48
SYNC EE CLD STORAGE 101-1000 TB ADD ON PER 1 4,374.00 12.50% 3,827.17 181.14
SYNC EE CLD STORAGE 1001-1001 TB ADD ON PER 1,440.00 12.52% 1,259.78 59.63
SYNC EE CLD STORAGE 1001-1001 TB ADD ON PER 2,736.00 12.52% 2,393.48 113.28
SYNC EE CLD STORAGE 1001-1001 TB ADD ON PER 3,888.00 12.50% 3,402.17 161.02
SYNC EE 1-10TB PRICE PER 1TB 1YR 50 USERS PER 26,125.00 14.46% 22,347.13 1,057.69
SYNC EE 1-10TB PRICE PER 1TB 2YR 50 USERS PER 49,775.00 14.46% 42,577.01 2,015.17
SYNC EE 1-10TB PRICE PER 1TB 1YR 50 USERS PER 71,225.00 14.46% 60,925.29 2,883.59
SYNCPLICITY DATAHUB MIN 100-1000 SEATS 1YR U 40.00 13.04% 34.78 1.65
SYNCPLICITY DATAHUB MIN 100-1000 SEATS 2YR U 72.00 12.44% 63.04 2.98
SYNCPLICITY DATAHUB MIN 100-1000 SEATS 3YR U 102.00 12.62% 89.13 4.22
SYNCPLICITY DATAHUB 1001-5000 SEATS 1YR UPTO 32.00 11.68% 28.26 1.34
SYNCPLICITY DATAHUB 1001-5000 SEATS 2YR UPTO 58.00 11.92% 51.09 2.42
SYNCPLICITY DATAHUB 1001-5000 SEATS 3YR UPTO 82.00 12.51% 71.74 3.40
SYNCPLICITY DATAHUB 5001-10000 SEATS 1YR UPT 28.00 10.71% 25.00 1.18
SYNCPLICITY DATAHUB 5001-10000 SEATS 2YR UPT 51.00 12.62% 44.57 2.11
SYNCPLICITY DATAHUB 5001-10000 SEATS 3YR UPT 72.00 12.44% 63.04 2.98
SYNCPLICITY DATAHUB 10001-20000 SEATS 1YR UP 25.00 13.04% 21.74 1.03
SYNCPLICITY DATAHUB 10001-20000 SEATS 2YR UP 45.00 13.04% 39.13 1.85
SYNCPLICITY DATAHUB 10001-20000 SEATS 3YR UP 64.00 11.68% 56.52 2.68
SYNCPLICITY DATAHUB 20000 + SEATS 1YR UPTO 2 22.00 13.04% 19.13 0.91
SYNCPLICITY DATAHUB 20000 + SEATS 2YR UPTO 2 40.00 13.04% 34.78 1.65
SYNCPLICITY DATAHUB 20000 + SEATS 3YR UPTO 2 56.00 12.66% 48.91 2.32
SYNCPLICITY DATAHUB SPECIALTY CONNECTOR 1Y 40,000.00 13.04% 34,782.61 1,646.26
SYNCPLICITY DATAHUB SPECIALTY CONNECTOR 2Y 72,000.00 13.04% 62,608.70 2,963.27
SYNCPLICITY DATAHUB SPECIALTY CONNECTOR 3Y 102,000.00 13.04% 88,695.65 4,197.97
SYNCPLICITY 1YR UNLIMITED TBTRANSFER WITH E 200,000.00 13.04% 173,913.04 8,231.30
SYNCPLICITY 2YR UNLIMITED TBTRANSFER WITH E 360,000.00 13.04% 313,043.48 14,816.35
SYNCPLICITY 3YR UNLIMITED TBTRANSFER WITH E 510,000.00 13.04% 443,478.26 20,989.83
SYNC EE 25-1000 STS 1YR SUBSCR PER STS 10TB 150.00 12.32% 131.52 6.22
SYNC EE 25-1000 STS 2YR SUBSCR PER STS 10TB 286.00 12.21% 251.09 11.88
SYNC EE 25-1000 STS 3YR SUBSCR PER STS 10TB 405.00 12.51% 354.35 16.77
SYNC EE 1001-5000 STS 1YR SUBSCR PER STS 50TB 120.00 12.14% 105.43 4.99
SYNC EE 1001-5000 STS 2YR SUBSCR PER STS 50TB 228.00 12.28% 200.00 9.47
SYNC EE 1001-5000 STS 3YR SUBSCR PER STS 50TB 324.00 12.10% 284.78 13.48
SYNC EE 5001-10000 STS 1YR SUBSCR PER STS 100 96.00 11.68% 84.78 4.01
SYNC EE 5001-10000 STS 2YR SUBSCR PER STS 100 182.00 12.21% 159.78 7.56
SYNC EE 5001-10000 STS 3YR SUBSCR PER STS 100 258.00 12.37% 226.09 10.70
SYNC EE 10001-1001 STS 1YR SUBSCR PER STS 200 85.00 13.04% 73.91 3.50
SYNC EE 10001-1001 STS 2YR SUBSCR PER STS 200 160.00 12.36% 140.22 6.64
SYNC EE 10001-1001 STS 3YR SUBSCR PER STS 200 225.00 12.56% 196.74 9.31
SYNC EE CLD STORAGE 1-10 TB ADD ON PER 1TB-1 2,160.00 12.49% 1,890.22 89.46
SYNC EE CLD STORAGE 1-10 TB ADD ON PER 1TB-2 4,104.00 12.49% 3,591.30 169.98
SYNC EE CLD STORAGE 1-10 TB ADD ON PER 1TB-3 5,832.00 12.51% 5,102.17 241.49
SYNC EE CLD STORAGE 11-100 TB ADD ON PER 1TB 1,800.00 12.50% 1,575.00 74.54
SYNC EE CLD STORAGE 11-100 TB ADD ON PER 1TB 3,420.00 12.50% 2,992.39 141.63
SYNC EE CLD STORAGE 11-100 TB ADD ON PER 1TB 4,860.00 12.53% 4,251.09 201.20
SYNC EE CLD STORAGE 101-1000 TB ADD ON PER 1 1,620.00 12.51% 1,417.39 67.09
SYNC EE CLD STORAGE 101-1000 TB ADD ON PER 1 3,078.00 12.49% 2,693.48 127.48
SYNC EE CLD STORAGE 101-1000 TB ADD ON PER 1 4,374.00 12.50% 3,827.17 181.14
SYNC EE CLD STORAGE 1001-1001 TB ADD ON PER 1,440.00 12.52% 1,259.78 59.63
SYNC EE CLD STORAGE 1001-1001 TB ADD ON PER 2,736.00 12.52% 2,393.48 113.28
SYNC EE CLD STORAGE 1001-1001 TB ADD ON PER 3,888.00 12.50% 3,402.17 161.02
SYNC EE 1-10TB COST PER 1TB 1YR 50 USER PER T 26,125.00 12.52% 22,853.26 1,081.64
SYNC EE 1-10TB COST PER 1TB 2YR 50 USER PER T 49,775.00 12.52% 43,542.39 2,060.86
SYNC EE 1-10TB COST PER 1TB 1YR 50 USER PER T 71,225.00 12.52% 62,306.52 2,948.97
SYNC DATAHUB MIN 100-1000 SEATS 1YR UPTO 250 40.00 13.04% 34.78 1.65
SYNC DATAHUB MIN 100-1000 SEATS 2YR UPTO 250 72.00 12.44% 63.04 2.98
SYNC DATAHUB MIN 100-1000 SEATS 3YR UPTO 250 102.00 11.55% 90.22 4.27
SYNC DATAHUB 1001-5000 SEATS 1YR UPTO 250TB 32.00 11.68% 28.26 1.34
SYNC DATAHUB 1001-5000 SEATS 2YR UPTO 250TB 58.00 11.92% 51.09 2.42
SYNC DATAHUB 1001-5000 SEATS 3YR UPTO 250TB 82.00 12.51% 71.74 3.40
SYNC DATAHUB 5001-10000 SEATS 1YR UPTO 250TB 28.00 10.71% 25.00 1.18
SYNC DATAHUB 5001-10000 SEATS 2YR UPTO 250TB 51.00 12.62% 44.57 2.11
SYNC DATAHUB 5001-10000 SEATS 3YR UPTO 250TB 72.00 12.44% 63.04 2.98
SYNC DATAHUB 10001-20000 SEATS 1YR UPTO 250T 25.00 13.04% 21.74 1.03
SYNC DATAHUB 10001-20000 SEATS 2YR UPTO 250T 45.00 13.04% 39.13 1.85
SYNC DATAHUB 10001-20000 SEATS 3YR UPTO 250T 64.00 11.68% 56.52 2.68
SYNC DATAHUB 20000-SEATS 1YR UPTO 250TB INC 22.00 13.04% 19.13 0.91
SYNC DATAHUB 20000-SEATS 2YR UPTO 250TB INC 40.00 13.04% 34.78 1.65
SYNC DATAHUB 20000-SEATS 3YR UPTO 250TB INC 56.00 12.66% 48.91 2.32
SYNC DATAHUB SPECIALTY CONN 1YR 1 PER SOUR 40,000.00 12.52% 34,991.30 1,656.14
SYNC DATAHUB SPECIALTY CONN 2YR 1 PER SOUR 72,000.00 12.52% 62,984.78 2,981.07
SYNC DATAHUB SPECIALTY CONN 3YR 1 PER SOUR 102,000.00 12.52% 89,228.26 4,223.17
SYNC 1YR UNLIMITED TBTRANSFER WITH EH DATA 200,000.00 12.52% 174,956.52 8,280.69
SYNC 2YR UNLIMITED TBTRANSFER WITH EH DATA 360,000.00 12.52% 314,921.74 14,905.25
SYNC 3YR UNLIMITED TBTRANSFER WITH EH DATA 510,000.00 12.52% 446,139.13 21,115.77
TotalFlow Prep 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
REQUIRED: PPSE Training - Ricoh Total Flow Prep 1,260.00 4.76% 1,200.00 52.58
TotalFlow Print Manager 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
REQUIRED: PPSE Training - Ricoh Total Flow Print Man 1,260.00 4.76% 1,200.00 52.58
TotalFlow Production Manager 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
REQUIRED: PPSE Training - Ricoh TotalFlow Productio 1,200.00 0.00% 1,200.00 52.58
TotalFlow Production Manager Upgrade License (from Pr 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
TotalFlow Prep 12 month Phone Support Only 500.00 0.00% 500.00 21.91
TotalFlow Print Manager 12 month Phone Support Only 250.00 0.00% 250.00 10.96
TotalFlow Production Manager 12 month Phone Support 500.00 0.00% 500.00 21.91
TotalFlow Production Manager Upgrade License (from Pr 250.00 0.00% 250.00 10.96
TotalFlow Path 6,000.00 24.87% 4,508.05 213.37
REQUIRED: PPSE Training - Ricoh TotalFlow Path 3,600.00 0.00% 3,600.00 157.75
Prep, Production & Print Manager v3
TotalFlow Prep 3.0 5,000.00 31.58% 3,421.05 161.92
RICOH TOTALFLOW PREP UPGRADE FROM 3.X TO V 1,000.00 31.58% 684.21 32.38
TotalFlow Print Manager 3.0 2,500.00 31.58% 1,710.53 80.96
Upgrade from TotalFlow Print Manager 2.x to TotalFlow P 500.00 31.58% 342.11 16.19
TotalFlow Production Manager 3.0 5,000.00 31.58% 3,421.05 161.92
Upgrade from TotalFlow Production Manager 2.x to Total 1,000.00 31.58% 684.21 32.38
Upgrade from TotalFlow Print Manager 3.x to TotalFlow 2,500.00 31.58% 1,710.53 80.96
Upgrade from TotalFlow Print Manager 2.x to TotalFlow 2,500.00 31.58% 1,710.53 80.96
TotalFlow Prep 12 month Phone Support Only 500.00 31.58% 342.11 16.19
TotalFlow Print Manager 12 month Phone Support Only 250.00 31.37% 171.58 8.12
TotalFlow Production Manager 12 month Phone Support 500.00 31.58% 342.11 16.19
TotalFlow Prep Upgrade to On-Site service + 12 month pho 1,250.00 31.54% 855.79 40.50
TotalFlow Print Manager Upgrade to On-Site service + 12 625.00 31.45% 428.42 20.28
TotalFlow Production Manager Upgrade to On-Site service 1,250.00 31.54% 855.79 40.50
TotalFlow Path 6,000.00 31.58% 4,105.26 194.30
TotalFlow Path PTI Marcom Central extension 2,000.00 31.58% 1,368.42 64.77
TotalFlow Path RSA WebCRD extension 2,000.00 31.58% 1,368.42 64.77
TotalFlow Path PTI Fusion Pro extension 2,000.00 31.58% 1,368.42 64.77
TotalFlow Path EFI Fiery extension 2,000.00 31.58% 1,368.42 64.77
TotalFlow Path Extension for Enfocus PitStop Server 2,000.00 31.21% 1,375.79 65.12
TotalFlow Path Extension for Ultimate Impostrip OnDem 2,000.00 31.21% 1,375.79 65.12
TotalFlow Path Extension for Avanti Slingshot 2,000.00 31.21% 1,375.79 65.12
TotalFlow Path 12 month Phone Support Only 900.00 31.58% 615.79 29.15
TotalFlow Path Upgrade to On-Site service + 12 month pho 1,500.00 31.58% 1,026.32 48.58
TotalFlow Path PlanetPress extension 2,000.00 31.58% 1,368.42 64.77
TotalFlow v4
RICOH TOTALFLOW PATH V4.0 6,000.00 24.87% 4,508.05 213.37
RICOH TOTALFLOW PATH UPGRADE FROM 3.X TO 4. 1,200.00 24.90% 901.15 42.65
RICOH TOTALFLOW PRINT MANAGER V4.0 2,500.00 24.87% 1,878.16 88.89
RICOH TOTALFLOW PRODUCTION MANAGER V4.0 5,000.00 24.87% 3,756.32 177.79
RICOH TOTALFLOW PRINT MANAGER V4.0 UPGRAD 2,500.00 24.87% 1,878.16 88.89
RICOH TOTALFLOW PREP V4.0 5,000.00 24.87% 3,756.32 177.79
RICOH TOTALFLOW PREP 4.X ADDITIONAL COPY 4,000.00 10.00% 3,600.00 170.39
RICOH TOTALFLOW PREP UPGRADE FROM 3.X TO 4 1,000.00 10.00% 900.00 42.60
Ricoh TotalFlow Prep for Easy Make Ready Packages On 4,000.00 10.00% 3,600.00 170.39
RICOH TOTALFLOW 1 YEAR MAINTENANCE WITH P 1,000.00 10.00% 900.00 42.60
RICOH TOTALFLOW 1 YEAR MAINTENANCE WITH PR 1,000.00 10.00% 900.00 42.60
RICOH TOTALFLOW 1 YEAR MTCE WITH PREP 4.X F 800.00 10.00% 720.00 34.08
RICOH TOTALFLOW 3 YEAR MAINTENANCE PRINT M 1,500.00 10.00% 1,350.00 63.90
RICOH TOTALFLOW 3 YEAR MAINTENANCE WITH P 3,000.00 10.00% 2,700.00 127.79
RICOH TOTALFLOW 3 YEAR MAINTENANCE PRODUC 1,140.00 10.00% 1,026.00 48.56
RICOH TOTALFLOW 3 YEAR MAINTENANCE WITH PR 3,000.00 10.00% 2,700.00 127.79
RICOH TOTALFLOW 3 YEAR MTCE WITH PREP 4.X F 2,400.00 10.00% 2,160.00 102.23
RICOH TOTALFLOW 5 YEAR MAINTENANCE PRINT M 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
RICOH TOTALFLOW 5 YEAR MAINTENANCE PRODUC 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
RICOH TOTALFLOW 5 YEAR MAINTENANCE PRODUC 1,900.00 10.00% 1,710.00 80.93
RICOH TOTALFLOW 3 YEAR MTCE WITH PRODUCTIO 1,500.00 10.00% 1,350.00 63.90
RICOH TOTALFLOW 5 YEAR MAINTENANCE WITH PR 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
RICOH TOTALFLOW 5 YEAR MAINTENANCE WITH PR 1,500.00 10.00% 1,350.00 63.90
RICOH TOTALFLOW 5 YEAR MTCE WITH PREP 4.X F 4,000.00 10.00% 3,600.00 170.39
RICOH TOTALFLOW PRODUCTION MANAGER 4.X BASE 2,000.00 0.00% 2,000.00 94.66
RICOH TOTALFLOW PREP 4.X BASE LICENSE - 2 Y 2,000.00 0.00% 2,000.00 94.66
RICOH TOTALFLOW EASY MAKE READY PKG FOR PRE 1,600.00 0.00% 1,600.00 75.73
RICOH TOTALFLOW PROD MANAGER 4.X BASE LICEN 4,000.00 0.00% 4,000.00 189.32
RICOH TOTALFLOW PITSTOP ADD-ON OPTION FOR 1,520.00 0.00% 1,520.00 71.94
RICOH TOTALFLOW ADV IMPOSITION ADD-ON OPT 1,200.00 0.00% 1,200.00 56.80
RICOH TOTALFLOW PREP 4.X BASE LICENSE - 4 Y 4,000.00 0.00% 4,000.00 189.32
RICOH TOTALFLOW ADV IMPOSITION ADD-ON OPT FO 1,200.00 0.00% 1,200.00 56.80
RICOH TOTALFLOW EASY MAKE READY PKG FOR PRE 3,200.00 0.00% 3,200.00 151.46
TotalFlow v4.2
RICOH TOTALFLOW PRODUCTION MANAGER 4.X - B 2,500.00 12.65% 2,183.70 103.35
RICOH TOTALFLOW PRODUCTION MANAGER ENHA 2,500.00 12.65% 2,183.70 103.35
RICOH TOTALFLOW PRODUCTION MANAGER FOR E 2,000.00 12.66% 1,746.74 82.67
RICOH TOTALFLOW PREP 4.X - 4 YEAR MAINTENAN 4,000.00 0.00% 4,000.00 189.32
ULTIMATE ABSOLUTELY IMPOSING 3.X FOR WIN 450.00 12.56% 393.48 18.62
ULTIMATE ABSOLUTELY IMPOSING 3.X FOR MAC 450.00 12.56% 393.48 18.62
ULTIMATE IMPOSTRIP ECONO 10.X FOR WIN 1,500.00 12.46% 1,313.04 62.15
ULTIMATE IMPOSTRIP ECONO 10.X FOR MAC 1,500.00 12.46% 1,313.04 62.15
ULTIMATE IMPOSTRIP AUTOMATION 10.X FOR WIN 5,200.00 12.46% 4,552.17 215.45
ULTIMATE IMPOSTRIP AUTOMATION 10.X-HORIZON 1,500.00 12.46% 1,313.04 62.15
ULTIMATE IMPOSTRIP AUTOMATION 10.X-AUTOFL 4,000.00 12.45% 3,502.17 165.76
ULTIMATE IMPOSTRIP AUTOMATION 10.X-AUTONES 2,000.00 12.45% 1,751.09 82.88
ULTIMATE IMPOSTRIP AUTOMATION/SCALABLE 10.X 5,000.00 12.46% 4,377.17 207.17
ULTIMATE IMPOSTRIP AUTOMATION 10.X-30 DAY TR 500.00 12.39% 438.04 20.73
ULTIMATE IMPOSTRIP SCALABLE 10.X 9,500.00 12.46% 8,316.30 393.61
ULTIMATE IMPOSTRIP SCALABLE 10.X-ADDL IMPST 2,600.00 12.46% 2,276.09 107.73
ULTIMATE IMPOSTRIP SCALABLE 10.X - UICL OPTIO 10,000.00 12.46% 8,754.35 414.34
HIGH VOLUME JPG2PDF CONVERTER MODULE 2,600.00 12.46% 2,276.09 107.73
ULTIMATE IMPOSTRIP SCALABLE 10.X - 30 DAY DEM 1,000.00 12.50% 875.00 41.41
ULTIMATE IMPOSTRIP PASSGATE 1.X WITH IMPOST 15,000.00 12.46% 13,131.52 621.51
ULTIMATE IMPOSTRIP UNLIMITED 9.X FOR WINDOW 7,000.00 12.45% 6,128.26 290.05
ULTIMATE IMPOSTRIP UNLIMITED 9.X FOR MAC 7,000.00 12.45% 6,128.26 290.05
ULTIMATE IMPOSTRIP SOLO 9.X FOR WINDOWS 4,500.00 12.46% 3,939.13 186.44
ULTIMATE IMPOSTRIP UNLIMITED 9.X FOR MAC 7,000.00 12.45% 6,128.26 290.05
ULTIMATE IMPOSTRIP PAGEPAIRING SOLO 8.X 5,500.00 12.45% 4,815.22 227.90
ULTIMATE BINDERY 4.X - BASE SOFTWARE 4,400.00 12.45% 3,852.17 182.32
ULTIMATE BINDERY 4.X - EXTRA DRIVER 1,500.00 12.46% 1,313.04 62.15
ULTIMATE BINDERY 4.X - BOURG BSF DRIVER 1,500.00 12.46% 1,313.04 62.15
ULTIMATE BINDERY 4.X - BOURG BDFE DRIVER 1,500.00 12.46% 1,313.04 62.15
ULTIMATE BINDERY 4.X - BOURG BMEX DRIVER 1,500.00 12.46% 1,313.04 62.15
ULTIMATE BINDERY 4.X - DAEHO I-CUTTER 780 DRI 1,500.00 12.46% 1,313.04 62.15
ULTIMATE BINDERY 4.X - DUPLO DC 645 DRIVER 1,500.00 12.46% 1,313.04 62.15
ULTIMATE BINDERY 4.X - DUPLO DC 646 DRIVER 1,500.00 12.46% 1,313.04 62.15
ULTIMATE BINDERY 4.X - DUPLO SYSTEM5000 DRIV 1,500.00 12.46% 1,313.04 62.15
ULTIMATE BINDERY 4.X - HORIZON CW8000 DRIVER 1,500.00 12.46% 1,313.04 62.15
ULTIMATE BINDERY 4.X - HORIZON CW7000 DRIVER 1,500.00 12.46% 1,313.04 62.15
ULTIMATE BINDERY 4.X - HORIZON CW5000 DRIVER 1,500.00 12.46% 1,313.04 62.15
ULTIMATE BINDERY 4.X - HORIZON CW PRO++ DRIV 1,500.00 12.46% 1,313.04 62.15
ULTIMATE BINDERY 4.X - HORIZON BQ270 DRIVER 1,500.00 12.46% 1,313.04 62.15
ULTIMATE BINDERY 4.X - HORIZON BQ470 DRIVER 1,500.00 12.46% 1,313.04 62.15
ULTIMATE BINDERY 4.X - HORIZON HT-30 1,500.00 12.46% 1,313.04 62.15
ULTIMATE BINDERY 4.X - HORIZON HT-80 1,500.00 12.46% 1,313.04 62.15
ULTIMATE BINDERY 4.X - HORIZON HT 1000 V 1,500.00 12.46% 1,313.04 62.15
ULTIMATE BINDERY 4.X - HORIZON STITCHLINER550 1,500.00 12.46% 1,313.04 62.15
ULTIMATE BINDERY 4.X - HORIZON STITCHLINER600 1,500.00 12.46% 1,313.04 62.15
ULTIMATE BINDERY 4.X - HORIZON CABS5000 DRIV 1,500.00 12.46% 1,313.04 62.15
ULTIMATE BINDERY 4.X - HORIZON SMARTSTACKER 1,500.00 12.46% 1,313.04 62.15
ULTIMATE BINDERY 4.X - HORIZON SMARTSLITTER 1,500.00 12.46% 1,313.04 62.15
ULTIMATE BINDERY 4.X - HORIZON SB-09VF 1,500.00 12.46% 1,313.04 62.15
ULTIMATE BINDERY 4.X -MICROCUT PLUS INTERFA 1,500.00 12.46% 1,313.04 62.15
ULTIMATE BINDERY 4.X -PERFECTA 96 DRIVER 1,500.00 12.46% 1,313.04 62.15
ULTIMATE BINDERY 4.X -POLAR-MOHR 56 DRIVER 1,500.00 12.46% 1,313.04 62.15
ULTIMATE BINDERY 4.X -POLAR-MOHR 80 DRIVER 1,500.00 12.46% 1,313.04 62.15
ULTIMATE BINDERY 4.X -PLOCKMATIC PRO35 DRIVE 1,500.00 12.46% 1,313.04 62.15
ULTIMATE BINDERY 4.X -PLOCKMATIC PRO50 DRIVE 1,500.00 12.46% 1,313.04 62.15
ULTIMATE BINDERY 4.X -SCHNEIDER SENATOR 78 G 1,500.00 12.46% 1,313.04 62.15
ULTIMATE BINDERY 4.X -SCISSOR HANDS INTERFA 1,500.00 12.46% 1,313.04 62.15
ULTIMATE BINDERY 4.X -TECNAU PAGE READY DRI 1,500.00 12.46% 1,313.04 62.15
ULTIMATE BINDERY 4.X -WATKISS POWERSQUARE 2 1,500.00 12.46% 1,313.04 62.15
ULTIMATE IMPOSTRIP UNLIMITED 8.X TO 9.X UPGRA 2,800.00 12.46% 2,451.09 116.01
ULTIMATE IMPOSTRIP UNLIMITED 8.X TO 9.X UPGR 2,800.00 12.46% 2,451.09 116.01
ULTIMATE IMPOSTRIP SOLO 8.X TO 9.X UPGRADE-W 1,800.00 12.44% 1,576.09 74.60
ULTIMATE IMPOSTRIP SOLO 8.X TO 9.X UPGRADE- 1,800.00 12.44% 1,576.09 74.60
ULTIMATE IMPOSTRIP ECONO 9.X TO 10.X UPGRADE 600.00 12.50% 525.00 24.85
ULTIMATE IMPOSTRIP ECONO 9.X TO 10.X UPGRAD 600.00 12.50% 525.00 24.85
ULTIMATE IMPOSTRIP AUTOMATION 9.X TO 10.X UP 2,080.00 12.47% 1,820.65 86.17
ULTIMATE IMPOSTRIP SCALABLE 9.X TO 10.X UPGR 3,800.00 12.47% 3,326.09 157.42
ULTIMATE BINDERY 3.X TO 4.X UPGRADE-WIN 1,750.00 12.42% 1,532.61 72.54
ULTIMATE ABSOLUTELY IMPOSING 1.X, 2.X TO CU 200.00 12.50% 175.00 8.28
ULTIMATE ABSOLUTELY IMPOSING 1.X, 2.X TO CU 200.00 12.50% 175.00 8.28
ULTIMATE IMPOSTRIP AUTOMATION 10.X ANNUAL T 1,040.00 0.00% 1,040.00 49.22
ULTIMATE IA/IS PDF/VT OPT-ANNUAL TITANIUM MTC 1,000.00 0.00% 1,000.00 47.33
ULTIMATE IMPOSTRIP SCALABLE 10.X-ANNUAL TITA 1,900.00 0.00% 1,900.00 89.93
ULTIMATE IS UICL OPTION-ANNL TITANIUM MTCE & 2,000.00 0.00% 2,000.00 94.66
ULTIMATE IMPSTRP PASSGATE W/BASE-ANNL TITAN 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
[NO SOW NO SD&A]ULTIMATE ONLINE TRAINING A 250.00 0.00% 250.00 11.83
WBDI 500 1Yr M&S 666.50 19.88% 534.00 25.27
WBDI 1,000 1Yr M&S 1,332.50 20.00% 1,066.00 50.45
WBDI 5,000 1Yr M&S 2,665.83 19.99% 2,133.00 100.95
WBDI 10,000 1Yr M&S 3,832.50 20.00% 3,066.00 145.11
WBDI 20,000 1Yr M&S 5,499.17 19.99% 4,400.00 208.25
WBDI 30,000 1Yr M&S 6,499.17 19.99% 5,200.00 246.12
WBDI Unlimited 1Yr M&S 8,332.50 20.00% 6,666.00 315.50
Upgrade from AFP2PDF - #DIV/0! - -
AFP2PDF Plus upgrade from AFP2PDF 3,000.00 13.04% 2,608.70 123.47
AFP2PDF Plus RU upgrade from AFP2PDF RU 1,500.00 13.04% 1,304.35 61.73
Ricoh Upgrade Features for Upgrade from 5876-W02 Line - #DIV/0! - -
Line2PDF Plus upgrade from Line2PDF 1,500.00 13.04% 1,304.35 61.73
Line2PDF Plus RU upgrade from Line2PDF RU 750.00 13.04% 652.17 30.87
Ricoh PS2PDF - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Optional Features - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh PS2PDF 25,000.00 13.04% 21,739.13 1,028.91
Ricoh Supply Features - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Electronic Download: InfoPrint PS2PDF for AIX - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Electronic Download: InfoPrint PS2PDF for Windo - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Electronic Download: InfoPrint PS2PDF for Linux ( - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh PS2PDF Software Maintenance 1 Year Registratio - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh PS2PDF Software Maintenance 1 Year Registratio - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh PS2PDF Software Maintenance 1 Year Renewal - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh PS2PDF Software Maintenance 1 Year Renewal 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 236.65
Ricoh PS2PDF Software Maintenance 1 Year After Licen - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh PS2PDF Software Maintenance 1 Year After Licen 10,000.00 0.00% 10,000.00 473.30
Ricoh PS2PDF Software Maintenance 3 Year Registratio - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh PS2PDF Software Maintenance 3 Year Registratio 10,000.00 0.00% 10,000.00 473.30
Ricoh PS2PDF Software Maintenance 3 Year Renewal - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh PS2PDF Software Maintenance 3 Year Renewal 15,000.00 0.00% 15,000.00 709.95
Ricoh PS2PDF Software Maintenance 3 Year After Licen - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh PS2PDF Software Maintenance 3 Year After Licen 20,000.00 0.00% 20,000.00 946.60
Ricoh PS2PDF Restricted Use Licensing Optional Featur - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Restricted Use PS2PDF 12,500.00 13.04% 10,869.57 514.46
Ricoh Restricted Use PS2PDF Software Maintenance 1 Ye - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Restricted Use PS2PDF Software Maintenance 1 Ye - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Restricted Use PS2PDF Software Maintenance 1 - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Restricted Use PS2PDF Software Maintenance 1 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 118.33
Ricoh Restricted Use PS2PDF Software Maintenance 1 Ye - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh PS2PDF Restricted Use Software Maintenance 1 Ye 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 236.65
Ricoh Restricted Use PS2PDF Software Maintenance 3 Ye - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Restricted Use PS2PDF Software Maintenance 3 Ye 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 236.65
Ricoh Restricted Use PS2PDF Software Maintenance 3 - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Restricted Use PS2PDF Software Maintenance 3 7,500.00 0.00% 7,500.00 354.98
Ricoh Restricted Use PS2PDF Software Maintenance 3 Ye - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh PS2PDF Restricted Use Software Maintenance 3 Ye 10,000.00 0.00% 10,000.00 473.30
Ricoh Cold Backup Optional Features - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Cold Backup for PS2PDF - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh PCL2PDF - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Optional Features - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh PCL2PDF 25,000.00 13.04% 21,739.13 1,028.91
Ricoh Supply Features - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Electronic Download: InfoPrint PCL2PDF for AIX - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Electronic Download: InfoPrint PCL2PDF for Wind - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Electronic Download: InfoPrint PCL2PDF for Linux - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh PCL2PDF Software Maintenance 1 Year Registrati - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh PCL2PDF Software Maintenance 1 Year Registrati - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh PCL2PDF Software Maintenance 1 Year Renewal - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh PCL2PDF Software Maintenance 1 Year Renewal 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 236.65
Ricoh PCL2PDF Software Maintenance 1 Year After Lice - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh PCL2PDF Software Maintenance 1 Year After Lice 10,000.00 0.00% 10,000.00 473.30
Ricoh PCL2PDF Software Maintenance 3 Year Registrati - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh PCL2PDF Software Maintenance 3 Year Registrati 10,000.00 0.00% 10,000.00 473.30
Ricoh PCL2PDF Software Maintenance 3 Year Renewal - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh PCL2PDF Software Maintenance 3 Year Renewal 15,000.00 0.00% 15,000.00 709.95
Ricoh PCL2PDF Software Maintenance 3 Year After Lice - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh PCL2PDF Software Maintenance 3 Year After Lice 20,000.00 0.00% 20,000.00 946.60
Ricoh PCL2PDF Restricted Use Licensing Optional Featu - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Restricted Use PCL2PDF 12,500.00 13.04% 10,869.57 514.46
Ricoh Restricted Use PCL2PDF Software Maintenance 1 Y - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Restricted Use PCL2PDF Software Maintenance 1 Y - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Restricted Use PCL2PDF Software Maintenance 1 - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Restricted Use PCL2PDF Software Maintenance 1 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 118.33
Ricoh Restricted Use PCL2PDF Software Maintenance 1 Y - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh PCL2PDF Restricted Use Software Maintenance 1 Y 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 236.65
Ricoh Restricted Use PCL2PDF Software Maintenance 3 Y - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Restricted Use PCL2PDF Software Maintenance 3 Y 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 236.65
Ricoh Restricted Use PCL2PDF Software Maintenance 3 - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Restricted Use PCL2PDF Software Maintenance 3 7,500.00 0.00% 7,500.00 354.98
Ricoh Restricted Use PCL2PDF Software Maintenance 3 Y - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh PCL2PDF Restricted Use Software Maintenance 3 Y 10,000.00 0.00% 10,000.00 473.30
Ricoh Cold Backup Optional Features - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Cold Backup for PCL2PDF - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh AFP Merge - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Optional Features - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh AFP Merge 25,000.00 13.04% 21,739.13 1,028.91
Ricoh Upgrade Features for Upgrade from Professional S - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh AFP Merge Upgrade - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh AFP Merge Restricted Use Upgrade - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Supply Features - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Electronic Download: RICOH AFP Merge for JAVA - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh AFP Merge Software Maintenance 1 Year Registrat - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh AFP Merge Software Maintenance 1 Year Registrat - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh AFP Merge Software Maintenance 1 Year Renewal - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh AFP Merge Software Maintenance 1 Year Renewal 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 236.65
Ricoh AFP Merge Software Maintenance 1 Year After License  - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh AFP Merge Software Maintenance 1 Year After License  10,000.00 0.00% 10,000.00 473.30
Ricoh AFP Merge Software Maintenance 3 Year Registrat - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh AFP Merge Software Maintenance 3 Year Registrat 10,000.00 0.00% 10,000.00 473.30
Ricoh AFP Merge Software Maintenance 3 Year Renewal - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh AFP Merge Software Maintenance 3 Year Renewal 15,000.00 0.00% 15,000.00 709.95
Ricoh AFP Merge Software Maintenance 3 Year After License  - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh AFP Merge Software Maintenance 3 Year After License  20,000.00 0.00% 20,000.00 946.60
Ricoh AFP Merge Restricted Use Licensing Optional Feat - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Restricted Use AFP Merge 12,500.00 13.04% 10,869.57 514.46
Ricoh Restricted Use AFP Merge Software Maintenance 1 - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Restricted Use AFP Merge Software Maintenance 1 - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Restricted Use AFP Merge Software Maintenance - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Restricted Use AFP Merge Software Maintenance 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 118.33
Ricoh Restricted Use AFP Merge Software Maintenance 1 - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh AFP Merge Restricted Use Software Maintenance 1 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 236.65
Ricoh Restricted Use AFP Merge Software Maintenance 3 - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Restricted Use AFP Merge Software Maintenance 3 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 236.65
Ricoh Restricted Use AFP Merge Software Maintenance - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Restricted Use AFP Merge Software Maintenance 7,500.00 0.00% 7,500.00 354.98
Ricoh Restricted Use AFP Merge Software Maintenance 3 - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh AFP Merge Restricted Use Software Maintenance 3 10,000.00 0.00% 10,000.00 473.30
Ricoh Cold Backup Optional Features - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Cold Backup for AFP Merge - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh AFP2PDF Plus - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Optional Features - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh AFP2PDF Plus 30,000.00 13.04% 26,086.96 1,234.70
Ricoh Upgrade Features for Upgrade from 5876-W01 AFP - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh AFP2PDF Plus Upgrade - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh AFP2PDF Plus Restricted Use License Upgrade - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Supply Features - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Electronic Download: RICOH AFP2PDF Plus for J - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh AFP2PDF Plus Software Maintenance 1 Year Regis - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh AFP2PDF Plus Software Maintenance 1 Year Regis - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh AFP2PDF Plus Software Maintenance 1 Year Ren - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh AFP2PDF Plus Software Maintenance 1 Year Ren 6,000.00 0.00% 6,000.00 283.98
Ricoh AFP2PDF Plus Software Maintenance 1 Year After - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh AFP2PDF Plus Software Maintenance 1 Year After 12,000.00 0.00% 12,000.00 567.96
Ricoh AFP2PDF Plus Software Maintenance 3 Year Regis - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh AFP2PDF Plus Software Maintenance 3 Year Regis 12,000.00 0.00% 12,000.00 567.96
Ricoh AFP2PDF Plus Software Maintenance 3 Year Ren - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh AFP2PDF Plus Software Maintenance 3 Year Ren 18,000.00 0.00% 18,000.00 851.94
Ricoh AFP2PDF Plus Software Maintenance 3 Year After - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh AFP2PDF Plus Software Maintenance 3 Year After 24,000.00 0.00% 24,000.00 1,135.92
Ricoh AFP2PDF Plus Restricted Use Licensing Optional - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Restricted Use AFP2PDF Plus 15,000.00 13.04% 13,043.48 617.35
Ricoh Restricted Use AFP2PDF Plus Software Maintenanc - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Restricted Use AFP2PDF Plus Software Maintenanc - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Restricted Use AFP2PDF Plus Software Maintena - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Restricted Use AFP2PDF Plus Software Maintena 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
Ricoh Restricted Use AFP2PDF Plus Software Maintenanc - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh AFP2PDF Plus Restricted Use Software Maintenanc 6,000.00 0.00% 6,000.00 283.98
Ricoh Restricted Use AFP2PDF Plus Software Maintenanc - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Restricted Use AFP2PDF Plus Software Maintenanc 6,000.00 0.00% 6,000.00 283.98
Ricoh Restricted Use AFP2PDF Plus Software Maintena - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Restricted Use AFP2PDF Plus Software Maintena 9,000.00 0.00% 9,000.00 425.97
Ricoh Restricted Use AFP2PDF Plus Software Maintenanc - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh AFP2PDF Plus Restricted Use Software Maintenanc 12,000.00 0.00% 12,000.00 567.96
Ricoh Cold Backup Optional Features - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Cold Backup for AFP2PDF Plus - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Line2PDF Plus - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Optional Features - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Line2PDF Plus 15,000.00 13.04% 13,043.48 617.35
Ricoh Upgrade Features for Upgrade from 5876-W02 Line - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Line2PDF Plus Upgrade - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Line2PDF Plus Restricted Use License - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Supply Features - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Electronic Download: RICOH Line2PDF Plus for J - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Line2PDF Plus Software Maintenance 1 Year Regis - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Line2PDF Plus Software Maintenance 1 Year Regis - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Line2PDF Plus Software Maintenance 1 Year Ren - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Line2PDF Plus Software Maintenance 1 Year Ren 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
Ricoh Line2PDF Plus Software Maintenance 1 Year After License  - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Line2PDF Plus Software Maintenance 1 Year After License 
6,000.00 0.00% 6,000.00 283.98
Ricoh Line2PDF Plus Software Maintenance 3 Year Regis - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Line2PDF Plus Software Maintenance 3 Year Regis 6,000.00 0.00% 6,000.00 283.98
Ricoh Line2PDF Plus Software Maintenance 3 Year Ren - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Line2PDF Plus Software Maintenance 3 Year Ren 9,000.00 0.00% 9,000.00 425.97
Ricoh Line2PDF Plus Software Maintenance 3 Year After License  - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Line2PDF Plus Software Maintenance 3 Year After License 
12,000.00 0.00% 12,000.00 567.96
Ricoh Line2PDF Plus Restricted Use Licensing Optional - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Restricted Use Line2PDF Plus 7,500.00 13.04% 6,521.74 308.67
Ricoh Restricted Use Line2PDF Plus Software Maintenanc - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Restricted Use Line2PDF Plus Software Maintenanc - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Restricted Use Line2PDF Plus Software Maintena - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Restricted Use Line2PDF Plus Software Maintena 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
Ricoh Restricted Use Line2PDF Plus Software Maintenanc - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Line2PDF Plus Restricted Use Software Maintenanc 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
Ricoh Restricted Use Line2PDF Plus Software Maintenanc - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Restricted Use Line2PDF Plus Software Maintenanc 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
Ricoh Restricted Use Line2PDF Plus Software Maintena - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Restricted Use Line2PDF Plus Software Maintena 4,500.00 0.00% 4,500.00 212.99
Ricoh Restricted Use Line2PDF Plus Software Maintenanc - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Line2PDF Plus Restricted Use Software Maintenanc 6,000.00 0.00% 6,000.00 283.98
Ricoh Cold Backup Optional Features - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Cold Backup for Line2PDF Plus - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh AFP Visual Environment - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Optional Features - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh AFP Visual Environment 25,000.00 13.04% 21,739.13 1,028.91
Ricoh Upgrade Features for Upgrade from Professional S - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh AFP Visual Environment Upgrade - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh AFP Visual Environment Restricted Use Upgrade - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Supply Features - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Electronic Download: RICOH AFP Visual Environm - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh AFP Visual Environment Software Maintenance 1 Y - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh AFP Visual Environment Software Maintenance 1 Y - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh AFP Visual Environment Software Maintenance 1 - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh AFP Visual Environment Software Maintenance 1 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 236.65
Ricoh AFP Visual Environment Software Maintenance 1 Year After License 
- #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh AFP Visual Environment Software Maintenance 1 Year After
License  0.00% 10,000.00 473.30
Ricoh AFP Visual Environment Software Maintenance 3 Y - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh AFP Visual Environment Software Maintenance 3 Y 10,000.00 0.00% 10,000.00 473.30
Ricoh AFP Visual Environment Software Maintenance 3 - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh AFP Visual Environment Software Maintenance 3 15,000.00 0.00% 15,000.00 709.95
Ricoh AFP Visual Environment Software Maintenance 3 Year After License 
- #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh AFP Visual Environment Software Maintenance 3 Year After
License  0.00% 20,000.00 946.60
Ricoh AFP Visual Environment Restricted Use Licensing - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Restricted Use AFP Visual Environment 12,500.00 13.04% 10,869.57 514.46
Ricoh Restricted Use AFP Visual Environment Software M - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Restricted Use AFP Visual Environment Software M - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Restricted Use AFP Visual Environment Software - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Restricted Use AFP Visual Environment Software 2,500.00 0.00% 2,500.00 118.33
Ricoh Restricted Use AFP Visual Environment Software M - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh AFP Visual Environment Restricted Use Software M 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 236.65
Ricoh Restricted Use AFP Visual Environment Software M - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Restricted Use AFP Visual Environment Software M 5,000.00 0.00% 5,000.00 236.65
Ricoh Restricted Use AFP Visual Environment Software - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Restricted Use AFP Visual Environment Software 7,500.00 0.00% 7,500.00 354.98
Ricoh Restricted Use AFP Visual Environment Software M - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh AFP Visual Environment Restricted Use Software M 10,000.00 0.00% 10,000.00 473.30
Ricoh Cold Backup Optional Features - #DIV/0! - -
Ricoh Cold Backup for AFP Visual Environment - #DIV/0! - -
RICOH TIFF2PDF PLUS 25,000.00 13.04% 21,739.13 1,028.91
RICOH TIFF2PDF PLUS SOFTWARE MAINT 1 YR REN 5,000.00 13.04% 4,347.83 205.78
#DIV/0! - -
10,000.00 13.04% 8,695.65 411.57
RICOH TIFF2PDF PLUS SOFTWARE MAINT 3 YR REG 10,000.00 13.04% 8,695.65 411.57
RICOH TIFF2PDF PLUS SOFTWARE MAINT 3 YR REN 15,000.00 13.04% 13,043.48 617.35
#DIV/0! - -
25,000.00 13.04% 21,739.13 1,028.91
RICOH RESTRICTED USE TIFF2PDF PLUS 12,500.00 13.04% 10,869.57 514.46
RICOH RESTRICTED USE TIFF2PDF PLUS SOFTWARE 2,500.00 13.04% 2,173.91 102.89
RICOH TIFF2PDF PLUS RESTRICTED USE SOFTWARE 5,000.00 13.04% 4,347.83 205.78
RICOH RESTRICTED USE TIFF2PDF PLUS SOFTWARE 5,000.00 13.04% 4,347.83 205.78
RICOH RESTRICTED USE TIFF2PDF PLUS SOFTWARE 7,500.00 13.04% 6,521.74 308.67
RICOH TIFF2PDF PLUS RESTRICTED USE SOFTWARE 12,500.00 13.04% 10,869.57 514.46
Upgrade from AFP2PDF - #DIV/0! - -
AFP2PDF Plus upgrade from AFP2PDF 3,000.00 13.04% 2,608.70 123.47
AFP2PDF Plus RU upgrade from AFP2PDF RU 1,500.00 13.04% 1,304.35 61.73
Ricoh Upgrade Features for Upgrade from 5876-W02 Line - #DIV/0! - -
Line2PDF Plus upgrade from Line2PDF 1,500.00 13.04% 1,304.35 61.73
Line2PDF Plus RU upgrade from Line2PDF RU 750.00 13.04% 652.17 30.87
Fortis Server SQLserver (DB engine not included) 22,500.00 10.00% 20,250.00 958.43
Fortis Server Oracle (DB engine not included) 22,500.00 10.00% 20,250.00 958.43
Fortis Scan Stations (Full functionality including scanning 1,100.00 10.00% 990.00 46.86
Fortis Edit Stations (Full functionality except for scanning 800.00 10.00% 720.00 34.08
Fortis View Stations (View only) - 1 User 600.00 10.00% 540.00 25.56
Fortis Test Bench 4,000.00 10.00% 3,600.00 170.39
Fortis FormIt (up to 5 users) 8,400.00 10.00% 7,560.00 357.81
Fortis FormIt (6 to 10 users) 10,800.00 10.00% 9,720.00 460.05
Fortis FormIt (11 to 25 users) 13,200.00 10.00% 11,880.00 562.28
Fortis FormIt (26 to 50 users) 16,200.00 10.00% 14,580.00 690.07
Fortis FormIt (51 to 100 users) 21,600.00 10.00% 19,440.00 920.10
Fortis FormIt (101 or more users) 27,000.00 10.00% 24,300.00 1,150.12
Fortis FormIt Addon 6-10 Users 2,400.00 10.00% 2,160.00 102.23
Fortis FormIt Addon 11-26 Users 2,400.00 10.00% 2,160.00 102.23
Fortis FormIt Addon 26-50 Users 3,000.00 10.00% 2,700.00 127.79
Fortis FormIt Addon 51-100 Users 5,400.00 10.00% 4,860.00 230.02
Fortis FormIt Addon 101+ Users 5,400.00 10.00% 4,860.00 230.02
Fortis WorkFlow (Includes the former Webflow, Inflo & Pur 12,000.00 10.00% 10,800.00 511.16
Fortis Imageit Per Seat License 500.00 10.00% 450.00 21.30
Westbrook Imageit Site License 20,000.00 10.00% 18,000.00 851.94
Fortis EnableIT3 - Concurrent Users -Up to 20 Concurren 15,000.00 10.00% 13,500.00 638.96
Fortis EnableIT3 - Additional Concurrent User 750.00 10.00% 675.00 31.95
Fortis EnableIT3 Named Users - Up to 20 Named Users 15,000.00 10.00% 13,500.00 638.96
Fortis EnableIT3 - Additional Named User 750.00 10.00% 675.00 31.95
Fortis EnableIT3 - Additional Application 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
Westbrook Data Entry Assistant 1,500.00 10.00% 1,350.00 63.90
Westbrook Update Assistant 1,500.00 10.00% 1,350.00 63.90
Fortis Portal - Server License 10,000.00 10.00% 9,000.00 425.97
Westbrook SignIt Server License 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
Westbrook ApproveIt template (requires FortisWeb) 8,600.00 10.00% 7,740.00 366.33
Fortis DocPack Server License (one-time charge, ultd use 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
Fortis DR License - DoubleTake Licenses Purchased Sep 10,000.00 10.00% 9,000.00 425.97
Westbrook Kofax Connector (Fortis & Fortis SE) 1,000.00 10.00% 900.00 42.60
Westbrook eCopy Connector (per device) (Fortis & Fortis 1,000.00 10.00% 900.00 42.60
Westbrook PlanetPress Connector (Fortis & Fortis SE) 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
CDExpress Add On for Fortis Server SQLServer 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
CDExpress Add On for Fortis Server Oracle 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
Fortis SE Web Upgrade w WebConnect (per seat) 500.00 31.16% 344.21 16.29
Fortis SE Web Upgrade w WebConnect Support 100.00 21.05% 78.95 3.74
Fortis - Support
Fortis Server SQLserver (DB engine not included) Suppor 4,500.00 0.00% 4,500.00 212.99
Fortis Server Oracle (DB engine not included) Support 4,500.00 0.00% 4,500.00 212.99
Fortis Scan Stations (Full functionality including scanning 220.00 0.00% 220.00 10.41
Fortis Edit Stations (Full functionality except for scanning 160.00 0.00% 160.00 7.57
Fortis View Stations (View only) - 1 User Support 120.00 0.00% 120.00 5.68
Fortis Test Bench Support 800.00 0.00% 800.00 37.86
Fortis FormIt (up to 5 users) Support 1,680.00 0.00% 1,680.00 79.51
Fortis FormIt (6 to 10 users) Support 2,160.00 0.00% 2,160.00 102.23
Fortis FormIt (11 to 25 users) Support 2,640.00 0.00% 2,640.00 124.95
Fortis FormIt (26 to 50 users) Support 3,240.00 0.00% 3,240.00 153.35
Fortis FormIt (51 to 100 users) Support 4,320.00 0.00% 4,320.00 204.47
Fortis FormIt (101 or more users) Support 5,400.00 0.00% 5,400.00 255.58
Fortis FormIt Addon 6-10 Users Support 480.00 0.00% 480.00 22.72
Fortis FormIt Addon 11-26 Users Support 480.00 0.00% 480.00 22.72
Fortis FormIt Addon 26-50 Users Support 600.00 0.00% 600.00 28.40
Fortis FormIt Addon 51-100 Users Support 1,080.00 0.00% 1,080.00 51.12
Fortis FormIt Addon 101+ Users Support 1,080.00 0.00% 1,080.00 51.12
Fortis WorkFlow (Includes the former Webflow, Inflo & Pu 2,400.00 0.00% 2,400.00 113.59
Westbrook ImageIT Site License Support 4,000.00 0.00% 4,000.00 189.32
Fortis EnableIT3 - Concurrent Users -Up to 20 Concurren 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
Fortis EnableIT3 - Additional Concurrent User Support 150.00 0.00% 150.00 7.10
Fortis EnableIT3 Named Users - Up to 20 Named Users 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
Fortis EnableIT3 - Additional Named User Support 150.00 0.00% 150.00 7.10
Fortis EnableIT3 - Additional Application Support 1,000.00 0.00% 1,000.00 47.33
Fortis DR License - DoubleTake Licenses Purchased Sep 2,000.00 0.00% 2,000.00 94.66
CDExpress Add On for Fortis Server SQLServer Support 1,000.00 0.00% 1,000.00 47.33
CDExpress Add On for Fortis Server Oracle Support 1,000.00 0.00% 1,000.00 47.33
Fortis - SE
Fortis SE 2 User 4,900.00 10.00% 4,410.00 208.73
Fortis SE User Add 1,100.00 10.00% 990.00 46.86
Fortis SE Test Bench 4,000.00 10.00% 3,600.00 170.39
Fortis SE Web Upgrade (per seat, must match current con 500.00 10.00% 450.00 21.30
Fortis SE FormIt (up to 5 users) 8,400.00 10.00% 7,560.00 357.81
Fortis SE FormIt (6 to 10 users) 10,800.00 10.00% 9,720.00 460.05
Fortis SE FormIt (11 to 25 users) 13,200.00 10.00% 11,880.00 562.28
Fortis SE FormIt (26 to 50 users) 16,200.00 10.00% 14,580.00 690.07
Fortis SE FormIt (51 to 100 users) 21,600.00 10.00% 19,440.00 920.10
Fortis SE FormIt (101 or more users) 27,000.00 10.00% 24,300.00 1,150.12
Fortis SE FormIt Addon 6-10 Users 2,400.00 10.00% 2,160.00 102.23
Fortis SE FormIt Addon 11-26 Users 2,400.00 10.00% 2,160.00 102.23
Fortis SE FormIt Addon 26-50 Users 3,000.00 10.00% 2,700.00 127.79
Fortis SE FormIt Addon 51-100 Users 5,400.00 10.00% 4,860.00 230.02
Fortis SE FormIt Addon 101+ Users 5,400.00 10.00% 4,860.00 230.02
Fortis SE WorkFlow per Seat (Includes the former Webflow 500.00 10.00% 450.00 21.30
Fortis SE EnableIT3 Concurrent Users 15,000.00 10.00% 13,500.00 638.96
Fortis SE EnableIT3 Named Users 15,000.00 10.00% 13,500.00 638.96
FortisSE DR License - DoubleTake Licenses Purchased S 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
Fortis SE CDExpress Module 5,000.00 10.00% 4,500.00 212.99
Fortis - SE Support
Fortis SE 2 User Support 980.00 0.00% 980.00 46.38
Fortis SE User Add Support 220.00 0.00% 220.00 10.41
Fortis SE Test Bench Support 800.00 0.00% 800.00 37.86
Fortis SE Web Upgrade (per seat, must match current con 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
Fortis SE FormIt (up to 5 users) Support 1,680.00 0.00% 1,680.00 79.51
Fortis SE FormIt (6 to 10 users) Support 2,160.00 0.00% 2,160.00 102.23
Fortis SE FormIt (11 to 25 users) Support 2,640.00 0.00% 2,640.00 124.95
Fortis SE FormIt (26 to 50 users) Support 3,240.00 0.00% 3,240.00 153.35
Fortis SE FormIt (51 to 100 users) Support 4,320.00 0.00% 4,320.00 204.47
Fortis SE FormIt (101 or more users) Support 5,400.00 0.00% 5,400.00 255.58
Fortis SE FormIt Addon 6-10 Users Support 480.00 0.00% 480.00 22.72
Fortis SE FormIt Addon 11-26 Users Support 480.00 0.00% 480.00 22.72
Fortis SE FormIt Addon 26-50 Users Support 600.00 0.00% 600.00 28.40
Fortis SE FormIt Addon 51-100 Users Support 1,080.00 0.00% 1,080.00 51.12
Fortis SE FormIt Addon 101+ Users Support 1,080.00 0.00% 1,080.00 51.12
Fortis SE WorkFlow per Seat (Includes the former Webflow 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
Fortis ImageIT Per seat license Support 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
Fortis SE EnableIT3 Concurrent Users Support 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
Fortis SE EnableIT3 Named Users Support 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
Westbrook Data Entry Assistant Support 300.00 0.00% 300.00 14.20
Westbrook Update Assistant Support 300.00 0.00% 300.00 14.20
Fortis Portal - Server License Support 2,000.00 0.00% 2,000.00 94.66
Westbrook SignIt Server License Support 1,000.00 0.00% 1,000.00 47.33
Westbrook ApproveIt template (requires FortisWeb) Supp 1,720.00 0.00% 1,720.00 81.41
Fortis DocPack Server License (one-time charge, ultd us 1,000.00 0.00% 1,000.00 47.33
FortisSE DR License - DoubleTake Licenses Purchased S 1,000.00 0.00% 1,000.00 47.33
Westbrook Kofax Connector Support (Fortis & Fortis SE) 200.00 0.00% 200.00 9.47
Westbrook eCopy Connector (per device) Support (Fortis 200.00 0.00% 200.00 9.47
Westbrook PlanetPress Connector Support (Fortis & Fort 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67
Fortis SE CDExpress Module Support 1,000.00 0.00% 1,000.00 47.33
FortisBlue Express 2 User 3,000.00 10.00% 2,700.00 127.79
Westbrook Fortis Blue 3 User 6,900.00 10.00% 6,210.00 293.92
Westbrook Fortisblue Add-On Seats 4-5 800.00 10.00% 720.00 34.08
Fortisblue Addon Seats 6-10 800.00 10.00% 720.00 34.08
Fortisblue Addon Seats 11-100 800.00 10.00% 720.00 34.08
FortisBlue ADD-ON SEATS 101 - 250 575.00 9.91% 518.00 24.52
FortisBlue ADD-ON SEATS 251+ 425.00 9.88% 383.00 18.13
FortisBlue Test Bench 4,000.00 10.00% 3,600.00 170.39
FortisBlue FormIt (up to 5 users) 8,400.00 10.00% 7,560.00 357.81
FortisBlue FormIt (6 to 10 users) 10,800.00 10.00% 9,720.00 460.05
FortisBlue FormIt (11 to 25 users) 13,200.00 10.00% 11,880.00 562.28
FortisBlue FormIt (26 to 50 users) 16,200.00 10.00% 14,580.00 690.07
FortisBlue FormIt (51 to 100 users) 21,600.00 10.00% 19,440.00 920.10
FortisBlue FormIt (101 or more users) 27,000.00 10.00% 24,300.00 1,150.12
FortisBlue FormIt Addon 6-10 Users 2,400.00 10.00% 2,160.00 102.23
FortisBlue FormIt Addon 11-26 Users 2,400.00 10.00% 2,160.00 102.23
FortisBlue FormIt Addon 26-50 Users 3,000.00 10.00% 2,700.00 127.79
FortisBlue FormIt Addon 51-100 Users 5,400.00 10.00% 4,860.00 230.02
FortisBlue FormIt Addon 101+ Users 5,400.00 10.00% 4,860.00 230.02
Westbrook Workflow Per Seat 500.00 10.00% 450.00 21.30
FortisBlue WorkFlow Site License 12,000.00 10.00% 10,800.00 511.16
FortisBlue ImageIT Client FortisBlue ONLY 500.00 10.00% 450.00 21.30
FortisBlue ImageIT Site License 20,000.00 10.00% 18,000.00 851.94
FortisBlue Sharepoint Integration 2,000.00 10.00% 1,800.00 85.19
Wbrook Database Lookup and Update 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
FortisBlue DR License - Double Take Licenses Purchase 10,000.00 10.00% 9,000.00 425.97
FortisBlue Kofax Connector 1,000.00 10.00% 900.00 42.60
FortisBlue Planet Press Connector 2,500.00 10.00% 2,250.00 106.49
FortisBlue - Support
FortisBlue Express Volume 2 User Support 600.00 0.00% 600.00 28.40
Westbrook Fortis Blue 3 User Support 1,380.00 0.00% 1,380.00 65.32
Westbrook Fortis Blue Addon Seats 4-5 Support 160.00 0.00% 160.00 7.57
Westbrook Fortis Blue Add-On Seats 6-10 Support 160.00 0.00% 160.00 7.57
Westbrook Fortis Blue Addon Seats 11-100 Supp 160.00 0.00% 160.00 7.57
FortisBlue ADD-ON SEATS 101 - 250 Support 115.00 0.00% 115.00 5.44
FortisBlue ADD-ON SEATS 251+ Support 85.00 0.00% 85.00 4.02
FortisBlue Test Bench Support 800.00 0.00% 800.00 37.86
FortisBlue FormIt (up to 5 users) Support 1,680.00 0.00% 1,680.00 79.51
FortisBlue FormIt (6 to 10 users) Support 2,160.00 0.00% 2,160.00 102.23
FortisBlue FormIt (11 to 25 users) Support 2,640.00 0.00% 2,640.00 124.95
FortisBlue FormIt (26 to 50 users) Support 3,240.00 0.00% 3,240.00 153.35
FortisBlue FormIt (51 to 100 users) Support 4,320.00 0.00% 4,320.00 204.47
FortisBlue FormIt (101 or more users) Support 5,400.00 0.00% 5,400.00 255.58
FortisBlue FormIt Addon 6-10 Users Support 480.00 0.00% 480.00 22.72
FortisBlue FormIt Addon 11-26 Users Support 480.00 0.00% 480.00 22.72
FortisBlue FormIt Addon 26-50 Users Support 600.00 0.00% 600.00 28.40
FortisBlue FormIt Addon 51-100 Users Support 1,080.00 0.00% 1,080.00 51.12
FortisBlue FormIt Addon 101+ Users Support 1,080.00 0.00% 1,080.00 51.12
Fortisblue Workflow Per Seat Support 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
FortisBlue WorkFlow Site License Support 2,400.00 0.00% 2,400.00 113.59
FortisBlue ImageIT Client FortisBlue ONLY Support 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
FortisBlue ImageIT Site License Support 4,000.00 0.00% 4,000.00 189.32
FortisBlue Sharepoint Integration Support 400.00 0.00% 400.00 18.93
Wbrook Database Lookup and Update & Support 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67
FortisBlue DR License - Double Take Licenses Purchase 2,000.00 0.00% 2,000.00 94.66
FortisBlue Kofax Connector Support 200.00 0.00% 200.00 9.47
FortisBlue Planet Press Connector Support 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67
3rd Party Passthrough
Microsoft SQLserver Embedded 2,700.00 0.00% 2,700.00 127.79
1x5 HID USB LCD Signature Pads - per pad# 365.00 0.00% 365.00 17.28
1x5 SigLite 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
FaxIt Package One - 2 Channel Solution 6,480.00 0.00% 6,480.00 306.70
FaxIt Package Two - 4 Channel Solution 9,270.00 0.00% 9,270.00 438.75
FaxIt Package Three - 4 Channel T1 Solution 10,970.00 0.00% 10,970.00 519.21
Advanced Fax Routing Server 4,990.00 0.00% 4,990.00 236.18
Fax OCR 2,000.00 0.00% 2,000.00 94.66
PlanetPress for Fortis Imaging 7,500.00 0.00% 7,500.00 354.98
PlanetPress for Fortis Imaging and Low Volume Printing 11,500.00 0.00% 11,500.00 544.30
PlanetPress for Fortis Imaging and High Volume Printing 16,000.00 0.00% 16,000.00 757.28
Double-Take Server Edition License 3,750.00 0.00% 3,750.00 177.49
Reconfiguration of Admin Files 500.00 0.00% 500.00 21.91
3rd Party Passthrough - Support
Microsoft SQLserver Embedded Support 540.00 0.00% 540.00 25.56
FaxIt Package One - 2 Channel Solution Support 1,296.00 0.00% 1,296.00 61.34
FaxIt Package Two - 4 Channel Solution Support 1,854.00 0.00% 1,854.00 87.75
FaxIt Package Three - 4 Channel T1 Solution Support 2,194.00 0.00% 2,194.00 103.84
Advanced Fax Routing Server Support 998.00 0.00% 998.00 47.24
Fax OCR Support 400.00 0.00% 400.00 18.93
PlanetPress for Fortis Imaging Support 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
PlanetPress for Fortis Imaging and Low Volume Printing 2,300.00 0.00% 2,300.00 108.86
PlanetPress for Fortis Imaging and High Volume Printing 3,200.00 0.00% 3,200.00 151.46
Double-Take Server Edition License Support 750.00 0.00% 750.00 35.50
Professional Services
PS Contracted Days (Westbrook) 1,600.00 0.00% 1,600.00 70.11
PS Estimated T & E Days (Westbrook) 1,000.00 0.00% 1,000.00 43.82
Westbrook Customization Support Range 1 ($1-$5000) 500.00 0.00% 500.00 23.67
Westbrook Customization Support Range 2 ($5001-$10,0 1,500.00 0.00% 1,500.00 71.00
Westbrook Customization Support Range 3 ($10,001-$25 3,500.00 0.00% 3,500.00 165.66
Westbrook Customization Support Range 4 ($25,001-$40 6,550.00 0.00% 6,550.00 310.01
Westbrook Customization Support Range 5 ($40,001-$55 9,500.00 0.00% 9,500.00 449.64
Westbrook Customization Support Range 6 ($55,001-$70 12,550.00 0.00% 12,550.00 593.99
Westbrook Customization Support Range 7 ($70,001-$$9 16,000.00 0.00% 16,000.00 757.28
Westbrook Customization Support Range 8 ($90,001-$20 30,000.00 0.00% 30,000.00 1,419.90
Westbrook Customization Support Range 9 ($200,001-$3 50,000.00 0.00% 50,000.00 2,366.50
Westbrook Customization Support Range 10 ($300,000) 70,000.00 0.00% 70,000.00 3,313.10
End User Training
Qualified Fortis Administrator (QFA) - 5 Days 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 131.46
i-Qualified Fortis Administrator (iQFA) - 9 Session - No D 1,495.00 0.00% 1,495.00 65.51
i-Qualified Fortis Administrator (iQFA) - Per Session - No 295.00 0.00% 295.00 12.93
Westbrook Product Education - 2 Days 1,200.00 0.00% 1,200.00 52.58
Fortis Options - 3 Days 1,800.00 0.00% 1,800.00 78.88
Fortis User Fast Track Session 1. Overview (1 Hr) 200.00 0.00% 200.00 8.76
Fortis User Fast Track Session 2. Capture 1 (1 Hr) 200.00 0.00% 200.00 8.76
Fortis User Fast Track Session 3. Capture 2 (1 Hr) 200.00 0.00% 200.00 8.76
Fortis User Fast Track Session 4. Capture 3 (1 Hr) 200.00 0.00% 200.00 8.76
Fortis User Fast Track Session 5. Index 1 (1 Hr) 200.00 0.00% 200.00 8.76
Fortis User Fast Track Session 6. Index 2 (1 Hr) 200.00 0.00% 200.00 8.76
Fortis User Fast Track Session 7. Index 3 (1 Hr) 200.00 0.00% 200.00 8.76
Fortis User Fast Track Session 8. Capture & Index 1 (1 H 200.00 0.00% 200.00 8.76
Fortis User Fast Track Session 9. Capture & Index 2 (1 H 200.00 0.00% 200.00 8.76
Fortis User Fast Track Session 10. Capture & Index 3 (1 200.00 0.00% 200.00 8.76
Fortis User Fast Track Session 11. Queries 1 (1 Hr) 200.00 0.00% 200.00 8.76
Fortis User Fast Track Session 12. Queries 2 (1 Hr) 200.00 0.00% 200.00 8.76
Fortis User Fast Track Session 13. Edit (1 Hr) 200.00 0.00% 200.00 8.76
Fortis User Fast Track Session 14. Output (1 Hr) 200.00 0.00% 200.00 8.76
FortisBlue End User - 1 Day 600.00 0.00% 600.00 26.29
FortisBlue Power User - 4 Days 2,400.00 0.00% 2,400.00 105.17
Certified FortisBlue Administrator (CFBA) - 5 Days 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 131.46
Westbrook Customized Education (Per Day) 1,600.00 0.00% 1,600.00 70.11
XRITE I1IO 2 AUTOMATED SCANNING TABLE 2,950.00 13.04% 2,565.22 121.41
XRITE COLORMUNKI PHOTO 510.00 13.04% 443.48 20.99
XRITE COLORMUNKI DESIGN 510.00 13.04% 443.48 20.99
XRITE COLORMUNKI SMILE 109.00 12.25% 95.65 4.53
XRITE I1DISPLAY PRO 279.00 12.73% 243.48 11.52
XRITE I1BASIC PRO 2 1,399.00 12.98% 1,217.39 57.62
XRITE I1PHOTO PRO 2 1,659.00 12.47% 1,452.17 68.73
XRITE I1 PUBLISH PRO 2 2,499.00 13.01% 2,173.91 102.89
XRITE I1ISIS 2 AUTOMATED CHART READER 3,695.00 13.04% 3,213.04 152.07
XRITE I1ISIS 2 XL AUTOMATED CHART READER 4,750.00 13.04% 4,130.43 195.49
XRITE HARDCASE FOR I1ISIS2 409.00 0.00% 409.00 19.36
XRITE HARDCASE FOR I1ISIS2XL 648.00 0.00% 648.00 30.67
XRITE UPGRADE TO I1PUBLISH PRO2. INCLUDES 1,845.00 12.51% 1,614.13 76.40
XRITE UPGRADE TO I1PUBLISH PRO2 EXCLUDES 880.00 12.55% 769.57 36.42
XRITE I1PUBLISH- BRAND NEW VERSION OF SOFT 1,315.00 13.04% 1,143.48 54.12
Professional Services for Xrite I1Publish Pro2 Profiling S 2,310.00 0.00% 2,310.00 109.33
XRITE COLOR BRIDGE® COATED & UNCOATED 279.00 12.73% 243.48 11.52
XRITE JUDGE QC LIGHT BOOTH WITH DUAL DAYLIGHT 2,210.00 13.04% 1,921.74 90.96
XRITE DIGITAL SG 369.00 12.81% 321.74 15.23
XRITE FM100 HUE TEST 725.00 13.04% 630.43 29.84
XRITE PANTONE CAPSURE 770.00 10.00% 693.00 32.80
XRITE NETPROFILER 3 FOR EXACT 645.00 13.04% 560.87 26.55
XRITE EXACT STANDARD WITHOUT BLUETOOTH FO 5,955.00 13.04% 5,178.26 245.09
XRITE EXACT STANDARD WITHOUT BLUETOOTH FO 5,955.00 13.04% 5,178.26 245.09
XRITE EXACT STANDARD WITHOUT BLUETOOTH FO 5,955.00 13.04% 5,178.26 245.09
XRITE EXACT STANDARD WITHOUT BLUETOOTH FO 5,955.00 12.51% 5,209.78 246.58
XRITE EXACT STANDARD WITH BLUETOOTH FOR NO 6,085.00 13.04% 5,291.30 250.44
XRITE EXACT STANDARD WITH BLUETOOTH FOR N 6,085.00 13.04% 5,291.30 250.44
XRITE EXACT STANDARD WITH BLUETOOTH FOR N 6,085.00 13.04% 5,291.30 250.44
XRITE EXACT STANDARD WITH BLUETOOTH FOR N 6,085.00 12.53% 5,322.83 251.93
XRITE EXACT ADVANCED WITHOUT BLUETOOTH FO 7,570.00 13.04% 6,582.61 311.55
XRITE EXACT ADVANCED WITHOUT BLUETOOTH FO 7,570.00 13.04% 6,582.61 311.55
XRITE EXACT ADVANCED WITHOUT BLUETOOTH FO 7,570.00 13.04% 6,582.61 311.55
XRITE EXACT ADVANCED WITHOUT BLUETOOTH FO 7,570.00 12.53% 6,621.74 313.41
XRITE EXACT ADVANCED WITH BLUETOOTH FOR N 7,570.00 13.04% 6,582.61 311.55
XRITE EXACT ADVANCED WITH BLUETOOTH FOR N 7,570.00 13.04% 6,582.61 311.55
XRITE EXACT ADVANCED WITH BLUETOOTH FOR N 7,570.00 13.04% 6,582.61 311.55
XRITE EXACT ADVANCED WITH BLUETOOTH AMERI 7,570.00 13.04% 6,582.61 311.55
XRITE EXACT CARRYING CASE 112.00 0.00% 112.00 5.30
XRITE EXACT DOCKING STATION 96.00 0.00% 96.00 4.54
XRITE EXACT BATTERY PACK 90.00 0.00% 90.00 4.26
XRITE POWER SUPPLY, AUTO-SWITCHING 100-240V 118.00 0.00% 118.00 5.58
XRITE EXACT USB - BLUETOOTH ADAPTER 91.00 0.00% 91.00 4.31
XRITE FLAT RATE REPAIR FOR I1BASIC PRO OR I1P 570.00 0.00% 570.00 26.98
XRITE EXTENDED WARRANTY FOR EXACT 400.00 0.00% 400.00 18.93
XRITE FULL SERVICE CONTRACT FOR EXACT 1,030.00 0.00% 1,030.00 48.75
XRITE FLAT RATE REPAIR FOR EXACT 1,260.00 0.00% 1,260.00 59.64
FLAT RATE REPAIR 1ISIS2 SCANNER 780.00 0.00% 780.00 36.92
XRITE UPGRADE FOR I1IO SCANNING TABLE (GEN1) 570.00 0.00% 570.00 26.98
XRITE FLAT RATE REPAIR FOR I1IO2 SCANNING TA 700.00 0.00% 700.00 33.13
XRITE PANTONE COLOR CONTROL FREAK 159.00 0.00% 159.00 7.53
XRITE PANTONE INTRODUCTION TO COLOR MANA 1,095.00 0.00% 1,095.00 51.83
XRITE PANTONE ONYX WORKFLOW WORKSHOP 1,943.00 0.00% 1,943.00 91.96
XRITE PANTONE REMOTE ONE-TO-ONE TRNG, PER 293.00 0.00% 293.00 13.87
XRITE PANTONE 1-DAY G7 TRNG AND QUALIFICATIO 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
XRITE PANTONE 2-DAY G7 TRNG AND QUALIFICATIO 5,250.00 0.00% 5,250.00 248.48
XRITE PANTONE 3-DAY G7 TRNG AND QUALIFICATIO 7,500.00 0.00% 7,500.00 354.98
XRITE PANTONE 1-DAY CUST SPECIFIC ON-SITE TR 3,000.00 0.00% 3,000.00 141.99
XRITE PANTONE 2-DAY CUST SPECIFIC ON-SITE TR 5,250.00 0.00% 5,250.00 248.48
XRITE PANTONE 3-DAY CUST SPECIFIC ON-SITE TR 7,500.00 0.00% 7,500.00 354.98
XRITE PANTONE 1-DAY ONSITE AUDIT & CONSULT T 3,750.00 0.00% 3,750.00 177.49
XRITE PANTONE 2-DAY ONSITE AUDIT & CONSULT 7,500.00 0.00% 7,500.00 354.98
XRITE PANTONE 3-DAY ONSITE AUDIT & CONSULT 11,250.00 0.00% 11,250.00 532.46
XRITE PANTONE ESSENTIALS 469.00 0.00% 469.00 22.20
XRITE PANTONE SOLID GUIDE SET 349.00 0.00% 349.00 16.52
XRITE PANTONE REFRENCE LIBRAR 1,479.00 0.00% 1,479.00 70.00
XRITE PANTONE STARTER GUIDE 60.00 0.00% 60.00 2.84
XRITE PANTONE FORMULA GUIDE SET 155.00 0.00% 155.00 7.34
Standard Solution Identifer - Cloud EDM B1 - #DIV/0! - -
Standard Solution Identifer - Cloud EDM A1 - #DIV/0! - -
Standard Solution Identifer - Cloud EDM A2 - #DIV/0! - -
Standard Solution Identifer - Cloud EDM A3 - #DIV/0! - -
Standard Solution Identifer - On Premises EDM B1 - #DIV/0! - -
Standard Solution Identifer - On Premises EDM A1 - #DIV/0! - -
Standard Solution Identifer - On Premises EDM A2 - #DIV/0! - -
Standard Solution Identifer - On Premises EDM A3 - #DIV/0! - -
Standard Solution Identifer - Device Management B1 - #DIV/0! - -
Standard Solution Identifer - Device Management A1 - #DIV/0! - -
Standard Solution Identifer - Device Management A2 - #DIV/0! - -
Standard Solution Identifer - Device Management A3 - #DIV/0! - -
Standard Solution Identifer - Assessment And Cost Reco - #DIV/0! - -
Standard Solution Identifer - Assessment And Cost Reco - #DIV/0! - -
Standard Solution Identifer - Assessment And Cost Reco - #DIV/0! - -
Standard Solution Identifer - Assessment And Cost Reco - #DIV/0! - -
Standard Solution Identifer - Secure Print Release B1 - #DIV/0! - -
Standard Solution Identifer - Secure Print Release A1 - #DIV/0! - -
Standard Solution Identifer - Secure Print Release A2 - #DIV/0! - -
Standard Solution Identifer - Advanced Faxing B1 - #DIV/0! - -
Standard Solution Identifer - Advanced Faxing A1 - #DIV/0! - -
Standard Solution Identifer - Advanced Faxing A2 - #DIV/0! - -
Standard Solution Identifer - Distributed Scan B1 - #DIV/0! - -
Standard Solution Identifer - Distributed Scan A1 - #DIV/0! - -
Standard Solution Identifer - Distributed Scan A2 - #DIV/0! - -
Standard Solution Identifer - Distributed Scan A3 - #DIV/0! - -
Standard Solution Identifer - Integrated Stack Solution B1 - #DIV/0! - -
Standard Solution Identifer - Integrated Stack Solution A1 - #DIV/0! - -
Standard Solution Identifer - Integrated Stack Solution A2 - #DIV/0! - -
KODAK ALARIS I2000/I2900/I3000/I4000 SERIES & 1,400.00 5.00% 1,330.00 62.95
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS CAPTURE PRO SOFTWARE GR 3,893.00 10.00% 3,503.70 165.83
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS CAPTURE PRO GROUP D SO 434.00 5.00% 412.30 19.51
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS CAPTURE PRO GROUP E SO 1,510.00 5.00% 1,434.50 67.89
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS CAPTURE PRO GROUP DX S 6,734.00 0.00% 6,734.00 318.72
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS CAPTURE PRO GROUP B SO 402.00 5.00% 381.90 18.08
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS CAPTURE PRO SOFTWARE GR 7,484.00 0.00% 7,484.00 354.22
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS CAPTURE PRO SOFTWARE GR 6,181.00 0.00% 6,181.00 292.55
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS 3500/3510/3520D CARE KIT PW 3,427.00 0.00% 3,427.00 162.20
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS 1500/2500 CARE KIT PW INC1Y 1,440.00 5.00% 1,368.00 64.75
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS 3520DP CARE KIT PW INC1YR 5,350.00 0.00% 5,350.00 253.22
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS 3590C/4500D CARE KIT PW IN 4,828.00 0.00% 4,828.00 228.51
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I150/I160 CARE KIT PW INC1YR 1,093.00 5.00% 1,038.35 49.15
KODAK ALARIS IMAGING GUIDE I250/I260 Mod.3,I280, 168.00 10.00% 151.20 7.16
KODAK ALARIS I100/I200/I400 FEEDER CONSUMABLE 360.00 10.00% 324.00 15.33
KODAK ALARIS I100/I200/I400 EXTRA LARGE FEED 1,479.00 10.00% 1,331.10 63.00
(disc 01-23-19) KODAK ALARIS I1150WN SCANNER 3 650.00 10.00% 585.00 27.69
KODAK ALARIS I1190WN SCANNER 40 PPM INC1YR 995.00 10.00% 895.50 42.38
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I1150WN CARE KIT AUR NBD 137.00 5.00% 130.15 6.16
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I1150WN CARE KIT AUR NBD 205.00 5.00% 194.75 9.22
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I1150WN CARE KIT AUR NBD 272.00 5.00% 258.40 12.23
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I1190WN CARE KIT AUR NBD 209.00 5.00% 198.55 9.40
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I1190WN CARE KIT AUR NBD 314.00 5.00% 298.30 14.12
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I1190WN CARE KIT AUR NBD 417.00 5.00% 396.15 18.75
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I1400 CARE KIT PW INC1YR 1,084.00 0.00% 1,084.00 51.31
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I1840 CARE KIT PW INC 1YR 9,749.00 0.00% 9,749.00 461.42
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I1860 CARE KIT PW INC1YR 11,704.00 0.00% 11,704.00 553.95
KODAK ALARIS I1800 HIGH RESOLUTION PRINTER M 176.00 10.00% 158.40 7.50
KODAK ALARIS I600/I700/I1800 IMAGING GUIDES 190.00 10.00% 171.00 8.09
KODAK ALARIS I600/I700/I1800 XXL CONSUMABLES K 3,346.00 10.00% 3,011.40 142.53
KODAK I600/I1800 WHITE BACKGRD ACCY 85.00 10.00% 76.50 3.62
KODAK I600/I1800 ULTRALIGHT FEEDER KIT 893.00 10.00% 803.70 38.04
KODAK ALARIS I600/ I700/I1800 CONSUMABLES KIT 483.00 10.00% 434.70 20.57
KODAK ALARIS I600/I700/I1800 EXTRA LARGE CONS 1,844.00 10.00% 1,659.60 78.55
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I250/260/280 CARE KIT PW IN 1,195.00 5.00% 1,135.25 53.73
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I250/260/280 CARE KIT PW 1P 1,615.00 5.00% 1,534.25 72.62
CALIBRATION TARGET PACK FOR I200/3000/4000 S 62.00 10.00% 55.80 2.64
KODAK INK BLOTTERS IR200 SCANNERS 60/PKG 240.00 10.00% 216.00 10.22
KODAK ALARIS I2620 DOCUMENT SCANNER 60PPM 1,195.00 10.00% 1,075.50 47.13
KODAK ALARIS I2620 SCANNER FOR GOVT 60PPM I 1,195.00 10.00% 1,075.50 50.90
KODAK ALARIS I2900 SCANNER 60 PPM INC3MOS A 3,495.00 10.00% 3,145.50 148.88
KODAK ALARIS I2900 SCANNER FOR GOVT 60 PPM 3,495.00 10.00% 3,145.50 148.88
KODAK ALARIS I2820 SCANNER 70 PPM INC3YR AUR 1,695.00 10.00% 1,525.50 72.20
KODAK ALARIS I2820 SCANNER FOR GOVT 70 PPM 1,695.00 10.00% 1,525.50 72.20
KODAK ALARIS I2420 SCANNER 40 PPM INC3YR AUR 895.00 10.00% 805.50 35.30
KODAK ALARIS I2420 SCANNER FOR GOVT 40 PPM 895.00 10.00% 805.50 38.12
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS EXT WAR AUR I2000 CARE KIT 424.00 5.00% 402.80 19.06
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I2900 CARE KIT 1 YR PW AUR 643.00 0.00% 643.00 30.43
[OOD]KODAK ALARIS I2900 CARE KIT EXT WAR ON S 2,143.00 0.00% 2,143.00 101.43
[OOD]KODAK ALARIS I2900 CARE KIT EXT WAR ON S 3,703.00 10.00% 3,332.70 157.74
KODAK ALARIS I3200 SCANNER 50 PPM INC3MOS A 4,495.00 10.00% 4,045.50 191.47
KODAK ALARIS I3200 SCANNER FOR GOVT 50 PPM 3,995.00 10.00% 3,595.50 170.18
KODAK ALARIS I3250 SCANNER 50 PPM INC3MOS A 4,995.00 10.00% 4,495.50 212.77
KODAK ALARIS I3250 SCANNER FOR GOVT 50 PPM 4,495.00 10.00% 4,045.50 191.47
KODAK ALARIS I3400 SCANNER 90 PPM INC3MOS A 5,495.00 10.00% 4,945.50 234.07
KODAK ALARIS I3400 SCANNER FOR GOVT 90 PPM 5,495.00 10.00% 4,945.50 234.07
KODAK ALARIS I3450 SCANNER 80 PPM INC3MOS A 5,995.00 10.00% 5,395.50 255.37
KODAK ALARIS I3450 SCANNER FOR GOVT 80 PPM 5,995.00 10.00% 5,395.50 255.37
[OOD]KODAK ALARIS I32/I34X0 CARE KIT EXT WAR 679.00 0.00% 679.00 32.14
[OOD]KODAK ALARIS I32/I34X0 CARE KIT EXT WAR 2,116.00 0.00% 2,116.00 100.15
[OOD]KODAK ALARIS I32/I34X0 CARE KIT EXT WAR 3,655.00 0.00% 3,655.00 172.99
[OOD]KODAK ALARIS I32/I34X0 CARE KIT EXT WAR 995.00 0.00% 995.00 47.09
[OOD]KODAK ALARIS I32/I34X0 CARE KIT EXT WAR 3,101.00 0.00% 3,101.00 146.77
[OOD]KODAK ALARIS I32/I34X0 CARE KIT EXT WAR 5,356.00 0.00% 5,356.00 253.50
KODAK ALARIS IMAGING GUIDE SET F/ i1400 SCANN 185.00 10.00% 166.50 7.88
KODAK ALARIS I3000 SERIES REAR OUTPUT TRAY 220.00 10.00% 198.00 9.37
KODAK ALARIS I4250 SCANNER 110 PPM INC3MOS O 9,995.00 5.00% 9,495.25 416.08
KODAK ALARIS I4250 SCANNER FOR GOVT 110 PPM 9,995.00 10.00% 8,995.50 425.76
KODAK ALARIS I4650 SCANNER 130 PPM INC3MOS O 14,995.00 10.00% 13,495.50 638.74
KODAK ALARIS I4850 SCANNER 150 PPM INC3MOS O 19,995.00 10.00% 17,995.50 851.73
I4200 Pw Onsite 4Hr Care 2,300.00 0.00% 2,300.00 108.86
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I46X0 CARE KIT PW ONSITE 4 6,143.00 0.00% 6,143.00 290.75
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I4850 CARE KIT EXT WAR ONS 2,338.00 0.00% 2,338.00 110.66
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I4250 CARE KIT EXT WAR ONS 4,445.00 10.00% 4,000.50 189.34
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I4850 CARE KIT EXT WAR ONS 8,156.00 71.69% 2,309.00 109.28
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I4650 CARE KIT EXT WAR ONS 6,423.00 32.42% 4,340.55 205.44
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I4650 CARE KIT EXT WAR ONS 7,198.00 82.15% 1,285.00 60.82
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I4850 CARE KIT EXT WAR ONS 7,285.00 0.00% 7,285.00 344.80
[OOD]KODAK ALARIS I4250 CARE KIT EXT WAR ON S 1,285.00 0.00% 1,285.00 60.82
[OOD]KODAK ALARIS I4250 CARE KIT EXT WAR ON 1,442.00 0.00% 1,442.00 68.25
[OOD]KODAK ALARIS I4250 CARE KIT EXT WAR ON 2,848.00 0.00% 2,848.00 134.80
[OOD]KODAK ALARIS I4250 CARE KIT EXT WAR ON 3,196.00 0.00% 3,196.00 151.27
[OOD]KODAK ALARIS I4850 CARE KIT EXT WAR ON 5,182.00 28.21% 3,720.00 176.07
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I4250 CARE KIT EXT WAR ONS 4,705.00 0.00% 4,705.00 222.69
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I4650 CARE KIT EXT WAR ONS 2,061.00 0.00% 2,061.00 97.55
KODAK ENHANCED PRINTER ACCESSORY FOR I4X5 450.00 10.00% 405.00 19.17
KODAK ALARIS I4000 SRS SCNR PRINTER ACCESSO 453.00 10.00% 407.70 19.30
KODAK ALARIS IMAGING GUIDE SET I4XXX/I5XXX 184.00 10.00% 165.60 7.84
KODAK ALARIS I5850 DOCUMENT SCANNER FOR GO 80,000.00 10.00% 72,000.00 3,407.76
KODAK ALARIS I5250 SCANNER 150 PPM INC3MOS O 30,000.00 10.00% 27,000.00 1,277.91
KODAK ALARIS I5650 SCANNER 180 PPM INC3MOS O 45,000.00 5.00% 42,750.00 1,873.31
KODAK ALARIS I5250V SCANNER 150 PPM INC3MOS 30,000.00 5.00% 28,500.00 1,348.91
KODAK ALARIS I5650V SCANNER 180 PPM FOR GOV 45,000.00 5.00% 42,750.00 2,023.36
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I52X0 CARE KIT EXT WAR 4 H 3,720.00 0.00% 3,720.00 176.07
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I52X0 CARE KIT EXT WAR 4 H 8,246.00 82.51% 1,442.00 68.25
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I52X0 CARE KIT EXT WAR 4 H 11,594.00 0.00% 11,594.00 548.74
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I52X0 CARE KIT PW 4HR 1PM 5,208.00 0.00% 5,208.00 246.49
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I52X0 CARE KIT EXT WAR 4 H 20,968.00 5.00% 19,919.60 942.79
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I5SX0 CARE KIT EXT WAR 4 H 9,896.00 0.00% 9,896.00 468.38
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I52X0 CARE KIT PW 4 HR 1PM 13,280.00 0.00% 13,280.00 628.54
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I56X0 CARE KIT EXT WAR 4 H 5,457.00 0.00% 5,457.00 258.28
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I56X0 CARE KIT EXT WAR 4 H 12,096.00 40.49% 7,198.00 340.68
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I56XO CARE KIT EXT WAR 4HR 18,008.00 0.00% 18,008.00 852.32
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I56X0 CARE KIT EXT WAR 4 H 31,105.00 0.00% 31,105.00 1,472.20
[OOD ]KODAK ALARIS I56X0 CARE KIT PW 4 HR 1PM 7,641.00 0.00% 7,641.00 361.65
[OOD]KODAK ALARIS I56X0 CARE KIT PW 4 HR 1PM 14,518.00 0.00% 14,518.00 687.14
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I56X0 CARE KIT PW 4 HR 1PM 20,631.00 0.00% 20,631.00 976.47
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I58X0 CARE KIT EXT WAR 4 H 8,255.00 11.75% 7,285.00 344.80
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I58X0 CARE KIT EXT WAR 4 H 18,297.00 95.56% 812.25 38.44
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I58X0 CARE KIT EXT WAR 4 H 27,240.00 93.19% 1,854.90 87.79
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I58X0 CARE KIT EXT WAR 4 HR 47,051.00 61.11% 18,297.00 866.00
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I58X0 CARE KIT PW 4 HR 1PM 11,557.00 0.00% 11,557.00 546.99
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I58X0 CARE KIT PW 4 HR 1PM 21,959.00 0.00% 21,959.00 1,039.32
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I58X0 CARE KIT PW 4 HR 1PM 31,205.00 0.00% 31,205.00 1,476.93
KODAK ALARIS ENH PR ACCY FOR-I5000 SERIES S 450.00 10.00% 405.00 19.17
KODAK ALARIS I5X50 ENHANCED PRINTER 450.00 10.00% 405.00 19.17
KODAK ALARIS FEEDER CONSUMABLES KIT FOR I40 406.00 10.00% 365.40 17.29
KODAK ALARIS EXTRA EXTRA LARGE FEEDER CONSU 2,867.00 10.00% 2,580.30 122.13
KODAK ALARIS MANUAL FEEDER I52X0/I56X0 SCAN 1,200.00 0.00% 1,200.00 56.80
KODAK ALARIS I5000 SERIES LEAD EDGE ALIGNME 600.00 10.00% 540.00 25.56
KODAK ALARIS SCANNER ROLLER KIT I55/I65 89.00 10.00% 80.10 3.79
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I610 CARE KIT PW INC1YR 3,841.00 0.00% 3,841.00 181.79
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I610 CARE KIT PW 2PM INC1Y 4,253.00 0.00% 4,253.00 201.29
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I640 CARE KIT PW INC1YR 6,047.00 0.00% 6,047.00 286.20
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I620 CARE KIT PW INC1YR 4,413.00 0.00% 4,413.00 208.87
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I620 CARE KIT PW 2PM INC1Y 4,825.00 0.00% 4,825.00 228.37
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I620 CARE KIT PW 4PM INC1Y 5,359.00 0.00% 5,359.00 253.64
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I660 CARE KIT PW INC1YR 7,681.00 0.00% 7,681.00 363.54
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I730 CARE KIT PW INC1YR 4,786.00 0.00% 4,786.00 226.52
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I780 CARE KIT PW INC1YR 8,406.00 0.00% 8,406.00 397.86
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I750 CARE KIT PW INC1YR 6,303.00 0.00% 6,303.00 298.32
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I810/820 CARE KIT PW INC1YR 10,737.00 0.00% 10,737.00 508.18
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I830/I840 CARE KIT PW INC1YR 13,804.00 0.00% 13,804.00 653.34
KODAK ALARIS SCANMATE I1120 PRE-SEPARATION 65.00 10.00% 58.50 2.77
KODAK -FEED ROLLER 58.00 10.00% 52.20 2.47
KODAK ALARIS SCANMATE I940 SCANNER 20 PPM I 395.00 10.00% 355.50 16.83
KODAK ALARIS SCANMATE I1150 SCANNER 30 PPM 495.00 10.00% 445.50 21.09
KODAK ALARIS SCANMATE I1150 SCANNER FOR GOV 495.00 10.00% 445.50 21.09
KODAK ALARIS I1190E SCANNERS 40 PPM INC3YR A 895.00 10.00% 805.50 35.30
KODAK ALARIS I1190 SCANNER 40 PPM INC3YR AUR 795.00 10.00% 715.50 33.86
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS CARE KIT EXT WAR INC5YR 261.00 0.00% 261.00 12.35
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS ALARIS I11XO CARE KIT EXT 459.00 0.00% 459.00 21.72
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS PM CARE KIT ALL FE SERV EXC 400.00 5.00% 380.00 17.99
KODAK ALARIS I2000/I3000/I4000 SERIES & PHOTO 495.00 10.00% 445.50 21.09
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS CANON DR 7080/7580/9080/45 1,478.00 0.00% 1,478.00 69.95
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS CANON DR 7080/7580/9080/45 1,655.00 0.00% 1,655.00 78.33
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS NGN 9090DB CARE KIT PW 4H 2,965.00 0.00% 2,965.00 140.33
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS NGN 9090DC CARE KIT PW 4H 3,296.00 0.00% 3,296.00 156.00
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS NGN 9125DC CARE KIT PW 4H 4,119.00 0.00% 4,119.00 194.95
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS NGN 9150DC CARE KIT PW 4H 6,942.00 0.00% 6,942.00 328.56
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS NGENUITY 9090DB CARE KIT 5,634.00 0.00% 5,634.00 266.66
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS NGENUITY 9090DB CARE KIT 7,561.00 0.00% 7,561.00 357.86
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS NGENUITY 9090DC CARE KIT 6,262.00 0.00% 6,262.00 296.38
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS NGENUITY 9090DC CARE KIT 8,406.00 0.00% 8,406.00 397.86
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS NGENUITY 9125DC CARE KIT 7,827.00 0.00% 7,827.00 370.45
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS NGENUITY 9125DC CARE KIT 10,505.00 0.00% 10,505.00 497.20
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS NGENUITY 9150DC CARE KIT 13,191.00 0.00% 13,191.00 624.33
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS NGENUITY 9150DC CARE KIT 17,703.00 0.00% 17,703.00 837.88
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS SCN STN 500/520 CARE KIT P 408.00 0.00% 408.00 19.31
KODAK ALARIS SCAN STATION 710 INC3MOS AUR 2,495.00 10.00% 2,245.50 106.28
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS Scan Station 7X0 CARE KIT EX 277.00 5.00% 263.15 12.45
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS Scan Station 7X0 CARE KIT EX 865.00 5.00% 821.75 38.89
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS Scan Station 7X0 CARE KIT EX 1,495.00 5.00% 1,420.25 67.22
KODAK ALARIS STATICIDE WIPES (pack of 144) for DS 85.00 10.00% 76.50 3.62
KODAK ALARIS FEED MODULE for I200/I300/SS5XX/I2 64.00 10.00% 57.60 2.73
KODAK ALARIS SEPARATION MODULE for i1200/I300/ 64.00 10.00% 57.60 2.73
KODAK ALARIS SCAN STATION 710 FOR GOVT INC3 2,495.00 10.00% 2,245.50 98.40
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS TRUPER 3210,3610 CARE PO 1,418.00 0.00% 1,418.00 67.11
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS TRUPER 3210,3610 CARE POS 1,588.00 0.00% 1,588.00 75.16
KODAK ALARIS SHADING SHEET, TRUPER 80.00 10.00% 72.00 3.41
[OOD]KODAK ALARIS I3500 CARE KIT EXT WAR ON S 1,298.00 47.69% 679.00 32.14
[OOD]KODAK ALARIS I3500 CARE KIT EXT WAR ON S 4,045.00 47.69% 2,116.00 100.15
[OOD]KODAK ALARIS I3500 CARE KIT EXT WAR ON S 6,988.00 47.70% 3,655.00 172.99
[OOD]KODAK ALARIS I3500 CARE KIT PW ON SITE N 1,817.00 0.00% 1,817.00 86.00
[OOD]KODAK ALARIS I3500 CARE KIT PW AUR NBD I 855.00 0.00% 855.00 40.47
[OOD]KODAK ALARIS I3500 CARE KIT PW AUR NBD I 2,665.00 0.00% 2,665.00 126.13
[OOD]KODAK ALARIS I3500 CARE KIT PW AUR NBD I 4,603.00 0.00% 4,603.00 217.86
[OOD]KODAK ALARIS I3500 CARE KIT PW AUR NBD I 1,197.00 0.00% 1,197.00 56.65
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I5650S CARE KIT PW 4 HR 1PM 16,789.00 0.00% 16,789.00 794.62
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I5650S CARE KIT EXT WAR 4 13,990.00 80.95% 2,665.00 126.13
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS SCANSTATION 7X0 CARE KIT 371.00 0.00% 371.00 17.56
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I5850S CARE KIT PW 4 HR 1PM 14,459.00 0.00% 14,459.00 684.34
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I5850S CARE KIT EXT WAR 4 34,081.00 86.49% 4,603.00 217.86
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I5650S CARE KIT PW 4 HR 1PM 23,857.00 0.00% 23,857.00 1,129.15
KODAK ALARIS I5850S SCANNER 210 PPM INC3MOS 90,000.00 10.00% 81,000.00 3,833.73
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS CAPTURE PRO GROUP D SO 1,043.00 0.00% 1,043.00 49.37
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS CAPTURE PRO GROUP E SOF 13,336.00 0.00% 13,336.00 631.19
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I42X0 CARE KIT PW ONSITE N 1,800.00 0.00% 1,800.00 85.19
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I42X0 CARE KIT PW ONSITE 4 3,836.00 0.00% 3,836.00 181.56
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I42X0 CARE KIT PW ONSITE N 3,420.00 0.00% 3,420.00 161.87
KODAK ALARIS I6/I7/I14/I14XXX ENHANCED PRINTE 79.00 10.00% 71.10 3.37
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I5650S CARE KIT EXT WAR 4 20,828.00 93.77% 1,298.00 61.43
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I5850S ADDITIONAL PM 2,000.00 0.00% 2,000.00 94.66
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I46X0 CARE KIT PW ONSITE N 2,876.00 0.00% 2,876.00 136.12
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS CAPTURE PRO GROUP E SOF 11,675.00 0.00% 11,675.00 552.58
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS CAPTURE PRO GROUP C SOF 3,328.00 0.00% 3,328.00 157.51
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS CAPTURE PRO GROUP C SOF 2,554.00 0.00% 2,554.00 120.88
KODAK ALARIS I5650V SCANNER FOR GOVT ONSITE 45,000.00 10.00% 40,500.00 1,916.87
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS SCAN STATION 7X0EX CARE K 332.00 0.00% 332.00 15.71
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS CAPTURE PRO GROUP E SOF 9,560.00 0.00% 9,560.00 452.47
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I5850S CARE KIT PW 4 HR 1PM 40,990.00 0.00% 40,990.00 1,940.06
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS SCAN STATION 7X0EX CARE K 1,037.00 0.00% 1,037.00 49.08
KODAK ALARIS I3000 SERIES DOCUMENT EXTENDE 440.00 10.00% 396.00 18.74
KODAK ALARIS I4650 SCANNER FOR GOVT 130 PPM 14,995.00 5.00% 14,245.25 674.23
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I42X0 CARE KIT PW ONSITE N 4,805.00 0.00% 4,805.00 227.42
KODAK ALARIS I5650S SCANNER 180 PPM ONSITE 55,000.00 10.00% 49,500.00 2,342.84
KODAK ALARIS I5250 SCANNER FOR GOVT 150 PPM 30,000.00 5.00% 28,500.00 1,348.91
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I46X0 CARE KIT PW ONSITE N 7,335.00 0.00% 7,335.00 347.17
KODAK ALARIS FEEDER CONSUMABLES KIT FOR I290 250.00 10.00% 225.00 10.65
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I46X0 CARE KIT PW ONSITE 4 3,233.00 0.00% 3,233.00 153.02
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I2900 CARE KIT EXT WAR AUR 1,428.00 0.00% 1,428.00 67.59
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I2900 CARE KIT PW ON SITE 964.00 0.00% 964.00 45.63
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I5850S CARE KIT EXT WAR 4 58,872.00 80.27% 11,617.00 549.83
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I5850S CARE KIT PW 4 HR 1PM 28,845.00 0.00% 28,845.00 1,365.23
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I5650S CARE KIT EXT WAR 4 35,976.00 93.50% 2,338.00 110.66
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I5X50S SYSTEM DESIGN 2,750.00 0.00% 2,750.00 130.16
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS SCAN STATION 7X0EX CARE K 1,792.00 0.00% 1,792.00 84.82
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I5650S CARE KIT EXT WAR 4 6,312.00 0.00% 6,312.00 298.75
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I42X0 CARE KIT PW ONSITE 4 2,019.00 0.00% 2,019.00 95.56
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS SCANSTATION 7X0EX CARE KI 444.00 0.00% 444.00 21.01
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I5850S CARE KIT EXT WAR 4 10,328.00 38.88% 6,312.00 298.75
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I42X0 CARE KIT PW ONSITE 4 5,391.00 0.00% 5,391.00 255.16
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I5850S CARE KIT EXT WAR 4 22,893.00 9.02% 20,828.00 985.79
KODAK ALARIS SCAN STATION 730EX INC3MOS AUR 2,995.00 10.00% 2,695.50 127.58
KODAK ALARIS I5650 SCANNER FOR GOVT 180 PPM 45,000.00 5.00% 42,750.00 2,023.36
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I5X50S JOB CONFIGURATION 1,750.00 5.00% 1,662.50 78.69
KODAK ALARIS I5XXX/I8XX/I2900/I3XX ENHANCED P 125.00 10.00% 112.50 5.32
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I46X0 CARE KIT PW ONSITE 4 8,246.00 0.00% 8,246.00 390.28
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS CAPTURE PRO GROUP C SO 742.00 0.00% 742.00 35.12
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I1190 GSA CARE KIT AUR NB 795.00 0.00% 795.00 37.63
KODAK ALARIS I3500 SCANNER ONSITE NBD INC3M 5,995.00 10.00% 5,395.50 255.37
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I4250 CARE KIT EXT WAR ONS 1,298.00 0.00% 1,298.00 61.43
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I5650S CARE KIT PW 4 HR 1PM 8,836.00 0.00% 8,836.00 418.21
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I46X0 CARE KIT PW ONSITE N 5,465.00 0.00% 5,465.00 258.66
KODAK ALARIS I5250V SCANNER FOR GOVT ONSITE 30,000.00 10.00% 27,000.00 1,277.91
[OOD]KODAK ALARIS I660 2YR CARE KIT POST WAR 14,594.00 0.00% 14,594.00 690.73
KODAK ALARIS SCAN STATION 730EX FOR GOVT IN 2,995.00 10.00% 2,695.50 127.58
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS CONTEX HD3630 PW ONSITE 1,395.00 0.00% 1,395.00 66.03
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I2900 CARE KIT EXT WAR AUR 480.00 0.00% 480.00 22.72
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I1190E GSA CARE KIT AUR N 895.00 0.00% 895.00 42.36
[OOD] KODAK ALARIS I4650 CARE KIT EXT WAR ONS 2,309.00 0.00% 2,309.00 109.28
ScanSnap Scanners
Fujitsu S1100 Doc Scanner 8Ppm Color 199.00 0.00% 199.00 9.42
Fujitsu S1100 Deluxe Bundle Scanner 249.00 0.00% 249.00 11.79
ScanSnap S1500 - Document scanner - Duplex - 8.5 in x 14 495.00 5.05% 470.00 22.25
ScanSnap S1500M - Document scanner - Duplex - 8.5 in x 1 495.00 5.05% 470.00 22.25
FUJITSU SCANSNAP S1300I SCANNER 295.00 5.76% 278.00 13.16
(disc 08-10-16) Fujitsu Scansnap S1300I Del Bundle 349.00 0.00% 349.00 16.52
Fujitsu Scansnap N1800 Network Scanner 1,895.00 9.97% 1,706.00 80.74
(disc 06-29-16) Fujitsu Fi 6010N Document Scanner 2,995.00 0.00% 2,995.00 141.75
Fujitsu Fi 6110 Color Scanner W/Dup 1,277.76 10.00% 1,150.00 54.43
Fujitsu Fi-6230Z Scanner 40 Ppm Color 1,995.00 9.97% 1,796.00 85.00
Fujitsu Fi6140Z Doc Scan Color 40Ppm 1,995.00 9.97% 1,796.00 85.00
Fujitsu Fi 6240Z Doc Scan 2,495.00 9.98% 2,246.00 106.30
Fujitsu Fi5530C2 Doc Scan 50Ppm 600X600 Dpi 3,995.00 9.99% 3,596.00 170.20
fi-6770 70 PPM / 140 IPM Portrait Color Scanner, 90 PP 7,995.00 9.99% 7,196.00 340.59
Low-Volume Production
FUJITSU FI-6670 SCANNER 70 PPM 5,995.00 9.99% 5,396.00 255.39
fi-6670A - 90 PPM, Duplex, 200 page ADF, SCSI and US 6,995.00 9.99% 6,296.00 297.99
fi-6670A - 90 PPM, Duplex, 200 page ADF, SCSI and US 6,995.00 18.60% 5,693.68 269.48
Mid-Volume Production Scanners
Fujitsu Fi-5950 Document Scanner 24,995.00 10.00% 22,496.00 1,064.74
Mid-Volume Production Accessories
Fujitsu Prescan Imprinter 1,995.00 9.97% 1,796.00 85.00
Fujitsu Postscan Imprinter W/ O/S Instlatn 1,995.00 7.02% 1,855.00 87.80
ScanSnap Scanners
Fujitsu S1500 2 Yr Adv Exchg 169.00 6.51% 158.00 7.48
Fujitsu S1500 3 Yr Adv Exchg 199.00 6.53% 186.00 8.80
Fujitsu S1500 Ctrm Adv Exchg 9.00 0.00% 9.00 0.43
Fujitsu S1500 1 Yr Depot 99.00 7.07% 92.00 4.35
Fujitsu S1500M 1 Yr Adv Exchg 99.00 7.07% 92.00 4.35
Fujitsu S1500M 2 Yr Adv Exchg 169.00 6.51% 158.00 7.48
Fujitsu S1500M 3 Yr Adv Exchg 199.00 6.53% 186.00 8.80
Fujitsu S1500M Ctrm Adv Exchg 9.00 0.00% 9.00 0.43
Fujitsu S1500M 1 Yr Depot 99.00 7.07% 92.00 4.35
FUJITSU SCANSNAP IX100 SCANNER INC1YR DEPOT 229.00 7.00% 212.97 10.08
FUJITSU SCANSNAP IX100 CASE 26.99 7.00% 25.10 1.19
FUJITSU SCANSNAP IX100 SOFT CASE 26.99 7.00% 25.10 1.19
[OOD] FUJITSU IX500 ADVANCE EXCHANGE, 8X5X24 199.00 0.00% 199.00 9.42
[OOD] FUJITSU IX500 CO-TERM ADVANCE EXCHANG 9.00 0.00% 9.00 0.43
(disc 01-02-19) FUJITSU SCANSNAP IX500 SCANNE 495.00 5.00% 470.25 22.26

Fujitsu Fi-60F Document Scanner 395.00 9.87% 356.00 16.85

[OOD] FUJITSU FI-5015C ADVANCE EXCHANGE 8X5X 99.00 7.07% 92.00 4.35
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-5015C ADVANCE EXCHANGE 8X5X 169.00 6.51% 158.00 7.48
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-5015C ADVANCE EXCHANGE 8X5X 199.00 6.53% 186.00 8.80
Fujitsu Fi-5015C Ctrm Adv Exchg 9.00 0.00% 9.00 0.43
Fujitsu Fi-5015C 1 Yr Depot 99.00 7.07% 92.00 4.35
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6130 ADVANCE EXCHANGE 8X5X2 199.00 6.53% 186.00 8.80
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6130 CO-TERM ADVANCE EXCHA 9.00 0.00% 9.00 0.43
Fujitsu Fi-6130 1 Yr Depot 99.00 7.07% 92.00 4.35
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6130Z ADVANCE EXCHANGE 8X5X 199.00 6.53% 186.00 8.80
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6140 ADVANCE EXCHANGE 8X5X 119.00 0.00% 119.00 5.63
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6140 ADVANCE EXCHANGE 8X5X2 199.00 0.00% 199.00 9.42
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6140 ADVANCE EXCHANGE 8X5X2 239.00 0.00% 239.00 11.31
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6140 BASIC NBD 8X5X24 INC1YR 595.00 0.00% 595.00 28.16
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6140 BASIC NBD 8X5X24 INC2YR 835.00 0.00% 835.00 39.52
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6140 BASIC NBD 8X5X24 INC3YR 1,325.00 0.00% 1,325.00 62.71
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6140 CO-TERM BASIC NBD 8X5X2 49.00 0.00% 49.00 2.32
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6140 CO-TERM ADVANCE EXCHA 11.00 0.00% 11.00 0.52
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6140 DEPOT 5-DAY REPAIR & R 119.00 0.00% 119.00 5.63
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6140Z BASIC NBD 8X5X24 INC1YR 495.00 6.87% 461.00 21.82
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6140Z BASIC NBD 8X5X24 INC2YR 695.00 6.33% 651.00 30.81
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6140Z BASIC NBD 8X5X24 INC3YR 1,105.00 6.79% 1,030.00 48.75
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6140Z CO-TERM BASIC NBD 8X5X 41.00 4.88% 39.00 1.85
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6140Z ADVANCE EXCHANGE 8X5X 99.00 7.07% 92.00 4.35
Fujitsu 6140Z 2Yr Adv Exchg 169.00 7.10% 157.00 7.43
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6140Z ADVANCE EXCHANGE 8X5X 199.00 7.04% 185.00 8.76
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6140Z CO-TERM ADVANCE EXCH 9.00 0.00% 9.00 0.43
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6140Z DEPOT, 5-DAY REPAIR & 99.00 7.07% 92.00 4.35
Fujitsu Fi-6230 2 Yr Adv Exchg 169.00 5.92% 159.00 7.53
Fujitsu Fi-6230 3 Yr Adv Exchg 199.00 6.53% 186.00 8.80
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6230 CO-TERM ADVANCE EXCHA 9.00 0.00% 9.00 0.43
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6230Z ADVANCE EXCHANGE 8X5X 199.00 7.04% 185.00 8.76
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6240 BASIC NBD 8X5X24 INC1YR 595.00 0.00% 595.00 28.16
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6240 BASIC NBD 8X5X24 INC2YR 835.00 0.00% 835.00 39.52
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6240 BASIC NBD 8X5X24 INC3YR 1,325.00 0.00% 1,325.00 62.71
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6240 CO-TERM BASIC NBD 8X5X2 49.00 0.00% 49.00 2.32
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6240 ADVANCE EXCHANGE 8X5X 119.00 0.00% 119.00 5.63
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6240 ADVANCE EXCHANGE 8X5X2 199.00 0.00% 199.00 9.42
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6240 ADVANCE EXCHANGE 8X5X2 239.00 0.00% 239.00 11.31
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6240 CO-TERM ADVANCE EXCHA 11.00 0.00% 11.00 0.52
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6240 DEPOT 5-DAY REPAIR & R 99.00 7.07% 92.00 4.35
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6240Z BASIC NBD 8X5X24 INC1YR 495.00 6.87% 461.00 21.82
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6240Z BASIC NBD 8X5X24 INC2YR 695.00 6.33% 651.00 30.81
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6240Z BASIC NBD 8X5X24 INC3YR 1,105.00 6.79% 1,030.00 48.75
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6240Z ADVANCE EXCHANGE 8X5 99.00 7.07% 92.00 4.35
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6240Z ADVANCE EXCHANGE 8X5X 169.00 7.10% 157.00 7.43
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6240Z ADVANCE EXCHANGE 8X5X 199.00 7.04% 185.00 8.76
FUJITSU FI-6400 SCANNER 100 PPM INC3MOS ONSI 12,995.00 10.00% 11,695.50 553.55
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6400 BASIC NBD, POST WARR 8X 2,290.00 0.00% 2,290.00 108.39
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6400 BASIC NBD 8X5X24 INC2YR 3,705.00 0.00% 3,705.00 175.36
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6400 BASIC NBD 8X5X24 INC3YR 5,330.00 0.00% 5,330.00 252.27
[OOD] FUJITSU FUJITSU FI-6400 CO-TERM BASIC 191.00 0.00% 191.00 9.04
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6400 BASIC 4 HR, POST WARR 8 3,055.00 0.00% 3,055.00 144.59
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6400 BASIC 4 HR 8X5X4 INC3YR 7,285.00 0.00% 7,285.00 344.80
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6400 SCANCARE, POST WARR 8X 4,755.00 0.00% 4,755.00 225.05
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6400 SCANCARE NBD 8X5X24 IN 7,980.00 0.00% 7,980.00 377.69
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6400 SCANCARE NBD 8X5X24 IN 11,330.00 0.00% 11,330.00 536.25
FUJITSU FI-65F SCANNER INC1YR DEPOT 395.00 17.07% 327.59 15.50
FUJITSU FI-5530C2 SCANNER 50 PPM INC3MOS ONS 3,995.00 10.00% 3,595.50 170.18
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-5530C2 BASIC NBD, POST WARR 795.00 6.29% 745.00 35.26
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-5650C BASIC NBD, POST WARR 8 1,579.00 0.00% 1,579.00 74.73
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-5650C CO-TERM BASIC NBD, PO 131.00 0.00% 131.00 6.20
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-5650C BASIC 4 HR, POST WARR 2,239.00 0.00% 2,239.00 105.97
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-5650C BASIC 24/7, POST WARR 2 3,597.00 0.00% 3,597.00 170.25
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-5650C SCANCARE NBD, POST W 2,370.00 0.00% 2,370.00 112.17
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-5650C SCANCARE 4 HR, POST W 3,031.00 0.00% 3,031.00 143.46
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-5650C SCANCARE 24/7, POST W 2,985.00 0.00% 2,985.00 141.28
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-5650C ADV EXC NBD, POST WAR 1,314.00 0.00% 1,314.00 62.19
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-5650C DEPOT 5-DAY REPAIR & 1,314.00 0.00% 1,314.00 62.19
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-5750C BASIC NBD, POST WARR 1,579.00 0.00% 1,579.00 74.73
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-5750C CO-TERM BASIC NBD, PO 131.00 0.00% 131.00 6.20
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-5750C BASIC 4 HR, POST WARR 2,239.00 0.00% 2,239.00 105.97
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-5750C BASIC 24/7, POST WARR 3,597.00 0.00% 3,597.00 170.25
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-5750C SCANCARE NBD, POST W 2,370.00 0.00% 2,370.00 112.17
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-5750C SCANCARE 4 HR, POST W 3,031.00 0.00% 3,031.00 143.46
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-5750C SCANCARE 24/7, POST W 3,944.00 0.00% 3,944.00 186.67
Fujitsu Fi-4340C 1St Yr Bas Nbd In Wr 695.00 0.00% 695.00 32.89
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-4340C BASIC NBD, POST WARR 8 795.00 0.00% 795.00 37.63
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-4340C BASIC NBD 8X5X24 INC2YR 1,385.00 0.00% 1,385.00 65.55
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-4340C BASIC NBD 8X5X24 INC3YR 1,940.00 0.00% 1,940.00 91.82
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-4340C CO-TERM BASIC NBD, WA 66.00 0.00% 66.00 3.12
Fujitsu Fi-4340C 1St Yr Bas 4 Hr In Wr 1,095.00 0.00% 1,095.00 51.83
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-4340C BASIC 4 HR, POST WARR 1,195.00 0.00% 1,195.00 56.56
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-4340C BASIC 4 HR 8X5X4 INC2YR 2,130.00 0.00% 2,130.00 100.81
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-4340C BASIC 4 HR 8X5X4 INC3YR 2,960.00 0.00% 2,960.00 140.10
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-4340C CO-TERM BASIC 4 HR, W 100.00 0.00% 100.00 4.73
Fujitsu Fi-4340C 1St Yr Scncr Nbd In Wr 1,195.00 0.00% 1,195.00 56.56
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-4340C SCANCARE NBD, POST WA 1,295.00 0.00% 1,295.00 61.29
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-4340C SCANCARE NBD 8X5X24 I 2,315.00 0.00% 2,315.00 109.57
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-4340C SCANCARE NBD 8X5X24 I 3,215.00 0.00% 3,215.00 152.17
Fujitsu Fi-4340C 1St Yr Scncr 4 Hr In Wr 1,595.00 0.00% 1,595.00 75.49
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-4340C SCANCARE 4 HR, POST W 1,695.00 0.00% 1,695.00 80.22
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-4340C SCANCARE 4 HR 8X5X4 IN 3,060.00 0.00% 3,060.00 144.83
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-4340C SCANCARE 4 HR 8X5X4 IN 4,235.00 0.00% 4,235.00 200.44
Fujitsu Fi-4340C 1St Yr Adv Exch Nbd In Wr 695.00 0.00% 695.00 32.89
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-4340C ADV EXC NBD, POST WARR 795.00 0.00% 795.00 37.63
Fujitsu Fi4340C 1St Yr Dpt 5Dy Rpr&Rtrn In Wr 595.00 0.00% 595.00 28.16
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-4340C DEPOT 5-DAY REPAIR & 695.00 0.00% 695.00 32.89
Fujitsu Fi-6010N 1 Yr Bas Nbd Post Wr 695.00 0.00% 695.00 32.89
Fujitsu Fi-6010N 2 Yr Bas Nbd 1,105.00 0.00% 1,105.00 52.30
Fujitsu Fi-6010N 3 Yr Bas Nbd 1,600.00 0.00% 1,600.00 75.73
Fujitsu Fi-6010N Ctrm Bas Nbd Wr&Pst Wr 58.00 0.00% 58.00 2.75
Fujitsu Fi-6010N 1 Yr Bas 4 Hr Post Wr 1,095.00 0.00% 1,095.00 51.83
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6010N BASIC 4 HR 8X5X4 INC2YR 1,850.00 0.00% 1,850.00 87.56
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6010N BASIC 4 HR 8X5X4 INC3YR 2,625.00 0.00% 2,625.00 124.24
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6010N CO-TERM BASIC 4 HR, W 91.00 0.00% 91.00 4.31
Fujitsu Fi-6010N 1 Yr Scncr Nbd Post Wr 1,195.00 0.00% 1,195.00 56.56
Fujitsu Fi-6010N 2 Yr Scncr Nbd 2,035.00 0.00% 2,035.00 96.32
Fujitsu Fi-6010N 3 Yr Scncr Nbd 2,875.00 0.00% 2,875.00 136.07
Fujitsu Fi-6010N 1 Yr Scncr 4 Hr Post Wr 1,595.00 0.00% 1,595.00 75.49
Fujitsu Fi-6010N 2 Yr Scncr 4 Hr 2,780.00 0.00% 2,780.00 131.58
Fujitsu Fi-6010N 3 Yr Scncr 4 Hr 3,895.00 0.00% 3,895.00 184.35
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6010N ADV EXC NBD, POST WARR 695.00 0.00% 695.00 32.89
Fujitsu Fi6010N 1Yr Depot 5Dy Rpr&Rtrn Pst Wr 695.00 0.00% 695.00 32.89
FUJITSU N7100 SCANNER 25 PPM INC1YR DEPOT 1,895.00 10.00% 1,705.50 80.72
[OOD] FUJITSU N7100 BASIC NBD 8X5X24 INC1YR 495.00 0.00% 495.00 23.43
[OOD] FUJITSU N7100 BASIC NBD 8X5X24 INC2YR 695.00 0.00% 695.00 32.89
[OOD] FUJITSU N7100 BASIC NBD 8X5X24 INC3YR 1,105.00 0.00% 1,105.00 52.30
[OOD] FUJITSU N7100 ADVANCE EXCHANGE NBD 8X 225.00 0.00% 225.00 10.65
[OOD] FUJITSU N7100 ADVANCE EXCHANGE NBD 8X 385.00 0.00% 385.00 18.22
[OOD] FUJITSU N7100 ADVANCE EXCHANGE NBD 8X 540.00 0.00% 540.00 25.56
[OOD] FUJITSU PAPERSTREAM CAPTURE PRO DEPAR 1,079.00 0.00% 1,079.00 51.07
[OOD] FUJITSU PAPERSTREAM CAPTURE PRO LOW-V 2,399.00 0.00% 2,399.00 113.54
[OOD] FUJITSU PAPERSTREAM CAPTURE PRO MID-VO 4,799.00 0.00% 4,799.00 227.14
[OOD] FUJITSU PAPERSTREAM CAPTURE PRO QC/ 469.00 5.00% 445.55 21.09
[OOD] FUJITSU PAPERSTREAM CAPTURE PRO IMP 2,399.00 0.00% 2,399.00 113.54
[OOD] FUJITSU PAPERSTREAM CAPTURE PRO LO 400.00 0.00% 400.00 18.93
[OOD] FUJITSU DEPARTMENTAL, LOW-VOLUME AND 450.00 0.00% 450.00 21.30
[OOD] FUJITSU DEPARTMENTAL, LOW-VOLUME AND 450.00 0.00% 450.00 21.30
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6670 BASIC NBD, POST WARR 8X 1,095.00 0.00% 1,095.00 51.83
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6670 BASIC NBD 8X5X24 INC2YR 1,945.00 0.00% 1,945.00 92.06
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6670 BASIC NBD 8X5X24 INC3YR 2,705.00 0.00% 2,705.00 128.03
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6670 CO-TERM BASIC NBD, WAR 91.00 0.00% 91.00 4.31
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6670 BASIC 4 HR, POST WARR 8X 1,595.00 0.00% 1,595.00 75.49
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6670 BASIC 4 HR 8X5X4 INC2YR 2,875.00 0.00% 2,875.00 136.07
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6670 BASIC 4 HR 8X5X4 INC3YR 3,980.00 0.00% 3,980.00 188.37
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6670 CO-TERM BASIC 4 HR, WA 133.00 0.00% 133.00 6.29
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6670 BASIC 24/7, POST WARR 24 2,725.00 0.00% 2,725.00 128.97
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6670 BASIC 24/7 POST WARR 24X 4,465.00 0.00% 4,465.00 211.33
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6670 BASIC 24/7 POST WARR 24X 6,395.00 0.00% 6,395.00 302.68
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6670 CO-TERM BASIC 24/7, WAR 227.00 0.00% 227.00 10.74
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6670 SCANCARE NBD, POST WAR 1,695.00 0.00% 1,695.00 80.22
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6670 SCANCARE NBD 8X5X24 INC 2,965.00 0.00% 2,965.00 140.33
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6670 SCANCARE NBD 8X5X24 INC 4,150.00 0.00% 4,150.00 196.42
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6670 SCANCARE 4 HR, POST WA 2,195.00 0.00% 2,195.00 103.89
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6670 SCANCARE 4 HR 8X5X4 INC 3,895.00 0.00% 3,895.00 184.35
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6670 SCANCARE 4 HR 8X5X4 INC 5,425.00 0.00% 5,425.00 256.77
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6670 SCANCARE 24/7, POST WAR 2,985.00 0.00% 2,985.00 141.28
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6670 SCANCARE 24/7 POST WARR 4,825.00 0.00% 4,825.00 228.37
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6670 SCANCARE 24/7 POST WARR 6,950.00 0.00% 6,950.00 328.94
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6670 ADV EXC NBD, POST WARR 1,095.00 0.00% 1,095.00 51.83
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6670 DEPOT 5-DAY REPAIR & RE 995.00 0.00% 995.00 47.09
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6670A BASIC NBD, POST WARR 8 1,095.00 0.00% 1,095.00 51.83
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6670A BASIC NBD 8X5X24 INC2YR 1,945.00 0.00% 1,945.00 92.06
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6670A BASIC NBD 8X5X24 INC3YR 2,705.00 0.00% 2,705.00 128.03
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6670A CO-TERM BASIC NBD, WA 91.00 0.00% 91.00 4.31
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6670A BASIC 4 HR, POST WARR 8 1,595.00 0.00% 1,595.00 75.49
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6670A BASIC 4 HR 8X5X4 INC2YR 2,875.00 0.00% 2,875.00 136.07
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6670A BASIC 4 HR 8X5X4 INC3YR 3,980.00 0.00% 3,980.00 188.37
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6670A CO-TERM BASIC 4 HR, W 133.00 0.00% 133.00 6.29
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6670A BASIC 24/7, POST WARR 2 2,725.00 0.00% 2,725.00 128.97
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6670A BASIC 24/7 POST WARR 24 4,465.00 0.00% 4,465.00 211.33
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6670A BASIC 24/7 POST WARR 24 6,395.00 0.00% 6,395.00 302.68
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6670A CO-TERM BASIC 24/7, W 227.00 0.00% 227.00 10.74
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6670A SCANCARE NBD, POST WA 1,695.00 0.00% 1,695.00 80.22
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6670A SCANCARE NBD 8X5X24 I 2,965.00 0.00% 2,965.00 140.33
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6670A SCANCARE NBD 8X5X24 I 4,150.00 0.00% 4,150.00 196.42
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6670A SCANCARE 4 HR, POST W 2,195.00 0.00% 2,195.00 103.89
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6670A SCANCARE 4 HR 8X5X4 IN 3,895.00 0.00% 3,895.00 184.35
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6670A SCANCARE 4 HR 8X5X4 IN 5,425.00 0.00% 5,425.00 256.77
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6670A SCANCARE 24/7, POST WA 2,985.00 0.00% 2,985.00 141.28
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6670A SCANCARE 24/7 POST WA 4,825.00 0.00% 4,825.00 228.37
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6670A SCANCARE 24/7 POST WA 6,950.00 0.00% 6,950.00 328.94
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6670A ADV EXC NBD, POST WARR 1,095.00 0.00% 1,095.00 51.83
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6670A DEPOT 5-DAY REPAIR & 995.00 0.00% 995.00 47.09
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6770 BASIC NBD, POST WARR 8X 1,095.00 0.00% 1,095.00 51.83
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6770 BASIC NBD 8X5X24 INC2YR 1,945.00 0.00% 1,945.00 92.06
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6770 BASIC NBD 8X5X24 INC3YR 2,705.00 0.00% 2,705.00 128.03
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6770 CO-TERM BASIC NBD, WAR 91.00 0.00% 91.00 4.31
Fujitsu Fi-6770 1 Yr Bas 4 Hr Post Wr 1,595.00 0.00% 1,595.00 75.49
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6770 BASIC 4 HR 8X5X4 INC2YR 2,875.00 0.00% 2,875.00 136.07
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6770 BASIC 4 HR 8X5X4 INC3YR 3,980.00 0.00% 3,980.00 188.37
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6770 CO-TERM BASIC 4 HR, WA 133.00 0.00% 133.00 6.29
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6770 BASIC 24/7, POST WARR 24 2,725.00 0.00% 2,725.00 128.97
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6770 BASIC 24/7 POST WARR 24X 4,465.00 0.00% 4,465.00 211.33
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6770 BASIC 24/7 POST WARR 24X 6,395.00 0.00% 6,395.00 302.68
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6770 CO-TERM BASIC 24/7, WAR 227.00 0.00% 227.00 10.74
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6770 SCANCARE NBD, POST WAR 1,695.00 0.00% 1,695.00 80.22
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6770 SCANCARE NBD 8X5X24 INC 2,965.00 0.00% 2,965.00 140.33
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6770 SCANCARE NBD 8X5X24 INC 4,150.00 0.00% 4,150.00 196.42
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6770 SCANCARE 4 HR, POST WA 2,195.00 0.00% 2,195.00 103.89
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6770 SCANCARE 4 HR 8X5X4 INC 3,895.00 0.00% 3,895.00 184.35
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6770 SCANCARE 4 HR 8X5X4 INC 5,425.00 0.00% 5,425.00 256.77
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6770 SCANCARE 24/7, POST WAR 2,985.00 0.00% 2,985.00 141.28
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6770 SCANCARE 24/7 POST WARR 4,825.00 0.00% 4,825.00 228.37
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6770 SCANCARE 24/7 POST WARR 6,950.00 0.00% 6,950.00 328.94
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6770A BASIC NBD, POST WARR 8 1,095.00 0.00% 1,095.00 51.83
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6770A BASIC NBD 8X5X24 INC3YR 1,945.00 0.00% 1,945.00 92.06
Fujitsu Fi-6770A 3 Yr Bas Nbd 2,705.00 0.00% 2,705.00 128.03
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6770A CO-TERM BASIC NBD, WA 91.00 0.00% 91.00 4.31
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6770A BASIC 4 HR, POST WARR 8 1,595.00 0.00% 1,595.00 75.49
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6770A BASIC 4 HR 8X5X4 INC2YR 2,875.00 0.00% 2,875.00 136.07
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6770A BASIC 4 HR 8X5X4 INC3YR 3,980.00 0.00% 3,980.00 188.37
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6770A CO-TERM BASIC 4 HR, W 133.00 0.00% 133.00 6.29
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6770A BASIC 24/7, POST WARR 2 2,725.00 0.00% 2,725.00 128.97
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6770A BASIC 24/7 POST WARR 24 4,465.00 0.00% 4,465.00 211.33
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6770A BASIC 24/7 POST WARR 24 6,395.00 0.00% 6,395.00 302.68
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6770A CO-TERM BASIC 24/7, W 227.00 0.00% 227.00 10.74
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6770A SCANCARE NBD, POST WA 1,695.00 0.00% 1,695.00 80.22
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6770A SCANCARE NBD 8X5X24 I 2,965.00 0.00% 2,965.00 140.33
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6770A SCANCARE NBD 8X5X24 I 4,150.00 0.00% 4,150.00 196.42
Fujitsu Fi-6770A 1 Yr Scncr 4 Hr Post Wr 2,195.00 0.00% 2,195.00 103.89
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6770A SCANCARE 4 HR 8X5X4 IN 3,895.00 0.00% 3,895.00 184.35
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6770A SCANCARE 4 HR 8X5X4 IN 5,425.00 0.00% 5,425.00 256.77
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6770A SCANCARE 24/7, POST WA 2,985.00 0.00% 2,985.00 141.28
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6770A SCANCARE 24/7 POST WA 4,825.00 0.00% 4,825.00 228.37
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6770A SCANCARE 24/7 POST WA 6,950.00 0.00% 6,950.00 328.94
Fujitsu Fi-5900C 1St Yr Bas Nbd In Wr 1,995.00 0.00% 1,995.00 94.42
Fujitsu Fi-5900C 1 Yr Bas Nbd Post Wr 3,558.00 0.00% 3,558.00 168.40
Fujitsu Fi-5900C 2 Yr Bas Nbd 4,360.00 0.00% 4,360.00 206.36
fi-5900C 3 Year Basic NBD 6,275.00 0.00% 6,275.00 297.00
Fujitsu Fi-5900C Ctrm Bas Nbd Wr&Pst Wr 297.00 0.00% 297.00 14.06
Fujitsu Fi-5900C 1St Yr Bas 4 Hr In Wr 2,895.00 0.00% 2,895.00 137.02
Fujitsu Fi-5900C 1 Yr Bas 4 Hr Post Wr 4,747.00 0.00% 4,747.00 224.68
Fujitsu Fi-5900C 2 Yr Bas 4 Hr 6,035.00 0.00% 6,035.00 285.64
Fujitsu Fi-5900C 3 Yr Bas 4 Hr 8,570.00 0.00% 8,570.00 405.62
Fujitsu Fi-5900C Ctrm Bas 4 Hr Wr&Pst Wr 396.00 0.00% 396.00 18.74
Fujitsu Fi-5900C 1St Yr Bas 24/7 In Wr 3,765.00 0.00% 3,765.00 178.20
Fujitsu Fi-5900C 1 Yr Bas 24/7 Post Wr 6,172.00 0.00% 6,172.00 292.12
Fujitsu Fi-5900C 2 Yr Bas 24/7 7,850.00 0.00% 7,850.00 371.54
Fujitsu Fi-5900C 3 Yr Bas 24/7 11,150.00 0.00% 11,150.00 527.73
Fujitsu Fi-5900C Ctrm Bas 24/7 Wr&Pst Wr 517.00 0.00% 517.00 24.47
Fujitsu Fi-5900C 1St Yr Scncr Nbd In Wr 4,495.00 0.00% 4,495.00 212.75
Fujitsu Fi-5900C 1 Yr Scncr Post Wr 7,387.00 0.00% 7,387.00 349.63
Fujitsu Fi-5900C 2 Yr Scncr Nbd 9,390.00 0.00% 9,390.00 444.43
Fujitsu Fi-5900C 3 Yr Scncr Nbd 13,330.00 0.00% 13,330.00 630.91
Fujitsu Fi-5900C 1St Yr Scncr 4 Hr In Wr 5,395.00 0.00% 5,395.00 255.35
Fujitsu Fi-5900C 1 Yr Scncr 4 Hr Post Wr 8,575.00 0.00% 8,575.00 405.85
Fujitsu Fi-5900C 2 Yr Scncr 4 Hr 11,060.00 0.00% 11,060.00 523.47
Fujitsu Fi-5900C 3 Yr Scncr 4 Hr 15,625.00 0.00% 15,625.00 739.53
Fujitsu Fi-5900C 1St Yr Scncr 24/7 In Wr 7,015.00 0.00% 7,015.00 332.02
Fujitsu Fi-5900C 1 Yr Scncr 24/7 Post Wr 11,149.00 0.00% 11,149.00 527.68
Fujitsu Fi-5900C 2 Yr Scncr 24/7 14,380.00 0.00% 14,380.00 680.61
Fujitsu Fi-5900C 3 Yr Scncr 24/7 20,320.00 0.00% 20,320.00 961.75
FUJITSU FI-7180 SCANNER 80 PPM 1,995.00 4.24% 1,910.34 90.42
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-7180 BASIC NBD 8X5X24 INC1YR 495.00 0.00% 495.00 23.43
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-7180 BASIC NBD 8X5X24 INC2YR 695.00 0.00% 695.00 32.89
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-7180 BASIC NBD 8X5X24 INC3YR 1,105.00 0.00% 1,105.00 52.30
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-7180 ADVANCE EXCHANGE 8X5X 99.00 0.00% 99.00 4.69
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-7180 ADVANCE EXCHANGE 8X5X2 169.00 0.00% 169.00 8.00
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-7180 ADVANCE EXCHANGE 8X5X2 199.00 0.00% 199.00 9.42
FUJITSU FI-7260 SCANNER 60 PPM 1,995.00 17.90% 1,637.93 77.52
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-7280 BASIC NBD 8X5X24 INC1YR 495.00 0.00% 495.00 23.43
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-7280 BASIC NBD 8X5X24 INC2YR 695.00 0.00% 695.00 32.89
FUJITSU FI-7160 SCANNER DELUXE BUNDLE 60 PPM 1,495.00 17.96% 1,226.44 58.05
FUJITSU FI-7160 SCANNER 60 PPM REFURBISHED I 777.00 0.00% 777.00 36.78
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-5950 BASIC NBD, POST WARR 8X 2,695.00 0.00% 2,695.00 127.55
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-5950 BASIC NBD 8X5X24 INC2YR 4,360.00 0.00% 4,360.00 206.36
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-5950 BASIC NBD 8X5X24 INC3YR 6,275.00 0.00% 6,275.00 297.00
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-5950 CO-TERM BASIC NBD, WAR 225.00 0.00% 225.00 10.65
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-5950 BASIC 4 HR, POST WARR 8 3,595.00 0.00% 3,595.00 170.15
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-5950 BASIC 4 HR 8X5X4 INC2YR 6,035.00 0.00% 6,035.00 285.64
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-5950 BASIC 4 HR 8X5X4 INC3YR 8,570.00 0.00% 8,570.00 405.62
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-5950 CO-TERM BASIC 4 HR, WA 300.00 0.00% 300.00 14.20
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-5950 BASIC 24/7, POST WARR 24 4,675.00 0.00% 4,675.00 221.27
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-5950 BASIC 24/7 24X7X4 INC2YR 7,850.00 0.00% 7,850.00 371.54
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-5950 BASIC 24/7 24X7X4 INC3YR 11,150.00 0.00% 11,150.00 527.73
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-5950 CO-TERM BASIC 24/7, WAR 390.00 0.00% 390.00 18.46
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-5950 SCANCARE NBD, POST WA 5,595.00 0.00% 5,595.00 264.81
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-5950 SCANCARE NBD 8X5X24 IN 9,390.00 0.00% 9,390.00 444.43
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-5950 SCANCARE NBD 8X5X24 IN 13,330.00 0.00% 13,330.00 630.91
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-5950 SCANCARE 4 HR, POST WA 6,495.00 0.00% 6,495.00 307.41
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-5950 SCANCARE 4 HR 8X5X4 INC 11,060.00 0.00% 11,060.00 523.47
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-5950 SCANCARE 4 HR 8X5X4 INC 15,625.00 0.00% 15,625.00 739.53
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-5950 SCANCARE 24/7 POST WAR 8,445.00 0.00% 8,445.00 399.70
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-5950 SCANCARE 24/7 24X7X4 IN 14,380.00 0.00% 14,380.00 680.61
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-5950 SCANCARE 24/7 24X7X4 IN 20,320.00 0.00% 20,320.00 961.75
FUJITSU FI-6800 SCANNER 130 PPM INC3MOS ONSI 19,995.00 10.00% 17,995.50 851.73
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6800 BASIC NBD, POST WARR 8X 2,290.00 0.00% 2,290.00 108.39
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6800 BASIC NBD 8X5X24 INC2YR 3,705.00 0.00% 3,705.00 175.36
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6800 BASIC NBD 8X5X24 INC3YR 5,330.00 0.00% 5,330.00 252.27
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6800 CO-TERM BASIC NBD, WAR 191.00 0.00% 191.00 9.04
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6800 BASIC 4 HR, POST WARR 8 3,055.00 0.00% 3,055.00 144.59
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6800 BASIC 4 HR 8X5X4 INC2YR 5,130.00 0.00% 5,130.00 242.80
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6800 BASIC 4 HR 8X5X4 INC3YR 7,285.00 0.00% 7,285.00 344.80
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6800 CO-TERM BASIC 4 HR, WA 255.00 0.00% 255.00 12.07
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6800 BASIC 24/7, POST WARR 24 3,970.00 0.00% 3,970.00 187.90
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6800 BASIC 24/7 24X7X4 INC2YR 6,670.00 0.00% 6,670.00 315.69
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6800 BASIC 24/7 24X7X4 INC3YR 9,475.00 0.00% 9,475.00 448.45
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6800 CO-TERM BASIC 24/7, WAR 331.00 0.00% 331.00 15.67
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6800 SCANCARE NBD, POST WA 4,755.00 0.00% 4,755.00 225.05
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6800 SCANCARE NBD 8X5X24 IN 7,980.00 0.00% 7,980.00 377.69
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6800 SCANCARE 4 HR, POST WA 5,520.00 0.00% 5,520.00 261.26
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6800 SCANCARE 4 HR 8X5X4 INC 9,400.00 0.00% 9,400.00 444.90
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6800 SCANCARE 4 HR 8X5X4 INC 13,280.00 0.00% 13,280.00 628.54
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6800 SCANCARE 24/7 POST WAR 7,175.00 0.00% 7,175.00 339.59
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6800 SCANCARE 24/7 24X7X4 IN 12,220.00 0.00% 12,220.00 578.37
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6800 SCANCARE 24/7 24X7X4 IN 17,270.00 0.00% 17,270.00 817.39
FUJITSU FI-7030 SCANNER 27 PPM INC1YR DEPOT 895.00 10.00% 805.50 38.12
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-7030 CO-TERM ADVANCE EXCHA 9.00 0.00% 9.00 0.43
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-7030 ADVANCE EXCHANGE 8X5X2 199.00 0.00% 199.00 9.42
Fujitsu Scansnap S1100 Scanner 199.00 0.00% 199.00 9.42
FUJITSU SCANSNAP S1300I SCANNER 12 PPM TRAD 295.00 0.00% 295.00 13.96
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-7280 BASIC NBD 8X5X24 INC3YR 1,105.00 0.00% 1,105.00 52.30
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-7280 ADVANCE EXCHANGE 8X5X 99.00 0.00% 99.00 4.69
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-7280 ADVANCE EXCHANGE 8X5X2 169.00 0.00% 169.00 8.00
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-7280 ADVANCE EXCHANGE 8X5X2 199.00 0.00% 199.00 9.42
FUJITSU FI-7460 SCANNER 60 PPM INC3MOS ONSIT 2,995.00 0.00% 2,995.00 141.75
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-7460 SCANCARE NBD, POST WA 1,395.00 0.00% 1,395.00 66.03
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-7460 SCANCARE NBD 8X5X24 IN 2,515.00 0.00% 2,515.00 119.03
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-7460 SCANCARE NBD 8X5X24 IN 3,515.00 0.00% 3,515.00 166.36
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-7460 SCANCARE 4 HR, POST WA 1,795.00 0.00% 1,795.00 84.96
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-7460 SCANCARE 4 HR 8X5X4 INC 3,260.00 0.00% 3,260.00 154.30
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-7460 SCANCARE 4 HR 8X5X4 INC 4,535.00 0.00% 4,535.00 214.64
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-7460 BASIC NBD, POST WARR 8X 895.00 0.00% 895.00 42.36
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-7460 BASIC NBD 8X5X24 INC2YR 1,585.00 0.00% 1,585.00 75.02
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-7460 BASIC NBD 8X5X24 INC3YR 2,240.00 0.00% 2,240.00 106.02
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-7460 CO-TERM BASIC NBD, WAR 90.00 0.00% 90.00 4.26
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-7460 BASIC 4 HR, POST WARR 8 1,295.00 0.00% 1,295.00 61.29
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-7460 BASIC 4 HR 8X5X4 INC2YR 2,330.00 0.00% 2,330.00 110.28
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-7460 BASIC 4 HR 8X5X4 INC3YR 3,260.00 0.00% 3,260.00 154.30
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-7460 CO-TERM BASIC 4 HR, WA 130.00 0.00% 130.00 6.15
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-7460 ADV EXC NBD, POST WARR 895.00 0.00% 895.00 42.36
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-7460 DEPOT 5-DAY REPAIR & 795.00 0.00% 795.00 37.63
FUJITSU FI-7480 SCANNER 80 PPM INC3MOS ONSIT 3,995.00 0.00% 3,995.00 189.08
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-7480 SCANCARE NBD, POST WA 1,395.00 0.00% 1,395.00 66.03
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-7480 SCANCARE NBD 8X5X24 IN 2,515.00 0.00% 2,515.00 119.03
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-7480 SCANCARE NBD 8X5X24 IN 3,515.00 0.00% 3,515.00 166.36
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-7480 SCANCARE 4 HR, POST WA 1,795.00 0.00% 1,795.00 84.96
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-7480 SCANCARE 4 HR 8X5X4 INC 3,260.00 0.00% 3,260.00 154.30
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-7480 SCANCARE 4 HR 8X5X4 INC 4,535.00 0.00% 4,535.00 214.64
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-7480 BASIC NBD, POST WARR 8X 895.00 0.00% 895.00 42.36
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-7480 BASIC NBD 8X5X24 INC2YR 1,585.00 0.00% 1,585.00 75.02
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-7480 BASIC NBD 8X5X24 INC3YR 2,240.00 0.00% 2,240.00 106.02
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-7480 CO-TERM BASIC NBD, WAR 90.00 0.00% 90.00 4.26
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-7480 BASIC 4 HR, POST WARR 8 1,295.00 0.00% 1,295.00 61.29
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-7480 BASIC 4 HR 8X5X4 INC2YR 2,330.00 0.00% 2,330.00 110.28
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-7480 BASIC 4 HR 8X5X4 INC3YR 3,260.00 0.00% 3,260.00 154.30
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-7480 CO-TERM BASIC 4 HR, WA 130.00 0.00% 130.00 6.15
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-7480 ADV EXC NBD, POST WARR 895.00 0.00% 895.00 42.36
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-7480 DEPOT 5-DAY REPAIR & R 795.00 0.00% 795.00 37.63
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-6110 ADVANCE EXCHANGE 8X5X2 199.00 0.00% 199.00 9.42
[OOD] FUJITSU FI-7260 ADVANCE EXCHANGE 8X5X2 199.00 0.00% 199.00 9.42
[OOD] FUJITSU N1800 BASIC NBD 8X5X24 INC1YR 495.00 0.00% 495.00 23.43
[OOD] FUJITSU N1800 BASIC NBD 8X5X24 INC2YR 695.00 0.00% 695.00 32.89
[OOD] FUJITSU N1800 BASIC NBD 8X5X24 INC3YR 1,105.00 0.00% 1,105.00 52.30
[OOD] FUJITSU N1800 CO-TERM BASIC NBD 8X5X24 41.00 0.00% 41.00 1.94
[OOD] FUJITSU N1800 ADVANCE EXCHANGE NBD 8X 225.00 0.00% 225.00 10.65
[OOD] FUJITSU N1800 ADVANCE EXCHANGE NBD 8X 385.00 0.00% 385.00 18.22
[OOD] FUJITSU N1800 ADVANCE EXCHANGE NBD 8X 540.00 0.00% 540.00 25.56
[OOD] FUJITSU N1800 CO-TERM ADVANCE EXCHAN 19.00 0.00% 19.00 0.90
[OOD] FUJITSU N1800 DEPOT 5-DAY REPAIR & RET 225.00 0.00% 225.00 10.65
[OOD] FUJITSU S1300 ADVANCE EXCHANGE, 8X5X2 129.00 0.00% 129.00 6.11
FUJITSU SCANSNAP SV600 SCANNER INC1YR DEPO 595.00 0.00% 595.00 28.16
Ricoh Scanner Installation 185.00 0.00% 185.00 8.76

ments exclude taxes.

mount is capitalized into the financed amount. The tax on FMV leases in these states/locations cannot be billed as a separate line item to the customer - by law.

onfiguration Footnotes
FP Mainframe includes 10.1" Color Touch Smart Operation Panel, Standard 50-Sheet ARDF, Printing, Standard Postscript, B/W & Color Scanning, Fax, 2GB RAM, 320 GB H
aper feed unit PB1090 adds additional 500 sheets of 8.5" x 11" paper. The PB1090 does not support 8.5" x 14 or 11" x 17" inch paper
cabinet for the MP 305SPF. Can be used with or without PB1090
erface used to attach External Key Counter or Key Card Device.
n enables direct printing of XPS format documents.
on embeds invisible text on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files by arbitrary keywords. Searchable PDF files can be sent to email, folders and extern
ont Package for SAP - 1 seat license
sers to send and receive faxes on a sub MFP via a main center MFP with fax option.
g into MFP and authenticate users only. Does not support Java SDK applications
n ISO 15408 Certified version of DOSS that overwrites Copy, Print, Scanner, and Fax latent data. Mainframe is targeted to be ISO 15408 Certified in August 2016
eries of power filters are designed to provide a higher level of noise filtering and surge protection for devices that employ more sensitive and complex electronic components.
power filter provides unique multistage power protection for devices that are less susceptible to some types of power anomalies.
vanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products. Only one power filter can be use
to provide additional expanded font support
unauthorized copying of confidential documents.

4 Desktop Single Function Printer; 250-sheet Paper Tray, 50-sheet Bypass Tray, 128 MB RAM, 360 MHz CPU, and integrated Duplex. PCL6/ PCL5, USB 2.0 High Speed Typ
4 Desktop MFP with Print, Copy, Color Scan and Fax capability. Main unit includes a 4-line LCD Panel, 250-sheet Paper Tray, 50-sheet Bypass Tray, 128 MB RAM, 360 MHz
nced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.

ter speed desktop A4 B&W MFP with color scanning and faxing. Standard configuration includes 4.3" color touch panel, 250-sheet paper tray, 35-sheet ARDF, 50-sheet bypa
onal Paper Feed Unit may be added for a maximum paper capacity of 550 sheets including the standard Paper tray and Bypass Tray. Supports paper sizes up to 8.5" x 14" and
SB wireless key dongle for IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac network connectivity.
S1 power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minim

4 Desktop Single Function Printer; 250-sheet Paper Tray, 50-sheet Bypass Tray, 128 MB RAM, 360 MHz CPU, and integrated Duplex. PCL6/ PCL5, USB 2.0 High Speed Typ
4 Desktop MFP with Print, Copy, Color Scan and Fax capability. Main unit includes a 4-line LCD Panel, 250-sheet Paper Tray, 50-sheet Bypass Tray, 128 MB RAM, 360 MHz
nced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.

ter speed desktop A4 B&W MFP with color scanning and faxing. Standard configuration includes 4.3" color touch panel, 250-sheet paper tray, 35-sheet ARDF, 50-sheet bypa
onal Paper Feed Unit may be added for a maximum paper capacity of 550 sheets including the standard Paper tray and Bypass Tray. Supports paper sizes up to 8.5" x 14" and
SB wireless key dongle for IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac network connectivity.
S1 power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minim

F and SP3510SF are User/Service Installable. 30 ppm B&W printer, Includes 250 x 1 Paper Tray, 50 Sheet Bypass Tray, 64MB RAM Memory for printer, USB2.0
work Interface Board (10/100Base-TX Ethernet). Includes starter AIO print cartridge (yield: 1,500 pages). Note: Replacement cartridge yield: 2,500 or 6,400 page

has duplex printing/copying capability. Copying is from 1 sided documents to 2 sided.

nstallable. 250 Sheet optional paper tray. Only one additional tray can be installed. Letter or Legal size paper.
d Unit TK1080 is User/Service Installable. 250 Sheet optional paper tray. Only one additional tray can be installed. Letter or Legal size paper.
EE 802.11 a/g wireless adapter replaces Network board that comes with the printer; cannot use both.

4 Desktop MFP with Print, Copy, Color Scan and Fax capability. Main unit includes a 4-line LCD Panel, 250-sheet Paper Tray, 100 sheet Bypass Tray, 25-sheet ADF, 512 MB
4 Desktop MFP with Print, Copy, Color Scan and Fax capability. Main unit includes a 4-line LCD Panel, 250-sheet Paper Tray, 100 sheet Bypass Tray, 25-sheet SPDF, 512 MB
m of One (1) Optional Paper Feed Units may be added for a maximum paper capacity of 850 sheets including the standard Paper tray and Bypass Tray.
aper sizes up to 8.5" x 14" and paper weights up to 43 lb Bond/90 lb Index.
Paper Feed Unit.
Paper Feed Unit
system to an optimal height for floor placement. This versatile cabinet is adjustable and supports all approved Main Unit/Paper Tray configurations. Provides added storage for
allows you to connect the device to an IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n wireless LAN.
includes Legal Size Platen, 250 Sheet Paper Tray, 100 Sheet Bypass Tray, 1 GB RAM Memory and 50 Sheet ARDF. The MP 301SPF comes standard with Copy, Scan, Prin
Optional PB1040 (416203) Paper Banks can be installed, bringing the maximum paper capacity to 1,350 sheets.
n is available for installation on the MP 301SPF models and includes DOSS and HDD Encryption. The HDD is required to enable the following features: Paperless Fax, Local F
and Print, Mail-to Print, S/MIME for Scan-to-Email, Advanced Security Features and Document Server.
nded with MP 301SPF ONLY. No Optional Paper Banks should be installed. (Tall Cabinet)
nded when one or two Optional PB1040's (52331) are installed. (Short Cabinet)
is a Micro Centronics 36 pin cable. Converter adapter is required to connect to a Centronics connector. The adapter is available through Service Parts (p/n B6795100).
of the following four options can be installed. IEEE 1284 Interface Board Type A (411699) or IEEE 802.11 a/g Interface Unit Type J (414008), Gigabit Ethernet Board Type A (4
or JAVA customization and installation of software solutions.
o convert format and drag to desktop documents stored via Copy or Print mode
users to connect to software solutions
for Customers who require NetWare printing
Font Package for SAP - 1/10/100 seat license

for 3rd party solutions requiring 20-pin connections.

unauthorized reproduction of confidential documents
XG-PCS-15D power filter provides multi-stage power protection as well as line conditioning. Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protectio
external USB keyboard - (no bracket is available for this option)
AC1 power filter provides muti-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to min
Power Filter can be installed or is required.

30Fb, IM 430F
4 B/W LED Desktop MFP Main unit includes 10.1" Smart Operation Panel, 500-sheet Paper Tray, 100 sheet Bypass Tray, integrated Duplex, 250GB HDD, 2 GB RAM, Copy, S
4 B/W LED Desktop MFP. Main unit includes 10.1" Smart Operation Panel, 500-sheet Paper Tray, 100 sheet Bypass Tray, integrated Duplex, 250GB HDD, 2 GB RAM, Copy,
s Paper Feed Unit. Supports media sizes up to 8.5" x 14" and paper weights up to 14 lb. Bond/120 lb. Index.
s Paper Feed Unit. Supports media sizes up to 8.5" x 14" and paper weights up to 14 lb. Bond/120 lb. Index.
m of three (3) Optional Paper Feed Units may be added for a maximum system paper capacity of 2,100 sheets. Max paper capacity consists of the standard paper tray (500 sh
ble is recommended when adding up to (3) additional Paper Feed Units (Type PB1110/PB1120) for a floor standing configuration. For environments with limited system height
ended when adding (2) or (3) additional Paper Feed Units (Type PB1110/PB1120) for a floor-standing configuration with storage.
nded for the base unit only or base unit with one (1) additonal Paper Feed Unit (Type PB1110/PB1120) for a floor-standing configuration with storge.

PostScript®3™. Required for printing from Mac OS. Recommended for printing more complex B&W and PDF files.
n AS/400 environments.
e creation of searchable PDFs when scanning. User can search the finished documents for specific words by using electronic search functions.
eper accessory is a multi-feed detection sensor that automatically stops a scanning job if more than one page is fed through the SPDF.
for printing from USB Type B port. Can not be installed with (417508) File Format Converter Type M19 or (407863) IEEE802.11 Interface Unit Type M24.
to covert file format and drag documents stored via Document Server to desktop. Can not be installed with (417566) Extended USB Board Type M19 or (407863) IEEE802.11
FP to connect to a network over WiFi. Can not be installed with (417566) Extended USB Board Type M19 or (407863) IEEE802.11 Interface Unit Type M24.
Device Server Option Type M19A is an interface board use to add an extra Ethernet port to a the printer. Once installed, the USB Device Server Option can connect two Ether
terface used to attach external key counter or key card device.
og in and authenticate users via NFC card. The card reader and its cable will be covered inside the mainframe when this option is attached.
h Technical Solutions Center (TSC) recommends the use of Power Protection products to potential electrical interference with Ricoh products.
S1 power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minim

B/W LED Multifunction Printer. Main unit has a 10.1" Smart Operation Panel, 500-sheet Paper Tray, 100 sheet Bypass Tray, 50-sheet Single-Pass DF, Legal Platen, integrate
m of Two (2) Optional Paper Feed Units may be added for a maximum paper capacity of 1,600 sheets. Max paper capacity consists of the standard paper tray and bypass tray
aper sizes up to 8.5" x 14" and paper weights up to 43 lb Bond/90 lb Index.
Paper Feed Unit.
Paper Feed Unit.
system to an optimal height for floor placement. This versatile cabinet is adjustable and supports all approved Main Unit/Paper Tray configurations. Provides added storage for
nterface board slot is available. Wireless LAN, Parallel Interface, USB Device Server, Extended USB, or File Format Converter may be installed.
ments that require Parallel connectivity.
provides MFP connection to an IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n wireless LAN.
n provides an additional Network Port, which allows the MFP to reside on two networks simultaneously.
for printing from USB Type B port.
erface used to attach external key counter or key card device.
ns enables direct printing of XPS format documents.
to covert file format and drag documents stored via Document Server to desktop.
on embeds invisible text on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files by arbitrary keywords. Searchable PDF files can be sent to email, folders and exter
sers to send and receive faxes from other devices on the same network (up to 6) via the Primary MFP which has the Fax Connection Unit installed.
sers to log into and authenticate to the MFP with a programmed access card.
mers who require the CC certified Data Overwrite Security function.
XG-PCS-15D power filter provides multi-stage power protection as well as line conditioning. Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protectio
AC1 power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to mini
ended for the base unit, or when one (1) additional 250-sheet Paper Feed Unit (Type PB1060) or one (1) additional 500-sheet Paper Feed Unit (PB1070) is added for a floor-sta
ended when:
itional 250-sheet Paper Feed Unit (Type PB1060) and one (1) additional 500-sheet Paper Feed Unit (PB1070) are added for a floor-standing configuration.
itional/ 250-sheet
MP 601SPF Paper Feed Units (Type PB1060) or two (2) additional 500-sheet Paper Feed Unit (PB1070) are added for a floor-standing configuration.
B/W Laser Multifunction Printer. Main unit has a 10.1" Smart Operation Panel, 500-sheet Paper Tray, 100 sheet Bypass Tray, 50-sheet ARDF, integrated Duplex, 320GB HDD
capacity. Supports paper sizes up to 8.5" x 14" and paper weights up to 59 lb. Bond/120 lb. Index. A maximum of 4 additional Paper Feed Units may be added to the mainframe
le is required when the three (3) or four (4) optional Paper Feed Units (Type PB1100/PB1100TE/PB1100LE) are installed.
nded for the base unit for a floor-standing configuration.
nded when one (1) or two (2) additional Paper Feed Units (Type PB1100/PB1100TE/PB1100LE) are added for a floor-standing configuration.
nterface board slot is available. Wireless LAN, Parallel Interface, USB Device Server, Extended USB, or the File Format Converter may be installed.
allows you to connect the device to an IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n wireless LAN.
ments that require Parallel connectivity.
provides an additional Network Port, which allows the MFP to reside on two networks simultaneously.
an additional USB Type B port / connection for printing.
erface used to attach External Key Counter or Key Card Device.
n enables direct printing of XPS format documents.
AS/400 environments. Hard Disk Drive required.
to convert file format and drag documents stored via Document Server to desktop.
on embeds invisible text on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files by arbitrary keywords. Searchable PDF files can be sent to email, folders and exter
sers to send and receive faxes from other devices on the same network (up to 6) via the Primary MFP which has the Fax Connection Unit installed.
sers to log into and authenticate to the MFP with a programmed access card.
mers who require the CC certified Data Overwrite Security function.
XG-PCS-15D power filter provides multi-stage power protection as well as line conditioning. Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protectio
S1 power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minim
Locking Paper Feed Unit. Supports media sizes up to 8.5" x 11"and paper weights up to 59 lb. Bond/120 lb. Index. The locking tray security firmware is not currently available f
Teflon enhanced Paper Feed Unit. Supports media sizes up to 8.5" x 14" and paper weights up to 59 lb. Bond/120 lb. Index.
HotSpot subscription service included.
he HotSpot Mobile Printing Service subscription by 2 additional years.
he HotSpot Mobile Printing Service subscription by 3 additional years.
he HotSpot Mobile Printing Service subscription by 4 additional years.
Printer Data Stream software supports the migration from legacy output devices to modern network printers by enabling legacy data streams to be printed on any network.


tandard 100-sheet ARDF, B&W printing, B&W and Color Scanning, 1024MB RAM, 2x250-sheet Paper Drawers, Duplex, 100-sheet Bypass Tray, Scan
2.0 Type A and B, Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet (1000Base-T/100BaseTX/10 Base-T) . Note: Print from USB requires optional Hard Disk Drive Type
cabinet FAC59 is required to bring the unit up to optimal height.
d Unit PB2000 is an Optional 500-sheet paper bank brings total paper capacity to 1,100 sheets. Short Cabinet Type E is required to bring the unit up to
. Cannot be installed in conjunction with Paper Feed Unit PB2010.
d Unit PB2010 is an Optional 2x500-sheet paper bank brings total paper capacity up to the maximum 1,600 sheets. Short Cabinet Type E is required
nit up to optimal height. Cannot be installed in conjunction with Paper Feed Unit PB2000.
BN2010 provides additional output tray to separate copier, print, and fax output. Holds up to 100 sheets.
DOSS and HDD Encryption are resident in the system's firmware. The optional HDD and a Service technician are required to activate the standard DOSS and HDD Encryption.
equired to enable the following features: Sample Print, Locked Print, Hold Print, Stored Print, Store and Print, Mail to Print, Media Direct Print (Print from USB/SD), Scan to URL
e Transmission, Paperless Fax, MFP Browser, Document Server, Customizable Home Screen, Auto Job Promotion, Scheduled Print in the Print Driver, Enhanced Batch Scan,
/Account Limit, Remote Fax, Eco-Friendly Indicator Screen, S/MIME, Digitally Signed PDF.
l Cabinet required for installation with MP 2501SP only. Cannot be installed in conjunction with Paper Feed Unit PB2000 or PB2010.
net Type E required only for installation with either Paper Feed Unit PB2000 or PB2010.
is a Micro Centronics 36 pin cable. Converter adapter is required to connect to a Centronics connector. The adapter is available through Service
795100). This item cannot be installed with the IEEE 802.11a/g Wireless Interface Type J or File Format Converter Type E.
1a/b/g Wireless Interface Type J enables wireless connectivity. This item cannot be installed with the IEEE 1284 Interface Board Type Aor File

pt3 Unit Type M1 required for MacIntosh and Postscript printing environments.
Type U (416163), Hard Disk Drive Option Type M1 (007166MIU) and Memory Unit Type M1 (007167MIU) are required to activate the Software Development Kit (SDK).
mat Converter Type E required to convert format and drag to desktop document stored via copy or print mode. This option cannot be installed with the
erface Board Type A or IEEE 802.11a/g Wireless Interface Type J.
Unit Type M1 enables customer to connect to the internet for browsing. The Hard Disk Drive Option Type M1 (416462) must be installed to activate.
or NetWare printing Type M1 is used by customers who print using Netware. This option is required for the following functions: Use of iPrint ports,
X and Scan to NCP (IPX, TCP/IP).
on Type M1: Installation required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, 2 Second Transmission Speed, Standard JBIG. Standard 320 Pages Memory.
dard Internet Fax (T.37), LAN Fax, IP-Fax (T.38) and Fax Forwarding to Email. Paperless Fax function requires the HDD option Type M1.
nection Unit Type M1 enables users to send and receive faxes from the sub machines via the Primary MFP. Communicates over the network
via the Primary MFP. Communicates over the network with the unit that has the fax option. The Fax Connection Unit is required on both the primary
machines in the network.
Counter Interface Unit Type A: 20-Pin Interface used to attach External Key Counter or Key Card Device.
a Security Unit Type G prevents unauthorized copying of confidential documents.
PCS-15D: Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential
ference with products.
USB Keyboard (No Bracket): USB Keyboard for optional data entry. FM8006 Bracket MP2501 is required.
Keyboard Bracket Only: Keyboard bracket (mounts to front of device). Keyboard not included.

54 / MP 3054 / MP 3554 Series BW MFP

includes 9" Color Operation Panel, Standard 100-Sheet ARDF, B/W PCL Printing, B/W & Color Scanning, 2 x 550 Sheet Paper Trays, 100-Sheet Bypass Tray, Duplex, 320GB
owing must be installed on the mainframe: PB3150 (416545), PB3220 (417268), PB3230 (417270), or Cabinet Type F (100478FNG). Only one of these options can be instal
d Unit PB3150 (416545) requires Caster Table Type M3 (416737). This paper feed unit lowers the total machine height, making it easy for all users to access the device (Sect
ble Type M3 (416737) cannot be installed with any of these Finisher or Paper Bank options: SR3140 (416539), SR3150 (416540), PB3220 (417268), or PB3230 (417270).
030 (416548) cannot be installed with with PB3150 (416545), Caster Table Type M3 (416737) or Cabinet Type F (100478FNG). LCIT RT3030 requires either PB3220 (417268)
of these options can be installed on the device.
r Bridge Unit BU3070 (416551) with any external Finisher.
following Paper Feed Units, or Cabinet, must be installed with any external Finisher: PB3220 (417268), PB3230 (417270), or Cabinet Type F (100478FNG).
dditional output tray above the standard Internal Tray or Optional Bridge Unit/Internal Shift Tray/Internal Finisher (Holds 125 Sheets).
ch Option for for Internal Finisher SR3130 (416543).
ch Option for SR3140 Finisher (416539) and SR3150 Finisher (416540).
GVA resolution control panel provides intuitive touchscreen control similar to smart phones and tablets. It offers advanced Web browser functionality, drag-and-drop icons an
of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
for Macintosh and PostScript environments. Recommended for printing complex PDF files.
customers who print using Netware. This option is required for the following functions: Use of iPrint ports, SNMP via IPX and Scan to NCP (IPX, TCP/IP).
ed applications, such as ICE and HotSpot require Browser capability which is standard on devices configured with the Smart Operation Panel (416910). This option is required
to convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
he creation of searchable PDFs when scanning. User can search the finished documents for specific words by using electronic search functions.
terface used to attach External Key Counter or Key Card Device.
mount external key counter to MFP.
aped option to position counter device on. USB Connector.
Browser Unit Type M12 (417080) to enable HotSpot printing. One year HotSpot subscription service included.
nt Printer Data Stream (IPDS).
on enables printing of XPS format documents.
on can hold an additional IP address, which then enables our MFPs to connect to two different network environments.
n required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, Standard JBIG. Standard 320 Pages Memory. Includes standard Internet Fax (T.37
Fax Option Type M12 (417100).
users to send and receive faxes on a sub MFP via a main MFP. This option is required on both the Main MFP that has the Fax Option Type M12 (417100) installed and on the S
additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines.
s fax memory to 2,240 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
vanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.
unauthorized copying of confidential documents that were created on other printers that have this option installed.
with 3rd Party card readers like the RFIdeas PCProx readers on our price list. The card reader and it's cable would not be visible when this option is used. If using another type c
rt Card Reader Built-in Unit Type M12 (417129) and External Keyboard Bracket Type M3 (416909) cannot be installed on the same device.
n ISO 15408 Certified version of DOSS that overwrites Copy, Print, Scanner, and Fax latent data. Mainframe is now ISO 15408 Common Criteria certified, so this option is no l
ket is required for the installation of External USB Keyboard (416909).
Keyboard for inputting data with either SDK applications OR embedded applications.
ader only - no cards are provided. Used with Common Access Card (CAC)/Personal Identity Verification (PIV) Authentication Solution.
1. RHD kit uses MFP's Internal Hard Drive and makes it External
2.Fax Option is NOT COMPATIBLE with RHD or ARHD
3. ARHD includes an extra hard drive

55 / MP 3055 / MP 3555 Series BW MFP

Standard Configuration includes 10.1" Keyless Smart Operation Panel, 100-Sheet ARDF, 2 x 550-Sheet Paper Trays, 100-sheet Bypass Tray, 320GB HDD, 2GB RAM, Emula
Standard Configuration includes 10.1" Keyless Smart Operation Panel, 220-Sheet SPDF, 2 x 550-Sheet Paper Trays, 100-sheet Bypass Tray, 320GB HDD, 2GB RAM, Emula
owing must be installed on the mainframe: PB3250 (408114), PB3220 (417268), PB3260 (408116), or Cabinet Type F (100478FNG). Only one of these options can be instal
d Unit PB3250 (408114) requires Caster Table Type M3 (416737). This paper feed unit lowers the total machine height, making it easy for all users to access the device (Sect
ble Type M3 (416737) cannot be installed with any of these Finisher or Paper Bank options: SR3210 (417483), SR3220 (417484), PB3260 (408116), or PB3220 (417268).
030 (416548) cannot be installed with PB3250 (408114), Caster Table Type M3 (416737) or Cabinet Type F (100478FNG). LCIT RT3030 requires either PB3220 (417268), or
of these options can be installed on the device.
r Bridge Unit BU3070 (417587) with any external Finisher.
following Paper Feed Units, or Cabinet, must be installed with any external Finisher: PB3220 (417268), PB3260 (408116), or Cabinet Type F (100478FNG).
ch Option for Internal Finisher SR3130 (417589).
ch Option for SR3210 Finisher (417483) and SR3220 Finisher (417484).
of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
t option for customers that require true Adobe Postscript for Macintosh and PostScript environments.
to convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
he creation of searchable PDFs when scanning. User can search the finished documents for specific words by using electronic search functions.
terface used to attach External Key Counter or Key Card Device.
mount external key counter to MFP.
aped option to position counter device on. USB Connector.
sed to enable HotSpot printing. One year HotSpot subscription service included.
on enables direct printing of XPS format documents.
n required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, Standard JBIG. Standard 320 Pages Memory. Includes standard Internet Fax (T.37
Fax Option Type M29 (417865).
users to send and receive faxes on a sub MFP via a main MFP. This option is required on both the Main MFP that has the Fax Option Type M29 (417865) installed and on the S
additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines.
s fax memory to 2,240 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
vanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.
additional output tray above the standard Internal Tray or Optional Bridge Unit/Internal Shift Tray/ Internal Finisher (Holds 125 Sheets)
with 3rd Party card readers like the RFIdeas PCProx readers on our price list. The card reader and its cable would not be visible when this option is used. If using another type o
rt Card Reader Built-in Unit Type M29 (417864) and External Keyboard Bracket Type M19 (417578) cannot be installed on the same device.
ket is required for the installation of External USB Keyboard (100266FNG).
Keyboard for inputting data with either SDK applications OR embedded applications.
for printing from USB Type B port.
ader only - no cards are provided. Used with Common Access Card (CAC)/Personal Identity Verification (PIV) Authentication Solution.
og in and authenticate users via NFC card. The card reader and its cable will be covered inside the mainframe when this option is attached.
uses MFP's Internal Hard Drive and makes it External. Please note the current MFP and printer external configurator websites will not be updated to add this option for existing
cludes an extra hard drive. Please note the current MFP and printer external configurator websites will not be updated to add this option for existing products
Device Server Option is an interface board used to add an extra Ethernet port. Once installed, the option connects two Ethernet cables simultaneously: one to the machine's E

54 / MP 5054 / MP 6054 Series BW MFP

includes 9" Color Operation Panel, Standard 220-Sheet SPDF, B/W PCL Printing, B/W & Color Scanning, 2 x 550 Sheet Paper Trays, 100-Sheet Bypass Tray, Duplex, 320GB
owing must be installed on the mainframe: PB3150 (416545), PB3220 (417268), PB3230 (417270), or Cabinet Type F (100478FNG). Only one of these options can be instal
d Unit PB3150 (416545) requires Caster Table Type M3 (416737). This paper feed unit lowers the total machine height, making it easy for all users to access the device (Sect
ble Type M3 (416737) cannot be installed with any of these Finisher or Paper Bank options: SR3140 (416539), SR3150 (416540), SR3160 (416541), SR3170 (416542), PB322
030 (416548) cannot be installed with with PB3150 (416545), Caster Table Type M3 (416737) or Cabinet Type F (100478FNG). LCIT RT3030 requires either PB3220 (417268)
of these options can be installed on the device.
r Bridge Unit BU3070 (416551) with any external Finisher.
following Paper Feed Units, or Cabinet, must be installed with any external Finisher: PB3220 (417268), PB3230 (417270), or Cabinet Type F (100478FNG).
dditional output tray above the standard Internal Tray or Optional Bridge Unit/Internal Shift Tray/Internal Finisher (Holds 125 Sheets).
ch Option for for Internal Finisher SR3130 (416543).
ch Option for SR3140 Finisher (416539) and SR3150 Finisher (416540).
ch Option for SR3160 Finisher (416541) and SR3170 Finisher (416542).
inisher SR3130 (416543) is not compatible with MP6054.
GVA resolution control panel provides intuitive touchscreen control similar to smart phones and tablets. It offers advanced Web browser functionality, drag-and-drop icons an
of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
for Macintosh and PostScript environments.
customers who print using Netware. This option is required for the following functions: Use of iPrint ports, SNMP via IPX and Scan to NCP (IPX, TCP/IP).
ed applications, such as ICE and HotSpot require Browser capability which is standard on devices configured with the Smart Operation Panel (416910). This option is required
to convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
he creation of searchable PDFs when scanning. User can search the finished documents for specific words by using electronic search functions.
terface used to attach External Key Counter or Key Card Device.
mount external key counter to MFP.
aped option to position counter device on. USB Connector.
Browser Unit Type M12 (417080) to enable HotSpot printing. One year HotSpot subscription service included.
t Printer Data Stream (IPDS). NOTE:
on enables printing of XPS format documents.
on can hold an additional IP address, which then enables our MFPs to connect to two different network environments.
n required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, Standard JBIG. Standard 320 Pages Memory. Includes standard Internet Fax (T.37
Fax Option Type M12 (417100).
users to send and receive faxes on a sub MFP via a main MFP. This option is required on both the Main MFP that has the Fax Option Type M12 (417100) installed and on the S
additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines.
s fax memory to 2,240 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
vanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.
unauthorized copying of confidential documents that were created on other printers that have this option installed.
with 3rd Party card readers like the RFIdeas PCProx readers on our price list. The card reader and it's cable would not be visible when this option is used. If using another type c
rt Card Reader Built-in Unit Type M12 (417129) and External Keyboard Bracket Type M3 (416909) cannot be installed on the same device.
n ISO 15408 Certified version of DOSS that overwrites Copy, Print, Scanner, and Fax latent data. Mainframe is now ISO 15408 Common Criteria certified, so this option is no l
ket is required for the installation of External USB Keyboard (416909).
Keyboard for inputting data with either SDK applications OR embedded applications.
ader only - no cards are provided. Used with Common Access Card (CAC)/Personal Identity Verification (PIV) Authentication Solution.
1. RHD kit uses MFP's Internal Hard Drive and makes it External
2.Fax Option is NOT COMPATIBLE with RHD or ARHD
3. ARHD includes an extra hard drive

55 / MP 5055 / MP 6055 Series BW MFP

Configuration includes 10.1" Keyless Smart Operation Panel, 220-sheet SPDF, 2 x 550-Sheet Paper Trays, 100-sheet Bypass Tray, 320GB HDD, 2GB RAM, Emulated Postscr
owing must be installed on the mainframe: PB3250 (408114), PB3220 (417268), PB3260 (408116), or Cabinet Type F (100478FNG). Only one of these options can be instal
d Unit PB3250 (408114) requires Caster Table Type M3 (416737). This paper feed unit lowers the total machine height, making it easy for all users to access the device (Sect
ble Type M3 (416737) cannot be installed with any of these Finisher or Paper Bank options: SR3210 (417483), SR3220 (417484), SR3230 (417487), SR3240 (417488), PB322
030 (416548) cannot be installed with PB3250 (408114), Caster Table Type M3 (416737) or Cabinet Type F (100478FNG). LCIT RT3030 requires either PB3220 (417268), or
of these options can be installed on the device.
r Bridge Unit BU3070 (417587) or Internal Multi-Fold Unit FD3000 (417838) with any external Finisher. Not compatible with Internal Finisher SR 3130
following Paper Feed Units, or Cabinet, must be installed with any external Finisher: PB3220 (417268), PB3260 (408116), or Cabinet Type F (100478FNG).
dditional output tray above the standard Internal Tray or Optional Bridge Unit/Internal Shift Tray/Internal Finisher (Holds 125 Sheets).
ch Option for Internal Finisher SR3130 (417589).
ch Option for SR3210 Finisher (417483) and SR3220 Finisher (417484).
ch Option for SR3230 Finisher (417487) and SR3240 Finisher (417488).
inisher SR3130 (417589) is not compatible with MP 6055.
Multifold Unit provides the capability to support "Z" fold, Half fold, Outer three fold and Inner three fold. Not compatible with the SR 3130 Internal Finisher, Bridge Unit BU 3070 (4
of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
pt option for customers that require true Adobe PostScript for Macintosh and PostScript environments.
to convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
he creation of searchable PDFs when scanning. User can search the finished documents for specific words by using electronic search functions.
terface used to attach External Key Counter or Key Card Device.
mount external key counter to MFP.
aped option to position counter device on. USB Connector.
r HotSpot subscription service included.
on enables direct printing of XPS format documents.
n required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, Standard JBIG. Standard 320 Pages Memory. Includes standard Internet Fax (T.37
Fax Option Type M29 (417865).
users to send and receive faxes on a sub MFP via a main MFP. This option is required on both the Main MFP that has the Fax Option Type M29 (417865) installed and on the S
additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines.
s fax memory to 2,240 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
vanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.
with 3rd Party card readers like the RFIdeas PCProx readers on our price list. The card reader and its cable would not be visible when this option is used. If using another type o
rt Card Reader Built-in Unit Type M29 (417864) and External Keyboard Bracket Type M19 (417578) cannot be installed on the same device.
ket is required for the installation of External USB Keyboard (100266FNG).
Keyboard for inputting data with either SDK applications OR embedded applications.
ader only - no cards are provided. Used with Common Access Card (CAC)/Personal Identity Verification (PIV) Authentication Solution.
for printing from USB Type B port
og in and authenticate users via NFC card. The card reader and its cable will be covered inside the mainframe when this option is attached.
uses MFP's Internal Hard Drive and makes it External. Please note the current MFP and printer external configurator websites will not be updated to add this option for existing
cludes an extra hard drive. Please note the current MFP and printer external configurator websites will not be updated to add this option for existing products
Device Server Option is an interface board used to add an extra Ethernet port. Once installed, the option connects two Ethernet cables simultaneously: one to the machine's E
nt Printer Data Stream (IPDS). This option is Order on Demand. Please note the current MFP and printer external configurator websites will not be updated to add this option f

4 B/W Laser Multifunction Printer. Main unit has a 10.1" Keyless Smart Operation Panel, 500-sheet Paper Tray, 100-sheet Bypass Tray, 100-sheet SPDF, integrated Duplex, 3
4 B/W Laser Multifunction Printer with standard 250-sheet internal finisher. Main unit has a 10.1" Keyless Smart Operation Panel, 500-sheet Paper Tray, 100-sheet Bypass Tra
capacity. Supports paper sizes up to 8.5" x 14" and paper weights up to 58 lb. Bond/120 lb. Index. A maximum of 4 additional Paper Feed Units may be added to the mainfram
ble is required when the three (3) or four (4) optional Paper Feed Units (Type PB1160) are installed.
nded for the base unit for a floor-standing configuration.
nded when one (1) or two (2) additional Paper Feed Units (Type PB1160) are added for a floor-standing configuration.
interface board slot is available. Wireless LAN, USB Device Server or the File Format Converter may be installed.
n allows you to connect the device to an IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n wireless LAN network.
e Server Option is an interface board used to add an extra Ethernet port. Once installed, the option connects two Ethernet cables simultaneously: one to the machine's Ethernet
on is available for customers who require True Adobe workflows like Photoshop, Illustrator and PDF/X as well as additional font support. When enabled on the MFP, the standar
terface used to attach External Key Counter or Key Card Device.
to convert file format and drag documents stored via Document Server to desktop.
tion embeds invisible text on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files by arbitrary keywords. Searchable PDF files can be sent to email, folders and exte
s fax memory to 4,800 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
users to log into and authenticate to the MFP with a programmed access card.
XG-PCS-15D power filter provides multi-stage power protection as well as line conditioning. Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protectio
S1 power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minim
of the VM Card Type M37 is ONLY required to support any embedded software app that is developed on SDK-J (i.e. Java). Note: If the embedded software app is developed o

quires a finisher or the copy tray.

andard 150-sheet color single pass duplex document feeder, 1GB RAM, and 250 GB HDD, DOSS, HDD Encryption (for printing and scanning add Print Scan Kit Type 9002 ) -
andard 150-sheet color single pass duplex document feeder, 1.5GB RAM, 250GB HDD, DOSS and HDD Encryption. Java VM Card, Standard Print/Scan Unit (includes NIC (1
Print/Scan Type 90002 (415919) for Copier Basic Configuration. Cannot be installed with the IEE1284 Interface Board Type A (411699), IEEE 802.11a/b/g Wireless Type J (414
et capacity LCIT (8 1/2" x 11").
et finisher with 50-sheet staple capacity.
et finisher with 50-sheet staple capacity and 15-sheet saddle-stitch capacity.
et finisher with 100-sheet staple capacity.
e with SR4060 (415901) and SR4070 (415902) Finishers. 2 & 3 hole punch (user-selectable).
ole punch and Z-fold at the same time.
ble with SR4080 (415900) Finisher only. 2 & 3 hole punch (user-selectable).
ble with all finishers.
cannot be configured with both the Interposer and the Mailbox.
LCIT RT 4010 (415904) to 8 1/2" x 14" or 8 1/2" x 11" SEF (2,500 Sheets).
for tab copy/print. Tab Sheet Holder can be used in second or third tray (but not in both).
the standard tandem tray (Tray 1) to hold 11" x 17", 8 1/2" x 14" or 8 1/2" x 11" paper with 1,000-sheet capacity).
ble with the SR4060 (415901) and SR4070 (415902) Finishers. Neatly arranges output.
ble with the SR4080 (415900) only. Neatly arranges output.
for retrieving files from Document Server that were stored via Copy or Print Function.
olded sheet counts as 10 sheets.
ble with SR4070 (415902) and SR4080 (415900)Finishers. Not compatible with SR4060 (415904) Finisher or Copy Tray Type 9002 (416229).
SR4080 (415900) Finisher. Output Jogger Unit Type 9002B (416231) is recommended.
the BK5010e Booklet Maker.
the TR5010e Trimmer.
eamPunch Pro requires the purchase of at least one die set.
512 MB RAM upgrade. Option for Copier Basic Configuration
for Post Script and Macintosh printing.
nts are printed with the "Data Security for Copying" Unauthorized Copy Control
ble with SR4070 (415902) and SR4060 (415901) Finishers only.
Print/Scan Type 90002 (415919) for Copier Basic Configuration. Cannot be installed with the File Format Converter (414007), IEEE 802.11a/b/g Wireless Type J (414008).
Print/Scan Type 90002 (415919) for Copier Basic Configuration. Cannot be installed with the Bluetooth (415818), IEEE1284 (411699), File Format Converter Type E (414007)
additional fax line. Up to two lines may be added for a maximum of three lines.
s SAF memory to 28MB (approximately 2,240 pages) and enables 400dpi resolution.
mount external key counter to MFP
aped option used for placing a card reader or counter device on
nnector Kit Type 3260 - connects two copiers (MP6002/MP 7502 or MP 9002) so a single document can be copied on both systems simultaneously.
y for installation of SDK applications. Standard on SP configurations, optional for Copier Basic.
ter interface used to attach external key counter or key card device.
users to send and receive faxes from the sub machines (upto 6) via the Primary MFP. Communicates over the network with the unit that has the fax option. Copier Basic require
chnology Solutions Support Center (TSSC) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference 'with Ricoh products. (for use on the
chnology Solutions Support Center (TSSC) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with Ricoh products. Power Manage
chnology Solutions Support Center (TSSC) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with Ricoh products (MP9002 only -
Keyboard 100266FNG ordered separately

12 month replacement if defective

h Models MP6002/7502/9002, MP6002SP/7502SP/9002SP
Die Sets (404415), (404416), and (404417) can only be used on the GBC StreamPunch Pro Product Code (404412).
inclusion of BF5010e, TR5010e and Trim Waste Kit Type BF5010e.
customers who require NetWare printing. Requires Printer/Scanner Unit Type 9002 (415919) for Copier Basic Models.
sers to connect to cloud solutions such as, Document Mall, HotSpot Printing. Requires Printer/Scanner Unit Type 9002(415919) for Copier Basic Models.
Print/Scan Type 90002 (415919) for Copier Basic Configuration. Cannot be installed with the IEEE 802.11a/b/g Wireless Type J (414008).
ated user to easily close ARDF.
uses MFP's Internal Hard Drive and make it External
cludes an extra hard drive
1 Year HotSpot Subscription Service. SD Card with Browser Software, POP Signage, Instructions and Labels. MFP must have Print/Scan and JAVA installed. Does not inlcude

P 7503 / MP 9003
nfiguration requires a finisher option or the copy tray.
pm A3 BW MFP -Includes Standard 10.1" Smart Operation Panel, 220 Sheet SPDF, Print/Scan capabilities (NIC included), 1 x 1,550 Sheet Tandem Tray, 2 x 550 Sheet Paper
Copy Exit Tray.
et capacity LCIT (8 1/2" x 11").
RT4040 (417634) to 8 1/2" x 14" or 8 1/2" x 11" SEF (2,500 Sheets).
et finisher with 65-sheet staple capacity.
et booket finisher with 65-sheet staple capacity and 20-sheet saddle-stitch capacity.
et finisher with 100-sheet staple capacity.
e only with SR4120 (417628) or SR4130 (417629) Finishers.
ble only with SR4080 (415900) Finisher.
annot be configured with both the Cover Interposer option and the Mailbox CS4010 (416633)
ble only with SR4120 (417628) or SR4130 (417629) Finishers.
ble only with SR4080 (415900) Finisher.
ranges output on Finisher Stack Tray.
Sheet Mailbox
ng Unit is compatible with either the SR4120 (417628), SR4130 (417629) or SR4080 (415900) Finishers.
for tab copy/printing.
the standard tandem tray (Tray 1) to hold 11" x 17", 8 1/2" x 14" or 8 1/2" x 11" paper with 1,000-sheet capacity.
aped option used to place either card reader or counter device.
ter interface used to attach external key counter or key card device.
for Macintosh and PostScript printing environments. Recommended for printing PDf and complex files.
evice connection with legacy computer equipment. Can not be installed with IEEE802.11 a/g/n Wireless Interface Type M19 (417493), File Format Converter Type M19 (41750
FP device to connect to the network over WiFi. Can not be installed with IEEE1284 Interface Board Type M19 (417596), File Format Converter Type M19 (417508), Extended
ons enables direct printing of XPS format documents.
nt Printer Data Stream (IPDS).
on can supports an additional IP address, which then enables the device to connect to two different network environments. Can not be installed with IEEE802.11 a/g/n Wireless
d for printing from USB Type B port. Can not be installed with IEEE802.11 a/g/n Wireless Interface Type M19 (417493), IEEE1284 Interface Board Type M19 (417596), File For
for downloading documents stored to Document Server via copier or printer mode to your PC using Web Image Monitor. Can not be installed with USB Device Server Option T
e creation of searchable PDFs when scanning. User can search the finished documents for specific words by using electronic search functions.
n required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, Standard JBIG. Standard 320 Pages Memory. Includes standard Internet Fax (T.37
additional fax line. Up to two lines may be added for a maximum of three lines. Requires Fax Option Type M25 (417636)
n memory. Provides additional 64MB memory for facsimile functions. Requires Fax Option Type M25 (417636)
users to send and receive faxes from the sub machines (upto 6) via the Primary MFP. Communicates over the network with the unit that has the fax option. Requires the Fax O
n ISO 15408 Certified version of DOSS that overwrites Copy, Print, Scanner, and Fax latent data. Mainframe is targeted to be ISO 15408 Certified in Nov 2016
two systems (MP6503/MP 7503 or MP 9003) together, so a job can be divided and copied on both systems simultaneously.
ket is required for the installation of an External USB Keyboard. Can not be installed with Smart Card Reader Built-in Unit Type M19 (417495) or NFC Card Reader Type M19
authenticate users for logging into the device only. Does not suppport Java SDK applications. Can not be installed with External Keyboard Bracket Type M25 (417696)
be installed with External Keyboard Bracket Type M25 (417696)
vanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products. For use on the MP 6503 (41760
vanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products. For use on the MP 9003 (41761
HotSpot subscription service included.
Keyboard for inputting data with SDK or embedded applications.
be installed with 2/3 Hole Punch Unit Type PU3060NA (416612), 2/3 Hole Punch Kit Type 1075 (415282), Cover Interposer Tray CI4030 (417627), Cover Interposer Tray CI404
Finisher SR4080 (415900) - also requires at least (1) GBC StreamPunch Ultra die set
t options for the GBC StreamPunch Ultra MP - only (1) can be utilized in GBC StreamPunch Ultra MP at a time

, scan and fax. 21 CPM/PPM for color and monochrome prints and copies. Mainframe includes 250-sheet Paper Tray, 1-sheet Bypass Tray, standard duplex printing, Standar
, scan and fax. 21 CPM/PPM for color and monochrome prints and copies. Mainframe includes 250-sheet Paper Tray, 1-sheet Bypass Tray, standard Duplex printing, Standa
capacity. One optional Paper Feed Unit may be added to the mainframe.

or color and monochrome prints. Mainframe includes 250-sheet Paper Tray, 1-sheet Bypass Tray, 256MB RAM, IEEE802.11b/g/n, standard Duplex printing and PictBridge. Sh
capacity. One optional Paper Feed Unit may be added to the mainframe.
S1 power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection

includes standard 50-sheet ARDF, 100-sheet Bypass Tray, 320GB HDD, 2.0GB RAM, 1 x 550 Sheet Paper Tray, 9" Color Control Panel, Java VM, PCL/PS3 B&W and Color
includes standard 250-Sheet Internal Finisher, 50 Sheet ARDF, 100-Sheet Bypass Tray, 320GB HDD, 2.0GB RAM, 1 x 550 Sheet Paper Tray, 9" Color Control Panel, Java VM
ongly recommended when no optional paper feed units will be used.
ommended - required with PB1000.
ommended - required with PB1010.
is required when one optional PB1000 and one optional PB1010 are installed.
Capacity. Provides additional output tray to separate fax/print output from copy. Cannot be installed on SR model.
n the right side of the device. Provides an additional 50-sheet output area.
e Super VGA resolution control panel provides intuitive touchscreen control similar to smart phones and tablets. It offers advanced Web browser functionality, drag-and-drop ic
for downloading documents stored on the Document Server.
terface used to attach external key counter or key card device.
wireless connectivity.
ction embeds invisible texts on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files by arbitrary keywords. Searchable PDF files can be sent to email, folders, or exte
Browser Features like ICE. Also required with HotSpot MFP Option Type S (415620) to enable secure release HotSpot printing. Not compatible with all Web Sites.
on enables direct printing of XPS format documents.
n required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, Standard JBIG. Standard 320 Pages Memory. Includes standard Internet Fax (T.37
users to send and receive faxes on a Sub MFP via a Main MFP. This option is required on both the Main MFP that has the Fax Option Type M10 (416976) installed and on the S
s SAF fax memory to approximately 2,240 pages. Requires Fax Option Type M10.
unauthorized copying of confidential documents that were created on other printers that have this option installed.
XG-PCS-15D power filter provides multi-stage power protection as well as line conditioning. Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protecti
Browser Unit Type M10 (416985) to enable HotSpot secure release capability. One year HotSpot subscription service included.

onfiguration includes 10.1" keyless Smart Operation Panel, 220-sheet SPDF, 2 x 550-Sheet Paper Trays, 100-sheet Bypass Tray, 320GB HDD, Non- Certified DOSS, HDD En
wing must be installed on the mainframe: PB1140 (2-Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets x 2 (418424), Cabinet Type F (100478FNG) or Caster Table Type M3 (416737).
dditional output tray above the standard Internal Tray or Optional Bridge Unit/Internal Shift Tray/Internal Finisher (Holds 125 Sheets).
e Type M3 (416737) provides a platform with wheels to easily move the device. Cannot be installed with the PB1140 (418424) or Cabinet Type F (100478FNG).
usinesses with a convenient option for the storage of supplies and paper.
isher with (417589)
SR3130 the standard configuration.
(500-sheet InternalCannot beprovides
Finisher installed multi-position
with the PB1140 (418424)
stapling or Caster
and optional Table Type M3 (416737).
Option installs inside SR3130 Internal Finisher 417589. Requires the Internal Finisher SR3130 (417589)
these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
P device to connect to the network over WiFi. Useful for temporary sites and locations where cabling is impractical. Cannot be installed with the Extended USB Board Type M1
on embeds invisible texts on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files by arbitrary keywords. Searchable PDF files can be sent to email, folders, and exte
or printing from USB Type B port. Cannot be installed with the IEEE 802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M19 (417493).
Adobe® PostScript®3™. Available for customers who require True Adobe workflows like Photoshop, Illustrator and PDF/X as well as additional font support. When enabled on
Spot allows users to easily print from any mobile platform connected to Wi-Fi or the Internet, directly to a HotSpot enabled device (MFP/Printer).
n required to enable fax services: 33.6 kbps, approximately 2 second transmission speed, standard JBIG, and standard 320 Pages Memory. Includes standard Internet Fax (T.3
fax memory to 4,800 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
Fax Option Type M39 (418483).
to provide a higher level of noise filtering and surge protection for devices that employ more sensitive and complex electronic components. Ricoh Advanced Technical Support

g in and authenticate users via NFC card. The card reader and its cable will be covered inside the mainframe when this option is attached.
th Ricoh & 3rd party software solutions. The smart card reader and its cable will be covered inside the mainframe when this option is attached. Not all card readers may be s

W/FC MFP Mainframe includes 10.1" Color Touch Smart Operation Panel, Standard 50-Sheet ARDF, Printing, B/W & Color Scanning, Fax, 2GB RAM, 320 GB HDD, 1 x 250s
abinet utilized when configuring the MP C306/C406 with (2) Paper Feed Units PB1080 options
abinet utilized when configuring the MPC306/C406 with (1) Paper Feed Unit PB1080 option
abinet for the MP C306/C406 only with no paper feed options
x 500-sheet paper feed tray - up to (2) PB1080 options can be configured with an MP C306/C406
Capacity. Provides additional output tray to separate fax/print output from copy.
erface used to attach External Key Counter or Key Card Device.
o convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
of these (4) options may be installed: IEEE1284 (411699), IEEE802.11 (416572), File Format Converter (414007), USB Device Server (417084)
on enables direct printing of XPS format documents.
tion embeds invisible text on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files by arbitrary keywords. Searchable PDF files can be sent to email, folders and exte
on can hold an additional IP address, which then enables device to connect to two different network environments.
Font Package for SAP - 1 seat license
users to send and receive faxes on a sub MFP via a main center MFP with fax option.
og into MFP and authentcate users only. Does not suppport Java SDK applications
unauthorized copying of confidential documents.
ers to connect a PictBridge compatible digital still camera directly to the printer without a PC, enabling direct, on the spot printing.
n ISO 15408 Certified version of DOSS that overwrites Copy, Print, Scanner, and Fax latent data. Mainframe is targeted to be ISO 15408 Common in TBD
XG-PCS-15D power filter provides multi-stage power protection as well as line conditioning. Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protecti
dable ESP AC1 power filter provides muti-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection produ
external USB keyboard - (no bracket is available for this option)
HotSpot subscription service included.

m / 36 FC ppm MFP Mainframe includes 10.1" Color Touch Smart Operation Panel, Standard 50-Sheet ARDF, Printing, Standard Postscript, B/W & Color Scanning, Fax, 2GB
abinet utilized when configuring the MP C306/C406 with (2) Paper Feed Units PB1080 options
abinet utilized when configuring the MPC306/C406 with (1) Paper Feed Unit PB1080 option
abinet for the MP C306/C406 only with no paper feed options
x 500-sheet paper feed tray - up to (2) PB1080 options can be configured with an MP C306/C406
Capacity. Provides additional output tray to separate fax/print output from copy.
erface used to attach External Key Counter or Key Card Device.
o convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
of these (4) options may be installed: IEEE1284 (411699), IEEE802.11 (416572), File Format Converter (414007), USB Device Server (417084)
on enables direct printing of XPS format documents.
tion embeds invisible text on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files by arbitrary keywords. Searchable PDF files can be sent to email, folders and exte
on can hold an additional IP address, which then enables device to connect to two different network environments.
Font Package for SAP - 1 seat license
users to send and receive faxes on a sub MFP via a main center MFP with fax option.
og into MFP and authentcate users only. Does not suppport Java SDK applications
unauthorized copying of confidential documents.
ers to connect a PictBridge compatible digital still camera directly to the printer without a PC, enabling direct, on the spot printing.
n ISO 15408 Certified version of DOSS that overwrites Copy, Print, Scanner, and Fax latent data. Mainframe is targeted to be ISO 15408 Common in (Target May 2016)
XG-PCS-15D power filter provides multi-stage power protection as well as line conditioning. Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protecti
dable ESP AC1 power filter provides muti-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection produ
external USB keyboard - (no bracket is available for this option)
HotSpot subscription service included.

P C407 / PageKeeper
W/FC MFP Mainframe includes 10.1" Color Touch Smart Operation Panel, Standard 50-Sheet SPDF (Single Pass Document Feeder), Printing, B/W & Color Scanning, Fax, 2G
abinet required when configuring the MP C407 with (2) Paper Feed Unit PB1080 options
abinet required when configuring the MP C407 with (1) Paper Feed Unit PB1080 option
abinet for the MP C407 utilized when configuring with base model only
x 500-sheet paper feed unit - up to (2) PB1080 options can be configured with an MP C407
Capacity. Provides additional output tray to separate fax/print output.
o convert format, and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
of these (4) options may be installed: IEEE1284 (417596), IEEE802.11 (417493), File Format Converter (417508), Extended USB Board Type M19 (417566)
n enables direct printing of XPS format documents.
tion embeds invisible text on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files by arbitrary keywords. Searchable PDF files can be sent to email, folders and exte
users to send and receive faxes on a sub MFP via a main center MFP with fax option.
og into MFP and authentcate users only. Does not suppport Java SDK applications
XG-PCS-15D power filter provides multi-stage power protection as well as line conditioning. Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protecti
dable ESP AC1 power filter provides muti-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection produ
d for printing from USB Type B port.
HotSpot subscription service included.
Adobe PostScript Option
Color, 42 ppm BW MFP Mainframe includes 10.1" Color Touch Smart Operation Panel, Standard 50-Sheet SPDF (Single Pass Document Feeder), Printing, B/W & Color Scann
BW/FC MFP Mainframe includes 10.1" Color Touch Smart Operation Panel, Standard 50-Sheet SPDF (Single Pass Document Feeder) with PageKeeper, Printing, B/W & Colo
Color, 42 ppm BW MFP Mainframe includes 10.1" Color Touch Smart Operation Panel, Standard 50-Sheet SPDF (Single Pass Document Feeder) with PageKeeper, Printing, B

MPC 2503 (footnote updates in red)
includes standard 100 Sheet ARDF, 100-Sheet Bypass Tray, 275GB HDD, 1.5 GB RAM, Java incl. on HDD, 2 x 550 Sheet Paper Trays, PCL5c/PCL6 Printing & Scan to Ema
requires installation of either the Cabinet Type F (100478FNG), the Paper Feed Unit PB3220 (417268) or the Paper Feed Unit PB3150 (416545) with the Caster Table Type M
1 x 550 sheet paper tray
r Table Type M3 is a mandatory requirement for the Paper Feed unit Type PB3150 (416545).
2 x 550 sheet paper tray
capacity. Provides additional output tray to separate fax/print output from copy.
Capacity. Shift sorts documents up to 11" x 17". Cannot be installed with Internal Finisher SR3130 (416543)
Finisher with 50-Sheet Stapling (LTR). Cannot be installed with the Internal Shift Tray SH3070 (416550)
Stapleless Finisher with staple-less finishing up to 5-Sheets (20lb Bond)- cannot be installed with either the Internal Finisher SR3130 (416543) or the Internal Shift Tray SH307
le Punch Option. Must install the Internal Finisher SR3130 (416543) with this option
option for the MP C2003/MP C2503. Cannot be installed with the Paper Feed Unit PB3220 (417268) or the Paper Feed Unit Type PB3150 (416545)
al Memory for the MP C2003/MP C2503 - recommended in order to support 3rd party SDK applications. Required to enable web browser functionality.
GVA resolution control panel provides intuitive touchscreen control similar to smart phones and tablets. It offers advanced Web browser functionality, drag-and-drop icons an
stomers to print crop marks for proofing SRA3/12.6" documents.
aped option used to place either card reader or counter device. USB Connector.
rface used to mount external key counter to MFP.
for printing from Mac OS. Recommended for printing more complex color and PDF files.
ers to connect a PictBridge-compatible digital camera directly to the MFP, enabling the printing of photos without a computer.
tion embeds invisible text on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files by arbitrary keywords. Searchable PDF files can be sent to email, folders and exte
Browser Features like ICE. Also required with HotSpot MFP Option Type S to enable HotSpot printing. Not compatible with all Web Sites. Memory Unit Type M3 2GB (007208
of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
terface used to attach external key counter or key card device.
to convert file format and drag to desktop document stored via Document Server.
customers who print using Netware. This option is required for the following functions: Use of iPrint ports, SNMP via IPX and Scan to NCP (IPX, TCP/IP).
ket is required for the installation of External USB Keyboard (100266FNG)
n required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, Standard JBIG. Standard 320 Pages Memory. Includes standard Internet Fax (T.37
s fax memory to 2,240 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi. Requires Fax Option Type M3 (416556).
users to send and receive faxes on a sub MFP via a main MFP. This option is required on both the Main MFP that has the Fax Option Type M3 (416556) installed and on the S
additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines. Requires Fax Option Type M3 (416556).
t Printer Data Stream (IPDS).
vanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.
unauthorized copying of confidential documents that were created on other printers that have this option installed.
with Ricoh & 3rd party software solutions. The smart card reader and its cable will be covered inside the mainframe when this option is attached. Not all card readers may be
n ISO 15408 Certified version of DOSS that overwrites Copy, Print, Scanner, and Fax latent data. Mainframe is targeted to be ISO 15408 Common Criteria certified in Sept 201
Browser Unit Type M9 (416963) and Memory Unit Type M3 2GB (007208MIU) to enable HotSpot printing. One year HotSpot subscription service included.
Keyboard for inputting data with either SDK applications OR embedded applications.

or a maximum monthly volume of 10K pages. (Letter paper, 20lb. Bond).

e includes 10.1" Keyless Smart Operation Panel, 100-Sheet ARDF, Duplex, 2 x 550-Sheet Paper Trays, 100-Sheet Bypass Tray, Drums, Developer, Color Scanning and Printin
owing must be installed on the mainframe: PB3150 (1-Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets, supports 5.5" x 8.5" to 12" x 18". 416545), PB3220 (2-Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets x 2, S
Caster Table Type M3 (416737). This paper feed unit lowers the total machine height, making it easy for all users to access the device (Section 508). The caster tray provides
of these options can be installed on the device: Booklet Finisher SR3220 (1,000 Sheet Booklet Finisher. 50 -8.5"x11" Sheets Staple Capacity. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x1
r BU3070 Bridge Unit 417587 with Booklet Finisher SR3220 (417484).
h Option installs inside SR3130 Internal Finisher 417589. Supports Paper Sizes 7.25" x 10.5" to 11" x 17".
dditional output tray above the standard Internal Tray or Optional Bridge Unit/Internal Shift Tray/Internal Finisher (Holds 125 Sheets). Supports Paper Sizes Up To 5.5" x 8.5" t
h Option for SR3220 (417484) Finishers. Supports Paper Sizes Up To 5.5" x 8.5" to 11" x 17".
rface used to mount external key counter to MFP.
terface used to attach external key counter or key card device.
aped option used to place either card reader or counter device. USB Connector.
stomers to print crop marks for proofing SRA3/12.6" documents.
n required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, Standard JBIG. Standard 320 Pages Memory. Includes standard Internet Fax (T.37
additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines.
Fax Option Type M19 (417510)
s fax memory to 4,800 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
ers to connect a PictBridge-compatible digital camera directly to the MFP, enabling the printing of photos without a computer.
for printing from Mac OS. Recommended for printing more complex color and PDF files.
tion embeds invisible texts on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files by arbitrary keywords. Searchable PDF files can be sent to email, folders and ext
to convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
vanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.
for printing from USB Type B port.
users to send and receive faxes on a sub MFP via a main MFP. This option is required on both the Main MFP that has the Fax Option Type M19 (417510) installed and on the S
with Ricoh & 3rd party software solutions. The smart card reader and its cable will be covered inside the mainframe when this option is attached. Not all card readers may be
Keyboard for inputting data with SDK or embedded applications.
rt Card Reader Built-in Unit Type M19 (417595) and External Keyboard Bracket Type M19 (417578) cannot be installed on the same device.
ket is required for the installation of External USB Keyboard (100266FNG)
r direct printing of XPS-type file formats.
nstall floor standing Finisher SR3220 (417484) with the PB3150 (416545) and Caster Table Type M3 (416737).
ace board for adding an extra Ethernet port. If you install the USB Device Server Option, you can connect two Ethernet cables simultaneously: one to the machine's Gigabit Ethe
n ISO 15408 Certified version of DOSS that overwrites Copy, Print, Scanner, and Fax latent data. The DataOverwriteSecurity System (DOSS) overwrites data that is temporarily
og in and authenticate users via NFC card. The card reader and its cable will be covered inside the mainframe when this option is attached.
tSpot allows users to easily print from any mobile platform connected to Wi-Fi or the Internet, directly to a HotSpot enabled device (MFP/Printer).
nner Paper Guide Tray Type M19 is recommended when printing on banner paper to avoid paper skew.
et Stapleless Internal Finisher with staple-less finishing up to 5-Sheets (20lb Bond)- cannot be installed with either the Internal Finisher SR3130 (417589), Internal Shift Tray SH

/ MPC 2504EX
or a maximum monthly volume of 10K pages. (Letter paper, 20lb. Bond).
e includes 10.1" Keyless Smart Operation Panel, 100-Sheet ARDF, Duplex, 2 x 550-Sheet Paper Trays, 100-Sheet Bypass Tray, Drums, Developer, Color Scanning and Printin
owing must be installed on the mainframe: PB3150 (1-Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets, supports 5.5" x 8.5" to 12" x 18". 408114), PB3220 (2-Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets x 2, S
Caster Table Type M3 (416737). This paper feed unit lowers the total machine height, making it easy for all users to access the device (Section 508). The caster tray provides
of these options can be installed on the device: Booklet Finisher SR3220 (1,000 Sheet Booklet Finisher. 50 -8.5"x11" Sheets Staple Capacity. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x1
r BU3070 Bridge Unit 417587 with Booklet Finisher SR3220 (417484).
h Option installs inside SR3130 Internal Finisher 417589. Supports Paper Sizes 7.25" x 10.5" to 11" x 17".
dditional output tray above the standard Internal Tray or Optional Bridge Unit/Internal Shift Tray/Internal Finisher (Holds 125 Sheets). Supports Paper Sizes Up To 5.5" x 8.5" t
h Option for SR3220 (417484) Finishers. Supports Paper Sizes Up To 5.5" x 8.5" to 11" x 17".
rface used to mount external key counter to MFP.
terface used to attach external key counter or key card device.
aped option used to place either card reader or counter device. USB Connector.
stomers to print crop marks for proofing SRA3/12.6" documents.
n required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, Standard JBIG. Standard 320 Pages Memory. Includes standard Internet Fax (T.37
additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines.
Fax Option Type M19 (417510)
s fax memory to 4,800 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
ers to connect a PictBridge-compatible digital camera directly to the MFP, enabling the printing of photos without a computer.
for printing from Mac OS. Recommended for printing more complex color and PDF files.
tion embeds invisible texts on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files by arbitrary keywords. Searchable PDF files can be sent to email, folders and ext
to convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
vanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.
for printing from USB Type B port.
users to send and receive faxes on a sub MFP via a main MFP. This option is required on both the Main MFP that has the Fax Option Type M19 (417510) installed and on the S
with Ricoh & 3rd party software solutions. The smart card reader and its cable will be covered inside the mainframe when this option is attached. Not all card readers may be
Keyboard for inputting data with SDK or embedded applications.
rt Card Reader Built-in Unit Type M19 (417595) and External Keyboard Bracket Type M19 (417578) cannot be installed on the same device.
ket is required for the installation of External USB Keyboard (100266FNG)
r direct printing of XPS-type file formats.
nstall floor standing Finisher SR3220 (417484) with the PB3150 (408114) and Caster Table Type M3 (416737).
n ISO 15408 Certified version of DOSS that overwrites Copy, Print, Scanner, and Fax latent data. The DataOverwriteSecurity System (DOSS) overwrites data that is temporarily
og in and authenticate users via NFC card. The card reader and its cable will be covered inside the mainframe when this option is attached.
tSpot allows users to easily print from any mobile platform connected to Wi-Fi or the Internet, directly to a HotSpot enabled device (MFP/Printer).
nner Paper Guide Tray Type M19 is recommended when printing on banner paper to avoid paper skew.
et Stapleless Internal Finisher with staple-less finishing up to 5-Sheets (20lb Bond)- cannot be installed with either the Internal Finisher SR3130 (417589), Internal Shift Tray SH

or a maximum monthly volume of 10K pages. (Letter paper, 20lb. Bond).

includes standard 10.1" Keyless Smart Operation Panel, 100-Sheet ARDF, Duplex, 2 x 550-Sheet Paper Trays, 100-Sheet Bypass Tray, Drums, Developer, Color Scanning an
wing must be installed on the mainframe: PB3270 (1-Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets, supports 5.5" x 8.5" to 12" x 18" (418355)), PB3300 (2-Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets x 2, S
aster Table Type M3 (416737). This paper feed unit lowers the total machine height, making it easy for all users to access the device (Section 508). The caster tray provides
these options can be installed on the device: Booklet Finisher SR3270 (418335), Internal Finisher SR3250 (418378), Staple-less Internal Finisher SR3300 (418341) or Interna
BU3090 Bridge Unit 418345 with Booklet Finisher SR3270 (418335).
Option installs inside SR3250 Internal Finisher (418378).
dditional output tray above the standard Internal Tray or Optional Bridge Unit/Internal Shift Tray/Internal Finisher (Holds 125 Sheets).
Option for SR3270 (418335) Booklet Finisher.
face used to mount external key counter to MFP.
erface used to attach external key counter or key card device.
ED FOR VM CARD (TBD). Purchase of Memory Unit Type M37 4GB (418397) is required with this option.
stomers to print crop marks for proofing SRA3/12.6" documents.
n required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, Standard JBIG. Standard 320 Pages Memory. Includes standard Internet Fax (T.37)
additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines.
Fax Option Type M37 (418392)
fax memory to 4,800 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
n is available for customers who require True Adobe workflows like Photoshop, Illustrator and PDF/X as well as additional font support. When enabled on the MFP, the standard
on embeds invisible texts on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files by arbitrary keywords. Searchable PDF files can be sent to email, folders and exte
o convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
anced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.
th Ricoh & 3rd party software solutions. The smart card reader and its cable will be covered inside the mainframe when this option is attached. Not all card readers may be s
eyboard for inputting data with SDK or embedded applications.
t Card Reader Built-in Unit Type M37 (418422) and External Keyboard Bracket Type M19 (417578) cannot be installed on the same device.
et is required for the installation of External USB Keyboard (100266FNG)
stall floor standing Booklet Finisher SR3270 (418335) with the PB3270 (418355) and Caster Table Type M3 (416737).
Device Server Option is an interface board used to add an extra Ethernet port. Once installed, the option connects two Ethernet cables simultaneously: one to the machine's Eth
g in and authenticate users via NFC card. The card reader and its cable will be covered inside the mainframe when this option is attached.
ner Paper Guide Tray Type M19 (417485) is recommended when printing on banner paper to avoid paper skew.
t Stapleless Internal Finisher with staple-less finishing up to 5-Sheets (20lb Bond)- cannot be installed with either the Internal Finisher SR3250 (418378), Internal Shift Tray SH3

or a maximum monthly volume of 10K pages. (Letter paper, 20lb. Bond).

includes standard 10.1" Keyless Smart Operation Panel, 100-Sheet ARDF, Duplex, 2 x 550-Sheet Paper Trays, 100-Sheet Bypass Tray, Drums, Developer, Color Scanning an
wing must be installed on the mainframe: PB3270 (1-Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets, supports 5.5" x 8.5" to 12" x 18" (418355)), PB3300 (2-Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets x 2, S
aster Table Type M3 (416737). This paper feed unit lowers the total machine height, making it easy for all users to access the device (Section 508). The caster tray provides
these options can be installed on the device: Booklet Finisher SR3270 (418335), Internal Finisher SR3250 (418378), Staple-less Internal Finisher SR3300 (418341) or Interna
BU3090 Bridge Unit 418345 with Booklet Finisher SR3270 (418335).
Option installs inside SR3250 Internal Finisher (418378).
dditional output tray above the standard Internal Tray or Optional Bridge Unit/Internal Shift Tray/Internal Finisher (Holds 125 Sheets).
Option for SR3270 (418335) Booklet Finisher.
face used to mount external key counter to MFP.
erface used to attach external key counter or key card device.
of the VM Card Type M37 is ONLY required to support any embedded software app that is developed on SDK-J (i.e. Java). Memory Unit Type M37 4GB is also required when
stomers to print crop marks for proofing SRA3/12.6" documents.
n required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, Standard JBIG. Standard 320 Pages Memory. Includes standard Internet Fax (T.37)
additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines.
Fax Option Type M37 (418392)
fax memory to 4,800 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
n is available for customers who require True Adobe workflows like Photoshop, Illustrator and PDF/X as well as additional font support. When enabled on the MFP, the standard
on embeds invisible texts on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files by arbitrary keywords. Searchable PDF files can be sent to email, folders and exte
o convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
anced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.
th Ricoh & 3rd party software solutions. The smart card reader and its cable will be covered inside the mainframe when this option is attached. Not all card readers may be s
eyboard for inputting data with SDK or embedded applications.
t Card Reader Built-in Unit Type M37 (418422) and External Keyboard Bracket Type M19 (417578) cannot be installed on the same device.
et is required for the installation of External USB Keyboard (100266FNG)
stall floor standing Booklet Finisher SR3270 (418335) with the PB3270 (418355) and Caster Table Type M3 (416737).
Device Server Option is an interface board used to add an extra Ethernet port. Once installed, the option connects two Ethernet cables simultaneously: one to the machine's Eth
g in and authenticate users via NFC card. The card reader and its cable will be covered inside the mainframe when this option is attached.
ner Paper Guide Tray Type M19 (417485) is recommended when printing on banner paper to avoid paper skew.
t Stapleless Internal Finisher with staple-less finishing up to 5-Sheets (20lb Bond)- cannot be installed with either the Internal Finisher SR3250 (418378), Internal Shift Tray SH3

der only - no cards are provided. Used with Common Access Card (CAC)/Personal Identity Verification (PIV) Authentication and SIPRNet Token Authentication Solutions.

MP C3504 (footnote updates in red)

or a max monthly volume of 20K pages. (Letter paper, 20lb. Bond).
e includes 10.1" Keyless Smart Operation Panel, 220-Sheet SPDF, Duplex, 2 x 550-Sheet Paper Trays, 100-Sheet Bypass Tray, Drums, Developer, Color Scanning and Printin
owing must be installed on the mainframe: PB3150 (One-Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets, supports 5.5" x 8.5" to 12" x 18". 416545), PB3160 (2-Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets x 2
Caster Table Type M3 (416737). This paper feed unit lowers the total machine height, making it easy for all users to access the device (Section 508). The caster tray provides
ofCapacity Tray with
these options 1,500
can be sheeton
installed capacity. Supports
the device: 8.5
Hybrid x 11" paper
Finisher size(1,000
SR3210 only. Cannot be installed
Sheet External with PB3150
Finisher. (416545),
50 -8.5"x11" Caster
Sheets Table
Staple Type M3
Capacity. (416737)
Supports or Cabinet
Paper Sizes upType F (1
to 12"x1

r BU3070 Bridge Unit 417587 with any external Finisher.

h Option installs inside SR3130 Internal Finisher 417589. Supports Paper Sizes 7.25" x 10.5" to 11" x 17".
dditional output tray above the standard Internal Tray or Optional Bridge Unit/Internal Shift Tray/Internal Finisher (Holds 125 Sheets). Supports Paper Sizes Up To 5.5" x 8.5" t
OverWrite Security System does not overwrite the HDD for the Color Controller E-23C (417486)
ch Option for SR3220 (417484) & SR3210 (417483) Finishers. Supports Paper Sizes Up To 5.5" x 8.5" to 11" x 17".
rface used to mount external key counter to MFP.
terface used to attach external key counter or key card device.
RAM from 2 to 4GB. Included with Color Controller E-23C (417486).
aped option used to place either card reader or counter device. USB Connector.
stomers to print crop marks for proofing SRA3/12.6" documents.
n required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, Standard JBIG. Standard 320 Pages Memory. Includes standard Internet Fax (T.37
additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines.
Fax Option Type M19 (417510)
s fax memory to 4,800 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
ers to connect a PictBridge-compatible digital camera directly to the MFP, enabling the printing of photos without a computer.
for printing from Mac OS. Recommended for printing more complex color and PDF files.
tion embeds invisible texts on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files by arbitrary keywords. Searchable PDF files can be sent to email, folders and ext
to convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
vanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.
for printing from USB Type B port.
users to send and receive faxes on a sub MFP via a main MFP. This option is required on both the Main MFP that has the Fax Option Type M19 (417510) installed and on the S
with Ricoh & 3rd party software solutions. The smart card reader and its cable will be covered inside the mainframe when this option is attached. Not all card readers may be
Keyboard for inputting data with SDK or embedded applications.
rt Card Reader Built-in Unit Type M19 (417595) and External Keyboard Bracket Type M19 (417578) cannot be installed on the same device.
ket is required for the installation of External USB Keyboard (100266FNG)
r direct printing of XPS-type file formats.
nstall floor standing Finisher SR3220 (417484) or SR3210 (417483) with the PB3150 (416545) and Caster Table Type M3 (416737).
ace board for adding an extra Ethernet port. If you install the USB Device Server Option, you can connect two Ethernet cables simultaneously: one to the machine's Gigabit Ethe
n ISO 15408 Certified version of DOSS that overwrites Copy, Print, Scanner, and Fax latent data. The DataOverwriteSecurity System (DOSS) overwrites data that is temporarily
og in and authenticate users via NFC card. The card reader and its cable will be covered inside the mainframe when this option is attached.
tSpot allows users to easily print from any mobile platform connected to Wi-Fi or the Internet, directly to a HotSpot enabled device (MFP/Printer).
with unauthorized copy control pattern or text with the Copy Data Security Unit Type G (416391) is not available when Color Controller E-22C (416731) are installed.
nner Paper Guide Tray Type M19 is recommended when printing on banner paper to avoid paper skew.
Fiery Color Controller that can be configured with the std Print/Scan controller for embedded scan features and Fiery print. Comes with 4GB RAM memory upgrade and conne
on that helps to automate and streamline labor-intensive prepress tasks. Requires Color Controller E23-C (417486).
on that provides intuitive tools that make advanced document preparation simple and quick. Requires Color Controller E23-C (417486).
ion that enables the creation of special folders that can assign a group of print options. Requires Color Controller E23-C (417486).
on that enables you to reproduce custom or spot colors. Requires Color Controller E23-C (417486).
on that provides a fast and simple way to ensure that your image output is optimized. Requires Color Controller E23-C (417486).
Color Profiler v4 software and ES-2000 spectrophotometer: Includes 1 year of phone support. Requires Color Controller E23-C (417486).
mers that have an ES-2000 Spectrophotometer and want Color Profiler v4 software: Includes 1 year of phone support
et Stapleless Internal Finisher with staple-less finishing up to 5-Sheets (20lb Bond)- cannot be installed with either the Internal Finisher SR3130 (417589), Internal Shift Tray SH
asurement device for calibration and profiling. Enables fast, precise and flexible color management that produces the highest color quality. Requires Color Controller E23-C (4
on aids in workflow productivity - helps meet tight turnaround times/produce top notch color documents while achieving process automation. Requires Color Controller E23-C (
on Kit is required to use the Color Controller E-23C (417486) with the MP C3004/3504 Mainframes.
E1284 Interface Board Type M19 (417596), IEEE802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M19(417493), Camera Direct Print Card Type M19(417507), PostScript 3 Unit Type M19 (4175

or a max monthly volume of 20K pages. (Letter paper, 20lb. Bond).

e includes 10.1" Keyless Smart Operation Panel, 220-Sheet SPDF, Duplex, 2 x 550-Sheet Paper Trays, 100-Sheet Bypass Tray, Drums, Developer, Color Scanning and Printin
owing must be installed on the mainframe: PB3270 (One-Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets, supports 7.25" x 10.5" to 12" x 18", 418355), PB3280 (2-Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets
Caster Table Type M3 (416737). This paper feed unit lowers the total machine height, making it easy for all users to access the device (Section 508). The caster tray provides
ofCapacity Tray with
these options 1,500
can be sheeton
installed capacity. Supports
the device: 8.5
Hybrid x 11" paper
Finisher size(1,000
SR3260 only. Cannot be installed
Sheet External with PB3270
Finisher. (418355),
50 -8.5"x11" Caster
Sheets Table
Staple Type M3
Capacity. (416737)
Supports or Cabinet
Paper Sizes upType F (1
to 12"x1

r BU3090 Bridge Unit 418345 with any external Finisher.

h Option installs inside SR3250 Internal Finisher 418378. Supports Paper Sizes 7.25" x 10.5" to 11" x 17".
dditional output tray above the standard Internal Tray or Optional Bridge Unit/Internal Shift Tray/Internal Finisher (Holds 125 Sheets). Supports Paper Sizes Up To 5.5" x 8.5" t
OverWrite Security System does not overwrite the HDD for the Color Controller E-25C (418433)
ch Option for SR3260 (418337) & SR3270 (418335) Finishers. Supports Paper Sizes Up To 5.5" x 8.5" to 11" x 17".
rface used to mount external key counter to MFP.
terface used to attach external key counter or key card device.
RAM from 2 to 4GB. Included with Color Controller E-25C (418433).
ding Unit that offers several patterns including V fold, Z fold and Tri-fold. This option can be added to the configuration with or without an external finisher. No Bridge Unit is requ
stomers to print crop marks for proofing SRA3/12.6" documents.
n required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, Standard JBIG. Standard 320 Pages Memory. Includes standard Internet Fax (T.37
additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines.
Fax Option Type M37 (418392)
s fax memory to 4,800 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
nsert for the SPDF facilitates scanning small documents in sizes from 3.0" x 4.1" to 5.8" x 8.5".
for customers who require True Adobe workflows like Photoshop, Illustrator and PDF/X as well as additional font support. When enabled on the MFP, the standard PostScript3
tion embeds invisible texts on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files by arbitrary keywords. Searchable PDF files can be sent to email, folders and ext
to convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
vanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.
sensors for SPDF to detect double feeds during scanning.
with Ricoh & 3rd party software solutions. The smart card reader and its cable will be covered inside the mainframe when this option is attached. Not all card readers may be
Keyboard for inputting data with SDK or embedded applications.
with Ricoh & 3rd party software solutions. The smart card reader and its cable will be covered inside the mainframe when this option is attached. Not all card readers may be
ket is required for the installation of External USB Keyboard (100266FNG)
nstall floor standing Finisher SR3260 (418337) or SR3270 (418335) with the PB3270 (418355) and Caster Table Type M3 (416737).
ace board for adding an extra Ethernet port. If you install the USB Device Server Option, you can connect two Ethernet cables simultaneously: one to the machine's Gigabit Ethe
og in and authenticate users via NFC card. The card reader and its cable will be covered inside the mainframe when this option is attached.
nner Paper Guide Tray Type M19 is recommended when printing on banner paper to avoid paper skew.
Fiery Color Controller that can be configured with the std Print/Scan controller for embedded scan features and Fiery print. Comes with 4GB RAM memory upgrade and conne
on that helps to automate and streamline labor-intensive prepress tasks. Requires Color Controller E25-C (418433).
on that provides intuitive tools that make advanced document preparation simple and quick. Requires Color Controller E25-C (418433).
ion that enables the creation of special folders that can assign a group of print options. Requires Color Controller E25-C (418433).
on that enables you to reproduce custom or spot colors. Requires Color Controller E25-C (418433).
on that provides a fast and simple way to ensure that your image output is optimized. Requires Color Controller E25-C (418433).
Color Profiler v4 software and ES-2000 spectrophotometer: Includes 1 year of phone support. Requires Color Controller E25-C (418433).
et Stapleless Internal Finisher with staple-less finishing up to 5-Sheets (20lb Bond)- cannot be installed with either the Internal Finisher SR3250 (418378), Internal Shift Tray SH
asurement device for calibration and profiling. Enables fast, precise and flexible color management that produces the highest color quality. Requires Color Controller E25-C (4
on aids in workflow productivity - helps meet tight turnaround times/produce top notch color documents while achieving process automation. Requires Color Controller E25-C (
E802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M19(417493) and PostScript 3 Unit Type M37 (418406) cannot be configured with the Color Controller E-25C (418433).
d to support legacy versions of some Ricoh solutions software. Consult the Launched Hardware-Software Compatibility Table for details. Purchase of Memory Unit Type M37 4

or a max monthly volume of 20K pages. (Letter paper, 20lb. Bond).

e includes 10.1" Keyless Smart Operation Panel, 220-Sheet SPDF, Duplex, 2 x 550-Sheet Paper Trays, 100-Sheet Bypass Tray, Drums, Developer, Color Scanning and Printin
owing must be installed on the mainframe: PB3270 (One-Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets, supports 7.25" x 10.5" to 12" x 18", 418355), PB3280 (2-Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets
Caster Table Type M3 (416737). This paper feed unit lowers the total machine height, making it easy for all users to access the device (Section 508). The caster tray provides
ofCapacity Tray with
these options 1,500
can be sheeton
installed capacity. Supports
the device: 8.5
Hybrid x 11" paper
Finisher size(1,000
SR3260 only. Cannot be installed
Sheet External with PB3270
Finisher. (418355),
50 -8.5"x11" Caster
Sheets Table
Staple Type M3
Capacity. (416737)
Supports or Cabinet
Paper Sizes upType F (1
to 12"x1

r BU3090 Bridge Unit 418345 with any external Finisher.

h Option installs inside SR3250 Internal Finisher 418378. Supports Paper Sizes 7.25" x 10.5" to 11" x 17".
dditional output tray above the standard Internal Tray or Optional Bridge Unit/Internal Shift Tray/Internal Finisher (Holds 125 Sheets). Supports Paper Sizes Up To 5.5" x 8.5" t
OverWrite Security System does not overwrite the HDD for the Color Controller E-25C (418433)
ch Option for SR3260 (418337) & SR3270 (418335) Finishers. Supports Paper Sizes Up To 5.5" x 8.5" to 11" x 17".
rface used to mount external key counter to MFP.
terface used to attach external key counter or key card device.
RAM from 2 to 4GB. Included with Color Controller E-25C (418433).
ding Unit that offers several patterns including V fold, Z fold and Tri-fold. This option can be added to the configuration with or without an external finisher. No Bridge Unit is requ
stomers to print crop marks for proofing SRA3/12.6" documents.
n required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, Standard JBIG. Standard 320 Pages Memory. Includes standard Internet Fax (T.37
additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines.
Fax Option Type M37 (418392)
s fax memory to 4,800 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
nsert for the SPDF facilitates scanning small documents in sizes from 3.0" x 4.1" to 5.8" x 8.5".
for customers who require True Adobe workflows like Photoshop, Illustrator and PDF/X as well as additional font support. When enabled on the MFP, the standard PostScript3
tion embeds invisible texts on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files by arbitrary keywords. Searchable PDF files can be sent to email, folders and ext
to convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
vanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.
sensors for SPDF to detect double feeds during scanning.
with Ricoh & 3rd party software solutions. The smart card reader and its cable will be covered inside the mainframe when this option is attached. Not all card readers may be
Keyboard for inputting data with SDK or embedded applications.
with Ricoh & 3rd party software solutions. The smart card reader and its cable will be covered inside the mainframe when this option is attached. Not all card readers may be
ket is required for the installation of External USB Keyboard (100266FNG)
nstall floor standing Finisher SR3260 (418337) or SR3270 (418335) with the PB3270 (418355) and Caster Table Type M3 (416737).
ace board for adding an extra Ethernet port. If you install the USB Device Server Option, you can connect two Ethernet cables simultaneously: one to the machine's Gigabit Ethe
og in and authenticate users via NFC card. The card reader and its cable will be covered inside the mainframe when this option is attached.
nner Paper Guide Tray Type M19 is recommended when printing on banner paper to avoid paper skew.
Fiery Color Controller that can be configured with the std Print/Scan controller for embedded scan features and Fiery print. Comes with 4GB RAM memory upgrade and conne
on that helps to automate and streamline labor-intensive prepress tasks. Requires Color Controller E25-C (418433).
on that provides intuitive tools that make advanced document preparation simple and quick. Requires Color Controller E25-C (418433).
ion that enables the creation of special folders that can assign a group of print options. Requires Color Controller E25-C (418433).
on that enables you to reproduce custom or spot colors. Requires Color Controller E25-C (418433).
on that provides a fast and simple way to ensure that your image output is optimized. Requires Color Controller E25-C (418433).
Color Profiler v4 software and ES-2000 spectrophotometer: Includes 1 year of phone support. Requires Color Controller E25-C (418433).
et Stapleless Internal Finisher with staple-less finishing up to 5-Sheets (20lb Bond)- cannot be installed with either the Internal Finisher SR3250 (418378), Internal Shift Tray SH
asurement device for calibration and profiling. Enables fast, precise and flexible color management that produces the highest color quality. Requires Color Controller E25-C (4
on aids in workflow productivity - helps meet tight turnaround times/produce top notch color documents while achieving process automation. Requires Color Controller E25-C (
E802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M19(417493) and PostScript 3 Unit Type M37 (418406) cannot be configured with the Color Controller E-25C (418433).
e of VM Card Type M37 is ONLY required to support any embedded software app that is developed on SDK-J (i.e. Java). Memory Unit Type M37 4GB is also required when or
ader only - no cards are provided. Used with Common Access Card (CAC)/Personal Identity Verification (PIV) Authentication and SIPRNet Token Authentication Solutions.

/ MP C3504EX
or a max monthly volume of 20K pages. (Letter paper, 20lb. Bond).
e includes 10.1" Keyless Smart Operation Panel, 220-Sheet SPDF, Duplex, 2 x 550-Sheet Paper Trays, 100-Sheet Bypass Tray, Drums, Developer, Color Scanning and Printin
owing must be installed on the mainframe: PB3250 (One-Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets, supports 7.25" x 10.5" to 12" x 18" 408114), PB3240 (2-Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets x
Caster Table Type M3 (416737). This paper feed unit lowers the total machine height, making it easy for all users to access the device (Section 508). The caster tray provides
ofCapacity Tray with
these options 1,500
can be sheeton
installed capacity. Supports
the device: 8.5
Hybrid x 11" paper
Finisher size(1,000
SR3210 only. Cannot be installed
Sheet External with PB3250
Finisher. (408114),
50 -8.5"x11" Caster
Sheets Table
Staple Type M3
Capacity. (416737)
Supports or Cabinet
Paper Sizes upType F (1
to 12"x1

r BU3070 Bridge Unit 417587 with any external Finisher.

h Option installs inside SR3130 Internal Finisher 417589. Supports Paper Sizes 7.25" x 10.5" to 11" x 17".
dditional output tray above the standard Internal Tray or Optional Bridge Unit/Internal Shift Tray/Internal Finisher (Holds 125 Sheets). Supports Paper Sizes Up To 5.5" x 8.5" t
OverWrite Security System does not overwrite the HDD for the Color Controller E-23C (417925)
ch Option for SR3220 (417484) & SR3210 (417483) Finishers. Supports Paper Sizes Up To 5.5" x 8.5" to 11" x 17".
rface used to mount external key counter to MFP.
terface used to attach external key counter or key card device.
RAM from 2 to 4GB. Included with Color Controller E-23C (417925).
aped option used to place either card reader or counter device. USB Connector.
stomers to print crop marks for proofing SRA3/12.6" documents.
n required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, Standard JBIG. Standard 320 Pages Memory. Includes standard Internet Fax (T.37
additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines.
Fax Option Type M19 (417510)
s fax memory to 4,800 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
ers to connect a PictBridge-compatible digital camera directly to the MFP, enabling the printing of photos without a computer.
for customers who require True Adobe workflows like Photoshop, Illustrator and PDF/X as well as additional font support. When enabled on the MFP, the standard PostScript3
tion embeds invisible texts on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files by arbitrary keywords. Searchable PDF files can be sent to email, folders and ext
to convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
vanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.
for printing from USB Type B port.
users to send and receive faxes on a sub MFP via a main MFP. This option is required on both the Main MFP that has the Fax Option Type M19 (417510) installed and on the S
with Ricoh & 3rd party software solutions. The smart card reader and its cable will be covered inside the mainframe when this option is attached. Not all card readers may be
Keyboard for inputting data with SDK or embedded applications.
with Ricoh & 3rd party software solutions. The smart card reader and its cable will be covered inside the mainframe when this option is attached. Not all card readers may be
ket is required for the installation of External USB Keyboard (100266FNG)
r direct printing of XPS-type file formats.
nstall floor standing Finisher SR3220 (417484) or SR3210 (417483) with the PB3250 (408114) and Caster Table Type M3 (416737).
n ISO 15408 Certified version of DOSS that overwrites Copy, Print, Scanner, and Fax latent data. The DataOverwriteSecurity System (DOSS) overwrites data that is temporarily
og in and authenticate users via NFC card. The card reader and its cable will be covered inside the mainframe when this option is attached.
tSpot allows users to easily print from any mobile platform connected to Wi-Fi or the Internet, directly to a HotSpot enabled device (MFP/Printer).
nner Paper Guide Tray Type M19 is recommended when printing on banner paper to avoid paper skew.
Fiery Color Controller that can be configured with the std Print/Scan controller for embedded scan features and Fiery print. Comes with 4GB RAM memory upgrade and conne
on that helps to automate and streamline labor-intensive prepress tasks. Requires Color Controller E23-C (417925).
on that provides intuitive tools that make advanced document preparation simple and quick. Requires Color Controller E23-C (417925).
ion that enables the creation of special folders that can assign a group of print options. Requires Color Controller E23-C (417925).
on that enables you to reproduce custom or spot colors. Requires Color Controller E23-C (417925).
on that provides a fast and simple way to ensure that your image output is optimized. Requires Color Controller E23-C (417925).
Color Profiler v4 software and ES-2000 spectrophotometer: Includes 1 year of phone support. Requires Color Controller E23-C (417925).
et Stapleless Internal Finisher with staple-less finishing up to 5-Sheets (20lb Bond)- cannot be installed with either the Internal Finisher SR3130 (417589), Internal Shift Tray SH
asurement device for calibration and profiling. Enables fast, precise and flexible color management that produces the highest color quality. Requires Color Controller E23-C (4
on aids in workflow productivity - helps meet tight turnaround times/produce top notch color documents while achieving process automation. Requires Color Controller E23-C (
E1284 Interface Board Type M19 (417596), IEEE802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M19(417493), Camera Direct Print Card Type M19(417507), and PostScript 3 Unit Type M33 (

for a max monthly volume of 50K pages (Letter paper, 20lb. Bond).
e includes 10.1" Keyless Smart Operation Panel, 220-Sheet SPDF, Duplex, 2 x 550-Sheet Paper Trays, 100-Sheet Bypass Tray, Drums, Developer, Color Scanning and Printin
owing must be installed on the mainframe: PB3150 (One-Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets, supports 5.5" x 8.5" to 12" x 18". 416545), PB3160 (2-Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets x 2
Caster Table Type M3 (416737). This paper feed unit lowers the total machine height, making it easy for all users to access the device (Section 508). The caster tray provides
e Capacity Tray with 1,500 sheet capacity. Supports 8.5 x 11" paper size only. Cannot be installed with PB3150 (416545), Caster Table Type M3 (416737) or Cabinet Type F (1
of these options can be installed on the device. Booklet Finisher SR3220 (1,000 Sheet External Finisher. 50 -8.5"x11" Sheet Staple Capacity. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x18
r BU3070 Bridge Unit 417587 with any external Finisher.
h Option installs inside SR3130 Internal Finisher 417589. Supports Paper Sizes 7.25" x 10.5" to 11" x 17".
dditional output tray above the standard Internal Tray or Optional Bridge Unit/Internal Shift Tray/Internal Finisher (Holds 125 Sheets). Supports Paper Sizes Up To 5.5" x 8.5" t
OverWrite Security System does not overwrite the HDD for the Color Controller E-23C (417486)
ch Option for SR3220 (417484) & SR3210 (417483) Finishers. Supports Paper Sizes Up To 5.5" x 8.5" to 11" x 17".
rface used to mount external key counter to MFP.
terface used to attach external key counter or key card device.
ch Option for SR3230 (417487) & SR3240 (417488) Finishers. 2-/3-Hole Punch Unit. Supports Paper Sizes 5.5" x 8.5" to 11" x 17".
aped option used to place either card reader or counter device. USB Connector.
stomers to print crop marks for proofing SRA3/12.6" documents.
n required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, Standard JBIG. Standard 320 Pages Memory. Includes standard Internet Fax (T.37
additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines.
Fax Option Type M20 (417531).
s fax memory to 4,800 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
ers to connect a PictBridge-compatible digital camera directly to the MFP, enabling the printing of photos without a computer.
for printing from Mac OS. Recommended for printing more complex color and PDF files.
tion embeds invisible texts on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files by arbitrary keywords. Searchable PDF files can be sent to email, folders and ext
to convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
vanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.
for printing from USB Type B port.
users to send and receive faxes on a sub MFP via a main MFP. This option is required on both the Main MFP that has the Fax Option Type M20 (417510) installed and on the
og in and authenticate users via NFC card. The card reader and its cable will be covered inside the mainframe when this option is attached.
Keyboard for inputting data with SDK or embedded applications.
rt Card Reader Built-in Unit Type M19 (417595) and External Keyboard Bracket Type M19 (417578) cannot be installed on the same device.
ket is required for the installation of External USB Keyboard (100266FNG)
r direct printing of XPS-type file formats.
nstall floor standing Finishers SR3220 (417484), SR3210 (417483), SR3230 (417487), SR3240 (417488) with the PB3150 (416545) and Caster Table Type M3 (416737).
t Printer Data Stream (IPDS). Target availability is November 2013.
ace board for adding an extra Ethernet port. If you install the USB Device Server Option, you can connect two Ethernet cables simultaneously: one to the machine's Gigabit Ethe
n ISO 15408 Certified version of DOSS that overwrites Copy, Print, Scanner, and Fax latent data. The DataOverwriteSecurity System (DOSS) overwrites data that is temporarily
patible with MP C6004.
tSpot allows users to easily print from any mobile platform connected to Wi-Fi or the Internet, directly to a HotSpot enabled device (MFP/Printer).
nner Paper Guide Tray Type M19 is recommended when printing on banner paper to avoid paper skew.
Fiery Color Controller that can be configured with the std Print/Scan controller for embedded scan features and Fiery print. Comes with 4GB RAM memory upgrade and conne
on that helps to automate and streamline labor-intensive prepress tasks. Requires Color Controller E23-C (417486).
on that provides intuitive tools that make advanced document preparation simple and quick. Requires Color Controller E23-C (417486).
ion that enables the creation of special folders that can assign a group of print options. Requires Color Controller E23-C (417486).
on that enables you to reproduce custom or spot colors. Requires Color Controller E23-C (417486).
on that provides a fast and simple way to ensure that your image output is optimized. Requires Color Controller E23-C (417486).
Color Profiler v4 software and ES-2000 spectrophotometer: Includes 1 year of phone support. Requires Color Controller E23-C (417486).
mers that have an ES-2000 Spectrophotometer and want Color Profiler v4 software: Includes 1 year of phone support
RAM from 2 to 4GB. Included with Fiery Controller E-23C.
asurement device for calibration and profiling. Enables fast, precise and flexible color management that produces the highest color quality. Requires Color Controller E23-C (4
on aids in workflow productivity - helps meet tight turnaround times/produce top notch color documents while achieving process automation. Requires Color Controller E23-C (
E1284 (417596), IEEE802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M2 (417493), Camera Direct Print Card Type M3 (417507), PostScript 3 Unit Type M3 (417504), Extended USB Board Ty

for a max monthly volume of 50K pages (Letter paper, 20lb. Bond).
e includes 10.1" Keyless Smart Operation Panel, 220-Sheet SPDF, Duplex, 2 x 550-Sheet Paper Trays, 100-Sheet Bypass Tray, Drums, Developer, Color Scanning and Printin
owing must be installed on the mainframe: PB3270 (One-Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets, supports 7.25" x 10.5" to 12" x 18", 418355), PB3280 (2-Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets
Caster Table Type M3 (416737). This paper feed unit lowers the total machine height, making it easy for all users to access the device (Section 508). The caster tray provides
e Capacity Tray with 1,500 sheet capacity. Supports 8.5 x 11" paper size only. Cannot be installed with PB3270 (418355), Caster Table Type M3 (416737) or Cabinet Type F (1
of these options can be installed on the device: Hybrid Finisher SR3260 (1,000 Sheet External Finisher. 50 -8.5"x11" Sheets Staple Capacity. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x1
r BU3090 Bridge Unit 418345 with any external Finisher.
h Option installs inside SR3250 Internal Finisher 418378. Supports Paper Sizes 7.25" x 10.5" to 11" x 17".
dditional output tray above the standard Internal Tray or Optional Bridge Unit/Internal Shift Tray/Internal Finisher (Holds 125 Sheets). Supports Paper Sizes Up To 5.5" x 8.5" t
OverWrite Security System does not overwrite the HDD for the Color Controller E-25C (418433)
ch Option for SR3260 (418337) & SR3270 (418335) Finishers. Supports Paper Sizes Up To 5.5" x 8.5" to 11" x 17".
rface used to mount external key counter to MFP.
terface used to attach external key counter or key card device.
RAM from 2 to 4GB. Included with Color Controller E-25C (418433).
ding Unit that offers several patterns including V fold, Z fold and Tri-fold. This option can be added to the configuration with or without an external finisher. No Bridge Unit is requ
stomers to print crop marks for proofing SRA3/12.6" documents.
n required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, Standard JBIG. Standard 320 Pages Memory. Includes standard Internet Fax (T.37
additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines.
Fax Option Type M37 (418392)
s fax memory to 4,800 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
nsert for the SPDF facilitates scanning small documents in sizes from 3.0" x 4.1" to 5.8" x 8.5".
for customers who require True Adobe workflows like Photoshop, Illustrator and PDF/X as well as additional font support. When enabled on the MFP, the standard PostScript3
tion embeds invisible texts on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files by arbitrary keywords. Searchable PDF files can be sent to email, folders and ext
to convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
vanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.
sensors for SPDF to detect double feeds during scanning.
with Ricoh & 3rd party software solutions. The smart card reader and its cable will be covered inside the mainframe when this option is attached. Not all card readers may be
Keyboard for inputting data with SDK or embedded applications.
with Ricoh & 3rd party software solutions. The smart card reader and its cable will be covered inside the mainframe when this option is attached. Not all card readers may be
ket is required for the installation of External USB Keyboard (100266FNG)
nstall floor standing Finisher SR3260 (418337) ,SR3270 (418335), SR 3280 (418385), SR3290 (418330) with the PB3270 (418355) and Caster Table Type M3 (416737).
ace board for adding an extra Ethernet port. If you install the USB Device Server Option, you can connect two Ethernet cables simultaneously: one to the machine's Gigabit Ethe
og in and authenticate users via NFC card. The card reader and its cable will be covered inside the mainframe when this option is attached.
nner Paper Guide Tray Type M19 is recommended when printing on banner paper to avoid paper skew.
Fiery Color Controller that can be configured with the std Print/Scan controller for embedded scan features and Fiery print. Comes with 4GB RAM memory upgrade and conne
on that helps to automate and streamline labor-intensive prepress tasks. Requires Color Controller E25-C (418433).
on that provides intuitive tools that make advanced document preparation simple and quick. Requires Color Controller E25-C (418433).
ion that enables the creation of special folders that can assign a group of print options. Requires Color Controller E25-C (418433).
on that enables you to reproduce custom or spot colors. Requires Color Controller E25-C (418433).
on that provides a fast and simple way to ensure that your image output is optimized. Requires Color Controller E25-C (418433).
Color Profiler v4 software and ES-2000 spectrophotometer: Includes 1 year of phone support. Requires Color Controller E25-C (418433).
asurement device for calibration and profiling. Enables fast, precise and flexible color management that produces the highest color quality. Requires Color Controller E25-C (4
on aids in workflow productivity - helps meet tight turnaround times/produce top notch color documents while achieving process automation. Requires Color Controller E25-C (
E802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M19(417493) and PostScript 3 Unit Type M37 (418406) cannot be configured with the Color Controller E-25C (418433).
d to support legacy versions of some Ricoh solutions software. Consult the Launched Hardware-Software Compatibility Table for details. Purchase of Memory Unit Type M37 4
e installed with the IM C6000.
ch Option installs inside SR3280 Finisher and SR3290 Booklet Finisher. Supports Paper Sizes 7.25" x 10.5" to 11" x 17".

for a max monthly volume of 50K pages (Letter paper, 20lb. Bond).
e includes 10.1" Keyless Smart Operation Panel, 220-Sheet SPDF, Duplex, 2 x 550-Sheet Paper Trays, 100-Sheet Bypass Tray, Drums, Developer, Color Scanning and Printin
owing must be installed on the mainframe: PB3270 (One-Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets, supports 7.25" x 10.5" to 12" x 18", 418355), PB3280 (2-Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets
Caster Table Type M3 (416737). This paper feed unit lowers the total machine height, making it easy for all users to access the device (Section 508). The caster tray provides
e Capacity Tray with 1,500 sheet capacity. Supports 8.5 x 11" paper size only. Cannot be installed with PB3270 (418355), Caster Table Type M3 (416737) or Cabinet Type F (1
of these options can be installed on the device: Hybrid Finisher SR3260 (1,000 Sheet External Finisher. 50 -8.5"x11" Sheets Staple Capacity. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x1
r BU3090 Bridge Unit 418345 with any external Finisher.
h Option installs inside SR3250 Internal Finisher 418378. Supports Paper Sizes 7.25" x 10.5" to 11" x 17".
dditional output tray above the standard Internal Tray or Optional Bridge Unit/Internal Shift Tray/Internal Finisher (Holds 125 Sheets). Supports Paper Sizes Up To 5.5" x 8.5" t
OverWrite Security System does not overwrite the HDD for the Color Controller E-25C (418433)
ch Option for SR3260 (418337) & SR3270 (418335) Finishers. Supports Paper Sizes Up To 5.5" x 8.5" to 11" x 17".
rface used to mount external key counter to MFP.
terface used to attach external key counter or key card device.
RAM from 2 to 4GB. Included with Color Controller E-25C (418433).
ding Unit that offers several patterns including V fold, Z fold and Tri-fold. This option can be added to the configuration with or without an external finisher. No Bridge Unit is requ
stomers to print crop marks for proofing SRA3/12.6" documents.
n required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, Standard JBIG. Standard 320 Pages Memory. Includes standard Internet Fax (T.37
additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines.
Fax Option Type M37 (418392)
s fax memory to 4,800 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
nsert for the SPDF facilitates scanning small documents in sizes from 3.0" x 4.1" to 5.8" x 8.5".
for customers who require True Adobe workflows like Photoshop, Illustrator and PDF/X as well as additional font support. When enabled on the MFP, the standard PostScript3
tion embeds invisible texts on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files by arbitrary keywords. Searchable PDF files can be sent to email, folders and ext
to convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
vanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.
sensors for SPDF to detect double feeds during scanning.
with Ricoh & 3rd party software solutions. The smart card reader and its cable will be covered inside the mainframe when this option is attached. Not all card readers may be
Keyboard for inputting data with SDK or embedded applications.
with Ricoh & 3rd party software solutions. The smart card reader and its cable will be covered inside the mainframe when this option is attached. Not all card readers may be
ket is required for the installation of External USB Keyboard (100266FNG)
nstall floor standing Finisher SR3260 (418337) ,SR3270 (418335), SR 3280 (418385), SR3290 (418330) with the PB3270 (418355) and Caster Table Type M3 (416737).
ace board for adding an extra Ethernet port. If you install the USB Device Server Option, you can connect two Ethernet cables simultaneously: one to the machine's Gigabit Ethe
og in and authenticate users via NFC card. The card reader and its cable will be covered inside the mainframe when this option is attached.
nner Paper Guide Tray Type M19 is recommended when printing on banner paper to avoid paper skew.
Fiery Color Controller that can be configured with the std Print/Scan controller for embedded scan features and Fiery print. Comes with 4GB RAM memory upgrade and conne
on that helps to automate and streamline labor-intensive prepress tasks. Requires Color Controller E25-C (418433).
on that provides intuitive tools that make advanced document preparation simple and quick. Requires Color Controller E25-C (418433).
ion that enables the creation of special folders that can assign a group of print options. Requires Color Controller E25-C (418433).
on that enables you to reproduce custom or spot colors. Requires Color Controller E25-C (418433).
on that provides a fast and simple way to ensure that your image output is optimized. Requires Color Controller E25-C (418433).
Color Profiler v4 software and ES-2000 spectrophotometer: Includes 1 year of phone support. Requires Color Controller E25-C (418433).
asurement device for calibration and profiling. Enables fast, precise and flexible color management that produces the highest color quality. Requires Color Controller E25-C (4
on aids in workflow productivity - helps meet tight turnaround times/produce top notch color documents while achieving process automation. Requires Color Controller E25-C (
E802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M19(417493) and PostScript 3 Unit Type M37 (418406) cannot be configured with the Color Controller E-25C (418433).
e of VM Card Type M37 is ONLY required to support any embedded software app that is developed on SDK-J (i.e. Java). Memory Unit Type M37 4GB is also required when or
e installed with the IM C6000.
ch Option installs inside SR3280 Finisher and SR3290 Booklet Finisher. Supports Paper Sizes 7.25" x 10.5" to 11" x 17".
ader only - no cards are provided. Used with Common Access Card (CAC)/Personal Identity Verification (PIV) Authentication and SIPRNet Token Authentication Solutions.

/ MP C6004EX
for a max monthly volume of 50K pages (Letter paper, 20lb. Bond).
e includes 10.1" Keyless Smart Operation Panel, 220-Sheet SPDF, Duplex, 2 x 550-Sheet Paper Trays, 100-Sheet Bypass Tray, Drums, Developer, Color Scanning and Printin
owing must be installed on the mainframe: PB3250 (One-Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets, supports 7.25" x 10.5" to 12" x 18" 408114), PB3240 (2-Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets x
Caster Table Type M3 (416737). This paper feed unit lowers the total machine height, making it easy for all users to access the device (Section 508). The caster tray provides
e Capacity Tray with 1,500 sheet capacity. Supports 8.5 x 11" paper size only. Cannot be installed with PB3250 (408114), Caster Table Type M3 (416737) or Cabinet Type F (1
of these options can be installed on the device. Booklet Finisher SR3220 (1,000 Sheet External Finisher. 50 -8.5"x11" Sheet Staple Capacity. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x18
r BU3070 Bridge Unit 417587 with any external Finisher.
h Option installs inside SR3130 Internal Finisher 417589. Supports Paper Sizes 7.25" x 10.5" to 11" x 17".
dditional output tray above the standard Internal Tray or Optional Bridge Unit/Internal Shift Tray/Internal Finisher (Holds 125 Sheets). Supports Paper Sizes Up To 5.5" x 8.5" t
OverWrite Security System does not overwrite the HDD for the Color Controller E-23C (417925)
ch Option for SR3220 (417484) & SR3210 (417483) Finishers. Supports Paper Sizes Up To 5.5" x 8.5" to 11" x 17".
rface used to mount external key counter to MFP.
terface used to attach external key counter or key card device.
ch Option for SR3230 (417487) & SR3240 (417488) Finishers. 2-/3-Hole Punch Unit. Supports Paper Sizes 5.5" x 8.5" to 11" x 17".
aped option used to place either card reader or counter device. USB Connector.
stomers to print crop marks for proofing SRA3/12.6" documents.
n required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, Standard JBIG. Standard 320 Pages Memory. Includes standard Internet Fax (T.37
additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines.
Fax Option Type M20 (417531).
s fax memory to 4,800 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
ers to connect a PictBridge-compatible digital camera directly to the MFP, enabling the printing of photos without a computer.
for customers who require True Adobe workflows like Photoshop, Illustrator and PDF/X as well as additional font support. When enabled on the MFP, the standard PostScript3
tion embeds invisible texts on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files by arbitrary keywords. Searchable PDF files can be sent to email, folders and ext
to convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
vanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.
for printing from USB Type B port.
users to send and receive faxes on a sub MFP via a main MFP. This option is required on both the Main MFP that has the Fax Option Type M20 (417510) installed and on the
og in and authenticate users via NFC card. The card reader and its cable will be covered inside the mainframe when this option is attached.
Keyboard for inputting data with SDK or embedded applications.
with Ricoh & 3rd party software solutions. The smart card reader and its cable will be covered inside the mainframe when this option is attached. Not all card readers may be
ket is required for the installation of External USB Keyboard (100266FNG)
r direct printing of XPS-type file formats.
nstall floor standing Finishers SR3220 (417484), SR3210 (417483), SR3230 (417487), SR3240 (417488) with the PB3250 (408114) and Caster Table Type M3 (416737).
n ISO 15408 Certified version of DOSS that overwrites Copy, Print, Scanner, and Fax latent data. The DataOverwriteSecurity System (DOSS) overwrites data that is temporarily
patible with MP C6004ex.
tSpot allows users to easily print from any mobile platform connected to Wi-Fi or the Internet, directly to a HotSpot enabled device (MFP/Printer).
nner Paper Guide Tray Type M19 is recommended when printing on banner paper to avoid paper skew.
Fiery Color Controller that can be configured with the std Print/Scan controller for embedded scan features and Fiery print. Comes with 4GB RAM memory upgrade and conne
on that helps to automate and streamline labor-intensive prepress tasks. Requires Color Controller E23-C (417925).
on that provides intuitive tools that make advanced document preparation simple and quick. Requires Color Controller E23-C (417925).
ion that enables the creation of special folders that can assign a group of print options. Requires Color Controller E23-C (417925).
on that enables you to reproduce custom or spot colors. Requires Color Controller E23-C (417925).
on that provides a fast and simple way to ensure that your image output is optimized. Requires Color Controller E23-C (417925).
Color Profiler v4 software and ES-2000 spectrophotometer: Includes 1 year of phone support. Requires Color Controller E23-C (417925).
RAM from 2 to 4GB. Included with Color Controller E-23C (417925).
asurement device for calibration and profiling. Enables fast, precise and flexible color management that produces the highest color quality. Requires Color Controller E23-C (4
on aids in workflow productivity - helps meet tight turnaround times/produce top notch color documents while achieving process automation. Requires Color Controller E23-C (
E1284 Interface Board Type M19 (417596), IEEE802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M19(417493), Camera Direct Print Card Type M19(417507), PostScript 3 Unit Type M33 (4180
installation of Memory Unit Type M19 4GB (MX417498RA). Cannot be installed with Color Controller E-23C (417925).

/ MP C8002SP Series
s include 9" Color Touch Control Panel, 220-Sheet ARDF, Duplex, Tandem Tray 1 is 2 x 1,250-sheets, Tray 2 is 1 x 550-sheets, Tray 3 is 1 x 550-sheets, 100-sheet Bypass
Developer, Scan/Print Kit, USB Host Interface, DOSS, PDF Direct Print, HDD Encryption, Java VM Card, Scan to/Print-from USB/SD Card, 2.5GB RAM, & 640GB HDD.
owing finishing accessories need to be added to the mainframes: the Finisher SR4090; the Finisher SR4110; the Booklet Finisher SR4100 or the Copy Tray Type M2.
R4090: 3000-sheet output / 65-sheet stapler finisher option-cannot be installed with the Booklet Finisher SR4100, the Finisher SR4110 or the Copy Tray Type M2 .
nisher SR4100: Saddle stitch booklet finisher option - cannot be installed with the Finisher SR4090, the Finisher SR4110 or the Copy Tray Type M2.
gger Unit Type M2: Option that straightens output delivered to the either the Finisher SR4090 or the Booklet Finisher SR4100.
t PU3060 NA: Optional 2/3 hole punch unit - can be configured with either the Finisher SR4090 or the Booklet Finisher SR4100.
CS4010: Optional 9-Bin Mailbox Unit - must be installed with either Booklet Finisher SR4100 (416645) or Finisher SR4090 (416644)
Type M2: Output tray only - only used when configuring the mainframe without a finisher - cannot be installed with either the Finisher SR4090, the Booklet Finisher SR4100 or

4030: Large Capacity Tray opt. (2,200-sheets) that supports running paper in sizes from 5.5" x 8.5" to 13" x 19.2" (DLT LCT) - cannot be installed with A4/RT4020 LCT.
4020: Large Capacity A4 Tray opt. (4,400-sheets) that supports running 8.5" to 11"paper (LTR LCT) - cannot be installed with A3/RT4030 LCT.
4" Paper Size Tray Type M2: Adds ability to run 8.5" x 14" from the RT4020 LCT - can only be configured with LCIT RT4020.
erposer Tray CI4010: Single interposer tray - must be installed with either the Finisher SR4100 or the Finisher SR4090.
erposer Tray CI4020: Dual interposer tray - must be installed with the Finisher SR4110.
7" Tray Unit Type M2: Converts Tray 1 (Tandem Tray) to a single 11" x 17" tray.
for Tab Copy/Print - can be used in either Tray 2 or Tray 3 (but not both).
Punch Unit NA 2/3 Hole: Optional 2/3 hole punch unit - can only be configured with the Finisher SR4110.
option-must be configured with one of the (3) new finishing options; the Finisher SR4090; the Booklet Finisher SR4100 and the Finisher SR4110.
rd Reader Built-in Unit Type M2: For use with Ricoh & 3rd party software solutions. The smart card reader and its cable will be covered inside the mainframe when this option
Not all card readers may be supported.
pt3 Unit Type M2: True Adobe PostScript - required for printing from Mac OS - recommended for printing more complex color and PDF files.
t Type M2: Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS) option.
it Type M2: This function embeds invisible texts on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files by arbitrary keywords. Searchable PDF files can be sent to
and external media (SD/USB).
of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device: IEEE1284 Interface Board Type A or IEEE 802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M2.
for NetWare Printing Type M2: Used by customers who print using Netware. This option is required for the following functions: Use of iPrint ports, SNMP via IPX and Scan to

Unit Type M2: Used for Browser features like Integrated Cloud Environment (ICE). Also required with HotSpot MFP Option Type S to enable HotSpot printing.
e with all websites.
Counter Interface Unit Type A: Optional 20-Pin Interface used to attach external key counter or key card device.
ed HotSpot Type S: Requires Browser Unit Type M2 to enable HotSpot printing. One year HotSpot subscription service included.-
mat Converter Type E: Required to convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
Font Package for SAP - 1/10/100 seat license: Unicode Font Package for SAP 1 Device License; Unicode Font Package for SAP 10 Device License; Unicode
for SAP 100 Device License.
Quence Impose: Fiery option that helps to automate and streamline labor-intensive prepress tasks - requires Fiery E-22B Color Controller.
mpose: Fiery option that provides intuitive tools that make advanced document preparation simple and quick - requires Fiery E-22B Color Controller.
Folders: Fiery option that enables the creation of special folders that can assign a group of print options- requires Fiery E-22B Color Controller.
Fiery option that enables you to reproduce custom or spot colors - requires Fiery E-22B Color Controller.
pping: Fiery option that provides a fast and simple way to ensure that your image output is always the best that it can be- requires the Fiery E-22B Color Controller.
S v4: Contains Color Profiler v4 software and ES-2000 spectrophotometer: Includes 1 year of phone support- requires the Fiery E-22B Color Controller.
Sv4 Software only: For customers that have an ES2000 Spectrophotometer and want Color Profiler v4 software: Includes 1 year of phone support.
2000 Spectrophotometer: For customers that only want calibration capability, just the Spectrophotometer.
uctivity Pack for Fiery E22b E22c: Fiery option aids in workflow productivity - helps meet tight turnaround times/produce top notch color documents while achieving process
equires the Fiery E-22B Color Controller .
on Type M2: Installation required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, Standard JBIG. Standard 320 Pages Memory. Includes
net Fax (T.37), LAN Fax, IP-Fax (T.38), Fax Forwarding to Email & Paperless Fax function.
nection Unit Type M2: Requires Fax Option Type M2, enables users to send and receive faxes on a sub MFP via a main MFP. This option is required on both the Main MFP
ace Unit Type M2: Up to two additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines. Requires Fax Option Type M2 .
emory Unit Type B: Increases fax memory to 2,240 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi. Requires Fax Option Type M2.
a Security Unit Type G: Prevents unauthorized copying of confidential documents that were created on other printers that have this option installed.
DataOverwrite Security System Type H: This is an ISO 15408 Certified version of DOSS that overwrites Copy, Print, Scanner, and Fax latent data - mainframe is now ISO 154
PCS-20D: Optional Power Filter for the MP C6502SP - Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential
ference with products.
ower filter: Optional Power Filter for the MP C8002SP - Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential
ference with products.
eamPunch Pro: Customer replaceable punch option (note: option color may not match m/f MFP ) - requires Finisher SR4110 - also requires at least (1) die set option.
use die set options for the GBC StreamPunch Pro - only (1) can be installed inside the GBC StreamPunch Pro at a time: GBC Die Set 21 Hole (Twin Loop Wire 2:1); GBC Die
Loop Wire 3:1); or GBC Die Set 44 Hole (Color Coil).
n use die set option for the GBC StreamPunch Pro - only (1) can be installed inside the GBC StreamPunch Pro at a time: GBC Pro 44 Hole HD Die Set or GBC 32 Hole Pro

Maker BK5010e: Online/offline production bookletmaker option - requires Finisher SR4110.

l accessory options for the BK5010e Production Bookletmaker - all options require the BK5010e Production Bookletmaker: Trimmer TR5010e, Book Folder BF5010e,

Rail Unit: Rail unit that helps dock/undock the BK5010e Production Bookletmaker from the SR4110 Finisher - requires the BK5010e Production Bookletmaker.
Fan Type M2 (available late 2013): Option for the Finisher SR4090 and the Finisher SR4100 - requires Output Jogger Unit Type M2 - for customers that print coated/thick pape

/ MP C8003SP Series
includes 10.1" Color Touch Control Panel, 220-Sheet SPDF, Duplex, Tandem Tray 1 is 2 x 1,250-sheets, Tray 2 is 1 x 550-sheets, Tray 3 is 1 x 550-sheets, 100-sheet Bypas
owing finishing accessories need to be added to the mainframe: the Finisher SR4120 (417628); the Finisher SR4110 (416632); the Booklet Finisher SR4130 (417629) or the C
t output / 65-sheet stapler finisher option-cannot be installed with the Booklet Finisher SR4130 (417629), the Finisher SR4110 (416632) or the Copy Tray Type M2 (417904)
ch booklet finisher option (2,000 sheet)- cannot be installed with the Finisher SR4120 (417628), the Finisher SR4110 (416632) or the Copy Tray Type M2 (417904)
t straightens output delivered to the either the Finisher SR4120 (417628) or the Booklet Finisher SR4130 (417629)
/3 hole punch unit - can be configured with either the Finisher SR4120 (417628) or the Booklet Finisher SR4130 (417629)
et output, 100-sheet staple - cannot be installed with the Finisher SR4120 (417628), the Finisher SR4130 (417629) or the Copy Tray Type M2 (417904)
-Bin Mailbox Unit - must be installed with either Finisher Booklet Finisher SR4130 (417629) or Finisher SR4120 (417628)
y only - only used when configuring the mainframe without a finisher - cannot be installed with either the Finisher SR4120 (417628); the Booklet Finisher SR4130 (417629) or th
pacity Tray opt. (2,200-sheets) that supports running paper in sizes from 5.5" x 8.5" to 13" x 19.2" (DLT LCT) - cannot be installed with A4/RT4020 LCT (416699)
pacity A4 Tray opt. (4,400-sheets) that supports running 8.5" to 11"paper (LTR LCT) - cannot be installed with A3/RT4050 LCT (417878)
ity to run 8.5" x 14" from the RT4020 LCT (416699) - can only be configured with LCIT RT4020 (416699). Sheet Capacity 2,750
erposer tray - must be installed with either the Finisher SR4130 (417629) or the Finisher SR4120 (417628)
rposer tray - must be installed with the Finisher SR4110 (416632)
Tray 1 (Tandem Tray) to a single 11" x 17" tray
for Tab Copy/Print - can be used in either Tray 2 or Tray 3
upports printing onto banner sheets up to 49.6" (1,260 mm) long via the Bypass Tray.
option-must be configured with one of the (3) new finishing options; the Finisher SR4120 (417628); the Booklet Finisher SR4130 (417629) and the Finisher SR4110 (416632)
with Ricoh & 3rd party software solutions. The smart card reader and its cable will be covered inside the mainframe when this option is attached. Not all card readers may be
be PostScript - required for printing from Mac OS - recommended for printing more complex color and PDF files.
ction embeds invisible texts on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files by arbitrary keywords. Searchable PDF files can be sent to email, folders and ex
FP to connect to a network over WiFi. Can not be installed with IEEE1284 Interface Board Type M19 (417596) or File Format Converter Type M19 (417508)
2/3 hole punch unit - can only be configured with the Finisher SR4110 (416632)
annot be configured with both cover interposer and the mailbox option
20-Pin Interface used to attach external key counter or key card device.
wireless printing from smart devices (smart phones, tablets, lapops, etc) directly to the MFP. One year HotSpot subscription service included.
for downloading documents stored to Document Server via copier or printer mode to your PC using Web Image Monitor. Can not be installed with IEEE 802.11a/g/n Interface U
Font Package for SAP - 1 seat license
an for the finishers SR4130 (417629) & SR4120 (417628). Prevents paper bricking.
an for finisher SR4110 (416632). Prevents paper bricking.
d Communication card reader. Used to authenticate users for logging into the device only. Does not support Java SDK applications. Can't be installed with the Key Board Brack
on enables direct printing of XPS format documents
two mainframes (MP C6503/C8003) together, so a job can be divided and copied on both systems simultaneously.
for printing from USB Type B port. Can not be installed with USB Device Server Option Type M19A (418105).
Device Server Option is an interface board used to add an extra Ethernet port. Once installed, the option connects two Ethernet cables simultaneously: one to the machine's E
evice connection with legacy computer equipment Can not be installed with IEEE 802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M19 (417493) or File Format Converter Type M19 (417508)
Keyboard for inputting data with either SDK applications or embedded applications.
n required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, Standard JBIG. Standard 320 Pages Memory. Includes standard Internet Fax (T.37
Fax Option Type M26 (417689), enables users to send and receive faxes on a sub MFP via a main MFP. This option is required on both the Main MFP that has the Fax Option
additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines. Requires Fax Option Type M26 (417689).
n memory provides additional 64 MB memory for fascimile functions. Requires Fax Option Type M26 (417689).
ket is required for the installation of External USB Keyboard (100266FNG). Cannot be installed with NFC Card Reader Type M19 (417573)
verwrites Copy, Print, Scanner, and Fax HDD latent data. Mainframe is targeted to be ISO 15408 Certified in July 2017.
Power Filter for the MP C6503 (417667) - Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interfere
Power Filter for the MP C8003 (417673)- Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interferen
Finisher SR4110 (416632) - also requires at least (1) GBC StreamPunch Ultra die set
t options for the GBC StreamPunch Ultra MT - only (1) can be utilized in GBC StreamPunch Ultra MT at a time
production booklet maker. Simple book fold only, must be configured with SR4110 (416632) & SR4110 Cover Kit (404984)
s Plockmatic 350-m (404980) to 50 page folding capacity. Requires Plockmatic 350-m (404980)
ic PBM trim module for face trim of booklets only. Requires installation of Plockmatic 350-m (404980)
ic PBM bookfold module for square edge book folding. Requires installation of Plockmatic 350-m (404980)
erter used to feed covers. Requires installation of Plockmatic 350-m (404980)
ncluded with Plockmatic configuration. Requires installation of Plockmatic 350-m (404980)
cover kit that is required when mainframe is configured with the SR4110 (416632)
belt stacker module that increases output capacity for uninterrupted runs. Requires installation of Plockmatic 350-m (404980)
be installed with 2/3 Hole Punch Unit Type PU3060NA (416612), 2/3 Hole Punch PU5000 (412983), Cover Interposer Tray CI4020 (416), Cover Interposer Tray CI4040 (417640
PBM-m Book Folder (404982)
PBM-m Trimmer (404981)
Output Jogger Unit Type M25 (417630)


either Finisher SR5110 (409249), Booklet Finisher SR5120 (409250), Finisher SR5090 (409235), Booklet Finisher SR5100 (409234), or Shift Sort Tray SH5000. Only one Finis
options can't be configured with the Finisher SR5090 (409235), Booklet Finisher SR5100 (409234), or Shift Sort Tray SH5000.
acity Input Tray holds 5000 20lb. Bond paper Maximum (Letter size Only). Only 1 LCIT can be added to the system. This LCIT can't be included in the system when either LCI
acity Input Tray holds 4400 20lb. Bond paper Maximum. Only 1 LCIT can be added to system.
eed LCIT holds 4400 20lb. Bond paper Maximum. Can configure up to 2 units, but must include a Bridge Unit BU5010 (404652) between each LCIT.
110 (409117) can be added but must include a Bridge Unit BU5010 (404652). When adding a LCIT RT5110 only one Vacuum Feed LCIT RT5120 can be included in the system
Tray for printing oversize sheet up to 27.5." Requires Vacuum Feed LCIT RT5120 (404652). Mutually exclusive with LCIT RT5110 (409117).
y for up to 13x19.2" media. 216gsm max. Requires either LCIT RT5130 (409256), LCIT RT5110 (409117), or LCIT RT5120 (409082). When attaching to LCIT RT5120 (40908
Tray for printing oversize sheet up to 27.5" 216gsm max. Requires BY5020 (409090) and either LCIT RT5110 (409117) or LCIT RT5120 (409082). Mutually exclusive with RT
series Output tray for Banner Sheet Type S6 (404877) is required when system includes either SR5110 (409249) or SR5120 (409250).
either Finisher SR5090 (409235) or SR5100 (409234). Mutually exclusive to Shift Sort Tray SH5000 (409253).
CI5040 (409258). Recommended with inserting coated paper.
the Finisher SR5110 (409249) or Booklet Finisher SR5120 (409250).
the Finisher SR5110 (409249).

either Finisher SR5110 (409249), Booklet Finisher SR5120 (409250), Stacker SK5040 (409093), or Bridge Unit BU5020 (409339).
R5110 (409249), Booklet Finisher SR5120 (409250), and Bridge Unit BU5020 (409339) are mutually exclusive.
acity Input Tray holds 5000 20lb. Bond paper Maximum (Letter size Only). Only 1 LCIT can be added to the system. This LCIT can't be included in the system when either LCI
acity Input Tray holds 4400 20lb. Bond paper Maximum. Only 1 LCIT can be added to system.
eed LCIT holds 4400 20lb. Bond paper Maximum. Can configure up to 2 units, but must include a Bridge Unit BU5010 (404652) between each LCIT.
110 (409117) can be added but must include a Bridge Unit BU5010 (404652). When adding a LCIT RT5110, only one Vacuum Feed LCIT RT5120 can be included in the syste
Tray for printing oversize sheet up to 27.5." Requires Vacuum Feed LCIT RT5120 (404652). Mutually exclusive with LCIT RT5110 (409117).
y for up to 13x19.2" media. 216gsm max. Requires either LCIT RT5130 (409256), LCIT RT5110 (409117), or LCIT RT5120 (409082). When attaching to LCIT RT5120 (40908
Tray for printing oversize sheet up to 27.5" 216gsm max. Requires BY5020 (409090) and either LCIT RT5110 (409117) or LCIT RT5120 (409082). Mutually exclusive with LC
series Output tray for Banner Sheet Type S6 (404877) is required when system includes either SR5110 (409249) or SR5120 (409250).
Transit Pass Unit for Perfect Binder Type S1 (404544) and Cover Interposer Tray for Perfect Binder Type S1 (404542).
s option is selected, only 1 Stacker Unit SK5040 (409093) can be included in the system.
s option is selected, Ring Binder RB5030 (409260) can't be included in the system.
s option is selected, GBC Streamwire (409221) can't be included in the system.
ver Interposer Tray CI5040 (409258) or High Capacity Interposer HCI3500 (409053) can be included in the system.
Cover Interposer Tray CI5040 (409258).
s option is selected, Perfect Binder GB5010 (404542) can't be included in the system.
Ring Binder RB5030 (409260)
gure up to 2 units in a system.
High Capacity Stacker SK5040 (409093).
either Finisher SR5110 (409249) or Booklet Finisher SR5120 (409250)
Booklet Finisher SR5120 (409250)
s option is selected, Cover Interposer CI5040 (409258) can't be included in the same system
acity Stacker SK5040 is required in order to include Bridge Unit BU5020 (409339) in the same system.
at least one GBC Die
GBC StreamPunch Ultra (404773)
either Die Stream Wire Square (404770) or Die Stream Wire Round (404772)
either Finisher SR5110 (404249) or Bridge Unit BU5020 (409339)
Plockmatic Rail Unit (409223)
Plockmatic PBM 350e (409358)
Plockmatic PBM Trim Module (404718)
either Finisher SR5110 (404249), RPIP Interface Box Type S3 (404660), or Plockmatic PBM350e (409358). If Plockmatic PBM350e is included in the system ,the Plockmatic
Stream Wire Spool, Element Size 'A', Black, Ricoh (409308) for initial installation.; (34) For Direct Channel Only. Dealer Channel will need to choose which Stream Wire Spoo
15 Amp Power Filter (006428MIU)
Plockmatic PBM350e (409358)
Decurl Unit DU5070 (409337)
uum Feed Banner Sheet Tray Type S9 (409095) is included in the system, BY5020 can be installed when there is 2 or more Vacuum Feed LCIT RT5120 (409082)

either Finisher SR5110 (409249), Booklet Finisher SR5120 (409250), Stacker SK5040 (409093), or Bridge Unit BU5020 (409339).
R5110 (409249), Booklet Finisher SR5120 (409250), and Bridge Unit BU5020 (409339) are mutually exclusive.
acity Input Tray holds 5000 20lb. Bond paper Maximum (Letter size Only). Only 1 LCIT can be added to the system. This LCIT can't be included in the system when either LCI
acity Input Tray holds 4400 20lb. Bond paper Maximum. Only 1 LCIT can be added to system.
eed LCIT holds 4400 20lb. Bond paper Maximum. Can configure up to 2 units, but must include a Bridge Unit BU5010 (404652) between each LCIT.
110 (409117) can be added but must include a Bridge Unit BU5010 (404652). When adding a LCIT RT5110, only one Vacuum Feed LCIT RT5120 can be included in the syste
Tray for printing oversize sheet up to 27.5." Requires Vacuum Feed LCIT RT5120 (404652). Mutually exclusive with LCIT RT5110 (409117).
y for up to 13x19.2" media. 216gsm max. Requires either LCIT RT5130 (409256), LCIT RT5110 (409117), or LCIT RT5120 (409082). When attaching to LCIT RT5120 (40908
Tray for printing oversize sheet up to 27.5" 216gsm max. Requires BY5020 (409090) and either LCIT RT5110 (409117) or LCIT RT5120 (409082). Mutually exclusive with LC
series Output tray for Banner Sheet Type S6 (404877) is required when system includes either SR5110 (409249) or SR5120 (409250).
Transit Pass Unit for Perfect Binder Type S1 (404544) and Cover Interposer Tray for Perfect Binder Type S1 (404542).
s option is selected, only 1 Stacker Unit SK5040 (409093) can be included in the system.
s option is selected, Ring Binder RB5030 (409260) can't be included in the system.
s option is selected, GBC Streamwire (409221) can't be included in the system.
ver Interposer Tray CI5040 (409258) or High Capacity Interposer HCI3500 (409053) can be included in the system.
Cover Interposer Tray CI5040 (409258).
s option is selected, Perfect Binder GB5010 (404542) can't be included in the system.
Ring Binder RB5030 (409260)
gure up to 2 units in a system.
High Capacity Stacker SK5040 (409093).
either Finisher SR5110 (409249) or Booklet Finisher SR5120 (409250)
Booklet Finisher SR5120 (409250)
s option is selected, Cover Interposer CI5040 (409258) can't be included in the same system
acity Stacker SK5040 is required in order to include Bridge Unit BU5020 (409339) in the same system.
at least one GBC Die
GBC StreamPunch Ultra (404773)
either Die Stream Wire Square (404770) or Die Stream Wire Round (404772)
either Finisher SR5110 (404249) or Bridge Unit BU5020 (409339)
Plockmatic Rail Unit (409223)
Plockmatic PBM 350e (409358)
Plockmatic PBM Trim Module (404718)
either Finisher SR5110 (404249), RPIP Interface Box Type S3 (404660), or Plockmatic PBM350e (409358). If Plockmatic PBM350e is included in the system ,the Plockmatic
Stream Wire Spool, Element Size 'A', Black, Ricoh (409308) for initial installation.; (34) For Direct Channel Only. Dealer Channel will need to choose which Stream Wire Spoo
15 Amp Power Filter (006428MIU)
Plockmatic PBM350e (409358)
Decurl Unit DU5070 (409337)
uum Feed Banner Sheet Tray Type S9 (409095) is included in the system, BY5020 can be installed when there is 2 or more Vacuum Feed LCIT RT5120 (409082)

either Finisher SR5110 (409249), Booklet Finisher SR5120 (409250), Stacker SK5040 (409093), or Bridge Unit BU5020 (409339).
R5110 (409249), Booklet Finisher SR5120 (409250), and Bridge Unit BU5020 (409339) are mutually exclusive.
acity Input Tray holds 5000 20lb. Bond paper Maximum (Letter size Only). Only 1 LCIT can be added to the system.
acity Input Tray holds 4400 20lb. Bond paper Maximum. Only 1 LCIT can be added to system.
eed LCIT holds 4400 20lb. Bond paper Maximum. Can configure up to 2 units, but must include a Bridge Unit BU5010 (404652) between each LCIT.
110 (409117), LCIT RT5120 (409082), and LCIT RT5130 (409256) are mutually exclusive.
Tray for printing oversize sheet up to 27.5." Requires Vacuum Feed LCIT RT5120 (404652).
y for up to 13x19.2" media. 216gsm max. Requires either LCIT RT5130 (409256), LCIT RT5110 (409117), or LCIT RT5120 (409082). When attaching to LCIT RT5120 (40908
Tray for printing oversize sheet up to 27.5" 216gsm max. Requires BY5020 (409090) and either LCIT RT5110 (409117) or LCIT RT5120 (409082). Mutually exclusive with LC
series Output tray for Banner Sheet Type S6 (404877) is required when system includes Booklet Finisher SR5120 (409250). SR5000 series Output tray for Banner Sheet Type
Transit Pass Unit for Perfect Binder Type S1 (404544) and Cover Interposer Tray for Perfect Binder Type S1 (404542).
s option is selected, only 1 Stacker Unit SK5040 (409093) can be included in the system.
s option is selected, Ring Binder RB5030 (409260) can't be included in the system.
s option is selected, GBC Streamwire (409221) can't be included in the system.
ver Interposer Tray CI5040 (409258) or High Capacity Interposer HCI3500 (409053) can be included in the system.
Cover Interposer Tray CI5040 (409258).
s option is selected, Perfect Binder GB5010 (404542) can't be included in the system.
ridge LT Type RB5000 (404115) or Ring Opener Type A (404114) requires Ring Binder RB5030 (409260)
gure up to 2 units in a system.
High Capacity Stacker SK5040 (409093).
either Finisher SR5110 (409249) or Booklet Finisher SR5120 (409250)
Booklet Finisher SR5120 (409250)
s option is selected, Cover Interposer CI5040 (409258), Plockmatic MPS (409220), and RPIP Interface Box Type S3 (404660) can't be included in the same system
acity Stacker SK5040 is required in order to include Bridge Unit BU5020 (409339) in the same system.
at least one GBC Die
GBC StreamPunch Ultra (404773)
either Die Stream Wire Square (404770) or Die Stream Wire Round (404772)
either Finisher SR5110 (404249) or Bridge Unit BU5020 (409339)
Plockmatic Rail Unit (409233)
Plockmatic PBM350e (409358)
Plockmatic PBM Trim Module (404718)
either Finisher SR5110 (404249), RPIP Interface Box Type S3 (404660). If Plockmatic PBM350e is included in the system, the Plockmatic Communication Splitter (409232) is
Stream Wire Spool, Element Size 'A', Black, Ricoh (409308) for initial installation. | (34) For Direct Channel Only. Dealer Channel will need to choose which Stream Wire Spoo
15 Amp Power Filter (006428MIU)
Plockmatic PBM350e (409358)
Decurl Unit DU5070 (409337)
uum Feed Banner Sheet Tray Type S9 (409095) is included in the system, BY5020 can be installed when there is 2 or more Vacuum Feed LCIT RT5120 (409082)
SR5110 Finisher (409249) or SR5120 Booklet Finisher (409250). Up to two SR5000 series Output tray for Banner Sheet Type S6 (404877) can be configured in the same sys
Vacuum Feed LCIT RT5120 (409082) and Multi Bypass Tray BY5020 (409090).
two Vacuum Feed LCIT RT5120 (409082).
SR5110 Finisher (409249), Plockmatic PBM350e (409358), and Plockmatic MPS (409220).
ass Unit for Perfect Binder Type S1 (404544) and Cover Interposer Tray for Perfect Binder Type S1 (404545) require the Perfect Binder GB5010 (404542).
to convert the Pro 8310M (409376) to a MICR device. This is mandatory with the Pro 8310M.
to convert the Pro 8320M (409377) to a MICR device. This is mandatory with the Pro 8320M.
pport must be added for each year of service on the Pro 8310M. This is mandatory with the Pro 8310M. Must choose one.
pport must be added for each year of service on the Pro 8320M. This is mandatory with the Pro 8320M . Must choose one.
er Kit, MICR, ProMark 8300 can be used on MICR converted Pro 8310M and Pro 8320M.

ther an SR4110, SR4100, SR4090 or copy tray M2

ther a Fiery E22b or E42b
guration contains 3,800 sheets of paper capacity
et A4 LCT, only 1 LCT can be configured
et A3+ LCT, only 1 LCT can be configured
nterposer available for SR4090 or SR4100 only
nterposer available for SR4110 only
Tray 1 from tandem letter tray to support 11 x 17. Reduces tray capacity in half.
nded to configure Tab option in Tray 2 or 3
ended with medias prone to curl or in high humidity environments
ended for printing on coated stocks, or with high toner coverage
for SR4090 and SR4100 only
for SR4110 only
o retrieve files scanned to the document server
for SR4090 and SR4100
contains entire fusing section
e configured with any other finisher
configured with either SR4100, SR4110 or SR4090
only LEF letter-sized paper
the purchase of at least one GBC die set
be installed with the SR4110 finisher
Die Sets will work with both the StreamPunch III and the StreamPunch Pro

BK501e and TR5010 Trimmer

support GA Package, only Productivity Pack, all other features are optional, no FACI
2b includes Graphic Arts Package Basic, spot-on, hot folders, auto trap and is FACI enabled
Color Profiler v4 software and ES-2000 spectrophotometer: Includes 1 year of phone support
mers that have an ES2000 Spectrophotometer and want Color Profiler v4 software: Includes 1 year of phone support
ncludes 1 year phone support, this item is for additional 1 year phone support increments
mers that only want calibration capability, just the Spectrophotometer
on both the E-22b and E-42b
lable on the E-42b
otalFlow MakeReady and PrintManager, and one year unlimited phone support at no charge by adding (404475), (404476), (006987MIU).
w MakeReady Bundle (404475), and PrintManager Bundle (404476) is applicable to new system orders only when ordering (404360), (404367).
ude 12 month phone support (006987MIU) at no charge when ordering (404475), (404476), or (404473), (404474)
support options for TotalFlow MakeReady and PrintManager (package or bundle)
nt Ricoh Print Production customers that want to add TotalFlow MakeReady and TotalFlow PrintManager.
Windows XP, Vista, 7, (for MakeReady) or Server 2003/2008 (for PrintManager) based computer with at least 2GB RAM and 500MB HDD and internet access.
lable on the E22b
n for the Fiery E22B only
n for the E42B only. Includes ES-2000 Specrtphotometer and Fiery Impose
n for the Fiery E42B only. Includes CPS 4.0 w/ 1 year support, Graphic Arts Premium Edition Upgrade, Fiery Impose and Fiery Compose
pion to prevent paper bricking for the SR4100 and SR4090 only
atible with SR4110
on for FS100 operating system only
(404588) and TCRU B (404589) required with all mainframes

either a SR4120 (417628), SR4130 (417629), SR5070 (404875), SR5080 (404873) or Copy Tray Type M26 (417904). It also requires either a PostScript3 Unit Type M26 (4176
e configured with Multi Bypass Banner Sheet Tray Type S6 (404879)
e configured with Banner Sheet Guide Tray for A3/11"x17" LCIT Type S6 (404878).
Either SR5070 (404875) or SR5080 (404873)
either SR4120 (417628) or SR4130 (417629)
SR4000 series Output Tray for Banner Sheet Type S6 (404872) or SR5000 series Output Tray for Banner Sheet Type S6 (404877).

atible with EFI Controllers

Smart Operation Panel Type S6 (404884)
patible with Smart Card Reader Built-in Unit Type S6 (409001)
patible with IEEE 1284 Interface Board Type M19 (417596) and IEEE 802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M19 (417493).
patible with File Format Convert Tpe M19 (417508) and IEEE 802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M19 (417493).
patible with IEEE 1284 Interface Board Type M19 (417596) and File Format Convert Tpe M19 (417508.
patible with NFC Card Reader.
LCIT RT4020 (416699).
end Output Jogger Unit Type M25 (417630) and Cooling Fan Unit Type M26 (417677).
Output Jogger Unit Type M25 (417630)
patible with any options post delivery of the main unit.
the purchase of at least one GBC die set
Recommend the purchase of the GBC Streampunch Ultra MP.
SR5070 (404875).
Plockmatic Rail unit (404723).
Plockmatic 350-m (404980)
PBM Rotate Crease Trimmer (404721).

