5 Upstream Elementary A2 - TB For WB
5 Upstream Elementary A2 - TB For WB
5 Upstream Elementary A2 - TB For WB
I Iff
K K b U l }l\
E LE M E N T A R Y A 2
Teacher's Book
Express Publishing
Up ;tream
Teacher's Book
Express Publishing
W fk d u
Vocabulary Practice
1 a. W h a t jo b does each
person do? Label th e
2 M atch th e w ords in th e tw o
Travel and Tourism
columns to m ake phrases. Use
th em in th e ir correct fo rm to Careers Fair, (0) Liverpool
com plete th e sentences. M a y 2 6 th t o ( 1 ) M a y 2 8 th
Thousands o f (2) job vacancies
a uniform \
Representatives fro m in te rn a tio n a l tour companies, travel
part-tim e agencies and a r res
a lot
W here? St. George's H a l (opposite Lime S treet (3) S tation).
shifts O p e n in g tim e s : (4 ) 10am to 6p m
a com puter
For m ore in fo rm a tio n ptease caM 0151 57 8 (5) 4 8 7 3
9 to 5
paid a lo t
'ijjs c\oc\'
Joining sentences
3 a. Read th e le tte r and circle five w ords w hich join
1 A: W here's Paul?
B: In his room . He is d o in g (do) his
h o m e w o rk.
2 A: W h a t tim e do you s ta rt (yo u /start)
w o rk every m o rning ?
He's going to blow
B 9 o 'clo ck.
. out the candles.
3 A: W here are you g o in g (you/go)?
B: I'm g o in g (go) to th e superm arket.
4 A: H o w o fte n do you d rin k (you /d rin k)
B: Twice a day.
5 A: W h a t is Peter d o in g (Peter/do)?
B: He is having (have) a sh o w e r a t th e
m o m e n t.
6 A: Tom is very busy.
B: Yes. He is w o rk in g (w o rk) very hard
these days.
Britains most common leisure activities are
home-based or social. Watching television and
videos, and listening 1) ........the radio are the most
popular leisure pastimes. Britains regular weekly
dramas or soap operas such 2 ) ........EastEnders
and Coronation Street have more viewers than any
other programme. Listening to music is 3 ) ........a
popular pastime. Pop and rock albums 4 ) ........the
most common type of music the British buy, and
pop is their 5 ) ........type of music.
1 A of (D to C at
2 @ as B of C th a t
3 A and B to o also
4 @ are B have C can
5 @ favourite B like C nice
6 A The (D O th er c Some
7 A play (D are c have
8 A w ith fo r c of
Marco Polo
Italy Isaac Newton Marilyn Monroe 5 ^ Listen and m atch th e
Sebastian Bach
1254-1324 I England America students (1-5) to th e
1642-1727 1926-1962 fam ous people (A -H).
1 Johann Sebastian Bach was a German composer.
ITTB~I Philip
2 M arco Polo w as an Italian explorer.
3 Isaac N e w to n w as an English physicist. 12 1A I Tom
4 M arilyn M o n ro e w as an A m erican actress. 13 ID I Joshua
I4 IC I M elanie
3 C om plete th e phrases w ith w ords from th e list. Use I5IE I Javne
som e o f th e phrases to com plete th e sentences (1-4).
2 a. Look a t th e pictures and headings
in th e advert. W h a t do you th in k
you can do/see a t th e m useum?
Read and check.
(See Suggested Answers Section)
Vocabulary Practice
^ Read th e definitions and m atch th em to th e w ords.
sem i-detached
1 A very large, expensive house.
A17 terraced
2 A sm all house th a t you usually fin d in th e T ] m ansion
B 2 co tta g e countryside. castle
C |3 stu d io 3 A m odern fla t fo r one o r tw o people w ith th e
b u n g a lo w
kitchen, th e living room and th e bedroo m in
D 4 detached one large room , and a separate b a th roo m .
4 A house th a t is n o t co n ne cte d to any o th e r
b u ild in g .
5 A house th a t is connected to a sim ilar house
on one side only.
6 A very large and very old b u ild in g
w h e re a lo t o f people used to live.
7 A ro w o f small houses th a t are
co n ne cte d to one another.
8 A house th a t has only
one floor.
In pairs, look a t th e advertisem en t and use th e
Circle th e odd one out. prom pts to ask and answ er questions.
(See Suggested Answers Section)
1 b e droom , a ttic,(fe n c e ,)livinq room W here? Cost? N um ber/room s?
2 to w e ls, pillow s, m irror,(s h o w e r) G arden? Telephone num ber?
3 cupboard/ rug,) chest o f drawers,
w ardrobe
4 frid g e , cooker,(k itc h e n ) fo u r-p o ste r
bed Five-bedroom house
5 porch, balcony,(garden,)staircase close to the centre
6 detached, m anor, terraced,( r o o m ) of London.
Beautiful family house, five
C om plete th e opposites. Then, use minutes from the centre!
th e adjectives to w rite sentences
a b o u t th e houses in Ex. 1. Bright and large
(See Suggested Answers Section) living room
1 small * s_p_ _a_ _c. _L-O . JL _s_ Dining room
2 tra d itio n a l * m i i m Kitchen Contact: 0967 987 4576
3 cheap * e_x_ J L JL J1 _s_ _!_ _v_ J L Five bedrooms
4 ugly ^ a :L _t_ J 1 J L _L _L _v J L Three bathrooms [email protected]
5 decorated * p j_ J L _L J L Large garden
A n article about a famous person 3 In pairs, use th e notes ab o u t
Yuri G agarin to ask and answ er
'I a. Read th e title and th e introduction to th e article. questions, as in th e exam ple.
W h o w as A ud rey Hepburn? (See Suggested Answers Section)
(See Suggested Answers Section) A: W hat was Yuri Gagarin famous
b. W h a t kind o f info rm atio n do you expect to find in fo r?
th e rest o f th e article? Read and check. B: He was the first man in space.
(See Suggested Answers Section)
2 a. Read again. W hich paragraph: a) describes her early
years? b) describes her la te r years? c) says w ho she was?
d) says w h a t people th ou g h t o f her/gives a short
conclusion? (See Suggested Answers Section)
Wh- questions Used to
Use th e info rm atio n in th e box and th e Fill in th e gaps w ith used to in th e correct form
prom pts to w rite questions and answers, and th e verb in brackets.
as in th e exam ple. A: G randm a, w h a t 1) did you use to do (you /d o)
(See Suggested Answers Section) fo r fu n w h e n you w e re young?
B: W ell, w e 2) d id n 't use to w a tc h TV (n o t/
The Battle of Waterloo w a tc h TV) because w e d id n 't have one in
18th June, 1815 those days. W e 3) used to play (play)
south of Brussels, Belgium ou tsid e a lo t and w e 4) used to go (go) fo r
long w alks in th e countryside.
11 am-10 pm
A: 5) Did you use to listen (you/listen) to th e
around 150,000 soldiers
The Duke of Wellington and his allies B: Yes, w e did and w e 6) used to read (read)
defeated Napoleon Bonaparte books and play card games, to o .
50,000 men dead A: W hich w as yo u r fa vo urite ?
B: I 7) used to love (love) playing 'O ld M a id '. I
1 W h e n /ta k e place? can teach you h o w to play it if you w a n t.
2 W h e re /ta ke place?
3 H o w long/last? g Mrs Forbes retired and m oved to th e south o f
France. Her life is very d iffe re n t now . Use th e
4 W h o /ta ke part?
5 W h a t happen/in the end? prom pts to ask and answ er questions, as in
6 H o w m any m en/die? th e exam ple. (See Suggested Answers Section)
4 ^ You w ill hear a conversation b e tw e e n a
travel a g e n t and som eone w h o w an ts
to book a holiday. For questions 1-5
choose A, B or C.
1 i travel a a m o to rb ik e /b ik e
2 c fly b y o u r luggage w ith you
3 e ta ke c on a plane See the sights, including the world
4 a ride d a car famous Colosseum.
5 d hire e th e w ro n g bus/train Do your shopping in Romes stylish shops
6 j use f clear o f th e doors & boutiques.
7 h fasten g th e gap Dine in our luxury restaurant.
8 g m ind h y o u r seatbelt Work out in the hotel gym.
9 f stand i on a cruise ship Swim in the heated indoor pool.
10 b keep j th e U n d e rg ro u nd
Hurry! Book by 30th Oct.
& sa v e up to 50%!
b. Use som e o f th e phrases in Ex. 1a to
com plete th e sentences below .
1 W he n you are a t th e a irp o rt, m ake sure
you always keep yo u r luggage w ith you.
2 You m u st always fasten y o u r se a tbe lt
w h e n you are in th e car.
3 The easiest w a y to g e t around in London
is to use th e U n d e rg ro u nd . / Stay in o u r b ra n d -n e w
4 G et back! You have to stand clear o f th e self-catering a p artm ents.
doors o r you m ig h t g e t h urt. / Eat in o u r excellent
5 W he n you g e t on th e tra in , m ind th e gap snack bars and re staurant
b e tw ee n th e tra in and th e p la tfo rm . / Take a te nn is o r sailing
2 Use th e adjectives in th e list to com plete / Go horse riding.
th e sentences. (See Suggested Answers Section) / Relax by th e pool.
C a ll n o w f o r th e n e w
fast cheap expensive co m fo rta b le
enjoyable safe convenient slo w S p rin g /S u m m e r b r o c h u r e : 0 8 4 5 1 2 4 5 9 8 6
tirin g
1 The hotel in ad vertise m e n t A
1 Travelling by plane is expensive but fast/fast is near a sh o pp in g centre. DS
a n d convenient. 2 There is a pool inside th e hotel
2 Travelling by car i s ............................................ in a d vertise m e n t A. R
3 Travelling by coach is ..................................... 3 There is a d isco u n t fo r th e trip
4 Travelling by tra in is ........................................ to Rome. R
5 Travelling by b o a t is ........................................ 4 You pay h a lf price fo r a 3-year-old
6 Travelling on a bike i s ...................................... child in th e h o liday village. W
5 The place in ad vertise m e n t B is
Reading near th e sea. DS
6 You can do d iffe re n t sports in th e
3 a. Read th e advertisem ents A & B and holiday village. R
m ark th e statem ents 1-6 R (righ t), W
b. Tell your p a rtn e r w hich o f th e tw o
(w ro n g ) or DS (d oesn't say).
places you w o u ld choose fo r your
holiday and w hy.
