Upstream b1 Teachers Workbookpdf PDF
Upstream b1 Teachers Workbookpdf PDF
Upstream b1 Teachers Workbookpdf PDF
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Optional FurtherPractice
p. 107
AnswersSection ..................... p .1 1 1
Neighbours theexample.
sbffi, lazybones,
2 sensible,
br€ friendlyambitious
3 b'-6, plants,bulbs,seeds
4 likeable,
]ne4, friendly
VocabularyPractice 5 gardening,
digging, planting,
Matchthewordsin thecolumns
Fillin theblanks
withthewordsbelow thenusethemto fill in thegaps
r waters. keeps aneyeonthings. grateful . thoughtful in thesentences
o drives .
...crazy easy-going. a stiffupperlip . polite
o creativer chatting F-l-elsense a garoener
trtd-lo l d b away
Thethreepeoplebelowareneighbours l3-t-6t
crear c o n
t4Ta-1keen d -fashioned
in a block of flats in London. trt-f]drop e of humour
trT.ldepends f litter
Neelam Gupta is 23 years old. Neelamis How would you describe
Indian and she studies photographyat the yourself?
ChelseaSchoolof Art. She lovesher neighbours B : I have a great sense of
and they love her. She is a very 1l thoughtful numour.
person who enjoys helping others.When her
2 A : Do you get on well with
neighboursare away on holiday she 2l waters
their plantsfor them and generally3) keepsan
eye on things.Her neighboursare alwaysvery B : Yes.Exceptwhen they drop
4) gratefulto herfor herhelp. litter in my garden.
3 A : How would you describea
B : Hmm,let methink.Punctual,
Alison Greenway is 25 years old and she
polite and perhapsa little
worksas a DJ for a radiostation.She was born
in Australia old-fashioned.
but she movedto Londonwhenshe
was 15.Alisonis friendlyand 5l easy-going.At. 4 A : Laura'sgardenis lovely!
weekendsshe loves6) chattingand laughing B : Yes,it is. She is a(n) <een
with her friendsin the garden.This sometimes gardener.
7) drivesher neighbours crazy,especially
when 5 A : Can I giveyou a handwith
Alisonand herfriendsplayreallyloudmusicl
the housework?
B: Yes,that'd be great.Could
you pleaseclear away the
Georgiana Portman is 58 yearsold. She is platesthat areon the table?
Englishand she is a HistoryProfessorat London 6 A: What do you usuallydo at
University. Georgiana is very artistic and weekends?
8f creative. Sheplaystheviolinandthe pianoand B: Well,it dependson thetime
she lovespainting portraits. She is a typical of year.In the sum.merI go to
Englishwoman.She is sometimesannoyed by the beachwith my friends.In
Alison'sloudmusicbut she keeps9l a stiffupper
the winter I likegoingto the
lip aboutit. She is very lO| politeand reserved.
4 Underline
the correctword,asin the example. Word Formation
1 Taniaisveryr_e_s€rygd/thoughtful.
Shedoesn't 6 Completethegapswiththecorrect
heremotions. derived
fromthewordsin bold.
Englishpeoplehavea reputation/politeness
for beinga littleeccentric.
Stop beingsucha noseyparker/:llllbilly and
be sensible!Youarenot a child!
This paintingdepicts/producesthe Acropolis
in Athens.
I didn'tunderstand
the wastoo subtle/
Racheltalks all the time. She is such a
7 Robertis verycaring.He looksafter/looksfor works for
,Philip a rnternational
his brother and helos his sister with her bankin ^,.* vo*.
in a high-flier;
homework. rntellisent,rl ,ro,,ll It and
talented. veryAMB|TION
8 Leodoesn'ttake after/take careof hisfather. ,";;.; n]""
He lookslikehismother.
9 She'sas busyas a bee/bird.
important SELF
10 Without my glasses,l'm as blindasa @{fox. ff.ffJ:r,;.;T? than
11 As a boss, he's very good with strangers/
Couldyou glgtmakeme a favour?
13 Remember
to keepin feel/touchwlth us.
5 Circle
A: CouldyougiveMrsEdwards
a call,please?
B: a Notat all.
@ ves,ofcourse.
A: Howoftendo youcleanyourroom?
B: a l'msorrybutI can't.
@ twicea week. verY
Richardis an author'He ts
3 A: Doyouthinkyoucouldwashthe car? 3) creativeand artisticbut
a:@ t'm afraidI can't.I haveto go to the sometimeshe can be a little
suoermarket. 4) forgetfuland
b No,I guessnot. 5) careless.He neverremembers
wherehisbooksand notes
4 A: Do you mind switchingoff the TV? l'm
he is alwaYslosingthings'
tryingto sleep.
B: a l'd liketo. ' ';-.."**'"**--' '-
@ Sure.Noproblem. Phrasalverbs
A: I'msosorryfor wakingyouup lastnight. Replacethe phrases in boldwithlookofter,
B:@ Don'tworryaboutit. takeafter,rundfterin thecorrect
b I do apologise. looksafter
1 Mrs Harristakes care of mv little sisterwhile
A: I'msorry.I didn'tmeanto upsetyou.
our parents
argat worK.
B: a All right.
2 susan
@ tt doesn'tmatter.Forgetaboutit. 3 Thewomand81rf,86til robberscreamrng
Grammarin Use 2 Completeeachgapwiththecorrect
theverbin brackets.
& PresentPerfect
Put the verbs in the brackets into presenf
simple,presentcontinuousor pruent pertect. HiClaire,
Justa quickmessage fromEngland!
1 A: What time are we meeting (we/meet) I can'tbelieve| 1) havebeen(be) herefor two weeks
Johnand Liz? already.I 2) am having(have)sucha greattime!The
B: The performancestarts (start) at 8:00 so universityis very impressiveand | 3) feel (feel) so
proudto be here.
we are meeting(meet)them at 7:30.
Sofar,| 4) havemet(meet)a lotof studentsfromother
2 A: ls lan coming (lan/come)with us to the countries andl5) am sharing(sharc)a largeroomwith
restaurant? a girlfromHongKonguntilshegetsa roomof herown.
B: I don't think (noVthink) so. He hasn't The head of our department6) is planning/has
finished(noUfinish)writing his reportyet. planned(plan)an internationalpartyforthisweekend.
I 7) hope (hope)it's a goodone. | 8) haven'tbeen
3 A: Haveyou seen(you/see)Linda? (noUgo)to a partyfor ages!
B: No, I think sheis (be)stillat the library. When 9) are you leaving (you/leave)for Rome?
4 A: How often do you exercise(you/exercise) 10)Haveyoufound(you/find)a houseyet?
at the gym?
Lotsof love,
B: Threeto four times a week.
A: ls Tanya(Tanya/be)on a diet?
B: No, she just eats (eat) healthy food and
sleeps(sleep)a lot.
Stative verbs .l
A: What time are Lauraand Pennyfeaving
(Lauraand Penny/leave)? 3 intothe presentsimple
Puttheverbsin brackets
B: Theyhavealreadyleft (already/leave). or presentcontinuous.
A: What are you looking(you/look)for? 1 A: Why areyou smelling(you/smell)that egg?
B: I am looking(look) for my key.I havejust B: Becauseit smells(smell)bad. l'll throw it
lost (jusVlose)it. away.
A: What time does the Eurostartrain leave 2 A: lt feels (feel) great to be on holiday,
(the Eurostartrain/leave)for Paris? doesn'tit?
B: At half pastseven. B: Yes,I am feeling(feel) better already!
A: Where are you going (you/go) on holiday 3 A: Stanthinks(think) he'sso great!
this summer? B: I know.Theysay he is thinking(think) of
B: ltaly or Greece.We haven't decided(noU going for the boss'sjob!
decide) yet. 4 A: Lookat Karen.Sheis having(have)a great
1 0 A: WheredoesLeolive(Leo/live)? time.
B: Yes,and she certainlyhas (have) a talent
B: In Kensington,but at the moment he is
for dancing.
staying(stay)with friendsin Paris.
5 A: Why are you looking (you/look) at that
11 A: Are you having (you/have) a party on
B: Becausehe looks (look) so much like
B: Of course I am. I have alreadyinvited
(already/invite) everybody!
12 A: Haveyou been(you/go)to the doctor's?
B: Yes, but my temperatureis still going up
(still/9o up)!
6 A : Andy is (be) really a good Puttheverbsin brackets
intothe correctpresenttenses.
boy,you know.
$: B : So why is he being (he/be)
s so sillyright now?
,,::,*:, | 1) om writing (write) to tetl gouaboutsomethingreo[lg
7 A:. Why are you tasting (you/
wonderJul that 2) hashappened(happen)to me!You3) know
taste) the soup? (know) how muchI lovewriting?WeLl., the schoolnewspaper
B : BecauseJohn saysit tastes 4) hasasked(ask)meto be their neweditor.I con'tbetieveit. I
(taste) like water! 5) hovebeenwaiting(wciDJor a chancelikethisJor ages.
Overthe pastfewdags,I 6) havebeenreadLng (read)past
PresentPerfectContinuous editionsoJthe schoolpaperto getsorneideqsoboutwhot the
paperls otl obout.| 7) haveoLreadg wrltten(alreadglwrite)
4 Write a sentencefor each down lots of notesabout what kind oJstories| 8) want (wcnt)
situation, as in the example.Use to include.White| 9) havebeencounting(count)downthe dags
for or siirce. beJore | 10) ottend(attend)thefrst meetingoJthenewspaper
stafi | mustadmltthot I l1) am becoming(become)moreand
1 Maria started working as an
morenervous.I hopeevergthlng goesOK.
engineer fourteen years ago. Wet[,that'smg news.12) Aren't(belnot)gouexcitedJorme?l,tt
Sheis stillan engineer. let gouknowwhot happens.
Maria ttas been warking*s an Bgefor now,
engineer y€#rt.
f*r {aarte€{t Mork
2 He started playingtennis two
:* hoursago. lt was 5:00 pm. ntencetransforrnations
He has been playingtennisfor
two hours./hasbeen playing 6 Completethe secondsentence so that it meansthe sameas
tennissince5:00pm. the first. Useno morethan threewords.
3 It is snowing. lt started
snowingthree hoursago.
It has been snowinqfor three
4 A friend tells you that he saw
Susan.The last time yo.u saw
Susanwas in 2001.
I haven'tseenSusansince2001.
5 Bill and Richard are taking
karate lessons. They started
taking lessonsin March.
6 You are waiting for a friend
outsidethe cinema.You arrived
there twenty minutesago:
I havebeenwaiting for twenty 1 lt's sixyearssinceI startedlearningEnglish.
mtnures. I havebeenlearningEnglishfor sixyears.
7 llna started going on holiday 2 Thisis the third time we havetravelledto New york.
to Santorinifive yearsago. We havebeento New York,threetimesso far.
Tinahasbeengoingon holiday 3 Clairehasn'tvisitedLondonfor two years.
to Santorinifor fiveyears. ClairevisitedLondontwo yearsago.
8 Your brother tells you-he met 4 The lasttime Helentook a train was in 2004.
David.You last saw David ages Helenhasn'ttakena trainsince2004.
ago.' 5 We haveneverbeento a more beautifulcity.
I haven'tseenDavidfor aoes Thisis the most beautifulcity we haveeverbeento.
Thepeoplebelow(1-4)arelookingfor a houseto buy.Decide
bethe most
for them.Therearetwo housesyoudon'tneed.
Situatedin a quiettraditional
village,this charmingcottageis
idealfor thosewho lovenature.
Set in spaciousgrounds,it is only
minutesawayfrom the
Aliceand Martin
verysociableand they have
lotsof friends.Theyare looking Designedby famousMexican
for a big housein whichthey architect,
JavierValladares, this
contemporary houseis large,
can entertainlotsof people
minimalistand is
and havebarbecuesin
perfectfor those who,are always
the summer.
on the go.
TheBrowns area
This lovelyvillais ideal
Theyarelooking{ora house for partiesand
witha biggardenina nice celebrations.With a large
neighbourhood closeto the outdoorpooland a big
centre.Theyareonh tigni receptionroom,it is
budgetsotheydon'twant perfectfor those who
tn cnon.l q lnt n{ havebusysociallives
money. l and loveentertaining.
Thisbeautifulfamily homeis
onlytwo kilometres away
in a quiet,safe
SandraandRupert neighbourhood, it hasfour
Theyhave bedrooms anda biggarden.
verybusylivesandtheirjobs Youwon'tbelieve thepricel
Theylikemodernarchitectureand Closeto the centreand in one of
Theiridealhouse the best areas,this largehousewith
wouldbe well-organised its fivebedroomsis idealfor
and spacious. families,Not onlyperfectfor inviting
friendsand familyfor weekend
stays,but alsofor gardenerslooking
for peaceand quiet.
lovesnature.She is
energeticand activeand Thiswonderful Mediterranean
she soendsa lotof timein the stonehouseis certainlyforthose
garden.Shewantsto buy a house whowantto getawayfromthe
in the countrysidewhichshe can
stressof citycentresand
demanding workschedules.An
fillwith beautifulflowers.She
hou/sflightacrosstheChannel is
also lovestakinglongwalks allyouneedto reachyourown
and havingpicnics. naturalparadiseandat a very
reasonable price.
Listening& Speaking Socialising
Describing People 2 theexchanges
Complete withsentences
. --t'Vou
will heara conversation . Pleasedto meetyou . Niceto meetyou,too.
betweentwo friendsabouta . No,'smyturn. . sameto you
party.Forquestions 1- 5 choose . How'rethings? r Bye.Havea niceday.
A,BorC. o Sorryl'm late.
2 A: Bye,Linda.l'll seeyouthisevening.
B: Bye.Havea niceday
3 A: Niceto meetyou,Albert.
B: Niceto meetyou,too.
4 What is LauraSingerlike?
John: Hi, Andrew. l) This is a great party, isn't it?
Andrew: 2) Hi there!Yes, it is John.
A Sheistalkativeand nice.
3) I'd like you to meet my cousin, Val Jordan.
@ Sfreis friendly,talkativeand
John: Nice to meet you, Val.
Val: 4) Nice to meet you, too, John!
C Sheistoo talkative.
John: Val, 5) haven'twe met before?
5 In January,
LauraSigner VaI: Mmm, I think we have but I can't remember when.
@ won the NationalWriting John: I believe it was at Brian Stock's parfy last sunrmer.
Competition. VaI: Yes, that's right. 6) What a fantastic party that was!
is going to Columbia John: Yes, it was. I haven't seen Brian for ages. Is he here
University. tonight?
is going to study Creative Val: He's over there. Let's go and talk to him.
Writing. John: Great!Let'sgo.
Writing (an e-maildescribingyour family)
canyouthinkof relatedto the
Deon florio,
Wnl Hou/re things? I reollg enjoged reoding goun Introduction
(Para 1) greeting and comment
Voudre luckg to hove such o big ond interesting
on last e-mail
p',Hu fqnilgfs or€oL too. t'lg nothen, Heother, is 46 geons
old ond uor{<s qs q l,lqths professon of 0xford Universitg
She's very coring ond thoughtful but sonetimes she cqn be (Pan 2) description of parents -
q little strict l'lg dod, Brion, is 45. He,s o doctor so he ages,professions,
uor{<s long hour.s qnd I dont see hin very often He,s not personalities
strict of qll qnd he con be very geneious lrith. pocket
kI hove no brpthers or sisters but I hove tuo cousins
@ Tino ond Jo ore idenUcol tuins
(Para 3) description of brothers/
ond thegfre mg qge. Theg love pop music ond filns qnd ule
si,sters/cousins -
often go out together. Thegfre funng, tqlkeUve ond eosy personalities,
going Houever, Tincds q bit of q chqttertox, uhich con be q likes/dislikes
Iittle tining ot Unes!
pnngtog, I've got to go noul - its dinnen tfune.l.hite bqck
soon ond tell ne goun neus.
(Para 4) request for return
Toke core,
Callof the
Il ffi wetlands
Fauna L -forest
I Complete thespidergrams with
. lake. chimpanzee fuhlinting/fishins $rqatiuGtud
. hunting/fishing . amphibian
. hare. habitat changes
. mammal . jungleowetlands
o trger. reptile. wolf
. forest. ocean fu tiser
1 A pondisa smallwildlifehabitat.
Crossthe odd word out, as in the example. 2 Faclorywaste pollutesthe earth,sriversand
1 woodlands,farmlands, M, hedgerows 3 Peoplealways try to improve their livinq
2 noise,@, dust,air pollution conditions.
3 pollution,starvation,
(:Mfr, illness 4 Thediscovery
of new medicinescan helpsave
4 moths,bats,squirrels,@ffiiF Iives.
5 .bffi, tiger;chimpanzee,wolf 5 Many animalspeciesare at great risk from
Underlinethe correctword, as in the example. extinctionin the Amazon.
5) protectfrom
ultravioletradiation 2) provideshelterfor animals
i 4) remove
3) release
of Heafth
11thNov \ meettheMinister
We should/oughtto recycleall paper;plastic
bottlesand aluminiumcansin our homes.
2 You mustn'tdrop litteron the ground.
3 You mustn'thunt endangered species.
4 You should/oughtto respectthe elderly.
5 You musVhaveto keepyour dog on a lead.
6 You should/oughtto aska lawyerfor advice.
7 I musVhaveto work tonight.
5 A: ls Tony coming to the environmental Sentencetransformations
B: I don't know.lwill callhim to find out. 7 Completethe secondsentencesothat it
A: My suitcaseis so heavy!
meansthe sameasthe first.Useno morethan
B: I will helpyou carryit.
It isagainstthe lawto huntendangered animals.
A: You look exhausted!
Youmust not hunt endangered animals.
B: Yes.I am. lwill go to bed.
Dinosaun became extinctmillionsof yearsago.
A: What areyour plansfor the August break? Dinosaurs havebeenextinctfor millions of years.
B: We are going to sail around the Greek It would be a good ideato checkthe sitebeforeyou
islands. fill in the adoptionform.
Youshould/oughtto checkthesitebeforeyoufill
A: You still haven'tclearedup the garage.
in the adoptionform.
B: Sorry.I promiseI will do it tomorrow after
lf we don't want animalsto becomeextinctwe
work. mustprotecttheirhabitats.
1 0 A: l'm so thirsty. We musVhaveto protectnaturalhabitats or wild
B : I will get you a glassof water. animals will become extinct.
It is everyone's dutyto do what we canto helpthe
1 1 A: Why did you wake up so earlytoday?
B : I am going to meet Alison for a quick We musVhaveto do what we can to helpthe
coffee before work. enuronment.
1 2 A: Antonia playsthe celloso beautifully.
n B : She is going to becomea great cellistone
1 3 A: What are you doing tonight?
B: l've got tickets to a classicalconcert. I am
goingto seethe St PetersburgPhilharmonic.
I Lookat the sentencesbelow about a speciesof endangeredturtle. Readthe text to decidewhether the
sentencesare true I(true) or F(false).
1 Thereare morethan two milliongreenseaturtlesin ihe '".rorld. F
2 Thegreenseaturtle is not the onlyseaturtle whosenumbersaregettingsmaller. T
3 Thegreenseaturtle providesfood for humanberngs. T
4 A lot of countriesdo not allowpeopleto hunt the turtles T
5 Fisherman do their bestto avoidcatchingthe turtles. F
6 Theturtlesaresometimes caughtin old fishinglines. T
7 Theturtlesliketo eat plastic. F
8 Touristsfrightenthe turtlesawayfrom their nestingbeaches. T
9 Brightlightsaredangerous for youngturtles. T
10 Scientists
haveknownaboutthe killerdisease
for a lonqtime. F
lFH ry
S-!lr7t6i',efiEru sEATURTLE
isa largeturtlethatcangrowt0 1.5metres intength
andweighupto 200kitograms. tt is
foundinwarmcoastal waters around theworld,butthelargestpopulationstodayareinFlorida
Hawaii,andBorneo. In alltheseareas theturtlesareat risk,withpopulationsin Florida
andMexico officially
describedasendangered.Although inthepastthere wereprobably several green
million seaturtles
thatfewer than200,000 adultfemales remain.Belowwelistsomeofthereasons why
numbers ofthisandotherseaturtles have declined.
timesandit isthemain
which thefemale
buryonsandy beaches,
lawsbanning havebeenpassed
thehunting people
in manycountries, continueto doso
Every than10,000 seaturtles
nets.Unableto breathe,
soondrown.Manyofthesedeathscouldbeavoidedif thefishermen
mademinorchanges to theirequipment
to escape.