Output Jogger Unit Type M25 (417630)

C7110 / C7100S / C7110S / C7100X / C7110X / C7100SX / C7110SX

er On Demand (60-90 Day Lead Time)
der On Demand (60-90 Day Lead Time)
Order On Demand (60-90 Day Lead Time)
Order On Demand (60-90 Day Lead Time)
e Plans Do NOT Include Clear or White toner (Must be Ordered Separately)
ther an SR5050, SR5060, or a Stacker unit SK5030
ther a Fiery E-43A, E-83A or TotalFlow Print Server R-61A
FI 5th Station Hardware Upgrade Kit 404748
hite and/or clear developer type S3 for service installation. for both colors, 5th Station Replacement Kit Type S3 must also be added
CRU Type A, B and C
et A4 LCT, only 1 LCT can be configured per mainframe
tible with Vacuum Feed LCIT RT5100, Bridge Unit (BU5010), Multi Bypass Attachment Kit for RT5100, or Vacuum Feed banner Sheet Tray
et vacuum feed LCIT, can configure up to 3 units, but must include a Bridge Unit (BU5010) between each LCIT
tible with LCIT RT5090
it used to connect up to 3 Vacuum feed LCIT RT5100. One unit goes between each RT5100
eed oversize sheet tray for use with the RT5100. Can run up to 27" 300gsm coated stock
it per configuration
atible with multi bypass BY5010 or multi bypass oversize sheet tray type S3
ended for printing on coated stocks, or with high toner coverage to avoid bricking of paper
ng up to 5k sheets of paper. Up to 2 can be configured per engine. Config can end in a stacker
ended with medias prone to curl or in high humidity environments
contains customer replaceable parts for IQ and reliability. Mandatory for all mainframes
contains an entire fusing unit Mandatory for all mainframes
contains components to maintain the 5th color. Mandatory on a 5 color units
ay for up to 13x49" media. 220gsm max, non coated for RT5090 LCIT. To extend plastic tray for oversize media, you must add Multi Bypass Banner Sheet Tray Type S3
ure BY5010 with RT5100 vacuum lct, Multi Bypass Attachment Kit for Vacuum Feed LCIT Type S3 must be added. To extend plastic tray for oversize media, you must add Mult
atible with Vacuum Feed Oversize Sheet Tray Type S3 in a single configuration. Only one oversize option per configuration
o configure the BY5010 with the RT5100 vacuum feed LCIT
tender for BY5010 to accommodate oversize prints
ordered to enable the switch between clear, white or Neon toner for customers who order specialty color
ordered for initial installation of 5th color. Either white and/or clear is needed. If both colors are needed, you must include 5th Station Replacement Kit Type S3
rt drawer 1 to an 11x17 drawer. Reduces capacity by half
sheet cart for SK5030 stacker
nch nit for SR5050 and SR5060 finishers
n the running of tabs from the paper drawers
urce cover interposer
on multi fold unit
e configured with Stacker SK5030 or RingBinder RB5020
configured with Transit Pass Unit for Perfect Binder Type S1 and Cover Interposer Tray for Perfect Binder Type S1
e Glue Supply Type A for setup and operation
configured with perfect binder GB5010
e configured with Perfect binder GB5010
t staple finisher
sheet saddle stich booklet maker
e configured with Plockmatic PBM350 or PBM500 configuration
ace trim unit for SR5060 only
at least 1 GBC streampunch ultra die set
patible with GBC streampunch ultra die sets
patible with GBC StreamPunch Ultra
production booklet maker. Simple book fold only. Must be configured with the SR5050 finisher or an SK5030 stacker
production booklet maker. Simple book fold only. Must be configured with the SR5050 finisher or an SK5030 stacker
upgrade from a PBM350 to a PBM500
atible with SR5060 booklet maker or TR5040 trimmer
ude rail unit for configuration
ncluded in Plockmatic PBM350 and PBM500 configurations
erter is used to feed up to 300gsm covers
ic PBM Trim Module for face trim of booklets only
ic PBM Book Fold Module for square edge book folding
c PBM Rotate Crease Trim Module for full bleed booklets. Need Plockmatic PBM Trim Module face trim to complete full bleed trim
ic BTS4000-1 Belt Stacker Module is an optional accessory to increase output capacity for uninterrupted runs
matic PBM Rotate Crease Trim Module does not support Off-line work
3A FS150 Pro 80 controller for Pro C7100 series
3-A FS150 QX controller for Pro C7100 Series
all to enable 5th station printing on the E43-A or E-83A
upgrade for E43A only
for Fiery E43A and E-83A
Color Profiler v4 software and ES-2000 spectrophotometer: Includes 1 year of phone support
Color Profiler v4 software only: Includes 1 year of phone support
mers that only want calibration capability, just the Spectrophotometer
yboard, monitor and mouse for Fiery E-43A
yboard, monitor and mouse for Fiery E-83A
e HD for Fiery E-43A
e HD for Fiery E-43A
ade for Fiery E43-A
l 1 year support for Color Profiler V4 software
otalFlow MakeReady and PrintManager, and one year unlimited phone support at no charge by adding (404475),
w MakeReady Bundle (404475), and PrintManager Bundle (404476) is applicable to new system orders only when ordering (404360), (404367).
ude 12 month phone support (006987MIU) at no charge when ordering (404475), (404476), or (404473), (404474)
support options for TotalFlow MakeReady and PrintManager (package or bundle)
nt Ricoh Print Production customers that want to add TotalFlow MakeReady and TotalFlow PrintManager.
Windows XP, Vista, 7, (for MakeReady) or Server 2003/2008 (for PrintManager) based computer with at least 2GB RAM and 500MB HDD and internet access.
FS150 EFI controllers, contains EFI Impose type FS150 and the ES-2000 Spectrophotometer
FS150 EFI controllers Contains Impose and Compose Type FS150, CPS 4.X, and the GAPPE for FS150
mpatible with: 5th Station Replacement Kit Type S3 (404699) Developer clear (828362) Developer white (828363) EFI 5th Station Hardware Upgrade Kit (404748) or TCRU C (4
nal specialty colors are ordered after initial sale, each additional color must have a 5th Station Replacement Kit Type S3
ower filter for the C71XX Series - 2 must be added to each mainframe.
for Prinect Compatability
for Kodak Prinergy Compatability
for IPDS workflow
ow Print Server R-61A (404987) then must choose either PDF RIP Enhanced by Heidelberg® TypeS3(404966) or PDF RIP Enhanced by Kodak TypeS3 (404967)

L / C7200S / C7210S / C7200e / C7210X / C7210SX

either SR5050 (404548), SR5060 (404550), or Stacker unit SK5040 (409093)
either EFI Color Controller E-45A (409118), E-85A (409119), or TotalFlow Print Server R-62A (409102)
20 Amp Power Filter (007138MIU) x Qty 2
TCRU Type S9 Set A (409207) and Set B (409205)
T RT5110 (409117) or LCIT RT5120 (409082) can be included in a configuration
t DU5060 (409188) and Buffer Pass Unit (409186) is required when Stacker Unit SK5040 (409093) is included in a configuration
ure up to 3 units, but must include a Bridge Unit (404652) between each LCIT RT5120 (409082)
LCIT RT5120 (409082)

RT5110 (409117) or LCIT RT5120 (409082). When attaching to LCIT RT5120 (409082) Multi Bypass Attachment Kit for Vacuum Feed LCIT Type S9 (409096) is also needed
Multi Bypass Tray BY5020 (409090)
ver Interposer Tray CI5030 (404539) or High Capacity Interposer HCI3500 (409053) can be included in a configuration
s option is selected, only 1 Stacker Unit SK5040 (409093) can be included in the configuration
s option is selected, Ring Binder RB5020 (404546) can't be included in the configuration
t (417428) is only available for Pro C7200S (409288) and Pro C7210S (409159) MFP Models
Transit Pass Unit for Perfect Binder Type S1 (404544), Cover Interposer Tray for Perfect Binder Type S1 (404545)
s option is selected, Perfect Binder GB5010 (404542) can't be included in the configuration
gure up to 2 units
figure with SR5060 (404550)
figure with SR5050 (404548)
either SR5050 (404548) or SR5060 (404550)
SR5060 (404550)
at least one GBC Ultra Die
SR5050 (404548)
Plockmatic Rail Unit (404723)
Plockmatic PBM350 (404717)
Plockmatic PBM Trim Module (404718)
Plockmatic PBM Rotate Crease Trim Module (409054)
either SR5050 (404548) or SR5060 (404550), or RPIP Interface Box Type S3 (404660)
E-45A Color Controller (409118)
either E-45A Color Controller (409118) or E-85A Color Controller (409119)
red to purchase with EFI Graphic Arts Package Premium Edition (404749)
red to purchase with EFI Color Profiler Suite V4.X includes ES-2000 (409293 007091MIU)
15 Amp Power Filter (006428MIU)
TotalFlow Print Server R-62 (409102)
uum Feed Banner Sheet Tray Type S9 (409095) is included in the system, BY5020 can be installed when there is 2 or more Vacuum Feed LCIT RT5120 (409082)
E-85A Color Controller (409119)
Profiler Suite V4.X includes ES-2000 (409293 007091MIU) and EFI Color Profiler Suite V4.X software only (409294 007096MIU) are mutually exclusive
Advanced Type FS150 (45133050) includes the following: EFI Impose (404750), EFI Compose (409279 404751), EFI Color Profiler Suite V4.X includes ES-2000 (409293 007
Standard Type FS150 (45132479) includes ES-2000 (007095MIU) and EFI Impose (409280 404750)
either SR5000 series Output Tray for Banner Sheet Type S6 (404877) or Plockmatic Banner Sheet Stacker (409220)
High Capacity Stacker SK5040 (409093)
ther an SR5050, SR5060, or a Stacker unit SK5030
ther a Fiery E-43 or E-83
C9110 Entrance Unit 404726 you must order C9110 Exit Unit 404727
C9100 Entrance Unit 404614 you must order C9100 Exit Unit 404615
ower filter for C9100 Series. 2 Must be ordered, 1 for entrance unit, 1 for exit unit
CRU Type A, B, C
et vacuum feed LCIT, can configure up to 3 units, but must include a Bridge Unit (BU5010) between each LCIT
used to connect up to 3 Vacuum feed LCIT RT5100. One unit goes between each RT5100
ed oversize sheet tray for use with the RT5100. Can run up to 27" 300gsm coated stock
it per configuration
atible with multi bypass BY5010 or multi bypass oversize sheet tray type S3
ended for printing on coated stocks, or with high toner coverage to avoid bricking of paper
ng up to 5k sheets of paper. Up to 2 can be configured per engine. Config can end in a stacker
contains customer replaceable parts for IQ and reliability. Mandatory for all mainframes
contains an entire fusing unit Mandatory for all mainframes
ay for up to 13x49" media. 220gsm max,To extend plastic tray for oversize media, you must add Multi Bypass Banner Sheet Tray Type S3
ure BY5010 with RT5100 vacuum lct, Multi Bypass Attachment Kit for Vacuum Feed LCIT Type S3 must be added. To extend plastic tray for oversize media, you must add Mult
atible with Vacuum Feed Oversize Sheet Tray Type S3 in a single configuration. Only one oversize option per configuration
o configure the BY5010 with the RT5100 vacuum feed LCIT
tender for BY5010 to accommodate oversize prints
sheet cart for SK5030 stacker
nch nit for SR5050 and SR5060 finishers
n the running of tabs from the paper drawers
urce cover interposer
on multi fold unit
e configured with Stacker SK5030 or RingBinder RB5020
configured with Transit Pass Unit for Perfect Binder Type S1 and Cover Interposer Tray for Perfect Binder Type S1
e Glue Supply Type A for setup and operation
configured with perfect binder GB5010
e configured with Perfect binder GB5010
t staple finisher
sheet saddle stich booklet maker
e configured with Plockmatic PBM350 or PBM500 configuration
ace trim unit for SR5060 only
at least 1 GBC streampunch ultra die set
patible with GBC streampunch ultra die sets
patible with GBC StreamPunch Ultra
production booklet maker. Simple book fold only. Must be configured with the SR5050 finisher or an SK5030 stacker
production booklet maker. Simple book fold only. Must be configured with the SR5050 finisher or an SK5030 stacker
upgrade from a PBM350 to a PBM500
atible with SR5060 booklet maker or TR5040 trimmer
ude rail unit for configuration
ncluded in Plockmatic PBM350 and PBM500 configurations
erter is used to feed up to 300gsm covers
ic PBM Trim Module for face trim of booklets only
ic PBM Book Fold Module for square edge book folding
c PBM Rotate Crease Trim Module for full bleed booklets. Need Plockmatic PBM Trim Module face trim to complete full bleed trim
ic BTS4000-1 Belt Stacker Module is an optional accessory to increase output capacity for uninterrupted runs
matic PBM Rotate Crease Trim Module does not support Off-line work
3A FS150 Pro 80 controller for Pro C7100 series
3-A FS150 QX controller for Pro C7100 Series
upgrade for E43A only
for Fiery E43A and E-83A
Color Profiler v4 software and ES-2000 spectrophotometer: Includes 1 year of phone support
Color Profiler v4 software only: Includes 1 year of phone support
mers that only want calibration capability, just the Spectrophotometer
yboard, monitor and mouse for Fiery E-43A
yboard, monitor and mouse for Fiery E-83A
e HD for Fiery E-43
e HD for Fiery E-83
ade for Fiery E43
ade bundle for E43 includes ES-2000 Spectrphotometer and Impose FS150
ade bundle for E43 includes GAPPE, CPS4.X, ES-2000 Spectrphotometer, Impose FS150, Compose FS150

either SR5050 (404548), SR5060 (404550), or Stacker unit SK5040 (409093)

either EFI Color Controller E-45 (409091), E-85 (409092), or TotalFlow Print Server R-62 (409101)
C9200 Exit Unit (409071)
C9210 Exit Unit (409073)
30 Amp Power Filter (007140MIU) x Qty 2
TCRU Type S10 Set A (409138), Set B (409141), Set C (409139)
ure up to 3 units, but must include a Bridge Unit (404652) between each LCIT RT5120 (409082)
LCIT RT5120 (409082)

LCIT RT5120 (409082) and Multi Bypass Attachment Kit for Vacuum Feed LCIT Type S9 (409096)
Multi Bypass Tray BY5020 (409090)
ver Interposer Tray CI5030 (404539) or High Capacity Interposer HCI3500 (409053) can be included in a configuration
s option is selected, only 1 Stacker Unit SK5040 (409093) can be included in the configuration
s option is selected, Ring Binder RB5020 (404546) can't be included in the configuration
s option is selected, GBC e-wire (409221) can't be included in the configuration
Transit Pass Unit for Perfect Binder Type S1 (404544), Cover Interposer Tray for Perfect Binder Type S1 (404545), and Glue Supply Type A (404103)
s option is selected, Perfect Binder GB5010 (404542) can't be included in the configuration
gure up to 2 units
figure with SR5060 (404550)
figure with SR5050 (404548)
either SR5050 (404548) or SR5060 (404550)
SR5060 (404550)
at least one GBC Ultra Die
GBC StreamPunch Ultra (404773)
SR5050 (404548)
Plockmatic Rail Unit (404723)
Plockmatic PBM350 (404717)
Plockmatic PBM Trim Module (404718)
Plockmatic PBM Rotate Crease Trim Module (409054)
either SR5050 (404548) or SR5060 (404550), or RPIP Interface Box Type S3 (404660).
E-45 Color Controller (409091)
either E-45 Color Controller (409091) or E-85 Color Controller (409092)
red to purchase with EFI Graphic Arts Package Premium Edition (404749)
red to purchase with EFI Color Profiler Suite V4.X includes ES-2000 (409293 007091MIU)
either PDF RIP Enhanced by Kodak Type S10 (409123), or Heidelberg® Type S10 (409125), or SCREEN TypeS10 (409127)
TotalFlow Print Server R-62 (409101)
either Square Die (404770) or Round Die (404772)
uum Feed Banner Sheet Tray Type S9 (409095) is included in the system, BY5020 can be installed when there is 2 or more Vacuum Feed LCIT RT5120 (409082)
E-85 Color Controller (409092)
Profiler Suite V4.X includes ES-2000 (409293 007091MIU) and EFI Color Profiler Suite V4.X software only (409294 007096MIU) are mutually exclusive
Advanced Type FS150 (45133050) includes the following: EFI Compose (409279), EFI Color Profiler Suite V4.X includes ES-2000 (409293), EFI Color Profiler Suite V4.X softw
15Amp Power Filter (006428MIU)
either SR5000 series Output Tray for Banner Sheet Type S6 (404877) or Plockmatic Banner sheet stacker (409220)
High Capacity Stacker SK5040 (409093)

andalone configuration for off line use. Cannot be installed in line

ker Required EDP code 10206010

w: 30-ppm Laser Printer; 360MHz print controller; Ethernet 10/100-Base-TX Interface; 128MB memory; PCL6. Standard IEEE 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN; USB 2.0.
y + 50-sheet Bypass. Standard Automatic Duplexing. Ships with a starter toner cartridge, yield approximately 1,000 pages. All other comsumables ship at full yield.

esktop Printer. Main unit includes a 4-line LCD Panel, 250-sheet Paper Tray, 100 sheet Bypass Tray, 256MB RAM and integrated Duplex. Adobe PostScript 3, Ethernet and US
m of One (1) Optional Paper Feed Units may be added for a maximum paper capacity of 850 sheets including the standard Paper tray and Bypass Tray.
aper sizes up to 8.5" x 14" and paper weights up to 43 lb Bond/90 lb Index.
Paper Feed Unit.
Paper Feed Unit
system to an optimal height for floor placement. This versatile cabinet is adjustable and supports all approved Main Unit/Paper Tray configurations. Provides added storage for

and SP3510DN are User/Service Installable. 30 ppm B&W printer, Includes 250 x 1 Paper Tray, 50 Sheet Bypass Tray, 64MB RAM Memory for printer, USB2.0
work Interface Board (10/100Base-TX Ethernet). Includes starter AIO print cartridge (yield: 1,500 pages). Note: Replacement cartridge yield: 2,500 or 6,400 page
available. 2) SP3510DN has duplex printing/copying capability. Copying is from 1 sided documents to 2 sided.
nstallable. 250 Sheet optional paper tray. Only one additional tray can be installed. Letter or Legal size paper.
has duplex printing/copying capability. Copying is from 1 sided documents to 2 sided.
d Unit TK1080 is User/Service Installable. 250 Sheet optional paper tray. Only one additional tray can be installed. Letter or Legal size paper.

4 Desktop Printer. Main unit includes a 4-line LCD Panel, 500-sheet Paper Tray, 100 sheet Bypass Tray, 512MB RAM and integrated Duplex. Adobe PostScript 3, Gigabit Eth
4 Desktop Printer. Main unit includes a 4.3" Color Touch Panel, USB and SD Card Ports, 500-sheet Paper Tray, 100 sheet Bypass Tray, 512MB RAM and integrated Duplex.
m of Two (2) Optional Paper Feed Units may be added for a maximum paper capacity of 1,600 sheets including the standard Paper tray and Bypass Tray.
aper sizes up to 8.5" x 14" and paper weights up to 43 lb Bond/90 lb Index.
Paper Feed Unit.
Paper Feed Unit
system to an optimal height for floor placement. This versatile cabinet is adjustable and supports all approved Main Unit/Paper Tray configurations. Provides added storage for
nterface board slot is available. Wireless LAN or Parallel Interface may be installed.
ments that require Parallel connectivity.
allows you to connect the device to an IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n wireless LAN.
Disk Drive (HDD) transforms the Printer into an information portal. The HDD is required for Locked/Hold/Stored Print, Sort/Stack, Print from USB/SD Card (SP 4520DN only). D
the memory to 1.5 GB and allows you to use the Browser option and Extended Features.
ns enables direct printing of XPS format documents.
AS/400 environments. Additional Memory and Hard Disk Drive required.
he ability to browse the Internet and print the Web pages displayed on the control panel. Required for ICE. HDD and additional Memory must also be installed for the Browser o
ard enables the installation of embedded software applications. HDD and additional Memroy must also be installed.

4 B/W LED Desktop Printer. Includes 4-line LCD Panel, 500-sheet paper tray, 100-sheet bypass tray, integrated duplexing, starter toner supply cartridge
s Paper Feed Unit. Supports media sizes up to 8.5" x 14" and paper weights up to 14 lb. Bond/120 lb. Index.
s Paper Feed Unit. Supports media sizes up to 8.5" x 14" and paper weights up to 14 lb. Bond/120 lb. Index. Bond/140 lb. Index.
m of three (3) Optional Paper Feed Units may be added for a maximum system paper capacity of 2,100 sheets. Max paper capacity consists of the standard paper tray (500 sh
ble is recommended when adding up to (3) additional Paper Feed Units (Type PB1110/PB1120) for a floor standing configuration. For environments with limited system height
nded when adding (2) or (3) additional Paper Feed Units (Type PB1110/PB1120) for a floor-standing configuration with storage.
nded for the base unit or base unit with one (1) additonal Paper Feed Unit (Type PB1110/PB1120) for a floor-standing configuration with storge.
ostScript®3™. Required for printing from Mac OS. Recommended for printing more complex B&W and PDF files.
AS/400 environments. Additional Hard Disk Drive required. (Available Nov. 2019)
Disk Drive (HDD) is required for Locked/Hold/Stored Print. Data Overwrite & Encryption are available when the HDD is installed.
inter to connect to a network over WiFi
Device Server Option Type M19A is an interface board use to add an extra Ethernet port to a the printer. Once installed, the USB Device Server Option can connect two Ether
Card enables the installation of embedded software applications. (418438) Hard Disk Drive Option Type P18 is required
h Technical Solutions Center (TSC) recommends the use of Power Protection products to potential electrical interference with Ricoh products.
S1 power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minim
00DN/SP 5210DN
ack & White printer. Mainframe includes 550-sheet Paper Tray, 100 sheet Bypass Tray, 256MB RAM and integrated Duplex. Ships with a Starter AIO Print Cartridge that yield
ack & White printer. Mainframe includes 550-sheet Paper Tray, 100 sheet Bypass Tray, 768MB RAM, 80GB Hard Disk Drive with Data Overwrite and Encryption and integrate
Capacity. Up to 4 Optional Paper Feed Units may be installed for a maximum paper capacity of 2,850 sheets.
an 3 optional Paper Feed Unit TK1120/TK1120L/TK1120T may be installed at one time.
nce of a technician is required when installing all 4 optional Paper Feed Units.
cludes a Lock for securing sensitive or expensive paper.
ncludes Teflon tape for improved feeding of label media.
h Casters must be installed anytime the device will be placed directly on the floor.
is for the SP 5200DN only.
Drive includes DOSS and Data Encryption.
able slot. Max capacity is 768MB.
nal Interface port is available.
to run Java based applications
AS/400 environments.
et is recommended for use with standard mainframe when no optional Paper Feed Units are installed.
abinet is recommended for use when Mainframe is configured with 1 or 2 optional Paper Feed Units.

B/W Laser Printer. Main unit has a 4-line LCD Panel, 500-sheet Paper Tray, 100 sheet Bypass Tray, integrated Duplex and 2 GB RAM. Adobe PostScript 3, Gigabit Ethernet
capacity. Supports paper sizes up to 8.5" x 14" and paper weights up to 59 lb. Bond/120 lb. Index. A maximum of 4 additional Paper Feed Units may be added to the mainframe
le is required when the maximum of four (4) optional Paper Feed Units (Type PB1100/PB1100TE/PB1100LE) are installed for a floor standing configuration.
nded when one (1) or two (2) additional Paper Feed Units (Type PB1100/PB1100TE/PB1100LE) are added for a floor-standing configuration.
nded when three (3) additional Paper Feed Units (Type PB 1100/PB1100TE/PB1100LE) are added for a floor-standing configuration.
nterface board slot is available. Wireless LAN, Parallel Interface, USB Device Server, or Extended USB may be installed.
allows you to connect the device to an IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n wireless LAN.
ments that require Parallel connectivity.
provides an additional Network Port, which allows the printer to reside on two networks simultaneously.
an additional USB Type B port / connection for printing.
Disk Drive (HDD) transforms the Printer into an information portal. The HDD is required for Locked/Hold/Stored Print. Data Overwrite and HDD Encryption are available when
n enables direct printing of XPS format documents.
AS/400 environments. Hard Disk Drive required.
ard enables the installation of embedded software applications. Hard Disk Drive required.
XG-PCS-15D power filter provides multi-stage power protection as well as line conditioning. Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protectio
S1 power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minim
Locking Paper Feed Unit. Supports media sizes up to 8.5" x 11"and paper weights up to 59 lb. Bond/120 lb. Index. The locking tray security firmware is not currently available
Teflon enhanced Paper Feed Unit. Supports media sizes up to 8.5" x 14" and paper weights up to 59 lb. Bond/120 lb. Index.
Printer Data Stream software supports the migration from legacy output devices to modern network printers by enabling legacy data streams to be printed on any network.

4 B/W Laser Printer. Main unit has a 4-line LCD Panel, 500-sheet Paper Tray, 100 sheet Bypass Tray, integrated Duplex and 2 GB RAM. PostScript 3 Emulation, Gigabit Ethe
4 B/W Laser Printer. Main unit has a 4-line LCD Panel, 500-sheet Paper Tray, 100 sheet Bypass Tray, integrated Duplex and 2 GB RAM. PostScript 3 Emulation, Gigabit Ethe
capacity. Supports paper sizes up to 8.5" x 14" and paper weights up to 58 lb. Bond/120 lb. Index. A maximum of 4 additional Paper Feed Units may be added to the mainfram
ble is required when the three (3) or four (4) optional Paper Feed Units (Type PB1160) are installed.
nded for the base unit for a floor-standing configuration.
nded when one (1) or two (2) additional Paper Feed Units (Type PB1160) are added for a floor-standing configuration.
interface board slot is available. Wireless LAN or USB Device Server may be installed.
n allows you to connect the device to an IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n wireless LAN network.
e Server Option is an interface board used to add an extra Ethernet port. Once installed, the option connects two Ethernet cables simultaneously: one to the machine's Ethernet
on is available for customers who require True Adobe workflows like Photoshop, Illustrator and PDF/X as well as additional font support. When enabled on the MFP, the standar
GB Hard Disk Drive (HDD) transforms the Printer into an information portal. The HDD is required for Locked/Hold/Stored Print. Data Overwrite and HDD Encryption are availab
XG-PCS-15D power filter provides multi-stage power protection as well as line conditioning. Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protectio
S1 power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minim
of the VM Card Type M37 is required to support any embedded software app that is developed on SDK-J (i.e. Java).
ack & white printer with automatic duplex capability. Mainframe includes 500-sheet Paper Tray, 100 sheet Bypass Tray, and 512MB RAM.
capacity. Up to 3 TK2010 Paper Feed Units can be installed for a maximum paper capacity of 2100 sheets including the standard Paper Tray and Bypass Tray.
system to an optimal height for floor placement. This versatile cabinet is adjustable and supports all approved main unit / paper tray configutations. Provides storage for paper a
ry slot is available. Replace the standard 512MB DIMM with the 1GB Memory DIMM to enable extended features (ie; "Rotate Printing").
Disk Drive (HDD) transforms the printer into an information hub. The HDD is required for Locked/Hold/Stored Print. Data Overwite and HDD Encryption are available when the H
nterface board slot is available. Parallel Interface, Wireless LAN, or USB Device Server may be installed. Only one of these additional connectivity options can be installed on th
ments that require parallel connectivity.
allows you to connect the device to an IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n wireless LAN.
rd enables the installation of embedded Java based software applications. The HDD and 1GB memory must be installed.
n enables direct printing of XPS format documents.
n can hold an additional IP address which allows the printer to reside on two networks simultaneously.
ge in EDP code to reflect Production site change from China (RCP) to Thailand (RMT). Current inventory depletion is targeted for mid-October 2016. Limited inventory notice w
anced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.

ack & White Laser Printer. User/Service Installable. Requires two people to lift printer. Includes 4.3" color touch screen display with integrated USB 2.0 Type A host port and S
ce Installable. Requires two people to lift printer and sit on the printer PFU. Two trays @550-sheet each. Holds up to 11"x17" paper. Cannot be installed with the 2,000-shee
ce Installable.  Requires two people to lift printer and sit on the 2,000-sheet Large Capacity Tray.  Contains two side-by-side 1,000-sheet trays, each fixed for letter size.  Can be
right-side of the Printer; requires configuration with 2,000-sheet LCT or 550x2 Paper Feed Unit.
onfiguration with Bridge Unit (BU3060) and Two Tray Paper Feed Unit (PB3130), Large Capacity Tray (PB3140), or Large Cabinet Stand FAC 56.
ce installable. May requires two people to lift finisher. Require configuration with Bridge Unit (BU3060) and two-tray Paper Feed Unit (PB3130), Large Capacity Tray (PB3140),
Unit (BU3060) is a required accessory when the main unit is to be configured with either Finisher. The Bridge Unit transports pages from the printer's standard exit area into a F
unch Unit Type PU3030NA is optional for the 3,000-Sheet Finisher Type SR3120 only and installs inside the Finisher.
Jogger Unit Type 9002A is optional for the 3,000-sheet Finisher only. It taps sheets in the Shift Tray into aligned sets for stacking or off-line binding.
neath main unit. FAC 56 Cabinet Stand FAC 56 must be selected when the printer main unit is to be configured with a Finisher, but not a paper supply option.
stallable. Expand RAM to 1.0GB Memory.
stallable. 120GB Provides for retention of documents in the Printer. Documents can be printed on Demand without sending original to the PC. HDD is required for USB / SD
stallable. For Wireless LAN Connection. Cannot be installed with Gigabit Ethernet Board or the IEEE 1284 interface board at the same time.
stallable. Cannot be installed with the IEEE 1284 interface Board at the same time.
stallable. For use when a Parallel connection is required. Cannot be installed with the Gigabit Ethernet Board or the IEEE 8.2.11 a/b interface unit at the same time.
running of JAVA based applications. Cannot be installed with the Data Overwrite Security Unit.
AS/400 environments
eries of power filters are designed to provide a higher level of noise filtering and surge protection for devices that employ more sensitive and complex electronic

or a maximum daily volume of 10k prints. (Letter paper, 20lb. Bond).

H SP 8400DN 60-ppm Black & White Laser Printer ships standard with: 1,200 sheets paper capacity (2 x 550-sheet Paper Tray, 100-sheet Bypass Tray), 10.1" SOP, 2GB mem
owing can be installed on the mainframe: (A) LCIT 3260 (1-tray Paper Bank, 1000 Sheets x 2, 408116), (B) PB3240 (2-tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets x 2, 408112) or (C) Cabine
40 provides an additional 1,100 sheets. Cannot be installed with any of these Paper Bank options: Paper Feed Unit LCIT PB3260 or Cabinet Type F.
BU3070 Bridge Unit (417587) or Internal Multi-fold Unit FD3000 (417838) with Finisher SR3210 (417483), or Finisher SR3230 (417487).
ng Unit that offers several patterns including V fold, Z fold and Tri-fold. This option can be added to the configuration with or without an external finisher.
Hole Punch Option for SR3230 (417487) Finisher. Supports Paper Sizes Up To 5.5" x 8.5" to 11" x 17".
Hole Punch Option for SR3210 (417483) Finisher. Supports Paper Sizes Up To 5.5" x 8.5" to 11" x 17".
of these options can be installed on the device: SR3210 (417483) or the SR3230 (417487).
ogger Unit for SR3230.
aped option used to place card reader USB Connector.
lbox provides individual bins for separate users or jobs. Can be configured with any base unit or with either Finisher.
tion light visually alerts operators to changes in status system for prompt attention. Can be configured with any base unit or with either Finisher.
RT3030 provides an additional 1,500 sheets. LCIT RT3030 must be configured with either the Paper Feed Unit LCIT PB3260 or PB3240. Cannot be installed with Cabinet Typ
of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
PostScript®3™. Required for printing from Mac OS. Recommended for printing more complex B&W and PDF files.
vanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.
for printing from USB Type B port.
r direct printing of XPS-type file formats.
og in and authenticate users via NFC card. The card reader and its cable will be covered inside the mainframe when this option is attached.
equired for Sample Print, Locked/Secure Print, HDD Hold & Storage Print, Stored Print, Stored Print (Shared) and Cover Sheet features. Optional HDD may only be installed on
s height of mainframe unit. Provides storage for supplies.
eets Finisher (w/Stapleless). This option requires the addition of the BU3070 Bridge Unit or Internal Multi-fold Unit FD3000 and PB3240 Two Tray Paper Bank or LCIT PB3260,
eets Finisher. This option requires the addition of the BU3070 Bridge Unit or Internal Multi-fold Unit FD3000 and PB3240 Two Tray Paper Bank or LCIT PB3260, or Cabinet Typ
D TYPE P13 Required to run Java based applications.
eneath main unit. Cabinet type F is one of the options that can be selected when the printer main unit is to be configured with a Finisher. Cannot be installed with PB3240, LCIT
of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.

Type 2075 is required if no other output option (finisher) is selected.

gger Unit Type 1075 is compatible with the SR842 only.
erposer Tray Type 3260 supports either the SR842 OR SR400 finishers.
gger Unit Type 3260 is compatible with the SR4000 only.
3 requires LCT Connection Unit Type A for installation.
Punch Kit Type 1075 is compatible with the SR842 only.
it Type 3260 is compatible with the SR4000 only.
of the folloiwng Interface options can be installed: IEEE 802.11b Interface Unit Type l; USB Host Interface; IEEE1284 Interface Board Type A.
Interface is only usable by a Ricoh Developer Program member for external device development.
Type D is used for adding Java applications integrated into the device by Ricoh Developer Program members.


or color and monochrome prints. Mainframe includes 250-sheet Paper Tray, 1-sheet Bypass Tray, 256MB RAM, IEEE802.11b/g/n, standard Duplex printing and PictBridge. Sh
capacity. One optional Paper Feed Unit may be added to the mainframe.
S1 power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection

scan and fax. 21 PPM/CPM for color and monochrome prints and copies. Mainframe includes 250-sheet Paper Tray, 1-sheet Bypass Tray, standard duplex printing, Standard
scan and fax. 21 CPM/PPM for color and monochrome prints and copies. Mainframe includes 250-sheet Paper Tray, 1-sheet Bypass Tray, standard Duplex printing, Standar
capacity. One optional Paper Feed Unit may be added to the mainframe.
ble ESP S1 power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products

, scan and fax. 26 PPM/CPM for color and monochrome prints and copies. Mainframe includes 250-sheet Paper Tray, 1-sheet Bypass Tray, standard duplex printing, Standar
capacity. One optional Paper Feed Unit may be added to the mainframe.
S1 power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minim

olor and monochrome printer. Mainframe includes 250-sheet Paper Tray, 1-sheet Bypass Tray, 256MB RAM, IEEE802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, standard Duplex printing. Ships with All-i
capacity. One optional Paper Feed Unit may be added to the mainframe.
S1 power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minim

onfiguration includes a 4.3" touch screen control panel, 500-sheet paper tray and 100-sheet bypass tray, 2 GB RAM, 1.46GHz Intel Processor, Gigabit Ethernet, PostScript an
capacity. Paper Tray supports up to 8.5" x 14" and paper weights up to 59 lb. Bond
capacity. Paper Tray supports up to 8.5" x 14" and paper weights up to 59 lb. Bond
per trays may be configured in any combination.
t required when the mainframe is configured with any 3 optional paper trays: TK1230 (407399) and/or TK1240 (407400)
recommended when the mainframe is configured with any 2 optional paper trays: TK1230 (407399) and/or TK1240 (407400)
dobe PostScript Option.
these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
s to print XPS files directly from portable media or from a connected Windows PC without launching a printer driver.
ard enables the installation of embedded software applications. Hard Disk Drive required.
Device Server Option is an interface board used to add an extra Ethernet port. Once installed, the option connects two Ethernet cables simultaneously: one to the machine's Eth
GB Hard Disk Drive (HDD) transforms the Printer into an information portal. The HDD is required for Locked/Hold/Stored Print. Data Overwrite and HDD Encryption are availab
able ESP S1 power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection produc

w / SP C361SFNw
FNw Standard Configuration includes Print/Scan/Copy/Fax capabilities, 7" SOP (Smart Operation Panel), 250-sheet paper tray and 100-sheet bypass tray, 50-page SPDF (Sing
FNw Standard Configuration includes Print/Scan/Copy/Fax capabilities, 7" SOP (Smart Operation Panel), 250-sheet paper tray and 100-sheet bypass tray, 50-page SPDF (Sing
capacity. Paper Tray supports up to 8.5" x 14" and paper weights up to 28 lb.
capacity. Paper Tray supports up to 8.5" x 14" and paper weights up to 28 lb.
al Paper Tray can be added to the mainframe; either TK1230 or TK1240
can be configured with the mainframe or when the mainframe is configured with one additional Paper Tray: TK1230 or TK1240
into the MFP and authenticate users via NFC card. Compatible only with the SP C361SFNw.
ble ESP S1 power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products

C340DN 26-PPM A4 Color Laser Printer. Main unit has a 4-line LCD Panel, 500-sheet Paper Tray, 100 sheet Bypass Tray, integrated Duplex and 2 GB RAM. Adobe PostScrip
capacity. Paper Tray fixed to 8.5" x 11" and supports paper weights up to 28 lb. One Paper Feed Unit may be added to the mainframe for a maximum paper capacity of 1,100
nterface board slot is available. Wireless LAN, Parallel Interface or USB Device Server may be installed.
ments that require Parallel connectivity.
allows you to connect the device to an IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n wireless LAN.
e Server allows a user to connect the device to two (2) LANs simultaneously.
Disk Drive (HDD) transforms the Printer into an information portal. The HDD is required for Locked/Hold/Stored Print. Data Overwrite and HDD Encryption are available when th
s enables direct printing of XPS format documents.
rd enables the installation of embedded software applications. Hard Disk Drive required.
able ESP AC1 power filter provides muti-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection produc
C342DN 26-PPM A4 Color Laser Printer. Main unit has a 4.3" touch screen panel, 500-sheet Paper Tray, 100 sheet Bypass Tray, integrated Duplex and 2 GB RAM. Adobe Po

color and monochrome prints. Mainframe includes 550-sheet Paper Tray, 100 sheet Bypass Tray, 384MB RAM and integrated Duplex. Ships with Starter Toner that yields 3K
color and monochrome prints. Mainframe includes 550-sheet Paper Tray, 100 sheet Bypass Tray, integrated Duplex, 768MB RAM and 80GB Hard Disk Drive standard. Ship
inting solution. Includes One-Year subscription to the PrinterOn Mobile Printing Service. 42-PPM for color and monochrome prints. Mainframe includes 550-sheet Paper Tray
capacity. Up to 3 Paper Feed Units may be added to mainframe. The Caster Table Type C is recommended with adding 2 or more Paper Feed units.
aper Feed Unit with Teflon tape. 550-sheet capacity. Up to 3 Paper Feed Units may be added to mainframe. The Caster Table Type C is recommended with adding 2 or more
N has one slot. A maximum of 768MB may be installed. Additional memory is recommended for duplex printing 8.5" x 14" documents, high resolution printing. Additional mem
N has one slot. A maximum of 768MB may be installed. Additional memory is recommended for duplex printing 8.5" x 14" documents, high resolution printing. Additional mem
Disk Drive. HDD is required for Job Spooling, Sample Print, Locked/Secure Print, HDD Hold & Storage Print, Stored Print, Stored Print (Shared) and Cover Sheet features. H
ata stored on Hard Disk Drive and NVRAM.
latent data stored on HDD so the data can not be re-created.
AN option. Supports IEEE 802.11a/g standard. Wireless LAN is WPA compliant. Only one optional interface may be installed.
Gigabit Ethernet Interface. The printer's standard Ethernet and USB 2.0 ports are not available when the Gigabit Ethernet Board is installed. Instead, you can use the Ethernet a
Parallel connections. Only one optional interface may be installed.
to run Java based applications.
when the SP C430DN/SP C431DN is configured with additional Paper Feed Units to create a floor standing printer. Provides added stability to floor-standing configurations.
e SP C430DN/SP C431DN to a comfortable height for floor-standing configuration. For use with printer base unit only.
e SP C430DN/SP C431DN to a comfortable height for floor-standing configuration. Recommended when configuring the printer with one 550-sheet Paper Feed Unit.

Color Laser Printer. Main unit has a 4-line LCD Panel with 12-key alphanumeric keypad, 550-sheet Paper Tray, 100 sheet Bypass Tray, integrated Duplex and 1 GB RAM. Ad
capacity. Supports paper sizes up to 8.5" x 14" and paper weights up to 59 lb. Bond/120 lb. Index. A maximum of 3 Paper Feed Units may be added to the mainframe for a max
le Type C (406755) is required when the maximum of three (3) optional Paper Feed Units (Type PB1020) are installed.
SP C435DN to a comfortable height for floor-standing configuration. For use with printer base unit only.
SP C435DN to a comfortable height for floor-standing configuration. Recommended when configuring the printer with one or two optional 550-sheet Paper Feed Unit.
nterface board slot is available. Wireless LAN, Parallel Interface or USB Device Server may be installed.
ments that require Parallel connectivity.
allows you to connect the device to an IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n wireless LAN.
can hold an additional Network Port, which allows the printer to reside on two networks simultaneously.
Disk Drive (HDD) transforms the Printer into an information portal. The HDD is required for Locked/Hold/Stored Print. Data Overwrite and HDD Encryption are available when
AS/400 environments. Hard Disk Drive required.
ard enables the installation of embedded software applications. Hard Disk Drive required.
anced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.
ter A4 Color Laser Printer. Main unit has a 4-line LCD Panel, 500-sheet Paper Tray, 100 sheet Bypass Tray, integrated Duplex and 2 GB RAM. PostScript Emulation, Gigabit E
capacity. Supports paper sizes up to 8.5" x 14" and paper weights from 16 lb. to 58 lb. bond. A maximum of 3 Paper Feed Units may be added to the mainframe for a maximum
P C600 to a comfortable height for floor-standing configuration. Recommended when configuring the printer with one, two or three optional 500-sheet Paper Feed Unit.
P C600 to a comfortable height for floor-standing configuration. For use with printer base unit and one additional PB1150 paper feed unit.
sk Drive (HDD) transforms the Printer into an information portal. The HDD is required for Locked/Hold/Stored Print. Data Overwrite and HDD Encryption are available when th
allows you to connect the device to an IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n wireless LAN.
obe® PostScript®3™. Available for customers who require True Adobe workflows like Photoshop, Illustrator and PDF/X as well as additional font support. When enabled on t
d enables the installation of embedded software applications. Hard Disk Drive required.
nced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.

SP C830DN / 831DN
color and monochrome prints. Mainframe includes 2 x 550-sheet Paper Tray, 100-sheet Bypass Tray, 512MB RAM, USB Host Interface and integrated Duplex. Ships with Sta
color and monochrome prints. Mainframe includes 2 x 550-sheet Paper Tray, 100-sheet Bypass Tray, 512MB RAM, integrated Duplex, USB Host Interface and 250GB Hard D
eet capacity Paper Feed Unit. May be added to the SP C830DN and SP C831DN.
eet capacity Paper Bank.
t Large Capacity Tray. Supports Letter/A4 paper size.
t Large Capacity Tray. Supports Letter paper size. May be added to the SP C830DN and SP C831DN with PB3130 or PB3140 only.
et Booklet Finisher. This option requires the addition of the BU3060 Bridge Unit and PB3130 Two Tray Paper Bank or PB3140 LCT, or FACS52 Cabinet to attach properly.
et Finisher. This options requires the addition of the BU3060 Bridge Unit and PB3130 Two Tray Paper Bank or PB3140 LCT, or FACS52 Cabinet to attach properly.
o install Finisher options.
unch compatible with both Finishers.
o Finisher SR3120. Taps sets into alignment
off-line finishing
bins for separate users or jobs. Can be configured with base unit or with either Finisher.
ot is accessible. Additional memory is recommended for duplex printing Legal and A3 documents at high resolutions as well printing banners at high resolutions. Additional me
ard Disk Drive. HDD is required for Sample Print, Locked/Secure Print, HDD Hold & Storage Print, Stored Print, Stored Print (Shared) and Cover Sheet features. Optional HDD
LAN option. Supports IEEE 802.11a/g standard. Wireless LAN is WPA compliant. Only one optional interface may be installed.
m of one (1) optional interface board can be installed.
r's Ethernet and USB 2.0 ports are not available when the Gigabit Ethernet is installed. Instead, you can use the Ethernet and USB 2.0 ports mounted on the Gigabit Ethernet B
r the design and implementation of customized and specialized workflow applications.
our PictBridge enabled digital still camera directly to the SP C830DN / SP C831DN without the need for a PC.
ended when the printer main unit is configured with PB3120 (one tray paper feed unit)
e height of the SP C830DN and SP C831DN for configuration with a Finisher.
e height of the SP C830DN and SP C831DN for configuration with a Finisher.
AS/400 environments. Additional Memory required for both SP C830DN/SP C831DN. Optional Hard Disk Drive required for SP C830DN.
eries of power filters are designed to provide a higher level of noise filtering and surge protection for devices that employ more sensitive and complex electronic components.

SP C840DN / C842DN
or a maximum daily volume of 10k prints. (Letter paper, 20lb. Bond).
H SP C840DN 45-ppm Color and Black & White Laser Printer ships standard with: 1,200 sheets paper capacity (2 x 550-sheet Paper Tray, 100-sheet Bypass Tray), 10.1" SOP
H SP C842DN 60-ppm Color and Black & White Laser Printer ships standard with: 1,200 sheets paper capacity (2 x 550-sheet Paper Tray, 100-sheet Bypass Tray), 10.1" SOP
owing must be installed on the mainframe: (A) LCIT 3260 (1-tray Paper Bank, 1000 Sheets x 2, 408116), (B) PB3240 (2-tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets x 2, 408112) (C) PB3240
40 provides an additional 1,100 sheets. Cannot be installed with any of these Paper Bank options: Paper Feed Unit LCIT PB3260, Caster Table Type M3, or Cabinet Type F.
igured with the Caster Table Type M3, this paper feed unit lowers the total machine height, making it easy for all users to access the device (Section 508).
BU3070 Bridge Unit (417587) or Internal Multi-fold Unit FD3000 (417838) with Finisher SR3210 (417483), Booklet Finisher SR3220 (417484) or Finisher SR3230 (417487).
ng Unit that offers several patterns including V fold, Z fold and Tri-fold. This option can be added to the configuration with or without an external finisher.
Hole Punch Option for SR3230 (417487) Finisher. Supports Paper Sizes Up To 5.5" x 8.5" to 11" x 17".
Hole Punch Option for SR3220 (417484) and SR3210 (417483) Finishers. Supports Paper Sizes Up To 5.5" x 8.5" to 11" x 17".
of these options can be installed on the device: SR3220 (417484), SR3210 (417483) or the SR3230 (417487).
ogger Unit for SR3230.
aped option used to place either card reader or counter device. USB Connector.
stomers to print crop marks for proofing SRA3/12.6" documents.
lbox provides individual bins for separate users or jobs. Can be configured with any base unit or with either Finisher.
tion light visually alerts operators to changes in status system for prompt attention. Can be configured with any base unit or with either Finisher.
RT3030 provides an additional 1,500 sheets. LCIT RT3030 must be configured with either the Paper Feed Unit LCIT PB3260 or PB3240. Cannot be installed with any of these
of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
ers to connect a PictBridge-compatible digital camera directly to the Printer, enabling the printing of photos without a computer.
PostScript®3™. Required for printing from Mac OS. Recommended for printing more complex color and PDF files.
vanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.
for printing from USB Type B port.
r direct printing of XPS-type file formats.
nstall floor standing Finisher SR3220 (417484), SR3210 (417483) or SR3230 (417487) with the PB3250 (416545) and Caster Table Type M3 (416737) or PB3240 (408112) wit
og in and authenticate users via NFC card. The card reader and its cable will be covered inside the mainframe when this option is attached.
nner Paper Guide Tray Type M19 is recommended when printing on banner paper to avoid paper skew.
equired for Sample Print, Locked/Secure Print, HDD Hold & Storage Print, Stored Print, Stored Print (Shared) and Cover Sheet features. Optional HDD may only be installed on
ption will not be available until Q4. This will be be noted on launch letters as a future option.** For use in AS/400 environments. Optional Hard Disk Drive required for SP C840D
s height of mainframe unit. Provides storage for supplies.
eets Finisher (w/Stapleless). This option requires the addition of the BU3070 Bridge Unit or Internal Multi-fold Unit FD3000 and PB3240 Two Tray Paper Bank or LCIT PB3260,
eets Booklet Finisher. This option requires the addition of the BU3070 Bridge Unit or Internal Multi-fold Unit FD3000 and PB3240 Two Tray Paper Bank or LCIT PB3260, or Cab
eets Finisher. This option requires the addition of the BU3070 Bridge Unit or Internal Multi-fold Unit FD3000 and PB3240 Two Tray Paper Bank or LCIT PB3260, or Cabinet Typ
D TYPE P8 Required to run Java based applications.
eneath main unit. Cabinet type F is one of the options that can be selected when the printer main unit is to be configured with a Finisher. Cannot be installed with PB3240, LCIT
er Table Type M3 provides a platform with wheels for the PB3150 (408114) when ordered as a single paper feed option.
of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
ace board for adding an extra Ethernet port. If you install the USB Device Server Option, you can connect two Ethernet cables simultaneously: one to the machine's Gigabit Ethe
tSpot allows users to easily print from any mobile platform connected to Wi-Fi or the Internet, directly to a HotSpot enabled device (MFP/Printer).

Nw is a 29-PPM Color and Black & White 3-in-1 MFP. Print, Copy and Scan. Mainframe includes 250-sheet Paper Tray, 128MB RAM, Duplex and Wireless.
FNw 29-PPM Color and Black & White 4-in-1 MFP. Print, Copy, Scan and Fax. Mainframe includes 250-sheet Paper Tray, 128MB RAM, Duplex and Wireless.
ss Tray VY1040 has 100-sheet Capacity. Required for feeding thick media up to 68lb Bond/140lb Index and Banner media up to 51.
d Unit TK1160 has 250-sheet Capacity. Up to 2 Optional Paper Feed Units may be installed.
Nw/FNw come equipped with starter toner; yield is 600 for each color.

N is a 29-PPM Color and Black & White printer. Mainframe includes 250-sheet Paper Tray, 128MB RAM and Duplex.
Nw is a 29-PPM Color and Black & White printer. Mainframe includes 250-sheet Paper Tray, 128MB RAM, Duplex and Wireless connectivity.
ss Tray VY1040 has 100-sheet Capacity. Required for feeding thick media up to 68lb Bond/140lb Index and Banner media up to 51".
d Unit TK1160 has 250-sheet Capacity. Up to 2 Optional Paper Feed Units may be installed.
N/DNw come equipped with starter toner; yield is 600 for each color.

ships as a copier. PlotWorks software is also included and should be installed for advanced users that want more functionality than
. Requires either Roll Feeder Type 3601A or Type 3601B.
ships as a copier. Requires either Roll Feeder Type 3601A or Type 3601B.
eeder Type 3601A (EDP#415435) cannot be upgraded to the Roll Feeder Type 3601B (EDP#415438)
r Type 3601B - The two roll table cannot be changed to a one roll table.
e 240 - The table provides manual copy sheet feeding and includes copy stacking but no rolls or paper tray for automatic feeding.
ssette Type 240 - Paper Cassette Tray only available with a one or two roll feeder. It can hold paper up to 12" x 18"
ker - Rear Stacker requires either Roll Feeder Type 3601A or Roll Feeder Type 3601B.
er Type A - Roll holders provide additional flange inserts to be used for extra paper rolls
ption Type W3601 - Printer Option W3601 requires either Roll Feeder Type 3601A or Roll Feeder Type 3601B.
Option Type W3601 - Scanner Option Type 3601 requires File Format Converter (EDP#415506)
mat Converter Type F - File Format Converter (FFC) requires Scanner Option Type 3601 (EDP#415444)
Type E (EDP#420302) must be used with the Printer Option Type 3601 (EDP#415441)
Ethernet Type B - Gigabit Ethernet Board Type B enables connection to 1000 Base-TX network
11b/g Interface Unit Type J (EDP#414008) allows users to set up a wireless LAN. Cannot used concurrently with Gigabit Board Type B.
SD Slot Type E - USB2.0/SD Slot Type E requires the Scanner Option Type W3601 (EDP#415444)
y Tool and Print Copy Tool Option D require a client PC and admin PC to install the dongle and software.

to the front or back of the machine. You can stack a large number of prints on it.
he back to catch large stacks of origionals
n for ease of roll paper change with the need to change holders for each paper.
n for ease of hanging large origionals when copying.
or wireless LAN.

or external counting hardware.

or OCR scanned documents.
” is a utility which enables centralized management of vast amounts of references and drawings.
yTool Option andType
2015files in an
allows forenvironment
use of DWG,where
application is not installed.
a client PC and Admin PC to install the dongle and Software.

U required for both W7100 and W8140. Allow for clean power filtration.
the roll capacity from standard 2 rolls to 4 rolls total. Cannot be combined with 417295
combined with 417295
combined with 417292
cassette trays to hold up to 18" x 24" (C Size) cut sheet paper.
Novell Netware 6.5 SP6 with Novell Client 4.9 SP3
able with use with MP W8140 and provides a stand for scanner and cover for the copier to create a 2 footprint printer/scanner. Maximum distance between printer and scanner
to 100 E-size sheets. Can be attached to either the front or the back of the machine.
al/Copy Catch Tray is an adjustable tray. It can be used for either catching originals or copies/prints.
ers provide additional flange inserts to be used for extra paper rolls.
HTML data from a server and displays on the unit operation panel, which is used with solutions that require HTML
0 originals on the front of the machines when users make copies
a client PC and Admin PC to install the dongle and Software.

00SP includes Mainframe, 1 Roll Paper Unit, Printer and Scanner Kits, DOSS, HDD Encryption, Scan to USB/SD, Print to USB/SD, USB Host, Network interface, 250GB HDD
Catch tray (The standard DOSS included with the mainframe is not ISO 15408 certified).
with enough ink to prime the machine for start up only. Additional ink is required for use upon install.
00SP Stand Required with Mainframe.
der adds additional roll capacity for a total of 2 rolls
at Converter is only needed if users will be printing documents longer than 109" (2,774mm)
roll holders allow for easy paper handling when multiple paper sizes are being used. The mainframe ships with 2 and an additional 2 are included with the Roll Holder Unit Type
nit allows for connection to the Web or Web servers at the device control panel
ernet Type B provides 1000/10 base T connection for faster network access
Security Unit Type F prevents unauthorized copies
1a/g Wireless Type J allows for Wireless Network access

quired with Mainframe.

f adding 2nd Roll Option RU6550
or OCR scanned documents.

Tool” is a utility which enables centralized management of vast amounts of references and drawings.
Tool Optionand
Type other CAD allows
D 2016 files infor
an use
of DWG, where a CAD
DXF, DWF application is not installed.
at Converter Type M23 is required when paper length is more than 2,774mm (109.2 inches).
a client PC and Admin PC to install the dongle and Software.
C W2201 comes equipped with enough ink to prime the machine for start up only. Additional ink is required for use upon install.

n Includes Mainframe, take up device, USB 2.0, 100Base-TX interface and Rasterlink Software RIP
n Includes Mainframe, take up device, USB 2.0, 100Base-TX interface and Rasterlink Software RIP

Printer Stand (342297) required when ordering the Pro L5160 mainframe (342293)
ncludes 2- 600ml cartridges each of Cyan, Magenta, Yellow & Black. 8 total cartridges
ncludes 4- 600ml cartridges of White. 1- 600ml cartridge each of Cyan, Magenta, Yellow & Black. 8 total cartridges.
S installation of Pro L5160
S training for Pro L5160
her CMYK ro CMYK+ W Starter Kit
th printer (Pro L5160)

stallation, training. And 1 of the 3 ink starter kits (3000010190-DS, 3000010185-DS or 3000019191-DS)
ofessional Service Product Training
echnical Service Installation

m configuration this item can still be added to an order as a separate line item
k starter kit (only 1 starter kit needs to be selected)
exclusive to the EFI Pro 24f
ter kit per order

olor P5000 / SureColor P7000 / SureColor P9000

44UVS-DS; EO2PUB; PP-RPCMXRTPUB; are required when ordering SPCP5000CE, SCP7000CE or SCP9000CE printer.
art of the color proofing bundle in consultation with your Color Management services specialist.
1 is Mandatory for Technical setup of equipment


Type 20 or Platen Cover Type 1018 required (cannot be used together).

Printer Unit Type 4545A can not be used together

includes 1,000 Sheet Paper Feed Tray, 1,000 Sheet Delivery Tray, Black Drum
Platen Cover PN2000 (416478) or ADF DF Type 2020 (416554) must be configured with the mainframe.
olored paper strip marker between copied sets.
et is recommended to be ordered with the mainframe.
or network printing

includes: Black Drum, 1,000 Sheet Paper Feed Tray, 1,000 Sheet Delivery Tray.
en Cover Type 3352 (415809) or ADF DF7000 (243259) must be ordered with the mainframe.
et is recommended to be ordered with the mainframe.
per marker between copied sets.
or network printing.

includes 1,500 Sheet Paper Feed Tray, 1,500 Sheet Delivery Tray, A3 (11 x 17) Black Drum.
Platen Cover PN7000 (243298) or ADF DF7010 (243299) must be configured with the mainframe.
um required for each color ink in use.
um used exclusively for printing on A4 (8.5 x 11) paper size or smaller.
paper strip marker between copied sets for sorting purposes.
anced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.
or network printing.
or USB Printing from PC
or printing from USB Media.
et is recommended to be ordered with the mainframe.

includes: Black Drum, 1,000 Sheet Paper Feed Tray, 1,000 Sheet Delivery Tray, RPCS Network Controller.
Platen Cover Type 3352 (415809) or ADF DF7000 (243249) must be configured with the mainframe.
et is recommended to be ordered with the mainframe.
cript option is required for MAC Environments.
configured with Enterprise Feeder , SL Feeder or exit conveyor. Can use Stand EDP code 250-100145
figured with Enterprise Feeder EDP code 300-100236, SL Feeder EDP code 300-100-257, exit conveyor 250-100144, Stand EDP code 250-100145 and PC Table EDP code 2
roduction System, no Accessories required.

GA Handy Projector. LED, Up to 200" projection screen size, Lamp life 20000 hours std mode, 30000 hrs eco mode.

WUXGA Standard Projector. Dual Lamp High Brightness Projector, Motorized Zoom, Keystone and Lens Shift, 1500 Lamp Life. Projector does not ship with lens
m Throw lens with Throw ratio 0.84.-1.02
Throw lens with Throw ratio 1.02-1.36
Throw lens with Throw ratio 1.2-1.5
hrow lens with Throw ratio 1.5-2.0
oom Throw lens with Throw ratio 2.0-4.0
Throw lens with Throw ratio 4.0-7.2
ment Color Wheel Type1

VGA Entry Level Projector. Up to 300" projection screen size, Lamp life 4500 hours std mode, 6000 hrs eco mode.
GA Entry Level Projector. Up to 300" projection screen size, Lamp life 4500 hours std mode, 6000 hrs eco mode.

2440 / WX2440
VGA Standard Throw Projector Entry Level
GA Standard Throw Projector Entry Level
XGA Standard Throw Projector Entry Level

GA Home Theater Projector with auto keystone and enhanced color.


GA Standard Projector with 3,000 hours standard and 4,000 hours eco lamp life
UXGA Standard Projector with 3,000 hours standard and 4,000 hours eco lamp life
s compatable with all Ricoh DLP projectors.

Desk Edge Projector

GA Projector with Networking
Desk Edge Projector with auto focus and wired and wireless networking
WXGA Projector
A Desk Edge Projector
WXGA Projector with networking
A Desk Edge Projector with auto focus and wired and wireless networking
GA Short Throw Projector
Short throw Projector with wired networking
WXGA Short Throw Projector
A Short throw Projector with wired and wireless networking
Glasses Type 2
ompatable with all Ricoh DLP projectors.

with both wired and Bluetooth connectivity between eBeam sensor and PC.
1N is a 3300lm WXGA Ultra Short Throw projector with standard wired and wireless networking. Lamp life 3500hours std mode, 5000 hrs eco mode
1Ni is a 3300lm WXGA Ultra Short Throw projector with standard wired and wireless networking and integrated interactivity. Lamp life 3500hours std mode, 5000 hrs eco mode
ftware: License for optional ebeam interactive software. Includes licensing for 5 users

XGA Ultra Short Throw projector with standard wired and wireless networking. Lamp life 3500hours std mode, 5000 hrs eco mode.
XGA Ultra Short Throw projector with standard wired and wireless networking and integrated interactivity.Lamp life 3500hours std mode, 5000 hrs eco mode.
r optional ebeam interactive software. Includes licensing for 5 users. For PJ WX4141NI and PJ WX4152NI only.
for PJ WX4152N and PJ WX4152NI
nt to attach PJ WX4152N and PJ WX4152NI to commercially available tripod
placement interactive pen for the PJ WX4152NI only

GA Standard Projector. Laser, Up to 100" projection screen size, Lamp life 10000 hours std mode, 20000 hrs eco mode.
XGA Standard Projector. Laser, Up to 100" projection screen size, Lamp life 10000 hours std mode, 20000 hrs eco mode.
DGE WIRED Wired Interactive option for projectors
DGE BLUETOOTH Bluetooth Interactive option for projectors

XGA Ultra-Short Throw Projector. LED, Fixed Lens, Up to 130" projection screen size, Engine Life 20,000 hours std mode
UXGA Ultra-Short Throw Projector. LED, Fixed Lens, Up to 130" projection screen size, Engine Life 20,000 hours std mode
S1 power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minim

WX5460, PJ HD5450
A Desk Edge Projector with auto focus and wired and wireless networking
XGA Desk Edge Projector with auto focus and wired and wireless networking
A Short throw Projector with wired networking
s compatable with all Ricoh DLP projectors.

PJ WX3351N, PJ X4241N, PJ WX4241N

A Desk Edge Projector with auto focus and wired and wireless networking
XGA Desk Edge Projector with auto focus and wired and wireless networking
A Short throw Projector with wired networking
XGA Short throw Projector with wired and wireless networking
s compatable with all Ricoh DLP projectors.
e with both wired and Bluetooth connectivity between eBeam sensor and PC or Mac.
mbedded inetractive kit. Includes Pen, projector module, dongle for PC and PJ Interactive Software. For PC only. If Macintosh is required, use eBeam Edge Bluetooth
eplacement pen for interactive kit type 2. Only includes Pen.

oes not come with a lens. Proper lens must be ordered with projector
oes not come with a lens. Proper lens must be ordered with projector
reless networking accessory
ns 1.5 - 3.0:1 throw ratio
lens - 0.8:1 throw ratio
ens - 1.19 - 1.56:1 throw ratio
ens - 2.97 - 4.79:1 throw ratio
Lens -4.7 - 7.2:1 throw ratio
hrow Zoom Lens - throw ration 0.8 - 1.0:1

PJ WUL5670
XGA Standard Projector. Laser, Fixed Lens, Up to 300" projection screen size, Engine Life 20,000 hours std mode
UXGA Standard Projector. Laser, Fixed Lens, Up to 300" projection screen size, Engine Life 20,000 hours std mode
S1 power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minim
8MIU power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to mi

PJ WUL6280
XGA Standard Laser Projector with 20,000 Hrs. Laser life, Motorized Zoom, Keystone and Lens Shift. Projector does not ship with lens
UXGA Standard Laser Projector with 20,000 Hrs. Laser life, Motorized Zoom, Keystone and Lens Shift.Projector does not ship with lens
Throw lens with Throw ratio 0.79-1.0 for WXGA and 0.75-0.95 for WUXGA
w lens with Throw ratio1.0 - 1.28 for WXGA and 0.95-1.22 for WUXGA
ns with Throw ratio 1.28 - 1.61 for WXGA and 1.22 - 1.53 for WUXGA
w lens with Throw ratio 1.6 - 3.07 for WXGA and 1.52 - 2.92 for WUXGA
Throw lens with Throw ratio 3.04 - 5.78 for WXGA and 2.90 - 5.50 for WUXGA


ndpoint for Web RTC video conferencing services

yboard for P3500M navigation

ned HD video, voice and data in one package. All that is required is internet connectivity and display for viewing.
imited video conferenve servive is required for all P3500 units.
C, Macintosh, iPad and iPhone applications available. Require monthly subscription service.

ctive Whiteboard
ctive whiteboard with Business interactive software and Ricoh UCS software
ollobrative license that enables connection between up to 20 Ricoh IWBs.

eractive Whiteboard
ractive flat panel display. No controller installed. Only one optional controller can be installed.
ness Controller providing whiteboarding and collaborative features. The D3210 is not compatable with the IWB Controller Type 1
0 Open controller. Comes standard with Windows 10 pro, Ricoh IWB lt software, Ricoh UCS and Ricoh Advanced software.
ware has limited features.
ve license for use with Business controller and IWB lt software. Allows up to 20 IWBs in a meeting. 20 web viewers (Web view IWBs only) and 50 Android, Ipad and PC apps ca
yboard and trackpad for use with Windows controller only.
8MIU power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to min
on item for Huddle room kit
ion item for Conference room kit
a maximum of 6 speakers
r hub is required to connect 2 or more MT503-W
ng mounted. One mount per speaker Recommended
ox Works with the RICOH Interactive Whiteboard Controller (All)
10 i7 Open controller. Comes standard with Windows 10 pro, Ricoh IWB lt software, Ricoh UCS and Ricoh Advanced software.
ion expansion options for Logitech Rally Video Conferencing System

05, LOGITECH MEETUP EXP Mic, is required with 960-001101, LOGITECH MEETUP 4K Cam
S1 power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices.
ed Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.
ctive Whiteboard
ive whiteboard ships with display, integrated computer and pen.
rtable stand for D5510. Standard flat screen wall mount can also be used.
rtable stand for D5510. Standard flat screen wall mount can also be used.
ollobrative license that enables connection between up to 20 Ricoh IWBs.

ctive Whiteboard
ive flat panel display. No controller installed. Only one optional controller can be installed.
0 Open controller. Comes standard with Windows 10 pro, Ricoh IWB lt software, Ricoh UCS and Ricoh Advanced software, Unlicensed version of Micorsoft Office and Chrome
ware has limited features.
deo camera for use with video conferencing software. Mounts on top of the D5520. Can be used with either controller.

ve license for use with Business controller and IWB lt software. Allows up to 20 IWBs in a meeting. 20 web viewers (Web view IWBs only) and 50 Android, Ipad and PC apps ca
yboard and trackpad for use with Windows controller only.
28MIU power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to m

ctive Whiteboard
Screen Display only.
th embedded business controller
l D6500 configurations
s finger operation with electronic pen. After activating option, finger operation is no longer available unless disabled in system configuration
e used with Ricoh Interactive Whiteboard D6500 Business (432133)
ng between dongle and pen, no replacement or additional pens can be connected.
ollobrative license that enables connection between up to 20 Ricoh IWBs
e used with Ricoh Interactive Whiteboard D6500 Business (432133)

ctive Whiteboard
ive flat panel display. No controller installed. Only one optional controller can be installed.
ness Controller providing whiteboarding and collaborative features
0 Open controller. Comes standard with Windows 10 pro, Ricoh IWB lt software, Ricoh UCS and Ricoh Advanced software, Unlicensed version of Micorsoft Office and Chrome
ware has limited features.
n kit for use with Ricoh Business Controller only

ve license for use with Business controller and IWB lt software. Allows up to 20 IWBs in a meeting. 20 web viewers (Web view IWBs only) and 50 Android, Ipad and PC apps ca
yboard and trackpad for use with Windows controller only.
28MIU power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to m

ctive Whiteboard
ive flat panel display 4K resolution. No controller installed. Only one optional controller can be installed.
ness Controller providing whiteboarding and collaborative features
0 Open controller. Comes standard with Windows 10 pro, Ricoh IWB lt software, Ricoh UCS and Ricoh Advanced software, Unlicensed version of Micorsoft Office and Chrome
ware has limited features.
n kit for use with Ricoh Business Controller only
deo camera for use with video conferencing software. Mounts on top of the D7500. Can be used with either controller.

ve license for use with Business controller and IWB lt software. Allows up to 20 IWBs in a meeting. 20 web viewers (Web view IWBs only) and 50 Android, Ipad and PC apps ca
yboard and trackpad for use with Windows controller only.
28MIU power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to m

ctive Whiteboard
Screen Display only.
th embedded business controller
s finger operation with electronic pen. After activating option, finger operation is no longer available unless disabled in system configuration
e used with Ricoh Interactive Whiteboard D8400 Business
ng between dongle and pen, no replacement or additional pens can be connected.
ollobrative license that enables connection between up to 20 Ricoh IWBs
e used with Ricoh Interactive Whiteboard D8400 Business

ctive Whiteboard
ractive flat panel display. No controller installed. Only one optional controller can be installed.
ness Controller providing whiteboarding and collaborative features. The D8600 is not compatable with the IWB Controller Type 1
0 Open controller. Comes standard with Windows 10 pro, Ricoh IWB lt software, Ricoh UCS and Ricoh Advanced software.
ware has limited features.

ve license for use with Business controller and IWB lt software. Allows up to 20 IWBs in a meeting. 20 web viewers (Web view IWBs only) and 50 Android, Ipad and PC apps ca
yboard and trackpad for use with Windows controller only.
8MIU power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to min
on item for Huddle room kit
ion item for Conference room kit
w a maximum of 6 speakers
r hub is required to connect 2 or more MT503-W
ng mounted. One mount per speaker Recommended
n box proves two USB connections and storage for RFID Badge Scaner


4 B/W LED Desktop Printer. Includes 4-line LCD Panel, 500-sheet Locking & Label enhanced Paper Tray, 100-sheet bypass tray, integrated duplexing, starter toner supply car
s Paper Feed Unit. Supports media sizes up to 8.5" x 14" and paper weights up to 14 lb. Bond/120 lb. Index.
s Paper Feed Unit. Supports media sizes up to 8.5" x 14" and paper weights up to 14 lb. Bond/120 lb. Index. Bond/140 lb. Index.
Locking Paper and Label enhanced Paper Feed Unit
Locking Paper and Label enhanced Paper Feed Unit
m of three (3) Optional Paper Feed Units may be added for a maximum system paper capacity of 2,100 sheets. Max paper capacity consists of the standard paper tray (500 sh
ble is recommended when adding up to (3) additional Paper Feed Units (Type PB1110/PB11120/PB1110 TL/PB11120 TL) for a floor standing configuration. For environments
nded when adding (2) or (3) additional Paper Feed Units (Type PB1110/PB11120/PB1110 TL/PB11120 TL) for a floor-standing configuration with storage.
ended for the base unit or base unit with one (1) additonal Paper Feed Unit (Type PB1110/PB1120/PB1110 TL/PB1120 TL) for a floor-standing configuration.
PostScript®3™. Required for printing from Mac OS. Recommended for printing more complex B&W and PDF files.
n AS/400 environments. Additional Hard Disk Drive required. (Available Nov. 2019)
Hard Disk Drive. The Hard Disk Drive (HDD) is required for Locked/Hold/Stored Print. Data Overwrite & Encryption are available when the HDD is installed.
inter to connect to a network over WiFi
Device Server Option Type M19A is an interface board use to add an extra Ethernet port to a the printer. Once installed, the USB Device Server Option can connect two Ether
Card enables the installation of embedded software applications. (418438) Hard Disk Drive Option Type P18 is required
h Technical Solutions Center (TSC) recommends the use of Power Protection products to potential electrical interference with Ricoh products.
S1 power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minim

4 B/W LED Desktop MFP. Main unit includes 10.1" Smart Operation Panel, integrated 500-sheet Locking & Label enhanced Paper Tray, 100 sheet Bypass Tray, integrated Du
s Paper Feed Unit. Supports media sizes up to 8.5" x 14" and paper weights up to 14 lb. Bond/120 lb. Index.
s Paper Feed Unit. Supports media sizes up to 8.5" x 14" and paper weights up to 14 lb. Bond/120 lb. Index.
Locking Paper and Label enhanced Paper Feed Unit
Locking Paper and Label enhanced Paper Feed Unit
m of three (3) Optional Paper Feed Units may be added for a maximum system paper capacity of 2,100 sheets. Max paper capacity consists of the standard paper tray (500 sh
ble is recommended when adding up to (3) additional Paper Feed Units (Type PB1110/PB1120/PB1110 TL/PB1120 TL) for a floor standing configuration. For environments wit
ended when adding (2) or (3) additional Paper Feed Units (Type PB1110/PB1120/PB1110 TL/PB1120 TL) for a floor-standing configuration with storage.
nded for the base unit only or base unit with one (1) additonal Paper Feed Unit (Type PB1110/PB1120/PB1110 TL/PB1120 TL) for a floor-standing configuration with storge.

PostScript®3™. Required for printing from Mac OS. Recommended for printing more complex B&W and PDF files.
n AS/400 environments.
e creation of searchable PDFs when scanning. User can search the finished documents for specific words by using electronic search functions.
eper accessory is a multi-feed detection sensor that automatically stops a scanning job if more than one page is fed through the SPDF.
for printing from USB Type B port. Can not be installed with (417508) File Format Converter Type M19 or (407863) IEEE802.11 Interface Unit Type M24.
to covert file format and drag documents stored via Document Server to desktop. Can not be installed with (417566) Extended USB Board Type M19 or (407863) IEEE802.11
FP to connect to a network over WiFi. Can not be installed with (417566) Extended USB Board Type M19 or (407863) IEEE802.11 Interface Unit Type M24.
Device Server Option Type M19A is an interface board use to add an extra Ethernet port to a the printer. Once installed, the USB Device Server Option can connect two Ether
terface used to attach external key counter or key card device.
og in and authenticate users via NFC card. The card reader and its cable will be covered inside the mainframe when this option is attached.
h Technical Solutions Center (TSC) recommends the use of Power Protection products to potential electrical interference with Ricoh products.
S1 power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minim

HW Mainframe iincludes standard 50 Sheet ARDF, 100-Sheet Bypass Tray, 160GB HDD, 1.5GB RAM, 1 x 250 Sheet Wristband Tray, PCL, XPS, PS3 Printing, PDF
nting, Print From and Scan To USB/SD, Scan to Email/Folder. Offers both wristband insert and teflon tape.
HT Mainframe includes standard 50 Sheet ARDF, 100-Sheet Bypass Tray, 160GB HDD, 1.5GB RAM, 1 x 550 Sheet Paper Tray, PCL, XPS, PS3
Direct and PictBridge Printing, Print From and Scan To USB/SD, Scan to Email/Folder. Offers teflon tape only, no wristband insert.
d Unit PB1000 Teflon Edition(1 x 550): This option has teflon inserts for feeding labels and other media.
ommended when no optional paper feed units will be used.
ommended with PB1000.
ommended with PB1010.
is required when one optional PB1000 and one optional PB1010 are being used.
BN1000 has 100 Sheet Capacity. Provides additional output tray to separate fax/print output from copy.
Type C400 is installed on the right side of the device. Provides an additional 50-sheet output area.
the following two options can be installed on the MP C300HW / MP C300HT: IEEE802.11 a/b/g Interface Type J or Gigabit Ethernet Type B.
mat Converter Type E required for downloading Print/Copy documents stored on the Document Server.
on Type C400 has 33.6Kbps, 2 Second Transmission Speed, Standard JBIG Compression, Standard SAF Memory of approximately 320 Pages.
emory Unit Type B increases SAF fax memory to approximately 2,240 pages.
a Security Unit Type F: This option enables the MFP to read documents printed by an RPCS driver from other devices with embedded Copy Data

Counter Interface Unit Type A required for 3rd party solutions requiring 20-pin connection.

W / 52100DNHT
210DNHW is a 52-PPM Black & White printer. Mainframe includes 550-sheet Paper Tray with Teflon tape and wristband printing insert, 100 sheet Bypass Tray,
80GB Hard Disk Drive with Data Overwrite and Encryption and integrated Dupl
210DNHT is a 52-PPM Black & White printer. Mainframe includes 550-sheet Paper Tray with Teflon tape, 100 sheet Bypass Tray, 768MB RAM, 80GB Hard Disk Drive with Da
Encryption and integrated Duplex. Ships with a Starter AIO
r Feed Unit has 550-sheet Capacity. Up to 4 Optional Paper Feed Units may be installed for a maximum paper capacity of 2,850 sheets.
an 3 optional Paper Feed Unit TK1120 may be installed at one time.
nce of a technician is required when installing all 4 optional Paper Feed Units.
h Casters must be installed anytime the device will be placed directly on the floor.
d Unit TK1120L; Paper Feed Unit TK1130L with Casters: These PFUs include a locking Paper Tray.
d Unit TK1120T and Paper Feed Unit TK1130T with Casters: These PFUs include Teflon tape.
al Interface port is available for: Gigabit Ethernet Board Type C; IEEE 802.11a/g Interface Unit Type L; IEEE 1284 Interface Board Type A.
Type 5200 is for use in AS/400 environments.
or Netware Printing Type E is for use in environments running Novell Netware.
et is recommended for use with standard mainframe when no optional Paper Feed Units are installed.
abinet is recommended for use when Mainframe is configured with 1 or 2 optional Paper Feed Units.

00SHW / SP 5200SHT / SP 5210SFHW / SP 5210SFHT

200SHW: Print, copy, and scan. 47 PPM monochrome MFP with color scanning standard. Mainframe includes 550-sheet Paper Tray with wristband printing insert and
00-sheet Bypass Tray, standard duplex printing, Adobe PostScript, 1 GB RAM, HDD with DOSS and Encryption, Java and 50-sheet ARDF. Ships with Starter All-in-One
yields 6,000 prints.
200SHT: Print, copy, and scan. 47 PPM monochrome MFP with color scanning standard. Mainframe includes 550-sheet Paper Tray Teflon tape, 100-sheet Bypass Tray,
ex printing, Adobe PostScript, 1 GB RAM, HDD with DOSS and Encryption, Java and 50-sheet ARDF. Ships with Starter All-in-One Cartridge that yields 6,000 prints.
210SFHW: Print, copy, scan and fax. 52 PPM monochrome MFP with color scanning standard. Mainframe includes 550-sheet Paper Tray with wristband printing insert
pe, 100-sheet Bypass Tray, standard duplex printing, Adobe PostScript, 1 GB RAM, HDD with DOSS and Encryption, Java and 50-sheet ARDF. An inner 1-bin Tray
put capacity to 600 sheets. Ships with Starter All-in-One Cartridge that yields 6,000 prints.
210SFHT: Print, copy, scan and fax. 52 PPM monochrome MFP with color scanning standard. Mainframe includes 550-sheet Paper Tray with and Teflon tape, standard
g, Adobe PostScript, 1 GB RAM, HDD with DOSS and Encryption, Java and 50-sheet ARDF. An inner 1-bin Tray increases output capacity to 600 sheets. Ships with
One Cartridge that yields 6,000 prints.
d Units have 550-Sheet Capacity (each).
d Unit TK1090: Up to 2 PFU TK1090 may be stacked.
d Unit TK1100 with Casters: Only 1 PFU TK1100 with Casters may be installed on a mainframe. PFU TK1100 is designed specifically for placement on the floor. When
gured, PFU TK1100 must be the lowest PFU installed.
d Unit TK1090; Paper Feed Unit TK1100 with Casters: Installation of 3 PFUs requires the assistance of a technician.
d Unit TK1100L with Casters includes a locking Paper Tray.
ed Unit TK1100T with Casters includes Teflon tape.
et is recommended for use with mainframe when no optional Paper Feed Units are installed.
abinet is recommended for use when Mainframe is configured with 1 optional Paper Feed Unit.
n Type SP5200 may be installed on the SP 5200SHW and SP 5200SHT only.
11 a/g Interface Unit Type J; Gigabit Ethernet Board Type C; File Format Converter Type E: One open interface board slot is available. Gigabit Ethernet, Wireless
ormat Converter may be installed.
11 a/g Interface Unit Type J: Wireless LAN option supports IEEE 802.11a/g standard and is WPA compliant.
hernet Board Type C: The printer's standard Ethernet and USB 2.0 ports are not available when the Gigabit Ethernet Board is installed. Instead, you can use the Ethernet
ports mounted on the Gigabit Ethernet Board.
Interface Unit Type D: Wireless option for printing at close range. The is Bluetooth option is installed in one of the 2 available USB Host Interface slots.
Unit Type B 32MB: Expansion memory. Provides additional memory for facsimile functions.
write Security Unit Type I: Overwrites latent data stored on HDD so the data can not be re-created. Data overwrite is available as a standard feature. This Data overwrite
ed for installations requiring Common Criteria certifcation. Certification is pending.
ommunication Gate A: External @Remote appliance.
Unit Type E: Used to display data from the server in HTML format on the machine's control panel. You can also use this function to send scanned files from the control panel.
at Converter Type E: Required for downloading documents stored to Document Server in copier or printer mode to your PC using Web Image Monitor.
Type 5210: For use in AS/400 environments.
Counter Interface Unit Type A: Required for 3rd party solutions requiring 20-pin connection.
MFP Option Type E: Comes with 1yr HotSpot Subscription Service.
tSpot Service Subscription Extension: Extends the HotSpot Mobile Printing Service subscription by 1 additional year.
tSpot Service Subscription Extension: Extends the HotSpot Mobile Printing Service subscription by 2 additional years.
tSpot Service Subscription Extension: Extends the HotSpot Mobile Printing Service subscription by 3 additional years.
tSpot Service Subscription Extension: Extends the HotSpot Mobile Printing Service subscription by 4 additional years.

431DNHW: 42-PPM for color and monochrome prints. Offers Wristband Insert and Teflon tape. Includes 550-sheet Paper Tray, 100 sheet Bypass Tray, integrated
B RAM, 80GB Hard Disk Drive and Enhanced Locked Print NX (ELP-NX) standa
431DNHT: 42-PPM for color and monochrome prints. Offers Teflon tape. Includes 550-sheet Paper Tray, 100 sheet Bypass Tray, integrated Duplex, 768MB RAM,
sk Drive and Enhanced Locked Print NX (ELP-NX) standard. Ships with Starter Toner that yields 3K prints @5% coverage.
d Unit PB1020T: Specialty Paper Feed Unit with Teflon tape. 550-sheet capacity. Up to 3 Paper Feed Units may be added to mainframe. The Caster Table Type C is
d with adding 2 or more Paper Feed units.
d Unit PB1020: 550-sheet capacity. Up to 3 Paper Feed Units may be added to mainframe. The Caster Table Type C is recommended with adding 2 or more Paper Feed unit
ption Unit Type D: Encrypts data stored on Hard Disk Drive and NVRAM.
write Security Unit Type K: Overwrites latent data stored on HDD so the data can not be re-created.
1a/g Interface Unit Type L: Wireless LAN option. Supports IEEE 802.11a/g standard. Wireless LAN is WPA compliant. Only one optional interface may be installed.
ernet Board Type A: Optional Gigabit Ethernet Interface. The printer's standard Ethernet and USB 2.0 ports are not available when the Gigabit Ethernet Board is
ead, you can use the Ethernet and USB 2.0 ports mounted on the Gi
Interface Board Type A: Option for Parallel connections. Only one optional interface may be installed.

or Netware Printing Type D: For use in environments running Novell Netware.

ble Type C: Required when the SP C431DN is configured with additional Paper Feed Units to create a floor standing printer. Provides added stability to floor-standing

B/W Laser Multifunction Printer with integrated 500-sheet Locking & Teflon enhanced Paper Tray, and security firmware. Main unit has a 10.1" Smart Operation Panel, 100 sh
capacity. Supports paper sizes up to 8.5" x 14" and paper weights up to 59 lb. Bond/120 lb. Index. A maximum of 4 additional Paper Feed Units may be added to the mainframe
Locking Paper Feed Unit.
Teflon enhanced Paper Feed Unit.
le is required when the three (3) or four (4) optional Paper Feed Units (Type PB1100/PB1100TE/PB100LE) are installed.
nded for the base unit for a floor-standing configuration.
nded when one (1) or two (2) additional Paper Feed Units (Type PB 1100/PB1100TE/PB1100LE) are added for a floor-standing configuration.
nterface board slot is available. Wireless LAN, Parallel Interface, USB Device Server, Extended USB, or the File Format Converter may be installed.
allows you to connect the device to an IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n wireless LAN.
nments that require Parallel connectivity.
n provides an additional Network Port, which allows the MFP to reside on two networks simultaneously.
for printing from USB Type B port.
erface used to attach External Key Counter or Key Card Device.
n enables direct printing of XPS format documents.
to convert file format and drag documents stored via Document Server to desktop.
on embeds invisible text on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files by arbitrary keywords. Searchable PDF files can be sent to email, folders and exter
sers to send and receive faxes from other devices on the same network (up to 6) via the Primary MFP which has the Fax Connection Unit installed.
sers to log into and authenticate to the MFP with a programmed access card.
mers who require the CC certified Data Overwrite Security function.
XG-PCS-15D power filter provides multi-stage power protection as well as line conditioning. Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protectio
S1 power filter provides multi-stage power protection for output devices. Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minim


udes mainframe, Printer / Scanner Type 1357 and SR5000 Finisher

SR5000 Finisher
030 can be attached to the system

udes mainframe, cabinet, ARDF, Print/Scan

es Mainframe must include a SR 790 or SR 3000 finisher with the mainframe order.

ludes mainframe, cabinet, ARDF, Print/Scan

ies Mainframe must include a SR 3030 or SR 3020 finisher with the mainframe order.

udes mainframe, cabinet, ARDF, Print/Scan

es Mainframe must include a finisher with the mainframe order.

udes mainframe, cabinet, w/PB3040/ARDF/Print/Scan

es Mainframe must include a finisher with the mainframe order.

P mainframe includes standard 150-sheet color single pass duplex document feeder, 1GB RAM, and 250 GB HDD, DOSS, HDD Encryption
P includes standard 150-sheet color single pass duplex document feeder, 1.5GB RAM, 250GB HDD, DOSS and HDD Encryption. Java VM Card, Standard Print/Scan Unit (inc
r printing from Mac OS. Recommended for printing more complex color and PDF files.
000-sheet finisher with 50-sheet staple capacity and 15-sheet saddle-stitch capacity.
0 Booklet Finisher (415901-RM) and SR4070 Saddle Stitch Finisher (415902-RM), cannot be installed on the same device.
000-sheet finisher with 50-sheet staple capacity.
260 Requires SR4060 (415901-RM) or SR4070 (415902-RM) Finishers. 2 & 3 hole punch (user-selectable).
nology Solutions Support Center (TSSC) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference 'with Ricoh products. (for use on the M
Type 9002 includes two (2) RJ-11 telephone jacks for Super G3 Fax. Connect a PSTN telephone line to the LINE port to enable faxing (top). Connect a handset or answering m

3352 / MP4002 / MP5002 / MPC3002 / MPC3502 / MPC4502 / MPC5502

P mainframe includes ARDF (Standard), Print/Scan (416426-RM), Cabinet (416337-RM) and 2 Standard Paper Feed Drawers
P mainframe does not require to be configured with a finisher
P mainframe includes 2 x 550-sheet Tray Paper Bank PB3130 (415793-RM), ARDF (Standard), Print/Scan (416426-RM)
P mainframe needs to be configured with a 1,000 sheet SR3090 Finisher (415804-RM) for stapling/collating capabilities 
352SP optional accessory includes Fax Type 3352 (415836-RM) which features 33.6Kbps, 2 Second Transmission Speed, Standard JBIG Compression, Standard 320 Pages
352SP optional accessory includes PostScript 3 Type 3352 (415830-RM) which is required for printing from Mac OS. Recommended for printing more complex color and PDF
P mainframe includes Cabinet (416407-RM), ARDF (Standard), Print/Scan (416140-RM), and 2 Standard Paper Feed Drawers
P mainframe needs to be configured with a 1,000 sheet SR3090 Finisher (415804-RM) for stapling/collating capabilities 
P mainframe needs to be configured with 2 x 550-sheet Tray Paper Bank PB3130 (415793-RM), Standard ARDF, Print/Scan (416140-RM), and 4 Total Paper Feed Drawers
SP mainframe needs to be configured with a 1,000 sheet SR3090 Finisher (415804-RM) for stapling/collating capabilities 
5002SP optional acessory includes Fax Type 5002 (416156-RM) which features 33.6Kbps, 2 Second Transmission Speed, Standard JBIG Compression . Standard 320 Pages.
5002SP optional accessory includes PostScript 3 Type 5002 (416149-RM) for customers processing complex print jobs and/or are in a Macintosh environment
2 mainframe includes Cabinet (416337-RM), ARDF (Standard), Print/Scan (Standard) and 2 Standard Paper Feed Drawers
2 mainframe does not require to be configured with a finisher
2 mainframe includes 2 x 550-sheet Tray Paper Bank PB3130 (415793-RM), ARDF (Standard), Print/Scan (Standard) and 4 Total Paper Feed Drawers
2 mainframe needs to be configured with a 1,000 sheet SR3090 Finisher (415804-RM) for stapling/collating capabilities 
2 mainframe includes Cabinet (416337), ARDF (Standard), Print/Scan (Standard) and 2 Standard Feed Drawers
2 mainframe needs to be configured with a 1,000 sheet SR3090 Finisher (415804-RM) for stapling/collating capabilities 
2 mainframe includes 2 x 550-sheet Tray Paper Bank PB3130 (415793-RM), ARDF (Standard), Print/Scan (Standard) and Includes 4 Total Paper Feed Drawers
2 mainframe needs to be configured with a 1,000 sheet SR3090 Finisher (415804-RM) for stapling/collating capabilities 
2/3502/4502/5502 optional acessory includes Fax Type C5502 (415991-RM), which allows faxes to be sent and received from MFP and is required to enable Mail-to-Print featu
2/3502/4502/5502 optional acessory includes PostScript 3 Type C5502 (415998-RM) which is required for printing from Mac OS. Recommended for printing more complex colo
MP 5002 / MP C3502 / C3502 / MP C4502 / MPC 5502: The Bridge Unit BU3060 (415998) is installed in unit.

3054 / MP3554 / MP4054 / MP5054

P Remanufactured Engine w/Cabinet/ARDF DF3090/Print/Scan (2 feed drawers)
P Remanufactured Engine w/Cabinet/ARDF DF3090/BU3070/Print/Scan (2 feed drawers)
P Remanufactured Engine w/550x2 Paper Feed Unit PB3160/ARDF DF3090/BU3070/Print/Scan (4 feed drawers)
P Remanufactured Engine w/Cabinet/SPDF DF3080/BU3070/Print/Scan (2 feed drawers)
P Remanufactured Engine w/550x2 Paper Feed Unit PB3160/SPDF DF3080/BU3070/Print/Scan (4 feed drawers)
50 Booklet Finisher (416540-RM) and SR3140 (416539-RM) cannot be installed on the same device.
unch Option for SR3140 (416539-RM) & SR3150 (416540-RM) Finishers.
or printing from Mac OS. Recommended for printing more complex color and PDF files.
d applications, such as ICE and HotSpot require Browser capability which is standard on devices configured with the Smart Operation Panel (416910). This option is required
on required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, Standard JBIG. Standard 320 Pages Memory. Includes standard Internet Fax (T.3
vanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.
150 Booklet Finisher (416540-RM) and Finisher SR3140 (416539-RM) is not available for the MP 2554SP-RM

3003 bundle includes ARDF (Standard), Print/Scan (Standard), 2 Standard Paper Feed Drawers and Cabinet.
3003 bundle is not required to be configured with a finisher.
3503 bundle includes ARDF (Standard), Print/Scan (Standard), 2 Standard Paper Feed Drawers, a 2 x 550-sheet Tray Paper Bank PB3160 for a total of 4 Paper Feed Drawer
50 Booklet Finisher option (416540-RM) is available for the MP C3503 ONLY.
50 Booklet Finisher (416540-RM) and SR3140 (416539-RM) cannot be installed on the same device.
unch Option for SR3140 (416539-RM) & SR3150 (416540-RM) Finishers.
or printing from Mac OS. Recommended for printing more complex color and PDF files.
rowser Features like ICE and Hotspot. Not compatible with all web sites.
required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, Standard JBIG. Standard 320 Pages Memory. Includes standard Internet
vanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.

4503 bundle includes ARDF (Standard), Print/Scan (Standard), 2 Standard Feed Drawers (standard), a Cabinet and Bridge Unit.
55503 bundle includes ARDF (Standard), Print/Scan (Standard), 2 Standard Paper Feed Drawers, a 2 x 550-sheet Tray Paper Bank PB3160 for a total of 4 Paper Feed Drawe
50 Booklet Finisher (416540-RM) and SR3140 (416539-RM) cannot be installed on the same device.
unch Option for SR3140 (416539-RM) & SR3150 (416540-RM) Finishers.
or printing from Mac OS. Recommended for printing more complex color and PDF files.
rowser Features like ICE and Hotspot. Not compatible with all web sites.
required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, Standard JBIG. Standard 320 Pages Memory. Includes standard Internet Fax (T.37),
nced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.

includes 9" Color Touch Control Panel, 220-Sheet ARDF, Duplex, Tandem Tray 1 is 2 x 1,250-sheets, Tray 2 is 1 x 550-sheets, Tray 3 is 1 x 550-sheets, 100-sheet Bypass T
owing finishing accessories need to be added to the mainframe: the Finisher SR4090 (416644-RM) or the Booklet Finisher SR4100 (416645-RM).
t output / 65-sheet stapler finisher option-cannot be installed with the Booklet Finisher SR4100 (416645-RM).
ch booklet finisher option - cannot be installed with the Finisher SR4090 (416644-RM).
/3 hole punch unit - can be configured with either the Finisher SR4090 (416644-RM) or the Booklet Finisher SR4100 (416645-RM)
required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, Standard JBIG. Standard 320 Pages Memory. Includes standard Internet Fax (T.37),
e PostScript - required for printing from Mac OS - recommended for printing more complex color and PDF files.
ower Filter for the MP C6502SP (416623-RM) Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical inte
ower Filter for the MP C8002SP (416627-RM)- Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical inte

16644-RM Finisher SR4090 or 416645-RM Booklet Finisher SR4100

ther Finisher SR4090 and SR4100.
CIT can be installed. Either 416699-RM or 416638-RM
nisher can be installed. Either 416644-RM or 416645-RM,
or GW printing. Renders Fiery EB-22 usuable.

04548-RM SR5050 Finisher or 404559-RM

ther 404548-RM SR5050 or 404550-RM SR5060
CIT can be configured 404536-RM or 404537-RM
nisher can be configured 404548-RM or 404550-RM
59-RM or 404590-RM can be configured.

RSS bundle includes E-41 Fiery Controller Finisher SR5000

S RSS bundle includes E-41 Fiery Controller Finisher SR5000 and a bridge unit
sher BK5000 (must have SR5000 finisher)
for SR5000 finisher
sher SR5020 20 sheet booklet maker for C901 Series
h for SR5020 finisher
IT for C901 only
or the Fiery Win XP OS for System 9r2 to Win 7


54 / MP 3054 / MP 3554 Series Education Model BW MFP

Operation Panel (EDP Code - 416910) is required for the Education MFP's. Mainframe includes Standard 100-Sheet ARDF, B/W PCL Printing, B/W & Color Scanning, 4 x 550
of these options can be installed on the device.
r Bridge Unit BU3070 (416551) with any external Finisher.
dditional output tray above the standard Internal Tray or Optional Bridge Unit/Internal Shift Tray/Internal Finisher (Holds 125 Sheets).
h Option for Internal Finisher SR3130 (416543).
h Option for SR3140 Finisher (416539) and SR3150 Finisher (416540).
GVA resolution control panel provides intuitive touch screen control similar to smart phones and tablets. It offers advanced Web browser functionality, drag-and-drop icons and
of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
or Macintosh and PostScript environments. Recommended for printing complex PDF files.
customers who print using Netware. This option is required for the following functions: Use of iPrint ports, SNMP via IPX and Scan to NCP (IPX, TCP/IP).
ed applications, such as ICE and HotSpot require Browser capability which is standard on devices configured with the Smart Operation Panel (416910). This option is required
to convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
he creation of searchable PDFs when scanning. User can search the finished documents for specific words by using electronic search functions.
terface used to attach External Key Counter or Key Card Device.
mount external key counter to MFP.
aped option to position counter device on. USB Connector.
Browser Unit Type M12 (417080) to enable HotSpot printing. One year HotSpot subscription service included.
nt Printer Data Stream (IPDS).
on enables printing of XPS format documents.
on can hold an additional IP address, which then enables our MFPs to connect to two different network environments.
n required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, Standard JBIG. Standard 320 Pages Memory. Includes standard Internet Fax (T.37
Fax Option Type M12 (417100).
users to send and receive faxes on a sub MFP via a main MFP. This option is required on both the Main MFP that has the Fax Option Type M12 (417100) installed and on the S
additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines.
s fax memory to 2,240 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
vanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.
unauthorized copying of confidential documents that were created on other printers that have this option installed.
with 3rd Party card readers like the RFIdeas PCProx readers on our price list. The card reader and it's cable would not be visible when this option is used. If using another type c
rt Card Reader Built-in Unit Type M12 (417129) and External Keyboard Bracket Type M3 (416909) cannot be installed on the same device.
n ISO 15408 Certified version of DOSS that overwrites Copy, Print, Scanner, and Fax latent data.
ket is required for the installation of External USB Keyboard (416909).
Keyboard for inputting data with either SDK applications OR embedded applications.
tion Card Reader and Key Board bracket Type M3 (Bracket compatible with Mag Stripe and Prox Card readers
ader only - no cards are provided. Used with Common Access Card (CAC)/Personal Identity Verification (PIV) Authentication Solution.
uses MFP's Internal Hard Drive and makes it External
cludes an extra hard drive

55 / MP 3055 / MP 3555 Series Education Model BW MFP

Configuration includes 10.1" Keyless Smart Operation Panel, 2 x 550-Sheet Locking Paper Trays, Sealed Bypass Tray, 320GB HDD, 2GB RAM, Emulated Postscript, Standard
of these finishing options can be installed on the device. Internal Shift Tray SH3070 (416550), Internal Finisher SR3180 (416950), Internal Finisher SR3130 (417589), Finisher S
r Bridge Unit BU3070 (417587) with Finisher SR3210 (417483) or Booklet Finisher SR3220 (417484) Finishers
Single Pass Document Feeder (SPDF)
h Option for Internal Finisher SR3130 (417589).
h Option for SR3210 Finisher (417483) and SR3220 Finisher (417484).
of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device. IEEE1284 Interface Board Type M19 (417596), IEEE802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M19 (417493), Fil
or Macintosh and PostScript environments. Recommended for printing complex PDF files.
o convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
he creation of searchable PDFs when scanning. User can search the PDF documents for specific words by using electronic search functions.
terface used to attach an External Key Counter or Key Card Device.
mount external key counter to MFP.
aped option to position counter device on.
HotSpot subscription service included.
on enables printing of XPS format documents.
on can hold an additional IP address, which then enables the MFP to connect to two different network environments.
for printing from USB Type B port.
n required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, Standard JBIG. Standard 320 Pages Memory. Includes standard Internet Fax (T.37
Fax Option Type M29 (417865).
users to send and receive faxes on a sub MFP via a main MFP. This option is required on both the Main MFP that has the Fax Option Type M29 (417865) installed and on the S
additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines.
s fax memory to 2,240 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
vanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.
with 3rd Party card readers like the RFIdeas PCProx readers on our price list. The card reader and it's cable would not be visible when this option is used. If using another type c
rt Card Reader Built-in Unit Type M29 (417864) and External Keyboard Bracket Type M3 (416909) cannot be installed on the same device.
ket is required for the installation of External USB Keyboard (100266FNG).
Keyboard for inputting data with either SDK applications OR embedded applications.
tion Card Reader and Key Board bracket Type M3 (Bracket compatible with Mag Stripe and Prox Card readers)
ader only - no cards are provided. Used with Common Access Card (CAC)/Personal Identity Verification (PIV) Authentication Solution.
S PC Prox Plus USB Reader
S PCSwipe Mag Stripe Reader
d Communication card reader. Used to authenticate users for logging into the device only. Does not support Java SDK applications.
additional output tray above the standard Internal Tray or Optional Bridge Unit/Internal Shift Tray/Internal Finisher (Holds 125 Sheets).

54 / MP 5054 / MP 6054 Series Education Model BW MFP

requires 10.1" Smart Operation Panel, Standard 220-Sheet SPDF, B/W PCL Printing, B/W & Color Scanning, 4 x 550 Sheet Paper Locking Trays, Disabled Bypass Tray, Dup
of these options can be installed on the device.
r Bridge Unit BU3070 (416551) with any external Finisher.
dditional output tray above the standard Internal Tray or Optional Bridge Unit/Internal Shift Tray/Internal Finisher (Holds 125 Sheets).
h Option for Internal Finisher SR3130 (416543).
h Option for SR3140 Finisher (416539) and SR3150 Finisher (416540).
GVA resolution control panel provides intuitive touch screen control similar to smart phones and tablets. It offers advanced Web browser functionality, drag-and-drop icons and
of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
or Macintosh and PostScript environments. Recommended for printing complex PDF files.
customers who print using Netware. This option is required for the following functions: Use of iPrint ports, SNMP via IPX and Scan to NCP (IPX, TCP/IP).
ed applications, such as ICE and HotSpot require Browser capability which is standard on devices configured with the Smart Operation Panel (416910). This option is required
to convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
he creation of searchable PDFs when scanning. User can search the finished documents for specific words by using electronic search functions.
terface used to attach External Key Counter or Key Card Device.
mount external key counter to MFP.
aped option to position counter device on. USB Connector.
Browser Unit Type M12 (417080) to enable HotSpot printing. One year HotSpot subscription service included.
nt Printer Data Stream (IPDS).
on enables printing of XPS format documents.
on can hold an additional IP address, which then enables our MFPs to connect to two different network environments.
n required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, Standard JBIG. Standard 320 Pages Memory. Includes standard Internet Fax (T.37
Fax Option Type M12 (417100).
users to send and receive faxes on a sub MFP via a main MFP. This option is required on both the Main MFP that has the Fax Option Type M12 (417100) installed and on the S
additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines.
s fax memory to 2,240 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
vanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.
unauthorized copying of confidential documents that were created on other printers that have this option installed.
with 3rd Party card readers like the RFIdeas PCProx readers on our price list. The card reader and it's cable would not be visible when this option is used. If using another type c
rt Card Reader Built-in Unit Type M12 (417129) and External Keyboard Bracket Type M3 (416909) cannot be installed on the same device.
n ISO 15408 Certified version of DOSS that overwrites Copy, Print, Scanner, and Fax latent data.
ket is required for the installation of External USB Keyboard (416909).
Keyboard for inputting data with either SDK applications OR embedded applications.
tion Card Reader and Key Board bracket Type M3 (Bracket compatible with Mag Stripe and Prox Card readers
ader only - no cards are provided. Used with Common Access Card (CAC)/Personal Identity Verification (PIV) Authentication Solution.
uses MFP's Internal Hard Drive and makes it External
cludes an extra hard drive
ch Unit for the SR3160 Finisher (416541) and SR3170 Finisher (416542)

55 / MP 5055 / MP 6055 Series Education Model BW MFP

Configuration includes 10.1" Keyless Smart Operation Panel, 220-sheet SPDF, 2 x 550-Sheet Locking Paper Trays, Sealed Bypass Tray, 320GB HDD, 2GB RAM, Emulated Po
of these finishing options can be installed on the device. Internal Shift Tray SH3070 (416550), Internal Finisher SR3130 (416543), or Booklet Finisher SR3220 (417484), Book
r Bridge Unit BU3070 (417587) with any external Finisher.
h Option for Internal Finisher SR3130 (417589).
h Option for SR3220 Finisher (417484) and SR3210 Finisher (417483)
h Option for SR3230 Finisher (417487) and SR3240 Finisher (417488).
ultifold Unit provides the capability to support "Z" fold, Half fold, Outer Tri fold and Inner Tri fold. Not compatible with the SR 3130 Internal Finisher (417589). Can be used in pla
of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device. IEEE1284 Interface Board Type M19, (417596), IEEE802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M19 (417493), File
or Macintosh and PostScript environments. Recommended for printing complex PDF files.
to convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
he creation of searchable PDFs when scanning. User can search the PDF documents for specific words by using electronic search functions.
terface used to attach External Key Counter or Key Card Device.
mount external key counter to MFP.
aped option to position counter device on.
HotSpot subscription service included.
on enables printing of XPS format documents.
on can hold an additional IP address, which then enables the MFP to connect to two different network environments.
n required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, Standard JBIG. Standard 320 Pages Memory. Includes standard Internet Fax (T.37
Fax Option Type M29 (417865).
users to send and receive faxes on a sub MFP via a main MFP. This option is required on both the Main MFP that has the Fax Option Type M29 (417865) installed and on the S
additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines.
s fax memory to 2,240 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
vanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.
with 3rd Party card readers like the RFIdeas PCProx readers on our price list. The card reader and it's cable would not be visible when this option is used. If using another type c
rt Card Reader Built-in Unit Type M29 (417864) and External Keyboard Bracket Type M3 (416909) cannot be installed on the same device.
ket is required for the installation of External USB Keyboard (100266FNG).
Keyboard for inputting data with either SDK applications OR embedded applications.
tion Card Reader and Key Board bracket Type M3 (Bracket compatible with Mag Stripe and Prox Card readers
ader only - no cards are provided. Used with Common Access Card (CAC)/Personal Identity Verification (PIV) Authentication Solution.
d Communication card reader. Used to authenticate users for logging into the device only. Does not support Java SDK applications.
for printing from USB Type B port.
inisher SR3130 (417589 is not compatible with the MP 6065
additional output tray above the standard Internal Tray or Optional Bridge Unit/Internal Shift Tray/Internal Finisher (Holds 125 Sheets).

3003 / MP C3503 Series Education Model Color MFP

or a max monthly volume of 20K pages. (Letter paper, 20lb. Bond).
Operation Panel (EDP Code - 416910) is required for the Education MFP's. Mainframe includes 100-Sheet ARDF, Duplex, 4 x 550-Sheet Locking Paper Trays, Disabled Byp
of these options can be installed on the device.
r BU3070 Bridge Unit (416551) with any external Finisher.
h Option for SR3130 Finisher (416543).
dditional output tray above the standard Internal Tray or Optional Bridge Unit/Internal Shift Tray/Internal Finisher (Holds 125 Sheets).
OverWrite Security System that ships standard with the mainframe does not overwrite the HDD for the Color Controller E-22C (416731)
h Option for SR3150 (416540) & SR3140 (416539) Finishers.
ace used to mount external key counter to MFP.
terface used to attach external key counter or key card device.
customers who print using Netware. This option is required for the following functions: Use of iPrint ports, SNMP via IPX and Scan to NCP (IPX, TCP/IP).
aped option used to place either card reader or counter device. USB Connector.
stomers to print crop marks for proofing SRA3/12.6" documents.
on required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, Standard JBIG. Standard 320 Pages Memory. Includes standard Internet Fax (T.37
additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines.
Fax Option Type M3 (416556).
s fax memory to 2,240 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
ers to connect a PictBridge-compatible digital camera directly to the MFP, enabling the printing of photos without a computer.
for printing from Mac OS. Recommended for printing more complex color and PDF files.
tion embeds invisible texts on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files by arbitrary keywords. Searchable PDF files can be sent to email, folders and ext
to convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
dvanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.
unauthorized copying of confidential documents that were created on other printers that have this option installed.
users to send and receive faxes on a sub MFP via a main MFP. This option is required on both the Main MFP that has the Fax Option Type M3 (416556) installed and on the S
with Ricoh & 3rd party software solutions. The smart card reader and its cable will be covered inside the mainframe when this option is attached. Not all card readers may be
Keyboard for inputting data with either SDK applications OR embedded applications.
rt Card Reader Built-in Unit Type M2 (416729) and External Keyboard Bracket Type M3 (416909) cannot be installed on the same device.
ket is required for the installation of External USB Keyboard (100266FNG).
with HotSpot MFP Option Type S to enable HotSpot printing. Not compatible with all Web Sites.
nstall floor standing Finisher SR3150 (416540) or SR3140 (416539) with the PB3150 (416545) and Caster Table Type M3 (416737 ).
t Printer Data Stream (IPDS).
de Super VGA resolution control panel provides intuitive touchscreen control similar to smart phones and tablets. It offers advanced Web browser functionality, drag-and-drop
d when configuring the device with the Browser Unit Type M3 (416581) or SDK application.
Browser Unit Type M3 (416581) to enable HotSpot printing. One year HotSpot subscription service included.
with unauthorized copy control pattern or text with the Copy Data Security Unit Type G (416391) is not available when Color Controller E-22C (416731) are installed.
Fiery Color Controller that can be configured with the std Print/Scan controller for embedded scan features and Fiery print.
on that helps to automate and streamline labor-intensive prepress tasks. Requires Color Controller E22-C (416731) & Color Controller Connection Board Type M3 (416891).
on that provides intuitive tools that make advanced document preparation simple and quick. Requires Color Controller E22-C (416731) & Color Controller Connection Board Ty
on that enables the creation of special folders that can assign a group of print options. Requires Color Controller E22-C (416731) & Color Controller Connection Board Type M
on that enables you to reproduce custom or spot colors. Requires Color Controller E22-C (416731) & Color Controller Connection Board Type M3 (416891).
on that provides a fast and simple way to ensure that your image output is optimized. Requires Color Controller E22-C (416731) & Color Controller Connection Board Type M3
Color Profiler v4 software and ES-2000 spectrophotometer: Includes 1 year of phone support. Requires Color Controller E22-C (416731) & Color Controller Connection Board
mers that have an ES-2000 Spectrophotometer and want Color Profiler v4 software: Includes 1 year of phone support
asurement device for calibration and profiling. Enables fast, precise and flexible color management that produces the highest color quality. Requires Color Controller E-22C (4
on aids in workflow productivity - helps meet tight turnaround times/produce top notch color documents while achieving process automation. Requires Color Controller E22-C (
on Kit is required to use the Color Controller E22-C (416731) with the MP C3003/MP C3503 Mainframes.
E1284 (411699), IEEE802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M2 (416572), Camera Direct Print Card Type M3 (416580), PostScript 3 Unit Type M3 (416577) and IPDS Unit Type M3
L Direct Print feature is not available with Browser Unit Type M3 (416581) when Color Controller E-22C (416731) & Color Controller Connection Board Type M3 (416733) are
Kit uses the MFP's Internal Hard Drive and makes it External.
Option Type M3 is not compatible with the RHD or ARHD.
D includes an extra hard drive.
uct is (OOD) Order On Demand, please allow 8 weeks for delivery from the date the order is placed.
tion Card Reader and Key Board bracket Type M3 (Bracket compatible with Mag Stripe and Prox Card readers)
8 Certified Version of DOSS.

3004 / MP C3504 Series Education Model Color MFP

or a max monthly volume of 20K pages. (Letter paper, 20lb. Bond).
includes 10.1" Keyless Smart Operation Panel, 220-Sheet SPDF, Duplex, 4 x 550-Sheet Locking Paper Trays, Disabled Bypass Tray, Drums, Developer, Scan/Print Kit, USB
of these options can be installed on the device.
r BU3070 Bridge Unit (417587) with any external Finisher.
h Option for SR3130 Finisher (417589).
dditional output tray above the standard Internal Tray or Optional Bridge Unit/Internal Shift Tray/Internal Finisher (Holds 125 Sheets).
OverWrite Security System that ships standard with the mainframe does not overwrite the HDD for the Color Controller E-23C (417486)
h Option for SR3220 (417484) & SR3210 (417483) Finishers.
ace used to mount external key counter to MFP.
terface used to attach external key counter or key card device.
aped option used to place either card reader or counter device. USB Connector.
stomers to print crop marks for proofing SRA3/12.6" documents.
on required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, Standard JBIG. Standard 320 Pages Memory. Includes standard Internet Fax (T.37
additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines.
Fax Option Type M19 (417510).
s fax memory to 2,240 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
ers to connect a PictBridge-compatible digital camera directly to the MFP, enabling the printing of photos without a computer.
for printing from Mac OS. Recommended for printing more complex color and PDF files.
tion embeds invisible texts on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files by arbitrary keywords. Searchable PDF files can be sent to email, folders and ext
to convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
dvanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.
users to send and receive faxes on a sub MFP via a main MFP. This option is required on both the Main MFP that has the Fax Option Type M19 (417510) installed and on the
with Ricoh & 3rd party software solutions. The smart card reader and its cable will be covered inside the mainframe when this option is attached. Not all card readers may be
Keyboard for inputting data with either SDK applications OR embedded applications.
rt Card Reader Built-in Unit Type M19 (417595), External Keyboard Bracket Type M19 (417578) and Keyboard Card Reader Bracket Type M3 (417714) cannot be installed on
ket is required for the installation of External USB Keyboard (100266FNG).
RAM from 2 to 4GB. Included with Color Controller E-23C (417486)
tSpot allows users to easily print from any mobile platform connected to Wi-Fi or the Internet, directly to a HotSpot enabled device (MFP/Printer).B104
Fiery Color Controller that can be configured with the std Print/Scan controller for embedded scan features and Fiery print. Comes with 4GB RAM memory upgrade and conne
on that helps to automate and streamline labor-intensive prepress tasks. Requires Color Controller E23-C (417486)
on that provides intuitive tools that make advanced document preparation simple and quick. Requires Color Controller E23-C (417486)
on that enables the creation of special folders that can assign a group of print options. Requires Color Controller E23-C (417486)
on that enables you to reproduce custom or spot colors. Requires Color Controller E23-C (417486)
on that provides a fast and simple way to ensure that your image output is optimized. Requires Color Controller E23-C (417486)
Color Profiler v4 software and ES-2000 spectrophotometer: Includes 1 year of phone support. Requires Color Controller E23-C (417486)
asurement device for calibration and profiling. Enables fast, precise and flexible color management that produces the highest color quality. Requires Color Controller E-23C (4
on aids in workflow productivity - helps meet tight turnaround times/produce top notch color documents while achieving process automation. Requires Color Controller E23-C (
E1284 (417596), IEEE802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M19 (417493), Camera Direct Print Card Type M19 (417507) and PostScript 3 Unit Type M19 (417504) cannot be configu
tion Card Reader and Key Board bracket Type M3 (Bracket compatible with Mag Stripe and Prox Card readers)
8 Certified Version of DOSS.
et Stapleless Internal Finisher with staple-less finishing up to 5-Sheets (20lb Bond)- cannot be installed with either the Internal Finisher SR3130 (417589), Internal Shift Tray SH
for printing from USB Type B port.
ace board for adding an extra Ethernet port. If you install the USB Device Server Option, you can connect two Ethernet cables simultaneously: one to the machine's Gigabit Ethe
r direct printing of XPS-type file formats.
og in and authenticate users via NFC card. The card reader and its cable will be covered inside the mainframe when this option is attached.

4503/MP C5503/MP C6003 Series Education Models Color MFP

or a max monthly volume of 50K pages (Letter paper, 20lb. Bond).
Operation Panel (EDP Code - 416910) is required for the Education MFP's. Mainframe includes 220-Sheet SPDF, Duplex, 4 x 550-Sheet Locking Paper Trays, Disabled Bypa
of these options can be installed on the device.
r BU3070 Bridge Unit (416551) with any external Finisher.
h Option for SR3130 Finisher (416543).
dditional output tray above the standard Internal Tray or Optional Bridge Unit/Internal Shift Tray/Internal Finisher (Holds 125 Sheets).
"Scan to NCP" feature with standard Services-Led Scanner when the Fiery Controller (416731) & Color Controller Connection Board Type M4 (416733) are installed.
h Option for SR3150 (416540) & SR3140 (416539) Finishers.
ace used to mount external key counter to MFP.
terface used to attach external key counter or key card device.
ch Option for SR3160 (416541) & SR3170 (416542) Finishers.
aped option used to place either card reader or counter device. USB Connector.
stomers to print crop marks for proofing SRA3/12.6" documents.
on required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, Standard JBIG. Standard 320 Pages Memory. Includes standard Internet Fax (T.37
additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines.
Fax Option Type M4 (416564).
s fax memory to 2,240 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
ers to connect a PictBridge-compatible digital camera directly to the MFP, enabling the printing of photos without a computer.
for printing from Mac OS. Recommended for printing more complex color and PDF files.
tion embeds invisible texts on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files by arbitrary keywords. Searchable PDF files can be sent to email, folders and ext
to convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
dvanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.
unauthorized copying of confidential documents that were created on other printers that have this option installed.
users to send and receive faxes on a sub MFP via a main MFP. This option is required on both the Main MFP that has the Fax Option Type M4 (416564) installed and on the S
with Ricoh & 3rd party software solutions. The smart card reader and its cable will be covered inside the mainframe when this option is attached. Not all card readers may be
Keyboard for inputting data with either SDK applications OR embedded applications.
rt Card Reader Built-in Unit Type M2 (416729) and External Keyboard Bracket Type M3 (416909) cannot be installed on the same device.
ket is required for the installation of External USB Keyboard (100266FNG)
with HotSpot MFP Option Type S to enable HotSpot printing. Not compatible with all Web Sites.
nstall floor standing Finisher SR3150 (416540), SR3170 (416542), SR3160 (416541) or SR3140 (416539) with the PB3150 (416545) and Caster Table Type M3 (416737).
t Printer Data Stream (IPDS).
GVA Wide Super VGA resolution control panel provides intuitive touchscreen control similar to smart phones and tablets. It offers advanced Web browser functionality, drag-
patible with MP C6003.
s Browser Unit Type M4 (416595) to enable HotSpot printing. One year HotSpot subscription service included.
customers who print using Netware. This option is required for the following functions: Use of iPrint ports, SNMP via IPX and Scan to NCP (IPX, TCP/IP).
Fiery Color Controller that can be configured with the std Print/Scan controller for embedded scan features and Fiery print.
on that helps to automate and streamline labor-intensive prepress tasks. Requires Color Controller E22-C (416731) & Color Controller Connection Board Type M4 (416733).
on that provides intuitive tools that make advanced document preparation simple and quick. Requires Color Controller E22-C (416731) & Color Controller Connection Board Ty
on that enables the creation of special folders that can assign a group of print options. Requires Color Controller E22-C (416731) & Color Controller Connection Board Type M
on that enables you to reproduce custom or spot colors. Requires Color Controller E22-C (416731) & Color Controller Connection Board Type M4 (416733).
on that provides a fast and simple way to ensure that your image output is optimized. Requires Color Controller E22-C (416731) & Color Controller Connection Board Type M4
Color Profiler v4 software and ES-2000 spectrophotometer: Includes 1 year of phone support. Requires Color Controller E22-C (416731) & Color Controller Connection Board
mers that have an ES-2000 Spectrophotometer and want Color Profiler v4 software: Includes 1 year of phone support
asurement device for calibration and profiling. Enables fast, precise and flexible color management that produces the highest color quality. Requires Color Controller E-22C (4
on aids in workflow productivity - helps meet tight turnaround times/produce top notch color documents while achieving process automation. Requires Color Controller E22-C (
on Kit is required to use the Color Controller E22-C (416731) with the MP C4503/MP C5503/MP C6003 Mainframes.
E1284 (411699), IEEE802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M2 (416572), Camera Direct Print Card Type M4 (416594), PostScript 3 Unit Type M4 (416591) and IPDS Unit Type M4
L Direct Print feature is not available with Browser Unit Type M4 (416595) when Color Controller E-22C (416731) & Color Controller Connection Board Type M4 (416733) are
with unauthorized copy control pattern or text with the Copy Data Security Unit Type G (416391) is not available when Color Controller E-22C (416731) is installed.
OverWrite Security System that ships standard with the mainframe does not overwrite the HDD for the Color Controller E-22C (416731)
uses MFP's Internal Hard Drive and makes it External
cludes an extra hard drive
uct is (OOD) Order On Demand, please allow 8 weeks for delivery from the date the order is placed.
tion Card Reader and Key Board bracket Type M3 (Bracket compatible with Mag Stripe and Prox Card readers
8 Certified Version of DOSS

4504/MP C6004 Series Education Models Color MFP

or a max monthly volume of 50K pages (Letter paper, 20lb. Bond).
includes 10.1 Keyless Smart Operation Panel, 220-Sheet SPDF, Duplex, 4 x 550-Sheet Locking Paper Trays, Disabled Bypass Tray, Drums, Developer, Color Scan/Print Kit,
of these options can be installed on the device.
dditional output tray above the standard Internal Tray or Optional Bridge Unit/Internal Shift Tray/Internal Finisher (Holds 125 Sheets).
r BU3070 Bridge Unit (417587) with any external Finisher.
h Option for SR3130 Finisher (417589). Supports paper sizes 7.25" x 10.5" to 11" x 17"
RAM from 2 to 4GB. Included with Color Controller E-23C (417486).
h Option for SR3220 (417484) & SR3210 (417483) Finishers. Supports paper sizes up to 5.5" x 8.5" to 11" x 17"
ace used to mount external key counter to MFP.
terface used to attach external key counter or key card device.
nch Option for SR3230 (417487) & SR3240 (417488) Finishers. 2-/3-Hole Punch Unit. Supports Paper Sizes 5.5" x 8.5" to 11" x 17".
aped option used to place either card reader or counter device. USB Connector.
stomers to print crop marks for proofing SRA3/12.6" documents.
on required to enable fax services: 33.6Kbps, approximately 2 Second Transmission Speed, Standard JBIG. Standard 320 Pages Memory. Includes standard Internet Fax (T.37
additional lines can be installed. For a maximum total of 3 lines.
unit on the network only requires the Fax Option Type M20
s fax memory to 4,800 pages and fax resolution to 400 x 400 dpi.
of these additional connectivity options can be installed on the device.
ers to connect a PictBridge-compatible digital camera directly to the MFP, enabling the printing of photos without a computer.
for printing from Mac OS. Recommended for printing more complex color and PDF files.
tion embeds invisible texts on scanned images of PDF and enables users to search PDF files by arbitrary keywords. Searchable PDF files can be sent to email, folders and ext
to convert format and drag to desktop document stored via Copy or Print mode.
dvanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.
for printing from USB Type B port.
ace board for adding an extra Ethernet port. If you install the USB Device Server Option, you can connect two Ethernet cables simultaneously: one to the machine's Gigabit Eth
direct printing of XPS-type file formats.
users to send and receive faxes on a sub MFP via a main MFP. This option is required on both the Main MFP that has the Fax Option Type M20 (417531) installed and on the
with Ricoh & 3rd party software solutions. The smart card reader and its cable will be covered inside the mainframe when this option is attached. Not all card readers may be
Keyboard for inputting data with either SDK applications OR embedded applications.
rt Card Reader Built-in Unit Type M19 (417595), External Keyboard Bracket Type M19 (417578) and Keyboard Card reader Bracket Type M3 cannot be installed on the same d
ket can be used for the installation of External USB Keyboard (100266FNG)
patible with MP C6004SP TE.
otSpot allows users to easily print from any mobile platform connected to Wi-Fi or the Internet, directly to a HotSpot enabled device (MFP/Printer).
Fiery Color Controller that can be configured with the std Print/Scan controller for embedded scan features and Fiery print. Comes with 4GB RAM memory upgrade and conne
on that helps to automate and streamline labor-intensive prepress tasks. Requires Color Controller E23-C (417486)
on that provides intuitive tools that make advanced document preparation simple and quick. Requires Color Controller E23-C (417486)
on that enables the creation of special folders that can assign a group of print options. Requires Color Controller E23-C (417486)
on that enables you to reproduce custom or spot colors. Requires Color Controller E23-C (417486)
on that provides a fast and simple way to ensure that your image output is optimized. Requires Color Controller E23-C (417486)
Color Profiler v4 software and ES-2000 spectrophotometer: Includes 1 year of phone support. Requires Color Controller E23-C (417486)
asurement device for calibration and profiling. Enables fast, precise and flexible color management that produces the highest color quality. Requires Color Controller E-23C (4
on aids in workflow productivity - helps meet tight turnaround times/produce top notch color documents while achieving process automation. Requires Color Controller E23-C (
E1284 (417596), IEEE802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M19 (417493), Camera Direct Print Card Type M19 (417507) and PostScript 3 Unit Type M19 (417504) cannot be configu
OverWrite Security System that ships standard with the mainframe does not overwrite the HDD for the Color Controller E-23C (417486)
tion Card Reader and Key Board bracket Type M3 (Bracket compatible with Mag Stripe and Prox Card readers
8 Certified Version of DOSS
og in and authenticate users via NFC card. The card reader and its cable will be covered inside the mainframe when this option is attached.
Licenses require a minimum of 1 year of Maintenance & Support (M&S) which must be added separately
e & Support (M&S) must be current in order to add or upgrade licenses.
hange existing embedded client on competitive devices when customer is replacing with different competetive devices
Payment Gateway Provider for Merchant ID, Certificates and fees associated with PaperCut Integration.
act ecoprintQ for Professional Services quote for assistance on installing Payment Gateways
ateway Connector Group 2 includes; PayPal WPS/PayFlow, Authorize.Net, My Student Acct, RBS, & TX File
ateway Connector Group 2 includes; Barclaycard, CashNet, CommWeb, CyberSource, OPC, Nelnet & Realex
ateway Connector Group 3 includes; CardSmith, CBORD, Blackboard & Heartland
e & Support (M&S) is calculated based on total license amount at the time of sale. It will be presented as a separate line item in the quote.
ce & Support (M&S) Monthly Rates are used to match M&S renewal date for Mid-Term license add-ons
Maintenance & Support (M&S) is calculated based on total license amount at time of support renewal. It will be presented as a separate line item in the quote.
iced item, refer to Vendor Quote for price
Year Hardware Warranty
ardware Extended Warranty available. Hardware Extended Warranty can only be purchased at the time of the initial hardware sale. Hardware Extended Warranty cannot be ad
Warranty not available for this item
Extended Warranty not available for this item
Extended Warranty can only be purchased at the time of the initial hardware sale. Hardware Extended Warranty cannot be added after initial hardware sale.
fideas Ethernet 241 USB Converter, Symcode CCD Barcode Reader & Cable ties
aLink® B8XXX; C8XXX
rsaLink® B7XXX, C7XXX, C405, B405, C505, C605, B605, B615
X, 79XX, 53XX, 58XX, 72XX, 59XX, 3655, 6655, C60, C70, XC550, 560, 570, 75XX, 57XX, WC3335, 3345, Phaser 3330
clude configuration of PRJT to existing PaperCut Environments running Version 18.0 or greater, validation and test, configuration of up to 5 catalogs, admin user training on ho
onfiguration for importing/exporting data into billing systems using the standard method of integration. This type of integration typically requires manual intervention by the custo
onfiguration for importing/exporting data into client/matter systems
onfiguration for importing/exporting data into billing systems using an advanced method of integration and/or when the customer's needs are more complex. This type of integra

nagement Fee may apply to project, please request quote

ervices fee to create Custom Logo

above is a one-time fee for a perpetual license that allows a designated level of submissions per server, per year, and not a recurring annual fee.

ction Environment (such as a proof-of-concept, testing, development or training)

e 3rd party tools and services
are advised to pursue an upgrade path to the latest version of Formatta
Designer cannot be purchased separately from a Formatta Solution Suite however additional Formatta Designer licenses can be purchased as part of a Formatta Solution Suite
above is a one-time fee, per server for a perpetual license and not a recurring annual fee.
maintenance term is for a period of one (1) year, per server. Subject to pre-payment of the annual Software Support and Maintenance fee.
Maintenance will be automatically renewed upon the anniversary of each maintenance period for an additional twelve (12) month period unless the Customer provides sixty (60)
of Software S & M by accepting the then-current version of Software and pre-paying: (1) 100% of the back Maintenance since the date S & M was discontinued, (2) pre-paymen

requiring additional licenses must purchase from the current price schedule
each purchase is up to ten (10) Access professional service hours to help configure the first Formatta Connector.
CPS-CON-DS or 3RD-FCS-CPS-CON-T-DS is required, number of units dependent on configuration
on for ApplicationXtender is not needed.
each purchase is up to ten (5) Access professional service hours to help configure the first Formatta Connector.
ning is priced per person with a minimum of three attendees. A session is approximately three (3) hours of instruction. Includes: Formatta Designer I, E-Forms Manager, EFM A
ning is priced per person with a minimum of three attendees. A session is approximately three (3) hours of instruction. Includes: Formatta Designer II, Autowrite, Autofill - Prereq
d training is priced per person. A session is approximately three (3) hours of instruction. Includes: Formatta Designer I (2 sessions), E-Forms Manager (1 session), EFM Admini
d training is priced per person. A session is approximately three (3) hours of instruction. Includes: Formatta Designer II (2 sessions), Autofill (1 Session), Autowrite (1 session) -
ormatta Designer I, E-Forms Manager, EFM Administrator, Workflow - DVD-based training may be freely distributed and delivered within a customer’s organization.
ormatta Designer II, Autofill, Autowrite - DVD-based training may be freely distributed and delivered within a customer’s organization.
s professional services team delivers these services on either an hourly rate or fixed fee with detailed and defined scope of work
ot include travel and living expenses. In the event onsite travel is required, reasonable travel and living expenses will be billed to the customer.
age includes the Basic and Advanced Training DVDs as well as the set number of hours provided by our Access professional service team. Additional hours may be added to a

tion Instance of Form Merge and Distribution Engine for Business and/or Clinical Workflow
ware license bundle pricing, reflects per facility licensing, and assumes one instance or installation of the Product Deliverables (IFS, EFR, Image Portal) associated with a centr
h over 1000 beds requiring an additional software product bundle, or additional hospital facility licensing within the same IDN structure and associated with the initial purchased

Server Software (Purchased with IFS Bundle)

e products do not require Access IFS
om pricing for IDN/Multi-hospital organizations will be generated upon request

Monitor if required is furnished by customer

furnished by Customer
S and M&S renewals will be calculated at eighteen percent (18%) of the discounted license purchase price. This applies to all products
up to 3 connections. These are tied to any particular make or model of device/system
prise connection tool not included

above is a one-time fee for a perpetual license that allows a designated level of submissions per server, per year, and not a recurring annual fee.

ction Environment (such as a proof-of-concept, testing, development or training)

e 3rd party tools and services
are advised to pursue an upgrade path to the latest version of Formatta
Designer cannot be purchased separately from a Formatta Solution Suite however additional Formatta Designer licenses can be purchased as part of a Formatta Solution Suite
above is a one-time fee, per server for a perpetual license and not a recurring annual fee.
maintenance term is for a period of one (1) year, per server. Subject to pre-payment of the annual Software Support and Maintenance fee.
Maintenance will be automatically renewed upon the anniversary of each maintenance period for an additional twelve (12) month period unless the Customer provides sixty (60)
of Software S & M by accepting the then-current version of Software and pre-paying: (1) 100% of the back Maintenance since the date S & M was discontinued, (2) pre-paymen

requiring additional licenses must purchase from the current price schedule
each purchase is up to ten (10) Access professional service hours to help configure the first Formatta Connector.
CPS-CON-DS or 3RD-FCS-CPS-CON-T-DS is required, number of units dependent on configuration
on for ApplicationXtender is not needed.
each purchase is up to ten (5) Access professional service hours to help configure the first Formatta Connector.
ning is priced per person with a minimum of three attendees. A session is approximately three (3) hours of instruction. Includes: Formatta Designer I, E-Forms Manager, EFM A
ning is priced per person with a minimum of three attendees. A session is approximately three (3) hours of instruction. Includes: Formatta Designer II, Autowrite, Autofill - Prereq
d training is priced per person. A session is approximately three (3) hours of instruction. Includes: Formatta Designer I (2 sessions), E-Forms Manager (1 session), EFM Admini
d training is priced per person. A session is approximately three (3) hours of instruction. Includes: Formatta Designer II (2 sessions), Autofill (1 Session), Autowrite (1 session) -
ormatta Designer I, E-Forms Manager, EFM Administrator, Workflow - DVD-based training may be freely distributed and delivered within a customer’s organization.
ormatta Designer II, Autofill, Autowrite - DVD-based training may be freely distributed and delivered within a customer’s organization.
s professional services team delivers these services on either an hourly rate or fixed fee with detailed and defined scope of work
ot include travel and living expenses. In the event onsite travel is required, reasonable travel and living expenses will be billed to the customer.
age includes the Basic and Advanced Training DVDs as well as the set number of hours provided by our Access professional service team. Additional hours may be added to a

0 devices -Need to purchase “RC Gate A2”.

0 devices & Generate Accounting report for 100 devices-Need to purchase “RC Gate A2” & “Accounting Report Option.
ore than 100 devices -Need to purchase “RC Gate A2” & “1000 Devices Option”.
0 devices & Generate Accounting report for 300 devices-Need to purchase “RC Gate A2”, “1000 Devices Option” & “Accounting Report Option."

k Mount option for the A2 Appliance

onment, the Program is installed on a backup server but is not running, and customers are NOT required to purchase additional restricted or production licenses.
onment, the Program is installed and running and is used by customers and/or Ricoh representatives to verify that new or customized code runs properly.
of MA is included
wal is purchased before the MA has expired
A or purchased MA has expired
hased at the initial sale for 3 years of MA
wal is purchased before the MA has expired
A or purchased MA has expired

e MFP with Print/Scan is required

interface is required
by trained Service Technician required
provided items: OCSP Server URL(s), OCSP Server Certificate(s), Root CA Certificate(s), Sub CA Certificate(s)

Annual Software access fee, including Software Maint, Phone, and Webex Hotline support. ORIS Certified Lynx requires the use of an X-Rite EyeOne iSis
of digital production pressses. Annual Price per Production Press being certified.
6 ORIS Device Link Profiles or ICC profiles to load into an existing DFE. Confirm your DFE compatibility with CGS.
12 ORIS Device Link Profiles to load into an existing DFE. Confirm your DFE compatibility with CGS.
24 ORIS Device
Matcher Link Profiles
Web Software to load
License into an
for High existing
Level DigitalDFE. ConfirmPress
Production your DFE compatibility
Package with80
greater than CGS.
PPM and Large Format Printers such as, EFI Vutek Series, FUJIFILM Onset S
ORIS Device Link Profiles to load into an existing DFE. Confirm your DFE compatibility with CGS.

ORIS iterative color matched Device Link Profiles to load into an existing DFE, thereby allowing for complete support of variable data jobs. Confirm with CGS your DFE compat
ORIS iterative color matched Device Link Profiles to load into an existing DFE, thereby allowing for complete support of variable data jobs. Confirm with CGS your DFE compat
ny input file format to any output file format for a wide range of applications where the customer already has a digital front end or stand-alone RIP in digital printing and large for
D color-managed gray component replacement (GCR) and undercolor removal (UCR) algorithms for perfect gray balance, consistent color and a reduced ink/toner level, while m
CGS Full Service Software Maint Plan per license ORIS Press Matcher Web High Level
CGS Full Service Software Maint Plan per license ORIS Press Matcher Web High Level
r CGS Full Service Software Maint Plan per license ORIS Press Matcher Web High Level
CGS Full Service Software Maint Plan per license ORIS Press Matcher Web High Level
CGS Full Service Software Maint Plan per license ORIS Press Matcher Web High Level
fied Web Software user License (Windows or Macintosh OS X) REQUIRES PURCHASE OF 1 YEAR CGS WEB MONITORING SERVICE & SOFTWARE Maint PLA
CGS Web Monitoring & Software Maint Plan per Output Device - ORIS Certified Web
CGS Web Monitoring & Software Maint Plan per Output Device - ORIS Certified Web
r CGS Web Monitoring & Software Maint Plan per Output Device - ORIS Certified Web
CGS Web Monitoring & Software Maint Plan per Output Device - ORIS Certified Web
ORIS Certified Web
CGS Web Monitoring & Software Maint Plan per Output Device -
Operator training and technical support on ORIS products (block of 4 hours)
aining on ORIS products charged per day in Minneapolis or at customer site (excluding travel expenses)

oducts do not have a warranty.
includes application download, travel, server configuration verification, software installation and device discovery.
raining is not included.
es phone and support. "As built" support is covered under M&S.
nse installation fee is a one time fee for one of more device licenses.
person) support is based on time and materials. "As built" support is covered under M&S.

n only be purchased in conjunction with mandatory Maintenance and mandatory Support.

Server for small businesses with one Server, one site and with no need for Add-On Modules or file cabinets of more than 4GB size. Includes Web Client Server. Supports Add-O
ver for Mid-sized organizations. One End-user org. per system. Unlimited file cabinet size. Syncing of file cabinets at remote sites. Includes Web Client Server. Expandable vi
rver for large orgs. Supports unlimited # of orgs per system, each sharing the server license. Supports clustering, load balancing, encryption of doc. files, & attaching 3rd party s
n PC-Workstation of DocuWare Windows and Web Client software, of Server software in single-user mode and of Add-On Modules which all are licensed for the End-User Org
e may be used as one Concurrent License or converted to two Named Licenses. The user has the option to use a DocuWare Concurrent or a DocuWare Named license either a
umber of Concurrent Client Licenses for use with PC-Workstations physically located within one site. A site is defined as a building or a group of buildings not divided by any pu
y not be used outside a site or converted to Named Licenses at any time
Client Licenses are purchased in addition to a Site license, the price of such Client Licenses is calculated as if 50 Client Licenses had been purchased (Site License counts as 5
number of Client Licenses for Read-Only access to DocuWare file cabinets via one Web Client instance on one server.
odules only available for Professional and Enterprise Servers except where noted
mated retrieval and indexing of documents from third-party applications. One Add-On module license. Also available for DW Business Server
storage of email integrated in Microsoft Outlook. Access to stored mail inside Outlook's user interface. One Add-On Module License.
retrieval and display, task list and approval stamps for iPhone, iPad, Android phones & tablets, Blackberry, Windows 8 as well as Windows Phone 7 & 8. Apps can be downloa
of document workflow processes through Task Lists in Web Client. Email Notification for new documents or changed index values. One Add-On Module License.
assignment of external database information to pre-indexed documents in DocuWare file cabinets. One Add-On Module License.
workflows with out-of-office and escalation management. Definition in graphical workflow designer. One Add-On Module License.
of barcodes and text on documents for automating further processes such as page separation and indexing. One Add-On Module License.
Import of files to DocuWare baskets and file cabinets. Simple index enhancements. One Add-On Module License.
storing of emails with index enhancement from email headers. Supported Email Systems: Microsoft Exchange, Google Mail. One Add-On Module License.
AP R/3 to file documents & data via SAP interface Archive Link. Requires besides a DocuWare Server License a Site License or, optionally, as many Named Client user license
through DocuWare Professional Services only.
Microsoft Office SharePoint Server. Archiving of SharePoint files in DocuWare. Offers DocuWare Web Client in SharePoint Portal and access to DocuWare documents via Sha
Ricoh’s Product Family MFPs with DocuWare through panel level integration. One CONNECT to Ricoh module license per organization.  Requires a DocuWare Client License
Toshiba MFPs with DocuWare through either panel integration or by utilizing Toshiba’s Enhanced Scan Templates. One CONNECT to Toshiba module license per organization
Sharp MFPs with DocuWare through panel level integration. One CONNECT to Sharp module license per organization.  Requires a DocuWare Client License when MFP Oper
Xerox MFPs with DocuWare through panel level integration. One CONNECT to Xerox module license per organization.  Requires a DocuWare Client License when MFP Oper
OKI MFPs with DocuWare through either panel integration or by utilizing OKI’s Enhanced Scan Templates. Run as Windows-Service. One Add-On Module License. Requires o
n to DocuWare using a plug-in for Upload Service
mandatory Maintenance, the customer will automatically receive all fixes, service packs, updates and upgrades to the DocuWare software products initially purchased or subse
mandatory Support, the customer receives technical support provided by DocuWare via telephone and email.
ce and Support must be ordered together
ordered for new or existing accounts, but are actively supported by DocuWare.
mers with current Maintenance or Maintenance and Support Subscriptions may purchase Side-grades.
rades, the difference in the subscription price of the two products, prorated for the amount of time remaining on the subscription(s), must be paid in addition to the Software Pric
ble if the customer has already licensed AUTOINDEX and Connect to Outlook or AUTOINDEX and Connect to Mail.
ble for customers using RECOGNITION without ACTIVE IMPORT
ment of cancelled Maintenance and Support Subscriptions is subject to a Reinstatement Fee, unless reinstatement is declared not later than 60 days after the date of cancellatio
ntenance and Support Subscription or only a Maintenance Subscription, if qualified, must be purchased in addition to paying the Reinstatement Fee.
e or Upgrade has been issued since the expiration date of M&S subscription, reinstatement fees do not apply. An Update or Upgrade Fee must be paid to bring the subscriptio
without valid Maintenance and Support Subscriptions may get current by purchasing Updates or Upgrades.
nd/or Upgrades for expired Subscriptions must be purchased to the latest available DocuWare version. The Update/Upgrade Fee does not include the cost of the required new

n service - 1 year annual subscription that includes M&S -

Cloud Flex is document management through the Internet. Contains all major features including unlimited Intelligent Indexing Service. Base package contains 4 named user lic
nal named license for DocuWare Cloud Flex. The license must be assigned to a single user. There is no limitation for adding licenses to the base package.
0GB storage for DocuWare Cloud Flex. There is no limitation for adding storage to the base package.
Cloud Professional - Web-based Document Management via Internet for an unlimited number of users. Storage of up to 50GB – no limitation on number of documents. Conta
B storage for DocuWare Cloud Professional. No document limitation.
Cloud Enterprise - Same features of DocuWare Cloud Professional, storage of 250GB included
GB of storage for DocuWare Cloud Enterprise
dexing for up to 2500 documents a month based on crowd-learning mechanisms. DocuWare system requires access to the internet. Add-On service for on premise installation
Intelligent Indexing for additional 500 documents for on premise installations
scription service packages - M&S included
scription service packages - M&S included
scription service packages - M&S included
scription service packages - M&S included
iced packages for add options to subscription mid-term - M&S included

the United States Only.

atform delivers a duplicate DSF Production Platform testing environment for all modules purchased in the Production DSF Software Platform, excluding any VDP FusionPro or X
EFI Professional Services quote for Sandbox set up.
r Dedicated Server Fee is required. * Hosting up to 20GB storage. Additional storage may be purchased in 20GB increments.
rchase of EFI Professional Services VPrint Training Package when VPrint is purchased.
e/Subscription fee includes all updates and releases for software but it does not include EFI Professional Services to perform upgrades on customer-hosted systems.
ith LDAP Version 7.2 Self Hosted, 7.4 Cloud Hosted / VPrint 7.4 release. Release Subject to Change.
Module: FusionPro includes: 1 FusionPro Producer (Server) - shows the preview of a FusionPro product in DSF, 1 FusionPro Creator (Desktop) - generates production output fo
odules: FusionPro and XMPie require purchase of EFI Professional Services VDP Training Package.
ce on VDP Licenses is for support-related issues and includes $0 upgrades for major versions. Maintenance fee does not include EFI Professional Services to perform upgrade
VDP Licenses are eligible for $0 upgrades for major versions.
Module: XMPie includes: 1 XMPie mini server (2 XMPie licenses and 1 Adobe InDesign license & headless server) - shows the preview of a XMPie product in DSF, 1 XMPie uD
urchase of EFI Professional Services VWeb+ Training Package
with Version 7.9 release. Release Subject to Change.
limited to Non-hosted – PayPal Website Payments Pro, PayFlow Pro, CyberSource; Hosted – CyberSource Hosted, PayFlow Link payment processing options. European Cred
modules require separate quote from EFI Professional Services.
ch Out Catalog Integration requires minimum of 12 hours of EFI Professional Services.
op is defined as a different physical production location within a single organization (e.g. an in-plant printer with multiple locations). A Print Shop is a place where print orders fro
s Location is defined as another business (not another place for production to occur) which has a separate P/L. A DSF instance is intended to be used by (1) Business Location
mers current on EFI Maintenance/Subscription Program.
optional eCommerce Module: Credit Cards, SUBSCRIPTION: Credit Cards must be ordered. * Hosting up to 20GB storage. Additional storage may be purchased in 20GB inc
urchase of EFI Professional Services DesignCanvas Training Package
oth Part Numbers in the first year includes 4 hrs of remote professional service to setup and customize DSF to Fiery Central. Customer is responsible for providing the required
optional eCommerce Module: Credit Cards, SUBSCRIPTION: Credit Cards must be ordered.
enance renewal is conditional upon annual certification training.
ch, Pace, PrintSmith support only
ntial StoreFront Platform is limited to a maximum of five (5) storefronts
ntial StoreFront Price List is limited to a maximum of five (5) Price Lists
cription is required.
d License for DSF VDP Module: FusionPro and XMPie requires the purchase of the Cloud-based Activation and Subscription (instead of License and Maintenance).
ANCE: DSF Software Platform is required. * Hosting up to 20GB storage. Additional storage may be purchased in 20GB increments.
for VDP FusionPro or XMPie modules will require the purchase of KIT LICENSE and MAINTENANCE.
NG: DSF Software Platform must also be purchased with DSF Software Platform VWeb+. * MAINTENANCE: DSF Software Platform is required. * MAINTENANCE: VWeb+ i


atform delivers a duplicate DSF Production Platform testing environment for all modules purchased in the Production DSF Software Platform, excluding any FusionPro® or XMP
EFI Professional Services quote for Sandbox set up
r Dedicated Server Fee is required * Hosting up to 20GB storage Additional storage may be purchased in 20GB increments
e purchase of corresponding EFI Professional Services Training Package
e/Subscription fee includes all updates and releases for software but it does not include EFI Professional Services to perform upgrades on customer-hosted systems
owered by DirectSmile includes 2 Storefront Studio licenses for template creation 2 rendering engines and integration with DSF Direct Mail Automation workflow powered by A
Professional powered by DirectSmile includes 4 Storefront Studio licenses for template creation 4 rendering engines, Image Personalization Module and integration with DSF Di
e FusionPro includes 1 FusionPro Producer Server shows the preview of a FusionPro product in DSF 1 FusionPro Creator Desktop generates production output for their device
es: EFI VDP, EFI VDP Professional, EFI VDP: single record for Essential, FusionPro® and XMPie® require the purchase of EFI Professional Services VDP Training Package
ce on VDP Licenses is for support-related issues and includes $0 upgrades for major versions. Maintenance fee does not include EFI Professional Services to perform upgrade
VDP Licenses are eligible for $0 upgrades for major versions.
le: XMPie includes: 1 XMPie® mini server (2 XMPie® licenses and 1 Adobe® InDesign license & headless server) - shows the preview of a XMPie® product in DSF, 1 XMPie®
he customer to use the services of a Payment Gateway Provider.
the following
modules Payment
require separate Gateway
quote Providers (and their services)
from EFI Professional Services.in the US – PayPal (Website Payments Pro, PayFlow Pro, PayFlow Link), CyberSource (CyberSource, CyberSo
the following Payment Gateway Providers in Europe: Ogone.
Out CatalogPayment
following Integration requires
Gateway minimum
Providers in of 12 hours
South of EFI
America: Professional
Braspag Services.
is following
defined asPayment Gateway
a different Providers
physical in Malaysia:
production iPay88.
location within a single organization (e.g. an in-plant printer with multiple locations). A Print Shop is a place where print orders fro
mers for mostoncurrent list.
EFI Maintenance/Subscription Program.
to 20GB storage. Additional storage may be purchased in 20GB increments.
oth Part Numbers in the first year.
nPro® NFR comes with 3 licenses (Server, Desktop and Designer) and is only available for select channel partners in Europe.
enance renewal is conditional upon annual certification training.
ch, Pace, PrintSmith, Lector integration only
ntial StoreFront Platform is limited to a maximum of five (5) storefronts
ntial StoreFront Price List is limited to a maximum of five (5) Price Lists
Subscription is required.
d License for FusionPro and XMPie Modules: FusionPro® and XMPie® requires the purchase of the Cloud-based Activation and Subscription (instead of License and Maintena
re 2 rendering engines:
ering engineintegration
ng provider is used forpricing
is perthe realtimeshipping
individual onscreen proof ofThe
provider. VDPintegration
elements is
to available
the buyerfor
and the and
UPS second
DHLrendering engine
only. Refer is for
to data generating
sheet for mostthe production
current list. print VDP printin
(Europe) or training
engine (outside
license. Maximum of Europe) is required
of 2 additional with the
rendering purchase
engine of any
licenses areNFR.
available for purchase which will allow you to scale production for multi-threaded processing.
omers wish to use a DSF instance across multiple businesses, licensing for each Business Entity is required from EFI.
e DSMiis defined as another
users will have VDPbusiness (not with
integration another
DSFprint shop),
via the EFIwhich may or mayThis
VDP connector. notishave a separate
not available P/L.
with A businessDSMx.
DirectSmile entity provides seclusion of the DSF administration and rep
tional print shop, an additional print shop license must be purchased.
iguration that requests >3 Additional Business Entities (4 total) will require a separate quote from EFI.




ludes:100000010481 DSF Essential, QPS Activation, 100000010483 Subs: DSF Essential, QPS In-Plant, 45136294 KIT,DSF,ACT,SINGLE RECORD VDP, 100000006380 Pri
cludes: 100000010481 DSF Essential, QPS Activation, 100000010483 Subs: DSF Essential, QPS (3x), 45136294 KIT,DSF,ACT,SINGLE RECORD VDP, 100000006380 PrintS
cludes: 100000010481 DSF Essential, QPS In-Plant Activation, 100000010483 Subs: DSF Essential, QPS In-Plant (5x), 45136294 KIT,DSF,ACT,SINGLE RECORD VDP, 1000
cludes: 100000010483 Subs: DSF Essential, QPS In-Plant, 100000010358 Subs: PrintSmith Vision Base Annual, 100000010359 Subs: PrintSmith Vision Users Annual (3x), 10
000001087 and 100000010440 Training Packages to be added
ser requires one time activation purchase only - no subscription required
e until May 1, 2017
h initial system purchase - only available for contract renewal. Use in applicable increments - for example, if 4 renewal - use quantity of 4
ditional training & implementation: Contact EFI for Quote
atement of Work for full details
atement of Work for full details
M500, stand and 1 year subscription
M505, stand and 1 year subscription
nd one M500/M505 Station Copier Test Box per installation address.
R can be resold after 12 months (must also sell support). Includes stand, copier test box, test credit cards, LCD cleaner and no-expiration subscription.
per customer order, 1 per customer, regardless of M500/505 clients Includes merchant account, administrator account creation

ationXtender 8.0)
ge includes 5 concurrent users, Desktop/Web Access .Net, AX Software Retention Manager, Retention Management for Centera, Media Distribution, Web Services, and AX SD
de for licensing

ge includes 5 concurrent users, Desktop/Web Access .Net, AX for Office 2010, AX Software Retention Manager, Retention Management for Centera, Media Distribution, Web S
upport for the SDK, CDK and Web Services Documentation Kit is NOT included
equesting IIG AX Renewals will be granted entitlement to obtain AX 7.0 License Key
must be placed into the AX License Server Directory to enable usage
Package includes: QuickScan Pro for AX, AX for MFP and Enhanced Ascent Capture Release Script.
kage is licensed per MFP device, Quickscan Pro is licensed per desktop and Enhanced Ascent Capture Release is licensed per server
Xtender PAL licensing is based on the total number of concurrent connections that require read ‐only access to ApplicationXtender via the ApplicationXtender Web Access.NET
Xtender Connector Packages enables the seamless integration of business applications to ApplicationXtender—without requiring initial programming.
currently using the legacy product ApplicationXtender Integration Manager (AXIM) are entitled to upgrade to the AX Connector as long as they are on active maintenance.
Xtender SPI (SharePoint Integration) is licensed per AX installation.
license will enable the AX SPI functionality for all MS SharePoint installations within an AX License Server domain.
Enhancer only supported with AX Desktop and should be configured for the number of ApplicationXtender Desktop Concurrent Connections that will conduct scanning and inde
r is using an advanced capture package, Image Enhancer will most like not require this module.
Text is an enterprise level full-text application and should always be used in high volume document capture environments
omers are entitled to upgrade to AX Xplore as long as they are on active maintenance.
erver is a required add-on with ApplicationXtender xPlore Full Text and Verity K2 Full Text. Licensed per server.
ationXtender Reports Management Server processes ASCII and EDCDIC reports that are licensed on a per server basis.
Xtender Reports Management Business Intelligence Gateway is used to extract a set of index values from reports and export that data in a format that can be used in business
Xtender Reports Management Server optionally processes AFP, Metacode and PCL print streams.
requiring print stream processing must purchase the appropriate option(s) and the ApplicationXtender Reports Management Server for each server that processes print stream
recommended that services be purchased for print stream analysis, custom font mapping, extraction definition(s), business intelligence gateway and general installation.
Xtender Workflow Manager License is available in a pack of FIVE concurrent user licenses.
er of AX Workflow Manager Concurrent Connections shall not exceed the total number of AX Concurrent Connections.
who purchased the AX Workflow Manager named licenses are eligible to swap their AX Workflow Manager Named User licenses for AX Workflow Manager Concurrent User l
owXtender and AX Document Routing customers, they are entitled to upgrade to AX Workflow Manager as long as they are on active maintenance.
MGR Server and Forms Server are licensed per sever.
ce and support is quoted by vendor based on customer configuration

ce/Express 5 - PCC USB Card Readers

r used with Equitrac/PCC only.
CC USB Card Reader.
ng - for use with FY13 Q4 Equitrac V4 to V5 upgrade promotion - must be ordered only when also ordering Equitrac Office/Express V4 to V5 upgrade.

cense, governed by the EULA, one instance

annual support at purchase of software, one is required per software license, may purchase up to 5 years
annual renewal of existing licensed software, may purchase up to 5 years
Re-Entry, for customers with lapsed OL Care, to rejoin for one year then they revert back to the normal Renewal rate in footnote 3
bscription for GoFormz hosted service to support tablets - required for each tablet in use at account.

acher per subscription term

er Based, No Software to install
rganization name, administrator name and email address and the number of teacher licenses
n existing subscription.

ded Accessory for Impressia model 500-100951
rchased after 60 days of machine install
st Year Impressia service agreement including phone and onsite support if necessary.
ded Accessory for Impressia model 500-100958
ate for additional workstation license .
feature for Iqueue SW . Recommended addition to Iqueue SW for postscript printing functionality.

ction (Device, User, Application, or System). Pricing for the needed number of connection licenses is calculated using a 5:1 ratio.
license provides: database mirroring; dynamic sharing of Concurrent User license capacity across a set of servers; required for offline backup server
r running HealthShare requires a separate HealthShare license. (Offline backup server exception).
no standard library profile is available and custom profile development is required. Quote based off SOW.
Environment Only.
Direct Channel only - Not available as a Standalone sale.

hiteboard (D5510)
ive whiteboard Ships with Display, integrated computer and pen.
rtable stand for D5510. Standard flat screen wall mount can also be used

or colaboration between up to 4 D5500's

Required for all Kofax Products

scription parts include Support in the annual price
n only sell perpetual licenses of Kapow if it is tied to a Kofax or Altosoft license sale.
ow Compute Unit -- defined as a unit of measure for how many operations a Kapow Katalyst RoboServer can perform in one second (and is unrelated to underlying server capa
apow for Subscription is constructed of a line item for Kapow Custom Bundle with a Starter, Business or Advanced Bundle at minimum plus additional Production KCUs, Non Pr
y Bundle - Perpetual (KP-ENT-PER-KEB) Requires KP-PS-STD 3 days training (24 hours)
Pricing is Annual Unless Noted Otherwise
pow perpetual license standalone will require the approval of Kofax management.
ofax Support Policies apply to Kapow Perpetual Licenses
on KCUs, 1 Non-production KCU, 10 KappZone seats, 4 Design Studio seats
on KCUs, 2 Non-production KCU, 30 KappZone seats, 4 Design Studio seats
on KCUs, 2 Non-production KCU, 50 KappZone seats, 4 Design Studio seats, High availability
<3000 pages, <200,000 documents, 10 Production KCUs, 5 Design Studio seats, 10 KappZone seats
3000-6000 pages, 200,000 to< 500,000 documents, 10 Production KCUs, 5 Design Studio seats, 10 KappZone seats
, 6000-15000 pages, 500,000 to< 1,250,000 documents, 10 Production KCUs, 5 Design Studio seats, 10 KappZone seats
s, >15000 pages, >1,250,000 documents, Production KCUs and KappZone seats TBD
minimum purchase of $5,000. Can only be ordered in multiples of 10.
20% of KappZone cost
al subscription price for 24x7
umbers of Products purchased below this part number; sum price of parts below
KP-PS-STD 3 days training (24 hours). Fulfills 1 Production KCU, 1 Non-production KCU, 5 KappZone seats, and 2 Design Studio seats.
urchase of $12,500. Can only be sold in multiples of 10.
20% of KappZone cost
Calculation based on the total list price
Calculation based on the total list price
Calculation based on the total list price
Minimum 100,000USD Price
Minimum 100,000USD Price
Minimum 100,000USD Price

Support must be ordered separately. The TotalAgility pricing calculator can be found at http://internal.pricingconfigurator.kofax.com/ or the partner portal for authorized partners
4 Full Users and 10K pages per year. Enables all capture and transformation functionality in TotalAgility for this number of users and pages. Required with every new system o
additional concurrent user. Full users are typically internal users that have a unique TotalAgility login and full rights to all functionality. These full users are licensed based on c
unlimited number of limited users. Limited users are typically external users that have no TotalAgility system login and rights that are limited to submitting documents and check
additional block of 10K pages per year. Enables all capture and transformation functionality in TotalAgility for this page volume. Only capture activities decrement pages.
% of total list price of production system.
ytics for TotalAgility and Kofax Insight Analytics for TotalAgility are add-ons for Kofax TotalAgility that provides business intelligence and analytics capabilities. The Kofax Analyt
be calculated based on the total list price of the entire installation of TotalAgility onto which the license will be installed. Calculation must be made based on list price, not discou
be calculated based on the total list price of the entire installation of TotalAgility onto which the license will be installed. Calculation must be made based on list price, not discou
s purchasing a public tenant share their TotalAgility 7 software (but not their configurations or data) with other customers. Customers purchasing the dedicated instance have th
iguration is 4 users and 10K PPY, and includes maintenance.
iguration is 30 users and 500K PPY, and includes maintenance.
dev system included with new system purchase. 10%-of-production-list-price charge for each additional test/dev system. The included test/dev system provides the same numb
ystem included with new system purchase. 10%-of-production-list-price charge for each additional DR system. The included and additional DR systems contain the same numb
aluation period can be extended per existing approval processes.
m licensed with a base configuration, 20 additional concurrent users, limited users enabled, Insight Analytics for TotalAgility, and on-premise multi-tenancy enabled.
m contains Cloud and On-Prem components and licenses: Cloud: base configuration, 20 additional concurrent users, limited users enabled, VM containing Insight Analytics for
license for internal training and demo purposes.
em licensed with a base configuration, 20 additional concurrent users, limited users enabled, Insight Analytics for TotalAgility, and on-premise multi-tenancy enabled.
em contains Cloud and On-Prem components and licenses: Cloud: base configuration, 20 additional concurrent users, limited users enabled, VM containing Insight Analytics for
y Support must be ordered separately. The TotalAgility AP Automation pricing calculator can be found at http://internal.pricingconfigurator.kofax.com/.
full concurrent users and 40k annual page volume (allows 10k invoices at 4 pages per invoice); TotalAgility AP Framework; VRS Professional for production scanning; Kofax R
e TA-AP-BASE01-0001; Includes 4 full concurrent users and 40k annual page volume (allows 10k invoices at 4 pages per invoice); TotalAgility AP Framework
I full concurrent user and 40k annual page volume (10k invoices at 4 pages per invoice). Only available to those who have TA-AP-BASE01-0001 or TA-AP-BASE02-0002. Se
concurrent users and 40k annual page volume (allows 10k invoices at 4 pages per invoice); TotalAgility AP Framework; TotalAgility AP Analytics; VRS Professional for produc
e TA Base Config TA-AP-BASE01-0001. Includes 4 concurrent users and 40k annual page volume (allows 10k invoices at 4 pages per invoice); TotalAgility AP Framework; Tot
e TA-AP-BASE02-0001 or TA-AP-BASE02-0002; Allows 10k invoices/yr. at 4 pages per invoice; and I full concurrent user. See pricing calculator or contact product marketing fo
concurrent users and 40k annual page volume (allows 10k invoices at 4 pages per invoice); TotalAgility AP Framework; TotalAgility AP Insight Analytics; VRS Professional for
e TA Base Config TA-AP-BASE01-0001. Includes 4 concurrent users and 40k annual page volume (allows 10k invoices at 4 pages per invoice); TotalAgility AP Framework; Tot
e TA-AP-BASE03-0001 or TA-AP-BASE03-0002; Allows 10k invoices/yr. at 4 pages per invoice; and I full concurrent user. See pricing calculator or contact product marketing fo
one (1) additional full concurrent user
unlimited number of limited users
s purchasing a public tenant share their TotalAgility software (but not their AP Automation configurations or data) with other customers. Customers purchasing the dedicated ins
calculator to derive Cloud Service annual price. Note that price includes annual maintenance.
annual invoice volume of 120k required. Use price calculator to derive Cloud Service annual price. Note that price includes annual maintenance.
dev system included with new system purchase. 10%-of-production-list-price charge for two additional test/dev systems. The included test/dev system provides the same numbe
wo (2) additional on-premise non-production systems, each with 10% of users and invoice volume. Only available to those who have the base configuration TA-AP-BASE**-000
wo (2) additional cloud non-production systems, each with 10% of users and invoice volume. Only available to those who have the base configuration TA-AP-BASE**-0001 or T
able to those who have the AP Base Configuration TA-AP-BASE**-0001 or TA-AP-BASE**-0002. Provides same number of users and 10% of one-time-use invoice volume

maximum user or page limitation for the Laserfich Avante Servers. Laserfiche Avante Servers require Laserfiche version 8.1 or later. All Laserfiche Avante Servers include Las
anagement Edition requires purchasing Advanced Audit Trail for all named users. Laserfiche Records Management Edition is DoD 5015.2 Certified.
rs include Snapshot and Email.
Forms Authenticated Participants requires the purchase of Laserfiche Forms.
y purchased must equal the quantity of Named Users in the system.
Digital Signatures requires Laserfiche 8.3 or later.
Connector is supported for Laserfiche Server 9.0 or later. It is licensed as a percentage add-on to all Full Named Users.
ic Portal includes Laserfiche WebLink and 10 WebLink-only retrieval connections.
ublic Portal includes Laserfiche WebLink and 25 WebLink-only retrieval connections
ublic Portal includes Laserfiche WebLink and 50 WebLink-only retrieval connections.
Public Portal includes Laserfiche WebLink and unlimited retrieval connections per processor. Public Portal licenses provide read-only access only through Laserfiche WebLink.
bution Portal includes Laserfiche WebLink and 5 WebLink-only retrieval connections. It is restricted to one security profile, meaning all users will log in with the same anonymou
Forms Portal Add-on requires the purchase of Laserfiche Forms. Laserfiche Forms Portal is licensed per Laserfiche Forms server.
SDK orders must have company authorization before shipment of product.
integration for eCopy does not require a dedicated named user license; however, it is preferred to minimize potential issues.
integration for eCopy does not require a dedicated named user license; however, it is preferred to minimize potential issues
ough Laserfiche Software Assurance Plan (LSAP) A minimum of 1 YR must be purchased for each new system.
serfiche Software Assurance Plan (LSAP) codes for multi-year contracts

included. A minimum of one year laserfiche Software Assurance Plan (LSAP) aka M&S must be purchased with each new system. When new users or software are added to t
ounts for additional users are based on the total size of the system. For example, a customer adding 200 users to a 300-user system would receive the 500-user discount on th
tial purchase is 200 Laserfiche Named Retrieval Users. System also requires a minimum of 25 Laserfiche Named Full Users.
r pricing includes the following features: Unlimited Laserfiche Servers, Workflow, Web Access, Advanced Audit Trail with Watermark feature, Web Admin Console, Digital Signa
Forms Authenticated Participants requires the purchase of Laserfiche Forms.
Records Management Edition is DoD 5015.2 certified. For our certified system configuration, please visit http://jitc.fhu.disa.mil/cgi/rma/reg.aspx Laserfiche Connector is support
to all named full users and Named Retrieval Users
to all Named Full Users
o all Named Full Users
Unlimited Public Portal includes Laserfiche WebLink and WebLink-only unlimited retrieval connections per processor. Laserfiche Public Portal licenses provide read-only acce
Forms Portal Add-on requires the purchase of Laserfiche Forms and is licensed per Laserfiche Forms server.
Forms Enterprise Portal Add-on requires the purchase of Laserfiche Forms and is licensed per Laserfiche Rio system.
Plus for Publishing allows royalty-free distribution of published CDs, provided they are distributed free of charge. Please see the license agreement for further details.
Softare Assurance Plan (LSAP) aka M&S is available in multi-year configurations

ntral Print Service Provider Basic ( 3 storefront )- Includes: 2 FusionPro Desktop (FusionPro VDP Creator) Licenses, 1 FusionPro Expression integrated with MarcomCentral (c
entral Print Service Provider Advanced (Unlimited Storefront)- Includes: 2 FusionPro Desktop Licenses, 1 FusionPro Expression integrated with MarcomCentral (covers all store
ntral Print Service Provider Basic ( 3 storefront ) Annual Subscription - Covers Technical Support, Hosting, Maintenance and System Updates
entral Print Service Provider Advanced (Unlimited Storefront) -Covers Technical Support, Hosting, Maintenance and System Updates
e Provider Basic and Print Service Provider Advanced - Covers 20 Hours of professional services by PTI
nterprise Elite- Includes: Up to 3,000 Users, Activation of 1 MarcomCentral Portal, Single Sign-On Support for Users to be Dynamically Created/Updated, FTP Access for Image
echnical Support, Hosting, Maintenance and System Updates by PTI for Marcom Enterprise Elite
al Services for Marcom Enterprise Elite -Includes up to 150 hours of support services by PTI. Support Services include, but not limited to: Implementation, Project Consulting , B
ntral Enterprise Corporate In-Plant -Includes: 1 MarcomCentral License with 2 Storefronts, Single Sign-On Support for Users to be Dynamically Created/Updated,Salesforce.co
nterprise Corporate In-Plant Subscription -Includes: Technical Support, Hosting, Maintenance and System Updates
nal Services for Marcom Enterprise Corporate In-Plant -Includes up to 30 hours of support services by PTI
be Used to upgrade from Basic to Advanced
Support, Hosting, Maintenance and System Updates
ed with all Full Admin Bundles (Basic, Advanced, Inplant, Enterprise)
ed with PSP and In-Plant Bundles
nal Services - Additional Annual "Block" of Hours
anage your MarcomCentral portal. Services include, but are not limited to, implementation, project consulting, portal utilization, email/purl campaigns, artwork efficiency consul
ed with The Enterprise Bundle
ed with all Bundles. Does not cover SAML." Full assessment of" customer needs required"
1 FusionPro Desktop License, 1 seat of Webinar Training Advanced and Fundamentals, 10 annual support incidents and upgrades,
able when purchasing 53009-PS1
1 FusionPro Desktop license, 1 FusionPro Expression license, 1 seat of Webinar Training for FusionPro Desktop Fundamentals & Advanced, 1 seat of Webinar Training for Fus
able when purchasing 53008-PS1
XP, 2003, Vista, 7 or Server 2008 R2; MAC OS X 10.4, 10.5,10.6; CPU 1.3 GHZ (2.0 GHz or greater is recommended); 1GB RAM; 1GB available HD Space; Internet connecti
for Windows OS or Mac. For Adobe Acrobat, Adobe InDesign and QuarkXPress, with PDF, PPML\VDX, HP PPML, EFI PPML, Creo VPS, Xerox VIPP, PostScript, and Digima
PC Desktop (FusionPro VDP Creator) version-includes 15 Image personalization templates-includes 2 hour WebEx training. No per image charge.
Expression: Windows: XP, 2003, Vista, 7 or Server 2008 R2; MAC OS X 10.4, 10.5,10.6; Intel-MAC Hardware CPU 1.3 GHZ (2.0 GHz or greater is recommended); 1GB RAM
DP Workflow Solution for High-Volume VDP Compositions. Windows only. One Instance Use on a single computer including PDF, PPML\VDX, HP PPML, PPML, JLYT, Xero
Producer: Windows: XP, 2003, Vista, 7 or Server 2008 R2; CPU 2.0GHz (mulit-core recommended); 2GB RAM (4GB recommended); 10GB available HD space (for template
ailable when item 47001-PS1 is purchased
- FusionPro Server maximum three (3) instance uses Batch License, including PDF, PPML\VDX, HP PPML, EFI PPML, Xerox VIPP, Creo VPS, PostScript, JLYT and Digimas
zed URLs - Activation Fee Includes Webinar Training & Launch Unlimited PURL campaigns no charge per URL. With no more than 1 million PURLs active at one time. Support
lead webinar that is held once a month. Please go to this link for the training calendar: http://www.pti.com/proservices/training/calendar/
Desktop (FusionPro VDP Creator) Fundamentals Web based training. Two hours dedicated to the fundamentals of the job creation workflow and output settings.
o Desktop (FusionPro VDP Creator) Advanced Web based training. Two hours dedicated to the advanced functionality of document layout and rules for jobs. This class demon
lable when purchasing 45001-PS1 or 42002WIN-PS1
lable when purchasing 85004-PS1
lable when purchasing 47001-PS1
lable when purchasing 85006-PS1
lable when purchasing 42003-PS1
lable when purchasing 29026-PS1
entral Job Submission Only Bundle Includes 1 Portal, Limited Admin Access, Online Training Only, 3 available Customizable Portal Skins (Choose 1), Access to Distribution, M
entral Job Submission Only Bundle Annual Subscription - Covers Technical Support, Hosting, Maintenance and System Updates
entral Job Submission Only Bundle Covers 10 Hours of professional services by PTI
entral STARTER Bundle Includes 2 Portals with Job submission, Static Items and Basic Versioned Print items , Limited Admin Access, Online Training Only, 5 available Custo
entral STARTER Bundle Annual Subscription - Covers Technical Support, Hosting, Maintenance and System Updates
entral STARTER Bundle Covers 15 Hours of professional services by PTI
be used with MarcomCentral Job Submission Only Bundle 53013-PS1
with 23043-PS1 or 23044-PS1
be used with MarcomCentral Job Submission Only Bundle 53013-PS1
with 23043-PS1 or 23044-PS1
with 29029B-PS1
e.com and Marketo Connectors to MCC - Licensed per Storefront only. Only available with 53015-PS1, 53019-PS1, 53017-PS1 & 53018-PS1 ONLY
with 29038-PS1
reporting Business Intelligence Module. Only available with 53015-PS1, 53019-PS1, 53017-PS1 & 53018-PS1 ONLY
with 29039-PS1
ortal - Charges one time
he ability to insert static versioned content at the beginning and end of a video clip
with 29040-PS1
ustomer to use customized shipping rates
with 29041-PS1
with 29042-PS1
DP Workflow Solution for High-Volume VDP Compositions. Windows only. Three Concurrent Compostions Instances Use on a single computer including PDF, PPML\VDX, H
ut module for FusionPro PRODUCER 3 Instance Only 47003-PS1
- Internal VDP Workflow Solution for High-Volume VDP Compositions. Windows only. Three Instance Use on a single computer including PDF, PPML\VDX, HP PPML, PPML
- Internal VDP Workflow Solution for High-Volume VDP Compositions. Windows only. Three Instance Use on a single computer including PDF, PPML\VDX, HP PPML, PPML
- Internal VDP Workflow Solution for High-Volume VDP Compositions. Windows only. Three Instance Use on a single computer including PDF, PPML\VDX, HP PPML, PPML
- Internal VDP Workflow Solution for High-Volume VDP Compositions. Windows only. Three Instance Use on a single computer including PDF, PPML\VDX, HP PPML, PPML
Hot Folder workflow
concurrent composition engines for FP Server Watch
with 47003-PS1
with 47005-PS1
with 42004-PS1
with 80004-PS1
e only - No setup
User Interfaces for up to 5 Unique Groups

power stapler that can be placed on or near an MFP. Designed to bind up to 50 sheets at a time. Maximum capacity of 5,000 staples (refill staples type T).

nload via e-mail is the default method to receive updates via DVD customer must choose to opt out of digital download link www.satorisoftware.com efulfillment and place order
ftware license It includes one year software warranty and subscription renewals
E additional year of software warranty and renewal Select only if the customer owns or the quote includes the corresponding software license
or Satori Architect integration with GMC Inspire software
h PrintMachine, docuTransfer and GMC OMS software that has Satori Architect software integration. OMS software & Satori Architect licenses must be purchased separately
om ToolKit Office SMB 40 ppm and 60 ppm customers
om ToolKit 120ppm and 180ppm customers
om ToolKit Unlimited and Gold Plus customers
nload via email is the default method to receive updates To receive updates via DVD customer must choose to opt out of digital download www.satorisoftware.com/efulfillment a
se Desktop Edition includes CASS NCOA DeDupe Merge Purge Apartment Append Suppression Suite Deceased Incarcerated Do Not Mail and ECOA services as part of the s
enewal parts are ONLY to be used for leases that have duration other than 12 24 36 48 or 60 months For example on a 63 month lease if customer wants to cleanse 25K recor
abase Connector-Set Up & Training is required with 1st year Database Connector subscription
CASS address correction is included with the Infuse Database Connector subscription NCOA & other data services must be purchased separately Use Data Services Calculat
CASS PAVE & Mixed Weight Manifest
cense Fee Support is required and must be purchased separately
Training included with OMS-200 Base License
Base License Set-Up and Training must be purchased separately
uantity of 1 in PriceForce
Subscriptions must be treated as a pass-through in the Software Subscription section on a lease
uite Automate is required for batch download of signatures associated with e-Certify solution
oftware Support required with purchase lease of ConnectSuite Automate
Set Up Fee includes eDelivery connector Training and eAdoption services Professional Services required for installation and configuration are quoted separately
ubscription Fee required Includes rights to use eDelivery service technical support and upgrades
ubscription Fee must be treated as a pass through on lease
ks cannot be included on lease Purchase only
Module required for electronic payment capabilities
upport required for ePayment Module
oftware Support required with purchase/lease of DocuTransfer license
icense, Set up of 2 applications document or mailing type 1st year Annual Support and 1st year Satori Architect OMS plug-in & USPS Facilitation Services
ll components in DocuTransfer Lite Basic Bundle plus eDoc add-on for Full Service IMb and additional PCL input format
oftware Support required with purchase/lease of DocuTransfer License Options & Add-Ons
velopment has a fixed price that is customized per customer.Statement of Work (SOW) is required
oftware Support for year 2 and subsequent years for DocuTransfer Lite License 1st year annual support is included in DocuTransfer Lite Basic & Advanced bundles

Store & Ouptut Manager

t has high-volume pricing options. For more information on how to offer these discounts to customers and getting quotes, please contact your sales representative.
bility licenses are a bundle of two licenses to be applied to a single MFP where the second license is used for high-availability fail-over or load-balancing purposes only in an act
ding from standard to high-availability, all licenses per instance must be upgraded.
must specify device type upon fulfillment of device licenses. A full list of supported devices, can be found at http://www.notablesolutions.com/products/autostore/capture/multifun
d devices require a File Import License to connect to the AutoStore solution.
on-on provides ability to auto populate fields using selected content.
add-on provides ability to recognize 2D barcodes through QuickCapture interface.
censes include capture from Email (SMTP, POP3, and IMAP), Folder, FTP/SFTP sites, Multi-Poll, RightFax servers, and XML.
nses are a one-time use consumption license that has no time limit on use.
ack of 20 of AutoCapture is available as part of the client bundle (under the bundle section).
se WebCapture or Mobile please see the WebCapture Mobile section.
printers require Output Manager Production Printer Licenses.
printers are:
ts of White >160ppm.
Network Printer Pack: Cost management, rules based print, print failover, reporting.
>100 ppm.
nager Desktop Licenses include local print monitoring and web interface access.
nager Desktop Licenses are also included in the Client Bundle - see details in the Bundle section.
must purchase the Basic Transform Module as a prerequisite for the Page Modification Add-on.
oduction add-ons cannot be purchased in combination with production printer licenses.
Print versions of the add-ons are required in combination with production printer licenses.
must purchase the Production Print version of the Basic Transform Module as a prerequisite for the input and output filters.
ack of 20 of WebCapture/Mobile is available as part of the client bundle (under the bundle section).
tions of Mobile will require the purchase of Output Manager or AutoStore licenses.
se AutoCapture please see the AutoCapture Additional Products section.
dles include AutoCapture, WebCapture/Mobile, and OM Desktop offerings.
se WebCapture / Mobile or AutoCapture please see the WebCapture Mobile and AutoStore sections respectively.
must purchase the Production Print version of the Basic Transform Module as a prerequisite for the input and output filters.
Output filters are third party products subject to third party product terms.
ard Reader Release Licenses enable secure release via card swipe on supported Ethernet card readers.
ard readers must be purchased separately

cense, governed by the EULA, one instance

yearly, one is required per software license, may purchase up to 5 years
annual renewal of existing licensed software, may purchase up to 5 years
Re-Entry, for customers with lapsed OL Care, to rejoin for one year then they revert back to the normal Renewal rate in footnote 3
fulfilled electronically, there is no physical shipment
equires a physical shipment.

Option Must always be purchased, includes Admin, Authentication, Copy tracking & Reporting
uct includes 1 Year of M&S; Additional Years of M&S must be purchased to match the term of the Lease/Purchase
e Print Option to Base; Includes MFP Print Tracking/Reporting and follow-me type printing. Additional Options available
Option for Base can be combined with Secure Print/Base, includes Secure Scan-to-email, folders, SSO, Scan/Fax tracking & Reporting additional Options available

Create Basic subscription includes access to all campaign templates (Postcard, email, microsite, brochure, flyer, business card, calendar, rack card, etc.). USA Data list acquis
Create Advance subscription includes all basic subscription services plus skeleton templates to create customer's own campaign templates. Note: Sending email, purchasing

Server) Includes:Estimating, Job Control, Data Collection, Job Costing, Inventory, Purchasing, Job Shipments, Job Billing, Accounts Receivable, Job History, ePaceStation, 5 fu

al manufacturing location that receives a license to the same modules as licensed for the core system.  An additional site license is required for each physical manufacturing loc
at remote site utilizing the same server) (requires EFI approval)
at remote site utilizing the same server) (requires EFI approval)
at remote site utilizing the same server) (requires EFI approval)
utlook Plug In)
ce List Quoting)
b Status/Proof/CO/Web Activity]
s a $0 licence cost, but does have a maintenance cost, order both items

ob Planning and Prioritization, Base Scheduling, Optimized Loading, What If Scenarios, Switchover Modules
ight modules: Alerts, Translations, Defaults, Fields/Lists, Forms/Object Contexts, Objects, Database Views, API Modules)
old separately
y for each AC3000 and Paper Monitor)
nded for use with AC1000)
ded for use with AC3000)
y for nonMatrix upgrades)
onfiguration of database, operating system, web reporting engine, web server, remote connectivity, and system configuration. Support includes upgrades / patches for [databas
ustomer sourced hardware & VM software)
onfiguration of database, operating system, web reporting engine, web server, remote connectivity, and system configuration. Support includes upgrades / patches for [databas
onfiguration of database, operating system, web reporting engine, web server, remote connectivity, and system configuration. Support includes upgrades / patches for [databas
onfiguration of database, operating system, web reporting engine, web server, remote connectivity, and system configuration. Support includes upgrades / patches for [databas
tennace includes access to technical support via phone and email, access to all system upgrades and updates during the term of the maintenance contract, and in the case of m
ay Onsite and Additional Onsite Day professional services line items are used to provide the various onsite portions of Pace implemetnation and include trainer travel and expe
Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, General Ledger, PaceStation and one Additional Company license. Allows financial roll-up of multiple company databases into a cons
e set up of an additional company's records to accommodate multiple site locations (including international locations)
acksonville, FL at EFI location, customer responsible for T&E
FI resource T&E
Estimating, Job Control, Account Receivables, Job Billing, Job History, Job Shipments, PaceStation for a company with one manufacturing location.  The number of users are d
ntenance and Support (AM&S) must be ordered with this product and is available as a separate line item. AM&S includes software major and minor version updates and hot fixe
also requires a dedicated Uniprint Xtra device License. Contact your Pharos Sales Rep to verify customer's license parameters.
be preloaded on the MFP prior to loading iMFP. JAVA card available as a separate line item dependent on MFP model. JAVA card available as an option with each MFP
ed in instances when major uppgrades or new environment installs take place. Minor add-ons e.g. iMFP license ded, requires no SOW. Contact Pharos representative for assi
1 year manufacturer warranty
nses not included
xtended Warranty (EW) only available at time of initial purchase. EW is not renewable.
ntenance & Support is calculated based on the MSRP of the Software.

ght is the core Web Based Print Mangement Solution module that includes features such as; Web Based File Uploading, Web Based File Job Submissions, Real Time File Conv
se includes all features of Light plus many more. Please refer to feature chart matrix located on InfoCenter
rms includes all features of Light plus many more. Please refer to feature chart matrix on InfoCenter.
ucation includes all features of Light plus many more. Please refer to feature chart matrix on InfoCenter.
ard Option is available for CopyNet Light, Base, Forms and Education. This Optional module provides Credit Card Check Out of and On-Line Order through Authorize.Net.
Solution pricing includes Cloud based deployment for Initial Product SetUp, Webinar Training, Built in Video Training Support, Email & Call Center Support.
Programming, Database Connections (i.e. LDAP) and environment specific programming or onsite training please contact PrintNet Solutions area representative for Quote & S

Desktop User, Server Software included

dering V109A-M01-4.0-1Y-PS1 for new M&S
dering V109A-MG8-4.0-1Y-PS1 for new M&S
dering V109A-MH0-4.0-1Y-PS1 for new M&S
dering V109A-MH1-4.0-1Y-PS1 for new M&S
dering V109A-MH2-4.0-1Y-PS1 for new M&S

y PC, includes 1 year M&S

Year of M&S per PC license
de from PPDM NX to PPDM 2016 Requires additional year of M&S
oof of current PPDM NX product with active M&S
de from V1,V2,V3 to PPDM 2016 Requires additional year of M&S
cense key from PPDM V1, V2, V3 to order. No orders will be accepted without it.
e for PPDM 2016 requires a special quote through Product Marketing and is for orders over 250 licenses only.

Requires Custom Quote from Vendor (SOW)

ation is a shared computer that any number of teachers can share for processing forms with Remark Test Grading Edition
f the software is installed and there is no limit to the number of Instructor Profiles that can be added to that copy.
must physically be on the computer where the OMR Station is loaded in order to use the software
Station is a one-time purchase and annual support and maintenance is included for one year. Annual support and maintenance can be renewed annually

K invoices per year

2K invoices per year
4K invoices per year
0K invoices per year
20K invoices per year
ncludes 2 hours of training
rate of $0.40/invoice in excess of the allowed invoices/yr shall be billed anually

ced Legal Workflow

ear of Maintenance & Support (M&S)
nal years of Maintenance & Support (M&S) to cover term of lease.
ation Infrastructure Monitoring and Management Service
se Required for Backup or Workstation Management Licenses.
agement License Required.

onic Data Exchange

ersystems HEALTHSHARE HS4 license
grade to HS4 license to include DOCXT
EDE Server License
orkflow Viewer
pment environment includes a set of licenses that mimicks production for testing purposes only.
ed Fee Implementation for the Patient Directory Configuration.
ode is hourly based and used on all installs in various amounts based on scope.
message type called Medical Document Management
message type called Admit, Discharge, and Transfer
me hours can be utilized post implemention to provide engineering / custom configuration changes.
egrated on a Ricoh whiteboard such as the D5510 via customized whiteboard firmware available from the Visual Communications engineering team.
oftware updates and helpdesk support. (Software updates may require Ricoh Professional Services).

nses for Ricoh eforms Manager Subscription. May be combined to allow for desired numbers of forms/users.
Base Subscription License.
Connector required for lookup from an outside datasource.
or populating user lists from an LDAP connection.
or utilizing SAML Security and SSO configuration utilizing this technology.
or integration with backend systems for file export.

ated Cloud Environment (ICE)

equire the optional Browser Unit or Smart Op Panel
l need to install and configure
OCR is Required

e year subscription or for 1st year of multiple year subscription for each MFP
bsequent years of multiple year subscription for each MFP.
ar subscription for 1 MFP, order qty 1 of ICEOCR-PS1. For three year subscripton for 1 MFP, order qty 1 of ICEOCR-PS1 and qty 2 of ICEMFPRENEW-PS1
age adds Mobile print functionality by email only (add PrintCloud option for full Mobile Print functionality)
ustomer account
ncluded with Education MFP
ubscription order qty by number of years, ex: 5 years order qty of 5
for Blackboard Learn connector
00 users for each pack.If more users are required then order multiples; ex. If 10,000 users then order 2 packs

Licenses require a minimum of 1 year of Maintenance & Support (M&S) which must be added separately.

ended Warranty Available.

ear Maintenance & Support (M&S)

onal year of M&S. Increase quantity to add multiple years to match the term of the customer's contract
term/subscription, no renewal, repurchase required
intenance & Support (M&S)



he stand, streamline nx license & card reader to complete PRS

esk unable to resolve issue over the phone. Support desk sends exchange request to Depot Services. Depot sends replacement unit to customer with prepaid return label. The

e & Support (M&S) must be purchased at the time of new installs. With Streamline NX v3, no M&S is included in the software codes. M&S is based on "points" and will be calcu
odule must always be purchased. The Base Module includes device management, server administration, user control rules for print/copy/scan, device authentication, administr
l Print Module includes MFP/LP print tracking & reporting, follow-me type printing, card authentication, and the mobile client for secure printing to Ricoh and 3rd party devices. A
l Scan & Capture Module includes secure scan-to-email/folders, Single Sign On (SSO), scan/fax tracking & reporting, card authentication, and all connectors to backend system
l Scan & Capture Input Connector Module includes Hotfolder & Client Mobile support for taking photos and sending them or documents into any project the user has rights inclu
l Scan & Capture Process Connector Module includes connectors for Barcode, Additional OCR, & Zone OCR. Scan & Capture Process Connector licenses do not include any M
l @Remote Connector Module connects the Streamline NX v3 Base Module to the @Remote Center System, enabling the service provider to collect device meters on a pre-de
l Driver Distribution Module allows for batch configurations, works with multiple Ricoh drivers at once allowing to create one package per model not one package per device for
l Extended Item Settings Module allows remote configuration of all your Ricoh devices. Extended Item Settings licenses do not include any M&S.
al Client PC Module allows for secure printing from your desktop granting delegate users, dynamic delegation, printing based on defined rules by the admin, and client accounti
Module Upgrade is only for customers upgrading from CAP/ELP-NX or Streamline NX v2.x. Base Upgrade licenses do not include any M&S.
Module Upgrade is for customers upgrading from Enhanced Lock Print NX or Streamline NX v2.x. Print Upgrade licenses do not include any M&S.
& Capture Module Upgrade is for customers upgrading from GlobalScan NX or Streamline NX v2.x. Scan & Capture Upgrade licenses do not include any M&S.
& Capture Input Connector Module Upgrade is for customers who are migrating from Streamline NX v2.x or GlobalScan NX and are using the HotFolder Plug-in. Scan & Captur
& Capture Process Connector Module Upgrade is for customers who are migrating from Streamline NX v2.x or GlobalScan NX, and who are using one of the following plug-ins:
mote Connector Module Upgrade is for customers who are migrating from Device Manager NX and are using the @Remote Connector. @Remote Connector Upgrade licenses
Distribution Module Upgrade is for customers who are migrating from Device Manager NX and are using the Driver Distribution option. Driver Distribution Upgrade licenses do
ded Item Settings Module Upgrade is for customers who are migrating from Device Manager NX and are using the Extended Item Settings option. Extended Item Settings Upgr
PC Module Upgrade is for customers using the Streamline 2.x Client today, and who are migrating to Streamline NX v3. Client PC Upgrade licenses do not include any M&S.
mline NX v3 60 Day Trial includes all capabilities except the @Remote Connector, Extended Item Settings, Driver Distribution and Scan & Capture Input/Process Connectors
he Base Module & optional Scan & Capture Module to utilize the connector
he Base Module to utilize these connectors
he Base Module and optional Print Module to utilize the Desktop PC Client SW. Includes printing rules, delegate printing, redirect printing
MA Pricing is based on the number of devices (MFPs/SFPs) under contract with the customer. The pricing breaks starts at 5,000 and goes to 50,000+ devices.

orkflow integrator that allows different systems to speak to each other, reducing gaps and streamlining steps to create a smoother, more linear automated workflow process. Pa
eving orders from a PTI Marcom Central web store. Allows the user to associate job tickets to the web store SKUs. Allows providing feedback to the Marcom Central store abou
eving orders from a RSA WebCRD web store. Retrieves the job tickets from the RSA WebCRD web store. Allows providing feedback to the RSA WebCRD store about the stat
bs to a PlanetPress server for VDP composition. Retrieves the composed job for further processing.
bs to a FusionPro Producer server for VDP composition. Retrieves the composed job for further processing.
mitting jobs to a printer driven by an EFI Fiery controller. Automatically captures media catalog information.
mitting jobstotoEnfocus
mitting jobs to Ultimate Impostrip OnDemand Automation for imposition. Imposition profiles can be selected either directly or through the use of business rules.
bs from Avanti Slingshot through a JMF/JDF interface and provides status updates and job information back to Avanti Slingshot. Requires Avanti Path Integration (100R10002-P
ORY TO INCLUDE 1 YEAR PHONE SUPPORT or UPGRADE TO PHONE SUPPORT WITH ONSITE SUPPORT. Includes phone support for 12 months and bug fixes . For m
ORY TO INCLUDE 1 YEAR PHONE SUPPORT or UPGRADE TO PHONE SUPPORT WITH ONSITE SUPPORT ( coordination with PPSC call center and production enginee



termined by the total number of definitions of output devices and/or specified users supported by all VPSX® systems at a single location (Exception for Epic Willow RX)
mbine bands. Supported capacity will be sold in blocks e.g., if you have 60 printers, you must license capacity for 100
es for additional output devices in excess of 1000 will be sold in blocks of 100.
city will be sold in blocks of Maximum Users
termined according to the maximum number of users submitting jobs from a mobile device
Mill requires that at least one Transform product also be licensed
er printer/MFP device that the software supports.
will be sold in minimum increments of 50 printers/MFP devices
e for HP, Lexmark, Xerox and Ricoh includes VPSX/Secure Delivery At no additional cost, the licensed MFPsecure platform may be exchanged for another platform of equal or
e for XT requires MFPsecure XT hardware components (see footnote 22), includes VPSX/Secure Delivery
ure Delivery server service which provides integration to Equitrac & Pharos.
termined according to the number of users supported by all PageCenterX® systems at a single location.
city will be sold in blocks of Total Users . e.g, If you need 60 Total Users you must license capacity for 100 Total Users.
es for additional users in excess of 1000 Total Users will be sold in 100 user blocks
or Concurrent license model per single location allowed.

er workstation that is registered to PageCenterX

n minimum increments of 5 workstations.
er of licensed workstations must be less than or equal to the total number of users licensed for PageCenterX.
product may be installed on any server on which VPSX® or PageCenterX® is licensed
RF IDeas pcProx Plus USB Card Reader with 6 Foot Cable. EDP Code: RDR-80581AKU (Black) or RDR-80581APU (Pearl)
RF IDeas pcProx Plus USB Card Reader with 6 Foot Cable Black - with Ethernet 241 Switch. EDP Code: KT80581AKU4-DS
ansform EDP code Identify Transform by name on order form.
uires 3 year commitment. Repurchase required at end of term.
eable Interface
license for FormPort Designer for use on two (2) workstations. Additional workstations of FormPort Designer must be licensed.
nnovate/Mill and one or more Transforms
ormed by Ricoh
FMV FMV FMV $1 Buyout $1 Buyout $1 Buyout $1 Buyout
Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Base
36 Monthly 48 Monthly 60 Monthly 24 Monthly 36 Monthly 48 Monthly 60 Monthly Charge
Payments Payments Payments Payments Payments Payments Payments

$9.35 $7.73 $6.61 $14.44 $10.26 $8.20 $6.97

0.71 0.58 0.50 1.09 0.77 0.62 0.53
2.45 2.03 1.73 3.79 2.69 2.15 1.83
- - - - - - -

$9.35 $7.73 $6.61 $14.44 $10.26 $8.20 $6.97

0.71 0.58 0.50 1.09 0.77 0.62 0.53
2.45 2.03 1.73 3.79 2.69 2.15 1.83
4.66 3.85 3.29 7.19 5.11 4.08 3.47
1.07 0.89 0.76 1.66 1.18 0.94 0.80
- - - - - - -

$15.79 $13.06 $11.16 $24.37 $17.33 $13.84 $11.77

0.71 0.58 0.50 1.09 0.77 0.62 0.53
2.45 2.03 1.73 3.79 2.69 2.15 1.83
4.66 3.85 3.29 7.19 5.11 4.08 3.47
1.07 0.89 0.76 1.66 1.18 0.94 0.80
- - - - - - -

$49.39 $40.85 $34.91 $76.25 $54.21 $43.29 $36.83

4.54 3.75 3.21 7.00 4.98 3.98 3.38
2.45 2.03 1.73 3.79 2.69 2.15 1.83
5.98 4.95 4.23 9.23 6.56 5.24 4.46
2.33 1.93 1.65 3.60 2.56 2.04 1.74
0.92 0.76 0.65 1.42 1.01 0.81 0.69

3.83 3.17 2.71 5.92 4.21 3.36 2.86

1.50 1.24 1.06 2.32 1.65 1.32 1.12

4.14 3.42 2.93 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
9.46 7.55 6.42 13.30 9.46 7.55 6.42

4.35 3.60 3.08 6.72 4.78 3.82 3.25

6.29 5.20 4.44 9.70 6.90 5.51 4.69
6.19 4.94 4.21 8.71 6.19 4.94 4.21
12.26 10.14 8.67 18.93 13.46 10.75 9.14
- - - - - - -

$38.39 $31.75 $27.13 $59.26 $42.13 $33.64 $28.62 $0.00

0.71 0.58 0.50 1.09 0.77 0.62 0.53
4.54 3.75 3.21 7.00 4.98 3.98 3.38
2.45 2.03 1.73 3.79 2.69 2.15 1.83
5.30 4.39 3.75 8.19 5.82 4.65 3.95
4.87 4.03 3.45 7.53 5.35 4.27 3.63
3.25 2.69 2.30 5.02 3.57 2.85 2.42
2.61 2.16 1.84 4.02 2.86 2.28 1.94

3.40 2.81 2.41 5.25 3.74 2.98 2.54

1.72 1.42 1.21 2.65 1.88 1.50 1.28

7.70 6.37 5.44 11.88 8.45 6.74 5.74
2.21 1.83 1.56 3.41 2.42 1.93 1.65
10.52 8.70 7.43 16.23 11.54 9.22 7.84
13.33 10.64 9.05 18.74 13.33 10.64 9.05
1.90 1.57 1.34 2.93 2.09 1.67 1.42
2.30 1.90 1.63 3.55 2.52 2.02 1.71
15.01 11.98 10.20 21.11 15.01 11.98 10.20
23.96 19.13 16.28 33.70 23.96 19.13 16.28
34.05 27.19 23.13 47.90 34.05 27.19 23.13
42.90 34.26 29.15 60.35 42.90 34.26 29.15
1.55 1.24 1.05 2.18 1.55 1.24 1.05

1.04 0.86 0.74 1.61 1.14 0.91 0.78

14.99 12.40 10.60 23.14 16.45 13.14 11.18
6.29 5.20 4.44 9.70 6.90 5.51 4.69
1.20 0.99 0.85 1.85 1.31 1.05 0.89
- - - - - - -

$39.93 $33.03 $28.22 $61.64 $43.83 $35.00 $29.77

$31.00 $25.64 $21.91 $47.85 $34.02 $27.17 $23.11
$44.98 $37.20 $31.79 $69.43 $49.36 $39.42 $33.54
0.71 0.58 0.50 1.09 0.77 0.62 0.53
4.54 3.75 3.21 7.00 4.98 3.98 3.38
2.45 2.03 1.73 3.79 2.69 2.15 1.83
7.02 5.81 4.96 10.84 7.71 6.15 5.23
4.90 4.06 3.47 7.57 5.38 4.30 3.66
6.45 5.33 4.56 9.95 7.07 5.65 4.81
6.77 5.60 4.78 10.44 7.42 5.93 5.04
2.58 2.13 1.82 3.98 2.83 2.26 1.92
2.76 2.29 1.95 4.27 3.03 2.42 2.06
4.13 3.42 2.92 6.38 4.54 3.62 3.08

8.76 7.25 6.19 13.53 9.62 7.68 6.53

15.71 12.99 11.10 24.25 17.24 13.77 11.71
4.14 3.42 2.93 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
3.27 2.70 2.31 5.04 3.58 2.86 2.44
4.75 3.93 3.36 7.34 5.22 4.16 3.54
9.01 7.46 6.37 13.92 9.89 7.90 6.72
8.74 7.23 6.18 13.49 9.59 7.66 6.52
3.93 3.25 2.78 6.07 4.32 3.45 2.93
0.92 0.76 0.65 1.42 1.01 0.81 0.69
4.66 3.85 3.29 7.19 5.11 4.08 3.47
- - - - - - -

$44.98 $37.20 $31.79 $69.43 $49.36 $39.42 $33.54

0.71 0.58 0.50 1.09 0.77 0.62 0.53
4.54 3.75 3.21 7.00 4.98 3.98 3.38
2.45 2.03 1.73 3.79 2.69 2.15 1.83
3.53 2.92 2.49 5.44 3.87 3.09 2.63
5.24 4.34 3.71 8.09 5.75 4.59 3.91
3.04 2.51 2.15 4.69 3.33 2.66 2.26
2.64 2.18 1.86 4.07 2.89 2.31 1.97
2.58 2.13 1.82 3.98 2.83 2.26 1.92

1.44 1.19 1.02 2.22 1.58 1.26 1.07

8.74 7.23 6.18 13.49 9.59 7.66 6.52
4.75 3.93 3.36 7.34 5.22 4.16 3.54
0.92 0.76 0.65 1.42 1.01 0.81 0.69

1.29 1.07 0.91 1.99 1.41 1.13 0.96

9.01 7.46 6.37 13.92 9.89 7.90 6.72
4.14 3.42 2.93 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
3.31 2.74 2.34 5.11 3.63 2.90 2.47

4.66 3.85 3.29 7.19 5.11 4.08 3.47

5.43 4.49 3.84 8.38 5.96 4.76 4.05
- - - - - - -

$64.39 $53.26 $45.51 $99.39 $70.67 $56.43 $48.01

$67.45 $55.79 $47.67 $104.13 $74.03 $59.11 $50.29
0.71 0.58 0.50 1.09 0.77 0.62 0.53
4.54 3.75 3.21 7.00 4.98 3.98 3.38
2.45 2.03 1.73 3.79 2.69 2.15 1.83

7.54 6.24 5.33 11.64 8.28 6.61 5.62

3.34 2.76 2.36 5.16 3.67 2.93 2.49
3.19 2.64 2.25 4.92 3.50 2.79 2.38
5.15 4.26 3.64 7.95 5.65 4.51 3.84

8.74 7.23 6.18 13.49 9.59 7.66 6.52

1.44 1.19 1.02 2.22 1.58 1.26 1.07
4.75 3.93 3.36 7.34 5.22 4.16 3.54
0.92 0.76 0.65 1.42 1.01 0.81 0.69

1.32 1.09 0.93 2.04 1.45 1.16 0.98

11.68 9.66 8.26 18.03 12.82 10.24 8.71
9.01 7.46 6.37 13.92 9.89 7.90 6.72
4.14 3.42 2.93 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
4.11 3.40 2.90 6.34 4.51 3.60 3.06

4.66 3.85 3.29 7.19 5.11 4.08 3.47

5.43 4.49 3.84 8.38 5.96 4.76 4.05
- - - - - - -

$69.69 $57.64 $49.26 $107.58 $76.49 $61.08 $51.96 $0.00

$77.39 $64.01 $54.70 $119.46 $84.93 $67.82 $57.70 $0.00
$84.28 $69.71 $59.57 $130.11 $92.50 $73.87 $62.84 $0.00
$96.92 $80.16 $68.50 $149.61 $106.37 $84.94 $72.26 $0.00
$95.81 $79.25 $67.72 $147.91 $105.16 $83.97 $71.44 $0.00
$102.65 $84.91 $72.55 $158.46 $112.66 $89.96 $76.54 $0.00
4.54 3.75 3.21 7.00 4.98 3.98 3.38
4.94 4.08 3.49 7.62 5.42 4.33 3.68
5.76 4.77 4.07 8.90 6.33 5.05 4.30
2.76 2.28 1.95 4.26 3.03 2.42 2.06
7.73 6.39 5.46 11.93 8.48 6.77 5.76
3.07 2.54 2.17 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
15.48 12.81 10.94 23.90 16.99 13.57 11.54
18.37 15.19 12.98 28.35 20.16 16.10 13.69
18.37 15.19 12.98 28.35 20.16 16.10 13.69
5.03 4.16 3.55 7.76 5.52 4.41 3.75
6.10 5.05 4.31 9.42 6.70 5.35 4.55
11.56 9.56 8.17 17.84 12.69 10.13 8.62
14.96 12.38 10.57 23.10 16.42 13.11 11.16
9.44 7.81 6.67 14.58 10.36 8.28 7.04
20.73 17.14 14.65 32.00 22.75 18.16 15.45
38.36 31.73 27.11 59.21 42.10 33.61 28.60 $0.00
9.29 7.68 6.57 14.34 10.20 8.14 6.93
2.15 1.78 1.52 3.31 2.36 1.88 1.60

1.44 1.19 1.02 2.22 1.58 1.26 1.07

8.74 7.23 6.18 13.49 9.59 7.66 6.52
6.65 5.50 4.70 10.27 7.30 5.83 4.96
9.01 7.46 6.37 13.92 9.89 7.90 6.72
4.14 3.42 2.93 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
0.92 0.76 0.65 1.42 1.01 0.81 0.69
1.50 1.24 1.06 2.32 1.65 1.32 1.12
1.84 1.52 1.30 2.84 2.02 1.61 1.37
13.33 10.64 9.05 18.74 13.33 10.64 9.05
1.32 1.09 0.93 2.04 1.45 1.16 0.98

14.38 11.89 10.16 22.20 15.78 12.60 10.72

3.43 2.84 2.43 5.30 3.77 3.01 2.56
10.09 8.34 7.13 15.57 11.07 8.84 7.52
1.10 0.91 0.78 1.70 1.21 0.97 0.82

1.32 1.09 0.93 2.04 1.45 1.16 0.98

3.00 2.49 2.12 4.64 3.30 2.63 2.24
1.20 0.99 0.85 1.85 1.31 1.05 0.89
4.75 3.93 3.36 7.34 5.22 4.16 3.54
0.81 0.64 0.55 1.14 0.81 0.64 0.55
4.51 3.73 3.19 6.96 4.95 3.95 3.36
- - - - - - -

$103.78 $85.84 $73.35 $160.21 $113.91 $90.95 $77.38 $0.00

$108.26 $89.55 $76.52 $167.12 $118.82 $94.88 $80.72 $0.00
$177.12 $146.50 $125.19 $273.43 $194.40 $155.23 $132.06
4.54 3.75 3.21 7.00 4.98 3.98 3.38
5.76 4.77 4.07 8.90 6.33 5.05 4.30
7.02 5.81 4.96 10.84 7.71 6.15 5.23
2.76 2.28 1.95 4.26 3.03 2.42 2.06
7.73 6.39 5.46 11.93 8.48 6.77 5.76
3.07 2.54 2.17 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
15.48 12.81 10.94 23.90 16.99 13.57 11.54
18.37 15.19 12.98 28.35 20.16 16.10 13.69
18.37 15.19 12.98 28.35 20.16 16.10 13.69
5.03 4.16 3.55 7.76 5.52 4.41 3.75
6.10 5.05 4.31 9.42 6.70 5.35 4.55
14.96 12.38 10.57 23.10 16.42 13.11 11.16
9.44 7.81 6.67 14.58 10.36 8.28 7.04
20.73 17.14 14.65 32.00 22.75 18.16 15.45
38.36 31.73 27.11 59.21 42.10 33.61 28.60 $0.00
9.29 7.68 6.57 14.34 10.20 8.14 6.93
49.49 40.93 34.98 76.39 54.31 43.37 36.90 $0.00
35.84 29.65 25.33 55.33 39.34 31.41 26.72
12.33 10.19 8.71 19.03 13.53 10.80 9.19
2.15 1.78 1.52 3.31 2.36 1.88 1.60
38.51 31.85 27.22 59.45 42.26 33.75 28.71

1.44 1.19 1.02 2.22 1.58 1.26 1.07

8.74 7.23 6.18 13.49 9.59 7.66 6.52
6.65 5.50 4.70 10.27 7.30 5.83 4.96
9.01 7.46 6.37 13.92 9.89 7.90 6.72
4.14 3.42 2.93 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
0.92 0.76 0.65 1.42 1.01 0.81 0.69
1.50 1.24 1.06 2.32 1.65 1.32 1.12
1.84 1.52 1.30 2.84 2.02 1.61 1.37
13.33 10.64 9.05 18.74 13.33 10.64 9.05
1.32 1.09 0.93 2.04 1.45 1.16 0.98

14.38 11.89 10.16 22.20 15.78 12.60 10.72

3.43 2.84 2.43 5.30 3.77 3.01 2.56
10.09 8.34 7.13 15.57 11.07 8.84 7.52
1.10 0.91 0.78 1.70 1.21 0.97 0.82

1.32 1.09 0.93 2.04 1.45 1.16 0.98

3.00 2.49 2.12 4.64 3.30 2.63 2.24
1.20 0.99 0.85 1.85 1.31 1.05 0.89
0.81 0.64 0.55 1.14 0.81 0.64 0.55
4.75 3.93 3.36 7.34 5.22 4.16 3.54
4.51 3.73 3.19 6.96 4.95 3.95 3.36
- - - - - - -

$64.39 $53.26 $45.51 $99.39 $70.67 $56.43 $48.01

$114.34 $94.58 $80.81 $176.51 $125.49 $100.21 $85.25
4.54 3.75 3.21 7.00 4.98 3.98 3.38
0.71 0.58 0.50 1.09 0.77 0.62 0.53
5.76 4.77 4.07 8.90 6.33 5.05 4.30
7.02 5.81 4.96 10.84 7.71 6.15 5.23
7.54 6.24 5.33 11.64 8.28 6.61 5.62
3.34 2.76 2.36 5.16 3.67 2.93 2.49
3.19 2.64 2.25 4.92 3.50 2.79 2.38
5.15 4.26 3.64 7.95 5.65 4.51 3.84

8.74 7.23 6.18 13.49 9.59 7.66 6.52

9.80 8.10 6.92 15.13 10.75 8.59 7.31
0.92 0.76 0.65 1.42 1.01 0.81 0.69
9.01 7.46 6.37 13.92 9.89 7.90 6.72
4.14 3.42 2.93 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
4.45 3.68 3.14 6.86 4.88 3.90 3.31
1.10 0.91 0.78 1.70 1.21 0.97 0.82

4.66 3.85 3.29 7.19 5.11 4.08 3.47

0.74 0.61 0.52 1.14 0.81 0.64 0.55
- - - - - - -

$213.30 $176.43 $150.76 $329.27 $234.10 $186.93 $159.04

$271.28 $224.39 $191.74 $418.78 $297.74 $237.75 $202.27
$281.21 $232.60 $198.76 $434.11 $308.64 $246.45 $209.67
4.60 3.80 3.25 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
5.52 4.56 3.90 8.52 6.06 4.84 4.11
7.02 5.81 4.96 10.84 7.71 6.15 5.23
8.22 6.80 5.81 12.68 9.02 7.20 6.13
2.12 1.75 1.50 3.27 2.32 1.85 1.58
24.37 20.16 17.23 37.63 26.75 21.36 18.17
12.39 10.25 8.75 19.12 13.59 10.86 9.24
40.29 33.32 28.47 62.19 44.22 35.31 30.04 $0.00
66.99 55.41 47.35 103.42 73.53 58.71 49.95 $0.00
63.90 52.85 45.16 98.64 70.13 56.00 47.64 $0.00
12.33 10.19 8.71 19.03 13.53 10.80 9.19
11.34 9.38 8.02 17.51 12.45 9.94 8.46
16.86 13.95 11.92 26.03 18.51 14.78 12.57
17.94 14.84 12.68 27.69 19.69 15.72 13.37
5.40 4.46 3.81 8.33 5.92 4.73 4.02
6.01 4.97 4.25 9.28 6.60 5.27 4.48
33.33 27.57 23.56 51.45 36.58 29.21 24.85
148.18 122.56 104.73 228.75 162.63 129.86 110.48 $0.00
0.71 0.58 0.50 1.09 0.77 0.62 0.53
22.04 18.23 15.58 34.03 24.19 19.32 16.44
1.84 1.52 1.30 2.84 2.02 1.61 1.37
0.92 0.76 0.65 1.42 1.01 0.81 0.69

9.63 7.96 6.80 14.86 10.57 8.44 7.18

9.84 8.14 6.96 15.19 10.80 8.63 7.34
0.74 0.61 0.52 1.14 0.81 0.64 0.55
3.37 2.79 2.38 5.21 3.70 2.96 2.51

32.59 26.96 23.04 50.31 35.77 28.56 24.30

1.44 1.19 1.02 2.22 1.58 1.26 1.07
8.74 7.23 6.18 13.49 9.59 7.66 6.52
1.44 1.19 1.02 2.22 1.58 1.26 1.07
31.50 25.15 21.40 44.30 31.50 25.15 21.40
4.75 3.93 3.36 7.34 5.22 4.16 3.54
9.01 7.46 6.37 13.92 9.89 7.90 6.72
4.14 3.42 2.93 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09

444.69 367.82 314.30 686.47 488.06 389.72 331.56

46.51 38.47 32.87 71.80 51.05 40.76 34.68
26.89 22.24 19.00 41.51 29.51 23.56 20.05
51.66 42.73 36.51 79.75 56.70 45.28 38.52
40.96 33.88 28.95 63.23 44.96 35.90 30.54
16.89 13.97 11.94 26.08 18.54 14.81 12.60
16.89 13.97 11.94 26.08 18.54 14.81 12.60
16.19 13.39 11.44 24.99 17.77 14.19 12.07
18.61 15.39 13.15 28.73 20.43 16.31 13.88
16.89 13.97 11.94 26.08 18.54 14.81 12.60
16.19 13.39 11.44 24.99 17.77 14.19 12.07
18.61 15.39 13.15 28.73 20.43 16.31 13.88

5.43 4.49 3.84 8.38 5.96 4.76 4.05

22.81 18.87 16.12 35.21 25.04 19.99 17.01
22.81 18.87 16.12 35.21 25.04 19.99 17.01
1.23 1.01 0.87 1.89 1.35 1.07 0.91
1.20 0.99 0.85 1.85 1.31 1.05 0.89
4.35 3.60 3.08 6.72 4.78 3.82 3.25
1.32 1.09 0.93 2.04 1.45 1.16 0.98
13.33 10.64 9.05 18.74 13.33 10.64 9.05
- - - - - - -

$15.30 $12.65 $10.81 $23.62 $16.79 $13.41 $11.41 $175.00

0.71 0.58 0.50 1.09 0.77 0.62 0.53
2.45 2.03 1.73 3.79 2.69 2.15 1.83
3.56 2.94 2.51 5.49 3.90 3.12 2.65
- - - - - - -

$9.17 $7.58 $6.48 $14.15 $10.06 $8.03 $6.84

0.71 0.58 0.50 1.09 0.77 0.62 0.53
2.45 2.03 1.73 3.79 2.69 2.15 1.83
3.19 2.64 2.25 4.92 3.50 2.79 2.38
- - - - - - -

$17.63 $14.58 $12.46 $27.21 $19.35 $15.45 $13.14

0.71 0.58 0.50 1.09 0.77 0.62 0.53
2.45 2.03 1.73 3.79 2.69 2.15 1.83
3.19 2.64 2.25 4.92 3.50 2.79 2.38
- - - - - - -

$12.85 $10.63 $9.08 $19.83 $14.10 $11.26 $9.58

$17.63 $14.58 $12.46 $27.21 $19.35 $15.45 $13.14
0.71 0.58 0.50 1.09 0.77 0.62 0.53
2.45 2.03 1.73 3.79 2.69 2.15 1.83
3.19 2.64 2.25 4.92 3.50 2.79 2.38
- - - - - - -

$21.92 $18.13 $15.49 $33.84 $24.06 $19.21 $16.34

$43.29 $35.81 $30.60 $66.83 $47.51 $37.94 $32.28
0.71 0.58 0.50 1.09 0.77 0.62 0.53
2.45 2.03 1.73 3.79 2.69 2.15 1.83
3.62 2.99 2.56 5.58 3.97 3.17 2.70
5.79 4.79 4.10 8.95 6.36 5.08 4.32
3.10 2.56 2.19 4.78 3.40 2.71 2.31
4.66 3.85 3.29 7.19 5.11 4.08 3.47
- - - - - - -

$60.86 $50.34 $43.01 $93.95 $66.80 $53.34 $45.38

$64.17 $53.08 $45.36 $99.06 $70.43 $56.24 $47.85
$83.70 $69.23 $59.16 $129.21 $91.86 $73.36 $62.41
$87.26 $72.17 $61.67 $134.70 $95.77 $76.47 $65.06
0.71 0.58 0.50 1.09 0.77 0.62 0.53
4.54 3.75 3.21 7.00 4.98 3.98 3.38
5.76 4.77 4.07 8.90 6.33 5.05 4.30
3.83 3.17 2.71 5.92 4.21 3.36 2.86
3.96 3.27 2.80 6.11 4.34 3.47 2.95
4.26 3.53 3.01 6.58 4.68 3.73 3.18
8.68 7.18 6.13 13.39 9.52 7.60 6.47
3.99 3.30 2.82 6.15 4.37 3.49 2.97

4.26 3.53 3.01 6.58 4.68 3.73 3.18

9.01 7.46 6.37 13.92 9.89 7.90 6.72

8.74 7.23 6.18 13.49 9.59 7.66 6.52
1.44 1.19 1.02 2.22 1.58 1.26 1.07
1.47 1.22 1.04 2.27 1.62 1.29 1.10
4.14 3.42 2.93 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09

5.43 4.49 3.84 8.38 5.96 4.76 4.05

4.35 3.60 3.08 6.72 4.78 3.82 3.25
4.75 3.93 3.36 7.34 5.22 4.16 3.54
13.33 10.64 9.05 18.74 13.33 10.64 9.05
7.97 6.59 5.63 12.31 8.75 6.99 5.94
- - - - - - -

$88.64 $73.32 $62.65 $136.83 $97.28 $77.68 $66.09 $0.00

$94.65 $78.29 $66.90 $146.11 $103.88 $82.95 $70.57 $0.00
4.54 3.75 3.21 7.00 4.98 3.98 3.38
5.76 4.77 4.07 8.90 6.33 5.05 4.30
13.80 11.41 9.75 21.30 15.14 12.09 10.29
25.94 21.45 18.33 40.04 28.47 22.73 19.34
3.50 2.89 2.47 5.40 3.84 3.06 2.61
3.00 2.49 2.12 4.64 3.30 2.63 2.24
3.13 2.59 2.21 4.83 3.43 2.74 2.33
5.76 4.77 4.07 8.90 6.33 5.05 4.30
3.83 3.17 2.71 5.92 4.21 3.36 2.86
4.32 3.58 3.06 6.67 4.74 3.79 3.22

19.47 16.10 13.76 30.05 21.37 17.06 14.52

3.40 2.81 2.41 5.25 3.74 2.98 2.54
4.08 3.37 2.88 6.29 4.48 3.57 3.04

10.52 8.70 7.43 16.23 11.54 9.22 7.84

1.04 0.86 0.74 1.61 1.14 0.91 0.78
8.74 7.23 6.18 13.49 9.59 7.66 6.52
4.26 3.53 3.01 6.58 4.68 3.73 3.18
1.87 1.55 1.32 2.89 2.05 1.64 1.39
1.29 1.07 0.91 1.99 1.41 1.13 0.96
13.33 10.64 9.05 18.74 13.33 10.64 9.05

12.26 10.14 8.67 18.93 13.46 10.75 9.14

- - - - - - -

$164.92 $136.41 $116.56 $254.59 $181.00 $144.53 $122.96 $0.00

4.54 3.75 3.21 7.00 4.98 3.98 3.38
5.76 4.77 4.07 8.90 6.33 5.05 4.30
17.23 14.25 12.18 26.60 18.91 15.10 12.85
7.36 6.09 5.20 11.36 8.08 6.45 5.49
3.07 2.54 2.17 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
2.76 2.28 1.95 4.26 3.03 2.42 2.06
14.96 12.38 10.57 23.10 16.42 13.11 11.16
9.44 7.81 6.67 14.58 10.36 8.28 7.04
17.84 14.76 12.61 27.55 19.58 15.64 13.30
1.10 0.91 0.78 1.70 1.21 0.97 0.82

8.74 7.23 6.18 13.49 9.59 7.66 6.52

4.14 3.42 2.93 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
4.75 3.93 3.36 7.34 5.22 4.16 3.54
7.97 6.59 5.63 12.31 8.75 6.99 5.94
13.33 10.64 9.05 18.74 13.33 10.64 9.05

4.35 3.60 3.08 6.72 4.78 3.82 3.25

1.32 1.09 0.93 2.04 1.45 1.16 0.98
- - - - - - -

$86.83 $71.82 $61.37 $134.04 $95.30 $76.10 $64.74

$114.27 $94.52 $80.76 $176.40 $125.41 $100.14 $85.20
4.54 3.75 3.21 7.00 4.98 3.98 3.38
4.11 3.40 2.90 6.34 4.51 3.60 3.06
4.94 4.08 3.49 7.62 5.42 4.33 3.68
7.73 6.39 5.46 11.93 8.48 6.77 5.76
15.48 12.81 10.94 23.90 16.99 13.57 11.54
6.10 5.05 4.31 9.42 6.70 5.35 4.55
5.03 4.16 3.55 7.76 5.52 4.41 3.75
14.96 12.38 10.57 23.10 16.42 13.11 11.16
11.56 9.56 8.17 17.84 12.69 10.13 8.62
9.44 7.81 6.67 14.58 10.36 8.28 7.04
9.29 7.68 6.57 14.34 10.20 8.14 6.93
3.07 2.54 2.17 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
2.76 2.28 1.95 4.26 3.03 2.42 2.06
5.76 4.77 4.07 8.90 6.33 5.05 4.30
1.23 1.01 0.87 1.89 1.35 1.07 0.91
11.71 9.69 8.28 18.08 12.85 10.26 8.73
38.36 31.73 27.11 59.21 42.10 33.61 28.60 $0.00
2.15 1.78 1.52 3.31 2.36 1.88 1.60

7.97 6.59 5.63 12.31 8.75 6.99 5.94

2.88 2.38 2.04 4.45 3.16 2.53 2.15
1.84 1.52 1.30 2.84 2.02 1.61 1.37
4.14 3.42 2.93 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
1.44 1.19 1.02 2.22 1.58 1.26 1.07
8.74 7.23 6.18 13.49 9.59 7.66 6.52
1.50 1.24 1.06 2.32 1.65 1.32 1.12
9.01 7.46 6.37 13.92 9.89 7.90 6.72
1.44 1.19 1.02 2.22 1.58 1.26 1.07
4.75 3.93 3.36 7.34 5.22 4.16 3.54

13.34 11.03 9.43 20.59 14.64 11.69 9.94

1.10 0.91 0.78 1.70 1.21 0.97 0.82
3.43 2.84 2.43 5.30 3.77 3.01 2.56
9.35 7.73 6.61 14.44 10.26 8.20 6.97

1.32 1.09 0.93 2.04 1.45 1.16 0.98

5.43 4.49 3.84 8.38 5.96 4.76 4.05
4.35 3.60 3.08 6.72 4.78 3.82 3.25
1.23 1.01 0.87 1.89 1.35 1.07 0.91
1.20 0.99 0.85 1.85 1.31 1.05 0.89
0.92 0.76 0.65 1.42 1.01 0.81 0.69
13.33 10.64 9.05 18.74 13.33 10.64 9.05
- - - - - - -

$86.83 $71.82 $61.37 $134.04 $95.30 $76.10 $64.74

$113.50 $93.88 $80.22 $175.22 $124.57 $99.47 $84.63
4.54 3.75 3.21 7.00 4.98 3.98 3.38
4.11 3.40 2.90 6.34 4.51 3.60 3.06
4.94 4.08 3.49 7.62 5.42 4.33 3.68
7.73 6.39 5.46 11.93 8.48 6.77 5.76
15.48 12.81 10.94 23.90 16.99 13.57 11.54
3.07 2.54 2.17 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
2.76 2.28 1.95 4.26 3.03 2.42 2.06
7.36 6.09 5.20 11.36 8.08 6.45 5.49
5.03 4.16 3.55 7.76 5.52 4.41 3.75
14.96 12.38 10.57 23.10 16.42 13.11 11.16
11.56 9.56 8.17 17.84 12.69 10.13 8.62
5.76 4.77 4.07 8.90 6.33 5.05 4.30
9.44 7.81 6.67 14.58 10.36 8.28 7.04
9.29 7.68 6.57 14.34 10.20 8.14 6.93
1.23 1.01 0.87 1.89 1.35 1.07 0.91
11.71 9.69 8.28 18.08 12.85 10.26 8.73
38.36 31.73 27.11 59.21 42.10 33.61 28.60
2.15 1.78 1.52 3.31 2.36 1.88 1.60

7.97 6.59 5.63 12.31 8.75 6.99 5.94

4.14 3.42 2.93 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
8.74 7.23 6.18 13.49 9.59 7.66 6.52
1.50 1.24 1.06 2.32 1.65 1.32 1.12
9.01 7.46 6.37 13.92 9.89 7.90 6.72
0.74 0.61 0.52 1.14 0.81 0.64 0.55
4.45 3.68 3.14 6.86 4.88 3.90 3.31

13.34 11.03 9.43 20.59 14.64 11.69 9.94

1.10 0.91 0.78 1.70 1.21 0.97 0.82
9.44 7.81 6.67 14.58 10.36 8.28 7.04

1.32 1.09 0.93 2.04 1.45 1.16 0.98

4.35 3.60 3.08 6.72 4.78 3.82 3.25
1.23 1.01 0.87 1.89 1.35 1.07 0.91
1.20 0.99 0.85 1.85 1.31 1.05 0.89
0.92 0.76 0.65 1.42 1.01 0.81 0.69
- - - - - - -

$115.89 $95.86 $81.91 $178.91 $127.20 $101.57 $86.41

$193.53 $160.07 $136.78 $298.75 $212.40 $169.60 $144.29
4.54 3.75 3.21 7.00 4.98 3.98 3.38
4.94 4.08 3.49 7.62 5.42 4.33 3.68
5.76 4.77 4.07 8.90 6.33 5.05 4.30
6.10 5.05 4.31 9.42 6.70 5.35 4.55
11.71 9.69 8.28 18.08 12.85 10.26 8.73
38.36 31.73 27.11 59.21 42.10 33.61 28.60 $0.00
2.15 1.78 1.52 3.31 2.36 1.88 1.60
2.76 2.28 1.95 4.26 3.03 2.42 2.06
3.07 2.54 2.17 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
20.73 17.14 14.65 32.00 22.75 18.16 15.45
1.23 1.01 0.87 1.89 1.35 1.07 0.91
14.96 12.38 10.57 23.10 16.42 13.11 11.16
11.56 9.56 8.17 17.84 12.69 10.13 8.62
5.03 4.16 3.55 7.76 5.52 4.41 3.75
18.37 15.19 12.98 28.35 20.16 16.10 13.69
5.76 4.77 4.07 8.90 6.33 5.05 4.30
18.37 15.19 12.98 28.35 20.16 16.10 13.69
7.73 6.39 5.46 11.93 8.48 6.77 5.76
16.13 13.34 11.40 24.90 17.70 14.13 12.02
9.44 7.81 6.67 14.58 10.36 8.28 7.04
9.29 7.68 6.57 14.34 10.20 8.14 6.93

3.43 2.84 2.43 5.30 3.77 3.01 2.56

1.10 0.91 0.78 1.70 1.21 0.97 0.82
13.34 11.03 9.43 20.59 14.64 11.69 9.94
9.35 7.73 6.61 14.44 10.26 8.20 6.97

2.88 2.38 2.04 4.45 3.16 2.53 2.15

1.84 1.52 1.30 2.84 2.02 1.61 1.37
4.75 3.93 3.36 7.34 5.22 4.16 3.54
9.01 7.46 6.37 13.92 9.89 7.90 6.72
1.44 1.19 1.02 2.22 1.58 1.26 1.07
8.74 7.23 6.18 13.49 9.59 7.66 6.52
1.50 1.24 1.06 2.32 1.65 1.32 1.12
4.14 3.42 2.93 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
7.97 6.59 5.63 12.31 8.75 6.99 5.94
1.44 1.19 1.02 2.22 1.58 1.26 1.07

16.46 13.62 11.64 25.42 18.07 14.43 12.28

85.05 70.35 60.11 131.29 93.35 74.54 63.41 $0.00
96.09 79.48 67.91 148.33 105.46 84.21 71.64
22.72 18.79 16.06 35.07 24.93 19.91 16.94
65.09 53.84 46.01 100.48 71.44 57.05 48.53 $0.00
29.31 24.24 20.72 45.25 32.17 25.69 21.85 $0.00
51.66 42.73 36.51 79.75 56.70 45.28 38.52
16.46 13.62 11.64 25.42 18.07 14.43 12.28
16.46 13.62 11.64 25.42 18.07 14.43 12.28

5.43 4.49 3.84 8.38 5.96 4.76 4.05

1.23 1.01 0.87 1.89 1.35 1.07 0.91
1.20 0.99 0.85 1.85 1.31 1.05 0.89
4.35 3.60 3.08 6.72 4.78 3.82 3.25
0.92 0.76 0.65 1.42 1.01 0.81 0.69
1.32 1.09 0.93 2.04 1.45 1.16 0.98
13.33 10.64 9.05 18.74 13.33 10.64 9.05
- - - - - - -

$115.89 $95.86 $81.91 $178.91 $127.20 $101.57 $86.41

$193.53 $160.07 $136.78 $298.75 $212.40 $169.60 $144.29
4.54 3.75 3.21 7.00 4.98 3.98 3.38
4.94 4.08 3.49 7.62 5.42 4.33 3.68
5.76 4.77 4.07 8.90 6.33 5.05 4.30
7.36 6.09 5.20 11.36 8.08 6.45 5.49
11.71 9.69 8.28 18.08 12.85 10.26 8.73
38.36 31.73 27.11 59.21 42.10 33.61 28.60
2.15 1.78 1.52 3.31 2.36 1.88 1.60
2.76 2.28 1.95 4.26 3.03 2.42 2.06
3.07 2.54 2.17 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
20.73 17.14 14.65 32.00 22.75 18.16 15.45
1.23 1.01 0.87 1.89 1.35 1.07 0.91
14.96 12.38 10.57 23.10 16.42 13.11 11.16
11.56 9.56 8.17 17.84 12.69 10.13 8.62
48.96 40.50 34.61 75.59 53.74 42.91 36.51
5.03 4.16 3.55 7.76 5.52 4.41 3.75
18.37 15.19 12.98 28.35 20.16 16.10 13.69
5.76 4.77 4.07 8.90 6.33 5.05 4.30
18.37 15.19 12.98 28.35 20.16 16.10 13.69
7.73 6.39 5.46 11.93 8.48 6.77 5.76
16.13 13.34 11.40 24.90 17.70 14.13 12.02
9.44 7.81 6.67 14.58 10.36 8.28 7.04
9.29 7.68 6.57 14.34 10.20 8.14 6.93

1.10 0.91 0.78 1.70 1.21 0.97 0.82

13.34 11.03 9.43 20.59 14.64 11.69 9.94
9.44 7.81 6.67 14.58 10.36 8.28 7.04

4.45 3.68 3.14 6.86 4.88 3.90 3.31

9.01 7.46 6.37 13.92 9.89 7.90 6.72
8.74 7.23 6.18 13.49 9.59 7.66 6.52
1.50 1.24 1.06 2.32 1.65 1.32 1.12
4.14 3.42 2.93 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
8.40 6.95 5.94 12.97 9.22 7.36 6.26
7.97 6.59 5.63 12.31 8.75 6.99 5.94
5.46 4.51 3.86 8.42 5.99 4.78 4.07
0.74 0.61 0.52 1.14 0.81 0.64 0.55

16.46 13.62 11.64 25.42 18.07 14.43 12.28

105.87 87.57 74.83 163.43 116.19 92.78 78.94
96.09 79.48 67.91 148.33 105.46 84.21 71.64
22.72 18.79 16.06 35.07 24.93 19.91 16.94
65.09 53.84 46.01 100.48 71.44 57.05 48.53 $0.00
29.31 24.24 20.72 45.25 32.17 25.69 21.85 $0.00
51.66 42.73 36.51 79.75 56.70 45.28 38.52
16.46 13.62 11.64 25.42 18.07 14.43 12.28
16.46 13.62 11.64 25.42 18.07 14.43 12.28

1.23 1.01 0.87 1.89 1.35 1.07 0.91

1.20 0.99 0.85 1.85 1.31 1.05 0.89
4.35 3.60 3.08 6.72 4.78 3.82 3.25
0.92 0.76 0.65 1.42 1.01 0.81 0.69
1.32 1.09 0.93 2.04 1.45 1.16 0.98
- - - - - - -

$121.44 $100.45 $85.83 $187.47 $133.29 $106.43 $90.55

$191.23 $158.17 $135.16 $295.20 $209.88 $167.59 $142.58
4.54 3.75 3.21 7.00 4.98 3.98 3.38
7.02 5.81 4.96 10.84 7.71 6.15 5.23
6.10 5.05 4.31 9.42 6.70 5.35 4.55
11.71 9.69 8.28 18.08 12.85 10.26 8.73
38.36 31.73 27.11 59.21 42.10 33.61 28.60 $0.00
49.49 40.93 34.98 76.39 54.31 43.37 36.90 $0.00
2.15 1.78 1.52 3.31 2.36 1.88 1.60
2.76 2.28 1.95 4.26 3.03 2.42 2.06
3.07 2.54 2.17 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
20.73 17.14 14.65 32.00 22.75 18.16 15.45
35.84 29.65 25.33 55.33 39.34 31.41 26.72
1.23 1.01 0.87 1.89 1.35 1.07 0.91
14.96 12.38 10.57 23.10 16.42 13.11 11.16
5.03 4.16 3.55 7.76 5.52 4.41 3.75
18.37 15.19 12.98 28.35 20.16 16.10 13.69
5.76 4.77 4.07 8.90 6.33 5.05 4.30
18.37 15.19 12.98 28.35 20.16 16.10 13.69
7.73 6.39 5.46 11.93 8.48 6.77 5.76
16.13 13.34 11.40 24.90 17.70 14.13 12.02
9.44 7.81 6.67 14.58 10.36 8.28 7.04
9.29 7.68 6.57 14.34 10.20 8.14 6.93
12.33 10.19 8.71 19.03 13.53 10.80 9.19

3.43 2.84 2.43 5.30 3.77 3.01 2.56

1.10 0.91 0.78 1.70 1.21 0.97 0.82
13.34 11.03 9.43 20.59 14.64 11.69 9.94
9.44 7.81 6.67 14.58 10.36 8.28 7.04

2.88 2.38 2.04 4.45 3.16 2.53 2.15

1.84 1.52 1.30 2.84 2.02 1.61 1.37
4.75 3.93 3.36 7.34 5.22 4.16 3.54
9.01 7.46 6.37 13.92 9.89 7.90 6.72
1.44 1.19 1.02 2.22 1.58 1.26 1.07
8.74 7.23 6.18 13.49 9.59 7.66 6.52
48.25 38.53 32.78 67.87 48.25 38.53 32.78
1.50 1.24 1.06 2.32 1.65 1.32 1.12
4.14 3.42 2.93 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
7.97 6.59 5.63 12.31 8.75 6.99 5.94
1.44 1.19 1.02 2.22 1.58 1.26 1.07

16.46 13.62 11.64 25.42 18.07 14.43 12.28

85.05 70.35 60.11 131.29 93.35 74.54 63.41 $0.00
22.72 18.79 16.06 35.07 24.93 19.91 16.94
51.66 42.73 36.51 79.75 56.70 45.28 38.52
96.09 79.48 67.91 148.33 105.46 84.21 71.64
65.09 53.84 46.01 100.48 71.44 57.05 48.53 $0.00
29.31 24.24 20.72 45.25 32.17 25.69 21.85 $0.00
16.46 13.62 11.64 25.42 18.07 14.43 12.28
16.46 13.62 11.64 25.42 18.07 14.43 12.28

5.43 4.49 3.84 8.38 5.96 4.76 4.05

1.23 1.01 0.87 1.89 1.35 1.07 0.91
1.20 0.99 0.85 1.85 1.31 1.05 0.89
4.35 3.60 3.08 6.72 4.78 3.82 3.25
0.92 0.76 0.65 1.42 1.01 0.81 0.69
1.32 1.09 0.93 2.04 1.45 1.16 0.98
13.33 10.64 9.05 18.74 13.33 10.64 9.05
- - - - - - -

$121.44 $100.45 $85.83 $187.47 $133.29 $106.43 $90.55

$191.23 $158.17 $135.16 $295.20 $209.88 $167.59 $142.58
4.54 3.75 3.21 7.00 4.98 3.98 3.38
7.02 5.81 4.96 10.84 7.71 6.15 5.23
7.36 6.09 5.20 11.36 8.08 6.45 5.49
11.71 9.69 8.28 18.08 12.85 10.26 8.73
38.36 31.73 27.11 59.21 42.10 33.61 28.60
49.49 40.93 34.98 76.39 54.31 43.37 36.90
2.15 1.78 1.52 3.31 2.36 1.88 1.60
2.76 2.28 1.95 4.26 3.03 2.42 2.06
3.07 2.54 2.17 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
20.73 17.14 14.65 32.00 22.75 18.16 15.45
35.84 29.65 25.33 55.33 39.34 31.41 26.72
1.23 1.01 0.87 1.89 1.35 1.07 0.91
14.96 12.38 10.57 23.10 16.42 13.11 11.16
48.96 40.50 34.61 75.59 53.74 42.91 36.51
5.03 4.16 3.55 7.76 5.52 4.41 3.75
18.37 15.19 12.98 28.35 20.16 16.10 13.69
5.76 4.77 4.07 8.90 6.33 5.05 4.30
18.37 15.19 12.98 28.35 20.16 16.10 13.69
7.73 6.39 5.46 11.93 8.48 6.77 5.76
16.13 13.34 11.40 24.90 17.70 14.13 12.02
9.44 7.81 6.67 14.58 10.36 8.28 7.04
9.29 7.68 6.57 14.34 10.20 8.14 6.93
12.33 10.19 8.71 19.03 13.53 10.80 9.19

1.10 0.91 0.78 1.70 1.21 0.97 0.82

13.34 11.03 9.43 20.59 14.64 11.69 9.94
9.44 7.81 6.67 14.58 10.36 8.28 7.04

4.45 3.68 3.14 6.86 4.88 3.90 3.31

9.01 7.46 6.37 13.92 9.89 7.90 6.72
8.74 7.23 6.18 13.49 9.59 7.66 6.52
1.50 1.24 1.06 2.32 1.65 1.32 1.12
4.14 3.42 2.93 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
8.40 6.95 5.94 12.97 9.22 7.36 6.26
7.97 6.59 5.63 12.31 8.75 6.99 5.94
5.46 4.51 3.86 8.42 5.99 4.78 4.07
0.74 0.61 0.52 1.14 0.81 0.64 0.55

16.46 13.62 11.64 25.42 18.07 14.43 12.28

105.87 87.57 74.83 163.43 116.19 92.78 78.94
96.09 79.48 67.91 148.33 105.46 84.21 71.64
22.72 18.79 16.06 35.07 24.93 19.91 16.94
65.09 53.84 46.01 100.48 71.44 57.05 48.53 $0.00
29.31 24.24 20.72 45.25 32.17 25.69 21.85 $0.00
51.66 42.73 36.51 79.75 56.70 45.28 38.52
16.46 13.62 11.64 25.42 18.07 14.43 12.28
16.46 13.62 11.64 25.42 18.07 14.43 12.28

1.23 1.01 0.87 1.89 1.35 1.07 0.91

1.20 0.99 0.85 1.85 1.31 1.05 0.89
4.35 3.60 3.08 6.72 4.78 3.82 3.25
0.92 0.76 0.65 1.42 1.01 0.81 0.69
1.32 1.09 0.93 2.04 1.45 1.16 0.98
- - - - - - -

$325.95 $269.60 $230.37 $503.17 $357.73 $285.65 $243.02

$598.97 $495.43 $423.35 $924.64 $657.39 $524.93 $446.59
4.60 3.80 3.25 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
5.52 4.56 3.90 8.52 6.06 4.84 4.11
7.02 5.81 4.96 10.84 7.71 6.15 5.23
8.22 6.80 5.81 12.68 9.02 7.20 6.13
40.29 33.32 28.47 62.19 44.22 35.31 30.04 $0.00
66.99 55.41 47.35 103.42 73.53 58.71 49.95 $0.00
5.40 4.46 3.81 8.33 5.92 4.73 4.02
12.33 10.19 8.71 19.03 13.53 10.80 9.19
92.26 76.31 65.21 142.42 101.25 80.85 68.79 $0.00
33.33 27.57 23.56 51.45 36.58 29.21 24.85
2.12 1.75 1.50 3.27 2.32 1.85 1.58
75.48 62.44 53.35 116.53 82.85 66.15 56.28
38.72 32.03 27.37 59.78 42.50 33.94 28.87
12.94 10.70 9.14 19.97 14.20 11.34 9.65
17.94 14.84 12.68 27.69 19.69 15.72 13.37
58.16 48.11 41.11 89.79 63.83 50.97 43.37 $0.00
22.29 18.44 15.75 34.41 24.46 19.53 16.62
0.80 0.66 0.56 1.23 0.87 0.70 0.59
13.55 11.21 9.58 20.92 14.87 11.88 10.10
148.18 122.56 104.73 228.75 162.63 129.86 110.48 $0.00
14.35 11.87 10.14 22.15 15.75 12.58 10.70
8.46 7.00 5.98 13.06 9.29 7.42 6.31
8.46 7.00 5.98 13.06 9.29 7.42 6.31

16.59 13.72 11.72 25.61 18.20 14.54 12.37

4.84 4.01 3.42 7.48 5.32 4.25 3.61
15.82 13.09 11.18 24.42 17.36 13.86 11.80
2.18 1.80 1.54 3.36 2.39 1.91 1.62

7.21 5.96 5.09 11.12 7.91 6.31 5.37

20.39 16.86 14.41 31.47 22.38 17.87 15.20
4.14 3.42 2.93 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
8.74 7.23 6.18 13.49 9.59 7.66 6.52
0.92 0.76 0.65 1.42 1.01 0.81 0.69
9.01 7.46 6.37 13.92 9.89 7.90 6.72
1.44 1.19 1.02 2.22 1.58 1.26 1.07
9.46 7.55 6.42 13.30 9.46 7.55 6.42
1.47 1.22 1.04 2.27 1.62 1.29 1.10
22.81 18.87 16.12 35.21 25.04 19.99 17.01
22.81 18.87 16.12 35.21 25.04 19.99 17.01
4.75 3.93 3.36 7.34 5.22 4.16 3.54
13.33 10.64 9.05 18.74 13.33 10.64 9.05
1.55 1.24 1.05 2.18 1.55 1.24 1.05

1.32 1.09 0.93 2.04 1.45 1.16 0.98

4.35 3.60 3.08 6.72 4.78 3.82 3.25
1.23 1.01 0.87 1.89 1.35 1.07 0.91
5.43 4.49 3.84 8.38 5.96 4.76 4.05
6.71 5.55 4.75 10.37 7.37 5.88 5.01
1.20 0.99 0.85 1.85 1.31 1.05 0.89

444.69 367.82 314.30 686.47 488.06 389.72 331.56

219.00 181.15 154.79 338.08 240.36 191.93 163.29
46.51 38.47 32.87 71.80 51.05 40.76 34.68
26.89 22.24 19.00 41.51 29.51 23.56 20.05
51.66 42.73 36.51 79.75 56.70 45.28 38.52
40.96 33.88 28.95 63.23 44.96 35.90 30.54
16.89 13.97 11.94 26.08 18.54 14.81 12.60
16.89 13.97 11.94 26.08 18.54 14.81 12.60
16.19 13.39 11.44 24.99 17.77 14.19 12.07
18.61 15.39 13.15 28.73 20.43 16.31 13.88
16.89 13.97 11.94 26.08 18.54 14.81 12.60
16.19 13.39 11.44 24.99 17.77 14.19 12.07
18.61 15.39 13.15 28.73 20.43 16.31 13.88
265.33 219.47 187.53 409.59 291.21 232.53 197.83
5.12 4.24 3.62 7.90 5.62 4.49 3.82
205.85 170.27 145.49 317.77 225.93 180.41 153.48
172.06 142.32 121.61 265.62 188.84 150.79 128.29
157.75 130.48 111.49 243.51 173.13 138.25 117.61
90.05 74.48 63.64 139.01 98.83 78.92 67.14 $0.00
8.43 6.97 5.96 13.02 9.25 7.39 6.29
10.27 8.50 7.26 15.86 11.27 9.00 7.66
108.57 89.80 76.73 167.60 119.15 95.15 80.95 $0.00
- - - - - - -

$456.68 $377.74 $322.77 $704.98 $501.22 $400.23 $340.50

67.30 53.74 45.72 94.66 67.30 53.74 45.72
5.52 4.56 3.90 8.52 6.06 4.84 4.11
12.36 10.22 8.73 19.07 13.56 10.83 9.21
88.50 73.20 62.55 136.62 97.13 77.56 65.99
143.27 118.51 101.26 221.17 157.25 125.56 106.82
184.97 153.00 130.74 285.54 203.01 162.11 137.91 $0.00
43.02 35.58 30.40 66.40 47.21 37.70 32.07
25.69 21.25 18.16 39.66 28.20 22.52 19.16
21.55 17.83 15.23 33.27 23.66 18.89 16.07
7.36 6.09 5.20 11.36 8.08 6.45 5.49
14.44 11.94 10.21 22.29 15.85 12.66 10.77
26.78 22.15 18.93 41.34 29.39 23.47 19.97
22.72 18.79 16.06 35.07 24.93 19.91 16.94
53.18 43.99 37.59 82.09 58.36 46.60 39.65
36.60 30.27 25.87 56.50 40.17 32.08 27.29
5.86 4.84 4.14 9.04 6.43 5.13 4.37
5.12 4.24 3.62 7.90 5.62 4.49 3.82
4.35 3.60 3.08 6.72 4.78 3.82 3.25
0.92 0.76 0.65 1.42 1.01 0.81 0.69

174.49 144.32 123.32 269.36 191.50 152.92 130.10

80.76 64.49 54.86 113.59 80.76 64.49 54.86
57.12 47.25 40.37 88.18 62.69 50.06 42.59
22.72 18.79 16.06 35.07 24.93 19.91 16.94
51.66 42.73 36.51 79.75 56.70 45.28 38.52
29.31 24.24 20.72 45.25 32.17 25.69 21.85 $0.00
68.74 56.86 48.58 106.11 75.44 60.24 51.25
48.52 40.14 34.30 74.91 53.26 42.53 36.18
132.01 105.41 89.68 185.68 132.01 105.41 89.68
102.82 82.10 69.85 144.61 102.82 82.10 69.85

45.99 38.04 32.51 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29

76.65 63.40 54.18 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
130.01 107.53 91.89 200.69 142.68 113.93 96.93
5.40 4.46 3.81 8.33 5.92 4.73 4.02
12.33 10.19 8.71 19.03 13.53 10.80 9.19
23.19 19.19 16.39 35.81 25.46 20.33 17.29
34.40 28.45 24.31 53.11 37.76 30.15 25.65
82.33 68.10 58.19 127.09 90.36 72.15 61.38
3.93 3.25 2.78 6.07 4.32 3.45 2.93
151.68 125.46 107.20 234.14 166.47 132.93 113.09 $0.00
139.19 115.13 98.38 214.87 152.77 121.99 103.78
247.79 204.95 175.13 382.51 271.95 217.16 184.75
18.47 15.28 13.05 28.51 20.27 16.19 13.77
222.79 184.28 157.46 343.92 244.52 195.25 166.11
3.50 2.89 2.47 5.40 3.84 3.06 2.61

35.58 29.43 25.15 54.92 39.05 31.18 26.53

96.93 80.18 68.51 149.64 106.39 84.95 72.27
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
1.73 1.43 1.22 2.68 1.90 1.52 1.29
4.14 3.42 2.93 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
9.01 7.46 6.37 13.92 9.89 7.90 6.72
8.74 7.23 6.18 13.49 9.59 7.66 6.52
2.28 1.88 1.61 3.52 2.50 2.00 1.70

35.93 29.72 25.40 55.47 39.44 31.49 26.79

16.53 13.67 11.68 25.51 18.14 14.48 12.32
- - - - - - -

$580.85 $480.44 $410.53 $896.65 $637.49 $509.04 $433.08

$800.40 $662.04 $565.71 $1,235.59 $878.46 $701.46 $596.78
67.30 53.74 45.72 94.66 67.30 53.74 45.72
5.52 4.56 3.90 8.52 6.06 4.84 4.11
12.36 10.22 8.73 19.07 13.56 10.83 9.21
88.50 73.20 62.55 136.62 97.13 77.56 65.99
143.27 118.51 101.26 221.17 157.25 125.56 106.82
184.97 153.00 130.74 285.54 203.01 162.11 137.91 $0.00
43.02 35.58 30.40 66.40 47.21 37.70 32.07
25.69 21.25 18.16 39.66 28.20 22.52 19.16
21.55 17.83 15.23 33.27 23.66 18.89 16.07
7.36 6.09 5.20 11.36 8.08 6.45 5.49
14.44 11.94 10.21 22.29 15.85 12.66 10.77
26.78 22.15 18.93 41.34 29.39 23.47 19.97
53.18 43.99 37.59 82.09 58.36 46.60 39.65
36.60 30.27 25.87 56.50 40.17 32.08 27.29
5.86 4.84 4.14 9.04 6.43 5.13 4.37
5.12 4.24 3.62 7.90 5.62 4.49 3.82
4.35 3.60 3.08 6.72 4.78 3.82 3.25
0.92 0.76 0.65 1.42 1.01 0.81 0.69

174.49 144.32 123.32 269.36 191.50 152.92 130.10

80.76 64.49 54.86 113.59 80.76 64.49 54.86
57.12 47.25 40.37 88.18 62.69 50.06 42.59
22.72 18.79 16.06 35.07 24.93 19.91 16.94
51.66 42.73 36.51 79.75 56.70 45.28 38.52
29.31 24.24 20.72 45.25 32.17 25.69 21.85 $0.00
68.74 56.86 48.58 106.11 75.44 60.24 51.25
48.52 40.14 34.30 74.91 53.26 42.53 36.18
132.01 105.41 89.68 185.68 132.01 105.41 89.68
102.82 82.10 69.85 144.61 102.82 82.10 69.85

34.40 28.45 24.31 53.11 37.76 30.15 25.65

125.51 103.81 88.71 193.74 137.75 109.99 93.58
806.76 667.30 570.20 1,245.39 885.43 707.03 601.52 $0.00
44.98 37.20 31.79 69.43 49.36 39.42 33.54 $0.00
40.04 33.12 28.30 61.81 43.95 35.09 29.86
82.33 68.10 58.19 127.09 90.36 72.15 61.38
3.93 3.25 2.78 6.07 4.32 3.45 2.93
151.68 125.46 107.20 234.14 166.47 132.93 113.09 $0.00
462.95 382.92 327.21 714.66 508.10 405.72 345.17
7.33 6.06 5.18 11.31 8.04 6.42 5.46
1.29 1.07 0.91 1.99 1.41 1.13 0.96
245.53 203.08 173.53 379.02 269.47 215.17 183.06 $0.00
10.30 8.52 7.28 15.90 11.31 9.03 7.68
139.19 115.13 98.38 214.87 152.77 121.99 103.78
247.79 204.95 175.13 382.51 271.95 217.16 184.75
18.47 15.28 13.05 28.51 20.27 16.19 13.77
222.79 184.28 157.46 343.92 244.52 195.25 166.11
3.50 2.89 2.47 5.40 3.84 3.06 2.61
95.71 79.17 67.65 147.75 105.05 83.88 71.36
42.65 35.28 30.14 65.84 46.81 37.38 31.80

35.58 29.43 25.15 54.92 39.05 31.18 26.53

96.93 80.18 68.51 149.64 106.39 84.95 72.27
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
4.14 3.42 2.93 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
9.01 7.46 6.37 13.92 9.89 7.90 6.72
8.74 7.23 6.18 13.49 9.59 7.66 6.52
2.28 1.88 1.61 3.52 2.50 2.00 1.70

260.67 215.61 184.24 402.40 286.09 228.45 194.36 $0.00

16.89 13.97 11.94 26.08 18.54 14.81 12.60
16.89 13.97 11.94 26.08 18.54 14.81 12.60
16.19 13.39 11.44 24.99 17.77 14.19 12.07
16.19 13.39 11.44 24.99 17.77 14.19 12.07
18.61 15.39 13.15 28.73 20.43 16.31 13.88
16.89 13.97 11.94 26.08 18.54 14.81 12.60
18.61 15.39 13.15 28.73 20.43 16.31 13.88
46.51 38.47 32.87 71.80 51.05 40.76 34.68
26.89 22.24 19.00 41.51 29.51 23.56 20.05
51.66 42.73 36.51 79.75 56.70 45.28 38.52
40.96 33.88 28.95 63.23 44.96 35.90 30.54
22.20 18.36 15.69 34.26 24.36 19.45 16.55
22.20 18.36 15.69 34.26 24.36 19.45 16.55
877.34 725.68 620.09 1,354.36 962.90 768.89 654.14

45.99 38.04 32.51 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29

563.38 465.99 398.19 869.69 618.32 493.74 420.05 $0.00
324.83 268.68 229.58 501.44 356.51 284.67 242.19
283.33 234.35 200.25 437.38 310.96 248.31 211.25 $0.00
212.93 176.13 150.50 328.71 233.70 186.61 158.76 $0.00
202.60 167.58 143.20 312.76 222.36 177.56 151.06 $0.00
90.05 74.48 63.64 139.01 98.83 78.92 67.14 $0.00
647.71 535.74 457.79 999.87 710.87 567.64 482.93
77.54 64.14 54.80 119.70 85.10 67.95 57.81 $0.00
108.57 89.80 76.73 167.60 119.15 95.15 80.95 $0.00
203.71 168.49 143.98 314.46 223.57 178.52 151.88
12.60 10.42 8.90 19.45 13.83 11.04 9.39
8.92 7.38 6.30 13.77 9.79 7.82 6.65

35.93 29.72 25.40 55.47 39.44 31.49 26.79

16.53 13.67 11.68 25.51 18.14 14.48 12.32
- - - - - - -

$897.45 $742.31 $634.30 $1,385.40 $984.97 $786.51 $669.14

$1,073.87 $888.23 $758.99 $1,657.73 $1,178.59 $941.12 $800.67
$1,087.63 $899.62 $768.72 $1,678.98 $1,193.70 $953.19 $810.94
$1,289.62 $1,066.69 $911.48 $1,990.79 $1,415.39 $1,130.21 $961.54
71.38 59.04 50.45 110.18 78.34 62.55 53.22
51.82 42.86 36.62 79.99 56.87 45.41 38.63

$936.42 $774.55 $661.85 $1,445.55 $1,027.74 $820.66 $698.19

$1,092.63 $903.75 $772.25 $1,686.70 $1,199.19 $957.57 $814.66
$1,150.09 $951.28 $812.86 $1,775.40 $1,262.25 $1,007.92 $857.50
$1,326.29 $1,097.02 $937.40 $2,047.40 $1,455.63 $1,162.34 $988.88
71.38 59.04 50.45 110.18 78.34 62.55 53.22
51.82 42.86 36.62 79.99 56.87 45.41 38.63
20.14 16.66 14.24 31.10 22.11 17.65 15.02
84.32 69.74 59.59 130.16 92.54 73.89 62.87
5.52 4.56 3.90 8.52 6.06 4.84 4.11
12.36 10.22 8.73 19.07 13.56 10.83 9.21
143.27 118.51 101.26 221.17 157.25 125.56 106.82
184.97 153.00 130.74 285.54 203.01 162.11 137.91 $0.00
43.02 35.58 30.40 66.40 47.21 37.70 32.07
25.69 21.25 18.16 39.66 28.20 22.52 19.16
105.50 87.26 74.57 162.86 115.79 92.46 78.66
245.53 203.08 173.53 379.02 269.47 215.17 183.06 $0.00
27.87 23.05 19.70 43.02 30.59 24.42 20.78
21.55 17.83 15.23 33.27 23.66 18.89 16.07
14.44 11.94 10.21 22.29 15.85 12.66 10.77
7.36 6.09 5.20 11.36 8.08 6.45 5.49
28.88 23.89 20.41 44.58 31.70 25.31 21.53

22.93 18.97 16.21 35.40 25.17 20.10 17.10

10.30 8.52 7.28 15.90 11.31 9.03 7.68
15.33 12.68 10.84 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
1.04 0.86 0.74 1.61 1.14 0.91 0.78
0.77 0.63 0.54 1.18 0.84 0.67 0.57
53.50 44.25 37.81 82.59 58.72 46.89 39.89 $0.00
151.68 125.46 107.20 234.14 166.47 132.93 113.09 $0.00
806.76 667.30 570.20 1,245.39 885.43 707.03 601.52 $0.00
44.98 37.20 31.79 69.43 49.36 39.42 33.54 $0.00
40.04 33.12 28.30 61.81 43.95 35.09 29.86
380.49 314.72 268.92 587.37 417.60 333.46 283.69 $0.00
99.92 82.65 70.62 154.25 109.67 87.57 74.50 $0.00
180.43 149.24 127.53 278.54 198.03 158.13 134.53 $0.00
189.60 156.83 134.01 292.69 208.09 166.16 141.37 $0.00
260.67 215.61 184.24 402.40 286.09 228.45 194.36 $0.00
16.89 13.97 11.94 26.08 18.54 14.81 12.60
16.89 13.97 11.94 26.08 18.54 14.81 12.60
16.19 13.39 11.44 24.99 17.77 14.19 12.07
18.61 15.39 13.15 28.73 20.43 16.31 13.88
16.89 13.97 11.94 26.08 18.54 14.81 12.60
16.19 13.39 11.44 24.99 17.77 14.19 12.07
18.61 15.39 13.15 28.73 20.43 16.31 13.88
324.84 268.69 229.59 501.46 356.52 284.69 242.20 $0.00
45.99 38.04 32.51 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
48.29 39.94 34.13 74.54 53.00 42.32 36.00
283.33 234.35 200.25 437.38 310.96 248.31 211.25 $0.00
212.93 176.13 150.50 328.71 233.70 186.61 158.76 $0.00
202.60 167.58 143.20 312.76 222.36 177.56 151.06 $0.00
90.05 74.48 63.64 139.01 98.83 78.92 67.14 $0.00
647.72 535.76 457.80 999.89 710.89 567.66 482.94 $0.00
647.72 535.76 457.80 999.89 710.89 567.66 482.94
108.57 89.80 76.73 167.60 119.15 95.15 80.95 $0.00
8.43 6.97 5.96 13.02 9.25 7.39 6.29

346.52 286.62 244.91 534.92 380.31 303.68 258.36 $0.00

180.28 149.12 127.42 278.30 197.86 158.00 134.42
879.45 727.43 621.58 1,357.61 965.22 770.74 655.72 $0.00
198.31 164.03 140.16 306.13 217.65 173.80 147.86
43.97 36.37 31.07 67.87 48.25 38.53 32.78
127.64 105.57 90.21 197.03 140.08 111.86 95.17
51.66 42.73 36.51 79.75 56.70 45.28 38.52
22.72 18.79 16.06 35.07 24.93 19.91 16.94
65.09 53.84 46.01 100.48 71.44 57.05 48.53 $0.00
49.45 40.91 34.95 76.34 54.28 43.34 36.87
77.73 62.07 52.81 109.33 77.73 62.07 52.81
29.31 24.24 20.72 45.25 32.17 25.69 21.85 $0.00
54.42 45.01 38.46 84.01 59.73 47.69 40.58
81.52 67.43 57.62 125.85 89.48 71.45 60.78
26.03 21.53 18.40 40.18 28.57 22.81 19.41
53.32 44.10 37.68 82.31 58.52 46.73 39.75
12.36 10.22 8.73 19.07 13.56 10.83 9.21
60.40 49.96 42.69 93.24 66.29 52.93 45.03
57.95 47.93 40.96 89.45 63.60 50.78 43.21
186.41 154.19 131.75 287.77 204.59 163.37 138.99 $0.00
127.48 105.45 90.10 196.80 139.92 111.73 95.05
35.93 29.72 25.40 55.47 39.44 31.49 26.79
- - - - - - -

$935.93 $774.14 $661.50 $1,444.80 $1,027.20 $820.23 $697.82

$1,133.29 $937.38 $800.99 $1,749.46 $1,243.80 $993.20 $844.97
$1,327.39 $1,097.94 $938.18 $2,049.11 $1,456.84 $1,163.31 $989.70
$1,327.39 $1,097.94 $938.18 $2,049.11 $1,456.84 $1,163.31 $989.70
71.38 59.04 50.45 110.18 78.34 62.55 53.22
51.82 42.86 36.62 79.99 56.87 45.41 38.63
20.97 17.35 14.82 32.37 23.02 18.38 15.64

$1,434.12 $1,186.21 $1,013.61 $2,213.86 $1,573.98 $1,256.84 $1,069.28

$1,535.94 $1,270.43 $1,085.58 $2,371.04 $1,685.73 $1,346.08 $1,145.19
71.38 59.04 50.45 110.18 78.34 62.55 53.22
51.82 42.86 36.62 79.99 56.87 45.41 38.63
5.52 4.56 3.90 8.52 6.06 4.84 4.11
12.36 10.22 8.73 19.07 13.56 10.83 9.21
22.93 18.97 16.21 35.40 25.17 20.10 17.10
0.77 0.63 0.54 1.18 0.84 0.67 0.57
27.87 23.05 19.70 43.02 30.59 24.42 20.78
143.27 118.51 101.26 221.17 157.25 125.56 106.82
184.97 153.00 130.74 285.54 203.01 162.11 137.91 $0.00
43.02 35.58 30.40 66.40 47.21 37.70 32.07
25.69 21.25 18.16 39.66 28.20 22.52 19.16
21.55 17.83 15.23 33.27 23.66 18.89 16.07
14.44 11.94 10.21 22.29 15.85 12.66 10.77
7.36 6.09 5.20 11.36 8.08 6.45 5.49
105.50 87.26 74.57 162.86 115.79 92.46 78.66
53.50 44.25 37.81 82.59 58.72 46.89 39.89 $0.00
151.68 125.46 107.20 234.14 166.47 132.93 113.09 $0.00
245.53 203.08 173.53 379.02 269.47 215.17 183.06 $0.00
10.30 8.52 7.28 15.90 11.31 9.03 7.68
806.76 667.30 570.20 1,245.39 885.43 707.03 601.52 $0.00
44.98 37.20 31.79 69.43 49.36 39.42 33.54 $0.00
40.04 33.12 28.30 61.81 43.95 35.09 29.86
380.49 314.72 268.92 587.37 417.60 333.46 283.69 $0.00
1.29 1.07 0.91 1.99 1.41 1.13 0.96
7.33 6.06 5.18 11.31 8.04 6.42 5.46
99.92 82.65 70.62 154.25 109.67 87.57 74.50 $0.00
180.43 149.24 127.53 278.54 198.03 158.13 134.53 $0.00
15.33 12.68 10.84 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
189.60 156.83 134.01 292.69 208.09 166.16 141.37 $0.00
3.50 2.89 2.47 5.40 3.84 3.06 2.61
0.92 0.76 0.65 1.42 1.01 0.81 0.69
4.26 3.53 3.01 6.58 4.68 3.73 3.18
42.65 35.28 30.14 65.84 46.81 37.38 31.80

260.67 215.61 184.24 402.40 286.09 228.45 194.36 $0.00

46.51 38.47 32.87 71.80 51.05 40.76 34.68
26.89 22.24 19.00 41.51 29.51 23.56 20.05
51.66 42.73 36.51 79.75 56.70 45.28 38.52
40.96 33.88 28.95 63.23 44.96 35.90 30.54
16.89 13.97 11.94 26.08 18.54 14.81 12.60
16.89 13.97 11.94 26.08 18.54 14.81 12.60
16.19 13.39 11.44 24.99 17.77 14.19 12.07
18.61 15.39 13.15 28.73 20.43 16.31 13.88
16.89 13.97 11.94 26.08 18.54 14.81 12.60
16.19 13.39 11.44 24.99 17.77 14.19 12.07
18.61 15.39 13.15 28.73 20.43 16.31 13.88
324.84 268.69 229.59 501.46 356.52 284.69 242.20 $0.00
283.33 234.35 200.25 437.38 310.96 248.31 211.25 $0.00
8.43 6.97 5.96 13.02 9.25 7.39 6.29
212.93 176.13 150.50 328.71 233.70 186.61 158.76 $0.00
202.60 167.58 143.20 312.76 222.36 177.56 151.06 $0.00
90.05 74.48 63.64 139.01 98.83 78.92 67.14 $0.00
647.72 535.76 457.80 999.89 710.89 567.66 482.94
108.57 89.80 76.73 167.60 119.15 95.15 80.95 $0.00
563.38 465.99 398.19 869.69 618.32 493.74 420.05 $0.00
203.71 168.49 143.98 314.46 223.57 178.52 151.88
77.54 64.14 54.80 119.70 85.10 67.95 57.81 $0.00
321.56 265.98 227.27 496.40 352.92 281.81 239.76 $0.00
166.60 133.03 113.18 234.33 166.60 133.03 113.18
163.44 130.51 111.03 229.88 163.44 130.51 111.03
215.49 172.08 146.40 303.10 215.49 172.08 146.40
31.24 25.84 22.08 48.23 34.29 27.38 23.29
25.51 21.10 18.03 39.38 28.00 22.36 19.02