(See Suggested Answers Section)
Vocabulary Practice Speaking
^ Use th e verbs in th e list to com plete th e 3 Look a t th e pictures and describe th em to
sentences below . your partner. Talk about:
(See Suggested Answers Section)
le t exchanged sang w o re p u t w h e re th e people are actions happening
danced m ade ate dressed w a tch e d reason fo r ce le bration people's clothes
1 They p u t up th e d e corations in th e people's feelings
m o rn in g and th e n th e y m ade w rea th s
and p u m p kin lanterns.
2 They all w a tc h e d th e parade and a t th e
end th e y let o ff spectacular fire w orks.
3 It w as H allow een and th e children dressed
up as w itc h e s and ghosts.
4 W e firs t exchanged g ifts and th e n w e ate
stu ffe d turkey. A fte r dinner, w e gathered
aro u nd th e piano and sang tra d itio n a l
5 Last year on M ay Day, w e w o re o u r
co lo u rfu l costum es and danced around
th e M aypole.
Everyday English
(Catching up on news)
2 Use th e phrases in th e b o x t o c o m p le te th e
Hi Thomas!
How are you. I hope your exams went well! Ive finished mine, thank goodness,
and now Im at the Notting Hill Carnival in london. Its really amazing!
There are so many colourful parades to see. the costumes, dancers and steel
bands are just fantastic and there are some great music performers and DJs. I
even took a Samba dance class today! The streets are crowded with people, so
the atmosphere is lively. They say about a million people come to the Carnival
each year!
Theres also delicious carnival food that you can buy from street vendors! Ive
already tried quite a bit of traditional West Indian food, like chicken, rice and peas
and corn soup. Tomorrow Im going to try sugar cane that you hold in your hand
and chew!
Visit me next summer and maybe we can go together! Write soon.
1 a. Look a t th e title o f th e article. W h a t do you th in k th e article is about? Read th e introduction
and check. (See Suggested Answers Section)
b. Read th e article. W hich places are mentioned?
(See Suggested Answers Section)
This week in our Culture Now page, we take a look at some of the noisiest and
most colourful festivals and traditions around the world. All of these festivals have a
common theme: fire!
In Britain, a man called Guy Fawkes and twelve other men planned to blow up the
English Parliament and King James I on 5th November, 1605. Every year on this
day, people organise firework displays and build huge bonfires to burn dummies of
Guy Fawkes. Children love to wave sparklers and sometimes people eat special
Bonfire Night food, such as warm soup, sausages or even baked potatoes cooked
around the base of the fire.
In the Shetland Islands, Scotland a similar festival called Up Helly Aa takes place.
Every year, on the last Tuesday in January, local people take part in parades and fire
festivals to remember the islands link to the Vikings. People dress up in Viking
costumes, drag a longboat through the streets and finally throw fire torches into it
and watch it burn.
Maybe you like to celebrate New Year with a bang? In some cities in Colombia,
people put little fireworks inside a doll with objects that bring unhappy memories. At
midnight on New Years Eve, they burn the doll to forget everything bad that
happened that year. In some villages in Scotland, people set barrels of tar on fire at
New Year and roll them through the streets. They do this to burn up the old year and
let the new year in.
2 Read again and com plete th e ta b le below . Then, explain th e high ligh ted w ords.
(See Suggested Answers Section)
Vocabulary & Grammar 14 W e .............Spain tw ic e so far.
(A) have visited B visited C visit
f a Circle th e correct item .
15 Did you .........de corations fo r y o u r party?
1 S tu art likes ........... diving. He goes to A exchange B w e a r p u t up
A capulco every summ er.
16 W h y d o n 't you .............th is local dish?
A je t () c liff C w a te r
(A) try B ta ke C buy
Kate and have been friends
17 You can ............. th e U n d e rg ro u nd in
London; it's very convenient.
A fo r B in since
A hire (D use C keep
Luke h a s .............flo w n in a plane; th is w ill
18 Paula has ............. com e back fro m her
be his firs t tim e.
trip . Her suitcase is still unpacked.
(A) never B ever C already
(A) ju s t B ye t C already
W here .............on holiday last year?
19 Last n ig h t th e y le t o ff ............. in th e
A have you go ne (B) did you go
centre o f th e to w n .
C you w e n t
fire w o rk s B g ifts C parades
I th in k I'll ju s t ............... by th e pool this
20 He ............. never done bungee ju m p in g
a fte rn o o n .
A sw im (B) relax C visit
@ has B h a sn 't C n o t has
6 H o w long .................... a b o u t this?
A did you k n o w B you have kn o w n
/ M a rk s :------- \
have you kn o w n I 20 x 3 60
Vocabulary Practice 3 A: M u m , I'm bored! Can I w a tch a video?
B :() I'm afraid you ca n 't,
a. M atch th e pictures to th e correct b A re you sure?
w e a th e r description.
A 0 B D C D
A D B 0 CD
3 W h a t is th e te m p e ra tu re now ?
b. W hat's th e w e a th e r like to d a y w h e re
you are? H o w does it m ake you feel?
(Ss' own answers)
Circle th e odd w o rd out.
1 b o ilin g , chilly, m ild ,(a u tu m n )
2 ice, cloud, s n o w ,(w e s t) 4 W h a t w ill John need to ta ke w ith him this
3 depressed, relaxed.(fo q q y ) stressed w eekend?
4 (sunshine) spring, sum m er, w in te r
5 (s to rm ) rain, w in d , fo g
6 east, n o rth , (season) south
Everyday English
Reading @ In te rn e t Explorer
2 You are going to read a te x t
ab o u t A ntarctica. W hich o f g eo g r a ph y
th e fo llo w in g w ords do you
expect to find? Read and p rab your winter coat, gloves and
check. hat because were going to take
a look 0) at the coldest place on Earth!
tem perature driest Scientists recorded a temperature of
ice rain fo re st -89 C there 1) in 1983 - the lowest
fresh w a te r animal temperature ever recorded on Earth!
snow desert beach Antarctica isnt just the coldest place on Earth,
but 2) the wettest and driest place, too. But thats
freezing sunny spells
impossible! you say. Well, no actually! Ice covers 98%
of Antarctica. In fact, it has 90% of all the ice and 70% of 3) all the fresh
3 a. Read again and fill in th e
water in the whole world! So how can Antarctica also be the driest place
gaps ( 1 - 8) w ith th e correct
on Earth? Well, about the same amount of precipitation (rain 4) or snow)
w o rd .
falls there as in the Sahara Desert. Basically, thats not a lot - less 5) than
5 cm per year. In one interior region of Antarctica, called The Dry Valleys,
b. W h a t do th e fo llo w in g
the last time 6) it rained was about 2 million years ago! This is because
num bers refer to?
(See Suggested Answers Section) 7) of very strong winds that drive away all the moisture in the air. With
freezing temperatures, no water, and no animal or plant life, conditions in
70% 98%
The Dry Valleys are 8) a bit like conditions on the planet Mars!
1983 -89C
5 90% 2 m illion Click here to find out more about this chilly destination!
Vocabulary Practice
^ N am e th e anim als in th e pictures, th e n com plete th e crossword. Use plurals. W hich
anim al has got: hooves, paws, antlers, feathers, shell, wings, a beak?
(See Suggested Answers Section)
- aska is a beautiful state full of rich countryside and wildlife. It has 100,000 glaciers,
2 v ; nvers 2) and 3 million lakes! It also has the highest mountain in North America, Mount
%ky " ey. Thousands of bears, eagles, wolves, moose (a kind of deer), sea lions and whales live
r ': oceans, green forests 3) and snow-covered mountains.
~he population of Alaska is almost 650,000. Around 40% of the states residents live in the
a ;rst city, Anchorage, in the south. This is because most of the state is very difficult to reach by car. It can be very cold and dark
r t e winter, 4) but conditions are ideal for exciting activities such as skiing, snowboarding, ice fishing 5) or dog sledding.
Alaska is an amazing, record-breaking place. It is like no other place on Earth!
2 Read again and fill in th e gaps (1 -5 ) w ith : b. Look a t th e notes below . W h a t are you
and, o r or b u t. Then, explain th e w ords in going to include in each paragraph?
bold. (See Suggested Answers Section) (See Suggested Answers Section)
Use th e adjectives to w rite com parisons, as in th e examples.
S a U E a jle
big 1 W here does th e bald eagle live? f
small 2 H o w m any feathers does it have? h
dangerous 3 W h a t does it eat? e
4 W hich is bigger, th e m ale o r th e b
fem ale bald eagle?
H o w m uch does th e bald eagle's g
nest w e igh?
H o w long does it have to keep th e c
eggs w a rm for?
7 H o w fast can it fly a t to p speed? d
8 H o w fa r can it fly in a single day? a
D u o r m L E i P l a t y p u s
The platypus has a flat body. It has a bill or beak like a ducks,
webbed feet with five claws for digging and a short, flat tail. The bill and feet
o f a platypus are black while the fur is usually a dark brown colour. The platypus
swims well but not very fast. Vt'hile swimming, it has its eyes and ears shut. It finds its way
with its bill, which also helps it to find food. While underwater it stores any food it finds in its
cheeks. The platypus is a poisonous mammal. Its poison can cause pain to man but it can kill
smaller animals. Its fur is one o f the most waterproof in the animal kingdom. It is now a
protected species.
H abitat R epro d u ctio n C haracteristics Diet Senses
You can find the The platypus is The platypus is a The platypus With its bill, the
platypus in one of only two shy animal that eats shrimps, platypus can
Eastern Australia, mammals which spends most of its frogs and fish sense the
in and around lay eggs (the other time alone. It sleeps eggs. creatures it wants
streams and is the echidna, an during the day and to eat. It also has
rivers. It lives in anteater also from comes out at night. an excellent
holes Australia). sense of sight
underground. and hearing.
^ Look at the picture. Choose 3 Read again and circle the correct answer.
words from the list to describe
the platypus. 1 The platypus finds its food in the water.
(See Suggested Answers Section) Right B W rong C Doesn't say
b ro w n fu r 2 Its poison can kill a person.
hooves A Right (D W rong C Doesn't say
feathers 3 Many mammals lay eggs.
paws A Right ( | ) W rong C Doesn't say
sh o rt, fla t ta il 4 The platypus sleeps 20 hours a day.
bill A Right B W rong (Q Doesn't say
long w hiskers 5 The platypus can see and hear well.
w e b b e d fe e t () Right B W rong C Doesn't say
sh o rt legs
fla t body 4 Read the text again and explain the words in bold.
