Bottle Nomenclature: A Glossary of Landmark Terminology For The Archaeologist
Bottle Nomenclature: A Glossary of Landmark Terminology For The Archaeologist
a b c d
e f 9 h
j k
I Dimple
m n o p
a b c d
Q \ Helic al slot
e f 9 h
s denotes seali ng po int s s denotes sealing po int s
m n o p
FIGURE 2. Illustrations of bottle landmarks and nonmenclatu re.
a bottle intended to mesh with the thread of Flashing : The method where a decorative
a screw-type closure. Also called helix or effect is achieved by dipping white or clear
coil (Figure 1m). glass in a batch of colored glass to coat it.
Cover groove: In Lightning-type closures it is Also called plating.
a groove of varying lengths which sits atop Flat base : A base which is as flat as produc-
the closure and receives the yoke or bail. It tion will allow .
keeps the closure from slipping (Figure 3). Flint glass : A heavy, leaded glass of high
Crown cap : A metal closure usually faced with quality with high refractive power, and
cork which has its edges crimped over the great luster used in the choicest cut glass-
rounded lip of a bottle (Figure In). ware.
Curl: See rolled edge. Frosted: The sand-blasted or satiny appear-
Cut glass: Glass decorated by incising the sur- ance given to glass as a result of exposure to
face with iron or stone wheels . the abrasive nature of the elements.
Date line: The vertical mold seam or mold line Gasket: A liner applied between the sealing
on a bottle. Called such because it can often surface of the bottle lip and the closure to
be used to approximate the date of manufac- provide the ultimate seal (Figure In).
ture. Also called seam or seam line (Figure Gilding : The method wherein glass is deco-
3). rated by painting brown gold oxide on it
Dimple: The small depression or hole on the then refiring it.
bottle neck into which the lever wire of a Goose pimples: See whittle marks.
toggle device is hooked (Figure 10). Graphite pontil : See bare-iron pontil mark,
Dish base : A concavity in the base of a bottle under pontil scar.
which is somewhat shallower than a push- Greatest diameter: See maximum diameter.
up or kick. Green glass: The relatively coarse glass used
chiefly for utilitarian bottles . It is a silicate
Embossed lettering or embossing: The raised of lime and soda and is greenish in tint from
letters, figures, trademarks, etc. on a bottle. the iron impurities in the sand.
Griffen gasket: A rubber ring gasket used on
canning jars having a thumb tab or projec-
Filamented ring: A ring on the base of early tion which allows graspability (Figure 2b).
machine-made bottles formed when a gob of Ground pantil: The smooth and often slightly
glass was severed after being drawn into the concave circle which remains after the
mold. rough ponti! scar has been ground off. Also
Finish : The neck formation i.e., that part of called polished pontil .
the bottle between the shoulder and the top . Grooved-ring : A groove encircling the mouth
Often used to designate specifically the of some early bottles into which a closure
upper portion of the neck to which the clo- having a male counterpart was nestled and
sure is affixed (Figure 3). sealed (Figure 2c).
Flange (closure): That part of the closure that
protrudes from the bottom of the sidewall Helical ramp: A circular ramp on the outside
and eventually becomes the rolled edge or top of glass lids which was designed to re-
curl (Figure lp) . ceive a neck yoke and was employed in
Flared lip: A lip that spreads outward so as to tightening the seal by a rotating action (Fig-
create an opening whose diameter is wider ure 2d).
at the top than at any other point on the Helical slot: Slots or grooves in the bottle fin-
neck (Figure 2a). ish which were designed to receive a closure
....--Mouth on top
!--- - #
Date or
ShOUlder( . Seam line
Mold Mark
\ I
FIGURE3. Illustrations of landmarksand nomenclature. a, leverclosure; b, bottle anatomy; c, pointsof measurement.
with a corresponding lug or other such pro- Lightning stopper: An external stopper, usu-
jection (Figure 2e). ally made of porcelain, with a rubber ring
Helix: See continuous thread. encircling it as a sealant and held in place on
Horizontal mold marks: Mold marks which the bottle by a bent wire attached to the
encircle the bottle (Figure 3). stopper and anchored to the outside of the
Hutchinson stopper: An internal stopper neck just below the rolled lip (Figure 2h).
composed of a stiff wire with a loop at one Lip: The edge or margin of glass immediately
end and a rubber disc on the other. The disc surrounding the bottle opening (Figure 3).
served as a seal between the liquid and the Lipping tool marks: See swirling.
neck and was dislodged by pushing down- Looping: Decoration made up of colored loop-
ward on the exposed wire loop (Figure 2t). ings or beads of glass of one or more colors
added to a bottle body of a different color.
