SN032 Fire Safety Basics

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Discussion and Notes

Fire Safety Basics
Keep a copy of these safety
training notes and a signed Introduction
attendance sheet to verify Fire is a potential safety hazard in science labs. Understanding how a fire starts, the steps to take in
regular safety training. the event of a fire, and the basic principles of using a fire extinguisher will greatly reduce the risk of
Regulatory inspectors will injury due to a fire.
usually request proof of
safety training.
The Science of Fire
For years the components of fire were symbolized by the
fire triangle consisting of fuel, heat, and oxygen. But now
fire research has determined that a fourth factor (a chemical
chain reaction between fuel, heat, and oxygen) is a necessary
component of fire. The fire triangle has been updated to a fire HEAT
Four elements must be present for fire to occur: CHAIN
• Fuel
• Oxygen
• A chemical chain reaction
Removing any of these four elements will prevent or extinguish a fire. For most fires, it is not the
flammable liquid or solid that is burning, but rather the vapors from the material that are mixing
with air and burning. Removing heat will reduce the amount of vapors (fuel) and extinguish the fire.
Smothering the fire will reduce the amount of oxygen available and extinguish the fire.

Types of Fires
Fire professionals have established four different categories or classes of fire according to the type
of material that is burning.
Class A fires — involve ordinary combustible solids such as paper, wood, cardboard, plastics,
rubber and cloth.
Class B fires — involve flammable or combustible liquids and gases such as gasoline, kerosene,
alcohols, common organic solvents, and hydrogen gas.
Class C fires — involve energized (plugged-in) electrical equipment such as hot plates, stirrers,
lights, ovens, computers, appliances, and electrical switches.
Class D fires — involve combustible metals which include water-reactive metals such as sodium,
lithium, and potassium and flammable metals such as magnesium.
Some fires may be a combination of materials and classes. A 10–15 lb. ABC dry chemical fire
extinguisher is the best choice for fighting most laboratory fires, except those involving class D
reactive metals. Inspect fire extinguishers every month to make sure they are in good working order.
Verify that the fire extinguishers are fully charged and have not been tampered with.

© 2017 Flinn Scientific, Inc. All Rights Reserved. SN032

Discussion and Notes Steps to Follow in the Event of a Fire
You are not required to fight a fire. If you have the slightest doubt about your safety, do not fight the
fire. Use the following strategy of Rescue, Alarm, Contain, and Extinguish as a guide.
R Rescue. Assist anyone in immediate danger and help them get to a safe area as fast as
A Alarm. Alert others by activating any available alarm system. Contact 911 to report
the location of the fire and alert on-site personnel.
C Contain. Confine the fire as much as possible by closing doors and windows behind
The training described you during evacuation if it is safe to do so.
here contains general E Extinguish. Only attempt to put out the fire if it is small, you have proper equip-
guidelines for the use of a ment, your exit is accessible, and it is safe to do so by yourself. If you have the slightest
fire extinguisher and is not doubt about your ability to put out the fire, don’t do it—get out!
meant to be comprehensive
training. How to Use a Fire Extinguisher
Learn how and when to use a fire extinguisher before fighting a real fire. Annual safety training
should include putting out a controlled fire with a hand-held fire extinguisher. To fight a fire,
remember the word PASS.
P Pull the pin. Most fire extinguishers have a simple metal pin that prevents the fire
extinguisher from accidentally being discharged. This pin is usually held on with a small
plastic tie. Firmly grasp the pin loop and pull to remove the pin.
A Aim. Always aim low, at the base or front of the fire—the edge of the fire closest
to you. This will allow the extinguishing material to flow over the fire and smother it.
If you aim at the middle of the fire or the back of the fire, much of your extinguishing
material will be wasted and the fire may be pushed closer to you.
S Squeeze the handle. This releases the extinguishing agent. Short bursts are much
better than one long continuous squeeze. A little bit of extinguishing agent goes a long
way. Always keep the fire extinguisher upright.
S Sweep. Sweep the fire extinguisher from side to side at the base of the fire. Better
yet, apply short bursts of the fire extinguishing material to each outer front edge of the
Move towards the fire, but always make sure an exit is easily accessible.
This Safety Note contains only guidelines and recommendations and is not a comprehensive guide
to fighting fires. Flinn Scientific highly recommends that every science instructor be properly trained
by a firefighting professional on when and how to use a fire extinguisher.
Visit our website at to view a
demonstration of using a fire extinguisher.
This free safety training video is part of the Flinn Scientific Laboratory Safety Course—available
on line to all instructors, anywhere and anytime. Thousands of science instructors across the country
who have become “Flinn Safety Certified” recommend putting this motivational course at the top of
your list of professional development opportunities!

Thank You for Your Support

Please continue to support our efforts to improve safety in science labs by ordering all of your
science supplies and laboratory chemicals from Flinn Scientific.

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