206.92 171.15 146.25 319.43 227.10 181.35 154.28 $0.00

201.90 161.22 137.16 283.98 201.90 161.22 137.16
346.52 286.62 244.91 534.92 380.31 303.68 258.36 $0.00
212.00 169.28 144.02 298.18 212.00 169.28 144.02
879.45 727.43 621.58 1,357.61 965.22 770.74 655.72 $0.00
233.19 186.21 158.42 328.00 233.19 186.21 158.42
127.64 105.57 90.21 197.03 140.08 111.86 95.17
24.34 20.14 17.21 37.58 26.72 21.33 18.15
29.31 24.24 20.72 45.25 32.17 25.69 21.85 $0.00
26.89 22.24 19.00 41.51 29.51 23.56 20.05
77.72 64.29 54.93 119.98 85.30 68.12 57.95
131.53 108.79 92.96 203.05 144.36 115.27 98.07
84.68 70.04 59.85 130.73 92.94 74.21 63.14
13.46 10.75 9.14 18.93 13.46 10.75 9.14
60.40 49.96 42.69 93.24 66.29 52.93 45.03
186.41 154.19 131.75 287.77 204.59 163.37 138.99 $0.00
30.08 24.88 21.26 46.43 33.01 26.36 22.43
46.82 38.72 33.09 72.27 51.38 41.03 34.91
4.14 3.42 2.93 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
46.08 38.12 32.57 71.14 50.58 40.39 34.36
55.37 45.80 39.14 85.48 60.77 48.53 41.29
65.09 53.84 46.01 100.48 71.44 57.05 48.53 $0.00
49.45 40.91 34.95 76.34 54.28 43.34 36.87
70.67 56.43 48.01 99.39 70.67 56.43 48.01
117.78 94.05 80.01 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01
950.43 786.13 671.75 1,467.18 1,043.12 832.94 708.64
68.74 56.86 48.58 106.11 75.44 60.24 51.25
- - - - - - -

$635.55 $525.69 $449.20 $981.10 $697.53 $556.99 $473.86

$695.49 $575.27 $491.56 $1,073.63 $763.32 $609.52 $518.56
59.02 48.82 41.71 91.11 64.78 51.72 44.01
32.84 27.16 23.21 50.69 36.04 28.78 24.48
51.48 42.58 36.38 79.47 56.50 45.11 38.38
5.52 4.56 3.90 8.52 6.06 4.84 4.11
7.02 5.81 4.96 10.84 7.71 6.15 5.23
8.22 6.80 5.81 12.68 9.02 7.20 6.13
38.72 32.03 27.37 59.78 42.50 33.94 28.87
75.48 62.44 53.35 116.53 82.85 66.15 56.28
58.16 48.11 41.11 89.79 63.83 50.97 43.37 $0.00
17.94 14.84 12.68 27.69 19.69 15.72 13.37
22.29 18.44 15.75 34.41 24.46 19.53 16.62
0.80 0.66 0.56 1.23 0.87 0.70 0.59
46.33 38.32 32.74 71.52 50.85 40.60 34.54
135.58 112.14 95.82 209.29 148.80 118.82 101.09
12.33 10.19 8.71 19.03 13.53 10.80 9.19
15.33 12.68 10.84 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
14.93 12.35 10.55 23.05 16.39 13.09 11.13
10.95 9.05 7.74 16.90 12.01 9.59 8.16
5.12 4.24 3.62 7.90 5.62 4.49 3.82
9.66 7.99 6.83 14.91 10.60 8.46 7.20
1.47 1.22 1.04 2.27 1.62 1.29 1.10
4.75 3.93 3.36 7.34 5.22 4.16 3.54
0.92 0.76 0.65 1.42 1.01 0.81 0.69
4.35 3.60 3.08 6.72 4.78 3.82 3.25
7.21 5.96 5.09 11.12 7.91 6.31 5.37
9.01 7.46 6.37 13.92 9.89 7.90 6.72
1.44 1.19 1.02 2.22 1.58 1.26 1.07
8.74 7.23 6.18 13.49 9.59 7.66 6.52
4.14 3.42 2.93 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
22.81 18.87 16.12 35.21 25.04 19.99 17.01
22.81 18.87 16.12 35.21 25.04 19.99 17.01
5.43 4.49 3.84 8.38 5.96 4.76 4.05
2.12 1.75 1.50 3.27 2.32 1.85 1.58
12.94 10.70 9.14 19.97 14.20 11.34 9.65

66.99 55.41 47.35 103.42 73.53 58.71 49.95 $0.00

40.29 33.32 28.47 62.19 44.22 35.31 30.04 $0.00
5.40 4.46 3.81 8.33 5.92 4.73 4.02
8.46 7.00 5.98 13.06 9.29 7.42 6.31
95.48 78.97 67.48 147.39 104.79 83.67 71.19 $0.00
200.15 165.55 141.46 308.97 219.67 175.41 149.23 $0.00
2.12 1.75 1.50 3.27 2.32 1.85 1.58
148.18 122.56 104.73 228.75 162.63 129.86 110.48 $0.00
3.50 2.89 2.47 5.40 3.84 3.06 2.61
3.50 2.89 2.47 5.40 3.84 3.06 2.61
444.69 367.82 314.30 686.47 488.06 389.72 331.56
46.51 38.47 32.87 71.80 51.05 40.76 34.68
26.89 22.24 19.00 41.51 29.51 23.56 20.05
51.66 42.73 36.51 79.75 56.70 45.28 38.52
40.96 33.88 28.95 63.23 44.96 35.90 30.54
16.89 13.97 11.94 26.08 18.54 14.81 12.60
16.89 13.97 11.94 26.08 18.54 14.81 12.60
16.19 13.39 11.44 24.99 17.77 14.19 12.07
18.61 15.39 13.15 28.73 20.43 16.31 13.88
16.89 13.97 11.94 26.08 18.54 14.81 12.60
16.19 13.39 11.44 24.99 17.77 14.19 12.07
18.61 15.39 13.15 28.73 20.43 16.31 13.88
265.33 219.47 187.53 409.59 291.21 232.53 197.83
205.85 170.27 145.49 317.77 225.93 180.41 153.48
172.06 142.32 121.61 265.62 188.84 150.79 128.29
157.75 130.48 111.49 243.51 173.13 138.25 117.61
90.05 74.48 63.64 139.01 98.83 78.92 67.14 $0.00
647.72 535.76 457.80 999.89 710.89 567.66 482.94 $0.00
647.72 535.76 457.80 999.89 710.89 567.66 482.94
5.12 4.24 3.62 7.90 5.62 4.49 3.82
8.43 6.97 5.96 13.02 9.25 7.39 6.29
62.09 51.35 43.88 95.84 68.14 54.41 46.29 $0.00
108.57 89.80 76.73 167.60 119.15 95.15 80.95 $0.00

149.47 123.63 105.64 230.73 164.04 130.99 111.44 $0.00

47.22 39.05 33.37 72.89 51.82 41.38 35.20
413.14 341.73 292.00 637.77 453.43 362.07 308.04 $0.00
100.32 82.98 70.90 154.86 110.10 87.92 74.80
51.66 42.73 36.51 79.75 56.70 45.28 38.52
22.72 18.79 16.06 35.07 24.93 19.91 16.94
16.46 13.62 11.64 25.42 18.07 14.43 12.28
16.46 13.62 11.64 25.42 18.07 14.43 12.28
16.46 13.62 11.64 25.42 18.07 14.43 12.28
96.09 79.48 67.91 148.33 105.46 84.21 71.64
65.09 53.84 46.01 100.48 71.44 57.05 48.53 $0.00
49.45 40.91 34.95 76.34 54.28 43.34 36.87
29.31 24.24 20.72 45.25 32.17 25.69 21.85 $0.00
98.88 81.79 69.89 152.64 108.52 86.66 73.72
54.42 45.01 38.46 84.01 59.73 47.69 40.58
26.03 21.53 18.40 40.18 28.57 22.81 19.41
35.93 29.72 25.40 55.47 39.44 31.49 26.79
16.53 13.67 11.68 25.51 18.14 14.48 12.32
- - - - - - -

$2,572.16 $2,127.53 $1,817.96 $3,970.66 $2,823.00 $2,254.20 $1,917.79

1,647.64 1,362.82 1,164.52 2,543.47 1,808.32 1,443.97 1,228.47
$3,154.36 $2,609.09 $2,229.45 $4,869.41 $3,461.98 $2,764.44 $2,351.88
2,035.76 1,683.85 1,438.84 3,142.62 2,234.29 1,784.11 1,517.86
570.12 471.57 402.95 880.10 625.72 499.65 425.08
133.06 110.06 94.05 205.41 146.04 116.62 99.21
5.89 4.87 4.16 9.09 6.46 5.16 4.39
71.35 59.01 50.43 110.14 78.30 62.53 53.20
33.05 27.34 23.36 51.02 36.27 28.97 24.64
12.36 10.22 8.73 19.07 13.56 10.83 9.21
184.97 153.00 130.74 285.54 203.01 162.11 137.91 $0.00
43.02 35.58 30.40 66.40 47.21 37.70 32.07
25.69 21.25 18.16 39.66 28.20 22.52 19.16
245.53 203.08 173.53 379.02 269.47 215.17 183.06 $0.00
21.55 17.83 15.23 33.27 23.66 18.89 16.07
14.44 11.94 10.21 22.29 15.85 12.66 10.77
7.36 6.09 5.20 11.36 8.08 6.45 5.49

10.30 8.52 7.28 15.90 11.31 9.03 7.68

15.33 12.68 10.84 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
1.04 0.86 0.74 1.61 1.14 0.91 0.78
0.77 0.63 0.54 1.18 0.84 0.67 0.57
53.50 44.25 37.81 82.59 58.72 46.89 39.89 $0.00
151.68 125.46 107.20 234.14 166.47 132.93 113.09 $0.00
806.76 667.30 570.20 1,245.39 885.43 707.03 601.52 $0.00
44.98 37.20 31.79 69.43 49.36 39.42 33.54 $0.00
40.04 33.12 28.30 61.81 43.95 35.09 29.86
380.49 314.72 268.92 587.37 417.60 333.46 283.69 $0.00
99.92 82.65 70.62 154.25 109.67 87.57 74.50 $0.00
180.43 149.24 127.53 278.54 198.03 158.13 134.53 $0.00
189.60 156.83 134.01 292.69 208.09 166.16 141.37 $0.00
260.67 215.61 184.24 402.40 286.09 228.45 194.36 $0.00
16.89 13.97 11.94 26.08 18.54 14.81 12.60
16.89 13.97 11.94 26.08 18.54 14.81 12.60
16.19 13.39 11.44 24.99 17.77 14.19 12.07
18.61 15.39 13.15 28.73 20.43 16.31 13.88
16.89 13.97 11.94 26.08 18.54 14.81 12.60
16.19 13.39 11.44 24.99 17.77 14.19 12.07
18.61 15.39 13.15 28.73 20.43 16.31 13.88
324.84 268.69 229.59 501.46 356.52 284.69 242.20 $0.00
45.99 38.04 32.51 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
48.29 39.94 34.13 74.54 53.00 42.32 36.00
283.33 234.35 200.25 437.38 310.96 248.31 211.25 $0.00
8.43 6.97 5.96 13.02 9.25 7.39 6.29
212.93 176.13 150.50 328.71 233.70 186.61 158.76 $0.00
202.60 167.58 143.20 312.76 222.36 177.56 151.06 $0.00
90.05 74.48 63.64 139.01 98.83 78.92 67.14 $0.00
647.72 535.76 457.80 999.89 710.89 567.66 482.94 $0.00
647.72 535.76 457.80 999.89 710.89 567.66 482.94
108.57 89.80 76.73 167.60 119.15 95.15 80.95 $0.00

454.17 375.66 321.00 701.10 498.46 398.03 338.63 $0.00

570.12 471.57 402.95 880.10 625.72 499.65 425.08
917.90 759.23 648.76 1,416.97 1,007.41 804.43 684.38 $0.00
570.12 471.57 402.95 880.10 625.72 499.65 425.08
127.64 105.57 90.21 197.03 140.08 111.86 95.17
51.66 42.73 36.51 79.75 56.70 45.28 38.52
22.72 18.79 16.06 35.07 24.93 19.91 16.94
65.09 53.84 46.01 100.48 71.44 57.05 48.53 $0.00
49.45 40.91 34.95 76.34 54.28 43.34 36.87
29.31 24.24 20.72 45.25 32.17 25.69 21.85 $0.00
54.42 45.01 38.46 84.01 59.73 47.69 40.58
81.52 67.43 57.62 125.85 89.48 71.45 60.78
26.03 21.53 18.40 40.18 28.57 22.81 19.41
53.32 44.10 37.68 82.31 58.52 46.73 39.75
12.36 10.22 8.73 19.07 13.56 10.83 9.21
60.40 49.96 42.69 93.24 66.29 52.93 45.03
57.95 47.93 40.96 89.45 63.60 50.78 43.21
186.41 154.19 131.75 287.77 204.59 163.37 138.99 $0.00
127.48 105.45 90.10 196.80 139.92 111.73 95.05
- - - - - - -

$3,097.46 $2,562.02 $2,189.23 $4,781.56 $3,399.52 $2,714.57 $2,309.45

1,737.99 1,437.56 1,228.39 2,682.95 1,907.48 1,523.15 1,295.84
$3,824.47 $3,163.36 $2,703.07 $5,903.85 $4,197.43 $3,351.71 $2,851.51
2,146.94 1,775.81 1,517.42 3,314.24 2,356.31 1,881.54 1,600.75
625.72 499.65 425.08 880.10 625.72 499.65 425.08
139.47 115.36 98.58 215.30 153.07 122.23 103.99
6.16 5.10 4.36 9.51 6.76 5.40 4.59
88.09 72.86 62.26 135.98 96.68 77.20 65.68
33.05 27.34 23.36 51.02 36.27 28.97 24.64
12.36 10.22 8.73 19.07 13.56 10.83 9.21
184.97 153.00 130.74 285.54 203.01 162.11 137.91 $0.00
43.02 35.58 30.40 66.40 47.21 37.70 32.07
25.69 21.25 18.16 39.66 28.20 22.52 19.16
21.55 17.83 15.23 33.27 23.66 18.89 16.07
14.44 11.94 10.21 22.29 15.85 12.66 10.77
7.36 6.09 5.20 11.36 8.08 6.45 5.49
53.50 44.25 37.81 82.59 58.72 46.89 39.89 $0.00

151.68 125.46 107.20 234.14 166.47 132.93 113.09 $0.00

245.53 203.08 173.53 379.02 269.47 215.17 183.06 $0.00
10.30 8.52 7.28 15.90 11.31 9.03 7.68
806.76 667.30 570.20 1,245.39 885.43 707.03 601.52 $0.00
44.98 37.20 31.79 69.43 49.36 39.42 33.54 $0.00
40.04 33.12 28.30 61.81 43.95 35.09 29.86
380.49 314.72 268.92 587.37 417.60 333.46 283.69 $0.00
1.29 1.07 0.91 1.99 1.41 1.13 0.96
7.33 6.06 5.18 11.31 8.04 6.42 5.46
99.92 82.65 70.62 154.25 109.67 87.57 74.50 $0.00
180.43 149.24 127.53 278.54 198.03 158.13 134.53 $0.00
15.33 12.68 10.84 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
189.60 156.83 134.01 292.69 208.09 166.16 141.37 $0.00
3.50 2.89 2.47 5.40 3.84 3.06 2.61
260.67 215.61 184.24 402.40 286.09 228.45 194.36 $0.00
46.51 38.47 32.87 71.80 51.05 40.76 34.68
26.89 22.24 19.00 41.51 29.51 23.56 20.05
51.66 42.73 36.51 79.75 56.70 45.28 38.52
40.96 33.88 28.95 63.23 44.96 35.90 30.54
16.89 13.97 11.94 26.08 18.54 14.81 12.60
16.89 13.97 11.94 26.08 18.54 14.81 12.60
16.19 13.39 11.44 24.99 17.77 14.19 12.07
18.61 15.39 13.15 28.73 20.43 16.31 13.88
16.89 13.97 11.94 26.08 18.54 14.81 12.60
16.19 13.39 11.44 24.99 17.77 14.19 12.07
18.61 15.39 13.15 28.73 20.43 16.31 13.88
324.84 268.69 229.59 501.46 356.52 284.69 242.20 $0.00
45.99 38.04 32.51 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
283.33 234.35 200.25 437.38 310.96 248.31 211.25 $0.00
8.43 6.97 5.96 13.02 9.25 7.39 6.29
212.93 176.13 150.50 328.71 233.70 186.61 158.76 $0.00
202.60 167.58 143.20 312.76 222.36 177.56 151.06 $0.00
90.05 74.48 63.64 139.01 98.83 78.92 67.14 $0.00
647.72 535.76 457.80 999.89 710.89 567.66 482.94
108.57 89.80 76.73 167.60 119.15 95.15 80.95 $0.00
563.38 465.99 398.19 869.69 618.32 493.74 420.05 $0.00
77.54 64.14 54.80 119.70 85.10 67.95 57.81 $0.00
203.71 168.49 143.98 314.46 223.57 178.52 151.88

141.33 112.85 96.01 198.79 141.33 112.85 96.01

406.89 336.55 287.58 628.12 446.57 356.59 303.38 $0.00
625.72 499.65 425.08 880.10 625.72 499.65 425.08
199.88 159.61 135.79 281.14 199.88 159.61 135.79
232.08 185.32 157.67 326.44 232.08 185.32 157.67
215.49 172.08 146.40 303.10 215.49 172.08 146.40
31.24 25.84 22.08 48.23 34.29 27.38 23.29
25.51 21.10 18.03 39.38 28.00 22.36 19.02
827.79 684.69 585.07 1,277.86 908.52 725.46 617.20 $0.00
625.72 499.65 425.08 880.10 625.72 499.65 425.08
42.65 35.28 30.14 65.84 46.81 37.38 31.80
65.09 53.84 46.01 100.48 71.44 57.05 48.53 $0.00
49.45 40.91 34.95 76.34 54.28 43.34 36.87
29.31 24.24 20.72 45.25 32.17 25.69 21.85 $0.00
77.72 64.29 54.93 119.98 85.30 68.12 57.95
131.53 108.79 92.96 203.05 144.36 115.27 98.07
84.68 70.04 59.85 130.73 92.94 74.21 63.14
13.46 10.75 9.14 18.93 13.46 10.75 9.14
- - - - - - -

$807.09 $667.57 $570.44 $1,245.91 $885.80 $707.32 $601.76

$950.90 $786.53 $672.08 $1,467.91 $1,043.63 $833.36 $708.99
67.30 53.74 45.72 94.66 67.30 53.74 45.72
5.52 4.56 3.90 8.52 6.06 4.84 4.11
12.36 10.22 8.73 19.07 13.56 10.83 9.21
88.50 73.20 62.55 136.62 97.13 77.56 65.99
143.27 118.51 101.26 221.17 157.25 125.56 106.82
184.97 153.00 130.74 285.54 203.01 162.11 137.91 $0.00
43.02 35.58 30.40 66.40 47.21 37.70 32.07
25.69 21.25 18.16 39.66 28.20 22.52 19.16
21.55 17.83 15.23 33.27 23.66 18.89 16.07
7.36 6.09 5.20 11.36 8.08 6.45 5.49
14.44 11.94 10.21 22.29 15.85 12.66 10.77
26.78 22.15 18.93 41.34 29.39 23.47 19.97
53.18 43.99 37.59 82.09 58.36 46.60 39.65
36.60 30.27 25.87 56.50 40.17 32.08 27.29
5.12 4.24 3.62 7.90 5.62 4.49 3.82
4.35 3.60 3.08 6.72 4.78 3.82 3.25

174.49 144.32 123.32 269.36 191.50 152.92 130.10

80.76 64.49 54.86 113.59 80.76 64.49 54.86
57.12 47.25 40.37 88.18 62.69 50.06 42.59
22.72 18.79 16.06 35.07 24.93 19.91 16.94
51.66 42.73 36.51 79.75 56.70 45.28 38.52
29.31 24.24 20.72 45.25 32.17 25.69 21.85 $0.00
68.74 56.86 48.58 106.11 75.44 60.24 51.25
48.52 40.14 34.30 74.91 53.26 42.53 36.18
132.01 105.41 89.68 185.68 132.01 105.41 89.68
102.82 82.10 69.85 144.61 102.82 82.10 69.85

34.40 28.45 24.31 53.11 37.76 30.15 25.65

125.51 103.81 88.71 193.74 137.75 109.99 93.58
806.76 667.30 570.20 1,245.39 885.43 707.03 601.52 $0.00
44.98 37.20 31.79 69.43 49.36 39.42 33.54 $0.00
40.04 33.12 28.30 61.81 43.95 35.09 29.86
82.33 68.10 58.19 127.09 90.36 72.15 61.38
3.93 3.25 2.78 6.07 4.32 3.45 2.93
151.68 125.46 107.20 234.14 166.47 132.93 113.09 $0.00
462.95 382.92 327.21 714.66 508.10 405.72 345.17
7.33 6.06 5.18 11.31 8.04 6.42 5.46
1.29 1.07 0.91 1.99 1.41 1.13 0.96
245.53 203.08 173.53 379.02 269.47 215.17 183.06 $0.00
10.30 8.52 7.28 15.90 11.31 9.03 7.68
139.19 115.13 98.38 214.87 152.77 121.99 103.78
247.79 204.95 175.13 382.51 271.95 217.16 184.75
18.47 15.28 13.05 28.51 20.27 16.19 13.77
222.79 184.28 157.46 343.92 244.52 195.25 166.11
3.50 2.89 2.47 5.40 3.84 3.06 2.61
95.71 79.17 67.65 147.75 105.05 83.88 71.36
42.65 35.28 30.14 65.84 46.81 37.38 31.80

35.58 29.43 25.15 54.92 39.05 31.18 26.53

96.93 80.18 68.51 149.64 106.39 84.95 72.27
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
8.74 7.23 6.18 13.49 9.59 7.66 6.52
2.28 1.88 1.61 3.52 2.50 2.00 1.70

260.67 215.61 184.24 402.40 286.09 228.45 194.36 $0.00

16.89 13.97 11.94 26.08 18.54 14.81 12.60
16.89 13.97 11.94 26.08 18.54 14.81 12.60
16.19 13.39 11.44 24.99 17.77 14.19 12.07
16.19 13.39 11.44 24.99 17.77 14.19 12.07
18.61 15.39 13.15 28.73 20.43 16.31 13.88
16.89 13.97 11.94 26.08 18.54 14.81 12.60
18.61 15.39 13.15 28.73 20.43 16.31 13.88
46.51 38.47 32.87 71.80 51.05 40.76 34.68
26.89 22.24 19.00 41.51 29.51 23.56 20.05
51.66 42.73 36.51 79.75 56.70 45.28 38.52
40.96 33.88 28.95 63.23 44.96 35.90 30.54
22.20 18.36 15.69 34.26 24.36 19.45 16.55
22.20 18.36 15.69 34.26 24.36 19.45 16.55
877.34 725.68 620.09 1,354.36 962.90 768.89 654.14

45.99 38.04 32.51 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29

563.38 465.99 398.19 869.69 618.32 493.74 420.05 $0.00
324.83 268.68 229.58 501.44 356.51 284.67 242.19
283.33 234.35 200.25 437.38 310.96 248.31 211.25 $0.00
212.93 176.13 150.50 328.71 233.70 186.61 158.76 $0.00
202.60 167.58 143.20 312.76 222.36 177.56 151.06 $0.00
90.05 74.48 63.64 139.01 98.83 78.92 67.14 $0.00
647.71 535.74 457.79 999.87 710.87 567.64 482.93
77.54 64.14 54.80 119.70 85.10 67.95 57.81 $0.00
108.57 89.80 76.73 167.60 119.15 95.15 80.95 $0.00
203.71 168.49 143.98 314.46 223.57 178.52 151.88
12.60 10.42 8.90 19.45 13.83 11.04 9.39
8.92 7.38 6.30 13.77 9.79 7.82 6.65

35.93 29.72 25.40 55.47 39.44 31.49 26.79

16.53 13.67 11.68 25.51 18.14 14.48 12.32
- - - - - - -

$702.36 $580.95 $496.42 $1,084.24 $770.85 $615.54 $523.68

$887.21 $733.84 $627.06 $1,369.59 $973.73 $777.54 $661.50
5.52 4.56 3.90 8.52 6.06 4.84 4.11
67.30 53.74 45.72 94.66 67.30 53.74 45.72
80.76 64.49 54.86 113.59 80.76 64.49 54.86
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29

8.41 6.72 5.72 11.83 8.41 6.72 5.72

60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
- - - - - - -

53.18 43.99 37.59 82.09 58.36 46.60 39.65

36.60 30.27 25.87 56.50 40.17 32.08 27.29
5.12 4.24 3.62 7.90 5.62 4.49 3.82
4.35 3.60 3.08 6.72 4.78 3.82 3.25
4.54 3.75 3.21 7.00 4.98 3.98 3.38

88.50 73.20 62.55 136.62 97.13 77.56 65.99

143.27 118.51 101.26 221.17 157.25 125.56 106.82
184.97 153.00 130.74 285.54 203.01 162.11 137.91 $0.00
43.02 35.58 30.40 66.40 47.21 37.70 32.07
25.69 21.25 18.16 39.66 28.20 22.52 19.16
21.55 17.83 15.23 33.27 23.66 18.89 16.07
7.36 6.09 5.20 11.36 8.08 6.45 5.49
14.44 11.94 10.21 22.29 15.85 12.66 10.77
26.78 22.15 18.93 41.34 29.39 23.47 19.97

34.40 28.45 24.31 53.11 37.76 30.15 25.65

125.51 103.81 88.71 193.74 137.75 109.99 93.58
806.76 667.30 570.20 1,245.39 885.43 707.03 601.52 $0.00
44.98 37.20 31.79 69.43 49.36 39.42 33.54 $0.00
40.04 33.12 28.30 61.81 43.95 35.09 29.86
82.33 68.10 58.19 127.09 90.36 72.15 61.38
3.93 3.25 2.78 6.07 4.32 3.45 2.93
151.68 125.46 107.20 234.14 166.47 132.93 113.09 $0.00
462.95 382.92 327.21 714.66 508.10 405.72 345.17
7.33 6.06 5.18 11.31 8.04 6.42 5.46
1.29 1.07 0.91 1.99 1.41 1.13 0.96
245.53 203.08 173.53 379.02 269.47 215.17 183.06 $0.00
10.30 8.52 7.28 15.90 11.31 9.03 7.68
139.19 115.13 98.38 214.87 152.77 121.99 103.78
247.79 204.95 175.13 382.51 271.95 217.16 184.75
18.47 15.28 13.05 28.51 20.27 16.19 13.77
222.79 184.28 157.46 343.92 244.52 195.25 166.11
3.50 2.89 2.47 5.40 3.84 3.06 2.61
95.71 79.17 67.65 147.75 105.05 83.88 71.36
42.65 35.28 30.14 65.84 46.81 37.38 31.80
35.58 29.43 25.15 54.92 39.05 31.18 26.53
96.93 80.18 68.51 149.64 106.39 84.95 72.27
8.74 7.23 6.18 13.49 9.59 7.66 6.52
2.28 1.88 1.61 3.52 2.50 2.00 1.70

260.67 215.61 184.24 402.40 286.09 228.45 194.36 $0.00

16.89 13.97 11.94 26.08 18.54 14.81 12.60
16.89 13.97 11.94 26.08 18.54 14.81 12.60
16.19 13.39 11.44 24.99 17.77 14.19 12.07
16.19 13.39 11.44 24.99 17.77 14.19 12.07
18.61 15.39 13.15 28.73 20.43 16.31 13.88
16.89 13.97 11.94 26.08 18.54 14.81 12.60
18.61 15.39 13.15 28.73 20.43 16.31 13.88
46.51 38.47 32.87 71.80 51.05 40.76 34.68
26.89 22.24 19.00 41.51 29.51 23.56 20.05
51.66 42.73 36.51 79.75 56.70 45.28 38.52
40.96 33.88 28.95 63.23 44.96 35.90 30.54
22.20 18.36 15.69 34.26 24.36 19.45 16.55
22.20 18.36 15.69 34.26 24.36 19.45 16.55
877.34 725.68 620.09 1,354.36 962.90 768.89 654.14

563.38 465.99 398.19 869.69 618.32 493.74 420.05 $0.00

324.83 268.68 229.58 501.44 356.51 284.67 242.19
283.33 234.35 200.25 437.38 310.96 248.31 211.25 $0.00
212.93 176.13 150.50 328.71 233.70 186.61 158.76 $0.00
202.60 167.58 143.20 312.76 222.36 177.56 151.06 $0.00
90.05 74.48 63.64 139.01 98.83 78.92 67.14 $0.00
647.71 535.74 457.79 999.87 710.87 567.64 482.93
77.54 64.14 54.80 119.70 85.10 67.95 57.81 $0.00
108.57 89.80 76.73 167.60 119.15 95.15 80.95 $0.00
203.71 168.49 143.98 314.46 223.57 178.52 151.88
12.60 10.42 8.90 19.45 13.83 11.04 9.39
8.92 7.38 6.30 13.77 9.79 7.82 6.65

174.49 144.32 123.32 269.36 191.50 152.92 130.10

57.12 47.25 40.37 88.18 62.69 50.06 42.59
22.72 18.79 16.06 35.07 24.93 19.91 16.94
51.66 42.73 36.51 79.75 56.70 45.28 38.52
29.31 24.24 20.72 45.25 32.17 25.69 21.85 $0.00
68.74 56.86 48.58 106.11 75.44 60.24 51.25
48.52 40.14 34.30 74.91 53.26 42.53 36.18
132.01 105.41 89.68 185.68 132.01 105.41 89.68
102.82 82.10 69.85 144.61 102.82 82.10 69.85

35.93 29.72 25.40 55.47 39.44 31.49 26.79

16.53 13.67 11.68 25.51 18.14 14.48 12.32
- - - - - - -

$332.14 $274.72 $234.75 $512.73 $364.53 $291.08 $247.64

$359.08 $297.01 $253.79 $554.32 $394.10 $314.69 $267.73
$438.89 $363.02 $310.20 $677.52 $481.69 $384.64 $327.24
$458.84 $379.53 $324.30 $708.32 $503.59 $402.12 $342.11
$340.59 $281.71 $240.72 $525.77 $373.80 $298.49 $253.94

37.84 31.30 26.74 58.41 41.53 33.16 28.21

12.41 10.26 8.77 19.15 13.62 10.87 9.25
8.88 7.35 6.28 13.71 9.75 7.79 6.62
17.77 14.70 12.56 27.43 19.50 15.57 13.25
17.77 14.70 12.56 27.43 19.50 15.57 13.25

14.20 11.74 10.03 21.91 15.58 12.44 10.58

0.67 0.56 0.48 1.04 0.74 0.59 0.50
2.82 2.33 1.99 4.35 3.10 2.47 2.10
11.28 9.33 7.97 17.42 12.38 9.89 8.41
12.97 10.73 9.17 20.02 14.23 11.37 9.67
3.96 3.27 2.80 6.11 4.34 3.47 2.95
4.05 3.35 2.86 6.25 4.44 3.55 3.02
21.40 17.70 15.13 33.04 23.49 18.76 15.96
16.50 13.64 11.66 25.46 18.10 14.46 12.30
38.42 31.78 27.15 59.30 42.16 33.67 28.64
25.88 21.40 18.29 39.95 28.40 22.68 19.29
19.29 15.95 13.63 29.77 21.17 16.90 14.38
38.42 31.78 27.15 59.30 42.16 33.67 28.64
23.12 19.12 16.34 35.69 25.37 20.26 17.24
21.86 18.08 15.45 33.75 23.99 19.16 16.30
133.46 110.39 94.33 206.03 146.48 116.97 99.51
183.71 151.96 129.85 283.60 201.63 161.01 136.98
3.25 2.69 2.30 5.02 3.57 2.85 2.42
181.35 150.00 128.18 279.96 199.04 158.94 135.22
181.35 150.00 128.18 279.96 199.04 158.94 135.22
232.71 192.48 164.48 359.23 255.40 203.94 173.51
12.82 10.60 9.06 19.78 14.07 11.23 9.56
14.16 11.72 10.01 21.87 15.55 12.41 10.56
4.42 3.65 3.12 6.82 4.85 3.87 3.29
16.40 13.57 11.59 25.32 18.00 14.38 12.23
4.29 3.55 3.03 6.63 4.71 3.76 3.20
1.81 1.50 1.28 2.79 1.99 1.59 1.35
25.05 20.72 17.70 38.67 27.49 21.95 18.68
25.75 21.30 18.20 39.76 28.27 22.57 19.20
18.18 15.04 12.85 28.07 19.95 15.93 13.56
18.18 15.04 12.85 28.07 19.95 15.93 13.56
24.53 20.29 17.34 37.86 26.92 21.50 18.29
18.40 15.22 13.00 28.40 20.19 16.12 13.72
30.35 25.11 21.45 46.86 33.31 26.60 22.63
26.06 21.56 18.42 40.23 28.60 22.84 19.43
30.35 25.11 21.45 46.86 33.31 26.60 22.63
38.33 31.70 27.09 59.16 42.06 33.59 28.58
58.41 48.31 41.28 90.16 64.10 51.19 43.55
60.46 50.01 42.73 93.33 66.36 52.99 45.08
77.20 63.86 54.57 119.18 84.73 67.66 57.56
57.00 47.14 40.28 87.99 62.56 49.95 42.50
49.06 40.58 34.67 75.73 53.84 42.99 36.58
64.23 53.13 45.40 99.16 70.50 56.29 47.89
29.13 24.09 20.59 44.96 31.97 25.53 21.72
15.18 12.55 10.73 23.43 16.66 13.30 11.32
11.80 9.76 8.34 18.22 12.96 10.34 8.80
60.71 50.21 42.91 93.71 66.63 53.20 45.26
56.35 46.61 39.83 86.99 61.85 49.39 42.02
71.65 59.27 50.64 110.61 78.64 62.80 53.42
71.65 59.27 50.64 110.61 78.64 62.80 53.42
14.66 12.12 10.36 22.62 16.08 12.84 10.93
14.44 11.94 10.21 22.29 15.85 12.66 10.77
28.97 23.97 20.48 44.73 31.80 25.39 21.60
13.00 10.75 9.19 20.07 14.27 11.39 9.69
33.73 27.90 23.84 52.06 37.02 29.56 25.15
15.33 12.68 10.84 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
33.73 27.90 23.84 52.06 37.02 29.56 25.15
183.71 151.96 129.85 283.60 201.63 161.01 136.98
270.67 223.88 191.30 417.83 297.06 237.21 201.81
24.28 20.09 17.16 37.49 26.65 21.28 18.11
105.26 87.06 74.39 162.48 115.52 92.24 78.48
267.17 220.99 188.83 412.43 293.23 234.15 199.20
342.78 283.52 242.27 529.15 376.21 300.41 255.57
70.82 58.58 50.06 109.33 77.73 62.07 52.81
20.11 16.64 14.22 31.05 22.07 17.63 15.00
62.06 51.33 43.86 95.80 68.11 54.38 46.27
107.31 88.76 75.85 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01
19.93 16.48 14.09 30.76 21.87 17.47 14.86
45.10 37.30 31.88 69.62 49.50 39.53 33.63
25.26 20.90 17.86 39.00 27.73 22.14 18.84
29.71 24.57 21.00 45.86 32.61 26.04 22.15
28.76 23.79 20.33 44.40 31.56 25.20 21.44
1,972.97 1,631.92 1,394.46 3,045.69 2,165.38 1,729.08 1,471.04
1,426.61 1,180.00 1,008.31 2,202.26 1,565.73 1,250.26 1,063.68
490.56 405.76 346.72 757.28 538.40 429.92 365.76
29.95 24.78 21.17 46.24 32.88 26.25 22.33
25.72 21.28 18.18 39.71 28.23 22.54 19.18
25.72 21.28 18.18 39.71 28.23 22.54 19.18
37.80 31.27 26.72 58.36 41.49 33.13 28.19
157.38 130.17 111.23 242.94 172.73 137.92 117.34
296.60 245.33 209.64 457.87 325.53 259.94 221.15
1,044.13 863.63 737.97 1,611.82 1,145.95 915.06 778.50
889.14 735.44 628.43 1,372.57 975.85 779.23 662.94
269.81 223.17 190.70 416.50 296.12 236.46 201.17
17.54 14.51 12.40 27.07 19.25 15.37 13.08
329.90 272.87 233.17 509.27 362.07 289.12 245.97
408.61 337.97 288.80 630.77 448.45 358.10 304.66
447.64 370.26 316.38 691.02 491.29 392.30 333.76
535.69 443.09 378.62 826.95 587.93 469.47 399.41
559.24 462.57 395.26 863.30 613.78 490.11 416.97
858.48 710.08 606.76 1,325.24 942.20 752.36 640.08
299.61 247.82 211.76 462.51 328.83 262.57 223.39
236.08 195.27 166.86 364.44 259.11 206.90 176.02
291.27 240.92 205.87 449.64 319.68 255.27 217.17
239.15 197.81 169.03 369.17 262.47 209.59 178.31
886.07 732.90 626.26 1,367.84 972.49 776.54 660.65
300.47 248.53 212.37 463.83 329.77 263.33 224.03
25.97 21.48 18.35 40.09 28.50 22.76 19.36
1,117.25 924.12 789.65 1,724.71 1,226.21 979.14 833.02
635.58 525.71 449.22 981.15 697.56 557.02 473.89
797.16 659.36 563.42 1,230.58 874.90 698.62 594.36
1,471.68 1,217.28 1,040.16 2,271.84 1,615.20 1,289.76 1,097.28
2,347.02 1,941.31 1,658.84 3,623.11 2,575.91 2,056.90 1,749.93
2,814.65 2,328.10 1,989.35 4,344.99 3,089.14 2,466.72 2,098.59
4,018.48 3,323.83 2,840.20 6,203.35 4,410.37 3,521.74 2,996.17
241.75 199.96 170.87 373.20 265.33 211.87 180.25
7.67 6.34 5.42 11.83 8.41 6.72 5.72
75.67 62.59 53.48 116.81 83.05 66.32 56.42
99.86 82.60 70.58 154.15 109.60 87.52 74.46
160.44 132.71 113.40 247.68 176.09 140.61 119.63
118.32 97.86 83.62 182.65 129.86 103.69 88.22
2.42 2.00 1.71 3.74 2.66 2.12 1.81
150.23 124.26 106.18 231.92 164.89 131.66 112.01
1,836.50 1,519.04 1,298.01 2,835.02 2,015.60 1,609.49 1,369.29
2,115.20 1,749.56 1,494.99 3,265.25 2,321.48 1,853.73 1,577.09
1,822.49 1,507.45 1,288.11 2,813.39 2,000.22 1,597.21 1,358.84
329.90 272.87 233.17 509.27 362.07 289.12 245.97
1,655.49 1,369.31 1,170.07 2,555.58 1,816.93 1,450.85 1,234.33
145.02 119.95 102.50 223.87 159.16 127.10 108.13
33.57 27.77 23.73 51.83 36.85 29.42 25.03
84.32 69.74 59.59 130.16 92.54 73.89 62.87
1,573.78 1,301.73 1,112.32 2,429.45 1,727.25 1,379.24 1,173.40
13.49 11.16 9.53 20.83 14.81 11.82 10.06
1,369.12 1,132.45 967.67 2,113.52 1,502.64 1,199.88 1,020.81
3,691.95 3,053.75 2,609.41 5,699.29 4,052.00 3,235.58 2,752.71
257.54 213.02 182.03 397.57 282.66 225.71 192.02
1,326.05 1,096.82 937.23 2,047.02 1,455.36 1,162.13 988.70
2,111.06 1,746.14 1,492.07 3,258.86 2,316.94 1,850.11 1,574.00
2,708.93 2,240.66 1,914.63 4,181.79 2,973.11 2,374.07 2,019.77
3,807.97 3,149.71 2,691.41 5,878.39 4,179.33 3,337.25 2,839.21
42.92 35.50 30.34 66.26 47.11 37.62 32.00
30.17 24.95 21.32 46.57 33.11 26.44 22.49
26.06 21.56 18.42 40.23 28.60 22.84 19.43
45.99 38.04 32.51 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
153.30 126.80 108.35 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30
459.90 380.40 325.05 709.95 504.75 403.05 342.90
3.99 3.30 2.82 6.15 4.37 3.49 2.97
13.86 11.46 9.79 21.39 15.21 12.15 10.33
205.82 170.24 145.47 317.73 225.89 180.38 153.46
269.35 222.79 190.37 415.79 295.62 236.05 200.83
1,931.58 1,597.68 1,365.21 2,981.79 2,119.95 1,692.81 1,440.18
10.73 8.88 7.58 16.57 11.78 9.40 8.00
10.06 8.32 7.11 15.52 11.04 8.81 7.50
151.77 125.53 107.27 234.28 166.57 133.01 113.16
352.59 291.64 249.21 544.30 386.98 309.01 262.89
227.01 187.77 160.44 350.43 249.14 198.95 169.26
4.54 3.75 3.21 7.00 4.98 3.98 3.38
42.92 35.50 30.34 66.26 47.11 37.62 32.00
5.98 4.95 4.23 9.23 6.56 5.24 4.46
9.01 7.46 6.37 13.92 9.89 7.90 6.72
26.49 21.91 18.72 40.89 29.07 23.22 19.75
9.47 7.84 6.70 14.62 10.40 8.30 7.06
2,299.50 1,902.00 1,625.25 3,549.75 2,523.75 2,015.25 1,714.50
2,606.10 2,155.60 1,841.95 4,023.05 2,860.25 2,283.95 1,943.10
119.57 98.90 84.51 184.59 131.24 104.79 89.15
689.85 570.60 487.58 1,064.93 757.13 604.58 514.35
484.43 400.69 342.39 747.81 531.67 424.55 361.19
814.15 673.41 575.43 1,256.80 893.54 713.51 607.02
1,146.68 948.46 810.46 1,770.14 1,258.51 1,004.94 854.96
1,131.94 936.27 800.03 1,747.38 1,242.32 992.01 843.97
168.63 139.48 119.19 260.32 185.08 147.79 125.73

14.74 11.77 10.01 20.73 14.74 11.77 10.01

19.45 15.53 13.21 27.36 19.45 15.53 13.21
24.13 19.27 16.39 33.94 24.13 19.27 16.39
28.87 23.05 19.61 40.61 28.87 23.05 19.61
48.89 39.04 33.22 68.77 48.89 39.04 33.22
1.48 1.18 1.01 2.08 1.48 1.18 1.01
55.96 44.68 38.02 78.71 55.96 44.68 38.02
45.93 36.68 31.20 64.61 45.93 36.68 31.20
170.20 135.91 115.63 239.40 170.20 135.91 115.63
57.71 46.08 39.20 81.17 57.71 46.08 39.20
254.70 203.38 173.03 358.24 254.70 203.38 173.03
405.45 323.76 275.44 570.28 405.45 323.76 275.44
334.48 267.09 227.23 470.46 334.48 267.09 227.23
470.16 375.43 319.40 661.29 470.16 375.43 319.40
56.77 45.33 38.56 79.85 56.77 45.33 38.56
4.98 3.98 3.38 7.00 4.98 3.98 3.38
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
18.94 15.13 12.87 26.65 18.94 15.13 12.87
2.52 2.02 1.71 3.55 2.52 2.02 1.71
5.69 4.54 3.86 8.00 5.69 4.54 3.86
1.78 1.42 1.21 2.51 1.78 1.42 1.21
3.60 2.88 2.45 5.06 3.60 2.88 2.45
2.25 1.80 1.53 3.17 2.25 1.80 1.53
2.93 2.34 1.99 4.12 2.93 2.34 1.99
11.68 9.32 7.93 16.42 11.68 9.32 7.93
204.39 163.21 138.85 287.48 204.39 163.21 138.85
10.40 8.30 7.06 14.62 10.40 8.30 7.06
4.14 3.31 2.81 5.82 4.14 3.31 2.81
17.90 14.29 12.16 25.18 17.90 14.29 12.16
2.59 2.07 1.76 3.64 2.59 2.07 1.76
11.21 8.95 7.61 15.76 11.21 8.95 7.61
31.80 25.39 21.60 44.73 31.80 25.39 21.60
5.32 4.25 3.61 7.48 5.32 4.25 3.61
4.85 3.87 3.29 6.82 4.85 3.87 3.29
226.77 181.08 154.05 318.96 226.77 181.08 154.05
67.74 54.09 46.02 95.28 67.74 54.09 46.02
126.62 101.11 86.02 178.10 126.62 101.11 86.02
153.11 122.26 104.01 215.35 153.11 122.26 104.01
181.71 145.10 123.44 255.58 181.71 145.10 123.44
352.08 281.14 239.18 495.21 352.08 281.14 239.18
5.79 4.62 3.93 8.14 5.79 4.62 3.93
5.59 4.46 3.79 7.86 5.59 4.46 3.79
6.73 5.37 4.57 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
5.65 4.51 3.84 7.95 5.65 4.51 3.84
13.76 10.99 9.35 19.36 13.76 10.99 9.35
13.76 10.99 9.35 19.36 13.76 10.99 9.35
10.84 8.65 7.36 15.24 10.84 8.65 7.36
2.79 2.23 1.90 3.93 2.79 2.23 1.90
3.94 3.14 2.67 5.54 3.94 3.14 2.67
3.94 3.14 2.67 5.54 3.94 3.14 2.67
7.47 5.97 5.07 10.51 7.47 5.97 5.07
7.47 5.97 5.07 10.51 7.47 5.97 5.07
4.21 3.36 2.86 5.92 4.21 3.36 2.86
6.49 5.19 4.41 9.13 6.49 5.19 4.41
43.54 34.77 29.58 61.25 43.54 34.77 29.58
33.31 26.60 22.63 46.86 33.31 26.60 22.63
1.25 0.99 0.85 1.75 1.25 0.99 0.85
13.22 10.56 8.98 18.60 13.22 10.56 8.98
2.46 1.96 1.67 3.46 2.46 1.96 1.67
16.72 13.35 11.36 23.52 16.72 13.35 11.36
22.68 18.11 15.41 31.90 22.68 18.11 15.41
22.68 18.11 15.41 31.90 22.68 18.11 15.41
22.68 18.11 15.41 31.90 22.68 18.11 15.41
22.68 18.11 15.41 31.90 22.68 18.11 15.41
0.40 0.32 0.27 0.57 0.40 0.32 0.27
33.41 26.68 22.70 47.00 33.41 26.68 22.70
13.16 10.51 8.94 18.51 13.16 10.51 8.94
3.03 2.42 2.06 4.26 3.03 2.42 2.06
33.41 26.68 22.70 47.00 33.41 26.68 22.70
42.33 33.80 28.76 59.54 42.33 33.80 28.76
5.55 4.43 3.77 7.81 5.55 4.43 3.77
5.32 4.25 3.61 7.48 5.32 4.25 3.61
1.18 0.94 0.80 1.66 1.18 0.94 0.80
0.74 0.59 0.50 1.04 0.74 0.59 0.50
1.11 0.89 0.75 1.56 1.11 0.89 0.75
3.26 2.61 2.22 4.59 3.26 2.61 2.22
0.57 0.46 0.39 0.80 0.57 0.46 0.39
130.60 104.28 88.72 183.69 130.60 104.28 88.72
109.80 87.68 74.59 154.44 109.80 87.68 74.59
7.47 5.97 5.07 10.51 7.47 5.97 5.07
9.52 7.60 6.47 13.39 9.52 7.60 6.47
7.03 5.62 4.78 9.89 7.03 5.62 4.78
6.06 4.84 4.11 8.52 6.06 4.84 4.11
7.94 6.34 5.39 11.17 7.94 6.34 5.39
214.59 171.35 145.78 301.82 214.59 171.35 145.78
325.16 259.64 220.90 457.35 325.16 259.64 220.90
496.17 396.20 337.07 697.88 496.17 396.20 337.07
58.32 46.57 39.62 82.02 58.32 46.57 39.62
238.51 190.45 162.03 335.48 238.51 190.45 162.03
196.85 157.19 133.73 276.88 196.85 157.19 133.73
43.75 34.93 29.72 61.53 43.75 34.93 29.72
13.46 10.75 9.14 18.93 13.46 10.75 9.14
44.69 35.68 30.36 62.85 44.69 35.68 30.36
55.29 44.15 37.56 77.76 55.29 44.15 37.56
72.68 58.04 49.38 102.23 72.68 58.04 49.38
106.00 84.64 72.01 149.09 106.00 84.64 72.01
57.71 46.08 39.20 81.17 57.71 46.08 39.20
30.62 24.45 20.80 43.07 30.62 24.45 20.80
7.37 5.88 5.01 10.37 7.37 5.88 5.01
5.01 4.00 3.41 7.05 5.01 4.00 3.41
5.82 4.65 3.95 8.19 5.82 4.65 3.95
5.82 4.65 3.95 8.19 5.82 4.65 3.95
3.53 2.82 2.40 4.97 3.53 2.82 2.40
3.53 2.82 2.40 4.97 3.53 2.82 2.40
3.53 2.82 2.40 4.97 3.53 2.82 2.40
4.95 3.95 3.36 6.96 4.95 3.95 3.36
4.71 3.76 3.20 6.63 4.71 3.76 3.20
85.17 68.01 57.86 119.79 85.17 68.01 57.86
59.83 47.77 40.65 84.15 59.83 47.77 40.65
141.60 113.07 96.19 199.16 141.60 113.07 96.19
283.94 226.73 192.89 399.37 283.94 226.73 192.89
32.40 25.88 22.01 45.58 32.40 25.88 22.01
22.98 18.35 15.61 32.33 22.98 18.35 15.61
29.14 23.27 19.80 40.99 29.14 23.27 19.80
26.25 20.96 17.83 36.92 26.25 20.96 17.83
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
11.78 9.40 8.00 16.57 11.78 9.40 8.00
11.78 9.40 8.00 16.57 11.78 9.40 8.00
13.46 10.75 9.14 18.93 13.46 10.75 9.14
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
23.56 18.81 16.00 33.13 23.56 18.81 16.00
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
87.49 69.86 59.44 123.06 87.49 69.86 59.44
134.60 107.48 91.44 189.32 134.60 107.48 91.44
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
1.68 1.34 1.14 2.37 1.68 1.34 1.14
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
5.05 4.03 3.43 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
1.68 1.34 1.14 2.37 1.68 1.34 1.14
1.68 1.34 1.14 2.37 1.68 1.34 1.14
1.68 1.34 1.14 2.37 1.68 1.34 1.14
1.18 0.94 0.80 1.66 1.18 0.94 0.80
1.18 0.94 0.80 1.66 1.18 0.94 0.80
1.68 1.34 1.14 2.37 1.68 1.34 1.14
40.38 32.24 27.43 56.80 40.38 32.24 27.43
2.36 1.88 1.60 3.31 2.36 1.88 1.60
1.68 1.34 1.14 2.37 1.68 1.34 1.14
11.78 9.40 8.00 16.57 11.78 9.40 8.00
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
2.02 1.61 1.37 2.84 2.02 1.61 1.37
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
1.68 1.34 1.14 2.37 1.68 1.34 1.14
6.73 5.37 4.57 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
47.11 37.62 32.00 66.26 47.11 37.62 32.00
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
1.68 1.34 1.14 2.37 1.68 1.34 1.14
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
4.04 3.22 2.74 5.68 4.04 3.22 2.74
5.05 4.03 3.43 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
0.84 0.67 0.57 1.18 0.84 0.67 0.57
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
111.05 88.67 75.44 156.19 111.05 88.67 75.44
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
4.85 3.87 3.29 6.82 4.85 3.87 3.29
53.84 42.99 36.58 75.73 53.84 42.99 36.58
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
6.73 5.37 4.57 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
53.84 42.99 36.58 75.73 53.84 42.99 36.58
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
63.94 51.05 43.43 89.93 63.94 51.05 43.43
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
18.51 14.78 12.57 26.03 18.51 14.78 12.57
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
67.30 53.74 45.72 94.66 67.30 53.74 45.72
57.21 45.68 38.86 80.46 57.21 45.68 38.86
84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
6.73 5.37 4.57 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
11.78 9.40 8.00 16.57 11.78 9.40 8.00
13.46 10.75 9.14 18.93 13.46 10.75 9.14
551.73 456.35 389.95 851.70 605.53 483.53 411.37
0.92 0.76 0.65 1.42 1.01 0.81 0.69

445.73 355.92 302.80 626.93 445.73 355.92 302.80

276.70 220.95 187.98 389.19 276.70 220.95 187.98
288.11 230.06 195.73 405.24 288.11 230.06 195.73
264.56 211.25 179.73 372.11 264.56 211.25 179.73
1,010.48 806.88 686.46 1,421.27 1,010.48 806.88 686.46
371.45 307.24 262.53 573.40 407.67 325.53 276.95

505.74 418.31 357.45 780.71 555.06 443.22 377.08

593.95 491.27 419.79 916.88 651.87 520.53 442.84
816.38 675.26 577.01 1,260.26 896.00 715.47 608.69
258.56 213.86 182.74 399.13 283.77 226.59 192.78
39.83 32.94 28.15 61.48 43.71 34.90 29.70
75.64 62.56 53.46 116.76 83.01 66.29 56.40
113.44 93.83 80.18 175.12 124.51 99.42 84.58
151.25 125.10 106.90 233.48 166.00 132.55 112.77

67.27 53.71 45.70 94.61 67.27 53.71 45.70

11.07 8.84 7.52 15.57 11.07 8.84 7.52
17.67 14.11 12.00 24.85 17.67 14.11 12.00
147.49 117.77 100.20 207.45 147.49 117.77 100.20
43.14 34.45 29.31 60.68 43.14 34.45 29.31
43.14 34.45 29.31 60.68 43.14 34.45 29.31
79.08 63.14 53.72 111.23 79.08 63.14 53.72
15.11 12.06 10.26 21.25 15.11 12.06 10.26
63.90 51.03 43.41 89.88 63.90 51.03 43.41
131.24 104.79 89.15 184.59 131.24 104.79 89.15
83.96 67.04 57.04 118.09 83.96 67.04 57.04
87.32 69.73 59.32 122.82 87.32 69.73 59.32
77.23 61.67 52.46 108.62 77.23 61.67 52.46
44.59 35.60 30.29 62.71 44.59 35.60 30.29
53.67 42.86 36.46 75.49 53.67 42.86 36.46
124.34 99.28 84.47 174.88 124.34 99.28 84.47
143.01 114.20 97.16 201.15 143.01 114.20 97.16
50.41 40.25 34.24 70.90 50.41 40.25 34.24
3.33 2.66 2.26 4.69 3.33 2.66 2.26
50.31 40.17 34.18 70.76 50.31 40.17 34.18
33.62 26.84 22.84 47.28 33.62 26.84 22.84
302.51 241.56 205.51 425.50 302.51 241.56 205.51
552.70 441.34 375.48 777.40 552.70 441.34 375.48
36.98 29.53 25.12 52.02 36.98 29.53 25.12
36.98 29.53 25.12 52.02 36.98 29.53 25.12
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36.98 29.53 25.12 52.02 36.98 29.53 25.12
47.95 38.29 32.58 67.45 47.95 38.29 32.58
47.95 38.29 32.58 67.45 47.95 38.29 32.58
47.95 38.29 32.58 67.45 47.95 38.29 32.58
47.95 38.29 32.58 67.45 47.95 38.29 32.58
144.53 115.41 98.18 203.28 144.53 115.41 98.18
9.93 7.93 6.74 13.96 9.93 7.93 6.74
168.08 134.22 114.19 236.41 168.08 134.22 114.19
459.32 366.78 312.04 646.05 459.32 366.78 312.04
8.41 6.72 5.72 11.83 8.41 6.72 5.72
26.92 21.50 18.29 37.86 26.92 21.50 18.29
1.99 1.59 1.35 2.79 1.99 1.59 1.35
26.92 21.50 18.29 37.86 26.92 21.50 18.29
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
201.73 161.09 137.05 283.74 201.73 161.09 137.05
90.52 72.28 61.49 127.32 90.52 72.28 61.49
19.85 15.85 13.49 27.92 19.85 15.85 13.49
140.99 112.59 95.78 198.31 140.99 112.59 95.78
32.98 26.33 22.40 46.38 32.98 26.33 22.40
4.54 3.63 3.09 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
163.20 130.32 110.87 229.55 163.20 130.32 110.87
32.98 26.33 22.40 46.38 32.98 26.33 22.40
108.52 86.66 73.72 152.64 108.52 86.66 73.72
6.56 5.24 4.46 9.23 6.56 5.24 4.46
77.23 61.67 52.46 108.62 77.23 61.67 52.46
87.49 69.86 59.44 123.06 87.49 69.86 59.44
119.46 95.39 81.15 168.02 119.46 95.39 81.15
63.94 51.05 43.43 89.93 63.94 51.05 43.43
104.32 83.30 70.87 146.72 104.32 83.30 70.87
67.30 53.74 45.72 94.66 67.30 53.74 45.72
97.59 77.92 66.29 137.26 97.59 77.92 66.29
67.13 53.61 45.61 94.42 67.13 53.61 45.61
73.86 58.98 50.18 103.89 73.86 58.98 50.18
72.35 57.77 49.15 101.76 72.35 57.77 49.15
102.63 81.95 69.72 144.36 102.63 81.95 69.72
77.40 61.80 52.58 108.86 77.40 61.80 52.58
114.41 91.36 77.72 160.92 114.41 91.36 77.72
84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
90.86 72.55 61.72 127.79 90.86 72.55 61.72
124.51 99.42 84.58 175.12 124.51 99.42 84.58
33.62 26.84 22.84 47.28 33.62 26.84 22.84
47.45 37.89 32.23 66.74 47.45 37.89 32.23
74.87 59.79 50.86 105.31 74.87 59.79 50.86
54.68 43.66 37.15 76.91 54.68 43.66 37.15
49.13 39.23 33.38 69.10 49.13 39.23 33.38
78.24 62.47 53.15 110.04 78.24 62.47 53.15
92.03 73.49 62.52 129.45 92.03 73.49 62.52
54.68 43.66 37.15 76.91 54.68 43.66 37.15
52.66 42.05 35.78 74.07 52.66 42.05 35.78
48.79 38.96 33.15 68.63 48.79 38.96 33.15
79.38 63.39 53.93 111.65 79.38 63.39 53.93
76.55 61.13 52.01 107.68 76.55 61.13 52.01
63.77 50.92 43.32 89.69 63.77 50.92 43.32
193.18 154.26 131.24 271.72 193.18 154.26 131.24
12.62 10.08 8.57 17.75 12.62 10.08 8.57
60.54 48.34 41.13 85.15 60.54 48.34 41.13
72.31 57.74 49.13 101.71 72.31 57.74 49.13
2.86 2.28 1.94 4.02 2.86 2.28 1.94
70.63 56.40 47.98 99.35 70.63 56.40 47.98
10.06 8.03 6.84 14.15 10.06 8.03 6.84
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
65.45 52.26 44.46 92.06 65.45 52.26 44.46
336.33 268.57 228.49 473.06 336.33 268.57 228.49
67.13 53.61 45.61 94.42 67.13 53.61 45.61
44.59 35.60 30.29 62.71 44.59 35.60 30.29
12.28 9.81 8.34 17.28 12.28 9.81 8.34
53.00 42.32 36.00 74.54 53.00 42.32 36.00
12.79 10.21 8.69 17.99 12.79 10.21 8.69
67.13 53.61 45.61 94.42 67.13 53.61 45.61
16.32 13.03 11.09 22.96 16.32 13.03 11.09
77.23 61.67 52.46 108.62 77.23 61.67 52.46
16.66 13.30 11.32 23.43 16.66 13.30 11.32
14.30 11.42 9.72 20.12 14.30 11.42 9.72
6.06 4.84 4.11 8.52 6.06 4.84 4.11
10.43 8.33 7.09 14.67 10.43 8.33 7.09
44.08 35.20 29.95 62.00 44.08 35.20 29.95
48.79 38.96 33.15 68.63 48.79 38.96 33.15
28.10 22.44 19.09 39.52 28.10 22.44 19.09
32.64 26.06 22.17 45.91 32.64 26.06 22.17
37.35 29.83 25.37 52.54 37.35 29.83 25.37
34.66 27.68 23.55 48.75 34.66 27.68 23.55
36.85 29.42 25.03 51.83 36.85 29.42 25.03
24.06 19.21 16.34 33.84 24.06 19.21 16.34
25.57 20.42 17.37 35.97 25.57 20.42 17.37
29.78 23.78 20.23 41.89 29.78 23.78 20.23
6.06 4.84 4.11 8.52 6.06 4.84 4.11
25.07 20.02 17.03 35.26 25.07 20.02 17.03
26.75 21.36 18.17 37.63 26.75 21.36 18.17
29.11 23.24 19.77 40.94 29.11 23.24 19.77
42.40 33.86 28.80 59.64 42.40 33.86 28.80
51.11 40.82 34.72 71.89 51.11 40.82 34.72
11.78 9.40 8.00 16.57 11.78 9.40 8.00
58.89 47.02 40.01 82.83 58.89 47.02 40.01
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
6.46 5.16 4.39 9.09 6.46 5.16 4.39
48.79 38.96 33.15 68.63 48.79 38.96 33.15
8.04 6.42 5.46 11.31 8.04 6.42 5.46
38.19 30.50 25.95 53.72 38.19 30.50 25.95
7.03 5.62 4.78 9.89 7.03 5.62 4.78
19.35 15.45 13.14 27.21 19.35 15.45 13.14
8.58 6.85 5.83 12.07 8.58 6.85 5.83
45.43 36.27 30.86 63.90 45.43 36.27 30.86
10.06 8.03 6.84 14.15 10.06 8.03 6.84
63.94 51.05 43.43 89.93 63.94 51.05 43.43
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
53.84 42.99 36.58 75.73 53.84 42.99 36.58
60.40 48.23 41.03 84.96 60.40 48.23 41.03
20.02 15.99 13.60 28.16 20.02 15.99 13.60
45.76 36.54 31.09 64.37 45.76 36.54 31.09
17.33 13.84 11.77 24.37 17.33 13.84 11.77
18.17 14.51 12.34 25.56 18.17 14.51 12.34
129.52 103.42 87.99 182.17 129.52 103.42 87.99
35.30 28.19 23.98 49.65 35.30 28.19 23.98
35.30 28.19 23.98 49.65 35.30 28.19 23.98
160.07 127.82 108.75 225.15 160.07 127.82 108.75
120.77 96.44 82.04 169.87 120.77 96.44 82.04
158.12 126.26 107.42 222.40 158.12 126.26 107.42
18.51 14.78 12.57 26.03 18.51 14.78 12.57
14.67 11.72 9.97 20.64 14.67 11.72 9.97
20.02 15.99 13.60 28.16 20.02 15.99 13.60
15.14 12.09 10.29 21.30 15.14 12.09 10.29
26.58 21.23 18.06 37.39 26.58 21.23 18.06
59.12 47.21 40.17 83.16 59.12 47.21 40.17
28.50 22.76 19.36 40.09 28.50 22.76 19.36
200.05 159.74 135.90 281.38 200.05 159.74 135.90
10.06 8.03 6.84 14.15 10.06 8.03 6.84
223.77 178.69 152.02 314.74 223.77 178.69 152.02
323.44 258.27 219.73 454.94 323.44 258.27 219.73
419.78 335.20 285.18 590.44 419.78 335.20 285.18
519.72 415.01 353.07 731.01 519.72 415.01 353.07
3.23 2.58 2.19 4.54 3.23 2.58 2.19
3.23 2.58 2.19 4.54 3.23 2.58 2.19
3.23 2.58 2.19 4.54 3.23 2.58 2.19
20.36 16.26 13.83 28.63 20.36 16.26 13.83
20.36 16.26 13.83 28.63 20.36 16.26 13.83
20.36 16.26 13.83 28.63 20.36 16.26 13.83
10.26 8.20 6.97 14.44 10.26 8.20 6.97
99.27 79.27 67.44 139.62 99.27 79.27 67.44
166.57 133.01 113.16 234.28 166.57 133.01 113.16
67.27 53.71 45.70 94.61 67.27 53.71 45.70
15.11 12.06 10.26 21.25 15.11 12.06 10.26
98.90 78.97 67.19 139.10 98.90 78.97 67.19
6.36 5.08 4.32 8.95 6.36 5.08 4.32
86.48 69.06 58.75 121.64 86.48 69.06 58.75
168.25 134.35 114.30 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30
12.62 10.08 8.57 17.75 12.62 10.08 8.57
23.39 18.67 15.89 32.89 23.39 18.67 15.89
8.72 6.96 5.92 12.26 8.72 6.96 5.92
3.47 2.77 2.35 4.87 3.47 2.77 2.35
8.75 6.99 5.94 12.31 8.75 6.99 5.94
10.06 8.03 6.84 14.15 10.06 8.03 6.84
30.96 24.72 21.03 43.54 30.96 24.72 21.03
101.29 80.88 68.81 142.46 101.29 80.88 68.81
93.18 74.40 63.30 131.06 93.18 74.40 63.30
66.02 52.72 44.85 92.86 66.02 52.72 44.85
201.90 161.22 137.16 283.98 201.90 161.22 137.16
43.75 34.93 29.72 61.53 43.75 34.93 29.72
85.77 68.49 58.27 120.64 85.77 68.49 58.27
31.97 25.53 21.72 44.96 31.97 25.53 21.72
32.14 25.66 21.83 45.20 32.14 25.66 21.83
470.93 376.05 319.93 662.38 470.93 376.05 319.93
279.13 222.89 189.62 392.60 279.13 222.89 189.62
265.67 212.14 180.48 373.67 265.67 212.14 180.48
43.58 34.80 29.60 61.29 43.58 34.80 29.60
67.13 53.61 45.61 94.42 67.13 53.61 45.61
43.58 34.80 29.60 61.29 43.58 34.80 29.60
83.96 67.04 57.04 118.09 83.96 67.04 57.04
9.93 7.93 6.74 13.96 9.93 7.93 6.74
23.39 18.67 15.89 32.89 23.39 18.67 15.89
316.14 252.44 214.77 444.67 316.14 252.44 214.77
245.48 196.02 166.76 345.27 245.48 196.02 166.76
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
43.58 34.80 29.60 61.29 43.58 34.80 29.60
235.38 187.96 159.91 331.07 235.38 187.96 159.91
124.34 99.28 84.47 174.88 124.34 99.28 84.47
32.64 26.06 22.17 45.91 32.64 26.06 22.17
27.93 22.30 18.97 39.28 27.93 22.30 18.97
83.96 67.04 57.04 118.09 83.96 67.04 57.04
324.72 259.30 220.60 456.73 324.72 259.30 220.60
392.36 313.30 266.55 551.87 392.36 313.30 266.55
48.46 38.69 32.92 68.16 48.46 38.69 32.92
54.68 43.66 37.15 76.91 54.68 43.66 37.15
26.92 21.50 18.29 37.86 26.92 21.50 18.29
124.51 99.42 84.58 175.12 124.51 99.42 84.58
121.98 97.40 82.87 171.57 121.98 97.40 82.87
59.22 47.29 40.23 83.30 59.22 47.29 40.23
46.44 37.08 31.55 65.32 46.44 37.08 31.55
33.62 26.84 22.84 47.28 33.62 26.84 22.84
40.35 32.22 27.41 56.75 40.35 32.22 27.41
874.87 698.59 594.34 1,230.53 874.87 698.59 594.34
1,678.13 1,340.01 1,140.03 2,360.35 1,678.13 1,340.01 1,140.03
861.27 687.74 585.10 1,211.41 861.27 687.74 585.10
605.67 483.63 411.46 851.89 605.67 483.63 411.46
109.36 87.33 74.30 153.82 109.36 87.33 74.30
119.39 95.33 81.11 167.93 119.39 95.33 81.11
682.49 544.98 463.65 959.95 682.49 544.98 463.65
1,133.20 904.87 769.83 1,593.89 1,133.20 904.87 769.83
504.58 402.92 342.79 709.71 504.58 402.92 342.79
171.45 136.90 116.47 241.15 171.45 136.90 116.47
100.92 80.58 68.56 141.94 100.92 80.58 68.56
131.20 104.77 89.13 184.54 131.20 104.77 89.13
108.86 86.92 73.95 153.11 108.86 86.92 73.95
84.97 67.85 57.72 119.51 84.97 67.85 57.72
201.73 161.09 137.05 283.74 201.73 161.09 137.05
132.92 106.14 90.30 186.95 132.92 106.14 90.30
144.70 115.54 98.30 203.52 144.70 115.54 98.30
204.42 163.24 138.87 287.53 204.42 163.24 138.87
239.42 191.18 162.65 336.75 239.42 191.18 162.65
256.41 204.75 174.19 360.65 256.41 204.75 174.19
215.36 171.97 146.30 302.91 215.36 171.97 146.30
235.38 187.96 159.91 331.07 235.38 187.96 159.91
111.01 88.64 75.42 156.14 111.01 88.64 75.42
180.03 143.75 122.30 253.22 180.03 143.75 122.30
326.24 260.50 221.63 458.86 326.24 260.50 221.63
366.62 292.75 249.06 515.66 366.62 292.75 249.06
302.82 241.80 205.72 425.92 302.82 241.80 205.72
141.30 112.83 95.99 198.74 141.30 112.83 95.99
168.22 134.32 114.28 236.60 168.22 134.32 114.28
437.42 349.28 297.16 615.24 437.42 349.28 297.16
444.15 354.66 301.73 624.71 444.15 354.66 301.73
504.72 403.02 342.88 709.90 504.72 403.02 342.88
370.12 295.54 251.44 520.58 370.12 295.54 251.44
588.71 470.09 399.94 828.04 588.71 470.09 399.94
373.35 298.12 253.63 525.13 373.35 298.12 253.63
487.93 389.62 331.47 686.29 487.93 389.62 331.47
524.77 419.04 356.50 738.11 524.77 419.04 356.50
592.07 472.78 402.22 832.77 592.07 472.78 402.22
856.39 683.84 581.79 1,204.55 856.39 683.84 581.79
1,462.09 1,167.50 993.27 2,056.49 1,462.09 1,167.50 993.27
918.65 733.55 624.08 1,292.11 918.65 733.55 624.08
2,254.38 1,800.16 1,531.51 3,170.87 2,254.38 1,800.16 1,531.51
572.02 456.76 388.60 804.56 572.02 456.76 388.60
187.73 149.91 127.54 264.05 187.73 149.91 127.54
299.49 239.14 203.45 421.24 299.49 239.14 203.45
282.63 225.68 192.00 397.52 282.63 225.68 192.00
286.03 228.40 194.31 402.31 286.03 228.40 194.31
491.12 392.17 333.64 690.78 491.12 392.17 333.64
618.49 493.87 420.17 869.93 618.49 493.87 420.17
368.47 294.23 250.32 518.26 368.47 294.23 250.32
503.07 401.71 341.76 707.58 503.07 401.71 341.76
1,144.10 913.58 777.24 1,609.22 1,144.10 913.58 777.24
89.17 71.21 60.58 125.42 89.17 71.21 60.58
673.00 537.40 457.20 946.60 673.00 537.40 457.20
368.47 294.23 250.32 518.26 368.47 294.23 250.32
284.34 227.05 193.17 399.94 284.34 227.05 193.17
410.50 327.79 278.87 577.38 410.50 327.79 278.87
235.52 188.06 160.00 331.26 235.52 188.06 160.00
269.17 214.93 182.86 378.59 269.17 214.93 182.86
301.17 240.49 204.60 423.60 301.17 240.49 204.60
151.39 120.89 102.85 212.94 151.39 120.89 102.85
435.77 347.97 296.04 612.92 435.77 347.97 296.04
102.94 82.20 69.93 144.78 102.94 82.20 69.93
267.35 213.48 181.62 376.04 267.35 213.48 181.62
447.38 357.24 303.92 629.25 447.38 357.24 303.92
1,137.37 908.21 772.67 1,599.75 1,137.37 908.21 772.67
773.95 618.01 525.78 1,088.59 773.95 618.01 525.78
2,019.00 1,612.20 1,371.60 2,839.80 2,019.00 1,612.20 1,371.60

5,656.77 4,678.92 3,998.12 8,732.39 6,208.43 4,957.52 4,217.67

40.32 33.35 28.50 62.24 44.25 35.33 30.06
302.77 250.43 213.99 467.38 332.29 265.34 225.74
352.59 291.64 249.21 544.30 386.98 309.01 262.89
659.19 545.24 465.91 1,017.60 723.48 577.71 491.49
1,108.21 916.64 783.26 1,710.74 1,216.28 971.22 826.27
2,912.55 2,409.07 2,058.54 4,496.11 3,196.58 2,552.52 2,171.59
3,050.67 2,523.32 2,156.17 4,709.34 3,348.18 2,673.57 2,274.57
1,379.70 1,141.20 975.15 2,129.85 1,514.25 1,209.15 1,028.70
95.90 76.58 65.15 134.89 95.90 76.58 65.15
194.17 160.60 137.24 299.74 213.11 170.17 144.77
120.49 99.66 85.16 186.01 132.24 105.60 89.84
72.05 59.60 50.92 111.23 79.08 63.14 53.72
96.43 79.76 68.15 148.85 105.83 84.51 71.89
47.37 39.18 33.48 73.12 51.99 41.51 35.32
28.82 23.84 20.37 44.49 31.63 25.26 21.49
200.82 166.11 141.94 310.01 220.41 176.00 149.73
120.49 99.66 85.16 186.01 132.24 105.60 89.84

364.85 301.78 257.87 563.23 400.44 319.75 272.03

456.83 377.86 322.88 705.22 501.39 400.36 340.61
772.63 639.07 546.08 1,192.72 847.98 677.12 576.07
814.02 673.31 575.34 1,256.61 893.41 713.40 606.93
639.26 528.76 451.82 986.83 701.60 560.24 476.63
342.90 283.63 242.36 529.34 376.34 300.51 255.67
294.34 243.46 208.03 454.37 323.04 257.95 219.46
251.41 207.95 177.69 388.11 275.93 220.33 187.45
958.13 792.50 677.19 1,479.06 1,051.56 839.69 714.38
1,131.35 935.78 799.62 1,746.48 1,241.69 991.50 843.53
1,024.04 847.02 723.78 1,580.82 1,123.91 897.46 763.52
1,345.97 1,113.30 951.31 2,077.79 1,477.24 1,179.59 1,003.55
349.52 289.10 247.04 539.56 383.61 306.32 260.60
11.65 9.64 8.23 17.99 12.79 10.21 8.69
84.32 69.74 59.59 130.16 92.54 73.89 62.87
30.51 25.23 21.56 47.09 33.48 26.74 22.75

- - - - - - -
4.60 3.80 3.25 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
9.20 7.61 6.50 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
13.80 11.41 9.75 21.30 15.14 12.09 10.29
18.40 15.22 13.00 28.40 20.19 16.12 13.72
34.49 28.53 24.38 53.25 37.86 30.23 25.72
78.18 64.67 55.26 120.69 85.81 68.52 58.29
117.27 97.00 82.89 181.04 128.71 102.78 87.44
156.37 129.34 110.52 241.38 171.62 137.04 116.59

2,678.95 2,215.86 1,893.44 4,135.51 2,940.20 2,347.79 1,997.42

1,785.21 1,476.61 1,261.76 2,755.84 1,959.30 1,564.53 1,331.05
407.41 336.98 287.95 628.92 447.14 357.05 303.76
26.35 21.04 17.90 37.06 26.35 21.04 17.90
17.50 13.97 11.89 24.61 17.50 13.97 11.89
21.03 16.79 14.29 29.58 21.03 16.79 14.29
31.70 25.31 21.53 44.58 31.70 25.31 21.53

$5.98 $4.95 $4.23 $9.23 $6.56 $5.24 $4.46

0.71 0.58 0.50 1.09 0.77 0.62 0.53
2.61 2.16 1.84 4.02 2.86 2.28 1.94
2.45 2.03 1.73 3.79 2.69 2.15 1.83
4.66 3.85 3.29 7.19 5.11 4.08 3.47
1.07 0.89 0.76 1.66 1.18 0.94 0.80
- - - - - - -

$7.51 $6.21 $5.31 $11.60 $8.24 $6.58 $5.60

0.71 0.58 0.50 1.09 0.77 0.62 0.53
2.61 2.16 1.84 4.02 2.86 2.28 1.94
2.45 2.03 1.73 3.79 2.69 2.15 1.83
- - - - - - -

$9.04 $7.48 $6.39 $13.96 $9.93 $7.93 $6.74 $0.00

0.71 0.58 0.50 1.09 0.77 0.62 0.53
2.61 2.16 1.84 4.02 2.86 2.28 1.94
2.45 2.03 1.73 3.79 2.69 2.15 1.83
3.53 2.92 2.49 5.44 3.87 3.09 2.63
5.24 4.34 3.71 8.09 5.75 4.59 3.91
3.04 2.51 2.15 4.69 3.33 2.66 2.26
- - - - - - -

$9.78 $8.09 $6.91 $15.10 $10.73 $8.57 $7.29

0.71 0.58 0.50 1.09 0.77 0.62 0.53
2.61 2.16 1.84 4.02 2.86 2.28 1.94
2.45 2.03 1.73 3.79 2.69 2.15 1.83
4.66 3.85 3.29 7.19 5.11 4.08 3.47
1.07 0.89 0.76 1.66 1.18 0.94 0.80
- - - - - - -

$17.57 $14.53 $12.42 $27.12 $19.28 $15.40 $13.10 $0.00

0.71 0.58 0.50 1.09 0.77 0.62 0.53
2.61 2.16 1.84 4.02 2.86 2.28 1.94
2.45 2.03 1.73 3.79 2.69 2.15 1.83
3.53 2.92 2.49 5.44 3.87 3.09 2.63
5.24 4.34 3.71 8.09 5.75 4.59 3.91
3.04 2.51 2.15 4.69 3.33 2.66 2.26
1.72 1.42 1.21 2.65 1.88 1.50 1.28
8.74 7.23 6.18 13.49 9.59 7.66 6.52
3.00 2.49 2.12 4.64 3.30 2.63 2.24
3.83 3.17 2.71 5.92 4.21 3.36 2.86
1.20 0.99 0.85 1.85 1.31 1.05 0.89
13.19 10.53 8.96 18.55 13.19 10.53 8.96
1.69 1.39 1.19 2.60 1.85 1.48 1.26
1.84 1.52 1.30 2.84 2.02 1.61 1.37
- - - - - - -

$17.57 $14.53 $12.42 $27.12 $19.28 $15.40 $13.10

$25.14 $20.80 $17.77 $38.81 $27.59 $22.03 $18.75
0.71 0.58 0.50 1.09 0.77 0.62 0.53
2.61 2.16 1.84 4.02 2.86 2.28 1.94
2.45 2.03 1.73 3.79 2.69 2.15 1.83
4.90 4.06 3.47 7.57 5.38 4.30 3.66
6.45 5.33 4.56 9.95 7.07 5.65 4.81
6.77 5.60 4.78 10.44 7.42 5.93 5.04
2.58 2.13 1.82 3.98 2.83 2.26 1.92
2.76 2.29 1.95 4.27 3.03 2.42 2.06
8.76 7.25 6.19 13.53 9.62 7.68 6.53
18.91 15.10 12.85 26.60 18.91 15.10 12.85
2.05 1.70 1.45 3.17 2.25 1.80 1.53
8.74 7.23 6.18 13.49 9.59 7.66 6.52
3.93 3.25 2.78 6.07 4.32 3.45 2.93
2.28 1.88 1.61 3.52 2.50 2.00 1.70
- - - - - - -
$38.66 $31.98 $27.33 $59.68 $42.43 $33.88 $28.83
0.71 0.58 0.50 1.09 0.77 0.62 0.53
2.61 2.16 1.84 4.02 2.86 2.28 1.94
2.45 2.03 1.73 3.79 2.69 2.15 1.83
7.54 6.24 5.33 11.64 8.28 6.61 5.62
3.34 2.76 2.36 5.16 3.67 2.93 2.49
3.19 2.64 2.25 4.92 3.50 2.79 2.38
5.15 4.26 3.64 7.95 5.65 4.51 3.84
8.74 7.23 6.18 13.49 9.59 7.66 6.52
1.44 1.19 1.02 2.22 1.58 1.26 1.07
4.75 3.93 3.36 7.34 5.22 4.16 3.54
4.29 3.55 3.03 6.63 4.71 3.76 3.20
1.32 1.09 0.93 2.04 1.45 1.16 0.98
11.96 9.89 8.45 18.46 13.12 10.48 8.92
2.02 1.67 1.43 3.12 2.22 1.77 1.51
- - - - - - -

$37.65 $31.14 $26.61 $58.12 $41.32 $33.00 $28.07

$38.66 $31.98 $27.33 $59.68 $42.43 $33.88 $28.83
0.71 0.58 0.50 1.09 0.77 0.62 0.53
4.54 3.75 3.21 7.00 4.98 3.98 3.38
2.61 2.16 1.84 4.02 2.86 2.28 1.94
2.45 2.03 1.73 3.79 2.69 2.15 1.83
5.15 4.26 3.64 7.95 5.65 4.51 3.84
3.19 2.64 2.25 4.92 3.50 2.79 2.38
7.54 6.24 5.33 11.64 8.28 6.61 5.62
3.34 2.76 2.36 5.16 3.67 2.93 2.49
4.45 3.68 3.14 6.86 4.88 3.90 3.31
4.29 3.55 3.03 6.63 4.71 3.76 3.20
8.74 7.23 6.18 13.49 9.59 7.66 6.52
9.80 8.10 6.92 15.13 10.75 8.59 7.31
0.74 0.61 0.52 1.14 0.81 0.64 0.55
- - - - - - -

$36.58 $30.25 $25.85 $56.46 $40.14 $32.06 $27.27 $0.00

0.71 0.58 0.50 1.09 0.77 0.62 0.53
4.54 3.75 3.21 7.00 4.98 3.98 3.38
2.61 2.16 1.84 4.02 2.86 2.28 1.94
2.45 2.03 1.73 3.79 2.69 2.15 1.83
6.68 5.53 4.72 10.32 7.34 5.86 4.98
6.75 5.58 4.77 10.41 7.40 5.91 5.03
2.88 2.38 2.04 4.45 3.16 2.53 2.15
3.83 3.17 2.71 5.92 4.21 3.36 2.86
4.60 3.80 3.25 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
1.72 1.42 1.21 2.65 1.88 1.50 1.28
8.74 7.23 6.18 13.49 9.59 7.66 6.52
1.84 1.52 1.30 2.84 2.02 1.61 1.37
14.84 11.85 10.08 20.87 14.84 11.85 10.08
1.29 1.07 0.91 1.99 1.41 1.13 0.96
- - - - - - -

$69.54 $57.52 $49.15 $107.34 $76.32 $60.94 $51.85

0.71 0.58 0.50 1.09 0.77 0.62 0.53
4.54 3.75 3.21 7.00 4.98 3.98 3.38
2.61 2.16 1.84 4.02 2.86 2.28 1.94
2.45 2.03 1.73 3.79 2.69 2.15 1.83
16.13 13.34 11.40 24.90 17.70 14.13 12.02
18.37 15.19 12.98 28.35 20.16 16.10 13.69
18.37 15.19 12.98 28.35 20.16 16.10 13.69
12.33 10.19 8.71 19.03 13.53 10.80 9.19
9.29 7.68 6.57 14.34 10.20 8.14 6.93
2.76 2.28 1.95 4.26 3.03 2.42 2.06
2.15 1.78 1.52 3.31 2.36 1.88 1.60
20.73 17.14 14.65 32.00 22.75 18.16 15.45
35.84 29.65 25.33 55.33 39.34 31.41 26.72
5.40 4.46 3.81 8.33 5.92 4.73 4.02
22.72 18.79 16.06 35.07 24.93 19.91 16.94
38.51 31.85 27.22 59.45 42.26 33.75 28.71
16.92 14.00 11.96 26.13 18.57 14.83 12.62
11.93 9.87 8.43 18.41 13.09 10.45 8.89
6.84 5.66 4.83 10.55 7.50 5.99 5.10
8.77 7.25 6.20 13.54 9.62 7.68 6.54
1.44 1.19 1.02 2.22 1.58 1.26 1.07
8.74 7.23 6.18 13.49 9.59 7.66 6.52
1.59 1.32 1.13 2.46 1.75 1.40 1.19
4.75 3.93 3.36 7.34 5.22 4.16 3.54
4.26 3.53 3.01 6.58 4.68 3.73 3.18
3.86 3.20 2.73 5.96 4.24 3.39 2.88
1.20 0.99 0.85 1.85 1.31 1.05 0.89
- - - - - - -

$11.74 $9.71 $8.30 $18.13 $12.89 $10.29 $8.76

0.71 0.58 0.50 1.09 0.77 0.62 0.53
2.61 2.16 1.84 4.02 2.86 2.28 1.94
2.45 2.03 1.73 3.79 2.69 2.15 1.83
3.19 2.64 2.25 4.92 3.50 2.79 2.38
- - - - - - -

$11.74 $9.71 $8.30 $18.13 $12.89 $10.29 $8.76

0.71 0.58 0.50 1.09 0.77 0.62 0.53
2.61 2.16 1.84 4.02 2.86 2.28 1.94
2.45 2.03 1.73 3.79 2.69 2.15 1.83
3.19 2.64 2.25 4.92 3.50 2.79 2.38
- - - - - - -

$30.87 $25.54 $21.82 $47.66 $33.89 $27.06 $23.02

0.71 0.58 0.50 1.09 0.77 0.62 0.53
2.61 2.16 1.84 4.02 2.86 2.28 1.94
2.45 2.03 1.73 3.79 2.69 2.15 1.83
3.62 2.99 2.56 5.58 3.97 3.17 2.70
5.79 4.79 4.10 8.95 6.36 5.08 4.32
2.64 2.18 1.86 4.07 2.89 2.31 1.97
3.10 2.56 2.19 4.78 3.40 2.71 2.31
6.68 5.53 4.72 10.32 7.34 5.86 4.98
1.44 1.19 1.02 2.22 1.58 1.26 1.07
8.74 7.23 6.18 13.49 9.59 7.66 6.52
1.23 1.01 0.87 1.89 1.35 1.07 0.91
2.02 1.67 1.43 3.12 2.22 1.77 1.51
3.16 2.61 2.23 4.87 3.47 2.77 2.35
- - - - - - -

$14.26 $11.79 $10.08 $22.01 $15.65 $12.49 $10.63

0.71 0.58 0.50 1.09 0.77 0.62 0.53
2.61 2.16 1.84 4.02 2.86 2.28 1.94
2.45 2.03 1.73 3.79 2.69 2.15 1.83
3.62 2.99 2.56 5.58 3.97 3.17 2.70
5.79 4.79 4.10 8.95 6.36 5.08 4.32
3.10 2.56 2.19 4.78 3.40 2.71 2.31
- - - - - - -

$31.92 $26.40 $22.56 $49.27 $35.03 $27.97 $23.80 $18.50

0.71 0.58 0.50 1.09 0.77 0.62 0.53
2.61 2.16 1.84 4.02 2.86 2.28 1.94
2.45 2.03 1.73 3.79 2.69 2.15 1.83
7.70 6.37 5.44 11.88 8.45 6.74 5.74
2.91 2.41 2.06 4.50 3.20 2.55 2.17
3.28 2.71 2.32 5.06 3.60 2.88 2.45
5.40 4.46 3.81 8.33 5.92 4.73 4.02
8.74 7.23 6.18 13.49 9.59 7.66 6.52
9.80 8.10 6.92 15.13 10.75 8.59 7.31
2.28 1.88 1.61 3.52 2.50 2.00 1.70
- - - - - - -

$82.11 $67.91 $58.03 $126.75 $90.11 $71.96 $61.22

$104.46 $86.40 $73.83 $161.25 $114.65 $91.55 $77.88
4.54 3.75 3.21 7.00 4.98 3.98 3.38
2.61 2.16 1.84 4.02 2.86 2.28 1.94
2.45 2.03 1.73 3.79 2.69 2.15 1.83
16.13 13.34 11.40 24.90 17.70 14.13 12.02
7.73 6.39 5.46 11.93 8.48 6.77 5.76
18.37 15.19 12.98 28.35 20.16 16.10 13.69
18.37 15.19 12.98 28.35 20.16 16.10 13.69
12.33 10.19 8.71 19.03 13.53 10.80 9.19
9.29 7.68 6.57 14.34 10.20 8.14 6.93
3.07 2.54 2.17 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
2.76 2.28 1.95 4.26 3.03 2.42 2.06
1.07 0.89 0.76 1.66 1.18 0.94 0.80
11.71 9.69 8.28 18.08 12.85 10.26 8.73
2.15 1.78 1.52 3.31 2.36 1.88 1.60
20.73 17.14 14.65 32.00 22.75 18.16 15.45
38.36 31.73 27.11 59.21 42.10 33.61 28.60 $0.00
35.84 29.65 25.33 55.33 39.34 31.41 26.72
5.40 4.46 3.81 8.33 5.92 4.73 4.02
22.72 18.79 16.06 35.07 24.93 19.91 16.94
38.51 31.85 27.22 59.45 42.26 33.75 28.71
16.92 14.00 11.96 26.13 18.57 14.83 12.62
3.37 2.79 2.38 5.21 3.70 2.96 2.51
6.71 5.55 4.75 10.37 7.37 5.88 5.01
2.88 2.38 2.04 4.45 3.16 2.53 2.15
1.44 1.19 1.02 2.22 1.58 1.26 1.07
8.74 7.23 6.18 13.49 9.59 7.66 6.52
1.23 1.01 0.87 1.89 1.35 1.07 0.91
4.75 3.93 3.36 7.34 5.22 4.16 3.54
2.02 1.67 1.43 3.12 2.22 1.77 1.51
3.86 3.20 2.73 5.96 4.24 3.39 2.88
1.20 0.99 0.85 1.85 1.31 1.05 0.89
14.64 11.69 9.94 20.59 14.64 11.69 9.94
- - - - - - -
$333.15 $275.56 $235.47 $514.29 $365.64 $291.97 $248.40 $109.00
44.42 35.47 30.18 62.48 44.42 35.47 30.18
4.60 3.80 3.25 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
7.39 6.11 5.22 11.41 8.11 6.48 5.51
2.36 1.95 1.67 3.64 2.59 2.07 1.76
5.79 4.79 4.10 8.95 6.36 5.08 4.32
24.50 20.26 17.31 37.82 26.89 21.47 18.27
10.79 8.93 7.63 16.66 11.84 9.46 8.05
0.92 0.76 0.65 1.42 1.01 0.81 0.69
4.26 3.53 3.01 6.58 4.68 3.73 3.18
0.95 0.79 0.67 1.47 1.04 0.83 0.71
0.95 0.79 0.67 1.47 1.04 0.83 0.71
10.15 8.39 7.17 15.67 11.14 8.89 7.57
40.47 33.48 28.60 62.48 44.42 35.47 30.18
24.77 20.49 17.51 38.24 27.19 21.71 18.47
12.17 10.07 8.60 18.79 13.36 10.67 9.08
- - - - - - -

$507.58 $419.83 $358.75 $783.55 $557.08 $444.83 $378.45 $109.00

$654.07 $541.00 $462.29 $1,009.69 $717.86 $573.22 $487.67 $243.00
44.42 35.47 30.18 62.48 44.42 35.47 30.18
7.39 6.11 5.22 11.41 8.11 6.48 5.51
58.32 48.23 41.22 90.02 64.00 51.11 43.48
58.32 48.23 41.22 90.02 64.00 51.11 43.48 $0.00
0.95 0.79 0.67 1.47 1.04 0.83 0.71
129.48 107.10 91.51 199.87 142.10 113.47 96.54
24.50 20.26 17.31 37.82 26.89 21.47 18.27
10.79 8.93 7.63 16.66 11.84 9.46 8.05
2.36 1.95 1.67 3.64 2.59 2.07 1.76
0.95 0.79 0.67 1.47 1.04 0.83 0.71
5.79 4.79 4.10 8.95 6.36 5.08 4.32
40.47 33.48 28.60 62.48 44.42 35.47 30.18
- - - - - - -

$224.65 $185.81 $158.78 $346.79 $246.55 $196.88 $167.50 $55.00

44.42 35.47 30.18 62.48 44.42 35.47 30.18
4.54 3.75 3.21 7.00 4.98 3.98 3.38
7.39 6.11 5.22 11.41 8.11 6.48 5.51
18.86 15.60 13.33 29.11 20.69 16.53 14.06
31.46 26.02 22.23 48.56 34.52 27.57 23.45
1.75 1.45 1.24 2.70 1.92 1.53 1.30
8.37 6.92 5.92 12.92 9.19 7.34 6.24
4.42 3.65 3.12 6.82 4.85 3.87 3.29
5.43 4.49 3.84 8.38 5.96 4.76 4.05
4.14 3.42 2.93 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
8.74 7.23 6.18 13.49 9.59 7.66 6.52
40.47 33.48 28.60 62.48 44.42 35.47 30.18
24.77 20.49 17.51 38.24 27.19 21.71 18.47
12.17 10.07 8.60 18.79 13.36 10.67 9.08
- - - - - - -

$612.07 $506.26 $432.60 $944.85 $671.75 $536.41 $456.35 $1,065.00

$632.12 $522.85 $446.77 $975.80 $693.76 $553.98 $471.30 $1,065.00
74.20 61.37 52.44 114.54 81.43 65.03 55.32
5.52 4.56 3.90 8.52 6.06 4.84 4.11
7.39 6.11 5.22 11.41 8.11 6.48 5.51
67.45 55.79 47.67 104.13 74.03 59.11 50.29
- - - - - - -

$632.12 $522.85 $446.77 $975.80 $693.76 $553.98 $471.30 $1,065.00

5.52 4.56 3.90 8.52 6.06 4.84 4.11

17.10 14.14 12.08 26.39 18.76 14.98 12.75

16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
68.58 54.76 46.59 96.46 68.58 54.76 46.59

34.16 28.25 24.14 52.73 37.49 29.94 25.47

- - - - - - -

$4,638.86 $3,836.97 $3,278.67 $7,161.03 $5,091.25 $4,065.43 $3,458.72 $792.46

168.25 134.35 114.30 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30
- - - - - - -
7.39 6.11 5.22 11.41 8.11 6.48 5.51
84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
33.65 26.87 22.86 47.33 33.65 26.87 22.86
5.52 4.56 3.90 8.52 6.06 4.84 4.11
29.31 24.24 20.72 45.25 32.17 25.69 21.85 $0.00
39.86 32.97 28.17 61.53 43.75 34.93 29.72
- - - - - - -

2,419.07 2,000.90 1,709.76 3,734.34 2,654.99 2,120.04 1,803.65

3,032.27 2,508.10 2,143.16 4,680.94 3,327.99 2,657.44 2,260.85
2,143.13 1,772.66 1,514.73 3,308.37 2,352.14 1,878.21 1,597.91
39.24 32.46 27.74 60.58 43.07 34.39 29.26
94.46 78.13 66.77 145.82 103.68 82.79 70.43
39.24 32.46 27.74 60.58 43.07 34.39 29.26
156.95 129.82 110.93 242.28 172.25 137.55 117.02
39.24 32.46 27.74 60.58 43.07 34.39 29.26
39.24 32.46 27.74 60.58 43.07 34.39 29.26
39.24 32.46 27.74 60.58 43.07 34.39 29.26
39.24 32.46 27.74 60.58 43.07 34.39 29.26
39.24 32.46 27.74 60.58 43.07 34.39 29.26
94.46 78.13 66.77 145.82 103.68 82.79 70.43
74.72 61.80 52.81 115.34 82.01 65.48 55.71
71.19 58.89 50.32 109.90 78.14 62.39 53.08
985.23 814.92 696.34 1,520.90 1,081.31 863.44 734.58
751.48 621.57 531.13 1,160.06 824.76 658.58 560.30
156.95 129.82 110.93 242.28 172.25 137.55 117.02
110.44 91.35 78.06 170.48 121.21 96.79 82.34
4,599.00 3,804.00 3,250.50 7,099.50 5,047.50 4,030.50 3,429.00
4,599.00 3,804.00 3,250.50 7,099.50 5,047.50 4,030.50 3,429.00
5,058.90 4,184.40 3,575.55 7,809.45 5,552.25 4,433.55 3,771.90
5,475.11 4,528.66 3,869.72 8,451.95 6,009.05 4,798.31 4,082.22
5,475.11 4,528.66 3,869.72 8,451.95 6,009.05 4,798.31 4,082.22
5,935.01 4,909.06 4,194.77 9,161.90 6,513.80 5,201.36 4,425.12
7,665.00 6,340.00 5,417.50 11,832.50 8,412.50 6,717.50 5,715.00
7,665.00 6,340.00 5,417.50 11,832.50 8,412.50 6,717.50 5,715.00
8,431.50 6,974.00 5,959.25 13,015.75 9,253.75 7,389.25 6,286.50

$91.83 $75.95 $64.90 $141.75 $100.78 $80.48 $68.47

$179.21 $148.23 $126.66 $276.64 $196.68 $157.06 $133.62
$120.95 $100.05 $85.49 $186.72 $132.75 $106.00 $90.18
$206.80 $171.05 $146.16 $319.24 $226.97 $181.24 $154.19
$153.15 $126.67 $108.24 $236.41 $168.08 $134.22 $114.19
4.60 3.80 3.25 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
7.39 6.11 5.22 11.41 8.11 6.48 5.51
4.11 3.40 2.90 6.34 4.51 3.60 3.06
12.26 10.14 8.67 18.93 13.46 10.75 9.14
36.79 30.43 26.00 56.80 40.38 32.24 27.43
137.97 114.12 97.52 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
137.97 114.12 97.52 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87

$2,351.16 $1,944.73 $1,661.76 $3,629.50 $2,580.45 $2,060.53 $1,753.02

$4,284.58 $3,543.93 $3,028.27 $6,614.13 $4,702.42 $3,754.95 $3,194.57
- - - - - - -
593.42 473.85 403.14 834.66 593.42 473.85 403.14
302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74
403.80 322.44 274.32 567.96 403.80 322.44 274.32
80.79 66.82 57.10 124.71 88.67 70.80 60.24
236.33 195.47 167.03 364.82 259.37 207.11 176.20
215.05 177.88 151.99 331.97 236.02 188.47 160.34
257.79 213.23 182.20 397.95 282.93 225.92 192.21
131.68 108.92 93.07 203.28 144.53 115.41 98.18
10.33 8.55 7.30 15.95 11.34 9.06 7.70
958.37 792.70 677.36 1,479.44 1,051.83 839.90 714.56
1,050.47 868.88 742.46 1,621.62 1,152.92 920.62 783.23
141.33 112.85 96.01 198.79 141.33 112.85 96.01
229.70 190.00 162.35 354.60 252.11 201.31 171.27
172.55 142.73 121.96 266.37 189.38 151.22 128.66
44.73 37.00 31.62 69.05 49.10 39.20 33.35
88.58 73.27 62.60 136.74 97.21 77.63 66.04
17.67 14.11 12.00 24.85 17.67 14.11 12.00
13.06 10.80 9.23 20.16 14.33 11.45 9.74
6.16 5.10 4.36 9.51 6.76 5.40 4.59

$63.90 $52.85 $45.16 $98.64 $70.13 $56.00 $47.64 $45.00

5.76 4.77 4.07 8.90 6.33 5.05 4.30
14.35 11.87 10.14 22.15 15.75 12.58 10.70
1.53 1.27 1.08 2.37 1.68 1.34 1.14
14.35 11.87 10.14 22.15 15.75 12.58 10.70
4.35 3.60 3.08 6.72 4.78 3.82 3.25
16.74 13.85 11.83 25.84 18.37 14.67 12.48
4.38 3.63 3.10 6.77 4.81 3.84 3.27
- - - - - - -

$179.33 $148.33 $126.75 $276.83 $196.82 $157.16 $133.71 $40.00

5.76 4.77 4.07 8.90 6.33 5.05 4.30
4.54 3.75 3.21 7.00 4.98 3.98 3.38
1.35 1.12 0.95 2.08 1.48 1.18 1.01
13.92 11.51 9.84 21.49 15.28 12.20 10.38
14.81 12.25 10.47 22.86 16.25 12.98 11.04
17.87 14.78 12.63 27.59 19.62 15.67 13.33
4.35 3.60 3.08 6.72 4.78 3.82 3.25
16.74 13.85 11.83 25.84 18.37 14.67 12.48
10.64 8.80 7.52 16.42 11.68 9.32 7.93
5.33 4.41 3.77 8.24 5.86 4.68 3.98
2.85 2.36 2.02 4.40 3.13 2.50 2.13
- - - - - - -
$249.57 $206.43 $176.39 $385.27 $273.91 $218.72 $186.08 $1,495.00
$443.80 $367.09 $313.67 $685.10 $487.08 $388.94 $330.90 $1,695.00
$390.46 $322.96 $275.97 $602.75 $428.53 $342.19 $291.12 $1,695.00
53.00 42.32 36.00 74.54 53.00 42.32 36.00
120.19 99.41 84.95 185.53 131.91 105.33 89.61
29.89 24.73 21.13 46.15 32.81 26.20 22.29
17.60 14.56 12.44 27.17 19.32 15.42 13.12
44.21 36.57 31.25 68.25 48.52 38.75 32.96
32.30 25.80 21.95 45.44 32.30 25.80 21.95
48.52 38.75 32.96 68.25 48.52 38.75 32.96
57.04 45.54 38.75 80.22 57.04 45.54 38.75
70.50 56.29 47.89 99.16 70.50 56.29 47.89
100.78 80.48 68.47 141.75 100.78 80.48 68.47
114.24 91.22 77.61 160.69 114.24 91.22 77.61
151.26 120.78 102.76 212.75 151.26 120.78 102.76
164.72 131.53 111.90 231.68 164.72 131.53 111.90
198.37 158.40 134.76 279.01 198.37 158.40 134.76
211.83 169.15 143.90 297.94 211.83 169.15 143.90
13.29 10.61 9.03 18.70 13.29 10.61 9.03
50.31 40.17 34.18 70.76 50.31 40.17 34.18
63.77 50.92 43.32 89.69 63.77 50.92 43.32
87.32 69.73 59.32 122.82 87.32 69.73 59.32
100.78 80.48 68.47 141.75 100.78 80.48 68.47
131.07 104.66 89.04 184.35 131.07 104.66 89.04
144.53 115.41 98.18 203.28 144.53 115.41 98.18
171.45 136.90 116.47 241.15 171.45 136.90 116.47
184.91 147.65 125.62 260.08 184.91 147.65 125.62

$326.99 $270.46 $231.11 $504.77 $358.88 $286.57 $243.80 $183.33

$326.99 $270.46 $231.11 $504.77 $358.88 $286.57 $243.80 $183.33
$564.91 $467.26 $399.27 $872.06 $620.00 $495.08 $421.20 $216.67
$475.69 $393.46 $336.21 $734.32 $522.08 $416.89 $354.67 $216.67
53.00 42.32 36.00 74.54 53.00 42.32 36.00
29.13 24.09 20.59 44.96 31.97 25.53 21.72
29.13 24.09 20.59 44.96 31.97 25.53 21.72
6.53 5.40 4.62 10.08 7.17 5.72 4.87
174.76 144.55 123.52 269.78 191.81 153.16 130.30
145.64 120.46 102.93 224.82 159.84 127.63 108.59
53.67 42.86 36.46 75.49 53.67 42.86 36.46
67.13 53.61 45.61 94.42 67.13 53.61 45.61
94.05 75.10 63.89 132.29 94.05 75.10 63.89
107.51 85.85 73.04 151.22 107.51 85.85 73.04
141.16 112.72 95.90 198.55 141.16 112.72 95.90
154.62 123.47 105.04 217.48 154.62 123.47 105.04
184.91 147.65 125.62 260.08 184.91 147.65 125.62
198.37 158.40 134.76 279.01 198.37 158.40 134.76
13.29 10.61 9.03 18.70 13.29 10.61 9.03
63.77 50.92 43.32 89.69 63.77 50.92 43.32
77.23 61.67 52.46 108.62 77.23 61.67 52.46
114.24 91.22 77.61 160.69 114.24 91.22 77.61
127.70 101.97 86.75 179.62 127.70 101.97 86.75
171.45 136.90 116.47 241.15 171.45 136.90 116.47
184.91 147.65 125.62 260.08 184.91 147.65 125.62
225.29 179.89 153.05 316.87 225.29 179.89 153.05
258.94 206.76 175.91 364.20 258.94 206.76 175.91
13.29 10.61 9.03 18.70 13.29 10.61 9.03
5.89 4.70 4.00 8.28 5.89 4.70 4.00
11.78 9.40 8.00 16.57 11.78 9.40 8.00
11.78 9.40 8.00 16.57 11.78 9.40 8.00
4.04 3.22 2.74 5.68 4.04 3.22 2.74

- - - - - - -

- - - - - - -
4.21 3.36 2.86 5.92 4.21 3.36 2.86
6.73 5.37 4.57 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
6.90 5.51 4.69 9.70 6.90 5.51 4.69
5.05 4.03 3.43 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
6.73 5.37 4.57 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
5.05 4.03 3.43 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
25.24 20.15 17.15 35.50 25.24 20.15 17.15
26.92 21.50 18.29 37.86 26.92 21.50 18.29
28.60 22.84 19.43 40.23 28.60 22.84 19.43
15.14 12.09 10.29 21.30 15.14 12.09 10.29
20.19 16.12 13.72 28.40 20.19 16.12 13.72
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
7.07 5.64 4.80 9.94 7.07 5.64 4.80
9.05 7.23 6.15 12.73 9.05 7.23 6.15
4.37 3.49 2.97 6.15 4.37 3.49 2.97
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -

$20.33 $16.81 $14.37 $31.38 $22.31 $17.81 $15.16

$420.87 $348.12 $297.46 $649.70 $461.91 $368.84 $313.80
0.71 0.58 0.50 1.09 0.77 0.62 0.53
95.41 78.92 67.44 147.29 104.72 83.62 71.14
54.51 45.09 38.53 84.15 59.83 47.77 40.65
95.41 78.92 67.44 147.29 104.72 83.62 71.14
73.61 60.89 52.03 113.64 80.79 64.51 54.89
95.41 78.92 67.44 147.29 104.72 83.62 71.14
95.41 78.92 67.44 147.29 104.72 83.62 71.14
9.47 7.84 6.70 14.62 10.40 8.30 7.06
$12.63 $10.45 $8.93 $19.50 $13.86 $11.07 $9.42
$14.96 $12.38 $10.57 $23.10 $16.42 $13.11 $11.16
$17.38 $14.38 $12.29 $26.84 $19.08 $15.24 $12.96
0.71 0.58 0.50 1.09 0.77 0.62 0.53
$15.12 $12.50 $10.68 $23.33 $16.59 $13.25 $11.27
$44.89 $37.13 $31.72 $69.29 $49.26 $39.34 $33.47
$50.07 $41.41 $35.39 $77.29 $54.95 $43.88 $37.33
6.13 5.07 4.33 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
5.06 4.18 3.58 7.81 5.55 4.43 3.77
0.77 0.63 0.54 1.18 0.84 0.67 0.57
2.70 2.23 1.91 4.17 2.96 2.36 2.01
$67.15 $55.54 $47.46 $103.65 $73.69 $58.85 $50.06
$96.82 $80.09 $68.43 $149.47 $106.27 $84.86 $72.19
0.71 0.58 0.50 1.09 0.77 0.62 0.53
$26.67 $22.06 $18.85 $41.18 $29.28 $23.38 $19.89
$26.95 $22.29 $19.05 $41.60 $29.58 $23.62 $20.09
$32.07 $26.53 $22.67 $49.51 $35.20 $28.11 $23.91
0.71 0.58 0.50 1.09 0.77 0.62 0.53
$39.55 $32.71 $27.95 $61.06 $43.41 $34.66 $29.49
$59.33 $49.07 $41.93 $91.58 $65.11 $51.99 $44.23
$27.72 $22.93 $19.59 $42.79 $30.42 $24.29 $20.67
$30.26 $25.03 $21.39 $46.71 $33.21 $26.52 $22.56
$27.99 $23.15 $19.78 $43.21 $30.72 $24.53 $20.87
$32.50 $26.88 $22.97 $50.17 $35.67 $28.48 $24.23
5.00 4.13 3.53 7.71 5.48 4.38 3.73
2.70 2.23 1.91 4.17 2.96 2.36 2.01
$45.19 $37.38 $31.94 $69.76 $49.60 $39.61 $33.70
$50.80 $42.02 $35.91 $78.43 $55.76 $44.52 $37.88
16.10 13.31 11.38 24.85 17.67 14.11 12.00
17.78 14.71 12.57 27.45 19.52 15.58 13.26
$103.88 $85.92 $73.42 $160.35 $114.01 $91.04 $77.45
19.25 15.93 13.61 29.72 21.13 16.87 14.36
41.12 34.01 29.06 63.47 45.12 36.03 30.66
41.12 34.01 29.06 63.47 45.12 36.03 30.66
41.12 34.01 29.06 63.47 45.12 36.03 30.66
41.12 34.01 29.06 63.47 45.12 36.03 30.66
$103.29 $85.44 $73.01 $159.45 $113.37 $90.53 $77.02
$141.68 $117.19 $100.14 $218.71 $155.50 $124.17 $105.64
0.71 0.58 0.50 1.09 0.77 0.62 0.53
$138.49 $114.55 $97.88 $213.79 $152.00 $121.37 $103.26
2.42 2.00 1.71 3.74 2.66 2.12 1.81
19.25 15.93 13.61 29.72 21.13 16.87 14.36
41.12 34.01 29.06 63.47 45.12 36.03 30.66
41.12 34.01 29.06 63.47 45.12 36.03 30.66
41.12 34.01 29.06 63.47 45.12 36.03 30.66
41.12 34.01 29.06 63.47 45.12 36.03 30.66
34.06 28.17 24.08 52.58 37.39 29.85 25.40
$211.89 $175.26 $149.76 $327.10 $232.56 $185.70 $157.99
$268.31 $221.93 $189.63 $414.18 $294.47 $235.14 $200.05
81.80 67.66 57.82 126.28 89.78 71.69 60.99
76.34 63.15 53.96 117.85 83.79 66.91 56.92
15.02 12.43 10.62 23.19 16.49 13.17 11.20
68.19 56.40 48.19 105.26 74.84 59.76 50.84
68.19 56.40 48.19 105.26 74.84 59.76 50.84

$62.62 $50.01 $42.54 $88.08 $62.62 $50.01 $42.54

0.71 0.58 0.50 1.09 0.77 0.62 0.53
1.20 0.99 0.85 1.85 1.31 1.05 0.89

$62.62 $50.01 $42.54 $88.08 $62.62 $50.01 $42.54

$71.87 $59.44 $50.79 $110.94 $78.88 $62.98 $53.58 $90.00

0.71 0.58 0.50 1.09 0.77 0.62 0.53
21.17 16.90 14.38 29.77 21.17 16.90 14.38
7.57 6.05 5.14 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14

$61.11 $50.55 $43.19 $94.34 $67.07 $53.56 $45.57

0.71 0.58 0.50 1.09 0.77 0.62 0.53
4.54 3.75 3.21 7.00 4.98 3.98 3.38
4.82 3.99 3.41 7.44 5.29 4.23 3.59
1.28 1.06 0.90 1.97 1.40 1.12 0.95
21.17 16.90 14.38 29.77 21.17 16.90 14.38
10.40 8.60 7.35 16.05 11.41 9.11 7.75
0.39 0.32 0.28 0.60 0.43 0.34 0.29
0.41 0.33 0.28 0.58 0.41 0.33 0.28
0.13 0.11 0.09 0.20 0.14 0.11 0.10
0.50 0.41 0.35 0.76 0.54 0.43 0.37
0.24 0.19 0.16 0.33 0.24 0.19 0.16
0.89 0.74 0.63 1.37 0.98 0.78 0.66
0.89 0.74 0.63 1.37 0.98 0.78 0.66
4.57 3.78 3.23 7.05 5.01 4.00 3.41
1.92 1.53 1.30 2.70 1.92 1.53 1.30
4.29 3.55 3.03 6.63 4.71 3.76 3.20
16.29 13.47 11.51 25.14 17.88 14.27 12.14
29.32 24.25 20.72 45.26 32.18 25.69 21.86
7.17 5.93 5.07 11.06 7.87 6.28 5.34
42.35 35.03 29.93 65.37 46.48 37.11 31.58
83.37 68.96 58.92 128.70 91.50 73.06 62.16
11.70 9.68 8.27 18.06 12.84 10.25 8.72
6.75 5.58 4.77 10.42 7.41 5.92 5.03
6.38 5.27 4.51 9.84 7.00 5.59 4.75
1.78 1.47 1.26 2.75 1.95 1.56 1.33
18.89 15.62 13.35 29.16 20.73 16.55 14.08
3.50 2.89 2.47 5.40 3.84 3.06 2.61
90.41 74.78 63.90 139.56 99.22 79.23 67.41
58.25 48.18 41.17 89.92 63.93 51.05 43.43
60.74 50.24 42.93 93.76 66.66 53.23 45.29 $0.00
7.57 6.05 5.14 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14
7.57 6.05 5.14 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14

$183.46 $146.50 $124.63 $258.04 $183.46 $146.50 $124.63 $90.00

27.83 22.22 18.91 39.14 27.83 22.22 18.91
21.17 16.90 14.38 29.77 21.17 16.90 14.38
6.63 5.29 4.50 9.32 6.63 5.29 4.50
7.57 6.05 5.14 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14
7.57 6.05 5.14 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14

$94.83 $78.44 $67.03 $146.39 $104.08 $83.11 $70.71 $149.00

4.54 3.75 3.21 7.00 4.98 3.98 3.38
60.74 50.24 42.93 93.76 66.66 53.23 45.29 $0.00
4.88 3.90 3.31 6.86 4.88 3.90 3.31
27.83 22.22 18.91 39.14 27.83 22.22 18.91
21.17 16.90 14.38 29.77 21.17 16.90 14.38
1.92 1.53 1.30 2.70 1.92 1.53 1.30
7.57 6.05 5.14 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14
7.57 6.05 5.14 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14

$116.75 $96.57 $82.52 $180.23 $128.14 $102.32 $87.05 $90.00

$174.79 $144.58 $123.54 $269.83 $191.84 $153.19 $130.32 $90.00
39.09 32.33 27.63 60.35 42.90 34.26 29.15
10.60 8.46 7.20 14.91 10.60 8.46 7.20
21.17 16.90 14.38 29.77 21.17 16.90 14.38
9.09 7.25 6.17 12.78 9.09 7.25 6.17
7.57 6.05 5.14 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14
$142.69 $118.03 $100.85 $220.27 $156.61 $125.05 $106.39 $179.00
4.54 3.75 3.21 7.00 4.98 3.98 3.38
60.74 50.24 42.93 93.76 66.66 53.23 45.29 $0.00
4.88 3.90 3.31 6.86 4.88 3.90 3.31
39.09 32.33 27.63 60.35 42.90 34.26 29.15
21.17 16.90 14.38 29.77 21.17 16.90 14.38
1.92 1.53 1.30 2.70 1.92 1.53 1.30
9.09 7.25 6.17 12.78 9.09 7.25 6.17
7.57 6.05 5.14 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14

$205.73 $170.17 $145.41 $317.58 $225.79 $180.30 $153.39 $224.00

4.54 3.75 3.21 7.00 4.98 3.98 3.38
66.66 53.23 45.29 93.76 66.66 53.23 45.29 $0.00
60.74 50.24 42.93 93.76 66.66 53.23 45.29 $0.00
9.39 7.50 6.38 13.21 9.39 7.50 6.38
4.88 3.90 3.31 6.86 4.88 3.90 3.31
38.63 31.95 27.30 59.64 42.40 33.86 28.80
21.17 16.90 14.38 29.77 21.17 16.90 14.38
1.92 1.53 1.30 2.70 1.92 1.53 1.30
12.45 9.94 8.46 17.51 12.45 9.94 8.46
7.57 6.05 5.14 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14

$316.04 $261.41 $223.37 $487.88 $346.86 $276.98 $235.64 $250.00

10.60 8.46 7.20 14.91 10.60 8.46 7.20
21.17 16.90 14.38 29.77 21.17 16.90 14.38
12.45 9.94 8.46 17.51 12.45 9.94 8.46
7.57 6.05 5.14 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14

$291.09 $240.77 $205.73 $449.35 $319.47 $255.10 $217.03 $336.00

4.54 3.75 3.21 7.00 4.98 3.98 3.38
12.45 9.94 8.46 17.51 12.45 9.94 8.46
7.57 6.05 5.14 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14
4.14 3.42 2.93 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
21.17 16.90 14.38 29.77 21.17 16.90 14.38
38.63 31.95 27.30 59.64 42.40 33.86 28.80
1.92 1.53 1.30 2.70 1.92 1.53 1.30
3.50 2.89 2.47 5.40 3.84 3.06 2.61
0.39 0.32 0.28 0.60 0.43 0.34 0.29
0.41 0.33 0.28 0.58 0.41 0.33 0.28
0.13 0.11 0.09 0.20 0.14 0.11 0.10
0.50 0.41 0.35 0.76 0.54 0.43 0.37
0.24 0.19 0.16 0.33 0.24 0.19 0.16
0.89 0.74 0.63 1.37 0.98 0.78 0.66
0.89 0.74 0.63 1.37 0.98 0.78 0.66
4.29 3.55 3.03 6.63 4.71 3.76 3.20
6.38 5.27 4.51 9.84 7.00 5.59 4.75
1.78 1.47 1.26 2.75 1.95 1.56 1.33
18.89 15.62 13.35 29.16 20.73 16.55 14.08
4.57 3.78 3.23 7.05 5.01 4.00 3.41
60.74 50.24 42.93 93.76 66.66 53.23 45.29 $0.00

$32.30 $25.80 $21.95 $45.44 $32.30 $25.80 $21.95

20.16 16.10 13.69 28.35 20.16 16.10 13.69
16.79 13.41 11.41 23.62 16.79 13.41 11.41
1.31 1.05 0.89 1.85 1.31 1.05 0.89
1.31 1.05 0.89 1.85 1.31 1.05 0.89
$105.13 $86.96 $74.31 $162.29 $115.39 $92.14 $78.39
$99.15 $82.01 $70.08 $153.07 $108.82 $86.90 $73.93
$111.79 $92.46 $79.01 $172.57 $122.69 $97.97 $83.35
4.54 3.75 3.21 7.00 4.98 3.98 3.38
4.94 4.08 3.49 7.62 5.42 4.33 3.68
5.76 4.77 4.07 8.90 6.33 5.05 4.30

17.97 14.86 12.70 27.74 19.72 15.75 13.40

5.03 4.16 3.55 7.76 5.52 4.41 3.75
11.56 9.56 8.17 17.84 12.69 10.13 8.62
14.96 12.38 10.57 23.10 16.42 13.11 11.16
9.44 7.81 6.67 14.58 10.36 8.28 7.04
20.73 17.14 14.65 32.00 22.75 18.16 15.45
38.36 31.73 27.11 59.21 42.10 33.61 28.60 $0.00
9.29 7.68 6.57 14.34 10.20 8.14 6.93
2.15 1.78 1.52 3.31 2.36 1.88 1.60
6.10 5.05 4.31 9.42 6.70 5.35 4.55

1.44 1.19 1.02 2.22 1.58 1.26 1.07

8.74 7.23 6.18 13.49 9.59 7.66 6.52
6.65 5.50 4.70 10.27 7.30 5.83 4.96
9.01 7.46 6.37 13.92 9.89 7.90 6.72
4.14 3.42 2.93 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
0.92 0.76 0.65 1.42 1.01 0.81 0.69
1.50 1.24 1.06 2.32 1.65 1.32 1.12
1.84 1.52 1.30 2.84 2.02 1.61 1.37
13.33 10.64 9.05 18.74 13.33 10.64 9.05
20.91 17.30 14.78 32.28 22.95 18.33 15.59
1.32 1.09 0.93 2.04 1.45 1.16 0.98
4.75 3.93 3.36 7.34 5.22 4.16 3.54

14.38 11.89 10.16 22.20 15.78 12.60 10.72

3.43 2.84 2.43 5.30 3.77 3.01 2.56
10.09 8.34 7.13 15.57 11.07 8.84 7.52
1.10 0.91 0.78 1.70 1.21 0.97 0.82

1.32 1.09 0.93 2.04 1.45 1.16 0.98

3.00 2.49 2.12 4.64 3.30 2.63 2.24
1.20 0.99 0.85 1.85 1.31 1.05 0.89
1.78 1.47 1.26 2.75 1.95 1.56 1.33
0.81 0.64 0.55 1.14 0.81 0.64 0.55
4.51 3.73 3.19 6.96 4.95 3.95 3.36
- - - - - - -

$126.66 $104.76 $89.52 $195.52 $139.01 $111.00 $94.43

$142.78 $118.10 $100.92 $220.42 $156.71 $125.13 $106.46
$183.56 $151.83 $129.74 $283.36 $201.46 $160.87 $136.86
4.54 3.75 3.21 7.00 4.98 3.98 3.38
5.76 4.77 4.07 8.90 6.33 5.05 4.30
7.02 5.81 4.96 10.84 7.71 6.15 5.23

17.97 14.86 12.70 27.74 19.72 15.75 13.40

5.03 4.16 3.55 7.76 5.52 4.41 3.75
14.96 12.38 10.57 23.10 16.42 13.11 11.16
9.44 7.81 6.67 14.58 10.36 8.28 7.04
38.36 31.73 27.11 59.21 42.10 33.61 28.60 $0.00
9.29 7.68 6.57 14.34 10.20 8.14 6.93
2.15 1.78 1.52 3.31 2.36 1.88 1.60
49.49 40.93 34.98 76.39 54.31 43.37 36.90 $0.00
12.33 10.19 8.71 19.03 13.53 10.80 9.19
38.51 31.85 27.22 59.45 42.26 33.75 28.71
20.73 17.14 14.65 32.00 22.75 18.16 15.45
35.84 29.65 25.33 55.33 39.34 31.41 26.72
6.10 5.05 4.31 9.42 6.70 5.35 4.55

1.44 1.19 1.02 2.22 1.58 1.26 1.07

8.74 7.23 6.18 13.49 9.59 7.66 6.52
6.65 5.50 4.70 10.27 7.30 5.83 4.96
9.01 7.46 6.37 13.92 9.89 7.90 6.72
4.14 3.42 2.93 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
0.92 0.76 0.65 1.42 1.01 0.81 0.69
1.50 1.24 1.06 2.32 1.65 1.32 1.12
1.84 1.52 1.30 2.84 2.02 1.61 1.37
13.33 10.64 9.05 18.74 13.33 10.64 9.05
1.32 1.09 0.93 2.04 1.45 1.16 0.98
4.75 3.93 3.36 7.34 5.22 4.16 3.54

14.38 11.89 10.16 22.20 15.78 12.60 10.72

3.43 2.84 2.43 5.30 3.77 3.01 2.56
10.09 8.34 7.13 15.57 11.07 8.84 7.52
1.10 0.91 0.78 1.70 1.21 0.97 0.82

1.32 1.09 0.93 2.04 1.45 1.16 0.98

3.00 2.49 2.12 4.64 3.30 2.63 2.24
1.20 0.99 0.85 1.85 1.31 1.05 0.89
1.78 1.47 1.26 2.75 1.95 1.56 1.33
0.81 0.64 0.55 1.14 0.81 0.64 0.55
4.51 3.73 3.19 6.96 4.95 3.95 3.36
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$124.54 $103.01 $88.02 $192.25 $136.69 $109.15 $92.86

$147.44 $121.96 $104.21 $227.61 $161.82 $129.22 $109.93
4.54 3.75 3.21 7.00 4.98 3.98 3.38
4.94 4.08 3.49 7.62 5.42 4.33 3.68
5.76 4.77 4.07 8.90 6.33 5.05 4.30

18.46 15.27 13.05 28.49 20.26 16.18 13.76

5.03 4.16 3.55 7.76 5.52 4.41 3.75
6.10 5.05 4.31 9.42 6.70 5.35 4.55
2.15 1.78 1.52 3.31 2.36 1.88 1.60
20.73 17.14 14.65 32.00 22.75 18.16 15.45
38.36 31.73 27.11 59.21 42.10 33.61 28.60 $0.00
9.44 7.81 6.67 14.58 10.36 8.28 7.04
14.96 12.38 10.57 23.10 16.42 13.11 11.16
9.29 7.68 6.57 14.34 10.20 8.14 6.93
1.23 1.01 0.87 1.89 1.35 1.07 0.91
11.56 9.56 8.17 17.84 12.69 10.13 8.62

1.44 1.19 1.02 2.22 1.58 1.26 1.07

8.74 7.23 6.18 13.49 9.59 7.66 6.52
2.88 2.38 2.04 4.45 3.16 2.53 2.15
8.80 7.28 6.22 13.58 9.66 7.71 6.56
4.75 3.93 3.36 7.34 5.22 4.16 3.54
1.44 1.19 1.02 2.22 1.58 1.26 1.07
9.01 7.46 6.37 13.92 9.89 7.90 6.72
4.14 3.42 2.93 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
0.92 0.76 0.65 1.42 1.01 0.81 0.69
1.50 1.24 1.06 2.32 1.65 1.32 1.12
1.84 1.52 1.30 2.84 2.02 1.61 1.37
5.76 4.77 4.07 8.90 6.33 5.05 4.30
13.33 10.64 9.05 18.74 13.33 10.64 9.05

51.66 42.73 36.51 79.75 56.70 45.28 38.52

22.72 18.79 16.06 35.07 24.93 19.91 16.94
16.46 13.62 11.64 25.42 18.07 14.43 12.28
16.46 13.62 11.64 25.42 18.07 14.43 12.28
16.46 13.62 11.64 25.42 18.07 14.43 12.28
65.09 53.84 46.01 100.48 71.44 57.05 48.53 $0.00
29.31 24.24 20.72 45.25 32.17 25.69 21.85 $0.00
96.09 79.48 67.91 148.33 105.46 84.21 71.64

13.34 11.03 9.43 20.59 14.64 11.69 9.94

3.43 2.84 2.43 5.30 3.77 3.01 2.56
9.35 7.73 6.61 14.44 10.26 8.20 6.97
1.10 0.91 0.78 1.70 1.21 0.97 0.82

1.20 0.99 0.85 1.85 1.31 1.05 0.89

1.32 1.09 0.93 2.04 1.45 1.16 0.98
1.23 1.01 0.87 1.89 1.35 1.07 0.91
1.78 1.47 1.26 2.75 1.95 1.56 1.33
5.43 4.49 3.84 8.38 5.96 4.76 4.05
4.35 3.60 3.08 6.72 4.78 3.82 3.25
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$155.45 $128.58 $109.87 $239.96 $170.61 $136.23 $115.90

$217.20 $179.65 $153.51 $335.29 $238.38 $190.35 $161.94
4.54 3.75 3.21 7.00 4.98 3.98 3.38
7.02 5.81 4.96 10.84 7.71 6.15 5.23

18.46 15.27 13.05 28.49 20.26 16.18 13.76

5.03 4.16 3.55 7.76 5.52 4.41 3.75
6.10 5.05 4.31 9.42 6.70 5.35 4.55
2.15 1.78 1.52 3.31 2.36 1.88 1.60
20.73 17.14 14.65 32.00 22.75 18.16 15.45
38.36 31.73 27.11 59.21 42.10 33.61 28.60 $0.00
9.29 7.68 6.57 14.34 10.20 8.14 6.93
49.49 40.93 34.98 76.39 54.31 43.37 36.90 $0.00
35.84 29.65 25.33 55.33 39.34 31.41 26.72
12.33 10.19 8.71 19.03 13.53 10.80 9.19
14.96 12.38 10.57 23.10 16.42 13.11 11.16
9.44 7.81 6.67 14.58 10.36 8.28 7.04
5.76 4.77 4.07 8.90 6.33 5.05 4.30
1.23 1.01 0.87 1.89 1.35 1.07 0.91

1.44 1.19 1.02 2.22 1.58 1.26 1.07

8.74 7.23 6.18 13.49 9.59 7.66 6.52
2.88 2.38 2.04 4.45 3.16 2.53 2.15
8.80 7.28 6.22 13.58 9.66 7.71 6.56
4.75 3.93 3.36 7.34 5.22 4.16 3.54
9.01 7.46 6.37 13.92 9.89 7.90 6.72
4.14 3.42 2.93 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
0.92 0.76 0.65 1.42 1.01 0.81 0.69
1.50 1.24 1.06 2.32 1.65 1.32 1.12
1.84 1.52 1.30 2.84 2.02 1.61 1.37
13.33 10.64 9.05 18.74 13.33 10.64 9.05
1.44 1.19 1.02 2.22 1.58 1.26 1.07

51.66 42.73 36.51 79.75 56.70 45.28 38.52

22.72 18.79 16.06 35.07 24.93 19.91 16.94
16.46 13.62 11.64 25.42 18.07 14.43 12.28
16.46 13.62 11.64 25.42 18.07 14.43 12.28
16.46 13.62 11.64 25.42 18.07 14.43 12.28
65.09 53.84 46.01 100.48 71.44 57.05 48.53 $0.00
29.31 24.24 20.72 45.25 32.17 25.69 21.85 $0.00
96.09 79.48 67.91 148.33 105.46 84.21 71.64

13.34 11.03 9.43 20.59 14.64 11.69 9.94

3.43 2.84 2.43 5.30 3.77 3.01 2.56
9.44 7.81 6.67 14.58 10.36 8.28 7.04
1.10 0.91 0.78 1.70 1.21 0.97 0.82

1.20 0.99 0.85 1.85 1.31 1.05 0.89

1.32 1.09 0.93 2.04 1.45 1.16 0.98
1.23 1.01 0.87 1.89 1.35 1.07 0.91
1.78 1.47 1.26 2.75 1.95 1.56 1.33
5.43 4.49 3.84 8.38 5.96 4.76 4.05
4.35 3.60 3.08 6.72 4.78 3.82 3.25
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6.73 5.37 4.57 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57

16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
26.92 21.50 18.29 37.86 26.92 21.50 18.29
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
105.16 83.97 71.44 147.91 105.16 83.97 71.44
5.67 4.69 4.01 8.76 6.23 4.97 4.23

19.98 15.95 13.57 28.10 19.98 15.95 13.57

13.20 10.54 8.97 18.57 13.20 10.54 8.97
11.41 9.11 7.75 16.05 11.41 9.11 7.75
9.72 7.76 6.60 13.67 9.72 7.76 6.60
8.15 6.51 5.54 11.47 8.15 6.51 5.54
7.99 6.38 5.43 11.24 7.99 6.38 5.43
7.83 6.25 5.32 11.02 7.83 6.25 5.32

17.61 14.07 11.97 24.77 17.61 14.07 11.97

12.15 9.70 8.25 17.09 12.15 9.70 8.25
10.49 8.37 7.12 14.75 10.49 8.37 7.12
9.14 7.30 6.21 12.86 9.14 7.30 6.21
7.61 6.08 5.17 10.70 7.61 6.08 5.17
7.45 5.95 5.06 10.48 7.45 5.95 5.06
7.29 5.82 4.95 10.25 7.29 5.82 4.95

23.98 19.14 16.29 33.72 23.98 19.14 16.29

41.56 33.18 28.23 58.45 41.56 33.18 28.23
67.13 53.61 45.61 94.42 67.13 53.61 45.61
0.06 0.05 0.04 0.09 0.06 0.05 0.04
19.18 15.32 13.03 26.98 19.18 15.32 13.03
31.97 25.53 21.72 44.96 31.97 25.53 21.72
57.54 45.95 39.09 80.93 57.54 45.95 39.09
0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01

143.85 114.87 97.73 202.34 143.85 114.87 97.73

143.85 114.87 97.73 202.34 143.85 114.87 97.73
71.93 57.43 48.86 101.17 71.93 57.43 48.86
4.16 3.32 2.82 5.85 4.16 3.32 2.82
8.95 7.15 6.08 12.59 8.95 7.15 6.08
2.40 1.91 1.63 3.37 2.40 1.91 1.63
1.12 0.89 0.76 1.57 1.12 0.89 0.76
4.99 3.98 3.39 7.01 4.99 3.98 3.39
3.48 2.78 2.37 4.90 3.48 2.78 2.37
22.22 17.74 15.09 31.25 22.22 17.74 15.09
31.97 25.53 21.72 44.96 31.97 25.53 21.72
15.98 12.76 10.86 22.48 15.98 12.76 10.86
47.95 38.29 32.58 67.45 47.95 38.29 32.58
4.80 3.83 3.26 6.74 4.80 3.83 3.26
15.98 12.76 10.86 22.48 15.98 12.76 10.86
6.39 5.11 4.34 8.99 6.39 5.11 4.34
15.82 12.64 10.75 22.26 15.82 12.64 10.75
23.98 19.14 16.29 33.72 23.98 19.14 16.29
95.90 76.58 65.15 134.89 95.90 76.58 65.15

13.20 10.54 8.97 18.57 13.20 10.54 8.97

13.20 10.54 8.97 18.57 13.20 10.54 8.97
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13.20 10.54 8.97 18.57 13.20 10.54 8.97
13.20 10.54 8.97 18.57 13.20 10.54 8.97

4.16 3.32 2.82 5.85 4.16 3.32 2.82

4.16 3.32 2.82 5.85 4.16 3.32 2.82
4.16 3.32 2.82 5.85 4.16 3.32 2.82
1.60 1.28 1.09 2.25 1.60 1.28 1.09
4.16 3.32 2.82 5.85 4.16 3.32 2.82
4.16 3.32 2.82 5.85 4.16 3.32 2.82
4.16 3.32 2.82 5.85 4.16 3.32 2.82
1.60 1.28 1.09 2.25 1.60 1.28 1.09
4.16 3.32 2.82 5.85 4.16 3.32 2.82
4.16 3.32 2.82 5.85 4.16 3.32 2.82
4.16 3.32 2.82 5.85 4.16 3.32 2.82
1.60 1.28 1.09 2.25 1.60 1.28 1.09
4.16 3.32 2.82 5.85 4.16 3.32 2.82
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4.16 3.32 2.82 5.85 4.16 3.32 2.82
4.16 3.32 2.82 5.85 4.16 3.32 2.82
1.60 1.28 1.09 2.25 1.60 1.28 1.09
4.16 3.32 2.82 5.85 4.16 3.32 2.82

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19.98 15.95 13.57 28.10 19.98 15.95 13.57

13.20 10.54 8.97 18.57 13.20 10.54 8.97
11.41 9.11 7.75 16.05 11.41 9.11 7.75
9.72 7.76 6.60 13.67 9.72 7.76 6.60
8.15 6.51 5.54 11.47 8.15 6.51 5.54
7.99 6.38 5.43 11.24 7.99 6.38 5.43
7.83 6.25 5.32 11.02 7.83 6.25 5.32
19.98 15.95 13.57 28.10 19.98 15.95 13.57
13.20 10.54 8.97 18.57 13.20 10.54 8.97
11.41 9.11 7.75 16.05 11.41 9.11 7.75
9.72 7.76 6.60 13.67 9.72 7.76 6.60
8.15 6.51 5.54 11.47 8.15 6.51 5.54
7.99 6.38 5.43 11.24 7.99 6.38 5.43
7.83 6.25 5.32 11.02 7.83 6.25 5.32
19.98 15.95 13.57 28.10 19.98 15.95 13.57
13.20 10.54 8.97 18.57 13.20 10.54 8.97
11.41 9.11 7.75 16.05 11.41 9.11 7.75
9.72 7.76 6.60 13.67 9.72 7.76 6.60
8.15 6.51 5.54 11.47 8.15 6.51 5.54
7.99 6.38 5.43 11.24 7.99 6.38 5.43
7.83 6.25 5.32 11.02 7.83 6.25 5.32
10.23 8.17 6.95 14.39 10.23 8.17 6.95
6.75 5.39 4.58 9.49 6.75 5.39 4.58
5.85 4.67 3.97 8.23 5.85 4.67 3.97
4.99 3.98 3.39 7.01 4.99 3.98 3.39
4.19 3.34 2.84 5.89 4.19 3.34 2.84
4.09 3.27 2.78 5.76 4.09 3.27 2.78
4.09 3.27 2.78 5.76 4.09 3.27 2.78
19.98 15.95 13.57 28.10 19.98 15.95 13.57
13.20 10.54 8.97 18.57 13.20 10.54 8.97
11.41 9.11 7.75 16.05 11.41 9.11 7.75
9.72 7.76 6.60 13.67 9.72 7.76 6.60
8.15 6.51 5.54 11.47 8.15 6.51 5.54
7.99 6.38 5.43 11.24 7.99 6.38 5.43
7.83 6.25 5.32 11.02 7.83 6.25 5.32
19.98 15.95 13.57 28.10 19.98 15.95 13.57
13.20 10.54 8.97 18.57 13.20 10.54 8.97
11.41 9.11 7.75 16.05 11.41 9.11 7.75
9.72 7.76 6.60 13.67 9.72 7.76 6.60
8.15 6.51 5.54 11.47 8.15 6.51 5.54
7.99 6.38 5.43 11.24 7.99 6.38 5.43
7.83 6.25 5.32 11.02 7.83 6.25 5.32
19.98 15.95 13.57 28.10 19.98 15.95 13.57
13.20 10.54 8.97 18.57 13.20 10.54 8.97
11.41 9.11 7.75 16.05 11.41 9.11 7.75
9.72 7.76 6.60 13.67 9.72 7.76 6.60
8.15 6.51 5.54 11.47 8.15 6.51 5.54
7.99 6.38 5.43 11.24 7.99 6.38 5.43
7.83 6.25 5.32 11.02 7.83 6.25 5.32
10.23 8.17 6.95 14.39 10.23 8.17 6.95
6.75 5.39 4.58 9.49 6.75 5.39 4.58
5.85 4.67 3.97 8.23 5.85 4.67 3.97
4.99 3.98 3.39 7.01 4.99 3.98 3.39
4.19 3.34 2.84 5.89 4.19 3.34 2.84
4.09 3.27 2.78 5.76 4.09 3.27 2.78
4.00 3.19 2.71 5.62 4.00 3.19 2.71
19.98 15.95 13.57 28.10 19.98 15.95 13.57
13.20 10.54 8.97 18.57 13.20 10.54 8.97
11.41 9.11 7.75 16.05 11.41 9.11 7.75
9.72 7.76 6.60 13.67 9.72 7.76 6.60
8.15 6.51 5.54 11.47 8.15 6.51 5.54
7.99 6.38 5.43 11.24 7.99 6.38 5.43
7.83 6.25 5.32 11.02 7.83 6.25 5.32
19.98 15.95 13.57 28.10 19.98 15.95 13.57
13.20 10.54 8.97 18.57 13.20 10.54 8.97
11.41 9.11 7.75 16.05 11.41 9.11 7.75
9.72 7.76 6.60 13.67 9.72 7.76 6.60
8.15 6.51 5.54 11.47 8.15 6.51 5.54
7.99 6.38 5.43 11.24 7.99 6.38 5.43
7.83 6.25 5.32 11.02 7.83 6.25 5.32
19.98 15.95 13.57 28.10 19.98 15.95 13.57
13.20 10.54 8.97 18.57 13.20 10.54 8.97
11.41 9.11 7.75 16.05 11.41 9.11 7.75
9.72 7.76 6.60 13.67 9.72 7.76 6.60
8.15 6.51 5.54 11.47 8.15 6.51 5.54
7.99 6.38 5.43 11.24 7.99 6.38 5.43
7.83 6.25 5.32 11.02 7.83 6.25 5.32
10.23 8.17 6.95 14.39 10.23 8.17 6.95
6.75 5.39 4.58 9.49 6.75 5.39 4.58
5.85 4.67 3.97 8.23 5.85 4.67 3.97
4.99 3.98 3.39 7.01 4.99 3.98 3.39
4.19 3.34 2.84 5.89 4.19 3.34 2.84
4.09 3.27 2.78 5.76 4.09 3.27 2.78
4.09 3.27 2.78 5.76 4.09 3.27 2.78
19.98 15.95 13.57 28.10 19.98 15.95 13.57
13.20 10.54 8.97 18.57 13.20 10.54 8.97
11.41 9.11 7.75 16.05 11.41 9.11 7.75
9.72 7.76 6.60 13.67 9.72 7.76 6.60
8.15 6.51 5.54 11.47 8.15 6.51 5.54
7.99 6.38 5.43 11.24 7.99 6.38 5.43
7.83 6.25 5.32 11.02 7.83 6.25 5.32
10.23 8.17 6.95 14.39 10.23 8.17 6.95
6.75 5.39 4.58 9.49 6.75 5.39 4.58
5.85 4.67 3.97 8.23 5.85 4.67 3.97
4.99 3.98 3.39 7.01 4.99 3.98 3.39
4.19 3.34 2.84 5.89 4.19 3.34 2.84
4.09 3.27 2.78 5.76 4.09 3.27 2.78
4.00 3.19 2.71 5.62 4.00 3.19 2.71
19.98 15.95 13.57 28.10 19.98 15.95 13.57
13.20 10.54 8.97 18.57 13.20 10.54 8.97
11.41 9.11 7.75 16.05 11.41 9.11 7.75
9.72 7.76 6.60 13.67 9.72 7.76 6.60
8.15 6.51 5.54 11.47 8.15 6.51 5.54
7.99 6.38 5.43 11.24 7.99 6.38 5.43
7.83 6.25 5.32 11.02 7.83 6.25 5.32
19.98 15.95 13.57 28.10 19.98 15.95 13.57
13.20 10.54 8.97 18.57 13.20 10.54 8.97
11.41 9.11 7.75 16.05 11.41 9.11 7.75
9.72 7.76 6.60 13.67 9.72 7.76 6.60
8.15 6.51 5.54 11.47 8.15 6.51 5.54
7.99 6.38 5.43 11.24 7.99 6.38 5.43
7.83 6.25 5.32 11.02 7.83 6.25 5.32
19.98 15.95 13.57 28.10 19.98 15.95 13.57
13.20 10.54 8.97 18.57 13.20 10.54 8.97
11.41 9.11 7.75 16.05 11.41 9.11 7.75
9.72 7.76 6.60 13.67 9.72 7.76 6.60
8.15 6.51 5.54 11.47 8.15 6.51 5.54
7.99 6.38 5.43 11.24 7.99 6.38 5.43
7.83 6.25 5.32 11.02 7.83 6.25 5.32
19.98 15.95 13.57 28.10 19.98 15.95 13.57
13.20 10.54 8.97 18.57 13.20 10.54 8.97
11.41 9.11 7.75 16.05 11.41 9.11 7.75
9.72 7.76 6.60 13.67 9.72 7.76 6.60
8.15 6.51 5.54 11.47 8.15 6.51 5.54
7.99 6.38 5.43 11.24 7.99 6.38 5.43
7.83 6.25 5.32 11.02 7.83 6.25 5.32
19.98 15.95 13.57 28.10 19.98 15.95 13.57
13.20 10.54 8.97 18.57 13.20 10.54 8.97
11.41 9.11 7.75 16.05 11.41 9.11 7.75
9.72 7.76 6.60 13.67 9.72 7.76 6.60
8.15 6.51 5.54 11.47 8.15 6.51 5.54
7.99 6.38 5.43 11.24 7.99 6.38 5.43
7.83 6.25 5.32 11.02 7.83 6.25 5.32

17.61 14.07 11.97 24.77 17.61 14.07 11.97

12.15 9.70 8.25 17.09 12.15 9.70 8.25
10.49 8.37 7.12 14.75 10.49 8.37 7.12
9.14 7.30 6.21 12.86 9.14 7.30 6.21
7.61 6.08 5.17 10.70 7.61 6.08 5.17
7.45 5.95 5.06 10.48 7.45 5.95 5.06
7.29 5.82 4.95 10.25 7.29 5.82 4.95
17.61 14.07 11.97 24.77 17.61 14.07 11.97
12.15 9.70 8.25 17.09 12.15 9.70 8.25
10.49 8.37 7.12 14.75 10.49 8.37 7.12
9.14 7.30 6.21 12.86 9.14 7.30 6.21
7.61 6.08 5.17 10.70 7.61 6.08 5.17
7.45 5.95 5.06 10.48 7.45 5.95 5.06
7.29 5.82 4.95 10.25 7.29 5.82 4.95
17.61 14.07 11.97 24.77 17.61 14.07 11.97
12.15 9.70 8.25 17.09 12.15 9.70 8.25
10.49 8.37 7.12 14.75 10.49 8.37 7.12
9.14 7.30 6.21 12.86 9.14 7.30 6.21
7.61 6.08 5.17 10.70 7.61 6.08 5.17
7.45 5.95 5.06 10.48 7.45 5.95 5.06
7.29 5.82 4.95 10.25 7.29 5.82 4.95
9.01 7.20 6.12 12.68 9.01 7.20 6.12
6.23 4.98 4.23 8.77 6.23 4.98 4.23
5.37 4.29 3.65 7.55 5.37 4.29 3.65
4.67 3.73 3.17 6.56 4.67 3.73 3.17
3.90 3.11 2.65 5.49 3.90 3.11 2.65
3.80 3.04 2.58 5.35 3.80 3.04 2.58
3.74 2.99 2.54 5.26 3.74 2.99 2.54
17.61 14.07 11.97 24.77 17.61 14.07 11.97
12.15 9.70 8.25 17.09 12.15 9.70 8.25
10.49 8.37 7.12 14.75 10.49 8.37 7.12
9.14 7.30 6.21 12.86 9.14 7.30 6.21
7.61 6.08 5.17 10.70 7.61 6.08 5.17
7.45 5.95 5.06 10.48 7.45 5.95 5.06
7.29 5.82 4.95 10.25 7.29 5.82 4.95
17.61 14.07 11.97 24.77 17.61 14.07 11.97
12.15 9.70 8.25 17.09 12.15 9.70 8.25
10.49 8.37 7.12 14.75 10.49 8.37 7.12
9.14 7.30 6.21 12.86 9.14 7.30 6.21
7.61 6.08 5.17 10.70 7.61 6.08 5.17
7.45 5.95 5.06 10.48 7.45 5.95 5.06
7.29 5.82 4.95 10.25 7.29 5.82 4.95
17.61 14.07 11.97 24.77 17.61 14.07 11.97
12.15 9.70 8.25 17.09 12.15 9.70 8.25
10.49 8.37 7.12 14.75 10.49 8.37 7.12
9.14 7.30 6.21 12.86 9.14 7.30 6.21
7.61 6.08 5.17 10.70 7.61 6.08 5.17
7.45 5.95 5.06 10.48 7.45 5.95 5.06
7.29 5.82 4.95 10.25 7.29 5.82 4.95
9.01 7.20 6.12 12.68 9.01 7.20 6.12
6.23 4.98 4.23 8.77 6.23 4.98 4.23
5.37 4.29 3.65 7.55 5.37 4.29 3.65
4.67 3.73 3.17 6.56 4.67 3.73 3.17
3.90 3.11 2.65 5.49 3.90 3.11 2.65
3.80 3.04 2.58 5.35 3.80 3.04 2.58
3.74 2.99 2.54 5.26 3.74 2.99 2.54
17.61 14.07 11.97 24.77 17.61 14.07 11.97
12.15 9.70 8.25 17.09 12.15 9.70 8.25
10.49 8.37 7.12 14.75 10.49 8.37 7.12
9.14 7.30 6.21 12.86 9.14 7.30 6.21
7.61 6.08 5.17 10.70 7.61 6.08 5.17
7.45 5.95 5.06 10.48 7.45 5.95 5.06
7.29 5.82 4.95 10.25 7.29 5.82 4.95
17.61 14.07 11.97 24.77 17.61 14.07 11.97
12.15 9.70 8.25 17.09 12.15 9.70 8.25
10.49 8.37 7.12 14.75 10.49 8.37 7.12
9.14 7.30 6.21 12.86 9.14 7.30 6.21
7.61 6.08 5.17 10.70 7.61 6.08 5.17
7.45 5.95 5.06 10.48 7.45 5.95 5.06
7.29 5.82 4.95 10.25 7.29 5.82 4.95
17.61 14.07 11.97 24.77 17.61 14.07 11.97
12.15 9.70 8.25 17.09 12.15 9.70 8.25
10.49 8.37 7.12 14.75 10.49 8.37 7.12
9.14 7.30 6.21 12.86 9.14 7.30 6.21
7.61 6.08 5.17 10.70 7.61 6.08 5.17
7.45 5.95 5.06 10.48 7.45 5.95 5.06
7.29 5.82 4.95 10.25 7.29 5.82 4.95
9.01 7.20 6.12 12.68 9.01 7.20 6.12
6.23 4.98 4.23 8.77 6.23 4.98 4.23
5.37 4.29 3.65 7.55 5.37 4.29 3.65
4.67 3.73 3.17 6.56 4.67 3.73 3.17
3.90 3.11 2.65 5.49 3.90 3.11 2.65
3.80 3.04 2.58 5.35 3.80 3.04 2.58
3.74 2.99 2.54 5.26 3.74 2.99 2.54
17.61 14.07 11.97 24.77 17.61 14.07 11.97
12.15 9.70 8.25 17.09 12.15 9.70 8.25
10.49 8.37 7.12 14.75 10.49 8.37 7.12
9.14 7.30 6.21 12.86 9.14 7.30 6.21
7.61 6.08 5.17 10.70 7.61 6.08 5.17
7.45 5.95 5.06 10.48 7.45 5.95 5.06
7.29 5.82 4.95 10.25 7.29 5.82 4.95
9.01 7.20 6.12 12.68 9.01 7.20 6.12
6.23 4.98 4.23 8.77 6.23 4.98 4.23
5.37 4.29 3.65 7.55 5.37 4.29 3.65
4.67 3.73 3.17 6.56 4.67 3.73 3.17
3.90 3.11 2.65 5.49 3.90 3.11 2.65
3.80 3.04 2.58 5.35 3.80 3.04 2.58
3.74 2.99 2.54 5.26 3.74 2.99 2.54
17.61 14.07 11.97 24.77 17.61 14.07 11.97
12.15 9.70 8.25 17.09 12.15 9.70 8.25
10.49 8.37 7.12 14.75 10.49 8.37 7.12
9.14 7.30 6.21 12.86 9.14 7.30 6.21
7.61 6.08 5.17 10.70 7.61 6.08 5.17
7.45 5.95 5.06 10.48 7.45 5.95 5.06
7.29 5.82 4.95 10.25 7.29 5.82 4.95
17.61 14.07 11.97 24.77 17.61 14.07 11.97
12.15 9.70 8.25 17.09 12.15 9.70 8.25
10.49 8.37 7.12 14.75 10.49 8.37 7.12
9.14 7.30 6.21 12.86 9.14 7.30 6.21
7.61 6.08 5.17 10.70 7.61 6.08 5.17
7.45 5.95 5.06 10.48 7.45 5.95 5.06
7.29 5.82 4.95 10.25 7.29 5.82 4.95
17.61 14.07 11.97 24.77 17.61 14.07 11.97
12.15 9.70 8.25 17.09 12.15 9.70 8.25
10.49 8.37 7.12 14.75 10.49 8.37 7.12
9.14 7.30 6.21 12.86 9.14 7.30 6.21
7.61 6.08 5.17 10.70 7.61 6.08 5.17
7.45 5.95 5.06 10.48 7.45 5.95 5.06
7.29 5.82 4.95 10.25 7.29 5.82 4.95
17.61 14.07 11.97 24.77 17.61 14.07 11.97
12.15 9.70 8.25 17.09 12.15 9.70 8.25
10.49 8.37 7.12 14.75 10.49 8.37 7.12
9.14 7.30 6.21 12.86 9.14 7.30 6.21
7.61 6.08 5.17 10.70 7.61 6.08 5.17
7.45 5.95 5.06 10.48 7.45 5.95 5.06
7.29 5.82 4.95 10.25 7.29 5.82 4.95
17.61 14.07 11.97 24.77 17.61 14.07 11.97
12.15 9.70 8.25 17.09 12.15 9.70 8.25
10.49 8.37 7.12 14.75 10.49 8.37 7.12
9.14 7.30 6.21 12.86 9.14 7.30 6.21
7.61 6.08 5.17 10.70 7.61 6.08 5.17
7.45 5.95 5.06 10.48 7.45 5.95 5.06
7.29 5.82 4.95 10.25 7.29 5.82 4.95

119.72 95.60 81.33 168.39 119.72 95.60 81.33

127.71 101.98 86.76 179.63 127.71 101.98 86.76
54.18 43.27 36.81 76.21 54.18 43.27 36.81
60.58 48.37 41.15 85.21 60.58 48.37 41.15
11.19 8.93 7.60 15.74 11.19 8.93 7.60
63.78 50.93 43.33 89.70 63.78 50.93 43.33
63.78 50.93 43.33 89.70 63.78 50.93 43.33
159.68 127.50 108.48 224.59 159.68 127.50 108.48
22.22 17.74 15.09 31.25 22.22 17.74 15.09
22.38 17.87 15.20 31.47 22.38 17.87 15.20
114.92 91.77 78.07 161.64 114.92 91.77 78.07
66.36 52.99 45.08 93.34 66.36 52.99 45.08
22.22 17.74 15.09 31.25 22.22 17.74 15.09
22.22 17.74 15.09 31.25 22.22 17.74 15.09
22.22 17.74 15.09 31.25 22.22 17.74 15.09

21.58 17.23 14.66 30.35 21.58 17.23 14.66

15.66 12.51 10.64 22.03 15.66 12.51 10.64
15.66 12.51 10.64 22.03 15.66 12.51 10.64
15.82 12.64 10.75 22.26 15.82 12.64 10.75
8.38 6.69 5.69 11.78 8.38 6.69 5.69
23.43 18.71 15.92 32.96 23.43 18.71 15.92
18.22 14.55 12.38 25.63 18.22 14.55 12.38
51.08 40.79 34.70 71.85 51.08 40.79 34.70
9.59 7.66 6.52 13.49 9.59 7.66 6.52
1.89 1.51 1.28 2.65 1.89 1.51 1.28
8.79 7.02 5.97 12.36 8.79 7.02 5.97
159.68 127.50 108.48 224.59 159.68 127.50 108.48
22.22 17.74 15.09 31.25 22.22 17.74 15.09
22.22 17.74 15.09 31.25 22.22 17.74 15.09
22.22 17.74 15.09 31.25 22.22 17.74 15.09
21.58 17.23 14.66 30.35 21.58 17.23 14.66
15.66 12.51 10.64 22.03 15.66 12.51 10.64
15.66 12.51 10.64 22.03 15.66 12.51 10.64
15.82 12.64 10.75 22.26 15.82 12.64 10.75
8.38 6.69 5.69 11.78 8.38 6.69 5.69
15.98 12.76 10.86 22.48 15.98 12.76 10.86
3.16 2.53 2.15 4.45 3.16 2.53 2.15
5.27 4.21 3.58 7.42 5.27 4.21 3.58
5.91 4.72 4.02 8.32 5.91 4.72 4.02
5.59 4.47 3.80 7.87 5.59 4.47 3.80
5.91 4.72 4.02 8.32 5.91 4.72 4.02
5.91 4.72 4.02 8.32 5.91 4.72 4.02
7.32 5.85 4.97 10.30 7.32 5.85 4.97
7.64 6.10 5.19 10.75 7.64 6.10 5.19
5.91 4.72 4.02 8.32 5.91 4.72 4.02
5.59 4.47 3.80 7.87 5.59 4.47 3.80
5.59 4.47 3.80 7.87 5.59 4.47 3.80
6.55 5.23 4.45 9.22 6.55 5.23 4.45
6.55 5.23 4.45 9.22 6.55 5.23 4.45
6.55 5.23 4.45 9.22 6.55 5.23 4.45
9.43 7.53 6.41 13.26 9.43 7.53 6.41
5.08 4.06 3.45 7.15 5.08 4.06 3.45
5.59 4.47 3.80 7.87 5.59 4.47 3.80
5.59 4.47 3.80 7.87 5.59 4.47 3.80
5.59 4.47 3.80 7.87 5.59 4.47 3.80
5.59 4.47 3.80 7.87 5.59 4.47 3.80
6.87 5.49 4.67 9.67 6.87 5.49 4.67
5.59 4.47 3.80 7.87 5.59 4.47 3.80
6.87 5.49 4.67 9.67 6.87 5.49 4.67
7.99 6.38 5.43 11.24 7.99 6.38 5.43
5.59 4.47 3.80 7.87 5.59 4.47 3.80
6.87 5.49 4.67 9.67 6.87 5.49 4.67
5.59 4.47 3.80 7.87 5.59 4.47 3.80
6.87 5.49 4.67 9.67 6.87 5.49 4.67
9.43 7.53 6.41 13.26 9.43 7.53 6.41
7.51 6.00 5.10 10.57 7.51 6.00 5.10
11.03 8.81 7.49 15.51 11.03 8.81 7.49
9.43 7.53 6.41 13.26 9.43 7.53 6.41
11.03 8.81 7.49 15.51 11.03 8.81 7.49
12.63 10.08 8.58 17.76 12.63 10.08 8.58
5.59 4.47 3.80 7.87 5.59 4.47 3.80
6.23 4.98 4.23 8.77 6.23 4.98 4.23
6.23 4.98 4.23 8.77 6.23 4.98 4.23
0.08 0.06 0.05 0.11 0.08 0.06 0.05
0.08 0.06 0.05 0.11 0.08 0.06 0.05
0.12 0.09 0.08 0.17 0.12 0.09 0.08
0.19 0.15 0.13 0.27 0.19 0.15 0.13
0.19 0.15 0.13 0.27 0.19 0.15 0.13
0.11 0.09 0.08 0.16 0.11 0.09 0.08
0.11 0.09 0.08 0.16 0.11 0.09 0.08
0.04 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.03
1.12 0.89 0.76 1.57 1.12 0.89 0.76
1.12 0.89 0.76 1.57 1.12 0.89 0.76
3.16 2.53 2.15 4.45 3.16 2.53 2.15
3.48 2.78 2.37 4.90 3.48 2.78 2.37
5.91 4.72 4.02 8.32 5.91 4.72 4.02
8.47 6.76 5.76 11.92 8.47 6.76 5.76
4.95 3.96 3.37 6.97 4.95 3.96 3.37
5.91 4.72 4.02 8.32 5.91 4.72 4.02
15.18 12.13 10.32 21.36 15.18 12.13 10.32
13.91 11.10 9.45 19.56 13.91 11.10 9.45

0.70 0.56 0.48 0.99 0.70 0.56 0.48

0.19 0.15 0.13 0.27 0.19 0.15 0.13
0.58 0.46 0.39 0.81 0.58 0.46 0.39
0.64 0.51 0.43 0.90 0.64 0.51 0.43
0.64 0.51 0.43 0.90 0.64 0.51 0.43

38.20 30.50 25.95 53.73 38.20 30.50 25.95

1.60 1.28 1.09 2.25 1.60 1.28 1.09
2.40 1.91 1.63 3.37 2.40 1.91 1.63
7.19 5.74 4.89 10.12 7.19 5.74 4.89
35.00 27.95 23.78 49.24 35.00 27.95 23.78
36.60 29.23 24.87 51.48 36.60 29.23 24.87
19.02 15.19 12.92 26.75 19.02 15.19 12.92

4.48 3.57 3.04 6.29 4.48 3.57 3.04

8.63 6.89 5.86 12.14 8.63 6.89 5.86
13.11 10.47 8.90 18.44 13.11 10.47 8.90
16.46 13.15 11.18 23.16 16.46 13.15 11.18
7.99 6.38 5.43 11.24 7.99 6.38 5.43
15.18 12.13 10.32 21.36 15.18 12.13 10.32
22.86 18.25 15.53 32.15 22.86 18.25 15.53
30.37 24.25 20.63 42.72 30.37 24.25 20.63
11.03 8.81 7.49 15.51 11.03 8.81 7.49
17.42 13.91 11.84 24.51 17.42 13.91 11.84
23.82 19.02 16.18 33.50 23.82 19.02 16.18
28.61 22.85 19.44 40.24 28.61 22.85 19.44
0.38 0.31 0.26 0.54 0.38 0.31 0.26
0.58 0.46 0.39 0.81 0.58 0.46 0.39
0.83 0.66 0.56 1.17 0.83 0.66 0.56
1.09 0.87 0.74 1.53 1.09 0.87 0.74
4.80 3.83 3.26 6.74 4.80 3.83 3.26
8.79 7.02 5.97 12.36 8.79 7.02 5.97
13.59 10.85 9.23 19.11 13.59 10.85 9.23
16.78 13.40 11.40 23.61 16.78 13.40 11.40
31.81 25.40 21.61 44.74 31.81 25.40 21.61
54.18 43.27 36.81 76.21 54.18 43.27 36.81
63.78 50.93 43.33 89.70 63.78 50.93 43.33
76.56 61.14 52.01 107.69 76.56 61.14 52.01
22.22 17.74 15.09 31.25 22.22 17.74 15.09
35.00 27.95 23.78 49.24 35.00 27.95 23.78
44.59 35.61 30.30 62.72 44.59 35.61 30.30
50.99 40.71 34.64 71.72 50.99 40.71 34.64
9.43 7.53 6.41 13.26 9.43 7.53 6.41
15.82 12.64 10.75 22.26 15.82 12.64 10.75
22.22 17.74 15.09 31.25 22.22 17.74 15.09
28.61 22.85 19.44 40.24 28.61 22.85 19.44
5.91 4.72 4.02 8.32 5.91 4.72 4.02
9.11 7.28 6.19 12.81 9.11 7.28 6.19
12.31 9.83 8.36 17.31 12.31 9.83 8.36
14.23 11.36 9.66 20.01 14.23 11.36 9.66

51.15 40.84 34.75 71.94 51.15 40.84 34.75

38.36 30.63 26.06 53.96 38.36 30.63 26.06
6.87 5.49 4.67 9.67 6.87 5.49 4.67
51.15 40.84 34.75 71.94 51.15 40.84 34.75
95.90 76.58 65.15 134.89 95.90 76.58 65.15
10.07 8.04 6.84 14.16 10.07 8.04 6.84
38.36 30.63 26.06 53.96 38.36 30.63 26.06
19.18 15.32 13.03 26.98 19.18 15.32 13.03
38.36 30.63 26.06 53.96 38.36 30.63 26.06
19.18 15.32 13.03 26.98 19.18 15.32 13.03
51.15 40.84 34.75 71.94 51.15 40.84 34.75
15.98 12.76 10.86 22.48 15.98 12.76 10.86
7.99 6.38 5.43 11.24 7.99 6.38 5.43
6.39 5.11 4.34 8.99 6.39 5.11 4.34
- - - - - - -
15.98 12.76 10.86 22.48 15.98 12.76 10.86
25.57 20.42 17.37 35.97 25.57 20.42 17.37
3.20 2.55 2.17 4.50 3.20 2.55 2.17

5.59 4.46 3.79 7.86 5.59 4.46 3.79

$105.59 $84.32 $71.73 $148.52 $105.59 $84.32 $71.73

$128.54 $102.64 $87.33 $180.80 $128.54 $102.64 $87.33

15.58 12.44 10.58 21.91 15.58 12.44 10.58

4.54 3.75 3.21 7.00 4.98 3.98 3.38

4.94 4.08 3.49 7.62 5.42 4.33 3.68
5.76 4.77 4.07 8.90 6.33 5.05 4.30
8.95 7.15 6.08 12.59 8.95 7.15 6.08
8.95 7.15 6.08 12.59 8.95 7.15 6.08

$84.70 $67.63 $57.54 $119.13 $84.70 $67.63 $57.54

$116.87 $93.32 $79.39 $164.38 $116.87 $93.32 $79.39

$136.32 $108.85 $92.61 $191.73 $136.32 $108.85 $92.61

$155.26 $123.98 $105.48 $218.38 $155.26 $123.98 $105.48

$188.74 $150.71 $128.22 $265.47 $188.74 $150.71 $128.22

4.54 3.75 3.21 7.00 4.98 3.98 3.38

5.76 4.77 4.07 8.90 6.33 5.05 4.30
7.02 5.81 4.96 10.84 7.71 6.15 5.23
15.75 12.58 10.70 22.15 15.75 12.58 10.70
22.38 17.87 15.20 31.47 22.38 17.87 15.20
9.05 7.23 6.15 12.73 9.05 7.23 6.15
8.18 6.53 5.55 11.50 8.18 6.53 5.55
2.30 1.90 1.63 3.55 2.52 2.02 1.71
16.72 13.35 11.36 23.52 16.72 13.35 11.36

$156.61 $125.05 $106.39 $220.27 $156.61 $125.05 $106.39

15.58 12.44 10.58 21.91 15.58 12.44 10.58

$198.50 $158.51 $134.85 $279.20 $198.50 $158.51 $134.85

15.58 12.44 10.58 21.91 15.58 12.44 10.58

4.54 3.75 3.21 7.00 4.98 3.98 3.38

5.76 4.77 4.07 8.90 6.33 5.05 4.30
7.02 5.81 4.96 10.84 7.71 6.15 5.23
8.95 7.15 6.08 12.59 8.95 7.15 6.08
8.95 7.15 6.08 12.59 8.95 7.15 6.08

$304.13 $242.85 $206.61 $427.77 $304.13 $242.85 $206.61

15.48 12.36 10.52 21.77 15.48 12.36 10.52

$417.19 $333.13 $283.42 $586.80 $417.19 $333.13 $283.42

15.48 12.36 10.52 21.77 15.48 12.36 10.52

4.60 3.80 3.25 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43

13.46 10.75 9.14 18.93 13.46 10.75 9.14
6.73 5.37 4.57 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
22.14 17.68 15.04 31.14 22.14 17.68 15.04
9.02 7.20 6.13 12.68 9.02 7.20 6.13

$306.28 $244.57 $208.07 $430.80 $306.28 $244.57 $208.07

15.48 12.36 10.52 21.77 15.48 12.36 10.52

4.60 3.80 3.25 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43

5.52 4.56 3.90 8.52 6.06 4.84 4.11
7.02 5.81 4.96 10.84 7.71 6.15 5.23
8.22 6.80 5.81 12.68 9.02 7.20 6.13
8.85 7.07 6.01 12.45 8.85 7.07 6.01
4.41 3.52 2.99 6.20 4.41 3.52 2.99
22.14 17.68 15.04 31.14 22.14 17.68 15.04
9.02 7.20 6.13 12.68 9.02 7.20 6.13

$457.77 $365.54 $310.99 $643.88 $457.77 $365.54 $310.99

41.21 34.08 29.12 63.61 45.23 36.11 30.72
55.62 44.42 37.79 78.24 55.62 44.42 37.79

$585.01 $467.13 $397.42 $822.83 $585.01 $467.13 $397.42

46.73 38.65 33.03 72.13 51.28 40.95 34.84
55.62 44.42 37.79 78.24 55.62 44.42 37.79

5.52 4.56 3.90 8.52 6.06 4.84 4.11

12.36 10.22 8.73 19.07 13.56 10.83 9.21
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
17.80 14.21 12.09 25.04 17.80 14.21 12.09
34.73 27.73 23.59 48.84 34.73 27.73 23.59
17.36 13.86 11.80 24.42 17.36 13.86 11.80
8.88 7.09 6.04 12.50 8.88 7.09 6.04
10.84 8.65 7.36 15.24 10.84 8.65 7.36
$151.19 $120.73 $102.71 $212.65 $151.19 $120.73 $102.71

4.54 3.75 3.21 7.00 4.98 3.98 3.38

4.94 4.08 3.49 7.62 5.42 4.33 3.68
5.76 4.77 4.07 8.90 6.33 5.05 4.30
8.95 7.15 6.08 12.59 8.95 7.15 6.08
8.95 7.15 6.08 12.59 8.95 7.15 6.08

$152.74 $121.96 $103.76 $214.83 $152.74 $121.96 $103.76

$203.04 $162.13 $137.94 $285.59 $203.04 $162.13 $137.94

15.75 12.58 10.70 22.15 15.75 12.58 10.70

22.38 17.87 15.20 31.47 22.38 17.87 15.20
9.05 7.23 6.15 12.73 9.05 7.23 6.15

4.54 3.75 3.21 7.00 4.98 3.98 3.38

4.94 4.08 3.49 7.62 5.42 4.33 3.68
5.76 4.77 4.07 8.90 6.33 5.05 4.30
9.05 7.23 6.15 12.73 9.05 7.23 6.15
9.05 7.23 6.15 12.73 9.05 7.23 6.15
3.46 2.87 2.45 5.35 3.80 3.04 2.58

$228.69 $182.61 $155.36 $321.65 $228.69 $182.61 $155.36

$282.49 $225.57 $191.91 $397.34 $282.49 $225.57 $191.91

15.75 12.58 10.70 22.15 15.75 12.58 10.70

22.38 17.87 15.20 31.47 22.38 17.87 15.20
9.05 7.23 6.15 12.73 9.05 7.23 6.15

4.54 3.75 3.21 7.00 4.98 3.98 3.38

7.02 5.81 4.96 10.84 7.71 6.15 5.23
9.05 7.23 6.15 12.73 9.05 7.23 6.15
9.05 7.23 6.15 12.73 9.05 7.23 6.15
3.46 2.87 2.45 5.35 3.80 3.04 2.58

$461.88 $368.82 $313.78 $649.65 $461.88 $368.82 $313.78

15.75 12.58 10.70 22.15 15.75 12.58 10.70

$578.71 $462.11 $393.15 $813.98 $578.71 $462.11 $393.15

15.75 12.58 10.70 22.15 15.75 12.58 10.70

4.60 3.80 3.25 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43

5.52 4.56 3.90 8.52 6.06 4.84 4.11
22.38 17.87 15.20 31.47 22.38 17.87 15.20
8.95 7.15 6.08 12.59 8.95 7.15 6.08
8.95 7.15 6.08 12.59 8.95 7.15 6.08
8.95 7.15 6.08 12.59 8.95 7.15 6.08

$932.78 $744.84 $633.68 $1,311.99 $932.78 $744.84 $633.68

241.45 199.71 170.65 372.72 264.99 211.60 180.02
$1,010.07 $806.56 $686.19 $1,420.70 $1,010.07 $806.56 $686.19
241.45 199.71 170.65 372.72 264.99 211.60 180.02

33.05 27.34 23.36 51.02 36.27 28.97 24.64

12.36 10.22 8.73 19.07 13.56 10.83 9.21
17.80 14.21 12.09 25.04 17.80 14.21 12.09
8.88 7.09 6.04 12.50 8.88 7.09 6.04
17.80 14.21 12.09 25.04 17.80 14.21 12.09
23.05 18.41 15.66 32.42 23.05 18.41 15.66

$610.01 $487.10 $414.41 $858.00 $610.01 $487.10 $414.41

$721.99 $576.52 $490.48 $1,015.51 $721.99 $576.52 $490.48

33.05 27.34 23.36 51.02 36.27 28.97 24.64

12.36 10.22 8.73 19.07 13.56 10.83 9.21
8.95 7.15 6.08 12.59 8.95 7.15 6.08
33.99 27.14 23.09 47.80 33.99 27.14 23.09
70.53 56.32 47.91 99.20 70.53 56.32 47.91
15.75 12.58 10.70 22.15 15.75 12.58 10.70
22.38 17.87 15.20 31.47 22.38 17.87 15.20
8.95 7.15 6.08 12.59 8.95 7.15 6.08

$450.98 $373.02 $318.74 $696.18 $494.96 $395.23 $336.25

$560.59 $463.68 $396.21 $865.38 $615.26 $491.29 $417.97

33.05 27.34 23.36 51.02 36.27 28.97 24.64

12.36 10.22 8.73 19.07 13.56 10.83 9.21
68.43 56.60 48.37 105.64 75.11 59.97 51.02 $0.00
10.84 8.65 7.36 15.24 10.84 8.65 7.36
50.77 42.00 35.89 78.38 55.72 44.50 37.86
95.23 78.77 67.31 147.01 104.52 83.46 71.00
123.44 102.10 87.24 190.55 135.47 108.18 92.03 $0.00
19.90 16.46 14.06 30.72 21.84 17.44 14.84
107.10 88.58 75.69 165.32 117.54 93.86 79.85 $0.00

$1,962.23 $1,566.87 $1,333.04 $2,759.95 $1,962.23 $1,566.87 $1,333.04

239.03 197.71 168.94 368.98 262.34 209.48 178.22
374.36 298.93 254.32 526.55 374.36 298.93 254.32
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
$2,504.97 $2,000.26 $1,701.74 $3,523.34 $2,504.97 $2,000.26 $1,701.74
239.03 197.71 168.94 368.98 262.34 209.48 178.22
374.36 298.93 254.32 526.55 374.36 298.93 254.32
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
$2,776.33 $2,216.94 $1,886.09 $3,905.01 $2,776.33 $2,216.94 $1,886.09
239.03 197.71 168.94 368.98 262.34 209.48 178.22
374.36 298.93 254.32 526.55 374.36 298.93 254.32
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
$3,484.63 $2,782.52 $2,367.27 $4,901.26 $3,484.63 $2,782.52 $2,367.27
239.03 197.71 168.94 368.98 262.34 209.48 178.22
374.36 298.93 254.32 526.55 374.36 298.93 254.32
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02

33.05 27.34 23.36 51.02 36.27 28.97 24.64

477.59 381.37 324.45 671.75 477.59 381.37 324.45
477.59 381.37 324.45 671.75 477.59 381.37 324.45
477.59 381.37 324.45 671.75 477.59 381.37 324.45
225.69 180.22 153.32 317.44 225.69 180.22 153.32
501.49 400.44 340.68 705.36 501.49 400.44 340.68

128.99 103.00 87.63 181.43 128.99 103.00 87.63

48.62 38.83 33.03 68.39 48.62 38.83 33.03
18.51 14.78 12.57 26.03 18.51 14.78 12.57
122.64 101.44 86.68 189.32 134.60 107.48 91.44
3,679.20 3,043.20 2,600.40 5,679.60 4,038.00 3,224.40 2,743.20
177.67 141.87 120.70 249.90 177.67 141.87 120.70
214.01 170.89 145.39 301.02 214.01 170.89 145.39
145.37 116.08 98.76 204.47 145.37 116.08 98.76
5.05 4.03 3.43 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
5.05 4.03 3.43 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
5.76 4.77 4.07 8.90 6.33 5.05 4.30
33.65 26.87 22.86 47.33 33.65 26.87 22.86
40.38 32.24 27.43 56.80 40.38 32.24 27.43
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
40.63 33.61 28.72 62.72 44.59 35.61 30.30
44.59 35.61 30.30 62.72 44.59 35.61 30.30

15.11 12.07 10.27 21.26 15.11 12.07 10.27

1.62 1.34 1.14 2.50 1.78 1.42 1.21
6.06 4.84 4.11 8.52 6.06 4.84 4.11
8.08 6.45 5.49 11.36 8.08 6.45 5.49
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
124.96 99.78 84.89 175.76 124.96 99.78 84.89
13.29 10.61 9.03 18.70 13.29 10.61 9.03
32.24 26.67 22.79 49.77 35.39 28.26 24.04
95.42 76.19 64.82 134.21 95.42 76.19 64.82
2.52 2.02 1.71 3.55 2.52 2.02 1.71
15.33 12.68 10.84 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
73.88 59.00 50.19 103.92 73.88 59.00 50.19
222.59 184.11 157.32 343.62 244.30 195.08 165.96
25.60 21.18 18.10 39.53 28.10 22.44 19.09
53.69 44.41 37.95 82.88 58.93 47.05 40.03
225.29 179.89 153.05 316.87 225.29 179.89 153.05
24.26 20.06 17.14 37.44 26.62 21.26 18.09
7.37 5.89 5.01 10.37 7.37 5.89 5.01
124.96 99.78 84.89 175.76 124.96 99.78 84.89
13.29 10.61 9.03 18.70 13.29 10.61 9.03
32.24 26.67 22.79 49.77 35.39 28.26 24.04
95.42 76.19 64.82 134.21 95.42 76.19 64.82
16.66 13.30 11.32 23.43 16.66 13.30 11.32
151.26 120.78 102.76 212.75 151.26 120.78 102.76
30.25 24.16 20.55 42.55 30.25 24.16 20.55
67.30 53.74 45.72 94.66 67.30 53.74 45.72
7.57 6.05 5.14 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14
33.65 26.87 22.86 47.33 33.65 26.87 22.86
136.22 108.77 92.54 191.59 136.22 108.77 92.54
4.57 3.78 3.23 7.05 5.01 4.00 3.41
136.22 108.77 92.54 191.59 136.22 108.77 92.54
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
650.21 537.81 459.56 1,003.73 713.62 569.83 484.79

910.82 753.37 643.75 1,406.03 999.64 798.23 679.10

1.10 0.91 0.78 1.70 1.21 0.97 0.82

2.33 1.93 1.65 3.60 2.56 2.04 1.74
4.20 3.47 2.97 6.48 4.61 3.68 3.13
7.27 6.01 5.14 11.22 7.98 6.37 5.42
18.21 15.06 12.87 28.11 19.99 15.96 13.58
46.76 38.67 33.05 72.18 51.32 40.98 34.86
51.97 42.99 36.73 80.22 57.04 45.54 38.75
3.07 2.54 2.17 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
132.01 105.41 89.68 185.68 132.01 105.41 89.68
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
7.57 6.05 5.14 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
406.39 324.51 276.08 571.60 406.39 324.51 276.08
406.39 324.51 276.08 571.60 406.39 324.51 276.08
812.75 648.99 552.14 1,143.16 812.75 648.99 552.14
812.75 648.99 552.14 1,143.16 812.75 648.99 552.14
1,219.11 973.47 828.19 1,714.72 1,219.11 973.47 828.19
132.51 105.81 90.02 186.39 132.51 105.81 90.02
132.51 105.81 90.02 186.39 132.51 105.81 90.02
103.07 82.30 70.02 144.97 103.07 82.30 70.02
1,219.11 973.47 828.19 1,714.72 1,219.11 973.47 828.19
1,544.20 1,233.06 1,049.05 2,171.97 1,544.20 1,233.06 1,049.05
1,544.20 1,233.06 1,049.05 2,171.97 1,544.20 1,233.06 1,049.05
1,828.68 1,460.22 1,242.30 2,572.10 1,828.68 1,460.22 1,242.30
103.07 82.30 70.02 144.97 103.07 82.30 70.02
103.07 82.30 70.02 144.97 103.07 82.30 70.02
141.36 112.88 96.03 198.83 141.36 112.88 96.03
62.72 50.09 42.61 88.22 62.72 50.09 42.61
103.07 82.30 70.02 144.97 103.07 82.30 70.02
103.07 82.30 70.02 144.97 103.07 82.30 70.02
1,828.68 1,460.22 1,242.30 2,572.10 1,828.68 1,460.22 1,242.30
671.38 536.11 456.10 944.33 671.38 536.11 456.10
671.38 536.11 456.10 944.33 671.38 536.11 456.10
1,342.80 1,072.25 912.23 1,888.70 1,342.80 1,072.25 912.23
1,342.80 1,072.25 912.23 1,888.70 1,342.80 1,072.25 912.23
2,014.19 1,608.36 1,368.33 2,833.03 2,014.19 1,608.36 1,368.33
2,014.19 1,608.36 1,368.33 2,833.03 2,014.19 1,608.36 1,368.33
2,551.31 2,037.26 1,733.22 3,588.51 2,551.31 2,037.26 1,733.22
2,551.31 2,037.26 1,733.22 3,588.51 2,551.31 2,037.26 1,733.22
3,021.27 2,412.52 2,052.49 4,249.52 3,021.27 2,412.52 2,052.49
3,021.27 2,412.52 2,052.49 4,249.52 3,021.27 2,412.52 2,052.49
147.25 117.58 100.04 207.12 147.25 117.58 100.04
147.25 117.58 100.04 207.12 147.25 117.58 100.04
6.32 5.22 4.46 9.75 6.93 5.54 4.71
259.68 207.36 176.41 365.25 259.68 207.36 176.41
519.35 414.71 352.82 730.49 519.35 414.71 352.82
7.64 6.10 5.19 10.74 7.64 6.10 5.19
102.56 84.83 72.49 158.32 112.56 89.88 76.47
20.19 16.12 13.72 28.40 20.19 16.12 13.72
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
3,257.32 2,601.02 2,212.85 4,581.54 3,257.32 2,601.02 2,212.85 $699.99
3,257.32 2,601.02 2,212.85 4,581.54 3,257.32 2,601.02 2,212.85 $590.90
84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
33.65 26.87 22.86 47.33 33.65 26.87 22.86
153.30 126.80 108.35 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30
286.03 228.40 194.31 402.31 286.03 228.40 194.31
286.03 228.40 194.31 402.31 286.03 228.40 194.31
85.81 68.52 58.29 120.69 85.81 68.52 58.29
76.65 63.40 54.18 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
134.43 107.35 91.33 189.08 134.43 107.35 91.33
45.43 36.27 30.86 63.90 45.43 36.27 30.86
36.34 29.02 24.69 51.12 36.34 29.02 24.69
29.31 24.24 20.72 45.25 32.17 25.69 21.85 $0.00
22.11 17.65 15.02 31.10 22.11 17.65 15.02
76.83 63.55 54.31 118.61 84.33 67.34 57.29
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
18.73 15.49 13.24 28.92 20.56 16.42 13.97
55.99 46.31 39.57 86.42 61.44 49.06 41.74
757.13 604.58 514.35 1,064.93 757.13 604.58 514.35
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
6.90 5.51 4.69 9.70 6.90 5.51 4.69
21.03 16.79 14.29 29.58 21.03 16.79 14.29
34.49 27.54 23.43 48.51 34.49 27.54 23.43
22.11 17.65 15.02 31.10 22.11 17.65 15.02
1.45 1.16 0.98 2.04 1.45 1.16 0.98
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
847.68 676.88 575.87 1,192.29 847.68 676.88 575.87
1,859.80 1,485.08 1,263.45 2,615.88 1,859.80 1,485.08 1,263.45
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
22.58 18.03 15.34 31.76 22.58 18.03 15.34
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1.45 1.16 0.98 2.04 1.45 1.16 0.98
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2,422.80 1,934.64 1,645.92 3,407.76 2,422.80 1,934.64 1,645.92
381.25 304.44 259.00 536.25 381.25 304.44 259.00
14.38 11.89 10.16 22.20 15.78 12.60 10.72

20.44 16.91 14.45 31.55 22.43 17.91 15.24

2,524.29 2,015.68 1,714.87 3,550.51 2,524.29 2,015.68 1,714.87

1,155.86 922.97 785.23 1,625.76 1,155.86 922.97 785.23
2,133.94 1,703.98 1,449.68 3,001.47 2,133.94 1,703.98 1,449.68
1,066.99 852.01 724.85 1,500.76 1,066.99 852.01 724.85
1,988.11 1,587.54 1,350.62 2,796.36 1,988.11 1,587.54 1,350.62
994.06 793.77 675.31 1,398.18 994.06 793.77 675.31
801.86 640.30 544.74 1,127.85 801.86 640.30 544.74
534.15 426.53 362.87 751.30 534.15 426.53 362.87
293.14 234.08 199.15 412.32 293.14 234.08 199.15
212.85 169.96 144.60 299.37 212.85 169.96 144.60
105.73 84.43 71.83 148.72 105.73 84.43 71.83
200.80 160.34 136.41 282.44 200.80 160.34 136.41
78.99 63.07 53.66 111.10 78.99 63.07 53.66
52.21 41.69 35.47 73.44 52.21 41.69 35.47
346.70 276.85 235.53 487.65 346.70 276.85 235.53
427.00 340.97 290.08 600.59 427.00 340.97 290.08
507.34 405.11 344.66 713.59 507.34 405.11 344.66
587.64 469.24 399.21 826.53 587.64 469.24 399.21
10.06 8.03 6.83 14.15 10.06 8.03 6.83

212.85 169.96 144.60 299.37 212.85 169.96 144.60

334.66 267.23 227.35 470.71 334.66 267.23 227.35
801.83 640.27 544.72 1,127.80 801.83 640.27 544.72
935.68 747.16 635.65 1,316.07 935.68 747.16 635.65
1,069.54 854.04 726.59 1,504.35 1,069.54 854.04 726.59
1,203.39 960.93 817.52 1,692.62 1,203.39 960.93 817.52

23.45 18.72 15.93 32.98 23.45 18.72 15.93

22.49 17.96 15.28 31.64 22.49 17.96 15.28

619.78 494.90 421.04 871.74 619.78 494.90 421.04

692.84 553.24 470.68 974.51 692.84 553.24 470.68
934.04 745.84 634.54 1,313.76 934.04 745.84 634.54
1,474.84 1,177.68 1,001.92 2,074.41 1,474.84 1,177.68 1,001.92
2,366.48 1,889.67 1,607.66 3,328.55 2,366.48 1,889.67 1,607.66
4,252.04 3,395.32 2,888.61 5,980.66 4,252.04 3,395.32 2,888.61
5,772.17 4,609.16 3,921.30 8,118.78 5,772.17 4,609.16 3,921.30
8,037.79 6,418.29 5,460.44 11,305.45 8,037.79 6,418.29 5,460.44
- - - - - - -
128.41 102.54 87.23 180.61 128.41 102.54 87.23
143.55 114.63 97.52 201.91 143.55 114.63 97.52
193.52 154.53 131.47 272.19 193.52 154.53 131.47
305.58 244.01 207.59 429.80 305.58 244.01 207.59
490.31 391.52 333.09 689.65 490.31 391.52 333.09
880.99 703.48 598.50 1,239.15 880.99 703.48 598.50
1,195.95 954.99 812.47 1,682.16 1,195.95 954.99 812.47
1,665.37 1,329.82 1,131.36 2,342.41 1,665.37 1,329.82 1,131.36
- - - - - - -
290.90 232.29 197.62 409.16 290.90 232.29 197.62
60.27 48.12 40.94 84.77 60.27 48.12 40.94
309.89 247.45 210.52 435.87 309.89 247.45 210.52
128.41 102.54 87.23 180.61 128.41 102.54 87.23
145.47 116.16 98.82 204.61 145.47 116.16 98.82
60.27 48.12 40.94 84.77 60.27 48.12 40.94
290.90 232.29 197.62 409.16 290.90 232.29 197.62
290.90 232.29 197.62 409.16 290.90 232.29 197.62
290.90 232.29 197.62 409.16 290.90 232.29 197.62
290.90 232.29 197.62 409.16 290.90 232.29 197.62
290.90 232.29 197.62 409.16 290.90 232.29 197.62
290.90 232.29 197.62 409.16 290.90 232.29 197.62
290.90 232.29 197.62 409.16 290.90 232.29 197.62
290.90 232.29 197.62 409.16 290.90 232.29 197.62
290.90 232.29 197.62 409.16 290.90 232.29 197.62
290.90 232.29 197.62 409.16 290.90 232.29 197.62
73.10 58.37 49.66 102.82 73.10 58.37 49.66
43.86 35.02 29.80 61.69 43.86 35.02 29.80
23.40 18.69 15.90 32.91 23.40 18.69 15.90
17.56 14.02 11.93 24.70 17.56 14.02 11.93
11.72 9.36 7.96 16.48 11.72 9.36 7.96
5.88 4.69 3.99 8.27 5.88 4.69 3.99
2,044.91 1,632.89 1,389.20 2,876.25 2,044.91 1,632.89 1,389.20
2,453.90 1,959.47 1,667.05 3,451.50 2,453.90 1,959.47 1,667.05
2,862.84 2,286.02 1,944.86 4,026.69 2,862.84 2,286.02 1,944.86
3,271.82 2,612.60 2,222.70 4,601.94 3,271.82 2,612.60 2,222.70
729.39 582.43 495.51 1,025.92 729.39 582.43 495.51
875.29 698.93 594.62 1,231.12 875.29 698.93 594.62
1,021.14 815.40 693.71 1,436.28 1,021.14 815.40 693.71
1,167.04 931.89 792.82 1,641.48 1,167.04 931.89 792.82
290.90 232.29 197.62 409.16 290.90 232.29 197.62
349.07 278.74 237.14 490.98 349.07 278.74 237.14
407.24 325.19 276.66 572.80 407.24 325.19 276.66
465.41 371.64 316.18 654.62 465.41 371.64 316.18
290.90 232.29 197.62 409.16 290.90 232.29 197.62
349.07 278.74 237.14 490.98 349.07 278.74 237.14
407.24 325.19 276.66 572.80 407.24 325.19 276.66
465.41 371.64 316.18 654.62 465.41 371.64 316.18
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
758.63 605.78 515.37 1,067.05 758.63 605.78 515.37
910.37 726.94 618.45 1,280.47 910.37 726.94 618.45
1,062.06 848.07 721.51 1,493.83 1,062.06 848.07 721.51
1,213.80 969.23 824.59 1,707.25 1,213.80 969.23 824.59
372.35 297.33 252.96 523.73 372.35 297.33 252.96
436.33 348.41 296.42 613.71 436.33 348.41 296.42
87.30 69.71 59.30 122.79 87.30 69.71 59.30
2.94 2.35 2.00 4.13 2.94 2.35 2.00
5.88 4.69 3.99 8.27 5.88 4.69 3.99

20.44 16.91 14.45 31.55 22.43 17.91 15.24

32.88 26.25 22.33 46.24 32.88 26.25 22.33
53.69 42.87 36.47 75.51 53.69 42.87 36.47
4.88 3.90 3.31 6.86 4.88 3.90 3.31
9.09 7.25 6.17 12.78 9.09 7.25 6.17
20.44 16.91 14.45 31.55 22.43 17.91 15.24
1.09 0.90 0.77 1.69 1.20 0.96 0.81

538.72 430.17 365.98 757.73 538.72 430.17 365.98

422.25 337.18 286.86 593.92 422.25 337.18 286.86
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
189.29 151.15 128.59 266.24 189.29 151.15 128.59
43.71 34.90 29.69 61.48 43.71 34.90 29.69
- - - - - - -
101.94 81.40 69.25 143.38 101.94 81.40 69.25
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- - - - - - -
36.41 29.08 24.74 51.22 36.41 29.08 24.74
291.20 232.52 197.82 409.58 291.20 232.52 197.82
524.16 418.55 356.09 737.25 524.16 418.55 356.09
1,164.79 930.10 791.29 1,638.32 1,164.79 930.10 791.29
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- - - - - - -
29.15 23.28 19.80 41.00 29.15 23.28 19.80
2.94 2.35 2.00 4.14 2.94 2.35 2.00
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- - - - - - -
509.60 406.92 346.20 716.78 509.60 406.92 346.20
291.20 232.52 197.82 409.58 291.20 232.52 197.82
131.06 104.65 89.03 184.34 131.06 104.65 89.03
101.94 81.40 69.25 143.38 101.94 81.40 69.25
72.83 58.15 49.47 102.43 72.83 58.15 49.47
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72.83 58.15 49.47 102.43 72.83 58.15 49.47
72.83 58.15 49.47 102.43 72.83 58.15 49.47
72.83 58.15 49.47 102.43 72.83 58.15 49.47
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- - - - - - -
113.60 90.71 77.17 159.78 113.60 90.71 77.17
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- - - - - - -
189.29 151.15 128.59 266.24 189.29 151.15 128.59
189.29 151.15 128.59 266.24 189.29 151.15 128.59
189.29 151.15 128.59 266.24 189.29 151.15 128.59
454.28 362.75 308.61 638.96 454.28 362.75 308.61
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- - - - - - -
218.41 174.40 148.37 307.20 218.41 174.40 148.37
21.85 17.45 14.85 30.74 21.85 17.45 14.85
43.71 34.90 29.69 61.48 43.71 34.90 29.69
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- - - - - - -
145.62 116.28 98.92 204.81 145.62 116.28 98.92
- - - - - - -
101.94 81.40 69.25 143.38 101.94 81.40 69.25
5.84 4.67 3.97 8.22 5.84 4.67 3.97
110.83 88.50 75.29 155.89 110.83 88.50 75.29
86.89 69.38 59.03 122.21 86.89 69.38 59.03
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- - - - - - -
38.96 31.11 26.47 54.80 38.96 31.11 26.47
9.00 7.18 6.11 12.65 9.00 7.18 6.11
- - - - - - -
20.97 16.74 14.25 29.49 20.97 16.74 14.25
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
7.51 6.00 5.10 10.56 7.51 6.00 5.10
59.93 47.86 40.71 84.30 59.93 47.86 40.71
107.86 86.13 73.27 151.71 107.86 86.13 73.27
239.62 191.34 162.79 337.04 239.62 191.34 162.79
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- - - - - - -
6.02 4.81 4.09 8.47 6.02 4.81 4.09
0.60 0.48 0.41 0.84 0.60 0.48 0.41
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- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
104.85 83.72 71.23 147.47 104.85 83.72 71.23
59.93 47.86 40.71 84.30 59.93 47.86 40.71
26.99 21.55 18.34 37.96 26.99 21.55 18.34
20.97 16.74 14.25 29.49 20.97 16.74 14.25
14.98 11.96 10.18 21.07 14.98 11.96 10.18
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14.98 11.96 10.18 21.07 14.98 11.96 10.18
14.98 11.96 10.18 21.07 14.98 11.96 10.18
14.98 11.96 10.18 21.07 14.98 11.96 10.18
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23.38 18.67 15.88 32.88 23.38 18.67 15.88
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- - - - - - -
38.96 31.11 26.47 54.80 38.96 31.11 26.47
38.96 31.11 26.47 54.80 38.96 31.11 26.47
38.96 31.11 26.47 54.80 38.96 31.11 26.47
93.48 74.64 63.50 131.48 93.48 74.64 63.50
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- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
4.50 3.59 3.06 6.33 4.50 3.59 3.06
9.00 7.18 6.11 12.65 9.00 7.18 6.11
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
29.97 23.93 20.36 42.15 29.97 23.93 20.36
- - - - - - -
20.97 16.74 14.25 29.49 20.97 16.74 14.25
1.20 0.96 0.82 1.69 1.20 0.96 0.82
54.68 43.66 37.15 76.91 54.68 43.66 37.15
58.89 47.02 40.01 82.83 58.89 47.02 40.01
58.89 47.02 40.01 82.83 58.89 47.02 40.01
74.87 59.79 50.86 105.31 74.87 59.79 50.86
58.89 47.02 40.01 82.83 58.89 47.02 40.01
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58.89 47.02 40.01 82.83 58.89 47.02 40.01
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54.68 43.66 37.15 76.91 54.68 43.66 37.15
58.89 47.02 40.01 82.83 58.89 47.02 40.01
- - - - - - -
651.69 520.38 442.72 916.62 651.69 520.38 442.72
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13.39 10.69 9.10 18.84 13.39 10.69 9.10

302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74

242.28 193.46 164.59 340.78 242.28 193.46 164.59
242.28 193.46 164.59 340.78 242.28 193.46 164.59
242.28 193.46 164.59 340.78 242.28 193.46 164.59
181.71 145.10 123.44 255.58 181.71 145.10 123.44
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
181.71 145.10 123.44 255.58 181.71 145.10 123.44
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
37.86 30.23 25.72 53.25 37.86 30.23 25.72
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
90.86 72.55 61.72 127.79 90.86 72.55 61.72
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75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
45.43 36.27 30.86 63.90 45.43 36.27 30.86
21.03 16.79 14.29 29.58 21.03 16.79 14.29
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
8.41 6.72 5.72 11.83 8.41 6.72 5.72
10.52 8.40 7.14 14.79 10.52 8.40 7.14
21.03 16.79 14.29 29.58 21.03 16.79 14.29
25.24 20.15 17.15 35.50 25.24 20.15 17.15
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
121.14 96.73 82.30 170.39 121.14 96.73 82.30
121.14 96.73 82.30 170.39 121.14 96.73 82.30
121.14 96.73 82.30 170.39 121.14 96.73 82.30
90.86 72.55 61.72 127.79 90.86 72.55 61.72
42.06 33.59 28.58 59.16 42.06 33.59 28.58
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
21.03 16.79 14.29 29.58 21.03 16.79 14.29
42.06 33.59 28.58 59.16 42.06 33.59 28.58
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
121.14 96.73 82.30 170.39 121.14 96.73 82.30
121.14 96.73 82.30 170.39 121.14 96.73 82.30
121.14 96.73 82.30 170.39 121.14 96.73 82.30
90.86 72.55 61.72 127.79 90.86 72.55 61.72
42.06 33.59 28.58 59.16 42.06 33.59 28.58
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
21.03 16.79 14.29 29.58 21.03 16.79 14.29
42.06 33.59 28.58 59.16 42.06 33.59 28.58
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
227.14 181.37 154.31 319.48 227.14 181.37 154.31
181.71 145.10 123.44 255.58 181.71 145.10 123.44
181.71 145.10 123.44 255.58 181.71 145.10 123.44
181.71 145.10 123.44 255.58 181.71 145.10 123.44
136.28 108.82 92.58 191.69 136.28 108.82 92.58
63.09 50.38 42.86 88.74 63.09 50.38 42.86
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
25.24 20.15 17.15 35.50 25.24 20.15 17.15
31.55 25.19 21.43 44.37 31.55 25.19 21.43
63.09 50.38 42.86 88.74 63.09 50.38 42.86
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74
242.28 193.46 164.59 340.78 242.28 193.46 164.59
242.28 193.46 164.59 340.78 242.28 193.46 164.59
242.28 193.46 164.59 340.78 242.28 193.46 164.59
181.71 145.10 123.44 255.58 181.71 145.10 123.44
84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
201.90 161.22 137.16 283.98 201.90 161.22 137.16
33.65 26.87 22.86 47.33 33.65 26.87 22.86
42.06 33.59 28.58 59.16 42.06 33.59 28.58
84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
336.50 268.70 228.60 473.30 336.50 268.70 228.60
269.20 214.96 182.88 378.64 269.20 214.96 182.88
269.20 214.96 182.88 378.64 269.20 214.96 182.88
269.20 214.96 182.88 378.64 269.20 214.96 182.88
201.90 161.22 137.16 283.98 201.90 161.22 137.16
84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
201.90 161.22 137.16 283.98 201.90 161.22 137.16
33.65 26.87 22.86 47.33 33.65 26.87 22.86
42.06 33.59 28.58 59.16 42.06 33.59 28.58
84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
420.63 335.88 285.75 591.63 420.63 335.88 285.75
336.50 268.70 228.60 473.30 336.50 268.70 228.60
336.50 268.70 228.60 473.30 336.50 268.70 228.60
336.50 268.70 228.60 473.30 336.50 268.70 228.60
252.38 201.53 171.45 354.98 252.38 201.53 171.45
105.16 83.97 71.44 147.91 105.16 83.97 71.44
252.38 201.53 171.45 354.98 252.38 201.53 171.45
42.06 33.59 28.58 59.16 42.06 33.59 28.58
52.58 41.98 35.72 73.95 52.58 41.98 35.72
105.16 83.97 71.44 147.91 105.16 83.97 71.44
126.19 100.76 85.73 177.49 126.19 100.76 85.73
504.75 403.05 342.90 709.95 504.75 403.05 342.90
403.80 322.44 274.32 567.96 403.80 322.44 274.32
403.80 322.44 274.32 567.96 403.80 322.44 274.32
403.80 322.44 274.32 567.96 403.80 322.44 274.32
302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74
126.19 100.76 85.73 177.49 126.19 100.76 85.73
302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
63.09 50.38 42.86 88.74 63.09 50.38 42.86
126.19 100.76 85.73 177.49 126.19 100.76 85.73
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
- - - - - - -
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- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
- - - - - - -
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
45.43 36.27 30.86 63.90 45.43 36.27 30.86
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
45.43 36.27 30.86 63.90 45.43 36.27 30.86
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- - - - - - -
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- - - - - - -
37.86 30.23 25.72 53.25 37.86 30.23 25.72
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
22.71 18.14 15.43 31.95 22.71 18.14 15.43
21.03 16.79 14.29 29.58 21.03 16.79 14.29
25.24 20.15 17.15 35.50 25.24 20.15 17.15
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
45.43 36.27 30.86 63.90 45.43 36.27 30.86
42.06 33.59 28.58 59.16 42.06 33.59 28.58
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
45.43 36.27 30.86 63.90 45.43 36.27 30.86
42.06 33.59 28.58 59.16 42.06 33.59 28.58
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
113.57 90.69 77.15 159.74 113.57 90.69 77.15
90.86 72.55 61.72 127.79 90.86 72.55 61.72
90.86 72.55 61.72 127.79 90.86 72.55 61.72
90.86 72.55 61.72 127.79 90.86 72.55 61.72
68.14 54.41 46.29 95.84 68.14 54.41 46.29
63.09 50.38 42.86 88.74 63.09 50.38 42.86
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
121.14 96.73 82.30 170.39 121.14 96.73 82.30
121.14 96.73 82.30 170.39 121.14 96.73 82.30
121.14 96.73 82.30 170.39 121.14 96.73 82.30
90.86 72.55 61.72 127.79 90.86 72.55 61.72
84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
168.25 134.35 114.30 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30
134.60 107.48 91.44 189.32 134.60 107.48 91.44
134.60 107.48 91.44 189.32 134.60 107.48 91.44
134.60 107.48 91.44 189.32 134.60 107.48 91.44
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
210.31 167.94 142.88 295.81 210.31 167.94 142.88
168.25 134.35 114.30 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30
168.25 134.35 114.30 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30
168.25 134.35 114.30 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30
126.19 100.76 85.73 177.49 126.19 100.76 85.73
105.16 83.97 71.44 147.91 105.16 83.97 71.44
126.19 100.76 85.73 177.49 126.19 100.76 85.73
252.38 201.53 171.45 354.98 252.38 201.53 171.45
201.90 161.22 137.16 283.98 201.90 161.22 137.16
201.90 161.22 137.16 283.98 201.90 161.22 137.16
201.90 161.22 137.16 283.98 201.90 161.22 137.16
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
126.19 100.76 85.73 177.49 126.19 100.76 85.73
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87

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84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
67.30 53.74 45.72 94.66 67.30 53.74 45.72
67.30 53.74 45.72 94.66 67.30 53.74 45.72
67.30 53.74 45.72 94.66 67.30 53.74 45.72
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
21.03 16.79 14.29 29.58 21.03 16.79 14.29
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
8.41 6.72 5.72 11.83 8.41 6.72 5.72
10.52 8.40 7.14 14.79 10.52 8.40 7.14
21.03 16.79 14.29 29.58 21.03 16.79 14.29
25.24 20.15 17.15 35.50 25.24 20.15 17.15
- - - - - - -
168.25 134.35 114.30 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30
134.60 107.48 91.44 189.32 134.60 107.48 91.44
134.60 107.48 91.44 189.32 134.60 107.48 91.44
134.60 107.48 91.44 189.32 134.60 107.48 91.44
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
42.06 33.59 28.58 59.16 42.06 33.59 28.58
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
21.03 16.79 14.29 29.58 21.03 16.79 14.29
42.06 33.59 28.58 59.16 42.06 33.59 28.58
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
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252.38 201.53 171.45 354.98 252.38 201.53 171.45
201.90 161.22 137.16 283.98 201.90 161.22 137.16
201.90 161.22 137.16 283.98 201.90 161.22 137.16
201.90 161.22 137.16 283.98 201.90 161.22 137.16
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
63.09 50.38 42.86 88.74 63.09 50.38 42.86
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
25.24 20.15 17.15 35.50 25.24 20.15 17.15
31.55 25.19 21.43 44.37 31.55 25.19 21.43
63.09 50.38 42.86 88.74 63.09 50.38 42.86
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
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252.38 201.53 171.45 354.98 252.38 201.53 171.45
201.90 161.22 137.16 283.98 201.90 161.22 137.16
201.90 161.22 137.16 283.98 201.90 161.22 137.16
201.90 161.22 137.16 283.98 201.90 161.22 137.16
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
63.09 50.38 42.86 88.74 63.09 50.38 42.86
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
25.24 20.15 17.15 35.50 25.24 20.15 17.15
31.55 25.19 21.43 44.37 31.55 25.19 21.43
63.09 50.38 42.86 88.74 63.09 50.38 42.86
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
- - - - - - -
336.50 268.70 228.60 473.30 336.50 268.70 228.60
269.20 214.96 182.88 378.64 269.20 214.96 182.88
269.20 214.96 182.88 378.64 269.20 214.96 182.88
269.20 214.96 182.88 378.64 269.20 214.96 182.88
201.90 161.22 137.16 283.98 201.90 161.22 137.16
84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
201.90 161.22 137.16 283.98 201.90 161.22 137.16
33.65 26.87 22.86 47.33 33.65 26.87 22.86
42.06 33.59 28.58 59.16 42.06 33.59 28.58
84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
- - - - - - -
420.63 335.88 285.75 591.63 420.63 335.88 285.75
336.50 268.70 228.60 473.30 336.50 268.70 228.60
336.50 268.70 228.60 473.30 336.50 268.70 228.60
336.50 268.70 228.60 473.30 336.50 268.70 228.60
252.38 201.53 171.45 354.98 252.38 201.53 171.45
105.16 83.97 71.44 147.91 105.16 83.97 71.44
252.38 201.53 171.45 354.98 252.38 201.53 171.45
42.06 33.59 28.58 59.16 42.06 33.59 28.58
52.58 41.98 35.72 73.95 52.58 41.98 35.72
105.16 83.97 71.44 147.91 105.16 83.97 71.44
126.19 100.76 85.73 177.49 126.19 100.76 85.73
- - - - - - -
42.06 33.59 28.58 59.16 42.06 33.59 28.58
33.65 26.87 22.86 47.33 33.65 26.87 22.86
33.65 26.87 22.86 47.33 33.65 26.87 22.86
33.65 26.87 22.86 47.33 33.65 26.87 22.86
25.24 20.15 17.15 35.50 25.24 20.15 17.15
21.03 16.79 14.29 29.58 21.03 16.79 14.29
25.24 20.15 17.15 35.50 25.24 20.15 17.15
- - - - - - -
84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
67.30 53.74 45.72 94.66 67.30 53.74 45.72
67.30 53.74 45.72 94.66 67.30 53.74 45.72
67.30 53.74 45.72 94.66 67.30 53.74 45.72
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
42.06 33.59 28.58 59.16 42.06 33.59 28.58
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
- - - - - - -
126.19 100.76 85.73 177.49 126.19 100.76 85.73
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
63.09 50.38 42.86 88.74 63.09 50.38 42.86
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
- - - - - - -
126.19 100.76 85.73 177.49 126.19 100.76 85.73
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
63.09 50.38 42.86 88.74 63.09 50.38 42.86
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
- - - - - - -
168.25 134.35 114.30 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30
134.60 107.48 91.44 189.32 134.60 107.48 91.44
134.60 107.48 91.44 189.32 134.60 107.48 91.44
134.60 107.48 91.44 189.32 134.60 107.48 91.44
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
- - - - - - -
210.31 167.94 142.88 295.81 210.31 167.94 142.88
168.25 134.35 114.30 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30
168.25 134.35 114.30 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30
168.25 134.35 114.30 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30
126.19 100.76 85.73 177.49 126.19 100.76 85.73
105.16 83.97 71.44 147.91 105.16 83.97 71.44
126.19 100.76 85.73 177.49 126.19 100.76 85.73

7.91 6.31 5.37 11.12 7.91 6.31 5.37

77.13 61.59 52.40 108.48 77.13 61.59 52.40
365.88 292.16 248.56 514.62 365.88 292.16 248.56
869.55 694.35 590.73 1,223.05 869.55 694.35 590.73
3,322.57 2,653.12 2,257.17 4,673.32 3,322.57 2,653.12 2,257.17

16.02 12.79 10.88 22.53 16.02 12.79 10.88

157.48 125.75 106.98 221.50 157.48 125.75 106.98
787.41 628.76 534.92 1,107.52 787.41 628.76 534.92
1,574.82 1,257.52 1,069.85 2,215.04 1,574.82 1,257.52 1,069.85
7,874.10 6,287.58 5,349.24 11,075.22 7,874.10 6,287.58 5,349.24

18.04 14.40 12.25 25.37 18.04 14.40 12.25

177.17 141.47 120.36 249.19 177.17 141.47 120.36
885.84 707.35 601.79 1,245.96 885.84 707.35 601.79
1,771.67 1,414.71 1,203.58 2,491.92 1,771.67 1,414.71 1,203.58
8,858.36 7,073.53 6,017.90 12,459.62 8,858.36 7,073.53 6,017.90

17.48 13.96 11.88 24.59 17.48 13.96 11.88

3.63 2.90 2.47 5.11 3.63 2.90 2.47

17.26 13.78 11.73 24.28 17.26 13.78 11.73
118.11 94.31 80.24 166.13 118.11 94.31 80.24
218.05 174.12 148.13 306.70 218.05 174.12 148.13
817.70 652.94 555.50 1,150.12 817.70 652.94 555.50
0.40 0.32 0.27 0.57 0.40 0.32 0.27
1.92 1.53 1.30 2.70 1.92 1.53 1.30
13.12 10.48 8.92 18.46 13.12 10.48 8.92
24.23 19.35 16.46 34.08 24.23 19.35 16.46
90.86 72.55 61.72 127.79 90.86 72.55 61.72

6.83 5.45 4.64 9.61 6.83 5.45 4.64

32.40 25.88 22.01 45.58 32.40 25.88 22.01
81.77 65.29 55.55 115.01 81.77 65.29 55.55
119.29 95.25 81.04 167.78 119.29 95.25 81.04
221.48 176.86 150.46 311.53 221.48 176.86 150.46
408.91 326.52 277.79 575.15 408.91 326.52 277.79
562.26 448.97 381.97 790.84 562.26 448.97 381.97
681.55 544.22 463.01 958.62 681.55 544.22 463.01
851.92 680.27 578.75 1,198.25 851.92 680.27 578.75
1,533.46 1,224.49 1,041.75 2,156.88 1,533.46 1,224.49 1,041.75
2,726.12 2,176.85 1,851.98 3,834.39 2,726.12 2,176.85 1,851.98
- - - - - - -
40.92 32.67 27.80 57.55 40.92 32.67 27.80
4.11 3.28 2.79 5.77 4.11 3.28 2.79
19.42 15.50 13.19 27.31 19.42 15.50 13.19
49.06 39.18 33.33 69.01 49.06 39.18 33.33
71.57 57.15 48.62 100.67 71.57 57.15 48.62
132.88 106.11 90.27 186.91 132.88 106.11 90.27
245.38 195.94 166.70 345.13 245.38 195.94 166.70
337.34 269.37 229.17 474.48 337.34 269.37 229.17
408.91 326.52 277.79 575.15 408.91 326.52 277.79
511.14 408.16 347.24 718.94 511.14 408.16 347.24
920.06 734.68 625.04 1,294.10 920.06 734.68 625.04
1,635.69 1,306.12 1,111.20 2,300.66 1,635.69 1,306.12 1,111.20
24.53 19.59 16.66 34.50 24.53 19.59 16.66

0.67 0.54 0.46 0.95 0.67 0.54 0.46

3.23 2.58 2.19 4.54 3.23 2.58 2.19
8.18 6.53 5.55 11.50 8.18 6.53 5.55
11.95 9.54 8.12 16.80 11.95 9.54 8.12
22.14 17.68 15.04 31.14 22.14 17.68 15.04
40.92 32.67 27.80 57.55 40.92 32.67 27.80
56.23 44.90 38.20 79.09 56.23 44.90 38.20
68.14 54.41 46.29 95.84 68.14 54.41 46.29
85.20 68.03 57.88 119.84 85.20 68.03 57.88
153.34 122.45 104.17 215.68 153.34 122.45 104.17
272.63 217.70 185.21 383.47 272.63 217.70 185.21
4.11 3.28 2.79 5.77 4.11 3.28 2.79

4.41 3.52 2.99 6.20 4.41 3.52 2.99

0.81 0.64 0.55 1.14 0.81 0.64 0.55

117.78 94.05 80.01 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01

111.05 88.67 75.44 156.19 111.05 88.67 75.44

50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29

136.28 108.82 92.58 191.69 136.28 108.82 92.58
60.44 48.26 41.06 85.00 60.44 48.26 41.06
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
15.14 12.09 10.29 21.30 15.14 12.09 10.29
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
45.43 36.27 30.86 63.90 45.43 36.27 30.86
12.11 9.67 8.23 17.04 12.11 9.67 8.23
28.77 22.97 19.55 40.47 28.77 22.97 19.55
45.43 36.27 30.86 63.90 45.43 36.27 30.86
36.34 29.02 24.69 51.12 36.34 29.02 24.69
36.34 29.02 24.69 51.12 36.34 29.02 24.69
49.23 39.31 33.44 69.24 49.23 39.31 33.44
139.31 111.24 94.64 195.95 139.31 111.24 94.64

69.52 55.51 47.23 97.78 69.52 55.51 47.23

108.89 86.95 73.97 153.16 108.89 86.95 73.97

43.07 34.39 29.26 60.58 43.07 34.39 29.26

86.11 68.76 58.50 121.11 86.11 68.76 58.50
129.15 103.12 87.73 181.65 129.15 103.12 87.73
172.18 137.49 116.97 242.18 172.18 137.49 116.97
215.22 171.85 146.21 302.71 215.22 171.85 146.21
155.46 124.14 105.61 218.66 155.46 124.14 105.61
21.61 17.25 14.68 30.39 21.61 17.25 14.68
36.45 29.10 24.76 51.27 36.45 29.10 24.76
64.75 51.70 43.99 91.07 64.75 51.70 43.99
113.35 90.51 77.00 159.43 113.35 90.51 77.00
194.28 155.14 131.99 273.27 194.28 155.14 131.99
692.41 552.90 470.39 973.90 692.41 552.90 470.39
40.49 32.33 27.50 56.95 40.49 32.33 27.50
134.95 107.76 91.68 189.82 134.95 107.76 91.68
134.95 107.76 91.68 189.82 134.95 107.76 91.68
134.95 107.76 91.68 189.82 134.95 107.76 91.68
70.33 56.16 47.78 98.92 70.33 56.16 47.78
140.66 112.32 95.55 197.84 140.66 112.32 95.55
210.99 168.47 143.33 296.76 210.99 168.47 143.33
281.31 224.63 191.11 395.68 281.31 224.63 191.11
351.64 280.79 238.89 494.60 351.64 280.79 238.89
64.50 51.51 43.82 90.72 64.50 51.51 43.82
26.92 21.50 18.29 37.86 26.92 21.50 18.29
53.84 42.99 36.58 75.73 53.84 42.99 36.58
80.76 64.49 54.86 113.59 80.76 64.49 54.86
107.68 85.98 73.15 151.46 107.68 85.98 73.15
134.60 107.48 91.44 189.32 134.60 107.48 91.44
25.24 20.15 17.15 35.50 25.24 20.15 17.15
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29

35.73 29.56 25.26 55.16 39.22 31.32 26.64

13.02 10.77 9.21 20.11 14.29 11.41 9.71
29.66 24.53 20.96 45.79 32.55 25.99 22.11
176.38 145.89 124.66 272.28 193.58 154.58 131.51
0.44 0.37 0.31 0.68 0.48 0.39 0.33
13.80 11.41 9.75 21.30 15.14 12.09 10.29
1.38 1.14 0.98 2.13 1.51 1.21 1.03

5.85 4.67 3.98 8.23 5.85 4.67 3.98

92.07 73.52 62.54 129.49 92.07 73.52 62.54
111.45 88.99 75.71 156.76 111.45 88.99 75.71
272.57 217.65 185.17 383.37 272.57 217.65 185.17
533.02 425.62 362.10 749.71 533.02 425.62 362.10
763.18 609.41 518.46 1,073.44 763.18 609.41 518.46
969.12 773.86 658.37 1,363.10 969.12 773.86 658.37
2,180.52 1,741.18 1,481.33 3,066.98 2,180.52 1,741.18 1,481.33
3,876.48 3,095.42 2,633.47 5,452.42 3,876.48 3,095.42 2,633.47
5,087.88 4,062.74 3,456.43 7,156.30 5,087.88 4,062.74 3,456.43
6,057.00 4,836.60 4,114.80 8,519.40 6,057.00 4,836.60 4,114.80
7,995.24 6,384.31 5,431.54 11,245.61 7,995.24 6,384.31 5,431.54
8,722.08 6,964.70 5,925.31 12,267.94 8,722.08 6,964.70 5,925.31
84.80 67.71 57.61 119.27 84.80 67.71 57.61
387.65 309.54 263.35 545.24 387.65 309.54 263.35
726.84 580.39 493.78 1,022.33 726.84 580.39 493.78
1,356.77 1,083.40 921.72 1,908.35 1,356.77 1,083.40 921.72
3,028.50 2,418.30 2,057.40 4,259.70 3,028.50 2,418.30 2,057.40
4,845.60 3,869.28 3,291.84 6,815.52 4,845.60 3,869.28 3,291.84
5,451.30 4,352.94 3,703.32 7,667.46 5,451.30 4,352.94 3,703.32
5,814.72 4,643.14 3,950.21 8,178.62 5,814.72 4,643.14 3,950.21
477.29 381.12 324.25 671.33 477.29 381.12 324.25
145.37 116.08 98.76 204.47 145.37 116.08 98.76
72.68 58.04 49.38 102.23 72.68 58.04 49.38
72.68 58.04 49.38 102.23 72.68 58.04 49.38
14.54 11.61 9.88 20.45 14.54 11.61 9.88
99.94 79.80 67.89 140.57 99.94 79.80 67.89
149.91 119.71 101.84 210.86 149.91 119.71 101.84
199.88 159.61 135.79 281.14 199.88 159.61 135.79
249.85 199.51 169.74 351.43 249.85 199.51 169.74
145.37 116.08 98.76 204.47 145.37 116.08 98.76
290.74 232.16 197.51 408.93 290.74 232.16 197.51
581.47 464.31 395.02 817.86 581.47 464.31 395.02
872.21 696.47 592.53 1,226.79 872.21 696.47 592.53
1,162.94 928.63 790.04 1,635.72 1,162.94 928.63 790.04
290.74 232.16 197.51 408.93 290.74 232.16 197.51
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
24.99 19.95 16.97 35.14 24.99 19.95 16.97
45.43 36.27 30.86 63.90 45.43 36.27 30.86
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
189.28 151.14 128.59 266.23 189.28 151.14 128.59
302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74
7,495.54 5,985.29 5,092.07 10,542.76 7,495.54 5,985.29 5,092.07
499.70 399.02 339.47 702.85 499.70 399.02 339.47
1,249.26 997.55 848.68 1,757.13 1,249.26 997.55 848.68
54.97 43.89 37.34 77.31 54.97 43.89 37.34
499.70 399.02 339.47 702.85 499.70 399.02 339.47
749.55 598.53 509.21 1,054.28 749.55 598.53 509.21
999.41 798.04 678.94 1,405.70 999.41 798.04 678.94
1,249.26 997.55 848.68 1,757.13 1,249.26 997.55 848.68
43.37 34.63 29.46 61.00 43.37 34.63 29.46
40.46 32.31 27.49 56.91 40.46 32.31 27.49
65.05 51.95 44.19 91.50 65.05 51.95 44.19
65.05 51.95 44.19 91.50 65.05 51.95 44.19
60.69 48.46 41.23 85.36 60.69 48.46 41.23
60.69 48.46 41.23 85.36 60.69 48.46 41.23
60.69 48.46 41.23 85.36 60.69 48.46 41.23
176.38 145.89 124.66 272.28 193.58 154.58 131.51
1.82 1.51 1.29 2.81 2.00 1.60 1.36
49.97 39.90 33.95 70.29 49.97 39.90 33.95
454.28 362.75 308.61 638.96 454.28 362.75 308.61
749.55 598.53 509.21 1,054.28 749.55 598.53 509.21
0.18 0.15 0.12 0.27 0.19 0.15 0.13
0.13 0.11 0.09 0.20 0.15 0.12 0.10
0.09 0.07 0.06 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07

249.85 199.51 169.74 351.43 249.85 199.51 169.74

499.70 399.02 339.47 702.85 499.70 399.02 339.47
749.55 598.53 509.21 1,054.28 749.55 598.53 509.21
1,124.33 897.79 763.81 1,581.41 1,124.33 897.79 763.81
1,748.96 1,396.57 1,188.15 2,459.98 1,748.96 1,396.57 1,188.15
2,498.51 1,995.10 1,697.36 3,514.25 2,498.51 1,995.10 1,697.36
3.68 2.94 2.50 5.18 3.68 2.94 2.50
11.63 9.29 7.90 16.36 11.63 9.29 7.90
499.70 399.02 339.47 702.85 499.70 399.02 339.47
624.63 498.77 424.34 878.56 624.63 498.77 424.34
999.41 798.04 678.94 1,405.70 999.41 798.04 678.94
1,873.88 1,496.32 1,273.02 2,635.69 1,873.88 1,496.32 1,273.02
0.58 0.46 0.40 0.82 0.58 0.46 0.40
1,499.11 1,197.06 1,018.41 2,108.55 1,499.11 1,197.06 1,018.41
24.99 19.95 16.97 35.14 24.99 19.95 16.97
3,997.62 3,192.16 2,715.77 5,622.80 3,997.62 3,192.16 2,715.77
5,496.73 4,389.21 3,734.18 7,731.36 5,496.73 4,389.21 3,734.18
6,496.13 5,187.25 4,413.12 9,137.06 6,496.13 5,187.25 4,413.12
7,495.54 5,985.29 5,092.07 10,542.76 7,495.54 5,985.29 5,092.07
249.85 199.51 169.74 351.43 249.85 199.51 169.74
2,498.51 1,995.10 1,697.36 3,514.25 2,498.51 1,995.10 1,697.36
3,997.62 3,192.16 2,715.77 5,622.80 3,997.62 3,192.16 2,715.77
1.57 1.26 1.07 2.22 1.57 1.26 1.07

484.32 386.73 329.02 681.21 484.32 386.73 329.02

484.32 386.73 329.02 681.21 484.32 386.73 329.02
43.37 34.63 29.46 61.00 43.37 34.63 29.46
43.37 34.63 29.46 61.00 43.37 34.63 29.46
40.46 32.31 27.49 56.91 40.46 32.31 27.49
40.46 32.31 27.49 56.91 40.46 32.31 27.49
40.46 32.31 27.49 56.91 40.46 32.31 27.49
0.24 0.19 0.16 0.34 0.24 0.19 0.16
48.46 38.69 32.92 68.16 48.46 38.69 32.92

151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87

60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
90.86 72.55 61.72 127.79 90.86 72.55 61.72
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
18.17 14.51 12.34 25.56 18.17 14.51 12.34
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
4.60 3.80 3.25 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
7.67 6.34 5.42 11.83 8.41 6.72 5.72
3.07 2.54 2.17 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
4.60 3.80 3.25 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
3.07 2.54 2.17 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
4.60 3.80 3.25 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
12.62 10.08 8.57 17.75 12.62 10.08 8.57
25.24 20.15 17.15 35.50 25.24 20.15 17.15
8.41 6.72 5.72 11.83 8.41 6.72 5.72
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
7.57 6.05 5.14 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14
6.73 5.37 4.57 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57

30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57

45.43 36.27 30.86 63.90 45.43 36.27 30.86
181.71 145.10 123.44 255.58 181.71 145.10 123.44
4.60 3.80 3.25 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
4.60 3.80 3.25 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
5.05 4.03 3.43 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
6.73 5.37 4.57 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
21.87 17.47 14.86 30.76 21.87 17.47 14.86

1.21 0.97 0.82 1.70 1.21 0.97 0.82

4.54 3.63 3.09 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
90.86 72.55 61.72 127.79 90.86 72.55 61.72
3.03 2.42 2.06 4.26 3.03 2.42 2.06
0.84 0.67 0.57 1.18 0.84 0.67 0.57
15.14 12.09 10.29 21.30 15.14 12.09 10.29
37.86 30.23 25.72 53.25 37.86 30.23 25.72
7.67 6.34 5.42 11.83 8.41 6.72 5.72
7.67 6.34 5.42 11.83 8.41 6.72 5.72
4.60 3.80 3.25 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
7.67 6.34 5.42 11.83 8.41 6.72 5.72
7.67 6.34 5.42 11.83 8.41 6.72 5.72
4.60 3.80 3.25 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
0.30 0.24 0.21 0.43 0.30 0.24 0.21
0.61 0.48 0.41 0.85 0.61 0.48 0.41
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
0.61 0.48 0.41 0.85 0.61 0.48 0.41
0.37 0.30 0.25 0.52 0.37 0.30 0.25
2.52 2.02 1.71 3.55 2.52 2.02 1.71
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86

7.57 6.05 5.14 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14

19.69 15.72 13.37 27.69 19.69 15.72 13.37
7.57 6.05 5.14 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
181.71 145.10 123.44 255.58 181.71 145.10 123.44
302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74
1.53 1.27 1.08 2.37 1.68 1.34 1.14
1.53 1.27 1.08 2.37 1.68 1.34 1.14
1.53 1.27 1.08 2.37 1.68 1.34 1.14
4.60 3.80 3.25 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
2.30 1.90 1.63 3.55 2.52 2.02 1.71
2.52 2.02 1.71 3.55 2.52 2.02 1.71
5.89 4.70 4.00 8.28 5.89 4.70 4.00
5.89 4.70 4.00 8.28 5.89 4.70 4.00
8.41 6.72 5.72 11.83 8.41 6.72 5.72
5.89 4.70 4.00 8.28 5.89 4.70 4.00
12.11 9.67 8.23 17.04 12.11 9.67 8.23
40.38 32.24 27.43 56.80 40.38 32.24 27.43
67.30 53.74 45.72 94.66 67.30 53.74 45.72

302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74

0.91 0.73 0.62 1.28 0.91 0.73 0.62
90.86 72.55 61.72 127.79 90.86 72.55 61.72
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
168.25 134.35 114.30 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
0.91 0.73 0.62 1.28 0.91 0.73 0.62
15.33 12.68 10.84 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
7.67 6.34 5.42 11.83 8.41 6.72 5.72
4.60 3.80 3.25 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
4.60 3.80 3.25 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
15.33 12.68 10.84 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
7.67 6.34 5.42 11.83 8.41 6.72 5.72
7.67 6.34 5.42 11.83 8.41 6.72 5.72
45.43 36.27 30.86 63.90 45.43 36.27 30.86
0.13 0.11 0.09 0.19 0.13 0.11 0.09
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
6.73 5.37 4.57 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
33.65 26.87 22.86 47.33 33.65 26.87 22.86
2.52 2.02 1.71 3.55 2.52 2.02 1.71
0.13 0.11 0.09 0.19 0.13 0.11 0.09

127.20 101.57 86.41 178.91 127.20 101.57 86.41

177.17 141.47 120.36 249.19 177.17 141.47 120.36
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
83.28 66.50 56.58 117.14 83.28 66.50 56.58
96.91 77.39 65.84 136.31 96.91 77.39 65.84
96.91 77.39 65.84 136.31 96.91 77.39 65.84
36.34 29.02 24.69 51.12 36.34 29.02 24.69
42.40 33.86 28.80 59.64 42.40 33.86 28.80
53.00 42.32 36.00 74.54 53.00 42.32 36.00
53.00 42.32 36.00 74.54 53.00 42.32 36.00
5.05 4.03 3.43 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
5.89 4.70 4.00 8.28 5.89 4.70 4.00
5.89 4.70 4.00 8.28 5.89 4.70 4.00
5.05 4.03 3.43 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
5.05 4.03 3.43 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
5.89 4.70 4.00 8.28 5.89 4.70 4.00
5.89 4.70 4.00 8.28 5.89 4.70 4.00
4.21 3.36 2.86 5.92 4.21 3.36 2.86
4.21 3.36 2.86 5.92 4.21 3.36 2.86
5.89 4.70 4.00 8.28 5.89 4.70 4.00
5.89 4.70 4.00 8.28 5.89 4.70 4.00
19.35 15.45 13.14 27.21 19.35 15.45 13.14
20.02 15.99 13.60 28.16 20.02 15.99 13.60
20.02 15.99 13.60 28.16 20.02 15.99 13.60
13.63 10.88 9.26 19.17 13.63 10.88 9.26
13.46 10.75 9.14 18.93 13.46 10.75 9.14
18.04 14.40 12.25 25.37 18.04 14.40 12.25
18.04 14.40 12.25 25.37 18.04 14.40 12.25
9.25 7.39 6.29 13.02 9.25 7.39 6.29
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
13.46 10.75 9.14 18.93 13.46 10.75 9.14
13.63 10.88 9.26 19.17 13.63 10.88 9.26
7.57 6.05 5.14 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14
4.54 3.63 3.09 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
4.54 3.63 3.09 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
7.57 6.05 5.14 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14
3.80 3.04 2.58 5.35 3.80 3.04 2.58

24.23 19.35 16.46 34.08 24.23 19.35 16.46

5.45 4.35 3.70 7.67 5.45 4.35 3.70
6.06 4.84 4.11 8.52 6.06 4.84 4.11
4.54 3.63 3.09 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
15.14 12.09 10.29 21.30 15.14 12.09 10.29
15.14 12.09 10.29 21.30 15.14 12.09 10.29
9.09 7.25 6.17 12.78 9.09 7.25 6.17
4.54 3.63 3.09 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
3.03 2.42 2.06 4.26 3.03 2.42 2.06
3.03 2.42 2.06 4.26 3.03 2.42 2.06

42.40 33.86 28.80 59.64 42.40 33.86 28.80

36.34 29.02 24.69 51.12 36.34 29.02 24.69
45.43 36.27 30.86 63.90 45.43 36.27 30.86
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
66.63 53.20 45.26 93.71 66.63 53.20 45.26
66.63 53.20 45.26 93.71 66.63 53.20 45.26
45.43 36.27 30.86 63.90 45.43 36.27 30.86
53.00 42.32 36.00 74.54 53.00 42.32 36.00
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
66.63 53.20 45.26 93.71 66.63 53.20 45.26
66.63 53.20 45.26 93.71 66.63 53.20 45.26
45.43 36.27 30.86 63.90 45.43 36.27 30.86
53.00 42.32 36.00 74.54 53.00 42.32 36.00
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
66.63 53.20 45.26 93.71 66.63 53.20 45.26
66.63 53.20 45.26 93.71 66.63 53.20 45.26
45.43 36.27 30.86 63.90 45.43 36.27 30.86
53.00 42.32 36.00 74.54 53.00 42.32 36.00
6.73 5.37 4.57 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
45.43 36.27 30.86 63.90 45.43 36.27 30.86
53.00 42.32 36.00 74.54 53.00 42.32 36.00
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
66.63 53.20 45.26 93.71 66.63 53.20 45.26
66.63 53.20 45.26 93.71 66.63 53.20 45.26
53.00 42.32 36.00 74.54 53.00 42.32 36.00
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
37.86 30.23 25.72 53.25 37.86 30.23 25.72
45.43 36.27 30.86 63.90 45.43 36.27 30.86
6.73 5.37 4.57 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
3.07 2.54 2.17 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
3.83 3.17 2.71 5.92 4.21 3.36 2.86
4.60 3.80 3.25 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
4.60 3.80 3.25 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
4.60 3.80 3.25 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
3.07 2.54 2.17 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
3.83 3.17 2.71 5.92 4.21 3.36 2.86
4.60 3.80 3.25 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
4.60 3.80 3.25 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
4.60 3.80 3.25 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
3.07 2.54 2.17 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
3.83 3.17 2.71 5.92 4.21 3.36 2.86
4.60 3.80 3.25 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
4.60 3.80 3.25 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
4.60 3.80 3.25 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
3.83 3.17 2.71 5.92 4.21 3.36 2.86
4.60 3.80 3.25 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
3.07 2.54 2.17 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
3.83 3.17 2.71 5.92 4.21 3.36 2.86
4.60 3.80 3.25 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
3.83 3.17 2.71 5.92 4.21 3.36 2.86
4.60 3.80 3.25 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
3.83 3.17 2.71 5.92 4.21 3.36 2.86
4.60 3.80 3.25 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
3.83 3.17 2.71 5.92 4.21 3.36 2.86
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
10.94 8.73 7.43 15.38 10.94 8.73 7.43
10.94 8.73 7.43 15.38 10.94 8.73 7.43
11.78 9.40 8.00 16.57 11.78 9.40 8.00
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
10.94 8.73 7.43 15.38 10.94 8.73 7.43
10.94 8.73 7.43 15.38 10.94 8.73 7.43
11.78 9.40 8.00 16.57 11.78 9.40 8.00
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
10.94 8.73 7.43 15.38 10.94 8.73 7.43
10.94 8.73 7.43 15.38 10.94 8.73 7.43
11.78 9.40 8.00 16.57 11.78 9.40 8.00
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
10.94 8.73 7.43 15.38 10.94 8.73 7.43
10.94 8.73 7.43 15.38 10.94 8.73 7.43
11.78 9.40 8.00 16.57 11.78 9.40 8.00
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
10.94 8.73 7.43 15.38 10.94 8.73 7.43

90.86 72.55 61.72 127.79 90.86 72.55 61.72

45.43 36.27 30.86 63.90 45.43 36.27 30.86
25.24 20.15 17.15 35.50 25.24 20.15 17.15
5.05 4.03 3.43 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87

9.09 7.25 6.17 12.78 9.09 7.25 6.17

9.09 7.25 6.17 12.78 9.09 7.25 6.17
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
7.67 6.34 5.42 11.83 8.41 6.72 5.72
7.67 6.34 5.42 11.83 8.41 6.72 5.72
4.60 3.80 3.25 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
25.24 20.15 17.15 35.50 25.24 20.15 17.15
16.59 13.25 11.27 23.33 16.59 13.25 11.27
45.16 36.06 30.68 63.52 45.16 36.06 30.68
55.59 44.39 37.76 78.19 55.59 44.39 37.76
76.32 60.94 51.85 107.34 76.32 60.94 51.85
13.09 10.45 8.89 18.41 13.09 10.45 8.89
19.62 15.67 13.33 27.59 19.62 15.67 13.33
30.08 24.02 20.44 42.31 30.08 24.02 20.44
45.80 36.57 31.11 64.42 45.80 36.57 31.11
2.73 2.18 1.85 3.83 2.73 2.18 1.85
7.50 5.99 5.10 10.55 7.50 5.99 5.10
9.25 7.39 6.29 13.02 9.25 7.39 6.29
12.72 10.16 8.64 17.89 12.72 10.16 8.64
6.18 4.94 4.20 8.69 6.18 4.94 4.20
1.06 0.85 0.72 1.49 1.06 0.85 0.72

60.44 48.26 41.06 85.00 60.44 48.26 41.06

36.27 28.97 24.64 51.02 36.27 28.97 24.64
151.36 120.86 102.82 212.89 151.36 120.86 102.82
90.82 72.52 61.70 127.74 90.82 72.52 61.70
45.36 36.22 30.82 63.80 45.36 36.22 30.82
27.22 21.74 18.49 38.29 27.22 21.74 18.49
9.09 7.25 6.17 12.78 9.09 7.25 6.17
22.71 18.14 15.43 31.95 22.71 18.14 15.43
6.83 5.45 4.64 9.61 6.83 5.45 4.64
20.62 16.46 14.00 29.00 20.62 16.46 14.00
39.14 31.25 26.59 55.05 39.14 31.25 26.59
164.74 131.55 111.92 231.72 164.74 131.55 111.92
12.36 9.87 8.40 17.39 12.36 9.87 8.40
23.48 18.75 15.95 33.03 23.48 18.75 15.95
98.86 78.94 67.16 139.05 98.86 78.94 67.16
4.54 3.63 3.09 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
8.58 6.85 5.83 12.07 8.58 6.85 5.83
36.17 28.89 24.57 50.88 36.17 28.89 24.57
46.33 37.00 31.47 65.17 46.33 37.00 31.47
138.96 110.96 94.40 195.45 138.96 110.96 94.40
324.28 258.94 220.30 456.11 324.28 258.94 220.30
486.40 388.40 330.44 684.14 486.40 388.40 330.44
718.02 573.35 487.78 1,009.92 718.02 573.35 487.78
856.98 684.31 582.18 1,205.37 856.98 684.31 582.18
1,111.76 887.76 755.27 1,563.73 1,111.76 887.76 755.27
6.94 5.54 4.72 9.76 6.94 5.54 4.72
20.86 16.66 14.17 29.34 20.86 16.66 14.17
48.63 38.83 33.04 68.40 48.63 38.83 33.04
72.93 58.24 49.55 102.58 72.93 58.24 49.55
107.68 85.98 73.15 151.46 107.68 85.98 73.15
128.54 102.64 87.33 180.80 128.54 102.64 87.33
166.76 133.16 113.29 234.56 166.76 133.16 113.29

27.73 22.14 18.84 39.00 27.73 22.14 18.84

10.16 8.11 6.90 14.29 10.16 8.11 6.90
19.28 15.40 13.10 27.12 19.28 15.40 13.10
47.72 38.10 32.42 67.11 47.72 38.10 32.42
86.99 69.46 59.09 122.35 86.99 69.46 59.09
165.26 131.96 112.27 232.44 165.26 131.96 112.27
256.65 204.94 174.35 360.99 256.65 204.94 174.35
18.17 14.51 12.34 25.56 18.17 14.51 12.34
43.17 34.47 29.33 60.72 43.17 34.47 29.33
84.87 67.77 57.65 119.37 84.87 67.77 57.65
167.17 133.49 113.57 235.14 167.17 133.49 113.57
18.04 14.40 12.25 25.37 18.04 14.40 12.25
2.99 2.39 2.03 4.21 2.99 2.39 2.03
8.95 7.15 6.08 12.59 8.95 7.15 6.08
30.15 24.08 20.48 42.41 30.15 24.08 20.48
75.58 60.35 51.34 106.30 75.58 60.35 51.34

10.56 8.43 7.17 14.85 10.56 8.43 7.17

140.34 112.06 95.34 197.39 140.34 112.06 95.34
401.60 320.69 272.83 564.87 401.60 320.69 272.83
50.07 39.98 34.02 70.43 50.07 39.98 34.02
52.71 42.09 35.81 74.13 52.71 42.09 35.81
30.76 24.56 20.89 43.26 30.76 24.56 20.89
99.81 79.70 67.80 140.38 99.81 79.70 67.80
65.08 51.97 44.21 91.54 65.08 51.97 44.21
261.37 208.71 177.56 367.63 261.37 208.71 177.56
105.06 83.89 71.37 147.77 105.06 83.89 71.37
52.71 42.09 35.81 74.13 52.71 42.09 35.81
52.71 42.09 35.81 74.13 52.71 42.09 35.81
248.30 198.27 168.68 349.25 248.30 198.27 168.68
99.81 79.70 67.80 140.38 99.81 79.70 67.80
30.76 24.56 20.89 43.26 30.76 24.56 20.89
30.76 24.56 20.89 43.26 30.76 24.56 20.89
30.76 24.56 20.89 43.26 30.76 24.56 20.89
30.76 24.56 20.89 43.26 30.76 24.56 20.89
32.37 25.85 21.99 45.54 32.37 25.85 21.99
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
2.42 1.93 1.65 3.41 2.42 1.93 1.65
32.71 26.12 22.22 46.00 32.71 26.12 22.22
93.28 74.48 63.37 131.20 93.28 74.48 63.37
5.65 4.51 3.84 7.95 5.65 4.51 3.84
5.45 4.35 3.70 7.67 5.45 4.35 3.70
5.25 4.19 3.57 7.38 5.25 4.19 3.57
5.05 4.03 3.43 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
4.85 3.87 3.29 6.82 4.85 3.87 3.29
4.44 3.55 3.02 6.25 4.44 3.55 3.02
4.04 3.22 2.74 5.68 4.04 3.22 2.74
3.63 2.90 2.47 5.11 3.63 2.90 2.47
3.23 2.58 2.19 4.54 3.23 2.58 2.19
285.49 227.97 193.94 401.55 285.49 227.97 193.94
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
11.64 9.30 7.91 16.38 11.64 9.30 7.91
12.11 9.67 8.23 17.04 12.11 9.67 8.23
7.17 5.72 4.87 10.08 7.17 5.72 4.87
23.25 18.57 15.80 32.71 23.25 18.57 15.80
15.14 12.09 10.29 21.30 15.14 12.09 10.29
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
24.23 19.35 16.46 34.08 24.23 19.35 16.46
12.11 9.67 8.23 17.04 12.11 9.67 8.23
12.11 9.67 8.23 17.04 12.11 9.67 8.23
57.84 46.19 39.30 81.36 57.84 46.19 39.30
23.25 18.57 15.80 32.71 23.25 18.57 15.80
7.17 5.72 4.87 10.08 7.17 5.72 4.87
7.17 5.72 4.87 10.08 7.17 5.72 4.87
7.17 5.72 4.87 10.08 7.17 5.72 4.87
7.17 5.72 4.87 10.08 7.17 5.72 4.87
7.67 6.13 5.21 10.79 7.67 6.13 5.21
0.81 0.64 0.55 1.14 0.81 0.64 0.55
8.08 6.45 5.49 11.36 8.08 6.45 5.49
23.42 18.70 15.91 32.94 23.42 18.70 15.91
1.62 1.29 1.10 2.27 1.62 1.29 1.10
1.51 1.21 1.03 2.13 1.51 1.21 1.03
1.41 1.13 0.96 1.99 1.41 1.13 0.96
1.31 1.05 0.89 1.85 1.31 1.05 0.89
1.21 0.97 0.82 1.70 1.21 0.97 0.82
1.11 0.89 0.75 1.56 1.11 0.89 0.75
1.01 0.81 0.69 1.42 1.01 0.81 0.69
0.91 0.73 0.62 1.28 0.91 0.73 0.62
0.81 0.64 0.55 1.14 0.81 0.64 0.55
71.47 57.07 48.55 100.53 71.47 57.07 48.55
15.34 12.25 10.42 21.58 15.34 12.25 10.42
2.93 2.34 1.99 4.12 2.93 2.34 1.99
3.23 2.58 2.19 4.54 3.23 2.58 2.19
1.78 1.42 1.21 2.51 1.78 1.42 1.21
5.82 4.65 3.95 8.19 5.82 4.65 3.95
3.80 3.04 2.58 5.35 3.80 3.04 2.58
15.34 12.25 10.42 21.58 15.34 12.25 10.42
6.06 4.84 4.11 8.52 6.06 4.84 4.11
3.23 2.58 2.19 4.54 3.23 2.58 2.19
3.23 2.58 2.19 4.54 3.23 2.58 2.19
14.47 11.55 9.83 20.35 14.47 11.55 9.83
5.82 4.65 3.95 8.19 5.82 4.65 3.95
1.78 1.42 1.21 2.51 1.78 1.42 1.21
1.78 1.42 1.21 2.51 1.78 1.42 1.21
1.78 1.42 1.21 2.51 1.78 1.42 1.21
1.78 1.42 1.21 2.51 1.78 1.42 1.21
2.02 1.61 1.37 2.84 2.02 1.61 1.37
23.25 18.57 15.80 32.71 23.25 18.57 15.80
57.84 46.19 39.30 81.36 57.84 46.19 39.30
23.25 18.57 15.80 32.71 23.25 18.57 15.80
46.50 37.13 31.59 65.41 46.50 37.13 31.59
31.03 24.77 21.08 43.64 31.03 24.77 21.08
57.84 46.19 39.30 81.36 57.84 46.19 39.30
11.71 9.35 7.96 16.47 11.71 9.35 7.96
23.25 18.57 15.80 32.71 23.25 18.57 15.80
6.06 4.84 4.11 8.52 6.06 4.84 4.11
14.47 11.55 9.83 20.35 14.47 11.55 9.83
6.06 4.84 4.11 8.52 6.06 4.84 4.11
11.64 9.30 7.91 16.38 11.64 9.30 7.91
7.74 6.18 5.26 10.89 7.74 6.18 5.26
14.54 11.61 9.88 20.45 14.54 11.61 9.88
2.93 2.34 1.99 4.12 2.93 2.34 1.99
6.06 4.84 4.11 8.52 6.06 4.84 4.11
358.14 285.98 243.30 503.73 358.14 285.98 243.30
330.21 263.68 224.33 464.45 330.21 263.68 224.33
331.82 264.96 225.42 466.71 331.82 264.96 225.42
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
15.34 12.25 10.42 21.58 15.34 12.25 10.42
15.34 12.25 10.42 21.58 15.34 12.25 10.42
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
15.82 12.63 10.74 22.25 15.82 12.63 10.74
209.71 167.45 142.46 294.96 209.71 167.45 142.46
600.01 479.12 407.62 843.94 600.01 479.12 407.62
36.71 29.32 24.94 51.64 36.71 29.32 24.94
35.13 28.05 23.87 49.41 35.13 28.05 23.87
34.05 27.19 23.13 47.90 34.05 27.19 23.13
32.51 25.96 22.08 45.72 32.51 25.96 22.08
31.43 25.10 21.35 44.21 31.43 25.10 21.35
28.33 22.62 19.25 39.85 28.33 22.62 19.25
25.17 20.10 17.10 35.40 25.17 20.10 17.10
22.55 18.00 15.32 31.71 22.55 18.00 15.32
20.96 16.74 14.24 29.49 20.96 16.74 14.24
1,834.19 1,464.63 1,246.05 2,579.86 1,834.19 1,464.63 1,246.05
157.01 125.38 106.66 220.84 157.01 125.38 106.66
209.34 167.16 142.21 294.44 209.34 167.16 142.21
390.51 311.83 265.29 549.26 390.51 311.83 265.29
157.01 125.38 106.66 220.84 157.01 125.38 106.66
157.01 125.38 106.66 220.84 157.01 125.38 106.66
91.60 73.14 62.22 128.83 91.60 73.14 62.22
235.48 188.04 159.97 331.22 235.48 188.04 159.97

26.46 21.13 17.97 37.21 26.46 21.13 17.97

5.30 4.23 3.60 7.45 5.30 4.23 3.60
52.91 42.25 35.95 74.42 52.91 42.25 35.95
10.60 8.46 7.20 14.91 10.60 8.46 7.20
79.37 63.38 53.92 111.63 79.37 63.38 53.92
15.90 12.69 10.80 22.36 15.90 12.69 10.80
105.78 84.47 71.86 148.79 105.78 84.47 71.86
21.16 16.89 14.37 29.76 21.16 16.89 14.37
132.24 105.60 89.84 186.00 132.24 105.60 89.84
26.46 21.13 17.97 37.21 26.46 21.13 17.97

2.15 1.78 1.52 3.31 2.36 1.88 1.60

28.30 23.41 20.00 43.69 31.06 24.80 21.10
81.00 67.00 57.25 125.05 88.90 70.99 60.40
4.97 4.11 3.51 7.67 5.45 4.35 3.70
4.75 3.93 3.36 7.34 5.22 4.16 3.54
4.60 3.80 3.25 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
4.38 3.63 3.10 6.77 4.81 3.84 3.27
4.23 3.50 2.99 6.53 4.64 3.71 3.15
3.83 3.17 2.71 5.92 4.21 3.36 2.86
3.40 2.81 2.41 5.25 3.74 2.98 2.54
3.04 2.51 2.15 4.69 3.33 2.66 2.26
2.82 2.33 1.99 4.35 3.10 2.47 2.10
247.58 204.78 174.99 382.19 271.72 216.98 184.59
52.70 43.59 37.25 81.36 57.84 46.19 39.30
21.19 17.52 14.97 32.71 23.25 18.57 15.80

0.52 0.43 0.37 0.80 0.57 0.46 0.39

7.08 5.86 5.01 10.93 7.77 6.21 5.28
20.24 16.74 14.30 31.24 22.21 17.73 15.09
1.23 1.01 0.87 1.89 1.35 1.07 0.91
1.20 0.99 0.85 1.85 1.31 1.05 0.89
1.13 0.94 0.80 1.75 1.25 0.99 0.85
1.21 0.97 0.82 1.70 1.21 0.97 0.82
1.18 0.94 0.80 1.66 1.18 0.94 0.80
1.04 0.83 0.71 1.47 1.04 0.83 0.71
0.94 0.75 0.64 1.33 0.94 0.75 0.64
0.84 0.67 0.57 1.18 0.84 0.67 0.57
0.77 0.62 0.53 1.09 0.77 0.62 0.53
67.94 54.25 46.15 95.56 67.94 54.25 46.15
14.47 11.55 9.83 20.35 14.47 11.55 9.83
5.82 4.65 3.95 8.19 5.82 4.65 3.95

545.13 435.29 370.33 766.75 545.13 435.29 370.33

1,744.42 1,392.94 1,185.06 2,453.59 1,744.42 1,392.94 1,185.06
94.49 75.45 64.19 132.90 94.49 75.45 64.19
23.25 18.57 15.80 32.71 23.25 18.57 15.80
363.42 290.20 246.89 511.16 363.42 290.20 246.89
872.21 696.47 592.53 1,226.79 872.21 696.47 592.53
94.49 75.45 64.19 132.90 94.49 75.45 64.19
130.83 104.47 88.88 184.02 130.83 104.47 88.88
508.79 406.27 345.64 715.63 508.79 406.27 345.64
290.74 232.16 197.51 408.93 290.74 232.16 197.51
88.84 70.94 60.35 124.95 88.84 70.94 60.35
363.42 290.20 246.89 511.16 363.42 290.20 246.89
159.90 127.69 108.63 224.91 159.90 127.69 108.63
159.90 127.69 108.63 224.91 159.90 127.69 108.63
1,090.26 870.59 740.66 1,533.49 1,090.26 870.59 740.66
290.74 232.16 197.51 408.93 290.74 232.16 197.51
290.74 232.16 197.51 408.93 290.74 232.16 197.51
2,238.67 1,787.61 1,520.83 3,148.77 2,238.67 1,787.61 1,520.83

100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58

323.04 257.95 219.46 454.37 323.04 257.95 219.46
17.50 13.97 11.89 24.61 17.50 13.97 11.89
4.31 3.44 2.93 6.06 4.31 3.44 2.93
67.30 53.74 45.72 94.66 67.30 53.74 45.72
161.52 128.98 109.73 227.18 161.52 128.98 109.73
17.50 13.97 11.89 24.61 17.50 13.97 11.89
24.23 19.35 16.46 34.08 24.23 19.35 16.46
94.22 75.24 64.01 132.52 94.22 75.24 64.01
53.84 42.99 36.58 75.73 53.84 42.99 36.58
17.77 14.19 12.07 24.99 17.77 14.19 12.07
67.30 53.74 45.72 94.66 67.30 53.74 45.72
29.61 23.65 20.12 41.65 29.61 23.65 20.12
29.61 23.65 20.12 41.65 29.61 23.65 20.12
201.90 161.22 137.16 283.98 201.90 161.22 137.16
53.84 42.99 36.58 75.73 53.84 42.99 36.58
53.84 42.99 36.58 75.73 53.84 42.99 36.58
414.57 331.04 281.64 583.11 414.57 331.04 281.64

757.13 604.58 514.35 1,064.93 757.13 604.58 514.35

121.14 96.73 82.30 170.39 121.14 96.73 82.30
28.43 22.71 19.32 39.99 28.43 22.71 19.32
304.80 243.39 207.07 428.72 304.80 243.39 207.07
227.14 181.37 154.31 319.48 227.14 181.37 154.31
1,181.12 943.14 802.39 1,661.28 1,181.12 943.14 802.39
1,968.53 1,571.90 1,337.31 2,768.81 1,968.53 1,571.90 1,337.31
2,483.37 1,983.01 1,687.07 3,492.95 2,483.37 1,983.01 1,687.07
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
18.64 14.89 12.66 26.22 18.64 14.89 12.66
24.23 19.35 16.46 34.08 24.23 19.35 16.46
24.23 19.35 16.46 34.08 24.23 19.35 16.46
42.40 33.86 28.80 59.64 42.40 33.86 28.80
95.73 76.45 65.04 134.65 95.73 76.45 65.04
45.43 36.27 30.86 63.90 45.43 36.27 30.86
280.41 223.91 190.49 394.40 280.41 223.91 190.49
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -

90.86 72.55 61.72 127.79 90.86 72.55 61.72

363.42 290.20 246.89 511.16 363.42 290.20 246.89
121.14 96.73 82.30 170.39 121.14 96.73 82.30

591.32 472.18 401.71 831.71 591.32 472.18 401.71

454.28 362.75 308.61 638.96 454.28 362.75 308.61
454.28 362.75 308.61 638.96 454.28 362.75 308.61
726.84 580.39 493.78 1,022.33 726.84 580.39 493.78
75.58 60.35 51.34 106.30 75.58 60.35 51.34
75.58 60.35 51.34 106.30 75.58 60.35 51.34
54.51 43.53 37.03 76.67 54.51 43.53 37.03
54.51 43.53 37.03 76.67 54.51 43.53 37.03
87.22 69.65 59.25 122.68 87.22 69.65 59.25
75.88 62.77 53.63 117.14 83.28 66.50 56.58
153.30 126.80 108.35 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30
227.14 181.37 154.31 319.48 227.14 181.37 154.31

1,866.53 1,490.45 1,268.02 2,625.35 1,866.53 1,490.45 1,268.02

4,542.75 3,627.45 3,086.10 6,389.55 4,542.75 3,627.45 3,086.10
507.41 405.17 344.71 713.69 507.41 405.17 344.71
389.47 310.99 264.58 547.80 389.47 310.99 264.58
855.66 707.75 604.77 1,320.89 939.10 749.89 637.98
1,867.51 1,491.23 1,268.68 2,626.72 1,867.51 1,491.23 1,268.68
887.42 708.62 602.86 1,248.19 887.42 708.62 602.86
1,682.96 1,392.04 1,189.49 2,597.99 1,847.08 1,474.92 1,254.81
344.93 285.30 243.79 532.46 378.56 302.29 257.18
292.05 233.20 198.40 410.78 292.05 233.20 198.40
85.27 68.09 57.93 119.93 85.27 68.09 57.93
88.77 70.88 60.30 124.86 88.77 70.88 60.30
128.71 102.78 87.44 181.04 128.71 102.78 87.44
729.87 582.81 495.83 1,026.59 729.87 582.81 495.83
284.31 227.02 193.14 399.89 284.31 227.02 193.14
285.96 228.34 194.26 402.21 285.96 228.34 194.26
181.71 145.10 123.44 255.58 181.71 145.10 123.44
36.98 29.53 25.12 52.02 36.98 29.53 25.12
557.82 445.42 378.95 784.59 557.82 445.42 378.95
1,185.69 946.79 805.49 1,667.72 1,185.69 946.79 805.49
71.07 56.75 48.28 99.96 71.07 56.75 48.28
51.18 40.87 34.77 71.99 51.18 40.87 34.77
198.30 158.34 134.71 278.92 198.30 158.34 134.71
56.83 45.38 38.61 79.94 56.83 45.38 38.61
495.73 395.85 336.77 697.27 495.73 395.85 336.77
169.24 139.99 119.62 261.26 185.75 148.32 126.19

74.89 61.94 52.93 115.60 82.19 65.63 55.84

82.36 68.12 58.21 127.14 90.39 72.18 61.41
1.27 1.05 0.90 1.96 1.39 1.11 0.95
1.23 1.02 0.87 1.90 1.35 1.08 0.92
0.45 0.37 0.31 0.69 0.49 0.39 0.33
0.74 0.61 0.52 1.14 0.81 0.65 0.55
8.95 7.40 6.33 13.82 9.82 7.84 6.67
236.50 195.62 167.16 365.09 259.57 207.27 176.34
244.82 202.50 173.04 377.93 268.70 214.56 182.54
16.42 13.58 11.61 25.35 18.02 14.39 12.24
0.45 0.37 0.31 0.69 0.49 0.39 0.33
31.97 25.53 21.72 44.96 31.97 25.53 21.72
33.31 26.60 22.63 46.86 33.31 26.60 22.63
1.31 1.05 0.89 1.85 1.31 1.05 0.89
3.33 2.66 2.26 4.69 3.33 2.66 2.26
3.70 2.96 2.51 5.21 3.70 2.96 2.51
4.04 3.22 2.74 5.68 4.04 3.22 2.74
14.66 11.71 9.96 20.62 14.66 11.71 9.96
18.99 15.16 12.90 26.71 18.99 15.16 12.90
10.83 8.65 7.36 15.23 10.83 8.65 7.36
12.45 9.94 8.46 17.52 12.45 9.94 8.46
22.08 18.26 15.60 34.08 24.23 19.35 16.46
6.13 5.07 4.33 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57

441.47 352.52 299.91 620.95 441.47 352.52 299.91

147.15 117.50 99.96 206.97 147.15 117.50 99.96
88.29 70.50 59.98 124.19 88.29 70.50 59.98
441.47 352.52 299.91 620.95 441.47 352.52 299.91
147.15 117.50 99.96 206.97 147.15 117.50 99.96
88.29 70.50 59.98 124.19 88.29 70.50 59.98
441.47 352.52 299.91 620.95 441.47 352.52 299.91
147.15 117.50 99.96 206.97 147.15 117.50 99.96
88.29 70.50 59.98 124.19 88.29 70.50 59.98
529.77 423.03 359.90 745.14 529.77 423.03 359.90
1,059.57 846.08 719.82 1,490.33 1,059.57 846.08 719.82
1,059.57 846.08 719.82 1,490.33 1,059.57 846.08 719.82
423.84 338.45 287.94 596.15 423.84 338.45 287.94
706.36 564.04 479.86 993.52 706.36 564.04 479.86
529.77 423.03 359.90 745.14 529.77 423.03 359.90
1,059.57 846.08 719.82 1,490.33 1,059.57 846.08 719.82
1,059.57 846.08 719.82 1,490.33 1,059.57 846.08 719.82
423.84 338.45 287.94 596.15 423.84 338.45 287.94
706.36 564.04 479.86 993.52 706.36 564.04 479.86
529.77 423.03 359.90 745.14 529.77 423.03 359.90
1,059.57 846.08 719.82 1,490.33 1,059.57 846.08 719.82
1,059.57 846.08 719.82 1,490.33 1,059.57 846.08 719.82
423.84 338.45 287.94 596.15 423.84 338.45 287.94
706.36 564.04 479.86 993.52 706.36 564.04 479.86
58.78 46.93 39.93 82.67 58.78 46.93 39.93
17.63 14.08 11.98 24.80 17.63 14.08 11.98
509.14 406.55 345.88 716.12 509.14 406.55 345.88
1,161.66 927.60 789.17 1,633.91 1,161.66 927.60 789.17
1,755.65 1,401.91 1,192.70 2,469.39 1,755.65 1,401.91 1,192.70
342.02 273.11 232.35 481.06 342.02 273.11 232.35
22.09 17.64 15.01 31.07 22.09 17.64 15.01
51.57 41.18 35.04 72.54 51.57 41.18 35.04
81.02 64.69 55.04 113.95 81.02 64.69 55.04
14.74 11.77 10.01 20.73 14.74 11.77 10.01
2.96 2.37 2.01 4.17 2.96 2.37 2.01
117.04 93.46 79.51 164.63 117.04 93.46 79.51
234.09 186.92 159.03 329.25 234.09 186.92 159.03
351.13 280.38 238.54 493.88 351.13 280.38 238.54
53.91 43.05 36.62 75.83 53.91 43.05 36.62
204.83 163.56 139.15 288.10 204.83 163.56 139.15
380.39 303.75 258.42 535.03 380.39 303.75 258.42
555.96 443.94 377.69 781.97 555.96 443.94 377.69
80.87 64.57 54.94 113.74 80.87 64.57 54.94
43.89 35.05 29.82 61.73 43.89 35.05 29.82
87.78 70.10 59.63 123.47 87.78 70.10 59.63
131.67 105.14 89.45 185.20 131.67 105.14 89.45
25.24 20.15 17.15 35.50 25.24 20.15 17.15
43.89 35.05 29.82 61.73 43.89 35.05 29.82
87.78 70.10 59.63 123.47 87.78 70.10 59.63
131.67 105.14 89.45 185.20 131.67 105.14 89.45
25.24 20.15 17.15 35.50 25.24 20.15 17.15
188.44 150.47 128.02 265.05 188.44 150.47 128.02
363.42 290.20 246.89 511.16 363.42 290.20 246.89
84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
272.41 217.53 185.06 383.16 272.41 217.53 185.06
60.54 48.34 41.13 85.15 60.54 48.34 41.13
87.97 70.24 59.76 123.73 87.97 70.24 59.76
20.12 16.07 13.67 28.30 20.12 16.07 13.67
120.99 96.61 82.19 170.18 120.99 96.61 82.19
26.75 21.36 18.17 37.63 26.75 21.36 18.17
147.07 117.44 99.91 206.86 147.07 117.44 99.91
1,764.87 1,409.27 1,198.96 2,482.36 1,764.87 1,409.27 1,198.96
403.63 322.31 274.21 567.72 403.63 322.31 274.21
352.85 281.76 239.71 496.30 352.85 281.76 239.71
80.59 64.35 54.75 113.36 80.59 64.35 54.75
363.27 290.08 246.79 510.95 363.27 290.08 246.79
80.59 64.35 54.75 113.36 80.59 64.35 54.75
363.27 290.08 246.79 510.95 363.27 290.08 246.79
80.59 64.35 54.75 113.36 80.59 64.35 54.75
363.27 290.08 246.79 510.95 363.27 290.08 246.79
80.59 64.35 54.75 113.36 80.59 64.35 54.75
1,029.43 822.02 699.34 1,447.94 1,029.43 822.02 699.34
235.38 187.96 159.91 331.07 235.38 187.96 159.91
1,029.43 822.02 699.34 1,447.94 1,029.43 822.02 699.34
235.38 187.96 159.91 331.07 235.38 187.96 159.91
2,059.01 1,644.15 1,398.78 2,896.08 2,059.01 1,644.15 1,398.78
470.93 376.05 319.93 662.38 470.93 376.05 319.93
294.04 234.79 199.75 413.57 294.04 234.79 199.75
67.13 53.61 45.61 94.42 67.13 53.61 45.61
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
705.85 563.63 479.51 992.80 705.85 563.63 479.51
161.35 128.84 109.61 226.95 161.35 128.84 109.61
823.51 657.58 559.45 1,158.30 823.51 657.58 559.45
188.27 150.34 127.90 264.81 188.27 150.34 127.90
106.00 84.64 72.01 149.09 106.00 84.64 72.01
279.30 223.02 189.74 392.84 279.30 223.02 189.74
212.00 169.28 144.02 298.18 212.00 169.28 144.02
22.71 18.14 15.43 31.95 22.71 18.14 15.43
22.71 18.14 15.43 31.95 22.71 18.14 15.43
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
37.86 30.23 25.72 53.25 37.86 30.23 25.72
37.86 30.23 25.72 53.25 37.86 30.23 25.72
309.58 247.20 210.31 435.44 309.58 247.20 210.31
166.57 133.01 113.16 234.28 166.57 133.01 113.16
218.73 174.66 148.59 307.65 218.73 174.66 148.59
90.86 72.55 61.72 127.79 90.86 72.55 61.72
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
7.57 6.05 5.14 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14
106.00 84.64 72.01 149.09 106.00 84.64 72.01
188.44 150.47 128.02 265.05 188.44 150.47 128.02
84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
477.83 381.55 324.61 672.09 477.83 381.55 324.61
371.83 296.91 252.60 523.00 371.83 296.91 252.60
257.42 205.56 174.88 362.07 257.42 205.56 174.88
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
42.06 33.59 28.58 59.16 42.06 33.59 28.58
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
15.98 12.76 10.86 22.48 15.98 12.76 10.86
255.74 204.21 173.74 359.71 255.74 204.21 173.74

579.38 462.64 393.60 814.92 579.38 462.64 393.60

232.19 185.40 157.73 326.58 232.19 185.40 157.73
231.76 185.06 157.45 325.98 231.76 185.06 157.45
67.30 53.74 45.72 94.66 67.30 53.74 45.72

176.66 141.07 120.02 248.48 176.66 141.07 120.02

42.06 33.59 28.58 59.16 42.06 33.59 28.58
33.65 26.87 22.86 47.33 33.65 26.87 22.86
134.60 107.48 91.44 189.32 134.60 107.48 91.44
84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15

- - - - - - -

403.80 322.44 274.32 567.96 403.80 322.44 274.32

60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
536.04 428.04 364.16 753.97 536.04 428.04 364.16
113.16 90.36 76.88 159.17 113.16 90.36 76.88
121.14 96.73 82.30 170.39 121.14 96.73 82.30
134.74 107.59 91.54 189.52 134.74 107.59 91.54
161.66 129.09 109.82 227.38 161.66 129.09 109.82

463.48 370.10 314.87 651.91 463.48 370.10 314.87

- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
162.23 129.54 110.21 228.18 162.23 129.54 110.21
47.11 37.62 32.00 66.26 47.11 37.62 32.00
92.70 74.02 62.97 130.38 92.70 74.02 62.97
26.92 21.50 18.29 37.86 26.92 21.50 18.29
220.18 175.81 149.58 309.69 220.18 175.81 149.58
63.94 51.05 43.43 89.93 63.94 51.05 43.43
104.28 83.27 70.84 146.67 104.28 83.27 70.84
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
92.70 74.02 62.97 130.38 92.70 74.02 62.97
26.92 21.50 18.29 37.86 26.92 21.50 18.29

50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29

- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -

- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -

173.81 138.79 118.08 244.47 173.81 138.79 118.08

92.70 74.02 62.97 130.38 92.70 74.02 62.97

94.33 75.32 64.08 132.67 94.33 75.32 64.08
107.82 86.10 73.25 151.66 107.82 86.10 73.25
204.59 163.37 138.99 287.77 204.59 163.37 138.99

231.76 185.06 157.45 325.98 231.76 185.06 157.45

196.69 157.06 133.62 276.66 196.69 157.06 133.62

53.91 43.05 36.62 75.83 53.91 43.05 36.62

53.91 43.05 36.62 75.83 53.91 43.05 36.62

92.80 74.10 63.05 130.53 92.80 74.10 63.05

- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
81.11 64.77 55.10 114.09 81.11 64.77 55.10
72.75 58.10 49.43 102.33 72.75 58.10 49.43
46.33 37.00 31.47 65.17 46.33 37.00 31.47
40.42 32.27 27.46 56.85 40.42 32.27 27.46
57.95 46.27 39.37 81.51 57.95 46.27 39.37

115.86 92.52 78.71 162.96 115.86 92.52 78.71

101.06 80.69 68.65 142.14 101.06 80.69 68.65
52.18 41.66 35.45 73.39 52.18 41.66 35.45
44.49 35.52 30.22 62.58 44.49 35.52 30.22
46.33 37.00 31.47 65.17 46.33 37.00 31.47
40.42 32.27 27.46 56.85 40.42 32.27 27.46

69.53 55.52 47.24 97.80 69.53 55.52 47.24

107.82 86.10 73.25 151.66 107.82 86.10 73.25
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -

- - - - - - -

242.28 193.46 164.59 340.78 242.28 193.46 164.59

386.98 309.01 262.89 544.30 386.98 309.01 262.89

80.76 64.49 54.86 113.59 80.76 64.49 54.86

26.92 21.50 18.29 37.86 26.92 21.50 18.29
40.38 32.24 27.43 56.80 40.38 32.24 27.43
80.76 64.49 54.86 113.59 80.76 64.49 54.86
6.73 5.37 4.57 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
6.73 5.37 4.57 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57

50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29

168.25 134.35 114.30 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
6.73 5.37 4.57 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57

67.30 53.74 45.72 94.66 67.30 53.74 45.72

235.55 188.09 160.02 331.31 235.55 188.09 160.02

92.80 74.10 63.05 130.53 92.80 74.10 63.05

107.82 86.10 73.25 151.66 107.82 86.10 73.25

132.58 105.87 90.07 186.48 132.58 105.87 90.07
181.71 145.10 123.44 255.58 181.71 145.10 123.44

20.23 16.15 13.74 28.45 20.23 16.15 13.74

25.24 20.15 17.15 35.50 25.24 20.15 17.15
20.23 16.15 13.74 28.45 20.23 16.15 13.74
25.24 20.15 17.15 35.50 25.24 20.15 17.15

92.70 74.02 62.97 130.38 92.70 74.02 62.97

159.93 127.70 108.65 224.94 159.93 127.70 108.65

926.97 740.20 629.73 1,303.82 926.97 740.20 629.73

302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74
817.70 652.94 555.50 1,150.12 817.70 652.94 555.50
1,029.69 822.22 699.52 1,448.30 1,029.69 822.22 699.52
1,211.40 967.32 822.96 1,703.88 1,211.40 967.32 822.96

405.57 323.85 275.52 570.45 405.57 323.85 275.52

649.45 518.59 441.20 913.47 649.45 518.59 441.20
1,753.50 1,400.20 1,191.23 2,466.37 1,753.50 1,400.20 1,191.23
2,208.11 1,763.21 1,500.07 3,105.79 2,208.11 1,763.21 1,500.07
2,597.78 2,074.36 1,764.79 3,653.88 2,597.78 2,074.36 1,764.79
454.28 362.75 308.61 638.96 454.28 362.75 308.61

1,265.24 1,010.31 859.54 1,779.61 1,265.24 1,010.31 859.54

220.21 175.84 149.60 309.74 220.21 175.84 149.60
317.30 253.37 215.56 446.30 317.30 253.37 215.56
511.94 408.79 347.78 720.06 511.94 408.79 347.78
1,382.24 1,103.73 939.02 1,944.17 1,382.24 1,103.73 939.02
1,740.59 1,389.89 1,182.46 2,448.21 1,740.59 1,389.89 1,182.46
2,047.73 1,635.14 1,391.12 2,880.20 2,047.73 1,635.14 1,391.12
344.22 274.87 233.85 484.16 344.22 274.87 233.85

9.76 7.79 6.63 13.73 9.76 7.79 6.63

51.15 40.84 34.75 71.94 51.15 40.84 34.75
92.70 74.02 62.97 130.38 92.70 74.02 62.97
26.92 21.50 18.29 37.86 26.92 21.50 18.29
185.39 148.04 125.95 260.76 185.39 148.04 125.95
53.84 42.99 36.58 75.73 53.84 42.99 36.58
115.86 92.52 78.71 162.96 115.86 92.52 78.71
33.65 26.87 22.86 47.33 33.65 26.87 22.86
101.22 80.83 68.76 142.37 101.22 80.83 68.76
23.56 18.81 16.00 33.13 23.56 18.81 16.00
173.81 138.79 118.08 244.47 173.81 138.79 118.08
23.56 18.81 16.00 33.13 23.56 18.81 16.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
117.74 94.01 79.98 165.60 117.74 94.01 79.98
51.15 40.84 34.75 71.94 51.15 40.84 34.75
20.19 16.12 13.72 28.40 20.19 16.12 13.72
63.28 50.53 42.99 89.00 63.28 50.53 42.99
48.53 38.75 32.97 68.25 48.53 38.75 32.97
50.59 40.40 34.37 71.16 50.59 40.40 34.37
44.13 35.24 29.98 62.07 44.13 35.24 29.98
50.59 40.40 34.37 71.16 50.59 40.40 34.37
44.13 35.24 29.98 62.07 44.13 35.24 29.98
33.65 26.87 22.86 47.33 33.65 26.87 22.86
165.56 136.94 117.02 255.58 181.71 145.10 123.44
110.38 91.30 78.01 170.39 121.14 96.73 82.30
110.38 91.30 78.01 170.39 121.14 96.73 82.30
800.23 661.90 565.59 1,235.31 878.27 701.31 596.65
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
188.44 150.47 128.02 265.05 188.44 150.47 128.02
84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
7.57 6.05 5.14 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14
67.30 53.74 45.72 94.66 67.30 53.74 45.72
235.55 188.09 160.02 331.31 235.55 188.09 160.02
12.65 10.10 8.59 17.79 12.65 10.10 8.59
80.87 64.57 54.94 113.74 80.87 64.57 54.94
58.45 46.67 39.71 82.21 58.45 46.67 39.71
672.08 536.66 456.57 945.30 672.08 536.66 456.57
195.17 155.85 132.59 274.51 195.17 155.85 132.59
526.96 420.78 357.99 741.19 526.96 420.78 357.99
663.58 529.88 450.80 933.35 663.58 529.88 450.80
780.68 623.38 530.35 1,098.06 780.68 623.38 530.35
880.64 703.20 598.26 1,238.65 880.64 703.20 598.26
255.74 204.21 173.74 359.71 255.74 204.21 173.74
869.52 694.32 590.70 1,223.01 869.52 694.32 590.70
1,022.96 816.85 694.94 1,438.83 1,022.96 816.85 694.94
904.05 721.90 614.16 1,271.58 904.05 721.90 614.16
262.47 209.59 178.31 369.17 262.47 209.59 178.31
708.67 565.88 481.43 996.77 708.67 565.88 481.43
892.40 712.59 606.25 1,255.19 892.40 712.59 606.25
1,049.88 838.34 713.23 1,476.70 1,049.88 838.34 713.23
1,089.62 870.08 740.23 1,532.60 1,089.62 870.08 740.23
316.31 252.58 214.88 444.90 316.31 252.58 214.88
854.04 681.96 580.19 1,201.24 854.04 681.96 580.19
1,075.45 858.77 730.61 1,512.67 1,075.45 858.77 730.61
690.50 551.37 469.09 971.21 690.50 551.37 469.09
377.23 301.23 256.27 530.59 377.23 301.23 256.27
1,018.50 813.28 691.91 1,432.55 1,018.50 813.28 691.91
1,282.53 1,024.11 871.28 1,803.92 1,282.53 1,024.11 871.28
1,508.87 1,204.85 1,025.04 2,122.28 1,508.87 1,204.85 1,025.04
588.88 470.23 400.05 828.28 588.88 470.23 400.05
1,589.96 1,269.61 1,080.14 2,236.34 1,589.96 1,269.61 1,080.14
2,002.18 1,598.77 1,360.17 2,816.14 2,002.18 1,598.77 1,360.17
2,355.50 1,880.90 1,600.20 3,313.10 2,355.50 1,880.90 1,600.20
375.84 300.11 255.32 528.63 375.84 300.11 255.32
538.90 430.32 366.10 757.98 538.90 430.32 366.10
1,454.99 1,161.83 988.44 2,046.50 1,454.99 1,161.83 988.44
1,832.22 1,463.06 1,244.71 2,577.09 1,832.22 1,463.06 1,244.71
2,155.55 1,721.24 1,464.36 3,031.86 2,155.55 1,721.24 1,464.36
168.25 134.35 114.30 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30
397.22 317.19 269.85 558.71 397.22 317.19 269.85
500.19 399.41 339.80 703.53 500.19 399.41 339.80
588.45 469.89 399.76 827.68 588.45 469.89 399.76
323.32 258.18 219.65 454.77 323.32 258.18 219.65
953.30 761.22 647.62 1,340.85 953.30 761.22 647.62
1,200.42 958.55 815.50 1,688.43 1,200.42 958.55 815.50
1,412.26 1,127.71 959.41 1,986.39 1,412.26 1,127.71 959.41