The platypus is a mammal. It has (See Suggested Answers Section)
5 Talk about an unusual animal which lives in your country.
Look at the headings in the text. Give information about: (Ss' own answers)
W hat do you expect to read in
each section? Read and check. its nam e w h e re it lives w h a t it looks like
(See Suggested Answers Section) w h a t it eats
Vocabulary & Grammar 15 Ann's parrot is as n o is y............... mine.
A than (6) as C th at
Circle th e correct item .
16 ............... do camels live?
1 I like cold weather, that's w hy I love A W hich B W ho W here
17 This hamster is more playful ......... the
A summer (D w inter C autum n
previous one w e had.
2 Tom orrow will be a ............... , sunny day. A from (D than C as
A foggy () hot C w et
18 I'm writing this letter to a s k ..................her
3 W hen I travelled to Africa, I had the advice.
............... tim e o f my life. @ for B about C w ith
A better B good best
19 Tom orrow will be chilly but w ith some
4 On th a t day in Cairo w e almost died! The ............... spells.
tem perature reached 37C, it was A w indy (6) sunny C stormy
9 France i s ............... expensive th a n China. 1 A: W hy don 't you come w ith us?
m ore B m o st C m uch B: I'm not sure I can.
10 ............... legs d o spiders have? 2 A: Could I borrow your umbrella?
A H o w m uch B H o w long B: I'm afraid you can't. I need it.
H o w m any
3 A: Have you thought o f buying a pet?
11 M aria and John like w a te r sports so th e y B: I don't think it's a good idea.
usually spend th e ir holidays o n ...................
A ffo r e s ts (B) islands C valleys 4 A: How about going to the beach?
B: Great idea!
12 W e need ............... th a n te n days to
explore th e A m a zo n forests. 5 A: You should buy a fish.
A m uch B m o st m ore B: I think you are right.
4 Im agine you lived th ro ugh one
Buildings 4) collapse in huge earthquake o f th e scenes in th e pictures.
Use th e notes and any o f your
o w n ideas to describe to your
p a rtn e r w h a t happened and
5) Lava flow s through valley in w h a t it w as like.
volcanic eruption (See Suggested Answers Section)
I t J
"Volcanic ; sw ay K dam age h u rric a n e /w in d h o w lin g /tre e s
eruption sw a ying /d e stro y houses, cars,
p ro p e rty/p e o p le afraid, scream ing,
ru n n in g , som e injured
Earthquake V
flo w
tre m o r / w o b b le
w ash aw ay
erosion A heavY rain
In 1991, Allen Parton was sitting outside the hotel when the
speeding car threw him from his chair and knocked him out.
While he was unconscious, Endal rolled him over with his teeth
into the recovery position. After this, he got a blanket from his
bag and covered him with it! The dog then got Allens
mobile phone out of his bag and held the phone up to
his face. Finally, he ran back to the hotel and barked
until people came out to help. Allen didnt know C_
that Endal could do any of these things!
Everyday English
(Giving news & reacting)
6 S te w a rt w as w a lk in g in th e park. A doc;
It w as evening and I 1 ) w a s w a tc h in g a tta ck e d him .
(w atch) television w ith m y parents. The TV news
2 ) w as giving (give) co n sta n t flo o d w a rn in g s as
Hurricane Floyd 3) approached (approach). W e
w ere w o rrie d b u t w e 4) decided (decide) to stay 4 Use th e prom pts and w hen or w h ile to make
in o u r house. Later th a t n ig h t, a t 3 am , a sentences, as in th e exam ple.
(See Suggested Answers Sectior
policem an 5) knocked (knock) on o u r d o o r and
to ld us th a t th e w a te r levels 6) w ere rising (rise).
He also 7) to ld (tell) us th a t w e should m ove o ur He was playing
valuables to safety. I barely 8) slept (sleep) th a t football when he
n ig h t I w as so frig h te n e d . grazed his knee.
In th e m o rn in g I 9) looked (look) o u t o f th e
w in d o w . It w as a b e a u tifu l day and th e sun
10) was shining (shine). People 11) w ere
( play fo o tb a ll/g ra ze knee )
w a lkin g (w alk) by m y house up to th e ir knees in
w ater. I 1 2 ) w e n t (go) dow nstairs to th e kitchen
and it w as flo o de d and dam aged. W e quickly
13) packed (pack) a fe w th in g s and 14) le ft
As w e 15) w ere driving (drive) to a shelter, I
16) looked (look) back a t o u r house and
17) cried (cry). A ll o f my th in g s w ere there.
Past Perfect
7 Use th e headlines b e lo w to com plete th e
C flo o d
Vocabulary Practice
W h at's w ro n g w ith each person? Label th e pictures, th e n w rite
sentences. (See Suggested Answers Section)
Tom's g o t a headache.
Vocabulary Practice
. : 3el th e pictures. Then, use
" e orom pts (a-f) to m ake
".e n c e s , as in th e exam ple.
S-ggested Answers Section)
1 sell m edicine
: check people's te e th
: operate on people
; Tiake and sell glasses
1 oehthaimoLogist 3optician
e take care o f people's eyes
; exam ine people w h e n th ey
d o n 't feel w e ll
Don I gel 1) stressed oui1join Heed to go on o diet?
r our Vogo Closs. 1 youre 2) overweight and wart to do s o m ftm g a ta j M P I
frery Moodoy /-8 om eating 3) fatty foods and learn fiow to eat a 4) balanced Art. I
Come to our Healthy Food talks.
Tuesdays, 6 pm
D o y o u take en o u g h 5) exercise? G e t f it
and m ake n e w frie n d s to o !
Do you work 6) long hours and find it
a q u a ae ro b ics 7) hard to relax? There's more to life than work.
Redgrove S w im m ing Pool, 8) Join our gym.
Fridays 10 am
2, Apple Street
iS p g f
5) 3J
An opinion essay Read again and m atch th e
paragraphs (1 -5 ) to th e
jb ric and underline th e key w ords. W h a t are headings (a-e) below .
>p o - g to w rite? (See Suggested Answers Section)
I a 12 1 firs t reason & exam ple
I bl 11 subject & o p in io n
nada'class discussion abo u t the follow ing statem ent: A I c 141 opposing vie w
IIS ':
: diet is n o t a healthy diet'. N ow yo ur teacher has asked
-^o po rt it.
a r ess y expressing your opinion and giving reasons
I dl 5l sum m ary
[3] second reason & exam ple
I"* Look a t th e underlined
expressions in th e te x t. W hich
A : you agree w ith th e s ta te m e n t in th e rubric?
o f th e expressions are used to
- y or w h y not? Think o f tw o reasons to support introduce: a) opinions b) topic
. c j r opinion, th en read th e essay to see if th e y are
or supporting sentences c) an
~ientioned. (See Suggested Answers Section)
opposing view ?
(See Suggested Answers Section)
Your turn
^ : ,ou eat fast food as one of your daily meals? Many Read th e rubric. W hich o f th e
p c o e eat fast food for some, if not most, of their meals. view p oints (1 -3 ) b e lo w a g re e/
Horn- .er, I strongly believe that people shouldnt include so disagree w ith th e s ta te m e n t in
fast food in their diets. th e rubric? W rite suitable
supporting sentences fo r each
: -st of alj, fast food is very high in fat, which is harmful topic sentence.
r bodies. For example, eating a high amount of fat (See Suggested Answers Section)
nars your blood thicker. In turn, this makes it harder for
You have had a class discussion
? -eartto pump.
a bo u t the follow ing statement:
Secondly, fast food diets dont contain much fresh fruit 'Daily exercise is necessary for
y "a n y vegetables. Because of this, fast food does not good health.'Now, yo ur teacher
. people with a balanced diet. As a result, our brains has asked you to write an essay
a : bodies do not work as well and we feel tired and expressing yo ur opinion and
If you d on't go to the dentist, the toothache w on't DO NOT FEE i
go away.
d o n 't w a n t to \ (have tire d eyes) 1 You m ustn't smoke.
w e a r glasses.
5 C o m p le te th e d ie tic ia n 's lis t o f th in g s th a t I
Laura needs to/needn't d o to be h e a lth y.
3 ^ d o n 't w a n t to ta k e \ (in fe ctio n 9 et
th e m edicine. / w o rse )
1 sto p e a ting late a t n ig h t
She needs to stop eating late a t night.
4 X I w a n t to stay up \ (miss a p p o in tm e n t 2 avoid sw eets and fa tty foods
late j to m o rro w ) She needs to avoid sweets and fa tty fo o d j
3 exercise all day
She n e e d n 't exercise all day.
I eat lots o f (p u t on w e ig h t)
4 sto p d rin k in g orange juice
sw eets and crisps. She n e e d n 't s to p d rin kin g orange juice.
5 eat a balanced d ie t
She needs to e a t a balanced diet.
d o n 't have an \ (lend you m ine)
6 sto p e a ting lunch
um brella! She n e e d n 't sto p e a tin g lunch.
I c a n 't study
any m ore!
~ c !e te th e exchanges w ith needn't or
3 ta ke a break
D octor, I have a stom ach ache again. You should ta ke a
From n o w on, you m u s tn 't d rin k any break.
2 a. Read th e te x t quickly. M a tch th e h igh ligh ted w ords to th e pictures. (See Suggested Answers Sel
b. In pairs, read th e te x t again and com p lete th e questionnaire. (Ss' own answers)
What about you? How safe is your kitchen? Complete this easy
questionnaire with Yes or No to find out!
My Score
0-3 Yes Keep out! Your kitchen is very dangerous!
4-5 Yes Not bad but sometimes your kitchen is not safe!
6-7 Yes You are very safe in the kitchen. Well done!
3 s a X d eI
w k m
(See Suggested Answers Section)
Choose th e correct w o rd .
