School Teacher SHS Track Week No. Inclusive Dates Learning Area Scheduled Time 7:30am - 8:30am/ 9:45am-Topic
School Teacher SHS Track Week No. Inclusive Dates Learning Area Scheduled Time 7:30am - 8:30am/ 9:45am-Topic
School Teacher SHS Track Week No. Inclusive Dates Learning Area Scheduled Time 7:30am - 8:30am/ 9:45am-Topic
At the end of sixty minute period, the At the end of sixty minute period, the At the end of sixty minute period, the At the end of sixty minute period, the learner
learner are able to: learner are able to: learner are able to: are able to:
Determines the objectives and structures Determines the objectives and structures of
Writes various kinds of position paper. Writes various kinds of position of various kinds of reports. various kinds of reports.
Curriculum Guide Page No: 5 of 6 Curriculum Guide Page No: 5 of 6 Curriculum Guide Page No: 5 of 6
Curriculum Guide Page No: 5 of 6
C. Subject Matter: C. Subject Matter: C. Subject Matter: C. Subject Matter:
Reading the selection entitled, “r u Reading the selection entitled, “r u Listing down the arguments for and Listing down the arguments for and
online?” online?” against swearing on TV. against swearing on TV.
The teacher will ask the following The teacher will ask the following (word meanings/verbal matters, (word meanings/verbal matters,
questions: questions: questions, explanations, illustrations questions, explanations, illustrations
examples, etc.) examples, etc.)
1. Is the title appropriate? How does 1. Is the title appropriate? How
it catch attention? Does it attract does it catch attention? Does it Vocabulary Watershed – the time Vocabulary Watershed – the time
one to read on? attract one to read on? (usually 9 P.M.-5:30 A.M.) when (usually 9 P.M.-5:30 A.M.) when adult
adult content or material unsuitable content or material unsuitable for
2. Compare how the writer begins 2. Compare how the writer for children (e.g., violence, foul children (e.g., violence, foul language)
and ends the article. How do they begins and ends the article. How language) may be aired on radio and may be aired on radio and TV
relate to each other? do they relate to each other? TV
Organizing Survey Data
3. Are these effective ways to 3. Are these effective ways to Organizing Survey Data
introduce and conclude essays? introduce and conclude essays? Let the students classify the
Why? Why? Let the students classify the different positions in the article
different positions in the article regarding the acceptability of bad
4. How are young people who use 4. How are young people who regarding the acceptability of bad language on TV. To do this, tell them to
the language of the Net referred to? use the language of the Net language on TV. To do this, tell them draw two or more columns with the
(keyboard generation, Generation referred to? (keyboard to draw two or more columns with headings “positive,” “negative,”
IM (instant messenger), wired generation, Generation IM the headings “positive,” “negative,” “neutral,” etc. stands.
teens) (instant messenger), wired teens) “neutral,” etc. stands. Next, tell them to enter under the
Next, tell them to enter under proper column, the specific argument
5. How is the language of the Net 5. How is the language of the Net the proper column, the specific and proponent.
referred to? referred to? argument and proponent. Then make them count how many
Then make them count how total arguments there are in each
teen slang teen slang
many total arguments there are in column, and enter the sum at the
evolving lexicon evolving lexicon
each column, and enter the sum at bottom.
Net Lingo Net Lingo
the bottom. Call on some students to announce the
language of the keyboard language of the keyboard
Call on some students to announce specific arguments and total figures.
generation generation
the specific arguments and total Finally, make them reduce the
lingo online lingo online
figures. number of items under each column by
writing to create speech writing to create speech
Finally, make them reduce the putting together similar arguments and
typed communication in a typed communication in a
number of items under each column labeling them as to the kind of argument
new era of speed new era of speed
by putting together similar (e.g., religious, mental, social or peer
speed talking speed talking arguments and labeling them as to pressure, literary, etc.) Allow for further
the kind of argument (e.g., religious, subcategorizations or even super
6. Does the writer agree with those 6. Does the writer agree with mental, social or peer pressure, categorizations.
who think that Net lingo is language those who think that Net lingo is literary, etc.) Allow for further Conclude the exercise by informing
that meets the young people’s language that meets the young subcategorizations or even super them that they have just done a
“needs for self –expression,” as a people’s “needs for self – categorizations. systematic classification of results, and
“creative twist on dialogue,” and as expression,” as a “creative twist Conclude the exercise by have begun to do a scientific study
“a new harmless version of teen on dialogue,” and as “a new informing them that they have just involving the process of taxonomy.
