Filipino Teachers' Stress Levels and Coping Strategies

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Presented at the DLSU Research Congress 2017

De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines

June 20 to 22, 2017

Filipino teachers’ stress levels and coping strategies

Thelma Rabago-Mingoa, PhD

De La Salle University - Manila
[email protected]

Abstract: The world in which we live and work in is surrounded by challenges. How
well a person handles challenges can enrich one’ life, since it is stimulating and
renewing. But when a person faces challenges poorly, this response precipitates to a
state of stress that is potentially dangerous to his performance and wellness.
A total of 100 teachers in Metro Manila were asked to fill up questionnaires.
Descriptive statistics were used to find the stress level, vulnerability to stress, and
the most common sources of stress, and the most common sources of stress and
coping strategies of teachers. Statistical analysis using t-test and multiple
regression on the different stressors and coping strategies were done with the
variables in this study.
A compilation of stressors and coping strategies collected in this study was
intended to help teachers and would-be teachers to brace up for factors that could
cause stress in their workplace and possibly affect classroom performance, especially
the teacher-student relationship. It also came up with the teachers’ personal
recommendations to lessen sources of stress in their workplace. Implications of the
study point out to various ways teachers deal with stressors. Teachers in the study
apply either direct action or use pallative techniques. Teachers may also be made
aware of other coping strategies for stress other than those mentioned here like
seeking outside help when needed and to learn stress management techniques. The
study gives insight to school administrators on where they can help alleviate stress
in the workplace.

Key Words: teacher stress; coping strategies; stress levels; stress vulnerability

1. INTRODUCTION the leaders in the future. While teaching has been

found to be one of the most important jobs of a
country, it is also one of the most stressful jobs
Teachers have been a central force in the compared to other occupations (Adams 2001). It is
facilitation of learning, playing a vital role in therefore important to attend to teachers’ welfare.
education and care of students, who are to become This is because teachers do not only teach content,
Presented at the DLSU Research Congress 2017
De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines
June 20 to 22, 2017

they also motivate and encourage students, trying to Alarm reaction stage when the body identifies and
be up-to-date, and expected to be accountable, to reacts to stress and release hormones to help defend
come to class prepared, to be skilled in assessment, against the stressor; (2) Resistance stage when the
and to positively interact with students, parents, co- body continuously resists the stressors; and (3)
teachers and administrators, all in their quest to Exhaustion stage – when the body and mind can no
facilitate learning. longer adjust to resist the stressor, leading to
Many things in the life of a teacher are physical and/or mental exhaustion (Truch, S. 1980).
challenging. How well he/she handles challenges can
enrich one’s life, since it is stimulating and renewing, 2. METHODOLOGY
but on the other hand, when a person faces
challenges poorly, this response precipitates to a This study sought to answer the following
state of stress that is potentially dangerous to his/ questions about teacher stress: (1) What factors do
her performance and wellness. Some teachers feel elementary and high school teachers perceive to
‘used up’ at the end of a working day, emotionally cause them stress?; (2) What physical ailments do
drained, sick, burned-out, overworked and they experience that are symptomatic of stress?; (3)
underpaid. And others can feel alienated from their What are their coping strategies: (4) Are there
school, from their co-teachers or from administration significant differences in the kind of stressors, and
(Abaci, 1995). coping strategies among (a) public and private school
Too much stress among teachers might lead teachers; (b) male and female teachers; (c) teachers
to poor physical, mental and emotional state of with different number of years of teaching; (d)
teachers and possibly affect teacher performance, elementary and high school teachers; (e) single and
teacher-student relationship and/or consequently, married teachers? and (5) What recommendations
student performance as well. It is therefore
they have for relieving stress in the workplace.
necessary to quantify stress and identify potential
Convenience sampling was used with teacher
areas of concern, so there can be necessary
participants in a teacher training program. A total of
environment or personal changes to improve
100 teachers in public and private schools in Metro
stressful situations. In cases where it is not possible
Manila were asked to fill up questionnaires.
change the stressful situation, persons should learn
Descriptive statistics were used to find the stress
stress management techniques to reduce or eliminate
level, vulnerability to stress, and the most common
the harmful effects of prolonged exposure to stress.
sources of stress, and the most common sources of
This study aimed to identify the stressors
stress and coping strategies of teachers. Statistical
that affect teachers in Metro Manila, the physical
analysis using t-test and multiple regression on the
ailments they experience that could be symptomatic
different stressors and coping strategies were done
of stress, and their coping behaviors. Such
with the variables in this study.
compilation of stressor and coping strategies could
help teachers and would-be teachers to brace up for
factors that could cause stress in their workplace, 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
and could give administrators ideas as to what to
focus on so as to lessen stress of teachers in schools
and on how to help teachers manage stress. 3.1 Factors that cause stress to the
Stress is defined as a constraining force or a
state of both mental and emotional tension that a
result of reacting to difficult unpleasant, demanding The five most common sources of stress for
circumstances or exterior pressures or factors. these teachers are as follows: (1) having too much
Stress. (n.d.). In Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary paperwork (52%); (2) high cost of living (51%); (3)
(11th ed.). Retrieved April 21, 2017 from insufficient salary and other money concerns (46%); It is an (4) oversized classes (43%), and (5) being too busy
excessive physical and/ or mental demand on the
(including simultaneous activities as being enrolled
capabilities of one’s mind and body (Joseph, R. 2000).
Physical or mental stress can be positive or it can in school, being employed, parenting, community
also be negative and harmful, and this body reaction service, and so on 32%). Having too much paperwork
of a person can be described in three stages: (1) can be a consequence of having oversized classes.
Presented at the DLSU Research Congress 2017
De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines
June 20 to 22, 2017