Forsomereason,many fishermen
seem unwilling
to dothis,althoughthelaw
withrubbishwhichcanprovedeadly totheturtles.
Theycanbecome entangledinoldfishing
linesandnetsortheymaymistake piecesofplastic
forfood.When theplastic,
theturtlesswallow it canblocktheir
systems andthentheturtles todeath.
thata newdisease green
is affecting seaturtlepopulations,
andHawaii. Scientists
is caused
Listening& Speaking b. ln pairs,useyouranswers
in Ex.1ato talkaboutglobal
warming. (SeeSuggested AnswersSection)
Global Warming
2 a. Complete
the exchanges
with sentences
fromthe box.
a. Youwill heara person
commenting on a new book . Howinteresting! | neverknewthat
aboutglobal warming. For o Sorry- | didn'tthinkof that
questions1- 5 chooseA, B or C. o Don'tyoujustloveit here
. I suppose you'reright
A: Don't you just love it here?The sea is so beautifuland
B : Yes,it's a beautifulplace.
2 4 . Didyou knowthat turtlessurvived
the dinosaurextinction
65 millionyearsago?
B : How interesting! | neverknewthat.
3 A : Why are you throwingall that paperinto the rubbish
bin?lt's bestif you recycleit
B : Sorry- | didn'tthinkof that
1 The book says that most 4 A : Jane,wouldn't it be betterif we rodeour bikesto school
experts... insteadof takingthe schoolbus?We coulddo our part
A think the world will get to reducepollutionin our city.
B : I suppose
colderin the future.
@ disagreeon the reasonsfor b. In pairs,actout similarexchanges.
C say global warming is a - Agreeing
3 below.Fillin the gapswith the
Readthe conversation
Most scientistsagreethat the followingexpressions.
rateof globalwarmingis ...
. Whydon't . Howabouto let'so Goodthinking
A not changing.
. Whynot . That'sanexcellent
B slowingdown.
@ growingquickly. li,
B a lot of sensible
suggestions. Jo: WeIl, l) let's do something! I
C technicaladvicefor Beth: OK! 2) How about going to the conservation park?
electricians. They are offering free guided tours today.
Jo: Great. 3) Wtry not ask Tom if he wants to come,
4 The speakeragreesthat we too?
Beth: 4) Good thinking. I'll give him a call.
A spendtoo muchin i Jo: I have an idea! 5) Why don't we walk instead of
supermarkets. F driving there?
B traveltoo far to find good ;: Beth: 6) That's an excellent idea!
food. i
Writing (ane-mailaskingfor information)
for a fun runthat will helpraise How
moneyfor endangered species. long/
Whenhesawthe advertisement
i raCe?
below hetook somenotes.Using
the phrases below,turn the notes
intosentences, asin the example.
. Couldyouplease.let meknow...
o I wouldbegrateful if youcould...
o I aminterestedin finding out(if)...
r I wouldliketo know(iflwhethed .,.
r I wouldappreciate it if youcould,..
1 lwauldliketoknawhowlanqthe
2 Couldyouplease let me know
3 | am interested in findingout
whentheclosing dateforentries
ts. closingj
4 | would appreciate it if you date/
couldtell me if there is an entries
Let'slook closer
Deon Ms Hi[
Colloquial expressions,phrasal
verbs,idioms and short forms are
NOTusedin formalstyle. request
Ps' .WW.-Wry'ffiWffia
ffi * # W
Forthosewholovetravelling, travelwritingsoundslikea dreamjob.
:::;:.;. Notonlydo travelwriterstravelforfreebuttheyalsogetto publishtheirexperiences in guidebooks.
However, as thestoriesbelowillustrate,
is no holiday!
Alma Gram&o
:,rtrtiIt was my third day in Madriddoing researchon restaurants and cafes.As I was
1) wandering around, I saw this quiet little street and I decided to
i: i.:
2) turnoff to the right.| 3) assumedthattherewouldbe morecafes,restaurants and
',,,:: tourists
in thatareabuttherewasn'ta soul4) in sight.Then| 5) noticeda manrunning
towardsme.As he ranpastme, he grabbedmy bag.| 6) rushedto the nearestpolice
,1.'''station.TheytoldmethatI hadbeenwalkinginthemostdangerous neighbourhood in
Writer Ssm&a K8nam,Travel
Guidefo Chile IarAfncaStudent
Guideto Egypt
My publisher had 7) warnedme againstmountain When you ghoose a tropical or a subtropical
bikingin theTorresdel Paineon my own,but I didn't ' 12)resort,youmustbe careful. Checkanyinformation
listen.I was really8)lookingforwardto the challenge. available
on the areathatyou can layyourhandson.
Theareais in a spectacular mountainrangeand it is Thismay13)reveal potential
problems thatyou may
tinationfor ecotourismandadventure. nothaveconsidered. Mystoryshowsthatsometravel
What I didn't know was that the problemscan be 14)avoidedby
weatherin the mountains
can doing simplethings.Things
change unexpectedly at like wearinga(n) 15)high-
night. So, althoughI had factor sun cream or, in my
10)saved up to buy case, checking the
expensive bike equipment, I 16)expiry date on an anti-
hadn't thoughtabout buyingthe mosquitolotion.On my first
appropriate was so coldthat night in Cairo,I appliedthe lotion
night I nearlyfroze. In the morning,I woke up withoutchecking.As a result,I was bitten by an
exhaustedandillbut11)relievedthatlwasalive! infected
andendedup in hospitall
2 Matchthe wordsthenusethe phrases
to fill in Underlinethe
the gapsin sentences
1-8. correctword.
TTTdIrental a tnsurance
I2-fbl buffet b car
Ft-f-] boarding c hour
t4T0-1birth d company
Where do we check i4/off for our flight to
fsTa-]travel e map
reT"lroao f pass
Shestoodon the ship'sdeck/portand waved
FT'-] rush I certificate
to her family
lE-th-1room h servrce
We are planningto go on a cruise/ferryto
1 The car broke down so we had to call the the Aegeanlslands thissummer.
ientalcompanyfor a replacement. 4 Can you give me a lltVboot to the train
2 You will needa copyof your birth certificate station,please?
in orderto get a new passport. 5 ls this the right platform/compartmentfor
3 You'll get a boardingpassat the airline's the 3:15trainto London?
check-incounter 6 Thehoteloffersdisabled/wheelchair facilities.
4 Thistrain hasan excellentbuffetcar. 7 You'dbe betteroff bookingyourticketsthrough
5 We will not be ableto find our way to that a reputable/rural
beachwithout a roadmap. 8 We would like to apologise for any
6 You should always buy travel insurance inconvenience/warn ing caused.
beforegoingabroad. 9 Paullost his temper/moodwhen the car ran
7 Duringthe morningrushhou; the trainsare nr rt nf notrnl
packedwith people.
10 Therewas a verylong queue/boardingat the
8 The hoteloffersroomservice. counter.
Fillin with the correctpreposition.
1 Today,I am goingto work on foot. phrasalverb.
6 Complete
with the appropriate
2 Do you enjoytravelllngby train?
3 Whengettingoff a train,you mustmindthe gap Couldyou giveme a lift to the port?
betweenthe trainandthe olatform. Couldyou dropme off at the port?
4 Keepwalking towardsthat gate. The ticket Someairlinescheatpeopleby chargingthem
officeis on your left. too muchfor tickets.
5 Theplaneis boardingat gate25. Someairlinesrip peopleoff by chargingthem
too muchfor tickets.
on 4 Completethe idioms.
Lisasaidgoodbyeto Brianat the trainstation.
)n. LisawavedBrianoff at the train station.
1 | am hopingthat Mary and Johnwill return
homesafeand sound.(unharmed) On our way to Paris,we stayedfor a little
2 Now and agaln I go to Claridge'sfor my w h i l ei n C a l a i s .
afternoontea.(occasionally) On our way to Pariswe stoppedoff in Calais.
3 l'm afraidwe can't oick and choose.We can Theystartedon their journeyto Americafull
onlyafforda cheaphotel.(chooseselectively) of hopeandoptimism.
4 She livesin the countryside.Shecan't stand They set off for Americafull of hope and
the hustleand bustleof London.(very busy optimism.
and noisy) Whenthe planeleftthe ground,we got really
5 When Lisalost her job we had to scrimpand excited.
savefor a year.(spendvery little money) Whenthe planetook off we got reallyexcited.
Grammarin Use 3 Jointhe sentencesusinEthe pastperfectand
the words in brackets,as in the example.
Usedto I Would
1 Shebrokeherleg Shecancelied hertrip (after)
Fill in the gapswith usedto, wouldor both. Aftershehadbrokenherieg.sneco.ncelled
1 | usedto travela lot when I livedin America 2 She arrivedin London.All her friendsleft for
2 Betty usedto be a hotel receptionistbefore Edinburgh (bythe time)Bythe timeshearrived
shejoinedJ&JCompany in London,
allherfriendshadleftfor Edinburgh.
3 We usedto lovetravellingby boat but now 3 Sarahwent white-waterrafting.She did a
r n r o n r o f a r t r : r r a l l i n,nJ 0 y p r a n e trainingcourse.(before)Sarahhad done a
4 Beforeshe met her husband.she used to trainingcoursebeforeshe went white-water
travelalone. raftrng
5 As students.we used to/would take short 4 lt startedraining.They reachedthe airport.
weekendbreaks to London. (already... when) lt had alreadystarted
6 They used to go away two or three times rainingwhenthey reached the airport.
a year.but now they aretoo old to travel 5 Miriamarrivedat the port The ship left. (by
7 When Brianwas younger.he usedto/would the time) By the time Miriarharrivedat the
staywith hisgrandparentseverysummer. oortthe shiohad left
8 In the winter we used to/would go on ski
triosto Austriaor Switzerland.
4 Readthe situationsand makesentencesfrom
the words in brackets.
1 | wasverytrredwhen I arrivedhome.
2 Readthe extractfrom a story and put the (l/work/hardall day)
or the pdsf
verbsin bracketsinto the pastsimple lhad beenworkingharda{lday"
continuous. 2 Thetwo boyscameinto the house.Theyhad
a footballand theywere both verytired.
(they/play/football)They had been playing
3 Therewas nobody in the kitchenbut there
wasa smellof burntfood.
(somebody/cook)Somebody hadbeencooking.
4 Annwokeup in the middleof the night.Shewas
The snd the Bone (she/dream) Shehad beendreaming.
5 When I got home,Mikewassittingin front of
the TV.Hisclotheswere coveredin oaint.
Oneday,a dog 1)waswalking(walk)overa bridge
carryinga bone in his mouth When the dog
He had beenpaintingthe room.
2) looked (look) down into the water, he 3) saw
(see)his own reflectionand 4) thought (think) it
Word Formation
was anotherdog carryinga bone.lmmediately the
(start) 'other' 5 Usethe prefixesun-,ini mis-,over-,dis-to form
dog 5) started barkingat the dog
negative Then,usethemto
becausehe 6) wanted (want) his bone. As he
completethe sentences (1-5).
7) was barking(bark),the dog 8) dropped(drop)
his own bone into the river.The bonewas lost and (un)friendly (ovedpopulated
(un)comfortable {in)convenient
the dog 9) learned(learn)the lessonthat whenyou
wish for more than you have, you risk losing
He is a s -':":ed bossbecausehe is
^ t , , - - - ^ - - - -
dt\ Jc,: a-:= -
Lookat the text in eachquestion.
Whatdoesit say?Markthe correctletterA, B,or C.
abr oad
not necessary
G Competitive
UNATTENDED -:"='i'-tli
irri.". ,"..n nsexperience
Youmusttakeyourluggagewith you on the ($) YoucanteachEnglishabroadwithout having
plane. teachingexperience.
Youmustn'tleavewithouttakingyour C Whenyou teachEnglish abroadyou must
luggagewith you. haveteachingexperience
(9) You must keepyour luggagewith you at all
Subscribe and
receive and
bye-mail week.
Listening& Speaking TravelInformation
Bookingtickets 3 Usethe sentences the dialogue.
to complete
Writing (a story 1stperson narrative)
Getting started
Youworkat a teenmagazine. Theeditorhasasked
youto writea shortstoryentitled,
Let'slook closer
2 Readthe storyandcompletethe paragraph planwith the headings:
eventsin sequence,
in theend/feelings.
:ffi#.# rr)':'''i:':'
g'1': *ru,mw
W W" were all in good spiritsafter spendingthe whole summer
campingin Europe.ltaly was our final destinationand we were
settingup campfor the verylasttime.We werestayingat a fantastic (Para 1) set tbe scene
campsite,big treesshadedour tent. At night you couldhearvoices (wbo, wben, ubere, wbat)
happilychattingin the darkness
and insectsbuzzingin the trees.
@ One evening, we decided to go to a traditional ltalian
restaurant.We had been cookingfor ourselves most nights,so it
seemedlike a realtreat to havesomeoneprepareour mealfor us.
Everyonegot dressedup in their best clothesand we headedoff
towardsthe town. Thefood was delicious. We tuckedinto all kinds (Pata 2) events in sequence
of pasta,pizzasandjuicyfreshfishdishes.Then,afterwe'd finisheo
eatingtherewas a specialdancingdemonstration by someof the
locals.We clappedand cheeredas theywhirledaroundthe dance
floor. Then,they madeus havea go. No one wasverygood but we
had a greattime tryingto get the movesright.
fu Wnenthe musicfinallystoppedwe noticedthat everythingin the
restaurantwasshakingfrom sideto side."QuicklGet underthe tables.
It'san earthquake,"
shoutedone of the waiters.We hadn'tnoticedthe
groundmovingbeforeaswe hadbeenconcentrating on dancingl
W W" were tremblingwith fear by the time the earthquakewas only lasteda minute,but it seemedlikemuchlonger.Luckily,
no one was injuredand the restaurant wasn'tdamaged,apartfrom (Pan 4) what happened in the
a few brokenplatesand glasses. One thing is certainthough, my end/ narrator's feelings
friendsand I will alwaysrememberthe night when our dancing
nearlybroughtthe housedown!
, ,,,t,:r: I r,
3 Linkthe sentences.
Usethe words in bracketsin the correcttense. (Seesuggested
1 Thejourneyended.We got off the boat.(assoon as)
2 Theboatwassailing. We wereeatingice-cream on the deck.(while)
3 | was driving.I hearda loud noise.(when)
4 Theplanehit someturbulence. Thepilotmadean announcement (after)
5 | bookedmy flight.I lookedat travelwebsiteson the Internet.(assoon as)
4 the correctpasttense.
Readthe extractbelowandunderline Matchthe beginnings of the
storiesto the endingsandsay
whichtechniques havebeen
As I tl was driving/had drove home,it 2f started/was usedin eachone.
starting to rain.Suddenlythe road3f was becoming/became (SeeSuggestedAnswers Section)
Then,outof nowherea dog4f 1an/wasrunning out Beginnings
ln frontof thecar.Thedog 5l had disappeareO/aisep@9.
jiom viewand | 6) was slammed/slammed on the brakes. "Don't walk under a's bad luck." my
grannyusedto say.
conditions and | 8f was stopping/gletped veryquickly.As I
gl got/was getting outof thecar,thedog l0| was wagging/
I2-tal Why.for no reason
at all,
Eggg! histail.Hewasabsolutely fine.
do you feel scaredwhen
to beginyour story
It wasso quiet,I couldhear
An interesting
beginning ending.
is as importantasan interesting
my stomachrumbling.We
An interestingbeginningwill catch the reader'sattention and
were all lylngon the floor
make him/herwant to continuereading.A good endingwill
as the bank robberstook
the money.
Youcan STARTyourstoryby:
a) usingyour sensesto set the sceneand describe the weather,
atmosphere,surroundings or people's
actionsto createmystery
or susoense. A The man behind the
| rysulrj
ke*r rfu wintihautilng *r*u*d me.ltvtr;squiteS6vllfostnight counter had savedus all
andit frlt strs,nqe all #"1*n*"
t* br *ut in thev'tiklern*ss with his bravery.
We were
b) usingdirectspeech. grateful.
all extremely
'Always rsn
!a*k rk€briqhtsider;{li{e,kids,'f'ArFrisb*inusedt* rcllus.
c) asking a rhetoricalquestion.i.e. a questionthat does not I often think back and
reoutrean answer. laughto myself.I met my
Hcvey*u everfrave.llerj
hy truln*fi {t w#rmsuntmernight"? husband because he
d) addressingthe readerdirectly. droppeda pot of painton
I *r* surey*uul{kn{}vs'wh*t
a barga!nis. me while he was painting
e) referringto your feelingsor moods. a window frame. Just as
lw*s erheusted
betcuselh*d b*ensharspinq
sll{}{ternoor:. well l'm not superstitious!
learn 2
@et(v, gym,libraryac
private,primaryp}ftE{r, state
headmaster; headteacheltutor,bu*€
5 certificate,
diploma, degree, amb€@n
6 seminar,lecture,class,
VocabularyPractice 7 classmates,pupils,students, 5!{s
3 Matchthe wordsin the columns then use
themto fill in the gapsin the sentences
Fillin the gapswith the wordsbelow.
. ordinary. well-behaved t]]-el social a attention
. relyon r lifechangrng l-zfd-lenrol b subjects
. improved. value Fl-ft h i g h c school
. commented . compulsory FTgI gooo d on a course
. of itskind . treat trTb-]
school e situations
. respecto instruct reTrlpayrng f marks
rrFt pflvare g manners
Summerhill school trTF]playing h fields
is not a(n)
1) ordinaryschool.
Also knownas
the only'free
school'2) of its
kindin the UK,
Summerhill is all
Summerhill lessonsare not
3) compulsory. lf a pupildoesn'tlikemaths,he
or she can choosenot to go to classes.That of
coursedoesn'tmeanthat a pupilcan alwaysdo
as he or she likes.Thereare 190rulesat Manypeopledo not know how to behavein
Summerhill and one of the firstthingsteachers certainsocialsituations.
4) instructchildrento do is to 5) treat each I think l'll enrolon a courseto improvemy
otherwith 6) respect.As a result,pupilsare German.
7) well-behaved and 8) valuegood manners. There'sa greatvarietyof schoolsubjectson
Pupilssay that studyingat Summerhill can be offerat Eton.
9) lifechanging.'Learning to 10)relyon Schools that teach good manners have
ourselvesto makedecisionsis somethingthat becomeverypopularin recentyears.
we wouldn'tlearnin an ordinaryschool,' Gettinghigh marksin all subjectswill help
11)commentedfourteen-year-old pupilJo you get an interviewat Oxfordor Cambridge.
Whitley.Parentsare also enthusiastic. Poppywas not payingattentionin classso
'Summerhill she couldn't answerany of the professor's
has 12)improvedour daughters'
mannerssaidone of them.'ltis a greatschool!' 0ue$rons.
Charlottestudiesat a(n) private school in
t +*.
"o,-+r".**q,. "' *-%hq\,sq*Mj+is,\@.+s,+6asre+\q.qo,q.p,#"% !@ [email protected]'
8 All new studentsto St Paul'sSchoolwere
shown the library,classroomsand playing
4 Usethewordsin boldto rewritethesentences 6 Circle
1 susanna a newcourse
Soniahas learnedthe ooem so well that she in ChildPsychology.
can rememberit without havingto readit. studylong hours
Studentsat HarvardUniversity
heart Soniahaslearned the poemby heart. andhavea verydemandingschedule/@
I won't makethe samemistakeaqainbecause Paul graduatedwith a course/@ in
I havelearnedfrom it. Engineeringfrom McGillUniversity.
lessonI won't makethe samemistakeagain 4 ril""n *ur@/relied by herteachers
becauseI havelearnedmy lesson. to applyto medicalschool.
I only met Tessaa month ago but I feel like . 5 We attendedu@/esson on Maths.
know her extremely
well. 6 rfreCdelAtiib/closefor the essayis Monday.
a monthago but I can
book I onlymet Tessa 7 A teacher/(JtdbgivesAndrew privatelessons
readher likea book. everyFridayevening.
I had no idea that Brian'soarentsare world 8 My brotherPatrickis learning/@for a
famous-writers. I guess,I learna new thing degreein Science
everydayl 9 Tina*.t@/dropped by bulliesat
live I had no ideathat Brian'sparentsare school.
world famouswriters I quessvou live 1o tt comments/@to beseenwhetherthis
a n dl e a r n! will be beneficial.