4 C o m p le te th e d ia lo g u e w ith phrases fro m j
th e list. (See Suggested Answers Section)
Money; M oney,Mone
5 ho m e & garden
4 to ys & games
3 electrical goods
2 je w e llery & accessories
1 c lo th in g & fo o tw e a r
1 c
G h e alth & beauty In th e UK, tw o th ird s o f children aged 7 to 16 g<
po cke t m oney 0) from th e ir parents. Som etim es,
b. On w hich floo r w o u ld you find th e however, th e y have to do chores, like w ashing
fo llo w in g items? th e ir dad's car 1 ) o r m o w in g th e law n, to earn it
(See Suggested Answers Section) Some teenagers earn m oney fro m 'S aturday job:
to ile trie s a handbag a pair o f jeans in shops, cafs o r superm arkets o r th e y have
a pair o f earrings a m ug a lam p 'p a p e r ro u n ds' w h e re 2) th e y deliver newspapers
a pair o f sandals a chess set a p la n t to people's hom es. They m ay also g e t m oney
cosm etics a Discman fro m th e ir parents and relatives on special
occasions such 3) as birthdays o r C hristm as.
You would find toiletries on the ground floor.
2 A
C hoose th e c o rre c t w o rd . The average a m o u n t o f p o cke t m oney fro m
1 Helen sp e nd s/saves 1 5 0 on cosm etics parents 4) is a b o u t 8 .0 0 a w eek, b u t teenagers
every m o n th . w ith jobs can earn 5) a lo t m ore!
2 Jack le n t/b o rro w e d his sister 50 3 E
yesterday. Kids spend a massive tw o th ird s 6) o f th e ir m ori
3 Sir, yo u 've fo rg o tte n yo u r c h a n g e /cash. on snack fo od s such as ch ocolate, sw eets and
4 M y cousin e a rns/w in s 2 8 ,0 0 0 per year. fizzy drinks! Boys also buy c o m p u te r
5 You can o n ly pay in ca sh /ch a ng e . games, CDs and DVDs w h ils t girls buy
6 Can I le n d /b o rro w yo u r pen? clothes, shoes and to ile trie s such as
bubble b a th , p e rfu m e and m akeup.
Fill in th e c o rre c t w o rd s fro m th e list.
4 D
cre d it salary cash w a g e paid A pparently, on ly one fifth o f
A: Did you g e t 1) paid today, Mary? children save, b u t generally,
B: Yes I did, b u t u n fo rtu n a te ly I have to pay boys save m ore 7) th a n girls!
o ff m y 2) c re d it card. 5 B
Oh, no! Thank goodness I d o n 't have one. Schools n o w teach personal
Do you use it a lot? finance to all UK teenagers, so if
B: Yes, because I d o n 't carry m uch 3) cash th e y d o n 't k n o w h o w 8) to
w ith me. m anage th e ir m oney now,
I see. I w a n t one b u t m y w e e kly 4) w a g e ...th e y soon w ill!
isn 't as g o o d as yours.
Oh w e ll, ju s t be p a tie n t u n til you've
finished yo u r tra in in g . Lawyers earn an b. Read again and fill in th e gaps
excellent 5) salary! ( 1 - 8) w ith th e correct w o rd .
An email describing a shopping centre Adjectives
Read th e rubric and underline th e key w ords. Then, M a tch th e adjectives in bold in
answ er th e questions. th e em ail w ith th e ir opposites.
(See Suggested Answers Section)
1 difficult * easy
Anyway, you m entioned th a t you w ent to th a t new shopping 2 old * new
centre. I've heard it's great! Write a nd tell m e w h a t it's like! 3 expensive * reasonable
Andy 4 ugly * beautiful
5 fast * slow
1 W ho is going to read the email? 6 em pty * crowded
2 W h a t is the reason fo r w riting? 7 tiny * huge
3 W h at can you usually find in a shopping centre?
Give th e sentences (1 -6 ) an
Read Geoff's em ail. W hich o f th e fo llo w in g does he
opposite m eaning.
m ention? Tick ( / ) . (See Suggested Answers Section)
name o f centre hygiene 1 It had a wide variety o f shops.
location 0 prices It had a limited variety ofshops.
cafs/restaurants 0 car park(s) 2 The prices w ere quite
opening hours 0 service reasonable.
0 types o f shops dcor 3 The shopping centre is really
[3 outside beautiful.
4 The shop assistants were
e m a il I
fast and polite.
#i f! H
G e fyMsg New Msg Reply Reply Al Forward Next Print Delete Stop 5 There was a huge car park.
>iect To/From Date | Priority
6 The shops w ere really
Dear Andy,
! It was great to hear from you. Im fine but a bit busy with Your t u r n
schoolwork! a. Read th e rubric and
gj* Anyway, you asked me about that new shopping centre that
com plete th e spidergram s.
has just opened. Well, actually I went there with Bill yesterday! Its
really huge! It has some excellent shops and a big food court with This is part o f an email you
restaurants and cosy cafs. The outside is nice too, with two received from your friend.
beautiful fountains surrounded by trees. There are also two car Have you been to the new
parks, so its really easy to park. department store yet? What is it
! In the shops, most of the prices seemed reasonable. I found a like?
shop with trainers on sale so I bought two pairs. Then, I went to a
(See Suggested Answers Section)
huge bookshop while Bill shopped for some new trousers.
The only thing I didnt like was the fact that it was crowded. - . Jf
Also, some of the sales assistants were quite slow.
I think Ill go back in a couple of weeks when its not so
crowded. Hey, why dont you come along?
Talk to you soon,
Geoff ________________
4 su n ba th e o n '\
stay in th e b e a u tifu l
Bayview H otel \ beaches
ry exotic
visit open
m arkets
learn flam enco
1 Denise is going to stay a t the Bayview Hotel.
room . T
5 You can o n ly o rd e r tired at around four oclock in the afternoon during
a fte rn o o n tea a t th is the long interval between lunch and dinner. One day
tea ro o m a t certain in 1840, she asked for a tray of tea, bread & butter and cake.
tim es. T It soon became fashionable for rich women to change into
long gowns, gloves and hats and to gather in each others
Read again and m ake notes. houses for traditional afternoon tea. This consisted of
Use your notes to m ake a cucumber sandwiches, cakes and pastries or scones with
sum m ary o f th e te x t. cream and jam. They also drank tea, of course, which they
(See Suggested A n sw e rs Section) poured from silver pots into delicate china cups.
Think o f a custom related to These days, afternoon tea in the average British home is more
fo od and drink in your likely to be just a small cake or biscuit and some tea,
country and tell th e class probably made with a tea bag straight into a mug!
a b o u t it.
(Ss' own answers) Our tea room has been serving lunches, snacks
and traditional afternoon teas since 1912.
Afternoon tea is from 3 pm to 5.30 pm daily
and includes a wide selection of teas and
freshly-baked cakes and scones.
10 am- 6 pm M on-Sat
Mrs Blakewells Tea Room 23a, York Road, Harrogate
Vocabulary & Grammar 15 W o u ld you lik e ................... apple pie?
A any ( | ) som e C little
Circle th e correct item . 16 I th in k I ................... go to bed early to n ig h t.
1 He d o e sn 't like m eat, so he never eats A am (B) w ill C go in g to
17 There isn 't any m ilk le ft. I ......................
A beans B mussels beef some.
C ould you buy me a m agazine fro m th e (g) 'II g e t B get
.................... ? C g o in g to g e t
A baker's B bookshop 18 Can I have a ................... o f bread, please?
new sagent's A tin (D lo a f C ca rton
John w e n t to th e greengrocer's and 19 I fe lt so fu ll a fte r th e m ain course th a t I
b o u g h t som e bananas and s o m e ................ c o u ld n 't have a ......................
pears B envelopes A snack B sta rte r dessert
C m inced m eat
20 I'd lik e ..................... o f th a t French cheese.
On Sundays, I usually have ................... () a little B fe w C any
eggs fo r breakfast.
() frie d B roasted C grilled M a r k s : --------
20x3 60
I fin d it d iffic u lt to eat chicken w in g s w ith
a kn ife a n d ......................
Everyday English
A spoon B fingers fo rk g C om plete th e exchanges.
I love buying accessories, especially
w h a t's yo u r nam e
A to ile trie s ( | ) earrings C anoraks te le p h o n e n u m b e r
7 In o u r school, all stu d en ts have to w e a r a you like a n yth in g
you like
A su it (D u n ifo rm C ra in co a t yo u r address and te le p h o n e nu m b e r
help you
8 Look a t th ose clouds! It's ................... rain.
A w ill () g o in g to C g o in g A: Hello! A n n's takeaw ay. Can I 1) help you?
I'm g o in g to th e ....................... I w a n t to B: I'd like to o rd e r som e fo o d .
buy som e plasters. A: W h a t w o u ld 2) you like?
A sta tio ne r's B grocer's (C) chem ist's B: Can I have a chicken salad and a tu n a
sandw ich, please?
10 If you pay in ...................., you g e t a 10%
A: W o u ld 3) you like a n yth in g else?
B: No, th a t's all, thanks.
@ cash B change C cre d it card
A: W h a t's 4) yo u r address and te le p h o n e
11 Can I ................... y o u r sunglasses, please? num ber?
A buy (D b o rro w C lend B: It's 2, A p p le Street and th e te le p h o n e
12 M a r ia ............ 2 0 0 0 a m o n th as a teacher. nu m b e r is 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 .
A w in s (B) earns C spends A: A n d 5) w h a t's y o u r name?
B: Bill Sm ith.
13 Let's o rd e r som e Chinese fo o d fro m th e
A: Thank you, M r Sm ith.
................... near m y house.
I M a r k s : --------\
A canteen B co ffee shop I 5x8 40 I
ta ke aw ay
14 There is n 't ................... coffee le ft in th e jar. Total:
100 m arks
A fe w B som e any
Jj / J V 3 j J X J
Vocabulary Practice
^ Label th e pictures, th en use th e w ords
b e lo w to m ake sentences.
creative b o ring stressful dangerous
active exciting cheap easy tirin g
d iffic u lt (See Suggested Answers Section)
1 Cycling is easy b u t tiring,
2 Fishing is active b u t stressful.
3 G ardening is cheap b u t boring.
4 Skydiving is exciting b u t dangerous.
5 Painting is creative b u t d iffic u lt.
v e (E x p ra s a n I t-
d is a g re e H )
t a k i n g
4 fa d v I e n 11 u r o u s
5 q u e t
n a t v e 2
to o n g .
Listening 3
;e rous.