Other most common sources of stress stem experience the following stressors (with the levels of
from monetary concerns. For the most common significance p showed in parenthesis): difficulty in
sources of stress, public school teachers find most parenting (p 0.002) and pregnancy (p 0.004). On the
stressful the problem of insufficient salary and other hand, single teachers find lessened harmony in
oversized classes. The other most common sources of dating relationships (p 0.018), conflict with a faculty
stress, being too busy and having too much member (p 0.014) and floods (p 0.007) more stressful
paperwork, equally affect teachers of any age, civil than married teachers do. Between male and female
status, years of experience, and whatever level or teachers, the only difference in stressor is the change
kind of school (public/private) they teach in. The in personal habits specially among males.
study also has a list of other less common sources of Between young and old teachers, younger
stress that particularly affect certain groups of teachers have these a more stressful: getting married
teachers as the different variables in this study. (p 0.030), pregnancy (p 0.026), beginning a new
dating relationship (p 0.003), lessened harmony in a
3.2 Physical Ailments Symptomatic of dating relationship (p 0.026), and time management
Stress problems (p 0.031). Older teachers find more
A frequency count of the most common stressful the high cost of living (p 0.016).
physical ailments the teachers in this study complain Between young and old teachers, younger
about are as follows: (1) fatigue (71%), (2) aching teachers have these a more stressful: getting married
neck and shoulder muscles (41%), (3) lower back pain (p 0.030), pregnancy (p 0.026), beginning a new
(39%), (4) sleep disturbances and insomnia (34%), dating relationship (p 0.003), lessened harmony in a
and (5) migraine headaches (22%) and menstrual dating relationship (p 0.026), and time management
distress or irregularities (22%). Complaints on problems (p 0.031). Older teachers find more
aching neck and shoulders and lower back pain are stressful the high cost of living (p 0.016).
associated with the nature of the work. Between elementary and high school
teachers, the latter find stressful the presence of
unpleasant co-workers in the school (p 0.014).
3.3 Coping Strategies of the Teachers Between teachers in private and public
Most teachers find (1) watching television an schools, private school teachers find stressful: change
in eating habits (p 0.042) and incompetent superiors,
effective way of relieving their stress (64%); so with
bosses or teachers (p 0.001). Public school teachers
(2) window shopping at malls (57%), (3) watching find stress in insufficient salary and other monetary
sports on television (43%), (4) going to movies (38%), concerns (p 0.036), over-sized classes (p 0.032) and
and (5) doing deep breathing and relaxation exercises too many non-teaching delegated duties (p 0.035).
(34%). Although the method mentioned are positive, Between teachers who are new in the field
most of them are sedentary. and those who had many years of teaching
Among the most common coping strategies experience, these were the significant differences:
Teachers with longer teaching experience find stress
teachers resort to, many more male than female
in the death of a family member (p 0.047). This
teachers and more elementary rather than high result may well be more related to age than with
school teachers watch television. Window shopping teaching experience. Teachers with shorter teaching
and watching movie is mostly done by young and experience find stress in the following: time
single teachers (incidentally those with less teaching management problems (p 0.022), floods (p 0.010) and
experience). overcrowding (p 0.007).