120.99 96.61 82.19 170.18 120.99 96.61 82.19

26.75 21.36 18.17 37.63 26.75 21.36 18.17
272.41 217.53 185.06 383.16 272.41 217.53 185.06
60.54 48.34 41.13 85.15 60.54 48.34 41.13
1,816.95 1,450.86 1,234.34 2,555.61 1,816.95 1,450.86 1,234.34
403.63 322.31 274.21 567.72 403.63 322.31 274.21
1,514.10 1,209.03 1,028.60 2,129.64 1,514.10 1,209.03 1,028.60
363.27 290.08 246.79 510.95 363.27 290.08 246.79
80.59 64.35 54.75 113.36 80.59 64.35 54.75
363.27 290.08 246.79 510.95 363.27 290.08 246.79
80.59 64.35 54.75 113.36 80.59 64.35 54.75
363.27 290.08 246.79 510.95 363.27 290.08 246.79
80.59 64.35 54.75 113.36 80.59 64.35 54.75
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
333.14 266.01 226.31 468.57 333.14 266.01 226.31
74.03 59.11 50.29 104.13 74.03 59.11 50.29
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
53.84 42.99 36.58 75.73 53.84 42.99 36.58
40.38 32.24 27.43 56.80 40.38 32.24 27.43
121.14 96.73 82.30 170.39 121.14 96.73 82.30
92.54 73.89 62.87 130.16 92.54 73.89 62.87
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
170.35 136.03 115.73 239.61 170.35 136.03 115.73
26.92 21.50 18.29 37.86 26.92 21.50 18.29
18.17 14.51 12.34 25.56 18.17 14.51 12.34
26.92 21.50 18.29 37.86 26.92 21.50 18.29
18.17 14.51 12.34 25.56 18.17 14.51 12.34
279.30 223.02 189.74 392.84 279.30 223.02 189.74
174.98 139.72 118.87 246.12 174.98 139.72 118.87
121.14 96.73 82.30 170.39 121.14 96.73 82.30
181.71 145.10 123.44 255.58 181.71 145.10 123.44
121.14 96.73 82.30 170.39 121.14 96.73 82.30
121.14 96.73 82.30 170.39 121.14 96.73 82.30
121.14 96.73 82.30 170.39 121.14 96.73 82.30
90.86 72.55 61.72 127.79 90.86 72.55 61.72
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
- - - - - - -

227.14 181.37 154.31 319.48 227.14 181.37 154.31

21.20 16.93 14.40 29.82 21.20 16.93 14.40
55.96 44.68 38.02 78.71 55.96 44.68 38.02
57.74 46.10 39.22 81.21 57.74 46.10 39.22
184.37 147.22 125.25 259.32 184.37 147.22 125.25
2.29 1.83 1.55 3.22 2.29 1.83 1.55
34.71 27.72 23.58 48.82 34.71 27.72 23.58
92.27 73.68 62.68 129.78 92.27 73.68 62.68
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74
115.30 92.07 78.33 162.17 115.30 92.07 78.33
690.89 551.68 469.35 971.76 690.89 551.68 469.35
690.89 551.68 469.35 971.76 690.89 551.68 469.35
690.89 551.68 469.35 971.76 690.89 551.68 469.35
126.81 101.26 86.15 178.36 126.81 101.26 86.15
57.74 46.10 39.22 81.21 57.74 46.10 39.22
57.74 46.10 39.22 81.21 57.74 46.10 39.22

1,135.69 906.86 771.53 1,597.39 1,135.69 906.86 771.53

3,407.06 2,720.59 2,314.58 4,792.16 3,407.06 2,720.59 2,314.58
264.99 211.60 180.02 372.72 264.99 211.60 180.02
794.98 634.80 540.07 1,118.17 794.98 634.80 540.07
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
166.57 133.01 113.16 234.28 166.57 133.01 113.16
832.84 665.03 565.79 1,171.42 832.84 665.03 565.79
2,498.51 1,995.10 1,697.36 3,514.25 2,498.51 1,995.10 1,697.36
302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74
22.71 18.14 15.43 31.95 22.71 18.14 15.43
113.57 90.69 77.15 159.74 113.57 90.69 77.15
340.71 272.06 231.46 479.22 340.71 272.06 231.46
0.50 0.40 0.34 0.71 0.50 0.40 0.34

90.82 72.52 61.70 127.74 90.82 72.52 61.70

251.37 200.72 170.76 353.56 251.37 200.72 170.76
408.85 326.47 277.75 575.06 408.85 326.47 277.75
681.41 544.12 462.92 958.43 681.41 544.12 462.92
1,196.26 955.23 812.67 1,682.58 1,196.26 955.23 812.67
1,907.96 1,523.53 1,296.16 2,683.61 1,907.96 1,523.53 1,296.16
3,089.07 2,466.67 2,098.55 4,344.89 3,089.07 2,466.67 2,098.55
6,571.85 5,247.71 4,464.56 9,243.55 6,571.85 5,247.71 4,464.56
242.28 193.46 164.59 340.78 242.28 193.46 164.59
190.80 152.35 129.62 268.36 190.80 152.35 129.62
154.45 123.33 104.93 217.24 154.45 123.33 104.93
144.70 115.54 98.30 203.52 144.70 115.54 98.30
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
242.28 193.46 164.59 340.78 242.28 193.46 164.59
36.34 29.02 24.69 51.12 36.34 29.02 24.69
15.14 12.09 10.29 21.30 15.14 12.09 10.29
21.20 16.93 14.40 29.82 21.20 16.93 14.40
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74
454.28 362.75 308.61 638.96 454.28 362.75 308.61
757.13 604.58 514.35 1,064.93 757.13 604.58 514.35
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
6.06 4.84 4.11 8.52 6.06 4.84 4.11
28.77 22.97 19.55 40.47 28.77 22.97 19.55
136.28 108.82 92.58 191.69 136.28 108.82 92.58
514.85 411.11 349.76 724.15 514.85 411.11 349.76
90.86 72.55 61.72 127.79 90.86 72.55 61.72
9.09 7.25 6.17 12.78 9.09 7.25 6.17
45.43 36.27 30.86 63.90 45.43 36.27 30.86
215.80 172.32 146.60 303.53 215.80 172.32 146.60
1,930.67 1,541.67 1,311.59 2,715.56 1,930.67 1,541.67 1,311.59
121.14 96.73 82.30 170.39 121.14 96.73 82.30
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
393.71 314.38 267.46 553.76 393.71 314.38 267.46
696.56 556.21 473.20 979.73 696.56 556.21 473.20
1,150.83 918.95 781.81 1,618.69 1,150.83 918.95 781.81
2,574.23 2,055.56 1,748.79 3,620.75 2,574.23 2,055.56 1,748.79
302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
227.14 181.37 154.31 319.48 227.14 181.37 154.31
772.27 616.67 524.64 1,086.22 772.27 616.67 524.64
1,589.96 1,269.61 1,080.14 2,236.34 1,589.96 1,269.61 1,080.14
2,725.65 2,176.47 1,851.66 3,833.73 2,725.65 2,176.47 1,851.66
6,814.13 5,441.18 4,629.15 9,584.33 6,814.13 5,441.18 4,629.15
18,171.00 14,509.80 12,344.40 25,558.20 18,171.00 14,509.80 12,344.40
227.14 181.37 154.31 319.48 227.14 181.37 154.31
193.08 154.18 131.17 271.58 193.08 154.18 131.17
159.00 126.96 108.01 223.63 159.00 126.96 108.01
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
113.57 90.69 77.15 159.74 113.57 90.69 77.15
90.86 72.55 61.72 127.79 90.86 72.55 61.72
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
121.14 96.73 82.30 170.39 121.14 96.73 82.30
242.28 193.46 164.59 340.78 242.28 193.46 164.59
545.13 435.29 370.33 766.75 545.13 435.29 370.33
2,059.38 1,644.44 1,399.03 2,896.60 2,059.38 1,644.44 1,399.03
227.14 181.37 154.31 319.48 227.14 181.37 154.31
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87

363.42 290.20 246.89 511.16 363.42 290.20 246.89

1,271.97 1,015.69 864.11 1,789.07 1,271.97 1,015.69 864.11
41.66 33.27 28.30 58.59 41.66 33.27 28.30
349.79 279.31 237.63 492.00 349.79 279.31 237.63
2,422.80 1,934.64 1,645.92 3,407.76 2,422.80 1,934.64 1,645.92
48.46 38.69 32.92 68.16 48.46 38.69 32.92
378.56 302.29 257.18 532.46 378.56 302.29 257.18
2,665.08 2,128.10 1,810.51 3,748.54 2,665.08 2,128.10 1,810.51
302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74
69.66 55.62 47.32 97.97 69.66 55.62 47.32
484.56 386.93 329.18 681.55 484.56 386.93 329.18
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
181.71 145.10 123.44 255.58 181.71 145.10 123.44
106.00 84.64 72.01 149.09 106.00 84.64 72.01
72.68 58.04 49.38 102.23 72.68 58.04 49.38
314.96 251.50 213.97 443.01 314.96 251.50 213.97
393.71 314.38 267.46 553.76 393.71 314.38 267.46
866.15 691.63 588.42 1,218.27 866.15 691.63 588.42
1,765.62 1,409.87 1,199.46 2,483.41 1,765.62 1,409.87 1,199.46
496.67 396.60 337.41 698.59 496.67 396.60 337.41
36.34 29.02 24.69 51.12 36.34 29.02 24.69
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
227.14 181.37 154.31 319.48 227.14 181.37 154.31
168.25 134.35 114.30 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
121.14 96.73 82.30 170.39 121.14 96.73 82.30
847.98 677.12 576.07 1,192.72 847.98 677.12 576.07
454.28 362.75 308.61 638.96 454.28 362.75 308.61
454.28 362.75 308.61 638.96 454.28 362.75 308.61
37.86 30.23 25.72 53.25 37.86 30.23 25.72
168.25 134.35 114.30 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
168.25 134.35 114.30 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30
168.25 134.35 114.30 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30
168.25 134.35 114.30 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30
168.25 134.35 114.30 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30
336.50 268.70 228.60 473.30 336.50 268.70 228.60
90.86 72.55 61.72 127.79 90.86 72.55 61.72

73.86 58.98 50.18 103.89 73.86 58.98 50.18

16.05 12.82 10.90 22.58 16.05 12.82 10.90
54.38 43.42 36.94 76.49 54.38 43.42 36.94
93.75 74.86 63.69 131.86 93.75 74.86 63.69
30.25 24.16 20.55 42.55 30.25 24.16 20.55

2.52 2.02 1.71 3.55 2.52 2.02 1.71

6.73 5.37 4.57 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
6.73 5.37 4.57 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
2.52 2.02 1.71 3.55 2.52 2.02 1.71
12.11 9.67 8.23 17.04 12.11 9.67 8.23
27.26 21.76 18.52 38.34 27.26 21.76 18.52
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
2.52 2.02 1.71 3.55 2.52 2.02 1.71
2.52 2.02 1.71 3.55 2.52 2.02 1.71
302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74
757.13 604.58 514.35 1,064.93 757.13 604.58 514.35

2,725.65 2,176.47 1,851.66 3,833.73 2,725.65 2,176.47 1,851.66

8,328.38 6,650.33 5,657.85 11,714.18 8,328.38 6,650.33 5,657.85

3.43 2.74 2.33 4.83 3.43 2.74 2.33

16.19 12.92 11.00 22.77 16.19 12.92 11.00
40.92 32.67 27.80 57.55 40.92 32.67 27.80
59.63 47.61 40.51 83.87 59.63 47.61 40.51
110.74 88.43 75.23 155.76 110.74 88.43 75.23
204.46 163.26 138.90 287.58 204.46 163.26 138.90
281.15 224.50 191.00 395.44 281.15 224.50 191.00
340.77 272.11 231.50 479.31 340.77 272.11 231.50
425.98 340.15 289.38 599.15 425.98 340.15 289.38
766.72 612.23 520.87 1,078.41 766.72 612.23 520.87
1,363.06 1,088.42 925.99 1,917.20 1,363.06 1,088.42 925.99
2.05 1.64 1.39 2.89 2.05 1.64 1.39
9.72 7.77 6.61 13.68 9.72 7.77 6.61
24.53 19.59 16.66 34.50 24.53 19.59 16.66
35.77 28.56 24.30 50.31 35.77 28.56 24.30
66.46 53.07 45.15 93.48 66.46 53.07 45.15
122.69 97.97 83.35 172.57 122.69 97.97 83.35
168.69 134.70 114.60 237.27 168.69 134.70 114.60
204.46 163.26 138.90 287.58 204.46 163.26 138.90
255.57 204.08 173.62 359.47 255.57 204.08 173.62
460.03 367.34 312.52 647.05 460.03 367.34 312.52
817.83 653.05 555.59 1,150.31 817.83 653.05 555.59

0.37 0.30 0.25 0.52 0.37 0.30 0.25

1.62 1.29 1.10 2.27 1.62 1.29 1.10
4.11 3.28 2.79 5.77 4.11 3.28 2.79
5.96 4.76 4.05 8.38 5.96 4.76 4.05
11.10 8.87 7.54 15.62 11.10 8.87 7.54
20.46 16.34 13.90 28.78 20.46 16.34 13.90
28.13 22.46 19.11 39.57 28.13 22.46 19.11
34.09 27.22 23.16 47.95 34.09 27.22 23.16
42.60 34.02 28.94 59.92 42.60 34.02 28.94
76.69 61.24 52.10 107.87 76.69 61.24 52.10
136.32 108.85 92.61 191.73 136.32 108.85 92.61

1,346.97 1,075.57 915.06 1,894.56 1,346.97 1,075.57 915.06

4,040.90 3,226.72 2,745.17 5,683.68 4,040.90 3,226.72 2,745.17
5,724.60 4,571.17 3,888.99 8,051.87 5,724.60 4,571.17 3,888.99
6,398.10 5,108.98 4,346.53 8,999.17 6,398.10 5,108.98 4,346.53
8,081.76 6,453.40 5,490.32 11,367.31 8,081.76 6,453.40 5,490.32
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
545.13 435.29 370.33 766.75 545.13 435.29 370.33

0.71 0.58 0.50 1.09 0.77 0.62 0.53

32.78 26.17 22.27 46.10 32.78 26.17 22.27
14.95 11.94 10.15 21.02 14.95 11.94 10.15

33.65 26.87 22.86 47.33 33.65 26.87 22.86

227.14 181.37 154.31 319.48 227.14 181.37 154.31
102.82 82.10 69.85 144.61 102.82 82.10 69.85
151.85 121.25 103.16 213.58 151.85 121.25 103.16
30.25 24.16 20.55 42.55 30.25 24.16 20.55
27.22 21.74 18.49 38.29 27.22 21.74 18.49
21.20 16.93 14.40 29.82 21.20 16.93 14.40
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
6.73 5.37 4.57 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
- - - - - - -
96.74 77.25 65.72 136.07 96.74 77.25 65.72
71.51 57.10 48.58 100.58 71.51 57.10 48.58
0.67 0.54 0.46 0.95 0.67 0.54 0.46
8.12 6.49 5.52 11.42 8.12 6.49 5.52
24.29 19.40 16.50 34.16 24.29 19.40 16.50
32.41 25.88 22.02 45.59 32.41 25.88 22.02
40.50 32.34 27.51 56.96 40.50 32.34 27.51

6.54 5.22 4.44 9.19 6.54 5.22 4.44

271.60 216.87 184.51 382.01 271.60 216.87 184.51
8.41 6.72 5.72 11.83 8.41 6.72 5.72
8.41 6.72 5.72 11.83 8.41 6.72 5.72

11.24 8.97 7.64 15.81 11.24 8.97 7.64

50.98 40.71 34.63 71.70 50.98 40.71 34.63
141.87 113.28 96.38 199.54 141.87 113.28 96.38
227.04 181.29 154.24 319.34 227.04 181.29 154.24
340.64 272.01 231.41 479.12 340.64 272.01 231.41
425.84 340.04 289.29 598.96 425.84 340.04 289.29
596.21 476.08 405.03 838.59 596.21 476.08 405.03
681.41 544.12 462.92 958.43 681.41 544.12 462.92
794.98 634.80 540.07 1,118.17 794.98 634.80 540.07
1,135.75 906.92 771.57 1,597.48 1,135.75 906.92 771.57
2,129.67 1,700.58 1,446.79 2,995.47 2,129.67 1,700.58 1,446.79
3,691.51 2,947.72 2,507.81 5,192.24 3,691.51 2,947.72 2,507.81
- - - - - - -
6.76 5.40 4.59 9.51 6.76 5.40 4.59
30.59 24.42 20.78 43.02 30.59 24.42 20.78
85.13 67.98 57.84 119.74 85.13 67.98 57.84
136.25 108.80 92.56 191.64 136.25 108.80 92.56
204.39 163.21 138.85 287.48 204.39 163.21 138.85
255.50 204.02 173.58 359.38 255.50 204.02 173.58
357.73 285.65 243.02 503.17 357.73 285.65 243.02
408.85 326.47 277.75 575.06 408.85 326.47 277.75
476.99 380.88 324.04 670.90 476.99 380.88 324.04
681.48 544.17 462.96 958.53 681.48 544.17 462.96
1,277.83 1,020.36 868.09 1,797.31 1,277.83 1,020.36 868.09
2,214.91 1,768.64 1,504.69 3,115.36 2,214.91 1,768.64 1,504.69

1.00 0.80 0.68 1.40 1.00 0.80 0.68

4.53 3.62 3.08 6.37 4.53 3.62 3.08
14.20 11.34 9.65 19.97 14.20 11.34 9.65
22.71 18.14 15.43 31.95 22.71 18.14 15.43
34.09 27.22 23.16 47.95 34.09 27.22 23.16
42.60 34.02 28.94 59.92 42.60 34.02 28.94
59.63 47.61 40.51 83.87 59.63 47.61 40.51
68.14 54.41 46.29 95.84 68.14 54.41 46.29
79.51 63.49 54.02 111.84 79.51 63.49 54.02
113.60 90.71 77.18 159.79 113.60 90.71 77.18
212.97 170.06 144.68 299.55 212.97 170.06 144.68
369.17 294.79 250.80 519.26 369.17 294.79 250.80
3.03 2.42 2.06 4.26 3.03 2.42 2.06

605.70 483.66 411.48 851.94 605.70 483.66 411.48

302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15

605.70 483.66 411.48 851.94 605.70 483.66 411.48

302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15

605.70 483.66 411.48 851.94 605.70 483.66 411.48

302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15

302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74

151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15

1.51 1.21 1.03 2.13 1.51 1.21 1.03

1.08 0.86 0.73 1.51 1.08 0.86 0.73
0.77 0.62 0.53 1.09 0.77 0.62 0.53
0.30 0.24 0.21 0.43 0.30 0.24 0.21

0.30 0.24 0.21 0.43 0.30 0.24 0.21

0.30 0.24 0.21 0.43 0.30 0.24 0.21
0.30 0.24 0.21 0.43 0.30 0.24 0.21
0.30 0.24 0.21 0.43 0.30 0.24 0.21
0.30 0.24 0.21 0.43 0.30 0.24 0.21
0.30 0.24 0.21 0.43 0.30 0.24 0.21
0.61 0.48 0.41 0.85 0.61 0.48 0.41
0.61 0.48 0.41 0.85 0.61 0.48 0.41
0.61 0.48 0.41 0.85 0.61 0.48 0.41
0.61 0.48 0.41 0.85 0.61 0.48 0.41
0.61 0.48 0.41 0.85 0.61 0.48 0.41
0.61 0.48 0.41 0.85 0.61 0.48 0.41
0.61 0.48 0.41 0.85 0.61 0.48 0.41
0.61 0.48 0.41 0.85 0.61 0.48 0.41
0.61 0.48 0.41 0.85 0.61 0.48 0.41
0.61 0.48 0.41 0.85 0.61 0.48 0.41
0.61 0.48 0.41 0.85 0.61 0.48 0.41
0.61 0.48 0.41 0.85 0.61 0.48 0.41
0.61 0.48 0.41 0.85 0.61 0.48 0.41
0.61 0.48 0.41 0.85 0.61 0.48 0.41
0.61 0.48 0.41 0.85 0.61 0.48 0.41
0.61 0.48 0.41 0.85 0.61 0.48 0.41
0.61 0.48 0.41 0.85 0.61 0.48 0.41
0.61 0.48 0.41 0.85 0.61 0.48 0.41
0.61 0.48 0.41 0.85 0.61 0.48 0.41
0.61 0.48 0.41 0.85 0.61 0.48 0.41
0.61 0.48 0.41 0.85 0.61 0.48 0.41
302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
0.30 0.24 0.21 0.43 0.30 0.24 0.21
0.20 0.16 0.14 0.28 0.20 0.16 0.14
0.17 0.13 0.11 0.24 0.17 0.13 0.11
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05

302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74

0.30 0.24 0.21 0.43 0.30 0.24 0.21
0.20 0.16 0.14 0.28 0.20 0.16 0.14
0.17 0.13 0.11 0.24 0.17 0.13 0.11
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05

302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74

151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87

151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87

75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
37.86 30.23 25.72 53.25 37.86 30.23 25.72
0.47 0.38 0.32 0.66 0.47 0.38 0.32
0.44 0.35 0.30 0.62 0.44 0.35 0.30
0.40 0.32 0.27 0.57 0.40 0.32 0.27
0.37 0.30 0.25 0.52 0.37 0.30 0.25
0.47 0.38 0.32 0.66 0.47 0.38 0.32
0.44 0.35 0.30 0.62 0.44 0.35 0.30
0.40 0.32 0.27 0.57 0.40 0.32 0.27
0.37 0.30 0.25 0.52 0.37 0.30 0.25

302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74

151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
0.30 0.24 0.21 0.43 0.30 0.24 0.21
0.20 0.16 0.14 0.28 0.20 0.16 0.14
0.17 0.13 0.11 0.24 0.17 0.13 0.11
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.30 0.24 0.21 0.43 0.30 0.24 0.21
0.20 0.16 0.14 0.28 0.20 0.16 0.14
0.17 0.13 0.11 0.24 0.17 0.13 0.11
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.30 0.24 0.21 0.43 0.30 0.24 0.21
0.20 0.16 0.14 0.28 0.20 0.16 0.14
0.17 0.13 0.11 0.24 0.17 0.13 0.11
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.30 0.24 0.21 0.43 0.30 0.24 0.21
0.20 0.16 0.14 0.28 0.20 0.16 0.14
0.17 0.13 0.11 0.24 0.17 0.13 0.11
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05

2.76 2.21 1.88 3.89 2.76 2.21 1.88

13.21 10.55 8.98 18.58 13.21 10.55 8.98
33.30 26.59 22.62 46.83 33.30 26.59 22.62
48.56 38.78 32.99 68.30 48.56 38.78 32.99
90.22 72.04 61.29 126.89 90.22 72.04 61.29
166.55 132.99 113.14 234.26 166.55 132.99 113.14
229.00 182.86 155.57 322.09 229.00 182.86 155.57
277.56 221.64 188.56 390.40 277.56 221.64 188.56
346.95 277.04 235.70 488.00 346.95 277.04 235.70
624.51 498.68 424.26 878.39 624.51 498.68 424.26
1,110.24 886.54 754.24 1,561.59 1,110.24 886.54 754.24
1.63 1.30 1.11 2.29 1.63 1.30 1.11
4.07 3.25 2.77 5.73 4.07 3.25 2.77
8.01 6.39 5.44 11.26 8.01 6.39 5.44
16.65 13.29 11.31 23.42 16.65 13.29 11.31
39.32 31.40 26.71 55.30 39.32 31.40 26.71

0.61 0.48 0.41 0.85 0.61 0.48 0.41

2.88 2.30 1.95 4.05 2.88 2.30 1.95
7.27 5.80 4.94 10.22 7.27 5.80 4.94
10.60 8.46 7.20 14.91 10.60 8.46 7.20
19.69 15.72 13.37 27.69 19.69 15.72 13.37
36.34 29.02 24.69 51.12 36.34 29.02 24.69
49.97 39.90 33.95 70.29 49.97 39.90 33.95
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
136.28 108.82 92.58 191.69 136.28 108.82 92.58
242.28 193.46 164.59 340.78 242.28 193.46 164.59

12.11 9.67 8.23 17.04 12.11 9.67 8.23

263.32 210.27 178.89 370.37 263.32 210.27 178.89
131.66 105.13 89.44 185.19 131.66 105.13 89.44
302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74
165.50 132.16 112.43 232.79 165.50 132.16 112.43
378.56 302.29 257.18 532.46 378.56 302.29 257.18
639.35 510.53 434.34 899.27 639.35 510.53 434.34
1,191.48 951.41 809.43 1,675.86 1,191.48 951.41 809.43
2,077.89 1,659.22 1,411.61 2,922.63 2,077.89 1,659.22 1,411.61
3,995.94 3,190.81 2,714.63 5,620.44 3,995.94 3,190.81 2,714.63
5,594.31 4,467.14 3,800.48 7,868.61 5,594.31 4,467.14 3,800.48
7,796.09 6,225.28 5,296.24 10,965.49 7,796.09 6,225.28 5,296.24
316.27 252.55 214.86 444.85 316.27 252.55 214.86
380.98 304.22 258.82 535.86 380.98 304.22 258.82
604.58 482.76 410.72 850.36 604.58 482.76 410.72
1,166.81 931.72 792.67 1,641.17 1,166.81 931.72 792.67
1,966.00 1,569.88 1,335.60 2,765.26 1,966.00 1,569.88 1,335.60
3,602.41 2,876.57 2,447.28 5,066.92 3,602.41 2,876.57 2,447.28
4,973.32 3,971.26 3,378.60 6,995.16 4,973.32 3,971.26 3,378.60
6,764.97 5,401.92 4,595.75 9,515.18 6,764.97 5,401.92 4,595.75

2.36 1.88 1.60 3.32 2.36 1.88 1.60

59.60 47.59 40.49 83.83 59.60 47.59 40.49
59.60 47.59 40.49 83.83 59.60 47.59 40.49
72.83 58.16 49.48 102.44 72.83 58.16 49.48
116.54 93.06 79.17 163.91 116.54 93.06 79.17
214.47 171.26 145.70 301.66 214.47 171.26 145.70
375.99 300.23 255.43 528.84 375.99 300.23 255.43
717.56 572.98 487.47 1,009.27 717.56 572.98 487.47
992.91 792.85 674.53 1,396.56 992.91 792.85 674.53
1,403.32 1,120.57 953.34 1,973.82 1,403.32 1,120.57 953.34
56.93 45.46 38.68 80.08 56.93 45.46 38.68
68.58 54.76 46.59 96.46 68.58 54.76 46.59
108.84 86.91 73.94 153.09 108.84 86.91 73.94
198.30 158.35 134.72 278.92 198.30 158.35 134.72
343.96 274.66 233.67 483.80 343.96 274.66 233.67
648.44 517.79 440.51 912.05 648.44 517.79 440.51
895.21 714.83 608.15 1,259.14 895.21 714.83 608.15
1,217.70 972.35 827.24 1,712.75 1,217.70 972.35 827.24

292.76 233.77 198.88 411.77 292.76 233.77 198.88

146.40 116.90 99.45 205.91 146.40 116.90 99.45
292.76 233.77 198.88 411.77 292.76 233.77 198.88
146.40 116.90 99.45 205.91 146.40 116.90 99.45
146.40 116.90 99.45 205.91 146.40 116.90 99.45
292.76 233.77 198.88 411.77 292.76 233.77 198.88
146.40 116.90 99.45 205.91 146.40 116.90 99.45
292.76 233.77 198.88 411.77 292.76 233.77 198.88
292.76 233.77 198.88 411.77 292.76 233.77 198.88
146.40 116.90 99.45 205.91 146.40 116.90 99.45
292.76 233.77 198.88 411.77 292.76 233.77 198.88
146.40 116.90 99.45 205.91 146.40 116.90 99.45
292.76 233.77 198.88 411.77 292.76 233.77 198.88
146.40 116.90 99.45 205.91 146.40 116.90 99.45
292.76 233.77 198.88 411.77 292.76 233.77 198.88
167.41 133.68 113.73 235.47 167.41 133.68 113.73
292.76 233.77 198.88 411.77 292.76 233.77 198.88
146.40 116.90 99.45 205.91 146.40 116.90 99.45
292.76 233.77 198.88 411.77 292.76 233.77 198.88
146.40 116.90 99.45 205.91 146.40 116.90 99.45
145.66 116.31 98.95 204.88 145.66 116.31 98.95
72.83 58.16 49.48 102.44 72.83 58.16 49.48

52.72 42.10 35.81 74.15 52.72 42.10 35.81

52.72 42.10 35.81 74.15 52.72 42.10 35.81
52.72 42.10 35.81 74.15 52.72 42.10 35.81
52.72 42.10 35.81 74.15 52.72 42.10 35.81
52.72 42.10 35.81 74.15 52.72 42.10 35.81
52.72 42.10 35.81 74.15 52.72 42.10 35.81
52.72 42.10 35.81 74.15 52.72 42.10 35.81
52.72 42.10 35.81 74.15 52.72 42.10 35.81
52.72 42.10 35.81 74.15 52.72 42.10 35.81
52.72 42.10 35.81 74.15 52.72 42.10 35.81
52.72 42.10 35.81 74.15 52.72 42.10 35.81
52.72 42.10 35.81 74.15 52.72 42.10 35.81
52.72 42.10 35.81 74.15 52.72 42.10 35.81
52.72 42.10 35.81 74.15 52.72 42.10 35.81
52.72 42.10 35.81 74.15 52.72 42.10 35.81
52.72 42.10 35.81 74.15 52.72 42.10 35.81
52.72 42.10 35.81 74.15 52.72 42.10 35.81
52.72 42.10 35.81 74.15 52.72 42.10 35.81
52.72 42.10 35.81 74.15 52.72 42.10 35.81
52.72 42.10 35.81 74.15 52.72 42.10 35.81
26.22 20.94 17.82 36.88 26.22 20.94 17.82
26.22 20.94 17.82 36.88 26.22 20.94 17.82

18.22 14.55 12.38 25.62 18.22 14.55 12.38

29.16 23.29 19.81 41.02 29.16 23.29 19.81
34.97 27.92 23.75 49.18 34.97 27.92 23.75
48.97 39.10 33.27 68.87 48.97 39.10 33.27
65.29 52.13 44.35 91.83 65.29 52.13 44.35
78.32 62.54 53.21 110.16 78.32 62.54 53.21
72.83 58.16 49.48 102.44 72.83 58.16 49.48
116.54 93.06 79.17 163.91 116.54 93.06 79.17
139.82 111.65 94.99 196.66 139.82 111.65 94.99
195.75 156.31 132.98 275.33 195.75 156.31 132.98
261.00 208.41 177.31 367.11 261.00 208.41 177.31
313.18 250.08 212.76 440.50 313.18 250.08 212.76
13.11 10.47 8.91 18.44 13.11 10.47 8.91
20.96 16.74 14.24 29.49 20.96 16.74 14.24
25.18 20.11 17.11 35.42 25.18 20.11 17.11
35.27 28.17 23.96 49.61 35.27 28.17 23.96
46.99 37.53 31.93 66.10 46.99 37.53 31.93
56.39 45.03 38.31 79.32 56.39 45.03 38.31
25.49 20.35 17.32 35.85 25.49 20.35 17.32
40.81 32.58 27.72 57.39 40.81 32.58 27.72
48.97 39.10 33.27 68.87 48.97 39.10 33.27
68.46 54.67 46.51 96.29 68.46 54.67 46.51
91.36 72.95 62.06 128.50 91.36 72.95 62.06
109.61 87.53 74.47 154.18 109.61 87.53 74.47

67.42 53.83 45.80 94.82 67.42 53.83 45.80

33.69 26.90 22.89 47.38 33.69 26.90 22.89
647.34 516.91 439.77 910.51 647.34 516.91 439.77
863.12 689.22 586.36 1,214.01 863.12 689.22 586.36
431.56 344.61 293.18 607.01 431.56 344.61 293.18
6.36 5.08 4.32 8.95 6.36 5.08 4.32
57.54 45.95 39.09 80.93 57.54 45.95 39.09
71.93 57.43 48.86 101.17 71.93 57.43 48.86
31.97 25.53 21.72 44.96 31.97 25.53 21.72
39.96 31.91 27.15 56.20 39.96 31.91 27.15
7.40 5.91 5.03 10.41 7.40 5.91 5.03
53.84 42.99 36.58 75.73 53.84 42.99 36.58
67.30 53.74 45.72 94.66 67.30 53.74 45.72

17.03 13.60 11.57 23.95 17.03 13.60 11.57

80.96 64.65 55.00 113.88 80.96 64.65 55.00
204.52 163.32 138.94 287.67 204.52 163.32 138.94
298.27 238.18 202.63 419.53 298.27 238.18 202.63
553.95 442.33 376.32 779.15 553.95 442.33 376.32
1,022.66 816.61 694.74 1,438.41 1,022.66 816.61 694.74
1,406.17 1,122.84 955.27 1,977.83 1,406.17 1,122.84 955.27
1,704.44 1,361.02 1,157.90 2,397.36 1,704.44 1,361.02 1,157.90
2,130.55 1,701.27 1,447.38 2,996.70 2,130.55 1,701.27 1,447.38
3,834.99 3,062.29 2,605.29 5,394.06 3,834.99 3,062.29 2,605.29
5,539.43 4,423.31 3,763.19 7,791.42 5,539.43 4,423.31 3,763.19

48.29 38.56 32.80 67.92 48.29 38.56 32.80

213.07 170.14 144.75 299.69 213.07 170.14 144.75

18.99 15.16 12.90 26.71 18.99 15.16 12.90

15.16 12.11 10.30 21.33 15.16 12.11 10.30
15.16 12.11 10.30 21.33 15.16 12.11 10.30
15.16 12.11 10.30 21.33 15.16 12.11 10.30
4.04 3.22 2.74 5.68 4.04 3.22 2.74
3.23 2.58 2.19 4.54 3.23 2.58 2.19
3.23 2.58 2.19 4.54 3.23 2.58 2.19
3.23 2.58 2.19 4.54 3.23 2.58 2.19

24.50 19.56 16.64 34.46 24.50 19.56 16.64

24.50 19.56 16.64 34.46 24.50 19.56 16.64
29.41 23.48 19.98 41.37 29.41 23.48 19.98
31.26 24.96 21.24 43.97 31.26 24.96 21.24
31.26 24.96 21.24 43.97 31.26 24.96 21.24
31.26 24.96 21.24 43.97 31.26 24.96 21.24
36.34 29.02 24.69 51.12 36.34 29.02 24.69

53.84 42.99 36.58 75.73 53.84 42.99 36.58

106.97 85.42 72.67 150.46 106.97 85.42 72.67
52.12 41.62 35.41 73.31 52.12 41.62 35.41
52.12 41.62 35.41 73.31 52.12 41.62 35.41
52.12 41.62 35.41 73.31 52.12 41.62 35.41
1.95 1.56 1.33 2.75 1.95 1.56 1.33

14.47 11.55 9.83 20.35 14.47 11.55 9.83

63.94 51.05 43.43 89.93 63.94 51.05 43.43
127.84 102.08 86.85 179.81 127.84 102.08 86.85
38.36 30.63 26.06 53.96 38.36 30.63 26.06

10.33 8.25 7.02 14.53 10.33 8.25 7.02

49.03 39.15 33.31 68.96 49.03 39.15 33.31
123.83 98.88 84.12 174.17 123.83 98.88 84.12
154.45 123.33 104.93 217.24 154.45 123.33 104.93
286.83 229.04 194.86 403.44 286.83 229.04 194.86
529.55 422.85 359.75 744.83 529.55 422.85 359.75
728.15 581.44 494.67 1,024.17 728.15 581.44 494.67
882.64 704.80 599.62 1,241.47 882.64 704.80 599.62
1,107.05 884.00 752.07 1,557.11 1,107.05 884.00 752.07
2,422.80 1,934.64 1,645.92 3,407.76 2,422.80 1,934.64 1,645.92
3,634.20 2,901.96 2,468.88 5,111.64 3,634.20 2,901.96 2,468.88
18.17 14.51 12.34 25.56 18.17 14.51 12.34
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
18.17 14.51 12.34 25.56 18.17 14.51 12.34
2.83 2.26 1.92 3.98 2.83 2.26 1.92
4.71 3.76 3.20 6.63 4.71 3.76 3.20
2.83 2.26 1.92 3.98 2.83 2.26 1.92

2.73 2.18 1.85 3.83 2.73 2.18 1.85

12.96 10.34 8.80 18.22 12.96 10.34 8.80
32.71 26.12 22.22 46.00 32.71 26.12 22.22
47.65 38.05 32.37 67.02 47.65 38.05 32.37
88.50 70.67 60.12 124.48 88.50 70.67 60.12
163.37 130.45 110.99 229.79 163.37 130.45 110.99
224.68 179.41 152.64 316.02 224.68 179.41 152.64
272.33 217.46 185.01 383.04 272.33 217.46 185.01
340.40 271.82 231.25 478.79 340.40 271.82 231.25
612.73 489.28 416.26 861.83 612.73 489.28 416.26
885.06 706.73 601.26 1,244.87 885.06 706.73 601.26
3.40 2.71 2.31 4.78 3.40 2.71 2.31
7.74 6.18 5.26 10.89 7.74 6.18 5.26
34.05 27.19 23.13 47.90 34.05 27.19 23.13
4.54 3.63 3.09 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
4.54 3.63 3.09 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
5.48 4.38 3.73 7.71 5.48 4.38 3.73
5.48 4.38 3.73 7.71 5.48 4.38 3.73
5.48 4.38 3.73 7.71 5.48 4.38 3.73
5.48 4.38 3.73 7.71 5.48 4.38 3.73
5.48 4.38 3.73 7.71 5.48 4.38 3.73
9.09 7.25 6.17 12.78 9.09 7.25 6.17
17.23 13.76 11.70 24.23 17.23 13.76 11.70
9.09 7.25 6.17 12.78 9.09 7.25 6.17
9.09 7.25 6.17 12.78 9.09 7.25 6.17
9.09 7.25 6.17 12.78 9.09 7.25 6.17
0.37 0.30 0.25 0.52 0.37 0.30 0.25

9.13 7.29 6.20 12.84 9.13 7.29 6.20

43.28 34.56 29.40 60.88 43.28 34.56 29.40
109.27 87.25 74.23 153.69 109.27 87.25 74.23
159.35 127.25 108.26 224.14 159.35 127.25 108.26
295.93 236.30 201.04 416.23 295.93 236.30 201.04
546.29 436.22 371.12 768.38 546.29 436.22 371.12
751.17 599.82 510.30 1,056.55 751.17 599.82 510.30
910.48 727.03 618.53 1,280.63 910.48 727.03 618.53
1,138.14 908.82 773.19 1,600.84 1,138.14 908.82 773.19
2,276.25 1,817.62 1,546.36 3,201.63 2,276.25 1,817.62 1,546.36
3,414.39 2,726.44 2,319.55 4,802.47 3,414.39 2,726.44 2,319.55

115.32 92.08 78.34 162.20 115.32 92.08 78.34

216.23 172.67 146.90 304.14 216.23 172.67 146.90
576.63 460.44 391.73 811.05 576.63 460.44 391.73
2,162.35 1,726.67 1,468.98 3,041.43 2,162.35 1,726.67 1,468.98
2,883.13 2,302.22 1,958.64 4,055.23 2,883.13 2,302.22 1,958.64
6,487.05 5,180.00 4,406.95 9,124.28 6,487.05 5,180.00 4,406.95
12,253.31 9,784.44 8,324.24 17,234.75 12,253.31 9,784.44 8,324.24
23,065.06 18,417.77 15,669.16 32,441.88 23,065.06 18,417.77 15,669.16

23.08 18.43 15.68 32.47 23.08 18.43 15.68

43.24 34.53 29.38 60.82 43.24 34.53 29.38
115.32 92.08 78.34 162.20 115.32 92.08 78.34
432.47 345.33 293.80 608.29 432.47 345.33 293.80
576.63 460.44 391.73 811.05 576.63 460.44 391.73
1,297.41 1,036.00 881.39 1,824.86 1,297.41 1,036.00 881.39
2,450.66 1,956.89 1,664.85 3,446.95 2,450.66 1,956.89 1,664.85
4,613.01 3,683.55 3,133.83 6,488.38 4,613.01 3,683.55 3,133.83

8.90 7.10 6.04 12.51 8.90 7.10 6.04

37.94 30.30 25.78 53.37 37.94 30.30 25.78
63.24 50.50 42.96 88.95 63.24 50.50 42.96
139.13 111.09 94.51 195.69 139.13 111.09 94.51
221.32 176.72 150.35 311.29 221.32 176.72 150.35
252.92 201.96 171.82 355.74 252.92 201.96 171.82
303.51 242.36 206.19 426.89 303.51 242.36 206.19
474.23 378.68 322.17 667.03 474.23 378.68 322.17
632.31 504.91 429.56 889.37 632.31 504.91 429.56
- - - - - - -
1.78 1.42 1.21 2.50 1.78 1.42 1.21
7.58 6.05 5.15 10.66 7.58 6.05 5.15
12.65 10.10 8.59 17.79 12.65 10.10 8.59
27.81 22.21 18.89 39.12 27.81 22.21 18.89
44.29 35.36 30.09 62.29 44.29 35.36 30.09
50.59 40.40 34.37 71.16 50.59 40.40 34.37
60.69 48.46 41.23 85.36 60.69 48.46 41.23
94.88 75.76 64.45 133.45 94.88 75.76 64.45
126.48 100.99 85.92 177.90 126.48 100.99 85.92
- - - - - - -

19.18 15.32 13.03 26.98 19.18 15.32 13.03

46.35 37.01 31.49 65.20 46.35 37.01 31.49
110.29 88.07 74.92 155.12 110.29 88.07 74.92
174.22 139.12 118.36 245.05 174.22 139.12 118.36
270.13 215.70 183.51 379.94 270.13 215.70 183.51
543.45 433.95 369.19 764.38 543.45 433.95 369.19
1,118.86 893.43 760.10 1,573.72 1,118.86 893.43 760.10
12.76 10.19 8.67 17.94 12.76 10.19 8.67
51.12 40.82 34.73 71.90 51.12 40.82 34.73
95.87 76.55 65.13 134.85 95.87 76.55 65.13
28.77 22.97 19.55 40.47 28.77 22.97 19.55
30.37 24.25 20.63 42.72 30.37 24.25 20.63
20.78 16.59 14.12 29.23 20.78 16.59 14.12
22.38 17.87 15.20 31.47 22.38 17.87 15.20
49.55 39.57 33.66 69.69 49.55 39.57 33.66
52.75 42.12 35.83 74.19 52.75 42.12 35.83
70.33 56.16 47.78 98.92 70.33 56.16 47.78
75.12 59.99 51.03 105.66 75.12 59.99 51.03
91.11 72.75 61.89 128.15 91.11 72.75 61.89
97.50 77.86 66.24 137.14 97.50 77.86 66.24
111.89 89.34 76.01 157.37 111.89 89.34 76.01
119.88 95.72 81.44 168.61 119.88 95.72 81.44
3.20 2.55 2.17 4.50 3.20 2.55 2.17
4.80 3.83 3.26 6.74 4.80 3.83 3.26
8.63 6.89 5.86 12.14 8.63 6.89 5.86
8.63 6.89 5.86 12.14 8.63 6.89 5.86
8.63 6.89 5.86 12.14 8.63 6.89 5.86
8.63 6.89 5.86 12.14 8.63 6.89 5.86
8.63 6.89 5.86 12.14 8.63 6.89 5.86
8.63 6.89 5.86 12.14 8.63 6.89 5.86
29.11 23.25 19.78 40.95 29.11 23.25 19.78
14.48 11.57 9.84 20.37 14.48 11.57 9.84
8.63 6.89 5.86 12.14 8.63 6.89 5.86
4.83 3.86 3.28 6.79 4.83 3.86 3.28
4.83 3.86 3.28 6.79 4.83 3.86 3.28
4.83 3.86 3.28 6.79 4.83 3.86 3.28
4.86 3.88 3.30 6.84 4.86 3.88 3.30
7.19 5.74 4.89 10.12 7.19 5.74 4.89
11.56 9.23 7.85 16.26 11.56 9.23 7.85
15.22 12.15 10.34 21.40 15.22 12.15 10.34
76.08 60.75 51.68 107.01 76.08 60.75 51.68
140.45 112.15 95.42 197.55 140.45 112.15 95.42
251.64 200.94 170.95 353.95 251.64 200.94 170.95
585.22 467.30 397.57 823.13 585.22 467.30 397.57

27.12 21.66 18.43 38.15 27.12 21.66 18.43

105.08 83.91 71.39 147.80 105.08 83.91 71.39

24.06 19.21 16.34 33.84 24.06 19.21 16.34
48.12 38.42 32.69 67.68 48.12 38.42 32.69
72.18 57.64 49.03 101.52 72.18 57.64 49.03
96.24 76.85 65.38 135.36 96.24 76.85 65.38
120.30 96.06 81.72 169.20 120.30 96.06 81.72
114.12 91.13 77.53 160.52 114.12 91.13 77.53
24.06 19.21 16.34 33.84 24.06 19.21 16.34
48.12 38.42 32.69 67.68 48.12 38.42 32.69
72.18 57.64 49.03 101.52 72.18 57.64 49.03
96.24 76.85 65.38 135.36 96.24 76.85 65.38
120.30 96.06 81.72 169.20 120.30 96.06 81.72
365.23 291.64 248.12 513.71 365.23 291.64 248.12
76.89 61.40 52.24 108.15 76.89 61.40 52.24
153.78 122.80 104.47 216.30 153.78 122.80 104.47
230.67 184.19 156.71 324.45 230.67 184.19 156.71
307.56 245.59 208.94 432.60 307.56 245.59 208.94
384.45 306.99 261.18 540.75 384.45 306.99 261.18
684.90 546.91 465.29 963.34 684.90 546.91 465.29
144.19 115.14 97.96 202.81 144.19 115.14 97.96
288.38 230.28 195.91 405.62 288.38 230.28 195.91
432.57 345.41 293.87 608.43 432.57 345.41 293.87
576.76 460.55 391.82 811.24 576.76 460.55 391.82
720.95 575.69 489.78 1,014.05 720.95 575.69 489.78
913.31 729.29 620.45 1,284.61 913.31 729.29 620.45
192.28 153.54 130.62 270.44 192.28 153.54 130.62
384.55 307.07 261.24 540.89 384.55 307.07 261.24
576.83 460.61 391.87 811.33 576.83 460.61 391.87
769.10 614.14 522.49 1,081.77 769.10 614.14 522.49
961.38 767.68 653.11 1,352.22 961.38 767.68 653.11
95.90 76.58 65.15 134.89 95.90 76.58 65.15

66.93 53.44 45.47 94.14 66.93 53.44 45.47

324.05 258.76 220.14 455.79 324.05 258.76 220.14
648.10 517.52 440.28 911.58 648.10 517.52 440.28
1,278.03 1,020.52 868.22 1,797.59 1,278.03 1,020.52 868.22
3,179.93 2,539.22 2,160.27 4,472.69 3,179.93 2,539.22 2,160.27
6,057.00 4,836.60 4,114.80 8,519.40 6,057.00 4,836.60 4,114.80
28,013.63 22,369.28 19,030.95 39,402.23 28,013.63 22,369.28 19,030.95
53,755.88 42,924.83 36,518.85 75,609.68 53,755.88 42,924.83 36,518.85
48.46 38.69 32.92 68.16 48.46 38.69 32.92
89.04 71.10 60.49 125.24 89.04 71.10 60.49
132.95 106.16 90.32 187.00 132.95 106.16 90.32
249.55 199.27 169.53 351.00 249.55 199.27 169.53
623.87 498.17 423.82 877.50 623.87 498.17 423.82
1,120.55 894.77 761.24 1,576.09 1,120.55 894.77 761.24
2,241.09 1,789.54 1,522.48 3,152.18 2,241.09 1,789.54 1,522.48
6,723.27 5,368.63 4,567.43 9,456.53 6,723.27 5,368.63 4,567.43
13,446.54 10,737.25 9,134.86 18,913.07 13,446.54 10,737.25 9,134.86
212.00 169.28 144.02 298.18 212.00 169.28 144.02
953.98 761.76 648.08 1,341.81 953.98 761.76 648.08
30.15 24.08 20.48 42.41 30.15 24.08 20.48
98.12 78.35 66.66 138.01 98.12 78.35 66.66
53.00 42.32 36.00 74.54 53.00 42.32 36.00
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
15.14 12.09 10.29 21.30 15.14 12.09 10.29
79.47 65.73 56.17 122.68 87.22 69.65 59.25
423.99 338.56 288.04 596.36 423.99 338.56 288.04
769.87 636.79 544.13 1,188.46 844.95 674.71 574.01
1,662.65 1,327.65 1,129.51 2,338.58 1,662.65 1,327.65 1,129.51
4,133.90 3,300.98 2,808.35 5,814.49 4,133.90 3,300.98 2,808.35
7,874.10 6,287.58 5,349.24 11,075.22 7,874.10 6,287.58 5,349.24
33,181.79 27,445.86 23,452.36 51,222.89 36,417.71 29,080.06 24,740.24
69,882.64 55,802.27 47,474.51 98,292.58 69,882.64 55,802.27 47,474.51
115.99 92.62 78.80 163.15 115.99 92.62 78.80
172.93 138.08 117.48 243.23 172.93 138.08 117.48
327.08 261.18 222.20 460.05 327.08 261.18 222.20
811.64 648.10 551.38 1,141.60 811.64 648.10 551.38
1,456.71 1,163.20 989.61 2,048.92 1,456.71 1,163.20 989.61
2,913.42 2,326.40 1,979.22 4,097.83 2,913.42 2,326.40 1,979.22
8,740.25 6,979.21 5,937.66 12,293.49 8,740.25 6,979.21 5,937.66
17,480.50 13,958.43 11,875.31 24,586.99 17,480.50 13,958.43 11,875.31
275.59 220.07 187.22 387.63 275.59 220.07 187.22
1,241.69 991.50 843.53 1,746.48 1,241.69 991.50 843.53

94.22 75.24 64.01 132.52 94.22 75.24 64.01

151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
454.28 362.75 308.61 638.96 454.28 362.75 308.61
847.98 677.12 576.07 1,192.72 847.98 677.12 576.07
302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74
302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74
98.43 78.59 66.87 138.44 98.43 78.59 66.87
180.80 144.37 122.83 254.30 180.80 144.37 122.83
288.31 230.22 195.86 405.52 288.31 230.22 195.86
430.05 343.40 292.15 604.88 430.05 343.40 292.15
711.70 568.30 483.49 1,001.03 711.70 568.30 483.49
860.09 686.80 584.30 1,209.75 860.09 686.80 584.30
1,290.14 1,030.20 876.45 1,814.63 1,290.14 1,030.20 876.45
2,580.28 2,060.39 1,752.90 3,629.26 2,580.28 2,060.39 1,752.90
4,645.72 3,709.67 3,156.05 6,534.38 4,645.72 3,709.67 3,156.05
259.61 207.30 176.36 365.15 259.61 207.30 176.36
363.42 290.20 246.89 511.16 363.42 290.20 246.89
363.42 290.20 246.89 511.16 363.42 290.20 246.89
454.28 362.75 308.61 638.96 454.28 362.75 308.61
454.28 362.75 308.61 638.96 454.28 362.75 308.61
905.52 723.07 615.16 1,273.65 905.52 723.07 615.16
19.69 15.72 13.37 27.69 19.69 15.72 13.37
43.91 35.07 29.83 61.77 43.91 35.07 29.83
74.20 59.25 50.41 104.36 74.20 59.25 50.41
10.40 8.30 7.06 14.62 10.40 8.30 7.06
21.97 17.55 14.93 30.91 21.97 17.55 14.93
37.12 29.64 25.21 52.20 37.12 29.64 25.21
757.13 604.58 514.35 1,064.93 757.13 604.58 514.35
1,514.25 1,209.15 1,028.70 2,129.85 1,514.25 1,209.15 1,028.70
3,028.50 2,418.30 2,057.40 4,259.70 3,028.50 2,418.30 2,057.40
4,542.75 3,627.45 3,086.10 6,389.55 4,542.75 3,627.45 3,086.10
6,057.00 4,836.60 4,114.80 8,519.40 6,057.00 4,836.60 4,114.80
7,571.25 6,045.75 5,143.50 10,649.25 7,571.25 6,045.75 5,143.50
17.57 14.03 11.93 24.71 17.57 14.03 11.93
57.54 45.95 39.09 80.93 57.54 45.95 39.09
73.59 58.76 49.99 103.51 73.59 58.76 49.99
93.88 74.97 63.78 132.05 93.88 74.97 63.78
157.48 125.75 106.98 221.50 157.48 125.75 106.98
333.14 266.01 226.31 468.57 333.14 266.01 226.31
545.13 435.29 370.33 766.75 545.13 435.29 370.33
802.55 640.85 545.21 1,128.82 802.55 640.85 545.21
1,453.68 1,160.78 987.55 2,044.66 1,453.68 1,160.78 987.55
1,868.58 1,492.09 1,269.42 2,628.23 1,868.58 1,492.09 1,269.42
83.28 66.50 56.58 117.14 83.28 66.50 56.58
166.57 133.01 113.16 234.28 166.57 133.01 113.16
832.84 665.03 565.79 1,171.42 832.84 665.03 565.79
33.31 26.60 22.63 46.86 33.31 26.60 22.63
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
112.05 89.48 76.12 157.61 112.05 89.48 76.12
142.34 113.66 96.70 200.21 142.34 113.66 96.70
239.25 191.05 162.53 336.52 239.25 191.05 162.53
302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74
351.31 280.52 238.66 494.13 351.31 280.52 238.66
445.19 355.49 302.44 626.18 445.19 355.49 302.44
566.33 452.22 384.73 796.56 566.33 452.22 384.73
626.90 500.59 425.88 881.76 626.90 500.59 425.88
127.20 101.57 86.41 178.91 127.20 101.57 86.41
254.39 203.14 172.82 357.81 254.39 203.14 172.82
1,271.97 1,015.69 864.11 1,789.07 1,271.97 1,015.69 864.11

324.05 258.76 220.14 455.79 324.05 258.76 220.14

860.09 686.80 584.30 1,209.75 860.09 686.80 584.30
58.45 46.67 39.71 82.21 58.45 46.67 39.71
242.28 193.46 164.59 340.78 242.28 193.46 164.59
363.42 290.20 246.89 511.16 363.42 290.20 246.89
605.70 483.66 411.48 851.94 605.70 483.66 411.48
817.70 652.94 555.50 1,150.12 817.70 652.94 555.50
1,211.40 967.32 822.96 1,703.88 1,211.40 967.32 822.96
2,422.80 1,934.64 1,645.92 3,407.76 2,422.80 1,934.64 1,645.92
3,119.36 2,490.85 2,119.12 4,387.49 3,119.36 2,490.85 2,119.12
4,815.32 3,845.10 3,271.27 6,772.92 4,815.32 3,845.10 3,271.27
11,114.60 8,875.16 7,550.66 15,633.10 11,114.60 8,875.16 7,550.66
17,111.03 13,663.40 11,624.31 24,067.31 17,111.03 13,663.40 11,624.31
696.56 556.21 473.20 979.73 696.56 556.21 473.20
2,665.08 2,128.10 1,810.51 3,748.54 2,665.08 2,128.10 1,810.51

227.14 181.37 154.31 319.48 227.14 181.37 154.31

408.85 326.47 277.75 575.06 408.85 326.47 277.75
560.27 447.39 380.62 788.04 560.27 447.39 380.62
696.56 556.21 473.20 979.73 696.56 556.21 473.20
938.84 749.67 637.79 1,320.51 938.84 749.67 637.79
1,150.83 918.95 781.81 1,618.69 1,150.83 918.95 781.81
181.71 145.10 123.44 255.58 181.71 145.10 123.44
333.14 266.01 226.31 468.57 333.14 266.01 226.31
469.42 374.84 318.90 660.25 469.42 374.84 318.90
711.70 568.30 483.49 1,001.03 711.70 568.30 483.49
923.69 737.58 627.51 1,299.21 923.69 737.58 627.51
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
287.71 229.74 195.45 404.67 287.71 229.74 195.45
529.99 423.20 360.05 745.45 529.99 423.20 360.05
741.98 592.48 504.06 1,043.63 741.98 592.48 504.06
136.28 108.82 92.58 191.69 136.28 108.82 92.58
378.56 302.29 257.18 532.46 378.56 302.29 257.18
590.56 471.57 401.19 830.64 590.56 471.57 401.19
242.28 193.46 164.59 340.78 242.28 193.46 164.59
454.28 362.75 308.61 638.96 454.28 362.75 308.61
212.00 169.28 144.02 298.18 212.00 169.28 144.02

302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74

12.89 10.29 8.76 18.13 12.89 10.29 8.76
10.60 8.46 7.20 14.91 10.60 8.46 7.20
9.09 7.25 6.17 12.78 9.09 7.25 6.17
8.35 6.66 5.67 11.74 8.35 6.66 5.67
6.83 5.45 4.64 9.61 6.83 5.45 4.64
12.89 10.29 8.76 18.13 12.89 10.29 8.76
9.09 7.25 6.17 12.78 9.09 7.25 6.17
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57

19.69 15.72 13.37 27.69 19.69 15.72 13.37

43.91 35.07 29.83 61.77 43.91 35.07 29.83
74.20 59.25 50.41 104.36 74.20 59.25 50.41
181.71 145.10 123.44 255.58 181.71 145.10 123.44
9.86 7.87 6.70 13.87 9.86 7.87 6.70
21.97 17.55 14.93 30.91 21.97 17.55 14.93
37.12 29.64 25.21 52.20 37.12 29.64 25.21
302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
36.34 29.02 24.69 51.12 36.34 29.02 24.69
84.80 67.71 57.61 119.27 84.80 67.71 57.61
9.09 7.25 6.17 12.78 9.09 7.25 6.17
121.14 96.73 82.30 170.39 121.14 96.73 82.30
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
77.23 61.67 52.46 108.62 77.23 61.67 52.46
2.73 2.18 1.85 3.83 2.73 2.18 1.85
3.03 2.42 2.06 4.26 3.03 2.42 2.06
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
3.03 2.42 2.06 4.26 3.03 2.42 2.06

15.14 12.09 10.29 21.30 15.14 12.09 10.29

45.43 36.27 30.86 63.90 45.43 36.27 30.86

302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74

151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87

950.98 759.37 646.04 1,337.59 950.98 759.37 646.04

1,901.96 1,518.74 1,292.09 2,675.18 1,901.96 1,518.74 1,292.09
2,445.35 1,952.65 1,661.24 3,439.48 2,445.35 1,952.65 1,661.24
869.49 694.30 590.68 1,222.96 869.49 694.30 590.68
1,630.25 1,301.77 1,107.50 2,293.00 1,630.25 1,301.77 1,107.50
2,445.35 1,952.65 1,661.24 3,439.48 2,445.35 1,952.65 1,661.24
543.43 433.94 369.18 764.35 543.43 433.94 369.18
13.58 10.84 9.22 19.10 13.58 10.84 9.22
108.69 86.79 73.84 152.87 108.69 86.79 73.84
- - - - - - -
516.24 412.22 350.70 726.11 516.24 412.22 350.70
999.91 798.44 679.28 1,406.41 999.91 798.44 679.28
1,450.90 1,158.56 985.66 2,040.74 1,450.90 1,158.56 985.66
1,847.58 1,475.32 1,255.15 2,598.69 1,847.58 1,475.32 1,255.15
2,228.02 1,779.10 1,513.59 3,133.79 2,228.02 1,779.10 1,513.59
2,575.77 2,056.79 1,749.84 3,622.92 2,575.77 2,056.79 1,749.84
2,890.96 2,308.47 1,963.96 4,066.25 2,890.96 2,308.47 1,963.96
3,173.54 2,534.12 2,155.93 4,463.71 3,173.54 2,534.12 2,155.93
3,423.48 2,733.70 2,325.73 4,815.26 3,423.48 2,733.70 2,325.73
3,532.17 2,820.49 2,399.56 4,968.13 3,532.17 2,820.49 2,399.56
129.07 103.06 87.68 181.54 129.07 103.06 87.68
249.98 199.61 169.82 351.60 249.98 199.61 169.82
362.72 289.64 246.42 510.18 362.72 289.64 246.42
461.93 368.86 313.81 649.73 461.93 368.86 313.81
557.00 444.78 378.40 783.45 557.00 444.78 378.40
643.95 514.21 437.47 905.74 643.95 514.21 437.47
722.78 577.15 491.02 1,016.62 722.78 577.15 491.02
793.41 633.55 539.00 1,115.95 793.41 633.55 539.00
855.87 683.42 581.43 1,203.81 855.87 683.42 581.43
823.11 657.26 559.18 1,157.74 823.11 657.26 559.18
103.27 82.46 70.16 145.25 103.27 82.46 70.16
199.97 159.68 135.85 281.26 199.97 159.68 135.85
290.20 231.73 197.15 408.18 290.20 231.73 197.15
369.53 295.08 251.04 519.76 369.53 295.08 251.04
445.61 355.83 302.72 626.77 445.61 355.83 302.72
515.15 411.36 349.97 724.58 515.15 411.36 349.97
578.20 461.70 392.80 813.26 578.20 461.70 392.80
634.71 506.82 431.19 892.74 634.71 506.82 431.19
684.72 546.76 465.16 963.08 684.72 546.76 465.16
706.46 564.12 479.93 993.66 706.46 564.12 479.93
- - - - - - -
804.27 642.22 546.38 1,131.24 804.27 642.22 546.38
2,377.43 1,898.41 1,615.10 3,343.95 2,377.43 1,898.41 1,615.10
4,754.86 3,796.82 3,230.20 6,687.89 4,754.86 3,796.82 3,230.20
6,113.35 4,881.60 4,153.08 8,598.66 6,113.35 4,881.60 4,153.08
1,358.53 1,084.81 922.91 1,910.83 1,358.53 1,084.81 922.91
34.00 27.15 23.10 47.82 34.00 27.15 23.10
271.71 216.97 184.59 382.18 271.71 216.97 184.59
- - - - - - -
1,290.61 1,030.57 876.77 1,815.30 1,290.61 1,030.57 876.77
2,499.73 1,996.07 1,698.18 3,515.97 2,499.73 1,996.07 1,698.18
3,627.28 2,896.43 2,464.18 5,101.90 3,627.28 2,896.43 2,464.18
4,618.98 3,688.32 3,137.89 6,496.78 4,618.98 3,688.32 3,137.89
5,569.96 4,447.70 3,783.93 7,834.37 5,569.96 4,447.70 3,783.93
6,439.41 5,141.96 4,374.59 9,057.28 6,439.41 5,141.96 4,374.59
7,227.36 5,771.15 4,909.88 10,165.56 7,227.36 5,771.15 4,909.88
7,933.78 6,335.24 5,389.78 11,159.16 7,933.78 6,335.24 5,389.78
8,558.70 6,834.25 5,814.32 12,038.14 8,558.70 6,834.25 5,814.32
8,830.42 7,051.21 5,998.91 12,420.32 8,830.42 7,051.21 5,998.91
322.65 257.64 219.19 453.82 322.65 257.64 219.19
624.92 499.01 424.54 878.98 624.92 499.01 424.54
906.81 724.10 616.04 1,275.46 906.81 724.10 616.04
1,154.78 922.10 784.49 1,624.24 1,154.78 922.10 784.49
1,392.49 1,111.92 945.98 1,958.59 1,392.49 1,111.92 945.98
1,609.86 1,285.50 1,093.65 2,264.33 1,609.86 1,285.50 1,093.65
1,806.85 1,442.80 1,227.48 2,541.40 1,806.85 1,442.80 1,227.48
1,983.45 1,583.82 1,347.45 2,789.80 1,983.45 1,583.82 1,347.45
2,139.68 1,708.56 1,453.58 3,009.54 2,139.68 1,708.56 1,453.58
2,207.63 1,762.83 1,499.75 3,105.12 2,207.63 1,762.83 1,499.75
258.14 206.13 175.37 363.08 258.14 206.13 175.37
499.95 399.22 339.64 703.20 499.95 399.22 339.64
725.45 579.28 492.83 1,020.37 725.45 579.28 492.83
923.79 737.66 627.57 1,299.34 923.79 737.66 627.57
1,114.01 889.55 756.80 1,566.90 1,114.01 889.55 756.80
1,287.87 1,028.38 874.91 1,811.43 1,287.87 1,028.38 874.91
1,445.48 1,154.24 981.98 2,033.12 1,445.48 1,154.24 981.98
1,586.77 1,267.06 1,077.97 2,231.85 1,586.77 1,267.06 1,077.97
1,711.74 1,366.85 1,162.86 2,407.63 1,711.74 1,366.85 1,162.86
1,766.08 1,410.24 1,199.78 2,484.06 1,766.08 1,410.24 1,199.78

105.69 84.40 71.80 148.66 105.69 84.40 71.80

165.96 132.52 112.75 233.43 165.96 132.52 112.75
260.15 207.73 176.73 365.91 260.15 207.73 176.73
472.45 377.25 320.95 664.51 472.45 377.25 320.95
844.95 674.71 574.01 1,188.46 844.95 674.71 574.01
1,265.91 1,010.85 859.99 1,780.55 1,265.91 1,010.85 859.99
2,383.43 1,903.20 1,619.17 3,352.38 2,383.43 1,903.20 1,619.17
4,903.14 3,915.23 3,330.93 6,896.45 4,903.14 3,915.23 3,330.93
8,388.95 6,698.69 5,699.00 11,799.37 8,388.95 6,698.69 5,699.00
13,164.89 10,512.35 8,943.52 18,516.92 13,164.89 10,512.35 8,943.52
26,883.99 21,467.25 18,263.54 37,813.36 26,883.99 21,467.25 18,263.54
42,183.98 33,684.50 28,657.52 59,333.36 42,183.98 33,684.50 28,657.52
923.69 737.58 627.51 1,299.21 923.69 737.58 627.51
1,547.56 1,235.75 1,051.33 2,176.71 1,547.56 1,235.75 1,051.33
4,812.29 3,842.68 3,269.21 6,768.66 4,812.29 3,842.68 3,269.21
118.72 94.80 80.65 166.98 118.72 94.80 80.65
242.28 193.46 164.59 340.78 242.28 193.46 164.59
327.08 261.18 222.20 460.05 327.08 261.18 222.20
596.61 476.41 405.31 839.16 596.61 476.41 405.31
1,204.67 961.95 818.39 1,694.41 1,204.67 961.95 818.39
1,938.24 1,547.71 1,316.74 2,726.21 1,938.24 1,547.71 1,316.74
2,901.30 2,316.73 1,970.99 4,080.79 2,901.30 2,316.73 1,970.99
5,463.41 4,362.61 3,711.55 7,684.50 5,463.41 4,362.61 3,711.55
11,244.82 8,979.15 7,639.13 15,816.27 11,244.82 8,979.15 7,639.13
19,240.06 15,363.46 13,070.66 27,061.87 19,240.06 15,363.46 13,070.66
30,188.09 24,105.61 20,508.16 42,460.69 30,188.09 24,105.61 20,508.16
61,654.20 49,231.75 41,884.55 86,718.97 61,654.20 49,231.75 41,884.55
96,742.40 77,250.18 65,721.59 136,071.86 96,742.40 77,250.18 65,721.59
2,119.95 1,692.81 1,440.18 2,981.79 2,119.95 1,692.81 1,440.18
3,546.37 2,831.83 2,409.22 4,988.11 3,546.37 2,831.83 2,409.22
11,035.85 8,812.29 7,497.17 15,522.35 11,035.85 8,812.29 7,497.17
41.49 33.13 28.19 58.36 41.49 33.13 28.19
84.80 67.71 57.61 119.27 84.80 67.71 57.61
133.56 106.65 90.73 187.85 133.56 106.65 90.73
208.97 166.86 141.96 293.92 208.97 166.86 141.96
381.59 304.71 259.23 536.72 381.59 304.71 259.23
678.38 541.70 460.86 954.17 678.38 541.70 460.86
1,017.58 812.55 691.29 1,431.26 1,017.58 812.55 691.29
1,914.01 1,528.37 1,300.28 2,692.13 1,914.01 1,528.37 1,300.28
3,937.05 3,143.79 2,674.62 5,537.61 3,937.05 3,143.79 2,674.62
6,735.38 5,378.30 4,575.66 9,473.57 6,735.38 5,378.30 4,575.66
10,566.44 8,437.45 7,178.27 14,862.09 10,566.44 8,437.45 7,178.27
21,581.09 17,232.81 14,661.03 30,354.62 21,581.09 17,232.81 14,661.03
33,861.66 27,039.01 23,003.79 47,627.71 33,861.66 27,039.01 23,003.79
741.98 592.48 504.06 1,043.63 741.98 592.48 504.06
1,241.69 991.50 843.53 1,746.48 1,241.69 991.50 843.53
3,864.37 3,085.75 2,625.24 5,435.38 3,864.37 3,085.75 2,625.24
56.33 44.98 38.27 79.23 56.33 44.98 38.27
88.43 70.61 60.08 124.38 88.43 70.61 60.08
138.71 110.76 94.23 195.09 138.71 110.76 94.23
251.67 200.96 170.97 353.98 251.67 200.96 170.97
451.25 360.33 306.55 634.70 451.25 360.33 306.55
675.36 539.28 458.80 949.91 675.36 539.28 458.80
1,271.97 1,015.69 864.11 1,789.07 1,271.97 1,015.69 864.11
2,616.62 2,089.41 1,777.59 3,680.38 2,616.62 2,089.41 1,777.59
4,476.12 3,574.25 3,040.84 6,295.84 4,476.12 3,574.25 3,040.84
7,023.09 5,608.04 4,771.11 9,878.24 7,023.09 5,608.04 4,771.11
14,339.95 11,450.65 9,741.79 20,169.68 14,339.95 11,450.65 9,741.79
22,498.73 17,965.55 15,284.42 31,645.31 22,498.73 17,965.55 15,284.42
493.65 394.18 335.36 694.33 493.65 394.18 335.36
826.78 660.20 561.67 1,162.90 826.78 660.20 561.67
2,568.17 2,050.72 1,744.68 3,612.23 2,568.17 2,050.72 1,744.68
2.12 1.69 1.44 2.98 2.12 1.69 1.44
3.94 3.14 2.67 5.54 3.94 3.14 2.67
7.87 6.29 5.35 11.08 7.87 6.29 5.35
21.87 17.47 14.86 30.76 21.87 17.47 14.86
39.07 31.20 26.54 54.95 39.07 31.20 26.54
65.11 51.99 44.23 91.58 65.11 51.99 44.23
130.23 103.99 88.47 183.17 130.23 103.99 88.47
327.08 261.18 222.20 460.05 327.08 261.18 222.20
651.13 519.93 442.34 915.84 651.13 519.93 442.34
1,302.26 1,039.87 884.68 1,831.67 1,302.26 1,039.87 884.68
3,903.74 3,117.19 2,651.99 5,490.75 3,903.74 3,117.19 2,651.99
7,804.44 6,231.96 5,301.92 10,977.25 7,804.44 6,231.96 5,301.92
68.75 54.90 46.70 96.70 68.75 54.90 46.70
130.23 103.99 88.47 183.17 130.23 103.99 88.47
651.13 519.93 442.34 915.84 651.13 519.93 442.34
43.61 34.82 29.63 61.34 43.61 34.82 29.63
68.75 54.90 46.70 96.70 68.75 54.90 46.70
107.51 85.85 73.04 151.22 107.51 85.85 73.04
195.34 155.98 132.70 274.75 195.34 155.98 132.70
351.31 280.52 238.66 494.13 351.31 280.52 238.66
523.93 418.37 355.93 736.93 523.93 418.37 355.93
984.26 785.95 668.66 1,384.40 984.26 785.95 668.66
2,026.07 1,617.84 1,376.40 2,849.74 2,026.07 1,617.84 1,376.40
3,464.60 2,766.54 2,353.67 4,873.10 3,464.60 2,766.54 2,353.67
5,436.16 4,340.85 3,693.03 7,646.16 5,436.16 4,340.85 3,693.03
11,099.45 8,863.07 7,540.37 15,611.80 11,099.45 8,863.07 7,540.37
17,413.88 13,905.23 11,830.05 24,493.28 17,413.88 13,905.23 11,830.05
381.59 304.71 259.23 536.72 381.59 304.71 259.23
639.01 510.26 434.11 898.80 639.01 510.26 434.11
1,986.70 1,586.40 1,349.65 2,794.36 1,986.70 1,586.40 1,349.65
72.68 58.04 49.38 102.23 72.68 58.04 49.38
114.48 91.41 77.77 161.02 114.48 91.41 77.77
178.98 142.92 121.59 251.75 178.98 142.92 121.59
327.08 261.18 222.20 460.05 327.08 261.18 222.20
581.47 464.31 395.02 817.86 581.47 464.31 395.02
872.21 696.47 592.53 1,226.79 872.21 696.47 592.53
1,641.45 1,310.72 1,115.11 2,308.76 1,641.45 1,310.72 1,115.11
3,373.75 2,693.99 2,291.94 4,745.31 3,373.75 2,693.99 2,291.94
5,772.32 4,609.28 3,921.40 8,118.99 5,772.32 4,609.28 3,921.40
9,058.24 7,233.14 6,153.68 12,740.76 9,058.24 7,233.14 6,153.68
18,498.08 14,770.98 12,566.60 26,018.25 18,498.08 14,770.98 12,566.60
29,025.14 23,176.99 19,718.12 40,824.96 29,025.14 23,176.99 19,718.12
635.99 507.84 432.05 894.54 635.99 507.84 432.05
1,066.03 851.24 724.20 1,499.41 1,066.03 851.24 724.20
3,313.18 2,645.62 2,250.80 4,660.11 3,313.18 2,645.62 2,250.80
48.46 38.69 32.92 68.16 48.46 38.69 32.92
76.32 60.94 51.85 107.34 76.32 60.94 51.85
119.32 95.28 81.06 167.83 119.32 95.28 81.06
216.84 173.15 147.31 304.99 216.84 173.15 147.31
387.65 309.54 263.35 545.24 387.65 309.54 263.35
581.47 464.31 395.02 817.86 581.47 464.31 395.02
1,093.29 873.01 742.72 1,537.75 1,093.29 873.01 742.72
2,250.18 1,796.80 1,528.65 3,164.96 2,250.18 1,796.80 1,528.65
3,849.22 3,073.66 2,614.96 5,414.08 3,849.22 3,073.66 2,614.96
6,038.83 4,822.09 4,102.46 8,493.84 6,038.83 4,822.09 4,102.46
12,332.05 9,847.32 8,377.73 17,345.50 12,332.05 9,847.32 8,377.73
19,349.09 15,450.52 13,144.73 27,215.22 19,349.09 15,450.52 13,144.73
423.99 338.56 288.04 596.36 423.99 338.56 288.04
711.70 568.30 483.49 1,001.03 711.70 568.30 483.49
2,207.78 1,762.94 1,499.84 3,105.32 2,207.78 1,762.94 1,499.84
79.04 63.12 53.70 111.18 79.04 63.12 53.70
123.87 98.91 84.15 174.22 123.87 98.91 84.15
194.13 155.01 131.88 273.05 194.13 155.01 131.88
375.53 299.87 255.12 528.20 375.53 299.87 255.12
632.96 505.42 430.00 890.28 632.96 505.42 430.00
944.89 754.51 641.91 1,329.03 944.89 754.51 641.91
1,780.76 1,421.96 1,209.75 2,504.70 1,780.76 1,421.96 1,209.75
3,661.46 2,923.72 2,487.40 5,149.98 3,661.46 2,923.72 2,487.40
6,265.97 5,003.46 4,256.76 8,813.32 6,265.97 5,003.46 4,256.76
9,830.51 7,849.80 6,678.32 13,826.99 9,830.51 7,849.80 6,678.32
20,072.90 16,028.49 13,636.45 28,233.29 20,072.90 16,028.49 13,636.45
31,499.43 25,152.74 21,399.02 44,305.14 31,499.43 25,152.74 21,399.02
690.50 551.37 469.09 971.21 690.50 551.37 469.09
1,153.86 921.37 783.87 1,622.95 1,153.86 921.37 783.87
3,594.83 2,870.52 2,442.13 5,056.26 3,594.83 2,870.52 2,442.13
1,211.40 967.32 822.96 1,703.88 1,211.40 967.32 822.96

105.69 84.40 71.80 148.66 105.69 84.40 71.80

165.96 132.52 112.75 233.43 165.96 132.52 112.75
260.15 207.73 176.73 365.91 260.15 207.73 176.73
472.45 377.25 320.95 664.51 472.45 377.25 320.95
844.95 674.71 574.01 1,188.46 844.95 674.71 574.01
1,265.91 1,010.85 859.99 1,780.55 1,265.91 1,010.85 859.99
2,383.43 1,903.20 1,619.17 3,352.38 2,383.43 1,903.20 1,619.17
4,903.14 3,915.23 3,330.93 6,896.45 4,903.14 3,915.23 3,330.93
8,388.95 6,698.69 5,699.00 11,799.37 8,388.95 6,698.69 5,699.00
13,164.89 10,512.35 8,943.52 18,516.92 13,164.89 10,512.35 8,943.52
26,883.99 21,467.25 18,263.54 37,813.36 26,883.99 21,467.25 18,263.54
42,183.98 33,684.50 28,657.52 59,333.36 42,183.98 33,684.50 28,657.52
923.69 737.58 627.51 1,299.21 923.69 737.58 627.51
1,547.56 1,235.75 1,051.33 2,176.71 1,547.56 1,235.75 1,051.33
4,812.29 3,842.68 3,269.21 6,768.66 4,812.29 3,842.68 3,269.21
126.89 101.33 86.21 178.48 126.89 101.33 86.21
198.97 158.88 135.17 279.86 198.97 158.88 135.17
314.96 251.50 213.97 443.01 314.96 251.50 213.97
566.33 452.22 384.73 796.56 566.33 452.22 384.73
1,014.55 810.13 689.23 1,427.00 1,014.55 810.13 689.23
1,520.31 1,213.99 1,032.81 2,138.37 1,520.31 1,213.99 1,032.81
2,858.90 2,282.88 1,942.19 4,021.16 2,858.90 2,282.88 1,942.19
5,884.38 4,698.76 3,997.53 8,276.60 5,884.38 4,698.76 3,997.53
10,066.73 8,038.43 6,838.80 14,159.24 10,066.73 8,038.43 6,838.80
15,796.66 12,613.85 10,731.40 22,218.60 15,796.66 12,613.85 10,731.40
32,259.58 25,759.73 21,915.42 45,374.32 32,259.58 25,759.73 21,915.42
50,621.38 40,421.88 34,389.44 71,200.89 50,621.38 40,421.88 34,389.44
1,108.43 885.10 753.01 1,559.05 1,108.43 885.10 753.01
1,856.47 1,482.42 1,261.19 2,611.20 1,856.47 1,482.42 1,261.19
5,775.35 4,611.70 3,923.46 8,123.25 5,775.35 4,611.70 3,923.46
242.28 193.46 164.59 340.78 242.28 193.46 164.59
381.59 304.71 259.23 536.72 381.59 304.71 259.23
596.61 476.41 405.31 839.16 596.61 476.41 405.31
1,084.20 865.75 736.55 1,524.97 1,084.20 865.75 736.55
1,938.24 1,547.71 1,316.74 2,726.21 1,938.24 1,547.71 1,316.74
2,901.30 2,316.73 1,970.99 4,080.79 2,901.30 2,316.73 1,970.99
5,463.41 4,362.61 3,711.55 7,684.50 5,463.41 4,362.61 3,711.55
11,244.82 8,979.15 7,639.13 15,816.27 11,244.82 8,979.15 7,639.13
19,240.06 15,363.46 13,070.66 27,061.87 19,240.06 15,363.46 13,070.66
30,188.09 24,105.61 20,508.16 42,460.69 30,188.09 24,105.61 20,508.16
61,654.20 49,231.75 41,884.55 86,718.97 61,654.20 49,231.75 41,884.55
96,742.40 77,250.18 65,721.59 136,071.86 96,742.40 77,250.18 65,721.59
2,119.95 1,692.81 1,440.18 2,981.79 2,119.95 1,692.81 1,440.18
3,546.37 2,831.83 2,409.22 4,988.11 3,546.37 2,831.83 2,409.22
11,035.85 8,812.29 7,497.17 15,522.35 11,035.85 8,812.29 7,497.17
242.28 193.46 164.59 340.78 242.28 193.46 164.59
381.59 304.71 259.23 536.72 381.59 304.71 259.23
596.61 476.41 405.31 839.16 596.61 476.41 405.31
1,084.20 865.75 736.55 1,524.97 1,084.20 865.75 736.55
1,938.24 1,547.71 1,316.74 2,726.21 1,938.24 1,547.71 1,316.74
2,901.30 2,316.73 1,970.99 4,080.79 2,901.30 2,316.73 1,970.99
5,463.41 4,362.61 3,711.55 7,684.50 5,463.41 4,362.61 3,711.55
11,244.82 8,979.15 7,639.13 15,816.27 11,244.82 8,979.15 7,639.13
19,240.06 15,363.46 13,070.66 27,061.87 19,240.06 15,363.46 13,070.66
30,188.09 24,105.61 20,508.16 42,460.69 30,188.09 24,105.61 20,508.16
61,654.20 49,231.75 41,884.55 86,718.97 61,654.20 49,231.75 41,884.55
96,742.40 77,250.18 65,721.59 136,071.86 96,742.40 77,250.18 65,721.59
2,119.95 1,692.81 1,440.18 2,981.79 2,119.95 1,692.81 1,440.18
3,546.37 2,831.83 2,409.22 4,988.11 3,546.37 2,831.83 2,409.22
11,035.85 8,812.29 7,497.17 15,522.35 11,035.85 8,812.29 7,497.17

15.14 12.09 10.29 21.30 15.14 12.09 10.29

121.75 97.22 82.71 171.24 121.75 97.22 82.71
191.10 152.59 129.82 268.79 191.10 152.59 129.82
299.22 238.93 203.27 420.86 299.22 238.93 203.27
545.13 435.29 370.33 766.75 545.13 435.29 370.33
972.15 776.27 660.43 1,367.36 972.15 776.27 660.43
1,456.71 1,163.20 989.61 2,048.92 1,456.71 1,163.20 989.61
2,743.82 2,190.98 1,864.00 3,859.29 2,743.82 2,190.98 1,864.00
5,639.07 4,502.87 3,830.88 7,931.56 5,639.07 4,502.87 3,830.88
9,733.60 7,772.42 6,612.48 13,690.68 9,733.60 7,772.42 6,612.48
15,929.91 12,720.26 10,821.92 22,406.02 15,929.91 12,720.26 10,821.92
34,951.92 27,909.60 23,744.45 49,161.20 34,951.92 27,909.60 23,744.45
58,216.86 46,486.98 39,549.40 81,884.21 58,216.86 46,486.98 39,549.40
1,265.91 1,010.85 859.99 1,780.55 1,265.91 1,010.85 859.99
1,889.78 1,509.02 1,283.82 2,658.05 1,889.78 1,509.02 1,283.82
6,066.09 4,843.85 4,120.97 8,532.18 6,066.09 4,843.85 4,120.97
278.62 222.48 189.28 391.89 278.62 222.48 189.28
439.13 350.65 298.32 617.66 439.13 350.65 298.32
687.47 548.95 467.03 966.95 687.47 548.95 467.03
1,247.74 996.34 847.65 1,755.00 1,247.74 996.34 847.65
2,228.98 1,779.87 1,514.25 3,135.14 2,228.98 1,779.87 1,514.25
3,337.41 2,664.97 2,267.25 4,694.19 3,337.41 2,664.97 2,267.25
6,302.31 5,032.48 4,281.45 8,864.44 6,302.31 5,032.48 4,281.45
12,901.41 10,301.96 8,764.52 18,146.32 12,901.41 10,301.96 8,764.52
22,359.42 17,854.31 15,189.78 31,449.37 22,359.42 17,854.31 15,189.78
35,518.25 28,361.82 24,129.19 49,957.76 35,518.25 28,361.82 24,129.19
79,931.20 63,826.19 54,300.96 112,426.26 79,931.20 63,826.19 54,300.96
133,296.40 106,439.06 90,554.40 187,486.44 133,296.40 106,439.06 90,554.40
2,907.36 2,321.57 1,975.10 4,089.31 2,907.36 2,321.57 1,975.10
4,333.78 3,460.59 2,944.14 6,095.63 4,333.78 3,460.59 2,944.14
13,937.16 11,129.02 9,468.15 19,603.14 13,937.16 11,129.02 9,468.15
84.80 67.71 57.61 119.27 84.80 67.71 57.61
133.56 106.65 90.73 187.85 133.56 106.65 90.73
208.97 166.86 141.96 293.92 208.97 166.86 141.96
381.59 304.71 259.23 536.72 381.59 304.71 259.23
678.38 541.70 460.86 954.17 678.38 541.70 460.86
1,017.58 812.55 691.29 1,431.26 1,017.58 812.55 691.29
1,914.01 1,528.37 1,300.28 2,692.13 1,914.01 1,528.37 1,300.28
3,937.05 3,143.79 2,674.62 5,537.61 3,937.05 3,143.79 2,674.62
6,735.38 5,378.30 4,575.66 9,473.57 6,735.38 5,378.30 4,575.66
10,566.44 8,437.45 7,178.27 14,862.09 10,566.44 8,437.45 7,178.27
21,581.09 17,232.81 14,661.03 30,354.62 21,581.09 17,232.81 14,661.03
33,861.66 27,039.01 23,003.79 47,627.71 33,861.66 27,039.01 23,003.79
741.98 592.48 504.06 1,043.63 741.98 592.48 504.06
1,241.69 991.50 843.53 1,746.48 1,241.69 991.50 843.53
3,864.37 3,085.75 2,625.24 5,435.38 3,864.37 3,085.75 2,625.24
56.33 44.98 38.27 79.23 56.33 44.98 38.27
88.43 70.61 60.08 124.38 88.43 70.61 60.08
138.71 110.76 94.23 195.09 138.71 110.76 94.23
251.67 200.96 170.97 353.98 251.67 200.96 170.97
451.25 360.33 306.55 634.70 451.25 360.33 306.55
675.36 539.28 458.80 949.91 675.36 539.28 458.80
1,271.97 1,015.69 864.11 1,789.07 1,271.97 1,015.69 864.11
2,616.62 2,089.41 1,777.59 3,680.38 2,616.62 2,089.41 1,777.59
4,476.12 3,574.25 3,040.84 6,295.84 4,476.12 3,574.25 3,040.84
7,023.09 5,608.04 4,771.11 9,878.24 7,023.09 5,608.04 4,771.11
14,339.95 11,450.65 9,741.79 20,169.68 14,339.95 11,450.65 9,741.79
22,498.73 17,965.55 15,284.42 31,645.31 22,498.73 17,965.55 15,284.42
493.65 394.18 335.36 694.33 493.65 394.18 335.36
826.78 660.20 561.67 1,162.90 826.78 660.20 561.67
2,568.17 2,050.72 1,744.68 3,612.23 2,568.17 2,050.72 1,744.68
45.43 36.27 30.86 63.90 45.43 36.27 30.86
69.66 55.62 47.32 97.97 69.66 55.62 47.32
109.03 87.06 74.07 153.35 109.03 87.06 74.07
196.85 157.19 133.73 276.88 196.85 157.19 133.73
351.31 280.52 238.66 494.13 351.31 280.52 238.66
523.93 418.37 355.93 736.93 523.93 418.37 355.93
984.26 785.95 668.66 1,384.40 984.26 785.95 668.66
2,026.07 1,617.84 1,376.40 2,849.74 2,026.07 1,617.84 1,376.40
3,464.60 2,766.54 2,353.67 4,873.10 3,464.60 2,766.54 2,353.67
5,272.62 4,210.26 3,581.93 7,416.14 5,272.62 4,210.26 3,581.93
11,099.45 8,863.07 7,540.37 15,611.80 11,099.45 8,863.07 7,540.37
17,413.88 13,905.23 11,830.05 24,493.28 17,413.88 13,905.23 11,830.05
381.59 304.71 259.23 536.72 381.59 304.71 259.23
639.01 510.26 434.11 898.80 639.01 510.26 434.11
1,986.70 1,586.40 1,349.65 2,794.36 1,986.70 1,586.40 1,349.65
72.68 58.04 49.38 102.23 72.68 58.04 49.38
115.08 91.90 78.18 161.87 115.08 91.90 78.18
181.71 145.10 123.44 255.58 181.71 145.10 123.44
327.08 261.18 222.20 460.05 327.08 261.18 222.20
581.47 464.31 395.02 817.86 581.47 464.31 395.02
872.21 696.47 592.53 1,226.79 872.21 696.47 592.53
1,641.45 1,310.72 1,115.11 2,308.76 1,641.45 1,310.72 1,115.11
3,373.75 2,693.99 2,291.94 4,745.31 3,373.75 2,693.99 2,291.94
5,772.32 4,609.28 3,921.40 8,118.99 5,772.32 4,609.28 3,921.40
8,785.68 7,015.49 5,968.52 12,357.39 8,785.68 7,015.49 5,968.52
18,498.08 14,770.98 12,566.60 26,018.25 18,498.08 14,770.98 12,566.60
29,025.14 23,176.99 19,718.12 40,824.96 29,025.14 23,176.99 19,718.12
635.99 507.84 432.05 894.54 635.99 507.84 432.05
1,066.03 851.24 724.20 1,499.41 1,066.03 851.24 724.20
3,310.15 2,643.20 2,248.74 4,655.85 3,310.15 2,643.20 2,248.74
48.46 38.69 32.92 68.16 48.46 38.69 32.92
78.74 62.88 53.49 110.75 78.74 62.88 53.49
121.14 96.73 82.30 170.39 121.14 96.73 82.30
218.05 174.12 148.13 306.70 218.05 174.12 148.13
387.65 309.54 263.35 545.24 387.65 309.54 263.35
581.47 464.31 395.02 817.86 581.47 464.31 395.02
1,093.29 873.01 742.72 1,537.75 1,093.29 873.01 742.72
2,250.18 1,796.80 1,528.65 3,164.96 2,250.18 1,796.80 1,528.65
3,849.22 3,073.66 2,614.96 5,414.08 3,849.22 3,073.66 2,614.96
5,857.12 4,676.99 3,979.01 8,238.26 5,857.12 4,676.99 3,979.01
12,332.05 9,847.32 8,377.73 17,345.50 12,332.05 9,847.32 8,377.73
19,349.09 15,450.52 13,144.73 27,215.22 19,349.09 15,450.52 13,144.73
423.99 338.56 288.04 596.36 423.99 338.56 288.04
711.70 568.30 483.49 1,001.03 711.70 568.30 483.49
2,207.78 1,762.94 1,499.84 3,105.32 2,207.78 1,762.94 1,499.84

319.68 255.27 217.17 449.64 319.68 255.27 217.17

278.35 222.27 189.10 391.51 278.35 222.27 189.10
494.25 394.67 335.77 695.18 494.25 394.67 335.77
628.72 502.04 427.12 884.31 628.72 502.04 427.12
992.14 792.24 674.00 1,395.48 992.14 792.24 674.00
1,639.02 1,308.78 1,113.46 2,305.35 1,639.02 1,308.78 1,113.46
3,281.68 2,620.47 2,229.40 4,615.81 3,281.68 2,620.47 2,229.40
5,651.18 4,512.55 3,839.11 7,948.60 5,651.18 4,512.55 3,839.11
8,558.54 6,834.12 5,814.21 12,037.91 8,558.54 6,834.12 5,814.21
32,835.00 26,219.21 22,306.33 46,183.67 32,835.00 26,219.21 22,306.33

302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74

24.72 19.74 16.80 34.78 24.72 19.74 16.80
24.72 19.74 16.80 34.78 24.72 19.74 16.80
1,112.08 888.01 755.49 1,564.18 1,112.08 888.01 755.49
1,112.08 888.01 755.49 1,564.18 1,112.08 888.01 755.49
271.86 217.08 184.68 382.38 271.86 217.08 184.68
1,235.63 986.67 839.42 1,737.96 1,235.63 986.67 839.42
1,235.63 986.67 839.42 1,737.96 1,235.63 986.67 839.42
290.38 231.87 197.27 408.43 290.38 231.87 197.27
1,359.21 1,085.35 923.38 1,911.78 1,359.21 1,085.35 923.38
1,359.21 1,085.35 923.38 1,911.78 1,359.21 1,085.35 923.38
308.91 246.67 209.85 434.49 308.91 246.67 209.85
67.30 53.74 45.72 94.66 67.30 53.74 45.72
617.81 493.33 419.71 868.98 617.81 493.33 419.71
24.72 19.74 16.80 34.78 24.72 19.74 16.80
24.72 19.74 16.80 34.78 24.72 19.74 16.80

40.50 32.34 27.51 56.96 40.50 32.34 27.51

134.95 107.76 91.68 189.81 134.95 107.76 91.68
269.86 215.49 183.33 379.56 269.86 215.49 183.33
296.85 237.04 201.67 417.54 296.85 237.04 201.67
431.76 344.77 293.32 607.29 431.76 344.77 293.32
161.95 129.32 110.02 227.78 161.95 129.32 110.02
27.00 21.56 18.34 37.97 27.00 21.56 18.34
27.00 21.56 18.34 37.97 27.00 21.56 18.34
53.99 43.12 36.68 75.95 53.99 43.12 36.68
13.50 10.78 9.17 18.99 13.50 10.78 9.17
5.41 4.32 3.68 7.62 5.41 4.32 3.68
3.79 3.03 2.58 5.33 3.79 3.03 2.58
2.67 2.13 1.81 3.75 2.67 2.13 1.81
1.90 1.51 1.29 2.67 1.90 1.51 1.29
1.55 1.24 1.05 2.18 1.55 1.24 1.05
1.04 0.83 0.71 1.47 1.04 0.83 0.71
0.89 0.71 0.60 1.25 0.89 0.71 0.60
0.72 0.57 0.49 1.01 0.72 0.57 0.49
1.35 1.08 0.92 1.90 1.35 1.08 0.92
2.05 1.64 1.39 2.88 2.05 1.64 1.39
2.71 2.16 1.84 3.81 2.71 2.16 1.84
0.67 0.54 0.46 0.95 0.67 0.54 0.46
0.67 0.54 0.46 0.95 0.67 0.54 0.46
1.35 1.08 0.92 1.90 1.35 1.08 0.92
40.26 32.15 27.35 56.63 40.26 32.15 27.35
15.97 12.76 10.85 22.47 15.97 12.76 10.85
269.63 215.30 183.17 379.24 269.63 215.30 183.17
15.97 12.76 10.85 22.47 15.97 12.76 10.85
13.31 10.62 9.04 18.71 13.31 10.62 9.04
134.72 107.57 91.52 189.48 134.72 107.57 91.52
67.26 53.71 45.69 94.61 67.26 53.71 45.69
67.26 53.71 45.69 94.61 67.26 53.71 45.69
67.26 53.71 45.69 94.61 67.26 53.71 45.69
67.26 53.71 45.69 94.61 67.26 53.71 45.69
269.63 215.30 183.17 379.24 269.63 215.30 183.17
75.35 60.16 51.19 105.98 75.35 60.16 51.19
45.68 36.48 31.03 64.25 45.68 36.48 31.03
15.97 12.76 10.85 22.47 15.97 12.76 10.85
4.49 3.58 3.05 6.31 4.49 3.58 3.05
18.02 14.39 12.24 25.35 18.02 14.39 12.24
24.75 19.77 16.82 34.82 24.75 19.77 16.82
103.23 82.43 70.13 145.20 103.23 82.43 70.13
404.81 323.24 275.00 569.37 404.81 323.24 275.00
674.62 538.70 458.30 948.88 674.62 538.70 458.30
944.48 754.18 641.63 1,328.45 944.48 754.18 641.63
1,214.34 969.67 824.96 1,708.01 1,214.34 969.67 824.96
1,349.25 1,077.39 916.61 1,897.77 1,349.25 1,077.39 916.61
215.75 172.28 146.57 303.46 215.75 172.28 146.57
215.90 172.40 146.67 303.67 215.90 172.40 146.67
404.81 323.24 275.00 569.37 404.81 323.24 275.00
134.95 107.76 91.68 189.81 134.95 107.76 91.68
27.00 21.56 18.34 37.97 27.00 21.56 18.34
67.26 53.71 45.69 94.61 67.26 53.71 45.69
67.49 53.89 45.85 94.93 67.49 53.89 45.85
- - - - - - -
40.38 32.24 27.43 56.80 40.38 32.24 27.43
17.67 14.11 12.00 24.85 17.67 14.11 12.00
58.89 47.02 40.01 82.83 58.89 47.02 40.01
117.78 94.05 80.01 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01
129.55 103.45 88.01 182.22 129.55 103.45 88.01
188.44 150.47 128.02 265.05 188.44 150.47 128.02
70.67 56.43 48.01 99.39 70.67 56.43 48.01
11.78 9.40 8.00 16.57 11.78 9.40 8.00
11.78 9.40 8.00 16.57 11.78 9.40 8.00
23.56 18.81 16.00 33.13 23.56 18.81 16.00
5.89 4.70 4.00 8.28 5.89 4.70 4.00
2.36 1.88 1.60 3.31 2.36 1.88 1.60
1.65 1.32 1.12 2.32 1.65 1.32 1.12
1.18 0.94 0.80 1.66 1.18 0.94 0.80
0.84 0.67 0.57 1.18 0.84 0.67 0.57
0.67 0.54 0.46 0.95 0.67 0.54 0.46
0.44 0.35 0.30 0.62 0.44 0.35 0.30
0.37 0.30 0.25 0.52 0.37 0.30 0.25
0.30 0.24 0.21 0.43 0.30 0.24 0.21
0.61 0.48 0.41 0.85 0.61 0.48 0.41
0.87 0.70 0.59 1.23 0.87 0.70 0.59
1.18 0.94 0.80 1.66 1.18 0.94 0.80
0.30 0.24 0.21 0.43 0.30 0.24 0.21
0.30 0.24 0.21 0.43 0.30 0.24 0.21
0.61 0.48 0.41 0.85 0.61 0.48 0.41
17.60 14.05 11.96 24.75 17.60 14.05 11.96
7.00 5.59 4.75 9.84 7.00 5.59 4.75
117.71 93.99 79.96 165.56 117.71 93.99 79.96
7.00 5.59 4.75 9.84 7.00 5.59 4.75
5.82 4.65 3.95 8.19 5.82 4.65 3.95
58.82 46.97 39.96 82.73 58.82 46.97 39.96
29.38 23.46 19.96 41.32 29.38 23.46 19.96
29.38 23.46 19.96 41.32 29.38 23.46 19.96
29.38 23.46 19.96 41.32 29.38 23.46 19.96
29.38 23.46 19.96 41.32 29.38 23.46 19.96
117.71 93.99 79.96 165.56 117.71 93.99 79.96
32.91 26.28 22.36 46.29 32.91 26.28 22.36
19.95 15.93 13.56 28.07 19.95 15.93 13.56
7.00 5.59 4.75 9.84 7.00 5.59 4.75
1.95 1.56 1.33 2.75 1.95 1.56 1.33
7.77 6.21 5.28 10.93 7.77 6.21 5.28
10.77 8.60 7.32 15.15 10.77 8.60 7.32
76.62 61.18 52.05 107.77 76.62 61.18 52.05
176.66 141.07 120.02 248.48 176.66 141.07 120.02
294.44 235.11 200.03 414.14 294.44 235.11 200.03
412.21 329.16 280.04 579.79 412.21 329.16 280.04
529.99 423.20 360.05 745.45 529.99 423.20 360.05
588.88 470.23 400.05 828.28 588.88 470.23 400.05
94.15 75.18 63.96 132.43 94.15 75.18 63.96
94.15 75.18 63.96 132.43 94.15 75.18 63.96
176.66 141.07 120.02 248.48 176.66 141.07 120.02
58.89 47.02 40.01 82.83 58.89 47.02 40.01
11.78 9.40 8.00 16.57 11.78 9.40 8.00
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
29.38 23.46 19.96 41.32 29.38 23.46 19.96
17.67 14.11 12.00 24.85 17.67 14.11 12.00
17.60 14.05 11.96 24.75 17.60 14.05 11.96
53.00 42.32 36.00 74.54 53.00 42.32 36.00
176.66 141.07 120.02 248.48 176.66 141.07 120.02
353.33 282.14 240.03 496.97 353.33 282.14 240.03
388.66 310.35 264.03 546.66 388.66 310.35 264.03
565.32 451.42 384.05 795.14 565.32 451.42 384.05
212.00 169.28 144.02 298.18 212.00 169.28 144.02
35.33 28.21 24.00 49.70 35.33 28.21 24.00
35.33 28.21 24.00 49.70 35.33 28.21 24.00
70.67 56.43 48.01 99.39 70.67 56.43 48.01
17.67 14.11 12.00 24.85 17.67 14.11 12.00
7.07 5.64 4.80 9.94 7.07 5.64 4.80
4.95 3.95 3.36 6.96 4.95 3.95 3.36
3.53 2.82 2.40 4.97 3.53 2.82 2.40
2.52 2.02 1.71 3.55 2.52 2.02 1.71
2.02 1.61 1.37 2.84 2.02 1.61 1.37
1.31 1.05 0.89 1.85 1.31 1.05 0.89
1.11 0.89 0.75 1.56 1.11 0.89 0.75
0.91 0.73 0.62 1.28 0.91 0.73 0.62
1.82 1.45 1.23 2.56 1.82 1.45 1.23
2.62 2.10 1.78 3.69 2.62 2.10 1.78
3.53 2.82 2.40 4.97 3.53 2.82 2.40
0.91 0.73 0.62 1.28 0.91 0.73 0.62
0.91 0.73 0.62 1.28 0.91 0.73 0.62
1.82 1.45 1.23 2.56 1.82 1.45 1.23
52.80 42.16 35.87 74.26 52.80 42.16 35.87
21.00 16.77 14.26 29.53 21.00 16.77 14.26
353.12 281.97 239.89 496.68 353.12 281.97 239.89
21.00 16.77 14.26 29.53 21.00 16.77 14.26
17.46 13.95 11.86 24.56 17.46 13.95 11.86
176.46 140.91 119.88 248.20 176.46 140.91 119.88
88.13 70.37 59.87 123.96 88.13 70.37 59.87
88.13 70.37 59.87 123.96 88.13 70.37 59.87
88.13 70.37 59.87 123.96 88.13 70.37 59.87
88.13 70.37 59.87 123.96 88.13 70.37 59.87
353.12 281.97 239.89 496.68 353.12 281.97 239.89
98.73 78.84 67.07 138.87 98.73 78.84 67.07
59.86 47.80 40.67 84.20 59.86 47.80 40.67
21.00 16.77 14.26 29.53 21.00 16.77 14.26
5.86 4.68 3.98 8.24 5.86 4.68 3.98
23.32 18.62 15.84 32.80 23.32 18.62 15.84
32.30 25.80 21.95 45.44 32.30 25.80 21.95
229.86 183.55 156.16 323.31 229.86 183.55 156.16
529.99 423.20 360.05 745.45 529.99 423.20 360.05
883.31 705.34 600.08 1,242.41 883.31 705.34 600.08
1,236.64 987.47 840.11 1,739.38 1,236.64 987.47 840.11
1,589.96 1,269.61 1,080.14 2,236.34 1,589.96 1,269.61 1,080.14
282.46 225.55 191.89 397.29 282.46 225.55 191.89
282.46 225.55 191.89 397.29 282.46 225.55 191.89
282.46 225.55 191.89 397.29 282.46 225.55 191.89
529.99 423.20 360.05 745.45 529.99 423.20 360.05
176.66 141.07 120.02 248.48 176.66 141.07 120.02
35.33 28.21 24.00 49.70 35.33 28.21 24.00
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
88.13 70.37 59.87 123.96 88.13 70.37 59.87
53.00 42.32 36.00 74.54 53.00 42.32 36.00
52.80 42.16 35.87 74.26 52.80 42.16 35.87
70.67 56.43 48.01 99.39 70.67 56.43 48.01
235.55 188.09 160.02 331.31 235.55 188.09 160.02
471.10 376.18 320.04 662.62 471.10 376.18 320.04
518.21 413.80 352.04 728.88 518.21 413.80 352.04
753.76 601.89 512.06 1,060.19 753.76 601.89 512.06
282.66 225.71 192.02 397.57 282.66 225.71 192.02
47.11 37.62 32.00 66.26 47.11 37.62 32.00
47.11 37.62 32.00 66.26 47.11 37.62 32.00
94.22 75.24 64.01 132.52 94.22 75.24 64.01
23.56 18.81 16.00 33.13 23.56 18.81 16.00
9.42 7.52 6.40 13.25 9.42 7.52 6.40
6.60 5.27 4.48 9.28 6.60 5.27 4.48
4.71 3.76 3.20 6.63 4.71 3.76 3.20
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
2.69 2.15 1.83 3.79 2.69 2.15 1.83
1.75 1.40 1.19 2.46 1.75 1.40 1.19
1.48 1.18 1.01 2.08 1.48 1.18 1.01
1.21 0.97 0.82 1.70 1.21 0.97 0.82
2.42 1.93 1.65 3.41 2.42 1.93 1.65
3.50 2.79 2.38 4.92 3.50 2.79 2.38
4.71 3.76 3.20 6.63 4.71 3.76 3.20
1.21 0.97 0.82 1.70 1.21 0.97 0.82
1.51 1.21 1.03 2.13 1.51 1.21 1.03
1.51 1.21 1.03 2.13 1.51 1.21 1.03
70.40 56.21 47.82 99.01 70.40 56.21 47.82
28.00 22.36 19.02 39.38 28.00 22.36 19.02
470.83 375.97 319.86 662.24 470.83 375.97 319.86
28.00 22.36 19.02 39.38 28.00 22.36 19.02
23.29 18.59 15.82 32.75 23.29 18.59 15.82
235.28 187.88 159.84 330.93 235.28 187.88 159.84
117.51 93.83 79.83 165.28 117.51 93.83 79.83
117.51 93.83 79.83 165.28 117.51 93.83 79.83
117.51 93.83 79.83 165.28 117.51 93.83 79.83
117.51 93.83 79.83 165.28 117.51 93.83 79.83
470.83 375.97 319.86 662.24 470.83 375.97 319.86
131.64 105.12 89.43 185.15 131.64 105.12 89.43
79.82 63.74 54.22 112.27 79.82 63.74 54.22
28.00 22.36 19.02 39.38 28.00 22.36 19.02
7.81 6.23 5.30 10.98 7.81 6.23 5.30
31.09 24.83 21.12 43.73 31.09 24.83 21.12
43.07 34.39 29.26 60.58 43.07 34.39 29.26
306.48 244.73 208.21 431.08 306.48 244.73 208.21
706.65 564.27 480.06 993.93 706.65 564.27 480.06
1,177.75 940.45 800.10 1,656.55 1,177.75 940.45 800.10
1,648.85 1,316.63 1,120.14 2,319.17 1,648.85 1,316.63 1,120.14
2,119.95 1,692.81 1,440.18 2,981.79 2,119.95 1,692.81 1,440.18
376.61 300.73 255.85 529.72 376.61 300.73 255.85
376.61 300.73 255.85 529.72 376.61 300.73 255.85
376.61 300.73 255.85 529.72 376.61 300.73 255.85
706.65 564.27 480.06 993.93 706.65 564.27 480.06
235.55 188.09 160.02 331.31 235.55 188.09 160.02
47.11 37.62 32.00 66.26 47.11 37.62 32.00
201.90 161.22 137.16 283.98 201.90 161.22 137.16
117.51 93.83 79.83 165.28 117.51 93.83 79.83
70.67 56.43 48.01 99.39 70.67 56.43 48.01
70.40 56.21 47.82 99.01 70.40 56.21 47.82
88.33 70.53 60.01 124.24 88.33 70.53 60.01
294.44 235.11 200.03 414.14 294.44 235.11 200.03
588.88 470.23 400.05 828.28 588.88 470.23 400.05
647.76 517.25 440.06 911.10 647.76 517.25 440.06
942.20 752.36 640.08 1,325.24 942.20 752.36 640.08
353.33 282.14 240.03 496.97 353.33 282.14 240.03
58.89 47.02 40.01 82.83 58.89 47.02 40.01
58.89 47.02 40.01 82.83 58.89 47.02 40.01
117.78 94.05 80.01 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01
29.44 23.51 20.00 41.41 29.44 23.51 20.00
11.78 9.40 8.00 16.57 11.78 9.40 8.00
8.24 6.58 5.60 11.60 8.24 6.58 5.60
5.89 4.70 4.00 8.28 5.89 4.70 4.00
4.21 3.36 2.86 5.92 4.21 3.36 2.86
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
2.19 1.75 1.49 3.08 2.19 1.75 1.49
1.85 1.48 1.26 2.60 1.85 1.48 1.26
1.51 1.21 1.03 2.13 1.51 1.21 1.03
3.03 2.42 2.06 4.26 3.03 2.42 2.06
4.37 3.49 2.97 6.15 4.37 3.49 2.97
5.89 4.70 4.00 8.28 5.89 4.70 4.00
1.51 1.21 1.03 2.13 1.51 1.21 1.03
1.51 1.21 1.03 2.13 1.51 1.21 1.03
3.03 2.42 2.06 4.26 3.03 2.42 2.06
87.99 70.27 59.78 123.77 87.99 70.27 59.78
35.00 27.94 23.77 49.22 35.00 27.94 23.77
588.54 469.96 399.82 827.80 588.54 469.96 399.82
35.00 27.94 23.77 49.22 35.00 27.94 23.77
29.11 23.24 19.77 40.94 29.11 23.24 19.77
294.10 234.84 199.80 413.66 294.10 234.84 199.80
146.88 117.29 99.78 206.60 146.88 117.29 99.78
146.88 117.29 99.78 206.60 146.88 117.29 99.78
146.88 117.29 99.78 206.60 146.88 117.29 99.78
146.88 117.29 99.78 206.60 146.88 117.29 99.78
588.54 469.96 399.82 827.80 588.54 469.96 399.82
164.55 131.39 111.79 231.44 164.55 131.39 111.79
99.77 79.67 67.78 140.33 99.77 79.67 67.78
35.00 27.94 23.77 49.22 35.00 27.94 23.77
9.76 7.79 6.63 13.73 9.76 7.79 6.63
38.87 31.03 26.40 54.67 38.87 31.03 26.40
53.84 42.99 36.58 75.73 53.84 42.99 36.58
383.11 305.91 260.26 538.85 383.11 305.91 260.26
883.31 705.34 600.08 1,242.41 883.31 705.34 600.08
1,472.19 1,175.56 1,000.13 2,070.69 1,472.19 1,175.56 1,000.13
2,061.06 1,645.79 1,400.18 2,898.96 2,061.06 1,645.79 1,400.18
2,649.94 2,116.01 1,800.23 3,727.24 2,649.94 2,116.01 1,800.23
470.76 375.91 319.81 662.15 470.76 375.91 319.81
470.76 375.91 319.81 662.15 470.76 375.91 319.81
470.76 375.91 319.81 662.15 470.76 375.91 319.81
883.31 705.34 600.08 1,242.41 883.31 705.34 600.08
294.44 235.11 200.03 414.14 294.44 235.11 200.03
58.89 47.02 40.01 82.83 58.89 47.02 40.01
252.38 201.53 171.45 354.98 252.38 201.53 171.45
146.88 117.29 99.78 206.60 146.88 117.29 99.78
88.33 70.53 60.01 124.24 88.33 70.53 60.01
87.99 70.27 59.78 123.77 87.99 70.27 59.78
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24.29 19.40 16.50 34.16 24.29 19.40 16.50

22.51 17.98 15.29 31.66 22.51 17.98 15.29
18.91 15.10 12.85 26.60 18.91 15.10 12.85
16.21 12.94 11.01 22.79 16.21 12.94 11.01
13.50 10.78 9.17 18.99 13.50 10.78 9.17
10.83 8.65 7.36 15.23 10.83 8.65 7.36
9.48 7.57 6.44 13.33 9.48 7.57 6.44
8.12 6.49 5.52 11.42 8.12 6.49 5.52
7.04 5.62 4.78 9.90 7.04 5.62 4.78
6.23 4.97 4.23 8.76 6.23 4.97 4.23
5.41 4.32 3.68 7.62 5.41 4.32 3.68
5.14 4.11 3.49 7.24 5.14 4.11 3.49
4.87 3.89 3.31 6.85 4.87 3.89 3.31
4.60 3.68 3.13 6.47 4.60 3.68 3.13
4.33 3.46 2.94 6.09 4.33 3.46 2.94
4.06 3.24 2.76 5.71 4.06 3.24 2.76
3.67 2.93 2.50 5.17 3.67 2.93 2.50
3.25 2.59 2.21 4.57 3.25 2.59 2.21
2.98 2.38 2.02 4.19 2.98 2.38 2.02
2.71 2.16 1.84 3.81 2.71 2.16 1.84
5.41 4.32 3.68 7.62 5.41 4.32 3.68
2.71 2.16 1.84 3.81 2.71 2.16 1.84
1.04 0.83 0.71 1.47 1.04 0.83 0.71
0.93 0.74 0.63 1.31 0.93 0.74 0.63
0.67 0.54 0.46 0.95 0.67 0.54 0.46
5.41 4.32 3.68 7.62 5.41 4.32 3.68
3.79 3.03 2.58 5.33 3.79 3.03 2.58
2.67 2.13 1.81 3.75 2.67 2.13 1.81
1.90 1.51 1.29 2.67 1.90 1.51 1.29
1.55 1.24 1.05 2.18 1.55 1.24 1.05
1.04 0.83 0.71 1.47 1.04 0.83 0.71
0.89 0.71 0.60 1.25 0.89 0.71 0.60
0.72 0.57 0.49 1.01 0.72 0.57 0.49
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674.62 538.70 458.30 948.88 674.62 538.70 458.30
1,214.34 969.67 824.96 1,708.01 1,214.34 969.67 824.96
1,349.25 1,077.39 916.61 1,897.77 1,349.25 1,077.39 916.61
2,023.87 1,616.09 1,374.91 2,846.65 2,023.87 1,616.09 1,374.91
215.75 172.28 146.57 303.46 215.75 172.28 146.57
647.67 517.17 439.99 910.97 647.67 517.17 439.99
15.97 12.76 10.85 22.47 15.97 12.76 10.85
67.49 53.89 45.85 94.93 67.49 53.89 45.85
134.95 107.76 91.68 189.81 134.95 107.76 91.68
202.40 161.62 137.50 284.69 202.40 161.62 137.50
269.86 215.49 183.33 379.56 269.86 215.49 183.33
404.81 323.24 275.00 569.37 404.81 323.24 275.00
269.86 215.49 183.33 379.56 269.86 215.49 183.33
13.50 10.78 9.17 18.99 13.50 10.78 9.17
134.95 107.76 91.68 189.81 134.95 107.76 91.68
40.50 32.34 27.51 56.96 40.50 32.34 27.51
4.49 3.58 3.05 6.31 4.49 3.58 3.05
17.83 14.24 12.11 25.08 17.83 14.24 12.11
24.72 19.74 16.79 34.76 24.72 19.74 16.79
269.86 215.49 183.33 379.56 269.86 215.49 183.33
102.57 81.91 69.68 144.27 102.57 81.91 69.68
674.62 538.70 458.30 948.88 674.62 538.70 458.30
944.48 754.18 641.63 1,328.45 944.48 754.18 641.63
67.49 53.89 45.85 94.93 67.49 53.89 45.85
40.38 32.24 27.43 56.80 40.38 32.24 27.43
161.25 128.76 109.54 226.80 161.25 128.76 109.54
10.60 8.46 7.20 14.91 10.60 8.46 7.20
9.83 7.85 6.68 13.82 9.83 7.85 6.68
8.24 6.58 5.60 11.60 8.24 6.58 5.60
7.07 5.64 4.80 9.94 7.07 5.64 4.80
5.89 4.70 4.00 8.28 5.89 4.70 4.00
4.71 3.76 3.20 6.63 4.71 3.76 3.20
4.14 3.31 2.81 5.82 4.14 3.31 2.81
3.53 2.82 2.40 4.97 3.53 2.82 2.40
3.06 2.45 2.08 4.31 3.06 2.45 2.08
2.73 2.18 1.85 3.83 2.73 2.18 1.85
2.36 1.88 1.60 3.31 2.36 1.88 1.60
2.25 1.80 1.53 3.17 2.25 1.80 1.53
2.12 1.69 1.44 2.98 2.12 1.69 1.44
2.02 1.61 1.37 2.84 2.02 1.61 1.37
1.88 1.50 1.28 2.65 1.88 1.50 1.28
1.78 1.42 1.21 2.51 1.78 1.42 1.21
1.58 1.26 1.07 2.22 1.58 1.26 1.07
1.41 1.13 0.96 1.99 1.41 1.13 0.96
1.31 1.05 0.89 1.85 1.31 1.05 0.89
1.18 0.94 0.80 1.66 1.18 0.94 0.80
2.36 1.88 1.60 3.31 2.36 1.88 1.60
1.18 0.94 0.80 1.66 1.18 0.94 0.80
0.44 0.35 0.30 0.62 0.44 0.35 0.30
0.40 0.32 0.27 0.57 0.40 0.32 0.27
0.30 0.24 0.21 0.43 0.30 0.24 0.21
2.36 1.88 1.60 3.31 2.36 1.88 1.60
1.65 1.32 1.12 2.32 1.65 1.32 1.12
1.18 0.94 0.80 1.66 1.18 0.94 0.80
0.84 0.67 0.57 1.18 0.84 0.67 0.57
0.67 0.54 0.46 0.95 0.67 0.54 0.46
0.44 0.35 0.30 0.62 0.44 0.35 0.30
0.37 0.30 0.25 0.52 0.37 0.30 0.25
0.30 0.24 0.21 0.43 0.30 0.24 0.21
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294.44 235.11 200.03 414.14 294.44 235.11 200.03
529.99 423.20 360.05 745.45 529.99 423.20 360.05
529.99 423.20 360.05 745.45 529.99 423.20 360.05
588.88 470.23 400.05 828.28 588.88 470.23 400.05
94.15 75.18 63.96 132.43 94.15 75.18 63.96
282.66 225.71 192.02 397.57 282.66 225.71 192.02
7.00 5.59 4.75 9.84 7.00 5.59 4.75
29.44 23.51 20.00 41.41 29.44 23.51 20.00
58.89 47.02 40.01 82.83 58.89 47.02 40.01
88.33 70.53 60.01 124.24 88.33 70.53 60.01
117.78 94.05 80.01 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01
176.66 141.07 120.02 248.48 176.66 141.07 120.02
117.78 94.05 80.01 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01
5.89 4.70 4.00 8.28 5.89 4.70 4.00
58.89 47.02 40.01 82.83 58.89 47.02 40.01
17.67 14.11 12.00 24.85 17.67 14.11 12.00
1.95 1.56 1.33 2.75 1.95 1.56 1.33
7.77 6.21 5.28 10.93 7.77 6.21 5.28
10.77 8.60 7.32 15.15 10.77 8.60 7.32
117.78 94.05 80.01 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01
44.75 35.74 30.40 62.95 44.75 35.74 30.40
294.44 235.11 200.03 414.14 294.44 235.11 200.03
412.21 329.16 280.04 579.79 412.21 329.16 280.04
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
17.60 14.05 11.96 24.75 17.60 14.05 11.96
70.36 56.19 47.80 98.97 70.36 56.19 47.80
31.80 25.39 21.60 44.73 31.80 25.39 21.60
29.48 23.54 20.03 41.46 29.48 23.54 20.03
24.73 19.75 16.80 34.79 24.73 19.75 16.80
21.20 16.93 14.40 29.82 21.20 16.93 14.40
17.67 14.11 12.00 24.85 17.67 14.11 12.00
14.13 11.29 9.60 19.88 14.13 11.29 9.60
12.42 9.92 8.44 17.46 12.42 9.92 8.44
10.60 8.46 7.20 14.91 10.60 8.46 7.20
9.19 7.34 6.24 12.92 9.19 7.34 6.24
8.18 6.53 5.55 11.50 8.18 6.53 5.55
7.07 5.64 4.80 9.94 7.07 5.64 4.80
6.76 5.40 4.59 9.51 6.76 5.40 4.59
6.36 5.08 4.32 8.95 6.36 5.08 4.32
6.06 4.84 4.11 8.52 6.06 4.84 4.11
5.65 4.51 3.84 7.95 5.65 4.51 3.84
5.35 4.27 3.63 7.53 5.35 4.27 3.63
4.74 3.79 3.22 6.67 4.74 3.79 3.22
4.24 3.39 2.88 5.96 4.24 3.39 2.88
3.94 3.14 2.67 5.54 3.94 3.14 2.67
3.53 2.82 2.40 4.97 3.53 2.82 2.40
7.07 5.64 4.80 9.94 7.07 5.64 4.80
3.53 2.82 2.40 4.97 3.53 2.82 2.40
1.31 1.05 0.89 1.85 1.31 1.05 0.89
1.21 0.97 0.82 1.70 1.21 0.97 0.82
0.91 0.73 0.62 1.28 0.91 0.73 0.62
7.07 5.64 4.80 9.94 7.07 5.64 4.80
4.95 3.95 3.36 6.96 4.95 3.95 3.36
3.53 2.82 2.40 4.97 3.53 2.82 2.40
2.52 2.02 1.71 3.55 2.52 2.02 1.71
2.02 1.61 1.37 2.84 2.02 1.61 1.37
1.31 1.05 0.89 1.85 1.31 1.05 0.89
1.11 0.89 0.75 1.56 1.11 0.89 0.75
0.91 0.73 0.62 1.28 0.91 0.73 0.62
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883.31 705.34 600.08 1,242.41 883.31 705.34 600.08
1,589.96 1,269.61 1,080.14 2,236.34 1,589.96 1,269.61 1,080.14
1,589.96 1,269.61 1,080.14 2,236.34 1,589.96 1,269.61 1,080.14
1,766.63 1,410.68 1,200.15 2,484.83 1,766.63 1,410.68 1,200.15
282.46 225.55 191.89 397.29 282.46 225.55 191.89
847.98 677.12 576.07 1,192.72 847.98 677.12 576.07
21.00 16.77 14.26 29.53 21.00 16.77 14.26
88.33 70.53 60.01 124.24 88.33 70.53 60.01
176.66 141.07 120.02 248.48 176.66 141.07 120.02
264.99 211.60 180.02 372.72 264.99 211.60 180.02
353.33 282.14 240.03 496.97 353.33 282.14 240.03
529.99 423.20 360.05 745.45 529.99 423.20 360.05
353.33 282.14 240.03 496.97 353.33 282.14 240.03
17.67 14.11 12.00 24.85 17.67 14.11 12.00
176.66 141.07 120.02 248.48 176.66 141.07 120.02
53.00 42.32 36.00 74.54 53.00 42.32 36.00
5.86 4.68 3.98 8.24 5.86 4.68 3.98
23.32 18.62 15.84 32.80 23.32 18.62 15.84
32.30 25.80 21.95 45.44 32.30 25.80 21.95
353.33 282.14 240.03 496.97 353.33 282.14 240.03
134.26 107.21 91.21 188.85 134.26 107.21 91.21
883.31 705.34 600.08 1,242.41 883.31 705.34 600.08
1,236.64 987.47 840.11 1,739.38 1,236.64 987.47 840.11
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
52.80 42.16 35.87 74.26 52.80 42.16 35.87
211.09 168.56 143.40 296.90 211.09 168.56 143.40
42.40 33.86 28.80 59.64 42.40 33.86 28.80
39.30 31.38 26.70 55.28 39.30 31.38 26.70
32.98 26.33 22.40 46.38 32.98 26.33 22.40
28.27 22.57 19.20 39.76 28.27 22.57 19.20
23.56 18.81 16.00 33.13 23.56 18.81 16.00
18.84 15.05 12.80 26.50 18.84 15.05 12.80
16.56 13.22 11.25 23.29 16.56 13.22 11.25
14.13 11.29 9.60 19.88 14.13 11.29 9.60
12.25 9.78 8.32 17.23 12.25 9.78 8.32
10.90 8.71 7.41 15.33 10.90 8.71 7.41
9.42 7.52 6.40 13.25 9.42 7.52 6.40
9.02 7.20 6.13 12.68 9.02 7.20 6.13
8.48 6.77 5.76 11.93 8.48 6.77 5.76
8.08 6.45 5.49 11.36 8.08 6.45 5.49
7.54 6.02 5.12 10.60 7.54 6.02 5.12
7.13 5.70 4.85 10.03 7.13 5.70 4.85
6.33 5.05 4.30 8.90 6.33 5.05 4.30
5.65 4.51 3.84 7.95 5.65 4.51 3.84
5.25 4.19 3.57 7.38 5.25 4.19 3.57
4.71 3.76 3.20 6.63 4.71 3.76 3.20
9.42 7.52 6.40 13.25 9.42 7.52 6.40
4.71 3.76 3.20 6.63 4.71 3.76 3.20
1.75 1.40 1.19 2.46 1.75 1.40 1.19
1.62 1.29 1.10 2.27 1.62 1.29 1.10
1.21 0.97 0.82 1.70 1.21 0.97 0.82
9.42 7.52 6.40 13.25 9.42 7.52 6.40
6.60 5.27 4.48 9.28 6.60 5.27 4.48
4.71 3.76 3.20 6.63 4.71 3.76 3.20
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
2.69 2.15 1.83 3.79 2.69 2.15 1.83
1.75 1.40 1.19 2.46 1.75 1.40 1.19
1.48 1.18 1.01 2.08 1.48 1.18 1.01
1.21 0.97 0.82 1.70 1.21 0.97 0.82
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1,177.75 940.45 800.10 1,656.55 1,177.75 940.45 800.10
2,119.95 1,692.81 1,440.18 2,981.79 2,119.95 1,692.81 1,440.18
2,119.95 1,692.81 1,440.18 2,981.79 2,119.95 1,692.81 1,440.18
2,355.50 1,880.90 1,600.20 3,313.10 2,355.50 1,880.90 1,600.20
376.61 300.73 255.85 529.72 376.61 300.73 255.85
1,130.64 902.83 768.10 1,590.29 1,130.64 902.83 768.10
28.00 22.36 19.02 39.38 28.00 22.36 19.02
117.78 94.05 80.01 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01
235.55 188.09 160.02 331.31 235.55 188.09 160.02
353.33 282.14 240.03 496.97 353.33 282.14 240.03
471.10 376.18 320.04 662.62 471.10 376.18 320.04
706.65 564.27 480.06 993.93 706.65 564.27 480.06
471.10 376.18 320.04 662.62 471.10 376.18 320.04
23.56 18.81 16.00 33.13 23.56 18.81 16.00
235.55 188.09 160.02 331.31 235.55 188.09 160.02
70.67 56.43 48.01 99.39 70.67 56.43 48.01
7.81 6.23 5.30 10.98 7.81 6.23 5.30
31.09 24.83 21.12 43.73 31.09 24.83 21.12
43.07 34.39 29.26 60.58 43.07 34.39 29.26
471.10 376.18 320.04 662.62 471.10 376.18 320.04
179.02 142.95 121.62 251.80 179.02 142.95 121.62
1,177.75 940.45 800.10 1,656.55 1,177.75 940.45 800.10
1,648.85 1,316.63 1,120.14 2,319.17 1,648.85 1,316.63 1,120.14
201.90 161.22 137.16 283.98 201.90 161.22 137.16
70.40 56.21 47.82 99.01 70.40 56.21 47.82
281.45 224.74 191.20 395.87 281.45 224.74 191.20
53.00 42.32 36.00 74.54 53.00 42.32 36.00
49.13 39.23 33.38 69.10 49.13 39.23 33.38
41.22 32.92 28.00 57.98 41.22 32.92 28.00
35.33 28.21 24.00 49.70 35.33 28.21 24.00
29.44 23.51 20.00 41.41 29.44 23.51 20.00
23.56 18.81 16.00 33.13 23.56 18.81 16.00
20.69 16.53 14.06 29.11 20.69 16.53 14.06
17.67 14.11 12.00 24.85 17.67 14.11 12.00
15.31 12.23 10.40 21.54 15.31 12.23 10.40
13.63 10.88 9.26 19.17 13.63 10.88 9.26
11.78 9.40 8.00 16.57 11.78 9.40 8.00
11.27 9.00 7.66 15.86 11.27 9.00 7.66
10.60 8.46 7.20 14.91 10.60 8.46 7.20
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
9.42 7.52 6.40 13.25 9.42 7.52 6.40
8.92 7.12 6.06 12.54 8.92 7.12 6.06
7.91 6.31 5.37 11.12 7.91 6.31 5.37
7.07 5.64 4.80 9.94 7.07 5.64 4.80
6.56 5.24 4.46 9.23 6.56 5.24 4.46
5.89 4.70 4.00 8.28 5.89 4.70 4.00
11.78 9.40 8.00 16.57 11.78 9.40 8.00
5.89 4.70 4.00 8.28 5.89 4.70 4.00
2.19 1.75 1.49 3.08 2.19 1.75 1.49
2.02 1.61 1.37 2.84 2.02 1.61 1.37
1.51 1.21 1.03 2.13 1.51 1.21 1.03
11.78 9.40 8.00 16.57 11.78 9.40 8.00
8.24 6.58 5.60 11.60 8.24 6.58 5.60
5.89 4.70 4.00 8.28 5.89 4.70 4.00
4.21 3.36 2.86 5.92 4.21 3.36 2.86
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
2.19 1.75 1.49 3.08 2.19 1.75 1.49
1.85 1.48 1.26 2.60 1.85 1.48 1.26
1.51 1.21 1.03 2.13 1.51 1.21 1.03
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1,472.19 1,175.56 1,000.13 2,070.69 1,472.19 1,175.56 1,000.13
2,649.94 2,116.01 1,800.23 3,727.24 2,649.94 2,116.01 1,800.23
2,649.94 2,116.01 1,800.23 3,727.24 2,649.94 2,116.01 1,800.23
2,944.38 2,351.13 2,000.25 4,141.38 2,944.38 2,351.13 2,000.25
470.76 375.91 319.81 662.15 470.76 375.91 319.81
1,413.30 1,128.54 960.12 1,987.86 1,413.30 1,128.54 960.12
35.00 27.94 23.77 49.22 35.00 27.94 23.77
147.22 117.56 100.01 207.07 147.22 117.56 100.01
294.44 235.11 200.03 414.14 294.44 235.11 200.03
441.66 352.67 300.04 621.21 441.66 352.67 300.04
588.88 470.23 400.05 828.28 588.88 470.23 400.05
883.31 705.34 600.08 1,242.41 883.31 705.34 600.08
588.88 470.23 400.05 828.28 588.88 470.23 400.05
29.44 23.51 20.00 41.41 29.44 23.51 20.00
294.44 235.11 200.03 414.14 294.44 235.11 200.03
88.33 70.53 60.01 124.24 88.33 70.53 60.01
9.76 7.79 6.63 13.73 9.76 7.79 6.63
38.87 31.03 26.40 54.67 38.87 31.03 26.40
53.84 42.99 36.58 75.73 53.84 42.99 36.58
588.88 470.23 400.05 828.28 588.88 470.23 400.05
223.77 178.69 152.02 314.74 223.77 178.69 152.02
1,472.19 1,175.56 1,000.13 2,070.69 1,472.19 1,175.56 1,000.13
2,061.06 1,645.79 1,400.18 2,898.96 2,061.06 1,645.79 1,400.18
252.38 201.53 171.45 354.98 252.38 201.53 171.45
87.99 70.27 59.78 123.77 87.99 70.27 59.78
351.81 280.93 239.00 494.84 351.81 280.93 239.00
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76.08 60.75 51.69 107.01 76.08 60.75 51.69

55.29 44.15 37.56 77.76 55.29 44.15 37.56
173.13 138.25 117.61 243.51 173.13 138.25 117.61
145.40 116.11 98.78 204.51 145.40 116.11 98.78
252.85 201.90 171.77 355.64 252.85 201.90 171.77
221.65 176.99 150.58 311.76 221.65 176.99 150.58
131.54 105.03 89.36 185.01 131.54 105.03 89.36
96.88 77.36 65.81 136.26 96.88 77.36 65.81
93.41 74.59 63.46 131.39 93.41 74.59 63.46
83.01 66.29 56.40 116.76 83.01 66.29 56.40
22.55 18.01 15.32 31.72 22.55 18.01 15.32
62.22 49.68 42.27 87.51 62.22 49.68 42.27
8.68 6.93 5.90 12.21 8.68 6.93 5.90
13.70 10.94 9.30 19.26 13.70 10.94 9.30
13.70 10.94 9.30 19.26 13.70 10.94 9.30
34.49 27.54 23.43 48.51 34.49 27.54 23.43
0.17 0.13 0.11 0.24 0.17 0.13 0.11
0.13 0.10 0.09 0.18 0.13 0.10 0.09
0.11 0.09 0.08 0.16 0.11 0.09 0.08
0.10 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07
0.08 0.07 0.06 0.12 0.08 0.07 0.06
0.07 0.06 0.05 0.10 0.07 0.06 0.05
37.96 30.31 25.79 53.39 37.96 30.31 25.79
10.40 8.30 7.06 14.62 10.40 8.30 7.06
13.70 10.94 9.30 19.26 13.70 10.94 9.30
13.70 10.94 9.30 19.26 13.70 10.94 9.30
34.49 27.54 23.43 48.51 34.49 27.54 23.43
6.50 5.19 4.41 9.14 6.50 5.19 4.41
8.12 6.49 5.52 11.42 8.12 6.49 5.52
9.75 7.78 6.62 13.71 9.75 7.78 6.62
100.34 80.13 68.17 141.14 100.34 80.13 68.17
51.82 41.38 35.20 72.89 51.82 41.38 35.20
32.26 25.76 21.91 45.37 32.26 25.76 21.91
80.91 64.61 54.97 113.81 80.91 64.61 54.97
13.70 10.94 9.30 19.26 13.70 10.94 9.30
26.01 20.77 17.67 36.59 26.01 20.77 17.67
34.66 27.68 23.55 48.75 34.66 27.68 23.55
69.32 55.35 47.09 97.50 69.32 55.35 47.09
69.32 55.35 47.09 97.50 69.32 55.35 47.09
10.40 8.30 7.06 14.62 10.40 8.30 7.06
103.98 83.03 70.64 146.25 103.98 83.03 70.64
69.32 55.35 47.09 97.50 69.32 55.35 47.09
10.40 8.30 7.06 14.62 10.40 8.30 7.06
34.49 27.54 23.43 48.51 34.49 27.54 23.43
0.17 0.13 0.11 0.24 0.17 0.13 0.11
0.13 0.10 0.09 0.18 0.13 0.10 0.09
0.11 0.09 0.08 0.16 0.11 0.09 0.08
0.10 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07
0.08 0.07 0.06 0.12 0.08 0.07 0.06
0.07 0.06 0.05 0.10 0.07 0.06 0.05
51.82 41.38 35.20 72.89 51.82 41.38 35.20
34.49 27.54 23.43 48.51 34.49 27.54 23.43
86.48 69.06 58.75 121.64 86.48 69.06 58.75
65.68 52.45 44.62 92.39 65.68 52.45 44.62
16.45 13.14 11.18 23.14 16.45 13.14 11.18
13.70 10.94 9.30 19.26 13.70 10.94 9.30
3.43 2.74 2.33 4.83 3.43 2.74 2.33
17.33 13.84 11.77 24.37 17.33 13.84 11.77
34.66 27.68 23.55 48.75 34.66 27.68 23.55
41.59 33.21 28.25 58.50 41.59 33.21 28.25
41.59 33.21 28.25 58.50 41.59 33.21 28.25
10.40 8.30 7.06 14.62 10.40 8.30 7.06
62.39 49.82 42.38 87.75 62.39 49.82 42.38
41.59 33.21 28.25 58.50 41.59 33.21 28.25
10.40 8.30 7.06 14.62 10.40 8.30 7.06
34.49 27.54 23.43 48.51 34.49 27.54 23.43
135.00 107.80 91.71 189.89 135.00 107.80 91.71
34.66 27.68 23.55 48.75 34.66 27.68 23.55
51.82 41.38 35.20 72.89 51.82 41.38 35.20
34.49 27.54 23.43 48.51 34.49 27.54 23.43
86.48 69.06 58.75 121.64 86.48 69.06 58.75
13.70 10.94 9.30 19.26 13.70 10.94 9.30
34.49 27.54 23.43 48.51 34.49 27.54 23.43
26.01 20.77 17.67 36.59 26.01 20.77 17.67
34.66 27.68 23.55 48.75 34.66 27.68 23.55
69.32 55.35 47.09 97.50 69.32 55.35 47.09
69.32 55.35 47.09 97.50 69.32 55.35 47.09
10.40 8.30 7.06 14.62 10.40 8.30 7.06
103.98 83.03 70.64 146.25 103.98 83.03 70.64
69.32 55.35 47.09 97.50 69.32 55.35 47.09
10.40 8.30 7.06 14.62 10.40 8.30 7.06
34.49 27.54 23.43 48.51 34.49 27.54 23.43
0.17 0.13 0.11 0.24 0.17 0.13 0.11
0.13 0.10 0.09 0.18 0.13 0.10 0.09
0.11 0.09 0.08 0.16 0.11 0.09 0.08
0.10 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07
0.08 0.07 0.06 0.12 0.08 0.07 0.06
0.07 0.06 0.05 0.10 0.07 0.06 0.05
51.82 41.38 35.20 72.89 51.82 41.38 35.20
34.49 27.54 23.43 48.51 34.49 27.54 23.43
86.48 69.06 58.75 121.64 86.48 69.06 58.75
83.01 66.29 56.40 116.76 83.01 66.29 56.40
20.80 16.61 14.13 29.25 20.80 16.61 14.13
13.70 10.94 9.30 19.26 13.70 10.94 9.30
3.43 2.74 2.33 4.83 3.43 2.74 2.33
34.49 27.54 23.43 48.51 34.49 27.54 23.43
8.68 6.93 5.90 12.21 8.68 6.93 5.90
17.33 13.84 11.77 24.37 17.33 13.84 11.77
34.66 27.68 23.55 48.75 34.66 27.68 23.55
41.59 33.21 28.25 58.50 41.59 33.21 28.25
41.59 33.21 28.25 58.50 41.59 33.21 28.25
10.40 8.30 7.06 14.62 10.40 8.30 7.06
62.39 49.82 42.38 87.75 62.39 49.82 42.38
41.59 33.21 28.25 58.50 41.59 33.21 28.25
10.40 8.30 7.06 14.62 10.40 8.30 7.06
34.49 27.54 23.43 48.51 34.49 27.54 23.43
15.61 12.47 10.61 21.96 15.61 12.47 10.61
7.81 6.23 5.30 10.98 7.81 6.23 5.30
7.81 6.23 5.30 10.98 7.81 6.23 5.30
15.61 12.47 10.61 21.96 15.61 12.47 10.61
7.81 6.23 5.30 10.98 7.81 6.23 5.30
7.81 6.23 5.30 10.98 7.81 6.23 5.30
93.41 74.59 63.46 131.39 93.41 74.59 63.46
3.20 2.55 2.17 4.50 3.20 2.55 2.17
24.37 19.46 16.55 34.27 24.37 19.46 16.55
24.37 19.46 16.55 34.27 24.37 19.46 16.55
16.09 12.85 10.93 22.63 16.09 12.85 10.93
10.40 8.30 7.06 14.62 10.40 8.30 7.06
97.31 77.71 66.11 136.88 97.31 77.71 66.11
64.86 51.79 44.06 91.23 64.86 51.79 44.06
0.17 0.13 0.11 0.24 0.17 0.13 0.11
0.13 0.10 0.09 0.18 0.13 0.10 0.09
0.11 0.09 0.08 0.16 0.11 0.09 0.08
0.10 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07
0.08 0.07 0.06 0.12 0.08 0.07 0.06
0.07 0.06 0.05 0.10 0.07 0.06 0.05
58.75 46.92 39.91 82.64 58.75 46.92 39.91
3.20 2.55 2.17 4.50 3.20 2.55 2.17
26.01 20.77 17.67 36.59 26.01 20.77 17.67
15.61 12.47 10.61 21.96 15.61 12.47 10.61
17.16 13.70 11.66 24.14 17.16 13.70 11.66
10.40 8.30 7.06 14.62 10.40 8.30 7.06
62.39 49.82 42.38 87.75 62.39 49.82 42.38
41.59 33.21 28.25 58.50 41.59 33.21 28.25
8.12 6.49 5.52 11.42 8.12 6.49 5.52
8.12 6.49 5.52 11.42 8.12 6.49 5.52
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3.20 2.55 2.17 4.50 3.20 2.55 2.17
2.86 2.28 1.94 4.02 2.86 2.28 1.94
2.52 2.02 1.71 3.55 2.52 2.02 1.71
2.19 1.75 1.49 3.08 2.19 1.75 1.49
1.85 1.48 1.26 2.60 1.85 1.48 1.26
1.68 1.34 1.14 2.37 1.68 1.34 1.14
26.01 20.77 17.67 36.59 26.01 20.77 17.67
34.66 27.68 23.55 48.75 34.66 27.68 23.55
26.01 20.77 17.67 36.59 26.01 20.77 17.67
69.32 55.35 47.09 97.50 69.32 55.35 47.09
17.16 13.70 11.66 24.14 17.16 13.70 11.66
10.40 8.30 7.06 14.62 10.40 8.30 7.06
135.17 107.94 91.83 190.12 135.17 107.94 91.83
69.32 55.35 47.09 97.50 69.32 55.35 47.09
102.26 81.66 69.47 143.84 102.26 81.66 69.47
171.58 137.01 116.56 241.34 171.58 137.01 116.56
206.24 164.69 140.11 290.09 206.24 164.69 140.11
275.56 220.04 187.20 387.59 275.56 220.04 187.20
34.49 27.54 23.43 48.51 34.49 27.54 23.43
0.17 0.13 0.11 0.24 0.17 0.13 0.11
0.13 0.10 0.09 0.18 0.13 0.10 0.09
0.11 0.09 0.08 0.16 0.11 0.09 0.08
0.10 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07
0.08 0.07 0.06 0.12 0.08 0.07 0.06
0.07 0.06 0.05 0.10 0.07 0.06 0.05
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2.25 1.80 1.53 3.17 2.25 1.80 1.53
2.02 1.61 1.37 2.84 2.02 1.61 1.37
1.78 1.42 1.21 2.51 1.78 1.42 1.21
1.55 1.24 1.05 2.18 1.55 1.24 1.05
1.31 1.05 0.89 1.85 1.31 1.05 0.89
1.18 0.94 0.80 1.66 1.18 0.94 0.80
26.01 20.77 17.67 36.59 26.01 20.77 17.67
34.66 27.68 23.55 48.75 34.66 27.68 23.55
26.01 20.77 17.67 36.59 26.01 20.77 17.67
41.59 33.21 28.25 58.50 41.59 33.21 28.25
17.16 13.70 11.66 24.14 17.16 13.70 11.66
10.40 8.30 7.06 14.62 10.40 8.30 7.06
81.10 64.76 55.09 114.07 81.10 64.76 55.09
41.59 33.21 28.25 58.50 41.59 33.21 28.25
102.26 81.66 69.47 143.84 102.26 81.66 69.47
171.58 137.01 116.56 241.34 171.58 137.01 116.56
206.24 164.69 140.11 290.09 206.24 164.69 140.11
275.56 220.04 187.20 387.59 275.56 220.04 187.20
34.49 27.54 23.43 48.51 34.49 27.54 23.43
16.09 12.85 10.93 22.63 16.09 12.85 10.93
16.09 12.85 10.93 22.63 16.09 12.85 10.93
9.75 7.78 6.62 13.71 9.75 7.78 6.62
4.87 3.89 3.31 6.85 4.87 3.89 3.31
4.87 3.89 3.31 6.85 4.87 3.89 3.31
58.75 46.92 39.91 82.64 58.75 46.92 39.91
41.42 33.08 28.14 58.26 41.42 33.08 28.14
69.15 55.22 46.98 97.26 69.15 55.22 46.98
44.89 35.84 30.50 63.14 44.89 35.84 30.50
86.48 69.06 58.75 121.64 86.48 69.06 58.75
58.75 46.92 39.91 82.64 58.75 46.92 39.91
129.79 103.64 88.17 182.55 129.79 103.64 88.17
86.48 69.06 58.75 121.64 86.48 69.06 58.75
147.12 117.48 99.94 206.93 147.12 117.48 99.94
105.53 84.26 71.69 148.43 105.53 84.26 71.69
277.11 221.27 188.25 389.76 277.11 221.27 188.25
193.92 154.85 131.74 272.76 193.92 154.85 131.74
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
41.59 33.21 28.25 58.50 41.59 33.21 28.25
34.49 27.54 23.43 48.51 34.49 27.54 23.43
34.49 27.54 23.43 48.51 34.49 27.54 23.43
58.58 46.78 39.80 82.40 58.58 46.78 39.80
58.58 46.78 39.80 82.40 58.58 46.78 39.80
68.98 55.08 46.86 97.03 68.98 55.08 46.86
68.98 55.08 46.86 97.03 68.98 55.08 46.86
103.64 82.76 70.41 145.78 103.64 82.76 70.41
103.64 82.76 70.41 145.78 103.64 82.76 70.41
120.97 96.60 82.18 170.15 120.97 96.60 82.18
120.97 96.60 82.18 170.15 120.97 96.60 82.18
242.28 193.46 164.59 340.78 242.28 193.46 164.59
242.28 193.46 164.59 340.78 242.28 193.46 164.59
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
86.48 69.06 58.75 121.64 86.48 69.06 58.75
86.48 69.06 58.75 121.64 86.48 69.06 58.75
8.68 6.93 5.90 12.21 8.68 6.93 5.90
34.63 27.65 23.52 48.70 34.63 27.65 23.52
86.62 69.16 58.84 121.83 86.62 69.16 58.84
173.30 138.38 117.73 243.75 173.30 138.38 117.73
13.86 11.07 9.42 19.50 13.86 11.07 9.42
26.01 20.77 17.67 36.59 26.01 20.77 17.67
26.01 20.77 17.67 36.59 26.01 20.77 17.67
2.19 1.75 1.49 3.08 2.19 1.75 1.49
38.63 30.85 26.24 54.33 38.63 30.85 26.24
38.63 30.85 26.24 54.33 38.63 30.85 26.24
3.23 2.58 2.19 4.54 3.23 2.58 2.19
60.67 48.45 41.22 85.34 60.67 48.45 41.22
60.67 48.45 41.22 85.34 60.67 48.45 41.22
5.05 4.03 3.43 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
95.33 76.12 64.76 134.09 95.33 76.12 64.76
95.33 76.12 64.76 134.09 95.33 76.12 64.76
7.94 6.34 5.39 11.17 7.94 6.34 5.39
173.30 138.38 117.73 243.75 173.30 138.38 117.73
173.30 138.38 117.73 243.75 173.30 138.38 117.73
14.47 11.55 9.83 20.35 14.47 11.55 9.83
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
10.40 8.30 7.06 14.62 10.40 8.30 7.06
206.24 164.69 140.11 290.09 206.24 164.69 140.11
206.24 164.69 140.11 290.09 206.24 164.69 140.11
221.82 177.13 150.69 312.00 221.82 177.13 150.69
48.52 38.75 32.96 68.25 48.52 38.75 32.96
31.19 24.91 21.19 43.87 31.19 24.91 21.19
62.39 49.82 42.38 87.75 62.39 49.82 42.38
48.52 38.75 32.96 68.25 48.52 38.75 32.96
79.72 63.66 54.16 112.12 79.72 63.66 54.16
55.46 44.28 37.67 78.00 55.46 44.28 37.67
131.71 105.17 89.47 185.25 131.71 105.17 89.47
93.58 74.73 63.57 131.62 93.58 74.73 63.57
162.90 130.08 110.67 229.12 162.90 130.08 110.67
114.38 91.33 77.70 160.87 114.38 91.33 77.70
204.49 163.29 138.92 287.62 204.49 163.29 138.92
142.10 113.47 96.54 199.87 142.10 113.47 96.54
259.95 207.57 176.59 365.62 259.95 207.57 176.59
180.23 143.92 122.44 253.50 180.23 143.92 122.44
346.60 276.76 235.46 487.50 346.60 276.76 235.46
242.62 193.73 164.82 341.25 242.62 193.73 164.82
20.80 16.61 14.13 29.25 20.80 16.61 14.13
20.80 16.61 14.13 29.25 20.80 16.61 14.13
34.66 27.68 23.55 48.75 34.66 27.68 23.55
34.66 27.68 23.55 48.75 34.66 27.68 23.55
48.52 38.75 32.96 68.25 48.52 38.75 32.96
48.52 38.75 32.96 68.25 48.52 38.75 32.96
83.18 66.42 56.51 117.00 83.18 66.42 56.51
83.18 66.42 56.51 117.00 83.18 66.42 56.51
100.51 80.26 68.28 141.37 100.51 80.26 68.28
100.51 80.26 68.28 141.37 100.51 80.26 68.28
121.31 96.87 82.41 170.62 121.31 96.87 82.41
121.31 96.87 82.41 170.62 121.31 96.87 82.41
166.37 132.85 113.02 234.00 166.37 132.85 113.02
166.37 132.85 113.02 234.00 166.37 132.85 113.02
235.68 188.20 160.11 331.50 235.68 188.20 160.11
235.68 188.20 160.11 331.50 235.68 188.20 160.11
69.32 55.35 47.09 97.50 69.32 55.35 47.09
65.29 52.13 44.35 91.83 65.29 52.13 44.35
7.89 6.30 5.36 11.10 7.89 6.30 5.36
14.70 11.74 9.98 20.67 14.70 11.74 9.98
14.70 11.74 9.98 20.67 14.70 11.74 9.98
14.70 11.74 9.98 20.67 14.70 11.74 9.98
10.40 8.30 7.06 14.62 10.40 8.30 7.06
20.80 16.61 14.13 29.25 20.80 16.61 14.13
33.28 26.57 22.61 46.81 33.28 26.57 22.61
37.42 29.88 25.42 52.63 37.42 29.88 25.42
41.59 33.21 28.25 58.50 41.59 33.21 28.25
83.18 66.42 56.51 117.00 83.18 66.42 56.51
124.77 99.63 84.76 175.50 124.77 99.63 84.76
155.97 124.54 105.96 219.37 155.97 124.54 105.96
29.43 23.50 20.00 41.40 29.43 23.50 20.00
346.60 276.76 235.46 487.50 346.60 276.76 235.46
65.33 52.16 44.38 91.89 65.33 52.16 44.38
519.89 415.14 353.19 731.25 519.89 415.14 353.19
103.98 83.03 70.64 146.25 103.98 83.03 70.64
901.15 719.58 612.19 1,267.50 901.15 719.58 612.19
169.87 135.65 115.40 238.93 169.87 135.65 115.40
179.70 143.49 122.08 252.75 179.70 143.49 122.08
343.04 273.92 233.04 482.49 343.04 273.92 233.04
702.40 560.87 477.17 987.95 702.40 560.87 477.17
163.34 130.43 110.96 229.74 163.34 130.43 110.96
522.66 417.35 355.07 735.14 522.66 417.35 355.07
359.36 286.95 244.13 505.45 359.36 286.95 244.13
42.82 34.19 29.09 60.22 42.82 34.19 29.09
9.09 7.25 6.17 12.78 9.09 7.25 6.17
21.39 17.08 14.53 30.08 21.39 17.08 14.53
4.54 3.63 3.09 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
21.39 17.08 14.53 30.08 21.39 17.08 14.53
4.54 3.63 3.09 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
21.39 17.08 14.53 30.08 21.39 17.08 14.53
4.54 3.63 3.09 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
64.21 51.27 43.62 90.31 64.21 51.27 43.62
13.63 10.88 9.26 19.17 13.63 10.88 9.26
64.21 51.27 43.62 90.31 64.21 51.27 43.62
13.63 10.88 9.26 19.17 13.63 10.88 9.26
64.21 51.27 43.62 90.31 64.21 51.27 43.62
13.63 10.88 9.26 19.17 13.63 10.88 9.26
64.21 51.27 43.62 90.31 64.21 51.27 43.62
13.63 10.88 9.26 19.17 13.63 10.88 9.26
64.21 51.27 43.62 90.31 64.21 51.27 43.62
13.63 10.88 9.26 19.17 13.63 10.88 9.26
85.59 68.35 58.15 120.39 85.59 68.35 58.15
18.17 14.51 12.34 25.56 18.17 14.51 12.34
85.59 68.35 58.15 120.39 85.59 68.35 58.15
18.17 14.51 12.34 25.56 18.17 14.51 12.34
64.21 51.27 43.62 90.31 64.21 51.27 43.62
13.63 10.88 9.26 19.17 13.63 10.88 9.26
19.65 15.69 13.35 27.64 19.65 15.69 13.35
4.17 3.33 2.83 5.87 4.17 3.33 2.83
64.21 51.27 43.62 90.31 64.21 51.27 43.62
12.84 10.25 8.72 18.06 12.84 10.25 8.72
19.65 15.69 13.35 27.64 19.65 15.69 13.35
4.17 3.33 2.83 5.87 4.17 3.33 2.83
64.21 51.27 43.62 90.31 64.21 51.27 43.62
13.63 10.88 9.26 19.17 13.63 10.88 9.26
3.47 2.77 2.35 4.87 3.47 2.77 2.35
8.68 6.93 5.90 12.21 8.68 6.93 5.90
51.99 41.51 35.32 73.12 51.99 41.51 35.32
4.34 3.47 2.95 6.11 4.34 3.47 2.95
8.31 6.64 5.65 11.69 8.31 6.64 5.65
15.95 12.74 10.84 22.43 15.95 12.74 10.84
30.49 24.34 20.71 42.88 30.49 24.34 20.71
58.21 46.49 39.55 81.88 58.21 46.49 39.55
84.56 67.52 57.45 118.94 84.56 67.52 57.45
110.91 88.56 75.35 156.00 110.91 88.56 75.35
210.72 168.26 143.15 296.38 210.72 168.26 143.15
399.29 318.84 271.26 561.62 399.29 318.84 271.26
754.20 602.24 512.36 1,060.81 754.20 602.24 512.36
1,419.66 1,133.62 964.44 1,996.81 1,419.66 1,133.62 964.44
65.29 52.13 44.35 91.83 65.29 52.13 44.35
13.83 11.04 9.40 19.45 13.83 11.04 9.40
277.24 221.38 188.34 389.95 277.24 221.38 188.34
61.98 49.49 42.11 87.18 61.98 49.49 42.11
82.78 66.10 56.24 116.43 82.78 66.10 56.24
165.96 132.52 112.75 233.43 165.96 132.52 112.75
249.14 198.95 169.26 350.43 249.14 198.95 169.26
332.33 265.37 225.77 467.43 332.33 265.37 225.77
540.28 431.42 367.04 759.93 540.28 431.42 367.04
748.24 597.48 508.31 1,052.43 748.24 597.48 508.31
29.11 23.24 19.77 40.94 29.11 23.24 19.77
59.90 47.83 40.69 84.25 59.90 47.83 40.69
95.84 76.53 65.11 134.80 95.84 76.53 65.11
184.00 146.93 125.00 258.80 184.00 146.93 125.00
264.93 211.55 179.98 372.63 264.93 211.55 179.98
339.12 270.80 230.38 476.99 339.12 270.80 230.38
488.33 389.94 331.74 686.85 488.33 389.94 331.74
781.35 623.92 530.81 1,099.00 781.35 623.92 530.81
1,500.18 1,197.92 1,019.14 2,110.07 1,500.18 1,197.92 1,019.14
2,880.34 2,299.99 1,956.75 4,051.31 2,880.34 2,299.99 1,956.75
130.69 104.36 88.79 183.83 130.69 104.36 88.79
27.73 22.14 18.84 39.00 27.73 22.14 18.84
228.63 182.56 155.32 321.57 228.63 182.56 155.32
48.49 38.72 32.94 68.20 48.49 38.72 32.94
8.68 6.93 5.90 12.21 8.68 6.93 5.90
8.68 6.93 5.90 12.21 8.68 6.93 5.90
218.88 174.78 148.70 307.86 218.88 174.78 148.70
290.74 232.16 197.52 408.94 290.74 232.16 197.52
235.20 187.81 159.78 330.82 235.20 187.81 159.78
176.37 140.84 119.82 248.07 176.37 140.84 119.82
32.68 26.10 22.20 45.97 32.68 26.10 22.20
32.68 26.10 22.20 45.97 32.68 26.10 22.20
32.68 26.10 22.20 45.97 32.68 26.10 22.20
32.68 26.10 22.20 45.97 32.68 26.10 22.20
65.33 52.16 44.38 91.89 65.33 52.16 44.38
32.68 26.10 22.20 45.97 32.68 26.10 22.20
163.30 130.40 110.94 229.69 163.30 130.40 110.94
3.47 2.77 2.35 4.87 3.47 2.77 2.35
8.68 6.93 5.90 12.21 8.68 6.93 5.90
13.86 11.07 9.42 19.50 13.86 11.07 9.42
12.48 9.97 8.48 17.56 12.48 9.97 8.48
26.35 21.04 17.90 37.06 26.35 21.04 17.90
49.90 39.85 33.90 70.19 49.90 39.85 33.90
37.42 29.88 25.42 52.63 37.42 29.88 25.42
6.93 5.54 4.71 9.75 6.93 5.54 4.71
6.93 5.54 4.71 9.75 6.93 5.54 4.71
6.93 5.54 4.71 9.75 6.93 5.54 4.71
13.86 11.07 9.42 19.50 13.86 11.07 9.42
20.80 16.61 14.13 29.25 20.80 16.61 14.13
13.86 11.07 9.42 19.50 13.86 11.07 9.42
6.93 5.54 4.71 9.75 6.93 5.54 4.71
34.63 27.65 23.52 48.70 34.63 27.65 23.52

26.11 20.85 17.74 36.73 26.11 20.85 17.74

6.16 4.92 4.18 8.66 6.16 4.92 4.18
6.16 4.92 4.18 8.66 6.16 4.92 4.18
214.08 170.95 145.44 301.11 214.08 170.95 145.44
43.54 34.77 29.58 61.25 43.54 34.77 29.58
43.54 34.77 29.58 61.25 43.54 34.77 29.58
387.11 309.11 262.98 544.48 387.11 309.11 262.98
106.23 84.83 72.17 149.42 106.23 84.83 72.17
106.23 84.83 72.17 149.42 106.23 84.83 72.17
1,018.18 813.03 691.70 1,432.11 1,018.18 813.03 691.70
207.18 165.44 140.75 291.41 207.18 165.44 140.75
207.18 165.44 140.75 291.41 207.18 165.44 140.75
1,827.43 1,459.23 1,241.46 2,570.35 1,827.43 1,459.23 1,241.46
371.83 296.91 252.60 523.00 371.83 296.91 252.60
371.83 296.91 252.60 523.00 371.83 296.91 252.60
13.59 10.86 9.24 19.12 13.59 10.86 9.24
7.30 5.83 4.96 10.27 7.30 5.83 4.96
27.05 21.60 18.38 38.05 27.05 21.60 18.38
5.45 4.35 3.70 7.67 5.45 4.35 3.70
15.14 12.09 10.29 21.30 15.14 12.09 10.29
72.18 57.64 49.03 101.52 72.18 57.64 49.03
14.71 11.74 9.99 20.68 14.71 11.74 9.99
14.71 11.74 9.99 20.68 14.71 11.74 9.99
138.03 110.22 93.77 194.15 138.03 110.22 93.77
28.13 22.46 19.11 39.57 28.13 22.46 19.11
28.13 22.46 19.11 39.57 28.13 22.46 19.11
259.78 207.44 176.48 365.39 259.78 207.44 176.48
52.86 42.21 35.91 74.36 52.86 42.21 35.91
52.86 42.21 35.91 74.36 52.86 42.21 35.91
362.21 289.23 246.07 509.46 362.21 289.23 246.07
73.73 58.87 50.09 103.70 73.73 58.87 50.09
73.73 58.87 50.09 103.70 73.73 58.87 50.09
25.44 20.31 17.28 35.78 25.44 20.31 17.28
44.15 35.25 29.99 62.10 44.15 35.25 29.99
44.15 35.25 29.99 62.10 44.15 35.25 29.99
8.88 7.09 6.04 12.50 8.88 7.09 6.04
9.09 7.25 6.17 12.78 9.09 7.25 6.17
349.42 279.02 237.38 491.47 349.42 279.02 237.38
71.17 56.83 48.35 100.10 71.17 56.83 48.35
71.17 56.83 48.35 100.10 71.17 56.83 48.35
852.22 680.51 578.95 1,198.68 852.22 680.51 578.95
173.60 138.62 117.93 244.18 173.60 138.62 117.93
173.60 138.62 117.93 244.18 173.60 138.62 117.93
1,661.84 1,327.00 1,128.96 2,337.44 1,661.84 1,327.00 1,128.96
338.49 270.29 229.95 476.09 338.49 270.29 229.95
338.49 270.29 229.95 476.09 338.49 270.29 229.95
2,982.77 2,381.78 2,026.33 4,195.38 2,982.77 2,381.78 2,026.33
607.55 485.14 412.74 854.54 607.55 485.14 412.74
607.55 485.14 412.74 854.54 607.55 485.14 412.74
9.59 7.66 6.52 13.49 9.59 7.66 6.52
214.08 170.95 145.44 301.11 214.08 170.95 145.44
43.61 34.82 29.63 61.34 43.61 34.82 29.63
43.61 34.82 29.63 61.34 43.61 34.82 29.63
27.05 21.60 18.38 38.05 27.05 21.60 18.38
5.45 4.35 3.70 7.67 5.45 4.35 3.70
5.59 4.46 3.79 7.86 5.59 4.46 3.79
522.11 416.91 354.70 734.37 522.11 416.91 354.70
106.37 84.94 72.26 149.61 106.37 84.94 72.26
106.37 84.94 72.26 149.61 106.37 84.94 72.26
1,018.18 813.03 691.70 1,432.11 1,018.18 813.03 691.70
207.42 165.63 140.91 291.74 207.42 165.63 140.91
207.42 165.63 140.91 291.74 207.42 165.63 140.91
1,827.43 1,459.23 1,241.46 2,570.35 1,827.43 1,459.23 1,241.46
372.24 297.24 252.88 523.56 372.24 297.24 252.88
372.24 297.24 252.88 523.56 372.24 297.24 252.88
13.59 10.86 9.24 19.12 13.59 10.86 9.24
1.45 1.16 0.98 2.04 1.45 1.16 0.98
1.45 1.16 0.98 2.04 1.45 1.16 0.98
7.07 5.64 4.80 9.94 7.07 5.64 4.80
1.45 1.16 0.98 2.04 1.45 1.16 0.98
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43

28.77 22.97 19.55 40.47 28.77 22.97 19.55

8.51 6.80 5.78 11.97 8.51 6.80 5.78
8.58 6.85 5.83 12.07 8.58 6.85 5.83
296.99 237.15 201.76 417.73 296.99 237.15 201.76
60.50 48.31 41.10 85.10 60.50 48.31 41.10
60.50 48.31 41.10 85.10 60.50 48.31 41.10
724.38 578.43 492.11 1,018.87 724.38 578.43 492.11
147.56 117.82 100.24 207.54 147.56 117.82 100.24
147.56 117.82 100.24 207.54 147.56 117.82 100.24
1,412.56 1,127.95 959.62 1,986.82 1,412.56 1,127.95 959.62
287.74 229.77 195.48 404.72 287.74 229.77 195.48
287.74 229.77 195.48 404.72 287.74 229.77 195.48
2,535.36 2,024.52 1,722.39 3,566.08 2,535.36 2,024.52 1,722.39
516.39 412.35 350.81 726.33 516.39 412.35 350.81
516.39 412.35 350.81 726.33 516.39 412.35 350.81
37.52 29.96 25.49 52.77 37.52 29.96 25.49
7.54 6.02 5.12 10.60 7.54 6.02 5.12
7.74 6.18 5.26 10.89 7.74 6.18 5.26
102.26 81.66 69.47 143.84 102.26 81.66 69.47
20.83 16.63 14.15 29.30 20.83 16.63 14.15
20.83 16.63 14.15 29.30 20.83 16.63 14.15
184.07 146.98 125.04 258.90 184.07 146.98 125.04
37.52 29.96 25.49 52.77 37.52 29.96 25.49
37.52 29.96 25.49 52.77 37.52 29.96 25.49
306.79 244.97 208.41 431.51 306.79 244.97 208.41
62.49 49.90 42.45 87.89 62.49 49.90 42.45
62.49 49.90 42.45 87.89 62.49 49.90 42.45
362.21 289.23 246.07 509.46 362.21 289.23 246.07
73.79 58.93 50.13 103.79 73.79 58.93 50.13
73.83 58.95 50.15 103.84 73.83 58.95 50.15
44.38 35.44 30.15 62.43 44.38 35.44 30.15
7.54 6.02 5.12 10.60 7.54 6.02 5.12
36.21 28.91 24.60 50.93 36.21 28.91 24.60
7.40 5.91 5.03 10.41 7.40 5.91 5.03
6.75 5.58 4.77 10.41 7.40 5.91 5.03
102.26 81.66 69.47 143.84 102.26 81.66 69.47
18.98 15.70 13.41 29.30 20.83 16.63 14.15
18.98 15.70 13.41 29.30 20.83 16.63 14.15
167.71 138.72 118.53 258.90 184.07 146.98 125.04
34.19 28.28 24.16 52.77 37.52 29.96 25.49
37.52 29.96 25.49 52.77 37.52 29.96 25.49
306.79 244.97 208.41 431.51 306.79 244.97 208.41
62.52 49.92 42.47 87.94 62.52 49.92 42.47
56.94 47.09 40.24 87.89 62.49 49.90 42.45
361.67 288.80 245.70 508.70 361.67 288.80 245.70
73.76 58.90 50.11 103.75 73.76 58.90 50.11
73.76 58.90 50.11 103.75 73.76 58.90 50.11
42.60 34.02 28.94 59.92 42.60 34.02 28.94
51.79 41.35 35.18 72.84 51.79 41.35 35.18
10.36 8.28 7.04 14.58 10.36 8.28 7.04
10.60 8.46 7.20 14.91 10.60 8.46 7.20
407.06 325.05 276.54 572.55 407.06 325.05 276.54
83.05 66.32 56.42 116.81 83.05 66.32 56.42
83.05 66.32 56.42 116.81 83.05 66.32 56.42
994.26 793.93 675.44 1,398.46 994.26 793.93 675.44
202.54 161.73 137.59 284.88 202.54 161.73 137.59
202.54 161.73 137.59 284.88 202.54 161.73 137.59
1,938.81 1,548.17 1,317.12 2,727.01 1,938.81 1,548.17 1,317.12
394.92 315.35 268.28 555.46 394.92 315.35 268.28
394.92 315.35 268.28 555.46 394.92 315.35 268.28
3,170.70 2,622.60 2,241.00 4,894.63 3,479.91 2,778.76 2,364.07
708.80 565.99 481.52 996.96 708.80 565.99 481.52
708.80 565.99 481.52 996.96 708.80 565.99 481.52
38.63 30.85 26.24 54.33 38.63 30.85 26.24
7.54 6.02 5.12 10.60 7.54 6.02 5.12
7.74 6.18 5.26 10.89 7.74 6.18 5.26
296.99 237.15 201.76 417.73 296.99 237.15 201.76
60.50 48.31 41.10 85.10 60.50 48.31 41.10
55.13 45.60 38.96 85.10 60.50 48.31 41.10
724.38 578.43 492.11 1,018.87 724.38 578.43 492.11
134.44 111.20 95.02 207.54 147.56 117.82 100.24
147.56 117.82 100.24 207.54 147.56 117.82 100.24
1,412.56 1,127.95 959.62 1,986.82 1,412.56 1,127.95 959.62
262.17 216.85 185.30 404.72 287.74 229.77 195.48
287.74 229.77 195.48 404.72 287.74 229.77 195.48
2,535.36 2,024.52 1,722.39 3,566.08 2,535.36 2,024.52 1,722.39
470.51 389.17 332.55 726.33 516.39 412.35 350.81
516.39 412.35 350.81 726.33 516.39 412.35 350.81
73.56 58.74 49.97 103.46 73.56 58.74 49.97
14.77 11.80 10.04 20.78 14.77 11.80 10.04
15.14 12.09 10.29 21.30 15.14 12.09 10.29
73.56 58.74 49.97 103.46 73.56 58.74 49.97
14.77 11.80 10.04 20.78 14.77 11.80 10.04
15.14 12.09 10.29 21.30 15.14 12.09 10.29
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
14.77 11.80 10.04 20.78 14.77 11.80 10.04
15.14 12.09 10.29 21.30 15.14 12.09 10.29
10.73 8.88 7.58 16.57 11.78 9.40 8.00
2.02 1.61 1.37 2.84 2.02 1.61 1.37
2.02 1.61 1.37 2.84 2.02 1.61 1.37
73.56 58.74 49.97 103.46 73.56 58.74 49.97
14.77 11.80 10.04 20.78 14.77 11.80 10.04
15.14 12.09 10.29 21.30 15.14 12.09 10.29
581.54 464.37 395.07 817.96 581.54 464.37 395.07
118.31 94.47 80.38 166.41 118.31 94.47 80.38
118.31 94.47 80.38 166.41 118.31 94.47 80.38
1,418.35 1,132.57 963.55 1,994.96 1,418.35 1,132.57 963.55
288.62 230.46 196.07 405.95 288.62 230.46 196.07
288.62 230.46 196.07 405.95 288.62 230.46 196.07
2,765.79 2,208.53 1,878.93 3,890.19 2,765.79 2,208.53 1,878.93
562.80 449.40 382.33 791.59 562.80 449.40 382.33
562.80 449.40 382.33 791.59 562.80 449.40 382.33
4,964.22 3,964.00 3,372.42 6,982.36 4,964.22 3,964.00 3,372.42
1,010.07 806.56 686.19 1,420.70 1,010.07 806.56 686.19
1,010.07 806.56 686.19 1,420.70 1,010.07 806.56 686.19
6.28 5.02 4.27 8.84 6.28 5.02 4.27
1.45 1.16 0.98 2.04 1.45 1.16 0.98
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
6.06 4.84 4.11 8.52 6.06 4.84 4.11
1.21 0.97 0.82 1.70 1.21 0.97 0.82
2.42 1.93 1.65 3.41 2.42 1.93 1.65
3.26 2.61 2.22 4.59 3.26 2.61 2.22
4.37 3.49 2.97 6.15 4.37 3.49 2.97
5.45 4.35 3.70 7.67 5.45 4.35 3.70
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
15.14 12.09 10.29 21.30 15.14 12.09 10.29
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
40.88 32.65 27.77 57.51 40.88 32.65 27.77
32.71 26.12 22.22 46.00 32.71 26.12 22.22
40.88 32.65 27.77 57.51 40.88 32.65 27.77
12.11 9.67 8.23 17.04 12.11 9.67 8.23
2.42 1.93 1.65 3.41 2.42 1.93 1.65
4.85 3.87 3.29 6.82 4.85 3.87 3.29
6.53 5.21 4.43 9.18 6.53 5.21 4.43
8.72 6.96 5.92 12.26 8.72 6.96 5.92
10.90 8.71 7.41 15.33 10.90 8.71 7.41
7.57 6.05 5.14 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14
1.51 1.21 1.03 2.13 1.51 1.21 1.03
3.03 2.42 2.06 4.26 3.03 2.42 2.06
4.11 3.28 2.79 5.77 4.11 3.28 2.79
5.45 4.35 3.70 7.67 5.45 4.35 3.70
6.83 5.45 4.64 9.61 6.83 5.45 4.64
7.57 6.05 5.14 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14
1.51 1.21 1.03 2.13 1.51 1.21 1.03
3.03 2.42 2.06 4.26 3.03 2.42 2.06
4.11 3.28 2.79 5.77 4.11 3.28 2.79
5.45 4.35 3.70 7.67 5.45 4.35 3.70
6.83 5.45 4.64 9.61 6.83 5.45 4.64
7.57 6.05 5.14 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14
1.51 1.21 1.03 2.13 1.51 1.21 1.03
3.03 2.42 2.06 4.26 3.03 2.42 2.06
4.11 3.28 2.79 5.77 4.11 3.28 2.79
5.45 4.35 3.70 7.67 5.45 4.35 3.70
6.83 5.45 4.64 9.61 6.83 5.45 4.64
0.91 0.73 0.62 1.28 0.91 0.73 0.62
0.18 0.14 0.12 0.25 0.18 0.14 0.12
0.35 0.28 0.24 0.50 0.35 0.28 0.24
0.45 0.36 0.31 0.64 0.45 0.36 0.31
0.61 0.48 0.41 0.85 0.61 0.48 0.41
0.76 0.60 0.51 1.06 0.76 0.60 0.51
45.43 36.27 30.86 63.90 45.43 36.27 30.86
351.82 291.01 248.66 543.11 386.13 308.33 262.32
77.23 61.67 52.46 108.62 77.23 61.67 52.46
88.33 70.53 60.01 124.24 88.33 70.53 60.01
208.51 166.50 141.65 293.28 208.51 166.50 141.65
278.02 222.00 188.87 391.04 278.02 222.00 188.87
316.64 261.91 223.80 488.80 347.52 277.50 236.09
77.23 61.67 52.46 108.62 77.23 61.67 52.46
109.03 87.06 74.07 153.35 109.03 87.06 74.07
13.09 10.45 8.89 18.41 13.09 10.45 8.89
43.61 34.82 29.63 61.34 43.61 34.82 29.63
58.90 47.04 40.02 82.85 58.90 47.04 40.02
78.54 62.71 53.36 110.47 78.54 62.71 53.36
98.17 78.39 66.69 138.09 98.17 78.39 66.69
196.25 156.71 133.32 276.03 196.25 156.71 133.32
39.24 31.34 26.66 55.20 39.24 31.34 26.66
78.49 62.67 53.32 110.40 78.49 62.67 53.32
106.00 84.64 72.01 149.09 106.00 84.64 72.01
84.80 67.71 57.61 119.27 84.80 67.71 57.61
106.00 84.64 72.01 149.09 106.00 84.64 72.01
38.61 30.83 26.23 54.31 38.61 30.83 26.23
4.64 3.71 3.15 6.53 4.64 3.71 3.15
15.45 12.33 10.49 21.72 15.45 12.33 10.49
20.82 16.63 14.14 29.29 20.82 16.63 14.14
27.76 22.17 18.86 39.05 27.76 22.17 18.86
31.62 26.15 22.35 48.81 34.70 27.71 23.57
196.25 156.71 133.32 276.03 196.25 156.71 133.32
39.24 31.33 26.65 55.19 39.24 31.33 26.65
119.21 98.60 84.25 184.02 130.83 104.47 88.88
176.64 141.05 120.00 248.45 176.64 141.05 120.00
235.52 188.06 160.00 331.26 235.52 188.06 160.00
294.40 235.08 200.00 414.08 294.40 235.08 200.00
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
15.14 12.09 10.29 21.30 15.14 12.09 10.29
18.17 14.51 12.34 25.56 18.17 14.51 12.34
40.88 32.65 27.77 57.51 40.88 32.65 27.77
32.71 26.12 22.22 46.00 32.71 26.12 22.22
62.09 51.35 43.88 95.84 68.14 54.41 46.29
7.57 6.05 5.14 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14
1.51 1.21 1.03 2.13 1.51 1.21 1.03
3.03 2.42 2.06 4.26 3.03 2.42 2.06
4.11 3.28 2.79 5.77 4.11 3.28 2.79
5.45 4.35 3.70 7.67 5.45 4.35 3.70
6.83 5.45 4.64 9.61 6.83 5.45 4.64
53.00 42.32 36.00 74.54 53.00 42.32 36.00
9.66 7.99 6.83 14.91 10.60 8.46 7.20
21.20 16.93 14.40 29.82 21.20 16.93 14.40
28.62 22.85 19.44 40.25 28.62 22.85 19.44
22.88 18.27 15.54 32.18 22.88 18.27 15.54
28.64 22.87 19.45 40.28 28.64 22.87 19.45
11.21 8.95 7.61 15.76 11.21 8.95 7.61
1.75 1.45 1.24 2.70 1.92 1.53 1.30
3.80 3.04 2.58 5.35 3.80 3.04 2.58
5.18 4.14 3.52 7.29 5.18 4.14 3.52
6.90 5.51 4.69 9.70 6.90 5.51 4.69
9.66 7.99 6.83 14.91 10.60 8.46 7.20
2.12 1.69 1.44 2.98 2.12 1.69 1.44
0.44 0.35 0.30 0.62 0.44 0.35 0.30
0.84 0.67 0.57 1.18 0.84 0.67 0.57
1.18 0.94 0.80 1.66 1.18 0.94 0.80
1.58 1.26 1.07 2.22 1.58 1.26 1.07
1.81 1.50 1.28 2.79 1.99 1.59 1.35
9.09 7.25 6.17 12.78 9.09 7.25 6.17
1.66 1.37 1.17 2.56 1.82 1.45 1.23
3.63 2.90 2.47 5.11 3.63 2.90 2.47
4.91 3.92 3.34 6.91 4.91 3.92 3.34
6.53 5.21 4.43 9.18 6.53 5.21 4.43
7.45 6.16 5.27 11.50 8.18 6.53 5.55
117.78 94.05 80.01 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01
107.31 88.76 75.85 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01
107.31 88.76 75.85 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01
117.78 94.05 80.01 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
117.78 94.05 80.01 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
107.31 88.76 75.85 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
117.78 94.05 80.01 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01
68.44 54.65 46.50 96.27 68.44 54.65 46.50
84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
117.78 94.05 80.01 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01
117.78 94.05 80.01 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01
117.78 94.05 80.01 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01
117.78 94.05 80.01 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
117.78 94.05 80.01 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
117.78 94.05 80.01 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
57.54 45.95 39.09 80.93 57.54 45.95 39.09
117.78 94.05 80.01 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01
84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
40.38 32.24 27.43 56.80 40.38 32.24 27.43
363.42 290.20 246.89 511.16 363.42 290.20 246.89
36.79 30.43 26.00 56.80 40.38 32.24 27.43
363.42 290.20 246.89 511.16 363.42 290.20 246.89
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
137.97 114.12 97.52 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
8.41 6.72 5.72 11.83 8.41 6.72 5.72
68.99 57.06 48.76 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
40.38 32.24 27.43 56.80 40.38 32.24 27.43
363.42 290.20 246.89 511.16 363.42 290.20 246.89
36.79 30.43 26.00 56.80 40.38 32.24 27.43
363.42 290.20 246.89 511.16 363.42 290.20 246.89

151.29 120.81 102.78 212.80 151.29 120.81 102.78

60.44 48.26 41.06 85.00 60.44 48.26 41.06
151.29 120.81 102.78 212.80 151.29 120.81 102.78
151.29 120.81 102.78 212.80 151.29 120.81 102.78
151.29 120.81 102.78 212.80 151.29 120.81 102.78
151.29 120.81 102.78 212.80 151.29 120.81 102.78
60.44 48.26 41.06 85.00 60.44 48.26 41.06
151.29 120.81 102.78 212.80 151.29 120.81 102.78
151.29 120.81 102.78 212.80 151.29 120.81 102.78
30.15 24.08 20.48 42.41 30.15 24.08 20.48
7.57 6.05 5.14 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14
0.77 0.62 0.53 1.09 0.77 0.62 0.53
151.29 120.81 102.78 212.80 151.29 120.81 102.78
30.15 24.08 20.48 42.41 30.15 24.08 20.48
30.15 24.08 20.48 42.41 30.15 24.08 20.48
30.15 24.08 20.48 42.41 30.15 24.08 20.48
5.92 4.73 4.02 8.33 5.92 4.73 4.02
30.15 24.08 20.48 42.41 30.15 24.08 20.48
90.72 72.44 61.63 127.60 90.72 72.44 61.63

151.29 120.81 102.78 212.80 151.29 120.81 102.78

121.01 96.62 82.20 170.20 121.01 96.62 82.20
60.44 48.26 41.06 85.00 60.44 48.26 41.06
121.01 96.62 82.20 170.20 121.01 96.62 82.20
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121.01 96.62 82.20 170.20 121.01 96.62 82.20
121.01 96.62 82.20 170.20 121.01 96.62 82.20
60.44 48.26 41.06 85.00 60.44 48.26 41.06
121.01 96.62 82.20 170.20 121.01 96.62 82.20
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121.01 96.62 82.20 170.20 121.01 96.62 82.20
121.01 96.62 82.20 170.20 121.01 96.62 82.20
242.15 193.36 164.50 340.59 242.15 193.36 164.50
211.86 169.17 143.93 297.99 211.86 169.17 143.93
121.01 96.62 82.20 170.20 121.01 96.62 82.20
181.58 144.99 123.35 255.39 181.58 144.99 123.35
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181.58 144.99 123.35 255.39 181.58 144.99 123.35
121.01 96.62 82.20 170.20 121.01 96.62 82.20
181.58 144.99 123.35 255.39 181.58 144.99 123.35
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181.58 144.99 123.35 255.39 181.58 144.99 123.35
181.58 144.99 123.35 255.39 181.58 144.99 123.35
363.29 290.09 246.80 510.97 363.29 290.09 246.80
302.72 241.72 205.65 425.78 302.72 241.72 205.65
181.58 144.99 123.35 255.39 181.58 144.99 123.35
242.15 193.36 164.50 340.59 242.15 193.36 164.50
242.15 193.36 164.50 340.59 242.15 193.36 164.50
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242.15 193.36 164.50 340.59 242.15 193.36 164.50
181.58 144.99 123.35 255.39 181.58 144.99 123.35
242.15 193.36 164.50 340.59 242.15 193.36 164.50
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242.15 193.36 164.50 340.59 242.15 193.36 164.50
242.15 193.36 164.50 340.59 242.15 193.36 164.50

151.29 120.81 102.78 212.80 151.29 120.81 102.78

439.00 350.55 298.23 617.47 439.00 350.55 298.23
484.43 386.82 329.09 681.36 484.43 386.82 329.09
741.85 592.38 503.97 1,043.44 741.85 592.38 503.97

148.40 118.50 100.81 208.73 148.40 118.50 100.81

148.40 118.50 100.81 208.73 148.40 118.50 100.81
118.11 94.31 80.24 166.13 118.11 94.31 80.24

60.44 48.26 41.06 85.00 60.44 48.26 41.06

75.58 60.35 51.34 106.30 75.58 60.35 51.34
45.29 36.17 30.77 63.71 45.29 36.17 30.77
45.29 36.17 30.77 63.71 45.29 36.17 30.77
30.15 24.08 20.48 42.41 30.15 24.08 20.48
124.03 99.04 84.26 174.46 124.03 99.04 84.26
60.44 48.26 41.06 85.00 60.44 48.26 41.06
75.58 60.35 51.34 106.30 75.58 60.35 51.34
154.32 123.23 104.84 217.06 154.32 123.23 104.84
72.68 58.04 49.38 102.23 72.68 58.04 49.38
60.44 48.26 41.06 85.00 60.44 48.26 41.06

90.72 72.44 61.63 127.60 90.72 72.44 61.63

90.72 72.44 61.63 127.60 90.72 72.44 61.63
90.72 72.44 61.63 127.60 90.72 72.44 61.63
90.72 72.44 61.63 127.60 90.72 72.44 61.63
90.72 72.44 61.63 127.60 90.72 72.44 61.63
181.58 144.99 123.35 255.39 181.58 144.99 123.35
181.58 144.99 123.35 255.39 181.58 144.99 123.35
181.58 144.99 123.35 255.39 181.58 144.99 123.35
181.58 144.99 123.35 255.39 181.58 144.99 123.35
181.58 144.99 123.35 255.39 181.58 144.99 123.35
181.58 144.99 123.35 255.39 181.58 144.99 123.35
181.58 144.99 123.35 255.39 181.58 144.99 123.35

60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15

10.66 8.51 7.24 15.00 10.66 8.51 7.24
3.10 2.47 2.10 4.35 3.10 2.47 2.10
3.10 2.47 2.10 4.35 3.10 2.47 2.10

18.14 14.48 12.32 25.51 18.14 14.48 12.32

4.00 3.20 2.72 5.63 4.00 3.20 2.72
3.40 2.71 2.31 4.78 3.40 2.71 2.31
27.22 21.74 18.49 38.29 27.22 21.74 18.49
6.02 4.81 4.09 8.47 6.02 4.81 4.09
5.11 4.08 3.47 7.19 5.11 4.08 3.47
18.14 14.48 12.32 25.51 18.14 14.48 12.32
4.00 3.20 2.72 5.63 4.00 3.20 2.72
3.40 2.71 2.31 4.78 3.40 2.71 2.31
42.37 33.83 28.78 59.59 42.37 33.83 28.78
9.39 7.50 6.38 13.21 9.39 7.50 6.38
9.36 7.47 6.36 13.16 9.36 7.47 6.36
55.97 44.69 38.02 78.72 55.97 44.69 38.02
11.19 8.94 7.60 15.74 11.19 8.94 7.60
11.19 8.94 7.60 15.74 11.19 8.94 7.60

423.69 338.32 287.83 595.93 423.69 338.32 287.83

85.28 68.09 57.93 119.94 85.28 68.09 57.93
76.75 61.28 52.14 107.95 76.75 61.28 52.14
4.04 3.22 2.74 5.68 4.04 3.22 2.74
953.30 761.23 647.62 1,340.86 953.30 761.23 647.62
208.00 166.09 141.30 292.56 208.00 166.09 141.30
187.20 149.48 127.17 263.30 187.20 149.48 127.17
1,825.16 1,457.41 1,239.91 2,567.15 1,825.16 1,457.41 1,239.91
365.03 291.48 247.98 513.43 365.03 291.48 247.98
365.03 291.48 247.98 513.43 365.03 291.48 247.98
2,813.11 2,246.31 1,911.08 3,956.75 2,813.11 2,246.31 1,911.08
562.62 449.26 382.22 791.35 562.62 449.26 382.22
562.62 449.26 382.22 791.35 562.62 449.26 382.22
458.88 366.42 311.74 645.43 458.88 366.42 311.74
91.78 73.28 62.35 129.09 91.78 73.28 62.35
91.78 73.28 62.35 129.09 91.78 73.28 62.35
1,119.27 893.76 760.37 1,574.30 1,119.27 893.76 760.37
223.85 178.75 152.07 314.86 223.85 178.75 152.07
223.85 178.75 152.07 314.86 223.85 178.75 152.07
2,182.58 1,742.82 1,482.73 3,069.88 2,182.58 1,742.82 1,482.73
436.52 348.56 296.55 613.98 436.52 348.56 296.55
436.52 348.56 296.55 613.98 436.52 348.56 296.55
3,454.61 2,758.55 2,346.88 4,859.04 3,454.61 2,758.55 2,346.88
690.92 551.71 469.38 971.81 690.92 551.71 469.38
690.92 551.71 469.38 971.81 690.92 551.71 469.38

148.77 118.79 101.06 209.25 148.77 118.79 101.06

33.04 26.39 22.45 46.48 33.04 26.39 22.45
27.83 22.22 18.91 39.14 27.83 22.22 18.91
362.81 289.71 246.48 510.31 362.81 289.71 246.48
80.63 64.38 54.77 113.40 80.63 64.38 54.77
72.55 57.93 49.29 102.04 72.55 57.93 49.29
707.49 564.94 480.63 995.11 707.49 564.94 480.63
157.21 125.54 106.80 221.13 157.21 125.54 106.80
132.31 105.65 89.89 186.10 132.31 105.65 89.89
907.04 724.28 616.19 1,275.78 907.04 724.28 616.19
201.56 160.95 136.93 283.51 201.56 160.95 136.93
181.41 144.86 123.24 255.16 181.41 144.86 123.24

9.05 7.23 6.15 12.73 9.05 7.23 6.15

1.99 1.59 1.35 2.79 1.99 1.59 1.35
1.72 1.37 1.17 2.41 1.72 1.37 1.17
74.27 59.30 50.45 104.46 74.27 59.30 50.45
16.49 13.17 11.20 23.19 16.49 13.17 11.20
13.90 11.10 9.44 19.55 13.90 11.10 9.44
181.10 144.61 123.03 254.73 181.10 144.61 123.03
40.25 32.14 27.34 56.61 40.25 32.14 27.34
36.21 28.91 24.60 50.93 36.21 28.91 24.60
353.15 282.00 239.91 496.72 353.15 282.00 239.91
70.63 56.40 47.98 99.34 70.63 56.40 47.98
70.63 56.40 47.98 99.34 70.63 56.40 47.98
452.76 361.54 307.58 636.83 452.76 361.54 307.58
90.55 72.31 61.52 127.37 90.55 72.31 61.52
90.55 72.31 61.52 127.37 90.55 72.31 61.52
- - - - - - -
0.17 0.13 0.11 0.24 0.17 0.13 0.11
0.17 0.13 0.11 0.24 0.17 0.13 0.11
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
1.25 0.99 0.85 1.75 1.25 0.99 0.85
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
3.03 2.42 2.06 4.26 3.03 2.42 2.06
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
5.92 4.73 4.02 8.33 5.92 4.73 4.02
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
7.57 6.05 5.14 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14
148.77 118.79 101.06 209.25 148.77 118.79 101.06
33.04 26.39 22.45 46.48 33.04 26.39 22.45
27.83 22.22 18.91 39.14 27.83 22.22 18.91
362.81 289.71 246.48 510.31 362.81 289.71 246.48
80.63 64.38 54.77 113.40 80.63 64.38 54.77
72.55 57.93 49.29 102.04 72.55 57.93 49.29
498.89 398.37 338.92 701.71 498.89 398.37 338.92
110.84 88.51 75.30 155.91 110.84 88.51 75.30
93.28 74.48 63.37 131.20 93.28 74.48 63.37
979.59 782.21 665.48 1,377.82 979.59 782.21 665.48
217.68 173.82 147.88 306.18 217.68 173.82 147.88
183.19 146.28 124.45 257.66 183.19 146.28 124.45
75.58 60.35 51.34 106.30 75.58 60.35 51.34
16.79 13.41 11.41 23.62 16.79 13.41 11.41
15.11 12.06 10.26 21.25 15.11 12.06 10.26
90.82 72.52 61.70 127.74 90.82 72.52 61.70
20.16 16.10 13.69 28.35 20.16 16.10 13.69
17.03 13.60 11.57 23.95 17.03 13.60 11.57

223.27 178.28 151.68 314.03 223.27 178.28 151.68

49.60 39.61 33.70 69.76 49.60 39.61 33.70
41.76 33.35 28.37 58.74 41.76 33.35 28.37
544.52 434.81 369.92 765.89 544.52 434.81 369.92
121.01 96.62 82.20 170.20 121.01 96.62 82.20
108.89 86.95 73.97 153.16 108.89 86.95 73.97
1,061.83 847.88 721.35 1,493.50 1,061.83 847.88 721.35
235.95 188.41 160.29 331.88 235.95 188.41 160.29
198.57 158.56 134.90 279.29 198.57 158.56 134.90
1,361.31 1,087.03 924.80 1,914.74 1,361.31 1,087.03 924.80
302.51 241.56 205.51 425.50 302.51 241.56 205.51
272.26 217.41 184.96 382.95 272.26 217.41 184.96

90.82 72.52 61.70 127.74 90.82 72.52 61.70

20.16 16.10 13.69 28.35 20.16 16.10 13.69
17.03 13.60 11.57 23.95 17.03 13.60 11.57
151.29 120.81 102.78 212.80 151.29 120.81 102.78
33.62 26.84 22.84 47.28 33.62 26.84 22.84
30.25 24.16 20.55 42.55 30.25 24.16 20.55
151.29 120.81 102.78 212.80 151.29 120.81 102.78
33.62 26.84 22.84 47.28 33.62 26.84 22.84
30.25 24.16 20.55 42.55 30.25 24.16 20.55
302.72 241.72 205.65 425.78 302.72 241.72 205.65
67.27 53.71 45.70 94.61 67.27 53.71 45.70
60.54 48.34 41.13 85.15 60.54 48.34 41.13
168.08 134.22 114.19 236.41 168.08 134.22 114.19
33.62 26.84 22.84 47.28 33.62 26.84 22.84
30.25 24.16 20.55 42.55 30.25 24.16 20.55
168.08 134.22 114.19 236.41 168.08 134.22 114.19
33.62 26.84 22.84 47.28 33.62 26.84 22.84
30.25 24.16 20.55 42.55 30.25 24.16 20.55
465.30 371.55 316.10 654.46 465.30 371.55 316.10
93.06 74.31 63.22 130.89 93.06 74.31 63.22
93.06 74.31 63.22 130.89 93.06 74.31 63.22
367.69 293.61 249.79 517.17 367.69 293.61 249.79
73.54 58.72 49.96 103.43 73.54 58.72 49.96
73.54 58.72 49.96 103.43 73.54 58.72 49.96
184.04 146.96 125.03 258.86 184.04 146.96 125.03
36.81 29.39 25.01 51.77 36.81 29.39 25.01
36.81 29.39 25.01 51.77 36.81 29.39 25.01
314.03 250.75 213.33 441.69 314.03 250.75 213.33
62.81 50.15 42.67 88.34 62.81 50.15 42.67
62.81 50.15 42.67 88.34 62.81 50.15 42.67
314.03 250.75 213.33 441.69 314.03 250.75 213.33
62.81 50.15 42.67 88.34 62.81 50.15 42.67
62.81 50.15 42.67 88.34 62.81 50.15 42.67
314.03 250.75 213.33 441.69 314.03 250.75 213.33
62.81 50.15 42.67 88.34 62.81 50.15 42.67
62.81 50.15 42.67 88.34 62.81 50.15 42.67
314.03 250.75 213.33 441.69 314.03 250.75 213.33
62.81 50.15 42.67 88.34 62.81 50.15 42.67
62.81 50.15 42.67 88.34 62.81 50.15 42.67
314.03 250.75 213.33 441.69 314.03 250.75 213.33
62.81 50.15 42.67 88.34 62.81 50.15 42.67
62.81 50.15 42.67 88.34 62.81 50.15 42.67
314.03 250.75 213.33 441.69 314.03 250.75 213.33
62.81 50.15 42.67 88.34 62.81 50.15 42.67
62.81 50.15 42.67 88.34 62.81 50.15 42.67
314.03 250.75 213.33 441.69 314.03 250.75 213.33
62.81 50.15 42.67 88.34 62.81 50.15 42.67
62.81 50.15 42.67 88.34 62.81 50.15 42.67
628.05 501.51 426.66 883.38 628.05 501.51 426.66
125.61 100.30 85.33 176.68 125.61 100.30 85.33
125.61 100.30 85.33 176.68 125.61 100.30 85.33
628.05 501.51 426.66 883.38 628.05 501.51 426.66
125.61 100.30 85.33 176.68 125.61 100.30 85.33
125.61 100.30 85.33 176.68 125.61 100.30 85.33
314.03 250.75 213.33 441.69 314.03 250.75 213.33
62.81 50.15 42.67 88.34 62.81 50.15 42.67
62.81 50.15 42.67 88.34 62.81 50.15 42.67
184.04 146.96 125.03 258.86 184.04 146.96 125.03
36.81 29.39 25.01 51.77 36.81 29.39 25.01
36.81 29.39 25.01 51.77 36.81 29.39 25.01
314.03 250.75 213.33 441.69 314.03 250.75 213.33
62.81 50.15 42.67 88.34 62.81 50.15 42.67
62.81 50.15 42.67 88.34 62.81 50.15 42.67
314.03 250.75 213.33 441.69 314.03 250.75 213.33
62.81 50.15 42.67 88.34 62.81 50.15 42.67
62.81 50.15 42.67 88.34 62.81 50.15 42.67
314.03 250.75 213.33 441.69 314.03 250.75 213.33
62.81 50.15 42.67 88.34 62.81 50.15 42.67
62.81 50.15 42.67 88.34 62.81 50.15 42.67
314.03 250.75 213.33 441.69 314.03 250.75 213.33
62.81 50.15 42.67 88.34 62.81 50.15 42.67
62.81 50.15 42.67 88.34 62.81 50.15 42.67
314.03 250.75 213.33 441.69 314.03 250.75 213.33
62.81 50.15 42.67 88.34 62.81 50.15 42.67
62.81 50.15 42.67 88.34 62.81 50.15 42.67
314.03 250.75 213.33 441.69 314.03 250.75 213.33
62.81 50.15 42.67 88.34 62.81 50.15 42.67
62.81 50.15 42.67 88.34 62.81 50.15 42.67
471.08 376.17 320.03 662.60 471.08 376.17 320.03
94.22 75.23 64.01 132.52 94.22 75.23 64.01
94.22 75.23 64.01 132.52 94.22 75.23 64.01
314.03 250.75 213.33 441.69 314.03 250.75 213.33
62.81 50.15 42.67 88.34 62.81 50.15 42.67
62.81 50.15 42.67 88.34 62.81 50.15 42.67

38.61 30.83 26.23 54.31 38.61 30.83 26.23

33.98 27.13 23.08 47.79 33.98 27.13 23.08
30.89 24.67 20.99 43.45 30.89 24.67 20.99
30.12 24.05 20.46 42.36 30.12 24.05 20.46
7.72 6.17 5.25 10.86 7.72 6.17 5.25
15.45 12.33 10.49 21.72 15.45 12.33 10.49
23.17 18.50 15.74 32.59 23.17 18.50 15.74
30.89 24.67 20.99 43.45 30.89 24.67 20.99
38.61 30.83 26.23 54.31 38.61 30.83 26.23
6.80 5.43 4.62 9.56 6.80 5.43 4.62
13.59 10.85 9.23 19.12 13.59 10.85 9.23
20.39 16.28 13.85 28.68 20.39 16.28 13.85
27.18 21.71 18.47 38.24 27.18 21.71 18.47
33.98 27.13 23.08 47.79 33.98 27.13 23.08
6.18 4.93 4.20 8.69 6.18 4.93 4.20
12.36 9.87 8.39 17.38 12.36 9.87 8.39
18.53 14.80 12.59 26.07 18.53 14.80 12.59
24.71 19.73 16.79 34.76 24.71 19.73 16.79
30.89 24.67 20.99 43.45 30.89 24.67 20.99
6.02 4.81 4.09 8.47 6.02 4.81 4.09
12.05 9.62 8.18 16.95 12.05 9.62 8.18
18.07 14.43 12.28 25.42 18.07 14.43 12.28
24.09 19.24 16.37 33.89 24.09 19.24 16.37
30.12 24.05 20.46 42.36 30.12 24.05 20.46
57.92 46.25 39.35 81.47 57.92 46.25 39.35
50.97 40.70 34.63 71.69 50.97 40.70 34.63
46.34 37.00 31.48 65.17 46.34 37.00 31.48
45.18 36.07 30.69 63.54 45.18 36.07 30.69
11.58 9.25 7.87 16.29 11.58 9.25 7.87
23.17 18.50 15.74 32.59 23.17 18.50 15.74
34.75 27.75 23.61 48.88 34.75 27.75 23.61
46.34 37.00 31.48 65.17 46.34 37.00 31.48
57.92 46.25 39.35 81.47 57.92 46.25 39.35
10.19 8.14 6.93 14.34 10.19 8.14 6.93
20.39 16.28 13.85 28.68 20.39 16.28 13.85
30.58 24.42 20.78 43.01 30.58 24.42 20.78
40.78 32.56 27.70 57.35 40.78 32.56 27.70
50.97 40.70 34.63 71.69 50.97 40.70 34.63
9.27 7.40 6.30 13.03 9.27 7.40 6.30
18.53 14.80 12.59 26.07 18.53 14.80 12.59
27.80 22.20 18.89 39.10 27.80 22.20 18.89
37.07 29.60 25.18 52.14 37.07 29.60 25.18
46.34 37.00 31.48 65.17 46.34 37.00 31.48
9.04 7.21 6.14 12.71 9.04 7.21 6.14
18.07 14.43 12.28 25.42 18.07 14.43 12.28
27.11 21.64 18.41 38.13 27.11 21.64 18.41
36.14 28.86 24.55 50.84 36.14 28.86 24.55
45.18 36.07 30.69 63.54 45.18 36.07 30.69
23.17 18.50 15.74 32.59 23.17 18.50 15.74
4.54 3.63 3.09 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
3.94 3.14 2.67 5.54 3.94 3.14 2.67
0.91 0.73 0.62 1.28 0.91 0.73 0.62
1.82 1.45 1.23 2.56 1.82 1.45 1.23
2.73 2.18 1.85 3.83 2.73 2.18 1.85
3.63 2.90 2.47 5.11 3.63 2.90 2.47
4.54 3.63 3.09 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
0.79 0.63 0.53 1.11 0.79 0.63 0.53
1.57 1.26 1.07 2.22 1.57 1.26 1.07
2.36 1.89 1.60 3.32 2.36 1.89 1.60
3.15 2.52 2.14 4.43 3.15 2.52 2.14
3.94 3.14 2.67 5.54 3.94 3.14 2.67
5.75 4.59 3.91 8.09 5.75 4.59 3.91
4.99 3.98 3.39 7.01 4.99 3.98 3.39
1.15 0.92 0.78 1.62 1.15 0.92 0.78
2.30 1.84 1.56 3.24 2.30 1.84 1.56
3.45 2.76 2.35 4.86 3.45 2.76 2.35
4.60 3.68 3.13 6.47 4.60 3.68 3.13
5.75 4.59 3.91 8.09 5.75 4.59 3.91
1.00 0.80 0.68 1.40 1.00 0.80 0.68
1.99 1.59 1.36 2.81 1.99 1.59 1.36
2.99 2.39 2.03 4.21 2.99 2.39 2.03
3.99 3.19 2.71 5.61 3.99 3.19 2.71
4.99 3.98 3.39 7.01 4.99 3.98 3.39
5.75 4.59 3.91 8.09 5.75 4.59 3.91
4.99 3.98 3.39 7.01 4.99 3.98 3.39
1.15 0.92 0.78 1.62 1.15 0.92 0.78
2.30 1.84 1.56 3.24 2.30 1.84 1.56
3.45 2.76 2.35 4.86 3.45 2.76 2.35
4.60 3.68 3.13 6.47 4.60 3.68 3.13
5.75 4.59 3.91 8.09 5.75 4.59 3.91
1.00 0.80 0.68 1.40 1.00 0.80 0.68
1.99 1.59 1.36 2.81 1.99 1.59 1.36
2.99 2.39 2.03 4.21 2.99 2.39 2.03
3.99 3.19 2.71 5.61 3.99 3.19 2.71
4.99 3.98 3.39 7.01 4.99 3.98 3.39
5.75 4.59 3.91 8.09 5.75 4.59 3.91
4.99 3.98 3.39 7.01 4.99 3.98 3.39
1.15 0.92 0.78 1.62 1.15 0.92 0.78
2.30 1.84 1.56 3.24 2.30 1.84 1.56
3.45 2.76 2.35 4.86 3.45 2.76 2.35
4.60 3.68 3.13 6.47 4.60 3.68 3.13
5.75 4.59 3.91 8.09 5.75 4.59 3.91
1.00 0.80 0.68 1.40 1.00 0.80 0.68
1.99 1.59 1.36 2.81 1.99 1.59 1.36
2.99 2.39 2.03 4.21 2.99 2.39 2.03
3.99 3.19 2.71 5.61 3.99 3.19 2.71
4.99 3.98 3.39 7.01 4.99 3.98 3.39
9.09 7.25 6.17 12.78 9.09 7.25 6.17
7.87 6.29 5.35 11.08 7.87 6.29 5.35
1.82 1.45 1.23 2.56 1.82 1.45 1.23
3.63 2.90 2.47 5.11 3.63 2.90 2.47
5.45 4.35 3.70 7.67 5.45 4.35 3.70
7.27 5.80 4.94 10.22 7.27 5.80 4.94
9.09 7.25 6.17 12.78 9.09 7.25 6.17
1.57 1.26 1.07 2.22 1.57 1.26 1.07
3.15 2.52 2.14 4.43 3.15 2.52 2.14
4.72 3.77 3.21 6.65 4.72 3.77 3.21
6.30 5.03 4.28 8.86 6.30 5.03 4.28
7.87 6.29 5.35 11.08 7.87 6.29 5.35
5.75 4.59 3.91 8.09 5.75 4.59 3.91
4.99 3.98 3.39 7.01 4.99 3.98 3.39
1.15 0.92 0.78 1.62 1.15 0.92 0.78
2.30 1.84 1.56 3.24 2.30 1.84 1.56
3.45 2.76 2.35 4.86 3.45 2.76 2.35
4.60 3.68 3.13 6.47 4.60 3.68 3.13
5.75 4.59 3.91 8.09 5.75 4.59 3.91
1.00 0.80 0.68 1.40 1.00 0.80 0.68
1.99 1.59 1.36 2.81 1.99 1.59 1.36
2.99 2.39 2.03 4.21 2.99 2.39 2.03
3.99 3.19 2.71 5.61 3.99 3.19 2.71
4.99 3.98 3.39 7.01 4.99 3.98 3.39
6.81 5.44 4.63 9.58 6.81 5.44 4.63
5.91 4.72 4.01 8.31 5.91 4.72 4.01
1.36 1.09 0.93 1.92 1.36 1.09 0.93
2.73 2.18 1.85 3.83 2.73 2.18 1.85
4.09 3.26 2.78 5.75 4.09 3.26 2.78
5.45 4.35 3.70 7.67 5.45 4.35 3.70
6.81 5.44 4.63 9.58 6.81 5.44 4.63
1.18 0.94 0.80 1.66 1.18 0.94 0.80
2.36 1.89 1.60 3.32 2.36 1.89 1.60
3.54 2.83 2.41 4.98 3.54 2.83 2.41
4.72 3.77 3.21 6.65 4.72 3.77 3.21
5.91 4.72 4.01 8.31 5.91 4.72 4.01
4.09 3.26 2.78 5.75 4.09 3.26 2.78
8.63 6.89 5.86 12.14 8.63 6.89 5.86
7.48 5.97 5.08 10.52 7.48 5.97 5.08
1.73 1.38 1.17 2.43 1.73 1.38 1.17
3.45 2.76 2.35 4.86 3.45 2.76 2.35
5.18 4.14 3.52 7.28 5.18 4.14 3.52
6.90 5.51 4.69 9.71 6.90 5.51 4.69
8.63 6.89 5.86 12.14 8.63 6.89 5.86
1.50 1.19 1.02 2.10 1.50 1.19 1.02
2.99 2.39 2.03 4.21 2.99 2.39 2.03
4.49 3.58 3.05 6.31 4.49 3.58 3.05
5.98 4.78 4.07 8.42 5.98 4.78 4.07
7.48 5.97 5.08 10.52 7.48 5.97 5.08
5.18 4.14 3.52 7.28 5.18 4.14 3.52
8.63 6.89 5.86 12.14 8.63 6.89 5.86
7.48 5.97 5.08 10.52 7.48 5.97 5.08
1.73 1.38 1.17 2.43 1.73 1.38 1.17
3.45 2.76 2.35 4.86 3.45 2.76 2.35
5.18 4.14 3.52 7.28 5.18 4.14 3.52
6.90 5.51 4.69 9.71 6.90 5.51 4.69
8.63 6.89 5.86 12.14 8.63 6.89 5.86
1.50 1.19 1.02 2.10 1.50 1.19 1.02
2.99 2.39 2.03 4.21 2.99 2.39 2.03
4.49 3.58 3.05 6.31 4.49 3.58 3.05
5.98 4.78 4.07 8.42 5.98 4.78 4.07
7.48 5.97 5.08 10.52 7.48 5.97 5.08
5.18 4.14 3.52 7.28 5.18 4.14 3.52
8.63 6.89 5.86 12.14 8.63 6.89 5.86
7.48 5.97 5.08 10.52 7.48 5.97 5.08
1.73 1.38 1.17 2.43 1.73 1.38 1.17
3.45 2.76 2.35 4.86 3.45 2.76 2.35
5.18 4.14 3.52 7.28 5.18 4.14 3.52
6.90 5.51 4.69 9.71 6.90 5.51 4.69
8.63 6.89 5.86 12.14 8.63 6.89 5.86
1.50 1.19 1.02 2.10 1.50 1.19 1.02
2.99 2.39 2.03 4.21 2.99 2.39 2.03
4.49 3.58 3.05 6.31 4.49 3.58 3.05
5.98 4.78 4.07 8.42 5.98 4.78 4.07
7.48 5.97 5.08 10.52 7.48 5.97 5.08
5.18 4.14 3.52 7.28 5.18 4.14 3.52
13.63 10.88 9.26 19.17 13.63 10.88 9.26
11.81 9.43 8.02 16.61 11.81 9.43 8.02
2.73 2.18 1.85 3.83 2.73 2.18 1.85
5.45 4.35 3.70 7.67 5.45 4.35 3.70
8.18 6.53 5.55 11.50 8.18 6.53 5.55
10.90 8.71 7.41 15.33 10.90 8.71 7.41
13.63 10.88 9.26 19.17 13.63 10.88 9.26
2.36 1.89 1.60 3.32 2.36 1.89 1.60
4.72 3.77 3.21 6.65 4.72 3.77 3.21
7.09 5.66 4.81 9.97 7.09 5.66 4.81
9.45 7.55 6.42 13.29 9.45 7.55 6.42
11.81 9.43 8.02 16.61 11.81 9.43 8.02
8.18 6.53 5.55 11.50 8.18 6.53 5.55
8.63 6.89 5.86 12.14 8.63 6.89 5.86
7.48 5.97 5.08 10.52 7.48 5.97 5.08
1.73 1.38 1.17 2.43 1.73 1.38 1.17
3.45 2.76 2.35 4.86 3.45 2.76 2.35
5.18 4.14 3.52 7.28 5.18 4.14 3.52
6.90 5.51 4.69 9.71 6.90 5.51 4.69
8.63 6.89 5.86 12.14 8.63 6.89 5.86
1.50 1.19 1.02 2.10 1.50 1.19 1.02
2.99 2.39 2.03 4.21 2.99 2.39 2.03
4.49 3.58 3.05 6.31 4.49 3.58 3.05
5.98 4.78 4.07 8.42 5.98 4.78 4.07
7.48 5.97 5.08 10.52 7.48 5.97 5.08
5.18 4.14 3.52 7.28 5.18 4.14 3.52
12.11 9.67 8.23 17.04 12.11 9.67 8.23
9.69 7.74 6.58 13.63 9.69 7.74 6.58
7.27 5.80 4.94 10.22 7.27 5.80 4.94
6.30 5.03 4.28 8.86 6.30 5.03 4.28
4.85 3.87 3.29 6.82 4.85 3.87 3.29
2.42 1.93 1.65 3.41 2.42 1.93 1.65
4.85 3.87 3.29 6.82 4.85 3.87 3.29
7.27 5.80 4.94 10.22 7.27 5.80 4.94
9.69 7.74 6.58 13.63 9.69 7.74 6.58
12.11 9.67 8.23 17.04 12.11 9.67 8.23
1.94 1.55 1.32 2.73 1.94 1.55 1.32
3.88 3.10 2.63 5.45 3.88 3.10 2.63
5.81 4.64 3.95 8.18 5.81 4.64 3.95
7.75 6.19 5.27 10.90 7.75 6.19 5.27
9.69 7.74 6.58 13.63 9.69 7.74 6.58
1.45 1.16 0.99 2.04 1.45 1.16 0.99
2.91 2.32 1.98 4.09 2.91 2.32 1.98
4.36 3.48 2.96 6.13 4.36 3.48 2.96
5.81 4.64 3.95 8.18 5.81 4.64 3.95
7.27 5.80 4.94 10.22 7.27 5.80 4.94
1.26 1.01 0.86 1.77 1.26 1.01 0.86
2.52 2.01 1.71 3.54 2.52 2.01 1.71
3.78 3.02 2.57 5.32 3.78 3.02 2.57
5.04 4.02 3.42 7.09 5.04 4.02 3.42
6.30 5.03 4.28 8.86 6.30 5.03 4.28
0.97 0.77 0.66 1.36 0.97 0.77 0.66
1.94 1.55 1.32 2.73 1.94 1.55 1.32
2.91 2.32 1.98 4.09 2.91 2.32 1.98
3.88 3.10 2.63 5.45 3.88 3.10 2.63
4.85 3.87 3.29 6.82 4.85 3.87 3.29
38.61 30.83 26.23 54.31 38.61 30.83 26.23
33.98 27.13 23.08 47.79 33.98 27.13 23.08
30.89 24.67 20.99 43.45 30.89 24.67 20.99
30.12 24.05 20.46 42.36 30.12 24.05 20.46
28.96 23.12 19.67 40.73 28.96 23.12 19.67
27.42 21.89 18.62 38.56 27.42 21.89 18.62
7.72 6.17 5.25 10.86 7.72 6.17 5.25
15.45 12.33 10.49 21.72 15.45 12.33 10.49
23.17 18.50 15.74 32.59 23.17 18.50 15.74
30.89 24.67 20.99 43.45 30.89 24.67 20.99
38.61 30.83 26.23 54.31 38.61 30.83 26.23
6.80 5.43 4.62 9.56 6.80 5.43 4.62
13.59 10.85 9.23 19.12 13.59 10.85 9.23
20.39 16.28 13.85 28.68 20.39 16.28 13.85
27.18 21.71 18.47 38.24 27.18 21.71 18.47
33.98 27.13 23.08 47.79 33.98 27.13 23.08
6.18 4.93 4.20 8.69 6.18 4.93 4.20
12.36 9.87 8.39 17.38 12.36 9.87 8.39
18.53 14.80 12.59 26.07 18.53 14.80 12.59
24.71 19.73 16.79 34.76 24.71 19.73 16.79
30.89 24.67 20.99 43.45 30.89 24.67 20.99
6.02 4.81 4.09 8.47 6.02 4.81 4.09
12.05 9.62 8.18 16.95 12.05 9.62 8.18
18.07 14.43 12.28 25.42 18.07 14.43 12.28
24.09 19.24 16.37 33.89 24.09 19.24 16.37
30.12 24.05 20.46 42.36 30.12 24.05 20.46
5.79 4.62 3.93 8.15 5.79 4.62 3.93
11.58 9.25 7.87 16.29 11.58 9.25 7.87
17.38 13.87 11.80 24.44 17.38 13.87 11.80
23.17 18.50 15.74 32.59 23.17 18.50 15.74
28.96 23.12 19.67 40.73 28.96 23.12 19.67
5.48 4.38 3.72 7.71 5.48 4.38 3.72
10.97 8.76 7.45 15.42 10.97 8.76 7.45
16.45 13.13 11.17 23.14 16.45 13.13 11.17
21.93 17.51 14.90 30.85 21.93 17.51 14.90
27.42 21.89 18.62 38.56 27.42 21.89 18.62
15.14 12.09 10.29 21.30 15.14 12.09 10.29
3.03 2.42 2.06 4.26 3.03 2.42 2.06
6.06 4.84 4.11 8.52 6.06 4.84 4.11
9.09 7.25 6.17 12.78 9.09 7.25 6.17
12.11 9.67 8.23 17.04 12.11 9.67 8.23
15.14 12.09 10.29 21.30 15.14 12.09 10.29
7.57 6.05 5.14 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14
1.51 1.21 1.03 2.13 1.51 1.21 1.03
3.03 2.42 2.06 4.26 3.03 2.42 2.06
4.54 3.63 3.09 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
6.06 4.84 4.11 8.52 6.06 4.84 4.11
7.57 6.05 5.14 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14
38.61 30.83 26.23 54.31 38.61 30.83 26.23
36.30 28.98 24.66 51.05 36.30 28.98 24.66
32.82 26.21 22.30 46.16 32.82 26.21 22.30
27.42 21.89 18.62 38.56 27.42 21.89 18.62
7.72 6.17 5.25 10.86 7.72 6.17 5.25
15.45 12.33 10.49 21.72 15.45 12.33 10.49
23.17 18.50 15.74 32.59 23.17 18.50 15.74
30.89 24.67 20.99 43.45 30.89 24.67 20.99
38.61 30.83 26.23 54.31 38.61 30.83 26.23
7.26 5.80 4.93 10.21 7.26 5.80 4.93
14.52 11.59 9.86 20.42 14.52 11.59 9.86
21.78 17.39 14.79 30.63 21.78 17.39 14.79
29.04 23.19 19.73 40.84 29.04 23.19 19.73
36.30 28.98 24.66 51.05 36.30 28.98 24.66
6.56 5.24 4.46 9.23 6.56 5.24 4.46
13.13 10.48 8.92 18.47 13.13 10.48 8.92
19.69 15.72 13.38 27.70 19.69 15.72 13.38
26.26 20.97 17.84 36.93 26.26 20.97 17.84
32.82 26.21 22.30 46.16 32.82 26.21 22.30
5.48 4.38 3.72 7.71 5.48 4.38 3.72
10.97 8.76 7.45 15.42 10.97 8.76 7.45
16.45 13.13 11.17 23.14 16.45 13.13 11.17
21.93 17.51 14.90 30.85 21.93 17.51 14.90
27.42 21.89 18.62 38.56 27.42 21.89 18.62
45.43 36.27 30.86 63.90 45.43 36.27 30.86
7.57 6.05 5.14 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14
1.51 1.21 1.03 2.13 1.51 1.21 1.03
3.03 2.42 2.06 4.26 3.03 2.42 2.06
4.54 3.63 3.09 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
6.06 4.84 4.11 8.52 6.06 4.84 4.11
7.57 6.05 5.14 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
15.14 12.09 10.29 21.30 15.14 12.09 10.29
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
45.43 36.27 30.86 63.90 45.43 36.27 30.86
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
27.71 22.13 18.83 38.98 27.71 22.13 18.83
24.39 19.47 16.57 34.30 24.39 19.47 16.57
22.17 17.70 15.06 31.18 22.17 17.70 15.06
21.61 17.26 14.68 30.40 21.61 17.26 14.68
5.54 4.43 3.77 7.80 5.54 4.43 3.77
11.08 8.85 7.53 15.59 11.08 8.85 7.53
16.63 13.28 11.30 23.39 16.63 13.28 11.30
22.17 17.70 15.06 31.18 22.17 17.70 15.06
27.71 22.13 18.83 38.98 27.71 22.13 18.83
4.88 3.89 3.31 6.86 4.88 3.89 3.31
9.75 7.79 6.63 13.72 9.75 7.79 6.63
14.63 11.68 9.94 20.58 14.63 11.68 9.94
19.51 15.58 13.25 27.44 19.51 15.58 13.25
24.39 19.47 16.57 34.30 24.39 19.47 16.57
4.43 3.54 3.01 6.24 4.43 3.54 3.01
8.87 7.08 6.02 12.47 8.87 7.08 6.02
13.30 10.62 9.04 18.71 13.30 10.62 9.04
17.73 14.16 12.05 24.94 17.73 14.16 12.05
22.17 17.70 15.06 31.18 22.17 17.70 15.06
4.32 3.45 2.94 6.08 4.32 3.45 2.94
8.65 6.90 5.87 12.16 8.65 6.90 5.87
12.97 10.36 8.81 18.24 12.97 10.36 8.81
17.29 13.81 11.75 24.32 17.29 13.81 11.75
21.61 17.26 14.68 30.40 21.61 17.26 14.68
13.08 10.45 8.89 18.40 13.08 10.45 8.89
36.25 28.95 24.63 50.99 36.25 28.95 24.63
37.86 30.23 25.72 53.25 37.86 30.23 25.72
56.78 45.34 38.58 79.87 56.78 45.34 38.58
2.69 2.15 1.83 3.79 2.69 2.15 1.83
5.38 4.30 3.66 7.57 5.38 4.30 3.66
8.08 6.45 5.49 11.36 8.08 6.45 5.49
10.77 8.60 7.32 15.15 10.77 8.60 7.32

27.20 21.72 18.48 38.25 27.20 21.72 18.48

22.57 18.02 15.33 31.75 22.57 18.02 15.33
19.58 15.64 13.30 27.54 19.58 15.64 13.30
17.13 13.68 11.64 24.10 17.13 13.68 11.64
13.60 10.86 9.24 19.13 13.60 10.86 9.24
12.24 9.77 8.31 17.21 12.24 9.77 8.31
5.44 4.34 3.70 7.65 5.44 4.34 3.70
10.88 8.69 7.39 15.30 10.88 8.69 7.39
16.32 13.03 11.09 22.95 16.32 13.03 11.09
21.76 17.37 14.78 30.60 21.76 17.37 14.78
27.20 21.72 18.48 38.25 27.20 21.72 18.48
4.51 3.60 3.07 6.35 4.51 3.60 3.07
9.03 7.21 6.13 12.70 9.03 7.21 6.13
13.54 10.81 9.20 19.05 13.54 10.81 9.20
18.06 14.42 12.27 25.40 18.06 14.42 12.27
22.57 18.02 15.33 31.75 22.57 18.02 15.33
3.92 3.13 2.66 5.51 3.92 3.13 2.66
7.83 6.25 5.32 11.02 7.83 6.25 5.32
11.75 9.38 7.98 16.52 11.75 9.38 7.98
15.66 12.51 10.64 22.03 15.66 12.51 10.64
19.58 15.64 13.30 27.54 19.58 15.64 13.30
3.43 2.74 2.33 4.82 3.43 2.74 2.33
6.85 5.47 4.66 9.64 6.85 5.47 4.66
10.28 8.21 6.98 14.46 10.28 8.21 6.98
13.71 10.95 9.31 19.28 13.71 10.95 9.31
17.13 13.68 11.64 24.10 17.13 13.68 11.64
2.72 2.17 1.85 3.83 2.72 2.17 1.85
5.44 4.34 3.70 7.65 5.44 4.34 3.70
8.16 6.51 5.54 11.48 8.16 6.51 5.54
10.88 8.69 7.39 15.30 10.88 8.69 7.39
13.60 10.86 9.24 19.13 13.60 10.86 9.24
2.45 1.95 1.66 3.44 2.45 1.95 1.66
4.90 3.91 3.33 6.89 4.90 3.91 3.33
7.34 5.86 4.99 10.33 7.34 5.86 4.99
9.79 7.82 6.65 13.77 9.79 7.82 6.65
12.24 9.77 8.31 17.21 12.24 9.77 8.31
40.79 32.57 27.71 57.38 40.79 32.57 27.71
33.86 27.04 23.00 47.62 33.86 27.04 23.00
29.37 23.45 19.95 41.31 29.37 23.45 19.95
25.70 20.52 17.46 36.15 25.70 20.52 17.46
20.40 16.29 13.86 28.69 20.40 16.29 13.86
18.36 14.66 12.47 25.82 18.36 14.66 12.47
8.16 6.51 5.54 11.48 8.16 6.51 5.54
16.32 13.03 11.09 22.95 16.32 13.03 11.09
24.48 19.54 16.63 34.43 24.48 19.54 16.63
32.64 26.06 22.17 45.90 32.64 26.06 22.17
40.79 32.57 27.71 57.38 40.79 32.57 27.71
6.77 5.41 4.60 9.52 6.77 5.41 4.60
13.54 10.81 9.20 19.05 13.54 10.81 9.20
20.32 16.22 13.80 28.57 20.32 16.22 13.80
27.09 21.63 18.40 38.10 27.09 21.63 18.40
33.86 27.04 23.00 47.62 33.86 27.04 23.00
5.87 4.69 3.99 8.26 5.87 4.69 3.99
11.75 9.38 7.98 16.52 11.75 9.38 7.98
17.62 14.07 11.97 24.79 17.62 14.07 11.97
23.50 18.76 15.96 33.05 23.50 18.76 15.96
29.37 23.45 19.95 41.31 29.37 23.45 19.95
5.14 4.10 3.49 7.23 5.14 4.10 3.49
10.28 8.21 6.98 14.46 10.28 8.21 6.98
15.42 12.31 10.48 21.69 15.42 12.31 10.48
20.56 16.42 13.97 28.92 20.56 16.42 13.97
25.70 20.52 17.46 36.15 25.70 20.52 17.46
4.08 3.26 2.77 5.74 4.08 3.26 2.77
8.16 6.51 5.54 11.48 8.16 6.51 5.54
12.24 9.77 8.31 17.21 12.24 9.77 8.31
16.32 13.03 11.09 22.95 16.32 13.03 11.09
20.40 16.29 13.86 28.69 20.40 16.29 13.86
3.67 2.93 2.49 5.16 3.67 2.93 2.49
7.34 5.86 4.99 10.33 7.34 5.86 4.99
11.01 8.80 7.48 15.49 11.01 8.80 7.48
14.69 11.73 9.98 20.66 14.69 11.73 9.98
18.36 14.66 12.47 25.82 18.36 14.66 12.47
16.32 13.03 11.09 22.95 16.32 13.03 11.09
18.14 14.49 12.32 25.52 18.14 14.49 12.32
15.06 12.02 10.23 21.18 15.06 12.02 10.23
13.06 10.43 8.87 18.37 13.06 10.43 8.87
11.43 9.13 7.76 16.07 11.43 9.13 7.76
9.07 7.24 6.16 12.76 9.07 7.24 6.16
8.16 6.52 5.55 11.48 8.16 6.52 5.55
3.63 2.90 2.46 5.10 3.63 2.90 2.46
7.26 5.79 4.93 10.21 7.26 5.79 4.93
10.88 8.69 7.39 15.31 10.88 8.69 7.39
14.51 11.59 9.86 20.41 14.51 11.59 9.86
18.14 14.49 12.32 25.52 18.14 14.49 12.32
3.01 2.40 2.05 4.24 3.01 2.40 2.05
6.02 4.81 4.09 8.47 6.02 4.81 4.09
9.03 7.21 6.14 12.71 9.03 7.21 6.14
12.05 9.62 8.18 16.94 12.05 9.62 8.18
15.06 12.02 10.23 21.18 15.06 12.02 10.23
2.61 2.09 1.77 3.67 2.61 2.09 1.77
5.22 4.17 3.55 7.35 5.22 4.17 3.55
7.84 6.26 5.32 11.02 7.84 6.26 5.32
10.45 8.34 7.10 14.70 10.45 8.34 7.10
13.06 10.43 8.87 18.37 13.06 10.43 8.87
2.29 1.83 1.55 3.21 2.29 1.83 1.55
4.57 3.65 3.11 6.43 4.57 3.65 3.11
6.86 5.48 4.66 9.64 6.86 5.48 4.66
9.14 7.30 6.21 12.86 9.14 7.30 6.21
11.43 9.13 7.76 16.07 11.43 9.13 7.76
1.81 1.45 1.23 2.55 1.81 1.45 1.23
3.63 2.90 2.46 5.10 3.63 2.90 2.46
5.44 4.35 3.70 7.65 5.44 4.35 3.70
7.26 5.79 4.93 10.21 7.26 5.79 4.93
9.07 7.24 6.16 12.76 9.07 7.24 6.16
1.63 1.30 1.11 2.30 1.63 1.30 1.11
3.27 2.61 2.22 4.59 3.27 2.61 2.22
4.90 3.91 3.33 6.89 4.90 3.91 3.33
6.53 5.21 4.44 9.19 6.53 5.21 4.44
8.16 6.52 5.55 11.48 8.16 6.52 5.55
18.14 14.49 12.32 25.52 18.14 14.49 12.32
12.15 9.71 8.26 17.10 12.15 9.71 8.26
9.07 7.24 6.16 12.76 9.07 7.24 6.16
5.99 4.78 4.07 8.42 5.99 4.78 4.07
1.81 1.45 1.23 2.55 1.81 1.45 1.23
1.09 0.87 0.74 1.53 1.09 0.87 0.74
3.63 2.90 2.46 5.10 3.63 2.90 2.46
7.26 5.79 4.93 10.21 7.26 5.79 4.93
10.88 8.69 7.39 15.31 10.88 8.69 7.39
14.51 11.59 9.86 20.41 14.51 11.59 9.86
18.14 14.49 12.32 25.52 18.14 14.49 12.32
2.43 1.94 1.65 3.42 2.43 1.94 1.65
4.86 3.88 3.30 6.84 4.86 3.88 3.30
7.29 5.82 4.95 10.26 7.29 5.82 4.95
9.72 7.76 6.61 13.68 9.72 7.76 6.61
12.15 9.71 8.26 17.10 12.15 9.71 8.26
1.81 1.45 1.23 2.55 1.81 1.45 1.23
3.63 2.90 2.46 5.10 3.63 2.90 2.46
5.44 4.35 3.70 7.65 5.44 4.35 3.70
7.26 5.79 4.93 10.21 7.26 5.79 4.93
9.07 7.24 6.16 12.76 9.07 7.24 6.16
1.20 0.96 0.81 1.68 1.20 0.96 0.81
2.39 1.91 1.63 3.37 2.39 1.91 1.63
3.59 2.87 2.44 5.05 3.59 2.87 2.44
4.79 3.82 3.25 6.74 4.79 3.82 3.25
5.99 4.78 4.07 8.42 5.99 4.78 4.07
0.36 0.29 0.25 0.51 0.36 0.29 0.25
0.73 0.58 0.49 1.02 0.73 0.58 0.49
1.09 0.87 0.74 1.53 1.09 0.87 0.74
1.45 1.16 0.99 2.04 1.45 1.16 0.99
1.81 1.45 1.23 2.55 1.81 1.45 1.23
0.22 0.17 0.15 0.31 0.22 0.17 0.15
0.44 0.35 0.30 0.61 0.44 0.35 0.30
0.65 0.52 0.44 0.92 0.65 0.52 0.44
0.87 0.70 0.59 1.22 0.87 0.70 0.59
1.09 0.87 0.74 1.53 1.09 0.87 0.74
151.27 120.79 102.77 212.77 151.27 120.79 102.77
30.25 24.16 20.55 42.55 30.25 24.16 20.55
60.51 48.32 41.11 85.11 60.51 48.32 41.11
90.76 72.48 61.66 127.66 90.76 72.48 61.66
121.02 96.64 82.21 170.22 121.02 96.64 82.21
151.27 120.79 102.77 212.77 151.27 120.79 102.77
302.70 241.71 205.64 425.76 302.70 241.71 205.64
60.54 48.34 41.13 85.15 60.54 48.34 41.13
121.08 96.68 82.25 170.30 121.08 96.68 82.25
181.62 145.03 123.38 255.45 181.62 145.03 123.38
242.16 193.37 164.51 340.61 242.16 193.37 164.51
302.70 241.71 205.64 425.76 302.70 241.71 205.64
151.27 120.79 102.77 212.77 151.27 120.79 102.77
30.25 24.16 20.55 42.55 30.25 24.16 20.55
60.51 48.32 41.11 85.11 60.51 48.32 41.11
90.76 72.48 61.66 127.66 90.76 72.48 61.66
121.02 96.64 82.21 170.22 121.02 96.64 82.21
151.27 120.79 102.77 212.77 151.27 120.79 102.77
151.27 120.79 102.77 212.77 151.27 120.79 102.77
30.25 24.16 20.55 42.55 30.25 24.16 20.55
60.51 48.32 41.11 85.11 60.51 48.32 41.11
90.76 72.48 61.66 127.66 90.76 72.48 61.66
121.02 96.64 82.21 170.22 121.02 96.64 82.21
151.27 120.79 102.77 212.77 151.27 120.79 102.77
90.82 72.52 61.70 127.75 90.82 72.52 61.70
18.16 14.50 12.34 25.55 18.16 14.50 12.34
36.33 29.01 24.68 51.10 36.33 29.01 24.68
54.49 43.51 37.02 76.65 54.49 43.51 37.02
72.66 58.02 49.36 102.20 72.66 58.02 49.36
90.82 72.52 61.70 127.75 90.82 72.52 61.70
465.30 371.55 316.10 654.46 465.30 371.55 316.10
93.06 74.31 63.22 130.89 93.06 74.31 63.22
186.12 148.62 126.44 261.78 186.12 148.62 126.44
279.18 222.93 189.66 392.68 279.18 222.93 189.66
372.24 297.24 252.88 523.57 372.24 297.24 252.88
465.30 371.55 316.10 654.46 465.30 371.55 316.10
367.69 293.61 249.79 517.17 367.69 293.61 249.79
73.54 58.72 49.96 103.43 73.54 58.72 49.96
147.08 117.44 99.92 206.87 147.08 117.44 99.92
220.61 176.16 149.87 310.30 220.61 176.16 149.87
294.15 234.88 199.83 413.74 294.15 234.88 199.83
367.69 293.61 249.79 517.17 367.69 293.61 249.79
194.27 155.12 131.97 273.24 194.27 155.12 131.97
331.47 264.68 225.18 466.23 331.47 264.68 225.18
331.47 264.68 225.18 466.23 331.47 264.68 225.18
331.47 264.68 225.18 466.23 331.47 264.68 225.18
331.47 264.68 225.18 466.23 331.47 264.68 225.18
331.47 264.68 225.18 466.23 331.47 264.68 225.18
331.47 264.68 225.18 466.23 331.47 264.68 225.18
331.47 264.68 225.18 466.23 331.47 264.68 225.18
662.94 529.37 450.37 932.45 662.94 529.37 450.37
331.47 264.68 225.18 466.23 331.47 264.68 225.18
389.97 311.40 264.93 548.51 389.97 311.40 264.93
38.85 31.02 26.39 54.65 38.85 31.02 26.39
77.71 62.05 52.79 109.30 77.71 62.05 52.79
116.56 93.07 79.18 163.95 116.56 93.07 79.18
155.41 124.10 105.58 218.59 155.41 124.10 105.58
194.27 155.12 131.97 273.24 194.27 155.12 131.97
66.29 52.94 45.04 93.25 66.29 52.94 45.04
132.59 105.87 90.07 186.49 132.59 105.87 90.07
198.88 158.81 135.11 279.74 198.88 158.81 135.11
265.18 211.75 180.15 372.98 265.18 211.75 180.15
331.47 264.68 225.18 466.23 331.47 264.68 225.18
66.29 52.94 45.04 93.25 66.29 52.94 45.04
132.59 105.87 90.07 186.49 132.59 105.87 90.07
198.88 158.81 135.11 279.74 198.88 158.81 135.11
265.18 211.75 180.15 372.98 265.18 211.75 180.15
331.47 264.68 225.18 466.23 331.47 264.68 225.18
66.29 52.94 45.04 93.25 66.29 52.94 45.04
132.59 105.87 90.07 186.49 132.59 105.87 90.07
198.88 158.81 135.11 279.74 198.88 158.81 135.11
265.18 211.75 180.15 372.98 265.18 211.75 180.15
331.47 264.68 225.18 466.23 331.47 264.68 225.18
66.29 52.94 45.04 93.25 66.29 52.94 45.04
132.59 105.87 90.07 186.49 132.59 105.87 90.07
198.88 158.81 135.11 279.74 198.88 158.81 135.11
265.18 211.75 180.15 372.98 265.18 211.75 180.15
331.47 264.68 225.18 466.23 331.47 264.68 225.18
66.29 52.94 45.04 93.25 66.29 52.94 45.04
132.59 105.87 90.07 186.49 132.59 105.87 90.07
198.88 158.81 135.11 279.74 198.88 158.81 135.11
265.18 211.75 180.15 372.98 265.18 211.75 180.15
331.47 264.68 225.18 466.23 331.47 264.68 225.18
66.29 52.94 45.04 93.25 66.29 52.94 45.04
132.59 105.87 90.07 186.49 132.59 105.87 90.07
198.88 158.81 135.11 279.74 198.88 158.81 135.11
265.18 211.75 180.15 372.98 265.18 211.75 180.15
331.47 264.68 225.18 466.23 331.47 264.68 225.18
66.29 52.94 45.04 93.25 66.29 52.94 45.04
132.59 105.87 90.07 186.49 132.59 105.87 90.07
198.88 158.81 135.11 279.74 198.88 158.81 135.11
265.18 211.75 180.15 372.98 265.18 211.75 180.15
331.47 264.68 225.18 466.23 331.47 264.68 225.18
132.59 105.87 90.07 186.49 132.59 105.87 90.07
265.18 211.75 180.15 372.98 265.18 211.75 180.15
397.77 317.62 270.22 559.47 397.77 317.62 270.22
530.35 423.49 360.29 745.96 530.35 423.49 360.29
662.94 529.37 450.37 932.45 662.94 529.37 450.37
66.29 52.94 45.04 93.25 66.29 52.94 45.04
132.59 105.87 90.07 186.49 132.59 105.87 90.07
198.88 158.81 135.11 279.74 198.88 158.81 135.11
265.18 211.75 180.15 372.98 265.18 211.75 180.15
331.47 264.68 225.18 466.23 331.47 264.68 225.18
77.99 62.28 52.99 109.70 77.99 62.28 52.99
155.99 124.56 105.97 219.40 155.99 124.56 105.97
233.98 186.84 158.96 329.11 233.98 186.84 158.96
311.98 249.12 211.94 438.81 311.98 249.12 211.94
389.97 311.40 264.93 548.51 389.97 311.40 264.93
194.27 155.12 131.97 273.24 194.27 155.12 131.97
331.47 264.68 225.18 466.23 331.47 264.68 225.18
331.47 264.68 225.18 466.23 331.47 264.68 225.18
331.47 264.68 225.18 466.23 331.47 264.68 225.18
331.47 264.68 225.18 466.23 331.47 264.68 225.18
331.47 264.68 225.18 466.23 331.47 264.68 225.18
331.47 264.68 225.18 466.23 331.47 264.68 225.18
582.77 465.35 395.90 819.68 582.77 465.35 395.90
331.47 264.68 225.18 466.23 331.47 264.68 225.18
389.97 311.40 264.93 548.51 389.97 311.40 264.93
38.85 31.02 26.39 54.65 38.85 31.02 26.39
77.71 62.05 52.79 109.30 77.71 62.05 52.79
116.56 93.07 79.18 163.95 116.56 93.07 79.18
155.41 124.10 105.58 218.59 155.41 124.10 105.58
194.27 155.12 131.97 273.24 194.27 155.12 131.97
66.29 52.94 45.04 93.25 66.29 52.94 45.04
132.59 105.87 90.07 186.49 132.59 105.87 90.07
198.88 158.81 135.11 279.74 198.88 158.81 135.11
265.18 211.75 180.15 372.98 265.18 211.75 180.15
331.47 264.68 225.18 466.23 331.47 264.68 225.18
66.29 52.94 45.04 93.25 66.29 52.94 45.04
132.59 105.87 90.07 186.49 132.59 105.87 90.07
198.88 158.81 135.11 279.74 198.88 158.81 135.11
265.18 211.75 180.15 372.98 265.18 211.75 180.15
331.47 264.68 225.18 466.23 331.47 264.68 225.18
66.29 52.94 45.04 93.25 66.29 52.94 45.04
132.59 105.87 90.07 186.49 132.59 105.87 90.07
198.88 158.81 135.11 279.74 198.88 158.81 135.11
265.18 211.75 180.15 372.98 265.18 211.75 180.15
331.47 264.68 225.18 466.23 331.47 264.68 225.18
66.29 52.94 45.04 93.25 66.29 52.94 45.04
132.59 105.87 90.07 186.49 132.59 105.87 90.07
198.88 158.81 135.11 279.74 198.88 158.81 135.11
265.18 211.75 180.15 372.98 265.18 211.75 180.15
331.47 264.68 225.18 466.23 331.47 264.68 225.18
66.29 52.94 45.04 93.25 66.29 52.94 45.04
132.59 105.87 90.07 186.49 132.59 105.87 90.07
198.88 158.81 135.11 279.74 198.88 158.81 135.11
265.18 211.75 180.15 372.98 265.18 211.75 180.15
331.47 264.68 225.18 466.23 331.47 264.68 225.18
66.29 52.94 45.04 93.25 66.29 52.94 45.04
132.59 105.87 90.07 186.49 132.59 105.87 90.07
198.88 158.81 135.11 279.74 198.88 158.81 135.11
265.18 211.75 180.15 372.98 265.18 211.75 180.15
331.47 264.68 225.18 466.23 331.47 264.68 225.18
116.55 93.07 79.18 163.94 116.55 93.07 79.18
233.11 186.14 158.36 327.87 233.11 186.14 158.36
349.66 279.21 237.54 491.81 349.66 279.21 237.54
466.21 372.28 316.72 655.75 466.21 372.28 316.72
582.77 465.35 395.90 819.68 582.77 465.35 395.90
66.29 52.94 45.04 93.25 66.29 52.94 45.04
132.59 105.87 90.07 186.49 132.59 105.87 90.07
198.88 158.81 135.11 279.74 198.88 158.81 135.11
265.18 211.75 180.15 372.98 265.18 211.75 180.15
331.47 264.68 225.18 466.23 331.47 264.68 225.18
77.99 62.28 52.99 109.70 77.99 62.28 52.99
155.99 124.56 105.97 219.40 155.99 124.56 105.97
233.98 186.84 158.96 329.11 233.98 186.84 158.96
311.98 249.12 211.94 438.81 311.98 249.12 211.94
389.97 311.40 264.93 548.51 389.97 311.40 264.93
102.97 82.22 69.95 144.83 102.97 82.22 69.95
59.23 47.29 40.24 83.31 59.23 47.29 40.24
50.90 40.64 34.58 71.59 50.90 40.64 34.58
45.42 36.27 30.86 63.89 45.42 36.27 30.86
42.53 33.96 28.89 59.82 42.53 33.96 28.89
38.30 30.58 26.02 53.87 38.30 30.58 26.02
35.69 28.50 24.24 50.20 35.69 28.50 24.24
11.85 9.46 8.05 16.66 11.85 9.46 8.05
23.69 18.92 16.09 33.32 23.69 18.92 16.09
35.54 28.38 24.14 49.98 35.54 28.38 24.14
47.38 37.84 32.19 66.65 47.38 37.84 32.19
59.23 47.29 40.24 83.31 59.23 47.29 40.24
10.18 8.13 6.92 14.32 10.18 8.13 6.92
20.36 16.26 13.83 28.64 20.36 16.26 13.83
30.54 24.39 20.75 42.95 30.54 24.39 20.75
40.72 32.51 27.66 57.27 40.72 32.51 27.66
50.90 40.64 34.58 71.59 50.90 40.64 34.58
9.08 7.25 6.17 12.78 9.08 7.25 6.17
18.17 14.51 12.34 25.56 18.17 14.51 12.34
27.25 21.76 18.52 38.33 27.25 21.76 18.52
36.34 29.02 24.69 51.11 36.34 29.02 24.69
45.42 36.27 30.86 63.89 45.42 36.27 30.86
8.51 6.79 5.78 11.96 8.51 6.79 5.78
17.01 13.58 11.56 23.93 17.01 13.58 11.56
25.52 20.37 17.33 35.89 25.52 20.37 17.33
34.02 27.17 23.11 47.85 34.02 27.17 23.11
42.53 33.96 28.89 59.82 42.53 33.96 28.89
7.66 6.12 5.20 10.77 7.66 6.12 5.20
15.32 12.23 10.41 21.55 15.32 12.23 10.41
22.98 18.35 15.61 32.32 22.98 18.35 15.61
30.64 24.47 20.82 43.10 30.64 24.47 20.82
38.30 30.58 26.02 53.87 38.30 30.58 26.02
7.14 5.70 4.85 10.04 7.14 5.70 4.85
14.28 11.40 9.70 20.08 14.28 11.40 9.70
21.41 17.10 14.55 30.12 21.41 17.10 14.55
28.55 22.80 19.40 40.16 28.55 22.80 19.40
35.69 28.50 24.24 50.20 35.69 28.50 24.24
88.84 70.94 60.35 124.96 88.84 70.94 60.35
76.35 60.96 51.87 107.38 76.35 60.96 51.87
68.14 54.41 46.29 95.84 68.14 54.41 46.29
63.79 50.94 43.34 89.72 63.79 50.94 43.34
57.45 45.88 39.03 80.81 57.45 45.88 39.03
53.53 42.75 36.37 75.30 53.53 42.75 36.37
17.77 14.19 12.07 24.99 17.77 14.19 12.07
35.54 28.38 24.14 49.98 35.54 28.38 24.14
53.31 42.57 36.21 74.98 53.31 42.57 36.21
71.07 56.75 48.28 99.97 71.07 56.75 48.28
88.84 70.94 60.35 124.96 88.84 70.94 60.35
15.27 12.19 10.37 21.48 15.27 12.19 10.37
30.54 24.39 20.75 42.95 30.54 24.39 20.75
45.81 36.58 31.12 64.43 45.81 36.58 31.12
61.08 48.77 41.49 85.91 61.08 48.77 41.49
76.35 60.96 51.87 107.38 76.35 60.96 51.87
13.63 10.88 9.26 19.17 13.63 10.88 9.26
27.25 21.76 18.52 38.33 27.25 21.76 18.52
40.88 32.64 27.77 57.50 40.88 32.64 27.77
54.51 43.53 37.03 76.67 54.51 43.53 37.03
68.14 54.41 46.29 95.84 68.14 54.41 46.29
12.76 10.19 8.67 17.94 12.76 10.19 8.67
25.52 20.37 17.33 35.89 25.52 20.37 17.33
38.27 30.56 26.00 53.83 38.27 30.56 26.00
51.03 40.75 34.67 71.78 51.03 40.75 34.67
63.79 50.94 43.34 89.72 63.79 50.94 43.34
11.49 9.18 7.81 16.16 11.49 9.18 7.81
22.98 18.35 15.61 32.32 22.98 18.35 15.61
34.47 27.53 23.42 48.49 34.47 27.53 23.42
45.96 36.70 31.22 64.65 45.96 36.70 31.22
57.45 45.88 39.03 80.81 57.45 45.88 39.03
10.71 8.55 7.27 15.06 10.71 8.55 7.27
21.41 17.10 14.55 30.12 21.41 17.10 14.55
32.12 25.65 21.82 45.18 32.12 25.65 21.82
42.83 34.20 29.09 60.24 42.83 34.20 29.09
53.53 42.75 36.37 75.30 53.53 42.75 36.37
35.54 28.38 24.14 49.98 35.54 28.38 24.14
38.62 30.84 26.23 54.32 38.62 30.84 26.23
7.72 6.17 5.25 10.86 7.72 6.17 5.25
15.45 12.33 10.49 21.73 15.45 12.33 10.49
23.17 18.50 15.74 32.59 23.17 18.50 15.74
30.89 24.67 20.99 43.45 30.89 24.67 20.99
38.62 30.84 26.23 54.32 38.62 30.84 26.23
9.39 7.50 6.38 13.21 9.39 7.50 6.38
15.14 12.09 10.29 21.30 15.14 12.09 10.29
10.90 8.71 7.41 15.33 10.90 8.71 7.41
6.06 4.84 4.11 8.52 6.06 4.84 4.11
4.85 3.87 3.29 6.82 4.85 3.87 3.29
4.54 3.63 3.09 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
3.03 2.42 2.06 4.26 3.03 2.42 2.06
6.06 4.84 4.11 8.52 6.06 4.84 4.11
9.09 7.25 6.17 12.78 9.09 7.25 6.17
12.11 9.67 8.23 17.04 12.11 9.67 8.23
15.14 12.09 10.29 21.30 15.14 12.09 10.29
2.18 1.74 1.48 3.07 2.18 1.74 1.48
4.36 3.48 2.96 6.13 4.36 3.48 2.96
6.54 5.22 4.44 9.20 6.54 5.22 4.44
8.72 6.96 5.93 12.27 8.72 6.96 5.93
10.90 8.71 7.41 15.33 10.90 8.71 7.41
1.21 0.97 0.82 1.70 1.21 0.97 0.82
2.42 1.93 1.65 3.41 2.42 1.93 1.65
3.63 2.90 2.47 5.11 3.63 2.90 2.47
4.85 3.87 3.29 6.82 4.85 3.87 3.29
6.06 4.84 4.11 8.52 6.06 4.84 4.11
0.97 0.77 0.66 1.36 0.97 0.77 0.66
1.94 1.55 1.32 2.73 1.94 1.55 1.32
2.91 2.32 1.98 4.09 2.91 2.32 1.98
3.88 3.10 2.63 5.45 3.88 3.10 2.63
4.85 3.87 3.29 6.82 4.85 3.87 3.29
0.91 0.73 0.62 1.28 0.91 0.73 0.62
1.82 1.45 1.23 2.56 1.82 1.45 1.23
2.73 2.18 1.85 3.83 2.73 2.18 1.85
3.63 2.90 2.47 5.11 3.63 2.90 2.47
4.54 3.63 3.09 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
56.78 45.34 38.58 79.87 56.78 45.34 38.58

6.11 4.88 4.15 8.60 6.11 4.88 4.15

9.09 7.25 6.17 12.78 9.09 7.25 6.17
10.60 8.46 7.20 14.91 10.60 8.46 7.20
12.11 9.67 8.23 17.04 12.11 9.67 8.23
13.63 10.88 9.26 19.17 13.63 10.88 9.26
15.14 12.09 10.29 21.30 15.14 12.09 10.29
5.11 4.08 3.47 7.18 5.11 4.08 3.47
7.54 6.02 5.12 10.61 7.54 6.02 5.12
8.80 7.03 5.98 12.37 8.80 7.03 5.98
10.05 8.03 6.83 14.14 10.05 8.03 6.83
11.31 9.03 7.68 15.91 11.31 9.03 7.68
12.57 10.04 8.54 17.68 12.57 10.04 8.54
4.45 3.55 3.02 6.26 4.45 3.55 3.02
6.54 5.22 4.44 9.20 6.54 5.22 4.44
7.63 6.09 5.18 10.73 7.63 6.09 5.18
8.72 6.96 5.93 12.27 8.72 6.96 5.93
9.81 7.84 6.67 13.80 9.81 7.84 6.67
10.90 8.71 7.41 15.33 10.90 8.71 7.41
3.91 3.12 2.65 5.49 3.91 3.12 2.65
5.73 4.58 3.90 8.07 5.73 4.58 3.90
6.69 5.34 4.54 9.41 6.69 5.34 4.54
7.65 6.10 5.19 10.75 7.65 6.10 5.19
8.60 6.87 5.84 12.10 8.60 6.87 5.84
9.56 7.63 6.49 13.44 9.56 7.63 6.49
3.09 2.47 2.10 4.35 3.09 2.47 2.10
4.56 3.64 3.10 6.42 4.56 3.64 3.10
5.32 4.25 3.62 7.49 5.32 4.25 3.62
6.08 4.86 4.13 8.56 6.08 4.86 4.13
6.84 5.47 4.65 9.63 6.84 5.47 4.65
7.60 6.07 5.17 10.70 7.60 6.07 5.17
2.78 2.22 1.89 3.92 2.78 2.22 1.89
4.08 3.26 2.77 5.74 4.08 3.26 2.77
4.76 3.80 3.23 6.69 4.76 3.80 3.23
5.44 4.34 3.69 7.65 5.44 4.34 3.69
6.12 4.88 4.16 8.60 6.12 4.88 4.16
6.12 4.88 4.16 8.60 6.12 4.88 4.16
1.36 1.09 0.93 1.92 1.36 1.09 0.93
2.73 2.18 1.85 3.83 2.73 2.18 1.85
4.09 3.26 2.78 5.75 4.09 3.26 2.78
5.45 4.35 3.70 7.67 5.45 4.35 3.70
6.81 5.44 4.63 9.58 6.81 5.44 4.63
1.13 0.90 0.77 1.59 1.13 0.90 0.77
2.26 1.81 1.54 3.18 2.26 1.81 1.54
3.39 2.71 2.31 4.77 3.39 2.71 2.31
4.52 3.61 3.07 6.36 4.52 3.61 3.07
5.66 4.52 3.84 7.95 5.66 4.52 3.84
0.98 0.78 0.67 1.38 0.98 0.78 0.67
1.96 1.57 1.33 2.76 1.96 1.57 1.33
2.94 2.35 2.00 4.14 2.94 2.35 2.00
3.92 3.13 2.67 5.52 3.92 3.13 2.67
4.91 3.92 3.33 6.90 4.91 3.92 3.33
0.86 0.69 0.58 1.21 0.86 0.69 0.58
1.72 1.37 1.17 2.42 1.72 1.37 1.17
2.58 2.06 1.75 3.63 2.58 2.06 1.75
3.44 2.75 2.34 4.84 3.44 2.75 2.34
4.30 3.43 2.92 6.05 4.30 3.43 2.92
0.68 0.55 0.46 0.96 0.68 0.55 0.46
1.37 1.09 0.93 1.93 1.37 1.09 0.93
2.05 1.64 1.39 2.89 2.05 1.64 1.39
2.74 2.19 1.86 3.85 2.74 2.19 1.86
3.42 2.73 2.32 4.81 3.42 2.73 2.32
0.61 0.49 0.42 0.86 0.61 0.49 0.42
1.22 0.98 0.83 1.72 1.22 0.98 0.83
1.84 1.47 1.25 2.58 1.84 1.47 1.25
2.45 1.95 1.66 3.44 2.45 1.95 1.66
3.06 2.44 2.08 4.30 3.06 2.44 2.08
389.97 311.40 264.93 548.51 389.97 311.40 264.93
467.97 373.68 317.91 658.21 467.97 373.68 317.91
545.96 435.96 370.90 767.91 545.96 435.96 370.90
623.95 498.24 423.88 877.62 623.95 498.24 423.88
701.95 560.52 476.87 987.32 701.95 560.52 476.87
779.94 622.80 529.85 1,097.02 779.94 622.80 529.85

1.51 1.21 1.03 2.13 1.51 1.21 1.03

15.14 12.09 10.29 21.30 15.14 12.09 10.29
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
757.13 604.58 514.35 1,064.93 757.13 604.58 514.35
7.10 5.67 4.82 9.99 7.10 5.67 4.82
31.13 24.85 21.15 43.78 31.13 24.85 21.15
120.30 96.06 81.72 169.20 120.30 96.06 81.72
5.82 4.65 3.95 8.19 5.82 4.65 3.95
2.69 2.15 1.83 3.79 2.69 2.15 1.83
2.69 2.15 1.83 3.79 2.69 2.15 1.83
2.69 2.15 1.83 3.79 2.69 2.15 1.83
2.89 2.31 1.97 4.07 2.89 2.31 1.97
2.89 2.31 1.97 4.07 2.89 2.31 1.97
2.69 2.15 1.83 3.79 2.69 2.15 1.83
2.89 2.31 1.97 4.07 2.89 2.31 1.97

8.08 6.45 5.49 11.36 8.08 6.45 5.49

69.05 55.14 46.91 97.12 69.05 55.14 46.91
544.12 434.49 369.65 765.33 544.12 434.49 369.65
2,448.44 1,955.11 1,663.34 3,443.83 2,448.44 1,955.11 1,663.34
0.50 0.40 0.34 0.71 0.50 0.40 0.34
5.05 4.03 3.43 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
252.38 201.53 171.45 354.98 252.38 201.53 171.45
5.96 4.76 4.05 8.38 5.96 4.76 4.05
6.83 5.45 4.64 9.61 6.83 5.45 4.64
8.08 6.45 5.49 11.36 8.08 6.45 5.49
8.95 7.15 6.08 12.59 8.95 7.15 6.08
8.51 6.80 5.78 11.97 8.51 6.80 5.78
8.08 6.45 5.49 11.36 8.08 6.45 5.49
8.51 6.80 5.78 11.97 8.51 6.80 5.78
10.23 8.17 6.95 14.39 10.23 8.17 6.95
11.51 9.19 7.82 16.19 11.51 9.19 7.82
10.23 8.17 6.95 14.39 10.23 8.17 6.95
3.94 3.14 2.67 5.54 3.94 3.14 2.67
2.32 1.85 1.58 3.27 2.32 1.85 1.58
1.78 1.42 1.21 2.51 1.78 1.42 1.21
7.94 6.34 5.39 11.17 7.94 6.34 5.39
9.09 7.25 6.17 12.78 9.09 7.25 6.17
10.80 8.63 7.34 15.19 10.80 8.63 7.34
11.95 9.54 8.12 16.80 11.95 9.54 8.12
11.37 9.08 7.73 16.00 11.37 9.08 7.73
10.80 8.63 7.34 15.19 10.80 8.63 7.34
11.37 9.08 7.73 16.00 11.37 9.08 7.73
13.63 10.88 9.26 19.17 13.63 10.88 9.26
15.34 12.25 10.42 21.58 15.34 12.25 10.42
13.63 10.88 9.26 19.17 13.63 10.88 9.26
5.22 4.16 3.54 7.34 5.22 4.16 3.54
3.10 2.47 2.10 4.35 3.10 2.47 2.10
2.36 1.88 1.60 3.31 2.36 1.88 1.60
9.96 7.95 6.77 14.01 9.96 7.95 6.77
11.37 9.08 7.73 16.00 11.37 9.08 7.73
13.49 10.77 9.17 18.98 13.49 10.77 9.17
14.91 11.90 10.13 20.97 14.91 11.90 10.13
14.20 11.34 9.65 19.97 14.20 11.34 9.65
13.49 10.77 9.17 18.98 13.49 10.77 9.17
14.20 11.34 9.65 19.97 14.20 11.34 9.65
17.03 13.60 11.57 23.95 17.03 13.60 11.57
19.18 15.32 13.03 26.98 19.18 15.32 13.03
17.03 13.60 11.57 23.95 17.03 13.60 11.57
6.53 5.21 4.43 9.18 6.53 5.21 4.43
2.96 2.36 2.01 4.17 2.96 2.36 2.01
35.90 28.67 24.39 50.50 35.90 28.67 24.39
12.89 10.29 8.76 18.13 12.89 10.29 8.76
17.73 14.16 12.05 24.94 17.73 14.16 12.05
6.83 5.45 4.64 9.61 6.83 5.45 4.64
42.26 33.75 28.71 59.45 42.26 33.75 28.71
16.66 13.30 11.32 23.43 16.66 13.30 11.32
21.06 16.82 14.31 29.63 21.06 16.82 14.31
8.35 6.66 5.67 11.74 8.35 6.66 5.67
14.40 11.50 9.78 20.26 14.40 11.50 9.78
9.86 7.87 6.70 13.87 9.86 7.87 6.70
34.83 27.81 23.66 48.99 34.83 27.81 23.66
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
20.46 16.34 13.90 28.78 20.46 16.34 13.90
9.86 7.87 6.70 13.87 9.86 7.87 6.70
166.87 133.25 113.36 234.71 166.87 133.25 113.36
57.71 46.08 39.20 81.17 57.71 46.08 39.20
30.45 24.32 20.69 42.83 30.45 24.32 20.69
7.57 6.05 5.14 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14
1.51 1.21 1.03 2.13 1.51 1.21 1.03
65.11 51.99 44.23 91.58 65.11 51.99 44.23
513.33 409.90 348.73 722.02 513.33 409.90 348.73
2,309.84 1,844.44 1,569.18 3,248.87 2,309.84 1,844.44 1,569.18
10.60 8.46 7.20 14.91 10.60 8.46 7.20
92.67 74.00 62.96 130.35 92.67 74.00 62.96
770.01 614.87 523.11 1,083.05 770.01 614.87 523.11
3,593.18 2,869.21 2,441.01 5,053.94 3,593.18 2,869.21 2,441.01
4.24 3.39 2.88 5.96 4.24 3.39 2.88
33.78 26.98 22.95 47.52 33.78 26.98 22.95
256.68 204.96 174.38 361.03 256.68 204.96 174.38
1,154.94 922.23 784.60 1,624.46 1,154.94 922.23 784.60
2.69 2.15 1.83 3.79 2.69 2.15 1.83
23.02 18.38 15.64 32.37 23.02 18.38 15.64
181.37 144.83 123.22 255.11 181.37 144.83 123.22
816.15 651.70 554.45 1,147.94 816.15 651.70 554.45
0.17 0.13 0.11 0.24 0.17 0.13 0.11
1.68 1.34 1.14 2.37 1.68 1.34 1.14
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
8.95 7.15 6.08 12.59 8.95 7.15 6.08
4.41 3.52 2.99 6.20 4.41 3.52 2.99
64.20 51.27 43.62 90.31 64.20 51.27 43.62
32.40 25.88 22.01 45.58 32.40 25.88 22.01
16.66 13.30 11.32 23.43 16.66 13.30 11.32
16.66 13.30 11.32 23.43 16.66 13.30 11.32
7.74 6.18 5.26 10.89 7.74 6.18 5.26
3.94 3.14 2.67 5.54 3.94 3.14 2.67
35.90 28.67 24.39 50.50 35.90 28.67 24.39
17.73 14.16 12.05 24.94 17.73 14.16 12.05
154.02 122.98 104.63 216.63 154.02 122.98 104.63
76.79 61.32 52.17 108.01 76.79 61.32 52.17
3.80 3.04 2.58 5.35 3.80 3.04 2.58
1.99 1.59 1.35 2.79 1.99 1.59 1.35
16.66 13.30 11.32 23.43 16.66 13.30 11.32
8.35 6.66 5.67 11.74 8.35 6.66 5.67
64.20 51.27 43.62 90.31 64.20 51.27 43.62
32.40 25.88 22.01 45.58 32.40 25.88 22.01
8.95 7.15 6.08 12.59 8.95 7.15 6.08
4.41 3.52 2.99 6.20 4.41 3.52 2.99
76.92 61.42 52.26 108.20 76.92 61.42 52.26
4.24 3.39 2.88 5.96 4.24 3.39 2.88
33.78 26.98 22.95 47.52 33.78 26.98 22.95
256.68 204.96 174.38 361.03 256.68 204.96 174.38
1,154.94 922.23 784.60 1,624.46 1,154.94 922.23 784.60
0.13 0.11 0.09 0.19 0.13 0.11 0.09
0.10 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07
0.07 0.06 0.05 0.10 0.07 0.06 0.05
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.24 0.19 0.16 0.33 0.24 0.19 0.16
0.17 0.13 0.11 0.24 0.17 0.13 0.11
0.13 0.11 0.09 0.19 0.13 0.11 0.09
0.10 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07
0.10 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07
0.10 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07
0.17 0.13 0.11 0.24 0.17 0.13 0.11
0.10 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07
0.10 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07
0.08 0.06 0.05 0.11 0.08 0.06 0.05
0.07 0.06 0.05 0.10 0.07 0.06 0.05
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.27 0.21 0.18 0.38 0.27 0.21 0.18
0.17 0.13 0.11 0.24 0.17 0.13 0.11
0.17 0.13 0.11 0.24 0.17 0.13 0.11
0.13 0.11 0.09 0.19 0.13 0.11 0.09
0.13 0.11 0.09 0.19 0.13 0.11 0.09
0.10 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07
10.60 8.46 7.20 14.91 10.60 8.46 7.20
12.11 9.67 8.23 17.04 12.11 9.67 8.23
14.40 11.50 9.78 20.26 14.40 11.50 9.78
15.92 12.71 10.81 22.39 15.92 12.71 10.81
4.04 3.22 2.74 5.68 4.04 3.22 2.74
14.40 11.50 9.78 20.26 14.40 11.50 9.78
15.14 12.09 10.29 21.30 15.14 12.09 10.29
18.17 14.51 12.34 25.56 18.17 14.51 12.34
20.46 16.34 13.90 28.78 20.46 16.34 13.90
18.17 14.51 12.34 25.56 18.17 14.51 12.34
4.54 3.63 3.09 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
6.97 5.56 4.73 9.80 6.97 5.56 4.73
4.85 3.87 3.29 6.82 4.85 3.87 3.29
3.20 2.55 2.17 4.50 3.20 2.55 2.17
4.54 3.63 3.09 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09

13.63 10.88 9.26 19.17 13.63 10.88 9.26

1.68 1.34 1.14 2.37 1.68 1.34 1.14
5.05 4.03 3.43 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
6.73 5.37 4.57 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
8.41 6.72 5.72 11.83 8.41 6.72 5.72
117.20 93.59 79.62 164.85 117.20 93.59 79.62
14.47 11.55 9.83 20.35 14.47 11.55 9.83
43.41 34.66 29.49 61.06 43.41 34.66 29.49
57.88 46.22 39.32 81.41 57.88 46.22 39.32
72.35 57.77 49.15 101.76 72.35 57.77 49.15
1,026.66 819.80 697.46 1,444.04 1,026.66 819.80 697.46
114.07 91.09 77.50 160.45 114.07 91.09 77.50
342.22 273.27 232.49 481.35 342.22 273.27 232.49
456.29 364.36 309.98 641.79 456.29 364.36 309.98
570.37 455.45 387.48 802.24 570.37 455.45 387.48
4,619.67 3,688.87 3,138.36 6,497.75 4,619.67 3,688.87 3,138.36
513.30 409.87 348.71 721.97 513.30 409.87 348.71
1,539.89 1,229.62 1,046.12 2,165.92 1,539.89 1,229.62 1,046.12
2,053.19 1,639.50 1,394.83 2,887.89 2,053.19 1,639.50 1,394.83
2,566.49 2,049.37 1,743.53 3,609.86 2,566.49 2,049.37 1,743.53
4.54 3.63 3.09 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
1.68 1.34 1.14 2.37 1.68 1.34 1.14
5.05 4.03 3.43 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
6.73 5.37 4.57 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
8.41 6.72 5.72 11.83 8.41 6.72 5.72
39.07 31.20 26.54 54.95 39.07 31.20 26.54
14.47 11.55 9.83 20.35 14.47 11.55 9.83
43.41 34.66 29.49 61.06 43.41 34.66 29.49
57.88 46.22 39.32 81.41 57.88 46.22 39.32
72.35 57.77 49.15 101.76 72.35 57.77 49.15
308.00 245.94 209.24 433.21 308.00 245.94 209.24
114.07 91.09 77.50 160.45 114.07 91.09 77.50
342.22 273.27 232.49 481.35 342.22 273.27 232.49
456.29 364.36 309.98 641.79 456.29 364.36 309.98
570.37 455.45 387.48 802.24 570.37 455.45 387.48
1,385.91 1,106.67 941.51 1,949.33 1,385.91 1,106.67 941.51
513.30 409.87 348.71 721.97 513.30 409.87 348.71
1,385.91 1,106.67 941.51 1,949.33 1,385.91 1,106.67 941.51
2,053.19 1,639.50 1,394.83 2,887.89 2,053.19 1,639.50 1,394.83
2,566.49 2,049.37 1,743.53 3,609.86 2,566.49 2,049.37 1,743.53
2.89 2.31 1.97 4.07 2.89 2.31 1.97
1.68 1.34 1.14 2.37 1.68 1.34 1.14
5.05 4.03 3.43 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
6.73 5.37 4.57 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
8.41 6.72 5.72 11.83 8.41 6.72 5.72
28.77 22.97 19.55 40.47 28.77 22.97 19.55
14.47 11.55 9.83 20.35 14.47 11.55 9.83
43.41 34.66 29.49 61.06 43.41 34.66 29.49
57.88 46.22 39.32 81.41 57.88 46.22 39.32
72.35 57.77 49.15 101.76 72.35 57.77 49.15
287.71 229.74 195.45 404.67 287.71 229.74 195.45
114.07 91.09 77.50 160.45 114.07 91.09 77.50
342.22 273.27 232.49 481.35 342.22 273.27 232.49
456.29 364.36 309.98 641.79 456.29 364.36 309.98
570.37 455.45 387.48 802.24 570.37 455.45 387.48

1.01 0.81 0.69 1.42 1.01 0.81 0.69

0.10 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07
0.30 0.24 0.21 0.43 0.30 0.24 0.21
0.40 0.32 0.27 0.57 0.40 0.32 0.27
0.50 0.40 0.34 0.71 0.50 0.40 0.34
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
1.01 0.81 0.69 1.42 1.01 0.81 0.69
3.03 2.42 2.06 4.26 3.03 2.42 2.06
4.04 3.22 2.74 5.68 4.04 3.22 2.74
5.05 4.03 3.43 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
40.38 32.24 27.43 56.80 40.38 32.24 27.43
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
504.75 403.05 342.90 709.95 504.75 403.05 342.90
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
201.90 161.22 137.16 283.98 201.90 161.22 137.16
252.38 201.53 171.45 354.98 252.38 201.53 171.45
0.30 0.24 0.21 0.43 0.30 0.24 0.21
0.10 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07
0.30 0.24 0.21 0.43 0.30 0.24 0.21
0.40 0.32 0.27 0.57 0.40 0.32 0.27
0.50 0.40 0.34 0.71 0.50 0.40 0.34
3.03 2.42 2.06 4.26 3.03 2.42 2.06
1.01 0.81 0.69 1.42 1.01 0.81 0.69
3.03 2.42 2.06 4.26 3.03 2.42 2.06
4.04 3.22 2.74 5.68 4.04 3.22 2.74
5.05 4.03 3.43 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
40.38 32.24 27.43 56.80 40.38 32.24 27.43
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
201.90 161.22 137.16 283.98 201.90 161.22 137.16
252.38 201.53 171.45 354.98 252.38 201.53 171.45
1.17 0.93 0.79 1.64 1.17 0.93 0.79
0.17 0.13 0.11 0.24 0.17 0.13 0.11
11.51 9.19 7.82 16.19 11.51 9.19 7.82
1.68 1.34 1.14 2.37 1.68 1.34 1.14
115.12 91.92 78.21 161.92 115.12 91.92 78.21
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
0.50 0.40 0.34 0.71 0.50 0.40 0.34
5.05 4.03 3.43 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
0.67 0.54 0.46 0.95 0.67 0.54 0.46
6.73 5.37 4.57 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
67.30 53.74 45.72 94.66 67.30 53.74 45.72
0.84 0.67 0.57 1.18 0.84 0.67 0.57
8.41 6.72 5.72 11.83 8.41 6.72 5.72
84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15

757.13 604.58 514.35 1,064.93 757.13 604.58 514.35

84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
252.38 201.53 171.45 354.98 252.38 201.53 171.45
336.50 268.70 228.60 473.30 336.50 268.70 228.60
420.63 335.88 285.75 591.63 420.63 335.88 285.75
0.47 0.38 0.32 0.66 0.47 0.38 0.32
0.17 0.13 0.11 0.24 0.17 0.13 0.11
0.50 0.40 0.34 0.71 0.50 0.40 0.34
0.67 0.54 0.46 0.95 0.67 0.54 0.46
0.84 0.67 0.57 1.18 0.84 0.67 0.57
4.54 3.63 3.09 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
1.68 1.34 1.14 2.37 1.68 1.34 1.14
5.05 4.03 3.43 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
6.73 5.37 4.57 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
8.41 6.72 5.72 11.83 8.41 6.72 5.72
45.43 36.27 30.86 63.90 45.43 36.27 30.86
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
67.30 53.74 45.72 94.66 67.30 53.74 45.72
84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
227.14 181.37 154.31 319.48 227.14 181.37 154.31
84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
252.38 201.53 171.45 354.98 252.38 201.53 171.45
336.50 268.70 228.60 473.30 336.50 268.70 228.60
420.63 335.88 285.75 591.63 420.63 335.88 285.75

71.78 57.31 48.76 100.95 71.78 57.31 48.76

7.98 6.37 5.42 11.22 7.98 6.37 5.42
23.93 19.10 16.25 33.65 23.93 19.10 16.25
31.90 25.47 21.67 44.87 31.90 25.47 21.67
39.88 31.84 27.09 56.09 39.88 31.84 27.09
25.61 20.45 17.40 36.02 25.61 20.45 17.40
2.86 2.28 1.94 4.02 2.86 2.28 1.94
8.58 6.85 5.83 12.07 8.58 6.85 5.83
11.44 9.14 7.77 16.09 11.44 9.14 7.77
14.30 11.42 9.72 20.12 14.30 11.42 9.72
21.54 17.20 14.63 30.29 21.54 17.20 14.63
7.98 6.37 5.42 11.22 7.98 6.37 5.42
23.93 19.10 16.25 33.65 23.93 19.10 16.25
31.90 25.47 21.67 44.87 31.90 25.47 21.67
39.88 31.84 27.09 56.09 39.88 31.84 27.09
7.71 6.15 5.23 10.84 7.71 6.15 5.23
2.86 2.28 1.94 4.02 2.86 2.28 1.94
8.58 6.85 5.83 12.07 8.58 6.85 5.83
11.44 9.14 7.77 16.09 11.44 9.14 7.77
14.30 11.42 9.72 20.12 14.30 11.42 9.72
84.50 67.47 57.40 118.85 84.50 67.47 57.40
9.39 7.50 6.38 13.21 9.39 7.50 6.38
28.17 22.49 19.13 39.62 28.17 22.49 19.13
37.55 29.99 25.51 52.82 37.55 29.99 25.51
46.94 37.48 31.89 66.03 46.94 37.48 31.89
33.18 26.49 22.54 46.67 33.18 26.49 22.54
3.70 2.96 2.51 5.21 3.70 2.96 2.51
11.10 8.87 7.54 15.62 11.10 8.87 7.54
14.81 11.82 10.06 20.83 14.81 11.82 10.06
18.51 14.78 12.57 26.03 18.51 14.78 12.57
25.34 20.23 17.21 35.64 25.34 20.23 17.21
9.39 7.50 6.38 13.21 9.39 7.50 6.38
28.17 22.49 19.13 39.62 28.17 22.49 19.13
37.55 29.99 25.51 52.82 37.55 29.99 25.51
46.94 37.48 31.89 66.03 46.94 37.48 31.89
9.96 7.95 6.77 14.01 9.96 7.95 6.77
3.70 2.96 2.51 5.21 3.70 2.96 2.51
11.10 8.87 7.54 15.62 11.10 8.87 7.54
14.81 11.82 10.06 20.83 14.81 11.82 10.06
18.51 14.78 12.57 26.03 18.51 14.78 12.57