Improved pontil: See bare-iron pontil mark
under pontil scar. Maximum diameter: The maximum diameter
Infolded lip: The lip is folded into the opening in circular or polygonal bottles measured at
creating a smooth exterior surface and a any point. Also greatest diameter. (Figure
slight interior ledge. This inner ledge can be 3).
detected by rotating a finger around the in- Maximum height: The distance measured
side of the neck. from the base of the bottle to the maximum
Inside rim diameter: The diameter immedi- height i.e., the top of the lip (Figure 3). Also
ately inside the mouth of the bottle (Figure called total height.
3). Membrane: The liner or secondary closure
Interrupted thread (LT.): Threads on the which adheres to the lip of a bottle or jar and
bottle that are not continuous throughout is a separate unit from the lid. It usually is
the circumference of the finish but are made from paper and must be peeled off or
gapped to receive a cap with lugs (Figure tom through to get to the product.
2g). Metal: A glassmaker's term for glass either in
the molten or finished state.
Kick or kick-up: See Push-up. Mold line: Raised lines or ridges left on the
Knurl : Series of vertical indentations around body of a piece of mold-made glass. The
the top of a closure skirt which allow for marks are created when the hot glass is
gripping during application and removal forced out the interstices between parts of
(Figure Ik, p). the mold (Figure 3).
Mouth: See top.
Lady's leg: Collector's term for bottles with
long curving necks. Neck: See finish.
Laid-on ring: Ranging from crude to refined, Neck diameter: The diameter measured at the
this consisted of a glass ring or bead trailed point of junction of the shoulder and the
around and/or slightly below the opening neck (Figure 3).
and fused to the bottle. It was added to Neck height: Distance measured from the
strengthen the opening or neck (Figure 2i) junction of the shoulder and neck to the top
Lever: A closure device, the movement of of the lip (Figure 3).
which, applies pressure to hold a lid against Neck lugs: Projections or spurs on the bottle
the sealing surface of the bottle (Figure 3). neck which act to engage the closure. Inter-
Lever wire: That part of a toggle device which rupted thread projections are often referred
is raised or lowered to loosen or tighten a to as neck lugs (Figure 2j).
seal (Figure 3). Neck swirls: See swirling.
Neck wire: In Lightning-type closures, it is the larger than the glass-tipped ones and consist
part of the wire holding device which articu- of a thin line of glass chips encircling the
lates directly with the bottle neck (Figure 3). push-up and enclosing a pebbled surface
caused by the grains of sand , some sand
Opalescence: Trait due to moisture on the may be embedded in the base; c.) blowpipe
glass surface leaching out or dissolving the pontil marks are distinct ring-shaped marks
soda within the glass and depositing it on with the same diameter as the neck ; as with
the surface of the bottle. Opalescence may the sand pontil, scar glass may be left on or
take the form of nacreous discoloration or torn out of the base; as the only area of
whitish, scale-like patina. contact is the ring of glass , any markings,
Open pontil mark: See blowpipe pontil under etc. remain as undisturbed on the inside as
pontil marks. they do outside; also called tubular pontil
Overlay: A method of decorating glass by scars; and open pontil marks; and d.) bare
applying several layers of glass , usually of iron pontil marks are circular marks
different colors, then cutting through one or covered with a reddish or black ferric oxide
more layers to provide a contrast of hues. deposit; the push-up associated with this
scar is often distorted; also called improved
Panel: Square or rectangular insets on one or pontil or graphite pontil.
more sides of rectangular bottles on which Prunts: Blobs of glass added as decoration to
are raised letters or figures giving content bottles and glassware and molded into vari-
information, manufacturer, etc . ou s shapes such as leaves, seals, etc.
Paragon: The depression encircling the out- Push-up: The characteristic wherein the base
side top of continuous thread bottle caps of the bottle is pushed up into the body of
(just below the knurl) designed to give them the bottle forming a more or less deep basal
rigidity (Figure 2k). concavity ; also called kick , kick-up (Figure
Partial height: The distance measured from 21).
the base to the maximum height extant short
of total height. Used to denote fragment Quilting: Wavy lines or ribbons of glass
sizes only (Figure 3). swirled or cross-notched on the outside of a
Plate glass : A refined silicate of lime and soda still-hot blown flask as decoration. Also
rolled into sheets and used in the better called trailing.
windows and mirrors. Quatrefoil: The impression left in the top of
Plating: See flashing. the push-up by a pontil-like rod having its
Point of seal: See sealing surface. end divided into quadrants.