3 You w ill hear tw o friends talking a b o u t
a music lesson. M atch th e people (1-5) o m
to th e types o f music (A -H ) th e y like.
iu d S j
Vocabulary Practice
2 Find 8 item s o f sports equ ip m en t. W hich
1 M atch th e tw o columns, th en label th e sport(s) do w e use each one for?
pictures. (See Suggested Answers Section)
s H u T T L E C 0 C K
IPHSK&S Y C D w N U J P G bi) V
w e ig h t tra in in g y co u rt B C A A 0 S 0 X E M
boxing /in k I D (H 0 0 P) G K X I E
hockey- /y d a s s V (s) N K G G K Q L G H
b a d m in to n 'r o o m ' r) K S B G L N H W H E
fo o tb a ll f/e/d A A C E L V T A T T L
sw im m in g - p itc h C T s H E L U S 0 D
ice-skating ring K E w U Is, X GT A L l; E
Is, (H
aerobics course E J B V I A 0 T
g o lf " p o ol T D B P B W F D H w L
1 w e ig h t tra in in g room
You are going to a sum m er cam p w ith a
friend. Decide w hich are th e m ost
im p o rta n t things to ta k e w ith you. Use th e
2 s w im m in g p ool pictures to help you.
(See Suggested Answers Section)
fo o tb a ll p itch
5 g o lf course
I 6 b a d m in to n c o u rt
7 boxing ri n g
9 aerobics class
Vocabulary Practice Reading
1 C om plete th e spidergram s, th en fill in th e Read th e t it le and th e in tro d u c tio n to
gaps in th e sentences w ith th e correct th e te x t. W h a t d o y o u e x p e c t to read in
w o rd . th e re st o f th e te x t? Read a n d check.
(See Suggested A m e s Sea on
orchestra c o n d u c to r d ire cto r
s p o tlig h ts w e ste rn th rille r stage '. s ? to a musical or
news dancers p lo t chat sh o w - : j s is always a
thnlling experience, but
fow many o f you have
d o cu m e n ta ry ch a t sh o w . ta b o u t the
> . W ' --aperform ers
magical shows?
s itco m ^ news
J a m ie S a d l e r , t r a p e z e a r t is t
com edy th rille r
Jamie is no o rd in a l ' He s only 14 years
old, but he no lo n g r' Instead, he's a
trapeze arti st w ith a u ' ; - .. ~ - - u s!
w e ste rn d ire cto r A t 10, Jamie attendee a - - - for a year. Then
he had an audition and joined the circus. Jamie makes
swinging on a trapeze . : ne tells us, 'I face
costum es danger every day o f m \ : - me if I ever feel
frightened when I'm up on the trapeze. Actually, I feel
excited but calm !'
s p o tlig h ts orchestra So what's the bes- : in the circus?'I
love the dazzling .. ' -tum es and the
dancers c o n d u c to r way the audience gasps - - - > " rm a difficult stunt.
Also, it's fantastic afterwards w hen everyone is clapping
and you know the p e r t w e ll.' And the
1 Do you w a n t to go to th e cinem a on
worst? 'W ell, it can be tiring rehearsing every day and
Friday n ig h t? There's a really scary th rille r
perform ing at night. Also, it s (fittc u k to be away from
home when w e're on to u r.'
2 T hat d o cu m e n ta ry w as so in te resting.
So what advice does Jamie have for others who want
W hales are am azing creatures! to become circus performers him? 'Just don't give
3 I w a tc h e d a really g re a t ch a t s h o w last up!' he says with a smile. It wats hard work to get
n ig h t. The host in te rvie w e d Eddie M u rphy where I am today but it was wrtJfth it! I can't think of
and he w as so fu n n y! anything else I'd rather do!'____________________ ^
4 Can w e change channels fo r a m inu te ? I
ju s t w a n t to w a tc h th e 9 o 'c lo c k news. b. Read again an d m ark th e sentences R
5 W e w e n t to th e b a lle t on Saturday. The (right), < (w ro n g ) o r OS (doesn't say).
dancers w e re ju s t incredible!
1 Jamie doesn't w a n t to go to an
Look a t th e w ords and fill in adjectives th a t ordinary school DS
are synonyms. W h a t ty p e o f film s do these 2 He doesn't really g et scared. R
w ords describe?(See Suggested Answers Section) 3 He likes th e people's reaction
w hen he performs. R
n o t b o rin g = e x c i i i n g 4 The performances always go well. DS
scary = f i i g h t e n i n g 5 Jamie loves everything about
n o t stressful = r e l a x i n g his job. W
n o t enjoyable = d e p i e s s j _ n g 6 You have to keep trying if you
fu ll o f exciting surprises = d x_a m a t j_ c w an t to become a trapeze artist
a ctio n -p acked = t h . L i _ L i i _ n g like Jamie. R
A semi-formal Setter asking
for information 1 1C| Dear Sir,
Read th e rubric and underline th e key 2\ D [ I have just read your advertisement for the
w ords. Then answ er th e questions. activity centre in todays paper. My friends and I
(See Suggested Answers Section) are interested in taking a weekend break but I
would like some more information before we book.
You and some friends w a n t to take a weekend
3 E Firstly, would like to know if we need to
break a t an activity centre. Read the
bring anything with us? Do we need to bring our
advertisement, then use the notes you m ade to
own mountain bikes or does the centre provide
w rite a letter to the activity centre to fin d o u t
bikes? Could you also tell me if we have to bring
more inform a tio n.
any special equipment or clothing for the canoeing
or rafting activities? I would also like to know
1 W h a t kind o f text are you going to write? what kind of accommodation is provided. Can you
2 W ho is going to read your piece o f writing? tell me if vou provide bed sheets or if we should
bring our own sleeping bags? Finally, one of my
Read th e advertisem ent. W h a t is th e friends is a vegetarian. Do you provide vegetarian
purpose o f it? W h a t kind o f info rm ation meals?
does it include? W h a t else do you w a n t to 4 A I look forward to hearing from you.
find out? (See Suggested Answers Section)
5 Yours faithfully,
Kevin Joyce
Andrea Bocelli was born in September 1958 in Tuscany, Italy. His m uv. J ar.J his love
for opera were easy to spot from early on. H e was a natural. Andrea we r.t Imd at t l . jge of 12.
This didnt stop him from becoming one of 1) the most famous o p e n :' :_ .rs in t rid.
In fact, it made him work 2) harder than others. His colleagues respect him. i> some things are
3) more difficult for him than they are for them when on stage. :, has Ic count his steps,
for example, to avoid having accidents. However, Andrea never con:: nr.> has irmed
for some of 4 ) the most demanding audiences on the internationa : ^- ; :reat
success. Today, he has one of 6) the largest opera singer fan club- in . w *ckL xr.d p ipular
with people of all ages.
2 Below th ere is a list o f adjectives. Read th e 4 a. Think of a person wrfto has some kind of
te x t and fill in th e gaps w ith th e appropriate difficulty but stfl a g e s to live his/her
form o f th e adjectives. life th e .'.3. This person
could be famous or just som eone you
d iffic u lt
know r.'3e -c te s _' ~er the headings
and use : - e - : : *;;k aoc j t the person.
fam ous (See Suggest Answers Section)
de m a n ding name
great place & o a *e o # d t -
reason y o u a d rrw e h a n g e r
3 In pairs, ask and answ er com prehension
questions. (See Suggested Answers Section) b. Use y o u r n o te s t o p re s e n t th is p e rso n to
A: When and where was Andrea Bocelli born ? th e class ers Section)
B: He was bom in September 1958 in Tuscany,
V ocab ulary & G ra m m a r 15 C hildren ............ sw im alone in th e pool.
It's dangerous.
Circle th e correct item . @ m u s tn 't B d o n 't have to
C d o n 't need to
1 Helen likes clanger and s h e ............ do in g
extrem e sports. 16 The m ovie w as so ............. and sad th a t I
A w a n ts (B) loves C hates c o u ld n 't stop crying.
@ depressing B th rillin g C boring
2 John c a n 't w a it t o ..........his b ro th e r M ark.
@ see B seeing C sees 17 You ...............to w e a r yo u r goggles in th e
pool. I on ly w e a r th e m because I've g o t
3 Jack is a ...............He plays th e piano.
an eye in fe ctio n .
A te ache r d ) m usician C law yer
A m u s tn 't () d o n 't have C n e e d n 't
4 I lo v e ............ arts; m y fa v o u rite one is kick
18 Her dress w as ................ It w as th e m ost
b e a u tifu l dress I've ever seen.
() m a rtial B p a in tin g C w a te r
@ am azing B nice C go od
5 D o ro th y is n o t ............... She w o u ld never
19 T h e ............ w as very co m p lica te d and w e
go skydiving.
c o u ld n 't really fo llo w th e play.
A creative B q u ie t adven tu ro u s
A music (D p lo t C a cto r
6 He loves plants and spends his spare tim e
20 Steven Spielberg's film w o n th e Oscar fo r
............ design.
A m o u n ta in e e rin g (B) gardening
A p lo t B p e rfo rm a n ce costum e
C skydiving
/ M a r k s : --------\
7 Fishing is re a lly ................... Every tim e I do it I 20x3 60
a lm o st fall asleep. Everyday English \ /
@> b o rin g B dangerous C exciting
g Circle th e correct response.
8 M a rg a re t c a n 't ............ w h a t to do.
1 A: I love cycling.
() decide Bto decide C deciding
B: a N or do I.
9 B a dm in to n can be a ............ sp o rt if th ere () So do I.
are tw o couples playing. 2 A: W h a t did you th in k o f th e play?
() te a m B single C tw o B: a I d o n 't, it's boring.
10 I fo rg o t b o th t h e ..and th e ball. No () It w as b o ring.
ta b le te nn is fo r to d a y! 3 A: W h a t w as "C a ts " like?
@ bats B gloves C goggles B: (a) It w as am azing.
b So do I. It w as am azing.
11 Table te nn is is a n ............ sport.
A o u td o o r (D in d o o r C outside 4 A: Did you enjoy th e film ?
B:(a) You really have to w a tch it. It was
12 W e w e re s ittin g rig h t next to th e fo o tb a ll fantastic,
b I do. I fin d it fa ntastic.
A c o u rt B space p itch
5 A: I d o n 't like fishing.
13 The ska tin g ............ w as so sm all th a t w e B:(a) I do. I fin d it exciting.
c o u ld n 't m ove a t all. b I really liked it. I fin d it exciting.