slang”? +Or does the writer side harmless version of teen slang”? done a systematic classification of
with those who regard Net lingo as +Or does the writer side with results, and have begun to do a
the “linguistic ruin of Generation those who regard Net lingo as scientific study involving the process
IM”? Or does the essay sound the “linguistic ruin of Generation of taxonomy.
neutral? IM”? Or does the essay sound
7. Early on, does the writer describe
Net lingo as the re-creation of 7. Early on, does the writer
language in one’s own image, as describe Net lingo as the re-
teenagers have always done? How is creation of language in one’s own
this lingo being re-created? (through image, as teenagers have always
the use of new acronyms, done? How is this lingo being re-
abbreviations, and emoticons) created? (through the use of new
acronyms, abbreviations, and
8. How else does the writer describe emoticons)
Net lingo? In what way is it a
combination of writing and 8. How else does the writer
speaking? (It is using writing to describe Net lingo? In what way
create speech; “typed is it a combination of writing and
communication in a new era of speaking? (It is using writing to
speed.”) create speech; “typed
communication in a new era of
9. Does the writer show the good speed.”)
and bad effects, the “double-edged
consequence” of Net lingo? 9. Does the writer show the good
and bad effects, the “double-
a. Shy boys become edged consequence” of Net
comfortable talking online with girls, lingo?
but in school their grammar suffers
from abbreviated words and run-on a. Shy boys become
sentences without periods. comfortable talking online with
b. Boys and girls can girls, but in school their grammar
multitask, but they are easily suffers from abbreviated words
distracted and have shorter and run-on sentences without
attention spans. periods.
c. Net lingo, as the written b. Boys and girls can
slang of the young generation, multitask, but they are easily
assures them of “inness” or of distracted and have shorter
belonging to that group, but attention spans.
strangers within could bring trouble, c. Net lingo, as the written
although the young are wary of slang of the young generation,
them, and protect themselves by assures them of “inness” or of
blocking subsequent messages of belonging to that group, but
undesirable online friends. strangers within could bring
trouble, although the young are
10. How does the essay become wary of them, and protect
convincing and credible? (through themselves by blocking
the use of interesting examples, subsequent messages of
statistics, and authorities) undesirable online friends.
TM/TG Pages: 143-145 TM/TG Pages: 143-145 TM/TG Pages: 146-147 TM/TG Pages: 146-147
LM Pages: 139-142 LM Pages: 139-142 LM Pages: 143-146 LM Pages: 143-146
Additional Learning Materials: Internet Additional Learning Materials: Internet Additional Learning Materials: Internet Additional Learning Materials: Internet
Contextualized Activities and Contextualized Activities and For all tracks, the teacher will tell For all tracks, the teacher will tell the
Practice Exercises Practice Exercises the students to enumerate two or students to enumerate two or more
The teacher will assign the activity below The teacher will assign the activity below more arguments in preparation for a arguments in preparation for a debate
which is appropriate for the student’s track: which is appropriate for the student’s debate on one of the following: on one of the following:
1. Academic: Using Net lingo, write a short a. whether bad language should be a. whether bad language should be
poem, paragraph, or lyrics to either a folk or 1. Academic: Using Net lingo, write a allowed on social media; allowed on social media;
a modern song. short poem, paragraph, or lyrics to either
a folk or a modern song. b. whether text spelling should be b. whether text spelling should be
2. Art and Design: Draw a cartoon showing a allowed in academic writing on any allowed in academic writing on any
younger person using Net lingo while talking 2. Art and Design: Draw a cartoon current political issue, such as current political issue, such as
or writing to someone in the older showing a younger person using Net lingo federalism for the Philippines, the federalism for the Philippines, the need
generation. while talking or writing to someone in the need for Bangsamoro, etc. for Bangsamoro, etc.
older generation.
