Pakistan Climate Change Act, 2017
Pakistan Climate Change Act, 2017
Pakistan Climate Change Act, 2017
to meet Pakistan's obligations under intemational conventions retating to ctimate
change and address the elfects of climate change
Short title, extent and commencement.- (1) This Act may be called
the Pakistan Climate Change Act, 2017
(2) The expressions and words used but not de{ined in this Act shall
have the same meaning .,s in the Pakistan Environmental P.otection Act, 1997
(Act No. XXXIV OF 1997).
(a) Federal Ministers of the Divisions allocated with the subjects
of climate change, finance, agriculture, food sesurity and
research, planning, development and reform, petroleum and
natural resources, science and technology, water and power
and foreign affair:
(d) such other persons not exceeding thirty as the Prime Minister
may appoint, of which at least twenty shall be non-ofiicials,
including representatives of tbe Chambers of Commerce and
lndustry, non-governmental organizations concerned with
climate change, the environment and development and
scientists, researchers, technical experts and educationists,
(2\ The Council may invite the Prime Minister, A2€d Jammu and
Kashmir and Chief Minister. Gilgit- Baltistan to participate in the meetings of the
Council as and when required;
(3) The Division allocated with the subject of climate change shall act
as Secretariat of the Council.
(5) The Council shall hold meetings as and when necessary, but not
less than two meetings shall be held in a year.
(6) The Council may constitute committees of its members and entrust
them with such functions as it may deem fit and the recommendations of the
cammittees shall be submitted to the Council for approval.
(2) The Council may, either itself or on the request of any person or
organization, direct the Authority or any Government Agency to prepare, submit,
promote or implement projects for adaptation or mitigation of the adverse effects
of climate change, to promote climate-compatible, climate-resilient and
sustrinable development or to undertake research in any aspect of clim8te
(5) lf the office of the Chairperson falls vacant for any reason, the
senior-most member shall act as Chairperson till such time as his successor is
(2) The Authority shall ensure that all appointments are made an a
transparent manner and adequate and equal treatment is given to women,
minorities and disabled persons.
(3) The officers and staff of the Aulhority shall have such powers and
shall perform such functions as may be assigned to them by the Chairperson.
(4) The officers ard staff of the Authority shall aot in accordance with
the mandate assigned and tte directives given by the Chairperson.
(3) ln the discharge of its functions the Authority shall be guided by,
amongst others,-
(2) The report prepared under sub-section (1) shall be laid by the
Minister-in-charge of the Government before the Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament).
10, Powers ot the Authority.. (1) The Authority shall have all the
powers necessary to execute its functions under this Act.
(d) solicit, gather, obtain and verify any relevant information and
data fron any Federal or Provincial Ministry, Division or
Department, or any public or private entity in connection with
the perfcrmance of the functions of the Authority.
(2) Until the Counoil is duly constituted, the Chairperson shall, subject
to such directions as the Government may give from time to time, pedom the
functions and exercise the powers of the Council.
(d) any other porpose which in the opinion of the Council shall
help achieve the purposes of this Act.
16. Act to override other laws.- The provisions of this Act shall have
eflect notwithstanding anyth ng inconsistent therewith contaaned in any other law
for the time being in force.
(Siee sections 2,4, 17 and 18)
1. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC),
Rio De Janeiro, 1992 i
Pakistan's per capita emissions of greenhouse gases today is one of the lowest in the
world. Yet il ranks amongst the top k,n countries most affected by climate change during the last
twenty years. It now rsgularly auffers f'om tha vagaries of climate change, including climate-induced
phenomena such as recurrent floods, droughts, desertification, glacial melt, and sea-wator
2. Extreme slimatic evonts have resulted in tragic loss of lives and colossal damage to
the economy. lndeed, they have significantly impeded our efforts to promote sustainable grolvth
and development and to ensure economic prosperity of the people.
3. The Framework for lm['lemantation of the National Climate Change Policy for the
period 2014-2030 serves to integrate climate-friendly policies into our national and emnomic
planning. The Framework spells out appropriats adaptation actions as well as mitigation measures
covering all sectors of tho economy.
4. 'Vlsion 2025", out blurrprint for a fulure-orlented and groMh-cenlric roadmap for
Pakistan, clearly Iecognizes global warming and climate change as priority areas ior effective action
by the Government.
6. lmplementation of the IJNFCCC, Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement involv€s a
large number of comprehansive and extensive adaptation and mitigation actions across all sectors
of the economy. This is an enormou:; task which is of a multi-disciplinary, inter-provincial and inler-
ministerlal nalure, requiring that it be d6alt with at the national level. There is also an urgent need to
prepare, on priority basis, a portfo io of frojects for seeking funding from the potentially huge
amounts of global climate change tinanc6 likely to be availabie.
1 lJnited Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC),
Rio De Janeiro, 1992 ;
Paklstan's por capita errissions of greenhouse gases today is one of the lowest in the
world. Yet it ranks amongst the top t'rn countries most affected by climate changB during the last
twenty years. lt now regularly suffers from thg vagaries of climate change, including climate-induced
phenomena such as recurrent flocds, droughts, desefiitication, glacial melt, and sea-water
2. Extreme climatic eveots have resulted in tragic loss of lives and colossal damage to
lhe economy. lndeed, they have sig,rificantly impeded our efforts to promote sustainable growth
and dovelopment and to ensure econr)mic prosperity of the people.
3. The Framework for lmplemenlation of the National Climate Change Policy for the
period 2014-2030 serves to integrate climate-friendly policies into our natianal and e@nomic
planning. The Framework spells out i:ppropriate adaptation actions as well as mitigation measures
covering all sectors of the economy.
4. "M8ion 2025", our blu':print for a future-oriented and groMh-centric roadmap for
Pakistan, clearly recognizos global wrrming and climate change as priority areas for etfective action
by the Government.
6. lmplementallon of the IJNFCCC, Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement involves a
large number of comprehensive and extensive adaptation and mitigation actions across all sectors
of the economy. This is an enormouri task which is of a multi-disciplinary, inter-provincial and inter-
ministerial nature, requiring that it be dealt with at the national level. There is also an urgent need to
prepare, on priority basis, a podfo io of projects for seeking funding from the potentially huge
amounts of globel climate change financa likely to be available.
strategies to the effects of climate change. The proposed Authorily will also identify and supervise
rhe lransfer of appropriate technology, including renewable technologiy, and sfengthen capacity-
iuilding measures.
8. The Bill also establishos a Pakistan Climate Changs Fund, managed by a Board.
Money from the Fund will be dilized to meet'sxpenses of both lhe Authority and the Fund itself and
for financial assistance to suitable adaptation and mitigation projec{s and measures designed inter-
alia to combat the adverse effects of climate change.
9. The Bill has been developed with the support and participation of various
governmental and non-governmental stakeholders in the climate change arena. lt is also in
accordance with internalional best practices and standards.
10. By-passing this Bill, Pakistan will join only a handful of countries who have
demonstrated their commitment to combating the adverse effects of climate changB by enacting
legislation specifically for the purpose.