@ rink B c o u rt C room
M a r k s : --------\
5x8 40
14 Pat loves her a e ro b ic ...............
@ classes B tra in in g C play Total: ----------------- \
100 m arks
Vocabulary Practice
M atch th e w ords in colum n A to th e w ords
in colum n B.
o 4 TV screen
lig h tw e ig h t
\ clear coo coo;
Vocabulary Practice
^ D raw lines to m atch th e w ords to th e pictures. There are three
extra words. mma0 0 sm a-~
Ib I ? 0 / Aiebstechnikl57jfiFaliniterttechi)ik
Zeppelin W alkm an
po p -u p to a s te r
c o m p u te r
m icrow ave razor cornflakes
Scotch ta pe
vacuum cleaner
3 L o ok a t th e p ic tu re s b e lo w a n d co m p a re
th e m . T h in k in te rm s o f:
(See Suggested Answers Section)
w h a t th e people are do ng
w h e re th e y are
Use th e ideas in th e b o x b e lo w as w e ll as
so m e o f y o u r o w n .
(See Suggested Answers Section)
school com puter lab Sor* the Net
type an essay free tim e kids' sites
under the supervision/with the help of an
Everyday English
b. In pairs, ask and answer.
(See Suggested Answers Section)
(Offering help)
A: How much is the monitor?
B: It's 200.
4 Circle th e correct response.
5 A n n is back a t w o rk a fte r a
w e e k 's h o lid a y. H er se cre ta ry
You h a ve n 't stu d ie d d id n 't d o w h a t she w a s to ld to
You have finished th e
d o a n d A n n is u p se t. Use th e
project, h a ve n 't you? again, have you?
p ro m p ts a n d say w h a t she is
2 Fill in th e question tags and th e n read th e se n ten ce s th nk ng _s " g p re s e n t perfect
aloud w ith th e correct into n atio n . passive
iuggested Answers Section)
saved th e file.
Jack fixed th e
co m p u te r last M onday.
te d d y bear
8 Use th e prom pts and ask and
answ er questions using th e
(See Suggested Answers Section)
1 W h e re /th e best c o m p u te rs/
produce? (Japan)
2 W h o /p e n icillin /in ve n t/b y?
(A lexander Fleming)
3 th e d o cum e nt/sa ve /n ow ?
4 yo u r/p h o n e /sw itc h o ff/
yesterday evening? (No) 8 a ( n ) ......... te le p h o n e
An Inventive 150 Years
Its not easy being an inventor. Even if you do come up with a brilliant
and original invention, you still have to make sure that no one else
steals your idea. That is why the Patent Office exists. These are some of
the inventions registered at the British Patent Office.
Hubert Cecil Booth, from London, invented a machine powered
T o t a l: ----------------- \
100 m arks I
1 75
Vocabulary Practice 2 Circle th e odd w o rd out.
a. Look a t th e title o f th e te x t. W h a t do you th in k it is about? Choose from th e list below ,
th e n read th e first paragraph and check to see if you guessed correctly.
A a space sta tio n C NASA
(D holidays in space D a mission to th e m oon
W a lk starts: Every n ig h t a t | 0 | 8 |p m
2 A type o f place o r house w here ghosts live. M e e tin g p o in t: E xhibition Square (in fro n t o f
5 To th in k a b o u t so m e th in g because yo u 're th e 2 A rt G allery ])
curious a b o u t it.
6 A w o m a n w ith m agic pow ers. H a u n te d d e s tin a tio n s include:
8 M a kin g a loud noise. York M inste r
11 Som eone w h o studies o r researches UFOs. The Treasurer's House - hom e o f York's m ost
fam ous 3 1 g h o st story
'The Sham bles' sh o pp in g street
D o n 't w a ste
ele ctric ity! D o n 't th ro w aw ay
plastic b o ttle s!
D o n 't drop
litte r!
M rs Johnson/English G eoff/his
te acher very w e ll 1 The teacher told us n o t to waste electricity.
2 .......................................................
3 ..........................................................................
Look a t th e p ictu re . Then w rite y o u r s to ry e n title d "P ro b le m so lve d " fo r th e school m agazine's annual
s h o rt sto ry c o m p e titio n . (1 2 0 -1 8 0 w ords)
A poster:
R a in f o r e s t s
Project 3
A class survey:
h o w t e e n a g e r s s p e n d t h e ir m o n e y
S u r v e y : sp e n d in g m o n ey
Unit 1a Unit 3a
Looking fo r a career in travel and tourism? W hy not A Hello, W indsor Travel Agency. Can I help you?
check o u t the Liverpool Careers Fair this weekend from B: Oh, good morning. I'd like to book a holiday
May 26th to May 28th? please.
A- Certainly, Sir. W hat kind o f holiday are you
Find o u t about thousands o f job vacancies in the interested in?
worldw ide tourist industry and meet representatives B: Probably a package holiday to somewhere warm. I
from major international to u r companies, travel saw an advert in the newspaper for half-price
agencies and airlines! package holidays leaving next month. Are they
still available?
It's very easy to find us. The fair is in St. George's Hall, A- Yes Sir, they are, but they are all to Italy or Greece
directly opposite Lime Street Station. Opening times and it's not very warm there at this tim e o f year.
are 10am to 6pm Friday, Saturday and Sunday. For W hat about the Canary Islands? It's warm there
more inform ation just pick up the phone and dial 0151 all year round.
578 4873. B: Oh, ok ... so w hat have you got available for the
Canary Islands?
D on't miss this exciting opportunity! A Well, we've got a special offer on a 14-night
package in a 3-star hotel...
6: Oh ... (sounds disappointed). I d o n't think I can
Unit 2a
have th a t much tim e o ff work. Have you got
anything for 7 nights?
Tapescript fo r Exercise 5 (p. 12) A Well ... there are rooms available at a lovely 4-star
Philip: Hi Jayne, how's your 'famous people' project going? hotel in Tenerife. Oh, but it's fo r 9 nights ...
Jayne: Not bad thanks, Philip. I'm about half way B: It's ok, I think th at will be all right. How much is it?
through. W hat did you choose in the end? A Let me see ... Palace Hotel, Tenerife...yes, here it
Philip: I chose American presidents. They're really is, it's 360 per person.
interesting, especially Abraham Lincoln. He was the B: We have a small child too. Is there any discount
president o f the United States at the time o f the Civil War. fo r children?
Jayne: Really? I did n 't know th a t! I'm hopeless at A How old is your child? Children under 5 go free.
politics. Did Tom do something similar? I think he's B: Oh, actually he's 6.
interested in politics too. A: It's ok, there's still a 50% discount for children 6-11.
Philip: No, no, he's doing crime writers I think. B: Ok, it sounds fine. How can I book?
Jayne: Oh right, that's different! W hat about Joshua? /A; The best thing to do is to come to our travel agency.
Do you know w hat he chose? B: Ok, where is it exactly?
Philip: Yes, he's doing something about explorers, like A In Queen's Road, just o ff Liberty Avenue. It's
Christopher Columbus. number 33, opposite Walker's Bakery.
Jayne: That's not surprising. He's quite adventurous himself! B: Ok, I can come tom orrow morning. Thanks for
Philip:Yes, he is isn't he! I bet Melanie chose something your help.
about sport, didn't she? She's mad about sport! A: You're welcome. Goodbye.
Jayne: Actually, I think she did Hollywood actors. She
loves anything to do w ith films too.
Philip: Oh, I'm surprised! So w ho are you doing then,
Jayne? Something boring like ballet dancers I bet!
Jayne: Philip! I'm doing jazz musicians, and it's not boring!
Jazz music is an important part o f American culture!
Philip: (laughing) I know, I know. I'm just teasing you!
Come on, let's go. I w ant to finish my project tonight!
Unit 6c Unit 8a
Don't miss the special 100th birthday edition o f the A: How was your music lesson today, Tracy?
nation's favourite health and fitness magazine: B: Oh, it was great. Everybody had to talk for a few
'Healthy Living'! This month's edition is packed w ith minutes about their favourite type o f music.
interesting articles and information to help you live a A- I bet Mary talked about pop. She's always going
healthy life. Find out how the weather can affect our on about the latest boy band.
health and read our special report on low -fat foods. B: Yeah and David talked about techno. You know
We also have a fascinating article on exercise and how crazy he is about dance music.
fitness and all you need to know about looking after A: W hat about the others?
your family's health while on holiday. B: Well I was quite surprised at Laura. I thought she
liked classical music but it turns o u t she prefers
AH this and much more! Only 3.50 from newsagents reggae.
across the country. A: And w hat about you? W hat did you talk about?
B: Well I was going to talk about rock 'n ' roll but
Look great, feel g re a t... Get 'Healthy Living' - NOW! Sarah talked about th a t so in the end I talked
about some o f my favourite rap stars.
A: Did anyone mention jazz?
Unit 7b B: Yes, Clive really loves jazz. He knows such a lot
about it as well. It was really interesting.
Tapescript fo r Exercise 3 (p. 53)
S u g g e s t e d A n sw ers
S ectio n
Suggested Answers Section
Exercise 3b (p. 7)
M odule 1: M om ents in life
2 I usually play football, but sometimes I go diving.
U n it 1a 3 I often play computer games or surf the Net.
Exercise 1b (p. 4) 4 I'm too tired to cook during the week, so I order out.
5 I visit my friend and we have lunch together.
2 A firefighter needs to be physically fit and brave.
3 A hairdresser needs to be friendly and creative w ith
Exercise 6 (p. 7)
his/her customers.
4 A receptionist needs to be friendly, polite and Dear Mike,
patient w ith the hotel guests. How's everything? I hope you are well. Here's w h a t I
5 A lawyer needs to be reliable and polite w ith his/her do in my free tim e at the weekend.
clients. I spend my week w orking hard at the office so I
6 A mechanic needs to be physically fit. really try and relax at the weekends. On Saturday
7 A secretary needs to be friendly, polite, patient and mornings, I go to the gym and do a tough w ork out.
reliable. Then, I go jogging w ith some friends fo r about an hour.
8 A sales assistant needs to be friendly, polite and I have a good lunch and then I take a nap in the
patient w ith his/her customers. afternoon. On Saturday evenings, I usually go out for
dinner w ith my family or go to a nightclub w ith my
U n it 1b friends. On Sundays, I go fo r a long walk in the
mountains and then on Sunday evening, I always get
Exercise 3a (p. 5)
my clothes ready for the week ahead.
The text is a message board. I would expect to read Well, that's all, I guess. W rite soon and tell me w hat
about issues affecting teenagers. you like to do in your free time.