28.64 22.87 19.45 40.28 28.64 22.87 19.45

3.20 2.55 2.17 4.50 3.20 2.55 2.17
9.59 7.66 6.52 13.49 9.59 7.66 6.52
12.79 10.21 8.69 17.99 12.79 10.21 8.69
15.98 12.76 10.86 22.48 15.98 12.76 10.86
19.69 15.72 13.37 27.69 19.69 15.72 13.37
2.19 1.75 1.49 3.08 2.19 1.75 1.49
6.56 5.24 4.46 9.23 6.56 5.24 4.46
8.75 6.99 5.94 12.31 8.75 6.99 5.94
10.94 8.73 7.43 15.38 10.94 8.73 7.43
69.66 55.62 47.32 97.97 69.66 55.62 47.32
7.74 6.18 5.26 10.89 7.74 6.18 5.26
23.22 18.54 15.77 32.66 23.22 18.54 15.77
30.96 24.72 21.03 43.54 30.96 24.72 21.03
38.70 30.90 26.29 54.43 38.70 30.90 26.29
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
67.30 53.74 45.72 94.66 67.30 53.74 45.72
84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
8.61 6.88 5.85 12.12 8.61 6.88 5.85
3.20 2.55 2.17 4.50 3.20 2.55 2.17
9.59 7.66 6.52 13.49 9.59 7.66 6.52
12.79 10.21 8.69 17.99 12.79 10.21 8.69
15.98 12.76 10.86 22.48 15.98 12.76 10.86
5.92 4.73 4.02 8.33 5.92 4.73 4.02
2.19 1.75 1.49 3.08 2.19 1.75 1.49
6.56 5.24 4.46 9.23 6.56 5.24 4.46
8.75 6.99 5.94 12.31 8.75 6.99 5.94
10.94 8.73 7.43 15.38 10.94 8.73 7.43
20.90 16.69 14.20 29.39 20.90 16.69 14.20
7.74 6.18 5.26 10.89 7.74 6.18 5.26
23.22 18.54 15.77 32.66 23.22 18.54 15.77
30.96 24.72 21.03 43.54 30.96 24.72 21.03
38.70 30.90 26.29 54.43 38.70 30.90 26.29
45.43 36.27 30.86 63.90 45.43 36.27 30.86
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
67.30 53.74 45.72 94.66 67.30 53.74 45.72
84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15

40.88 32.65 27.77 57.51 40.88 32.65 27.77

4.54 3.63 3.09 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
13.63 10.88 9.26 19.17 13.63 10.88 9.26
18.17 14.51 12.34 25.56 18.17 14.51 12.34
22.71 18.14 15.43 31.95 22.71 18.14 15.43
333.61 266.39 226.63 469.23 333.61 266.39 226.63
37.08 29.61 25.19 52.16 37.08 29.61 25.19
111.25 88.83 75.58 156.47 111.25 88.83 75.58
148.33 118.44 100.77 208.63 148.33 118.44 100.77
185.41 148.05 125.96 260.79 185.41 148.05 125.96
115.39 92.14 78.39 162.29 115.39 92.14 78.39
12.82 10.24 8.71 18.03 12.82 10.24 8.71
38.46 30.71 26.13 54.10 38.46 30.71 26.13
51.28 40.95 34.84 72.13 51.28 40.95 34.84
64.10 51.19 43.55 90.16 64.10 51.19 43.55
12.28 9.81 8.34 17.28 12.28 9.81 8.34
4.54 3.63 3.09 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
13.63 10.88 9.26 19.17 13.63 10.88 9.26
18.17 14.51 12.34 25.56 18.17 14.51 12.34
22.71 18.14 15.43 31.95 22.71 18.14 15.43
100.11 79.94 68.01 140.81 100.11 79.94 68.01
37.08 29.61 25.19 52.16 37.08 29.61 25.19
111.25 88.83 75.58 156.47 111.25 88.83 75.58
148.33 118.44 100.77 208.63 148.33 118.44 100.77
185.41 148.05 125.96 260.79 185.41 148.05 125.96
34.63 27.65 23.52 48.70 34.63 27.65 23.52
12.82 10.24 8.71 18.03 12.82 10.24 8.71
38.46 30.71 26.13 54.10 38.46 30.71 26.13
51.28 40.95 34.84 72.13 51.28 40.95 34.84
64.10 51.19 43.55 90.16 64.10 51.19 43.55

17.87 14.27 12.14 25.13 17.87 14.27 12.14

1.99 1.59 1.35 2.79 1.99 1.59 1.35
5.96 4.76 4.05 8.38 5.96 4.76 4.05
7.94 6.34 5.39 11.17 7.94 6.34 5.39
9.93 7.93 6.74 13.96 9.93 7.93 6.74
128.27 102.43 87.14 180.42 128.27 102.43 87.14
14.27 11.39 9.69 20.07 14.27 11.39 9.69
42.80 34.18 29.08 60.20 42.80 34.18 29.08
57.07 45.57 38.77 80.27 57.07 45.57 38.77
71.34 56.96 48.46 100.34 71.34 56.96 48.46
33.31 26.60 22.63 46.86 33.31 26.60 22.63
3.70 2.96 2.51 5.21 3.70 2.96 2.51
11.10 8.87 7.54 15.62 11.10 8.87 7.54
14.81 11.82 10.06 20.83 14.81 11.82 10.06
18.51 14.78 12.57 26.03 18.51 14.78 12.57
33.31 26.60 22.63 46.86 33.31 26.60 22.63
3.70 2.96 2.51 5.21 3.70 2.96 2.51
11.10 8.87 7.54 15.62 11.10 8.87 7.54
14.81 11.82 10.06 20.83 14.81 11.82 10.06
18.51 14.78 12.57 26.03 18.51 14.78 12.57
5.35 4.27 3.63 7.53 5.35 4.27 3.63
1.99 1.59 1.35 2.79 1.99 1.59 1.35
5.96 4.76 4.05 8.38 5.96 4.76 4.05
7.94 6.34 5.39 11.17 7.94 6.34 5.39
9.93 7.93 6.74 13.96 9.93 7.93 6.74
38.50 30.74 26.15 54.15 38.50 30.74 26.15
14.27 11.39 9.69 20.07 14.27 11.39 9.69
42.77 34.15 29.06 60.16 42.77 34.15 29.06
57.07 45.57 38.77 80.27 57.07 45.57 38.77
71.34 56.96 48.46 100.34 71.34 56.96 48.46
9.99 7.98 6.79 14.06 9.99 7.98 6.79
3.70 2.96 2.51 5.21 3.70 2.96 2.51
11.10 8.87 7.54 15.62 11.10 8.87 7.54
14.81 11.82 10.06 20.83 14.81 11.82 10.06
18.51 14.78 12.57 26.03 18.51 14.78 12.57
9.99 7.98 6.79 14.06 9.99 7.98 6.79
3.70 2.96 2.51 5.21 3.70 2.96 2.51
11.10 8.87 7.54 15.62 11.10 8.87 7.54
14.81 11.82 10.06 20.83 14.81 11.82 10.06
18.51 14.78 12.57 26.03 18.51 14.78 12.57

15.31 12.23 10.40 21.54 15.31 12.23 10.40

1.72 1.37 1.17 2.41 1.72 1.37 1.17
5.15 4.11 3.50 7.24 5.15 4.11 3.50
6.86 5.48 4.66 9.66 6.86 5.48 4.66
8.58 6.85 5.83 12.07 8.58 6.85 5.83
71.78 57.31 48.76 100.95 71.78 57.31 48.76
7.98 6.37 5.42 11.22 7.98 6.37 5.42
23.93 19.10 16.25 33.65 23.93 19.10 16.25
31.90 25.47 21.67 44.87 31.90 25.47 21.67
39.88 31.84 27.09 56.09 39.88 31.84 27.09
307.86 245.83 209.15 433.02 307.86 245.83 209.15
37.25 29.75 25.31 52.39 37.25 29.75 25.31
102.67 81.98 69.75 144.40 102.67 81.98 69.75
136.89 109.31 92.99 192.54 136.89 109.31 92.99
170.20 135.91 115.63 239.40 170.20 135.91 115.63
4.61 3.68 3.13 6.48 4.61 3.68 3.13
1.72 1.37 1.17 2.41 1.72 1.37 1.17
5.15 4.11 3.50 7.24 5.15 4.11 3.50
6.86 5.48 4.66 9.66 6.86 5.48 4.66
8.58 6.85 5.83 12.07 8.58 6.85 5.83
21.54 17.20 14.63 30.29 21.54 17.20 14.63
7.98 6.37 5.42 11.22 7.98 6.37 5.42
23.93 19.10 16.25 33.65 23.93 19.10 16.25
31.90 25.47 21.67 44.87 31.90 25.47 21.67
39.88 31.84 27.09 56.09 39.88 31.84 27.09
92.37 73.76 62.75 129.92 92.37 73.76 62.75
34.22 27.33 23.25 48.13 34.22 27.33 23.25
102.67 81.98 69.75 144.40 102.67 81.98 69.75
136.89 109.31 92.99 192.54 136.89 109.31 92.99
171.11 136.63 116.24 240.67 171.11 136.63 116.24

17.87 14.27 12.14 25.13 17.87 14.27 12.14

1.99 1.59 1.35 2.79 1.99 1.59 1.35
5.96 4.76 4.05 8.38 5.96 4.76 4.05
7.94 6.34 5.39 11.17 7.94 6.34 5.39
9.93 7.93 6.74 13.96 9.93 7.93 6.74
153.85 122.85 104.52 216.39 153.85 122.85 104.52
17.09 13.65 11.61 24.04 17.09 13.65 11.61
51.28 40.95 34.84 72.13 51.28 40.95 34.84
68.38 54.60 46.45 96.17 68.38 54.60 46.45
85.47 68.25 58.06 120.22 85.47 68.25 58.06
5.35 4.27 3.63 7.53 5.35 4.27 3.63
1.99 1.59 1.35 2.79 1.99 1.59 1.35
5.96 4.76 4.05 8.38 5.96 4.76 4.05
7.94 6.34 5.39 11.17 7.94 6.34 5.39
9.93 7.93 6.74 13.96 9.93 7.93 6.74
46.17 36.87 31.36 64.94 46.17 36.87 31.36
17.09 13.65 11.61 24.04 17.09 13.65 11.61
51.28 40.95 34.84 72.13 51.28 40.95 34.84
68.38 54.60 46.45 96.17 68.38 54.60 46.45
85.47 68.25 58.06 120.22 85.47 68.25 58.06

8.35 6.66 5.67 11.74 8.35 6.66 5.67

0.94 0.75 0.64 1.33 0.94 0.75 0.64
2.83 2.26 1.92 3.98 2.83 2.26 1.92
3.77 3.01 2.56 5.30 3.77 3.01 2.56
4.71 3.76 3.20 6.63 4.71 3.76 3.20
67.40 53.82 45.79 94.80 67.40 53.82 45.79
7.50 5.99 5.10 10.55 7.50 5.99 5.10
22.51 17.98 15.29 31.66 22.51 17.98 15.29
30.02 23.97 20.39 42.22 30.02 23.97 20.39
37.52 29.96 25.49 52.77 37.52 29.96 25.49
513.33 409.90 348.73 722.02 513.33 409.90 348.73
57.04 45.54 38.75 80.22 57.04 45.54 38.75
171.11 136.63 116.24 240.67 171.11 136.63 116.24
228.15 182.18 154.99 320.90 228.15 182.18 154.99
285.18 227.72 193.74 401.12 285.18 227.72 193.74
2,309.84 1,844.44 1,569.18 3,248.87 2,309.84 1,844.44 1,569.18
256.65 204.94 174.35 360.99 256.65 204.94 174.35
769.95 614.81 523.06 1,082.96 769.95 614.81 523.06
1,026.59 819.75 697.41 1,443.94 1,026.59 819.75 697.41
1,283.24 1,024.69 871.77 1,804.93 1,283.24 1,024.69 871.77
2.52 2.02 1.71 3.55 2.52 2.02 1.71
0.94 0.75 0.64 1.33 0.94 0.75 0.64
2.83 2.26 1.92 3.98 2.83 2.26 1.92
3.77 3.01 2.56 5.30 3.77 3.01 2.56
4.71 3.76 3.20 6.63 4.71 3.76 3.20
20.22 16.15 13.74 28.45 20.22 16.15 13.74
7.50 5.99 5.10 10.55 7.50 5.99 5.10
22.51 17.98 15.29 31.66 22.51 17.98 15.29
30.02 23.97 20.39 42.22 30.02 23.97 20.39
37.52 29.96 25.49 52.77 37.52 29.96 25.49
154.02 122.98 104.63 216.63 154.02 122.98 104.63
57.04 45.54 38.75 80.22 57.04 45.54 38.75
171.11 136.63 116.24 240.67 171.11 136.63 116.24
228.15 182.18 154.99 320.90 228.15 182.18 154.99
285.18 227.72 193.74 401.12 285.18 227.72 193.74
692.95 553.33 470.76 974.67 692.95 553.33 470.76
256.65 204.94 174.35 360.99 256.65 204.94 174.35
769.95 614.81 523.06 1,082.96 769.95 614.81 523.06
1,026.59 819.75 697.41 1,443.94 1,026.59 819.75 697.41
1,283.24 1,024.69 871.77 1,804.93 1,283.24 1,024.69 871.77

0.27 0.21 0.18 0.38 0.27 0.21 0.18

0.03 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.02
0.07 0.06 0.05 0.10 0.07 0.06 0.05
0.10 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07
0.13 0.11 0.09 0.19 0.13 0.11 0.09
0.17 0.13 0.11 0.24 0.17 0.13 0.11
0.02 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.01
0.05 0.04 0.03 0.07 0.05 0.04 0.03
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.10 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07
0.17 0.13 0.11 0.24 0.17 0.13 0.11
0.02 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.01
0.04 0.03 0.03 0.06 0.04 0.03 0.03
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.07 0.06 0.05 0.10 0.07 0.06 0.05
0.17 0.13 0.11 0.24 0.17 0.13 0.11
0.02 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01
0.04 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.03
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.10 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07
0.02 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01
0.04 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02
0.05 0.04 0.03 0.07 0.05 0.04 0.03
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.10 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07
0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
0.04 0.03 0.03 0.06 0.04 0.03 0.03
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.03 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.02
0.07 0.06 0.05 0.10 0.07 0.06 0.05
0.10 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07
0.13 0.11 0.09 0.19 0.13 0.11 0.09
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
0.02 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.01
0.05 0.04 0.03 0.07 0.05 0.04 0.03
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.10 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
0.02 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.01
0.04 0.03 0.03 0.06 0.04 0.03 0.03
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.07 0.06 0.05 0.10 0.07 0.06 0.05
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
0.02 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01
0.04 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.03
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
0.02 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01
0.04 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02
0.05 0.04 0.03 0.07 0.05 0.04 0.03
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
0.04 0.03 0.03 0.06 0.04 0.03 0.03
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05

0.47 0.38 0.32 0.66 0.47 0.38 0.32

0.04 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.03
0.13 0.11 0.09 0.19 0.13 0.11 0.09
0.20 0.16 0.14 0.28 0.20 0.16 0.14
0.24 0.19 0.16 0.33 0.24 0.19 0.16
0.30 0.24 0.21 0.43 0.30 0.24 0.21
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
0.10 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07
0.13 0.11 0.09 0.19 0.13 0.11 0.09
0.17 0.13 0.11 0.24 0.17 0.13 0.11
0.24 0.19 0.16 0.33 0.24 0.19 0.16
0.03 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.02
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.10 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07
0.13 0.11 0.09 0.19 0.13 0.11 0.09
0.20 0.16 0.14 0.28 0.20 0.16 0.14
0.03 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.02
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.10 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07
0.10 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07
0.20 0.16 0.14 0.28 0.20 0.16 0.14
0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.07 0.06 0.05 0.10 0.07 0.06 0.05
0.10 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07
0.17 0.13 0.11 0.24 0.17 0.13 0.11
0.02 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.01
0.05 0.04 0.03 0.07 0.05 0.04 0.03
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.10 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07
0.10 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07
0.04 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.03
0.13 0.11 0.09 0.19 0.13 0.11 0.09
0.20 0.16 0.14 0.28 0.20 0.16 0.14
0.24 0.19 0.16 0.33 0.24 0.19 0.16
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
0.10 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07
0.13 0.11 0.09 0.19 0.13 0.11 0.09
0.17 0.13 0.11 0.24 0.17 0.13 0.11
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.03 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.02
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.10 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07
0.13 0.11 0.09 0.19 0.13 0.11 0.09
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.03 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.02
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.10 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07
0.10 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.07 0.06 0.05 0.10 0.07 0.06 0.05
0.10 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
0.02 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.01
0.05 0.04 0.03 0.07 0.05 0.04 0.03
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.10 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07

0.34 0.27 0.23 0.47 0.34 0.27 0.23

0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
0.10 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07
0.13 0.11 0.09 0.19 0.13 0.11 0.09
0.17 0.13 0.11 0.24 0.17 0.13 0.11
0.20 0.16 0.14 0.28 0.20 0.16 0.14
0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.07 0.06 0.05 0.10 0.07 0.06 0.05
0.10 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07
0.17 0.13 0.11 0.24 0.17 0.13 0.11
0.02 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.01
0.05 0.04 0.03 0.07 0.05 0.04 0.03
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.10 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07
0.13 0.11 0.09 0.19 0.13 0.11 0.09
0.02 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.01
0.05 0.04 0.03 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.08 0.06 0.05 0.11 0.08 0.06 0.05
0.13 0.11 0.09 0.19 0.13 0.11 0.09
0.02 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.01
0.04 0.03 0.03 0.06 0.04 0.03 0.03
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.07 0.06 0.05 0.10 0.07 0.06 0.05
0.13 0.11 0.09 0.19 0.13 0.11 0.09
0.02 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01
0.04 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.03
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
0.10 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07
0.13 0.11 0.09 0.19 0.13 0.11 0.09
0.17 0.13 0.11 0.24 0.17 0.13 0.11
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.07 0.06 0.05 0.10 0.07 0.06 0.05
0.10 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
0.02 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.01
0.05 0.04 0.03 0.07 0.05 0.04 0.03
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.10 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
0.02 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.01
0.05 0.04 0.03 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.08 0.06 0.05 0.11 0.08 0.06 0.05
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
0.02 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.01
0.04 0.03 0.03 0.06 0.04 0.03 0.03
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.07 0.06 0.05 0.10 0.07 0.06 0.05
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
0.02 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01
0.04 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.03
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05

0.34 0.27 0.23 0.47 0.34 0.27 0.23

0.04 0.04 0.03 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.03
0.17 0.13 0.11 0.24 0.17 0.13 0.11
0.20 0.16 0.14 0.28 0.20 0.16 0.14
0.27 0.21 0.18 0.38 0.27 0.21 0.18
0.34 0.27 0.23 0.47 0.34 0.27 0.23
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
0.10 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07
0.13 0.11 0.09 0.19 0.13 0.11 0.09
0.17 0.13 0.11 0.24 0.17 0.13 0.11
0.30 0.24 0.21 0.43 0.30 0.24 0.21
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
0.10 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07
0.13 0.11 0.09 0.19 0.13 0.11 0.09
0.17 0.13 0.11 0.24 0.17 0.13 0.11
0.24 0.19 0.16 0.33 0.24 0.19 0.16
0.03 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.02
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.10 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07
0.13 0.11 0.09 0.19 0.13 0.11 0.09
0.24 0.19 0.16 0.33 0.24 0.19 0.16
0.03 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.02
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.10 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07
0.13 0.11 0.09 0.19 0.13 0.11 0.09
0.20 0.16 0.14 0.28 0.20 0.16 0.14
0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.07 0.06 0.05 0.10 0.07 0.06 0.05
0.10 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07
0.17 0.13 0.11 0.24 0.17 0.13 0.11
0.04 0.04 0.03 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.03
0.17 0.13 0.11 0.24 0.17 0.13 0.11
0.20 0.16 0.14 0.28 0.20 0.16 0.14
0.27 0.21 0.18 0.38 0.27 0.21 0.18
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
0.10 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07
0.13 0.11 0.09 0.19 0.13 0.11 0.09
0.17 0.13 0.11 0.24 0.17 0.13 0.11
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
0.10 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07
0.13 0.11 0.09 0.19 0.13 0.11 0.09
0.17 0.13 0.11 0.24 0.17 0.13 0.11
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.03 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.02
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.10 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07
0.13 0.11 0.09 0.19 0.13 0.11 0.09
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.03 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.02
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.10 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07
0.13 0.11 0.09 0.19 0.13 0.11 0.09
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.07 0.06 0.05 0.10 0.07 0.06 0.05
0.10 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07

1.68 1.34 1.14 2.37 1.68 1.34 1.14

1.68 1.34 1.14 2.37 1.68 1.34 1.14
14.47 11.55 9.83 20.35 14.47 11.55 9.83
114.07 91.09 77.50 160.45 114.07 91.09 77.50
14.47 11.55 9.83 20.35 14.47 11.55 9.83
114.07 91.09 77.50 160.45 114.07 91.09 77.50
513.30 409.87 348.71 721.97 513.30 409.87 348.71
1.62 1.29 1.10 2.27 1.62 1.29 1.10
14.64 11.69 9.94 20.59 14.64 11.69 9.94
132.92 106.14 90.30 186.95 132.92 106.14 90.30
605.70 483.66 411.48 851.94 605.70 483.66 411.48
0.10 0.08 0.07 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07
1.01 0.81 0.69 1.42 1.01 0.81 0.69
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
1.62 1.29 1.10 2.27 1.62 1.29 1.10
14.64 11.69 9.94 20.59 14.64 11.69 9.94
132.92 106.14 90.30 186.95 132.92 106.14 90.30
605.70 483.66 411.48 851.94 605.70 483.66 411.48
0.17 0.13 0.11 0.24 0.17 0.13 0.11
1.68 1.34 1.14 2.37 1.68 1.34 1.14
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
0.17 0.13 0.11 0.24 0.17 0.13 0.11
1.68 1.34 1.14 2.37 1.68 1.34 1.14
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
7.98 6.37 5.42 11.22 7.98 6.37 5.42
2.86 2.28 1.94 4.02 2.86 2.28 1.94
7.98 6.37 5.42 11.22 7.98 6.37 5.42
2.86 2.28 1.94 4.02 2.86 2.28 1.94
9.39 7.50 6.38 13.21 9.39 7.50 6.38
3.70 2.96 2.51 5.21 3.70 2.96 2.51
9.39 7.50 6.38 13.21 9.39 7.50 6.38
3.70 2.96 2.51 5.21 3.70 2.96 2.51
3.20 2.55 2.17 4.50 3.20 2.55 2.17
2.19 1.75 1.49 3.08 2.19 1.75 1.49
7.74 6.18 5.26 10.89 7.74 6.18 5.26
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
3.20 2.55 2.17 4.50 3.20 2.55 2.17
2.19 1.75 1.49 3.08 2.19 1.75 1.49
7.74 6.18 5.26 10.89 7.74 6.18 5.26
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
4.54 3.63 3.09 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
37.08 29.61 25.19 52.16 37.08 29.61 25.19
12.82 10.24 8.71 18.03 12.82 10.24 8.71
4.54 3.63 3.09 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
37.08 29.61 25.19 52.16 37.08 29.61 25.19
12.82 10.24 8.71 18.03 12.82 10.24 8.71
1.72 1.37 1.17 2.41 1.72 1.37 1.17
7.98 6.37 5.42 11.22 7.98 6.37 5.42
34.22 27.33 23.25 48.13 34.22 27.33 23.25
1.72 1.37 1.17 2.41 1.72 1.37 1.17
7.98 6.37 5.42 11.22 7.98 6.37 5.42
34.22 27.33 23.25 48.13 34.22 27.33 23.25
1.99 1.59 1.35 2.79 1.99 1.59 1.35
17.09 13.65 11.61 24.04 17.09 13.65 11.61
1.99 1.59 1.35 2.79 1.99 1.59 1.35
17.09 13.65 11.61 24.04 17.09 13.65 11.61
0.94 0.75 0.64 1.33 0.94 0.75 0.64
7.50 5.99 5.10 10.55 7.50 5.99 5.10
57.04 45.54 38.75 80.22 57.04 45.54 38.75
256.65 204.94 174.35 360.99 256.65 204.94 174.35
0.94 0.75 0.64 1.33 0.94 0.75 0.64
7.50 5.99 5.10 10.55 7.50 5.99 5.10
57.04 45.54 38.75 80.22 57.04 45.54 38.75
256.65 204.94 174.35 360.99 256.65 204.94 174.35
1.99 1.59 1.35 2.79 1.99 1.59 1.35
14.27 11.39 9.69 20.07 14.27 11.39 9.69
3.70 2.96 2.51 5.21 3.70 2.96 2.51
3.70 2.96 2.51 5.21 3.70 2.96 2.51
1.99 1.59 1.35 2.79 1.99 1.59 1.35
14.27 11.39 9.69 20.07 14.27 11.39 9.69
3.70 2.96 2.51 5.21 3.70 2.96 2.51
3.70 2.96 2.51 5.21 3.70 2.96 2.51
0.03 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.02
0.02 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.01
0.02 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.01
0.02 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01
0.02 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01
0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01
0.03 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.02
0.02 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.01
0.02 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.01
0.02 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01
0.02 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01
0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01
0.04 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.03
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
0.03 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.02
0.03 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.02
0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02
0.02 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.01
0.04 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.03
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
0.03 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.02
0.03 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.02
0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02
0.02 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.01
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02
0.02 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.01
0.02 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.01
0.02 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.01
0.02 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02
0.02 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.01
0.02 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.01
0.02 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.01
0.02 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01
0.04 0.04 0.03 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.03
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
0.03 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.02
0.03 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.02
0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02
0.04 0.04 0.03 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.03
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
0.03 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.02
0.03 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.02
0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02

0.64 0.51 0.43 0.90 0.64 0.51 0.43

1.92 1.53 1.30 2.70 1.92 1.53 1.30
2.56 2.04 1.74 3.60 2.56 2.04 1.74
3.20 2.55 2.17 4.50 3.20 2.55 2.17
0.64 0.51 0.43 0.90 0.64 0.51 0.43
0.64 0.51 0.43 0.90 0.64 0.51 0.43
1.92 1.53 1.30 2.70 1.92 1.53 1.30
2.56 2.04 1.74 3.60 2.56 2.04 1.74
3.20 2.55 2.17 4.50 3.20 2.55 2.17
0.64 0.51 0.43 0.90 0.64 0.51 0.43
0.71 0.56 0.48 0.99 0.71 0.56 0.48
2.12 1.69 1.44 2.98 2.12 1.69 1.44
2.83 2.26 1.92 3.98 2.83 2.26 1.92
3.53 2.82 2.40 4.97 3.53 2.82 2.40
0.71 0.56 0.48 0.99 0.71 0.56 0.48

0.74 0.59 0.51 1.05 0.74 0.59 0.51

2.16 1.73 1.47 3.04 2.16 1.73 1.47
2.87 2.29 1.95 4.04 2.87 2.29 1.95
3.58 2.86 2.43 5.03 3.58 2.86 2.43

84.65 67.59 57.50 119.06 84.65 67.59 57.50

42.25 33.74 28.70 59.42 42.25 33.74 28.70
18.27 14.59 12.41 25.70 18.27 14.59 12.41

13.57 10.83 9.22 19.08 13.57 10.83 9.22

2.12 1.69 1.44 2.98 2.12 1.69 1.44

65.28 52.13 44.35 91.82 65.28 52.13 44.35

34.86 27.84 23.68 49.03 34.86 27.84 23.68
10.63 8.49 7.22 14.95 10.63 8.49 7.22
60.74 48.50 41.26 85.43 60.74 48.50 41.26
32.57 26.01 22.13 45.82 32.57 26.01 22.13
9.67 7.72 6.57 13.60 9.67 7.72 6.57
51.69 41.27 35.11 72.70 51.69 41.27 35.11
28.06 22.41 19.07 39.47 28.06 22.41 19.07
8.86 7.07 6.02 12.46 8.86 7.07 6.02

16.63 13.28 11.30 23.39 16.63 13.28 11.30

12.09 9.65 8.21 17.00 12.09 9.65 8.21

22.18 17.71 15.06 31.19 22.18 17.71 15.06

16.12 12.87 10.95 22.67 16.12 12.87 10.95
12.18 9.73 8.28 17.13 12.18 9.73 8.28

- - - - - - -
118.57 94.68 80.55 166.77 118.57 94.68 80.55
191.97 153.29 130.42 270.02 191.97 153.29 130.42
187.36 149.61 127.28 263.53 187.36 149.61 127.28
201.36 160.79 136.79 283.22 201.36 160.79 136.79
142.27 113.61 96.65 200.11 142.27 113.61 96.65
131.38 104.91 89.25 184.79 131.38 104.91 89.25
142.46 113.76 96.78 200.38 142.46 113.76 96.78
153.09 122.24 104.00 215.33 153.09 122.24 104.00

26.95 21.52 18.31 37.91 26.95 21.52 18.31

14.40 11.50 9.78 20.26 14.40 11.50 9.78
13.19 10.53 8.96 18.55 13.19 10.53 8.96
11.98 9.57 8.14 16.85 11.98 9.57 8.14
3.20 2.55 2.17 4.50 3.20 2.55 2.17

35.77 28.56 24.30 50.31 35.77 28.56 24.30

20.73 16.55 14.08 29.16 20.73 16.55 14.08
19.25 15.37 13.08 27.07 19.25 15.37 13.08
14.37 11.47 9.76 20.21 14.37 11.47 9.76
3.84 3.06 2.61 5.40 3.84 3.06 2.61

1.56 1.25 1.06 2.20 1.56 1.25 1.06

5.05 4.03 3.43 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
9.06 7.23 6.16 12.74 9.06 7.23 6.16

0.01 - - 0.01 0.01 - -

0.02 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02

4.60 3.68 3.13 6.48 4.60 3.68 3.13

4.30 3.43 2.92 6.05 4.30 3.43 2.92

4.00 3.19 2.72 5.62 4.00 3.19 2.72
3.79 3.02 2.57 5.32 3.79 3.02 2.57
3.24 2.59 2.20 4.56 3.24 2.59 2.20
2.73 2.18 1.85 3.83 2.73 2.18 1.85

2.76 2.21 1.88 3.89 2.76 2.21 1.88

2.59 2.06 1.76 3.64 2.59 2.06 1.76
2.44 1.95 1.66 3.44 2.44 1.95 1.66
2.13 1.70 1.44 2.99 2.13 1.70 1.44
1.77 1.41 1.20 2.49 1.77 1.41 1.20

0.71 0.57 0.48 1.00 0.71 0.57 0.48

4.04 3.22 2.74 5.68 4.04 3.22 2.74
8.08 6.45 5.49 11.36 8.08 6.45 5.49
16.15 12.90 10.97 22.72 16.15 12.90 10.97
0.53 0.42 0.36 0.75 0.53 0.42 0.36
0.46 0.37 0.31 0.65 0.46 0.37 0.31
0.46 0.37 0.31 0.65 0.46 0.37 0.31
0.39 0.31 0.26 0.55 0.39 0.31 0.26
0.35 0.28 0.24 0.50 0.35 0.28 0.24
0.25 0.20 0.17 0.35 0.25 0.20 0.17

35.77 28.56 24.30 50.31 35.77 28.56 24.30

3.84 3.06 2.61 5.40 3.84 3.06 2.61

24.53 20.29 17.34 37.86 26.92 21.50 18.29

16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43

12.99 10.37 8.82 18.27 12.99 10.37 8.82
19.85 15.85 13.49 27.92 19.85 15.85 13.49
818.47 653.56 556.02 1,151.21 818.47 653.56 556.02
15.44 12.33 10.49 21.71 15.44 12.33 10.49
2.12 1.69 1.44 2.98 2.12 1.69 1.44
10.72 8.56 7.28 15.07 10.72 8.56 7.28
14.41 11.51 9.79 20.27 14.41 11.51 9.79
16.24 12.97 11.03 22.84 16.24 12.97 11.03
18.07 14.43 12.27 25.41 18.07 14.43 12.27
88.08 70.33 59.83 123.88 88.08 70.33 59.83
10.51 8.39 7.14 14.78 10.51 8.39 7.14
19.42 15.51 13.19 27.32 19.42 15.51 13.19
40.49 32.33 27.51 56.95 40.49 32.33 27.51
51.06 40.77 34.69 71.82 51.06 40.77 34.69
61.59 49.18 41.84 86.63 61.59 49.18 41.84
52.85 42.20 35.91 74.34 52.85 42.20 35.91
48.43 38.67 32.90 68.11 48.43 38.67 32.90
10.51 8.39 7.14 14.78 10.51 8.39 7.14
19.42 15.51 13.19 27.32 19.42 15.51 13.19
40.49 32.33 27.51 56.95 40.49 32.33 27.51
51.06 40.77 34.69 71.82 51.06 40.77 34.69
61.59 49.18 41.84 86.63 61.59 49.18 41.84
43.96 35.11 29.87 61.84 43.96 35.11 29.87
5.24 4.18 3.56 7.37 5.24 4.18 3.56
14.12 11.27 9.59 19.86 14.12 11.27 9.59
24.62 19.66 16.72 34.62 24.62 19.66 16.72
29.88 23.86 20.30 42.03 29.88 23.86 20.30
35.15 28.07 23.88 49.44 35.15 28.07 23.88
28.60 22.84 19.43 40.23 28.60 22.84 19.43
26.41 21.09 17.94 37.14 26.41 21.09 17.94
5.24 4.18 3.56 7.37 5.24 4.18 3.56
14.12 11.27 9.59 19.86 14.12 11.27 9.59
24.62 19.66 16.72 34.62 24.62 19.66 16.72
29.88 23.86 20.30 42.03 29.88 23.86 20.30
35.15 28.07 23.88 49.44 35.15 28.07 23.88
15.11 12.06 10.26 21.25 15.11 12.06 10.26
1.82 1.45 1.23 2.55 1.82 1.45 1.23
10.68 8.53 7.26 15.02 10.68 8.53 7.26
14.30 11.42 9.72 20.12 14.30 11.42 9.72
16.13 12.88 10.96 22.69 16.13 12.88 10.96
17.92 14.31 12.18 25.21 17.92 14.31 12.18
11.63 9.29 7.90 16.36 11.63 9.29 7.90
10.46 8.35 7.11 14.71 10.46 8.35 7.11
1.82 1.45 1.23 2.55 1.82 1.45 1.23
10.68 8.53 7.26 15.02 10.68 8.53 7.26
14.30 11.42 9.72 20.12 14.30 11.42 9.72
16.13 12.88 10.96 22.69 16.13 12.88 10.96
17.92 14.31 12.18 25.21 17.92 14.31 12.18
123.37 98.51 83.81 173.53 123.37 98.51 83.81
23.37 18.66 15.88 32.87 23.37 18.66 15.88
2.78 2.22 1.89 3.91 2.78 2.22 1.89
13.97 11.16 9.49 19.65 13.97 11.16 9.49
12.80 10.22 8.70 18.01 12.80 10.22 8.70
27.94 22.31 18.98 39.30 27.94 22.31 18.98
3.34 2.66 2.27 4.69 3.34 2.66 2.27
16.75 13.38 11.38 23.56 16.75 13.38 11.38
15.36 12.27 10.44 21.61 15.36 12.27 10.44
27.94 22.31 18.98 39.30 27.94 22.31 18.98
3.34 2.66 2.27 4.69 3.34 2.66 2.27
543.96 434.36 369.54 765.10 543.96 434.36 369.54
64.99 51.90 44.15 91.41 64.99 51.90 44.15
1.43 1.14 0.97 2.01 1.43 1.14 0.97
0.28 0.22 0.19 0.40 0.28 0.22 0.19
1.26 1.01 0.86 1.77 1.26 1.01 0.86
0.25 0.20 0.17 0.35 0.25 0.20 0.17
1.17 0.93 0.80 1.65 1.17 0.93 0.80
0.23 0.19 0.16 0.33 0.23 0.19 0.16
1.06 0.85 0.72 1.49 1.06 0.85 0.72
0.21 0.17 0.14 0.30 0.21 0.17 0.14
0.95 0.76 0.65 1.34 0.95 0.76 0.65
0.19 0.15 0.13 0.26 0.19 0.15 0.13
0.88 0.70 0.60 1.23 0.88 0.70 0.60
0.17 0.14 0.12 0.24 0.17 0.14 0.12
0.88 0.70 0.60 1.23 0.88 0.70 0.60
0.18 0.14 0.12 0.25 0.18 0.14 0.12
0.80 0.64 0.55 1.13 0.80 0.64 0.55
0.16 0.13 0.11 0.22 0.16 0.13 0.11
0.73 0.58 0.50 1.03 0.73 0.58 0.50
0.15 0.12 0.10 0.21 0.15 0.12 0.10
0.67 0.54 0.46 0.95 0.67 0.54 0.46
0.13 0.11 0.09 0.19 0.13 0.11 0.09
0.59 0.47 0.40 0.82 0.59 0.47 0.40
0.12 0.09 0.08 0.16 0.12 0.09 0.08
0.53 0.42 0.36 0.74 0.53 0.42 0.36
0.11 0.08 0.07 0.15 0.11 0.08 0.07
- - - 0.01 - - -
0.03 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.02
0.02 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01
0.01 - - 0.01 0.01 - -
0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
8.78 7.01 5.97 12.35 8.78 7.01 5.97
17.57 14.03 11.93 24.71 17.57 14.03 11.93
0.04 0.04 0.03 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.03
70.26 56.10 47.73 98.83 70.26 56.10 47.73
140.52 112.21 95.46 197.65 140.52 112.21 95.46
210.78 168.31 143.20 296.48 210.78 168.31 143.20
111.90 92.56 79.09 172.74 122.81 98.07 83.43
111.90 92.56 79.09 172.74 122.81 98.07 83.43
101.23 83.73 71.55 156.27 111.10 88.72 75.48
79.89 66.08 56.46 123.33 87.68 70.01 59.57

151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87

25.74 20.56 17.49 36.21 25.74 20.56 17.49
25.74 20.56 17.49 36.21 25.74 20.56 17.49
53.00 42.32 36.00 74.54 53.00 42.32 36.00
12.72 10.16 8.64 17.89 12.72 10.16 8.64
10.18 8.13 6.91 14.31 10.18 8.13 6.91
8.00 6.38 5.43 11.25 8.00 6.38 5.43
6.54 5.22 4.44 9.20 6.54 5.22 4.44

106.00 84.64 72.01 149.09 106.00 84.64 72.01

79.51 63.49 54.02 111.84 79.51 63.49 54.02
227.14 181.37 154.31 319.48 227.14 181.37 154.31
170.37 136.04 115.74 239.63 170.37 136.04 115.74
378.56 302.29 257.18 532.46 378.56 302.29 257.18
283.94 226.73 192.89 399.37 283.94 226.73 192.89
121.14 96.73 82.30 170.39 121.14 96.73 82.30
90.86 72.55 61.72 127.79 90.86 72.55 61.72
157.48 125.75 106.98 221.50 157.48 125.75 106.98
118.11 94.31 80.24 166.13 118.11 94.31 80.24
354.33 282.94 240.72 498.38 354.33 282.94 240.72
265.77 212.22 180.55 373.81 265.77 212.22 180.55
196.85 157.19 133.73 276.88 196.85 157.19 133.73
147.66 117.91 100.31 207.68 147.66 117.91 100.31
1.51 1.21 1.03 2.13 1.51 1.21 1.03
20.02 15.99 13.60 28.16 20.02 15.99 13.60
15.04 12.01 10.22 21.16 15.04 12.01 10.22
42.90 34.26 29.15 60.35 42.90 34.26 29.15
32.20 25.71 21.88 45.29 32.20 25.71 21.88
71.51 57.10 48.58 100.58 71.51 57.10 48.58
53.60 42.80 36.42 75.40 53.60 42.80 36.42
22.88 18.27 15.54 32.18 22.88 18.27 15.54
17.16 13.70 11.66 24.14 17.16 13.70 11.66
29.75 23.75 20.21 41.84 29.75 23.75 20.21
22.31 17.81 15.16 31.38 22.31 17.81 15.16
66.93 53.44 45.47 94.14 66.93 53.44 45.47
50.21 40.09 34.11 70.62 50.21 40.09 34.11
37.18 29.69 25.26 52.30 37.18 29.69 25.26
27.90 22.28 18.95 39.24 27.90 22.28 18.95
20.02 15.99 13.60 28.16 20.02 15.99 13.60
15.04 12.01 10.22 21.16 15.04 12.01 10.22
42.90 34.26 29.15 60.35 42.90 34.26 29.15
32.20 25.71 21.88 45.29 32.20 25.71 21.88
71.51 57.10 48.58 100.58 71.51 57.10 48.58
53.64 42.83 36.44 75.44 53.64 42.83 36.44
22.88 18.27 15.54 32.18 22.88 18.27 15.54
17.16 13.70 11.66 24.14 17.16 13.70 11.66
41.22 32.92 28.00 57.98 41.22 32.92 28.00
30.92 24.69 21.01 43.50 30.92 24.69 21.01
88.33 70.53 60.01 124.24 88.33 70.53 60.01
66.26 52.91 45.01 93.19 66.26 52.91 45.01
147.22 117.56 100.01 207.07 147.22 117.56 100.01
110.44 88.19 75.03 155.34 110.44 88.19 75.03
47.11 37.62 32.00 66.26 47.11 37.62 32.00
35.33 28.21 24.00 49.70 35.33 28.21 24.00

46.64 37.24 31.68 65.60 46.64 37.24 31.68

28.03 22.38 19.04 39.43 28.03 22.38 19.04
19.69 15.72 13.37 27.69 19.69 15.72 13.37
15.14 12.09 10.29 21.30 15.14 12.09 10.29
104.95 83.81 71.30 147.62 104.95 83.81 71.30
73.29 58.52 49.79 103.08 73.29 58.52 49.79
58.32 46.57 39.62 82.02 58.32 46.57 39.62
141.60 113.07 96.19 199.16 141.60 113.07 96.19
113.57 90.69 77.15 159.74 113.57 90.69 77.15
90.86 72.55 61.72 127.79 90.86 72.55 61.72
224.88 179.57 152.77 316.31 224.88 179.57 152.77
180.20 143.89 122.42 253.45 180.20 143.89 122.42
454.28 362.75 308.61 638.96 454.28 362.75 308.61
363.42 290.20 246.89 511.16 363.42 290.20 246.89
8.82 7.04 5.99 12.40 8.82 7.04 5.99
5.32 4.25 3.61 7.48 5.32 4.25 3.61
3.74 2.98 2.54 5.25 3.74 2.98 2.54
2.86 2.28 1.94 4.02 2.86 2.28 1.94
19.85 15.85 13.49 27.92 19.85 15.85 13.49
13.86 11.07 9.42 19.50 13.86 11.07 9.42
11.04 8.81 7.50 15.52 11.04 8.81 7.50
26.75 21.36 18.17 37.63 26.75 21.36 18.17
21.47 17.14 14.58 30.20 21.47 17.14 14.58
17.16 13.70 11.66 24.14 17.16 13.70 11.66
42.50 33.94 28.87 59.78 42.50 33.94 28.87
34.05 27.19 23.13 47.90 34.05 27.19 23.13
68.65 54.81 46.63 96.55 68.65 54.81 46.63
8.82 7.04 5.99 12.40 8.82 7.04 5.99
11.41 9.11 7.75 16.05 11.41 9.11 7.75
19.85 15.85 13.49 27.92 19.85 15.85 13.49
26.75 21.36 18.17 37.63 26.75 21.36 18.17
34.05 27.19 23.13 47.90 34.05 27.19 23.13
18.14 14.48 12.32 25.51 18.14 14.48 12.32
10.90 8.71 7.41 15.33 10.90 8.71 7.41
7.67 6.13 5.21 10.79 7.67 6.13 5.21
5.89 4.70 4.00 8.28 5.89 4.70 4.00
40.82 32.59 27.73 57.41 40.82 32.59 27.73
28.50 22.76 19.36 40.09 28.50 22.76 19.36
55.09 43.99 37.42 77.48 55.09 43.99 37.42
44.18 35.28 30.02 62.14 44.18 35.28 30.02
87.46 69.84 59.41 123.01 87.46 69.84 59.41
70.09 55.97 47.62 98.59 70.09 55.97 47.62

58.89 47.02 40.01 82.83 58.89 47.02 40.01

58.89 47.02 40.01 82.83 58.89 47.02 40.01
92.54 73.89 62.87 130.16 92.54 73.89 62.87
48.79 38.96 33.15 68.63 48.79 38.96 33.15
42.06 33.59 28.58 59.16 42.06 33.59 28.58
134.60 107.48 91.44 189.32 134.60 107.48 91.44
134.60 107.48 91.44 189.32 134.60 107.48 91.44
269.20 214.96 182.88 378.64 269.20 214.96 182.88
74.03 59.11 50.29 104.13 74.03 59.11 50.29
67.30 53.74 45.72 94.66 67.30 53.74 45.72

60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15

7.57 6.05 5.14 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14

37.02 29.56 25.15 52.06 37.02 29.56 25.15

201.90 161.22 137.16 283.98 201.90 161.22 137.16
242.15 193.36 164.50 340.59 242.15 193.36 164.50
136.15 108.72 92.49 191.50 136.15 108.72 92.49
227.00 181.27 154.21 319.29 227.00 181.27 154.21
132.51 105.81 90.02 186.39 132.51 105.81 90.02
24.09 19.24 16.37 33.89 24.09 19.24 16.37
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
11.74 9.38 7.98 16.52 11.74 9.38 7.98
58.85 47.00 39.98 82.78 58.85 47.00 39.98
118.38 94.53 80.42 166.51 118.38 94.53 80.42
5.69 4.54 3.86 8.00 5.69 4.54 3.86
28.60 22.84 19.43 40.23 28.60 22.84 19.43
45.76 36.54 31.09 64.37 45.76 36.54 31.09
5.72 4.57 3.89 8.05 5.72 4.57 3.89
28.60 22.84 19.43 40.23 28.60 22.84 19.43
45.76 36.54 31.09 64.37 45.76 36.54 31.09
25.74 20.56 17.49 36.21 25.74 20.56 17.49
42.90 34.26 29.15 60.35 42.90 34.26 29.15
25.04 19.99 17.01 35.21 25.04 19.99 17.01

14.20 11.34 9.65 19.97 14.20 11.34 9.65

2.69 2.15 1.83 3.79 2.69 2.15 1.83
2.66 2.12 1.81 3.74 2.66 2.12 1.81
2.49 1.99 1.69 3.50 2.49 1.99 1.69
2.25 1.80 1.53 3.17 2.25 1.80 1.53
8.38 6.69 5.69 11.79 8.38 6.69 5.69

7.26 5.80 4.93 10.21 7.26 5.80 4.93

7.98 6.37 5.42 11.22 7.98 6.37 5.42
2.20 1.75 1.49 3.09 2.20 1.75 1.49
5.22 4.16 3.54 7.34 5.22 4.16 3.54
5.22 4.16 3.54 7.34 5.22 4.16 3.54
3.84 3.06 2.61 5.40 3.84 3.06 2.61
3.84 3.06 2.61 5.40 3.84 3.06 2.61

24.41 19.49 16.58 34.33 24.41 19.49 16.58

4.91 3.92 3.34 6.91 4.91 3.92 3.34
4.91 3.92 3.34 6.91 4.91 3.92 3.34
9.79 7.81 6.65 13.76 9.79 7.81 6.65
18.33 14.64 12.45 25.79 18.33 14.64 12.45
3.71 2.96 2.52 5.22 3.71 2.96 2.52
3.71 2.96 2.52 5.22 3.71 2.96 2.52
7.35 5.87 4.99 10.34 7.35 5.87 4.99
52.33 41.79 35.55 73.61 52.33 41.79 35.55
10.48 8.37 7.12 14.74 10.48 8.37 7.12
10.48 8.37 7.12 14.74 10.48 8.37 7.12
20.96 16.74 14.24 29.49 20.96 16.74 14.24
39.26 31.35 26.67 55.22 39.26 31.35 26.67
7.89 6.30 5.36 11.10 7.89 6.30 5.36
7.89 6.30 5.36 11.10 7.89 6.30 5.36
15.74 12.57 10.69 22.14 15.74 12.57 10.69
87.22 69.65 59.25 122.68 87.22 69.65 59.25
17.44 13.93 11.85 24.54 17.44 13.93 11.85
17.44 13.93 11.85 24.54 17.44 13.93 11.85
34.89 27.86 23.70 49.07 34.89 27.86 23.70
65.44 52.26 44.46 92.05 65.44 52.26 44.46
13.07 10.44 8.88 18.39 13.07 10.44 8.88
13.07 10.44 8.88 18.39 13.07 10.44 8.88
26.19 20.91 17.79 36.83 26.19 20.91 17.79
27.93 22.30 18.97 39.28 27.93 22.30 18.97
5.61 4.48 3.81 7.89 5.61 4.48 3.81
5.61 4.48 3.81 7.89 5.61 4.48 3.81
11.18 8.93 7.59 15.72 11.18 8.93 7.59
20.96 16.74 14.24 29.49 20.96 16.74 14.24
4.22 3.37 2.86 5.93 4.22 3.37 2.86
4.22 3.37 2.86 5.93 4.22 3.37 2.86
8.39 6.70 5.70 11.81 8.39 6.70 5.70

378.56 302.29 257.18 532.46 378.56 302.29 257.18

757.13 604.58 514.35 1,064.93 757.13 604.58 514.35
1,514.25 1,209.15 1,028.70 2,129.85 1,514.25 1,209.15 1,028.70
227.14 181.37 154.31 319.48 227.14 181.37 154.31
302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74
302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74
605.70 483.66 411.48 851.94 605.70 483.66 411.48
1,514.25 1,209.15 1,028.70 2,129.85 1,514.25 1,209.15 1,028.70
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
181.71 145.10 123.44 255.58 181.71 145.10 123.44
302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74
227.14 181.37 154.31 319.48 227.14 181.37 154.31
454.28 362.75 308.61 638.96 454.28 362.75 308.61
454.28 362.75 308.61 638.96 454.28 362.75 308.61
191.81 153.16 130.30 269.78 191.81 153.16 130.30
2.29 1.83 1.55 3.22 2.29 1.83 1.55
1.08 0.86 0.73 1.51 1.08 0.86 0.73
1.08 0.86 0.73 1.51 1.08 0.86 0.73
45.43 36.27 30.86 63.90 45.43 36.27 30.86
9.09 7.25 6.17 12.78 9.09 7.25 6.17
757.13 604.58 514.35 1,064.93 757.13 604.58 514.35
454.28 362.75 308.61 638.96 454.28 362.75 308.61
90.86 72.55 61.72 127.79 90.86 72.55 61.72
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
24.23 19.35 16.46 34.08 24.23 19.35 16.46
90.86 72.55 61.72 127.79 90.86 72.55 61.72
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
45.43 36.27 30.86 63.90 45.43 36.27 30.86
45.43 36.27 30.86 63.90 45.43 36.27 30.86
227.14 181.37 154.31 319.48 227.14 181.37 154.31
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
227.14 181.37 154.31 319.48 227.14 181.37 154.31
227.14 181.37 154.31 319.48 227.14 181.37 154.31
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
45.43 36.27 30.86 63.90 45.43 36.27 30.86
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
227.14 181.37 154.31 319.48 227.14 181.37 154.31
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
227.14 181.37 154.31 319.48 227.14 181.37 154.31
454.28 362.75 308.61 638.96 454.28 362.75 308.61
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
454.28 362.75 308.61 638.96 454.28 362.75 308.61
302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
454.28 362.75 308.61 638.96 454.28 362.75 308.61
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
1.08 0.86 0.73 1.51 1.08 0.86 0.73
363.42 290.20 246.89 511.16 363.42 290.20 246.89
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
45.43 36.27 30.86 63.90 45.43 36.27 30.86
1,362.83 1,088.24 925.83 1,916.87 1,362.83 1,088.24 925.83
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
908.55 725.49 617.22 1,277.91 908.55 725.49 617.22
423.99 338.56 288.04 596.36 423.99 338.56 288.04
227.14 181.37 154.31 319.48 227.14 181.37 154.31
799.19 638.16 542.93 1,124.09 799.19 638.16 542.93
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
67.30 53.74 45.72 94.66 67.30 53.74 45.72
168.25 134.35 114.30 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30
235.55 188.09 160.02 331.31 235.55 188.09 160.02
168.25 134.35 114.30 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
67.30 53.74 45.72 94.66 67.30 53.74 45.72
25.54 20.39 17.35 35.92 25.54 20.39 17.35
79.11 63.17 53.74 111.27 79.11 63.17 53.74
79.11 63.17 53.74 111.27 79.11 63.17 53.74
128.51 102.62 87.30 180.75 128.51 102.62 87.30
128.51 102.62 87.30 180.75 128.51 102.62 87.30
159.67 127.50 108.47 224.58 159.67 127.50 108.47
239.59 191.31 162.76 336.99 239.59 191.31 162.76
392.90 313.73 266.91 552.63 392.90 313.73 266.91
559.13 446.47 379.84 786.44 559.13 446.47 379.84
36.98 29.53 25.12 52.02 36.98 29.53 25.12
73.93 59.03 50.22 103.98 73.93 59.03 50.22
147.89 118.09 100.47 208.02 147.89 118.09 100.47
221.82 177.13 150.69 312.00 221.82 177.13 150.69
421.47 336.55 286.32 592.81 421.47 336.55 286.32
526.82 420.68 357.90 741.00 526.82 420.68 357.90
842.93 673.09 572.64 1,185.62 842.93 673.09 572.64
1,053.65 841.35 715.79 1,482.00 1,053.65 841.35 715.79
1.18 0.94 0.80 1.66 1.18 0.94 0.80
16.62 13.27 11.29 23.38 16.62 13.27 11.29
31.26 24.96 21.24 43.97 31.26 24.96 21.24
25.20 20.13 17.12 35.45 25.20 20.13 17.12
37.82 30.20 25.69 53.20 37.82 30.20 25.69
62.05 49.55 42.15 87.28 62.05 49.55 42.15
88.30 70.51 59.98 124.19 88.30 70.51 59.98
25.20 20.13 17.12 35.45 25.20 20.13 17.12
37.82 30.20 25.69 53.20 37.82 30.20 25.69
46.71 37.30 31.73 65.69 46.71 37.30 31.73
62.05 49.55 42.15 87.28 62.05 49.55 42.15
76.99 61.48 52.30 108.29 76.99 61.48 52.30
111.01 88.64 75.42 156.14 111.01 88.64 75.42
10.06 8.03 6.84 14.15 10.06 8.03 6.84
16.62 13.27 11.29 23.38 16.62 13.27 11.29
111.01 88.64 75.42 156.14 111.01 88.64 75.42
20.29 16.20 13.78 28.54 20.29 16.20 13.78

117.62 93.92 79.90 165.44 117.62 93.92 79.90

73.53 58.71 49.95 103.42 73.53 58.71 49.95
73.53 58.71 49.95 103.42 73.53 58.71 49.95
58.79 46.95 39.94 82.69 58.79 46.95 39.94
220.50 176.08 149.80 310.15 220.50 176.08 149.80
- - - - - - -
73.53 58.71 49.95 103.42 73.53 58.71 49.95
73.53 58.71 49.95 103.42 73.53 58.71 49.95
73.53 58.71 49.95 103.42 73.53 58.71 49.95
73.53 58.71 49.95 103.42 73.53 58.71 49.95
73.53 58.71 49.95 103.42 73.53 58.71 49.95
73.53 58.71 49.95 103.42 73.53 58.71 49.95
73.53 58.71 49.95 103.42 73.53 58.71 49.95
44.09 35.21 29.95 62.02 44.09 35.21 29.95
22.05 17.60 14.98 31.01 22.05 17.60 14.98
20.62 16.46 14.01 29.00 20.62 16.46 14.01
17.64 14.08 11.98 24.81 17.64 14.08 11.98
14.70 11.74 9.98 20.67 14.70 11.74 9.98
11.80 9.42 8.01 16.59 11.80 9.42 8.01
2.94 2.35 2.00 4.13 2.94 2.35 2.00
2.20 1.76 1.50 3.10 2.20 1.76 1.50
10.33 8.25 7.02 14.53 10.33 8.25 7.02
73.53 58.71 49.95 103.42 73.53 58.71 49.95
1.04 0.83 0.71 1.47 1.04 0.83 0.71
23.52 18.78 15.98 33.08 23.52 18.78 15.98
73.53 58.71 49.95 103.42 73.53 58.71 49.95
73.53 58.71 49.95 103.42 73.53 58.71 49.95
88.22 70.45 59.94 124.09 88.22 70.45 59.94
29.40 23.47 19.97 41.35 29.40 23.47 19.97
44.09 35.21 29.95 62.02 44.09 35.21 29.95
1.04 0.83 0.71 1.47 1.04 0.83 0.71
29.40 23.47 19.97 41.35 29.40 23.47 19.97
14.70 11.74 9.98 20.67 14.70 11.74 9.98
7.35 5.87 4.99 10.34 7.35 5.87 4.99
147.02 117.39 99.87 206.78 147.02 117.39 99.87
117.62 93.92 79.90 165.44 117.62 93.92 79.90
29.98 23.94 20.36 42.16 29.98 23.94 20.36
99.60 79.54 67.67 140.10 99.60 79.54 67.67
5.92 4.73 4.02 8.32 5.92 4.73 4.02
50.44 40.28 34.27 70.95 50.44 40.28 34.27
100.85 80.53 68.51 141.85 100.85 80.53 68.51
201.73 161.09 137.05 283.74 201.73 161.09 137.05
302.58 241.62 205.56 425.59 302.58 241.62 205.56
605.16 483.23 411.11 851.18 605.16 483.23 411.11

45.43 36.27 30.86 63.90 45.43 36.27 30.86

6.06 4.84 4.11 8.52 6.06 4.84 4.11
4.54 3.63 3.09 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
707.94 585.56 500.36 1,092.85 776.98 620.43 527.84
79.69 65.91 56.32 123.01 87.46 69.84 59.41
7.67 6.34 5.42 11.83 8.41 6.72 5.72
7.67 6.34 5.42 11.83 8.41 6.72 5.72
8.41 6.72 5.72 11.83 8.41 6.72 5.72
8.41 6.72 5.72 11.83 8.41 6.72 5.72
153.30 126.80 108.35 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30
61.32 50.72 43.34 94.66 67.30 53.74 45.72
88.29 70.50 59.98 124.19 88.29 70.50 59.98
1.02 0.82 0.70 1.44 1.02 0.82 0.70

244.52 195.26 166.12 343.93 244.52 195.26 166.12

190.18 151.86 129.20 267.50 190.18 151.86 129.20
135.80 108.44 92.25 191.01 135.80 108.44 92.25
89.58 71.53 60.85 126.00 89.58 71.53 60.85
67.84 54.17 46.09 95.42 67.84 54.17 46.09
27.07 21.62 18.39 38.08 27.07 21.62 18.39
24.37 19.46 16.55 34.27 24.37 19.46 16.55
24.37 19.46 16.55 34.27 24.37 19.46 16.55
27.07 21.62 18.39 38.08 27.07 21.62 18.39
35.24 28.14 23.94 49.56 35.24 28.14 23.94
54.23 43.30 36.84 76.27 54.23 43.30 36.84
27.07 21.62 18.39 38.08 27.07 21.62 18.39
43.36 34.62 29.46 60.98 43.36 34.62 29.46
16.21 12.94 11.01 22.79 16.21 12.94 11.01
16.21 12.94 11.01 22.79 16.21 12.94 11.01
27.07 21.62 18.39 38.08 27.07 21.62 18.39
16.21 12.94 11.01 22.79 16.21 12.94 11.01
- - - - - - -
162.99 130.15 110.73 229.25 162.99 130.15 110.73
184.73 147.51 125.49 259.83 184.73 147.51 125.49
184.73 147.51 125.49 259.83 184.73 147.51 125.49
114.02 91.05 77.46 160.38 114.02 91.05 77.46
135.80 108.44 92.25 191.01 135.80 108.44 92.25
135.80 108.44 92.25 191.01 135.80 108.44 92.25
65.10 51.98 44.22 91.56 65.10 51.98 44.22
86.87 69.37 59.02 122.19 86.87 69.37 59.02
86.87 69.37 59.02 122.19 86.87 69.37 59.02
190.18 151.86 129.20 267.50 190.18 151.86 129.20
211.92 169.22 143.97 298.07 211.92 169.22 143.97
211.92 169.22 143.97 298.07 211.92 169.22 143.97
143.46 114.55 97.46 201.78 143.46 114.55 97.46
157.57 125.83 107.05 221.63 157.57 125.83 107.05
157.57 125.83 107.05 221.63 157.57 125.83 107.05
92.29 73.69 62.69 129.80 92.29 73.69 62.69
103.19 82.40 70.10 145.15 103.19 82.40 70.10
103.19 82.40 70.10 145.15 103.19 82.40 70.10
30.12 24.05 20.46 42.36 30.12 24.05 20.46
40.21 32.11 27.32 56.56 40.21 32.11 27.32
36.85 29.42 25.03 51.83 36.85 29.42 25.03
46.94 37.48 31.89 66.03 46.94 37.48 31.89
43.58 34.80 29.60 61.29 43.58 34.80 29.60
53.67 42.86 36.46 75.49 53.67 42.86 36.46
40.21 32.11 27.32 56.56 40.21 32.11 27.32
50.31 40.17 34.18 70.76 50.31 40.17 34.18
46.94 37.48 31.89 66.03 46.94 37.48 31.89
57.04 45.54 38.75 80.22 57.04 45.54 38.75
53.67 42.86 36.46 75.49 53.67 42.86 36.46
63.77 50.92 43.32 89.69 63.77 50.92 43.32
70.50 56.29 47.89 99.16 70.50 56.29 47.89
80.59 64.35 54.75 113.36 80.59 64.35 54.75
77.23 61.67 52.46 108.62 77.23 61.67 52.46
87.32 69.73 59.32 122.82 87.32 69.73 59.32
83.96 67.04 57.04 118.09 83.96 67.04 57.04
94.05 75.10 63.89 132.29 94.05 75.10 63.89
77.23 61.67 52.46 108.62 77.23 61.67 52.46
104.15 83.16 70.75 146.49 104.15 83.16 70.75
94.05 75.10 63.89 132.29 94.05 75.10 63.89
120.97 96.60 82.18 170.15 120.97 96.60 82.18
110.88 88.54 75.32 155.95 110.88 88.54 75.32
137.80 110.03 93.61 193.82 137.80 110.03 93.61
87.32 69.73 59.32 122.82 87.32 69.73 59.32
110.88 88.54 75.32 155.95 110.88 88.54 75.32
104.15 83.16 70.75 146.49 104.15 83.16 70.75
127.70 101.97 86.75 179.62 127.70 101.97 86.75
120.97 96.60 82.18 170.15 120.97 96.60 82.18
144.53 115.41 98.18 203.28 144.53 115.41 98.18
110.88 88.54 75.32 155.95 110.88 88.54 75.32
137.80 110.03 93.61 193.82 137.80 110.03 93.61
127.70 101.97 86.75 179.62 127.70 101.97 86.75
154.62 123.47 105.04 217.48 154.62 123.47 105.04
144.53 115.41 98.18 203.28 144.53 115.41 98.18
171.45 136.90 116.47 241.15 171.45 136.90 116.47
127.70 101.97 86.75 179.62 127.70 101.97 86.75
171.45 136.90 116.47 241.15 171.45 136.90 116.47
157.99 126.15 107.33 222.21 157.99 126.15 107.33
198.37 158.40 134.76 279.01 198.37 158.40 134.76
184.91 147.65 125.62 260.08 184.91 147.65 125.62
228.65 182.58 155.33 321.61 228.65 182.58 155.33
137.80 110.03 93.61 193.82 137.80 110.03 93.61
178.18 142.28 121.04 250.61 178.18 142.28 121.04
164.72 131.53 111.90 231.68 164.72 131.53 111.90
208.46 166.46 141.62 293.21 208.46 166.46 141.62
191.64 153.02 130.19 269.54 191.64 153.02 130.19
238.75 190.64 162.19 335.81 238.75 190.64 162.19
161.35 128.84 109.61 226.95 161.35 128.84 109.61
205.10 163.77 139.33 288.48 205.10 163.77 139.33
191.64 153.02 130.19 269.54 191.64 153.02 130.19
235.38 187.96 159.91 331.07 235.38 187.96 159.91
218.56 174.52 148.48 307.41 218.56 174.52 148.48
262.30 209.45 178.19 368.94 262.30 209.45 178.19
20.02 15.99 13.60 28.16 20.02 15.99 13.60
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3.87 3.09 2.63 5.44 3.87 3.09 2.63
1.51 1.21 1.03 2.13 1.51 1.21 1.03
3.87 3.09 2.63 5.44 3.87 3.09 2.63
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
47.11 37.62 32.00 66.26 47.11 37.62 32.00
8.41 6.72 5.72 11.83 8.41 6.72 5.72
1.68 1.34 1.14 2.37 1.68 1.34 1.14
1.68 1.34 1.14 2.37 1.68 1.34 1.14
1.68 1.34 1.14 2.37 1.68 1.34 1.14
1.68 1.34 1.14 2.37 1.68 1.34 1.14
1.68 1.34 1.14 2.37 1.68 1.34 1.14
1.68 1.34 1.14 2.37 1.68 1.34 1.14
1.68 1.34 1.14 2.37 1.68 1.34 1.14
1.68 1.34 1.14 2.37 1.68 1.34 1.14
1.68 1.34 1.14 2.37 1.68 1.34 1.14
4.21 3.36 2.86 5.92 4.21 3.36 2.86
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43

99.40 79.37 67.53 139.81 99.40 79.37 67.53

198.81 158.75 135.06 279.63 198.81 158.75 135.06

47.85 38.21 32.51 67.30 47.85 38.21 32.51

178.18 142.28 121.04 250.61 178.18 142.28 121.04
605.57 483.55 411.39 851.75 605.57 483.55 411.39
143.79 114.82 97.68 202.24 143.79 114.82 97.68
69.52 55.51 47.23 97.78 69.52 55.51 47.23
39.24 31.33 26.65 55.19 39.24 31.33 26.65
31.64 25.26 21.49 44.50 31.64 25.26 21.49

43.78 34.96 29.74 61.58 43.78 34.96 29.74

16.66 13.30 11.32 23.43 16.66 13.30 11.32
13.56 10.83 9.21 19.07 13.56 10.83 9.21
18.25 14.57 12.40 25.66 18.25 14.57 12.40

272.43 217.54 185.07 383.18 272.43 217.54 185.07

57.41 45.84 39.00 80.74 57.41 45.84 39.00
18.17 14.51 12.34 25.56 18.17 14.51 12.34
57.41 45.84 39.00 80.74 57.41 45.84 39.00
57.41 45.84 39.00 80.74 57.41 45.84 39.00
57.41 45.84 39.00 80.74 57.41 45.84 39.00
57.41 45.84 39.00 80.74 57.41 45.84 39.00
287.57 229.63 195.36 404.48 287.57 229.63 195.36
257.29 205.45 174.79 361.89 257.29 205.45 174.79
90.72 72.44 61.63 127.60 90.72 72.44 61.63
57.41 45.84 39.00 80.74 57.41 45.84 39.00
57.41 45.84 39.00 80.74 57.41 45.84 39.00
75.58 60.35 51.34 106.30 75.58 60.35 51.34
136.22 108.77 92.54 191.59 136.22 108.77 92.54
28.70 22.92 19.50 40.37 28.70 22.92 19.50
23.93 19.10 16.25 33.65 23.93 19.10 16.25
28.70 22.92 19.50 40.37 28.70 22.92 19.50
28.70 22.92 19.50 40.37 28.70 22.92 19.50
28.70 22.92 19.50 40.37 28.70 22.92 19.50
143.79 114.82 97.68 202.24 143.79 114.82 97.68
128.64 102.72 87.39 180.94 128.64 102.72 87.39
45.36 36.22 30.82 63.80 45.36 36.22 30.82
28.70 22.92 19.50 40.37 28.70 22.92 19.50
28.70 22.92 19.50 40.37 28.70 22.92 19.50
31.50 25.15 21.40 44.30 31.50 25.15 21.40

11.98 9.57 8.14 16.85 11.98 9.57 8.14

8.95 7.15 6.08 12.59 8.95 7.15 6.08
3.80 3.04 2.58 5.35 3.80 3.04 2.58
2.29 1.83 1.55 3.22 2.29 1.83 1.55
11.98 9.57 8.14 16.85 11.98 9.57 8.14
8.95 7.15 6.08 12.59 8.95 7.15 6.08
3.80 3.04 2.58 5.35 3.80 3.04 2.58
2.29 1.83 1.55 3.22 2.29 1.83 1.55
11.98 9.57 8.14 16.85 11.98 9.57 8.14
8.95 7.15 6.08 12.59 8.95 7.15 6.08
3.80 3.04 2.58 5.35 3.80 3.04 2.58
2.29 1.83 1.55 3.22 2.29 1.83 1.55
11.98 9.57 8.14 16.85 11.98 9.57 8.14
8.95 7.15 6.08 12.59 8.95 7.15 6.08
3.80 3.04 2.58 5.35 3.80 3.04 2.58
2.29 1.83 1.55 3.22 2.29 1.83 1.55
11.98 9.57 8.14 16.85 11.98 9.57 8.14
8.95 7.15 6.08 12.59 8.95 7.15 6.08
3.80 3.04 2.58 5.35 3.80 3.04 2.58
2.29 1.83 1.55 3.22 2.29 1.83 1.55
11.98 9.57 8.14 16.85 11.98 9.57 8.14
8.95 7.15 6.08 12.59 8.95 7.15 6.08
3.80 3.04 2.58 5.35 3.80 3.04 2.58
2.29 1.83 1.55 3.22 2.29 1.83 1.55
8.95 7.15 6.08 12.59 8.95 7.15 6.08
11.98 9.57 8.14 16.85 11.98 9.57 8.14
2.29 1.83 1.55 3.22 2.29 1.83 1.55
3.80 3.04 2.58 5.35 3.80 3.04 2.58

60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15

439.13 350.65 298.32 617.66 439.13 350.65 298.32
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
219.57 175.33 149.16 308.83 219.57 175.33 149.16
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
30.15 24.08 20.48 42.41 30.15 24.08 20.48

105.86 84.53 71.92 148.90 105.86 84.53 71.92

227.00 181.27 154.21 319.29 227.00 181.27 154.21
529.85 423.10 359.95 745.26 529.85 423.10 359.95
151.29 120.81 102.78 212.80 151.29 120.81 102.78
454.14 362.64 308.52 638.77 454.14 362.64 308.52
363.29 290.09 246.80 510.97 363.29 290.09 246.80
52.93 42.27 35.96 74.45 52.93 42.27 35.96
113.50 90.63 77.11 159.64 113.50 90.63 77.11
75.65 60.40 51.39 106.40 75.65 60.40 51.39
227.07 181.32 154.26 319.38 227.07 181.32 154.26
181.64 145.04 123.40 255.49 181.64 145.04 123.40

90.72 72.44 61.63 127.60 90.72 72.44 61.63

121.01 96.62 82.20 170.20 121.01 96.62 82.20

19.35 15.45 13.14 27.21 19.35 15.45 13.14

26.52 21.17 18.01 37.30 26.52 21.17 18.01
2.89 2.31 1.97 4.07 2.89 2.31 1.97
22.85 18.24 15.52 32.14 22.85 18.24 15.52
4.41 3.52 2.99 6.20 4.41 3.52 2.99

136.15 108.72 92.49 191.50 136.15 108.72 92.49

211.86 169.17 143.93 297.99 211.86 169.17 143.93
357.23 285.25 242.68 502.46 357.23 285.25 242.68
211.86 169.17 143.93 297.99 211.86 169.17 143.93
136.15 108.72 92.49 191.50 136.15 108.72 92.49
302.72 241.72 205.65 425.78 302.72 241.72 205.65
446.70 356.70 303.47 628.31 446.70 356.70 303.47
211.86 169.17 143.93 297.99 211.86 169.17 143.93
357.23 285.25 242.68 502.46 357.23 285.25 242.68
211.86 169.17 143.93 297.99 211.86 169.17 143.93

250.07 199.68 169.88 351.73 250.07 199.68 169.88

125.02 99.83 84.93 175.84 125.02 99.83 84.93
- - - - - - -
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279.51 223.20 189.89 393.15 279.51 223.20 189.89
139.76 111.60 94.94 196.57 139.76 111.60 94.94
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287.89 229.88 195.58 404.93 287.89 229.88 195.58
43.20 34.49 29.35 60.76 43.20 34.49 29.35
42.94 34.29 29.17 60.40 42.94 34.29 29.17
14.56 11.62 9.89 20.48 14.56 11.62 9.89
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13.24 10.57 8.99 18.62 13.24 10.57 8.99
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- - - - - - -
105.81 84.49 71.88 148.83 105.81 84.49 71.88
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19.09 15.25 12.97 26.85 19.09 15.25 12.97
- - - - - - -
129.37 103.30 87.89 181.96 129.37 103.30 87.89
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64.74 51.70 43.98 91.06 64.74 51.70 43.98
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58.74 46.91 39.91 82.62 58.74 46.91 39.91
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29.37 23.45 19.95 41.31 29.37 23.45 19.95
- - - - - - -
155.89 124.48 105.90 219.26 155.89 124.48 105.90
- - - - - - -
72.64 58.00 49.35 102.17 72.64 58.00 49.35
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -

316.43 252.67 214.96 445.07 316.43 252.67 214.96

50.65 40.45 34.41 71.24 50.65 40.45 34.41

37.97 30.32 25.80 53.41 37.97 30.32 25.80
75.98 60.67 51.62 106.87 75.98 60.67 51.62
56.96 45.48 38.69 80.11 56.96 45.48 38.69
228.15 182.18 154.99 320.90 228.15 182.18 154.99
171.08 136.61 116.23 240.64 171.08 136.61 116.23
1.52 1.22 1.03 2.14 1.52 1.22 1.03
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- - - - - - -
20.30 16.21 13.79 28.55 20.30 16.21 13.79
41.83 33.40 28.42 58.84 41.83 33.40 28.42
22.81 18.22 15.50 32.08 22.81 18.22 15.50
41.83 33.40 28.42 58.84 41.83 33.40 28.42
41.87 33.43 28.44 58.89 41.87 33.43 28.44
14.42 11.51 9.79 20.28 14.42 11.51 9.79
38.93 31.08 26.45 54.75 38.93 31.08 26.45
39.64 31.65 26.93 55.75 39.64 31.65 26.93

58.38 46.61 39.66 82.11 58.38 46.61 39.66

37.89 30.26 25.74 53.30 37.89 30.26 25.74
1,328.29 1,060.66 902.37 1,868.29 1,328.29 1,060.66 902.37
1,146.05 915.14 778.56 1,611.96 1,146.05 915.14 778.56
30.92 24.69 21.01 43.49 30.92 24.69 21.01
15.48 12.36 10.52 21.77 15.48 12.36 10.52
384.60 307.11 261.28 540.96 384.60 307.11 261.28
268.77 214.62 182.59 378.04 268.77 214.62 182.59
868.03 693.13 589.69 1,220.91 868.03 693.13 589.69
262.58 209.67 178.38 369.32 262.58 209.67 178.38
355.27 283.69 241.35 499.71 355.27 283.69 241.35
355.27 283.69 241.35 499.71 355.27 283.69 241.35
199.24 159.10 135.36 280.24 199.24 159.10 135.36
149.83 119.64 101.79 210.74 149.83 119.64 101.79
49.45 39.48 33.59 69.55 49.45 39.48 33.59
196.16 156.64 133.26 275.91 196.16 156.64 133.26
61.81 49.36 41.99 86.94 61.81 49.36 41.99
61.81 49.36 41.99 86.94 61.81 49.36 41.99
139.03 111.02 94.45 195.55 139.03 111.02 94.45
135.95 108.55 92.35 191.21 135.95 108.55 92.35
148.31 118.43 100.75 208.60 148.31 118.43 100.75
149.83 119.64 101.79 210.74 149.83 119.64 101.79
149.83 119.64 101.79 210.74 149.83 119.64 101.79
154.47 123.35 104.94 217.27 154.47 123.35 104.94
237.89 189.96 161.61 334.60 237.89 189.96 161.61
58.69 46.87 39.87 82.55 58.69 46.87 39.87
237.89 189.96 161.61 334.60 237.89 189.96 161.61
237.89 189.96 161.61 334.60 237.89 189.96 161.61
248.69 198.58 168.95 349.79 248.69 198.58 168.95
149.83 119.64 101.79 210.74 149.83 119.64 101.79
611.65 488.41 415.52 860.31 611.65 488.41 415.52
268.77 214.62 182.59 378.04 268.77 214.62 182.59
254.85 203.50 173.13 358.46 254.85 203.50 173.13
106.58 85.11 72.41 149.91 106.58 85.11 72.41
84.98 67.85 57.73 119.52 84.98 67.85 57.73
152.91 122.10 103.88 215.08 152.91 122.10 103.88
339.83 271.36 230.86 477.98 339.83 271.36 230.86
495.82 395.92 336.84 697.40 495.82 395.92 336.84
5.10 4.07 3.47 7.17 5.10 4.07 3.47
248.69 198.58 168.95 349.79 248.69 198.58 168.95
135.95 108.55 92.35 191.21 135.95 108.55 92.35
1,359.21 1,085.35 923.38 1,911.78 1,359.21 1,085.35 923.38
254.85 203.50 173.13 358.46 254.85 203.50 173.13
98.86 78.94 67.16 139.05 98.86 78.94 67.16
98.86 78.94 67.16 139.05 98.86 78.94 67.16
214.72 171.46 145.87 302.02 214.72 171.46 145.87
98.86 78.94 67.16 139.05 98.86 78.94 67.16
98.86 78.94 67.16 139.05 98.86 78.94 67.16
84.98 67.85 57.73 119.52 84.98 67.85 57.73
746.04 595.72 506.82 1,049.33 746.04 595.72 506.82
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407.77 325.61 277.02 573.54 407.77 325.61 277.02
746.04 595.72 506.82 1,049.33 746.04 595.72 506.82
169.91 135.68 115.43 238.99 169.91 135.68 115.43
169.91 135.68 115.43 238.99 169.91 135.68 115.43
741.40 592.02 503.67 1,042.80 741.40 592.02 503.67
741.40 592.02 503.67 1,042.80 741.40 592.02 503.67
370.72 296.02 251.85 521.43 370.72 296.02 251.85
77.25 61.69 52.48 108.66 77.25 61.69 52.48
741.40 592.02 503.67 1,042.80 741.40 592.02 503.67
741.40 592.02 503.67 1,042.80 741.40 592.02 503.67
231.69 185.01 157.40 325.88 231.69 185.01 157.40
231.69 185.01 157.40 325.88 231.69 185.01 157.40
741.40 592.02 503.67 1,042.80 741.40 592.02 503.67
169.91 135.68 115.43 238.99 169.91 135.68 115.43
695.07 555.02 472.19 977.64 695.07 555.02 472.19
254.85 203.50 173.13 358.46 254.85 203.50 173.13
463.24 369.90 314.70 651.56 463.24 369.90 314.70
84.98 67.85 57.73 119.52 84.98 67.85 57.73
84.98 67.85 57.73 119.52 84.98 67.85 57.73
84.98 67.85 57.73 119.52 84.98 67.85 57.73
540.60 431.67 367.25 760.37 540.60 431.67 367.25
154.47 123.35 104.94 217.27 154.47 123.35 104.94
154.47 123.35 104.94 217.27 154.47 123.35 104.94
77.25 61.69 52.48 108.66 77.25 61.69 52.48
231.69 185.01 157.40 325.88 231.69 185.01 157.40
988.50 789.33 671.53 1,390.36 988.50 789.33 671.53
1,189.30 949.67 807.94 1,672.79 1,189.30 949.67 807.94
370.72 296.02 251.85 521.43 370.72 296.02 251.85
2,162.21 1,726.55 1,468.89 3,041.23 2,162.21 1,726.55 1,468.89
387.75 309.63 263.42 545.39 387.75 309.63 263.42
538.08 429.67 365.54 756.83 538.08 429.67 365.54
693.30 553.61 470.99 975.15 693.30 553.61 470.99
848.48 677.52 576.41 1,193.41 848.48 677.52 576.41
1,018.21 813.06 691.72 1,432.16 1,018.21 813.06 691.72
1,440.15 1,149.98 978.36 2,025.62 1,440.15 1,149.98 978.36
540.45 431.56 367.16 760.17 540.45 431.56 367.16
102.69 82.00 69.76 144.43 102.69 82.00 69.76
102.69 82.00 69.76 144.43 102.69 82.00 69.76
129.71 103.58 88.12 182.44 129.71 103.58 88.12
129.71 103.58 88.12 182.44 129.71 103.58 88.12
102.69 82.00 69.76 144.43 102.69 82.00 69.76
129.71 103.58 88.12 182.44 129.71 103.58 88.12
518.81 414.28 352.45 729.73 518.81 414.28 352.45
154.47 123.35 104.94 217.27 154.47 123.35 104.94
77.25 61.69 52.48 108.66 77.25 61.69 52.48
556.04 444.01 377.74 782.09 556.04 444.01 377.74
278.02 222.00 188.87 391.05 278.02 222.00 188.87
46.37 37.02 31.50 65.22 46.37 37.02 31.50
46.37 37.02 31.50 65.22 46.37 37.02 31.50
154.47 123.35 104.94 217.27 154.47 123.35 104.94
278.02 222.00 188.87 391.05 278.02 222.00 188.87
231.69 185.01 157.40 325.88 231.69 185.01 157.40
92.70 74.02 62.97 130.38 92.70 74.02 62.97
15.48 12.36 10.52 21.77 15.48 12.36 10.52
61.81 49.36 41.99 86.94 61.81 49.36 41.99
154.47 123.35 104.94 217.27 154.47 123.35 104.94
30.92 24.69 21.01 43.49 30.92 24.69 21.01
6.52 5.20 4.43 9.17 6.52 5.20 4.43
10.20 8.15 6.93 14.35 10.20 8.15 6.93
30.92 24.69 21.01 43.49 30.92 24.69 21.01
4.64 3.71 3.15 6.53 4.64 3.71 3.15
2,007.91 1,603.35 1,364.07 2,824.21 2,007.91 1,603.35 1,364.07
1,467.32 1,171.67 996.82 2,063.84 1,467.32 1,171.67 996.82
617.81 493.33 419.71 868.98 617.81 493.33 419.71
772.29 616.68 524.65 1,086.25 772.29 616.68 524.65
540.60 431.67 367.25 760.37 540.60 431.67 367.25
617.81 493.33 419.71 868.98 617.81 493.33 419.71
617.81 493.33 419.71 868.98 617.81 493.33 419.71
185.36 148.01 125.92 260.71 185.36 148.01 125.92
370.72 296.02 251.85 521.43 370.72 296.02 251.85
185.36 148.01 125.92 260.71 185.36 148.01 125.92
247.13 197.34 167.89 347.60 247.13 197.34 167.89
46.37 37.02 31.50 65.22 46.37 37.02 31.50
154.33 123.23 104.84 217.07 154.33 123.23 104.84
228.47 182.43 155.21 321.35 228.47 182.43 155.21
772.11 616.54 524.53 1,086.00 772.11 616.54 524.53
185.22 147.90 125.83 260.51 185.22 147.90 125.83
246.99 197.23 167.79 347.40 246.99 197.23 167.79
772.11 616.54 524.53 1,086.00 772.11 616.54 524.53
238.75 190.64 162.19 335.81 238.75 190.64 162.19
205.99 164.49 139.94 289.73 205.99 164.49 139.94
5.55 4.43 3.77 7.81 5.55 4.43 3.77
2.78 2.22 1.89 3.91 2.78 2.22 1.89
69.13 55.20 46.96 97.23 69.13 55.20 46.96
48.31 38.57 32.82 67.95 48.31 38.57 32.82
156.02 124.58 105.99 219.45 156.02 124.58 105.99
47.20 37.69 32.06 66.38 47.20 37.69 32.06
63.85 50.99 43.38 89.81 63.85 50.99 43.38
77.73 62.07 52.81 109.33 77.73 62.07 52.81
26.93 21.50 18.29 37.88 26.93 21.50 18.29
8.88 7.09 6.04 12.50 8.88 7.09 6.04
35.26 28.15 23.95 49.59 35.26 28.15 23.95
11.10 8.87 7.54 15.62 11.10 8.87 7.54
11.10 8.87 7.54 15.62 11.10 8.87 7.54
24.99 19.95 16.97 35.14 24.99 19.95 16.97
24.43 19.51 16.60 34.36 24.43 19.51 16.60
26.93 21.50 18.29 37.88 26.93 21.50 18.29
26.93 21.50 18.29 37.88 26.93 21.50 18.29
26.93 21.50 18.29 37.88 26.93 21.50 18.29
27.76 22.17 18.86 39.05 27.76 22.17 18.86
42.75 34.14 29.04 60.13 42.75 34.14 29.04
10.55 8.42 7.17 14.84 10.55 8.42 7.17
42.75 34.14 29.04 60.13 42.75 34.14 29.04
42.75 34.14 29.04 60.13 42.75 34.14 29.04
44.70 35.69 30.36 62.87 44.70 35.69 30.36
26.93 21.50 18.29 37.88 26.93 21.50 18.29
109.93 87.78 74.68 154.63 109.93 87.78 74.68
48.30 38.57 32.82 67.94 48.30 38.57 32.82
45.81 36.58 31.12 64.43 45.81 36.58 31.12
19.16 15.30 13.01 26.94 19.16 15.30 13.01
15.27 12.19 10.37 21.48 15.27 12.19 10.37
27.48 21.95 18.67 38.66 27.48 21.95 18.67
89.11 71.16 60.54 125.34 89.11 71.16 60.54
0.92 0.73 0.62 1.29 0.92 0.73 0.62
44.70 35.69 30.36 62.87 44.70 35.69 30.36
25.64 20.47 17.42 36.07 25.64 20.47 17.42
244.30 195.08 165.96 343.62 244.30 195.08 165.96
45.81 36.58 31.12 64.43 45.81 36.58 31.12
17.77 14.19 12.07 24.99 17.77 14.19 12.07
17.77 14.19 12.07 24.99 17.77 14.19 12.07
38.59 30.81 26.21 54.28 38.59 30.81 26.21
17.77 14.19 12.07 24.99 17.77 14.19 12.07
17.77 14.19 12.07 24.99 17.77 14.19 12.07
15.27 12.19 10.37 21.48 15.27 12.19 10.37
134.09 107.07 91.09 188.60 134.09 107.07 91.09
40.38 32.24 27.43 56.80 40.38 32.24 27.43
66.63 53.20 45.26 93.71 66.63 53.20 45.26
138.25 110.40 93.92 194.46 138.25 110.40 93.92
30.81 24.61 20.93 43.34 30.81 24.61 20.93
30.81 24.61 20.93 43.34 30.81 24.61 20.93
133.25 106.41 90.53 187.43 133.25 106.41 90.53
133.25 106.41 90.53 187.43 133.25 106.41 90.53
66.63 53.20 45.26 93.71 66.63 53.20 45.26
13.88 11.08 9.43 19.52 13.88 11.08 9.43
133.25 106.41 90.53 187.43 133.25 106.41 90.53
133.25 106.41 90.53 187.43 133.25 106.41 90.53
41.64 33.25 28.29 58.57 41.64 33.25 28.29
41.64 33.25 28.29 58.57 41.64 33.25 28.29
133.25 106.41 90.53 187.43 133.25 106.41 90.53
30.81 24.61 20.93 43.34 30.81 24.61 20.93
124.93 99.75 84.87 175.71 124.93 99.75 84.87
45.81 36.58 31.12 64.43 45.81 36.58 31.12
83.26 66.48 56.56 117.10 83.26 66.48 56.56
15.27 12.19 10.37 21.48 15.27 12.19 10.37
1.81 1.44 1.23 2.54 1.81 1.44 1.23
61.07 48.77 41.49 85.90 61.07 48.77 41.49
97.16 77.59 66.01 136.67 97.16 77.59 66.01
27.76 22.17 18.86 39.05 27.76 22.17 18.86
13.88 11.08 9.43 19.52 13.88 11.08 9.43
13.88 11.08 9.43 19.52 13.88 11.08 9.43
42.89 34.25 29.14 60.33 42.89 34.25 29.14
182.88 146.03 124.24 257.23 182.88 146.03 124.24
220.04 175.70 149.48 309.49 220.04 175.70 149.48
68.61 54.79 46.61 96.50 68.61 54.79 46.61
46.37 37.02 31.50 65.22 46.37 37.02 31.50
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
8.41 6.72 5.72 11.83 8.41 6.72 5.72
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
5.05 4.03 3.43 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
5.05 4.03 3.43 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
25.24 20.15 17.15 35.50 25.24 20.15 17.15
3.33 2.66 2.26 4.69 3.33 2.66 2.26
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
1.68 1.34 1.14 2.37 1.68 1.34 1.14
6.73 5.37 4.57 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
0.71 0.56 0.48 0.99 0.71 0.56 0.48
1.11 0.89 0.75 1.56 1.11 0.89 0.75
3.53 2.82 2.40 4.97 3.53 2.82 2.40
0.50 0.40 0.34 0.71 0.50 0.40 0.34
360.90 288.18 245.17 507.61 360.90 288.18 245.17
263.73 210.60 179.17 370.95 263.73 210.60 179.17
111.05 88.67 75.44 156.19 111.05 88.67 75.44
138.81 110.84 94.30 195.24 138.81 110.84 94.30
97.17 77.59 66.01 136.67 97.17 77.59 66.01
111.05 88.67 75.44 156.19 111.05 88.67 75.44
111.05 88.67 75.44 156.19 111.05 88.67 75.44
33.31 26.60 22.63 46.86 33.31 26.60 22.63
66.63 53.20 45.26 93.71 66.63 53.20 45.26
33.31 26.60 22.63 46.86 33.31 26.60 22.63
44.42 35.47 30.18 62.48 44.42 35.47 30.18
8.33 6.65 5.66 11.72 8.33 6.65 5.66
423.96 338.54 288.02 596.32 423.96 338.54 288.02
76.03 60.71 51.65 106.94 76.03 60.71 51.65
105.51 84.25 71.68 148.40 105.51 84.25 71.68
135.94 108.55 92.35 191.20 135.94 108.55 92.35
166.37 132.85 113.02 234.00 166.37 132.85 113.02
199.65 159.42 135.63 280.82 199.65 159.42 135.63
282.38 225.49 191.84 397.18 282.38 225.49 191.84
105.97 84.62 71.99 149.05 105.97 84.62 71.99
20.13 16.08 13.68 28.32 20.13 16.08 13.68
20.13 16.08 13.68 28.32 20.13 16.08 13.68
25.43 20.30 17.27 35.76 25.43 20.30 17.27
25.43 20.30 17.27 35.76 25.43 20.30 17.27
20.13 16.08 13.68 28.32 20.13 16.08 13.68
25.43 20.30 17.27 35.76 25.43 20.30 17.27
101.73 81.23 69.11 143.08 101.73 81.23 69.11
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
168.22 134.32 114.28 236.60 168.22 134.32 114.28
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
168.22 134.32 114.28 236.60 168.22 134.32 114.28
125.25 100.01 85.09 176.17 125.25 100.01 85.09
336.43 268.64 228.55 473.20 336.43 268.64 228.55
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
117.78 94.05 80.01 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01
6.73 5.37 4.57 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
168.25 134.35 114.30 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29

154.76 123.58 105.13 217.67 154.76 123.58 105.13

301.34 240.62 204.71 423.84 301.34 240.62 204.71
571.48 456.33 388.23 803.81 571.48 456.33 388.23
813.46 649.56 552.62 1,144.16 813.46 649.56 552.62
1,030.60 822.95 700.13 1,449.58 1,030.60 822.95 700.13
1,225.03 978.20 832.22 1,723.05 1,225.03 978.20 832.22
1,934.30 1,544.57 1,314.06 2,720.67 1,934.30 1,544.57 1,314.06
2,321.04 1,853.39 1,576.79 3,264.63 2,321.04 1,853.39 1,576.79
2,707.78 2,162.20 1,839.52 3,808.60 2,707.78 2,162.20 1,839.52
3,094.52 2,471.02 2,102.25 4,352.56 3,094.52 2,471.02 2,102.25
3,481.26 2,779.84 2,364.98 4,896.53 3,481.26 2,779.84 2,364.98
3,868.00 3,088.65 2,627.71 5,440.49 3,868.00 3,088.65 2,627.71
4,254.74 3,397.47 2,890.44 5,984.45 4,254.74 3,397.47 2,890.44
30.92 24.69 21.01 43.50 30.92 24.69 21.01
60.27 48.12 40.94 84.77 60.27 48.12 40.94
114.28 91.25 77.63 160.73 114.28 91.25 77.63
162.66 129.89 110.51 228.79 162.66 129.89 110.51
206.11 164.58 140.02 289.90 206.11 164.58 140.02
245.01 195.64 166.44 344.61 245.01 195.64 166.44
386.84 308.90 262.80 544.11 386.84 308.90 262.80
464.20 370.67 315.35 652.92 464.20 370.67 315.35
541.53 432.42 367.89 761.68 541.53 432.42 367.89
618.89 494.19 420.44 870.49 618.89 494.19 420.44
696.25 555.97 473.00 979.31 696.25 555.97 473.00
773.58 617.71 525.53 1,088.07 773.58 617.71 525.53
850.94 679.49 578.08 1,196.88 850.94 679.49 578.08
355.85 284.15 241.74 500.51 355.85 284.15 241.74
692.92 553.31 470.73 974.62 692.92 553.31 470.73
1,313.76 1,049.06 892.50 1,847.86 1,313.76 1,049.06 892.50
1,870.70 1,493.78 1,270.86 2,631.22 1,870.70 1,493.78 1,270.86
2,369.80 1,892.32 1,609.92 3,333.22 2,369.80 1,892.32 1,609.92
2,817.11 2,249.50 1,913.79 3,962.37 2,817.11 2,249.50 1,913.79
4,448.56 3,552.24 3,022.11 6,257.07 4,448.56 3,552.24 3,022.11
5,338.64 4,262.98 3,626.78 7,509.00 5,338.64 4,262.98 3,626.78
6,228.72 4,973.72 4,231.45 8,760.92 6,228.72 4,973.72 4,231.45
7,118.79 5,684.46 4,836.12 10,012.85 7,118.79 5,684.46 4,836.12
8,008.87 6,395.19 5,440.79 11,264.78 8,008.87 6,395.19 5,440.79
8,898.94 7,105.93 6,045.46 12,516.70 8,898.94 7,105.93 6,045.46
9,789.02 7,816.67 6,650.13 13,768.63 9,789.02 7,816.67 6,650.13
71.17 56.83 48.35 100.10 71.17 56.83 48.35
138.57 110.65 94.14 194.90 138.57 110.65 94.14
262.74 209.80 178.49 369.55 262.74 209.80 178.49
374.12 298.74 254.16 526.21 374.12 298.74 254.16
473.96 378.46 321.98 666.64 473.96 378.46 321.98
563.40 449.88 382.74 792.45 563.40 449.88 382.74
889.71 710.44 604.42 1,251.41 889.71 710.44 604.42
1,067.71 852.59 725.35 1,501.78 1,067.71 852.59 725.35
1,245.72 994.73 846.28 1,752.16 1,245.72 994.73 846.28
1,423.73 1,136.87 967.21 2,002.53 1,423.73 1,136.87 967.21
1,601.77 1,279.04 1,088.16 2,252.96 1,601.77 1,279.04 1,088.16
1,779.78 1,421.18 1,209.09 2,503.33 1,779.78 1,421.18 1,209.09
1,957.79 1,563.32 1,330.02 2,753.71 1,957.79 1,563.32 1,330.02
494.32 394.72 335.81 695.28 494.32 394.72 335.81
962.05 768.21 653.57 1,353.16 962.05 768.21 653.57
1,824.84 1,457.16 1,239.70 2,566.71 1,824.84 1,457.16 1,239.70
2,598.12 2,074.63 1,765.02 3,654.35 2,598.12 2,074.63 1,765.02
3,291.31 2,628.15 2,235.94 4,629.35 3,291.31 2,628.15 2,235.94
3,912.82 3,124.44 2,658.16 5,503.53 3,912.82 3,124.44 2,658.16
5,869.57 4,686.93 3,987.47 8,255.77 5,869.57 4,686.93 3,987.47
7,044.06 5,624.78 4,785.35 9,907.73 7,044.06 5,624.78 4,785.35
7,785.97 6,217.21 5,289.37 10,951.26 7,785.97 6,217.21 5,289.37
8,898.64 7,105.69 6,045.26 12,516.28 8,898.64 7,105.69 6,045.26
10,011.31 7,994.17 6,801.15 14,081.29 10,011.31 7,994.17 6,801.15
11,123.98 8,882.66 7,557.04 15,646.30 11,123.98 8,882.66 7,557.04
12,236.65 9,771.14 8,312.92 17,211.32 12,236.65 9,771.14 8,312.92
88.98 71.05 60.45 125.15 88.98 71.05 60.45
173.17 138.28 117.64 243.57 173.17 138.28 117.64
328.47 262.29 223.15 462.01 328.47 262.29 223.15
467.66 373.43 317.70 657.78 467.66 373.43 317.70
592.44 473.07 402.47 833.28 592.44 473.07 402.47
704.29 562.39 478.46 990.62 704.29 562.39 478.46
1,112.10 888.03 755.50 1,564.21 1,112.10 888.03 755.50
1,334.66 1,065.74 906.70 1,877.25 1,334.66 1,065.74 906.70
1,557.19 1,243.44 1,057.87 2,190.24 1,557.19 1,243.44 1,057.87
1,779.71 1,421.13 1,209.04 2,503.24 1,779.71 1,421.13 1,209.04
2,002.24 1,598.82 1,360.22 2,816.23 2,002.24 1,598.82 1,360.22
2,224.77 1,776.51 1,511.39 3,129.22 2,224.77 1,776.51 1,511.39
2,447.33 1,954.23 1,662.58 3,442.26 2,447.33 1,954.23 1,662.58
106.30 84.88 72.21 149.52 106.30 84.88 72.21
88.74 70.86 60.28 124.81 88.74 70.86 60.28
70.87 56.59 48.14 99.68 70.87 56.59 48.14
62.39 49.82 42.38 87.75 62.39 49.82 42.38
21.23 16.95 14.42 29.87 21.23 16.95 14.42
17.73 14.16 12.05 24.94 17.73 14.16 12.05
14.17 11.31 9.62 19.93 14.17 11.31 9.62
12.45 9.94 8.46 17.51 12.45 9.94 8.46
118.11 94.31 80.24 166.13 118.11 94.31 80.24
23.62 18.86 16.05 33.23 23.62 18.86 16.05
605.70 483.66 411.48 851.94 605.70 483.66 411.48
23.62 18.86 16.05 33.23 23.62 18.86 16.05
4.71 3.76 3.20 6.63 4.71 3.76 3.20
212.00 169.28 144.02 298.18 212.00 169.28 144.02
42.40 33.86 28.80 59.64 42.40 33.86 28.80
252.38 201.53 171.45 354.98 252.38 201.53 171.45
504.75 403.05 342.90 709.95 504.75 403.05 342.90
31.55 25.19 21.43 44.37 31.55 25.19 21.43
63.09 50.38 42.86 88.74 63.09 50.38 42.86

20.19 16.12 13.72 28.40 20.19 16.12 13.72

80.76 64.49 54.86 113.59 80.76 64.49 54.86

34.39 27.46 23.36 48.37 34.39 27.46 23.36

66.96 53.47 45.49 94.19 66.96 53.47 45.49
127.00 101.41 86.27 178.62 127.00 101.41 86.27
171.72 137.12 116.65 241.52 171.72 137.12 116.65
217.58 173.74 147.81 306.04 217.58 173.74 147.81
258.63 206.52 175.70 363.78 258.63 206.52 175.70
6.19 4.94 4.21 8.71 6.19 4.94 4.21
12.05 9.62 8.19 16.95 12.05 9.62 8.19
22.86 18.25 15.53 32.15 22.86 18.25 15.53
32.51 25.96 22.08 45.72 32.51 25.96 22.08
41.22 32.92 28.00 57.98 41.22 32.92 28.00
48.99 39.12 33.28 68.91 48.99 39.12 33.28
79.08 63.14 53.72 111.23 79.08 63.14 53.72
153.98 122.96 104.61 216.58 153.98 122.96 104.61
291.95 233.12 198.33 410.64 291.95 233.12 198.33
394.92 315.35 268.28 555.46 394.92 315.35 268.28
500.31 399.50 339.88 703.70 500.31 399.50 339.88
594.73 474.90 404.03 836.51 594.73 474.90 404.03
14.23 11.37 9.67 20.02 14.23 11.37 9.67
27.72 22.13 18.83 38.98 27.72 22.13 18.83
52.55 41.96 35.70 73.91 52.55 41.96 35.70
74.80 59.73 50.82 105.21 74.80 59.73 50.82
94.79 75.69 64.40 133.33 94.79 75.69 64.40
112.66 89.96 76.54 158.46 112.66 89.96 76.54
98.86 78.94 67.16 139.06 98.86 78.94 67.16
192.41 153.64 130.71 270.63 192.41 153.64 130.71
364.97 291.43 247.94 513.34 364.97 291.43 247.94
493.65 394.18 335.36 694.33 493.65 394.18 335.36
625.35 499.35 424.83 879.58 625.35 499.35 424.83
782.56 624.89 531.63 1,100.71 782.56 624.89 531.63
17.80 14.21 12.09 25.03 17.80 14.21 12.09
34.63 27.66 23.53 48.71 34.63 27.66 23.53
65.69 52.46 44.63 92.40 65.69 52.46 44.63
93.51 74.67 63.53 131.53 93.51 74.67 63.53
118.48 94.61 80.49 166.65 118.48 94.61 80.49
140.86 112.48 95.69 198.12 140.86 112.48 95.69
124.67 99.55 84.70 175.36 124.67 99.55 84.70
24.93 19.91 16.94 35.07 24.93 19.91 16.94
23.62 18.86 16.05 33.23 23.62 18.86 16.05
4.71 3.76 3.20 6.63 4.71 3.76 3.20
56.26 44.93 38.22 79.14 56.26 44.93 38.22
10.63 8.49 7.22 14.96 10.63 8.49 7.22

4.98 3.98 3.38 7.00 4.98 3.98 3.38

9.35 7.47 6.36 13.16 9.35 7.47 6.36
22.71 18.14 15.43 31.95 22.71 18.14 15.43
37.76 30.15 25.65 53.10 37.76 30.15 25.65
59.63 47.61 40.51 83.87 59.63 47.61 40.51
114.75 91.63 77.95 161.40 114.75 91.63 77.95
160.31 128.01 108.91 225.48 160.31 128.01 108.91
216.98 173.26 147.40 305.18 216.98 173.26 147.40
364.77 291.27 247.80 513.06 364.77 291.27 247.80
566.26 452.17 384.69 796.47 566.26 452.17 384.69
729.53 582.54 495.60 1,026.11 729.53 582.54 495.60
1,036.66 827.78 704.25 1,458.10 1,036.66 827.78 704.25
9.79 7.82 6.65 13.77 9.79 7.82 6.65
18.61 14.86 12.64 26.17 18.61 14.86 12.64
44.72 35.71 30.38 62.90 44.72 35.71 30.38
66.86 53.39 45.42 94.04 66.86 53.39 45.42
105.19 84.00 71.46 147.95 105.19 84.00 71.46
205.87 164.39 139.86 289.56 205.87 164.39 139.86
295.62 236.05 200.83 415.79 295.62 236.05 200.83
405.11 323.49 275.21 569.81 405.11 323.49 275.21
662.23 528.80 449.88 931.45 662.23 528.80 449.88
1,065.46 850.78 723.82 1,498.61 1,065.46 850.78 723.82
1,401.42 1,119.05 952.05 1,971.15 1,401.42 1,119.05 952.05
2,188.46 1,747.52 1,486.72 3,078.15 2,188.46 1,747.52 1,486.72
10.40 8.30 7.06 14.62 10.40 8.30 7.06
19.75 15.77 13.42 27.78 19.75 15.77 13.42
48.42 38.67 32.90 68.11 48.42 38.67 32.90
89.44 71.42 60.76 125.80 89.44 71.42 60.76
142.71 113.96 96.95 200.73 142.71 113.96 96.95
274.68 219.34 186.61 386.35 274.68 219.34 186.61
396.40 316.53 269.29 557.55 396.40 316.53 269.29
545.23 435.37 370.40 766.89 545.23 435.37 370.40
883.01 705.10 599.87 1,241.99 883.01 705.10 599.87
1,401.42 1,119.05 952.05 1,971.15 1,401.42 1,119.05 952.05
1,823.70 1,456.25 1,238.92 2,565.10 1,823.70 1,456.25 1,238.92
2,265.25 1,808.83 1,538.89 3,186.16 2,265.25 1,808.83 1,538.89
19.75 15.77 13.42 27.78 19.75 15.77 13.42
37.35 29.83 25.37 52.54 37.35 29.83 25.37
90.75 72.47 61.65 127.65 90.75 72.47 61.65
151.66 121.10 103.03 213.32 151.66 121.10 103.03
238.41 190.37 161.96 335.33 238.41 190.37 161.96
458.65 366.24 311.58 645.11 458.65 366.24 311.58
655.54 523.45 445.34 922.04 655.54 523.45 445.34
886.85 708.16 602.48 1,247.38 886.85 708.16 602.48
1,439.75 1,149.66 978.09 2,025.06 1,439.75 1,149.66 978.09
2,303.61 1,839.47 1,564.95 3,240.12 2,303.61 1,839.47 1,564.95
2,956.29 2,360.64 2,008.34 4,158.13 2,956.29 2,360.64 2,008.34
4,146.42 3,310.98 2,816.85 5,832.10 4,146.42 3,310.98 2,816.85
17.16 13.70 11.66 24.14 17.16 13.70 11.66
43.17 34.47 29.33 60.72 43.17 34.47 29.33
94.99 75.85 64.53 133.61 94.99 75.85 64.53
254.73 203.41 173.05 358.29 254.73 203.41 173.05
309.28 246.96 210.11 435.01 309.28 246.96 210.11
365.47 291.84 248.28 514.05 365.47 291.84 248.28
421.43 336.52 286.30 592.76 421.43 336.52 286.30
671.86 536.49 456.42 944.99 671.86 536.49 456.42
959.83 766.44 652.06 1,350.04 959.83 766.44 652.06

0.98 0.78 0.66 1.37 0.98 0.78 0.66

1.88 1.50 1.28 2.65 1.88 1.50 1.28
4.54 3.63 3.09 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
7.57 6.05 5.14 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14
11.95 9.54 8.12 16.80 11.95 9.54 8.12
22.92 18.30 15.57 32.23 22.92 18.30 15.57
32.07 25.61 21.79 45.11 32.07 25.61 21.79
43.37 34.64 29.47 61.01 43.37 34.64 29.47
72.95 58.25 49.56 102.61 72.95 58.25 49.56
113.27 90.44 76.95 159.31 113.27 90.44 76.95
145.91 116.51 99.12 205.22 145.91 116.51 99.12
207.35 165.57 140.86 291.65 207.35 165.57 140.86
1.95 1.56 1.33 2.75 1.95 1.56 1.33
3.74 2.98 2.54 5.25 3.74 2.98 2.54
8.95 7.15 6.08 12.59 8.95 7.15 6.08
13.39 10.69 9.10 18.84 13.39 10.69 9.10
21.06 16.82 14.31 29.63 21.06 16.82 14.31
41.19 32.89 27.98 57.93 41.19 32.89 27.98
59.12 47.21 40.17 83.16 59.12 47.21 40.17
81.00 64.68 55.02 113.92 81.00 64.68 55.02
132.45 105.76 89.98 186.29 132.45 105.76 89.98
213.07 170.14 144.75 299.69 213.07 170.14 144.75
280.27 223.80 190.40 394.21 280.27 223.80 190.40
437.69 349.50 297.34 615.62 437.69 349.50 297.34
2.05 1.64 1.39 2.89 2.05 1.64 1.39
3.97 3.17 2.70 5.58 3.97 3.17 2.70
9.69 7.74 6.58 13.63 9.69 7.74 6.58
17.87 14.27 12.14 25.13 17.87 14.27 12.14
28.54 22.79 19.39 40.14 28.54 22.79 19.39
54.95 43.88 37.33 77.29 54.95 43.88 37.33
79.31 63.33 53.88 111.56 79.31 63.33 53.88
109.06 87.09 74.09 153.40 109.06 87.09 74.09
176.60 141.01 119.97 248.39 176.60 141.01 119.97
280.27 223.80 190.40 394.21 280.27 223.80 190.40
364.73 291.24 247.78 513.01 364.73 291.24 247.78
453.03 361.75 307.76 637.20 453.03 361.75 307.76
3.97 3.17 2.70 5.58 3.97 3.17 2.70
7.47 5.97 5.07 10.51 7.47 5.97 5.07
18.14 14.48 12.32 25.51 18.14 14.48 12.32
30.32 24.21 20.60 42.64 30.32 24.21 20.60
47.68 38.07 32.39 67.07 47.68 38.07 32.39
91.73 73.25 62.32 129.02 91.73 73.25 62.32
131.13 104.71 89.09 184.45 131.13 104.71 89.09
177.37 141.63 120.50 249.48 177.37 141.63 120.50
287.98 229.95 195.64 405.05 287.98 229.95 195.64
460.70 367.88 312.98 648.00 460.70 367.88 312.98
591.26 472.13 401.67 831.64 591.26 472.13 401.67
829.27 662.18 563.36 1,166.40 829.27 662.18 563.36

2.73 2.18 1.85 3.83 2.73 2.18 1.85

5.11 4.08 3.47 7.19 5.11 4.08 3.47
12.08 9.65 8.21 16.99 12.08 9.65 8.21
22.71 18.14 15.43 31.95 22.71 18.14 15.43
42.60 34.02 28.94 59.92 42.60 34.02 28.94
99.44 79.40 67.55 139.86 99.44 79.40 67.55
170.44 136.10 115.79 239.73 170.44 136.10 115.79
284.07 226.84 192.98 399.56 284.07 226.84 192.98

146.18 116.72 99.30 205.60 146.18 116.72 99.30

17.40 13.89 11.82 24.47 17.40 13.89 11.82
610.24 487.29 414.57 858.33 610.24 487.29 414.57
856.31 683.77 581.73 1,204.43 856.31 683.77 581.73
974.42 778.09 661.97 1,370.56 974.42 778.09 661.97
1,151.59 919.56 782.33 1,619.75 1,151.59 919.56 782.33
1,330.12 1,062.12 903.61 1,870.86 1,330.12 1,062.12 903.61
1,692.93 1,351.83 1,150.09 2,381.17 1,692.93 1,351.83 1,150.09
2,047.27 1,634.77 1,390.80 2,879.56 2,047.27 1,634.77 1,390.80
2,460.66 1,964.87 1,671.64 3,461.01 2,460.66 1,964.87 1,671.64
2,972.47 2,373.56 2,019.34 4,180.90 2,972.47 2,373.56 2,019.34
3,454.76 2,758.68 2,346.98 4,859.25 3,454.76 2,758.68 2,346.98
3,897.68 3,112.35 2,647.87 5,482.23 3,897.68 3,112.35 2,647.87

60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15

6.06 4.84 4.11 8.52 6.06 4.84 4.11
159.00 126.96 108.01 223.63 159.00 126.96 108.01
196.10 156.58 133.22 275.82 196.10 156.58 133.22
212.00 169.28 144.02 298.18 212.00 169.28 144.02
243.79 194.67 165.62 342.91 243.79 194.67 165.62
286.19 228.53 194.42 402.54 286.19 228.53 194.42
344.49 275.08 234.03 484.54 344.49 275.08 234.03
418.69 334.33 284.44 588.90 418.69 334.33 284.44
519.39 414.74 352.84 730.54 519.39 414.74 352.84
635.99 507.84 432.05 894.54 635.99 507.84 432.05
741.98 592.48 504.06 1,043.63 741.98 592.48 504.06
847.98 677.12 576.07 1,192.72 847.98 677.12 576.07

19.69 15.72 13.37 27.69 19.69 15.72 13.37

75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
590.56 471.57 401.19 830.64 590.56 471.57 401.19
847.98 677.12 576.07 1,192.72 847.98 677.12 576.07
984.26 785.95 668.66 1,384.40 984.26 785.95 668.66
1,181.12 943.14 802.39 1,661.28 1,181.12 943.14 802.39
1,544.54 1,233.33 1,049.27 2,172.45 1,544.54 1,233.33 1,049.27
1,938.24 1,547.71 1,316.74 2,726.21 1,938.24 1,547.71 1,316.74
2,331.95 1,862.09 1,584.20 3,279.97 2,331.95 1,862.09 1,584.20
2,755.94 2,200.65 1,872.23 3,876.33 2,755.94 2,200.65 1,872.23
3,346.49 2,672.22 2,273.43 4,706.97 3,346.49 2,672.22 2,273.43
3,937.05 3,143.79 2,674.62 5,537.61 3,937.05 3,143.79 2,674.62
196.85 157.19 133.73 276.88 196.85 157.19 133.73
317.99 253.92 216.03 447.27 317.99 253.92 216.03
393.71 314.38 267.46 553.76 393.71 314.38 267.46
476.99 380.88 324.04 670.90 476.99 380.88 324.04
590.56 471.57 401.19 830.64 590.56 471.57 401.19
696.56 556.21 473.20 979.73 696.56 556.21 473.20
832.84 665.03 565.79 1,171.42 832.84 665.03 565.79
984.26 785.95 668.66 1,384.40 984.26 785.95 668.66
1,181.12 943.14 802.39 1,661.28 1,181.12 943.14 802.39
1,377.97 1,100.33 936.12 1,938.16 1,377.97 1,100.33 936.12

196.85 157.19 133.73 276.88 196.85 157.19 133.73

317.99 253.92 216.03 447.27 317.99 253.92 216.03
393.71 314.38 267.46 553.76 393.71 314.38 267.46
476.99 380.88 324.04 670.90 476.99 380.88 324.04
590.56 471.57 401.19 830.64 590.56 471.57 401.19
696.56 556.21 473.20 979.73 696.56 556.21 473.20
832.84 665.03 565.79 1,171.42 832.84 665.03 565.79
984.26 785.95 668.66 1,384.40 984.26 785.95 668.66
1,181.12 943.14 802.39 1,661.28 1,181.12 943.14 802.39
1,377.97 1,100.33 936.12 1,938.16 1,377.97 1,100.33 936.12

8.75 6.99 5.94 12.31 8.75 6.99 5.94

75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44

75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
70.73 56.48 48.05 99.49 70.73 56.48 48.05
78.71 62.85 53.47 110.70 78.71 62.85 53.47
60.44 48.26 41.06 85.00 60.44 48.26 41.06
24.23 19.35 16.46 34.08 24.23 19.35 16.46
42.40 33.86 28.80 59.64 42.40 33.86 28.80
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
90.86 72.55 61.72 127.79 90.86 72.55 61.72
189.28 151.14 128.59 266.23 189.28 151.14 128.59
302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44

6.31 5.22 4.46 9.74 6.93 5.53 4.70

319.10 263.94 225.53 492.59 350.22 279.65 237.92

4.66 3.85 3.29 7.19 5.11 4.08 3.47

3.76 3.11 2.65 5.80 4.12 3.29 2.80
3.76 3.11 2.65 5.80 4.12 3.29 2.80

7.57 6.05 5.14 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14

45.43 36.27 30.86 63.90 45.43 36.27 30.86

60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15

9.09 7.25 6.17 12.78 9.09 7.25 6.17
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
15.14 12.09 10.29 21.30 15.14 12.09 10.29
15.14 12.09 10.29 21.30 15.14 12.09 10.29
37.86 30.23 25.72 53.25 37.86 30.23 25.72
19.69 15.72 13.37 27.69 19.69 15.72 13.37
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
4.54 3.63 3.09 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
4.11 3.28 2.79 5.77 4.11 3.28 2.79
3.63 2.90 2.47 5.11 3.63 2.90 2.47
3.80 3.04 2.58 5.35 3.80 3.04 2.58
3.80 3.04 2.58 5.35 3.80 3.04 2.58
3.80 3.04 2.58 5.35 3.80 3.04 2.58
3.80 3.04 2.58 5.35 3.80 3.04 2.58
3.80 3.04 2.58 5.35 3.80 3.04 2.58
3.80 3.04 2.58 5.35 3.80 3.04 2.58
3.80 3.04 2.58 5.35 3.80 3.04 2.58
3.80 3.04 2.58 5.35 3.80 3.04 2.58
13.49 10.77 9.17 18.98 13.49 10.77 9.17
13.02 10.40 8.85 18.32 13.02 10.40 8.85
12.59 10.05 8.55 17.70 12.59 10.05 8.55
9.09 7.25 6.17 12.78 9.09 7.25 6.17
4.54 3.63 3.09 6.39 4.54 3.63 3.09
4.11 3.28 2.79 5.77 4.11 3.28 2.79
3.63 2.90 2.47 5.11 3.63 2.90 2.47
11.98 9.57 8.14 16.85 11.98 9.57 8.14
11.51 9.19 7.82 16.19 11.51 9.19 7.82
10.90 8.71 7.41 15.33 10.90 8.71 7.41

301.08 240.42 204.54 423.48 301.08 240.42 204.54

71.83 57.36 48.80 101.04 71.83 57.36 48.80

17.82 14.23 12.10 25.06 17.82 14.23 12.10

161.91 129.29 109.99 227.73 161.91 129.29 109.99

312.27 249.35 212.14 439.22 312.27 249.35 212.14
266.01 212.41 180.71 374.16 266.01 212.41 180.71
57.84 46.19 39.30 81.36 57.84 46.19 39.30

185.04 147.76 125.71 260.27 185.04 147.76 125.71

67.30 53.74 45.72 94.66 67.30 53.74 45.72

121.14 96.73 82.30 170.39 121.14 96.73 82.30
168.25 134.35 114.30 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30
228.82 182.72 155.45 321.84 228.82 182.72 155.45
282.66 225.71 192.02 397.57 282.66 225.71 192.02
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
90.86 72.55 61.72 127.79 90.86 72.55 61.72
252.38 201.53 171.45 354.98 252.38 201.53 171.45
343.23 274.07 233.17 482.77 343.23 274.07 233.17
423.99 338.56 288.04 596.36 423.99 338.56 288.04
134.60 107.48 91.44 189.32 134.60 107.48 91.44
242.28 193.46 164.59 340.78 242.28 193.46 164.59
336.50 268.70 228.60 473.30 336.50 268.70 228.60
457.64 365.43 310.90 643.69 457.64 365.43 310.90
565.32 451.42 384.05 795.14 565.32 451.42 384.05

23.13 18.47 15.71 32.53 23.13 18.47 15.71

485.52 387.69 329.83 682.90 485.52 387.69 329.83
33.65 26.87 22.86 47.33 33.65 26.87 22.86
43.75 34.93 29.72 61.53 43.75 34.93 29.72
201.90 161.22 137.16 283.98 201.90 161.22 137.16
201.90 161.22 137.16 283.98 201.90 161.22 137.16

393.40 314.14 267.26 553.34 393.40 314.14 267.26

484.26 386.69 328.98 681.13 484.26 386.69 328.98
372.20 297.21 252.85 523.52 372.20 297.21 252.85
484.26 386.69 328.98 681.13 484.26 386.69 328.98
484.26 386.69 328.98 681.13 484.26 386.69 328.98

0.98 0.78 0.66 1.37 0.98 0.78 0.66

4.27 3.41 2.90 6.01 4.27 3.41 2.90
20.19 16.12 13.72 28.40 20.19 16.12 13.72
38.26 30.55 25.99 53.81 38.26 30.55 25.99
72.21 57.66 49.06 101.57 72.21 57.66 49.06
169.90 135.67 115.42 238.97 169.90 135.67 115.42
318.63 254.43 216.46 448.17 318.63 254.43 216.46
594.70 474.87 404.00 836.46 594.70 474.87 404.00

0.99 0.79 0.67 1.39 0.99 0.79 0.67

4.22 3.37 2.86 5.93 4.22 3.37 2.86
8.22 6.56 5.58 11.56 8.22 6.56 5.58
19.94 15.92 13.55 28.05 19.94 15.92 13.55
37.76 30.15 25.65 53.11 37.76 30.15 25.65
71.30 56.94 48.44 100.29 71.30 56.94 48.44

9.63 7.69 6.54 13.55 9.63 7.69 6.54

38.41 30.67 26.09 54.02 38.41 30.67 26.09
75.31 60.13 51.16 105.92 75.31 60.13 51.16
182.48 145.72 123.97 256.67 182.48 145.72 123.97
345.71 276.05 234.85 486.25 345.71 276.05 234.85
653.00 521.43 443.62 918.47 653.00 521.43 443.62
1.01 0.81 0.69 1.42 1.01 0.81 0.69
4.04 3.22 2.74 5.68 4.04 3.22 2.74
7.91 6.31 5.37 11.12 7.91 6.31 5.37
19.18 15.32 13.03 26.98 19.18 15.32 13.03
36.34 29.02 24.69 51.12 36.34 29.02 24.69
68.65 54.81 46.63 96.55 68.65 54.81 46.63
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
4.45 3.55 3.02 6.26 4.45 3.55 3.02
22.16 17.70 15.06 31.17 22.16 17.70 15.06
44.29 35.36 30.09 62.29 44.29 35.36 30.09
110.70 88.39 75.20 155.70 110.70 88.39 75.20
221.43 176.82 150.43 311.45 221.43 176.82 150.43
442.83 353.60 300.83 622.85 442.83 353.60 300.83

16.96 13.54 11.52 23.85 16.96 13.54 11.52

- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
141.33 112.85 96.01 198.79 141.33 112.85 96.01
403.80 322.44 274.32 567.96 403.80 322.44 274.32
7.20 5.75 4.89 10.13 7.20 5.75 4.89
- - - - - - -
28.13 22.46 19.11 39.57 28.13 22.46 19.11
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
22.58 18.03 15.34 31.76 22.58 18.03 15.34
1,413.30 1,128.54 960.12 1,987.86 1,413.30 1,128.54 960.12
18.57 14.83 12.62 26.13 18.57 14.83 12.62
297.47 237.53 202.08 418.40 297.47 237.53 202.08
6.16 4.92 4.18 8.66 6.16 4.92 4.18
6.16 4.92 4.18 8.66 6.16 4.92 4.18
14.10 11.26 9.58 19.83 14.10 11.26 9.58
86.28 68.89 58.61 121.35 86.28 68.89 58.61
17.23 13.76 11.70 24.23 17.23 13.76 11.70
34.90 27.86 23.71 49.08 34.90 27.86 23.71
19.75 15.77 13.42 27.78 19.75 15.77 13.42
- - - - - - -
22.58 18.03 15.34 31.76 22.58 18.03 15.34
19.75 15.77 13.42 27.78 19.75 15.77 13.42
70.67 56.43 48.01 99.39 70.67 56.43 48.01
13.36 10.67 9.08 18.79 13.36 10.67 9.08
- - - - - - -

- - - - - - -
55.19 45.65 39.01 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
- - - - - - -
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
967.44 772.51 657.23 1,360.74 967.44 772.51 657.23
294.34 243.46 208.03 454.37 323.04 257.95 219.46
546.81 436.64 371.48 769.11 546.81 436.64 371.48
- - - - - - -
294.34 243.46 208.03 454.37 323.04 257.95 219.46
- - - - - - -
504.75 403.05 342.90 709.95 504.75 403.05 342.90
- - - - - - -
220.75 182.59 156.02 340.78 242.28 193.46 164.59
- - - - - - -
134.60 107.48 91.44 189.32 134.60 107.48 91.44
422.51 337.38 287.03 594.28 422.51 337.38 287.03
546.81 436.64 371.48 769.11 546.81 436.64 371.48
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- - - - - - -
168.25 134.35 114.30 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
585.51 467.54 397.76 823.54 585.51 467.54 397.76
1,171.02 935.08 795.53 1,647.08 1,171.02 935.08 795.53
1,756.53 1,402.61 1,193.29 2,470.63 1,756.53 1,402.61 1,193.29
2,342.04 1,870.15 1,591.06 3,294.17 2,342.04 1,870.15 1,591.06
2,927.55 2,337.69 1,988.82 4,117.71 2,927.55 2,337.69 1,988.82
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- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
76.55 61.13 52.01 107.68 76.55 61.13 52.01
157.48 125.75 106.98 221.50 157.48 125.75 106.98
54.68 43.66 37.15 76.91 54.68 43.66 37.15
224.21 179.03 152.32 315.36 224.21 179.03 152.32
174.98 139.72 118.87 246.12 174.98 139.72 118.87
82.04 65.51 55.73 115.39 82.04 65.51 55.73
350.77 280.10 238.30 493.37 350.77 280.10 238.30
198.07 158.16 134.56 278.59 198.07 158.16 134.56
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- - - - - - -
285.10 227.65 193.68 401.00 285.10 227.65 193.68
144.85 115.66 98.40 203.74 144.85 115.66 98.40
633.59 505.93 430.42 891.16 633.59 505.93 430.42
158.39 126.47 107.60 222.78 158.39 126.47 107.60
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
30.89 24.67 20.99 43.45 30.89 24.67 20.99
113.37 90.52 77.01 159.45 113.37 90.52 77.01
28.35 22.64 19.26 39.88 28.35 22.64 19.26
6.73 5.37 4.57 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
6.73 5.37 4.57 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
- - - - - - -
841.25 671.75 571.50 1,183.25 841.25 671.75 571.50
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
67.30 53.74 45.72 94.66 67.30 53.74 45.72

197.61 157.79 134.25 277.95 197.61 157.79 134.25

379.41 302.96 257.75 533.66 379.41 302.96 257.75
545.40 435.51 370.52 767.13 545.40 435.51 370.52
695.59 555.44 472.54 978.37 695.59 555.44 472.54
790.44 631.18 536.98 1,111.78 790.44 631.18 536.98
279.38 223.09 189.80 392.96 279.38 223.09 189.80
536.41 428.33 364.41 754.48 536.41 428.33 364.41
771.09 615.72 523.83 1,084.56 771.09 615.72 523.83
983.41 785.27 668.08 1,383.21 983.41 785.27 668.08
1,117.52 892.35 759.18 1,571.83 1,117.52 892.35 759.18
361.15 288.38 245.34 507.97 361.15 288.38 245.34
693.41 553.69 471.06 975.30 693.41 553.69 471.06
996.77 795.94 677.15 1,402.00 996.77 795.94 677.15
1,271.24 1,015.11 863.61 1,788.05 1,271.24 1,015.11 863.61
1,444.59 1,153.53 981.38 2,031.88 1,444.59 1,153.53 981.38
497.43 397.21 337.93 699.66 497.43 397.21 337.93
955.07 762.64 648.82 1,343.34 955.07 762.64 648.82
1,372.91 1,096.29 932.68 1,931.05 1,372.91 1,096.29 932.68
1,750.96 1,398.16 1,189.51 2,462.79 1,750.96 1,398.16 1,189.51
1,989.72 1,588.82 1,351.71 2,798.62 1,989.72 1,588.82 1,351.71
95.40 76.18 64.81 134.18 95.40 76.18 64.81
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43

6.13 5.07 4.33 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57

110.38 91.30 78.01 170.39 121.14 96.73 82.30
53.60 44.34 37.88 82.74 58.83 46.98 39.96
104.86 86.73 74.11 161.87 115.08 91.90 78.18
90.83 75.13 64.20 140.22 99.69 79.60 67.72
45.99 38.04 32.51 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
3.07 2.54 2.17 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
6.90 5.71 4.88 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14
6.90 5.71 4.88 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14
6.90 5.71 4.88 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14
6.90 5.71 4.88 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14
4.03 3.34 2.85 6.23 4.43 3.54 3.01
6.90 5.71 4.88 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14
7.32 5.84 4.97 10.29 7.32 5.84 4.97
6.59 5.26 4.47 9.26 6.59 5.26 4.47
6.59 5.26 4.47 9.26 6.59 5.26 4.47
28.36 23.46 20.04 43.78 31.13 24.85 21.15
6.90 5.71 4.88 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14
28.36 23.46 20.04 43.78 31.13 24.85 21.15
6.75 5.58 4.77 10.41 7.40 5.91 5.03
6.75 5.58 4.77 10.41 7.40 5.91 5.03
12.45 9.94 8.46 17.51 12.45 9.94 8.46
6.29 5.20 4.44 9.70 6.90 5.51 4.69
6.90 5.71 4.88 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14
6.29 5.20 4.44 9.70 6.90 5.51 4.69
17.02 14.07 12.03 26.27 18.68 14.91 12.69
6.29 5.20 4.44 9.70 6.90 5.51 4.69
6.29 5.20 4.44 9.70 6.90 5.51 4.69
6.75 5.58 4.77 10.41 7.40 5.91 5.03
6.23 4.97 4.23 8.76 6.23 4.97 4.23
28.36 23.46 20.04 43.78 31.13 24.85 21.15
2.27 1.88 1.60 3.50 2.49 1.99 1.69
22.69 18.77 16.04 35.02 24.90 19.88 16.92
45.38 37.53 32.07 70.05 49.80 39.77 33.83
12.45 9.94 8.46 17.51 12.45 9.94 8.46
18.68 14.91 12.69 26.27 18.68 14.91 12.69
6.75 5.58 4.77 10.41 7.40 5.91 5.03
6.29 5.20 4.44 9.70 6.90 5.51 4.69
6.75 5.58 4.77 10.41 7.40 5.91 5.03
21.27 17.59 15.03 32.84 23.34 18.64 15.86
31.43 25.99 22.21 48.51 34.49 27.54 23.43
69.44 57.44 49.08 107.20 76.22 60.86 51.78
100.56 83.18 71.08 155.24 110.37 88.13 74.98
239.03 197.71 168.94 368.98 262.34 209.48 178.22
289.74 239.65 204.78 447.27 317.99 253.92 216.03
6.29 5.20 4.44 9.70 6.90 5.51 4.69
6.75 5.58 4.77 10.41 7.40 5.91 5.03
5.67 4.69 4.01 8.76 6.23 4.97 4.23
6.29 5.20 4.44 9.70 6.90 5.51 4.69
5.67 4.69 4.01 8.76 6.23 4.97 4.23
6.66 5.32 4.53 9.37 6.66 5.32 4.53
6.29 5.20 4.44 9.70 6.90 5.51 4.69
6.90 5.71 4.88 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14
6.29 5.20 4.44 9.70 6.90 5.51 4.69
6.29 5.20 4.44 9.70 6.90 5.51 4.69
6.00 4.79 4.08 8.44 6.00 4.79 4.08
6.00 4.79 4.08 8.44 6.00 4.79 4.08
122.64 101.44 86.68 189.32 134.60 107.48 91.44
5.67 4.69 4.01 8.76 6.23 4.97 4.23
33.11 27.39 23.40 51.12 36.34 29.02 24.69
5.67 4.69 4.01 8.76 6.23 4.97 4.23
5.67 4.69 4.01 8.76 6.23 4.97 4.23
27.13 22.44 19.18 41.89 29.78 23.78 20.23
44.46 36.77 31.42 68.63 48.79 38.96 33.15
5.67 4.69 4.01 8.76 6.23 4.97 4.23
6.29 5.20 4.44 9.70 6.90 5.51 4.69
5.67 4.69 4.01 8.76 6.23 4.97 4.23
6.29 5.20 4.44 9.70 6.90 5.51 4.69
5.67 4.69 4.01 8.76 6.23 4.97 4.23
5.67 4.69 4.01 8.76 6.23 4.97 4.23
5.67 4.69 4.01 8.76 6.23 4.97 4.23
15.18 12.55 10.73 23.43 16.66 13.30 11.32
183.96 152.16 130.02 283.98 201.90 161.22 137.16
367.92 304.32 260.04 567.96 403.80 322.44 274.32
5.67 4.69 4.01 8.76 6.23 4.97 4.23
5.67 4.69 4.01 8.76 6.23 4.97 4.23
38.78 32.08 27.41 59.87 42.57 33.99 28.92
5.67 4.69 4.01 8.76 6.23 4.97 4.23
6.29 5.20 4.44 9.70 6.90 5.51 4.69
38.78 32.08 27.41 59.87 42.57 33.99 28.92
6.29 5.20 4.44 9.70 6.90 5.51 4.69
6.29 5.20 4.44 9.70 6.90 5.51 4.69
5.67 4.69 4.01 8.76 6.23 4.97 4.23
5.67 4.69 4.01 8.76 6.23 4.97 4.23
6.29 5.20 4.44 9.70 6.90 5.51 4.69
5.67 4.69 4.01 8.76 6.23 4.97 4.23
5.67 4.69 4.01 8.76 6.23 4.97 4.23
5.67 4.69 4.01 8.76 6.23 4.97 4.23
5.67 4.69 4.01 8.76 6.23 4.97 4.23
5.67 4.69 4.01 8.76 6.23 4.97 4.23
5.67 4.69 4.01 8.76 6.23 4.97 4.23
5.67 4.69 4.01 8.76 6.23 4.97 4.23
6.75 5.58 4.77 10.41 7.40 5.91 5.03
5.67 4.69 4.01 8.76 6.23 4.97 4.23
5.42 4.32 3.68 7.62 5.42 4.32 3.68
5.42 4.32 3.68 7.62 5.42 4.32 3.68
5.67 4.69 4.01 8.76 6.23 4.97 4.23
31.13 24.85 21.15 43.78 31.13 24.85 21.15
6.90 5.71 4.88 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14
6.29 5.20 4.44 9.70 6.90 5.51 4.69
6.29 5.20 4.44 9.70 6.90 5.51 4.69
6.75 5.58 4.77 10.41 7.40 5.91 5.03
6.29 5.20 4.44 9.70 6.90 5.51 4.69
6.29 5.20 4.44 9.70 6.90 5.51 4.69
6.29 5.20 4.44 9.70 6.90 5.51 4.69
6.90 5.71 4.88 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14
5.67 4.69 4.01 8.76 6.23 4.97 4.23
6.29 5.20 4.44 9.70 6.90 5.51 4.69
5.67 4.69 4.01 8.76 6.23 4.97 4.23
6.75 5.58 4.77 10.41 7.40 5.91 5.03
6.00 4.79 4.08 8.44 6.00 4.79 4.08
6.00 4.79 4.08 8.44 6.00 4.79 4.08
6.00 4.79 4.08 8.44 6.00 4.79 4.08
6.00 4.79 4.08 8.44 6.00 4.79 4.08
6.00 4.79 4.08 8.44 6.00 4.79 4.08
6.00 4.79 4.08 8.44 6.00 4.79 4.08
6.00 4.79 4.08 8.44 6.00 4.79 4.08
6.00 4.79 4.08 8.44 6.00 4.79 4.08
6.00 4.79 4.08 8.44 6.00 4.79 4.08
6.00 4.79 4.08 8.44 6.00 4.79 4.08
6.00 4.79 4.08 8.44 6.00 4.79 4.08
6.75 5.58 4.77 10.41 7.40 5.91 5.03
6.44 5.14 4.38 9.06 6.44 5.14 4.38
6.44 5.14 4.38 9.06 6.44 5.14 4.38
6.00 4.79 4.08 8.44 6.00 4.79 4.08
6.00 4.79 4.08 8.44 6.00 4.79 4.08

84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15

8.41 6.72 5.72 11.83 8.41 6.72 5.72
8.08 6.45 5.49 11.36 8.08 6.45 5.49
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
42.06 33.59 28.58 59.16 42.06 33.59 28.58
53.63 42.82 36.43 75.43 53.63 42.82 36.43
53.63 42.82 36.43 75.43 53.63 42.82 36.43
53.63 42.82 36.43 75.43 53.63 42.82 36.43
71.51 57.10 48.58 100.58 71.51 57.10 48.58
214.52 171.30 145.73 301.73 214.52 171.30 145.73
271.72 216.98 184.59 382.19 271.72 216.98 184.59
107.26 85.65 72.87 150.86 107.26 85.65 72.87
107.26 85.65 72.87 150.86 107.26 85.65 72.87
235.97 188.43 160.31 331.90 235.97 188.43 160.31
243.12 194.14 165.16 341.96 243.12 194.14 165.16
185.92 148.46 126.30 261.50 185.92 148.46 126.30
164.46 131.33 111.73 231.33 164.46 131.33 111.73
164.46 131.33 111.73 231.33 164.46 131.33 111.73
214.52 171.30 145.73 301.73 214.52 171.30 145.73
243.12 194.14 165.16 341.96 243.12 194.14 165.16
1,346.00 1,074.80 914.40 1,893.20 1,346.00 1,074.80 914.40
11,216.67 8,956.67 7,620.00 15,776.67 11,216.67 8,956.67 7,620.00
13,123.50 10,479.30 8,915.40 18,458.70 13,123.50 10,479.30 8,915.40
15,983.75 12,763.25 10,858.50 22,481.75 15,983.75 12,763.25 10,858.50
2,635.92 2,104.82 1,790.70 3,707.52 2,635.92 2,104.82 1,790.70
3,869.75 3,090.05 2,628.90 5,442.95 3,869.75 3,090.05 2,628.90
6,309.38 5,038.13 4,286.25 8,874.38 6,309.38 5,038.13 4,286.25
1,402.08 1,119.58 952.50 1,972.08 1,402.08 1,119.58 952.50
107.26 85.65 72.87 150.86 107.26 85.65 72.87
107.26 85.65 72.87 150.86 107.26 85.65 72.87
107.26 85.65 72.87 150.86 107.26 85.65 72.87
107.26 85.65 72.87 150.86 107.26 85.65 72.87
107.26 85.65 72.87 150.86 107.26 85.65 72.87
572.05 456.79 388.62 804.61 572.05 456.79 388.62
42.90 34.26 29.15 60.35 42.90 34.26 29.15
42.90 34.26 29.15 60.35 42.90 34.26 29.15
107.26 85.65 72.87 150.86 107.26 85.65 72.87
286.02 228.39 194.31 402.30 286.02 228.39 194.31
143.01 114.20 97.16 201.15 143.01 114.20 97.16
643.56 513.89 437.20 905.19 643.56 513.89 437.20
643.56 513.89 437.20 905.19 643.56 513.89 437.20
643.56 513.89 437.20 905.19 643.56 513.89 437.20
858.08 685.19 582.93 1,206.92 858.08 685.19 582.93
126.19 100.76 85.73 177.49 126.19 100.76 85.73
25.24 20.15 17.15 35.50 25.24 20.15 17.15
74.03 59.11 50.29 104.13 74.03 59.11 50.29
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
40.38 32.24 27.43 56.80 40.38 32.24 27.43
363.42 290.20 246.89 511.16 363.42 290.20 246.89
40.38 32.24 27.43 56.80 40.38 32.24 27.43
363.42 290.20 246.89 511.16 363.42 290.20 246.89
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
8.41 6.72 5.71 11.83 8.41 6.72 5.71
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
40.38 32.24 27.43 56.80 40.38 32.24 27.43
363.42 290.20 246.89 511.16 363.42 290.20 246.89
40.38 32.24 27.43 56.80 40.38 32.24 27.43
363.42 290.20 246.89 511.16 363.42 290.20 246.89
56.08 44.78 38.10 78.88 56.08 44.78 38.10
56.08 44.78 38.10 78.88 56.08 44.78 38.10
22.43 17.91 15.24 31.55 22.43 17.91 15.24
44.87 35.83 30.48 63.11 44.87 35.83 30.48
89.73 71.65 60.96 126.21 89.73 71.65 60.96
89.73 71.65 60.96 126.21 89.73 71.65 60.96
11.22 8.96 7.62 15.78 11.22 8.96 7.62
22.43 17.91 15.24 31.55 22.43 17.91 15.24
56.08 44.78 38.10 78.88 56.08 44.78 38.10
44.87 35.83 30.48 63.11 44.87 35.83 30.48
5.61 4.48 3.81 7.89 5.61 4.48 3.81
5.61 4.48 3.81 7.89 5.61 4.48 3.81
11.22 8.96 7.62 15.78 11.22 8.96 7.62
11.22 8.96 7.62 15.78 11.22 8.96 7.62
5.61 4.48 3.81 7.89 5.61 4.48 3.81
1.85 1.48 1.26 2.60 1.85 1.48 1.26
18.51 14.78 12.57 26.03 18.51 14.78 12.57
9.25 7.39 6.29 13.02 9.25 7.39 6.29
44.87 35.83 30.48 63.11 44.87 35.83 30.48
89.73 71.65 60.96 126.21 89.73 71.65 60.96
56.08 44.78 38.10 78.88 56.08 44.78 38.10
5.61 4.48 3.81 7.89 5.61 4.48 3.81
44.87 35.83 30.48 63.11 44.87 35.83 30.48
89.73 71.65 60.96 126.21 89.73 71.65 60.96
6.39 5.11 4.34 8.99 6.39 5.11 4.34
11.22 8.96 7.62 15.78 11.22 8.96 7.62
22.43 17.91 15.24 31.55 22.43 17.91 15.24
56.08 44.78 38.10 78.88 56.08 44.78 38.10
5.61 4.48 3.81 7.89 5.61 4.48 3.81
11.22 8.96 7.62 15.78 11.22 8.96 7.62
1.85 1.48 1.26 2.60 1.85 1.48 1.26
18.51 14.78 12.57 26.03 18.51 14.78 12.57
9.25 7.39 6.29 13.02 9.25 7.39 6.29
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
126.19 100.76 85.73 177.49 126.19 100.76 85.73
252.38 201.53 171.45 354.98 252.38 201.53 171.45
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
12.62 10.08 8.57 17.75 12.62 10.08 8.57
12.62 10.08 8.57 17.75 12.62 10.08 8.57
201.90 161.22 137.16 283.98 201.90 161.22 137.16
9.34 7.46 6.34 13.13 9.34 7.46 6.34
227.14 181.37 154.31 319.48 227.14 181.37 154.31
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
37.35 29.83 25.37 52.54 37.35 29.83 25.37
18.93 15.11 12.86 26.62 18.93 15.11 12.86
12.62 10.08 8.57 17.75 12.62 10.08 8.57
12.62 10.08 8.57 17.75 12.62 10.08 8.57
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
12.62 10.08 8.57 17.75 12.62 10.08 8.57
9.34 7.46 6.34 13.13 9.34 7.46 6.34
53.63 42.82 36.43 75.43 53.63 42.82 36.43
95.34 76.13 64.77 134.10 95.34 76.13 64.77
11.92 9.52 8.10 16.76 11.92 9.52 8.10
162.64 129.87 110.49 228.76 162.64 129.87 110.49
72.68 58.04 49.38 102.23 72.68 58.04 49.38
42.40 33.86 28.80 59.64 42.40 33.86 28.80
484.56 386.93 329.18 681.55 484.56 386.93 329.18
181.71 145.10 123.44 255.58 181.71 145.10 123.44
54.51 43.53 37.03 76.67 54.51 43.53 37.03
787.41 628.76 534.92 1,107.52 787.41 628.76 534.92
242.28 193.46 164.59 340.78 242.28 193.46 164.59
90.86 72.55 61.72 127.79 90.86 72.55 61.72
27.26 21.76 18.52 38.34 27.26 21.76 18.52
121.14 96.73 82.30 170.39 121.14 96.73 82.30
302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74
112.17 89.57 76.20 157.77 112.17 89.57 76.20
84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
112.17 89.57 76.20 157.77 112.17 89.57 76.20
112.16 89.56 76.19 157.75 112.16 89.56 76.19
84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
112.17 89.57 76.20 157.77 112.17 89.57 76.20
84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
168.25 134.35 114.30 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
89.73 71.65 60.96 126.21 89.73 71.65 60.96
89.73 71.65 60.96 126.21 89.73 71.65 60.96
56.08 44.78 38.10 78.88 56.08 44.78 38.10
168.25 134.35 114.30 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30
39.26 31.35 26.67 55.22 39.26 31.35 26.67

311.11 248.43 211.35 437.59 311.11 248.43 211.35

209.67 167.42 142.44 294.90 209.67 167.42 142.44
18.12 14.47 12.31 25.49 18.12 14.47 12.31
0.41 0.33 0.28 0.58 0.41 0.33 0.28
3.88 3.10 2.64 5.46 3.88 3.10 2.64
3.88 3.10 2.64 5.46 3.88 3.10 2.64
38.83 31.00 26.38 54.61 38.83 31.00 26.38
41.42 33.07 28.14 58.25 41.42 33.07 28.14
419.33 334.84 284.87 589.80 419.33 334.84 284.87
629.00 502.26 427.31 884.71 629.00 502.26 427.31
8.38 6.69 5.69 11.79 8.38 6.69 5.69
258.85 206.69 175.85 364.08 258.85 206.69 175.85
9.06 7.23 6.15 12.74 9.06 7.23 6.15
0.62 0.50 0.42 0.87 0.62 0.50 0.42
0.21 0.17 0.14 0.29 0.21 0.17 0.14
290.33 231.83 197.24 408.36 290.33 231.83 197.24
580.66 463.67 394.47 816.73 580.66 463.67 394.47
871.00 695.50 591.71 1,225.09 871.00 695.50 591.71

6.14 4.91 4.17 8.64 6.14 4.91 4.17

6.04 4.82 4.10 8.49 6.04 4.82 4.10
5.96 4.76 4.05 8.39 5.96 4.76 4.05
5.89 4.70 4.00 8.28 5.89 4.70 4.00
5.85 4.67 3.98 8.23 5.85 4.67 3.98
9.18 7.33 6.24 12.91 9.18 7.33 6.24
9.00 7.18 6.11 12.66 9.00 7.18 6.11
8.92 7.13 6.06 12.55 8.92 7.13 6.06
8.81 7.04 5.99 12.40 8.81 7.04 5.99
8.74 6.98 5.94 12.30 8.74 6.98 5.94
12.29 9.81 8.35 17.29 12.29 9.81 8.35
12.03 9.61 8.17 16.93 12.03 9.61 8.17
11.92 9.52 8.10 16.77 11.92 9.52 8.10
11.78 9.40 8.00 16.57 11.78 9.40 8.00
11.67 9.32 7.93 16.41 11.67 9.32 7.93
21.47 17.14 14.59 30.20 21.47 17.14 14.59
21.03 16.79 14.29 29.58 21.03 16.79 14.29
20.81 16.62 14.14 29.27 20.81 16.62 14.14
20.59 16.44 13.99 28.96 20.59 16.44 13.99
20.41 16.30 13.87 28.71 20.41 16.30 13.87
39.83 31.81 27.06 56.02 39.83 31.81 27.06
39.03 31.16 26.51 54.89 39.03 31.16 26.51
38.62 30.84 26.24 54.33 38.62 30.84 26.24
38.22 30.52 25.97 53.76 38.22 30.52 25.97
37.86 30.23 25.72 53.25 37.86 30.23 25.72
11.78 9.40 8.00 16.57 11.78 9.40 8.00

0.61 0.48 0.41 0.85 0.61 0.48 0.41

4.17 3.33 2.83 5.87 4.17 3.33 2.83

48.49 38.72 32.94 68.20 48.49 38.72 32.94
29.85 23.83 20.28 41.98 29.85 23.83 20.28
83.28 66.50 56.58 117.14 83.28 66.50 56.58
13.16 10.51 8.94 18.51 13.16 10.51 8.94
4.34 3.47 2.95 6.11 4.34 3.47 2.95
39.81 31.79 27.04 55.99 39.81 31.79 27.04
166.40 132.87 113.04 234.05 166.40 132.87 113.04
8.35 6.66 5.67 11.74 8.35 6.66 5.67
66.63 53.20 45.26 93.71 66.63 53.20 45.26
266.51 212.81 181.05 374.85 266.51 212.81 181.05
41.49 33.13 28.19 58.36 41.49 33.13 28.19
4.44 3.55 3.02 6.25 4.44 3.55 3.02
8.14 6.50 5.53 11.45 8.14 6.50 5.53
7.34 5.86 4.98 10.32 7.34 5.86 4.98
6.53 5.21 4.43 9.18 6.53 5.21 4.43
5.69 4.54 3.86 8.00 5.69 4.54 3.86
4.88 3.90 3.31 6.86 4.88 3.90 3.31
0.74 0.59 0.50 1.04 0.74 0.59 0.50
0.67 0.54 0.46 0.95 0.67 0.54 0.46
0.61 0.48 0.41 0.85 0.61 0.48 0.41
0.50 0.40 0.34 0.71 0.50 0.40 0.34
0.44 0.35 0.30 0.62 0.44 0.35 0.30
0.37 0.30 0.25 0.52 0.37 0.30 0.25
4,441.80 3,546.84 3,017.52 6,247.56 4,441.80 3,546.84 3,017.52
6,107.48 4,876.91 4,149.09 8,590.40 6,107.48 4,876.91 4,149.09
7,403.00 5,911.40 5,029.20 10,412.60 7,403.00 5,911.40 5,029.20
10,882.41 8,689.76 7,392.92 15,306.52 10,882.41 8,689.76 7,392.92
14,213.76 11,349.89 9,656.06 19,992.19 14,213.76 11,349.89 9,656.06
2,405.98 1,921.21 1,634.49 3,384.10 2,405.98 1,921.21 1,634.49
17,397.05 13,891.79 11,818.62 24,469.61 17,397.05 13,891.79 11,818.62
20,432.28 16,315.46 13,880.59 28,738.78 20,432.28 16,315.46 13,880.59
23,319.45 18,620.91 15,841.98 32,799.69 23,319.45 18,620.91 15,841.98
25,170.20 20,098.76 17,099.28 35,402.84 25,170.20 20,098.76 17,099.28
26,650.80 21,281.04 18,105.12 37,485.36 26,650.80 21,281.04 18,105.12
62.49 49.90 42.45 87.89 62.49 49.90 42.45
33.31 26.60 22.63 46.86 33.31 26.60 22.63
3.33 2.66 2.26 4.69 3.33 2.66 2.26
25.00 19.96 16.98 35.17 25.00 19.96 16.98
149.91 119.71 101.84 210.86 149.91 119.71 101.84
741.24 591.89 503.56 1,042.59 741.24 591.89 503.56
49.97 39.90 33.95 70.29 49.97 39.90 33.95
91.63 73.17 62.25 128.88 91.63 73.17 62.25
549.67 438.92 373.42 773.14 549.67 438.92 373.42
41.66 33.27 28.30 58.59 41.66 33.27 28.30
28.33 22.62 19.25 39.85 28.33 22.62 19.25
33.28 26.57 22.61 46.81 33.28 26.57 22.61
259.07 206.87 176.00 364.39 259.07 206.87 176.00
1,480.47 1,182.17 1,005.75 2,082.33 1,480.47 1,182.17 1,005.75
7,603.62 6,071.60 5,165.49 10,694.78 7,603.62 6,071.60 5,165.49
555.16 443.30 377.14 780.85 555.16 443.30 377.14
925.27 738.84 628.58 1,301.43 925.27 738.84 628.58
5,551.71 4,433.12 3,771.53 7,808.69 5,551.71 4,433.12 3,771.53
28.33 22.62 19.25 39.85 28.33 22.62 19.25
1.51 1.21 1.03 2.13 1.51 1.21 1.03
13.33 10.64 9.05 18.74 13.33 10.64 9.05
116.60 93.10 79.21 164.00 116.60 93.10 79.21
4,330.76 3,458.17 2,942.08 6,091.37 4,330.76 3,458.17 2,942.08
666.27 532.03 452.63 937.13 666.27 532.03 452.63
5,496.73 4,389.21 3,734.18 7,731.36 5,496.73 4,389.21 3,734.18
7.67 6.34 5.42 11.83 8.41 6.72 5.72
249.85 199.51 169.74 351.43 249.85 199.51 169.74
416.42 332.52 282.89 585.71 416.42 332.52 282.89
2,498.51 1,995.10 1,697.36 3,514.25 2,498.51 1,995.10 1,697.36
41.66 33.27 28.30 58.59 41.66 33.27 28.30
12.11 9.67 8.23 17.04 12.11 9.67 8.23
15.14 12.09 10.29 21.30 15.14 12.09 10.29
33.28 26.57 22.61 46.81 33.28 26.57 22.61
62.45 49.87 42.43 87.84 62.45 49.87 42.43
99.81 79.70 67.80 140.38 99.81 79.70 67.80
16.62 13.27 11.29 23.38 16.62 13.27 11.29
129.52 103.42 87.99 182.17 129.52 103.42 87.99
740.23 591.09 502.87 1,041.17 740.23 591.09 502.87
3,701.13 2,955.40 2,514.35 5,205.78 3,701.13 2,955.40 2,514.35
277.58 221.65 188.57 390.43 277.58 221.65 188.57
462.62 369.41 314.28 650.69 462.62 369.41 314.28
2,775.86 2,216.56 1,885.77 3,904.35 2,775.86 2,216.56 1,885.77
2.09 1.67 1.42 2.93 2.09 1.67 1.42
24.23 19.35 16.46 34.08 24.23 19.35 16.46
14.91 11.90 10.13 20.97 14.91 11.90 10.13
41.66 33.27 28.30 58.59 41.66 33.27 28.30
6.56 5.24 4.46 9.23 6.56 5.24 4.46
2.15 1.72 1.46 3.03 2.15 1.72 1.46
19.89 15.88 13.51 27.97 19.89 15.88 13.51
83.18 66.42 56.51 117.00 83.18 66.42 56.51
4.17 3.33 2.83 5.87 4.17 3.33 2.83
33.31 26.60 22.63 46.86 33.31 26.60 22.63
133.25 106.41 90.53 187.43 133.25 106.41 90.53
20.76 16.58 14.10 29.20 20.76 16.58 14.10
2.22 1.77 1.51 3.12 2.22 1.77 1.51
4.07 3.25 2.77 5.73 4.07 3.25 2.77
3.67 2.93 2.49 5.16 3.67 2.93 2.49
3.26 2.61 2.22 4.59 3.26 2.61 2.22
2.86 2.28 1.94 4.02 2.86 2.28 1.94
2.46 1.96 1.67 3.46 2.46 1.96 1.67
0.37 0.30 0.25 0.52 0.37 0.30 0.25
0.34 0.27 0.23 0.47 0.34 0.27 0.23
0.27 0.21 0.18 0.38 0.27 0.21 0.18
0.24 0.19 0.16 0.33 0.24 0.19 0.16
0.20 0.16 0.14 0.28 0.20 0.16 0.14
0.17 0.13 0.11 0.24 0.17 0.13 0.11
2,220.90 1,773.42 1,508.76 3,123.78 2,220.90 1,773.42 1,508.76
3,053.74 2,438.45 2,074.55 4,295.20 3,053.74 2,438.45 2,074.55
3,701.50 2,955.70 2,514.60 5,206.30 3,701.50 2,955.70 2,514.60
5,441.21 4,344.88 3,696.46 7,653.26 5,441.21 4,344.88 3,696.46
7,106.88 5,674.94 4,828.03 9,996.10 7,106.88 5,674.94 4,828.03
1,202.99 960.60 817.25 1,692.05 1,202.99 960.60 817.25
8,698.53 6,945.90 5,909.31 12,234.81 8,698.53 6,945.90 5,909.31
10,216.14 8,157.73 6,940.30 14,369.39 10,216.14 8,157.73 6,940.30
11,659.73 9,310.46 7,920.99 16,399.85 11,659.73 9,310.46 7,920.99
12,585.10 10,049.38 8,549.64 17,701.42 12,585.10 10,049.38 8,549.64
13,325.40 10,640.52 9,052.56 18,742.68 13,325.40 10,640.52 9,052.56
31.23 24.94 21.21 43.92 31.23 24.94 21.21
16.66 13.30 11.32 23.43 16.66 13.30 11.32
1.68 1.34 1.14 2.37 1.68 1.34 1.14
12.48 9.97 8.48 17.56 12.48 9.97 8.48
74.97 59.87 50.93 105.45 74.97 59.87 50.93
370.62 295.95 251.78 521.29 370.62 295.95 251.78
25.00 19.96 16.98 35.17 25.00 19.96 16.98
45.80 36.57 31.11 64.42 45.80 36.57 31.11
274.85 219.47 186.72 386.59 274.85 219.47 186.72
20.83 16.63 14.15 29.30 20.83 16.63 14.15
14.17 11.31 9.62 19.93 14.17 11.31 9.62
16.62 13.27 11.29 23.38 16.62 13.27 11.29
129.52 103.42 87.99 182.17 129.52 103.42 87.99
740.23 591.09 502.87 1,041.17 740.23 591.09 502.87
3,701.13 2,955.40 2,514.35 5,205.78 3,701.13 2,955.40 2,514.35
277.58 221.65 188.57 390.43 277.58 221.65 188.57
462.62 369.41 314.28 650.69 462.62 369.41 314.28
2,775.86 2,216.56 1,885.77 3,904.35 2,775.86 2,216.56 1,885.77
14.17 11.31 9.62 19.93 14.17 11.31 9.62
0.74 0.59 0.50 1.04 0.74 0.59 0.50
6.66 5.32 4.53 9.37 6.66 5.32 4.53
58.32 46.57 39.62 82.02 58.32 46.57 39.62
2,165.38 1,729.08 1,471.04 3,045.69 2,165.38 1,729.08 1,471.04
333.14 266.01 226.31 468.57 333.14 266.01 226.31
2,748.36 2,194.61 1,867.09 3,865.68 2,748.36 2,194.61 1,867.09
124.94 99.77 84.88 175.74 124.94 99.77 84.88
208.23 166.27 141.46 292.88 208.23 166.27 141.46
1,249.26 997.55 848.68 1,757.13 1,249.26 997.55 848.68
20.83 16.63 14.15 29.30 20.83 16.63 14.15
6.06 4.84 4.11 8.52 6.06 4.84 4.11
7.57 6.05 5.14 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14
16.62 13.27 11.29 23.38 16.62 13.27 11.29
31.23 24.94 21.21 43.92 31.23 24.94 21.21
49.87 39.82 33.88 70.14 49.87 39.82 33.88
8.31 6.64 5.65 11.69 8.31 6.64 5.65
64.78 51.72 44.01 91.11 64.78 51.72 44.01
370.12 295.54 251.44 520.58 370.12 295.54 251.44
1,850.58 1,477.72 1,257.19 2,602.91 1,850.58 1,477.72 1,257.19
138.81 110.84 94.30 195.24 138.81 110.84 94.30
231.31 184.70 157.14 325.35 231.31 184.70 157.14
1,387.93 1,108.28 942.88 1,952.17 1,387.93 1,108.28 942.88

38.93 31.08 26.45 54.75 38.93 31.08 26.45

58.41 46.64 39.68 82.15 58.41 46.64 39.68
97.34 77.73 66.13 136.91 97.34 77.73 66.13
208.95 166.85 141.95 293.89 208.95 166.85 141.95
261.16 208.54 177.42 367.33 261.16 208.54 177.42
0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02
155.71 124.34 105.78 219.01 155.71 124.34 105.78
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43

58.80 46.95 39.94 82.70 58.80 46.95 39.94

97.97 78.23 66.56 137.81 97.97 78.23 66.56
130.56 104.26 88.70 183.64 130.56 104.26 88.70
21.03 16.79 14.29 29.58 21.03 16.79 14.29
37.86 30.23 25.72 53.25 37.86 30.23 25.72
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
24.51 19.57 16.65 34.48 24.51 19.57 16.65
62.62 50.01 42.54 88.08 62.62 50.01 42.54
98.26 78.46 66.75 138.20 98.26 78.46 66.75
184.12 147.02 125.08 258.97 184.12 147.02 125.08
429.41 342.89 291.72 603.98 429.41 342.89 291.72
8.41 6.72 5.72 11.83 8.41 6.72 5.72
18.51 14.78 12.57 26.03 18.51 14.78 12.57
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
53.84 42.99 36.58 75.73 53.84 42.99 36.58
126.19 100.76 85.73 177.49 126.19 100.76 85.73

3.02 2.41 2.05 4.24 3.02 2.41 2.05

2.01 1.61 1.37 2.83 2.01 1.61 1.37
1.51 1.20 1.02 2.12 1.51 1.20 1.02
1.28 1.02 0.87 1.80 1.28 1.02 0.87
1.01 0.80 0.68 1.41 1.01 0.80 0.68
0.81 0.65 0.55 1.14 0.81 0.65 0.55
0.70 0.56 0.48 0.99 0.70 0.56 0.48
0.60 0.48 0.41 0.85 0.60 0.48 0.41
6.07 4.85 4.13 8.54 6.07 4.85 4.13
4.06 3.24 2.76 5.71 4.06 3.24 2.76
3.06 2.44 2.08 4.30 3.06 2.44 2.08
2.51 2.01 1.71 3.54 2.51 2.01 1.71
2.01 1.61 1.37 2.83 2.01 1.61 1.37
1.62 1.30 1.10 2.28 1.62 1.30 1.10
1.43 1.14 0.97 2.01 1.43 1.14 0.97
1.24 0.99 0.84 1.74 1.24 0.99 0.84
9.13 7.29 6.20 12.84 9.13 7.29 6.20
6.07 4.85 4.13 8.54 6.07 4.85 4.13
4.56 3.64 3.10 6.42 4.56 3.64 3.10
3.83 3.06 2.60 5.39 3.83 3.06 2.60
3.06 2.44 2.08 4.30 3.06 2.44 2.08
2.44 1.95 1.66 3.43 2.44 1.95 1.66
2.13 1.70 1.45 2.99 2.13 1.70 1.45
1.82 1.45 1.23 2.56 1.82 1.45 1.23
3.06 2.44 2.08 4.30 3.06 2.44 2.08
2.01 1.61 1.37 2.83 2.01 1.61 1.37
1.51 1.20 1.02 2.12 1.51 1.20 1.02
1.28 1.02 0.87 1.80 1.28 1.02 0.87
1.01 0.80 0.68 1.41 1.01 0.80 0.68
0.81 0.65 0.55 1.14 0.81 0.65 0.55
0.70 0.56 0.48 0.99 0.70 0.56 0.48
0.60 0.48 0.41 0.85 0.60 0.48 0.41

15.16 12.11 10.30 21.33 15.16 12.11 10.30

15.16 12.11 10.30 21.33 15.16 12.11 10.30
15.16 12.11 10.30 21.33 15.16 12.11 10.30
15.16 12.11 10.30 21.33 15.16 12.11 10.30
30.36 24.24 20.63 42.71 30.36 24.24 20.63
30.36 24.24 20.63 42.71 30.36 24.24 20.63
30.36 24.24 20.63 42.71 30.36 24.24 20.63
30.36 24.24 20.63 42.71 30.36 24.24 20.63
50.59 40.40 34.37 71.16 50.59 40.40 34.37
50.59 40.40 34.37 71.16 50.59 40.40 34.37
50.59 40.40 34.37 71.16 50.59 40.40 34.37
50.59 40.40 34.37 71.16 50.59 40.40 34.37
3.03 2.42 2.06 4.26 3.03 2.42 2.06
3.03 2.42 2.06 4.26 3.03 2.42 2.06
3.03 2.42 2.06 4.26 3.03 2.42 2.06
3.03 2.42 2.06 4.26 3.03 2.42 2.06
6.06 4.84 4.11 8.52 6.06 4.84 4.11
6.06 4.84 4.11 8.52 6.06 4.84 4.11
6.06 4.84 4.11 8.52 6.06 4.84 4.11
6.06 4.84 4.11 8.52 6.06 4.84 4.11
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
3.00 2.39 2.04 4.22 3.00 2.39 2.04
3.00 2.39 2.04 4.22 3.00 2.39 2.04
3.00 2.39 2.04 4.22 3.00 2.39 2.04
6.90 5.51 4.69 9.70 6.90 5.51 4.69

63.43 50.65 43.09 89.22 63.43 50.65 43.09

120.56 96.27 81.90 169.57 120.56 96.27 81.90
286.30 228.61 194.49 402.69 286.30 228.61 194.49
515.23 411.42 350.02 724.69 515.23 411.42 350.02
1,391.10 1,110.81 945.04 1,956.63 1,391.10 1,110.81 945.04
88.81 70.91 60.33 124.91 88.81 70.91 60.33
53.00 42.32 36.00 74.54 53.00 42.32 36.00
53.00 42.32 36.00 74.54 53.00 42.32 36.00
126.19 100.76 85.73 177.49 126.19 100.76 85.73
35.33 28.21 24.00 49.70 35.33 28.21 24.00
8.58 6.85 5.83 12.07 8.58 6.85 5.83

6.23 4.97 4.23 8.76 6.23 4.97 4.23

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3.23 2.58 2.19 4.54 3.23 2.58 2.19
5.48 4.38 3.73 7.71 5.48 4.38 3.73
9.09 7.25 6.17 12.78 9.09 7.25 6.17
15.16 12.11 10.30 21.33 15.16 12.11 10.30
36.34 29.02 24.69 51.12 36.34 29.02 24.69
52.12 41.62 35.41 73.31 52.12 41.62 35.41

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201.40 160.82 136.82 283.27 201.40 160.82 136.82

237.74 189.84 161.51 334.39 237.74 189.84 161.51
271.05 216.44 184.14 381.24 271.05 216.44 184.14
310.42 247.88 210.88 436.62 310.42 247.88 210.88
380.08 303.50 258.20 534.59 380.08 303.50 258.20
246.82 197.09 167.68 347.17 246.82 197.09 167.68
298.31 238.20 202.65 419.58 298.31 238.20 202.65
343.73 274.48 233.51 483.48 343.73 274.48 233.51
398.25 318.01 270.55 560.15 398.25 318.01 270.55
495.16 395.39 336.38 696.46 495.16 395.39 336.38
325.56 259.97 221.17 457.92 325.56 259.97 221.17
401.28 320.42 272.61 564.41 401.28 320.42 272.61
464.87 371.21 315.81 653.86 464.87 371.21 315.81
543.62 434.08 369.30 764.62 543.62 434.08 369.30
682.93 545.33 463.94 960.56 682.93 545.33 463.94
389.16 310.75 264.38 547.37 389.16 310.75 264.38
480.02 383.30 326.10 675.16 480.02 383.30 326.10
561.79 448.59 381.65 790.17 561.79 448.59 381.65
658.70 525.98 447.48 926.48 658.70 525.98 447.48
831.32 663.82 564.76 1,169.29 831.32 663.82 564.76
598.13 477.61 406.34 841.29 598.13 477.61 406.34
755.61 603.37 513.32 1,062.80 755.61 603.37 513.32
888.86 709.77 603.85 1,250.22 888.86 709.77 603.85
1,052.40 840.36 714.95 1,480.25 1,052.40 840.36 714.95
1,346.17 1,074.93 914.51 1,893.44 1,346.17 1,074.93 914.51
698.07 557.42 474.23 981.86 698.07 557.42 474.23
885.84 707.35 601.79 1,245.96 885.84 707.35 601.79
1,046.35 835.52 710.83 1,471.73 1,046.35 835.52 710.83
1,240.17 990.29 842.51 1,744.35 1,240.17 990.29 842.51
1,591.48 1,270.82 1,081.16 2,238.47 1,591.48 1,270.82 1,081.16
402.79 321.63 273.63 566.54 402.79 321.63 273.63
475.47 379.67 323.01 668.77 475.47 379.67 323.01
542.10 432.88 368.27 762.49 542.10 432.88 368.27
620.84 495.75 421.77 873.24 620.84 495.75 421.77
760.15 606.99 516.41 1,069.18 760.15 606.99 516.41
493.65 394.18 335.36 694.33 493.65 394.18 335.36
596.61 476.41 405.31 839.16 596.61 476.41 405.31
687.47 548.95 467.03 966.95 687.47 548.95 467.03
796.50 636.01 541.10 1,120.30 796.50 636.01 541.10
990.32 790.78 672.77 1,392.92 990.32 790.78 672.77
651.13 519.93 442.34 915.84 651.13 519.93 442.34
802.55 640.85 545.21 1,128.82 802.55 640.85 545.21
929.75 742.42 631.62 1,307.73 929.75 742.42 631.62
1,087.23 868.17 738.61 1,529.23 1,087.23 868.17 738.61
1,365.85 1,090.65 927.89 1,921.12 1,365.85 1,090.65 927.89
778.32 621.50 528.75 1,094.74 778.32 621.50 528.75
960.03 766.60 652.20 1,350.32 960.03 766.60 652.20
1,123.57 897.19 763.30 1,580.35 1,123.57 897.19 763.30
1,317.40 1,051.96 894.97 1,852.97 1,317.40 1,051.96 894.97
1,662.65 1,327.65 1,129.51 2,338.58 1,662.65 1,327.65 1,129.51
1,196.26 955.23 812.67 1,682.58 1,196.26 955.23 812.67
1,511.22 1,206.73 1,026.64 2,125.59 1,511.22 1,206.73 1,026.64
1,777.73 1,419.54 1,207.69 2,500.44 1,777.73 1,419.54 1,207.69
2,104.81 1,680.72 1,429.89 2,960.49 2,104.81 1,680.72 1,429.89
2,692.34 2,149.87 1,829.03 3,786.87 2,692.34 2,149.87 1,829.03
1,396.14 1,114.84 948.46 1,963.72 1,396.14 1,114.84 948.46
1,771.67 1,414.71 1,203.58 2,491.92 1,771.67 1,414.71 1,203.58
2,092.69 1,671.05 1,421.66 2,943.45 2,092.69 1,671.05 1,421.66
2,480.34 1,980.59 1,685.01 3,488.69 2,480.34 1,980.59 1,685.01
3,182.95 2,541.63 2,162.33 4,476.94 3,182.95 2,541.63 2,162.33
604.19 482.45 410.45 849.81 604.19 482.45 410.45
713.21 569.51 484.52 1,003.16 713.21 569.51 484.52
813.15 649.31 552.41 1,143.73 813.15 649.31 552.41
931.26 743.63 632.65 1,309.86 931.26 743.63 632.65
1,140.23 910.49 774.61 1,603.78 1,140.23 910.49 774.61
740.47 591.27 503.03 1,041.50 740.47 591.27 503.03
894.92 714.61 607.96 1,258.74 894.92 714.61 607.96
1,031.20 823.43 700.54 1,450.43 1,031.20 823.43 700.54
1,194.74 954.02 811.64 1,680.45 1,194.74 954.02 811.64
1,485.48 1,186.18 1,009.15 2,089.38 1,485.48 1,186.18 1,009.15
976.69 779.90 663.51 1,373.75 976.69 779.90 663.51
1,203.83 961.27 817.82 1,693.23 1,203.83 961.27 817.82
1,394.62 1,113.63 947.43 1,961.59 1,394.62 1,113.63 947.43
1,630.85 1,302.25 1,107.91 2,293.85 1,630.85 1,302.25 1,107.91
2,048.78 1,635.98 1,391.83 2,881.69 2,048.78 1,635.98 1,391.83
1,167.49 932.25 793.13 1,642.11 1,167.49 932.25 793.13
1,440.05 1,149.90 978.29 2,025.49 1,440.05 1,149.90 978.29
1,685.36 1,345.78 1,144.94 2,370.52 1,685.36 1,345.78 1,144.94
1,976.10 1,577.94 1,342.45 2,779.45 1,976.10 1,577.94 1,342.45
2,493.97 1,991.47 1,694.27 3,507.86 2,493.97 1,991.47 1,694.27
1,794.39 1,432.84 1,219.01 2,523.87 1,794.39 1,432.84 1,219.01
2,266.83 1,810.10 1,539.96 3,188.39 2,266.83 1,810.10 1,539.96
2,666.59 2,129.31 1,811.54 3,750.67 2,666.59 2,129.31 1,811.54
3,157.21 2,521.08 2,144.84 4,440.74 3,157.21 2,521.08 2,144.84
4,038.50 3,224.80 2,743.54 5,680.31 4,038.50 3,224.80 2,743.54
2,094.21 1,672.25 1,422.69 2,945.58 2,094.21 1,672.25 1,422.69
2,657.51 2,122.06 1,805.37 3,737.89 2,657.51 2,122.06 1,805.37
3,139.04 2,506.57 2,132.50 4,415.18 3,139.04 2,506.57 2,132.50
3,720.51 2,970.88 2,527.52 5,233.04 3,720.51 2,970.88 2,527.52
4,774.43 3,812.45 3,243.49 6,715.42 4,774.43 3,812.45 3,243.49
805.58 643.27 547.27 1,133.08 805.58 643.27 547.27
950.95 759.35 646.02 1,337.55 950.95 759.35 646.02
1,084.20 865.75 736.55 1,524.97 1,084.20 865.75 736.55
1,241.69 991.50 843.53 1,746.48 1,241.69 991.50 843.53
1,520.31 1,213.99 1,032.81 2,138.37 1,520.31 1,213.99 1,032.81
987.29 788.37 670.71 1,388.66 987.29 788.37 670.71
1,193.23 952.81 810.62 1,678.32 1,193.23 952.81 810.62
1,374.94 1,097.91 934.06 1,933.90 1,374.94 1,097.91 934.06
1,592.99 1,272.03 1,082.19 2,240.60 1,592.99 1,272.03 1,082.19
1,980.64 1,581.57 1,345.54 2,785.84 1,980.64 1,581.57 1,345.54
1,302.26 1,039.87 884.68 1,831.67 1,302.26 1,039.87 884.68
1,605.11 1,281.70 1,090.42 2,257.64 1,605.11 1,281.70 1,090.42
1,859.50 1,484.84 1,263.24 2,615.46 1,859.50 1,484.84 1,263.24
2,174.46 1,736.34 1,477.21 3,058.46 2,174.46 1,736.34 1,477.21
2,731.71 2,181.31 1,855.77 3,842.25 2,731.71 2,181.31 1,855.77
1,556.65 1,243.01 1,057.50 2,189.49 1,556.65 1,243.01 1,057.50
1,920.07 1,533.20 1,304.39 2,700.65 1,920.07 1,533.20 1,304.39
2,247.15 1,794.38 1,526.59 3,160.70 2,247.15 1,794.38 1,526.59
2,634.80 2,103.92 1,789.94 3,705.94 2,634.80 2,103.92 1,789.94
3,325.29 2,655.29 2,259.03 4,677.15 3,325.29 2,655.29 2,259.03
2,392.52 1,910.46 1,625.35 3,365.16 2,392.52 1,910.46 1,625.35
3,022.44 2,413.46 2,053.29 4,251.18 3,022.44 2,413.46 2,053.29
3,555.46 2,839.08 2,415.39 5,000.89 3,555.46 2,839.08 2,415.39
4,209.62 3,361.44 2,859.79 5,920.98 4,209.62 3,361.44 2,859.79
5,384.67 4,299.74 3,658.06 7,573.75 5,384.67 4,299.74 3,658.06
2,792.28 2,229.67 1,896.92 3,927.44 2,792.28 2,229.67 1,896.92
3,543.35 2,829.41 2,407.16 4,983.85 3,543.35 2,829.41 2,407.16
4,185.39 3,342.09 2,843.33 5,886.91 4,185.39 3,342.09 2,843.33
4,960.68 3,961.18 3,370.02 6,977.39 4,960.68 3,961.18 3,370.02
6,365.91 5,083.27 4,324.65 8,953.89 6,365.91 5,083.27 4,324.65
1,006.98 804.08 684.09 1,416.35 1,006.98 804.08 684.09
1,188.69 949.18 807.53 1,671.93 1,188.69 949.18 807.53
1,355.25 1,082.19 920.69 1,906.22 1,355.25 1,082.19 920.69
1,552.11 1,239.38 1,054.42 2,183.10 1,552.11 1,239.38 1,054.42
1,900.38 1,517.48 1,291.02 2,672.96 1,900.38 1,517.48 1,291.02
1,234.11 985.46 838.39 1,735.83 1,234.11 985.46 838.39
1,491.54 1,191.01 1,013.27 2,097.90 1,491.54 1,191.01 1,013.27
1,718.67 1,372.39 1,167.57 2,417.38 1,718.67 1,372.39 1,167.57
1,991.24 1,590.03 1,352.74 2,800.75 1,991.24 1,590.03 1,352.74
2,475.80 1,976.96 1,681.92 3,482.30 2,475.80 1,976.96 1,681.92
1,627.82 1,299.84 1,105.85 2,289.59 1,627.82 1,299.84 1,105.85
2,006.38 1,602.12 1,363.03 2,822.05 2,006.38 1,602.12 1,363.03
2,324.37 1,856.05 1,579.05 3,269.32 2,324.37 1,856.05 1,579.05
2,718.08 2,170.42 1,846.52 3,823.08 2,718.08 2,170.42 1,846.52
3,414.63 2,726.63 2,319.72 4,802.81 3,414.63 2,726.63 2,319.72
1,945.81 1,553.76 1,321.88 2,736.86 1,945.81 1,553.76 1,321.88
2,400.09 1,916.50 1,630.49 3,375.81 2,400.09 1,916.50 1,630.49
2,808.93 2,242.97 1,908.24 3,950.87 2,808.93 2,242.97 1,908.24
3,293.49 2,629.90 2,237.42 4,632.42 3,293.49 2,629.90 2,237.42
4,156.62 3,319.12 2,823.78 5,846.44 4,156.62 3,319.12 2,823.78
2,990.64 2,388.07 2,031.68 4,206.45 2,990.64 2,388.07 2,031.68
3,778.05 3,016.83 2,566.61 5,313.98 3,778.05 3,016.83 2,566.61
4,444.32 3,548.86 3,019.23 6,251.11 4,444.32 3,548.86 3,019.23
5,262.02 4,201.80 3,574.73 7,401.23 5,262.02 4,201.80 3,574.73
6,730.84 5,374.67 4,572.57 9,467.18 6,730.84 5,374.67 4,572.57
3,490.35 2,787.09 2,371.15 4,909.30 3,490.35 2,787.09 2,371.15
4,429.18 3,536.76 3,008.95 6,229.81 4,429.18 3,536.76 3,008.95
5,231.73 4,177.61 3,554.16 7,358.63 5,231.73 4,177.61 3,554.16
6,200.85 4,951.47 4,212.53 8,721.74 6,200.85 4,951.47 4,212.53
7,957.38 6,354.08 5,405.82 11,192.36 7,957.38 6,354.08 5,405.82
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
227.14 181.37 154.31 319.48 227.14 181.37 154.31
302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74
378.56 302.29 257.18 532.46 378.56 302.29 257.18
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
227.14 181.37 154.31 319.48 227.14 181.37 154.31
302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74
378.56 302.29 257.18 532.46 378.56 302.29 257.18
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
227.14 181.37 154.31 319.48 227.14 181.37 154.31
302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74
378.56 302.29 257.18 532.46 378.56 302.29 257.18
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
227.14 181.37 154.31 319.48 227.14 181.37 154.31
302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74
378.56 302.29 257.18 532.46 378.56 302.29 257.18
6.23 4.97 4.23 8.76 6.23 4.97 4.23

252.38 201.53 171.45 354.98 252.38 201.53 171.45

151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
136.28 108.82 92.58 191.69 136.28 108.82 92.58
136.28 108.82 92.58 191.69 136.28 108.82 92.58
136.28 108.82 92.58 191.69 136.28 108.82 92.58
757.13 604.58 514.35 1,064.93 757.13 604.58 514.35
605.70 483.66 411.48 851.94 605.70 483.66 411.48
423.99 338.56 288.04 596.36 423.99 338.56 288.04
484.56 386.93 329.18 681.55 484.56 386.93 329.18
423.99 338.56 288.04 596.36 423.99 338.56 288.04
302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74
302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74
181.71 145.10 123.44 255.58 181.71 145.10 123.44
121.14 96.73 82.30 170.39 121.14 96.73 82.30
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
757.13 604.58 514.35 1,064.93 757.13 604.58 514.35
605.70 483.66 411.48 851.94 605.70 483.66 411.48
423.99 338.56 288.04 596.36 423.99 338.56 288.04
484.56 386.93 329.18 681.55 484.56 386.93 329.18
423.99 338.56 288.04 596.36 423.99 338.56 288.04
302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74
302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74
181.71 145.10 123.44 255.58 181.71 145.10 123.44
121.14 96.73 82.30 170.39 121.14 96.73 82.30
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
757.13 604.58 514.35 1,064.93 757.13 604.58 514.35
605.70 483.66 411.48 851.94 605.70 483.66 411.48
423.99 338.56 288.04 596.36 423.99 338.56 288.04
484.56 386.93 329.18 681.55 484.56 386.93 329.18
423.99 338.56 288.04 596.36 423.99 338.56 288.04
302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74
302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74
181.71 145.10 123.44 255.58 181.71 145.10 123.44
121.14 96.73 82.30 170.39 121.14 96.73 82.30

6.83 5.45 4.64 9.61 6.83 5.45 4.64

6.83 5.45 4.64 9.61 6.83 5.45 4.64
6.83 5.45 4.64 9.61 6.83 5.45 4.64
6.83 5.45 4.64 9.61 6.83 5.45 4.64
6.83 5.45 4.64 9.61 6.83 5.45 4.64
6.83 5.45 4.64 9.61 6.83 5.45 4.64
6.83 5.45 4.64 9.61 6.83 5.45 4.64
6.83 5.45 4.64 9.61 6.83 5.45 4.64

7.90 6.31 5.37 11.11 7.90 6.31 5.37

13.75 10.98 9.34 19.34 13.75 10.98 9.34
19.68 15.71 13.37 27.68 19.68 15.71 13.37
25.60 20.44 17.39 36.01 25.60 20.44 17.39
31.49 25.15 21.39 44.29 31.49 25.15 21.39
8.49 6.78 5.76 11.94 8.49 6.78 5.76
14.81 11.83 10.06 20.84 14.81 11.83 10.06
21.18 16.91 14.39 29.79 21.18 16.91 14.39
27.51 21.96 18.69 38.69 27.51 21.96 18.69
33.83 27.02 22.98 47.59 33.83 27.02 22.98
17.56 14.02 11.93 24.69 17.56 14.02 11.93
30.69 24.50 20.85 43.16 30.69 24.50 20.85
43.89 35.05 29.82 61.73 43.89 35.05 29.82
57.06 45.56 38.76 80.26 57.06 45.56 38.76
70.12 55.99 47.63 98.62 70.12 55.99 47.63
2.93 2.34 1.99 4.12 2.93 2.34 1.99
5.08 4.06 3.45 7.15 5.08 4.06 3.45
7.24 5.78 4.92 10.19 7.24 5.78 4.92
9.44 7.54 6.41 13.27 9.44 7.54 6.41
11.59 9.26 7.88 16.31 11.59 9.26 7.88
9.05 7.23 6.15 12.73 9.05 7.23 6.15
4.37 3.49 2.97 6.15 4.37 3.49 2.97
6.07 4.85 4.13 8.54 6.07 4.85 4.13
13.27 10.59 9.01 18.66 13.27 10.59 9.01
18.91 15.10 12.85 26.60 18.91 15.10 12.85
24.60 19.64 16.71 34.60 24.60 19.64 16.71
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
8.08 6.45 5.49 11.36 8.08 6.45 5.49
7.08 5.65 4.81 9.96 7.08 5.65 4.81
6.07 4.85 4.13 8.54 6.07 4.85 4.13
7.07 5.64 4.80 9.94 7.07 5.64 4.80

121.14 96.73 82.30 170.39 121.14 96.73 82.30

9.09 7.25 6.17 12.78 9.09 7.25 6.17
81.77 65.29 55.55 115.01 81.77 65.29 55.55
726.84 580.39 493.78 1,022.33 726.84 580.39 493.78
20.62 16.46 14.01 29.00 20.62 16.46 14.01
13.46 10.75 9.14 18.93 13.46 10.75 9.14
1.01 0.81 0.69 1.42 1.01 0.81 0.69
9.09 7.25 6.17 12.78 9.09 7.25 6.17
80.76 64.49 54.86 113.59 80.76 64.49 54.86
31.13 24.85 21.15 43.78 31.13 24.85 21.15

459.90 380.40 325.05 709.95 504.75 403.05 342.90

306.60 253.60 216.70 473.30 336.50 268.70 228.60
76.65 63.40 54.18 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
30.66 25.36 21.67 47.33 33.65 26.87 22.86
248.35 205.42 175.53 383.37 272.57 217.65 185.17
459.90 380.40 325.05 709.95 504.75 403.05 342.90
30.66 25.36 21.67 47.33 33.65 26.87 22.86
23.00 19.02 16.25 35.50 25.24 20.15 17.15
306.60 253.60 216.70 473.30 336.50 268.70 228.60
49.06 40.58 34.67 75.73 53.84 42.99 36.58
16.56 13.69 11.70 25.56 18.17 14.51 12.34
5.52 4.56 3.90 8.52 6.06 4.84 4.11
76.65 63.40 54.18 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
45.99 38.04 32.51 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
36.79 30.43 26.00 56.80 40.38 32.24 27.43
76.65 63.40 54.18 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
459.90 380.40 325.05 709.95 504.75 403.05 342.90
306.60 253.60 216.70 473.30 336.50 268.70 228.60
30.66 25.36 21.67 47.33 33.65 26.87 22.86
4,599.00 3,804.00 3,250.50 7,099.50 5,047.50 4,030.50 3,429.00
4.45 3.68 3.14 6.86 4.88 3.90 3.31
23.00 19.02 16.25 35.50 25.24 20.15 17.15
306.60 253.60 216.70 473.30 336.50 268.70 228.60
16.56 13.69 11.70 25.56 18.17 14.51 12.34
5.52 4.56 3.90 8.52 6.06 4.84 4.11
76.65 63.40 54.18 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
45.99 38.04 32.51 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
36.79 30.43 26.00 56.80 40.38 32.24 27.43
76.65 63.40 54.18 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15

0.14 0.12 0.10 0.20 0.14 0.12 0.10

0.29 0.23 0.20 0.40 0.29 0.23 0.20
0.08 0.06 0.05 0.11 0.08 0.06 0.05
0.06 0.05 0.04 0.08 0.06 0.05 0.04
21.03 16.79 14.29 29.58 21.03 16.79 14.29
42.06 33.59 28.58 59.16 42.06 33.59 28.58
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
143.01 114.20 97.16 201.15 143.01 114.20 97.16
168.25 134.35 114.30 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30
189.28 151.14 128.59 266.23 189.28 151.14 128.59
252.38 201.53 171.45 354.98 252.38 201.53 171.45
420.63 335.88 285.75 591.63 420.63 335.88 285.75
673.00 537.40 457.20 946.60 673.00 537.40 457.20
109.03 87.06 74.07 153.35 109.03 87.06 74.07
177.17 141.47 120.36 249.19 177.17 141.47 120.36
17.87 14.27 12.14 25.13 17.87 14.27 12.14
21.20 16.93 14.40 29.82 21.20 16.93 14.40
9.09 7.25 6.17 12.78 9.09 7.25 6.17
2.29 1.83 1.55 3.22 2.29 1.83 1.55

2.15 1.72 1.46 3.03 2.15 1.72 1.46

15.14 12.09 10.29 21.30 15.14 12.09 10.29
1.35 1.07 0.91 1.89 1.35 1.07 0.91
1.35 1.07 0.91 1.89 1.35 1.07 0.91
1.35 1.07 0.91 1.89 1.35 1.07 0.91
1.62 1.29 1.10 2.27 1.62 1.29 1.10
13.63 10.88 9.26 19.17 13.63 10.88 9.26
1.21 0.97 0.82 1.70 1.21 0.97 0.82
1.21 0.97 0.82 1.70 1.21 0.97 0.82
1.21 0.97 0.82 1.70 1.21 0.97 0.82
1.35 1.07 0.91 1.89 1.35 1.07 0.91
12.11 9.67 8.23 17.04 12.11 9.67 8.23
1.14 0.91 0.78 1.61 1.14 0.91 0.78
1.14 0.91 0.78 1.61 1.14 0.91 0.78
1.08 0.86 0.73 1.51 1.08 0.86 0.73
9.09 7.25 6.17 12.78 9.09 7.25 6.17
0.94 0.75 0.64 1.33 0.94 0.75 0.64
0.94 0.75 0.64 1.33 0.94 0.75 0.64
0.94 0.75 0.64 1.33 0.94 0.75 0.64
0.81 0.64 0.55 1.14 0.81 0.64 0.55
7.57 6.05 5.14 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14
0.67 0.54 0.46 0.95 0.67 0.54 0.46
0.67 0.54 0.46 0.95 0.67 0.54 0.46
0.67 0.54 0.46 0.95 0.67 0.54 0.46
0.43 0.34 0.29 0.61 0.43 0.34 0.29
3.03 2.42 2.06 4.26 3.03 2.42 2.06
0.27 0.21 0.18 0.38 0.27 0.21 0.18
0.27 0.21 0.18 0.38 0.27 0.21 0.18
0.27 0.21 0.18 0.38 0.27 0.21 0.18
0.32 0.26 0.22 0.45 0.32 0.26 0.22
2.73 2.18 1.85 3.83 2.73 2.18 1.85
0.24 0.19 0.16 0.34 0.24 0.19 0.16
0.24 0.19 0.16 0.34 0.24 0.19 0.16
0.24 0.19 0.16 0.34 0.24 0.19 0.16
0.27 0.21 0.18 0.38 0.27 0.21 0.18
2.42 1.93 1.65 3.41 2.42 1.93 1.65
0.23 0.18 0.16 0.32 0.23 0.18 0.16
0.23 0.18 0.16 0.32 0.23 0.18 0.16
0.22 0.17 0.15 0.30 0.22 0.17 0.15
1.82 1.45 1.23 2.56 1.82 1.45 1.23
0.19 0.15 0.13 0.27 0.19 0.15 0.13
0.19 0.15 0.13 0.27 0.19 0.15 0.13
0.19 0.15 0.13 0.27 0.19 0.15 0.13
0.16 0.13 0.11 0.23 0.16 0.13 0.11
1.51 1.21 1.03 2.13 1.51 1.21 1.03
0.13 0.11 0.09 0.19 0.13 0.11 0.09
0.13 0.11 0.09 0.19 0.13 0.11 0.09
0.13 0.11 0.09 0.19 0.13 0.11 0.09
1.21 0.96 0.82 1.70 1.21 0.96 0.82
8.48 6.77 5.76 11.93 8.48 6.77 5.76
0.75 0.60 0.51 1.06 0.75 0.60 0.51
0.75 0.60 0.51 1.06 0.75 0.60 0.51
0.75 0.60 0.51 1.06 0.75 0.60 0.51
0.90 0.72 0.61 1.27 0.90 0.72 0.61
7.63 6.09 5.18 10.73 7.63 6.09 5.18
0.68 0.54 0.46 0.95 0.68 0.54 0.46
0.68 0.54 0.46 0.95 0.68 0.54 0.46
0.68 0.54 0.46 0.95 0.68 0.54 0.46
0.75 0.60 0.51 1.06 0.75 0.60 0.51
6.78 5.42 4.61 9.54 6.78 5.42 4.61
0.64 0.51 0.44 0.90 0.64 0.51 0.44
0.64 0.51 0.44 0.90 0.64 0.51 0.44
0.60 0.48 0.41 0.85 0.60 0.48 0.41
5.09 4.06 3.46 7.16 5.09 4.06 3.46
0.53 0.42 0.36 0.74 0.53 0.42 0.36
0.53 0.42 0.36 0.74 0.53 0.42 0.36
0.53 0.42 0.36 0.74 0.53 0.42 0.36
0.45 0.36 0.31 0.64 0.45 0.36 0.31
4.24 3.39 2.88 5.96 4.24 3.39 2.88
0.38 0.30 0.26 0.53 0.38 0.30 0.26
0.38 0.30 0.26 0.53 0.38 0.30 0.26
0.38 0.30 0.26 0.53 0.38 0.30 0.26
1.94 1.55 1.32 2.73 1.94 1.55 1.32
13.63 10.88 9.26 19.17 13.63 10.88 9.26
1.21 0.97 0.82 1.70 1.21 0.97 0.82
1.21 0.97 0.82 1.70 1.21 0.97 0.82
1.21 0.97 0.82 1.70 1.21 0.97 0.82
1.45 1.16 0.99 2.04 1.45 1.16 0.99
12.27 9.79 8.33 17.25 12.27 9.79 8.33
1.09 0.87 0.74 1.53 1.09 0.87 0.74
1.09 0.87 0.74 1.53 1.09 0.87 0.74
1.09 0.87 0.74 1.53 1.09 0.87 0.74
1.21 0.97 0.82 1.70 1.21 0.97 0.82
10.90 8.71 7.41 15.33 10.90 8.71 7.41
1.03 0.82 0.70 1.45 1.03 0.82 0.70
1.03 0.82 0.70 1.45 1.03 0.82 0.70
0.97 0.77 0.66 1.36 0.97 0.77 0.66
8.18 6.53 5.55 11.50 8.18 6.53 5.55
0.85 0.68 0.58 1.19 0.85 0.68 0.58
0.85 0.68 0.58 1.19 0.85 0.68 0.58
0.85 0.68 0.58 1.19 0.85 0.68 0.58
0.73 0.58 0.49 1.02 0.73 0.58 0.49
6.81 5.44 4.63 9.58 6.81 5.44 4.63
0.61 0.48 0.41 0.85 0.61 0.48 0.41
0.61 0.48 0.41 0.85 0.61 0.48 0.41
0.61 0.48 0.41 0.85 0.61 0.48 0.41
2.69 2.15 1.83 3.79 2.69 2.15 1.83
13.63 10.88 9.26 19.17 13.63 10.88 9.26
1.68 1.34 1.14 2.37 1.68 1.34 1.14
1.68 1.34 1.14 2.37 1.68 1.34 1.14
1.68 1.34 1.14 2.37 1.68 1.34 1.14
2.02 1.61 1.37 2.84 2.02 1.61 1.37
13.63 10.88 9.26 19.17 13.63 10.88 9.26
1.51 1.21 1.03 2.13 1.51 1.21 1.03
1.51 1.21 1.03 2.13 1.51 1.21 1.03
1.51 1.21 1.03 2.13 1.51 1.21 1.03
1.68 1.34 1.14 2.37 1.68 1.34 1.14
12.11 9.67 8.23 17.04 12.11 9.67 8.23
1.43 1.14 0.97 2.01 1.43 1.14 0.97
1.43 1.14 0.97 2.01 1.43 1.14 0.97
1.35 1.07 0.91 1.89 1.35 1.07 0.91
9.09 7.25 6.17 12.78 9.09 7.25 6.17
1.18 0.94 0.80 1.66 1.18 0.94 0.80
1.18 0.94 0.80 1.66 1.18 0.94 0.80
1.18 0.94 0.80 1.66 1.18 0.94 0.80
1.01 0.81 0.69 1.42 1.01 0.81 0.69
7.57 6.05 5.14 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14
0.84 0.67 0.57 1.18 0.84 0.67 0.57
0.84 0.67 0.57 1.18 0.84 0.67 0.57
0.84 0.67 0.57 1.18 0.84 0.67 0.57
0.54 0.43 0.37 0.76 0.54 0.43 0.37
3.03 2.42 2.06 4.26 3.03 2.42 2.06
0.34 0.27 0.23 0.47 0.34 0.27 0.23
0.34 0.27 0.23 0.47 0.34 0.27 0.23
0.34 0.27 0.23 0.47 0.34 0.27 0.23
0.40 0.32 0.27 0.57 0.40 0.32 0.27
2.73 2.18 1.85 3.83 2.73 2.18 1.85
0.30 0.24 0.21 0.43 0.30 0.24 0.21
0.30 0.24 0.21 0.43 0.30 0.24 0.21
0.30 0.24 0.21 0.43 0.30 0.24 0.21
0.34 0.27 0.23 0.47 0.34 0.27 0.23
2.42 1.93 1.65 3.41 2.42 1.93 1.65
0.29 0.23 0.19 0.40 0.29 0.23 0.19
0.45 0.36 0.31 0.64 0.45 0.36 0.31
0.29 0.23 0.19 0.40 0.29 0.23 0.19
0.27 0.21 0.18 0.38 0.27 0.21 0.18
1.82 1.45 1.23 2.56 1.82 1.45 1.23
0.24 0.19 0.16 0.33 0.24 0.19 0.16
0.24 0.19 0.16 0.33 0.24 0.19 0.16
0.24 0.19 0.16 0.33 0.24 0.19 0.16
0.20 0.16 0.14 0.28 0.20 0.16 0.14
1.51 1.21 1.03 2.13 1.51 1.21 1.03
0.17 0.13 0.11 0.24 0.17 0.13 0.11
0.17 0.13 0.11 0.24 0.17 0.13 0.11
0.17 0.13 0.11 0.24 0.17 0.13 0.11
1.51 1.20 1.02 2.12 1.51 1.20 1.02
8.48 6.77 5.76 11.93 8.48 6.77 5.76
0.94 0.75 0.64 1.33 0.94 0.75 0.64
0.94 0.75 0.64 1.33 0.94 0.75 0.64
0.94 0.75 0.64 1.33 0.94 0.75 0.64
1.13 0.90 0.77 1.59 1.13 0.90 0.77
7.63 6.09 5.18 10.73 7.63 6.09 5.18
0.85 0.68 0.58 1.19 0.85 0.68 0.58
0.85 0.68 0.58 1.19 0.85 0.68 0.58
0.85 0.68 0.58 1.19 0.85 0.68 0.58
0.94 0.75 0.64 1.33 0.94 0.75 0.64
6.78 5.42 4.61 9.54 6.78 5.42 4.61
0.80 0.64 0.54 1.13 0.80 0.64 0.54
0.80 0.64 0.54 1.13 0.80 0.64 0.54
0.75 0.60 0.51 1.06 0.75 0.60 0.51
5.09 4.06 3.46 7.16 5.09 4.06 3.46
0.66 0.53 0.45 0.93 0.66 0.53 0.45
0.66 0.53 0.45 0.93 0.66 0.53 0.45
0.66 0.53 0.45 0.93 0.66 0.53 0.45
0.57 0.45 0.38 0.80 0.57 0.45 0.38
4.24 3.39 2.88 5.96 4.24 3.39 2.88
0.47 0.38 0.32 0.66 0.47 0.38 0.32
0.47 0.38 0.32 0.66 0.47 0.38 0.32
0.47 0.38 0.32 0.66 0.47 0.38 0.32
2.42 1.93 1.65 3.41 2.42 1.93 1.65
13.63 10.88 9.26 19.17 13.63 10.88 9.26
1.51 1.21 1.03 2.13 1.51 1.21 1.03
1.51 1.21 1.03 2.13 1.51 1.21 1.03
1.51 1.21 1.03 2.13 1.51 1.21 1.03
1.82 1.45 1.23 2.56 1.82 1.45 1.23
12.27 9.79 8.33 17.25 12.27 9.79 8.33
1.36 1.09 0.93 1.92 1.36 1.09 0.93
1.36 1.09 0.93 1.92 1.36 1.09 0.93
1.36 1.09 0.93 1.92 1.36 1.09 0.93
1.51 1.21 1.03 2.13 1.51 1.21 1.03
10.90 8.71 7.41 15.33 10.90 8.71 7.41
1.29 1.03 0.87 1.81 1.29 1.03 0.87
1.29 1.03 0.87 1.81 1.29 1.03 0.87
1.21 0.97 0.82 1.70 1.21 0.97 0.82
8.18 6.53 5.55 11.50 8.18 6.53 5.55
1.06 0.85 0.72 1.49 1.06 0.85 0.72
1.06 0.85 0.72 1.49 1.06 0.85 0.72
1.06 0.85 0.72 1.49 1.06 0.85 0.72
0.91 0.73 0.62 1.28 0.91 0.73 0.62
6.81 5.44 4.63 9.58 6.81 5.44 4.63
0.76 0.60 0.51 1.06 0.76 0.60 0.51
0.76 0.60 0.51 1.06 0.76 0.60 0.51
0.76 0.60 0.51 1.06 0.76 0.60 0.51
6.19 4.94 4.20 8.70 6.19 4.94 4.20
0.64 0.51 0.43 0.89 0.64 0.51 0.43
20.19 16.12 13.72 28.40 20.19 16.12 13.72
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
6.73 5.37 4.57 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
6.73 5.37 4.57 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
58.89 47.02 40.01 82.83 58.89 47.02 40.01
58.89 47.02 40.01 82.83 58.89 47.02 40.01

403.80 322.44 274.32 567.96 403.80 322.44 274.32

106.00 84.64 72.01 149.09 106.00 84.64 72.01
168.25 134.35 114.30 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
117.78 94.05 80.01 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
242.28 193.46 164.59 340.78 242.28 193.46 164.59
168.25 134.35 114.30 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
40.38 32.24 27.43 56.80 40.38 32.24 27.43
40.38 32.24 27.43 56.80 40.38 32.24 27.43
168.25 134.35 114.30 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30
84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
168.25 134.35 114.30 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30
168.25 134.35 114.30 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
6.73 5.37 4.57 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57

107.31 88.76 75.85 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01

201.73 161.09 137.05 283.74 201.73 161.09 137.05
40.38 32.24 27.43 56.80 40.38 32.24 27.43
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
214.62 177.52 151.69 331.31 235.55 188.09 160.02
454.28 362.75 308.61 638.96 454.28 362.75 308.61
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
90.86 72.55 61.72 127.79 90.86 72.55 61.72
20.19 16.12 13.72 28.40 20.19 16.12 13.72
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
454.28 362.75 308.61 638.96 454.28 362.75 308.61
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
107.31 88.76 75.85 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01

10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86

16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43

319.68 255.27 217.17 449.64 319.68 255.27 217.17

63.94 51.05 43.43 89.93 63.94 51.05 43.43
95.90 76.58 65.15 134.89 95.90 76.58 65.15
430.72 343.94 292.61 605.82 430.72 343.94 292.61
86.14 68.79 58.52 121.16 86.14 68.79 58.52
129.22 103.18 87.78 181.75 129.22 103.18 87.78

100.78 80.48 68.47 141.75 100.78 80.48 68.47

20.16 16.10 13.69 28.35 20.16 16.10 13.69
30.25 24.16 20.55 42.55 30.25 24.16 20.55
100.78 80.48 68.47 141.75 100.78 80.48 68.47
20.16 16.10 13.69 28.35 20.16 16.10 13.69
30.25 24.16 20.55 42.55 30.25 24.16 20.55
168.08 134.22 114.19 236.41 168.08 134.22 114.19
33.62 26.84 22.84 47.28 33.62 26.84 22.84
50.44 40.28 34.27 70.95 50.44 40.28 34.27
295.95 236.32 201.05 416.27 295.95 236.32 201.05
59.19 47.26 40.21 83.25 59.19 47.26 40.21
88.80 70.91 60.33 124.90 88.80 70.91 60.33

67.30 53.74 45.72 94.66 67.30 53.74 45.72

13.46 10.75 9.14 18.93 13.46 10.75 9.14
20.19 16.12 13.72 28.40 20.19 16.12 13.72

16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43

3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
5.05 4.03 3.43 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43

117.78 94.05 80.01 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01

117.78 94.05 80.01 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
378.56 302.29 257.18 532.46 378.56 302.29 257.18
84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
126.19 100.76 85.73 177.49 126.19 100.76 85.73
272.57 217.65 185.17 383.37 272.57 217.65 185.17
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
90.86 72.55 61.72 127.79 90.86 72.55 61.72
181.71 145.10 123.44 255.58 181.71 145.10 123.44
40.38 32.24 27.43 56.80 40.38 32.24 27.43
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
6.73 5.37 4.57 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
6.73 5.37 4.57 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
6.73 5.37 4.57 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
5.05 4.03 3.43 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
45.43 36.27 30.86 63.90 45.43 36.27 30.86

117.78 94.05 80.01 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01

117.78 94.05 80.01 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01
117.78 94.05 80.01 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
378.56 302.29 257.18 532.46 378.56 302.29 257.18
84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
126.19 100.76 85.73 177.49 126.19 100.76 85.73
272.57 217.65 185.17 383.37 272.57 217.65 185.17
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
90.86 72.55 61.72 127.79 90.86 72.55 61.72
181.71 145.10 123.44 255.58 181.71 145.10 123.44
40.38 32.24 27.43 56.80 40.38 32.24 27.43
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
15.33 12.68 10.84 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
5.05 4.03 3.43 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
45.43 36.27 30.86 63.90 45.43 36.27 30.86

117.78 94.05 80.01 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01

666.27 532.03 452.63 937.13 666.27 532.03 452.63
148.06 118.23 100.58 208.25 148.06 118.23 100.58
222.09 177.34 150.88 312.38 222.09 177.34 150.88
214.62 177.52 151.69 331.31 235.55 188.09 160.02
302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74
67.30 53.74 45.72 94.66 67.30 53.74 45.72
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
15.33 12.68 10.84 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
5.05 4.03 3.43 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43

378.56 302.29 257.18 532.46 378.56 302.29 257.18

84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
126.19 100.76 85.73 177.49 126.19 100.76 85.73
45.99 38.04 32.51 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
5.05 4.03 3.43 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
15.33 12.68 10.84 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
5.05 4.03 3.43 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43

227.14 181.37 154.31 319.48 227.14 181.37 154.31

50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
45.99 38.04 32.51 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
5.05 4.03 3.43 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
15.33 12.68 10.84 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
5.05 4.03 3.43 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43

214.62 177.52 151.69 331.31 235.55 188.09 160.02

107.31 88.76 75.85 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01
45.99 38.04 32.51 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
107.31 88.76 75.85 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01
137.97 114.12 97.52 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
45.99 38.04 32.51 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
45.99 38.04 32.51 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
3.07 2.54 2.17 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29

107.31 88.76 75.85 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01

100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
454.28 362.75 308.61 638.96 454.28 362.75 308.61
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
117.78 94.05 80.01 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01
106.00 84.64 72.01 149.09 106.00 84.64 72.01
23.56 18.81 16.00 33.13 23.56 18.81 16.00
35.33 28.21 24.00 49.70 35.33 28.21 24.00
107.31 88.76 75.85 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01
196.85 157.19 133.73 276.88 196.85 157.19 133.73
43.75 34.93 29.72 61.53 43.75 34.93 29.72
65.62 52.40 44.58 92.29 65.62 52.40 44.58
107.31 88.76 75.85 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01
90.86 72.55 61.72 127.79 90.86 72.55 61.72
20.19 16.12 13.72 28.40 20.19 16.12 13.72
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
196.85 157.19 133.73 276.88 196.85 157.19 133.73
43.75 34.93 29.72 61.53 43.75 34.93 29.72
65.62 52.40 44.58 92.29 65.62 52.40 44.58
107.31 88.76 75.85 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01
90.86 72.55 61.72 127.79 90.86 72.55 61.72
20.19 16.12 13.72 28.40 20.19 16.12 13.72
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
106.00 84.64 72.01 149.09 106.00 84.64 72.01
23.56 18.81 16.00 33.13 23.56 18.81 16.00
35.33 28.21 24.00 49.70 35.33 28.21 24.00
107.31 88.76 75.85 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01
106.00 84.64 72.01 149.09 106.00 84.64 72.01
23.56 18.81 16.00 33.13 23.56 18.81 16.00
35.33 28.21 24.00 49.70 35.33 28.21 24.00
107.31 88.76 75.85 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01
106.00 84.64 72.01 149.09 106.00 84.64 72.01
23.56 18.81 16.00 33.13 23.56 18.81 16.00
35.33 28.21 24.00 49.70 35.33 28.21 24.00
107.31 88.76 75.85 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01
106.00 84.64 72.01 149.09 106.00 84.64 72.01
23.56 18.81 16.00 33.13 23.56 18.81 16.00
35.33 28.21 24.00 49.70 35.33 28.21 24.00
196.85 157.19 133.73 276.88 196.85 157.19 133.73
43.75 34.93 29.72 61.53 43.75 34.93 29.72
65.62 52.40 44.58 92.29 65.62 52.40 44.58
107.31 88.76 75.85 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01
504.75 403.05 342.90 709.95 504.75 403.05 342.90
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
91.98 76.08 65.01 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
5.05 4.03 3.43 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
15.33 12.68 10.84 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
5.05 4.03 3.43 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
168.25 134.35 114.30 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30
33.65 26.87 22.86 47.33 33.65 26.87 22.86
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29

484.43 386.82 329.09 681.36 484.43 386.82 329.09

111.01 88.64 75.42 156.14 111.01 88.64 75.42
166.53 132.98 113.13 234.24 166.53 132.98 113.13
117.78 94.05 80.01 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01
90.86 72.55 61.72 127.79 90.86 72.55 61.72
20.19 16.12 13.72 28.40 20.19 16.12 13.72
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57

302.72 241.72 205.65 425.78 302.72 241.72 205.65

67.27 53.71 45.70 94.61 67.27 53.71 45.70
100.92 80.58 68.56 141.94 100.92 80.58 68.56
107.31 88.76 75.85 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01

107.31 88.76 75.85 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01

454.28 362.75 308.61 638.96 454.28 362.75 308.61
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
214.62 177.52 151.69 331.31 235.55 188.09 160.02
90.86 72.55 61.72 127.79 90.86 72.55 61.72
20.19 16.12 13.72 28.40 20.19 16.12 13.72
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
6.73 5.37 4.57 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
227.14 181.37 154.31 319.48 227.14 181.37 154.31
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
90.86 72.55 61.72 127.79 90.86 72.55 61.72
20.19 16.12 13.72 28.40 20.19 16.12 13.72
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
90.86 72.55 61.72 127.79 90.86 72.55 61.72
20.19 16.12 13.72 28.40 20.19 16.12 13.72
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
33.65 26.87 22.86 47.33 33.65 26.87 22.86
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
153.30 126.80 108.35 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30

420.63 335.88 285.75 591.63 420.63 335.88 285.75

84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
454.28 362.75 308.61 638.96 454.28 362.75 308.61
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
45.99 38.04 32.51 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29

16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43

3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
5.05 4.03 3.43 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43

454.28 362.75 308.61 638.96 454.28 362.75 308.61

100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
107.31 88.76 75.85 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01

107.31 88.76 75.85 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01

107.31 88.76 75.85 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01
91.98 76.08 65.01 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
378.56 302.29 257.18 532.46 378.56 302.29 257.18
84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
126.19 100.76 85.73 177.49 126.19 100.76 85.73
272.57 217.65 185.17 383.37 272.57 217.65 185.17
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
90.86 72.55 61.72 127.79 90.86 72.55 61.72
181.71 145.10 123.44 255.58 181.71 145.10 123.44
40.38 32.24 27.43 56.80 40.38 32.24 27.43
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
15.33 12.68 10.84 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
5.05 4.03 3.43 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
45.43 36.27 30.86 63.90 45.43 36.27 30.86

117.78 94.05 80.01 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01

454.28 362.75 308.61 638.96 454.28 362.75 308.61
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
107.31 88.76 75.85 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01
757.13 604.58 514.35 1,064.93 757.13 604.58 514.35
168.25 134.35 114.30 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30
252.38 201.53 171.45 354.98 252.38 201.53 171.45
306.60 253.60 216.70 473.30 336.50 268.70 228.60
1,059.98 846.41 720.09 1,490.90 1,059.98 846.41 720.09
235.55 188.09 160.02 331.31 235.55 188.09 160.02
353.33 282.14 240.03 496.97 353.33 282.14 240.03
214.62 177.52 151.69 331.31 235.55 188.09 160.02
227.14 181.37 154.31 319.48 227.14 181.37 154.31
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
91.98 76.08 65.01 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
90.86 72.55 61.72 127.79 90.86 72.55 61.72
20.19 16.12 13.72 28.40 20.19 16.12 13.72
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
319.68 255.27 217.17 449.64 319.68 255.27 217.17
63.94 51.05 43.43 89.93 63.94 51.05 43.43
95.90 76.58 65.15 134.89 95.90 76.58 65.15
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
29.44 23.51 20.00 41.41 29.44 23.51 20.00
45.99 38.04 32.51 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
25.24 20.15 17.15 35.50 25.24 20.15 17.15
45.99 38.04 32.51 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
252.38 201.53 171.45 354.98 252.38 201.53 171.45
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
33.48 26.74 22.75 47.09 33.48 26.74 22.75
6.73 5.37 4.57 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
8.04 6.42 5.46 11.31 8.04 6.42 5.46
479.51 382.90 325.76 674.45 479.51 382.90 325.76
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
91.98 76.08 65.01 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
15.98 12.76 10.86 22.48 15.98 12.76 10.86
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
5.05 4.03 3.43 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
159.84 127.63 108.59 224.82 159.84 127.63 108.59
33.65 26.87 22.86 47.33 33.65 26.87 22.86
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
45.99 38.04 32.51 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
159.84 127.63 108.59 224.82 159.84 127.63 108.59
33.65 26.87 22.86 47.33 33.65 26.87 22.86
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
159.84 127.63 108.59 224.82 159.84 127.63 108.59
33.65 26.87 22.86 47.33 33.65 26.87 22.86
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
45.99 38.04 32.51 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
159.84 127.63 108.59 224.82 159.84 127.63 108.59
33.65 26.87 22.86 47.33 33.65 26.87 22.86
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
45.99 38.04 32.51 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
239.76 191.45 162.88 337.23 239.76 191.45 162.88
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
159.84 127.63 108.59 224.82 159.84 127.63 108.59
33.65 26.87 22.86 47.33 33.65 26.87 22.86
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
45.99 38.04 32.51 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
159.84 127.63 108.59 224.82 159.84 127.63 108.59
33.65 26.87 22.86 47.33 33.65 26.87 22.86
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
33.65 26.87 22.86 47.33 33.65 26.87 22.86
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
336.50 268.70 228.60 473.30 336.50 268.70 228.60
67.30 53.74 45.72 94.66 67.30 53.74 45.72
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
378.56 302.29 257.18 532.46 378.56 302.29 257.18
84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
126.19 100.76 85.73 177.49 126.19 100.76 85.73
117.78 94.05 80.01 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
5.05 4.03 3.43 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
252.38 201.53 171.45 354.98 252.38 201.53 171.45
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
117.78 94.05 80.01 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01

17.26 13.78 11.73 24.28 17.26 13.78 11.73

25.88 20.66 17.58 36.40 25.88 20.66 17.58
39.71 31.71 26.97 55.85 39.71 31.71 26.97
60.40 48.23 41.03 84.96 60.40 48.23 41.03

8.66 6.92 5.89 12.19 8.66 6.92 5.89

11.64 9.30 7.91 16.38 11.64 9.30 7.91
14.58 11.64 9.91 20.51 14.58 11.64 9.91
21.93 17.51 14.90 30.85 21.93 17.51 14.90
29.28 23.38 19.89 41.18 29.28 23.38 19.89
25.07 20.02 17.03 35.26 25.07 20.02 17.03
29.44 23.51 20.00 41.41 29.44 23.51 20.00
33.48 26.74 22.75 47.09 33.48 26.74 22.75
50.31 40.17 34.18 70.76 50.31 40.17 34.18
67.13 53.61 45.61 94.42 67.13 53.61 45.61
8.41 6.72 5.72 11.83 8.41 6.72 5.72

6.80 5.43 4.62 9.56 6.80 5.43 4.62

56.53 45.14 38.40 79.51 56.53 45.14 38.40
6.80 5.43 4.62 9.56 6.80 5.43 4.62
56.53 45.14 38.40 79.51 56.53 45.14 38.40

3.24 2.68 2.29 5.01 3.56 2.84 2.42

2.19 1.75 1.49 3.08 2.19 1.75 1.49
4.37 3.49 2.97 6.15 4.37 3.49 2.97
6.45 5.15 4.38 9.07 6.45 5.15 4.38
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29

11.31 9.03 7.68 15.90 11.31 9.03 7.68

53.77 42.94 36.53 75.63 53.77 42.94 36.53
123.66 98.75 84.01 173.94 123.66 98.75 84.01
167.27 133.57 113.64 235.28 167.27 133.57 113.64
276.74 220.98 188.00 389.24 276.74 220.98 188.00
525.61 419.71 357.07 739.29 525.61 419.71 357.07
1,174.45 937.82 797.86 1,651.91 1,174.45 937.82 797.86
2,209.53 1,764.34 1,501.03 3,107.78 2,209.53 1,764.34 1,501.03
1.48 1.18 1.01 2.08 1.48 1.18 1.01
7.17 5.72 4.87 10.08 7.17 5.72 4.87
16.45 13.14 11.18 23.14 16.45 13.14 11.18
22.28 17.79 15.13 31.33 22.28 17.79 15.13
36.88 29.45 25.05 51.87 36.88 29.45 25.05
70.06 55.94 47.59 98.54 70.06 55.94 47.59
156.57 125.03 106.37 220.23 156.57 125.03 106.37
294.57 235.22 200.12 414.33 294.57 235.22 200.12
7.91 6.31 5.37 11.12 7.91 6.31 5.37
37.65 30.07 25.58 52.96 37.65 30.07 25.58
86.55 69.11 58.80 121.73 86.55 69.11 58.80
117.07 93.48 79.53 164.66 117.07 93.48 79.53
193.72 154.69 131.61 272.48 193.72 154.69 131.61
367.93 293.80 249.95 517.51 367.93 293.80 249.95
822.10 656.46 558.49 1,156.32 822.10 656.46 558.49
1,546.69 1,235.05 1,050.74 2,175.48 1,546.69 1,235.05 1,050.74
1.04 0.83 0.71 1.47 1.04 0.83 0.71
5.01 4.00 3.41 7.05 5.01 4.00 3.41
11.51 9.19 7.82 16.19 11.51 9.19 7.82
15.58 12.44 10.58 21.91 15.58 12.44 10.58
25.81 20.61 17.53 36.30 25.81 20.61 17.53
49.03 39.15 33.31 68.96 49.03 39.15 33.31
109.60 87.52 74.46 154.15 109.60 87.52 74.46
206.21 164.66 140.09 290.04 206.21 164.66 140.09
5.65 4.51 3.84 7.95 5.65 4.51 3.84
26.89 21.47 18.27 37.82 26.89 21.47 18.27
61.85 49.39 42.02 86.99 61.85 49.39 42.02
83.65 66.80 56.83 117.66 83.65 66.80 56.83
138.37 110.49 94.00 194.62 138.37 110.49 94.00
262.81 209.85 178.54 369.65 262.81 209.85 178.54
587.23 468.91 398.93 825.96 587.23 468.91 398.93
1,104.76 882.17 750.52 1,553.89 1,104.76 882.17 750.52
0.74 0.59 0.50 1.04 0.74 0.59 0.50
3.57 2.85 2.42 5.02 3.57 2.85 2.42
8.21 6.56 5.58 11.55 8.21 6.56 5.58
11.14 8.89 7.57 15.67 11.14 8.89 7.57
18.44 14.72 12.53 25.94 18.44 14.72 12.53
35.03 27.97 23.80 49.27 35.03 27.97 23.80
78.27 62.50 53.17 110.09 78.27 62.50 53.17
147.29 117.61 100.06 207.16 147.29 117.61 100.06
14.71 11.74 9.99 20.68 14.71 11.74 9.99
69.59 55.57 47.27 97.88 69.59 55.57 47.27
186.72 149.10 126.85 262.63 186.72 149.10 126.85
290.90 232.29 197.62 409.17 290.90 232.29 197.62
453.90 362.45 308.36 638.43 453.90 362.45 308.36
623.50 497.87 423.57 876.98 623.50 497.87 423.57
1,196.49 955.42 812.83 1,682.91 1,196.49 955.42 812.83
1,838.91 1,468.39 1,249.25 2,586.49 1,838.91 1,468.39 1,249.25
1.95 1.56 1.33 2.75 1.95 1.56 1.33
9.25 7.39 6.29 13.02 9.25 7.39 6.29
24.87 19.86 16.89 34.98 24.87 19.86 16.89
38.76 30.95 26.33 54.52 38.76 30.95 26.33
60.50 48.31 41.10 85.10 60.50 48.31 41.10
83.12 66.37 56.46 116.91 83.12 66.37 56.46
159.50 127.36 108.36 224.34 159.50 127.36 108.36
245.17 195.77 166.56 344.85 245.17 195.77 166.56
10.30 8.22 7.00 14.48 10.30 8.22 7.00
48.73 38.91 33.10 68.53 48.73 38.91 33.10
130.70 104.36 88.79 183.83 130.70 104.36 88.79
203.65 162.62 138.35 286.44 203.65 162.62 138.35
317.76 253.73 215.87 446.94 317.76 253.73 215.87
436.47 348.53 296.52 613.92 436.47 348.53 296.52
837.55 668.79 568.99 1,178.04 837.55 668.79 568.99
1,287.25 1,027.88 874.49 1,810.56 1,287.25 1,027.88 874.49
1.35 1.07 0.91 1.89 1.35 1.07 0.91
6.46 5.16 4.39 9.09 6.46 5.16 4.39
17.40 13.89 11.82 24.47 17.40 13.89 11.82
27.12 21.66 18.43 38.15 27.12 21.66 18.43
42.33 33.80 28.76 59.54 42.33 33.80 28.76
58.18 46.46 39.52 81.83 58.18 46.46 39.52
111.65 89.15 75.85 157.04 111.65 89.15 75.85
171.62 137.04 116.59 241.38 171.62 137.04 116.59
7.37 5.88 5.01 10.37 7.37 5.88 5.01
34.79 27.78 23.64 48.94 34.79 27.78 23.64
93.38 74.56 63.44 131.34 93.38 74.56 63.44
145.47 116.16 98.82 204.61 145.47 116.16 98.82
226.97 181.24 154.19 319.24 226.97 181.24 154.19
311.77 248.95 211.80 438.51 311.77 248.95 211.80
598.26 477.72 406.43 841.48 598.26 477.72 406.43
919.45 734.20 624.63 1,293.24 919.45 734.20 624.63
0.98 0.78 0.66 1.37 0.98 0.78 0.66
4.61 3.68 3.13 6.48 4.61 3.68 3.13
12.42 9.92 8.44 17.46 12.42 9.92 8.44
19.38 15.48 13.17 27.26 19.38 15.48 13.17
30.25 24.16 20.55 42.55 30.25 24.16 20.55
41.56 33.18 28.23 58.45 41.56 33.18 28.23
79.75 63.68 54.18 112.17 79.75 63.68 54.18
122.59 97.89 83.28 172.42 122.59 97.89 83.28
15.85 12.66 10.77 22.29 15.85 12.66 10.77
76.25 60.89 51.80 107.25 76.25 60.89 51.80
193.39 154.42 131.38 272.01 193.39 154.42 131.38
282.19 225.33 191.70 396.91 282.19 225.33 191.70
524.03 418.45 356.00 737.07 524.03 418.45 356.00
968.01 772.97 657.61 1,361.54 968.01 772.97 657.61
2,016.54 1,610.24 1,369.93 2,836.34 2,016.54 1,610.24 1,369.93
3,629.83 2,898.47 2,465.91 5,105.49 3,629.83 2,898.47 2,465.91
2.09 1.67 1.42 2.93 2.09 1.67 1.42
10.16 8.11 6.90 14.29 10.16 8.11 6.90
25.78 20.58 17.51 36.25 25.78 20.58 17.51
37.62 30.04 25.56 52.91 37.62 30.04 25.56
69.86 55.78 47.46 98.26 69.86 55.78 47.46
129.05 103.05 87.67 181.51 129.05 103.05 87.67
268.86 214.69 182.65 378.17 268.86 214.69 182.65
483.95 386.44 328.77 680.70 483.95 386.44 328.77
11.07 8.84 7.52 15.57 11.07 8.84 7.52
53.40 42.64 36.28 75.11 53.40 42.64 36.28
135.37 108.10 91.97 190.41 135.37 108.10 91.97
197.56 157.75 134.21 277.87 197.56 157.75 134.21
366.82 292.91 249.20 515.94 366.82 292.91 249.20
677.61 541.08 460.33 953.08 677.61 541.08 460.33
1,411.58 1,127.17 958.95 1,985.45 1,411.58 1,127.17 958.95
2,540.88 2,028.93 1,726.14 3,573.84 2,540.88 2,028.93 1,726.14
1.45 1.16 0.98 2.04 1.45 1.16 0.98
7.10 5.67 4.82 9.99 7.10 5.67 4.82
18.04 14.40 12.25 25.37 18.04 14.40 12.25
26.31 21.01 17.88 37.01 26.31 21.01 17.88
48.89 39.04 33.22 68.77 48.89 39.04 33.22
90.32 72.12 61.36 127.03 90.32 72.12 61.36
188.20 150.28 127.86 264.72 188.20 150.28 127.86
338.75 270.50 230.13 476.47 338.75 270.50 230.13
7.94 6.34 5.39 11.17 7.94 6.34 5.39
38.13 30.44 25.90 53.62 38.13 30.44 25.90
96.71 77.22 65.70 136.03 96.71 77.22 65.70
141.09 112.67 95.85 198.45 141.09 112.67 95.85
262.03 209.24 178.01 368.56 262.03 209.24 178.01
484.02 386.50 328.82 680.79 484.02 386.50 328.82
1,008.29 805.13 684.98 1,418.20 1,008.29 805.13 684.98
1,814.91 1,449.23 1,232.95 2,552.74 1,814.91 1,449.23 1,232.95
1.04 0.83 0.71 1.47 1.04 0.83 0.71
5.08 4.06 3.45 7.15 5.08 4.06 3.45
12.89 10.29 8.76 18.13 12.89 10.29 8.76
18.81 15.02 12.78 26.46 18.81 15.02 12.78
34.93 27.89 23.73 49.13 34.93 27.89 23.73
64.51 51.51 43.82 90.73 64.51 51.51 43.82
134.43 107.35 91.33 189.08 134.43 107.35 91.33
241.98 193.22 164.39 340.35 241.98 193.22 164.39
5.32 4.25 3.61 7.48 5.32 4.25 3.61
22.71 18.14 15.43 31.95 22.71 18.14 15.43
62.49 49.90 42.45 87.89 62.49 49.90 42.45
94.66 75.59 64.31 133.14 94.66 75.59 64.31
166.57 133.01 113.16 234.28 166.57 133.01 113.16
302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74
662.50 529.02 450.07 931.83 662.50 529.02 450.07
1,059.98 846.41 720.09 1,490.90 1,059.98 846.41 720.09
0.71 0.56 0.48 0.99 0.71 0.56 0.48
3.03 2.42 2.06 4.26 3.03 2.42 2.06
8.31 6.64 5.65 11.69 8.31 6.64 5.65
12.62 10.08 8.57 17.75 12.62 10.08 8.57
22.21 17.73 15.09 31.24 22.21 17.73 15.09
40.38 32.24 27.43 56.80 40.38 32.24 27.43
88.33 70.53 60.01 124.24 88.33 70.53 60.01
141.33 112.85 96.01 198.79 141.33 112.85 96.01
3.74 2.98 2.54 5.25 3.74 2.98 2.54
15.92 12.71 10.81 22.39 15.92 12.71 10.81
43.75 34.93 29.72 61.53 43.75 34.93 29.72
66.26 52.91 45.01 93.19 66.26 52.91 45.01
116.60 93.10 79.21 164.00 116.60 93.10 79.21
212.00 169.28 144.02 298.18 212.00 169.28 144.02
463.76 370.32 315.06 652.30 463.76 370.32 315.06
741.98 592.48 504.06 1,043.63 741.98 592.48 504.06
0.47 0.38 0.32 0.66 0.47 0.38 0.32
2.12 1.69 1.44 2.98 2.12 1.69 1.44
5.82 4.65 3.95 8.19 5.82 4.65 3.95
8.82 7.04 5.99 12.40 8.82 7.04 5.99
15.55 12.41 10.56 21.87 15.55 12.41 10.56
28.27 22.57 19.20 39.76 28.27 22.57 19.20
61.82 49.36 41.99 86.95 61.82 49.36 41.99
98.93 79.00 67.21 139.15 98.93 79.00 67.21
2.66 2.12 1.81 3.74 2.66 2.12 1.81
11.37 9.08 7.73 16.00 11.37 9.08 7.73
31.26 24.96 21.24 43.97 31.26 24.96 21.24
47.35 37.81 32.16 66.59 47.35 37.81 32.16
83.28 66.50 56.58 117.14 83.28 66.50 56.58
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
331.25 264.51 225.03 465.92 331.25 264.51 225.03
529.99 423.20 360.05 745.45 529.99 423.20 360.05
0.34 0.27 0.23 0.47 0.34 0.27 0.23
1.51 1.21 1.03 2.13 1.51 1.21 1.03
4.14 3.31 2.81 5.82 4.14 3.31 2.81
6.29 5.02 4.27 8.85 6.29 5.02 4.27
11.10 8.87 7.54 15.62 11.10 8.87 7.54
20.19 16.12 13.72 28.40 20.19 16.12 13.72
44.15 35.25 29.99 62.10 44.15 35.25 29.99
70.67 56.43 48.01 99.39 70.67 56.43 48.01
5.86 4.68 3.98 8.24 5.86 4.68 3.98
26.15 20.88 17.76 36.78 26.15 20.88 17.76
69.45 55.46 47.18 97.69 69.45 55.46 47.18
105.69 84.40 71.80 148.66 105.69 84.40 71.80
201.40 160.82 136.82 283.27 201.40 160.82 136.82
382.67 305.57 259.96 538.24 382.67 305.57 259.96
855.96 683.49 581.49 1,203.93 855.96 683.49 581.49
1,611.16 1,286.54 1,094.54 2,266.16 1,611.16 1,286.54 1,094.54
0.77 0.62 0.53 1.09 0.77 0.62 0.53
3.47 2.77 2.35 4.87 3.47 2.77 2.35
9.25 7.39 6.29 13.02 9.25 7.39 6.29
14.07 11.23 9.56 19.78 14.07 11.23 9.56
26.85 21.44 18.24 37.77 26.85 21.44 18.24
51.01 40.73 34.66 71.75 51.01 40.73 34.66
114.11 91.12 77.52 160.50 114.11 91.12 77.52
214.82 171.54 145.94 302.15 214.82 171.54 145.94
120.84 96.49 82.09 169.96 120.84 96.49 82.09
16.08 12.84 10.93 22.62 16.08 12.84 10.93
241.67 192.98 164.18 339.92 241.67 192.98 164.18
32.20 25.71 21.88 45.29 32.20 25.71 21.88
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
45.43 36.27 30.86 63.90 45.43 36.27 30.86
8.08 6.45 5.49 11.36 8.08 6.45 5.49
8.08 6.45 5.49 11.36 8.08 6.45 5.49
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
6.06 4.84 4.11 8.52 6.06 4.84 4.11
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1.48 1.18 1.01 2.08 1.48 1.18 1.01
7.17 5.72 4.87 10.08 7.17 5.72 4.87
16.45 13.14 11.18 23.14 16.45 13.14 11.18
22.28 17.79 15.13 31.33 22.28 17.79 15.13
36.88 29.45 25.05 51.87 36.88 29.45 25.05
70.06 55.94 47.59 98.54 70.06 55.94 47.59
156.57 125.03 106.37 220.23 156.57 125.03 106.37
294.57 235.22 200.12 414.33 294.57 235.22 200.12
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1.95 1.56 1.33 2.75 1.95 1.56 1.33
9.25 7.39 6.29 13.02 9.25 7.39 6.29
24.87 19.86 16.89 34.98 24.87 19.86 16.89
38.76 30.95 26.33 54.52 38.76 30.95 26.33
60.50 48.31 41.10 85.10 60.50 48.31 41.10
83.12 66.37 56.46 116.91 83.12 66.37 56.46
159.50 127.36 108.36 224.34 159.50 127.36 108.36
245.17 195.77 166.56 344.85 245.17 195.77 166.56
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2.09 1.67 1.42 2.93 2.09 1.67 1.42
10.16 8.11 6.90 14.29 10.16 8.11 6.90
25.78 20.58 17.51 36.25 25.78 20.58 17.51
37.62 30.04 25.56 52.91 37.62 30.04 25.56
69.86 55.78 47.46 98.26 69.86 55.78 47.46
129.05 103.05 87.67 181.51 129.05 103.05 87.67
268.86 214.69 182.65 378.17 268.86 214.69 182.65
483.95 386.44 328.77 680.70 483.95 386.44 328.77
3.84 3.06 2.61 5.40 3.84 3.06 2.61
0.71 0.56 0.48 0.99 0.71 0.56 0.48

0.16 0.13 0.11 0.23 0.16 0.13 0.11

0.16 0.13 0.11 0.23 0.16 0.13 0.11
0.21 0.17 0.14 0.29 0.21 0.17 0.14
2.98 2.38 2.02 4.18 2.98 2.38 2.02
4.07 3.25 2.77 5.73 4.07 3.25 2.77
3.79 3.03 2.57 5.33 3.79 3.03 2.57
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
115.08 91.90 78.18 161.87 115.08 91.90 78.18
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
45.43 36.27 30.86 63.90 45.43 36.27 30.86
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
8.08 6.45 5.49 11.36 8.08 6.45 5.49
8.08 6.45 5.49 11.36 8.08 6.45 5.49
8.08 6.45 5.49 11.36 8.08 6.45 5.49
8.08 6.45 5.49 11.36 8.08 6.45 5.49
15.34 12.25 10.42 21.58 15.34 12.25 10.42
8.08 6.45 5.49 11.36 8.08 6.45 5.49
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
6.06 4.84 4.11 8.52 6.06 4.84 4.11
8.08 6.45 5.49 11.36 8.08 6.45 5.49
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86

0.29 0.23 0.20 0.41 0.29 0.23 0.20

1.46 1.17 0.99 2.06 1.46 1.17 0.99
4.43 3.53 3.01 6.22 4.43 3.53 3.01
7.35 5.87 4.99 10.34 7.35 5.87 4.99
14.70 11.74 9.99 20.68 14.70 11.74 9.99
29.41 23.48 19.98 41.36 29.41 23.48 19.98
73.52 58.71 49.94 103.41 73.52 58.71 49.94
147.04 117.41 99.89 206.81 147.04 117.41 99.89
294.04 234.79 199.75 413.57 294.04 234.79 199.75
588.07 469.58 399.50 827.14 588.07 469.58 399.50
882.11 704.37 599.26 1,240.71 882.11 704.37 599.26
16.17 12.91 10.98 22.74 16.17 12.91 10.98
76.44 61.04 51.93 107.52 76.44 61.04 51.93
194.07 154.97 131.84 272.97 194.07 154.97 131.84
285.22 227.75 193.76 401.17 285.22 227.75 193.76
470.44 375.65 319.59 661.69 470.44 375.65 319.59
793.88 633.93 539.32 1,116.63 793.88 633.93 539.32
1,675.99 1,338.30 1,138.58 2,357.34 1,675.99 1,338.30 1,138.58
3,234.39 2,582.70 2,197.27 4,549.29 3,234.39 2,582.70 2,197.27
6,380.55 5,094.96 4,334.60 8,974.49 6,380.55 5,094.96 4,334.60
14,672.35 11,716.08 9,967.61 20,637.22 14,672.35 11,716.08 9,967.61
27,051.24 21,600.79 18,377.15 38,048.59 27,051.24 21,600.79 18,377.15
16.17 12.91 10.98 22.74 16.17 12.91 10.98
76.44 61.04 51.93 107.52 76.44 61.04 51.93
194.07 154.97 131.84 272.97 194.07 154.97 131.84
285.22 227.75 193.76 401.17 285.22 227.75 193.76
470.44 375.65 319.59 661.69 470.44 375.65 319.59
793.88 633.93 539.32 1,116.63 793.88 633.93 539.32
1,675.99 1,338.30 1,138.58 2,357.34 1,675.99 1,338.30 1,138.58
3,234.39 2,582.70 2,197.27 4,549.29 3,234.39 2,582.70 2,197.27
6,380.55 5,094.96 4,334.60 8,974.49 6,380.55 5,094.96 4,334.60
14,672.35 11,716.08 9,967.61 20,637.22 14,672.35 11,716.08 9,967.61
27,051.24 21,600.79 18,377.15 38,048.59 27,051.24 21,600.79 18,377.15
58.81 46.96 39.96 82.72 58.81 46.96 39.96
185.26 147.93 125.85 260.57 185.26 147.93 125.85
13.24 10.57 8.99 18.62 13.24 10.57 8.99
26.48 21.15 17.99 37.25 26.48 21.15 17.99
52.93 42.26 35.95 74.44 52.93 42.26 35.95
411.66 328.72 279.66 579.02 411.66 328.72 279.66
617.48 493.06 419.48 868.51 617.48 493.06 419.48
911.51 727.86 619.23 1,282.08 911.51 727.86 619.23
22.06 17.61 14.98 31.02 22.06 17.61 14.98
44.11 35.22 29.97 62.04 44.11 35.22 29.97
88.22 70.45 59.93 124.09 88.22 70.45 59.93
5.89 4.70 4.00 8.28 5.89 4.70 4.00
27.94 22.31 18.98 39.30 27.94 22.31 18.98
79.41 63.41 53.94 111.69 79.41 63.41 53.94
123.52 98.63 83.91 173.73 123.52 98.63 83.91
223.48 178.45 151.82 314.33 223.48 178.45 151.82
396.96 316.98 269.67 558.34 396.96 316.98 269.67
852.70 680.89 579.28 1,199.35 852.70 680.89 579.28
1,411.36 1,126.99 958.80 1,985.13 1,411.36 1,126.99 958.80
2,234.65 1,784.40 1,518.10 3,143.12 2,234.65 1,784.40 1,518.10
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0.01 0.01 - 0.01 0.01 0.01 -
0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01
0.02 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.01
0.03 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.02
0.03 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02
0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05
0.13 0.11 0.09 0.19 0.13 0.11 0.09
0.20 0.16 0.14 0.28 0.20 0.16 0.14
0.27 0.21 0.18 0.38 0.27 0.21 0.18
0.34 0.27 0.23 0.47 0.34 0.27 0.23
0.67 0.54 0.46 0.95 0.67 0.54 0.46
1.35 1.07 0.91 1.89 1.35 1.07 0.91
2.02 1.61 1.37 2.84 2.02 1.61 1.37
2.69 2.15 1.83 3.79 2.69 2.15 1.83
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
6.73 5.37 4.57 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
13.46 10.75 9.14 18.93 13.46 10.75 9.14
20.19 16.12 13.72 28.40 20.19 16.12 13.72
26.92 21.50 18.29 37.86 26.92 21.50 18.29
33.65 26.87 22.86 47.33 33.65 26.87 22.86
67.30 53.74 45.72 94.66 67.30 53.74 45.72
134.60 107.48 91.44 189.32 134.60 107.48 91.44
201.90 161.22 137.16 283.98 201.90 161.22 137.16
269.20 214.96 182.88 378.64 269.20 214.96 182.88
336.50 268.70 228.60 473.30 336.50 268.70 228.60
673.00 537.40 457.20 946.60 673.00 537.40 457.20
1,346.00 1,074.80 914.40 1,893.20 1,346.00 1,074.80 914.40
2,019.00 1,612.20 1,371.60 2,839.80 2,019.00 1,612.20 1,371.60
2,692.00 2,149.60 1,828.80 3,786.40 2,692.00 2,149.60 1,828.80
3,365.00 2,687.00 2,286.00 4,733.00 3,365.00 2,687.00 2,286.00
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0.15 0.12 0.10 0.22 0.15 0.12 0.10
776.66 620.17 527.62 1,092.40 776.66 620.17 527.62
0.14 0.11 0.10 0.20 0.14 0.11 0.10
705.70 563.51 479.41 992.59 705.70 563.51 479.41
0.11 0.09 0.08 0.16 0.11 0.09 0.08
573.37 457.84 389.51 806.46 573.37 457.84 389.51
0.09 0.07 0.06 0.12 0.09 0.07 0.06
0.44 0.35 0.30 0.62 0.44 0.35 0.30
1.32 1.05 0.89 1.85 1.32 1.05 0.89
2.19 1.75 1.49 3.09 2.19 1.75 1.49
4.43 3.53 3.01 6.22 4.43 3.53 3.01
8.81 7.04 5.99 12.40 8.81 7.04 5.99
22.06 17.61 14.98 31.02 22.06 17.61 14.98
44.11 35.22 29.97 62.04 44.11 35.22 29.97
88.22 70.45 59.93 124.09 88.22 70.45 59.93
220.52 176.09 149.81 310.17 220.52 176.09 149.81
441.07 352.20 299.64 620.38 441.07 352.20 299.64
23,805.11 19,008.71 16,171.91 33,482.79 23,805.11 19,008.71 16,171.91
4.35 3.48 2.96 6.12 4.35 3.48 2.96
21,640.97 17,280.62 14,701.71 30,438.85 21,640.97 17,280.62 14,701.71
17,583.30 14,040.51 11,945.15 24,731.57 17,583.30 14,040.51 11,945.15
2.71 2.16 1.84 3.81 2.71 2.16 1.84
13.53 10.81 9.19 19.03 13.53 10.81 9.19
40.56 32.39 27.56 57.05 40.56 32.39 27.56
67.63 54.00 45.94 95.12 67.63 54.00 45.94
135.26 108.01 91.89 190.25 135.26 108.01 91.89
270.52 216.01 183.77 380.49 270.52 216.01 183.77
676.29 540.03 459.44 951.23 676.29 540.03 459.44
1,352.55 1,080.03 918.85 1,902.41 1,352.55 1,080.03 918.85
2,705.13 2,160.09 1,837.72 3,804.87 2,705.13 2,160.09 1,837.72
6,762.81 5,400.20 4,594.29 9,512.15 6,762.81 5,400.20 4,594.29
13,525.62 10,800.40 9,188.58 19,024.29 13,525.62 10,800.40 9,188.58
4.79 3.83 3.26 6.74 4.79 3.83 3.26
23,805.11 19,008.71 16,171.91 33,482.79 23,805.11 19,008.71 16,171.91
4.35 3.48 2.96 6.12 4.35 3.48 2.96
21,640.97 17,280.62 14,701.71 30,438.85 21,640.97 17,280.62 14,701.71
3.55 2.83 2.41 4.99 3.55 2.83 2.41
17,583.30 14,040.51 11,945.15 24,731.57 17,583.30 14,040.51 11,945.15
2.71 2.16 1.84 3.81 2.71 2.16 1.84
13.53 10.81 9.19 19.03 13.53 10.81 9.19
40.56 32.39 27.56 57.05 40.56 32.39 27.56
135.26 108.01 91.89 190.25 135.26 108.01 91.89
270.52 216.01 183.77 380.49 270.52 216.01 183.77
676.29 540.03 459.44 951.23 676.29 540.03 459.44
1,352.55 1,080.03 918.85 1,902.41 1,352.55 1,080.03 918.85
2,705.13 2,160.09 1,837.72 3,804.87 2,705.13 2,160.09 1,837.72
6,762.81 5,400.20 4,594.29 9,512.15 6,762.81 5,400.20 4,594.29
13,525.62 10,800.40 9,188.58 19,024.29 13,525.62 10,800.40 9,188.58
2.08 1.66 1.42 2.93 2.08 1.66 1.42
10.39 8.29 7.06 14.61 10.39 8.29 7.06
51.79 41.36 35.18 72.85 51.79 41.36 35.18
103.55 82.68 70.34 145.64 103.55 82.68 70.34
207.09 165.37 140.69 291.29 207.09 165.37 140.69
517.66 413.36 351.67 728.11 517.66 413.36 351.67
1,035.25 826.66 703.29 1,456.12 1,035.25 826.66 703.29
2,070.54 1,653.35 1,406.61 2,912.29 2,070.54 1,653.35 1,406.61
4.79 3.83 3.26 6.74 4.79 3.83 3.26
3.55 2.83 2.41 4.99 3.55 2.83 2.41
67.63 54.00 45.94 95.12 67.63 54.00 45.94
31.05 24.80 21.10 43.68 31.05 24.80 21.10
223.48 178.45 151.82 314.33 223.48 178.45 151.82
1,087.92 868.72 739.07 1,530.20 1,087.92 868.72 739.07
1,411.36 1,126.99 958.80 1,985.13 1,411.36 1,126.99 958.80
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4.33 3.46 2.94 6.09 4.33 3.46 2.94

8.24 6.58 5.60 11.59 8.24 6.58 5.60
11.68 9.33 7.94 16.43 11.68 9.33 7.94
3.48 2.78 2.36 4.90 3.48 2.78 2.36
6.58 5.25 4.47 9.25 6.58 5.25 4.47
9.36 7.47 6.36 13.17 9.36 7.47 6.36
2.78 2.22 1.89 3.92 2.78 2.22 1.89
5.26 4.20 3.57 7.40 5.26 4.20 3.57
7.43 5.93 5.04 10.45 7.43 5.93 5.04
1,304.30 1,041.51 886.07 1,834.55 1,304.30 1,041.51 886.07
2,608.57 2,082.98 1,772.12 3,669.05 2,608.57 2,082.98 1,772.12
3,912.84 3,124.46 2,658.17 5,503.55 3,912.84 3,124.46 2,658.17
2,923.37 2,334.35 1,985.98 4,111.83 2,923.37 2,334.35 1,985.98
5,846.75 4,668.71 3,971.96 8,223.67 5,846.75 4,668.71 3,971.96
8,770.12 7,003.06 5,957.95 12,335.50 8,770.12 7,003.06 5,957.95
5,217.07 4,165.90 3,544.19 7,338.00 5,217.07 4,165.90 3,544.19
10,434.13 8,331.80 7,088.39 14,676.00 10,434.13 8,331.80 7,088.39
15,651.20 12,497.70 10,632.58 22,014.00 15,651.20 12,497.70 10,632.58
8,860.05 7,074.87 6,019.04 12,461.99 8,860.05 7,074.87 6,019.04
17,720.05 14,149.71 12,038.05 24,923.92 17,720.05 14,149.71 12,038.05
26,580.06 21,224.55 18,057.06 37,385.86 26,580.06 21,224.55 18,057.06
12,930.23 10,324.97 8,784.10 18,186.85 12,930.23 10,324.97 8,784.10
25,860.45 20,649.93 17,568.20 36,373.70 25,860.45 20,649.93 17,568.20
38,790.64 30,974.87 26,352.27 54,560.50 38,790.64 30,974.87 26,352.27
16,685.60 13,323.69 11,335.30 23,468.93 16,685.60 13,323.69 11,335.30
33,371.21 26,647.38 22,670.60 46,937.87 33,371.21 26,647.38 22,670.60
50,056.81 39,971.07 34,005.91 70,406.80 50,056.81 39,971.07 34,005.91
609.53 486.72 414.08 857.33 609.53 486.72 414.08
1,163.59 929.15 790.48 1,636.64 1,163.59 929.15 790.48
1,662.27 1,327.35 1,129.26 2,338.05 1,662.27 1,327.35 1,129.26
569.92 455.09 387.17 801.62 569.92 455.09 387.17
1,092.35 872.26 742.08 1,536.43 1,092.35 872.26 742.08
1,559.39 1,245.19 1,059.36 2,193.34 1,559.39 1,245.19 1,059.36
522.43 417.16 354.91 734.81 522.43 417.16 354.91
1,005.28 802.73 682.94 1,413.97 1,005.28 802.73 682.94
1,432.72 1,144.04 973.31 2,015.17 1,432.72 1,144.04 973.31
5.96 4.76 4.05 8.38 5.96 4.76 4.05
11.29 9.02 7.67 15.89 11.29 9.02 7.67
16.01 12.79 10.88 22.52 16.01 12.79 10.88
4.43 3.53 3.01 6.22 4.43 3.53 3.01
8.45 6.75 5.74 11.88 8.45 6.75 5.74
11.92 9.52 8.10 16.77 11.92 9.52 8.10
3.55 2.83 2.41 4.99 3.55 2.83 2.41
6.73 5.37 4.57 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
9.58 7.65 6.51 13.48 9.58 7.65 6.51
2.85 2.28 1.94 4.01 2.85 2.28 1.94
5.38 4.29 3.65 7.56 5.38 4.29 3.65
7.61 6.07 5.17 10.70 7.61 6.07 5.17
2.49 1.99 1.69 3.50 2.49 1.99 1.69
4.72 3.77 3.21 6.64 4.72 3.77 3.21
6.62 5.29 4.50 9.31 6.62 5.29 4.50
63.61 50.79 43.21 89.46 63.61 50.79 43.21
120.85 96.50 82.10 169.98 120.85 96.50 82.10
171.69 137.10 116.64 241.49 171.69 137.10 116.64
53.00 42.32 36.00 74.54 53.00 42.32 36.00
100.69 80.41 68.41 141.63 100.69 80.41 68.41
143.05 114.23 97.18 201.20 143.05 114.23 97.18
47.70 38.09 32.40 67.09 47.70 38.09 32.40
90.64 72.37 61.57 127.48 90.64 72.37 61.57
128.78 102.84 87.49 181.14 128.78 102.84 87.49
42.39 33.85 28.80 59.63 42.39 33.85 28.80
80.54 64.31 54.71 113.28 80.54 64.31 54.71
114.48 91.42 77.77 161.02 114.48 91.42 77.77
751.98 600.47 510.86 1,057.69 751.98 600.47 510.86
1,432.72 1,144.04 973.31 2,015.17 1,432.72 1,144.04 973.31
2,050.14 1,637.06 1,392.75 2,883.59 2,050.14 1,637.06 1,392.75
1.17 0.93 0.80 1.65 1.17 0.93 0.80
2.12 1.69 1.44 2.98 2.12 1.69 1.44
3.00 2.39 2.04 4.22 3.00 2.39 2.04
0.95 0.76 0.65 1.34 0.95 0.76 0.65
1.72 1.37 1.17 2.42 1.72 1.37 1.17
2.41 1.93 1.64 3.40 2.41 1.93 1.64
0.84 0.67 0.57 1.18 0.84 0.67 0.57
1.50 1.20 1.02 2.11 1.50 1.20 1.02
2.12 1.69 1.44 2.98 2.12 1.69 1.44
0.73 0.58 0.50 1.03 0.73 0.58 0.50
1.32 1.05 0.89 1.85 1.32 1.05 0.89
1.90 1.52 1.29 2.68 1.90 1.52 1.29
0.64 0.51 0.44 0.91 0.64 0.51 0.44
1.17 0.93 0.80 1.65 1.17 0.93 0.80
1.65 1.31 1.12 2.32 1.65 1.31 1.12
1,170.43 934.61 795.13 1,646.26 1,170.43 934.61 795.13
2,106.78 1,682.30 1,431.23 2,963.27 2,106.78 1,682.30 1,431.23
2,984.61 2,383.25 2,027.58 4,197.97 2,984.61 2,383.25 2,027.58
5,852.17 4,673.04 3,975.65 8,231.30 5,852.17 4,673.04 3,975.65
10,533.91 8,411.48 7,156.17 14,816.35 10,533.91 8,411.48 7,156.17
14,923.04 11,916.26 10,137.91 20,989.83 14,923.04 11,916.26 10,137.91
4.43 3.53 3.01 6.22 4.43 3.53 3.01
8.45 6.75 5.74 11.88 8.45 6.75 5.74
11.92 9.52 8.10 16.77 11.92 9.52 8.10
3.55 2.83 2.41 4.99 3.55 2.83 2.41
6.73 5.37 4.57 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
9.58 7.65 6.51 13.48 9.58 7.65 6.51
2.85 2.28 1.94 4.01 2.85 2.28 1.94
5.38 4.29 3.65 7.56 5.38 4.29 3.65
7.61 6.07 5.17 10.70 7.61 6.07 5.17
2.49 1.99 1.69 3.50 2.49 1.99 1.69
4.72 3.77 3.21 6.64 4.72 3.77 3.21
6.62 5.29 4.50 9.31 6.62 5.29 4.50
63.61 50.79 43.21 89.46 63.61 50.79 43.21
120.85 96.50 82.10 169.98 120.85 96.50 82.10
171.69 137.10 116.64 241.49 171.69 137.10 116.64
53.00 42.32 36.00 74.54 53.00 42.32 36.00
100.69 80.41 68.41 141.63 100.69 80.41 68.41
143.05 114.23 97.18 201.20 143.05 114.23 97.18
47.70 38.09 32.40 67.09 47.70 38.09 32.40
90.64 72.37 61.57 127.48 90.64 72.37 61.57
128.78 102.84 87.49 181.14 128.78 102.84 87.49
42.39 33.85 28.80 59.63 42.39 33.85 28.80
80.54 64.31 54.71 113.28 80.54 64.31 54.71
114.48 91.42 77.77 161.02 114.48 91.42 77.77
769.01 614.07 522.43 1,081.64 769.01 614.07 522.43
1,465.20 1,169.98 995.38 2,060.86 1,465.20 1,169.98 995.38
2,096.61 1,674.18 1,424.33 2,948.97 2,096.61 1,674.18 1,424.33
1.17 0.93 0.80 1.65 1.17 0.93 0.80
2.12 1.69 1.44 2.98 2.12 1.69 1.44
3.04 2.42 2.06 4.27 3.04 2.42 2.06
0.95 0.76 0.65 1.34 0.95 0.76 0.65
1.72 1.37 1.17 2.42 1.72 1.37 1.17
2.41 1.93 1.64 3.40 2.41 1.93 1.64
0.84 0.67 0.57 1.18 0.84 0.67 0.57
1.50 1.20 1.02 2.11 1.50 1.20 1.02
2.12 1.69 1.44 2.98 2.12 1.69 1.44
0.73 0.58 0.50 1.03 0.73 0.58 0.50
1.32 1.05 0.89 1.85 1.32 1.05 0.89
1.90 1.52 1.29 2.68 1.90 1.52 1.29
0.64 0.51 0.44 0.91 0.64 0.51 0.44
1.17 0.93 0.80 1.65 1.17 0.93 0.80
1.65 1.31 1.12 2.32 1.65 1.31 1.12
1,177.46 940.22 799.90 1,656.14 1,177.46 940.22 799.90
2,119.44 1,692.40 1,439.83 2,981.07 2,119.44 1,692.40 1,439.83
3,002.53 2,397.56 2,039.76 4,223.17 3,002.53 2,397.56 2,039.76
5,887.29 4,701.08 3,999.51 8,280.69 5,887.29 4,701.08 3,999.51
10,597.12 8,461.95 7,199.11 14,905.25 10,597.12 8,461.95 7,199.11
15,012.58 11,987.76 10,198.74 21,115.77 15,012.58 11,987.76 10,198.74
- - - - - - -

151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87

36.79 30.43 26.00 56.80 40.38 32.24 27.43
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
36.79 30.43 26.00 56.80 40.38 32.24 27.43
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
36.79 30.43 26.00 56.80 40.38 32.24 27.43
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
15.33 12.68 10.84 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
7.67 6.34 5.42 11.83 8.41 6.72 5.72
15.33 12.68 10.84 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
7.67 6.34 5.42 11.83 8.41 6.72 5.72
151.70 121.13 103.05 213.37 151.70 121.13 103.05
110.38 91.30 78.01 170.39 121.14 96.73 82.30

115.12 91.92 78.21 161.92 115.12 91.92 78.21

23.02 18.38 15.64 32.38 23.02 18.38 15.64
57.56 45.96 39.10 80.96 57.56 45.96 39.10
11.51 9.19 7.82 16.19 11.51 9.19 7.82
115.12 91.92 78.21 161.92 115.12 91.92 78.21
23.02 18.38 15.64 32.38 23.02 18.38 15.64
57.56 45.96 39.10 80.96 57.56 45.96 39.10
57.56 45.96 39.10 80.96 57.56 45.96 39.10
11.51 9.19 7.82 16.19 11.51 9.19 7.82
5.77 4.61 3.92 8.12 5.77 4.61 3.92
11.51 9.19 7.82 16.19 11.51 9.19 7.82
28.80 23.00 19.56 40.50 28.80 23.00 19.56
14.42 11.51 9.79 20.28 14.42 11.51 9.79
28.80 23.00 19.56 40.50 28.80 23.00 19.56
138.14 110.31 93.85 194.30 138.14 110.31 93.85
46.05 36.77 31.28 64.77 46.05 36.77 31.28
46.05 36.77 31.28 64.77 46.05 36.77 31.28
46.05 36.77 31.28 64.77 46.05 36.77 31.28
46.05 36.77 31.28 64.77 46.05 36.77 31.28
46.30 36.97 31.45 65.12 46.30 36.97 31.45
46.30 36.97 31.45 65.12 46.30 36.97 31.45
46.30 36.97 31.45 65.12 46.30 36.97 31.45
20.72 16.55 14.08 29.15 20.72 16.55 14.08
34.54 27.58 23.46 48.58 34.54 27.58 23.46
46.05 36.77 31.28 64.77 46.05 36.77 31.28

151.70 121.13 103.05 213.37 151.70 121.13 103.05

30.32 24.21 20.60 42.65 30.32 24.21 20.60
63.20 50.47 42.93 88.89 63.20 50.47 42.93
12.65 10.10 8.59 17.79 12.65 10.10 8.59
126.40 100.93 85.87 177.79 126.40 100.93 85.87
25.30 20.20 17.18 35.58 25.30 20.20 17.18
63.20 50.47 42.93 88.89 63.20 50.47 42.93
126.40 100.93 85.87 177.79 126.40 100.93 85.87
45.43 36.27 30.86 63.90 45.43 36.27 30.86
45.43 36.27 30.86 63.90 45.43 36.27 30.86
121.14 96.73 82.30 170.39 121.14 96.73 82.30
57.54 45.95 39.09 80.93 57.54 45.95 39.09
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
121.14 96.73 82.30 170.39 121.14 96.73 82.30
15.14 12.09 10.29 21.30 15.14 12.09 10.29
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
11.51 9.19 7.82 16.19 11.51 9.19 7.82
9.09 7.25 6.17 12.78 9.09 7.25 6.17
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
9.09 7.25 6.17 12.78 9.09 7.25 6.17
24.23 19.35 16.46 34.08 24.23 19.35 16.46
45.43 36.27 30.86 63.90 45.43 36.27 30.86
90.86 72.55 61.72 127.79 90.86 72.55 61.72
34.52 27.57 23.45 48.56 34.52 27.57 23.45
27.26 21.76 18.52 38.34 27.26 21.76 18.52
90.86 72.55 61.72 127.79 90.86 72.55 61.72
27.26 21.76 18.52 38.34 27.26 21.76 18.52
72.68 58.04 49.38 102.23 72.68 58.04 49.38
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
57.54 45.95 39.09 80.93 57.54 45.95 39.09
45.43 36.27 30.86 63.90 45.43 36.27 30.86
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
45.43 36.27 30.86 63.90 45.43 36.27 30.86
121.14 96.73 82.30 170.39 121.14 96.73 82.30
67.30 53.74 45.72 94.66 67.30 53.74 45.72
25.57 20.42 17.37 35.97 25.57 20.42 17.37
20.19 16.12 13.72 28.40 20.19 16.12 13.72
67.30 53.74 45.72 94.66 67.30 53.74 45.72
53.84 42.99 36.58 75.73 53.84 42.99 36.58
20.19 16.12 13.72 28.40 20.19 16.12 13.72
134.60 107.48 91.44 189.32 134.60 107.48 91.44
51.15 40.84 34.75 71.94 51.15 40.84 34.75
40.38 32.24 27.43 56.80 40.38 32.24 27.43
134.60 107.48 91.44 189.32 134.60 107.48 91.44
40.38 32.24 27.43 56.80 40.38 32.24 27.43
107.68 85.98 73.15 151.46 107.68 85.98 73.15

73.48 58.68 49.92 103.35 73.48 58.68 49.92

73.48 58.68 49.92 103.35 73.48 58.68 49.92
58.78 46.93 39.93 82.67 58.78 46.93 39.93
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
33.65 26.87 22.86 47.33 33.65 26.87 22.86
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
67.30 53.74 45.72 94.66 67.30 53.74 45.72
84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
134.60 107.48 91.44 189.32 134.60 107.48 91.44
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29

13.24 10.57 8.99 18.62 13.24 10.57 8.99

13.24 10.57 8.99 18.62 13.24 10.57 8.99
44.18 35.28 30.02 62.15 44.18 35.28 30.02
44.18 35.28 30.02 62.15 44.18 35.28 30.02
153.18 122.32 104.06 215.45 153.18 122.32 104.06
44.18 35.28 30.02 62.15 44.18 35.28 30.02
117.85 94.10 80.06 165.76 117.85 94.10 80.06
58.92 47.05 40.03 82.88 58.92 47.05 40.03
147.29 117.61 100.06 207.17 147.29 117.61 100.06
14.74 11.77 10.01 20.73 14.74 11.77 10.01
279.84 223.46 190.11 393.61 279.84 223.46 190.11
76.59 61.16 52.03 107.73 76.59 61.16 52.03
294.58 235.23 200.12 414.34 294.58 235.23 200.12
76.59 61.16 52.03 107.73 76.59 61.16 52.03
29.44 23.51 20.00 41.41 29.44 23.51 20.00
441.88 352.84 300.19 621.51 441.88 352.84 300.19
206.22 164.67 140.09 290.05 206.22 164.67 140.09
206.22 164.67 140.09 290.05 206.22 164.67 140.09
132.55 105.84 90.05 186.44 132.55 105.84 90.05
206.22 164.67 140.09 290.05 206.22 164.67 140.09
162.03 129.38 110.08 227.90 162.03 129.38 110.08
129.63 103.51 88.06 182.32 129.63 103.51 88.06
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44.18 35.28 30.02 62.15 44.18 35.28 30.02
82.48 65.86 56.03 116.01 82.48 65.86 56.03
82.48 65.86 56.03 116.01 82.48 65.86 56.03
53.04 42.35 36.03 74.60 53.04 42.35 36.03
53.04 42.35 36.03 74.60 53.04 42.35 36.03
17.67 14.11 12.00 24.85 17.67 14.11 12.00
17.67 14.11 12.00 24.85 17.67 14.11 12.00
61.26 48.92 41.62 86.17 61.26 48.92 41.62
111.92 89.37 76.03 157.42 111.92 89.37 76.03
51.57 41.18 35.04 72.54 51.57 41.18 35.04
5.89 4.70 4.00 8.28 5.89 4.70 4.00
5.89 4.70 4.00 8.28 5.89 4.70 4.00
3.03 2.42 2.06 4.26 3.03 2.42 2.06
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
35.00 27.94 23.77 49.22 35.00 27.94 23.77
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
26.92 21.50 18.29 37.86 26.92 21.50 18.29
13.46 10.75 9.14 18.93 13.46 10.75 9.14
33.65 26.87 22.86 47.33 33.65 26.87 22.86
63.94 51.05 43.43 89.93 63.94 51.05 43.43
17.50 13.97 11.89 24.61 17.50 13.97 11.89
67.30 53.74 45.72 94.66 67.30 53.74 45.72
17.50 13.97 11.89 24.61 17.50 13.97 11.89
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
47.11 37.62 32.00 66.26 47.11 37.62 32.00
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
37.02 29.56 25.15 52.06 37.02 29.56 25.15
29.61 23.65 20.12 41.65 29.61 23.65 20.12
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
8.41 6.72 5.72 11.83 8.41 6.72 5.72

17.97 14.35 12.21 25.27 17.97 14.35 12.21

35.87 28.64 24.37 50.45 35.87 28.64 24.37
71.78 57.31 48.76 100.95 71.78 57.31 48.76
103.17 82.38 70.09 145.11 103.17 82.38 70.09
148.06 118.23 100.58 208.25 148.06 118.23 100.58
174.98 139.72 118.87 246.12 174.98 139.72 118.87
224.31 179.12 152.38 315.50 224.31 179.12 152.38
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
87.78 70.10 59.63 123.47 87.78 70.10 59.63
43.89 35.05 29.82 61.73 43.89 35.05 29.82
- - - - - - -
43.89 35.05 29.82 61.73 43.89 35.05 29.82
21.95 17.52 14.91 30.87 21.95 17.52 14.91
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
731.52 584.13 496.96 1,028.91 731.52 584.13 496.96
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
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168.25 134.35 114.30 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30
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336.50 268.70 228.60 473.30 336.50 268.70 228.60
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336.50 268.70 228.60 473.30 336.50 268.70 228.60
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504.75 403.05 342.90 709.95 504.75 403.05 342.90
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673.00 537.40 457.20 946.60 673.00 537.40 457.20
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365.76 292.07 248.48 514.46 365.76 292.07 248.48
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84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
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168.25 134.35 114.30 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30
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168.25 134.35 114.30 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30
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252.38 201.53 171.45 354.98 252.38 201.53 171.45
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336.50 268.70 228.60 473.30 336.50 268.70 228.60
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731.52 584.13 496.96 1,028.91 731.52 584.13 496.96
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168.25 134.35 114.30 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30
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336.50 268.70 228.60 473.30 336.50 268.70 228.60
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336.50 268.70 228.60 473.30 336.50 268.70 228.60
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504.75 403.05 342.90 709.95 504.75 403.05 342.90
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673.00 537.40 457.20 946.60 673.00 537.40 457.20
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365.76 292.07 248.48 514.46 365.76 292.07 248.48
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84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
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168.25 134.35 114.30 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30
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168.25 134.35 114.30 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30
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252.38 201.53 171.45 354.98 252.38 201.53 171.45
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336.50 268.70 228.60 473.30 336.50 268.70 228.60
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731.52 584.13 496.96 1,028.91 731.52 584.13 496.96
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168.25 134.35 114.30 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30
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336.50 268.70 228.60 473.30 336.50 268.70 228.60
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336.50 268.70 228.60 473.30 336.50 268.70 228.60
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504.75 403.05 342.90 709.95 504.75 403.05 342.90
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673.00 537.40 457.20 946.60 673.00 537.40 457.20
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365.76 292.07 248.48 514.46 365.76 292.07 248.48
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84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
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168.25 134.35 114.30 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30
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168.25 134.35 114.30 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30
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252.38 201.53 171.45 354.98 252.38 201.53 171.45
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336.50 268.70 228.60 473.30 336.50 268.70 228.60
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877.83 700.96 596.35 1,234.70 877.83 700.96 596.35
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201.90 161.22 137.16 283.98 201.90 161.22 137.16
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403.80 322.44 274.32 567.96 403.80 322.44 274.32
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403.80 322.44 274.32 567.96 403.80 322.44 274.32
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605.70 483.66 411.48 851.94 605.70 483.66 411.48
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807.60 644.88 548.64 1,135.92 807.60 644.88 548.64
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438.91 350.48 298.17 617.35 438.91 350.48 298.17
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100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
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201.90 161.22 137.16 283.98 201.90 161.22 137.16
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201.90 161.22 137.16 283.98 201.90 161.22 137.16
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302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74
- - - - - - -
403.80 322.44 274.32 567.96 403.80 322.44 274.32
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438.91 350.48 298.17 617.35 438.91 350.48 298.17
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100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
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201.90 161.22 137.16 283.98 201.90 161.22 137.16
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201.90 161.22 137.16 283.98 201.90 161.22 137.16
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302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74
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403.80 322.44 274.32 567.96 403.80 322.44 274.32
- - - - - - -
219.46 175.24 149.09 308.67 219.46 175.24 149.09
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50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
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100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
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100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
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151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
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201.90 161.22 137.16 283.98 201.90 161.22 137.16
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731.52 584.13 496.96 1,028.91 731.52 584.13 496.96
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168.25 134.35 114.30 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30
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336.50 268.70 228.60 473.30 336.50 268.70 228.60
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336.50 268.70 228.60 473.30 336.50 268.70 228.60
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504.75 403.05 342.90 709.95 504.75 403.05 342.90
- - - - - - -
673.00 537.40 457.20 946.60 673.00 537.40 457.20
- - - - - - -
365.76 292.07 248.48 514.46 365.76 292.07 248.48
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84.13 67.18 57.15 118.33 84.13 67.18 57.15
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168.25 134.35 114.30 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30
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168.25 134.35 114.30 236.65 168.25 134.35 114.30
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252.38 201.53 171.45 354.98 252.38 201.53 171.45
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336.50 268.70 228.60 473.30 336.50 268.70 228.60
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731.52 584.13 496.96 1,028.91 731.52 584.13 496.96
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146.30 116.83 99.39 205.78 146.30 116.83 99.39
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292.61 233.65 198.78 411.57 292.61 233.65 198.78
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292.61 233.65 198.78 411.57 292.61 233.65 198.78
- - - - - - -
438.91 350.48 298.17 617.35 438.91 350.48 298.17
- - - - - - -
731.52 584.13 496.96 1,028.91 731.52 584.13 496.96
- - - - - - -
365.76 292.07 248.48 514.46 365.76 292.07 248.48
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73.15 58.41 49.70 102.89 73.15 58.41 49.70
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146.30 116.83 99.39 205.78 146.30 116.83 99.39
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146.30 116.83 99.39 205.78 146.30 116.83 99.39
- - - - - - -
219.46 175.24 149.09 308.67 219.46 175.24 149.09
- - - - - - -
365.76 292.07 248.48 514.46 365.76 292.07 248.48
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87.78 70.10 59.63 123.47 87.78 70.10 59.63
43.89 35.05 29.82 61.73 43.89 35.05 29.82
- - - - - - -
43.89 35.05 29.82 61.73 43.89 35.05 29.82
21.95 17.52 14.91 30.87 21.95 17.52 14.91

681.41 544.12 462.92 958.43 681.41 544.12 462.92

681.41 544.12 462.92 958.43 681.41 544.12 462.92
33.31 26.60 22.63 46.86 33.31 26.60 22.63
24.23 19.35 16.46 34.08 24.23 19.35 16.46
18.17 14.51 12.34 25.56 18.17 14.51 12.34
121.14 96.73 82.30 170.39 121.14 96.73 82.30
254.39 203.14 172.82 357.81 254.39 203.14 172.82
327.08 261.18 222.20 460.05 327.08 261.18 222.20
399.76 319.22 271.58 562.28 399.76 319.22 271.58
490.62 391.76 333.30 690.07 490.62 391.76 333.30
654.16 522.35 444.40 920.10 654.16 522.35 444.40
817.70 652.94 555.50 1,150.12 817.70 652.94 555.50
72.68 58.04 49.38 102.23 72.68 58.04 49.38
72.68 58.04 49.38 102.23 72.68 58.04 49.38
90.86 72.55 61.72 127.79 90.86 72.55 61.72
163.54 130.59 111.10 230.02 163.54 130.59 111.10
163.54 130.59 111.10 230.02 163.54 130.59 111.10
363.42 290.20 246.89 511.16 363.42 290.20 246.89
15.14 12.09 10.29 21.30 15.14 12.09 10.29
605.70 483.66 411.48 851.94 605.70 483.66 411.48
454.28 362.75 308.61 638.96 454.28 362.75 308.61
22.71 18.14 15.43 31.95 22.71 18.14 15.43
454.28 362.75 308.61 638.96 454.28 362.75 308.61
22.71 18.14 15.43 31.95 22.71 18.14 15.43
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
45.43 36.27 30.86 63.90 45.43 36.27 30.86
45.43 36.27 30.86 63.90 45.43 36.27 30.86
302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
260.45 207.97 176.94 366.33 260.45 207.97 176.94
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
11.58 9.25 7.87 16.29 11.58 9.25 7.87
2.66 2.12 1.80 3.74 2.66 2.12 1.80

151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87

151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
7.40 5.91 5.03 10.41 7.40 5.91 5.03
5.38 4.30 3.66 7.57 5.38 4.30 3.66
4.04 3.22 2.74 5.68 4.04 3.22 2.74
26.92 21.50 18.29 37.86 26.92 21.50 18.29
56.53 45.14 38.40 79.51 56.53 45.14 38.40
72.68 58.04 49.38 102.23 72.68 58.04 49.38
88.84 70.94 60.35 124.95 88.84 70.94 60.35
109.03 87.06 74.07 153.35 109.03 87.06 74.07
145.37 116.08 98.76 204.47 145.37 116.08 98.76
181.71 145.10 123.44 255.58 181.71 145.10 123.44
16.15 12.90 10.97 22.72 16.15 12.90 10.97
16.15 12.90 10.97 22.72 16.15 12.90 10.97
20.19 16.12 13.72 28.40 20.19 16.12 13.72
36.34 29.02 24.69 51.12 36.34 29.02 24.69
36.34 29.02 24.69 51.12 36.34 29.02 24.69
80.76 64.49 54.86 113.59 80.76 64.49 54.86
134.60 107.48 91.44 189.32 134.60 107.48 91.44
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
5.05 4.03 3.43 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
5.05 4.03 3.43 7.10 5.05 4.03 3.43
33.65 26.87 22.86 47.33 33.65 26.87 22.86
67.30 53.74 45.72 94.66 67.30 53.74 45.72
33.65 26.87 22.86 47.33 33.65 26.87 22.86
33.65 26.87 22.86 47.33 33.65 26.87 22.86

148.40 118.50 100.81 208.73 148.40 118.50 100.81

33.31 26.60 22.63 46.86 33.31 26.60 22.63
121.14 96.73 82.30 170.39 121.14 96.73 82.30
15.14 12.09 10.29 21.30 15.14 12.09 10.29
254.39 203.14 172.82 357.81 254.39 203.14 172.82
327.08 261.18 222.20 460.05 327.08 261.18 222.20
399.76 319.22 271.58 562.28 399.76 319.22 271.58
490.62 391.76 333.30 690.07 490.62 391.76 333.30
654.16 522.35 444.40 920.10 654.16 522.35 444.40
817.70 652.94 555.50 1,150.12 817.70 652.94 555.50
72.68 58.04 49.38 102.23 72.68 58.04 49.38
72.68 58.04 49.38 102.23 72.68 58.04 49.38
90.86 72.55 61.72 127.79 90.86 72.55 61.72
163.54 130.59 111.10 230.02 163.54 130.59 111.10
163.54 130.59 111.10 230.02 163.54 130.59 111.10
15.14 12.09 10.29 21.30 15.14 12.09 10.29
454.28 362.75 308.61 638.96 454.28 362.75 308.61
454.28 362.75 308.61 638.96 454.28 362.75 308.61
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87
151.43 120.92 102.87 212.99 151.43 120.92 102.87