Pointed base: A bottle base which rather than
being round is more plummet-or torpedo- Ribbing: Protruding ridges on bottles and
shaped. Also called torpedo base. other glass objects produced either by the
Polished pontil: See ground pontil. use of molds or by tooling.
Pontil scar or mark:-The irregular scar left on Rickett's ring: A lettered ring encircling the
the base of the finished bottle after removal push-up on the underside of a bottle base
of the pontil (Figure 2p). Pontil marks may usually bearing such information as the
be of various types, including a.) glass- address of the manufacturer or the volume
tipped pontil marks are comparatively small of the bottle (Figure 2m).
(usually < 30 mm) and characterized by an Rigaree: Parallel lines of ribbons added as
excess of glass left on the base or by a scar decoration to the sides of bottles and glass-
caused by the removal of small bits of glass ware.
from the base ; b.) sand pontil marks are Rolled edge: The turned in (or out) portion of
the open end of the closure skirt, usually to which are narrower fore and aft than they
form a tubular structure. Also called curl or are left to right. The straps usually measure
wire (Figure lk). between !4 and Y2 inch in width and up to W'
Round base: A bottle base which is com- thick depending on the bottle size.
pletely round having no flat surface at all. Sun coloring: Glass turned either amethyst or
This bottle cannot stand on its own. amber by the action of the sun on manga-
nese oxide and selenium contained therein .
Screw band: A screw-cap, generally used with Swirling : The vague marks encircling the neck
canning jars, with a cut-out center. It is used of bottles which have had lips applied by the
to hold down a sealing disc. rotation of a lipping tool. Also called lipping
Screw thread, inside: Where the screw tool marks.
threads for holding the closure are on the
inside of the neck. Tears: Bubbles of air imprisoned in the glass.
Screw thread, outside: Where the screw Toggle: A bottle locking and sealing device
threads are on the outside of the bottle consisting of at least two elements, usually
neck. They receive screw-on caps rather wires or bails, which present three fulcrums
than stoppers. or centers of force. The familiar lightning
Sealing surface: The surface of the bottle or closure is one type of toggle (Figure 3).
jar on which the closure makes maximum or Top: The part of the bottle incorporating the
sealing contact. Also called point of seal. lip and the opening the lip surrounds. Also
Seam or seam line: See date line. called mouth (Figure 3).
Sheared top: A bottle top that has been cut off Top seal: A bottle that makes its seal or point
by shears while still in a soft state. It may be of maximum contact on the top (Figure 20).
fire-polished or not. Torpedo base : See pointed base.
Shoulder: The part of the bottle between the Total height: See maximum height.
base of the neck and the point on the bottle Trailing: See quilting.
at which the sides turn inward toward the Tubular pontil scar: See blowpipe pontil scar
neck (Figure 3). under pontil scar.
Shoulder seal : A bottle that makes its seal or
point of maximum contact on the apex of Vertical mold marks : Mold marks which run
the shoulder (Figure 2n). in the direction of the bottle's length.
Sick glass: Glass whose surface has been
corroded by long exposure to moisture. Whittle marks: Rough marks of a stippled or
Snap case mark: Barely noticeable and shal- wavy nature on the surface of a hand blown
low indentations in the sides of a bottle bottle. Actually a misnomer as these marks
caused by the snap case grasping the hot, result from blowing the bottle in a mold
pliable glass. which has not been properly warmed. Also
Spot crown: A cork lined crown cap having a called chip marks or cold mold marks.
smaller disc of aluminum or other material Window glass: A relatively crude silicate of
centrally located on the cork liner. These lime and soda made into window panes.
spots prevented the imparting of an off-taste Wire: See rolled edge .
to the bottle contents. Wired cork stopper: Cork stoppers which are
Stopper: A closure which fits inside the neck wired into place on the bottle neck. Modern
of a bottle rather than atop or outside e.g. a champagne bottles are usually corked in
cork, bung, plug, etc. such a manner (Figure 19).
Straps: Flat, wide ridges (or "straps") of glass
running vertically up both sides of bottles Yoke: See bail.