1 What is the author'smain purposein writing @ Shu travelledthe world as an author anc
the text? soeaKer.
A to presentus with a short biographyof D Shemovedto Alabama.
4 Helenwas an exceptionalpersonbecause
B to talk about the success
a deaf and blind /:\
oersoncanachievein life Q!) shemanagedto achievegreatthings.
B she was the first blind and deaf oersonto
C ao explain
why HelenAdamsKelleris such
write a book.
an Insptnng person
C she was the first blind and deaf oersonto
D to describe personality
graduatefrom college.
What would a reader learn about Anne D she raisedfundsfor blindand deaf peoplein
Sullivanfrom the text? America.
A Shewas likea sisterto Helen.
5 Which is the best descriptionof Helen?
@ Sfrewas Helen'steacherand closefriend.
C Shewasverycloseto Helen.
blindness to achivegreatthings
D Shewasan inspiration
for Helen.
B la blind and deaf authorwho travelled
What did Helendo after she graduatedfrom over39 countries
college? C lan exceptional blind woman who
A Shewent to Massachusetts. er andauthor
B Shewrote lheSforyofmyLife. a gifted blindand deaf authorand speaker
elen Adams Kellerwas born in Alabama in 1880 Radcliffe College. In 1903, she wrote an
I I and died in 1968. Helen became deaf and blind autobiographicalbook calTedThe Snry of my Life.ln
after a short childhood illnesswhen she was 19 months 1904,Helen graduated from Radcliffe College becoming
old. In 1886, aged six, Helen was introduced to Anne the first deaf and blind person to graduate from college.
Sullivan, a twenty-year-old teacher who was partially Helen became famous all over the world as an author
blind. Anne was the first person to teach Helen the and speaker and travelled to over 39 countries with
meaning of words. The first word that Helen learned Anne. Anne Sullivan died in 1936.Helen devoted the
was 'water' which Anne taught her by running cool rest of her life to raising funds for blind and deaf
water over her palm. Anne also taught Helen how to people in America. In 1960, she published another
speakby touching the lips and throats of other people, book, entitled Light in my Darkness.She died in June,
which is known as the Tadoma method. Helen was 1968in Connecticut.
very close to Anne, and called her 'Teacher'. They
Helen Keller will always be remembered as an
remained closefriends and companionsfor 49 years.
exceptional person who overcame her blindness and
In 1894,Helen and Anne moved to New York to study deafnessto achieve great things. As she always
at the Wright-Humason School for the Deaf. In 1898, 'The best and most beautiful things in the
Helen entered The Cambridge School for Young Ladies cannot be seen or even touched. Thev must
be felt
in Massachusetts and in 1900 she was admitted to within the heart.'
Listening& Speaking A: Couldyou pleasehelpme with the Science
EveningCourses B: a Yes,you could.
Telephone etiquette
Completethe telephone
with the
offersevening1) languagecourses. sentences
to pupilsfrom poorer
takepartin manyactivities familiesfeelinsecure
Let's look closer
W ln conclusion,goingto boardingschoolhasits
advantagesand disadvantages.I believe that
parentsshould researchand discussthe pros and Conclusion
'consto determineif boardingschools (Pan 4) vour opinion
are right for
and family
b. Underline
in themainbodyparagraphs
of theessay.
Canyouthinkof alternative
ones? (SeeSuggested
:or-and-against'essaysare one type of discursive 4 Readthe extracts
',rrting in which you discussthe advantages/ begi;rnings
identifythe writing technique(s)
that has/have
: sadvantages of a specifictopic.A 'for-and-against'
been used in each.(SeeSuggestedAnswersSection)
' an introductionin which you presentthe topic, Have you ever thought how many toxic and
--aking general
a remarkabout it without giving chemicalsubstances are to be found in our optnton; shampoos, deodorants and creams? According to
: a main body in which you presentthe pointsfor a recentstatistic.98o/o
of the toiletrieswe useare
:-d against,in separateparagraphs, supporting verydangerous to our health.So.doesthat mean
,, r argu j
mentswith ustifications/examples; that we shouldstopusingtoiletries
: a conclusionwhichincludes youropinion(e.9.ln
I believe/think,
etc) or a balanced In my opinion,there are many points against
-irmmaryof the topic. dieting.Besides, as CyrilConnolysaid,'The one
r You must not includeopinionwords(l believe,I way to get thin isto re-establish
a purposein life.'
:^ink, etc) in the introductionor the main body.
More and more peopletoday choosenot to have
3pinionwordscan be usedin the final paragraph,
children.Most peoplethink that a life without
.',rereyou maystateyouropinion.
childrenmust be terriblylonely.but is that really
n'For-and-against' essaysare normallywritten in
the case? Having no children has both its
lformal style; therefore you should,avoid using
advantagesand disadvantages.
;trong language(l know, I am sure, etc), short
or idioms. Tosum up, I believetherearemoreadvantages than
rDu can find this type of writing in articles, disadvantages abroad.After all, if you
to travelllng
- :wspapers,
magazines, etc. don't traveland exposeyourselfto differentcultures,
you will shutyourselfoff from the restof the world.
Linkers As St. Augustinesaid,'Theworld is a book, and
Replacethelinkers with thosewho do not travelreadonlyone page.'
in boldin theessay
thefollowing. (SeeSuggested Answers
r Toconclude. Firstly
. Inaddition
a. Usethe ideasbelowto discuss the prosand
r Forthisreasono Ontheotherhand
consof studyingin a foreigncountry.Use
. Consequently. 1t71or.ou.r
' linkers.
(SeeSuggested Answers Section)
Techniquesto begin or end your essay . exoerience differentculture
. become moreooenandtolerant
r'c attract the reader'sinterest and make the
. makenewfriends of differentnationalities
beginningor endingof your essaymore effective, Justification
/ou canusesomeof the followingtechniques: o learnthe history, customs, language, etc
a includea rhetoricalquestion expand horizons
. accentthat ncooleare differentand have
Isit truethat a greatteachercanchangeyourlife?
b addressthe readerdirectly different customs,beliefs,etc
. become international
lf you are potient and caring,you will have more
chances of becominga greatteacher . missfamily/friends
c includea quotation (i.e.a sentenceor phrase . difficultto adaptto newwayof life
taken from a book, play,etc).When we usea o spenda lot of time on your own, without
quotation,it is necessaryto mentionthe name emotional supportfromfamily
of the personwho said/wroteit. . newcustoms completely to yours
AsG.KChesterton said,'Education
a societyasit passes
to another' b. Useyouranswers
in Ex.5ato writeyouressay
/e (120-150 (See
words). 5uggested
Fillin thegapswiththeappropriate
o countless . horn. popular. haunting
. killing. mythical
. speedr protect
r treasures . deaths
fill4 eoplehavealwayslovedmythsand
lL throughout historytherehavebeen
other2f mythicalcreatures. Somemythsare about
beautiful sirensthatpullsailorsto their3| deathswith
their4l haunting songs.Othersareaboutbravemen
5| killingdragons whowatchoverpriceless 6f treasures.
Thentherearethoseaboutthe unicornwithitswhitecoatandits magical7f horn.In the Mediterranean andthe
MiddleEastthereareotherstories of griffins
withthesightand8f speedof eagles job
andwhose itwasto 9) protect
riches. Eachandeverycountry intheworldhasitsownsetof mythsthathavebeenpassed downfromgenerationto
generation andwhichcontinueto be l0f popular withchildren
2 Circle
word. 10 thunder(ffrbiEclyrattled
overthe darkforests
1 Some mythicalcreatures*.r. (6-rriE) I
unaffectedto anypoison.
Crossthe oddwordout, asin the example.
2 AncientGreekgods*ere6moFdD/vaIuable
3 In Greekmythologythe Sphinxwould kill 1 petrified,terrified,*nau@, frightened
thosewho couldnot solveher(iiici'le)
lpuzzle. 2 ecstatic,sFedy,pleased, happy
The Hydra'snine heads*ere @l 3 surprised, ifu*6nt, shocked, amazed
pointedto a longneck. 4 chattering, shaking, r$*i(9, trembling
5 Giantswere@/scared by peoplebecause 5 rlfih, sphinx,centaur, hydra
theywerecruelandmeancreatures. 6 strength,courage, powel tFs(e
6 The Sirenswouldsingsongstrickingsailors 7 lDn€n, vast,gigantic,huge
into€t6EEDVdriving theirshipsto rocks. 8 mean,nasty,bad,sffi
7 Somepeopleweremovingl@*ith fear
asthe giantenteredthe village. 4 Fillinthecorrect
The [email protected]'attered their feet in
Tom trembledwith fear when he saw the
time to the musicof the Sirens.
Asthe childrenapproached the cave,the dragon
Therewas no escapefrom the dangerslying
We were all surprisedat how brave and 7 We could hear the floorboardsfrom the
shewas. u p s t a ifrlsa t. . . . . . . . . .
4 Theherodiedfrom a swordwound.
@ creaking B rumbling C cracklrng
5 Chrisgaspedwith horrorat the sightof the 8 lt wassocoldmyteethwere..........
@ chattering B crackling C creaking
Shewasso happyshewas smilingfrom earto
9 Thefirewas allnioht.
7 He was as white as a sheet after the @ crackling B firing C rattling
earthouake. 10 Bodylanguageis as important as
8 Laurenisfondof ancientGreekmyths. ranguage.
9 Paulhasa collectionof sciencefictionbooks.
@ verbal B voice C speaking
10 TheSphinxisassociated with ancientGreece.
Fill in: frightenedthe lifeout of, livein fear of, 7 Fillin the the correctword.
scoredto death of, fight to thedeath.
1 He had to sweat blood to become a
1 A: How did Laurafindthe horrorfilmT multimillionaire.
B: Shedidn'tlikeit at friqhtened
the life 2 Herarrogantbehaviourmakesmy bloodboil.
out of her. 3 | might fight with my brother but we love
2 A: Areyou comingwith usto the snakeshop eachotherto bits.As theysay,bloodis thicker
on Sunday? than water.
B: l'm afraid.I can't come. I am scaredto 4 Thepooranimalwas killedin coldblood.
re deathof snakes. 5 Don't expect to get any informationfrom
ot 3 A : Paulloveshischildrendearly, doesn'the? lt's likegettingbloodout of a stone.
:o B : Yes,he would fight to the deathto protect
4 A : Lifein SierraLeoneisverydangerous.
8 Fill in: petrified, delighted, bored, shocked.
ng A rattling
... howling@howling... rustling
C howling... rattling
Grarnmarin Use Fillin the correctrelativepronoun.Putcommas
wherenecessary. WriteD for defining,writeND
Relative clauses for non-defining. and saywhetherthe relative
Userelativepronouns/ pronoun/adverb canbe omittedor not.
adverbsto complete 1 MarthaGraham,who was one of America's
thesentences 1-6 most importantchoreographers, died in New
with phrasesfrom :: Yorkin 1991. (ND,cannotbeomitted)
the box. :,'i 2 Maria,who is gettingmarriednextweek,isan
old friendof mine.(ND,cannotbe omitted)
3 The girl who the headmaster expelledfrom
schoolis NoraSmith.(D,canbe omitted)
4 BillJones.
who studiedat the sameuniversity
. sheisthelifeandsoulof a party my father;hasbecomethe new managerof the
o hiscostume RitzHotelin Madrid.(ND,cannotbe omitted)
o mostpeoplego on holiday 5 The Halloweencostumethat Lornais wearing
. wonfourOscar awardsin 2005 belongsto my sisterPat.(D, can be omitted)
. it iscelebrated
on the31stof October 6 That's the boy whose father used to be a
. shehasbeenbefore famousathlete.(ND,cannotbe omitted)
7 The books which were on my desk were
Halloweenis a festivalwhithiscelebrstedon the (ND,cannotomitted)
removedby the librarian.
8 The hotel where we stayedlast year doesn't
Lauraisthe kindof girlwhoisthe lifeandsoul (D,cannotbe omitted)
havea goodreputation.
of a party.
9 2004 was the year when they held the
DollarBaby'is the film that won four (D,canbe omittted)
Oscars in 2005.
10 That'sthe bag whose strap is broken.(ND,
4 Stevewas the one whose costumewon the
cannotbe omittec.
4 Jointhe sentencesusingrelativepronouns/adverbs.
5 Emmadoesn'twant to travelto a olacewhere (SeeSuggested AnswersSection)
shehasbeenbefore. Laurais talkingto a man.He repairedhercar
6 Augustisthe monthwhen mostpeoplego on yesterday.
holidays. Laurais talkingta the man who repairedher car
2 Circle
thecorrect pronoun.
relative 2 That'sthe hotel.We stayedtherelastsummer.
1 Brian is the student@ /whose always 3 We went backto the shop.My sisterwasthere.
askinga lot of questions
in class. 4 Thisisthe car.He drivesto work in it everyday.
2 She is the girl@ /who's mother is a 5 That'sthe village.Mary'sson livesthere.
neurosurgeon at St Thomas'Hospital. 6 Thisisthe girl.Hercookingis brilliant!
3 This is the house@ /who the smiths 7 It'sDecember.
TheSwedeshavea festivalthis
boughtlastmonth. month.
He was shoutingat the driver@/who's 8 Shehasa beautifulnecklace.
lt usedto belono
carhadbrokendown in the middleof the roao. to hermother.
The village@/which he was born is 20 9 There'sthe lady Herdaughterlivesin ltaly,
milesfrom Edinburgh. 10 That'sthe hasa ghost.
1979was the year@/which we movedto Word Formation
5 Fillin the blankswith adjectivesderivedfrom
the street@/which she livesis one of the words in bold.(SeeSuggested AnswersSection)
the mostexoensive streetsin London.
1 Madonnais a very singer. SUCCESS
It was this time last year where/@hEh we
2 Johnis a very boy. HELP
first met.
3 T h en e w sI e f tu s . . . . . . SPEECH
38 4 Sheis a very ... woman. BEAUW
and Superlatives 8 A: Pablbisn'tverysociable.
VD B: No but todayhe'smoretalkative(talkative)
Haveyou seenPrideandPrejudice?
Complete than l'veeverseenhim.
formof the adjective Fillinwiththecorrect
formof thewordin
l )
in brackets. 8
}W brackets.
Mr BingleY is morePolite Come and visit one of 1) the.m*st e/i;titlg
an (polite)than Mr DarcY. (exciting)countriesin the world - Peru,where
Elizabethis Younger (Young) the peopleare 2) more hospitable(hospitable)
rm thanJane. than anywhereelse.You will seesomeof 3) the
Mrs Bennet is the loudest oldest(old) sitesin the world, as well as 4) the
(loud)characterin the film' most modern (modern) citieswith 5) the best
ne in the
Mr Wickhamisthe worst (bad)character (good)restaurants
in SouthAmerica.
film. To maketravelarrangements6) easier(easy),our
rg Elizabeth (clever)personIn ner
is the cleverest tour includesguidedvisitsto some of 7) the
) family. mostfamous(famous)colonialcitiesin Peru.You
a Mr Darcyis richer(rich)than Mr Bingley' will also get the opportunityto explorethe lost
7 Mr DarcY nas got the most city of Machu Picchu- one of 8) the most
re (beautiful)houseElizabeth haseverseen'
interesting(interesting)sitesin South America.
Mr Darcy thinks that Elizabeth is
Our companyofferstailor-madetours for even
I t
attractive(attractive)than MissBingley' 9) the smallest (small) groups. We provide
accommodationin family hotels which offer
10)friendlier(friendly)servicethan the larger,
-) Complete theexchanges withthecorrect
form morecrowdedones.
of the adjective/adverb
in brackets.
1 A: Stella takes her work more seriouslv
n) (serious)than Maria,doesn'tshe? 9 Completethe secondsentencesothat it
d l
B: Yes.Shedoes.Marianeedsto try harder. meansthe sameasthe first.Useno morethan
2 A: Lisais gettingbetter and better(good) at
herjob. Rebecca was friendlierthan all vour friendsat
l'm gladto hearit. your birthdayparty.
3 A : I think we shouldbuy the's Rebecca was the friendliestof all vour friends
so much more comfortable(comfortable) at your birthdayparty.
thanthe blueone. Richard's
I couldn'tagreemore! It was Richard's
mother who oroanisedhis
lrs 4 A : I thinkit'stimeto go.
No one in the familyis as happyas Richard
K '
You'reright.Theearlierwe get home,the
rg earlier(early)we'llget to bed.
isthe happiest
one in the familytoday.
5 A : Somebody grabbedmy bagthismorning.I
Sybilwas of great help to them duringthe
tried to catchhim but he ran faster(fast)
than me.
Sybil was very helpful during the party
O h ,n o !
6 A : It was John who ran the furthest(far) in Mary gave Richardthis book as a birthday
n) the race,wasn'tit? presenr.
B: That'sright.Theothersdidn'thavea chance! This is the book Marv oave Richardas a
7 A: Which is the coldest(cold) planet in the birthdaypresent.
B: Plutolthink,but checkin the enryclopaedia.
Readthe text andquestions
circlethe correctanswerA, B or C.
of St Lucia,whichis cetebrated
fl.feast in Sweden
13th December,is ot
:;l...'., festivats.
rre st r..^:- .
of the most popular
is thesaintof tisht;r;;#::,ilil;r::
{he #effist n:":::T_to.nsesr cotdest
Accordingto tradition
earrvin the mornin^
,.r"*. of tn" ourLswedish
of rightin oarr<ne's"s.qarx
homesa younggirlwakes
puts on a rong
Let'slook closer
2 a. Readthestoryandcomplete
r completion
to moods,
. descriptionof incidents
upto the maineventand
of theeventitself
b. Number
in theordertheyhappened.
FTTI Jakesearched for a landmark. tEl-l Jakenoticeda canoehalf hiddenunder.
tET6-] A local
spottedthem and helpedthem out. bank.
[e|3-l Thetwo boysheadeddownstream. ITT-I Theboysthanked
F-1-51 Thecanoesmashed into a boulderand threw f-E4l The canoebeganto rock from side to
the boysout because
of thewind.
Writing techniques Verbs
Readthe theory.Findexamples of the writing 5 Completethe sentenceswith verbs from the
mentioned belowin thestory. list, as in the example.
AnswersSection) . reminded. cried . explained. admitted
-: . shouted o threatened. wondered
nake your narrativemoreinterestingto the readel
',:- should: 1 Who is this man?' Annaw*ndertd.
I rse a varietyof adjectives,such as imaginative, 2 'Youdon't understand,' 'Linda
cautious,etc insteadof simplisticones hasnothingto do with it.'
suchas nice,good,well, etc. 3 'Freeze,'the policemanshoutedat the thief.
e.g. lnsteadof: Johnisagoodboywithniceideas. underarrest.'
youcanwrite: John ls a great boy with 4 'lf you tell anyoneabout our meeting,there
will be consequences,' Brianthreatened.
n LJse 5 'Yes,it's all my fault,' Mrs Saundersadmitted
a varietyof verbssuchas wondered, screamed,
,,vhispered, assheheldbackhertears.
etc to avoidusingsardall the time.
6 'No,you can'tdo thisto me,'Jennycried.
e.g. lnsteadof: "Help!"hesaid.
7 'Make sure you call Mr Perry tomorrow
youcanwrite: "Help!"hescreamed.
' Usepresentor past participlesto join two simple
sentencesinto one longer,more sophisticated
Use a presentor postparticipleto join these
e.g. Insteadof: He turnedon the light. He saw
someone in theroom.
you canwrite: Turningon thelight,hesaw 1 Jakewasexhausted. Hecouldn'tgo on.
someonein theroom. "iukerculdn'tq* *n.
2 They splashedthrough the muddy waters.
Theyscrambled into the old canoe.
Splashing through the muddy waters,they
4 a. Thefollowingadjectives canbe usedinstead scrambled intothe old canoe.
of other simplisticones.Put them in the 3 The boyswerethrown out of the canoe.They
correctbox,as in the example. foundthemselves in the freezingwater.
Beingthrown out of the canoe,the boys
. slighto great. evil . happy. massive
foundthemselves in the freezingwater.
. delightful . horrible. tiny . remarkable
4 He grabbedthe branch.He pulledhimselfout
o fantastic r gigantlc. vast. pleasant. huge
of the river.
