Constantino, Charife B. BSA-3A Dr. Noel F. Antijendra September 4, 2020

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Principles & Methods of Teaching Accounting

Constantino, Charife B. BSA-3A

Dr. Noel F. Antijendra September 4, 2020

What is a Learner?
 The use of the term learner as a synonym for student has grown in popularity
among educators in recent years.
 A person who is finding out about a subject or how to do something.
 The acquisition of knowledge or skills through study, experience, or being taught.
 A person who is trying to gain knowledge or skill in something by studying,
practicing, or being taught
 Learner Versus Student:
A Learner…
 Learns any time
 Directs and supports their own learning
 Works at their own pace
 Is motivated by the mastery of skills
 Develops own learning goals and monitors own progress
 Achieves by active collaboration and feedback with other
 Designs learning experiences based on passions and interests
A Student…
 Learns in a classroom
 Is directed by the teacher
 Works within a defined time
 Is motivated by grades
 Follows goals that are set and monitored by the teacher
 Achieved by listening and following instruction
 Experiences teacher-designed activities and projects

 Learner characteristics can be personal, academic, social/emotional and/or

cognitive in nature.
 Personal characteristics often relate to demographic information such as age,
gender, maturation, language, social economic status, cultural background, and
specific needs of a learner group such as particular skills and disabilities for
and/or impairments to learning.
 Academic characteristics are more education and/or learning related such as
learning goals (of an individual or a group), prior knowledge, educational type,
and educational level.
Principles & Methods of Teaching Accounting

 Social/Emotional characteristics relate to the group or to the individual with

respect to the group. Examples of social/emotional characteristics are group
structure, place of the individual within a group, sociability, self-image (also
feelings of self-efficacy and agency), mood, et cetera.
 Cognitive characteristics relate to such things as attention span, memory,
mental procedures, and intellectual skills which

Principles & Methods of Teaching Accounting

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