Gender Inequality (Essay)

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Gender inequality

Gender inequality is a huge social issue in a modern day world. Although some progress has been made, we are
still in early stages of eliminating it fully. Nobody is really safe from the harms of gender inequality and it can affect
everyone, including men.

There are a lot of problems of gender inequality:

One of the most noticeable ones is social inequality between both genders. This means that if you do not fit
traditional gender norms you could be bullied or experience other forms of harassment.

Another big problem is sexual harassment. Women often have to face it in their workplace. In fact, 38 percent of
women in America reported to have experiences of sexual harassment in the workplace and 81 percent experienced
some form of sexual harassment in their lifetime.

Third problem is unequal salary. Even though women on average are more educated than men, they still earn less
than their male co-workers in the same position. According to the research women earn 49 cents compared to every $1
men earn.

Finally, females can face sexism and racism in health care. African American females are 67% more likely to lack a
local primary care physician. These women are also most likely feel ignored or misunderstood by their doctors.

There are several ways of tackling these problems:

Firstly, reducing socialization by parents and other adults of girls and boys into traditional gender roles. This means
that children will be less likely to harm others or be harmed because of gender norms. Also, educating your children on
this problem can be really helpful because it helps them to be more mindful and empathetic.

Second way is to confront gender stereotyping in the media. In this way more people can learn more about the
harmful ways of gender inequality. This means more people will fight for equal rights.

Next way is to enforce existing laws that focus on gender-based discrimination at work and sexual harassment. In
this way less discrimination would occur and gender pay gaps would be removed or decreased in a great way. This
method protects women and more of them can receive justice in the legal system.

Last way is to increase public consciousness of rape and sexual assault and sexual harassment. This means that
victims of assault will know how to act and will get the help they need faster. Another advantage is that people will be
more mindful and informed about how dangerous this situation can really be.

412 words

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