Research 1 Chapter1
Research 1 Chapter1
Research 1 Chapter1
Research Self Efficacy and Test Anxiety Level of Senior High School Students at St.
David, Jonel B.
This thesis is submitted in patial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject
Practical Research II
Chapter 1
but severe anxiety can be a serious problem. Academic anxiety can become more
detrimental over time. As a student’s academic performance suffers, the anxiety level
related to certain academic tasks increases (Castillo, 2012). Most teachers will have
students with social anxiety and/or academic anxiety. Social anxiety can also affect a
student’s academic performance. If a student has social anxiety, the student might not be
able to complete group tasks or might not feel comfortable asking for help in class. Social
anxiety can go along with or even lead to academic anxiety. Teaching students’ self-
regulation can reduce anxiety and increase academic performance (Espinosa & Tameta,
consequently, educational researchers and other allied disciplines are usually interested in
such variables. Recently, there is focus on the student’s sense of self as a principal
Monterola asserted that this focus is grounded on the taken for granted assumption that
the beliefs that students create, develop and hold to be true about themselves are vital
create and develop self-perceptions of capability that become instrumental to the goals
they pursue and to the control they exercise over their environments. MacIntyre, Noels, &
Donovan (2002) further proposed a view of human functioning that emphasized the role
of self-referent belief, which stated that individuals are proactive and self-regulating
rather than reactive and controlled by biological or environmental forces. Individuals are
understood to possess self-belief that enables them to exercise a measure of control over
As the world of education advances, the amount of stress and anxiety that the student
must take up arises at the same time. 21th Century learning is vast compared to the
generation of the old education, with new discoveries is another information to be learn.
The more information to take up, the capacity of students will not be enough and further
reduce their self-efficiency and capabilities to take up more. Stress builds up anxiety and
Self-efficacy and anxiety’s is not limited with the academic performances of students
but also with their very function in daily living, Productivity, Self-management and social
are the most affected by the anxiety’s alteration on one’s performances. This study aims
to identify the relationship of this two and its true nature in every student or person that is
A student’s level of self-efficacy and test anxiety directly impacts their academic
success (Abdi, Badgeri, Shoghi, Goodrazi & Hoesseinzadeh, 2012). When a student starts
to doubt there potential and ability to do well on academic demands, the focus of this
students will reflect poorly on their grades and performances. Social scientist has studied
the relationship between anxiety and performance over 50 years. The motivational and
interreference qualities of anxiety have been demonstrated in diverse areas such as Time
management, Productivity, verbal conditioning and learning (Bailey, & Daley, 2001).
learning task, was one of the longest line of educational research concerning
psychological drives associated with learning and coping situations. Testing anxiety
investigations are descendants of this tradition, and Test anxiety research embraces a
Cognitive interference model posits that anxiety present in testing situations may
affect test performance. Ordinarily, testing situations are not stressful situations. Test
evaluate testing situation as very stressful may become highly anxious during tests and
typically perform more poorly on tests than low test anxious persons due to forgetfulness.
between relevant responses and irrelevant responses generated from the person’s anxious
state. The difference in performance of a high test-anxious student and a low test-anxious
student is largely due to the difference in their ability to focus and pay attention on the
test (Ossai, 2011). While a low test-anxious student is able to focus and pay greater
attention on test, a high test-anxious student focused on internal self and the anxiety they
are feeling. Therefore, high test-anxious students would perform poorly academically on
a test because their attention is usually divided between themselves and the test.
Exam has become one source of worry and anxiety in a process of education that
student passed. Several studies have shown, that work associated with academic and
exam represents as a source of its own concerns for high school students. As research
conducted by Gallagher and Millar (in Putwain, 2007) showed, that six highest ranking
student who became a source of concern related to school work, which pass the exam
become the main source of worries rank and consequence failed the exam.