32.98 26.33 22.40 46.38 32.98 26.33 22.40

7.40 5.91 5.03 10.41 7.40 5.91 5.03
26.92 21.50 18.29 37.86 26.92 21.50 18.29
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
56.53 45.14 38.40 79.51 56.53 45.14 38.40
72.68 58.04 49.38 102.23 72.68 58.04 49.38
88.84 70.94 60.35 124.95 88.84 70.94 60.35
109.03 87.06 74.07 153.35 109.03 87.06 74.07
145.37 116.08 98.76 204.47 145.37 116.08 98.76
181.71 145.10 123.44 255.58 181.71 145.10 123.44
16.15 12.90 10.97 22.72 16.15 12.90 10.97
16.15 12.90 10.97 22.72 16.15 12.90 10.97
20.19 16.12 13.72 28.40 20.19 16.12 13.72
36.34 29.02 24.69 51.12 36.34 29.02 24.69
36.34 29.02 24.69 51.12 36.34 29.02 24.69
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
67.30 53.74 45.72 94.66 67.30 53.74 45.72
33.65 26.87 22.86 47.33 33.65 26.87 22.86
57.88 46.22 39.32 81.41 57.88 46.22 39.32
33.65 26.87 22.86 47.33 33.65 26.87 22.86
33.65 26.87 22.86 47.33 33.65 26.87 22.86
6.73 5.37 4.57 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
6.73 5.37 4.57 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
33.65 26.87 22.86 47.33 33.65 26.87 22.86

90.86 72.55 61.72 127.79 90.86 72.55 61.72

208.97 166.86 141.96 293.92 208.97 166.86 141.96
24.23 19.35 16.46 34.08 24.23 19.35 16.46
24.23 19.35 16.46 34.08 24.23 19.35 16.46
24.23 19.35 16.46 34.08 24.23 19.35 16.46
17.43 13.92 11.84 24.52 17.43 13.92 11.84
12.89 10.29 8.76 18.13 12.89 10.29 8.76
121.14 96.73 82.30 170.39 121.14 96.73 82.30
254.39 203.14 172.82 357.81 254.39 203.14 172.82
327.08 261.18 222.20 460.05 327.08 261.18 222.20
399.76 319.22 271.58 562.28 399.76 319.22 271.58
490.62 391.76 333.30 690.07 490.62 391.76 333.30
654.16 522.35 444.40 920.10 654.16 522.35 444.40
817.70 652.94 555.50 1,150.12 817.70 652.94 555.50
72.68 58.04 49.38 102.23 72.68 58.04 49.38
72.68 58.04 49.38 102.23 72.68 58.04 49.38
90.86 72.55 61.72 127.79 90.86 72.55 61.72
163.54 130.59 111.10 230.02 163.54 130.59 111.10
163.54 130.59 111.10 230.02 163.54 130.59 111.10
15.14 12.09 10.29 21.30 15.14 12.09 10.29
363.42 290.20 246.89 511.16 363.42 290.20 246.89
15.14 12.09 10.29 21.30 15.14 12.09 10.29
605.70 483.66 411.48 851.94 605.70 483.66 411.48
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44
302.85 241.83 205.74 425.97 302.85 241.83 205.74
30.29 24.18 20.57 42.60 30.29 24.18 20.57
75.71 60.46 51.44 106.49 75.71 60.46 51.44

20.19 16.12 13.72 28.40 20.19 16.12 13.72

46.44 37.08 31.55 65.32 46.44 37.08 31.55
5.38 4.30 3.66 7.57 5.38 4.30 3.66
5.38 4.30 3.66 7.57 5.38 4.30 3.66
5.38 4.30 3.66 7.57 5.38 4.30 3.66
3.87 3.09 2.63 5.44 3.87 3.09 2.63
2.86 2.28 1.94 4.02 2.86 2.28 1.94
26.92 21.50 18.29 37.86 26.92 21.50 18.29
56.53 45.14 38.40 79.51 56.53 45.14 38.40
72.68 58.04 49.38 102.23 72.68 58.04 49.38
88.84 70.94 60.35 124.95 88.84 70.94 60.35
109.03 87.06 74.07 153.35 109.03 87.06 74.07
145.37 116.08 98.76 204.47 145.37 116.08 98.76
181.71 145.10 123.44 255.58 181.71 145.10 123.44
16.15 12.90 10.97 22.72 16.15 12.90 10.97
16.15 12.90 10.97 22.72 16.15 12.90 10.97
20.19 16.12 13.72 28.40 20.19 16.12 13.72
36.34 29.02 24.69 51.12 36.34 29.02 24.69
36.34 29.02 24.69 51.12 36.34 29.02 24.69
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
80.76 64.49 54.86 113.59 80.76 64.49 54.86
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
134.60 107.48 91.44 189.32 134.60 107.48 91.44
13.46 10.75 9.14 18.93 13.46 10.75 9.14
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
67.30 53.74 45.72 94.66 67.30 53.74 45.72
6.73 5.37 4.57 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43

90.86 72.55 61.72 127.79 90.86 72.55 61.72

12.28 9.81 8.34 17.28 12.28 9.81 8.34
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
218.05 174.12 148.13 306.70 218.05 174.12 148.13
311.94 249.08 211.91 438.75 311.94 249.08 211.91
369.14 294.76 250.77 519.21 369.14 294.76 250.77
167.91 134.08 114.07 236.18 167.91 134.08 114.07
67.30 53.74 45.72 94.66 67.30 53.74 45.72
252.38 201.53 171.45 354.98 252.38 201.53 171.45
386.98 309.01 262.89 544.30 386.98 309.01 262.89
538.40 429.92 365.76 757.28 538.40 429.92 365.76
126.19 100.76 85.73 177.49 126.19 100.76 85.73
15.33 12.68 10.84 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43

18.17 14.51 12.34 25.56 18.17 14.51 12.34

43.61 34.82 29.63 61.34 43.61 34.82 29.63
62.39 49.82 42.38 87.75 62.39 49.82 42.38
73.83 58.95 50.15 103.84 73.83 58.95 50.15
33.58 26.82 22.81 47.24 33.58 26.82 22.81
13.46 10.75 9.14 18.93 13.46 10.75 9.14
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
77.40 61.80 52.58 108.86 77.40 61.80 52.58
107.68 85.98 73.15 151.46 107.68 85.98 73.15
25.24 20.15 17.15 35.50 25.24 20.15 17.15

49.06 40.58 34.67 75.73 53.84 42.99 36.58

30.66 25.36 21.67 47.33 33.65 26.87 22.86
16.83 13.44 11.43 23.67 16.83 13.44 11.43
50.48 40.31 34.29 71.00 50.48 40.31 34.29
117.78 94.05 80.01 165.66 117.78 94.05 80.01
220.41 176.00 149.73 310.01 220.41 176.00 149.73
319.68 255.27 217.17 449.64 319.68 255.27 217.17
422.31 337.22 286.89 593.99 422.31 337.22 286.89
538.40 429.92 365.76 757.28 538.40 429.92 365.76
1,009.50 806.10 685.80 1,419.90 1,009.50 806.10 685.80
1,682.50 1,343.50 1,143.00 2,366.50 1,682.50 1,343.50 1,143.00
2,355.50 1,880.90 1,600.20 3,313.10 2,355.50 1,880.90 1,600.20

91.98 76.08 65.01 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58

45.84 37.91 32.40 70.76 50.31 40.17 34.18
9.04 7.48 6.39 13.96 9.93 7.93 6.74
36.79 30.43 26.00 56.80 40.38 32.24 27.43
55.19 45.65 39.01 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
6.13 5.07 4.33 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
6.13 5.07 4.33 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
6.13 5.07 4.33 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
6.13 5.07 4.33 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
6.13 5.07 4.33 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
6.13 5.07 4.33 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
6.13 5.07 4.33 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
6.13 5.07 4.33 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
6.13 5.07 4.33 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
6.13 5.07 4.33 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
6.13 5.07 4.33 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
6.13 5.07 4.33 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
6.13 5.07 4.33 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
6.13 5.07 4.33 9.47 6.73 5.37 4.57
18.40 15.22 13.00 28.40 20.19 16.12 13.72
73.58 60.86 52.01 113.59 80.76 64.49 54.86
91.98 76.08 65.01 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
49.06 40.58 34.67 75.73 53.84 42.99 36.58

86.32 68.93 58.64 121.41 86.32 68.93 58.64

14.92 11.92 10.14 20.99 14.92 11.92 10.14
14.92 11.92 10.14 20.99 14.92 11.92 10.14
3.22 2.57 2.19 4.53 3.22 2.57 2.19
1.41 1.13 0.96 1.99 1.41 1.13 0.96
8.19 6.54 5.57 11.52 8.19 6.54 5.57
40.97 32.71 27.83 57.62 40.97 32.71 27.83
48.87 39.02 33.20 68.73 48.87 39.02 33.20
73.15 58.41 49.70 102.89 73.15 58.41 49.70
108.12 86.33 73.45 152.07 108.12 86.33 73.45
138.99 110.98 94.42 195.49 138.99 110.98 94.42
13.76 10.99 9.35 19.36 13.76 10.99 9.35
21.81 17.41 14.81 30.67 21.81 17.41 14.81
54.32 43.37 36.90 76.40 54.32 43.37 36.90
25.90 20.68 17.59 36.42 25.90 20.68 17.59
38.48 30.73 26.14 54.12 38.48 30.73 26.14
77.73 62.07 52.81 109.33 77.73 62.07 52.81
8.19 6.54 5.57 11.52 8.19 6.54 5.57
64.67 51.64 43.93 90.96 64.67 51.64 43.93
1.46 1.17 0.99 2.06 1.46 1.17 0.99
2.93 2.34 1.99 4.12 2.93 2.34 1.99
10.83 8.65 7.35 15.23 10.83 8.65 7.35
21.21 16.94 14.41 29.84 21.21 16.94 14.41
23.32 18.62 15.84 32.80 23.32 18.62 15.84
18.87 15.07 12.82 26.55 18.87 15.07 12.82
174.25 139.14 118.38 245.09 174.25 139.14 118.38
174.25 139.14 118.38 245.09 174.25 139.14 118.38
174.25 139.14 118.38 245.09 174.25 139.14 118.38
175.31 139.99 119.10 246.58 175.31 139.99 119.10
178.05 142.18 120.96 250.44 178.05 142.18 120.96
178.05 142.18 120.96 250.44 178.05 142.18 120.96
178.05 142.18 120.96 250.44 178.05 142.18 120.96
179.11 143.02 121.68 251.93 179.11 143.02 121.68
221.50 176.87 150.48 311.55 221.50 176.87 150.48
221.50 176.87 150.48 311.55 221.50 176.87 150.48
221.50 176.87 150.48 311.55 221.50 176.87 150.48
222.82 177.93 151.37 313.41 222.82 177.93 151.37
221.50 176.87 150.48 311.55 221.50 176.87 150.48
221.50 176.87 150.48 311.55 221.50 176.87 150.48
221.50 176.87 150.48 311.55 221.50 176.87 150.48
221.50 176.87 150.48 311.55 221.50 176.87 150.48
3.77 3.01 2.56 5.30 3.77 3.01 2.56
3.23 2.58 2.19 4.54 3.23 2.58 2.19
3.03 2.42 2.06 4.26 3.03 2.42 2.06
3.97 3.17 2.70 5.58 3.97 3.17 2.70
3.06 2.45 2.08 4.31 3.06 2.45 2.08
1.08 0.86 0.73 1.51 1.08 0.86 0.73
9.76 7.79 6.63 13.73 9.76 7.79 6.63
17.83 14.24 12.12 25.08 17.83 14.24 12.12
12.79 10.21 8.69 17.99 12.79 10.21 8.69
19.18 15.32 13.03 26.98 19.18 15.32 13.03
11.44 9.14 7.77 16.09 11.44 9.14 7.77
17.83 14.24 12.12 25.08 17.83 14.24 12.12
13.46 10.75 9.14 18.93 13.46 10.75 9.14
34.66 27.68 23.55 48.75 34.66 27.68 23.55
24.56 19.62 16.69 34.55 24.56 19.62 16.69
42.40 33.86 28.80 59.64 42.40 33.86 28.80
14.81 11.82 10.06 20.83 14.81 11.82 10.06
21.20 16.93 14.40 29.82 21.20 16.93 14.40
16.49 13.17 11.20 23.19 16.49 13.17 11.20
26.25 20.96 17.83 36.92 26.25 20.96 17.83
17.83 14.24 12.12 25.08 17.83 14.24 12.12
27.59 22.03 18.75 38.81 27.59 22.03 18.75
19.18 15.32 13.03 26.98 19.18 15.32 13.03
11.44 9.14 7.77 16.09 11.44 9.14 7.77
17.83 14.24 12.12 25.08 17.83 14.24 12.12
23.56 18.81 16.00 33.13 23.56 18.81 16.00
1.31 1.05 0.89 1.85 1.31 1.05 0.89
1.99 1.59 1.35 2.79 1.99 1.59 1.35
5.35 4.27 3.63 7.53 5.35 4.27 3.63
36.85 29.42 25.03 51.83 36.85 29.42 25.03
65.38 52.21 44.42 91.96 65.38 52.21 44.42
63.77 50.92 43.32 89.69 63.77 50.92 43.32
9.86 7.87 6.70 13.87 9.86 7.87 6.70
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
176.66 141.07 120.02 248.48 176.66 141.07 120.02
252.38 201.53 171.45 354.98 252.38 201.53 171.45
100.95 80.61 68.58 141.99 100.95 80.61 68.58
176.66 141.07 120.02 248.48 176.66 141.07 120.02
252.38 201.53 171.45 354.98 252.38 201.53 171.45
126.19 100.76 85.73 177.49 126.19 100.76 85.73
252.38 201.53 171.45 354.98 252.38 201.53 171.45
378.56 302.29 257.18 532.46 378.56 302.29 257.18
6.36 5.08 4.32 8.95 6.36 5.08 4.32
5.22 4.16 3.54 7.34 5.22 4.16 3.54
15.78 12.60 10.72 22.20 15.78 12.60 10.72
11.74 9.38 7.98 16.52 11.74 9.38 7.98
49.77 39.74 33.81 70.00 49.77 39.74 33.81
2.02 1.61 1.37 2.84 2.02 1.61 1.37
5.22 4.16 3.54 7.34 5.22 4.16 3.54
17.83 14.24 12.12 25.08 17.83 14.24 12.12
1.69 1.39 1.19 2.60 1.85 1.48 1.26

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44.75 35.74 30.40 62.95 44.75 35.74 30.40

117.90 94.14 80.09 165.83 117.90 94.14 80.09
13.87 11.08 9.43 19.51 13.87 11.08 9.43
48.27 38.55 32.79 67.89 48.27 38.55 32.79
226.60 180.94 153.94 318.72 226.60 180.94 153.94
12.85 10.26 8.73 18.08 12.85 10.26 8.73
251.84 201.10 171.08 354.22 251.84 201.10 171.08
207.99 166.08 141.30 292.55 207.99 166.08 141.30
115.32 92.08 78.34 162.20 115.32 92.08 78.34
46.03 36.76 31.27 64.75 46.03 36.76 31.27
180.03 143.75 122.30 253.22 180.03 143.75 122.30
162.46 129.73 110.37 228.51 162.46 129.73 110.37
34.94 27.90 23.74 49.15 34.94 27.90 23.74
5.09 4.06 3.46 7.16 5.09 4.06 3.46
10.90 8.71 7.41 15.33 10.90 8.71 7.41
44.79 35.77 30.43 63.00 44.79 35.77 30.43
19.69 15.72 13.37 27.69 19.69 15.72 13.37
30.13 24.06 20.47 42.38 30.13 24.06 20.47
4.38 3.50 2.98 6.16 4.38 3.50 2.98
6.55 5.23 4.45 9.22 6.55 5.23 4.45
8.70 6.94 5.91 12.23 8.70 6.94 5.91
6.68 5.34 4.54 9.40 6.68 5.34 4.54
10.04 8.02 6.82 14.12 10.04 8.02 6.82
13.33 10.64 9.06 18.75 13.33 10.64 9.06
1.51 1.21 1.03 2.13 1.51 1.21 1.03
36.48 29.13 24.78 51.31 36.48 29.13 24.78
328.05 261.96 222.86 461.42 328.05 261.96 222.86
393.84 314.49 267.55 553.95 393.84 314.49 267.55
5.33 4.26 3.62 7.50 5.33 4.26 3.62
5.75 4.59 3.91 8.09 5.75 4.59 3.91
101.33 80.92 68.84 142.53 101.33 80.92 68.84
2.57 2.06 1.75 3.62 2.57 2.06 1.75
27.04 21.60 18.37 38.04 27.04 21.60 18.37
14.63 11.68 9.94 20.57 14.63 11.68 9.94
55.85 44.59 37.94 78.55 55.85 44.59 37.94
38.20 30.50 25.95 53.73 38.20 30.50 25.95
51.63 41.23 35.07 72.62 51.63 41.23 35.07
1.88 1.50 1.28 2.64 1.88 1.50 1.28
7.27 5.80 4.94 10.22 7.27 5.80 4.94
32.97 27.27 23.31 50.90 36.19 28.90 24.59
36.19 28.90 24.59 50.90 36.19 28.90 24.59
105.85 84.52 71.91 148.88 105.85 84.52 71.91
105.85 84.52 71.91 148.88 105.85 84.52 71.91
51.33 40.99 34.87 72.20 51.33 40.99 34.87
51.33 40.99 34.87 72.20 51.33 40.99 34.87
24.70 20.43 17.46 38.12 27.11 21.64 18.41
27.11 21.64 18.41 38.12 27.11 21.64 18.41
13.55 10.82 9.21 19.06 13.55 10.82 9.21
21.64 17.28 14.70 30.43 21.64 17.28 14.70
72.11 57.58 48.99 101.43 72.11 57.58 48.99
112.15 89.55 76.19 157.74 112.15 89.55 76.19
136.13 108.70 92.48 191.47 136.13 108.70 92.48
120.99 96.61 82.19 170.18 120.99 96.61 82.19
151.27 120.79 102.77 212.77 151.27 120.79 102.77
136.13 108.70 92.48 191.47 136.13 108.70 92.48
166.42 132.89 113.05 234.07 166.42 132.89 113.05
166.42 132.89 113.05 234.07 166.42 132.89 113.05
181.56 144.98 123.34 255.37 181.56 144.98 123.34
181.56 144.98 123.34 255.37 181.56 144.98 123.34
22.85 18.24 15.52 32.14 22.85 18.24 15.52
71.20 56.86 48.37 100.15 71.20 56.86 48.37
122.99 98.21 83.55 172.99 122.99 98.21 83.55
33.48 26.74 22.75 47.09 33.48 26.74 22.75
104.35 83.32 70.89 146.77 104.35 83.32 70.89
180.23 143.92 122.44 253.50 180.23 143.92 122.44
5.60 4.47 3.81 7.88 5.60 4.47 3.81
6.66 5.32 4.53 9.37 6.66 5.32 4.53
291.12 240.80 205.76 449.41 319.52 255.14 217.06
302.70 241.71 205.64 425.76 302.70 241.71 205.64
454.12 362.62 308.51 638.74 454.12 362.62 308.51
605.55 483.54 411.38 851.73 605.55 483.54 411.38
77.40 61.80 52.58 108.86 77.40 61.80 52.58
206.71 165.06 140.43 290.75 206.71 165.06 140.43
78.67 62.82 53.45 110.66 78.67 62.82 53.45
134.62 107.49 91.45 189.34 134.62 107.49 91.45
77.70 62.04 52.78 109.28 77.70 62.04 52.78
146.06 116.63 99.22 205.44 146.06 116.63 99.22
43.24 34.53 29.38 60.82 43.24 34.53 29.38
245.14 195.75 166.54 344.80 245.14 195.75 166.54
43.24 34.53 29.38 60.82 43.24 34.53 29.38
48.52 38.75 32.96 68.25 48.52 38.75 32.96
95.84 76.53 65.11 134.80 95.84 76.53 65.11
107.55 85.88 73.06 151.27 107.55 85.88 73.06
125.18 99.96 85.04 176.07 125.18 99.96 85.04
158.32 126.42 107.56 222.69 158.32 126.42 107.56
69.35 55.38 47.11 97.55 69.35 55.38 47.11
13.63 10.88 9.26 19.17 13.63 10.88 9.26
4.91 3.92 3.33 6.90 4.91 3.92 3.33
13.72 10.95 9.32 19.30 13.72 10.95 9.32
5.57 4.45 3.79 7.84 5.57 4.45 3.79
4.91 3.92 3.33 6.90 4.91 3.92 3.33
2,422.80 1,934.64 1,645.92 3,407.76 2,422.80 1,934.64 1,645.92
908.55 725.49 617.22 1,277.91 908.55 725.49 617.22
1,310.72 1,084.14 926.39 2,023.36 1,438.54 1,148.69 977.27
959.03 765.80 651.51 1,348.91 959.03 765.80 651.51
1,438.54 1,148.69 977.27 2,023.36 1,438.54 1,148.69 977.27
125.18 99.96 85.04 176.07 125.18 99.96 85.04
48.52 38.75 32.96 68.25 48.52 38.75 32.96
390.14 311.53 265.04 548.74 390.14 311.53 265.04
175.25 139.94 119.05 246.49 175.25 139.94 119.05
670.29 535.24 455.36 942.79 670.29 535.24 455.36
333.00 265.91 226.22 468.38 333.00 265.91 226.22
446.87 356.83 303.58 628.54 446.87 356.83 303.58
183.63 146.63 124.75 258.28 183.63 146.63 124.75
242.21 193.41 164.55 340.68 242.21 193.41 164.55
605.97 483.87 411.66 852.32 605.97 483.87 411.66
1,046.68 835.79 711.06 1,472.20 1,046.68 835.79 711.06
257.12 205.31 174.67 361.65 257.12 205.31 174.67
488.53 390.10 331.88 687.14 488.53 390.10 331.88
694.23 554.35 471.62 976.47 694.23 554.35 471.62
245.14 195.75 166.54 344.80 245.14 195.75 166.54
27.33 21.83 18.57 38.44 27.33 21.83 18.57
62.42 49.84 42.40 87.79 62.42 49.84 42.40
615.69 491.64 418.27 866.00 615.69 491.64 418.27
388.89 310.54 264.19 546.99 388.89 310.54 264.19
738.92 590.04 501.98 1,039.32 738.92 590.04 501.98
1,050.05 838.48 713.35 1,476.93 1,050.05 838.48 713.35
13.63 10.88 9.26 19.17 13.63 10.88 9.26
7.57 6.05 5.14 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14
13.63 10.88 9.26 19.17 13.63 10.88 9.26
12.30 9.82 8.35 17.29 12.30 9.82 8.35
47.21 37.70 32.07 66.41 47.21 37.70 32.07
86.83 69.33 58.99 122.13 86.83 69.33 58.99
22.65 18.09 15.39 31.86 22.65 18.09 15.39
18.17 14.51 12.34 25.56 18.17 14.51 12.34
40.38 32.24 27.43 56.80 40.38 32.24 27.43
18.17 14.51 12.34 25.56 18.17 14.51 12.34
2.70 2.15 1.83 3.79 2.70 2.15 1.83
129.25 103.21 87.81 181.79 129.25 103.21 87.81
143.11 114.28 97.22 201.29 143.11 114.28 97.22
203.48 162.48 138.23 286.20 203.48 162.48 138.23
148.50 118.58 100.88 208.87 148.50 118.58 100.88
162.36 129.65 110.30 228.37 162.36 129.65 110.30
180.33 144.00 122.51 253.64 180.33 144.00 122.51
258.47 206.39 175.59 363.54 258.47 206.39 175.59
161.05 128.60 109.41 226.52 161.05 128.60 109.41
282.86 225.87 192.16 397.86 282.86 225.87 192.16
212.10 169.36 144.09 298.32 212.10 169.36 144.09
361.30 288.50 245.45 508.18 361.30 288.50 245.45
464.50 370.91 315.56 653.34 464.50 370.91 315.56
1.97 1.57 1.34 2.77 1.97 1.57 1.34
1.76 1.40 1.19 2.47 1.76 1.40 1.19
11.96 9.55 8.13 16.83 11.96 9.55 8.13
14.99 11.97 10.18 21.09 14.99 11.97 10.18
14.99 11.97 10.18 21.09 14.99 11.97 10.18
24.70 20.43 17.46 38.12 27.11 21.64 18.41
24.08 19.23 16.36 33.86 24.08 19.23 16.36
8.78 7.01 5.97 12.35 8.78 7.01 5.97
15.45 12.33 10.49 21.72 15.45 12.33 10.49
12.79 10.21 8.69 17.99 12.79 10.21 8.69
14.99 11.97 10.18 21.09 14.99 11.97 10.18
49.73 39.71 33.79 69.95 49.73 39.71 33.79
55.69 44.47 37.83 78.33 55.69 44.47 37.83
99.77 79.67 67.78 140.33 99.77 79.67 67.78
110.91 88.56 75.35 156.00 110.91 88.56 75.35
138.60 110.68 94.16 194.95 138.60 110.68 94.16
233.60 186.53 158.69 328.56 233.60 186.53 158.69
189.58 151.39 128.79 266.66 189.58 151.39 128.79
254.43 203.16 172.84 357.86 254.43 203.16 172.84
210.72 168.26 143.15 296.38 210.72 168.26 143.15
282.86 225.87 192.16 397.86 282.86 225.87 192.16
263.38 210.31 178.93 370.45 263.38 210.31 178.93
353.49 282.27 240.14 497.20 353.49 282.27 240.14
443.88 354.44 301.55 624.33 443.88 354.44 301.55
595.71 475.68 404.69 837.88 595.71 475.68 404.69
13.73 10.96 9.33 19.31 13.73 10.96 9.33
75.56 60.34 51.33 106.28 75.56 60.34 51.33
8.85 7.07 6.02 12.45 8.85 7.07 6.02
27.65 22.08 18.79 38.89 27.65 22.08 18.79
47.79 38.16 32.47 67.22 47.79 38.16 32.47
1.54 1.23 1.05 2.17 1.54 1.23 1.05
2.57 2.06 1.75 3.62 2.57 2.06 1.75
2.03 1.62 1.38 2.85 2.03 1.62 1.38
1.94 1.55 1.32 2.73 1.94 1.55 1.32
1.94 1.55 1.32 2.73 1.94 1.55 1.32
68.85 56.95 48.66 106.28 75.56 60.34 51.33
47.72 38.10 32.42 67.11 47.72 38.10 32.42
53.44 42.67 36.30 75.16 53.44 42.67 36.30
18.17 14.51 12.34 25.56 18.17 14.51 12.34
2.42 1.93 1.65 3.41 2.42 1.93 1.65
22.85 18.24 15.52 32.14 22.85 18.24 15.52
71.20 56.86 48.37 100.15 71.20 56.86 48.37
122.99 98.21 83.55 172.99 122.99 98.21 83.55
61.14 48.82 41.54 86.00 61.14 48.82 41.54
28.77 22.97 19.55 40.47 28.77 22.97 19.55
89.68 71.61 60.92 126.13 89.68 71.61 60.92
154.89 123.68 105.22 217.86 154.89 123.68 105.22
40.28 32.16 27.36 56.65 40.28 32.16 27.36
564.95 451.12 383.80 794.62 564.95 451.12 383.80
89.68 71.61 60.92 126.13 89.68 71.61 60.92
12.48 9.97 8.48 17.56 12.48 9.97 8.48
486.55 388.51 330.53 684.34 486.55 388.51 330.53
154.89 123.68 105.22 217.86 154.89 123.68 105.22
802.79 641.04 545.37 1,129.15 802.79 641.04 545.37
2,725.65 2,176.47 1,851.66 3,833.73 2,725.65 2,176.47 1,851.66
35.10 28.03 23.84 49.37 35.10 28.03 23.84
448.76 358.34 304.86 631.19 448.76 358.34 304.86
60.57 48.37 41.15 85.19 60.57 48.37 41.15
129.08 103.07 87.69 181.56 129.08 103.07 87.69
115.08 91.90 78.18 161.87 115.08 91.90 78.18
2.39 1.91 1.63 3.37 2.39 1.91 1.63
43.68 34.88 29.67 61.43 43.68 34.88 29.67
67.30 53.74 45.72 94.66 67.30 53.74 45.72
96.78 77.28 65.75 136.12 96.78 77.28 65.75
392.86 313.71 266.89 552.58 392.86 313.71 266.89
111.99 89.42 76.08 157.51 111.99 89.42 76.08
85.94 68.63 58.38 120.88 85.94 68.63 58.38
1,362.83 1,088.24 925.83 1,916.87 1,362.83 1,088.24 925.83
11.17 8.92 7.59 15.71 11.17 8.92 7.59
321.69 256.88 218.54 452.47 321.69 256.88 218.54
1,379.31 1,101.40 937.03 1,940.06 1,379.31 1,101.40 937.03
34.90 27.86 23.71 49.08 34.90 27.86 23.71
13.33 10.64 9.05 18.74 13.33 10.64 9.05
479.35 382.77 325.65 674.23 479.35 382.77 325.65
1.39 1.11 0.95 1.96 1.39 1.11 0.95
161.69 129.11 109.84 227.42 161.69 129.11 109.84
1,665.68 1,330.07 1,131.57 2,342.84 1,665.68 1,330.07 1,131.57
959.03 765.80 651.51 1,348.91 959.03 765.80 651.51
246.82 197.09 167.68 347.17 246.82 197.09 167.68
7.57 6.05 5.14 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14
108.79 86.87 73.91 153.02 108.79 86.87 73.91
48.05 38.37 32.64 67.59 48.05 38.37 32.64
32.44 25.90 22.04 45.63 32.44 25.90 22.04
390.91 312.15 265.56 549.83 390.91 312.15 265.56
970.63 775.07 659.40 1,365.23 970.63 775.07 659.40
78.67 62.82 53.45 110.66 78.67 62.82 53.45
92.54 73.89 62.87 130.16 92.54 73.89 62.87
60.30 48.15 40.97 84.82 60.30 48.15 40.97
212.40 169.60 144.29 298.75 212.40 169.60 144.29
67.94 54.25 46.15 95.56 67.94 54.25 46.15
14.94 11.93 10.15 21.01 14.94 11.93 10.15
1.85 1.48 1.26 2.60 1.85 1.48 1.26
212.40 169.60 144.29 298.75 212.40 169.60 144.29
181.41 144.86 123.24 255.16 181.41 144.86 123.24
700.86 559.65 476.13 985.79 700.86 559.65 476.13
90.70 72.43 61.62 127.58 90.70 72.43 61.62
1,438.54 1,148.69 977.27 2,023.36 1,438.54 1,148.69 977.27
55.94 44.67 38.00 78.69 55.94 44.67 38.00
3.79 3.02 2.57 5.32 3.79 3.02 2.57
4.72 3.77 3.21 6.65 4.72 3.77 3.21
277.48 221.57 188.50 390.28 277.48 221.57 188.50
1.06 0.85 0.72 1.49 1.06 0.85 0.72
24.97 19.94 16.96 35.12 24.97 19.94 16.96
26.75 21.36 18.17 37.63 26.75 21.36 18.17
181.56 144.98 123.34 255.37 181.56 144.98 123.34
43.68 34.88 29.67 61.43 43.68 34.88 29.67
297.33 237.42 201.99 418.21 297.33 237.42 201.99
183.90 146.84 124.93 258.66 183.90 146.84 124.93
908.55 725.49 617.22 1,277.91 908.55 725.49 617.22
491.09 392.14 333.62 690.73 491.09 392.14 333.62
90.70 72.43 61.62 127.58 90.70 72.43 61.62
46.94 37.48 31.89 66.03 46.94 37.48 31.89
16.15 12.90 10.97 22.72 16.15 12.90 10.97
30.12 24.05 20.46 42.36 30.12 24.05 20.46
77.70 62.04 52.78 109.28 77.70 62.04 52.78

6.70 5.35 4.55 9.42 6.70 5.35 4.55

8.38 6.69 5.69 11.79 8.38 6.69 5.69
15.82 12.63 10.74 22.25 15.82 12.63 10.74
15.82 12.63 10.74 22.25 15.82 12.63 10.74
9.35 7.47 6.36 13.16 9.35 7.47 6.36
11.74 9.38 7.98 16.52 11.74 9.38 7.98
57.41 45.84 39.00 80.74 57.41 45.84 39.00
100.78 80.48 68.47 141.75 100.78 80.48 68.47

38.70 30.90 26.29 54.43 38.70 30.90 26.29

60.44 48.26 41.06 85.00 60.44 48.26 41.06

60.44 48.26 41.06 85.00 60.44 48.26 41.06

75.58 60.35 51.34 106.30 75.58 60.35 51.34
121.01 96.62 82.20 170.20 121.01 96.62 82.20
242.15 193.36 164.50 340.59 242.15 193.36 164.50

181.58 144.99 123.35 255.39 181.58 144.99 123.35

211.86 169.17 143.93 297.99 211.86 169.17 143.93
191.59 152.99 130.16 269.48 191.59 152.99 130.16

756.99 604.47 514.26 1,064.74 756.99 604.47 514.26

60.44 48.26 41.06 85.00 60.44 48.26 41.06

62.42 49.84 42.41 87.80 62.42 49.84 42.41

5.32 4.25 3.61 7.48 5.32 4.25 3.61

6.26 5.00 4.25 8.80 6.26 5.00 4.25
0.30 0.24 0.21 0.43 0.30 0.24 0.21
3.10 2.47 2.10 4.35 3.10 2.47 2.10
3.10 2.47 2.10 4.35 3.10 2.47 2.10
5.32 4.25 3.61 7.48 5.32 4.25 3.61
6.26 5.00 4.25 8.80 6.26 5.00 4.25
0.30 0.24 0.21 0.43 0.30 0.24 0.21
3.10 2.47 2.10 4.35 3.10 2.47 2.10
7.17 5.72 4.87 10.08 7.17 5.72 4.87
0.84 0.67 0.57 1.19 0.84 0.67 0.57
0.84 0.67 0.57 1.19 0.84 0.67 0.57
6.70 5.35 4.55 9.42 6.70 5.35 4.55
0.30 0.24 0.21 0.43 0.30 0.24 0.21
15.82 12.64 10.75 22.26 15.82 12.64 10.75

11.98 9.57 8.14 16.85 11.98 9.57 8.14

3.10 2.47 2.10 4.35 3.10 2.47 2.10
5.32 4.25 3.61 7.48 5.32 4.25 3.61
6.26 5.00 4.25 8.80 6.26 5.00 4.25
0.30 0.24 0.21 0.43 0.30 0.24 0.21
3.10 2.47 2.10 4.35 3.10 2.47 2.10
6.26 5.00 4.25 8.80 6.26 5.00 4.25
0.30 0.24 0.21 0.43 0.30 0.24 0.21
3.10 2.47 2.10 4.35 3.10 2.47 2.10
6.26 5.00 4.25 8.80 6.26 5.00 4.25
4.00 3.20 2.72 5.63 4.00 3.20 2.72
6.70 5.35 4.55 9.42 6.70 5.35 4.55
8.04 6.42 5.46 11.31 8.04 6.42 5.46
20.02 15.99 13.60 28.16 20.02 15.99 13.60
28.10 22.44 19.09 39.52 28.10 22.44 19.09
44.59 35.60 30.29 62.71 44.59 35.60 30.29
1.65 1.32 1.12 2.32 1.65 1.32 1.12
0.37 0.30 0.25 0.52 0.37 0.30 0.25
4.00 3.20 2.72 5.63 4.00 3.20 2.72
15.51 12.39 10.54 21.82 15.51 12.39 10.54
21.91 17.49 14.88 30.81 21.91 17.49 14.88
34.66 27.68 23.55 48.75 34.66 27.68 23.55
1.31 1.05 0.89 1.85 1.31 1.05 0.89
3.10 2.47 2.10 4.35 3.10 2.47 2.10
5.28 4.22 3.59 7.43 5.28 4.22 3.59
6.23 4.97 4.23 8.76 6.23 4.97 4.23
0.30 0.24 0.21 0.43 0.30 0.24 0.21
3.10 2.47 2.10 4.35 3.10 2.47 2.10
5.35 4.27 3.63 7.53 5.35 4.27 3.63
6.26 5.00 4.25 8.80 6.26 5.00 4.25
0.30 0.24 0.21 0.43 0.30 0.24 0.21
6.23 4.97 4.23 8.76 6.23 4.97 4.23
20.02 15.99 13.60 28.16 20.02 15.99 13.60
28.10 22.44 19.09 39.52 28.10 22.44 19.09
44.59 35.60 30.29 62.71 44.59 35.60 30.29
1.65 1.32 1.12 2.32 1.65 1.32 1.12
4.00 3.20 2.72 5.63 4.00 3.20 2.72
6.70 5.35 4.55 9.42 6.70 5.35 4.55
8.04 6.42 5.46 11.31 8.04 6.42 5.46
0.37 0.30 0.25 0.52 0.37 0.30 0.25
3.10 2.47 2.10 4.35 3.10 2.47 2.10
15.51 12.39 10.54 21.82 15.51 12.39 10.54
21.91 17.49 14.88 30.81 21.91 17.49 14.88
34.66 27.68 23.55 48.75 34.66 27.68 23.55
3.10 2.47 2.10 4.35 3.10 2.47 2.10
5.28 4.22 3.59 7.43 5.28 4.22 3.59
6.23 4.97 4.23 8.76 6.23 4.97 4.23
393.55 314.26 267.36 553.55 393.55 314.26 267.36
77.06 61.53 52.35 108.39 77.06 61.53 52.35
124.67 99.55 84.70 175.36 124.67 99.55 84.70
179.35 143.22 121.84 252.27 179.35 143.22 121.84
6.43 5.13 4.37 9.04 6.43 5.13 4.37
102.80 82.09 69.84 144.59 102.80 82.09 69.84
245.14 195.75 166.54 344.80 245.14 195.75 166.54
160.01 127.77 108.70 225.05 160.01 127.77 108.70
268.53 214.42 182.42 377.69 268.53 214.42 182.42
381.25 304.44 259.00 536.25 381.25 304.44 259.00
11.02 8.80 7.49 15.50 11.02 8.80 7.49
120.99 96.61 82.19 170.18 120.99 96.61 82.19
25.07 20.02 17.03 35.26 25.07 20.02 17.03
53.13 42.43 36.10 74.73 53.13 42.43 36.10
4.41 3.52 2.99 6.20 4.41 3.52 2.99
75.34 60.16 51.18 105.97 75.34 60.16 51.18
121.04 96.65 82.23 170.25 121.04 96.65 82.23
79.75 63.68 54.18 112.17 79.75 63.68 54.18
101.99 81.44 69.29 143.46 101.99 81.44 69.29
100.45 80.21 68.24 141.28 100.45 80.21 68.24
44.22 35.31 30.04 62.19 44.22 35.31 30.04
44.22 35.31 30.04 62.19 44.22 35.31 30.04
53.13 42.43 36.10 74.73 53.13 42.43 36.10
4.41 3.52 2.99 6.20 4.41 3.52 2.99
75.34 60.16 51.18 105.97 75.34 60.16 51.18
121.04 96.65 82.23 170.25 121.04 96.65 82.23
79.75 63.68 54.18 112.17 79.75 63.68 54.18
101.99 81.44 69.29 143.46 101.99 81.44 69.29
132.72 105.98 90.16 186.67 132.72 105.98 90.16
23.39 18.67 15.89 32.89 23.39 18.67 15.89
26.75 21.36 18.17 37.63 26.75 21.36 18.17
46.61 37.21 31.66 65.55 46.61 37.21 31.66
65.28 52.13 44.35 91.82 65.28 52.13 44.35
2.22 1.77 1.51 3.12 2.22 1.77 1.51
36.85 29.42 25.03 51.83 36.85 29.42 25.03
40.21 32.11 27.32 56.56 40.21 32.11 27.32
71.67 57.23 48.69 100.81 71.67 57.23 48.69
99.60 79.54 67.67 140.10 99.60 79.54 67.67
3.37 2.69 2.29 4.73 3.37 2.69 2.29
40.21 32.11 27.32 56.56 40.21 32.11 27.32
43.58 34.80 29.60 61.29 43.58 34.80 29.60
77.90 62.20 52.92 109.57 77.90 62.20 52.92
108.18 86.39 73.49 152.17 108.18 86.39 73.49
53.67 42.86 36.46 75.49 53.67 42.86 36.46
57.04 45.54 38.75 80.22 57.04 45.54 38.75
102.97 82.22 69.95 144.83 102.97 82.22 69.95
142.51 113.79 96.81 200.44 142.51 113.79 96.81
23.39 18.67 15.89 32.89 23.39 18.67 15.89
26.75 21.36 18.17 37.63 26.75 21.36 18.17
20.02 15.99 13.60 28.16 20.02 15.99 13.60
23.39 18.67 15.89 32.89 23.39 18.67 15.89
23.39 18.67 15.89 32.89 23.39 18.67 15.89
37.18 29.69 25.26 52.30 37.18 29.69 25.26
53.84 42.99 36.58 75.73 53.84 42.99 36.58
1.95 1.56 1.33 2.75 1.95 1.56 1.33
36.85 29.42 25.03 51.83 36.85 29.42 25.03
62.25 49.71 42.29 87.56 62.25 49.71 42.29
88.33 70.53 60.01 124.24 88.33 70.53 60.01
3.06 2.45 2.08 4.31 3.06 2.45 2.08
40.21 32.11 27.32 56.56 40.21 32.11 27.32
68.48 54.68 46.52 96.32 68.48 54.68 46.52
96.74 77.25 65.72 136.07 96.74 77.25 65.72
53.67 42.86 36.46 75.49 53.67 42.86 36.46
93.55 74.70 63.55 131.58 93.55 74.70 63.55
131.07 104.66 89.04 184.35 131.07 104.66 89.04
23.39 18.67 15.89 32.89 23.39 18.67 15.89
23.39 18.67 15.89 32.89 23.39 18.67 15.89
57.39 45.83 38.99 80.72 57.39 45.83 38.99
16.66 13.30 11.32 23.43 16.66 13.30 11.32
23.39 18.67 15.89 32.89 23.39 18.67 15.89
37.18 29.69 25.26 52.30 37.18 29.69 25.26
7.57 6.05 5.14 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14
12.96 10.34 8.80 18.22 12.96 10.34 8.80
18.17 14.51 12.34 25.56 18.17 14.51 12.34
14.99 11.97 10.19 21.09 14.99 11.97 10.19
36.31 28.99 24.67 51.07 36.31 28.99 24.67
80.73 64.46 54.84 113.54 80.73 64.46 54.84
161.49 128.95 109.71 227.14 161.49 128.95 109.71
14.99 11.97 10.19 21.09 14.99 11.97 10.19
80.73 64.46 54.84 113.54 80.73 64.46 54.84
2.62 2.10 1.78 3.69 2.62 2.10 1.78
6.06 4.84 4.11 8.52 6.06 4.84 4.11
13.46 10.75 9.14 18.93 13.46 10.75 9.14
26.92 21.50 18.29 37.86 26.92 21.50 18.29
2.62 2.10 1.78 3.69 2.62 2.10 1.78
13.46 10.75 9.14 18.93 13.46 10.75 9.14
15.14 12.09 10.29 21.30 15.14 12.09 10.29
7.57 6.05 5.14 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14
15.14 12.09 10.29 21.30 15.14 12.09 10.29
36.85 29.42 25.03 51.83 36.85 29.42 25.03
65.45 52.26 44.46 92.06 65.45 52.26 44.46
91.02 72.68 61.84 128.03 91.02 72.68 61.84
3.06 2.45 2.08 4.31 3.06 2.45 2.08
53.67 42.86 36.46 75.49 53.67 42.86 36.46
96.74 77.25 65.72 136.07 96.74 77.25 65.72
133.93 106.94 90.98 188.37 133.93 106.94 90.98
4.48 3.57 3.04 6.29 4.48 3.57 3.04
91.70 73.22 62.29 128.97 91.70 73.22 62.29
150.25 119.97 102.07 211.33 150.25 119.97 102.07
215.19 171.83 146.19 302.68 215.19 171.83 146.19
7.64 6.10 5.19 10.74 7.64 6.10 5.19
57.04 45.54 38.75 80.22 57.04 45.54 38.75
99.77 79.67 67.78 140.33 99.77 79.67 67.78
139.65 111.51 94.87 196.42 139.65 111.51 94.87
73.86 58.98 50.18 103.89 73.86 58.98 50.18
131.07 104.66 89.04 184.35 131.07 104.66 89.04
182.55 145.77 124.02 256.77 182.55 145.77 124.02
100.45 80.21 68.24 141.28 100.45 80.21 68.24
162.36 129.65 110.30 228.37 162.36 129.65 110.30
233.87 186.75 158.88 328.94 233.87 186.75 158.88
36.85 29.42 25.03 51.83 36.85 29.42 25.03
33.48 26.74 22.75 47.09 33.48 26.74 22.75
36.85 29.42 25.03 51.83 36.85 29.42 25.03
65.45 52.26 44.46 92.06 65.45 52.26 44.46
91.02 72.68 61.84 128.03 91.02 72.68 61.84
3.06 2.45 2.08 4.31 3.06 2.45 2.08
53.67 42.86 36.46 75.49 53.67 42.86 36.46
96.74 77.25 65.72 136.07 96.74 77.25 65.72
133.93 106.94 90.98 188.37 133.93 106.94 90.98
4.48 3.57 3.04 6.29 4.48 3.57 3.04
91.70 73.22 62.29 128.97 91.70 73.22 62.29
150.25 119.97 102.07 211.33 150.25 119.97 102.07
215.19 171.83 146.19 302.68 215.19 171.83 146.19
7.64 6.10 5.19 10.74 7.64 6.10 5.19
57.04 45.54 38.75 80.22 57.04 45.54 38.75
99.77 79.67 67.78 140.33 99.77 79.67 67.78
139.65 111.51 94.87 196.42 139.65 111.51 94.87
73.86 58.98 50.18 103.89 73.86 58.98 50.18
131.07 104.66 89.04 184.35 131.07 104.66 89.04
182.55 145.77 124.02 256.77 182.55 145.77 124.02
100.45 80.21 68.24 141.28 100.45 80.21 68.24
162.36 129.65 110.30 228.37 162.36 129.65 110.30
233.87 186.75 158.88 328.94 233.87 186.75 158.88
36.85 29.42 25.03 51.83 36.85 29.42 25.03
33.48 26.74 22.75 47.09 33.48 26.74 22.75
36.85 29.42 25.03 51.83 36.85 29.42 25.03
65.45 52.26 44.46 92.06 65.45 52.26 44.46
91.02 72.68 61.84 128.03 91.02 72.68 61.84
3.06 2.45 2.08 4.31 3.06 2.45 2.08
53.67 42.86 36.46 75.49 53.67 42.86 36.46
96.74 77.25 65.72 136.07 96.74 77.25 65.72
133.93 106.94 90.98 188.37 133.93 106.94 90.98
4.48 3.57 3.04 6.29 4.48 3.57 3.04
91.70 73.22 62.29 128.97 91.70 73.22 62.29
150.25 119.97 102.07 211.33 150.25 119.97 102.07
215.19 171.83 146.19 302.68 215.19 171.83 146.19
7.64 6.10 5.19 10.74 7.64 6.10 5.19
57.04 45.54 38.75 80.22 57.04 45.54 38.75
99.77 79.67 67.78 140.33 99.77 79.67 67.78
139.65 111.51 94.87 196.42 139.65 111.51 94.87
73.86 58.98 50.18 103.89 73.86 58.98 50.18
131.07 104.66 89.04 184.35 131.07 104.66 89.04
182.55 145.77 124.02 256.77 182.55 145.77 124.02
100.45 80.21 68.24 141.28 100.45 80.21 68.24
162.36 129.65 110.30 228.37 162.36 129.65 110.30
233.87 186.75 158.88 328.94 233.87 186.75 158.88
36.85 29.42 25.03 51.83 36.85 29.42 25.03
65.45 52.26 44.46 92.06 65.45 52.26 44.46
91.02 72.68 61.84 128.03 91.02 72.68 61.84
3.06 2.45 2.08 4.31 3.06 2.45 2.08
53.67 42.86 36.46 75.49 53.67 42.86 36.46
96.74 77.25 65.72 136.07 96.74 77.25 65.72
133.93 106.94 90.98 188.37 133.93 106.94 90.98
4.48 3.57 3.04 6.29 4.48 3.57 3.04
91.70 73.22 62.29 128.97 91.70 73.22 62.29
150.25 119.97 102.07 211.33 150.25 119.97 102.07
215.19 171.83 146.19 302.68 215.19 171.83 146.19
7.64 6.10 5.19 10.74 7.64 6.10 5.19
57.04 45.54 38.75 80.22 57.04 45.54 38.75
99.77 79.67 67.78 140.33 99.77 79.67 67.78
139.65 111.51 94.87 196.42 139.65 111.51 94.87
73.86 58.98 50.18 103.89 73.86 58.98 50.18
131.07 104.66 89.04 184.35 131.07 104.66 89.04
182.55 145.77 124.02 256.77 182.55 145.77 124.02
100.45 80.21 68.24 141.28 100.45 80.21 68.24
162.36 129.65 110.30 228.37 162.36 129.65 110.30
233.87 186.75 158.88 328.94 233.87 186.75 158.88
67.13 53.61 45.61 94.42 67.13 53.61 45.61
119.73 95.60 81.34 168.40 119.73 95.60 81.34
146.71 117.15 99.67 206.36 146.71 117.15 99.67
211.15 168.61 143.45 297.00 211.15 168.61 143.45
9.99 7.98 6.79 14.06 9.99 7.98 6.79
97.42 77.79 66.18 137.02 97.42 77.79 66.18
159.74 127.55 108.52 224.68 159.74 127.55 108.52
203.08 162.16 137.96 285.64 203.08 162.16 137.96
288.38 230.28 195.91 405.62 288.38 230.28 195.91
13.33 10.64 9.05 18.74 13.33 10.64 9.05
126.69 101.17 86.07 178.20 126.69 101.17 86.07
207.69 165.84 141.09 292.12 207.69 165.84 141.09
264.15 210.93 179.45 371.54 264.15 210.93 179.45
375.20 299.60 254.89 527.73 375.20 299.60 254.89
17.40 13.89 11.82 24.47 17.40 13.89 11.82
151.26 120.78 102.76 212.75 151.26 120.78 102.76
248.57 198.49 168.87 349.63 248.57 198.49 168.87
315.97 252.31 214.66 444.43 315.97 252.31 214.66
448.55 358.18 304.72 630.91 448.55 358.18 304.72
181.54 144.96 123.33 255.35 181.54 144.96 123.33
288.55 230.41 196.02 405.85 288.55 230.41 196.02
372.17 297.18 252.83 523.47 372.17 297.18 252.83
525.78 419.84 357.19 739.53 525.78 419.84 357.19
236.05 188.49 160.36 332.02 236.05 188.49 160.36
375.16 299.57 254.87 527.68 375.16 299.57 254.87
483.89 386.39 328.73 680.61 483.89 386.39 328.73
683.77 546.00 464.52 961.75 683.77 546.00 464.52
64.28 51.33 43.67 90.42 64.28 51.33 43.67
16.66 13.30 11.32 23.43 16.66 13.30 11.32
23.39 18.67 15.89 32.89 23.39 18.67 15.89
37.18 29.69 25.26 52.30 37.18 29.69 25.26
3.33 2.66 2.26 4.69 3.33 2.66 2.26
5.69 4.54 3.86 8.00 5.69 4.54 3.86
6.70 5.35 4.55 9.42 6.70 5.35 4.55
55.12 44.01 37.44 77.52 55.12 44.01 37.44
16.66 13.30 11.32 23.43 16.66 13.30 11.32
23.39 18.67 15.89 32.89 23.39 18.67 15.89
41.27 32.95 28.04 58.05 41.27 32.95 28.04
26.15 20.88 17.76 36.78 26.15 20.88 17.76
90.69 72.41 61.61 127.55 90.69 72.41 61.61
146.71 117.15 99.67 206.36 146.71 117.15 99.67
211.15 168.61 143.45 297.00 211.15 168.61 143.45
7.57 6.05 5.14 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14
120.97 96.60 82.18 170.15 120.97 96.60 82.18
203.08 162.16 137.96 285.64 203.08 162.16 137.96
288.38 230.28 195.91 405.62 288.38 230.28 195.91
10.10 8.06 6.86 14.20 10.10 8.06 6.86
157.31 125.62 106.87 221.27 157.31 125.62 106.87
264.15 210.93 179.45 371.54 264.15 210.93 179.45
375.20 299.60 254.89 527.73 375.20 299.60 254.89
13.12 10.48 8.92 18.46 13.12 10.48 8.92
188.27 150.34 127.90 264.81 188.27 150.34 127.90
315.97 252.31 214.66 444.43 315.97 252.31 214.66
448.55 358.18 304.72 630.91 448.55 358.18 304.72
218.56 174.52 148.48 307.41 218.56 174.52 148.48
372.17 297.18 252.83 523.47 372.17 297.18 252.83
525.78 419.84 357.19 739.53 525.78 419.84 357.19
284.17 226.92 193.05 399.70 284.17 226.92 193.05
483.89 386.39 328.73 680.61 483.89 386.39 328.73
683.77 546.00 464.52 961.75 683.77 546.00 464.52
605.55 483.54 411.38 851.73 605.55 483.54 411.38
77.06 61.53 52.35 108.39 77.06 61.53 52.35
124.67 99.55 84.70 175.36 124.67 99.55 84.70
179.35 143.22 121.84 252.27 179.35 143.22 121.84
6.43 5.13 4.37 9.04 6.43 5.13 4.37
102.80 82.09 69.84 144.59 102.80 82.09 69.84
172.62 137.84 117.27 242.80 172.62 137.84 117.27
245.14 195.75 166.54 344.80 245.14 195.75 166.54
8.58 6.85 5.83 12.07 8.58 6.85 5.83
133.59 106.67 90.75 187.90 133.59 106.67 90.75
224.45 179.22 152.48 315.69 224.45 179.22 152.48
318.83 254.59 216.60 448.45 318.83 254.59 216.60
11.14 8.89 7.57 15.67 11.14 8.89 7.57
160.01 127.77 108.70 225.05 160.01 127.77 108.70
268.53 214.42 182.42 377.69 268.53 214.42 182.42
185.75 148.32 126.19 261.26 185.75 148.32 126.19
316.31 252.58 214.88 444.90 316.31 252.58 214.88
446.87 356.83 303.58 628.54 446.87 356.83 303.58
241.44 192.79 164.02 339.59 241.44 192.79 164.02
411.20 328.35 279.35 578.37 411.20 328.35 279.35
581.14 464.04 394.79 817.39 581.14 464.04 394.79
27.11 21.64 18.41 38.12 27.11 21.64 18.41
0.30 0.24 0.21 0.43 0.30 0.24 0.21
6.70 5.35 4.55 9.42 6.70 5.35 4.55
6.70 5.35 4.55 9.42 6.70 5.35 4.55
9.93 7.93 6.74 13.96 9.93 7.93 6.74
37.18 29.69 25.26 52.30 37.18 29.69 25.26
3.33 2.66 2.26 4.69 3.33 2.66 2.26
5.69 4.54 3.86 8.00 5.69 4.54 3.86
6.70 5.35 4.55 9.42 6.70 5.35 4.55
100.78 80.48 68.47 141.75 100.78 80.48 68.47
46.94 37.48 31.89 66.03 46.94 37.48 31.89
84.63 67.58 57.49 119.03 84.63 67.58 57.49
118.28 94.45 80.35 166.36 118.28 94.45 80.35
60.40 48.23 41.03 84.96 60.40 48.23 41.03
109.70 87.60 74.52 154.30 109.70 87.60 74.52
152.60 121.86 103.67 214.64 152.60 121.86 103.67
30.12 24.05 20.46 42.36 30.12 24.05 20.46
53.34 42.59 36.23 75.02 53.34 42.59 36.23
75.38 60.19 51.21 106.02 75.38 60.19 51.21
3.03 2.42 2.06 4.26 3.03 2.42 2.06
43.58 34.80 29.60 61.29 43.58 34.80 29.60
78.40 62.61 53.26 110.28 78.40 62.61 53.26
109.70 87.60 74.52 154.30 109.70 87.60 74.52
4.37 3.49 2.97 6.15 4.37 3.49 2.97
30.12 24.05 20.46 42.36 30.12 24.05 20.46
26.75 21.36 18.17 37.63 26.75 21.36 18.17
134.43 107.35 91.33 189.08 134.43 107.35 91.33
46.94 37.48 31.89 66.03 46.94 37.48 31.89
84.63 67.58 57.49 119.03 84.63 67.58 57.49
118.28 94.45 80.35 166.36 118.28 94.45 80.35
60.40 48.23 41.03 84.96 60.40 48.23 41.03
109.70 87.60 74.52 154.30 109.70 87.60 74.52
152.60 121.86 103.67 214.64 152.60 121.86 103.67
30.12 24.05 20.46 42.36 30.12 24.05 20.46
53.34 42.59 36.23 75.02 53.34 42.59 36.23
75.38 60.19 51.21 106.02 75.38 60.19 51.21
3.03 2.42 2.06 4.26 3.03 2.42 2.06
43.58 34.80 29.60 61.29 43.58 34.80 29.60
78.40 62.61 53.26 110.28 78.40 62.61 53.26
109.70 87.60 74.52 154.30 109.70 87.60 74.52
4.37 3.49 2.97 6.15 4.37 3.49 2.97
30.12 24.05 20.46 42.36 30.12 24.05 20.46
26.75 21.36 18.17 37.63 26.75 21.36 18.17
6.70 5.35 4.55 9.42 6.70 5.35 4.55
6.70 5.35 4.55 9.42 6.70 5.35 4.55
16.66 13.30 11.32 23.43 16.66 13.30 11.32
23.39 18.67 15.89 32.89 23.39 18.67 15.89
37.18 29.69 25.26 52.30 37.18 29.69 25.26
1.38 1.10 0.94 1.94 1.38 1.10 0.94
7.57 6.05 5.14 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14
12.96 10.34 8.80 18.22 12.96 10.34 8.80
18.17 14.51 12.34 25.56 18.17 14.51 12.34
0.64 0.51 0.43 0.90 0.64 0.51 0.43
7.57 6.05 5.14 10.65 7.57 6.05 5.14
4.34 3.47 2.95 6.11 4.34 3.47 2.95
20.02 15.99 13.60 28.16 20.02 15.99 13.60
6.23 4.97 4.23 8.76 6.23 4.97 4.23

e customer - by law.
canning, Fax, 2GB RAM, 320 GB HDD, embedded Java, 1 x 250 sheet Paper Tray for up to 8.5" x 11" inch paper, 10 Sheet Bypass Tray that supports up to 11" x 17" paper, A

be sent to email, folders and external media (SD/USB).

ertified in August 2016

d complex electronic components.

ts. Only one power filter can be used at a time.

L6/ PCL5, USB 2.0 High Speed Type B, WiFi Direct, NFC standard. Ships with Starter Toner that yields 1,000 prints (ISO/IEC 19752)
pass Tray, 128 MB RAM, 360 MHz CPU and integrated Duplex. PCL6/ PCL5, USB 2.0 High Speed Type B, WiFi Direct, NFC standard.. Ships with Starter Toner that yields 1,

ay, 35-sheet ARDF, 50-sheet bypass tray, 400MHz Processor, 256MB RAM, PostScript emulation (support for Windows only), integrated duplexing, starter supply cartridge w
rts paper sizes up to 8.5" x 14" and weights up to 28lb Bond.

Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.

L6/ PCL5, USB 2.0 High Speed Type B, WiFi Direct, NFC standard. Ships with Starter Toner that yields 6,4000 prints (ISO/IEC 19752)
pass Tray, 128 MB RAM, 360 MHz CPU and integrated Duplex. PCL6/ PCL5, USB 2.0 High Speed Type B, WiFi Direct, NFC standard.. Ships with Starter Toner that yields 6,

ay, 35-sheet ARDF, 50-sheet bypass tray, 400MHz Processor, 256MB RAM, PostScript emulation (support for Windows only), integrated duplexing, starter supply cartridge w
rts paper sizes up to 8.5" x 14" and weights up to 28lb Bond.

Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.

ory for printer, USB2.0

d: 2,500 or 6,400 page

ypass Tray, 25-sheet ADF, 512 MB RAM and integrated Duplex. Adobe PostScript 3, Ethernet and USB 2.0 connectivity is provided standard. Ships with Starter Toner that yie
ypass Tray, 25-sheet SPDF, 512 MB RAM and integrated Duplex. Adobe PostScript 3, Ethernet and USB 2.0 connectivity is provided standard. Ships with Starter Toner that yi

rations. Provides added storage for paper and extra supplies.

mes standard with Copy, Scan, Print, G3 Fax capabilities and true Adobe PostScript3. IMPORTANT - Standard Internet Fax (T.37), LAN Fax, IP-Fax (T.38) and Fax Forwardin

ng features: Paperless Fax, Local Fax Storage, Sample, Locked, and Hold print, print from USB and SD

ervice Parts (p/n B6795100).

), Gigabit Ethernet Board Type A (402547) or Bluetooth Interface Unit Type D (415818). These options cannot be installed together.

mmends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.

of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.

x, 250GB HDD, 2 GB RAM, Copy, Scan & Fax Capability

ex, 250GB HDD, 2 GB RAM, Copy, Scan & Fax Capability

s of the standard paper tray (500 sheets) and bypass tray (100 sheets) and three (500 sheet) paper feed units.
onments with limited system height requirements.

Type M19 or (407863) IEEE802.11 Interface Unit Type M24.

Unit Type M24.
Server Option can connect two Ethernet cables simultaneously: one to the machine's Gigabit Ethernet port and one to the Gigabit Ethernet port of USB Device Server Option. A

Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.

le-Pass DF, Legal Platen, integrated Duplex, 250GB HDD w/DOSS, 2 GB RAM, and Fax & Scanning capability. Adobe PostScript 3, Gigabit Ethernet and USB 2.0 connectivity
andard paper tray and bypass tray and two 500 sheet paper feed units.

rations. Provides added storage for paper and extra supplies.

n be sent to email, folders and external media (SD/USB).

mmends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.
of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.
nit (PB1070) is added for a floor-standing configuration.

g configuration.

RDF, integrated Duplex, 320GB HDD, 2 GB RAM, and Fax & Scanning capability. Adobe PostScript 3, Gigabit Ethernet and USB 2.0 connectivity is provided standard. Ships w
nits may be added to the mainframe for a maximum paper capacity of 2,600 sheets.

n be sent to email, folders and external media (SD/USB).

mmends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.
Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.
firmware is not currently available for the MP 501SPF.

s to be printed on any network.

andard DOSS and HDD Encryption.

nt (Print from USB/SD), Scan to URL,
Print Driver, Enhanced Batch Scan,
ware Development Kit (SDK).

-Sheet Bypass Tray, Duplex, 320GB HDD, 2GB RAM, Java VM, HDD Encryption, & included DOSS is now ISO 15408 Certified. Note: VM card is not pre-installed in the main
y one of these options can be installed on the device.
all users to access the device (Section 508). The caster tray provides a platform with wheels to easily move the device.
417268), or PB3230 (417270).
30 requires either PB3220 (417268), or PB3230 (417270).

F (100478FNG).

unctionality, drag-and-drop icons and swipe scrolling. Note: Standard control panel must be removed by Service Technician.

el (416910). This option is required when ICE and/or HotSpot are configured with the Standard Operation Panel.

Includes standard Internet Fax (T.37), LAN Fax, IP-Fax (T.38), Fax Forwarding to Email & Paperless Fax function.

M12 (417100) installed and on the Sub MFP(s) needing remote fax.
ption is used. If using another type card reader be sure reader dimensions do not exceed 63.5mm x 106mm x 22mm in size.

riteria certified, so this option is no longer required to provide an ISO 15408 Certified version of DOSS.

ray, 320GB HDD, 2GB RAM, Emulated Postscript, Standard DOSS, HDD Encryption and Copy Data Security, also Color Scanning. Standard DOSS has been ISO 15408 Cert
ay, 320GB HDD, 2GB RAM, Emulated Postscript, Standard DOSS, HDD Encryption and Copy Data Security, also Color Scanning. Standard DOSS is not ISO 15408 Certified
y one of these options can be installed on the device.
all users to access the device (Section 508). The caster tray provides a platform with wheels to easily move the device.
408116), or PB3220 (417268).
equires either PB3220 (417268), or PB3260 (408116).

F (100478FNG).

Includes standard Internet Fax (T.37), LAN Fax, IP-Fax (T.38), Fax Forwarding to Email & Paperless Fax function.

M29 (417865) installed and on the Sub MFP(s) needing remote fax.

ption is used. If using another type of card reader be sure reader dimensions do not exceed 63.5mm x 106mm x 22mm in size.

dated to add this option for existing products

existing products
ultaneously: one to the machine's Ethernet port and one to the Ethernet port of the USB Device Server Option. An IP address can be assigned to each connection, and one mac

-Sheet Bypass Tray, Duplex, 320GB HDD, 2GB RAM, Java VM, HDD Encryption, & included DOSS is ISO 15408 Certified. Note: VM card is not pre-installed in the mainfram
y one of these options can be installed on the device.
all users to access the device (Section 508). The caster tray provides a platform with wheels to easily move the device.
(416541), SR3170 (416542), PB3220 (417268), or PB3230 (417270).
30 requires either PB3220 (417268), or PB3230 (417270).
F (100478FNG).

unctionality, drag-and-drop icons and swipe scrolling. Note: Standard control panel must be removed by Service Technician.

el (416910). This option is required when ICE and/or HotSpot are configured with the Standard Operation Panel.

Includes standard Internet Fax (T.37), LAN Fax, IP-Fax (T.38), Fax Forwarding to Email & Paperless Fax function.

M12 (417100) installed and on the Sub MFP(s) needing remote fax.

ption is used. If using another type card reader be sure reader dimensions do not exceed 63.5mm x 106mm x 22mm in size.

riteria certified, so this option is no longer required to provide an ISO 15408 Certified version of DOSS.

HDD, 2GB RAM, Emulated Postscript, Standard DOSS, HDD Encryption and Copy Data Security, also Color Scanning. Standard DOSS has been ISO 15408 Certified.
y one of these options can be installed on the device.
all users to access the device (Section 508). The caster tray provides a platform with wheels to easily move the device.
(417487), SR3240 (417488), PB3220 (417268), PB3260 (408116) or Cabinet Type F (100478FNG).
equires either PB3220 (417268), or PB3260 (408116).

F (100478FNG).

nal Finisher, Bridge Unit BU 3070 (417587) and the Internal Shift Tray SH3070 (416550)
Includes standard Internet Fax (T.37), LAN Fax, IP-Fax (T.38), Fax Forwarding to Email & Paperless Fax function.

M29 (417865) installed and on the Sub MFP(s) needing remote fax.

ption is used. If using another type of card reader be sure reader dimensions do not exceed 63.5mm x 106mm x 22mm in size.

pdated to add this option for existing products

r existing products
ultaneously: one to the machine's Ethernet port and one to the Ethernet port of the USB Device Server Option. An IP address can be assigned to each connection, and one mac
ll not be updated to add this option for existing products

0-sheet SPDF, integrated Duplex, 320GB HDD, 2 GB RAM, and Fax & Scanning capability. PostScript 3 and PDF Direct Print Emulation, Gigabit Ethernet, USB 2.0 connectivit
t Paper Tray, 100-sheet Bypass Tray, 100-sheet SPDF with Page Keeper, integrated Duplex, 320GB HDD, 2 GB RAM, and Fax & Scanning capability. PostScript 3 and PDF D
Units may be added to the mainframe for a maximum paper capacity of 2,600 sheets.

ously: one to the machine's Ethernet port and one to the Ethernet port of the Device Server Option. An IP address can be assigned to each connection, and one machine can be
en enabled on the MFP, the standard PostScript3/PDF Direct Print emulation will be disabled.

n be sent to email, folders and external media (SD/USB).

mmends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.
Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.
bedded software app is developed on the SmartSDK (i.e. full-native Android), then the VM Card option is NOT required.

ng add Print Scan Kit Type 9002 ) - If required, Java VM Card Type U (416163) must be purchased separately with the Base model configuration
dard Print/Scan Unit (includes NIC (10BaseT/100BaseTX Ethernet) and USB 2.0 interfaces, Scan-to and Print-from USB/SD card and PDF Direct Print
E 802.11a/b/g Wireless Type J (414008).
a/b/g Wireless Type J (414008).
Format Converter Type E (414007) or Gigabit Ethernet Type B (414204)

the fax option. Copier Basic requires upgrade with the Print Scan Unit Type 9002 (415919) and Fax Connection Unit Type E (415929). SP configuration requires the Fax Optio
with Ricoh products. (for use on the MP 6002/MP 6002SP/MP 7502/ MP 7502SP only)
with Ricoh products. Power Manager includes display. (for use on the MP 6002/MP 6002SP/MP 7502/ MP 7502SP only)
with Ricoh products (MP9002 only - 220V). Power Manager includes display. (for use on the MP 9002/ MP 9002SP only)

nd JAVA installed. Does not inlcude MFP or JAVA card. MFP Browser Type J - 416233 is also required to provide secure release.

Tandem Tray, 2 x 550 Sheet Paper Trays, 100 Sheet Bypass Tray, Auto Duplex, embedded Java, 2.0 GB RAM, 320 GB HDD, DOSS, HDD Encryption, Scan to and Print from
Format Converter Type M19 (417508), Extended USB Board Type M19 (417566) or USB Device Server Type M19 (417567)
rter Type M19 (417508), Extended USB Board Type M19 (417566) or USB Device Server Type M19 (417567)

ed with IEEE802.11 a/g/n Wireless Interface Type M19 (417493), IEEE1284 Interface Board Type M19 (417596), File Format Converter Type M19 (417508) or Extended USB
Board Type M19 (417596), File Format Converter Type M19 (417508) or USB Device Server Type M19 (417567)
ed with USB Device Server Option Type M19 (417567), IEEE802.11 a/g/n Wireless Interface Type M19 (417493), IEEE1284 Interface Board Type M19 (417596) or Extended U

Includes standard Internet Fax (T.37), LAN Fax, IP-Fax (T.38), Fax Forwarding to Email & Paperless Fax function.

the fax option. Requires the Fax Option Type M25 (417636).
ertified in Nov 2016

95) or NFC Card Reader Type M19 (417573).

Bracket Type M25 (417696)

ts. For use on the MP 6503 (417609) and MP 7503 (417610) only.
ts. For use on the MP 9003 (417611) only.

7627), Cover Interposer Tray CI4040 (417631), Output Jogger Unit Type M25 (417630), Output Jogger Unit Type 9002B (416231), Mailbox CS4010 (416633), Multi-Folding Un

y, standard duplex printing, Standard / Maximum 256MB RAM, IEEE802.11b/g/n, 35-sheet ADF, PCL5c/6, PostScript3 emulation and Pictbridge support. Ships with Starter All
y, standard Duplex printing, Standard / Maximum 256MB RAM, IEEE802.11b/g/n, 35-sheet ADF, PCL5c/6, PostScript3 emulation and Pictbridge support. Ships with Starter Al

d Duplex printing and PictBridge. Ships with All-in-One Toner Cartridges that yield 1,000 prints.

Power Protection

ava VM, PCL/PS3 B&W and Color Printing, PDF Direct Printing, Print From and Scan To USB/SD, Scan to Email/Folder, 10/100/1000Base-T/TX Ethernet, HDD Encryption. Th
ray, 9" Color Control Panel, Java VM, PCL/PS3 B&W and Color Printing, PDF Direct Printing, Print From and Scan To USB/SD, Scan to Email/Folder, 10/100/1000Base-T/TX E

owser functionality, drag-and-drop icons and swipe scrolling. Note: Standard control panel must be removed by Service Technician.
can be sent to email, folders, or external media.
atible with all Web Sites.

ncludes standard Internet Fax (T.37), LAN Fax, IP-Fax (T.38), Fax Forwarding to Email & Paperless Fax function.
M10 (416976) installed and on the Sub MFP(s) needing remote fax. Fax Option M10 is not required for the Sub MFP(s). Up to 6 Sub MFP units can be installed in a remote fax

ommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.

DD, Non- Certified DOSS, HDD Encryption, Copy Guard Security and Emulated PostScript
able Type M3 (416737).

Type F (100478FNG).

the Extended USB Board Type M19 (417566).

an be sent to email, folders, and external media (USB/SD). Supports blank page removal when scanning.

onal font support. When enabled on the MFP, the standard PostScript3 emulation will be disabled.

Includes standard Internet Fax (T.37), LAN Fax, IP-Fax (T.38), Fax Forwarding to Email & Paperless Fax function.

Ricoh Advanced Technical Support (ATS) recommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.

hed. Not all card readers may be supported.

2GB RAM, 320 GB HDD, 1 x 250sheet Paper Tray, 100 Sheet Bypass Tray, Auto Duplex.

n be sent to email, folders and external media (SD/USB).

ommon in TBD
ommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.
s the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.
pt, B/W & Color Scanning, Fax, 2GB RAM, 320 GB HDD, embedded Java, 1 x 250 sheet Paper Tray, 100 Sheet Bypass Tray, Auto Duplex.

n be sent to email, folders and external media (SD/USB).

ommon in (Target May 2016)

ommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.
s the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.

ing, B/W & Color Scanning, Fax, 2GB RAM, 320 GB HDD, 1 x 250sheet Paper Tray, 100 Sheet Bypass Tray, Auto Duplex.

pe M19 (417566)

n be sent to email, folders and external media (SD/USB).

ommends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.
s the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.

eeder), Printing, B/W & Color Scanning, Fax, 2GB RAM, 320 GB HDD, 1 x 250sheet Paper Tray, 100 Sheet Bypass Tray, Auto Duplex.
PageKeeper, Printing, B/W & Color Scanning, Fax, 2GB RAM, 320 GB HDD, 1 x 250sheet Paper Tray, 100 Sheet Bypass Tray, Auto Duplex.
eeder) with PageKeeper, Printing, B/W & Color Scanning, Fax, 2GB RAM, 320 GB HDD, 1 x 250sheet Paper Tray, 100 Sheet Bypass Tray, Auto Duplex.

PCL5c/PCL6 Printing & Scan to Email/Folder. Also includes HDD Encryption Unit and Data Overwrite Security Unit (The standard DOSS included with the mainframe is not ISO
6545) with the Caster Table Type M3 (416737). Only one of these options can be installed on the device.
43) or the Internal Shift Tray SH3070 (416550)

unctionality, drag-and-drop icons and swipe scrolling. Note: Standard control panel must be removed by Service Technician.

n be sent to email, folders and external media (SD/USB).

Memory Unit Type M3 2GB (007208MIU) must also be installed.

ncludes standard Internet Fax (T.37), LAN Fax, IP-Fax (T.38), Fax Forwarding to Email & Paperless Fax function.

M3 (416556) installed and on the Sub MFP(s) needing remote fax.

ched. Not all card readers may be supported. The Smart Card Reader Built-in Unit Type M2 (416729) and External Keyboard Bracket Type M3 (416909) cannot be installed on
ommon Criteria certified in Sept 2014 (Target) Mainframe is now ISO 15408 Common Criteria certified, so this option is no longer required to provide an ISO 15408 Certified ve
ervice included.

eveloper, Color Scanning and Printing, USB Host Interface, Gigabit Ethernet, DOSS, PDF Direct Print, HDD Encryption, Java VM, Scan to/Print From USB/SD Card, 2GB RAM
Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets x 2, Supports 5.5" x 8.5" to 12" x 18". 417268) or Cabinet Type F (100478FNG) .
ction 508). The caster tray provides a platform with wheels to easily move the device.
y. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x18". 417484) Internal Finisher SR3130 (500 Sheet Internal Finisher. 50 -8.5"x11" Sheet Staple Capacity. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x18

orts Paper Sizes Up To 5.5" x 8.5" to 12.6" x 17.7".

ncludes standard Internet Fax (T.37), LAN Fax, IP-Fax (T.38), Fax Forwarding to Email & Paperless Fax function.

an be sent to email, folders and external media (SD/USB). Supports blank page removal when scanning.

M19 (417510) installed and on the Sub MFP(s) needing remote fax.
ched. Not all card readers may be supported.
y: one to the machine's Gigabit Ethernet port and one to the Gigabit Ethernet port of USB Device Server Option. An IP address can be assigned to each connection, and you ca
S) overwrites data that is temporarily stored on the hard drive of digital Multifunctional Products by writing over the latent image with random sequences of 1's and 0's. This proc

30 (417589), Internal Shift Tray SH3070 (416550), or any external finisher. Hole punching is not supported.

eveloper, Color Scanning and Printing, USB Host Interface, Gigabit Ethernet, DOSS, PostScript3, PDF Direct Print, HDD Encryption, Java VM, Scan to/Print From USB/SD Car
Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets x 2, Supports 5.5" x 8.5" to 12" x 18". 417268) or Cabinet Type F (100478FNG) .
ction 508). The caster tray provides a platform with wheels to easily move the device.
y. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x18". 417484) Internal Finisher SR3130 (500 Sheet Internal Finisher. 50 -8.5"x11" Sheet Staple Capacity. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x18

orts Paper Sizes Up To 5.5" x 8.5" to 12.6" x 17.7".

ncludes standard Internet Fax (T.37), LAN Fax, IP-Fax (T.38), Fax Forwarding to Email & Paperless Fax function.

an be sent to email, folders and external media (SD/USB). Supports blank page removal when scanning.

M19 (417510) installed and on the Sub MFP(s) needing remote fax.
ched. Not all card readers may be supported.

S) overwrites data that is temporarily stored on the hard drive of digital Multifunctional Products by writing over the latent image with random sequences of 1's and 0's. This proc

30 (417589), Internal Shift Tray SH3070 (416550), or any external finisher. Hole punching is not supported.

ums, Developer, Color Scanning and Printing, USB Host Interface, Gigabit Ethernet, DOSS, PostScript3, PDF Direct Print, HDD Encryption, Scan to/Print From USB/SD Card,
Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets x 2, Supports 5.5" x 8.5" to 12" x 18" (418352)) or Cabinet Type F (100478FNG) .
ion 508). The caster tray provides a platform with wheels to easily move the device.
inisher SR3300 (418341) or Internal Shift Tray SH3080 (418343).

cludes standard Internet Fax (T.37), LAN Fax, IP-Fax (T.38), Fax Forwarding to Email & Paperless Fax function.

n enabled on the MFP, the standard PostScript3/PDF Direct Print emulation will be disabled.
an be sent to email, folders and external media (SD/USB).

hed. Not all card readers may be supported.

ltaneously: one to the machine's Ethernet port and one to the Ethernet port of the USB Device Server Option. An IP address can be assigned to each connection, and one mac

50 (418378), Internal Shift Tray SH3080 (418343), or any external finisher. Hole punching is not supported.

ums, Developer, Color Scanning and Printing, USB Host Interface, Gigabit Ethernet, DOSS, PostScript3, PDF Direct Print, HDD Encryption, Scan to/Print From USB/SD Card,
Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets x 2, Supports 5.5" x 8.5" to 12" x 18" (418352)) or Cabinet Type F (100478FNG) .
ion 508). The caster tray provides a platform with wheels to easily move the device.
inisher SR3300 (418341) or Internal Shift Tray SH3080 (418343).

pe M37 4GB is also required when ordering this option. Note: If the embedded software app is developed on the SmartSDK (i.e. full-native Android), then the VM Card option a

cludes standard Internet Fax (T.37), LAN Fax, IP-Fax (T.38), Fax Forwarding to Email & Paperless Fax function.

n enabled on the MFP, the standard PostScript3/PDF Direct Print emulation will be disabled.
an be sent to email, folders and external media (SD/USB).

hed. Not all card readers may be supported.

ltaneously: one to the machine's Ethernet port and one to the Ethernet port of the USB Device Server Option. An IP address can be assigned to each connection, and one mac

50 (418378), Internal Shift Tray SH3080 (418343), or any external finisher. Hole punching is not supported.

oken Authentication Solutions.

veloper, Color Scanning and Printing, USB Host Interface, Gigabit Ethernet, DOSS, PDF Direct Print, HDD Encryption, Java VM, Scan to/Print From USB/SD Card, 2GB RAM
(2-Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets x 2, Supports 5.5" x 8.5" to 12" x 18". 416544), PB3230 (Tandem Large Capacity Tray, 1,000 Sheets x 2, Supports 8.5" x 11". 417270) or Cab
ction 508). The caster tray provides a platform with wheels to easily move the device.
e. M3 (416737)
Supports or Cabinet
Paper Sizes upType F (100478FNG).
to 12"x18". 417483). Booklet Finisher SR3220 (1,000 Sheet Booklet Finisher. 50 -8.5"x11" Sheets Staple Capacity. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x

orts Paper Sizes Up To 5.5" x 8.5" to 12.6" x 17.7".

ncludes standard Internet Fax (T.37), LAN Fax, IP-Fax (T.38), Fax Forwarding to Email & Paperless Fax function.

an be sent to email, folders and external media (SD/USB). Supports blank page removal when scanning.

M19 (417510) installed and on the Sub MFP(s) needing remote fax.
ched. Not all card readers may be supported.

y: one to the machine's Gigabit Ethernet port and one to the Gigabit Ethernet port of USB Device Server Option. An IP address can be assigned to each connection, and you ca
S) overwrites data that is temporarily stored on the hard drive of digital Multifunctional Products by writing over the latent image with random sequences of 1's and 0's. This proc

C (416731) are installed.

B RAM memory upgrade and connector.

30 (417589), Internal Shift Tray SH3070 (416550), or any external finisher. Hole punching is not supported.
Requires Color Controller E23-C (417486).
Requires Color Controller E23-C (417486).

), PostScript 3 Unit Type M19 (417504), Key Counter Bracket Type M3 (416869) and Optional Counter Unit Interface Type M12 (417111) cannot be configured with the Color C

veloper, Color Scanning and Printing, USB Host Interface, Gigabit Ethernet, DOSS, PDF Direct Print, HDD Encryption, Scan to/Print From USB/SD Card, Postscript Emulation
80 (2-Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets x 2, Supports 7.25" x 10.5" to 12" x 18", 418349), PB3290 (Tandem Large Capacity Tray, 1,000 Sheets x 2, Supports 8.5" x 11" only, 4183
ction 508). The caster tray provides a platform with wheels to easily move the device.
e. M3 (416737)
Supports or Cabinet
Paper Sizes upType F (100478FNG).
to 12"x18". 418337). Booklet Finisher SR3270 (1,000 Sheet Booklet Finisher. 50 -8.5"x11" Sheets Staple Capacity. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x

orts Paper Sizes Up To 5.5" x 8.5" to 12.6" x 17.7".

ernal finisher. No Bridge Unit is required. Cannot be installed with Internal Finisher SR3250 or SR3300.

ncludes standard Internet Fax (T.37), LAN Fax, IP-Fax (T.38), Fax Forwarding to Email & Paperless Fax function.

n the MFP, the standard PostScript3 emulation will be disabled.

an be sent to email, folders and external media (SD/USB). Supports blank page removal when scanning.

ched. Not all card readers may be supported. Card reader not included.

ched. Not all card readers may be supported. Card reader not included. Cannot be installed with the External Keyboard Bracket Type M19 (417578).

y: one to the machine's Gigabit Ethernet port and one to the Gigabit Ethernet port of USB Device Server Option. An IP address can be assigned to each connection, and you ca

B RAM memory upgrade and connector.

50 (418378), Internal Shift Tray SH3080 (418343), Internal Multi-Fold Unit FD3010 (418339) or any external finisher. Hole punching is not supported.
Requires Color Controller E25-C (418433).
Requires Color Controller E25-C (418433).

rchase of Memory Unit Type M37 4GB (418397) is required with this option.

veloper, Color Scanning and Printing, USB Host Interface, Gigabit Ethernet, DOSS, PDF Direct Print, HDD Encryption, Scan to/Print From USB/SD Card, Postscript Emulation
80 (2-Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets x 2, Supports 7.25" x 10.5" to 12" x 18", 418349), PB3290 (Tandem Large Capacity Tray, 1,000 Sheets x 2, Supports 8.5" x 11" only, 4183
ction 508). The caster tray provides a platform with wheels to easily move the device.
e. M3 (416737)
Supports or Cabinet
Paper Sizes upType F (100478FNG).
to 12"x18". 418337). Booklet Finisher SR3270 (1,000 Sheet Booklet Finisher. 50 -8.5"x11" Sheets Staple Capacity. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x

orts Paper Sizes Up To 5.5" x 8.5" to 12.6" x 17.7".

ernal finisher. No Bridge Unit is required. Cannot be installed with Internal Finisher SR3250 or SR3300.

ncludes standard Internet Fax (T.37), LAN Fax, IP-Fax (T.38), Fax Forwarding to Email & Paperless Fax function.

n the MFP, the standard PostScript3 emulation will be disabled.

an be sent to email, folders and external media (SD/USB). Supports blank page removal when scanning.

ched. Not all card readers may be supported. Card reader not included.

ched. Not all card readers may be supported. Card reader not included. Cannot be installed with the External Keyboard Bracket Type M19 (417578).

y: one to the machine's Gigabit Ethernet port and one to the Gigabit Ethernet port of USB Device Server Option. An IP address can be assigned to each connection, and you ca

B RAM memory upgrade and connector.

50 (418378), Internal Shift Tray SH3080 (418343), Internal Multi-Fold Unit FD3010 (418339) or any external finisher. Hole punching is not supported.
Requires Color Controller E25-C (418433).
Requires Color Controller E25-C (418433).

e M37 4GB is also required when ordering this option. Note: If the embedded software app is developed on the SmartSDK (i.e. full-native Android), then the VM Card option and
Token Authentication Solutions.

veloper, Color Scanning and Printing, USB Host Interface, Gigabit Ethernet, DOSS, PDF Direct Print, HDD Encryption, Java VM, Scan to/Print From USB/SD Card, Postscript
0 (2-Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets x 2, Supports 7.25" x 10.5" to 12" x 18" 408112), PB3260 (Tandem Large Capacity Tray, 1,000 Sheets x 2, Supports 8.5" x 11" only. 40811
ction 508). The caster tray provides a platform with wheels to easily move the device.
e. M3 (416737)
Supports or Cabinet
Paper Sizes upType F (100478FNG).
to 12"x18". 417483). Booklet Finisher SR3220 (1,000 Sheet Booklet Finisher. 50 -8.5"x11" Sheets Staple Capacity. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x

orts Paper Sizes Up To 5.5" x 8.5" to 12.6" x 17.7".

ncludes standard Internet Fax (T.37), LAN Fax, IP-Fax (T.38), Fax Forwarding to Email & Paperless Fax function.

n the MFP, the standard PostScript3 emulation will be disabled.

an be sent to email, folders and external media (SD/USB). Supports blank page removal when scanning.

M19 (417510) installed and on the Sub MFP(s) needing remote fax.
ched. Not all card readers may be supported. Card reader not included.

ched. Not all card readers may be supported. Card reader not included. Cannot be installed with the External Keyboard Bracket Type M19 (417578).

S) overwrites data that is temporarily stored on the hard drive of digital Multifunctional Products by writing over the latent image with random sequences of 1's and 0's. This proc

B RAM memory upgrade and connector.

30 (417589), Internal Shift Tray SH3070 (416550), or any external finisher. Hole punching is not supported.
Requires Color Controller E23-C (4174925).
Requires Color Controller E23-C (417925).
), and PostScript 3 Unit Type M33 (418055) cannot be configured with the Color Controller E-23C (417925).

veloper, Color Scanning and Printing, USB Host Interface, Gigabit Ethernet, DOSS, PDF Direct Print, HDD Encryption, Java VM, Scan to/Print From USB/SD Card, 2GB RAM
(2-Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets x 2, Supports 5.5" x 8.5" to 12" x 18". 416544), PB3230 (Tandem Large Capacity Tray, 1,000 Sheets x 2, Supports 8.5" x 11". 417270) or Cab
ction 508). The caster tray provides a platform with wheels to easily move the device.
e M3 (416737) or Cabinet Type F (100478FNG).
. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x18". 417484). Finisher SR3240 (2,000 Sheet External Booklet Finisher. 50 -8.5"x11" Sheet Staple Capacity, 20 Sheet Saddle Stitch Capacity,

orts Paper Sizes Up To 5.5" x 8.5" to 12.6" x 17.7".

ncludes standard Internet Fax (T.37), LAN Fax, IP-Fax (T.38), Fax Forwarding to Email & Paperless Fax function.

an be sent to email, folders and external media (SD/USB). Supports blank page removal when scanning.

M20 (417510) installed and on the Sub MFP(s) needing remote fax.

ster Table Type M3 (416737).

y: one to the machine's Gigabit Ethernet port and one to the Gigabit Ethernet port of USB Device Server Option. An IP address can be assigned to each connection, and you ca
S) overwrites data that is temporarily stored on the hard drive of digital Multifunctional Products by writing over the latent image with random sequences of 1's and 0's. This proc

B RAM memory upgrade and connector.

Requires Color Controller E23-C (417486).

Requires Color Controller E23-C (417486).
3 (417504), Extended USB Board Type M19 (417566), USB Device Server Option Type M19 (417567) cannot be configured with the Color Controller E-23C (417486).

veloper, Color Scanning and Printing, USB Host Interface, Gigabit Ethernet, DOSS, PDF Direct Print, HDD Encryption, Scan to/Print From USB/SD Card, Postscript Emulation
80 (2-Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets x 2, Supports 7.25" x 10.5" to 12" x 18", 418349), PB3290 (Tandem Large Capacity Tray, 1,000 Sheets x 2, Supports 8.5" x 11" only, 4183
ction 508). The caster tray provides a platform with wheels to easily move the device.
e M3 (416737) or Cabinet Type F (100478FNG).
. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x18". 418337). Booklet Finisher SR3270 (1,000 Sheet Booklet Finisher. 50 -8.5"x11" Sheets Staple Capacity. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x

orts Paper Sizes Up To 5.5" x 8.5" to 12.6" x 17.7".

ernal finisher. No Bridge Unit is required. Cannot be installed with Internal Finisher SR3250.

ncludes standard Internet Fax (T.37), LAN Fax, IP-Fax (T.38), Fax Forwarding to Email & Paperless Fax function.
n the MFP, the standard PostScript3 emulation will be disabled.
an be sent to email, folders and external media (SD/USB). Supports blank page removal when scanning.

ched. Not all card readers may be supported. Card reader not included.

ched. Not all card readers may be supported. Card reader not included. Cannot be installed with the External Keyboard Bracket Type M19 (417578).

ster Table Type M3 (416737).

y: one to the machine's Gigabit Ethernet port and one to the Gigabit Ethernet port of USB Device Server Option. An IP address can be assigned to each connection, and you ca

B RAM memory upgrade and connector.

Requires Color Controller E25-C (418433).

Requires Color Controller E25-C (418433).

rchase of Memory Unit Type M37 4GB (418397) is required with this option.

veloper, Color Scanning and Printing, USB Host Interface, Gigabit Ethernet, DOSS, PDF Direct Print, HDD Encryption, Scan to/Print From USB/SD Card, Postscript Emulation
80 (2-Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets x 2, Supports 7.25" x 10.5" to 12" x 18", 418349), PB3290 (Tandem Large Capacity Tray, 1,000 Sheets x 2, Supports 8.5" x 11" only, 4183
ction 508). The caster tray provides a platform with wheels to easily move the device.
e M3 (416737) or Cabinet Type F (100478FNG).
. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x18". 418337). Booklet Finisher SR3270 (1,000 Sheet Booklet Finisher. 50 -8.5"x11" Sheets Staple Capacity. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x

orts Paper Sizes Up To 5.5" x 8.5" to 12.6" x 17.7".

ernal finisher. No Bridge Unit is required. Cannot be installed with Internal Finisher SR3250.

ncludes standard Internet Fax (T.37), LAN Fax, IP-Fax (T.38), Fax Forwarding to Email & Paperless Fax function.

n the MFP, the standard PostScript3 emulation will be disabled.

an be sent to email, folders and external media (SD/USB). Supports blank page removal when scanning.
ched. Not all card readers may be supported. Card reader not included.

ched. Not all card readers may be supported. Card reader not included. Cannot be installed with the External Keyboard Bracket Type M19 (417578).

ster Table Type M3 (416737).

y: one to the machine's Gigabit Ethernet port and one to the Gigabit Ethernet port of USB Device Server Option. An IP address can be assigned to each connection, and you ca

B RAM memory upgrade and connector.

Requires Color Controller E25-C (418433).

Requires Color Controller E25-C (418433).

e M37 4GB is also required when ordering this option. Note: If the embedded software app is developed on the SmartSDK (i.e. full-native Android), then the VM Card option and

Token Authentication Solutions.

veloper, Color Scanning and Printing, USB Host Interface, Gigabit Ethernet, DOSS, PDF Direct Print, HDD Encryption, Java VM, Scan to/Print From USB/SD Card, Postscript
0 (2-Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets x 2, Supports 7.25" x 10.5" to 12" x 18" 408112), PB3260 (Tandem Large Capacity Tray, 1,000 Sheets x 2, Supports 8.5" x 11" only. 40811
ction 508). The caster tray provides a platform with wheels to easily move the device.
e M3 (416737) or Cabinet Type F (100478FNG).
. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x18". 417484). Finisher SR3240 (2,000 Sheet External Booklet Finisher. 50 -8.5"x11" Sheet Staple Capacity, 20 Sheet Saddle Stitch Capacity,

orts Paper Sizes Up To 5.5" x 8.5" to 12.6" x 17.7".

ncludes standard Internet Fax (T.37), LAN Fax, IP-Fax (T.38), Fax Forwarding to Email & Paperless Fax function.

n the MFP, the standard PostScript3 emulation will be disabled.

an be sent to email, folders and external media (SD/USB). Supports blank page removal when scanning.

M20 (417510) installed and on the Sub MFP(s) needing remote fax.

ched. Not all card readers may be supported. Card reader not included. Cannot be installed with the External Keyboard Bracket Type M19 (417578).
ster Table Type M3 (416737).
S) overwrites data that is temporarily stored on the hard drive of digital Multifunctional Products by writing over the latent image with random sequences of 1's and 0's. This proc

B RAM memory upgrade and connector.

Requires Color Controller E23-C (4174925).

Requires Color Controller E23-C (417925).
), PostScript 3 Unit Type M33 (418055) cannot be configured with the Color Controller E-23C (417925).

1 x 550-sheets, 100-sheet Bypass

2.5GB RAM, & 640GB HDD.
or the Copy Tray Type M2.
he Copy Tray Type M2 .

090, the Booklet Finisher SR4100 or

talled with A4/RT4020 LCT.

side the mainframe when this option

earchable PDF files can be sent to

ports, SNMP via IPX and Scan to

le HotSpot printing.

License; Unicode
E-22B Color Controller.

uments while achieving process

320 Pages Memory. Includes

s required on both the Main MFP

nt data - mainframe is now ISO 15408 Common Criteria certified. This option is no longer required to provide an ISO 15408 Certified version of DOSS.
n products to minimize potential

n products to minimize potential

at least (1) die set option.

ole (Twin Loop Wire 2:1); GBC Die Set

HD Die Set or GBC 32 Hole Pro

0e, Book Folder BF5010e,

tion Bookletmaker.
stomers that print coated/thick paper

is 1 x 550-sheets, 100-sheet Bypass Tray, Print/Scan, USB Host Interface, Standard Main Frame DOSS is CC Certified as of June 2017, PDF Direct Print, HDD Encryption, E
Finisher SR4130 (417629) or the Copy Tray Type M2 (417904)
he Copy Tray Type M2 (417904)
Tray Type M2 (417904)

klet Finisher SR4130 (417629) or the Finisher SR4110 (416632)

T4020 LCT (416699)

and the Finisher SR4110 (416632)

ched. Not all card readers may be supported.

can be sent to email, folders and external media (SD/USB).

pe M19 (417508)
ed with IEEE 802.11a/g/n Interface Unit Type M19 (417493), or IEEE1284 Interface Board Type M19 (417596)

e installed with the Key Board Bracket.Type M25 (417696)

ultaneously: one to the machine's Ethernet port and one to the Ethernet port of the USB Device Server Option. An IP address can be assigned to each connection, and one mac
mat Converter Type M19 (417508)

ncludes standard Internet Fax (T.37), LAN Fax, IP-Fax (T.38), Fax Forwarding to Email & Paperless Fax function.
e Main MFP that has the Fax Option Type M26 (417689) installed and on the Sub MFP(s) needing remote fax.

minimize potential electrical interference with products.

inimize potential electrical interference with products.

over Interposer Tray CI4040 (417640), Output Jogger Unit Type M25 (417630), Mailbox CS4010 (416633), Multi-Folding Unit FD4000 (415908),Cooling Fan Unit Type M26 (417

t Sort Tray SH5000. Only one Finisher can be added to the system.

uded in the system when either LCIT RT5110 (409117) or LCIT RT5120 (409082) is included.

T5120 can be included in the system.

en attaching to LCIT RT5120 (409082) Multi Bypass Attachment Kit for Vacuum Feed LCIT Type S9 (409096) is also needed.
409082). Mutually exclusive with RT5130 (409256).
uded in the system when either LCIT RT5110 (409117) or LCIT RT5120 (409082) is included.

RT5120 can be included in the system.

en attaching to LCIT RT5120 (409082) Multi Bypass Attachment Kit for Vacuum Feed LCIT Type S9 (409096) is also needed.
409082). Mutually exclusive with LCIT RT5130 (409256).

uded in the system ,the Plockmatic Communication Splitter (409232) is required also. Booklet Finisher SR5120 (409250) can't be included in the same system.
to choose which Stream Wire Spool to use for initinal installation.

LCIT RT5120 (409082)

uded in the system when either LCIT RT5110 (409117) or LCIT RT5120 (409082) is included.

RT5120 can be included in the system.

en attaching to LCIT RT5120 (409082) Multi Bypass Attachment Kit for Vacuum Feed LCIT Type S9 (409096) is also needed.
409082). Mutually exclusive with LCIT RT5130 (409256).
uded in the system ,the Plockmatic Communication Splitter (409232) is required also. Booklet Finisher SR5120 (409250) can't be included in the same system.
to choose which Stream Wire Spool to use for initinal installation.

LCIT RT5120 (409082)

en attaching to LCIT RT5120 (409082) Multi Bypass Attachment Kit for Vacuum Feed LCIT Type S9 (409096) is also needed.
409082). Mutually exclusive with LCIT RT5130 (409256).
s Output tray for Banner Sheet Type S6 (404877) or Plockmatic MPS (409220) is required when system includes Finisher SR5110 (409249).

ded in the same system

Communication Splitter (409232) is required also. Booklet Finisher SR5120 (409250) and Bridge Unit BU5020 can't be included in the same system.
to choose which Stream Wire Spool to use for initinal installation.
LCIT RT5120 (409082)
) can be configured in the same system.

5010 (404542).

and internet access.

a PostScript3 Unit Type M26 (417679), or Color Controller E-24B (409063), or Color Controller E-44B (404887). Requires the XG-PCS20820D RIC AMP SURGE PROTECTO
s Banner Sheet Tray Type S3
oversize media, you must add Multi Bypass Banner Sheet Tray Type S3

ement Kit Type S3

and internet access.

Upgrade Kit (404748) or TCRU C (404698)

odak TypeS3 (404967)

T Type S9 (409096) is also needed.

LCIT RT5120 (409082)

V4.X includes ES-2000 (409293 007091MIU), EFI Color Profiler Suite V4.X software only (409294 007096MIU), and EFI ES-2000 (007095MIU)
oversize media, you must add Multi Bypass Banner Sheet Tray Type S3
LCIT RT5120 (409082)

), EFI Color Profiler Suite V4.X software only (409294), and EFI ES-2000 (007095MIU)
Wireless LAN; USB 2.0.
umables ship at full yield.

Adobe PostScript 3, Ethernet and USB 2.0 connectivity is provided standard. Ships with Starter Toner that yields 1,500 prints (ISO/IEC 19752)

rations. Provides added storage for paper and extra supplies.

ry for printer, USB2.0

d: 2,500 or 6,400 page

ex. Adobe PostScript 3, Gigabit Ethernet and USB 2.0 connectivity is provided standard. Ships with Starter Toner that yields 6,000 prints (ISO/IEC 19752)
12MB RAM and integrated Duplex. Adobe PostScript 3, Gigabit Ethernet and USB 2.0 connectivity is provided standard. Ships with Starter Toner that yields 10,400 prints (6%

rations. Provides added storage for paper and extra supplies.

m USB/SD Card (SP 4520DN only). Data Overwrite and HDD Encryption are available when the HDD is installed.

st also be installed for the Browser option to work.

s of the standard paper tray (500 sheets) and bypass tray (100 sheets) and three (500 sheet) paper feed units.
onments with limited system height requirements.

Server Option can connect two Ethernet cables simultaneously: one to the machine's Gigabit Ethernet port and one to the Gigabit Ethernet port of USB Device Server Option. A

Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.

Starter AIO Print Cartridge that yields 6K prints.
rwrite and Encryption and integrated Duplex. Ships with a Starter AIO Print Cartridge that yields 6K prints.

dobe PostScript 3, Gigabit Ethernet and USB 2.0 connectivity is provided standard. Ships with Starter Toner that yields 10,000 prints (ISO 19752).
nits may be added to the mainframe for a maximum paper capacity of 2,600 sheets.
ng configuration.

HDD Encryption are available when the HDD is installed.

mmends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.
Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.
firmware is not currently available

s to be printed on any network.

ostScript 3 Emulation, Gigabit Ethernet and USB 2.0 connectivity is provided standard. Ships with Starter Toner that yields 10,000 prints (ISO 19752).
ostScript 3 Emulation, Gigabit Ethernet and USB 2.0 connectivity is provided standard. Ships with Starter Toner that yields 11,000 prints (ISO 19752).
Units may be added to the mainframe for a maximum paper capacity of 2,600 sheets.

ously: one to the machine's Ethernet port and one to the Ethernet port of the Device Server Option. An IP address can be assigned to each connection, and one machine can be
en enabled on the MFP, the standard PostScript3 emulation will be disabled.
rite and HDD Encryption are available when the HDD is installed.
mmends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.
Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.
y and Bypass Tray.
ations. Provides storage for paper and replacement supplies.

Encryption are available when the HDD is installed.

ectivity options can be installed on the printer.

ber 2016. Limited inventory notice will be posted when levels drop to 30 day on hand.

ed USB 2.0 Type A host port and SD Card slot, 2 x 550-sheet paper trays, 100-sheet bypass tray, automatic duplexing, 500-sheet output tray, 512 MB RAM memory, 10/100Ba
not be installed with the 2,000-sheet Large Capacity Tray (415795). Cannot be used with FAC 56 cabinet.
ys, each fixed for letter size.  Can be installed with 1,200-sheet Large Capacity Tray.  Cannot be installed with 550 x 2 PFU (415793) or FAC 56 cabinet

30), Large Capacity Tray (PB3140), or Large Cabinet Stand FC56.

e printer's standard exit area into a Finisher for online stapling, punching, and/or folding.

aper supply option.

PC. HDD is required for USB / SD Card printing.

ce unit at the same time.

complex electronic

Bypass Tray), 10.1" SOP, 2GB memory, PostScript3 Emulation, Gigabit Ethernet (10Base-T / 100Base-TX / 1000Base-T) and Starter Toner. Additional Paper Feed Units can b
0 Sheets x 2, 408112) or (C) Cabinet Type F (100478FNG) .

Cannot be installed with Cabinet Type F.

ptional HDD may only be installed on the SP 8400DN Series. HDD is required when Java-VM (408098) is used.
Tray Paper Bank or LCIT PB3260, or Cabinet Type F to attach properly.
ank or LCIT PB3260, or Cabinet Type F to attach properly.

nnot be installed with PB3240, LCIT PB3260, or LCIT RT3030.

d Duplex printing and PictBridge. Ships with All-in-One Toner Cartridges that yield 1,000 prints.

Power Protection

y, standard duplex printing, Standard / Maximum 256MB RAM, IEEE802.11b/g/n, 50-sheet SPDF (Single Pass Document Feeder), PCL5c/6, PostScript3 emulation and Pictbrid
y, standard Duplex printing, Standard / Maximum 256MB RAM, IEEE802.11b/g/n, 50-sheet SPDF PCL5c/6, PostScript3 emulation and Pictbridge support. Ships with Starter Al

he use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.

y, standard duplex printing, Standard / Maximum 256MB RAM, IEEE802.11a/b/g/n/ac, 50-sheet SPDF (Single Pass Document Feeder), PCL5c/6, PostScript3 emulation. Ships

Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.

ard Duplex printing. Ships with All-in-One Toner Cartridges that yield 1,000 prints.

Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.

sor, Gigabit Ethernet, PostScript and PDF Direct Emulation, Airprint and Ricoh Smart Device Connector. Ships with starter toner that yields 4,000 B&W and 3,500 Color prints (

taneously: one to the machine's Ethernet port and one to the Ethernet port of the USB Device Server Option. An IP address can be assigned to each connection, and one mach
ite and HDD Encryption are available when the HDD is installed.
the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.
et bypass tray, 50-page SPDF (Single Pass Document Feeder), 2 GB RAM, 1.2GHz Intel Processor, Gigabit Ethernet, IEEE802.11a/b/g/n, PostScript3, PCL5c/6, PDF Direct Em
et bypass tray, 50-page SPDF (Single Pass Document Feeder), 2 GB RAM, 1.2GHz Intel Processor, Gigabit Ethernet, IEEE802.11a/b/g/n, PostScript3, PCL5c/6, PDF Direct Em

he use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.

x and 2 GB RAM. Adobe PostScript 3, Gigabit Ethernet and USB 2.0 connectivity is provided standard.
maximum paper capacity of 1,100 sheets.

DD Encryption are available when the HDD is installed.

the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.
d Duplex and 2 GB RAM. Adobe PostScript 3, Gigabit Ethernet and USB 2.0 connectivity is provided standard.

hips with Starter Toner that yields 3K prints @5% coverage.

GB Hard Disk Drive standard. Ships with Starter Toner that yields 3K prints @5% coverage.
ame includes 550-sheet Paper Tray, 100 sheet Bypass Tray, 768MB RAM, 80GB Hard Disk Drive and integrated Duplex. Ships with Starter Toner that yields 3K prints @5% c

ecommended with adding 2 or more Paper Feed units.

resolution printing. Additional memory is required for collation.
resolution printing. Additional memory is required for collation.
hared) and Cover Sheet features. HDD or Optional Memory is required for Sorting.

Instead, you can use the Ethernet and USB 2.0 ports mounted on the Gigabit Ethernet Board.

y to floor-standing configurations.

0-sheet Paper Feed Unit.

tegrated Duplex and 1 GB RAM. Adobe PostScript 3, Gigabit Ethernet and USB 2.0 connectivity is provided standard. Ships with Starter Toner that yields 3,000 prints @5% co
e added to the mainframe for a maximum paper capacity of 2,300 sheets.

50-sheet Paper Feed Unit.

HDD Encryption are available when the HDD is installed.

AM. PostScript Emulation, Gigabit Ethernet, USB 2.0 connectivity and embedded NFC is provided standard. Ships with Starter Toner that yields 6,000 black/white and 4,000 c
ed to the mainframe for a maximum paper capacity of 2,100 sheets.
500-sheet Paper Feed Unit.

D Encryption are available when the HDD is installed.

nal font support. When enabled on the MFP, the standard PostScript3 emulation will be disabled.

d integrated Duplex. Ships with Starter Toner that yields 10K prints for monochrome and 8K for color.
B Host Interface and 250GB Hard Disk Drive. Ships with Starter Toner that yields 10K prints for monochrome and 8K for color.

S52 Cabinet to attach properly.

binet to attach properly.

s at high resolutions. Additional memory is required for Job Spooling and Sub Paper Size support. A maximum of 1.5GMB may be installed.
Cover Sheet features. Optional HDD may only be installed on the SP C830DN Series. The HDD is standard on the SP C831DN

s mounted on the Gigabit Ethernet Board.

complex electronic components.

100-sheet Bypass Tray), 10.1" SOP, 2GB memory, PostScript3 Emulation, Gigabit Ethernet (10Base-T / 100Base-TX / 1000Base-T) and Starter Toner. Additional Paper Feed
100-sheet Bypass Tray), 10.1" SOP, 2GB memory, PostScript3 Emulation, Gigabit Ethernet (10Base-T / 100Base-TX / 1000Base-T), Starter Toner and 250GB Hard Disk Drive
50 Sheets x 2, 408112) (C) PB3240 (2-tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets x 2, 408112) with PB3250 (1-Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets, supports 5.5" x 8.5" to 12" x 18". 408114) (D) P
able Type M3, or Cabinet Type F.
e (Section 508).
84) or Finisher SR3230 (417487).

Cannot be installed with any of these options: Paper Feed Unit PB3250, Caster Table Type M3, or Cabinet Type F.
3 (416737) or PB3240 (408112) with PB3250

ptional HDD may only be installed on the SP C840DN Series. The HDD is standard on the SP C42DN. HDD is required when Java-VM (407864) is used.
rd Disk Drive required for SP C840DN (HDD is standard on SP C842DN).

Tray Paper Bank or LCIT PB3260, or Cabinet Type F to attach properly.

Paper Bank or LCIT PB3260, or Cabinet Type F to attach properly.
ank or LCIT PB3260, or Cabinet Type F to attach properly.

nnot be installed with PB3240, LCIT PB3260, PB3250 or LCIT RT3030.

y: one to the machine's Gigabit Ethernet port and one to the Gigabit Ethernet port of USB Device Server Option. An IP address can be assigned to each connection, and you ca

ex and Wireless.
plex and Wireless.
stance between printer and scanner seperation unit is 2.3ft.

ost, Network interface, 250GB HDD and

luded with the Roll Holder Unit Type M5.

0-100145 and PC Table EDP code 250-100147

es not ship with lens

hours std mode, 5000 hrs eco mode.

0 hrs eco mode.

Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.

e eBeam Edge Bluetooth

Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.

of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.

nd 50 Android, Ipad and PC apps can connect to a meeting per board

of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.

sion of Micorsoft Office and Chrome browser.

nd 50 Android, Ipad and PC apps can connect to a meeting per board

e of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.

sion of Micorsoft Office and Chrome browser.

nd 50 Android, Ipad and PC apps can connect to a meeting per board

e of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.

sion of Micorsoft Office and Chrome browser.

nd 50 Android, Ipad and PC apps can connect to a meeting per board

e of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.

nd 50 Android, Ipad and PC apps can connect to a meeting per board

of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.

d duplexing, starter toner supply cartridge

s of the standard paper tray (500 sheets) and bypass tray (100 sheets) and three (500 sheet) paper feed units.
ng configuration. For environments with limited system height requirements.

ng configuration.

HDD is installed.

Server Option can connect two Ethernet cables simultaneously: one to the machine's Gigabit Ethernet port and one to the Gigabit Ethernet port of USB Device Server Option. A

Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.

0 sheet Bypass Tray, integrated Duplex, 320GB HDD, 2 GB RAM, Copy, Scan & Fax Capability

s of the standard paper tray (500 sheets) and bypass tray (100 sheets) and three (500 sheet) paper feed units.
configuration. For environments with limited system height requirements.

anding configuration with storge.

Type M19 or (407863) IEEE802.11 Interface Unit Type M24.

Unit Type M24.
Server Option can connect two Ethernet cables simultaneously: one to the machine's Gigabit Ethernet port and one to the Gigabit Ethernet port of USB Device Server Option. A

Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.

XPS, PS3 Printing, PDF

0 sheet Bypass Tray,

RAM, 80GB Hard Disk Drive with Data

wristband printing insert and

Ships with Starter All-in-One

n tape, 100-sheet Bypass Tray,

ge that yields 6,000 prints.
with wristband printing insert
DF. An inner 1-bin Tray

with and Teflon tape, standard

to 600 sheets. Ships with

acement on the floor. When

abit Ethernet, Wireless

tead, you can use the Ethernet

d feature. This Data overwrite

anned files from the control panel.

Bypass Tray, integrated

d Duplex, 768MB RAM,

The Caster Table Type C is

h adding 2 or more Paper Feed units.

interface may be installed.

bit Ethernet Board is

ed stability to floor-standing

10.1" Smart Operation Panel, 100 sheet Bypass Tray, 50-sheet ARDF, integrated Duplex, 320GB HDD, 2 GB RAM, and Fax & Scanning capability. Adobe PostScript 3, and Gig
nits may be added to the mainframe for a maximum paper capacity of 2,600 sheets.

n be sent to email, folders and external media (SD/USB).

mmends the use of Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.
Power Protection products to minimize potential electrical interference with products.

Card, Standard Print/Scan Unit (includes NIC (10BaseT/100BaseTX Ethernet) and USB 2.0 interfaces, Scan-to and Print-from USB/SD card and PDF Direct Print

h Ricoh products. (for use on the MP 6002SP and MP 7502SP).

. Connect a handset or answering machine to the TEL port (bottom)

Compression, Standard 320 Pages

nting more complex color and PDF files. Includes PDF Direct Print. Not Compatible with Fiery E-5300. Required to enable Mail-to-Print feature.

and 4 Total Paper Feed Drawers

Compression . Standard 320 Pages. Requires Printer/Scanner Unit Type 5002 to enable LAN-Faxing, Fax Forward to Email, IP Faxing.
ntosh environment
Paper Feed Drawers

equired to enable Mail-to-Print feature

nded for printing more complex color and PDF files. Includes PDF Direct Print. Not Compatible with Fiery E-5300. Required to enable Mail-to-Print feature.

l (416910). This option is required when ICE and/or HotSpot are configured with the Standard Operation Panel.
Includes standard Internet Fax (T.37), LAN Fax, IP-Fax (T.38), Fax Forwarding to Email & Paperless Fax function.

for a total of 4 Paper Feed Drawers and Bridge Unit.

cludes standard Internet

0 for a total of 4 Paper Feed Drawers and Bridge Unit.

cludes standard Internet Fax (T.37), LAN Fax, IP-Fax (T.38), Fax Forwarding to Email & Paperless Fax function.

1 x 550-sheets, 100-sheet Bypass Tray, Drums, Developer, Scan/Print Kit, USB Host Interface, DOSS, PDF Direct Print, HDD Encryption, Java VM Card, Scan to/Print-from U

cludes standard Internet Fax (T.37), LAN Fax, IP-Fax (T.38), Fax Forwarding to Email & Paperless Fax function.

s to minimize potential electrical interference with products.

s to minimize potential electrical interference with products.
ing, B/W & Color Scanning, 4 x 550 Sheet Locking Paper Trays, Disabled Bypass Tray, Duplex, 320GB HDD, 2GB RAM, Java VM, HDD Encryption & DOSS . Note: VM card

nctionality, drag-and-drop icons and swipe scrolling. Note: Standard control panel must be removed by Service Technician.

el (416910). This option is required when ICE and/or HotSpot are configured with the Standard Operation Panel.

Includes standard Internet Fax (T.37), LAN Fax, IP-Fax (T.38), Fax Forwarding to Email & Paperless Fax function.

M12 (417100) installed and on the Sub MFP(s) needing remote fax.

ption is used. If using another type card reader be sure reader dimensions do not exceed 63.5mm x 106mm x 22mm in size.
AM, Emulated Postscript, Standard DOSS, HDD Encryption, Copy Data Security also Color Scanning. Standard DOSS is not ISO 15408 Certified at this time. The PB 3220T
inisher SR3130 (417589), Finisher SR3210 (417483), Booklet Finisher SR3220 (417484).

erface Unit Type M19 (417493), File Format Converter Type M19 (417508), or USB Device Server Option Type M19 (417567).

Includes standard Internet Fax (T.37), LAN Fax, IP-Fax (T.38), Fax Forwarding to Email & Paperless Fax function.

M29 (417865) installed and on the Sub MFP(s) needing remote fax.

ption is used. If using another type card reader be sure reader dimensions do not exceed 63.5mm x 106mm x 22mm in size.

g Trays, Disabled Bypass Tray, Duplex, 320GB HDD, 2GB RAM, Java VM, HDD Encryption & DOSS . Note: VM card is not pre-installed in the mainframe, however, the Java

nctionality, drag-and-drop icons and swipe scrolling. Note: Standard control panel must be removed by Service Technician.

el (416910). This option is required when ICE and/or HotSpot are configured with the Standard Operation Panel.
Includes standard Internet Fax (T.37), LAN Fax, IP-Fax (T.38), Fax Forwarding to Email & Paperless Fax function.

M12 (417100) installed and on the Sub MFP(s) needing remote fax.

ption is used. If using another type card reader be sure reader dimensions do not exceed 63.5mm x 106mm x 22mm in size.

0GB HDD, 2GB RAM, Emulated Postscript, Standard DOSS, HDD Encryption and Copy Data Security, also Color Scanning. Standard DOSS is not ISO 15408 Certified at this
et Finisher SR3220 (417484), Booklet Finisher SR3240 (417488), Finisher SR3210 (417483) or Finisher SR3230 (417487)

nisher (417589). Can be used in place of BU 3070 Bridge Unit (417587)

erface Unit Type M19 (417493), File Format Converter Type M19 (417508), or USB Device Server Option Type M19 (417567) can be installed.

Includes standard Internet Fax (T.37), LAN Fax, IP-Fax (T.38), Fax Forwarding to Email & Paperless Fax function.

M29 (417865) installed and on the Sub MFP(s) needing remote fax.

ption is used. If using another type card reader be sure reader dimensions do not exceed 63.5mm x 106mm x 22mm in size.
Locking Paper Trays, Disabled Bypass Tray, Drums, Developer, Scan/Print Kit, USB Host Interface, Gigabit Ethernet, DOSS, PDF Direct Print, HDD Encryption, Java VM Card

Includes standard Internet Fax (T.37), LAN Fax, IP-Fax (T.38), Fax Forwarding to Email & Paperless Fax function.

an be sent to email, folders and external media (SD/USB).

M3 (416556) installed and on the Sub MFP(s) needing remote fax.

ched. Not all card readers may be supported.

browser functionality, drag-and-drop icons and swipe scrolling. Note: Standard control panel must be removed by Service Technician.

C (416731) are installed.

nection Board Type M3 (416891).

olor Controller Connection Board Type M3 (416891).
ontroller Connection Board Type M3 (416891).
ype M3 (416891).
ntroller Connection Board Type M3 (416891).
Color Controller Connection Board Type M3 (416891).

Requires Color Controller E-22C (416731) and Color Controller Connection Board Type M3 (416891).
Requires Color Controller E22-C (416731) & Color Controller Connection Board Type M3 (416891).

3 (416577) and IPDS Unit Type M3 (416585) cannot be configured with the Color Controller E22-C (416731) & Color Controller Connection Board Type M3 (416891).
ection Board Type M3 (416733) are installed.
ms, Developer, Scan/Print Kit, USB Host Interface, Gigabit Ethernet, non- certified DOSS, PDF Direct Print, HDD Encryption, Java, Scan to/Print From USB/SD Card, 2GB RAM

Includes standard Internet Fax (T.37), LAN Fax, IP-Fax (T.38), Fax Forwarding to Email & Paperless Fax function.

an be sent to email, folders and external media (SD/USB).

M19 (417510) installed and on the Sub MFP(s) needing remote fax.
ched. Not all card readers may be supported.

M3 (417714) cannot be installed on the same device.

B RAM memory upgrade and connector.

Requires Color Controller E-23C (417486)

Requires Color Controller E23-C (417486)
ype M19 (417504) cannot be configured with the Color Controller E23-C (417486).

30 (417589), Internal Shift Tray SH3070 (416550), or any external finisher. Hole punching is not supported.

y: one to the machine's Gigabit Ethernet port and one to the Gigabit Ethernet port of USB Device Server Option. An IP address can be assigned to each connection, and you ca
Locking Paper Trays, Disabled Bypass Tray, Drums, Developer, Scan/Print Kit, USB Host Interface, Gigabit Ethernet, DOSS, PDF Direct Print, HDD Encryption, Java VM Card,

M4 (416733) are installed.

Includes standard Internet Fax (T.37), LAN Fax, IP-Fax (T.38), Fax Forwarding to Email & Paperless Fax function.

an be sent to email, folders and external media (SD/USB).

M4 (416564) installed and on the Sub MFP(s) needing remote fax.

ched. Not all card readers may be supported.

ster Table Type M3 (416737).

ed Web browser functionality, drag-and-drop icons and swipe scrolling. Note: Standard control panel must be removed by Service Technician.

nection Board Type M4 (416733).

olor Controller Connection Board Type M4 (416733).
ontroller Connection Board Type M4 (416733).
ype M4 (416733).
ontroller Connection Board Type M4 (416733).
Color Controller Connection Board Type M4 (416733).

Requires Color Controller E-22C (416731) and Color Controller Connection Board Type M4 (416733).
Requires Color Controller E22-C (416731) & Color Controller Connection Board Type M4 (416733).

4 (416591) and IPDS Unit Type M4 (416599) cannot be configured with the Color Controller E-22C (416731) and Color Controller Connection Board Type M4 (416733).
ection Board Type M4 (416733) are installed.
C (416731) is installed.
ms, Developer, Color Scan/Print Kit, USB Host Interface, Gigabit Ethernet, non-certified DOSS, PDF Direct Print, HDD Encryption, Java, Scan to/Print From USB/SD Card, 2GB

Includes standard Internet Fax (T.37), LAN Fax, IP-Fax (T.38), Fax Forwarding to Email & Paperless Fax function.

an be sent to email, folders and external media (SD/USB).

ly: one to the machine's Gigabit Ethernet port and one to the Gigabit Ethernet port of USB Device Server Option. An IP address can be assigned to each connection, and you c

M20 (417531) installed and on the Sub MFP(s) needing remote fax.
ched. Not all card readers may be supported.

M3 cannot be installed on the same device.

B RAM memory upgrade and connector.

Requires Color Controller E-23C (417486).

Requires Color Controller E23-C (417486).
ype M19 (417504) cannot be configured with the Color Controller E-23C (417486)
tem in the quote.

re Extended Warranty cannot be added after initial hardware sale.

l hardware sale.

catalogs, admin user training on how to create new catalogs

es manual intervention by the customer on the billing system side to export accounts and process transactions

more complex. This type of integration typically adds some additional automation on the billing system side.

as part of a Formatta Solution Suite

ss the Customer provides sixty (60) days prior written notice to Access
M was discontinued, (2) pre-payment of the annual S & M fee for the upcoming year

esigner I, E-Forms Manager, EFM Administrator, Workflow

esigner II, Autowrite, Autofill - Prerequisite Formatta Designer I
s Manager (1 session), EFM Administrator (1 session), Workflow (1 session)
(1 Session), Autowrite (1 session) - Prerequisite Formatta Designer I
customer’s organization.
Additional hours may be added to any package at the standard Access Professional Services hourly rate.

mage Portal) associated with a central data center to any End User with 1000 beds or less
associated with the initial purchased Primary bundle

as part of a Formatta Solution Suite

ss the Customer provides sixty (60) days prior written notice to Access
M was discontinued, (2) pre-payment of the annual S & M fee for the upcoming year

esigner I, E-Forms Manager, EFM Administrator, Workflow

esigner II, Autowrite, Autofill - Prerequisite Formatta Designer I
s Manager (1 session), EFM Administrator (1 session), Workflow (1 session)
(1 Session), Autowrite (1 session) - Prerequisite Formatta Designer I
customer’s organization.

Additional hours may be added to any package at the standard Access Professional Services hourly rate.

r production licenses.
runs properly.

e EyeOne iSis

EFI Vutek Series, FUJIFILM Onset Series, HP TurboJet Series, Mimaki UJ Series, Mutoh ValueJet 2000 Series, and Screen 2500 includes: ORIS Press Matcher Web software

Confirm with CGS your DFE compatibility.

Confirm with CGS your DFE compatibility.
e RIP in digital printing and large format printing.
nd a reduced ink/toner level, while maintaining an identical visual and colorimetric impression. This option can be combined with O-MATLW-DLPP50-PS1 to create ORIS iterat


Web Client Server. Supports Add-On Modules for MFPs only. One Server License for usage on one server.
s Web Client Server. Expandable via Add-On modules. One server lic. for usage on one server.
of doc. files, & attaching 3rd party storage. Two server licenses for up to two servers. Each org requires separate Client Licenses & Add-On Modules.
ll are licensed for the End-User Organization.
a DocuWare Named license either as a Windows Client or a Web client. Price is for each Concurrent License.
p of buildings not divided by any public roads.
purchased (Site License counts as 50 Client Licenses).

Phone 7 & 8. Apps can be downloaded for free from the respective stores. One Add-On Module License.
dd-On Module License.

Module License.
as many Named Client user licenses as Named SAP users need access to the DocuWare file cabinets.

ss to DocuWare documents via SharePoint search, incl. Single Sign On.

equires a DocuWare Client License when MFP Operator logs into DocuWare. Please refer to list of supported devices
hiba module license per organization. Requires a DocuWare Client License when MFP Operator logs into DocuWare.
are Client License when MFP Operator logs into DocuWare.
are Client License when MFP Operator logs into DocuWare.
dd-On Module License. Requires one additional client license per PC where Service is installed.

roducts initially purchased or subsequently added

paid in addition to the Software Price.

60 days after the date of cancellation.

must be paid to bring the subscription to the current version.

nclude the cost of the required new Maintenance or Maintenance and Support Subscriptions.

package contains 4 named user licenses and 20GB of storage for documents.
base package.

n on number of documents. Contains all major features of DocuWare including unlimited Intelligent Indexing Service.

n service for on premise installations.

m, excluding any VDP FusionPro or XMPie modules. If VDP FusionPro or XMPie modules are required, then customer must re-purchase full VDP FusionPro or XMPie modules
ustomer-hosted systems.

op) - generates production output for their device, and 1 FusionPro Designer License (2 installs) - basic application/plug-in to create FusionPro product .zip files. The VDP Mod

ssional Services to perform upgrades on customer-hosted systems. *Upgrades for DSF VDP Modules: XMPie or FusionPro are available at $0 for major upgrades. Excludes S

XMPie product in DSF, 1 XMPie uDirect Standard License - generates production output for their device, and 1 XMPie uDirect Designer (no license required) - to design XMPi

processing options. European Credit Card Hosted support is limited to Ogone.

hop is a place where print orders from the buyer side of DSF can be directed by the print buyer or Orders can be routed between Print Shops by the DSF Operators/Administrat
o be used by (1) Business Location which may or may not have multiple production facilities (Print Shops). When customers wish to share a DSF instance across multiple Busi

age may be purchased in 20GB increments.

esponsible for providing the required system and network preparation before the professional service. Please refer to the statement of work on details of this professional servic

ense and Maintenance).

uired. * MAINTENANCE: VWeb+ is required. * Hosting up to 20GB storage. Additional storage may be purchased in 20GB increments.


m, excluding any FusionPro® or XMPie® modules. If FusionPro® or XMPie® modules are required, then customer must purchase additional full FusionPro® or XMPie® module

ustomer-hosted systems
Automation workflow powered by AccuZIP DSF Direct Mail Automation workflow powered by AccuZIP requires an agreement with AccuZIP
Module and integration with DSF DirectMail Automation workflow powered by AccuZIP DSF Direct Mail Automation workflow powered by AccuZIP requires an agreement with
es production output for their device and 1 FusionPro Designer License 2 installs basic applicationplugin to create FusionPro product zip files The VDP Module comes as 2 do
l Services VDP Training Package
ssional Services to perform upgrades on customer-hosted systems. Excludes Shipping and Handling charges.

XMPie® product in DSF, 1 XMPie® uDirect Standard License - generates production output for their device, and 1 XMPie® uDirect Designer (no license required) - to design X

yberSource (CyberSource, CyberSource Hosted), Authorize.net.

hop is a place where print orders from the buyer side of DSF can be directed by the print buyer or Orders can be routed between Print Shops by the DSF Operators/Administrat
n (instead of License and Maintenance).

ting the
most production
current list. print VDP printing by the service provider
on for multi-threaded processing.

n of the DSF administration and reporting functionalities using securities/permissions within DSF.









RECORD VDP, 100000006380 PrintSmith Vision Single User Activation, 100000010358 Subs: PrintSmith Vision Base Annual, 100000010359 Subs: PrintSmith Vision Users A
ECORD VDP, 100000006380 PrintSmith Vision Single User Activation, 100000010358 Subs: PrintSmith Vision Base Annual (3x), 100000010359 Subs: PrintSmith Vision Users
,ACT,SINGLE RECORD VDP, 100000006380 PrintSmith Vision Single User Activation, 100000010358 Subs: PrintSmith Vision Base Annual (5x), 100000010359 Subs: PrintSm
tSmith Vision Users Annual (3x), 100000010486 Shop Floor Data Collection Sub, 100000010484 Report Manager Sub
tribution, Web Services, and AX SDK, CDK and Web Services Documentation Kit

Centera, Media Distribution, Web Services, and AX SDK, CDK and Web Services Documentation Kit

plicationXtender Web Access.NET thin client viewer technology.

ey are on active maintenance.

that will conduct scanning and indexing operations.

format that can be used in business intelligence applications.

h server that processes print stream(s). The options are AFP, Metacode, PCL
way and general installation.

orkflow Manager Concurrent User license.




unrelated to underlying server capacity).

additional Production KCUs, Non Production KCUs, Enterprise KappZones (sold in packets of 10), Design Studio Seats and High Availability option.
partner portal for authorized partners.
Required with every new system order. Limit 1 per order.
e full users are licensed based on concurrent access to the system.
to submitting documents and checking process status.
e activities decrement pages.

alytics capabilities. The Kofax Analytics for TotalAgility and Kofax Insight Analytics for TotalAgility part numbers includes Altosoft software and pre-built dashboards and reports
made based on list price, not discounted prices. Solution provides use of pre-built dashboards only, no customization is permitted. Dashboards and reports can only be access
made based on list price, not discounted prices. Allows users to map additional data from KTA database(s) only, no other data can be used. Users can also create additional m
asing the dedicated instance have their own dedicated TotalAgility 7 system in the Cloud. The subscription contract is for a 12 month minimum commitment with 12 months paya

ev system provides the same number of users as the production system and 10% of the production system’s capture volume. Additional test/dev systems contain 10% of the pr
DR systems contain the same number of production users and 10% of the production capture volume as one-time-use volume.

e multi-tenancy enabled.
, VM containing Insight Analytics for KTA. On-Prem: KTA Integration Server, Transformation Designer, Remote Linked Server, On-Prem Multi-Tenancy Management System.

e multi-tenancy enabled.
, VM containing Insight Analytics for KTA. On-Prem: KTA Integration Server, Transformation Designer, Remote Linked Server, On-Prem Multi-Tenancy Management System.

nal for production scanning; Kofax Reporting

ity AP Framework
1-0001 or TA-AP-BASE02-0002. See pricing calculator or contact marketing for qty 2+
alytics; VRS Professional for production scanning; Kofax Reporting
ce); TotalAgility AP Framework; TotalAgility AP Analytics
ator or contact product marketing for qty 2+
ght Analytics; VRS Professional for production scanning; Kofax Reporting
ce); TotalAgility AP Framework; TotalAgility AP Insight Analytics
ator or contact product marketing for qty 2+

omers purchasing the dedicated instance have their own dedicated TotalAgility and AP Automation system in the Cloud. The Cloud Service contract is for a 12 month minimum

ev system provides the same number of users as the production system and 10% of the production system’s capture volume. Additional test/dev systems contain 10% of the pr
se configuration TA-AP-BASE**-0001 or TA-AP-BASE**-0002
nfiguration TA-AP-BASE**-0001 or TA-AP-BASE**-0002
of one-time-use invoice volume

serfiche Avante Servers include Laserfiche Workflow, one repository and one Laserfiche Distributed Computing Cluster node.
s only through Laserfiche WebLink. Any physical server or virtual machine using Public Portal licenses must have a number of licenses equal to the number of processors on th
will log in with the same anonymous access.

ew users or software are added to the system, LSAP should be adjusted so that all components of the system have the same renewal date.
receive the 500-user discount on the new purchase. Users must have current LSAP to take advantage of volume discounts.

e, Web Admin Console, Digital Signatures, Snapshot, email and MS Office Integration

spx Laserfiche Connector is supported for Laserfiche Server 9.0 or later.

rtal licenses provide read-only access only through Laserfiche WebLink. Any physical server or virtual machine using an Unlimited Public Portal license must have a number of

eement for further details.

n integrated with MarcomCentral (covers all store fronts),1 FusionPro Expression Creator License, 1 MarcomCentral License with 3 Storefront, 1 Job Direct License (PDF Job S
with MarcomCentral (covers all store fronts), 1 MarcomCentral License with Unlimited Storefronts, 1 FusionPro Expression Creator License (for off-line composition), 2 five day

ted/Updated, FTP Access for Image Repository (DAM), Includes up to 500GB of Storage Capacity for FusionPro Templates and Downloadable Assets, Salesforce.com Integrat

plementation, Project Consulting , Building of Templates/Assets, Artwork Efficiency Consulting & Strategy, User Configuration (Groups, Approvals, etc…), HTML Branding of P
ally Created/Updated,Salesforce.com Integration, 2 Dashboards for Distribution to Suppliers, 2 FusionPro VDP Creator Licenses for Template Creation, Integrated Image Perso

ampaigns, artwork efficiency consulting, portal administrative services, image hosting, HTML services, template building and quarterly review of company objectives with Marco

d, 1 seat of Webinar Training for FusionPro Expression ,Includes 10 Annual Support Incidents and Upgrades

ailable HD Space; Internet connection required for install, Adobe Acrobat 7.0 or above Standard or Pro is required and not included; Optional Adobe InDesign CS3, CS4, CS5,
Xerox VIPP, PostScript, and Digimaster Post¬Script Output, PDF/VT

reater is recommended); 1GB RAM; 1GB available HD Space; Internet connection required for install, For the most current requirements please go to: http://www.pti.com/help-
VDX, HP PPML, PPML, JLYT, Xerox VIPP, Creo VPS, PostScript, and Digimaster PostScript Output, PDF/VT Includes built-in Job Queue and Scheduler (comes with 5 free Fu
B available HD space (for template and output files), Internet connection. For the most current requirements please go to: http://www.pti.com/help-center/system-requirements

VPS, PostScript, JLYT and Digimaster PostScript Output, AFP and PDF/VT. Includes DIF API and DLQueue. (Server Based Product) (comes with 5 free FusionPro Designers
PURLs active at one time. Support package includes 10 incident phone or email incidents-Includes Web Based training

ow and output settings.

and rules for jobs. This class demonstrates each of the FusionPro rule-creation tools while working through selected scenarios. Fundamentals Training is recommended as a p

Choose 1), Access to Distribution, Monthly Credit Card transaction fees will be billed seperately, 1 Copy of FusionPro VDP Creator

ne Training Only, 5 available Customizable Portal Skins (Choose 1), Access to Distribution, Monthly Credit Card transaction fees will be billed seperately, 1 Copy of FusionPro

puter including PDF, PPML\VDX, HP PPML, PPML, JLYT, Xerox VIPP, Creo VPS, PostScript, and Digimaster PostScript Output, and PDF/VT Includes built-in Job Queue and

PDF, PPML\VDX, HP PPML, PPML, JLYT, Xerox VIPP, Creo VPS, PostScript, and Digimaster PostScript Output, PDF/VT and AFP Includes built-in Job Queue and Schedule
PDF, PPML\VDX, HP PPML, PPML, JLYT, Xerox VIPP, Creo VPS, PostScript, and Digimaster PostScript Output, PDF/VT and AFP Includes built-in Job Queue and Schedule
PDF, PPML\VDX, HP PPML, PPML, JLYT, Xerox VIPP, Creo VPS, PostScript, and Digimaster PostScript Output, PDF/VT and AFP Includes built-in Job Queue and Schedule
PDF, PPML\VDX, HP PPML, PPML, JLYT, Xerox VIPP, Creo VPS, PostScript, and Digimaster PostScript Output, PDF/VT and AFP Includes built-in Job Queue and Schedule

are.com efulfillment and place order to Neopost USA via the DVD part numbers listed above
ses must be purchased separately

ww.satorisoftware.com/efulfillment and place order to Neopost USA via the DVD part numbers listed above.
and ECOA services as part of the standard annual subscription Credits are allocated for these services based on the annual volume band purchased Frequency of updates an
ustomer wants to cleanse 25K records they would order 1 quantity of USDQN-DSKTP25K 4 quantity of USDQN-DSKTP25K-RE and 3 quantity of USDQN-DSKTP25KREM

arately Use Data Services Calculator on Partner Portal CSS Resources EDS Product Education Enterprise Data Quality Resources to determine quantity and total price for an

are quoted separately

tation Services

ic & Advanced bundles

ur sales representative.
d-balancing purposes only in an active-active or active-passive 2 configuration.

onal Options available

ack card, etc.). USA Data list acquisition tool/Self learning video, download high resolution PDF for print/ PODi case studies & value calculators/ campaign report, Campaign te
s. Note: Sending email, purchasing list from USA Data, and creating PURL are not included in subscription and require separate fee

able, Job History, ePaceStation, 5 full system users and 5 data collection users.

for each physical manufacturing location.  A site license is not required for sales or remote service locations that have no manufacturing capabilities

des upgrades / patches for [database, operating system, web reporting engine], repair if inoperable and assurance that software release has been tested on the hardware as pr

des upgrades / patches for [database, operating system, web reporting engine], repair if inoperable and assurance that software release has been tested on the hardware as pr
des upgrades / patches for [database, operating system, web reporting engine], repair if inoperable and assurance that software release has been tested on the hardware as pr
des upgrades / patches for [database, operating system, web reporting engine], repair if inoperable and assurance that software release has been tested on the hardware as pr
nance contract, and in the case of major upgrades, application of such upgrades as a service.
and include trainer travel and expenses.
iple company databases into a consolidated entity for financial reporting purposes.

ocation.  The number of users are defined as standard core system users.
d minor version updates and hot fixes. AM&S extends 12 months from the date of original software activation and must be kept current for license key(s) to remain active.

e as an option with each MFP

ntact Pharos representative for assistance. SOW's must be attached to the sales order.

b Submissions, Real Time File Converter, Customer Job Pre-proofing and more...

ne Order through Authorize.Net.

Center Support.
ns area representative for Quote & SOW.
omer with prepaid return label. The customer packages and attaches return label and ships back to Ricoh. If customer does not return within 15 days they are contacted, 30 da

based on "points" and will be calculated based on the software being sold and number of years required. The License Calculator will indicate the proper M&S EDP Codes and
an, device authentication, administration mobile client to manage the servers/devices, basic copy/print tracking & reporting. Base licenses do not include any M&S.
ng to Ricoh and 3rd party devices. Additional options are available to provide PC secure client printing, rules, and tracking. Print licenses do not include any M&S.
nd all connectors to backend systems such as Microsoft SharePoint, Ricoh Content Manager, Documentum, FileNET, & OpenText Content Manager. Additional options are ava
any project the user has rights including entering meta-data, the Administrator can manage the scan server, use photos for floor planning to show device location from their mo
nector licenses do not include any M&S. This option requires the Scan & Capture Module (from Note #4).
to collect device meters on a pre-defined schedule. @Remote Connector licenses do not include any M&S.
odel not one package per device for greater efficiency. With multiple drivers in a single package allowing users to install them. Driver Distribution licenses do not include any M&

es by the admin, and client accounting. Client PC licenses do not include any M&S.

ot include any M&S.

e HotFolder Plug-in. Scan & Capture Input Connector Upgrade licenses do not include any M&S. This option requires the Scan & Capture Module (from Note #4 or Note #13).
e using one of the following plug-ins: Barcode, Additional OCR, or Zone OCR. Scan & Capture Process Connector Upgrade licenses do not include any M&S. This option requir
emote Connector Upgrade licenses do not include any M&S.
er Distribution Upgrade licenses do not include any M&S.
ption. Extended Item Settings Upgrade licenses do not include any M&S.
licenses do not include any M&S.
apture Input/Process Connectors

o 50,000+ devices.

ear automated workflow process. Path has several built-in extensions as well as optional extensions
ck to the Marcom Central store about the status of the order. Requires PTI Web Services and Data Feeds( 29028-PS1) with annual support ( 10027-PS1)
RSA WebCRD store about the status of the order.

ed eitherdirectly
e of business rules.
vanti Path Integration (100R10002-PS1) and Annual Service support (400R10002-PS1)
for 12 months and bug fixes . For multiple years please change the quantity amount on your order.
C call center and production engineer required if necessary). This 12 month upgrade includes onsite support and phone support, as well as bug fixes. For multiple years please

ception for Epic Willow RX)

ged for another platform of equal or lesser price. The licensed MFPsecure platform may be exchanged for a platform with a greater price upon payment of additional license fee
Service Plan Options

Base B&W B&W Color Color Supplies Production Delivery

Frequency Allowance CPC Allowance CPC Included 11x17 & Installation
Click Hardware

MTH 0 0.0350 0.0000 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0350 0.0000 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0255 0.0000 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0078 0.0000 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0078 0 0.0000 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0105 0 0.0000 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0150 0 0.0000 Yes Included
MTH 0 0.0105 0 0.0000 Yes Included
MTH 0 0.0078 0.0000 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0063 0.0000 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0063 0.0000 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0079 0 0.0000 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0079 0 0.0000 Yes Included
MTH 0 0.0055 0 0.0000 Yes Included
MTH 0 0.0068 0 0.0000 Yes Included
MTH 0 0.0055 0 0.0000 Yes Included
MTH 0 0.0068 0 0.0000 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0059 0 0.0000 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0055 0 0.0000 Yes Included
MTH 0 0.0055 0 0.0000 Yes Included
MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0063 0.0000 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0063 0.0000 Yes Included
MTH 0 0.0038 0.0000 Yes Included
MTH 0 0.0038 0.0000 Yes Included
MTH 0 0.0036 0.0000 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
0 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

0 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
YR 0 0.0079 0 0.0280 No Included

MTH 0 0.0298 0 0.1378 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0258 0 0.1500 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0298 0 0.1378 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0258 0 0.1500 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0316 0 0.2585 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0230 0 0.1474 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0080 0 0.0650 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0080 0 0.0650 Yes Included
MTH 0 0.0080 0 0.0650 Yes Included
MTH 0 0.0080 0 0.0650 Yes Included
MTH 0 0.0099 0 0.0750 Yes Included
MTH 0 0.0099 0 0.0750 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0099 0 0.0700 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0079 0 0.0650 Yes Included
MTH 0 0.0079 0 0.0650 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0079 0 0.0650 Yes Included
MTH 0 0.0079 0 0.0650 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0055 0 0.0400 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0055 0 0.0480 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0055 0 0.0400 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0055 0 0.0480 Yes Included
MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0055 0 0.0400 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0055 0 0.0400 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0055 0 0.0400 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0055 0 0.0400 Yes Included
MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0038 0 0.0380 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0038 0 0.0380 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
0 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

0 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0039 0.0000 Yes Single Included

0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

0 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
MTH 0 0.0039 0.0000 Yes Single Included
MTH 0 0.0039 0.0000 Yes Single Included

0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

0 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

0 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0075 0 0.0450 Yes Single Included

MTH 0 0.0075 0 0.0450 Yes Single Included
MTH 0 0.0075 0 0.0450 Yes Single Included
MTH 0 0.0075 0 0.0450 Yes Single Included

MTH 0 0.0075 0 0.0450 Yes Single Included

MTH 0 0.0075 0 0.0450 Yes Single Included
MTH 0 0.0075 0 0.0450 Yes Single Included
MTH 0 0.0075 0 0.0450 Yes Single Included

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

0 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
0 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
0 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

0 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
0 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
0 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
0 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0090 0 0.0450 Yes Single Included

MTH 0 0.0090 0 0.0450 Yes Single Included
MTH 0 0.0090 0 0.0450 Yes Single Included
MTH 0 0.0090 0 0.0450 Yes Single Included

MTH 0 0.0090 0 0.0450 Yes Single Included

MTH 0 0.0090 0 0.0450 Yes Single Included

0 0.0000 0.0000 No

0 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
0 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
0 0.0000 0.0000 No
0 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

0 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

0 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
0 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

0 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

0 0.0000 0.0000 No

0 0.0000 0.0000 No

0 0.0000 0.0000 No

0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0049 0 0.0450 Yes Double Included

MTH 0 0.0049 0 0.0450 Yes Double Included

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

0 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0080 0 0.0480 Yes Single Included

MTH 0 0.0080 0 0.0480 Yes Single
MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

0 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
0 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
0 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

0 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
0 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
0 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
0 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0080 0 0.0480 Yes Single Included

MTH 0 0.0080 0 0.0480 Yes Single

0 0.0000 0.0000 No

0 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

0 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
0 0.0000 0.0000 No

0 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

0 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

0 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
0 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

0 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

0 0.0000 0.0000 No

0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0039 0.0000 Yes Single Included

MTH 0 0.0039 0.0000 Yes Single Included

0 0.0000 0.0000 No
MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

0 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

0 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0067 0.0000 Yes Single Included

MTH 0 0.0067 0.0000 Yes Single Included

0 0.0000 0.0000 No

0 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

0 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

0 0.0000 0.0000 No
MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0385 0.0000 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0200 0.0000 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0250 0 0.0000 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0246 0.0000 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0062 0 0.0000 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0150 0.0000 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0100 0.0000 Yes Included
MTH 0 0.0062 0.0000 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0062 0.0000 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0062 0.0000 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0060 0 0.0000 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0143 0.0000 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0220 0 0.1500 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0220 0 0.1500 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0243 0 0.2099 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0349 0 0.2510 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0062 0 0.0620 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0135 0 0.0800 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0130 0 0.0780 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

Sq Ft
MTH 2,500 0.0436 0 0.0000 Yes Included

Sq Ft
MTH 2,500 0.0436 0 0.0000 Yes Included
MTH 6,500 0.0375 0 0.0000 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

Sq Ft
MTH 2,000 0.0330 0 0.0450 No Included

MTH 0 0.0000 0 0.0000 No Included

MTH 0 0.0000 0 0.0000 No Included
MTH 0 0.0000 0 0.0000 No Included

MTH 0 0.0000 0 0.0000 No Included

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 15,000 0.0028 0 0.0000 Yes Included

MTH 12,500 0.0031 0 0.0000 Yes Included

YR 0 145.5259 0 0.0000 No
YR 0 145.5259 0 0.0000 No
YR 0 0.0000 0 0.0000 No

MTH 0 145.5259 0 0.0000 No

MTH 0 145.5259 0 0.0000 No
MTH 0 0.0000 0 0.0000 No
MTH 0 0.0000 0 0.0000 No
YR 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
YR 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

YR 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

YR 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

YR 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

YR 0 0.0000 0 0.0000 No
YR 0 0.0000 0 0.0000 No
YR 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

YR 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

YR 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

YR 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
YR 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

YR 0 0.0000 0 0.0000 No

YR 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

YR 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
MTH 0 0.0079 0.0000 Yes
MTH 0 0.0068 0.0000 Yes
MTH 0 0.0068 0.0000 Yes

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0059 0.0000 Yes

MTH 0 0.0060 0.0000 Yes
MTH 0 0.0060 0.0000 Yes
MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0055 0 0.0400 Yes

MTH 0 0.0068 0 0.0480 Yes

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0055 0 0.0400 Yes

MTH 0 0.0055 0 0.0400 Yes

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No
MTH 0 0.0112 0.0000 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0112 0.0000 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0117 0.0000 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0111 0.0000 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0109 0.0000 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0085 0.0000 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0087 0.0000 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0105 0.0000 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0105 0.0000 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0059 0.0000 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0063 0.0000 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0071 0.0000 No Included

MTH 0 0.0053 0.0000 No Single Included

MTH 0 0.0049 0.0000 No Single Included

MTH 0 0.0149 0 0.0935 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0105 0 0.0726 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0105 0 0.0726 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0110 0 0.0847 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0100 0 0.0756 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0095 0 0.0711 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0074 0 0.0662 Yes Included

MTH 0 0.0114 0 0.0439 Yes Single Included

MTH 0 0.0114 0 0.0439 Yes Single Included

MTH 0 0.0141 0 0.0527 Yes Single Included

MTH 0 0.0143 0 0.0527 Yes Single Included

MTH 0 0.0053 0.0000 Yes Single Included

MTH 0 0.0053 0.0000 Yes Single Included

0 0.0000 0.0000 No

0 0.0000 0.0000 No

0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0050 0.0000 Yes Single Included

MTH 0 0.0050 0.0000 Yes Single Included

MTH 0 0.0048 0.0000 Yes Single Included

MTH 0 0.0048 0.0000 Yes Single Included

MTH 0 0.0000 0 0.0000 No
MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

MTH 0 0.0000 0.0000 No

t supports up to 11" x 17" paper, Auto Duplex.

ps with Starter Toner that yields 1,000 prints (ISO/IEC 19752)

uplexing, starter supply cartridge with 1,000 page yield (ISO/IEC 19752).

ps with Starter Toner that yields 6,4000 prints (ISO/IEC 19752)

uplexing, starter supply cartridge with 7,000 page yield (ISO/IEC 19752).

. Ships with Starter Toner that yields 1,500 prints (ISO/IEC 19752)
d. Ships with Starter Toner that yields 1,500 prints (ISO/IEC 19752)
, IP-Fax (T.38) and Fax Forwarding to Email functions require the HDD Option Type 301(EDP Code 007168MIU ).

t of USB Device Server Option. An IP address can be assigned to each connection, and one device can be use to print from different network segments.

Ethernet and USB 2.0 connectivity is provided standard. A full yield standard toner cartridge is also include in the initial packaging.
vity is provided standard. Ships with Starter Toner that yields 10,000 prints (ISO 19752).
card is not pre-installed in the mainframe, however, the Java VM data itself is stored in the mainframe.
d DOSS has been ISO 15408 Certified.
d DOSS is not ISO 15408 Certified at this time.

d to each connection, and one machine can be used to print from two different network segments. Please note the current MFP and printer external configurator websites will no

s not pre-installed in the mainframe, however, the Java VM data itself is stored in the mainframe.
been ISO 15408 Certified.
d to each connection, and one machine can be used to print from two different network segments. Please note the current MFP and printer external configurator websites will no

gabit Ethernet, USB 2.0 connectivity and HDD Encryption are provided standard. Envelope feeding via bypass tray and optional paper feed units. Ships with Starter Toner that
capability. PostScript 3 and PDF Direct Print Emulation, Gigabit Ethernet, USB 2.0 connectivity and HDD Encryption are provided standard. Envelope feeding via bypass tray a

nnection, and one machine can be used to print from two different network segments.
onfiguration requires the Fax Option Type 9002 (415912) an Fax Connection Unit Type E (415929)

Encryption, Scan to and Print from USB/SD card.

e M19 (417508) or Extended USB Board Type M19 (417566)

Type M19 (417596) or Extended USB Board Type M19 (417566)

CS4010 (416633), Multi-Folding Unit FD4000 (415908), GBC StreamPunch Ultra MP (404056), GBC Coil Rnd 44H HD(409057), GBC 3 Hole 8mm HD (409058), GBC CombBin

dge support. Ships with Starter All-in-One Cartridges that yield 1,000 prints.
dge support. Ships with Starter All-in-One Cartridges that yield 1,000 prints.

T/TX Ethernet, HDD Encryption. The standard DOSS included with the mainframe is ISO 15408 certified.
ail/Folder, 10/100/1000Base-T/TX Ethernet, HDD Encryption. The standard DOSS included with the mainframe is ISO 15408 certified.
its can be installed in a remote fax network.
uded with the mainframe is not ISO 15408 certified). HDD Encryption & included DOSS is now ISO 15408 Certified.
M3 (416909) cannot be installed on the same device.
provide an ISO 15408 Certified version of DOSS.

nt From USB/SD Card, 2GB RAM & 250GB HDD. Envelope feeding via standard 2nd paper drawer & bypass tray. The standard DOSS included with the mainframe is not ISO

Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x18". 417589). Internal Finisher SR3180 (250-sheet Staple-less Internal Finisher. 5 -8.5"x11" Sheet Staple Capacity. Supports Paper Sizes up to
ed to each connection, and you can use one machine to print from different network segments.
equences of 1's and 0's. This process makes any effort to access and reconstruct residual image data virtually impossible and reduces risk of information theft by performing a

M, Scan to/Print From USB/SD Card, 2GB RAM & 250GB HDD. Envelope feeding via standard 2nd paper drawer & bypass tray. The standard DOSS included with the mainfra

Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x18". 417589). Internal Finisher SR3180 (250-sheet Staple-less Internal Finisher. 5 -8.5"x11" Sheet Staple Capacity. Supports Paper Sizes up to

equences of 1's and 0's. This process makes any effort to access and reconstruct residual image data virtually impossible and reduces risk of information theft by performing a

Scan to/Print From USB/SD Card, 2GB RAM & 250GB HDD. Envelope feeding via standard 2nd paper drawer & bypass tray. The standard DOSS included with the mainfram
to each connection, and one machine can be used to print from two different network segments.

Scan to/Print From USB/SD Card, 2GB RAM & 320GB HDD. Envelope feeding via standard 2nd paper drawer & bypass tray. The standard DOSS included with the mainfram

ndroid), then the VM Card option and Memory options are NOT required.
to each connection, and one machine can be used to print from two different network segments.

nt From USB/SD Card, 2GB RAM & 250GB HDD. Envelope feeding via standard 2nd paper drawer & bypass tray. The standard DOSS included with the mainframe is not ISO
upports 8.5" x 11". 417270) or Cabinet Type F (100478FNG) .

y. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x18". 417484) Internal Finisher SR3130 (500 Sheet Internal Finisher. 50 -8.5"x11" Sheet Staple Capacity. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x18"

ed to each connection, and you can use one machine to print from different network segments.
equences of 1's and 0's. This process makes any effort to access and reconstruct residual image data virtually impossible and reduces risk of information theft by performing a
nnot be configured with the Color Controller E-23C (417486).

USB/SD Card, Postscript Emulation and 2GB RAM & 320GB HDD. Envelope feeding via standard 2nd paper drawer & bypass tray.The standard DOSS included with the main
x 2, Supports 8.5" x 11" only, 418360) or Cabinet Type F (100478FNG) .

y. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x18". 418335) Internal Finisher SR3250 (500 Sheet Internal Finisher. 50 -8.5"x11" Sheet Staple Capacity. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x18"

ed to each connection, and you can use one machine to print from different network segments. Please note this option will not be posted to existing external configurator websi

USB/SD Card, Postscript Emulation and 2GB RAM & 320GB HDD. Envelope feeding via standard 2nd paper drawer & bypass tray.The standard DOSS included with the main
x 2, Supports 8.5" x 11" only, 418360) or Cabinet Type F (100478FNG) .

y. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x18". 418335) Internal Finisher SR3250 (500 Sheet Internal Finisher. 50 -8.5"x11" Sheet Staple Capacity. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x18"

ed to each connection, and you can use one machine to print from different network segments. Please note this option will not be posted to existing external configurator websi

roid), then the VM Card option and Memory options are NOT required.

nt From USB/SD Card, Postscript Emulation and 2GB RAM & 250GB HDD. Envelope feeding via standard 2nd paper drawer & bypass tray. The standard DOSS included wit
2, Supports 8.5" x 11" only. 408116) or Cabinet Type F (100478FNG) .

y. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x18". 417484) Internal Finisher SR3130 (500 Sheet Internal Finisher. 50 -8.5"x11" Sheet Staple Capacity. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x18"
equences of 1's and 0's. This process makes any effort to access and reconstruct residual image data virtually impossible and reduces risk of information theft by performing a

nt From USB/SD Card, 2GB RAM & 250GB HDD. Envelope feeding via standard 2nd paper drawer & bypass tray. (The standard DOSS included with the mainframe is not IS
upports 8.5" x 11". 417270) or Cabinet Type F (100478FNG) .

, 20 Sheet Saddle Stitch Capacity, Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x18". 417488). Finisher SR3210 (1,000 Sheet External Finisher. 50 -8.5"x11" Sheet Staple Capacity. Support
ed to each connection, and you can use one machine to print from different network segments.
equences of 1's and 0's. This process makes any effort to access and reconstruct residual image data virtually impossible and reduces risk of information theft by performing a

ontroller E-23C (417486).

USB/SD Card, Postscript Emulation and 2GB RAM & 320GB HDD. Envelope feeding via standard 2nd paper drawer & bypass tray.The standard DOSS included with the main
x 2, Supports 8.5" x 11" only, 418360) or Cabinet Type F (100478FNG) .

y. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x18". 418335). Finisher SR3280 (3,000 Sheet External Finisher. 50 -8.5"x11" Sheets Staple Capacity. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x18". 41
ed to each connection, and you can use one machine to print from different network segments. Please note this option will not be posted to existing external configurator websi

USB/SD Card, Postscript Emulation and 2GB RAM & 320GB HDD. Envelope feeding via standard 2nd paper drawer & bypass tray.The standard DOSS included with the main
x 2, Supports 8.5" x 11" only, 418360) or Cabinet Type F (100478FNG) .

y. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x18". 418335). Finisher SR3280 (3,000 Sheet External Finisher. 50 -8.5"x11" Sheets Staple Capacity. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x18". 41
ed to each connection, and you can use one machine to print from different network segments. Please note this option will not be posted to existing external configurator websi

roid), then the VM Card option and Memory options are NOT required.

nt From USB/SD Card, Postscript Emulation and 2GB RAM & 320GB HDD. Envelope feeding via standard 2nd paper drawer & bypass tray. The standard DOSS included wit
2, Supports 8.5" x 11" only. 408116) or Cabinet Type F (100478FNG) .

, 20 Sheet Saddle Stitch Capacity, Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x18". 417488). Finisher SR3210 (1,000 Sheet External Finisher. 50 -8.5"x11" Sheet Staple Capacity. Support
equences of 1's and 0's. This process makes any effort to access and reconstruct residual image data virtually impossible and reduces risk of information theft by performing a
DF Direct Print, HDD Encryption, Embedded Java, Scan to/Print-from USB/SD Card, 4GB RAM, & 640GB HDD.
d to each connection, and one machine can be used to print from two different network segments. Please note the current MFP and printer external configurator websites will no

8),Cooling Fan Unit Type M26 (417677), Cooling Fan Unit Type M31(417908),GBC StreamPunch Ultra MP (404056), GBC Coil Rnd 44H HD(409057), GBC 3 Hole 8mm HD (4
oner that yields 10,400 prints (6% coverage, 3pg/job).

t of USB Device Server Option. An IP address can be assigned to each connection, and one device can be use to print from different network segments.
nnection, and one machine can be used to print from two different network segments.
y, 512 MB RAM memory, 10/100BaseTX Ethernet, High Speed USB 2.0, 2 USB Host I/Fs. Also, includes full 36,000 yield toner cartridge.

Additional Paper Feed Units can be added to increase the total paper capacity of the device to a max of 4,700 sheets.
PostScript3 emulation and Pictbridge support. Ships with Starter All-in-One Cartridges that yield 1,000 prints.
dge support. Ships with Starter All-in-One Cartridges that yield 1,000 prints.

L5c/6, PostScript3 emulation. Ships with Starter All-in-One Cartridges that yield 1,000 prints.

,000 B&W and 3,500 Color prints (ISO 19798)

to each connection, and one machine can be used to print from two different network segments. Please note the current MFP and printer external configurator websites will not
ostScript3, PCL5c/6, PDF Direct Emulation, Airprint, Mopria and Ricoh Smart Device Connector. Ships with starter cartridges that yield 1,500 color prints (Magenta, Yellow, Cya
ostScript3, PCL5c/6, PDF Direct Emulation, Airprint, Mopria and Ricoh Smart Device Connector. Ships with starter cartridges that yield 1,500 color prints (Magenta, Yellow, Cya

Toner that yields 3K prints @5% coverage.

ner that yields 3,000 prints @5% coverage, 2 pages/job.

elds 6,000 black/white and 4,000 color prints @5% coverage, 3 pages/job.

rter Toner. Additional Paper Feed Units can be added to increase the total paper capacity of the device to a max of 4,700 sheets.
Toner and 250GB Hard Disk Drive. Additional Paper Feed Units can be added to increase the total paper capacity of the device to a max of 4,700 sheets.
" x 8.5" to 12" x 18". 408114) (D) PB3250 (1-Tray Paper Bank, 550 Sheets, supports 5.5" x 8.5" to 12" x 18". 408114) with Caster Table 416737 or (E) Cabinet Type F (100478F
ed to each connection, and you can use one machine to print from different network segments.
t of USB Device Server Option. An IP address can be assigned to each connection, and one device can be use to print from different network segments.

t of USB Device Server Option. An IP address can be assigned to each connection, and one device can be use to print from different network segments.
ability. Adobe PostScript 3, and Gigabit Ethernet connectivity is provided standard. Ships with Starter Toner that yields 10,000 prints (ISO 19752).
and PDF Direct Print
va VM Card, Scan to/Print-from USB/SD Card, 2.5GB RAM, & 640GB HDD.
cryption & DOSS . Note: VM card is not pre-installed in the mainframe, however, the Java VM data itself is stored in the mainframe. The Locking Paper Feed Unit PB 3220TE
ertified at this time. The PB 3220TE (EDP Code 417660) is a required option. ARDF is Included

he mainframe, however, the Java VM data itself is stored in the mainframe. The Locking Paper Feed Unit PB3220TE (417660) is required with the Education MFP.
S is not ISO 15408 Certified at this time. The PB 3220TE (EDP Code 417660) is a required option.
nt, HDD Encryption, Java VM Card, Scan to/Print From USB/SD Card, 1.5GB RAM, & 250GB HDD. Envelope feeding via standard 2nd paper drawer. The Locking Paper Fee

oard Type M3 (416891).

Print From USB/SD Card, 2GB RAM, & 250GB HDD. Envelop feeding via the standard 2nd paper drawer & bypass tray The Locking Paper Feed Unit PB3160TE (417659) is re

ed to each connection, and you can use one machine to print from different network segments.
t, HDD Encryption, Java VM Card, Scan to/Print From USB/SD Card, 2GB RAM, & 250GB HDD. Envelope feeding via standard 2nd paper drawer. The Locking Paper Feed U

Board Type M4 (416733).

to/Print From USB/SD Card, 2GB RAM, & 320GB HDD. Envelope feeding via standard 2nd paper drawer. The Locking Paper Feed Unit PB 3160TE (417659) is required with

ned to each connection, and you can use one machine to print from different network segments.
ORIS Press Matcher Web software with Device Link Output (O-MATLW-DLPP50-PS1) creates ORIS iterative color matched Device Link Profiles, ORIS Solid State Engine - Hi

DLPP50-PS1 to create ORIS iterative color matched Device Link Profiles that are Ink Saved for Digital Presses and or Wide Format Printers. This option can be combined with

-PS1, (minimum of 1 device or display)

VDP FusionPro or XMPie modules and maintenance again. Since it is not a production environment, credit card processing is not available. NOTE: Available on Self-Hosted L
ro product .zip files. The VDP Module comes as 2 downloadable components (Server and Creator & Designer).

$0 for major upgrades. Excludes Shipping and Handling charges.

license required) - to design XMPie templates. The XMPie mini server should be installed on a separate server from DSF. The VDP Module comes as 2 downloadable compon

by the DSF Operators/Administrators. Customers can buy more Print Shop licenses. Any DSF configuration that requests >3 Additional Print Shops (4 total) will require a sepa
DSF instance across multiple Business Locations, a separate quote is required from EFI.

n details of this professional service and the required preparation - maximum of 2 Fierys

ull FusionPro® or XMPie® modules and maintenance. Since it is not a production environment, credit card processing is not available. NOTE: Available on Self-Hosted Licen

cuZIP requires an agreement with AccuZIP

s The VDP Module comes as 2 downloadable components Server and Creator & Designer

r (no license required) - to design XMPie® templates. The XMPie® mini server should be installed on a separate server from DSF. The VDP Module comes as 2 downloadable

by the DSF Operators/Administrators. Customers can buy more Print Shop licenses. Any DSF configuration that requests >3 Additional Print Shops (4 total) will require a sepa






59 Subs: PrintSmith Vision Users Annual (3x), 100000006382 Shop Floor Data Collection Activation, 100000010486 Shop Floor Data Collection Sub, 100000006384 Report M
359 Subs: PrintSmith Vision Users Annual (9x), 100000006382 Shop Floor Data Collection Activation, 100000010486 Shop Floor Data Collection Sub (3x), 100000006384 Rep
(5x), 100000010359 Subs: PrintSmith Vision Users Annual (15x), 100000006382 Shop Floor Data Collection Activation, 100000010486 Shop Floor Data Collection Sub (5x), 1
pre-built dashboards and reports designed for TotalAgility. The Kofax Analytics for TotalAgility and Kofax Insight Analytics for TotalAgility licenses are strictly limited to access
ds and reports can only be accessed by licensed users of KTA.
Users can also create additional metrics, dashboards and reports based on the KTA data. Dashboards and reports can only be accessed by licensed users of KTA.
m commitment with 12 months payable in advance. Pricing includes infrastructure management and software maintenance. Any changes to existing contracts will require the cre

dev systems contain 10% of the production system’s users and capture volume.

i-Tenancy Management System.

i-Tenancy Management System.

contract is for a 12 month minimum commitment with 12 months payable in advance. Pricing includes infrastructure management and maintenance. The TotalAgility AP Automa

dev systems contain 10% of the production system’s users and capture volume.
to the number of processors on the Laserfiche Server.

tal license must have a number of licenses equal to the number of processors on the Laserfiche Server.

nt, 1 Job Direct License (PDF Job Submission in MarcomCentral), 1 Student in Training at PTI headquarters in Solana Beach. Must include annual subscription (10015-PS1) an
or off-line composition), 2 five day training seats at PTI, Choose One Automated Workflow: EFI Fiery, CREO or Generic Hot Folder, 1 Online List Purchasing License in Marcom

le Assets, Salesforce.com Integration , 2 Dashboards for Distribution to Suppliers, 2 FusionPro VDP Creator Licenses for Template Creation, Integrated Image Personalization

ovals, etc…), HTML Branding of Portal, Product Thumbnails, Workflow Optimization, Portal Utilization
e Creation, Integrated Image Personalization with FusionPro Expression, Choose One Automated Workflow: EFI Fiery, CREO or Generic Hot Folder, JobDirect - PDF Job Subm

of company objectives with MarcomCentral ($225 per hour if annual block of hours is exceeded, or an additional block can be purchased).

Adobe InDesign CS3, CS4, CS5, CS5.5; Optional QuarkXPress 6.5, 7.0 or 8.5. For the most current requirements please go to: http://www.pti.com/help-center/system-requirem

ase go to: http://www.pti.com/help-center/system-requirements/

nd Scheduler (comes with 5 free FusionPro Designers - Designer is MAC or PC)

s with 5 free FusionPro Designers - Designer is MAC or PC)

s Training is recommended as a pre-requisite.

d seperately, 1 Copy of FusionPro VDP Creator, 1 Copy of FusionPro Expression including Expression in Marcom Central

T Includes built-in Job Queue and Scheduler (comes with 5 free FusionPro Designers - Designer is MAC or PC)

s built-in Job Queue and Scheduler (comes with 5 free FusionPro Designers - Designer is MAC or PC)
s built-in Job Queue and Scheduler (comes with 5 free FusionPro Designers - Designer is MAC or PC)
s built-in Job Queue and Scheduler (comes with 5 free FusionPro Designers - Designer is MAC or PC)
s built-in Job Queue and Scheduler (comes with 5 free FusionPro Designers - Designer is MAC or PC)
urchased Frequency of updates and database size dictates volume band needed Optional services include Head of Household and Walk Sequence which are not calculated in

mine quantity and total price for ancillary NCOA & data services
ors/ campaign report, Campaign templates update and email support. Note: Sending email, purchasing list from USA Data, and creating PURL are not included in subscription

been tested on the hardware as provided)

been tested on the hardware as provided

been tested on the hardware as provided
been tested on the hardware as provided
ense key(s) to remain active.
15 days they are contacted, 30 days contacted again, 45 days billed for full retail cost

e the proper M&S EDP Codes and quantities that must be ordered to cover the software for the desired term. If additional licenses are added at a later time, additional M&S Poin
not include any M&S.
not include any M&S.
Manager. Additional options are available. Scan & Capture licenses do not include any M&S.
show device location from their mobile device. Scan & Capture Input Connector licenses do not include any M&S. This option requires the Scan & Capture Module (from Note #

on licenses do not include any M&S.

odule (from Note #4 or Note #13).

clude any M&S. This option requires the Scan & Capture Module (from Note #4 or Note #13).

g fixes. For multiple years please change the quantity amount on your order.
n payment of additional license fees calculated as the delta between fees paid for the licensed platform and the then current fees for the new platform. Exchanging platforms is
All Changes
MUST Be Made
in the Service

Service Lease
Footnotes Plan Basis
ueED Offering Price
2 20-40 SILVER 305
3 21-ESPS1 23

1 25-40 SILVER 305

4 26-ESPS1 23
2 28-408287 152
3 29-408299 35

1 32-40 SILVER 515

4 33-ESPS1 23
2 35-408287 152
3 36-408299 35

1 39-41 SILVER 1,611

11, 13 40-006428MIU 148
2 42-417438 195
3 43-52551 76
4 44-417111 30

8 46-417446 125

5 48-417440 49
6 49-417428 135
7 50-413009 281

9 52-417666 142
10 53-416372 205
14 54-416436 184
55-416391 400

1 58-41 SILVER 1,252

18, 19 59-ESPS1 23
16, 19 60-006428MIU 148
2 62-416203 173
3 63-007168MIU 159
64-52341 106
65-52331 85

67-416194 111

6, 7 69-411699 56
7 70-402547 251
8 71-416163 72
9 72-414007 343
73-415620 396
10 74-416200 62
11 75-416196 75
76-006174MIU-PS1 446
77-003357MIU-PS1 712
78-004813MIU-PS1 1,012
79-004814MIU-PS1 1,275
80-GCP0001-PS1 46

14 82-413012 34
15 83-413985 489
16 84-416372 205
17 85-100266FNG 39

1 88-41 SILVER 1,302

2 89-41 SILVER 1,011
2 90-41 SILVER 1,467
21 91-ESPS1 23
20 92-006428MIU 148
94-PS-NWSC4 229
3, 5 95-418080 160
4, 5 96-418081 210
6 97-418143 221
7 98-52005 84
8 99-52006 90
9 100-418093 135

10 102-418068 286
11 103-418071 512
12 104-417428 135
14 105-417893 107
14 106-417566 155
15 107-417508 294
16 108-407863 285
17 109-418105 128
18 111-417111 30
19 112-417727 152

1 115-4 SILVER 1,467

20 116-ESPS1 23
19 117-006428MIU 148
118-PS-NWSCPR 80
2, 3, 4 119-407230 115
2, 3, 5 120-407229 171
6 121-161200 99
21 122-52511 86
22 123-52501 84

7, 8 125-417596 47
7, 9 126-407863 285
7, 11 127-417566 155
12 128-417111 30

13 130-417709 42
7, 14 131-417508 294
15 132-417428 135
16 133-417710 108

17 135-417727 152
18 136-417499 177

1 139-4 SILVER 2,100

140-4 SILVER 2,200
20 141-ESPS1 23
19 142-006428MIU 148
143-PS-NWSCPR 80

2, 3, 4, 5 145-407850 246
4 146-52651 109
5 147-52641 104
3 148-407851 168

6, 7 150-407863 285
6, 8 151-417596 47
6, 10 152-417566 155
11 153-417111 30

12 155-408048 43
27 156-408275 381
6, 14 157-417508 294
15 158-417428 135
16 159-407854 134

17 161-407853 152
18 162-417499 177

1,3 166-4 GOLD 2,273

2,3 167-4 GOLD 2,524
1,3 168-4 GOLD 2,749
2,3 169-4 GOLD 3,161
1,3 170-4 GOLD 3,125
2,3 171-4 GOLD 3,348
26 172-006428MIU 148
173-PS-NWSC2 161
174-PS-NWSC3 188
3,6,9 175-100478FNG 90
3,4,6 176-408114 252
4,5,6 177-416737 100
3,5,9 178-417268 505
3,5,9 179-408116 599
6 180-416548 599
7 181-416550 164
27 182-417585 199
7 183-417593 377
7 184-417589 488
10 185-416615 308
5,7,8,9,12 186-417483 676
5,7,8,9,12 187-4 BRONZE 1,251
11 188-416609 303
8 189-417587 70

12 191-417596 47
12 192-417493 285
13 193-417875 217
12,14 194-417508 294
15 195-417428 135
16 196-417111 30
17 197-416869 49
18 198-415814 60
19 199-415620 396
20 200-417857 43

21 202-417865 469
22,23 203-417860 112
22,24 204-417868 329
22,25 205-MX417518RA 36

28,29 207-417864 43
29,30 208-416909 98
31 209-100266FNG 39
12,32 210-417566 155
33 211-005269MIU 24
34 212-417863 147

1,2 215-4 GOLD 3,385

1,2 216-4 GOLD 3,531
1,2,13 217-4 GOLD 5,777
29 218-006428MIU 148
219-PS-NWSC3 188
220-PS-NWSC4 229
2,5,8 221-100478FNG 90
2,3,4 222-408114 252
3,4 223-416737 100
2,4,8 224-417268 505
2,4,8 225-408116 599
5 226-416548 599
6 227-416550 164
9 228-417585 199
6,10,13 229-417589 488
10 230-416615 308
4,6,7,8,11 231-417483 676
4,6,7,8,11 232-4 BRONZE 1,251
11 233-416609 303
4,6,7,8,12 234-4 BRONZE 1,614
4,6,7,8,12 235-417487 1,169
12 236-416612 402
7 237-417587 70
6,14 238-417838 1,256

15 240-417596 47
15 241-417493 285
16 242-417875 217
15,17 243-417508 294
18 244-417428 135
19 245-417111 30
20 246-416869 49
21 247-415814 60
22 248-415620 396
23 249-417857 43

24 251-417865 469
25,26 252-417860 112
25,27 253-417868 329
25,28 254-MX417518RA 36

30,31 256-417864 43
31,32 257-416909 98
33 258-100266FNG 39
34 259-005269MIU 24
12,35 260-417566 155
36 261-417863 147

1 264-4 SILVER 2,100

2 265-4 SILVER 3,729
16 266-006428MIU 148
17 267-ESPS1 23
268-PS-NWSC3 188
269-PS-NWSC4 229
3 270-418475 246
5 271-52652 109
6 272-52642 104
4 273-418476 168

7,8 275-407863 285

10 276-418517 320
11 277-417111 30
7,12 278-417508 294
13 279-417428 135
8,9 280-418398 145
14 282-MX417518RA 36

15 284-407853 152
18 285-418410 24

1,2 288-4 GOLD 6,957

1,2 289-4 GOLD 8,848
1,2 290-4 GOLD 9,172
39 291-006429MIU 150
40 292-007138MIU 180
293-PS-NWSC4 229
294-PS-NWSC5 268
1,3, 43 295-416229 69
4 296-417634 795
5 297-416232 404
1, 6 298-4 BRONZE 1,314
1, 7 299-4 BRONZE 2,185
1, 8 300-4 0 2,084
9 301-416612 402
10 302-415282 370
11, 13 303-417627 550
11, 12 304-417631 585
12, 14 305-417630 176
13, 14 306-416231 196
11,12,15 307-416633 1,087
16 308-4 0 4,833
17 309-416230 23
18 310-415017 719
19 311-415814 60
20 312-417111 30

30 314-417636 314
31 315-417641 321
32 316-417644 24
33 317-417645 110

21 319-417651 1,063
22 320-417596 47
23 321-417493 285
24 322-417663 47
25 323-417654 936
27 324-417566 155
28 325-417508 294
29 326-417428 135

44 328-404056 14,504
45 329-409057 1,517
45 330-409058 877
45 331-409059 1,685
45 332-404771 1,336
45 333-404769 551
45 334-404768 551
45 335-404767 528
45 336-404765 607
45 337-404761 551
45 338-404760 528
45 339-404757 607

34 341-417499 177
342-417657 744
35 343-417927 744
36 344-417696 40
42 345-100266FNG 39
37 346-417573 142
38 347-417595 43
41 348-415620 396

1 352-4 BRONZE 499

353-ESPS1 23
354-PS-NWSCPR 80
3 355-406019 116

1 358-4 SILVER 299

3 359-ESPS1 23
360-PS-NWSCPR 80
2 361-407890 104

2 364-4 SILVER 575

4 365-ESPS1 23
366-PS-NWSCPR 80
3 367-407890 104

1 370-4 SILVER 419

1 371-4 SILVER 575
3 372-ESPS1 23
373-PS-NWSCPR 80
2 374-407890 104

1 377-4 SILVER 715

2 378-4 SILVER 1,412
8 379-ESPS1 23
380-PS-NWSCPR 80
3, 5 381-407399 118
4, 5 382-407400 189
6 383-52004 101
7 384-408254 152

1 387-4 SILVER 1,985

19 388-4 SILVER 2,093
20 389-4 SILVER 2,730
21 390-4 SILVER 2,846
14 391-ESPS1 23
13 392-006428MIU 148
393-PS-NWSCBC3 188
2 394-100468FNG 125
3 395-100469FNG 129
4 396-100470FNG 139
5 397-417426 283
6 398-417874 130

11 400-417894 139

7, 8 402-417508 294
8 403-417493 285
8 404-417596 47
9 405-417890 48
10 406-417428 135

408-417499 177
12 409-417412 142
15, 8 410-417566 155
16 411-415620 396
17 412-417887 260

1 415-4 GOLD 2,891

2 416-4 GOLD 3,087
20 417-006428MIU 148
418-PS-NWSCBC3 188
4,6 419-415123 450
420-415122 846
3 421-52460 114
4 422-52470 98
5 423-52131 102
424-415124 188
425-415125 125
9 426-417121 141

16 428-416976 635
17 429-416979 111
18 430-001342MIU 133

432-414007 343
433-413012 34
12 434-407113 285
435-416605 139
14 436-416985 61
15 437-416990 42
21 438-415620 396

19 440-416391 400

1 443-4 GOLD 5,379

17 444-006428MIU 148
445-PS-NWSCBC3 188
2 446-418424 562
3 447-418376 240
4 448-416737 100
2, 5 449-100478FNG 90
6, 7 450-417589 488
7 451-416615 308
14 453-418483 582
15, 16 454-MX417518RA 36

8, 9 456-417493 285
10 457-417428 135
8, 11 458-417566 155
12 459-418055 260
13 460-415620 396

19 462-417573 142
20 463-417595 43

1, 2, 3 467-4 GOLD 2,832

1, 2, 3 468-4 GOLD 3,727
23 469-006428MIU 148
470-PS-NWSCBC1 134
471-PS-NWSCBC2 161
3,4, 31 472-408114 252
3 473-417268 505
8 474-417585 199
5 475-416550 164
5, 7 476-417589 488
5, 36 477-417593 377
7 478-416615 308
9 479-416609 303
31 480-416737 100
3 481-100478FNG 90
37 482-MX417498RA 188
13 483-417497 40
35 484-417485 382
5, 6, 9, 31 485-4 BRONZE 1,251
6 486-417587 70

20 488-418055 260
19 489-417507 94
12 490-415814 60
21 491-417428 135
18 492-417596 47
18 493-417493 285
10 494-416869 49
18, 22 495-417508 294
30 496-417501 47
18, 24 497-417566 155

14 499-417510 435
16, 17 500-MX417518RA 36
25 501-417569 112
15, 16 502-417515 305

26, 28 504-417595 43
32 505-417499 177
33 506-417573 142
28, 29 507-417578 40
27 508-100266FNG 39
11 509-417111 30
34 510-415620 396

1, 2, 3 513-4 GOLD 2,832

1, 2, 3 514-4 GOLD 3,702
22 515-006428MIU 148
516-PS-NWSCBC1 134
517-PS-NWSCBC2 161
3, 4, 27 518-418355 252
3 519-418352 505
27 520-416737 100
3 521-100478FNG 90
8 522-418376 240
5 523-418343 164
5, 7 524-418378 488
5, 31 525-418341 377
32 526-MX418397RA 188
7 527-418327 308
9 528-418381 303
13 529-417497 40
30 530-417485 382
5, 6, 9, 27 531-418335 1,251
6 532-418345 70

19 534-418406 260
20 535-417428 135
18 536-417493 285
10 537-416869 49
18, 21 538-417508 294
12 539-418410 24
18, 28 540-418398 145

14 542-418392 435
16, 17 543-MX417518RA 36
15, 16 544-418530 308

23, 25 546-418422 43
29 547-418421 142
25, 26 548-417578 40
24 549-100266FNG 39
11 550-417111 30

1,2,3,10 553-4 GOLD 3,780

1,2,3,10 554-4 GOLD 6,312
26 555-006428MIU 148
556-PS-NWSCBC2 161
557-PS-NWSCBC3 188
9 558-417585 199
39 559-417485 382
6,7,11,34 560-4 BRONZE 1,251
7 561-417587 70
3 562-100478FNG 90
34 563-416737 100
6,7,11,34 564-417483 676
16 565-417497 40
6,8 566-417589 488
6,47 567-417593 377
6 568-416550 164
5 569-416548 599
14 570-MX417498RA 188
3 571-408116 599
3,4,34 572-408114 252
3 573-408112 526
8 574-416615 308
11 575-416609 303

28 577-417569 112
19,20 578-MX417518RA 36
17 579-417510 435
18,19 580-417515 305

22,50 582-417507 94
15 583-415814 60
21,27 584-417566 155
21,25 585-417508 294
21,50 586-417596 47
21,50 587-417493 285
12 588-416869 49
24 589-417428 135
23,50 590-418055 260
33 591-417501 47

45 593-404602 537
40,50 594-4 BRONZE 2,774
49 595-007183MIU 3,134
42 596-404751 741
46 597-0 BRONZE 2,123
48 598-0 BRONZE 956
41 599-404750 1,685
43 600-404600 537
44 601-404601 537

36 603-417499 177
31,32 604-417578 40
30 605-100266FNG 39
37 606-417573 142
13 607-417111 30
29,31 608-417595 43
38 609-415620 396

1,2,3,10 612-4 GOLD 3,780

1,2,3,10 613-4 GOLD 6,312
26 614-006428MIU 148
615-PS-NWSCBC2 161
616-PS-NWSCBC3 188
9 617-418376 240
35 618-417485 382
6,7,11,32 619-418335 1,251
7 620-418345 70
3 621-100478FNG 90
34 622-416737 100
6,7,11,32 623-418337 676
16 624-417497 40
6,8 625-418378 488
6,43 626-418341 377
15 627-418339 1,597
6 628-418343 164
5 629-418358 599
14 630-MX418397RA 188
3 631-418360 599
3,4,32 632-418355 252
3 633-418349 526
8 634-418327 308
11 635-418381 303

19,20 637-MX417518RA 36
17 638-418392 435
18,19 639-418530 308

21,33 641-418398 145

21,25 642-417508 294
21,46 643-417493 285
12 644-416869 49
24 645-417428 135
27 646-418368 274
23,46 647-418406 260
22 648-418367 178
47 649-418410 24

41 651-404602 537
36,46 652-418433 3,453
45 653-007183MIU 3,134
38 654-404751 741
42 655-0 BRONZE 2,123
44 656-0 BRONZE 956
37 657-404750 1,685
658-404600 537
659-404601 537

30,31 661-417578 40
29 662-100266FNG 39
34 663-418421 142
13 664-417111 30
28,30 665-418422 43

1,2,3,10 668-4 GOLD 3,961

1,2,3,10 669-4 GOLD 6,237
26 670-006428MIU 148
671-PS-NWSCBC4 229
9 672-417585 199
39 673-417485 382
6,7,11,34 674-4 BRONZE 1,251
6,7,14,34 675-4 BRONZE 1,614
7 676-417587 70
3 677-100478FNG 90
34 678-416737 100
6,7,11,34 679-417483 676
6,7,14,34 680-417487 1,169
16 681-417497 40
6,8,37 682-417589 488
6 683-416550 164
5 684-416548 599
47 685-MX417498RA 188
3 686-408116 599
3,4,34 687-408114 252
3 688-408112 526
8,37 689-416615 308
11 690-416609 303
14 691-416612 402

28 693-417519 112
19,20 694-MX417518RA 36
17 695-417531 435
18,19 696-417533 308

22,50 698-417507 94
15 699-415814 60
21,27 700-417566 155
25 701-417508 294
21,50 702-417596 47
21,50 703-417493 285
51 704-417524 1,434
12 705-416869 49
24 706-417428 135
23,50 707-418055 260
33 708-417501 47

45 710-404602 537
40,50 711-4 BRONZE 2,774
42 712-404751 741
41 713-404750 1,685
49 714-007183MIU 3,134
46 715-0 BRONZE 2,123
48 716-0 BRONZE 956
43 717-404600 537
44 718-404601 537

36 720-417499 177
31,32 721-417578 40
30 722-100266FNG 39
29 723-417573 142
13 724-417111 30
31 725-417595 43
38 726-415620 396

1,2,3,10 729-4 GOLD 3,961

1,2,3,10 730-4 GOLD 6,237
26 731-006428MIU 148
732-PS-NWSCBC4 229
9 733-418376 240
35 734-417485 382
6,7,11,32 735-418335 1,251
6, 7, 32, 49 736-418330 1,614
7 737-418345 70
3 738-100478FNG 90
34 739-416737 100
6,7,11,32 740-418337 676
6, 7, 32, 49 741-418385 1,169
16 742-417497 40
6, 8, 48 743-418378 488
15 744-418339 1,597
6 745-418343 164
5 746-418358 599
14 747-MX418397RA 188
3 748-418360 599
3,4,32 749-418355 252
3 750-418349 526
8 751-418327 308
11 752-418381 303
49 753-418332 402

19,20 755-MX417518RA 36
17 756-418392 435
18,19 757-418530 308

21,33 759-418398 145

21,25 760-417508 294
21,46 761-417493 285
12 762-416869 49
24 763-417428 135
27 764-418368 274
23,46 765-418406 260
22 766-418367 178
47 767-418410 24

41 769-404602 537
36,46 770-418433 3,453
45 771-007183MIU 3,134
38 772-404751 741
42 773-0 BRONZE 2,123
44 774-0 BRONZE 956
37 775-404750 1,685
39 776-404600 537
40 777-404601 537

30,31 779-417578 40
29 780-100266FNG 39
34 781-418421 142
13 782-417111 30
28,30 783-418422 43

1,2 786-4 GOLD 10,631

1,2 787-4 GOLD 19,536
46 788-006429MIU 150
47 789-007138MIU 180
790-PS-NWSCBC4 229
791-PS-NWSCBC5 268
3 792-4 BRONZE 1,314
4 793-4 BRONZE 2,185
5 794-417630 176
795-416612 402
7 796-4 0 3,009
797-416633 1,087
9, 58 798-417904 69
10 799-417878 2,462
800-416699 1,263
801-416637 422
13, 25 802-417631 585
803-4 BRONZE 1,897
15 804-417883 727
805-416642 26
17 806-417678 442
807-4 0 4,833
24 808-412983 468
30, 61 809-417677 276
31 810-417908 276

40 812-417689 541
41 813-417686 158
42 814-417692 516
43 815-417695 71

20 817-417679 235
818-417717 665
22 819-417428 135
23 820-417493 285
26 821-417111 30
28 822-417508 294
37 823-417596 47
29 824-413009 281
33 825-417682 48
34 826-417657 744
827-417927 744
35 828-417566 155
27 829-415620 396
830-GCP0001-PS1 46

19 832-417595 43
32 833-417573 142
44 834-417696 40
45 835-417499 177
836-416373 219
38 837-100266FNG 39

48 839-404056 14,504
840-409044 7,143
49 841-409057 1,517
49 842-409058 877
49 843-409059 1,685
49 844-404771 1,336
49 845-404769 551
49 846-404768 551
49 847-404767 528
49 848-404765 607
49 849-404761 551
49 850-404760 528
49 851-404757 607
50 852-404980 8,654
853-404983 167
51 854-404979 6,714
52, 59 855-404981 5,612
53, 60 856-404982 5,145
54 857-4 BRONZE 2,937
55 858-404723 275
56 859-404984 335
57 860-4 BRONZE 3,541

1, 2 864-4 SILVER 14,895

865-PP-ISFM83XXG 2,000
866-007138MIU 180
867-PS-NWSC6 403
4 868-409256 2,887
5 869-409117 4,673
3, 6, 7 870-4 BRONZE 6,033
3 871-404652 1,403
3, 8, 11 872-409095 838
9 873-409090 703
3 874-409096 240
3, 10, 11 875-409099 471
876-409338 873
877-407964 741
878-409355 1,734
879-409356 1,194
880-409000 191
881-404882 167
882-409047 142
883-417111 30

3 885-409264 5,691
886-PP-ISFM83XXF 2,400
3 887-404827 1,863
3 888-404751 741
3 889-404750 1,685
3 890-0 BRONZE 956
3 891-45181852 2,242
3 892-45181781 1,583
3 893-45112781 3,923
3 894-45112179 3,055

896-PP-ISFPLOC350 1,500
897-409235 2,500
898-409234 4,240
12 899-417630 176
12 900-418332 402
901-409253 757
902-409337 1,122
3 903-409258 2,685
3, 13 904-409259 128
3 905-4 0 4,947
3 906-409249 4,540
3 907-409250 8,082
3, 14 908-409268 602
3, 15 909-409254 7,266
3 910-404877 114

912-409326 1,160
913-409332 3,162
914-PP-ISFM83XXGWI 1,500
915-409340 57
916-417428 135
917-417508 294
918-417493 285
919-418065 74

921-MXRHD8200RA 1,172

1, 2, 3 925-4 SILVER 18,945

1, 2, 3 926-4 SILVER 26,106
927-PP-ISFM83XXG 2,000
928-007138MIU 180
929-PS-NWSC6 403
4 930-409256 2,887
5 931-409117 4,673
6, 7 932-4 BRONZE 6,033
933-404652 1,403
8, 11 934-409095 838
9, 38 935-409090 703
936-409096 240
10, 11 937-409099 471
938-409338 873
939-409355 1,734
940-409356 1,194
941-409000 191
942-404882 167
943-409047 142
944-417111 30

35 946-409264 5,691
947-PP-ISFM83XXF 2,400
948-404827 1,863
949-404751 741
950-404750 1,685
951-0 BRONZE 956
952-45181852 2,242
953-45181781 1,583
954-45112781 3,923
955-45112179 3,055

957-409337 1,122
25 958-409262 4,093
12, 13, 14, 15, 25 959-4 0 26,313
960-4 BRONZE 1,467
961-404545 1,306
16 962-409258 2,685
17 963-409259 128
13, 25 964-4 0 4,947
13, 15, 18, 25 965-409260 15,099
19 966-404115 239
19 967-404114 42
20, 37 968-4 BRONZE 8,008
21 969-404218 336
2 970-409249 4,540
2 971-409250 8,082
22 972-409268 602
23 973-409254 7,266
974-404877 114
2, 24, 36 975-409339 3,122
976-404660 1,391

978-409326 1,160
979-409332 3,162
980-PP-ISFM83XXGWI 1,500
981-417428 135
982-417508 294
983-417493 285
984-418065 74

25, 26 986-4 BRONZE 8,502

987-404769 551
988-404768 551
989-404767 528
990-404760 528
991-404765 607
992-404761 551
993-404757 607
994-409057 1,517
995-409058 877
996-409059 1,685
997-404771 1,336
998-404772 724
999-404770 724
14, 18, 27, 28, 34 1000-409221 28,615

16 1002-PP-ISFPLOC350 1,500
16 1003- BRONZE 18,375
29, 30 1004-409358 10,595
31 1005- BRONZE 9,241
31 1006- BRONZE 6,945
31, 32 1007- BRONZE 6,608
31 1008- BRONZE 2,937
31, 32 1009-12205110 21,126
31 1010- BRONZE 2,529
31 1011- BRONZE 3,541
33 1012-409220 6,644
1013-409232 411
1014-409233 291

1016-MXRHD8200RA 1,172

1,2,79,80,81 1021- GOLD 29,271

1,2,3,4,5,81 1022- GOLD 35,025
1,2,79,80,81 1023- GOLD 35,474
1,2,3,4,5,81 1024- GOLD 42,062
1,2,3,4,5 1025-404696 2,328
1,2,3,4,5 1026-404697 1,690

1,2,79,80,81 1028- GOLD 30,542

1,2,3,4,5,81 1029- GOLD 35,637
1,2,79,80,81 1030- GOLD 37,511
1,2,3,4,5,81 1031- GOLD 43,258
1032-404696 2,328
1033-404697 1,690
1034-404698 657
1035-PP-ISF5THSTAT 2,750
81 1036-007138MIU 180
1037-PS-NWSCPC 403
6,7 1038-404648 4,673
8,9 1039- BRONZE 6,033
10 1040-404652 1,403
11, 12, 13 1041-404653 838
14 1042-404654 3,441
15 1043- BRONZE 8,008
16 1044-404658 909
20,21,22 1045-404387 703
24 1046-404649 471
23 1047-404708 240
25 1048-404699 942

27 1050-404195 748
28 1051-404218 336
29 1052-404177 500
0 1053-413012 34
30 1054-412203 25
31 1055- 0 1,745
32,1 1056- 0 4,947
33,34,35 1057- 0 26,313
36, 1058- BRONZE 1,467
36 1059-404545 1,306
1, 37 1060- 0 12,410
38 1061- 0 3,259
39, 40 1062- 0 5,885
41 1063- 0 6,184
42,43,1 1064- BRONZE 8,502
44 1065-404769 551
44 1066-404768 551
44 1067-404767 528
44 1068-404765 607
44 1069-404761 551
44 1070-404760 528
44 1071-404757 607
45, 48,49 1072- BRONZE 10,595
1073-PP-ISFPLOC350 1,500
1074-PP-ISFPLOC500 1,575
47 1075- BRONZE 9,241
52 1076- BRONZE 6,945
53 1077- BRONZE 6,608
51 1078- BRONZE 2,937
54,56 1079- BRONZE 21,126
54,56 1080-409054 21,126
55 1081- BRONZE 3,541
50 1082-404723 275

57 1084- BRONZE 11,302

1085-PP-ISFC7100E43 5,880
58 1086- BRONZE 28,684
1087-PP-ISFC7100E83 6,468
59 1088-404748 1,434
60 1089-404749 4,163
61 1090-404750 1,685
61 1091-404751 741
62 1092- BRONZE 2,123
63 1093-007096MIU 1,613
1094-PP-RPCMEFICPS 2,310
64 1095- BRONZE 956
65 1096-404421 1,775
66 1097-404422 2,659
67 1098-414939 849
68 1099-404317 1,739
69 1100-404753 403
77 1101-45132479 1,970
1102-PP-TFCOLORST 1,890
78 1103- BRONZE 6,080
1104-PP-TDCOLORAD 4,158
1105-MXRHDC7100RA 1,172

1, 2, 3, 4 1109- GOLD 30,526

1, 2, 3, 4 1110- GOLD 36,963
1, 2, 3, 4 1111- GOLD 43,294
1, 2, 3, 4 1112- GOLD 43,294
0 1113-409207 2,328
0 1114-409205 1,690
1115-409208 684

1, 2, 3, 4 1117- GOLD 46,775

1, 2, 3, 4 1118- GOLD 50,096
0 1119-409207 2,328
0 1120-409205 1,690
0 1121-007138MIU 180
0 1122-PS-NWSCPC 403
0 1123-404195 748
0 1124-412203 25
0 1125-409188 909
5 1126-409117 4,673
5, 7 1127- BRONZE 6,033
0 1128-404652 1,403
8, 9, 43 1129-409095 838
9, 10, 38 1130-409090 703
11, 43 1131-409099 471
0 1132-409096 240
0 1133-409186 3,441
12 1134- 0 1,745
13 1135- 0 4,947
6, 18 1136- BRONZE 8,008
0 1137-404218 336
13, 14, 16 1138- 0 26,313
0 1139- BRONZE 1,467
0 1140-404545 1,306
13, 17 1141- 0 12,410
0 1142-404114 42
0 1143-404115 239
19 1144- 0 3,259
20 1145- 0 5,885
21 1146-404177 500
22 1147- 0 6,184
0 1148-404877 114
0 1149-417111 30
1150-416605 139
19, 20, 44 1151-404660 1,391

21, 23 1153- BRONZE 8,502

0 1154-409057 1,517
0 1155-409058 877
0 1156-409059 1,685
0 1157-404771 1,336
0 1158-404769 551
0 1159-404768 551
0 1160-404767 528
0 1161-404765 607
0 1162-404761 551
0 1163-404760 528
0 1164-404757 607
25, 26 1165- BRONZE 10,595
27 1166- BRONZE 9,241
0 1167-404723 275
27 1168- BRONZE 6,945
27, 28 1169- BRONZE 6,608
27 1170- BRONZE 2,937
27, 28 1171-409054 21,126
27 1172- BRONZE 3,541
12 1173- BRONZE 18,375
30 1174-409220 6,644
29 1175- BRONZE 2,529
35 1176- BRONZE 10,488
36 1177-409124-PS1 4,951
36 1178-409126-PS1 4,857
36 1179-409143-PS1 6,404
36 1180-409135 1,019
36 1181-409136 832

1183- BRONZE 6,749

1184-PP-ISF-72XX-E35 6,000
35 1185- BRONZE 11,302
1186-PP-ISF-72XX-E45 6,300
35 1187- BRONZE 28,684
1188-PP-ISF-72XX-E85 6,930
31 1189-404749 4,163
1190-409279 794
32, 34 1191- BRONZE 956
31 1192-409283 877
39 1193-409274 2,535
32 1194-409216 4,290
32 1195-409217 2,762
0 1196-100000006105-P 400
31, 42 1197-45132479 1,970
31, 41 1198- BRONZE 6,080
1199-409189 981
1200-409193 1,527
15 1201-417428 135
1202-409192 1,503
1203-409280 1,806
1204- BRONZE 2,123
1205-007096MIU 1,613
1206-PP-RPCMRCOP7 2,100
1207-PP-RCOP-7200 3,500
1208-409284 30,999
1209-45181852 2,242

1 1212- GOLD 20,729

1 1213- GOLD 22,684
1214-PP-ISF5200BASE 1,925
0 1215-404917 1,071
0 1216-404918 1,679
0 1217-007138MIU 180
1218-PS-NWSCBC4 229
1219-PS-NWSCBC5 268
2, 3 1220-416699 1,263
2 1221-417878 2,462
4, 18 1222- BRONZE 1,897
5, 18 1223-417631 585
0 1224-417883 727
0 1225-416642 26
4, 5, 18 1226-404505 1,511
4, 5, 18 1227-404880 4,422
5, 18 1228-416612 402
4, 18 1229-404177 500
2, 6, 18 1230-404879 487
3, 6, 7, 18 1231-404878 357
0 1232-404882 167
0 1233-404884 315
8 1234-417682 48
0 1235-417566 155
0 1236-417111 30
9, 10 1237-409047 142
8 1238-417679 235
11 1239-417508 294
12, 8 1240-417596 47
13, 8 1241-417493 285
0 1242-417428 135
0 1243-417657 744
1244-417927 744
0 1245-417499 177
14 1246-409001 69
15 1247-416637 422

1, 16, 18 1249- BRONZE 2,185

1, 16, 18 1250- BRONZE 1,314
5 1251-417630 176
5, 27 1252-417677 276
1, 4, 18 1253- BRONZE 3,114
1, 4, 18 1254- BRONZE 6,528
1, 18 1255-417904 69
4, 5, 18 1256- 0 4,833
5, 18 1257-404872 114
4, 18 1258-404877 114
4, 19, 18 1259-404056 14,504
0 1260-409057 1,517
0 1261-409058 877
0 1262-409059 1,685
0 1263-404771 1,336
0 1264-404769 551
0 1265-404768 551
0 1266-404767 528
0 1267-404765 607
0 1268-404761 551
0 1269-404760 528
0 1270-404757 607
21, 22, 18 1271-404980 8,654
23 1272-404979 6,714
23 1273-404981 5,612
23 1274-404982 5,145
23 1275- BRONZE 2,937
23 1276- BRONZE 21,126
23 1277-409054 21,126
24 1278-404983 167
23 1279-404723 275
24 1280- BRONZE 2,025
0 1281- BRONZE 3,541

0 1283- BRONZE 4,875

1284-PP-ISF5200E24B 1,540
0 1285- BRONZE 13,475
1286-PP-ISF5200E44B 3,272
0 1287-404750 1,685
0 1288-404751 741
25 1289-404601 537
25 1290-404600 537
25 1291-404602 537
25 1292-007183MIU 3,134
0 1293- BRONZE 2,123
0 1294-007096MIU 1,613
0 1295- BRONZE 956
26 1296-404583 3,225
26 1297-404421 1,775
26 1298-414939 849
1299-MXRHDC5200RA 1,172

1,2,4,5,6 1303- GOLD 83,893

1,2,4,6 1304-404615 53,739
1,2,3,5,6 1305- GOLD 102,882
1,2,3,6 1306-404727 66,398
1307-PP-ISF9110 18,595
14 1308-404661 4,340
15 1309-404724 192
6 1310-404840 2,327
0 1311-007140MIU 1,078
1312-PS-NWSCPC 403
7,9 1313- BRONZE 6,033
8 1314-404652 1,403
9, 10, 11 1315-404653 838
13 1316- BRONZE 8,008
16,17,18 1317-404387 703
20 1318-404649 471
19 1319-404708 240

21 1321-404218 336
22 1322-404177 500
0 1323-413012 34
23 1324-412203 25
24 1325- 0 1,745
25,1 1326- 0 4,947
26,27,28 1327- 0 26,313
29 1328- BRONZE 1,467
29 1329-404545 1,306
1, 30 1330- 0 12,410
31 1331- 0 3,259
32, 33 1332- 0 5,885
34 1333- 0 6,184
35,36,1 1334- BRONZE 8,502
37 1335-404769 551
37 1336-404768 551
37 1337-404767 528
37 1338-404765 607
37 1339-404761 551
37 1340-404760 528
37 1341-404757 607
38, 41,42 1342- BRONZE 10,595
1343-PP-ISFPLOC350 1,500
1344-PP-ISFPLOC500 1,575
40 1345- BRONZE 9,241
43 1346-404723 275
45 1347- BRONZE 6,945
46 1348- BRONZE 6,608
44 1349- BRONZE 2,937
47,49 1350- BRONZE 21,126
47,49 1351-409054 21,126
48 1352- BRONZE 3,541

50 1354- BRONZE 14,813

1355-PP-ISF9110 18,595
51 1356- BRONZE 29,938
1357-PP-ISF9110 18,595
52 1358-404749 4,163
53 1359-404750 1,685
53 1360-404751 741
54 1361- BRONZE 2,123
55 1362-007096MIU 1,613
56 1363- BRONZE 956
57 1364-404421 1,775
58 1365-404422 2,659
59 1366-414939 849
60 1367-404317 1,739
61 1368-404753 403
62 1369-45132479 1,970
1370-PP-TFCOLORST 1,890
62 1371- BRONZE 6,080
1372-PP-TDCOLORAD 4,158

1,2,3,5,6 1375- GOLD 101,026

0 1376-409071 56,686
1,2,4,5,6 1377- GOLD 124,738
0 1378-409073 70,024
1379-PP-ISF-92XX 18,595
0 1380-409138 4,549
0 1381-409141 201
0 1382-409139 2,873
0 1383-007140MIU 1,078
1384-PS-NWSCPC 403
7 1385- BRONZE 6,033
0 1386-404652 1,403
8, 9, 43 1387-409095 838
10, 38 1388-409090 703
11, 43 1389-409099 471
0 1390-409096 240
12 1391- 0 1,745

13 1393- 0 4,947
18 1394- BRONZE 8,008
0 1395-404218 336
13, 14, 15, 16 1396- 0 26,313
0 1397- BRONZE 1,467
0 1398-404545 1,306
13, 15, 17 1399- 0 12,410
0 1400-404114 42
0 1401-404115 239
19 1402- 0 3,259
20 1403- 0 5,885
21 1404-404177 500
22 1405- 0 6,184
0 1406-404877 114
21, 23 1407- BRONZE 8,502
0 1408-409057 1,517
0 1409-409058 877
0 1410-409059 1,685
0 1411-404771 1,336
0 1412-404769 551
0 1413-404768 551
0 1414-404767 528
0 1415-404765 607
0 1416-404761 551
0 1417-404760 528
0 1418-404757 607
25, 26 1419- BRONZE 10,595
1420-PP-ISFPLOC350 1,500
27 1421- BRONZE 9,241
0 1422-404723 275
27 1423- BRONZE 6,945
27, 28 1424- BRONZE 6,608
27 1425- BRONZE 2,937
27, 28 1426-409054 21,126
27 1427- BRONZE 3,541
12 1428- BRONZE 18,375
29 1429- BRONZE 2,529
29 1430-409220 6,644

1432-PP-RPCMRCOP9 4,200
35, 42 1433- BRONZE 13,271
1434-PP-ISF-92XX 18,595
36 1435-409123-PS1 5,940
36 1436-409125-PS1 6,897
36 1437-409143-PS1 6,404
36 1438-409135 1,019
36 1439-409136 832
42 1440- BRONZE 26,999
1441-PP-ISF-92XX 18,595
19, 20, 44 1442-404660 1,391
32, 40 1443- BRONZE 2,123
32, 40 1444-007096MIU 1,613
32, 34 1445- BRONZE 956
32, 39 1446-409274 2,535
32 1447-409216 4,290
32 1448-409217 2,762
0 1449-100000006105-P 400
0 1450-EQ-RETURN-SE 0

1, 2, 3 1452- SILVER 26,324

1, 2, 3 1453- SILVER 31,014
1454-PP-ISFM83XXG 2,000
1455-007138MIU 180
1456-PS-NWSC6 403
4 1457-409256 2,887
5 1458-409117 4,673
6, 7 1459- BRONZE 6,033
1460-404652 1,403
8, 11 1461-409095 838
9, 38 1462-409090 703
1463-409096 240
10, 11 1464-409099 471
1465-409338 873
1466-409355 1,734
1467-409356 1,194
1468-404882 167
1469-409047 142

35 1471-409264 5,691
1472-PP-ISFM83XXF 2,400
1473-404827 1,863
1474-404751 741
1475-404750 1,685
1476- BRONZE 956
1477-45181852 2,242
1478-45181781 1,583
1479-45112781 3,923
1480-45112179 3,055

1482-409337 1,122
25 1483-409262 4,093
12, 13, 14, 15, 25 1484- 0 26,313
1485- BRONZE 1,467
1486-404545 1,306
16 1487-409258 2,685
17 1488-409259 128
13, 25 1489- 0 4,947
13, 15, 18, 25 1490-409260 15,099
19 1491-404115 239
19 1492-404114 42
20, 37 1493- BRONZE 8,008
21 1494-404218 336
2 1495-409249 4,540
2 1496-409250 8,082
22 1497-409268 602
23 1498-409254 7,266
1499-404877 114
2, 24, 36 1500-409339 3,122
1501-404660 1,391

1503-409329 1,160
1504-409332 3,162
1505-PP-ISFM83XXGW 1,500
1506-417493 285
1507-418065 74

25, 26 1509- BRONZE 8,502

1510-404769 551
1511-404768 551
1512-404767 528
1513-404760 528
1514-404765 607
1515-404761 551
1516-404757 607
1517-409057 1,517
1518-409058 877
1519-409059 1,685
1520-404771 1,336
1521-404772 724
1522-404770 724
14, 18, 27, 28, 34 1523-409221 28,615

16 1525-PP-ISFPLOC350 1,500
16 1526- BRONZE 18,375
29, 30 1527-409358 10,595
31 1528- BRONZE 9,241
31 1529- BRONZE 6,945
31, 32 1530- BRONZE 6,608
31 1531- BRONZE 2,937
31, 32 1532-12205110 21,126
31 1533- BRONZE 2,529
31 1534- BRONZE 3,541
33 1535-409220 6,644
1536-409232 411
1537-409233 291

1539-MXRHD8200RA 1,172

1, 2, 3 1543- GOLD 22,908

1, 2, 3 1544- GOLD 28,937
1545-007138MIU 180
1546-PP-ISFM83XXG 2,000
1547-PP-ISFM83XXF 2,400
1548-PP-ISFM83XXGW 1,500

1550-3RD-40877700-I 250
1551-3RD-20877702-I 1,800
1552-3RD-20877701-I 0

1554-409355 1,734
1555-409356 1,194
1556-404882 167
1557-409047 142
1558-006428MIU 148

4, 7 1560-409256 2,887
5, 7 1561-409117 4,673
6, 7 1562- BRONZE 6,033
41 1563-404652 1,403
8, 11 1564-409095 838
9, 38 1565-409090 703
40 1566-409096 240
10, 11 1567-409099 471
1568-409338 873

1570-409337 1,122
25 1571-409262 4,093
12, 13, 14, 15, 25 1572- 0 26,313
43 1573- BRONZE 1,467
43 1574-404545 1,306
16 1575-409258 2,685
17 1576-409259 128
13, 25 1577- 0 4,947
13, 25 1578-409260 15,099
19 1579-404115 239
19 1580-404114 42
20, 37 1581- BRONZE 8,008
21 1582-404218 336
2 1583-409249 4,540
2 1584-409250 8,082
22 1585-409268 602
23 1586-409254 7,266
39 1587-404877 114
2, 24, 36 1588-409339 3,122
2, 24, 36 1589-404660 1,391
1591-409329 1,160
1592-409332 3,162
1593-417493 285
1594-418065 74

25, 26 1596- BRONZE 8,502

1597-404769 551
1598-404768 551
1599-404767 528
1600-404760 528
1601-404765 607
1602-404761 551
1603-404757 607
1604-409057 1,517
1605-409058 877
1606-409059 1,685
1607-404771 1,336
1608-404772 724
1609-404770 724
1610-409221 28,615

16 1612- BRONZE 18,375

29, 30 1613-409358 10,595
31 1614- BRONZE 9,241
31 1615- BRONZE 6,945
31 1616- BRONZE 6,608
31 1617- BRONZE 2,937
31, 32 1618-12205110 21,126
31 1619- BRONZE 2,529
31 1620- BRONZE 3,541
33 1621-409220 6,644
42 1622-409232 411
1623-409233 291

35 1625-409264 5,691
1626-404827 1,863
1627-404751 741
1628-404750 1,685
1629- BRONZE 956
1630-45181852 2,242
1631-45181781 1,583
1632-45112781 3,923
1633-45112179 3,055

1635-MXRHD8200RA 1,172

1639-DS64I-INT1SE 10,833
1640-DS64I-INT2SE 11,712
1641-DS64I-INT3SE-D 14,315
1642-DS64I-INT3SS 14,966
1643-DS64I-INT1EBRE 11,109

1645-DS64IMFFLDL 1,234
1646-DS64ISFTRAYS 405
1647-DS64ISFTRAYE 290
1648-DS64ISELHF 580
1649-DS64ISERHF 580

1652-15C-90701-DS 463
1653-15S-90790-DS 22
1654-9SR-490CS 92
1655-9SR-490K35 368
1656-9SR-660/K02 423
1657-9SR-660NCS-DS 129
1658-9SR-800/CS-DS 132
1659-9SR-800/K18-DS 698
1660-AA0-DC445STAN 538
1661-AA0-DC615CCD0 1,253
1662-AA0-DC615CST0 844
1663-AA0-DC615DFD0 629
1664-AA0-DC615JCR0 1,253
1665-AA0-DC615PCA 754
1666-AA0-DC615PCM0 713
1667-AA0-DC645 4,353
1668-AA0-DC645BCM1 5,992
1669-AA0-DC645OMK0 106
1670-AA0-DC645PFM0 5,915
1671-AA0-DC645RSM0 5,915
1672-AAA-DPB500LS- 7,590
1673-AAB-UP240BRN 418
1674-AAB-UP240WHT 462
1675-AAG-DB280GLUE 144
1676-AAG-KB4000CLN 535
1677-AAG-KB4000EVA 140
1678-AAG-KB4000PU 59
1679-AAO-AIR03 817
1680-AAO-BCC228PF 840
1681-AAO-BCC228SLT 593
1682-AAO-BCC228SLT 593
1683-AAO-BCC228SLT 800
1684-AAO-BCC228SLT 600
1685-AAO-BCC330CNV 990
1686-AAO-BCC330SLT 850
1687-AAO-BCC330SLT 990
1688-AAO-BCC330SLT 1,250
1689-AAO-CD100D-DS 1,905
1690-AAO-CF375PFR 1,972
1691-AAO-CP375DSD- 2,518
1692-AAO-CP375PFR1 1,859
1693-AAO-CP375PFR2 1,600
1694-AAO-CP375PFR 2,095
1695-AAO-DBM150SXS 950
1696-AAO-DBM-350CS 495
1697-AAO-DBM350SBK 385
1698-AAO-DBM350SW 1,980
1699-AAO-DC445CCD0 1,838
1700-AAO-DC445CRM 2,337
1701-AAO-DC-445CRM 2,337
1702-AAO-DC445DFD0 478
1703-AAO-DC445LPT0 471
1704-AAO-DC445OPM 945
1705-AAO-DC615LPT0 424
1706-AAO-DC616PCC0 1,100
1707-AAO-DC616PCM0 500
1708-AAO-DC616PFM0 1,100
1709-AAO-DC645BCM2 5,992
1710-AAO-DC745CPM0 8,828
1711-AAO-DC745ODF0 792
1712-AAO-DC745OSM 3,433
1713-AAO-DC745RTM0 8,714
1714-AAO-DC-745SPM 11,180
1715-AAO-DPB500SW 2,310
1716-AAO-DSF2200HF 656
1717-AAO-DUPLOTSC 2,024
1718-AAO-FD4140D 3,500
1719-AAO-FD4140DPE 650
1720-AAO-OMK-03-DS 1,471
1721-AAO-PCARM 824
1722-AAO-PFR-04 969
1723-AAO-SLT18 938
1724-AAS-350PRO 64,350
1725-AAS-350R 46,530
1726-ASM-500 16,000
1727-BCC-330CNV 977
1728-BCC-330SLTA 839
1729-BCC-330SLTB 839
1730-BCC-330SLTS 1,233
1731-CC-228 5,133
1732-CC-330 9,674
1733-CF-375 34,055
1734-CP-375 29,000
1735-CPM-02 8,800
1736-DB-280ST-DS 572
1737-DB-490 10,760
1738-DB-490P 13,327
1739-DB-490PRO 14,600
1740-DB-660P 17,472
1741-DB-660PRO 18,240
1742-DB-800PRO 28,000
1743-DBM-120SXS 9,772
1744-DBM-120T 7,700
1745-DBM-150 9,500
1746-DBM-150T 7,800
1747-DBM-350 28,900
1748-DBM-350T 9,800
1749-DBMSS2-DS 847
1750-DC-445IFS-DS 36,440
1751-DC-616 20,730
1752-DC-616PRO 26,000
1753-DC-646 48,000
1754-DC-646IFS-DS 76,550
1755-DC-745 91,802
1756-DC-745IFS 131,066
1757-DF-1200 7,885
1758-DF-1200AIRKIT 250
1759-DF-755 2,468
1760-DF-777 3,257
1761-DF-920 5,233
1762-DF-970 3,859
1763-DF-970CF-DS 79
1764-DF-980 4,900
1765-DFS-3500 59,899
1766-DFS3500-1 68,989
1767-DFS3500-2 59,442
1768-DF-TAB915 10,760
1769-DKT-200 53,995
1770-DKT-G 4,730
1771-DKT-K 1,095
1772-DKT-LS 2,750
1773-DPB-500 51,330
1774-D-PORT 440
1775-DSF-2000-DBM 44,655
1776-DSF-2000-SCC 120,416
1777-DSF-2200BCKIT- 8,400
1778-DSF-2200-DBM15 43,250
1779-DSF-2200-DBM35 68,854
1780-DSF-2200-DBM50 88,354
1781-DSF-2200-DFS-2 124,200
1782-DSF-2200-DS 1,400
1783-DSF-2200EXTKIT 984
1784-DSF-2200PCAR 850
1785-DSF-2200PLKIT- 1,500
1786-DSF-2200TEAKIT 5,000
1787-DSS-350 15,000
1788-DSS-350CXKIT1- 130
1789-DSS-350ST 452
1790-DT-900 6,713
1791-EX-2000 8,785
1792-KB-4000PUR 63,000
1 1793-EHC591R-DS 350
1794-OPK-02 328
1795-RC-7 4,950
1796-RTM-02 11,500
1797-SF-205Z 7,404
1798-U7-P4461-DS 148
1799-U7-S0008-DS 1,400
1800-U7-S0010-DS 195
1801-U7-S0011-DS 294
1802-U7-S0012-DS 864
1803-U7-S009-DS 309
1804-UD-300 75,000
1805-UD-300PKG 85,000
1806-UJ-500AS 3,900
1807-ULTRA100A 22,500
1808-ULTRA100HFM 15,800
1809-ULTRA145A 26,554
1810-ULTRA200A 37,400
1811-ULTRA205A 36,919
1812-UP-240 5,500
1814-DF-755-SVC-PS1 438
1815-DF-777-SVC-PS1 578
1816-DF-970-SVC-PS1 717
1817-DF-980-SVC-PS1 858
1818-DF-1200-SVC-PS 1,453
1819-DF-1200AIRKIT- 44
1820-DBM-150-SVC-P 1,663
1821-DBM-150T-SVC- 1,365
1822-DBM-350-SVC-P 5,058
1823-DBM-350T-SVC- 1,715
1824-DSF-2200-DBM1 7,569
1825-DSF-2200-DBM3 12,049
1826-DSF-2200-DBM5 9,940
1827-DSF-2200-DFS-2 13,972
1828-DSS-350-SVC-PS 1,687
1829-DBMSS2-SVC-PS 148
1830-ASM-500-SVC-PS 1,800
1831-DSF-2200TEAKIT 563
1832-AAO-DSF2200HF 75
1833-DSF-2200PLKIT- 169
1834-15C-90701-SVC- 53
1835-AAO-DBM150SXS 107
1836-AAO-DBM350SBK 67
1837-AAO-DBM-350CS 87
1838-AAO-DBM350SW 347
1839-DKT-200-SVC-PS 6,074
1840-DKT-LS-SVC-PS1 309
1841-DKT-K-SVC-PS1 123
1842-DKT-G-SVC-PS1 532
1843-D-PORT-SVC-PS 77
1844-AAO-CD100D-SV 333
1845-DSF-2200BCKIT- 945
1846-DSF-2200-SVC-P 158
1847-AAO-PCARM-SV 144
1848-DFS-3500-SVC-P 6,739
1849-DC-445-SVC-PS1 2,013
1850-DC-616-SVC-PS1 3,763
1851-DC-616PRO-SVC 4,550
1852-DC-646-SVC-PS1 5,400
1853-DC-745-SVC-PS1 10,463
1854-AAO-PFR-04-SV 172
1855-AAO-SLT18-SVC 166
1856-AAO-AIR03-SVC- 200
1857-AAO-DC445OPM0 168
1858-AAO-DC445CRM0 409
1859-AAO-DC-445CRM 409
1860-AAO-DC445CCD0 322
1861-AAO-DC445LPT0 83
1862-AAO-DC445DFD0 117
1863-AA0-DC615DFD0 117
1864-AA0-DC615CCD0 222
1865-AA0-DC615JCR0 222
1866-AAO-DC616PCC0 125
1867-AAO-DC616PFM0 193
1868-RTM-02-SVC-PS1 1,294
1869-CPM-02-SVC-PS 990
1870-OPK-02-SVC-PS1 37
1871-AAO-FD4140D-S 393
1872-AAO-FD4140DPE 73
1873-AA0-DC645-SVC 497
1874-AAO-DC645BCM2 674
1875-AA0-DC645PFM0 674
1876-AA0-DC645RSM0 674
1877-AA0-DC645BCM1 674
1878-AA0-DC645OMK0 12
1879-AAO-DC745RTM0 993
1880-AAO-DC745OSM0 391
1881-AAO-DC745ODF0 90
1882-AAO-DC745CPM0 993
1883-AAO-DC-745SPM 1,258
1884-AAO-OMK-03-SV 165
1885-U7-S0008-SVC-P 158
1886-U7-S009-SVC-PS 35
1887-U7-S0010-SVC-P 22
1888-U7-S0011-SVC-P 33
1889-U7-S0012-SVC-P 97
1890-U7-P4461-SVC-P 17
1891-CF-375-SVC-PS1 3,881
1892-CP-375-SVC-PS1 3,263
1893-AAO-CF375PFR- 222
1894-AAO-CP375DSD- 283
1895-AAO-CP375PFR1 209
1896-AAO-CP375PFR2 180
1897-AAO-CP375PFRT 236
1898-DC-445IFS-SVC- 6,377
1899-DC-646IFS-SVC- 9,663
1900-DC-745IFS-SVC- 14,745
1901-DB-280-SVC-PS1 1,733
1902-KB-4000PUR-SV 7,088
1903-DPB-500-SVC-PS 5,850
1904-AAA-DPB500LS- 1,300
1905-AAO-DPB500SW- 400
1906-DB-490-SVC-PS1 1,328
1907-DB-490PRO-SVC 1,643
1908-DB-660PRO-SVC 2,160
1909-DB-800PRO-SVC 3,150
1910-CC-330-SVC-PS1 1,715
1911-CC-228-SVC-PS1 910
1912-AAO-BCC330SLT 219
1913-AAO-BCC330SLT 149
1914-AAO-BCC330SLT 173
1915-AAO-BCC330CNV 173
1916-AAO-BCC228SLT 105
1917-AAO-BCC228SLT 105
1918-AAO-BCC228SLT 105
1919-AAO-BCC228PFM 147
1920-AAO-BCC228SLT 140
1921-ULTRA100A-SVC 2,531
1922-ULTRA100HFM-S 1,778
1923-ULTRA200A-SVC 4,208
1924-UD-300-SVC-PS1 8,438
1925-UP-240-SVC-PS1 963
1926-UJ-500AS-SVC-P 683
1927-RC-7-SVC-PS1 866
1928-BCRG-SVC-PS1 780
1929-3RD-DF-755-INS 300
1930-3RD-DF-777-INS 300
1931-3RD-DF-970-INS 350
1932-3RD-DF-980-INS 350
1933-3RD-DF-1200-IN 400
1934-3RD-DF-1200AIR 100
1935-3RD-DF-970CF-I 1
1936-3RD-15S-90790- 1
1937-3RD-DBM-150-IN 700
1938-3RD-DBM-150T-I 500
1939-3RD-DBM-350-IN 900
1940-3RD-DBM-350T-I 900
1941-3RD-DSF-2200-D 1,800
1942-3RD-DSF-2200-D 2,600
1943-3RD-DSF-2200-D 4,000
1944-3RD-DSF2200-D2 4,500
1945-3RD-DSS-350-IN 500
1946-3RD-DBMSS2-IN 50
1947-3RD-DSS-350CXK 1
1948-3RD-ASM-500-IN 500
1949-3RD-DSF-2200TE 150
1950-3RD-AAO-DSF22 1
1951-3RD-DSF-2200EX 1
1952-3RD-DSF-2200PL 50
1953-3RD-15C-90701- 50
1954-3RD-AAO-DBM15 50
1955-3RD-AAO-DBM35 35
1956-3RD-AAO-DBM-3 35
1957-3RD-AAO-DBM35 50
1958-3RD-DKT-200-IN 1,200
1959-3RD-DKT-LS-INS 70
1960-3RD-DKT-K-INST 50
1961-3RD-DKT-G-INST 350
1962-3RD-D-PORT-IN 1
1963-3RD-AAO-CD100 60
1964-3RD-DSF-2200BC 300
1965-3RD-DSF-2200-I 50
1966-3RD-AAO-DUPLO 200
1967-3RD-AAO-PCARM 100
1968-3RD-DSF-2200P 1
1969-3RD-DFS-3500-I 2,500
1970-3RD-DC-445-INS 500
1971-3RD-DC-616-INS 1,400
1972-3RD-DC-616PRO 1,500
1973-3RD-DC-646-INS 1,500
1974-3RD-DC-745-INS 2,500
1975-3RD-AA0-DC445 1
1976-3RD-AAO-PFR-04 100
1977-3RD-AAO-SLT18- 100
1978-3RD-AAO-AIR03- 100
1979-3RD-AAO-DC445 100
1980-3RD-AAO-DC445 100
1981-3RD-AAO-DC-44 100
1982-3RD-AAO-DC445 100
1983-3RD-AAO-DC445 100
1984-3RD-AAO-DC445 100
1985-3RD-AA0-DC615 100
1986-3RD-AA0-DC615 100
1987-3RD-AA0-DC615 100
1988-3RD-AAO-DC616 100
1989-3RD-AAO-DC616 50
1990-3RD-AAO-DC615 100
1991-3RD-AA0-DC615 100
1992-3RD-AAO-DC616 100
1993-3RD-RTM-02-INS 500
1994-3RD-CPM-02-INS 500
1995-3RD-OPK-02-INS 120
1996-3RD-AAO-FD414 150
1997-3RD-AAO-FD414 25
1998-3RD-AA0-DC645- 500
1999-3RD-AAO-DC645 500
2000-3RD-AA0-DC645 500
2001-3RD-AA0-DC645 500
2002-3RD-AA0-DC645 500
2003-3RD-AA0-DC645 1
2004-3RD-AAO-DC745 500
2005-3RD-AAO-DC745 500
2006-3RD-AAO-DC745 1
2007-3RD-AAO-DC745 500
2008-3RD-AAO-DC745 500
2009-3RD-AAO-OMK-0 100
2010-3RD-U7-S0008-I 500
2011-3RD-U7-S009-IN 500
2012-3RD-U7-S0010-I 500
2013-3RD-U7-S0011-I 500
2014-3RD-U7-S0012-I 500
2015-3RD-U7-P4461-I 500
2016-3RD-CF-375-INS 1,500
2017-3RD-CP-375-INS 1,500
2018-3RD-AAO-CF375 100
2019-3RD-AAO-CP375 100
2020-3RD-AAO-CP375 100
2021-3RD-AAO-CP375 100
2022-3RD-AAO-CP375 100
2023-3RD-DC-445IFS- 1,500
2024-3RD-DC-646IFS- 2,500
2025-3RD-DC-745IFS- 3,300
2026-3RD-DB-280-INS 500
2027-3RD-DB-280ST-I 1
2028-3RD-AAG-DB280 144
2029-3RD-KB-4000PUR 1,600
2030-3RD-AAG-KB400 1
2031-3RD-AAG-KB400 1
2032-3RD-AAG-KB400 1
2033-3RD-DPB-500-IN 2,500
2034-3RD-AAA-DPB50 200
2035-3RD-AAO-DPB50 100
2036-3RD-DB-490-INS 1,500
2037-3RD-DB-490PRO 1,600
2038-3RD-DB-660PRO 1,800
2039-3RD-DB-800PRO 1,900
2040-3RD-9SR-490K35 1
2041-3RD-9SR-490CS- 1
2042-3RD-9SR-660K02 1
2043-3RD-9SR-660NCS 1
2044-3RD-9SR-800K18 1
2045-3RD-9SR-800CS- 1
2046-3RD-CC-330-INS 550
2047-3RD-CC-228-INS 300
2048-3RD-AAO-BCC33 1
2049-3RD-AAO-BCC33 1
2050-3RD-AAO-BCC33 1
2051-3RD-AAO-BCC33 1
2052-3RD-AAO-BCC22 1
2053-3RD-AAO-BCC22 1
2054-3RD-AAO-BCC22 1
2055-3RD-AAO-BCC22 1
2056-3RD-AAO-BCC22 1
2057-3RD-ULTRA100A 2,000
2058-3RD-ULTRA100H 1,700
2059-3RD-ULTRA200A 2,500
2060-3RD-UD-300-INS 2,500
2061-3RD-UD-300PKG 1
2062-3RD-UP-240-INS 200
2063-3RD-AAB-UP240 1
2064-3RD-AAB-UP240 1
2065-3RD-UJ-500AS-I 300
2066-3RD-RC-7-INST- 350
2067-3RD-BCRG-INST 400
2068-ALM3220 17,995
2069-1300 30
1,3 2071-10206010 13,246
2 2072-10200010 8,223
2 2073-10306000 8,562
2 2074-10506000 7,862
2075-12206100 30,029
2 2076-12706000 12,115
2078-I3640 16,495
2079-I3640HS 19,372
2080-I3655 26,627
2081-DPT2432 8,433
2082-DPT24351 1,299
2083-DPT24352 2,467
2084-DPT24353 3,700
2085-DPT24354 4,933
2087-04AKCOMBMAC- 1,999
2088-04HMANBIND-DS 329
2089-04HD8000WC-DS 525
2090-04JBPB3300-DS 4,383
2091-04JBP21SQ-DS 1,282
2092-04JBP31SQ-DS 1,282
2093-04AEWIREMAC- 2,350
2094-04TAMDWC450- 449
2095-04AKFLEXICLOS 1,899
2096-04JBEB3500-DS 3,900
2097-04AEPI41ELEC- 2,495
2098-04AEPI41ELECO 2,595
2099-04PDIPS3250CL- 2,295
2100-04JBCB30QSKIT 1,325
2101-04JBCB3031CH- 1,595
2102-04JBCB30LDK12 3,695
2103-04JBCB30LDK17 4,250
2104-05GW200521-DS 1,498
2105-05GW200849-DS 99
2106-04HD4170-DS 1,495
2107-04AKFINISHCL-D 999
2108-04JBCBINLINE1- 8,990
2109-04JBCBINLINE2- 16,425
2110-04JBCBFORMER 1,099
2111-04JBCBFORMER 1,099
2112-04JBCBFORMER 1,099
2113-04JBCBFORMER 1,099
2114-04JBCBFORMER 1,099
2115-04JBCBFORMER 1,099
2116-04JBCBFORMER 1,099
2117-04JBCBFORMER 1,099
2118-04JBCBFORMER 1,099
2119-04JBCBFORMER 1,099
2120-04JBCBFORMER 1,099
2121-04JBCBFORMER 1,099
2122-04JBCBFORMER 1,099
2123-04JBCBFORMER 1,099
2124-04JBCBFORMER 1,425
2125-04JBCBFORMER 1,425
2126-04JBCBFORMER 1,425
2127-04JBCBFORMER 1,425
2128-04MODEL20FB-D 4,295
2129-04PBHARDCOVE 295
2130-04MODEL373-DS 4,995
2131-04BRPADMAS-D 13,650
2132-04BRPADFOOT- 250
2133-04BRPMCATCH- 800
2134-05BRPMCHILL-D 59
2135-04CHLPWAGON- 800
2136-04CHLHPAD-DS 500
2137-04SCRB160-DS 5,995
2138-04OD4012-DS 2,690
2139-04OD4012-DIE-D 590
2140-04WP7000EP-DS 4,190
2141-04WP7000EP-DI 980
2142-04PALMSWITCH 135
2143-04HD7700EP-DS 4,850
2144-04HD7700EP-DIE 980
2145-04HDAPES-DS 3,225
2146-04HDAPESPS-D 195
2147-04PICKALIFT-DS 2,295
2148-04DOCUPUN41R 2,600
2149-04DOCUPUN31O 3,550
2150-04DOCUPUN21R 1,900
2151-04DOCUPUN21S 3,100
2152-04DOCUPUN31R 2,000
2153-04DOCUPUN31S 2,900
2154-04DOCUPUN3H- 1,995
2155-04DOCUPUNVB- 2,195
2156-04ALPHAMK421R 2,150
2157-04ALPHAMK421S 3,050
2158-04ALPHAMK431R 2,300
2159-04ALPHAMK431S 3,400
2160-04ALPHAMK43H- 2,500
2161-04ALPHAMK441R 2,700
2162-04ALPHAMK4PC 3,700
2163-04JBDOCMINSTD 999
2164-04JBDOCUM21R 1,410
2165-04JBDOCUM21S 2,225
2166-04JBDOCUM248 1,625
2167-04JBDOCUM31R 1,460
2168-04JBDOCUM31S 2,325
2169-04JBDOCUM41O 2,735
2170-04JBDOCUM41R 1,625
2171-04JBDOCUMLLC 1,565
2172-04JBDOCUMVD- 1,450
2173-04DPMINI2475-D 2,359
2174-04JBDOCUMPB- 2,275
2175-04LAM330R10-D 1,895
2176-04XL44PLAM-DS 5,741
2177-04AGPHOENIXST 375
2178-04TAMTCC2700- 1,799
2179-04RSL2701-DS 2,149
2180-04RS1COREKIT- 85
2181-04RSL380SL-DS 2,099
2182-04BLTLAMWRKS 299
2183-04PL238LTA-DS 300
2184-04LED30SSR-DS 1,945
2185-04DLALM3230-D 9,995
2186-04AKROLLBL64- 1,995
2187-04ROTATEC50-D 1,325
2188-04ROTADIST50- 365
2189-04ROTATEC61-D 1,575
2190-04ROTADIST61- 380
2191-04ROTATEC73-D 1,995
2192-04ROTADIST73- 485
2193-04ROTATEC85-D 2,295
2194-04ROTADIST85- 495
2195-04ROTAPTWC73 425
2196-04RSRET1500RH 180
2197-04EXCALFSK-DS 310
2198-04KCSABRE100- 1,310
2199-04KCSABRE120- 1,450
2200-04KCSABRE40-D 835
2201-04KCSABRE60-D 970
2202-04KCSABRE80-D 1,110
2203-04KCSABRE100S 1,030
2204-04KCSABRE120S 1,095
2205-04KCSABRE40ST 715
2206-04KCSABRE60ST 760
2207-04KCSABRE80ST 885
2208-04KCSABREEMA 180
2209-04JAVCUT44-DS 745
2210-04JAVCUT64-DS 795
2211-04JAVCUT84-DS 865
2212-04JAVCUT104-D 1,260
2213-04JAVCUT124-D 1,519
2214-04LWCR50B-DS 350
2215-04LWCR50P-DS 1,750
2216-04PACSTW-DS 1,500
2217-04PAC120CSPK- 192
2218-04DRILL9-DS 1,450
2219-04MBM0408-DS 239
2220-04MY7000E-DS 1,135
2221-04MBM0409-DS 209
2222-04MBM0461-DS 575
2223-05CHLAA10061- 255
2224-04CHL265AT-DS 1,350
2225-04CHL265TCFC- 299
2226-04CHL265SPEK- 1,900
2227-04CHL305STAIR 1,500
2228-04CHLC370STFI 1,600
2229-04CHLIJOG-DS 1,795
2230-04CHLIJODST-D 595
2231-04CHLIJOGNA-D 1,360
2232-04CHLHJOGST- 515
2233-04CHLHJOGLT-D 540
2234-04MBM306A-DS 3,849
2235-04MBMPERF-DS 1,049
2236-04MBMSCORER- 1,049
2237-04MYI2051-DS 4,757
2238-04S3100FOLD-D 3,589
2239-04MBM352F-DS 4,699
2240-04MYMARKVIICT 550
2241-04BAUM714XAST 436
2242-04BAUM714SC-D 595
2243-04BAUM714ST-D 450
2244-04PLDIGIFOLST- 790
2245-04PLDIGIFSDD- 1,757
2246-04PLDIGIFUNC- 847
2247-04CMICREASEP- 5,945
2248-04PROCREASEM 299
2249-04RBCOBRAH1- 6,650
2250-04RBCOBRAH2- 9,612
2251-04RBCOBRAH3- 12,475
2252-04RBCOBRAH4- 15,445
2253-04RB24029736-D 96
2254-04RB24029754-D 96
2255-04RB24029772-D 96
2256-04RB220A118-DS 605
2257-04RB220A110-DS 605
2258-04RB220A111-DS 605
2259-04CMPERFMICR 305
2260-04CMACCUCRE 2,950
2261-04CMPERFMAST 4,950
2262-04MBM0859-DS 1,999
2263-04MBMFC10STA 449
2264-04MBMFC10STA 2,939
2265-04MBMFC10STA 189
2266-04DSSMA25-DS 2,570
2267-04DSSMA25DBL 5,000
2268-04DSFSK1-DS 375
2269-04LWW106-DS 695
2270-04LWW106K-DS 259
2271-04LWW106F-DS 103
2272-04LWW106ST1-D 260
2273-04LWW106ST2-D 299
2274-04STASU100-DS 920
2275-04MYIGC210-DS 3,010
2276-04MYBCS412-DS 2,769
2277-04MYBCS212-DS 1,962
2278-04MBMBC12-DS 6,000
2279-04MYI120CC3-D 1,300
2280-04MBM2602CC-D 2,549
2281-04MYI45CC3-DS 950
2282-04MYI60CC3-DS 955
2283-04PTIM9100-DS 13,995
2284-04PTIM8100-DS 8,295
2285-04PTIM4500-DS 7,895
2286-04PTIM4000PRO 1,295
2287-04PTIM4000PRO 1,995
2288-04PTSCAEPC-DS 1,295
2289-04PTASVCS-DS 2,495
2290-04PTVSFSC-DS 295
2291-04PTCABINET-D 695
2292-04PTMX9000-DS 9,395
2293-04PTES8000-DS 7,295
2294-04PTIM7RISER- 300
2295-04PTES7ILK-DS 1,295
2296-04PTES7000-DS 6,995
2297-04PTES5000-DS 3,695
2298-04PTLDRUM-DS 970
2299-04PTSTDDRUM- 830
2300-04FXFD452-DS 2,495
2301-04AFETTABBER- 9,650
2302-04AFETRTABBE 11,660
2303-04AFCS3TTCON 1,440
2304-04AFCS3STCON 1,625
2305-04AFSTANDETH 800
2306-04AFKTTAB-DS 3,700
2307-04AFKTTTTAB-D 3,625
2308-04AFFXFEED-DS 1,760
2309-04AF3FVCONV-D 1,380
2310-04STXTBS1-DS 999
2311-04STXTBS15-DS 1,199
2312-04JBCB30QS17 25,999
2313-04JBCBFORMER 49,870
2314-04SBQ160PUR 25,595
2315-04JBDOCUMINI 17,999
2316-04AGPHOENIX 3,250
2317-04RSL2702S 3,548
2318-04LED30HS 20,282
2319-04LED30AC 33,676
2320-04DLALM3222 14,995
2321-04ROTAPT73 5,095
2322-04RSRET1501 2,999
2323-04RSRET2501 3,899
2324-04EXCAL5000 3,235
2325-04EXCAL1000X 2,525
2326-04CHLHYDRC 5,995
2327-04PACCOMBOJR 3,950
2328-04PACCOMBOJR 4,300
2329-04PAC120COMB 6,075
2330-04PAC120CPTA 7,115
2331-04PAC240CPTW 7,620
2332-04DRILL3HL 6,400
2333-04CHLGEH3C 6,995
2334-04MBM4700 3,299
2335-04SPCP430 5,350
2336-04CHLS185A 9,695
2337-04CHL185AEP 10,895
2338-04WTRU4850 8,999
2339-04MBM4315 4,199
2340-04MBM4350 4,999
2341-04MBM5260 12,999
2342-04MBM6655 13,199
2343-04MBM6660 14,999
2344-04MBM5255 10,999
2345-04CHLT230 17,495
2346-04CHLT200BC 11,095
2347-04CHLT200P 14,500
2348-04CHLT200PLB 15,595
2349-04CHLT200TCLB 17,595
2350-04CHL265TC 25,450
2351-04CHLC370TC 43,450
2352-04SAPC610 27,300
2353-04CHLICUT1370 66,995
2354-04MBM5560 16,999
2355-04MYMARKVII 5,579
2356-04MYMARKVIIAF 8,900
2357-04MBM352S 8,399
2358-04BAUM714XLT 8,500
2359-04BAUM714XA 14,595
2360-04BAUM714XLT 18,380
2361-04CMFC114 10,950
2362-04CMFC114A 14,950
2363-04RB240XL 34,000
2364-04RB940CONV 2,650
2365-04RB248RAU 20,000
2366-04CMSPEEDFEE 10,950
2367-04CMPERFMAIR 8,450
2368-04MBMSTITCHH 12,199
2369-04MBMS3000 6,999
2370-04MBMS5000 7,999
2371-04MBMSPRTRM 8,950
2372-04MBMFC10HCS 4,499
2373-04CMACCUNUM 12,950
2374-04MYI175CC3 3,059
2375-04SHRED852CC 7,945
2376-04PTMX13000 13,295
2377-04ODMSTICKER 33,800
2378-04ODMSMASHE 23,000
2379-04ODMSUPERS 60,000
2381-BQ-480 184,500
2382-CN-480-DS 1,315
2383-BC-BQ480-1D-DS 9,875
2384-BC-BQ480-2D-DS 11,500
2385-PM-470 21,500
2386-SL-480 36,145
2387-SMSL-100 94,995
2388-AFV-566F 99,500
2389-DIFV-56 45,000
2390-SMSL-D2F-DS 2,850
2391-SMSL-MPR-DS 6,333
2392-SMSL-CR-DS 3,930
2393-SMSL-ST-DS 2,350
2394-SMSL-CV-DS 3,145
2395-PRF-36-DS 1,545
2396-PX-BR-DS 940
2397-SMSL-PR-DS 6,550
2398-SMSL-CA-DS 3,930
2400-XCUV14 11,900
2401-RCUV-16 14,900
2402-RCUV-16F 25,200
2403-RCUV-21F 26,550
2404-RCUV-30 20,850
2405-RCF-30 11,184
2406-RCUV-30ST 9,600
2407-RCUV-21ST 8,200
2408-RCUV30F 31,250
2409-RCIL18-1-3D 36,900
2410-RC18-1-3D 33,400
2411-RC18-1-3DF 43,900
2412-RC18-1-3D-SAF 11,400
2413-VRC61090 380
2415-99-0913 995

2417-006987MIU-PS1 0
2418-006988MIU-PS1 150
2419-006990MIU-PS1 300
2420-006991MIU-PS1 450
2421-006992MIU-PS1 600
2422-006996MIU-PS1 1,125
2423-006999MIU-PS1 2,550
2424-007000MIU-PS1 3,825
2425-007001MIU-PS1 5,100

2427-9582704 87,376
2428-9585545-X 58,226
2429-9580246-X 13,288
2430-WA072335-DS 783
2431-WA940180-DS 520
2432-WA940161-DS 625
2433-WA072306-DS 942

1 2436- SILVER 195

4 2437-ESPS1 23
2438-PS-CONNPR 85
2439-PS-NWSCPR 80
2 2440-408287 152
3 2441-408299 35

1 2444- SILVER 245

3 2445-ESPS1 23
2446-PS-CONNPR 85
2447-PS-NWSCPR 80

1 2450- SILVER 295

2451-ESPS1 23
2452-PS-CONNPR 85
2453-PS-NWSCPR 80
2, 3, 4 2454-407230 115
2, 3, 5 2455-407229 171
6 2456-161200 99

1 2459- SILVER 319

4 2460-ESPS1 23
2461-PS-CONNPR 85
2462-PS-NWSCPR 80
2 2463-408287 152
3 2464-408299 35

1a 2467- SILVER 573

2468-ESPS1 23
2469-PS-CONNPR 85
2470-PS-NWSCPR 80
2, 3, 4 2471-407230 115
2, 3, 5 2472-407229 171
6 2473-161200 99
7, 8 2474-411699 56
7, 9 2475-407113 285
10 2476-MX407348RA 98
11 2477-007150MIU 125
12 2478-407351 39
13 2479-407349 392
14 2480-407497 55
15 2481-407218 60

1 2484- SILVER 573

1 2485- SILVER 820
15 2486-ESPS1 23
2487-PS-CONNPR 85
2488-PS-NWSCPR 80
2, 4 2489-418080 160
3, 4 2490-418081 210
5 2491-418143 221
6 2492-52005 84
7 2493-52006 90
8 2494-418439 286
2495-418442 562
10 2496-418438 67
11 2497-407863 285
12 2498-418105 128
13 2499-418065 74
2502- SILVER 1,261
16 2503-ESPS1 23
2504-PS-CONNPR 85
2505-PS-NWSCPR 80
2, 3, 4, 5 2506-407850 246
4 2507-52651 109
5 2508-52641 104
3 2509-407851 168
6, 7 2510-407863 285
6, 8 2511-417596 47
6, 10 2512-417566 155
11 2513-MX407873RA 140
12 2514-408048 43
13 2515-407870 390
14 2516-407864 66

1 2519- SILVER 1,228

2 2520- SILVER 1,261
13 2521-ESPS1 23
12 2522-006428MIU 148
2523-PS-CONNPR 85
2524-PS-NWSCPR 80
4 2525-418476 168
6 2526-52642 104
3,4 2527-418475 246
5 2528-52652 109
7,9 2529-418398 145
11 2530-MX407873RA 140
7, 8 2531-407863 285
10 2532-418536 320
14 2533-418410 24

1 2536- SILVER 1,193

2537-ESPS1 23
13 2538-006428MIU 148
2539-PS-CONNPR 85
2540-PS-NWSCPR 80
2541-407489 218
2,12 2542-408056 220
3 2543-52401 94
4 2544-007150MIU 125
5 2545-MX407500RA 150
6,7 2546-411699 56
6,8 2547-407113 285
9 2548-407218 60
2549-407501 441
10 2550-407506 42

1, 2 2553- GOLD 2,268

2554-ESPS1 23
17 2555-006428MIU 148
2556-PS-CONNPR 85
2557-PS-NWSCPR 80
3, 4, 14 2558-408112 526
3 2559-408116 599
14 2560-416548 599
7 2561-416612 402
8 2562-416609 303
3, 22, 26 2563-100478FNG 90
5 2564-417587 70
5, 8, 9, 23 2565-417483 676
5, 7, 9, 10, 24 2566-417487 1,169
10 2567-417630 176
13 2568-407964 741
5, 6 2569-417838 1,256
12 2570-407965 552
2571-408074 389
21 2572-MX408078RA 223
16 2573-408095 286
15 2574-417596 47
15 2575-417493 285
19, 27 2576-408071 52
15, 18 2577-417566 155
25, 27 2578-408098 139
20 2579-408088 126
11 2580-408066 39

2 2584- SILVER 383

2585-ESPS1 23
2586-PS-CONNPR 85
2587-PS-NWSCPR 80
3 2588-407890 104

1 2591- SILVER 383

3 2592-ESPS1 23
2593-PS-CONNPR 85
2594-PS-NWSCPR 80
2 2595-407890 104

1 2598- SILVER 1,007

13 2599-ESPS1 23
2600-PS-CONNPR 85
2601-PS-NWSCPR 80
2, 4 2602-407399 118
3, 4 2603-407400 189
5 2604-52003 86
6 2605-52004 101
7 2606-408083 218
8 2607-417596 47
8 2608-407863 285
9 2609-408082 40
10 2610-407864 66
12 2611-MX408085RA 103

1 2614- SILVER 465

13 2615-ESPS1 23
2616-PS-CONNPR 85
2617-PS-NWSCPR 80
2, 4 2618-407399 118
3, 4 2619-407400 189
5 2620-52004 101

1 2623- SILVER 1,041

2624-ESPS1 23
2625-PS-CONNPR 85
2626-PS-NWSCPR 80
2 2627-408300 251
3 2628-52700 95
4 2629-52710 107
5 2630-408304 176
6 2631-407863 285
7 2632-408307 320
8 2633-418065 74

1, 2 2636- GOLD 2,678

1, 3 2637- GOLD 3,407
21 2638-006428MIU 148
2639-PS-CONNPR 85
2640-PS-NWSCPR 80
4, 5, 17 2641-408112 526
4, 6 2642-408114 252
4 2643-408116 599
17 2644-416548 599
9 2645-416612 402
10 2646-416609 303
4, 24, 35 2647-416737 100
4, 29, 34 2648-100478FNG 90
14 2649-408046 35
26 2650-417485 382
7 2651-417587 70
7, 10, 11, 24, 30 2652-417483 676
7, 10, 11, 24, 31 2653- BRONZE 1,251
7, 9, 11, 12, 24, 32 2654-417487 1,169
12 2655-417630 176
16 2656-407964 741
7, 8 2657-417838 1,256
15 2658-407965 552
27 2659-408047 110
20, 36 2660-408091 219
19, 36 2661-417507 94
18 2662-417596 47
18 2663-417493 285
23, 36 2664-408040 40
18, 22 2665-417566 155
33, 36 2666-407864 66
25 2667-408088 126
13 2668-408066 39
2669-COM1-PS1 435
0 2673- SILVER 10,866
2674-TS-EUT-WFAEC 1,320
6 2675-006429MIU 150
2676-PS-CONN-WFC 241
2677-410844 77
4 2678-413717 189
1 2679-406305 799
2 2680-410842 352
7 2681-417111 30
8 2682-416605 139
2683-417301 31
2684-417300 31
5 2685-416572 331
11 2686-415873 1,320
9 2687-404888 808
10 2688-404889 397

1 2691- SILVER 16,555

1 2692- SILVER 21,333
2693-TS-EUT-WFAEC 1,320
2694-PS-CONN-WFC 241
2,3 2695-417292 1,902
4,5 2696- BRONZE 1,902
6 2697-417301 31
7 2698-417298 4,223
8 2699-406305 799
9 2700-410842 352
10 2701-410844 77
11 2702-417300 31
12 2703-413717 189
13 2704-415873 1,320

0 2707- BRONZE 7,327

2708-TS-EUT-WFAEC 1,320
4 2709-006428MIU 148
2710-PS-CONN-WFC 241
1 2711-404836 615
0 2712-404833 1,026
2 2713-404834 57
7 2714-404835 273
0 2715-404858 144
0 2716-417499 177
3 2717-417428 135
0 2718-417493 285
8 2719-415873 1,320
5 2720-404888 808
6 2721-404889 397

2724- BRONZE 19,963

2725- BRONZE 20,617
2726-PP-PPISFL4130 2,420
2727-007137MIU 180
2728-PS-CONN-WFC 241
2729-PP-PPISFL4130 2,200

6 2732- BRONZE 20,617

2733-007137MIU 180

1 2735-342297 558
5 2737-PP-ISF-PROL516 2,038

2739-342299 1,114

1 2742- BRONZE 151,300

4 2743-PP-ISF-EFI24F 5,000
6 2744-PP-RICOH1STY 0
2745-PS-CONN-WFC 241
2 2746-3RD-1000000036 2,500
3 2747-3RD-1000000036 1,000
2748-007137MIU 180
0 2749- BRONZE 956
0 2750-45172065-DS 1,300

2753-T00105 78,900
2754-T00107 98,900
2755-T00106 69,900
2756-T00120-DS 1,280
2757-T00126-DS 3,081
2758-T00130-DS 1,280
2759-T00131-DS 5,119
2760-T00135A-DS 1,280
2761-T00138-DS 1,280
2762-T00139-DS 1,280
2763-T00140-DS 1,280
2764-T00141-DS 1,280
2765-T00143-DS 3,081
2766-T00144-DS 2,437
2767-T00145-DS 2,322
2768-T00146 32,134
2769-T00148 24,510
2770-T00150 5,119
2771-T00152-DS 3,602
2772-HEBIS5S 150,000
2773-HEBIS5ST 150,000
2774-HEBIS5SS 165,000
2775-HEBIS6S 178,575
2776-HEBIS6ST 178,575
2777-HEBIS6SS 193,575
2778-HEBIS7S 250,000
2779-HEBIS7ST 250,000
2780-HEBIS7SS 275,000

2782-SCT3270SR 2,995
2783-SCT5270DR 5,845
2784-SCT5270SR 3,945
2785-SCT7270DR 6,745
2786-SCT7270SR 4,995
2787-006429MIU 150
2788-PS-CONN-WFC 241
2789-C12C811401 134
2790-C12C848031 400
2791-C12C891131 1,200
2792-SCT36SCAN 4,500
2793-SCT44SCAN 4,500

2795-JFX200-2513 76,685
2796-JFX500-2131 139,745
2797-RACK-ROLL 0
2798-008062MIU-PS1 17,635
2799-MIMAKI_ACM_TR 9,000
2800-MIMAKI_STANDA 12,000
2801-OPT-J0202 2,635
2802-OPT-J0216 7,708
2803-OPT-J0217 7,014
2804-OPT-J0232 8,408
2805-OPT-J0342 4,295
2806-OPT-J0330 337
2807-CF2-0912TD-S 31,258
2808-CF2-1 215RC-S 34,262
2809-PP-ISF-BED-CU 4,200
2810-CG-160FXII 7,492
2811-CG-130FXII 5,628
2812-CG-60SRIII-DS 1,459
2813-CG-100SRIII-DS 2,889
2814-PP-ISF-RF-CUTT 525
2815-OPT-C0222 426
2816-SPA-0001-DS 201

1, 2 2819- SILVER 2,084

2820-PS-NWSCBC3 188
2 2821-416554 468
2 2822-416478 50
2823-243024 468
2824-243084 142
5 2825-243217 546
4 2826-52152 143

1, 2 2829- SILVER 5,849

2830-PS-NWSCBC3 188
2831-006428MIU 148
2 2832-243298 44
2 2833-243299 454
3 2834-243300 483
4 2835-243302 583
5 2836-243303 142
7 2837-243305 546
8 2838-243304 347
9 2839-243306 174
10 2840-52661 93
2,4,6,7 2844- BRONZE 8,140
1,6 2845- BRONZE 14,475
0 2846- BRONZE 12,735
2847-PP-ISFXANTE 1,575
0 2848-300-100186 3,920
0 2849-250-100133 975
0 2850-250-100124 574
4 2851-250-100125 1,442
8 2852-650-100003-PS1 960
9 2853-650-100035-PS1 1,442
0 2854-810-100949-PS1 1,695
5 2855-810-100950-PS1 2,095
0 2856-810-100951-PS1 2,995
5 2857-810-100952-PS1 3,395
0 2858-810-100953-PS1 4,495
5 2859-810-100954-PS1 4,895
0 2860-810-100955-PS1 5,895
5 2861-810-100956-PS1 6,295
0 2862-870-100066-PS1 395
0 2863-810-100940-PS1 1,495
5 2864-810-100941-PS1 1,895
0 2865-810-100942-PS1 2,595
5 2866-810-100943-PS1 2,995
0 2867-810-100944-PS1 3,895
5 2868-810-100945-PS1 4,295
0 2869-810-100946-PS1 5,095
5 2870-810-100947-PS1 5,495

1 2872- BRONZE 10,665

2 2873- BRONZE 10,665
3 2874- BRONZE 18,425
3 2875- BRONZE 15,515
2876-PP-ISFXANTE 1,575
0 2877-250-100144-DS 950
0 2878-250-100145 950
0 2879-250-100147-DS 213
0 2880-300-100236 5,700
0 2881-300-100257-DS 4,750
0 2882-810-100995-SVC 1,595
2883-810-100996-PS1 1,995
0 2884-810-100997-SVC 2,795
0 2885-810-100998-SVC 3,195
0 2886-810-100999-SVC 4,195
0 2887-810-101000-SVC 4,595
0 2888-810-101001-SVC 5,495
0 2889-810-101002-SVC 5,895
0 2890-3RD-870-100074 395
0 2891-810-101004-SVC 1,895
0 2892-810-101005-SVC 2,295
0 2893-810-101006-SVC 3,395
0 2894-810-101007-SVC 3,795
0 2895-810-101008-SVC 5,095
0 2896-810-101009-SVC 5,495
0 2897-810-101010-SVC 6,695
0 2898-810-101011-SVC 7,695
0 2899-870-100075-SVC 395
2902-HDBASIC 175


2911-TS-TRAINSTD 125
2912-TS-TRAINADV 200
2913-TS-TRAINPOH12 100
2914-TS-TRAINPOH24 100
2915-TS-TRAINPOH36 100
2916-TS-TRAINPOH48 100
2917-TS-TRAINPOH60 100
2918-TS-TRAIN-HW-S 205
2919-TS-TRAINSOL 150
2920-TS-TRAINAH 200
2925-TS-TRAINFRY-H 850
2928-TS-ANAJET-INST 1,500
2929-PS-INST-ICE 210

1 2936-432122 663
1 2937-432091 13,727
9 2938-ESPS1 23
2 2939-512959 3,112
3 2940-512960 1,778
4 2941-512961 3,112
5 2942-512962 2,401
6 2943-512963 3,112
7 2944-512964 3,112
8 2945-512981 309
1 2946-432164 412
2 2947-432167 488
3 2948-432170 567
4 2949-ESPS1 23
2950-431169 493
1 2951-432103 1,464
2 2952-432104 1,633
3 2953-007216MIU-PS1 200
4 2954-100474FNG 165
5 2955-HAA131250 25
6 2956-431197 88
1 2957-432336 2,190
2 2958-432339 3,158
3 2959-ESPS1 23
2960-432149 870
2961-432152 879
2962-432155 1,046
2963-ESPS1 23
2964-432044 1,290
2965-432047 1,935
2966-432009 904
2967-432010 987
2968-432011 913
2969-432012 1,060
2970-512711 163
2971-431197 88
1 2972-432109 1,474
2 2973-432110 1,657
3 2974-007065MIU 525
4 2975-007165MIU 580
2976-431060 3,388
2977-308934 628
2978-308935 1,341
2979-308936 1,341
2980-308937 1,341
2981-308938 1,341
1 2982-432159 3,369
2 2983-432158 4,621
3 2984-ESPS1 23
2 2985-432058 4,517
3 2986-431072 79
4 2987-308934 628
5 2988-308935 1,341
6 2989-308936 1,341
7 2990-308937 1,341
8 2991-308938 1,341
9 2992-512894 1,111
1 2993-432078 6,911
2 2994-432075 8,751
3 2995-512914 2,668
4 2996-512915 2,490
5 2997-512916 490
6 2998-512917 2,224
7 2999-512918 2,224

1 3002-432095 1,861
2 3003-ESPS1 23
3 3004-100266FNG 39

1 3006-755109 1,861

1 3008- BRONZE 2,344

3 3009-ESPS1 23
2 3010-431128 629
3011-PS-CONN-IWB 225

1 3013-432424 1,993
21 3014-ESPS1 23
8 3015-006428MIU 148
18 3016-755213 157
19 3017-755219 42
6 3018-431128 629
15, 16 3019-432430 339
9,10 3020-P568-016-WH 13
9,10 3021-A3L791-12-BLK 12
9,10 3022-P350-10N-10 4
9,10 3023-U026-016 16
9,10 3024-KT-MFPMNT 7
9,10 3025-TLP606DMUSB 29
9,10 3026-16328 29
9,10 3027-RDR-805R1AKU 149
7,9,10 3028-920-007119 57
9,10 3029-960-000971 140
9,10 3030-960-001013 531
9,10 3031-960-001101 956
9,10, 20 3032-989-000405 234
10 3033-960-001226 1,381
10 3034-960-001225 2,719
10,17 3035-989-000430 382
10,17 3036-939-001647 220
10,12 3037-MT340 208
10,12,13 3038-MT334-W 58
10,11 3039-MT503-W 616
9 3040-910101081 114
16, 4 3041-432436 2,949
2 3042-432319 1,900
3,4 3043- BRONZE 1,981
3045-PS-CONN-IWB 225

1 3047- BRONZE 5,452

3 3048-431196 827
4 3049-431128 629
5 3050-431132 197
3052-PS-CONN-IWB 225

1 3054- BRONZE 3,093

10 3055-006428MIU 148
3,4 3056- BRONZE 1,981
6 3057-432221 145
7 3058-431196 827
8 3059-431128 629
9 3060-920-007119 57
3062-PS-CONN-IWB 225

1 3064- BRONZE 3,808

2 3065- BRONZE 5,701
3 3066-432135 1,275
4,5,6 3067-432073 315
6,7 3068-431128 629
3070-PS-CONN-IWB 225
1 3072- BRONZE 4,654
10 3073-006428MIU 148
3,4 3074- BRONZE 1,981
6 3075-432221 145
7 3076-432135 1,275
8 3077-431128 629
9 3078-920-007119 57
3080-PS-CONN-IWB 225

1 3082- BRONZE 6,710

10 3083-006428MIU 148
2 3084- BRONZE 1,981
3,4 3085- BRONZE 1,981
5 3086-432219 279
6 3087-432221 145
7 3088-432290 1,260
8 3089-431128 629
9 3090-920-007119 57
3092-PS-CONN-IWB 225

1 3094- BRONZE 10,308

3,4,5 3095-432073 315
6,7 3096-431128 629
3098-PS-CONN-IWB 225

1 3100- BRONZE 9,494

8 3101-006428MIU 148
3103-PS-CONN-IWB 225
14 3104-432400 135
6 3105-431128 629
5 3106-432290 1,260
7,9,10 3107-920-007119 57
9 3108-910101081 114
9,10 3109-P568-016-WH 13
9,10 3110-A3L791-12-BLK 12
9,10 3111-P350-10N-10 4
9,10 3112-U026-016 16
9,10 3113-KT-MFPMNT 7
9,10 3114-TLP606DMUSB 29
9,10 3115-16328 29
10 3116-960-000971 140
10,12 3117-MT340 208
10,12,13 3118-MT334-W 58
10,11 3119-MT503-W 616
9,10 3120-RDR-805R1AKU 149
3,4 3121- BRONZE 1,981

3123-162050 960
3124-174543 599
3125-174533 499
3126-174583 39
3127-171873 39
1 3130- GOLD 3,429
1 3131- GOLD 3,234
1 3132- GOLD 3,646
23 3133-006428MIU 148
3134-PS-NWSC2 161
3135-PS-NWSC3 188

1 3137-417660 586
2 3138-416550 164
2 3139-417593 377
2,5 3140-417589 488
5 3141-416615 308
2,3,6 3142-417483 676
2,3,6 3143- BRONZE 1,251
6 3144-416609 303
3 3145-417587 70
34 3146-417585 199

7 3148-417596 47
7 3149-417493 285
8 3150-417875 217
7,9 3151-417508 294
10 3152-417428 135
11 3153-417111 30
12 3154-416869 49
13 3155-415814 60
14 3156-415620 396
15 3157-417854 682
15 3158-417857 43
17 3159-417566 155

18 3161-417865 469
19,20 3162-417860 112
19,21 3163-417868 329
19,22 3164-MX417518RA 36

24,25 3166-417864 43
25,26 3167-416909 98
27 3168-100266FNG 39
28 3169-417714 58
29 3170-005269MIU 24
32 3171-417863 147

1 3174- GOLD 4,131

1 3175- GOLD 4,657
1 3176- GOLD 5,987
23 3177-006428MIU 148
3178-PS-NWSC3 188
3179-PS-NWSC4 229

1 3181-417660 586
2 3182-416550 164
2,4,34 3183-417589 488
4 3184-416615 308
2,3,5 3185- BRONZE 1,251
5 3186-416609 303
3 3187-417587 70
2,3,6 3188- BRONZE 1,614
6 3189-416612 402
7 3190-417838 1,256
2,3,5 3191-417483 676
2,3,6 3192-417487 1,169
35 3193-417585 199

8 3195-417596 47
8 3196-417493 285
9 3197-417875 217
8,10 3198-417508 294
11 3199-417428 135
12 3200-417111 30
13 3201-416869 49
14 3202-415814 60
15 3203-415620 396
16 3204-417857 43
33 3205-417566 155

18 3207-417865 469
19,20 3208-417860 112
19,21 3209-417868 329
19,22 3210-MX417518RA 36

24,25 3212-417864 43
25,26 3213-416909 98
27 3214-100266FNG 39
28 3215-417714 58
29 3216-005269MIU 24
32 3217-417863 147

1,2,7 3220- GOLD 4,062

1,2,7 3221- GOLD 4,809
22 3222-006428MIU 148
3223-PS-NWSCBC2 161
3224-PS-NWSCBC3 188

2 3226-417659 602
3 3227-416550 164
6 3228-417585 199
4 3229-417587 70
3,4,8 3230-417483 676
3,4,8 3231- BRONZE 1,251
5 3232-416615 308
3,5 3233-417589 488
8 3234-416609 303
12 3235-417497 40
3,44 3236-417593 377

17, 39 3238-417596 47
17, 39 3239-417493 285
18, 39 3240-417507 94
19, 39 3241-417504 287
17,45 3242-417566 155
47 3243-417501 47
17,21 3244-417508 294
20 3245-417428 135
10 3246-417111 30
9 3247-416869 49
3248-415814 60
28 3249-MX417498RA 188
29 3250-415620 396

31,7 3252-404750 1,685

32,7 3253-404751 741
33,7 3254-404600 537
34,7 3255-404601 537
35,7 3256-404602 537
36,7 3257- BRONZE 2,123
37,7 3258- BRONZE 956
38,7 3259-007183MIU 3,134

13 3261-417510 435
15,23 3262-417569 112
14,15 3263-417515 305
15,16 3264-MX417518RA 36

25 3266-100266FNG 39
24,26 3267-417595 43
26,27 3268-417578 40
42, 26 3269-417714 58
43 3270-417499 177
48 3271-417573 142

1,2, 44 v GOLD 5,070

1,2, 44 3275- GOLD 7,084
23 3276-006428MIU 148
3277-PS-NWSCBC4 229

2 3279-417659 602
3 3280-416550 164
4 3281-417585 199
4,5 3282-417587 70
3,5,8 3283-417483 676
3,5,6,8 3284- BRONZE 1,251
8 3285-416609 303
3,5,11 3286- BRONZE 1,614
3,5,11 3287-417487 1,169
11 3288-416612 402
3,6,32 3289-417589 488
6,32 3290-416615 308
7 3291-MX417498RA 188
13 3292-417497 40

18, 43 3294-417596 47
18, 43 3295-417493 285
19, 43 3296-417507 94
20, 43 3297-417504 287
18,24 3298-417566 155
22 3299-417508 294
21 3300-417428 135
10 3301-417111 30
9 3302-416869 49
3303-415814 60
33 3304-415620 396
26 3305-417501 47

35 3307-404750 1,685
36 3308-404751 741
37 3309-404600 537
38 3310-404601 537
39 3311-404602 537
40 3312- BRONZE 2,123
41 3313- BRONZE 956
42 3314-007183MIU 3,134

14 3316-417531 435
16,27 3317-417519 112
15,16 3318-417533 308
16,17 3319-MX417518RA 36

29 3321-100266FNG 39
28,30 3322-417595 43
30,31 3323-417578 40
30,47 3324-417714 58
48 3325-417499 177
49 3326-417573 142

3331-ROOT-1-PS1 200
3332-ROOT-3-PS1 500
3333-ROOT-5-PS1 800
3334-ROOT-10-PS1 1,500
3335-ROOT-25-PS1 3,125

1, 2 3339-MFCM-EMRCL1- 594
1, 2 3340-MFCM-EMRCL2- 392
1, 2 3341-MFCM-EMRCL3- 339
1, 2 3342-MFCM-EMRCL4- 289
1, 2 3343-MFCM-EMRCL5- 242
1, 2 3344-MFCM-EMRCL6- 238
1, 2 3345-MFCM-EMRCL7- 233

1, 2 3347-MFEG-EMRCL1- 523
1, 2 3348-MFEG-EMRCL2- 361
1, 2 3349-MFEG-EMRCL3- 312
1, 2 3350-MFEG-EMRCL4- 272
1, 2 3351-MFEG-EMRCL5- 226
1, 2 3352-MFEG-EMRCL6- 221
1, 2 3353-MFEG-EMRCL7- 217

1, 2 3355-MFCM-SLSO-PS1 713
1, 2 3356-MFCM-SLMO-PS 1,235
1, 2 3357-MFCM-SLLO-PS1 1,995
1, 2 3358-MFCM-SLUU-PS1 2
1, 2 3359-MFEG-SLSO-PS1 570
1, 2 3360-MFEG-SLMO-PS 950
1, 2 3361-MFEG-SLLO-PS1 1,710
1, 2 3362-MFEG-SLUU-PS1 0

1, 2 3364-MFXL-JTPS-PS1 4,275
1, 2 3365-MFXL-JTPF-PS1 4,275
1, 2 3366-MFXL-JTPM-PS1 2,138
1, 2 3367-MFXL-PRCL-PS1 124
1, 2 3368-MFXL-PYCL-PS1 266
1, 2 3369-MFXL-ADCL-PS1 71
1, 2 3370-MFXL-SDCL-PS1 33
1, 2 3371-MFXL-FRL1-PS1 148
1, 2 3372-MFXL-FRL2-PS1 104
1, 2 3373-EQXL-UCPC-PS1 660
1, 2 3374-ITXL-APMB-PS1 950
1, 2 3375-ITXL-APAB-PS1 475
1, 2 3376-ITXL-LFSI-PS1 1,425
1, 2 3377-ITXL-LFCB-PS1 143
1, 2 3378-MFXL-LBUU-PS1 475
1, 2 3379-MFXL-LCUU-PS1 190
1, 2, 6 3380-MFXL-PGG1-PS1 470
1, 2, 7 3381-MFXL-PGG2-PS1 713
1, 2, 8 3382-MFXL-PGG3-PS1 2,850

1, 2 3384-MFCM-EMCNSB- 392
1, 2 3385-MFCM-EMFXSB- 392
1, 2 3386-MFCM-EMHPSB- 392
1, 2 3387-MFCM-EMKMSB- 392
1, 2 3388-MFCM-EMKYSB- 392
1, 2 3389-MFCM-EMLXSB- 392
1, 2 3390-MFCM-EMRCSB- 392
1, 2 3391-MFCM-EMSHSB- 392
1, 2 3392-MFCM-EMTBSB- 392
1, 2 3393-MFCM-EMEXSB- 392
1, 2 3394-MFCM-EMEPSB- 392
1, 2 3395-MFCM-EMDESB- 392
1, 2 3396-MFCM-EMMUSB- 392
1, 2 3397-MFCM-EMOKSB- 392
1, 2 3398-MFCM-EMRSSB- 392
1, 2 3399-MFCM-EMSDSB- 392

1, 2, 3 3401-MFEX-EMCN-PS 124
1, 2, 3 3402-MFEX-EMFX-PS1 124
1, 2, 3 3403-MFEX-EMHP-PS1 124
1, 2, 3 3404-MFEX-EPHP-PS1 48
1, 2, 3 3405-MFEX-EMKM-PS 124
1, 2, 3 3406-MFEX-EMKY-PS1 124
1, 2, 3 3407-MFEX-EMLX-PS1 124
1, 2, 3 3408-MFEX-EPLX-PS1 48
1, 2, 3 3409-MFEX-EMRC-PS 124
1, 2, 3 3410-MFEX-EMSH-PS1 124
1, 2, 3 3411-MFEX-EMTB-PS1 124
1, 2, 3 3412-MFEX-EPTB-PS1 48
1, 2, 3 3413-MFEX-EMXE-PS1 124
1, 2, 3 3414-MFEX-EMEP-PS1 124
1, 2, 3 3415-MFEX-EMDE-PS1 124
1, 2, 3 3416-MFEX-EMMU-PS 124
1, 2, 3 3417-MFEX-EMOK-PS 124
1, 2, 3 3418-MFEX-EMRS-PS1 124
1, 2, 3 3419-MFEX-EPBR-PS1 48
1, 2, 3 3420-MFEX-EMSD-PS1 124

9, 12 3422-MFMS-NW01-PS 0
9, 12 3423-MFMS-NW02-PS 0
9, 12 3424-MFMS-NW03-PS 0
9, 12 3425-MFMS-NW04-PS 0
9, 12 3426-MFMS-NW05-PS 0

9, 10, 12 3428-MFMS-NM01-PS1 0
9, 10, 12 3429-MFMS-NM02-PS1 0
9, 10, 12 3430-MFMS-NM03-PS1 0
9, 10, 12 3431-MFMS-NM04-PS1 0
9, 10, 12 3432-MFMS-NM05-PS1 0
9, 10, 12 3433-MFMS-NM06-PS1 0
9, 10, 12 3434-MFMS-NM07-PS1 0
9, 10, 12 3435-MFMS-NM08-PS1 0
9, 10, 12 3436-MFMS-NM09-PS1 0
9, 10, 12 3437-MFMS-NM10-PS1 0
9, 10, 12 3438-MFMS-NM11-PS1 0

10, 11, 12 3440-MFMS-RW01-PS 0

10, 11, 12 3441-MFMS-RW02-PS 0
10, 11, 12 3442-MFMS-RW03-PS 0
10, 11, 12 3443-MFMS-RW04-PS 0
10, 11, 12 3444-MFMS-RW05-PS 0
10, 11, 12 3445-MFMS-RWMX-PS 0