Best wishes,
Exercise 4 (p. 5)
Fiona, 17, York
I help around at home quite a lot, much more than my G r a m m a r in Use
friends do, but my mum still complains th at I d o n 't do Exercise 7 (p. 9)
enough. I have lots o f studying to do at the mom ent
2 A: Is John going to the bank on Tuesday at 1 pm?
and have no free tim e to see my friends, but she still
B: No, he isn't. He's going to the bank on Monday
insists th a t I do loads o f housework. It's not fair!
at 1 pm.
3 A: Is John playing chess w ith Jack on Monday at 3
U n it 1c
Exercise 2 (p. 6)
B: No, he isnt. He's playing chess w ith Jack on
In picture 6 , 1can see four people, w ho are standing on Tuesday at 3 pm.
a balcony. There is a barbecue in the corner and a table 4 A: Is John watching a football game on Tuesday at
w ith food on it. The sea is in the background. The 8 pm?
weather is probably very nice because the people are B: No, he isn't. He's watching a football game on
wearing light summer clothes. They look like they are Monday at 8 pm.
enjoying themselves and are having fun, talking and 5 A: Is John meeting Karen for dinner on Monday at
laughing. They seem happy. 8 pm?
B: No, he isn't. He's meeting Karen fo r dinner on
U n it 1d Tuesday at 8 pm.
Exercise 1 (p. 7)
1 I am going to w rite a letter. Exercise 10 (p. 9)
2 My pen friend is going to read it. Lynn is going to practise the violin.
3 meet my friends, w ork part-time, go to the cinema, Lynn is going to save some money.
go for pizza, do homework, do housework etc. Lynn is going to eat more vegetables.
4 Dear M ike.. ./Please w rite soon. Best wishes, John. Lynn is going to take a computer course.
Suggested Answers Section
U n it 2 a U n it 2c
Exercise 4 (p. 12) Exercise 3 (p. 14)
1 A: W ho was Marilyn Monroe? The castle is spacious and attractive.
B: She was a famous actress. The mansion is expensive and attractive.
A: When was she born? The bungalow is small, plain and modern.
B: She was born in 1926.
A: Where was she born? Exercise 4 (p. 14)
B: She was born in America. A: Where is the house?
A: W hat nationality was she? B: It is close to the centre o f London.
B: She was American. A: How much does it cost?
A: When did she die? B: It costs 600,000.
B: She died in 1962. A: How many rooms are there?
B: There are eleven rooms.
A: W ho was Isaac Newton? A: Is there a garden?
B: He was a famous physicist. B: Yes, there is a large garden.
A: When was he born? A: W hat is the telephone number?
B: He was born in 1642. B: The telephone number is 0967 987 4576.
A: Where was he born?
B: He was born in England.
A: W hat nationality was he?
B: He was English.
Suggested Answers Section
Suggested Answers Section
In picture f, I can see a fam ily having a small birthday local m usicians, eat delicious, healthy, o rg an ic food,
party. I th in k it's th e m other's birthday. She's opening gifts buy enviro n m en tally-frien dly gifts fo r friends.
and looking at her beautiful birthday cake. They all have 3 1st paragraph, opening rem arks - 2nd paragraph,
broad sm iles on th eir faces and look extrem ely happy. w h a t you can learn - 3rd paragraph, m usic, food -
4th paragraph, closing re m a rk s .
4 Hi H arry !, Love, Helen xxx
Suggested Answers Section
U n it 4c U n it 4 d
Exercise 1 (p. 30) Exercise 1 (p. 31)
hooves: g o at, deer, sh eep , cam el It could be a place so m e w h e re in th e north b ecause it's
paws: w o lf very cold. I d o n 't th in k it's easy fo r people to travel
E x e rc is e 5a (p . 31)
1 The tu rtle is brow n and it has go t a shell.
K e y w o r d s : A children's G eo g rap h y m ag a zin e , articles,
2 The w o lf is black, b row n and w h ite . It has g o t fur,
interestin g geo graph ical lo catio n s, include in fo rm atio n ,
p aw s and a long tail.
geo g rap h ical fe a tu re s, w ild life and people.
3 The goldfish is o rang e. It has go t scales and fins.
I am going to w rite a b o u t an interestin g geographical
4 The p eaco ck is m any co lo u rs. It has g o t fe ath e rs,
lo ca tio n . The readers of a children 's G eo g rap h y
w in g s, a long tail and a beak.
m ag azin e are going to read it.
9 The eagle is black and w h ite . It has g o t fe ath e rs,
w in g s and a beak.
E x e rc is e 5b (p . 3 1 )
10 The cam el is b ro w n . It has go t a big h um p , long
neck and hooves. para 1 - lo catio n , size
para 2 - geograph cal fe atu re s, anim al and p lan t life
Exercise 3b (p. 30) para 3 - p o p u latio n , w e a th e r, life in th e Sahara
para 4 - conclusion
A : Tom is 8 0 years old, lives alone and d o e sn 't go o ut
m uch , so I d o n 't th in k a dog is th e best pet fo r him .
E x e rc is e 5c (p . 3 1 )
B: Yes, I agree. W h a t ab o u t a ca t? T h e y are q u iet and
you d o n 't need to ta ke th em o u t fo r a w a lk . para 2 The Sah ara is a desert w ith beau tiful
geo graphical fe atu res, a rich w ild life and
A : Sim on is 7 years old and lives in a big house w ith a
so m e p lan t life,
garden. I th in k th a t a dog is th e best pet fo r him .
para 3 T h e po pulation o f th e Sah ara D esert is 2 .5
B: I ab so lu tely ag ree. T h e y can play and run around
m illion.
to g e th e r in th e garden.
A : Hayley loves anim als and already has a dog. She w o rks
part-tim e, so I th in k a parrot is th e.b e st pet for her.
B: I ag ree. I th in k th a t th e dog and th e parrot can
becom e very good friends.
Suggested Answers Section
T h e lion is m ore dangerou s th an th e cam el. w ildly. T h e ro o f o f o ur neighb o ur's house w a s destroyed
T he lion is as d ang ero u s as th e tiger. I le ft, a big tre e fell o nto th e roof. I ran d o w n sta irs and
w e g o t o u t o f th e house ju s t in tim e . People w ere
The bald eagle lives near rivers and large lakes. It has w a s a te rrib le sto rm and m uch m ore rain fell. In th e
7 ,0 0 0 fe ath e rs and eats m o stly fish. The fe m ale is m iddle o f th e n ig h t, w e heard th e sound o f rushing
bigger th an th e m ale and sits on th e eggs fo r one to w a te r and w h e n w e w e n t d o w n sta irs w e could see
T h e bald eagle can fly a t 50 km/h and can travel ab o u t o u r co ats and ran o u t into th e stre e t. T h e stre e t w a s
R eader's C o rn e r w a y to hig her gro und. T h e y w e re all sho cked and upset
and w o rrie d about th e ir houses and belongings.
Exercise 1 (p. 34)
Eventually, w e go t to th e to p o f th e hill behind our
... brow n fur, a sh o rt, flat ta il, a bill, w eb b e d fe e t, sh o rt
h ouse and stayed th e re until th e rain sto p ped.
legs and a fla t body.
Suggested Answers Section
Suggested Answers Section
U n it 6d
Exercise 3a (p. 42)
Exercise 1 (p. 47)
para 1 - W h a t are cyclo nes?
I am going to w rite an opinion essay.
para 2 - H o w are th ey fo rm ed ?
para 3 - W h a t are cyclones like?
para 4 - W a rn in g s
Exercise 2a (p. 47) 6 If you d o n 't have an u m brella, I w ill lend you m ine.
Introduce opinions: I strongly b e lie v e .../T h e w a y I see it ... 5 You m u stn 't eat or drink.
Introduce topic or supporting sentences: First o f a l l .. For 6 You m u stn 't feed th e an im als.
snacks: biscuits, crisps, cracke rs, ch o co late bar You w o u ld find a lam p on th e third floor.
fru it: m elo n, pineap p le, peach, o rang e You w o u ld find a pair o f san d als on th e first floor.
You w o u ld find a chess se t on th e fo u rth floor.
Exercise 4 (p. 52) You w o u ld find a p lan t on th e fifth floor.
3 Is th a t all
4 C o uld I have yo u r ad dress and te lep h o n e num ber, U n it 7 d
please Exercise 1 (p. 55)
5 It'll be th e re in ab o u t 2 0 m inutes 1 A n d y's friend
2 He w a n ts to k n o w ab o u t th e n e w shopping centre.
Exercise 5 (p. 52) 3 Sh op s, resta u ran ts, car parks, caf s, etc.
A : W h a t are you going to have?
B: I'm not very hungry so I d o n 't th in k I'll have a starter. Exercise 5 (p. 55)
A : I'm starvin g . I'm going to have a M exican salad to 2 The prices w e re q u ite expensive.
sta rt and th en th e s w e e t and so ur ch icken . 3 The shopping centre is really ugly.
B: I'm going to ord er th e sliced b e e f and p o tato e s. 4 The shop assistan ts w e re slo w and rude.
A : A n d w h a t ab o u t d e ssert? W e c a n 't m iss dessert! 5 T h e re w a s a tin y car park.
T h a t's th e best part. 6 The shops w e re really em pty.
B: W e ll, th e crepes sound g re at. I'll have th o se .
A : Y e a h , me to o . Exercise 6a (p. 55)
types o f goods: e lectrical goods, clo th e s, accessories,
U n it 7 b
Exercise 1 (p. 53) service: fa st, e fficie n t, p o lite, friendly
2 You can buy a sh irt and tie a t a bo utiq ue. prices: ch e a p , reason able, special o ffer
3 You can buy a cam era at an electrical shop. facilities: resta u ran t, car p ark, caf , cash m ach in e
4 You can buy flo w e rs a t a flo rist's.
5 You can buy m eat a t th e b u tcher's. Exercise 6b (p . 55)
6 You can buy bread a t th e baker's. D ear Ja sm in e,
7 You can buy aspirin a t th e chem ist's. It w a s g reat to h ear from yo u . I'm fin e but I've been
8 You can buy lobster a t th e fishm o ng er's. doing lots o f shopping an d I am very tired .
9 You can buy o rang es at th e grocer's.
You m en tio ned th e n e w d e p a rtm e n t store in your
em ail. It opened ju s t a fe w days ago and I decided to go
1 You can buy paper a t a bo okshop.
and have a look. It is really g re at. T h e re are e ig ht flo ors,
2 You can buy a pair o f tro users a t a b o utiq ue.
packed w ith all kinds o f goods. You can buy clothes,
3 You can buy a m obile phone a t an electrical shop
sh o es, accessories, h ouseho ld goods, m ake-u p , toys
4 You can buy a p lan t a t th e florist's.
and gam es - basically an ything th a t you need. There is
5 You can buy chicken a t th e bu tcher's.
a lovely caf on th e to p flo o r w ith a fa n ta stic v ie w o f
6 You can buy a cake a t th e baker's.
th e city. The o utsid e is really nice to o , w ith lots o f
7 You can buy cough syrup a t th e chem ist's.
plants and trees.