just before exams, especially on a National scale test and become one of determining the
graduation of students from school. Adewuyi, Taiwo, and Olley (2012) explained, that
anxiety is the emotional component man shown in form of worry and anxiety. When
emotional component is shown associated with a condition test or exam, then this is also
Many factors contribute to the development of test anxiety, some of which are fear of
experiences and beliefs, and lack of confidence in one’s ability (McDonald, 2001; Sujit &
Kavita, 2006). Characteristics of the test environment such as the nature of the test, time
may also create test anxiety for students (Putwain, Woods, & Symes, 2010). Apart from
that, research has shown that students’ personality dispositions may contribute to their
development of test anxiety. For example, Hoferichter, Raufelder, and Eid (2014) found
that adolescents who are neurotics tend to experience high levels of test anxiety. This
may be because neurotic individuals tend to perceived testing situation as more stressful
Huberty (2009) explains, that anxiety is a normal emotional state in humans, and
may occur in a variety of situations, one of them in school setting. Huberty (2009) adds,
to drag on will be able to interfere with individual's own condition. Like for example,
anxiety that felt by students during exams, it can have a negative effect on the ability of
student to be able to demonstrate optimal performance. Youth who suffer anxiety tend to
have a negative impact in their ability to learn compare to the youth who’s suffering in
low anxiety. In fact, the consequences are unacceptable from 270 Hazhira Qudsyi and
Meiliza Irma Putri / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 217 (2016) 268 – 275 a
severe test anxiety is that students will have a low self-esteem, lack of effort, loss of
motivation, to students experiencing general anxiety, fears, phobias, social anxiety, and to
reticent or avoiding behaviour in real or imagined social interactions (Cheek & Melchior,
2009; Leitenberg, 2008). It has been theorized that the relationship between social
anxiety and academic performance is reciprocal. If a student has social anxiety, the
student might not be able to complete group tasks or might not feel comfortable asking
for help in class. Social anxiety can go along with or even lead to academic anxiety.
Teaching students self-regulation can reduce anxiety and increase academic performance
Test anxiety is a special type of the general anxiety which manifests itself with
somatic, cognitive and behavioral signs and symptoms during the period that the students
are getting ready for their exams and accomplishing tests. Test anxiety turns to be a big
problem when it gets so much severe and enormous that it middles with getting prepared
for the exams and test accomplishment. In the study performed by Abazary et al which
aimed at the survey of the anxiety source and rate among the nursing students the results
indicated that this field of study besides the instructional environment anxiety they are
exposed to the clinical atmospheres. Moreover, when the test anxiety is also added up to
such worries may be subsequently followed with academic underachievement and the
Also, one should be attentive to the issue that anxiety is one of the factors that can
influence the individual’s self-efficacy level, Bandura was of the belief that physiological
and emotional arousals are among the factors that influence the individual’s self-efficacy.
He opined that in cases we are free from being stimulated, nervous or with headache and
if we experience lower anxieties then we are more likely to believe that we can conquer
our problems successfully. The more we feel we are relaxed and cool our self-efficacy
will be more heightened, accordingly. To put it differently, the higher our level of
physiological and emotional arousal then the lower our feeling of efficiency and self-
efficacy would be. Therefore, based on the self-efficacy theory, factors such as stresses,
statuses do not seem to be directly influencing the individuals’ behaviors rather such an
The very mention of the word ‘stress' brings thoughts such as increased rate of
to one's mind. Oftentimes, a student rushes from one end of campus to the other, trying to
make their next class on time. Since classes are scheduled back-to back, there is less or
no time to even eat. Take, for instance, it is three o'clock and a student is extremely
hungry. Busy schedules crammed with studies, study, and extracurricular activities can
take a toll on student’s physical and mental health, especially if one is not eating or
sleeping properly. If untreated, these stressors can compound over time, leading to even
greater levels of stress. Stress is pressure or demand experienced by the individual so that
Stress can occur in individuals when there is an imbalance between the situations in
which the individual feelings on its ability to meet the demands for these. The high
demands from parents, friends and learning process becomes the cause of the increased
stress what else did not have a good preparation to learn. Academic performance is the
specific time. The academic performance of students heavily depends upon the parental
involvement in their academic activities to attain the higher level of quality in academic
success. The students are quite emotional especially females. Most of the students take
stress in everything at school level. A lot of factor that influence in their study like
present pressure, teacher’s attitude towards their study, home strictness, future and job
tensions (Hussain et al., 2012). Students may miscalculate the amount of time it takes to
Ashcraft and Kirk (2001) shows that students with high stress tend to be slower and
more considerate in their action of various aspects of specialized purposes. For example,
these persons give the impression to have particular difficulty with the carryover role.