. tenific. enormouso attractive. awful
Grabbing the branch,he pulledhimselfout of
the river
big gigantic,
massive, vast,huge,enormous
5 They kept their heads above water. They
small sliEht,tiny struggledtowardsthe bank.
bad evil,horrible,
awful Keeping theirheadsabovewater,theystruggled
good/nice great,happy,delightful, to the bank
Your turn
b . Replacethe words in bold with words from 7 NewWritingMogazinehasaskedits readersto
Ex.4a. (SeeSuggested
AnswersSection) send in storiesfor its annualshort story
The story must end with the
1 Thisis a(n)reallybig house.
words Thenextmorning hewokeup,pockedhis
2 It is quite easyto makesmallchangesto the
ne suitcases
andreturnedhome.'Write your story
way you live. (100-120 YoucanuseEx.2 to helpyou,
3 We had a(n)reallybad journey. aswellasthetipsmentioned above.
4 Theviewfrom our hotelwasvery nice. (SeeSuggested
State-of- 2 Cross
theoddwordout,asin theexample.
1 W, thriller,horror,detective
r l . 2 laptop,DVDplayer,digitalcamera,@ci6
3 complex,gripping,pEd+etet{$, engaging
4 themepark,theatre,art gallery,
5 delete,restart,store,[bl6
. classic
. sequel. definitely
. suspense trTrl computer c -office
. rewarded o fantdsy
adventure r set . worth t4l-rI openrng d effects
o entertains
. original. punished fs-l-a-ltitle e animation
I full f night
FT6-I standing g house
4 MP3playershavebecomeverypopular. A: Do you believe in aliens?
MP3playershavetakenthe world by storm. B: Yes.I don'tthinkwe'realonein the universe
A: Thisis my favourite
songon the album.
Word Formation B: lt'sminetoo.
t6 Add -eneitherasa prefixor suffixto makeverbs 5 A: Spielberg
isworkingon a new film.
from the followingadjectivesand usethem,in B: Really?
What'sit called?
theircorrectform,to completethe sentences.
6 A: CGI (ComputerGeneratedlmagery)has
. dark. light . Sure. quick. short
W. had a huge impacton the way filmsare
o rich . Sharpr fl;pp
1 Tomclosedthe curtains
to darkenthe room. B: Yes,indeedit has.
2 Nothingcan dampenhis enthusiasm for
3 He pressed
the buttonto lightenthe picture 8 Fillin the correctword to completethe reviews.
on the screen.
4 We reallyneedto sharpenthe knives. . star . special
effects. mission. directed
5 Travelling
o filmed. olot
to new countriesand experiencing
differentculturesenrichesour lives.
Paulgot up reallyearlyto ensurea good place ln Superman Returnsour 1) star is once
in the oueue. more on a 2) missionto savethe world.
Thewomanquickened herpaceasshewalked This is a trickyjob, of course,and as a
alongthe darkroad. result the 3) plot of the film is
Maybethey shouldshortenthe film as three unpredictable
and exciting.Theaction
hoursistoo lono. is 4) filmed using high-definition
video camerasto createthe best
6 Underline
word. possibleimages.The 5) special
effects are better than ever
tic, 1 The Internethashad an enormousimpacVhit
before and are highly
on the worldof communication.
Congratulations mustgo
2 The plot is challenqinq/challenged
and quite
to BryanSingeqwho 6) directedthis new
difficultto follow.
by 3 The book takes you to an imaginative/
dL imaqinarvworld of witchesand wizards.
4 I was stunned/stunningby the specialeffects
in the new Superman
film. . applause. download. recordings
n. 5 Davesaid he was bored/boringwith playing . interviews
. track . audiences
6 | lovethis film so much- | hooetherewill be a
me Thedebut albumof Chensh is out
soon and shouldnot be missed.
7 Coco Chanelis well resoectedin the field/
rith You can 7) downloada taste of
regionof fashion.
their music for free from the
8 The Ant Bully receivedfavourablq/favourite
CW Internetand decidewhich 8) trackis
reviewsrecently. your favourite.The band have been
CW playingto huge9) audiences who havegiven
7 Completewith the correctpreposition.
the young sistersroaring 10)applause.Visit
bitl 1 A: ls it difficultto makea careerin the film
for more information
business? about TV 11) interviews,concertsand future
B: Not if you are determinedto succeed. 12)recordings.
Underline quantifiers.
1 A: Mum, l've invited a few/few people
Situatedin 1)- Eastern Asia and bordering for dinneron Saturday.
2)theSouthChinaSeaand3)- China, HongKong B: Hmm, how much/manvpeopleexactly,
is 4) a charmingChinese city with 5)- western Robert? enjoys6) a mildclimatefrom7)the
2 A: I am afraidI havefew/littleknowledoe of
middleof September to 8)the end of February.
9)fhe month of August has 10)the highest comDUters.
rainfall. B: lt'snevertoo lateto learna little/little.
Kongwithout12)a visa. 3 A: lt took the writersome/several
Hong Konghas 13)a population of nearly7 complete the chapter.
millionbut it is 14)a compactcityso youarenever B: Hehasno/notanytalentin myopinion.
farfrom15)- shopping areasand16)- majorsights. 4 A: Haveyou playedall/everymy computer
17)- Public transportationvia 18)- bus,19)- ferry games?
or 20)* trainisefficientandinexpensive.Most21)- B: No,I haveonlyplayed
feWa few of them.
signsarein both22)- English and23)- Chinese.
24)Theshopping 5 A: Thereare feMa few good songson the
centresareamazing and25)the
templesand parksofferquietrelaxation. album- l'm really
majorityof Chinese peoplespeak27)- Manadarin withyou- therearemuch/a!q[Ot
B: I disagree
but manyenjoy28)theopportunity excellent
to practisetheir
English,so 29) communication is not 30)a 6 A: Haveyoueaten4y/some ice-cream?
problem. Themajority of 31)- hotelsarein 32)the B: No.Therewasno/noneleft.
citycentrebut thereis also33)a growingnumber
of resort-style
hotelsoutsidethecity. Adverbs
34)A visitto the Jademarketin YauMaTaiis Putthe wordsin orderto makecomplete
35)a must. There is 36)a huge varietyof sentences.
Whattypesof adverbsarethe
souvenirsyoucanbuyfrom37)the markets and wordsin bold?
youwon't believe 38)theprices!
HongKongis one of 39)the safestcitiesin computergameVupstairs/are
40)theworld.Comeand experience 41)the
of 42)a lifetime!
to the art gallery/he/the
He reallyenjoyedthe trip to the art gallery.
3 dramatically/cinema-goerVthe
number of/ 4 Ann calledan hourago,didn'tshe?
hasrisen 5 Sheisn'tFrench,is she?
The number of cinema-goershas risen 6 He didn'tcome,did he?
dramatical 7 Theyarestillat work, aren'tthey?
4 wenVthey/tothe zoolyesterday 8 Sheboughta new car,didn'tshe?
Theywent to the zoo yesterday(time) 9 Johnwill buya bike,won't he?
5 check/e-mailVmy/hardlyever/l 10 Jillis goingon herown, isn'tshe?
I hardlyevercheckmy e-mails.(frequency)
6 dinner/outside/we/had/our Phrasalverbs
We hadour dinneroutside.(place)
7 agree/yourcommentyl/with/totally
7 Fiff in cut, take, turn, stay,give.
workingout, Thisaction-packedfilm is guaranteed
to keepyou on the edge of
in yourseatlStarring
SamuelL.Jackson, this isthe storyof a nightmare
the gym. He journeyoverthe Pacificwith haveto wait
likesto watch untilthe veryendto findout who is responsible
andwhat happens
grippingthrillers the passengers.Not for the faint-hearted,
and filmswith unpredictable
Thisclassicmysterythrillerbasedon the story by GrahamGreeneis
set in Vienna,Austria.With its stunningcinematography, twisting
Susan's plot and unforgettablemusicalscorethis film is a must. Evenfiftv
- l
t ,,favouritekinds yearsafter its creationthis film stillguarantees
a good night out.
oI lilmsare
:,;;::;i: r'romantic
StarringUmaThurmanand LukeWilson,thisheart-warming filmtells
' dramas. the storyof what can go wrong when you date a superhero.
At first
+pry, Forher,it
our beauthinkshe hasmet the idealwoman,but asisquiteoftentne
is importantthat filmsstar
case,quitethe oppositeistrue.
Writing (a letter to a friend reviewing sth)
Getting started
Read therubric.
Thisispartof a letterfromyourEnglish
Whatareyougoingto writeabout?
Whichof thefollowing
Let'slook closer
Dear fohn,
fi> ru How are you? It was great to get your letter. You asked me
if I had ever been to a live music performance. Well, I actually went
(Para 1) {ireetings.'t easons.fbr
to a pop concm on Saturday - it wasgreat! lwuiliwg
p n sturred the singerAlsou - maybeyoulve heard.of her? The (Pan 2) singer/band you went to
tickets were f,.50each but it was weII worth it! see
fu> Anyway, we still had a great eveningand came away with the
best impression. If you everget the chance to seeAlsou in concert,
(Para 5) Conclusion
you should definitely go. Have you heard her new album? Wite
soon and tell me what you think of it.
b. Readthe letteragain.WhatdidAlexlike/dislike
aboutthe concert?
to supporteachviewpoint? (SeeSuggested Answers Section)
3 Replace
the underlined
in the letterwith the following.
. fabulous. modern.wildly . complex. heavenly
. upset. latest
50 (SeeSuggested
Readthe extracts(1-4)belowthat review 5 TherevieWpremieresaidthat it was one of
variousevents.Fillin the missing
topic the bestproductions of the year.
sentences (A-D),thensuggestothersuitable 6 lt was sucha predictable/ggp@performance
onesof yourown. that shewasgivena standingovation
(SeeSuggested Answers Section)
-re 7 TomHanksreceived oraisefor hisrole/actorin
opening nightof the Moscow StateCircus
3lasgow wasa hugesuccess.
-he 8 The routinesand the positioningof the
FarnboroughAirShowwasa bighitagainthis
dancerson stage are the responsibility
of a
wassoimpressed withthe performanceI wentto
cn Friday.
haveneverbeento anything
soboringinallmylife! 6 Match items(1-5)to the nouns(a-e).
m live/studio/solo b
ffi big/small/silver
:ut - there was nevera dull moment.The
:'ogramme was well-arranged
m children's/fantasy
d film
e actor
and well_ i
:roreographedIn my opinion,,it is definitely horror/ silent/ feature
. lEId-l
Background information
formedin 2001.
I -iie
ringmasterhad an excellentsenseof humour
:rd the crowd enjoyedthe spectacular show. In
The Air Show runseverysecondyearand takes
p l a c ei n . .
"ry opinion,the highlightof the whole evening Thesoundsystemwas excellent.
when the monkeysescapedinto the crowd! Thevenuehadgreatfacilities.
The lyricswere greaVpredictable.
4 n
+ D r ,
It'swell worth seeing/going
W e . * ' e r , r i " ' : ' '
You reallymustsee/go/listento it.
$ Underline
the correctword.
1 Shakespearesometimes used plots/
fromancientGreekplays 7 Usingthe language above,writea letterto a
friendreviewing something you attended
Even though I don't usuallygo to see
recently ( exhibition/the
openingof a
blockbusters/multiplex,I reallylovedMission
newvenueor a concert) (100-120 words).Use
the ideasbelowaswellasyourown.
Tolright, ballerinaSylvie Guillem will be
'gn (SeeSuggested Answers Section)
appearing/peform!ry the role of Clara in . name/time/olace of evento cost
TheNutcracker. o whatyoulikedaboutit
of a playcomesdown to a good
The success . whatyoudidn'tlikeaboutit
script/lyricand a good director. . finalthouohts andrecommendation
All in a ldentifythe jobs from the descriptions
the peopledo.
of what
day'swork 1 Thispersonfliesaerop,anes.
2 Youtakeyour
carto thispersonto be repaired
Whatdo thesepeopledo for a living?Lookat This personwill help you investmoney i"
the pictures
the correctworc. companies.stockbroker
Thispersoncontrolsthe movements
of aircraft
This persondesignspagesfor the Internet.
8 Youpaymoneyto thispersonin a shopor bank
9 Thispersonhelpschildrenand familieswhc
haveproblems. socialworker
10 Thispersonwill giveyou the keyto your hote
1 doctor/ scientist
Completethe exchanges
with verbsfrom the
4 Fillin thecorrect
o Somehodv nntthesack.
. Let'scallit a day.
o Thewayshe's going,
. She'sbeenworkinq around
1 A: I can'tworkanymoretonight;I'mverytired. Crossthe oddoneout asin the example.
B: Soam l. Let'scallit a day.
2 A: lt'smidnightand Ritaisstillat the office. 1 salary,
B: What's going on? She'sbeen working 2 earn,gain,win,ftd
aroundthe clock. 3 @*Fr€rc, job, career,profession
3 A: Didyou hearwhat happened thismorning?
4 under-paid,
\@+-Fd-d, poorlypaid,overuyorked
nals 5 boring,Eeatr4[uninteresting,repetitive
B: Letme guess.Somebody got the sack.
4 A: Didyou seewhat Katedid thismorning? 6 business,
)y In 5 Complete
the text with phrases
fromthe list. Phrasalverbs
Youmayhaveto changethe formof the verbs.
8 go,put,fall,look.
:raft. . workovertime. beherownboss. workfor
. a successful 1 A: Can you pleaseput me throughto Mrs
career. workfromhome
. beemployed. setup . self-employed Lucas?
B: Justa minute,please.
Sheila has 1)a successful career with a large
2 A: I can't rememberwhat time my meetingis
)ank. ocsmetics company where she 2) has been
miinloyedas a senior marketingmanagerfor the
B: Why don'tyou lookthroughyournotes?
who mes,t threeyears.Althoughshe is quitesatisfiedwith
iltner 3 A: Mike,if you carrythis projectthrought'll
1ob,she sometimesfeels that her work is not
lotel mtroreciated, especiallywhen she has to 3) work
promoteyou to headof the department.
ur*'srtirne. B: l'll do my best,sir.
She is now thinkingof 4) setting up her
mmnr businessso that she can 5) be her own boss. 4 A: Why are you so upset?Thingscan't be
thinksthat she would be happier6) working that bad at work.
vt:ri'rhome,even though she accepts that people B: You say that becauseyou don't know
n lt[ldr-rto
are 7) self-employed are less secure than what I haveto go througheveryday.
tltqrsewho 8) work for a largecompany.
) 5 A: He'safraidthat his olansto start his own
rr it. 6 Choosethe bestwordto complete thejob businesswill fallthrough.
adverts. B: lt'snaturalfor himto feelthiswav.
'il[@havea 1) vacancv/spacefor a young,dynamic
nnd hard-working 2) studenVgraduate to lead our
pawingsalesforcein the Londonarea.As leaderyou
\Nord Formation
heresponsible for3) team/groupdevelopmentand
4,|educationtrainingand you will 5) reply/repo[ 9 Completethesentences
ffrrectlyto thecompany SalesDirector. derived
fromthewordsin bold.
1 Thepoliticiangavea verydistortedversionof
&e youwillingto work6) changes/shifts?
even$. DISTORT
lFe 7) happiness/satisfactionof solvingchallenging
2 He admittedthat the governmenthad made
Slproblems/questions without9)control/Supervi5ion]
someveryregrettablemistakes. REGRET
are you 10) oractical/handy? Do you have a
'yes' 3 The prime minister promisedto be more
11)deanltiOy lf youcananswer to
thenwe wouldliketo hearfromyou.
tr:ese to complaints
responsive in the future.
She thanked her husbandfor his caring
over 300storesnotionwideBookWorldis now supportat a verydifficulttime. CARE
fnrnlyestoblishedos the No,l bookshopin the UK,lf The ministerresignedbecausehis position
idou ore 12)sfimuloled/molivoled,commified, was no longerdefendable DEFEND
trS)ombitious/rulhlessond enjoysucceedingin on
excitingfost-pocedwork 14)locotion/environmenl,
we wont youl No previous15) skill/expeliengE
rcquired, 53
Grammarin Use A: What'swrong?
B: l'm runninglate. lf I don't get (noVget)
thereon time, the meetingwill start (start)
where possible.
Replaceif with r,vhen withoutme.
m lf Bobhadn'tbeenso nervous,
B : l'm verybusywith this report.You know,I
m lf Jane'scolleagues
were morefriendly,
would finish(finish)it fasterif you hel
A: No oroblem.
a she'llhaveto do someovertime
b he would havedonebetterat the interview. Wishes
c hans out tosether outside the
4 Readwhat the mansaysandmakesentences
};:"-r,O asin the example.
d he would resignon the spot.
e he would havemissedthe bus. 1 | don't havetime to meetJacktoday.
f askhim aboutanyvacancies in the company. I wishllfonlyI had timeta meetJGCktad6y.
I shewon't get into university. 2 | can'ttake anydaysoff work thisweek.
h tell him I'm out for lunch. I wish/lfonly I could take some days
off thisweek.
Puttheverbsin brackets 3 | lostmy passport.
3 intothe correcttense
I wish/lfonlyI hadn'tlostmy
to complete
1 A : Do youthinkI shouldapplyfor thisjob? I didn't followyouradvice.
B : lf I were (be) you, I would apply (apply) I wish/lf onlv I had followed
right away. your advice.
2 A : Congratulationson your promotion. l'm very stressedout. I
B : Thankyou! lf I get (get) the job, I won't don't know how to relax
leave(leave)the company. I wish/lfonly I knew how to
relax.I am so stressedout.
I didn't know Marywasin town.
I wish/lfonlyI had knownthat
Marywas in town.
7 | don't haveanyfriends. 4 She is going to write a coverletter.Shecan
I wish/lfonly I hadsomefriends sendit with her CV.(to)
8 | ate too much.I feelsick. She is going to write a coverletter to send
I wish/lfonlyI hadn'teatentoo much. with her CV.
Shewantsto find a morningjob. Shewants
to.havemoretimeto spendwith herchildren.
Readthe letter and completethe exchanges (in order to)
usingtheverbsin theircorrect
tense. Shewantsto find a morningjob in orderto
spendmoretime with herchildren.
Shehasboughta new suit.Shewantsto make
)eor Steve, a good impression (soas to)
at interviews.
i'm sorrgobouttheotherdag.I wishl 1) hadbeen Sheboughta new suitso as to makea good
fre) hereto seegou.f ontggou2) totd(telDme impression
at interviews.
:tot UouwerecomLng earlier,| 3) woutdhave
:langed (change)mg schedutel
Thereasonwhg I wasn'thereis becouse I decided
:i go to a conJerence.
lt washeldin the most Sentencetransformations
;:nozingplocelI wishyou4 hadseen(see)it! | Completethe secondsentence
ion't meonthot it wasexcetlent because inJoctit
7 sothat it
meansthe sameasthe first.Useno morethan
wastheoppositel Nothingseemed to workproperLg threewords.
;nd thespeokers wereterribLe. I wishI 5) never
teord (heor)oJthe wosa comptete Celiais upsetbecauseshe didn't get the job
rnteondmoneg.Angwag, | 6) witttelt(tetDgouotl at the advertising
N, I sboutit the nexttlmeI7) see(see)gou. Celia wishesshe had got the job at the
)ed Whichreminds me,whendo gouthinkgouwittbe advertising
L,ntown agoLn?IJl 8) were(be) you,l 9) wouldwrlte She is savingmoney becauseshe wants to
(write)a date[n gourdiary now.If gou10) sent attenda seminar.
kend) methe inJormotion bg email., thenI promiseI Sheissavingmoneyso asto attenda seminar.
1l) woutdbe (bd here,ondnot runningolf to sittg lf she doesn'tattendthis seminatshewon't
conJerences! be consideredfor the job.
A[tthebest, She won't be consideredfor the job if she
-nrls doesnot attendthis seminar.
Shecan't moveout becauseshe can't afford
to payrent.
lf she could afford to pay rent, she would
Clausesof purpose
5 Jointhepairsof sentences
usingthewordsin She didn't take her brother'sadviceso she
asin theexample. didn'tfinda job in London.
lf she had taken her brother'sadvice,she
1 Fayewantsto find anotherjob. Shewantsto
would have found a iob in
havea biggersalary.(in order to)
Fayewantsra find anatherjab in arderta hsvea
Shearrangedto seeher manager. Shewanted
to askfor a pay increase.(with a view to)
Shearranged to seeher manager with a view
to askingfor a payincrease.