9 You can buy crab a t th e fishm o ng er's.
10 You can buy peaches a t th e grocer's. T h e prices are quite low . A ctu ally, I fo un d lots o f th ing s
very cheap . I got tw o shirts fo r 3 0 and a pair o f shoes
Suggested Answers Section
I did not have tim e to visit all th e floors so I am Exercise 3 (p. 58)
planning to go back ag ain . W h e n I go, I w ill call you so 1840/The. D uchess o f B ed ford/hungry a t 4 pm /asked for
th a t w e can go to g eth er. W h a t do you say? te a , bread and cake/b ecam e fash io n ab le occasion/
Talk to you so on , w o m e n w o re nice dresses, gloves and h ats/d rank tea
and ate san d w ich e s, cakes and scones/average British
Yvo nn e
hom e has aftern o o n tea/sm all cake or biscuit/M rs
B la ke w ell's Tea Room opened in 1912/aftern o on ,
G ra m m a r in Use
te a/w id e selectio n o f te a s, cakes and sco nes
Exercise 2 (p. 56)
In 1 8 4 0 , th e D uchess o f Bedford used to get hun g ry at
a lo af o f bread
4 pm , so she asked fo r so m e te a and bread and butter.
a tin o f soup
T his becam e a fash io n ab le occasion and soon w o m e n
a p acke t o f biscuits
w e re w e a rin g nice dresses, gloves and hats to
a ja r o f honey
a ftern o o n te a . They w o u ld drink tea and eat
a carto n o f eggs/m ilk
s a n d w ic h e s, cakes and sco nes. N o w ad ays, in the
a bo ttle o f m ilk
average British hom e, a fte rn o o n te a is ju st a cup o f tea
a cup o f tea
and a sm all cake or b iscuit. M rs B la ke w ell's Tea Room
a bow l o f straw b erries/so u p etc
opened in 19 12 and th e y serve aftern o o n tea w ith a
w id e selectio n o f te a s, cakes and scones.
Exercise 6 (p. 57)
2 Denise is going to try e xo tic drinks.
U n it 8 b
3 Denise is going to visit open m arkets.
4 Denise is going to su n b ath e on b eau tiful beaches.
Exercise 2 (p. 61)
5 Denise is going to ta ste local food. W e use a sh u ttle co ck fo r b ad m in to n .
Exercise 3 (p . 6 1 )
Exercise 2 (p. 58)
B: ... an u m b rella, it's n o t going to rain.
Sen te n ces 1 and 3 are false.
A : Y o u 're rig ht. B ut w e need to ta k e sw im m in g suits
It w a s A n n a , th e seventh D uchess o f B ed ford, w h o first
fo r sw im m in g and playing in th e pool.
cam e up w ith th e idea o f aftern o o n te a .
B: Yes. B ut w e d o n 't need a m obile p hone, o ur parents
British people do have a fte rn o o n te a but it is n o t as
can call us on th e landline.
form al as it used to be.
A : A n d w e d o n 't need a lot o f m oney b ecause th ere
interval: a break
a re n 't an y shops.
fray: flat piece o f w o o d or m etal used to carry th ing s
B: I ag ree. B ut w e need to ta ke a cam era to ta ke lots
gather: co m e to g e th e r
o f pictures.
cucumber: long, th in veg eta b le, so m etim es used to
m ake san d w ich e s
U n it 8c
pastries: sm all s w e e t cakes
poured: m ade a liquid flo w from one co n ta in e r to
Exercise 2 (p . 6 2 )
delicate: sm all and easily broken 'F rig h te n in g ' can describe h orror film s.
likely: possible 'R elaxin g ' can describe m usicals/ro m ance film s.
wide selection: large variety 'D epressing' can describe dram as.
freshly-baked:ju st baked in th e o ven , fresh 'D ra m a tic' can describe actio n film s.
'T h rillin g ' can describe w este rn s/scie n ce fiction etc.
Suggested Answers Section
U n it 8 d
Exercise 1 (p. 63) G ra m m a r in Use
1 A letter. Exercise 3 (p. 64)
2 A m em ber o f s ta ff a t th e activ ity centre. staying up late,
eatin g boiled veg etab les,
Exercise 2 (p. 63) choosing friends,
I have ju st read yo u r ad ve rtise m e n t in th e school B: Because som e th in g s are harder fo r him to do.
m ag azine. It looks g reat and m y fam ily and I are A : W h a t does he do to avoid accid e n ts?
Suggested Answers Section
Exercise 2 (p. 71 )
Module 5: Incredible but true 1 Fu rth e rm o re, In ad dition
2 On th e o th er hand
U n it 9a
3 in spite o f
Exercise 4a (p. 68)
4 because
You w o u ld see se n te n ce s E, F, G and H on prod uct 5 For instance
p ackag in g .
6 In co nclusio n
U n it 9c E x e rc is e 3 (p. 71 )
Exercise 1b (p. 70) Topic se n te n ce 2 can be used.
2 A : H o w m uch is th e m ouse?
B: It's 2 0 . E x e rc is e 5 (p . 7 1 )
3 A : H o w m uch are th e sp eakers? T h e In te rn e t a ffe cts m odern life. Indeed, it is d ifficu lt to
B: T h e y're 2 4 . th in k o f life w ith o u t it. H ow ever, th ere are also th ing s
4 A : H o w m uch is th e to w e r? a b o u t it w e need to be careful of.
B: It's 4 3 0 .
5 A : H o w m uch is th e keyboard ? The In te rn e t is a fa n ta stic so urce o f in fo rm atio n . You
B: It's 1 5 . can find o u t so m any th in g s ab o u t o th er co u n trie s and
6 A : H o w m uch is th e m o d em ?
peop le. It is e xtre m e ly useful fo r children w h o are doing
B: It's 3 2 .
school p rojects. H ow ever, som e peop le, w h e n th e y su rf,
7 A : H o w m uch is th e scan n e r?
ju st d o n 't k n o w w h e n to sto p . T h e y becom e ad dicted
B: It's 7 2 . to su rfin g .
8 A : H o w m uch is th e p rin ter?
B: It's 5 5 .
Secondly, lots o f people use th e In te rn e t fo r sho pping.
You can buy th in g s from o th e r co u n tries and have
Exercise 3 (p. 70) th em delivered to yo u r door. It is also usually m uch
In th e first picture, th e children are prob ably looking at ch e ap er th a n buying th em in a norm al sho p. H ow ever,
kids' sites w ith th e help o f th e ir father, w h ile in th e th ere are som e d ra w b a ck s to th is. The m ain
second picture th e stu d e n ts are p robably su rfing th e d isad van tag e is th a t you need to give yo u r cred it card
Net to find in fo rm atio n fo r an essay. n um b er w h ich is not very safe because o f h ackers.
Suggested Answers Section
In co n clu sio n , th e In te rn e t has its good and bad p oints. 5 a nice green glass vase
If w e use it carefully, it can help us a lot in o ur daily 6 a big recta n g u lar beige box
lives. 7 a horrible long pink dress
8 an a ttra c tive ye llo w p lastic te lep h o n e
G ra m m a r in Use
Exercise 5 (p. 72) R e a d e r's C o rn e r
The co m p u te r h a sn 't been fixed. Exercise 2 (p. 74)
The d o cu m e n ts h aven 't been fo un d . 1 The P ate n t O ffice is th e place w h e re inventors
The files h av e n 't been p rin ted. reg ister th e ir inventio ns so th a t no one else steals
The m odem h a sn 't been replaced. th e ir ideas.
The scan n e r h a sn 't been repaired. 2 B oo th's inventio n sucked up dirt.
3 It has m ade travel fo r business and pleasure m uch
Exercise 6 (p. 73) faster and easier.
a The o ffice w a s not cleaned, 4 The invention o f a w a y to clone an im als has caused
b T h e co m p u te r w a s fixed, d e b ate.
Suggested Answers Section
Suggested Answers Section
Published by Express Publishing
Made in EU
ISBN: 978-1-84558-759-8
Authors' Acknowledgem ents
W e w ould like to thank all the staff at Express Publishing w ho have contributec f e s s to c-oducing this
book. Thanks for their support and patience are due in particular to: Meryl ; E r - : - ' I - ef), Julie Rich
(senior editor); Nina Peters (editorial assistant); Alex Barton (senior p r o c - c " : : ....... ~ a~d the Express
Publishing design team ; and Emily N ew to n, Kevin Harris, Daniel Par<er. E' := i " ; * ~iothy Forster.
W e w ould also like to thank those institutions and teachers w h o p ::e : s r .> v z'. and whose
com m ents and feedback w ere invaluable in th e production o f th e boo<
W hile every effort has been made to trace all th e copyright holders, ' a r . - a . e c - e - e ' - a c . ertentty overlooked
the publishers w ill be pleased to make the necessary arrangem ents a t : - e first o c o c r ,
Key Features
them e-based units from a w ide variety o f authentic sources in five
a variety o f cross-cultural topics
systematic developm ent o f all four language skills through realistic,
challenging tasks which encourage the learner's personal engagem ent
lexical exercises practising and activating all essential vocabulary as
w ell as a W ord Perfect section
a variety o f authentic stim ulating reading and listening tasks
a w ide range o f speaking activities
realistic, stim ulating dialogues featuring people ineveryday situations
gram m ar sections covering all major gram m atical areas plus Gram m ar
Reference and a Gram m ar Check section
composition analysis and practice in various types o f w riting w ith full
study skills tips
Everyday English sections
Cultural, Curricular and Literature sections
songs, games and prom pt cards
Student's Book
Teacher's Book (interleaved)
W orkbook (Student's)
W orkbook (Teacher's - overprinted)
Class Audio CDs
Student's A udio CD
Test Booklet
M y Language Portfolio
Express Publishing
ISBN 978-1-84558-759-8