With the connection between this function and work memory, scientists have imagined
that the extra stress present in highly nervous subjects probably withdraws resources that
can then be used in work memory for activation and rehearsal as needed for the carrying
Academic motivation is one concept that has been studied with respect to student
effective in relation to learning and development. Dörnyei (2000) mentions that students,
even those with high levels of self-efficacy, have difficulty in comprehending the whole
unless they are actively engaged in the learning. When Lin (2012) explained the
Extreme level of anxiety impends individual’s mental and physical health and also
has a negative effect on their personal and educational performance (Zahrakar, 2008).
One of the broadest research areas in recent years has been test anxiety and its
dimensions. It is a kind of anxiety which turn out especially during examination. Test
Between these two factors suggests the cognitive component that directly influences the
does not directly persuade test performance (Cassady, 2001). The individual might
experience a feeling of distress that their performances are being prudently observed out
this can lead to low confidence or poor academic performance (Moadeli & Ghazanfari,
2005). Thoughts of, or worrying about, failing an examination and internal self-
statements regarding self-efficacy are elements of the worry component (Sansgiry & Sail,
capabilities and the effective and qualified accomplishment of the task or assignments
and it has to be specified as the confidence in performing academic tasks and assignments
such as reading books, answering to the questions posited in the classrooms and getting
prepared to sit for the tests in educational environments. Academic self-efficacy beliefs
perceived as part of the general self-efficacy beliefs do not seem relevant to the quantity
of the individual’s skills, rather they point to the beliefs such as studying, doing research
papers, asking questions in the classroom, successful communication with the professors,
establishing friendly relationships with the other university students, acquiring good
marks, taking part in classroom discussions and so forth which are believed by the
situations. Such individuals can enjoy making use of appropriate solutions to solve their
problems through curiosity and they usually exhibit higher strength and resistance in
mean scores and stability and perseverance in accomplishing assignments, therefore the
university students who have higher self-efficacy possess better academic consistencies
and adaptation and they take advantage of more useful learning strategies and finally they
will show better functionalities. Also, Wolfk realizes self-efficacy as one of the most
important concepts in learning theories which point out the individual’s judgment
university students and the adverse and diminishing effects that can be exerted by anxiety
on self-efficacy and consequently on students’ performance, thus the present study aims
at the survey of the relationship between the test anxiety and self-efficacy among Urmia
It is quite evident from the arguments given above and results of the studies reported
that text anxiety affects academic performance along with other variables such as
motivation to learn, ability to benefit from formal instruction and gender. This
diversification of effects of text anxiety lead researchers to think of text anxiety as at least
bi-dimensional construct (Berk & Nanda, 2006; Chapell et al., 2005; Cassady & Johnson,
2002; Diaz, 2001) with affective and cognitive components. This high level of
situations (Cassady & Johnson, 2002). The cognitive dimension (worry) refers to
cognitive concerns about performance, such as worry about the testing situation or
negative performance expectations. It is the cognitive aspect of test anxiety which has
postsecondary students.
Conceptual Framework
According to the Attribution theory, students need to feel in control over the outcome
of an academic task. Students who feel more in control over the outcome will have more
motivation to successfully complete that task (Lim, 2007). To feel in control, students
need to understand why a certain outcome happens. For example, a student who never
studies for a spelling test and fails each week might not understand the reason for the
poor performance. If the student understands that studying is important for on the spelling
tests, the student will be more motivated to study and do well on the test.
controllable or uncontrollable. Internal reasons are something that the student did.
Someone or something else controls external reasons. Stable causes are expected to occur
again, and unstable causes are changeable. Controllable causes are something a student
can change, but uncontrollable causes are believed to be unchangeable (Vockell, n.d.).
Males tend to focus more on ability and other internal factors while females tend to focus
on effort and external factors (McClure, Meyer, Garisch, Fischer, Weir, & Walkey,
The input shows the student’s anxiety level based on their experiences and their self-
efficacy on academic performances. With the survey questions, the study progress to the
next stage of this study, which is the process. In the process, the researchers will gather
data through the use of survey questionnaires. Survey will be utilized and distributed
among the chosen respondents of the Senior High School students of St. Augustine
Academy of Pampanga. The research study will culminate by the creation of an output. In
this step, the researcher will ascertain the self-efficacy and anxiety management program
that will be proposed to help the students cope up with their anxiety and improve their
Many students suffer from anxiety when facing difficult academic tasks. Students
with learning disabilities often face more anxiety than general education students (Nelson
The study aimed to assess the relationship of anxiety level and self-efficacy of Senior
1.1Emotional Trauma;
Students with anxiety and low self-efficacy tends to show lower levels of academic
Significance of study
Students. Result will provide the students with knowledge and self-awareness about
Anxiety and its correlation on their self-efficacy, they will be able to acknowledge its
impact and help them manage it. It will give them the ability to acquire a greater quality
of education and self-management upon resolving the issue that binds their efficacy and
anxiety. Not only has that it helped them to manage stress and anxiety towards education
but also on their self-productivity, management and development of their own well-being
outside school.