Sheis updatingherCV.Shecan useit to apply
for a new job. (so that)
Sheis updatingher CV so that shecan useit
to applyfor a new job
a. Thepeople(1-4)areall lookingfor newjobs.Readtheirdescriptions
the keywords.
b. Readthejob advertisements
(A-F)anddecidewhichjob wouldbe the mostsuitablefor eachperson.
Therearetwo you don'tneed.
Writing (a letter of appliration) @ energeticand sociable
b candrivea car
Getting started
@ takena coursein photography ,,.,s1,
1 Read
thekeywords. @ good organiser
Then,answerthe questionsthat follow. e speakEnglish and German
f workedasa photographer
You have come acrossthe following job ad for the schoolnewspaper
g in the localnewspaperand you want to workedasa shopassistant
ff rpply for the job. Write your letter of *r,i:l;lZi2i
" application.
Let's look closer
l .
'*""- """- --'
fi Do you wantto get out and seethe world?Areyou 2 Readapplication
lettersA & B andwritethe
il interestedin photography? paragraphnumbernextto the headings in the
I lf yes,thenyou couldworkon a cruiseship!Weare listbelow.
lookingfor a photographer who'salwaysaroundto . opentng remarks/reason(s)for
writing41 B1
takememorable photosof ourpassengers as wellas . closingremarks 45 85
developand sell the pictures.All equipmentis . age/qualifications/experienceA2 82
providedby thecruiseline. o otherinformation A4 84
lf interested,contactMr Ellioton 089g-7g6756 or via . personalqualities ffi 83
emailat _. , andwe willarrangea
job interview.Portfolio
DearManager, E
W Hil l'vedecided to dropyoua lineaboutthejob
you advertised in thisweek'sonlineeditionof Ny
Magazine forTeens.
fu t ana 2O-year-old student andl,mquitegoooat
takingpictures.Two yearsago I took a one-year-
coursein photography and l,ve workeo as a
photographer for ourcollegenewspaper. l,veworked
What kind of letter do you haveto write? a part-timeasa shopassistant at a photostudio,too. I
letterof application
wantto studyphotography at UELandsomedayl,m
2 Who is goingto readyour letter?Mr Elliot
sure l'll work as a professional photographer for
3 Shouldthe stylebe formalor informal?formal
National Geographic. My English andGerman aren't
4 Tick( /) in the list of pointsbelowwhat yor.,
shouldincludein your letter:
. yourfavouritesubjects p t haven'tworkedprofessionally beforebut l,m
at school
. yourqualifications surel'd be goodat the job. I am veryfriendlyand
. anypreviousexperience outgoing.I love travellingand seeingdifferent
. a description
of yourappearance places. Also,I canprovide a referenceletterin which
.your personalqualities my previousemployer saysI'ma goodphotograpner
.yourplansfor the summer andthat youcancounton me.I canshowyoumy
What do you think the successful
candidate workanytimeyouwant.
shouldbe like? p* | won't be doinganythingin JulyandAugust.
a artistic @ adventurous We haveour holidays thenso I canworkwhenever
@ friendly @ sociable youwant.
c canng f sporty p- Voucanget in touchwith meon 0g657345
6 Forthis job someonewould needexperience or
at [email protected] meknowsoon!
a Allthe best,
modelling @ tatingpictures
c workingwith youngchildren
7 What qualifications
would someoneneed in /ro**a
orderto be considered
for this iob? LauraHirsch
b. Findandunderline examples
of these
iear Mr Elliot, featuresin the letters.
p I am writing to apply for the position of (SeeSuggested
Answers Section)
;)r3tographerwhich was advertisedin this week's Lookat the highlighted
4 sentences/phrases in
:r ineed't'onof NY Magazinefor Teens. letterA andunderlinethe corresponding
p t am a 2O-year-old student.Two yearsago I appropriatesentences/phrasesin letterB.
iir3l<6 one-year-course in photographyand I have (SeeSuggested Answers Section)
rilorrkedas a photographer for our college Yourturn
:r$:6 I havealsoworked part-timeas a shop
rssistantat a photo studioin my neighbourhood. lt 5 a. Readthe rubric,then,answerthe question
that follows.
s rny ambitionto study photographyat UELand
e ;rrne day to work as a professional photographer
the 'cr Youhavecomeacross the followingjob ad in
such prestigiousmagazinesas National
the localnewspaper
andyouwant to applyfor
thejob.Writeyourletterof application.
B1 p Despitemy lack of formal work experience, I
B5 'eel that
I am quite suitablefor the position.I am :,'
82 ,try friendlyand sociableand I love travellingand
B4 ii Oo you: love to shop?Payattentionto j
,eeing different places.What is more, I am very ,.ffiil
B3 details?Why don't you get started as a
"uent in both English and German.I can providea
-eference ffi MysteryShopper?Visit differentbusinesses,
letterfrom my previousemployerin which ffi poseas a customer,
evaluatethe serviceano
am describedas hard-working,efficientand a #
ffi completean evaluationform. Get paid to
:hotographerwith great potential.My portfoliois # shop at stores, eat at restaurants,watch
OD ffi
ii'ailableat your request. ffi
# moviesand more!
\IY p Sincethe schoolholidays includethe monthsof s
No experience is necessary.
-.rlyand August,I will haveno othercommitments
Apply o nIine dt rr!::-:-Li;::.f ::. r.-t=:;ii:,:-rr.
O L :rd I would be availableto work the whole two
ar- ronths.
1 What skills/qualifications
do you think would
}' t may be contactedby telephoneon 08657345
eo helpyou get the job? Circle.
lr via emailat [email protected].
I lookforwardto
).I 'eceivinga replyin due
course. @ loveshopping
,m b haveworkedas a shooassistant
"ourssincerelv, @ O. friendly
/**o*'K' r+o/t' d haveworked as a waiter/waitress
-auraHirsch e be fluentin foreignlanguages
ffiffi m$s f be a good organiser
m g be artistic
h be sporty
nt a . Comparethe two letters.Whichone usesan
i can drivea car
ch appropriateformal style suitablefor a letter
of application?Mark the featuresin the list
b. How are you going to beginand end your
below asA or 8.
ny letter?
1 passivevoice B
A DearSir/Madam, C Dear;
, L . 2 a friendly,personaltone A
Yoursfaithfully, Yourssincerely,
er 3 everyday vocabulary A
4 formallinkingwordVphrases B B DearMystery
nr 5 phrasalverbsor idioms A Yours,
6 long and complexsentences B
7 advanced vocabulary B 6 NoWwriteyourletterof application.
8 colloquialexpressions A letterB fromEx.2 asa model.
9 a polite,impersonal tone B (SeeSuggested
Staying OliverHook,
5 HerfriendGuhlharmedSue's feelings.
6 These thingsdo not happeninGiDl true life.
7 Heaskedto be left6l6i-dt/lonely.
h 8 Thethieftriedto@/
2 Rewritethe sentencesin the passive.
saythatthe mostimportantthingin parent-teen relationships
is communication. Parents
E shouldtalk to theirteensbut at the sametime they shouldlistento whatthey haveto say. Parents
shouldtelltheirteensoff whentheyare untidybut theyshouldalsounderstand thattheirroomis theirown
privatespace.Communication is a is onlyby listeningto and understanding
thatproblemsbetweenparentsandteenscanbe solved.
Listening& Speaking Warningothers
Safety tips ,::::,,:t::l 3 Fillin the gapsin the dialogue
with the phrases below.
Youwill heara
presentelon a
university radio
k . :9,))::.:.:"::::
. if I wereyou o it'sa badideato
o Don'tdo that o That'strue
. I suppose you'reright
station, talking lrl:liii:l.tlilili:
aboutsafety t:tl:tiiil!i)lltlti:
Paul: Brian,1) if I wereyouI wouldturn
downthe'stoo loud.
students. Decide
if eachsentence Brian: But we're havinga party,aren't
is corrector we?
incorrect. lf it is Paul: Well,2) it's a bad ideato keep
correct, tick(/) YES.lf your neighboursawake just
it is incorrect, tick(/) NO. becauseyou feel like havinga
lf you sharea flat with others,therearetimes you'reright.
Brian:Yes,3) | suppose
when you can leavethe windowsopenwhen Paul: Soaren'tyou goingto turn down
E V the music?
2 Peoplemightfollowyou into the hallsof Z T : B r i a n :W e l l , I t h i n k w e s h o u l dw a i t
residence. until all the guestsleave.We
5 Alwayslockyour bedroomdoor
V I ] don'twant to spoilthe fun.
4 Nevertakea taxion yourown aftera nightout. E V Paul: 4) Don'tdo that, Brian.We'llget
f It is not a goodideato usecash-machinesat in troublelTheneighbours
night. A T callthe police.
Markingyour propertydoesn'tmakea
if it is stolen.
r a Brian: 5) That'strue l'llturn it down
response. Word Formation
1 A: I am sickand tiredof the trafficon the roads!
b:ftr Larmoown! 4 Completethe sentenceswith the
b Takeit down!
1 Theburglargot into the house
2 A: I won't toleratethe neighbour's
throughan openwindow.
the B:@) Takeit easy.We'llcallthe police.
b lt isn'tenough.
2 He is in prisonfor armed
les furiousaboutherplayingmusicso latel
3 A: I'm absolutely robbery. ROB
rla B: a Letyourhairdown!
3 Thekidnapperdemanded
sof @ r""p yourhairon !
f 100,000. KIDNAP
A: l'vehad it with hisbaddriving!
the A thiefbrokeinto my cal but he
B: a That'sa bad idea.
didn'tstealanything. THEFT
@ oon'tgetsoworkedupl
rnts A: l'm fed up with her badattitude!
rnts B:@ Relaxt poundsin lostincome.
)wn b Lookout!
A: l'vehadenoughof theirsillyideas.
A:@ Simmerdown.They'reonlytryingto help.
b I guessso.
Writing (an essayproviding solutionsto problems)
Let'sget started
Read Canyousuggest
therubric. to theproblem?
1TA teenmagazine
isaskingits readers
to write in with their
* suggestions
on howto surfthe Internetsafely.
Let'slook closer
a. Readthe articleandcomplete the paragraph
the headings below.Haveanyof yoursuggestions been
includedin the article? ,. , ,l
o solutions/suggestions
& posibleresults
r whattheproblem .
is summarise opinion
Readthe articleagainandunderline
the topicsentences
in the mainbodyparagraphs.
isays providingsolutionsto problemsare piecesof To makesuggestions:
in whichyou discuss
a problemand its causes o A usefulsuggestion/Another
solutionwould be
h ,',rellas the expectedresultsor consequences
of to..
',:.' suggestions. An essayprovidingsolutionsto o ...couldbe solvedby ...
i::clemsshouldconsistof: o Steps/Measures shouldbe takenin orderto solve/
aL an introductionin which you statethe problem d e a l w i t h. . .
and/orwhat hascausedit; o Anotherway to ... is/wouldbe to ...
a main body which consistsof two or more r Thesituationcouldbe improvediflby...
paragraphspresentingsuggestionsand their o lt would be a good ideaiflto ...
You should start a new o lt would helpif you/we/etc
paragraphfor each suggestionand its results/
To presentresultsand consequences:
r As a result,...
I a conclusion in whichyousummariseyouropinion.
o Thiswouldmeanthar ...
i=ays providingsolutionsto problemsare normally
r Then,..
r.i-ieh in a formal style.Theyare usuallyfound in
-r3ir(spapers o Bydoingthis,you/we/etc would ...
and magazines.
. lf . ., the resultwouldbe ...
r TheeffecUconsequence/result of ... wouldbe ...
3 theproblems
Match (1-5)tothesuggestions
(a-e). o In thisway,...
a problem
Choose andthinkof moresuggestions.
a. A teenmagazinehasaskedits readersto
on how to avoidstressbefore
exams.Matchthe suggestions(1-5)to their
FTFI buttying at school
t21-.-l stress
trIE hazardsof shopping
[4-f.l school
FTcl cartheft 1 startstudyingaheadof time
2 take shortbreaks
3 eat healthily
and get enoughsleep
a makea revision timetable
4 makea revisiontimetable
b talkto an adultyou cantrust
5 studywith a friend
c parkin a safeplaceor in a garage
d makesureyourcomputerhassecurityfeatures FFI discussanydifficultiesthat comeup
e installCCTVcameras rifsl be calmand be preparedfor exam
t2-l-Emind be clearand studvtime be more
AnswersSection) effective
Match the suggestionsabove to each of the t3l-d-l haveenergy
andbeableto concentrate
resultsbelow.Usethe languagein the table. IZI-e-]workbemoreorganised andbeableto
b. Usethelinkingwordsandphrasesfromthe
[TTal youwill beveryorganised tableto makesentences,
asin theexample.
l-2Te-lvandalswill becaughtred-handed
A usefulsuggestion
wouldbeto startstudyingahead
t3l-d-] hackers
will not be ableto seeyourcard
number details of time.Asa result,
will not haveeasyaccess theexam. (SeeSuggested
FTq to your
Ldl Your turn
l5lTl theywill beableto helpandyouwill not .Useyouranswers in Ex.5 andyourownideas
sufferalone to writean articleof 120-180
Section) solutions to the problem. You can usethe
in Ex.2 asa model.
of Lookat the weathermapandcomplete
gapswith wordsfrombelow.
1 Tick(/) thecorrectbox.
2 Match
to theirsounds. ii
F-l-f.lS N A K C S a chirp ,i
6 A:@-allMustn't I go homenow?
1 A: Johnny,you'd betterdo up your shoelaces
B: Yes,you@lmight.
beforeyou trip overthem!
B : O K ,M u m . 7 A: My b."r@/can haveproducedmore
honeythis summerTherewere plentyof
2 A: lt is getting late and I don't want to hold
you up any longer. Let's continue the
B: Perhaps
trey@/wouldn't because
meetingtomorrowmorningat nine.
' of the storms.
B: Seeyou at ninethen.
8 A: What a downpour.TheboatsGa-nTVmustn'
3 A: I am goingto be in Londonfor a few days. besailing.
Canyou put me up? B: l'm afraidyou@/can be right.
B : It will be my pleasure.
4 A : Did manypeopleturn up at the party? 3 to the meanings.
Matchthe sentences
B : Not many,but we had a nicetime.
5 A: When doesyour schoolbreak up for the
the plants
B: NextMonday.
6 A: Can we draw up here for a moment? | F-l-a-lThat'shis car.He must haveleft it here
want to buy a newspaper. after the party.
B: Sure. t4ld-l Tanyamight not passher drivingtest.
ITT| Helenis smiling.Shemusthavegot that
reTe-lMarkmightnot buya new carthisyear.
2 Circlethe correctverb. Irr/q He might not havebeencaughtin the
1 A: You haven'ttakena breakyet today.You
a l'm surehe did.
@lcan be hungry.
B: Yes,l@/may eata horsel b l'm certainthat shedidn't.
c He probably didn't.
musV@have studiedvery
2 A: Thestudents
d It'spossible
that shewon't.
much.Theirtest resultsareterrible!
e It'spossible
that he didn't.
B: Theymighv@ improveif they want
f l'm sureshedid.
good grades.
I It'spossible
that he won't.
3 A: Don't go out without a scarfand gloves!
Theweatherforecastsaidthe temperature usingan appropriate
Rewritethe sentences,
@lcan dropto belowzero. modalverb.
B: Youshouldl@be right.l'll takethem
with me. 1 lt'slikelythat it will rainlatertoday.
It mighVmayrainlatertoday.
4 A: You'resoakingwet. You@/might have
He probablydidn'tgo skiing.
hadyourumbrella withyou.
He mighVmay not havegoneskiing.
B: I know I know.t musvG-n-oiidlhave
will turn out well.
I think everything
tr. turn out well.
Everything may/might
l'm suretheirplanetook off on time.
Theirolanemusthavetakenoff on time
he 5 l'll let you driveme nome. Readthe situations
nt. Youcandriveme home.
7 andmakesentences from
the wordsin the brackets.
Usemightor may.
ter 6 l'm not surewhetherl'll go out tonight. (SeeSuggested AnswersSection)
I may/might go out tonight 1 | can't find my raincoatanywhere.I wonoer
7 lt is possiblysnowingin Scotlandright now whereI put it.
It may/might
be snowingrnScotland
rightnow a: (you/puViVin the wardrobe)
b: (you/efViVatwork)
ore 5 Choosethe correctforms. 2 I can'tfind Sam.Do you knowwherehe is?
a: (he/go/for lunch)
A: Hi, Gene. ls that you? What are you still
b: (hdgo/homdforthe day)
use doing at home?You 1) could/shouldhave
Why didn'tGloriaanswerthe phone? l'm sure
left by now.
shewashomeall lastnight.
tn't B: What do you mean?Whattime is it?
a: (she/goltobed early)
A : l t ' s1 3 : 1 0 .
b: (she/notfeel/liketalking)
B: What? lt 2) may/can't be. My watch says
Freddidn't come to the par1y.Do you know 3) can't/must havestopped.I knewI
) sheLld/mighthavereplacedthe battery.
a: (hdhave/other plans)
A: Nevermind that now. You had better hurry
b: (he/not
have/anyone to go with)
very or you 5) miqhVcanmissthe train.
B: Okay,okay.lf I leavenow, | 6) could/can't
ants still make it. By any chance7) could/might Sentencetransformations
you take me to the station?
8 Completethe secondsentencesothat it
nere A: Oh,all right.| 8) should/mustn't be therein meansthe sameasthe first.Useno morethan
aboutfiveminutes. threewords.
1 Theymightbeon holidoy
Readthe text andquestions
below.Foreachquestionchoosethe correctletter(A,B,C or D).
The writer'smain purposein writing this text What does the writer say about bathing
is to frozenwaters?
A explainwhy peoplelivein sub-zero A Thepeoplewho do it areriskingtheir
tem0eratures. B lt is onlyadvisable
for animalsto do it.
peopleto visitOymyakon.
B encourage /-\ ,. ,
€) lt hashealthbenefits.
C informus aboutthe SovietUnion. D Peopledo it because they enjoyit.
@ describe
what it is liketo liveunder harsh
How might the writer best describe
settlementof Oymyakon?
What does the writer tell us about reindeer placeon Earth
@ t isthe coldest
herders? wherepeopleactua live.
/:\ _.
Q! Theyusedto be nomadicpeople.
B Theywere discouraged from livingin
B lt is a well-knownscience
C Theyview fur asa luxury.
stationvisitedby ma
D Theygrow vegetables all yearround.
2 Complete (1-2)
thedialogues withsentences
1 Theymaybe brotherand sister.
What will you write?Who to? 3 What mustyou includein youre-mail?
2 What stylewill you write in? 4 How couldyou begin/endyour e-mail7
(SeeSuggested AnswersSectior:t
Let'slook closer
2 Readthe e-mailsbelowandcomplete the paragraph
the invitationandwhich
it? Underline
the sentences
that showusthis.
HiJames! DearJames,
Introduction wasgreatto getyoure-mail.I @no* areyou?l'm fine!l'm realll
(Para l) opening
alwaysenjoyhearingyour news! enjoyingthe summer holidayssc
Choosefromthe phrases
aboveto inviteyour 3 (accept)
Thatwouldbe wonderful!
Readwhat thesepeoplesayabouttheir
andfill in the blankswith
the wordsbelow.
. cooks. card. music. light. letoff
. chocolates
. exchanqe . throw . visit
2 Crossthe oddword out, asin the example.
1 chopped,
sliced, WM, grated
2 maincourse, trF#G, starter,dessert
I'm Marc Sarrazinand I'm 25 yearsold. 3 hot,spicy,bitter,Fi€
I'd say that Thanksgiving is mY 4 paragliding,
favourite holiday. In the USA it's 5 course,pitch,poiS, rink
celebrated in a very big way. My
mum l) cooks a special dinner 3 Matchthe wordsin the columns andthenuse
with stuffed turkey and vegetables. themto fill in the gapsin the sentences
we 2) visitfriends
In the afternoon,
and relatives. We 3) exchange F-l-el bitter a chicken
greetings and watchfootballtogether. t-2-l-r-l
hot b cheese
FTbl grated c nours
FTE-]grilled d eggs
FTq eafly e chocolate
.t ii+ruiwi. "
reTd-l scrambled f chillipepper
dl Usethe phrasesin the list to completethe
5 Readtheexamples.
about how to keep in
sentences yourpreferences.
express Thencomplete the
may haveto changethe form of the verbs. exchanges
. talk you out of yourfitnessgoals (SeeSuggested
. try to go to the gym threetimesa week
:e) I'd preferto stayat home.
r eat fatteningfoods . warm up e over-exercise
I prefercyclingto jogging.
l'd ratherplaytennisthan(play)basketball
-t I 1 Youshouldtry to go to the gym threetimesa
l'd bettergo to thegym.
week to establish
good fitnesshabits.