1, 2 3447-MFCM-EMCNL1- 594
1, 2 3448-MFCM-EMCNL2- 392
1, 2 3449-MFCM-EMCNL3- 339
1, 2 3450-MFCM-EMCNL4- 289
1, 2 3451-MFCM-EMCNL5- 242
1, 2 3452-MFCM-EMCNL6- 238
1, 2 3453-MFCM-EMCNL7- 233
1, 2 3454-MFCM-EMFXL1-P 594
1, 2 3455-MFCM-EMFXL2-P 392
1, 2 3456-MFCM-EMFXL3-P 339
1, 2 3457-MFCM-EMFXL4-P 289
1, 2 3458-MFCM-EMFXL5-P 242
1, 2 3459-MFCM-EMFXL6-P 238
1, 2 3460-MFCM-EMFXL7-P 233
1, 2 3461-MFCM-EMHPL1- 594
1, 2 3462-MFCM-EMHPL2- 392
1, 2 3463-MFCM-EMHPL3- 339
1, 2 3464-MFCM-EMHPL4- 289
1, 2 3465-MFCM-EMHPL5- 242
1, 2 3466-MFCM-EMHPL6- 238
1, 2 3467-MFCM-EMHPL7- 233
1, 2 3468-MFCM-EPHPL1-P 304
1, 2 3469-MFCM-EPHPL2-P 200
1, 2 3470-MFCM-EPHPL3-P 174
1, 2 3471-MFCM-EPHPL4-P 148
1, 2 3472-MFCM-EPHPL5-P 124
1, 2 3473-MFCMEPHPL6-P 122
1, 2 3474-MFCM-EPHPL7-P 122
1, 2 3475-MFCM-EMKML1- 594
1, 2 3476-MFCM-EMKML2- 392
1, 2 3477-MFCM-EMKML3- 339
1, 2 3478-MFCM-EMKML4- 289
1, 2 3479-MFCM-EMKML5- 242
1, 2 3480-MFCM-EMKML6- 238
1, 2 3481-MFCM-EMKML7- 233
1, 2 3482-MFCM-EMKYL1- 594
1, 2 3483-MFCM-EMKYL2- 392
1, 2 3484-MFCM-EMKYL3- 339
1, 2 3485-MFCM-EMKYL4- 289
1, 2 3486-MFCM-EMKYL5- 242
1, 2 3487-MFCM-EMKYL6- 238
1, 2 3488-MFCM-EMKYL7- 233
1, 2 3489-MFCM-EMLXL1-P 594
1, 2 3490-MFCM-EMLXL2-P 392
1, 2 3491-MFCM-EMLXL3-P 339
1, 2 3492-MFCM-EMLXL4-P 289
1, 2 3493-MFCM-EMLXL5-P 242
1, 2 3494-MFCM-EMLXL6-P 238
1, 2 3495-MFCM-EMLXL7-P 233
1, 2 3496-MFCM-EPLXL1-P 304
1, 2 3497-MFCM-EPLXL2-P 200
1, 2 3498-MFCM-EPLXL3-P 174
1, 2 3499-MFCM-EPLXL4-P 148
1, 2 3500-MFCM-EPLXL5-P 124
1, 2 3501-MFCM-EPLXL6-P 122
1, 2 3502-MFCM-EPLXL7-P 119
1, 2 3503-MFCM-EMSHL1- 594
1, 2 3504-MFCM-EMSHL2- 392
1, 2 3505-MFCM-EMSHL3- 339
1, 2 3506-MFCM-EMSHL4- 289
1, 2 3507-MFCM-EMSHL5- 242
1, 2 3508-MFCM-EMSHL6- 238
1, 2 3509-MFCM-EMSHL7- 233
1, 2 3510-MFCM-EMMUL1- 594
1, 2 3511-MFCM-EMMUL2- 392
1, 2 3512-MFCM-EMMUL3- 339
1, 2 3513-MFCM-EMMUL4- 289
1, 2 3514-MFCM-EMMUL5- 242
1, 2 3515-MFCM-EMMUL6- 238
1, 2 3516-MFCM-EMMUL7- 233
1, 2 3517-MFCM-EMTBL1-P 594
1, 2 3518-MFCM-EMTBL2-P 392
1, 2 3519-MFCM-EMTBL3-P 339
1, 2 3520-MFCM-EMTBL4-P 289
1, 2 3521-MFCM-EMTBL5-P 242
1, 2 3522-MFCM-EMTBL6-P 238
1, 2 3523-MFCM-EMTBL7-P 233
1, 2 3524-MFCM-EPTBL1-P 304
1, 2 3525-MFCM-EPTBL2-P 200
1, 2 3526-MFCM-EPTBL3-P 174
1, 2 3527-MFCM-EPTBL4-P 148
1, 2 3528-MFCM-EPTBL5-P 124
1, 2 3529-MFCM-EPTBL6-P 122
1, 2 3530-MFCM-EPTBL7-P 122
1, 2 3531-MFCM-EMXEL1- 594
1, 2 3532-MFCM-EMXEL2- 392
1, 2 3533-MFCM-EMXEL3- 339
1, 2 3534-MFCM-EMXEL4- 289
1, 2 3535-MFCM-EMXEL5- 242
1, 2 3536-MFCM-EMXEL6- 238
1, 2 3537-MFCM-EMXEL7- 233
1, 2 3538-MFCM-EPBRL1-P 304
1, 2 3539-MFCM-EPBRL2-P 200
1, 2 3540-MFCM-EPBRL3-P 174
1, 2 3541-MFCM-EPBRL4-P 148
1, 2 3542-MFCM-EPBRL5-P 124
1, 2 3543-MFCM-EPBRL6-P 122
1, 2 3544-MFCM-EPBRL7-P 119
1, 2 3545-MFCM-EMOKL1- 594
1, 2 3546-MFCM-EMOKL2- 392
1, 2 3547-MFCM-EMOKL3- 339
1, 2 3548-MFCM-EMOKL4- 289
1, 2 3549-MFCM-EMOKL5- 242
1, 2 3550-MFCM-EMOKL6- 238
1, 2 3551-MFCM-EMOKL7- 233
1, 2 3552-MFCM-EMEPL1- 594
1, 2 3553-MFCM-EMEPL2- 392
1, 2 3554-MFCM-EMEPL3- 339
1, 2 3555-MFCM-EMEPL4- 289
1, 2 3556-MFCM-EMEPL5- 242
1, 2 3557-MFCM-EMEPL6- 238
1, 2 3558-MFCM-EMEPL7- 233
1, 2 3559-MFCM-EMRSL1- 594
1, 2 3560-MFCM-EMRSL2- 392
1, 2 3561-MFCM-EMRSL3- 339
1, 2 3562-MFCM-EMRSL4- 289
1, 2 3563-MFCM-EMRSL5- 242
1, 2 3564-MFCM-EMRSL6- 238
1, 2 3565-MFCM-EMRSL7- 233
1, 2 3566-MFCM-EMDEL1- 594
1, 2 3567-MFCM-EMDEL2- 392
1, 2 3568-MFCM-EMDEL3- 339
1, 2 3569-MFCM-EMDEL4- 289
1, 2 3570-MFCM-EMDEL5- 242
1, 2 3571-MFCM-EMDEL6- 238
1, 2 3572-MFCM-EMDEL7- 233
1, 2 3573-MFCM-EMSDL1- 594
1, 2 3574-MFCM-EMSDL2- 392
1, 2 3575-MFCM-EMSDL3- 339
1, 2 3576-MFCM-EMSDL4- 289
1, 2 3577-MFCM-EMSDL5- 242
1, 2 3578-MFCM-EMSDL6- 238
1, 2 3579-MFCM-EMSDL7- 233

1, 2 3581-MFEG-EMCNL1- 523
1, 2 3582-MFEG-EMCNL2- 361
1, 2 3583-MFEG-EMCNL3- 312
1, 2 3584-MFEG-EMCNL4- 272
1, 2 3585-MFEG-EMCNL5- 226
1, 2 3586-MFEG-EMCNL6- 221
1, 2 3587-MFEG-EMCNL7- 217
1, 2 3588-MFEG-EMFXL1-P 523
1, 2 3589-MFEG-EMFXL2-P 361
1, 2 3590-MFEG-EMFXL3-P 312
1, 2 3591-MFEG-EMFXL4-P 272
1, 2 3592-MFEG-EMFXL5-P 226
1, 2 3593-MFEG-EMFXL6-P 221
1, 2 3594-MFEG-EMFXL7-P 217
1, 2 3595-MFEG-EMHPL1-P 523
1, 2 3596-MFEG-EMHPL2-P 361
1, 2 3597-MFEG-EMHPL3-P 312
1, 2 3598-MFEG-EMHPL4-P 272
1, 2 3599-MFEG-EMHPL5-P 226
1, 2 3600-MFEG-EMHPL6-P 221
1, 2 3601-MFEG-EMHPL7-P 217
1, 2 3602-MFEG-EPHPL1-P 268
1, 2 3603-MFEG-EPHPL2-P 185
1, 2 3604-MFEG-EPHPL3-P 160
1, 2 3605-MFEG-EPHPL4-P 139
1, 2 3606-MFEG-EPHPL5-P 116
1, 2 3607-MFEG-EPHPL6-P 113
1, 2 3608-MFEG-EPHPL7-P 111
1, 2 3609-MFEG-EMKML1- 523
1, 2 3610-MFEG-EMKML2- 361
1, 2 3611-MFEG-EMKML3- 312
1, 2 3612-MFEG-EMKML4- 272
1, 2 3613-MFEG-EMKML5- 226
1, 2 3614-MFEG-EMKML6- 221
1, 2 3615-MFEG-EMKML7- 217
1, 2 3616-MFEG-EMKYL1-P 523
1, 2 3617-MFEG-EMKYL2-P 361
1, 2 3618-MFEG-EMKYL3-P 312
1, 2 3619-MFEG-EMKYL4-P 272
1, 2 3620-MFEG-EMKYL5-P 226
1, 2 3621-MFEG-EMKYL6-P 221
1, 2 3622-MFEG-EMKYL7-P 217
1, 2 3623-MFEG-EMLXL1-P 523
1, 2 3624-MFEG-EMLXL2-P 361
1, 2 3625-MFEG-EMLXL3-P 312
1, 2 3626-MFEG-EMLXL4-P 272
1, 2 3627-MFEG-EMLXL5-P 226
1, 2 3628-MFEG-EMLXL6-P 221
1, 2 3629-MFEG-EMLXL7-P 217
1, 2 3630-MFEG-EPLXL1-P 268
1, 2 3631-MFEG-EPLXL2-P 185
1, 2 3632-MFEG-EPLXL3-P 160
1, 2 3633-MFEG-EPLXL4-P 139
1, 2 3634-MFEG-EPLXL5-P 116
1, 2 3635-MFEG-EPLXL6-P 113
1, 2 3636-MFEG-EPLXL7-P 111
1, 2 3637-MFEG-EMSHL1-P 523
1, 2 3638-MFEG-EMSHL2-P 361
1, 2 3639-MFEG-EMSHL3-P 312
1, 2 3640-MFEG-EMSHL4-P 272
1, 2 3641-MFEG-EMSHL5-P 226
1, 2 3642-MFEG-EMSHL6-P 221
1, 2 3643-MFEG-EMSHL7-P 217
1, 2 3644-MFEG-EMMUL1- 523
1, 2 3645-MFEG-EMMUL2- 361
1, 2 3646-MFEG-EMMUL3- 312
1, 2 3647-MFEG-EMMUL4- 272
1, 2 3648-MFEG-EMMUL5- 226
1, 2 3649-MFEG-EMMUL6- 221
1, 2 3650-MFEG-EMMUL7- 217
1, 2 3651-MFEG-EMTBL1-P 523
1, 2 3652-MFEG-EMTBL2-P 361
1, 2 3653-MFEG-EMTBL3-P 312
1, 2 3654-MFEG-EMTBL4-P 272
1, 2 3655-MFEG-EMTBL5-P 226
1, 2 3656-MFEG-EMTBL6-P 221
1, 2 3657-MFEG-EMTBL7-P 217
1, 2 3658-MFEG-EPTBL1-P 268
1, 2 3659-MFEG-EPTBL2-P 185
1, 2 3660-MFEG-EPTBL3-P 160
1, 2 3661-MFEG-EPTBL4-P 139
1, 2 3662-MFEG-EPTBL5-P 116
1, 2 3663-MFEG-EPTBL6-P 113
1, 2 3664-MFEG-EPTBL7-P 111
1, 2 3665-MFEG-EMXEL1-P 523
1, 2 3666-MFEG-EMXEL2-P 361
1, 2 3667-MFEG-EMXEL3-P 312
1, 2 3668-MFEG-EMXEL4-P 272
1, 2 3669-MFEG-EMXEL5-P 226
1, 2 3670-MFEG-EMXEL6-P 221
1, 2 3671-MFEG-EMXEL7-P 217
1, 2 3672-MFEG-EPBRL1-P 268
1, 2 3673-MFEG-EPBRL2-P 185
1, 2 3674-MFEG-EPBRL3-P 160
1, 2 3675-MFEG-EPBRL4-P 139
1, 2 3676-MFEG-EPBRL5-P 116
1, 2 3677-MFEG-EPBRL6-P 113
1, 2 3678-MFEG-EPBRL7-P 111
1, 2 3679-MFEG-EMOKL1- 523
1, 2 3680-MFEG-EMOKL2- 361
1, 2 3681-MFEG-EMOKL3- 312
1, 2 3682-MFEG-EMOKL4- 272
1, 2 3683-MFEG-EMOKL5- 226
1, 2 3684-MFEG-EMOKL6- 221
1, 2 3685-MFEG-EMOKL7- 217
1, 2 3686-MFEG-EMEPL1-P 523
1, 2 3687-MFEG-EMEPL2-P 361
1, 2 3688-MFEG-EMEPL3-P 312
1, 2 3689-MFEG-EMEPL4-P 272
1, 2 3690-MFEG-EMEPL5-P 226
1, 2 3691-MFEG-EMEPL6-P 221
1, 2 3692-MFEG-EMEPL7-P 217
1, 2 3693-MFEG-EMRSL1-P 523
1, 2 3694-MFEG-EMRSL2-P 361
1, 2 3695-MFEG-EMRSL3-P 312
1, 2 3696-MFEG-EMRSL4-P 272
1, 2 3697-MFEG-EMRSL5-P 226
1, 2 3698-MFEG-EMRSL6-P 221
1, 2 3699-MFEG-EMRSL7-P 217
1, 2 3700-MFEG-EMDEL1-P 523
1, 2 3701-MFEG-EMDEL2-P 361
1, 2 3702-MFEG-EMDEL3-P 312
1, 2 3703-MFEG-EMDEL4-P 272
1, 2 3704-MFEG-EMDEL5-P 226
1, 2 3705-MFEG-EMDEL6-P 221
1, 2 3706-MFEG-EMDEL7-P 217
1, 2 3707-MFEG-EMSDL1-P 523
1, 2 3708-MFEG-EMSDL2-P 361
1, 2 3709-MFEG-EMSDL3-P 312
1, 2 3710-MFEG-EMSDL4-P 272
1, 2 3711-MFEG-EMSDL5-P 226
1, 2 3712-MFEG-EMSDL6-P 221
1, 2 3713-MFEG-EMSDL7-P 217

13, 14 3715-EQMK-BO50 3,558

13, 14 3716-EQMK-CB60 3,795
13, 14 3717-EQBB-BO50-DS 1,610
13, 14 3718-EQBB-CB60-DS 1,800
13, 16 3719-EQHW-BASD-DS 333
13, 14 3720-SMCB-BC99-DS 1,895
13, 14 3721-ITCB-GD54-DS 1,895
13, 14 3722-ITVL-NZ78-DS 4,745
13, 16 3723-ITHW-CD78-DS 660
13, 16 3724-ITHW-PD78-DS 665
13, 14 3725-ITCB-ET58-DS 3,415
13, 14 3726-ITPT-ETSD-DS 1,972
13, 16 3727-ITHW-CCNX-DS 660
13, 16 3728-ITHW-CCUS-DS 660
13, 16 3729-ITHW-RP58-DS 660

13, 14 3731-ITHW-REIC-DS 641

13, 14 3732-ITHW-REDD-DS 466
13, 14 3733-ITHW-REMI-DS 466
13, 14 3734-ITHW-REPX-DS 470
13, 14 3735-ITHW-RESW-DS 249
13, 16 3736-ITHW-NR91-DS 696
13, 16 3737-ITHW-SBKT-DS 542
13, 14 3738-ITPT-SF54-DS 1,518
13, 16 3739-ITHW-PD54-DS 285
15, 16 3740-ITHW-CD10-DS 56
13, 16 3741-EQHW-CCAD-DS 261
13, 14 3742-INVL-SS15-DS 4,745
13, 16 3743-INHW-CCUS-DS 660
13, 16 3744-INHW-CCNX-DS 660
13, 16 3745-INHW-RP15-DS 660
13, 14 3746-INHW-REIC-DS 641
13, 14 3747-INHW-REBC-DS 466
13, 14 3748-INHW-REMI-DS 466
13, 14 3749-INHW-REPX-DS 470
13, 14 3750-INHW-RESW-DS 249
13, 16 3751-INHW-PD15-DS 475
13, 14 3752-RFRE-SWSD-DS 94
13, 14 3753-RFNC-EH24-DS 157
13, 14 3754-RFRE-PPSD-DS 176
13, 14 3755-RFRE-PPLG-DS 166
13, 14 3756-RFRE-PPKM-DS 176
13, 14 3757-RFRE-PPC6-DS 176
13, 14 3758-RFRE-PPIT-DS 218
13, 14 3759-RFRE-ICIT-DS 227
13, 14 3760-RFRE-PPKI-DS 176
13, 14 3761-RFRE-INCF-DS 166
13, 14 3762-RFRE-IN26-DS 166
13, 14 3763-RFRE-ICSD-DS 195
13, 14 3764-RFRE-ICKM-DS 195
13, 14 3765-RFRE-ICC6-DS 195
13, 14, 18 3766-EQRE-BCKT-DS 280
13, 14 3767-EQRE-HIMT-DS 151
13, 14 3768-ELRE-MTKT-DS 166
13, 14 3769-ELRE-MTBT-DS 166
13, 14 3770-ELRE-MTWH-DS 166
13, 14 3771-ELRE-MTTB-DS 166
13, 14 3772-ELRE-ICWT-DS 204
13, 14 3773-ELRE-MTBK-DS 166
13, 14 3774-ELRE-ICBK-DS 204
15, 16 3775-ELRE-TKSD-DS 238
13, 14 3776-ELRE-MTIT-DS 166
13, 14 3777-ELRE-ICIT-DS 204
13, 14 3778-ELRE-MTC4-DS 166
13, 14 3779-ELRE-ICC4-DS 204
13, 14, 19 3780-ELRE-MTAL-DS 280
13, 14, 20 3781-ELRE-MTVE-DS 223
13, 14, 19 3782-ELRE-ICAL-DS 328
13, 14, 20 3783-ELRE-ICVE-DS 280
13, 14, 21 3784-ELRE-MTLG-DS 328
13, 14, 21 3785-ELRE-ICLG-DS 375
13, 14 3786-ELNC-TC01-DS 166
13, 14 3787-ELNC-TC02-DS 185
13, 14 3788-ELNC-TC03-DS 185
15, 16 3789-ELCD-PXSE-DS 2
15, 16 3790-ELCD-MISE-DS 2
15, 16 3791-RFCD-PXSE-DS 4
15, 16 3792-ELCD-PXKF-DS 6
15, 16 3793-RFCD-PXKF-DS 6
15, 16 3794-ELCD-PX80-DS 3
15, 16 3795-RFCD-PXHI-DS 3
15, 16 3796-EQCD-SWII-DS 1
13, 14 3797-EQHW-KPBK-DS 33
13, 14 3798-EQHW-KPWH-DS 33
13, 14 3799-EQRE-MKSW-DS 94
13, 14 3800-EQRE-BCOM-DS 104
13, 14 3801-EQRE-BCHY-DS 176
13, 14 3802-EQRE-BCUC-DS 252
13, 14 3803-EQRE-BCSD-DS 147
13, 14 3804-EQRE-BC02-DS 176
13, 14 3805-DZRE-BR73-DS 451
13, 14 3806-DZRE-BR78-DS 413

15, 16 3808-EQRB-MBSD-DS 21
15, 16 3809-RFRB-MBSD-DS 6
15, 16 3810-ELRB-PHWH-DS 17
15, 16 3811-ELRB-PBBK-DS 19
15, 16 3812-ELRB-PBWH-DS 19

13, 14 3814-TTPT-CPSD-DS 1,135

15, 16 3815-EQHW-CPTA-DS 48
15, 16 3816-EQHW-CCSD-DS 71
15, 16 3817-EQHW-PDCP-DS 214
13, 14 3818-ITPT-NZSW-DS 1,040
13, 14 3819-ITPT-NZPX-DS 1,088
13, 14 3820-EQPT-ECSD-DS 565

17 3822-EQEW-BB01-PS1 133
17 3823-EQEW-BB02-PS1 257
17 3824-EQEW-BB03-PS1 390
17 3825-EQEW-BB04-PS1 489
17 3826-EQEW-MK01-PS1 238
17 3827-EQEW-MK02-PS1 451
17 3828-EQEW-MK03-PS1 679
17 3829-EQEW-MK04-PS1 903
17 3830-EQEW-CB01-PS1 328
17 3831-EQEW-CB02-PS1 518
17 3832-EQEW-CB03-PS1 708
17 3833-EQEW-CB04-PS1 850
17 3834-EQEW-RE01-PS1 11
17 3835-EQEW-RE02-PS1 17
17 3836-EQEW-RE03-PS1 25
17 3837-EQEW-RE04-PS1 32
17 3838-EQEW-AC01-PS1 143
17 3839-EQEW-AC02-PS1 261
17 3840-EQEW-AC03-PS1 404
17 3841-EQEW-AC04-PS1 499
17 3842-EQEW-VL01-PS1 945
17 3843-EQEW-VL02-PS1 1,610
17 3844-EQEW-VL03-PS1 1,895
17 3845-EQEW-VL04-PS1 2,275
17 3846-EQEW-ET01-PS1 660
17 3847-EQEW-ET02-PS1 1,040
17 3848-EQEW-ET03-PS1 1,325
17 3849-EQEW-ET04-PS1 1,515
17 3850-EQEW-SF01-PS1 280
17 3851-EQEW-SF02-PS1 470
17 3852-EQEW-SF03-PS1 660
17 3853-EQEW-SF04-PS1 850
17 3854-EQEW-EC01-PS1 176
17 3855-EQEW-EC02-PS1 271
17 3856-EQEW-EC03-PS1 366
17 3857-EQEW-EC04-PS1 423

3859-3RD-EQPS-OA01 1,520
3860-3RD-EQPS-RA01 1,140
26 3861-3RD-EQPS-RA02 204
3862-3RD-EQPS-RA03 1,520
3863-3RD-EQPS-RA04 2,850
3864-3RD-EQPS-RA05 299
22 3865-3RD-EQPS-JTPS 1,140
22 3866-3RD-EQPS-JTPM 570
23 3867-3RD-EQPS-SMSD 1,140
24 3868-3RD-EQPS-SMBS 570
25 3869-3RD-EQPS-SMAD 1,520
3870-3RD-EQPS-RAMP 475
26, 27 3871-3RD-EQPS-RADC 238
28 3872-3RD-EQPS-RAT 190
12 3873-3RD-EQCA-TE01 0
3874-3RD-EQPS-RAPA 475
3875-3RD-EQPS-RAPO 760
3876-EQAF-LTSD-PS1 95

26 3878-PS-INSPAPERCU 166

1,2 3883- GOLD 3,138

3,4 3886- GOLD 3,820

23 3888-415804-RM 463

3890-006428MIU 148
3891-PS-NWSC2 161
3892-PS-NWSC3 188
5 3893-415836-RM 266
6 3894-415830-RM 266

1, 12 3897- GOLD 2,517

2, 13 3900- GOLD 3,473

3 3903- GOLD 4,051

4 3906- GOLD 4,614

5 3909- GOLD 5,609

11 3912-006428MIU 148
3913-PS-NWSC3 188
3914-PS-NWSC4 229
6 3915-416539-RM 468
6 3916-416540-RM 665
7 3917-416609-RM 269
8 3918-417079-RM 243
9 3919-417080 75
10 3920-417100-RM 497

7,8 3923- GOLD 4,654

23 3925-415804-RM 463

9,10 3927- GOLD 5,899

23 3929-415804-RM 463

3931-006428MIU 148
3932-PS-NWSC3 188
3933-PS-NWSC4 229
11 3934-416156-RM 266
12 3935-416149-RM 266

1 3938- GOLD 9,038

5, 6 3939-415901-RM 460

2 3941- GOLD 12,398

5, 6 3942-415901-RM 460

8 3944-006429MIU 150
9 3945-415912-RM 400
3 3946-415923-RM 200
4, 5 3947-415902-RM 658
7 3948-412209-RM 268

3951- 0 9,102
3952-414957-RM 460

3954-006429MIU 150
3955-007138MIU 180
3956-PS-NWSC4 229
3957-PS-NWSC5 268
3958-414945-RM 263
3959-415050-RM 131
3960-414950-RM 658
3961-412209-RM 268

1,2 3964- 0 13,604

3965-PP-PPISFM907G 1,344
3966-412981-RM 1,653

1,2 3968- 0 17,385

3969-PP-PPISFM1107 1,524
3970-412981-RM 1,653

3972-007138MIU 180
3973-PS-NWSC6 403
3974-404200-RM 300
3975-404220-RM 529
3976-404223-RM 1,032
3977-404174-RM 516
3978-412983-RM 264
3979-404177-RM 322
13,14 3982- GOLD 4,493

3985-006428MIU 148
3986-PS-NWSCBC2 161
3987-PS-NWSCBC3 188
21 3988-415991-RM 266
22 3989-415998-RM 266

1, 2 3991- GOLD 4,539

3 3994- GOLD 6,034

5 3996-416539-RM 468
4, 5 3997-416540-RM 665
6 3998-416609-RM 269

10 4000-006428MIU 148
4001-PS-NWSCBC2 161
4002-PS-NWSCBC3 188
9 4003-416556-RM 269
7 4004-416577-RM 269
8 4005-416581 113

1 4007- GOLD 6,796

2 4010- GOLD 8,395

3 4012-416539-RM 468
3 4013-416540-RM 665
4 4014-416609-RM 269

8 4016-006428MIU 148
4017-PS-NWSCBC4 229
7 4018-416564-RM 269
5 4019-416591-RM 269
6 4020-416595 113

1,2 4022- GOLD 13,726

3 4024-416644-RM 468

1,2 4026- GOLD 17,198

3 4028-416644-RM 468

8 4030-006429MIU 150
9 4031-007138MIU 180
4 4032-416645-RM 665
5 4033-416612-RM 266
6 4034-416651-RM 266
7 4035-416657-RM 266

1 4038- GOLD 27,720

4039-PS-INSRIC901E4 7,875
2 4040- GOLD 30,017
4041-PS-INSRIC901E4 7,875

4043-007140MIU 1,078
4044-PS-NWSCPC 403
3 4045-412978-RM 529
4 4046-412983-RM 264
7 4047-404220-RM 529
8 4048-404687 685

1 4051- GOLD 18,128

1 4052- GOLD 21,456

4054-007140MIU 1,078
4055-PS-NWSCPC 403
2 4056-416612-RM 266
3 4057-416699-RM 1,010
3 4058-416638-RM 2,096
4 4059-416644-RM 468
4 4060-416645-RM 665
5 4061-416657-RM 266

1, 4 4064- GOLD 14,709

1, 4 4065- GOLD 18,284

4067-007140MIU 1,078
4068-PS-NWSCPC 403
4 4069- BRONZE 2,232
2 4070-404177-RM 322
3 4071-404536-RM 1,656
3 4072-404537-RM 3,106
4 4073- BRONZE 4,026
5 4074-404559-RM 649
5 4075- BRONZE 3,493

4078- GOLD 58,313

4079-PS-INSKODAK 7,796
4080-VPFIN-IKO-RM 11,125
4081-8454A001-IKO-R 1
4082- GOLD 74,442
4083-PS-INSKODAK 7,796
4084-VPFIN-IKO-RM 11,125
4085-8454A001-IKO-R 1
4086- GOLD 82,506
4087-PS-INSKODAK 7,796
4088-VPFIN-IKO-RM 11,125
4089-8454A001-IKO-R 1
4090- GOLD 103,555
4091-PS-INSKODAK 7,796
4092-VPFIN-IKO-RM 11,125
4093-8454A001-IKO-R 1

4095-007140MIU 1,078
4096-0089B001-IKO-R 14,193
4097-0088B003-IKO-R 14,193
4098-0086B001-IKO-R 14,193
4099-8247A001VP-RF 6,707
4100-5752A002T2-RF 14,903

4104-S-CPFG2100D1- 3,833
4105-S-CPRFPGDDCF 1,445
4107-DPB-500PUR-INS 4,000
4108-DPB-500PUR 120,000
4109-3000010120-PS1 5,280
4110-3000010129-PS1 6,360
4111-3000010145-PS1 4,320
4113-PS-INSTALL-TS 150
4114-MX418397RA 188
4115-100000012615-P 1,000
4116-100000012634-P 1,200
4118-PA03670B055V- 1,325
4119-PA03768-B005-D 1,325

4121-100000007400-P 449
4122-45180534-DS 53
4123-RSIBOX-3YR-PS 180
4124-RSIBOX-4YR-PS 240
4125-RSIBOX-5YR-PS 300
4126-7705643-DS 3,714
4127-3RD-2524484-IN 395
4128-7705650-DS 1,052
4129-323000000 2,836
4130-3RD-WTSCOMPI 75
4131-PP-007144XAN 500
4132-PWTSSD-N 2,196
4133-04BAUM714XLT 7,260
4134-WTSWS-N 835
4135-WTSTC51KIT-DS 1,751
4136-810-101010-PS1 6,695
4137-WTSLABPTR-N 791
4139-7705643-DS 3,714
4140-3RD-2524484-IN 395
4141-7705650-DS 1,052
4142-323000000 2,836
4143-3RD-PRA11-DS 495
4144-45112781-RNWL 4,495
4145-100000006365-R 899
4146-PP-ISF-JOBFLO 2,000
4147-PP-PXE-HOURLY 225
4148-PP-ISF-FP-BRON 1,000
4149-421525-PS1 4,048
4150-RDR-805R1AKU 149
4151-421552-PS1 4,048
4154-342000 21,207

4156-342004 29,707

4158-342033-DS 36
4159-342034-DS 76
4160-342035-DS 137
4161-342036-DS 237
4162-342037-DS 594
4163-342119-DS 1,525
4164-342120-DS 1,695
4165-342075-DS 100
4166-TS-ANAJET-INST 1,500
4167-45112781 3,923
4168-45111134-PS1 2,250
4169-3RD-1000000117 225
4170-100000011847-P 3,000
4171-100000011847-R 3,000
4172-3000009833-PS1 12,077
4173-3000009833-RNW 12,077
4174-3000009835-PS1 24,153
4175-3000009835-RNW 24,153
4176-3000009836-PS1 36,229
4177-3000009856-PS1 3,938
4178-3000009856-RNW 3,938
4179-3000009860-PS1 3,063
4180-3000009836-RNW 36,229
4181-3000009837-PS1 45,890
4182-3000009837-RNW 45,890
4183-3000009838-PS1 54,344
4184-3000009862-PS1 3,063
4185-3000009862-RNW 3,063
4186-3000009867-PS1 4,201
4187-3000009869-PS1 1,864
4188-3000009857-PS1 3,063
4189-3000009858-PS1 3,063
4190-3000009838-RNW 54,344
4191-3000009839-PS1 19,952
4192-3000009839-RNW 19,952
4193-3000009850-PS1 39,905
4194-3000009850-RNW 39,905
4195-3000009851-PS1 59,857
4196-3000009851-RNW 59,857
4197-3000009852-PS1 75,819
4198-3000009852-RNW 75,819
4199-3000009853-PS1 89,785
4200-3000009853-RNW 89,785
4201-3000009855-PS1 4,376
4202-3000009855-RNW 4,376
4203-RDR-800R1AKU 206
4204-S-EQ5ED050-5-P 7,717
4205-EQ5ED050-PS1 15,434
4206-CRU0MC02-1PB 227
4207-CG-130SRIII-DS 3,345
4208-PP-RICOH1YEXW 600
4209-3RD-1000000088 1,800
4210- BRONZE 96,800
4211- BRONZE 96,800
4212-3RD-1000000036 2,500
4213-100000003615-P 1,000
4214-PP-ISF-EFI1625 5,000
4215-3000009040-PS1 8,500
4216-3000009041 8,500
4217-45129016 2,550
4218-PP-EFIWF-TRAIN 2,500
4219-45139416-PS1 3,995
4220-45095822-PS1 1,350
4221-45091410-PS1 1,080
4222- BRONZE 956
4223-EPPSCTIN1 657
4224-3000009987-DS 2,506
4225-100000008525-P 1,800
4226-ITC-NYX-DS 611
4227-ITC5800-DS 1,826
4228-PPM25-PS1 22,500
4229-PPM25B-PS1 4,500
4230-PS-TIMEBLOCK1 205
4231-EPPT753B1 625
4232-EPPT753B2 1,025
4233-3RD-EPPSCTIN1 657
4235-000171MIU 0
4237-006222MIU 25,191
4238-006223MIU 55,269
4239-3RD-29011E-DS 0
4240-42002-PS1 671
4243-3RD-TRAOS001- 0
4244-5876-W04-S0001 0
4245-1615962-DS 72,000
4246-S6800-SCMYNBD 11,330
4247-417100 469

4255-420920 667

1,2 4258-MCNW01-1-PS1 75,016

1,2,3 4259-MCNW01-1S-PS1 34,349
1,2 4260-MCNW01-2-PS1 63,416
1,2,3 4261-MCNW01-2S-PS1 31,708
1,2 4262-MCNW01-3-PS1 59,082
1,2,3 4263-MCNW01-3S-PS1 29,541
4 4265-8FE024-PS1 23,829
4,12,13 4266-8FE037-PS1 15,874
4 4267-MCNW11-PS1 8,712
4 4268-8FE004-PS1 6,325
4 4269-8FE005-PS1 3,142
4 4270-8FE016-PS1 5,967
4 4271-MCNW10-PS1 2,347
4 4272-MCNW05-PS1 1,552
5 4273-8FE047-PS1 10,303
5 4274-8FE048-PS1 12,689
5 4275-8FE049-PS1 15,077
5 4276-8FE050-PS1 17,463
8,10 4277-8FE084-PS1 299

6 4279-MCNW15-PS1 6,325
6 4280-MCNW13-PS1 9,945
6 4281-8FE051-PS1 23,828
6 4282-8FE052-PS1 27,806
6 4283-8FE053-PS1 31,784
6 4284-8FE054-PS1 35,762

8,9 4286-MZNW03-DS 697

8,9 4287-MZNW09-DS 668

1 4289-PAS-SFI-005-PS1 18,418
1 4290-PAS-SFI-010-PS1 20,590
1 4291-PAS-SFI-025-PS1 27,757
1 4292-PAS-SFI-050-PS1 43,829
1 4293-PAS-SFI-100-PS1 70,326
1 4294-PAS-SFI-250-PS1 126,361
1 4295-PAS-SFI-500-PS1 171,536
1 4296-PAS-SFI-MIL-PS1 238,864
1, 2 4297-PAS-SFI-CUS-PS 0
3 4298-PAS-MFI-005-PS 3,816
3 4299-PAS-MFI-010-PS 4,266
3 4300-PAS-MFI-025-PS 5,751
3 4301-PAS-MFI-050-PS 9,081
3 4302-PAS-MFI-100-PS 14,571
3 4303-PAS-MFI-250-PS 26,181
3 4304-PAS-MFI-500-PS 35,541
3 4305-PAS-MFI-MIL-PS 49,491
4 4307-PAS-SFU-UPG-P 8,645
5 4308-PAS-MFU-UPG-P 1,791
6 4309-PAS-SFI-005-T-P 9,209
6 4310-PAS-MFI-005-T-P 3,816
4 4311-PAS-SFU-UPG-T 4,323
7 4312-PAS-MFU-UPG-T 1,791
8 4313-8FE078-HCPS1 8,645
8 4314-8FE079-HC-PS1 8,645
8 4315-8FE080-HC-PS1 8,645
4316-8FE081-PS1 8,645
8 4317-8FE082-HC-PS1 8,645
8 4318-8FE101-HC-PS1 8,645
8 4319-8FE108-HC-PS1 8,645
8 4320-8FE100-HC-PS1 8,645
8 4321-8FE102-HC-PS1 8,645
8 4322-8FE115-HC-PS1 8,645
8 4323-8FE117-HC-PS1 2,172
8 4324-8FE118-HC-PS1 1,303
8 4325-8FE119-HC-PS1 695
8 4326-8FE120-HC-PS1 522
8 4327-8FE121-HC-PS1 348
8 4328-8FE122-HC-PS1 175
8 4329-8FE201-HC-PS1 60,770
8 4330-8FE202-HC-PS1 72,924
8 4331-8FE203-HC-PS1 85,077
8 4332-8FE204-HC-PS1 97,231
8 4333-8FE205-HC-PS1 21,676
8 4334-8FE206-HC-PS1 26,011
8 4335-8FE207-HC-PS1 30,346
8 4336-8FE208-HC-PS1 34,682
8 4337-8FE217-HC-PS1 8,645
8 4338-8FE218-HC-PS1 10,374
8 4339-8FE219-HC-PS1 12,102
8 4340-8FE220-HC-PS1 13,831
8 4341-8FE221-HC-PS1 8,645
8 4342-8FE222-HC-PS1 10,374
8 4343-8FE223-HC-PS1 12,102
8 4344-8FE224-HC-PS1 13,831
8,9,10 4345-8FE229-HC-PS1 0
8,11,12 4346-8FE230-HC-PS1 0
8,13,14 4347-8FE231-HC-PS1 0
8,15,16 4348-8FE232-HC-PS1 0
8 4349-8FE233-HC-PS1 22,545
8 4350-8FE234-HC-PS1 27,054
8 4351-8FE235-HC-PS1 31,562
8 4352-8FE236-HC-PS1 36,071
8 4353-8FL043-HC-PS1 11,066
8 4354-8FL044-HC-PS1 12,967
8 4355-8FL045-HC-PS1 2,594
8 4356-8FL046-HC-PS1 87
8 4357-8FL047-HC-PS1 175

1 4359-420920 667
3, 4 4360-420924 977
3 4361-42092-KIT 1,595
5 4362-420920MS-PS1 145
6 4363-PS-CONN0 270
1 4364-420919 667
7 4365-A2RACKMT 36

4367-300R03493-PS1 16,009
4368-301R41350-PS1 12,548
4369-301R16740-PS1 0
4370-301R41360-PS1 0
4371-301R16742-PS1 0
4372-301R16744-PS1 5,625
4373-301R16746-PS1 1,299
4374-301R16750-PS1 0
4375-301R16751-PS1 3,029
4376-301R16753-PS1 0
4377-100R10001-PS1 0
4378-301R16758-PS1 1,082
4379-301R16759-PS1 8,654
4380-301R16761-PS1 15,577
4381-301R16763-PS1 34,615
4382-301R24640-PS1 0
4383-301R24650-PS1 0
4384-301R55110-PS1 866
4385-301R55120-PS1 87
4386-301R24660-PS1 0
1,2 4387-301R24670-PS1 0
1,2,3 4388-301R24680-PS1 0
1,2 4389-100R10002-PS1 0
1,2,3 4390-100R10003-PS1 15,144
1,2 4391-301R16756-PS1 8,654
1,2,3 4392-301R24700-PS1 3,895
4393-301R24710-PS1 3,029
4 4394-301R24720-PS1 2,164
4,12,13 4395-301R48540-PS1 0
4 4396-301R48550-PS1 2,164
4 4397-301R55180-PS1 2,164
4 4398-301R55170-PS1 2,164
4 4399-301R41470-PS1 0
4 4400-100R10004-PS1 0
4 4401-301R41380-PS1 0
5 4402-301R41420-PS1 3,376
5 4403-100R10005-PS1 0
5 4404-301R41440-PS1 0
5 4405-301R41450-PS1 5,625
8,10 4406-301R41460-PS1 5,625
4407-100R10006-PS1 5,625
6 4408-301R55160-PS1 13,500
6 4409-301R48510-PS1 0
6 4410-301R48520-PS1 0
6 4411-301R48530-PS1 0
6 4412-100R10007-PS1 6,491
6 4413-301R48580-PS1 649
4414-301R48590-PS1 1,299
8,9 4415-301R55130-PS1 0
8,9 4416-301R55140-PS1 0
8,9 4417-301R55150-PS1 4,327
8,9 4418-301R48560-PS1 0
4419-301R48570-PS1 3,029
4420-100R10008-PS1 174
4421-400R03493-PS1 3,294
4422-401R41350-PS1 2,582
4423-401R16740-PS1 0
4424-401R41360-PS1 0
4425-401R16742-PS1 0
4426-401R16744-PS1 1,158
4427-401R16746-PS1 267
1,2 4428-401R16750-PS1 0
1,2,3 4429-401R16751-PS1 623
1,2 4430-401R16753-PS1 0
1,2,3 4431-400R10001-PS1 0
1,2 4432-401R16758-PS1 223
1,2,3 4433-401R16759-PS1 1,781
4434-401R16761-PS1 3,205
4 4435-401R16763-PS1 7,121
4,12,13 4436-401R24640-PS1 0
4 4437-401R24650-PS1 0
4 4438-401R55110-PS1 179
4 4439-401R55120-PS1 18
4 4440-401R24660-PS1 0
4 4441-401R24670-PS1 0
4 4442-401R24680-PS1 0
5 4443-400R10002-PS1 0
5 4444-400R10003-PS1 3,116
5 4445-401R16756-PS1 1,781
5 4446-401R24700-PS1 802
8,10 4447-401R24710-PS1 623
4448-401R24720-PS1 445
6 4449-401R48540-PS1 0
6 4450-401R48550-PS1 445
6 4451-401R55180-PS1 445
6 4452-401R55170-PS1 445
6 4453-401R41470-PS1 0
6 4454-400R10004-PS1 0
4455-401R41380-PS1 0
8,9 4456-401R41420-PS1 695
8,9 4457-400R10005-PS1 0
8,9 4458-401R41440-PS1 0
8,9 4459-401R41450-PS1 1,158
4 4460-401R41460-PS1 1,158
4 4461-400R10006-PS1 1,158
4 4462-401R55160-PS1 2,778
5 4463-401R48510-PS1 0
5 4464-401R48520-PS1 0
5 4465-401R48530-PS1 0
5 4466-400R10007-PS1 0
8,10 4467-401R48580-PS1 134
4468-401R48590-PS1 267
6 4469-401R55130-PS1 0
6 4470-401R55140-PS1 0
6 4471-401R55150-PS1 891
6 4472-401R48560-PS1 0
6 4473-401R48570-PS1 623
6 4474-400R10008-PS1 36
4475-614R06684-PS1 1,625
8,9 4476-614R06685-PS1 1,750
8,9 4477-614R06686-PS1 1,750
8,9 4478-614R06687-PS1 2,225
8,9 4479-301R17280-PS1 1,750
4480-100R10010-PS1 0
4481-400R10010-PS1 0
4482-301R17300-PS1 1,750
4483-401R17300-PS1 0
4484-3RD-614R06688- 1,625
4485-3RD-100R10011- 1,750
4486-300R10011-PS1 0
4487-301R10012-PS1 19,367
4488-301R16858-PS1 0
4489-301R16859-PS1 0
4490-301R16861-PS1 0
4491-301R16863-PS1 0
4492-400R10011-PS1 0
4493-401R10012-PS1 0
4494-401R16858-PS1 0
4495-401R16859-PS1 0
4496-401R16861-PS1 0
4497-401R16863-PS1 0

4499-002253MIU-PS1 398

4501-401249 9,000
4502-401250 7,200
4503-401251 7,200
4504-401252 7,200
4505-401253 5,400
4506-255835 2,250
4507-255700 5,400
4508-255701 900
4509-255702 1,125
4510-255703 2,250
4511-255704 2,700
4512-401254 0
4513-401259 0
4514-401260 0
4515-401261 0
4516-401262 0
4517-401263 0
4518-255836 0
4519-255705 0
4520-255706 0
4521-255707 0
4522-255708 0
4523-255709 0
4524-401264 2,250
4525-401265 1,800
4526-401266 1,800
4527-401267 1,800
4528-401268 1,350
4529-255837 625
4530-255710 1,500
4531-255711 250
4532-255712 313
4533-255713 625
4534-255714 750
4535-401269 4,500
4536-401270 3,600
4537-401271 3,600
4538-401272 3,600
4539-401273 2,700
4540-255838 1,250
4541-255715 3,000
4542-255716 500
4543-255717 625
4544-255718 1,250
4545-255719 1,500
4546-401274 4,500
4547-401275 3,600
4548-401276 3,600
4549-401277 3,600
4550-401278 2,700
4551-255839 1,250
4552-255720 3,000
4553-255721 500
4554-255722 625
4555-255723 1,250
4556-255724 1,500
4557-401279 6,750
4558-401280 5,400
4559-401281 5,400
4560-401282 5,400
4561-401283 4,050
4562-255840 1,875
4563-255725 4,500
4564-255726 750
4565-255727 938
4566-255728 1,875
4567-255729 2,250
4568-401284 9,000
4569-401285 7,200
4570-401286 7,200
4571-401287 7,200
4572-401288 5,400
4573-255841 2,500
4574-255730 6,000
4575-255731 1,000
4576-255732 1,250
4577-255733 2,500
4578-255734 3,000
4579-255735 10,000
4580-255736 8,000
4581-255737 8,000
4582-255738 8,000
4583-255739 6,000
4584-255842 2,500
4585-255740 6,000
4586-255741 1,000
4587-255742 1,250
4588-255743 2,500
4589-255744 3,000
4590-255745 12,500
4591-255746 10,000
4592-255747 10,000
4593-255748 10,000
4594-255749 7,500
4595-255843 3,125
4596-255750 7,500
4597-255751 1,250
4598-255752 1,563
4599-255753 3,125
4600-255754 3,750
4601-255755 15,000
4602-255756 12,000
4603-255757 12,000
4604-255758 12,000
4605-255759 9,000
4606-255844 3,750
4607-255760 9,000
4608-255761 1,500
4609-255762 1,875
4610-255763 3,750
4611-255764 4,500
4612-401289 0
4613-401290 0
4614-401291 0
4615-401292 0
4616-401293 0
4617-255845 2,250
4618-255765 0
4619-401294 2,250
4620-401295 1,800
4621-401296 1,800
4622-401297 1,800
4623-401298 1,350
4624-255846 2,250
4625-255770 1,350
4626-401299 0
4627-401300 0
4628-401301 0
4629-401302 0
4630-401303 0
4631-255847 0
4632-255775 0
4633-401304 1,125
4634-401305 900
4635-401306 900
4636-401307 900
4637-401308 675
4638-255848 625
4639-255780 750
4640-401309 2,250
4641-401310 1,800
4642-401311 1,800
4643-401312 1,800
4644-401313 1,350
4645-255849 1,250
4646-255785 1,500
4647-401314 2,250
4648-401315 1,800
4649-401316 1,800
4650-401317 1,800
4651-401318 1,350
4652-255850 1,250
4653-255790 1,500
4654-401319 3,375
4655-401320 2,700
4656-401321 2,700
4657-401322 2,700
4658-401323 2,025
4659-255851 1,875
4660-255795 2,250
4661-401324 4,500
4662-401325 3,600
4663-401326 3,600
4664-401327 3,600
4665-401328 2,700
4666-255852 2,500
4667-255800 3,000
4668-255805 5,000
4669-255806 4,000
4670-255807 4,000
4671-255808 4,000
4672-255809 3,000
4673-255853 2,500
4674-255810 3,000
4675-255815 6,250
4676-255816 5,000
4677-255817 5,000
4678-255818 5,000
4679-255819 3,750
4680-255854 3,125
4681-255820 3,750
4682-255825 7,500
4683-255826 6,000
4684-255827 6,000
4685-255828 6,000
4686-255829 4,500
4687-255855 3,750
4688-255830 4,500

4690-5765-H35-OC024 0
4691-255856 2,500
4692-255857 2,000
4693-255858 2,000
4694-255859 2,000
4695-255860 1,500
4696-255861 625
4697-255862 1,500
4698-255863 250
4699-255864 313
4700-255865 625
4701-255866 750
4702-5765-H35-OC025 0
4703-255867 5,000
4704-255868 4,000
4705-255869 4,000
4706-255870 4,000
4707-255871 3,000
4708-255872 1,250
4709-255873 3,000
4710-255874 500
4711-255875 625
4712-255876 1,250
4713-255877 1,500
4714-5765-H35-OC026 0
4715-255878 7,500
4716-255879 6,000
4717-255880 6,000
4718-255881 6,000
4719-255882 4,500
4720-255883 1,875
4721-255884 4,500
4722-255885 750
4723-255886 938
4724-255887 1,875
4725-255888 2,250
4726-5765-H35-OC030 0
4727-255889 7,500
4728-255890 6,000
4729-255891 6,000
4730-255892 6,000
4731-255893 4,500
4732-255894 1,875
4733-255895 4,500
4734-255896 750
4735-255897 938
4736-255898 1,875
4737-255899 2,250
4738-5765-H35-OC031 0
4739-255900 10,000
4740-255901 8,000
4741-255902 8,000
4742-255903 8,000
4743-255904 6,000
4744-255905 2,500
4745-255906 6,000
4746-255907 1,000
4747-255908 1,250
4748-255909 2,500
4749-255910 3,000
4750-5765-H35-OC032 0
4751-255911 12,500
4752-255912 10,000
4753-255913 10,000
4754-255914 10,000
4755-255915 7,500
4756-255916 3,125
4757-255917 7,500
4758-255918 1,250
4759-255919 1,563
4760-255920 3,125
4761-255921 3,750
4762-5765-H35-OC027 0
4763-255922 1,250
4764-255923 1,000
4765-255924 1,000
4766-255925 1,000
4767-255926 750
4768-255927 625
4769-255928 750
4770-5765-H35-OC028 0
4771-255929 2,500
4772-255930 2,000
4773-255931 2,000
4774-255932 2,000
4775-255933 1,500
4776-255934 1,250
4777-255935 1,500
4778-5765-H35-OC029 0
4779-255936 3,750
4780-255937 3,000
4781-255938 3,000
4782-255939 3,000
4783-255940 2,250
4784-255941 1,875
4785-255942 2,250
4786-5765-H35-OC033 0
4787-255943 3,750
4788-255944 3,000
4789-255945 3,000
4790-255946 3,000
4791-255947 2,250
4792-255948 1,875
4793-255949 2,250
4794-5765-H35-OC034 0
4795-255950 5,000
4796-255951 4,000
4797-255952 4,000
4798-255953 4,000
4799-255954 3,000
4800-255955 2,500
4801-255956 3,000
4802-5765-H35-OC035 0
4803-255957 6,250
4804-255958 5,000
4805-255959 5,000
4806-255960 5,000
4807-255961 3,750
4808-255962 3,125
4809-255963 3,750

4812-003382MIU-PS1 235
4813-003798MIU-PS1 2,292
4814-003799MIU-PS1 10,873
4815-003800MIU-PS1 25,841
4816-003801MIU-PS1 98,739

4818-004743MIU-PS1 476
4819-004744MIU-PS1 4,680
4820-004745MIU-PS1 23,400
4821-004746MIU-PS1 46,800
4822-004747MIU-PS1 234,000

4824-006535MIU-PS1 536
4825-006536MIU-PS1 5,265
4826-006537MIU-PS1 26,325
4827-006538MIU-PS1 52,650
4828-006539MIU-PS1 263,250

1,2,3,4 4830-008169MIU-PS1 520

4832-007187MIU-PS1 108
4833-007188MIU-PS1 513
4834-007189MIU-PS1 3,510
4835-007190MIU-PS1 6,480
4836-007191MIU-PS1 24,300
4837-007209MIU-PS1 12
4838-007210MIU-PS1 57
4839-007211MIU-PS1 390
4840-007212MIU-PS1 720
4841-007213MIU-PS1 2,700

4844-420531-PS1 203
4845-420532-PS1 963
4846-420533-PS1 2,430
4847-420534-PS1 3,545
4848-420535-PS1 6,582
4849-420536-PS1 12,152
4850-420537-PS1 16,709
4851-420538-PS1 20,254
4852-420539-PS1 25,317
4853-420540-PS1 45,571
4854-420541-PS1 81,014
4855-420566-PS1 0
4856-420567-PS1 1,216
4857-420586-PS1 122
4858-420587-PS1 577
4859-420588-PS1 1,458
4860-420589-PS1 2,127
4861-420590-PS1 3,949
4862-420591-PS1 7,292
4863-420592-PS1 10,025
4864-420593-PS1 12,152
4865-420594-PS1 15,190
4866-420595-PS1 27,342
4867-420596-PS1 48,609
4868-420620-PS1 729

4870-007003MIU-PS1 20
4871-007004MIU-PS1 96
4872-007005MIU-PS1 243
4873-007006MIU-PS1 355
4874-007007MIU-PS1 658
4875-007008MIU-PS1 1,216
4876-007009MIU-PS1 1,671
4877-007010MIU-PS1 2,025
4878-007011MIU-PS1 2,532
4879-007012MIU-PS1 4,557
4880-007013MIU-PS1 8,102
4881-007037MIU-PS1 122

4883-004279MIU 131
4884-005269MIU 24

4887-CH-1-PS1 3,500
4888-CH-ADD-PS1 3,300

4890-CH-CS-PS1 1,500
4891-CH-CS-3-PS1 4,050
4893-3000001919-PS1 1,796
4894-3000001922-PS1 1,800
4895-3000000327-PS1 450
4896-3000000328-PS1 900
4897-3000000329-PS1 1,350
4898-3000000330-PS1 360
4899-3000000320-PS1 855
4900-3000000312-PS1 1,350
4901-3000000322-PS1 1,080
4902-3000000561-PS1 1,080
4903-3000000321-PS1 1,463
4904-3000000325-PS1 4,140

4906-CP3200-PS1 2,066
4907-CP3400-PS1 3,236

1 4909-O-LX-AF-PS1 1,280
1 4910-O-LX-AF-2-PS1 2,559
1 4911-O-LX-AF-3-PS1 3,838
1 4912-O-LX-AF-4-PS1 5,117
1 4913-O-LX-AF-5-PS1 6,396
4914-PP-RPCMLNX 4,620
2 4915-O-LX-CL-PS1 642
3 4916-O-LX-RPP6-PS1 1,083
4 4917-O-LX-RPP12-PS1 1,924
5 4918-O-LX-RPP24-PS1 3,368
6 4919-O-LX-RRP48-PS1 5,774
7 4920-O-PMW-PKG-H 20,577
8 4921-O-MATLW-DLPP1 1,203
9 4922-O-MATLW-DLPP5 4,011
10 4923-O-MATLW-FO-PS 4,011
11 4924-O-MATLW-IS-PS1 4,011
12 4925-S-CD-MATLW-H- 2,090
13 4926-S-CD2-MATLW-H 4,180
14 4927-S-CD3-MATLW-H 6,270
15 4928-S-CD4-MATLW-H 8,360
16 4929-S-CD5-MATLW-H 10,450
17 4930-O-CW-PS1 1,917
18 4931-S-CD-CWOD1-AF 800
19 4932-S-CD2-CWOD1-A 1,600
20 4933-S-CD3-CWOD1-A 2,400
21 4934-S-CD4-CWOD1-A 3,200
22 4935-S-CD5-CWOD1-A 4,000
23 4936-O-HT-PS1 750
24 4937-O-OT-PS1 1,500

4940-RS10-1-DS 1,166
4941-DS4-1-DS 425
4943-KSK-1-DS 5,753
4944-RSGMK-DS 14

4949-LIC-RP-5-PS1 2,736
4950-LIC-RP-10-PS1 3,312
4951-LIC-RP-25-PS1 8,100
4952-LIC-RP-50-PS1 15,840
4953-LIC-RP-75-PS1 22,680
4954-LIC-RP-100-PS1 28,800
4955-LIC-RP-250-PS1 64,800
4956-LIC-RP-500-PS1 115,200
4957-LIC-RP-750-PS1 151,200
4958-LIC-RP-1000-PS1 180,000
4959-LIC-RP-1500-PS1 237,600
4960-LIC-RP-2000-PS1 259,200
4961-LIC-DP-50-PS1 2,520
4962-LIC-DP-250-PS1 11,520
4963-LIC-DP-500-PS1 21,600
4964-LIC-DP-1000-PS1 40,320
4965-LIC-DP-2500-PS1 90,000
4966-LIC-DP-5000-PS1 144,000
4967-LIC-DP-7500-PS1 162,000
4968-LIC-DP-10000-PS 172,800
4969-LIC-ENTINCL-PS 14,184
4970-ADVREP-PS1 4,320
4971-LANGADD-PS1 2,160
4972-WAYFIRST2-PS1 2,160
4973-WAY-1-PS1 432
4974-CONN-25-PS1 2,970
4975-CONN-50-PS1 4,455
4976-CONN-100-PS1 5,940
4977-CONN-250-PS1 7,425
4978-HOST-50-PS1 4,320
4979-HOST-100-PS1 8,640
4980-HOST-500-PS1 17,280
4981-HOST-1000-PS1 25,920
4982-HOST-2000-PS1 34,560
4983-FEDSERV-PS1 8,640
4984-MOBBASE-PS1 4,500
4985-MOB-500-PS1 743
4986-MOB-1000-PS1 1,350
4987-MOB-2000-PS1 4,500
4988-MOB-5000-PS1 5,625
4989-MOB-10000-PS1 9,000
4990-SAAS-DUL-PS1 222,750
4991-VS-INT-1-PS1 14,850
4992-VC-INT-250-PS1 37,125
4993-LANG-ADD-PS1 1,634
4994-EXCH-100-PS1 14,850
4995-EXCH-250-PS1 22,275
4996-EXCH-500-PS1 29,700
4997-EXCH-UL-PS1 37,125
4998-3RD-DAYCONSU 1,289
4999-3RD-DAYSW-INS 1,202
5000-3RD-DAYPMOO- 1,933
5001-3RD-DAYTCOO- 1,933
5002-3RD-DAYINSTAL 1,804
5003-3RD-DAYCONFI 1,804
5004-3RD-DAYTRAIN 1,804
5005-KSK-SW-1-DS 5,753
5006-POE-INJ-1-DS 59
5007-CONN-10-PS1 1,485
5008-MOB-20000-PS1 13,500
5009-MOB-UL-PS1 22,275

5014-SAAS-R10-PS1 7,425
5015-SAAS-R25-PS1 14,850
5016-SAAS-R50-PS1 22,275
5017-SAAS-R100-PS1 33,413
5018-SAAS-R250-PS1 51,975
5019-SAAS-R500-PS1 74,250
5020-SAAS-RGT500-P 109
5021-SAAS-D50-PS1 346
5022-SAAS-D250-PS1 14,850
5023-SAAS-D500-PS1 18,563
5024-SAAS-D1000-PS1 29,700
5025-SAAS-D2500-PS1 55,688
5026-SAAS-DGT2500- 17
5027-SAAS-DEDICATE 44,550
5028-SAAS-WAYFIND- 743
5029-SAAS-R1000-PS1 118,800
5030-SAAS-R2000-PS1 163,350
5031-SAAS-R3000-PS1 193,050
5032-SAAS-RUL-PS1 222,750
5033-SAAS-D100-PS1 7,425
5034-SAAS-D5000-PS1 74,250
5035-SAAS-D10000-PS 118,800

5038-3RD-VCI-CISCO- 14,393
5039-3RD-VCI-BT-DS 14,393
5040-3RD-DAYPM-DS 1,289
5041-3RD-DAYTC-DS 1,289
5042-3RD-DAYINSTAL 1,202
5043-3RD-DAYCONFIG 1,202
5044-3RD-DAYTRAIN- 1,202
5046-3RD-SENSECON 1,440

5049-CSS-PH-PS1 4,500
5050-CSS-PF-PS1 1,800
5051-CSS-XH-PS1 2,700
5052-CSS-XF-PS1 900
5053-CSS-CH-PS1 900
5054-CSS-CF-PS1 540
5055-CSS-PO-PS1 900
5056-CSS-PH-I-PS1 500
5057-CSS-PF-I-PS1 150
5058-CSS-XH-I-PS1 250
5059-CSS-XF-I-PS1 100
5060-CSS-CH-I-PS1 150
5061-CSS-CF-I-PS1 100
5062-CSS-PO-I-PS1 150
5063-CSS-PH-M-PS1 1,500
5064-CSS-PF-M-PS1 375
5065-CSS-XH-M-PS1 750
5066-CSS-XF-M-PS1 250
5067-CSS-CH-M-PS1 500
5068-CSS-CF-M-PS1 225
5069-CSS-PO-M-PS1 200

5071-CSS-IMP-PS1 900
5072-CSS-IMPNEO-PS 1,350
5073-MEAL-TRK-PS1 5,400
5074-CSS-IMP-I-PS1 150
5075-MEAL-TRK-I-PS1 150
5076-CSS-IMP-M-PS1 150
5077-CSS-IMPNEO-M- 200
5078-MEAL-TRK-M-PS 650

5080-DSTP-DEV-PS1 36
5081-DSTP-PRT-PS1 135
5082-DSTP-PRTD-PS1 2,700
5083-DSTP-PRTU-PS1 90
5084-DSTP-ECA-PS1 25
5085-DSTP-WDSB-PS1 450
5086-DSTP-CPRTD-PS 1,125
5087-DSTP-DEVI-I-PS1 250
5088-DSTP-PRTI-I-PS1 250
5089-DSTP-PRTD-I-PS 150
5090-DSTP-PRTUI-I-P 250
5091-DSTP-ECAI-I-PS1 250
5092-DSTP-WDSBI-I-P 150
5093-DSTP-DEV-M-PS 9
5094-DSTP-PRT-M-PS 18
5095-DSTP-PRTD-M-P 300
5096-DSTP-PRTU-M-P 18
5097-DSTP-ECA-M-PS 11
5098-DSTP-WDSB-M-P 75
5099-DSTP-CPRTD-M- 300

5101-SCAN-PRO-PS1 225
5102-SCAN-ECL-PS1 585
5103-SCAN-ARI-PS1 225
5104-SCAN-DMS-PS1 900
5105-SCAN-OCR1-PS1 1,800
5106-SCAN-OCR3-PS1 5,400
5107-SCAN-OCRU-PS 9,000
5108-SCAN-PRO-I-PS1 50
5109-SCAN-ECL-I-PS1 50
5110-SCAN-ARI-I-PS1 50
5111-SCAN-ECESS-I-P 150
5112-SCAN-DMS-I-PS1 75
5113-SCAN-PRO-M-PS 75
5114-SCAN-ECL-M-PS 175
5115-SCAN-ARI-M-PS1 175
5116-SCAN-ECESS-M- 250
5117-SCAN-DMS-M-PS 175
5118-SCAN-OCR1-M-P 360
5119-SCAN-OCR3-M-P 1,200
5120-SCAN-OCRU-M-P 2,000

5122-PRNT-INT-PS1 9,000
5123-PRNT-TKWV-PS1 27
5124-PRNT-ELP-PS1 2,700
5125-PRNT-RVW-PS1 900
5126-PRNT-DINT-PS1 5,000
5127-PRNT-DOS-PS1 1,800
5128-PRNT-DTKWV-P 27
5129-PRNT-INT-I-PS1 500
5130-PRNT-TKWVI-I-P 250
5131-PRNT-ELP-I-PS1 150
5132-PRNT-RVW-I-PS1 150
5133-PRNT-DINTI-I-PS 500
5134-PRNT-DOSI-I-PS 250
5135-PRNT-DTKWVI-I- 250
5136-PRNT-INT-M-PS1 1,350
5137-PRNT-TKWV-M-P 4
5138-PRNT-ELP-M-PS 300
5139-PRNT-RVW-M-PS 200
5140-PRNT-DINT-M-PS 1,000
5141-PRNT-DOS-M-PS 75
5142-PRNT-DTKWV-M- 4

5144-CTRK-EF-PS1 3,780
5145-CTRK-ED-PS1 5,265
5146-CTRK-PC-PS1 2,250
5147-CTRK-PF-PS1 2,475
5148-CTRK-PX-PS1 2,880
5149-CTRK-PD-PS1 2,880
5150-CTRK-LC-PS1 1,080
5151-CTRK-LF-PS1 1,260
5152-CTRK-LX-PS1 1,575
5153-CTRK-LD-PS1 1,575
5154-CTRK-EF-I-PS1 150
5155-CTRK-EX-I-PS1 175
5156-CTRK-ED-I-PS1 175
5157-CTRK-PC-I-PS1 150
5158-CTRK-PF-I-PS1 150
5159-CTRK-PX-I-PS1 175
5160-CTRK-PD-I-PS1 175
5161-CTRK-LC-I-PS1 125
5162-CTRK-LF-I-PS1 125
5163-CTRK-LX-I-PS1 175
5164-CTRK-LD-I-PS1 175
5165-CTRK-EC-M-PS1 575
5166-CTRK-EF-M-PS1 595
5167-CTRK-ED-M-PS1 595
5168-CTRK-PC-M-PS1 405
5169-CTRK-PF-M-PS1 400
5170-CTRK-PX-M-PS1 536
5171-CTRK-PD-M-PS1 536
5172-CTRK-LC-M-PS1 275
5173-CTRK-LF-M-PS1 300
5174-CTRK-LX-M-PS1 400
5175-CTRK-LD-M-PS1 405
5177-CTRK-EFS-PS1 225
5178-CTRK-EDM-PS1 135
5179-CTRK-EWM-PS1 135
5180-CTRK-PFS-PS1 225
5181-CTRK-PWM-PS1 113

5183-CTRK-PRX-PS1 720
5184-CTRK-EKB-PS1 162
5185-CTRK-INT-PS1 180
5186-CTRK-INTU-PS1 135
5187-CTRK-INTS-PS1 450
5188-CTRK-LDIO-PS1 450
5189-CTRK-PRXI-I-PS 270
5190-CTRK-PRX-M-PS 135
5191-CTRK-INTS-M-PS 90
5192-CTRK-LDIO-M-PS 90

5194-ECES-LX-PS1 1,260
5195-ECES-PC-PS1 1,080
5196-ECES-PCSP-PS1 1,350
5197-ECES-PCMP-PS1 1,800
5198-ECES-PCSPX-PS 1,980
5199-ECES-PCMPX-PS 1,980
5200-ECES-EC-PS1 1,350
5201-ECES-ECSP-PS1 1,575
5202-ECES-ECMP-PS1 1,800
5203-ECES-ECSPX-PS 1,980
5204-ECES-ECMPX-PS 1,980
5205-ECES-EFI-PS1 1,350
5206-ECES-EFISP-PS1 1,575
5207-ECES-EFIMP-PS 1,800
5208-ECES-EFISPX-P 1,980
5209-ECES-EFIMPX-P 1,980
5210-ECES-CNSP-PS1 1,350
5211-ECES-CNMP-PS1 1,575
5212-ECES-CNRF-PS1 200
5213-ECES-HP-PS1 1,350
5214-ECES-HPSP-PS1 1,575
5215-ECES-HPMP-PS1 1,800
5216-ECES-HPSPX-PS 1,980
5217-ECES-HPMPX-PS 1,980
5218-ECES-RISP-PS1 1,575
5219-ECES-RIMP-PS1 1,800
5220-ECES-RICM-PS1 1,125
5221-ECES-LMSP-PS1 1,350
5222-ECES-LMRF-PS1 200
5223-ECES-PC-I-PS1 100
5224-ECES-PCSP-I-PS 125
5225-ECES-PCMP-I-PS 150
5226-ECES-PCSPX-I-P 150
5227-ECES-PCMPX-I- 150
5228-ECES-EC-I-PS1 100
5229-ECES-ECSP-I-PS 125
5230-ECES-ECMP-I-PS 150
5231-ECES-ECSPX-I-P 150
5232-ECES-ECMPX-I- 150
5233-ECES-EFI-I-PS1 100
5234-ECES-EFISP-I-P 125
5235-ECES-EFIMP-I-P 150
5236-ECES-EFISPX-I- 150
5237-ECES-EFIMPX-I- 150
5238-ECES-CNSP-I-PS 125
5239-ECES-CNMP-I-P 150
5240-ECES-HP-I-PS1 100
5241-ECES-HPSP-I-PS 125
5242-ECES-HPMP-I-PS 150
5243-ECES-HPSPX-I-P 125
5244-ECES-HPMPX-I- 150
5245-ECES-RISP-I-PS 125
5246-ECES-RIMP-I-PS 150
5247-ECES-LMSP-I-PS 125
5248-ECES-PC-M-PS1 300
5249-ECES-PCSP-M-P 300
5250-ECES-PCMP-M-P 325
5251-ECES-PCSPX-M- 325
5252-ECES-PCMPX-M- 350
5253-ECES-EC-M-PS1 300
5254-ECES-ECSP-M-P 300
5255-ECES-ECMP-M-P 325
5256-ECES-ECSPX-M- 325
5257-ECES-ECMPX-M- 350
5258-ECES-EFI-M-PS1 300
5259-ECES-EFISP-M-P 300
5260-ECES-EFIMP-M- 325
5261-ECES-EFISPX-M 325
5262-ECES-EFIMPX-M 350
5263-ECES-CNSP-M-P 300
5264-ECES-CNMP-M-P 300
5265-ECES-HP-M-PS1 300
5266-ECES-HPSP-M-P 300
5267-ECES-HPMP-M-P 325
5268-ECES-HPSPX-M- 325
5269-ECES-HPMPX-M- 350
5270-ECES-RISP-M-PS 300
5271-ECES-RIMP-M-P 300
5272-ECES-RICM-M-P 300
5273-ECES-LMSP-M-P 325

5275-CPB-HST-PS1 2,700
5276-CPB-FD-PS1 1,350
5277-CPB-HST-M-PS1 750
5278-CPB-FD-M-PS1 150
5279-CPP-HST-PS1 4,500

5281-MOB-PS1 270
5282-MOB-PT-PS1 270
5283-MOB-CP-PS1 900
5284-MOBI-I-PS1 250
5285-MOB-PTI-I-PS1 250
5286-MOB-CPI-I-PS1 150
5287-MOB-M-PS1 100
5288-MOB-PT-M-PS1 100
5289-MOB-CP-M-PS1 750
5291-420741-PS1 493
5292-420742-PS1 1,342
5293-420743-PS1 1,652
5294-420744-PS1 2,268
5295-420776-PS1 389
5296-420777-PS1 583
5297-420779-PS1 894
5298-420781-PS1 1,361
5299-420741MS-PS1 81
5300-420742MS-PS1 223
5301-420743MS-PS1 275
5302-420744MS-PS1 378
5303-421472-PS1 184
5304-421472MS-PS1 32

1,2,3,4,5,6 5306-420624-PS1 1,796

1,2,3,4,5,6 5307-420806-PS1 1,078
1,2,3,4,5,6 5308-420786-PS1 4,498
1,2,3,4,5,6 5309-420800-PS1 2,699
1,2,3,4,5,6 5310-420787-PS1 1,348
1,2,3,4,5,6 5311-420801-PS1 809
1,2,3,4,5,6 5312-420624MS-PS1 270
1,2,3,4,5,6 5313-420786MS-PS1 675
1,2,3,4,5,6 5314-420787MS-PS1 203
1,2,3,4,5,6 5315-420788-PS1 613
1,2,3,4,5,6 5316-420789-PS1 1,163
1,2,3,4,5,6 5317-420790-PS1 4,896
1,2,3,4,5,6 5318-420791-PS1 367
1,2,3,4,5,6 5319-420792-PS1 698
1,2,3,4,5,6 5320-420793-PS1 2,938
1,2,3,4,5,6 5321-420788MS-PS1 135
1,2,3,4,5,6 5322-420789MS-PS1 255
1,2,3,4,5,6 5323-420790MS-PS1 1,075
1,2,3,4,5,6 5324-420905-PS1 1,377
1,2,3,4,5,6 5325-420906-PS1 4,129
1,2,3,4,5,6 5326-420907-PS1 9,637
1,2,3,4,5,6 5327-420908-PS1 14,455
1,2,3,4,5,6 5328-420909-PS1 21,338
1,2,3,4,5,6 5329-420910-PS1 25,467
1,2,3,4,5,6 5330-420911-PS1 33,039
1,2,3,4,5,6 5331-420905MS-PS1 206
1,2,3,4,5,6 5332-420906MS-PS1 620
1,2,3,4,5,6 5333-420907MS-PS1 1,445
1,2,3,4,5,6 5334-420908MS-PS1 2,167
1,2,3,4,5,6 5335-420909MS-PS1 3,200
1,2,3,4,5,6 5336-420910MS-PS1 3,820
1,2,3,4,5,6 5337-420911MS-PS1 4,956

5339-004629MIU-PS1 824
5340-004644MIU-PS1 302
5341-004645MIU-PS1 573
5342-004646MIU-PS1 1,418
5343-004647MIU-PS1 2,585
5344-004648MIU-PS1 4,911
5345-004649MIU-PS1 7,627
5346-004650MIU-PS1 540
5347-004651MIU-PS1 1,283
5348-004652MIU-PS1 2,522
5349-004653MIU-PS1 4,968
5350-001894MIU-PS1 536
5351-005106MIU-PS1 89
5352-002031MIU-PS1 266
5353-002029MIU-PS1 896
5354-002030MIU-PS1 2,246

1,2 5356-DW6BSERV-PS1 314

1,3 5357-DW6PSERV-PS1 4,171
1,4 5358-DW6ESERV-PS1 11,935
1,11,12 5359-DWSC-PS1 1,488
1,11,13 5360-DWC2OUTL-PS1 1,566
1,11,14 5361-DWMOBIP-PS1 914
1,11,15 5362-DWTMGR-PS1 2,966
1,11,16 5363-DWAIX2-PS1 1,934
1,11,17 5364-DWWFMGR-PS1 7,767
1,11,18 5365-DWBCF-PS1 3,122
1,11,19 5366-DWIMP-PS1 1,566
1,11,20 5367-DWC2MAIL-PS1 1,566
1,11,21,22 5368-DWC2SAP-PS1 7,379
1,11,23 5369-DWC2MOSS-PS1 2,966
1,11,24 5370-DWC2RICOH-PS 914
1,11,25 5371-DWC2TOSHIBA- 914
1,11,26 5372-DWC2SHARP2-P 914
1,11,27 5373-DWC2XEROX-PS 914
5374-DWC2OKI-PS1 962
5375-DWC2GSNX-PS1 0
5376-DWC2KYO-PS1 0
5377-DWC2HP-PS1 0
30,32 5378-M-DW6BSERV-P 72
30,32 5379-M-DW6PSERV-P 972
30,32 5380-M-DW6ESERV-P 2,772
30,32 5381-M-DW6CL1-PS1 168
30,32 5382-M-DW6CL5-PS1 162
30,32 5383-M-DW6CL10-PS1 156
30,32 5384-M-DW6CL20-PS1 150
30,32 5385-M-DW6CL30-PS1 144
30,32 5386-M-DW6CL50-PS1 132
30,32 5387-M-DW6CL70-PS1 120
30,32 5388-M-DW6CL100-PS 108
30,32 5389-M-DW6CL150-PS 96
30,32 5390-M-DW6CLSITE-P 8,484
30,32 5391-M-DW6CLSERVW 1,800
30,32 5392-M-DWSC-PS1 346
30,32 5393-M-DWC2OUTL-P 360
30,32 5394-M-DWMOBIP-PS 213
30,32 5395-M-DWTMGR-PS1 691
30,32 5396-M-DWAIX2-PS1 450
30,32 5397-M-DWWFMGR-P 1,800
30,32 5398-M-DWBCF-PS1 720
30,32 5399-M-DWIMP-PS1 360
30,32 5400-M-DWC2MAIL-PS 360
30,32 5401-M-DWC2SAP-PS 1,719
30,32 5402-M-DWC2MOSS-P 691
30,32 5403-M-DWC2RICOH- 213
30,32 5404-M-DWC2TOSHIB 213
30,32 5405-M-DWC2SHARP2 213
30,32 5406-M-DWC2XEROX- 213
5407-M-DWC2OKI-PS1 228
31,32 5408-S-DW6BSERV-PS 24
31,32 5409-S-DW6PSERV-PS 240
31,32 5410-S-DW6ESERV-PS 696
31,32 5411-S-DW6CL1-PS1 48
31,32 5412-S-DW6CL5-PS1 45
31,32 5413-S-DW6CL10-PS1 42
31,32 5414-S-DW6CL20-PS1 39
31,32 5415-S-DW6CL30-PS1 36
31,32 5416-S-DW6CL50-PS1 33
31,32 5417-S-DW6CL70-PS1 30
31,32 5418-S-DW6CL100-PS 27
31,32 5419-S-DW6CL150-PS 24
31,32 5420-S-DW6CLSITE-P 2,124
31,32 5421-S-DW6CLSERVW 456
31,32 5422-S-DWSC-PS1 87
31,32 5423-S-DWC2OUTL-PS 96
31,32 5424-S-DWMOBIP-PS1 53
31,32 5425-S-DWTMGR-PS1 173
31,32 5426-S-DWAIX2-PS1 113
31,32 5427-S-DWWFMGR-PS 456
31,32 5428-S-DWBCF-PS1 180
31,32 5429-S-DWIMP-PS1 96
31,32 5430-S-DWC2MAIL-PS 96
31,32 5431-S-DWC2SAP-PS1 430
31,32 5432-S-DWC2MOSS-P 173
31,32 5433-S-DWC2RICOH-P 53
31,32 5434-S-DWC2TOSHIBA 53
31,32 5435-S-DWC2SHARP2 53
31,32 5436-S-DWC2XEROX- 53
5437-S-DWC2OKI-PS1 60
5438-M-DWAI3-PS1 691
5439-M-DWC2N2-PS1 1,719
5440-M-DWCF-PS1 691
5441-M-DWCFTM-PS1 1,382
5442-M-DWCR999-PS1 922
5443-M-DWINT3-PS1 1,719
5444-M-DWLINK2-PS1 348
5445-M-DWREC2-PS1 691
5446-S-DWAI3-PS1 180
5447-S-DWC2N2-PS1 430
5448-S-DWCF-PS1 180
5449-S-DWCFTM-PS1 346
5450-S-DWCR999-PS1 230
5451-S-DWINT3-PS1 432
5452-S-DWLINK2-PS1 87
5453-S-DWREC2-PS1 180
34,35 5454-DWSIDEPRO-EN 10,643
1,43 5455-DWINTELL-PS1 9,813
1,44 5456-DWFORMS-PS1 9,861
30,32 5457-M-DWINTELL-PS 1,800
30,32 5458-M-DWFORMS-PS 1,800
31,32 5459-S-DWFORMS-PS 456
31,32 5460-S-DWINTELL-PS 456
47 5461-3RD-DW-CAT-DS 3,000
5464-DW51CBSERV-P 470
5465-DW51CPSERV-P 6,232
5466-DW51CESERV-P 17,831
5467-DW51CCL1-PS1 1,091
5468-DW51CCL5-PS1 1,044
5469-DW51CCL10-PS1 1,012
5470-DW51CCL20-PS1 966
5471-DW51CCL30-PS1 934
5472-DW51CCL50-PS1 842
5473-DW51CCL70-PS1 748
5474-DW51CCL100-PS 670
5475-DW51CCL150-PS 623
5476-DW51CCLSITE-P 54,508
5477-DWAI3-PS1 4,666
5478-DWCR999-PS1 6,221
5479-DWC2N2-PS1 11,605
5480-DWCF-PS1 4,666
5481-DWREC2-PS1 4,666
5482-DWTMGR-S-PS1 2,722
5483-DWCFTM-PS1 6,998

1, 9 5485-DWONLINT-PS1 786
1, 10 5486-DWONLINTADD- 157
11, 9 5487-DWONLINT2-PS1 1,572
11, 10 5488-DWONLINTADD2 315
12, 9 5489-DWONLINT3-PS1 2,359
12, 10 5490-DWONLINTADD3 472
13, 9 5491-DWONLINT4-PS1 3,144
13, 10 5492-DWONLINTADD4 629
14, 9 5493-DWONLINT5-PS1 3,930
14, 10 5494-DWONLINTADD5 786

5496-M-DW51CBSERV 70
5497-M-DW51CPSERV 923
5498-M-DW51CESERV 2,642
5499-M-DW51CCL1-PS 162
5500-M-DW51CCL5-PS 155
5501-M-DW51CCL10-P 150
5502-M-DW51CCL20-P 143
5503-M-DW51CCL30-P 138
5504-M-DW51CCL50-P 125
5505-M-DW51CCL70-P 111
5506-M-DW51CCL100- 99
5507-M-DW51CCL150- 92
5508-M-DW51CCLSITE 8,075
5509-M-DW51CCLSER 1,719
5510-M-DWTMGR-S-P 691

5512-S-DW51CBSERV 17
5513-S-DW51CPSERV 231
5514-S-DW51CESERV 660
5515-S-DW51CCL1-PS 40
5516-S-DW51CCL5-PS 39
5517-S-DW51CCL10-P 37
5518-S-DW51CCL20-P 36
5519-S-DW51CCL30-P 35
5520-S-DW51CCL50-P 31
5521-S-DW51CCL70-P 28
5522-S-DW51CCL100- 25
5523-S-DW51CCL150- 23
5524-S-DW51CCLSITE 2,019
5525-S-DW51CCLSER 430
5526-S-DWTMGR-S-PS 173

5528-DWHDSSPS-PS1 16,200
5529-DWHEPS-PS1 51,840
5530-DWHDSCL-PS1 2,808
5531-DWHFAX-PS1 691
5532-DWHVSS-PS1 10,800
5533-DWHVSSRTP-PS 25,920
5534-DWHVSSCL-PS1 2,808
5535-DWHSEP-PS1 3,888
5536-DWHBA-PS1 15,120
5537-DWHDM-PS1 8,640
5538-DWHPS-PS1 2,640
5539-DWHROI-PS1 10,800
5540-DWHST-PS1 4,752
5541-DWHRC-PS1 4,752
5542-DWHMEDI-PS1 32,400
5543-DWHCENT-PS1 8,640
5544-DWHMSGP-PS1 8,640
5545-CCHIT-PS1 66,528

5547-MS-DWHDSSPS- 3,000
5548-MS-DWHEPS-PS 9,600
5549-MS-DWHDSCL-P 520
5550-MS-DWHFAX-PS 128
5551-MS-DWHVSS-PS 2,000
5552-MS-DWHVSSRTP 4,800
5553-MS-DWHVSSCL- 520
5554-MS-DWHSEP-PS 720
5555-MS-DWHBA-PS1 2,800
5556-MS-DWHDM-PS1 1,600
5557-MS-DWHPS-PS1 528
5558-MS-DWHROI-PS1 2,000
5559-MS-DWHST-PS1 880
5560-MS-DWHRC-PS1 880
5561-MS-DWHMEDI-P 6,000
5562-MS-DWHCENT-P 1,600
5563-MS-DWHMSGP-P 1,600
5564-MS-CCHIT-PS1 12,320

5567-45100477-PS1 22,500
5568-45100514-PS1 3,600
5569-100000005615-P 845
5570-45095122-PS1 9,058
5571-45100518-PS1 6,750
5572-3000004591-PS1 35,100
5573-3000004601-PS1 58,500
5574-3000004605-PS1 73,800
5575-100000005156-P 4,500
5576-100000005159-P 1,800
5577-100000005160-P 554
5578-100000005163-P 720
5579-100000005164-P 720
5580-100000005166-P 1,260
5581-100000004502-P 2,845
5582-100000005167-P 1,350
5583-100000005170-P 8,333
5584-45106478-PS1 0
5585-45106480-PS1 0

5587-100000005342-P 2,700
5588-100000005172-P 10,800
5589-100000005179-P 3,600

5591-45085130 17,573
5592-45085185-PS1 13,500
5593-45085186-PS1 13,500
5594-45085475-PS1 21,600
5595-45085144-PS1 2,246
5596-45075560-PS1 2,246
5597-100000002691-P 1,620
5598-100000002688-P 1,620
5599-100000003755-P 2,592
5600-100000002732-P 2,475
5601-100000002736-P 5,000
5602-100000002737-P 6,750

5604-3000004857-PS1 55,469
5605-3000004858-PS1 135,000
5606-3000004758-PS1 15,079
5607-3000004780-PS1 11,574
5608-3000004783-PS1 27,908
5609-3000004759-PS1 55,498
5610-3000004781-PS1 26,372
5611-3000004784-PS1 54,891
5612-3000005256-PS1 11,250
5613-3000005252-PS1 8,679
5614-3000005262-PS1 2,534
5615-3000005253-PS1 2,638
5616-3000005263-PS1 3,825
5617-3000005254-PS1 21,690
5618-3000005264-PS1 8,449
5619-3000005255-PS1 8,498
5620-3000005265-PS1 5,400
5621-3000004782-PS1 1,099
5622-3000004859-PS1 16,577
5623-3000004860-PS1 35,236
5624-100000005646-P 2,112
5625-100000005649-P 1,521
5626-3000004803-PS1 5,893
5627-3000004804-PS1 1,689
5628-3000005013-PS1 14,732
5629-3000004810-PS1 5,520

1 5631-3000006440-DS 2,443
2 5632-3000006441-DS 2,686
3 5633-45101625-DS 41
5634-45101761-DS 40
5635-45101560-DS 15
5636-45101563-DS 24
5637-45101513-DS 292
5638-45122282 7,714
5639-45133495 7,985
5640-45101550-DS 536
5641-45101562-DS 15
5642-100000008493-P 950
5643-100000008495-P 990
5644-100000008335-P 39
5645-100000006100-P 99
5646-100000008331-P 110
5647-100000008333-P 120
5648-100000007402-P 436
5649-3000005401-PS1 564
5650-3000005402-PS1 322
5651-3000005261-PS1 370
5652-3RD-1000000063 720
5653-3RD-1000000063 200

5655-ZIPFOURCELIN- 13,120
5656-Z4USPSAMSAPIL 4,373
5658-ZIPFOURCEAIX- 13,120
5659-Z4USPSAMSAPIA 4,373
5661-ZIPFORCESERV 13,120
5662-Z4USPSAMSAPI- 4,373
5664-CQUENCERWIN- 15,743
5665-CQFCWIN-PS1 31,488
5666-CQSMWIN-PS1 31,488
5667-CQWINMAILDAT- 12,596
5668-CQWINFSIMB-PS 20,991
5669-CQUENCERAIX- 15,743
5670-CQFCAIX-PS1 31,488
5671-CQSMAIX-PS1 31,488
5672-CQAIXMAILDAT- 12,596
5673-CQAIXFSIMB-PS 20,991
5674-CQUENCERLIN- 15,743
5675-CQFCLIN-PS1 31,488
5676-CQSMLIN-PS1 31,488
5677-CQLINMAILDAT- 12,596
5678-CQLINFSIMB-PS 20,991
5679-MM2PRIORITY-P 1,747
1, 5 5681-3000008681-PS1 15,130
2, 5 5682-3000008682-PS1 34,522
3, 5 5683-3000008683-PS1 52,174
4 5684-3000008685-PS1 10,164
9 5685-3000008710-PS1 657
9 5686-3000008711-PS1 1,533
9 5687-3000008712-PS1 2,408
9 5688-100000010485-P 438
11 5689-3000008716-PS1 88
5690-3000008719-PS1 3,478
5691-3000008720-PS1 6,957
5692-3000008721-PS1 10,435
5693-100000007694-P 1,602
7 5694-3000008722-PS1 6,087
7 5695-3000008723-PS1 11,304
7 5696-3000008724-PS1 16,522
5697-100000007696-P 2,403
5698-3000008725-PS1 1,304
5699-3000008726-PS1 2,609
5700-3000008727-PS1 3,913
5701-100000007747-P 750
5702-3000008728-PS1 1,304
5703-3000008729-PS1 2,609
5704-3000008730-PS1 3,913
5705-100000007749-P 750
10 5706-3RD-1000000104 5,600
10 5707-3RD-1000000104 10,800
5708-3RD-1000000105 2,500
5709-3RD-1000000105 1,800
1 5710-45136254-PS1 8,096
2 5711-100000008696-P 1,799
5712-45136256-PS1 2,614
2 5713-100000008697-P 598
5714-45136257-PS1 3,596
2 5715-100000008698-P 795
3 5716-45136258-PS1 4,371
1 5717-45136259-PS1 52,448
2 5718-100000008790-P 11,995
5719-45136260-PS1 10,486
5720-100000008791-P 2,395
5721-45136261-PS1 10,796
2 5722-100000008792-P 2,395
5723-45136262-PS1 10,796
2 5724-100000008793-P 2,395
5725-45136263-PS1 10,796
2 5726-100000008794-P 2,395
5727-45136265-PS1 30,592
2 5728-100000008796-P 6,995
5729-45136266-PS1 30,592
2 5730-100000008797-P 6,995
1 5731-45136267-PS1 61,189
2 5732-100000008798-P 13,995
5733-45136268-PS1 8,738
2 5734-100000008799-P 1,995
5735-45145954-PS1 0
5736-100000009781-P 0
5737-45136269-PS1 20,976
5738-100000008781-P 4,795
5739-45136270-PS1 24,473
5740-100000008783-P 5,595
5741-3RD-1000000088 3,150
5742-3RD-1000000091 8,300
5743-3RD-1000000091 6,300
5744-3RD-1000000106 675
5745-3RD-1000000106 675
5746-3RD-1000000099 1,800
5747-3RD-1000000088 1,125
5748-3RD-1000000088 1,125
5749-3RD-1000000088 9,200
5750-3RD-1000000088 4,950
5751-3RD-1000000091 6,500
5752-3RD-1000000088 2,700
5753-3RD-1000000088 1,800
5754-3RD-1000000084 225
5755-3RD-1000000088 3,150
5756-3RD-1000000091 5,600
5757-3RD-1000000091 2,500
5758-3RD-1000000088 900
5759-3RD-1000000112 14,200
5760-3RD-1000000112 11,050
5761-3RD-1000000112 7,650
5762-3RD-1000000112 1,800
5763-3RD-1000000112 2,500
5764-3RD-1000000112 1,250
5765-3000008717-PS1 300
5766-3000008718-PS1 475
5767-3000007308-PS1 7,600

5770-45124984-PS1 17,218
1 5771-100000007655-P 6,900
2,3 5772-45124986-PS1 6,887
2,3 5773-100000007656-P 2,000

32 5775-100000007657-P 5,250
34 5776-100000007658-P 1,250
5777-100000007659-P 1,000
4 5778-100000007660-P 4,000
4 5779-100000007661-P 2,500

33 5781-100000007662-P 0

5,7 5783-45124997-PS1 12,000

6,7 5784-100000007663-P 1,800
8,9,31 5785-45125003-PS1 15,930
10 5786-100000007664-P 3,363
10 5787-100000007666-P 3,600
9,12,31 5788-45125033-PS1 4,004
10 5789-100000007688-P 4,804

13 5791-45125007-PS1 13,774

16 5794-45125014-PS1 0
6 5795-100000007672-P 0
16 5796-45125015-PS1 0
6 5797-100000007673-P 0
16 5798-45125017-PS1 4,821
6 5799-100000007674-P 1,400
16 5800-45125018-PS1 2,755
6 5801-100000007675-P 800
16,17 5802-45125020-PS1 6,543
6 5803-100000007677-P 1,900
16,17 5804-45125021-PS1 3,099
6 5805-100000007678-P 900
7 5806-45125023-PS1 2,755
5807-100000007679-P 800

6 5809-100000007680-P 1,500
19 5810-45125025-PS1 0
6 5811-100000007681-P 0

10,20 5813-45125028-PS1 0
10,20 5814-45125029-PS1 0

21 5816-100000007682-P 5,165

5 5818-100000007685-P 2,755
6 5819-100000007686-P 2,803
8,9,31 5820-45125030-PS1 3,204
10 5821-100000007687-P 6,080

13 5823-100000007689-P 6,887
6 5824-100000007690-P 5,845

5826-100000007693-P 1,602
6 5827-100000007694-P 1,602

7,16 5829-100000007695-P 2,758

16 5830-100000007697-P 0
6 5831-100000007698-P 0
16 5832-100000007699-P 0
6 5833-100000007700-P 0
16 5834-100000007701-P 2,411
6 5835-100000007702-P 2,162
16 5836-100000007703-P 1,377
6 5837-100000007704-P 1,201
16 5838-100000007705-P 1,722

16,17 5840-100000007707-P 3,443

6 5841-100000007708-P 3,003
16,17 5842-100000007709-P 1,551
6 5843-100000007710-P 1,322
7 5844-100000007711-P 1,377
5845-100000007712-P 1,201

18 5847-100000007713-P 2,066
6 5848-100000007714-P 3,204
19 5849-100000007715-P 0
6 5850-100000007716-P 0

10,20 5852-45125036-PS1 0

5854-100000007719-P 7,200
5855-100000007720-P 11,500

5857-100000007723-P 2,400
23 5858-100000007725-P 800
23 5859-100000007726-P 1,200
5860-100000007727-P 2,400
5861-100000007728-P 200
5862-100000007729-P 200

5864-100000007730-P 1,500
5865-100000007731-P 5,000
5866-100000007732-P 2,250
5867-100000007733-P 200

5869-100000007736-P 2,000
5870-100000007737-P 7,000

5872-100000007741-P 2,758

21,27,28,29 5874-100000007743-P 3,204

21,27,28,29 5875-100000007744-P 3,940
5876-100000007745-P 5,400

28 5878-100000007746-P 601
28 5879-100000007747-P 750
29 5880-100000007748-P 601
29 5881-100000007749-P 750

20,30 5883-100000007750-P 2,755

1 5884-100000007684-P 4,753

13 5886-45127019-PS1 27,547
6 5887-100000007885-P 9,000
6 5888-100000007886-P 24,300
6 5889-100000007887-P 30,600
6 5890-100000007888-P 36,000

13,21 5892-100000007906-P 12,053

6 5893-100000007907-P 19,300
6 5894-100000007908-P 52,110
6 5895-100000007909-P 65,620
6 5896-100000007910-P 77,200
5,21 5897-100000007911-P 13,500

10,15 5899-100000007900-P 37,600

21 5900-100000007901-P 6,544
8,9,21 5901-100000007916-P 9,429
6,10 5902-100000007917-P 15,214
6,10 5903-100000007918-P 41,077
6,10 5904-100000007919-P 51,726
6,10 5905-100000007920-P 60,854
9,12,21 5906-100000007921-P 10,229

5908-45124985-PS1 290
10 5909-100000007665-P 1,520
5910-45125009-PS1 2,755
6,15 5911-100000007670-P 800
16 5912-45125013-PS1 5,509
6 5913-100000007671-P 1,600
16 5914-45125019-PS1 3,443
6 5915-100000007676-P 1,000
33 5916-45133873-PS1 3,008
5917-100000008499-P 700
35 5918-45125024-PS1 5,165
5919-100000008510-P 700
20 5920-45125026-PS1 0
8,9 5921-3RD-3000007308 3,499
11 5922-45125004-PS1 1,520
10 5923-100000007667-P 600
16 5924-3RD-1000000077 1,880
6 5925-100000007706-P 1,442
33 5926-3RD-1000000085 1,503
5927-100000008512-P 1,311
35 5928-3RD-1000000085 1,503
1,35 5929-100000008514-P 1,311
5930-100000007717-P 1,000
5931-3RD-1000000085 5,400
5932-3RD-1000000085 3,600
5933-3RD-1000000085 3,600
5934-3RD-1000000085 26,100
23 5935-3RD-1000000077 900
5936-3RD-1000000077 1,800
5937-3RD-1000000077 5,600
5938-3RD-1000000077 2,500
5939-3RD-1000000077 225
5940-3RD-1000000077 2,000
5941-3RD-1000000077 7,000
5942-100000008523-P 376
6 5943-100000007696-P 2,403
5944-100000008526-P 1,737
5945-45127018-PS1 19,973
15 5946-100000007880-P 5,800
15 5947-100000007882-P 15,660
15 5948-100000007883-P 19,720
15 5949-100000007884-P 23,200
5,7A,31 5950-45127020-PS1 26,171
5,7A 5951-100000007889-P 7,600
5,7A 5952-100000007891-P 25,840
5,7A 5953-100000007892-P 30,400
8,9,31 5954-45127021-PS1 26,866
10,15 5955-100000007893-P 7,800
10,15 5956-100000007894-P 21,060
10,15 5957-100000007895-P 26,520
10,15 5958-100000007896-P 31,200
9,12,31 5959-45127022-PS1 32,381
10,15 5960-100000007897-P 9,400
10,15 5961-100000007898-P 25,380
10,15 5962-100000007899-P 31,960
5,7A 5963-100000007890-P 20,520
6 5964-100000007902-P 11,211
6 5965-100000007903-P 30,267
6 5966-100000007904-P 38,114
6 5967-100000007905-P 44,840
6 5968-100000007912-P 17,500
6 5969-100000007913-P 47,250
6 5970-100000007914-P 59,500
6 5971-100000007915-P 70,000
9,12,21 5972-3RD-1000000079 11,169
6,10 5973-100000007922-P 16,015
6,10 5974-100000007923-P 43,239
6,10 5975-100000007924-P 54,449
6,10 5976-100000007925-P 64,058
5977-100000007654-P 5,000
5978-100000007944-P 11,805
5979-100000007945-P 14,864
5980-100000007946-P 17,487
5981-100000007683-P 9,608
5982-100000007947-P 28,330
5983-100000007948-P 35,674
5984-100000007949-P 41,969

5986-45136257-PS1 3,596
6, 10 5987-100000008698-P 795
5988-45136254-PS1 8,096
5989-100000008696-P 1,799
1 5990-3000008136-PS1 53,996
2 5991-100000008790-P 11,995
5992-3000008137-PS1 44,996
5993-45136261-PS1 10,796
2 5994-100000008792-P 2,395
5995-45136262-PS1 10,796
2 5996-100000008793-P 2,395
5997-45136263-PS1 10,796
2 5998-100000008794-P 2,395
16 5999-45145954-PS1 0
6000-100000009781-P 0
36 6001-45133876-PS1 0
6002-100000009782-P 0
6003-45145956-PS1 9,900
6004-100000009309-P 2,200
6005-45145958-PS1 2,250
6006-100000009330-P 500
6007-45145961-PS1 2,250
6008-100000009331-P 500
6009-3000008150-PS1 1,600
6010-100000009341-P 1,200
6011-3000008151-PS1 3,600
6012-100000009342-P 2,750
16 6013-100000008527-P 0
6 6014-100000009511-P 0
16 6015-100000009512-P 0
6 6016-100000009513-P 0
6017-100000009332-P 4,500
6018-100000009334-P 5,063
6019-100000009335-P 800
6020-100000009336-P 540
6021-100000009338-P 800
6022-100000009339-P 540
6023-100000009165-P 8,300
21,27,28,2921,27,28,29 5,200
21,27,28,2921,27,28,29 3,600
6026-100000009307-P 5,400
6027-3RD-1000000085 3,600
6028-3RD-1000000085 3,600
6029-3RD-1000000085 3,600
5 6030-3RD-1000000083 2,700
5 6031-3RD-1000000083 1,800
2 6034-458-000-495-PS1 0

1,2,3,4 6036-457-100-245-PS1 6,750

5,6 6037-457-100-248-PS1 630
7 6038-456-102-307-PS1 1,663
8,9 6039-456-104-244-PS1 1,716
10,11 6040-456-100-246-PS1 5,479
12,13 6041-456-100-422-PS1 68
14,15 6042-456-106-022-PS1 1,032
14,15 6043-456-106-023-PS1 2,742
16 6044-456-100-427-PS1 1,800
17,19 6045-456-100-439-PS1 9,000
18 6046-456-100-388-PS1 3,426
19,20,21 6047-456-100-389-PS1 20,532
19,20,21 6048-456-100-390-PS1 20,532
19,20,21 6049-456-100-391-PS1 20,532
22, 23, 24,25 6050-456-105-032-PS1 3,768
26 6051-456-105-030-PS1 1,716
26 6052-456-105-031-PS1 1,716

6054-457-100-246-PS1 33,750
6055-457-100-247-PS1 101,250
6056-456-102-308-PS1 7,875
6057-456-102-309-PS1 23,625
6058-456-102-314-PS1 2,250
6059-456-102-313-PS1 2,250
6060-456-102-310-PS1 4,950
6061-456-102-311-PS1 24,750
6062-456-102-312-PS1 74,250
6063-456-102-315-PS1 9,000
6064-456-102-316-PS1 675
6065-456-102-317-PS1 3,375
6066-456-102-318-PS1 10,125
6067-AX-PS1 15

6069-456-100-463-PS1 2,699
6070-456-100-464-PS1 7,470
6071-456-100-465-PS1 12,150
6072-456-100-466-PS1 20,250
6073-456-100-467-PS1 35,550
6074-456-100-468-PS1 56,700
6075-456-100-470-PS1 91,800
6076-456-100-471-PS1 195,300
6077-456-100-457-PS1 7,200
6078-456-100-458-PS1 5,670
6079-456-100-460-PS1 4,590
6080-456-100-461-PS1 4,300
6081-456-101-181-PS1 2,250
6082-456-101-671-PS1 4,500
6083-456-101-672-PS1 7,200
6084-456-100-423-PS1 1,080
6085-456-100-425-PS1 450
6086-456-100-376-PS1 630
6087-456-100-378-PS1 4,500
6088-456-100-379-PS1 9,000
6089-456-100-380-PS1 13,500
6090-456-100-381-PS1 22,500
6091-456-100-426-PS1 900
6092-456-100-386-PS1 4,500
6093-456-100-428-PS1 180
6094-456-100-429-PS1 855
6095-456-100-431-PS1 4,050
6096-456-100-434-PS1 15,300
6097-456-100-497-PS1 2,700
6098-456-100-393-PS1 270
6099-456-100-394-PS1 1,350
6100-456-100-395-PS1 6,413
6101-456-100-397-PS1 57,375
6102-456-100-496-PS1 3,600
6103-456-101-214-PS1 4,500
6104-456-100-377-PS1 4,500
6105-456-100-440-PS1 11,700
6106-456-100-441-PS1 20,700
6107-456-100-443-PS1 34,200
6108-456-100-444-PS1 76,500
6109-456-100-402-PS1 9,000
6110-456-101-670-PS1 2,250
6111-456-101-286-PS1 6,750
6112-456-101-282-PS1 22,950
6113-456-101-287-PS1 47,250
6114-456-101-278-PS1 81,000
6115-456-101-284-PS1 202,500
6116-456-101-279-PS1 540,000
6117-456-101-673-PS1 6,750
6118-456-101-283-PS1 5,738
6119-456-101-288-PS1 4,725
6120-456-101-281-PS1 4,500
6121-456-101-285-PS1 3,375
6122-456-101-280-PS1 2,700
6123-456-101-289-PS1 4,500
6124-456-100-407-PS1 3,600
6125-456-100-408-PS1 7,200
6126-456-100-409-PS1 16,200
6127-456-100-410-PS1 61,200
6128-456-100-418-PS1 6,750
6129-456-100-454-PS1 4,500

6131-456-100-711-PS1 10,800
6132-456-100-712-PS1 37,800
6133-456-100-713-PS1 1,238
6134-456-100-714-PS1 10,395
6135-456-100-715-PS1 72,000
6136-456-100-716-PS1 1,440
6137-456-100-717-PS1 11,250
6138-456-100-718-PS1 79,200
6139-456-100-719-PS1 9,000
6140-456-100-720-PS1 2,070
6141-456-100-721-PS1 14,400
6142-456-100-723-PS1 900
6143-456-100-724-PS1 5,400
6144-456-100-725-PS1 3,150
6145-456-100-726-PS1 2,160
6146-456-100-727-PS1 9,360
6147-456-100-728-PS1 11,700
6148-456-100-729-PS1 25,740
6149-456-100-730-PS1 52,470
6150-456-100-731-PS1 14,760
6151-456-100-732-PS1 1,080
6152-456-100-733-PS1 2,250
6153-456-100-734-PS1 6,750
6154-456-100-735-PS1 5,000
6155-456-100-736-PS1 500
6156-456-100-737-PS1 3,600
6157-456-100-738-PS1 25,200
6158-456-100-740-PS1 13,500
6159-456-100-741-PS1 13,500
6160-456-100-743-PS1 1,125
6161-456-100-748-PS1 5,000
6162-456-100-750-PS1 4,500
6163-456-100-754-PS1 4,500
6164-456-100-756-PS1 5,000
6165-456-100-764-PS1 5,000
6166-456-100-766-PS1 5,000
6167-456-100-768-PS1 5,000
6168-456-100-772-PS1 10,000
6169-456-100-774-PS1 2,700

6171-456-010-530-PS1 2,195
6172-456-010-516-PS1 477
6173-456-010-518-PS1 1,616
6174-456-100-092-PS1 2,786
6175-456-010-526-PS1 899

6177-ER-BZDOC-VWR 75
6178-ER-CD-VWR-AV- 200
6179-ER-CLIENT-PS1 200
6180-ER-MS-PRJVWR- 4,500
6181-ER-RT-CLT-UP-P 75
6182-ERCD-VWRAVP- 360
6184-ERCD-VWRAVSP 4,500
6185-ERM-SRVR-SQL- 75
6186-ERM-SRVR-SYB- 75
6187-ERMIM-INTSVC- 9,000
6188-IRM-EROOM-PS1 22,500

6190-XT-AX-DSE-PS1 81,000
6191-XT-AX-OSE-PS1 247,500

6195-420542-PS1 102
6196-420543-PS1 481
6197-420544-PS1 1,216
6198-420545-PS1 1,772
6199-420546-PS1 3,291
6200-420547-PS1 6,076
6201-420548-PS1 8,355
6202-420549-PS1 10,127
6203-420550-PS1 12,659
6204-420551-PS1 22,785
6205-420621-PS1 40,507
6206-420597-PS1 61
6207-420598-PS1 289
6208-420599-PS1 729
6209-420600-PS1 1,063
6210-420601-PS1 1,975
6211-420602-PS1 3,646
6212-420603-PS1 5,013
6213-420604-PS1 6,076
6214-420605-PS1 7,595
6215-420606-PS1 13,671
6216-420607-PS1 24,304

6218-007014MIU-PS1 11
6219-007015MIU-PS1 48
6220-007016MIU-PS1 122
6221-007017MIU-PS1 177
6222-007018MIU-PS1 330
6223-007019MIU-PS1 608
6224-007020MIU-PS1 836
6225-007021MIU-PS1 1,013
6226-007022MIU-PS1 1,266
6227-007023MIU-PS1 2,279
6228-007024MIU-PS1 4,051

6230-LIC-EP-4-PS1 40,029
6231-LIC-EP-8-PS1 120,086
6232-LIC-EP-12-PS1 170,122
6233-LIC-EP-16-PS1 190,137
6234-LIC-EP-32-PS1 240,171
6235-SLA-GLD-4-PS1 0
6236-SLA-GLD-8-PS1 0
6237-SLA-GLD-12-PS1 0
6238-SLA-GLD-16-PS1 0
6239-SLA-GLD-32-PS1 0
6240-SLA-PLT-4-PS1 0
6241-SLA-PLT-8-PS1 0
6242-SLA-PLT-12-PS1 0
6243-SLA-PLT-16-PS1 0
6244-SLA-PLT-32-PS1 0
6247-TR-CBT-1000-PS 0
6248-MNT-PLT-GLD-3Y 16,200

6250-ESPS1 23
6251-UPS-1000-OL-DS 974
6252-XG-PCS-15-R-DS 444

6254-45066641-PS1 1,000
6255-45113027-PS1 6,750
6256-45112179 3,055
6257-45112181 4,513
6258-100000006350-P 899
6259-100000006365-P 809
6260-100000006366-P 630
6261-100000006367-P 900
6262-100000006352-P 200
6263-100000006354-P 1,500
6264-3000005763-PS1 0
6265-3000005765-PS1 2,875
6266-3000005766-PS1 2,125
6267-3000008181-PS1 20
6268-3000008182-PS1 241
6269-3000008183-PS1 722
6270-3000008184-PS1 963
6271-3000008185-PS1 1,203

6273-OARDAAR5EP-P 194
6274-OAFAAAST-PS1 8,071
6275-3RD-OPENAXES 250

6279-420553-PS1 334
6280-420554-PS1 1,515
6281-420555-PS1 4,216
6282-420556-PS1 6,747
6283-420557-PS1 10,123
6284-420558-PS1 12,655
6285-420559-PS1 17,718
6286-420560-PS1 20,250
6287-420561-PS1 23,625
6288-420562-PS1 33,752
6289-420563-PS1 63,289
6290-420564-PS1 109,703
6291-420565-PS1 0
6292-420608-PS1 201
6293-420609-PS1 909
6294-420610-PS1 2,530
6295-420611-PS1 4,049
6296-420612-PS1 6,074
6297-420613-PS1 7,593
6298-420614-PS1 10,631
6299-420615-PS1 12,150
6300-420616-PS1 14,175
6301-420617-PS1 20,252
6302-420618-PS1 37,974
6303-420619-PS1 65,822

6305-007025MIU-PS1 30
6306-007026MIU-PS1 135
6307-007027MIU-PS1 422
6308-007028MIU-PS1 675
6309-007029MIU-PS1 1,013
6310-007030MIU-PS1 1,266
6311-007031MIU-PS1 1,772
6312-007032MIU-PS1 2,025
6313-007033MIU-PS1 2,363
6314-007034MIU-PS1 3,376
6315-007035MIU-PS1 6,329
6316-007036MIU-PS1 10,971
6319-FED-SP-00300-P 90

6321-FSD-SV-99999-P 18,000
6322-FSD-SV-99999-H 9,000
6323-FSD-SV-99999-D 4,500
6324-FSD-SPK-99999- 1,800

6326-FSE-SV-99999-P 18,000
6327-FSE-SV-99999-H 9,000
6328-FSE-SV-99999-D 4,500
6329-FSE-SPK-99999- 1,800

6331-FSN-SV-99999-P 18,000
6332-FSN-SV-99999-H 9,000
6333-FSN-SV-99999-D 4,500
6334-FSN-SPK-99999- 1,800

6336-FSDS-SV-99999- 9,000
6337-FSDS-SV-99999- 4,500
6338-FSDS-SV-99999- 2,250
6339-FSDS-SPK-99999 1,800

6341-AGTS-DEN-0100 45
6342-AGTS-DEN-0500 32
6343-AGTS-DEN-1000 23
6344-AGTS-DEN-9999 9

6346-AGT-NSTD-MPP- 9
6347-AGT-NSTD-VSD- 9
6351-AGT-NSTD-PSD- 9
6352-AGT-CAD-DWG- 18
6353-AGT-CAD-DWG64 18
6354-AGT-CAD-DWGE 18
6355-AGT-CAD-DWGL 18
6356-AGT-CAD-DWGM 18
6357-AGT-CAD-DWGM 18
6358-AGT-CAD-CAT-P 18
6359-AGT-CAD-UNV-P 18
6360-AGT-CAD-PRTW- 18
6361-AGT-CAD-PRTW6 18
6362-AGT-CAD-PRTI-P 18
6363-AGT-CAD-ED-PS 18
6364-AGT-CAD-SLD-P 18
6365-AGT-CAD-SLD64 18
6371-AGT-CAD-VMOC 18
6372-AGT-CAD-JT2GO 18
6374-FSP-SV-99999-P 9,000
6375-FSP-SV-99999-H 4,500
6376-FSP-SV-99999-D 2,250
6377-FSP-CL-01000-P 9
6378-FSP-CL-05000-P 6
6379-FSP-CL-10000-P 5
6380-FSP-CL-99999-P 2

6382-FSS-EN-99999-P 9,000
6383-FSS-CL-01000-P 9
6384-FSS-CL-05000-P 6
6385-FSS-CL-10000-P 5
6386-FSS-CL-99999-P 2

6388-FUT-SV-99999-P 9,000
6389-FUT-SV-99999-H 4,500

6391-FMS-GW-99999- 4,500
6392-FMS-GW-99999- 2,250
6393-FMS-GW-99999- 1,125
6394-FMS-VWA-01000 14
6395-FMS-VWA-05000 13
6396-FMS-VWA-10000 12
6397-FMS-VWA-99999 11
6398-FMS-VWI-01000- 14
6399-FMS-VWI-05000- 13
6400-FMS-VWI-10000- 12
6401-FMS-VWI-99999- 11

6403-CAN-PM-99999-P 9,000
6404-CAN-PM-99999-H 4,500
6405-CAN-PM-99999-D 2,250
6406-CAN-DEP-01000- 9
6407-CAN-DEP-05000- 6
6408-CAN-DEP-10000- 5
6409-CAN-DEP-99999- 2
6410-CAD-DEP-01000- 9
6411-CAD-DEP-05000- 6
6412-CAD-DEP-10000- 5
6413-CAD-DEP-99999- 2
6414-CAE-DEP-01000- 9
6415-CAE-DEP-05000- 6
6416-CAE-DEP-10000- 5
6417-CAE-DEP-99999- 2
6418-CAP-DEP-01000- 9
6419-CAP-DEP-05000- 6
6420-CAP-DEP-10000- 5
6421-CAP-DEP-99999- 2

6424-420751-PS1 82
6425-420752-PS1 393
6426-420753-PS1 989
6427-420754-PS1 1,443
6428-420755-PS1 2,681
6429-420756-PS1 4,949
6430-420757-PS1 6,805
6431-420758-PS1 8,248
6432-420759-PS1 10,311
6433-420760-PS1 18,559
6434-420761-PS1 32,994
6435-420762-PS1 48
6436-420763-PS1 121
6437-420764-PS1 238
6438-420765-PS1 495
6439-420766-PS1 1,168

6441-007170MIU-PS1 18
6442-007171MIU-PS1 86
6443-007172MIU-PS1 216
6444-007173MIU-PS1 315
6445-007174MIU-PS1 585
6446-007175MIU-PS1 1,080
6447-007176MIU-PS1 1,485
6448-007177MIU-PS1 1,800
6449-007178MIU-PS1 2,250
6450-007179MIU-PS1 4,050
6451-007180MIU-PS1 7,200

6 6454-DSR-SWA-001-P 360
7 6455-FSS-SWA-HCA-P 7,825
3,7 6456-FSS-SWA-HCA-T 3,913
1 6457-FSS-SWI-005-PS 9,000
1,3 6458-FSS-SWI-005-T- 4,918
1 6459-FSS-SWI-010-PS 11,250
1 6460-FSS-SWI-025-PS 19,000
1 6461-FSS-SWI-050-PS 35,408
1 6462-FSS-SWI-100-PS 61,750
1 6463-FSS-SWI-250-PS 118,750
1 6464-FSS-SWI-500-PS 166,250
1 6465-FSS-SWI-MIL-PS 231,682
1 6466-FSS-SWA-005-PS 9,399
1 6467-FSS-SWA-010-PS 11,322
1 6468-FSS-SWA-025-PS 17,967
1 6469-FSS-SWA-050-PS 34,675
1 6470-FSS-SWA-100-PS 58,425
1 6471-FSS-SWA-250-PS 107,055
1 6472-FSS-SWA-500-PS 147,795
1 6473-FSS-SWA-MIL-PS 201,039

8,9 6475-DSR-MTA-001-PS 70
8,9 6476-FSS-MTI-005-PS 1,771
3,8,9 6477-FSS-MTI-005-T-P 1,771
8,9 6478-FSS-MTI-010-PS 2,164
8,9 6479-FSS-MTI-025-PS 3,463
8,9 6480-FSS-MTI-050-PS 6,374
8,9 6481-FSS-MTI-100-PS 11,174
8,9 6482-FSS-MTI-250-PS 21,324
8,9 6483-FSS-MTI-500-PS 29,507
8,9 6484-FSS-MTI-MIL-PS 41,703
8,9 6485-FSS-MTA-005-PS 1,692
8,9 6486-FSS-MTA-010-PS 2,038
8,9 6487-FSS-MTA-025-PS 3,234
8,9 6488-FSS-MTA-050-PS 5,893
8,9 6489-FSS-MTA-100-PS 10,222
8,9 6490-FSS-MTA-250-PS 19,270
8,9 6491-FSS-MTA-500-PS 26,603
8,9 6492-FSS-MTA-MIL-PS 36,187

2,7,15 6494-FCS-CON-APX-P 8,700

2,3,7,15 6495-FCS-CON-APX-T 4,351
2,4,7,13 6496-FCS-CON-DCM-P 8,700
2,3,4,7,16 6497-FCS-CON-DCM-T 4,351
2,3,4,7 6498-FCS-CON-DCW-T 4,351
2,7 6499-FCS-CON-DIG-P 8,700
2,3,7,16 6500-FCS-CON-DIG-T- 4,351
2,7 6501-FCS-CON-DOC-P 8,700
2,4,7,14 6502-FCS-CON-FPY-P 8,700
2,3,4,7,14 6503-FCS-CON-FPY-T 4,351
2,7 6504-FCS-CON-IMN-P 8,700
2,3,7,16 6505-FCS-CON-IMN-T- 4,351
2,7 6506-FCS-CON-LSF-P 8,700
2,3,7,16 6507-FCS-CON-LSF-T- 4,351
2,4,7,14 6508-FCS-CON-LWN-P 8,700
2,3,4,7,14 6509-FCS-CON-LWN-T 4,975
2,7 6510-FCS-CON-ONB-P 8,700
2,3,4,7 6511-FCS-CON-ONB-T 4,351
2,7 6512-FCS-CON-SHP-P 8,700
2,3,7 6513-FCS-CON-SHP-T 4,351
2,7 6514-FCS-CON-WBS-P 4,329
2,3,7 6515-FCS-CON-WBS-T 2,164

2,8,9 6517-FCM-CON-APX-P 1,567

2,3,8,9 6518-FCM-CON-APX-T 1,567
2,8,9 6519-FCM-CON-DCM- 1,567
2,3,8,9 6520-FCM-CON-DCM-T 1,567
2,3,8,9 6521-FCM-CON-DCW-T 1,567
2,8,9 6522-FCM-CON-DIG-P 1,567
2,3,8,9 6523-FCM-CON-DIG-T 1,567
2,8,9 6524-FCM-CON-DOC- 1,567
2,8,9 6525-FCM-CON-FPY-P 1,567
2,3,8,9 6526-FCM-CON-FPY-T 1,567
2,8,9 6527-FCM-CON-IMN-P 1,567
2,3,8,9 6528-FCM-CON-IMN-T 1,567
2,8,9 6529-FCM-CON-LSF-P 1,567
2,3,8,9 6530-FCM-CON-LSF-T 1,567
2,8,9 6531-FCM-CON-LWN- 1,567
2,3,8,9 6532-FCM-CON-LWN-T 1,567
2,8,9 6533-FCM-CON-ONB-P 1,567
2,3,8,9 6534-FCM-CON-ONB-T 1,567
2,8,9 6535-FCM-CON-SHP-P 1,567
2,3,8,9 6536-FCM-CON-SHP-T 1,567
2,8,9 6537-FCM-CON-WBS- 779
2,3,8,9 6538-FCM-CON-WBS-T 779

5,8,9,11,12 6540-ATF-MTL-025-PS 541

5,8,9,11,12 6541-ATF-MTL-050-PS 867
5,8,9,11,12 6542-ATF-MTL-075-PS 1,039
5,8,9,11,12 6543-ATF-MTL-150-PS 1,455
5,8,9,11,12 6544-ATF-MTL-250-PS 1,940
5,8,9,11,12 6545-ATF-MTL-UNL-PS 2,328
5,8,9,11,12 6546-EFM-MTL-025-PS 2,164
5,8,9,11,12 6547-EFM-MTL-050-PS 3,463
5,8,9,11,12 6548-EFM-MTL-075-PS 4,155
5,8,9,11,12 6549-EFM-MTL-150-PS 5,817
5,8,9,11,12 6550-EFM-MTL-250-PS 7,756
5,8,9,11,12 6551-EFM-MTL-UNL-P 9,307
5,8,9,11,12 6552-IMG-MTL-025-PS 390
5,8,9,11,12 6553-IMG-MTL-050-PS 623
5,8,9,11,12 6554-IMG-MTL-075-PS 748
5,8,9,11,12 6555-IMG-MTL-150-PS 1,048
5,8,9,11,12 6556-IMG-MTL-250-PS 1,397
5,8,9,11,12 6557-IMG-MTL-UNL-PS 1,676
5,8,9,11,12 6558-WKF-MTL-025-PS 757
5,8,9,11,12 6559-WKF-MTL-050-PS 1,213
5,8,9,11,12 6560-WKF-MTL-075-PS 1,455
5,8,9,11,12 6561-WKF-MTL-150-PS 2,034
5,8,9,11,12 6562-WKF-MTL-250-PS 2,715
5,8,9,11,12 6563-WKF-MTL-UNL-P 3,257

2 6565-3RD-FCS-CPS-C 2,003
2,3 6566-3RD-FCS-CPS-C 1,001
23,24,25 6567-3RD-PRO-PKG-G 19,238
23,24,25 6568-3RD-PRO-PKG-P 25,650
23,24,25 6569-3RD-PRO-PKG-S 12,825
23,24 6570-3RD-PRO-SVR-1 189
18 6571-3RD-TNG-ONS-A 1,710
17 6572-3RD-TNG-ONS-B 2,138
20 6573-3RD-TNG-WEB-A 950
19 6574-3RD-TNG-WEB-B 1,188
22 6576-TNG-DVD-ADV-P 1,600
21 6577-TNG-DVD-BSC-P 2,000

6580-420656-PS1 506
6581-420657-PS1 2,406
6582-420658-PS1 6,078
6583-420659-PS1 8,864
6584-420660-PS1 16,462
6585-420661-PS1 30,391
6586-420662-PS1 41,788
6587-420663-PS1 50,652
6588-420664-PS1 63,315
6589-420665-PS1 113,967
6590-420666-PS1 164,619

6592-420650-PS1 1,435
6593-420651-PS1 6,332

6595-421090-PS1 564
6596-421087-PS1 451
6597-421088-PS1 451
6598-421089-PS1 451
6599-421090MS-PS1 120
6600-421087MS-PS1 96
6601-421088MS-PS1 96
6602-421089MS-PS1 96

6604-420321-PS1 728
6605-420322-PS1 728
6606-420377-PS1 874
6607-420395-PS1 929
6608-420422-PS1 929
6609-420455-PS1 929
6610-420452-PS1 1,080

6612-420376-PS1 1,600
6613-420396-PS1 3,179
6614-420423-PS1 1,549
6615-420456-PS1 1,549
6616-420453-PS1 1,549
6617-420454-PS1 58

6619-420652-PS1 430
6620-420653-PS1 1,900
6621-420654-PS1 3,799
6622-420655-PS1 1,140

6624-420325-PS1 307
6625-420326-PS1 1,457
6626-420327-PS1 3,680
6627-420328-PS1 4,590
6628-420329-PS1 8,524
6629-420330-PS1 15,737
6630-420331-PS1 21,639
6631-420332-PS1 26,230
6632-420333-PS1 32,899
6633-420474-PS1 72,000
6634-420476-PS1 108,000
6635-420678-PS1 540
6636-420679-PS1 900
6637-420680-PS1 540
6638-006966MIU-PS1 84
6639-006967MIU-PS1 140
6640-006968MIU-PS1 84

6642-006955MIU-PS1 81
6643-006956MIU-PS1 385
6644-006957MIU-PS1 972
6645-006958MIU-PS1 1,416
6646-006959MIU-PS1 2,630
6647-006960MIU-PS1 4,855
6648-006961MIU-PS1 6,677
6649-006962MIU-PS1 8,093
6650-006963MIU-PS1 10,116
6651-006964MIU-PS1 18,209
6652-006965MIU-PS1 26,302
6653-006952MIU-PS1 101
6654-006953MIU-PS1 230
6655-006954MIU-PS1 1,012
6656-006970MIU-PS1 135
6657-006971MIU-PS1 135
6658-006975MIU-PS1 163
6659-006972MIU-PS1 163
6660-006976MIU-PS1 163
6661-006978MIU-PS1 163
6662-006981MIU-PS1 163
6663-006973MIU-PS1 270
6664-006974MIU-PS1 512
6665-006977MIU-PS1 270
6666-006979MIU-PS1 270
6667-006982MIU-PS1 270
6668-006980MIU-PS1 11

6670-420667-PS1 271
6671-420668-PS1 1,286
6672-420669-PS1 3,247
6673-420670-PS1 4,736
6674-420671-PS1 8,794
6675-420672-PS1 16,234
6676-420673-PS1 22,323
6677-420674-PS1 27,057
6678-420675-PS1 33,823
6679-420676-PS1 67,645
6680-420677-PS1 101,468

6683-ENT-T1-PS1 3,427
6684-ENT-T2-PS1 6,426
6685-ENT-T3-PS1 17,136
6686-ENT-T4-PS1 64,260
6687-ENT-T5-PS1 85,680
6688-ENT-T6-PS1 192,780
6689-ENT-T7-PS1 364,140
6690-ENT-T8-PS1 685,440

6692-R-ENT-T1-PS1 686
6693-R-ENT-T2-PS1 1,285
6694-R-ENT-T3-PS1 3,427
6695-R-ENT-T4-PS1 12,852
6696-R-ENT-T5-PS1 17,136
6697-R-ENT-T6-PS1 38,556
6698-R-ENT-T7-PS1 72,828
6699-R-ENT-T8-PS1 137,088

1 6701-EXPP1-PS1 264
6702-EXPP2-PS1 1,128
6703-EXPP3-PS1 1,879
6704-EXPP4-PS1 4,134
6705-EXPP5-PS1 6,577
6706-EXPP6-PS1 7,516
6707-EXPP7-PS1 9,020
6708-EXPP8-PS1 14,093
6709-EXPP9-PS1 18,791
2 6710-EXPP-500PLUS- 0
1 6711-S-MEXPP1-PS1 53
6712-S-MEXPP2-PS1 225
6713-S-MEXPP3-PS1 376
6714-S-MEXPP4-PS1 826
6715-S-MEXPP5-PS1 1,316
6716-S-MEXPP6-PS1 1,503
6717-S-MEXPP7-PS1 1,803
6718-S-MEXPP8-PS1 2,820
6719-S-MEXPP9-PS1 3,759
2 6720-S-MEXPP-500PL 0

6722-IDEAMEM4M-PS 570
6723-IDEAMEM20M-PS 1,378
6724-IDEAMEM60M-PS 3,278
6725-IDEAMEM200M-P 5,178
6726-IDEAMEM1B-PS1 8,028
6727-IDEAMEM2B-PS1 16,150
6728-IDEAMEM2BP-PS 33,250
6729-CURVE4V-PS1 379
6730-CURVE4VCAL-P 1,519
6731-CURVE4VCOM-P 2,849
6732-3RD-G7MASTER 855
6733-3RD-G7MASTER 903
6734-3RD-G7MASTER 618
6735-3RD-G7MASTER 665
3 6736-3RD-G7MASTER 1,473
3 6737-3RD-G7MASTER 1,568
3 6738-3RD-G7MASTER 2,090
3 6739-3RD-G7MASTER 2,233
3 6740-3RD-G7MASTER 2,708
3 6741-3RD-G7MASTER 2,898
3 6742-3RD-G7MASTER 3,325
3 6743-3RD-G7MASTER 3,563
4 6744-3RD-G7MASTER 95
4 6745-3RD-G7MASTER 143
6746-3RD-CMPFUN-D 257
6747-3RD-CMPPREM- 257
6748-3RD-CMPDIGPR- 257
6749-3RD-CMPOFFPR 257
6750-3RD-CMPCREAT 257
6751-3RD-CMPSALE-D 257
1 6752-3RD-CMPMASTE 865
6753-3RD-G7PROCCO 430
6754-3RD-G7PROCCO 257
6755-3RD-SALESPRO 143
6756-3RD-SALESPROD 143
6757-3RD-HIRINGPRO 143
6758-3RD-MAILPROFU 145
6759-3RD-MAILPPRO 214
6760-3RD-IMWFPRO- 343
2 6761-3RD-TOTALTRAI 452
2 6762-3RD-TOTALTRAI 2,261
2 6763-3RD-TOTALTRAI 4,174
2 6764-3RD-TOTALTRAI 7,478
2 6765-3RD-TOTALTRAI 17,391

6767-IID-901-SM1-PS1 806

6769-KACRDES1-PS1 3,123
6770-M1-KACRDES1-P 715
6771-M2-KACRDES1-P 1,430
6772-M3-KACRDES1-P 2,145
6773-M4-KACRDES1-P 2,860
6774-M5-KACRDES1-P 3,575
6775-KACRUSR5-PS1 3,392
6776-M1-KACRUSR5-P 715
6777-M2-KACRUSR5-P 1,430
6778-M3-KACRUSR5-P 2,145
6779-M4-KACRUSR5-P 2,860
6780-M5-KACRUSR5-P 3,575
6781-KACRUSR20-PS1 10,854
6782-M1-KACRUSR20- 2,285
6783-M2-KACRUSR20- 4,570
6784-M3-KACRUSR20- 6,855
6785-M4-KACRUSR20- 9,140
6786-M5-KACRUSR20- 11,425
6787-KACRUSR50-PS1 20,354
6788-M1-KACRUSR50- 4,285
6789-M2-KACRUSR50- 8,570
6790-M3-KACRUSR50- 12,855
6791-M4-KACRUSR50- 17,140
6792-M5-KACRUSR50- 21,425
6793-KACRUSR100-PS 27,142
6794-M1-KACRUSR100 5,714
6795-M2-KACRUSR100 11,428
6796-M3-KACRUSR100 17,142
6797-M4-KACRUSR100 22,856
6798-M5-KACRUSR100 28,570
6799-3RD-KACR-RPS- 2,850

6802-AE-T024-001U-P 1,989
6803-AE-T024-005U-P 9,630
6804-AE-T024-010U-P 19,260
6805-AE-T024-020U-P 37,980
6806-AE-T024-050U-P 94,500
6807-AE-T024-100U-P 180,000
6808-AE-T024-500U-P 832,500
6809-AE-T024-001K-P 1,597,500
6810-AE-Y024-300K-P 1,440
6811-AE-Y024-600K-P 2,646
6812-AE-Y024-001M-P 3,951
6813-AE-Y024-002M-P 7,416
6814-AE-Y024-005M-P 18,540
6815-AE-Y024-010M-P 33,300
6816-AE-Y024-020M-P 66,600
6817-AE-Y024-060M-P 199,800
6818-AE-Y024-120M-P 399,600
6819-AE-VP01-002M-P 6,300
6820-AE-VP01-010M-P 28,350
6821-AE-Y099-060K-P 896
6822-AEY024U060K30 2,916
6823-AEY024U150K30 1,575
6824-KOFAX-MEDIA-C 900
6825-AE-0000-0001-PS 450
6827-EE-T024-001U-P 2,592
6828-EE-T024-005U-P 12,600
6829-EE-T024-010U-P 25,110
6830-EE-T024-020U-P 49,410
6831-EE-T024-050U-P 122,850
6832-EE-T024-100U-P 234,000
6833-EE-T024-500U-P 1,082,250
6834-EE-T024-001K-P 2,076,750
6835-EE-Y024-600K-P 3,447
6836-EE-Y024-001M-P 5,139
6837-EE-Y024-002M-P 9,720
6838-EE-Y024-005M-P 24,120
6839-EE-Y024-010M-P 43,290
6840-EE-Y024-020M-P 86,580
6841-EE-Y024-060M-P 259,740
6842-EE-Y024-120M-P 519,480
6843-EE-VP01-002M-P 8,190
6844-EE-VP01-010M-P 36,900

6846-AE-T018-0008-PS 2,800
6847-EE-M024-001M-P 4,500
6848-EE-M024-005M-P 13,500
6849-EE-M024-010M-P 25,200
6850-AE-M000-0001-P 9,000
6851-ES-M000-0001-P 9,000
6852-AE-VY21-300K-P 2,925
6853-AE-VY21-600K-P 5,373
6854-AE-VY21-001M-P 8,568
6855-AE-VY21-002M-P 12,780
6856-AE-VY21-005M-P 21,150
6857-AE-VY21-010M-P 25,560
6858-AE-VY21-020M-P 38,340
6859-AE-VY21-060M-P 76,680
6860-AE-VY21-120M-P 138,060
6861-AE-T610-0000-PS 7,715
6862-AE-T610-0010-PS 10,800
6863-AE-T610-0020-PS 10,800
6864-AE-T610-0030-PS 13,500
6865-AE-T610-0040-PS 13,500
6866-AE-T610-0100-PS 26,910
6867-AE-T078-0000-PS 585
6868-AE-T026-0000-PS 1,305
6869-AE-T027-0000-PS 2,205
6870-UE-T078-0000-P 309
6871-UE-T026-0000-P 653
6872-UE-T027-0000-P 1,103
6873-DI-0000-0001-PS 22,500
6874-DI-0000-0023-PS 45,000
6875-DI-0000-0045-PS 90,000
6876-DI-0000-0067-PS 135,000
6877-DI-0000-0089-PS 180,000
6878-DI-0000-000U-PS 225,000
6879-AE-VY10-060K-P 522
6880-AE-VY10-300K-P 1,710
6881-AE-VY10-600K-P 2,187
6882-AE-VY10-001M-P 2,790
6883-AE-VY10-002M-P 4,680
6884-AE-VY10-005M-P 9,900
6885-AE-VY10-010M-P 16,200
6886-AE-VY10-020M-P 23,850
6887-AE-VY10-060M-P 43,200
6888-AE-VY10-120M-P 55,530
6889-AE-VP10-001M-P 2,475
6890-AE-VP10-002M-P 4,950
6891-AE-VP10-010M-P 24,750
6892-AE-Y505-060K-P 990
6893-AE-Y505-300K-P 2,250
6894-AE-Y505-600K-P 3,330
6895-AE-Y505-001M-P 4,230
6896-AE-Y505-002M-P 7,110
6897-AE-Y505-005M-P 9,000
6898-AE-Y505-010M-P 10,440
6899-AE-Y505-020M-P 13,230
6900-AE-Y505-060M-P 16,830
6901-AE-Y505-120M-P 18,630
6902-AE-P505-001M-P 3,780
6903-AE-P505-002M-P 7,560
6904-AE-P505-010M-P 37,800

6906-AE-T003-0207-PS 9,630
6907-AE-T003-0214-PS 25,560
6908-AE-T600-010K-P 1,737
6909-AE-T600-100K-P 7,200
6910-AE-T600-300K-P 10,800
6911-AE-T600-600K-P 18,000
6912-AE-T600-001M-P 24,300
6913-AE-T600-002M-P 36,000
6914-AE-T600-005M-P 72,000
6915-AE-T600-010M-P 92,700
6916-AE-T600-020M-P 143,100
6917-AE-T600-060M-P 330,300
6918-AE-T600-120M-P 508,500
6919-AE-P600-001M-P 20,700
6920-AE-P600-010M-P 79,200

6922-AE-T601-0000-PS 6,750
6923-AE-T602-0000-PS 12,150
6924-AE-T603-0000-PS 16,650
6925-AE-T604-0000-PS 20,700
6926-AE-T606-0000-PS 27,900
6927-AE-T608-0000-PS 34,200
6928-AE-T601U0602-P 5,400
6929-AE-T601U0603-P 9,900
6930-AE-T601U0604-P 13,950
6931-AE-T601U0606-P 21,150
6932-AE-T601U0608-P 27,450
6933-AE-T602U0603-P 4,500
6934-AE-T602U0604-P 8,550
6935-AE-T602U0606-P 15,750
6936-AE-T602U0608-P 22,050
6937-AE-T603U0604-P 4,050
6938-AE-T603U0606-P 11,250
6939-AE-T603U0608-P 17,550
6940-AE-T604U0606-P 7,200
6941-AE-T604U0608-P 13,500
6942-AE-T606U0608-P 6,300

6944-ES-T500-0000-PS 9,000
6945-ES-T502-001U-P 383
6946-ES-T502-0250-PS 315
6947-ES-T502-0500-PS 270
6948-ES-T502-1000-PS 248
6949-ES-T502-2000-PS 203
6950-ES-T503-001U-P 383
6951-ES-T503-001Q-P 270
6952-EV-0101-0000-PS 900

6954-VP-D005-0001-P 585
6955-VP-W005-0001-P 1,305
6956-VP-P005-0001-P 2,205
6957-VP-L005-0000-PS 5,400
6958-UP-D005-0001-P 293
6959-UP-W005-0001-P 653
6960-UP-P005-0001-P 1,103
6961-VP-M001-0001-P 9,000
6962-VP-M000-0001-P 4,500
6963-ES-5000-1002-PS 1,080
6964-ES-5000-9999-PS 2,520
6965-UP-5000-1002-PS 270
6966-TK-3000-2202-PS 3,600
6967-VR-4001-4010-PS 1,800
6968-VR-5001-4000-PS 2,295
6969-SC-1024-0000-PS 81
6970-SC-1026-0000-PS 90
6971-SC-1027-0000-PS 100
6972-SC-1028-0000-PS 90

6974-KX-DS00-0001-P 450
6975-KX-KS00-0001-P 1,350

6977-TC-M000-0002-P 9,000
6978-TC-M000-020U-P 4,500

1,2,3,5,7,11 6980-KP-ENT-SUB-KS 28,261

1,2,3,5,7,12 6981-KP-ENT-SUB-KB 56,522
1,2,3,5,7,13 6982-KP-ENT-SUB-KA 72,670
1,2,3,5,7,10,14 6983-KP-CM-LIC-S-PS 25,839
1,2,3,5,7,10,15 6984-KP-CM-LIC-M-PS 48,447
1,2,3,5,7,10,16 6985-KP-CM-LIC-L-PS 72,670
1,2,3,3,5,7 6986-KP-ENT-SUB-PK 16,149
1,2,3,5,7,18 6987-KP-ENT-SUB-EK 403
1,2,3,5,7 6988-KP-ENT-SUB-NP 3,230
1,2,3,5,7 6989-KP-ENT-SUB-DS 0
1,2,3,4,5,7 6990-KP-ENT-SUB-PK 15,341
1,2,3,4,5,7 6991-KP-ENT-SUB-PK 29,715
1,2,3,4,5,7 6992-KP-ENT-SUB-PK 43,117
1,2,3,4,5,7 6993-KP-ENT-SUB-PK 54,906
1,2,3,4,5,7 6994-KP-ENT-SUB-PK 66,211
1,2,3,4,5,7 6995-KP-ENT-SUB-PK 76,546
1,2,3,4,5,7 6996-KP-ENT-SUB-PK 85,913
1,2,3,4,5,7 6997-KP-ENT-SUB-PK 94,310
1,2,3,4,5,7 6998-KP-ENT-SUB-PK 101,738
1,2,3,4,5,7 6999-KP-ENT-SUB-PK 104,968
1,2,3,5,7 7000-KP-ENT-SUB-EKZ 3,836
1,2,3,5,7 7001-KP-ENT-SUB-EKZ 7,429
1,2,3,5,7 7002-KP-ENT-SUB-EKZ 10,779
1,2,3,5,7 7003-KP-ENT-SUB-EKZ 13,728
1,2,3,5,7 7004-KP-ENT-SUB-EKZ 16,553
1,2,3,5,7 7005-KP-ENT-SUB-EKZ 19,137
1,2,3,5,7 7006-KP-ENT-SUB-EKZ 21,479
1,2,3,5,7 7007-KP-ENT-SUB-EKZ 23,578
1,2,3,5,7 7008-KP-ENT-SUB-EKZ 25,434
1,2,3,5,7 7009-KP-ENT-SUB-EKZ 24,461
1,2,3,4,5,7 7010-KP-ENT-SUB-NP 3,069
1,2,3,4,5,7 7011-KP-ENT-SUB-NP 5,943
1,2,3,4,5,7 7012-KP-ENT-SUB-NP 8,624
1,2,3,4,5,7 7013-KP-ENT-SUB-NP 10,982
1,2,3,4,5,7 7014-KP-ENT-SUB-NP 13,243
1,2,3,4,5,7 7015-KP-ENT-SUB-NP 15,309
1,2,3,4,5,7 7016-KP-ENT-SUB-NP 17,183
1,2,3,4,5,7 7017-KP-ENT-SUB-NP 18,862
1,2,3,4,5,7 7018-KP-ENT-SUB-NP 20,348
1,2,3,4,5,7 7019-KP-ENT-SUB-NP 20,994
1,3,8,9,21 7020-KP-ENT-PER-KC 0
1,3,8,9,22 7021-KP-ENT-PER-KE 23,901
1,3,8,9,11 7022-KP-ENT-PER-KS 70,652
1,3,8,9,12 7023-KP-ENT-PER-KB 141,303
1,3,8,9,13 7024-KP-ENT-PER-KA 181,675
1,3,8,9 7025-KP-ENT-PER-PK 40,372
1,3,8,9,23 7026-KP-ENT-PER-EK 1,010
1,3,8,9 7027-KP-ENT-PER-NP 8,075
1,3,8,9 7028-KP-ENT-PER-DS 0
1,3,8,9 7029-KP-ENT-PER-PK 38,354
1,3,8,9 7030-KP-ENT-PER-PK 74,286
1,3,8,9 7031-KP-ENT-PER-PK 107,794
1,3,8,9 7032-KP-ENT-PER-PK 137,266
1,3,8,9 7033-KP-ENT-PER-PK 165,526
1,3,8,9 7034-KP-ENT-PER-PK 191,364
1,3,8,9 7035-KP-ENT-PER-PK 214,780
1,3,8,9 7036-KP-ENT-PER-PK 235,774
1,3,8,9 7037-KP-ENT-PER-PK 254,345
1,3,8,9 7038-KP-ENT-PER-PK 262,420
1,3,8,9 7039-KP-ENT-PER-EKZ 9,589
1,3,8,9 7040-KP-ENT-PER-EKZ 18,571
1,3,8,9 7041-KP-ENT-PER-EKZ 26,948
1,3,8,9 7042-KP-ENT-PER-EKZ 34,317
1,3,8,9 7043-KP-ENT-PER-EKZ 41,382
1,3,8,9 7044-KP-ENT-PER-EKZ 47,841
1,3,8,9 7045-KP-ENT-PER-EKZ 53,695
1,3,8,9 7046-KP-ENT-PER-EKZ 58,944
1,3,8,9 7047-KP-ENT-PER-EKZ 63,586
1,3,8,9 7048-KP-ENT-PER-EKZ 65,606
1,3,8,9 7049-KP-ENT-PER-NP 7,671
1,3,8,9 7050-KP-ENT-PER-NP 14,857
1,3,8,9 7051-KP-ENT-PER-NP 21,559
1,3,8,9 7052-KP-ENT-PER-NP 27,453
1,3,8,9 7053-KP-ENT-PER-NP 33,106
1,3,8,9 7054-KP-ENT-PER-NP 38,272
1,3,8,9 7055-KP-ENT-PER-NP 42,956
1,3,8,9 7056-KP-ENT-PER-NP 47,155
1,3,8,9 7057-KP-ENT-PER-NP 50,869
1,3,8,9 7058-KP-ENT-PER-NP 52,484

7060-AE-Y522-030K-P 3,141
7061-AE-Y522-060K-P 4,932
7062-AE-Y522-120K-P 7,731
7063-AE-Y522-300K-P 14,040
7064-AE-Y522-600K-P 25,110
7065-AE-Y522-001M-P 37,620
7066-AE-Y522-002M-P 70,830
7067-AE-Y522-005M-P 145,710
7068-AE-Y522-010M-P 249,300
7069-AE-Y522-020M-P 391,230
7070-AE-Y522-060M-P 798,930
7071-AE-Y522-120M-P 1,253,610
7072-AE-P522-001M-P 27,450
7073-AE-P522-002M-P 45,990
7074-AE-P522-010M-P 143,010
7075-AE-Y523-010K-P 3,528
7076-AE-Y523-030K-P 7,200
7077-AE-Y523-060K-P 9,720
7078-AE-Y523-120K-P 17,730
7079-AE-Y523-300K-P 35,800
7080-AE-Y523-600K-P 57,600
7081-AE-Y523-001M-P 86,220
7082-AE-Y523-002M-P 162,360
7083-AE-Y523-005M-P 334,170
7084-AE-Y523-010M-P 571,770
7085-AE-Y523-020M-P 897,120
7086-AE-Y523-060M-P 1,832,220
7087-AE-Y523-120M-P 2,874,960
7088-AE-P523-001M-P 63,000
7089-AE-P523-002M-P 105,390
7090-AE-P523-010M-P 327,960
7091-AE-Y533-010K-P 1,233
7092-AE-Y533-030K-P 2,520
7093-AE-Y533-060K-P 3,969
7094-AE-Y533-120K-P 6,210
7095-AE-Y533-300K-P 11,340
7096-AE-Y533-600K-P 20,160
7097-AE-Y533-001M-P 30,240
7098-AE-Y533-002M-P 56,880
7099-AE-Y533-005M-P 117,000
7100-AE-Y533-010M-P 200,160
7101-AE-Y533-020M-P 314,010
7102-AE-Y533-060M-P 641,340
7103-AE-Y533-120M-P 1,006,290
7104-AE-P533-001M-P 22,050
7105-AE-P533-002M-P 36,900
7106-AE-P533-010M-P 114,840
7107-AE-VY86-030K-P 1,674
7108-AE-VY86-060K-P 2,628
7109-AE-VY86-120K-P 4,122
7110-AE-VY86-300K-P 7,479
7111-AE-VY86-600K-P 13,410
7112-AE-VY86-001M-P 20,070
7113-AE-VY86-002M-P 37,800
7114-AE-VY86-005M-P 77,760
7115-AE-VY86-010M-P 133,020
7116-AE-VY86-020M-P 208,710
7117-AE-VY86-060M-P 426,150
7118-AE-VY86-120M-P 668,610
7119-AE-VP86-001M-P 14,670
7120-AE-VP86-002M-P 24,570
7121-AE-VP86-010M-P 76,320
7122-AE-Y512-030K-P 63
7123-AE-Y512-060K-P 117
7124-AE-Y512-120K-P 234
7125-AE-Y512-300K-P 650
7126-AE-Y512-600K-P 1,161
7127-AE-Y512-001M-P 1,935
7128-AE-Y512-002M-P 3,870
7129-AE-Y512-005M-P 9,720
7130-AE-Y512-010M-P 19,350
7131-AE-Y512-020M-P 38,700
7132-AE-Y512-060M-P 116,010
7133-AE-Y512-120M-P 231,930
7134-AE-P512-001M-P 2,043
7135-AE-P512-002M-P 3,870
7136-AE-P512-010M-P 19,350
7137-AE-Y514-030K-P 1,296
7138-AE-Y514-060K-P 2,043
7139-AE-Y514-120K-P 3,195
7140-AE-Y514-300K-P 5,805
7141-AE-Y514-600K-P 10,440
7142-AE-Y514-001M-P 15,570
7143-AE-Y514-002M-P 29,250
7144-AE-Y514-005M-P 60,210
7145-AE-Y514-010M-P 102,960
7146-AE-Y514-020M-P 161,550
7147-AE-Y514-060M-P 329,850
7148-AE-Y514-120M-P 517,500
7149-AE-P514-001M-P 11,340
7150-AE-P514-002M-P 18,990
7151-AE-P514-010M-P 59,040
7152-AE-Y524-030K-P 2,160
7153-AE-Y524-060K-P 3,402
7154-AE-Y524-120K-P 5,319
7155-AE-Y524-300K-P 9,720
7156-AE-Y524-600K-P 17,280
7157-AE-Y524-001M-P 25,920
7158-AE-Y524-002M-P 48,780
7159-AE-Y524-005M-P 100,260
7160-AE-Y524-010M-P 171,540
7161-AE-Y524-020M-P 269,190
7162-AE-Y524-060M-P 549,720
7163-AE-Y524-120M-P 862,560
7164-AE-P524-001M-P 18,900
7165-AE-P524-002M-P 31,680
7166-AE-P524-010M-P 98,460
7167-AE-Y515-030K-P 1,440
7168-AE-Y515-060K-P 2,268
7169-AE-Y515-120K-P 3,546
7170-AE-Y515-300K-P 6,444
7171-AE-Y515-600K-P 11,520
7172-AE-Y515-001M-P 17,280
7173-AE-Y515-002M-P 32,490
7174-AE-Y515-005M-P 66,870
7175-AE-Y515-010M-P 114,390
7176-AE-Y515-020M-P 179,460
7177-AE-Y515-060M-P 366,480
7178-AE-Y515-120M-P 575,010
7179-AE-P515-001M-P 12,600
7180-AE-P515-002M-P 21,150
7181-AE-P515-010M-P 65,610
7182-AE-Y535-030K-P 2,349
7183-AE-Y535-060K-P 3,681
7184-AE-Y535-120K-P 5,769
7185-AE-Y535-300K-P 11,160
7186-AE-Y535-600K-P 18,810
7187-AE-Y535-001M-P 28,080
7188-AE-Y535-002M-P 52,920
7189-AE-Y535-005M-P 108,810
7190-AE-Y535-010M-P 186,210
7191-AE-Y535-020M-P 292,140
7192-AE-Y535-060M-P 596,520
7193-AE-Y535-120M-P 936,090
7194-AE-P535-001M-P 20,520
7195-AE-P535-002M-P 34,290
7196-AE-P535-010M-P 106,830
7197-AE-EDIEXPORT- 36,000

7199-AE-VY82-030K-P 3,141
7200-AE-VY82-060K-P 4,932
7201-AE-VY82-120K-P 7,731
7202-AE-VY82-300K-P 14,040
7203-AE-VY82-600K-P 25,110
7204-AE-VY82-001M-P 37,620
7205-AE-VY82-002M-P 70,830
7206-AE-VY82-005M-P 145,710
7207-AE-VY82-010M-P 249,300
7208-AE-VY82-020M-P 391,230
7209-AE-VY82-060M-P 798,930
7210-AE-VY82-120M-P 1,253,610
7211-AE-VP82-001M-P 27,450
7212-AE-VP82-002M-P 45,990
7213-AE-VP82-010M-P 143,010
7214-AE-Y510-030K-P 3,771
7215-AE-Y510-060K-P 5,913
7216-AE-Y510-120K-P 9,360
7217-AE-Y510-300K-P 16,830
7218-AE-Y510-600K-P 30,150
7219-AE-Y510-001M-P 45,180
7220-AE-Y510-002M-P 84,960
7221-AE-Y510-005M-P 174,870
7222-AE-Y510-010M-P 299,160
7223-AE-Y510-020M-P 469,440
7224-AE-Y510-060M-P 958,680
7225-AE-Y510-120M-P 1,504,350
7226-AE-P510-001M-P 32,940
7227-AE-P510-002M-P 55,170
7228-AE-P510-010M-P 171,630
7229-AE-Y530-030K-P 7,200
7230-AE-Y530-060K-P 11,340
7231-AE-Y530-120K-P 17,730
7232-AE-Y530-300K-P 32,220
7233-AE-Y530-600K-P 57,600
7234-AE-Y530-001M-P 86,220
7235-AE-Y530-002M-P 162,360
7236-AE-Y530-005M-P 334,170
7237-AE-Y530-010M-P 571,770
7238-AE-Y530-020M-P 897,120
7239-AE-Y530-060M-P 1,832,220
7240-AE-Y530-120M-P 2,874,960
7241-AE-P530-001M-P 63,000
7242-AE-P530-002M-P 105,390
7243-AE-P530-010M-P 327,960
7244-AE-VY89-030K-P 7,200
7245-AE-VY89-060K-P 11,340
7246-AE-VY89-120K-P 17,730
7247-AE-VY89-300K-P 32,220
7248-AE-VY89-600K-P 57,600
7249-AE-VY89-001M-P 86,220
7250-AE-VY89-002M-P 162,360
7251-AE-VY89-005M-P 334,170
7252-AE-VY89-010M-P 571,770
7253-AE-VY89-020M-P 897,120
7254-AE-VY89-060M-P 1,832,220
7255-AE-VY89-120M-P 2,874,960
7256-AE-VP89-001M-P 63,000
7257-AE-VP89-002M-P 105,390
7258-AE-VP89-010M-P 327,960

7260-KT-0000-0001-PS 450
7261-AE-Y542-030K-P 3,618
7262-AE-Y542-060K-P 5,679
7263-AE-Y542-120K-P 8,892
7264-AE-Y542-300K-P 16,200
7265-AE-Y542-600K-P 28,890
7266-AE-Y542-001M-P 43,290
7267-AE-Y542-002M-P 81,540
7268-AE-Y542-005M-P 167,580
7269-AE-Y542-010M-P 289,260
7270-AE-Y542-020M-P 473,400
7271-AE-Y542-060M-P 1,038,690
7272-AE-Y542-120M-P 1,730,070
7273-AE-P542-001M-P 37,620
7274-AE-P542-002M-P 56,160
7275-AE-P542-010M-P 180,270
7276-AE-Y543-030K-P 8,280
7277-AE-Y543-060K-P 13,050
7278-AE-Y543-120K-P 20,430
7279-AE-Y543-300K-P 37,080
7280-AE-Y543-600K-P 66,240
7281-AE-Y543-001M-P 99,180
7282-AE-Y543-002M-P 187,290
7283-AE-Y543-005M-P 383,400
7284-AE-Y543-010M-P 664,470
7285-AE-Y543-020M-P 1,055,520
7286-AE-Y543-060M-P 2,375,370
7287-AE-Y543-120M-P 3,961,260
7288-AE-P543-001M-P 86,400
7289-AE-P543-002M-P 128,790
7290-AE-P543-010M-P 414,180
7291-AE-Y539-030K-P 2,520
7292-AE-Y539-060K-P 3,969
7293-AE-Y539-120K-P 6,210
7294-AE-Y539-300K-P 11,340
7295-AE-Y539-600K-P 20,160
7296-AE-Y539-001M-P 30,240
7297-AE-Y539-002M-P 56,880
7298-AE-Y539-005M-P 117,000
7299-AE-Y539-010M-P 200,160
7300-AE-Y539-020M-P 314,010
7301-AE-Y539-060M-P 641,340
7302-AE-Y539-120M-P 1,006,290
7303-AE-P539-001M-P 22,050
7304-AE-P539-002M-P 36,900
7305-AE-P539-010M-P 114,840
7306-AE-VY68-030K-P 1,674
7307-AE-VY68-060K-P 2,628
7308-AE-VY68-120K-P 4,122
7309-AE-VY68-300K-P 7,479
7310-AE-VY68-600K-P 13,410
7311-AE-VY68-001M-P 20,070
7312-AE-VY68-002M-P 37,800
7313-AE-VY68-005M-P 77,760
7314-AE-VY68-010M-P 133,020
7315-AE-VY68-020M-P 208,710
7316-AE-VY68-060M-P 426,150
7317-AE-VY68-120M-P 668,610
7318-AE-VP68-001M-P 14,670
7319-AE-VP68-002M-P 24,570
7320-AE-VP68-010M-P 76,320
7321-AE-Y517-030K-P 1,350
7322-AE-Y517-060K-P 2,070
7323-AE-Y517-120K-P 3,240
7324-AE-Y517-300K-P 5,850
7325-AE-Y517-600K-P 10,440
7326-AE-Y517-001M-P 15,570
7327-AE-Y517-002M-P 29,250
7328-AE-Y517-005M-P 60,210
7329-AE-Y517-010M-P 102,960
7330-AE-Y517-020M-P 156,690
7331-AE-Y517-060M-P 329,850
7332-AE-Y517-120M-P 517,500
7333-AE-P517-001M-P 11,340
7334-AE-P517-002M-P 18,990
7335-AE-P517-010M-P 59,040
7336-AE-Y519-030K-P 2,160
7337-AE-Y519-060K-P 3,420
7338-AE-Y519-120K-P 5,400
7339-AE-Y519-300K-P 9,720
7340-AE-Y519-600K-P 17,280
7341-AE-Y519-001M-P 25,920
7342-AE-Y519-002M-P 48,780
7343-AE-Y519-005M-P 100,260
7344-AE-Y519-010M-P 171,540
7345-AE-Y519-020M-P 261,090
7346-AE-Y519-060M-P 549,720
7347-AE-Y519-120M-P 862,560
7348-AE-P519-001M-P 18,900
7349-AE-P519-002M-P 31,680
7350-AE-P519-010M-P 98,370
7351-AE-Y518-030K-P 1,440
7352-AE-Y518-060K-P 2,340
7353-AE-Y518-120K-P 3,600
7354-AE-Y518-300K-P 6,480
7355-AE-Y518-600K-P 11,520
7356-AE-Y518-001M-P 17,280
7357-AE-Y518-002M-P 32,490
7358-AE-Y518-005M-P 66,870
7359-AE-Y518-010M-P 114,390
7360-AE-Y518-020M-P 174,060
7361-AE-Y518-060M-P 366,480
7362-AE-Y518-120M-P 575,010
7363-AE-P518-001M-P 12,600
7364-AE-P518-002M-P 21,150
7365-AE-P518-010M-P 65,610

7367-AE-P100-005K-P 9,500
7368-AE-P100-010K-P 8,272
7369-AE-P100-015K-P 14,688
7370-AE-P100-030K-P 18,684
7371-EE-P100-060K-P 29,484
7372-EE-P100-120K-P 48,708
7373-EE-P100-300K-P 97,524
7374-EE-P100-600K-P 167,940
7375-EE-I000-001M-PS 254,340
7376-EE-I000-005M-PS 975,780

1, 2 7378-TA-BASE01-0001 9,000
15, 16 7379-TA-EVAL01-0001 735
15, 17 7380-TA-EVAL02-0001 735
21, 22 7381-TA-AP-BASE01-0 33,048
21, 23 7382-TA-AP-BASE01-0 33,048
21, 24 7383-TA-AP-VOL01-01 8,079
21, 25 7384-TA-AP-BASE02-0 36,720
21, 26 7385-TA-AP-BASE02-0 36,720
21, 27 7386-TA-AP-VOL02-01 8,629
21, 28 7387-TA-AP-BASE03-0 40,393
21, 29 7388-TA-AP-BASE03-0 40,393
21, 30 7389-TA-AP-VOL03-01 9,180
1, 3 7390-TA-CUSR01-001F 2,000
1, 4 7391-TA-CUSR01-001L 18,360
7392-TA-AP-EVAL01-0 735
7393-TA-AP-EVAL02-0 735

1, 17 7396-MSE10-PS1 1,203
1, 17 7397-MSE310-PS1 4,010
1, 17 7398-MSE50-PS1 8,020
1,2,17 7399-MSE35-PS1 8,822
1,2,17 7400-MSE55-PS1 12,831
1,2,17 7401-MSM60-PS1 4,813
1, 17 7402-MSA10-PS1 802
1, 17 7403-MSA30-PS1 802
1, 17 7404-MSA50-PS1 1,605
3, 17 7405-MNF05-PS1 401
4,17 7406-MAFRM001-PS1 161
4, 17 7407-MAFRM005-PS1 113
4, 17 7408-MAFRM02-PS1 79
4, 17 7409-MAFRM05-PS1 56
4, 17 7410-MAFRM10-PS1 46
4, 17 7411-MAFRM20-PS1 31
4, 17 7412-MAFRM30-PS1 26
4, 17 7413-MAFRM50-PS1 21
5, 17 7414-MATS16-PS1 40
5, 17 7415-MATM16-PS1 61
5, 17 7416-MATX16-PS1 80
5, 6, 17 7417-MDGSG16-PS1 20
7, 17 7418-MCNC16-PS1 20
5, 17 7419-MFRM16-PS1 40
17 7420-MCA01-PS1 1,197
17 7421-MCQ01-PS1 475
17 7422-MCQ14-PS1 8,013
17 7423-MCQ18-PS1 475
17 7424-MCQ06-PS1 395
17 7425-MCQ09-PS1 4,003
17 7426-MCQ10-PS1 1,999
17 7427-MCQ11-PS1 1,999
17 7428-MCQ15-PS1 1,999
17 7429-MCQ16-PS1 1,999
17 7430-MCQC1-PS1 8,013
17 7431-MCQC3-PS1 2,239
17 7432-MCQC4-PS1 1,357
17 7433-MCQC5-PS1 475
17 7434-MCS01-PS1 133
17 7435-MCS05-PS1 536
17 7436-MCS10-PS1 736
17 7437-MPL01-PS1 3,068
8, 17 7438-MPP1-PS1 12,030
9, 17 7439-MPPS-PS1 20,048
10, 17 7440-MPPM-PS1 28,068
11, 17 7441-MPPX-PS1 36,087
17 7442-MPPX2-PS1 40,097
12,17 7443-MPD-PS1 6,411
13,17 7444-MPFRM-PS1 6,416
17 7445-MMG05-PS1 12,030
17 7446-MMG01-PS1 4,010
17 7447-MMM01-PS1 802
14, 17 7448-MTKN-PS1 1,999
17 7449-MTKH-PS1 2,006
17 7450-MTKJLB-PS1 0
15, 16. 17 7451-MTKCON-PS1 1,200
17 7452-MSE10DD-PS1 525
17 7453-MSE30DD-PS1 1,750
17 7454-MSE50DD-PS1 3,500
17 7455-MSE35DD-PS1 3,850
17 7456-MSE55DD-PS1 5,600
17 7457-MSM60DD-PS1 2,100
17 7458-MSA10DD-PS1 350
17 7459-MSA30DD-PS1 350
17 7460-MSA50DD-PS1 700
17 7461-MNF05DD-PS1 175
17 7462-MAFRM001DD-P 70
17 7463-MAFRM005DD-P 49
17 7464-MAFRM02DD-PS 35
17 7465-MAFRM05DD-PS 25
17 7466-MAFRM10DD 20
17 7467-MAFRM20DD-PS 13
17 7468-MAFRM30DD-PS 11
17 7469-MAFRM50DD-PS 9
17 7470-MATS16DD-PS1 18
17 7471-MATM16DD-PS1 26
17 7472-MATX16DD-PS1 35
17 7473-MDGSG16DD-PS 9
17 7474-MCNC16DD-PS1 9
17 7475-MFRM16DD-PS1 18
17 7476-MCA01DD-PS1 523
17 7477-MCQ01DD-PS1 208
17 7478-MCQ14DD-PS1 3,498
17 7479-MCQ18DD-PS1 208
17 7480-MCQ06DD-PS1 173
17 7481-MCQ09DD-PS1 1,748
17 7482-MCQ10DD-PS1 873
17 7483-MCQ11DD-PS1 873
17 7484-MCQ15DD-PS1 873
17 7485-MCQ16DD-PS1 873
17 7486-MCQC1DD-PS1 3,498
17 7487-MCQC3DD-PS1 978
17 7488-MCQC4DD-PS1 593
17 7489-MCQC5DD-PS1 208
17 7490-MCS01DD-PS1 58
17 7491-MCS05DD-PS1 231
17 7492-MCS10DD-PS1 320
17 7493-MPL01DD-PS1 2,277
17 7494-MPP1DD-PS1 5,250
17 7495-MPPSDD-PS1 8,750
17 7496-MPPMDD-PS1 12,250
17 7497-MPPXDD-PS1 15,750
17 7498-MPPX2DD-PS1 17,500
17 7499-MPDDD-PS1 2,798
17 7500-MPFRMDD-PS1 2,798
17 7501-MMG05DD-PS1 5,250
17 7502-MMG01DD-PS1 1,750
17 7503-MMM01DD-PS1 350
17 7504-MTKNDD-PS1 1,500
17 7505-MTKHDD-PS1 873
17 7506-MTKJLBDD-PS1 525
17 7507-MTKCONDD-PS1 523
18 7508-MSE10DD3-PS1 1,575
18 7509-MSE30DD3-PS1 5,250
18 7510-MSE50DD3-PS1 10,500
18 7511-MSE35DD3-PS1 11,550
18 7512-MSE55DD3-PS1 16,800
18 7513-MSM60DD3-PS1 6,300
18 7514-MSA10DD3-PS1 1,050
18 7515-MSA30DD3-PS1 1,050
18 7516-MSA50DD3-PS1 2,100
18 7517-MNF05DD3-PS1 525
18 7518-MAFRM001DD3- 210
18 7519-MAFRM005DD3- 147
18 7520-MAFRM02DD3-P 105
18 7521-MAFRM05DD3-P 75
18 7522-MAFRM10DD3-P 60
18 7523-MAFRM20DD3-P 39
18 7524-MAFRM30DD3-P 33
18 7525-MAFRM50DD3-P 27
18 7526-MATS16DD3-PS1 54
18 7527-MATM16DD3-PS 78
18 7528-MATX16DD3-PS1 105
18 7529-MDGSG16DD3-P 27
18 7530-MCNC16DD3-PS 27
18 7531-MFRM16DD3-PS 54
18 7532-MCA01DD3-PS1 1,569
18 7533-MCQ01DD3-PS1 624
18 7534-MCQ14DD3-PS1 10,494
18 7535-MCQ18DD3-PS1 624
18 7536-MCQ06DD3-PS1 519
18 7537-MCQ09DD3-PS1 5,244
18 7538-MCQ10DD3-PS1 2,619
18 7539-MCQ11DD3-PS1 2,619
18 7540-MCQ15DD3-PS1 2,619
18 7541-MCQ16DD3-PS1 2,619
18 7542-MCQC1DD3-PS1 10,494
18 7543-MCQC3DD3-PS1 2,934
18 7544-MCQC4DD3-PS1 1,779
18 7545-MCQC5DD3-PS1 624
18 7546-MCS01DD3-PS1 174
18 7547-MCS05DD3-PS1 693
18 7548-MCS10DD3-PS1 960
18 7549-MPL01DD3-PS1 6,831
18 7550-MPP1DD3-PS1 15,750
18 7551-MPPSDD3-PS1 26,250
18 7552-MPPMDD3-PS1 36,750
18 7553-MPPXDD3-PS1 47,250
18 7554-MPPX2DD3-PS1 8,394
18 7555-MPDDD3-PS1 8,394
18 7556-MPFRMDD3-PS1 8,394
18 7557-MMG05DD3-PS1 15,750
18 7558-MMG01DD3-PS1 5,250
18 7559-MMM01DD3-PS1 1,050
18 7560-MTKNDD3-PS1 4,500
18 7561-MTKHDD3-PS1 2,619
18 7562-MTKJLBDD3-PS1 1,575
18 7563-MTKCONDD3-PS 1,569
18 7564-MSE10DD4-PS1 2,100
18 7565-MSE30DD4-PS1 7,000
18 7566-MSE50DD4-PS1 14,000
18 7567-MSE35DD4-PS1 15,400
18 7568-MSE55DD4-PS1 22,400
18 7569-MSM60DD4-PS1 8,400
18 7570-MSA10DD4-PS1 1,400
18 7571-MSA30DD4-PS1 1,400
18 7572-MSA50DD4-PS1 2,800
18 7573-MNF05DD4-PS1 700
18 7574-MAFRM001DD4- 280
18 7575-MAFRM005DD4- 196
18 7576-MAFRM02DD4-P 140
18 7577-MAFRM05DD4-P 100
18 7578-MAFRM10DD4-P 80
18 7579-MAFRM20DD4-P 52
18 7580-MAFRM30DD4-P 44
18 7581-MAFRM50DD4-P 36
18 7582-MATS16DD4-PS1 72
18 7583-MATM16DD4-PS 104
18 7584-MATX16DD4-PS1 140
18 7585-MDGSG16DD4-P 36
18 7586-MCNC16DD4-PS 45
18 7587-MFRM16DD4-PS 45
18 7588-MCA01DD4-PS1 2,092
18 7589-MCQ01DD4-PS1 832
18 7590-MCQ14DD4-PS1 13,992
18 7591-MCQ18DD4-PS1 832
18 7592-MCQ06DD4-PS1 692
18 7593-MCQ09DD4-PS1 6,992
18 7594-MCQ10DD4-PS1 3,492
18 7595-MCQ11DD4-PS1 3,492
18 7596-MCQ15DD4-PS1 3,492
18 7597-MCQ16DD4-PS1 3,492
18 7598-MCQC1DD4-PS1 13,992
18 7599-MCQC3DD4-PS1 3,912
18 7600-MCQC4DD4-PS1 2,372
18 7601-MCQC5DD4-PS1 832
18 7602-MCS01DD4-PS1 232
18 7603-MCS05DD4-PS1 924
18 7604-MCS10DD4-PS1 1,280
18 7605-MPL01DD4-PS1 9,108
18 7606-MPP1DD4-PS1 21,000
18 7607-MPPSDD4-PS1 35,000
18 7608-MPPMDD4-PS1 49,000
18 7609-MPPXDD4-PS1 63,000
18 7610-MPPX2DD4-PS1 11,192
18 7611-MPDDD4-PS1 11,192
18 7612-MPFRMDD4-PS1 11,192
18 7613-MMG05DD4-PS1 21,000
18 7614-MMG01DD4-PS1 7,000
18 7615-MMM01DD4-PS1 1,400
18 7616-MTKNDD4-PS1 6,000
18 7617-MTKHDD4-PS1 3,492
18 7618-MTKJLBDD4-PS1 2,100
18 7619-MTKCONDD4-PS 2,092
18 7620-MSE10DD5-PS1 2,625
18 7621-MSE30DD5-PS1 8,750
18 7622-MSE50DD5-PS1 17,500
18 7623-MSE35DD5-PS1 19,250
18 7624-MSE55DD5-PS1 28,000
18 7625-MSM60DD5-PS1 10,500
18 7626-MSA10DD5-PS1 1,750
18 7627-MSA30DD5-PS1 1,750
18 7628-MSA50DD5-PS1 3,500
18 7629-MNF05DD5-PS1 875
18 7630-MAFRM001DD5- 350
18 7631-MAFRM005DD5- 245
18 7632-MAFRM02DD5-P 175
18 7633-MAFRM05DD5-P 125
18 7634-MAFRM10DD5-P 100
18 7635-MAFRM20DD5-P 65
18 7636-MAFRM30DD5-P 55
18 7637-MAFRM50DD5-P 45
18 7638-MATS16DD5-PS1 90
18 7639-MATM16DD5-PS 130
18 7640-MATX16DD5-PS1 175
18 7641-MDGSG16DD5-P 45
18 7642-MCNC16DD5-PS 45
18 7643-MFRM16DD5-PS 90
18 7644-MCA01DD5-PS1 2,615
18 7645-MCQ01DD5-PS1 1,040
18 7646-MCQ14DD5-PS1 17,490
18 7647-MCQ18DD5-PS1 1,040
18 7648-MCQ06DD5-PS1 865
18 7649-MCQ09DD5-PS1 8,740
18 7650-MCQ10DD5-PS1 4,365
18 7651-MCQ11DD5-PS1 4,365
18 7652-MCQ15DD5-PS1 4,365
18 7653-MCQ16DD5-PS1 4,365
18 7654-MCQC1DD5-PS1 17,490
18 7655-MCQC3DD5-PS1 4,890
18 7656-MCQC4DD5-PS1 2,965
18 7657-MCQC5DD5-PS1 1,040
18 7658-MCS01DD5-PS1 290
18 7659-MCS05DD5-PS1 1,155
18 7660-MCS10DD5-PS1 1,600
18 7661-MPL01DD5-PS1 11,385
18 7662-MPP1DD5-PS1 26,250
18 7663-MPPSDD5-PS1 43,750
18 7664-MPPMDD5-PS1 61,250
18 7665-MPPXDD5-PS1 78,750
18 7666-MPPX2DD5-PS1 13,990
18 7667-MPDDD5-PS1 13,990
18 7668-MPFRMDD5-PS1 13,990
18 7669-MMG05DD5-PS1 26,250
18 7670-MMG01DD5-PS1 8,750
18 7671-MMM01DD5-PS1 1,750
18 7672-MTKNDD5-PS1 7,500
18 7673-MTKHDD5-PS1 4,365
18 7674-MTKJLBDD5-PS1 2,625
18 7675-MTKCONDD5-PS 2,615
18 7676-MSE10DDX-PS1 0
18 7677-MSE30DDX-PS1 0
18 7678-MSE50DDX-PS1 0
18 7679-MSE35DDX-PS1 0
18 7680-MSE55DDX-PS1 0
18 7681-MSM60DDX-PS1 0
18 7682-MSA10DDX-PS1 0
18 7683-MSA30DDX-PS1 0
18 7684-MSA50DDX-PS1 0
18 7685-MNF05DDX-PS1 0
18 7686-MAFRM001DDX- 0
18 7687-MAFRM005DDX- 0
18 7688-MAFRM02DDX-P 0
18 7689-MAFRM05DDX-P 0
18 7690-MAFRM10DDX-P 0
18 7691-MAFRM20DDX-P 0
18 7692-MAFRM30DDX-P 0
18 7693-MAFRM50DDX-P 0
18 7694-MATS16DDX-PS1 0
18 7695-MATM16DDX-PS 0
18 7696-MATX16DDX-PS1 0
18 7697-MDGSG16DDX-P 0
18 7698-MCNC16DDX-PS 0
18 7699-MFRM16DDX-PS 0
18 7700-MCA01DDX-PS1 0
18 7701-MCQ01DDX-PS1 0
18 7702-MCQ14DDX-PS1 0
18 7703-MCQ18DDX-PS1 0
18 7704-MCQ06DDX-PS1 0
18 7705-MCQ09DDX-PS1 0
18 7706-MCQ10DDX-PS1 0
18 7707-MCQ11DDX-PS1 0
18 7708-MCQ15DDX-PS1 0
18 7709-MCQ16DDX-PS1 0
18 7710-MCQC1DDX-PS1 0
18 7711-MCQC3DDX-PS1 0
18 7712-MCQC4DDX-PS1 0
18 7713-MCQC5DDX-PS1 0
18 7714-MCS01DDX-PS1 0
18 7715-MCS05DDX-PS1 0
18 7716-MCS10DDX-PS1 0
18 7717-MPL01DDX-PS1 0
18 7718-MPP1DDX-PS1 0
18 7719-MPPSDDX-PS1 0
18 7720-MPPMDDX-PS1 0
18 7721-MPPXDDX-PS1 0
18 7722-MPPX2DDX-PS1 0
18 7723-MPDDDX-PS1 0
18 7724-MPFRMDDX-PS1 0
18 7725-MMG05DDX-PS1 0
18 7726-MMG01DDX-PS1 0
18 7727-MMM01DDX-PS1 0
18 7728-MTKNDDX-PS1 0
18 7729-MTKHDDX-PS1 0
18 7730-MTKJLBDDX-PS1 0
18 7731-MTKCONDDX-PS 0

1, 2, 3, 4 7733-ENFPL25-PS1 722
1, 2, 3, 4 7734-ENFPL50-PS1 669
1, 2, 3, 4 7735-ENF01-PS1 562
1, 2, 3, 4 7736-ENF02-PS1 482
1, 2, 3, 4 7737-ENFL05-PS1 401
1, 2, 3, 4 7738-ENF10-PS1 322
1, 2, 3, 4 7739-ENF15-PS1 282
1, 2, 3, 4 7740-ENF20-PS1 241
1, 2, 3, 4 7741-ENF30-PS1 209
1, 2, 3, 4 7742-ENF40-PS1 185
1, 2, 3, 4 7743-ENF50-PS1 161
1, 2, 3, 4 7744-ENF60-PS1 153
1, 2, 3, 4 7745-ENF70-PS1 145
1, 2, 3, 4 7746-ENF80-PS1 137
1, 2, 3, 4 7747-ENF90-PS1 129
1, 2, 3, 4 7748-ENF100-PS1 121
1, 2, 3, 4 7749-ENF200-PS1 109
1, 2, 3, 4 7750-ENF300-PS1 97
1, 2, 3, 4 7751-ENF400-PS1 89
1, 2, 3, 4 7752-ENF500-PS1 80
1, 3 7753-ENR2-PS1 161
1, 3 7754-ENR10-PS1 80
1, 3 7755-ENR100-PS1 31
1, 3 7756-ENR200-PS1 28
1, 3 7757-ENR500-PS1 20
1, 5 7758-EAFRM001-PS1 161
1, 5 7759-EAFRM005-PS1 113
1, 5 7760-EAFRM02-PS1 79
1, 5 7761-EAFRM05-PS1 56
1, 5 7762-EAFRM10-PS1 46
1, 5 7763-EAFRM20-PS1 31
1, 5 7764-EAFRM30-PS1 26
1, 5 7765-EAFRM50-PS1 21
1, 6, 7 7766-ERM-PS1 0
1, 7 7767-EOS-PS1 0
1, 8 7768-EFRM-PS1 0
1, 9 7769-ECNC-PS1 0
1, 10 7770-PPMX25-PS1 20,048
1, 10 7771-PPX-PS1 36,087
1, 10 7772-PPX2-PS1 40,097
1, 11 7773-PPXM-PS1 60,145
1, 11 7774-EPFRM-PS1 6,411
1, 12 7775-EPXFRM-PS1 19,247
1 7776-QC5-PS1 475
1 7777-QC4-PS1 2,006
1 7778-QC1-PS1 4,010
1 7779-QC2-PS1 6,015
1 7780-QC3-PS1 8,020
1 7781-QCX-PS1 12,030
1 7782-QFA-PS1 8,020
1 7783-QC6-PS1 401
1 7784-QC9-PS1 4,010
1 7785-IA-PS1 1,203
1 7786-SC01-PS1 133
1 7787-SC05-PS1 530
1 7788-SC10-PS1 734
1, 13 7789-PLUS1-PS1 8,020
1, 13 7790-PLUS2-PS1 3,048
1 7791-EAM-PS1 20,048
1 7792-EAM50-PS1 28,068
1 7793-TK-PS1 2,006
1 7794-ETKCON-PS1 1,200
1 7795-ETKCON5-PS1 4,792
14 7796-ENFPL25DD-PS1 315
14 7797-ENFPL50DD-PS1 292
14 7798-ENF01DD-PS1 245
14 7799-ENF02DD-PS1 210
14 7800-ENF05DD-PS1 175
14 7801-ENF10DD-PS1 140
14 7802-ENF15DD-PS1 123
14 7803-ENF20DD-PS1 105
14 7804-ENF30DD-PS1 91
14 7805-ENF40DD-PS1 81
14 7806-ENF50DD-PS1 70
14 7807-ENF60DD-PS1 67
14 7808-ENF70DD-PS1 63
14 7809-ENF80DD-PS1 60
14 7810-ENF90DD-PS1 56
14 7811-ENF100DD-PS1 53
14 7812-ENF200DD-PS1 47
14 7813-ENF300DD-PS1 42
14 7814-ENF400DD-PS1 39
14 7815-ENF500DD-PS1 35
14 7816-ENR2DD-PS1 70
14 7817-ENR10DD-PS1 35
14 7818-ENR100DD-PS1 13
14 7819-ENR200DD-PS1 12
14 7820-ENR500DD-PS1 9
14 7821-EAFRM001DD-PS 70
14 7822-EAFRM005DD-PS 49
14 7823-EAFRM02DD-PS 35
14 7824-EAFRM05DD-PS 25
14 7825-EAFRM10DD-PS 20
14 7826-EAFRM20DD-PS 13
14 7827-EAFRM30DD-PS 11
14 7828-EAFRM50DD-PS 9
14 7829-ERMDD-PS1 0
14 7830-EOSDD-PS1 0
14 7831-EFRMDD-PS1 0
14 7832-ECNCDD-PS1 0
14 7833-PPM25DD-PS1 8,750
14 7834-PPXDD-PS1 15,750
14 7835-PPX2DD-PS1 15,750
14 7836-PPMXDD-PS1 17,500
14 7837-EPFRMDD-PS1 2,798
14 7838-EPXFRMDD-PS1 8,400
14 7839-QC5DD-PS1 208
14 7840-QC4DD-PS1 875
14 7841-QC1DD-PS1 1,750
14 7842-QC2DD-PS1 2,625
14 7843-QC3DD-PS1 3,500
14 7844-QCXDD-PS1 5,250
14 7845-QFADD-PS1 3,500
14 7846-QC6DD-PS1 175
14 7847-QC9DD-PS1 1,750
14 7848-IADD-PS1 525
14 7849-SC01DD-PS1 58
14 7850-SC05DD-PS1 231
14 7851-SC10DD-PS1 320
14 7852-PLUS1DD-PS1 3,500
14 7853-PLUS2DD-PS1 1,330
14 7854-EAMDD-PS1 8,750
14 7855-EAM50DD-PS1 12,250
14 7856-TKDD-PS1 1,500
14 7857-ETKCONDD-PS1 523
14 7858-ETKCON5DD-PS 2,091
14 7859-ENFPL25DD3-PS 945
14 7860-ENFPL50DD3-PS 876
14 7861-ENF01DD3-PS1 735
14 7862-ENF02DD3-PS1 630
14 7863-ENF05DD3-PS1 525
14 7864-ENF10DD3-PS1 420
14 7865-ENF15DD3-PS1 369
14 7866-ENF20DD3-PS1 315
14 7867-ENF30DD3-PS1 273
14 7868-ENF40DD3-PS1 243
14 7869-ENF50DD3-PS1 210
14 7870-ENF60DD3-PS1 201
14 7871-ENF70DD3-PS1 189
14 7872-ENF80DD3-PS1 180
14 7873-ENF90DD3-PS1 168
14 7874-ENF100DD3-PS1 159
14 7875-ENF200DD3-PS1 141
14 7876-ENF300DD3-PS1 126
14 7877-ENF400DD3-PS1 117
14 7878-ENF500DD3-PS1 105
14 7879-ENR2DD3-PS1 210
14 7880-ENR10DD3-PS1 105
14 7881-ENR100DD3-PS1 39
14 7882-ENR200DD3-PS1 36
14 7883-ENR500DD3-PS1 27
14 7884-EAFRM001DD3-P 210
14 7885-EAFRM005DD3-P 147
14 7886-EAFRM02DD3-PS 105
14 7887-EAFRM05DD3-PS 75
14 7888-EAFRM10DD3-PS 60
14 7889-EAFRM20DD3-PS 39
14 7890-EAFRM30DD3-PS 33
14 7891-EAFRM50DD3-PS 27
14 7892-ERMDD3-PS1 0
14 7893-EOSDD3-PS1 0
14 7894-EFRMDD3-PS1 0
14 7895-ECNCDD3-PS1 0
14 7896-PPM25DD3-PS1 26,250
14 7897-PPXDD3-PS1 47,250
14 7898-PPX2DD3-PS1 47,250
14 7899-PPMXDD3-PS1 52,500
14 7900-EPFRMDD3-PS1 8,394
14 7901-EPXFRMDD3-PS 25,200
14 7902-QC5DD3-PS1 624
14 7903-QC4DD3-PS1 2,625
14 7904-QC1DD3-PS1 5,250
14 7905-QC2DD3-PS1 7,875
14 7906-QC3DD3-PS1 10,500
14 7907-QCXDD3-PS1 15,750
14 7908-QFADD3-PS1 10,500
14 7909-QC6DD3-PS1 525
14 7910-QC9DD3-PS1 5,250
14 7911-IADD3-PS1 1,575
14 7912-SC01DD3-PS1 174
14 7913-SC05DD3-PS1 693
14 7914-SC10DD3-PS1 960
14 7915-PLUS1DD3-PS1 10,500
14 7916-PLUS2DD3-PS1 3,990
14 7917-EAMDD3-PS1 26,250
14 7918-EAM50DD3-PS1 36,750
14 7919-TKDD3-PS1 4,500
14 7920-ETKCONDD3-PS 1,569
14 7921-ETKCON5DD3-P 6,273
14 7922-ENFPL25DD4-PS 1,260
14 7923-ENFPL50DD4-PS 1,168
14 7924-ENF01DD4-PS1 980
14 7925-ENF02DD4-PS1 840
14 7926-ENF05DD4-PS1 700
14 7927-ENF10DD4-PS1 560
14 7928-ENF15DD4-PS1 492
14 7929-ENF20DD4-PS1 420
14 7930-ENF30DD4-PS1 364
14 7931-ENF40DD4-PS1 324
14 7932-ENF50DD4-PS1 280
14 7933-ENF60DD4-PS1 268
14 7934-ENF70DD4-PS1 252
14 7935-ENF80DD4-PS1 240
14 7936-ENF90DD4-PS1 224
14 7937-ENF100DD4-PS1 212
14 7938-ENF200DD4-PS1 188
14 7939-ENF300DD4-PS1 168
14 7940-ENF400DD4-PS1 156
14 7941-ENF500DD4-PS1 140
14 7942-ENR2DD4-PS1 280
14 7943-ENR10DD4-PS1 140
14 7944-ENR100DD4-PS1 52
14 7945-ENR200DD4-PS1 48
14 7946-ENR500DD4-PS1 36
14 7947-EAFRM001DD4-P 280
14 7948-EAFRM005DD4-P 196
14 7949-EAFRM02DD4-PS 140
14 7950-EAFRM05DD4-PS 100
14 7951-EAFRM10DD4-PS 80
14 7952-EAFRM20DD4-PS 52
14 7953-EAFRM30DD4-PS 44
14 7954-EAFRM50DD4-PS 36
14 7955-ERMDD4-PS1 0
14 7956-EOSDD4-PS1 0
14 7957-EFRMDD4-PS1 0
14 7958-ECNCDD4-PS1 0
14 7959-PPM25DD4-PS1 35,000
14 7960-PPXDD4-PS1 63,000
14 7961-PPX2DD4-PS1 63,000
14 7962-PPMXDD4-PS1 70,000
14 7963-EPFRMDD4-PS1 11,192
14 7964-EPXFRMDD4-PS 33,600
14 7965-QC5DD4-PS1 832
14 7966-QC4DD4-PS1 3,500
14 7967-QC1DD4-PS1 7,000
14 7968-QC2DD4-PS1 10,500
14 7969-QC3DD4-PS1 14,000
14 7970-QCXDD4-PS1 21,000
14 7971-QFADD4-PS1 14,000
14 7972-QC6DD4-PS1 700
14 7973-QC9DD4-PS1 7,000
14 7974-IADD4-PS1 2,100
14 7975-SC01DD4-PS1 232
14 7976-SC05DD4-PS1 924
14 7977-SC10DD4-PS1 1,280
14 7978-PLUS1DD4-PS1 14,000
14 7979-PLUS2DD4-PS1 5,320
14 7980-EAMDD4-PS1 35,000
14 7981-EAM50DD4-PS1 49,000
14 7982-TKDD4-PS1 6,000
14 7983-ETKCONDD4-PS 2,092
14 7984-ETKCON5DD4-P 8,364
14 7985-ENFPL25DD5-PS 1,575
14 7986-ENFPL50DD5-PS 1,460
14 7987-ENF01DD5-PS1 1,225
14 7988-ENF02DD5-PS1 1,050
14 7989-ENF05DD5-PS1 875
14 7990-ENF10DD5-PS1 700
14 7991-ENF15DD5-PS1 615
14 7992-ENF20DD5-PS1 525
14 7993-ENF30DD5-PS1 455
14 7994-ENF40DD5-PS1 405
14 7995-ENF50DD5-PS1 350
14 7996-ENF60DD5-PS1 335
14 7997-ENF70DD5-PS1 315
14 7998-ENF80DD5-PS1 300
14 7999-ENF90DD5-PS1 280
14 8000-ENF100DD5-PS1 265
14 8001-ENF200DD5-PS1 235
14 8002-ENF300DD5-PS1 210
14 8003-ENF400DD5-PS1 195
14 8004-ENF500DD5-PS1 175
14 8005-ENR2DD5-PS1 350
14 8006-ENR10DD5-PS1 175
14 8007-ENR100DD5-PS1 65
14 8008-ENR200DD5-PS1 60
14 8009-ENR500DD5-PS1 45
14 8010-EAFRM001DD5-P 350
14 8011-EAFRM005DD5-P 245
14 8012-EAFRM02DD5-PS 175
14 8013-EAFRM05DD5-PS 125
14 8014-EAFRM10DD5-PS 100
14 8015-EAFRM20DD5-PS 65
14 8016-EAFRM30DD5-PS 55
14 8017-EAFRM50DD5-PS 45
14 8018-ERMDD5-PS1 0
14 8019-EOSDD5-PS1 0
14 8020-EFRMDD5-PS1 0
14 8021-ECNCDD5-PS1 0
14 8022-PPM25DD5-PS1 43,750
14 8023-PPXDD5-PS1 78,750
14 8024-PPX2DD5-PS1 78,750
14 8025-PPMXDD5-PS1 87,500
14 8026-EPFRMDD5-PS1 13,990
14 8027-EPXFRMDD5-PS 42,000
14 8028-QC5DD5-PS1 1,040
14 8029-QC4DD5-PS1 4,375
14 8030-QC1DD5-PS1 8,750
14 8031-QC2DD5-PS1 13,125
14 8032-QC3DD5-PS1 17,500
14 8033-QCXDD5-PS1 26,250
14 8034-QFADD5-PS1 17,500
14 8035-QC6DD5-PS1 875
14 8036-QC9DD5-PS1 8,750
14 8037-IADD5-PS1 2,625
14 8038-SC01DD5-PS1 290
14 8039-SC05DD5-PS1 1,155
14 8040-SC10DD5-PS1 1,600
14 8041-PLUS1DD5-PS1 17,500
14 8042-PLUS2DD5-PS1 6,650
14 8043-EAMDD5-PS1 43,750
14 8044-EAM50DD5-PS1 61,250
14 8045-TKDD5-PS1 7,500
14 8046-ETKCONDD5-PS 2,615
14 8047-ETKCON5DD5-P 10,455
14 8048-ENFPL25DDX-PS 0
14 8049-ENFPL50DDX-PS 0
14 8050-ENF01DDX-PS1 0
14 8051-ENF02DDX-PS1 0
14 8052-ENF05DDX-PS1 0
14 8053-ENF10DDX-PS1 0
14 8054-ENF15DDX-PS1 0
14 8055-ENF20DDX-PS1 0
14 8056-ENF30DDX-PS1 0
14 8057-ENF40DDX-PS1 0
14 8058-ENF50DDX-PS1 0
14 8059-ENF60DDX-PS1 0
14 8060-ENF70DDX-PS1 0
14 8061-ENF80DDX-PS1 0
14 8062-ENF90DDX-PS1 0
14 8063-ENF100DDX-PS1 0
14 8064-ENF200DDX-PS1 0
14 8065-ENF300DDX-PS1 0
14 8066-ENF400DDX-PS1 0
14 8067-ENF500DDX-PS1 0
14 8068-ENR2DDX-PS1 0
14 8069-ENR10DDX-PS1 0
14 8070-ENR100DDX-PS1 0
14 8071-ENR200DDX-PS1 0
14 8072-ENR500DDX-PS1 0
14 8073-EAFRM001DDX- 0
14 8074-EAFRM005DDX- 0
14 8075-EAFRM02DDX-P 0
14 8076-EAFRM05DDX-P 0
14 8077-EAFRM10DDX-P 0
14 8078-EAFRM20DDX-P 0
14 8079-EAFRM30DDX-P 0
14 8080-EAFRM50DDX-P 0
14 8081-ERMDDX-PS1 0
14 8082-EOSDDX-PS1 0
14 8083-EFRMDDX-PS1 0
14 8084-ECNCDDX-PS1 0
14 8085-PPM25DDX-PS1 0
14 8086-PPXDDX-PS1 0
14 8087-PPX2DDX-PS1 0
14 8088-PPMXDDX-PS1 0
14 8089-EPFRMDDX-PS1 0
14 8090-EPXFRMDDX-PS 0
14 8091-QC5DDX-PS1 0
14 8092-QC4DDX-PS1 0
14 8093-QC1DDX-PS1 0
14 8094-QC2DDX-PS1 0
14 8095-QC3DDX-PS1 0
14 8096-QCXDDX-PS1 0
14 8097-QFADDX-PS1 0
14 8098-QC6DDX-PS1 0
14 8099-QC9DDX-PS1 0
14 8100-IADDX-PS1 0
14 8101-SC01DDX-PS1 0
14 8102-SC05DDX-PS1 0
14 8103-SC10DDX-PS1 0
14 8104-PLUS1DDX-PS1 0
14 8105-PLUS2DDX-PS1 0
14 8106-EAMDDX-PS1 0
14 8107-EAM50DDX-PS1 0
14 8108-TKDDX-PS1 0
14 8109-ETKCONDDX-PS 0
14 8110-ETKCON5DDX-P 0

8113-USBWN-STD-BN 2,261
8114-USBWN-STD-BND 1,643
8115-USBWN-PRO-BN 5,145
8116-USBWN-PRO-BN 4,321
8117-USBWN-BUS-BN 7,514
8118-USBWN-BUS-BN 6,587
8119-USBWN-PSORT- 3,909
8120-USBWN-PSORT- 2,879
8121-USBWN-DS-BND 2,776
8122-USBWN-DS-BND- 2,467
8123-USBWN-DES-PS 670
8124-USBWN-STD-PS 1,849
8125-DSN-CRE-25K-P 258
8126-USBWN-STD-AD- 407
8127-USBWN-STD-MO 407
8128-USBWN-STD-MO 1,025
8134-USBWN-STD-CR- 2
8135-USBWN-STD-RE- 1,128
8136-USBWN-STD-RE- 309
8137-USBWN-STD-AD- 407
8138-USBWN-STD-MO 407
8139-USBWN-STD-MO 1,025
8140-3RD-USTECH-SV 193
8141-3RD-USTECH-SV 241
8142-3RD-USTECH-SV 290
8143-USBWN-PRO-PS 2,982
8144-USBWN-PRO-WS 1,540
8145-USBWN-PRO-EZ 959
8146-USBWN-PRO-EZ 2,405
8147-USBWN-PRO-AD 407
8148-USBWN-PRO-FIR 773
8149-USBWN-PRO-GE 1,030
8150-USBWN-PRO-ME 2,060
8151-USBWN-PRO-MI 2,060
8152-USBWN-PRO-MU 309
8153-USBWN-PRO-PA 3,090
8154-USBWN-PRO-PK 2,060
8155-USBWN-PRO-RDI 309
8156-USBWN-PRO-MO 1,025
8162-USBWN-PRO-CR- 2
8163-USBWN-PRO-WS 1,540
8164-USBWN-PRO-EZT 1,025
8165-USBWN-PRO-EZ 2,570
8166-USBWN-PRO-RE 1,952
8167-USBWN-PRO-RE- 489
8168-USBWN-PRO-AD 407
8169-USBWN-PRO-AD- 102
8170-USBWN-PRO-FIR 515
8171-USBWN-PRO-GE 1,030
8172-USBWN-PRO-ME 1,236
8173-USBWN-PRO-MI 1,236
8174-USBWN-PRO-MU 309
8175-USBWN-PRO-PA 1,854
8176-USBWN-PRO-PK 1,236
8177-USBWN-PRO-RDI 309
8178-USBWN-PRO-MO 1,025
8179-USBWN-BUS-PS 4,012
8180-USBWN-BUS-UP 1,030
8181-USBWN-BUS-WS 1,540
8182-USBWN-BUS-EZT 1,025
8183-USBWN-BUS-EZ 2,570
8184-USBWN-BUS-AD- 407
8185-USBWN-BUS-5AD 1,025
8186-USBWN-BUS-FIR 773
8187-USBWN-BUS-GE 1,030
8188-USBWN-BUS-ME 2,060
8189-USBWN-BUS-MIX 2,060
8190-USBWN-BUS-MU 309
8191-USBWN-BUS-PAL 3,090
8192-USBWN-BUS-PK 2,060
8193-USBWN-BUS-RDI 309
8194-USBWN-BUS-MO 1,025
8200-USBWN-BUS-CR- 2
8201-USBWN-BUS-WS 1,540
8202-USBWN-BUS-EZT 1,025
8203-USBWN-BUS-EZT 2,570
8204-USBWN-BUS-RE- 2,467
8205-USBWN-BUS-RE- 618
8206-USBWN-BUS-AD- 407
8207-USBWN-BUS-AD- 102
8208-USBWN-BUS-5AD 1,025
8209-USBWN-BUS-5AD 258
8210-USBWN-BUS-FIR 515
8211-USBWN-BUS-GE 1,030
8212-USBWN-BUS-ME 1,236
8213-USBWN-BUS-MIX 1,236
8214-USBWN-BUS-MU 309
8215-USBWN-BUS-PA 1,854
8216-USBWN-BUS-PK 1,236
8217-USBWN-BUS-RDI 309
8218-USBWN-BUS-MO 1,025
8219-USBWN-DVD-MU 464
8220-USBWN-DVD-OPT 232
8221-USBWN-DVD-SP- 232
8222-USBWN-DVD-MU 464
8223-USBWN-DVD-OP 232
8224-USBWN-DVD-SP- 232
8225-USON-MRTK-PS 2,776
8226-USON-AD-PS1 95
8227-USON-FIRM-PS1 724
8228-USON-EDOC-PS 724
8229-USON-MOVE-PS 478
8230-USON-MUPD-PS 309
8231-USON-PALLET-P 2,892
8232-USON-PKGS-PS1 1,928
8233-USON-PRO-CRL- 5
8234-USON-PRO-CRL- 4
8235-USON-PRO-CRL- 3
8236-USON-PRO-CRL- 3
8237-USON-PRO-CRL- 3
8238-USON-PRO-CR-1 2
8239-USON-MRTK-RE- 1,746
8240-USON-AD-RE-PS 95
8241-USON-FIRM-RE- 773
8242-USON-EDOC-RE- 464
8243-USON-MOVE-RE 510
8244-USON-MUPD-RE 309
8245-USON-PALLET-R 1,854
8246-USON-PKGS-RE- 1,236
8247-USON-PAB-PS1 241
8248-USON-PAB-RE-P 241
8250-USAN-AD-25-PS1 95
8251-USAN-AD-26-50- 85
8252-USAN-AD-51-100 75
8253-USAN-AD-101-20 65
8254-USAN-AD-201-30 55
8255-USAN-AD-301-P 50
8256-USAN-FIRM-PS1 773
8257-USAN-GEO-PS1 1,030
8258-USAN-EDOC-PS1 773
8259-USAN-MIXWT-PS 2,060
8260-USAN-MOVE-PS 510
8261-USAN-MUPD-PS 309
8262-USAN-PALLET-P 4,017
8263-USAN-PKGS-PS1 2,060
8264-USAN-WEB-LT-1 3,039
8265-USAN-WEB-LT-5 5,099
8266-USAN-WEB-LT-1 6,129
8267-USAN-WEB-UNL 8,189
8268-USAN-WEB-ADD 1,025
8269-USAN-PRO-CRL- 5
8270-USAN-PRO-CRL- 4
8271-USAN-PRO-CRL- 3
8272-USAN-PRO-CRL- 3
8273-USAN-PRO-CRL- 3
8274-USAN-PRO-CR-1 2
8276-USAN-AD-25-RE- 67
8277-USAN-AD-26-50- 60
8278-USAN-AD-51-100 53
8279-USAN-AD-101-20 46
8280-USAN-AD-201-30 39
8281-USAN-AD-301-P 35
8282-USAN-FIRM-RE- 773
8283-USAN-GEO-RE-P 1,030
8284-USAN-EDOC-RE- 773
8285-USAN-MIXWT-RE 1,236
8286-USAN-MOVE-RE- 510
8287-USAN-MUPD-RE- 309
8288-USAN-PALLET-R 2,410
8289-USAN-PKGS-RE 1,236
8290-USAN-WEB-LT-1 3,039
8291-USAN-WEB-LT-5 5,099
8292-USAN-WEB-LT-1 6,129
8293-USAN-WEB-UNLT 8,189
8294-USAN-WEB-ADD 1,025
8295-USAN-PAB-PS1 478
8296-USAN-PAB-RE-P 478
1 8297-SASON-DVD-MU 290
1 8298-SASON-DVD-OPT 145
1 8299-SASON-DVD-SP- 145
2 8300-MRTKN-LOWVOL 1,746
3 8301-MRTKN-LOWVOL 1,231
2 8302-MRTKN-SMB40-P 2,055
3 8303-MRTKN-SMB40-R 1,334
2 8304-MRTKN-60PPM-P 2,570
3 8305-MRTKN-60PPM-R 1,746
2 8306-MRTKN-120PPM- 3,857
3 8307-MRTKN-120PPM- 2,570
2 8308-MRTKN-180PPM- 4,372
3 8309-MRTKN-180PPM- 3,136
2 8310-MRTKN-UNLTD-P 8,235
3 8311-MRTKN-UNLTD-R 5,763
2 8312-MRTKN-MULTI-P 0
3 8313-MRTKN-MULTI-R 0
3 8314-USAN-PKGS-RE- 1,236
2 8315-MRTKN-LOWVOL 1,025
3 8316-MRTKN-LOWVOL 1,025
2 8317-MRTKN-SMB40- 1,741
3 8318-MRTKN-SMB40- 1,741
2 8319-MRTKN-60-MVUN 2,050
3 8320-MRTKN-60-MVU- 2,050
2 8321-MRTKN-120-MVU 3,080
3 8322-MRTKN-120-MVU 3,080
2 8323-MRTKN-180-MVU 3,595
3 8324-MRTKN-180-MVU 3,595
2 8325-MRTKN-UNL-MV 7,200
3 8326-MRTKN-UNL-MVU 7,200
2 8327-MRTKN-MLT-MV 0
3 8328-MRTKN-MLT-MVU 0
5 8329-USANEZTC-PS1 2,570
5 8330-USANEZTCRE-P 2,570
5 8331-DSNPMCRE25K- 258
6 8332-MRTKN-PM-FS-L 1,029
7 8333-MRTKN-PM-FS-M 2,574
8 8334-MRTKN-PM-FS-H 5,150
8335-SUN-MFS-SAR-P 412
10 8336-USDQN-DSKTP2 773
10 8337-USDQN-DSKTP25 773
11 8338-USDQN-DSKTP2 65
10 8339-USDQN-DSKTP5 1,148
10 8340-USDQN-DSKTP50 1,148
11 8341-USDQN-DSKTP5 96
10 8342-USDQN-DSKTP1 1,803
10 8343-USDQN-DSKTP10 1,803
11 8344-USDQN-DSKTP1 150
10 8345-USDQN-DSKTP2 2,833
10 8346-USDQN-DSKTP25 2,833
11 8347-USDQN-DSKTP2 236
10 8348-USDQN-DSKTP7 5,150
10 8349-USDQN-DSKTP75 5,150
11 8350-USDQN-DSKTP7 430
10 8351-USDQN-DSKTP- 0
10 8352-USDQN-DSKTP- 0
10 8353-USDQN-DSKTP- 309
12,13 8354-USDQN-INFUSE- 6,129
8355-USDQN-INFUSE 6,129
12 8356-3RD-USDQN-IN 6,592
14 8357-USAOMS-5K-PS1 1,442
14 8358-USAOMS-5K-RE- 927
14 8359-USAOMS-10K-PS 1,854
14 8360-USAOMS-10K-RE 1,442
14 8361-USAOMS-20K-PS 2,369
14 8362-USAOMS-20K-RE 1,648
14 8363-USAOMS-40K-PS 3,914
14 8364-USAOMS-40K-RE 2,781
14 8365-USAOMS-60K-PS 4,841
14 8366-USAOMS-60K-RE 3,399
14 8367-USAOMS-100K-P 6,077
14 8368-USAOMS-100K-R 4,223
14 8369-USAOMS-200K-P 7,725
14 8370-USAOMS-200K-R 5,356
14 8371-USAOMS-350K-P 10,300
14 8372-USAOMS-350K-R 7,210
8373-USAOMS-5K-NC 618
8374-USAOMS-5K-NCO 618
8375-USAOMS-10K-N 1,030
8376-USAOMS-10K-NC 1,030
8377-USAOMS-20K-N 1,442
8378-USAOMS-20K-NC 1,442
8379-USAOMS-40K-N 2,472
8380-USAOMS-40K-NC 2,472
8381-USAOMS-60K-N 2,987
8382-USAOMS-60K-NC 2,987
8383-USAOMS-100K-N 3,605
8384-USAOMS-100K- 3,605
8385-USAOMS-200K-N 4,944
8386-USAOMS-200K- 4,944
8387-USAOMS-350K-N 7,004
8388-USAOMS-350K- 7,004
8389-USAOMS-UPGRA 2,060
15,16 8390-OMS200-LT-PS1 1,940
17 8391-10200-DM-PS1 234
17 8392-10200-MB-PS1 437
17 8393-10200-MS-PS1 437
17 8394-10200-VD-PS1 437
17 8395-10200-R-0000-PS 309
17 8396-10200-R-0001-PS 618
17 8397-10200-R-0002-PS 989
17 8398-10200-R-0003-PS 1,112
17 8399-10200-R-0004-PS 1,236
17 8400-10200-R-0005-PS 2,472
17 8401-10200-R-0007-PS 3,708
8402-50001-COR-STA- 4,635
8403-50001-COR-STA- 875
8404-50001-COR-OFF- 10,300
8405-50001-COR-OFF- 1,941
8406-50001-COR-PRO 15,450
8407-50001-COR-PRO- 3,090
8408-50001-COR-ENT- 26,780
8409-50001-COR-ENT- 5,048
8410-50001-UPGR-04- 5,340
8411-50001-UPGR-05- 10,194
8412-50001-UPGR-06- 20,874
8413-50001-UPGR-01- 4,854
8414-50001-UPGR-02- 15,532
8415-50001-UPGR-03- 10,679
8416-50001-HFM-PS1 1,272
8417-50001-HFM-S-PS 270
8418-50001-PRM-PS1 636
8419-50001-PRM-S-PS 135
8420-50001-CTB-PS1 636
8421-50001-CTB-S-PS 135
8422-50001-LOT-PS1 636
8423-50001-LOT-S-PS 135
8424-50001-PS-PS1 1,908
8425-50001-PS-S-PS1 405
8426-50001-PCI-PS1 1,908
8427-50001-PCI-S-PS1 405
8428-50001-TNI-PS1 1,908
8429-50001-TNI-S-PS1 405
8430-50001-LIN-PS1 1,908
8431-50001-LIN-S-PS1 405
8432-50001-PSO-PS1 1,908
8433-50001-PSO-S-PS 405
8434-50001-ECO-PS1 2,544
8435-50001-ECO-S-PS 540
8436-50001-TEN-PS1 2,544
8437-50001-TEN-S-PS 540
8438-50001-AIMS-PS1 1,908
8439-50001-AIMS-S-P 405
8440-50001-SCO-SO-P 584
8441-50001-SCO-SOS 124
8442-50001-SCO-PS1 1,908
8443-50001-SCO-S-PS 382
8444-50001-CSUITE-S 584
8445-50001-CSUITE-S 124
8446-50001-CSUITE-P 1,908
8447-50001-CSUITE-P 405
8448-3RD-OMS-500-P 103
8449-3RD-OMS-500-P 258
8450-3RD-DT-ECERT- 1,545
18,19 8451-DT-ECERT500AS 129
18,19 8452-DT-ECERT1KAS- 247
18,19 8453-DT-ECERT2KAS- 474
18,19 8454-DT-ECERT4KAS- 906
18,19 8455-DT-ECERT8KAS- 1,730
18,19 8456-DT-ECERT12KAS 2,513
18,19 8457-DT-ECERT16KAS 3,296
18,19 8458-DT-ECERT32KAS 6,262
18,19 8459-DT-ECERT64KAS 11,866
18,19 8460-DT-ECERT128KA 22,413
18,19 8461-DT-ECERT256KA 42,189
20,21 8462-KT-CSAUTO-PS1 1,940
21 8463-KT-CSAUTOAS-P 411
22 8464-3RD-EDELIVERY 8,239
23,24 8465-KT-EDELCN60KA 1,842
23,24 8466-KT-EDELCN120K 2,460
23,24 8467-KT-EDELCN300K 4,932
23,24 8468-KT-EDELCN600K 7,404
23,24 8469-KT-EDELCN12MA 9,876
23,24 8470-KT-EDELCN3MAS 16,056
23,24 8471-KT-EDELCN6MAS 22,236
25 8472-KT-EDELCP7K-P 865
25 8473-KT-EDELCP15K- 1,780
25 8474-KT-EDELCP25K- 2,848
25 8475-KT-EDELCP50K- 5,468
25 8476-KT-EDELCP75K- 7,873
25 8477-KT-EDELCP100K 10,078
25 8478-KT-EDELCP150K 14,512
25 8479-KT-EDELCP250K 23,220
25 8480-KT-EDELCP500K 44,582
25 8481-KT-EDELCP1M-P 85,597
26,27 8482-KT-PYGTCN-PS1 3,884
26,27 8483-KT-PYGTCNAS-P 824
8484-KT-CSC-PS1 6,794
8485-KT-CSCAS-PS1 1,441
8487-KT-PS-HR-CSED 258
8490-DTP-PS1 6,990
8491-DTP2-PS1 5,241
31 8492-DTLBA-AMP-PS1 971
31 8493-DT-ARCH-PS1 971
31 8494-DT-PCL2PDF-PS 971
31 8495-DT-EDOC-PS1 971
31 8496-KT-DWCN-PS1 1,941
31 8497-DTPCL-PS1 971
31 8498-KT-AIMSCN-PS1 4,853
32 8499-3RD-KT-PS-DEV 103
32 8500-3RD-KT-PS-HR-D 258
32 8501-KT-PS-PERDIEM 412
33 8502-DTL-AS-PS1 371
33 8503-DTLBA-AS-PS1 783
31 8504-DTP-AS-PS1 1,483
31 8505-DTP2-AS-PS1 1,112
31 8506-DT-ARCHAS-PS1 206
31 8507-DT-PCL2PDFAS- 206
31 8508-DT-EDOCAS-PS1 206
31 8509-KT-DWCNAS-PS 412
31 8510-KT-CS-AOAS-PS 618
31 8511-KT-CS-50AOAS- 412
31 8512-DTPCL-AS-PS1 206
31 8513-KT-AIMSCNAS-P 1,029

8516-60NUAX01A01A- 776
8517-60NUAX01A01M- 183
8518-60NUAX01A01R- 183
8519-60NUAX01P01A- 6,362
8520-60NUAX01P01M- 1,294
8521-60NUAX01P01R- 1,294
8522-60NUAX01P02A- 11,504
8523-60NUAX01P02M- 3,157
8524-60NUAX01P02R- 3,157
8525-60NUAX01P03A- 30,258
8526-60NUAX01P03M- 6,157
8527-60NUAX01P03R- 6,157
8528-60NUAX01P04A- 54,307
8529-60NUAX01P04M- 11,050
8530-60NUAX01P04R- 11,050
8531-60NUAX01U01A- 404
8532-60NUAX02A01A- 217
8533-60NUAX03A01A- 804
8534-60NUAX03A01M- 162
8535-60NUAX03A01R- 450
8536-60NUAX03F01A- 2,145
8537-60NUAX03F01M- 437
8538-60NUAX03F01R- 437
8539-60NUAX03F02A- 4,102
8540-60NUAX03F02M- 836
8541-60NUAX03F02R- 836
8542-60NUAX03F03A- 7,720
8543-60NUAX03F03M- 1,571
8544-60NUAX03F03R- 1,571
8545-60NUAX03F04A- 10,764
8546-60NUAX03F04M- 2,191
8547-60NUAX03F04R- 2,191
8548-60NUAX03U01A- 756
8549-60NUAX05A01A- 1,312
8550-60NUAX06A01A- 1,312
8551-60NUAX06A01M- 264
8552-60NUAX06A01R- 270
8553-60NUAX06P01A- 10,384
8554-60NUAX06P01M- 2,115
8555-60NUAX06P01R- 2,115
8556-60NUAX06P02A- 25,326
8557-60NUAX06P02M- 5,159
8558-60NUAX06P02R- 5,159
8559-60NUAX06P03A- 49,386
8560-60NUAX06P03M- 10,059
8561-60NUAX06P03R- 10,059
8562-60NUAX06P04A- 88,641
8563-60NUAX06P04M- 18,055
8564-60NUAX06P04R- 18,055
8565-60NUAX06U01A- 285
8566-60NUAX08P01A- 6,362
8567-60NUAX08P01M- 1,296
8568-60NUAX08P01R- 1,296
8569-60NUAX08A01A- 804
8570-60NUAX08A01M- 162
8571-60NUAX08A01R- 166
8572-60NUAX08P02A- 15,516
8573-60NUAX08P02M- 3,161
8574-60NUAX08P02R- 3,161
8575-60NUAX08P03A- 30,258
8576-60NUAX08P03M- 6,164
8577-60NUAX08P03R- 6,164
8578-60NUAX08P04A- 54,307
8579-60NUAX08P04M- 11,062
8580-60NUAX08P04R- 11,062
8581-60NUAX08U01A- 404
8582-60NUAX27A01R- 43
8583-60NUAW55A01R- 43
8584-60NUAX27A01A- 210
8585-60NUAX27A01M- 43
8586-60NUAX24C01Q- 500

8588-60NUAW01A01A- 855
8589-60NUAW01A01M 253
8590-60NUAW01A01R- 255
8591-60NUAW01P01A- 8,826
8592-60NUAW01P01M 1,798
8593-60NUAW01P01R- 1,798
8594-60NUAW01P02A- 21,527
8595-60NUAW01P02M 4,385
8596-60NUAW01P02R- 4,385
8597-60NUAW01P03A- 41,978
8598-60NUAW01P03M 8,551
8599-60NUAW01P03R- 8,551
8600-60NUAW01P04A- 75,345
8601-60NUAW01P04M 15,346
8602-60NUAW01P04R- 15,346
8603-60NUAW03A01A- 1,115
8604-60NUAW03A01M 224
8605-60NUAW03A01R- 230
8606-60NUAW03F01A- 3,039
8607-60NUAW03F01M- 619
8608-60NUAW03F01R- 619
8609-60NUAW03F02A- 5,470
8610-60NUAW03F02M- 1,115
8611-60NUAW03F02R- 1,115
8612-60NUAW03F03A- 9,117
8613-60NUAW03F03M- 1,857
8614-60NUAW03F03R- 1,857
8615-60NUAW03F04A- 10,764
8616-60NUAW03F04M- 2,193
8617-60NUAW03F04R- 2,194
8618-60NUAW05A01A- 1,319
8619-60NUAW02A01A- 224
8620-60NUAW43A01A- 1,076
8621-60NUAW43A01M 220
8622-60NUAW43A01R- 220
8623-60NUAW43F01A- 3,039
8624-60NUAW43F01M- 619
8625-60NUAW43F01R- 619
8626-60NUAW43F02A- 5,470
8627-60NUAW43F02M- 1,115
8628-60NUAW43F02R- 1,115
8629-60NUAW43F03A- 9,117
8630-60NUAW43F03M- 1,858
8631-60NUAW43F03R- 1,857
8632-60NUAW43F04A- 10,748
8633-60NUAW43F04M- 2,192
8634-60NUAW43F04R- 2,192
8635-60NUAW44A01A- 1,266
8636-60NUAW06A01A- 1,539
8637-60NUAW06A01M 308
8638-60NUAW06A01R- 315
8639-60NUAW06P01A- 12,097
8640-60NUAW06P01M 2,468
8641-60NUAW06P01R- 2,468
8642-60NUAW06P02A- 29,547
8643-60NUAW06P02M 6,019
8644-60NUAW06P02R- 6,019
8645-60NUAW06P03A- 57,617
8646-60NUAW06P03M 11,736
8647-60NUAW06P03R- 11,736
8648-60NUAW06P04A- 103,415
8649-60NUAW06P04M 21,064
8650-60NUAW06P04R- 21,064
8651-60NUAW08A01A- 1,148
8652-60NUAW08A01M 224
8653-60NUAW08A01R- 230
8654-60NUAW08P01A- 8,826
8655-60NUAW08P01M 1,798
8656-60NUAW08P01R- 1,798
8657-60NUAW08P02A- 21,527
8658-60NUAW08P02M 4,385
8659-60NUAW08P02R- 4,385
8660-60NUAW08P03A- 41,978
8661-60NUAW08P03M 8,551
8662-60NUAW08P03R- 8,551
8663-60NUAW08P04A- 75,345
8664-60NUAW08P04M 15,346
8665-60NUAW08P04R- 15,346
8666-60NUAW09A01A- 2,186
8667-60NUAW09A01M 439
8668-60NUAW09A01R- 450
8669-60NUAW10A01A- 2,186
8670-60NUAW10A01M 439
8671-60NUAW10A01R- 450
8672-60NUAW11A01A- 2,250
8673-60NUAW11A01M 439
8674-60NUAW11A01R- 450
8675-60NUAX25A01A- 350
8676-60NUAX25A01M- 60
8677-60NUAX25A01R- 60
8678-60NUAW12A01A- 2,186
8679-60NUAW12A01M 439
8680-60NUAW12A01R- 450
8681-60NUAW12P01A- 17,282
8682-60NUAW12P01M 3,516
8683-60NUAW12P01R- 3,516
8684-60NUAW12P02A- 42,150
8685-60NUAW12P02M 8,577
8686-60NUAW12P02R- 8,577
8687-60NUAW12P03A- 82,193
8688-60NUAW12P03M 16,725
8689-60NUAW12P03R- 16,725
8690-60NUAW12P04A- 147,525
8691-60NUAW12P04M 30,017
8692-60NUAW12P04R- 30,017
8693-60NUAW55A01A- 187
8694-60NUAW55A01M 43
8695-3RD-60NUAW42 1,500
8696-60NUAE01E01A- 180
8697-60NUAE01E01M1 36
8698-60NUAE01E01M2 72
8699-60NUAE01E01M3 97
8700-60NUAE01E01M4 130
8701-60NUAE01E01M5 162
8702-60NUAE12E01A- 2,250
8703-60NUAE12E01M1 450
8704-60NUAE12E01M2 900
8705-60NUAE12E01M3 1,215
8706-60NUAE12E01M4 972
8707-60NUAE12E01M5 1,215
8708-60NUAE05E01A- 360
8709-60NUAE05E01M1 72
8710-60NUAE05E01M2 144
8711-60NUAE05E01M3 194
8712-60NUAE05E01M4 259
8713-60NUAE05E01M5 324
8714-60NUAE02E01A- 225
8715-60NUAE02E01M1 45
8716-60NUAE02E01M2 90
8717-60NUAE02E01M3 122
8718-60NUAE02E01M4 162
8719-60NUAE02E01M5 203
8720-60NUAE06E01A- 225
8721-60NUAE06E01M1 45
8722-60NUAE06E01M2 90
8723-60NUAE06E01M3 122
8724-60NUAE06E01M4 162
8725-60NUAE06E01M5 203
8726-60NUAE04E01A- 225
8727-60NUAE04E01M1 45
8728-60NUAE04E01M2 90
8729-60NUAE04E01M3 122
8730-60NUAE04E01M4 162
8731-60NUAE04E01M5 203
8732-60NUAE10E01A- 27
8733-60NUAE10E01M1 5
8734-60NUAE10E01M2 11
8735-60NUAE10E01M3 14
8736-60NUAE10E01M4 18
8737-60NUAE10E01M5 23
8738-60NUAE15A01A- 1,350
8739-60NUAE14F04A- 11,475
8740-60NUAE14F04M1 2,295
8741-60NUAE14F04M2 2,625
8742-60NUAE14F04M3 6,197
8743-60NUAE14F04M4 8,262
8744-60NUAE14F04M5 10,328
8745-60NUAE14F04R1 2,295
8746-60NUAE14F01A- 3,240
8747-60NUAE14F01M1 389
8748-60NUAE14F01M2 1,296
8749-60NUAE14F01M3 1,751
8750-60NUAE14F01M4 2,334
8751-60NUAE14F01M5 2,918
8752-60NUAE14F02A- 5,832
8753-60NUAE14F02M1 1,166
8754-60NUAE14F02M2 2,333
8755-60NUAE14F02M3 3,150
8756-60NUAE14F02M4 2,520
8757-60NUAE14F02M5 3,150
8758-60NUAE14A01A- 1,148
8759-60NUAE14A01M1 138
8760-60NUAE14A01M2 459
8761-60NUAE14A01M3 619
8762-60NUAE14A01M4 825
8763-60NUAE14A01M5 1,031
8764-60NUAE14F03A- 5,832
8765-60NUAE14F03M1 1,166
8766-60NUAE14F03M2 3,888
8767-60NUAE14F03M3 5,249
8768-60NUAE14F03M4 6,999
8769-60NUAE14F03M5 8,749
8770-60NUAE11E01A- 2,250
8771-60NUAE11E01M1 450
8772-60NUAE11E01M2 540
8773-60NUAE11E01M3 1,215
8774-60NUAE11E01M4 972
8775-60NUAE11E01M5 2,025
8776-60NUAE03E01A- 225
8777-60NUAE03E01M1 45
8778-60NUAE03E01M2 90
8779-60NUAE03E01M3 122
8780-60NUAE03E01M4 162
8781-60NUAE03E01M5 203
8782-60NUAE13E01A- 1,575
8783-60NUAE13E01M1 315
8784-60NUAE13E01M2 630
8785-60NUAE13E01M3 851
8786-60NUAE13E01M4 680
8787-60NUAE13E01M5 851
8788-60NUAE07E01A- 333
8789-60NUAE07E01M1 57
8790-60NUAE07E01M2 113
8791-60NUAE07E01M3 154
8792-60NUAE07E01M4 205
8793-60NUAE07E01M5 315
8794-60NUAE09E01A- 63
8795-60NUAE09E01M1 13
8796-60NUAE09E01M2 25
8797-60NUAE09E01M3 35
8798-60NUAE09E01M4 47
8799-60NUAE09E01M5 59
8800-60NUAE08E01A- 270
8801-60NUAE08E01M1 54
8802-60NUAE08E01M2 108
8803-60NUAE08E01M3 146
8804-60NUAE08E01M4 194
8805-60NUAE08E01M5 243
8806-60NUAW19A01A- 3,500
8807-60NUAW20A01A- 3,500
8808-60NUAW21A01A- 3,500
8809-60NUAW22A01A- 3,500
8810-60NUAW23A01A- 1,800
8811-60NUAW25A01A- 3,500
8812-60NUAW26A01A- 3,000
8813-60NUAW24A01A- 1,800
8814-60NUAW27A01A- 3,500
8815-60NUAW28A01A- 1,800
8816-60NUAW29A01A- 3,500
8817-60NUAW32C01Q0 2,034
8818-60NUAW30A01A- 2,500
8819-60NUAX09A01A- 3,500
8820-60NUAX10A01A- 3,500
8821-60NUAX11A01A- 3,500
8822-60NUAX12A01A- 3,500
8823-60NUAX13A01A- 1,800
8824-60NUAX15A01A- 3,500
8825-60NUAX16A01A- 3,000
8826-60NUAX14A01A- 1,800
8827-60NUAX17A01A- 3,500
8828-60NUAX18A01A- 1,800
8829-60NUAX36A01A- 1,710
8830-60NUAX19A01A- 3,500
8831-60NUAX20A01A- 2,500
8832-60NUAW15C01Q0 1,200
8833-60NUAW15C01Q0 10,800
8834-60NUAW16C01Q0 1,200
8835-60NUAW16C01Q0 10,800
8836-60NUAW14C01Q0 500
8837-60NUAW14C01Q0 4,500
8838-60NUAW13C01Q0 250
8839-60NUAW13C01Q0 2,250
8840-60NUAW17C01Q0 1,200
8841-60NUAW17C01Q0 10,800
8842-60NUAW18C01Q0 1,200
8843-60NUAW18C01Q0 10,800

8846-EOM-CORE-PS1 4,496
8847-EOM-SERVERS- 1,796
8848-EOM-LIBRARY-P 4,496
8849-EOM-EMAIL-PS1 4,496
8850-EOM-PROCESS- 4,496
8851-EOM-UPP-PS1 4,496
8852-EOM-QUOTA-PS 1,796
8853-EOM-TRANSFOR 4,496
8854-EOM-PAGEMOD- 4,496
8855-EOM-CONSOLE- 896
8856-EOM-CON-WEB- 225
8857-EOM-CAL-WEB-P 23
8858-EOM-WEB-UPLO 4,496
8859-EOM-RJE-PS1 896
8860-EOM-NJE-PS1 896
8861-EOM-MQ-PS1 896
8862-EOM-DEST-STD- 176
8863-EOM-DEST-MID- 896
8864-EOM-DEST-PRT- 2,696

8866-DBE-BASE-PS1 4,496
8867-DBE-MODIFY-PS 3,596
8868-DBE-INPUT-RAS 1,796
8869-DBE-INPUT-AFP 3,596
8870-DBE-INPUT-AFP 3,596
8871-DBE-INPUT-PDF 3,596
8872-DBE-INPUT-SAP 3,596
8873-DBE-INPUT-TXT- 3,596
8874-DBE-INPUT-RTF- 3,596
8875-DBE-INPUT-WMF 3,596
8876-DBE-INPUT-APP 3,596
8877-DBE-INPUT-LCD 3,596
8878-DBE-OP-RASTER 1,796
8879-DBE-OP-AFPMO 3,596
8880-DBE-OP-PDF-PS 3,596
8881-DBE-OP-PCL-PS 3,596
8882-DBE-OP-TXT-PS 3,596
8883-DBE-OP-METAC 3,596
8884-DBS-BASE-PS1 7,196
8885-DBS-MODIFY-PS 6,296
8886-DBS-INPUT-RAS 3,596
8887-DBS-INPUT-AFP- 5,396
8888-DBS-INPUT-PDF 5,396
8889-DBS-INPUT-SAP 5,396
8890-DBS-INPUT-TXT- 5,396
8891-DBS-INPUT-RTF- 5,396
8892-DBS-INPUT-WMF 5,396
8893-DBS-INPUT-APP 5,396
8894-DBS-INPUT-LCD 5,396
8895-DBS-OP-RASTER 3,596
8896-DBS-OP-AFPMO 5,396
8897-DBS-OP-PDF-PS 5,396
8898-DBS-OP-PCL-PS 5,396
8899-DBS-OP-TXT-PS 5,396
8900-DBS-OP-PS-PS1 5,396
8901-DBS-OP-METAC 5,396
8902-DBH-BASE-PS1 10,796
8903-DBH-MODIFY-PS 8,996
8904-DBH-INPUT-RAS 5,396
8905-DBH-INPUT-AFP 7,196
8906-DBH-INPUT-PDF 7,196
8907-DBH-INPUT-SAP 7,196
8908-DBH-INPUT-TXT- 7,196
8909-DBH-INPUT-RTF 7,196
8910-DBH-INPUT-WMF 7,196
8911-DBH-INPUT-APP 7,196
8912-DBH-INPUT-LCD 7,196
8913-DBH-OP-RASTER 5,396
8914-DBH-OP-AFPMO 7,196
8915-DBH-OP-PDF-PS 7,196
8916-DBH-OP-PCL-PS 7,196
8917-DBH-OP-TXT-PS 7,196
8918-DBH-OP-PS-PS1 7,196
8919-DBH-OP-METAC 7,196

8921-DB-OP-IPDS-WG 4,496
8922-DB-OP-IPDS-PR- 13,046
8923-DB-OP-IJPDS-2C 14,396
8924-DB-OP-IJPDS-4C 22,046

8926-CHAN-IN-ESCON 4,410
8927-CHAN-IN-BT-PS1 4,410
8928-CHAN-OUT-BT-P 3,510

8930-BEPS-CORE-PS1 1,796
8931-BEPS-LPD-PS1 2,246
8932-BEPS-NJE-PS1 1,346
8933-BEPS-RJE-PS1 1,346
8934-BEPS-EE-PS1 896
8935-BEPS-PRTCH-PS 3,686
8936-BEPS-PRTCH-IP 1,796
8937-BEPS-EPS-PS1 2,246
8938-BEPS-P390-PS1 4,586
8939-BEPS-P390-IPDS 2,160
8940-BEPS-PROD-PRT 1,796

8942-ADEPT-INPUT-A 2,696
8943-ADEPT-INPUT-P 2,696
8944-ADEPT-INPUT-P 2,696
8945-ADEPT-INPUT-X 2,696
8946-ADEPT-INPUT-P 2,696
8947-ADEPT-OP-PCL- 5,396
8948-ADEPT-OP-PS-P 5,396
8949-ADEPT-OP-PDF- 5,396
8950-ADEPT-OP-TIFF- 5,396
8951-ADEPT-OP-XML- 5,396
8952-ADEPT-OP-HTML 5,396
8953-ADEPT-OP-TXT- 5,396

8955-60NUAW74A01A- 1,800
8956-60NUAX37A01A- 317
8957-60NUAX37A01M- 92
8958-60NUAX37A01R- 92

8961-60NUOM01A01A- 539
8962-60NUOM01A01M 119
8963-60NUOM01A01R- 101
8964-60NUOM05A01A- 809
8965-60NUOM05A01M 179
8966-60NUOM05A01R- 152
8967-60NUOM03A01A- 539
8968-60NUOM03A01M 119
8969-60NUOM03A01R- 101
8970-60NUOM108A01A 1,259
8971-60NUOM108A01 279
8972-60NUOM108A01R 278
8973-60NUOM110A01A 1,663
8974-60NUOM110A01 333
8975-60NUOM110A01R 333

8977-60NUOM108P01A 12,591
8978-60NUOM108P01 2,534
8979-60NUOM108P01R 2,281
8980-60NUOM122A01 120
8981-60NUOM108P02A 28,330
8982-60NUOM108P02 6,181
8983-60NUOM108P02R 5,563
8984-60NUOM108P03A 54,239
8985-60NUOM108P03 10,848
8986-60NUOM108P03R 10,848
8987-60NUOM108P04A 83,599
8988-60NUOM108P04 16,720
8989-60NUOM108P04R 16,720
8990-60NUOM110P01A 13,637
8991-60NUOM110P01 2,727
8992-60NUOM110P01R 2,727
8993-60NUOM110P02A 33,262
8994-60NUOM110P02 6,652
8995-60NUOM110P02R 6,652
8996-60NUOM110P03A 64,861
8997-60NUOM110P03 12,972
8998-60NUOM110P03R 12,972
8999-60NUOM110P04A 102,663
9000-60NUOM110P04 20,533
9001-60NUOM110P04R 20,533

9003-60NUOM01P01A- 4,421
9004-60NUOM01P01M 982
9005-60NUOM01P01R- 827
9006-60NUOM01P02A- 10,782
9007-60NUOM01P02M 2,396
9008-60NUOM01P02R- 2,156
9009-60NUOM01P03A- 21,025
9010-60NUOM01P03M 4,672
9011-60NUOM01P03R- 3,932
9012-60NUOM01P04A- 26,955
9013-60NUOM01P04M 5,990
9014-60NUOM01P04R- 5,391

9016-60NUOM02A01A- 269
9017-60NUOM02A01M 59
9018-60NUOM02A01R- 51
9019-60NUOM02P01A- 2,207
9020-60NUOM02P01M 490
9021-60NUOM02P01R- 413
9022-60NUOM02P02A- 5,382
9023-60NUOM02P02M 1,196
9024-60NUOM02P02R- 1,076
9025-60NUOM02P03A- 10,495
9026-60NUOM02P03M 2,099
9027-60NUOM02P03R- 2,099
9028-60NUOM02P04A- 13,455
9029-60NUOM02P04M 2,691
9030-60NUOM02P04R- 2,691
9031-60NUOM112A01A 0
9032-60NUOM112A01 5
9033-60NUOM112A01R 5
9034-60NUOM112P01A 0
9035-60NUOM112P01 0
9036-60NUOM112P01R 37
9037-60NUOM112P02A 0
9038-60NUOM112P02 0
9039-60NUOM112P02R 90
9040-60NUOM112P03A 0
9041-60NUOM112P03 0
9042-60NUOM112P03R 176
9043-60NUOM112P04A 0
9044-60NUOM112P04 0
9045-60NUOM112P04R 225
9046-60NUOM03P01A- 4,421
9047-60NUOM03P01M 982
9048-60NUOM03P01R- 827
9049-60NUOM03P02A- 10,782
9050-60NUOM03P02M 2,396
9051-60NUOM03P02R- 2,156
9052-60NUOM03P03A- 14,826
9053-60NUOM03P03M 3,294
9054-60NUOM03P03R- 2,772
9055-60NUOM03P04A- 29,111
9056-60NUOM03P04M 6,469
9057-60NUOM03P04R- 5,444
9058-60NUOM04A01A- 2,246
9059-60NUOM04A01M 499
9060-60NUOM04A01R- 449
9061-60NUOM111A01A 2,699
9062-60NUOM111A01 599
9063-60NUOM111A01R 506

9065-60NUOM05P01A- 6,635
9066-60NUOM05P01M 1,474
9067-60NUOM05P01R- 1,241
9068-60NUOM05P02A- 16,182
9069-60NUOM05P02M 3,596
9070-60NUOM05P02R- 3,236
9071-60NUOM05P03A- 31,555
9072-60NUOM05P03M 7,012
9073-60NUOM05P03R- 5,901
9074-60NUOM05P04A- 40,455
9075-60NUOM05P04M 8,990
9076-60NUOM05P04R- 8,091

9078-60NUOM58A01A- 2,699
9079-60NUOM58A01M 599
9080-60NUOM58A01R- 506
9081-60NUOM62A01A- 4,496
9082-60NUOM62A01M 999
9083-60NUOM62A01R- 899
9084-60NUOM63A01A- 4,496
9085-60NUOM63A01M 999
9086-60NUOM63A01R- 899
9087-60NUOM65A01A- 8,996
9088-60NUOM65A01M 1,999
9089-60NUOM65A01R- 1,799
9090-60NUOM08A01A- 4,995
9091-60NUOM08A01M 999
9092-60NUOM08A01R- 899
9093-60NUOM09A01A- 4,995
9094-60NUOM09A01M 999
9095-60NUOM09A01R- 899
9096-60NUOM60A01A- 13,828
9097-60NUOM60A01M 2,766
9098-60NUOM60A01R- 2,766
9099-60NUOM61A01A- 10,927
9100-60NUOM61A01M 2,185
9101-60NUOM61A01R- 2,185
9102-60NUOM68A01A- 5,469
9103-60NUOM68A01M 1,094
9104-60NUOM68A01R- 1,094
9105-60NUOM70A01A- 9,332
9106-60NUOM70A01M 1,866
9107-60NUOM70A01R- 1,866
9108-60NUOM71A01A- 9,332
9109-60NUOM71A01M 1,866
9110-60NUOM71A01R- 1,866
9111-60NUOM72A01A- 9,332
9112-60NUOM72A01M 1,866
9113-60NUOM72A01R- 1,866
9114-60NUOM73A01A- 9,332
9115-60NUOM73A01M 1,866
9116-60NUOM73A01R- 1,866
9117-60NUOM74A01A- 9,332
9118-60NUOM74A01M 1,866
9119-60NUOM74A01R- 1,866
9120-60NUOM75A01A- 9,332
9121-60NUOM75A01M 1,866
9122-60NUOM75A01R- 1,866
9123-60NUOM76A01A- 9,332
9124-60NUOM76A01M 1,866
9125-60NUOM76A01R- 1,866
9126-60NUOM80A01A- 18,664
9127-60NUOM80A01M 3,733
9128-60NUOM80A01R- 3,733
9129-60NUOM81A01A- 18,664
9130-60NUOM81A01M 3,733
9131-60NUOM81A01R- 3,733
9132-60NUOM90A01A- 9,332
9133-60NUOM90A01M 1,866
9134-60NUOM90A01R- 1,866
9135-60NUOM91A01A- 5,469
9136-60NUOM91A01M 1,094
9137-60NUOM91A01R- 1,094
9138-60NUOM92A01A- 9,332
9139-60NUOM92A01M 1,866
9140-60NUOM92A01R- 1,866
9141-60NUOM93A01A- 9,332
9142-60NUOM93A01M 1,866
9143-60NUOM93A01R- 1,866
9144-60NUOM94A01A- 9,332
9145-60NUOM94A01M 1,866
9146-60NUOM94A01R- 1,866
9147-60NUOM95A01A- 9,332
9148-60NUOM95A01M 1,866
9149-60NUOM95A01R- 1,866
9150-60NUOM96A01A- 9,332
9151-60NUOM96A01M 1,866
9152-60NUOM96A01R- 1,866
9153-60NUOM98A01A- 9,332
9154-60NUOM98A01M 1,866
9155-60NUOM98A01R- 1,866
9156-60NUOM101A01A 14,000
9157-60NUOM101A01 2,800
9158-60NUOM101A01R 2,800
9159-60NUOM103A01A 9,332
9160-60NUOM103A01 1,866
9161-60NUOM103A01R 1,866

1,2,3,4,5,17 9164-07AS001A1M0-P 1,148

1,2,3,4,5,17 9165-07AS001A2M0-P 1,010
1,2,3,4,5,17 9166-07AS001A3M0-P 918
1,2,3,4,5,17 9167-07AS001A4M0-P 895
1,2,3,4,5,17 9168-07AS001M1M1-P 230
1,2,3,4,5,17 9169-07AS001M1M2-P 459
1,2,3,4,5,17 9170-07AS001M1M3-P 689
1,2,3,4,5,17 9171-07AS001M1M4-P 918
1,2,3,4,5,17 9172-07AS001M1M5-P 1,148
1,2,3,4,5,17 9173-07AS001M2M1-P 202
1,2,3,4,5,17 9174-07AS001M2M2-P 404
1,2,3,4,5,17 9175-07AS001M2M3-P 606
1,2,3,4,5,17 9176-07AS001M2M4-P 808
1,2,3,4,5,17 9177-07AS001M2M5-P 1,010
1,2,3,4,5,17 9178-07AS001M3M1-P 184
1,2,3,4,5,17 9179-07AS001M3M2-P 367
1,2,3,4,5,17 9180-07AS001M3M3-P 551
1,2,3,4,5,17 9181-07AS001M3M4-P 734
1,2,3,4,5,17 9182-07AS001M3M5-P 918
1,2,3,4,5,17 9183-07AS001M4M1-P 179
1,2,3,4,5,17 9184-07AS001M4M2-P 358
1,2,3,4,5,17 9185-07AS001M4M3-P 537
1,2,3,4,5,17 9186-07AS001M4M4-P 716
1,2,3,4,5,17 9187-07AS001M4M5-P 895
1,2,3,4,5,17 9188-07AS002A1M0-P 1,721
1,2,3,4,5,17 9189-07AS002A2M0-P 1,515
1,2,3,4,5,17 9190-07AS002A3M0-P 1,377
1,2,3,4,5,17 9191-07AS002A4M0-P 1,343
1,2,3,4,5,17 9192-07AS002M1M1-P 344
1,2,3,4,5,17 9193-07AS002M1M2-P 689
1,2,3,4,5,17 9194-07AS002M1M3-P 1,033
1,2,3,4,5,17 9195-07AS002M1M4-P 1,377
1,2,3,4,5,17 9196-07AS002M1M5-P 1,721
1,2,3,4,5,17 9197-07AS002M2M1-P 303
1,2,3,4,5,17 9198-07AS002M2M2-P 606
1,2,3,4,5,17 9199-07AS002M2M3-P 909
1,2,3,4,5,17 9200-07AS002M2M4-P 1,212
1,2,3,4,5,17 9201-07AS002M2M5-P 1,515
1,2,3,4,5,17 9202-07AS002M3M1-P 275
1,2,3,4,5,17 9203-07AS002M3M2-P 551
1,2,3,4,5,17 9204-07AS002M3M3-P 826
1,2,3,4,5,17 9205-07AS002M3M4-P 1,102
1,2,3,4,5,17 9206-07AS002M3M5-P 1,377
1,2,3,4,5,17 9207-07AS002M4M1-P 269
1,2,3,4,5,17 9208-07AS002M4M2-P 537
1,2,3,4,5,17 9209-07AS002M4M3-P 806
1,2,3,4,5,17 9210-07AS002M4M4-P 1,074
1,2,3,4,5,17 9211-07AS002M4M5-P 1,343
1,2,3,4,5,17 9212-07AS003A1M1-P 689
9213-07AS004A5M0-P 135
9214-07AS004A6M0-P 117
9215-07AS004M5M1-P 27
9216-07AS004M5M2-P 54
9217-07AS004M5M3-P 81
9218-07AS004M5M4-P 108
9219-07AS004M5M5-P 135
9220-07AS004M6M1-P 23
9221-07AS004M6M2-P 47
9222-07AS004M6M3-P 70
9223-07AS004M6M4-P 94
9224-07AS004M6M5-P 117
9225-07AS005A5M0-P 171
9226-07AS005A6M0-P 148
9227-07AS005M5M1-P 34
9228-07AS005M5M2-P 68
9229-07AS005M5M3-P 103
9230-07AS005M5M4-P 137
9231-07AS005M5M5-P 171
9232-07AS005M6M1-P 30
9233-07AS005M6M2-P 59
9234-07AS005M6M3-P 89
9235-07AS005M6M4-P 119
9236-07AS005M6M5-P 148
9237-07AS006A5M0-P 171
9238-07AS006A6M0-P 148
9239-07AS006M5M1-P 34
9240-07AS006M5M2-P 68
9241-07AS006M5M3-P 103
9242-07AS006M5M4-P 137
9243-07AS006M5M5-P 171
9244-07AS006M6M1-P 30
9245-07AS006M6M2-P 59
9246-07AS006M6M3-P 89
9247-07AS006M6M4-P 119
9248-07AS006M6M5-P 148
9249-07AS007A5M0-P 171
9250-07AS007A6M0-P 148
9251-07AS007M5M1-P 34
9252-07AS007M5M2-P 68
9253-07AS007M5M3-P 103
9254-07AS007M5M4-P 137
9255-07AS007M5M5-P 171
9256-07AS007M6M1-P 30
9257-07AS007M6M2-P 59
9258-07AS007M6M3-P 89
9259-07AS007M6M4-P 119
9260-07AS007M6M5-P 148
9261-07AS008A5M0-P 270
9262-07AS008A6M0-P 234
9263-07AS008M5M1-P 54
9264-07AS008M5M2-P 108
9265-07AS008M5M3-P 162
9266-07AS008M5M4-P 216
9267-07AS008M5M5-P 270
9268-07AS008M6M1-P 47
9269-07AS008M6M2-P 94
9270-07AS008M6M3-P 140
9271-07AS008M6M4-P 187
9272-07AS008M6M5-P 234
9273-07AS009A5M0-P 171
9274-07AS009A6M0-P 148
9275-07AS009M5M1-P 34
9276-07AS009M5M2-P 68
9277-07AS009M5M3-P 103
9278-07AS009M5M4-P 137
9279-07AS009M5M5-P 171
9280-07AS009M6M1-P 30
9281-07AS009M6M2-P 59
9282-07AS009M6M3-P 89
9283-07AS009M6M4-P 119
9284-07AS009M6M5-P 148
9285-07AS010A5M0-P 203
9286-07AS010A6M0-P 176
9287-07AS010M5M1-P 41
9288-07AS010M5M2-P 81
9289-07AS010M5M3-P 122
9290-07AS010M5M4-P 162
9291-07AS010M5M5-P 203
9292-07AS010M6M1-P 35
9293-07AS010M6M2-P 70
9294-07AS010M6M3-P 105
9295-07AS010M6M4-P 140
9296-07AS010M6M5-P 176
9297-07AS028A1M1-P 122
9298-07AS011A5M0-P 257
9299-07AS011A6M0-P 222
9300-07AS011M5M1-P 51
9301-07AS011M5M2-P 103
9302-07AS011M5M3-P 154
9303-07AS011M5M4-P 205
9304-07AS011M5M5-P 257
9305-07AS011M6M1-P 44
9306-07AS011M6M2-P 89
9307-07AS011M6M3-P 133
9308-07AS011M6M4-P 178
9309-07AS011M6M5-P 222
9310-07AS029A1M1-P 154
9311-07AS012A5M0-P 257
9312-07AS012A6M0-P 222
9313-07AS012M5M1-P 51
9314-07AS012M5M2-P 103
9315-07AS012M5M3-P 154
9316-07AS012M5M4-P 205
9317-07AS012M5M5-P 257
9318-07AS012M6M1-P 44
9319-07AS012M6M2-P 89
9320-07AS012M6M3-P 133
9321-07AS012M6M4-P 178
9322-07AS012M6M5-P 222
9323-07AS030A1M1-P 154
9324-07AS013A5M0-P 257
9325-07AS013A6M0-P 222
9326-07AS013M5M1-P 51
9327-07AS013M5M2-P 103
9328-07AS013M5M3-P 154
9329-07AS013M5M4-P 205
9330-07AS013M5M5-P 257
9331-07AS013M6M1-P 44
9332-07AS013M6M2-P 89
9333-07AS013M6M3-P 133
9334-07AS013M6M4-P 178
9335-07AS013M6M5-P 222
9336-07AS031A1M1-P 154
9337-07AS014A5M0-P 405
9338-07AS014A6M0-P 351
9339-07AS014M5M1-P 81
9340-07AS014M5M2-P 162
9341-07AS014M5M3-P 243
9342-07AS014M5M4-P 324
9343-07AS014M5M5-P 405
9344-07AS014M6M1-P 70
9345-07AS014M6M2-P 140
9346-07AS014M6M3-P 211
9347-07AS014M6M4-P 281
9348-07AS014M6M5-P 351
9349-07AS032A1M1-P 243
9350-07AS015A5M0-P 257
9351-07AS015A6M0-P 222
9352-07AS015M5M1-P 51
9353-07AS015M5M2-P 103
9354-07AS015M5M3-P 154
9355-07AS015M5M4-P 205
9356-07AS015M5M5-P 257
9357-07AS015M6M1-P 44
9358-07AS015M6M2-P 89
9359-07AS015M6M3-P 133
9360-07AS015M6M4-P 178
9361-07AS015M6M5-P 222
9362-07AS033A1M1-P 154
1,10,11,28,17 9363-07AS016A2M0-P 360
1,10,11,28,17 9364-07AS016A3M0-P 288
1,10,11,28,17 9365-07AS016A4M0-P 216
1,10,11,28,17 9366-07AS016A5M0-P 187
1,10,11,28,17 9367-07AS016A6M0-P 144
1,10,11,28,17 9368-07AS016M2M1-P 72
1,10,11,28,17 9369-07AS016M2M2-P 144
1,10,11,28,17 9370-07AS016M2M3-P 216
1,10,11,28,17 9371-07AS016M2M4-P 288
1,10,11,28,17 9372-07AS016M2M5-P 360
1,10,11,28,17 9373-07AS016M3M1-P 58
1,10,11,28,17 9374-07AS016M3M2-P 115
1,10,11,28,17 9375-07AS016M3M3-P 173
1,10,11,28,17 9376-07AS016M3M4-P 230
1,10,11,28,17 9377-07AS016M3M5-P 288
1,10,11,28,17 9378-07AS016M4M1-P 43
1,10,11,28,17 9379-07AS016M4M2-P 86
1,10,11,28,17 9380-07AS016M4M3-P 130
1,10,11,28,17 9381-07AS016M4M4-P 173
1,10,11,28,17 9382-07AS016M4M5-P 216
1,10,11,28,17 9383-07AS016M5M1-P 37
1,10,11,28,17 9384-07AS016M5M2-P 75
1,10,11,28,17 9385-07AS016M5M3-P 112
1,10,11,28,17 9386-07AS016M5M4-P 150
1,10,11,28,17 9387-07AS016M5M5-P 187
1,10,11,28,17 9388-07AS016M6M1-P 29
1,10,11,28,17 9389-07AS016M6M2-P 58
1,10,11,28,17 9390-07AS016M6M3-P 86
1,10,11,28,17 9391-07AS016M6M4-P 115
1,10,11,28,17 9392-07AS016M6M5-P 144
1,29,30,17 9393-07AS017A1M0-P 1,148
1,29,30,17 9394-07AS017A2M0-P 1,010
1,29,30,17 9395-07AS017A3M0-P 918
1,29,30,17 9396-07AS017A4M0-P 895
1,29,30,17 9397-07AS017A5M0-P 861
1,29,30,17 9398-07AS017A6M0-P 815
1,29,30,17 9399-07AS017M1M1-P 230
1,29,30,17 9400-07AS017M1M2-P 459
1,29,30,17 9401-07AS017M1M3-P 689
1,29,30,17 9402-07AS017M1M4-P 918
1,29,30,17 9403-07AS017M1M5-P 1,148
1,29,30,17 9404-07AS017M2M1-P 202
1,29,30,17 9405-07AS017M2M2-P 404
1,29,30,17 9406-07AS017M2M3-P 606
1,29,30,17 9407-07AS017M2M4-P 808
1,29,30,17 9408-07AS017M2M5-P 1,010
1,29,30,17 9409-07AS017M3M1-P 184
1,29,30,17 9410-07AS017M3M2-P 367
1,29,30,17 9411-07AS017M3M3-P 551
1,29,30,17 9412-07AS017M3M4-P 734
1,29,30,17 9413-07AS017M3M5-P 918
1,29,30,17 9414-07AS017M4M1-P 179
1,29,30,17 9415-07AS017M4M2-P 358
1,29,30,17 9416-07AS017M4M3-P 537
1,29,30,17 9417-07AS017M4M4-P 716
1,29,30,17 9418-07AS017M4M5-P 895
1,29,30,17 9419-07AS017M5M1-P 172
1,29,30,17 9420-07AS017M5M2-P 344
1,29,30,17 9421-07AS017M5M3-P 516
1,29,30,17 9422-07AS017M5M4-P 689
1,29,30,17 9423-07AS017M5M5-P 861
1,29,30,17 9424-07AS017M6M1-P 163
1,29,30,17 9425-07AS017M6M2-P 326
1,29,30,17 9426-07AS017M6M3-P 489
1,29,30,17 9427-07AS017M6M4-P 652
1,29,30,17 9428-07AS017M6M5-P 815
6,29 9429-07AS018A1M0-P 450
6,29 9430-07AS018M1M1-P 90
6,29 9431-07AS018M1M2-P 180
6,29 9432-07AS018M1M3-P 270
6,29 9433-07AS018M1M4-P 360
6,29 9434-07AS018M1M5-P 450
7,29 9435-07AS019A1M0-P 225
7,29 9436-07AS019M1M1-P 45
7,29 9437-07AS019M1M2-P 90
7,29 9438-07AS019M1M3-P 135
7,29 9439-07AS019M1M4-P 180
7,29 9440-07AS019M1M5-P 225
8 9441-07AS020A1M0-P 1,148
8 9442-07AS020A2M0-P 1,079
8 9443-07AS020A3M0-P 975
8 9444-07AS020A4M0-P 815
8 9445-07AS020M1M1-P 230
8 9446-07AS020M1M2-P 459
8 9447-07AS020M1M3-P 689
8 9448-07AS020M1M4-P 918
8 9449-07AS020M1M5-P 1,148
8 9450-07AS020M2M1-P 216
8 9451-07AS020M2M2-P 431
8 9452-07AS020M2M3-P 647
8 9453-07AS020M2M4-P 863
8 9454-07AS020M2M5-P 1,079
8 9455-07AS020M3M1-P 195
8 9456-07AS020M3M2-P 390
8 9457-07AS020M3M3-P 585
8 9458-07AS020M3M4-P 780
8 9459-07AS020M3M5-P 975
8 9460-07AS020M4M1-P 163
8 9461-07AS020M4M2-P 326
8 9462-07AS020M4M3-P 489
8 9463-07AS020M4M4-P 652
8 9464-07AS020M4M5-P 815
9 9465-07AS021A1M0-P 1,350
9466-07AS024A1M0-P 225
9467-07AS024M1M1-P 45
9468-07AS024M1M2-P 90
9469-07AS024M1M3-P 135
9470-07AS024M1M4-P 180
9471-07AS024M1M5-P 225
9472-07AS025A1M0-P 2,250
9473-07AS025M1M1-P 450
9474-07AS025M1M2-P 900
9475-07AS025M1M3-P 1,350
9476-07AS025M1M4-P 1,800
9477-07AS025M1M5-P 2,250
32,33,34,4,17 9478-07AS034A1M0-P 824
32,33,34,4,17 9479-07AS034A2M0-P 725
32,33,34,4,17 9480-07AS034A3M0-P 659
32,33,34,4,17 9481-07AS034A4M0-P 642
32,33,34,4,17 9482-07AS034M1M1-P 165
32,33,34,4,17 9483-07AS034M1M2-P 329
32,33,34,4,17 9484-07AS034M1M3-P 494
32,33,34,4,17 9485-07AS034M1M4-P 659
32,33,34,4,17 9486-07AS034M1M5-P 824
32,33,34,4,17 9487-07AS034M2M1-P 145
32,33,34,4,17 9488-07AS034M2M2-P 290
32,33,34,4,17 9489-07AS034M2M3-P 435
32,33,34,4,17 9490-07AS034M2M4-P 580
32,33,34,4,17 9491-07AS034M2M5-P 725
32,33,34,4,17 9492-07AS034M3M1-P 132
32,33,34,4,17 9493-07AS034M3M2-P 264
32,33,34,4,17 9494-07AS034M3M3-P 395
32,33,34,4,17 9495-07AS034M3M4-P 527
32,33,34,4,17 9496-07AS034M3M5-P 659
32,33,34,4,17 9497-07AS034M4M1-P 128
32,33,34,4,17 9498-07AS034M4M2-P 257
32,33,34,4,17 9499-07AS034M4M3-P 385
32,33,34,4,17 9500-07AS034M4M4-P 514
32,33,34,4,17 9501-07AS034M4M5-P 642
34 9502-07AS035A1M1-P 389
34 9503-07AS036A1M1-P 1,077
9504-3RD-07GE011S1 1,125
9505-3RD-07GE012S1 1,688
32,33,34,4,17 9506-07AS016M1M1-P 80
34 9507-07AS016M1M2-P 160
34 9508-07AS016M1M3-P 240
9509-07AS016M1M4-P 320

1,26,12,13,17 9511-07OM001A1M0-P 808

1,26,12,13,17 9512-07OM001A2M0-P 671
1,26,12,13,17 9513-07OM001A3M0-P 582
1,26,12,13,17 9514-07OM001A4M0-P 509
1,26,12,13,17 9515-07OM001A5M0-P 404
1,26,12,13,17 9516-07OM001A6M0-P 364
1,26,12,13,17 9517-07OM001M1M1-P 162
1,26,12,13,17 9518-07OM001M1M2-P 323
1,26,12,13,17 9519-07OM001M1M3-P 485
1,26,12,13,17 9520-07OM001M1M4-P 647
1,26,12,13,17 9521-07OM001M1M5-P 808
1,26,12,13,17 9522-07OM001M2M1-P 134
1,26,12,13,17 9523-07OM001M2M2-P 268
1,26,12,13,17 9524-07OM001M2M3-P 402
1,26,12,13,17 9525-07OM001M2M4-P 537
1,26,12,13,17 9526-07OM001M2M5-P 671
1,26,12,13,17 9527-07OM001M3M1-P 116
1,26,12,13,17 9528-07OM001M3M2-P 233
1,26,12,13,17 9529-07OM001M3M3-P 349
1,26,12,13,17 9530-07OM001M3M4-P 466
1,26,12,13,17 9531-07OM001M3M5-P 582
1,26,12,13,17 9532-07OM001M4M1-P 102
1,26,12,13,17 9533-07OM001M4M2-P 204
1,26,12,13,17 9534-07OM001M4M3-P 305
1,26,12,13,17 9535-07OM001M4M4-P 407
1,26,12,13,17 9536-07OM001M4M5-P 509
1,26,12,13,17 9537-07OM001M5M1-P 81
1,26,12,13,17 9538-07OM001M5M2-P 162
1,26,12,13,17 9539-07OM001M5M3-P 242
1,26,12,13,17 9540-07OM001M5M4-P 323
1,26,12,13,17 9541-07OM001M5M5-P 404
1,26,12,13,17 9542-07OM001M6M1-P 73
1,26,12,13,17 9543-07OM001M6M2-P 145
1,26,12,13,17 9544-07OM001M6M3-P 218
1,26,12,13,17 9545-07OM001M6M4-P 291
1,26,12,13,17 9546-07OM001M6M5-P 364
1,26,3,12,13,17 9547-07OM002A1M0-P 1,212
1,26,3,12,13,17 9548-07OM002A2M0-P 1,006
1,26,3,12,13,17 9549-07OM002A3M0-P 873
1,26,3,12,13,17 9550-07OM002A4M0-P 764
1,26,3,12,13,17 9551-07OM002A5M0-P 606
1,26,3,12,13,17 9552-07OM002A6M0-P 546
1,26,3,12,13,17 9553-07OM002M1M1-P 242
1,26,3,12,13,17 9554-07OM002M1M2-P 485
1,26,3,12,13,17 9555-07OM002M1M3-P 727
1,26,3,12,13,17 9556-07OM002M1M4-P 970
1,26,3,12,13,17 9557-07OM002M1M5-P 1,212
1,26,3,12,13,17 9558-07OM002M2M1-P 201
1,26,3,12,13,17 9559-07OM002M2M2-P 402
1,26,3,12,13,17 9560-07OM002M2M3-P 604
1,26,3,12,13,17 9561-07OM002M2M4-P 805
1,26,3,12,13,17 9562-07OM002M2M5-P 1,006
1,26,3,12,13,17 9563-07OM002M3M1-P 175
1,26,3,12,13,17 9564-07OM002M3M2-P 349
1,26,3,12,13,17 9565-07OM002M3M3-P 524
1,26,3,12,13,17 9566-07OM002M3M4-P 698
1,26,3,12,13,17 9567-07OM002M3M5-P 873
1,26,3,12,13,17 9568-07OM002M4M1-P 153
1,26,3,12,13,17 9569-07OM002M4M2-P 305
1,26,3,12,13,17 9570-07OM002M4M3-P 458
1,26,3,12,13,17 9571-07OM002M4M4-P 611
1,26,3,12,13,17 9572-07OM002M4M5-P 764
1,26,3,12,13,17 9573-07OM002M5M1-P 121
1,26,3,12,13,17 9574-07OM002M5M2-P 242
1,26,3,12,13,17 9575-07OM002M5M3-P 364
1,26,3,12,13,17 9576-07OM002M5M4-P 485
1,26,3,12,13,17 9577-07OM002M5M5-P 606
1,26,3,12,13,17 9578-07OM002M6M1-P 109
1,26,3,12,13,17 9579-07OM002M6M2-P 218
1,26,3,12,13,17 9580-07OM002M6M3-P 327
1,26,3,12,13,17 9581-07OM002M6M4-P 436
1,26,3,12,13,17 9582-07OM002M6M5-P 546
1,26,3,12,13,17 9583-07OM003A1M1-P 485
1,14,17 9584-07OM004A1M0-P 539
1,14,17 9585-07OM004A2M0-P 447
1,14,17 9586-07OM004A3M0-P 388
1,14,17 9587-07OM004A4M0-P 340
1,14,17 9588-07OM004A5M0-P 270
1,14,17 9589-07OM004A6M0-P 243
1,14,17 9590-07OM004M1M1-P 108
1,14,17 9591-07OM004M1M2-P 216
1,14,17 9592-07OM004M1M3-P 323
1,14,17 9593-07OM004M1M4-P 431
1,14,17 9594-07OM004M1M5-P 539
1,14,17 9595-07OM004M2M1-P 89
1,14,17 9596-07OM004M2M2-P 179
1,14,17 9597-07OM004M2M3-P 268
1,14,17 9598-07OM004M2M4-P 358
1,14,17 9599-07OM004M2M5-P 447
1,14,17 9600-07OM004M3M1-P 78
1,14,17 9601-07OM004M3M2-P 155
1,14,17 9602-07OM004M3M3-P 233
1,14,17 9603-07OM004M3M4-P 311
1,14,17 9604-07OM004M3M5-P 388
1,14,17 9605-07OM004M4M1-P 68
1,14,17 9606-07OM004M4M2-P 136
1,14,17 9607-07OM004M4M3-P 204
1,14,17 9608-07OM004M4M4-P 272
1,14,17 9609-07OM004M4M5-P 340
1,14,17 9610-07OM004M5M1-P 54
1,14,17 9611-07OM004M5M2-P 108
1,14,17 9612-07OM004M5M3-P 162
1,14,17 9613-07OM004M5M4-P 216
1,14,17 9614-07OM004M5M5-P 270
1,14,17 9615-07OM004M6M1-P 49
1,14,17 9616-07OM004M6M2-P 97
1,14,17 9617-07OM004M6M3-P 146
1,14,17 9618-07OM004M6M4-P 194
1,14,17 9619-07OM004M6M5-P 243
1,15,16,25,17 9620-07OM005A1M0-P 539
1,15,16,25,17 9621-07OM005A2M0-P 361
1,15,16,25,17 9622-07OM005A3M0-P 270
1,15,16,25,17 9623-07OM005A4M0-P 178
1,15,16,25,17 9624-07OM005A5M0-P 54
1,15,16,25,17 9625-07OM005A6M0-P 32
1,15,16,25,17 9626-07OM005M1M1-P 108
1,15,16,25,17 9627-07OM005M1M2-P 216
1,15,16,25,17 9628-07OM005M1M3-P 323
1,15,16,25,17 9629-07OM005M1M4-P 431
1,15,16,25,17 9630-07OM005M1M5-P 539
1,15,16,25,17 9631-07OM005M2M1-P 72
1,15,16,25,17 9632-07OM005M2M2-P 144
1,15,16,25,17 9633-07OM005M2M3-P 217
1,15,16,25,17 9634-07OM005M2M4-P 289
1,15,16,25,17 9635-07OM005M2M5-P 361
1,15,16,25,17 9636-07OM005M3M1-P 54
1,15,16,25,17 9637-07OM005M3M2-P 108
1,15,16,25,17 9638-07OM005M3M3-P 162
1,15,16,25,17 9639-07OM005M3M4-P 216
1,15,16,25,17 9640-07OM005M3M5-P 270
1,15,16,25,17 9641-07OM005M4M1-P 36
1,15,16,25,17 9642-07OM005M4M2-P 71
1,15,16,25,17 9643-07OM005M4M3-P 107
1,15,16,25,17 9644-07OM005M4M4-P 142
1,15,16,25,17 9645-07OM005M4M5-P 178
1,15,16,25,17 9646-07OM005M5M1-P 11
1,15,16,25,17 9647-07OM005M5M2-P 22
1,15,16,25,17 9648-07OM005M5M3-P 32
1,15,16,25,17 9649-07OM005M5M4-P 43
1,15,16,25,17 9650-07OM005M5M5-P 54
1,15,16,25,17 9651-07OM005M6M1-P 6
1,15,16,25,17 9652-07OM005M6M2-P 13
1,15,16,25,17 9653-07OM005M6M3-P 19
1,15,16,25,17 9654-07OM005M6M4-P 26
1,15,16,25,17 9655-07OM005M6M5-P 32
9656-07OM008A1M0-P 4,496
9657-07OM008M1M1-P 899
9658-07OM008M1M2-P 1,798
9659-07OM008M1M3-P 2,697
9660-07OM008M1M4-P 3,596
9661-07OM008M1M5-P 4,496
27 9662-07OM009A1M0-P 8,996
27 9663-07OM009M1M1-P 1,799
27 9664-07OM009M1M2-P 3,598
27 9665-07OM009M1M3-P 5,397
27 9666-07OM009M1M4-P 7,196
27 9667-07OM009M1M5-P 8,996
18 9668-07OM010A1M0-P 4,496
18 9669-07OM010M1M1-P 899
18 9670-07OM010M1M2-P 1,798
18 9671-07OM010M1M3-P 2,697
18 9672-07OM010M1M4-P 3,596
18 9673-07OM010M1M5-P 4,496
18 9674-07OM011A1M0-P 4,496
18 9675-07OM011M1M1-P 899
18 9676-07OM011M1M2-P 1,798
18 9677-07OM011M1M3-P 2,697
18 9678-07OM011M1M4-P 3,596
18 9679-07OM011M1M5-P 4,496
12,13 9680-07OM012A1M0-P 2,699
12,13 9681-07OM012M1M1-P 540
12,13 9682-07OM012M1M2-P 1,080
12,13 9683-07OM012M1M3-P 1,619
12,13 9684-07OM012M1M4-P 2,159
12,13 9685-07OM012M1M5-P 2,699
19 9686-07OM013A1M0-P 13,828
19 9687-07OM013M1M1-P 2,766
19 9688-07OM013M1M2-P 5,531
19 9689-07OM013M1M3-P 8,297
19 9690-07OM013M1M4-P 11,062
19 9691-07OM013M1M5-P 13,828
18,19,31 9692-07OM014A1M0-P 10,927
18,19,31 9693-07OM014M1M1-P 2,185
18,19,31 9694-07OM014M1M2-P 4,371
18,19,31 9695-07OM014M1M3-P 6,556
18,19,31 9696-07OM014M1M4-P 8,742
18,19,31 9697-07OM014M1M5-P 10,927
20 9698-07OM015A1M0-P 5,773
20 9699-07OM017A1M0-P 9,851
20 9700-07OM019A1M0-P 9,851
20 9701-07OM021A1M0-P 9,851
20 9702-07OM023A1M0-P 9,851
20 9703-07OM025A1M0-P 9,851
20 9704-07OM027A1M0-P 9,851
20 9705-07OM028A1M0-P 9,851
20 9706-07OM030A1M0-P 19,701
20 9707-07OM032A1M0-P 9,851
20 9708-07OM034A1M0-P 11,589
20 9709-07OM015M1M1-P 1,155
20 9710-07OM015M1M2-P 2,309
20 9711-07OM015M1M3-P 3,464
20 9712-07OM015M1M4-P 4,619
20 9713-07OM015M1M5-P 5,773
20 9714-07OM017M1M1-P 1,970
20 9715-07OM017M1M2-P 3,940
20 9716-07OM017M1M3-P 5,910
20 9717-07OM017M1M4-P 7,880
20 9718-07OM017M1M5-P 9,851
20 9719-07OM019M1M1-P 1,970
20 9720-07OM019M1M2-P 3,940
20 9721-07OM019M1M3-P 5,910
20 9722-07OM019M1M4-P 7,880
20 9723-07OM019M1M5-P 9,851
20 9724-07OM021M1M1-P 1,970
20 9725-07OM021M1M2-P 3,940
20 9726-07OM021M1M3-P 5,910
20 9727-07OM021M1M4-P 7,880
20 9728-07OM021M1M5-P 9,851
20 9729-07OM023M1M1-P 1,970
20 9730-07OM023M1M2-P 3,940
20 9731-07OM023M1M3-P 5,910
20 9732-07OM023M1M4-P 7,880
20 9733-07OM023M1M5-P 9,851
20 9734-07OM025M1M1-P 1,970
20 9735-07OM025M1M2-P 3,940
20 9736-07OM025M1M3-P 5,910
20 9737-07OM025M1M4-P 7,880
20 9738-07OM025M1M5-P 9,851
20 9739-07OM027M1M1-P 1,970
20 9740-07OM027M1M2-P 3,940
20 9741-07OM027M1M3-P 5,910
20 9742-07OM027M1M4-P 7,880
20 9743-07OM027M1M5-P 9,851
20 9744-07OM028M1M1-P 1,970
20 9745-07OM028M1M2-P 3,940
20 9746-07OM028M1M3-P 5,910
20 9747-07OM028M1M4-P 7,880
20 9748-07OM028M1M5-P 9,851
20 9749-07OM030M1M1-P 3,940
20 9750-07OM030M1M2-P 7,880
20 9751-07OM030M1M3-P 11,821
20 9752-07OM030M1M4-P 15,761
20 9753-07OM030M1M5-P 19,701
20 9754-07OM032M1M1-P 1,970
20 9755-07OM032M1M2-P 3,940
20 9756-07OM032M1M3-P 5,910
20 9757-07OM032M1M4-P 7,880
20 9758-07OM032M1M5-P 9,851
20 9759-07OM034M1M1-P 2,318
20 9760-07OM034M1M2-P 4,636
20 9761-07OM034M1M3-P 6,953
20 9762-07OM034M1M4-P 9,271
20 9763-07OM034M1M5-P 11,589
20 9764-07OM016A1M0-P 5,773
20 9765-07OM018A1M0-P 9,851
20 9766-07OM020A1M0-P 9,851
20 9767-07OM022A1M0-P 9,851
20 9768-07OM024A1M0-P 9,851
20 9769-07OM026A1M0-P 9,851
20 9770-07OM029A1M0-P 9,851
20 9771-07OM031A1M0-P 17,319
20 9772-07OM033A1M0-P 9,851
20 9773-07OM035A1M0-P 11,589
20 9774-07OM016M1M1-P 1,155
20 9775-07OM016M1M2-P 2,309
20 9776-07OM016M1M3-P 3,464
20 9777-07OM016M1M4-P 4,619
20 9778-07OM016M1M5-P 5,773
20 9779-07OM018M1M1-P 1,970
20 9780-07OM018M1M2-P 3,940
20 9781-07OM018M1M3-P 5,910
20 9782-07OM018M1M4-P 7,880
20 9783-07OM018M1M5-P 9,851
20 9784-07OM020M1M1-P 1,970
20 9785-07OM020M1M2-P 3,940
20 9786-07OM020M1M3-P 5,910
20 9787-07OM020M1M4-P 7,880
20 9788-07OM020M1M5-P 9,851
20 9789-07OM022M1M1-P 1,970
20 9790-07OM022M1M2-P 3,940
20 9791-07OM022M1M3-P 5,910
20 9792-07OM022M1M4-P 7,880
20 9793-07OM022M1M5-P 9,851
20 9794-07OM024M1M1-P 1,970
20 9795-07OM024M1M2-P 3,940
20 9796-07OM024M1M3-P 5,910
20 9797-07OM024M1M4-P 7,880
20 9798-07OM024M1M5-P 9,851
20 9799-07OM026M1M1-P 1,970
20 9800-07OM026M1M2-P 3,940
20 9801-07OM026M1M3-P 5,910
20 9802-07OM026M1M4-P 7,880
20 9803-07OM026M1M5-P 9,851
20 9804-07OM029M1M1-P 1,970
20 9805-07OM029M1M2-P 3,940
20 9806-07OM029M1M3-P 5,910
20 9807-07OM029M1M4-P 7,880
20 9808-07OM029M1M5-P 9,851
20 9809-07OM031M1M1-P 3,464
20 9810-07OM031M1M2-P 6,927
20 9811-07OM031M1M3-P 10,391
20 9812-07OM031M1M4-P 13,855
20 9813-07OM031M1M5-P 17,319
20 9814-07OM033M1M1-P 1,970
20 9815-07OM033M1M2-P 3,940
20 9816-07OM033M1M3-P 5,910
20 9817-07OM033M1M4-P 7,880
20 9818-07OM033M1M5-P 9,851
20 9819-07OM035M1M1-P 2,318
20 9820-07OM035M1M2-P 4,636
20 9821-07OM035M1M3-P 6,953
20 9822-07OM035M1M4-P 9,271
20 9823-07OM035M1M5-P 11,589
9824-3RD-07GE013S1 3,060
1,2,5 9825-07BU001A1M0-P 1,760
1,2,5 9826-07BU001A2M0-P 1,513
1,2,5 9827-07BU001A3M0-P 1,350
1,2,5 9828-07BU001A4M0-P 1,264
1,2,5 9829-07BU001A5M0-P 1,138
1,2,5 9830-07BU001A6M0-P 1,061
1,2,5 9831-07BU001M1M1-P 352
1,2,5 9832-07BU001M1M2-P 704
1,2,5 9833-07BU001M1M3-P 1,056
1,2,5 9834-07BU001M1M4-P 1,408
1,2,5 9835-07BU001M1M5-P 1,760
1,2,5 9836-07BU001M2M1-P 303
1,2,5 9837-07BU001M2M2-P 605
1,2,5 9838-07BU001M2M3-P 908
1,2,5 9839-07BU001M2M4-P 1,210
1,2,5 9840-07BU001M2M5-P 1,513
1,2,5 9841-07BU001M3M1-P 270
1,2,5 9842-07BU001M3M2-P 540
1,2,5 9843-07BU001M3M3-P 810
1,2,5 9844-07BU001M3M4-P 1,080
1,2,5 9845-07BU001M3M5-P 1,350
1,2,5 9846-07BU001M4M1-P 253
1,2,5 9847-07BU001M4M2-P 506
1,2,5 9848-07BU001M4M3-P 758
1,2,5 9849-07BU001M4M4-P 1,011
1,2,5 9850-07BU001M4M5-P 1,264
1,2,5 9851-07BU001M5M1-P 228
1,2,5 9852-07BU001M5M2-P 455
1,2,5 9853-07BU001M5M3-P 683
1,2,5 9854-07BU001M5M4-P 911
1,2,5 9855-07BU001M5M5-P 1,138
1,2,5 9856-07BU001M6M1-P 212
1,2,5 9857-07BU001M6M2-P 424
1,2,5 9858-07BU001M6M3-P 636
1,2,5 9859-07BU001M6M4-P 848
1,2,5 9860-07BU001M6M5-P 1,061
1,2,3,5 9861-07BU002A1M0-P 2,640
1,2,3,5 9862-07BU002A2M0-P 2,269
1,2,3,5 9863-07BU002A3M0-P 2,025
1,2,3,5 9864-07BU002A4M0-P 1,896
1,2,3,5 9865-07BU002A5M0-P 1,707
1,2,3,5 9866-07BU002A6M0-P 1,591
1,2,3,5 9867-07BU002M1M1-P 528
1,2,3,5 9868-07BU002M1M2-P 1,056
1,2,3,5 9869-07BU002M1M3-P 1,584
1,2,3,5 9870-07BU002M1M4-P 2,112
1,2,3,5 9871-07BU002M1M5-P 2,640
1,2,3,5 9872-07BU002M2M1-P 454
1,2,3,5 9873-07BU002M2M2-P 908
1,2,3,5 9874-07BU002M2M3-P 1,361
1,2,3,5 9875-07BU002M2M4-P 1,815
1,2,3,5 9876-07BU002M2M5-P 2,269
1,2,3,5 9877-07BU002M3M1-P 405
1,2,3,5 9878-07BU002M3M2-P 810
1,2,3,5 9879-07BU002M3M3-P 1,215
1,2,3,5 9880-07BU002M3M4-P 1,620
1,2,3,5 9881-07BU002M3M5-P 2,025
1,2,3,5 9882-07BU002M4M1-P 379
1,2,3,5 9883-07BU002M4M2-P 758
1,2,3,5 9884-07BU002M4M3-P 1,137
1,2,3,5 9885-07BU002M4M4-P 1,517
1,2,3,5 9886-07BU002M4M5-P 1,896
1,2,3,5 9887-07BU002M5M1-P 341
1,2,3,5 9888-07BU002M5M2-P 683
1,2,3,5 9889-07BU002M5M3-P 1,024
1,2,3,5 9890-07BU002M5M4-P 1,366
1,2,3,5 9891-07BU002M5M5-P 1,707
1,2,3,5 9892-07BU002M6M1-P 318
1,2,3,5 9893-07BU002M6M2-P 636
1,2,3,5 9894-07BU002M6M3-P 955
1,2,3,5 9895-07BU002M6M4-P 1,273
1,2,3,5 9896-07BU002M6M5-P 1,591
1,2,3,5 9897-07BU004A1M1-P 1,056
24,22 9898-07BU003A1M0-P 1,148
24,22 9899-07BU003M1M1-P 230
24,22 9900-07BU003M1M2-P 459
24,22 9901-07BU003M1M3-P 689
24,22 9902-07BU003M1M4-P 918
24,22 9903-07BU003M1M5-P 1,148
9904-3RD-07GE001S1 279
1,21,22,23,17 9905-07MW001A2M0-P 450
1,21,22,23,17 9906-07MW001A3M0-P 324
1,21,22,23,17 9907-07MW001A4M0-P 180
1,21,22,23,17 9908-07MW001A5M0-P 144
1,21,22,23,17 9909-07MW001A6M0-P 135
1,21,22,23,17 9910-07MW001M2M1- 90
1,21,22,23,17 9911-07MW001M2M2- 180
1,21,22,23,17 9912-07MW001M2M3- 270
1,21,22,23,17 9913-07MW001M2M4- 360
1,21,22,23,17 9914-07MW001M2M5- 450
1,21,22,23,17 9915-07MW001M3M1- 65
1,21,22,23,17 9916-07MW001M3M2- 130
1,21,22,23,17 9917-07MW001M3M3- 194
1,21,22,23,17 9918-07MW001M3M4- 259
1,21,22,23,17 9919-07MW001M3M5- 324
1,21,22,23,17 9920-07MW001M4M1- 36
1,21,22,23,17 9921-07MW001M4M2- 72
1,21,22,23,17 9922-07MW001M4M3- 108
1,21,22,23,17 9923-07MW001M4M4- 144
1,21,22,23,17 9924-07MW001M4M5- 180
1,21,22,23,17 9925-07MW001M5M1- 29
1,21,22,23,17 9926-07MW001M5M2- 58
1,21,22,23,17 9927-07MW001M5M3- 86
1,21,22,23,17 9928-07MW001M5M4- 115
1,21,22,23,17 9929-07MW001M5M5- 144
1,21,22,23,17 9930-07MW001M6M1- 27
1,21,22,23,17 9931-07MW001M6M2- 54
1,21,22,23,17 9932-07MW001M6M3- 81
1,21,22,23,17 9933-07MW001M6M4- 108
1,21,22,23,17 9934-07MW001M6M5- 135
9935-3RD-07GE015S1 2,250
9936-3RD-07GE016S1 1,688