3.4 Differences among the teachers 3.5 The Teachers’ Recommendations

Multiple regression showed significant Teacher’s personal recommendations for
differences in the following: married teachers relieving stress in their workplace include both
Presented at the DLSU Research Congress 2017
De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines
June 20 to 22, 2017

environmental and physical changes in mental stress and mitigating its emotional experience. They
attitudes. Specifically, air conditioning, enough work can have a prayerful attitude and be contented with
what they have; start a (4) very good support system
space, summer vacation, learning to be contented like having more unity among themselves, love and
with what you have, avoiding conflict with co- respect one another, lessen or eliminate gossip and
workers, daily prayer, decreasing tension especially intrigue among them, be more humane and
with superiors, sharing encouraging words with each understanding of individual differences,. Teachers
can also have (5) a healthy physical state, living a
other, being humane and understanding individual
more active lifestyle like getting more involved in
differences, discipline, enough facilities which are physical activities, exercise, sports, choosing to take
accessible, a spacious faculty room, well-ventilated a flight of stairs instead of the elevator, doing more
room, clean and orderly place, less paperwork, and to chores that require active body movement, and doing
breathing exercises and relaxation. Other stress
stop gossiping about co-teachers.
relieving activities could include dancing, music and
Other activities that teachers find helpful art. These can be done individually or by group.
for relieving stress are prayer, listening to classical The administration can come up with regular
music, dancing, singing, reading wholesome books, programs and facilities that would provide these
and going to church. opportunities. Other policies and guidelines in work
and improvement of teacher-teacher and teacher-
administration relations could also help.
4.1 Implications for further research
Factors that elementary and high school
teachers perceive to cause them stress are a One probable research area that can be
combination of work-related (too much paperwork, explored is the possible relationship of stress level,
oversized classes, further studies, non-teaching vulnerability and cultural backgrounds, or
duties, incompetent superiors), personal factors attendance of teachers in seminars that deal with
stress management.
(relationships, age-related, i.e., stages in life, death
Finally, it is hoped that collaborative efforts
in the family, etc.), and economics (insufficient
among researchers, teachers, curriculum planners
salary, high cost of living). Their stress levels and and administrators will be done to enable the
vulnerability to stress were relatively high. education system to make use of and build on what
Their most common coping strategies are has been discovered by studies like this about
passive entertainment like watching television or Filipino teacher stress factors and coping strategies,
going to the movies. Window shopping is also a in order to improve teacher education curriculum.
common de-stressor. Although the method It must be born in mind, however, that the
mentioned are positive, most of them are sedentary. ultimate beneficiary would be the student. With
happier, less stressed teachers, there would be a
4.1 Implications for Curriculum Planning more positive teacher-student relationship and a
and Teaching healthier and more conducive learning environment.
The teachers can deal with the sources of
their stress in various ways. They can apply (1)
direct action, actively dealing with the source of their 5. REFERENCES
stress like controlling the work environment or
improving their workplace in terms of increasing Abaci, R. Coping with teacher stress. The Fountain.
workspace, air-conditioning, and maintaining January-March 1995. Issue 9. Retrieved April 21,
cleanliness. Teachers can (2) seek outside assistance. 2017 from
They can also request the school administration to
decrease class size, take steps to lessen noise and air-
pollution in the school, lessen paperwork, and %20Reese.pdfept
practice division of work among themselves.
Teachers request for seminars on stress and stress Adams, E. 2001. ‘A proposed causal model of
management, time management, management of
vocational teacher stress. Journal of Vocational
finances and the like.
Teachers can also use techniques like (3) Education and Training 53/2: 223-246.
having a strong mental state, accepting the source of
Joseph, R. 2000. Stress Free Teaching, A Practical
Presented at the DLSU Research Congress 2017
De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines
June 20 to 22, 2017

Guide to Tackling Stress in Teaching, Lecturing

and Tutoring. London: Kogan Page Limited.

Merriam-Webster's dictionary (11th ed.), (2005).

Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster.

Truch, S. 1980. Teacher Burnout and What To Do

About It. Novato: Academic Therapy

Wilson, A. (2000). Teaching Teachers to De-stress:

Find out what works to relieve stress
in teachers. last reviewed on August 30, 2004.

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