2 Avoid eating fattening foods or you'll gain 1 A :Sheshouldexercisemoreoften.
weight. B : She'dbetterdo moreexercise.
3 Don't let otherstalk you out of your fitness
2 A : Why don't we go to the footballmatch?
reK goalsor you'llbe disappointedin yourself B : l'd preferto stayat home.
:dl 4 You mustn'tover-exercise
as you will get sore
3 A : I like exercising
at home morethan at the
lr5 muscles.
td5 5 Rememberto warm up before doing any
| prefergoingto the gym.
B: Really?
rK, Srrenuous
ine exercise
or you couldhurt yourself. 4 A: Shallwe go to the courtsfor a gameof
nd souash?
B: Actually,l'd ratherplay tennisthan (play)
Lookat the table,then rewritethe sentences
)rd souash.
usingthe verb in bracketsin the correctform.
-ing form
Word Forrnation
Present (to) work playing 7 Matchthe wordsto formcompound
(to) be working tTr6-lyo9a a u p
Perfect (to) haveworkec havingworked rzF-trunner- b classes
t4l-.1body d drinks
trl-d-tfizzy e gliding
team. (regret)
Patregretsfouling/having fouledthe member
:op of the otherteam. 8 Completethesecondsentencesothatit
Tom has improvedhis servingskillsover the means thesameasthefirst.Usenomorethan
Tomseemsto haveimprovedhisservingskills 1 Chrislookslikehe is reallyenjoyinghimself.
to overthe lastyear. Chrisseemsto be enjoyinghimself.
to L, Our team is losingby five pointsand there is 2 Lastyear he wasn't in the team becausehe
onlya minuteleft in the game.(appear) was veryyoung.
Our team appearsto be losingby five points Lastyearhe wastoo youngto be in the team.
andthereis onlya minuteleft in the game. 3 He can'twait to be in the finalsin spring.
He usuallygoesto all hisschoolmatches.(tend) He is lookingforwardto beingin the finalsin
He tendsto go to all hisschoolmatches. spnng.
up 4 Maybehe will be a verygood basketball
The boys say they have been practisingvery player.
hardlately.(claim) He hopeshe will become/tobecomea verv
t!9 good basketballplayer.
The boysclaimto have been practisingvery
hardlately 5 I'm gladthe coachput him in the team.
It was nice of the coachto put hirn in the
Lookat the sentences belowaboutan
eatingcontest.Readthe text to
decideif eachsentence is corrector
incorrect.Markthe sentences asA, i
correct,or B, if incorrect.
the HectorFestival,,.i A: Youlookkindof lost.CanI helpyou?
lastfor B: 1) Yes,sorry. thegym,please?
A oneday. A: lt's2) nextto theoffices.
B two days. B: Howdo I getto the offices?
l€ @ fivedays. A: 3) Youneedto turn rightat reception.
]S The festival is held in ''::::'::'
":':: B: Arethe officesnextto receotion?
IS A: Actually,4) theyarejustbehind
honourof it.
A a boat. B: Thanks a lot.
@ a groupof people. b. Complete
the dialogue
with the expressions
C a specialanniversary.
t6 below.
Whatwill Sheilado for the firsttime?
o Howdo youtravelto workeveryday?
@ f'earbagpipemusic o Howoftendo youexercise?
IE B listento Scottishsingers I Whatdo youusuallyhavefor lunch?
oi C watch Scottishdancing r
Whatdoyouusually drink?
Who getsa discounton ticketsto the events? A: Wouldyou saythat your eatinghabitsare
A students healthy?
r, B adults B : I supposeso.
If- @ students
andolderpeople A: 1) What do you usuallyhavefor lunch?
B : It depends,'s usuallya packedlunch
from home.
A: 2) What do you usually drink?
response. B : About 2 litresof water per day,plusfruit juice
for breakfast.
1 A: Do you drinka lot of water? A: 3) How often do you exercise?
B: a llikeit. B : Unfortunately, I don't asI work reallylonghours.
@ t,totthatmuch,I guess. 4) How do you travelto work everyday?
2 A: Do you eat anydairyproducts? B : Sometimes I walk but most of the time I take
the bus.
B: a Exactly.
@ trtotthat often.
Writing (a surveyreport)
canyouthinkof related
to the
Your teacher has askedyou to write a survevreport about the improvements
studentswould like madeto their school.
Let'slook closer
Ms Pash,Headmistress
The majorityof the pupilswould liketo seea largervarietyof food (Para 2) present the results of
in the schoolcafeteria.In fact,threeout of fivewould liketo seea the sur-vey related to food
vegetariandishon the menueachdav.
Althoughmanypupilsdrink fizzydrinks,fruit drinksare more (Para 3) present the results of
popularamongthe students.Fiftypercentof the pupilsaskeo the survey related to drinks
admittedhavingmorethan onefizzydrinkperday,however, thev
fua, Conclusion
Tosumup.a largenumberof pupilspreferto havevegetarian meals
andfruit drinksinstead
of junkfoodor fizzydrinkson the menu.I
recommend that the SchoolBoardtake actionto make more (Para 4) summarise the points
to pupils.
Whichof thefollowingaretruewhenwe write 1 therefore 3 directly excellent
a survey?Lookat the reportin Ex.2 and 2 Whatismore 4 Finally
a Thestyleof writingis informal. . rmprove
b Thepersonwho is goingto readthe report
r theaimof thisreportis
is someonein authority. T
6) l've written this report to recommendways
c We write our pointsundersubheadings.
to 7) make the centre better.
6 Theaimof this 7 rmprove
6 a. Youwork for the localnewspaper. The
editorhasaskedyou to carryout a survey
in orderto find out what peoplein your
town would liketo seedoneto improvethe
4 Completethe following sentenceswith items communitycentre.Readthe ideasbelow
from the box above. andput themunderthe correct
1 Thepurpose/aim
subheadings in the table.
of this reportisto showwhat
the majorityof pupilsfeelabout cafeteriafood. r stayopenlateat theweekends
2 The majorityof pupilswant healthierfood to
o dancecompetitions
. cake& second-hand clothes
be servedin the cafeteria.
. largercanteen
3 Onlya smallnumberof studentsbringpacked
o newtennisballsandracquets
. largerseatingarea
4 As requested,this report was written/carried
. bingoevenings
out to presentthe resultsof a surveyregarding . baby-changing room
the W programmes teenagerspreferto watch. . disabledWC
5 The extractsbelow are written in the wrong
larger canteen, larger seating area,
style. Readthem and replacethe words/ facilities
phrasesin bold with more suitableones from baby-changing
the lists. equipment newtennisballsand racouets
. finally. excellent
. whatismore dance competitions,cake & second-
more events
. directly. therefore handclothessales,
stayopen lateat the weekends
ParkdaleCommunityCentre is one of the most hours
convenientyouthcentresin town. lt is locatednear
the secondary school'l) so it is easilyaccessible b. Usethe informationfrom Ex.6a aswell as
yourown ideasto write the surveyreport.
students.2) Also, there is a large skating rink
Youcanusethe reportin Ex.2 asa model.
3) right behindit. 4) The last thing is, there are
(SeeSuggested Answers Section)
5) good facilitiesfor peoplewith specialneeds.
'{} ',&;'
r WY 4:
4 : \&w
Unit 1
a People
Drawlinesto completethe mindmaps
with thesewords.Youcanaddyourown words,too. Compare
. c u i l y . b e a r rdw d W . S l i m . b r o w .ns t r a i g h t . m o u s t a c h e . s h o r t . f r rebcakllde.sp l u m p . n e i g h b o u
. a v e r a g e h e i g h t . t h o u g .hctuf ur il o u s . c a r e l e s s . b l u e . S feeeeanr l y t e e n s . b r o t h e r . f o r g.estifsut le r
. bestfriend. imaqinative . classmate o honesto tall
ffi ffi
;::1,' .'rr.,:rrr. .,.t,t.:,.r.,,,..
\ l
1 l
V l
U n i t2
. The Environment
Drawlinesto complete
the mindmap
with thesewords.Inpairs,addtwo moreto eachcategory.
' p r a i r i e . b a l d e a g l e . b.ibsooan. s e a t u r t l e . h e d g e r o w . p a n d a . b ou m t t eo rufnl yt a i n s
' c h i m p a n zeesep o t t e d d o l p. thi g
i ne r . b r o w n h a r e . o c e a n . c h i n c h i l l ae. loi zt taerrodb e eo a n t
. cockroach .woodlands . farmland .jungle. pond. river. lake.wetlands . macaw
2 Complete
Usethemin sentences
of yourown.
o release. cut down . environmental. soil . endangered.
factory . air . danger . wildlife . live
cut down trees 6 soilerosion
2 endangered species 7 to release oxygen
3 environmental groups 8 airpollution
4 wildlifehabitat 9 be in dangerof extinction
5 factorywaste 10 livein the wild
on) 3 Putthewordsin brackets
1 Thetiger is a(n)dangerous
(danger)species.We mustdo what we canto protectit.
2 Manyplantsareon the vergeof extinction(extinct).
3 one of our mainconcernsisthe protection(protect)of the environment.
4 san DiegoZoo is famousfor its animalbreeding(breed)programmes.
5 | don't think it was his intention(intend)to drop litter in the Nationalpark.
6 she is studyingenvironmental (environment)scienceat university.
7 Thelocalcouncilis tryingto makeimprovements (improve)to the town park.
8 We arefull of admiration(admire)for her because shedoesso muchfor the environment.
9 Don'tswimthere!Thewater is contaminated (contaminate).
10 lf treesarecut down,then soilerosion(erode)willoccur.
tr ffiWffiffiw w
U n i t3
. Travel
A to thewordsin Column
Matchthewordsin Column B.
f-fl-alboarding lSTil check-in a pass e free
l-216-lboot loTEl buffet b lock f desk
m flat lTTdI road c car g hour
@ rush lE'Iel outy d map h tyre
seatbelt,boot, accelerator,carriage, takeoff, flight,landing, cabin,port,deck,
exhaustpipe,bonnet, platform,station,deck, compartment, checkin, captarn
steeringwheel,driver firlzof in<nortnr
' J V L ! ! v ' pilot,crew,air steward
. Accommodation
3 Listthewordsundertherightheadings.
. cottage. lawn. terraced . garden. detached . two storeyo bungalow. bedsitt corridor. landing
o attic. cellar. hall. garage. fence. flowerbeds. semi-detached
r fifthfloor. flat . balcony . drain
4 Underline item.
1 We took a beautifulwalk along/bythe beach.
2 lt is cheaperto travelthereon/by car.
3 Whenwe get towards/offthe ship,we'll takethe busstraightto the hotel.
4 lt takesthem aboutfifteenminutesto go to the beachon/by foot.
5 Walktowards/alongthe train stationand you'llseethe bankon your right
U n i t4
. Education
Usethe words:enrolling,resit,miss,seminor,sitting,university,
Correctthe sentences. revise.
2 Circle
1 art,matfrs,@-rD 4 classroom,
z tea.r'"r,(r@professor s GEd-e)test,exam
g G;G;;;ok, pen primaryGGil)
6 secondary,
o H u m a nS o u n d s
o Sounds
. Waysof looking
1 Sheglancedat me in disbelief
when ltold herthe news.
2 Sheblinkedher eyesrapidlyasshetriedto stop hertears.
3 As we drovethroughthe park,we gazedsomesquirrels playingin the trees.
4 Thelittleboy put hishandsoverhisfaceand peepedshylyat us throughhisfingers.
5 Therefereeglimpsedquicklyat hiswatch and then blew hiswhistleto startthe game.
6 | peeredthroughthe dirtywindow tryingto seewho was in the room.
7 Theexhausted
hikersstaredat the campflre in silenceasthe flamesslowlydied.
8 Our teacherfrownedwith disappointment when shesaw how badlywe had done in the test.
9 Sheglaredangrilyat the boyswho had brokenherwindow.
10 My brotherwinkedat me to show me that therewas nothingto worryabout.
o Ways of walking
o Ways of laughing
4 Underline
wordin eachsentence.
1 Theteacherbecameannoyedwith the littlegirrs'childishgrinning/giggling.
2 He chuckled/grinned quietlyto himselfas he readher amusingtettE--
3 | couldtell from the biggrin/laughon hisfacethat he was pleasedaboutsomething.
4 Shegavea politesmile/giggleof thankswhen her bossconqratulated her.
U n i t6
r Entertainment
the spidergram
with asmanywordsaspossible.
drama children's
fictional fantasv
3 Underlinethe correctword.
1 star;blockbuster;film,Dhcd. 5 theatre,cinema,caf6,@@
2 audience, film,rfbsEe, applause 6 concert hall, q:mdy, musical performance,
3 Fq@. album,track,song band
4 subtitles,dubbed,)d<(English cast,director,
U n i t7
. Work
2 Choose
A, Bor C.
1 Vivianisn'tat hometonight;she'sworkingthe 5 Youcantrusthercompletely;she's
night reliable B dedicated C patient
A overtime @ shift C hours
M i k ew o r k sf o r a p u b l l s h i n. g. . . . . . ... .
Whydon'tyouapplyfor thisjob?Youhavegot A business B industry @ company
She finds her job very ..........;
all she does is
A degree B licence @ skills
answerthe phoneand type a coupleof letters
3 Jasonwantsto p u r s uae. . . . . . . .i .n.a d v e r t i s i n g . everyoay.
@ career B job C profession A stressful @ boring C creative
Althoughmy job isn'tverywell-paid,
it's very
I learnsomething
neweveryday. @ earns B gains C wins
A satisfying @ challenging C repetitive
3 Complete
with a wordderived
fromthewordsin brackets.
1 Thisartistmust be verygood;hiswork is quite impressive . (impress)
2 Shewritesthe scriptfor a TV series;it's a very creativejob. (create)
3 lt wasn'tverysensible of you to quit yourjob. (sense)
4 She'sa volunteerfor the RedCross.lsn'tthat interesting? (interest)
5 | won't applyfor thisjob becausel'm not at all interested in this kindof work. (interest)
6 Beverycarefulhow you replyto this e-mail;theseareverygood clients.(care)
7 Why don't you talk to Harryaboutthis business
ideaof yours?He'scompletelyreliable.
8 Sheworksfor an environmental organisation.Theydo amazingwork there.(amaze)
U n i t8
. Crime
Completethe sentenceswith derivativesof the words in brackets.
2 Usethe words in the list to completethe spidergrams.
r w i t n e s sr b a r r i s t e r . d e t e c t i v e . s e c u r i t y g uoaj rudr o r . m u g g e r . t h i e f . b u r g l a rr j u o g e
. bankrobber. offendero policeofficer
m ugger er
offender wrtness detective
@ sg6g11g
1uy 6r6
burglar bankrobber
3 Matchthe phrases
in ColumnA to the phrases
in ColumnB.
re press a to ten yearsin prison
[m break b with blankrobbery
Ff,il found c charges
m appear d guilty
place e underarrest
l-6El besentenced f the law
m becharged g beforethe judge
@ bebrought h in court
4 Complete
with thecorrectpreposition.
1 Thepolicearrestedhim for drivingwithout a licence.
2 Hewas chargedwith receiving stolengoods.
3 The men were accusedof theft.
4 Theywere convictedfor a seriouscrimeand sentto prison.
5 Thejudgesentenced them to 10 yearsin prison.
' # #tr"-w
. AnimalSounds
Matchthe animalsto the sounds'
miapw hjss
lf Dh*t
. Collectivenouns
colony /
school /
flock /
/ ,t/
/ ,/
swarm {
. Weathersounds
the correctword in eachsentence'
on the canvas'
to the gentlepatter/clatterof raindrops
1 We satin the tent listening
U n i t1 0
. CookingMethods
Choosethe correctword to completeeachsentence.
. f r y . s t e a m. b o i l . s i m m e ro r o a s t. b a k e . p o a c ho
t steamedvegetables tastebetterand containmorevitaminsthan vegetables that havebeenboiledin water.
2 Eggsareoften friedin a littlefat, but theytastejust as good if they
are poachedin water.
3 You can roastthe potatoesin the ovenwith a little oil, but it
is healthierif you leaveout the oil and iust
4 Fishis deliciousif you grillit overcharcoal,
but you haveto be carefulit doesnot burn.
5 A good stew shouldneverboir,the riquidshourdjust simmergentry.
r Meals
o Sports
as in the
Usethe phrasesto makesentences'
Unit 1 example.
I Presentsimpte- Presentcontinuous
Completethe exchangesbelow with the Tkeyhavebeenwnlkingfar twahaurs"
correctform of the verbsin brackets' she/dothe gardening/thismorning
Shehasbeendoingthe gardening thrsmorning
1 A: WhereareYougoing(You/go)?
(you/want) they/sende-mails/morning
B: To the cinema.Do you want
in the morntng'
to come?
2 A: Whereis (be)Yourneighbour? he/workouVtwentYminutes
B: She'sawayon a businesstrip' I am looking He hasbeenworkingout for twentyminutes'
(look)after her gardenat the moment' formof theverb'
4 Underline
A: How often do You go (You/go) to
in the
hairdresser's? 1 Jude has been working/hasworked
B : Aboutonceeverytwo months' gardenfor the Pasttwo nours'
Whyareyousmelling the
(you/smell) 2 Haveyou had/Haveyou been having
flowers? yet?
B: Theysmell(smell)beautiful' 3 .ianehas visited/hasbeen visiting Portugat
A: WheredoesLukework (Luke/work)? before.
B: At a bank down town' He works
(work) as 4 Fionahas been reading/hasread this
a clerk. sincelastsummer!
Are you going(You/go)on holidaY? 5 Jameshas studied/hasbeen studying
B : Yes,I am flying (fly) to Londontomorrow He now worksfor a big law firm'
mornlng. 6 Haveyou evereaten/been eating caviar?
(the train/
7 A: What time doesthe train leave deIcious!
5 Filfin:never,yet,for, since,ever,olready'iust'
B: At quarterPasteight'
8 A: Haveyou got anyplansfor tonight? - 1 PaulahasalreadY had dinner'
B: Yes,I am seeing(see)Mike'Careto Joln 2 Helenhasneverbeento Australia'
3 | haven'tfinishedthe projectyet'
) PresentPerfectsimPle- Present 4 We havebeenwaitingherefor overan
pertedcontinuous 5 Owenhaslivedabroadsrnce2004'
6 HasDavideverhad Chinesefood?
Complete asin the example'
the questions
)3 7 Kate has alreadyleft the building'You might
Then,answerthem aboutYourself' catchuPwith her if Youhurry'
1 HaveYaueverbeento (be)
lhcve'/ t'la,l'venev*rbeentaParis"
Haveyou everdrivena lorry?(drive)
Yes,I have.
Haveyou evermet anybodyfamous?
Yes,I have
Haveyou evertriedsushi?(tY)
No, I havenevertriedsushi'
Unit 2 ) Will/Goingto
) Modal Verbs
3 Fillin the correctform(begoingtoorwill)
of the
item. verbsin brackets.
Unit 3 ) PastPertect'Past
) PdstsimPle- Pastcontinuous
intothe pastperfect
Puttheverbsin brackets
Put the verbs in bracketsinto the past simple 2
or the Pastcontinuous.
U n i t4 1 Diana told me to finish typing the letters
beforelwent home.
) ReportedSpeech
2 'ThatChemistryexperimentis quite easy,'the
1 Turnthese
speech. teachersaid.
3 He saidto me that he hadfounda greatjob in
1 'Thisrs the best report card my teacherhas
evergivenmel'Jacksaidto hisparents.
4 Shauna said that she wanted to leave
Jacktold his parentsthat was the best report
and get a job.
5 Christold us a greatstorylastnight.
2 'Where is the lecture taking place this
afternoon?'Ann said. 3 Usethe correctform of the verbs in the box to
Ann askedwherethe lecturewastakingplace report the ordersbelow.
that afternoon. .
: .tg!t'n promise. order . deny . slglg€st
3 'l couldn'tansweranyof the problems on the
1 'Of courseI didn't cheatin the tesil' shesaid.
Shedeniedcheatingon the rest.
Pennysaid she couldn'tansweranv of the
2 'Open your bag, now' the detectivesaid to
problems on the Mathspaper.