Teacher. This data will provide a useful knowledge for the teachers to acknowledge
that not only students has the problem of anxiety being hindrance to their self-efficacy. It
will also help them to create a better and effective teaching strategies to students who
may have anxiety that distracts them from attaining a quality education.
Parents. The study will also give the parents of student’s knowledge on how to help
them manage anxiety that they may find being hindrance to their child’s productivity and
Future Researchers. The study will also provide a great reference for the future
researchers that will continue and develop this study in the future.
Scope of Delimitation
The scope of the research study will focus at determining the relation of self efficacy
and anxiety level of senior high school students, specifically the population of Grade 11
Senior High school students of St. Augustine Academy of Pampanga. The Students from
Definition of Terms
The following terms are found throughout the literature review. Some of the terms
were not defined in the journal articles so the definitions are from the dictionary. Helping
performance that exercise influence over events that affect their lives.
academic subjects.
useful or action that will help them step closer to a simple goal that may ease their life
Emotional Trauma. Refers to the damage to one’s mind that occurs as a result of a
Stress is how a person mentally and physically reacts to circumstances that are
Research Design
The researcher had applied both descriptive and correlational research design to
determine the self-efficacy of senior high school students as well as their anxiety level,
and the relationship that relates them, between and its external effect upon one’s own
variables. This research design sought to analyze the issue through the process of data
the behavior of a subject without any influence from the researcher, it maybe through the
The correlational research design is used to describe and determine the relationship
measures two variables, understands and asses the statistical relationship between them.
In other words, the correlational sought to understand if the two or more variable has a
significant relationship.
The chosen respondents for this study was the selected grade 11 students of ABM
and STEM of St. Augustine Academy of Pampanga and only four section in the said
strands will be chosen to be our respondent in conducting this study. The researchers
used simple random sampling in determining the samples on the representative of the
the needed data for the student’s profile. The draft of the questionnaire was drawn out
based on the researcher’s readings. In the preparation of the instrument, the requirements
in the designing the questionnaire or the data collection instrument were considered. For
example, the statement that is describing the situations related to the topic were toned
were given out to fit in to the free formatted views related to the topic. And by that, the
The sampling method that is theoretical with the researchers’ study is Stratified
subgroups. Each the subgroups are called stratum, and two or more subgroups called
strata. This sampling method will be used for the respondents that will be selected
Questionnaire Method
type of questionnaire which can have two possible answers or responses. It is commonly
used in a survey that asks yes or no, true or false, and agree or disagree.
Second, Rating Scale also known as Likert Scale, to give those pre-coded
responses that requires the respondents to assign a value, sometimes numeric or legend,
Third, Multiple Choice also known as fixed choice or selected response items,
they are required to identify right answer or best alternative among the set of choices.
Lastly, Guided Response it is also called the Restricted Type. The respondent is
guided in making a reply. The type of guided response that the researchers will be using
is Recognition Type, where the possible responses are given and the respondent select an
answer. This will help the researchers for assessing the end products, to gather
knowledge, ideas, and information about this study for clear distinction of respondent’s
Scaling Method
The researchers used Binary Scale as their primary instrument for Dichotomous,
is two. Then, the Rating Scale or Likert Scale has a legend of 4 as Strongly Agree, 3 as
Data Collection
The first step before handling out the survey questionnaires is to make a request
letter. Upon approval, the researcher retrieves the request letter. The class adviser, as well
In administering the questionnaire, the researchers were use the allotted for vacant to
avoid distractions of class discussions. The student responses were given enough time to
answer the question and put a tick in the selection. After data gathering, the researcher
can now collect it for the data tallying the scores and to apply statistical treatment.
Ethical Consideration