3. Tech Voc: Invent new emoticons for Net Next, tell them to develop each Next, tell them to develop each
lingo. Beside each, write the meaning of the 3. Tech Voc: Invent new emoticons for argument in at least five sentences argument in at least five sentences
invented symbol. Net lingo. Beside each, write the meaning supporting the argument with supporting the argument with details,
of the invented symbol. details, facts, figures, logical facts, figures, logical reasoning, etc.
4. Sports: Pretend you are a sports reasoning, etc.
announcer and use Net lingo to describe a 4. Sports: Pretend you are a sports
basketball or volleyball game. announcer and use Net lingo to describe
a basketball or volleyball game.
5. IT and IA: Think of or search for other
abbreviations, acronyms, and emoticons not 5. IT and IA: Think of or search for other
mentioned in the article. Then, list these abbreviations, acronyms, and emoticons
down and share them with the class. not mentioned in the article. Then, list
these down and share them with the
Assessment: Assessment:
The students will rewrite paragraph Assessment: The teacher will calling on some
3 using the formal style. The students will rewrite The teacher will calling on some students to discuss some details, facts,
paragraph 3 using the formal students to discuss some details, figures, logical reasoning, etc. that they
style. facts, figures, logical reasoning, etc. used in writing their arguments.
The following are the Feedback (for
that they used in writing their
assessment results
arguments. Feedback the Assessment Results:
The following are the Feedback (for
Emphasize that each argument should
1. Review some ways of writing assessment results Feedback the Assessment Results: be supported by facts, details, examples, figures,
formally: Emphasize that each argument reports, experiments, surveys, interviews, and
1. Review some ways of writing should be supported by facts, details, other reliable data.
a. Spelling out words, instead of formally: examples, figures, reports, experiments,
contracting and abbreviating them (e.g., surveys, interviews, and other reliable data. Reminder (boxed aide-mémoire) Positions or
it is – not it’s; television – not TV) a. Spelling out words, instead of
arguments should be supported with facts,
contracting and abbreviating them Reminder (boxed aide-mémoire) Positions or
figures, logical reasoning, data, reports,
b. Using objective, not colloquial words (e.g., it is – not it’s; television – not arguments should be supported with facts,
testimonials, etc.
(e.g., wonderful – not awesome; many – TV) figures, logical reasoning, data, reports,
not lots of; children – not kids; men or testimonials, etc. Summary (winding up with reiteration of points)
boys -- not guys) b. Using objective, not colloquial
Most adults do not accept bad language on TV,
words (e.g., wonderful – not Summary (winding up with reiteration of
and would want an expletive free TV and
c. Speaking preferably in the third awesome; many – not lots of; points) Most adults do not accept bad
environment for their children.
person, instead of first or second person children – not kids; men or boys -- language on TV, and would want an
(except in business letters) not guys) expletive free TV and environment for their
Reminder: (Boxed Aide-Mémoire) The c. Speaking preferably in the third
writer assumes the position of neutrality person, instead of first or second
by presenting both sides, but the person (except in business letters)
pervasiveness of an optimistic tone hints
at a positive attitude to Net lingo. Reminder: (Boxed Aide-Mémoire)
The writer assumes the position of
Summary (Winding up with Reiteration neutrality by presenting both sides,
of Points) Net lingo has advantages and but the pervasiveness of an
disadvantages. optimistic tone hints at a positive
attitude to Net lingo.
This learning area English for Academic and This learning area English for Academic and This learning area English for Academic and This learning area English for Academic and
Professional Purposes contained 80 hours in the Professional Purposes contained 80 hours in Professional Purposes contained 80 hours in the Professional Purposes contained 80 hours in the whole
whole semester with 1 hour per session. the whole semester with 1 hour per session. whole semester with 1 hour per session. semester with 1 hour per session.
SHS Teacher 1 Master Teacher, Academic Track SHS Focal Person Secondary School Principal IV