'Miss her.
4 Smith was correctingexam papersall
Thedetectiveorderedherto open her bag.
3 'Turnoveryour papersand startwriting,'said
Johathansaid Miss Smith was correctino
the examiner.
papersallthe previousevening.
'Do The examinerexplainedus to turn over our
5 you want to join the photographyClub
with me?'Patsaidto me.
4 'Whydon'twe meetlater?'said Monica.
Pat asked me if I wanted to ioin the
Monicasuggested meetinglater
Photography Clubwith her.
'l 5 'Don't worry,I won't tell anyoneyour secret,,
6 applied for the computer courseat the
he said.
He promisednot to tell anyonemy secret.
Tomsaidhe appliedfor the computercourse
at the college. 4 Writethe reported
in directspeech.
I copy your Sciencenotes,please?'Sue
said. 1 Theteachersaidthat theywoLrlddo a test the
Sueaskedme if shecouldcopymy Science followingweek
'Michael, 'You
you are not paying enough will do a test nextweek'saidthe teacher.
attentionin class.'saidMrsJones. 2 Lynn said that she had never seen sucn a
Mrs Jonestold Michaelthat he was nor difficultexampaper.
payingenoughattentionin class. haveneverseensucha difficultexamoaoerl,
'l had saidLynn.
finishedall my homeworkbefore my
friendcameto visit,'saidSandra. 3 Gaylepromisedto helpJunewith her History
Sandra saidshehadfinished homework.
all herhomework
beforeher friendcameto visit. will help you with your Historyhomeworrc,
1 0 'Haveyou seen our new teacheryet?' John June,'saidGayle.
saidto me. 4 The teacheraskedme if I had finishedall of
Johnaskedme if I hadseenour newteacner my homework.
yer. finishedall of yourhomework?'the
n) 2 Completethe sentences belowwith the 5 He askedif he couldopenthe window.
correctform of sayor tell. 'Can
I openthe window?'he asked.
U n i t5 3 Thatwomanis an artist.Herhouseis on our
V RelativeClauses
Thatwoman,whosehouseis on our street,is
item. an artrst.
Halloweenis a is greatfun.
Paulawas reallyangry when she saw the
Halloweenis a festivalwhich is greatfun.
damagewhich/who the dog had done.
StephenKing is a writer.His booksare quite
Sharonis the girl who/whose party we went frightening.
to lastnight.
StephenKing is a writer whose books are
Halloweenis a festivalin thaVwhich everyone quitefrightening.
dresses up asa ghostor a witch.
People who/which write novels are called ) Comparatives dnd Superlatives
4 Fillin thegapswiththeappropriate
5 Thatisthe churchwhen/wherehe got married.
thecornparativeor thesuperlative.
6 My mother remembersa time when/who
there were no suoermarkets. 1 Dragons (scary)
arethescariest of creatures.
I would like to dress uo in a costume 2 Let's go and see the other film. lt's a lot
who/which is reallyscaryfor Halloween. funnierthan (funny)this one.
8 Doesanyoneknow whose/who maskthis is? 3 Michelleis morepolitethan (polite)Joan.
are getting hotter and hotter
4 Temperatures
2 Fillinthecorrect thenput
relativepronoun, (hot)
commas wherenecessary. 5 Rachelis a lot thinnerthan (thin) her friend
1 Dragons, whichhavebigclawsandwings.are Sarah.
terrifiingcreatures. 6 Paulcan run fasterthan (fast)Bob.
2 Theman.whowasdriving thecaqwasspeaking 7 He is friendlierthan (friendly)hisbrother.
on hismobilephonewhenhecrashed. 8 Sheswimsbetterthan (well) me.
3 Students who havejoinedthe university
this 9 This is the most expensive(expensive)dress
year must registerat the Accommodation of all.
Officebefore12 pm. 10 Ann is the most intelligent (intelligent)
4 Caroline,whosebrotherwas in my class, studentin the class.
became a doctor.
5 Thecarwhichis parkedoutsideour houseis 5 Choose
1 Patriciais twice as cleverer/cleveras Carol.
2 lt's getting colder/coldest and colder. Let's
3 Jointhe sentences
or whose. lightthe fire.
I get burnedveryeasilyin the sun becausemy
Johnisa teacher.Heisverypatient. skin is fairesVfairerthan yours.
John,who isverypatient,isa teacher. Sandy has the besVgood voice of all the
That is the book. lt has lots of information singersin the musical.
aboutmythical creatures. The faster /fastest we drivethe fasterwe will
Thatisthe bookwhichhaslotsof information get there.
aboutmvthical creatures.
U n i t6 6 Thiscompanygivesa laptopto ..........
one of
) Articles its executives.
A any @ every c all
1 Completethe exchanges
with a, an or the
wherenecessary. I Adverbs
3 Makecompletesentences.
1 A: Mikesentmea textmessage earlier.
B: Really? So,you knowaboutthe partyon 1 They/ two films/ lastnight/ watched/ at the
Saturday? ctnema
2 A: Why don't you sendme an e-mailwith Theywatchedtwo filmsat the cinemalastniqht.
the informationfromhome? 2 Call/ quickly/ her/ on her mobile/ back
B: Well,the computer at homeis broken. l,ll Callherbackquicklyon her mobile.
sendit fromworK. i ." .' : 3 Tom / in his room / reading/ was sitting /
3 A: I boughta newmobile phone. quietly/ comics
B: Really? Did you get the one I told you Tom was sittingquietlyin his room reading
about? comtcs.
4 A: WasKateat the meeting thismorning? 4 She/ afterdinner/ in a hurry/ immediately / left
B: Yes,shewas.Shegavea presentation of Sheleft in a hurry,immediately afterdinner.
hernewproject. 5 She/ allday/ at the office/hasbeenworking
5 A: We went to the cinema last night to Shehasbeenworkingall dayat the office.
watchthe film. 6 After that call/ confused/ he / totally/ was
B: What wasthe title of the film you saw? After that call,he wastotallyconfused
6 A: I don't likewesternsat all.
B: Are you serious? Haven't you ever F QuestionsTdgs
watchedthe film The MagnificentSeven?
It'sone of the bestfilmsever!
4 Completethe questiontags.
1 Thisisa nicesong,isn'tit?
) Quantifiers 2 You'vegot a car.haven'tyou?
3 Comehere,won't you?
2 Choose
A. Bor C. 4 Davehasn'thad lunchyet, hashe?
5 l'm rightaboutthis,aren'tt?
1 Thereare thingsI wantto askyou.
6 Thepolicecaughtthe bankrobbers,didn'tthey?
A a little @afew C all 7 Helenwill studyabroad,won't she?
2 Therewere peopleat the cinemalast 8 Janeworksat a bank,doesn'tshe?
A many B little @ a lot of
I ReflexivePronouns
3 Damienhas invited peoplefrom the 5 Fillinthecorrect
office. 1 Marionlookedat herselfin the mirror.
@ several B alot C little 2 Mikedidthe Mathshomework allby himself.
4 Can I borrow . . . . . . . m
. . o n e yf r o my o u ?l ' m 3 Behave yourself
whenyouarein the library.
broke! 4 Children,helpyourselvesto somepizza.
@ a little B afew C much 5 We boughtthiscountryhousefor ourselves.
6 lanand Marytaughtthemselves how to play
5 How directorshave worked together
the guitar.
on thisfilm?
7 Don'ttouchthis,it''llburnyourself.
A few B much @ many
8 He claimsto havemet the president of the
ffi :"1::,..,S'.':i',,*i
Unit 7 7 Wishes
b Conditionals
3 Whatdoeseachperson
1 Completethe sentencesusing the correctform 1 | haven'tgot enoughmoney.
ofthe verb in brackets. lwishI hadertoughmoney.
2 Please stop playingthe musicthat loudly.
1 lf the alarm clock had gone off, I wouldn't
I wishthe musicwasnot so loud
havebebn(noVbe)latefor the meeting.
3 | didn't know you were in hospital.
2 lf you applyfor the job, theywill call(call)you
lwish I had knownyouwerein the hospital.
for an interview.
4 l'veeatentoo much.Now I feelsick.
3 lf he liked(like)hisjob, he wouldn't lookfor a
I wishI had not eatenso much.
new one.
5 | shouldn'thavepaintedthe roomyellow.
4 lf Kate earnedmore money,she would buy
I wish I had not paintedthe roomyellow.
(buy)her own flat
6 | can'taffordthiswatch.
5 lf Jackarrives(arrive)late at the office,he'll
I wish I couldaffordthis watch.
missthe beginningof the meeting.
7 | don't havea comouter.
6 Unlesshe prepares verywell for this exam,he
I wishI hada comouter.
won't pass(pass)it.
8 | shouldn'thaveliedto her.
7 Theywouldn't have left if he had been (be)
I wish I had not liedto her.
nicerto them
9 | haven'tgot anyfriends.
8 lf lwere you,lwould apologise(apologise)to
I wishI hadsomefriends.
10 Oh no! lt'srainingagain.
9 lf I found (find)a job in London,I would move
I wishit wouldstopraining.
10 lf he had told her the truth, shewould have
forgiven(forgive)him. of purpose
b Clauses
Make conditionalsentences,
as in the example. 4 Choose
1 Mary doesn't have enough money so she 1 Shecalledme inviteme to her party.
can't buy a new car.I{ fifr*rylzadenough{'{tofte}r, A sothatshe@ to C with a viewto
sfuewswklbuvG new{0t 2 She askedfor a meetingwith her manager
Katewasn't very careful.That'swhy she had askingfor a raise.
the caraccident. A so that she @ with a viewto
lf Kate had beencareful.shewould not have C in orderto
hadthe caraccident. 3 Celiaworkedall night finishthe report
Janeis ill,so shecan't cometo the party.
@ so asto B in order C so that sne
Janewouldcometo the partyif sheweren'til,.
lan didn't get your message.That'swhy he Daverang earlier see how you were
didn'tcallyou. doing.
lf lan had got your messagehe would have A sothat he @ ,o C for
calledvou. Nina is workingsomeextrahoursthis month
5 Nigeldoesn'thaveany money,so he can't go earn some more monev for her
awayon holiday. summerholiday.
Nigelwould go on holidayif he had some
@ in orderto B so as C with a viewto
U n i t8 4 She will ask someoneto install an alarm
) The Passive systemin her house.
Shewill havean alarmsysteminstalled
in her
1 Completetheexchangesusingthecorrect house.
formof theverbsin brackets. 5 Jackwas cleaningthe pool for Tom.
A: Havethe policetalkedto the witnesses Tomwashavinghispoolcleaned.
B: Yes,theywere questioned (question) 6 Kate and Frank hired a professionalto
yesterday. organisetheirweddingreception.
A: Are thereanysuspects? Kateand Frankhad their weddingreception
B: One man dressedin blackwas seen(see) organisedby a professional
nearthe sceneof crrme. 7 Thehairdresserwill cut Helen,s
A: Bank robbersshould be sent (send) to Helenwill haveher haircut tomorrow
prisonfor years. 8 Themechanichasserviced paul,smotorbike.
' ',' ','r.' Paulhashadhismotorbike serviced.
B : I absolutely
agree. ,,:'1
4 A : Mrs Peters'flat was broken into (break 9 Thetailoris makinga suitfor Tom.
into) lastnight! Tomis havinga suitmade.
B : Oh, nol How dreadfult 10 ThebakermadeNancy,s birthdaycake.
5 A : A burglaralarmsystemhas alreadybeen Nancyhada birthdaycakemade
in the flat.
B: That'sgreat.
) Clauses of Result
6 A: The bank robberywas recorded(record) 4 Jointhesentences
on the CCTVcameras. the example.
B: Really?Then, the bank robber wilr oe 1 The damageat the bank was big. lt had to
arrested(arrest)sooneror later. closedown for a coupleof days.
Thedamagewzssobig that thebankhad to efose
2 Fill in by ot with.
dawnfar s caupleof days.
1 Thedoorwas openedwith a key. lt wassucha big damagethat thebankhcd to
2 Thismusicwaswritten by a famouscomposer. elosedawnfara coupleaf days.
3 The witnesseswere questionedby three 2 Thenoisewasveryloud.We all woke up.
policeofficers. 3 The areawas very noisy.We decidedto move.
4 The window had been brokenwith a heaw 4 Thisman isveryrich.He hashisown yacht.
object. 5 He isveryyoung.He can,tdrivea car.
5 Ihe policecarwas shotat by the robbers. (SeeSuggested
6 The building is watched by securityguards
roundthe clock. ) Determiners
Causativeform 5 Underline
1 Youcanneither/either
comewithusor sray
3 Rewrite
in thecausative
form. at home.
Mum combsSusan's
haireveryday. 2 None/Neitherof us likeshorrorfilms.
Susanhasher haircombedeveryday. 3 lvery,/All house in the neighbourhoodhas
Thenurseis bandaging
hisleg. got a burglaralarmsystem.
He is havinghisleg bandaged. 4 Either/Neither you tell me what you know or
Thedoctortook Mr White'sbloodpressure. I will haveyou arrested.
Mr Whitehad hisbloodpressure taken. 5 The policeofficergaveeach/allwitnesssome
mug shotsto lookat.
Unit I 2 Rewritethe sentences.Usem,Jst,can't,
b Modols
1 l'm surethey havecaughta lot of fish.
Choosethe correctitem.
Theymusrkavercwghta {ataf fish.
1 A : ls this Mary? 2 Maybehe'slatefor a meeting.
B : No, it musVcan't be her. Mary has got He mightbe latefor a meeting.
blondehair. 3 He looksveryupset.
2 A : lsJohnhereyet? He mustbe veryupset.
tt: No, he isn't. He musVcan't have stayed 4 Maybehe'smadea mistake.
late at the office. Hemighthavemadea mistake.
A: I'm in terribleoain. 5 | thinkhe hashurt hisback.
B : You musVcan'thavebrokenyour leg. He mayhavehurt hisback.
A: The phone'sringing.Who could it be at 6 l'm surehe'sverytired.
thishour? Hemustbe vervtired.
B: lt can'Vmustbe Jane.Shesaid she'dcall Perhaps Owenwill go to Spainfor the summer.
at aroundtwelve. Owenmightgo to Spainfor the summer.
A: I don't have enough money to pay my It's possiblethat Kateand Fionahavealready
renT. seenthe film.
B: Why don't you ask Luke?He mav/can't Kateand Fionamayhaveseenthe film already.
lendyoursomemoney. MaybeRitawill quit herjob at the end of the
A: l'vegot a terribleheadache. month.
B: Youshould/haveto takean aspirin. Ritamayquit herjob at the endof the month.
A: MusU@ we take photographs insidethe 1 0 It's possiblethat Bob has movedto the States
museum? for good.
B : I'm afraidnot. Bobmight havemovedto the Statesfor good
8 A : You mustn'Vdon'thaveto do that again. 11 l'm sureSusanhasn'tliedto you.
B : l'm sorry. Susancan'thaveliedto you.
9 A : We can'Vhave to be at the station at 12 Perhaps
1 0 : 3 0a m . Theymayjoin ustonight.
B: You'reright.Thebusleavesat 11.
1 0 A: May/ShouldI borrowyour pen?
3 Lookat the
B: Sure.Go ahead.
1 1 A: Could/MustI talk to Mr Jones?
the prompts
B: l'm afraidhe isn't in hisoffice. to makeas
12 A: Should/CanI havea sandwich,please? manylogical
B: Sure.Helpyourself. assumptions
1 3 A: ThismusVcan'tbe true.Youare lying. aspossible.
B: No,l'm not. r computer/
1 4 A: I feel reallytired.
B: You have to/s_hou!g]havea rest. . lose/data
1 5 A: lsthisyourpen? . bestressed
B: No, it can'Vmus!be John's. . bewilling/
. playlcomputer
Unit10 1 2 A : What'swrong with you?
) (to)infinitive/-ing form B : My parentswon't let me go (go) to the
on Fridaynight.
1 Complete theexchangeswith thecorrect
form 1 3 A: Are you doinganythingtonight?
ofthe verbin brackets. B : Jesssuggestedeating(eat) out.
1 4 A: lsJohnhere?
I lovelistening(listen)to rockmusic.
B : No, he hasgonejogging(iog).
Me too! | look forward to going (go) to ' t 5 A:
What areyou doingthisafternoon?
the DepecheMode open air concertnext
B : I maybe visiting(visit)my grandparents.
week! Are you coming?
No. l'm afraidI can't afford (afford) to pay
for the ticket.
2 Complete thesentences
Would you like to come (come)to an art
1 There'sDiane.Sheseemsto be looking(look)
exhibitionwith me tomorrow?
for a taxi.
SurelThanksfor asking(ask)me.
Kate claims to have won (win) a beauty
Nigeltried to kick (kick) the ball but he
contestwhen shewas eighteen.
lan tends to stay (stay) at home at the
What did you expect?He,stoo young to
4 Sheappearsto havelost (lose)a lot of weight.
I havedecidedto take (take) up jogging.
5 He is believedto be (be) the best basketball
Good idea.But what'sthe useof working
playerof histime.
(work) out if you don't go on a diet aswell?
Theteam seemsto be training(train)hardfor
5 A : I'm havingdifficultymeeting(meet) the
the gamesnext month
Why don't you askyour supervisor to give
(give)you an extension? 3 Fiflin the gapswith wouldrather,prefer(s),
wouldprefer,had better.
l'll neverforgetvisiting(visit)Madrid.
I regretnot joining(noVjoin)you. 1 | wouldrathertakeup tennisthansquash.
The childrenshouldbe in bed.Theyaren,t 2 Jimprefersgoingswimming to goingjogging.
allowedto stay(stay)up so late. 3 Lesleywould preferto go out on weekdays
I know but they refuseto go (go) to bed! ratherthan on Saturdays.
I hateworkingout (work out) in the gym. I Kate would prefer to go on a diet in the
preferto exercise(exercise)aloneat home. summerthan in the winter.
Don'tyou find it boring?| don,tmindgoing Cathy had better avoid eatingjunk food or
(go) to the gym as long as it isn,tcrowded. she'llgaina lot of weight.
ls Ann here? Helen would rather have just a salad now
Yes.I can hear her talking (talk) on the than havepasta.
phone. You had better try the dresson before you
10 What did you do yesterdayafternoon? buy it. lt might not fit you.
My mum mademe tidy up (tidy) my room. We usuallywould preferto go to the cinema
Why don't you askJimto help(help)you? to stayingin.
There'sno point in asking(ask)him. He,ll
just sayno.
was Deen tay lain
bore born(e) lit lit
UEO L beaten lost lost
oecame become made maoe
began oegun meant meant
bit bitten met mer
blew blown paid paid
broke broken pur put
brought brought read read
built built rooe ridden
burnt(burned) burnt (burned) rang rung
burst burst roSe nSen
bought bought ran run
could (beenableto) said said
caught caught SAW seen
chose cnosen sought sought
came come sold sold
i cost cost cost sent sent
i cut cut cur i r.t 5er set
deal dealt dealt SCW SCWCO sewn
dig dug dug shake shook shaken
oo did done shine snone Snone
oream dreamt(dreamed) dreamt(dreamed) shoot shot shot
drink drank drunk snow showed SNOWN
drive drove driven shut shut ShUt
eat ate eaten srn9 sang sung
fall fell fallen sit SAI sar
feed fed fed sleep slept slept
feel felt felt smell smelt(smelled) smelt(smelled)
fight fought fought speak spoKe spoken
find found founo spell spelt(spelled) spelt(spelled)
flee fled fled speno spent spenr
rly flew flown split split split
forbid forbade forbidden spreao spreao spreao
forget forgot forgotten spnng sprang sprung
forgive forgave forgiven stand stood stood
freeze froze frozen steal stole stolen
get 90r 90r stick stuck stuck
gtve gave grven sting stung stung
go went 9one stink stank stunk
grow grew grown strike struck StrUcK
hang hung(hanged) hung(hanged) SWear SWOre SWOTN
nave had had sweep swept swepr
near heard heard swtm SWAM SWUM
hide hid hidden take took taken
hit hit LEOLI I taught Lqu9il(
hold held helo tear tore torn
hurt hurt hurt tell told told
keep kept kept think thought thought
know KNEW KNOWN throw threw thrown
lay laid laid understand understood understood
lead led , l e d ,, ' wake WOKC woken
tearn learnt(learned) learrnt(learned) wear wore worn
leave left left wtn won won
lend lent lent write wrote written
let let let
So, what does Plinkertonthink we can do about it?