9938-07OM036A1M0-P 182
9939-07OM036A1M1-P 270
9940-07OM036A1M2-P 315
9941-07OM036A1M3-P 360
9942-07OM036A1M4-P 405
9943-07OM036A1M5-P 450
9944-07OM036A2M0-P 152
9945-07OM036A2M1-P 224
9946-07OM036A2M2-P 261
9947-07OM036A2M3-P 299
9948-07OM036A2M4-P 336
9949-07OM036A2M5-P 374
9950-07OM036A3M0-P 132
9951-07OM036A3M1-P 194
9952-07OM036A3M2-P 227
9953-07OM036A3M3-P 259
9954-07OM036A3M4-P 292
9955-07OM036A3M5-P 324
9956-07OM036A4M0-P 116
9957-07OM036A4M1-P 170
9958-07OM036A4M2-P 199
9959-07OM036A4M3-P 227
9960-07OM036A4M4-P 256
9961-07OM036A4M5-P 284
9962-07OM036A5M0-P 92
9963-07OM036A5M1-P 136
9964-07OM036A5M2-P 158
9965-07OM036A5M3-P 181
9966-07OM036A5M4-P 203
9967-07OM036A5M5-P 226
9968-07OM036A6M0-P 83
9969-07OM036A6M1-P 121
9970-07OM036A6M2-P 141
9971-07OM036A6M3-P 162
9972-07OM036A6M4-P 182
9973-07OM036A6M5-P 182
20, 35, 56, 57 9974-07OM036M1M1-P 41
20, 35, 56, 57 9975-07OM036M1M2-P 81
20, 35, 56, 57 9976-07OM036M1M3-P 122
20, 35, 56, 57 9977-07OM036M1M4-P 162
20, 35, 56, 57 9978-07OM036M1M5-P 203
20, 35, 56, 57 9979-07OM036M2M1-P 34
20, 35, 56, 57 9980-07OM036M2M2-P 67
20, 35, 56, 57 9981-07OM036M2M3-P 101
20, 35, 56, 57 9982-07OM036M2M4-P 134
20, 35, 56, 57 9983-07OM036M2M5-P 168
20, 35, 56, 57 9984-07OM036M3M1-P 29
20, 35, 56, 57 9985-07OM036M3M2-P 58
20, 35, 56, 57 9986-07OM036M3M3-P 87
20, 35, 56, 57 9987-07OM036M3M4-P 117
20, 35, 56, 57 9988-07OM036M3M5-P 146
20, 35, 56, 57 9989-07OM036M4M1-P 26
20, 35, 56, 57 9990-07OM036M4M2-P 51
20, 35, 56, 57 9991-07OM036M4M3-P 77
20, 35, 56, 57 9992-07OM036M4M4-P 102
20, 35, 56, 57 9993-07OM036M4M5-P 128
20, 35, 56, 57 9994-07OM036M5M1-P 20
20, 35, 56, 57 9995-07OM036M5M2-P 41
20, 35, 56, 57 9996-07OM036M5M3-P 61
20, 35, 56, 57 9997-07OM036M5M4-P 81
20, 35, 56, 57 9998-07OM036M5M5-P 102
20, 35, 56, 57 9999-07OM036M6M1-P 18
20, 35, 56, 57 10000-07OM036M6M2- 36
20, 35, 56, 57 10001-07OM036M6M3- 55
20, 35, 56, 57 10002-07OM036M6M4- 73
20, 35, 56, 57 10003-07OM036M6M5- 91
10004-07OM037A1M0- 11,589
10005-07OM037A1M1- 13,907
10006-07OM037A1M2- 16,225
10007-07OM037A1M3- 18,542
10008-07OM037A1M4- 20,860
10009-07OM037A1M5- 23,178

10012-EQ4CR001-PS1 45
10013-EQ4CR010-PS1 450
10014-EQ4CR100-PS1 4,500
10015-EQ4CR500-PS1 22,500
10016-EQ4PA010-PS1 211
10017-EQ4PA100-PS1 925
10018-EQ4PA01K-PS1 3,575
10019-CRU00M00-PS1 173
10020-CABX719-PS1 80
10021-CABX0860-PS1 80
10022-CABX0092-PS1 80
10023-CABX0866-PS1 86
10024-CABX0818-PS1 86
10025-CABX0816-PS1 80
10026-CA0007-K-PS1 86

10028-S-EQ4CS001-3- 240
10029-S-EQ4CS010-3- 2,052
10030-S-EQ4CS100-3- 16,170
10031-S-EQ4CS500-3- 72,762
10032-S-EQ4CR001-3- 15
10033-S-EQ4CR010-3- 150
10034-S-EQ4CR100-3- 1,500
10035-S-EQ4CR500-3- 7,500
10036-S-PC1CFE00-3- 177
10037-S-PC1CFME0-3 203
10038-S-PC1CFX00-3- 240
10039-S-PC1CFY00-3- 266
10040-S-PC1CFZ00-3- 253
10041-S-PC3CFE00-3- 240
10042-S-PC3CFME0-3 253
10043-S-PC3CFX00-3- 304
10044-S-PC3CFY00-3- 342
10045-S-PC3CFZ00-3- 304
10046-S-CRU00Y00-3- 117
10047-S-CRU00Z00-3- 69
10048-S-CRU00M00-3- 53
10049-S-PC1CFE00-4- 236
10050-S-PC1CFME0-4 270
10051-S-PC1CFX00-4- 321
10052-S-PC1CFY00-4- 355
10053-S-PC1CFZ00-4- 338
10054-S-PC3CFE00-4- 321
10055-S-PC3CFME0-4 338
10056-S-PC3CFX00-4- 405
10057-S-PC3CFY00-4- 456
10058-S-PC3CFZ00-4- 405
10059-S-CRU00Y00-4- 155
10060-S-CRU00Z00-4- 92
10061-S-CRU00M00-4- 70
10062-S-PC1CFE00-5- 296
10063-S-PC1CFME0-5 338
10064-S-PC1CFX00-5- 401
10065-S-PC1CFY00-5- 443
10066-S-PC1CFZ00-5- 422
10067-S-PC3CFE00-5- 401
10068-S-PC3CFME0-5 422
10069-S-PC3CFX00-5- 506
10070-S-PC3CFY00-5- 570
10071-S-PC3CFZ00-5- 506
10072-S-CRU00Y00-5- 194
10073-S-CRU00M00-5- 88
10074-S-EQ4EFSU1-R 1,067
10075-S-EQ4EFSB1-R 383
10076-S-EQ4EFSUU-R 527
10077-S-EQ4EFSBU-R 203
10078-S-EQ4EESU1-R 1,256
10079-S-EQ4EESC1-R 495
10080-S-EQ4EESUU-R 626
10081-S-EQ4EESCU-R 248
10082-S-EQ4EFSMB-R 428
10083-S-EQ4SU025-R 293
10084-S-EQ4SU100-R 1,035
10085-S-EQ4SU250-R 2,250
10086-S-EQ4PS001-R 608
10087-S-EQ4PS00U-R 293
10088-S-EQ4PS010-R 4,959
10089-S-EQ4CLS01-R 1,715
10090-S-EQ4CLS0U-R 905
10091-S-EQ4ED001-R 225
10092-S-EQ4ED00U-R 45
10093-S-EQ4ED010-R 1,935
10094-S-EQ4ED100-R 15,255
10095-S-EQ4ED500-R 68,643
10096-S-EQ4MA001-R 315
10097-S-EQ4MA010-R 2,754
10098-S-EQ4MA100-R 22,883
10099-S-EQ4MA500-R 106,781
10100-S-EQ4ER001-R 126
10101-S-EQ4ER010-R 1,004
10102-S-EQ4ER100-R 7,628
10103-S-EQ4ER500-R 34,322
10104-S-EQ4CS001-R 80
10105-S-EQ4CS010-R 684
10106-S-EQ4CS100-R 5,390
10107-S-EQ4CS500-R 24,254
10108-S-EQ4CR001-R 5
10109-S-EQ4CR010-R 50
10110-S-EQ4CR100-R 500
10111-S-EQ4CR500-R 2,500
10112-S-EQ4DC001-R 266
10113-S-EQ4DC00U-R 131
10114-S-EQ4CC001-R 1,908
10115-S-EQ4CC00U-R 963
10116-S-EQ4DS001-R 495
10117-S-EQ4SM001-R 495
10118-S-EQ4WS010-R 230
10119-S-EQ4WU010-R 117
10120-S-EQ4WS100-R 1,067
10121-S-EQ4WU100-R 527
10122-S-EQ4WS01K-R 4,577
10123-S-EQ4WU01K-R 2,282
10124-S-EQ4PA010-R 113
10125-S-EQ4PU010-R 59
10126-S-EQ4PA100-R 495
10127-S-EQ4PU100-R 248
10128-S-EQ4PA01K-R 1,908
10129-S-EQ4PU01K-R 963
10130-S-EQ4RS001-R 266
10131-S-EQ4RS00U-R 131
10132-S-EQ4RS010-R 2,286
10133-S-EQ4WR001-R 126
10134-S-EQ4WR010-R 1,004
10135-S-EQ4WR100-R 7,628
10136-S-EQ4WR500-R 34,322
10137-S-EQ4EFNCK-R 4
10138-S-EQ4EFNC1-R 3
10139-S-EQ4EFNC2-R 2
10140-S-EQ4EFNC3-R 2
10141-S-EQ4EFNC4-R 2
10142-S-EQ4EFNC5-R 2
10143-S-EQ4EFNEK-R 7
10144-S-EQ4EFNE1-R 5
10145-S-EQ4EFNE2-R 4
10146-S-EQ4EFNE3-R 3
10147-S-EQ4EFNE4-R 3
10148-S-EQ4EFNE5-R 3
10149-S-EQ4EECEK-R 5
10150-S-EQ4EECE1-R 3
10151-S-EQ4EECE2-R 3
10152-S-EQ4EECE3-R 2
10153-S-EQ4EECE4-R 2
10154-S-EQ4EECE5-R 2
10155-S-EQ4EEECK-R 8
10156-S-EQ4EEEC1-R 5
10157-S-EQ4EEEC2-R 5
10158-S-EQ4EEEC3-R 4
10159-S-EQ4EEEC4-R 4
10160-S-EQ4EEEC5-R 3
10161-S-PC1CFE00-R 315
10162-S-PC1CFME0-R 360
10163-S-PC1CFX00-R 428
10164-S-PC1CFY00-R 473
10165-S-PC1CFZ00-R 120
10166-S-PC3CFE00-R 428
10167-S-PC3CFME0-R 450
10168-S-PC3CFX00-R 540
10169-S-PC3CFY00-R 608
10170-S-PC3CFZ00-R 540
10171-S-CRU00X00-R 135
10172-S-CRU00Y00-R 207
10173-S-CRU00Z00-R 144
10174-S-CRU00M00-R 95
10175-S-CRU00N00-R 135

10178-EQ5ED001-PS1 405
10179-S-EQ5ED001-1- 50
10180-S-EQ5ED001-3- 150
10181-S-EQ5ED001-4- 200
10182-S-EQ5ED001-5- 250
10183-EQ5ED010-PS1 3,483
10184-S-EQ5ED010-1- 430
10185-S-EQ5ED010-3- 1,290
10186-S-EQ5ED010-4- 1,720
10187-S-EQ5ED010-5- 2,150
10188-EQ5ED100-PS1 30,510
10189-S-EQ5ED100-1- 3,390
10190-S-EQ5ED100-3- 10,170
10191-S-EQ5ED100-4- 13,560
10192-S-EQ5ED100-5- 16,950
10193-EQ5ED500-PS1 137,286
10194-S-EQ5ED500-1- 15,254
10195-S-EQ5ED500-3- 45,762
10196-S-EQ5ED500-4- 61,016
10197-S-EQ5ED500-5- 76,270
10198-EQ5ED0IU-PS1 135
10199-S-EQ5ED0IU-1- 50
10200-S-EQ5ED0IU-3- 150
10201-S-EQ5ED0IU-4- 200
10202-S-EQ5ED0IU-5- 250
10203-EQ5ED0XU-PS1 1,161
10204-S-EQ5ED0XU-1 430
10205-S-EQ5ED0XU-3 1,290
10206-S-EQ5ED0XU-4 1,720
10207-S-EQ5ED0XU-5 2,150
10208-EQ5ED0CU-PS1 9,153
10209-S-EQ5ED0CU-1 3,390
10210-S-EQ5ED0CU-3 10,170
10211-S-EQ5ED0CU-4 13,560
10212-S-EQ5ED0CU-5 16,950
10213-EQ5ED0DU-PS1 41,186
10214-S-EQ5ED0DU-1 15,254
10215-S-EQ5ED0DU-3 41,186
10216-S-EQ5ED0DU-4 61,016
10217-S-EQ5ED0DU-5 76,270
10218-EQ5EL001-PS1 86
10219-S-EQ5EL001-1- 50
10220-S-EQ5EL001-3- 150
10221-S-EQ5EL001-4- 200
10222-S-EQ5EL001-5- 250
10223-EQ5EL010-PS1 855
10224-S-EQ5EL010-1- 430
10225-S-EQ5EL010-3- 1,290
10226-S-EQ5EL010-4- 1,720
10227-S-EQ5EL010-5- 2,150
10228-EQ5EL100-PS1 8,550
10229-S-EQ5EL100-1- 3,390
10230-S-EQ5EL100-3- 10,170
10231-S-EQ5EL100-4- 13,560
10232-S-EQ5EL100-5- 16,950

10234-EQ5CS001-PS1 30
10235-S-EQ5CS001-1- 3
10236-S-EQ5CS001-3- 9
10237-S-EQ5CS001-4- 12
10238-S-EQ5CS001-5- 15
10239-EQ5CS010-PS1 300
10240-S-EQ5CS010-1- 30
10241-S-EQ5CS010-3- 90
10242-S-EQ5CS010-4- 120
10243-S-EQ5CS010-5- 150
10244-EQ5CS100-PS1 3,000
10245-S-EQ5CS100-1- 300
10246-S-EQ5CS100-3- 900
10247-S-EQ5CS100-4- 1,200
10248-S-EQ5CS100-5- 1,500
10249-EQ5CS500-PS1 15,000
10250-S-EQ5CS500-1- 1,500
10251-S-EQ5CS500-3- 4,500
10252-S-EQ5CS500-4- 6,000
10253-S-EQ5CS500-5- 7,500
10254-EQ5CS0IU-PS1 9
10255-S-EQ5CS0IU-1- 3
10256-S-EQ5CS0IU-3- 9
10257-S-EQ5CS0IU-4- 12
10258-S-EQ5CS0IU-5- 15
10259-EQ5CS0XU-PS1 90
10260-S-EQ5CS0XU-1 30
10261-S-EQ5CS0XU-3 90
10262-S-EQ5CS0XU-4 120
10263-S-EQ5CS0XU-5 150
10264-EQ5CS0CU-PS1 900
10265-S-EQ5CS0CU-1 300
10266-S-EQ5CS0CU-3 900
10267-S-EQ5CS0CU-4 1,200
10268-S-EQ5CS0CU-5 1,500
10269-EQ5CS0DU-PS1 4,500
10270-S-EQ5CS0DU-1 1,500
10271-S-EQ5CS0DU-3 4,500
10272-S-EQ5CS0DU-4 6,000
10273-S-EQ5CS0DU-5 7,500
10274-EQ5CR001-PS1 35
10275-S-EQ5CR001-1- 5
10276-EQ5CR010-PS1 342
10277-S-EQ5CR010-1- 50
10278-EQ5CR100-PS1 3,421
10279-S-EQ5CR100-1- 500
10280-S-EQ5CR001-3- 15
10281-S-EQ5CR010-3- 150
10282-S-EQ5CR100-3- 1,500
10283-S-EQ5CR001-4- 20
10284-S-EQ5CR010-4- 200
10285-S-EQ5CR100-4- 2,000
10286-S-EQ5CR001-5- 25
10287-S-EQ5CR010-5- 250
10288-S-EQ5CR100-5- 2,500

10290-EQ5CR500-PS1 22,500
10291-S-EQ5CR500-1- 2,500
10292-S-EQ5CR500-3- 7,500
10293-S-EQ5CR500-4- 10,000
10294-S-EQ5CR500-5- 12,500
10295-EQ5CR0IU-PS1 14
10296-S-EQ5CR0IU-1- 5
10297-S-EQ5CR0IU-3- 15
10298-S-EQ5CR0IU-4- 20
10299-S-EQ5CR0IU-5- 25
10300-EQ5CR0XU-PS1 135
10301-S-EQ5CR0XU-1 50
10302-S-EQ5CR0XU-3 150
10303-S-EQ5CR0XU-4 200
10304-S-EQ5CR0XU-5 250
10305-EQ5CR0CU-PS1 1,350
10306-S-EQ5CR0CU-1 500
10307-S-EQ5CR0CU-3 1,500
10308-S-EQ5CR0CU-4 2,000
10309-S-EQ5CR0CU-5 2,500
10310-EQ5CR0DU-PS1 6,750
10311-S-EQ5CR0DU-1 2,500
10312-S-EQ5CR0DU-3 7,500
10313-S-EQ5CR0DU-4 10,000
10314-S-EQ5CR0DU-5 12,500

10316-EQ5EFSU1-PS1 2,133
10317-S-EQ5EFSU1-1- 237
10318-S-EQ5EFSU1-3- 711
10319-S-EQ5EFSU1-4- 948
10320-S-EQ5EFSU1-5- 1,185
10321-EQ5EFSB1-PS1 761
10322-S-EQ5EFSB1-1- 85
10323-S-EQ5EFSB1-3- 255
10324-S-EQ5EFSB1-4- 340
10325-S-EQ5EFSB1-5- 425
10326-EQ5EFSUU-PS1 640
10327-S-EQ5EFSUU-1 237
10328-S-EQ5EFSUU-3 711
10329-S-EQ5EFSUU-4 948
10330-S-EQ5EFSUU-5 1,185
10331-EQ5EFSBU-PS1 229
10332-S-EQ5EFSBU-1 85
10333-S-EQ5EFSBU-3 255
10334-S-EQ5EFSBU-4 340
10335-S-EQ5EFSBU-5 425
10336-EQ5EESU1-PS1 2,511
10337-S-EQ5EESU1-1 279
10338-S-EQ5EESU1-3 837
10339-S-EQ5EESU1-4 1,116
10340-S-EQ5EESU1-5 1,395
10341-EQ5EESC1-PS1 986
10342-S-EQ5EESC1-1 110
10343-S-EQ5EESC1-3 330
10344-S-EQ5EESC1-4 440
10345-S-EQ5EESC1-5 550
10346-EQ5EESUU-PS1 753
10347-S-EQ5EESUU-1 279
10348-S-EQ5EESUU-3 837
10349-S-EQ5EESUU-4 1,116
10350-S-EQ5EESUU-5 1,395
10351-EQ5EESCU-PS1 296
10352-S-EQ5EESCU-1 110
10353-S-EQ5EESCU-3 330
10354-S-EQ5EESCU-4 440
10355-S-EQ5EESCU-5 550

10357-EQ5EFSMB-PS1 851
10358-S-EQ5EFSMB-1 95
10359-S-EQ5EFSMB-3 285
10360-S-EQ5EFSMB-4 380
10361-S-EQ5EFSMB-5 475
10362-EQ5SU025-PS1 585
10363-S-EQ5SU025-1- 65
10364-S-EQ5SU025-3- 195
10365-S-EQ5SU025-4- 260
10366-S-EQ5SU025-5- 325
10367-EQ5SU100-PS1 2,070
10368-S-EQ5SU100-1- 230
10369-S-EQ5SU100-3- 690
10370-S-EQ5SU100-4- 920
10371-S-EQ5SU100-5- 1,150
10372-EQ5SU250-PS1 4,500
10373-S-EQ5SU250-1- 500
10374-S-EQ5SU250-3- 1,500
10375-S-EQ5SU250-4- 2,000
10376-S-EQ5SU250-5- 2,500
10377-EQ5EFSUB-PS1 256
10378-S-EQ5EFSUB-1 95
10379-S-EQ5EFSUB-3 285
10380-S-EQ5EFSUB-4 380
10381-S-EQ5EFSUB-5 475
10382-EQ5SG025-PS1 176
10383-S-EQ5SG025-1- 65
10384-S-EQ5SG025-3- 195
10385-S-EQ5SG025-4- 260
10386-S-EQ5SG025-5- 325
10387-EQ5SG100-PS1 621
10388-S-EQ5SG100-1- 230
10389-S-EQ5SG100-3- 690
10390-S-EQ5SG100-4- 920
10391-S-EQ5SG100-5- 1,150
10392-EQ5SG250-PS1 1,350
10393-S-EQ5SG250-1- 500
10394-S-EQ5SG250-3- 1,500
10395-S-EQ5SG250-4- 2,000
10396-S-EQ5SG250-5- 2,500

10398-EQ5PS001-PS1 1,215
10399-S-EQ5PS001-1- 135
10400-S-EQ5PS001-3- 405
10401-S-EQ5PS001-4- 540
10402-S-EQ5PS001-5- 675
10403-EQ5PS010-PS1 9,914
10404-S-EQ5PS010-1- 1,102
10405-S-EQ5PS010-3- 3,306
10406-S-EQ5PS010-4- 4,408
10407-S-EQ5PS010-5- 5,510
10408-EQ5CLS01-PS1 3,429
10409-S-EQ5CLS01-1- 381
10410-S-EQ5CLS01-3- 1,143
10411-S-EQ5CLS01-4- 1,524
10412-S-EQ5CLS01-5- 1,905
10413-EQ5PS0IU-PS1 365
10414-S-EQ5PS0IU-1- 135
10415-S-EQ5PS0IU-3- 405
10416-S-EQ5PS0IU-4- 540
10417-S-EQ5PS0IU-5- 675
10418-EQ5PSU10-PS1 2,975
10419-S-EQ5PSU10-1- 1,102
10420-S-EQ5PSU10-3- 3,306
10421-S-EQ5PSU10-4- 4,408
10422-S-EQ5PSU10-5- 5,510
10423-EQ5CLS0U-PS1 1,029
10424-S-EQ5CLS0U-1- 381
10425-S-EQ5CLS0U-3- 1,143
10426-S-EQ5CLS0U-4- 1,524
10427-S-EQ5CLS0U-5- 1,905

10429-EQ5DC001-PS1 531
10430-S-EQ5DC001-1- 59
10431-S-EQ5DC001-3- 177
10432-S-EQ5DC001-4- 236
10433-S-EQ5DC001-5- 295
10434-EQ5CC001-PS1 3,812
10435-S-EQ5CC001-1- 424
10436-S-EQ5CC001-3- 1,272
10437-S-EQ5CC001-4- 1,696
10438-S-EQ5CC001-5- 2,120
10439-EQ5DS001-PS1 990
10440-S-EQ5DS001-1- 110
10441-S-EQ5DS001-3- 330
10442-S-EQ5DS001-4- 440
10443-S-EQ5DS001-5- 550
10444-EQ5SM001-PS1 990
10445-S-EQ5SM001-1- 110
10446-S-EQ5SM001-3- 330
10447-S-EQ5SM001-4- 440
10448-S-EQ5SM001-5- 550
10449-EQ5DC0IU-PS1 159
10450-S-EQ5DC0IU-1- 59
10451-S-EQ5DC0IU-3- 177
10452-S-EQ5DC0IU-4- 236
10453-S-EQ5DC0IU-5- 295
10454-EQ5CC0IU-PS1 1,144
10455-S-EQ5CC0IU-1- 424
10456-S-EQ5CC0IU-3- 1,271
10457-S-EQ5CC0IU-4- 1,696
10458-S-EQ5CC0IU-5- 2,120
10459-EQ5DS0IU-PS1 297
10460-S-EQ5DS0IU-1- 110
10461-S-EQ5DS0IU-3- 330
10462-S-EQ5DS0IU-4- 440
10463-S-EQ5DS0IU-5- 550
10464-EQ5SM0IU-PS1 297
10465-S-EQ5SM0IU-1- 110
10466-S-EQ5SM0IU-3- 330
10467-S-EQ5SM0IU-4- 440
10468-S-EQ5SM0IU-5- 550

10470-EQ5WS010-PS1 455
10471-S-EQ5WS010-1 51
10472-S-EQ5WS010-3 153
10473-S-EQ5WS010-4 204
10474-S-EQ5WS010-5 255
10475-EQ5WS100-PS1 2,133
10476-S-EQ5WS100-1 237
10477-S-EQ5WS100-3 711
10478-S-EQ5WS100-4 948
10479-S-EQ5WS100-5 1,185
10480-EQ5WS01K-PS1 9,149
10481-S-EQ5WS01K-1 1,107
10482-S-EQ5WS01K-3 3,051
10483-S-EQ5WS01K-4 4,068
10484-S-EQ5WS01K-5 5,058
10485-EQ5WU010-PS1 137
10486-S-EQ5WU010-1 51
10487-S-EQ5WU010-3 153
10488-S-EQ5WU010-4 204
10489-S-EQ5WU010-5 255
10490-EQ5WU100-PS1 640
10491-S-EQ5WU100-1 237
10492-S-EQ5WU100-3 711
10493-S-EQ5WU100-4 948
10494-S-EQ5WU100-5 1,185
10495-EQ5WU01K-PS1 2,745
10496-S-EQ5WU01K-1 1,017
10497-S-EQ5WU01K-3 3,051
10498-S-EQ5WU01K-4 4,068
10499-S-EQ5WU01K-5 5,085

10501-EQ5RS001-PS1 531
10502-S-EQ5RS001-1- 59
10503-S-EQ5RS001-3- 177
10504-S-EQ5RS001-4- 236
10505-S-EQ5RS001-5- 295
10506-EQ5RS010-PS1 4,572
10507-S-EQ5RS010-1- 508
10508-S-EQ5RS010-3- 1,524
10509-S-EQ5RS010-4- 2,032
10510-S-EQ5RS010-5- 2,540
10511-EQ5RS0IU-PS1 159
10512-S-EQ5RS0IU-1- 59
10513-S-EQ5RS0IU-3- 177
10514-S-EQ5RS0IU-4- 236
10515-S-EQ5RS0IU-5- 295
10516-EQ5RSU10-PS1 1,372
10517-S-EQ5RSU10-1- 508
10518-S-EQ5RSU10-3- 1,524
10519-S-EQ5RSU10-4- 2,032
10520-S-EQ5RSU10-5- 2,540

10522-EQ5WR001-PS1 248
10523-S-EQ5WR001-1 28
10524-S-EQ5WR001-3 84
10525-S-EQ5WR001-4 112
10526-S-EQ5WR001-5 140
10527-EQ5WR010-PS1 2,003
10528-S-EQ5WR010-1 223
10529-S-EQ5WR010-3 669
10530-S-EQ5WR010-4 892
10531-S-EQ5WR010-5 1,115
10532-EQ5WR100-PS1 15,255
10533-S-EQ5WR100-1 1,695
10534-S-EQ5WR100-3 5,085
10535-S-EQ5WR100-4 6,780
10536-S-EQ5WR100-5 8,475
10537-EQ5WR500-PS1 68,643
10538-S-EQ5WR500-1 7,627
10539-S-EQ5WR500-3 22,881
10540-S-EQ5WR500-4 30,508
10541-S-EQ5WR500-5 38,135
10542-EQ5WR0IU-PS1 75
10543-S-EQ5WR0IU-1- 28
10544-S-EQ5WR0IU-3- 84
10545-S-EQ5WR0IU-4- 112
10546-S-EQ5WR0IU-5- 140
10547-EQ5WR0XU-PS 601
10548-S-EQ5WR0XU-1 223
10549-S-EQ5WR0XU-3 669
10550-S-EQ5WR0XU-4 892
10551-S-EQ5WR0XU-5 1,115
10552-EQ5WR0CU-PS 4,577
10553-S-EQ5WR0CU-1 1,695
10554-S-EQ5WR0CU-3 5,085
10555-S-EQ5WR0CU-4 6,780
10556-S-EQ5WR0CU-5 8,475
10557-EQ5WR0DU-PS 20,593
10558-S-EQ5WR0DU-1 7,627
10559-S-EQ5WR0DU-3 22,881
10560-S-EQ5WR0DU-4 30,508
10561-S-EQ5WR0DU-5 38,135

10563-EQ5EFNCK-PS1 8
10564-S-EQ5EFNCK-1 1
10565-S-EQ5EFNCK-3 2
10566-S-EQ5EFNCK-4 3
10567-S-EQ5EFNCK-5 4
10568-EQ5EFNC1-PS1 5
10569-S-EQ5EFNC1-1 1
10570-S-EQ5EFNC1-3 1
10571-S-EQ5EFNC1-4 2
10572-S-EQ5EFNC1-5 3
10573-EQ5EFNC2-PS1 5
10574-S-EQ5EFNC2-1 1
10575-S-EQ5EFNC2-3 1
10576-S-EQ5EFNC2-4 2
10577-S-EQ5EFNC2-5 2
10578-EQ5EFNC3-PS1 5
10579-S-EQ5EFNC3-1 1
10580-S-EQ5EFNC3-3 1
10581-S-EQ5EFNC3-4 2
10582-S-EQ5EFNC3-5 2
10583-EQ5EFNC4-PS1 3
10584-S-EQ5EFNC4-1 0
10585-S-EQ5EFNC4-3 1
10586-S-EQ5EFNC4-4 1
10587-S-EQ5EFNC4-5 2
10588-EQ5EFNC5-PS1 3
10589-S-EQ5EFNC5-1 0
10590-S-EQ5EFNC5-3 1
10591-S-EQ5EFNC5-4 1
10592-S-EQ5EFNC5-5 2
10593-EQ5EFNUK-PS1 2
10594-S-EQ5EFNUK-1 1
10595-S-EQ5EFNUK-3 2
10596-S-EQ5EFNUK-4 3
10597-S-EQ5EFNUK-5 4
10598-EQ5EFNU1-PS1 1
10599-S-EQ5EFNU1-1 1
10600-S-EQ5EFNU1-3 1
10601-S-EQ5EFNU1-4 2
10602-S-EQ5EFNU1-5 3
10603-EQ5EFNU2-PS1 1
10604-S-EQ5EFNU2-1 1
10605-S-EQ5EFNU2-3 1
10606-S-EQ5EFNU2-4 2
10607-S-EQ5EFNU2-5 2
10608-EQ5EFNU3-PS1 1
10609-S-EQ5EFNU3-1 1
10610-S-EQ5EFNU3-3 1
10611-S-EQ5EFNU3-4 2
10612-S-EQ5EFNU3-5 2
10613-EQ5EFNU4-PS1 1
10614-S-EQ5EFNU4-1 0
10615-S-EQ5EFNU4-3 1
10616-S-EQ5EFNU4-4 1
10617-S-EQ5EFNU4-5 2
10618-EQ5EFNU5-PS1 1
10619-S-EQ5EFNU5-1 0
10620-S-EQ5EFNU5-3 1
10621-S-EQ5EFNU5-4 1
10622-S-EQ5EFNU5-5 2

10624-EQ5EFNEK-PS1 14
10625-S-EQ5EFNEK-1 1
10626-S-EQ5EFNEK-3 4
10627-S-EQ5EFNEK-4 6
10628-S-EQ5EFNEK-5 7
10629-EQ5EFNE1-PS1 9
10630-S-EQ5EFNE1-1- 1
10631-S-EQ5EFNE1-3- 3
10632-S-EQ5EFNE1-4- 4
10633-S-EQ5EFNE1-5- 5
10634-EQ5EFNE2-PS1 7
10635-S-EQ5EFNE2-1- 1
10636-S-EQ5EFNE2-3- 2
10637-S-EQ5EFNE2-4- 3
10638-S-EQ5EFNE2-5- 4
10639-EQ5EFNE3-PS1 6
10640-S-EQ5EFNE3-1- 1
10641-S-EQ5EFNE3-3- 2
10642-S-EQ5EFNE3-4- 3
10643-S-EQ5EFNE3-5- 3
10644-EQ5EFNE4-PS1 6
10645-S-EQ5EFNE4-1- 1
10646-S-EQ5EFNE4-3- 2
10647-S-EQ5EFNE4-4- 2
10648-S-EQ5EFNE4-5- 3
10649-EQ5EFNE5-PS1 5
10650-S-EQ5EFNE5-1- 1
10651-S-EQ5EFNE5-3- 1
10652-S-EQ5EFNE5-4- 2
10653-S-EQ5EFNE5-5- 3
10654-EQ5EFEUK-PS1 3
10655-S-EQ5EFEUK-1 1
10656-S-EQ5EFEUK-3 4
10657-S-EQ5EFEUK-4 6
10658-S-EQ5EFEUK-5 7
10659-EQ5EFEU1-PS1 2
10660-S-EQ5EFEU1-1- 1
10661-S-EQ5EFEU1-3- 3
10662-S-EQ5EFEU1-4- 4
10663-S-EQ5EFEU1-5- 5
10664-EQ5EFEU2-PS1 2
10665-S-EQ5EFEU2-1- 1
10666-S-EQ5EFEU2-3- 2
10667-S-EQ5EFEU2-4- 3
10668-S-EQ5EFEU2-5- 4
10669-EQ5EFEU3-PS1 2
10670-S-EQ5EFEU3-1- 1
10671-S-EQ5EFEU3-3- 2
10672-S-EQ5EFEU3-4- 3
10673-S-EQ5EFEU3-5- 3
10674-EQ5EFEU4-PS1 2
10675-S-EQ5EFEU4-1- 1
10676-S-EQ5EFEU4-3- 2
10677-S-EQ5EFEU4-4- 2
10678-S-EQ5EFEU4-5- 3
10679-EQ5EFEU5-PS1 1
10680-S-EQ5EFEU5-1- 1
10681-S-EQ5EFEU5-3- 1
10682-S-EQ5EFEU5-4- 2
10683-S-EQ5EFEU5-5- 3

10685-EQ5EENCK-PS1 10
10686-S-EQ5EENCK-1 1
10687-S-EQ5EENCK-3 3
10688-S-EQ5EENCK-4 4
10689-S-EQ5EENCK-5 5
10690-EQ5EENC1-PS1 6
10691-S-EQ5EENC1-1 1
10692-S-EQ5EENC1-3 2
10693-S-EQ5EENC1-4 2
10694-S-EQ5EENC1-5 3
10695-EQ5EENC2-PS1 5
10696-S-EQ5EENC2-1 1
10697-S-EQ5EENC2-3 1
10698-S-EQ5EENC2-4 2
10699-S-EQ5EENC2-5 3
10700-EQ5EENC3-PS1 4
10701-S-EQ5EENC3-1 1
10702-S-EQ5EENC3-3 1
10703-S-EQ5EENC3-4 2
10704-S-EQ5EENC3-5 2
10705-EQ5EENC4-PS1 4
10706-S-EQ5EENC4-1 1
10707-S-EQ5EENC4-3 1
10708-S-EQ5EENC4-4 2
10709-S-EQ5EENC4-5 2
10710-EQ5EENC5-PS1 4
10711-S-EQ5EENC5-1 1
10712-S-EQ5EENC5-3 1
10713-S-EQ5EENC5-4 2
10714-S-EQ5EENC5-5 2
10715-EQ5EENUK-PS1 2
10716-S-EQ5EENUK-1 1
10717-S-EQ5EENUK-3 3
10718-S-EQ5EENUK-4 4
10719-S-EQ5EENUK-5 5
10720-EQ5EENU1-PS1 2
10721-S-EQ5EENU1-1 1
10722-S-EQ5EENU1-3 2
10723-S-EQ5EENU1-4 2
10724-S-EQ5EENU1-5 3
10725-EQ5EENU2-PS1 1
10726-S-EQ5EENU2-1 1
10727-S-EQ5EENU2-3 1
10728-S-EQ5EENU2-4 2
10729-S-EQ5EENU2-5 3
10730-EQ5EENU3-PS1 1
10731-S-EQ5EENU3-1 1
10732-S-EQ5EENU3-3 1
10733-S-EQ5EENU3-4 2
10734-S-EQ5EENU3-5 2
10735-EQ5EENU4-PS1 1
10736-S-EQ5EENU4-1 1
10737-S-EQ5EENU4-3 1
10738-S-EQ5EENU4-4 2
10739-S-EQ5EENU4-5 2
10740-S-EQ5EENU5-5 2
10741-EQ5EENU5-PS1 1
10742-S-EQ5EENU5-1 1
10743-S-EQ5EENU5-3 1
10744-S-EQ5EENU5-4 2

10746-EQ5EECEK-PS1 10
10747-S-EQ5EECEK-1 1
10748-S-EQ5EECEK-3 5
10749-S-EQ5EECEK-4 6
10750-S-EQ5EECEK-5 8
10751-EQ5EECE1-PS1 10
10752-S-EQ5EECE1-1 1
10753-S-EQ5EECE1-3 3
10754-S-EQ5EECE1-4 4
10755-S-EQ5EECE1-5 5
10756-EQ5EECE2-PS1 9
10757-S-EQ5EECE2-1 1
10758-S-EQ5EECE2-3 3
10759-S-EQ5EECE2-4 4
10760-S-EQ5EECE2-5 5
10761-EQ5EECE3-PS1 7
10762-S-EQ5EECE3-1 1
10763-S-EQ5EECE3-3 2
10764-S-EQ5EECE3-4 3
10765-S-EQ5EECE3-5 4
10766-EQ5EECE4-PS1 7
10767-S-EQ5EECE4-1 1
10768-S-EQ5EECE4-3 2
10769-S-EQ5EECE4-4 3
10770-S-EQ5EECE4-5 4
10771-EQ5EECE5-PS1 6
10772-S-EQ5EECE5-1 1
10773-S-EQ5EECE5-3 2
10774-S-EQ5EECE5-4 2
10775-S-EQ5EECE5-5 3
10776-EQ5EECUK-PS1 5
10777-S-EQ5EECUK-1 1
10778-S-EQ5EECUK-3 5
10779-S-EQ5EECUK-4 6
10780-S-EQ5EECUK-5 8
10781-EQ5EECU1-PS1 2
10782-S-EQ5EECU1-1 1
10783-S-EQ5EECU1-3 3
10784-S-EQ5EECU1-4 4
10785-S-EQ5EECU1-5 5
10786-EQ5EECU2-PS1 2
10787-S-EQ5EECU2-1 1
10788-S-EQ5EECU2-3 3
10789-S-EQ5EECU2-4 4
10790-S-EQ5EECU2-5 5
10791-EQ5EECU3-PS1 2
10792-S-EQ5EECU3-1 1
10793-S-EQ5EECU3-3 2
10794-S-EQ5EECU3-4 3
10795-S-EQ5EECU3-5 4
10796-EQ5EECU4-PS1 2
10797-S-EQ5EECU4-1 1
10798-S-EQ5EECU4-3 2
10799-S-EQ5EECU4-4 3
10800-S-EQ5EECU4-5 4
10801-EQ5EECU5-PS1 2
10802-S-EQ5EECU5-1 1
10803-S-EQ5EECU5-3 2
10804-S-EQ5EECU5-4 2
10805-S-EQ5EECU5-5 3

10807-S-EQ5ED001-R- 50
10808-S-EQ5EL001-R- 50
10809-S-EQ5EL010-R- 430
10810-S-EQ5EL100-R- 3,390
10811-S-EQ5ED010-R- 430
10812-S-EQ5ED100-R- 3,390
10813-S-EQ5ED500-R- 15,254
10814-S-EQ5MA001-R 48
10815-S-EQ5MA010-R 435
10816-S-EQ5MA100-R 3,950
10817-S-EQ5MA500-R 18,000
10818-S-EQ5CS001-R- 3
10819-S-EQ5CS010-R- 30
10820-S-EQ5CS100-R- 300
10821-S-EQ5CS500-R- 1,500
10822-S-EQ5ED0IU-R- 48
10823-S-EQ5ED0XU-R 435
10824-S-EQ5ED0CU-R 3,950
10825-S-EQ5ED0DU-R 18,000
10826-S-EQ5CR001-R 5
10827-S-EQ5CR010-R 50
10828-S-EQ5CR100-R 500
10829-S-EQ5CR500-R 2,500
10830-S-EQ5CR0IU-R- 5
10831-S-EQ5CR0XU-R 50
10832-S-EQ5CR0CU-R 500
10833-S-EQ5CR0DU-R 2,500
10834-S-EQ5EFSU1-R 237
10835-S-EQ5EFSB1-R 85
10836-S-EQ5EFSUU-R 237
10837-S-EQ5EFSBU-R 85
10838-S-EQ5EESU1-R 279
10839-S-EQ5EESC1-R 110
10840-S-EQ5EESUU-R 279
10841-S-EQ5EESCU-R 110
10842-S-EQ5EFSMB-R 95
10843-S-EQ5SU025-R- 65
10844-S-EQ5SU100-R- 230
10845-S-EQ5SU250-R- 500
10846-S-EQ5EFSUB-R 95
10847-S-EQ5SG025-R 65
10848-S-EQ5SG100-R 230
10849-S-EQ5SG250-R 500
10850-S-EQ5PS001-R- 135
10851-S-EQ5PS010-R- 1,102
10852-S-EQ5CLS01-R- 381
10853-S-EQ5PS0IU-R- 135
10854-S-EQ5PSU10-R 1,102
10855-S-EQ5CLS0U-R 381
10856-S-EQ5WS010-R 51
10857-S-EQ5WS100-R 237
10858-S-EQ5WS01K-R 1,017
10859-S-EQ5WU010-R 51
10860-S-EQ5WU100-R 237
10861-S-EQ5WU01K-R 1,017
10862-S-EQ5RS001-R- 59
10863-S-EQ5RS010-R- 508
10864-S-EQ5RS0IU-R- 59
10865-S-EQ5RSU10-R 508
10866-S-EQ5WR001-R 28
10867-S-EQ5WR010-R 223
10868-S-EQ5WR100-R 1,695
10869-S-EQ5WR500-R 7,627
10870-S-EQ5WR0IU-R 28
10871-S-EQ5WR0XU-R 223
10872-S-EQ5WR0CU-R 1,695
10873-S-EQ5WR0DU-R 7,627
10874-S-EQ5DC001-R 59
10875-S-EQ5CC001-R 424
10876-S-EQ5DS001-R- 110
10877-S-EQ5SM001-R 110
10878-S-EQ5DC0IU-R- 59
10879-S-EQ5CC0IU-R- 424
10880-S-EQ5DS0IU-R- 110
10881-S-EQ5SM0IU-R- 110
10882-S-EQ5EFNCK-R 1
10883-S-EQ5EFNC1-R 1
10884-S-EQ5EFNC2-R 1
10885-S-EQ5EFNC3-R 1
10886-S-EQ5EFNC4-R 0
10887-S-EQ5EFNC5-R 0
10888-S-EQ5EFNUK-R 1
10889-S-EQ5EFNU1-R 1
10890-S-EQ5EFNU2-R 1
10891-S-EQ5EFNU3-R 1
10892-S-EQ5EFNU4-R 0
10893-S-EQ5EFNU5-R 0
10894-S-EQ5EFNEK-R 1
10895-S-EQ5EFNE1-R 1
10896-S-EQ5EFNE2-R 1
10897-S-EQ5EFNE3-R 1
10898-S-EQ5EFNE4-R 1
10899-S-EQ5EFNE5-R 1
10900-S-EQ5EFEUK-R 1
10901-S-EQ5EFEU1-R 1
10902-S-EQ5EFEU2-R 1
10903-S-EQ5EFEU3-R 1
10904-S-EQ5EFEU4-R 1
10905-S-EQ5EFEU5-R 1
10906-S-EQ5EENCK-R 1
10907-S-EQ5EENC1-R 1
10908-S-EQ5EENC2-R 1
10909-S-EQ5EENC3-R 1
10910-S-EQ5EENC4-R 1
10911-S-EQ5EENC5-R 1
10912-S-EQ5EENUK-R 1
10913-S-EQ5EENU1-R 1
10914-S-EQ5EENU2-R 1
10915-S-EQ5EENU3-R 1
10916-S-EQ5EENU4-R 1
10917-S-EQ5EENU5-R 1
10918-S-EQ5EECEK-R 1
10919-S-EQ5EECE1-R 1
10920-S-EQ5EECE2-R 1
10921-S-EQ5EECE3-R 1
10922-S-EQ5EECE4-R 1
10923-S-EQ5EECE5-R 1
10924-S-EQ5EECUK-R 1
10925-S-EQ5EECU1-R 1
10926-S-EQ5EECU2-R 1
10927-S-EQ5EECU3-R 1
10928-S-EQ5EECU4-R 1
10929-S-EQ5EECU5-R 1

2 10931-S-CRU00X02-1- 19
2 10932-S-CRU00X02-3- 57
2 10933-S-CRU00X02-4- 76
2 10934-S-CRU00X02-5- 95
2 10935-S-CRU00X02-R- 19
2 10936-S-CRU00Z02-1- 19
2 10937-S-CRU00Z02-3- 57
2 10938-S-CRU00Z02-4- 76
2 10939-S-CRU00Z02-5- 95
2 10940-S-CRU00Z02-R- 19
2 10941-S-CRU0MF02-1 21
2 10942-S-CRU0MF02-3 63
2 10943-S-CRU0MF02-4 84
2 10944-S-CRU0MF02-5 105
2 10945-S-CRU0MF02-R 21

2 10947-S-CRIDC000-1- 22
2 10948-CRIDC000-3-PS 64
2 10949-S-CRIDC000-4- 85
2 10950-S-CRIDC000-5- 106

10953-RC-SSEMB51-0 2,516
10954-RC-SOEMB51-0 1,256
10955-RC-SEEMB51-0 543

10957-ESD-BE76AXL1 403
10958-MNT-BE76-XL1- 63

10960-YY-SSEMBV9-0 1,940
10961-YY-SOEMBV9-0 1,036
10962-YY-SEEMBVD24 316
10963-YY-SSEMBV49- 1,805
10964-YY-SOEMBV49- 968
10965-YY-SEEMBVD49 287
10966-YY-SSEMBV50- 1,536
10967-YY-SOEMBV50- 834
10968-YY-SEEMBVD50 263

10970-RC-SSEML51-0 494
10971-RC-SOEML51-0 359

10973-RC-SSEML5V-0 659
10974-RC-SOEML5V-0 479
10975-RC-SVEML51-0 362

10977-L276A-HDW 0
10978-RC-SNSTEV5-0 3,524
10979-RC-SNSTEV5-0 5,705
10980-RC-SNSTEV5-0 5,568
10981-RC-SNSTEV5-0 5,984
10982-RC-SSSTEV5-0 4,228
10983-RC-SSSTEV5-0 3,904
10984-RC-SSSTEV5-0 4,234
10985-RC-SSSTEV5-0 4,549

10987-YYCNALA1-01- 801
10988-YY-CNALA9-01- 428
10989-YY-CNALA49-01 392
10990-YY-CNALA50-01 356
10991-YY-CALA1YMS- 95

10993-YY-CNALB1-01- 1,063
10994-YY-CNALB9-01- 616
10995-YY-CNALB49-01 572
10996-YY-CNALB50-01 427
10997-YY-CALB1YMS- 114

10999-YY-SEE1YMS-0 47
11000-YY-SOE1YMS-0 150
11001-YY-SSE1YMS-0 269

11003-YY-SEEDSMS-1 0
11004-YY-SEODSMS-1 0
11005-YY-SESDSMS-1 1

11007-ESDD909AX001 137

11009-ESDD909AXD91 128
11010-ESDD909AXE01 119
11011-ESDD909AXF11 113
11012-ESDD909AXF21 96
11013-ESDD909AX991 81

11015-ESD-D909A-GD 82
11016-ESD-D909A-GE 77
11017-ESD-D909A-GF 73
11018-ESD-D909A-GF 63
11019-ESD-D909A-G99 53

11021-MNTD909AX00- 21
11022-ESD-M-D909A-X 120
11023-ESD-M-D909A-X 240
11024-ESD-M-D909A-X 480
11025-MNT-D909A-XV 16
11026-MNT-D909A-XV 14
11027-MNT-D909A-XV 14
11028-MNT-D909A-XV 12
11029-MNT-D909A-XV 11
11030-MNT-D909A-XR 7

11032-YY-EFWATCH-0 1,063
11033-YY-EFWATMS-0 114

11035-71-C51A-10201 800

11037-09-00015 500
11038-08-00150 386
11039-08-00210 590
11040-60NUOM122P04 24,323
1,9 11042-ESD-BE76A-XT0 459
2,9 11043-MNT-BE76-XT1- 63
7,8,9 11044-ESD-BE76A-LL1 318
7,8,9 11045-ESD-BE76A-LL3 428
7,8,9 11046-ESD-BE76A-LL4 483
7,8,9 11047-ESD-BE76A-LL5 537
1,10 11048-ESD-D476A-XL0 2,617
2,10 11049-MNT-D476-XL1- 312
7,8,10 11050-ESD-D476A-LL1 577
7,8,10 11051-ESD-D476A-LL3 1,203
7,8,10 11052-ESD-D476A-LL4 1,517
7,8,10 11053-ESD-D476A-LL5 1,830
1,17 11054-ESD-D476A-XT0 1,571
1,17 11055-ESD-D476A-XT0 1,439
2,10 11056-MNT-D476-XL1- 312
7,8 11057-ESD-D476A-LT1 577
7,8 11058-ESD-D476A-LT3 1,203
7,8 11059-ESD-D476A-LT4 1,517
7,8 11060-ESD-D476A-LT5 1,830
1 11061-ESD-C576A-XL0 1,307
2 11062-MNT-C576-XL1- 156
7,8 11063-ESD-C576A-LL1 420
7,8 11064-ESD-C576A-LL3 732
7,8 11065-ESD-C576A-LL4 888
7,8 11066-ESD-C576A-LL5 1,045
1,11.17 11067-ESD-C576A-XT0 850
1,11,17 11068-ESD-C576A-XT0 785
2 11069-MNT-C576-XL1- 156
7,8,11 11070-ESD-C576A-LT1 420
7,8,11 11071-ESD-C576A-LT3 732
7,8,11 11072-ESD-C576A-LT4 888
7,8,11 11073-ESD-C576A-LT5 1,045
1,13 11074-ESD-L376A-KL0 449
2,13 11075-MNT-L376-XL1- 54
7,8,13 11076-ESD-L376A-LL1 317
7,8,13 11077-ESD-L376A-LL3 425
7,8,13 11078-ESD-L376A-LL4 479
7,8,13 11079-ESD-L376A-LL5 533
1,12,17 11080-ESD-L376A-XT0 346
1,12,17 11081-ESD-L376A-XT0 311
2,13 11082-MNT-L376-XL1- 54
7,8,12 11083-ESD-L376A-LT1 317
7,8,12 11084-ESD-L376A-LT3 425
7,8,12 11085-ESD-L376A-LT4 479
7,8,12 11086-ESD-L376A-LT5 533
1,5 11087-ESD-L276X-W00 3,666
1,14 11088-ESD-AK76A-XL0 695
2,14 11089-MNT-EC&S-XL1- 83
1,14,17 11090-ESD-AK76A-XT0 415
1,14,17 11091-ESD-AK76A-XT0 380
1 11092-ESD-AL76A-XL0 830
2 11093-MNT-C662-XL1- 99
1,17 11094-ESD-AL76A-XT0 498
1,17 11095-ESD-AL76A-XT0 457
1 11096-ESD-AN09A-XL0 830
2 11097-MNT-AN09-XL1- 99
1 11098-ESD-AN09A-KT0 16,165
2 11099-MNT-AN09-KT1- 1,931
1,4,15 11100-ESD-CH76A-XT0 42
2,4,15 11101-MNT-CH62-XT1- 8
1,4,15 11102-ESD-CH76A-XT0 37
2,4,15 11103-MNT-CH62-XT1- 7
1,4,15 11104-ESD-CH76A-XT0 35
2,4,15 11105-MNT-CH62-XT1- 7
1,4,15 11106-ESD-CH76A-XT0 32
2,4,15 11107-MNT-CH62-XT1- 6
1,4,15 11108-ESD-CH76A-XT0 28
2,4,15 11109-MNT-CH62-XT1- 6
1,4,15 11110-ESD-CH76A-XT 26
2,4,15 11111-MNT-CH62-XT1 5
1,4,15 11112-ESD-CD76A-XT0 26
2,4,15 11113-MNT-CD62-XT1- 5
1,4,15 11114-ESD-CD76A-XT0 24
2,4,15 11115-MNT-CD62-XT1- 5
1,4,15 11116-ESD-CD76A-XT0 22
2,4,15 11117-MNT-CD62-XT1- 4
1,4,15 11118-ESD-CD76A-XT0 20
2,4,15 11119-MNT-CD62-XT1- 4
1,4,15 11120-ESD-CD76A-XT0 17
2,4,15 11121-MNT-CD62-XT1- 3
1,4,15 11122-ESD-CD76A-XT 16
2,4,15 11123-MNT-CD62-XT1 3
3 11124-73-BE1A-10033 0
3 11125-73-C51A-10001 1
3 11126-73-C51A-10000 0
3 11127-73-C51A-10002 0
3 11128-73-AK1A-10030 0
3 11129-73-AL1A-10031- 0
3 11130-3RD-71-C51A-1 261
3 11131-3RD-71-C51A-1 522
3 11132-3RD-71-C51A-1 1
3 11133-3RD-71-C51A-1 2,088
3 11134-3RD-71-C51A-1 4,176
3 11135-3RD-71-C51A-1 6,264
1,6 11136-L276X-W00-6-D 3,650
1,6 11137-L276X-X00-6-DS 3,650
1,6 11138-B676D-WL0-6-D 3,302
1,6 11139-B676Z-X00-6-D 2,606

1 11142-PPC100-102-00- 4,500
2 11143-CPC100-102-00 765
3 11144-BPC100-102-00- 765
4 11145-APC100-102-00- 1,575
5 11146-HPC100-102-00 378
5 11147-HPC100-102-00 302
5 11148-HPC100-102-00 238
5 11149-HPC100-102-00 194

1,5 11151-PW000E102-70- 3,150

1,5 11152-PW000E102-70- 2,363
1,5 11153-PW500E102-70- 6,750
1,5 11154-PW500E102-70- 5,063
1,5 11155-PW600E102-70- 11,250
1,5 11156-PW600E102-70- 8,438
11157-PI300E102-70-0 3,600
1,5 11158-PI300E102-70-0 2,700
1,5 11159-PW50UE102-70- 4,680
1,5 11160-PW50UE102-70- 3,510
1,5 11161-PW60UE102-70- 10,530
1,5 11162-PW60UE102-70- 7,898
1,5 11163-PW65UE102-70- 5,850
1,5 11164-PW65UE102-70- 4,388
11165-MEDIAX102-70- 45
2,5 11166-CW000E102-00- 595
2,5 11167-CW000E102-00- 447
2,5 11168-CW500E102-00- 1,275
2,5 11169-CW500E102-00- 957
2,5 11170-CW600X102-00- 2,125
2,5 11171-CW600X102-00- 1,593
2,5 11172-CI300E102-00-0 680
2,5 11173-CI300E102-00-0 510
2,5 11174-CW50UE102-00- 884
2,5 11175-CW50UE102-00- 663
2,5 11176-CW60UE102-00- 1,989
2,5 11177-CW60UE102-00- 1,492
2,5 11178-CW65UE102-00- 1,105
2,5 11179-CW65UE102-00- 829
3,5 11180-BW000E102-00- 595
3,5 11181-BW000E102-00- 447
3,5 11182-BW500E102-00- 1,275
3,5 11183-BW500E102-00- 957
3,5 11184-BW600E102-00- 2,125
3,5 11185-BW600E102-00- 1,594
3,5 11186-BI300E102-00-0 680
3,5 11187-BI300E102-00-0 510
4,5 11188-AW000E102-00- 1,225
4,5 11189-AW000E102-00- 919
4,5 11190-AW500E102-00- 2,625
4,5 11191-AW500E102-00- 1,969
4,5 11192-AW600E102-00- 4,375
4,5 11193-AW600E102-00- 3,282
4,5 11194-AI300E102-00-0 1,400
4,5 11195-AI300E102-00-0 1,050

1,5 11197-PL001E102-00- 1,386

1,5 11198-PL001E102-00- 833
1,5 11199-PL001E102-00- 585
1,5 11200-PL001E102-00- 450
1,5 11201-PL002E102-00- 3,119
1,5 11202-PL002E102-00- 2,178
1,5 11203-PL002E102-00- 1,733
1,5 11204-PL003E102-00- 4,208
1,5 11205-PL003E102-00- 3,375
1,5 11206-PL003E102-00- 2,700
1,5 11207-PL004E102-00- 6,683
1,5 11208-PL004E102-00- 5,355
11209-PL005E10200-0 13,500
1,5 11210-PL005E102-00- 10,800
2,5 11211-CL001E102-00- 262
2,5 11212-CL001E102-00- 158
2,5 11213-CL001E102-00- 111
2,5 11214-CL001E102-00- 85
2,5 11215-CL002E102-00- 590
2,5 11216-CL002E102-00- 412
2,5 11217-CL002E102-00- 328
2,5 11218-CL003E102-00- 795
2,5 11219-CL003E102-00- 638
2,5 11220-CL003E102-00- 510
2,5 11221-CL004E102-00- 1,263
2,5 11222-CL004E102-00- 1,012
2,5 11223-CL005E102-00- 2,040
3,5 11224-BL001E102-00- 262
3,5 11225-BL001E102-00- 339
3,5 11226-BL002E102-00- 590
3,5 11227-BL003E102-00- 795
3,5 11228-BL004E102-00- 1,012
4,5 11229-AL001E102-00- 539
4,5 11230-AL001E102-00- 324
4,5 11231-AL001E102-00- 228
4,5 11232-AL001E102-00- 175
4,5 11233-AL002E102-00- 1,213
4,5 11234-AL002E102-00- 847
4,5 11235-AL003E102-00- 1,637
4,5 11236-AL003E102-00- 1,313
4,5 11237-AL004E102-00- 2,599
4,5 11238-AL004E102-00- 2,083

0 11240-T5010E102-00-0 1,750
0 11241-T3010E102-00-0 1,750
0 11242-T2010E102-00-0 2,750
0 11243-T8110E102-00-0 1,450
0 11244-T6210E102-00-0 1,250
0 11245-T5011E102-00-0 4,000
0 11246-T3011E102-00-0 4,000
0 11247-T2011E102-00-0 8,000
0 11248-T8111E102-00-0 2,200
0 11249-T6211E102-00-0 2,000

0 11251-SE011E102-00- 1,800
0 11252-SE010E102-00- 225

1,6 11254-PM0100102-70- 1,100

1,6 11255-PM0999102-70- 6,000
1,6 11256-PMW000102-70- 7,196
1,5 11257-PM019U102-70- 4,046
1,5 11258-PMW10U102-70- 6,746
1,5 11259-PMW90U102-70- 3,938
1,5 11260-PMW020102-70- 716
1,5 11261-PM0350102-00- 2,250
4,5 11262-AM0100102-70- 349
4,5 11263-AM0999102-70- 1,749
4,5 11264-AMW000102-70- 3,518
3,5 11265-BM0100102-70- 169
3,5 11266-BM0999102-70- 850
3,5 11267-BMW000102-70- 1,360
2,5 11268-CM0100102-70- 170
2,5 11269-CM0999102-70- 850
2,5 11270-CMW000102-70- 1,360
2,5 11271-CM019U102-70- 765
2,5 11272-CMW10U102-70 1,275
2,5 11273-CMW90U102-70 744

11275-P0300110200-0 422
11276-C0300110200-0 80
11277-B0300110200-0 79
11278-B0300110200-0 74
11279-B0300110200-0 67
11280-PN100110200-0 249

0 11282-SE411E102-00- 216
0 11283-PN1001102-00- 237
0 11284-CN100W102-00- 65
0 11285-711005102-00-0 155
0 11286-711002102-00-0 155
0 11287-711010102-00-0 114
11288-711024102-00-0 114

11290-PW0B0E102-70- 725
11291-CW0B0E102-00- 146
11292-BW0B0E102-00- 146
11293-AW0B0E102-00- 291
11294-PW0B0E102-70- 545
11295-CW0B0E102-00- 110
11296-BW0B0E102-00- 110
11297-AW0B0E102-00- 218
11298-PW5B0E102-70- 1,555
11299-CW5B0E102-00- 311
11300-BW5B0E102-00- 311
11301-AW5B0E102-00- 623
11302-PW5B0E102-70- 1,167
11303-CW5B0E102-00- 234
11304-BW5B0E102-00- 234
11305-AW5B0E102-00- 468
11306-PW6B0E102-70- 2,592
11307-CW6B0E102-00- 518
11308-BW6B0E102-00- 518
11309-AW6B0E102-00- 1,037
11310-PW6B0E102-70- 1,945
11311-CW6B0E102-00- 389
11312-BW6B0E102-00- 389
11313-AW6B0E102-00- 778
11314-PI3B0E102-70-0 830
11315-CI3B0E102-00-0 167
11316-BI3B0E102-00-0 167
11317-AI3B0E102-00-0 332
11318-PI3B0E102-70-0 623
11319-CI3B0E102-00-0 125
11320-BI3B0E102-00-0 125
11321-AI3B0E102-00-0 249

11324-AR-SV40109BA 11,250
11325-AR-SV80109BA 22,500
11326-AR-SV160109D 45,000
11327-AR-SV40109SM 6,750
11328-AR-SV-LEGALD 9,000
11329-AR-SV40309FO 9,000
11330-AR-SV80309FO 18,000
11331-AR-SV0408DCT 45,000
11332-AR-SV0107TES 4,500
11333-AR-FAX-0111B 5,400
11334-AR-UGR0807SM 9,000
11335-AR-UPGRD-110 6,750
11336-AR-UPG-4TO8S 13,500
11337-AR-UPG-4TO8S 13,500
11338-AR-FAX-0409FO 5,700
11339-AR-UAL-PS1 68
11340-AR-UAL0409LGL 32
11341-AR-UAL0409LG 32
11342-PD-RIC-DEVICE 1,350
11343-PD-CREC-1207 270
11344-OBJ-ARCHIVE0 22,500
11345-OBJ-ARCH0509 13,500
11346-COM-CST-ACC- 2,700
11347-COM-CST-ACC- 900
11348-COM-PORTS-AD 720
11349-COM-FAXCNTR 2,700
11350-COM-FAXCNTR- 900
11351-COM-SVR2SVR 1,350
11352-COM-API-ALL-P 1,350
11353-COM-CMP0411A 6,750
11354-COM-BC-0508A 4,500
11355-COM-FIPE0509I 6,750
11356-COM-FIPA0509I 6,750
11357-CON-EXCHANG 2,250
11358-CON-SMTP-ADL 2,250
11359-CON-TELCO-AD 1,350
11360-CON-DB-0807A 4,500
11361-CON-PRINTER- 2,250
11362-CON-FILESCAN 2,250
11363-CON-T37FAX-P 6,750
11364-CON-DMS-0807 2,250
11365-CON-DMS-0807 4,500
11366-CON-DMS-0807 6,750
11367-CON-DMS-0808 13,500
11368-CON-XMLSCAN- 2,250
11369-CON-XMLST080 13,500
11370-CON-SAP-SNGL 9,000
11371-CON-SUM-ADL- 4,500
11372-CON-CON-ADL- 4,500
11373-CON-RTL-ADL- 4,500
11374-CON-HL70510T 13,500
11375-CON-NETD1210 4,500
11376-UAL-0612PROL 32
11377-AR-DMS-0411C 10,800
11378-IIQ-UALV-PS1 900
11379-IMAT-0308INIT- 1,350
11380-IDCAP-0408SR 40,500
11381-IDCAPTURE-10 900
11382-ADT-SV-0407B 27,000
11383-EF-STAT0407SI 12,600
11384-EF-STAT0407A 6,750
11385-S-ADVAN-ENT- 23,750
11386-S-INST-ACR-PS 3,000
11387-S-INST-ACRFO- 4,500
11388-S-INST-REMAC 1,500
11389-S-INST-REM1D 2,000
11390-S-INST-ARB-PS 5,000
11391-S-INSTISDNPRI 7,000
11392-S-TRAINADMIN 5,000
11393-S-TRAINADMIN 3,000
11394-S-TRAINADMIN 2,000
11395-HMTRUFAX200U 759
11396-H-MTR1034E2C 2,351
11397-H-MTR1034E2D 2,351
11398-HMTR1034E4CH 3,819
11399-HMTR1034E4DH 3,819
11400-HMTR1034E4HT 4,745
11401-HMTR1034E8HT 7,120
11402-HMTR1034E16H 11,676
11403-HMTR1034E24H 16,616
11404-SR-140-2FOIP- 1,099
11405-SR-140-4FOIP- 2,197
11406-SR-140-8FOIP- 4,395
11407-SR-140-12FOIP 6,592
11408-SR-140-24FOIP 12,525
11409-SR-140-30FOIP 15,656
11410-SR-140-48FOIP 25,050
11411-SR-140-60FOIP 31,312
11412-FRTCHG-PS1 35
11413-S-TR1034EE12- 494
11414-S-TR1034EE15- 929
11415-S-TR1034EE11- 749
11416-S-TR1034EE14- 1,124
11417-S-TR1034EE04- 1,844
11418-S-TR1034EE07- 2,624
11419-S-TR1034EE01- 749
11420-S-TR1034EE13- 1,124
11421-S-TR1034EE02- 1,388
11422-S-TR1034EE03- 1,844
11423-S-TR1034EE05- 2,288
11424-S-TR1034EE08- 3,299
11425-S-TR1034EE06- 299
11426-S-TR1034EE10- 494
11427-S-TR1034EE09- 3,299
11428-S-TR1034EE16- 603

U.S.A 11430-AR-CORE-1SER 3,495

U.S.A 11431-AR-FLOVR-1SE 2,185
U.S.A 11432-AR-FAX-1SERV 2,185
U.S.A 11433-AR-MOBILE-1S 1,747
U.S.A 11434-LG-MAINST-1KI 6,553
U.S.A 11435-AR-UPGRD-1AL 0
U.S.A 11436-AR-FAX-1UPGR 2,185
U.S.A 11437-AR-COMPOSE-1 2,185
U.S.A 11438-COM-TEXTEXTR 2,185
U.S.A 11439-CON-DMS-1-AD 2,185
U.S.A 11440-CON-DTABASE- 2,185
U.S.A 11441-CON-UNXOUT-1 2,185
U.S.A 11442-CON-UNXIN-40 2,185
U.S.A 11443-CON-SVR2SVR- 1,310
U.S.A 11444-AR-DEVICE-1AD 655
U.S.A 11445-AR-DEVICE-1AD 613
U.S.A 11446-AR-DEVICE-1AD 524
U.S.A 11447-AR-DEVICE-1AD 437
U.S.A 11448-AR-DEVICE-1A 351
U.S.A 11450-DT-CAL-1CLIEN 66
U.S.A 11451-ARX-MOBILE-1 307
U.S.A 11452-DT-CRBILLING- 2,185
U.S.A 11453-DT-COP-41CLIE 31
U.S.A 11454-COM-PORTS-1A 699
U.S.A 11455-CON-TELCO-1A 2,185
U.S.A 11456-CON-T37FAX-1 2,185
U.S.A 11457-COM-FAXCNTR 2,622
U.S.A 11458-COM-FAXCNTR 874
U.S.A 11459-IIC-PERSCREE 1,310
U.S.A 11460-IIC-1CLIENT-PS 31
U.S.A 11461-IIQ-1CLIENT1-P 874
U.S.A 11462-IIQ-1CLIENT6-P 437
U.S.A 11463-IIQ-1CLIENT11- 218
U.S.A 11464-DMS-CONVERT 4,369
U.S.A 11465-AR-CORE-1SE 3,495
U.S.A 11466-3RD-SINSTALL 891
U.S.A 11467-3RD-S-HEALTH 2,960
U.S.A 11468-SF-MFPDEV-01 176
U.S.A 11469-SF-SR140-2PO 1,499
U.S.A 11470-SF-SR140-4PO 2,997
U.S.A 11471-SF-SR140-8PO 5,995
U.S.A 11472-SF-SR140-12P 8,992
U.S.A 11473-SF-SR140-24P 17,984

11475-CONSVR2SVR4 1,350
11476-DTCAL40CLNT1 180
11477-DTCAL40CLNT5 135
11478-IIWFLOWX40AD 4,500
11479-CONFSP40SOP 4,500
11480-COMAPI40SOP- 2,250
11481-CONLANFAX40 2,250
11482-HMTR1034ELP3 23,090
11483-HMTR1034E2CH 2,599
11485-SPROSERV-PS 250
11486-CINHOUCSVS-P 250
11487-CONSITECSVS- 250
11488-SINSTALLARB- 5,000
11489-SINSTALLADD- 2,000
11490-ND-1BASEUSE 2,624
11491-ND-1ADDINDVU 30

11493-SRMTHRIVE862 7,267
11494-SRMTHRIVE642 5,652
11495-SRMTHRIVE421 4,036
11496-SRMTHRIVE211 2,662
11497-OPATHVSTN111 2,016
11498-OPATHVRIPS-P 805
11501-OPAEDITORS-P 805
11502-OPALAYOUTS- 1,047
11503-OPPROFILER-P 1,611
11505-OPTHVTXTL-PS 1,289
11509-SRMTHRIVEHB- 482
11511-CVMPHTOTHV8 4,844
11512-CVMPHTOTHV8 5,490
11513-CVMPHTOTHV8 5,490
11514-CVMPHTOTHV6 3,389
11515-CVMPHTOTHV6 4,036
11516-CVMPHTOTHV6 4,036
11517-CVMPHTOTHV4 1,934
11518-CVMPHTOTHV4 2,582
11519-CVMPHTOTHV4 2,582
11520-CVMPSTOTHV8 5,652
11521-CVMPSTOTHV8 6,298
11522-CVMPSTOTHV8 6,298
11523-CVMPSTOTHV6 4,263
11524-CVMPSTOTHV6 4,683
11525-CVMPSTOTHV6 4,683
11526-CVMPSTOTHV4 2,743
11527-CVMPSTOTHV4 3,067
11528-CVMPSTOTHV4 3,067
11529-SVCADV1CRNT 895
11530-SVCPREM1CRN 1,195
11531-SVCADV1CRNT 1,095
11532-SVCPREM1CRN 1,395
11533-SVCADV1CRNT 1,295
11534-SVCPREM1CRN 1,595
11535-SVCADV1PREV 1,195
11536-SVCPREM1PRV 1,495
11537-SVCADV1PREV 1,395
11538-SVCPREM1PRV 1,695
11539-SVCADV1PREV 1,595
11540-SVCPREM1PRV 1,895
11541-SVCADV1GCYT 2,095
11542-SVCPREM1LGC 2,395
11543-SVCADV1LGCY 2,295
11544-SVCPREM1LGC 2,595
11545-SVCADV1LGCY 2,495
11546-SVCPREM1LGC 2,795
11547-SVCADV3CRNT 2,295
11548-SVCPREM3CRN 3,095
11549-SVCADV3CRNT 2,795
11550-SVCPREM3CRN 3,595
11551-SVCADV3CRNT 3,295
11552-SVCPREM3CRN 4,095
11553-SVCADV3PREV 2,595
11554-SVCPREM3PRV 3,295
11555-SVCADV3PREV 3,095
11556-SVCPREM3PRV 3,795
11557-SVCADV3PREV 3,595
11558-SVCPREM3PRV 4,295
11559-SVCADV3GCYT 3,295
11560-SVCPREM3LGC 4,095
11561-SVCADV3LGCY 3,795
11562-SVCPREM3LGC 4,595
11563-SVCADV3LGCY 4,295
11564-SVCPREM3LGC 5,095
11565-SVCADV5CRNT 3,795
11566-SVCPREM5CRN 5,095
11567-SVCADV5CRNT 4,695
11568-SVCPREM5CRN 5,895
11569-SVCADV5CRNT 5,495
11570-SVCPREM5CRN 6,795
11571-SVCADV5PREV 4,095
11572-SVCPREM5PRV 5,295
11573-SVCADV5PREV 4,895
11574-SVCPREM5PRV 6,195
11575-SVCADV5PREV 5,695
11576-SVCPREM5PRV 7,095
11577-SVCADV5GCYT 4,795
11578-SVCPREM5LGC 6,095
11579-SVCADV5LGCY 5,695
11580-SVCPREM5LGC 6,995
11581-SVCADV5LGCY 6,495
11582-SVCPREM5LGC 7,795
11583-SVCPHONE1-P 595
11586-SRMTHV862EVA 0
11587-SRMTHV642EVA 0
11588-SRMTHV421EVA 0
11589-SRMTHV211EVA 0
11595-3RD-TRONTRAI 4,500
11596-3RD-TRONTRAI 1,400
11597-3RD-TRADVCS 250
11598-3RD-TRADVCU 50
11599-3RD-TRADVED 50
11600-3RD-TRADVLO 50
11601-3RD-TRAUTOQ 50
11602-3RD-TRADVTX 50
11603-3RD-TROPTRI 50
11604-3RD-TROPTWR 50
11605-3RD-TRRIPFN 50
11606-3RD-TRWRKFN 50
11607-SVCADV1THVO 125
11608-SVCADV3THVO 300
11609-SVCADV5THVO 500

11611-1TO1CREATE B 2,954
11612-1TO1CREATEBA 5,908

11615-S-CPRFPGBSN- 1,422
11616-S-CPRFPGENT- 5,295
11617-SCPRFPGENTI 17,996
11618-SCPRFPGENTS 4,273
11619-S-CPRFPGBOS 2,066
11620-S-CPRFPGBOS 1,166
11621-S-CPRFPGPDF 940

11623-SCPRFDDCFOI 1,301
11625-S-CPRFPG2450 403

11628-S-CPRF2450003 8,096
11629-S-CPRF2450060 1,706
11630-SCPRF2800001 540
11631-S-CPRFPG0020 1,706
11632-S-CPRFPG2450 1,706
11633-S-CPRFPG2450 1,706
11634-S-CPRFPG2450 1,706
11635-S-CPRFPG2450 8,546
11636-S-CPRFPG2450 7,646
11637-S-CPRFPG2450 2,696
11638-S-CPRFPG2450 1,706
11639-S-CPRFPG2450 1,706
11640-SCPRFPGPDFS 2,246
11641-S-CPRF2450006 4,048
11642-S-CPRF2450085 853
11643-SCPRF0020173 711
11644-S-CPRFPG2450 853
11645-S-CPRFPG2450 853
11646-S-CPRFPG2450 853
11647-S-CPRFPG2450 4,273
11648-S-CPRFPG2450 3,823
11649-S-CPRFPG2450 1,348
11650-S-CPRFPG2450 853
11651-S-CPRFPG2450 853

11654-S-CPRF2450021 356
11655-S-CPRF2450063 266
11656-S-CPRF2450064 113
11657-S-CPRF2450065 68
11658-S-CPRF2450023 356
11659-S-CPRF2450066 266
11660-S-CPRF2450067 113
11661-S-CPRF2450068 68
11662-S-CPRF2450025 356
11663-S-CPRF2450072 266
11664-S-CPRF2450073 113
11665-S-CPRF2450074 68
11666-S-CPRF2450077 356
11667-S-CPRF2450078 266
11668-S-CPRF2450079 113
11669-S-CPRF2450080 68
11670-S-CPRF2450092 356
11671-S-CPRF2450093 266
11672-S-CPRF2450094 113
11673-S-CPRF2450095 68
11674-S-CPRF2450098 356
11675-S-CPRF2450099 266
11676-S-CPRF2450100 113
11677-S-CPRF2450101 68
11678-S-CPRFSMTP10 266
11679-S-CPRFSMTP19 356
11680-S-CPRFSMTP50 68
11681-S-CPRFSMTP50 113

11683-S-CPALPGASEX 1,800
11684-S-CPALPGASEN 13,050
11685-S-CPALPGASAB 4,500
11686-S-CPALPGASE 6,525
11687-S-CPALPGASE 900
11688-S-CPALRFACR- 896

11690-S-CPRFPG2420 3,146
11691-S-CPRFPG2420 6,746
11692-S-CPRFPG2420 15,746
11693-S-CPRFPG2420 4,496
11694-S-CPRFPG2420 13,496
11695-S-CPRFPG2420 10,796
11696-S-CPRFPG2420 1,573
11697-S-CPRFPG2420 3,373
11698-S-CPRFPG2420 2,248
11699-S-CPRFPG2420 6,748
11700-S-CPRFPG2420 5,398

11702-S-CPFA2LINE-P 2,696
11703-S-CPFA4LINE-P 3,596

11705-S-CPFG2100D1 575
11706-S-CPFG2100D2 788
11707-S-CPFG304A4H 86
11708-S-CPFG304A4N 679
11709-S-CPFG308A8- 131

11711-S-CPRF2660001 4,046
11712-S-CPRF2660004 6,296
11713-S-CPRF2660006 10,616
11714-S-CPRF2660008 6,296
11715-S-CPRF2660022 4,046
11716-S-CPRF2660023 8,996
11717-S-CPRF2660024 13,275
11718-S-CPRF2660028 6,296
11719-S-CPRF2660030 10,616
11720-S-CPRF2660032 6,296

11722-1000021088-PS 7,432
11723-1000021095-PS 3,715
11724-1000021090-PS 0
11725-1000021089-PS 0
11726-1000021093-PS 0
11727-1000021127-PS 8,307
11728-1000021134-PS 4,153
11729-1000021129-PS 0
11730-1000021128-PS 0
11731-1000021132-PS 0
11732-1000021516-DS 8,555
11733-1000021517-DS 1,284
11734-1000021096-PS 1,276
11735-1000021421-PS 433
11736-1000021423-PS 0
11737-1000021472-PS 393
11738-1000021474-PS 0
11739-1000021557-PS 0
11740-1000021335-PS 3,145
11741-1000021337-PS 0
11742-1000021368-PS 567
11743-1000021370-PS 0
11744-1000021348-PS 3,845
11745-1000021350-PS 0
11746-1000021355-PS 1,924
11747-1000021357-PS 0
11748-1000021377-PS 1,746
11749-1000021379-PS 0
11750-1000021381-PS 873
11751-1000021386-PS 0
11752-1000021437-PS 4,633
11753-1000021439-PS 0
11754-1000021480-PS 2,159
11755-1000021482-PS 0
11756-1000021444-PS 0

11758-S-CPRF0075-PS 9,403

11760-S-CPFA116KIT- 1,505
11761-S-CPFA116KIT- 1,128
11762-S-CPFA0258KIT 2,258
11763-S-CPFA258KIT- 1,693
11764-S-CPFA0259KIT 6,780
11765-S-CPFA259KIT- 5,084
11766-S-CPFA117KIT- 45
11767-S-CPFA118KIT- 0
11768-S-CPFA110KIT- 0
11769-S-CPFA112KIT- 0
11770-S-CPFA111KIT- 0
11771-S-CPFA210KIT- 603
11772-S-CPFA212KIT- 1,243
11773-S-CPFA211KIT- 678
11774-S-CPFA213KIT- 1,243
11775-S-CPFA214KIT- 1,244
11776-S-CPFA210-H-P 428
11777-S-CPFA213-H-P 1,157
11778-S-CPFA214-H-P 1,178

11780-O-LX-RICOH-PF 1,735
11781-O-EV-RICOH-60 1,126
1 11783-3000003411-PS 39,474
30 11784-3000002615-PS 34,058
11785-3000002608-PS 919
2 11786-3000002576-PS 460
26 11787-3000006818-PS 11,429
27 11788-3000004583-PS 7,987
3 11789-3000002612-PS 25,796
4 11790-3000005981-PS 7,803
5 11791-3000005982-PS 10,558
6 11792-3000005983-PS 10,558
11793-3000002604-PS 5,921
11794-3000002603-PS 4,453
11795-3000002572-PS 1,469
11796-3000002571-PS 5,829
11797-3000006643-PS 1,837
11798-3000006819-PS 1,837
11799-3000006820-PS 4,132
11800-3000006821-PS 4,040
11801-3000002622-PS 4,407
11802-3000002579-PS 4,453
11803-3000002574-PS 4,453
11804-3000002620-PS 4,591
7 11805-3000002616-PS 7,069
11806-3000004559-PS 1,744
11807-3000005891-PS 7,069
11808-3000002602-PS 7,069
11809-3000002575-PS 7,391
11810-3000002600-PS 4,453
11811-3000004580-PS 18,177
11812-3000004582-PS 7,987
11813-3000004584-PS 7,574
11814-3000004395-PS 3,167
11815-3000004830-PS 2,525
11816-3000005501-PS 4,544
8 11817-3000005509-PS 10,099
9 11818-3000002619-PS 14,735
11819-3000002578-PS 152
11820-3000002577-PS 7,391
11821-3000005984-PS 4,040
13 11822-3000005582-PS 40,393
11823-3000005503-PS 7,574
11824-3000002627-PS 2,938
11825-3000002625-PS 2,938
11826-3000002626-PS 6,381
11827-3000002624-PS 2,938
11828-3000002628-PS 2,938
11829-3000004557-PS 2,525
11830-3000002614-PS 22,171
10 11831-3000004796-PS 0
10 11832-3000004924-PS 0
10 11833-3000004797-PS 0
11834-3000004581-PS 12,118
11835-3000002610-PS 22,171
11836-3000003592-PS 5,049
11837-3000005580-PS 5,049
11 11838-3000002633-PS 22,033
11 11839-3000002632-PS 22,033
11 11840-3000002635-PS 11,017
11841-3000002629-PS 2,296
11842-3000002630-PS 22,033
11843-3000002631-PS 22,033
11844-3000005502-PS 6,885
11845-3000005815-PS 6,885
11846-3000004315-PS 22,033
11847-3000004479-PS 5,049
12 11848-3000005581-PS 20,656
11849-3000004554-PS 7,574
11850-3000002611-PS 13,766
11851-3000005504-PS 2,525
11852-3000005507-PS 2,525
11853-3000005508-PS 2,525
11854-3000000118-PS 16,065
11855-3000000119-PS 4,591
11856-3000000680-PS 4,591
11857-3000002621-PS 2,296
11858-3000006730-PS 6,885
11859-3000004491-PS 29,376
11860-3000006732-PS 35,343
11861-3000003007-PS 11,017
11862-3000006656-PS 64,256
11863-3000006720-PS 11,523
11864-3000006721-PS 15,991
11865-3000006722-PS 20,603
11866-3000006723-PS 25,215
11867-3000006724-PS 30,259
11868-3000006725-PS 42,798
11869-3000006650-PS 16,061
11870-3000006659-PS 3,052
11871-3000006667-PS 3,052
11872-3000006675-PS 3,855
11873-3000006684-PS 3,855
11874-3000006694-PS 3,052
11875-3000006704-PS 3,855
11876-3000006713-PS 15,418
11877-3000000124-PS 4,591
11878-3000004711-PS 2,296
14 11879-3000000123-PS 16,524
11880-3000000451-PS 8,262
11881-3000000366-PS 1,378
11882-3000006494-PS 1,378
11883-3000006495-PS 4,591
11884-3000000369-PS 8,262
11885-3000006605-PS 6,885
11886-3000006492-PS 2,755
11887-3000006493-PS 460
11888-3000006641-PS 1,837
11889-3000000135-PS 4,591
15 11890-3000000072-PS 919
16 11891-3000000139-PS 194
17 11892-3000000136-PS 303
18 11893-3000000125-PS 919
11894-3000000133-PS 138
11895-3000004567-PS 59,671
11896-3000004528-PS 43,605
11897-3000004680-PS 18,360
11898-3000005515-PS 22,951
11899-3000004862-PS 16,065
11900-3000004530-PS 18,360
11901-3000004569-PS 18,360
11902-3000004513-PS 5,508
11903-3000004511-PS 11,017
11904-3000004696-PS 5,508
11905-3000004516-PS 7,344
11906-3000004517-PS 1,378
19 11907-45078390 4,586
19 11908-45078391 6,789
19 11909-45099781 22,945
11910-45079423 5,504
11911-45079424 7,340
11912-45099782 22,945
24 11913-100000005033- 7,095
24 11914-100000003351- 6,122
24 11915-100000003365- 165
24 11916-100000003296- 83
11917-100000003302- 2,054
24 11918-100000005059- 1,436
24 11919-100000003348- 4,637
24 11920-100000006800- 1,403
24 11921-100000006801- 1,898
24 11922-100000006802- 2,310
24 11923-100000003301- 800
24 11924-100000003293- 264
24 11925-100000003292- 1,048
11926-100000007780- 330
11927-100000008007- 330
11928-100000008008- 743
11929-100000008009- 726
24 11930-100000003362- 800
24 11931-100000003359- 800
24 11932-100000003294- 800
24 11933-100000003357- 825
24 11934-100000003353- 1,271
24 11935-100000005055- 314
24 11936-100000006740- 1,271
24 11937-100000003335- 1,271
24 11938-100000003277- 1,328
24 11939-100000003282- 800
24 11940-100000005056- 3,267
24 11941-100000005058- 1,436
24 11942-100000005060- 1,361
24 11943-100000004811- 569
24 11944-100000005352- 454
24 11945-100000006182- 817
24 11946-100000003356- 2,648
24 11947-100000003298- 27
24 11948-100000003297- 1,328
24 11949-100000006803- 762
24 11950-100000006232- 7,260
24 11951-100000006184- 1,361
24 11952-100000003369- 528
24 11953-100000003367- 528
24 11954-100000003368- 1,147
24 11955-100000003366- 528
24 11956-100000003370- 528
24 11957-100000005053- 454
24 11958-100000003350- 3,985
11959-100000007123- 1,200
24 11960-100000005057- 1,980
24 11961-100000003305- 4,109
24 11962-100000005042- 916
24 11963-100000006230- 916
24 11964-100000003375- 3,960
24 11965-100000003374- 3,960
24 11966-100000003377- 1,980
24 11967-100000003341- 413
24 11968-100000003372- 3,960
24 11969-100000003373- 3,960
24 11970-100000006183- 1,238
24 11971-100000006478- 1,238
24 11972-100000004660- 3,960
24 11973-100000004951- 916
24 11974-100000006231- 3,713
24 11975-100000005032- 1,361
24 11976-100000003361- 2,474
24 11977-100000006185- 454
24 11978-100000006187- 54
24 11979-100000006188- 1,815
24 11980-100000000889- 2,888
24 11981-100000000888- 825
24 11982-100000001913- 413
11983-100000003358- 413
11984-100000007870- 1,275
11985-100000007871- 5,435
11986-100000007872- 6,539
11987-100000003561- 2,039
11988-100000004979- 1,378
24 11989-100000001458- 500
24 11990-100000005232- 250
24 11991-100000001460- 1,800
24 11992-100000001462- 150
24 11993-100000007464- 150
24 11994-100000007465- 500
24 11995-100000001465- 900
24 11996-100000001463- 750
24 11997-100000001464- 99
24 11998-100000007462- 300
24 11999-100000007463- 50
24 12000-100000007779- 200
24 12001-100000005340- 500
24 12002-100000005341- 100
24 12003-100000005328- 21
24 12004-100000005329- 33
24 12005-100000006071- 105
24 12006-100000005327- 15
24 12007-100000005226- 10,725
24 12008-100000005220- 7,838
24 12009-100000005228- 3,300
24 12010-100000006173- 4,125
24 12011-100000005538- 2,888
24 12012-100000005581- 3,300
24 12013-100000005222- 3,300
24 12014-100000005229- 990
24 12015-100000005221- 1,980
24 12016-100000005225- 990
24 12017-100000005223- 1,320
24 12018-100000005224- 248
12019-100000007796- 12,599
12020-100000007855- 2,259
12021-100000007856- 3,135
12022-100000007857- 4,040
12023-100000007858- 4,944
12024-100000007859- 5,933
12025-100000007860- 8,392
12026-100000007517- 3,149
12027-100000007799- 598
12028-100000007521- 598
12029-100000007525- 756
12030-100000007819- 756
12031-100000007829- 598
12032-100000007839- 756
12033-100000007848- 3,023
24 12034-100000003315- 3,000
24 12035-100000003316- 3,000
24 12036-100000005048- 4,999
24 12037-100000003701- 3,000
24 12038-100000003318- 3,000
24 12039-100000005049- 4,999
24 12040-100000003564- 3,722
24 12041-100000005050- 9,998
24 12042-100000004044- 1,800
24 12043-100000004045- 1,800
28 12044-100000003257- 3,500
12045-100000003258- 200
29 12046-100000006012- 5,000
12047-100000006013- 1,500

12050-LPP-PAC-0125Y 4,599
12051-LPP-PAC-0250Y 8,955
12052-LPP-PAC-0500Y 16,983
12053-LPP-PAC-0750Y 24,174
12054-LPP-PAC-1000Y 30,627
12055-LPP-PAC-1250Y 36,405
12056-LPP-PAC-2500Y 57,483
12057-LPP-PAC-3750Y 68,976
12058-LPP-PAC-5000Y 80,469
12059-LPP-PAC-6250Y 91,962
12060-LPP-PAC-7500Y 103,455
12061-LPP-PAC-8750Y 114,948
12062-LPP-PAC-10000 126,441
12063-MPP-PAC-0125 919
12064-MPP-PAC-0250 1,791
12065-MPP-PAC-0500 3,396
12066-MPP-PAC-0750 4,834
12067-MPP-PAC-1000 6,125
12068-MPP-PAC-1250 7,281
12069-MPP-PAC-2500 11,496
12070-MPP-PAC-3750 13,795
12071-MPP-PAC-5000 16,093
12072-MPP-PAC-6250 18,392
12073-MPP-PAC-7500 20,691
12074-MPP-PAC-8750 22,989
12075-MPP-PAC-1000 25,288
12076-LPP-PAE-0125Y 10,575
12077-LPP-PAE-0250Y 20,592
12078-LPP-PAE-0500Y 39,042
12079-LPP-PAE-0750Y 55,593
12080-LPP-PAE-1000Y 70,425
12081-LPP-PAE-1250Y 83,718
12082-LPP-PAE-2500Y 132,201
12083-LPP-PAE-3750Y 158,652
12084-LPP-PAE-5000Y 185,103
12085-LPP-PAE-6250Y 211,554
12086-LPP-PAE-7500Y 238,005
12087-LPP-PAE-8750Y 264,456
12088-LPP-PAE-10000 290,907
12089-MPP-PAE-0125 2,115
12090-MPP-PAE-0250 4,118
12091-MPP-PAE-0500 7,808
12092-MPP-PAE-0750 11,118
12093-MPP-PAE-1000 14,085
12094-MPP-PAE-1250 16,743
12095-MPP-PAE-2500 26,440
12096-MPP-PAE-3750 31,730
12097-MPP-PAE-5000 37,020
12098-MPP-PAE-6250 42,310
12099-MPP-PAE-7500 47,601
12100-MPP-PAE-8750 52,891
12101-MPP-PAE-10000 58,181
12102-LPP-PAT-0125Y 14,690
12103-LPP-PAT-0250Y 28,590
12104-LPP-PAT-0500Y 54,230
12105-LPP-PAT-0750Y 77,210
12106-LPP-PAT-1000Y 97,810
12107-LPP-PAT-1250Y 116,280
12108-LPP-PAT-2500Y 174,430
12109-LPP-PAT-3750Y 209,333
12110-LPP-PAT-5000Y 231,381
12111-LPP-PAT-6250Y 264,447
12112-LPP-PAT-7500Y 297,513
12113-LPP-PAT-8750Y 330,579
12114-LPP-PAT-10000 363,645
12115-MPP-PAT-0125Y 2,644
12116-MPP-PAT-0250Y 5,146
12117-MPP-PAT-0500Y 9,761
12118-MPP-PAT-0750Y 13,898
12119-MPP-PAT-1000Y 17,606
12120-MPP-PAT-1250Y 20,930
12121-MPP-PAT-2500Y 33,049
12122-MPP-PAT-3750Y 39,663
12123-MPP-PAT-5000Y 46,276
12124-MPP-PAT-6250Y 52,889
12125-MPP-PAT-7500Y 59,502
12126-MPP-PAT-8750Y 66,115
12127-MPP-PAT-10000 72,729
12128-LPP-PRK-14-PS 3,159
12129-LPP-PRK-510-P 2,637
12130-LPP-PRK-1120- 2,106
12131-LPP-PRK-210-P 1,854
12132-MPP-PRK-14-PS 631
12133-MPP-PRK-510-P 527
12134-MPP-PRK-1120- 421
12135-MPP-PRK-210-P 370
12136-LPS-PDI-PS1 3,510
12137-LTS-PDE-PS1 702
12138-LPS-IRT-PS1 18,000
12139-MPS-PDI-PS1 702
12140-MTS-PDE-PS1 140
12141-LPS-FOV-PS1 6,300
12142-MPS-FOV-PS1 1,260
12143-SPS-MND-05-P 7,500
12144-SPS-MND-10-P 15,000
12145-SPS-MNH-05-P 938
12146-SPS-MNH-10-P 1,875

12148-TSW-PRA-01-P 600
12149-TSW-PRA-04-P 2,400

12151-LTP-PAC-0010Y 1,022
12152-LTP-PAC-0020Y 1,990
12153-LTP-PAC-0040Y 3,774
12154-LTP-PAC-0060Y 5,103
12155-LTP-PAC-0080Y 6,466
12156-LTP-PAC-0100Y 7,686
12157-MTP-PAC-0010 184
12158-MTP-PAC-0020 358
12159-MTP-PAC-0040 679
12160-MTP-PAC-0060 966
12161-MTP-PAC-0080 1,225
12162-MTP-PAC-0100 1,456
12163-LTP-PAE-0010Y 2,350
12164-LTP-PAE-0020Y 4,576
12165-LTP-PAE-0040Y 8,676
12166-LTP-PAE-0060Y 11,736
12167-LTP-PAE-0080Y 14,868
12168-LTP-PAE-0100Y 17,674
12169-MTP-PAE-0010Y 423
12170-MTP-PAE-0020Y 824
12171-MTP-PAE-0040Y 1,562
12172-MTP-PAE-0060Y 2,223
12173-MTP-PAE-0080Y 2,817
12174-MTP-PAE-0100Y 3,348
12175-LTP-PAT-0010Y 2,938
12176-LTP-PAT-0020Y 5,718
12177-LTP-PAT-0040Y 10,846
12178-LTP-PAT-0060Y 14,670
12179-LTP-PAT-0080Y 18,584
12180-LTP-PAT-0100Y 23,256
12181-MTP-PAT-0010Y 529
12182-MTP-PAT-0020Y 1,029
12183-MTP-PAT-0040Y 1,952
12184-MTP-PAT-0060Y 2,779
12185-MTP-PAT-0080Y 3,521
12186-MTP-PAT-0100Y 4,186
12187-LPS-PDE-PS1 3,705
12188-LTS-PDI-PS1 741
12189-MPS-PDE-PS1 702
12190-MTS-PDI-PS1 140
12191-LTP-PRK-10-PS 1,672
12192-MTP-PRK-10-PS 316

12195-100286FNG-PS1 148
12196-100287FNG-PS1 278
12197-100288FNG-PS1 675
12198-100289FNG-PS1 1,122
12199-100290FNG-PS1 1,772
12200-100291FNG-PS1 3,410
12201-100292FNG-PS1 4,764
12202-100293FNG-PS1 6,448
12203-100294FNG-PS1 10,840
12204-100295FNG-PS1 16,828
12205-100296FNG-PS1 21,680
12206-100297FNG-PS1 30,807
12207-100298FNG-PS1 291
12208-100299FNG-PS1 553
12209-100300FNG-PS1 1,329
12210-100301FNG-PS1 1,987
12211-100302FNG-PS1 3,126
12212-100303FNG-PS1 6,118
12213-100304FNG-PS1 8,785
12214-100305FNG-PS1 12,039
12215-100306FNG-PS1 19,680
12216-100307FNG-PS1 31,663
12217-100308FNG-PS1 41,647
12218-100309FNG-PS1 65,036
12219-100310FNG-PS1 309
12220-100311FNG-PS1 587
12221-100312FNG-PS1 1,439
12222-100313FNG-PS1 2,658
12223-100314FNG-PS1 4,241
12224-100315FNG-PS1 8,163
12225-100316FNG-PS1 11,780
12226-100317FNG-PS1 16,203
12227-100318FNG-PS1 26,241
12228-100319FNG-PS1 41,647
12229-100320FNG-PS1 54,196
12230-100321FNG-PS1 67,318
12231-100322FNG-PS1 587
12232-100323FNG-PS1 1,110
12233-100324FNG-PS1 2,697
12234-100325FNG-PS1 4,507
12235-100326FNG-PS1 7,085
12236-100327FNG-PS1 13,630
12237-100328FNG-PS1 19,481
12238-100329FNG-PS1 26,355
12239-100330FNG-PS1 42,786
12240-100331FNG-PS1 68,458
12241-100332FNG-PS1 87,854
12242-100333FNG-PS1 123,222
12243-100334FNG-PS1 510
12244-100335FNG-PS1 1,283
12245-100336FNG-PS1 2,823
12246-100337FNG-PS1 7,570
12247-100338FNG-PS1 9,191
12248-100339FNG-PS1 10,861
12249-100340FNG-PS1 12,524
12250-100341FNG-PS1 19,966
12251-100342FNG-PS1 28,524

12253-100343FNG-PS1 29
12254-100344FNG-PS1 56
12255-100345FNG-PS1 135
12256-100346FNG-PS1 225
12257-100347FNG-PS1 355
12258-100348FNG-PS1 681
12259-100349FNG-PS1 953
12260-100350FNG-PS1 1,289
12261-100351FNG-PS1 2,168
12262-100352FNG-PS1 3,366
12263-100353FNG-PS1 4,336
12264-100354FNG-PS1 6,162
12265-100355FNG-PS1 58
12266-100356FNG-PS1 111
12267-100357FNG-PS1 266
12268-100358FNG-PS1 398
12269-100359FNG-PS1 626
12270-100360FNG-PS1 1,224
12271-100361FNG-PS1 1,757
12272-100362FNG-PS1 2,407
12273-100363FNG-PS1 3,936
12274-100364FNG-PS1 6,332
12275-100365FNG-PS1 8,329
12276-100366FNG-PS1 13,007
12277-100367FNG-PS1 61
12278-100368FNG-PS1 118
12279-100369FNG-PS1 288
12280-100370FNG-PS1 531
12281-100371FNG-PS1 848
12282-100372FNG-PS1 1,633
12283-100373FNG-PS1 2,357
12284-100374FNG-PS1 3,241
12285-100375FNG-PS1 5,248
12286-100376FNG-PS1 8,329
12287-100377FNG-PS1 10,839
12288-100378FNG-PS1 13,463
12289-100379FNG-PS1 118
12290-100380FNG-PS1 222
12291-100381FNG-PS1 539
12292-100382FNG-PS1 901
12293-100383FNG-PS1 1,417
12294-100384FNG-PS1 2,726
12295-100385FNG-PS1 3,897
12296-100386FNG-PS1 5,271
12297-100387FNG-PS1 8,558
12298-100388FNG-PS1 13,691
12299-100389FNG-PS1 17,571
12300-100390FNG-PS1 24,644

12302-100428FNG-PS1 81
12303-100429FNG-PS1 152
12304-100430FNG-PS1 359
12305-100431FNG-PS1 675
12306-100432FNG-PS1 1,266
12307-100433FNG-PS1 2,955
12308-100434FNG-PS1 5,065
12309-100435FNG-PS1 8,442

1,4 12312-UPX-HE-BASE- 4,344

1,4 12313-UPX-HE-DVC-P 517
1,4 12314-UPX-HE-SITE-0 18,135
1,4 12315-UPX-HE-SITE-0 25,448
1,4 12316-UPX-HE-SITE-0 28,958
1,4 12317-UPX-HE-SITE-0 34,223
1,4 12318-UPX-HE-SITE-0 39,528
1,4 12319-UPX-HE-SITE-0 50,310
1,4 12320-UPX-HE-SITE-0 60,840
1,4 12321-UPX-HE-SITE-0 73,125
1,4 12322-UPX-HE-SITE-0 88,335
1,4 12323-UPX-HE-SITE-1 102,668
1,4 12324-UPX-HE-SITE-1 115,830

1,4 12326-MP-HE-BASE-P 1,800

1,4 12327-MP-HE-DVC-PS 180
1,4 12328-MP-HE-SITE-01 4,725
1,4 12329-MP-HE-SITE-02 5,828
1,4 12330-MP-HE-SITE-03 6,300
1,4 12331-MP-HE-SITE-04 7,245
1,4 12332-MP-HE-SITE-05 8,505
1,4 12333-MP-HE-SITE-06 10,238
1,4 12334-MP-HE-SITE-07 12,443
1,4 12335-MP-HE-SITE-08 15,435
1,4 12336-MP-HE-SITE-09 18,900
1,4 12337-MP-HE-SITE-10 22,050
1,4 12338-MP-HE-SITE-11 25,200

1,4 12340-UPS-PRINTER- 585

1,4 12341-UPS-PL-BASE- 2,250
1,4 12342-UP-PL-SITE-01- 17,550
1,4 12343-UP-PL-SITE-02- 25,200
1,4 12344-UP-PL-SITE-03- 29,250
1,4 12345-UP-PL-SITE-04- 35,100
1,4 12346-UP-PL-SITE-05- 45,900
1,4 12347-UP-PL-SITE-06- 57,600
1,4 12348-UP-PL-SITE-07- 69,300
1,4 12349-UP-PL-SITE-08- 81,900
1,4 12350-UP-PL-SITE-09- 99,450
1,4 12351-UP-PL-SITE-10- 117,000
1,4 12353-OTG-PL-SITE-0 5,850
1,4 12354-OTG-PL-SITE-0 9,450
1,4 12355-OTG-PL-SITE-0 11,700
1,4 12356-OTG-PL-SITE-0 14,175
1,4 12357-OTG-PL-SITE-0 17,550
1,4 12358-OTG-PL-SITE-0 20,700
1,4 12359-OTG-PL-SITE-0 24,750
1,4 12360-OTG-PL-SITE-0 29,250
1,4 12361-OTG-PL-SITE-0 35,100
1,4 12362-OTG-PL-SITE-1 40,950

1,4 12364-MP-PL-SITE-01 5,850

1,4 12365-MP-PL-SITE-02 9,450
1,4 12366-MP-PL-SITE-03 11,700
1,4 12367-MP-PL-SITE-04 14,175
1,4 12368-MP-PL-SITE-05 17,550
1,4 12369-MP-PL-SITE-06 20,700
1,4 12370-MP-PL-SITE-07 24,750
1,4 12371-MP-PL-SITE-08 29,250
1,4 12372-MP-PL-SITE-09 35,100
1,4 12373-MP-PL-SITE-10 40,950

1,2,3 12375-UP-IMFP-RIC-P 260

1 12377-UP-BGW-BB-PS 2,250
1 12378-UP-BGW-CBOR 2,250
1 12379-UP-BGW-CBOR 2,250
1 12380-UP-BGW-GM-PS 2,250
1 12381-UP-BGW-CC-PS 2,102
1 12382-UP-BGW-CSMIT 2,339
1 12383-SU-BASE-PS1 1,796
1 12384-SU-CAL-10-PS1 720
1 12385-SU-CAL-25-PS1 1,260
1 12386-SU-CAL-50-PS1 1,800
1 12387-SU-CAL-100-PS 2,700
1 12388-SU-CAL-250-PS 5,625
1 12389-SU-CAL-500-PS 9,000
1 12390-SU-GW-SIPS-P 2,250
1 12391-SU-GW-INV-PS1 2,250

5 12393-CR-PROX-PLUS 206
5 12394-KIOSK-FLOOR- 10,408

5 12397-CR-MAG-KBD-D 152
5 12398-OMG-CC-RIC-2 123
5 12399-OMG-CC-RIC-4 123

12401-OTH-CHG-FEE- 225
12402-OTH-CHG-TRF- 1,350

12405-OTG-BASE-PS1 1,800
12406-OTG-COPY-PS1 270
12407-UP-3PARTY-PS 2,250
12408-UP-AGW-AD-PS 450
12409-UP-AGW-LDAP- 450
12410-UPL-BASE-PS1 1,125
12411-UPL-PRINTER- 585
12412-UPO-BASE-PS1 4,500
12413-UPO-DVC-01-P 135
12414-UPO-DVC-02-P 122
12415-UPO-DVC-03-P 108
12416-OMG-CC-CAN-P 113
12417-OMG-CC-HP-PS 113
12418-OMG-CC-KM-PS 113
12419-OMG-CC-KYO-P 113
12420-OMG-CC-MIN-P 113
12421-OMG-CC-PAN-P 113
12422-OMG-CC-SHRP- 113
12423-OMG-CC-XRX-P 113
12424-UP-IMFP-CAN-0 401
12425-UP-IMFP-CAN-0 387
12426-UP-IMFP-CAN-0 374
12427-UP-IMFP-KM-01 270
12428-UP-IMFP-VCC-0 135
12429-UP-IMFP-VCC-0 122
12430-UP-IMFP-VCC-0 108
12431-OMG-PS60-US- 356
12432-OMG-PS60-US- 342
12433-OMG-PS60-US- 324

12436-45079307 8,947

12438-45038874 2,135

12440-45070081 529

12442-45039966 4,812
12443-45039967 9,280
12444-45039971 7,905
12445-45055215 1,719

12447-45079372 5,499

12449-100000003510- 2,000
12450-100000003511- 3,600
12451-100000003512- 5,000
12452-100000003513- 6,800
12453-100000003514- 8,400
12454-100000003515- 3,000
12455-100000003516- 2,700
12456-100000003517- 7,500
12457-100000003518- 10,200
12458-100000003519- 12,600
12459-100000003520- 4,000
12460-100000003521- 7,200
12461-100000003522- 10,000
12462-100000003523- 13,600
12463-100000003489- 16,800

12465-45047145 687
12466-45079374 14,428
12467-3000003676-PS 1,000
12468-3000003677-PS 1,300
12469-3000003678-PS 6,000
12470-3000003679-PS 6,000

12472-003997MIU 11,691
12473-005254MIU 14,391
12474-003998MIU 11,061
12475-003999MIU 14,391
12476-006541MIU 14,391

12479-V109AM01-30-1 29
12480-V109AMG8-30-1 127
12481-V109AMH0-30-1 600
12482-V109AMH1-30-1 1,137
12483-V109AMH2-30-1 2,146
12484-V109AMH3-30-1 5,049
12485-V109AMH4-30-1 9,469
12486-V109AMH5-30-1 17,673

12489-V109A-M01-40- 29
12490-V109A-MG8-40- 125
12491-V109A-MG9-40- 244
12492-V109A-MH0-40- 593
12493-V109A-MH1-40- 1,122
12494-V109A-MH2-40- 2,119

1 12496-SN-V109A-H01- 286
1 12497-SN-V109A-HG8- 1,141
1 12498-SN-V109A-HG9- 2,238
1 12499-SN-V109A-HH0- 5,423
1 12500-SN-V109A-HH1- 10,274
1 12501-SN-V109A-HH2- 19,406
2 12502-MNT-V109A-H01 30
2 12503-MNT-V109A-HG8 120
2 12504-MNT-V109A-HG9 235
2 12505-MNT-V109A-HH0 570
2 12506-MNT-V109A-HH1 1,080
2 12507-MNT-V109A-HH2 2,040
3, 4 12508-UG-V189A-001- 0
3, 4 12509-UG-V189A-005- 0
3, 4 12510-UG-V189A-010- 0
3, 4 12511-UG-V189A-025- 0
3, 4 12512-UG-V189A-050- 0
3, 4 12513-UG-V189A-100- 0
5, 6 12514-SN-V189A-H01- 132
5, 6 12515-SN-V189A-HG8- 659
5, 6 12516-SN-V189A-HG9- 1,316
5, 6 12517-SN-V189A-HH0- 3,290
5, 6 12518-SN-V189A-HH1- 6,580
5, 6 12519-SN-V189A-HH2- 13,160

12522-10026-PS1 504
12523-23030-PS1 0
12524-23032-PS1 0
12525-29006-PS1 4,200
12526-29007O-PS1 12,000
12527-29010-PS1 214
12528-29017-2-PS1 0
12529-29026-PS1 836
12530-29028-PS1 0
12531-29029A-PS1 0
12532-29029B-PS1 0
12533-29029-PS1 0
12534-42002WIN-PS1 671
12535-42003-PS1 42,000
12536-42005WIN-PS1 552
12537-42006-PS1 8,840
12538-44003-PS1 183
12539-44004-PS1 183
12540-45001-PS1 419
12541-47001-PS1 2,564
12542-47002-PS1 512
12543-53010-PS1 1,037
12544-53011-PS1 587
12545-80002-PS1 0
12546-85004-PS1 671
12547-85005-PS1 587
12548-85006-PS1 2,100
12549-85007-PS1 397
12550-90002-PS1 0

12552-53015-PS1 0
12553-PP-INSPTI-BAS 1,800
12554-10015-PS1 0
12555-29011-PS1 3,000
12556-53019-PS1 28,750
12557-PP-INSPTI-AD 9,600
12558-10019-PS1 16,250
12559-53017-PS1 0
12560-PP-INSPTI-ENT 9,600
12561-10017-PS1 0
12562-29011E-PS1 15,000
12563-53018-PS1 0
12564-PP-INSPTI-INP 7,200
12565-10018-PS1 0
12566-29011IP-PS1 4,000
12567-53015U-PS1 12,556
12568-10015U-PS1 16,250
12569-23033-PS1 0
12570-10033-PS1 0
12571-29008-PS1 5,000
12572-10028-PS1 0
12573-10027-PS1 0
12574-10029A-PS1 0
12575-29012-I-PS1 300
12576-29010-120-PS1 17,400
12577-29010-240-PS1 34,800
12578-29010-360-PS1 52,200
12579-29010-480-PS1 69,600
12580-29010-600-PS1 87,000
12581-80003-PS1 0
12582-90001-PS1 0
12583-10020-PS1 0
12584-23024-PS1 0
12585-10032-PS1 0
12586-10031-PS1 0
43 12587-53013-PS1 2,275
44 12588-10013-PS1 4,680
12589-3RD-29011JD-D 1,625
46 12590-53014-PS1 6,663
47 12591-10014-PS1 5,200
12592-3RD-29011S-DS 2,438
12593-23043-PS1 10,424
51 12594-23044-PS1 5,886
53 12595-10029B-PS1 0
54 12596-29038-PS1 0
55 12597-10038-PS1 0
56 12598-29039-PS1 0
57 12599-10039-PS1 0
58 12600-23034-PS1 0
59 12601-29040-PS1 0
60 12602-10040-PS1 0
73 12603-10036-PS1 0
73 12604-10037-PS1 0
61 12605-29041-PS1 0
62 12606-10041-PS1 0
74 12607-29042-PS1 0
63 12608-10042-PS1 0
64 12609-47003-PS1 8,472
65 12610-47005-PS1 4,305
67 12611-42004-PS1 18,829
68 12612-80004-PS1 4,707
69 12613-47004-PS1 1,800
70 12614-47006-PS1 918
71 12615-42007-PS1 3,369
72 12616-80005-PS1 843
34, 35 12617-3RD-44003-DS 200
34, 36 12618-3RD-44004-DS 200
13 12619-10024-PS1 0
12620-42008-PS1 25,000
12621-47008-PS1 4,500
12622-3RD-29009-ADM 3,000
12623-3RD-29009-TE 2,000

1,6,7 12625-12137001-PS1 5,873

1,6,7 12626-24137001-PS1 11,275
1,6,7 12627-36137001-PS1 16,208
1,6,7 12628-48137001-PS1 20,671
1,6,7 12629-60137001-PS1 23,490
2,6,7 12630-12137002-PS1 8,303
2,6,7 12631-24137002-PS1 15,941
2,6,7 12632-36137002-PS1 22,915
2,6,7 12633-48137002-PS1 29,225
2,6,7 12634-60137002-PS1 33,210
3,6,7 12635-12137003-PS1 10,733
3,6,7 12636-24137003-PS1 20,606
3,6,7 12637-36137003-PS1 29,622
3,6,7 12638-48137003-PS1 37,778
3,6,7 12639-60137003-PS1 42,930
4,6,7 12640-12137004-PS1 14,783
4,6,7 12641-24137004-PS1 28,382
4,6,7 12642-36137004-PS1 40,800
4,6,7 12643-48137004-PS1 52,034
4,6,7 12644-60137004-PS1 59,130
5 12645-21137005-PS1 2,835
12646-PP-PRINTNET- 500

12648-EQINS1HR-PS1 200
12649-PP-ISFTFPATH 3,600
12650-PP-PPISFC550 1,748
12651-PP-PPISFM1107 3,420
12652-PP-PPISFM907F 2,963
12653-PP-PPISFWF 1,500
12654-PP-PRESALES 100
12655-PS-ADVDEV 225
12656-PS-DESIGN 225
12657-PS-DISCOVERY 225
12658-PS-DLSA 225
12659-PS-EMB-HS 132
12660-PS-ENGSERVIC 225
12661-PS-ENGSERVI 218
12662-PS-GTPMSERV 196
12663-PS-GTPMSERV 196
12664-PS-HOTSPOTM 925
12665-PS-INSA2IA 225
12666-PS-INSASEXPR 925
12667-PS-INSAX 220
12668-PS-INSAXWRK 220
12669-PS-INSCAP1DE 370
12670-PS-INSCAPTAR 205
12672-PS-INSDELLSR 205
12673-PS-INSDMNXA 555
12674-PS-INSDMNXEN 205
12675-PS-INSDMNXP 205
12676-PS-INSDOCUW 220
12677-PS-INSECOPY 185
12678-PS-INSECOPYE 925
12680-PS-INSECOPY 740
12681-PS-INSECOPYS 1,480
12682-PS-INSELPNX1 370
12683-PS-INSELPNXC 555
12684-PS-INSEMC 220
12685-PS-INSEQUITR 205
12686-PS-INSEXPEDA 220
12687-PS-INSEXTSCA 694
12688-PS-INSFSOWGB 1,025
12689-PS-INSFSOWGB 2,265
12690-PS-INSFSOWP 3,280
12691-PS-INSKODAK 7,796
12692-PS-INSKODAKM 9,450
12693-PS-INSKOFAX 205
12694-PS-INSLASERF 220
12695-PS-INSNONEM 185
12696-PS-INSNSI 205
12697-PS-INSNSIOM 185
12698-PS-INSOMTOOL 198
12699-PS-INSOPENTE 205
12700-PS-INSPARADA 225
12701-PS-INSPCS 205
12702-PS-INSPHAROS 205
12703-PS-INSRAIMMS 178
12704-PS-INSRAIMMS 178
12705-PS-INSRIC720B 4,000
12706-PS-INSRICCAC 185
12707-PS-INSRICCAP 1,080
12708-PS-INSRICDCM 185
12709-PS-INSRICDOC 185
12710-PS-INSRICELP 885
12711-PS-INSRICELP 1,450
12712-PS-INSRICGSN 185
12713-PS-INSRICHSE 205
12714-PS-INSRICOH 185
12715-PS-INSRICP2S 205
12716-PS-INSRICPCC 185
12717-PS-INSRICPPD 185
12718-PS-INSRICPPD 185
12719-PS-INSRICPPD 495
12720-PS-INSRICPTIG 6,000
12721-PS-INSRICPTIP 12,000
12722-PS-INSRICREM 185
12723-PS-INSRICREM 185
12724-PS-INSRICSMA 1,265
12725-PS-INSRICSTR 185
12727-PS-INSRICWSD 1,265
12728-PS-INSSAGEM 205
12729-PS-INSSHRPOI 205
12730-PS-INSSOWAT 185
12731-PS-INSSOWCA 185
12732-PS-INSSOWCO 205
12733-PS-INSSOWDM 185
12734-PS-INSSOWEL 185
12735-PS-INSSOWHO 185
12736-PS-INSSOWPC 185
12737-PS-INSSOWPP 185
12738-PS-INSSOWST 185
12739-PS-INSTALLSV 185
12740-PS-INSWESTB 220
12741-PS-MISCWORK 185
12742-PS-PMOSERVI 161
12743-PS-PMOSERVI 161
12744-PS-RICGSS 185
12745-PS-RICGSSLES 925
12746-PS-SEDINSTAL 225
12747-PS-SUPCAPTIV 205
12748-PS-SUPECOPY 205
12749-PS-SUPEMC 220
12750-PS-SUPEQUITR 205
12751-PS-SUPKOFAX 205
12752-PS-SUPNSI 205
12753-PS-SUPPARAD 225
12754-PS-SUPPCS 185
12755-PS-SUPRICOH 205
12756-PS-SUPTRAC 185
12757-PS-SUPWESTB 220
12758-PS-TIMEBLOCK 178
12759-PS-TIMEBLOCK 178
12760-PS-TIMEBLOCK 178
12761-PS-TIMEBLOCK 178
12762-PS-TIMEBLOCK 178
12763-PS-TIMEBLOCK 178
12764-PS-TIMEBLOCK 178
12765-PS-TIMEBLOCK 178
12766-PS-TIMEBLOCK 178
12767-PS-TIMEBLOCK 178
12768-PS-TIMEBLOCK 178
12769-PS-TRAINING 220
12770-PS-TRAINING- 191
12771-PS-TRAINING- 191
12772-TS-RAIMMS-EC 178
12773-TS-RAIMMS-MP 178

12775-3RD-DW-CONS- 2,500
12776-3RD-DW-CONS- 250
12777-3RD-FASOOPR 240
12778-3RD-ROO-TRN- 500
12779-3RD-RTS-TRN- 500
12780-3RD-TRA002-D 1,250
12781-3RD-TR-1000-0 1,594
12782-3RD-TR-1000-0 1,594
12783-3RD-TR-1200-0 1,594
12784-3RD-TR-1000-0 2,125
12785-3RD-PS-5001-0 6,375
12786-3RD-PS-5001-0 8,075
12787-3RD-TR-1000-0 3,188
12788-3RD-TR-1000-0 3,188
12789-3RD-PS-5001-0 7,013
12790-3RD-PS-5001-0 7,225
12791-3RD-PS-5001-0 5,525
12792-3RD-PS-5001-0 4,888
12793-3RD-PS-5001-0 4,888
12794-3RD-PS-5001-0 6,375
12795-3RD-PS-5001-0 7,225
12796-3RD-PS-5001-0 40,000
12797-3RD-PS-5001-0 333,333
12798-3RD-PS-5001-0 390,000
12799-3RD-PS-5001-0 475,000
12800-3RD-PS-5001-0 78,333
12801-3RD-PS-5001-0 115,000
12802-3RD-PS-5001-0 187,500
12803-3RD-PS-5001-0 41,667
12804-3RD-TR-1200-0 3,188
12805-3RD-TR-1200-0 3,188
12806-3RD-TR-1200-0 3,188
12807-3RD-TR-1200-0 3,188
12808-3RD-TR-1200-0 3,188
12809-3RD-TR-1200-1 17,000
12810-3RD-TR-1200-0 1,275
12811-3RD-TR-1200-0 1,275
12812-3RD-TR-5000-0 3,188
12813-3RD-PS-5001-0 8,500
12814-3RD-TR-5000-0 4,250
12815-3RD-TR-1000-0 19,125
12816-3RD-TR-1000-0 19,125
12817-3RD-TR-1200-0 19,125
12818-3RD-TR-1000-0 25,500
12819-3RD-PS-EXPEN 3,750
12820-3RD-60NUAX24 750
12821-3RD-60NUAW32 2,200
12822-3RD-60NUOM12 1,500
12823-3RD-60NUAW15 1,200
12824-3RD-60NUAW15 10,800
12825-3RD-60NUAW16 1,200
12826-3RD-60NUAW16 10,800
12827-3RD-60NUAW14 500
12828-3RD-60NUAW14 4,500
12829-3RD-60NUAW13 250
12830-3RD-60NUAW13 2,250
12831-3RD-60NUAW17 1,200
12832-3RD-60NUAW17 10,800
12833-3RD-60NUAW18 1,200
12834-3RD-60NUAW18 10,800
12835-3RD-71-C51A-1 1,667
12836-3RD-71-C51A-1 1,667
12837-3RD-71-C51A-1 667
12838-3RD-71-C51A-1 1,333
12839-3RD-71-C51A-1 2,667
12840-3RD-72-C51A-1 2,667
12841-3RD-71-C51A-1 333
12842-3RD-71-C51A-1 667
12843-3RD-71-C51A-1 1,667
12844-3RD-71-C51A-1 1,333
12845-3RD-71-C51A-1 167
12846-3RD-72-C51A-1 167
12847-3RD-71-C51A-1 333
12848-3RD-71-C51A-1 333
12849-3RD-71-C51A-1 167
12850-3RD-72-C51A-1 55
12851-3RD-72-C51A-1 550
12852-3RD-72-C51A-1 275
12853-3RD-EQINS4HR 1,333
12854-3RD-EQIN1DAY 2,667
12855-3RD-EQPSLAR 1,667
12856-3RD-EQPSSMA 167
12857-3RD-EQTRA4HR 1,333
12858-3RD-EQTR1DAY 2,667
12859-3RD-EQWBN1H 190
12860-3RD-EQPD1DAY 333
12861-3RD-EQPD1NG 667
12862-3RD-EQPD1AIR 1,667
12863-3RD-EQPSSTD 167
12864-3RD-EQPSSMC 333
12865-3RD-EQTRAIN1 55
12866-3RD-EQTRN010 550
12867-3RD-EQTRAIN5 275
12868-3RD-S-INSTAL 4,500
12869-3RD-S-TRAIN-A 4,500
12870-3RD-S-TRAIN-A 3,750
12871-3RD-S-INSTALL 7,500
12872-3RD-S-INSTALL 4,500
12873-3RD-S-INSTALL 3,000
12874-3RD-S-INSTAL 4,500
12875-3RD-S-TRAINA 3,000
12876-3RD-C-INHOU- 375
12877-3RD-C-ONSITE 375
12878-3RD-S-INSTALL 6,000
12879-3RD-S-IMPLEM 278
12880-3RD-S-INSTAL 6,750
12881-3RD-S-TRAIN- 4,500
12882-3RD-SINSTALL 1,110
12883-3RD-S-PROSER 563
12884-3RD-S-PROSER 375
12885-3RD-C-PROJM 375
12886-3RD-S-INSTAL 3,000
12887-3RD-C-SERV-AP 375
12888-3RD-S-TRAIN- 278
12889-3RD-P-RFSERV 1,594
12890-3RD-SPS-MND- 2,833
12891-3RD-SPS-MNH- 354
12892-3RD-TSW-PRA- 4,833
12893-3RD-100000001 2,160
12894-3RD-7700101-D 1,260
12895-3RD-7700107-D 14,400
12896-3RD-7700104-D 5,400
12897-3RD-7700122-D 1,620
12898-3RD-7700108-D 23,400
12899-3RD-7700105-D 7,200
12900-3RD-7700102-D 2,700
12901-3RD-7700100-D 810
12902-3RD-7700103-D 3,600
12903-3RD-7700106-D 9,000
12904-3RD-SVC-IFAC 3,333
12905-3RD-SVC-CUS- 2,500
12906-3RD-SVC-CUS- 3,333
12907-3RD-SVC-INST- 3,333
12908-3RD-SVC-INST 2,500
12909-3RD-SVC-INST 1,500
12910-3RD-SVC-SCPT 2,500
12911-3RD-SVC-TRAI 3,333
12912-3RD-SVC-TRAI 2,500
12913-3RD-ED-CFBE- 5,000
12914-3RD-ED-CFBEU 3,000
12915-3RD-ED-CUST 2,667
12916-3RD-CONSULT- 2,667
12917-3RD-CONSULT- 1,667
12918-3RD-ED-QFP-D 5,000
12919-3RD-ED-QFPRC 1,167

12921-P2-3005 9,246
12922-PRSONASMAIN 6,231
12923-3RD-PRSONA 538
12924-3RD-PRSONAS 12
12925-3RD-PRSONAS 115
12926-3RD-PRSONAS 115
12927-3RD-PRSONAS 1,154
12928-3RD-PRSONASI 1,231
12929-PRSONASMAINT 12,462
12930-PRSONASMAINT 18,692
12931-PS-TSPRSONAS 249
12932-3RD-PRSONAS 7,692
12933-3RD-PRSONAS 269
12934-3RD-PRSONAS 18
12935-3RD-PRSONAS 6
12936-PRSONAS-INR 8,628
12937-PRSONAS-INR 17,256
12938-PRSONAS-INR 25,884

1,2,8 12940-RAPS-6KINVYR 183

1,2,8 12941-RAPS-6KINVYR 179
1,2,8 12942-RAPS-6KINVYR 177
1,2,8 12943-RAPS-6KINVYR 175
1,2,8 12944-RAPS-6KINVYR 174
1,3,8 12945-RAPS-12KINVY 273
1,3,8 12946-RAPS-12KINVY 267
1,3,8 12947-RAPS-12KINVY 265
1,3,8 12948-RAPS-12KINVY 262
1,3,8 12949-RAPS-12KINVY 260
1,4,8 12950-RAPS-24KINVY 365
1,4,8 12951-RAPS-24KINVY 358
1,4,8 12952-RAPS-24KINVY 354
1,4,8 12953-RAPS-24KINVY 350
1,4,8 12954-RAPS-24KINVY 347
1,5,8 12955-RAPS-60KINVY 638
1,5,8 12956-RAPS-60KINVY 625
1,5,8 12957-RAPS-60KINVY 618
1,5,8 12958-RAPS-60KINVY 612
1,5,8 12959-RAPS-60KINVY 607
1,6,8 12960-RAPS-120KINV 1,184
1,6,8 12961-RAPS-120KINV 1,160
1,6,8 12962-RAPS-120KINV 1,148
1,6,8 12963-RAPS-120KINV 1,136
1,6,8 12964-RAPS-120KINV 1,125
7 12965-PS-INST-APS 350

12967-003838MIU 18

12969-006738MIU-PS1 124
12970-006712MIU-PS1 1,441
12971-006711MIU-PS1 887
12972-006716MIU-PS1 2,475
12973-006737MIU-PS1 391
12974-006741MIU-PS1 129
12975-006742MIU-PS1 1,183
12976-006743MIU-PS1 4,945
12977-006725MIU-PS1 248
12978-006726MIU-PS1 1,980
12979-006857MIU-PS1 7,920
12980-006714MIU-PS1 1,233
12981-006760MIU-PS1 132
12982-006755MIU-PS1 242
12983-006756MIU-PS1 218
12984-006757MIU-PS1 194
12985-006758MIU-PS1 169
12986-006759MIU-PS1 145
12987-006761MIU-PS1 22
12988-006762MIU-PS1 20
12989-006763MIU-PS1 18
12990-006764MIU-PS1 15
12991-006765MIU-PS1 13
12992-006766MIU-PS1 11
12993-006768MIU-PS1 132,000
12994-006769MIU-PS1 181,500
12995-006770MIU-PS1 220,000
12996-006771MIU-PS1 323,400
12997-006772MIU-PS1 422,400
12998-006767MIU-PS1 71,500
12999-006773MIU-PS1 517,000
13000-006774MIU-PS1 607,200
13001-006775MIU-PS1 693,000
13002-006776MIU-PS1 748,000
13003-006777MIU-PS1 792,000
13004-006713MIU-PS1 1,857
13005-006727MIU-PS1 990
13006-006730MIU-PS1 99
13007-006731MIU-PS1 743
13008-006734MIU-PS1 4,455
13009-006736MIU-PS1 22,028
13010-006732MIU-PS1 1,485
13011-006733MIU-PS1 2,723
13012-006735MIU-PS1 16,335
13013-006728MIU-PS1 1,238
13014-006715MIU-PS1 842
13015-006718MIU-PS1 989
13016-006719MIU-PS1 7,699
13017-006722MIU-PS1 43,996
13018-006724MIU-PS1 225,962
13019-006720MIU-PS1 16,498
13020-006721MIU-PS1 27,497
13021-006723MIU-PS1 164,984
13022-006717MIU-PS1 842
13023-006745MIU-PS1 45
13024-006746MIU-PS1 396
13025-006747MIU-PS1 3,465
13026-006752MIU-PS1 128,700
13027-006750MIU-PS1 19,800
13028-006753MIU-PS1 163,350
13029-006754MIU-PS1 250
13030-006748MIU-PS1 7,425
13031-006749MIU-PS1 12,375
13032-006751MIU-PS1 74,250
13033-006744MIU-PS1 1,238
13034-006790MIU-PS1 360
13035-006789MIU-PS1 450
13036-006740MIU-PS1 989
13037-006739MIU-PS1 1,856
13038-006778MIU-PS1 2,966
13039-006781MIU-PS1 494
13040-006782MIU-PS1 3,849
13041-006785MIU-PS1 21,998
13042-006787MIU-PS1 109,989
13043-006783MIU-PS1 8,249
13044-006784MIU-PS1 13,748
13045-006786MIU-PS1 82,492
13046-006818MIU-PS1 62
13047-006792MIU-PS1 720
13048-006791MIU-PS1 443
13049-006796MIU-PS1 1,238
13050-006817MIU-PS1 195
13051-006821MIU-PS1 64
13052-006822MIU-PS1 591
13053-006823MIU-PS1 2,472
13054-006805MIU-PS1 124
13055-006806MIU-PS1 990
13056-006858MIU-PS1 3,960
13057-006794MIU-PS1 617
13058-006839MIU-PS1 66
13059-006834MIU-PS1 121
13060-006835MIU-PS1 109
13061-006836MIU-PS1 97
13062-006837MIU-PS1 85
13063-006838MIU-PS1 73
13064-006840MIU-PS1 11
13065-006841MIU-PS1 10
13066-006842MIU-PS1 8
13067-006843MIU-PS1 7
13068-006844MIU-PS1 6
13069-006845MIU-PS1 5
13070-006847MIU-PS1 66,000
13071-006848MIU-PS1 90,750
13072-006849MIU-PS1 110,000
13073-006850MIU-PS1 161,700
13074-006851MIU-PS1 211,200
13075-006846MIU-PS1 35,750
13076-006852MIU-PS1 258,500
13077-006853MIU-PS1 303,600
13078-006854MIU-PS1 346,500
13079-006855MIU-PS1 374,000
13080-006856MIU-PS1 396,000
13081-006793MIU-PS1 928
13082-006807MIU-PS1 495
13083-006810MIU-PS1 50
13084-006811MIU-PS1 371
13085-006814MIU-PS1 2,228
13086-006816MIU-PS1 11,014
13087-006812MIU-PS1 743
13088-006813MIU-PS1 1,361
13089-006815MIU-PS1 8,168
13090-006808MIU-PS1 619
13091-006795MIU-PS1 421
13092-006798MIU-PS1 494
13093-006799MIU-PS1 3,849
13094-006802MIU-PS1 21,998
13095-006804MIU-PS1 109,989
13096-006800MIU-PS1 8,249
13097-006801MIU-PS1 13,748
13098-006803MIU-PS1 82,492
13099-006859MIU-PS1 421
13100-006825MIU-PS1 22
13101-006826MIU-PS1 198
13102-006827MIU-PS1 1,733
13103-006832MIU-PS1 64,350
13104-006830MIU-PS1 9,900
13105-006833MIU-PS1 81,675
13106-006828MIU-PS1 3,713
13107-006829MIU-PS1 6,188
13108-006831MIU-PS1 37,125
13109-006824MIU-PS1 619
13110-006861MIU-PS1 180
13111-006860MIU-PS1 225
13112-006820MIU-PS1 494
13113-006819MIU-PS1 928
13114-006797MIU-PS1 1,482
13115-006945MIU-PS1 247
13116-006946MIU-PS1 1,925
13117-006949MIU-PS1 10,999
13118-006951MIU-PS1 54,995
13119-006947MIU-PS1 4,125
13120-006948MIU-PS1 6,874
13121-006950MIU-PS1 41,246

13124-RTS-500-PS1 1,157
13125-RTS-1000-PS1 1,736
13126-RTS-2500-PS1 2,893
13127-RTS-7500-PS1 6,209
13128-RTS-10000-PS1 7,761
13129-RTS-E-PS1 1
13130-RTS-5000-PS1 4,627
13131-RTS-TRN-PS1 500

2, 3, 4, 5 13133-RTO-1-PS1 1,747
2, 3, 4, 5 13134-RTO-2-PS1 2,912
2, 3, 4, 5 13135-RTO-3-PS1 3,880
13136-RTO-A1-PS1 625
13137-RTO-A2-PS1 1,125
13138-RTO-A3-PS1 1,500
2, 3, 4, 5 13139-ROO-1-PS1 728
2, 3, 4, 5 13140-ROO-3-PS1 1,861
2, 3, 4, 5 13141-ROO-5-PS1 2,920
13142-ROO-10-PS1 5,472
13143-ROO-25-PS1 12,761
13144-ROOM-1-PS1 250
2, 3, 4, 5 13145-ROOM-3-PS1 550
2, 3, 4, 5 13146-ROOM-5-PS1 900
2, 3, 4, 5 13147-ROOM-10-PS1 1,600
13148-ROOM-25-PS1 3,750

1, 2, 3 13150-RTC-0001-PS1 90
1, 2, 3 13151-RTC-0010-PS1 60
1, 2, 3 13152-RTC-0025-PS1 45
1, 2, 3 13153-RTC-0050-PS1 38
1, 2, 3 13154-RTC-0100-PS1 30
1, 2, 3 13155-RTC-0200-PS1 24
1, 2, 3 13156-RTC-0500-PS1 21
1, 2, 3 13157-RTC-1000-PS1 18
1, 2, 3 13158-RTC-0001-2Y-P 180
1, 2, 3 13159-RTC-0010-2Y-P 121
1, 2, 3 13160-RTC-0025-2Y-P 91
1, 2, 3 13161-RTC-0050--2Y- 75
1, 2, 3 13162-RTC-0100-2Y-P 60
1, 2, 3 13163-RTC-0200-2Y-P 48
1, 2, 3 13164-RTC-0500-2Y-P 43
1, 2, 3 13165-RTC-1000-2Y-P 37
1, 2, 3 13166-RTC-0001-3Y-P 271
1, 2, 3 13167-RTC-0010-3Y-P 180
1, 2, 3 13168-RTC-0025-3Y-P 136
1, 2, 3 13169-RTC-0050-3Y-P 114
1, 2, 3 13170-RTC-0100-3Y-P 91
1, 2, 3 13171-RTC-0200-3Y-P 72
1, 2, 3 13172-RTC-0500-3Y-P 63
1, 2, 3 13173-RTC-1000-3Y-P 54
1, 2, 3, 4 13174-RTC-0001-R-PS 91
1, 2, 3, 4 13175-RTC-0010-R-PS 60
1, 2, 3, 4 13176-RTC-0025-R-PS 45
1, 2, 3, 4 13177-RTC-0050-R-PS 38
1, 2, 3, 4 13178-RTC-0100-R-PS 30
1, 2, 3, 4 13179-RTC-0200-R-PS 24
1, 2, 3, 4 13180-RTC-0500-R-PS 21
1, 2, 3, 4 13181-RTC-1000-R-PS 18

1 13183-008067MIU-PS1 451
1 13184-008068MIU-PS1 451
1 13185-008069MIU-PS1 451
1 13186-008070MIU-PS1 451
1 13187-008071MIU-PS1 902
1 13188-008072MIU-PS1 902
1 13189-008073MIU-PS1 902
1 13190-008074MIU-PS1 902
1 13191-008075MIU-PS1 1,503
1 13192-008076MIU-PS1 1,503
1 13193-008077MIU-PS1 1,503
1 13194-008078MIU-PS1 1,503
2 13195-008079MIU-PS1 90
2 13196-008080MIU-PS1 90
2 13197-008081MIU-PS1 90
2 13198-008082MIU-PS1 90
2 13199-008083MIU-PS1 180
2 13200-008084MIU-PS1 180
2 13201-008085MIU-PS1 180
2 13202-008086MIU-PS1 180
2 13203-008087MIU-PS1 300
2 13204-008088MIU-PS1 300
2 13205-008089MIU-PS1 300
2 13206-008090MIU-PS1 300
1 13208-MSTSERVERMG 89
2 13209-MSTSERVERBA 89
2 13210-MSTWORKSTA 89
13211-PS-INSRAIMMS 205

13213-401523-PS1 1,885
13214-401524-PS1 3,583
13215-401525-PS1 8,508
13216-401526-PS1 15,311
13217-401527-PS1 41,340
13218-401530-PS1 2,639
13219-401617-PS1 1,575
13220-401616-PS1 1,575
13221-401618-PS1 3,750
13222-401619-PS1 1,050
13223-401620-PS1 255

13225-PS-INSRCM 185
13226-RCM-SUB-PS1 0
13228-421088MS-PS1 96
13229-006978MIU-PS1 163
13230-006979MIU-PS1 270
13231-421088-PS1 451
13232-420452-PS1 1,080
13233-420453-PS1 1,549

13235-RCM100USER1 0
13236-RCM100USER2 0
13237-RCM100USER3 0
13238-RCM100USER4 0
13239-RCM10USER1Y 0
13240-RCM10USER2Y 0
13241-RCM10USER3Y 0
13242-RCM10USER4Y 0
13243-RCM10USER5Y 0
13244-RCM200USER1 0
13245-RCM200USER2 0
13246-RCM200USER3 0
13247-RCM200USER4 0
13248-RCM25USER1Y 0
13249-RCM25USER2Y 0
13250-RCM25USER3Y 0
13251-RCM25USER4Y 0
13252-RCM25USER5Y 0
13253-RCM50USER1Y 0
13254-RCM50USER2Y 0
13255-RCM50USER3Y 0
13256-RCM50USER4Y 0
13257-RCM5USER1Y- 0
13258-RCM5USER2Y- 0
13259-RCM5USER3Y- 0
13260-RCM5USER4Y- 0
13261-RCM5USER5Y- 0
13262-RCM100USER5 0
13263-RCM200USER5 0
13264-RCM50USER5Y 0
13266-RCM100GB1Y-P 0
13267-RCM100GB2Y-P 0
13268-RCM100GB3Y-P 0
13269-RCM100GB4Y-P 0
13270-RCM25GB5Y-PS 0
13271-RCM-BASIC3Y- 0
13272-RCM10GB1Y-PS 0
13273-RCM10GB2Y-PS 0
13274-RCM10GB3Y-PS 0
13275-RCM10GB4Y-PS 0
13276-RCM250GB1Y-P 0
13277-RCM250GB2Y-P 0
13278-RCM250GB3Y-P 0
13279-RCM250GB4Y-P 0
13280-RCM25GB1Y-PS 0
13281-RCM25GB2Y-PS 0
13282-RCM25GB3Y-PS 0
13283-RCM25GB4Y-PS 0
13284-RCM50GB1Y-PS 0
13285-RCM50GB2Y-PS 0
13286-RCM50GB3Y-PS 0
13287-RCM50GB4Y-PS 0
13288-RCM-BASIC1Y- 0
13289-RCM-BASIC2Y- 0
13290-RCM-BASIC4Y- 0
13291-RCM-BASIC5Y- 0
13292-RCM-BUS1Y-PS 0
13293-RCM-BUS2Y-PS 0
13294-RCM-BUS3Y-PS 0
13295-RCM-BUS4Y-PS 0
13296-RCM-BUS5Y-PS 0
13297-RCM-PREM1Y- 0
13298-RCM-PREM2Y- 0
13299-RCM-PREM3Y- 0
13300-RCM-PREM4Y- 0
13301-RCM-PREM5Y- 0
13302-RCM100GB5Y-P 0
13303-RCM10GB5Y-PS 0
13304-RCM250GB5Y-P 0
13305-RCM50GB5Y-PS 0
13306-RCM-ENTER1Y- 0
13307-RCM-ENTER2Y- 0
13308-RCM-ENTER3Y- 0
13309-RCM-ENTER4Y- 0
13310-RCM-ENTER5Y- 0

1 13312-5U-5F-1Y-PS1 5,985
1 13313-5U-15F-1Y-PS1 7,065
1 13314-5U-30F-1Y-PS1 8,055
1 13315-5U-100F-1Y-PS 9,225
1 13316-5U-ULF-1Y-PS1 11,295
1 13317-10U-5F-1Y-PS1 7,335
1 13318-10U-15F-1Y-PS 8,865
1 13319-10U-30F-1Y-PS 10,215
1 13320-10U-100F-1Y-P 11,835
1 13321-10U-ULF-1Y-PS 14,715
1 13322-25U-5F-1Y-PS1 9,675
1 13323-25U-15F-1Y-PS 11,925
1 13324-25U-30F-1Y-PS 13,815
1 13325-25U-100F-1Y-P 16,155
1 13326-25U-ULF-1Y-PS 20,295
1 13327-50U-5F-1Y-PS1 11,565
1 13328-50U-15F-1Y-PS 14,265
1 13329-50U-30F-1Y-PS 16,695
1 13330-50U-100F-1Y-P 19,575
1 13331-50U-ULF-1Y-PS 24,705
1 13332-100U-5F-1Y-PS 17,775
1 13333-100U-15F-1Y-P 22,455
1 13334-100U-30F-1Y-P 26,415
1 13335-100U-100F-1Y- 31,275
1 13336-100U-ULF-1Y-P 40,005
1 13337-ULU-5F-1Y-PS1 20,745
1 13338-ULU-15F-1Y-PS 26,325
1 13339-ULU-30F-1Y-PS 31,095
1 13340-ULU-100F-1Y-P 36,855
1 13341-ULU-ULF-1Y-PS 47,295
1 13342-5U-5F-2Y-PS1 11,970
1 13343-5U-15F-2Y-PS1 14,130
1 13344-5U-30F-2Y-PS1 16,110
1 13345-5U-100F-2Y-PS 18,450
1 13346-5U-ULF-2Y-PS1 22,590
1 13347-10U-5F-2Y-PS1 14,670
1 13348-10U-15F-2Y-PS 17,730
1 13349-10U-30F-2Y-PS 20,430
1 13350-10U-100F-2Y-P 23,670
1 13351-10U-ULF-2Y-PS 29,430
1 13352-25U-5F-2Y-PS1 19,350
1 13353-25U-15F-2Y-PS 23,850
1 13354-25U-30F-2Y-PS 27,630
1 13355-25U-100F-2Y-P 32,310
1 13356-25U-ULF-2Y-PS 40,590
1 13357-50U-5F-2Y-PS1 23,130
1 13358-50U-15F-2Y-PS 28,530
1 13359-50U-30F-2Y-PS 33,390
1 13360-50U-100F-2Y-P 39,150
1 13361-50U-ULF-2Y-PS 49,410
1 13362-100U-5F-2Y-PS 35,550
1 13363-100U-15F-2Y-P 44,910
1 13364-100U-30F-2Y-P 52,830
1 13365-100U-100F-2Y- 62,550
1 13366-100U-ULF-2Y-P 80,010
1 13367-ULU-5F-2Y-PS1 41,490
1 13368-ULU-15F-2Y-PS 52,650
1 13369-ULU-30F-2Y-PS 62,190
1 13370-ULU-100F-2Y-P 73,710
1 13371-ULU-ULF-2Y-PS 94,590
1 13372-5U-5F-3Y-PS1 17,955
1 13373-5U-15F-3Y-PS1 21,195
1 13374-5U-30F-3Y-PS1 24,165
1 13375-5U-100F-3Y-PS 27,675
1 13376-5U-ULF-3Y-PS1 33,885
1 13377-10U-5F-3Y-PS1 22,005
1 13378-10U-15F-3Y-PS 26,595
1 13379-10U-30F-3Y-PS 30,645
1 13380-10U-100F-3Y-P 35,505
1 13381-10U-ULF-3Y-PS 44,145
1 13382-25U-5F-3Y-PS1 29,025
1 13383-25U-15F-3Y-PS 35,775
1 13384-25U-30F-3Y-PS 41,445
1 13385-25U-100F-3Y-P 48,465
1 13386-25U-ULF-3Y-PS 60,885
1 13387-50U-5F-3Y-PS1 34,695
1 13388-50U-15F-3Y-PS 42,795
1 13389-50U-30F-3Y-PS 50,085
1 13390-50U-100F-3Y-P 58,725
1 13391-50U-ULF-3Y-PS 74,115
1 13392-100U-5F-3Y-PS 53,325
1 13393-100U-15F-3Y-P 67,365
1 13394-100U-30F-3Y-P 79,245
1 13395-100U-100F-3Y- 93,825
1 13396-100U-ULF-3Y-P 120,015
1 13397-ULU-5F-3Y-PS1 62,235
1 13398-ULU-15F-3Y-PS 78,975
1 13399-ULU-30F-3Y-PS 93,285
1 13400-ULU-100F-3Y-P 110,565
1 13401-ULU-ULF-3Y-PS 141,885
1 13402-5U-5F-4Y-PS1 23,940
1 13403-5U-15F-4Y-PS1 28,260
1 13404-5U-30F-4Y-PS1 32,220
1 13405-5U-100F-4Y-PS 36,900
1 13406-5U-ULF-4Y-PS1 45,180
1 13407-10U-5F-4Y-PS1 29,340
1 13408-10U-15F-4Y-PS 35,460
1 13409-10U-30F-4Y-PS 40,860
1 13410-10U-100F-4Y-P 47,340
1 13411-10U-ULF-4Y-PS 58,860
1 13412-25U-5F-4Y-PS1 38,700
1 13413-25U-15F-4Y-PS 47,700
1 13414-25U-30F-4Y-PS 55,260
1 13415-25U-100F-4Y-P 64,620
1 13416-25U-ULF-4Y-PS 81,180
1 13417-50U-5F-4Y-PS1 46,260
1 13418-50U-15F-4Y-PS 57,060
1 13419-50U-30F-4Y-PS 66,780
1 13420-50U-100F-4Y-P 78,300
1 13421-50U-ULF-4Y-PS 98,820
1 13422-100U-5F-4Y-PS 71,100
1 13423-100U-15F-4Y-P 89,820
1 13424-100U-30F-4Y-P 105,660
1 13425-100U-100F-4Y- 125,100
1 13426-100U-ULF-4Y-P 160,020
1 13427-ULU-5F-4Y-PS1 82,980
1 13428-ULU-15F-4Y-PS 105,300
1 13429-ULU-30F-4Y-PS 124,380
1 13430-ULU-100F-4Y-P 147,420
1 13431-ULU-ULF-4Y-PS 189,180
1 13432-5U-5F-5Y-PS1 29,925
1 13433-5U-15F-5Y-PS1 35,325
1 13434-5U-30F-5Y-PS1 40,275
1 13435-5U-100F-5Y-PS 46,125
1 13436-5U-ULF-5Y-PS1 56,475
1 13437-10U-5F-5Y-PS1 36,675
1 13438-10U-15F-5Y-PS 44,325
1 13439-10U-30F-5Y-PS 51,075
1 13440-10U-100F-5Y-P 59,175
1 13441-10U-ULF-5Y-PS 73,575
1 13442-25U-5F-5Y-PS1 48,375
1 13443-25U-15F-5Y-PS 59,625
1 13444-25U-30F-5Y-PS 69,075
1 13445-25U-100F-5Y-P 80,775
1 13446-25U-ULF-5Y-PS 101,475
1 13447-50U-5F-5Y-PS1 57,825
1 13448-50U-15F-5Y-PS 71,325
1 13449-50U-30F-5Y-PS 83,475
1 13450-50U-100F-5Y-P 97,875
1 13451-50U-ULF-5Y-PS 123,525
1 13452-100U-5F-5Y-PS 88,875
1 13453-100U-15F-5Y-P 112,275
1 13454-100U-30F-5Y-P 132,075
1 13455-100U-100F-5Y- 156,375
1 13456-100U-ULF-5Y-P 200,025
1 13457-ULU-5F-5Y-PS1 103,725
1 13458-ULU-15F-5Y-PS 131,625
1 13459-ULU-30F-5Y-PS 155,475
1 13460-ULU-100F-5Y-P 184,275
1 13461-ULU-ULF-5Y-PS 236,475
2,3 13462-DBC-1Y-PS1 2,250
2,3 13463-DBC-2Y-PS1 4,500
2,3 13464-DBC-3Y-PS1 6,750
2,3 13465-DBC-4Y-PS1 9,000
2,3 13466-DBC-5Y-PS1 11,250
2,4 13467-LDAP-1Y-PS1 2,250
2,4 13468-LDAP-2Y-PS1 4,500
2,4 13469-LDAP-3Y-PS1 6,750
2,4 13470-LDAP-4Y-PS1 9,000
2,4 13471-LDAP-5Y-PS1 11,250
2,5 13472-SAML-1Y-PS1 2,250
2,5 13473-SAML-2Y-PS1 4,500
2,5 13474-SAML-3Y-PS1 6,750
2,5 13475-SAML-4Y-PS1 9,000
2,5 13476-SAML-5Y-PS1 11,250
2,6 13477-FILEC-1Y-PS1 2,250
2,6 13478-FILEC-2Y-PS1 4,500
2,6 13479-FILEC-3Y-PS1 6,750
2,6 13480-FILEC-4Y-PS1 9,000
2,6 13481-FILEC-5Y-PS1 11,250
13482-PS-INSREM 185

13484-PP-001 7,500
13485-PP-002 4,500
13486-PP-003 4,050
13487-PP-004 4,050
13488-PP-005 4,050
13489-PP-IPDS-100 22,500
13490-PP-IPDS-105 18,000
13491-PP-IPDS-106 12,600
13492-PP-IPDS-110 14,400
13493-PP-IPDS-120 12,600
13494-PP-IPDS-130 9,000
13495-PP-IPDS-140 9,000
13496-PP-IPDS-150 5,400
13497-PP-IPDS-160 3,600
13498-PP-IPDS-170 1,800
13499-PP-IPDS-175 900
13500-PP-IPDS-180 900
13501-PP-IPDS-185 900
13502-PP-IPDS-190 500
13503-PP-IPDS-200 4,500
13504-PP-LCDS-100 22,500
13505-PP-LCDS-105 18,000
13506-PP-LCDS-106 12,600
13507-PP-LCDS-110 14,400
13508-PP-LCDS-120 12,600
13509-PP-LCDS-130 9,000
13510-PP-LCDS-140 9,000
13511-PP-LCDS-150 5,400
13512-PP-LCDS-160 3,600
13513-PP-LCDS-170 1,800
13514-PP-LCDS-190 500
13515-PP-LCDS-200 4,500
13516-PP-VIPP-100 22,500
13517-PP-VIPP-105 18,000
13518-PP-VIPP-106 12,600
13519-PP-VIPP-110 14,400
13520-PP-VIPP-120 12,600
13521-PP-VIPP-130 9,000
13522-PP-VIPP-140 9,000
13523-PP-VIPP-150 5,400
13524-PP-VIPP-160 3,600

13527-PS-P2S-10 203
13528-PS-P2S-25 203
13529-PS-P2S-50 203
13530-PS-P2S-100 203
13531-PS-P2S-500 203
13532-PS-P2S-1K 203
13533-PS-P2S-2K 203
13534-PS-P2S-MS 203

1,2,3,5 13536-ICEOFC-1YR-P 235

1,2,3,5 13537-ICEOFC-2YR-P 409
1,2,3,5 13538-ICEOFC-3YR-P 585
1,2,3,5 13539-ICEOFC-4YR-P 761
1,2,3,5 13540-ICEOFC-5YR-P 936
1,2,3,5 13541-ICEADVOFC-1Y 252
1,2,3,5 13542-ICEADVOFC-2Y 440
1,2,3,5 13543-ICEADVOFC-3Y 629
1,2,3,5 13544-ICEADVOFC-4Y 817
1,2,3,5 13545-ICEADVOFC-5Y 1,005
1,2,3,5 13546-ICELEGAL-1YR 522
1,2,3,5 13547-ICELEGAL-2YR 912
1,2,3,5 13548-ICELEGAL-3YR 1,304
1,2,3,5 13549-ICELEGAL-4YR 1,696
1,2,3,5 13550-ICELEGAL-5YR 2,084
1,2,3,5 13551-ICEPRN-1YR-P 87
1,2,3,5 13552-ICEPRN-2YR-P 151
1,2,3,5 13553-ICEPRN-3YR-P 215
1,2,3,5 13554-ICEPRN-4YR-P 280
1,2,3,5 13555-ICEPRN-5YR-P 345
1,2,3,5 13556-PS-ADVINST-IC 269
1,2,3,5 13557-PS-PRNINST-IC 130
1,2,3,5 13558-EDUMFPICEPA 180
1,2,3,5 13559-EDUMFPICEPA 394
1,2,3,5 13560-EDUMFPICEPA 562
1,2,3,5 13561-EDUMFPICEPA 731
1,2,3,5 13562-EDUMFPICEPA 900
3,4,5,6,7 13564-ICEOCRMOBP 210
3,4,5,7 13565-EDUMFPICEPA 180
1,3 13566-PS-INST-ICE 210

1 13568-420747-PS1 3,600
1 13569-420748-PS1 270
1 13570-420749-PS1 2,430
1 13571-420750-PS1 21,600
3,4 13572-421039-PS1 613
2 13573-420747MS-PS1 400
2 13574-420748MS-PS1 30
2 13575-420749MS-PS1 270
2 13576-420750MS-PS1 2,400
5 13577-PS-INSRICSPS 925

13579-PS-INSWPC100 15,000
13580-PS-INSWPC101 10,000
13581-PS-INSWPC102 2,500
13582-PS-INSWPC103 1,000
13583-PS-INSWPB104 8,100
13584-PS-PRDWPC20 15,000
13585-PS-PRDWPC20 1,000
13586-PS-PRDWPC20 750
13587-PS-PRDWPC20 10,000
13588-PS-PRDWPB20 1,600
13589-PS-PRDWPC30 540
13590-PS-PRDWPC30 180
13591-PS-INSWPC400 2,500
13592-PS-INSWPC401 1,500
13593-PS-INSWPC402 1,200
13594-PS-INSWPC403 2,500
13595-PS-INSWPR100 15,000
13596-PS-INSWPR101 10,000
13597-PS-INSWPR102 1,000
13598-PS-PRDWPR20 150,000
13599-PS-PRDWPR20 145
13600-PS-PRDWPR20 750
13601-PS-PRDWPR20 10,000
13602-PS-PRDWPR30 540
13603-PS-PRDWPR30 180
13604-PS-INSWPR400 2,500
13605-PS-INSWPR401 1,500
13606-PS-INSWPR402 1,200
13607-PS-INSWPR403 2,500

13609-4400100-PS1 4
13610-5500100-PS1 9
13611-3RD-6600100-D 2
13612-6600100-PS1 2
13613-7700100-PS1 625
13614-7700101-PS1 1,250
13615-7700102-PS1 3,000
13616-7700103-PS1 4,250
13617-7700104-PS1 5,000
13618-7700105-PS1 5,625
13619-7700106-PS1 7,500
13620-7700107-PS1 12,500
13621-7700108-PS1 20,000
13622-100000001320- 3,240
13623-1000100-PS1 5,265
13624-1000101-PS1 531
13625-1000102-PS1 630
13626-1000103-PS1 270
13627-1000104-PS1 68

1 13629-PD01-10PRINT 64
1 13630-PD01-10MFPED 450
1 13631-PD01-10USAGE 40
1 13632-PD01-10RULES 40
1 13633-PD01-10MOBIL 40
1 13634-PD11-20PRINT 48
1 13635-PD11-20MFPED 405
1 13636-PD11-20USAGE 36
1 13637-PD11-20RULES 36
1 13638-PD11-20MOBIL 36
1 13639-PD21-50PRINT 40
1 13640-PD21-50MFPED 360
1 13641-PD21-50USAGE 34
1 13642-PD21-50MOBIL 34
1 13643-PD51-100PRIN 32
1 13644-PD51-100MFPE 270
1 13645-PD51-100USAG 28
1 13646-PD51-100RULE 28
1 13647-PD51-100MOBI 28
1 13648-PD100-PRINTE 24
1 13649-PD100-MFPEDU 225
1 13650-PD100-USAGEE 20
1 13651-PD100-RULESE 20
1 13652-PD100-MOBILE 20
13653-M1PD01-10PRI 13
13654-M1PD01-10MFP 90
13655-M1PD01-10US 8
13656-M1PD01-10RUL 8
13657-M1PD01-10MOB 8
13658-M1PD11-20PRI 10
13659-M1PD11-20MFP 81
13660-M1PD11-20US 7
13661-M1PD11-20RUL 7
13662-M1PD11-20MOB 7
13663-M1PD21-50PRI 8
13664-M1PD21-50MFP 72
13665-M1PD21-50US 7
13666-M1PD21-50MOB 7
13667-M1PD51-100PR 6
13668-M1PD51-100MF 54
13669-M1PD51-100U 6
13670-M1PD51-100RU 6
13671-M1PD51-100MO 6
13672-M1PD100-PRIN 5
13673-M1PD100-MFPE 45
13674-M1PD100-USA 4
13675-M1PD100-RULE 4
13676-M1PD100-MOBI 4
13677-M3PD01-10PRI 36
13678-M3PD01-10MFP 252
13679-M3PD01-10US 22
13680-M3PD01-10RUL 22
13681-M3PD01-10MOB 22
13682-M3PD11-20PRI 27
13683-M3PD11-20MFP 227
13684-M3PD11-20US 20
13685-M3PD11-20RUL 20
13686-M3PD11-20MOB 20
13687-M3PD21-50PRI 22
13688-M3PD21-50MFP 202
13689-M3PD21-50US 19
13690-M3PD21-50MOB 19
13691-M3PD51-100PR 18
13692-M3PD51-100MF 151
13693-M3PD51-100U 16
13694-M3PD51-100RU 16
13695-M3PD51-100MO 16
13696-M3PD100-PRIN 13
13697-M3PD100-MFPE 126
13698-M3PD100-USA 11
13699-M3PD100-RULE 11
13700-M3PD100-MOBI 11
13701-M5PD01-10PRI 58
13702-M5PD01-10MFP 405
13703-M5PD01-10US 36
13704-M5PD01-10RUL 36
13705-M5PD01-10MOB 36
13706-M5PD11-20PRI 43
13707-M5PD11-20MFP 365
13708-M5PD11-20US 32
13709-M5PD11-20RUL 32
13710-M5PD11-20MOB 32
13711-M5PD21-50PRI 36
13712-M5PD21-50MFP 324
13713-M5PD21-50US 31
13714-M5PD21-50MOB 31
13715-M5PD51-100PR 29
13716-M5PD51-100MF 243
13717-M5PD51-100U 25
13718-M5PD51-100RU 25
13719-M5PD51-100MO 25
13720-M5PD100-PRIN 22
13721-M5PD100-MFPE 203
13722-M5PD100-USA 18
13723-M5PD100-RULE 18
13724-M5PD100-MOBI 18
1 13725-PD01-10PRINT- 80
1 13726-PD01-10MFP-P 405
1 13727-PD01-10USAGE 50
1 13728-PD01-10RULES 50
1 13729-PD01-10MOBIL 50
1 13730-PD11-20PRINT- 60
1 13731-PD11-20MFP-P 405
1 13732-PD11-20USAGE 45
1 13733-PD11-20RULES 45
1 13734-PD11-20MOBIL 45
1 13735-PD21-50PRINT- 50
1 13736-PD21-50MFP-P 360
1 13737-PD21-50USAGE 43
1 13738-PD21-50MOBIL 43
1 13739-PD51-100PRINT 40
1 13740-PD51-100MFP- 270
1 13741-PD51-100USAG 35
1 13742-PD51-100RULE 35
1 13743-PD51-100MOBIL 35
1 13744-PD100-PRINT-P 30
1 13745-PD100-MFP-PS 225
1 13746-PD100-USAGE- 25
1 13747-PD100-RULES- 25
1 13748-PD100-MOBILE 25
13749-M1PD01-10PRI 16
13750-M1PD01-10MFP 90
13751-M1PD01-10USA 10
13752-M1PD01-10RUL 10
13753-M1PD01-10MOB 10
13754-M1PD11-20PRI 12
13755-M1PD11-20MFP 81
13756-M1PD11-20USA 9
13757-M1PD11-20RUL 9
13758-M1PD11-20MOB 9
13759-M1PD21-50PRI 10
13760-M1PD21-50MFP 72
13761-M1PD21-50USA 9
13762-M1PD21-50RUE 14
13763-M1PD21-50MOB 9
13764-M1PD51-100PR 8
13765-M1PD51-100MF 54
13766-M1PD51-100US 7
13767-M1PD51-100RU 7
13768-M1PD51-100MO 7
13769-M1PD100-PRIN 6
13770-M1PD100-MFP- 45
13771-M1PD100-USAG 5
13772-M1PD100-RULE 5
13773-M1PD100-MOBI 5
13774-M3PD01-10PRI 45
13775-M3PD01-10MFP 252
13776-M3PD01-10USA 28
13777-M3PD01-10RUL 28
13778-M3PD01-10MOB 28
13779-M3PD11-20PRI 34
13780-M3PD11-20MFP 227
13781-M3PD11-20USA 25
13782-M3PD11-20RUL 25
13783-M3PD11-20MOB 25
13784-M3PD21-50PRI 28
13785-M3PD21-50MFP 202
13786-M3PD21-50USA 24
13787-M3PD21-50MOB 24
13788-M3PD51-100PR 22
13789-M3PD51-100MF 151
13790-M3PD51-100US 20
13791-M3PD51-100RU 20
13792-M3PD51-100MO 20
13793-M3PD100-PRIN 17
13794-M3PD100-MFP- 126
13795-M3PD100-USAG 14
13796-M3PD100-RULE 14
13797-M3PD100-MOBI 14
13798-M5PD01-10PRI 72
13799-M5PD01-10MFP 405
13800-M5PD01-10USA 45
13801-M5PD01-10RUL 45
13802-M5PD01-10MOB 45
13803-M5PD11-20PRI 54
13804-M5PD11-20MFP 365
13805-M5PD11-20USA 41
13806-M5PD11-20RUL 41
13807-M5PD11-20MOB 41
13808-M5PD21-50PRI 45
13809-M5PD21-50MFP 324
13810-M5PD21-50USA 38
13811-M5PD21-50MOB 38
13812-M5PD51-100PR 36
13813-M5PD51-100MF 243
13814-M5PD51-100US 32
13815-M5PD51-100RU 32
13816-M5PD51-100MO 32
13817-M5PD100-PRIN 27
13818-M5PD100-MFP- 203
13819-M5PD100-USAG 23
13820-M5PD100-RULE 23
13821-M5PD100-MOBI 23
2, 3 13822-RF01001USB-D 184
13823-MSRFUSB-PS1 19
13824-3RD-PS19001F 600
13825-3RD-PS19002IN 1,500
13826-3RD-PS19003S 200
13827-3RD-PS19004R 200
13828-3RD-PS19005O 1,750
13829-3RD-PS19006D 1,750

13832-ASP-100-PS1 12,000
13833-ASP-101-PS1 3,150
13834-ASP-102-PS1 5,000
13835-ASP-103-PS1 500
13836-ASP-104-PS1 3,500
13837-ASP-105-PS1 3,000
13838-ASP-106-PS1 3,000
13839-ASP-107-PS1 3,000
13840-ASP-108-PS1 3,000
13841-ASP-109-PS1 7,200
13842-ASP-110-PS1 5,000
13843-ASP-111-PS1 4,500
13844-ASP-113-PS1 3,000
13845-ASP-200-PS1 3,000
13846-ASP-201-PS1 1,200
13847-ASP-202-PS1 1,200
13848-ASP-900-PS1 5,000
13849-ASP-901-PS1 2,500
13850-ASP-902-PS1 1,500
13851-ASP-903-PS1 1,500
13852-ASP-904-PS1 1,500
13853-ASP-905-PS1 1,500
13854-ASP-906-PS1 1,500
13855-ASP-907-PS1 1,500
13856-ASP-908-PS1 1,500
13857-ASP-909-PS1 5,000
13858-ASP-910-PS1 5,000
13859-ASP-911-PS1 1,500
13860-ASP-913-PS1 1,500
13861-ASP-999-PS1 200

13863-CD-050-PS1 3,500
13864-CD-100-PS1 5,995
13865-CD-100-1-PS1 1,200
13866-CD-100-4-PS1 1,800
13867-CD-100-9-PS1 7,000
13868-CD-110-PS1 13,500
13869-CD-110-1-PS1 3,000
13870-CD-110-4-PS1 4,500
13871-CD-120-PS1 2,700
13872-CD-120-1-PS1 600
13873-CD-120-4-PS1 900
13874-CD-200-PS1 13,500
13875-CD-200-1-PS1 3,000
13876-CD-200-4-PS1 4,500
13877-CD-200-9-PS1 3,500

13879-FRT-100-PS1 300
13880-FRT-200-PS1 500

13882-HW-100-PS1 9,500
13883-HW-100-1-PS1 1,900
13884-HW-100-4-PS1 2,850
13885-HW-102-PS1 12,800
13886-HW-102-1-PS1 2,560
13887-HW-102-4-PS1 3,840

13889-HW-220-PS1 2,995
13890-HW-220-1-PS1 599
13891-HW-220-4-PS1 899
13892-HW-221-PS1 2,995
13893-HW-221-1-PS1 599
13894-HW-221-4-PS1 899
13895-HW-225-PS1 4,995
13896-HW-225-1-PS1 999
13897-HW-225-4-PS1 1,499
13898-HW-227-PS1 8,795
13899-HW-227-1-PS1 1,759
13900-HW-227-4-PS1 2,639

13902-HW-228-PS1 2,000
13903-HW-228-1-PS1 400
13904-HW-228-4-PS1 600

13906-HW-230-PS1 500
13907-HW-230-1-PS1 100
13908-HW-230-4-PS1 150

13910-IPDS-003-PS1 3,500
13911-IPDS-050-PS1 3,500
13912-IPDS-099-PS1 3,000
13913-IPDS-150-PS1 11,250
13914-IPDS-150-1-PS1 2,500
13915-IPDS-150-4-PS1 3,750
13916-IPDS-155-PS1 8,100
13917-IPDS-155-1-PS1 1,800
13918-IPDS-155-4-PS1 2,700
13919-IPDS-160-PS1 5,400
13920-IPDS-160-1-PS1 1,200
13921-IPDS-160-4-PS1 1,800
13922-IPDS-200-PS1 900
13923-IPDS-200-1-PS1 200
13924-IPDS-200-4-PS1 300
13925-IPDS-210-PS1 900
13926-IPDS-210-1-PS1 200
13927-IPDS-210-4-PS1 300
13928-IPDS-220-PS1 900
13929-IPDS-220-1-PS1 200
13930-IPDS-220-4-PS1 300
13931-IPDS-900-PS1 500
13932-IPDS-900-1-PS1 100
13933-IPDS-900-4-PS1 150
13934-IPDS-998-PS1 4,500
13935-IPDS-998-1-PS1 900
13936-IPDS-998-4-PS1 1,350

13938-LCDS-003-PS1 3,500
13939-LCDS-010-PS1 3,500
13940-LCDS-050-PS1 3,500
13941-LCDS-099-PS1 3,000
13942-LCDS-150-PS1 11,250
13943-LCDS-150-1-PS 2,500
13944-LCDS-150-4-PS 3,750
13945-LCDS-155-PS1 8,100
13946-LCDS-155-1-PS 1,800
13947-LCDS-155-4-PS 2,700
13948-LCDS-160-PS1 5,400
13949-LCDS-160-1-PS 1,200
13950-LCDS-160-4-PS 1,800
13951-LCDS-900-PS1 500
13952-LCDS-900-1-PS 100
13953-LCDS-900-4-PS 150
13954-LCDS-998-PS1 4,500
13955-LCDS-998-1-PS 900
13956-LCDS-998-4-PS 1,350

13958-MFDL-050-PS1 3,500
13959-MFDL-100-PS1 19,800
13960-MFDL-100-1-PS 4,400
13961-MFDL-100-4-PS 6,600
13962-MFDL-100-9-PS 7,000
13963-MFDL-101-PS1 9,000
13964-MFDL-101-1-PS 2,000
13965-MFDL-101-4-PS 3,000
13966-MFDL-900-PS1 500
13967-MFDL-900-1-PS 100
13968-MFDL-900-4-PS 150

13970-PDF-100-PS1 11,250
13971-PDF-100-1-PS1 2,500
13972-PDF-100-4-PS1 3,750
13973-PDF-100-9-PS1 1,500
13974-PDF-105-PS1 500
13975-PDF-105-1-PS1 100
13976-PDF-105-4-PS1 150
13977-PDF-110-PS1 500
13978-PDF-110-1-PS1 100
13979-PDF-110-4-PS1 150

13981-PDF-200-PS1 6,750
13982-PDF-200-1-PS1 1,500
13983-PDF-200-4-PS1 2,250
13984-PDF-200-9-PS1 1,500
13985-PDF-205-PS1 500
13986-PDF-205-1-PS1 100
13987-PDF-205-4-PS1 150
13988-PDF-210-PS1 500
13989-PDF-210-1-PS1 100
13990-PDF-210-4-PS1 150

13992-PS-001-PS1 7,000
13993-PS-002-PS1 3,500
13994-PS-003-PS1 1,500
13995-PS-004-PS1 1,500
13996-PS-050-PS1 3,500
13997-PS-101-PS1 4,500
13998-PS-102-PS1 1,500
13999-PS-103-PS1 1,500
14000-PS-110-PS1 100

14002-QD-050-PS1 3,500
14003-QD-099-PS1 3,000
14004-QD-100-PS1 13,500
14005-QD-100-1-PS1 3,000
14006-QD-100-4-PS1 4,500
14007-QD-100-9-PS1 3,500
14008-QD-109-PS1 3,150
14009-QD-109-1-PS1 700
14010-QD-109-4-PS1 1,050
14011-QD-109-9-PS1 3,500
14012-QD-110-PS1 5,850
14013-QD-110-1-PS1 1,300
14014-QD-110-4-PS1 1,950
14015-QD-110-9-PS1 3,500
14016-QD-111-PS1 2,700
14017-QD-111-1-PS1 600
14018-QD-111-4-PS1 900
14019-QD-115-PS1 5,850
14020-QD-115-1-PS1 1,300
14021-QD-115-4-PS1 1,950
14022-QD-115-9-PS1 3,500
14023-QD-116-PS1 2,700
14024-QD-116-1-PS1 600
14025-QD-116-4-PS1 900
14026-QD-120-PS1 3,150
14027-QD-120-1-PS1 700
14028-QD-120-4-PS1 1,050
14029-QD-120-9-PS1 3,500
14030-QD-130-PS1 3,150
14031-QD-130-1-PS1 700
14032-QD-130-4-PS1 1,050
14033-QD-130-9-PS1 3,500
14034-QD-140-PS1 3,150
14035-QD-140-1-PS1 700
14036-QD-140-4-PS1 1,050
14037-QD-140-9-PS1 3,500
14038-QD-145-PS1 3,150
14039-QD-145-1-PS1 700
14040-QD-145-4-PS1 1,050
14041-QD-150-PS1 5,850
14042-QD-150-1-PS1 1,300
14043-QD-150-4-PS1 1,950
14044-QD-150-9-PS1 3,500
14045-QD-151-PS1 15,000
14046-QD-151-1-PS1 3,000
14047-QD-151-4-PS1 4,500
14048-QD-151-9-PS1 3,000
14049-QD-198-PS1 500
14050-QD-198-1-PS1 100
14051-QD-198-4-PS1 150
14052-QD-298-PS1 500
14053-QD-298-1-PS1 100
14054-QD-298-4-PS1 150
14055-QD-999-PS1 5,000
14056-QD-999-1-PS1 1,000
14057-QD-999-4-PS1 1,500

14059-QDMR-100-PS1 14,396
14060-QDMR-100-1-PS 3,299
14061-QDMR-100-4-PS 4,949
14062-QDMR-100-9-PS 3,500
14063-QDMR-101-PS1 2,700
14064-QDMR-101-1-PS 600
14065-QDMR-101-4-PS 900

14067-QDP-100-PS1 8,996
14068-QDP-100-1-PS1 1,999
14069-QDP-100-4-PS1 2,999
14070-QDP-100-9-PS1 3,500

14072-QDS-050-PS1 3,500
14073-QDS-100-PS1 13,500
14074-QDS-100-1-PS1 3,000
14075-QDS-100-4-PS1 4,500
14076-QDS-100-9-PS1 7,000
14077-QDS-101-PS1 2,700
14078-QDS-101-1-PS1 600
14079-QDS-101-4-PS1 900
14080-QDS-105-PS1 900
14081-QDS-105-1-PS1 200
14082-QDS-105-4-PS1 300
14083-QDS-110-PS1 6,750
14084-QDS-110-1-PS1 1,500
14085-QDS-110-4-PS1 2,250
14086-QDS-115-PS1 2,700
14087-QDS-115-1-PS1 600
14088-QDS-115-4-PS1 900
14089-QDS-120-PS1 2,700
14090-QDS-120-1-PS1 600
14091-QDS-120-4-PS1 900
14092-QDS-125-PS1 4,500
14093-QDS-125-1-PS1 1,000
14094-QDS-125-4-PS1 1,500
14095-QDS-125-9-PS1 5,000

14097-RDO-090-PS1 12,500
14098-RDO-091-PS1 2,500
14099-RDO-100-PS1 13,500
14100-RDO-100-1-PS1 3,000
14101-RDO-100-4-PS1 4,500
14102-RDO-100-9-PS1 1,500

14104-SCD-100-PS1 500
14105-SCD-100-1-PS1 100
14106-SCD-100-4-PS1 150

14108-TKT-100-PS1 13,500
14109-TKT-100-1-PS1 3,000
14110-TKT-100-4-PS1 4,500
14111-TKT-100-9-PS1 3,500

14113-VIPP-003-PS1 3,500
14114-VIPP-050-PS1 3,500
14115-VIPP-099-PS1 3,000
14116-VIPP-150-PS1 11,250
14117-VIPP-150-1-PS1 2,500
14118-VIPP-150-4-PS1 3,750
14119-VIPP-155-PS1 8,100
14120-VIPP-155-1-PS1 1,800
14121-VIPP-155-4-PS1 2,700
14122-VIPP-160-PS1 5,400
14123-VIPP-160-1-PS1 1,200
14124-VIPP-160-4-PS1 1,800
14125-VIPP-900-PS1 500
14126-VIPP-900-1-PS1 100
14127-VIPP-900-4-PS1 150
14128-VIPP-998-PS1 4,500
14129-VIPP-998-1-PS1 900
14130-VIPP-998-4-PS1 1,350

14132-WCRD-050-PS1 3,500
14133-WCRD-100-PS1 13,500
14134-WCRD-100-1-PS 3,000
14135-WCRD-100-4-PS 4,500
14136-WCRD-100-9-PS 3,500
14137-WCRD-105-PS1 22,500
14138-WCRD-105-1-PS 5,000
14139-WCRD-105-4-PS 7,500
14140-WCRD-105-9-PS 10,000
14141-WCRD-110-PS1 31,500
14142-WCRD-110-1-PS 7,000
14143-WCRD-110-4-PS 10,500
14144-WCRD-110-9-PS 7,000
14145-WCRD-115-PS1 6,750
14146-WCRD-115-1-PS 1,500
14147-WCRD-115-4-PS 2,250
14148-WCRD-115-9-PS 3,000
14149-WCRD-120-PS1 2,700
14150-WCRD-120-1-PS 600
14151-WCRD-120-4-PS 900
14152-WCRD-200-PS1 9,500
14153-WCRD-200-1-PS 1,900
14154-WCRD-200-4-PS 2,850
14155-WCRD-200-9-PS 1,500
14156-WCRD-201-PS1 2,500
14157-WCRD-201-1-PS 500
14158-WCRD-201-4-PS 875
14159-WCRD-201-9-PS 1,500
14160-WCRD-205-PS1 2,500
14161-WCRD-205-1-PS 500
14162-WCRD-205-4-PS 750
14163-WCRD-205-9-PS 1,500
14164-WCRD-213-PS1 7,500
14165-WCRD-213-1-PS 1,500
14166-WCRD-213-4-PS 2,250
14167-WCRD-213-9-PS 3,000
14168-WCRD-214-PS1 995
14169-WCRD-214-1-PS 200
14170-WCRD-214-4-PS 239
14171-WCRD-215-PS1 14,250
14172-WCRD-215-1-PS 3,000
14173-WCRD-215-4-PS 4,500
14174-WCRD-215-9-PS 3,000
14175-WCRD-216-PS1 475
14176-WCRD-216-1-PS 100
14177-WCRD-216-4-PS 150
14178-WCRD-300-PS1 4,750
14179-WCRD-300-1-PS 1,000
14180-WCRD-300-4-PS 1,500
14181-WCRD-300-9-PS 1,500
14182-WCRD-301-PS1 4,750
14183-WCRD-301-1-PS 1,000
14184-WCRD-301-4-PS 1,500
14185-WCRD-301-9-PS 1,500
14186-WCRD-305-PS1 4,750
14187-WCRD-305-1-PS 1,000
14188-WCRD-305-4-PS 1,500
14189-WCRD-305-9-PS 1,500
14190-WCRD-310-PS1 4,750
14191-WCRD-310-1-PS 1,000
14192-WCRD-310-4-PS 1,500
14193-WCRD-310-9-PS 1,500
14194-WCRD-311-PS1 7,125
14195-WCRD-311-1-PS 1,500
14196-WCRD-311-4-PS 2,250
14197-WCRD-311-9-PS 1,500
14198-WCRD-315-PS1 4,750
14199-WCRD-315-1-PS 1,000
14200-WCRD-315-4-PS 1,500
14201-WCRD-315-9-PS 1,500
14202-WCRD-325-PS1 4,750
14203-WCRD-325-1-PS 1,000
14204-WCRD-325-4-PS 1,500
14205-WCRD-325-9-PS 1,500
14206-WCRD-330-PS1 4,500
14207-WCRD-330-1-PS 1,000
14208-WCRD-330-4-PS 1,500
14209-WCRD-330-9-PS 1,500
14210-WCRD-400-PS1 10,000
14211-WCRD-400-1-PS 2,000
14212-WCRD-400-4-PS 3,000
14213-WCRD-900-PS1 11,250
14214-WCRD-900-1-PS 2,500
14215-WCRD-900-4-PS 3,750
14216-WCRD-900-9-PS 3,500
14217-WCRD-998-PS1 500
14218-WCRD-998-1-PS 100
14219-WCRD-998-4-PS 150
14220-WCRD-999-PS1 7,500
14221-WCRD-999-1-PS 1,500
14222-WCRD-999-4-PS 2,250
14223-WCRD-999-9-PS 3,500

14226-420382-PS1 513
14227-420383-PS1 769
14228-420384-PS1 1,180
14229-420385-PS1 1,795

1 14231-SMCATAMONTH 257
2 14232-SMCATBMONHT 346
3 14233-SMCATCMONTH 433
4 14234-SMCATDMONTH 652
5 14235-SMCATEMONTH 870
14236-3RD-SMCATAS 745
14237-3RD-SMCATBS 875
14238-3RD-SMCATCS 995
14239-3RD-SMCATDS 1,495
14240-3RD-SMCATES 1,995
14241-3RD-SMPRESS 250

14244-420582MS-PS1 202
14245-420582-PS1 1,680
14246-420583MS-PS1 202
14247-420583-PS1 1,680

21 14251-RS1002 106
14252-NXPADM1EXTM 65
14253-NXPADM3EXTM 130
14254-977075 192
26 14255-RS1002-RPLC- 100

14257-430628-PS1 336
14258-430629-PS1 1,598
14259-430630-PS1 3,675
14260-430631-PS1 4,971
14261-430632-PS1 8,224
14262-430633-PS1 15,620
14263-430634-PS1 34,902
14264-430635-PS1 65,662
14265-430628MS-PS1 44
14266-430629MS-PS1 213
14267-430630MS-PS1 489
14268-430631MS-PS1 662
14269-430632MS-PS1 1,096
14270-430633MS-PS1 2,082
14271-430634MS-PS1 4,653
14272-430635MS-PS1 8,754
14273-420815-PS1 235
14274-420816-PS1 1,119
14275-420817-PS1 2,572
14276-420818-PS1 3,479
14277-420819-PS1 5,757
14278-420820-PS1 10,934
14279-420821-PS1 24,431
14280-420822-PS1 45,964
14281-420815MS-PS1 31
14282-420816MS-PS1 149
14283-420817MS-PS1 342
14284-420818MS-PS1 463
14285-420819MS-PS1 767
14286-420820MS-PS1 1,457
14287-420821MS-PS1 3,257
14288-420822MS-PS1 6,128
14289-420823-PS1 168
14290-420824-PS1 799
14291-420825-PS1 1,838
14292-420826-PS1 2,486
14293-420827-PS1 4,112
14294-420828-PS1 7,810
14295-420829-PS1 17,451
14296-420830-PS1 32,831
14297-420823MS-PS1 22
14298-420824MS-PS1 106
14299-420825MS-PS1 244
14300-420826MS-PS1 331
14301-420827MS-PS1 548
14302-420828MS-PS1 1,041
14303-420829MS-PS1 2,326
14304-420830MS-PS1 4,377
14305-430636-PS1 437
14306-430637-PS1 2,068
14307-430638-PS1 5,549
14308-430639-PS1 8,645
14309-430640-PS1 13,489
14310-430641-PS1 18,529
14311-430642-PS1 35,557
14312-430643-PS1 54,648
14313-430636MS-PS1 58
14314-430637MS-PS1 275
14315-430638MS-PS1 739
14316-430639MS-PS1 1,152
14317-430640MS-PS1 1,798
14318-430641MS-PS1 2,470
14319-430642MS-PS1 4,740
14320-430643MS-PS1 7,286
14321-420831-PS1 306
14322-420832-PS1 1,448
14323-420833-PS1 3,884
14324-420834-PS1 6,052
14325-420835-PS1 9,443
14326-420836-PS1 12,971
14327-420838-PS1 24,890
14328-420839-PS1 38,254
14329-420831MS-PS1 40
14330-420832MS-PS1 192
14331-420833MS-PS1 517
14332-420834MS-PS1 806
14333-420835MS-PS1 1,258
14334-420836MS-PS1 1,729
14335-420838MS-PS1 3,318
14336-420839MS-PS1 5,100
14337-420840-PS1 219
14338-420841-PS1 1,034
14339-420842-PS1 2,775
14340-420843-PS1 4,323
14341-420844-PS1 6,745
14342-420845-PS1 9,265
14343-420847-PS1 17,779
14344-420848-PS1 27,324
14345-420840MS-PS1 29
14346-420841MS-PS1 137
14347-420842MS-PS1 369
14348-420843MS-PS1 576
14349-420844MS-PS1 899
14350-420845MS-PS1 1,235
14351-420847MS-PS1 2,370
14352-420848MS-PS1 3,643
14353-430644-PS1 471
14354-430645-PS1 2,266
14355-430646-PS1 5,747
14356-430647-PS1 8,386
14357-430648-PS1 15,573
14358-430649-PS1 28,767
14359-430650-PS1 59,927
14360-430651-PS1 107,870
14361-430644MS-PS1 62
14362-430645MS-PS1 302
14363-430646MS-PS1 766
14364-430647MS-PS1 1,118
14365-430648MS-PS1 2,076
14366-430649MS-PS1 3,835
14367-430650MS-PS1 7,990
14368-430651MS-PS1 14,382
14369-420849-PS1 329
14370-420850-PS1 1,587
14371-420852-PS1 4,023
14372-420853-PS1 5,871
14373-420854-PS1 10,901
14374-420855-PS1 20,137
14375-420856-PS1 41,949
14376-420857-PS1 75,509
14377-420849MS-PS1 43
14378-420850MS-PS1 211
14379-420852MS-PS1 536
14380-420853MS-PS1 782
14381-420854MS-PS1 1,453
14382-420855MS-PS1 2,684
14383-420856MS-PS1 5,593
14384-420857MS-PS1 10,067
14385-420858-PS1 236
14386-420861-PS1 1,133
14387-420862-PS1 2,874
14388-420863-PS1 4,193
14389-420864-PS1 7,787
14390-420865-PS1 14,384
14391-420866-PS1 29,964
14392-420867-PS1 53,935
14393-420858MS-PS1 31
14394-420861MS-PS1 151
14395-420862MS-PS1 383
14396-420863MS-PS1 559
14397-420864MS-PS1 1,038
14398-420865MS-PS1 1,917
14399-420866MS-PS1 3,995
14400-420867MS-PS1 7,191
14401-420868-PS1 158
14402-420859-PS1 675
14403-420860-PS1 1,857
14404-420869-PS1 2,813
14405-420871-PS1 4,950
14406-420872-PS1 9,000
14407-420873-PS1 19,688
14408-420874-PS1 31,500
14409-420868MS-PS1 21
14410-420859MS-PS1 90
14411-420860MS-PS1 247
14412-420869MS-PS1 375
14413-420871MS-PS1 660
14414-420872MS-PS1 1,200
14415-420873MS-PS1 2,625
14416-420874MS-PS1 4,200
14417-420875-PS1 111
14418-420876-PS1 473
14419-420877-PS1 1,300
14420-420878-PS1 1,969
14421-420879-PS1 3,465
14422-420880-PS1 6,300
14423-420881-PS1 13,782
14424-420882-PS1 22,050
14425-420875MS-PS1 14
14426-420876MS-PS1 63
14427-420877MS-PS1 173
14428-420878MS-PS1 262
14429-420879MS-PS1 462
14430-420880MS-PS1 840
14431-420881MS-PS1 1,837
14432-420882MS-PS1 2,940
14433-420883-PS1 79
14434-420884-PS1 338
14435-420885-PS1 929
14436-420886-PS1 1,407
14437-420887-PS1 2,475
14438-420888-PS1 4,500
14439-420889-PS1 9,844
14440-420890-PS1 15,750
14441-420883MS-PS1 10
14442-420884MS-PS1 45
14443-420885MS-PS1 123
14444-420886MS-PS1 187
14445-420887MS-PS1 330
14446-420888MS-PS1 600
14447-420889MS-PS1 1,312
14448-420890MS-PS1 2,100
14449-430676-PS1 174
14450-430677-PS1 777
14451-430678-PS1 2,064
14452-430679-PS1 3,141
14453-430680-PS1 5,985
14454-430681-PS1 11,372
14455-430682-PS1 25,437
14456-430683-PS1 47,880
14457-430676MS-PS1 23
14458-430677MS-PS1 103
14459-430678MS-PS1 275
14460-430679MS-PS1 418
14461-430680MS-PS1 798
14462-430681MS-PS1 1,516
14463-430682MS-PS1 3,391
14464-430683MS-PS1 6,384
14465-430684-PS1 3,591
14466-430684MS-PS1 478
14467-430685-PS1 7,182
14468-430685MS-PS1 957
14469-430686-PS1 1,800
14470-430687-PS1 1,800
14471-430617-PS1 2,250
14472-430618-PS1 1,350
14473-430686MS-PS1 240
14474-430687MS-PS1 240
14475-430617MS-PS1 300
14476-430618MS-PS1 180
14477-430652-PS1 0
14478-430653-PS1 0
14479-430654-PS1 0
14480-430655-PS1 0
14481-430656-PS1 0
14482-430657-PS1 0
14483-430658-PS1 0
14484-430659-PS1 0
14485-430652MS-PS1 44
14486-430653MS-PS1 213
14487-430654MS-PS1 489
14488-430655MS-PS1 662
14489-430656MS-PS1 1,096
14490-430657MS-PS1 2,082
14491-430658MS-PS1 4,653
14492-430659MS-PS1 8,754
14493-430660-PS1 0
14494-430661-PS1 0
14495-430662-PS1 0
14496-430663-PS1 0
14497-430664-PS1 0
14498-430665-PS1 0
14499-430666-PS1 0
14500-430667-PS1 0
14501-430660MS-PS1 58
14502-430661MS-PS1 275
14503-430662MS-PS1 739
14504-430663MS-PS1 1,152
14505-430664MS-PS1 1,798
14506-430665MS-PS1 2,470
14507-430666MS-PS1 4,740
14508-430667MS-PS1 7,286
14509-430668-PS1 0
14510-430669-PS1 0
14511-430670-PS1 0
14512-430671-PS1 0
14513-430672-PS1 0
14514-430673-PS1 0
14515-430674-PS1 0
14516-430675-PS1 0
14517-430668MS-PS1 62
14518-430669MS-PS1 302
14519-430670MS-PS1 766
14520-430671MS-PS1 1,118
14521-430672MS-PS1 2,076
14522-430673MS-PS1 3,835
14523-430674MS-PS1 7,990
14524-430675MS-PS1 14,382
14525-430614-PS1 114
14526-430614MS-PS1 21

2 14528-420912MS-PS1 5
2 14529-420913MS-PS1 5
2 14530-420914MS-PS1 6
1, 2 14531-420912-PS1 88
2, 3 14532-420913-PS1 121
2, 4 14533-420914-PS1 113
14534-421068-PS1 1,800
14535-421069-PS1 1,800
14536-421070-PS1 1,800
14537-421071-PS1 1,800
14538-421072-PS1 3,420
14539-421073-PS1 1,800
14540-421074-PS1 2,250
14541-421075-PS1 1,350
14542-421076-PS1 1,800
14543-008117MIU-PS1 1,800
14544-421068MS-PS1 240
14545-421069MS-PS1 240
14546-421070MS-PS1 240
14547-421071MS-PS1 240
14548-421072MS-PS1 456
14549-421073MS-PS1 240
14550-421074MS-PS1 300
14551-421075MS-PS1 180
14552-421076MS-PS1 240
14553-008117MIUMS- 300

1,2 14555-421091-PS1 9
1,2 14556-421092-PS1 43
1,2 14557-421093-PS1 132
1,2 14558-421094-PS1 218
1,2 14559-421095-PS1 437
1,2 14560-421096-PS1 874
1,2 14561-421097-PS1 2,185
1,2 14562-421098-PS1 4,370
1,2 14563-421099-PS1 8,738
1,2 14564-421100-PS1 17,476
1,2 14565-421101-PS1 26,214
1,2,3 14566-421106-PS1 480
1,2,3 14567-421107-PS1 2,272
1,2,3 14568-421108-PS1 5,767
1,2,3 14569-421109-PS1 8,476
1,2,3 14570-421110-PS1 13,980
1,2,3 14571-421111-PS1 23,592
1,2,3 14572-421112-PS1 49,807
1,2,3 14573-421113-PS1 96,118
1,2,3 14574-421114-PS1 189,615
1,2,3 14575-421115-PS1 436,028
1,2,3 14576-421116-PS1 803,900
1,2,4 14577-421121-PS1 480
1,2,4 14578-421122-PS1 2,272
1,2,4 14579-421123-PS1 5,767
1,2,4 14580-421124-PS1 8,476
1,2,4 14581-421125-PS1 13,980
1,2,4 14582-421126-PS1 23,592
1,2,4 14583-421127-PS1 49,807
1,2,4 14584-421128-PS1 96,118
1,2,4 14585-421129-PS1 189,615
1,2,4 14586-421130-PS1 436,028
1,2,4 14587-421131-PS1 803,900
1,2,5 14588-421136-PS1 1,748
1,2,6 14589-421137-PS1 5,505
1,2,7 14590-421138-PS1 393
1,2,7 14591-421139-PS1 787
1,2,7 14592-421140-PS1 1,573
1,2,8 14593-421141-PS1 12,234
1,2,8 14594-421142-PS1 18,350
1,2,8 14595-421143-PS1 27,088
1,2,9 14596-421146-PS1 655
1,2,9 14597-421147-PS1 1,311
1,2,9 14598-421148-PS1 2,622
1,2,10 14599-421151-PS1 175
1,2,10 14600-421152-PS1 830
1,2,10 14601-421153-PS1 2,360
1,2,10 14602-421154-PS1 3,671
1,2,10 14603-421155-PS1 6,641
1,2,10 14604-421156-PS1 11,797
1,2,10 14605-421157-PS1 25,340
1,2,10 14606-421158-PS1 41,942
1,2,10 14607-421159-PS1 66,409
20 14608-421160-PS1 0
1 14609-421171-PS1 0
1 14610-421172-PS1 0
1 14611-421173-PS1 1
1 14612-421174-PS1 1
1 14613-421175-PS1 1
1 14614-421176-PS1 2
1 14615-421177-PS1 4
1 14616-421178-PS1 6
1 14617-421179-PS1 8
1 14618-421180-PS1 10
1 14619-421181-PS1 20
1 14620-421182-PS1 40
1 14621-421183-PS1 60
1 14622-421184-PS1 80
1 14623-421185-PS1 100
1 14624-421186-PS1 200
1 14625-421187-PS1 400
1 14626-421188-PS1 600
1 14627-421189-PS1 800
1 14628-421190-PS1 1,000
1 14629-421191-PS1 2,000
1 14630-421192-PS1 4,000
1 14631-421193-PS1 6,000
1 14632-421194-PS1 8,000
1 14633-421195-PS1 10,000
1 14634-421196-PS1 20,000
1 14635-421197-PS1 40,000
1 14636-421198-PS1 60,000
1 14637-421199-PS1 80,000
1 14638-421200-PS1 100,000
1,2,11 14639-421201-PS1 0
1,2,11 14640-421202-PS1 0
1,2,11 14641-421203-PS1 0
1,2,11 14642-421204-PS1 0
1,2,11 14643-421205-PS1 0
1,2,11 14644-421206-PS1 0
1,2,11 14645-421207-PS1 0
1,2,11 14646-421208-PS1 0
1,2,11 14647-421209-PS1 0
1,2,11 14648-421210-PS1 0
1,2,11 14649-421211-PS1 0
1,2,3,12 14650-421212-PS1 0
1,2,3,12 14651-421213-PS1 0
1,2,3,12 14652-421214-PS1 0
1,2,3,12 14653-421215-PS1 0
1,2,3,12 14654-421216-PS1 0
1,2,3,12 14655-421217-PS1 0
1,2,3,12 14656-421218-PS1 0
1,2,3,12 14657-421219-PS1 0
1,2,3,12 14658-421220-PS1 0
1,2,3,12 14659-421221-PS1 0
1,2,3,12 14660-421222-PS1 0
1,2,4,13 14661-421223-PS1 0
1,2,4,13 14662-421224-PS1 0
1,2,4,13 14663-421225-PS1 0
1,2,4,13 14664-421226-PS1 0
1,2,4,13 14665-421227-PS1 0
1,2,4,13 14666-421228-PS1 0
1,2,4,13 14667-421229-PS1 0
1,2,4,13 14668-421230-PS1 0
1,2,4,13 14669-421231-PS1 0
1,2,4,13 14670-421232-PS1 0
1,2,4,13 14671-421233-PS1 0
1,2,5,21 14672-421234-PS1 0
1,2,6,21 14673-421235-PS1 0
1,2,7,22 14674-421236-PS1 0
1,2,7,22 14675-421237-PS1 0
1,2,7,22 14676-421238-PS1 0
1,2,8,22 14677-421239-PS1 0
1,2,8,22 14678-421240-PS1 0
1,2,8,22 14679-421241-PS1 0
1,2,9,22 14680-421242-PS1 0
1,2,9,22 14681-421243-PS1 0
1,2,9,22 14682-421244-PS1 0
1,2,10,23 14683-421279-PS1 0
1,2,10,23 14684-421280-PS1 0
1,2,10,23 14685-421281-PS1 0
1,2,10,23 14686-421282-PS1 0
1,2,10,23 14687-421283-PS1 0
1,2,10,23 14688-421284-PS1 0
1,2,10,23 14689-421285-PS1 0
1,2,10,23 14690-421286-PS1 0
1,2,10,23 14691-421287-PS1 0
1,2,24 14692-421336-PS1 5
1,2,24 14693-421337-PS1 23,080
1,2,24 14694-421338-PS1 4
1,2,24 14695-421339-PS1 20,972
1,2,24 14696-421340-PS1 3
1,2,24 14697-421341-PS1 17,039
1,2,24 14698-421342-PS1 3
1,2,24 14699-421343-PS1 13
1,2,24 14700-421344-PS1 39
1,2,24 14701-421345-PS1 65
1,2,24 14702-421346-PS1 132
1,2,24 14703-421347-PS1 262
1,2,24 14704-421348-PS1 655
1,2,24 14705-421349-PS1 1,311
1,2,24 14706-421350-PS1 2,622
1,2,24 14707-421351-PS1 6,553
1,2,24 14708-421352-PS1 13,108
1,2,3,24 14709-421354-PS1 707,433
1,2,3,24 14710-421355-PS1 129
1,2,3,24 14711-421356-PS1 643,120
1,2,3,24 14712-421358-PS1 522,535
1,2,3,24 14713-421359-PS1 80
1,2,3,24 14714-421360-PS1 402
1,2,3,24 14715-421361-PS1 1,205
1,2,3,24 14716-421362-PS1 2,010
1,2,3,24 14717-421363-PS1 4,020
1,2,3,24 14718-421364-PS1 8,039
1,2,3,24 14719-421365-PS1 20,098
1,2,3,24 14720-421366-PS1 40,195
1,2,3,24 14721-421367-PS1 80,390
1,2,3,24 14722-421368-PS1 200,975
1,2,3,24 14723-421369-PS1 401,950
1,2,4,24 14724-421370-PS1 142
1,2,4,24 14725-421371-PS1 707,433
1,2,4,24 14726-421372-PS1 129
1,2,4,24 14727-421373-PS1 643,120
1,2,4,24 14728-421374-PS1 105
1,2,4,24 14729-421375-PS1 522,535
1,2,4,24 14730-421376-PS1 80
1,2,4,24 14731-421377-PS1 402
1,2,4,24 14732-421378-PS1 1,205
1,2,4,24 14733-421380-PS1 4,020
1,2,4,24 14734-421381-PS1 8,039
1,2,4,24 14735-421382-PS1 20,098
1,2,4,24 14736-421383-PS1 40,195
1,2,4,24 14737-421384-PS1 80,390
1,2,4,24 14738-421385-PS1 200,975
1,2,4,24 14739-421386-PS1 401,950
1,2,10,24 14740-421323-PS1 62
1,2,10,24 14741-421324-PS1 309
1,2,10,24 14742-421326-PS1 1,539
1,2,10,24 14743-421327-PS1 3,077
1,2,10,24 14744-421328-PS1 6,154
1,2,10,24 14745-421329-PS1 15,384
1,2,10,24 14746-421330-PS1 30,765
1,2,10,24 14747-421331-PS1 61,532
1,2,3,24 14748-421465-PS1 142
1,2,3,24 14749-421466-PS1 105
1,2,4,24 14750-421467-PS1 2,010
1,2,10,24 14751-421468-PS1 923
1,2,7 14752-421144-PS1 6,641
1,2,8 14753-421161-PS1 32,330
1,2,8 14754-421162-PS1 41,942
1,2,7,22 14755-421245-PS1 0
1,2,8,22 14756-421165-PS1 0
1,2,8,22 14757-421166-PS1 0

14759-SYNC-T1-EE-1Y 129
14760-SYNC-T1-EE-2Y 245
14761-SYNC-T1-EE-3Y 347
14762-SYNC-T2-EE-1Y 103
14763-SYNC-T2-EE-2Y 195
14764-SYNC-T2-EE-3Y 278
14765-SYNC-T3-EE-1Y 83
14766-SYNC-T3-EE-2Y 156
14767-SYNC-T3-EE-3Y 221
14768-SYNC-ED-T1-1Y 38,761
14769-SYNC-ED-T1-2Y 77,521
14770-SYNC-ED-T1-3Y 116,280
14771-SYNC-ED-T2-1Y 86,876
14772-SYNC-ED-T2-2Y 173,752
14773-SYNC-ED-T2-3Y 260,628
14774-SYNC-ED-T3-1Y 155,039
14775-SYNC-ED-T3-2Y 310,078
14776-SYNC-ED-T3-3Y 465,117
14777-SYNC-ED-T4-1Y 263,300
14778-SYNC-ED-T4-2Y 526,599
14779-SYNC-ED-T4-3Y 789,898
14780-SYNC-ED-T5-1Y 384,256
14781-SYNC-ED-T5-2Y 768,513
14782-SYNC-ED-T5-3Y 1,152,768
14783-SYNC-ED-T6-1Y 495,857
14784-SYNC-ED-T6-2Y 991,715
14785-SYNC-ED-T6-3Y 1,487,572
14786-SYNC-S2-EE-1Y 18,114
14787-SYNC-S2-EE-2Y 34,579
14788-SYNC-S2-EE-3Y 49,399
14789-SYNC-S3-EE-1Y 16,937
14790-SYNC-S3-EE-2Y 32,462
14791-SYNC-S3-EE-3Y 46,341
14792-SYNC-S4-EE-1Y 15,525
14793-SYNC-S4-EE-2Y 29,875
14794-SYNC-S4-EE-3Y 42,577
14795-SYNCCD-STG-1 177
14796-SYNCCD-STG-2 336
14797-SYNCCD-STG-3 476
14798-SYNC-EE-T1-1Y 132
14799-SYNC-EE-T1-2Y 251
14800-SYNC-EE-T1-3Y 354
14801-SYNC-EE-T2-1Y 105
14802-SYNC-EE-T2-2Y 200
14803-SYNC-EE-T2-3Y 285
14804-SYNC-EE-T3-1Y 85
14805-SYNC-EE-T3-2Y 160
14806-SYNC-EE-T3-3Y 226
14807-SYNC-EE-T4-1Y 74
14808-SYNC-EE-T4-2Y 140
14809-SYNC-EE-T4-3Y 197
14810-SYNCCD-STG-T 1,890
14811-SYNCCD-STG-T 3,591
14812-SYNCCD-STG-T 5,102
14813-SYNCCD-STG-T 1,575
14814-SYNCCD-STG-T 2,992
14815-SYNCCD-STG-T 4,251
14816-SYNCCD-STG-T 1,417
14817-SYNCCD-STG-T 2,693
14818-SYNCCD-STG-T 3,827
14819-SYNCCD-STG-T 1,260
14820-SYNCCD-STG-T 2,393
14821-SYNCCD-STG-T 3,402
14822-SYNC-S1-EE-1Y 22,347
14823-SYNC-S1-EE-2Y 42,577
14824-SYNC-S1-EE-3Y 60,925
14825-SYNC-DH-T1-1Y 35
14826-SYNC-DH-T1-2Y 63
14827-SYNC-DH-T1-3Y 89
14828-SYNC-DH-T2-1Y 28
14829-SYNC-DH-T2-2Y 51
14830-SYNC-DH-T2-3Y 72
14831-SYNC-DH-T3-1Y 25
14832-SYNC-DH-T3-2Y 45
14833-SYNC-DH-T3-3Y 63
14834-SYNC-DH-T4-1Y 22
14835-SYNC-DH-T4-2Y 39
14836-SYNC-DH-T4-3Y 57
14837-SYNC-DH-T5-1Y 19
14838-SYNC-DH-T5-2Y 35
14839-SYNC-DH-T5-3Y 49
14840-SYNC-DH-CON- 34,783
14841-SYNC-DH-CON- 62,609
14842-SYNC-DH-CON- 88,696
14843-SYNC-DH-UNL- 173,913
14844-SYNC-DH-UNL- 313,043
14845-SYNC-DH-UNL- 443,478
14846-SYNC-EE-T1-1Y 132
14847-SYNC-EE-T1-2Y 251
14848-SYNC-EE-T1-3Y 354
14849-SYNC-EE-T2-1Y 105
14850-SYNC-EE-T2-2Y 200
14851-SYNC-EE-T2-3Y 285
14852-SYNC-EE-T3-1Y 85
14853-SYNC-EE-T3-2Y 160
14854-SYNC-EE-T3-3Y 226
14855-SYNC-EE-T4-1Y 74
14856-SYNC-EE-T4-2Y 140
14857-SYNC-EE-T4-3Y 197
14858-SYNCCD-STG-T 1,890
14859-SYNCCD-STG-T 3,591
14860-SYNCCD-STG-T 5,102
14861-SYNCCD-STG-T 1,575
14862-SYNCCD-STG-T 2,992
14863-SYNCCD-STG-T 4,251
14864-SYNCCD-STG-T 1,417
14865-SYNCCD-STG-T 2,693
14866-SYNCCD-STG-T 3,827
14867-SYNCCD-STG-T 1,260
14868-SYNCCD-STG-T 2,393
14869-SYNCCD-STG-T 3,402
14870-SYNC-S1-EE-1 22,853
14871-SYNC-S1-EE-2 43,542
14872-SYNC-S1-EE-3 62,307
14873-SYNC-DH-T1-1 35
14874-SYNC-DH-T1-2 63
14875-SYNC-DH-T1-3 90
14876-SYNC-DH-T2-1 28
14877-SYNC-DH-T2-2 51
14878-SYNC-DH-T2-3 72
14879-SYNC-DH-T3-1 25
14880-SYNC-DH-T3-2 45
14881-SYNC-DH-T3-3 63
14882-SYNC-DH-T4-1 22
14883-SYNC-DH-T4-2 39
14884-SYNC-DH-T4-3 57
14885-SYNC-DH-T5-1 19
14886-SYNC-DH-T5-2 35
14887-SYNC-DH-T5-3 49
14888-SYNC-DH-CON- 34,991
14889-SYNC-DH-CON- 62,985
14890-SYNC-DH-CON- 89,228
14891-SYNC-DH-UNL- 174,957
14892-SYNC-DH-UNL- 314,922
14893-SYNC-DH-UNL- 446,139
14894-SYNC-MISC-SW 0

14896-401200-PS1 4,500
14897-PP-ISFTFPREP 1,200
14898-401202-PS1 2,250
14899-PP-ISFTFPRNT 1,200
14900-401203-PS1 4,500
14901-PP-ISFTFPRO 1,200
14902-401220-PS1 2,250
14903-401200PS-PS1 500
14904-401202PS-PS1 250
14905-401203PS-PS1 500
14906-401220PS-PS1 250
14907-401240-PS1 4,508
14908-PP-ISFTFPATH 3,600

14910-401224-PS1 3,421
14911-401225-PS1 684
14912-401226-PS1 1,711
14913-401227-PS1 342
14914-401228-PS1 3,421
14915-401229-PS1 684
14916-401230-PS1 1,711
14917-401231-PS1 1,711
14918-401224PS-PS1 342
14919-401226PS-PS1 172
14920-401228PS-PS1 342
14921-401224MS-PS1 856
14922-401226MS-PS1 428
14923-401228MS-PS1 856
14924-401206-PS1 4,105
2 14925-401208-PS1 1,368
3 14926-401209-PS1 1,368
5 14927-401211-PS1 1,368
6 14928-401212-PS1 1,368
7 14929-401222-PS1 1,376
8 14930-401242-PS1 1,376
9 14931-401241-PS1 1,376
10 14932-401240PS-PS1 616
11 14933-401240MS-PS1 1,026
4 14934-401218-PS1 1,368

14936-401415-PS1 4,508
14937-401417-PS1 901
14938-401401-PS1 1,878
14939-401405-PS1 376
14940-401403-PS1 3,756
14941-401407-PS1 752
14942-401409-PS1 1,878
14943-401411-PS1 3,756
14944-401540-PS1 1,350
14945-401541-PS1 1,350
14946-401514-PS1 3,600
14947-401424-PS1 1,710
14948-401413-PS1 900
14949-401422-PS1 3,600
14950-401434-PS1 450
14951-401436-PS1 900
14952-401439-PS1 342
14953-401544-PS1 270
14954-401440-PS1 900
14955-401545-PS1 270
14956-401442-PS1 720
14957-401443-PS1 1,350
14958-401445-PS1 2,700
14959-401448-PS1 1,026
14960-401546-PS1 810
14961-401449-PS1 2,700
14962-401547-PS1 810
14963-401451-PS1 2,160
14964-401452-PS1 2,250
14965-401454-PS1 4,500
14966-401457-PS1 1,710
14967-401548-PS1 1,350
14968-401458-PS1 4,500
14969-401549-PS1 1,350
14970-401460-PS1 3,600
5 14971-401563-PS1 2,000
5 14972-401565-PS1 760
5 14973-401569-PS1 600
5 14974-401566-PS1 2,000
5 14975-401568-PS1 1,600
5 14976-401570-PS1 600
5 14977-401573-PS1 4,000
5 14978-401575-PS1 1,520
5 14979-401579-PS1 1,200
5 14980-401476-PS1 4,000
5 14981-401580-PS1 1,200
5 14982-401578-PS1 3,200

14984-401558-PS1 2,184
14985-401560-PS1 2,184
14986-401557-PS1 1,747
14987-401562-PS1 500
14988-401571-PS1 1,000
14989-401572-PS1 1,500
14990-401581-PS1 2,000
14991-401582-PS1 2,500
14992-401576-PS1 4,000
14993-401552-PS1 100

5 14995-NWEAIP300-US 393
5 14996-NMEAIP300-US 393
5 14997-NWEOD900-US- 1,313
5 14998-NMEOD800-US- 1,313
5 14999-NWEIDX900-US 4,552
5 15000-NWEIHSSI-US- 1,313
1, 5 15001-NWEIDX900AEO 3,502
5 15002-NWAN100OP-U 1,751
5 15003-NWEISVT900OP 4,377
15004-NWEIDX30D-US 438
5 15005-NWEISSE900-U 8,316
5 15006-NWEISSE900S- 2,276
5 15007-NWUICL900OP- 8,754
5 15008-NWJPG2PDF100 2,276
15009-NWEISS30D-US 875
2, 5 15010-NWEIPGE100-U 13,132
5 15011-NWEIM850-US- 6,128
5 15012-NMEIM900-US- 6,128
5 15013-NWESO850-US- 3,939
5 15014-NMEIM900-US- 6,128
5 15015-NWEPS900-US- 4,815
5 15016-NWEUB300-US- 3,852
5 15017-NWEUB100EXT- 1,313
5 15018-NWEUB100BSF- 1,313
5 15019-NWEUB100BDF 1,313
5 15020-NWEUB100BCM 1,313
5 15021-NWEUB100DG- 1,313
5 15022-NWEUB100DU64 1,313
5 15023-NWEUB100DU64 1,313
5 15024-NWEUB100DU50 1,313
5 15025-NWEUB100CW8 1,313
5 15026-NWEUB100CW7 1,313
5 15027-NWEUB100CW5 1,313
5 15028-NWEUB100CWP 1,313
5 15029-NWEUB100BQ27 1,313
5 15030-NWEUB100BQ47 1,313
5 15031-NWEUB100HT30 1,313
5 15032-NWEUB100HT80 1,313
5 15033-NWEUB100HT10 1,313
5 15034-NWEUB100HSL5 1,313
5 15035-NWEUB100HSL6 1,313
5 15036-NWEUB100H500 1,313
5 15037-NWEUB100SS-U 1,313
5 15038-NWEUB100SSL- 1,313
5 15039-NWEUB100SB09 1,313
5 15040-NWEUB100MCG 1,313
5 15041-NWEUB100PFG 1,313
5 15042-NWEUB100POC 1,313
5 15043-NWEUB100POC 1,313
5 15044-NWEUB100PK35 1,313
5 15045-NWEUB100PK50 1,313
5 15046-NWEUB100SS78 1,313
5 15047-NWEUB100SHI- 1,313
5 15048-NWEUB100TPR 1,313
5 15049-NWEUB100WTS 1,313
15050-UWEIM900-US- 2,451
15051-UMEIM900-US- 2,451
15052-UWESO900-US- 1,576
15053-UMESO900-US- 1,576
15054-UWEOD900-US- 525
15055-UMEOD800-US- 525
15056-UWEIDX900-US 1,821
15057-UWEISSE900-U 3,326
15058-UWEUB400-US- 1,533
15059-UWEAI300-US- 175
15060-UMEAI300-US-P 175
3 15061-SXEAIP001T-US 90
3 15062-SXEOD001T-US 300
3 15063-SXEIDX001T-US 1,040
3 15064-SXEIHSSI-US-P 300
3 15065-SXEIDXAE001T 800
3 15066-SXAN1000P-US 400
3 15067-SXEISVT9000P- 1,000
3 15068-SXEISSE001T-U 1,900
3 15069-SXEISSE001ST 520
3 15070-SXUICL900-US- 2,000
3 15071-SXJPG2PDF100 520
3 15072-SXEIPG001T-U 3,000
3 15073-SXEIM001T-US- 1,400
3 15074-SXESO001T-US 900
3 15075-SXESP001T-US 1,100
3 15076-SXEUB001T-US 880
3 15077-SXEIDPO001-U 300
15078-3RD-TRAWX3B0 250

15081-006016MIU-PS1 534
15082-006017MIU-PS1 1,066
15083-006018MIU-PS1 2,133
15084-006019MIU-PS1 3,066
15085-006020MIU-PS1 4,400
15086-006021MIU-PS1 5,200
15087-006022MIU-PS1 6,666
15089-5876-W04-OC00 0
15090-5876-W04-U000 0
15091-5876-W04-U000 0
15092-5876-W05-OC00 0
15093-5876-W05-U000 0
15094-5876-W05-U000 0
15095-5876-W11-OC01 0
15096-5876-W11-U001 2,609
15097-5876-W11-U001 1,304
15098-5876-W12-OC01 0
15099-5876-W12-U001 1,304
15100-5876-W12-U001 652
15101-5876-W04 0
15102-5876-W04-OC00 0
15103-5876-W04-0001 21,739
15104-5876-W04-OC00 0
15105-5876-W04-E0001 0
15106-5876-W04-E000 0
15107-5876-W04-E000 0
15108-5876-W04-OC00 0
15109-5876-W04-0001 0
15110-5876-W04-OC00 0
15111-5876-W04-0001 5,000
15112-5876-W04-OC00 0
15113-5876-W04-0001 10,000
15114-5876-W04-OC00 0
15115-5876-W04-0001 10,000
15116-5876-W04-OC00 0
15117-5876-W04-0001 15,000
15118-5876-W04-OC00 0
15119-5876-W04-0001 20,000
15120-5876-W04-OC01 0
15121-5876-W04-R000 10,870
15122-5876-W04-OC01 0
15123-5876-W04-R000 0
15124-5876-W04-OC01 0
15125-5876-W04-R000 2,500
15126-5876-W04-OC01 0
15127-5876-W04-R000 5,000
15128-5876-W04-OC01 0
15129-5876-W04-R000 5,000
15130-5876-W04-OC01 0
15131-5876-W04-R000 7,500
15132-5876-W04-OC01 0
15133-5876-W04-R000 10,000
15134-5876-W04-OC01 0
15135-5876-W04-0020 0
15136-5876-W05 0
15137-5876-W05-OC00 0
15138-5876-W05-0001 21,739
15139-5876-W05-OC00 0
15140-5876-W05-E0001 0
15141-5876-W05-E000 0
15142-5876-W05-E000 0
15143-5876-W05-OC00 0
15144-5876-W05-0001 0
15145-5876-W05-OC00 0
15146-5876-W05-0001 5,000
15147-5876-W05-OC00 0
15148-5876-W05-0001 10,000
15149-5876-W05-OC00 0
15150-5876-W05-0001 10,000
15151-5876-W05-OC00 0
15152-5876-W05-0001 15,000
15153-5876-W05-OC00 0
15154-5876-W05-0001 20,000
15155-5876-W05-OC01 0
15156-5876-W05-R000 10,870
15157-5876-W05-OC01 0
15158-5876-W05-R000 0
15159-5876-W05-OC01 0
15160-5876-W05-R000 2,500
15161-5876-W05-OC01 0
15162-5876-W05-R000 5,000
15163-5876-W05-OC01 0
15164-5876-W05-R000 5,000
15165-5876-W05-OC01 0
15166-5876-W05-R000 7,500
15167-5876-W05-OC01 0
15168-5876-W05-R000 10,000
15169-5876-W05-OC01 0
15170-5876-W05-0020 0
15171-5876-W08 0
15172-5876-W08-OC00 0
15173-5876-W08-0001 21,739
15174-5876-W08-OC00 0
15175-5876-W08-U000 0
15176-5876-W08-U000 0
15177-5876-W08-OC00 0
15178-5876-W08-E000 0
15179-5876-W08-OC00 0
15180-5876-W08-0001 0
15181-5876-W08-OC00 0
15182-5876-W08-0001 5,000
15183-5876-W08-OC00 0
15184-5876-W08-0001 10,000
15185-5876-W08-OC00 0
15186-5876-W08-0001 10,000
15187-5876-W08-OC00 0
15188-5876-W08-0001 15,000
15189-5876-W08-OC00 0
15190-5876-W08-0001 20,000
15191-5876-W08-OC01 0
15192-5876-W08-R000 10,870
15193-5876-W08-OC01 0
15194-5876-W08-R000 0
15195-5876-W08-OC01 0
15196-5876-W08-R000 2,500
15197-5876-W08-OC01 0
15198-5876-W08-R000 5,000
15199-5876-W08-OC01 0
15200-5876-W08-R000 5,000
15201-5876-W08-OC01 0
15202-5876-W08-R000 7,500
15203-5876-W08-OC01 0
15204-5876-W08-R000 10,000
15205-5876-W08-OC01 0
15206-5876-W08-0020 0
15207-5876-W11 0
15208-5876-W11-OC00 0
15209-5876-W11-0001 26,087
15210-5876-W11-OC00 0
15211-5876-W11-U000 0
15212-5876-W11-U000 0
15213-5876-W11-OC00 0
15214-5876-W11-E000 0
15215-5876-W11-OC00 0
15216-5876-W11-0001 0
15217-5876-W11-OC00 0
15218-5876-W11-0001 6,000
15219-5876-W11-OC00 0
15220-5876-W11-0001 12,000
15221-5876-W11-OC00 0
15222-5876-W11-0001 12,000
15223-5876-W11-OC00 0
15224-5876-W11-0001 18,000
15225-5876-W11-OC00 0
15226-5876-W11-0001 24,000
15227-5876-W11-OC01 0
15228-5876-W11-R000 13,043
15229-5876-W11-OC01 0
15230-5876-W11-R000 0
15231-5876-W11-OC01 0
15232-5876-W11-R000 3,000
15233-5876-W11-OC01 0
15234-5876-W11-R000 6,000
15235-5876-W11-OC01 0
15236-5876-W11-R000 6,000
15237-5876-W11-OC01 0
15238-5876-W11-R000 9,000
15239-5876-W11-OC01 0
15240-5876-W11-R000 12,000
15241-5876-W11-OC01 0
15242-5876-W11-0020 0
15243-5876-W12 0
15244-5876-W12-OC00 0
15245-5876-W12-0001 13,043
15246-5876-W12-OC00 0
15247-5876-W12-U000 0
15248-5876-W12-U000 0
15249-5876-W12-OC00 0
15250-5876-W12-E000 0
15251-5876-W12-OC00 0
15252-5876-W12-0001 0
15253-5876-W12-OC00 0
15254-5876-W12-0001 3,000
15255-5876-W12-OC00 0
15256-5876-W12-0001 6,000
15257-5876-W12-OC00 0
15258-5876-W12-0001 6,000
15259-5876-W12-OC00 0
15260-5876-W12-0001 9,000
15261-5876-W12-OC00 0
15262-5876-W12-0001 12,000
15263-5876-W12-OC01 0
15264-5876-W12-R000 6,522
15265-5876-W12-OC01 0
15266-5876-W12-R000 0
15267-5876-W12-OC01 0
15268-5876-W12-R000 1,500
15269-5876-W12-OC01 0
15270-5876-W12-R000 3,000
15271-5876-W12-OC01 0
15272-5876-W12-R000 3,000
15273-5876-W12-OC01 0
15274-5876-W12-R000 4,500
15275-5876-W12-OC01 0
15276-5876-W12-R000 6,000
15277-5876-W12-OC01 0
15278-5876-W12-0020 0
15279-5876-W13 0
15280-5876-W13-OC00 0
15281-5876-W13-0001 21,739
15282-5876-W13-OC00 0
15283-5876-W13-U000 0
15284-5876-W13-U000 0
15285-5876-W13-OC00 0
15286-5876-W13-E000 0
15287-5876-W13-OC00 0
15288-5876-W13-0001 0
15289-5876-W13-OC00 0
15290-5876-W13-0001 5,000
15291-5876-W13-OC00 0
15292-5876-W13-0001 10,000
15293-5876-W13-OC00 0
15294-5876-W13-0001 10,000
15295-5876-W13-OC00 0
15296-5876-W13-0001 15,000
15297-5876-W13-OC00 0
15298-5876-W13-0001 20,000
15299-5876-W13-OC01 0
15300-5876-W13-R000 10,870
15301-5876-W13-OC01 0
15302-5876-W13-R000 0
15303-5876-W13-OC01 0
15304-5876-W13-R000 2,500
15305-5876-W13-OC01 0
15306-5876-W13-R000 5,000
15307-5876-W13-OC01 0
15308-5876-W13-R000 5,000
15309-5876-W13-OC01 0
15310-5876-W13-R000 7,500
15311-5876-W13-OC01 0
15312-5876-W13-R000 10,000
15313-5876-W13-OC01 0
15314-5876-W13-0020 0
15315-5876-W14 0
15316-5876-W14-OC00 0
15317-5876-W14-0001 21,739
15318-5876-W14-OC00 0
15319-5876-W14-U000 0
15320-5876-W14-U000 0
15321-5876-W14-OC00 0
15322-5876-W14-E000 0
15323-5876-W14-S000 0
15324-5876-W14-OC00 0
15325-5876-W14-0001 0
15326-5876-W14-OC00 0
15327-5876-W14-0001 4,348
15328-5876-W14-OC00 0
15329-5876-W14-0001 8,696
15330-5876-W14-OC00 0
15331-5876-W14-0001 8,696
15332-5876-W14-OC00 0
15333-5876-W14-0001 13,043
15334-5876-W14-OC00 0
15335-5876-W14-0001 21,739
15336-5876-W14-OC01 0
15337-5876-W14-R000 10,870
15338-5876-W14-OC01 0
15339-5876-W14-R000 0
15340-5876-W14-OC01 0
15341-5876-W14-R000 2,174
15342-5876-W14-OC01 0
15343-5876-W14-R000 4,348
15344-5876-W14-OC01 0
15345-5876-W14-R000 4,348
15346-5876-W14-OC01 0
15347-5876-W14-R000 6,522
15348-5876-W14-OC01 0
15349-5876-W14-R000 10,870
15350-5876-W14-OC01 0
15351-5876-W14-0020 0
15352-5876-W04-OC00 0
15353-5876-W04-U000 0
15354-5876-W04-U000 0
15355-5876-W05-OC00 0
15356-5876-W05-U000 0
15357-5876-W05-U000 0
15358-5876-W11-OC01 0
15359-5876-W11-U001 2,609
15360-5876-W11-U001 1,304
15361-5876-W12-OC01 0
15362-5876-W12-U001 1,304
15363-5876-W12-U001 652

15366-SERV-SQL-PS1 20,250
15367-SERV-ORACLE- 20,250
15368-SCAN-PS1 990
15369-EDIT-PS1 720
15370-VIEW-PS1 540
15371-TESTBENCH-PS 3,600
15372-FORMIT-1-5-PS 7,560
15373-FORMIT-6-10-P 9,720
15374-FORMIT11-25-P 11,880
15375-FMIT26-50-PS1 14,580
15376-FORMIT-51-100 19,440
15377-FORMIT-101-PS 24,300
15378-FORMIT-ADD6-1 2,160
15379-FMITA11-25-PS 2,160
15380-FMITA26-50-PS 2,700
15381-FORMITADD511 4,860
15382-FORMIT-ADD10 4,860
15383-WORKFLOW-PS 10,800
15384-IMAGEIT-PS1 450
15385-IMAGEIT-SITE- 18,000
15386-ENIT3-CONC-P 13,500
15387-ENIT3-CONCAD 675
15388-ENIT3-NAME-P 13,500
15389-ENIT3-NAMEAD 675
15390-ENIT3-APP-PS1 4,500
15391-DATAENTRYAS 1,350
15392-UPDATEASST-P 1,350
15393-FORTISPORTAL 9,000
15394-SIGNIT-PS1 4,500
15395-APPROVEIT-PS 7,740
15396-DOCPACK-PS1 4,500
15397-FORTISDR-NOD 9,000
15398-KOFAX-PS1 900
15399-ECOPY-PS1 900
15400-PLANET-PS1 2,250
15401-CDEXPRESS-S 4,500
15402-CDEXPORACLE 4,500
15403-SEWEB-PS1 344
15404-S-SEWEB-PS1 79

15406-S-SERV-SQL-P 4,500
15407-S-SERV-ORACL 4,500
15408-S-SCAN-PS1 220
15409-S-EDIT-PS1 160
15410-S-VIEW-PS1 120
15411-S-TESTBENCH- 800
15412-S-FORMIT-1-5- 1,680
15413-S-FORMIT-6-10 2,160
15414-S-FORMIT11-25 2,640
15415-S-FMIT26-50-PS 3,240
15416-S-FORMIT51-10 4,320
15417-S-FORMIT-101- 5,400
15418-SFORMITADD6- 480
15419-S-FMITA11-25- 480
15420-S-FMITA26-50- 600
15421-SFORMITAD511 1,080
15422-S-FORMITADD1 1,080
15423-S-WORKFLOW- 2,400
15424-S-IMAGEIT-SIT 4,000
15425-S-ENIT3-CONC- 3,000
15426-S-ENIT3CONCA 150
15427-S-ENIT3-NAME- 3,000
15428-S-ENIT3NAMEA 150
15429-S-ENIT3-APP-P 1,000
15430-S-FORTISDR-N 2,000
15431-S-CDEXPRESS- 1,000
15432-S-CDEXPORAC 1,000

15434-FORTISSE-2-PS 4,410
15436-SETESTBENCH 3,600
15437-SEFORTISWEB- 450
15438-SEFORMIT1-5- 7,560
15439-SEFORMIT6-10 9,720
15440-SEFMIT11-25-P 11,880
15441-SEFMIT26-50-P 14,580
15442-SEFMIT51100-P 19,440
15443-SEFMIT101-PS1 24,300
15444-SEFORMITADD6 2,160
15445-SEFMITA11-25- 2,160
15446-SEFMITA26-50- 2,700
15447-SEFMITA51100- 4,860
15448-SEFMITA101-PS 4,860
15449-SE-WORKCAL- 450
15450-SEENIT3-CONC 13,500
15451-SEENIT3-NAME 13,500
15452-FORTSEDR-NO 4,500
15453-SE-CDEXPRESS 4,500

15455-S-FORTISSE-2- 980
15456-S-FORTISSEUS 220
15457-S-SETESTBENC 800
15458-S-SEFORTISWE 100
15459-S-SEFORMIT1-5 1,680
15460-S-SEFORMIT6-1 2,160
15461-S-SEFMIT11-25 2,640
15462-S-SEFMIT26-50 3,240
15463-S-SEFMIT51100 4,320
15464-S-SEFMIT101-P 5,400
15465-SSEFORMITAD6 480
15466-S-SEFMITA11-2 480
15467-S-SEFMITA26-5 600
15468-S-SEFMITA5110 1,080
15469-S-SEFMITA101- 1,080
15470-S-SE-WORKCAL 100
15471-S-IMAGEIT-PS1 100
15472-S-SEENIT3-CO 3,000
15473-S-SEENIT3-NA 3,000
15474-S-DATAENTRYA 300
15475-S-UPDATEASST 300
15476-S-PORTAL-PS1 2,000
15477-S-SIGNIT-PS1 1,000
15478-S-APPROVEIT- 1,720
15479-S-DOCPACK-PS 1,000
15480-S-FORTSEDRN 1,000
15481-S-KOFAX-PS1 200
15482-S-ECOPY-PS1 200
15483-S-PLANET-PS1 500
15484-S-SE-CDEXPRE 1,000

15486-FORTBLUE-EXP 2,700
15487-FORTBLU-3-PS 6,210
15488-FORTBLU-ADD4 720
15489-FORTBLUADD6- 720
15490-FORTBLUE-ADD 720
15491-FB-A101-250-PS 518
15492-FB-A251-PS1 383
15493-FBTESTBENCH 3,600
15494-FBFORMIT1-5-P 7,560
15495-FBFMIT6-10-PS 9,720
15496-FBFORMIT11-25 11,880
15497-FBFMIT26-50-P 14,580
15498-FBFMIT51100-P 19,440
15499-FBFMIT101-PS1 24,300
15500-FBFMITA6-10-P 2,160
15501-FBFMITA11-25- 2,160
15502-FBFMITA26-50- 2,700
15503-FBFMITA51100- 4,860
15504-FBFMITA101-PS 4,860
15505-FBWORKFLOW- 450
15506-FBWF-SITELIC- 10,800
15507-FBIMAGEIT-PS1 450
15508-FBIMAGEIT-SIT 18,000
15509-FBSHAREPOINT 1,800
15510-FBDBLOOKUP- 2,250
15511-FORTBLUDR-N 9,000
15512-FBKOFAX-PS1 900
15513-FBPLANET-PS1 2,250

15515-S-FORTBLUE-E 600
15516-S-FORTBLU-3-P 1,380
15519-S-FORTBLUE-A 160
15520-S-FB-A101-250- 115
15521-S-FB-A251-PS1 85
15522-S-FBTESTBENC 800
15523-S-FBFORMIT1-5 1,680
15524-S-FBFMIT6-10- 2,160
15525-S-FBFORMIT11- 2,640
15526-S-FBFMIT26-50 3,240
15527-S-FBFMIT51100 4,320
15528-S-FBFMIT101-P 5,400
15529-S-FBFMITA6-10 480
15530-S-FBFMITA11-2 480
15531-S-FBFMITA26-5 600
15532-S-FBFMITA5110 1,080
15533-S-FBFMITA101- 1,080
15534-S-FBWORKFLO 100
15535-S-FBWF-SITELI 2,400
15536-S-FBIMAGEIT-P 100
15537-S-FBIMAGEITSI 4,000
15538-S-FBSHAREPOI 400
15539-S-FBDBLOOKUP 500
15540-S-FORTBLUDR- 2,000
15541-S-FBKOFAX-PS 200
15542-S-FBPLANET-P 500

15544-MSEMB-SQL-PS 2,700
15547-FAXIT-1-PS1 6,480
15548-FAXIT-2-PS1 9,270
15549-FAXIT-3-PS1 10,970
15550-FAXIT-ADV-PS1 4,990
15551-FAXIT-OCR-PS1 2,000
15552-OJ-PLANETIMA 7,500
15553-OJ-PLANETLOW 11,500
15554-OJ-PLANETHIG 16,000
15555-DTSERVER-PS1 3,750
15556-WTIRECONFIG- 500

15558-S-MSEMBSQL-P 540
15559-S-FAXIT-1-PS1 1,296
15560-S-FAXIT-2-PS1 1,854
15561-S-FAXIT-3-PS1 2,194
15562-S-FAXIT-ADV-P 998
15563-S-FAXIT-OCR-P 400
15564-S-OJPLANETIM 1,500
15565-S-OJPLANETLO 2,300
15566-S-OJPLANETHI 3,200
15567-S-DTSERVER-P 750

15569-CONSULT-FORT 1,600
15570-CONSULT-FOR- 1,000
15571-S-SOL01-PS1 500
15572-S-SOL05-PS1 1,500
15573-S-SOL10-PS1 3,500
15574-S-SOL25-PS1 6,550
15575-S-SOL40-PS1 9,500
15576-S-SOL55-PS1 12,550
15577-S-SOL70-PS1 16,000
15578-S-SOL100-PS1 30,000
15579-S-SOL200-PS1 50,000
15580-S-SOL300-PS1 70,000

15582-ED-QFA-PS1 3,000
15583-IQFA-9-PS1 1,495
15584-IQFA-IND-PS1 295
15585-ED-PRODUCT-P 1,200
15586-ED-OPTIONS-P 1,800
15587-ED-FUFT-S1-PS 200
15588-ED-FUFT-S2-PS 200
15589-ED-FUFT-S3-PS 200
15590-ED-FUFT-S4-PS 200
15591-ED-FUFT-S5-PS 200
15592-ED-FUFT-S6-PS 200
15593-ED-FUFT-S7-PS 200
15594-ED-FUFT-S8-PS 200
15595-ED-FUFT-S9-PS 200
15596-ED-FUFT-S10-P 200
15597-ED-FUFT-S11-P 200
15598-ED-FUFT-S12-P 200
15599-ED-FUFT-S13-P 200
15600-ED-FUFT-S14-P 200
15601-ED-FBEU-PS1 600
15602-ED-FBPU-PS1 2,400
15603-ED-CFBA-PS1 3,000
15604-ED-CUSTOM-PS 1,600

15606-EO2AST 2,565
15607-CMUNPH 443
15608-CMUNDE 443
15609-CMUNSML 96
15610-423304-G2 42
15611-EODIS3 243
15612-EO2BAS 1,217
15613-EO2PHO 1,452
15614-EO2PUB 2,174
15615-EOIS2 3,213
15616-EOIS2XL 4,130
15617-SD67-EOIS-OE 409
15618-SD67-EOISXLO 648
15619-EO2BAS-UPGA 1,614
15620-EOPROF-UPGA 770
15621-EOPROF 1,143
15622-PP-RPCMXRTP 2,310
15623-GP6102 243
15624-JQCDDCWF 1,922
15625-PSC-CM100 43
15626-MSCCPP 87
15627-MSDCCSG 322
15628-M8000 630
15629-RM200-PT01 693
15630-NP3GASTD 561
15631-NGHXRB10N 5,178
15632-NGHXRB20N 5,178
15633-NGHXRB40N 5,178
15634-NGHXRB60N 5,210
15635-NGHXRB1BN 5,291
15636-NGHXRB2BN 5,291
15637-NGHXRB4BN 5,291
15638-NGHXRB6BN 5,323
15639-NGHXRC10N 6,583
15640-NGHXRC20N 6,583
15641-NGHXRC40N 6,583
15642-NGHXRC60N 6,622
15643-NGHXRC1BN 6,583
15644-NGHXRC2BN 6,583
15645-NGHXRC4BN 6,583
15646-NGHXRC6BN 6,583
15647-SD67-26 112
15648-NGH98KIT 96
15649-SE15-44 90
15650-SE30-177 118
15651-NGH76KIT 91
15652-NGH9105 32
15653-EWEOBAS-01 290
15654-SCEOBAS-01 530
15655-CEYEONE 380
15656-REYEONE 570
15657-EWEOPUB-01 340
15658-SCEOPUB-01 530
15659-EWNGH-01 400
15660-SCNGH-01 1,030
15661-CNGH 730
15662-FFNGH 1,260
15663-EWISIS-01 440
15664-SCISIS-01 630
15665-CISIS 490
15666-RISIS 780
15667-SCIO-01 530
15668-RIO 820
15669-UPEO1AST 570
15670-EWEO2AST-01 340
15671-PMEO2AST 530
15672-RIO2 700
15673-3RD-ELEARN/O 39
15674-3RD-ELEARN/C 59
15675-3RD-ELEARN/C 159
15676-3RD-870515-DS 1,095
15677-3RD-879432-DS 1,943
15678-3RD-870513-DS 1,895
15679-3RD-PCTPI-DS 293
15680-3RD-PI-G71D-D 3,000
15681-3RD-PI-G72D-D 5,250
15682-3RD-PI-G73D-D 7,500
15683-3RD-PIT1D-DS 3,000
15684-3RD-PIT2D-DS 5,250
15685-3RD-PIT3D-DS 7,500
15686-3RD-PI-AUDIT1 3,750
15687-3RD-PI-AUDIT2 7,500
15688-3RD-PI-AUDIT3 11,250
15689-CMUNDIS 189
15690-GP5101 155
15691-GPG301N 469
15692-GP1605N 349
15693-GPC305N 1,479
15694-GG1511 60
15695-GP1601N 155
15696-SCIO2-01 530
15697-LNDS-1PK-D50- 55

15699-PS-SS-CEDM-B 0
15700-PS-SS-CEDM-A 0
15701-PS-SS-CEDM-A 0
15702-PS-SS-CEDM-A 0
15703-PS-SS-OPEDM- 0
15704-PS-SS-OPEDM- 0
15705-PS-SS-OPEDM- 0
15706-PS-SS-OPEDM- 0
15707-PS-SS-DVM-B1 0
15708-PS-SS-DVM-A1 0
15709-PS-SS-DVM-A2 0
15710-PS-SS-DVM-A3 0
15711-PS-SS-ACR-B1 0
15712-PS-SS-ACR-A1 0
15713-PS-SS-ACR-A2 0
15714-PS-SS-ACR-A3 0
15715-PS-SS-SPR-B1 0
15716-PS-SS-SPR-A1 0
15717-PS-SS-SPR-A2 0
15718-PS-SS-AF-B1 0
15719-PS-SS-AF-A1 0
15720-PS-SS-AF-A2 0
15721-PS-SS-DSMFD- 0
15722-PS-SS-DSMFD- 0
15723-PS-SS-DSMFD- 0
15724-PS-SS-DSMFD- 0
15725-PS-SS-ISS-B1 0
15726-PS-SS-ISS-A1 0
15727-PS-SS-ISS-A2 0

15729-1894351-DS 1,330
15730-1374735-PS1 3,504
15731-1999135-PS1 412
15732-1445592-PS1 1,435
15733-1290576-PS1 6,734
15734-1439272-PS1 382
15735-1109602-PS1 7,484
15736-1866961-PS1 6,181
15737-8767535-PS1 3,427
15738-1629153-PS1 1,368
15739-1287820-PS1 5,350
15740-1572650-PS1 4,828
15741-1185040-PS1 1,038
15742-1200278-DS 151
15743-1241066-DS 324
15744-8215808-DS 1,331
15745-1131176-DS 585
15746-1832161-DS 896
15747-1302793-PS1 130
15748-1447168-PS1 195
15749-1073543-PS1 258
15750-1147966-PS1 199
15751-1584895-PS1 298
15752-1485770-PS1 396
15753-1756360-DS 45
15754-1452838-PS1 1,084
15755-8728651-PS1 9,749
15756-8851065-PS1 11,704
15757-8776254-DS 158
15758-1976703-DS 171
15759-1343680-DS 3,011
15760-8949000-DS 77
15761-8965279-DS 804
15762-1084755-DS 435
15763-8426157-DS 1,660
15764-8554149-PS1 1,135
15765-8166480-PS1 1,534
15766-1271436-DS 56
15767-8405425-DS 216
15768-1509629-DS 1,076
15769-1722719-DS 1,076
15770-1433283-DS 3,146
15771-1958750-DS 3,146
15772-1679380-DS 1,526
15773-1999747-DS 1,526
15774-1506369-DS 806
15775-1169275-DS 806
15776-1364074-PS1 403
15777-1157304-PS1 643
15778-1066257-PS1 2,143
15779-1056696-PS1 3,333
15780-1640549-DS 4,046
15781-1788348-DS 3,596
15782-1788900-DS 4,496
15783-1086883-DS 4,046
15784-1034784-DS 4,946
15785-1094903-DS 4,946
15786-1292937-DS 5,396
15787-1968023-DS 5,396
15788-1218551-PS1 679
15789-1606045-PS1 2,116
15790-1848183-PS1 3,655
15791-1620301-PS1 995
15792-1774108-PS1 3,101
15793-1525286-PS1 5,356
15794-1978253-DS 167
15795-1703594-DS 198
15796-1681006-DS 9,495
15797-1600899-DS 8,996
15798-1176031-DS 13,496
15799-1738764-DS 17,996
15800-1570704-PS1 2,300
15801-1686153-PS1 6,143
15802-1509892-PS1 2,338
15803-1947092-PS1 4,001
15804-1334226-PS1 2,309
15805-1495258-PS1 4,341
15806-1638311-PS1 1,285
15807-1883859-PS1 7,285
15808-1820893-PS1 1,285
15809-1519164-PS1 1,442
15810-1248210-PS1 2,848
15811-1696624-PS1 3,196
15812-1643543-PS1 3,720
15813-1724343-PS1 4,705
15814-1270156-PS1 2,061
15815-1218940-DS 405
15816-8088239-DS 146
15817-8096943-DS 408
15818-8714438-DS 166
15819-8000853-DS 146
15820-1759042-DS 72,000
15821-1524677-DS 27,000
15822-1207844-DS 42,750
15823-1759380-DS 28,500
15824-1473230-DS 42,750
15825-1230473-PS1 3,720
15826-1600725-PS1 1,442
15827-1671528-PS1 11,594
15828-1235050-PS1 5,208
15829-1672930-PS1 19,920
15830-1082387-PS1 9,896
15831-1044148-PS1 13,280
15832-1774082-PS1 5,457
15833-1373489-PS1 7,198
15834-1790187-PS1 18,008
15835-1853738-PS1 31,105
15836-1489962-PS1 7,641
15837-1532381-PS1 14,518
15838-1319375-PS1 20,631
15839-1568351-PS1 7,285
15840-1040468-PS1 812
15841-1427046-PS1 1,855
15842-1992130-PS1 18,297
15843-1657063-PS1 11,557
15844-1955749-PS1 21,959
15845-1031590-PS1 31,205
15846-1408756-DS 405
15847-1612605-DS 225
15848-1213743-DS 405
15849-8327538-DS 365
15850-8387938-DS 1,403
15851-1462415-DS 2,580
15852-8445280-DS 673
15853-1650621-DS 540
15854-1673953-DS 1,200
15855-1185859-DS 540
15856-1544303-DS 80
15857-8525941-PS1 3,841
15858-1586247-PS1 4,253
15859-8724213-PS1 6,047
15860-1396811-PS1 4,413
15861-8739369-PS1 4,825
15862-8450108-PS1 5,359
15863-8230666-PS1 7,681
15864-8529117-PS1 4,786
15865-8028862-PS1 8,406
15866-8311375-PS1 6,303
15867-8205676-PS1 10,737
15868-8963696-PS1 13,804
15869-8946097-DS 59
15870-1226034-DS 52
15871-1960988-DS 356
15872-1664390-DS 446
15873-1179506-DS 446
15874-1127398-DS 806
15875-1333848-DS 716
15876-1048255-PS1 261
15877-1507045-PS1 459
15878-1297373-PS1 380
15879-1199470-DS 446
15880-1634286-PS1 1,478
15881-1679828-PS1 1,655
15882-1035831-PS1 2,965
15883-8820854-PS1 3,296
15884-1676964-PS1 4,119
15885-1831247-PS1 6,942
15886-1109396-PS1 5,634
15887-1157833-PS1 7,561
15888-1618883-PS1 6,262
15889-1790161-PS1 8,406
15890-1066281-PS1 7,827
15891-1239136-PS1 10,505
15892-1757574-PS1 13,191
15893-1695063-PS1 17,703
15894-8952525-PS1 408
15895-1877398-DS 2,246
15896-1948975-PS1 263
15897-1013572-PS1 822
15898-1025022-PS1 1,420
15899-1484864-DS 46
15900-8965519-DS 77
15901-1690783-DS 60
15902-8269607-DS 58
15903-1736115-DS 58
15904-1296623-DS 2,246
15905-1359124-PS1 1,418
15906-1442862-PS1 1,588
15907-8460321-DS 540
15908-1535376-DS 72
15909-1004332-PS1 679
15910-1004365-PS1 2,116
15911-1004407-PS1 3,655
15912-1004423-PS1 1,817
15913-1004498-PS1 855
15914-1004514-PS1 2,665
15915-1004522-PS1 4,603
15916-1004530-PS1 1,197
15917-1013077-PS1 16,789
15918-1047281-PS1 2,665
15919-1055714-PS1 371
15920-1063056-PS1 14,459
15921-1073071-PS1 4,603
15922-1074178-PS1 23,857
15923-1078161-DS 81,000
15924-1087816-PS1 1,043
15925-1089457-PS1 13,336
15926-1097559-PS1 1,800
15927-1119023-PS1 3,836
15928-1129121-PS1 3,420
15929-1133842-DS 71
15930-1143999-PS1 1,298
15931-1151844-PS1 2,000
15932-1165950-PS1 2,876
15933-1186519-PS1 11,675
15934-1193861-PS1 3,328
15935-1206986-PS1 2,554
15936-1257773-DS 40,500
15937-1260231-PS1 332
15938-1323658-PS1 9,560
15939-1331370-PS1 40,990
15940-1337161-PS1 1,037
15941-1353226-DS 396
15942-1357193-DS 14,245
15943-1364421-DS 41
15944-1384528-PS1 4,805
15945-1396910-DS 49,500
15946-1424183-DS 28,500
15947-1424241-PS1 7,335
15948-1428101-DS 225
15949-1459650-PS1 3,233
15950-1509116-PS1 1,428
15951-1514124-PS1 964
15952-1515782-PS1 11,617
15953-1527456-PS1 28,845
15954-1534973-PS1 2,338
15955-1644905-PS1 2,750
15956-1654748-PS1 1,792
15957-1670702-PS1 6,312
15958-1674365-PS1 2,019
15959-1680453-PS1 444
15960-169-0783-DS 55
15961-1694868-PS1 6,312
15962-1704162-PS1 5,391
15963-1722149-PS1 20,828
15964-1730795-DS 2,696
15965-1741057-DS 42,750
15966-1752880-PS1 1,663
15967-1763218-DS 113
15968-1763325-DS 140
15969-1764778-PS1 8,246
15970-1775246-DS 32
15971-1779321-PS1 742
15972-1805878-PS1 795
15973-1805969-DS 5,396
15974-1820893 -PS1 1,298
15975-1849090-PS1 8,836
15976-1884584-PS1 5,465
15977-1891183-DS 27,000
15978-1911627-PS1 14,594
15979-1945872-DS 2,696
15980-1954759-108NE 1,395
15981-1955632-PS1 480
15982-1971860-PS1 895
15983-1993484-PS1 2,309

15986-PA03610-B005D 199
15987-PA03610B015-D 249
15988-PA03586B205-D 470
15989-PA03586B105-D 470
15990-PA03643B005-D 278
15991-PA03643B015-D 349
15992-PA03609B005-D 1,706
15993-PA03544B205-D 2,995

15995-PA03607B005-D 1,150
15996-PA03630-B555D 1,796

15998-PA03630-B005- 1,796
15999-PA03630-B505D 2,246
16000-PA03334B605-D 3,596
16002-PA03576-B105D 7,196

16004-PA03576B665-D 5,396
16005-PA03576B535-D 6,296
16006-CG010002783-D 5,694

16008-PA03450B505-D 22,496

16010-CG01000-51950 1,796
16011-CG01000-51960 1,855

16014-S1500-AEPWNB 158
16015-S1500-AEPWNB 186
16016-S1500-AECTNB 9
16017-S1500-DEPW5D 92
16018-S1500M-AEPWN 92
16019-S1500M-AEPWN 158
16020-S1500M-AEPWN 186
16021-S1500M-AECTN 9
16022-S1500M-DEPW5 92
16023-PA03688-B005- 213
16024-PA03688-0001- 25
16025-PA03688-0011- 25
16026-SIX500AEPWNB 199
16027-SIX500-AECTN 9
16028-PA03656B355-D 470

16030-PA03420B005-D 356
16031-S5015C-AEPWN 92
16032-S5015C-AEPWN 158
16033-S5015C-AEPWN 186
16034-S5015C-AECTN 9
16035-S5015C-DEPW5 92
16036-S6130-AEPWNB 186
16037-S6130-AECTNB 9
16038-S6130-DEPW5D 92
16039-S6130ZAEMYNB 186
16040-S6140-AEPWNB 119
16041-S6140-AEPWNB 199
16042-S6140-AEPWNB 239
16043-S6140-BAPWNB 595
16044-S6140-BAPWNB 835
16045-S6140-BAPWNB 1,325
16046-S6140-BACTNB 49
16047-S6140-AECTNB 11
16048-S6140-DEPW5D 119
16049-S6140ZBAPWN 461
16050-S6140ZBAMYNB 651
16051-S6140ZBAMYNB 1,030
16052-S6140ZBACTNB 39
16053-S6140ZAEPWN 92
16054-S6140ZAEMYNB 157
16055-S6140ZAEMYNB 185
16056-S6140ZAECTNB 9
16057-S6140ZDEPW5D 92
16058-S6230-AEPWNB 159
16059-S6230-AEPWNB 186
16060-S6230-AECTNB 9
16061-S6230ZAEMYNB 185
16062-S6240-BAPWNB 595
16063-S6240-BAPWNB 835
16064-S6240-BAPWNB 1,325
16065-S6240-BACTNB 49
16066-S6240-AEPWNB 119
16067-S6240-AEPWNB 199
16068-S6240-AEPWNB 239
16069-S6240-AECTNB 11
16070-S6240-DEPW5D 92
16071-S6240ZBAPWN 461
16072-S6240ZBAMYNB 651
16073-S6240ZBAMYNB 1,030
16074-S6240ZAEPWN 92
16075-S6240ZAEMYNB 157
16076-S6240ZAEMYNB 185
16077-PA03575-B405- 11,696
16078-S6400-BAPWNB 2,290
16079-S6400-BAMYNB 3,705
16080-S6400BAMYNBD 5,330
16081-S6400-BACTNB 191
16082-S6400-BAPW4H 3,055
16083-S6400-BAMY4H 7,285
16084-S6400-SCPWNB 4,755
16085-S6400-SCMYNB 7,980
16086-S6400-SCMYNB 11,330
16087-PA03595-B005- 328
16088-PA03334B665-D 3,596
16089-S5530C2BAPW 745
16090-S5650C-BAPWN 1,579
16091-S5650C-BACTN 131
16092-S5650C-BAPW4 2,239
16093-S5650C-BAPW2 3,597
16094-S5650C-SCPWN 2,370
16095-S5650C-SCPW4 3,031
16096-S5650C-SCPW2 2,985
16097-S5650C-AEPWN 1,314
16098-S5650C-DEPW5 1,314
16099-S5750C-BAPWN 1,579
16100-S5750C-BACTN 131
16101-S5750C-BAPW4 2,239
16102-S5750C-BAPW2 3,597
16103-S5750C-SCPWN 2,370
16104-S5750C-SCPW4 3,031
16105-S5750C-SCPW2 3,944
16106-S4340C-BAIWN 695
16107-S4340C-BAPWN 795
16108-S4340C-BAMYN 1,385
16109-S4340C-BAMYN 1,940
16110-S4340C-BACTN 66
16111-S4340C-BAIW4 1,095
16112-S4340C-BAPW4 1,195
16113-S4340C-BAMY4 2,130
16114-S4340C-BAMY4 2,960
16115-S4340C-BACT4 100
16116-S4340C-SCIWN 1,195
16117-S4340C-SCPWN 1,295
16118-S4340C-SCMYN 2,315
16119-S4340C-SCMYN 3,215
16120-S4340C-SCIW4 1,595
16121-S4340C-SCPW4 1,695
16122-S4340C-SCMY4 3,060
16123-S4340C-SCMY4 4,235
16124-S4340C-AEIWN 695
16125-S4340C-AEPWN 795
16126-S4340C-DEIW5 595
16127-S4340C-DEPW5 695
16128-S6010N-BAPWN 695
16129-S6010N-BAMYN 1,105
16130-S6010N-BAMYN 1,600
16131-S6010N-BACTN 58
16132-S6010N-BAPW4 1,095
16133-S6010N-BAMY4 1,850
16134-S6010N-BAMY4 2,625
16135-S6010N-BACT4 91
16136-S6010N-SCPWN 1,195
16137-S6010N-SCMYN 2,035
16138-S6010N-SCMYN 2,875
16139-S6010N-SCPW4 1,595
16140-S6010N-SCMY4 2,780
16141-S6010N-SCMY4 3,895
16142-S6010N-AEPWN 695
16143-S6010N-DEPW5 695
16144-PA03706-B205- 1,706
16145-SN7100-BAPWN 495
16146-SN7100-BAMYN 695
16147-SN7100-BAMYN 1,105
16148-SN7100-AEPWN 225
16149-SN7100-AEMYN 385
16150-SN7100-AEMYN 540
16151-PSCP-WG-0001 446
16152-PSCP-DP-0001- 1,079
16153-PSCP-LV-0001- 2,399
16154-PSCP-MV-0001- 4,799
16155-PSCP-ST-0001- 446
16156-PSCP-IM-0001- 2,399
16157-PSCP-WG-MAIN 78
16158-PSCP-DP-MAIN- 180
16159-PSCP-LV-MAIN1 400
16160-PSCP-MV-MAIN- 800
16161-PSCP-ST-MAIN- 78
16162-PSCP-IM-MAIN- 400
16164-3RD-PS-SVC-H 225
16165-S-TRAINING-PS 450
16166-S6670-BAPWNB 1,095
16167-S6670-BAMYNB 1,945
16168-S6670-BAMYNB 2,705
16169-S6670-BACTNB 91
16170-S6670-BAPW4H 1,595
16171-S6670-BAMY4H 2,875
16172-S6670-BAMY4H 3,980
16173-S6670-BACT4H 133
16174-S6670-BAPW24 2,725
16175-S6670-BAMY247 4,465
16176-S6670-BAMY247 6,395
16177-S6670-BACT247 227
16178-S6670-SCPWNB 1,695
16179-S6670-SCMYNB 2,965
16180-S6670-SCMYNB 4,150
16181-S6670-SCPW4H 2,195
16182-S6670-SCMY4H 3,895
16183-S6670-SCMY4H 5,425
16184-S6670-SCPW24 2,985
16185-S6670-SCMY24 4,825
16186-S6670-SCMY24 6,950
16187-S6670-AEPWNB 1,095
16188-S6670-DEPW5D 995
16189-S6670A-BAPWN 1,095
16190-S6670A-BAMYN 1,945
16191-S6670A-BAMYN 2,705
16192-S6670A-BACTN 91
16193-S6670A-BAPW4 1,595
16194-S6670A-BAMY4 2,875
16195-S6670A-BAMY4 3,980
16196-S6670A-BACT4 133
16197-S6670A-BAPW2 2,725
16198-S6670A-BAMY2 4,465
16199-S6670A-BAMY2 6,395
16200-S6670A-BACT2 227
16201-S6670A-SCPWN 1,695
16202-S6670A-SCMYN 2,965
16203-S6670A-SCMYN 4,150
16204-S6670A-SCPW4 2,195
16205-S6670A-SCMY4 3,895
16206-S6670A-SCMY4 5,425
16207-S6670A-SCPW2 2,985
16208-S6670A-SCMY2 4,825
16209-S6670A-SCMY2 6,950
16210-S6670A-AEPWN 1,095
16211-S6670A-DEPW5 995
16212-S6770-BAPWNB 1,095
16213-S6770-BAMYNB 1,945
16214-S6770-BAMYNB 2,705
16215-S6770-BACTNB 91
16216-S6770-BAPW4H 1,595
16217-S6770-BAMY4H 2,875
16218-S6770-BAMY4H 3,980
16219-S6770-BACT4H 133
16220-S6770-BAPW24 2,725
16221-S6770-BAMY247 4,465
16222-S6770-BAMY247 6,395
16223-S6770-BACT247 227
16224-S6770-SCPWNB 1,695
16225-S6770-SCMYNB 2,965
16226-S6770-SCMYNB 4,150
16227-S6770-SCPW4H 2,195
16228-S6770-SCMY4H 3,895
16229-S6770-SCMY4H 5,425
16230-S6770-SCPW24 2,985
16231-S6770-SCMY24 4,825
16232-S6770-SCMY24 6,950
16233-S6770A-BAPWN 1,095
16234-S6770A-BAMYN 1,945
16235-S6770A-BAMYN 2,705
16236-S6770A-BACTN 91
16237-S6770A-BAPW4 1,595
16238-S6770A-BAMY4 2,875
16239-S6770A-BAMY4 3,980
16240-S6770A-BACT4 133
16241-S6770A-BAPW2 2,725
16242-S6770A-BAMY2 4,465
16243-S6770A-BAMY2 6,395
16244-S6770A-BACT2 227
16245-S6770A-SCPWN 1,695
16246-S6770A-SCMYN 2,965
16247-S6770A-SCMYN 4,150
16248-S6770A-SCPW4 2,195
16249-S6770A-SCMY4 3,895
16250-S6770A-SCMY4 5,425
16251-S6770A-SCPW2 2,985
16252-S6770A-SCMY2 4,825
16253-S6770A-SCMY2 6,950
16254-S5900C-BAIWN 1,995
16255-S5900C-BAPWN 3,558
16256-S5900C-BAMYN 4,360
16257-S5900C-BAMYN 6,275
16258-S5900C-BACTN 297
16259-S5900C-BAIW4 2,895
16260-S5900C-BAPW4 4,747
16261-S5900C-BAMY4 6,035
16262-S5900C-BAMY4 8,570
16263-S5900C-BACT4 396
16264-S5900C-BAIW24 3,765
16265-S5900C-BAPW2 6,172
16266-S5900C-BAMY2 7,850
16267-S5900C-BAMY2 11,150
16268-S5900C-BACT2 517
16269-S5900C-SCIWN 4,495
16270-S5900C-SCPWN 7,387
16271-S5900C-SCMYN 9,390
16272-S5900C-SCMYN 13,330
16273-S5900C-SCIW4 5,395
16274-S5900C-SCPW4 8,575
16275-S5900C-SCMY4 11,060
16276-S5900C-SCMY4 15,625
16277-S5900C-SCIW24 7,015
16278-S5900C-SCPW2 11,149
16279-S5900C-SCMY2 14,380
16280-S5900C-SCMY2 20,320
16281-PA03670-B005D 1,910
16282-S7180-BAPWNB 495
16283-S7180-BAMYNB 695
16284-S7180-BAMYNB 1,105
16285-S7180-AEPWNB 99
16286-S7180-AEMYNB 169
16287-S7180-AEMYNB 199
16288-PA03670B555D 1,638
16289-S7280-BAPWNB 495
16290-S7280-BAMYNB 695
16291-CG01000-28640 1,226
16292-PA03670-B055R 777
16293-S5950-BAPWNB 2,695
16294-S5950-BAMYNB 4,360
16295-S5950-BAMYNB 6,275
16296-S5950-BACTNB 225
16297-S5950-BAPW4H 3,595
16298-S5950-BAMY4H 6,035
16299-S5950-BAMY4H 8,570
16300-S5950-BACT4H 300
16301-S5950-BAPW24 4,675
16302-S5950-BAMY247 7,850
16303-S5950-BAMY247 11,150
16304-S5950-BACT247 390
16305-S5950-SCPWNB 5,595
16306-S5950-SCMYNB 9,390
16307-S5950-SCMYNB 13,330
16308-S5950-SCPW4H 6,495
16309-S5950-SCMY4H 11,060
16310-S5950-SCMY4H 15,625
16311-S5950-SCPW24 8,445
16312-S5950-SCMY24 14,380
16313-S5950-SCMY24 20,320
16314-PA03575-B065- 17,996
16315-S6800-BAPWNB 2,290
16316-S6800-BAMYNB 3,705
16317-S6800-BAMYNB 5,330
16318-S6800-BACTNB 191
16319-S6800-BAPW4H 3,055
16320-S6800-BAMY4H 5,130
16321-S6800-BAMY4H 7,285
16322-S6800-BACT4H 255
16323-S6800-BAPW24 3,970
16324-S6800-BAMY247 6,670
16325-S6800-BAMY247 9,475
16326-S6800-BACT247 331
16327-S6800-SCPWNB 4,755
16328-S6800-SCMYNB 7,980
16329-S6800-SCPW4H 5,520
16330-S6800-SCMY4H 9,400
16331-S6800-SCMY4H 13,280
16332-S6800-SCPW24 7,175
16333-S6800-SCMY24 12,220
16334-S6800-SCMY24 17,270
16335-PA03750-B005- 806
16336-S7030-AECTNB 9
16337-S7030-AEMYNB 199
16338-PA03610B205-D 199
16339-PA03643B205-D 295
16340-S7280-BAMYNB 1,105
16341-S7280-AEPWNB 99
16342-S7280-AEMYNB 169
16343-S7280-AEMYNB 199
16344-PA03710-B055- 2,995
16345-S7460-SCPWNB 1,395
16346-S7460-SCMYNB 2,515
16347-S7460-SCMYNB 3,515
16348-S7460-SCPW4H 1,795
16349-S7460-SCMY4H 3,260
16350-S7460-SCMY4H 4,535
16351-S7460-BAPWNB 895
16352-S7460-BAMYNB 1,585
16353-S7460-BAMYNB 2,240
16354-S7460-BACTNB 90
16355-S7460-BAPW4H 1,295
16356-S7460-BAMY4H 2,330
16357-S7460-BAMY4H 3,260
16358-S7460-BACT4H 130
16359-S7460-AEPWNB 895
16360-S7460-DEPW5D 795
16361-PA03710-B005- 3,995
16362-S7480-SCPWNB 1,395
16363-S7480-SCMYNB 2,515
16364-S7480-SCMYNB 3,515
16365-S7480-SCPW4H 1,795
16366-S7480-SCMY4H 3,260
16367-S7480-SCMY4H 4,535
16368-S7480-BAPWNB 895
16369-S7480-BAMYNB 1,585
16370-S7480-BAMYNB 2,240
16371-S7480-BACTNB 90
16372-S7480-BAPW4H 1,295
16373-S7480-BAMY4H 2,330
16374-S7480-BAMY4H 3,260
16375-S7480-BACT4H 130
16376-S7480-AEPWNB 895
16377-S7480-DEPW5D 795
16378-S6110-AEMYNB 199
16379-S7260-AEMYNB 199
16380-SN1800BAPWN 495
16381-SN1800BAMYN 695
16382-SN1800BAMYN 1,105
16383-SN1800BACTNB 41
16384-SN1800-AEPWN 225
16385-SN1800AEMYN 385
16386-SN1800-AEMYN 540
16387-SN1800AECTNB 19
16388-SN1800DEPW5 225
16389-S1300-AEPWNB 129
16390-PA03641B305-D 595
16391-PS-INSSCANNE 185
er external configurator websites will not be updated to add this option for existing products
er external configurator websites will not be updated to add this option for existing products

ed units. Ships with Starter Toner that yields 10,000 prints (ISO 19752). The standard DOSS included with the mainframe is not ISO 15408 certified.
rd. Envelope feeding via bypass tray and optional paper feed units. Ships with Starter Toner that yields 11,000 prints (ISO 19752). The standard DOSS included with the main
Hole 8mm HD (409058), GBC CombBind 19H HD(409059), GBC STREAMPUNCH ULTRA DIE C4 COIL OVAL 43-47H (404771), DIE RICOH W3 square 32-34H Wirebind Die
S included with the mainframe is not ISO 15408 certified.

Capacity. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12" x18".417593). Internal Shift Tray SH3070 (250-sheet sorter, supports paper sizes up to 12" x 18".416550).
sk of information theft by performing a three-pass overwrite to data written to the MFP’s hard drive.

ndard DOSS included with the mainframe is not ISO 15408 certified.

Capacity. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12" x18".417593). Internal Shift Tray SH3070 (250-sheet sorter, supports paper sizes up to 12" x 18".416550).

sk of information theft by performing a three-pass overwrite to data written to the MFP’s hard drive.

dard DOSS included with the mainframe is not ISO 15408 certified.
dard DOSS included with the mainframe is not ISO 15408 certified.
included with the mainframe is not ISO 15408 certified.

y. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x18". 417589). Internal Finisher SR3180 (250-sheet Staple-less Internal Finisher. 5 -8.5"x11" Sheet Staple Capacity. Supports Paper Sizes up

sk of information theft by performing a three-pass overwrite to data written to the MFP’s hard drive.
tandard DOSS included with the mainframe is not ISO 15408 certified.

y. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x18" 418378). Internal Finisher SR3300 (250-sheet Staple-less Internal Finisher. 5 -8.5"x11" Sheet Staple Capacity. Supports Paper Sizes up

to existing external configurator websites.

tandard DOSS included with the mainframe is not ISO 15408 certified.
y. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x18" 418378). Internal Finisher SR3300 (250-sheet Staple-less Internal Finisher. 5 -8.5"x11" Sheet Staple Capacity. Supports Paper Sizes up

to existing external configurator websites.

ray. The standard DOSS included with the mainframe is not ISO 15408 certified.

y. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x18" 417589). Internal Finisher SR3180 (250-sheet Staple-less Internal Finisher. 5 -8.5"x11" Sheet Staple Capacity. Supports Paper Sizes up
sk of information theft by performing a three-pass overwrite to data written to the MFP’s hard drive.

S included with the mainframe is not ISO 15408 certified).

5"x11" Sheet Staple Capacity. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x18". 417483). Finisher SR3230 (3,000 Sheet External Finisher. 50 -8.5"x11" Sheet Staple Capacity. Supports Pa
sk of information theft by performing a three-pass overwrite to data written to the MFP’s hard drive.

tandard DOSS included with the mainframe is not ISO 15408 certified.

Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x18". 418385). Booklet Finisher SR3290 (2,000 Sheet Booklet Finisher. 50 -8.5"x11" Sheets Staple Capacity. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x18
to existing external configurator websites.

tandard DOSS included with the mainframe is not ISO 15408 certified.

Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x18". 418385). Booklet Finisher SR3290 (2,000 Sheet Booklet Finisher. 50 -8.5"x11" Sheets Staple Capacity. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x18
to existing external configurator websites.

ray. The standard DOSS included with the mainframe is not ISO 15408 certified.

5"x11" Sheet Staple Capacity. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x18". 417483). Finisher SR3230 (3,000 Sheet External Finisher. 50 -8.5"x11" Sheet Staple Capacity. Supports Pa
sk of information theft by performing a three-pass overwrite to data written to the MFP’s hard drive.
er external configurator websites will not be updated to add this option for existing products. Can not be installed with Extended USB Board Type M19 (417566)

HD(409057), GBC 3 Hole 8mm HD (409058), GBC CombBind 19H HD(409059), GBC STREAMPUNCH ULTRA DIE C4 COIL OVAL 43-47H (404771), DIE RICOH W3 squar
external configurator websites will not be updated to add this option for existing products.
500 color prints (Magenta, Yellow, Cyan) and 2,500 Black prints.
500 color prints (Magenta, Yellow, Cyan) and 2,500 Black prints.
x of 4,700 sheets.
16737 or (E) Cabinet Type F (100478FNG) .
e Locking Paper Feed Unit PB 3220TE (417660) is required with the Education MFP.
d with the Education MFP.
paper drawer. The Locking Paper Feed Unit PB3160TE (417659) is required with the Education MFP.
er Feed Unit PB3160TE (417659) is required with the Education MFP. The standard DOSS included with the mainframe is not ISO 15408 certified
per drawer. The Locking Paper Feed Unit PB 3160TE (417659) is required with the Education MFP.
it PB 3160TE (417659) is required with the Education MFP.
Profiles, ORIS Solid State Engine - High Performance Level, ORIS Certified Web Software (O-CW-PS1), Temperature & Humidity Sensor, Dymo Label Printer, three days on-s

ers. This option can be combined with O-MATLW-FO-PS1 to save Ink on your Digital Presses, Wide Format Printers, and Conventional Presses. Prequisite- ORIS Press
le. NOTE: Available on Self-Hosted Licenses Only.
ule comes as 2 downloadable components (Server and uDirect Standard & uDirect Designer).

Print Shops (4 total) will require a separate quote from EFI.

NOTE: Available on Self-Hosted Licenses Only.

DP Module comes as 2 downloadable components (Server and uDirect Standard & uDirect Designer).

Print Shops (4 total) will require a separate quote from EFI.





llection Sub, 100000006384 Report Manager Activation, 100000010484 Report Manager Sub
ollection Sub (3x), 100000006384 Report Manager Activation, 100000010484 Report Manager Sub (3x)
Shop Floor Data Collection Sub (5x), 100000006384 Report Manager, 100000010484 Report Manager Sub (5x) Activation
y licenses are strictly limited to access only the Kofax TotalAgility databases (no others). The Kofax Insight Analytics for TotalAgility license allows users to create new metrics a

ed by licensed users of KTA.

to existing contracts will require the creation of a new contract with the unused balance of the existing contract crediting against the value of the new contract. The TotalAgility p

intenance. The TotalAgility AP Automation pricing calculator can be found at http://internal.pricingconfigurator.kofax.com/.

de annual subscription (10015-PS1) and professional services (29011-PS1) as part of the packaged savings.
line List Purchasing License in MarcomCentral, 1 Job Direct License (PDF Job Submission in MarcomCentral, covers all storefronts). Must include annual subscription (10015-

tion, Integrated Image Personalization with FusionPro Expression , JobDirect - PDF Job Submission, Demo Portal for Staging & Testing, 2 students in 4-day training program

c Hot Folder, JobDirect - PDF Job Submission, Demo Portal for Staging & Testing, 2 students in 4-day training program covering Administrative Tools & Template Building (PTI

Sequence which are not calculated in the credit allocation per volume band. Additional credits are available for purchase if needed
PURL are not included in subscription and require separate fee
ded at a later time, additional M&S Points must be purchased. The M&S Points must be activated on the server to allow for phone support, bug-fixes, and major/minor version u

e Scan & Capture Module (from Note #4).

new platform. Exchanging platforms is only available if the Customer is in paid status.
andard DOSS included with the mainframe is not ISO 15408 certified.
OH W3 square 32-34H Wirebind Die (404769), DIE RICOH W2SQ 21H-23H Wirebind Die (404768), DIE RICOH CombBind 19-20-21 Hole Die (404767), DIE RICOH VB LTR (
e Capacity. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12" x18".417593). Internal Shift Tray SH3070 (250-sheet sorter, supports paper sizes up to 12" x 18".416550).
e Capacity. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12" x18",418341). Internal Shift Tray SH3080 (250-sheet sorter, supports paper sizes up to 12" x 18".418343).
e Capacity. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12" x18",418341). Internal Shift Tray SH3080 (250-sheet sorter, supports paper sizes up to 12" x 18".418343).

e Capacity. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12" x18".417593). Internal Shift Tray SH3070 (250-sheet sorter, supports paper sizes up to 12" x 18".416550).
" Sheet Staple Capacity. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x18". 417487). Internal Finisher SR3130 (500 Sheet Internal Finisher. 50 -8.5"x11" Sheet Staple Capacity. Supports Pa
y. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x18". 418330) Internal Finisher SR3250 (500 Sheet Internal Finisher. 50 -8.5"x11" Sheet Staple Capacity. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x18"
y. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x18". 418330) Internal Finisher SR3250 (500 Sheet Internal Finisher. 50 -8.5"x11" Sheet Staple Capacity. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x18"
" Sheet Staple Capacity. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x18". 417487). Internal Finisher SR3130 (500 Sheet Internal Finisher. 50 -8.5"x11" Sheet Staple Capacity. Supports Pa
Type M19 (417566)

47H (404771), DIE RICOH W3 square 32-34H Wirebind Die (404769), DIE RICOH W2SQ 21H-23H Wirebind Die (404768), DIE RICOH CombBind 19-20-21 Hole Die (404767)
Dymo Label Printer, three days on-site installation, training & profiling services, one (1) year CGS Extended Warranty Plan on ORIS Press Matcher Web & ORIS Certfied Web

esses. Prequisite- ORIS Press Matcher Web - High Level Base License (O-PMW-PKG-H) or ORIS Press Matcher Web - File Out Option (O-M


allows users to create new metrics and dashboards in addition to the pre-built dashboards but only from TotalAgility databases. Kofax Analytics for TotalAgility and Kofax Insig

f the new contract. The TotalAgility pricing calculator can be found at http://internal.pricingconfigurator.kofax.com/ or the partner portal for authorized partners.
include annual subscription (10015-PS1) and professional services ( 10019-PS1) as part of the packaged savings.

2 students in 4-day training program covering Administrative Tools & Template Building (PTI Office, San Diego).Must include annual subscription (10017-PS1) and professiona

ative Tools & Template Building (PTI Office, San Diego). Must include annual subscription (10018-PS1) and professional services (29011IP-PS1) as part of the packaged savin
bug-fixes, and major/minor version upgrades.
04767), DIE RICOH VB LTR (404765), DIE RICOH 3-5-7 HOLE (404761), DIE RICOH 3 HOLE (404760), DIE RICOH C4 Round 43-47H .2475 Color Coil Die (404757),
Staple Capacity. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x18". 417589). Internal Shift Tray SH3070 (250-sheet sorter, supports paper sizes up to 12" x 18".416550).
rts Paper Sizes up to 12"x18" 418378). Internal Shift Tray SH3080 (250-sheet sorter, supports paper sizes up to 12" x 18".418343).
rts Paper Sizes up to 12"x18" 418378). Internal Shift Tray SH3080 (250-sheet sorter, supports paper sizes up to 12" x 18".418343).
Staple Capacity. Supports Paper Sizes up to 12"x18". 417589). Internal Shift Tray SH3070 (250-sheet sorter, supports paper sizes up to 12" x 18".416550).
d 19-20-21 Hole Die (404767), DIE RICOH VB LTR (404765), DIE RICOH 3-5-7 HOLE (404761), DIE RICOH 3 HOLE (404760), DIE RICOH C4 Round 43-47H .2475 Color C
her Web & ORIS Certfied Web (S-CD-MATLW -H-PS1 & S-CD-CWOD1-AF-PS1), includes travel expenses. Prerequisite - Acrobat Distiller for generating PDF fi

b - File Out Option (O-MATLW-FO-PS1)

or TotalAgility and Kofax Insight Analytics for TotalAgility licenses are based on the total size of the underlying TotalAgility license onto which it is installed. Support is required f
(10017-PS1) and professional services (29011E-PS1) as part of the packaged savings.

as part of the packaged savings.

Round 43-47H .2475 Color Coil Die (404757), Plockmatic 350-m (404980), PBM 500-m Upgrade Kit (404979), PBM-m Trim Module (404981), PBM-m Book Fold Module (404
ler for generating PDF files
nstalled. Support is required for Kofax Analytics for TotalAgility. Pricing and terms are available on the Support Tab. No returns on unused parts of the bundle and cannot be di
BM-m Book Fold Module (404982), PBM-m Cover Feeder (404720), Plockmatic Rail Unit (404723), SR4110 Cover Kit (404984), or BST4000 High Capacity Belt Stacker (40472
of the bundle and cannot be disassembled and sold separately.
h Capacity Belt Stacker (404722)

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