I170515 Obprojectpart2 PDF
I170515 Obprojectpart2 PDF
I170515 Obprojectpart2 PDF
Project Part 2
Why :
Abraham Maslow postulated that a person will be motivated when his needs are
fulfilled. The need starts from the lowest level basic needs and keeps moving up
as a lower level need is fulfilled. Below is the hierarchy of needs:
Hertzberg classified the needs into two broad categories namely hygiene factors
and motivating factors.
Hygiene factors are needed to make sure that an employee is not dissatisfied.
Motivation factors are needed for ensuring employee's satisfaction and
employee’s motivation for higher performance. Mere presence of hygiene
factors does not guarantee motivation, and presence of motivation factors in the
absence of hygiene factors also does not work.
McClelland affirms that we all have three motivating drivers, and it does not
depend on our gender or age. One of these drives will be dominant in our
behaviour. The dominant drive depends on our life experiences.
Victor Vroom stated that people will be highly productive and motivated if two
conditions are met:
1) people believe it is likely that their efforts will lead to successful results and
2) those people also believe they will be rewarded for their success.
People will be motivated to exert a high level of effort when they believe there
are relationships between the efforts they put forth, the performance they
achieve, and the outcomes/ rewards they receive.
● Theory X: The traditional view of the work force holds that workers are
inherently lazy, self-centred, and lacking ambition. Therefore, an
appropriate management style is strong, top-down control.
● Theory Y: This view postulates that workers are inherently motivated
and eager to accept responsibility. An appropriate management style is to
focus on creating a productive work environment coupled with positive
rewards and reinforcement.
Motivation is the state of mind which pushes all human being to perform things
with the highest spirit and with positivity. The leader will have to ensure that
every individual in the team and the organization is motivated. The various
motivation theories helps in understanding what will motivate people.
The Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory is being applied in the Apple Inc.. The
employees of the Apple Inc. are praised and recognized for their
accomplishments by the managers through bonus and promotion (motivating
factors). The employees’ works are very meaningful, interesting, motivating and
challenging for the employee to perform (motivating factors).
Apple Inc. salary structure is appropriate, reasonable and competitive (hygiene
factors). Besides, it has offered health care plans to its employees and provides
a safe, clean and hygienic working environment as well as update and well-
maintained work equipment to the employees (hygiene factors)
Me As a Manager :
● Ask employees what they want. As a leader and manager you should try
to understand what makes every staff member behave the way they do.
Knowing what makes them tick will give you an understanding of how to
keep them motivated.
● Focus on job enrichment. When you make employees’ jobs more
challenging and interesting they may find it
more enjoyable. Provide them with challenges that match their skills,
provide opportunities for them to excel, and you are likely to see long-
term improvements in their attitude and performance.
● Provide opportunities for advancement. Many employees are motivated
by opportunities for individual growth through additional responsibilities
or new jobs.
● If you can’t give your staff promotions, think about horizontal moves.
Often people like to do a different job to build their skills and knowledge;
this will renew interest in their work.
● Respect your employees and get to know them well. Take the time to
learn what interests them and what is important in their lives.
● Recognize employees’ efforts and achievements and reward
performance. Take the time to personally thank employees for doing
something well. Public recognition can also be a motivator. Mention effort
or achievement in team meetings, in newsletters and on the intranet. This
is an effective way of guiding and reinforcing desired performance.
● Create opportunities for social interaction, for example, encourage
workplace sport or trivia teams. Some employees want to socialize with
their colleagues and develop a sense of belonging; this can build
commitment to both their colleagues and the business. Social interaction
shouldn’t be a forced activity; some social activities may conflict with
personal beliefs (activities on weekends/prayer days, activities where
alcohol may be available).
Managing employee performance :
● Tell each employee what you expect them to contribute, and document
this agreement.
● Inform employees what the business goals are and how they will
contribute to them, for example for client satisfaction measurers or
weekly sales targets.
● Decide what you want to measure – for example, the number of sales
made by each individual and each team