Unfortunately, this is where I found her book a bit of a
disappointmentA lot of the informationin this chapterof
@ Tapescript 1 (p.9)
for Exercise
the book is very technicaland complicated,but here and
The partywas greatyesterday, wasn,tit? thereshedoeshavesomecommonsense,and perhapsrather
Lynn:Yes, I reallyenjoyedit. The musicwas fantasticand the obvious,suggestions. As she says,we needto cut down on
food was excellentl the amountof energywe useand shearguesthat we canall
The peoplewere interestingtoo lan introducedme do this by turningelectricalequipmentoff when we are not
to LauraSinger. Didyou meether? usingit and puttingon a sweaterwhen we feelcold.instead
tynn:No, I don't think so.What doesshelook like? of turning the heatingup. payingattentionto such simple
Charlotte:She is short and slim, wiih dark black hair and detailscansavea remarkable amountof energy
greeneyes Finally,and this is the part of the book I found the most
Lynn:Andwhat is she like? fascinating, Plinkertondiscusses the hiddenenergycostsof
Charlotte:She'sfriendly,talkativeand very interesting.She,s the food we eat lt seemsthat many food suppliersare
travelledto Africa,NewZealandand Antarctica. contributing to globalwarmingbecause so muchof the food
Lynn;Really? That'sso impressrve. we eat thesedaystravelshugedistances beforeit endsup on
Chorlotte:And that'snot all. In Januaryshewon the National our tables When you think that a lot of this food is
Writing Competitionand next Septembershe is going to transportedby air so that it reachesthe supermarkets in as
ColumbiaUniversity to studyCreativeWritingl fresh a condition as possible,then you can begin to
tynn; Wow! l'd loveto meet her too. understandthe seriousness of the problem.As plinkerton
Charlotte:Well, we're thinking of going to the cinema says,we can all help reducethe amount of energythat is
tomorrow.Do you want to join us? wasted if we only buy food that is produced is
Lynn:Sure, that'd be qreat! fresher,healthier,probablycheaper,and if we all buy local
productswe will supportour local farmingcommunityas
well l'm off to my localmarketright now.Goodbye.
S Tapescript
for Exercise
1 (p.57) S Tapescript
for Exercise
1 (p.65)
Iutor: Good afternoon,everybody.I am delightedto be here Voiceof radio presenter:And now our top safety tips for new
today to talk to you about the naturephotography studentsat St GeorgeUniversity.
coursesthat I teach.I would like to start by givingyou
some idea of what you can expect to learn on the Voiceof another radio presenter:Staying safe is not rocket
short. four-week course,which is the most popular is all about commonsenseand followinqsome
coursethat we offer. basicguidelines:
As I said.the courselastsjust four weeksand focuses Whetheryou sharea flat or liveon your own, makesurethat
on taking picturesof wild plants,or perhapsI should you alwayslock the doorsand closethe windows when you
say wild flowers. as it is the flowers which are the
90 out.
importantpart of any wild plant photography.Forthat
reason,we only run coursesfrom April until September In halls of residencebe careful who follows you into the
- there simplyaren't enoughflowers
in winterl This building.Alwayslock your bedroomdoor;evenwhen vou are
yea4 the first coursestarts on the secondof Aoril. in anotherpart of the building.
That'son a Monday,of course. After a night out, don't walk home alone.Stayover with
friends,walk in groupsor take a taxi. lf you haveto go back
The courseis open to both amateurand professional home on your own makesurethat you walk in well_litareas
photographers overthe ageof eighteen.Althoughwe and carrya mobilephonewith you.
nave run separate courses for amateurs and
professionalsin the past, we have found that most Avoidusingcash-machines
at night.
people prefer a course where professionalsand
amateurs work and learntogether.I shouldalsoexplain Keepyour carddetails,pin numbersand chequebooksin a
that the reasonyou haveto be eighteenis in order to safeplaceat home.Do not carrythem with you.
useour laboratories.
Finally.markyourpropertywith yourinitialsand lD number.In
As far as equipment is concerned,we encourage caseyour property is stolen, the police can identif,i it and
participantsto use their own camerasas much as return it to you.
possible.Photographersfeel at ease with their own
equipmentand this in turn meansthat you are more Remember that stayingsafeis simple.
likelyto get good results.Of course,we want you to Useyour commonsense.Don't makeyourselfa victim.
learnas muchas you can,so the cost of hiringspecial
equipment,when it is needed,is includedin the course
fee of f200.
The chanceto usethe latestphotographic equipment tl
8 (p. 11)
t :N e i g h b o u r s
Writing Hi! What's up? | reallyenjoyedreadingabout your
Exercise (p. 11) familyin your last e-mail.You'reluckyto havesucha
1 | haveknown her for five yearsnow. Sheis pretty
Thereare four peoplein my family,too. My mother,
with long black hair and green eyes. We go
Mary,is40 andsheworksasa nu6e.Sheisstrictbut sheis
veryfair. My dad, Marc,is 43. He is a taxi driver.He'svery
2 He is veryquietand creative.He is alsoverysmart.
funnyand hasa greatsenseof humour.
He hasshortbrown hairand he is verytall.
My sister'sname is Julia.Sheis 14. She'squiet and
3 They are my best friends.Lou is very handsome
studiesa lot. Shealwaysdoeswell in school.
and he's a real chatterbox.Jane is much quieter
Well,that'sall from me.Write backsoonand tell me
than Lou.Sheisvervbeautiful.
what you'vebeenup to.
5 (p. 11)
1 Ann is friendly and caring./Annis friendly.In
addition/Moreover,she is caring./Annis friendly
and sheis alsocaring.
2 Bob is hardworkingand kind./Bobis hardworking.
In addition/Moreover; he is kind./Bob is hard- Listening & Speaking
workingand he isalsokind. Exercise1b (p. 17)
3 Paul is enthusiastic,buVOn the other hand/
A: Most expertsdisagreeon the reasonsfor global
However/Nevertheless, he can be ratherAeemsto
be bossysometimes.
B: Yes,but they all believethat it'sgrowingquickly.
4 Helenis attractivewith greeneyesand long fair
A: Canwe do anythingaboutit?
B: Yes,we can buy more localfood produce.
5 Maryis politeand friendly,buVOnthe other hand/
A: How doesthis help?
However/Nevertheless, she seems to be/can be
B: It helps reduce the amount of energy that is
ratherforgetfulat times.
wastedwhen food travelslonq distances.
6 Janeis kindand alwaysveryhelpful/Jane
is kind.In
addition/Moreovel sheis alwaysveryhelpful./Jane
Exercise2 (p. 18)
kindand is alsoalwaysveryhelpful.
7 Harryis very sociableand intelligent./Harry
is very 1 Becausethat's the contact name given on the
sociable.In addition/Moreover, he is intelligent./ poster.No. He couldn't sign off with Yours
Harryisverysociableand is alsointelligent. becausewe usethat when we start the letter with
8 Vivianis like a sisterto me, buVOnthe other hand/ DearSiror Madam.He couldn't sign off with Best
she can get on my nerves urshesbecausethis is a formal letter.
sometimes. 2 Yes,the writer hascoveredall the points.
3 Yes,the writer hasaskedfor an entry form.
7 (p. 11).
1 Thereare four peoplein my family.My mum, Mary Writing
my dad,Marc,me and my sister, Julia. 5 (p.19)
2 My mum is a nurse.My dad is a taxi driver.My sister DearMsJones,
isa student. I am interestedin working as a volunteerin a help
3 My mum is strictbut fair.My dad is veryfunny and centreand lwould be gratefulif you couldgiveme some
hasa greatsenseof humour.My sisteris quiet and furtherinformationand sendme an applicationform.
studiesa lot.
Firstof all, I would like to know in which countries and dadwerestandingbehindme wishingme a nappy
volunteerswork andwhat exactlytheydo. Secondly,could birthday.
Theshinynew carwasmtne.
you pleaselet me knowhow longthe traininglasts?
I huggedmy mum and dad and after I had calmed
Thank you in advancefor your assistance.
I look down a bit ltook them for a ride.As the wind was
forwardto hearingfrom you.
blowingthroughmy hair;I kept thinkingthat thiswas
Yourssincerely, the happiest
dayof my life.
a break
Grammar in Use
Exercise a (p. 31)
3 (p.26)
Paulsaid,'Thereare many reasonsbehinomy poor
1 As soonas the journeyhad ended,we qot off the performance.''First of all, I havea fear of exams,,he
ooat. explained.
2 While the boat was sailingwe were eatinqice_ 'What
causes thisfear?,the studentadvisor askedhim.
creamon the deck. 'l
find it difficultto organisemy time and I don,t pay
3 | hadbeendrivingwhen I hearda loudnoise. attentionin class,'paulexplained. ,That,s
why I always
4 Afterthe planehad hit someturbulence,
the pilot feelunprepared.'
maoean announcement. 'You
shouldspendmoretime in the libraryand keepa
5 As soon as I had lookedat travelwebsiteson the dailyschedule of the thingsyou needto do,,the school
Internet,I bookedmy flight. advisorsaidto paul/suggested.
havealwayswantedto organisemy time but I didn.V
5 (p.27) don't know how. I will keepa schedule and organise
1 Directspeech/describing
people,sreactions to/feelings my time,'he said/promised
aboutthe eventsdeveloped 'l
in the mainbody. want you to meet with me again next week,, the
2 Askinga rhetoricalquestion/using directspeech. studentadvisor saidto paul.
3 Usingyour senseVdescribing people,sreactionsto/
feelingsaboutthe eventsdeveloped in the mainbodv Writing
2b (p. 3a)
6 (p.27)
Attending boarding school has a number of
The happiestday of my life advantages.
It wasmy 21stbirthdayand I woke up veryearly.
The Goingto boardingschooldoeshaveits disadvantages,
sunwasshiningand birdsweresinging.I couldhearmV though.
mum makingbreakfast in the kitchen.
I jumpedout of bed,got dressed and went downstairs. 3 (p. 35)
My mumgaveme a big birthdayhugandtold me to srtat To start with = Firstly
the table.Thensheservedme the bestbreakfast
of my life. As a result= Forthis reason/Consequently
As lwas eating,my dadcameintothe kitchentt seemed Furthermore= In addition/Moreover
but he didn'twishmea happybirthday. However= On the other nanO
After my dad had finishedeating,he askedme if I Also = In addition/Moreover
wanted a ride to work. I saidsureand I followedhim
ln conclusion= To conclude
out of the house.As the garagedoor was opentng,I
realisedthat it wasn't our old Ford parkedin the
a (p. 35)
garage.Insteadthere was a bright red convertible.
I A beginning- rhetorical
stoodwith my mouth mum
B ending- quotation
C beginning- rhetorical
question 6 Thisisthe girlwhosecookingis brilliant.
D ending- addressthe readerdirectly,quotation 7 Decemberis the month when the Swedeshavea
5a (p. 35)
Exercise 8 Shehasa beautifulnecklace that usedto belong
A: Therearea numberof advantages to studyingin a to hermother
foreign country.To start with. studentsexpose 9 There'sthe ladywhosedaughterlivesin ltaly.
themselvesto a differentculture. 10 That'sthe spookyhousethat hasa ghost.
B: As a result,they becomemoretolerantand open-
minded. Moreover,these students make new Exercise5 (p. 38)
friendsof differentnational
ities. 1 successful 3 speechless
A: Howeve; studying in a foreign country has its 2 helpful 4 beautiful
disadvantages. Themaindrawbackisthat sometimes
it isdifficultfor studentsto adaptto a newwayof life. Writing
B: Also, becausestudentsare away for so much of Exercise1 (p.42)
the year;theymaymisstheirfamilies
The main characters
are Jakeand Terry.No, the writer
isn'tin the story.
5b (p. 35)
Nowadays.more and more teenagersare going 3 (p. 43)
away to a foreigncountryto study.Foreignstudents
Adjectives:muddy,calm,sudden,loud, huge,freezing
spendmost of the year away from home and usually
onlyreturnfor the summermonths.
screamed, etc.
Thereare a numberof advantages to studyingin a
foreigncountry.Tostartwith, studentsexposethernselves
to a differentculture.As a result,they becomemore
ab (p.43)
tolerant and open-minded.Moreover;these students
1 enormous 3 horrible/awful
makenewfriendsof differentnationalities.
2 slight 4 remarkable/delightful
However,studying in a foreign country has its
disadvantages Themaindrawbackisthat sometimes it
Exercise7 @. a3)
is difficultfor studentsto adapt to a new way of life.
Also, becausestudentsare away for so much of the Jack sighedwith relief as the plane came to a
and friends. screeching halt at the end of the runwayafter an awful
In conclusion,
studyingin a foreigncountryhas its flightthrougha storm.
advantages and disadvantages I believe
the decision
of It wasn't the bestway to start this summerholiday
whetherto go abroadto studyis a veryseriousone and and he hopedthat he couldfinallyget to the hoteland
it dependson the student'stype of personality and relaxon a beautifulbeach But histroublesweren'tover
strenqthof character. yet.Theweatherwas gettingworseand the passengers
were not allowed.toleavethe planebecauseof the
wind and rain.He sattherefor anotherhourbeforean
Unit5:Weird air hostessannouncedthat it was safeto leave.He got
& wonderful
a taxi and went straightto the hotel and hopedfor
Grammar in Use betterweather,but it keptrainingand raining.
Exercise (p. 38) The TV announced a tornadowas headingfor the
next day and warned everyoneto stay indoors.He
2 That'sthe hotelwherewe stayedlastsummer. E
decidedto try and get somesleepwhen suddenlyhe
3 We went backto the shopwheremy sisterwas.
hearda loudscreech followedby a crashingsoundand D
4 This is the car that he drivesto work in everv
felt the hotelroomshakeand then therewas silence.
He went outsideand saw that buildingshad been
5 That'sthe villagewhereMary'ssonlives.
destroyed and there was debris everywhere.He
couldn'tbelieveit and he couldn.tdo anythingHe had Well,I went to a rockconcerton Friday_ it was totally
plannedan exoticholidayand he had experienced
a amaztngl
nrghtmare.He was exhausted and went back to his It wasat the new stadiumand it was by a rockgroup
roomand fell into hisbed.Thenextmorninqhe woke calledMotorway- maybeyou,ve heard of them? The
up, packedhissuitcases and returnedhome. ticketswere prettyexpensiveat f50, but I think it was
worth it.
Therewas a reallygood atmosphereand the place
Unit 6:State-of-the-art was packed.The soundsystemwas excellentand the
band gave a great performance,
singingall of my
1 (p.50) I was a little disappointed
that I was far away from
l'm goingto write aboutwhetherI havebeento any the stage.
liveconcertsrecently. Anyway.I stillhadone of the bestnightsof my life.lf
you ever havethe opportunityto see them live,you
2b (p. 50) reallymust go Haveyou heardtheir new CD? Write
Alex likedthe wonderfulatmosphere _ the fans were soonandtell me what you thinkof it.
cheerfuland enthusiastic, he likedthe star,sappearance Takecare,
- the lighting was great Kim
and the star wore trendy
clothes,he likedthe star,sperformance _ shenaoa great
voiceanda variedprogramme. TheonlythingAlexdidn,t
likewas the fact that the concertwas too shortand he Unit7:Allina day's
didn'tthinkthe fansgot goodvaluefor theirmoney
3 (p. 50) Exercise1a,b (p. 56)
entertaining- great(para5) 1 Geoff- F 3 Michael- E
fabulous - great(para1) 2 Susan- D 4 Brooke- A
modern trendy(para3)
wildly= enthusiastically
(para3) Writing
complex= elaborate(para3)
3b (p. 59)
heavenly = angelic(para3)
upset= disappointed 1 | am writingto you for the positionof photographer
latest= new (para5) whichwasadvertised in thisweek,sonlineeditionof
NY Magazine for Teens.
Exercise 2 | am a 2O-year-oldstudentand l,m quitegooo at
a (p. 51)
A The Moscow State Circus,opening night was
3 Hi!
4 Despitemy lackof formalwork experience, I feel
B The Farnborough
Air Showwas popularwith the
that I am quitesuitable
for the position.
5 Also, I can providea referenceletter in which my
C I was totally captivatedwith the performanceI
prevtousemployersaysl,m a good photographer
attendedon Friday.
and that you cancounron me.
D lt wasthe mosttediouseventI haveeverattended.
6 lt is my ambitionto studyphotographyat UELand
somedayto workasa professional photographerfor
7 (p. 51)
suchprestigiousmagazines asNationalGeographic.
7 | am describedas hard-working,efficientand a
Hil How areyou?lt was greatto get your letter you photographerwith greatpotential
askedme if l've been doing anythingexcitinglately
8 My English
and Germanaren,tbadeither.
2c (p. 66) 4 Parkin a safeplaceor In a garage.By doingthis.
thieveswill not haveeasyaccess
to your car.
createan e-mailaddress
or username. 5 The resultof taikingto an adult you can trust
would be that they will be ableto hetpvou and
online. you will not sufferalone.
5b (p. 67)
that areclassed
as child-friendly.
2 Anothersolutionwould be to take short breaks
whenyou'reusingthe computelbe carefulwhen Then,your mindwill be clearand yourstudytime
you'remakingup e-mailaddresses
and usernames. will be moreeffective.
In addition, don't become personallyinvolvedwith
3 lt would be a good ideato eat healthilyand get
peoplethat you meetonline.
it'swiseto onlyvisitsitesthat areappropriate
for energyand be ableto concentrate.
4 lt would help if you madea revisiontimetable.This
wouldmeanthat yourworkwouldbe moreorganised
3 (p. 67) andyouwouldbe ableto assess
1 talk to your teacher;write a note to your parents, 5 Thesituationcouldbe improvedby studyingwith a
stayin safeareasin schoolwheretherearea lot of friend.As a result,you coulddiscuss
anydifficulties l
of nature U n i t1 0F e s t i v e T i m e
G r a m m ai n
r U se Gr amm ar
in Use
6 (p. 71)
Exercise 6 (p. 79)
1 lt must be summer.Theymight be a family.They l'd oreferto watchfootballon TV.
mightbe havingbreakfast. I preferwatchingfootballto playingfootball.
2 Theymight be celebrating
something. Theycan't l'd ratherplay-ricketthan playbasketball.
be unhappy. l'd betterbe carefulwhat I eat from now on.
3 He might be latefor work. He might be veryupset. Writing
He mightbe a businessman. 6b (p. 83)
To: Mr Brown,Editor,TheDailyNews
7 (p.71)
F r o m : J o hS
1 You might haveput it in the wardrobe.You may Subject:lmprovements
to the CommunityCentre
haveleft it at work. Date:15TheJune
2 He mighthavegonefor lunch.He may havegone
homefor the day.
The purposeof this reportis to presentthe resultsof a
3 She might havegone to bed early.She may not
surveyin whichlocalpeoplewerequestioned aboutthe
havefelt liketalking.
they would like made to Parkdale
4 He might havehad otherplans.He may not have
hadanyoneto go with
& Equipment
Writing The majorityof peoplewould like to see a larger
1 (p.7a)
Exercise canteenand a largerseatingarea.Twentypercentof
1 An e-mailto James. peopleinterviewedwould like to seea baby-changing
2 informal roomand a smallnumberof oeoolewouldliketo seea
whetherI can go; some
3 thanksfor the invitation; disabledWC installed.A large number of people
questionsaboutthe weekend believethe communitycentrewould benefitfrom new
4 H i J a m e sL! o v eJ o tennisballsand racouets.
Events& OpeningHours
5 (p. 75)
Exercise Manypeopleinterviewed
would liketo seemoreevents
DearJenny, put on at the communitycentre such as dance
It was greatto hearfrom you. I alwaysenjoyhearing competitions,
cakeand second-hand
your news. the majorityof people
bingo eveningsFurthermore,
Thanksso much for invitingme to your birthday interviewedbelievedthe centreshouldstay open late
party.l'd loveto come but l've got an examthe next at the weekends.
day,so I need to stay in and study for it. Perhaps
canget togethernextweekendinsteadand you cantell
In conclusion,if these changeswere made, the
me all aboutit.
communitycentrewouldbe improvedand morepeople
Havea wonderfultime and let me know if you're
would u--:
free nextweekend
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alI esserrtlailloea[:,ullal,y,
o a vai'ietye i'auiiir:ntite.
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in va'''re.lurs vtil]:nfi;t[
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tips ir-r'or',.lotini;
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